#sorry if this one is formatted weird i typed it up in word and copy/pasted it
ettawritesnstudies · 7 months
Hi Etta! Sorry if you already mentioned this, but where/how did you find your editors? (If you don't mind sharing)
Don't mind at all!
I know there are companies like Reedsy and the Writers Digest which have databases of editors, but that seemed really overwhelming. At the end of the day, the best way to get resources is to network (make friends, and hope their mutuals like you too).
Last year, I did an interview for Amanda Auler on Instagram and she boosted my account, so months later I ended up doing an interview for Addison Horner. He does editing for indie authors, so I asked him for a sample edit and liked it, but I wanted to get other points of comparison first, so I asked around and came up with a short list of editors. I contacted them, and when I had enough to compare, I ended up deciding I liked Addison best and drew up a contract with him. God moment that I found him so quickly.
But if I had to give this advice to someone else I'd recommend following these steps:
Read books in your genre. Read INDIE AUTHORS in your genre. Review their books. Follow them on social media. Be a friendly fan but don't make it weird.
Indie authors are one person publishing teams desperate for engagement and positive attention. They will thank you for your help and be willing to pay it forward when the time comes.
Once you have a handful of books you like that have similar vibes to your book, flip to the acknowledgements and find the editors name.
Google the editor, find their site, submit your inquiry, email works better than a form.
If you can't find the editor online, DM the indie author and ask "hey I really liked your book and it's a good comp title for my WIP. Who's your editor and what was your experience with them like? Do you mind pointing me their way?" Follow the author's advice. Repeat as needed.
(I've only ever received nice responses to this, don't be anxious. If they don't reply they're probably just busy, not annoyed).
When you contact editors, ask about their availability, rates, and be specific about what type of editing you need. Ask for a free sample edit. Mine were 250-2500 words.
Supply details about your WIP. Mine looked like this:
Title: Runaways
Genre: Middle Grade Portal Fantasy. I'm not labeling it as "Christian Fiction" as religion isn't a focus point of the story, but there are significant underlying Catholic themes.
Premise: When Cecelia goes missing one stormy Halloween night, her older sister, Hannah, must venture into the faerie courts to learn the truth about their past and bring her home. (Linked WIP Page with additional information)
Length: About 86,000 words, 180 pages (Times New Roman, 12pt, double spaced, standard 1in margins formatting). 21 chapters with an epilogue
Style: 3rd person limited, present tense. 3 POV characters: primarily Hannah at first, and then Cecelia and the third added later, alternating.
Status/Timeline/Availability: Currently with a 2nd round of beta readers, and I'll be getting feedback by March 31st. After editing the draft to reflect their feedback and doing my own line edits, I'll be looking for a line/copy edit around April/May or early summer.
Types of edits needed: As I understand, every editor uses "line" and "copy" edit slightly differently, but I'm looking for a combination of both styles if possible: checking for internal consistency, logical choreography, adequate descriptions, minor plot or worldbuilding errors, as well as language concerns like cutting crutch words, making sentence structure more dynamic, choosing the right verbs, etc. Developmental editing not needed. Waiting to do proofreading at the moment
When perusing at the editors site, look for credentials/certifications, their backlog of works, and testimonials
If you don't have enough options following this method, join some discord servers! I'm in a local NaNoWriMo group and a Catholic Writers Guild called Inkwells and Anvils which were both useful. I think there might be some writeblr ones as well. Find the critiques channel and send the same information there^^
Compare sample edits. Who respects your voice? Who supplied the most insightful comments? Do you vibe over email? Are they willing to do a stylesheet? Do they like your book? Can you set up a 15 minute zoom call to see if you vibe and discuss details?
Look at prices. My rate is $.015 a word but that's pretty cheap for the industry. Most of the rates I saw publicly were between $.02-.03/word for line editing.
Pray/sleep on it
Once you pick your best option, set a date to send them the manuscript, sign contracts, and make payment.
Send a polite email to the other editors and say "I regret to say you're not quite the right fit for this book, but I appreciate all your time, help, and advice! I hope to work with you in the future" or something along those lines. Don't burn your bridges.
This whole process took me a couple weeks, everyone was very punctual and professional and friendly. I ended up going with Addison not only because he was the cheapest but also because he made 3X the number of comments as any other writer, and his comments were specific and useful. He understood my characters immediately, I think in part because his writing style is similar to mine, based on his debut novel, Marrow and Soul. We're both Christians who like YA dark fantasy. It's a good match. He's still taking clients for later in the year if that's your vibes. I also worked with Amber Burdett and Sariah Solomon, who were both lovely.
