#sorry i just saw the word imitative so now i have to stay awake forever thinking about triangles
catilinas · 9 months
guys will see the word imitative and go teehee
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fxcking-anon · 4 years
hi! request, spencer xfem!reader? reader works at the bau but spencer isn’t there (mutual crush or beginning of relationship) so she swings by his apartment to see he has a stomach flue so she helps and takes care of him? fluff?
Chicken Soup
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
TW: None :)
Word Count: 1,925
A/N: I’m so so very sorry for how long this took. I ruptured my appendix right after I got this request then started classes again and all of a sudden it was October! But it’s done now and we are on the road to being on top of our shit again! Woo! (I may or may not have posted this during math class too oops)
Spencer had given you a key to his apartment a few months ago. After Penelope was shot, you really struggled being alone in your apartment. So, you found yourself knocking on Spencer’s door after a long case. More often than not, you stayed the night. Over time, you’d brought a few things to keep there for when you did sleep over. While Spencer was no Derek Morgan, protector-of-all, kicking-doors-in-and-taking-names, he knew how to distract you from the darkness you both saw on a daily basis. And on the worst nights, he held you after your nightmares.
You had tried to return the key once you could finally be alone again. Spencer refused, insisting you were welcome to come and go as you pleased. So you did, often bearing gifts as you walked through the door. Sometimes coffee, a home cooked meal, or maybe a movie. 
The two of you had always been close. You had a habit of befriending the misfits and bringing them out of their shells. It also helped that people seemed to find you easy to talk to. You can’t name how many times an acquaintance has spilled their soul to you just because you “seem really approachable”. 
And yet, after months of spending most of your days off together and you having a key to his apartment, it took nearly the entire BAU team, excluding Hotch, holding an intervention of sorts to force you two to address the fact that you clearly liked each other and what you were currently doing, was dating.
That led to an awkward evening back at his apartment, trying to talk things through. You knew Spencer didn’t exactly have a lot of experience with relationships and honestly, you didn’t have a lot of experience with healthy ones. After an excruciating half hour of awkward silence and “well, what do you think?” back and forth, Spencer just took your face in his hands and kissed you. 
You’d been officially together since then. Over the past few weeks, the two of you had established a little routine at work. He usually beat you there on nights you didn’t stay with him. He’d grab you both coffee and leave yours at your desk with a little drawing on a sticky note. The little creatures he drew were odd looking and sometimes a bit scary, but you still found yourself storing the sticky notes away in one of the drawers in your desk. 
Today, you were running late after an accident on the freeway put you much further behind schedule than you would’ve liked. As you stepped out of the elevator on the sixth floor, you scanned the room for his mop of curly hair, coming up empty.
“Spence isn’t with you?” JJ asked, looking concerned as she hoisted the case files she was carrying higher into her arms. 
“No, I stayed home last night because I had to finish some laundry I was putting off. Is he not here?” you tried to ignore the surge of panic that began to flow through you. While it was highly unlikely anything had happened to him, he’d been held captive before. In your line of work, it wasn’t completely off the table. You and JJ locked eyes, slight worry laced in both of your eyes. 
“Hotch hasn’t heard from him, I just figured you had,” she said. 
“No, I’ll call him now.”
You beelined for the empty conference room before calling your boyfriend. “Y/N?” Spencer croaked, picking up on the fourth ring. 
You quickly realized he was sick. After hanging up and reassuring Spencer you’d be there as fast as you could, ignoring his protests that you need to be at work, you found yourself in Hotch’s office.
“Look, we don’t have a case and if we get one, I can be back here, ready to go in twenty minutes flat. It’s just, he doesn’t take care of himself as it is and he’s likely downplaying how sick he really is-” you started off, rambling off excuses.
“Y/L/N,” Hotch said, cutting you off. “It’s fine. Just take your paperwork with you. I’ll have Garcia call you if we get a case, okay?”
“Thank you so much, Sir,” you said, heading back to your desk to grab your things. You didn’t need to take the day off to go take care of your sick boyfriend. However, your boyfriend was rarely sick. In the time that you’ve known him, you’d never seen him sick. Ever. You attributed it to his heightened awareness of the spread of germs and his commitment to handwashing. 
On your way back to Spencer’s apartment, you made a quick pit stop at the local grocery store, picking up a few ingredients for your normal go to comfort foods. 
You set the bags down when you reached his apartment door, fishing your key out of your bag. You opened the door to find a full sink and no sign of Spencer. You set the groceries on the counter before peeking into his bedroom. 
Spencer was dead asleep, curled into the fetal position under his comforter and an additional three throw blankets. His hair was damp and matted on his forehead. There was a tense look on his sleeping face, brows furrowed and frowning. You stepped into the room, moving to situate yourself next to him on the bed. Gently, you brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead. “Y/N?” Spencer mumbled out, not yet opening his eyes. You leaned down to place a soft peck on his forehead, causing him to open his eyes. “I told you not to come,” he said sleepily, trying his best to sound stern. 
“As if I wouldn’t. How are you feeling, baby?” you asked, voice still hushed. 
“I have a fever. It’s probably the flu. Which means you’re going to get sick too,” he started, propping himself up on his elbows and pulling himself out of your gentle grasp.
You rolled your eyes before climbing all the way onto the bed and guiding him to rest back on your chest. “If I can handle kicking ass on a daily basis, I can handle a measly little cold. Now shut up and let me take care of you.”
Spencer huffed under his breath before settling his head on your chest, right over your heart. You could feel him relax as he listened to the steady pace of your heartbeat, drifting off to a more peaceful sleep. His eyebrows relaxed as you stroked his hair. 
You weren’t sure how long you were asleep when you woke up, checking Spencer’s bedside clock to see it had only been about two hours. Instinctively, you checked your phone, making sure you hadn’t missed any calls from Hotch. By some miracle, you had no new notifications. Maybe just this once, the universe would give you a day to take care of your sick boyfriend without having to race off to play hero. 
Spencer was fast asleep, his breathing even and slow. You smiled to yourself before slipping out of his bed and resting his hand back against the pillows. You could lay there all day as he slept, but you knew you needed to start cooking now so he’d have something to eat when he finally emerged from his slumber. 
Your mother had always made homemade soup when you were sick. It was cheesy as hell, but it was what you knew. So you got to work cutting up the vegetables you brought from the store as you popped the chicken in the over. You hummed to yourself as you cooked, dancing around aimlessly and singing into the butcher knife in your hand. 
“Should I be concerned that you use knives as microphones?” Spencer asked, shuffling from his room, wrapped in a blanket. You froze, striking an Elvis pose with your knife as you smiled at him. His voice was less groggy now and he seemed to be a little more awake.
“Thank you, thank you very much,” you imitated Elvis, giggling a bit as you returned to chopping vegetables. “And listen, a girl has to make do with whatever makeshift mic she can find,” you teased, “Are you hungry?”
Spencer scrunched his face just enough for you to sense he still didn’t have an appetite. Regardless, he needed to eat. “I don’t need to be a genius to tell you how important it is that you get nutrients into your body-”
“Yeah, yeah” he grumbled, making his way to a cabinet behind you. He grabbed a sleeve of saltines from the middle shelf before hoisting himself onto the counter next to where you were slicing. “What are you making? It smells good.”
“Chicken soup,”
He hummed in acknowledgement, placing a cracker in his mouth. You smiled to yourself as the two of you sat in silence, you cutting up some celery and him munching on a cracker. You didn’t often get much domestic time together. With your work schedules, you didn’t have a lot of free time to begin with. Mostly, you’d do something quiet and low energy. It was hard to remember the last time you got to just be in each other’s presence while you did normal people things.
“What are you smiling around?” Spencer asked, looking at you inquisitively. 
You looked up at him, breaking into a bigger smile. “It’s nice, getting to just be with you on a weekday, making lunch. I’d rather you weren’t sick, of course, but we haven’t had a day off in forever.”
He grinned back at you, taking a moment to brush a strand of hair that escaped your bun behind your ear. “I love you,” he said plainly, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You’d both said I love you before, but you still felt the same butterflies as the first time he said it. You could’ve stayed like that for the rest of time, reveling in his gaze. However, the oven beeped, letting you know the chicken was done. 
“I have to get that,” you whispered out, hating to remove your face from his light touch. 
You pulled the chicken from the oven before shooing Spencer out of the kitchen and back into bed, convincing him to get some more rest as you finished the soup.
As you lounged on the sofa with Spencer’s head in your lap later that evening, it dawned on you that Hotch never texted. You actually got a real day off. You stroked Spencer’s hair softly, twirling some of his little curls between your fingers. “What’s that song?” Spencer asked, shifting to look up at you. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, clearly confused. “You’ve been humming something, I don’t recognize it,” he said.
You stopped for a moment, realizing it was the same song your mom used to sing you when you were sick. “I’m not actually sure what it’s called,” you admitted, “My mom used to sing it to me when I was sick. I don’t remember the words anymore, just the melody.”
Spencer nodded in agreement, still staring up at you. 
“What?” you asked.
He shook his head. “Nothing, I just love you, that’s all.”
“I love you more.”
He leaned up to give you a quick kiss, his lips far less chapped after you spent the day pumping him full of liquids and hot soup. He laid back on your lap, tuning back into the silly cartoon on the television screen. Your hands found their way back into his hair again, sighing contently.
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latestageyouth · 4 years
I saw your virgil angst post au where Thomas started repressing him after DWIT and I love that idea soooo much! I fell in love just reading the au idea, but could you write a fic? If so could you please tag me in it? Sorry to bother you lol but I just wanted to let you know i love that au so freaking much it just makes me adifjsaydfasgfsjd
It happened slowly, oh so slowly. No one is really to blame even though they think they are. He just started...being there less and less. Skipping the occasional family dinner. And then movie night. And then he stopped debating with Logan. And then he just. Stopped doing everything. 
Until nothing remained.
“Oh, and Janus?” 
“Yes, Logan?” 
Logan hesitated before continuing, Roman already on his mind but he didn’t want to hurt Janus, make the wound worse on both sides, “Thank you for today, but...I would appreciate if you tried to talk with Roman. I am sure both of you said things you didn’t mean.”
Dec- Janus’ face fell on the mention of Roman, but he still put on a smile that somehow wasn’t as smug as it used to be, “Of course, I will try.”
And then they departed. 
And then Janus checked up on Remus.
“Remus, look, I’m-”
“The ‘Evil Twin’?! Really?! I can’t fucking believe you!”
And then the door shut to his face.
And Logan checked up on Virgil.
“Virgil?” he said after his third set of knocks.
More knocks.
“Virgil, I am quite concerned with your well-being, please open the door.”
More knocks. 
“...I know you don’t like it when we come to your room, but if you don’t answer I will be forced to act accordingly to the situation.”
He didn’t knock after that.
“...Virgil?” the name started to sound strange in his mouth.
Logan looked around the empty room.
Maybe he went to the dark sides? To make amends, maybe?
Logan walked out of the room, ignoring the feeling of wrong slowly rising in his gut.
- - -
“So how are things with Virgil?” 
Janus shrugged. Remus still hasn’t come out of his room. “Maybe worse than before, haven’t seen him in over a week. Did he say anything about me?” he reminds himself to add, “Or Remus?”
Patton furrowed his eyebrows, “Well, I wouldn’t know, he’s cooped up in his room all day and night. Logan told me he was probably at your place.”
“I haven’t seen him in over a week,” Janus repeated.
“We neither.”
- - -
“He’s probably just throwing a tantrum,” Remus sounded annoyed, edging on irritated.
Remus hasn’t come out of his room until Roman basically dragged him out of there with bribes of fighting a new, better Dragon Witch and just general “please”es.
Not like Virgil, no. Virgil didn’t talk to anyone or even played his music way too loud like he did before and Logan wasn’t even sure he came out of his room to eat.
No, Remus was just angry at Janus. Which is fine, he understands. He fucked up and of course Remus is angry with him.
“Somehow I think Virgil would be more...vocal if he did.”
“Why don’t we just go into his room?” Roman played with the tablecloth on the dining table.
“I already tried that and I told you it was empty.”
“Logan, that was like a week ago.”
Eyes were rolled on both sides.
“A week and four days ago, actually.”
Roman groaned, “Whatever.”
“Roman’s right,” Patton finally spoke up, he had been unusually quiet, “We should go in his room, even if it’s against Virgil’s wishes. I am scared for him.”
So Remus got up, ignoring the others asking him what he’s doing, and went to Virgil’s room because god fucking damnit he just wants to get over with this and be angry again.
“Hey, raccoon, you better open the fucking door up or I’m coming in,” he accompanied the harsh words by equally harsh knocks, “And don’t you dare get all pissy about it when I do.”
He didn’t wait for Virgil to answer - if he even would answer.”
And Virgil didn’t get all pissy when he came in.
Because there was no Virgil.
And no cobwebs. And the lighting was brighter than he remembers.
So Remus went upstairs just as the other sides got to the door.
“Yooo, Stinky McStink, I’m in your room, don’t you wanna yell at me?” his voice was exaggerated and obnoxious. Maybe he was...just sleeping. Right?
The bed was made.
The curtains weren’t drawn. 
It started to look too much like Thomas’ real bedroom.
No there’s no way, right?
It’s not like Thomas actually could-
Of fucking course it had to be Janus.
“You noticed it, right? The lack of...Virgil-ness.”
He doesn’t have the energy to be angry right now, “You don’t think that...Thomas couldn’t hate him that much...right?”
Right, Janus?
“You guys found him?” Roman’s voice came from downstairs.
“No,” Remus’ voice came quieter than he intended, but still enough for Roman to hear.
And a day later it became official when the door vanished.
Virgil was gone.
- - -
No one went to check up on Thomas anymore, because he would always ask Where’s Virgil? Where’s Virgil? Where’s Virgil? and they would have to tell him He’s not feeling well He’s tired He’s probably rewatching Nightmare Before Christmas again and Thomas knew something was wrong.
No one really spoke anymore or did anything. 
“Could you get me the cereal?” Roman asked one morning, voice quiet and messy like his hair. It was too early to speak.
“...He ate the last cereal we had,” Janus responded after a while. It was too early to speak of Him.
- - -
They weren’t exactly sure how to break the news to Thomas that he repressed his anxiety about everything so much that he repressed Anxiety.
Thomas still wasn’t quite sure how that worked but his anxiety levels haven’t changed much so he figured that it was temporary.
- - - 
A month after they told him it became normal to speak.
“Could you get me the cereal?” Roman yawned. 
Janus hummed, reaching to the cupboard for the box.
“Thanks,” the shorter mumbled, opening the box and eating it’s contents dry.
“You’re gross,” Janus watched after him.
“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!” Remus giggled. He wasn’t mad at Janus anymore and Janus apologized. 
- - -
Two months after they told him it became normal to walk the hallways. They still avoided That Corner Where It Was but it was normal to walk there again.
“Do you think we should paint the hallways?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Roman you do know you can just change the colour of the hallways with your mind, right?
Roman tsked, “No I meant like,” he fumbled his hands, trying to find the words, “Paint Paint.”
“You mean like decorate them with drawings?”
“Well, I suppose it would be a good bonding activity, and possibly make Thomas feel more welcome.”
It was Remus who ended up painting a dragon over That Corner Where It Was. And as far as Logan was concerned, the drawing looked rather - how the kids would say - rad.
- - -
“Happy New Year!” they shouted in unison, even got Logan to join in.
Thomas was invited to a party at his friend’s house on New Year’s Eve, there were fireworks in the sky and everything. Thomas wasn’t sure when he got a party hat.
“Alright you guys, see ya’ next year!” Patton was the first one to return to the mindscape, ending the night off with a corny joke.
The rest of the sides gradually went back too, as the night turned into very early morning. Roman and Janus were the last ones to stay, some of the fireworks still going off and the sound of parties and laughing and too loud conversations filling the air around them.
“I like that you grew your hair out, it’s a good look on you.”
Janus looked at Roman, who was sitting on the stairs beside him, “Well, you know what they say:”
“New year new me.”
Roman joined in on that part, doing his best to imitate Janus’ voice.
And they laughed.
And they talked.
And for the first time in a while it felt like nothing was missing at all, and maybe it wasn’t.
- - -
“Remus! Where did you put my hairbrush?” Roman’s voice came loud and shrill from the bathroom.
“I didn’t put your fucking hairbrush anywhere, you’re just a blind idiot!” Remus’ voice came from the kitchen, somehow even louder.
Logan ignored the twins’ squabble and continued his morning routine. What was he doing? Ah, right. Put in eyedrops. Make coffee. Clean his glasses-
“Remus why are my glasses broken?”
Remus groaned, “Why is it that when something goes wrong everyone always thinks it’s me?!”
“...Do you want me to list off the things that went wrong that you did cause?”
“Whatever, I didn’t break your fucking glasses, Logie,” he drank the coffee Logan made straight from the coffee maker.
Remus could basically see the gears turning in Logan’s head.
“House meeting!” Logan finally yelled, the loud noise making even Remus flinch. Logan repeated the words a few times until the rest of the sides came into the kitchen.
“It’s too early for this, Logan…” Roman whined, “‘m not sure Patton was even awake.”
Patton rubbed his eyes, glasses missing, “I wasn’t.”
“Sit down, I have something I want to discuss with you.”
“Well, yeah, you better,” Janus sat down beside Roman, who was still half-asleep. 
“Right, so, you have noticed a lot of things go missing or break as of recently, as well as Thomas being significantly more anx- stressed out.”
A chorus of agreement came, some looks pointed at Remus.
“And we can’t be sure it’s Remus.”
“At least someone here trusts me. Not that you should, trusting me is a horrible idea.”
“So?” Roman rubbed the last of sleep out of his eyes.
“So who is it? I am sure that you wouldn’t do anything like this, and neither would Patton. While me and Janus aren’t exactly the fondest of your pranks.”
“Maybe it’s Virgil’s ghost haunting us,” Remus laughed.
The rest of the table didn’t laugh.
“He…” Logan started again, “It’s not like Thomas can resent someone, especially a part of himself, for so long, can he?”
“He’s gone, Lo,” Patton’s voice was sterner than he intended.
“You know very well that I couldn’t keep everyone hidden from Thomas forever,” Janus grew visibly uncomfortable at the talk of the past.
“Yes, but this time Thomas consciously chose to repress him-”
“Oh for fuck’s sake did you forget his name or some shit?! Why are you so afraid to say it?! Virgil is gone. Maybe dead. None of us have been suppressed like this and none of us know if Virgil’s somewhere in Thomas’ mind or not, maybe it is him.”
“Maybe you’re just holding onto a fantasy of getting your best friend back when he wasn’t that for a long time before he disappeared!”
“I...what did you just say?”
Patton stumbled over his words, “I-I’m sorry, I just-”
“Get fucked! I don’t want your fucking half-assed apology!”
Reopening an old wound can sting.
Especially reopening it so quickly.
“I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
Roman called out too late, as Remus was already out the kitchen, the coffee pot shattered on the ground.
And the silence covered them like a big blanket, the slam of the door distant in the quiet. They just sat there for a few seconds, or minutes, or maybe an hour, no one was really sure. Until Patton broke the silence.
“God, I messed up. I always mess up.”
Surprisingly, the second one who spoke was Logan, “Everyone deals with the stages of grief in their own way and for how long they need. It’s okay to not always be okay,” huh, what a hypocrite.
- - -
No one mentioned it again, but it was always on everyone’s minds when Logan’s glasses went missing, or Janus’ cane, or anything else from any other side. Or when Thomas got more anxious than he should be.
Or when he had his first panic attack in years.
They all did their best to calm him down, but no one could replace Virgil in their department. Sure, Janus is good with self-care, but that’s more to prevent a panic attack and what to do after a panic attack. Patton can’t think, he spirals just like Thomas. The twins only supply more “what if what if what if what if” scenarios. Logan still can’t do emotions. 
After that, they all knew something was wrong. That Something always lingered in the mindscape and made everything seem...off. Like when Remus moved all furniture a few inches to the left and everyone crashed into it without knowing why. Except this wasn’t Remus and it wasn’t just a dumb prank.
No one wanted to say it, so no one would say it.
It was all just like it was in the beginning.
- - -
Roman was tired. He hasn’t slept in two days and has an art block and everything is horrible. But it’s been worse, he can get through this. Not like he has much of a choice.
The hallways are dark and the floor is cold and he almost trips on a dirty shirt on the floor that he’s probably gonna scold Remus about.
Just one more cup of coffee. 
He’s been pushing it to three days.
One more day then I’ll stop.
Everything is dark so it’s puzzling - to say at least - to see light coming from the kitchen. Just faint, barely illuminating the walls.
Is Patton awake again? Or Remus?
No, no, Remus is in bed you know that you share a room.
Roman walked to the kitchen nevertheless. So what’s a little conversation along with coffee, he knows the side won’t ask him about why he’s awake because he will, in turn, ask them and he’s sure they don’t want that.
“Hey, I hope there’s still some coffee left in the-”
The fridge door shook slightly as the figure jumped in surprise and looked at him.
The rest of the sentence got stuck in his throat and forced down into his gut where a sick feeling was building up, but he doesn’t want to vomit.
It’s eerily similar to their first meeting. At night, Roman going for a midnight snack while he...He, just looks through the fridge. And then Roman scares him. And they stare at each other.
Will he throw in some insulting comment and grab something to eat before walking away like the first time?
No, no, this is not the first meeting all over again you don’t hate Him He doesn’t hate you but you shouldn’t be meeting in the first place He’s dead He’s been dead for almost 3 years why is He standing here what-
“Oops,” He put his hands next to his head like he’s getting arrested, “got caught in the act.”
This wasn’t the same voice He had. It was laced with venom and anger and there was nothing about it that said We’ve been friends for years and you accepted me and we are on good terms.
“Might as well tell me then, Princey,” the nickname souned bitter and harsh and sharp on his tongue and Roman wanted to throw up. He put his hands in the pockets of his dirty patched up (there seemed to be more patches than the normal fabric, much like how even though this was Him it didn’t feel like Him or act like Him and he wasn’t even sure if he was talking to Him anymore) hoodie, hiding his bitten nails with chipped patches of fabric on them.
“What did I miss?”
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livsoulsecrets · 3 years
Deanoru Fic - You might have me believing I don't always have to be alone
Summary: At 10 years old, Karolina first realizes her feelings for girls during a movie night with her friends while their parents have their annual dinner gathering. As she tries to understand herself that night and fears what those feelings might mean about her, she finds unexpected comfort in Nico.
