#sorry if there are typos 😳
twistedappletree · 1 year
Modern hualian is just a tech savvy Hua Cheng constantly impressing Xie Lian by showing him how to use a smart phone
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sparklingpax · 1 year
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh anyway writing more masterforce fic--
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crystallizsch · 3 months
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The First Kiss (?)
yuusha tala x jamil viper (oc x canon) word count: 800+ cw: pure angst
(awajkjfsdkjl omg some writing reveal about their relationship dynamic? 😳 ALSO THIS ENDED UP BEING LONGER THAN INTENDED AAHH and there are bound to be typos in here but uhhh anyways—)
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At last, they found themselves alone, wrapped in each other's arms, savoring the calm evening air.
Yuu smiled and raised her bare hands to cup Jamil’s cheeks gently. It was rare for the prefect to have her gloves off. So Jamil’s face heated up at the touch.
“Haha. Your face is warm, Jamil.”
“Whose fault is that I wonder?”
“Couldn’t be me.”
They joked, feeling their breathy giggles against one another and realizing their lips were almost touching.
Was this… Was this finally the moment?
Sure, she was already incredibly lax with him before — being affectionately touchy with him and constantly giving him quick and casual kisses on the cheek (as she does with basically her closest friends). But they seemed to have become close in a way that was more than Yuu’s “overly friendly” nature.
So what about a kiss on the lips?
A sudden wave of uncertainty hit the magicless prefect. Her hands dejectedly slid back down Jamil’s chest as they curled into fists.
The implications of a first kiss on the lips felt a lot heavier on her than she thought.
They have both been dancing around their feelings about one another. They both knew what they felt about one another and even made a show of teasing each other for it. But neither explicitly stated what those feelings even were.
Yuu felt much more guilty in that regard, considering her more than a flagrant expression of that affection toward him. One would think she was leading him on, but that was never the case.
And she really, truly liked him but—
Jamil tightened his arms around her waist when he felt the hesitation in her body. This subtle move caused Yuu to look deep into Jamil’s eyes again. Her heart squeezed at the sight of a soft and gentle look as she looked back with a distinctly sorry expression on her face.
It was bizarre that these were once the dangerous eyes that brought her pure hatred toward him. Now that they looked so kind and genuine, they admittedly felt more dangerous. How unfair.
“…..We don’t have to, you know,” Jamil said in a low voice. It sounded vague enough that even he did not know if he was only referring to them sharing a kiss or having a relationship overall. He also tried to be reassuring, but he was aware of the slightly sad and disappointed tone he let slip in his voice.
Yuu gulped and then felt her breath hitch in her throat. It was as if Jamil had read her mind.
Damn you, she wanted to say to him. At this point, she did not know what to say. Yuu felt like she was caught in a lie and wanted to prove him wrong. But she can’t. It wasn’t that she felt anything less for him; she simply felt conflicted about finally sealing her feelings with a kiss. The prefect just wasn’t ready. She doesn’t know when she will be. And she did not want to admit that.
Meanwhile, Jamil was relatively ready to receive that kiss. Of course, he would not say that out loud. From his perspective, Yuu would have to act first if there was truly something more to their relationship. But it seems like today was still not that day.
“I’m sorry…” Yuu whispered under her breath.
Jamil did not answer. Instead, he gave a quick peck on the prefect’s nose, which caused her face to flush. She quickly buried her face on his shoulder with a shaky sigh, her hands gripping his clothing. The vice housewarden half-heartedly laughed at her reaction as he snaked his hands higher around Yuu’s back, giving her a gentle hug instead.
There were no words exchanged between them for a period of time. They simply rested in each other’s embrace.
Still, this indeterminate name to their relationship weighed heavily on both of them.
Jamil couldn’t even say that he would wait for her. Because that would be a lie. As painful as that realization may be, he knows he wouldn’t. Why would he? Yuu repeatedly expressed her homesickness anyway.
Besides, Jamil was used to it. All good things were never permanent. That was what he was telling himself at least... Somehow this time, it was getting harder and harder to convince himself that he could simply accept losing something — her specifically.
And for Yuu’s part, she was also aware of this — that she knows she’ll be leaving all of this behind one day. The prefect had her own plans for the future, and she assumed that the vice housewarden would have his own.
There was no point in committing to anything. Because if they dare even act upon their true feelings, or heavens forbid say it out loud, it will make the inevitable separation even harder.
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this was the vibe when i was writing this btw hgffjhklj
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simp4konig · 1 year
König finding out that you are hard of hearing
Gender-neutral Reader
*Slow burn
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Word count: ~4265
Always ignoring your Colonel, König takes it into his own hands to finally turn your attention on to him.
What he doesn't anticipate... is that you have actually been hard of hearing all along.
*‼️Mature themes**‼️ (mostly in the form of König's overly sexual[ised] fantasies and downright delusional thoughts of you). König is a MAJORRR pervert, and you're oblivious. 😋💅✨
I AM BACK!!!! 😳😳FROM THE *DEAD*!!!!! ☠️💀🧟‍♂️And ive fot a lil smth planned for you Ghost lovers ;)
*Many thanks to -—>@trepaika<;—-🤭💖✨💓💞🩷💕 for proofreading this !!😇😇 I had no energy whatsoever to read it afger typikg this out so i am so honoired that you took time out of your day/night to help mw out and it rlly means alot 🥹🥹💙💙🩵🫂💙🩵 you better do yoir fucking biologu work afterthis 😡😡
*Thabk you so much to @reyner-lee for this request!! 🥰💖💖💕 Initiallt, i was aiming for a "idiots in love" plot where König and reader are both oblivious😩😩😩 . .... made König veey mentally unstable and psosessive instead ☠️☠️💀, mb broski😇💁🏼‍♀️🧚✨🌟💫💕💞💞💕✨
no but seriouslh i didnt mean to mwke this so mature it was meant to be a FLUFFY(mayb a little bit angsty 😳) fic as ALWAYS😡😡 so im SO sorry for dekivering something COMPLETELY different to what u probs had in mindbc lets face it this is completely diffetent to whay i initially hwd in mind too LMAO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
*Part of the KönigxKing series (drabbles with loose plot, no world-building just a collection of one-shots)
*Edited 14/10/2023 for typos
Tag List ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @abysslovesyou ♡ @puff0o0 ☆ @rustic-guitar-notes ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @reyner-lee ☆ @lotionlamp ♡ @trepaika
You couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when your hearing worsened.
As a soldier, heightened senses were something of a blessing, especially in high-pressure situations: a 20/20 vision, a gut feeling, or even just the ability to distinguish the most indistinguishable of sounds that others would miss was something of a life-saver.
Hairs standing on end and goosebumps running down arms could alert a soldier — you — to an assassin sneaking behind them, hand with a knife glistening under reflected light in the dark, poised ready to slit their neck.
Instead, you could save yourself in the nick of time by executing them before they had the chance to do so.
Stealth on missions was a lifeline. To sneak in and out, to extract intel, evading all detection all the while, and to disappear when you hadn't even appeared on the enemy's radar in the first place made you breathe easier on the journey home.
The ability to hear footsteps in enclosed spaces and pinpoint the exact location of someone through a mis-step on a creaky floorboard or a squeaky door hinge was vital. Crucial. An important distinction between life or death, between success and failure.
Obviously, you were no super-soldier. In fact, your eyesight was below average — having to wear contact lenses specifically designed to be as discreet as possible so you weren't a walking lighthouse sending a signal to your postion always — and you could never separate the feelings of foreboding from the foreshadowing of what was to come, the fine line between imagination and intuition blurred.
However, hearing shuffling that others wouldn't, muffled footsteps upstairs that others couldn't, hushed voices around the corner that others would miss, gave you and your team the upper hand.
You weren't the best, but you proved damn useful, more useful than someone that could see in the dark or a person that had some omniscient sixth-sense.
At least your hearing used to be put to good use. Could have been put to good use.
Up to the point when a grenade blew off right beside you on a mission.
No time to realise, no time to react, and no time to recover from the shock, let alone alone to dive for cover, a blast flung you to the side, arms and legs flailing mid-air like a lifeless ragdoll. Time seemed to slow down, and for what felt like an eternity — mere seconds in reality — you were suspended in the air.
Body suddenly thudding on solid ground with a deep thump, you hit your head so hard against the pavement that you had thought you cracked your skull. Debris toppled over your stomach, dust making your eyes tear up and cough painfully, collapsed brick all around you.
You groaned in agony as an ear-splitting ringing inside your head nearly broke your forehead in two.
You couldn't raise your limbs, body limp and weighed down by what felt like a tonne, but could feel the thick waterfall of blood through the open wound on the side of your head; staining your uniform, streaming into your mouth, the metallic taste and smell on your tongue and in your nostrils.
Confusion, disorientation. Bewilderment.
Seeing double, figures running to and fro looked like a dozen, and panic stiffened you.
Desperate blinking eyes squinting to try and make sense of the scene before you, head spinning and unable to think clearly, struggling to lift the limbs that each weighed a tonne, all you did — all you could do — was lay there. Limp.
No one was nearby to help you, and your anxiety intensified: it was just you, and broken debris to keep you company, all noise muted aside from the high-pitched screeching.
Not much is clear from that incident after that. Memories are hazy and unclear.
All you remember are hands tapping your face, tugging your arm and willing your eyes to focus. Then, those same hands suddenly lugging you up by the scruff of your collar and slinging you over their shoulder. Finding yourself being lifted off by a helicopter, and ultimately passing out in the end.
Medics told you your ear drums were inverted, turned inside out from the force, and ear canal blocked by dust. Thankfully, all you required for the head injury were a few stitches, and you wouldn't suffer any brain damage.
Still, the news of becoming hearingly impaired made your world come crashing down.
Yes, you'd still be able to process sounds, they assured, but not as well as you used to.