I wish you the best of luck finding an editor who fits your story! I hope this was helpful and not overly long.
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hazy-hazel-fics · 3 months
My fanfic writing process!!! yippee!!!
Step 1: getting my idea. First off, I need the very basic idea of what I want to write. Sometimes it's just a vibe. What fandom am I writing for? What characters are involved? Is it a crackfic or angsty as hell? Is romance involved? Are they in a different setting than canon?
Step 2: planning. I don't like this one a whole lot, mostly because I never know if I'm doing it right. However, the way I do it is I basically come up with a few basic plot points and decide the order that they should happen in. I also try to keep it appropriate to the setting and especially the characters. Sometimes I kinda skip this part, which in hindsight, never turns out good. The part I like most about this is that it's usually where I design my characters! I like drawing, so getting to sketch out how my characters look so that I can describe them or draw them better is nice.
(there's 4 more steps and explanations below the cut! it's just there so that it's shorter if anyone's scrolling)
Step 3: writing. I try to split my base writing into chunks. First, I start everything on paper! I write down a chapter 1, and try to extend it to part of the second chapter as my first section. I then make my next section finishing the second chapter and starting the third, and so on. As my first draft, it usually has a lot of placeholders where I just say [thing that he grabs the hairbrush out of] or something along those lines, and I don't care too much about my writing seeming bland.
Step 4: editing. As I just mentioned, I tend to section things out, albeit loosely. This part is where I grab a red pen and start to fill in the placeholders and fix any grammatical errors. I also tend to replace words and sentences and make them better, at least in my eyes. I do this by section about twice, meaning that I finish writing my first section, and then later on I do the first corrections, and then the next day or after a nap I do the second corrections. Once I'm done, I start writing the next section, and then I edit that, and the cycle repeats!
Step 5: importing. The next step is to import it somewhere that I can check my word count, edit it, and format it right. I usually use Google Docs because it's easiest. First, to avoid that weird double spacing with AO3 when copy pasting, I make it so that it's single and has a space after each paragraph, which shows me how it'd look in AO3 (image below).
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I import it from paper by just manually typing everything out besides the fact that things were corrected. The next day or just a few hours later, I go into suggesting mode (another image below) which basically means that any edits I make will not be permanent, and I can come back later and decide whether or not I want to use the edits. I do this and re-read until I think that my story is silly enough.
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Final/6th step: PUBLISHING!!!! Yep, this is the last step, and probably the most nerve-wracking for me. I open up AO3, make a new work, and then I have to decide the tags (probably the hardest part for me; feels like there's too many to chose from or there isn't something as oddly specific as I need it to be), decide the ratings, write notes for the first chapter... and write a summary. I don't like writing summaries, but I try to keep it short and sweet, and I try not to spoil too much. Maybe 1-3 sentences, and then an author's note that's usually the same length or shorter. I re-read everything I've written, make minor changes, add or remove tags that don't seem necessary, usually mention that tags will be removed and added as necessary... Then, my cursor hovers over the button to publish it... and I haven't gotten past that yet! At some point, though, I'll actually publish a fic rather than letting it sit in google docs and in the drafts until deletion.
So sorry for the very long tutorial! I hope you have a nice day :)
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nowoyas · 2 years
Edible Arrangements 27
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Read on Ao3
A/N: WE REMAIN ON SCHEDULE. I also figured out how to make formatting not break when copying from Scrivener, so this went much faster! Have a, uh, Thanksgiving chapter in December, lmao
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Chapter Summary: It's nearly Friendsgiving! You finalize your project with Neito and have a good time with your friends.
Warnings: Some medical talk regarding dislocated bones, the general existence of Thanksgiving
Word Count: 3800+
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You regret to admit as much, but you might actually not totally despise Neito. Sure, there’s still that lingering unease around him, and no, you still won’t meet him without backup, not even after three weeks of uneventful project work interspersed with angry debates. But… weeks of chatting with him and no major incidents have steeled your nerves. All the lingering unease is just that—lingering. And now the end of this stupid philosophy project is in sight, and you’re nearly free, and you find yourself actually willing to have pleasant conversation with him, not an underlying accusation in sight.
