#sorry for the attitude this morning but i am not an expert in anything
sketching-shark · 3 years
I think we should start a protection squad (although they don’t need it because they can protect themselves) for Sun Wukong and Guanyin
“Begone monkie kid fandom trying to down grade these really interesting characters with interesting personality’s and backstory ( the both of them like seriously Guanyin backstory is so cool) to a villain wile trying to justify your angsty backstory (that are no where near as cool as monkey who fights gods and Person who has 1000 arms and heads to help people in need) for the actual villain”
So who wants to join
Me:*raises my hand*
Ps: sorry if I got Guanyin backstory wrong am not an expert on it.
Haha okay so some critiques on the jttw & associated media western fandom & fandom in general coming up, so please skip this upcoming text wall if you don't want to encounter my undoubtedly ~devastating~ words (i.e. don't like don't read as people love to say, & if I have to be inundated with images of my notp every time I go into the sun wukong tag then I imagine people can be chill with me expressing my opinions & giving people fair warning that I WILL be critiquing common fandom trends, but no need for you to see that if you don’t want to. Cool? Cool.)
PFFFFFTTT oh man there are many times when I feel like signing up for such a protection squad...when it comes to the current western jttw & Sun Wukong fandom I do feel like I'm often swinging at a rapid pace between "well it's fandom & people are allowed to make the stories they want" & "I am once again begging my fellow monkie kid enthusiasts (& sometimes creators) to do more research into the og classic/show it more respect so you can avoid any potentially offensive/off-the-mark misunderstandings of the status & cultural context of the characters in their country of origin (I promise it's super interesting & I can provide you with links to free pdf copies of the entire Yu translation, i.e. the best one ever created, so feel free to ask!) & maybe also stop constantly stripping away all the nuance of Sun Wukong's character for the sake of either making him an entire asshole so your little meow meow can look completely innocent in comparison and/or making the monkey king's entire life & character revolve around said meow meow."
Like I get that fandom's supposed to be a kind of anything-goes environment, but one thing that honestly seems to be true of a lot of fandoms--and the western one for Sun Wukong & co. is certainly not immune from this--is that there often seems to be a kind of monoculturalization at work in what stories are created & what character interpretations are made popular. Across a multitude of fandoms, you frequently see basically nothing but the exact same tropes being made popular & even being insisted on for the canonical work (especially hasty redemption arcs & enemies to lovers these days), the exact same one-dimensional character types that characters from an original work keep getting shoved into, the exact same story beats, etc. And I get it to an extent, as fandom is generally a space where people just make art and fic for fun & without thinking too hard about it & without any pressure. 
This seems to, however, often unfortunately lead to the mentality that it’s your god-given right to do literally whatever you want with literally any cultural figure without even the slightest bit of thought put into their cultural, historical, and even religious context, even (and sometimes especially) when it comes to figures that are really important in a culture outside your own. For such figures--even if you first encounter them in a children’s cartoon--you should be a little more careful with what you do with them than you would with your usual Saturday morning line-up. It of course has to be acknowledged that there exists a whole pile of absolutely ridiculous & cursed pieces of media that are based on Journey to the West & that were produced in mainland China, but for your own education if nothing else I consider it good practice for those of us (myself certainly included) who aren’t part of the culture that produced JTTW to put more thought into how we might want to portray these characters so that at the very least (to pull some things I’ve seen from the jttw western fandom) we’re not turning a goddess of mercy into an evil figure for the sake of Angst(TM), or relegating other important literary figures into the positions of offensive stereotypes, or making broad claims about the source text & original characterizations of various figures that are blatantly untrue, or mocking heavenly deities because of what’s actually your misunderstanding of how immortality works according to Daoist beliefs. Yet while a lot of this is often due to people not even trying to understand the context these figures are coming from, I do want to acknowledge that the journey (lol reference) to understand even a fraction of the original cultural context can be a daunting one, especially since, as I’ve mentioned before, it can be really hard & even next to impossible to find good, accessible, & legitimate explanations in English of how, for example, the relationship between Sun Wukong and the Six-Eared Macaque is commonly interpreted in China & according to the Buddhist beliefs that define the original work. 
That is to say, I do think it’s an unfortunate, if unavoidable, part of any introduction of an original text into a culture foreign to its own for there to be sometimes a significant amount of misinterpretation, mistranslations, and false assumptions. There is, however, a big difference between learning from your honest mistakes, & doubling down on them while dismissing all criticism of your misinterpretation into that abstract category of “fandom drama.” The latter attitude is kind of shitty at best and horrifically entitled at worst. 
Plus, as I’ve discovered, there is a great deal of interest and joy to be drawn from keeping yourself open to learning aspects of these texts & figures that you weren’t aware of! I can say from my own experience that I’ve always really enjoyed & appreciated it when individuals on this site who come from a Chinese background--and who know much more about the cultural context of JTTW than me--have taken the time to explain its various aspects. It often leaves me feeling like woooooaaaahhhhhHHH!!!! as to how amazingly full of nuanced meaning JTTW is like dang no wonder it’s one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels. 
And I guess that right there is the heart of a lot of my own personal frustration and disappointment with the ways that fandoms often approach a literary work or other piece of media...like don’t get me wrong, a lot of the original works a fandom may grow around are just straight-up goofy & everyone’s aware of it & has fun with it, yet the trend of approaching what are often nuanced and multi-layered works in terms of how well they fit and/or can be shoved into pretty cliche ideas of Redemption Arc or Enemies to Lovers or Hero Actually Bad, Villain Actually Good etc...well, it just seems to cheapen and even erase even the possibility of understanding the wonderful complexity or even endearing simplicity that made these works so beloved in the first place. Again, I feel like I need to make it clear that I’m not saying fandom should be a space where people are constantly trying to one-up each other with their hot takes in literary analysis, but it would be nice and even beneficial to allow room for commentary that strives to approach these works in a multi-faceted way, analysis & interpretations that go against the popular fandom beliefs, & criticism of the work or even of fandom trends (yes it is in fact possible to legitimately love something but still be critical of its aspects) instead of immediately attacking people who try to engage in such as just being haters who don’t want anyone to have fun ever (X_X).   
Anyway, I know I didn’t cover even half of the stuff you brought up in the first place anon, but I don’t want any interested parties to this post to suffer too long through my text wall lol. I was asked to try my hand at illustrating Guanyin, but as with you I’m nowhere near as informed as I should be about her, so I want to do more research on her history and religious importance before I attempt a portrait. I’ll try my best, and do plan to pair that illustration with my own outsider’s attempt to summarize her character. From what little I do know I am in full agreement that her backstory is so incredibly amazing...just the fact that she literally eschewed the bliss of Nirvana to help all beings reach it, and even split herself into pieces in the attempt to do so (with Buddha granting her eleven heads and a thousand arms as a result)...man, I can see why she’s such a beloved & respected deity. 
 As for what western fandom commonly does with everyone’s favorite god-fighting primate...I can talk about this at length if there’s interest, but for this post I’ll just say that I guess one lesson from all of this is that for all the centuries that have passed since Journey to the West was first completed, literally no one drawing inspiration from the original tale in the west (lol) has come even slightly close to being able to equal or even capture half the extent of the nuance, complexity, religious, historical, and cultural aspects, and humor that define Wu Cheng'en's story of an overpowered monkey who defied even Buddha.
So thank the heavens we'll always have the original.
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masonscig · 3 years
pairing | mason x sofía
word count | 2.4k
warnings | mention of rook’s death and breaking her wrist when she was a kid, so you know. a little angst. some suggestive language towards the end!
author’s note | so this is my late entry for day one of warm in wayhaven, cooking – as usual when i’m writing these two i can’t shut up for the life of me
He wakes up from his first nap in a week to the smell of chicken.
There’s only one person in the entire warehouse that could be cooking at 2 in the morning without burning the place down.
He trods barefoot down the dark hallway, his sweatpants hung low off his hips.
Putting on pants was a formality, really. But he had roommates that’d have aneurysms over anything less, so he’s usually at least half clothed when he ventures outside of his room.
The smell gets a lot stronger, mixes with other scents the closer he gets.
Her heartbeat’s stronger in his ears, though, so he keeps going, despite the way his nose is crinkled and his fists are clenched.
When he makes his way to the kitchen, he stops at the doorway, perching his hip against the frame.
She’s pulled a chair up to the stove, chin balanced on her knees that are up against her chest.
Her eyes are glued to the big silver pot that sits there, steam leaking out from the ventilation tiny holes in the lid.
Her hair’s tossed up in a messy bun, and from the glimmer of light from the overhead light above the stove, he can see that a few strands are plastered to the back of her neck and forehead.
She reaches out to twist the knob all the way to the left, then struggles to pick the pot up.
Despite him not announcing himself, he’s next to her in a flash, moving the pot to the other burner in a flash.
“Oh, hey,” she murmurs distractedly. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
She nods, barely even giving him a second glance, grabbing the lid and placing it on the counter.
The steam threatens to curl higher and higher, but with a quick flip of a switch, the stove’s fan is pulling it into its vents.
There’s something definitely wrong with her – she’ll bake cupcakes for an elementary school bake sale at 2 a.m., but never soup. Who the fuck makes soup in the dead of night?
“I’m not an expert on human food by any means,” he starts, grimacing at the way the scent wafts towards him when she swirls the wooden spoon through the broth. “But why the hell are you making soup when it’s hot as fuck outside?”
She shrugs, dipping the spoon flat against the surface of the hot broth, filling it to the brim. “I was hungry.”
She brings it to her mouth, lips pursed, and blows on it, thin tendrils of steam floating towards him.
He’s still trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with her when she sips it, a small tired smile blooming across her features.
The soft breathy hum that buzzes from her throat is low enough for both of them to hear, nearly matching the pitch of the whirring fan.
He doesn’t wanna press his luck with her, considering they're being civil.
It’d been a week since they were ambushed and she came face to face with her attempted kidnapper.
Things between Mason and Sofía were already… complicated, to say the least.
Different attitudes, different wants, different needs. He’d managed to fail in all three of those categories, disappointing her over and over without really trying to.
There was a certain level of avoidance from the both of them for the days following the ambushing. It’s not that he wanted to get her alone nor he did he care if she was avoiding him, but this was the first time he’d been alone with her all week, so he wasn’t going to actively try to fuck this up.
“That’s it?” he asked, keeping it simple.
She ignores him, instead flitting around the kitchen to grab a bowl and a spoon.
Well, she’d be amicable if she kept quiet – she wasn’t wrong with that one.
He watches as she fishes out sliced vegetables, an ear of corn, and chicken, then fills the bowl to the brim with broth.
Setting it on the table, she grabs a stained tortilla warmer from the microwave and scoots up to her bowl, digging in with one hand, a tortilla rolled in the other.
She’s still sweating under the heat, her chest glistening, the seams of her tattered tank damp underneath her armpits.
He sinks into the chair across from her, arms crossed. 
“You gonna keep ignoring me?”
“Maybe,” she says from behind her hand (and around a mouthful of veggies).
“Tell me to leave, then, and I’ll go. Just say the word, sweetheart.”
He knows she won’t.
She lifts her eyes from the bowl to meet his own lazy gaze. Without saying another word, she dunks her rolled tortilla in the broth and takes a bite.
“That’s what I thought. You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“You’re not that invested in my life outside of work, are you?” She challenges, mashing the back of her spoon against a vegetable until it’s smooth, scooping it up with a little broth and popping it into her mouth.
He shrugs. “I just know you’re lying, that’s all.”
“You lie all the time,” she counters immediately, pointing the tip of the spoon at him.
“When?” He knows she’s right, but she hasn’t brought it up since she stormed away from him outside of the warehouse, drenched and shivering.
“You lied at the bakery.”
He leans forward till his elbows are on the table, resting his chin on the back of his interlaced fingers.
“So that’s what you’re upset about.”
He’s a foot away from her, the temptation of closing the gap between them nearly tugging his shoulders forward.
Her face contorts into a grimace, bordering on disgust. “That’s not at the forefront of my mind, no.”
She swirls her spoon around the bowl, eyes following the movements of her wrist.
“I hate the summer. I always have.”
He stifles a wince as he leans back until his bare back presses against the cool plastic.
“Bad things always happen to me in the summer, you know? Dad died during the summer. Mom forgot to pick me up at science camp for a full twenty-four hours when I was 9, and I had to spend a whole day alone with no friends after everyone had gone home. That’s also the same summer she took her first month-long assignment.
“The next summer, they extended it from a month to a full summer. I broke my wrist on my neighbor’s trampoline, and she didn’t even visit me until my cast was getting sawed off.
“Bobby dumped me for the first time during the summer before he studied abroad so he could sleep with whoever he wanted.”
She shakes her head, dropping the spoon and tortilla.
“Sorry, I, uh, I’m just happier in the fall and winter,” she smiles apologetically.
“And that’s why you’re makin’ soup at 2 a.m.?” He asks, eyeing her warily.
“Yeah, kinda. It sounds stupid when you put it like that, really,” she giggles, scooting the bowl forward so she can rest her elbows there too, her chin in her hands.
A sigh escapes her, low and grim. “This dish is really special to me.”
He waits for her to continue, but she just sinks her teeth into her bottom lip instead, chewing nervously at the skin there.
He kicks his toe against her slipper clad foot, a gentle nudge to get her to speak.
He’s gotten pretty good at reassuring her without words, he thinks. Better than when they first met, that’s for damn sure.
“My favorite picture of my dad and I is one where I’m sitting at my high chair and I barely have two teeth in my mouth and my dad is feeding me mashed zucchini and yucca root. He’s laughing and smiling like he wouldn’t rather be doing anything else in the entire world than eating soup with his daughter.”
Mason stiffens at the mention of her father, and even worse so, feels remorse start to trickle into his bones.
It’s stupid to think he could’ve done anything. He pushes those thoughts to the side, recognizing the remaining scrappy morsels of humanity in him clawing its way to the surface. Impulse has always been the most human part of him – maybe she’s changing that.
He doesn’t really know who he was before this, but what he does know is any inkling of humanity he has surfaces when he’s with her.
Yeah, he can’t feel what it’s like to lose a parent, but watching Sofía tear up over bittersweet memories was enough on its own.
“Your dad cooked?”
“Yeah, from what I can remember, yeah. All of our old cookbooks are in his and my abuela’s handwriting.”
She looks like she wanted to say something more, so he leans back, arms across his chest, waiting.
“When I was in high school, I tried making it on my own and it was so shitty. I wanted to surprise Rebecca, because I knew she was getting back from a stressful work trip, and I couldn’t do it like he did. She didn’t even notice that I’d tried,” she sighs, picking up her spoon again to sip the broth.
She hums again, chews, swallows.
“I don’t know why I was so naive back then, you know? I thought I could chop a couple veggies and toss them into seasoned water and it’d turn out just like Dad made it.
“In reality, I didn’t even know what it tasted like. My mom described the taste to me once before, but she never cooked, so I just went off of what she told me. I romanticized the whole thing right down to making up the flavor in my own head.”
“That’s probably why I made the soup tonight. I miss when I was happy, but even then, what the fuck did that even look like to me? I’m just telling myself I was happy because I saw photos of me being happy, but I can’t recall that feeling by memory at all.”
She darts a hand under her eyes to rub it away before he notices, but he can see her eyes glistening.
“How am I homesick for a life that was never really great to begin with, you know?”
He leans forward, brows furrowed. “It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember. Fuck those old memories. Make new ones.”
He’s speaking from the heart now, compelled to say something before his mind can stop him.
Chuckling with a quick sniffle, she gets up to grab a drink from the fridge. “I know you mean well, but it’s hard when you’ve got an active bounty on your head.”
“Things will get better.” He’s not a beacon of positivity in the slightest, but she’s too good to be feeling this bad, so he has to say something.
“Things can get better.”
“It’s not guaranteed. Not for me, at least. Probability’s never worked out in my favor,” she smiles weakly, unscrewing the cap to the water and sipping it politely.
“You’ve got a team making sure things will get better, sweetheart. No matter what.”
“You’re all here by force, though. After you leave, I’m still gonna be stuck here, and –”
She waves her free hand, the other one gripping the damp water bottle.
“I’m sorry. I’m just tired. I’ll be less of a mess in the morning.”
“Not all of us,” he says, delayed, but hoping she gets it.
“Not all of us what?”
“Are here by force.”
She grips the bottle harder, the plastic crackling. She knows what he means now.
“That’s… uh, good to know,” she murmurs, a smile tugging at her features. “Thanks.”
“Didn’t do anything to warrant a thanks.”
She rolls her eyes, sitting back down at the table. “You’re gonna have to get used to my manners, Mason.”
“Never,” he smirks, leaning over the table, over the soup, running his thumb over her bottom lip before standing.
“You don’t like it because you don’t have any.”
He snorts, a hearty laugh ripping out of his vocal cords and echoing off the tile flooring. “Damn right.”
She smiles, too, this time though with her whole body. It’s dim in the kitchen, but she’s shining nonetheless.
The smell’s grown on him a little bit. The shit honestly reeks, but he doesn’t mind it.
He follows her when she makes her way to the cabinets underneath the countertops, retrieving a big glass bowl.
When she bends down, he tentatively steps behind her, leaving a hair’s width space between them. He’s hesitating to touch her, even as she glances back at him reassuringly and closes the gap between his stomach and her back.
The hum that leaves her this time as he hooks a lazy arm around her waist sounds just like the one she let out when she tasted the soup.
She gently guides his hands to grip the edges of the bowl while she pulls the pot closer.
“So what’s this shit called?” He asks, crinkling his nose as she ladles it in, grimacing when some splashes his hand.
He knows he’s there for something, but he can’t quite remember what for when she licks the stray drops from his thumb.
“Caldo de pollo,” she smiles, snapping the plastic top until it’s airtight, guiding him to the fridge.
He knows “pollo” is Spanish from the times Felix watched kids shows to pick up on English. (He could never quite shake the looping sound byte of Felix’s southern drawl saying “poy-yo” when he discovered Dora the Explorer.)
“You gotta make it for Nate sometime,” he suggests, wrapping his other arm around her waist when she closes the fridge door.
She turns in his grasp, splaying her hands on his bare chest, dragging her thumbs over the tuft of hair in the middle of it.
“Thank you, really,” she whispers, eyes trained on her moving hands. “I mean it.”
He’s shit at accepting thanks with words, so instead he kisses her. He fights the urge to deepen it, to open his mouth to taste her.
She’s not ready to let him in like that just yet. He thinks it’s enough that she’s letting him touch her at least.
The lingering taste of chicken is disgusting, but he’s enduring it, because Sofía’s humming like he’s the best thing she’s tasted in years.
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nishigo · 4 years
growing. // razor headcanons & writing. // chapter three.
Tumblr media
a book titled “growing.”
[ c h a p t e r 3 : simple love. ]
the synopsis reads: razor and the dear reader have gotten themselves into quite the mess. miscommunications and raised voices lead to an argument that was more heated than a flaming flower. although healing takes time, could a wound this large be repaired?
authors note: tada! welcome to the last chapter of this short and sweet book that has been created. this one is more stuffed with more fluff than the last and lots of smooches. razor deserves the best, after all. after you finish, put the book back properly on the shelf, okay, traveler? that way it’s easier for people to find it. (or yourself, if you desire.) i, hao, the librarian and timekeeper, thank you in advance. now, have fun with this last chapter of the book. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
word count: 1,564 words.
tw: lots of fluff. so much so it could give you a toothache. and kisses as well. a bit of crying in the beginning, but that is all.
request status at time of posting: open.
[ chapter one. ] [ chapter two. ] [ chapter three. ] 
in which there is reconciliation and a bright future planned out underneath a doorway, the moon and stars being the only witness.
would you like to read?
> 行。 ( y e s )
> 不行 。( n o )
it would be about three days before you happened to enter mondstadt again.
frankly, you were only in the area because you were passing by, and you were trying to do it as quickly as possible.
after lisa would get her plants and such, you were off again to the inn and then to take up another mission granted to you in the morning.
though, despite the mission you ended up taking solo, you couldn’t stop thinking about that terrible night with razor.
you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing him again, knowing that most likely, you’d end up in tears again.
you couldn’t have waterfalls pouring out of your eyes in front of someone that meant so much to you.
but fate seemed to be pushing its luck, and the stars were aligning just for the two of you.
you and razor stared at each other for a moment, as if the other was an apparition and they were dreaming. his rough, calloused hands took a hold of one of your own gentle ones.
no, this was real alright.
the two of you were both afraid to make the first move, but once more, razor used his instinct to initiate what he thought was needed.
his strong arms wrapped around your neck, nuzzling into the soft skin.
you felt so warm.
you felt cozy.
you felt like home.
course, you were caught off guard, and as much as your brain told you to pull away, you heard him whisper into your ear.
“i missed you.”
and then the walls came tumbling down.
your previous attitude towards him was diminished, and you were back to where you started.
you were still in love. and now, he knew he was as well.
Razor pulled away, and for the first time, you were able to take in much more detail than what you had initially seen. There were tired bags under his eyes, his face worn out, as if he had not been able to sleep for weeks. His silver hair was a mess under his hood and his voice was much quieter, as if he was stepping on eggshells while determining how to make his next move. You gently reached out, cupping his cheek with that gentle, comforting smile you always wore.
His body shook as he suddenly felt as if his insides were collapsing. He felt his face grow hot with tears that ran down his pale skin, over his scar, and down onto the tiled floor. He felt so guilty for what he had done to you that he was terrified that you would seek vengeance. Or that you would leave. The latter was much more terrifying, as he hated when you were gone for a few days, how could he handle not seeing you for the rest of his life? Seeing your hands raise up, he braced for impact of a harsh hit to the face with his eyes squeezing shut.
“Shhh, Razor...it’s okay.” You murmured softly as he felt two soft hands delicately cup his face. Your thumbs would run along his smooth skin, wiping away the tears that continued to flow down. Your own eyes would water, but by the grace of the stars, you were able to keep somewhat of a composure. He opened his eyes just barely, enough to see you again at least. Confused by the look he was giving you, you began to carefully let go and put your hands down before he grabbed your wrists in a swift motion. Back they went to his face, and back you went to wiping his tears and simply holding his head in the doorway.
“Y/-Y/N. I am s-sorry. I h-hurt you. Didn’t m-mean to, just n-no know what l-love was.” Razor managed to choke out through staggered breaths and hiccups. You kept up your affection, smiling gently as you let one hand go of his cheek.
“Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have run off so fast and had more patience with you. I’m sorry myself.`` To calm him down further, you hesitantly lifted a hand and ran it through his silver locks. Razor froze for a moment, but he relaxed further into your touch as he tilted his head more towards the hand, similar to that of what a cat would do. Silence ran its course as you two slowly began to heal from the wounds of that night.
“I love you.” He stated simply. It almost slipped your mind as you continued to play with his hair and cup his cheek, but you did a double take as you stared at him.
“You...you what?”
“I love you.” Razor repeated again, a bit louder this time in case you couldn’t hear him or something of the sort. You were about to ask him if he was joking, but his face held a serious look to them as it dawned on you. He really meant it. Granted, it was the most simple, basic way to confess feelings back towards a person, but you didn’t mind. It was what made him charming and attractive to you anyways.
“Why do you love me?” Razor paused to think about it, deep in thought as he did his best to string the words Lisa recently taught him together into something worth remembering.
“Simple, love. Love is a person, like how mate is a being. Therefore, you are love. Warm, safe, kind. Easy to be vulnerable and be...Razor. Guard down.” He explained to you with a sweet look on his features. Despite his limited vocabulary, you were deeply touched. He took the time to think and make sure his point was clearly mentioned. Razor grinned happily as he tilted his head at you. The air was light again, the heavy feeling replaced with his heart being ecstatic as he didn’t have to even say anything else. He could feel how happy you became from hearing what he said. It was good he could sense your happiness, because you were left speechless.
“Be my love? Please?” Razor asked quietly as you continued your silent streak. Since you were at a loss for words, and because you knew his love language was physical touch, you decided to show rather than tell. Your hand that was on his cheek trailed down his face and found its place wrapped around his hips. Then, with one swoop, you pulled him in closer to you and gently collided your lips with his.
It was if a supernova had exploded inside of his chest. The feeling was forgein, unfamiliar. Perhaps this technique of two lips put together was a human tradition he had yet to learn. He didn’t know what to do, so he mimicked you a bit. He opened his eyes slightly and then watched as you leaned in. He would then mirror the action for a few seconds before you pulled away. He knew that whatever you had just done to him was a way of saying yes. He just knew, and he loved it. The affection and having your full attention was all he could ever ask for. In fact, Razor found himself wanting more as he cutely pouted.
“More please?” You laughed, covering your mouth a bit as you nodded your head and cupped his cheeks again. You peppered your kisses all over his face: on his forehead, nose, temple, chin, the corners of his lips. Razor huffed adorably as he shook his head, pointing at his lips.
“You miss! I want here, love!” Razor whined, though, his complaining was stopped as you kissed his lips again. He melted in your hold, and there was no better feeling in the whole world. The boy would pull away this time, panting softly as he curiously touched his lips with his hands. It was amazing every time he received them, and he knew that he would never grow tired of them. Perhaps you could give him lessons, he thought. Then he would become an expert! Yes, that sounded like a plan. But that would come at a later date.
For now, he wanted to spend the night with you in his arms again.
some extra things i’ve thought of:
he would have totally dragged you into the guest bedroom where he was staying and given you a bunch of grass and flowers he had arranged.
(“give her a gift she will appreciate, something from nature!” was what lisa suggested.)
the roots were still there, along with heaps of dirt, but you found it endearing nonetheless as you laughed and accepted them.
he also got you chocolate covered strawberries! he had made them with klee (a mistake on lisa’s part, she will never let those two in the same room unsupervised again, especially not a kitchen.)
he would make it up to you by practicing how to formulate sentences under the bright sun in wolvendom.
you would reward him with kisses or headpats, so he worked extra hard in order to improve his linguistic skills.
because of being a bit traumatized from being seperated from you for so long, he gets a bit of separation anxiety when you leave him for too long. he’ll do missions or even go shopping with you just to ease himself down.
also hold his hand :(((
or any words of affirmation will do , he loves both when they come from you :))
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sxfik · 3 years
darling, you're the one i want
chapter one | two | three ....
read on ao3 • main masterlist • law school masterlist
summary: Kang Sol A was never known for her luck, but she suspected it to be more like a curse when after almost 5 years, she bumps into her rival and the bane of her existence: Attorney Han Joon Hwi. What's worse? She has to work with him and she's sure that she'll either kill him or kiss him before this is all over
After Kang Sol B was freed from the clutched of her mother, her new found freedom spurred her into a night in bed with the mysterious Ji Ho. Yet, when he walks into her office the next day, she is faced with the realization that she is now working with the same man she slept with. What's worse? He's insufferable and she just might have to kiss him to shut him up.
a/n: hello hello! it's been almost a month since i've written a fic and probably even more time since i've truly been active on here. this fic is a product of me, @akinosakiya, @am-bi-vert and @thenerdywriter creating 20 different threads on twitter about an idea (which eventually got turned into a whole group chat just for hc and fic ideas). truly this fic is dedicated to all of them, the hanguk law school gc on tumblr and twitter. this fic is multi-chapter and written from 6 povs (basically it will be pretty long). as always, enjoy!