An official diagnosis was made, and condolences were given to you, for there was nothing that could be done to fix your hearing. You were practically inoperable as the risk was too high, and you could go permanently deaf if the procedure was to go wrong.
You didn't reveal you having a hearing impairment to anyone — why should you, anyways? Things like this happened, and there were people in your faction that have had it worse.
Besides, it wasn't like you would be permanently deaf or anything, you reasoned, so the only thing to do was keep working.
Like you used to. All things considered you were a good shot, with good aim, with good spatial awareness and reaction times.
You could keep working, keep serving your country.
Yet you didn't work like you used to.
How intensely you stared at people, their face, eyes darting from theirs and their lips, was passed off as you being attentive.
No one would have considered that you were desperately trying to keep up with everyone else, and feeling like you were left behind. To fend for yourself as the world moved in triple speed, while you were still processing your new circumstances.
Of course, no one noticed the change.
And König, for one, sure didn't.
Completely enamored by you, he thought it foolish, really, to be so taken by a soldier, one below him in ranks and younger than him.
Yet, he admired you, was your secret admirer, and let his feelings blind him to what could have been so easy to see.
Well, to onlookers, his admiration for you was far from secret. In fact, it was obvious. Very obvious.
Initially, people joked that you were going to be reprimanded by the Colonel, taught a valuable lesson for some mishap you had committed, when you'd be pulled aside. Not a single one could have forseen König's behaviour towards you.
Stares, only strategically turning his head when you looked in his vague direction. An aura of threat, had it not been for the way his eyes sparkled. Held a particular glint that no one could pinpoint his intentions, and his needing to excuse himself to go to the restroom and not return for half an hour.
Walking behind you, guarding you at all times. Making sure he figuratively — and literally — had your back. A hand that would roam, explore, and push its limits, figuring out how low he would have to go before you broke, before you'd beg for more.
Demonstrating combat moves to you under the pretence that it would help fix your reaction times, all an excuse to be near you, to touch your mid-section and rest his hands on your body for seconds longer than necessary.
Touches that he would commit to memory, that would help him reach his climax behind closed doors at the thought of feeling your bare skin, and the feeling of your clothed body having to suffice.
No, none of it showed intent to humiliate you like they thought he would; rather, it was evident that their Colonel had taken a liking to you. Favoured you among the rest.
Obviously, no one saw the perverted nature behind your interactions, the side that König revelled in.
You always seemed to appreciate the gestures, albeit hesistantly, and would blush up to your ears and would flash him an uncertain yet award-winning smile, one that made blood rush up to his face and lower half as he wondered what other sorts of facial expressions you could be making, and whether that smile would stay if you saw his most intimate self.
However, you rarely paid him any attention afterwards. Would go on about your day, as if he wasn't even there.
Ignored him, as if he wasn't worth your time, or even your acknowledgment.
He'd attempt small-talk with you when you were on your own, trying all he could to find common ground, to keep you interested —or, butt in the conversation when someone else diverted your attention from what should have been on him — but, throughout it all, your facial expression was blank. Like you didn't even recognize him.
Eyebrows furrowed, wondering why your colleague stopped talking, you'd only come to realise that König existed when they'd nudge your side with their elbow, whispered frantically in your ear, and when you turned back around you'd jump up with seemingly exaggerated fright, blushing.
Stuttering and sputtering apologies to your superior with a bowed head, eyes avoiding his, König thought that there was a triumphant smirk that you were hiding, a strut as you walked, back turned as you flaunted your way out of the room in a mischievous manner.
Teasing, testing the waters to see how long you could go on without admitting that he was there next to you, to see how long König would last before he broke.
Oh, the things that you were doing to him.
Fury brewed in König, and he'd stew over your (his) one-sided interactions, your blatant ignorance of him, your complete disregard of him. Regarding him as not worth your time, and seemingly ignoring him with an air of superiority.
So imprudent, so rude, and such a daring little thing. So fucking naughty.
Contradicting urges of wanting to yank you by the collar into a passionate kiss in front of anyone and everyone and marking you as his in his private quarters became near impossible to contain. To put you in your place, and prove that you weren't all that that you made yourself out to be.
After all, brats like you had to be tamed, and König would not stand you demeaning his ego like that.
Reprimands from unsuspecting soldiers got harsher. Spitting at others in a rasping voice, barking commands loudly from the background. Drills became a living nightmare — everyone a target for König's relentless bullying. Sparring became relentless, and damn-near a deadly duel as he was unrelenting, remorseless.
König needed to release his pent-up frustration somehow.
König hated that his love was unreciprocated, and would be in a bad temper, stomping around the grounds looking for an inferior to abuse.
He loathed how you made him feel, yet loved what you made him feel, his feelings intensifying when you were in eyesight, and the knuckles of his fists turning white, shaking with rage as you frolicked off with some dummkopf, some piece of shit saukerl that didn't pay attention to you like he did, not considering the higher-ranking alternative.
Figuratively speaking: as, let's face it, König was the full package; and literally speaking, as he had a full package of his own to satisfy your every need, and would convert you to his lover in an instant.
You were an enigma. König couldn't read you at all, and was in internal turmoil.
Why couldn't he win you over? Were you really that high-maintenance, or playing hard to get?
You had to like him back. There was no way you weren't doing this on purpose.
Were you really that unbothered? Unbothered by his advances, not caring at all?
Or, were you really just proud, too full of yourself to pay respect to your superiors?
Really, König should have taught you a personal lesson if that had been the case, one so personal you'd learn to never disrespect him ever again, and be as respectful as a little darling as ever.
...Yet you? You couldn't have been more oblivious.
Sensing a presence in the background as you scrolled mindlessly on your phone, you only became vaguely aware of something off about König when you realised the intensity of a stranger's stare, bearing down on your neck.
Glare. König's glaring at you from afar, camouflaged in the corner by the shadow of the dimly-lit room, the few flickering light bulbs all the more unnerving.
Only in close proximity did you become aware of your Colonel, imposing even while sitting down, tall even with his being hunched over.
Accidentally meeting the eyes behind the veil draped over his face, he unapologetically took up as much space in the room as he could, back straightened to his full height and long legs wide spread apart in an act of dominance.
Those eyes pierced yours, and made you shiver, all intentions of small-talk drying in your throat and, in fear of becoming tongue-tied and losing your cool, you said nothing.
Why was he just... staring at you like that? Did you do something wrong?
It made you shudder, and you shivered, trying to shake off the ominous feeling.
Never in a million years would you have thought that König had any sexual romantic interest in you — if anything, with that grim expression you'd have thought he'd had a bone to pick with you.
He looked absolutely terrifying. A beast of a man, with penetrating eyes.
Unbeknownst to you, König was undressing you with those same eyes. Penetrating, yes, but imagining scenarios where he himself would he penetrating you.
He made himself so inviting, with the spot on his lap reserved as a seat especially for you, reclining on a chair with a head in his palm as he gazed at you in interest.
He even considered making a gesture with his hand, a beckoning finger signalling for you to "Come here", just to make it loud and clear that he was welcoming you, and wanted you exactly where he had positioned himself.
Until some soldier entered the room, saw you and hit you up, starting casual banter and exchanging sarcastic remarks, which made you laugh. The tension melting in your body, you allowed yourself to relax, and forgot about what was looming in the very same room.
To König, the man was flirting with you, and with the way you had a hand clasped over your mouth, practically swooning over the guy, it was solidified.
Grinding his teeth in frustration, he jolted upright, and the chair he was sat on was nearly flung backwards from his sudden action, a deafening screech echoing in the room.
Two pairs of eyes on him, he beckoned the man over to him:
"Come here. I have a duty for you, sergeant."
Only this time, he wasn't at all inviting, and even the man beside you knew he was in for it big time with how König's fury was seething.
"Toilettendienst, weil du ein Stück Scheiße bist."
Cackling, and a sly, venomous smile under his veil. "I'm sure you'll love it, seeing as you can't mind your own business."
Your encounters with König were terrifying, but you tried with all your might to keep them out of your mind. After all, you were still struggling to get by, so to be so on edge would only make matters for you worse.
Having people repeat what they said to you over and over again was passed off as bad signal or static over walkie-talkies, yet without being able to read their lips you were practically deaf and couldn't interpret the gargling, speech drowned by the feeling of your head being underwater.
However, you managed. Managed to keep afloat, somehow. Clung on to your life raft, despite the crashing waves of the tide that flung you from side to side.
And, lulled into a false sense of security, you were contracted for another mission.
Just like before, and on all the other missions before all the ones before your injury, all seemed to be going smoothly.
No sudden movements, no noises out of the ordinary. Nothing amiss.
Except, suffocating silence had shifted and pushed its weight down against you, swirling and following your movements as it had slowly tied a noose around you and your crew's necks, making it difficult to breathe.
But you shrugged it off. You rationalised your nerves as post-morbid jitters. No way was it a gut feeling.
It was unusual how well things were going, and was second-guessing yourself after not having had been deployed in ages.
Your guessing proved to be true, and it was a shame that you realised this too late.
Ambushed out of nowhere, bullets and blood were all that you saw; blasts and bangs were all that you heard.
No one escaped unscathed. Every single one of the operators had sustained some sort of injury, yours minor scratches compared to gaping bullet wounds, stabs in the abdomen, and broken bones.
Intense guilt plagued you for hours, days afterwards, and you were unable to look those colleagues in the eyes for days, weeks afterwards.
How could you let that happen?
Clawing up the ranks until you were finally trusted, finally deemed worthy, it shook you to your very core that you failed to forsee any of this. Failed your colleagues. Failed.
No one blamed you, because they didn't connect the dots that you were the common denominator behind both incidents, the one that catastrophically failed your allies.
König, seeing you in your most vulnerable state, pounced at the opportunity to finally confront you once and for all. To settle the doubts in his mind and come to a solid conclusion.