(Of course, none of that to say the conversation wasn’t awkward. Just less unpleasant.)
Mina was on duty today, but she’s stepped away to the restroom, leaving you to make conversation alone. “So, uh,” you start, closing your laptop at the end of your final pass-through of the paper. “Doing anything for break?”
Neito’s fingers still on his laptop keyboard. You’ve got no idea what he was typing, but you know it wasn’t in your shared Google doc. His wheels turn for a moment before he answers.
“I’m not sure. I… My… Things are weird now. With my family.”
You hum as you pack up. “I guess it’s your first holiday as, uh… this.”
He nods. “I can’t say I’m on very good terms with Itsuka after this. The drive home will be rough.”
“Itsuka? The one who turned you, right? Is she…”
“My stepsister,” he finishes. “We ended up at the same university. She’s… I can’t say I’ve really talked with her about all this.”
“You haven’t?” You raise an eyebrow. “What, have you just been avoiding each other for the past month?”
Neito lets out the longest sigh he can hold. “Essentially, yes. I woke up, she told me about what I need to know as a new vampire, and then we haven’t had a real conversation since. It’s all, ‘are you adjusting well?’ and ‘getting on okay in your classes?’ The rest of the time, we’re just… hovering around each other.”
“Is it because you don’t want to talk to her, or because she doesn’t want to talk to you?”
“Neither, I think.” He runs a hand through his hair. Maybe it’s only because you hadn’t spent much time together, but he’s looked more disheveled in the past weeks than you had ever noticed before. “Or maybe… maybe I don’t know how to talk to her anymore. How do you talk to someone after that? Perhaps I was in the wrong when I took it on myself to hunt innocent people, thinking myself a hero, but… even if I deserved the consequences received, I don’t know how to talk to someone who hurt me so deeply.”
You sigh. It’s clear that he’s hurting a lot from this, and your sympathy wars with the ongoing aches in your arm. “Have you considered getting a therapist?”
“I mean, like, I’ve been through some shit. I mean, obviously.” You gesture to your scarring arm. “But even before that, there’d been some bullshit. I went to therapy for a little while after that. Would’ve kept going if my finances didn’t tank, but either way, my therapist was really cool.”
“Some bullshit?” He raises an eyebrow. “Like what, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh that? I got stabbed. And some other stuff, too, I guess, but it wasn’t all that important.”
He hums thoughtfully, fingers returning to flying across his keyboard with whatever he’s doing. “You said your therapist was good? Can you point me their way?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s, uh… shit. What was her name?” You genuinely can’t remember. It’s hazy, a name on the tip of your brain, but every time you brush against it, it slips away. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I’ll dig into my records when I’m home, I sure I wrote down her info when I was still seeing her.”
“Don’t worry about it; take as much time as you need. I admit I’m a bit wary of seeing a therapist without a good recommendation, so it would be of great help to me.”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll submit stuff tonight and go digging for my old therapist’s info for you. Sound good?”
It’s bitter, mostly, this sort of parting. Mina returns from the bathroom, and you gather up your stuff in relative silence. Things could have been different, you think, but then your arm brushes against the metal of your chair and leaves an angry burn behind, and you shake it off.
You’ll get him his therapist, and then you’ll be done with this, all of it.
You make your way home. You’ve got a kitten to play with, a paper to submit, and a therapist’s info to dig up. You call out to Izuku on your way in, but no one replies, just Sbeve barreling at you at top speeds from the top of the stairs. Sbeve’s proven to be quite the cuddle bug, curling right up in your arms as you walk around the house looking for Izuku.
He’s not downstairs. He’s not in the basement. You don’t find him in the kitchen, the library, or his secret study. Then, just for completion’s sake, you glance outside and realize his car isn’t even here. He must not have mentioned he was going out.
No matter. It just gives you time to focus on other things—Sbeve to cuddle up with you while you go through your laptop. A chill, quiet night in. You can work with that.
The group of them meets up on campus, the sun already having set in the November cold. They meet up under a streetlamp outside the library. In attendance: Tsuyu and Mina, representing the only humans present. Also in attendance: Izuku, Neito, Hitoshi, and an unexpected face, accompanying Hitoshi.
Neito is the first to recognize him. “Dr. Aizawa?”
“Monoma. You have a project due tonight, as I recall.”
He shakes his head, waves it off. “We finalized it earlier. [name] should be submitting it sometime right around now.”