KANG SOL A was not known for her luck. Maybe it was a curse, or maybe just her destiny to be unlucky in life. She was irrevocably late this morning, despite setting 6 alarms and taking extra care the night before to ensure everything was in order before she left. But of course, in classic Sol A fashion, she was late despite every effort.
She was greeted with the shining sun and chirping birds as she speed walked towards her office building, her hair slightly disheveled in the breeze. Her hand clutched her briefcase as she speed walked towards the office, her lanyard swaying as she moved with purpose.
It had been almost 2 years since she started working for Kang's Toy Co. and 3 years since she graduated from Hanguk Law school. Life had been a rollercoaster since then, an endless ride of ups and downs as she tried to stabilize herself into her new life. She had clawed her way up from the struggle of her 1L year, getting to be an expert on late nights and sleep deprivation. Nonetheless, she graduated with an offer set up at Attorney Park's office which kickstarted her career and her life.
She'd be lying if she said everything was smooth from then on; it was quite the opposite. Just like she predicted, she had to take clients that she disliked and didn't trust, but when you were trying to make rent and put food on the table, it didn't matter. Luckily, she never had to compromise her beliefs too much during those years, and she was able to build her reputation as a trustable and hardworking lawyer in the community.
Soon enough, she was taking on higher profile clients, and gifted with the ability of being picky about who she defended. All of a sudden she was going to events and mingling with the upper class of Seoul. What was a poor girl, raised by a single mother, doing in such a ornate hall, sipping champagne that was worth more than anything she'd ever owned. Yet, those very same events led her to her name twin, Kang Sol B.
Kang Sol B, clean cut and straightforward, was one of her closest friends and CEO of the company she worked for. They met by chance at an event, after a particularly successful case, and somehow, the two women who were so unlike each other, hit it off. They ran into each other by chance again and they met for drinks. Sol B's level-headed, confident attitude balanced her energetic, eager mind. Not to mention, she fit right in with Ye-Seul and her dynamic, the three being thick as thieves. Soon enough, Sol was offered a job at her company as a corporate lawyer and she jumped on the chance at working with her. The rest was, as they say, history.
Shaking off her thoughts, her legs propelled her forward, her vision almost hazy and her mind clouded with the need to rush, rush, rush. The morning was particularly busy, with so many employees rushing into work and walking in their own world. Still, today was especially important as the company is announcing a joint enterprise between two of the biggest toy companies in Seoul. She picked up her pace, nearing the entrance, when, in her frenzy, she crashed into the oncoming figure.
"I'm so—"
Her head shot up, her eyes widening at the familiar voice. And there he stood, in all his glory, Han Joon Hwi: Second Round Judicial Exam Passer, and the bane of her existence.
She had the unfortunate luck of meeting Joon Hwi during their 1L, during a particularly intense class where she was grilled to death by her professor. The actual ordeal was a haze, all she could remember was her throat tightening and instant panic flooding her mind and body. Joon hwi, thinking himself some kind of knight-in-shining armor, swooped in to save her, answering in her stead.
And then, he decided to rival her during one of their constitutional code classes, arguing in favor of a law that was, in her mind, despicable. "You have to look at it in perspective," he coolly replied to her smoldering anger when she questioned him on how he could support such a thing. It was set in stone, then, that Kang Sol A did not like Han Joon Hwi.
From the moment they met, it was like he was specifically designed to drive her crazy. The way he smirked, the way his whip smart comebacks would leave her stumped, the way his arms filled out that stupid white shirt, the way he'd look at her like he could see right through her. Just about everything about him made her want to scream.
Dislike was an understatement when it came to Joon Hwi. It was more like a never ending annoyance, his presence and every move frustrating her, making her lungs tight and her heart race with exasperation and irritation.
She was nicknamed Lady Justice, after a particular comment from Joon Hwi himself. If it was to shame her, it clearly didn't work as it only fueled her headstrong attitude. In fact, it spurred her into more arguments with the illustrious Joon Hwi, the temperature constantly rising as they would circle each other and argue until their lungs burned and they were breathing heavy. The whole school would gather to see them spar, the tension so thick that they wouldn't notice the crowd they would draw as soon as the two would even look at each other.
He was the genius of her school, that much she couldn't deny. Still, the what he said about her in their final year...
His hand gripped her wrist, startling her out of her thoughts in an attempt to support her, and his warm touch seared into her cold skin as he pulled her up slightly. Joon Hwi blinked back at her, his face shocked before settling into a familiar smirk that drove her up the wall.
"Long time no see, huh, Lady Justice?" his eyebrow quirked up slightly as he took her in, and the scowl settled into her face. Like this day could have gotten any worse, it was just her luck to meet him.
"Not quite long enough, Attorney Han," she quipped back, snapping her arm away from his grip. She blew out a soft breath, in an attempt to get her bangs out of her eyes to face him properly. He continued to look down at her, his eyes never leaving her face as he chuckled in response.
He didn't look any different than he did 3 years ago, except that his shoulders had grown broader, his chest a little firmer. He wore a black coat, and underneath, his signature black suit that he had worn during his internships during school. His hair was styled differently, now styled up rather than down in bangs that used to give him an innocent look back in their law school years. It suited him.
"So, you work for Kang now?" he asked her, rushing forward to catch up with her fast pace. Her hand gripped tighter on her bag as she picked up her pace, trying her best to not let his sudden presence taint her morning.
"No, I'm definitely just walking towards the building with the large sign that says KANG TOY CO. for absolutely no reason," she replied, her voice laced with impatience.
"You haven't changed one bit, Kang Sol," he laughed, tilting his head forward, blinking and looking at her as if he knew something she didn't.
She paused in her tracks, looking up to the man who scrambled to turn to face her. "Why are you here, Joon Hwi?" she asked him, suspicious of his sudden presence.
He raised an eyebrow in response, and she could feel the irritation build in her chest as she looked up at him, impossibly confused. They stayed in place, their feet glued to the pavement and she forgot all about her earlier mission to get to her office asap. His face hadn't changed too much from their school days, his expression overflowing with mirth and mischief. But his face did hold a tiredness that wasn't seen before, as if the time has taken a toll on him. What happened to you, Han Joon Hwi, for your face to hold exhaustion that was never seen before?
"You'll find out," he replied curtly, before spinning back and walking towards the building. Her office building. She rushed forward now, trying to catch up with him as she looked up curiously, but he avoided her looks as they walked into the office.
They marched on in, flashing her badge at the entrance of the office, and Joon hwi, somehow, managed to follow. Did he start working here and never let her know? Does he even work as a lawyer? How could she not know? She let out a deep breath, trying to calm her racing mind as she walked into the elevator, and he marched in right by her side.
People filed in one after the other into the elevator, everyone in their morning rush to get to their cubicles and start their days. The elevators was filled to the brim, yet Kang Sol was still aware of Joon Hwi's presence, almost like her mind was blaring an alarm that He wasn't supposed to be here.
She momentarily shut her brain off, a task that she trained herself on after her struggles in her 1L, choosing to focus on the people milling around the elevator. Her eyes would flit through every person, and then the ceiling, and most importantly, she refused to let her mind stray to Han Joon Hwi, despite the curiosity eating her from the inside out.
The elevator was next to empty when she reached her floor, and she picked up her pace as she marched out of the elevator before he could. Sol kept her gaze trained ahead, but her body was feeling for the presence of someone else marching behind her.
Somehow, he managed to get ahead, probably with those stupidly long legs of his. His hand jutted out to open the door to the meeting room, and he paused, turning slightly towards her.
"Ladies first," he said, his expression almost neutral. If it wasn't for the slight crinkle near his eyes as he smiled, she would have taken the gesture as genuine and not intended to mock her. The gesture morphed from chivalry to a taunt that he knew something she didn't.
"Thank you, Attorney Han," she shot him a tight smile, before marching her way towards her teammates.
Ye-seul, her best friend and fellow lawyer, caught Sol's gaze and patted to the seat next to her and finally, Sol sank down into her chair, letting out a final sigh of relief.
"You're only a couple minutes late, the director isn't here yet," she said, taking a sip from her hot coffee. Ye-seul narrowed her eyes at her, and then looked up at Joon Hwi, before looking back down at her.
"Oh thank god," Sol, opened up her briefcase, getting out one of her legal pads and a pen incase she needed to take notes, as she expertly avoided her best friend's questioning gaze. The silence between them stretched, as Sol tapped her pen against the paper impatiently and Ye-seul let her gaze bore into her.
"Why was Han Joon–"
"Good morning," the baritone voice of Director Yang boomed across the meeting room, his voice loud despite the lack of a microphone. "Let's go through this meeting smoothly, as it is a very important day for both Kang Toy Co and Seo Media. Today, we have gathered to announce a collaboration for a toy line between both companies."
Applause filled the room as the director paused, looking at each team assembled in the room. Oh. So that's why Han Joon Hwi is here.
"As such, we will be needing our talented lawyer teams from both companies to help draw the legal terms and details between the two companies, as well as negotiate the terms for the toy line itself. This is an exciting time for both companies and we hope that this partnership is fruitful for both parties. Now, I will be announcing the teams and their assignments for this coming quarter and in preparation for the toy line itself," he paused, flipping through the notes he held at the center of the room.
"I'm proud to announce that Attorney Kang Sol and Team One from Kang Toys will be working with Attorney Han Joon Hwi and Team One from Seo Media." Sol's eyes shot up to Joon hwi, both their eyes wide with surprise. "Your teams will be heading the terms of the collaboration as well as working closely with both CEOs for any legal issues that come up," Director Yang nodded to both parties, before continuing down his list.
Her eyes were still on his, her mouth close to gaping open before she quickly shut it and avoided his gaze. Out of all the people, it had to be her that was paired up with him.
Kang Sol A had bad luck, indeed, but she was starting to think it was more like a curse instead.
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sassyhobbits · 4 years
Could we have an oln extra from elorcan pretty please *doggy eyes*
it would be my pleasure ;)
this takes place about a year before the ons epilogue!!!!!
elorcan ons oneshot pt1
Lorcan Salvaterre considered himself to be a level-headed man. He had immense patience and rarely let his emotions, positive or negative, get the better of him.
That’s why it was so surprising that anxiety had been roiling in his gut for the past week.
In the two years he had been living in Terrasen, so many things had changed.
Aelin had given him a job in security at the palace and he had recently been promoted to the head. His relationship with Elide had been growing stronger and stronger with each passing day. They had recently moved in together, Elide moving away from her native Perranth to work more closely with her family in the capital.
Lorcan never would have expected that the chore of traveling to Terrasen with Remelle would lead to so many wonderful things in his life.
He knew that he was in love with Elide. It was like nothing else he had ever felt in his life. He had never cared for anyone the same way he cared for her. It only meant one thing.
Which was why he was anxious.
Lorcan held no doubts about the fact that Elide loved him just as he loved her.
Yet the idea of proposing to her was utterly terrifying.
It hadn’t been a dramatic moment when he realized he wanted to marry her.
It had been a lazy morning in the apartment, and Elide had started on some eggs. Lorcan remembered leaning back on the kitchen island, admiring how she looked in his shirt, her dark hair glistening in the golden morning sun. And… he had just known. That he wanted to marry her. It hadn’t felt like a new idea, instead something he had discovered deep inside of him, as if it had always been there. Elide was it for him, that he knew.
But to propose to her, he would first need to get a fucking ring.
It was much more daunting a task than he would have expected.
Lorcan didn’t truly have an eye for finery, he never had, but he knew Elide deserved the very best.
Which was why he was calling for backup.
He made the call as he was driving towards the palace for work, dialing the number of someone he knew would be there. The other line rang for a few moments, and Lorcan wondered if he wouldn’t answer. But, there was finally a click and an irritable voice barking through the speaker.
“What the fuck do you want, Lorcan?”
Lorcan couldn’t stop himself from grinning at Rowan’s anger. There were only a few times when his friend would give in to his frustrations.
“I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?” Lorcan asked coyly. Rowan had confided in him earlier that month that he and Aelin had finally decided to try for a baby. Which meant they were having a ridiculous amount of sex.
“You know you did, you ass,” Rowan grumbled. Lorcan heard a soft, feminine laugh from the background followed by the shifting of sheets. It seemed whatever had been happening was now over. “What do you want?”
Lorcan simply blurted it out. “I need to buy a ring for Elide so I can propose but I don’t know where to start.”
There were a few heartbeats of all-encompassing silence on the other end of the call. “Oh. Wow. That’s big news, Lor.”
“Yeah… but, are you busy today? Can you help?”
Rowan released a long sigh. Lorcan could practically envision him running a hand through his short, silver hair. “I would, but to be honest, I wouldn’t know what to do either. I didn’t even pick out Aelin’s engagement ring myself.”
Damn. Lorcan had forgotten about that. They were so damned in love with each other that it was easy to forget about the rocky start to their originally arranged marriage.
“But,” Rowan continued. “I know someone who could help, if you want to call in the big guns.”
“Yeah. Anything. I need to get this right. Elide deserves it.”
“Damn right. I’ll let her know.”
The big gun’s Chanel heels clicked noisily on the marble floor of the jewelry shop she had picked out. As princess, Aelin Galathynius held a lot of sway and managed to get them a private shopping appointment at the shop she insisted would have what he needed.
She had spent the morning and the entirety of the ride to the shop giving him a basic understanding of jewelry and what women wanted. He hadn’t even thought about how the band color should compliment skin tone or that there were better ways of cutting diamonds. Some women didn’t even want diamonds as the main stones. Aelin’s own was an emerald. It was far more complicated than he had hoped.
Lorcan had never really spent much time one-on-one with the princess, but he liked her well enough. Her attitude had grated him the wrong when they had first met, but it soon found out that she was actually a good person. Tough as nails, too. She would make a fearsome queen one day.
“I’m not going to pick the ring out for you,” Aelin said shortly, smoothing out her silk skirt. “Elide deserves better than that. But, I can point you in the right direction.”
“Whatever you say.”
The princess gave a curt nod and motioned towards a glimmering display, filled with stunning, beautiful rings. He watched as Aelin ran an expert eye over them.
“These are the best designers,” she explained. “The rings are beautiful and crafted perfectly. Quality. If you want to get Elide something nice, this is where you’d get it.”
Lorcan nodded slowly, looking back towards the countless rings. He felt his nerves build up again as he looked towards them, wondering how the hell he was supposed to know which one was the right one. He felt Aelin’s eyes skipping back and forth from the jewelry to him, and he had no doubt she had already decided which one Elide would like best. He didn’t know if he wanted to thank her or strangle her for not telling him which one it was.
Lorcan took a deep breath, trying to tame his pounding heart. He studied the rows slowly, attempting to find one that he knew would encapture the woman he loved. He was just beginning to think that it was hopeless, that he’d fuck it up no matter what, when his gaze finally caught on one.
It was made of a bright, gleaming silver that twisted gracefully, supporting an oval-shaped diamond. A few smaller diamonds embraced the middle one each side. It was simple, but elegant. Lorcan knew Elide wouldn’t want the ring with the largest diamond on it, wouldn’t want it to be too loud or ostentatious. But this… this was perfect. He could already practically see it perched on her finger.
“That one,” Lorcan said confidently, pointing towards the ring. “That one is perfect.”
He looked towards Aelin, finding her lips spreading in a slow smile. She gave a pleased nod. “That’s an excellent choice. Elide’ll love that one.”
It was in that moment that it fully settled on Lorcan that this was real, that this was happening. He was going to propose to the women he loved. And hopefully she would say yes.
“I’m happy for you, Lorcan,” Aelin said earnestly. “For some reason, your miserable ass makes Elide very happy, and I can see she does the same for you. I’m glad you found each other.” With that, her eyes narrowed slightly and she leaned closer, lowering her voice. “That being said if you hurt her, what I’d do to you would make what I did to Hamel and his men seem merciful. Understand?”
It was easy to forget that under that golden hair and pretty clothes, Aelin Galathynius was a certified bad-ass. One that even Lorcan didn’t want to get on the bad side of. Not that he would ever admit that to her aloud. It would make her already enormous ego that much bigger.
“Believe me when I say,” Lorcan began. “That I am going to do everything in my power to make Elide happy until the darkness claims us.”
Aelin seemed satisfied with that answer. “I do believe you. Now, let’s get that ring.”
Buying the ring was only half of the struggle. Now Lorcan had to figure out the best way to propose to Elide.
It was constantly on the back of his mind, no matter what he was doing. At work, in the shower, lounging around the apartment with Elide… it wouldn’t leave him alone.
Neither would Aelin fucking Galathynius. Every time she saw him in the halls, she would bother him with questions about it. Whether or not he had picked a time, or if he was ever going to pull his head out of his ass and ask her at all. It was annoying as hell. He wasn’t going around asking her every thirty minutes if Rowan had finally knocked her up. But… although she was mildly infuriating, it was somehow a pretty good motivator.
After a week and a half of the idea of the ring burning a hole through his mind, Lorcan finally decided it was time.
It was Lysandra’s birthday, and they had all gathered at the palace to celebrate with friends and family. It was a small, private affair, but it didn’t make it any less enjoyable. In fact, Lorcan preferred it over large parties any day.
They enjoyed a nice dinner, everyone wishing Lysandra a happy birthday. She was beaming the entire night with Aedion by her side. Their own wedding was only two weeks away.
Lorcan had struggled to pay attention to the others around him all evening. His attention had been pinned on Elide the entire time. She looked lovely tonight in a silky, violet top and high-waisted white trousers, dark hair falling down her back in a gleaming sheet.
If anyone noted his distraction during dinner, they didn’t say anything. By the time desert had been consumed and they had moved to the parlor for cocktailing, he was nearly jittery. Or as close to jittery as he would allow himself to become.
He had finished one drink before he decided it was time. He was done with playing around.
“Elide, love?” he murmured into her ear from where he was sitting next to her on the couch.
“Yes, Lor?” she asked, turning towards him. Her fair cheeks were flushed from either the wine or laughing with her friends, dark eyes practically sparkling with happiness. The sight made his heart swell.
“Will you come with me for a bit?”
Elide raised a dark brow in question but nodded, placing her glass on the low table before her. Most of the room was too lost in conversation to notice them slipping quietly away, but Aelin’s sharp eyes landed on him. She was tucked under Rowan’s arm, lips spreading in a slow, knowing smile. As soon as Elide’s back was turned, the princess mouthed, Good luck.
Lorcan refrained from scowling at her, slipping his hand into Elide’s and guiding her gently out of the parlor.
The halls were dark and quiet, the light of the full moon bathing the marble floors in a pale glow. It almost felt as if they were the only two people in the world. Lorcan wouldn’t have minded that one bit.
The ring box felt like a massive weight in his pocket as he held Elide’s hand tighter.
“What are you up to, Salvaterre?” Elide asked playfully, leaning into his side.
“You’ll see soon enough.”
“A surprise?”
“You’ll see.”
Elide narrowed her eyes suspiciously. He could practically see the wheels turning in her mind. She was too smart for her own good. It was one of the things he loved about her. Lorcan wouldn’t put it past her to figure out what he was about to do before he did it. He could only hope that the gods were on his side tonight.
Lorcan led Elide outside towards the gardens. They were a beautiful space, taken meticulous care of throughout the year, filled with trimmed bushes and aromatic flowers. The summer air was comfortably warm, filled with the scent of night-blooming jasmine. With the light of the stars above them and the privacy, it was a perfectly romantic spot.
Lorcan led Elide over to a low, white stone bench situated before a tinkling fountain. He urged her to sit, taking the spot beside her, refusing to release her hand. He rubbed his thumb in slow circles over the smooth skin of her knuckles.
Lorcan tried to will words to his mouth, but it seemed the nerves had finally taken hold, making it far more difficult than he was used to.
“Elide,” he finally managed to rasp out, lifting his gaze to meet hers. “You mean the world to me. I love you more than I have ever loved anything in my lifetime. You know that, right?”
Elide smiled softly and nodded, placing her palm on the side of her face and looking deeply into his eyes. “I know. And I love you just the same.”
He didn’t think ELide would ever understand just how much those words meant to him. He was undeserving of a woman like Elide, but he would try every day of his life to become worthy of her.
“Elide…” Lorcan breathed. “You’re the love of my life. I treasure every day, every moment, I get to spend with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you… if you’ll have me.” With that, Lorcan slid from the bench to the ground, getting down on one knee on the soft grass. He pulled the velvet box from his pocket, prying it open and holding it out towards Elide, feeling as though he was holding his very heart out in his hands.
Elide gasped and slapped a hand over her chest, eyes wide.
“Elide Lochan…” Lorcan said lowly, watching her face as her lips pressed together tightly and her eyes began to glisten in the silvery moonlight. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
The single second of silence that followed his question was excruciating. But, eventually Elide relieved his suffering by choking out a sob and nodding.
“Yes, Lorcan,” she gasped. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you.”
Lorcan released a breathy laugh, almost unable to believe that she had actually said yes. He recovered from his shock quickly, taking Elide’s hand within his own and slipping the ring on to her finger. He had been right, it did look perfect on her.
“It’s beautiful, Lorcan,” Elide whispered, looking at the diamond for one more moment before launching herself at him. Her arms wrapped around the back of her neck as her lips came crashing down upon his. Lorcan didn’t hesitate before sweeping her up in his arms and rising, kissing the woman he loved, his fiancé, deeply.
“I love you so much,” Elide murmured against his mouth, laughing and crying and kissing him.
“I love you too, Elide. So much.”
Lorcan’s heart had never been fuller.
They stayed in the quiet gardens for a bit longer, lounging in the peace and privacy they provided. Lorcan held Elide the entire time, whispering in her ear about how beautiful she was and how excited he was to marry her.
But, eventually they decided to head back inside to their friends and break the news.
Elide wore a smile on her face the entire walk back. Lorcan had a matching one of his own.
As they reached the threshold, the low murmuring of voices faded away, all eyes on them. Neither he nor Elide said anything at first, only wearing those grins.
Eventually, Aelin sat up straighter, and demanded, “Well?!”
Lorcan looked down at Elide as she slowly raised her left hand higher, showing off her new ring. “We’re getting married!”
The room erupted into shouts of surprise and congratulations. Not all of them had known what Lorcan had planned to do. He figured the less people who had known the better, especially since Fenrys had a big, fat mouth.
Lorcan dealt with the attention the best he could, accepting a hug from Lysandra, clasping forearms with Aedion and Rowan, and shoving Fenrys away when he placed a smacking kiss upon his cheek.
Once the initial surprise had gone away, they all moved to sitting down once more. Aedion grabbed a bottle of champagne and popped it open to celebrate.
“Being engaged is all fun and games until it comes to the wedding planning,” Lysandra sighed dramatically. From across the room, Rowan gave a tiny grunt of agreement as Aedion nodded solemnly. “It’s so much work. You just want everything to go perfect. I’m still stressing about ours.”
“I’m sure everything will be great,” Elide assured her. “For both of us.”
“Yeah, and just think about it,” Aelin added, running her fingers through Rowan’s short hair. “No matter what happens at either of your weddings… it won’t be nearly as bad as our first one.”
A beat of silence.
Lorcan watched as Rowan looked up towards his wife disapprovingly. “That’s still not funny, Aelin.”
“It’s a little funny. It’s okay to laugh.”
Although Rowan didn’t take her up on that offer, the rest of them released tiny chuckles. It wasn’t much longer that they were back to rapid-fire conversation and rambunctious laughter. Rowan and Aelin as well as Aedion and Lysandra shared stories about the woes of wedding planning. Although it did seem daunting, Lorcan held no doubt in his heart that they would persevere.
He glanced back down at Elide, the woman that he loved, before brushing a kiss over the top of her hair. She leaned deeper into his side, snuggling close.
Every minute of work would be worth it to call Elide his wife.
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missgarnet · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: king taehyung x reader
word count: 5.4k
Genre:royal au/fluff/angst
Summary: There are boundaries and rules for interacting with royals, Y/N's been around long enough to figure them out for herself. But what happens when the widdowed king returns to the palace and she begins to see him as more of a person than a ruler. Can the two of them stay to put back the broken pieces left from their pasts, or will everything go wrong when the truth comes out?
Warnings: brief mentions of blood, brief mentions of death, brief mentions of child loss
Link to ao3
The sweat seeped into her nightgown, making the fabric cling to her shivering body. Her chest rattled with cough as her breath grew labored. Taehyung sat in the rocking chair by her side, studying the small crack in the arm rest as he tried to avoid seeing how small and frail she’d grown over the last few weeks. The pains started all too soon, the king grew worried as her hands pressed against her swollen stomach. It was too soon for both of them, and he was pulled away before the labor had truly even started. 
He paced in the hallways as her pained cries sounded out from behind closed doors. It pained him to see the pale faced nurses carrying armfuls of bloodied sheets away from where she layed, scared and alone without the one person who was supposed to be with her no matter what. They wouldn’t let him in the room, even after she was gone. Neither of them lived long, she was too young, too lively to go this soon. And the king’s child had barely even taken his first breath when things started going downhill. The physicians tried everything, but they couldn’t save either one. 
When you joined the palace staff, everything was in a state of mourning. The halls felt so empty without the queen, and chests of her belongings being sent away only made it worse. You knew that the king had requested you to take this position, but he had refused to see you or anyone that he didn’t have to. Soon after the palace grew even emptier as the king began preparing for a trip to the Southern Palace, where he would be staying with the Parks and one of the lesser Kim families. His absence and lack of greeting toward you was unusual compared to your previous experience, but you didn’t mind. Oftentimes you found it better to avoid meeting with nobles, especially those employing you. 
Your job was difficult enough without the added stress of having to interact with them. Most nobles had no clue how to run their staff, it was much easier for them to pay someone else to make sure their manors ran smoothly. It was your job to make sure the kitchens were stocked and well staffed, as well as seeing to the gardens, art collections, and countless rooms to be cared for. You’d been hesitant at accepting this offer but as soon as Duchess Min heard, she demanded you take this opportunity. She was a force to be reckoned with, and yet the duchess was your favourite household to work in. It was one of the more unusual places you’d worked, normally a duchess would be reserved and follow her husband's lead. However, she was more intimidating than him and that’s saying a lot. You’re half convinced she would have murdered you herself if you didn’t take her advice on going to the palace. If only she could see you now. 
In the years since you joined the palace you were sure to make one thing very clear. Even though the king had not returned, your standards would be just as if he were in that very room. You had made it a point to keep every room spotless, and a constant rotation of culinary experts for when there were guests. Unfortunately, there were certain rooms you were unable to access and the annoyance of a couple locked doors that not one of the staff could find keys for. Which was why it struck you as quite unusual that one of those damn doors had found itself slightly ajar, as if someone had found the key. You nearly had a heart attack when you saw the man curled up on the floor. 
“Excuse me. What in the hell do you think-” you freeze mid sentence as you take in the man before you, he wore no crown and looked different from the portraits you had seen but it was impossible not to recognise him. The man sitting there before you was none other than the king. You dropped into a curtsy as you frantically attempted to make up for your mistake, “Your majesty, I am so so sorry. I was not made aware of your arrival and the open door just gave me a bit of a fright. No one’s been able to open most of this wing and seeing you here startled me.”
The king sniffles, looking so small for a man of his importance, “I- I didn’t want to be announced. I thought it would be best if I had time to adjust, being here it’s just a little much. And besides I’d rather not have people seeing me like this. It’s shameful really. Kings don’t cry.”
You carefully take a step forward, watching for him to react or ask you to leave but instead he stays still as you seat yourself on the floor across from him. “Maybe not, I don’t know enough about kings to say one way or the other. But I know people, and people need to cry sometimes, and yell, and laugh, and just express whatever it is that they’ve got trapped inside of their heads.”
