#sorry babe i kinda went on a rant here but i just am at my wit’s end
celestie0 · 14 days
🪷 girl fuck these people I'm really sorry you're getting so many messages bitching about no smut in ch10. Like who even cares? Does a story or chapter have no value if the characters aren't going at it like rabbits and fucking and sucking on each other?
At this point if you're so disappointed about no hanky panky just go read one of those pornhwas where the characters start screwing at the drop of a hat.
I would've loved that chapter with smut or without smut idgaf it doesn't even matter to me (and the same is for most of your readers too, I'm sure of it). We've all stuck around with your work for so long, and we have faith in your direction as well as your decisions regarding the pace of the plot. It's never that serious, especially not to the stage that bozos feel the need to weep in a writer's asks and swamp them with negative messages. Go jack off or play dj with your hello kitty and go to sleep like the rest of us.
Again, no matter what you do with your work it's entirely your choice. Ofc we as readers can have our own takes and how or why we interact with the work can vary, but it shouldn't reach this stage. I've seen this same story of bullying and pestering authors on tumblr too many times with other authors whose work I enjoy, and many have left their blogs because the harassment made them lose interest in writing and sharing their pieces. It's fucking heartbreaking. Pornhub dot com is right there for y'all to be doing entirely too much in the asks of these writers who are already overwhelmed and write and share all this FOR FREE. If you have so many qualms about it pick up that bic and get to writing bitch!
I'm sorry babe take care! We love you🫂
AHHH LILYPAD ANON I APPRECIATE U SM THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME 😭😭 you’re always so kind to me i sobs
yeahh sigh :( i was just a bit upset that ppl were already finding fault w a chapter i haven’t even released yet just bc it doesn’t have smut in it 😭😭 like i obviously know by now that i can’t make everyone happy, but it’s not right to subtly pressure me into a certain direction for my story (ik this is a normal thing authors/writers have to deal with, i am just a weakling unfortunately 💀💀 my therapist wld agree)
i know it’s not most of my readers though :”) everyone is so sweet n kind n patient, i just don’t understand the some few that think that just bc they tell me they’re disappointed there’s no smut, that i’m somehow gonna go back to my 80pg dissertation of a chapter n make it 100pgs just to add some for them 😅…like no. what it DOES make me feel is icky n sad
frankly it’s really uncomfortable to make an author feel bad that there’s no explicit sexual content in a story 😅 your horny brainrot is showing. like, i AM def planning to write smut in kickoff, there will be multiple smut scenes to come. but even if i suddenly chose not to include them anymore, that’s my right to do so.
and yes, if they want smut, they can write it themselves. why do i need to be the one to write it for you? i don’t owe anyone anything.
i totally agree w you. honestly, i feel bad sometimes setting these boundaries, but you’re SO RIGHT in that SO many authors leave their platforms bc of hateful asks/pressuring comments etc, i’ve seen it time n time again. bc it’s true that it DOES get to people, especially when creating art is already a very stressful thing. i don’t have to passively tolerate rude strangers on the internet just because i’m trying to protect n pursue my passion
thanks sm for trusting my direction :”) and YES absolutely!! i love it when my readers disagree w character actions or emotions, bc characters have flaws n i’m intentional about those flaws, so it’s exciting to see opinions my readers have, even if they’re in disagreement, because it’s interactive w my work. not that i expect anyone to interact ever. i understand that i post on my own accord, so readers can choose whether to interact on their accord as well.
but something about pressuring me into writing explicit sexual content into a story that i’d like to think is a lot more than just smut, is really disheartening.
- ellie 🐸
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lovelym333 · 6 months
Rant abt my shitty little day🤗
Tw: pan1c attacks/anxiety, mention of d3ath
I had a fucking panic attack in school today and my teacher watched me cry and hyperventilate silently in the front row and continued teaching maths until he announced a five minute break (after 30 minutes) where I packed my things and just got up and ran to the bathroom where I almost lost consciousness because I could not breathe so I texted my friend and told her to come help me because this really was an emergency and I sincerely believed I was going to d1e right here and now ( she has dealt with panic disorders before and has offered her help for when it happens to me) then she calmed me down a bit until I told her could kinda breathe again. And then she just told me to leave and that she was going to report this to the teacher. I was very thankful and she’s an amazing friend.
What really gets me is that after I went home my friend texted me saying I shouldn’t freak out but this teacher announced in front of the whole class that I wasn’t allowed to just leave class and that in my school you have to fill out a Formular and call your parent in front of a teacher to be able to go home and basically that this was me skipping school. I’m sorry babe but I couldn’t breathe (which he had LITERALLY WITNESSED) and was in complete shock from thinking I was about to d1e for a good 45 minutes So how would I be able to fill out his formula and wipe his ass with it before I get to go home.
Mind you, I’m very aware of the fact that this teacher fully profiles me for the way I dress and I guess who I’m friends with even though I am generally a very good student. The only class I don’t get As/Bs is his class. He fully dislikes me, but it has never really bothered me before because like what is he going to do about it. But I’ve seen other girls cry in class much different (like maybe just one tear out their cutesy eyes) then I did today and he immediately was like oh do you want to take a break gabby do you want me to get you some fucking tea from the cafeteria bla bla.
I’m just so mad because if he had done something in the first 2-4 minutes of the attack I could’ve went outside and done my breathing exercises without being so overstimulated by 30 voices plus him talking abt maths (classrooms are so triggering) and I would’ve been fine. Or at least maybe I could have filled out a formula and left instead of experiencing the traumatizing, dreadful choking sensation that was this panic attack. I dont know what I’ll do about this but I guess I’ll just have my therapist speak to the school so this can’t happen again. I’m so pissed off and tired. Just gonna get h1gh and sleep lol.
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rozcdust · 1 year
Hello, I am bored and my irl bestie already knows this story cus we went to the same school and shared the same class for 3 yrs straight, so imma rant to my free therapist
so u remember my high school right (flashback to the horror nun story). Now lemme tell u how this high school is elite, like always top 10 in the entire city since its formation kinda elite yk, so its really academically demanding and they care a lot about their ranking, more than they do their students mental health.
now imagine 12th grade girls on their last year of hs being given mountains of tasks and exams. Like we had papers with a minimum of 12 pages and guiding teachers who would ghost and leave us on read whenever we ask for counselling, we had practical exams where the teachers werent prepared so everytime we asked for the written criteria they have nothing to give and we end up being given more criterias near the deadline and those criterias would sometimes force us to redo half of the project, we still had daily exams and homeworks and the teachers would still have the audacity to say they're lacking things to grade like wtf, and of course we cant forget the national exams that would determine how pretty our diploma would be, that we also skydived into with 0 preparations bcus there just wasnt any time (i mean this literally, like we only had a few days after the disastrous practical exams before the per-national exams and the national exams immediately after, not a single day of break).
so imagine how it must feel after doing that paper, practical exams, final semester exam, daily exams, daily homeworks, additional exams and hws, and finally the goddamn national exam, and the school still had the audacity to say 'if we rely on ur national exam scores, ur grades will plummet so we will give u final exams. onsite so u dont cheat' LIKE MF THIS IS UR FUCKING FAULT U MADE US DO USELESS EXAMS AND ASSIGNMENTS AND WE HAD NO TIME TO STUDY OR PREPARE
so after a riot where we forced our parents to get involved (lemme say its probably the first time in their 160 yrs of existing that the parents actually went down and complained the school were being too much bcus these ppl were the same that put their daughters into this school bcus 'it's good n will make you adapted to stress n heavy workload') the school decided to cut down from 14 final exams to 4 (we have different categories here, like obligatory subject which all hs major have, major-focused subject only for the major, and cross major subject). the final exams are the major focused subjects
and these teachers looked at their girls, their tired stressed and 'idgaf anymore im doing this exam preparation what they gonna do? fail me? hah! they wont fail me since last graders graduation rate is spread nationwide and they dont wanna tarnish their precious reputation' (actual mindset here)
anyways the girls were stressed. STRESSED.
and the school taught
"these kids need blood"
so we were given blood supplements the starting morning of our final exams
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did we loudly brag to any passing teacher that we didnt study and dont care if we fail? tbf most of the teachers looked done with us too. its just the antique ones that insisted we need more workload and stress
HELLO MY LOVE i am so sorry it took me so long to get to answering this, exams killed me and i truly had no time :((
yes i remember the cursed FUCKING nun that one left some nightmare 🥲
okay i am familiar with those typa schools/teachers and tbh fUCK THOSE SO HARD WHAT THE HELL DID THEY LEGIT TORTURE YOU WHAT-
babe- what the- 🤠 EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCCK????
good on the parents for coming down bc that is like. actually not fucking okay wtf
sorry, BLOOD???
B L O O D????
hell yeah you should loudly complain. fucking assholes wtf
fuck school. legit. like. E W
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jjkeverlast · 11 months
Hi.. can I rant to you? I just… I don’t know how to start, I don’t have someone who can listen to me, who I can talk to since everyone knows me as someone who laugh 24/7, make jokes, who don’t take things to heart, not used to serious conversation, but I am, since everything just coming to me at once, I just feel like? arghhh, I’m internship student so I have to go work and do my report, I don’t know why but it just hard for me? and I do have relationship problem? when I don’t even have a relationship? you know what I mean? Im eager to want everything at once like i wanna lose weight by this year having clear skin this month want money, want travel, want to have dream job, want to get professional cert, everything is hard for me 😭 im on my phone for 24/7 and I don’t do any progress? no doing any of my resolutions, my life everyday is just phone and jungkook? I want to cry but I can’t cry, and I’m not someone who can cry easily :( the last time I cry might be last year?? 😭😭 Lati help me what should I do 💔
babyyy :((( i'm so sorry to hear all this. please, vent away if it helps. sometimes writing down whatever you feel helps a lot too! you sound very stressed babe, like everything is just hitting you all at once?? what i would do, is take one thing at the time. sometimes life gets very overwhelming because of certain circumstances, but remember this, in the end you're also in control of it. regarding relationship problems, i used to be in a fwb kinda thing for over 2 years and things went out of hand, so i put a stop to it. i decided that i actually deserve better than that, and i'm in control of who i want to be with.
anonie, it's okay to have goals and dreams. that's what keeps so many of us going!! but rather than feeling stressed, try to set it as a motivation. i'm sure you'll find a way for yourself to reach all of these wishes for yourself.
it's okay to be on your phone and distract yourself with other things. sometimes it's needed when things around you become too much!! i did the same when studying just became more stressful for me, so i could breathe for once.
i don't have an actual answer, but i'm saying this to you right now, i support you fully and wish all the best for you. i'll be rooting from here, cheering u on loudly cause babe you've got this in u!! u just have to find it, okay? it may take a while, but it's there- <3
i love you anonie. you're gonna be okay. ♡
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mcrcki · 2 years
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well, that sure was a scream of a time !! but now that the vampiric dust has settled, and the ten hour loop of the monster mash has been switched to ‘closing time’ i think it’s about right to get a post event plotting / starter call going !! like always, my rules are super simple : like for a plotting dm !! and then SPECIFY characters for the starters or like deadass i will not write it! the cap is four per writer !! i just wanna make sure i get to write with everyone!! 
** please note that i am more than happy to keep event threads, transition them or write them out for a little bit longer before switching them over! or just start something new!! i lowkey don’t remember all of the threads that i had pre event since i cleared those out before we started, so if you wanna drop something feel free, i will decide as i see each one posted what the vibe is !!! 
but y’all know the drill , below is too much information and me thinking i’ve got jokes about each of my babes after the halloween masquerade massacre!
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil : village  - ( 0 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns. daniela’s review : “best party i’ve been to in so long, but your monsters could have been more durable. 4 out of 5 stars. will be back to steal the white house as my own home.” literally had such a blast and is more than a little bummed when the doors finally unlocked. will be vibing, looking for more victims, maybe find a girlfriend, who knows.
please let them flirt with you, they might leave you alive if you do :)
leia organa || star wars - ( 1 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. WORST. BIRTHDAY. EVER. and also the biggest flop of a honeymoon to date. baby girl is down bad now, if y’all thought she was all in in the sith before, it’s 10x worse now after what happened with han. any conversation with her rn?? doomed to fail. she will be inconsolably furious. i am so sorry for the somehow more rancid vibes from coming from the oval office.
han solo
marlene mckinnon || harry potter : marauders era ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. alright, she’s not afraid to say it. the white house should be barred from ever throwing parties again. this is what?? the third time something like this has happened?? absolutely never again. free drinks at mckinnon’s for anyone who went to this thing. the bar is open and marlene is gonna be going back to normal life with her now complete again friend group and pretending she’s not gonna fight every death eater she sees, but absolutely will be doing that.
free starter?? free shots. respond below
omega archeron || star wars : the bad batch ( 1 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns. omega’s down !! bad !! you thought they were a mess after this whole messy breakup / acting out bc of their brothers hiding their genetic identity??? just wait till you see them after watching hunter die !!!! and being completely helpless to stop it!!!!! welcome to omega’s self destruct era, who wants to be a terrible influence for her!
sion val palpatine
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 - ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. unlike the rest of my girls, lowkey ?? kinda thriving. like okay, yes, is she very stressed about the memory status of her family? sure, who wouldn’t be. but she’s got her whitelighter, she’s at least got almost all of her family here??? she actually made it out of this alive and is gonna be doubling down on training. also, got some of those venders numbers before everything went to shit. throwing a “we survived” party, who’s coming!
respond for a clown behavior starter
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter : founders era ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. not doing great, not doing terrible. will be doing everything she can to throw herself into her work, and to figure out what the hell is going on with the memory magic in this city. if anyone wants to listen to some pepe silva level rants about theories, she will talk your ear off for hours. maybe someone please drag her out so she stops sitting in her office for sixteen hours straight.
sella palpatine || star wars ( 1 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. hey thanks for checking in ! WE’RE HAVING A TERRIBLE TIME. literally please can someone put her family in a fucking fortress or something, she is so tired of seeing the people she loves get hurt. will be attempting to convince her brother she deserves a weapon of some kind. gonna start self defense training or something. if someone wants to help sella learn to fight, hmu
sion val palpatine
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle ( 4 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns. freshly unaware babey 😇 sophie is a little thrown off, is very self conscious of the neck scar they got as a child that has definitely always been there. still running the flower shop, but more hands off, as their main passion is in fashion designing, and uses the flower shop to showcase their designs. aware sophie was more controlled and composed. unaware sophie, very unapologetic in their bluntness. why keep your mouth shut when something annoys you smh.
xie lian
howl jenkins pendragon
prince justin
chihiro ogino
tatum riley || scream ‘96 ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. this hangover kinda sucks, but at least she made it out alive. will be changing her instagram bio to ‘final girl’ and clinging to that. she actually made it out. that’s what matters. she’s got more family here, and is sort of just looking for something chill. but it has solidified that yeah, she hates halloween and masks. anyone wanna go decorate for christmas already??
new final girl unlocked, let her brag to you!!
victoria sutherland || twilight ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns. pretty fun night, even if she spent most of it absolutely glued to james. she has her mate back and man she’s about to be even more insufferable. still very much looking for some snacks on her way out, or just any casual bites throughout the month. we’re vibing, we’re having fun. we’re fresh, flirty, and thriving. 
who’s looking for a nice bite ;)
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everything i’m insecure about ~ corpse husband
word count: 946
request?: no
description: in which the things his fans say become too much for her and she starts to believe them
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing, angst (kinda?), insecurities
masterlist (one, two)
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The Discord disconnect sound alerted everyone that someone had left the call, but it was the bright red letters reading “(Y/S/N) has left the game” that brought their laughing to a halt.
“Did (Y/N) leave?” Rae asked.
“Wifi might’ve dropped,” Jack responded.
“The wifi is working fine for me,” Corpse told them. “I don’t hear her moving in the other room.”
“Corpse, if you want to go check on her we’ll wait to start the lobby again,” Toast offered.
Corpse shook his head, forgetting that his friends couldn’t see them. “No, I’ll leave and come back in a bit. You guys can play without me.”
He left the Among Us game and placed his headphones aside. (Y/N) hadn’t come into his room yet, which was why Corpse thought she had merely disconnected by accident. If she had decided she was finished streaming, she would’ve told everyone and come over to join him in his room.
He walked to the guest bedroom where (Y/N) had her streaming set up. Instead of being sat at her computer like Corpse expected, (Y/N) was laid on her back on the guest bed, staring up at the ceiling. He could see something shiny on her cheeks, and realized they were also flushed - she was crying.
Noticing Corpse walk in, she quickly wiped her face and tried to smile. “Hey. Are you done streaming?”
“I wasn’t, but I may be now,” Corpse responded. “What happened, (Y/N)?”
“Nothing. Don’t worry, go back to your stream.”
Doing the exact opposite, Corpse crossed the room and laid next to (Y/N). He took her into his arms and rested her head on his chest. This was enough to finally break (Y/N) and she began to cry into Corpse’s chest.
Corpse smoothed her hair and allowed her to cry as she needed. He wasn’t going to push her to talk if she didn’t want to.
After some time, (Y/N)’s sobbing started to calm down and she spoke, “They hate me.”
“Who hates you?” Corpse asked.
“Your fans. They hate me. They’ve been spamming my social media and my chats with so much hate. I turned on subscribers only chat, but some of them even ended up subscribing to send me hate. I turned off my social media comments and replies and my inboxes, but they’re still getting to me somehow.”