He nods, lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Sorry for crashing the Disenthrallment Council or whatever you’re calling it. Hitoshi asked me for advice, as his sire, so I guess I’m also helping out with this.”
“No, no problem!” Izuku says, waving his hands a touch frantically. “It’s rare to see you outside of staff meetings!”
Dr. Aizawa arches an eyebrow at him. “You don’t even work on campus.”
“Well, I… Y-yeah, I guess so!” He clams right back up.
“So, then. Who’s leading this, anyway?”
“Leading?” Mina echoes. “No one’s really a leader here. We’re not really directed enough for that.”
“I’ll start us off, then. I don’t have all night.”
“What’s the current status on trying to disenthrall this student?”
Tsuyu raises her hand, more out of instinct than anything. “We’ve just gotten information from Tenya about what the enthrallment covers this week. We’re still figuring out a strategy, kero.”
Neito nods. “We thought to start trying by sort of prying at the “edges” of their memory, but…”
“What’s the “edge” of a memory, anyway?” Mina complains. “It’s fine to say that, but what does that even mean?”
“Like where their memories are weak?”
She hums, dissatisfied with the answer.
“I thought I was finding the edge of one of those memories at the end of our project meeting today, but it seems I was unsuccessful… I doubt I’ll, personally, have many more opportunities.” Neito sighs. “It’s a shame, too.”
Dr. Aizawa looks over each of them slowly, tired eyes closing as he thinks. “So, what you’re trying to do is get them to focus on the weaker parts of the thrall?”
“Yeah,” Hitoshi says. “We’re looking, basically, for bits of memories where they don’t seem to change the subject as quickly, and pressing those.”
“Why don’t you look for a way to force them to look at the memories as a whole?” he asks.
Izuku shakes his head. “It’s no good. They start reacting pretty negatively, and last time, they got a very serious headache. I’m worried that it’ll create more damage by forcing them to face the thrall head-on.”
“Are you worried it’ll hurt them, or are you worried that it’ll be uncomfortable?”
“Well, I… it’s not that, i-it’s just…”
Dr. Aizawa sighs. “You were a medical doctor at one point, weren’t you? Have you ever handled a dislocated shoulder?”
Izuku cringes a bit. “I have. And I understand what you’re saying, but—“
“Then you know that sometimes forcing a patient through the pain is necessary for them to do any healing.”
“But it should be done by a trained professional!” he protested. “You risk so much more damage to the dislocated joint if you put it back without the correct training, the correct precautions, the right approach and technique and—“
“Do you think you’ll find anyone who has that training in this situation? As far as I’ve heard, no one alive knows how to do what you kids are trying to do. There are no experts, and there is no right approach or any sort of training. You’re just going to have to do the painful thing.”
“I don’t… I don’t know about all that…” Izuku says, quietly and to himself. The conversation is already blazing forward without his enthusiasm.
“If you were to take the route of forcing them to acknowledge their own memories, then I guess the best route would be to present them with evidence of things they’ve forgotten. They’ve had their memories overwritten, yeah?”
“There should be evidence somewhere to prove what’s actually happened. If they’ve got pictures hidden somewhere from back then, or if there were videos of them doing something they don’t remember doing, for example. Give them something they can’t look away from.”
“In other words,” Neito says, his phone buzzing in his hand, “smash the thrall.”
He checks the text, an eyebrow raised.
[name] to Neito at 6:04 PM
[name]: okay so project’s uploaded
[name]: I did some digging and found an email exchange with my old therapist
[name]: looks like she’s not currently open to new patients, but she’s got a waitlist you can get on to be contacted when she’s got time
[name]: anyways here’s her page
[name]: small.link/clear-skies-clinic
[name]: I remember her being really, really good and helpful, so hopefully she’ll be useful to you and everything. there wasn’t really much of anything I couldn’t tell her and feel comfy.
[name]: good luck with your new biting thing. or whatever.
Neito’s eyebrow arches higher. Not much they couldn’t tell her…
Neito: When did you see her, again?
[name]: weird question, but ok
[name]: like, two-ish years ago
“I guess I have some old pictures? But [name] might just think they were taken after they and Tenya “met”…” Mina has a hand on her shoulder as she brainstorms.
“We’ll have to spend some time gathering evidence.”
Dr. Aizawa nods. “It has to be enough evidence that they can’t possibly come up with an argument for it. I don’t think just a few pictures is going to cut it.”