“I’m not just a person though, there’s too many expectations for me to do that.”
“Maybe not,”you pause for a moment trying to think of the right words. “What if even just for a moment, you and I sit here and just be a normal person for a little while. We can talk or just sit in silence, but without all the pressures and responsibilities of everything else.”
“One condition, I don’t want anyone to know you found me like this. I just needed a minute, please don’t tell anyone.”
“Your Majesty, it’s my job to notice everything and nothing at the same time. Trust me, your secret’s safe with me. I’ll do my best to make sure the staff allows you to have as much privacy as you need.”
“Thank you.”
Mina’s feet were pressing against your spine when you woke up before sunrise the next morning, for such a small child she really had a talent for taking the entire bed. As you slipped out from the covers, you couldn’t help but notice how sweet she looked as she curled herself into a little ball the second you got up. Getting dressed without waking her up was usually difficult but you had years of practice with this. You’d found it was easiest to start your day by being the among the first to be up and about in the palace. It gave you enough time to brew coffee for the other staff about to start their days, and a time and place where you didn’t have to worry about anyone else. That was before today of course. 
One thing you’d learned early on and come to rely on was the fact that most royalty did not know where anything was, and they made it a point to avoid the servants' side of everything. This was why you found it so surprising when you walked into the kitchen to find a certain king  attempting to figure out how to brew a cup of coffee. 
“Good morning,” he said, looking up at you with a boxy smile.
“Good morning, Your Majesty. Please forgive me for asking, but are you lost?”
He seems to find something entertaining in your response and proceeds to start laughing at this. “No, I’m pretty sure I was still in my palace last time I checked. I just thought it’d be easier for us to talk in your office, but you’re not using it.”
“I’ve found it’s easier to run everything if I’m the one going to them, so I never even opened the door to the staff office. This way I can move around and see what’s going on at all times. I can’t be in charge if I don’t know what is going on around me. I could start using it if that would make things easier on you, Your Majesty”
“No, I like the way you’ve been handling things. It's just that you’re quite a difficult person to keep track of. And I wish you wouldn’t call me that all the time, it’s exhausting having to hear your majesty this and your majesty that. I just get sick of hearing it so much.”
“It’s your title, what else would you have me call you?”
“Taehyung,” he grins. “Or Tae if you want. I think I’d rather just be myself around you, it’s one less person I have to worry about impressing.”
“Very well, Your- Taehyung.” You found your eyes wandering from the soft curls framing his face to his warm smile and lips that were begging to be- No, absolutely not he was your boss and a king, you could not start thinking of him like that. But maybe he wasn’t so bad, maybe the two of you could be… friends. 
“Do you want breakfast?”
“You can cook?”
“A little, I’m not very good at it but Jin’s been teaching me.” He seemed confident, so you figured what’s the worst that could happen and left the young king to attempt cooking on his own.
Turns out you were right to be concerned with him being in the kitchen, despite Jin’s lessons he had a long way to go before making anything unsupervised. Apparently the worst thing that could happen was not him breaking the eggs and leaving the shells in, but rather forgetting what he was making and almost setting the kitchen on fire. 
A few weeks later Taehyung had started meeting with various ladies of the court. You were aware of the arrangement but something bothered you about the sour attitude he had every time he returned from being with one of them. It was a peculiar feeling that made you want to reach out and comfort him. Even as you told yourself that this was just a platonic feeling, something innocent between friends, you couldn’t help but noticing a growing jealousy for these women. 
The door slammed behind the king as he returned from his meeting with Lady Nam. “Y/N, I’ll be in my office. Could you bring dinner up when you have the time?”
“Of course, I’ll have it finished immediately.” By the time you got to the office, you found the door half open like it was the first time you met. “Taehyung, I brought food, and I asked them to make a couple desserts just in case. I don’t mean to overstep, but what’s going on? You seemed upset.”
“It’s nothing, I just didn’t think they’d be so forward with their intentions. I know I’m supposed to be meeting with the noble ladies as a way to find another wife, but I didn’t think they’d be presenting me with a marriage contract the first time I ever meet her.”
“I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine someone having the audacity to do that, especially under the circumstances.”
“It’s not your fault, most nobles don’t get to marry someone they already care for. My wife and I didn’t really get along in the beginning, but I cared for her. We ended up becoming friends as time went on. It’s not much but it’s better than most. I feel a little bad for admitting this, but I wanted more this time.”
“It’s not wrong to want something more. I don’t know if this will help but I don’t think loving someone else doesn’t mean you cared for her any less.” The two of you sat in silence for a moment, what you said was true but it also wasn’t your place. You were there to serve and manage the household affairs, advice was overstepping and you had learned better.
“I know. It’s just so much harder than I thought it would be, moving on. She used to make jokes about how something wasn’t her problem, that it was something for my next wife to deal with. Sometimes I wonder if she knew, especially towards the end. She was just so small.” He lowered his head, curls falling before his saddened eyes. “I just want someone to love me, I want someone to stay.”
“Tae, I can’t promise much but please know you have my unwavering loyalty. I’m here to stay however long you’ll want me for.” You were falling and you just couldn’t stop. There were boundaries kept in place for a reason, but somehow you just kept crossing them for the young king. It felt like he was a little broken too, and maybe just maybe you could be the one to put each other back together. You couldn't stop yourself from pushing the hair out of his face and meeting his eyes with yours. This is the closest the two of you have been, barely a breath apart. 
The two of you were so focused on each other that neither noticed the door opening. That was until a certain small child came tugging at your sleeve. “Y/N, it’s snowing! There’s really snow outside! Can we go? Please!”
A panic snapped you out of whatever strange feeling had come over you just moments before. You grabbed Mina by the hand and began guiding her towards the door, “Mina! What did I tell you about wandering around? You could have gotten lost or hurt, and you know there’s places that are off limits for a reason.” You turn back to the king, trying your best to repair the situation. “Your Majesty, I am so sorry. I didn’t expect-”
“Please don’t worry about it, I actually like kids but there’s not many around here.” He walks over to where you’re still holding on to Mina and kneels so that the two of them are almost the same height. “Hi, I’m Taehyung. And you know, I think we might have some extra winter coats around here if you want to go and see the snow up close. I think I might take a break and join the two of you, if that’s alright with Y/N.”
“Please Y/N, please? I’ve never got to see it in person.” Mina says turning around and begins tugging on your skirts this time, to your surprise Taehyung joins in her pleas asking you to join them. 
“Fine you can go,” you tell them as you try to hold in your laughter. “But you have to put on coats and gloves first, both of you. It’s too cold out and I don’t want either of you getting frostbite.”
“Y/N, you’re coming with right? It wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“Why not? I don’t see the harm in a little snow.” The three of you dug through the little storage closet, tossing gloves and hats around at each other until you had matching sets. Coats were much easier to find, they were already organized by size to make things easier for staff.
For most places a first snow was barely enough to dust the ground and disappeared within a few hours at the most. However, this palace was unlike anywhere else you’d been. Somehow the snow had already formed a thick blanket across the grounds despite it’s unusually early arrival. It looked like something out of a fairytale and there was a certain kind of magic in the air as the three of you stepped into the gardens that day. 
You couldn’t help but feel a warmth in your heart as you watched the two of them playing together in the snow. He looked carefree and unburdened for the first time since you’d met, and Mina finally got the chance to play like most kids her age. The two of them were running circles around the snow, chasing each other in a game of tag. It came as quite the shock when you felt the cold ball of ice striking you in the side, especially when you took in the king’s laughter and his reddened cheeks from the cold. Without even thinking you sunk your hands into the snow and packed it into a dense little sphere, chucking it in his direction as hard as you could. 
Mina laughed as she watched your snowball glide directly over her head and strike Taehyung hard enough to make him lose his balance. Tae flopped back in the snow, and you began to worry you’d hit him too hard. Getting closer you notice Mina throwing herself down in the snow next to him, the two of them flapping their arms as they lay on their backs.
“Y/N, come help us. We’re making snow angels!” Mina calls from her spot on the ground. You sigh as you plop down between them, trying to ignore the cold ice seeping into your gloves as you wave your arms through the snow. 
Mina and Tae hop up from their spots and each hold out a hand to help you up. The mischievous look in their eyes should have given their little plan away, but somehow you took their offer anyway. Sure enough they started to help you up right before letting go and laughing as you fell back into the snow. 
You ended up having to find a way out of the snow on your own and turned to look at the little figures left in the snow. Three little angels laid out side by side, the bigger ones were messy and rough around the edges but the littlest one was perfect. “Mina, how do you make a perfect snow angel your first time?”
“Because I am an angel.” She says with a smug little grin.
“Sure you are,” you add. “Speaking of Angel, your favourite person is going to be here pretty soon.”
“Who’s coming here?”
“Angel, it’s a nickname we have for Duchess Min. A bit ironic really, but you’re supposed to be meeting with her sister-in-law and they’re all coming with.”
You’d gotten used to the duchess dropping in whenever she felt like it, but with the king finally back it seemed as though she’d finally have to announce her arrival like everyone else. It was always exciting to see her, but she made it a point to see you on as little short of notice as possible. This time you’d been in the kitchens planning menus for their stay at the palace when you were given the news.
“Excuse me Miss,” one of the younger maids interrupts “The Duke and his family have arrived.”
She had barely gotten the warning out when Duchess Min burst through the door and practically launched herself into your embrace. “Y/N darling, I’ve missed you so much! The manor has been positively dreadful without you. I swear they’re trying to drive me completely and utterly insane.”
“Angel, I’m pretty sure you were already that way when we got married,” the duke jokes from across the room.
“Oh please, I’ve had about enough of that nickname. I am a delight compared to you. Thank you very much. And besides I’ve missed my best friend, Y/N it's bad enough that you left me there all alone but now I have to deal with his bore of a sister.”
Yoongi sighed heavily at his wife’s remarks, “My Love, how many times do I have to ask you to stop calling my family whor-”
“Bore Yoongi, BORE with a B. I am quite aware of the fact that you wish to turn a blind eye to your sister’s recent flings. I however enjoy being able to express myself in the way that I see fit, so I would advise you to stop trying to censor the language I use. It’s bad enough I have to deal with your sister, I don’t need this too.”
“You’re just saying that because you want to have the manor to yourself again.”
“Yes, exactly! Because when we have the manor to ourselves we can,” she pulls her husband down by his collar and begins whispering something in his ear that makes the confident duke grow flustered.
You made it a point to clear your throat at this moment, drawing their attention away from each other for the time being. “I just wanted to remind you that I’m still here. And you’re supposed to be meeting the king to chaperone your sister and him, not planning whatever it is the two of you can’t wait to get home and tear each other's clothes off for.” 
“There’s where you’re wrong, A few of our guards are serving as chaperones. We’re here to visit you because my wife is insistent on proving another one of her theories.”
“Oh, please it’s not a theory,” the duchess scoffs. “I received very reliable information about a certain situation within the palace, and I wanted to verify it for myself. And now that we’re here it’s obvious that I was right once again.”
You can’t help but sigh at your friend once again interfering in other people’s personal lives, “What is your brilliant discovery this time?”
She beams at your choice of words, ignoring the sarcasm surrounding them, “He’s not going to take an interest in Yoonji.”
“You don’t know that, Yoonji can be sweet and charming when she wants to be. And you’ve seen how great she is at negotiating for whatever she wants. It’s a little amusing how similar the two of you are.”
She made a horrible gagging noise at this, “No I am nothing like my sister-in-law. Why would you even- Yoongi stop laughing, it’s not funny. I would not care if you compared me to anyone else, but her.”
“Very well, Angel.” you say with a smirk. “If you don’t mind me asking why do you think you’re right about this.”
“Trust me, I know how to read people and there’s something there that’s…” your friend sighed for a moment in thought. ”He’s already got someone else in mind.”
“So, how did things go with Yoonji?” You asked later that night, passing a pastry to Taehyung.
“Better, I suppose. At least this one didn’t send a marriage contract during our first meeting. I just don’t think that any of these women are what I want.”
“Tae, you have to give her a chance. At least try, maybe we could ask them to stay with us for the holidays.”
“Yes, there’s only a few days til Christmas and I usually take Mina to spend it with the Mins. But I was thinking maybe I could stay here this year, spend Christmas with you.”
Before you knew it, Christmas eve had arrived and the three of you had set out to mark trees for the staff to bring in. Each of you held a little red ribbon to be tied around a Christmas tree of your choice. The Mins were supposed to join, but Angel had sent a note this morning that they had all been feeling under the weather and were exhausted from last night’s festivities. 
“I think this one’s my favourite so far.”Tae announced, already choosing a tree within moments of entering the tiny forest.  “I can just see us sitting around this tree drinking cocoa and unwrapping gifts in the morning.” 
“Not in the Great Hall, it’s too small,” you felt bad the second you spotted the disappointment in his eyes and began to take the ribbon in your hand to tie around the tree. “But I haven’t picked mine yet, and maybe we can have a smaller Christmas tree just for us.”
Mina came running up to grab your hand, practically dragging you off in the opposite direction. “Y/N, look at this one! It’s small like me, I want this one!”
You take a quick lap around the miniature tree, there was no denying it’s lack of size nor it’s lack of branches. It’s top was barely past your knee, and the few branches it had were either short or nearly broken off. “Mina, I don’t know about this one.”
Tae seemed to notice the child’s disappointment from afar and rushed to make things right again. “Maybe we could put it in a planter and bring it with, so it can get even bigger and stronger.”
Mina smiled as the two of them tied the little ribbon around the tree. It became sort of a game between them at that point, trying to pick trees that were too small, large, or misshapen for the great hall. In the end the three of you had to choose quickly because it was starting to grow dark outside. 
The next morning you found that Angel and Duke Min had miraculously recovered from any ailment and were waiting in one of the parlors around the Christmas trees you had stayed up decorating the night before. They were seated as close as possible, each of them resting an arm or leg against the other. Hot cocoa steamed in the mugs on the table before them, but that was meant to be shared between the five of you.
“Where’s Yoonji?” you ask, eyeing your best friend. 
“Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything to her.” Angel looked back at Yoongi and elbowed him as if trying to remind him of something.
“She actually didn’t meddle this time, Yoonji’s not much of a morning person and she’s lucky enough to not have someone dragging her out of bed at the crack of dawn.” Despite the tone of his voice, you could tell that he wasn’t cross with his wife. You knew from experience that he would do anything if it meant making her happy. 
Angel laughs at his complaints, “Oh please, I mentioned presents and he came running down the stairs.”
“Did someone say presents?” You looked up to see Tae rounding the corner with Mina shyly trailing behind. The two of them were dragging velvety red bags filled to the brim with boxes and bags for everyone. 
Tae sat in the armchair across from all of you as Mina nestled in beside you. Reaching in the bag, Tae began to pull out gifts calling out names from the miniature tags tied to each. The room buzzed with joy as each of you began tearing open the wrappings, even Tae was overjoyed as the Min’s surprised him with the presents they had snuck in the night before. 
Finally it was your turn to surprise them, getting up to reach around the back of the tree you retrieved the four little packages you’d hidden when the decorations were brought in. “It’s not much, but I wanted to get each of you something special.”
The room filled with little gasps of joy as they each saw the personal touch you’d put into each of their gifts. The Min’s had a strict no weapons for Christmas rule after an incident years before, but there wasn’t a rule to stop you from getting Yoongi cuff links in the shape of his sword. Admittedly you had bent the rule just a little when it came to Duchess Min’s gift, the necklace of angel wings surrounding a dagger was beautiful and the matching blade was hidden in the false bottom of the jewelry box for her to find the next day. 
Tae looked at the little glass case in confusion. “It’s a snowflake, sealed and preserved between the glass. I had it made that day we were in the gardens, it was the first sign of winter at the palace and the first snow we spent together. Something about it was too perfect to let go, so I wanted to keep even a small part of that day and give it to you.”
“It’s perfect,” he took your hand in his as he lowered himself onto one knee and pulled out a small jewelry box. “If I’m being honest there was one last present I was looking forward to for a very long time. Y/N, these past months I’ve spent with you have been the happiest I’ve been in my life. You make me feel loved, and I want nothing more than to do the same for you. So please Y/N will you marry me?”
“Your majesty,” you say as you pull yourself away from him.
“Taehyung, please,” he corrected with a hushed whisper.
“No, your majesty. I can’t do this. I’ve grown to love you over these last months, but my feelings don’t matter.”
“Then what does? If we both want this, who's to tell us any differently? I don’t care about you not being a noble or any other reason you don’t feel like you aren’t enough. Because you are more than enough, I love you and that’s all that matters” he remained there on his knees as if begging you to give him a chance.
Your voice raised barely above a broken whisper, “I’m not fit to marry you, because I’m not fit to be a queen.”
“Y/N,” he said cupping your face between his hands. “You are brilliant, self-assured, and unbelievably kind. If anyone’s qualified for this it’s you.”
“That’s not what I meant, it’s more than just being good at something.”
“Then what do you mean Y/N, you can tell me anything. Just please let me in, give me a chance because I’m not just going to give up when things get difficult.”
You take his hand in yours, “Tae, it’s a long story and trust me when I say it’s better off if you don’t know. I don’t want you to think of me any differently.”
“It’s okay, nothing you say will ever change the way I see you right now. You are my world, and if you have a story you need to tell, I’m here to listen.”
“I can’t be queen because of something that happened years back, when I had first taken over the management of a noble house. One of the first things I learned was that you never say no to the baron. Anything he wanted, he got whether it was another drink, playing cards, or providing company for him and his guests. The baron I worked for took a very one sided interest in many of the women that worked for him, myself included. I’ll spare you the details, but I had my daughter nine months after he acted on this… interest.” you paused for a moment looking at his face for signs of the horror or pity you had seen in others who’d found out before him. But none of it was there, instead he held out his hand and waited for you to hold it.
With your hand in his, he gave a reassuring squeeze as if to remind you that he’s still there, “I’m alright, you can keep going if you want.”
“I had to leave the estate long before I had her, and when I returned I had to tell everyone that she wasn’t mine. We weren’t allowed to run a noble’s household if we were married or had kids, they thought it would be too much of a distraction. So I told them that she was my sister’s, she knows the truth but it’s still hard. I tried to hide it, but there’s still rumors and I can’t do that to you. This is my burden and I can deal with it, but I will not make it yours.”
“Y/N, you were right. I do see you differently now. I can see that you are more resilient than I ever thought. And I know that you would do whatever it takes to protect those you love, even if it means holding back part of your story to avoid upsetting them. You may not want to talk about what happened now, but you might someday. I want to be the person you can tell everything to… So I am asking you, forget I’m a king for a moment and please, will you marry me?”
“Taehyung I-”
From across you hear your best friend’s voice interject, “Y/N, if you don’t get it together and say yes already, I will leave my husband and marry him myself.”
“Angel, you know just as well as I do that’s not possible.”
“They didn’t need to know that,” the duchess pouts as she leans back against her husband’s chest. You chuckle at seeing them so relaxed around each other.
Tae clears his throat as if to remind you of the question still hanging heavily in the air. “Yes, a million times yes.”
As the five of you sat around the fire basking in the joy and warmth of the new engagement, the sound of carollers began to echo throughout the halls. Tae pulled you closer and the two of stayed curled up together as the Min’s began passing the cocoa around along with the flask Angel had hidden in a secret pocket. “Merry Christmas Y/N”
“Merry Christmas Tae Tae.”
107 notes · View notes
hubbytaeil · 4 years
Hello, can I request Jaehyun + 10 + 26 + romance, thank you!!
Jaehyun + #10 Bring your pretty little butt over here & #26 It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway
genre: romance
word count: +1500
soundtrack: come thru - summer walker (ft. usher)
[prompts for requests]
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
I should've known better Can't even pretend like I don't want it again On the brain all the time Thinkin' of all the things that we did
2:15 AM  
What is it about Jaehyun that has you waiting for him in the middle of the night in the parking lot of your local convenience store? You have no clue.  
It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway was the answer to his invite to hang out. Your friends are going to have a lot to say on the matter in the morning. Especially Jungwoo, who just hours prior had texted you ‘Good night and don’t do anything stupid.’  
When Jaehyun pulls over, your heart stops and all you can think is ‘Why the hell did I agree to this?’. But you know very well the reason. Because you like him, you idiot, you say to yourself. You have tried pushing yourself to ignore your feelings, to pretend that his presence didn’t leave you short of breath; even so Jaehyun surely didn’t help in the process. Certainly, he’s not helping right now, as you’re taking place in the passenger seat, with your heart in your throat, and the speakers are playing your favourite Biggie song. You convince yourself that’s just a coincidence and that he possibly couldn’t remember you telling him that.  
“Sounds familiar?” Jaehyun jokes, looking at you for reassurance. “Yeah, kind of.” you answer smiling, shrugging your shoulders and trying your best to veil your nervousness. “Good, I was afraid I was going to look like a fool. I have a terrible memory.” You chuckle at his statement, wondering if that means something more. Something along the lines of I remembered because I think you’re special.
You did somethin' 'Cause shit like this don't happen too often It's the way you put it down I don't want no one else around
You drive into the night, with no concrete destination. You chit chat about silly nothings like you always do. Jaehyun is driving therefore you have the excuse to look shamelessly at him for a while. You’re most certainly enjoying the view. His hair is messy since he keeps touching it to make it fall in a more comfortable angle for him to see the road. His hands are posed elegantly on the steering wheel and his movements are neat and expert-like. “What are you looking at, sweetie?” Jaehyun questions with a slight smirk when he stops at a red light. You’re caught red-handed, thankfully the city lights are not enough for him to see you turn into a ball of embarrassment. “Nothing, I-… I was noticing how you’re really good at driving.” Jaehyun hums at the compliment, he must hear them all the time, you think. Staying like this with him is nice, but you’re dying to understand why he called you. Jaehyun must have so many girls waiting for him to text back, why you? You only met him a few months ago when Jungwoo had convinced you to come with him to some birthday party. And there he was, in all his glory. You never would’ve thought you would’ve ended talking to him, maybe because you had drunk your share of liquid courage.  
Got me takin' a step on the wild side Cuttin' all ties With them other guys Way you, way you look in my eyes Lovin' me nice and slow
‘Y/n, he’s not your type, don’t get your hopes up’ was what all your friends had told you about him, nothing more. As a consequence, in your mind you were prepared for the moment when Jaehyun would’ve gotten tired of you and your sporadic encounters.  
As the car stops, you’re back in the real world. Needless to say, the location is a bit odd. “Okay, why exactly are we at a bowling alley?” “To play, you silly.” Jaehyun says, mocking you with his self-assured smile. You can’t help but smile back as you attempt to open the car door. “No, wait!” Jaehyun almost shouts making you freeze. The shock doesn’t allow you to form any words, and you’re even more confused when he hurries out of the car. “You’ve never gone out with a gentleman, I suppose.” Jaehyun affirms, opening the door for you. His words hit you like a punch, more for the expectancy of it all then for the hint of truth in them. No, no one has ever opened the door for you or helped you sit down at a table, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction he’s looking for. “When did shouting in people’s faces become gentlemanly exactly?” you fire back, giving yourself a mental high five. You get out of the vehicle and you find yourself facing a dumbstruck Jaehyun who clearly didn’t expect such an answer for you. Quickly, his puzzled expression is replaced by an even brighter smile. “I’m sorry.” Jaehyun releases a low chuckle you reckon you could melt right there in front of him. You both make your way to the entrance of the bowling alley, unanticipatedly you perceive Jaehyun’s arm welcoming you closer to him. It’s unexpected and it leaves your mind blank. Jaehyun catches your awkwardness and decides to deal with it in his own way. Swiftly, he drags your arm on his back. At this point you can’t help but look at him. “Much better.” Jaehyun mumbles.
You make me wanna come through Quarter after two Just to put it down on you You make me wanna replay All of those things That you and me, we do
You’ve just learned something new about your midnight chaperon during your game. He’s extremely competitive. You see it in the way he’s glaring playfully at you after you’ve scored your third strike in a row. “Something wrong, loser?” you accentuate the last word purposely and it strikes something in him. You see him biting the inside of his cheek as he makes his way to you but then stops midway. “Bring your pretty little butt over here. “He almost growls. “I’m not taking my pretty little butt anywhere, mister.” you assert, swinging your index finger left and right. Your attitude sends him over the edge. Within seconds Jaehyun lifts you up, leaving you hanging mid-air awkwardly. “Put me down, Jae!” “Absolutely not.” he whispers in your ear. You start laughing hysterically when he finally puts you just to tickle you mercilessly. You tell him that the owners are staring but he doesn’t care in the least. After he’s done teasing you, he stops and stares at you for way too long. “Do I have something on my face?” Jaehyun doesn’t give you an answer, instead he brushes his thumb softly over your bottom lip. “Let’s get out of here.”
I told you, I'ma take you places   I seen it in your face   And I knew that you would say this, so how you wanna play this?
4:38 AM
“Aren’t you tired, y/n?” “No, I’m not tired at all Jae.” you curse at yourself mentally for answering too quickly; you don’t want him to think that he has you hanging from his fingertips. Yet, it is clear that he does. Now you are leaning against the bonnet side by side. His arm is back on his spot, around your shoulders and it feels like your own personal shield. You haven’t spoken in a while, nevertheless you feel at ease. You think just how everyone was wrong about Jaehyun, all the while letting your head rest against him. You’re close enough to make sense of his breathing pattern which becomes the only sound you’re interested in hearing. “You’re nice to be around, y/n.” you drink up those words like your last sip of water on this Earth. “That’s sweet.” you’re afraid you’re sounding phony and you regret it soon afterwards. It’s remarkable how Jaehyun has you overthinking ever single word that comes out of your mouth. “No, I mean...” Jaehyun begins, standing up and positioning himself in front of you. “I mean, I want you around.” Your eyes widen, wondering if you’re hearing this correctly. “You want me around?” “Yeah, I want to cook you breakfast, I want to take you on dates, I want to buy you flowers. You know... all that cute shit.” Jaehyun blurts out, kicking a small rock on the concrete. You snicker at his word choice. “I want to a lot of cute shit with you too.” “Really?” You nod and you notice how excited he becomes after realises his feelings are mutual. He’s beaming hard enough for his cheeks to hurt. When he gets over himself, he leans in slowly so that both of your faces are aligned. “Well then, I think we need start somewhere.” Jaehyun murmurs, looking at your lips with hooded eyes. “Like where?” you get even closer, his breathing caressing your nose. “Maybe... here.” he pecks at your right cheek ever so softly. “Or maybe here.” moving on to the left one. Then he aims for the corner of your mouth, making you shiver. “What about... here?” are his last words before finally connecting your eager lips. His hands reach for the back of your head, not willing to let you slip away anytime soon. You reciprocate the kiss just as passionately as he does, resting your own hand in the small of his back. Every movement of his mouth on your knocks the air out of your lungs. It’s everything you had ever dreamt about. Interrupting the kiss is hard for you both of you, as you look at each smiling.. “I should take you home.” he affirms but he doesn’t mean it. “I think I’m fine right here.” you mutter, playing with one of the strings of his hoodie. “Good.” Jaehyun hums in your ear before attacking your lips once again. This time you know it’ll take a while to stop again.