“What do they say?”
(Y/N) hesitated. She already felt like she had said too much. She didn’t want to make Corpse upset with his fans. Obviously it wasn’t all of them giving her trouble, but it felt like the select few who were had made it their live mission to make her miserable.
“(Y/N),” Corpse prompted after a prolonged silence. “What are they saying?”
(Y/N) sighed and finally said, “They keep saying you should be with Rae instead of me. They post clips of you and Rae when you stream together and say you’re cuter together than we are, and that she’s better for you than I am.”
Corpse felt his anger rise at this. He didn’t mind the playful shipping his fans did - like Corpsekkuno - but when they took it too far like this he hated it. Especially now, seeing (Y/N) so upset over things that were just untrue.
“You know they’re wrong, right?” (Y/N) was silent. Corpse moved his head to try and see her face, but she moved to look away. “(Y/N).”
“They’re not completely wrong,” she said.
“Babe - ”
“She’s so much older than I am,” (Y/N) cut him off. “She’s so much more mature. And she’s pretty, and you two get along so well.”
“She’s like my sister,” he added. “(Y/N), they’re just trying to get in your head. I love you more than anything, and only you. You’re the one I want to be with, and in my eyes, you’re meant for me.”
Tears started to form in her eyes again, but this time they were from happiness. Corpse squeezed her slightly and kissed her forehead.
(Y/N) shrieked and giggled as Corpse stood and lifted her from the bed. He carried her to his room, where they both realized Corpse was still streaming. He placed (Y/N) down onto his bed and leaned into his mic. “Sorry for being gone so long guys, but I’m gonna dip. Hit me up for the next lobby.”
His friends chorused goodbyes and well wishes for (Y/N) before Corpse left the call.
“Sorry to anyone watching for the silence,” he said to his viewers. “I hope the Discord call without the visuals made for great out of context jokes. I’ll talk about my reason for going MIA later, but for now thanks for watching and I’ll see you guys next stream.”
He got in bed next to (Y/N), but this time he rested his head on her chest.
“You didn’t need to end the stream,” she told him. “I wouldn’t have minded watching for a while.”
“Nah, I would’ve went on a rant if I kept streaming. I want to cuddle with you for a while, then I want to show you that I love you and only you.”
(Y/N) smiled and wrapped her arms around Corpse. She ran her fingers through his curly hair, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne mixed with his shampoo.
“I love you, too,” she whispered into his hair. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have anything to thank me for. Everything I say is the truth, and you know I’m always here to assure you, babe.”
She kissed the top of his head, silently thanking him again.
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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melo-yello · 3 years
📚School Struggles📚 w/ 💥🪨KiriBaku💥🪨 HeadCanons
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Pairings: KiriBaku X Black!Reader
Summary: College AU! Reader falls behind in course work, and won’t tell anybody. But Kirishima and Bakugou find out.
A/n: I’m an adult who went most of my life with undiagnosed learning disabilities so this would just be comforting to me. Lil angst! Lots of fluff. Implied ADHD and Dyslexia.
📕🖊 First tests are handed back in four of your eight classes.You’ve failed all but one which you barely passed. You are asked stay back as yet another professor suggests you find a tutor
📕🖊You’re lowkey offended. You’ve never needed a tutor before. Up until recently your performance in other areas compensated for your less than stellar academics. You were in gifted courses all your life. You would just hafta try harder
📕🖊 Kiri and Baku are saving a spot in line for you by the time you meet them at the cafe when you shove the thoughts of failure out of your brain and perk up to your usual self
📕🖊 Kiri’s face lights up as soon as he spots you. “Over here, Babe!” He beams flagging you down. Like it was hard to make out the giant red head in a crowd. Especially with the large lean, continuously pissed blonde scowling at everyone right by his side.
📕🖊 “Hey,Dumbass.” Baku smiles slightly and pulls a hand from his pocket to offer you a hug and a kiss on the temple
📕🖊 Kiri pulls you by your waist into his torso kissing your forehead “What took you so long?” He asks letting you free from the vice grip he had on your curvy hips
📕🖊 “I got a lil turned around again.” You lie pulling Bakugou’s free hand into yours then lean into his shoulder. There’s something very comforting about how warm he is all the time. You wanted to snuggle into his back but PDA really isn’t his thing and you are already pushing it
📕🖊 “It’s a big campus, Teddy, you just have to get used to it. You just transferred. Me and Eiji can take turns walking you from class to class until you get the hang of it, you know?” Baku says trying to read your eyes. He could just feel something is off. Your box braids and the angle itself saves you from any further scrutiny.
📕🖊“You guys, gotta be pretty sprung to do that for me, ya know.” You quip smirking up at him then over to Kiri. “Fuck you too, Teddy Bear.” Baku huffs smirking *maybe he was wrong, unlikely* “Yea basically, Pebs. Liking who you date is super manly.” Kirishima laughs grabbing his tray.
📕🖊 You three finally sit in a small wrap around booth. Bakugou taking the middle spot today. You do your best to not zone out and hyper fixate on your test scores by making sure to laugh at Kiri’s jokes and nod along with Baku’s venting
📕🖊 You slide your fork in and out of your picked over food as you strategize how to fix your current problem without alerting your boyfriends. Before you knew it your table is quiet with two crimson gazes fixed on you
📕🖊 “You’re quiet today, L/n.” Bakugou says fixing you with a deeply fierce gaze which was his way of looking concerned. Sharpness of your actual name drew you from your thoughts in a instant. “Hmmm I think Kats has a point, L/n Y/n.” Kirishima says in between slurps of his smoothie. His red eyes practically dripping with curious concern
📕🖊 You make a quick split decision between the truth and charm. “Wow, my government. I must be in real big trouble.” You pout trying to flirt your way out of a more serious conversation. You poke out your plush bottom at Kiri while slipping a hand onto Baku’s inner thigh and gently squeezing before hitting him with the same seductive pout
📕🖊 Big Mistake!😳 Bakugou’s vermillion eyes widen before becoming instantly stern as he grips your wrist tight enough to hurt. “The fuck are you doing?!! I was being serious, Y/n! And in public?!! You’re fucking priceless!” The ash blonde hisses with angry pink cheeks. Guilt washes over you when you snatch your wrist back. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to...talk about it.” You mumble. “Then use your fucking words!” 😤 Bakugou kisses his teeth and stands so Kiri lets him out. “He’s just a little embarrassed, Pebble. I needa talk him down. You can find your next class right?” He sighs watching Baku storm out
📕🖊 “Yea. I’m sorry. Tell him, Kiri. Please.” You squeak sheepishly grabbing your stuff. “He knows but I will. He’s mad about other stuff.” He nods following after Bakugou
📕🖊 It’s intimidating to compete with their history at times. You couldn’t bring yourself to just dump all your issues on them
📕🖊 You’ve only been dating since summer and Kiri and Baku have been dating since their senior year in high school year. You guys are starting your junior year and are still learning each other.
📕🖊 You get lost a couple times before finding the right building. The noise in your head going nearly at light speed to wrap all the problems you’re having. The professor passes the test you’d spent majority of last night and early morning studying for. You felt confident until it was in your hands.
📕🖊 You chew the pen top trying to finish up the last 7 short answer questions when then alarm for 5 minutes left is given. You panic not even having started the true false section on the last page. You scribble down answers just as time up is announced across the classroom
📕🖊 Defeat washes over while you shuffle out the door. You reach in your pocket to dig out the card for Student Accomidation Services your World Civ professor gave you. Maybe this was something simple as a “processing problem” as she had explained when you visited her during office hours
📕🖊 A throat clearing pulls you from your thoughts. You jump stuffing both hands into your jeans card and all. Bakugou stood unreadable propped up on a wall only a few steps away from you. “Eiji, thinks we need to talk about the cafe. Plus he doesn’t get out of lab til 3:45, so you’re kinda stuck with me.” Bakugou mumbles offering his palm as an olive branch.
📕🖊 “He’s probably right. I don’t mind just you, Tuff Guy. I really am sorry though, Katsuki.” You sigh interlocking your fingers with his. “I know, Teddy. I wasn’t really mad about that anyways.” Baku concedes as you two stroll down the hall. “I didn’t hurt your wrist earlier, did I?” Baku asks softly opening the door and meeting your eyes with gentle concern. “Nah, You didn’t, King Explosion Murder.” You laugh giving his hand a firm squeeze before kissing it
📕🖊 The walk to your dorm is quiet and peaceful. He lets you settle your school bag before speaking again “I just feel like you’re still trying to hide parts of yourself from us, especially me,” He says looking into your eyes now, “Like you’ve been pulling back. Eijirou thinks I’m looking too deep, but I doubt it. I know I can be a little rough and mean sometimes...well a lot of the times. I’m not easy to get along with. But you know you can talk to us when you’re upset or if something bothering you... if I’m bothering you. I don’t like you feeling like you have to pretend to be ok if you’re not.” Baku finishes crossing his arms tightly across your chest.
📕🖊 You dig your nails into your palms mercilessly. You open your mouth to reply and reassure him but the words won’t come. Baku notices what you’re doing to your hands and steps closer to take them into his. He rubs slow circles into the backs of them. Hot tears pool at the corners of your eyes as you try to find your voice. “Kats, I’m...I didn’t me...I...Of course you’re not what’s bothering me.” you croak out just as tears roll down your face and Baku pulls you to his chest.
📕🖊 Your breathing hitches and you just let yourself be disappointed, confused, frustrated, and upset about the last month and a half of struggling and wondering why you couldn’t tell anybody and why no one was even noticing. But He did. Baku had noticed. He rocks gently as you tremble in his arms rubbing firm circles in your lower back.
📕🖊 You two stay like that for what seems forever. Once your breathing evens out Baku’s hold relaxes. He kisses both your temples.You reluctantly let go , so you can pull wrinkled failing test pages from your backpack. “Please don’t laugh at me, Suki.” You peep placing the cause of your meltdown in his hands not attempting to have your puffy eyes met his red ones. Lifting your chin so you’re looking him in the eyes. “Come on, Teddy Bear. I wouldn’t dare.” He nods with the most serious face
📕🖊 Bakugou is quiet for a while as he leafs through the exam papers. “Why didn’t finish any of them?” He asks “Time. I’m a slow reader.” You mutter back. “I’ve seen you doing homework for two of these courses and passing those, what’s happening?” Baku says staring in disbelief at the scores at the top of each exam.
📕🖊 You swallow the lingering fear of judgement. You place a hand at your temple to remind yourself of Baku’s earlier tenderness. “I get anxious. It gets so much harder to read when I’m that worked up, and I can barely focus once I start forgetting answers...I know it’s just a test. I guess...That sounds dumb, doesn’t it?” You sigh shrug off your own explanation.
📕🖊 “Nope. Not dumb at all. Sounds like test anxiety to me. I struggled with that in high school . I didn’t know you were a slow reader, Teddy.” Baku says pulling your hand before you can dig your nails into it. “Yea. One of my professors thinks I have dyslexia and ADHD...but I’m not stupid sooo.” You hum rocking on your heels “That is not what either of those words mean, and I know you know that, L/n.” Bakugou growls he absolutely hates when you or Kirishima talk down on yourselves. “Yea but it feels like it though.” You sigh biting your lips
📕🖊 Before Baku can say a word, Kiri swings the door open. “Babes! Have you two hotties missed me?” The red head shouts coming through the door way smiling until he sees your puffy eyes and tense posture. “Bakugou Katsuki, I know you fucking didn’t?!!” Kiri questions suspiciously leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder and wrapping a protective hold around your waist.
📕🖊 “The Absolute fuc-” Baku’s defensive rant is cut short as you kiss the hand holding yours to quiet him as you answer Kiri “No Eiji, he didn’t. I’m flunking like half my classes.” You huff meeting his eyes with quivering lips trying your best not to cry all over again
📕🖊 Kiri is stunted into complete silence. The only thing he can think to say is an apology to his boyfriend for jumping to conclusions. Last time he checked your GPA’s a lot more impressive that his. “How the fuck is that even possible? You transferred into the honor courses.” Kiri says completely baffled moving to where he could see your face.
📕🖊 You explain to your boyfriends all the things that have been tripping you up and confusing you. You detail how hard studying has been as far as staying focused and actually understanding lengthy test questions
📕🖊 Kiri has a million questions at first but stops half way through after Baku grabs your overnight bag and leads you out the door. “You’re gonna freak her out all over again, Shitty Hair, if you keep going at her like that.” He could tell you were getting overwhelmed, and might cry again “My bad, Pebs.” Kiri says kissing your cheek as he follows behind
📕🖊 Once you get back to their apartment and Baku askes for your help making dinner. He has you read the directions and ingredients to him. You stumble through most of it, but that doesn’t stop him from praising you as soon as you finish. He has since learned you and Kiri do best when told how well you’re doing vs his typical shouting method
📕🖊 The three of you set an assessment time with the Student Disability Services on campus that doesn’t conflict with the Boys’ schedules, because they insisted that they’d both be there to support their baby and wouldn’t take your bullshit excuses for an actual reason to miss it
📕🖊 Kiri helps you make flash cards for your next test. If he remembers nothing else from Baku’s tutoring sessions the importance of repetition is drilled into him...among other things. Each time you ask him how that went he’ll just shudder. “It was the most intensely terrifying experience of my high school career, and we fought villains pretty regularly.” Kiri deadpans before grinning like the Cheshire Cat and covering his head. “You’re full of fucking shit, Shark Week! I’m the best tutor you assholes could hope for.” Baku yells pushing Kiri’s face into his pages of notes.
📕🖊 The night before your disability assessment you find yourself tossing and turning at like 4:45 in the morning. Kiri repositions pinning you in place so you face Baku’s back. You trace soft shapes into him just before he flips meeting your eyes. “Lil early isn’t it, Babygirl?” He whispers brushing away a few stray box braids covering your face. You don’t bother answering and instead offer him your palm and he takes it without hesitation interlocking your fingers with his. “Nervous?” He hums when he feels the steady trembling of your hand.
📕🖊 “Katsuki, what if there’s nothing wrong with me? What if it’s just me? What if I’m just...” you trail off not sure if you want him to hear how much this subject shakes your confidence. Bakugou moves close enough for your foreheads to touch. “If you’re just not smart? Not even possible. Whatever it is me and Kiri will help you go beyond. I know this is scary, but every first usually is.” Bakugou smiles softly
📕🖊 “Bbbbbuuut maybe I’m just du-” You attempt to argue until a sharp nip on the side of your neck where Kiri was peacefully nuzzled quiets you. “Nope. Not a chance. Pebble, don’t talk shit about my girlfriend again.” He mumbles in a gravelly half sleep voice. He settles again and snakes an arm around hips as he tugs Baku into you with the other. You open mouth your more to defend yourself but KatSuki just bops your nose as he closes his eyes, “You heard, the sexy ass red mountain. You’re fucking smart. Go back to sleep, Kay?”
📕🖊 “Kay.” You sigh digging your face into the crook of Baku’s neck. You lay there out argued but feeling overwhelming loved, so you chose to let them win the debate. The boys hardly agree on most things so they were totally probably right about this one anyways.
📕🖊 You are on a very very short list of people who Bakugou Katsuki repeats himself for. Like boy lets you “huh?” the fuck out of him. He will often cup your face or hold your hands if he needs tell you something important b/c he understands you’re a tactical learner
📕🖊 Best believe that all your future successes in classes big and small will be celebrated you getting taken out for icecream and if it’s a graded paper they’ll put on the fridge like you’re in grade school. You find it a little embarrassing but it really makes you feel like you’re making progress
📕🖊 Kiri brings your favorite snacks for study sessions so he can reward you for right answers and staying on task. You call it “childish” at first until he shrugs “Oh my bad we can try something els-” about to put them away. “Noooooo no those are my favorites.” You nearly jump over the table. Kiri has a shit eating grin the rest of the study session
📕🖊 When giving directions from the passenger seat both Kiri and Baku typically do a good job of remembering you need them to point left and right
📕🖊 If you’ve had long day in tutoring and homework and you guys are watching anime Bakugou will read the subs to you. Sometimes if he’s in a particularly good mood he might even imitate a voice or two
📕🖊 Kiri would politely let you ramble about one of your niche interests and will help you get back to your point when you get lost in a tangent
📕🖊 Don’t let these two hear you call yourself “dumb” or “stupid” Kiri will just act like he can’t comprehend what you’re saying like deadass “Pebs, speak English please. Nope not catching that, Babygirl. Did you say you were a smarticle particle? An intelligent ass motherfucker?! Oh, of course you are!” While Baku is more like “Sorry what was that? I thought I heard a very accomplished and creative thinking ass bitch say something? A incredibly capable ass bitch say something?A smart ass bitch say something?” Your only response is yes and then you get a forehead kiss
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reawritesthings · 3 years
puzzle mania | tom holland
summary: bored in quarantine, you decided to do a puzzle. not knowing the consequences, you ended up finding something new about yourself.
pairing: tom x reader and plantonic!Harrison x Reader
notes: i got this from new girl, when winston was struggling to do a puzzle. & probably typos.
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“I think we should do a puzzle.” You suggested, gravitating your body towards the cupboard full of board games.
Tom and Harrison exchanged looks, concerning looks to be precise. You wasn’t exactly yourself when you were involved with a puzzle— you were a polar opposite.