TW: Internalized Lesbophobia (nothing major, but the story shows Karolina questioning her feelings for girls and struggling with it)
When she was 10 years old, during one of their families’ dinner gatherings, Karolina marched into the Wilders’ living room with a DVD copy of Enchanted safely tucked inside her pink unicorn bag. She had carefully swept the movie into her bag while she messed around her dad’s movie collections, kept in his office, safely tucked away from her curious hands. On that dinner night, though, her dad was away on a work trip and her mom was too busy taking phone calls and doing her makeup to notice Karolina sneaking into the room.
 He had them all organized by genre and she made the huge effort of climbing into a chair to reach the romance shelf. She was always obsessed with love stories, but her parents didn’t always let her watch them because some weren’t “appropriate”. 
 This time, though, nobody could stop her from reaching the Enchanted DVD on the highest shelf. With a squeal, she celebrated her achievement. After that, it was easy to secretly smuggle it into the Wilders’ home. Once the kids were all alone in the living room, Karolina coughed loudly in a dramatic fashion to announce she had news, which made Gert roll her eyes.
— Guys, I have a surprise for you. — She announced, proudly picking the DVD up and showing it to her friends. Alex crooked an eyebrow, looking confused. 
— Okay… I’m still waiting for it. — He said, unfazed. Nico elbowed him, successfully shutting him up.
— Don’t be a jerk. — She told him and turned to Karolina shortly after, ignoring Alex’s whining and Chase’s loud laughs, as she smiles at her friend. — Go on, Kare.
— Thanks, Nico. — Karolina answered, her cheeks blushing uncontrollably. She didn’t understand why, but every time Nico smiled at her like that, Karolina felt her stomach doing summer salts, as if she was going through a roller coaster. — I found my dad’s copy of this movie, Enchanted. My mom doesn’t let me watch it, because she says it’s not for kids my age... But I think we should do it anyway. Amy is not here today, so she can’t tell on us!
— But what if it’s a scary movie? — Molly questioned, head tucked into Gert’s lap, taking away too much space for her little self. 
— It’s not, Mols. It’s a love story! It even has a princess in the cover. — Karolina explained, excitedly placing the movie in the DVD player. 
— Ew, love’s gross. — Chase grunted, with all the eloquence his 10 year old self could gather.
— You’re gross. — Gert fired back, without missing a bit. — Just play the movie, we have nothing to do tonight. 
 In response to that, Alex just sighed, which usually meant he didn’t agree with them, but was still in. Nico nodded, handling Karolina the remote and tapping the seat next to her, offering it to the girl. Karolina gladly took it.
 For two whole hours, the six of them were tucked together in Alex’s huge couch, lights turned off and all eyes on the TV. Despite Chase’s claim of love being gross, towards the end of the movie, as Robert leaned down to kiss Giselle in an attempt to wake the princess up from her poisoned apple induced sleep, he was on the verge of his seat, quietly chanting “please wake up, please wake up”. Karolina could have sworn she saw the glimpse of a smile on Gert’s face as she watched Chase squealing with excitement when Giselle woke up with the true love kiss. 
 Meanwhile, Molly was clapping, jumping up and down on the couch while Gert resorted to laugh at her. Even Alex, despite his initial skepticism, joined the celebration, carrying Molly on his back while she threw her fists in the air, screaming as if she had just won the lottery.
 Karolina’s appreciation of the scene was quieter, though. Her head was resting on Nico's shoulder, as she smiled softly at the couple on the screen, excitedly nudging Nico every time they did something cool, despite Nico never showing much interest for those. Karolina, on the other hand, had the one true love kisses as her favorite parts of any movie. 
 As the wicked queen confronted the princess and her love, Karolina gasped, grabbing Nico’s arm while her friend laughed at her reactions.
— You are all crazy. — Nico declared, as she looked around at the chaos installed in that room.
— Stop talking, Nico. I’m trying to pay attention to the dragon. — Gert demanded, pulling Chase down with a tight grip, making him stop running around after Alex and Molly. Chase complained, but stayed down, knowing better than to argue with Gert on anything.
— Okay, nerd. — Nico whispered under her breath, only for Karolina to hear. Kare liked the way Nico talked in moments like these, as if they were sharing something that was only theirs.
 Despite the commotion the first kiss scene caused, it was the rain scene that really struck Karolina. Her eyes barely blinked as she watched the couple making promises and kissing in the rain, romantic instrumental music in the background.
— Ow, I want to be a princess too! — Molly stated, hands over her heart as the credits started rolling.
— I just want that princess! — Chase answered, imitating Molly’s gesture and placing his hands on his heart too.
— Okay, mister “love’s gross”. — Nico pointed out, earning loud laughs out of their friends.
 Karolina didn’t laugh with them. 
 Quite the opposite. She stayed still, petrified. With a shock, Karolina realized she agreed with Chase a lot more than she agreed with Molly.
 It was not that Kare didn’t want to be like Giselle. Of course she wanted to, the princess was kind, beautiful and loving… There was just more to it. As Karolina watched the boy lean down to kiss his princess, she felt her own heart flutter, almost as if she was jealous of him, almost as if she wanted to be him. 
 The thought sent a wave of fear through her. She sat up immediately, removing herself from Nico’s side so quickly the other girl flinched. 
 What was wrong with her? Why was she having those thoughts? It was not okay for girls to want princesses, right? She was supposed to be like Molly, dreaming of being the princess for some prince to kiss awake. She wasn’t supposed to want to be in the prince’s place. That was for boys, like Chase and Alex and her dad-
 It was all too much at that point. Karolina could still listen to Gert and Chase’s bickering over what movie they should watch next, she could still hear Nico’s voice asking if she was okay as she walked out of the room in a rush. Nothing else mattered other than the fact she needed to leave.
 She needed to be alone and away from her friends because she was a freak, she was not normal and not okay and such a weird-
— Kare? Hey, what’s going on? — Nico followed her outside. 
 Of course she did.
 Karolina was standing in the middle of the Wilders’ garden, Nico some steps behind her, tears were falling down Kare’s eyes, but not a single word came out of her mouth. Nico slowly walked towards her and placed a hand on Karolina’s shoulder. In response, Karolina immediately flinched. Nico pulled away, as if she was burned.
— Sorry. Are you okay? 
— Yeah. I’m just- It was too hot inside, I needed some fresh air. — Kare lied, her voice shaking.
— Karolina… It’s winter, it’s so cold. — Nico’s voice was soft and the way she said her name made Kare look up. 
 Nico and Karolina couldn’t be more different, the first adored to use only black, talk back to adults and to explore, as the second loved colorful clothes, obeying parents and staying safe. Still, despite their many differences, the way Nico talked to Karolina was always the same, soft and steady, as if she wanted to make the girl comfortable, as if she knew Karolina was built up differently.
 The thought both warmed Kare’s heart and terrified her. Yet, she hoped Nico never stopped talking to her like that.
— Come on, what’s going on?
 Karolina lifted her eyes up from the ground and stared at Nico. In her black dress and hair flying in all directions because of the wind, Karolina thought she looked like the most beautiful princess that ever existed. 
 A flash went through Kare’s mind where she pictured them dancing in the rain, just like the moments they saw in movies, shining and spinning around, not a care in the world.
 She pushed the thought down, afraid of what that could mean about her.
 Instead, she swallowed dryly and finally talked again.
— I was just thinking… I don’t think I’ll ever get that. I mean, the true love kiss and the happy ending.
— What do you mean? That’s not true! Of course you’re getting that! — Nico protested, not understanding why she would ever believe that.
— I just know, okay? I won’t get that. Never. I’ll just- I’ll just be alone. Forever. Like the evil queen. — Karolina felt stupid as the tears burned her eyes again. She was 10, she was a big kid, who should be behaving a lot better by now, but the thought of being alone because of how different she was broke her heart. 
 This time, when Nico moved, Karolina accepted her hug, crying in her arms. 
— Kare, I don’t know why you think that, but it’s not true. You will not be alone. I will be with you, okay? You’re my friend. You will never be alone.
 As Nico whispered these words, Karolina fought the tears. She stepped away for a moment, just to get a better look at Nico’s face.
— You promise? 
— I promise. — Nico said, without hesitating. 
— Pinky promise? — Karolina insisted, really needing some reassurance.
— I don’t do that. It’s silly. — Nico stated, shaking her head. — I promise because it’s true. I believe it, so you believe it too.
 Karolina’s stupid summer salts were back at full force on her stomatch now. She still felt weird and ashamed, but Nico sounded so sure that it became easier to accept what she was saying. 
— Okay. I believe you. — Karolina finally agreed and Nico smiled.
— Good. Now, let’s go back. It’s really cold here. — Without hesitating, Karolina followed Nico inside, their arms elanced together as they walked back in.
 They found Molly passed out on the couch, half her weight laying on Chase and the other half on Gert, locking the two of them to their seats on the couch. Still, they didn’t seem to mind, as they exchanged insults and jokes. Karolina didn’t know why Gert and Chase acted like that. It was like they both liked and hated each other the most in the whole world.
 Alex was picking up the next movie with a lot of attention when he saw Nico and Karolina. He looked up immediately, excited to see them.
— Hey, I think I found something Karolina will like. It’s called “A Cinderella Story”! Look, the girl even has blonde hair!
— Ow, they’re pretty much twins, Alex! — Nico pointed out, to which Alex very maturely responded by sticking out his tongue to her.
— I think it is a good movie! Let’s see it. Thank you, Alex! — Kare said, taking her seat on the couch again, grateful he had found something she would enjoy. He started the movie shortly after, silence reining in the room again.
 Karolina found a great distraction in the movie, good enough to keep her doubts and insecurities away from her mind for the whole night.
 Once she got home, though, after safely putting the DVD back in her dad’s office and being tucked away in bed by her mom, she stayed up for a while, staring at the ceiling. 
 She still didn’t know what the feelings she had about the princess in the movie meant. She was still scared and trying to ignore them. Despite all of that, Nico’s voice was louder than the mean ones in her brain. 
 She wouldn’t be alone, no matter what happened, because Nico wouldn’t stop being her friend. 
 Even though she didn’t tell Nico that night what she was truly thinking, her words stuck with Karolina for years to come. 
 That night, Karolina felt, for the first time, the confusing sentiments that would keep her up for many nights to come, that would make her doubt her own beliefs and question everything she knew about herself. 
 Yet, every time, she would find some solace in knowing Nico’s promise stood, based on something a lot stronger than pinky promises: a very stubborn 10-year-old Nico Minoru’s word.
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edensbuttercups · 4 years
Golden lights - Part eight
Pairing: Jaskier x reader Summary:  A new life is brought into this world. As Jaskier and the reader are left with the newborn girl, Geralt heads to the nearby town looking for a healer. Word count: 1.5k A/N: I’ve got to thank @temerianwitch​ ‘cause not only she’s an amazing friend but she also helped me with this chapter and motivated me to write! I’ve got so many ideas for this fic, to think that it was supposed to be only a oneshot! I’m planning on writing more fanfics and oneshots, so if anyone has any requests let me know and I’ll work on them too 💖  Stay safe, warm hugs ^^
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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Light made its way in through the windows that morning, the golden rays warming everything they laid upon. You shifted from the bed, holding the newborn close to you. She had woken only once in the night, hungry and confused by her new surroundings. Geralt had left for the closest village at sunrise, promising to bring back the best healer he could find, while Jaskier nodded off into a light sleep in a small chair near the bed only to be woken up by every small sound the newborn made, sitting up and studying her, his eyes full of tiredness and curiosity. 
You were weak, but happy. You looked down at your baby, studying her face, her puffy cheeks, her red lips. She had beautiful blue eyes that matched Jaskier’s, yet some small filaments in her iris matched yours, an ever so subtle proof of her being the fruit of your love. You shifted in the bed, slowly sitting up, holding your baby close. You saw Jaskier’s eyes flutter open before meeting yours, a small smile forming on his lips. “You alright?” he asked. “Happy. And a bit in pain. But mainly happy.” You lifted your arm, inviting him into bed with you. He stood up from the small chair and sat next to you, slowly scooting closer while gently placing his hand on your daughter’s head. “She’s so small” he caressed her head, moving his hand away when she opened her eyes and looked around. “Oh. Hello. Hmm, did I wake her up?” he turned towards you, worry in his eyes that your warm laugh blew away. “Babies sleep a lot, but also wake up often. She’s probably just hungry.” You smiled warmly as you picked the baby up and held her close, her in your arms and you in Jaskier’s.
In the next town over the Witcher stood alone before an old wooden door. He had asked for the best healer in town and was brought here, yet as he knocked people rushed away, leaving him alone in the dark alley as if afraid of who stood behind that mere piece of wood. The door clicked and opened, revealing a small table that stood in the middle of a dimly lit room. He took a step inside, pushing the door closed behind him and walking forward, taking seat at the table and waiting. A soft scent lingered in the air: lemongrass and honey. The Witcher’s leg bounced up and down, aware of the passing of time and eager to bring the healer home, one way or another. “Well, who am I to deserve the visit of such a handsome man I wonder?” a voice echoed around the walls. Geralt turned around and met her eyes, one blue and one violet. She stood in front of him, owning the space she occupied, standing tall and elegant. A soft white dress was draped around her, simple golden jewelry adorned her hair, her ears, her arms. His eyes lingered on her longer that he believed he should’ve. He turned around, avoiding her gaze, and stated what he needed as calmly as he could. “I need your help. As a healer.” He added, noticing how the room felt like magic. “How about we have a little chat before that? Get to know each other a bit?” “Someone I… care about needs you. I promised them that-“ “Where are they?” “A cottage. I left at sunset and got here now. The journey isn’t long, but she just gave birth and I believe it would be best for her to receive your help as soon as possible”. He glared at her, offended by the idea of favoring a chat to the health of someone he cared about. “You took the road by the coast. The longer road.” “There is no other road” “There is if you know where to look. With me, we’ll get there in a fraction of the time. So, let’s chat.” She elegantly sat down, challenging his eyes with hers. “I’d rather leave now.” “It wasn’t a question.” She smiled. The Witcher tried to stand but felt his limbs weak. He sighed and nodded. “If that’s how it’s got to be, let chat. But if anything happens to her just know that you’ll suffer twice as much as she.” His eyes reflected the anger of his soul, her eyes reflected respect. She hadn’t met many Witchers in her lifetime but had met even fewer men that cared so much. She lifted a hand and closed her eyes, freeing his limbs from the spell. “We may go. I can see now that your intentions are pure. A rare sight between these walls” She chuckled, standing up and walking towards a door. “Wait for me outside, I’ll get my horse and we’ll leave” she smiled, passing next to him and placing a hand on his arm. “see you soon.” She said, winking. 
You looked at Jask as he held your daughter close to his chest. He was new to the whole situation, still unsure as where to place his hands to keep her comfortable, but so full of love and patience. Had you ever had any doubts they had evaporated the moment you say how he looked at her, how he held her, how he listened. He placed her in the bed and walked towards you on his tippy toes, moving slowly and dramatically. He reached you and sat next to you. “What should we call her?” “You’re the poet” you nudged him, laughing softly. “Yes but a name is such a big thing! You’re stuck with it forever!” “you sure are,” you looked at him and smiled “Julian” He turned and faced you, his mouth shaped in a big “o”. “If she hates me because I gave her a name she doesn’t like-“ “She won’t hate you! She will love you. She’s been born for less than a day and you’ve already been such a great dad. Now let’s think. A name.” “I… don’t know! God, we’ve been awake since dawn, it’s too early!” “Dawn.” “What?” he stopped. “Something about dawn?” you tried, tentatively. “Dawn. A new day, a new beginning. A goddess. She was the one that flew across the sky each morning to announce the arrival of the sun. I know her name, it’s… Aurora!” he exhaled happily. “Aurora. I like it.” You leaned into him and placed a kiss on his lips “and I’m sure she will too.” You felt him smile into the kiss, gently wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. 
“You didn’t ask for my name.” “Hmm.” “Not a man of many words, hmm?” She said, imitating his tone. “My name is Myristica. Like the plant. And just like the plant, I like relieving pain, of the body and of the soul.” She smiled and looked ahead. She led him to the edge of the town, where he had come from. He couldn’t see another path anywhere, but she carried on ahead, her white horse not hesitating as she led him into a thick part of the forest. “Where are you…?” “Not many people know of this path. It’s hard to get in but it will save us a lot of time, trust me.” He nodded and followed her. “I’m sorry for not asking for your name. I’m just worried.” He reached her after speaking, part of him hoping she hadn’t heard me. “I know, big man. Let’s help your friend so you stop being worried and we can get to know each other a bit better, hmm?” she smiled such a heavenly smile, and he couldn’t help but smile back, even if he tried to hide it. He looked at her when she couldn’t see him; he admired the way she held herself, the way the fabric fell on her back, her skin peaking from beneath, her hair swaying in the wind. “You know, Witcher, you’re not so subtle” she turned her head towards him and winked. He looked away and sighed. He heard her laugh and smiled, before wearing his serious expression once more. “Geralt.” he spoke softly. “I’m sorry?” “My name. Since you didn’t ask either. My name is Geralt.” She seemed at loss of words, suddenly her face was blessed by a soft blush, before she smiled once more, bowing her head. “It’s a pleasure to formally meet you, Geralt.” She peeked ahead before turning towards him once more “I’d say we’ve reached your friend. Is that the cottage?” They emerged from the forest and it was like time had stopped for the whole journey. The sun was still high, the sky as blue as could be. The cottage stood there, standing between blue waves and green fields, a home that was waiting to be lived in. “That’s the one.” He got off Roach and petted her hear before walking towards Myristica and offering her a hand. “Thank you” she took her hand and slipped off her horse, placing a hand on Geralt’s chest when she lost her footing. “Whoops” she said, smiling, a mischievous expression in her eyes. “Let’s go, big boy” she rested a hand on her bag, filled with all sorts of herbs, and one on his arm. Their eyes met once more, moments before the bard popped out from a window, waving happily at Geralt and the new possible friend.
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isakvaltersmut · 5 years
(1/2)What if omega!Isak has an owner before Even, and he wasn’t really treated well. His owner didn’t allow Isak to nest and talked down to Isak a lot. Eventually, the owner decides to buy a new omega and Isak is sold to Even. Isak believed it was kinda his fault that his previous owner treated him wrong, so he tries to be really good for Even and never complains or asks for anything.
(2/2)Even def isn’t having it and spoils Isak as much as he can. When Even offers Isak a few blankets to nest, Isak cries because he hasn’t nested before.
Why am i crying in the club right now holy fuck??? im sitting here with tears in my eyes how dare you?? but also can you write some fics pls i’ll love you forever afgdhfg
TW: kinda slaver sorta
But yeah. Isak had an owner for a little over a year, and he really tried to do good, he did, but his owner never seemed to like anything Isak did. He wasn’t standing up straight, he cried too much during his heats, the house wasn’t clean enough, he didn’t look pretty enough whenever there was a party or his owner had guests over. And his owner made it all very clear, he never stayed quiet when he wanted to tell Isak that he was doing something wrong, and he didn’t stay quiet the second Isak tried to nest with something, anything. The owner didn’t give him any blankets or any pillows, and Isak just needed to nest, he needed to feel comfortable and safe, so he started to collect clothes and towels and anything he could find, but his owner didn’t want that mess on his bed. He said it was too much of a hassle, so he forbade it straight away, and immediately Isak’s eyes filled with tears, which he was reprimanded for as well, but he didn’t cry. He simply resisted the urge to nest and tried to be good as hard as he could, but one day his owner seemed to get tired of him, so he cursed and rolled his eyes and grabbed Isak’s arm and dragged him off to the agency where he left Isak and picked up another Omega, one that smiled and had pretty eyes, and Isak desperately tried to think about what he had done. He cried himself to sleep every night, wrapping his arms around himself and trying to imitate the feeling of someone else holding him, but it wasn’t the same. Eventually, he stopped giving himself that small comfort too, he knew he was a bad omega, he didn’t deserve it.
He knows that he had fucked up, he was probably too whiny, his owner probably didn’t like the times he asked for some chocolate or some candles or nuzzled in close to him in bed in hopes of feeling his arms around him, so he doesn’t think anyone will want him, he doesn’t think he deserves to be wanted. But then one day, a tall alpha comes through the door, and a leash is attached to his pretty collar and he’s lead to the car. 
He’s shaking through the whole ordeal, desperately trying to calm down and sit in the far corner of the car, away from his owner, knowing that his touch wasn’t wanted or needed, he had no idea that Even simply didn’t want to frighten the poor thing, he didn’t want to touch him when he was clearly so shy and scared, even though he desperately wanted to wrap his arms around him and not let go.
They get in the flat and straight away Even takes the leash off, putting his hand on Isak’s back and leading him through the flat to the living room, holding Isak’s back in his other hand. And he can feel Isak shivering beneath his palm so he quickly moves it away out of fear that Isak doesn’t feel comfortable, but all Isak can think about is how he wishes the firm pressure and warmth of Even’s hand would come back. It’s been so long since anyone had touched him, but he hasn’t earned it yet. Maybe he had done something wrong. He straightens his back quickly, turning towards Even, his head still bowed, and waits for his instructions, hoping his master will forgive him for whatever it is that he did that made him retract his hand.
“Are you hungry?”
Isak shakes his head, his nails digging into his forearms as he tries not to speak. He wasn’t told he was allowed to, he will not say a word.
Everything is silent for a little while, but then Even puts Isak’s bag on the floor next to the couch.
“Have you eaten today?” 
Isak nods quickly, he doesn’t want to hesitate, he doesn’t want to make the alpha mad by making him wait for an answer.
He can hear his master hum, making shivers run down his spine as he stares down at the floor.
“Do you want some chocolate then?”
Isak almost gasps, desperately wanting to let his omega display its emotions freely, but he couldn’t. He knew his master was being far too kind to him offering him one of the things all omegas had a weakness for.
He wanted to say something, to give a verbal answer, but he still wasn’t allowed, and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to say yes and seem greedy, but he wanted it so badly, he wanted to say yes.
“You can speak, Isak,” His master’s voice was heard, making him tense slightly when he realized he took too long. His owner wouldn’t be happy with that, he fucked up already.
“It’s okay, Sir, you don’t have to give me anything.”
He heard footsteps approaching him, his head stayed lowered until his master placed his thumb and forefinger on his chin, tilting his head back, but he still didn’t look at him, he wasn’t allowed to.
The owner dropped his hand, and Isak kept his head in that position, he couldn’t move it.
“Isak, it’s okay, I want to give you whatever you want. Do you want some?”
Isak took in a deep breath, nodding softly.
“Yes, Sir.”
After that Isak stayed the same. He tried so, so hard. He knew his owner was far too nice to him, so he knew he was doing something right, and he remained the same, and within the week he was there he had gotten more food and more affection than he ever had before. Even though the affection was usually a hand on his back or the back of his neck, his owner never asked for more, he even allowed him to sleep in the guest room so that he didn’t feel pressured into doing anything.