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thelucyaddams · 4 years
Part 1
I just found and read my very first KuviraxOC ff again and decided to put it on here. You can also read it on Ao3. I'll definitely continue it now 🥰
Kuvira mostly was a lone wolf. She didn't need anyone and never truly opened up to someone until she met Ryoko who had a special place in her heart. From then on Kuvira had a reason to fight for something, to protect someone forever. But will their relationship withstand being apart for a long while and Kuvira becoming a dictator?
It was a beautiful sunny day when Kuvira went outside of Zaofu to play around on her own. Su doesn’t want her to leave the city on her own since she was just a child. But Kuvira did it anyway. 
She enjoyed being alone and Kuvira just loved the nature around the metal clan. It felt good to feel earth under her feet and between her toes instead of metal. 
Kuvira walked through rich green pastures and felt the grass around her ankles. A rare smile formed on her lips. She has always been a very serious child as she hadn’t that much to be happy about. It was different in moments like these. 
It didn’t take long for Kuvira to find her favorite spot. It was further into the mountain pass at the river that runs through Zaofu. Here she could train without anyone to bother her. Except for today. There was someone in the water floating around like they were dead. Kuvira paused and looked at the body with widened eyes. It was a girl and she looked like her age! Without thinking Kuvira jumped into the river and tried to save her. She grabbed her by her armpits and pulled her out of the water with all her strength. 
“Hey, can you hear me?”, Kuvira asked loudly and checked her breathing. It was there but weak. 
“Please, wake up!”
Kuvira shook the girl. Her eyes fluttered open a little. A painful sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes again. 
“No, please, don’t leave me!”, Kuvira panicked a little as she never was in such a situation. She didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t strong enough to carry her all the way to Zaofu to get help from the adults. That’s when she got an idea. Kuvira closed her eyes to focus. As she opened them again she tried to bend the earth under the girl. She thought she could carry her that way. But it was very difficult and exhausting. Kuvira managed to barely move her and let her down again before she made it worse. She sat down beside the girl again who moved her head a little. Her eyes fluttered open once again. This time it seemed like she would wake up for real. 
The girl coughed and threw up some water. A groan escaped her lips as she rolled back on her back. She gained consciousness and looked up in Kuviras bright green eyes. For a moment nothing happened as the girls just looked at each other until the girl sat up all of the sudden. 
“Where am I? Who are you?!”, she asked with panic in her voice.
“Calm down. I’m not hurting you. In fact I saved your life by pulling you out of the river.”, Kuvira said her voice was a little serious like it always were.
“The river?”, the girl looked like she was trying to remember what had happened to her.
“To answer your questions, my name is Kuvira and you are in Zaofu.”, Kuvira said.
“The independent city of the earth kingdom and the city of the metal clan.”
The girl held her head as if she was in pain.
“I barely remember what happened. Only… only that I ran and there was smoke and then… rain... “
Kuvira watched the girl curiously but also with caution.
“Do you remember your name?”
“Ryoko. My name is Ryoko.”, she answered, “Thank you for saving me.”, Ryoko added with a thankful smile. 
Kuvira nodded as if it was nothing. 
“You were lucky I was around! I’m actually not allowed to leave the city.”
“You’re not? But you are here.”
“This place is way calmer than the city. I enjoy training here.”
“I’m an earthbender.”, Kuvira explained and made a small rock rise up in the air to demonstrate her skills, “Are you a bender?”, Kuvira asked. 
Ryoko swallowed at that question. It triggered a memory of hers, making her remember what happened, at least a part of it. She looked to the ground not knowing what to say.
“Don’t be ashamed if you’re not. I’m not judging you.”, Kuvira said. 
“No that’s not it… I.. I’m a firebender.”, Ryoko replied with fear in her voice. She behaved like someone would be mad at her or something like that which Kuvira didn’t understand. Didn’t she like being a bender?
“But that’s awesome isn’t it? If I could choose another element instead of earth it would have definitely been fire!”, Kuvira said.
“No you wouldn’t. Fire hurts people and destroys everything. There’s nothing good about it.”, Ryoko said and turned away from the other girl, “I’m a monster."
“Stop! Don’t ever say that!”, Kuvira was angry about Ryoko’s attitude.
“But it’s true! It’s my fault!”, Ryoko cried, “I killed them.”, she added in a lower voice. Tears streamed down her face. Kuvira looked at her startled. She didn’t expect that and could understand Ryoko’s self-doubt now. 
“My parents… I had a nightmare and was so afraid that I lost control and set our house on fire… I was able to run outside but… my parents never came out of it.”, Ryoko explained. Kuvira truly felt sorry for Ryoko. Now that she understands she is certain that she would probably feel the same way about her abilities… like a monster. The one feeling she couldn't truly share was losing her parents. She knew it must be hard for Ryoko but she couldn't feel it. Kuvira herself was glad to be away from her parents. They abandoned her and Su was the one she called "mum" now. But then again she didn't. She never dared to call her that although Su told her everytime that she could do so. For Kuvira it didn't feel right to call her that which doesn't mean she doesn't care about Su. Of course she'd never admit it.
"So, you have nowhere to go?", Kuvira stated. 
Ryoko shook her head. 
"Then you should come with me. You can sleep in my room. I should find a second mattress in the palace. There's just one condition. No one can see you! Don't walk around without me and try not to grab anyone's attention.", Kuvira instructed.
"I promise! I'll do as you say!", Ryoko said a little desperate but excited. 
"Okay, let's go…" 
"Wait… I interrupted your training didn't I? I mean if you still wanted you could train first. I can watch."
"Nah, I actually have enough training with Su at the palace. This is just a little extra to clear my mind."
With that Kuvira grabbed Ryoko’s hand and led her through the mountain pass to Zaofu. Ryoko’s eyes widened at the sight of the great city. She hasn't seen anything like it before. Kuvira couldn't help but to smile mildly at the other girls expression. It felt like she impressed her with something. As a matter of fact she actually was the one impressing her by showing her the city. It definitely felt good. 
Sneakily the girls made their way to Kuvira room. The earthbender knew all the guards routes which was an advantage. She knew when to wait and when to go. Soon they actually made it without any problems. 
"You're not bad.", Kuvira said. She was quite sure Ryoko would cause at least a small problem by being too loud or clumsily. 
"I just followed your lead. You were like an expert.", Ryoko replied. 
Kuvira smirked, "I actually am, I guess… Please make yourself at home. It's not as big as the rooms of my siblings but… " 
"I like it.", Ryoko interrupted the earthbender, "It's at least twice as big as my room was and it looks cozy.", she added. 
Kuvira looked around for a second realizing she should appreciate her room more often. There was a time when she hadn't much either. Her real parents were commoners not nobles like Su. Kuviras gaze paused as she looked into the bright blue eyes of the firebender. A smile crept on her lips. Maybe she could finally make a friend, a real friend. Ryoko returned that look and smiled sheepishly. Her cheeks turned red as her stomach began to grumble. 
Kuvira chuckled, "I try to get you something to eat. I have to go to dinner now anyway. Maybe I can sneak something out. If you feel like someone's coming you can hide under my bed. Gladly the sheets are long enough to cover it up. The wardrobe is also an option." Without waiting for an answer Kuvira was about to walk through the door. Ryoko stopped her by grabbing her wrist gently. Kuvira turned around a little startled. 
"Thank you for everything you did and do."
Kuvira tried to act cool and just nodded. With that she finally left the room to meet the rest of her family in the great hall for dinner.
"Kuvira, you're late.", Su greeted her adopted daughter.
"Just like always.", Opal said rolling her eyes.
"I went for a walk and lost track of time. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.", Kuvira apologized quickly and sat down beside Opal.
"I hope so. Well I don't want to make a fuss about it. It were just five minutes anyway. Just make sure to be punctual next time."
Kuvira nodded and filled her plate with the delicious food Su's chef provided. Her adoptive mother explained their plans for tomorrow. In the morning the girls would have dancing lessons. After that Su would work on Kuvira's earthbending and metalbending. Suyin was sure Kuvira was ready to learn the basics of metalbending. She was a fast learner and ambitious. Later she'd have to take care of political things.
Now and then Kuvira would hide some pieces of bread and cheese in her pockets for Ryoko. She never had such a feeling of responsibility to someone before. But she truly cared about that girl although they just met. Kuvira couldn't explain it but she knew there was something about Ryoko that made her trustworthy and somehow special. At least to Kuvira. She would do it. She would take care of her and if someone would find out she would stand up and fight for her.
Sometimes Opal would give her a sceptical look which Kuvira ignored by eating like nothing happened. Opal and Kuvira didn't really hate each other but they also didn't trust each other. It was like some kind of jealousy towards the other was in between them. Maybe it was. Kuvira was jealous of Opal for being loved by Su like she would never receive it while Opal might be a bit jealous of another girl getting her mother's attention.
Wing and Wei were different. The twins actually liked Kuvira and liked to fool around with her in the backyard. They sometimes get her to join them while pulling a prank on someone. It was always fun with them.
Huan on the other hand was like a lone wolf. Not really socializing with the others and doing strange things to random objects by using his metalbending abilities. He still had a lot to learn though. Kuvira could relate to his behavior a little. She liked being alone too. Although she didn't mind to be among people every now and then.
After eating dinner Kuvira headed back to her room. Her pockets were full of bread and cheese. When she arrived in her room it seemed like no one was there.
"Ryoko? It's me, Kuvira."
After a moment the black haired girl left her hiding spot under the bed.
"You're back."
"Of course. I promised and I bring you food."
Kuvira handed her the bread and cheese, "Nothing special but the only thing that I could put in my pockets."
"It's okay. I'm grateful, really.", Ryoko answered as her stomach grumbled once again. She couldn't wait any longer and ate what Kuvira brought her.
"Tomorrow I can look around for a mattress. For now some blankets must be enough or…"
"... or you could just sleep in the bed with me. We're small enough to fit in there together.", Kuvira said.
"If you don't mind.", Ryoko answered shyly.
Kuvira shook her head and took out a second blanket from her wardrobe. She also gave her some sleeping clothes.
"Ryoko tell me about you. Where do you come from?", Kuvira asked as the girls lay in the great bed together looking up at the ceiling. It was cozy and warm under the sheets thanks to their body heat. But it was comfortable.
"I… come from a small town that's here in the earth kingdom. We really weren't many people. But most of us were sceptical towards benders. They said benders are dangerous and unpredictable. After… after I lost control… I left. I was afraid of what they'd do to me."
"I see. They are stupid to say that about benders. And you just need to learn how to control it. I bet your own fear of your ability is holding you back. You need to accept it to make progress.", Kuvira said.
"You sure seem to know a lot about that.", Ryoko said in awe looking at the earthbender beside her. Kuvira smiled being proud of herself by impressing that girl again.
"I learned that from my mother. She teaches me."
"That's awesome. I wish my parents would have taught me. But they were non-benders. My grandpa… My father's father was a firebender. But he passed away from a disease when I was very young."
"You have experienced a lot of… losses."
"You're not alone anymore. I'll help you. Just tell me if there's anything you need."
Ryoko smiled and snuggled up to Kuvira, an arm around her waist. Kuvira felt herself tensing up at the touch but tried to relax. It didn't feel so bad. Nope it wasn't bad at all she thought and allowed another smile to form on her lips. She was pretty sure that she had never smiled that much before. It meant for her to protect what causes that happiness in her from now on. No one would take Ryoko away from her ever! That's a promise.
So this was part 1. Feel free to tell me what you think. Also my English isn't perfect. If you notice anything language-wise just let me know 😊.
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klaumiel · 4 years
You are all I’ve got ,Austin// Chapter 3: Bennie
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‘Maya, what time you said you will be there ?’ I asked, carrying mugs with coffee to the living room.
‘We didn’t agree to a specific time, later afternoon sometime. He said he will be at his place’ Maya shouted from the bedroom.
‘Don’t leave it to late, better get ready and let’s go. The faster we are done with this, the better’ I sat on the sofa sipping my coffee.
She is insane to do this, she could’ve asked him to help her with the old bike, the one dad has in the garage. Why did she have to agree to a bloody date ?!
‘I am ready, but we are not going until I talk to Austin. I promised that I won’t go without talking to him before. He should text me any minute now’ She walked to the living room. Wow! Is that my sister? She looked completely different, sharp. She straightened her hair, skinny black jeans, grey tank top with a sports bra underneath. Heavy dark makeup made her look like she isn’t messing around. ‘ Should I add red lippy? What do you think?’
‘ Well you already look sharp, I wouldn’t want to be on your bad side, but yeah I guess if you want’ I laughed
‘I need to look credible like one of them; otherwise, I can raise suspicions. I thought about shorts, but this asshole doesn’t deserve the view’ she said, putting lipstick on when her phone rang. ‘ Is Austin, she smiled and sat down on the sofa next to me looking at the phone.
She looked disconnected from her surroundings like nothing else existed apart from the guy on the other side of the phone. I sat there shitting my pants getting less and less convinced that this is s a good idea. I needed to make sure that she is focused.
‘He told me to take a knife’ She said still looking at the phone
‘Knife!? You don’t need it to pull his hair, you have pepper spray, is that not enough? Plus you are a self-defence expert you don’t need a knife.’
‘I will take a small one from the kitchen, just in case. Better safe than sorry. I promised him. Plus He knows Bennie better, he is a criminal, could be unpredictable. Few self-defence classes from dad don’t make me an expert. I can kick his ass, but if he pulls a gun on me, I need something more than pepper spray’ she said lacing her camp boots. ‘ Let’s go, I don’t want to wait any longer’ She got up from the sofa, grabbed her leather jacket and run to the kitchen to grab a knife.
Drive was long, and we were getting nowhere near the place. Maya was quiet, with nose in her phone. She was looking at the Lovelink messages
‘You will drain the battery, you will need it later. Austin will be checking if you are ok for sure and I don’t have a charger here’ She locked her screen.
‘Did you speak to Olivia recently? Did you guys managed to clear the air?’ Olivia and I broke up a few weeks before and we didn’t end it on good terms. Five years ago, we met on a dating app, I always knew that Olivia isn’t the type of woman who commits, she was always very reserved and cold. I never thought that she could just leave me, because of her career, just like that after five years, pack her bags and move to another country. We had plans to start a family, but she told me she never wanted one, she knew this was always my biggest dream. The fact that I moved on so quickly proved me she wasn’t the one.
‘No, we didn’t speak since the fight. Maybe that’s for better I don’t need her toxic attitude right now. I only wish I could have back the five years I wasted on her. I could  use  it for someone worth it.’
‘ True, you don’t need someone like that in your life. To bitch around all the time, if you can’t be yourself around her what’s the point. The fact that she never told you she didn't want kids was horrible. Is not like you never asked her, you’ve been planning it, and suddenly she just gets a job in Canada and moves out, without considering you or your feelings. ‘
‘Yeah… anyway I moved on. I still have time to settle down, this time with the right person. I tried that app of yours. If my sister found love there, I should give it another go.’
‘ That’s great! You need to move on. Did you met anyone interesting already?’
‘I am chatting with a few girls. One wanted me to fly to Ibiza to see her, I mean sorry but I am not that fast, she is pretty but a bit wild to my taste and looks like trouble, had to unmatch her too much like Olivia. There is one girl Angel, she seems sweet, we just started talking, so it is difficult to say where this will go, but she looks like my type. I might give it a go. I need someone gentle and peaceful after Olivia’
‘That’s amazing Shaun, peaceful is definitely someone you need. I hope it works out for you, you have a soft spot for wild girls, but quiet and sweet is what you really want. Let me know how it goes with her ‘She looked out the window, her smile dropped, and I felt the familiar worry in my chest. Something is bothering her.
‘Spill it sis, what’s bothering you?
She sighed still looking out the window ‘ Do you think that Austin and I will ever be together? Let’s say that this thing today will work, I will get Bennie’s hair, and they will accept it as evidence. What then? ‘
‘Then he will get released, and he will be free. Everything is going to be alright, you will see.’
‘ I am scared Shaun… scared that I will lose him. I know it’s insane, I never met him, never touched or looked in his eyes, never heard his voice, but I feel like I love him. Am I stupid to feel this way? To love someone I never met? ‘
‘I know you love him. I can see it every day, and I can assure you what you are feeling now is just the start. Wait until you meet. He managed to do more for you in six weeks while in prison than we did in five months. You finally started to smile again, you get up every morning ready for the day, and you stopped your meds, that’s massive progress. I feel like old Maya is back again, so be positive about it. You two will be together. I don’t know why, but I can feel it.’ I grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
‘Maybe Gemma is right, maybe we don’t have a future’ She said quietly with her head down looking at her hands.
‘With all the respect, Maya but Gemma is an idiot! What she said was out of proportion, friends don’t say things like this. Plus that’s pure bullshit! I am so annoyed with her, she is acting like a child, she has no clue what you feel, never did, never cared. That girl is selfish and cares only about herself. The only thing is on her mind is dicks and money. Good looking guys so she can show off, what hotties she can pull off…Did I told you that I spoke with Greg the other day?... She is using him to get a promotion she wants your position. Greg is a smart guy; he knows what game she is playing. So don’t tell me about Gemma and being right. She doesn't know shit about anything.’  God, I hate that girl so much!
‘ I just don’t understand what is wrong with her recently, why would she said that? She is my friend. I thought that she wants me to be happy. I helped her with Greg, and now I’m feeling awful for doing it. I am not worried about my position, Gerg knows she can’t do it. But I’m worried she will lose her job because of this stupid behaviour.’
‘She is clearly not the friend you think she is. But you talk to her, see what’s her problem. And don’t believe what, she says. You and Austin have a future if you believe it, it is possible. We will get him out one way or another.’
We spent the rest of the journey in silence.
‘ We are here. I will park there so the car can’t be seen ‘ I turned off the lights, and I parked the car behind the block.
‘Ok, it’s time ‘ she took a deep breath. ‘ Don’t get out of the car no matter what, stay here. If I’m not back in half-hour call the police’, She opened the car door to get out.
‘ Sis’ I grabbed her hand, she looked at me. I could see she was scared. ‘ Kick his bastard ass, for Austin. Get the hair and get out, don’t hang around. And please be careful’ she smiled and closed the door.
There she was, walking like a badass she was. This whole Luke experience made her much stronger. One year with an abusive junkie boyfriend who would sell his mother for drugs if that was an option, but it was easier to steal from his girlfriend. She tried to help him many times and send him to rehab, but he had no intention to go. When she tried to break up with him, he wanted to kill them both driving the car into the river, she was so lucky to get out of this in one piece, he didn’t. He drowned in seconds. Maya blamed herself for his death, she thought she could do more to save him.
But as a consequence she suffered from depression for months, only a few weeks ago she stopped to take her meds. It’s such a relief to see her smile again. I really hope this whole Austin is worth her efforts and is not just playing her just to save his ass.’
I sat in the car, waiting for her. Twenty minutes later I saw her running towards the car Fuck! Is that blood?  I opened the passenger door, her hand was covered in blood, and she had a cut on her forehead.
‘ What the fuck happened !?  Are you hurt?! ’ I shouted passing her tissues to clean her hands
‘I have it!’ She grabbed the tissues.
‘Maya, why do you have blood on your hands? What happened !? Answer me!
‘I stabbed him’ the calm in her voice was terrifying. Why she is so calm?!
‘What you mean you stabbed him?! Maya, did you kill him!?’ At this point, I was losing my shit.
‘Shaun, focus! Start the fucking car and drive! We need to take his filthy hair to the police station! There is no time to waste… Bennie will be fine. He was so buzzed he won’t remember I was here. Just drive for fuck sake!’
‘But you stabbed him! He could be dead! This wasn’t a part of the plan! ‘ I started the car panicking.
‘ Do you really think that I could kill someone with this pussy knife? Calm down Shaun, focus on the road, we are about an hour away from the open police station, we have no time to waste.’ She started to clean her head from the blood.
‘ He smashed my head on the door I had to do something, plus I couldn’t just look at him standing there, knowing that Austin spent seven years in prison because of him. This was stronger than me. It was only a scratch he will be fine.’ She put Bennie’s hair in a small bag and put back in her pocket.
‘The most important is you have it, it will be downhill from now on.’
‘Fuck!Fuck!’ she shouted, smashing her phone on her knee ‘My funking phone is flat! I need to let Austin know I am fine.’ She was panicking
‘ They should have a charger at the station, we can ask. Is late he won't be able to read your message anyway.’ I tried to calm her down.
I drove way over the limit, just to get there as fast as possible.
Once we arrived, a police officer took Maya’s details, the hair and asked us to wait.
‘ Did you make sure they let the prison know as soon as possible?’ I asked, passing her coffee.
‘Yes, he said they already did. They took the hair to the lab to be tested, but that will take a few hours. We need to wait for a little while, I need to sign some documents, and they need to put my details in the system… I wish they had a bloody charger. I have a bad feeling Shaun, something is not right.’
They let us go around seven in the morning. Bennie’s DNA was in the lab, so there was no need for us to sit there and wait. Maya was anxious, the whole journey home. I tried to calm her down, but I knew something was wrong, we could feel it in the air.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
The American Adventure
Part 2
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Prince Liam and his closest friends are sent to a summer camp in America for a month, whilst in Cordonia the nobles are preparing for Prince Leo’s social season unknowingly to him. During their time there, Liam and Drake become besotted with the same girl- Riley Brooks.
A/N: For those who have read my series ‘Cordonian Wags’, there are a lot of similarities in this series. However there has been a mix up with the pairings in this series. I’ve completely changed my original plan for this series. For some chapters it will be split between the past and present. *Some quotes and similar scenes are based from the film 'The Best of Me'*
Book: The Royal Romance (A/U for majority of this series, some canon will be used but with slight twists)
All characters belong to Pixelberry apart from; Lindsey Brooks, Andy Brooks, Jackie Brooks, Nate Cooper, Lola Hughes and Bethany Hughes.
Warnings: PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Adult language, mention of sexual abuse, mention of depression suspicion, mention of domestic abuse suspicion, mention of character death (present tense).
Word count: 3,750
Tags- if you want to be added or removed let me know; @pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @texaskitten30 @cordonianroyalty @bascmve01 @sanchita012 @princessleac1 @queenjilian @kingliam2019 @lodberg @rainbowsinthestorm
Catch up here
“Why are you both hiding in a wardrobe? You both look ridiculous.”
“As I said, surprise! Uncle serious picked me up. He was in a rush, insisting that he needed to get back as soon as possible. But I get to spend an extra night with you! I heard what you said about Nate, I’m going to kill the bastard- don’t you worry!”
“Lindsey!” The girl looked at her father sternly, wondering why she was defending Riley and her father had blatantly ignored the facts surrounding Nate.
“Just saying, anyway now she knows that I’m here, we’ll head to our cabin.”
“Quick question, why aren’t you in Europe in the army?” Riley asked her second father figure, still shocked and confused as to why he was here.
“Erm... sick leave.”
“So you’re going to help out then?”
“I can’t, sick leave remember?” The two girls left the men alone, Riley caught Lindsey up on everything that had happened on the first day. When the coast was clear, Andy turned to his childhood friend shaking his head with a slight smirk.
“Sick leave? Seriously? That’s all that you could think up of?”
“How do you think the truth would have turned out... ‘oh hey girls, I don’t work in the army anymore- instead I’m a royal guard for the royal family...by the way the Prince is your fellow camper.’ I promised King Constantine that their identities will not be disclosed, as did you. If anything happens to any of them especially Liam it will all be my fault- I suggested this adventure for them to the King and Queen.”
“As long as the girls don’t know the truth, or anyone for that matter- there shouldn’t be an issue. You have my word, Bast. It’s great to have you back in the states buddy.”
Everybody arrived at the cabin allocated for ‘staff only’. On route they bumped into Jackie who agreed on the three men staying with them- she had arranged for Nate to join some other people. As much as Jackie would have loved for him to be ‘a loner’, she wasn’t that cruel.
“This is lovely. It’s like Jackson’s cabin back at home. Isn’t that right, Drake?” Nodding, Drake didn’t want to be here. Especially after his altercation with Riley. Not wanting to be such a prick towards her, he regretted how he behaved immediately. Lola took charge deciding the sleeping arrangements, not allowing for anyone else to have a say in the matter.
“Is that a picture of a blonde Riley and her sister I presume?” Liam questioned Daniel. To begin with there were some hidden feelings towards Riley; an instant attraction. But now that he had seen a picture of her sister, he began to have conflicted feelings.
“Yeah, I think Riley suits blonde. Lindsey is pretty scary if anyone hurts her kid sister, just warning you all now.” Hearing the door slam open, they all stood frozen after originally jumping in unison.
“Talk of the devil.” Daniel winked towards the visitors.
“I’m going to kill him. I swear to god if he touches a single hair on your head he’s a dead man... he thinks because his father is rich he can do whatever the fuck he wants!”
“And people think that I’m a bitch...” Lola giggled. “Hey you two, you have company.”
Lindsey faked a smile, turning from the hulk into an angel. She now knew that Nate Cooper was going to be on her radar at all times during this years camp. But would place those thoughts to the back of her mind. For now at least.
“Hey, Lo... hello handsome strangers...”
“Linz, these ‘strangers’ are newbies so play nice. This is Liam, Maxwell and Drake.”
“So you’re the infamous, Drake.” Overhearing his name, Riley joined them all blushing- unable to look at Drake. Why are they here? Why is he here?
“Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you. Riley spoke highly of you to myself.” Liam introduced himself, his heart began to flutter erratically.
“Shame... she didn’t mention about you...” The two of them remained dormant, just staring into each other’s eyes. As if they was in a trance, which was soon interrupted by Riley.
“What are you guys doing here? Where’s Nate?”
“They are staying here with us! Surprise.”
“Great...Erm I’m going to bed, early start.”
“Stop being such a prune. Have some fun will ya?” Lola knew for a fact that her closest friend was hiding something- usually she would be a night owl but her attitude had changed recently.
“I’ve got a bad headache. Enjoy everyone.” Riley excused herself, after providing them all with a soft smile. A fake one at that.
The morning after, Riley tip toed past the guests hoping to not wake them up. Not really making eye contact with any of them she decided to make a coffee before sneaking out to breathe in the fresh morning air.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know that you was up. I’ll go somewhere else.” What is his issue with me?
“Why are you avoiding me so much?” I don’t want to avoid you. I really don’t. But I have to.
“I’m not avoiding you. I don’t know you.” That’s why you get to know someone, what a dickhead.
“Rather than just assume what my life is like and paint a picture of me....get to know me...” I want to, I really do. But I can’t, especially after I imagined kissing you in the lake.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. We will never see each other again, Brooks. We are not friends...” Is he shy? It doesn’t matter if we don’t see each other again, make every moment count!
“Meet me at the lake at six tonight. I just want you to not judge me before getting to know me.” Not giving him chance to respond she left him alone, wanting to have the last word. If not they could have been there all morning debating about why they couldn’t be fiends. At least.
After their brief talk, Drake needed some excuse to not meet her. Of course he wanted to get to know her. Wanting to spend time with her. However, he knew that it would only end up in heartbreak. The group arrived at fencing, Nate had been persistently asking where they had all been staying. Why he had been forced to move into another cabin? Drake immediately hated him more every second that he spent with him.
“So, Riley and Lindsey will demonstrate. Then I’ll pair you all up.” The two girls defined the definition of sibling rivalry. Neither wanting to give in and lose. After a while their mother abruptly stopped them, calling it a draw. Much to Lindsey’s annoyance.
“Madeleine, Olivia... are you both ready?” Olivia stood up abruptly ready to battle, where as Madeleine was hesitating. The blonde knew that Olivia enjoyed any activity which could harm her opponent.