“I think we should have a movie marathon instead...” Tom suggested, nudging Harrison to sell the idea more.
“We did that the other day— Let’s do a puzzle.” You eagerly said, rummaging through the shelves to find the puzzle.
“Harry Potter is on? We could all get into our robes and play a drinking game...?” Harrison grinned, knowing the use of alcohol was a good selling point for you.
You placed the puzzle on the table, blowing the dust away. You grinned, looking up at the boys. “I always commit to your stupid ideas....”
Tom and Harrison gulped, nodding as they forced their bodies to sit opposite each other. “Baby....”
You hummed in response, too occupied to look at him.
“Do you think it’s a good time to be doing a puzzle?”
“We are in lockdown. We have nothing better to do.” You snapped, tying your hair into a messy bun.
Tom knew that there were stages when it came to puzzles. First it was the messy bun and the sass that came with it. Tom tried to get Harrison’s attention but he was busy scrolling through his phone. He knew that you and Harrison were getting close, and maybe you would listen to Harrison.
“I know — but, it’s just that.. sometimes you get weird...” Tom stammered out, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt your feeling.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “I don’t get weird.” You paused for a moment, looking at Harrison. “Do you think I get weird when i do puzzles?”
Harrison bit his lip, “You get intense. You usually spend a lot of time humming, and naked....”
You laughed, winking at Tom. “Then, Tom.. you should be grateful that i’m doing a puzzle.”
Tom rolled your eyes at the comment. Usually he would be all for seeing your naked but in this situation, he’d rather have you clothed.
You laughed, empty the puzzle pieces onto the table. “Harrison, Do you know what it’s going to look like?”
Harrison took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. He gave one last look at Tom, before exploding. “What do I think it’s going to look like ?— It’s on the box. The picture is on the box.... It’s a japanese garden.”
“Calm down, Haz...” You said, trying to categorise the pieces. Harrison gave a stern look at Tom, excusing himself from the table.
“Good luck.” He mouthed to Tom, before launching his body into the couch. Tom signed, watching you from the distant as you began to put the pieces together.
The next morning, Tom woke up to an empty bed. Groaning, he noticed that you never even went to bed last night. Usually you would be clinging to him, but suddenly you were absent.
Tom rolled out of bed as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes heading towards the kitchen. He spotted Harrison, munching on some cereal. “Hey, Haz. You seen Y/N?”
Harrison didn’t say a word but pointed in the direction of the living room. Tom nodded with confusion. “What is she doing in there?” He thought.
“Baby...? You in here....” He said, looking around the room to find you. Once he made his way towards the table, his mouth dropped.
“Baby... Have you been doing this puzzle all night?”
You didn’t say anything.
Tom walked slowly towards you, eyeing the puzzle. For a moment he thought the pieces were connected but, they weren’t at all.
“I think you need a break. How about we go and cuddle?” Tom suggested.
You shook your head. “Nope. I’m so close to finishing.”
“Finishing? Baby, you do realise that a lot of those puzzles pieces are upside down, right?” Tom said, biting his lip to contain his laughter. “Is that an almond? Have you been inserting the almonds in? Or are you eating them?”
You gestured your hand to silence him. Tom huffed, not wanting the frustration to take over but from the looks of it, he had no choice. Just before Tom was about to speak, Harrison stormed into the room slamming his hand on the table.
“Y/N! Here is the harsh truth. You suck at puzzles. Worst i have ever seen by a mile.” Harrison ranted, making you divert your attention to him.
“Jealous isn’t a nice thing, Harrison.” You spat, crossing your arms. “Tommy.. tell him.”
Harrison saw Tom walk forward but immediately stopped him with his hand. “Tommy, stay.”
“Haz.. come on... Just let her finish it...”
Harrison gave Tom a look, “Finish it? She hasn’t even began? It’s like she has fly vision? Look at the puzzle, Tom. It’s ages six and up. She is up, Tom. She is 22!”
You abruptly stood up from your seat, walking towards Harrison. “You wanna say that to my face?”
Harrison nodded, picking up a piece. “This is a corner piece, Y/N. How can you not see that? What are you blind?”
Tom flicked Harrison’s ear. “Okay. Sorry, not blind. A blind man could feel the smooth edges of a corner piece!”
“You are making me mad.” You yelled, walking away from the both of them. Harrison followed. “I’m making you mad? You are making everyone mad.”
“Am not. Tom isn’t mad.”
Harrison groaned. “Tom, seriously? She will listen to you.”
As Tom’s name got involved he had no choice to break this up. He didn’t even think twice before scooping you up, throwing you across his shoulder.
“Let me go. I have a puzzle to do.”
Tom didn’t listen and carried you all the way to your shared bedroom. The kicking and screaming didn’t work, because Tom had just enough of this. He gentle placed you on his bed, climbing on top of you giving you a peck around your face.
After 10 minutes of Tom covering you with kisses, you began to unwind, allowing Tom to slowly come off you.
You pouted and watched Tom, slowly get into bed “Do you really think I suck at puzzles?”
Tom shamelessy nodded, “I’m sorry baby. But, Harrison is kinda right. It wasn’t even completed.”
You frowned, crawling towards him. “I thought it was going well. All the pieces were up right, i know they were.”
Tom laughed, “They weren’t. They were all the shade of the cupboard colour. They were brown...”
You shook your head, “No... It was green.”
Tom was in a confusion, he wasn’t sure if you were messing with him or actually being serious. “Wait, baby. What colour is Kermit the frog?”
“I’m— He is green. It’s a frog. It’s green...”
You shook your head, again. “Babe. I know what colour he is.”
“I think you might be colour blind....”
You chuckled, hitting him lightly. “Don’t be darf. Ask Harrison, he won’t lie to me.”
Tom groaned, and pulled out his phone to face time Harrison.
“I’m not apologising.” Harrison said through the phone.
“That’s not why I’m calling. I’m calling because Y/N thinks Kermit the frog is brown.”
Harrison ended the call, not even responding to that question. Tom looked at you and pecked your lips. “I think we should give Harrison some time to cool down....”
“Maybe I am colour blind...” You frowned, playing with the hem of the covers.
“If you are that doesn’t matter.”
You nodded, snuggling closer to Tom. “You still love me? Even if i think Kermit the frog is brown...”
Tom chuckled, “Yes baby. Just don’t mention it to Harrison. He has a very unhealthy relationships with the muppets.”
You nodded, slowly letting your eyes rest. “Get some rest, baby. You had quite the day.”
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tags: @honeyspidey
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Calling Their S/O Clingy Pt. 3
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Character(s) included: Sakusa & Oikawa
Warnings: Cursing, fainting, and mention of blood
A/N: Uh wow thank you- I’ve decided to make a pt. 3! Unlike part one and part two it will all be in one day! Idk I was seeing it become kinda repetitive so I’ve decided to change it up a bit! If you want any other hq boy go ahead and request! Please read the rules first though thank you! Ignore my terrible spelling and grammar. Reblogs/follows/likes are all greatly appreciated!
Song of the day: Cloud 9 by Beach bunny
Where to find all my content!
Where to find all the parts!
Credit: @/teesumu
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This was Sakusa's chance to show his family members and old team how much he had grown. He was kinda worried and you could tell. You made your over softly resting a kiss on his nose.
“You’ll be great bab-” he cuts you off.
“Y/n, can you let me practice in peace?” He bit his lip before returning to practicing.
“Oh ya.. so-” he turns to you.
“Do you know what let me practice in peace means? Or are you so fucking clingy, that you need me to tell you to get the fuck away from me? This is my shot to show them how much I have improved and I don’t need a pestaround to fuck it up!” He shouts, everyone on the team can hear him scold you for no reason. Looking around their eyes are full of disgust towards Sakusa. Your eyes feel watery as you head to the bleachers to grab your stuff. Atsumu runs up to you.
“Hey y/n.. um can you stay for me? My brother is coming and I don’t want to let my team down and um..” he wasn’t sure what to say. You bit your lip before hugging him tightly.
“Hey, you're going to do great okay? No need to worry about screwing up anything, you're on the MSBY for god sake..” you whisper softly into his ear.
“Thanks.. but can you please stay..? You can leave afterward but just for the game if you don’t mind..?” He looked desperate to be honest, he was annoyed how Sakusa had treated you and felt like you deserved better.
“I guess.. imma head to the vending machine for now, you want anything?” You let go of him. Sakusa is watching you two and you don’t spare him a glance.
“Um... can you get me anything? Your favorite snack?” He smiled softly and your thoughts of what Sakusa had said to you melted off and you giggled a bit.
“Ya I’ll go grab it,” you grab some cash. Atsumu ran off, and just to grab some money before.
“Here for my stuff,” he smiled trying to hand it to you.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll pay it isn’t that costly and you made my day sooo,” he chuckles softly before giving you a soft thumbs up and you start to walk to the vending machine.
“Hey Atsumu back off,” Sakusa mumbled.
“What?” Atsumu looked over. “I’m sorry that you're going against past teammates and family like the rest of us. I’m sorry that y/n was trying to comfort you yet you pushed them off, I mean them just trying to help is annoying to you. God. I mean I wish I had someone who cared about me like how y/n cares about you. I hope you know there are many people who would have left you if you did that to them, and frankly I don’t understand why they are still with you assuming that you have done that before.” He bit his lip. By the time his rant was over you were back, the vending machine not too far away you heard everything.
You waited a minute before walking back. “Hey I got the snack, sorry if you don’t like it” you smile before handing him the snack.
“I’m pretty sure I’ll like it but don’t worry about it.” He chuckles, Sakusa giving him a death glare.
“Okay well good luck! You’ll do amazing so don’t worry about it, I’ll be watching,” you go and sit on the bleachers. Using your phone until the match begins.
Unsurprisingly they won. Whenever Atsumu made a good set or a good setter dump you cheered and gave him smiles. Sakusa on the other hand it was almost as if he was invincible. You didn’t wanna be“clingy” and “a pest”. Every so often you could see Sakusa's eyes land on you trying to see if you noticed his amazing talent. Of course you did, of course you were proud. Why wouldn’t you be? But his words still hurt and you couldn’t give him the ability to talk to you like that you couldn’t give him the ability to think it was okay to talk to you like that.
You ran up to Atsumu “see I told you! Nothing to be afraid of,” you giggle a bit smiling. Sakusa was talking to his cousin explaining what happened, feeling terrible.
“Thank you y/n,” he chuckles and talks for like twenty minutes. “My brother said he will pay for lunch, you wanna come?” You glance over to Sakusa, before accepting.
“Ya sure,” you smile as all of you head to the bus. You sit next to Atsumu and Osamu the whole time ignoring Sakusa.
After lunch everyone said their goodbyes and you made sure to have both Atsumu’s and Osamu’s number saved. When you guys got back to the apartment you began to work.
“Y.. y/n?” You look over at the sound of your name.
“Yes?” You didn’t have the gut to be mean to him using a calming voice.
“Um.. Can we-” you cut him off.
“Sakusa I don’t wanna speak to you at the moment, okay? Can I have some space please.” You mumbled typing away on your computer.
“Sorry but I wanna-” you cut him off once again.
“I said I need space. I don’t need you to be clingy right now.” You mumbled as you type.
He waited behind you on the bed sniffling softly as tears brimmed his eyes. “You're not going to leave me right.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean too..” he sniffed again. “I’m really sorry y/n.. your the best thing that ever happened please don’t leave me.” You turned around annoyed that he kept bugging you but as you saw the tears you got up going onto the bed.
You hug him softly as he holds on to you tightly crying softly. You lay down next to him as you hold each other. Sakusa hides his head in your chest as he cries a bit. You rubbed his back softly as tears fell from his eyes. “Hey baby.. it is going to be okay I got you... I’m not going anywhere I promise. We aren’t breaking up or anything okay?”
He slightly shakes his head, “I’m sorry...” he mumbles.
“I know.. please don’t do it again you embarrassed me in front of everyone... I was just trying to help,” you whisper.
“I won’t..” he closed his eyes.
“You did amazing by the way baby..” you mumble knowing how Sakusa is. You know the fact you didn’t say or do anything with him afterwards is eating him up.
“You were watching..?” You know he is smiling by the sound of his voice.
“Of course babe.. I told you, you had nothing to worry about.. you were amazing,” you smile as he relaxes a bit letting go of the tight hold and just enjoys you hugging him.
“Thank you...” he mumbles falling asleep. “I love you y/n...”
He falls asleep before you can respond but you still whisper, “goodnight my love..”
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“What the hell was that?” Oikawa shouted from the room away.
“Nothing!” You tried to sweep up the glass quickly with your hands.
“What the fuck are you doing!” He pushed your hands away grabbing the broom, “can you stop making messes please?”
“I didn’t mean to, I just knew that you needed to do a few things and I thought I could help.. like I finished the dishes.. other than this one. I also watered the plants and did the laundry..” you try to smile, your hands slightly bleeding.
“Well can you stop? I understand your clingy and you want me to be with you every fucking moment of the day,” he looked at you angrily. “But this just makes so much more fucking work for me!”
“I didn’t mean too..” you whisper.
“Of course you didn’t! I mean why would you? Your sooo amazing and the whole world needs to forgive every fucking mistake you do because, ‘I didn’t mean too’!” He looks at you. “I mean seriously can you be any more of a fuck up?”
“What..?” You whisper as tears roll down your face.
“You clingy shit, can you be more of a fuck up? I mean seriously you messed up my work earlier because you wanted to ‘help organize it’ and you broke the glass, and you wouldn’t leave me alone all fucking day! Tōru this and Tōru that! I mean seriously, why the fuck am I dating you?” Everything was going blank for you as tears rolled down your face.
“Please stop..” you whisper.
“What? Telling you the fucking truth?” Oikawa looked at you now noticing how pale you were looking.
“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. I..I’m sor-” you kept whispering as everything went blank.
When you woke up Oikawa was holding you tight. “Shit y/n.. I’m sorry.” He mumbled holding you tight tears rolling down his face.
“What..?” You were looking around trying to get a hold of your surroundings.
“Please don’t leave me.. I was really stressed about everything and I didn’t mean to take it out on you.. I know you just wanted to hang out and I was being a dick.. please I’m sorry..” he hugs on tight.
“I..it is okay babe, I know you didn’t mean too.. but please don’t do it again..?” You tear up, “I was just trying to help because I knew you were stressed and I thought it might help. Clearly it didn’t and I won’t do anything without your permission again but please next time don’t yell..”
“Of course.. and you were doing any bad it was my fault you were being really helpful.. I should have appreciated it and not yelled..” he whispers. “I mean seriously I was being an ass.. you were just trying to be nice to me and then I had to come in and fuck it up. Your so fucking amazing and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you those names or even mention you being clingy. I know you hate when you're called that.. and I should have stopped.. I shouldn’t have even done it in the first place. Your my fucking everything and I fucked that up...”
“It is okay.. you can do your work now I’m just a bit tired so I’m going to sleep.” You kiss his head.
“No i wanna sleep with you right now..” he whined softly.
“Okay.. I love you Tōru..” you mumble closing your eyes.
“I love you too.. y/n” he whispers in your ear before closing his own eyes.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You're my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt3
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-55)
Pt1 Pt2
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature, Harassment, mention of Violence, Sexually Suggestive, Tension, and Implies, before sex
but no actually sex/smut/NSFW. (I can't write smut/NSFW I'm not good at it and I like more teasing and suggestive/tension before sex)
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While you two are showing affection, Simeon covered Luke’s eyes and Solomon laughs at the two of you. As the lunch continue on.
“G-good evening, Lord Diavolo” Mammon pokes his head through the opened door of the student council room.
“Ah! Mammon, please coming in” Diavolo gesture him to come inside, Mammon nodded came in an shut the door behind him. He took a deep breath and start walking over to Diavolo, who is sitting at his desk looking over some paper work, and Barbatos who is standing beside the young prince.
Mammon stops right before reaching the desk, and stiffly bow to Diavolo.
“I came to say I’m sorry for putting y/n endanger last night” He held his bow, waiting for Diavolo to speak, but every passing second, he could hear his heart beat fast, then he hears someone walking away. Barbatos, because he didn’t hear the chair move. Then Diavolo finally broke the silent with not too stern voice
“Mammon, I am disappointed at you, both Lucifer and I place y/n under your protection because we trust you. What if y/n gets hurt again~”
“I will never let that happen again!” Diavolo eyes widen at Mammon’s serious statement. He a stood up straight and looks up to Diavolo. With both seriousness, determination, and something feral in his eyes.
Still have his composure, Diavolo is taken a back with Mammon changed in demeanor, he doesn’t why but he’ll let Mammon action speak itself.
Diavolo let out a sigh and look at Mammon with his signature cheerful smile. “Very well Mammon, but this is your last chances. Do not let this happen again”
Mammon thanks Diavolo, and start heading out when Barbatos walk up to him.
“Mammon before you go, I want you to take this” Barbatos hands over a jar filled with blue lotus petals.
“Huh? I still have plenty at home, I don’t need more petals Barbatos” he said it while shoving his hand in his pocket.
“You can be too careful now, beside I want to give it~” Mammon eyes widen causing Barbatos push himself.
Mammon turns to the door, rushing over and push open the door hastily. He snarls at what he sees.
You sitting on the bench across the Hall, look at you D.D.D not trying to look at the Demon towering over, who seem to try annoy you. Suddenly Mammon can hear what the demon is saying.