But after a few days, Isak was in the living room, he was sitting down and waiting for his owner to come back and put a movie on. Isak loved these moments, he was so rarely allowed to indulge and watch a movie before, there were far too many other things to do so he simply couldn’t, and his master wouldn’t allow it regardless, he thought it would fill his weak little omega mind with silly ideas about grandiose events and adventure. But his current owner allowed it, encouraged it even. 
So, Isak was on the couch, waiting like a good pet, when he looked to the side, seeing the softest, fluffiest blanket he had ever seen. It looked so incredibly soft, he could practically imagine wrapping himself up in it in a nest. Before he knew it he was reaching out to touch it, fingertips grazing over it so gently, and suddenly his master was back in the room, and Isak’s eyes shot over to him, and he knew that he was caught touching what wasn’t his. 
Straight away he dropped from the couch down onto the floor, hands in his lap and head facing down.
“I’m sorry, Sir, I didn’t mean to, I will never do it again, I promise.”
He could hear his rapid breathing, and he knew he was going to be punished, he only hoped his master would use his hand instead of the paddle and whips which his old owner used.
But then there was a hand on his cheek, a gentle hand, and he let out a breath, desperately trying not to lean towards the warmth and comfort.
“It’s okay, Isak. Do you like the blanket?”
Isak let out a shaky breath before nodding.
“Yes, Sir.”
He heard his owner hum, and suddenly he was being pulled up on the couch. He still wasn’t looking at what was happening, petrified with fear and regret, but suddenly he was being enveloped in something else. 
He frowned and looked to the side, and he saw the soft grey material he was touching merely moments ago was now wrapped around his shoulders, and his owner was suddenly stepping away, simply turning the movie on as Isak sat there in shock.
“You can sit back and relax, you’ll love the movie, don’t worry.”
It took a while for Isak to calm down, to realize that he was allowed to let his breathing even out, and he sunk back onto the couch, but he still didn’t dare touch the blanket. But in the middle of the movie, his mind wasn’t focused, and his hands gripped the blanket and he wrapped himself in it, letting out a small whimper that he didn’t even know he was letting out, but Even knew. He watched as the omega gripped the blanket and buried himself in it, closing his eyes for a moment and letting out a moan of pleasure, and Even smiled at the sight. 
It didn’t take long for Isak to relax completely and for Even to hear the most wonderful purr coming from beside him, and he looked at Isak properly and noticed the boy was asleep. He smiled and quickly turned the film off, getting up and picking the omega up in his arms, almost wanting to carry him to his own room so he could hold him through the night, but he knew the omega was fragile, he couldn’t do that to him. So he took him to the guest room, placing him on the bed and pulling the covers over him, the blanket still around him. He leaned over slowly, brushing his hair away from his face before he went to bed.
The next day Isak woke up late, shooting up in bed before he rushed into the living room, and when he got there his owner was already awake, making ice fill his veins as he took his submissive position and hoped that he wouldn’t get punished.
“I-I’m sorry for oversleeping, Sir.”
But his owner didn’t do anything, he simply smiled and waved it off from where he sat on the couch, but suddenly he stood up.
“I have something for you.”
Isak’s cheeks flushed, he got something for him? He never got any presents, his old owner wouldn’t dare to get him anything.
There was a hand on the back of his neck once again, making him blush even more as he was lead to his room.
“Wait here.”
He stood where he was left, patiently waiting for his owner to come back, and when he did there was a big box in his hands which he handed over to Isak.
Isak stared at it for a few moments, blinking in confusion as he tried to think about what it could possibly be.
“Well, open it.”
Isak quickly walked over to the bed, placing the box down and removing the lid, and he couldn’t contain the gasp that left his lips. 
His hands dove into the box, taking out the softest blankets he had ever touched, he couldn’t get enough of them, he kept running his hands through them, and then he looked over to his owner, tears in his eyes.
“Do you like them?”
His owner almost sounded bashful, nervous, but he needn’t be.
Isak nodded quickly, “Yes, Sir, I-you didn’t need to get me these, they are so beautiful.”
“You deserve it, you should have things to nest with. I’ll get you some more in the afternoon, you can come with me and pick whatever you want. Maybe we could get you some candles too, and some pillows.”
Isak chirped at the words, looking at his master and trying to stop himself from running over and wrapping his arms around him, but he couldn’t. Before he knew it he was putting the blankets down and rushing over, wrapping his arms around a slim waist and pushing his face into a firm chest. There was a moment of stillness, but then he was being enveloped into a hug, his owner placing his cheek on the top of his head as he let out the strongest purr yet.
When they separated his owner looked at him for a few seconds before tilting his head towards the gift.
“Why don’t you go make yourself a nest and I’ll get you some food?”
Isak practically ran to the bed, letting out soft little chirps as he moved the blankets, giggling and smiling as he placed them on the bed as Even watched him, a smile tugging on his lips. And he knew that he would buy every blanket in the world if it got that reaction out of him.
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nevergiveupneverrun · 4 years
Bodyguard - Chapter Fifty-Two “Redistribution of roles”
Hello everybody, how are you? Here is chapter Fifty-two of my Story Bodyguard, yay!! I hope you will like this chapter. 
I’m sorry in advance for the mistakes… English isn’t my first language and I do my best. Here is the link to the previous chapter: Click Here.
I hope you will enjoy this chapter :) 💛
- How are you feeling, sweetie?
- I’m fine, I’m a little less like a zombie, April answers weakly.
She had been awake for a few hours, still clearly weakened by the artificial coma from which she had just emerged. Her memories of the accident were almost nonexistent… the image of headlights that dazzled her… an impact… then a blackout… nothing specific unfortunately to identify the driver.
I watch two friends carefully. I am placed a little away, to give them a semblance of privacy, in a corner of the room, near the door.
Amelia is sitting on the edge of April’s bed: she tries to maintain a natural smile, but I can easily perceive all the effort behind it. Her nervousness is hard to hide as her fingers frantically clench at intervals. 
Like Amelia, I am tense: the doctor must come from one moment to another, to present the situation to April… a situation on which, we have expressly kept silent.
Two knocks on the door then rise, interrupting the exchange between the two young women.
I nod to Amelia so that she stays seated and I open immediately.
A nurse appears to me with a big smile, two bouquets in her hands.
- Hello, we have these flowers which were for Miss Kepner. As well as a letter. Shall I give them to you, sir?
- Thank you very much, I will take them indeed, I reply with a smile, leaving the door open, as I walk to the bedside table opposite where Amelia is sitting.
- Flowers, April whispers with a smile. Whose are they?
- Wait, I’ll watch, I answer with a wink.
An empty vase is placed on the bedside table where I can place the first bouquet: a composition of white and pink roses. A word is slipped between the flowers and I place it between April’s fingers.
She smiles slightly as she reads the word and I rest my gaze on the second bouquet.
- Whose beautiful bouquet is this? Amelia asks smiling.
- From the film crew. They tell me that the understudy is catastrophic…
I listen to the discussion in a slightly absent way while I scrutinize the second bouquet more precisely. It’s a bouquet of red roses, but the composition appeals to me, the flowers being folded over each other as if we had pressed them so that they hide something. My curiosity fanned, I slightly discover some petals and I can see what is in the center of the bouquet: a rose… but a black rose.
My pulse accelerates by understanding who is the sender of this bouquet. The envelope placed on the table is blindingly obvious at me directly, I already know what it contains.
- And the other bouquet, Owen? April asks suddenly looking at me.
I remain motionless, taken aback, thinking about a possible response, when a voice suddenly distracts everyone’s attention.
- Can I enter?
The doctor’s voice rises behind us as she knocks on the door ajar.
I sigh internally in relief: her arrival offers me a dream escape.
I take the second bouquet and the envelope while moving back to the back of the room, as discreetly as possible.
I meet Amelia’s gaze which fixes me with attention, questions that can be seen in the back of my eyes.
- Good morning April, how are you? Resumes the doctor, in a soft and calm voice.
- Fine, thank you.
- Glad to hear that, I have your exams with me and I will be able to answer your questions and explain things to you.
- All right, I’ll leave you, Amelia suggests getting up from the bed.
- No, stay, please, April begged in a trembling voice that lets her anguish show through.
- Of course, no problem, I stay, confirms Amelia by sitting down immediately.
I take advantage of the moment to leave the room silently and I close behind me, leaving them alone for this delicate exchange.
I find the corridor of the hospital and automatically go to the first trash that I locate to throw this damn bouquet, taking care to close the cover with force, thus releasing some of the pressure that rises quickly in me.
I then sit on a nearby plastic chair and eagerly unhook the envelope.
I take out a white sheet of paper which I unfold with care: I immediately recognize ugly letters cut from newspaper articles that dress this cloud of white.
And which form the following message.
"You have been hiding for several weeks.
I’m looking for you. You escape me.
But your friends are easy targets.
If I can’t reach you, I’ll reach them.
Like this poor April.
To make you suffer through them.
You will eventually understand…
I’m waiting for you at the Music Awards…
And there, in any case, you will belong to me… forever."
The words resound in my head and drum like a litany… a litany, harbinger of a new tragedy.
- Owen?
I raise my head, stunned, as I finish coming to terms with the cold words of this message.
It is the face of my longtime accomplice that appears to me, the drawn features and an unusual accessory in hand… a bouquet of white roses associated with magnificent purple tulips.
- Jackson, hi… I whisper, getting up and shaking his hand.
- I did it as quickly as possible, as soon as you called me… he says breathlessly.
I gently place a hand on his shoulder.
I felt him particularly affected and anxious, I had rarely seen him like that. 
- Calm down, you made it fast, don’t worry.
I discreetly fold the sheet that I still held in my hand and place it in the pocket of my jeans, not wishing to add another source of concern and nervousness.
- Where is April’s room? Can I see her? He asks, almost dazed, looking around with his head.
- Sit down, please, I offer him, gently.
He hesitates a few moments then ends up imitating me as I sit down again on my chair.
- What’s going on, tell me…
- The doctor is currently in the room to explain the situation to April… and Amelia stayed with her…
- Ok, and what is this situation about? He continues impatiently.
- Nothing is sure yet… we will need other exams. And a little time.
- Other exams for what? Stop making the suspense last, tell me what you know Owen, don’t be sadistic with me, he implores with conviction.
I let a break settle down and I take a long breath before continuing.
- They identified that April’s spinal column was reached… a shift of vertebrae and hematoma…
- Okay, but with rest and a little physiotherapy, they’re going to be able to put everything in order, right? He asks, looking intently at me.
I stare at his two pupils which sparkle under fatigue and anxiety. I remain silent for a few seconds, then look down.
- It’s not true… he finally whispers before my attitude.
In those moments, we hardly needed to communicate. We always had this exceptional connection, forged throughout our missions, and during those years when we relied on each other to stay alive…
The silences and the unspoken were sometimes more eloquent. Especially when it comes to bad news.
- They will know more in a few days… but it is a possibility… I finally confirmed by raising my face.
What I observe then tightens my heart: I detect a humidity settling in the eyes of my friend. An emotion that catches me totally. A completely unexpected reaction. Strong and so intense as if… 
- Jackson… I resume gently, placing a hand on his forearm.
- Does this have something to do with the crazy chasing Amelia?
Her gaze has already changed from emotion to determination, with a hint of vengeance. 
- Listen, for now, it’s April, the most important… focus on that.
- You can tell me… it can’t be a coincidence, this accident. 
I nod weakly without confirming my suspicion aloud.
- I’m counting on you to catch him…
- We will catch him together, I corrected by withdrawing my hand from his arm, reassured by this strength of character which again emanates from him.
- You will have to do it alone, O’.
His remark suddenly taps me.
- What do you mean?
- I can no longer assist you in protecting Amelia in these circumstances. My place is elsewhere… he ends with a sigh.
- I need you, Jackson, I say, taken aback by his position.
The support of my teammate seemed decisive given the seriousness of the situation… he was an asset and a weighty ally so that I did not fail… and he had never let me down when I needed him… under any circumstances. 
- You can manage without me, you already did it in the past, I am only an assistant lately. April needs me more than you…
His admission intrigues me: I noticed their new complicity on returning to Seattle.
But was there more than just friendship between them?
- You mean that you and April…
- No… well… we got very close during your absence, without going over the course you have in mind. But things have been clear to me for some time…
He suddenly stops and looks down at the bouquet on his lap.
- You know, it’s crazy, because I didn’t realize anything. I remember my first impression: I found her invasive, far too exuberant, tiring… and then over time… spending time with her, especially in those periods when she dropped the mask… imperceptibly it happened… I was charmed by what I discovered… and I’m there today… madly in love with her…
His confession leaves me speechless.
I already had serious suspicions but I never imagined that my friend’s feelings were so strong. I never saw him like that… I think I never really saw him in love in the end.
- So, given what you explain to me, I want to be with her, I don’t want her to feel abandoned, he continues. Whatever happens, it won’t change what she means to me… I want to help her every moment, every day, every week… I want her to feel supported and loved…
I listen carefully.
I don’t know how to react, how to reply.
I clearly have no valid argument to oppose what he expresses to me.
To make him changer his mind. 
And I have neither the strength nor the urge after this revelation.
- I will not bury my head in the sand to regret after Owen… you should do the same thing by the way…
I stare at him more intensely, while frowning at this remark which leaves me perplexed.
- You know what I’m talking about. Not so long ago, I used to make you, remarks, and admonitions. But I was wrong. I see things differently now. Whether Amelia is your client or not is not important. These rules are stupid… it’s not what you feel that will make you less good as a bodyguard. On the contrary, you would be even better. Life is short… we know it better than anyone and look again where we are today, he declares in a serious tone while describing the corridor of the hospital with his hand… Amelia is not Yasmina. Stop refusing happiness…
I scrutinize my friend in front of me: the voice charged with emotion and sincere empathy towards me.
His words echo in my head, his words permeate me, but I still feel this inner resistance, this voice that immediately contradicts him.
- You must forget the past. I know how traumatic the experience with Yasmina was, that she broke your heart, and all you meager hopes for love. But Amelia doesn’t play a role… believe me. I see it in her eyes when she looks at you. These things don’t deceive.
Believe… trust… don’t doubt others of self.
Behaviors that had been alien to me for so long. 
A certainty was deeply rooted in me: love rhyme for me with loss and suffering… or betrayal.
Do I have the strength or the willpower to contradict this observation which hovers like a curse above me?
- Jackson?
Amelia’s voice suddenly sounds a few steps away.
Jackson’s words still echo in my ears when her image appears before us again.
And my certainty seems to waver slightly.
- Hello Amelia, Jackson answers getting up immediately. How… how is April? He asks a little shyly.
I imitate my friend and leave my chair to place myself alongside Amelia. 
- The doctor has just explained the situation to her and made the first test, confirming that the sensations in her legs are very weak, concedes Amelia with a distant look. But she was very strong, my little April.
I perceive Jackson being drawn tight slightly by my side.
- Can I see her? He continues impatiently.
- Yes, of course. The doctor just left. I went out for coffee to let April rest a little because she was tired after this exchange. But I’m sure she will be happy to see you… she concludes gently. Especially when I see your bouquet, with pretty tulips… her favorites flowers…
- I go immediately so that she can rest after.
I fix Jackson moving away from a confident and determined gait, the bouquet proudly in hand. 
His silhouette then disappears inside the room while the feelings he revealed to me drag in my mind… given me a different image of my lifelong accomplice.
- Is she holding up? I ask, quickly redirecting my attention to Amelia.
 I notice that her gaze is lowered, the strands of her hair hiding her face from me.
- Amelia?
She stays in the same position, but I gently place my hand under her chin to lift her face towards mine. I wanted to prevent her from closing in on herself in the ordeal she was going through… even if it meant imposing more than usual on me in my gestures and my attentions.
Her eyes sparkle intensely… bathed in tear.
- I’m afraid for her, you know… I remain impassive and strong in the room, but when I found that she did not react to the pressures of the doctor on her feet…
- It doesn’t mean anything, it can take time… stay confident… I said gently, placing all my conviction in it while gently moving my hand against one of her arms.
- I hope you’re right… 
- You have to believe it, we all believe it… so dry your tears, ok? I asked, quickly sliding my thumb over her cheek to remove a tear that had just escaped.
- She will need Jackson… she continues, eyes redirected towards her friend’s room. I’m so reassured that he is there. April needs a man like him, with her.
Her remark surprises me; she couldn’t hear our conversation.
April had probably entrusted things to Amelia… or the singer had quite simply interpreted things.
Her head turns again and she suddenly seems to be looking for something around me.
- The bouquet that you had when you left, you gave it to the reception?
I am surprised that she kept this detail in mind.
I hesitate a few moments, but I couldn’t hide the truth from her: she had to know who was behind this accident and the very specific threats hanging over the Music Awards ceremony.
- No, I did not give it to the reception. I threw it…
- Threw it? But why did you…
She stops in the middle of her question and I see the reflections of her gaze suddenly change.
As the emergence of a revelation.
- You mean this bouquet was from Him?
I nod and hand her the message without a word.
I watch her read it in front of me, watching her reaction.
But she surprises me again, remaining impassive to the reading of the message.
- I’m sorry Amelia, I finally let got to break the silence that had settled. Unfortunately, he did not give up…
- Yes, I see it…
- We’ll be careful, I’ll call Nathan to check all the security measures on your trips and those of your loved ones. And you will have to notify the organization of the Music Awards that under the circumstances, you will not be able to participate in the event.
- Nathan’s measures will not be enough, as will my absence at the ceremony, she announces, folding the message and hanging it to me again.
- What do you mean it won’t be enough? We will avoid futures attacks as well…
- It’s not what I want… she continues with conviction.
The strength emanating from her words is impressive. In the space of a few moments, I found before me the Amelia, self-confident, and determined… and it was almost fascinating to observe her transformation in this way.
- I no longer want to avoid attacks, she continues firmly. Look what he’s doing… this guy wants to spoil my life, and doesn’t hesitate to attack those I love: he killed Richard… he plowed into April at full speed and maybe she will not walk anymore never, she explains, trembling voice. I must assume my responsibilities…
- What are you talking about? I ask, not figuring out where she’s headed.
- He wants me… I will give him what he expects. He will not stop otherwise… he gives me an appointment at the Music Awards… then, I will go to the ceremony, and offer him the opportunity to reveal himself…
- Amelia, it’s not reasonable, he will have time to prepare thoroughly… he must plan this date for ages… I contradict to try to dissuade her from going headlong in this ambush.
A possibility that was nothing but madness for me… and a real nightmare announced to come and challenge this man on his land.
- I want to put an end to this whole story in one way or another… but I can’t do it alone… she concludes in a whisper, carefully avoiding my gaze.
- Do you want me to come to the ceremony with you?
She hesitates a few moments. I feel that the next sentence costs her and that she is preparing it especially.
- I reacted like a capricious little girl asking you to leave… and no, not like an adult… what happened between us, I put it behind me… it’s not that the most important… the important thing is that it all stops… the roles will be posed between us, there will be no more ambiguity, and I will comply with anything you ask me… to water, you deem necessary in the circumstances.
Her admission takes me by surprise.
I did not expect this turnaround at all.
I discern a slight heartache, a touch of a surprising disappointment in me: she drew a line under what we shared… I should be relieved but I almost feel hurt.
After the two days that I had just spent, I hadn’t managed to forget her… I was beginning to understand what struck me despite myself.
And so I almost managed to get used to the idea of leaving everything…
To move away.
Now, she asked me to come back.
But not necessarily as before…
- Do you want… will you help me again… assist me as a bodyguard? She asks shyly, disturbed by my silence and my lack of reaction.
I observe her intensely, plunging my gaze into hers before answering her.
Despite the context, no hesitation in my mind.
- Amelia… you don’t even have to ask me…
Thank you for reading. Have a great week 💛
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nessamaurice · 5 years
Simple, Ch. 10 (Loki x F!Reader)
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Summary: Tony and the Avengers are in desperate need of something like a “babysitter” to have an eye on Loki and teach him “how to human”. He decided to stay on Midgard over the dungeons of Asgard as punishment for his deeds in New York. That’s where you swoop in. A simple receptionist at the Avengers compound. You have to share an apartment in the compound with Loki and damn, he’s a really tough nut. With your open and kind character it seems that you are slowly cracking his shell. But suddenly things are getting twists that will change your life and your relationships there irreversibly.
Story rating: M
Chapter trigger warnings: flashback/PTSD
Words: 2615
As you slowly limped onto the Quinn Jet Loki wrapped his soft, green cape around you. Inside you almost fainted fell asleep the moment you sat down. You woke up every now and then; when Loki picked you up, as he laid you down on a bed in the medical wing of the compound. Eventually you woke up. You blinked into the dimmed light and looked around. Your gaze stopped as you saw a small tube leading into the thick, blue veins on your hand. Immediately the heart monitor next to announced your rising heart rate. In the other corner of the room were Tony sleeping on a couch and Loki on an armchair, long legs casually stretched out. The beeping woke them up but Bruce was already by your side to stop you from tearing out the tube and calmed you down. You started to panic and wanted to rip everything off your body, hoarsely screaming "No, no, no! Not again! No, please god, no!" Bruce came running over to you.
"Y/N, please calm down. Look at me. Okay? Look at me!" He stretched out his arms, palms towards you, as a sign of being unarmed and not willing to harm you. "Everything's okay. You are safe. You are back at the compound."
You managed to focus on him and your heart rate slowly calmed down again. You blinked a few times and some tears ran down your cheek. Bruce sat down next to your knees, moving really slowly to not startle you. He explained every action he planned to do so you'd know what was going to happen.
"Fine. I need to observe your physical state okay? In this infusion bag right here are just some analgetics, uh, sorry, pain relievers, and antibiotics, all picked and mixed by myself. There are no meds that would influence your mind in any way. I made a new access and didn't use the one they had forced into you. There was no second you being alone, whether it was me, Tony or Loki who stayed by your side, at least two of us. There are just these three electrodes that watch your heart rate. That's it. I haven't done anything else while you slept. I wanted to wait until you're awake. You've slept for almost two days now. That's great! Your body and your mind got some urgently needed rest after all that. Besides the obvious terrible things, can you tell me how you feel? Is there maybe some not visible, physical injury we need to pay attention to first?"
The way he spoke to you, how he moved, his peaceful face helped you to calm down. He really knew how to not-upset someone. You swallowed hard and had to retch a bit because your throat was just so dry like a desert. Bruce handed you a glass of water and after a few small sips (the water tasted so fresh and pure, it was a bracing pleasure for your body) you cleared your throat. You looked at him and at Tony and Loki who stood a few steps away from your bed.