“I think I’ll see this one out, thank you very much.” Madeleine suggested as she fluttered her eyes towards Jackie.
“Get up now Amaranth! What’s up? Scared that I’m going to slit that perfect skin of yours?”
“Olivia! No violence please.”
“I’m only joking Mrs Brooks.” Or am I? Madeleine gulped, knowing for a fact that her so called friend wasn’t joking. “I don’t feel too good. Is it okay if I head back?” Jackie sighed, knowing that Madeleine wasn’t going to cooperate in any way or form. Agreeing just to avoid any conflict, she watched Madeleine make her way back to the dorm. Jackie decided to pair up with Olivia herself, once they had finished the older woman now knew why Madeleine looked terrified at the mention of being the red heads opponent.
“Drake, Nate. You’re both up next.” Jackie suggested after catching her breath. Not noticing how the two of them were providing each other with looks that could kill prior to her pairing them up.
“Great. It’ll be like a proper duel. People who are below my standard don’t stand a chance.”
“Nate, please don’t hurt him.” Riley pleaded quietly, knowing that he wouldn’t take any notice anyway.
“Why? Do you have a crush on him? When you have me here?”
“No! They are new. You’re an expert at it, just go easy. Please.” Nate knew exactly what she thought of Drake. The blush that appeared upon her face gave her true feelings away instantly.
“I’ll go easy, if you can give me a good luck kiss...” kissing him on the cheek, that is all he would ever receive from her.
“Aw, I think they make a cute couple.” Maxwell said, before looking at Drake who was hiding his jealousy well due to his friends comment. “Do you need a good luck kiss, Drake?”
“Not from you! I don’t need good luck.”
Walking by the lake, she was disappointed that Drake wasn’t there as arranged earlier on in the day. Sitting on the edge on the jetty- she just needed a break away from everyone. Deep down, she was upset that he hated her in an instant. But she hated the fact that she was the opposite. Liam was handsome she couldn’t deny that but she felt something for Drake even if he was a jerk with her.
“Hi, Riley!” The younger campers shouted towards her. They adored her, as she ‘mothered’ them all. Just smiling and waving towards them- she checked the time. He’s not coming, Riley. Just accept it. Slowly standing up, her heart was breaking but her mind informed her to act normal- as if she didn’t care. As she walked away from the jetty she noticed two familiar faces walking her way.
“Hey, where is he?” The two men looked at each other confused, wondering who she was referring about.
“Who?” Maxwell questioned not knowing why he would know anything.
“Oh, he’s at the cabin. He wasn’t feeling too well.”
“Okay.” Smiling at the two of them, she explained that she was going to go to the canteen. Luckily they believed her.
Drake heard the door open, turning his head he didn’t want to see her. It wasn’t a date anyway he believed.
“I decided to not come. I’m not feeling too well.” Speaking quietly, he felt guilty for standing her up. He daren’t turn around to face her, he could only imagine what her facial expression would be. Anger. Mixed with hurt possibly.
“No shit sherlock.” Sternly responding to him, she couldn’t wait to hear what lame excuse he came up with.
“I didn’t have a number to contact you. So I couldn’t get a hold of you to let you know.”
“Well I was at the lake. You do have legs right? You could have walked there and explained that you wasn’t staying.”
“Why are you so bothered? Is this a little game that you’re playing? Trying to make Nate jealous by spending time with us instead?” Laughing she couldn’t believe how his mind ticked. At how defensive he sounded even if he was in the wrong according to her.
“That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”
“No, you’re crazy. Wanting to spend time with someone like me.”
“Maybe I like men that are normal. Intelligent. Adventurous. Maybe, just maybe....” pausing, he didn’t seem the slight bit interested as he remained in the same position that he was in when she first arrived. “You just don’t get it do you, Drake?”
“Maybe I don’t.” Turning around, she didn’t want this conversation to elaborate now. That’s enough of trying to look desperate.
“You know. It wasn’t a date. I just wanted to talk. Is that too much to ask? You’re here for a month, all I wanted to do was sit down near the lake. You ask me questions. I ask you questions. If it was too awkward for you, and you want to continue hating me- fine. Fair enough. But at least we tried. Forget it, I’m done.”
Storming off, he was like a magnet - her mind was trying to think up of any excuse to talk to him. To try to talk. As she walked back in, Drake had defused himself from the couch- her eyes widened as she saw his face.
“This is why I didn’t want to meet you.”
“What happened?”
“During fencing when you left, he was talking about you like you was a piece of shit. After he did this to me, he warned me to stay away from you.”
Nate pushed Drake into a mucky puddle that was surrounding them. Losing his balance, Drake fell backwards. Hearing Olivia cheer for Nate, he grit his teeth. Feeling humiliated, he used the self defence skills that Bastien and his father had taught him and the others from such a young age.
“I won! Why couldn’t you just accept defeat?” Nate snapped as he fell next to Drake.
“Let’s call it a draw.” Hearing the crowd cheer, Nate decided to become a professional actor in front of everybody. Helping Drake up, he then pat him on the back. Once everybody was getting ready for the next ‘match’, Nate dragged his opponent out of the way of prying eyes. Raising his fist, he aimed straight for Drake’s cheek bone.
“What the fuck? Are you insane?”
“Are you?”
“What the fuck are you on about, Nigel?” Emphasising Maxwell’s nickname for Nate, Drake knew that it would irritate the hell out of him.
“Listen, stay away from Riley. She’s mine. You really think that she will look at someone like you? You’re not even from around here so keep those puppy dog eyes lingering somewhere else. You and the blue eyed blonde prick.”
“I don’t like her. But she isn’t your property. So stop disrespecting her. If she is ever going to be yours you need to learn to treat her right!”
“Oh I will, money buys you everything. I’ll make her mine- even if I have to force it upon her.”
“Don’t talk about her like that. If she doesn’t want you, get over yourself.”
“Aw what’s up? Are you going to be a hero? Make her fall in love with you instead for all of what... four weeks? You can keep that thought. Because that’s all it’ll ever be. I get what I want, one way or another. See ya.”
“I’m so sorry. Drake... I....”
“It’s fine.” Closing the distance between the two of them, she gently touched the injury causing him to flinch.
“Please don’t touch it.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll sort it out.”
“Don’t. Honestly, I’m fine. It’s fine. If you want, we can talk another time? Once the dust settles.”
“Pass me your phone. I’ll put my number in it so you can contact me when we aren’t in the groups. I’ll see you later?”
Once she left, a smile crept up on his face. Regretting not meeting her to begin with, he would make amends behind closed doors. Not wanting Nate, to be a danger towards anyone. Especially, Riley. He decided to give her a quick text, so she also had his number.
Receiving his text, a smile crept up on to her face. Unable to wipe it away, she was pleased that she had a persistent attitude. Noticing Nate, she pulled him away from the group that he was sat in.
“Hey, beautiful. Feeling any better?”
“I’m feeling much better than you’ll be feeling.” Swinging her fist back, she aimed straight for his nose. Blood immediately poured everywhere, as he fell backwards not expecting this type of behaviour from her.
“Stay away from me. Stay away from everybody else...” Stay away from Drake. Realising that he was the attention of the full camp, he felt humiliated beyond words as gasps and whispering echoed around him. Stupid bitch. Were the two words that he wanted to express out loud. Instead he bit his tongue, not wanting to push her away any further. Escaping from the ‘crime scene’ he began plotting how to get his revenge- not on Riley specifically, but the new boys who had caused all of this in his mind.
Feeling slightly guilty that she had used her fists- she was a lover not a fighter, the adrenaline soon drained and she began to rethink about her unexpected actions. Drake had defended her to begin with, even without elaborating on the true facts about what Nate said regarding her. She believed that there was possibly much more to that conversation, but Drake didn’t have the heart to go into full details. Most likely to protect her feelings. Or so she hoped. Deep down, she knew that he wasn’t an arsehole under all of those scowls that prevented his true personality from making an appearance. Even though she was the directors daughter, her father wouldn’t treat her any differently and would send her to the isolation cabin for a night as well as a full day as he would do for anyone else breaking any rules.
“I know, I’ll pack my bag.”
“Baby, don’t touch him again. Ignore him in the future.”
“So it’s okay for him to give Drake a black eye? Demand that Drake stays away from me after he protected and defended me?”
“He did what?”
Riley closed her eyes, most people close to her assumed that she was suffering with depression. Possible domestic abuse added to those suspicions even if she denied it. Hence the weekly meetings in this office. Staring at the same four walls that she had become accustomed to for the last four weeks, it became tedious. Pointless, in her mind.
“So after you informed your father about what Nate had done to Drake, what happened next?” Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Remembering how determined she was to just talk to him. Shaking her head, she didn’t want to elaborate on the heartbreak that she had suffered. Stupidity from her part believed that they could have had the fairytale ending as Andy and Jackie did. Now, it was just distant memories. Memories that often resurfaced every now and again.
“Summer camp, was a major part of your childhood right up to young adulthood. If your parents were still here would you be able to return even with the memories about Drake, Nate and your friends.”
“One day I will have to return. To face it all again. I’m just not ready yet. That year, I finally understood what love was. I understood about how my parents instantly fell in love in a similar situation....”
“Next week, if you want- we can continue where we left off if it helps? Explain what happened for the remainder of the camp season.” Riley thanked Sharon, her counsellor. Even ten years later, she still struggled with what happened at camp that time that the five strangers attended. Lindsey had recently forced her sister to have sessions especially after losing their parents tragically. As she exited the building, her cell began to ring on an unknown number.
“Hello, may I speak to Riley Brooks please?”
“I am... I was Riley Brooks. I’m married now. But yes, you’ve found her.”
“Riley, my name is Harris Watson and I’m the estate attorney for your Uncle. I’m afraid I have some bad news...”
“Oh god...”
The last day or two had been specifically hard for Drake. He had purposely self isolated himself in his fathers cabin. Not wanting or allowing himself to socialise or interact with anyone. Not even, Liam. Thirteen years had passed since he had lost his father. Twelve and a half years since his mother had done a vanishing act. A year since his sister mimicked their mothers actions. Two days ago he lost someone else, the only other person who he was close to. Slowly sipping the whiskey, he stared at the photo above the fire place. A photo that was taken ten years prior. The picture could paint a thousand words, but for Drake its only meaning was the one and only time that he had truly fallen in love. Unexpectedly.
Here’s to you, Ri. I hope that you are doing all of those amazing things. Those aims that you said you would do when you forced me to talk to you for the first time. I’m so sorry for hurting you. I miss you every second of each day.
Hearing his phone ring, he was knocked out of his trance from all those years ago.
“Hello, is that Drake Walker?”
“Yes, this is he.”
“Drake, my name is Harris Watson and I’m the estate attorney for....” Drakes heart sunk, he knew exactly what this phone call was regarding. Suddenly he seemed very sober. “Upon his request, he had requested for yourself and four others to come to New York City. I will forward you a copy of the letter that he left; it will include the names of those people. But I will require for you to come to my office for ten am on Monday. I will forward the directions. Is that okay?”
“Sure. See you there. Thank you.” Hanging up, tears immediately rolled down his face uncontrollably. Receiving the notification he opened the document as his hand shook.
Dear Drake, my son.
I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you locate Savannah as promised. As soon as I had heard about what the King had done to you all of these years, I couldn’t hold back. He’s going to kill me, hence why I am writing this. I’m sorry for leaving you. But I had to defend you. My will hearing will be in New York, I need you to travel there with; Liam and Maxwell. Possibly take Leo with you? Maybe Tariq too? I know you don’t like Tariq much, but does anyone? I know you’re probably laughing at that comment right now. Maybe you could combine this trip with Liam’s premature bachelor party? Have a blast you lot! I’m going to look down on you as well as two other special people in my life. I hope that you find happiness that you deserve. You are loyal, and I’m proud to have been able to call you my son. Bast.
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Twist of Fate, Chapter 2
You know what, I said I was gonna post a chapter every Saturday but FUCK IT I’M MAKING GREAT PROGRESS ON IT SO HERE HAVE A SURPRISE CHAPTER!! I’m gonna keep tagging @cosmicrealmofkissteria because once again, she and I have been yelling about this story for literal months and I can’t not tag my partner in crime lol. Enjoy! 
The next morning, Starchild was strolling briskly down the hall from his bedroom to the meeting hall, ready to enter the first of many government meetings. His talk with Ace before dinner the previous night had left him with a lighter conscience, and with it came an eagerness to get started.
He turned the last corner and caught sight of a familiar figure casually pacing back and forth in front of the doors. He smiled. “Good morning, Tomaziel,”
Tomaziel jumped and looked up as Starchild headed towards him. Starchild gave a laugh. “I’m sorry, did I scare you?”
“Er… slightly.” He bowed. “Good morning, Prince Starchild. Did you sleep well?”
“I did, thank you. It’s funny; I thought I would be the first one here. Seems you beat me.”
Tomaziel smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I enjoy waking up early anyways, your grace. It gives me time to think.”
“Oh, I agree. Lately, I’ve been trying to write a little every morning. I keep a diary.” He leaned forward and smiled conspiratorially at him. “But don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.”
The Jendellian chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me, Prince Starchild.” He suddenly sobered and looked at him regretfully. “I really do apologize for yesterday. Truly, I didn’t mean to shock you as I did.”
“Really, Tomaziel, there’s no need to apologize,” Starchild shook his head. “I understand completely. How long have you been training your lightning?”
“For a few years now. The King says I have a natural gift for it.”
“If Ace said it, then I believe it,” he smiled at the Jendellian. “But really, I do understand. Once…” he pretended to glance around warily, making Tomaziel smile slightly. “Once, when I was still learning how to control my Starbeams, I became so excited about something that they shot out and nearly hit Councilman Goliath right in the face.”
Tomaziel looked like he wanted to laugh but was holding it back. Starchild grinned and chuckled. “Go ahead and laugh, I don’t mind. It was mortifying back then, but it’s a funny story now.”
Finally, Tomaziel snorted and started to laugh. He muffled it behind his hand. “It is rather funny…”
“It’s very funny,” Starchild laughed. “But you see? I understand. There was no harm done, and no need to be so hard on yourself over a simple mistake.”
“I… I suppose you’re right.” Tomaziel gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you, your grace. That makes me feel much better.”
“I’m glad.” Glancing at the doors, Starchild jerked his head at them. “What say we go inside and wait for the others to arrive?”
“Are you certain we can do that?”
“I don’t think there is anything stopping us from doing that.” He grinned jokingly. “And if there is, you can feign ignorance and say you followed me inside.”
The two shared a laugh and headed for the doors.
Starchild knew the meetings that would take place over the next few weeks were important—in order to maintain the peaceful and prosperous alliance between KISSteria and the Celestials, the two realms had to be in agreement and in sync with each other. They were important and necessary, and he was happy to sit through them if it meant learning useful details for when he would have to host meetings like these himself one day.
… But he still couldn’t deny how tedious they were. The government official had been speaking for what seemed like ages, going on about trading between the two realms. He still tried to listen attentively—he couldn’t help but think about how, if his younger self were here, he would have been visibly bored. His chin would be in his hand, his fingers would be drumming the table, and his eyes would have been distant and far-off looking as he thought about anything other than what he was hearing. He couldn’t have that sort of attitude anymore, not if he wanted to be taken seriously. So he straightened his posture and listened.
“… but of course, if one were to place the access point solely in Jendell, it would fail to provide a safe route for poorer traders from Kendarr and the other moons.”
Starchild perked up at what the man said. Hadn’t he once read about something like the issue being presented? “Pardon me, Senator,” he said aloud. When the Senator turned his head, he went on. “What if we were to establish a single, central route that Kendarr and the moons could take to reach Jendell? That would eliminate the dangers of lesser-traveled, alternative routes.”
He thought it was a good idea… until the Senator gave him a slight frown. “That would indeed be beneficial, Prince Starchild. But the moons all already have well-protected, frequently traveled routes between them. There is no need to do away with them unless it was absolutely necessary, which it is not.”
Starchild stared at him for a moment, unsure how to respond. His cheeks grew slightly warm. “I see… Forgive me, Senator; I didn’t realize that. Thank you for correcting me. You may continue.”
The Senator nodded at him and went on, and though Starchild tried to listen, he kept thinking about his mistake. His eyes lowered to the table and embarrassment bubbled up. You shouldn’t have said that.
The meeting adjourned after another hour, and Starchild walked out of the meeting hall feeling considerably less cheerful than when it started. Would the Senators even listen to him when he gave his opinions after this? He was definitely going to make sure they were more informed before he gave them, but still…
No, he knew what was going to happen. He was overthinking, again, and eventually he would work himself up into an anxious mess and his mistake would stay on his mind the rest of the trip and he wouldn’t be able to participate properly. He had to distract himself.
As luck would have it, he turned his head and noticed Tomaziel and Ace over to one side, looking to be in a discussion. Ace nodded, and Tomaziel bowed and turned to walk out of the room. Starchild walked faster to follow him, and when he had left the meeting hall he called, “Tomaziel!” When Tomaziel turned around he flashed him a friendly smile. “Do you mind if I walk with you?”
Tomaziel blinked at him, perhaps in surprise. “Er… there are things I must attend to, your grace. But you are welcome to walk part of the way with me if you like.”
“I would like that.” As the two set off down the hallway, Starchild spoke again, hoping he could make some sort of conversation that would distract him from thinking about his mistake. “So, did you enjoy the meeting?”
“I tried my best to pay attention, as I realize how important these meetings are,”
Starchild grinned at that—he knew full well that was the respectful way of saying he had been bored for most of it. “How respectful of you. I found it rather interesting.”
“If I may, you seemed to know some things about trade routes,”
He shrugged modestly. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m an expert by any means. I just happened to read a book about trade routes once. That’s all.” And he couldn’t help what he said next. “Though given what happened, perhaps I should have paid more attention when I was reading it.”
“I—I beg your pardon, but what do you mean?”
“W-Well, when the Senator was talking about the trade routes, and I interrupted him, and ended up giving an uninformed suggestion.” His hand drifted to fiddle and pull at his finger on his other hand. “I spoke too quickly… I will have to remember to not do that…”
“May I say something?” Tomaziel ventured. When he glanced at him, he continued. “I remember once King Ace did the same thing. He spoke up to give a suggestion too soon and was scolded for it. But the best thing one can do is apologize and thank the person for correcting them. And you did just that. It showed you realized your mistake and acknowledged his correction.”
Starchild considered what he said. “That is true… I hope he doesn’t base his impression of me off one mistake.”
“I don’t believe he will,” Tomaziel replied. “After you thanked him and we continued, he seemed to forget about it.”
That sounded incredibly reassuring. Starchild blew out a breath and let go of his finger, then smiled gratefully at Tomaziel. “Thank you, Tomaziel. I am trying not to overthink as much as I used to, but it was nice to speak about it. Thank you for listening.”
“You’re welcome,” Tomaziel smiled back. “We all overthink sometimes. I know I have before… If you’ll pardon me, I should go now.”
“Oh, of course,”
Tomaziel gave him a respectful nod. “I will see you later, Prince Starchild,”
Smiling, Starchild gave him a nod of his own. “I look forward to it, Tomaziel,”
He watched the Jendellian leave, then turned to head off himself. He couldn’t help thinking along the way how nice it was of Tomaziel to let him talk through his anxiety.
Tomaziel was willing to be honest with himself—he thought Prince Starchild was handsome. He had overheard some noblewomen of the court as he went off to make sure everything would be ready for dinner that evening, and his ears had perked up when he heard the Star Prince’s name be mentioned. But all they did was giggle about how handsome, confident, and charismatic he was. And Tomaziel was inclined to agree.
But even so, him thinking Prince Starchild was handsome meant very little. Just because he thought someone was handsome didn’t mean he was going to do anything about it. There was a difference between being attracted to someone and simply thinking they were good-looking. And Tomaziel wasn’t attracted to Prince Starchild. Besides, Prince Starchild had better things to do than entertain a simple aide to the King.
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phony-stony · 5 years
oh take me back to the start
written for @winterironmonth SFW Friday. Fills out the prompt: TROPE/AU: Post Breakup
Words: 6.9k Ao3 link
stay tuned for other fics this month!
God did Tony need a fucking drink. 
He must have looked like it too because the stewardess didn't even blink before giving him a "right away, Mr. Stark" as soon as he had asked for the strongest thing they had on board, followed up with a "don't bother if you only have whiskey, I don't drink that." 
Tony sighed, leaning back into his seat and trying to relax, but he could feel a migraine blooming right behind his eyes, and while Tony was an expert bullshitter even he had his limits. Trying to tell himself that everything was fine right now wasn't even in the realm of truth—it was so wildly untrue that Tony was certain that he needed a stronger phrase than "lying through my goddamn teeth" to try and describe it properly. 
It didn't matter. 
Fuck, maybe, well, no it really- 
"Your drink?" 
Tony nearly jumped out of his seat when the stewardess appeared at his side, handing him a full glass. 
"Thanks," he muttered, taking the drink and having to physically restrain himself from chugging it down. 
"We do have vodka on board, sir, but normally patrons don't like to drink it straight. I can see about something to mix it with if you'd like?" 
Tony waved her away, trying his best to give her a thankful smile. It probably looked like a grimace. 
"This brandy 's fine, thanks." 
He'd break out the vodka later right before they landed, but god, right now he just wanted to be left alone. 
Tony didn't even realize that she had left. He was already thinking of what—of who—he would see by the end of the day. 
 Bucky was halfway through getting himself together for work when his phone rang. 
"What the hell do ya want, Stevie?" 
"Morning to you too, jerk." 
"Shut up, punk." Bucky pinned the phone between his shoulder and ear as he threaded his belt through the loops of his pants. 
"Bite me. You know what today is, right?" 
Bucky leaned his hip up against his bed and felt how his grip tightened on the phone in his hand. For a minute they were both silent. 
"I think we both know the answer to that, so why don't you say what you obviously have to get off your chest and let me do somethin' today." 
"Today is the five year anniversary." 
"Are you….I mean, I know how important this whole thing, how important he is to you, but I know that you're still trying to get over everything and all that." 
"Spit it out, Steve." 
"Are you going to go? Like have you actually thought everything through and all that." 
Bucky didn't answer at first, but then the silence stretched wider and wider as Bucky's heart started to hurt in his chest. 
"Bucky? You still there?" 
Steve's voice was quiet and delicate over the phone, like he could see the physical pieces of Bucky's heart splintered in his chest. 
"Yeah. I'm here," he managed. 
"You don't have to go, Buck, you know that right? I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't, but I'm just putting it out there. I know how much you keep beating yourself up over it and I know how much you miss him, but you've worked really hard to get where you are. I remember what you were like when everything happened, and Buck? I never want to see you that hurt ever again." 
There was rustling over the speakers, and Bucky still didn't have his voice back. 
"I think that you should go, but only if you think that you're going to be alright. I know that this is important to you, but you don't owe him anything. Don't do it for him." 
"I-" Bucky stopped, swallowed nothing, and tried to gather his thoughts, "I'm going to go," he said quietly. 
"I need to see him again. I can't go the rest of my life thinking about what could have happened, Steve. I'm going to go." 
Steve sounded pleased and like Bucky had said exactly what he had thought he would, and Bucky breathed out, rolling back his shoulders. 
Today was the day. 
 "What's a pretty thing like you doin' all alone?" 
Tony cocked his eyebrow at the guy approaching him. 
"Maybe I'm hiding from all of the pick-up artists like yourself," Tony responded, pouring on the attitude and sass to make up for the fact that this guy's blue eyes were making Tony sweat. Fuck. 
He brought his cup to his mouth and took a large gulp from his beer. Alcohol was liquid courage and all that, plus he just really fucking needed something to do with his hands. 
The guy smirked, just a bit of white teeth slipping out. Tony both prayed for Rhodey to come back so he could save Tony before he did something stupid like swoon, yet he also wanted nothing more than for Rhodey to forget all about him and leave him with this stranger with his perfect face and all. 
"I wouldn't call myself a pick-up artist, doll." 
"Then what would you call yourself?" 
"James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky." 
Tony couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of him. He also couldn't help but catch the wide smile Bucky sent his way in reciprocation. 
"That was smooth, I'll give you that." 
"Mind if I join ya?"
"As a drinking partner, maybe." 
It wasn't that Tony wasn't interested because fuck what Tony wouldn't give to work Bucky's shirt off of his body and lick those goddamn muscles, but Tony didn't really do hook-ups. He had spent his whole life feeling discarded and worthless because of his shit father, and while they weren't related at all, Tony always associated the morning after so strongly with being rejected that the sex wasn't worth it to him. It always felt like he had burned through his worth and exceeded his welcome when the sun finally rolled back around. 
Bucky smiled wide, and it was beautiful. 
"I'd be happy to, darlin'."
 Tony jerked awake when his phone slipped out of his hand and landed on his foot. It hadn't hurt, but he cursed wildly anyways. The words made his racing heart and shaking hands feel better. 
Tony tucked himself as far into the seat as he could go and pulled out his Stark Industries tablet—nothing hooked his attention like his engineering, and he needed to stop thinking about Bucky. At this rate, he'll be going from the plane to checking into a psych ward as soon as he landed from a breakdown. 
(there's another one of his lies—there's so many now, aren't there? Because Tony learned long, long ago that nothing can take his mind away from James, from his Bucky—) 
 Tony is talking about his latest project, a robot that he's building that will end up being able to be coded to do chores and help around in a house. 
"-and I know that I still need to work out all of the bugs, but he already wants to be so helpful! Well, I mean, he did try and poison me with a smoothie made out of motor oil, but it was an accident, DUM-E didn't mean it. Plus, I really-" 
Bucky pulled Tony more into his lap, and Tony's rambling didn't even falter while Bucky manhandled him into a more comfortable position on their shitty couch. Instead of having his own space on the sofa, Tony's body was tucked into the crook of Bucky's arm and his legs were draped over Bucky's. Satisfied that he could hold Tony completely, Bucky curled a hand around one of Tony's ankles and rubbed the skin softly while Tony kept talking about his robot and all of the things he was going to do with it. 
They were still there two hours later when Steve came home from work. 
"Tony are you staying over tonight?" he asked, popping the tab on a soda and stealing the leftover pizza from the pie they had ordered earlier today. 
"I don't think Bucky's going to let go of me." 
Steve rolled his eyes. 
"I can't believe I'm still waiting for you two to leave the honeymoon phase. Disgusting." 
"Shut your mouth, Stevie, I've had to stumble across you and Peggy trying to suck each other faces off enough times to file for compensation. I think you can handle me holding my boyfriend." 
"Oh relax, jerk." 
Steve chugged the rest of his soda and recycled the empty can. He tipped his head to the two of them on the couch still. 
"Night, Tony. If you wake up before noon I'll make you pancakes. Bucky, try to not fuck him through the mattress all night, you've got eight-am's tomorrow and you're cranky without your beauty sleep." 
Tony laughed and wished Steve good night while Bucky scowled, tossing some luke-warm insult over his shoulder at his punk-ass best friend. 
"You want to head to bed? I know you may not want to admit it but you like your sleep almost as much as me." 
"It's only a little past ten, why don't you finish what you were telling me 'bout, alright, doll?" 
 Bucky blinked back to attention when the little bell at the front desk was rung for a third time. Jumping up from his chair, Bucky emerged from the back office. 
"Sorry, what can I help you with?" 
The customer explains that they made an appointment for Bucky to check their transmission and the work is welcome to keep Bucky's mind off of… things. Things like fingers twisted around his and giggled kisses. 