“Come on, you have to admit that you, humans break so easily. Then why not you your pact with the brothers and call them for help~”
“I have Mammon with me, why would I call one of his brothers for help?”
“He didn’t do anything to Basto, all he did was a couple of scratches. So much for being second of the lords”
“If your just here to provoke me, then just leave I don’t have time for this I’m just wait for- HEY!” the demon swipe your D.D.D out of your hand and start dangling it above up.
“Oh, now you’re looking at me, I’m flattered”
“Give it back!” you try to reach it, but he was too quick and start toying with you.
“Or what! You can’t do anything with a broken arm~” someone grab the back of his neck and pulling him away, causing the D.D.D to fall out of his hand, you manage to catch it.
Mammon is dragging the demon like a misbehaving child, then he throws the demon to the nearby lockers.
The demon tries to get up, but stopped by Mammon stomp his foot close to the demon’s face. He looks up to Mammon who is looking at the demon with a threating look on his face and his iris is glowing.
“Pretty cocky of ya to threating my mate like that, why? ya thought that I would be too weak and a puss to do anything! Well guess what” he grabs the demon by the jacket with one hand, pull him up and slam he back at the lockers making the metal bended. Then move closer to the demon’s ear. “The next time I see you anywhere near my mate again…. I’ll kill ya” in a deeper voice and chilling happy tone.
With one last slam to the locker, Mammon let go and let the demon slide down on the floor shaken with a terrified look on his face.
Mammon turns around walk back to you.
“Mammon are you~”
“I’m fine come on, lets get to purgatory hall we don’t Luke waiting” he places one arm over your shoulder, and you two starts walking out of RAD and heading to Purgatory Hall.
“It’s so sweet for Luke to make us cupcakes” you said it with a cheerful smile on your face, you have your arm wrapped around Mammon's, who’s carry two boxes of cupcakes. As you two head back home.
“Maybe my lucky is coming around, that little pup made cakes on right time” Mammon back to his usual self.
“Mmm…. Nah, I think he made them for you specifically since you were having a bad day, he does see you like an older brother” you said calmly. Causing him to blush.
“Of course, The Great Mammon is his Mentor after all” and there it is, the old Mammon resurfaces. All you can do is chuckle and shake your head at his full of his self-attituded. “Hey what so funny?”
“Oh nothing….” You look at him with a playful grin plastered on your face.
“Hmm…. laugh all ya want now, once we get back home~” but someone screaming something cuts him off, grabbing both of your attention.
“Oh, maybe is a weird sales man, try to sell something fake…. Like a certain demon” you said it in your teasing voice.
“yer, pushing your luck babe. Alright let see what that nut job is blabbing about.” You two start heading to the screaming.
Once you got there, a demon is ranting, scream, or warning about the creatures depicted in an old tapestry.
“The original sins are coming back, and they will bring back the true Absolut hell”
“Oh great, is those kind of demon” Mammon groans in annoyance.
“I could see what you mean, but I like what’s on the tapestry, their kinda cute”
“Ha? You find them Cute?” you exaltedly nodded at him, and look that the tapestry.
He followed your sight and took a longer look at the things you’re talking about. his eyes widen to the realization on what are on the old dust cloth.
It’s him and his brothers in their demonic form within each section of the tapestry. Most are unrecognizable due to how damaged the cloth was, the only ones that he can clearly see was Lucifer, Levi, Asmo, Belphie and himself. The latter which he can’t take his eyes off.
Seeing his demonic form again, made him to remember his time being that form. How he can fly so fast a thunderous sound can be heard, or how he can easily maneuver through cramp spaces like in the woods, or how his more limbered than his brothers he is, and how so much of that thing can be threatening.
“Mammon?” your voice snaps him out of his trances, he looks back to you with melancholy look on his face. “Are you okay?” with a worry tone in your voice.
He blinks a couple, shook his head and smile with his eyes close. “Yeah, I’m good it’s just I remember something, come on let back before Lucifer thinks we when somewhere we shouldn’t” you nod in respond, and you two starts walking.
As you walk, Mammon kisses the top of your head, causing you to hum in complete bliss, as farther you two walks. Mammon glaze over his shoulder, and look back at the tapestry wondering if that thing can ever come back.
“Yo! Were back” Mammon said it while walking in the common room, with the boxes of cupcakes in his hands.
“Oh…is that for us” Asmo perk up when he saw the box. Levi turns to see Mammon and take off his headset, and Beel is already drooling in the mouth knowing what’s inside the boxes. The three are the only ones there.
“One box is for Beel, and the other one is for us to share. So, be nice” Mammon sat down on the couch and place the box of cupcakes on the table, and slide one box to Beel, who grab it and start eating a cupcake.
“Where’s y/n are they supposed to be~”
“Before you say anymore, yes y/n was with me, they just head up to our room to changes so, no worry, Levi” Mammon interrupts Levi’s questioning.
Levi just pouts and go grab a cupcake, and went back on watching an anime on his D.D.D.
Asmo with a cheeky look on his face, flattering his eye leashes at Mammon. Cleary have something to share.
“Alright Asmo, spill it”
“Wow… bold today aren’t we, well I couldn’t blame you”
“What are you talking about?” Mammon raises a brow at Asmo. He grabs his D.D.D and show it to Mammon.
“Someone took this photo of you” On the screen is a picture of Mammon dragging the demon by the scruff of his neck. “I do say, I never thought you have it in you, Mammon. Is this compensation for what happen last night” Asmo taunt Mammon, who lean forward, grab hold of the device and turning it off? And lean back on the couch now with one leg place at top his lap.
A stun Asmo looks at Mammon, he blinks and set the D.D.D on the table, then fixes himself with his legs cross, his elbow resting on his lap with the back of his hands supporting his chin. And with a smug look on his face. “Oh Mammon, acting like that never happen won’t stop me from teasing you about it. But never imagine that was the one that actually made you more of a badass, I like what you turning into”
“I didn’t do it because of the of the casino thing. I did because that piece of shit was harassing y/n while I was at the student council room, I sense y/n was in distress so, I walk out saw the dip shit and deal with him. And making sure he never came near me or my mate” the last part sounded different from the rest. Drawing the attention of Levi and Beel.
“Ah…. Mammon are you okay?” Beel voice his concern to his older brother, who just give him a widen smile. “I am, after lunch I never felt this great in years. Like something just woke up inside me after I told Solomon off, for being a dick…... and don’t worry Asmo were all cool now.” Asmo soft his face after hearing that, Mammon smile and reach out to grab a cupcake.
He was about to eat it, when something pops up in his mind. He stares at the cupcake and glaze over to his brothers.
“So, me and y/n pass by a crazy old demon on are way back home. He was yelling about something about us”
“Oh! What was it about? Was they talking about how handsome I am?” but Mammon shook his head at Asmo.
“Nah…. You wouldn’t like it. He was talking about us in are demonic form and calling us the original sins” Asmo groan at Mammon’s remark. “Ugh…just hearing demonic makes my skin crawl and also the “original sins” makes us seem old”
“I don’t know I kinda like it, it kinda makes us more epic and cooler like were some sort of legendary beings. It’s like “My classmate was the god of beast and man” Now I want to hear what that old man said” Levi chime in.
“I hear “original sins” before are you sure he was talking about us?” Beel asks Mammon.
“Yeah! He has an old ass cloth thing that had me, Lucifer, Levi, Asmo and Belphie on it. While you and Satan are torn out of it”
“Huh? Now I want to see it” Levi perks up when he hears his name and that there’s something other than word vomit.
“Eh! Why is my form in tack? It should be removed immediately; my fan can see me like that.” Asmo is being dramatic as usual.
“Don’t even bother, I was standing right Infront of the old coot didn’t know I was the thing that his yelling at people about, it’s kinda funny……... so, if you’re worry that your fans see that side of you, you’re wasting your time worry. If the old coot didn’t know, then so are your fans.” Mammon laughs, and Asmo pouts and grabs his D.D.D and start typing at it.
However, Mammon can shake this feeling, and want to know something.
“Hey, do you guys wonder what’s is like if we stayed like that?” only met with both Levi and Asmo shake their head no, not even looking at Mammon and looking at their devices. Only Beel look over to Mammon with a cornered look.
“Why asks that?”
“Seeing those drawing, made me think and look back~” Mammon was cut off, by Asmo groaning.
“Ugh! You sound like Satan right now; you know when he when into a “I want to changes back” phase. I’m so glad that he drops that and move on to annoying Lucifer”
“Yeah” Levi interjects “If I was still in my demonic form, I couldn’t enjoy the things I like right now. Not watching anime because you can’t watch it underwater and I need a really big body of water, and I can’t read manga because it’ll get wet and I have no arms or hands to hold, and I can’t……….”
Eventually the other three tune him out, and Beel asks.
“And beside aren’t we dangerous when we are in those forms. I couldn’t remember anything when I was that!”
Before Mammon could asks again, he heard your foot step getting louder.
“Oi no demonic talk Infront of y/n got it” Mammon aggressively whispers to his brothers.
“But you’re the one…... Ah forget it” Levi just gave up.
“What you guys talking about?” you came in the room, and walk over to the couch and sat next to Mammon, who immediately place his arm on your shoulders.
“Oh nothing, just give my little bros some life advice” Mammon smile at you, then Asmo let out a fake cough.
“Really what kind of life advice?” Mammon bites his mouth to your unexpected question, while Levi and Asmo sneaker in the background.
“Uh…… well” he looks away and rubs the back of his neck with the arm on you, trying to an answer. While you look at him with such innocent look on you face.
he glazes over to you and ha an idea, look back and smile to you and gave you the cupcake that he was supposed to eat and took a bite. “Advice on pleasing their significant other” both Levi and Asmo stop laughing and straight their back after hearing that.
After swallowing, you look back at Mammon “Oh and those are?”
“Making sure their well feed” Beel nodded to that. “Grooming them” he fixes you hair and shirt and “accentually” unbutton one. Then he cups you face and lean towards you, and playfully lick the frosting on the corner of your mouth. “And always make them flustered” he pulled away. Leaving you stunned and your face turns red.
Levi drops his D.D.D., Asmo quickly covered his mouth, and Beel almost choke to what they just witness right Infront of them.
Your heart beating fast and you don’t why. For what ever reason you started to feel warm and fuzzy inside. Asmo can sense it, your started be lustful right now. Your eyes show it and Mammon notices it, he took the cupcake out of you hands and place it on the table.
Then he slowly looks over to you with a smirk, he’s teasing you and you can’t take it anymore. You pounce and wrap your arms around his neck and start kissing him relentlessly. And he didn’t pull away in fact he places one hand on your waist and the other vigorously rub against your back.
All the while the other three demon in the room with you two are shock, stunned and/or mortified.
“I want you to destroy me right now Mammon” you said it seductively, causing Mammon to growl.
“Good thing we don’t have classes tomorrow otherwise I have to carry ya all around campus”
“Why what will you gonna do to me?” you teasing by playing innocent.
“you’ll see” he quickly bites you on the neck causing you to yelp, and you felt him laughing. He quickly hooks your legs and stood up and leap over the couch and run out the room with you holding on to him tightly.
As Mammon foot steps start to faint, Belphie peaking his head through the doorway of the common room and look over to frozen demons inside. Then a door slam shut snaping them out of it.
“W-what was that!” Levi screams
“Asmo what did you do to them?” Belphie asks in a shock manner
“You think I want to see Mammon like that. As if” Asmo hugging himself “that was my worst nightmare”
Levi straight out faint in his chair and Asmo start rubbing his hands all over his body, like his taking a shower, and Belphie stare at his pillow. However, Beel is more corner about his older brother sudden changed and that was the one that planting the seed of worried and fear in his mind.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Body Positivity
pronouns: they/them
person: karl jacobs
warnings: skirts, cursing, self-demeaning, (this isn't a warning but this fic, hopefully was trying to encourge body positivity, all bodies are beautiful, thin, medium, large, disabled, etc.)
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word count: 499
for some reason you were abandoning your certain aesthetic today. for the longest time, you abandoned the life of wearing skirts everyday of your life. you were now returning the life of skirts for 24 hours.
"shit, hopefully i look good in this, it's been a long time." you thought.
you went to get a skirt out of the closet to wear. you picked out a black one, "ok good, now let's put it on."
you went in front of your full lengthed mirror (mother mother am i right ;D) and put on the skirt. you didn't feel good in it, you didn't look as good in skirts as you did when you were younger(everyone, listen up, you look good in EVERYTHING, don't be a insecure little bitch like me alright, strut in whatever you are wearing with confidence, get those bitches like callahan 👍).
"why the fuck i look ugly?" you questioned yourself. you felt tears come up in your eyes. you felt shitty, why couldn't you be one of the those models in victoria secret, or addison rae, or kendall jenner.
luckily, karl heard mostly every single word you said. he barged into your room you shared with him, and hugged you from behind. you jumped, "karl, what you doing here?"
"honey, ya'know you can talk to me about everything, right?" he asked you. you nodded, "yeah babe, what, is anything wrong?" "yeah actually, there's someone in my life who is going through something right now."
you listened intensively, wondering who he was talking about. "they feel shit about themselves and got some body positivity issues, would you happen to know who i'm talking about?" everything became so clear to you, he was talking about you (we already knew y/n, stop being dumb /j).
"ohhh, did you just hear everything i just said a minute ago?" "yes i did." he said bluntly.
you felt embarrased, he heard your little rant about yourself. "baby, you look perfect. may i explain?" he held you tighter in his arms explaining why you were more than perfect, "first of all your smile, it can light up my day in an instant, your fingers, so beautiful between mine, you eyes, catching me off guard, stomach and waist full of stretch marks, looking like cute tiger stripes (I GOT THOSE TIGER STRIPES :D), your thighs, so soft and pillowy, my favorite pillow, your legs, so beautiful between mine when we cuddle, everything that is apart of your body, head to toe, is beautiful, don't doubt yourself love."
after karl's little speech, you were full on crying, sobbing into his sweater. "sshhh, it's ok love, i got you." he held onto you until you ran out of oxygen, you were insecure, but karl made it so much better.
"you wanna go get ice cream outside y/n?" "sure karl."
karl could make everything better, whether is when one of your favorite characters die, or whether you have problems on your beautiful body.
note: i understand if some of you guys are insecure on your bodies, as myself as a young person who is bordering on 200 pounds, i get it, i feel shit in my own body, and constantly fantasize on me being skinny with a hourglass figure or just me being a whole other person. this might make me sound as a hypocrite me being insecure in my own body, but love yourself as you are, even if you are underweight or overweight, hourglass body or shaped like a matchbox, any body shape or weight, you are beautiful beyond compare. social media kinda just makes this worse. we constantly fantasize about being the size of "charli" and "kendall jenner".
it's all utter bullshit, excuse my language. why do we have to fit the standards of other people who society deems are pretty. blue eyes, blond and wavy hair, skinny hourglass figure, skinny fingers, arms, and legs, small noses, big lips, hairless (sorry if you are actually all or some of these things, don't wanna offend people). yes these people are beautiful, but why can't there be variety in shape and size of people. same things goes for other genders besides women (yes, there are more than 2 genders, ok, stop conservatives). why does society have to have a basic standard? why can't we all be deemed as beautiful in society? (side note here, also i couldn't care less if this fic was horrible or not, i just wanted to spread the message of body positivity)
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awsugawara · 4 years
bnha hcs with an artsy s/o [1/?]
i’m going to make this a mini series, so expect to see this AND haikyuu characters too :) i will also do the k-pop hcs too, so look forward to that !
note: your quirk will be the same all around, if implied you have one!
Quirk: AMBIENT ILLUSION - with a single touch of your hand or glance, you are able to make your opponent think that they’ve been taken to another “realm,” but in actuality their body movements mimic those in the illusion; it’s a quirk that can be used for good or for bad; your creativity isn’t limited, but the side effects are headaches, nausea, and sometimes insanity for a short period of time until your stamina runs out or unless someone knocks you out
Hero Name: Chiaroscuro or Chiasu [for short]- referring to the major contrast of light and dark in an image; in italian it is said to literally mean light-dark
enjoy :)
s. aizawa
> teacher x teacher scenario tyvm
> you were a popular teacher at U.A., teaching in some of the general studies classes as an art teacher
> students in class 1-C, D, and E would flaunt how cute/hot and talented their pro hero of an art teacher was
> midnight was gossiping about you with present mic and aizawa overheard
> he knows you have your own agency, so how you double that plus being a teacher was beyond him
> “oh midnight! i was actually looking for you :)”
> aizawa-seeing-a-cutie.exe has stopped working.
> for someone who is low energy and stoic for the most part, this was new
> got more acquainted with the other teachers, but you were really close with aizawa
> funny thing is,,,you and aizawa met up a lot after school and you eventually started dating
> the other pro heroes at the school only found out is when midnight had walked in on them kissing
> the students found out about the relationship when aizawa walked you to your next lecture class as he left class 1-A  with present mic
> aizawa glared at them and as soon as he left, your students pelted you with questions, until the teacher told them to quiet down
--- k. takami 
> keigo is like a SIMP for you
> he practically with go out of his way just to buy you new art stuff
> “babe...i don’t need anymore sketchbook paper...i have an office at the school and they supply my paper-”
> “you can never have enough, my dove”
> you work at U.A. as an art teacher and met keigo when you were walking home from the school
> you had a run in with a villain, who was on a mission to kidnap you and he swooped in to save you 
> your art was scattered all over and some destroyed and keigo caught a glimpse of them and noticed your U.A. badge
> “you’re a teach at U.A.?”