He wasted no time in hunting you down as you were walking, alone, a predatory look in his eyes.
At last, cornering you in a remote area where no one would interrupt, nor allow you weasle your little way out of it again:
You dropped your head, avoiding his gaze. Readying yourself for the severe scolding, being berated by König, you dropped your head, cowering below him.
"Before you say anything—" mumbling under your breath, "—I will admit this myself first."
"I... I messed up. Messed up completely on this mission. I'm— I'm so sorry for endangering your men, for nearly getting the entire crew killed. It was my fault."
König's eyes widened a little. This was the most you had ever said to him in one conversation. And you sounded so... sincere.
...Could he have had the wrong perception of you all along? Were you just... Timid? Shy? Maybe a little bit introverted even, and not one for socialising?
No, that couldn't have been right.
He needed to interrogate you, press you for information, put you under pressure. You'd break then, and he'd finally figure out the truth for himself.
"Ja," he spat shortly, voice unwavering and eyes betraying no emotions. "You did mess up. My men are all injured."
You were mortified when all you could interpret was harsh gibberish. None of the words made sense to you, and you couldn't differentiate any consonants from the syllables.
You breathed in deeply, feeling so foolish for thinking of asking this, and prepared yourself for the worst:
"Sorry, sir? Can you repeat that?"
König was the one to be bewildered this time. For a few agonisingly long moments, he needed to process what you had just said. Your request.
Finally, it sank in.
Oh, you were in for it now.
What did you mean "Sorry, sir?"?
You ignored him, have been ignoring him for all this time, and you had the gall to give him attitude?
Worst of all, to fail to pay attention when he is was scolding you?
No. König wasn't having it.
Both hands slammed against the wall above you, with such a force that even you could hear a deep crack of splintering brick.
With you trapped, he wasn't about to let you go until you learned your place.
"You're not going to say anything anything more, maus?" He leans in closer, steel-blue eyes betraying no emotion baring into yours. "Pip-squeak has lost its voice, has it? You really should learn manners."
Understanding "...going to say anything more, maus?... Pip-squeak... should learn manners" it was enough for you to understand what he was implying, and you were confused. In disbelief. Bewildered.
"S-sir, I—! "
Eyes wide, you shook your head vehemently, hands held up in protest. "—It's not like that at all! I swear!"
König quirked a brow, leaning in closer. Licked his lips inquisitively, curious to hear your defence.
"I've not... been ignoring you, sir. Never. I wouldn't ever do that..."
You trailed off, averting your gaze. "...Or, at least, consciously..."
You bit your lip. Shifting uncomfortably, your fingers fidgeted, fingernails digging into the palm of your hand. How were you going to explain this?
"Y-you see, I'm—"
Bracing yourself, you breathed in deeply.
"—I-I'm— I'm actually hard of hearing."
König blinked twice. It was his turn to be confused, and he pulled away a few inches, concentrating hard.
Seeing the blank look in his eyes, you immediately clarified:
"N-not deaf, obviously! — I suppose I can still hear, in a way — but my hearing is not good. I struggle to understand people."
A defeated sigh. "Communication is tough enough because I'm not good at reading lips yet, and..."
"...with you, it is — would — have been impossible, because of the—"
A weak gesture towards his face covering "—mask..."
An awkward pause.
"L-look sir, I'm sorry for ignoring you. Honestly, I never meant to. It's just I—"
"Never heard," König said, nodding faintly. "I understand."
He understood, alright. Understood what a moron he had been all this time.
God, what a fool he was.
All this time, concocting scenarios of finding a way to prove himself to you, of asserting his authority, of sexually frustrated evenings considering all the possibilities, all personality traits... was all one-sided pining.
Poor thing, you were just oblivious.
He couldn't blame you, and was kicking himself for viewing you as anything other than a pure soul.
If he had known this, known of your condition earlier, perhaps he wouldn't have been so frustrated, so confrontational.
Now, he had ruined all his chances with you by intimidating you out of nowhere.
God, he was such an idiot.
Embarrassed, and not knowing what to say, he sheepishly slid his hands off the wall.
Coughing twice, he cleared his voice, and projected his voice so it was clearer and louder:
You looked up, face showing shame and genuine guilt.
"Gut. Keep looking at me."
To your surprise, König's hand was reaching up to his veil, fingers hooking under the the hem.
In a prolongued but fluid movement, the fabric was pulled up, and, slowly, slowly, he revealed his face.
His white chin and stubbled jawline came into view first. Only slightly defined, not modelled after some Greek God, yet not lacking definition, either.
Then, thin lips, pale pink and pressed into a tight line.
A hooked nose, crooked likely from it being broken more than once before, neither long nor large nor flat. Perhaps slightly off-center.
Keeping the fabric in place, he would not raise it higher.
After a few seconds of silence, you saw how his Adam's apple moved when he gulped, his lips quivering as he breathed in deeply.
Even seeing the half of his face, he looked handsome to you.
"Well... is this better?"
Mouth moving to reveal white teeth, some misshappen and others crowded, it looked as if he had never worn braces before.
He swallowed thickly, then his hot breath fanned your face, mouth partly-open as he panted in increasing agitation.
Blue-gray eyes looked into yours, no longer domineering. Instead, pleading.
Wanting your affirmation, to be reassured that you would appreciate him partly presenting his identity to you, the most vulnerable part of him.
To be told that you truly did appreciate this gesture after all.
A smile tugged at your lips. "Yes. Much better, sir."
You were touched.
To think, that your commander, your Colonel, the big, beefy, burly man, the masked soldier of towering stature, would go out of his way to be sensitive. To be at the mercy of you.
It made you tear up a little. No one had ever gone out of their way to accommodate you like this, and it left you at a loss for words.
"Sir, I—"
"Nein. Call me König."
Cleared throat. "König, sir—"
A devillish smirk formed on his face, and he shook his head.
"Gott, such a sweet little thing," he cooed, purposefully slowing down his speech so you could interpret it on your own. "Will need to have you getting used to you saying my name, ja?"
Those steel blue eyes had melted. Were warm. Held a fondness in them that he hadn't had before — or, maybe they had, but you had never noticed it until now — either way, you felt at ease with him. With König.
One of your biggest mistakes.
"Thank you, König. Really. For being so patient."
Rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly, you shot him a bashful, lopsided grin.
"I'm sorry that you had to be patient in the first place! I wish I could make it up to you, König. I really do."
König's mind flashed with blasphemous images of you.
Images that he had visualised in vivid detail, when he had been longing for you, longing to have you around him.
He was almost regretting what he had on his mind, yet, he reasoned, it was only fair you gave him a reward.
For his patience.
The smirk on his face became broader. Serpentine.
"Don't you worry, meine liebe. I know of a way."
A cackle, sounding forced and a little too loud to be genuine.
"I'll make sure that you'll be loud enough so that even you can hear it for yourself."
Note: i promised yesterdag id get thus oit today ... 🥹Bit late cuz at the time im typimg this ntoe its 22:33 (gonna be later once i proofread this for the final time😫😫) Edit: its 23:25 and i have a test tmr hahaHHhahahahAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA 😍😍😍😍
Hope yoi guys like perverted König 🗿 i for one do 😇😇 (fyi, it was NOT MT INTENTION to write him in this wau I PROMISW😭😭😭😭😭it just sorta happened and i rolled witj it ☠️💀)
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jerzwriter · 3 months
Father's Day Plans
A/N: Last year, I found a few things that would have made perfect gifts for Tobias's grown girls to give him on Father's Day, and I never got around to completing the edits. This year, I fixed that! The girls are 24, 22, and 18 in this fic. Tobias and Casey are 63 and 54 😳 But still sexy as hell! lol A/N 2: Sorry for a few typos in the text fic, I don't have the energy to correct them! lol
Book/Fandom: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias x Casey Characters: Tobias x Casey's adult daughters: Samantha, Brooke & Kayla; Also, Ethan Ramsey, Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela & Sienna Trinh. Rating: Teen Category: Text Fic & Instagram Post Summary: Father's Day is coming and Tobias's grown daughters are planning a celebration for him along with their Mom. On Father's Day, Tobias shares a post of the gifts he received.
The insta edit is here. I forgot to attach it. I'm a dork. That's all... lol
Happy Father's Day to those who celebrate!
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@openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
Tagging others separately.
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Ryunosuke Tsunashi - Drama Collection 2 Summer Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Haruka Isumi: Good work today, this is Haruka Isumi from ŹOOĻ.
Haruka Isumi: Um
Haruka Isumi: About tomorrow’s drama promotion, I don’t have much experience with location shoots so I might cause you some trouble, but I’ll do my best. Looking forward to working with you!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Haruka-kun, good work today! This is Ryunosuke Tsunashi from TRIGGER. Thanks for reaching out!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It’s a location shoot at a resort, isn't it? I’ve been really looking forward to working with you one-on-one. Let’s do our best to get a lot of people to watch the drama! ✨
Haruka Isumi: Thank you! I’ll do my very besh!
Haruka Isumi: ↑ I'm sorry, that was a typo
Haruka Isumi: I’ll do my bast
Haruka Isumi: Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It’s okay! I got what you meant! 😊
Haruka Isumi: Mannnn, I’m really sorry
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Don’t worry about it! It kind of feels like I’m chatting with my little brother, so it's comforting
Haruka Isumi: Oh right, you have a little brother, don't you
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's right! I have three younger brothers: one in first year of high school, one in first year of middle school, and one in fifth year of elementary school
Haruka Isumi: All younger than me…
Haruka Isumi: I’m not usually like this, I promise!! I’m usually more well put together
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Of course! You lead your group as the center of ŹOOĻ, and I always find your performances incredibly powerful and cool!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Oh, speaking of which, yesterday Torao-kun told me, "Take care of Haruka" ✨
Haruka Isumi: Huh, for real!?