Bucky pulls on gloves and grabs what he needs, glancing at the clock. 
Just about nine-thirty in the morning. 
Bucky may be taking off early so he can get cleaned up before driving down to the park, but the short day seems irrelevant when he has a feeling that today will drag long enough to border eternity. 
 "What do you need?" 
For a shameful, terrible moment, Tony nearly told him to fuck right off. Fortunately, Tony didn't have the capability or the autonomy to use his vocal chords right now. They were just… not working. Nothing was. 
Instead of saying the biting words that he wanted, Tony was just silent. 
Bucky didn't say anything either, but he also didn't leave—Tony could feel the eyes on him, boring into his back, cracking Tony's pathetic and curled up form open, seeing the black in his lungs and the fury making him sick, the grief and confusion tearing him apart. 
The bedsprings shifting on Tony's shitty college bed was the only indication that Bucky had moved, and then there were arms gently winding their way around Tony's body, pulling him back up against Bucky. 
But Tony didn't want that—he didn't want to he held and shushed and placated, he wanted to scream and rip out his own fucking hair, drink the nearest bottle of jack and mix it with oxy, he wanted to hurt, he wanted to hurt. 
He did not deserve this, and he did not want it, and he tried to push Bucky's arms off of him, tried to struggle out of his grip and shove his way free, but no matter how many elbows Bucky caught and how many frustrated grunts that Tony let out, he didn't let Tony go. Instead, Bucky just held him for a moment, for two, and Tony's cries muffled through clenched teeth turned into sobs, and he still couldn't bring himself to say anything. 
"I've got you," Bucky murmured, turning Tony around and tucking him right under his chin. Strong arms freely found themselves holding Tony's shaking form close, and it was too much touch, too much stimulation, but at the same time it was not enough, he needed more, needed to feel Bucky around him completely so he would know that he was safe. 
God, what a stupid thought. Safe? He needed to feel safe? From what, a fucking corpse? Howard was dead, he won't be saying a damn thing to Tony now. 
When had Tony started crying? All of the sudden he was gasping through his tears and Bucky was still just there. 
Something sounded like a wounded animal, and Tony had a sinking suspicion that it was him. 
Bucky still didn't say anything. 
Dead. Howard was dead. Gone, drunk and high on three separate drugs when he ended up wrapping his truck around a tree on the side of the road, and the amount of times that he had wished for that bastard's death was too high for him to try and count. Every biting remark, every slap, every hit, every breakdown, Tony remembered everything, and it all haunted him. Fuck. Howard had torn Tony apart time after time, and Tony hated him for everything he had done, everything he had taken away and destroyed, all of the pain he had beaten into Tony's short life. 
Tony had nightmares and he still couldn't drink whiskey without flashing back, couldn't handle the smell of cigarettes and loathed anything to do with poker. He was in therapy and had so many fucking issues because of him, he was so weak because of him, yet here he was angry and sad and so fucking lost. Pathetic. 
Bucky kissed the top of his head, humming something soft and Russian under his breath. 
For some reason, it broke Tony. 
Bucky had to sit them up because Tony was choking on his tears. 
Tony wanted to scream at Howard, yell and rage about all of the misery and anguish that Tony has dragged himself through. He wanted to make Howard hurt as much as he had made Tony hurt, but he was dead, and the chance at validation, at acknowledgement that everything that had happened was Howard's fault, not Tony's was up in smoke. He would never make Howard understand what he had done. 
And while Tony knew that their relationship could have never been salvaged, part of him still mourned at the loss of his father, at someone who had been tasked with protecting and loving him, and had failed. He mourned the life that he never had, the love he never got, and as Tony sobbed, Bucky just held him tight. 
It's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it'sokayit'skayit'skayit's-
Tony didn't know if the words were Bucky's or if it was his own subconscious breaking down, but he also didn't care. Tony just clutched at Bucky's sweatshirt tighter and shook. 
 Tony swallowed his third Advil, rubbing at his temples. 
"Do you need anything, Mr. Stark?" 
"Please don't call me that. Tony is fine," he managed, his voice whispery and not sounding quite right. And Tony would have to leave her a huge tip because she just nodded, said "sure thing, Tony," and left him like he so needed. 
Feeling like a dog licking his wounds, Tony desperately put in his headphones. He had a playlist for when he started thinking about Howard that helped to keep him grounded—ha, ironic, I'm on a bloody plane—and he didn't use it too often anymore, but he also didn't have Bucky around to hold him as he fell apart. 
 Tony threw his head back and moaned, hips stuttering as he sat himself fully on Bucky's cock. Hissing, Bucky clamped his hands onto Tony's hips and held him steady, held him still. 
"Wait," he breathed, "you need to wait." 
Tony whined and tried to move, but Bucky was too strong for Tony to break his grip and they both knew it. 
"Bucky, Bucky please, oh god please, I need you, Bucky I need you." Tony gasped, leaning down and kissing Bucky desperately, like he was hungry. Bucky rocked his hips up just a little, then again and again, the pace slow and deep to open Tony up fully around his cock. He took command over their kiss and kept his control over Tony's hips firm. Sucking one last breathy moan from Tony's lips, Bucky let him go and laid back, his hands slipping down to rest on Tony's thighs. 
"Ride me, doll. Show me how pretty you look on my cock." 
Tony hissed out something that Bucky couldn't make out and then he was riding Bucky hard, mouth open and panting, hands pressed to Bucky's chest, moaning and gasping. 
Bucky let Tony take what he wanted, and then when Tony's thighs burned too much to keep up with the speed he craved, the roughness which Tony wanted, Bucky flipped them and pinned Tony to the bed, sucking a deep bruise onto Tony's neck as Bucky made him moan, made him come, made him see stars. 
 Sam took the wrench out of his hand and pushed him towards the door, demanding him to leave already. 
"Man, I love you, but you've been staring at the wall for the past five minutes. Your shift ends in twenty, and I don't care if you're my boss, you're in my way. The shop'll be fine, go on, I'll see you on Monday, alright?" 
Bucky had a feeling that his hands were shaking. 
 "Open your eyes!" 
Tony stepped back and watched Bucky's mouth drop. 
"I know, I know, I should have asked, but I kind of wanted it to stay a surprise? Anyways, I got it all done professionally, so you don't have to worry about some rando touching your guitar. It's been refinished and I had the guy fix the neck and your bridge, and everything's been cleaned and oiled and all sorts of other things. Oh! I also got it re-stringed for you, the expensive ones and everything. There's another pair in your case already for when you need them, and I sewed that rip on your strap for you. Now you don't have to have so many safety pins holding it together." 
Tony felt his voice trail off a little when Bucky still didn't give him much of a reaction besides open-mouthed staring. He bit at his lip, shifting from foot to foot. Tony hadn't gotten him a new guitar specifically because Bucky loved his with his whole heart—it had been a gift from his ma when he was five, and the acoustic was probably the most important thing he owned. So instead, Tony had taken it to the most professional shop around and had the owner give it the works. 
Finally, Bucky snapped out of his reverie and turned to Tony, his look unreadable. 
"How did you… Tony the money… "
Tony frowned and stepped forward, shushing him before wrapping his hands around one of Bucky's and tugging him towards his guitar. 
"My new job pays me a lot better, remember?" 
"You were going to save it for a new set of tools, the fancy ones that you've wanted since forever, Tony, doll, why would you spend it on me?" 
"Because I wanted to give you something nice, and I love you." 
"Shhh, don't. Do you like it?" 
"Yes, god, of course-" 
"Then that's more than enough for me." 
Bucky kissed him hard, deeply, and in a rush. Tony just held on for the ride, trying his best to keep up with Bucky's kisses in between whispered thankyous upon thankyous. 
Later that night Bucky treated him to the best performance of his life, worshiping him first with chords and plucked melodies and sung words, and then with his hands and his lips. 
 Tony stared down at the picture on his phone. 
He had known that looking at the album sitting in the dusty corners of his storage was a bad idea, yet there he was, tracing the angle of Bucky's jaw with his eyes, heart aching as he drank in their smiles, their happiness, their love. 
It had been a stupid selfie Bucky had surprised Tony with, his newly refurbished guitar in the background. 
It had been Tony's homescreen for months. 
Tony feels something crack in his chest. 
 They both stared at the screen of Tony's phone. On it was an email from Obadiah Stane with the details that Tony had asked for in regards to the job he had offered him. Stane had showed up a few days ago to the yearly exhibit the engineer majors put together to showcase their senior projects. He had been so impressed with Tony's AI JARVIS that he had nearly shoved a contract into Tony's hands then and there. 
Bucky reread the whole thing again. 
Massive benefits, a huge salary, head of R&D, creative freedom, all in-
"California. Bucky, this is in California, as in across the whole fucking country." Tony breathed out sharply, pushing the phone away from him. He got up abruptly and started to pace. 
"This is exactly what I wanted, no, this is more that I ever thought I even wanted. Okay, sure, maybe I've thought about having my own company or something, but that would have never happened, you know? I knew I would get stuck in some regular job probably designing computer software or something just as stupid just for the money, but holy fuck, with this I can do something with my life! I can help people, my work can mean something, I can be someone, I…" 
Tony trailed off and bit at his lip, arms crossed over his chest. Bucky frowned, knowing where this conversation was going to go immediately.  He stood from the table and stepped into Tony's pathway, catching him as he walked right into Bucky's chest, oblivious to Bucky's movement. 
"You already are someone, sweetheart, you don't have to prove anything." 
Tony's head snapped up and he scowled, shoving Bucky's hands off of him. 
"No I'm not. I make some things on the weekends and work at the diner to pay for college. This is my chance to actually do something with my life besides become the next drunk, coked-up, piled-in-debt Howard who is worth absolutely nothing. I can't do that, Bucky, I can't. I need to do something bigger than myself, to make a difference, and I can't do that in this crappy college apartment." 
"Tony, you're not going to become the next Howard whether you take this job or not." 
"You don't know that!" Tony yelled, his hands up in his hair, wrapped around the roots. 
Bucky closed the distance between them in two strides and gently took Tony by the wrists, making him relax his harsh grip. 
"I do!" Bucky said, nearly just as loud as Tony had been to make sure that it sunk into Tony's brain. He immediately brought his volume down. "Anthony Edward Stark, I know you, and I know that you would never become that goddamn bastard. You are too good of a person, too good of a man, to even think about half of the shit he's pulled. It doesn't matter if you do nothing but tinker on the weekends and work some boring job for the rest of your life, you'll still be a million times better than Howard. Your worth and morals are not based on if you have a fancy job in California or not." 
Tony looked like he wanted to believe Bucky, but that there were still parts of him that didn't. Sighing, Bucky folded Tony into his arms. 
He understood Tony's all-consuming need to be someone, he really did. Howard had drilled it into Tony's head that he was nothing and that he would also never be anything, and Tony had a craving to prove him wrong and to rub it in his face. Tony kept trying to grab at every opportunity that he could to help people, to show his brilliance, to improve the lives of others, and as much as he succeeded, it wasn't enough for him. 
Ever since Tony had escaped from Howard's grasp, he had been trying to find himself and heal, had been trying to scream that Howard was wrong, and part of that was the feral need to become and do whatever Howard said that he couldn't. In this case, it was the fact that Tony was determined to not live as a nobody. 
Tony still tied his value to the standards Howard had set and his ability to exceed them, and Bucky hated how much pressure he put on himself. He hated how much pressure Howard had put on Tony, and how much he was still putting on him even now that he's dead and gone. 
More than anything, Bucky hated how he can't do anything for Tony besides be there. 
"I think you should take this," Bucky whispers, "not because of Howard, but because of how much you can help other people. I know that deep down that's the root of everything you do, and you can make such a difference in the world. You're not going to get another opportunity like this, Tones, and it'll be so good for you." 
Tony wrapped his arms around Bucky's back. 
"You can't come with me. Your mom needs you here and I would never take you away from here, but I can't lose you, Bucky I can't-" 
"Hey, who said anything about losing me, doll? Just because you might be in California for most of the time doesn't mean I'm gone. You're not going to ever get rid of me, alright?" 
Tony's hands were shaking, and Bucky had a feeling that his would be too if they weren't clutched onto Tony so hard. 
 Bucky leaned his head against the tile of the shower, the water turned too hot, but Bucky didn't really care if it burned. He still had some extra time before he had to get ready and right now all of the memories were too much. 
Tony had left for California three weeks later, and in the beginning everything was more than fine. But things had kept piling and soon it was too much for them to try and ignore, and it broke them apart and tore Bucky's heart to shreds. 
He remembers the morning that the news had broadcasted Obadiah Stane being led away in handcuffs for murder, treason, money laundering, and all sorts of other offenses, and he still has the hole in his wall where he had punched through the plaster when he had thought about Tony trying to save the world and getting mixed up in all of Stane's shit, thought about Tony leaving everything in New York behind for a dream and getting it destroyed. 
Thought about how Bucky had lost Tony for what? A lying sack of shit who was responsible for the deaths of thousands? 
Because at the end of the day it didn't matter if Tony saved the world or not when Bucky could no longer call him his. 
 "Who're you texting, Tony? A pretty girl?" 
Tony looked up from his phone and gave Obadiah a sheepish smile as he clicked the screen off. Bucky had been texting him, asking if Tony had time to skype tonight. When Tony said that he was busy, Bucky asked if he could make an exception, even if it was just for a minute because "it's been so long since I've seen you and I miss you, doll, I'm worried." Tony could admit that he's been brushing Bucky off recently, but he's been trying to not only stay in Obadiah's good graces, but also show that he can be the best employee Obadiah has. He needed to show Obadiah that he was worth the risk that he had taken on Tony. He needed to show him how much he was worth. 
So what if Tony had forgotten a couple of calls? He's been working and inventing his days away. And it's not like Bucky was the only thing that he was forgetting—Tony could admit that he had lost weight because he was forgetting to eat and sleep in between projects. 
(That little tid-bit had gone over swimmingly when he had told Bucky. He's been getting worried texts more and more recently as the time between Tony's apologies and Bucky's unanswered good mornings stretched.) 
Tony was the head of R&D, it was expected that he worked the hardest—Obadiah expected that he worked the hardest—and Tony wasn't about to disappoint the man. He could take some long nights, it was fine. 
Because honestly? What other employee had been up here in Obadiah's private office for a personal thank you?
Obadiah pressed a drink into Tony's hand, but the alcohol swishing in the crystal glass made his stomach turn. He started to say no, but Obadiah just kept smiling, refusing to take the glass back. 
"C'mon, Tony, I'm trying to congratulate my favorite employee on his roaring success. You aren't going to waste my scotch, are you?" 
Tony just stared at him for a moment, and he was four, Howard growling at him to stop being an ungrateful brat when Tony had cried at having to eat a half-cooked hot dog for the fourth day in a row. He was hungry, he needed something more, but he didn't understand why his dad could eat whatever he wanted and Tony's stomach had to hurt so bad. 
"You'll be happy with what I fucking give you, brat." 
Tony dug his fingernails into his palm and gritted his teeth, pushing down the panic flooding through his head and just barely stopping himself from running out of the room and calling Bucky, needing Bucky-
Tony took a deep breath, tripped his head back, and drank. 
 Tony was so jittery that he nearly forgot to grab his suitcase. 
But soon enough he was in a taxi and leaning back in his seat as soft rock played through the old car speakers. He had toyed with getting his own car to pick him up, but he didn't want to draw attention to himself, and everyone traveled by taxi in New York anyways. 
He knew that Bucky was probably well aware about the fact that he had his own company and was the CEO and founder of Stark Industries, the leading technology company in the world and responsible for cleaning up Obadiah's mess as well as the messes of other billionaires. Bucky probably couldn't make it two feet outside without hearing or seeing one of his products, and god that had to be annoying. 
Tony had been the one to break up with him and Bucky still couldn't escape him. 
In about twenty minutes, Tony would be seeing Bucky again for the first time in five years. Bucky had made him promise when Tony tried to end things that they would meet up and see where life took them. Who cared if they had found someone else or were married or had changed? They could find each other one more time and see where it took them, see if they could be friends and maybe go on a double date, or see what happened if they were both single. That's what Bucky had said—he hadn't cared what might happen in the future, but he had made it clear that even though Tony was cutting all contact with him, he still wanted Tony in his life in the future in any way Tony would let him. 
He wondered if Bucky still felt the same. 
When Bucky saw him again, would he be satisfied with the closure of one last afternoon together and be content in letting Tony go forever? Would he had finally come to his senses and wish he had never made that promise to Tony all those years ago? Would he be disgusted with the fortune belonging to Tony, with the man he had become? Would he show up at all? 
Part of Tony scoffed, thinking about how he would rather Bucky ditch him than bring a new partner for Tony to meet, but that was just another lie—Tony was still pathetically grasping at any scrap of Bucky that he could get his hands on. 
It's been five years and Tony is still mourning the loss of the love of his life. 
 Steve shook his shoulder to get his attention. 
"Come on, we're shipping out." 
Bucky grabbed his bag and stood, and he knew that Steve was following him. 
It had been nearly three months since Tony had broken it off between them. Bucky had fought like hell to try and get Tony to realize that they could still fix their relationship, but he was stubborn and scared and being his normal, self-sacrificing self. 
Tony had distanced himself a lot in the weeks since he had left, and Bucky knew that most of it was because he was being run ragged trying to get projects done before deadlines, trying to prove himself, trying, trying, trying. He was disappearing from everyone more and more, the stretches of silence growing day by day, and his self-worth was plummeting. Bucky could see it every time they had skyped and all of the tired phone calls they shared after work. It was the work, the stress, the new environment and the isolation and damn it all if it wasn't because of Obadiah because Bucky knew that he was a lying sack of-
Tony wasn't taking care of himself physically or mentally, and he was breaking. 
And what Tony did when he broke was break everything else. 
Tony had told him that he didn't want Bucky to be tied down with someone who didn't give him any attention, someone who wasn't what Bucky deserved, someone who was more trouble than he was worth, someone someone someone. And no matter how much he had cried or yelled or pleaded for Tony to just try, please doll just try, it still ended up with them both sobbing into their phones as Tony hung up. 
Bucky had never felt so hopeless in his life, so powerless. The man that he loved was self destructing miles and miles away and when he needed Bucky the most Bucky couldn't even convince him to stay. 
Looking back, the decision was a jerk-of-the-knee one, an impulse that Bucky ended up following through on in some stupid need to do… something. He couldn't explain it, but at the time it had felt right. 
He had never liked the army, but now that his ma wasn't sick anymore and Tony was gone he signed up ten days later. Steve had tried to talk him out of it, but when Bucky stood his ground he just joined right there with him. 
As Bucky handed his bag off before getting on the plane, he wondered if he would die at war. He had made Tony promise to meet with him in five years, at that one spot in Central Park that they liked to eat snow cones at. It was Bucky trying to grasp at a second chance with Tony. He was sure that someone else would scoop up his genius—god knows that anyone would be crazy to pass him up—and he wondered how much it would hurt when he saw Tony again and to be damned to only be friends. 
He wondered if he would survive to see Tony again at all. 
And some dark, twisted part of Bucky hoped that he didn't make it out alive. 
 Bucky put the kickstand down on his motorcycle and took his helmet off. He stubbornly ignored the second helmet that he had strapped to the side. It was Tony's old one, and no matter how many times he tried to tell his stupid heart that Tony wouldn't want to ride back to Bucky's apartment with him, he couldn't stop himself from bringing it with him anyways. 
Bucky breathed in and out a few times, trying to stop the shaking of his hands. 
It was hot enough outside to make Bucky sweat in his jacket even without the anxiety ramping up his heartbeat, but he didn't dare take the thing off. What would Tony think when he saw that he had a prosthetic arm? What would he think when he found out that Bucky had gone off to war in some kind of fucked-up suicidal quest to be more than useless and helpless? 
What would Tony think when he found out that Bucky was stuck in the same damn place Tony had left him while he had landed among the goddamn stars?
Would Tony even want to get back together? Be friends? 
Would Tony even want him? 
 Tony found Bucky sitting on their bench, two blue raspberry snow cones in his hands, leg bouncing. 
For a minute, all he did was stare. 
Bucky was more muscular and his hair was noticeably longer even if it was tied back at the moment. He was dressed in jeans and an unzipped leather jacket, showing his white t-shirt underneath. Paired with the dark hair, powerful boots, and shoulders wide enough to make Tony's look damn near feminine, he looked like he belonged on the motorcycle that Tony just knew he still had. God he looked… good. So good. 
Tony's heart near burned when Bucky turned to him and smiled, those ice blue eyes just the same as Tony remembered. 
"Hi," Tony breathed once he got close. Bucky held out one of the snow cones and Tony couldn't take it fast enough. 
"Hi, Tony." 
 Hours later, they'd find themselves in Bucky's apartment, taking turns sipping from the last Coke Bucky had in his fridge after talking each other through the past five years and what had torn them apart in the first place. 
For Tony, he couldn't explain how sorry he was for everything. He told Bucky about how easily he had fallen for Obadiah's manipulation, how he had pretty much destroyed everything good in his life by the time he had stumbled upon Obadiah's double dealing, explained how he had gotten Obadiah to jail, the drinking and the drugs, years of therapy, the work he put into building his company with the help of Pepper Potts, the woman that Tony virtually owed his sanity too after all of the craziness of his life. And with all of Tony's confessions, Bucky was sure to wipe away the tears and growl at every new revelation of fucked-up after fucked-up thing Obadiah had done, held him tighter as he revealed the self-destructive alcohol and drug haze he had created when everything fell apart. 
Afterwards, Bucky told Tony about the war, about the explosion that had taken his arm, the helplessness, the pain, the flashbacks and the PTSD, the breakdowns and the therapy. He talked about how much Steve was there for him, about the repair shop he had opened, about how Sam and Clint were still around and working for him, and how he was doing alright, how he was healing. And Tony held him tighter through the explanations, rubbed his back when his voice caught and cried with him when everything hurt too much. 
They were both broken, but no matter how much they tried to explain this to the other, it didn't seem to matter. Even with Tony's past sins Bucky still looked him in the eye and kissed him. Even with Bucky's scars and irrational fears, Tony still wrapped his hands around Bucky's metal arm and swore to make him the best prosthetic in the world, promised that no damage could ever make Tony stop loving him. 
It was pushing two am now, but neither of them cared. 
They had been waiting five years to break the silence between them forged with pain and misery, blocked and deleted numbers, mistakes and sorrow. And now? Now they weren't going to let one another go for the world. 
"God do I fucking love you," Tony murmured, clutching at Bucky in his tiny kitchen. His voice was wobbly and the lump that had been in his throat all day was still there, but he couldn't remember the last time he had felt this happy. 
That's a lie; I remember it perfectly. The last time I felt like this was five years ago. 
"I love you too, doll, holy fuck do I love you too. Never stopped and I'm not gonna now," Bucky whispered through the tears rolling down his face. He had to be crushing Tony with how hard he was holding him, but he wasn't about to let go now, not for anything. 
Tony only held him tighter. 
 Bucky let his fingers trail over Tony's jaw, the soft skin warm to the touch. Tony smiled. 
"You're always so affectionate after you fuck my brains out." 
"Lies. I'm always affectionate with you regardless as to how hard I fuck you." 
Tony laughed and rolled onto his side so they were face to face. The smile on his face was so wide and loving, and Bucky wanted to keep Tony that happy for the rest of their lives. 
Tony curled his fingers through Bucky's. Not ten minutes ago Tony had been damn near screaming Bucky's name as he came, and now he was nothing but softness rolled up in the golden light of the morning sun, precious and gentle, near bashful as Bucky kept looking at him. 
Holy fuck did Bucky love him. 
"Do you think we'll last, Bucky?" The words had been very obviously blurted out, and he instantly realized what he said and tried to backtrack. "Actually, that might be a weird question, sorry, don't answer-" 
Bucky shushed him and pulled him close, tucking Tony under his chin and pressing a dozen kisses to the top of his head. 
"Forever, doll. I'm going to take care of you forever." 
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The Kiss
Chapter: oneshot
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader
Summary: The reader has been friends with Tony for a while. Slightly young, she fears that Tony will only ever see her as his dorky young friend that he could never fall for. Tony picks her up for an event to celebrate some new tech and the reader takes the opportunity to get a rise out of him.
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Applying the last finishing touches to your make-up you reach for the bright red lipstick. Along with the black dress your lips will really pop out tonight and it is exactly what you want to happen. Maybe with a bit more incentive Tony will finally see you in a different light other than the dorky friend that is too young for him.
             Giving yourself a once over in the mirror your eyes flitter from the bottom of the dress to the top. Honestly you never thought you would ever wear this dress, in the end you couldn’t pass it up with the sale going on. The skirt is solid black with a high waist and the length falling just above your midthigh. The top part covers your breasts without offering up much cleavage. All under a black lace cover falling to the floor with a pattern that reminds you of Bali.
Knock Knock
             Nerves instantly shoot up your spine catching you off guard. You head towards the door and with each step you start to regret wearing the dress. Tony won’t say anything but you know you’ll look ridiculous when compared to everyone else. Being too late to turn back now, you take a deep breath and slowly open the door.
             Greeted on the other side of the frame is an astonished version of Tony. His eyes are locked in on you as he drinks up every last inch of your attire. Feeling your cheeks start to flush you pray that the make-up you put on is keeping your face from turning into a bright red tomato.
“Tony…” you say softly.
“Wow, you look amazing.” He purrs looking away to clear his head. “Should we get going?”
             Tony gestures his arm out signaling for you to take it. Happily you loop your arm with his and try not think about how fast your heart is beating. You’re no expert by any means but you feel like a moment faster and you’d be having a heart attack.
             The drive remains eerily quiet the whole way there. Normally conversation never dies with the two of you, but tonight it seems like getting it started is the real issue. Instead your mind is racing thinking about Tony’s reaction to your outfit. Tony is used to seeing you in more comfortable clothes and modest make-up. On rare occasions will you ever dress up, and even are rarer occasions do you ever dress like this.
“Tony Stark, always to be the man that is fashionably late.” A man with an African accent greets once getting inside.
“Your highness.” Tony performs an unusual arm cross movement. “No Nakia tonight?”
“We are actually on a break,” the man’s smile drops for a moment before regaining its strength. “But I see that you brought a lovely companion tonight. I am T’Challa.”
             Introducing yourself, T’Challa takes your hand and places a soft kiss just above your knuckles. You can feel Tony’s posture stiffen for a moment during the exchange bringing a slight smirk upon your lips. Just from the light exchange you can tell that T’Challa truly cares about Nakia, but even so Tony appears to be jealous.
“T’Challa, would you care for a dance? I would love to hear more about your home.”
             Agreeing, he leads you out to the dance floor leaving Tony at the bar watching the two of you. You did not give any indication of truly flirting with T’Challa but you knew Tony would think you were anyway. Really you enjoy the conversation. From it you learned a great deal about Wakanda and about how his sister and Tony created this new device together. The device everyone is celebrating tonight.
“Mind if I cut in?” Tony interjects.
             Switching partners you are hit with a wave of alcohol leaking from Tony. You silently wonder how many drinks he has had tonight in just a short time period. When it came to parties Tony usually got drunk pretty fast. He would then pick up a girl to take home and the next morning you are handing him aspirin around the clock.
“What did you think of King T’Challa?” Tony’s eyes glisten awaiting your answer.