> keigo walks you home, if you chose to stay late to work on your art
> when you first started dating, he was wondering why you would stay so late, and you had to explain your quirk to him
> he wants to be your #1 source of ideas, but he gives you space when you’re truly at an artist roadblock
> when he took you flying for the first time, he vowed to take you every now and then because seeing how your eyes lit up at the city below made it worth while
--- t. shigaraki
> shiggy treats you like glass
> i see him as someone that really admires you and your quirk, let alone your ability to be able to create such fine pieces of art
> you were a lone wolf, who met dabi, who introduced you to the league
> when shigs laid his eyes on you for the first time, he was SMITTEN
> childishly rants to kurogiri when you and dabi are out patrolling
> “why do they always have to go with that burnt piece of shit”
> #getrekteddabi
> shiggy sucks at socializing and it doesn’t help that you always have a resting bitch face™
> you’re actually a softie and a sweetheart at heart, but you notice shiggs advances and are quite confused
> “uhm...hello, tomura-senpai,,,is there something i can help you with?”
> rip shiggy from the CUTENESS
> one day when you didn’t show up at the base and dabi did, shigaraki and kurogiri gave him a look
> “oh, if you’re looking for Chiasu, they’re at home sleeping...idiot stayed up painting again.”
> shiggy left after demanding dabi to reveal their location
> when he got there, he rang the doorbell and questioning why he came because this really isn’t something he does
> “hmm? tomura-senpai? what are you doing here?” **rubs sleep out of your eyes**
> he felt his heart leap
> “i came to see my s/o after being told that they stayed up working. now, are you going to let me in or am i going to have to force myself inside your house?”
--- dabi
>  you were at witz end with your life as a pro hero 
> you weren’t depressed or anything,,,just bored,,,no ideas or fighting spirit
>one day, you had happened to run into dabi committing one of his oversized fires
> he tried reading you, but all he got was just your stoic, almost sad, expression
> you hadn’t moved and he was walking toward you, stopping and moving his face down to your level
> “well, well what do we have here?”
> you hadn’t remembered much from that day, but you hadn’t run into dabi and the only time you really left your house was to get more art supplies and food
> when you were trekking home on the same path, dabi stepped from the shadows in front of you
> you just gave him a blank look and tried to side step him, but obv he didn’t let you
> what happened next was probably the most shocking,,,he embraced you
> you didn’t know what to do other than cry...for losing your fighting spirit
> after that day, dabi would check up on you frequently and eventually he convinced you to stay with him, so he can stay with you
> it took about 2 months to get you to smile and boy was that worth it
> you were grateful of dabi for sparking [pun not intended] your creativity
> “if you’re so grateful, why don’t be mine?”
--- h. toga
> innocent is how toga would describe you
> her attraction to you was much more different than the times where she’d feel the need to cut someone up
> she wanted you in one piece, unharmed
> so she dragged you to be apart of the league of villains with her
> shigaraki was skeptical letting in a quirkless civilian into the league, but he found your ability to design and draw potentially useful
> dabi likes to mess with you to rile up himi
> “you lay another burnt hand on my s/o, i WILL cut you”
> himi doesn’t like the fact you’re close with some of the LOV members, so she whisks you away to her room or somewhere that’s not the base
> if you go to school and you’re adamant in finishing, himi will kinda leave out the villainous aspects of her life so you can finish
> if you go to school and you really don’t care for it, she’ll try to convince you to become a full fledged member of the LOV rather than an associate
> the mission with the yakuza was probably super nerve-wrecking for you after you saw it on the news
> you were greeted with a toga at your door that evening and you just glomped her and expressed how concerned you were, knowing what her role in the mission was
> himi met you online and then began kinda figuring out when you went to your fav cafe and art store and what you like to buy and the such
> attentive, but psycho was how you described her at first, but just accepted that aspect of her 
k. chisaki
> for someone who looks like a plague daddy- doctor none of the members of the yakuza would have imagined him dating a cutie with a QUIRK 
> for starters, you kinda once over the media on the yakuza, more so concerned with your art
> so when you accidentally ran into kai one evening, you kinda just shrugged it off and continued to walk home
> he was so confused like didn’t you know who he was?????????
> nonetheless, he saw you again, while you were making your way home from the convenience store with your [fav. drink + snacks]
> “oh hey! i remember you!” **insert tense kai** “you’re that guy from the other day! how are you?” **cue confused kai**
> you didn’t really have much of a reaction when you FINALLY put two and two together on
> “you’re a part of that villainous yakuza, right?” **insert tense kai** “it’s okay i won’t tell, i like you too much to turn you in :)” **cue confused kai**
> he wasn’t sure whether to be more concerned about the fact you’re letting him, a villainous yakuza go, or the fact he is starting to develop feelings for you
> regardless, kai had “kidnapped” you more like you willingly agreed to stay with him, hidden away somewhere, where you were safer
> he allowed you to continue your artistry, but he made sure to stay away at least from that aspect of your life
> he wanted you to feel like you had those forms of freedom with the line of work that he was involved in because he loves you very much
> BONUS: you held a grudge on kai for keeping eri hidden away from you and for what he did to her and got a couple of hits on his ass, but you stayed with her and aizawa after kai was arrested
sorry some of these are short or kinda are,,,,idk bad? ^^; 
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Nothing Changed But Everything’s Different | Sirius Black x Reader
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Warning: slowburn angst, mentions of slight violence, alcohol, no happy ending
Time/Era: Marauder Era, Ages 18-21
Word Count: 10.1k
Summary: Sirius found someone who made him believe in love at first sight. 
Request: Okay! :) Well in that case can I have an ANGST Sirius x Reader? Where they’ve been together for a few years (it’s post-hogwarts only a couple years) but the relationship is starting to sour and crumble. Sirius being Sirius is flirting with other girls and just neglecting y/n. They argue a lot and everyone can see that it’s deteriorating. It gets to a point where he just flat doesn’t acknowledge her even though they live together, long and ANGSTY pls 🥺 :) U decide the ending! :) Ty, much love!
A/N: I worked really, really hard on this so I hope you enjoy :) Let me know what you think :)
part 2 | masterlist | marauders era playlist | read on ao3
“She’s absolutely gorgeous, Prongs!” A young Sirius Black twirled around the dorm room and fell onto his bed with a dreamy sigh. “She’s witty and smart mouthed, but she’s so sweet and nice at the same time. She listens to the Weird Sisters and Queen and she’s a total badass.” 
“Y/N L/N?” James scoffs, bending over a sketch he was working on. It appeared to be an intricate building of some sort, complete with four stories and geometric windows. 
“Yes, Y/N L/N! I think it’s love at first sight, Prongsy. I’m going to marry that girl one day.” Sirius laid one of his ankles against the post of his bed. The leather of his boot made a loud squeaking noise, and James cringed.
“Have you ever even talked to Y/N L/N?” James smiled smugly and smudged ink across the side of his hand. 
“Have you ever had an actual conversation with Lily Evans?” Sirius countered, making James sputter. James looked diagonally towards Sirius and moved his head so their corresponding bedposts weren’t in the way. 
“I have! This morning, for example! We talked about the morning toast for a full 3 minutes!” His glasses began to fog as his cheeks warm. Sirius laughed heartily and threw the pillow that was under his head square at James’ face. With a deep ‘oof,’ James looks back towards Sirius, glasses now crooked. “Fine, don’t believe me! You’re just angry Evans is finally starting to fall for my charm.” 
“Ah yes, my bad. I forgot sweat and body odor was irresistible to girls.” 
“Lily isn’t a girl.” James reached his slender fingers to level his glasses. “She’s a woman.” 
Sirius was sent into hysterics; chest heaving, loud laughter, tearful, hysterics. James rolled his eyes and threw the pillow back at Sirius. But, in all of its glory, the cushion hit Sirius’ bedpost and sent feathers flying through the air. Sirius busts out in even more laughter, falling to the floor with a big, dramatic thud. 
“What’s going on here?” Remus asks, entering the room and setting his bag onto his bed. “Why is Pads on the floor?” 
“JP assaulted me!” 
Remus chuckled under his breath and unbuckled his bag to retrieve his homework. “And what exactly caused this alleged assault? Did Sirius call you Prancer again?” 
A bark sounding laugh came from Sirius and James scowled. 
“No, we were just talking about his newfound obsession with Y/N L/N and he took an unwarranted dig at mine and Lily’s relationship.” 
Remus snorted and set his work on his desk. “What relationship?” Sirius let out another “HA” and pulled himself back onto his mattress. “And isn’t Y/N L/N the one who called your hair greasy, Pads?” 
“Well, yes, but I like a woman with a bit of attitude,” Sirius sighed dreamily. His left pointer finger, ring and all, came to twirl a chunk of his hair. “I think I want an autumn wedding.” 
“You’re not getting married to her, mate. You don’t even know her.” James came to Remus’ bed and started poking around his bag. “Are you putting on the scar ointment Pomfrey gave you still, Moons? Hey! Stop picking at that one, you’re going to make it worse!” He slapped Remus’ hand away from his face and Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Who are you? My mother?” 
“I am too going to marry her, James! Just watch me!” 
Peter opened the door solemnly, a grumpy look plastered on his face. James turns nervously towards him before slapping him on the back. 
“What happened, Pete? I thought you were supposed to be on a date?” 
“I was, but she stood me up. Again.” Peter responds, making a beeline for the window seat. Conveniently, it was located next to his bed, so he haphazardly tossed his school bag onto the mattress. He grabs hold of one of the pillows before hugging it to his chest and burying his head into it. Sirius and James share a look before Sirius speaks up. 
“Awh, you’ll get ‘em next time. Don’t worry too much about it. It’s her loss, really.” 
“No, it was my loss. It was Abagail Cavin, mate. It was definitely my loss.” Peter’s voice was muffled as he muttered into the soft fabric. 
“Who’s Abagail Cavin?” Sirius asks, looking towards Remus for an answer. He shrugs. 
“I think that’s the ginger girl who always hangs around Y/N L/N? A year or two below us,” James thought aloud. “She’s friends with Lily too, I’ve seen them studying together.” 
Remus snorts. “Of course you have.” 
“I don’t know if I’m sad or angry.” The mousy boy admits, throwing the pillow in his lap at the wall. It hit one of Sirius’ Queen posters, making the frame fall to the floor with a loud crash. James is quick to swoop in and redirect Peter’s attention in fear of him escalating. 
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, there’s no need to get mad at Abagail. Um, how about we go get some sweets from the kitchens, yeah? Maybe that’ll make you feel better.” 
Peter tightened his jaw, staring at the now shattered frame on the ground. After a moment of silence from all the boys, Peter nodded and the pair exited the room. 
“Y/N L/N,” Sirius spoke in his signature flirty voice. He tried to match her walking pace, but she seemed to be in a rush. 
“Sirius Black, what can I do for you?” Y/N answered, her school uniform skirt swaying as she walked. She was on her way to meet Abagail in the library so the two could study together, and she was already 5 minutes late. 
“I was wondering if you would -excuse me, sorry- if you would like to go to the next Quidditch match with me?” Y/N seemed to swerve in and out of the crowded hallway like a car in heavy traffic. “Supposed to be a good game, you know.” 
“Me? Go with you? While you cheer your little boyfriend on? Thanks for offering, but I have to decline.” 
“Come on, you always go anyway! It could be fun!” Sirius finally matched Y/N’s fast gait. “And maybe we could grab some hot butterbeer or cider after.” 
Y/N sighed, suddenly stopping at the entrance of the library. She faced Sirius boldly and grabbed his upper arms with her hands. 
“Listen, it’s really flattering that you want me to go with you, and I have to admit, you’re super cute. But, you don’t exactly have the best track record with girls and I don’t want to be just a checkmark on your list of girls to shag.” 
While any person would be wounded by Y/N’s blunt assumptions, Sirius grins. “That’s where you’re wrong, love. I don’t really have a track record with girls, unless you count the week I dated Marlene McKinnon the October of our 2nd year. It’s our 7th year and I’ve had one kind-of girlfriend.”
Sirius watched as Y/N’s facial expression changed. Taking this as an invitation to keep going, he rubs his hands together and continues. “And if you’re talking about shagging, I’ve shagged maybe three girls who were not on some kind of to-fuck list, thank you very much.” Sirius suddenly leans in so he could whisper. “I’m just flirty. And based on the look on your face, the flirting is working.” 
“Y/N!” Abagail’s voice made Y/N drop her hands and Sirius smirk. “What are you doing?” 
“Oh, we’re just chit chatting,” Sirius answers for Y/N. “But, I do have a question for you, Ab.” 
Abagail’s face scrunched in response. “Don’t call me that. What’s your question?” 
“Why’d you stand up my mate Peter?” Sirius now stood with his feet shoulders width apart, arms crossed over his chest and his hair pulled to one side. Y/N couldn’t help but admire how well Sirius’ uniform pants fit. 
“What do you mean, stand him up? We talked about hanging out, but we never made actual plans. Honestly, I don’t really think I want to make any official plans. Some of the things he says are kinda scary.” Y/N looks sympathetically towards her friend.
“I told you to just ignore him, babes.” 
“I know, I know. I really think he’s a nice guy deep down though.” 
Sirius looked puzzled, “What harmless, little Peter Pettigrew says scares you?” 
Abagail nods frantically, “He came and sat with Lily and me when we were studying in the library last week. He went on a rant about how he can’t wait to become an Auror just to see,” The girl lifted her fingers to so air quotes. “How far he can take it.” 
“That doesn’t sound like Peter at all,” Sirius’ eyebrows knit in confusion. 
“Well, it was. And Y/N and I have a lot of studying to do. So, if you’ll excuse us.” Abagail gently tugged at Y/N’s arm. 
“Wait! So, is it a date, Y/N?” Sirius called after the girls. Y/N turned over her shoulder and beamed. 
“Common room before the match. I don’t like to be kept waiting, Black!”
“You don’t like to be kept waiting… but you think it’s perfectly okay to leave me all alone in the common room? That’s not very kind, Y/N.” Sirius watched Y/N descend the stairs to the girls dormitory. He was wearing his Gryffindor sweater and ripped black jeans, his hair tied messily in a bun. A long, striped scarf dangled lazily on his shoulders and draped down his frame to his mid thigh. 
“I said before the match and if I’m not mistaken, it’s before the match.” Y/N tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Are those for me?” 
Sirius quickly stood, holding out a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. “Heh, yeah. I thought it was fitting because it’s the middle of October and we’re going to a Quidditch match. The leaves are orange and there’s so many colors and the sunflowers have the same kind of color pallet-” 
“Sirius, they’re lovely. Thank you.” Y/N cut off the blabbering boy. She took the flowers happily and observed their pretty petals. Sirius was right; the rich golden color matched the fallen leaves that littered the Hogwarts grounds. Y/N held up a waiting finger to Sirius so she could go leave her flowers in her dorm. 
“It’s pretty cold out, love, do you want to grab a jacket?” Sirius said when she returned. 
“It’s all in the name of fashion, my dear,” Y/N pulls a piece of hair behind her ear and nods towards the portrait hole. “Shall we?” 
Y/N sat in the crowd with her legs crossed; her shoulders were slumped forwards and her hands stayed sandwiched in between her thighs. Gryffindor was absolutely destroying Ravenclaw with the impressive score of 80-10. 
“The snitch is right by Potter’s head!” Y/N screeched, bumping Sirius’ shoulder with her own. 
“Where?! I don’t see it!” 
“To the right! Meadowes needs to catch it before Lockhart sees it!” Y/N shivers in spite of herself, bringing her hands to her mouth in order to warm them. Sirius snickers and loops his scarf around her shoulders. 
“Hopefully that doesn’t ruin your outfit, love.” Sirius winks and turns back to the game. 
The scarf was soft and toasty, and smelt exactly like Sirius. The satisfying mix of leather, butterbeer, pine and smoke engulfed her senses and made her dizzy. Y/N wrapped it around her arms and snuggled deeper into the soft knit. 
“Meadowes spots the snitch!” Remus announces over the intercom. The entire statum seemed to erupt into chaos; cheers and boos echoing off of every surface within 500 feet. 
Y/N had always had a soft spot for Remus; they weren’t friends, but something about him was so warm and inviting. He in no way seemed like the type to announce a Quidditch match, but it appears that when you’re friends with James Potter long enough, anything could happen. 
Dorcas zooms past the Gryffindor student section in her pursuit for the snitch. The entire group, Lily and Marlene especially, scream out loud words of encouragement. Y/N could have sworn she could see a faint smile appear across Dorcas’ features. 
“Potter scores! 10 points to Gryffindor! 90-10! Ravenclaw could still win if Lockhart catches the snitch!” 
“Come on, come on,” Sirius mumbles under his breath. No matter how much he liked to deny it, Sirius got really into Quidditch. He couldn’t play for shit, but he knew the mechanics of the game like the back of his hand. 
“Meadowes catches the snitch! Gryffindor wins!!” The entire crowd goes ballistic. Kids hug, and some kiss, before storming the field to congratulate their team. James stays on his broom, doing small loops in the air in the hopes of impressing a certain redhead. 