Neito tunes them out, opening up the link you sent. There it is—the therapist’s contact info, a professional picture of her—pleasant expression, glasses, white hair with little shocks of red. Below the photo, the text reads: Dr. Fuyumi Todoroki: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, EdD, LCMHC, LCAS.
“Hey. Van Helsing wannabe.”
Neito’s eyes snap away from the therapist’s email address. “Hm?”
“Wow, you actually answered to that.”
He rolls his eyes. “What?”
“Are you listening or what?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Our resident thrall was texting.”
Hitoshi rolls his eyes in return. “If you could pay attention, that would be great.”
“No, no, I think the distraction was good. How long do you suppose therapists keep their notes?”
“If they’re following local regulations, seven years, kero.” Tsuyu tilts her head. “Why are you asking?”
“I may have something of a debatably ethical idea.”
Fall break settles nicely around you. All projects out of the way, homework binged on the first day of break, finds you instead focused on texting and trying to coordinate any kind of holiday feast with your friends. Draped across the living room couch, you text, keeping one eye on the little ball of fluff perched atop the cat tree.
capris are for drinking to Friendliest Friends at 1:59PM
capris are for drinking: Alright bitches it’s noon I need you to wake up and sound off @ET come home
ET come home: excuse you, I’ve been in the dance studio since like 6am
ribbit: that doesn’t actually disprove that you were sleeping
capris are for drinking: @I Must Proceed With Speed sound off
I Must Proceed With Speed: Oh, good. Someone changed my nickname again.
ET come home: <3
capris are for drinking: <3
ribbit: <3
capris are for drinking: it is now officially fall break!
ET come home: fall break started yesterday
capris are for drinking: not according to the fall 2050 academic calendar it didn’t!
capris are for drinking: anyways shut up
capris are for drinking: and give me your guyseseses schedules
capris are for drinking: we need to coord friendsgiving and I’m free infinitely at the moment so I’m the common denominator
You hear movement behind you. Sbeve hasn’t left line of sight, which leaves one option…
“Hey, Izuku. Plans for holiday stuff this week?”
Izuku freezes in the doorway to the kitchen area, staring at you blankly. “Oh. I forgot about Thanksgiving.”
You shake your head. “Not Thanksgiving. But we do do a Friendsgiving-type thing. I’m working on organizing it with the usual group, but we will need to figure out where to host. We could do it here, if you’re okay with it…? Obviously you’re invited.”
“I’ve got no plans or anything, so feel free! I can help put it all together and everything, too.”
“We do it like a potluck feast. Mina, Tsuyu, and Tenya all would be bringing stuff, so we won’t be worrying about all of the food.”
He comes to lean on the back of the couch as you text and talk. “So who’s in charge of what?”
“We haven’t figured it out yet. Let’s see…”
ET come home: I’m good for tomorrow if you guys are
I Must Proceed With Speed: I don’t have any particular plans, though the notice is short
capris are for drinking: yeah, sorry about that! it’s been… you know, a lot, recently.
capris are for drinking: school bullshit and prepping for exams and like, writing an entire paper with… well, you know, tenya
capris are for drinking: what about saturday? would that work better?
I Must Proceed With Speed: much better.
ribbit: works for me!
ET come home: I’m down!
capris are for drinking: great. zuku says we can host here if that’s okay?
ET come home: oh good more excuses for you not to leave the house ;)
capris are for drinking: fuck you <3
Their agreements sound off, and soon, with Izuku peeking over your shoulder and offering suggestions, food is coordinated. It’ll take some time preparing—in fact, probably the rest of today planning and shopping—but you wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Planning is, actually, the worst part. You find yourself sitting at the kitchen counter, notebook in front of you, head in your hands as Izuku takes inventory of the fridge and pantry.
“I can’t do it,” you moan. “It’s so much thinking. My brain’s too fried.”
“It’s not that bad. Look, what does Tsuyu always bring?”
“Is… is that the official name?”
“Didn’t used to be, but we renamed it. It’s kickasserole these days.”
He laughs, then nods. “Okay, so we don’t need to worry about the casserole. What’s Mina always bring?”
“Pie. Oh my god her pie is so good. She brings, like, four of them. We don’t need to worry about dessert.”
“Great! No worries about dessert, then. What’s Tenya bring?”
“Tenya always brings the turkey, but he hasn’t been coming ever since his—“
You stop. Furrow your brow.