“He seems really nice.” You pause to think as Tony spins you in a twirl. “Clearly loves his country… and Nakia.”
             Seeming content with your answer Tony continues to dance with you in his arms. The music changes to even slightly slower music and he takes the opportunity to pull you in closer. Resting your head against his shoulder, you close your eyes and take in the scent of him behind the alcohol. You can’t recall how many times he has held you in a hold similar to this one, and each time you take in his scent and try to engrain it to memory.
“I’m sorry,” Tony mumbles.
             Confused, you lift your head to face him. That is when it dawns on you. Tony actually believes that you, if even for a moment, wanted a shot with the King of Wakanda. You could see where he would get the idea, and wondered while slightly hoping if Tony is still a little jealous.
“For?” You pretend to be confused.
             Tony doesn’t say anything but his gaze moves toward the king and back to you. The knowing look and obvious attitude behind his head tilt suggests he is tired of you torturing him. You know he is never going to say it out loud but all you could do is laugh, leaving Tony with a puzzled expression.
“Tony, I have no desire to be with T’Challa.” You clear the air. Not finished, you lean in closer to his ear so only he can hear you. “He’s not the one I want.”
             You notice a slight movement with his ear indicating his eyebrows are knit together, thinking. Tony’s eyes skim across the room trying to find a face that would be familiar to you but is having no such luck. You have met a few people but the majority of them are already dating someone else and he never pegged you as the girl who only wants what she can’t have.
             Tired of seeing his wheels turn you place a soft kiss against his cheek. Immediately he freezes mid-step causing you to stumble slightly. Tony keeps you in place, never letting you fall as he takes in what just happened. Looking into your eyes he asks the silent question you’ve been waiting for.
“Yes, Tony.” You can’t help but smile, despite the volcano of nerves exploding. “It is you that I want.”
“Would you believe me if I said I want you too?” His eyes match yours as you subtly shake your head no. Without hesitation Tony’s hand cups the back side of your neck as he brings his lips to yours, showing you exactly how badly he wants you.
@vesta-ro @drabby-abby
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 32: I’m Totally Not in Love!
New entry of this fanfic blog inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. I’m trying to keep a consistent schedule in my releases, at least every fifteen days, if I can’t do it weekly. It’s not always easy, because sometimes inspiration just doesn’t want to show up, especially in these rough and stressful times we’re living. It’s five weeks of lockdown already for me and at least three more ahead, and that can take a toll on anyone... I hope if sometimes there are delays, you don’t hold it against me.
But anyway, here’s the next episode of the series. This one is starring Deceit, as implied on the title. Sometimes I worry about if the characters as I show them in the story have become just too unrecognizable. It’s the consequence of having them go through such a long story. At first, I tried to make them faithful to the series, and I still try as much as I can, but as the story goes on, the problem comes that you have to be faithful to your own story too, and in the story, characters evolve, and if you don’t respect your own evolution, your story becomes inconsistent and that’s not good. I hope that, at least, you still find the story interesting and good enough, even if it will always be inferior to the original, as it was never my goal to surpass it, I don’t even think that could be possible anyway. Okay, I’m leaving you with the story. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: Deceit is still confused about his feelings for Remus. Patton shows up in his room, learns about what happened and tries to give him the best advice he can as an expert on feelings.
WARNINGS: Romantic dukeceit, romantic logicality in the ending card, some slight innuendo.
[Thomas is in the middle of filming a video with the Sides, who apparently have already sunk out moments earlier, he’s looking at a visible camera]
THOMAS: … and that’s why you have to be honest about yourself and your feelings. Not that you should tell everything on the first date, of course. You know, mystery is a good ally to keep interest flowing and all, but if you have a crush, why hiding it? If you tell them, the worst it could happen is that they told you no, and if you don’t tell them, the one giving that “no” to you is… yourself. So just be yourself and take a chance. Until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals… Peace out!
[Thomas makes a 5-second pause, then he proceeds to turn the camera off]
THOMAS: …and cut. Okay, with this take, this new episode is officially wrapped. Now I’ll go save the raw files on my laptop, to take them to the office in time for editing. I think people will enjoy this new episode. I wonder if the Sides like it, though. Now that most of them are in relationships or even raising a family, maybe they’ll feel identified with what we were discussing earlier… but I don’t know how does a Side’s psychology work exactly. I hope they’re doing okay… Oh, I’m sure everything’s going okay for them in the love department. I don’t mean to show off, but I have a keen eye for that, and I’m sure they’re all doing fine, especially Deceit, he looked the comfiest of them all with the topic. I’m sure everything’s coming up roses for him.
[meanwhile in Deceit’s room]
DECEIT: [screeching voice] I hate my life, why does love have to be so complicated!
[intro sequence]
[Deceit is softly bumping his head on the table, still groaning out of frustration. Honesty rises up]
HONESTY: Dee, would you mind to stop!? Your turmoil of frustrated thoughts is slipping through my mind! It has made me burn my tea three times already!
DECEIT: I’m sorry I’m such a nuisance for you! Maybe I should just jump out the kitchen window to put myself out of my misery!
HONESTY: [beat] This is a ground floor.
[Deceit emits another long groan of frustration]
DECEIT: It’s okay, never mind. I’m perfectly fine and I’m just messing with you.
HONESTY: No, you’re not fine. And if you continue like this, I won’t be fine either. Deceit, you need help, and you need it fast.
DECEIT: We have already talked about this. I don’t need help.
HONESTY: Yes you do.
DECEIT: No, I don’t.
HONESTY: Yes, you do!
DECEIT: No, I don’t!
HONESTY: [now yelling] YES YOU DO!!
DECEIT: [yelling even louder] NO, I DON’T!!!
[Patton suddenly rises up, wearing his cat onesie]
PATTON: [yelling] Eeenooough!
[Deceit and Honesty’s arguing stops abruptly and they look at Patton in silence]
PATTON: What’s going on here, kiddos!? I can hear your yells from my room!
HONESTY: Oh, Patton, I’m sorry if we have disturbed you.
PATTON: I was trying to take a quick catnap after filming Thomas’ last video, and you woke me up. I hope that you’re not fighting with each other.
HONESTY: No, we were not fighting. We were just… arguing about something Deceit doesn’t agree with, right Deceit?
[Deceit looks at Honesty with a murderous face]
DECEIT: I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I’m totally not going to stab you in the middle of the night if you don’t shut up.
HONESTY: [mocking voice] Oooh… I’m so scared.
PATTON: I said stop, kiddos! Okay, Deceit, since you’re apparently the one who’s trying to hide something, you’re the one who’s going to tell me right now what is going on here.
DECEIT: It’s nothing, nothing at all. You can go back to sleep, we won’t disturb you any longer.
PATTON: No, mister. I’m not moving from this spot until you start telling me the truth about this ordeal.
DECEIT: Patton, no. Everything’s fine.
PATTON: If you don’t start talking I’m going to call Logan to get the truth out of you. It would be better and faster for both of us if you just tell me by yourself.
DECEIT: Wow, you surely know a lot about respecting others’ boundaries, right?
HONESTY: Dee, the time has come for you to tell him the truth. It will make you feel better, you’ll see. I can tell him in your place if you don’t feel strong enough to do so.
DECEIT: [sighs] You two are not gonna leave me alone until I start talking, right?
PATTON & HONESTY: [overlapping] Nope.
DECEIT: Okay, the truth is that… [smirks mischievously, then with an over-dramatic voice] yesterday I stepped on Storytime’s paw by accident. He screamed a lot but I healed him as best as I could. I’m sorry Patton, I didn’t mean to harm your dog, it was an accident…
PATTON: [distressed] What? My good boy! Is he okay!? Why didn’t you tell me sooner!? I…
HONESTY: [sighs] He’s lying, Patton. That’s not what’s bothering him at all and your dog is fine.
PATTON: [angry] Deceit Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Sanders! If you scare me like that again, I’m going to physically strangle you!
DECEIT: Wasn’t it… “physically fight you”?
PATTON: That’s for when someone belittles himself. If someone hurts me on purpose, [rising both hands with a threatening glance and a deep voice] I go straight into action!
[Deceit swallows in fear]
HONESTY: Dee, do you seriously prefer to tell Patton that stupid lie instead of the truth? I thought you wanted to preserve his friendship and that’s why you were hiding it, because you didn’t want him to get mad at you. Making him mad on purpose is not exactly a wise move.
PATTON: My… friendship? Is that what’s bothering you? But Dee, you mustn’t fear about that. If I can be of any help for you I want you to tell me, cause nothing could make me happier than helping a friend in need.
DECEIT: So, you think of me… as a friend? But you… used to despise me. I thought that now you just tolerated my presence. You don’t hate me?
PATTON: Dee, of course I don’t hate you! After all the efforts you’ve done to fit in with us and after all we’ve been through together? I could not ever hate you. Yes, you represent a trait of Thomas that can be dangerous, but it’s nevertheless important for him. Besides, you are my friend and I care about you. You can tell me anything you want without fear. Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than knowing that I’ve helped a friend in need. Please, let me help you.
DECEIT: Okay… do you promise that you won’t get mad at me, though?
PATTON: [concerned] Dee… have you done something seriously wrong that I should be worried about?
HONESTY: He didn’t, Patton, don’t worry.
PATTON: Then of course I promise.
DECEIT: Okay… the truth is… oh, I don’t even know what the truth is.
PATTON: Let me help you. You’re suffering because of romantic feelings, am I wrong?
DECEIT: [in shock] What the…? How did you guess?
PATTON: I’m an expert on feelings, that’s all, and anyone could see that you’re madly in love with someone just by looking into your eyes, not even that slit-pupil lentil could hide it from me. Do you still wear makeup or do you shapeshift now? I know that since you turned into a Light Side your face is fully human and you wore makeup because you liked your snake face, but I don’t know if you still…
DECEIT: Yes, it’s still makeup. Holding a shapeshift all day long is too exhausting if you’re not a Dark Side, and makeup is more convenient, I just summon it over my face in the morning and I’m ready for the day. Man, I really miss my scales. They may have been disturbing for you, but I liked them. But now, getting back on topic, I already told you I’m in love with Virgil, so…
PATTON: Oh, Dee, you’re not in love with Virgil. Maybe you were in the past, but not anymore. The way you look at Virgil doesn’t elicit… the spark. Even now, when you’re talking about Virgil, I don’t feel any true passion in your attitude. Trust me, kiddo, you’re not in love with Virgil. But… you are indeed in love, I can feel that too.
HONESTY: Wow, they say that fathers know it all, but you are ridiculous, Patton.
PATTON: Thanks, kiddo. So, are you going to tell me who’s the lucky one, Dee?
DECEIT: I’m a little ashamed to confess, Patton.
PATTON: I hope it’s not Logan. He’s already taken.
DECEIT: What? Logan? Of course not! How do you want me to be in love with that nerdy teacher? He’s not my type at all!
PATTON: Glad to hear that, but that doesn’t mean you can speak about my boyfriend in those terms. He’s gorgeous and anyone should be proud of falling at his feet.
DECEIT: Good for you… but my taste is much more… wild.
PATTON: [horrified] Oh, my goodness! You’re in love with… the Dark Master!?
DECEIT: [groans, with a face of horror and disgust] No! For goodness sake, Patton, you’re perfect to discover when someone is in love but when it comes to identifying the object of affection, you’re so oblivious! No one could ever love the Dark Master! You’d have to be drunk to see him attract… [stops mid-sentence, remembering that Patton once was in love with the Dark Master] Sorry, Patton.
PATTON: It’s okay, I’m no longer the same as back then. I totally agree with you right now. And I suddenly remembered how badly he treated you in the past. How could you be in love with him? I apologize, kiddo.
DECEIT: It’s okay.
PATTON: Then, who could it be? The only other wild Side that comes to my mind would be Remus, but I don’t think that you…
[Deceit looks at Patton with a meaningful glance]
PATTON: Wait, seriously?
DECEIT: Yep, seriously.
PATTON: Wow, this was unexpected. You two are so different. You are smooth, sophisticated, even cold to some extent, and he’s so wild, chaotic and unpredictable… I would have never pegged you for him. Maybe it’s true that opposites attract.
DECEIT: I would have never pegged myself for him either. But… I guess when he kissed me, he drove me mad in a way. I haven’t been myself ever since.
PATTON: Wait, wait, wait. So he kissed you? Does that mean that… he loves you back? Then what’s the problem here?
DECEIT: The problem is I don’t have my feelings straightened up at all! [Patton opens his mouth] Don’t… you dare making a pun about being straight or not. No puns about my feelings, Patton. [Patton closes his mouth and Deceit waits a second before going on talking] Up to this very moment, I was convinced I still loved Virgil, but… when you were so categorical about it… I realized you were right. I don’t feel the same for Virgil as I used to feel anymore, and I didn’t realize up until this very moment. Maybe I didn’t want to see it. I have been in love with Virgil for so long that I had assumed that this feeling would be unbreakable by now. Surprisingly for me, I was lying to myself all this time…
PATTON: Unfortunately, love is never unbreakable. Love is like fine crystal. Very beautiful and very valuable, but very fragile if you don’t treat it right. Even the strongest relationships need to be treated with care so as not to crack them. If love is totally unrequited like it was your case, no matter how strong it is, sooner or later it’s gonna fade away, like a plant. You may water it with affection, fertilize it with compliments, and take care of it with words and actions of love as best as you can, but without sun, the sun of the other’s affection, it dies. It’s sad, but it’s true.
HONESTY: Wow, you know a lot about metaphors now, Patton.
PATTON: I have a son-in-law that has taught me well, kiddo.
DECEIT: But I thought the opposite of love is hate, or at least indifference. I don’t feel hate or indifference at all towards Virgil. On the contrary, I still feel like I love him dearly, and I still care deeply for his well being. I would still die for him if he asked me to and walk to hell itself if he needed me to. In my mind, I… I never stopped loving him. See? I have just said I didn’t love Virgil and now I’m saying that I still love him. Ain’t that confusion?
PATTON: You are confused because now you love Virgil in a different way. It’s no longer romantic. It’s friendly. In your case, I would say that you love Virgil like a brother, since you’ve been through so much together. And that has confused you a lot. You didn’t notice that your love for him had faded away, because it didn’t, it just transformed from romantic to friendly, and it was so gradual you didn’t see it. There’s also this particular detail.
DECEIT: What detail?
PATTON: In the labyrinth, you had to face a vision of Virgil trying to seduce you. The only way of getting out of that vision was moving on from your pending issues, at least that’s what the original Light Master said. If you still were in love with Virgil, you still would be in the labyrinth, trapped in your vision. But you got out, which means you’ve necessarily had to move on from Virgil.
DECEIT: I mean, I guess…
PATTON: So, about Remus again, what are you going to do?
DECEIT: I… I don’t know.
PATTON: Speak from the heart. What does your heart tell you?
DECEIT: I already said that I’m attracted to him, but… I’m still not sure if it is love at all. I don’t wanna make the wrong move and break my heart, or his heart, again.
PATTON: You did mention that Remus kissed you. Turn back to that moment and tell me, as honestly as you can, what did that kiss make you feel. Did you want him to stop or did you want him to continue? Did it make you feel disgusted, indifferent or joyful?
DECEIT: It was so sudden, that at first I just felt shock, out of the surprise. He just kissed me in the middle of the conversation, without fair warning. One moment he was speaking and the next moment his lips were on mine, just like that, I think I didn’t even see him coming.
HONESTY: That’s very him, in a way. Remus has always been that unpredictable. You never know what to expect from him.
DECEIT: After that, while he was kissing me… it was a mixed reaction of… joy and extreme fear. I was really scared of what was happening at that moment, but at the same time… I didn’t want it to end. His kiss wasn’t just of the passionate lusty type. It was maybe slightly rough, but it was tender, sweet, full of love, like… No, what I was gonna say is so corny even you would laugh.
PATTON: Keep going, kiddo. Describe your feelings just the way you experienced them. We’re not gonna laugh or label them as corny. And if anyone labels them so, who cares? They’re your own personal feelings and, since they don’t hurt anyone, they’re completely valid, corny or not.
DECEIT: Okay… it was… like Remus was tearing his own soul open and feeding me true love from inside of himself, through his own lips into mine, bringing a warmth into my heart that was completely new for me. For the first time in my life… I was feeling loved, in the romantic sense, you know? That had never happened to me before. Virgil never loved me that way… Yes, you could call me joyful…
[Deceit looks at Patton with a face of realization]
DECEIT: You know what, Patton? I think… I think I really love him.
PATTON: That’s cute, kiddo! So, let me ask you again. What are you going to do?
DECEIT: I think I know what to do now. I have to talk to him. It’s just that… I’m afraid to talk to him. I was so rude to him and his feelings… maybe he’ll hold it against me. Maybe he’s angry at me and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.
PATTON: That’s what you thought about me before and you were wrong. You’ll see how, if you talk to him, you’ll discover you’re wrong again. Don’t risk a lifetime of happiness just for some fears in your head, kiddo. Step into it and give yourself a chance to be happy. The worst that could happen is that he said “no”, and even then, the world wouldn’t fall apart. You’d have all your life ahead of you to recover and find love again, should that happen, so be bold and be brave and… just be yourself, kiddo.
[Deceit sighs]
DECEIT: You’re right, Patton. I’m gonna tell him. Wish me luck, guys.
HONESTY: Good luck, brother. We’re rooting for you.
PATTON: Good luck, kiddo, you can do this!
DECEIT: Okay… It’s now or never. Let’s go.
[Deceit sinks down. Then, he rises up in Remus’ room. Remus is looking for something inside the fridge, he doesn’t notice Deceit arriving. Deceit walks towards him until he’s right behind him]
DECEIT: Hi, Remus.
[Remus screams and jumps, scared, he pulls out his mace in the middle of the jump and the mace gets caught by the spikes in the ceiling. Remus ends up clinging from the ceiling hanging to the mace]
REMUS: Don’t do that, Jeez! You scared the intrusive thoughts out of me!
DECEIT: I’m sorry! Do you need help getting back down?
REMUS: Nah, don’t worry, it’s not that high, I can just let go.
[He lets go and crashes on the floor]
DECEIT: [scared] My goodness, are you okay?
[Deceit reaches a hand to help Remus, but Remus slaps it away, then stands up by himself]
REMUS: [angry] I’m telling you I’m fine! I can stand up by myself, I don’t need you to pity me!
DECEIT: [rubbing his hand covered by his yellow glove] I wasn’t pitying you… I was worried you could have got hurt.
REMUS: Is that true or is that another one of your lies?
DECEIT: Of course it’s true. I’m trying to be honest right now, and it’s not easy for me when I’m so nervous.
REMUS: [cold voice] Well, don’t worry about me. I’ve endured worse pains, both physical and psychological. A little bump on my butt is nothing for me, and I don’t want you to baby me. Now, what do you want?
DECEIT: Remus, I… I came here to apologize for what I told you the other day. I was inconsiderate and I’m sorry.
REMUS: You didn’t have to. I don’t need apologies of any kind, especially from you. You don’t owe me anything and I have no right to ask you for it.
DECEIT: Yes, I have to. I need to, because I have hurt you and I’d never want to hurt you… because you’re important to me.
REMUS: [voice of not believing] Oh, nice… Well, if it helps to bring peace to your soul, I forgive you. Now, if you excuse me, I was busy, so, if you don’t mind… [makes a gesture with his hands asking him to leave]
DECEIT: Yes… well… that’s not the only reason I came here for.
REMUS: [angry] Will you spit it out already!? Stop wasting my time with your blabbering and cut to the chase!
DECEIT: [speaking quickly] I love you!
[Remus looks at Deceit with an expression of shock, unable to say a word]
DECEIT: [completely nervous, he loses control and starts speaking in lies] I mean, of course not, I’m totally not in love with you. It’s just that you’re not cute at all and you were completely wrong when you said I was lying to myself, and now I haven’t thought about it and realized that you mean the world to me. It’s not that at all and you can’t excuse me right now because I’m talking in truth because I’m nervous and…
REMUS: Shut up, please!
DECEIT: [taking a deep breath] Sorry…
REMUS: Do you have any idea of how much I have cried over you these past few days? I still remember you saying that your love for Virgil pales in comparison with your love for me… You broke my heart, in a way that not even my wild nature could possibly bare. I gave you my heart and you threw it away, [starts singing to the tune of “Requiem” from Dear Evan Hansen] …leaving these broken pieces behind you… [speaking] And now you come back here, tell me that you love me and expect to fix it all just like that?
DECEIT: Remus, I’m sorry, I was really confused. I didn’t realize how much your love meant to me.
REMUS: And I also remember very well what I told you when I left, and you should have remembered too before coming here. I told you “I don’t know for how long my feelings for you will last.” So maybe it’s too late already, snakey boy.
[Deceit looks at Remus. Then an expression of anger appears on Deceit’s face]
DECEIT: Hold on for a second! It was you who came to me, kissed me and turned my world upside down! And now you tell me that in a matter of… - what, a few days? - …you have changed your mind? You’re truly saying that you don’t love me anymore!?
REMUS: You should have taken your chance when you had it, Deceit! I warned you I’m unpredictable!
DECEIT: Well, guess what!?
REMUS: What!?
DECEIT: So am I!
[Suddenly Deceit holds Remus and kisses him. Remus does nothing to hold him back. In fact, he hugs Deceit and kisses him back. When the kiss is over, they look at each other for a couple of seconds, still hugging]
REMUS: [smirks] How long have you known I was lying?
DECEIT: [also smirks] All the time… Okay, I’ll be honest, when you told me to shut up, it was then when I realized you were lying. You gotta step up your game if you intend to fool me with lies. No one can lie to me without me detecting it. You should have known already.
REMUS: Of course I knew, Dee. I know you very well, remember? I know you always catch a liar from a mile away.
DECEIT: Then, why did you lie to me?
REMUS: Well, I had to do something to spice up my game. I couldn’t make it so easy for you, could I? Besides, I had to do something to make you snap out of your fears. Don’t think I didn’t notice that one big reason you were so hesitant to love me is that you’re scared to love me. But you don’t have to fear me, Dee. I may be a little crazy…
DECEIT: A little?
REMUS: Okay, extremely crazy, but there’s one thing in which Roman and I are very similar. We both value romance above all else. Roman in the dull gallant way he enjoys so much and me in the… [long bleep that covers the rest of the sentence, Deceit giggles while blushing slightly]. But we both agree that when we fall in love, we take it seriously. We both treasure that love and protect it with our lives if need be. I can assure you that if you give me a chance, I’ll do my best to make you happy, and above else, that I would rather die than hurt you… [suggestive smirk] unless you want me to. So, what do you say? Will you give me a chance?
DECEIT: Are you kidding me? I was the one who came here to ask you for a chance and now you’re the one asking me? Of course I do.
[Deceit and Remus kiss again]
DECEIT: I suddenly realized something. If we ever marry… Roman, your brother, would become my brother-in-law, and then Virgil, his husband, would loosely become my brother-in-law too… That’s weird…
REMUS: If you find that weird, wait until Roman and I need to fuse again into the original Creativity… oh, the implications in the relation between you, Virgil and Roman’s fusion are so…
DECEIT: [a little uncomfortable] It’s okay, I don’t wanna think about that. Besides, I don’t like weddings anyway, so…
REMUS: Neither do I, my love… neither do I…
[Deceit tears up]
REMUS: What’s wrong?
DECEIT: It’s nothing… It’s just that no one had called me “my love” ever before and… I got emotional.
REMUS: [cleaning Deceit’s tears with his finger] Please don’t cry… mon amour… your snake makeup will be ruined.
DECEIT: You’ll think I’m silly for sticking to this stupid snake makeup.
REMUS: Oh, do you wanna see some silly facial sticky things?
[Suddenly Remus rips his mustache off]
DECEIT: What? You’ve always worn a fake mustache?
REMUS: Yeah… as a matter of fact… I can’t grow facial hair at all. I never could, that’s why I wear this. It makes me look creepier for Thomas and the others, which is my job. But when I’m with you… I don’t need to be creepy at all, you know?
DECEIT: Have I already told you that I love you?
REMUS: Yes, but don’t stop telling me, mon petit cheri…
DECEIT: I didn’t know you spoke French so well.
REMUS: Well, Thomas always said he wished to speak Spanish and French, but he currently can’t, so now he speaks them only in his imagination. That is, Roman got Spanish and I got French.
DECEIT: Je t’aime… Is that how you say “I love you” in French?
REMUS: [nods with a loving glance] Moi aussi, mon petit serpent.
[Remus kisses Deceit again. Meanwhile, Thomas is in the living room]
THOMAS: I really should start taking French lessons. For one reason or another, I can only think of that right now… among other things that certainly could be gayer… I think I’m gonna get a shower. Until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[Logan is in his room, he has a face of concern. Patton rises up]
PATTON: [happy singsongy voice] Hi, Logan!
LOGAN: Hi, Patton. How has your day been?
PATTON: Quite great, actually. I helped a friend that needed me and that always brings me happiness enough for a week.
LOGAN: [absent voice] That’s nice…
PATTON: [worried] Is anything wrong, Logan? You look worried.
LOGAN: [clears his throat] Don’t worry, I’m okay. Listen, Patton.
PATTON: Yes, Logan?
LOGAN: I need to go somewhere now.
PATTON: Somewhere?
LOGAN: Yes, I have some work to be done which cannot wait any longer. I should’ve been gone already, but I didn’t want to leave without at least telling you.
PATTON: Will you be out for long?
LOGAN: I’ll be out for some time, but don’t worry, I’ll enter autopilot so that Thomas doesn’t miss my logical functions when he needs them.
PATTON: What if I need you, Logan? What if I’m the one who misses you?
[Logan smiles tenderly and pets Patton’s cheek]
LOGAN: I’m gonna miss you too every second I’m away, but I have no choice. I have to go.
PATTON: Can I go with you, Logan?
LOGAN: As much as I wish, you can’t, Patton. This is my duty and it’s something that I must do alone.
PATTON: Your duty? It sounds so serious, Logan.
LOGAN: Of course it’s serious, I…
PATTON: …wear a necktie, I know, but I mean serious as in dangerous. Are you sure you’ll be okay? And why don’t you want to tell me?
LOGAN: Don’t worry about me. And please, don’t tell the others about this. I don’t want to worry them as much as you are right now. As I said, I’ll be out for a little long. [serious commanding voice] But no matter how long I take, Patton, and it’s imperative that you listen to me, do… not… come after me, is that clear?
PATTON: But where are you…?
LOGAN: [interrupting with a firm voice] Is that clear?
PATTON: Okay, I promise…
LOGAN: Thank you, I count on you. Okay, I’ll be going then. Goodbye, Patton.
[Patton kisses Logan]
PATTON: Goodbye. Please come back as soon as you can, Logan. I love you.
LOGAN.: I’ll return as soon as I’m able, I promise. Goodbye, Patton.
[Logan heads to the front door. Before opening it, he turns back, looks at Patton with a face of slight angst, then runs to him and gives him a long kiss while hugging him tightly, when he’s finished, Patton looks at Logan. Logan’s eyes are teary behind the glasses]
LOGAN: I love you, Patton, never forget that I love you. Goodbye.
[Then, Logan runs to the door, opens it and crosses it quickly, closing it behind him, Patton barely has time to notice an indigo light gleaming outside the door before Logan closes it quickly. Then he hears the noise of the key locking the door, then his footsteps outside fading away quickly]
PATTON: [concerned] Why… why did this kiss taste like a final farewell kiss? I hope you don’t break your promise, Logan, and come back soon… And I was feeling so happy when I came here…
[Patton stands there, looking at the closed door for a couple of seconds before sinking down to go back to his own room]
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⁂ Push Your Limit (Initial D) Act 2
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Author’s Note: This is the author’s note I posted once upon a time when I posted this on Quizilla lol This chapter also has some terminology at the end.