Haruka Isumi: I mean, really!?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yeah, after we wrapped up filming for the drama! Maybe he was worried because the location is a bit far from the city 😊
Haruka Isumi: Torao, seriously — that guy's too overprotective, I swear...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I’m a bit worried about you too, Haruka-kun 💦
Haruka Isumi: Eh, about what!?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Have you been getting sunburned during the shoots? Are you okay? I’m used to it since I grew up on an island, but it can get really bad and painful with the stinging and peeling, so I was concerned.
Haruka Isumi: Ah, I’m perfectly alright! Rokuya-san shared some good tips with me, and I’ve also been using the expensive sunscreen Torao gave me
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's a relief! Nagi-kun struggles with the summer heat too, after all 😅 When he showed up for the shoot in an outfit that completely hid his face, I assume for sun protection, I was surprised ☀️
Haruka Isumi: I panicked; I thought I messed up during the shoot…
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: No way! You’re a great actor! That scene where your character evolves and says, “I used to think it'd be nice if the four of us could always be together. But there’s still so much I need to learn,” really struck a chord with me! 👍
Haruka Isumi: T- Thank you! ✨ There were quite a few scenes where I was the only one sulking or crying, and they were a bit complicated, so I'm glad to hear that lol
Haruka Isumi: And Tsunashi-san, you were like the mood-maker, always cheering up your childhood friends
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Until now, I haven't had the chance to play such a lively and high-spirited character, so it’s really refreshing 😳 And since my character's rich, delivering the line, “I’ll take everything from here to here in this store,” got me really excited! Lol
Haruka Isumi: It's definitely one of those things you want to say at least once, right? 😳 lol
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Right! Lol. Filming has been a blast, including the drama-filled chaotic scenes that unfold when we have no choice but to take care of a wealthy acquaintance's son and daughter during vacation 😆
Haruka Isumi: Same here! I came to realize that this is what a lively summer vacation spent with friends must feel like. I’m pretty shy like my character, so I haven’t had many experiences like this
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Oh, I know! If you'd like, how about hanging out together sometime when we're both free? 😆
Haruka Isumi: Eh, is that alright?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Only if you're up for it, Haruka-kun 😆 Since you’re close in age to my brothers too, I’d love to learn about what’s trendy and stuff from you ✨
Haruka Isumi: Rather, if you're okay with me, I'd be happy to...!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! 😊👌
Ryunosuke Tsunashi:
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Haruka Isumi:
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I'm excited for the drama's completion...! Will you watch it with your family, Haruka-kun?
Haruka Isumi: Yes, I plan to watch it with my grandma. Though it's a bit embarrassing
Haruka Isumi: How about you, Tsunashi-san?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: My brothers saw the commercial for the drama the other day apparently and gave me call
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Since I really took to the child actors, it seems my youngest brother got a bit jealous, so it ended up being an angry phone call 😂💦 Lol
Haruka Isumi: Cute lol. Did you guys make up?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: As I asked him about what happened at school and other things, he started feeling better 🤝
Haruka Isumi: That's good! Being an older brother sounds tough
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Maybe it bothered him more than usual since I haven’t been home much recently 💦 Haruka-kun, what do you want to do in the summer? I'd like to hear it as a reference 🤗
Haruka Isumi: Um, I'm not sure
Haruka Isumi: Maybe have Nagashi Somen...? [1]
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Nagashi Somen!!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That's great! It's also something you can enjoy with a large group! Thanks for the wonderful suggestion! ✨
Haruka Isumi: I- Is that really good enough...?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: You won't believe this
Haruka Isumi: Yes?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: They've recently launched a raffle in the nearby shopping district, and the third prize is a Nagashi Somen machine!
Haruka Isumi: No way!!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: And to top it off, it's named "Nagashi Somen-kun Hyper Great Ver.!" The name was so impactful that it stuck with me. Lol
Haruka Isumi: Sounds like those noodles are gonna flow super fast!! lmao
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: We have no choice but to win it now, huh?! How about we try our luck at the raffle when we hang out? 😂✨
Haruka Isumi: Absolutely!!! I'll make sure we win 🔥
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: That’s reassuring...! Then, let's have a strategy meeting tomorrow! 🔥
Haruka Isumi:
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The End.
[1] Nagashi Somen: A traditional Japanese summer dish where somen noodles are served flowing down a bamboo flume filled with ice-cold water.
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gonktroll · 8 months
Imma need u to hand over some Bruce, Creek and Guy hcs 😳🤲🏼
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Author's Note:
hiiiii nonnie i can do that for you easy peasy :3 ok so i lied its not easy,, writing is so haaardd,, but we must persist !! i'll be real these are three trolls i don't really think about often...sorry i lied again i think about creek so much...looking back there's more of him than anyone else im so sorry !! lemme know if the formatting is broken or any typos!! also feel free to send in requests also,, the box is open still
on a side note, when did the format tools on tumblr get so crappy?
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Characters: Bruce, Creek, and Guy Diamond
Word Count & Time: 2, 721 words and 10 Minutes Read. Writing took around Two Weeks. Warnings & Tags: NSFW, Minors Do Not Interact! Contains: fluffy/romantic headcanons, mentions of children & having children (bruce and guy), cake by the ocean by dnce is there i guess, insecurity (bruce and creek), dirty talk (bruce and creek), body worship (bruce), overstimulation (bruce), voyeurism (bruce), cuckoldry (bruce), depictions of a toxic relationship (creek), jealousy (creek), outdoor sex (creek), oral sex (creek), orgasm denial (creek), dacryphilia (creek), power dynamics (creek), genitalia descriptors.
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Let it be said: Bruce wants nothing more than to take care of you, please let him nurture you. Let him secure you emotionally, psychically, and mentally. Just let him take the pressure off your shoulders, even if it's for a short while. Do you need help with cleaning up? He's already got the mop and broom ready. Are you getting started with dinner? He's hopping in the kitchen to prep with you. Sparing time is the least he can do for you. You don't even have to ask him to help out, he's already ready to go.
Wouldn't pass up the opportunity to be a little mischievous towards you. Your boyfriend has bad dad jokes, boyish pranks, and an impish banter to behold. He'll have you busting a seam from laughter but he can't help himself. Bruce thinks you look best when you're smiling.
Catching a glimpse of any giggly children and their parents makes his heart yearn for you. Would you want a family like this? What kind of trolls would both your children be? These thoughts follow him for the rest of the day.
He's actively trying to leave Brozone in the past so he can look forward to his future with you. But, sometimes he can't resist showing off to you. He has to let you know how amazing of a singer and dancer he was (and still is). Please, be proud of him.
This troll is a romantic at heart, Bruce is always planning a secret date of some kind. Whenever you briefly mention something you're interested in, he's definitely ironing out the details to make it happen. Seeing the look of surprise on your face during the date makes it all worth it.
He doesn't mind what kind of date you plan, but if you want to make him happy, he loves dates that involve water activities. For instance, a romantic bath with rose petals and soft music is something he'd appreciate. Similarly, a date on the beach with a candlelit dinner would be perfect, and he might even serenade you with 'Cake by The Ocean'.
Playing the role of 'the Heartthrob' for a long time before suddenly creating a new identity has made Bruce feel insecure. He wants to be more than just 'the hottest troll ever' to you. He is more than just a pretty face with rock-hard abs. When you acknowledge who he is and validate his emotions, his stomach starts flipping and his heart is doing somersaults. You might actually be too good for him…
Showing genuine emotions to him and sharing personal moments will get him hotter under the collar than explicit words or seductive clothing ever could. Simply being authentic with each other is enough to spark his desire to be physically intimate with you.
It won't take much to convince Bruce to try something new with you. He loves experimenting and even if it doesn't work out, both of you can laugh about it later.
Bruce isn't fond of quickies, public sex, or rushed sex, he would prefer to take his time with you and hates the idea of being interrupted. There's no set schedule, but you make time for each other. It's best when it's just the two of you and all the time in the world.
During making love, Bruce will always prioritize the experience you're making together. If your legs aren't trembling and your voice isn't hoarse afterward, then he isn't doing his job correctly.
Bruce will talk throughout the whole affair. If he wants a reaction out of you or coax your attention, words are his weapon of choice. A quick aside of sweet teasing to quickly fluster you or lecherous murmurs along the shell of your ear while his hips languidly plunge into your insatiable warmth. Feel free to return his energy and talk back to him, he welcomes it.
There will never be a session where Bruce doesn't lavish you with endless praise and worship your body. You will always be told how attractive and precious you are to him.
He secretly worries you'd find it slutty but he's very interested in watching other trolls flirt with you and has fantasies of watching you fuck someone else. It would take him time to admit it to you, but you may get suspicious of how worked up Bruce gets after someone tries to make a pass at you.
Underneath those beach-bum shorts, Bruce is packing. His sheath is chubby, giving the impression that it's petite or compact. However, make no mistake: Bruce is a grower and it's meaty at full length.
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Get ready to date one of the most dramatic trolls of all time - Guy Diamond. He does everything with emphasis and panache, and why wouldn't he? As an iconic troll, he shouldn't have to limit himself to others' expectations, and he appreciates that you recognize this. Guy is looking for someone who would never ask him to tone it down - in fact, he wants you to encourage him to turn it up! He's not going to dim his glow for anyone, and you make him want to shine even brighter.
Every time he expresses his love, it's extraordinary. He might put on a grand musical performance, surprise you with an extravagant gift, or take you on an unforgettable date night. Guy just has to let you know how much he cares and regular displays of affection just won't do.
Guy Diamond is a unique Pop Troll, possibly the only one, with the special ability to auto-tune his voice. He loves to show off his talent by hitting high notes and emphasizing particular words, all to get you to compliment him. If you tell him how 'cool and special' he is, he will feel elated and proudly strut around like a peacock.