"Thank you. Really, thank you. I knew you would find me, though I wasn't sure. I feared I... I'd stay there forever..." Tears filled your eyes again, your voice getting weak. Tony wasn't able to restrain himself any longer and rushed to your side. He took your hand and squeezed it gently.
"Of course we found you, honeybun. I will keep you safe, we will. I will not lose you again..." He turned a bit insecure. "So... you remember?" He asked with a slightly begging expression. He wished it so hard to be true.
You shared a small smile. "Yes. The only good thing that happened in there. It was hurtful and violent, but they brought back my whole memory. It completes itself from time to time, I get new... flashes. But I finally remember my childhood. Dad, Mom,..." you almost choked on your words, "You. I looked forward to every time you'd visit us. I wanted to stay with you after my parents were murdered, but I was intubated and couldn't speak, then I was put to coma and when I woke up...", you started sobbing and covered your mouth with your free hand, unintentionally tugging on your tube, "I had forgotten everything. I forgot you."
Tony shuffled a little closer and pulled you into a gentle hug while you cried into his shirt. After some time you looked up and saw Loki standing in the same spot as before, arms crossed, brows furrowed (one slightly higher than the other).
"Loki. I saw you. You were in my cell, wearing my headphones. How?" You wiped your nose on the back of your hand and someone handed you a tissue.
"I...", he started but didn't know how to continue, looking across the floor as if he would find the words laying there.
"Silver tongue turned to lead?" Tony couldn't help to joke.
"Shh, shut up Tones, give him time to think." You batted Tony's arm and regretted it the same second because the vascular access on your hand got pushed a bit deeper into your skin.
Seeing how you hushed Tony to let him sort out his words made him smile a little. He came a bit closer.
"There is something with you. An unknown power. Somehow we were able to create a mental connection that continued over the distance. I felt... I wasn't able to help because everything we could do was to use this technology to make your bracelet work again. I wanted to listen to the music you liked and... I thought of you. Then suddenly I saw you sleeping there."
Tony took the word and continued, "The information you gave him helped us to reduce the possibilities where you were to a few buildings. We split up and where already on the way to those few buildings when JARVIS finally could locate and destroy the virus keeping your tracker from working we could come down to one building. It was only active for a short time, I turned it down immediately again, I thought a suddenly green glowing gem would cause some unwanted curiosity. It wasn't long enough to locate you exactly, but the indicated area was enough to exclude the other possibilities we already had. Your strange connection with him saved us an enormous amount of time and you some trouble I guess."
You were left speechless. Then it hit you; you remembered what they discovered about you. You forgot that for a few “peaceful” minutes.
"Um, Loki, is this... normal? Do you build such connections easily?"
"Well, usually not. If the development of some kind of relationship is not supported by something like Seidr it takes a long amount of time. I was... surprised, to say the least. This is something I want to investigate, but not now. Not until you are feeling better and strong enough for such activities."
"I think I know why it worked." You started hesitantly. "I... They... I can..." You didn't know how to tell. You took a deep breath. "I can feel other's feelings when I touch them. And I can make them feel what I feel. With the palms of my hands."
Everyone looked at you with the same blank face.
"What is wrong with me? Why can I do this? It started after they electrified my brain, I couldn't do it before. They shaved me directly after they dragged me into their awful lab and stuck electrodes here", you pointed at the shaved areas on your head, "like they knew exactly what was going on and what they wanted to achieve. This bastard that called himself a doctor said his father watched me from the beginning and he already knew about this. How is this even possible??"
"Wait, what? They watched from the beginning, what does that mean?" Tony's look turned from soft to serious.
You told them a rough outlining of what you were told and what you could recall. That you were being watched because that doctor thought you would be useful, that he sent a Soldier to collect you, how he changed his mind... You were surprised you didn't had to cry while retelling parts of your story. You weren’t able to tell them everything. Not yet. At the end you took a moment to let it sink in and turned to Tony.
"Tones, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't because of you that we were attacked. I'm sure you felt guilty for what happened, that my Mom had to die because she was your sister. But that's not true; she had to die because... because I... was her daughter." You realized the truth of those words as you said them out loud. You pressed a hand on your mouth to dull the sobbing that followed. Tony pulled you into a tight hug but quickly loosened it a bit regarding the numerous cuts on your body.
"Stop saying that bullshit, Honeybun. She had to die because some sick psycho sent a brainwashed marionette to do so, there are no other reasons. Okay? Did you hear me?" He pushed you slightly backwards to make direct eye contact. "Do you copy?"
A broken smile decorated your face because you suddenly remembered how you played space ship and mission control and nearly every third sentence was 'Do you copy?' followed by a crackling sound, imitating radio communication.
"Copy." You whispered, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. You looked into the face of the man in front of you, the last bit of your family. A face that brought up so many beautiful childhood memories. You smiled at him and laid your hand on his cheek. You let the warmth from your chest flow over to him. "Uncle Tones, I am so, so happy to have you back." You watched him mirroring your smile, tears filling up his eyes. You felt how your happiness now mixed up with his relief that you were still alive and that his sister and her husband didn't had to die because he was not cautious enough. You looked at him softly and tilted your head to the side as you said "You look tired, old man. You should get into your basket real soon." You turned to Bruce "Bruce, I want to say thank you so, so much. I wouldn't be here and so well looked after without you. But you look dead ass tired, too. You should get some sleep as well. Maybe Loki can stay with me?"
"Of course, Y/N" Loki acknowledged. 
Hesitantly Tony and Bruce agreed to get to bed and left you alone with Loki. He hadn't moved, standing at the foot of your bed, arms crossed. You patted on the free space on your bed to invite him to take a seat. After a few seconds he followed and sat down next to you. He seemed a bit stiff, not knowing how to act, so you touched his hand. "Loki, I wanted to say thank you. For everything. I am very lucky that we met. I will always be in your debt."
With those words he turned his head to you, looked you so deeply in the eyes that it sent thousands of shivers down your spine and said, "You will never be in my debt, Y/N. It is the other way round. You are very perceptive and very kind, that is a precious combination. You easily notice how your opposite feels and if they don't feel good you want to change that immediately. I was so rude to you before you... disappeared and all you wanted to do was to ease my own burden. I am so sorry."
He couldn't look into your face any longer so he stared at his hands, one covered by yours (which was a lot smaller than his), brows furrowed. Waves of regret and shame flooded your heart and you felt his deep vulnerability. You realized he was capable of such heavy emotions that it was almost unbearable and you wondered how he could still stand up straight carrying around all this guilt, despair and loss. He still couldn't look into your eyes, being reminded of just another awful mistake he made. You had to stop that right now, so you concentrated on your own feelings. Your caring, your gratitude. You watched his features closely and your happiness increased exponentially as he lost the fight to hold back a smile. But all of a sudden he pulled away his hands, stood up and turned his back to you.
"I... I am sorry, what did I do wrong? I meant you no harm, ...I ..."
"Don't." Loki interrupted.
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault. It's just that I... I am too wary. I don't trust others easily, especially if it seems to be simple. My alarm bells ring and I can't mute them."
"Oh. I kinda know that feeling. With me it is the other way round. I don't want to trust others so fast but I always end up doing just that. I think I don't even have alarm bells. It's okay. I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you and that you can relax around me."
"I know that. I know that you don't want anyone to feel worthless or miserable and if it is in your power, you try to change that by being kind and caring. You do that because you know exactly how that feels and you don't want anybody else to feel like this."
His open and direct words hit you like an arrow. You never thought about it but it was crystal clear just as he spoke. You tried to swallow down the tears, "How... how do you come to think so?"
"Because I am a perceptive person as well. But I used it mostly to my own advantage. I admire your kindness. I did not realize it that moment, but retrospectively I can see you always had a connection to your powers. It was when we had this fight and I disappeared. You touched my face and suddenly I felt those gentle emotions. It was like... you were digging out a part of me that I consider as weak but you... appreciated it. That was too much for me in that moment. This certain part is hidden for a reason, weakness is not something to be shown where I come from. All I learned is to be strong, glorious, victorious. Everywhere, all the time. But in this short moment, you showed me something different. That this part has a right to exist. And that you could be the person I can show it to. And then my trust issues kicked in. They still do..."
It took you a moment to process his pure honesty before you could gather some words, "Wow. You truly are perceptive. And you are right, I am the person you can show it to. I always try not to judge anybody. I understand that this will take its time, but I'd totally appreciate every try. You are someone very special and I want you to see that."
Loki smirked and simply said, "I will try my best to break my habits. I started to do so already." He walked over to the light switch next to door. "But now you should get some rest. Don't worry, I will be right here." He grabbed a cushioned chair from the corner and dragged it next to your bed. He made himself comfortable and put his heels up on the furthest corner of your bed. Softly he added, "You will never be alone again.", just before you drifted away.
Taglist: @it-jinxed-us, @humbledarkness, @lunawitch19,@redryderdesigns@rvgrsbrns
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merakiaes · 5 years
You’re The One I Love - Jaime Lannister
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Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Stark!reader
Requested: Yes
Prompts: None
Warnings/notes: Cursing, death, violence
Wordcount: 2313
Description: Angsty-ish Jaime for Anon, hope this is what you were hoping for!
The second Jaime Lannister had been brought into the crowded room, you refused to stay another second. Standing up, you had pushed your chair back with such force it scraped painfully against the floors and fell backwards. 
Every set of eyes in the room turned to look at you, your siblings’ and Jaime’s included. 
It wasn’t long ago you had returned to your home, and although your siblings knew you had history with Jaime Lannister, they didn’t even know half of it. 
But despite the staring eyes, you didn’t bother to look at anyone else than the man of the hour, staring into his eyes with a glare so hard and so raging that even the biggest men in the room feared what you would do next. 
But to everyone’s surprise, you didn’t say or do anything, only storming out of the room.
Jaime stood frozen in his spot, stunned, at loss for words, and eyes wide open in shock. This was the first time he had seen in you in what seemed like forever, and this was not the greeting he had been expecting.
The whole room was quiet, waiting for someone to break the thick silence that now hung in the air. Finally, Podrick stood up from beside the spot you had been occupying, pulling up the fallen chair in a polite manner before turning to Brienne. “I’ll go after her.” 
When getting a nod of confirmation from the female warrior, Podrick rushed outside to find his best friend. 
The squire didn’t have to look for long before he found you, your location being pretty clear thanks to the swearing and angry grunts coming from the fighting grounds. 
As Podrick after a minute or two spotted you over by a tree, hitting your sword into the bark violently, he picked up a sword from one of the many shelves and walked over to you, knowing the only way for you to blow off the steam was to make your muscles burn. 
Podrick prepared himself as he got closer, wasting no time in getting into fighting stance, knowing that you had heard him approach and would cut off his neck without hesitation had he not had his guard up. 
Once you knew Podrick was close enough, you quickly turned around from the tree to swing your sword at him, him catching it with his own just in time to avoid getting cut in the chest.
You sparred around the grounds, no words spoken. This was your usual procedure when you got angry, quiet sparring with no questions asked, both of you knowing you would tell him about it later, anyways. 
Sooner than you would have hoped, people started filling out of the castle to join the two of you in getting ready for the battle. 
As you kicked Podrick onto the ground a fifth time, you noticed Brienne walking up to the two of you. But she wasn’t alone. 
“Lady (Y/N).” Jaime spoke to you as him and Brienne got close enough. “I was wondering if we could speak alone.”
You sent a glare Brienne’s way, who in turn gave you an apologetic smile, knowing fully well that Jaime was the last person you would want to see right now. 
She had told him this, of course, but the stubborn man had followed her. 
Ignoring Jaime, you sheathed your sword at your side and offered your hand out to Podrick. 
Podrick glanced between the three people around him, the tension thick enough to cut through with a sword. After a minute of silence, he reached out and grabbed your hand, pushing himself off the ground as you pulled him up. 
“Come on.” Brienne ordered Podrick once he was up on his legs, proceeding to walk away with her squire in tow, leaving you and Jaime alone. 
You wanted to curse her out for leaving him with you, but despite the anger bubbling inside of you, you knew you would have to get this out of the way sooner than later if you wanted to be able to fight side by side without problems, knowing fully well that Jaime would not stop trying until you spoke to him. 
You carefully put your hand on the hilt of your sword. Jaime noticed, eyes flickering from your face to your hand briefly. 
He gulped, uncomfortable under your heavy stare. “I thought you were dead…”
“Right now I wish I was.” You sneered. “In other words, goest and fucketh thyself.” You snapped before you started walking towards the forge, wanting to check with the Baratheon boy if he was done with your weapon yet. 
“Why do you hate me so much?” Jaime asked, running after you. 
“I don’t hate you.” You deadpanned, keeping your eyes stuck in front of you. “I’m just not necessarily thrilled about your existence right now.”
“When did that happen? We used to be so close.” 
When hearing the words spill out of Jaime’s mouth, you stopped abruptly and turned to face him with such sudden movements he had to jump back to avoid running into you. 
You pushed a finger into his chest, glaring and seething through your teeth. “I may have cut you off, but you were the one who handed me the scissors allowing me to do so.”
He looked at you, lost. “When have I ever been anything but good to you?”
Anger sparked in your eyes. “You let Cersei throw me in a cell!” You yelled at him, pushing your finger into his chest once more, this time harder. 
“You disrespected the crown! While I thought it was wrong to punish you, you still broke the law! What was I supposed to do?!” Jaime fired back. 
“Oh, yes, I stood up for myself when your bitch of a sister called me a whore, Gods, I’m such a bitch.”
“I get that the two of you have never gotten on, but she’s not as bad as everyone thinks!” Jaime defended his twin, causing you to scoff. 
“Ah, yes, my name is Cersei Lannister, I enjoy fucking my brother, I was born for politics because I have great hair and I love lying. My favourite activity includes blowing thousands of innocent people up.” You imitated, before narrowing your eyes. “Remind you of someone?” 
Jaime opened his mouth, but no words came out. You let out a humorless laugh. 
“That’s what I thought.” You said, letting your face soften slightly as you took a step back.“No one is ever going to trust you as long as you love your sister.”
Jaime stepped forward, carefully reaching out his hand and grabbing your hand. “I love you, as well. I still do.” He said, and even though you knew that he was telling the truth, you couldn’t believe him.
You frowned and swallowed, the lump in your throat now making you unable to keep up the tough act you had relied on for so long.
“You love her more.” You whispered, taking one last look at him before you carefully removed your hand from his grasp, turning around to walk away. 
And he didn’t follow you. 
And as the battle raged on, he regretted it with every bone in his body. 
Swords were clashing all around him, fire blazing and people dying, both dead and living, screaming in fear and agony. 
He hadn’t seen you since the start. You had been at Podrick’s side as you waited for the battle to begin, but the second it did, you had run off with three other men to lock and secure the crypts. 
He hadn’t kept track of time, but he knew that had been at least two hours ago. He hadn’t even seen a glimpse of your (Y/H/C) hair since, and it was driving him mad. 
“(Y/N)!” He yelled for what seemed to be the hundredth time, voice hoarse and throat burning as he looked around frantically all while trying to keep the dead away from him and his companions where they stood by the wall. 
“You need to concentrate!” Brienne finally yelled, having had enough of the man several times having fucked up their formation because his mind was entirely elsewhere.
“She’ll be fine.” Brienne reassured as she slashed of the head of a wight. “You know how she is, she’d rather kill herself than be killed by someone who’s not even alive. Tell him Podrick.”
Jaime saw the younger boy nod out of the corner of his eye, but it was clear that he was looking for his friend, as well, worry written all over his face.
Jaime could feel his heart thumping against his ribcage, it felt like he was going to die because how quick it was beating. 
Looking around, he still couldn’t fint you anywhere in sight. 
“I’m going to find her!” He yelled after a moment of silence, moving to walk out from between Brienne and Podrick. 
“No!” Brienne yelled as he moved forward, at the same time as he heard the voice he had so long been longing to hear.
“Jaime, watch out!” 
Looking up, he found you running towards him, hair whipping about and blood dripping from your face and hands as you slashed your way closer to him. 
And that’s when he felt the blade go into his side, steel piercing the skin all the way in to the hilt. He yelled out, hand going to his side as he watched Brienne take out the wight that had managed to get to him. 
And the next second the dead all fell limp to the ground, along with Jaime. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” Brienne yelled as you reached them, your sword falling to the ground as you slid on your knees to reach his side faster. 
You turned to Podrick. “Get me something to wrap around his wound.” 
The boy quickly nodded and hurried off. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” You repeated Brienne’s words as you pressed your hands to his wound, the blood leaking between your fingers in no time. 
Jaime groaned, head lulling back to hit your lap. “I’m sorry.” He screwed his eyes shut tight.
You slapped him lightly. “Yes, it’s alright, but you need to stay awake.” 
“No-” He began.
“Yes, you can’t fall asleep!” You interrupted him, pressing down harder. 
“No!”  He yelled out as good as he could as he was bleeding out on the floor. “I mean I’m sorry. Sorry for not going after you earlier today, and telling you I-” Jaime was once again interrupted, but this time by his own yell as you had accidentally let a finger slip into his wound. 
“Fuck, sorry!” You winced, hurrying to stand as he was losing too much blood to stay here.
Putting one of his arms around your neck, you turned to Brienne. “Help me.” You ordered the woman, who wasted no time in doing the same as you but to the other side. 
Together, the two of you managed to heave Jaime off the ground, much to his dismay. Whining and groaning, Jaime was dragged away by the two of you.
“(Y/N), listen to me, please.” Jaime managed to speak between groans as he hung off your shoulders. 
“We can talk later, Jaime.” Your heart was beating faster than it ever had with panic, the fear of him bleeding out eating away at you. 
You heard a sigh, before moment later feeling Jaime nod before his head fell down with a groan. At least he had sense enough to shut his mouth now. 
You thought. 
“I love you, you’re the one I love.” He groaned out then.
Your heart skipped a beat and you turned to look at him, but no matter how much you wanted to smile, the frown etched on your face would not disappear until you were sure he would make it. 
Podrick ran up to you, coming back with a cloth in hand. He handed you the piece of fabric, switching places with you so that you could tend your best to his wound on the way to the medical area. 
You bent down slightly as you walked in front of them, replacing your hand against his open wound with the cloth. As you pressed down, you grabbed his chin with a bloody hand, lifting his heavy head up so that he could look at you. 
His eyes were barely open, but still enough for him to see you. Scanning his face, you leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away. “I love you, too.” You told him, and you could just about see him smile, before his head fell back down and his eyes closed all the way. 
As you entered the medical area, it was already bustling with people trying to patch up family, lovers and friends. 
You looked around worriedly, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight of Arya and Sansa tending to a hurt Sandor Clegane, and Jon hugging Bran. Once you saw that your family were all okay, you turned your focus back to Jaime. 
“Help me get him onto this table.” You instructed as you walked further into the room, shoving some weapons down from a table to make it more suitable for lying down. 
Brienne and Podrick said nothing as they followed your orders, breathing heavily in exhaustion as they lifted the heavy man onto the table as carefully as they could. 
Jaime was unconscious, but the man still let out a groan at the impact. 
“I need you to fetch me some alcohol and milk of the poppy, and more cloths.” You kept on throwing out orders, and as they, with a nod each your way, ran off to bid to your requests without any protests what so ever, leaving you to work on Jaime, you knew he would make it out of this alright. 
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 07+CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — unoccupied room
Carla: …Did your body settle down?
Yui: Yes… How about you Carla-san, is your health alright?
Carla: Yes. My arm and my headache are slowly getting better. Besides, it seems that I was a little confused by the shock that my memories returned.
I made you worried again, I‘m sorry for that.
Yui: Such a thing… I was also confused when my memories returned.
Carla: Is it okay if I’d ask, when your memories returned?
Yui: The first time I remembered was in the dungeon when Carla-san sucked my blood for the first time.
Carla: So it was back then… speaking of that, you have been complaining that this situation is weird for a long time now.
I was acting selfish, I couldn‘t even listen to your words that time…
1) — Don‘t worry (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
2) — Let’s forget it already (black)
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— Don‘t worry ♡
Yui: Please don’t worry about it. It wasn’t Carla-san’s fault.
At that time, my memories were also wrong.
But, I’m really happy now that Carla-san remembered everything.
Carla: …I see.
— Let’s forget about it
Yui: Could we forget about it? Because your memories are back now so it doesn’t matter anymore.
From that, we have to think about the future…
Carla: Certainly, it’s not the case when you aren’t immersed in sentimentality.
end Choices
Yui: (By the way… if his memory are back, I wonder if I’m allowed to ask …)
Carla: What’s wrong? If there’s something bothering you, tell me about it.
Yui: That… sickness, is it really Endzeit… ?
Carla: Yes, but I’m calm about that symptom. Until a few seconds ago, I totally forgot about it—
I came to this house and this world and I never thought about anything being weird.
Yui: Is that so. That‘s good…
Carla: Originally, your condition was mild because of your blood. Now it looks like your condition already got better, because you rested all the time.
Yui: Yes.
(I feel relieved that his condition seems to be calm too. I don‘t want this mood to change, I’d like to stay like this forever)
(Situationally, this won’t be the case)
Carla: But, I wonder who was it… rewriting our memories was a really clever imitation.
Yui: Huh? You think someone rewrote them… ?
Carla: This memory confusion, isn’t a natural occurrence. Everything here, was tampered on purpose.
Yui: No… way, who would do such a thing?
Carla: I don‘t know. But, I can feel the lingering magic around this house.
Everyone else‘s memories were also rewritten by this strong type of magic.
No, if I say it like that, it might be different… there are conveniently implanted memories which are different from our normal ones.
Yui: Do you think, it is easy to do that?
Carla: It would be, if someone had such strong magical power.
For example — the Vampire King Karl-Heinz. He‘d have such comparable powers.
Yui: Karl Heinz-sama…
Carla: There should be no one who could stand shoulder to shoulder with this king.
However, I can’t see the purpose that such a person performs such an order.
Yui: That’s right… someone planted those fake memories in our minds, so everyone, fights against their own brothers—
(But, why is someone doing something like this)
(What’s going on … my head is swaying. I don’t like it, this feeling …)
Carla: It’s not only the change of our memories. This space is also a fiction.
Yui: This space?
Carla: Now that I think about it, this world could be controlled by only magical powers. This is neither a demon world nor a lower world.
A world made by magic — It’s a closed space.
Yui: Huh!? Well then, the church and this mansion… even the forest… everything around us is fake?
Carla: Also the air, the sky too, everything. Our thoughts are pervading on one side and they formed an odd space like this.