Sirius wraps his strong arms around his date, pulling her to her feet and lifting her into the air. “We won, Y/N! We won!!” 
Y/N snakes her arms around Sirius in return, a similar happiness bubbling in her chest. 
“What’d ya say about grabbing some hot cider from the kitchens to celebrate?” Sirius questions, noticing they’re the last students at their seats. 
Y/N nods, a soft smile gracing her face. “Yes, please. I’m fucking freezing.” 
“It would be easier if you just levitated the boxes in, love.” Y/N watched as Sirius struggled to carry boxes into the living room of their new flat. She giggled, admiring her boyfriend’s flexed biceps and strong hands. The prominent veins in his hands and forearms were bulging, making the manual labor a show for his very happy girlfriend. 
“I feel like that’s bad luck,” Sirius explained, placing the cardboard onto the floor. “I want to do this right. If I don’t we could be cursed.” 
“Whatever you say, babe. But, just so you know, that box goes into the kitchen.” With a flirty wink and smile, Y/N walked into their bedroom to unpack some of their boxes. 
Their new flat wasn’t overly exciting; it was a one bedroom, one bath flat above a small bakery in the center of London. It was a tiny space, as you’d expect two barely-twenty-year-olds to own, but it would soon be their home. Y/N was just excited the flat had a kitchenette and a small living space. 
The best part, in Y/N’s opinion at least, was the fact that the smell of freshly baked bread filled their flat at the beginning of each day. The elderly bakery owners, Jullian and Caspar, had given the young couple a good price on the flat. According to them, they were waiting for the perfect couple to rent from them. What that meant, Y/N didn’t know, but it made her feel special all the same. 
Y/N looked out of their window to the hustle and bustle on the sidewalk below. The shop was a small, hole in the wall bakery called Dream Puffs, that was oddly popular for its location. And Y/N was quick to understand why. Almost everything they made, especially the sour dough bread and cream puffs, were to die for. Jillian had presented Sirius and her a large loaf of the bread and a dozen cream puffs as a welcome present, most of which had been eaten already. Y/N wished she had known of Dream Puffs and the wonderful owners before, but she supposed she still had a lot to discover in London. 
The one downside was the only way to get into their apartment was by going through the bakery. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but when you’re in a rush or having a bad day, having to face random people isn’t the most ideal situation. Jullian and Caspar were nice enough to close the bakery early for the couple’s move in. 
“I thought you were supposed to be unpacking?” Sirius poked his head into their bedroom with sweat dripping down his brow. 
“Oh right, sorry,” Y/N lazily flicked her wand and their clothing sprang to life. 
“Bad luck, Y/N!” He entered the room and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, laid his chin on her shoulder and looked out the window. The busy streets and buildings were muted by the glass, which made Y/N feel as if they were watching ants in an ant farm. 
“I doubt we’ll get bad luck from levitating a few shirts, darling,” Y/N brought one of his hands to her mouth, gently kissing his knuckles before returning it to her waist. “I can’t believe this place is ours,” 
“Well, technically it’s Jillian’s and Caspars, but yes.” Sirius chuckles directly into Y/N’s ear and kisses her shoulder. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
“Are you asking me to marry you?” 
“Yes and no. Not now, obviously, but eventually. We’re going to be together forever anyway, so why should we rush?” 
Y/N sighed happily, feeling very loved. 
“Do you think Abagail will ever talk to me again?” Peter asked, laying his head against the armrest of the couch. “I heard she's working at the book shop in Diagon Alley.” 
Y/N snorted, laying her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder and enjoying the sound of the record playing in the corner of the room. Sirius and Y/N were hosting a dinner party for their friends in celebration of James getting accepted into the Auror academy. The nine of them -Sirius, Y/N, James, Lily, Peter, Remus, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary- were all piled in Sirius and Y/N’s small living room, tipsy and full of warm food. 
“That happened almost two years ago, Pete. Let it go,” Y/N hummed, Sirius’ gentle hand rubbing her back and lulling her to sleep. She could feel the vibrations of Sirius’ laughter through his leather jacket. 
“Yeah, so? I’m not allowed to like someone that long?” Peter’s voice was harsher than he anticipated, making Sirius send a glare his way. 
“She means stop moping around and pining after a girl who doesn’t want you. There’s a world of opportunity and thousands of girls just waiting to date you if you open your eyes to it.” Sirius’ tone was barely lighter than Peter’s. 
“Well I don’t want thousands of girls, Padfoot. I want Abagail. Not everyone can hit it on their first try.” 
“Hit it on their first try?” Y/N was now wide awake. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
“I mean,” Peter sat up, looking Y/N straight in the eyes. “You fucked Sirius on the first date.” 
“Woah, woah, woah, alright that’s enough. Wormy, Pads, Y/N, let’s all just take a deep breath and calm down for a moment.” James was quick on his feet to defuse the potentially harmful situation. He knew how Peter could get, and he didn’t want to see it escalate to that point. 
“Did you just slut shame me for having sex with my own boyfriend? Do you even have the authority to do that, Mr. Unused-Condom?” Y/N was now standing with James, starting to walk towards Peter. Peter stumbled to his feet and stared into Y/N’s eyes. 
“He wasn’t your boyfriend then, Miss Drop-My-Panties-for-a-Knut.” 
Sirius was quick to act, anger boiling inside of him. His knuckles balled into a fist and he threw a nasty punch square into Peter’s jaw. “No one insults my girl, Peter. I thought you knew better than that.” Sirius’ voice was like nothing Y/N had ever heard; it was cold and icy, yet fiery hot and full of hell-bending anger. 
Peter looked up and slugged Sirius right in the nose, making it gush blood. Remus grabs Sirius’ arms and binds them behind his back, trusting James to do the same to Peter. 
Y/N shrieked, having never seen Sirius or Peter get physical with anyone, let alone each other. Marlene grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the boys. 
“What have we talked about, you two?” James demanded, the vein on his neck bulging. 
“I’m not going to sit around and let him harass my girlfriend, JP! He’s a fucking asshole and he knows it!” Sirius struggled against his binds, but Remus was much stronger than him. 
“I’m not the one dating a slut!” 
“Get the fuck out of my flat!” Sirius screams making the room shake. Peter wiggles from James’ grip and grabs his wand before disapperating out of the room. 
Remus releases Sirius and he stomps out of the flat and down the stairs, most likely to go smoke a cigarette. James quickly follows after a glance towards Lily. 
“What did James mean when he said ‘what have we talked about,’ Remus?” Y/N asks, her soft voice a stark contrast from Sirius’ shouting. Remus runs a big hand down his face and plops onto the couch. 
“I wasn’t supposed to let you girls know,” He scoffs, shaking his head. “Sirius and Peter have been at each other’s throats for the past few years. Recently, it started getting physical. James always tries to defuse the situation, but it doesn’t work a ton.” Remus meets Y/N’s gaze and smiles sadly. “That boy would do absolutely anything for you, I hope you know that.” 
Sirius laid in bed with his arms wound tightly around Y/N’s waist. It was near 5 am and the light was just barely peeking through the window of their bedroom. The morning bread must have just been put in the oven, as the smell of fresh bread was slowly starting to overtake the flat. A long sliver of silver light slashed against the wall before fading delicately into the white paint. Sirius sighed contently and looked down at his girl. 
Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly agape; Sirius observed how Y/N’s eyes moved under her eyelids while wondering what she was dreaming about. He hoped she dreamt of him, as his dreams were constantly riddled with her. Every aspect of her danced around his dreams: her lovely smile, her laugh, her scent, her gait, and everything that made Y/N Y/N. Sirius’ own lips parted a miniscule amount as he brought the back of his fingers to brush her cheek. He couldn’t help but notice how soft her skin was under his touch. She was so peaceful in this moment, and if she was to be disturbed, the world would crack. 
But all good things come to an end, and Y/N opened her eyes. Her features were riddled with the grogginess of sleep as she batted her eyes to focus her vision. 
“Darling? Is everything alright?” Her voice was honey in his ears. 
“Perfect, my love. Go back to sleep.” 
“What time is it?” Y/N began to wiggle from his strong grip, but Sirius tightened his hold on her waist. 
The man shot a spare glance at the old coo-coo clock that hung in the corner. “Quarter to five” 
“Then may I ask why you’re awake?” 
Sirius sighed, pressing an opened mouth kiss on her forehead. “Couldn’t sleep, the nightmares are still awry.” 
“What was it this time? Your mom?” Y/N was now wide awake and propped up onto her elbow. 
“No, the last Order mission, actually,” Sirius gently brushed a clump of hair out of her eyes. “But it’s okay, I’m alright. I have you here with me.” 
Y/N’s eyebrows scrunched and her mouth pierced. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“No, my darling. I just want to lay here with my beautiful girl in my arms.” 
“I’ve never been to this bar before,” Y/N giggles as Sirius opens the door to the small building. The outside’s appearance was rather unappealing; cracked, exposed brick that has moss growing out of it, a leaky gutter system, a splintering wooden door and a faded open sign. Y/N looked up towards the LED sign that spelled out the bar’s name. Silver Sickle Bar and Eatery illuminated in the wet pavement, but multiple letters were unlit, making it read Silver Ickle and Eat. 
“Me either, one of my clients works here and said she’d give me free drinks.” Sirius winked before following Y/N inside. 
The place was small and drafty, but oddly cozy. It had the same exposed brick as the outside, but this time, they were bright red and covered in picture frames.  A few wooden tables were scattered across the floor opposite the bar, and various older men sat with beers in their hands. 
“Oh, Sirius! My love, you came!” A very angelic girl from behind bar squeals, quickly exciting the bar and throwing her arms around Sirius. Her hurried speed made Y/N step away from the pair to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Sirius chuckles heartily, wrapping his arms around her small frame, seeming to forget Y/N was there. 
“Vanessa! Nice to see you again,” He exhaled. A sinking feeling settled in the bottom of Y/N’s stomach. “How is your tattoo healing?” 
Vanessa pulls her shirt down to show Sirius the skin in between her breasts. On her skin sat a magical tattoo of a Hongorian Horntail dragon, which looked towards Sirius and blew a big breath of fire his way. The art was gorgeous, very obviously Sirius’ work, which only made Y/N’s stomach sink further into her feet. The red, lacy, v neck bra Vanessa was wearing brought out the ink in the tattoo perfectly, and the shape of the cut displayed not only her breasts, but the dragon beautifully. 
Y/N knew that many of Sirius’ clients were girls; she wasn’t stupid. He was a newly licensed tattoo artist at the biggest magical tattoo parlor in all of London. Not to mention, Sirius was an incredibly talented artist, which meant his appointment list was extremely difficult to get on. The charming attitude and good looks only added to the appeal of his artistry. 
“Who’s this?” Vanessa turned her gaze from Sirius’ to look directly at Y/N. Her long, black hair fell over her shoulder like a waterfall and her porcelain skin glowed under the dim lighting. 
“Oh! Right,” Sirius stuttered, shooting a grin in Y/N’s direction. “This is my gorgeous girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N this is Vanessa, I did her dragon tattoo last week.” 
Y/N forced herself to send a polite smile towards the girl who was just all over her boyfriend. Vanessa sent an equally fake smile and began to walk back to the bar. 
“And what can I get started for you, handsome?” She giggled, standing in front of the large wall of liquor. Y/N felt as if she was back at Hogwarts with all the girls throwing themselves at Sirius. 
“Old fashioned,” Sirius responded, taking place on one of the wooden stools. “And for the lady, tequila on the rocks with lime.” 
Vanessa sends Y/N an icy look before giggling sweetly. “Coming right up.” 
Y/N sends a worried glance towards Sirius, but he just responds by squeezing her thigh and kissing her temple. 
“So, do you have any tattoos? Since you’re so good at your job, I would assume you do, yes?” Vanessa asks, pouring Sirius’s drink and sliding it towards him. 
“Quite a few,” He catches the glass before it flies off the bar. “Most of them are covered by my shirt though.” 
It was true, Sirius’ torso and shoulders were littered with tattoos: A large lion across his right shoulder onto his bicep, stag antlers across his shoulder blades, a moon on the lower left side of his stomach, rat paw marks under the moon, and constellations riddling his collarbones. 
The bartender tilts her head to the side cheekily. “Can I see them?” 
Sirius chuckles in a very happy, flattered way. “I don’t think that’s quite necessary here,” 
“But I can already see this one…” Vanessa reached her arm across the bar and traced the bottom of the lion’s mane with her long, slender fingers. The tattoo seemed to move with her movements. “Can’t I see the rest?” 
Y/N coughs, slapping her hand against the bar. The vibration of Y/N’s sudden movement caused Sirius’ drink to wobble inside the glass. “I think I ordered a tequila not a random chick flirting with my boyfriend.” 
“Of course, how foolish of me.” Vanessa sent a scowl Y/N’s way and turned her back to fetch the bottle of alcohol. Sirius matched Vanessa’s expression. 
Once the flirt finished making Y/N’s drink, she slid it over to her. Y/N took a sip, only to find it was awfully made and very watered down. 
“Sirius, babe, I have a headache, can we go home?” 
“You didn’t have a headache a minute ago?” Sirius raises an eyebrow. 
“I know, I just feel a migraine coming on. I really need to take my migraine potion before it gets bad. Please?” 
Sirius sighs and nods, throwing an arm around her shoulders and kissing her temple. “Of course, babygirl.” 
The pair stand from their stools but Vanessa stops them. “That’ll be 2 galleons for the tequila.”
“You said you’d give me free drinks?” Sirius placed a comforting hand on Y/N’s lower back, rubbing small circles over her shirt. 
“Yeah, for you. The tequila wasn’t for you.” 
“Yeah, fine, whatever.” Sirius reached into his pocket and pulled out two galleons, slamming them onto the bar. 
“Can I bet on seeing you again?” A loud giggle comes from her mouth as the couple exited the building. “Maybe you can show me your tattoos.” 
“I don’t know, Lily! She was all over him and he didn’t stop it.” Y/N bit into an apple and traced the Potters’ tablecloth. It was a month after Sirius and Y/N had visited The Silver Sickle, and Y/N couldn’t keep her anxieties to herself. 
“Have you tried talking to him about it?” Lily responded, kneading a big glob of pie crust at the counter. Potter Cottage was much larger than Sirius and Y/N’s flat above Dream Puffs. Earlier that month, Lily had announced she was pregnant, so James decided it was time to upgrade from their small flat to a house fit to raise a family. 
“Yes, but each time I try to bring her up he gets defensive and assures me that it was nothing, that he was trying to get free drinks.” 
Lily stared down at her dough intensely before grabbing her rolling pin. “Well, I wouldn’t let him get away with it. Maybe try to ask him again tonight? Just sit down and have a real, hearts on the table conversation about your feelings and whatnot. It’s important to do that.” 
“Yeah, that’s the thing. He’s been staying at work late this entire week. Apparently, one of his clients is getting a full back tattoo and it’s taking multiple sessions to finish. This is his biggest job to date, I don’t want to ruin it for him.” 
“How late is late?” The mom-to-be laid the pie crust into her pan and began to trim the excess off of the edges. 
“Nine, sometimes ten. He comes home exhausted.” 
“Hm, okay. I’d still try to speak with him if you can. How’s your work going? St. Mungos treating you well?” 
“Oh, yeah, definitely. My supervisor said that I’m one of the best beginning level healers he’s seen since Pomfrey worked in my ward,” Y/N took another bite of her apple. “I might get transferred to the branch in France for a week coming up, though. There was a big gas explosion and they have over 200 burn victims. My supervisor said it would be a good experience for me.” 
“Oh, I read about that in The Prophet! Those poor people,” Lily filled the crust with apple pie filling. “I’m sure they need all the help they can get.” 
“Oh, I know. I haven’t learned much about burn solvents yet, so it’ll be interesting to learn on the job.” 
“Are you going this week? What a shame, it’s your birthday on Saturday.” 
“Oh, no, the earliest I would be leaving is a fortnight from now. I’m kind of a last resort since I don’t have much experience or training yet.” Y/N stood and threw her apple core into the bin. “How’s JP doing at the Academy? He’s in his second year by now, right?” 
“Oh, he’s doing lovely. The Order is grateful for his efforts and have been sending him on more missions than before.” Lily sighs. “It’s rather nerve wracking, isn't it? You’re lucky Sirius doesn’t get called on many.” 
Y/N laughed a bit uncomfortably. “Yeah, I suppose they prefer actual Aurors to go on the calls. But when he does go, those are the worst nights. I can’t imagine having to go through that on a daily basis.” 
“It’s really hard,” Lily’s voice cracks and she begins to cry. “I’m sorry, it’s the hormones.” 
“Don’t apologize, Lils. I know how scary it can be. At least he's with Wormtail most of the time, yeah? They’re at the academy together and all.” 
Lily takes a deep breath to control her crying. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Thank god for Wormy.” 
“Hello there, pretty lady. I heard there’s a 21st birthday party to be thrown?” James said happily as Y/N opened the door of the flat. Lily and Remus tailed him ever so slightly, all three wearing large grins and holding brightly wrapped packages. 
“Birthday party? You guys don’t-” 
James waved his hand dismissively. “We’re already here, so you’re kind of stuck with us. Peter should be here eventually.” The three push their way into the living room. 
“The nice elderly woman downstairs asked me to bring you this,” Remus held out a cupcake with bright red frosting. Y/N took it happily and walked to the kitchen to set it on the counter. 