Guy is known as 'THEE Glitter Troll', so it's only natural that his partner should be as stylish and cool as him. However, he sometimes tries to improve his partner's fashion sense or curtail their negative personality traits. This can put pressure on the relationship, as no one likes to be told they're lame. It takes some time for Guy to realize that he is dating his partner for who they are, not who he wants them to become.
You'll have to adjust to his extreme stubbornness. It's even more frustrating when he is aware of the consequences but still chooses to proceed. Unless you have a fondness for men who behave stupidly, it will require a lot of patience until he learns his lessons the hard way.
Another way Guy expresses his affection is by pampering you. He's always looking for opportunities to help you out with anything. He reminds you to take some time out and practice self-care whenever you're feeling overwhelmed. He's also concerned with your health, making sure you eat well and get some exercise. If you haven't socialized much, Guy has no problem taking you to a party today. He reassures you that taking care of you is never a burden, and knowing that you are happy means everything to him.
Raising Tiny Diamond had a positive impact on Guy Diamond's maturity, which is clear in his relationship with you. He has grown more considerate of others' feelings, and more thoughtful about the consequences of his actions. Instead of diving in impulsively, he takes the time to discuss plans with you. He also spends more time contemplating what he wants from your relationship long-term.
Guy loves it when you plan date nights including Tiny. Spending quality time with the two Trolls he loves most makes his heart sing. Watching you show love to Tiny Diamond by playing or singing touches a special place in his heart. He may not say it aloud, but he's started to think of the possibility of having another baby - with you this time.
He doesn't have a preference for who guides or receives during sex, but he likes to lean back and let you take the lead. Guy is not selfish at all, you won't be unsatisfied that's for sure. He believes that making love with you means sharing yourself with each other - and we all know Guy Diamond isn't afraid to share himself with anyone.
When it comes to sex, he will never be afraid to be open about his interests and desires and he expects the same from you.
It's still a mystery how nude trolls hide their genitals but Guy Diamond is rather average in terms of size. And yes, the sheath and balls are glittery.
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Let's address the elephant in the room: Creek is not a pleasant troll to date.
On one hand, Creek strives to present himself as a reasonable, enlightened voice that brings positive energy to the village. He enjoys the significance he holds and especially wants your respect. On the other hand, he uses this mask to hide his judgmental nature. He is well aware of his social status and takes advantage of it to behave inappropriately. Most trolls cannot comprehend the extent of his behavior which makes it all the easier to manipulate them. You must understand that you will not be the exception as his partner.
Creek will use dating you as a 'shield' to embolden his behavior even more. He's a well-liked troll with an interesting partner and has the Queen's favor as a friend acquaintance. Surely, a well-adjusted and repentant troll like Creek wouldn't cause any issues.
Confronting him on his behavior is draining, not because there is shouting or bickering between you, but because he maintains his calm and refuses to acknowledge anything. He patronizes you and then sidesteps any issue you bring up. He won't admit his wrongdoing or promise to improve, instead suggests that you're blowing things out of proportion. He insists that you should be content with your relationship and the special bond you both share.
Despite his glaring faults, you see glimpses of the troll you love underneath. When you're overwhelmed, Creek is always there to help you calm down and plan your next steps. If someone's intruding on your boundaries, he's present to redirect them without escalating the situation any further. He's not always willing to prioritize someone else's issues over his own desires, but he would try for you at least.
Makes it a point to tell you how much he loves you and how special you are to him every day. It is disgustingly sweet, especially to anyone who may be nearby to witness. Creek lavishes you with pet names, sappy proclamations, and over-the-top public displays of affection, especially whenever Branch is around. He grazes his soft hand along your cheek with a tender declaration of his adoration or brushes his forehead against yours as he greets you first thing in the morning.
It seems that Creek has an infinite supply of affectionate nicknames just for you. These names can either make you blush with delight or annoy you to no end. Although he could simply use your real name, he prefers calling you 'Angel', 'Darling', or 'Sweetheart' as these names more accurately reflect his feelings for you. Your adorable reactions only encourage him to use them more often.
He writes songs and poems about you to express how you make him feel or reminisce about the memories you've made together. He surprises you by performing an emotional ballad at sunset, singing about how your beautiful eyes meeting his makes his heart skip a beat. Though he would never admit it, when he was held captive by Chef, those poems and songs helped him maintain his sanity.
You're both known to the village as a pair of lovebirds, despite Creek's difficult personality traits and your immense patience. It comes as a surprise when one of you announces the end of the relationship, usually accompanied by tears. Creek appears unfazed as he continues to run his meditation/yoga classes and engage in village events. He tells anyone who asks that the break-up was mutual, though you were more emotional than he. It's only partially true, he was more dumbfounded than he'd like to admit. Once you start moving on, he becomes secretly anxious and slinks his way back into your life before someone else can. It's no surprise when you're both back together within a week.
Underneath all the enlightenment chatter, manicured appearance, and insincere behavior, Creek is insecure about his place in the world and his community. He wants to control what others think of him and prove his worth to secure his position. You can constantly assure him with words, actions, and gifts, but until he feels secure in himself, it won't make any difference. To Creek, this isn't a problem; he'll just do whatever it takes to keep you around - morality be damned. He deserves happiness as much as any other troll.
Creek has included you in his yoga classes, claiming that he wants to "maintain your enchanting aura". Depending on the difficulty of the regimen, he either treats you as his top-performing student to praise and use as an example or his problematic student who needs additional attention. Despite the playful banter and flirtation, he maintains a professional demeanor in front of others. However, private classes are an entirely different matter.
Private classes for you and him are usually held at his place, where he has the necessary equipment, or out in the forest where he's previously found a quiet spot. The sessions start with some light banter, stretching, and warm-ups, followed by vocal affirmations, until Creek decides that your form is in desperate need of coaching. He starts with gentle sweeps along your limbs and then to more sensitive areas as he guides you into position. He flirts unabashedly with you, using honeyed words and heated glances to gauge your interest before nudging things further. It's a fun game to see how far you can both go.
Let him put his mouth to work on you, Creek is talented at more than just talking. He's obsessed with teasing you, his nimble fingers soothing your heat with languid motions as he watches you with eager, hungry eyes. Plead with him to give you the release you so desperately need, his tongue is dying to taste you.
Creek takes great pleasure in denying your orgasm, causing you frustration to the point of tears. Seeing those pretty streams down your cheeks as you hold back your sobs while he grinds agonizingly slow into you. You can ask him to speed up, but why should he? The turmoil painting your face is sweeter than he could have imagined.
You'll have to let Creek take control when it's time to play, he gets resistant if you try to imply that you want to take the lead. When he's in charge, it's never in an expected 'dominant' way. Instead, it's about using his words and your body's reactions to break you down into an absolute mess. Doesn't it feel good to shut off everything else and let Creek make you happy?
It takes so long to coax Creek to allow you to be dominant, skinning back layers of excuses and bitter self-reflection. He's hesitant to have you hold the reins and to just let himself relax. He's more afraid of the sentiment he may not be enough, especially if isn't able to do it himself. Like most situations with Creek, it will take a lot of patience and communication to ease his mind - and he'll never truly be at ease.
Once he discovers how relinquishing control feels, he's nearly appalled by how his treacherous body is responding to you. You praise him as you hover above him, murmuring to him about how he's doing "such a good job" and that he's your "good boy" as your hands ghost lower and lower. Creek is aghast that he isn't disgusted by this, telling himself to just flip you over and demonstrate how it's really done. All that guttural and depraved keening surely isn't coming from his mouth. Afterward, he can't deny that loss of control frightens him, but it's just so…erotic too.
This troll is both a grower - and it shows. Those low-waisted yellow sweats do little to 'hide' his sheath and he is well aware.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 434 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made and the collages.)
Last chapter was CRAZY MAN. WTHHHH
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Um… wtf? 😀
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LOOK AT BABY BOY, USING HIS OWN ACTING SKILLS LIKE THAT. 😩😩💓💓💓 Or is he actually crying? Idk, can't tell. Oh, and “Grandma bullied me, mom.” 😐
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HOW DOES SHE KNOW CHARLES CHOI??? MF A CELEBRITY AROUND THESE STREETS. Him and Jinyeong both bruv. 😭😭😭 (Also, “Too late mom. Already met him and he attempted to kill me too.” /j Charles Choi and Grandma would make a perfect couple. 😌✨)
Awww, is that baby Daniel? 😭 Also, wait a damn minute. Why does he look like...
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The typos on here. 😅 "Choio" DFJKDSAHFKLSHDSJLKF SORRY. The first time I was reading this, I had to reread because I thought I was crazy for a sec.
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You guys wish you were that cow, huh...? 👀 Yeah, I see you. You can't fool me...
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Aw shit. Danny boy is gonna get gang.... (banged). SORRY. I CAN'T HELP IT-
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OMG DANIEL. BEAT THEM UPPP!!!! 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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Dude. Why did I think this was Zack Lee for a second? 😳😳 (Zack and Gun if they had a child together LMFAO) ALSO THIS NEW GUY IS HOT AF. WHO IS HEEEEEE??? 😩🔥🔥🔥 (And we haven't gotten any naked scenes ever since Samuel, so is PTJ giving us some fan service since Samuel can't do the job right now...? 👀)
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WTH IS HE IN A TUB FULL OF SNAKES? N A K E D ? 😳 I mean... if he's into getting his thing bitten- 👀 NAH, NAH, NAH, IM KIDDING, I SWEAR. 😭😭😭😭
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I don't blame you if you stared at him for more than a minute.