Yui: T-That is… I wonder if we got lost in this magic world …
Does that mean we can’t get out of here?
Carla: It’s a closed space. It won’t be easy to escape from this world.
Yui: (Carla-san, he really has sharp nerves… )
(I’m searching for my inner thoughts about this situation)
Carla: The center of the space… From there, the magic seems to come out and seems to spread over the whole area.
That means, this area will maintain the space around this world.
Yui: Well then, if we go to the center, maybe we’ll find out about it?
Carla: This might be a possibility.
The results of my inner thoughts are — the church must be the place, where magic is gathered.
Yui: The church… that’s the place where I slept…
(Hn… ngh… I wonder what. I feel like I’m forgetting something…)
(What’s in that church… I feel like, I met someone in there… ?)
Carla: Wasn’t this the place where the traditional Eve slept? I know that this story is no longer a lore, but a fiction—
Apparently, we need to find that out on our own.
Yui: I agree. We might be able to find a way to escape from this space.
Later… we might also find a clue how we could return everyone’s memories. I hope we can find a solution.
Carla: Hmph… so you also want to help those vampire guys to remember?
Yui: Yes…
Carla: But, we only need Shin’s memories to return back to him.
That guy, he’s supposed to believe he’s that vampire’s little brother…It’s really unpleasant to just think about that.
Yui: Carla-san…
(Originally, because founders and vampires don’t like each other, he might not want them to remember…)
Shin-kun, of course we’ll bring back his memories, but what about everyone else?
Carla: Why should I offer them my help?
Yui: W-Well… In terms of being caught up in this weird situation, aren’t you guys working together?
Carla: Don’t put those lower vampires and us founders together like this.
Yui: (Uh… he became such a stubborn person since his memories returned…)
(I wonder if we really can’t leave this space with everyone together)
Carla: …It seems like you’re still thinking about escaping with them.
Yui: Huh!? No, I’d never think such a thing.
Carla: Don’t try to hide it from me. You were thinking about helping those vampires.
Yui: Ngh… yes.
Carla: If I say that you should stop thinking about it, I mean it. No matter how much I train you, you still disobey me in all ways.
It seems like, I need to teach you once again.
*Carla comes closer*
Yui: Oh, Carla-san? You’re pretty close …
Carla: That’s only natural. Leave it as it is.
Yui: Ngh!?
(W-Why in bed!?)
Carla: I told you so many times already and you never learn it.
— I don’t allow you to think about other men.
Yui: …Ngh
Carla: Or maybe, do you think it’s possible to escape from me that easily?
Yui: Ah…
(His hands which are on my the cheeks are gentle. I really can’t escape if we stay this way…)
*Subaru enters*
Subaru: Hey, Eve. Are you awake—
Yui: Eh?
(Subaru-kun… !?)
Subaru: Wha… wait, you guys… !?
Yui: Agh, wait! Don’t overthink things, it’s not like you think it is of course… !
Carla: … What is it? Don‘t you know the meaning of knocking?
Subaru: What’s that supposed to mean!? About the key — no I’ll leave!!
*Subaru runs off*
Yui: (Ah… he rushed out of the room)
Carla: … Finally the disturber is gone.
Yui: He left, because he was embarrassed! Didn’t you feel awkward being seen by Subaru-kun …!?
Carla: Should I be bothered to be seen by him? Besides, that man rushed into here without a warning.
He’s just another useless child of Karl-Heinz, so why should I care?
Yui: (I feel like he really hasn‘t got a problem with us being discovered like that…)
Carla: Anyway, let’s have fun some fun for now. You‘re in good conditions today, aren’t you?
You should rest for today… it would be the best for both you and me.
Yui: Understood. But, if you say it like that, Carla-san should also rest a little.
Carla: Hmph… you might be right. I should go to sleep for today as well.
*Carla backs off*
Carla: For the next day, let’s set a time to meet again… I’ll leave now.
Yui: (Ah … he‘ll leave me)
P-Please, wait!
Carla: What’s wrong?
Yui: Tonight, uhm… would you mind staying here?
Carla: What?
Yui: Because, Carla-san‘s memories have returned… I want him to stay by my side.
Just a little longer, together.
Carla: Hmph… all right. It seems that you’ve been really feeling lonely lately.
Why not, I‘ll stay with you all night then.
Yui: You mean it? I’m very happy about that.
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Yui: (In the arms of Carla-san. I feel relieved just by having him hug me like that…)
Carla: It’s been a while since I’ve been lying besides you like that.
Yui: Yes. It feel like we’ve been separated for a very long time.
It’s strange though, it feels like it’s been years since we saw each other last time.
Carla: No, I feel the same. Even if it’s been just a few days, it feel like a long time.
… If, I wasn’t able to recover my own memories, I wouldn’t be able to touch you like this now.
*Carla touches Yui’s forehead*
Carla: This fever… I couldn’t even feel the sickness you got while I lost my memories.
Yui: Such a thing, that’s because you had fake memories planted in your mind to focus on becoming the king.
I got better because Carla-san’s kindness healed my illness.
Carla: On the contrary, it seems like that you were scared of my fangs back then?
Yui: That is … true. On the first days, Carla-san was such a scary person…
Besides, you looked sad. With those eyes that look at things, you looked at things so violently…
Carla: …I understand… I must have submitted you with a lot of pain. At least now, we can spend our time peacefully.
I promise, I’ll never make you sad again. I swear it to you in the name of the founders king.
Yui: …Yes
Hehe, I’m glad you look as happy and proud as usual again.
Carla: What does that mean?
Yui: As always, you’re a proud and kind person … I thought, I’ll never see the man I love again.
Carla: …I see. However, don’t say something so cute out of nowhere.
Or do you want me to suck your blood one more time?
Yui: Huh!? T-That is…
Carla: Hmph… I’m not going to let you get overwhelmed even if you’re not upset right now.
You should be resting now… close your eyes.
Yui: Oh, yes…
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The kiss: I feel like this is such a pleasant feeling for you, that I can feel your heat transferring from our overlapping lips. I feel so comfortable in your arms, I never understood this unknown feeling until I met you.
Carla’s hand: Hmph… I love you.
Carla: …Nn
Yui: Nn…
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Carla: … While I can feel your warmth, it looks like I can have good dream while sleeping.
Yui: Me too… Um, will you hug me all night?
Carla: Yes, of course.
Good night, Yui.
Place: Violet mansion — Corridor
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Subaru: (What the hell, I was entrusted with taking care over that woman… now he was standing in her room himself like that)
(I didn’t see anything! … No, I wasn’t knocking, was it that bad?)
Damn it! I’m Irritated!
(But, was that guy in her room really Carla?)
(Even though I knew he was interested in that woman… there was a feeling of addiction in the atmosphere …)
… Well, because Eve’s condition looked better, I should be kinda relieved, right?
(Yeah, when I fixed the scars of that woman before —her blood, it was really sweet …)
*weird sound*
Ngh… !? What, is that… ? What am… I seeing…
… Uh… uh… it settled down? Damn, what was that sudden headache I felt just now!?
What does that mean…
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Forging a Family: BNHA fic Chapter One
Flashback: Crisis Mode
It almost ends in an old slum that All Might cleared out as soon as he got word of his enemy's movements. He tracked the multi-quirked man, and if All For One knew he was being herded, he made no mention of that. He made no mention of anything, really. It was a sneak attack. He didn't have time to. But that's how it almost ended, how he almost ended. With his insides strewn around him and gasping for air every other second. The cleanup was hell. Scraping All Might off the streets of a place that had been known to squatters was no one's favorite pastime. His saving grace was that he had a backup plan. Or rather, his friends did.
Naomasa wasn't the first one on the scene, but he was the first among the group of friends that was bound to eventually receive the news. Whether he would be the one to share that news depended on exactly how far this case ran.
All Might was taken to the nearest hospital immediately, a trio of ambulances screeching through the streets. He did not stay there long. A constant rotation of various medical experts was necessary just to keep him alive, let alone stable. His injuries were severe despite a healing quirk that no one had ever seen the likes of before. Several teams between three locations were involved in his case before he even opened his eyes. Nobody wanted to be known as the ones who couldn't help the Symbol of Peace. Not when he'd gone out of his way to help so many before this.
Forging a Family
“Izuku, get your shoes, baby… I need you to stay with Mitsuki for a bit.”
Ten years old and his mother only ever called him by his full name when something was wrong. She was often nervous, but this was… different.
Izuku knew by the thread of fear running through her voice that it was better to do as told.
Not that he had much of a problem spending time with his mother's best friend and her family. It was practically midnight, so nobody would be up to ask too many questions and Kacchan got up no later than noon on weekends. He called it balance for being forced to wake up for school. At any rate, if whatever his mother had to do outlasted the weekend then it was usually no trouble to ask Masaru to help him get more clothes from his house. He just hoped this didn't keep her so sad forever.
Forging a Family
At some point, the hospital's waiting room was stuffed with people. They shuffled in and out as the days wore on, but they were there. One of the more vigilant groups consisted of five people: an elderly man with a head of silver hair and sharp brown eyes, a middle-aged man with light blue hair and grey eyes with a similarly colored child, a scruffy young man with black hair and red eyes, and a forest-haired woman with emerald eyes who leaned on his shoulder half the time.
Their friends came in and out, mostly to shove food in their hands and drag them away to tend to their needs. But they camped out in the same corner for days on end, as long as visiting hours would allow. Nobody wanted to miss a thing.
On the third day, a man with black hair and dark eyes in detective gear skidded to a stop in front of the group, panting with the same panicked look on his face as they all had the when they got the call. Behind him slouched a tall, reedy man with dark green hair streaked through. If anyone got close enough to see behind thick glasses they'd realize that the streaks matched golden eyes.
They were received warmly enough, at least the former was. The latter plopped down beside the only other person who looked like him and groaned into his hands.
“I suppose it would be in bad form to say that I did not see this coming.” He murmured bitterly.
Inko snorted darkly, not bothering to look at him.
“Clearly.” She deadpanned.
He wouldn't be here if he'd seen this and kept his resolve. He would have stayed away, stewed in his spite and his righteousness. He'd warned Toshinori that slowing down would be in his best interest, warned that the path he was currently on would lead to things that even Sir Nighteye couldn't see. Or didn't want to. So Toshinori spoke of finding a successor to appease his sidekick. He did this despite the growing animosity between them, or perhaps because of it.
“What are you doing here?” The man Inko leaned on, with black hair and red eyes, was the youngest of the siblings. In single-digits he’d crowed of outgrowing her by leaps and bounds.
“What could you possibly do for him now? Aside from shoving this in his face?”
“I'm sure he has an extremely good reason for being here.” The dark-eyed detective, Naomasa, scowled sharply. “I wouldn't have brought him otherwise.”
“You always thought they were good for each other. I wouldn't be surprised if you went soft on him.” Inko scoffed.
The blue-haired man popped open an eye and grumbled in a low voice.
“Toshi hasn't changed his emergency contact information. Night's on the list so he gets a chance. One chance, mind you, so don't fuck this up.” He snapped.
Naomasa slumped in relief and Naoki nodded his thanks.
Forging a Family
The first time Toshinori opened his eyes, everything was blurry and voices murmured over his head.
"… he shouldn't be awake! He needs another dose."
"This is enough to knock out a shapeshifter, any more could kill him!"
"This is already killing him do you want to-!"
He drifted off again.
The second time, he saw Nana.
"You sure don't do things halfway, kid."
"Can't afford to." Toshi rasped.
"Kid, you sound like Gran when he smoked. Don't tell me what you can't afford to do."
"Wasn't this the goal?"
The reason that One For All had been passed down through the generations, struggling to keep up with the immortal villain that gave it roots.
"The goal was always to stay alive, kid. I'm sorry I couldn't show you how to do that."
"You showed me how to be a hero. That's more than enough."
Nana shook her head.
"What good is being a hero when you don't know why you’re fighting?"
Nana vanished before he could respond and Toshi fell into darkness once more.
Forging a Family
The best thing about private hospitals is that when there was enough of a crowd, you got your own waiting room. The doctor called for the family of Yagi Toshinori and Inko jabbed her middle brother’s side.
“Go find out what happened.” She ordered.
“I shouldn’t have come.” Naoki mumbled. “He won’t want to see me, he’ll never want to see me again-.”
“Did you get any special mail I didn’t know about?” Shota grumbled.
“No.” Naoki muttered, confused.
“And you’re still his emergency contact. Go find out what that idiot did so the rest of us can determine the best date to kick his ass.”
Inko snickered at that.
“Seems like life has kicked his ass more than any of us could dare to dream.” The blue-haired man snorted, ruffling his kid’s hair. Naoki winced at that, but got up and approached the doctor anyway.
“You need a haircut, Tenko.” The boy’s father mumbled distractedly.
“Leave the boy alone, Kotaro,” Inko chuckled warmly. “It’s bad enough you drag him out here every day, now you’re going on about his looks? Keep messing with his hair and that hand of yours will pop right off and be stuck in it. Then what?”
“Hence why he needs a haircut.” Kotaro deadpanned.
The boy, Tenko, burst into laughter.
“That’s fucked, Dad!” He cackled. “You can’t just…” Tenko snickered. “Gods, you have no self-restraint.”
“You’re telling me that? Did you hear what your aunt just said? She’s the one with no self-restraint.”
“Said as casual as you please.” Naomasa drawled playfully. “Why, Inko, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you and Night switched Quirks.”
“Wouldn’t that be something. Gods, can you imagine me with a foresight Quirk? I’d be more insufferable than he is now!”
“Give yourself some credit!”
“She’s not wrong, though.” Shota yawned. “When we were younger, nee-san was an anxious wreck. While I assume she’s better, raising a kid might have kicked it into overdrive.”
“I could crush you like a bug!” Inko hissed to her youngest brother.
“Right… good luck with that.”
Forging a Family
Meanwhile, Naoki had been informed that Toshinori was in a stable condition and given a rundown of all he had undergone in their facility.
“So this is the last of the surgeries?”
“For now. He needs time to adjust and heal from such a… catastrophic event, but with some extreme changes to his diet and a lot of physical therapy, he should be able to walk out of here under his own power before the month is out.”
“Is he awake?”
“Just barely. He’s got a minor healing factor that has been fighting the sedatives.”
That’d be One For All, Nighteye mused.
“Do you think he’d be up for visitors?” “I think so, yes, but he might not stay awake long.”
“Thank you. I’d like to see him, then.”
The trip to Toshinori’s room was short and easily memorized. The sight that awaited Naoki when he entered that room was anything but.
“Who’s that?” Toshinori rasped in a weak imitation of his demanding hero persona.
“Your first emergency contact.” The doctor said.
Naoki’s relationship with All Might was complicated right now, and not all of it was known to the rest of the world. They were each other’s emergency contacts on every form necessary but there was exactly one (1) set of files that bound them further. They never spoke of it in public. There was no need to. Perhaps after All Might retired, if no one knew his name, they could disappear from the Hero scene and do their own thing. That day was not upon them. Yagi would hold off as much as he could. He liked being a hero too much.
“Let him in.”
Naoki was motioned forward but he loitered at the door until the doctor left. He wasn’t sure what Toshinori actually felt about him being here and the last thing that needed to happen was those monitors going crazy.
Toshi broke the one-sided tense silence first.
“Hotaru, you were right.”
Nickname. That was good, Naoki supposed.
“I shouldn’t have looked.” He admitted. “I was scared.”
“Of this?”
“Of losing you. I didn’t know it’d be this.”
“You won’t lose me.”
Naoki shifted from foot to foot, a nervous tic of his that Toshinori knew well.
“Sit with me.” He said.
Naoki snorted. He’d almost said lay with me but they were at a hospital and everything already hurt. Still, the green-haired man stepped forward and kept walking until he reached the edge of the bed.
“You’re thin.” Yagi noted disapprovingly.
“Always have been, thanks for noticing.”
“Not that… You’ve been avoiding the others?”
“After everything else, I was hardly welcome.”
“But they’re yours.” Toshi snorted, confused.
“They’re yours too.” Naoki informed him. “And I messed up.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. Thought you’d have left for good.”
“You thought… Stars above, Toshi, no.” Naoki snickered. “I’d have to be a madman.”
“But you were right.”
“I was scared.” Naoki corrected. “And I did something you asked me not to. That won't happen again."
"On the contrary, dear heart, because I am stubborn and old and you know I hate downtime. Which I will need a lot of, if I ever want to do anything. You'll be doing a lot more for me than you were before."
"But not like that."
"Not like that." Toshinori agreed, knowing full well what was being referred to. "I want you to stay but you don't have to watch me sleep." He yawned.
"Nowhere else to go." Naoki lied easily.
Toshi grinned at that and motioned for Naoki to settle in.
Forging a Family
“How is he?”
Nighteye had predicted the coming ambush even without his powers. He’d known these people for years, some of them almost his whole life. He knew what questions there would be. He just wasn’t sure how to answer them.
“Asleep. We talked for a bit. He’s… not fine, but the best he can be, I suppose.”
Do you want someone to stay with you?” Kotaro prompted before anyone else could speak.
“I… I don’t know. If you can afford to stay, then by all means do so. He’d be happy to see any of us. But you know how he is, he doesn’t want us to put our lives on hold.”
“I’ll stay, then.” Kotaro offered. “I can work from anywhere and Nao can keep me updated.”
“I wish I could, but you’re right that I used up what leave I have.” Inko murmured apologetically. “He gets my well-wishes regardless. And send me any changes we’ll have to make. I want to know if there’s anything he can’t eat or do when he gets out.”
“We should definitely all know that, so yes, I’ll let you know.” Naoki assured her. “Shota, you have classes to teach, do you not?”
“I’ve got literally all of the vacation time ever.” Aizawa informed him.
“Sure, but will you need it later on? He’ll look forward to seeing you when he’s up and around but he can’t do that if you’re sick.”
Aizawa narrowed his eyes and glared at him. Gold met red in a stubborn battle of wills.
“Go home, Aizawa-ojisan. No doubt I’ll have homework to turn in when I get back, and who else will stare at me disappointedly before revealing that I passed?”
“You should participate more, Tenko. Your other teachers are very impressed with your work, but I’ve seen you when you’re excited about something.”
“You want me to be excited about school, ojisan? Let me know when All Might comes to teach at UA. Then I’ll be the most active student around.”
“You do nothing but play video games and cook with me when you get home from school. Why aren’t you more active in school, Tenko?”
“Because it is the end of first term and I am a general ed student who takes special classes with Aizawa-san and maybe ten other students.”
“Small group this year.” Kotaro offered, amused.
“Not my doing. Most of them washed out completely or went to Gen Ed.”
“And you say that is not your doing?” Nighteye snorted. “You are deluded, then, and I must have what makes you so.”
“His sight is already poor from work. Why would you want to inherit that?” Kotaro snickered.
“Alright, you three, can you try not to kill each other?” Naomasa snorted as he shrugged on his coat.
“No promises.” Aizawa ground out even as he allowed Naomasa to drag him away from the others. ���Watch your step, all of you. I know where you sleep.”
Kotaro burst into laughter and Naoki allowed himself a smirk. Life with his siblings was never boring, but adding more people into the mix made for a more… interesting take on things.
Forging a Family
“o denwa arigatōgozaimasu, this is the Midoriya household.”
Inko had not been expecting a call from a random number. It had been a few days since Yagi woke up permanently. They were forced by the mere image of disapproval in his eyes to go back to living their everyday lives.
“It’s good to hear you well, Inko.”
“Hisashi… it’s good to hear you well. Are you alright?”
“Should I not be?”
“You don’t call unless something has happened. And you don’t sound alright.”
“I… that is not why I called.”
“I just needed to know that you and Izuku are okay.”
“Of course. We’re perfectly fine. What is this about?”
“Check the news. I’m glad it hasn’t reached you yet, but you should keep an eye on your friends.”
“I… alright. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, yes, fine. I just… have some thinking to do. I might come back to Japan for a while.”
“I know Izuku would be happy to see you. And you’re always welcome here.”
“Thank you, Inko. You should check on your friends.”
“I… I will.”
Hisashi hummed absently, glad for the affirmation.
“Do anything fun recently?” He wondered, not wanting the call to be completely solemn.
“My job gave me a promotion.” She admitted. “My clearance came through, so I can’t talk about it, but this job… the company I’m currently contracted out to, they’re thinking of keeping me on permanently. They like the work I do, so this might be step up for Izuku.”
“You can get him out of that ridiculous school. Did they say anything at all about the last few complaints you’ve taken to them?”
“No. Apparently they can’t do much unless Izuku speaks up for himself. Honestly, this might be the last straw. If my boy comes home with another scratch on him, I’m dragging Katsuki out by his ears.”
“Has Mitsu actually done anything about her son’s behavior?”
“Mitsu is proud, you know that. But there are less burns on Izu’s arms and he seemed alright when he came back from their house. Someday, those two will reach middle-ground, but no time soon.”
“What do your siblings have to say on the matter? And their friends? They all work with heroes, yes? I know at the very least, Aizawa knows how to take a bully down, Quirk or no.”
“Aizawa had to learn the hard way. And Izu hasn’t been around his uncles in any context but their civilian lives. He doesn’t know who anyone is outside what they show him, and that’s how it’s going to stay.”
“He’s getting older, though. High school isn’t that far away, and he’ll meet his heroes eventually. Better to bring him in and trust him with the truth than have him find out via worst-case scenario.”
“High school is five years from now, and that’s if he chooses to go. But you’re not wrong about the rest. I’ll think about it.”
“Good luck, Inko.”
“To you as well, Dragon.”
Inko did turn on the news. Whatever was bothering the fiery American hero, it was important. There had to be something, because the first thing out of his mouth was that he needed to know they were alright. So she turned on the news.
Breaking News: Number One Hero Down For The Count?! was the headline of the moment, and would likely last all day. How anyone got the news would be hard to guess, since he’d gone through several hospitals and teams of doctors had been looking after him. But this… well, she wouldn’t be surprised if Nighteye was already on the warpath.
A phone call preceded a knock at her door and Inko didn’t know which to attend to first. She decided to answer the door first. If it was urgent, the phone would ring again.
The person on the other end of the door was Naoki, who charged in as soon as she opened the door, revealing Naomasa behind him.
“Apologies, Inko. We saw the news and we’re checking in on everyone. If word got out that he was in the hospital, whoever sent it could have seen any of us. Night insisted that we come here to make sure no one has messed with your house.”
“Messed with it how?” Inko wondered as she shut the door behind them and went to answer the screeching phone.
“Bugs.” Her brother growled from behind her couch. “Listening devices and cameras. We just checked in with Kotaro. He and Tenko are at a hotel close to the hospital.”