“Thank you, Moony. But, really, you guys didn’t have to. Sirius isn’t even here.” Y/N felt self conscious around her friends. She was wearing an old tee shirt from her early teens, a beloved Scooby-Doo tee with a rip in the left armpit, and black yoga pants. It was safe to say Y/N was more than ready to spend her birthday alone. 
“What do you mean, not here?” Remus was standing in the corner of the living room, flipping through Sirius and Y/N’s record collection. They had so many at this point that the couple was unsure which record belonged to who. 
“I don’t know, he left early this morning saying he got called into work. Something about an angry customer.” Y/N felt small under the group’s gaze. “I wasn’t really paying attention, I was half asleep.” 
Y/N watched as Lily and James shared a look. “I didn’t think the shop was open on Saturdays, but I guess they are.” Y/N’s shoulders lowered visibly, making Lily backtrack. “It’s the pregnancy brain, Y/N. I’ve been mixing things up for the past week and a half.” 
“Right, right. Of course. Um, how’s that going, by the way?” She crossed her arms across her stomach uncomfortably. 
“Oh, it’s going wonderful! We actually have something to give you, if that’s okay.” 
“Wait!” James cut in. “We should wait for Wormy to get here!” 
Lily hit his chest with the back of her hand. “Oh, come off it. You know how late he is to everything! Let’s do it now.” The couple led Y/N to the couch and sat on either side of her, both wearing matching shit-eating grins. Remus remained leaning against the wall, ready to flip the record when the time came. James placed a medium-sized purple box on her lap. 
Y/N carefully undid the wrapping paper, prompting James to let out a loud groan. 
“Any day now, woman!” 
Y/N giggled. “Hey! It’s my birthday! Be nice to me!” 
“I am being nice to you, Y/N! I gave you a present, didn’t I?” 
Y/N bumped her shoulder with his and reached into the box. Her fingertips met with the soft fabric of a tee shirt. Upon pulling the garment out completely, she observed that the words World’s Best Godmother was printed across the front. Immediately, Y/N dropped the shirt and covered her mouth with her hand. 
“Is that a yes?” Lily asked, her eyes tearing again. 
“Yes! Oh my god!” Y/N’s own tears trailed down her cheeks as she hugged both tightly. “Me? Godmother?” 
“I can’t think of anyone more worthy,” Remus remarked as he watched the heartwarming scene unfold in front of him. Y/N was so overwhelmed with joy that she had almost forgotten that Sirius was absent. Almost. 
The party went along swimmingly from there on out; Peter had arrived shortly after Y/N unboxed Remus’ gift, a new cauldron and potion ingredients, and another gift from the Potters, a pair of gorgeous black combat boots. The mousey-boy shuffled over to Y/N and handed her a small gift bag. 
“Oh? Thanks, Pete.” Y/N awkwardly pulled out the contents of the bag. “Oh, good, a gift card to Silver Sickle Bar and Eatery.” She tried to sound thankful towards the man in front of her, but the disdain was still evident in her voice. 
“Sirius said it was his favorite bar, so I thought you’d like it. Maybe we can grab some lunch there, obviously my treat,” He lazily gestures to the card in her hand. “We haven’t really hung out for a while. I figured it would be nice. If you don’t like it I can get you something diff-” 
Y/N cut him off with a hug, “Thank you, Peter, this was really thoughtful. Would next week work?” 
“Wednesday?” He wraps his arms around Y/N’s frame for a moment before letting go. 
“Wednesday works perfectly.” 
The four continued to hang out well into the night; laughing, chatting, drinking, listening to music, and playing board games. As the party dragged on, Y/N couldn’t help but grow worried about Sirius’ whereabouts. Her worries were harshly pushed aside, though, when Lily suggested they play poker. 
“Ugh, I fold.” Peter slams his cards down onto the coffee table and laid back onto the carpet in defeat. Y/N smirked at Remus, her only opponent, and gestured for him to show her his cards. 
“Straight, beat that,” Remus says confidently. James and Peter “oooh” childishly and looked towards Y/N. It was very apparent that all of them, besides Lily, were very buzzed. 
Y/N smirked and shook her head, “You play a hard bargain, Lupin. So good that I applaud you. But,” Y/N laid her hand on the table: four of a kind. “You’re just not good enough.” 
The room laughs as Y/N pulls the large pile of galleons, sickles, knuts and Lily’s wedding ring towards her. Y/N slips it onto her own ring finger and holds her hand as if to admire it. 
“Oh, Lily, dear, don’t you just adore my new ring? Look at how it glistens in the light!” 
The redhead rolls her eyes and snatches it off of Y/N’s finger. “I’ll just be taking that,” She puts it back on. 
“It will forever be known to be my legal property, Evans. Don’t forget it!” 
“Does that mean I’m married to both of you now?” James smiles a dopey grin and looks back and forth between the two women. Y/N pretends to gag. 
“On second thought, I surrender my rights to your ring.” 
The group continued their laughter until the front door of the flat swung open. A very drunk Sirius Black stumbled in the door, dumbfounded as to why all of his friends were in his house. 
“Why are you guys here?” Sirius slurred, pulling up the shoulder of his leather jacket. He bumped the record player in the process, making Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac skip. 
“It’s Y/N’s birthday, Sirius,” Remus responded, his soft voice contrasting to his previously upbeat tone. Sirius slouched against the wall and slid down it until he hit the floor. 
“Y/N’s birthday...Y/N’s birthday...Oh! Y/N’s birthday! Was that today?” 
James was quick to jump into action. Propelling himself off of the couch, he took Sirius into his arms and brought him to a standing position. Sirius, of course, whined the entire way up, claiming that the floor wanted him to sit there. James responded with a small hum before peeling Sirius’ jacket off of his body and throwing it onto the kitchen counter. As Y/N watched, she couldn’t help but notice a bright pink smear on Sirius’ neck. 
“Yes, it’s today, you big goof. Where have you been?” 
Sirius went into a big flurry of words as James brought him towards the bedroom. Y/N thought she heard ‘And you should have seen her!’ amidst all the jumbled words, but she pied that off as her anxious imagination running awry. Lily’s hand found her back and she rubbed soothing circles on Y/N’s shoulder blades. 
“He forgot,” Y/N said to no one in particular. “I can’t believe he actually forgot.” 
“I’m sure he didn’t forget,” Lily soothed Y/N, rubbing circles into her shoulder blades. “He probably got carried away at happy hour, you know how he gets.” 
“Happy hour on Y/N’s birthday though?” Peter shook his head. Something about his tone didn’t sit well with Y/N. Lily shot a glare his way. 
The party did not last much longer; Remus said he had an interview with Dumbledore about a TA position at Hogwarts, Lily was tired, and Peter said that he was going on a mission tomorrow and needed rest. Y/N bid her friends farewell with large hugs and thank you’s. 
It’s safe to say that Y/N slept on the couch that night. 
Y/N awoke to sunlight in her eyes and a crick in her neck. The living room window wasn’t guarded with curtains, so even at the early hour of 4:30 AM, the room was illuminated with soft oranges, reds, and pinks. Y/N sat up and reached her hands above her head to stretch her back. She looks towards the bedroom door, listening for the soft snores of her boyfriend. Her neck screamed in agony, but she still stood and padded over to open the door. 
Y/N twisted the doorknob with care, trying to be as silent as humanly possible. She needed to see Sirius, not have a conversation with him. Alas, in all his glory, Sirius lied on his stomach with his mouth hung open and drool oozing onto the pillow. The girl admired how he looked as he slept; the sharp jaw, the perfect skin, the messy hair, the peaceful look gracing his features. He still wore his skinny jeans from the day previous, but at some point during the night, he discarded his white dress shirt. Y/N’s gaze darted around the floor until it landed on the crumpled fabric. 
Y/N glanced back at Sirius, admiring the artwork that filled his back. She remembered the day he got it; James cried when he first saw the gorgeous antlers. The low light highlighted the dark brown ink and seemed to make his skin appear airbrushed. Y/N smiled in spite of herself. 
Closing the door softly, Y/N walks into their small kitchen to prepare some tea in order to calm her nerves. The apartment was rather messy from the ‘party’ and Y/N had to dig through endless dirty dishes to find a mug clean enough to use. Y/N finally found one, a lavender mug that Marlene had given her for her 17th birthday, and set it on the counter while she filled the kettle. 
The kitchen wasn’t as dirty as Y/N previously thought. Sure, the sink was overflowing with dishes, but the kitchen itself was rather clean. And besides Sirius’ leather jacket, the counter was clear. The floor, though, was slightly sticky. Y/N sighs and flicks her wand; almost silently, the dishes start cleaning themselves. 
Y/N reaches for Sirius’ jacket, only to have a squishy substance fall onto her feet. She jumps back in surprise and disgust of the weird texture. But, the real panic sets in when she notices a big red spot on not only the floor but the leather jacket. Upon further investigation, Y/N realizes it’s the frosting from the cupcake Remus had given her. Sirius was very protective of this jacket and if he saw this, Y/N would be a dead man. So, she did the only reasonable thing she could think of: scrub the material with a wet paper towel. 
Thankfully, the frosting came off easily and didn’t stain the material. The only real obstacle was the sweet scent of the frosting lingering on the garment. Sirius had an insane sense of smell, so if he picked up even the slightest trail of sugar, Y/N would be busted. She delicately lifted the material to her nose. 
The musky scent of Sirius filled her nose as normal; leather, smoke, cologne, and spearmint. Y/N grinned at the familiar scent until she noticed a strong rose perfume almost ingrained into the leather. Y/N’s perfume smelled of vanilla. 
Y/N held her breath as she opened the door of the Silver Sickle, she was in no mood to see Vanessa again. All the same, Y/N put effort into her appearance just in case. She let out her breath when she noticed an old man behind the bar and Peter sitting in the corner. 
“Hey,” Y/N said breathlessly as she pulled out one of the wooden chairs and sat down. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel a little nervous meeting Peter alone; the two seemed to rekindle their friendship after he and Sirius fought. He promised that he was just drunk and not thinking, and Y/N not wanting to cause childish conflict within their friend group, had accepted his apology. 
“Hey!” He squeaked. “I didn’t know if you wanted to day drink or not, so I just ordered you a water to start off with.” 
Y/N laughed awkwardly. “Thanks, Wormy.” She took a long sip from her straw, trying to slow her nervous heart. “So, uh, how’s the academy? James said you are taking more and more missions with the order.” 
Peter nodded enthusiastically. “Oh, it’s great! Being an Auror is really fun, you really get to show people who’s boss, ya know?” 
“Um, I guess?” 
“I think they’re gonna kick me out, though. I haven’t done the best job at catching who I’m pursuing.” Peter raises his eyebrows and cocks his head to the side. 
“Oh? Why not?” Y/N glanced over the menu, only half listening to what her companion was saying. 
“I just like to play with them a ‘lil, like a cat and mouse. Except this time, I’m not the mouse.” 
Y/N looks at a delicious looking chicken sandwich on the menu and hums in response. 
“So, how are you and Sirius doing? It seemed pretty rough last week.” Peter takes a chunk of ice from his drink and starts chewing it. “If you want to talk about it, I guess.” 
This brings Y/N out of her sandwich-filled thoughts. “I don’t know, to be quite honest. We haven’t spoken much and I barely see him. He leaves early in the morning...comes home late at night…” Peter nods as if he was a therapist listening to a client. “I don’t want to assume the worst but he’s making it rather difficult.” 
“I wasn’t going to tell you this, because it isn’t really my business, but…” He comps down on the ice cube. “I was coming home from a mission a few nights ago and I saw him with a girl. I’m not quite sure what they were doing but it sure as hell didn’t look platonic.” 
Y/N felt her entire world shatter into her lap. “What?” 
“Yeah, I don’t know. She was really short with long black hair and a skimpy cocktail dress. They were walking into that club off of Coventry Street. I almost beat the fuck out of him right then and there, but there were bouncers.” 
Y/N bit her trembling lip and folded her hands in her lap. Rifling through her purse, she slammed the gift card down and stood. 
“Thanks for the lunch date, Peter, but I don’t feel well. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?” 
“Was it something I said?!” Peter yelled at Y/N’s retreating back as she left the bar. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Sirius asked, gesturing to Y/N’s packed suitcases by the door. 
“Yup, I’m going to France for a week to aid burn victims,” Y/N finished brushing her teeth before packing her toothbrush. “Didn’t think you’d care.” 
“Well, I do. You could have told me.” He leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms. 
“I would have if I actually saw you.” Y/N wasn’t in the mood to argue; she had about an hour before she had to leave, and she planned on using that time to relax with a cup of herbal tea. 
“What’s that supposed to mean? You see me plenty.” 
“Yeah, when you’re sleeping or showering. There’s not exactly time to chat when you leave early in the morning and come home well past midnight.” Y/N walked into the kitchen and cut a slice of bread. “Oh, by the way, Caspar brought up some sourdough, if you actually want any.” 
“Don’t change the subject like you always do, Y/N. I work hard to support us, you know that.” 
“I work hard too. And I get home before 11 every night. I’m not exactly sure how being a healer gets you home earlier than a tattoo artist, but whatever.” Y/N buttered her now toasted sourdough. 
“Sometimes a piece takes a long time, that’s not my fault! I’ve been getting big jobs recently! You should be happy for me!” 
Y/N let out a harsh laugh as she poured water into the kettle. “Do you really think I’m that fucking stupid, Sirius? Really?” 
“What do you mean? I think you’re rather smart.” Sirius followed Y/N into the kitchen and was leaning against the counter. 
“Yeah? Then why have you been lying to me for the past, I don’t know, two months?” 
“You can’t keep accusing me of things, Y/N. It’s not fucking fair!” Sirius stared holes into Y/N’s back. “For fucks sake! Look at me when I talk to you!” 
Y/N whipped around, her hair fanning around her face as she spun. “You know what’s not fucking fair? Letting a girl feel you upright in front of me. Lying about going into work. Forgetting my birthday and coming home from who knows where drunk as fuck with lipstick smeared all over your neck. Coming home drenched in another girl’s perfume. Taking your fucking side chick to a strip bar while I’m sat at home wondering if you’re fucking dead because we’re in the middle of a fucking war! You don’t know the first thing about fucking unfair!” 
“You’re not going to France, Y/N.” His jaw was clenched and his eyes held nothing but fire. The tone of his voice was like nothing she had ever heard before, at least not directed at her. He usually reserved it for people who yelled nasty things at her from the street, or when someone bad mouthed James. It felt foreign to hear him use it with her. Maybe she didn’t know him as well as she thought she did. “You’re not fucking going, and that’s final.” 
“What are you? My fucking mother? I’m going because I’m actually doing something good for the world, unlike your cheating ass.” Y/N pushed her way past her boyfriend and towards her luggage. 
“Don’t walk away from me!” Sirius followed her strides. He stopped and took a deep breath before continuing. “Y/N, darling, we need to talk about this-” His tone was notably softer than before as if he was trying to glue together shards of glass. 
“Talk about what, Sirius?! How you cheated on me and won’t even deny it? How you betrayed me in the worst way fucking possible? I’m not going to let you manipulate me into putting my career on the line to work out some issue you caused.” 
“What, so now I’m not important? You’re a fucking hypocrite!” 
“And how exactly am I a hypocrite, Sirius? You treat me like shit and whine that I’m done putting up with it? Gonna go cry to James about how you are so upset I wouldn’t hear you out after you cheat on me? Well, go the fuck ahead because James actually has a healthy relationship with a baby on the way. He won’t sympathize with you.” Y/N grabbed the handle of her suitcase and lifted her wand. “I’ll be back in a week and once we’ve had some time to cool off, we’ll talk about this like adults. I’ll see you soon.” 
Just as Y/N apperated out of the room, the kettle whistled and Sirius noticed Y/N left her half-eaten toast on the counter. 
It was near two in the morning when Y/N returned home from France the following week. The home was cold, dark, and vacant, and the entire appearance of the small flat had changed. In a week, Sirius had managed to completely trash the house. Even the smell of freshly baked goods was replaced with the sour smell of firewhisky and sex. 
Y/N ventured into the kitchen first, where she observed the large stack of dishes in the sink. Everything from to-go packages to their fine china (normal glass plates from the thrift) were stacked as high as the eye can see. Some were starting to mold and produce the most horrid smell. The stove housed the kettle where Y/N had left it, but this time it was cold and empty. Another pot that contained crusty spaghetti sat next to the kettle, and Y/N cringed at the thought of scrapping it out. She moved to the counter where her toast, now stale, sat. Y/N picked it up between two fingers and threw it into the bin. 
She carried on into the living room next. The couch cushions were tossed about the room and the small fur throw was draped across the back of the couch. The record player in the corner still held the Fleetwood Mac record Moony had chosen on her birthday as if it were a time capsule; Y/N couldn't help but reminisce about how happy she was with her friends that evening. Maybe that proved that she could be happy without Sirius in her life, or maybe it served as a constant reminder that he was woven into every aspect of it. 
Again, the room was covered with food wrappers and alcohol bottles. Y/N feared the liquid that remained in the bottles would leak and stain the carpet, so before moving on to the bedroom, she set each one upright. 
The bedroom was what Y/N feared the most; without her presence in the home, Sirius could have been intimate with an infinite amount of girls in her own bed. She shivered at the thought but pushed on and reached towards the icy doorknob. 