“…sorry,” you say after a long moment. That’s strange. You had a sentence in your head, but it just… vanished. “My head kinda hurts, lost my train of thought there. So I was saying, that leaves us with bread rolls, mashed potatoes, drinks. Mina does alcohol, but Tsuyu’s not much of a drinker, so we should have another option or two on deck.”
Izuku watches you for a second. You shift under his gaze, nervously turning back to your notes. “What was it you were saying before?” he asks after a moment.
“Tenya hasn’t been coming ever since what?”
You arch a brow. “What are you talking about? I just met Tenya in, like, January. Of course he hasn’t been coming.”
“I’m just saying, y-you didn’t even think about including him in your plans, right? You just already knew to do so.”
“Yeah? Friendsgiving is with the lunch bunch. It’s not like I’d exclude him. We’re over that whole fight, I think. And I’m not the only one deciding, after all.”
“But he also didn’t seem surprised by your suddenly bringing it up,” he presses. “Isn’t that weird?”
You shrug. “I probably brought it up like, last week and just forgot. We run into each other on campus all the time.”
He frowns, but says nothing, and you return to planning, then to shopping, then to prepping, all in a smooth line.
Tenya is the first to arrive that day, carrying in a hefty tray with you-know-exactly-what as you hold Sbeve back. He sets it down, and it’s not long until the other two arrive—Mina with her pies, carried in in two trips, and Tsuyu with her kickasserole. The meal settles in, your friends with it, and the day passes without incident. Even Tenya and Izuku seem to be getting close to getting along. Kind of.
They leave in the opposite order they came. Tsuyu has to leave to pick up her brother from his friend’s house, Mina rolls out with a sly look that implies she’s wanting to give you alone time with your housemate. Tenya is the one who lingers, petting Sbeve’s head with three thick fingers in your living room as you walk him to the door.
“Thanks for coming,” you say at the door.
He nods. “Of course.”
“It was short notice and all.”
“I really don’t mind. It’s good to be flexible!”
You sigh, smiling as not even a hint of a glow comes to him. “Thank you, then.”
There’s a moment where both of you pause at the door. The pair of you stand there, not speaking. Sbeve’s purring fills the silence between you, and in that air, your questions hang.
You wonder where Tenya gets his drinks. He’s never so much as looked at you, Mina, or Tsuyu for blood, although your collective knowledge of his vampirism is fairly recent. Still, to not even have asked… has there ever been a moment where he seemed to be off? Thirsty? Is it the family hospital? How would his brother feel if—
…his brother?
“…say, Tenya—“
“Before I go, I’d like to speak with you,” he says, and he’s not looking at you. His eyes are past you, where Izuku has frozen on his way into the kitchen with plates in hand.
“O-oh! Uh, no problem. Would you prefer this be private, or—“
He barely takes a moment to consider it. “Yes, actually. If you don’t mind, [name]…”
“No, no! Go right ahead.”
Your vampires head further in, and you’re left with Sbeve, sitting on the couch with Tenya’s dish, waiting for them to have their talk.
“I need to apologize to you.”
Tenya says it before the door’s even closed, his voice low, and Izuku bristles.
When the door clicks closed, Tenya lets out a long, sad sigh, his hand lingering on the doorknob. “I have been unfair to you from the moment [name] mentioned you. I’m sorry for that.”
Izuku is silent, staring at him with a furrowed brow. When Tenya lets him marinate in the silence, he gives in to speaking. “Why are you apologizing now?”
“Stop trying to break their thrall. The others will be fine, but…”
“You haven’t gone through the information I sent you?”
“I know that the two of you have known each other for a while, but…”
Tenya meets his eyes, a deep-set frown on his lips. “Their thrall is likely not possible to break. But if it is, and you do it, you will be driving them away. They will likely remember who they were when they were enthralled, and though I don’t deserve it, if they truly remember me…”
“I get it. That’s a choice [name] will have to make for themselves.”
“You’re going to keep trying? Even if it means you lose them?”
“It’s not about that. I’m doing this for them, not me.”
Izuku has to wonder. He hates it, but he has to wonder: would he be lying, in your eyes?
“I’m sure there’s plenty that you’re smarter than me about. You have the years and experience to have reached that point, not to mention far too much schooling. But I think you’re doing something incredibly stupid by choosing to keep on with this.”
Tenya cracks the door, about to leave. Izuku flashes him a thin smile. “Thank you for apologizing.”