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*N S F W M E M E S W A R N I N G*
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I can just imagine that horrifying face of his. Smiling so menacingly with those terrifying eyes. Like yessss king, go crazy!!! 😍😍😍
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LOOK AT THESE DAREDEVILS. DAAAAAAAMN. TERRIFYING AS HELL. 🤭 DANNY BOY REALLY GOT IT FROM GUN FRFR. (Ugh, like father like son. Daniel could be my son- I mean, what? 😀)
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Ok, but why does this mf look like a DILF??? HE LOOKS LIKE A MIXTURE OF MANAGER KIM FROM HIS OWN WEBTOON AND ELITE WHEN HE WAS STILL YOUNG. LMFAAOOOOOO (I'm deadass ab this. They're attractive ngl.) AND WHY DO THE VILLAINS LOOK HOT AF? I'M NOT AGAINST IT, BUT I FEEL LIKE PTJ IS INTO SEXY VILLAINS. HE HAS A KINK FOR THEM. AND HE B R E A T H E S THEM. IN AND OUT. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 (Update: I guess Kwak Jichang LITERALLY IS a piece of shit. Think about it… 💩)
ANYWAYS, we finna see who these Chungcheon mf's are next chapter. Hopefully, we get to know what the deal is with these people hating on Jinyeong. Bc I STG, IF THIS DRAGS OUT FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS, I’M GONNA LOSE IT. 😠😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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judesbelligoal · 1 month
Hate to be that person, but I knew something bad would happen to him as soon as I saw that skims ad, we joke all the time, but that kardashian curse is real, and let me not even start on "starino summer", those people are weird and are involved in some dark shit and their karma always gets you too eventually, I felt at the start of the season that he is going to get injured, my intuition never lie to me, sorry for the rant and typos I had to get this off my chest
Bold statement 😳
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morebird · 8 months
Omg I have fallen in love with your art style. Astarion looks so gender in it, have you ever thought about drawing Gale or Haldrin?
I assume that's a typo and you mean Halsin. And funny that you mention him because on my personal blog I just said that I need to learn how to properly draw big hairy muscular men and Halsin is the perfect subject for that 😳 so yeah Halsin art is coming. And about Gale, I dont know you're not the first to ask and I like Gale but I am not crazy about him and usually if I am lukewarm about a character I don't draw them because apparently I am driven by obsession. I am not saying no, but let's say that Gale is on the bottom of the list (sorry Gale lovers 😔)
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presidenthades · 9 months
Once again, I am doing a series of my behind-the-scenes thoughts for The Golds while I do light edits for formatting, typos, and continuity. Here’s Chapter 2!
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(Note: I originally planned to put out these commentaries once a day, but I’ve been recruited for an urgent knitting/crochet project IRL so I might be a bit slow.)
For this chapter’s title, I chose the lyrics for the Father in “The Song of the Seven” because Aegon finds out he’s going to be a dad. 😳
Opening line: I wanted the reader to spend a half-second thinking Aegon was in the middle of a sexual activity 😂. Later in the chapter, both Daemon and Alicent briefly think he’s been out at the brothels, so I wanted to foreshadow that here. But it turns out Aegon just really likes pies.
Gyles and Ronnel were throwaway characters in my original plan, but they ended up being very important to the plot 😅. I took a brief line from Aegon’s letter in Chapter 3 of the Handbook, about him eating pies that were almost better than sex, and created Gyles from that. So Aegon’s been patronizing Gyles’s business for several years.
Gyles rents a small storefront on the Street of Flour, which I presume is where most of the bakers in KL live/work. He’s probably part of the local bakers’ guild, and he’s on the poorer end of the street so his customers tend to be laborers who want a quick hot meal. Aegon stumbled across the shop one day as a young teen when he was hangry, and he’s been coming back ever since.
I spent a ridiculous amount of time researching the history of cheese and barely used it for the fic 🥲. But I want everyone to know I thought very carefully about the type of cheese Gyles uses in his pies! It would be similar to appenzeller, which is a cheese of Swiss origin that uses cider/wine during the cheesemaking process, and it supposedly has an herby flavor (I’ve never had it but I want it). It’s a hard cheese (so it travels well) that melts well (good for pie filling), and it’s from an Alpine region (like the Vale where Gyles is from).
Ronnel barely got a glimpse of Jace during her wedding parade, but he would die for her 🥲.
We get our first glimpse of the Tyroshi, which I tried not to draw too much attention to so readers didn’t get suspicious, but I wanted it in there to set up Aegon’s investigation in Chapter 4. In hindsight, Aegon wishes he just stabbed the man that day…but he probably would’ve gotten beat up or killed in turn by the bodyguards.
BTW I am very proud of the sentence where I describe the bodyguards as looking like chickens 🐔. Sorry, just have to pat my back here.
Author’s nitpick about Maegor’s tunnels! My understanding is the secret tunnels are in the Red Keep but NOT in the Holdfast, which only has one super special secret escape route that book!Aegon uses when Rhaenyra takes KL. I have to remember not to let the characters just pop around anywhere they please using the secret tunnels. If everyone used secret tunnels all the time, they wouldn’t be very secret 🤧. I imagine the passage Aegon uses to sneak in and out of the castle is one that a lot of Targaryen royals have used, so it’s not a HUGE secret.
Daemon heard about the pregnancy pretty quickly after Jace got sick during small council. Nobody is sure where Aegon went, only that he sneaked out (pretty normal for him), and of course Daemon’s first suspicion is that Aegon is out whoring 💀. So Daemon went to the tunnels to catch Aegon on his way back and verify if Aegon was at the brothels or not. If Aegon was out whoring while his wife just found out she’s pregnant, Daemon would probably have done…something not nice 😅. But Aegon was just eating pies so it’s fine!
Aegon is no longer scared of Daemon (he was a bit scared in the first part of the Handbook), but he still doesn’t want to be alone with Daemon in a dark tunnel 👀.
Aegon has excellent zingers in the book, so I wanted give him some very sassy lines in this fic. Hence, Aegon implying Daemon is getting fat 😂. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it, Daemon!
Daemon’s line about “a spate of missing persons in the city” is a reference to the Tyroshi’s doings. The Tyroshi has kidnapped enough “good citizens” (tradesmen like Gyles, as opposed to poor prostitutes) that it’s becoming noticeable.
And yes, Daemon did deliberately make Aegon think something bad happened to Jace as revenge for Alyssa and the early wake up calls.
Originally, I was going to do brief POV scenes of all Jace’s sisters reacting to the pregnancy news, but it got very repetitive so I cut out all of them except Luce. But in the deleted bits, there’s a scene where Alicent asks Rhaena to help find Jace’s premarital nightgowns because the only nightwear Jace has right now is sexy lingerie 🤭. Then there’s a kinda sad bit where Rhaena realizes Alicent thinks she’s helping Jace by removing temptation from Aegon, because a pregnant woman should want reprieve from her husband’s attentions, because that was Alicent’s experience: being pregnant meant she didn’t have to sleep with Viserys. So Alicent struggles to realize that on the contrary, Jace might enjoy her husband’s attention.
Alicent and Rhaenyra have a comedic bit where they synchronize as they transform into Overprotective Future Grandmother mode, to showcase that they’re more similar than they admit. It’s self-explanatory why Rhaenyra is fussy, but this is also Alicent’s first grandchild. And she has always liked Jace, who is basically Alicent’s ideal good-daughter. I also think Alicent is a little jealous that Rhaenyra has Jace; Alicent definitely loves Helaena, but we see her struggling to connect with her daughter on the show, whereas Jace has always been polite, dutiful, and overall “easy” to interact with.
Because Alicent likes Jace so much, she is extra offended at the thought that Aegon might be out whoring. In a way, she still thinks of him as the profligate young prince before the Stepstones (at this point in the story, he’s only been back two months), so she assumed the worst. But it’s obvious to her that Aegon is head over heels for Jace, and she realizes he changed while he was away. So she apologizes, which doesn’t erase the hurt of her accusation but Aegon recognizes it as a big deal since she’s never apologized to him before. And she’s embarrassed about her mean reaction, but she’s too proud to do anything else to make amends.
In an earlier draft of the scene where Aegon learns about the pregnancy, I dragged out the misunderstanding where he thinks he made her cry. There was a whole miscommunication sequence that somehow ends with Aegon thinking Jace doesn’t love him anymore (he tries to give her a new ring, she cries because she knows her hands will swell and she’s worried she’ll be hideous and “I won’t be your pretty girl anymore” or something like that), but it was too melodramatic so I cut it down to a brief moment of pregnancy hormones 😅.
Using her sleeve to wipe her face is a bad habit that Aegon taught Jace because he used to do that for her when they were little and she cried 😭. (He still does it sometimes.)
Another theme in the story: when Jace is nervous, scared, or otherwise feeling negative emotions, Aegon uses humor to bring her out of her pit of despair (e.g. wedding night, during the storm at Dragonstone).
A hennin is that tall cone hat you see in medieval paintings. It was a status flex because it’s so impractical, which means only rich non-working women can wear it. Rhaenys’s hairstyle kinda reminds me of it too 😅. I imagine hennins to be very old-fashioned at this point in time, and maybe Rhaenys made Jace wear a few hennins when she was little and that’s why Jace hates them so much lol.
When I was writing the Handbook, I thought might’ve been the one to come up with the elopement idea. But she’s such a naturally cautious person that now I think she needed nudging first, and Aegon is reckless enough to go for an elopement without thinking about consequences too much.
I also have this idea that Otto has always been a big Jacegon shipper in this universe 😂. It’s the perfect match for his Plan A, B, C, X, Y, and Z. I like to imagine that before Rhaenyra took her daughters to Dragonstone, Otto was telling Aegon things like “bring Jace flowers!” and “wash your hair!” to help the romance along. I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point, Otto straight up told Aegon “you need to marry that girl no matter what” (and it’d be hilarious if this planted the seed of the elopement in Aegon’s head).
Tyroshi purple is basically the real-world Tyrian purple, which was made from sea snails and so expensive that only royalty could afford it. I thought it very fitting for Jace, who’s supposed to be the future queen. The color also reminds me of wine, but I worked so hard to make Aegon not an alcoholic that I didn’t want to mention it in the fic 😛.