The room was the cleanest out of the entire flat, just various clothes scattered around the floor and a messy bed. Y/N wanted nothing more but to curl up under her warm covers and press her face into the chest of the man she loved most, but that was an impossible task. He didn’t love her anymore and that was something she had to deal with, she just wished she had savored the last time he held her. 
As Y/N explored further into the room, her feet found an article of clothing that neither Sirius nor Y/N owned. Bending at the hips to pick it up, Y/N held a red, lacy v neck bra in between her fingertips. Y/N fingered the material with teary eyes. Another step forward and her feet came into contact with the matching bottoms. Y/N laid the set out neatly on the bed and wallowed; it must have looked stunning on her. 
Y/N walked to the desk, where an ink well was left open and a half-written letter laid face up on the surface. She capped the ink with a wet chuckle. 
“You need to cap your ink, Sirius. If you don’t it’ll dry out. I won’t be there forever to do it for you.” Y/N said aloud, wiping her running nose. She picked up the letter against her better judgment and began to read. 
I know you’re mad at me, but please just hear me out. Vanessa is gorgeous, mate. She’s sweet and nice, but at the same time she's so witty and smart-mouthed. She even listens to Queen and the Weird Sisters!
She made me believe in love at first sight, JP. 
I’m going to marry her one day, mark my words!
The ink began to run as Y/N read and cried, making small blotches of black contrast against the stark white paper. Y/N placed it onto the table and gripped the edge to steady herself. Never in her 21 years on earth had she ever felt such pain, such sorrow. Her pains were usually cushioned by Sirius’ arms and sweet slurred language in the middle of the night, or by her friends’ loud cackles. But this time, this time was different; she was alone, completely and utterly alone. 
Y/N looked to the wall in order to ground herself; a small sliver of silver moonlight slashed against the wall, illuminating the otherwise dark room. Y/N traced the line with her eyes until she landed on the wooden coo-coo clock. 
The clock was one of Sirius’ most prized possessions; it was a gift from his Uncle Alphard that he received when he ran away from the Black family.  Alphard was one of the few Sirius still kept in contact with, and he was a big role model to Sirius when he grew up. Debatably, Alphard was the one who taught Sirius how to be a man. 
The present seemed lame on the surface, but that clock was one of Sirius’ favorite things when he was a child. Sirius had told stories of the long afternoons he would spend in front of the clock, waiting for the small, yellow bird to pop out of the top while Walburga and Orion fought in the background. Y/N respected Alphard with all of her being, but she wanted nothing more than to smash that godforsaken clock. She wanted to destroy everything that made Sirius happy, she wanted him to be under the same pain he was putting her through.
Y/N knew what she had to do at that very moment: she had to get out of London and move far, far away. So far away that no one would ever find her. So, she grabbed the extra suitcases in the flat and began to pack her things. 
Starting at the record corner, she picked every single one of her belongings and shoved them into her suitcase. Y/N had to shrink a few of her belongings, such as the couch, in order to fit, but in a little less than an hour, every hint of Y/N was packed away in three large suitcases. 
Y/N gave one last look at the apartment before apparating to Paris, where she knew she could start a better, more meaningful life. Maybe, she could even find a fresh bakery to supply her with warm loaves of sourdough bread. 
When Sirius returned to the flat the following morning, the only remaining aspects of Y/N were a striped scarf and two galleons folded neatly on the bed next to Vanessa’s lingerie. 
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Here’s the continuation of my last post. Thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged! This is becoming a lot longer than I thought, so there will be another part soon. Feedback is appreciated!
A series of misunderstandings involving a limousine and Spectra’s blog lead Jackson to the realization that he has way more friends than he thought.
Jackson sighed as he silenced his blaring alarm clock. 7:00 am. As he walked to the bathroom to get ready, he was suddenly struck by a memory.
“It’s nothing personal, normie. You just look like such a freak.” Manny told him as he shoved him off of the lunch table. Jackson looked towards the other mansters, but they said nothing. So they all agreed. Even Clawd. 
He cringed. He’d had to eat lunch in a bathroom stall that day. He looked at his reflection, desperately wishing he could change it. He sighed and got dressed. He had to leave early since he now had no car and his parents weren't home. He plugged his headphones into his phone. Holt had gotten them into this situation, only fitting that he deal with it.
Holt Hyde cursed under his breath as he walked to school. Although the weather was warming, mornings in March were still frigid. He sighed in relief as he approached Monster High.
“Heya there, sweetpea,” Operetta drawled in greeting as Holt waltzed through the front doors of the school. 
“What’s good, Oppy?” Holt responded, his usual loud and energetic self even at the early hour.
“Just peachy keen like always, hun. Say, you seen the Ghostly Gossip lately?” She asked.
“Nah, we usually stay away from that garbage ever since that story about us and Frankie. Humiliated the poor ghoul and almost tanked our relationship. It really ain’t cool what they're doin’.” He replied nonchalantly. 
“Oh. Okay. Well sugar, you know you can tell me anythang you wanna, right?” She continued.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Thanks Oppy.” That was kinda weird for the rough and tumble ghoul to say, but honestly Holt was just glad their botched attempt at dating didn’t mess up their friendship. Oppy was a cool ghoul. 
“What’s the word, cool cats?” Came a new voice.
Johnny spirit sauntered casually down the main corridor of Monster High, and students jumped out of his way as if he had the plague. He put his arm around Operetta’s shoulder. “Hey, babe.”
Holt snorted. “I’ll never get why everyone lets you float around like you own the place.”
Johnny shrugged. “Guess they don’t have a choice. Besides, I never see you doing anything about it,” he replied with a bit of challenge in his tone. Holt rolled his eyes.
“You know you don’t scare us, Spirit. Anyway, it seems like Oppy’s got you on a leash without our help.”
Johnny bristled at that “Y’know Hyde, I’m gettin’ real sick of-”
“Why don’t we scamper on down to the catacombs and finish that new song we been workin on, sugarpie?” Operetta cut in. She really didn’t want to deal with a fistfight this early.
The couple walked away and Holt made toward the auditorium. He found the symphony on stage setting up and dashed up to join them, plugging his guitar into its amp. Jennifire was nearby greasing the corks on her clarinet. He huffed and sat down next to her.
“Another run in with the phantom pianist?” She asked, not even looking up.
“That guy is such a jerk!”
She chuckled and shook her head. “You boys are so easily provoked; I may never understand it. My brothers were just the same. He has done not to insight your anger.”
Holt really hated to admit it, but she was right. Johnny really didn't scare Holt, and he knew a little better than to try that tough guy act on Jackson. Plus, it was kinda funny seeing guys like Heath and Manny faint when he walked past them.
“Your emotions run like wildfire, I am very impressed you came to terms so easily with your end.” She continued.
Wait. What. “My what now?”
“Of course, it must be so hard for you to talk about. I am sorry.” A tear fell from her eye and promptly turned to smoke upon hitting her face.
“Jen, are you okay?” Holt asked, facing her.
She smiled. “Yes, I will be okay. So kind of you to think of me.”
“Okay, Okay, enough chit chat. Places people!” The director yelled as he approached the stage. Well. That was weird. Holt took his place in the stool beside the amp and looked up as the director began counting them off.
After an awkward hour of rehearsal, they were dismissed to second period. Holt emerged out into the crowd of students in the hall. Jennifire was nowhere to be found, so he made his way toward the art room. His Spotify playlist suddenly changed to a song by Pierce the Veil. He pulled out his phone to skip it and saw he had a message from Jackson. He scoffed. If D-low had told him what was wrong, would he be asking? JJ could be so oblivious. Maybe it was just a normie thing. 
He took his usual seat in front of his canvas and continued his painting for this week. 
“Psst, Holt.” he heard a whisper. He turned and met the shiny magenta eyes of retired popstar Catty Noir. “We’re turning up at Cleo’s place on Saturday, you in?”
“Yeah totally- oh, nevermind. We can’t make it, we kinda got a...thing that day.”
“Oh,” she said, looking kind of taken aback. “It’s that soon?” 
“What was that?”
“ I said I’ll see you soon!” she hastily corrected herself as she got up and turned in her painting, promptly leaving the art room. Man, everyone's acting off today. He touched up his work and quickly followed suit.
He basically had the rest of the period to himself, so he decided to riff on his guitar for a little bit. He couldn’t do it in the building anymore ever since that one time Headmistress Bloodgood caught him, so he moved to the front steps and set his bag beside him.
“Hey Holt!”
Holt turned towards the front of the school. “Frankie Fine-Stein! Where have you been hiding?” Her skin glowed a light mint green and her eyes sparked in the sun. Just as bootiful as ever. She sat on the step beside him.
“I was actually just in the library. I found this book about the original Jekyll and Hyde. It was way harsh; It said that Edward Hyde trampled a child in the streets of London, is that true?”
“Nuh-uh! Those stuffy normie’s didn’t like that grandpa’s were different so they dragged their reputation through the dirt!” Holt declared passionately. “Some of the people they charged him with killing didn’t even exist in the first place! Then they made Dr. Jekyll out to be a complete basket case and threw them both in jail! That is until they got bailed out by our great-great-grandma, Lucy.”
“Oh, man. I didn’t know any of that!” Frankie replied. She actually knew all about it, she had heard the exact same thing from Jackson before. They were both incredibly salty about the smear campaign launched against their great-great-grandparents that made their family flee to America in the first place, and you could hardly bring it up around them without a passionate rant. Frankie felt a little bad about bringing up something she knew was a sore subjet for them, but she had to make sure Spectra and the other ghouls didn’t get caught. It was for their own good, right?
Her phone buzzed in her lap and she glanced down. “Spectra got something, meet us back in the library.” Clawdeen. Frankie jumped up. “Sorry, Holt, I really gotta go.”
Holt watched her go in curiosity. He checked the time and quickly jumped up himself and dashed back inside the building. The only way to not be late now was to go through Section C, the so-called “vampires only” hallway. It really irked them when other monster’s used it, but he didn’t really care when it was either that or detention. As he made his way through he felt someone glaring at him, and met eyes with a large group of the former prep-school vampires. He braced himself, but instead of giving him grief like they usually did, they just let him pass. They were acting weird, but so was everyone else. Oh well, he didn’t really have time to think about it now.
Holt’s third period was Chemistry 2 with Mr. Hack. No thanks. Science was never his strong suit. Plus, there was seriously something off about this particular teacher. He just took a little too much pleasure in the cutting open of living things for Holt’s liking. He pulled out his phone.
“Keep an eye out. Today’s been weird, Bro.” He typed the message out and then disconnected his phone from his headphones. The world went dark.
Jackson blinked a few times. What was that ringing sound? “Oh, shOOT!” He bolted through the closest door- which just happened to be the right one- and took his seat as the bell finished ringing.
Mr. Hack passed out a hefty amount of worksheets to the class. “Okay class: no whispering, no talking, no looking around, no coughing or sneezing, no you can’t use the bathroom, and if I catch you on your cell phone the whole class gets detention. You have until the end of the class to complete the worksheets or it's a 0 for today.”
Everyone groaned. Good old Mr. Hack. Charming and likeable. Jackson tried to ignore the stares and whispers in his direction as he did his work. He knows he’s different, don’t they ever get tired of reminding him? Were they all paying more attention to him than usual, or was it just his imagination? He blazed through his work in about 20 minutes, it was just some simple thermodynamics equations. He looked up and noticed that Mr. Hack was asleep. Typical. Half the class were on their phones and the other half were talking amongst themselves. He pulled his phone out and saw Holt’s message.
Huh. Maybe it wasn’t just his imagination then, everyone was acting a little odd. Granted, every day at Monster High was pretty weird. Last week they had lost their school crest in a rollerblading contest and the school nearly toppled over, so maybe he could just ignore whatever this was.
The bell finally rang for lunch. He set his work on Mr. Hack’s desk as he jolted awake and practically ran from the room. He shot Clair a text
“Okay, transportation is set and decorations bought. Am I forgetting anything?”
“Measurements, goofy.” She responded almost instantly.
“Oh, right. I can get a tape measure from the woodshop teacher and get them during lunch.”
“Have you told the other monsters about Saturday?”
“No. I just don’t know how they’ll react, y’know?”
“Aren’t they always telling you about how you don’t belong? So why would they care?”
“Yeah you’re probably right. It’s just a difficult situation.”
“Yeah, I hear you. Let me know how it goes.”
Looking down at his phone, he didn’t notice Draculara until he bumped her as he passed.
“So sorry!” He exclaimed. 
“It’s alright.” She reassured him as she walked away. She made her way to the library where her friends were already gathered around in a circle. Spectra floated in the center.
“What’s this all about?” Draculara asked.
“While Frankie had Holt distracted, Spectra looked in his locker.”
“Well what did she find?” Cleo demanded.
“Just this. It appears to be a receipt for some kind of car rental.”
Clawd glanced at his phone. “Heath says Jackson is in the boys locker room right now taking measurements of himself and writing them down.” He told the group.
“Then what Spectra said is true.” Fraknie finally admitted. The room fell into extended silence.
“Well we can at least show Jackson he means something to us.” Draculara spoke up.
“Yeah,” Frankie agreed, “we can do something nice for him and Holt.”
“What are we going to do? Hijack the gym and throw a huge party during lunch?” Cleo asked sardonically.
“You’re on a roll Cleo! It’ll be closed tomorrow, but we can do it Friday!” Clawdeen agreed.
Cleo smiled. Very well then. Friday would be a day for the monster history books.
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tetsunova · 3 years
Omg congratulations on your milestone! I wanted to be the first for the matchup but it looks like i am l a t e
So my name is dee, she/they, bisexual, 5'7, brown, I/Entp w a lean towards E, aries sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising, taurus venus
I like memes a lot, and people who get my tiktok/vine references are just superior, reading books (i wish to write a mystery thriller one day) , i write for fun, i also love to think abt my husbands <3, i also like to base my personality on the fact I'm gay,,, jk but i joke like that whicj makes people uncomfortable sometimes lmao
I'm like hella sarcastic, literally so shameless w people I'm comfortable with. My personality isn't limited to certain traits because i like making people comfortable w me so I'mvery flexible personality wise, with someone i could be really nice, soft and couldn't be mean even if i tried, while with someone else I'd be very sarcastic, lowkey asshole (I'm an entp like kuroo and atsumu, i can def say,,, a lot of similarities) and flirty, (the latter is mostly what happens tho)
Sometimes I'm too outspoken, i have a "the only people who can insult me are me and my friends", I'm very very mean to rude people (if they were rude first), i also am a very "you get the energy that you give me"
I am like fun, dark fun sometimes but issok cuz we love that, i also for the love of everything hold cannot talk abt my emotions because it makes me ick, why talk abt them when i can just meme yk
Im also very stubborn, cocky and sensitive ig
As for my s/o, I've come to terms w the fact i have no type, but it needs to be someone who has a sharp tongue and is sarcastic and sassy w me, someone who doesn't mind my sarcastic nature and finds it fun, and most importantly they need to love me enough to tolerate my bs somedays ngl, omg i want to fluster them so bad, i have bde and they better love it 😾
Congratulations again btw, hope your blog grows even faster <3 have a great day, thanks!
I lowkey ranted lmao sorry and sorry for the typos
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a/n: AYO YOU’RE BROWN TOO??? I love you pls we’re very similar what even. Please feel free to rant I’m the unpaid and uncertified therapist. Also have a great day too <3
OK SO I match you with...
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Bokuto Kotarou
how you both met: He approached you just cause all his fangirls were praising him and you were just not having it. He approached you and literally went ‘Babe thabk god you’re here’ and you went along cause why say no to a pretty boy (he’s never gonna know you said that his ego doesn’t need any more of a boost)
Your first kiss: He didn’t even plan it. All he wanted to do was spend time at the fair with you. But he ended up scoring a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel where you both had a very cute romantic moment. He took a picture of you both kissing after so that he could ‘treasure it forever’
Random Headcannons
WILL SEND YOU WHOLESOME MEMES; every single one he finds, it’s going straight to you
LOVES making funny tiktoks and prank tiktoks with you. They end up turning into prank wars and not even Akaashi can stop you both this time
Has the same blushed, proud face as the time he gets complimented when he reads all the work you’ve written and just jumps around the house squealing about how good it is
Gets so jealous when you call anime characters hot. His whole hair flops down like an umbrella. You’re gonna have to make up for it with reassurance and kisses
Loves joking around with you in front of the team cause your whole goal is to annoy the shit out of them
You’re the type to pull off a fake breakup in front of a team so that they get uncomfortable and laugh about it
He acts like an air head but is the kinda guy who’d be sassy without actually meaning it. So expect a bunch of sassy replies from time to time
Tries flirting with you but is a blushing mess when you flirt back. He knew it was coming but the words are too much for him to handle
Poor boy usually doesn’t get dark humour but A for trying (He makes sure to go and ask Akaashi about it later)
Your mom friend personna really comes in handy when he has is extreme mood swings
He does not know how to handle emotions either so he’s just gonna come sit beside you, hug you and let you have a good cry. Will kiss you on the forehead later and will go ‘I know it’s hard for you to talk about it so whatever you’re going through, I’m sure it’ll pass. We don’t have to talk about it either as long as you know you’re gonna be okay’
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A song that reminds me of you both
Loving is Easy - Rex Orange County, Benny Sings
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