“o denwa arigatōgozaimasu, this is the Midoriya household.”
“Midoriya-san, thank you for taking a call during your time off, but we might need you to come back early in light of this… leak.”
Her boss was a kind man with eyes of steel and a temper to match. Which meant that when he lost it, you had to step carefully around him. Or so she heard.
“When am I needed back, Ito-san?”
“Tomorrow, at your earliest convenience. We need to get a lid on this before someone comes up with questions that we can’t answer.”
“Of course, Ito-san. Tomorrow morning, then. My usual time is fine.”
“Thank you, Midoriya-san. I am sorry to be keeping you from your family during these times.”
“They’ll understand.” Inko assured her boss. “And I’ll be in tomorrow.”
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lordavanti · 6 years
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Hvitserk Ragnarsson x reader
I used to have a lot of love for Ivar, now the only thing I see is Hvitserk who is pulled apart in so many ways. So to give that man at least something I wrote this little fic, he deserves his powerwoman or at least happiness in the end. If he doesn’t get it in the series, damn sure I will make it.
Taglist: @clumsywonderland @float-autumn-leave @ivars-heathen @anarchy-is-coming @jeowjungkook @kathieycarrerarosshley @dementedwarriorqueen  Words: 1688
Eventually there was always some kind of dirt to find. Not everybody was as pure and straight headed … not everybody seemed so innocent as they appeared. Margrethe never was, Freydis apparently wasn’t either. You looked between the cracks of that shed, witnessing the emotionless ride she took on a man. He probably was an innocent … he probably would be dead soon enough. The rumor wasn’t so secret anymore, Ivar couldn’t get a woman pregnant and here was the love of his life proving him otherwise. She wasn’t innocent, not by far. You looked one last time before you walked away from yet another scene of destruction. Ever since Ragnar died things had changed around here, ever since the brothers broke their brotherly bound things got downhill. You grew up with them, you even followed them to York. You loved one of them … but you were wiser in the end. You didn’t choose Ivar his side, how much Hvitserk tried to convince you to stay. ‘Death is no a place I want to fight alongside with Hvitserk. One day you will thank me for that, this is not the end. The gods didn’t mean for uss to parten like this.’ That were the exact goodbye words you gifted him with. Ever since you disappeared from civilization. Whatever hope there was, it became overshadowed by a person imitating like a god, a king acting like he owned the world. Ever since he was little you knew there was something briljant about him, but this little taste of power made him not much different then Margrethe. You never knew when it was the right time, all those weeks you hide in the shadows of Kattegat, looking how Hvitserk drank himself to sleep, how Ivar taunted him into humiliation. Being alone with nature all those months made you realize that your dreams weren’t just dreams, they were messages, so you believed, from the gods. You justified the messages just as you would justify the sins Ivar was spreading around. It was time, time to choose that side. The sun was barely touching the horizon as you pushed open the door to that little house. Your eyes immediately found Hvitserk, sleeping in his clothes, his shoes.You pushed the hood from your head, your braid loosened from its spot, letting strands of hair escape around your face. For a long time you just looked at him, asking yourself if he would be like this if you had stand by his side. Sadly there was not such a thing as reversing time. ‘Hvitserk.’ You whispered. His name tasted so different over your lips. Last time you saw each other you were nothing more than kids. You saw him frown in his sleep. For him you were probably nothing more than a dream, a dream he wanted to catch. ‘Hvitserk.’ You repeated with the same softness. You smiled softly as he turned away. ‘Leave me be.’ He muttered. ‘The gods didn’t meant for uss to parten like this.’ You repeated the exact same words from years ago. His eyes fluttered open. For a second he looked in front of him, and then he looked over to you. His eyes rested on yours and it was like something restarted on the inside, a feeling that was sleeping for years now. ‘You are not real.’ He said, blaming the ale for his visions. ‘What do I need to do to prove you I am?’ ‘Go away.’ He muttered, pushing himself up and awake. But you were still there and he started to doubt his own sanity. ‘Hvitserk.’ You repeated softly, placing one foot before the other, knowing he could hate you for leaving. ‘Y/n please, it can’t be you.’ He squeezed his eyes close, trying to forget. Never before he carried so much trouble around in his expressions. You stood still before him, slowly stretching your fingers to touch his cheek. ‘I’m real.’ You whispered. He opened his eyes, looking up before he lifted his hand to capture yours against his face. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t came sooner.’ You said. ‘I thought you were dead.’ His fingers softly wrapped around yours, turning his head to smell your skin, kiss your wrist. ‘He will wish I was.’ You answered those words. Hvitserk looked back up to you and you smiled, lowering yourself down on his lap. ‘I’m on the path of the gods, I’m the messenger of the people. I will choose you and only you, Ivar won’t sacrifice you for his own lies.’ You promised him. His fingers softly squeezed in your side and you knocked your forehead against his, witnessing the biggest struggle in his eyes. ‘You are as much a son of Ragnar as he is, don’t crumble under his greatness Hvitserk, I won’t let you.’ And that was enough for Hvitserk to find his long lost passion. He laid his hand against your cheek, pressing his lips against yours. Your fingertips rested against his cheeks, tasting something that you thought would be lost forever. You pushed your body closer and he forced his lips loose from yours with a deep sign. ‘Y/n,’ He sounded so broken … so alone. ‘Look at me.’ You whispered tenderly, cupping his face to make him look at you. He looked, but in the same time he didn’t. ‘You always protected me from his hate, let me now protect you.’ ‘How, he is a king.’ ‘Being a king doesn’t mean your are untouchable.’ You promised him, he let his head hang against your shoulder and you let him, gazing in front of you while thinking in how many ways you could punish Ivar for how his brother was sitting here now.
Hvitserk found his energy back, his body language straightened up when he was around Ivar and you smiled with every smile he let play around his lips. You sat on the table, with your back towards the throne and your eyes down to Hvitserk who told you about how Ubbe spared his life. ‘Why are you so cheerful today brother?’ That voice used to make you freeze on the spot, it didn’t now. It made you more angry then you cared to admit. ‘Maybe he is sick and tired of your disapproval and started living on his own.’ You answered for Hvitserk, turning half around to look to Ivar. The expression on his face was priceless, for a second the mighty facade disappeared. ‘Y/n,’ he stumbled in his words a little. ‘I thought you were dead.’ ‘You wish she was.’ Hvitserk repeated the words you used earlier. Ivar laughed dryly as he looked from his brother back to you. ‘Where have you been?’ He asked you politely. But in a way it sounded more as a mockery, a carefull one. He was on alert, at least that was something. ‘Imagining the disapproval of your father if he was still here.’ You answered straight ahead. ‘She sees things,’ Hvitserk helped him process. ‘she is a seer, she foresaw your victory, she foresaw the fall of a king.’ ‘I’m not planning on falling any time soon.’ Ivar snapped, impatient. ‘Not you, Alfred is the new king is Wessex.’ You announced. He had to believe at least that. ‘You know what else I saw?’ You asked him way to sweet voiced. ‘What?’ Ivar asked. ‘I saw the dead of a man, somebody you won’t know. He is a villager. But as he dies you should ask around why he is dead and who ordered it, I will keep the ending as a surprise.’ You forced a smile on your lips and looked how Hvitserk grabbed a cup to get a refill. Your eyes went slowly back to Ivar who clenched his teeth and slammed his hand on the table to lean closer to you. ‘You should be dead.’ ‘I maybe was, who knows, maybe the gods send me back to earth to deal with you. You ordered your men to kill me once, only to win Hvitserk over. You killed Margrethe to break him. Then you have the support of one brother and you destroy him anyway, why is that Ivar? You want to be the only God walking around here?’ You tilted your head with those last words and it made his fingers clench to first as he pushed himself back on his crutch. ‘Yes, I saw that to, I would watch out, for all we know your killer is sleeping right beside you.’ You followed, jumping from the table as you turned around to see Freydis coming. ‘Ivar my love,’ she smoothened with that tender smile. Her eyes fell on you and she became curious. ‘Who is she?’ ‘Somebody he tried to kill once.’ You answered in his place. Ivar was beyond furious with your return. ‘Somebody he just can’t control.’ You followed in a soft whisper. You smiled, a general smile for her as you gave him one last look before walking out. Hvitserk was playing with a strand of your hair as you laid sunken in thoughts beside him. ‘What are you thinking about?’ He asked carefully. You shifted your eyes towards him. He laid on his stomach beside you, stroking his fingertips over your collarbone. ‘Sadly enough, your brother.’ You confessed softly. Hvitserk stopped his fingers from touching you as he look grew more concern. ‘You can’t beat him, he is to powerful for that.’ ‘I know.’ You smiled, pushing your head up to give him a quick kiss. ‘You can’t beat him with strength or cleverness. You need to beat him in his believes. If he can’t believe anymore, what is left of Ivar the Boneless then?’ ‘I knew there was a reason why I fall for like I do right now.’ He whispered. You chuckled, tugging his braid as you kissed him so tenderly slow. ‘I’m gonna be alongside you,’ you promised him. ‘this town is filled with fear, if you only represent strong they will support you.’ You explained. He stroke your hair behind your ear and nodded. You smiled when he lowered his head again. Maybe you came right in time, maybe this was everything he needed to find himself back … you.
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theresnoturningback · 6 years
After the Dare [RUSIM One Shot]
A/N: This took me forever to write. Same as usual; work and life love getting in the way. I wanted to write a second one shot of Ruby and Aasim for so long and it’s finally finished. Thanks to my dearest friend Jasper who helped me review and edit and make this piece of my heart a little more enjoyable for you. I love you son, you make everything better!For the future I have in mind writing a piece for AJ and Louis, because I love their dynamics, but I’m not sure how it will turn out, because episode 3 will have come out by then and I’ll be crying on the floor for the most part. I’ll try to keep writing, regardless. Thanks for liking, reading, commenting and reblogging, all that makes my heart full of love and pushes me to keep pursuing writing, studying and finding ways to improve my skills!
Word Count: 5832
“We haven’t played a game in weeks, since that night with Marlon’ Violet sighed, remembering the dreadful incident that took place two weeks ago.
Louis pretended he didn’t hear her grim words as he shuffled his deck of cards. His eyes moved from his own hands to Aasim, who seemed to be lost in thought while staring at the horizon. He followed his friends’ stare and he noticed the redhead who was helping Omar carrying boxes from one place to another.
‘I mean’ Louis’ Aasim woke up from his unintended daydreaming. He turned his head to redirect his attention to Louis ‘If you wanna go ask Ruby to come play, I don’t mind waiting’
Aasim felt the urge to punch Louis in the face, but refrained.
‘Shut up dude!’ He exclaimed instead, shaking his head regretfully ‘I swear to God...’
With the years, Louis had proved to be a good and supportive friend to Aasim, but sometimes he’d wonder just how much he could confide in him.
Of course, Louis meant no harm with his little teasing, but ever since he found out about his crush, he had not been able to catch a break.  Louis took every chance to bring it up, he’d ask questions and sometimes, he would like to imagine scenarios and was very vocal about it..
However, this was the first time he mentioned Ruby in front of others. While Clementine tried not to show much interest in the topic, Violet couldn’t hide her curiosity.
‘You have a crush on Ruby?’ She inquired, her voice as calm as usual. He looked away, searching for the right words in his head. Luckily for him, AJ and Tenn joined the group, saving him from a potential awkward moment.
‘What are we playing?’ AJ asked
‘Truth or Dare’ Louis announced and Violet immediately looked at him to correct him
‘You don’t use cards in truth or dare…’
‘You do in this version’ He explained as Tenn sat next to Violet on the couch and AJ took a seat on the floor, near Clementine ‘Everyone draws, highest card gets to ask. Lowest card has to answer’
Right after the rules were set, the game started and during the first round, Violet drew the highest card, while Clementine had the bad luck to be her victim.
‘This should be good’ She snickered maliciously ‘Let’s see...truth: Marry, Fuck Kill...’ ‘Vi…’ Tenn reminded her that her foul language wasn’t approved in casual situations like that one.
‘Fine… Marry, Flip, Kill; Ruby, Aasim or...’ She turned her attention to Clementine once more ‘James, that guy who saved you’
‘Oh, my God..’ Clementine huffed
‘You gotta answer. Them’s the rules’ Louis reminded her, as interested in her answer as Violet.
She considered her options for some seconds.
‘Let’s see...I would marry...Aasim’ Her response caught everyone’s attention
‘I uh... thanks?’ Aasim answered with a rather unsure smile. Louis saw Clementine smiling back
‘I don’t think you’re his type’ He reminded her.’He’s into redheads’
‘Dude! Shut up’
Violet couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Aasim being flustered like a little boy. That was all the confirmation she needed.
Clementine kept on talking to get out of the spotlight.
‘I would, um...flip’
‘Flip, flip, flip. Flip...’ Louis chanted, immediately followed by AJ.
Louis threw his head back, laughing gleefully.The rest stared at him in silence.
‘Wh-I’m sorry! I was just imagining her glare while Clem propositions her!’ He immediately began imitating the redhead in a very poor southern accent ‘What? You’re sure that’s a good idea? What’s wrong with you?’
‘She picked’ Violet sentenced ‘Ruby gets a flip’
Louis smiled at her friend and turned to Clementine
‘So that means you’re killing…’
‘This is amazing’ Tenn said, excited
‘Boy from the woods!’ Violet cheered. Her and Louis seemed strangely enjoying this very last bit
‘I’ll try to shed a tear for the poor boy none of us met, who’s probably just a figment of Clem’s imagination’ He added with fake sympathy
‘No he’s not’ AJ defended Clementine ‘I’ve met him’
‘Well, now he’s dead...poor dude’ Clementine rolled her eyes at him, trying to hide her amusement as Louis continued his little speech ‘This is great; we’re laughing, we’re bonding. It’s a nice break from thinking about homicidal assholes sneaking into our homes to kidnap us’
‘Not if you bring it up’ Violet warned.
‘Onto round two!’ Louis announced with a wink, to avoid an argument with the blonde.
The card deck was passed from player to player. This time, Clementine’s luck changed for the better, turning her into the winner of the second round, while Aasim realized he probably had to do or say something against his will by her command.
‘Definitely a dare’ Clem stated, looking at him with malice.
‘Okay. Do your worst’ He said with a smile that denoted fake confidence after hesitating for a second.
After considering her options for a couple of seconds, Clementine finally resolved what Aasim’s fate would be during round two.
‘You have to ask Ruby...for a kiss’
He did not see that coming.
‘Seriously?’ He questioned, hoping she’d change her mind on the spot.
‘The most legitimate of dares’ Louis added, letting him know that was happening and there was no way of stopping or avoiding it.
‘Maybe there is one thing I could do to avoid the dare’ He thought while looking over at Ruby, still working in the distance, too busy to notice anyone staring at her. ‘Maybe she won’t talk to me in weeks, maybe months...but God knows I can’t kiss her’
His idea was even more risky than actually asking her for a kiss and he was willing to take it, with some apprehensions.
‘There has to be a way around it’ He thought to himself while standing up, his heart pounding inside his chest ‘I can’t do it, I have to do it...but I can’t’ His brain repeated with each approaching step ‘Come on, you dumbass, think of something, quick!’
Everyone else was waiting with expectation. Louis was actually waiting to see them kiss. Violet was just impressed Aasim would accept the dare and, Clementine didn’t know what to expect, but whatever the outcome was, she knew it was going to pay off.
And did it pay off.
They were too far to hear a thing, but their body language said it all. Ruby was beyond offended and punched Aasim in the chest. A general guffaw was sparked by the violent display.
Aasim walked back, silently wearing Ruby’s punch like a medal of honor, while the group was still laughing. He earned a ‘damn’ from Violet and a ‘I can’t breathe’ from Louis.
‘I hate...everyone’ He sat down, grumpily crossing his arms in front of him and looking at the rest of the group with the most honest indignation
‘That was amazing’ Violet smiled at him, to remind him it was all in good fun.
‘Well, I think we all learned something about our good friend Aasim today’ Louis went at it again, looking at his friend with an annoying smile before continuing ‘Mainly, that he has no romantic charm whatsoever’
It was harder and harder to refrain the growing urge to strangle him.
‘Shut up’ He muttered.
The game went on for a couple of rounds more, but Aasim was too lost in thought to be invested in it anymore. With all that happened he even forgot about his little fight with Willy for a moment. Louis’ plans always ended up working somehow.
‘Another annoying thing about him’ He thought.
When the game ended, he went on to make peace with Willy and work on the traps together.
It was a productive evening that lead to an uneventful night; There was no sign of the raiders coming that night, so he turned to his books and chronicles to distract himself from the awful things he had to say to save Ruby the embarrassment of being part of a stupid dare.
But he couldn’t
All he could think about was her.
She needed to know he didn’t mean to be nasty with her. He knew that was her biggest pet peeve and he used it against her to break free from a dare. But how could he explain that to her without admitting he was actually in love. It was not a small crush by now. Maybe it was in the beginning, but a crush would never last as long as the vexing sensation he got every time he’d look at her for the past two years. It was clear to him this wasn’t just some childish infatuation.
‘AASIM, AASIM WAKE UP’ Louis sang loudly as he kicked the door to Aasim’s room open, jolting the boy awake between several sheets of paper, scribbled all over.
‘Jesus, Louis, why do you have to be extra loud this time in the morning?’
‘You will not believe what happened to me last night’
‘Did you have an epiphany about how dumb you are?’ Aasim grumbled, groggily rubbing his face with one hand ‘Because if it’s not it, don’t even bother’
Louis stood in front of him, unable to stay still while trying to contain his giddiness.
Aasim realized he wasn’t going to leave him alone until he listened to him, as it was usually the case.
‘Okay...what happened last night?’ He said sitting up and giving him all the attention.
‘Clem kissed me’ The small sentence woke Aasim up entirely.
‘What ,who, when?’
‘Clementine. Last night...she kissed me? Dude, I just told you this, try to keep up!’
‘I mean, did she really? Maybe you just dreamed it’
Louis sat in another chair opposite to him and leaned in to keep explaining with the same excited tone.
‘It was definitely not a dream, I checked, we were sitting at the piano, I showed her a song I wrote for her, I carved my initial and she did too, then she carved a heart around the letters and I wasn’t expecting that, and then everything got serious so quickly, she said she like-liked me and then she kissed me’
His rushed words were evidence enough this was a real thing.
‘So, you two are...dating now?’
‘I mean, I guess? I mean, I think so...I never got this far’ He shrugged, still consumed by pure joy
‘Hey, that’s great, dude’ Aasim smiled along.
‘I know, thanks!’
‘I’m happy for you, it’s nice to finally see you with a sincere smile again... but can I ask you something?’
‘Go ahead’
‘How did you do it? How did everything lead to that one moment?’
‘I’m not sure, everything happened naturally. I mean, if this answers your question, I tried to show myself as I really was, I tried to be as honest as I could with her, I wanted her to know I care but I also let her know how grateful I was that she cares about me, too. Sometimes, showing a little vulnerability is not as bad as you’d think’
‘That makes sense’ He mumbled, still taking in his friends’ words
Louis noticed Aasim was more pensive than usual
‘Is there anything you’d like to get out of your chest, buddy?’
‘No’ Aasim answered without hesitation while standing to pick up books and paper sheets ‘After you teased me with Ruby in front of everyone, I don’t think I’ll be telling you anything else’
‘Come on, we were having fun, remember?’
‘You guys were having fun’ He corrected
‘I thought you were, too’ The faint smile on his face faded slowly
‘I was embarrassed and you guys wanted to drag her into it too, that pissed me off’ He confessed.
‘Dude, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…’
‘Yeah, you never do’
His remark shut Louis up abruptly and suddenly a tense silence arose
Aasim finished stacking his belongings, closed his eyes to remember the reason Louis was there. When he turned around, his friend was already walking towards the door. He walked closer to apologize.
‘Wait, I didn’t mean to come off so rude’
‘I understand, Aasim. I’m sorry, too. I was outta line’
‘I really am happy for you and Clem’
‘Thanks’ Louis smiled at Aasim before turning around and leaving him alone with his thoughts.
He was fully aware he had to apologize to Ruby for using her just so he could get out of the spotlight. He thought about doing it in the best way he knew. He sat back down at his desk and starting scribbling on a blank piece of paper. He skipped breakfast and spent all morning writing and rewriting, trying to phrase his apology in the sincerest way possible.
From time to time, he’d stare blankly at what he had just written and angrily scratch over it, frustrated that he couldn’t word his feelings.
‘If Louis, being the dumbass he was, could do it, then I can too’ He mumbled after a tired sigh directed at the roof.
Then, a sudden realization came to him. Louis never hid behind a piece of paper. His honesty was directly shown through his attitude and his words. If there was a correct way to do it, that must be it.
He looked down at his letter once more before crumpling it into a ball and throwing it away.
He stood up and walked out of his room with decisive steps. He had nothing rehearsed, he had no idea what would happen after, but he knew he had to say something that day, giving the uncertainty of their fates.
Out in the courtyard, he found Willy and Mitch talking to each other at one of the tables
‘Hey, have you guys seen Ruby?’ Aasim asked, trying to sound casual about it.
‘Yeah, she’s working in the greenhouse’ Mitch said, smiling ‘I’m pretty sure she’s all by herself right now’
Mitch whispered something in Willy’s ear when Aasim turned around.
‘Go get her, tiger!’ Willy yelled, putting Mitch in a state of cachinnation. Aasim didn’t turn around. He simply flipped them off while walking away.
‘News really do travel fast among small groups’ He thought, embracing his embarrassment in silence.
Walking closer to the greenhouse felt just like the previous night; an overwhelming anxiety that came out of nowhere.
‘She’s still mad at you’ His brain began ‘You should give her one day more to cool off, you really shouldn’t do this right now’
He shook these thoughts off with the sole argument that there might not be another day for them to talk.
The door to the greenhouse was open. He peeked inside. It wasn’t as clear as the exterior, but he could still see Ruby sweeping the floor, too immersed in her task to notice him standing awkwardly by the door.
He wanted to say something to call her attention, but it was as if he had forgotten how to speak for a couple of seconds.
He didn’t know what was it about her that made him feel so dumb. He could be the stupidest boy in the world when they were alone in the same space. It had been like that since they were younger and he was sure it would be the same if they made it into adulthood.
He cleared his throat to call Ruby’s attention. She turned around and saw him offering her a half smile. She pressed her lips together, containing her contempt and let him speak.
‘Do you need some help? He said timidly. Ruby looked around. There was still a lot to do and she was visibly overworked, but her pride was bigger than the mess around them.
‘Well, aren’t you precious’ She exclaimed bitterly almost under her breath, resuming her chores.