When Aegon avoids telling Jace his real, dark thoughts, we get a glimpse of how he tries to protect her from bad things in life. This is a point of friction that comes up again in the fic: Aegon thinks it’s best not to tell Jace certain things, and she disagrees.
Jace doesn’t like naps because she thinks they’re a waste of time when she could be doing work 🥲.
When Aegon is in the Tower with Otto, he notices a petition about thugs extorting money from guild members. This is also a reference to the Tyroshi’s doings!
Otto is a neat freak, Aegon knows it, and Aegon takes advantage of it for fleeting moments of malicious glee.
I also have a whole list of old people habits that Otto partakes in. Here, Aegon references Otto’s daily glass of prune juice, but I won’t go into detail about that 🙈. I also imagine Otto taking brisk early morning walks around the Tower, with his elbows pumping in a very old man way, to get his daily cardio in.
I made Otto’s late wife a member of House Mullendore. They’re vassals of the Hightowers, so it’s an acceptable match for a second son. (The Mullendores sided with the Blacks during the Dance, so I’m headcanoning that Otto had a terrible falling-out with them after his wife died.) More importantly, their sigil is a bunch of orange butterflies (see: Helaena’s embroidery that Otto displays in his study). We all know Helaena loves insects, and I feel like this is an extra reason she’s Otto’s favorite: her hobby reminds him of his wife.
Otto is generally happy with how things are going in this verse. Of course he would prefer if Aegon were the heir, but right now he’s guaranteed to have his blood on the throne even if it’s a few generations down the road, and he finds Jace to be reasonable, intelligent, and dutiful. But Otto is still sneaky, because he’s Otto. When he talks about “a royal grandson,” does he mean Rhaenyra’s grandson (baby gets his claim as Jace’s son) or Viserys’s grandson (baby gets his claim as Aegon’s son)? 🧐
Otto supports Jace attending the Small Council because her fate and reputation are closely tied to Aegon’s. If she does well, that reflects well upon her husband. Otto is also aware that if/when Rhaenyra is queen, she’ll want to sack him and send him away from court. But if he maintains a good relationship with Jace, who would be the Princess of Dragonstone at that time, he’ll still be able to retain influence at court not just through Alicent, who would then be dowager queen and less powerful. And if Jace demonstrates herself to be more capable at governance than Rhaenyra (who is less diligent about attending matters of state), Otto isn’t going to say no to that.
Jace knows that Otto has clashed with Rhaenyra in the past and that he has emotionally and physically hurt Aegon, so she doesn’t like Otto as a person. But she appreciates his skill as Hand and respects him professionally. So she’s willing to work with him, but she isn’t leaping at the prospect of spending time with him. And I think that suits Otto just fine. He doesn’t want to be liked, he wants results.
Sorry I couldn’t resist making a “we forgot Daeron existed” joke 🪦.
I really like Aegon and Aemond’s brotherly relationship, and I don’t see nearly enough of it in fics so I had to make my own contribution. Even in the show canon, where Aemond covets the throne and scorns Aegon, he’s still loyal to his brother and they have that brotherly telepathy moment during the last supper. In this verse, they’re much closer but they are still mean to each other in a delightfully sibling fashion. After his relationship with Jace (and eventually Cheeseball), I think Aegon’s relationship with Aemond is his most meaningful relationship in this fic, and I’ll probably keep tugging on it throughout the series.
Aegon won’t admit it but he’s excited to tell his brothers he’s gonna be a dad 🥰.
Daeron spent the last three years in Oldtown, which is the heart of the Faith, so the sex ed he received was very…censored 😅. And since he spent so long thinking that kissing = babies, you can imagine he has a strong reaction when he accidentally kisses Joff later.
Joff has plenty of older sisters (including Baela), and Rhaenyra and Daemon aren’t very quiet at Dragonstone. Thus, Joff figures out how procreation works as a young age 💀.
Aemond does not tell Daeron what a quim is. He tells Daeron to go ask a maester.
As mentioned in Chapter 10, Aegon knows Baela was/is attracted to Jace, and this is a big source of friction between them. But Baela’s never acted on her feelings, and Aegon feels fairly secure in Jace’s affections, so he doesn’t talk about it out loud. But if Baela ever provoked him enough, he would mention it to get back at her (Aegon still has a mean streak, he’s just better at suppressing it).
Helaena’s three egg-shaped beads are a reference to the children she’ll never have in this verse. I’m of the opinion that her prophecies are very vague and mostly vibes (e.g. “he’ll have to close an eye” = she sees Aemond riding a dragon with one eye closed, like an extended wink). So she definitely doesn’t know “ah yes, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and Maelor, who are all going to die terribly,” but she has a sense of the children she would’ve loved and lost in another life. So she’s a bit sad about not having those children in this life, but part of her is relieved she’ll never have to endure the horrible loss and suffering her children’s deaths caused.
“Sunflowers should not be watered with wine.” Helaena compares Jace to the sun (“to the sun I go”), which makes Aegon a sunflower that’s always turning to face the sun. He isn’t an alcoholic here, so he’s thriving more.
“The egg is crowned with gold, and all the creatures love it so.” The egg is Cheeseball, of course. He’s crowned with gold because he’ll be king one day, and gold is his parents’ color. The creatures = dragons, seahorses, towers, etc., all the houses with competing claims to the throne but who all agree that Cheeseball is the future king.
“Buzz, buzz. Your hive has gathered.” Jace is the queen bee, but she’s also constantly working like a bee.
“A lovely summer egg.” Cheeseball is born toward the end of summer. Also a reference to how his future reign will be peaceful and prosperous.
“A beloved egg free from sorrow.” In contrast to Helaena’s children/eggs 🥲.
Helaena’s freak out about the name Jaehaerys is 100% a reference to Blood and Cheese. Again, she doesn’t know exactly what would’ve happened in this alternate universe, but she’s getting very bad vibes from the name.
Jace despairs at the prospect of being coddled for the entire pregnancy, which is exactly what happens…
Laenor wasn’t a paragon of fatherhood but he was more present in this universe. The girls being his actual daughters does affect his feelings for them, and I think he likes having daughters. He would have to help educate and train a son, but he can just spoil and dote on daughters. (Pretty similar to Aegon’s attitude in the beginning of this fic.) So Laenor makes a lot more visits to the nursery when the kids are little, hence Aegon’s familiarity with him.
I wrote the interlude because we see almost all the other siblings’ reactions to the pregnancy, but not Luce. I just couldn’t bring myself to delete it with the other reaction POVs so I kept it in 😅. I justify it by telling myself that it’s important setup for the Baratheon drama later lol (even though at the time I wrote this chapter, I wasn’t sure Floris and Sara were going to die, so this is the author retconning).
Rhaenyra made Jace wait until her sixteenth nameday, so she’s applying that rule to all her daughters: no marriage until you’re sixteen. That’s why Luce has to wait. And if the Baratheon stuff didn’t happen later, it would 100% have been a smart move. Luce is very impulsive, and she and Aemond were clashing for so long, it’s wiser to wait and make sure they’re in this for the long haul and not just acting on hormones.
Aemond had visited Driftmark four times in the past month, which means he’s there every week for several days 😂.
I like to think Daemon told Caraxes to tell Arrax to make sure Luce and Aemond don’t have too much fun 🤭. And for some reason, I imagine Arrax looking a lot like a light fury from How to Train Your Dragon. Big eyes and shiny scales.
Earlier in the chapter, we get a monologue about how Aegon would starve to keep Jace fed. Here, Aemond is literally stealing Luce’s lunch 🤣🤣🤣.
Jace knows her sister super well! That’s why she tells Luce to sit down before she continues the letter: she knows Luce is going to have a strong reaction.
Jace loves all her sisters but I think she’s closest to Luce. They’re less than two years apart in age, and Joff was born four years after Luce, so a lot of Jace’s earliest memories are just the two of them as sisters. Just like how Aemond is one of Aegon’s most important relationships, Luce is one of Jace’s most important relationships.
Chapter 3 commentary here
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artale07 · 2 years
Dang why does Re:Fell Sans and Frisk be looking fine tho 😳
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...frisk is smoll
Sorry for the typo, I'll fix it soon
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barleyo · 2 years
Aaron z X Fem! Reader smüt ? 😳💞
Winter coat.
F! Reader X Aaron Z (smut)
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Summary: Torontonian winters lead to temperatures as low as -30 Celsius. The cold wind matched with the snowfall can make the city bitterly cold. Despite the stabbing cold, many refuse to dress in accommodation to Mother Nature’s force, leaving themselves bare and freezing in exchange for their pride.
A/N: Hello, and thank you for requesting! I am, as always, so incredibly sorry this took me so long to write! However, I do hope that this is satisfactory, even though it is a wee bit rushed. Happy reading! (Please excuse and typos, grammatical mistakes, or mischaracterizations!)
“Aaron, you get back in this house right now and put on your coat.”
(Y/N) stood on the porch, her breath creating clouds in the cold winter’s air. She peaked her head over the railing, making eye contact with Aaron. He shook his head and continued down the driveway, heading down to the group of boys walking ahead of him.
“Don’t walk away when I’m calling for you, you’ll get sick.”
He spun around.
“(Y/N), I am not a child.”
“Then why do I have to treat you like one? At least put a damn scarf on, Z. You’re already getting red, I see it,” she hollered, turning back into the house, returning with his scarf, “You’ll wear something, you hear? It’s freezing out here; been out here three minutes and I’m already cold.”
She stomped down the icy stairs, her feet slipping with each step. She felt the ice beneath her feet start to melt under her feet.
“Babe, stop walking so quickly,” Aaron stepped over, grabbing her arm just as she started to fall, “I told you, I—“
She threw the scarf over his neck while he held her, tightening it slightly. He rolled his eyes and fidgeted with it.