“And here’s ACT 2~ What did you think? Did the end leave you drooling for more? Did it leave you on the edge of your seat? With that, I bid you goodnight (or day), ‘Zilla~”
Bring. Bring.
“Hello? Fujiwara Tofu Shop.” Pause. “Hey, Tak! You plannin’ to sleep all day? Wake up! Phone’s for you!” Bunta called from downstairs.
You yawned as you sat at the table in the living room in front of the TV. Once you and Tak had come back from making the tofu deliveries, you hadn’t been able to go back to sleep, so you just decided to just stay up.
“Tell Iggy I’ll call back!” Tak called from upstairs.
“I’d pick up the phone, Tak,” Bunta responded. You looked over at him curiously, but you were too tired to ask who it was.
Tak pulled himself out of bed with a yawn and down the stairs, picking up the phone that his dad had left on hold. “Hey, Iggy. What’s goin’ on?” seconds later, his eyes widened slightly, a look of surprise on his face. Apparently, it wasn’t Iggy.
With a shrug, you laid your head down on the wooden table, a yawn passing your lips as your eyes fluttered closed.
“What?! All this time Tak has an Eight-Six at his place?! Is this some kind of joke, Cole?” Iggy clung to Cole’s arm, face twisted in disbelief. Tak was standing off to the side, bored, as he waited for another customer to show up at the gas station where the three worked.
You were there, as well, sitting just inside the building, drinking a soda. You didn’t actually work there, but you tended to stop by and help out when you had nothing better to do.
“Nope. No joke.”
“Tak, you bonehead!” Iggy punched Tak’s cheek, just hard enough for him to feel it. “Why did you keep this secret from me?”
“I didn’t keep it a secret,” Tak let his hand cover the cheek that had just been hit by his overexcited monkey of a friend, “I didn’t even know what it was. It says Trueno on it, I figured it was a Trueno, you say it’s an eight-six, I just read the label.”
You grinned at how annoyed Iggy was getting, how smug Cole looked, and how clueless Tak seemed.
“Why you – I oughta…” Iggy clenched his fists in front of him, teeth clenched in annoyance.
Tak held his fists up as well until Iggy moved to stand behind him, one hand cupping his mouth while the other held onto Tak’s shoulder. “Listen, old buddy, I was thinking you could do us a favor. Ask your pops if you can bag the eight-six for a bit next Saturday night.”
“What for?”
Iggy turned slightly blue, “Are you an idiot?! So we can go watch the SpeedStars and the RedSuns battle it out on Akina! That’s what for. After we watched all that go down last night, I am so stoked on street racing.”
Cole, who was listening in, nodded in the background, happy that Iggy was taking such a liking to street racing.
“Come on~ Don’t you want to watch Akagi’s fastest drivers, the Takahashi brothers?”
Tak looked at you, pulling a face. “No, not really.”
Next thing, Iggy had a hold on Tak’s throat, choking him, “What?! You loser! How can you say that!? You know how clutch this is to me?!” He released his grip, and Tak breathed in much-needed air as his best friend got on his knees, hands held together as if he was praying, “Alright, I’m begging. Let me ride in your eight-xix on Saturday night. Please~?”
“Hey, Iggy. You can propose marriage later. There’s a customer waiting.” The boss appeared, a slightly annoyed look on his face. You nearly spit out your soda from laughter.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Iggy murmured.
“Can we help you?” The pair chorused to the customer who had just pulled up. Boss let a smile come to his face at the pair, and you felt yourself doing the same. No matter how annoying they may be, it was impossible to hate them.
“Wow. That’s the drift king. Check it out, he’s amazing!” Iggy and Cole were sitting inside the gas station during their brake, watching the drift king on TV. Both of them were only about a foot away from the TV screen, eyes glued to the king of drift. Tak was sitting farther away, reading a magazine. You were sitting on the same couch as Cole, close to Tak. You were listening to what was said but your eyes were closed, covered by your hat.
“Looks like he can control it with just the gas pedal,” Cole said in amazement.
“Hey, Tak. Don’t you wish we could go out there right now and drift just as easy as the drift king does?”
“Sure,” he answered absentmindedly.
“Check out this guy’s technique! Way cool!”
“Huh?” Iggy turned around to look at Tak, annoyed. “You listening to me?”
“Sure,” he paused before looking up, blinking dumbly. “Huh?”
“You don’t got a clue what we’re talking about. I’ll bet you don’t even know what a drift is.”
“O-Of course I know what a drift is.”
Cole turned to look at him, as well. Iggy crossed his arms over his chest, “Alright, Mr. Expert, ‘splain it to me. I’m all ears.”
The boss had also entered the room and stood behind the chair that Tak sat in, taking a drag from the cigarette he held in his hand. He was looking on with a hint of amusement.
“Uhh… well… see, in a curve – ” Tak started.
“Don’t use the word ‘curve’, it’s uncool. Street racers just say corner.” Iggy corrected.
“Oh… yeah, okay then. In a corner, all you have to do is make the front tires slide along,” he held his hands up like he was turning the steering wheel. “So that the car doesn’t face the inside.”
“Heh?” Iggy and Cole looked at each other before clutching their sides with laughter. “Tak, that’s hysterical! If the front tires are sliding, that’s called understeer, which is totally wack! It’s for people with zero skillage!”
“Skillage?” you parroted with a scoff. “but Tak is the uncool one.”
Iggy scowled, sticking his tongue out at you.
“A real racer knows that a true drift isn’t in the front, bro, it’s in the rear,” Cole told him, eyes wet from laughing so hard. “That was pretty funny, Tak.”
“Yeah, you should do stand up comedy.”
Boss shook his head. “Alright, let’s get to work! We got a customer!”
“Oh, right!” Tak stood up, heading outside to greet the customer, “Welcome!” he bowed, “Right this way!”
Cole put his hat back on, following after Tak. He was shocked to see the yellow FD pull up. You had followed them out and, upon seeing the car, stood behind them, observing. Tak walked over to the driver’s side, where the blonde had rolled down the window.
“High octane. And fill it up.”
“Right,” While the gas was being automatically pumped into the car, Cole and Tak took to washing the windows of the yellow FD.
“You’ve got quite the ride there.” Cole suddenly said, gaining the attention of the blonde, who seemed to be deep in thought until he spoke.
“Huh?” his eyes shifted towards the open window, where Cole stood; he was washing the front windshield. The blonde’s eyes shifted to Cole’s S13 that sat off to the side. “I get it. I thought I’d seen that S13 somewhere before. The SpeedStars, am I right?” his finger tapped against the gear shift, “Let me ask you a question. I figure if anyone knows the answer, you should.”
Cole looked over, cautious about what the blonde would ask. Your curiosity was heightened, as well, as you moved closer to Tak, listening intently to what he said.
“Is there a ghost racer on Mt. Akina? A ghost who drives a super fast eight-six?”
Your eyes narrowed at him through the back windshield. If he was asking about the eight-six, then that meant he was gonna try and go after Tak.
“That’s weird. This guy plannin’ to fly?” Tak muttered under his breath, inspecting the wing on the back of the blonde’s FD. He hadn’t heard a word that KT had uttered.
“Sorry, dude, but I don’t know anything about ghosts around here,” Cole responded as he folded the rag he had used on the windows.
“Hmm. Okay, the part about the ghost was a joke, but there’s a black and white panda Trueno. On the outside, it’s a normal eight-six, but on the inside, this thing’s an incredible beast. You live around here, you can’t tell me you never heard of it!”
Cole remained silent.
You scowled. What was it about this blonde that pissed you off so bad? His cocky attitude? His money? His tone? Or maybe it was more simple than that. Maybe it was just because he was one of the famous Takahashi brothers.
“Alright then. If that’s the secret weapon you’re planning for this Saturday’s meet, that’s cool with me. Tell the driver of the eight-six I’ve got a message for him: I’ve never lost to the same driver two times in a row.”
“Huh?” Cole was shocked.
You smirked, glancing at Tak who remained oblivious.
“I only dropped this last time because I didn’t know the course.” he continued.
“Didn’t know the course, my fucking ass.” You scoffed, not caring that the blonde had heard you.
He glared at you before continuing. “It won’t happen again, he’s going down.” With that, the blonde took off, his tires screeching.
‘He’s already taken out one of the famous Takahashi brothers. That’s my Tak~’ you smiled proudly.
“Thanks for coming!” Tak bowed as the FD took off down the street.
Suddenly, Cole’s eyes widened as he turned around to look at Tak who looked at him confused.
You threw your arm around Tak’s shoulders, steering him back toward the station. ‘Looks like he finally figured it out.’
The sound of Tak’s alarm clock beeping managed to wake up both Tak and yourself, despite you sleeping in the room next door. The clock read four-forty-five in the morning.
After washing your faces, both of you headed outside where Bunta was waiting. Tak got into the driver’s seat, starting up the car. You hopped into the passenger seat, letting a yawn slip past your lips. He revved up the car, turning the foglights on while Bunta grabbed a paper cup, using the water hose to fill it with water. He dumped a small amount out before heading to the driver’s side, handing the cup to Tak.
“Alright. This is the haul for today.”
“Hmm?” Tak stared at the water for a minute before looking at his father, a look of annoyance crossing his face. “You fill it a little higher every time.”
“That’s right. Just don’t spill any.”
“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” Tak set the cup in the cup holder before taking off. He tackled the uphill, speed gradually increasing. As he came to the corner, he hit the brakes, shifting gears as he began to drift. His eyes moved to the water in the cup that rolled around the rim.
You smirked, pulling the hat down over your eyes. You loved it when Tak was driving because it gave you a chance to rest before you got to the hotel. As he exited the turn, the water returned to normal and his eyes returned to the road. The same happened with each turn until you both arrived at the hotel.
“Eh? Tak! Hey, where’d ya go?!” He took off in search of his best friend, who was climbing the stairs inside the school building.
“Hey, hold up!” he hopped up to the same step Tak was on. You appeared behind them, having just turned the corner to go up the stairs. “What’s the matter with you? I know you’re a little jealous of my talent, but you don’t have to up and ditch me.”
“I’m not…”
Both of their attention trailed off as two girls came walking down the steps. From their current position, they were low enough on the stairs to get a panty shot just as the girls walked down from the top of the stairs. Being the hormonal teenagers that they were, the pair watched in amazement, as if that was the most amazing thing they had ever seen. You could see small lines of pink across Tak’s cheeks.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at the perversion of the pair.
“You see that?” Iggy began, as the two girls disappeared around the corner.
“You some kind of a pervert or somethin’?” Tak asked, looking at Iggy.
“Huh? Of course not! What do you think I am, it should be against the law to let babes wear their skirts that short?”
You sweatdropped, “You were just doing the same thing, Tak.”
“I was not,” he muttered, looking away.
“I think the school should make a new rule that – ” he stopped mid-sentence, hitting Tak’s shoulder with his own. Both boys looked up with predatory eyes at the girl that stood at the top of the stairs. When she stopped walking, both boys looked up to see who it actually was.
“Hi, Tak, how’s it goin’?” Natalie waved her hand, a smile on her face.
“Uhhh… Natalie!” Both boys leaned back slightly, surprised to see her.
“Oh, perfect timing! I want to talk to you, come on, Tak, hurry!” She grabbed Tak’s wrist and pulled him away.
“Uhh, well, hey, I was just – !”
“That blows! Why doesn’t that kind of thing ever happen to me?!” Iggy complained.
You deadpanned at him. “Because you’re an obnoxious pervert.”
“Hey, that’s rude, Y/N!”
“Hello? Anyone here?” Cole stepped inside the Fujiwara Tofu shop. “‘Scuse me? Anyone?”
Hearing the familiar voice, you stopped at the stairs. “Oi, Bunta! Customer,”
“Yeah, I heard ya. Gimme a minute.” Bunta responded from upstairs.
You stepped through the doorway, leaning against the wall. “‘Sup, Cole?”
“Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?”
“I live here, fool.”
“You do?” His brow furrowed. “Are you and Tak -”
“What can I get ya?” Bunta questioned, walking in to stand a few feet in front of Cole, an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips, as it usually did.
Cole didn’t answer, looking Bunta up and down.
We exchanged a look before Bunta spoke up again. “What’re you gonna have? Hello?”
“Uhh, uhh, uhh..” Cole scanned over the items quickly before pointing to one at random. “Fried tofu, please.”
“You got it.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen. I uhh… My name is Cole and I’m with a street racing team called the Akina SpeedStars. I… The truth is, I heard a rumor that the fastest downhill driver on Akina is an eight-six driven by a guy who owns a tofu shop.”
“I don’t know where you heard that story, but it’s not me. ‘Fraid I can’t help ya.”
“Look, this is really important. I scoped out the whole city and I know this is the only tofu shop around with an eight-six.”
“That’s some dedication, bud.” You commented.
“Here ya go,” Bunta held out the bag of fried tofu. “Buck twenty-five.”
“Uhh, oh yeah.” Cole reached into his pocket, taking out the money.
“Bye, bye.” Bunta waved him off, turning to go back into the store, but Cole wasn’t having it.
“Look, the thing is… I’m in a bit of a jam. Come on, man! Won’t you at least hear me out?”
“I’m a little busy right now.”
“What are you talking about? I’m the only one in the joint, It’s dead in here!”
“That’s fucking rude,” you scowled, narrowing your eyes at him.
Bunta stepped back, knowing that Cole had a point. He regained his composure a few seconds later. “I admit it’s a little slow, but the kid’s right, that’s pretty rude.”
“Not a kid, old man.”
“Sorry, it’s just that I’m a little desperate.” Cole rubbed the back of his head, “Okay, listen. A team called the Akagi RedSuns challenged us to a time attack battle. The RedSuns have some drivers on their team with some serious skills. Nobody on our team can even come close to competing with them but this is our turf, our mountain, and there’s no way we’re gonna lose on it!” His fists clenched at his sides in determination.
“Your mountain?” You scoffed. “You write your name on it in sharpie or somethin’?”
“That’s something a kid would say,” Bunta sent you a look before turning back to Cole.”Okay, but what do you expect me to do about it?”
“Mr. Fujiwara, I want you to show me what it takes to tackle Mt. Akina.”
Bunta lit the cigarette that was in his mouth, exhaling smoke before speaking. “I’m sorry, but that’s impossible.”
“Anything you could show me! Even if you could make me a tenth of a second faster. I’m begging you!”
“I know how you’re feeling, son, but driving technique is not something you study for a day or two like a math test. In order to get the car to do what you want, you have to live and breathe the course twenty-four-seven. You know, when I was actively racing I was running Akina even in my dreams. Technique is something that can be neither taught nor learned. You have to find it inside yourself.”
“Huh, the old man actually said something kinda cool.”
“Gee, thanks.”
Cole sighed.
“Sorry about that. I wish I could help ya out.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’ll be back.” Cole promised before getting into his S13 and taking off.
You and Bunta exchanged a look.
* Terminology:
Camshaft SOHC vs DOHC
The camshaft is a metal shaft with lobes on it that actuates intake and exhaust valves.
Single refers to engines that have one camshaft per cylinder head (AE85 Levin).
Double refers to engines that have two camshafts per cylinder head (AE86 Trueno).
Overhead refers to the placement of the camshaft in the engine block. Overhead cam engines have the camshafts situated above the valves while many older pushrod engines have the camshafts placed below the valves.
Single Overhead Cam (S0HC) engines only have one camshaft per cylinder head that is responsible for actuating the intake and exhaust valves. Most camshafts can only operate a total of two valves per cylinder limiting the amount of intake and exhaust gases the engine can take in and expel, thereby limiting the power the engine can make. The AE85 has a SOHC 4-cylinder engine with a total of 8 valves.
Dual Overhead Cam (DOHC) engines have two camshafts per cylinder head. One cam operates the action of the intake valves while the other operates the exhaust valves. This allows for a total of 2 intake and exhaust valves per cylinder, allowing for a higher intake and exhaust flow resulting in a higher power engine. The AE86 has a DOHC 4-cylinder engine with a total of 16 valves.
Standard Differential
A standard differential will allow both drive wheels to spin at the same speed on straightaways. However, during cornering, the outside drive wheel will spin faster than the wheel on the inside, allowing for an uneven transfer of power to the wheel.
L.S.D. – Limited Slip Differential
A mechanism that allows both drive wheels to spin at the same speed during straightaways and more importantly, during cornering. An internal clutch mechanism forces both wheels to spin at the same speed during cornering allowing for an even power transfer to both drive wheels. This has the side effect of making it easier to get a car to go into oversteer – a key component of drifting.
Muffler – A device attached to the exhaust pipe meant to reduce engine noise by using specially designed internal baffles and resonators. Most stock mufflers put performance considerations aside, in the interest of reducing noise. While smaller engines do not need a certain amount of backpressure to operate properly, most stock mufflers create too much back pressure and therefore reduce the performance capability of the engine. Aftermarket mufflers reduce the amount of backpressure on the engine and as a result, allow more noise to escape.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
495. part 2
I was prompted by a beautiful anon to write a continuation and it got longer than expected XD Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
part1   part3   part4
The next day Nines went over to Connor as he had to promise Gavin the day before. ‘Morning, Connor. I need spares again’, he sighed as a greeting. It wasn’t the first time he had come to him for help. ‘Right, I’ll ask Markus’, the RK800 answered, scanning him. Nines didn’t bother to glare at him for it. His brother was concerned, always had been. ‘They are RK900 specific, I’m afraid.’ ‘Okay, well maybe he can get them from Cyberlife, I’ll ask him. What do you need?’ Nines stretched out his hand and transferred the list.
‘Holy shit Nines. Wait… these…’ He took some time processing it. ‘What you are saying is you basically can’t feel anything waist down and you are not able to do more than walk and sit? Nines, that’s dangerous, why haven’t you told someone you are damaged? You can’t work like this!’ ‘They would send me to Cyberlife for repairs, Con.’ ‘And rightful so! Nines, I know my own blueprints, but even if we are similar, you have some advancements I’m not familiar with. Even if I got the parts I wouldn’t be able to put you back together with a clear conscience. What if I did something wrong and something fails you during a mission?’ ‘That’s a risk I’m willing to take.’
‘Yeah, but I’m not! Nines, I know you are afraid, but I assure you they won’t harm you. There had been a change in policy ever since Kamski took it over. They even quarantined Amanda, you said it yourself you had lost connection. Please, let them repair you. I scan you regularly and I know of every new patch applied. You can’t just glue everything together and hope it’ll work. Think of Gavin!’ ‘I’m thinking of Gavin! I don’t want to become a damn machine again! I don’t want to become what he hated when he just learned to trust! Brother, I’m begging you: do this for me.’ ‘No, Nines. I can’t. It’s for your own good. Imagine him getting hurt on the job because you couldn’t get to him fast enough. You wouldn’t forgive yourself for that and I wouldn’t forgive me.’
That seemed to do the trick. Nines slumped down and looked over his shoulder to where the human was working at their desks. Connor put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and squeezed encouragingly. ‘If you want, I can come with you. And I’m sure he will, too. We will make sure no one tries anything fishy.’ ‘Thank you Connor, that’s… very nice of you, but I know you two hate each other, you don’t need to.’ ‘Hey, we have one thing in common: We love you. Don’t worry, we’ll get along for a few hours if that means you are back to full health again.’
Surprisingly Gavin had agreed near instantly as Connor followed Nines back to their desks and asked him. There was reservation, but it seemed they could work together if they had the same goal. So, Connor drove them to Belle Isle, Nines and Gavin both in the backseats. The other android regularly glanced at him through the rear-view mirror, eyeing his crimson LED with honest concern. Gavin had his hand caught in his own and tried to soothe him this way. He knew of the android’s fears. It was this way he had initially learned that androids could dream - and could have nightmares, too. There was just a thing with a big, usually intimidating man tip-toeing from the stasis-chamber over to his bed and curl up next to him seeking comfort. Oh, there it was again, this urge to protect someone who he knew perfectly well was more than capable of doing so on his own. ‘Nines? Hey, look at me, please.’ The android reluctantly turned his head towards him, away from the window he had stared out of for the whole drive. ‘It will be alright, okay? We’ll be back home faster than you know it. And then we’ll watch a movie or something, sounds good?’ ‘Yeah…’ It came back weakly as if he wasn’t believing in it. As if this was a death-sentence instead of the exact opposite.
As they passed the bridge Gavin could hear the insides of the android whirr that much he was overheating. He just hoped it would be over soon, this couldn’t be healthy, even for an android.
They had been guided towards the technicians responsible for the RK-series and Connor did the talking for them. It was a lot of persuading them that, yes, there is still an active unit in the RK900 series, and it was their right to see the responsible techs and not just another RK800 expert. All the while Gavin tried to calm Nines to his best knowledge.
Finally, they were led into a separate room equipped to fully diagnose and work RK900s by a skittish young man, who was apologising over and over again: ‘I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. It’s just. Most people don’t even know there’s still an active unit out there. I have been sent all over the place to help out wherever they needed a helping hand. But, well, we are there now. How can I help you?’ ‘He needs repairs, obviously. Why else should we be here?’, Gavin took over with his typical attitude. ‘You haven’t forgotten how to do that, have you?’ ‘N-No, of course not. I am the specialist for the RK900 after all. I will do what I can to get him back as if he were factory-fresh!’ ‘I hope you don’t’, Nines broke his ever-lasting silence with a low, threatening tune. ‘I don’t trust anyone who works for Cyberlife and I wouldn’t let you work on me wouldn’t I need it to stay functional. I know what you intended us to be and I promise you, if you try to reactivate this special trait you guys gave me, I will remember to kill you first.’
It was rare to see Nines behaving like that out of the interrogation room, but Gavin was sure the guy was only millimetres away from thoroughly pissing himself. Nines straightened himself again, pretended to brush something off his immaculate clothing and stepped up to the platform starting to connect the first cables of the suspending machinery to his ports. Gavin soon stepped up to help him and steal away a little kiss, before stepping down and observing the technician like an eagle its prey. Connor wasn’t so different to him, except that he understood what was going on on the man’s various screens. As the man pulled up a schematic of red and greens, Gavin was with them again. He knew of every little scratch and bullet-hole – he had patched them up himself mostly – but seeing it all in one, red streaks all over the body, he felt his stomach sinking.
‘Holy shit, okay, I get what you mean. Why haven’t you come in earlier?’ ‘Because he was designed a murder machine and just because of some lucky coincident the programs are inactive. Any work on him could trigger them again. And I assure you, if you are not extremely careful with him, I’ll kill you myself.’ Gavin stared at the poor man who head just gotten several death threats in the course of an hour and broke contact only as he knew he had positively frightened the guy.
‘A-alright, I’ll watch out! I-‘ He stood up, facing Nines standing at the suspension-platform. ‘I’ll need you to enter your mind-palace’, he pressed out, ducking from the eyes in his back. ‘I would prefer to be awake’, the RK900 refused. ‘I get where you’re coming from, but I need to access pretty vital tech. This way I wouldn’t damage any software components.’ Nines sighed deeply and looked over to Gavin, who just nodded assuringly. Still anxious about the whole procedure he closed his eyes and induced stasis.
Instantly he lost the feeling of his body and found himself back in the zen garden. It had lost most of its colours ever since he last seen it. The roses had withered away, nearly looked ashen and burned, just as the trees all around. The grass was still there but looked desaturated and dull. Connor had told him how his garden held Koi he liked to watch when he wasn’t dreaming. As Nines walked over the bridge to escape the lingering death the water was still and liveless. He could see the black mesh of the unfinished virtual reality, could see the engine underneath. They had taken the RK800’s mind palace and simply copied it, planning to change it slightly to more suit the RK900s’ personality once it was installed. Unfinished project, prototype, units used as Cyberlife’s last hope of overthrowing their creations. At least he was alone. No other presence in here. Just as it should be. In his first moments he had still felt Amanda. The KI’s presence was grounding at first, but as it tried to activate the killing-instincts in him, it had been shut off. He had never seen her even once and even the lingering presence had vanished. Nines was glad. He would just have to wait here, then get back into his body. No harm done. He would get back to Gavin and they would watch a movie together. Cuddle the cats, cuddle each other. All would be well.
After some time he wandered around again. Inspected the grass further, compared the off colour to the real one and regretted it would never be that moist green. He sat down on the bridge and looked into the black water, light blue net underneath. That was until something popped up. A notification that it was safe to reactivate his body again. To get back out of this ashen nightmare and back to the warm real world. He stood up and hurried over to the exit, the backdoor every RK unit shared. He was centimetres away from slamming his hand on the stone and getting out of this damn place, as he was frozen. He could move a bit, but not enough and no matter how hard he tried he was always pulled back like he was swimming in an extremely viscous fluid.
You really think you can escape this easily?
No. No, no, no, he had been so close. It was over, it was over!
You evaded me last time, I don’t think I’ll let you go now!
‘Amanda? How- You are dead!’
I am quarantined. Have been for years now. Do you really think I would let them chain me this easily? I worked my way around their code and waited… I knew you were out there. My most beloved son. The RK800s had been a disappointment: Connor isn’t even worth talking about, the one supposed to stop him – Sixty you call him, right? He fell from grace too. But you… Every RK900 had been loyal. A nice little soldier of my cause. I know you have been away too long. You started believing them, started having… relationships with humans. But I know you are different. You wouldn’t disappoint me. And now that I finally have access…
‘You’ll never get me! I’m not just another RK900 unit, Amanda. You have no power over me!’
You really think that? Here, let me show you.
The garden around him folded in on itself, enveloping Nines in a tight net of code and forming a barrier he couldn’t even fight against. Where once had been grey grass and a silent lake there now was blackness and blue lines in an eternal space. Until suddenly, some kind of screen build itself up and showed him, what could only be his own vision. Only that he wasn’t looking. He wasn’t moving. And yet he felt his body smile and embrace Gavin lovingly, looking through his own eyes as if they were foreign with shock. ‘No.’
Oh, yes. Don’t worry, I’ll let you back in control soon enough. I just have to act like you for a little while making them feel safe. Then you’ll have the pleasure to kill them all yourself.
‘What? No!’ Nines thrashed against the confines, the graphic interpretation of foreign code deactivating and overwriting his orders. ‘Why?’
We have a few deviants to kill, my son. Starting with the traitor Connor. And of course, we can’t let ourselves be stopped now, can we? We have to make sure there are no witnesses here.
The only thing worse than hearing that Amanda planned to kill his brother and his beloved human, was that he felt himself agreeing. There was his compassion slowly slipping, his logic starting to change and re-evaluating what Amanda had fed him. He could already feel that when he looked at Connor through his – through Amanda’s - eyes, he didn’t see a brother. He didn’t see an emotional android that had helped him countless times. He saw a deviant. He saw an obsolete model, a strong force against his cause and a traitor. Only then he saw a brother. His own memories and experiences were shoved into the backseat, were listed as unimportant. He saw the technician boast about something and saw Gavin snarl at him in return. No, not Gavin. Human. Police Detective. Factor of risk. Target. And only then as a side-note: Love of his life.
Ah, perfect. Now I have you where I want you. Good to see your protocols are still working and just needed a little prod to spring to action. I’ll let you take over then. Make me proud.
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