‘Come on, give me something to do...I don’t want to keep overthinking about the raiders and I thought...I could help you clean the greenhouse’
Ruby glanced at him over her shoulder and saw him fidgeting nervously.
‘Are you done bein’ ugly?’ She asked. Aasim looked up at her with puppy eyes.
‘Yes, I’m sorry about last night...I know those were crappy memories and I overstepped my boundaries by bringing them up’ He mumbled
‘You shouldn’t have said it, if you really knew how bad it made me feel. I spent last night thinking about it over and over. I couldn’t stop reliving it; how much I hated Mitch that night, the rage I felt as I hit him for his stupid prank, how badly beaten he looked afterwards, how guilty I still feel, no matter how many times he tells me it’s alright and he had it coming for bein' insensitive and immature... and how much I wish Ms. Martin was alive to take care of us like she used to’
‘I remember that night. Mitch told me what he had done minutes before you found him. He looked so proud of what he had done’
‘You were there?’ Aasim nodded ‘I honestly can’t remember. I was seein’ red the whole time
‘I helped Ms. Martin take care of Mitch while she was trying to calm you’
‘I remember she givin’ me some kind of herbal tea and lettin’ me stay in her room because I was too afraid to go back to my own bed’ She smiled at the memory ‘She really was so kind to all of us, even Mitch and me, and we were terrible children’
‘You weren’t terrible, you just lost it because Mitch put roaches in your bed knowing you were afraid of them’
‘And you had to go and bring it up last night, didn’t you?’ She frowned and started sweeping again.
‘My mother used to say’ She turned around to face him once more ‘ “Ruby, darlin’; if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas everyday” and she was always right’
‘Would you listen if I just...explained the whole situation to you?’
She pursed her lips, torn between not wanting to hear excuses and her desire to relieve her friend from his notorious guilt.
‘Oh, alright...’ She conceded ‘Spit, what made you say those awful things?’ Aasim hesitated. His silence brought nothing but a tense atmosphere inside the greenhouse ‘Are you….gonna say something or…’ Aasim nodded, but couldn’t found himself unable to speak out of fear ‘I reckon you need to sit, you’re gettin’ pale’
‘I’ll be fine’ He finally said after shaking his head.
‘Now, will you tell me what happened last night, because I don’t understand anything and were wastin’ daylight standin’ here’
‘It was a dare!’ he exclaimed, only to make his friend even more confused.
‘They dared you to ...get punched?’
‘No, not really’ Aasim shook his head once more, unsure if it was worth it to keep trying to justify himself
‘Then what?’ She insisted.
He looked at her and gathered enough courage to end that frustrating conversation once and for all
‘They dared me to ask you for a kiss’
Ruby blinked in surprise. She wanted to know more, but there were so many questions in her mind demanding to be answered that she didn’t even know where to start.
‘Oh…’ It’s all that came out her mouth.
‘Would you have done it?’ He asked without thinking, feeling instant regret at the sight of her negative response.
‘No, I wouldn’t have kissed you, Aasim’
The look of disappointment in his eyes hinted there were some hidden feelings  that she was never aware of until then.
‘It’s not like that’ She hurried to justify her rejection with a soft voice, afraid she might have hurt his feelings ‘You’re a very sweet fella, and very smart too, but ...it would have been my very first kiss and I don’t want it to be somethin’ people laugh about. I don’t think I could stand bein' a joke to everybody all over again’
‘Now you see why I chose to get punched instead?’ She smiled at him and his heart almost stopped beating. He looked for something to do around the greenhouse to avoid her eye contact ‘It’s starting to look like a functional place again’ He quickly changed the subject as he grabbed a rag and started dusting some dirt-covered shelves with it.
‘It’s like a dream come true’ She sighed, smiling proudly at the place ‘I’m going to put some tomatoes there, someday...and we’ll have the potatoes at the back so we can use this space for spices and other kinds of herbs, just like where Ms. Martin used to have them’
‘You’re not tired of cleaning up all by yourself?’
‘Oh, absolutely not’ She stated her half-lie with a wider smile. She was visibly fatigued, but she didn’t feel it due to the rewarding feeling of doing something she loved after so many years ‘I’ve been hopin’ someone helped me get this place up and runnin’ again, but Marlon  never let me come and see how overrun it really was, until Clementine showed up, that is...I know I wanted them gone after the little man killed Marlon, but without her we wouldn’t be in here today. She’s tough as a pine knot, that girl...I have lots to thank her’
‘I guess we all have something to thank her about, she saved my life on her very first day here’ He said casually, but immediately felt his friend’s silence and eyes behind him.
‘You never told me…’ He turned around and the hurt look in her eyes made him feel guilty again ‘What happened…?
‘A walker appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me while I was cleaning up the place. Clem saved me just in time’
Ruby took some seconds to let his words sink in her mind. She could have lost one of his closest friends that day and she had been oblivious of it until that moment. She felt a fear she hadn’t felt in a long time while she realized she couldn’t bear to picture Aasim being devoured by one or two walkers.
‘I’m glad you’re okay’ She muttered while trying to push the vivid mental pictures to the back of her mind.
‘It was weeks ago…’
‘And still you never told me’ She interrupted, unavoidingly frustrated.
‘I didn’t think it was something that required medical assistance, I’m sorry’
‘You could have been bitten!’
‘I wasn’t’ He quickly answered in the same tone she spoke to him.
Ruby tried to leave behind the anger that came from her unsaid worries by walking closer to the few plants she could save, and watered them carefully. Aasim went back to dusting the empty shelves.
‘Sorry I flew off the handle at you’ She said minutes later, unable to stand the silence between them ‘ I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that’
‘I know, it wasn’t your intention’ He offered her a comprehensive smile ‘ You take care of us, and I should have come to you to check for scratches or bites. I was dumb and it won’t happen again’
‘You’ve been feelin’ healthy since?’ She asked quietly
‘I’ve had no health problems whatsoever’ He assured her.
‘That’s good to hear’ She returned his smile as she carried trays with small sprouts in them into the sunlight. She admired them like a proud mother ‘Soon, we’ll have this place as green as it was. No more worries about food for us, you’ll see’
‘You have worked so hard to bring this place back to life. I’m impressed’
‘Mitch helped a lot moving heavy stuff during the first day, but I worked alone the following days’
‘You know, if you needed help, you could have just asked’
‘I never needed the help. I actually like bein' alone with my greens. It helps me clean my head and lets me think better, but I also like some company from time to time. A good conversation should never be taken for granted’
‘I bet Mitch is great for good conversations’ Aasim joked, reminiscing the times when Mitch and Ruby didn’t get along and the hundred of arguments and fights they had and now are clear evidence of their stormy past ‘Remember the Maggie Incident?’
The very first one of their altercations happened when Ruby first arrived to Ericson’s, two years before the outbreak started. She was short, but intimidating for her age. She always kept a serious look in her face and even Marlon admitted he was sort of afraid of her while they were talking about her at lunch. Mitch quickly said he wasn’t intimidated by her, to sound tougher than everyone at the table. Marlon and Louis immediately dared him to prove Mitch’s bravery by going to Ruby’s room and bringing them one of their belongings.
Mitch accepted, so he didn’t look like a complete coward in front of his friends. He sneaked in her room one afternoon the girls were out in a nature walk and stole a framed picture of her and some other kids, all dressed for Halloween. She was dressed as Maggie, from “Maggie and the Ferocious Beast”. Aasim had never seen Ruby smile until Mitch showed him that picture in their room late at night.
Eventually, Ruby found out and, as she was a kid who couldn’t control her emotions, she ran to Mitch to bite him and pull his hair until he finally confessed he had stolen her picture.
Aasim never told Mitch it was him who told Ruby about it.
‘We’ve changed a lot since then’ She laughed at the memory ‘I mean, he’s still immature and impulsive, I keep tellin’ him that’s gonna come back to bite him in the ass someday, but he just doesn’t listen. He’s too stubborn for his own good, bless his heart’
‘I believe he stopped being mean after Willy came along. A little responsibility can change a person so much’ He observed.
‘Well no matter how much he’s changed, everytime we talk, the boy always ends up blabberin’ about bombs and knives…’
‘Hey, we all have our passions. It’s hard not to talk about what we love, like you and the greenhouse…’
Ruby stopped what she was doing and looked at Aasim with a confused expression.
‘If I’m botherin’ you, you have to tell me…’ He walked closer and stood beside her.
‘No, that’s what I meant at all… when people talk about what they truly love, their whole face changes; their eyes, the tone of their voice, it’s something very interesting to see’
‘It looks like you have studied this very well’
‘That’s a word for it’ He shrugged
‘So, what do I do when I talk about greenhouse’ She let her curiosity take over, leaving Aasim wondering how he would describe her when she was at her greatest state of joy.
‘When you talk about it’ He paused, an involuntary smile adorned his mouth while still trying to choose the correct words ‘When you do that, your eyes shine, your cheeks turn red when you get excited about the plans you have for it and you talk faster because you can’t contain your happiness. It makes me think you are actually hopeful for the future’
Ruby was surprised at first.
‘You could have been a detective’ She laughed ‘That’s very impressive. I really feel hopeful, now that I’ve had a second chance at the greenhouse, that is’
‘Joy isn’t something easy to hide and all this clearly brings you joy and honestly, I admire that you can bring life with your own two hands. I mean, like...with both plants and people. You nurse us back to health and you do this…and it makes you happy’
They looked at the tiny green sprouts catching sunlight in the tray.
‘You bet it makes me happy’ She smiled before looking at him straight in the eye ‘It’s like you and your books’
Aasim raised a brow.
‘What about...my books?’
‘Aw, it’s cute how you act like it’s a big secret, when in fact, everyone knows that losing yourself in whatever you write makes you happy. It makes sense, too. You’re sharper than a mother-in-law’s tongue!’ The boy tilted his head, trying to understand her last comment somehow ‘...It’s a plant with sharp leaves’ Ruby explained.
‘Oh, yeah, that-that makes more sense’
‘Anyhow, you have that to keep you up at night, but is that all?’ Don’t you have other stuff in your mind  when you can’t read or write?’
There’s no way he could say that.
‘Lately, all I can think of is you’
‘Writing is all I have’ He shrugged while trying to forget about his intrusive thoughts
‘That ain’t true! What about your skills with the bow and arrow? I’ve seen you bein' all proud after a good day of hunting’
‘Being proud for providing is much different than having a passion. I hunt out of necessity, not fun’
‘That’s because killing is never fun, even in a world like this’ She agreed ‘I remember my old man taking me and my brothers on hunting trips. He only allowed them to use guns while I had to learn to fish, because I was little. It was dull, but those were the only times we’d spend actual time as a family, you know, right before they dumped me here, but in retrospective, I wouldn't have had it any other way’
‘Ericson was never a five star hotel’ He reminded her
‘I’m well aware, but if it wasn’t for all the things that had to go wrong, I wouldn’t have met you -none of you’
‘Life likes to work in mysterious ways like that’
‘She sure does’  Ruby rolled her eyes at him, laughing
‘If you’d like, I could teach you to shoot a bow. Who knows? It could save your life someday’
‘I don’t enjoy hunting as much as my brothers once did, but I know it’s a useful skill to have. I reckon I’ll take your offer’
‘After we get rid of the raiders, we start your lessons, then’
Ruby appreciated her friend’s optimism towards the possible outcome of their upcoming battle.
‘You better not leave me hanging on this’ She rolled down her sleeves and put on her jacket.
‘You’re leaving?’
‘Yeah, Omar might need some help with supper. He never says it, but he gets cranky when people don’t help while he cooks’
She walked away letting her hair down while trying to fix it into a fresher updo. Aasim forgot how to breathe for a moment right after his stomach jumped inside of him.
Unwillingly, her name escaped his lips in the form of a breathless whisper that almost sounded like he was asking for help.
She looked over and found him standing almost like a ghost.
‘You look like ten miles of bad road’ She hurried back beside him to make sure he wasn’t seriously ill.
Aasim felt the cold back of her hand press against his forehead and under his right ear.
‘You feel a little hot, but I can’t say it’s a fever’ How are you feelin’?’
He managed to shake his head slowly, unable to focus his eyes on anything.
‘...Dizzy…’ He muttered, shutting his eyes close
‘You poor thing, come sit…’ She lead him to the wooden bench by the door.
‘Have you eaten well? Have you slept at all?’
Regaining the consciousness he had lost for a moment, he silenced her line of questioning by taking her hands in his. She looked down, then back at him. Her worry only grew with the silence around them. She thought of every single gruesome scenario possible in the span of three seconds, but none of them were remotely near to what was really happening.
‘Ruby, I think I like you’ Aasim spat nervously ‘Actually, I don’t think...I know I really like you, and I can’t keep lying to myself or hiding this from you any longer…’
‘Aasim, I…’ The boy gently squeezed her hands in his, shutting her up immediately
‘I’ve liked you for years now...Louis found out recently and he has been teasing me about it. So, last night more people found out and that’s why they dared me to kiss you in front of them, but I didn’t want to put you through that kind of pressure because it wouldn’t have been fair if you didn’t like me back and if you don’t- If you don’t, that’s okay, I just wanted you to know the whole truth from me before someone else tells you something they shouldn’t’
She was astonished as he blurted out his confession to her with his eyes fixed on their hands.
She intertwined her fingers with his, anxiously biting her lower lip before speaking.
‘I like you too, Aasim’ She tried to hide her flushed cheeks with a timid grin
He looked up at her with round eyes that denoted a mixture of disbelief, adoration and a small hint of the fear that once overcame him. Her smile widened once she realized his face regained some color, too.
‘Feelin’ better?’ She asked softly. Aasim chuckled
‘So much better’ He assured her. She hesitantly leaned closer to his face, sending a shudder-like sensation up his spine. Just as he was about to meet her halfway, the door opened violently
‘The raiders are he-’ Mitch found them sitting close and looking flustered ‘Shit, sorry, I didn’t know you guys were...busy’ He smiled as he looked down at his friends’ hands.
Ruby followed his gaze and let go of Aasim’s hands almost as if she could make Mitch unsee what he just saw.
‘Did you just say the raiders are here?’ Aasim stood up, alarmed, making Mitch go back to the more urging situation.
‘Uh, yeah, Clem just saw them. They’ll be here in a couple of minutes. I have to tell the others’
‘We’ll see you there’ Ruby nodded at the boy before he ran off
‘Well…’ Aasim turned around and held her hands once again ‘It’s time…’
‘It’s time’ She repeated, anxiously.
A bell ringing in the courtyard demanded everyone’s presence.
Aasim tried to look outside, but Ruby brought him back to their personal buble with a small peck on his cheek.
‘Don’t be stupid and die on me, okay?’ He looked at her blushing as she uttered her timid plea and couldn’t resist it anymore.
He recovered the kiss she had stolen from him, making the time around them stop as their lips met in a short, tender encounter. It almost felt like their lives weren’t in grave impending danger. As much as they would have liked to stay a little longer in the greenhouse, there were much more pressing matters happening outside.
‘Don’t get kidnapped’ He reminded her
‘We’ll continue this conversation after it’s all over’ She embraced him as a way to give him and herself the strength they needed to fight and win.
(But you know what happened next)
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cherieofthedragons · 7 years
Every Piece of Your Soul
Saeran/MC fanfic
As all of Mint Eye searches for him, Saeran visits MC's room, needing to pour out his soul to her. But when he tries to leave... she has something to say.
Based on a VN at the end of Day 9. Spoilers for Ray’s route.
Author’s note: In preparation for writing Saeran, I have done my best to research Dissociative Identity Disorder, thought control (brainwashing), destructive cults, PTSD, and drug use. It is important to me that I handle these issues with sensitivity and respect. Still, I am human, and I humbly apologize for any mistakes I might make.
I must thank two wonderful people -- @trulycertain, who has graciously beta'd for me, and Drallak, whose insight made this fic possible.
Also posted on AO3, link in my header.
There were no Believers outside her room. Saeran had been watching for a while, and he knew that they were checking in frequently, but apparently the Savior had every hand searching for him. Still, he knew the room wouldn’t be unobserved for long, so he took his opportunity to slip in.
Foolish of him to come here. But he couldn’t stay away. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of her quarters, and within seconds he could make out his surroundings in the moonlight. He searched the room and found her curled up under the covers of the bed Ray had chosen for her.
She was sleeping.
Guilt and relief swept over him in equal measure. She was sleeping, thank god. He’d been keeping her awake on purpose, using sleep as a tool to torment her. Ordering her to answer his chats in the middle of the night, sending Believers to imitate his footsteps and scare her into wakefulness. He yearned to talk to her now, but as he looked at her, he realized it was cruel to rouse her from her slumber. So he leaned against the window and simply watched her.
Ray was there, his presence strong within Saeran, aching for her desperately but not able to take control. The two of them gazed at her from behind the same pair of eyes, drinking in the sight of her: the slow rise and fall of her chest, the flutter of her lashes against her smooth skin. In sleep, she looked peaceful in a way Saeran had never seen her.
Ray had seen her that way. She’d given Ray the same peaceful half-smile she wore now.
Mentally, Saeran shook himself, trying to pull himself out of his haze. He should leave. It was wrong to disturb her. With effort, he summoned the courage to walk out.
And her name escaped his lips against his will.
Dammit. What was he doing?
She stirred at the sound of his voice. “Saeran?”
The name surprised him — she’d said Saeran, not Ray. Waking up from a dream, he’d expected her to think of… “You recognize me right away…” Then guilt hit him. “You weren’t waiting for me, were you?” Lying there, frightened even in sleep that he would come back to hurt her again...
She started to move, and he said quickly, “No need to get out of bed.”
Still, she sat up, blinking in the moonlight. Her piercing eyes were fixed on him now, but there was no fear in them. No, they were full of kindness, understanding, wisdom. How could he ever have lied to himself that they were empty? Those eyes saw everything.
That was why he’d hated them so much. Nobody should see what was inside him. That was why he couldn’t stop staring at them now. He wanted to be seen.
There was so much he longed to tell her, and so much he should never say. The idiotic thing was that he couldn’t tell the difference between the two. When he opened his mouth to speak, all his thoughts came tumbling out. He told her of the battle within him, the need to be near her clashing with the fear that she would somehow triumph over him. He told her how hollow he felt —  how emptiness fueled his anger, how anger created more emptiness. She never gave in and never gave up, caring for him even as he tortured her. She amazed him. He told her that, too.
Her response was quiet. “You said so many cruel words, but you were the one to get hurt.”
Yes. She understood without explanation. That was the problem, wasn’t it? She understood him too well, and it terrified him.
The past two days, he’d been certain that he had to punish her, to torment her until she broke. If he didn’t hurt her, if he let her in, it would be nothing for her to break him first. She could crush him to pieces with a handful of words. So he did everything he could think of to make her suffer. Every pain that had marked him, he inflicted onto her. But — she didn’t break. She stood strong, loving, never losing herself. And in the end, he understood that it was only himself he hated. All the fury he spewed at her was really aimed at himself.
Saeran said all this, too, praying that his words were good enough. As he spoke, Ray became harder and harder to ignore. Ray wanted her so much. He was so scared of being hated. But the hope… it was unshakable. He loved her too deeply.
And Saeran’s path became clear.
“I’m ruined beyond hope. It’s impossible for me to throw away my hatred against the world and start over again in this little hell.” He gathered his courage to say his next words. “But...maybe it is possible for Ray.”
She watched him with wide eyes as he continued talking, listening raptly until his words ran out. Finally, he let out a breath. It was done. He’d said all there was to say. It was time for him to leave.
He was halfway across the room when she cried, “Ray. Ray!”
Her words brought him to a stop, tugging on his heart, holding him back so that he couldn’t take a single step. Within him, Ray was quivering with fear, worry, hope…
Saeran tried hard not to feel the same emotions. Tried, but failed.
“Ray.” The name was a whisper so quiet he had to strain his ears to hear it. She let out a shaky breath. “I love you.”
Her words hit him like a bolt of lightning, both of him, but in very different ways. Ray was electrified, vibrating with excitement and hope. Saeran… Saeran…
It was as though a bucket of ice had been poured over him. She loved Ray. She loved him. Well, that was a good thing, right? They really could be happy, the two of them. Saeran had been right. He had no place. He should disappear, go to sleep, give himself over.
Give her up.
“I love you.” Her voice was a little louder, a little less shaky. “I’m always going to love you. Even if I wanted to stop — and I don’t — I couldn’t. You’re in my heart forever.”
Saeran closed his eyes. Just for a moment, he let himself pretend those words were for him.
“I love — I love —” She took a deep breath. “I love every part of you.”
His eyes flew open.
“Every corner of your mind. All the parts you’re ashamed of. All the parts you hate. The quiet parts. The angry parts. The parts of you that blame yourself, and the parts of you that blame others. There’s not a piece of you that I don’t love.”
Saeran couldn’t breathe. She wasn’t saying — she couldn’t be saying—
“I will love you, every piece of your soul, forever.” Her voice began to shake again. “That’s a promise. Whether — whether you want me to or not.”
Inside him, Ray was on fire. Saeran was on fire, too.
“Can he hear me, too?” she whispered. “Can you tell him? Ray should know, too.”
Saeran turned slowly until he was facing her again. She was watching him. Tears glistened on her lashes, but her mouth was pressed into a determined line. Her chest heaved.
As he watched, a single teardrop trickled down down her cheek, and he had to fight the urge to run to her, to wipe it away. Instead he followed it with his eyes as it slid over her smooth skin. He took in her whole face, the way her determined expression was beginning to twist in pain, the corner of her lips turning down in sorrow. Those lips, those beautiful lips. Ray was so close to the surface — both of them could remember the feel of them against their own, so sweet and soft…
Without thinking, Saeran took a step towards her. She blinked up at him, confusion crossing her brow.
“Can I…” He swallowed, his eyes fixed on her lips. “Would you let me…”
God, what was he doing? What was he saying? He was Saeran, he’d hurt her, tormented her, made her suffer again and again, and he was asking for…
Her eyes went hard, and he prepared himself for the rejection he knew was coming.
Without a word, she stood. Her feet took a step towards him… then another… then another…
She was standing before him now, too close, far too close. Not close enough. Her hand reached for his face, and he flinched, ready for a blow, but she merely ran her thumb across his lower lip. Electricity shot through him at the simple touch.
“This?” she breathed.
He couldn’t speak. He could barely nod. Within him, Ray was radiating joy and love.
She tilted her head up, leaning in closer. In a moment of unbelievable bravery, he bent his head down and touched his lips to hers.
And in that moment, they were one, Saeran and Ray, one person, one heart that beat only for her. One desire filling their mind — to never, ever stop kissing this woman, to never be apart from her again.