“Pretty sure I said I didn’t need it,” he worked one of his fingers around the knot, pulling it off, “but thanks.”
(Y/N) kissed his forehead and leaned in close to his ear.
“Pretty sure I said to do what I say. Thanks though,” she brought him in for another kiss.
Aaron huffed and swooped (Y/N) up, carrying her up the stairs bridal style. His arms tightened around her, securing her all the way up to the door. A mix of his body heat and warm air from the house hit her as he forced the door open. 
“Stay inside, it’s too cold for you to be out there.”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you, but no. I don’t care if you go out with the guys, but at least be warm. I bet Robaire’s girlfriend makes him wear a coat outside.”
“Fine, I’ll wear gloves, okay? Is that good enough?” Aaron huffed, snatching a pair of gloves from the countertop. “You stress me out, woman.” He kissed her cheek a final time and walked out, closing the door behind him.
(Y/N) closed the curtain after watching Aaron walk down the driveway. She noticed his face reddening in the air as he ran to catch up with the others.
“That’s fine, he’ll regret not taking that damn jacket.”
She entered their shared bedroom and got under the covers, burrowing herself deeply into the fluffy cave. She felt herself drift away into slumber under the warmth of the sheets and blanket, the comforting lull of sleep pulling her in. She laid still and unmoving for awhile until a loud knock at her front door disrupted her rest.
“Babe? Babe, open the door, please?” a muffled voice called out.
(Y/N) blinked awake and shrugged the blankets off of her shoulders. Padding over to the door, she unlocked it.
“Thank god, you woke up.”
“Z, come in,” she yawned, “you’re shivering, you know that?”
Aaron closed the door behind him and tossed his gloves on the ground, pushing the away with his foot.
“I know,” he walked off into the living room to sit on the couch, throwing a blanket over himself, “I just need to warm up, I think.”
“You wouldn’t have to warm up if you had listened to me,” she sat on the floor below him.
“Yeah, yeah. You were right.” He let his hand fall out of the blanket to run it through her hair.
“Ugh, get your cold hand off of my head, you can touch me when you’re warmer.”
“Why don’t you warm me up then?”
“Oh, yeah? I’m sure you’d like that.” She turned around, smiling slightly.
“I’m sure I would,” he said while holding back a laugh, silencing it with a smirk.
(Y/N) propped herself onto her knees and shimmied around to face Aaron. She pushed her arms up under his shirt. His abdomen was just as cold as his hands so she could feel his hardened nipples. She ran the pad of her thumb over one, circling it slowly yet sharply. Aaron let a small, wispy groan escape him while (Y/N) worked her fingers around his chest and stomach.
“Fuck, I love how you sound when I make you feel good like this,” she mumbled, still pinching at his nipples.
He tried to stifle his cries of pleasure when she moved onto the growing bulge tenting in his jeans. She palmed his erection flatly with her hand, feeling it tighten his pants further under her touch, almost leaning into it. 
“Stop teasing me,” he said, his breath starting to hitch in his throat. He softly brought his hips upwards to create more friction between his clothed cock and her hand.
“Fine, you needy baby.” She forced his hips back down onto the couch. (Y/N) leaned closer to his zipper, biting down on the cold, metal piece and undoing it. She then reached for the elastic band of his boxers, pulling them down past his stiff cock. “Is that better? Hm?” she asked while wrapping her hand around the shaft, slowly pumping it.
He nodded fervently, the relief of her touch melting away the tense feeling in his stomach and replacing it with a warm pulse. 
(Y/N) gave a light flick with her tongue to the leaking tip of Aaron’s cock, causing more blood to run to it. A flush ran over his face as she lowered her mouth over him. She bobbed her head lower until she reached the base. She pulled off and watched her saliva dribble, glistening down his shaft. Aaron rubbed at (Y/N) with his leg, urging her to continue. She looked up at him with heavy, half-lidded eyes and licked a stripe over a thick vein on his dick. 
Aaron grabbed her arm to pull her up, sitting her on his dick. Instead of entering her, he sat her directly on it and gripped her hips
“Fuck, you’re too pretty.” He leaned his head on her shoulder to inhale her scent. He started to push her back and forth on his length, sufficiently coating it with her slick. “You’re so worked up, I can feel it. God, I just want to be in you,” he groaned. 
“Let’s make that happen, then.”
She started to grind onto him harder, rubbing her clit with his dick. A thin string made of her wetness and his pre-cum connected them as she angled his dick to her entrance and pushed it in.
“So wet” Aaron placed his hand over her lower stomach to feel his bulge through her. He started to rock his hips to match her set rhythm of bouncing, hitting a deep spot in her with each thrust.
Her hand was interrupted by Aaron’s went she went to play with her clit, his thick, calloused fingers already circling the bud. 
“Z, I’m— I think I’m close.”
He grunted in response and added more pressure to her clit, rubbing it in tighter circles as he burrowed his cock deeper into her. She bit into her hand when her walls rhythmically spasmed around Aaron’s dick. After (Y/N) gushed onto Aaron, his thrusting pace became messy and frantic. He went deeper than before into her walls and emptied his cum with a gasp, holding her shoulders for support.
Aaron lifted her and laid her down on the couch, spreading her legs gently, and gathering the rest of her wetness and his cum. He put his coated fingers in his mouth and hummed.
“You taste warm, now.”
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sugar-glaze-donut · 1 year
I saw your oc Felicia and I was like... well I do have a frog, would she like to meet him ?
Is this an ask I see!? Hello hello!! :D
Yes! I think Feli will love your frog! I haven’t chosen a specific type of frog Feli will have, but she’ll definitely introduce her frog to yours 🐸 (since having a pet frog is rare, I think she’ll be sparkling in joy when she hears this 💚)
{🌼 ~ 📷 - 🐸 - 🍵 ~ 🌼}
(Message from 「Kaeru-chan 💚」!)
Kaeru-Chan 💚:
<Another frog owner!? HELLO THERE!>
<Of course I would love to meet your froggo! (typo sorry) What’s its name? My one is called Alicia! >
<Maybe our frogs can be friends! We can be frog buddies!! 🤩>
<Hope I’m not rambling too much. I’ve never seen someone have the same pet as me 😅>
<I still have a lot I want to talk to you...but I think my messaging time is up.>
<Talk to you soon frog buddy!!!✪ω✪>
<<Picture sent>>
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{🌼 ~ 📷 - 🐸 - 🍵 ~ 🌼}
(you’re the first ask I’ve had ever since I started Tumblr last year! Thank you 💕)
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sparklingpax · 2 years
Hi! You know, I'm here to thank you. Thanks for the content and searching for a lot of details on Super-God Masterforce! Honestly, I consider it one of the best works on transformers, and it's very nice to see people who share a love for this anime. I hope someday it will be appreciated as a classic of transformers, as it deserves. And it seems that we are on the way to that. I want to say that there is another person on this planet Earth who loves Super-God Masterforce, and is not so alone in this! I hope this thought warms you up a little! (I apologize for the mistakes, I use a translator)
First, let me apologize profusely for the fact that I took.....way too long to finally answer this, but it was only because I wanted to wait until I had a moment to sit down and write a thoughtful response to this >//<’’
(Also don’t worry about the translator, your message is clear and all :3 I’m going to apologize in advance just in case I have any typos in my response, as I tend to get lost in my own writing quite often haha ^^’’)
Getting this ask genuinely made my day, you are the nicest human being waaa 😭💙💕✨ thank you so much!!! And I'm glad too that there's yet another person who likes Masterforce out there!! >w< Like, there's so few of us, but we are strong, and we are growing!!! hehe >:3 I will continue doing what I can to generate content for everyone to enjoy ^w^
OMG AND YEA!! MASTERFORCE IS INDEED A CLASSIC AND DESERVES SO MUCH MORE LOVE THAN IT GETS??? Lowkey I feel like a lot of tf fans just write it off as "the strange one with lots of humans" or deadass forget about/have no idea of its existence and I just??? Like it makes me so sad and even maybe juuuust a little irked ;w; literally people are out there acting like some tf characters came from the comics and not from this series for example.....*lies on the floor and sobs*
But I will hold onto hope that someday, more people come to appreciate this series and hold it in higher regard. It's got great writing, cool designs (and in the episodes where the animation was on-point, really good visuals), a banger OST (insert songs of course included~), great characters who mostly receive a lot of development throughout the series, really interesting concepts that I wish were used more often in TF media, and just....the vibe of the whole show is so good 😩💗👏 I have so much appreciation in general for all the installments of the Japanese branch of G1, but I feel like Masterforce was just the best mix of everything that can be seen in other series 😎
So anyways, even if I am slow with my art and writing and everything, I will probably never stop making content for Masterforce, writing random ramble-y things about details of the canon lore I think are cool!! And I am honored you found my account and enjoyed it as much!
Apologies once again for being so late with this (😳🙏) but thank you so much for this ask 🥺🥰
I've kept it in mind on days where my personal life has been going badly (which is a lot lately qwq) and I start feeling bad about a lot of things, including stuff regarding my social media/art/etc--at those times I reminded myself that there are people out there who get me when I talk about Masterforce--and I smile and feel a bit better.
So ye! Sorry this is a bit long!! Here's a little doodle I made, to hopefully make up for the wait ^^'' sorry it's a bit rough 😳 but, it's the whole Autobot gang (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💙
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Have a nice day/evening also!!! :D
-Kuni 💖
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just-a-carrot · 1 year
Sorry to tell you, but in Arc 2: Night at the Castle, you misspelled "grandiose" 😳😨
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LOLOL oh god,,, thank you for pointing this out. I know there are scattered typos here and there 😵‍💫💦 I am my own editor and even after multiple readthroughs and playtests stuff still falls through 😭 It's extremely tragic and I'm sorry if it hinders anyone's playing,,,,,,,,😓
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