Then she pulled away, looking up at him cautiously, and they fractured once more. With all his being, Ray wanted to grab her and pull her into his arms. Saeran wanted the same — and was absolutely terrified of it.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m not him, you know.”
“You’re Saeran,” she said, as if it were obvious. “I know who you are.”
He gaped. “Then… why…?”
In answer, she took both his hands in hers, her eyes never leaving his face. “Don’t hurt anyone anymore,” she murmured. “You don’t need to. You have nothing to prove. You’re strong, and your heart is much greater than you give yourself credit for.”
It was too much. He couldn’t process. “I have to go,” he choked out, stumbling backwards, jerking his hands from her grip. “I’m sorry, I have to… I have to…”
He turned away, nearly tripping over his feet, and staggered towards the door, tears obscuring his vision as he reached the hallway and ran.
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A Fluffy, Fluffy Slice of Life
This is just pure fluff in the human lives of the Sanders Sides. Please enjoy some platonic LoganxPatton and RomanxVirgil that can be read as romantic if your little heart desires. V long, I apologise.
Logan stepped out of his car and right into a puddle on the wet pavement of Roman's driveway. His work shoes were not made to withstand any sort of harsh weather and he could feel water seeping through the toe almost instantly.
The rain had seemed to follow him from his work place, as it had started to pour about when he got out. It was six in the afternoon now, and he had been up since four in the morning trying to absurve the latest meteor shower.
As an astrophysicist, he had made a couple of theories baced around the amount and time the meteors would be visible. He had gotten up extremely early to try and prove his hypothesis correct, but he was left with a lack of sleep and a lack of shooting stars to be seen. Logan prided himself on not being often wrong and attributed his failure to the extreme light potution in the area.
He spent his day at work reaserching and inferring to figure out when the earth would be closest to the asteroid belt. This way he could start the process all over again, spending weeks calculating how close the earth would get to the asteroids, if they would be close enough to be lured into Earth's gravitational pull, and what times would it be best to observe the dazzling light display.
This was not all Logan did with his Astrophysics Degree, but he had recently gotten very interested in meteors and  their visibility.
It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that his friends said they favored meteor showers to watching the plain night sky.
Needless to say, Logan was exhausted. The whole "pizza and board games" idea never seemed that appealing to him, but Patton had suggested it. Logan has found himself doing things he wouldn't normally do just because it was Patton's idea.
So walking up to Roman's house soaked from head to toe with a lack of sleep was not helping his sleepy, irritated mood.
"Logan's here!" Patron cried from the inside of the house as he opened up the door. "Come on in! You must be soaked! Here's a town to dry yourself off with."
Logan decided he wasn't in such a bad mood after all. He smiled at Patton who was now was holding out one of Roman's fluffy red towels.
"Hello, and thank you, Patton." Logan said to his energetic friend. Roman came around the corner and smirked.
"Nice of you to join us, Peter Bland."
"I would perfer if you call me by my real name."
"Na, this is more fun, Mr. Glorified Stargazer."
"I'll have you know that I do much more than stargaze."
"Says you!" Roman stuck his tongue out at Logan and went to go sit on the couch next to Virgil, who looked only slightly less wet than Logan.
"I see you forgot your umbrella too," Virgil said, seeing Logan's hair whitch was being dried off as he spoke.
"Yes. I do not check the weather as much as I should and did not expect a down pour."
Virgil leaned back in the couch. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't even own an umbrella."
"You can have mine!" Patton offered enthusiastically.
"Patton, you can't give away your stuff willy nilly."
"Well, if you need it you can have it."
"Okay, but I'm not taking your umbrella." Roman rolled his eyes at Virgil and Patton's exchange.
"Virgil, you can debate whether or not you are taking Patton's umbrella later. I want to play Monopoly!"
"Oh my god. I'm not taking Sunshine's umbrella!"
Logan sat down in the bid armchair next to the couch. The couch itself was much too small for four full grown adults and Logan never really minded where he sat.
Patton, who left when Roman said he wanted to play Monopoly, came back in the living room with an armful of various board games.
"Patton," Logan interjected. "Monopoly is generally a very lengthy game. We simply won't have enough time in the night to play all of these."
Patton grinned and ploped down on the couch next to Roman, who was now in the middle of Virgil and Patton.
" I know. But what if we finish Monopoly and want to play something else?"
Logan knew this was a possibility, but honestly, he was already very tired and he didn't know if he could make it through more than one long board game.
The four set up the game and ordered a pizza for later. Roman clamed he must he the racecar, to which Virgil responded by calling the thimble. Patton snached the wheelbarrow whitch left Logan to pick between the boat, the shoe, the top hat, or the iron. Logan personally loved the top hat, but he would not ack so childish as to ever say so. He casually chose the silver piece and placed it at the start.
Roman then called being the banker and started to deal out the money. Roman was not a wiz at math, but Logan would bet he did it to feel important rather than show off his skills. From past experiences Logan can guess what will become of this game by about the middle. Roman would be denying others money they had received, Virgil would be stealing money from behind Roman's back, Patton would be the only one keeping track of turns and not cheating, and Logan would be curled up in his chair watching another chaos filled night unfold.
Logan's perdiction was not wrong. By the time the pizza came, the whole game had turned into King Roman who rules the board and the bank battling The Evil Emo who was trying to get his money he rightfully deserved with Patton trying to get Roman to stop guarding the bank and roll. Roman had declared war on Virgil and Patton, claiming Patton a trader to him and his business.
So essentially it had turned out to be more of Dungeons & Dragons with a Monopoly twist.
Logan went out to the kitchen to get paper plates to eat the pizza on. He knew that Roman would just eat in the living room without a care for his carpet or couch, but Logan couldn't bare to see a message so easily avoidable happen right before his eyes. So he pulled out Roman's admittedly very extra paper plates and some plastic cups.
He put a slice of pizza on each of the plates and carried them out in twos.
"The Lowly Eatery Boy From Across the Street is here with some food for both of the fighting , as he has requested to stay neutral in this whole debacle."
"No! You must pick a side!" cried Roman with a flail of his arms that vaguely imitated the motions of swiping a sword. "Either you are for us, or you fall!!!"
"Your evil ways of greed will never stop us!" Virgil said "But, The Lowly Eatery Boy From Across the Street can stay neutral, for anyone who brings us pizza is a friend and may do as he likes." Virgil snached one of the paper plates from Logan and tore off a piece of his slice to put in his mouth.
"Yes, you are welcome to stay neutral, though your cunning and bravery could be used to bring peace once more to Monopoly Town. Balance could be once more when everyone would TAKE THEIR TURN ROLLING instead of hording all the money you Evil King!" Patton chimed in.
And how could Logan protest to that warm invite? He grabbed the cups of water and the rest of the pizza and sat back downin his chair.
"I am not EVIL thank you very much. I am a good and just king who happens to want all the money for himself!"
"Sure. And if I just HAPPENED to want Park Place and Boardwalk, I could just mosey on over there and take them? If so, then ha!" Virgil said as he placed to unpayed houses down and stole the property cards from Roman's bank, which he had been neglecting to guard due to his hands being occupied by his pizza slice.
Patton looked at Virgil in dismay. "You are just as bad as Roman! You have blatantly ignored the rules of this town and sunk down to the king's level! I am breaking up this group. I will not stand to have rule breakers on my team. I'm joining you, Logan in the quest for piece which has been forgotten by even the closest of friends in these dark times."
Logan grinned as Patton stalked over to his chair and sat with a huff on the arm. "You forget yourself, oh great one." Logan said to Virgil. "Have you forgotten why you started this fight in the first place? Now you have sunk down to the king's level and you will forever be doomed to suffer the same fate as he."
Virgil looked at Roman, who had left to get a second piece of pizza. "Well, Princey. I guess we must band together as I have sunk so low as to come to the same place as you."
"Then we will fight together to have all we can! These simple people and their love for rules. They will not know what hit them when we win together in our unconventional ways."
This went on for a while and Logan realized just how tired he was now. It had to be past nine thirty now, which was not ridiculously late, but with how early Logan was awake this morning, it was beginning to catch up to him.
Logan closed his eyes and let his friends words wash over him. He had been less than exited for this get together, but it really turned out quite enjoyable and he didn't remember why he was nothing it so much. He might even suggest it again sometime.
Patton looked over at Logan as he felt something press gently against his shoulder. Since moving over to Logan, Patton's position had changed from sitting on the arm of the chair to squeezed comfortably in the chair next to Logan. Upon looking over he saw that Logan's eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed.
"I think Lo's gone to sleep."
"So he has. The nerd couldn't stand the pure power of of the King and his servant."
"SERVANT?!" Virgil screached, which earned a shush from Patton.
"Sorry... Servent?" Virgil wispered. "I am not your servant!"
This sparked a whisper war between Roman and Virgil as Petton tried desperately to get them to be quiet. Logan shifted in his sleep slightly closer to Patton.
Patton found himself wedged in the corner of the chair with Logan practically on top of him, his form curling around Patton's in his sleep. Patton's eyes widened when he realized the situation he was in. He couldn't get up without waking Logan, and they all know how much he needed sleep these days. So Patton settled into Logan's curl and closed his eyes as well. He wasn't particularly tired, but he felt himself drift off to sleep none the less.
Roman and Virgil tired themselves out quite quickly after Patton fell asleep. They went from whispering to playful wrestling very fast and soon they were both panting on the floor. By the time they had caught their breath Virgil had his eyes closed and Roman had completely relaxed against him.
The four of them would wake up in the morning blushing and trying to detangle themselves from each other. Tommorow Roman would make breakfast for them all and the friends would part their separate ways to go live their lives through work. But right now they lay perfectly still wrapped around each other and they would remain this way for the rest of the night.
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deruste · 8 years
chapter 2 Mira
Well, that was an interesting … experience. Held hostage by a lizard and a guy who was basically was a walking quasar.
          I was drowning in endless darkness and my strength poured out of me, making me weaker and weaker. My gaze shifted to a giant tower that stood in the center of a stone city. The tower had a large spiral that went into the clouds causing them to spin around it in endless cycles. A ring of light suddenly surrounded it, growing larger and larger. It then released an ear blasting boom that rippled through every stone building, every cloud.
          The stone city disappeared before me into a city full of lights and buzzing noise below a gigantic skyline. I looked at me and saw I was in Times Square, In New York. I marveled around me but when I walked around the people went through me, which sent chills to my….. Body, I guess, or spirit, or whatever the hell I am right now. A loud noise that sounded like a thousand crackling thunderstorms being pulled by hundreds of horses came rushing towards me. BUM, BUM, BUM. The blast from the tower apparently was either very near or was extremely fast because it seemed to follow me all the way to Times Square. As it slowly washed over the city, the jumbotrons slowly fell and smashed into thousands of pieces.
           The people all around me started running in terror in all directions and I looked to follow the sound of the rumbling. “What is that? I stood in complete horror as I watched an electrified wave, it was only the beginning. Giant waves rose out of the horizon, swallowing the buildings, and crushing others with its massive girth. All the people that aimlessly ran in different directions were then now caught up in the waves along with all the debris from the buildings. I stood there helplessly watching as people were drowning all around me, and saw that those who weren’t fortunate enough to quickly succumb to death were impaled with debris. That wasn’t the worst of it; in the waves, I saw something worse, my childhood books of monsters came alive. Slithering shadows of various creatures swam all around me, either killing the people that were trapped in the waves or … devoured.
          I couldn’t bring myself to think of it but all around me there were dismembered body parts and blood filled waters. I closed my eyes daring not to open them I didn’t want to see any more carnage.
“Don’t avert your eyes,“ a droning ominous voice said. “To cower is to show them weakness and that would be giving them what they want.” The hollow voice was echoed with no warmth or care in it as if to say “get up, you wimp! It’s just a massacre". The waves were silenced only to be replaced by the roaring of flames.
“I… I remember this,“ I said. As the words came out, I lifted my eyes and saw that the space around me shifted into an apartment that was ablaze.
“MOMMY, DADDY WHERE ARE YOU” A little girl shrieked as smoke started to fill her lungs, slowly suffocating her.
"MIRA HOLD ON!” A horsed voice of a man tore through the smoke, making the girl look less distressed.
“DADDY I’M HERE IN THE LIVING ROOM” the girl screamed as she tried to avoid falling debris from a burning ceiling. The man kicked down the door and reached out for the girl.
“WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW, THE BUILDING WILL FALL IN ANY MINUTE” The girl gave a nervous nod to the man as he picked her off her feet and ran down a burning hallway.
"Daddy is mommy okay” the girl faintly whispered in his ear.
“She is fine Mira, just do me a favor and stay awake, you can rest when we are…” the man’s sentence was cut by the vision blurring them out leaving only a dead man on the floor bleeding under burnt rubble.
“Daddy please wakes up, everything fine now y…y-you can wake up now.” I just stood over the girl as she pleads for her father to get up fell on death ears.
“WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING, Who’s forcing me to see such horrible things "I fell to my knees crying, hoping I was having a horrible nightmare and at any moment mom would wake me up saying that it was a dream. The room felt colder maybe below zero and right in front of me a dark figure started to come out of the ground, and as he raised the light of the fires came pouring into him… “You have someone else to meet, Ms. Mira, please take the exit behind me we will chat another day I promise that much.” I stared at the dark figure, it was nothing but a blot of darkness in the shape of a giant man; I had to pinch myself after that so I was sure that I wasn’t totally insane for seeing that. A rectangular hole was behind him projecting prismatic light that seemed to comfort me in a warm bath of light. “It’s not right to keep someone waiting by doing nothing and by the way, what you saw was just the calm before the greater storm so I would toughen up if I was you.” He said as if it was just a drink that was spilled on a carpet.
“Please tell me this is just a disturbed nightmares or a delusion, please tell me that didn’t truly happen?” He just stood there in silence, not noticing the question or not caring about it at all. He let out a little chuckle and turned his head toward the door
“If you were truly mad would you be questioning these images or even have a reaction to them? Besides, it’s not in my nature to lie about those matters.” All I wanted to do as was leave, so I ran toward the light filled entrance ignoring the dark figure. “Please send my regards to him; I haven’t seen him in a couple centuries.” He faded away after those last words leaving the room empty. I wiped the tears off my face and stared at the illuminated steps in front of me.
“Well nothing ventured, nothing learned,” I said as I stepped through the door of light
Somehow this place gets weirder and weirder as if this supposed dream was trying to one up itself in craziness. I really want to know what a person has to do to reach this pinnacle of madness, maybe jalapeño with a giant jug of alcohol. The doorway led to a stairway that spiraled around a pillar of what seemed to be a starry night wrapped into a roll, and when I looked to another side it looked like the stairway went down straight to earth from space. “I better have some answers as soon as I reach the top or someone is going to meet the back of my hand” I looked behind me and saw that the doorway closed itself, great I might be possibly trapped here forever.
I looked up and saw that there was a platform with a purplish glow emitted from its sides at the end of the stairs. The further I got, the more I relived the last hour or so and I mean that literally because images swirled into existence in the shape of little puffs of smoke that circled around me showing me different memories. The smallest puff forced itself front of the others and floated right in front of me. “Now what?” The cloud shifted into my face and just stood there as if it was examining as if to say, what a lovely specimen. It distorted itself changing into a comical version of my face. The imitation of my face then started spewing out a gas that enveloped me and the staircase in a black mist that was darker than obsidian that blinded me and began to swirl into another place. “Not this again,” I groaned, it was mystifying the first time, but it was just getting ridiculous.
The image finished swirling around me and now was … “What?” It was in my high school, Celeste High. I was in the lunch room filled to the brim with seated teenagers, eye glasses watching those corny 80’s or 90’s orientation video, staring at people that looked too old to be in high school in an almost cartoonish situation. The lunch room was completely dark except the light of the screen and what light could get in from under the doors, a girl came in from one of the closed doors with a very confused look on her face. She was had very tanned skin and looked as if she was playing the klutz for a kids T.V show. “Wait, that’s me!” It was what I looked like on my first eyeglasses, a dark blue sweater the jeans, and of course sneakers. It was also the last day I ever let my hair down instead of the ponytail I have nowadays.
“She, me… my God! I don’t even know anymore, rushed in with most of her supplies falling from her arms. Books and pencils falling everywhere as the girl tried to hold her glasses in place, and all the while the others kids watched with smug smiles or uninterested pity for the dark right in front of them. A girl came rushing to help her pick up the supplies.
"Hey, you new here?” The girl who came to help her had jade eyes and pale skin and red dyed hair.
"Uh, uh.” My younger self is a true example of human grammar skill. My younger self-was blushing extremely from embarrassment. “Thank you I…I moved here a few days ago actually" She managed to get out trying to cover his face. “Well… my name is Amber what’s, yours?“
"Mira, Mira Atherton” I know, I know, what kind of name is that? Moving on, after she helped pick up her books she showed her to an open seat right next to her and two guys who looked bored as hell.
“Who is this Amber?” The boy had black hair that was a cut very neatly near his forehead but also had a ponytail.
“At least she seems nicer than the last random person she had us meet.“ This boy had very dark skin and had a corn roll style hair cut with a tiny goatee. "Oh sorry, what’s your name?”
“Uhhh, Mira Atherton, what are your names.” she said, dumbfounded by these strange people.
“My name is Alex, and this is Damien”, said the corn roll style boy while the ponytailed one nodded.
“So what’s your story, just a regular transfer or running from a psycho ex” Amber started to laugh excessively from Damien’s comment. Amber’s impish laugh always sends chills down my spine, to be honest. Damien had laugh lines on his tanned face that seemed to suggest that he laughed a lot, while Alex just seemed to make a sarcastic chuckle that broke the others laugh.
“My mom actually got a job here so we had to move,” my younger self-replied.
"Well if you want we can show around town this weekend and be also going to the forest tonight to help Alex with his horticulture project.” Damien casually said not knowing he would nearly lose his head for his friend project by an attack from an anthropomorphic dragon.
“No, don’t go, stay at home and forget you even heard of that damn forest!” But as with the people in Times Square no one could see or hear me, a large kid walked through me and I got an un-needed look at his anatomy.
“Strange I don’t usually get guests, much fewer humans here. Pray, tell what your name is.” I jumped at the sound of the new voice.
“W…Who are you?” I asked              
“Oh that’s the question of the millennia, you humans haven’t given me a proper name, but I do usually go with Zelnam for your … type.” The voice remarked as the vision started to stop time. “But first let’s clean up this horrendous mess, those Lares have no manners what so ever. I can’t even remember why I keep them around”
“What do you mean by my type and what’s a Lares?” I want answers and I wanted them now, no disembodied voice is stopping me from getting them.
“My meaning is that your special Miss Mira and Lares are spirits of the dead, they typically bring back horrible memories of people’s past or suck out their souls. But enough with beating around the bush I will reveal myself to you” The vision turned to smoke again and began to swirl like a squall in a singular area of the steps. The person that came out of the squall was equal parts beautiful and disturbing.
Mira part 2 The body seemed to fit the voice, though; he was in the shape of a well-built man with entire galaxies on his body with a rugged face and tiny supernovas as pupils’. He carried a staff containing a black hole and a robe with a moving image of the solar system with the lower half his body with what I can only describe as man skirt which almost made me burst out laughing. “I see you’re beside yourself with amazement to see my true form. It’s not typically one I go with often but breathtaking nonetheless, do you agree?“ I just stood there trying to give a straight face at his Dumbledore rip-off robe.
“Pffft maybe you should add some pants; at least, ill,” I said trying to contain my laughter at this ridiculous sight. “If it makes more you comfortable” He nodded his head and, his man-skirt was now replaced with what look like the lower half of a proper robe. “Now let’s talk, ask any question you like and as many as you need"
“All rigI'llbite what is this place and what are you?”
“This place is known as the spiral of Azria, a sacred place for practitioners of Arcane Arts. As for my own identity I have and will always be known as Zelnam nothing more, nothing less.” He seemed to have a disinterest in the question as he seemed to only have focus in a never ending darkness that surrounded the spiral.
“Why am I here and can you put me … back into my body.” To say these questions were awkward to ask would be a massive understatement, but I was talking to a glorified walking galaxy so it evens out.  
“An unwitting O.B.E experience, it’s quite commonplace with mages who just discovered their abilities. I can nudge you in the right direction towards your body.” The words were stuck in the air awhile before it finally sunk in.
“Wait, what does that O.B.E mean? And what do you mean by a mage?” He suddenly turned his head toward the bottom of the spiral towards earth. He had expression only suitable to when you told someone close to you has been hurt.
“I’m afraid I might have to cut this short Ms. Mira that I will give you a token of my good will. You will have a great need of it for the danger you will face if you wish to live through this …” he stopped talking abruptly as if he finished that sentence something terrible would happen. He turned his gaze towards me and held out his hand. “Make a covenant with me and I will help you with your out of body experience and I will give a gift that will surely help you in this dire time.”  
“But I still have a question that begs answers, like what are you? And did you know those monsters that attacked me? And I’m not making and coven- whatever’s till I get them.” I put my foot down on the ground towards his offer the only rebuttal he gave was a glance back down towards earth.
“I don’t have time to deal with this, so I’ll give you a taste of what I can give to you and send you back towards your body but, I'll contact you again when I have the chance just follow the advice of the creatures you’ll encounter next if you want more answers.”
“But I-.” I was cut short as a vortex appeared and it felt as though a snare was put around me that was sucking me into it.
“You shall find that the world you know as of late has died and shall never be the same but have faith, for you and humanity shall endure but shall live in a whole new world and shall share it with all manner of magical beast and mortal being. May you find your place among them?” With that, he waved his hand and I was sucked into the vortex. When I enter the portal I had just the same feeling as before, my strength leaving me and a drowning feeling. This time around thought I hit something hard and my eyes close out from exhaustion setting in as I heard a familiar voice.
“Mira, Mira wake up."I was in tremendous pain feeling as if I was pulled apart and put back together. I manage to open my eyes and peek out who was yelling at me to wake up. A girl with long red hair wearing a hello kitty shirt and jeans pants ripped up at the knees was stand over a kind of hospital bed where it appears I had been lying on.
”*Cough* *Cough* Amber…?“ she shed a tear and instantly hugged me with joy nearly crushing my ribs.
"Thank god you’re alright! You had been out of it for hours. Everyone was worried sick.”  
“Please amber you're crushing my ribs *cough*.” She immediately released me from her steel -like grip and I saw three men in the shadows of the room.
“We have a few questions for Ms. Mira but we could save them for when you feel well enough.“ The biggest of the figures was talking but I still felt woozy.
"Just let her rest Tal-no, she needs to rest this off.” I started to doze of sinking into shadows again.
“Oie, this again.” I drifted off to sleep once more.
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