“I doubt it will happen again.”
Izuku watches Tenya leave. He needs a moment to himself.
Tenya comes to you alone, Izuku nowhere in sight. You nearly miss him on his way out the door, though your attention snaps to him the moment you hear him.
“Mind if I ask what all that was about?”
“I do, unfortunately,” he says.
You smile. “No worries.”
There it is again. That awkwardness. There’s something hanging in the air. A kind of tension in your chest, a closure that’s missing, that can never come, because you haven’t the first clue what you’re even looking for.
“Thank you again. I know you don’t like Izuku, so… thank you for playing nice with him tonight. Please tell me you weren’t in there threatening him again.”
“No, nothing of the sort.”
To your relief, he isn’t lying. You pass him back his dish, brain reaching for the question you’d wanted to ask him before, but you can’t seem to get a grip on it.
“Have a good night, Tenya.”
This is weird. This is really weird.
He pulls you into a hug, soft and big and painful on a level you can’t understand.
“Good night, [name].”
On your porch, he pauses, looking back at you. “Before I forget. You wanted to ask something before, didn’t you? Sorry I interrupted you.”
You shake your head. “I can’t remember what it was. Don’t worry about it, okay, Tenya?”
He nods and bids you one last goodnight. You watch him go.
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truthisgoldenau · 5 years
Character Bio: Frederick Fazbear Jr and Franklin Fazbear
Born: August 8th, 1987
Race: Mixed (three-fourths black, one-fourth white)
Sexualities: Freddy- gay, Frankie- asexual
Personalities: Freddy- outgoing, dramatic, a bit of a prankster.  Frankie- observant, smart, cares a lot about people.
The moment the twins were given names, people assumed that the one with Junior tagged onto the end of his name was somehow the favorite; it was always the complete opposite.  Somehow Spring Valley had forgotten that without the original Franklin Fazbear (Fred Sr’s father), Fred’s business couldn’t have even got its beginnings.
Born during the biggest year of Freddy’s, they would be too young to know about the Bite of ’87 and the subsequent closing of their father’s dream business.  During the first few years of their lives, they were well loved by their parents (and mildly spoiled, after all Fred still had quite a bit of money following the success of the second location).  Freddy was a shy child, usually tagging along and letting his twin speak for him. Frankie was more than glad to speak for the both of them, being naturally curious.
Their mom would sing them songs and their dad would tell them stories from Freddy’s sometimes making up fantastical adventures for the characters to go on that would keep the boys enthralled.  Both of them wanted nothing more than to meet these characters, both of them having their own character plushies that had been gifts when they were babies. Freddy had Freddy of course; Frankie had Golden Freddy.  
They weren’t yet 4 years old when Fred Sr once again opened Freddy’s; this time in a new, smaller location across town with only 4 animatronics.  It didn’t stop the boys from being fascinated immediately. On rare occasions, and only after they’d turned 4, they were allowed to go with their dad before the place officially opened for the day.  To them it was the most magical the place could be, seeing this place that was usually so full of life empty.
They celebrated their 5th birthday at Freddy’s, then started kindergarten not long after.  This cut down on their chances to go to Freddy’s at all; but if they’d been good Maddie would usually stop by with them for a little bit after school.  The twins loved car trips with their mom; she had always had a beautiful singing voice, so she’d sing along with them. Freddy, even at a young age, had a very nice singing voice, and Frankie did his best to keep up.  
They still hadn’t lost their love of Freddy’s by the time their 6th birthday was coming around in 1993, and once again they asked to have a birthday at Freddy’s.  Their dad wouldn’t turn it down, and sure enough they once again had their party at their favorite place. 
It would the first of many unlucky moments in their lives.  
In the middle of the birthday show, things turned south and for Fred Sr, suddenly the event from ’87 was happening all over, minus the bite.  
Freddy and Frankie, along with two others near the show stage, were on the ground, in agony from some unknown pain.  Attempts by their mom to reach them were unheard. Where Freddy was too terrified to do anything, Frankie lashed out in his own way and found… an anchor.  To what he didn’t quite understand, but whatever it was lessened the pain.
They were two of the four rushed to the hospital for whatever unknown happened to them; equally unknown was the reason Frankie’s hair went from the dark black it had always been to gold, and his eyes went from a soft brown to a deep, unsettling black.  Both twins had a new set of bear ears; brown for Freddy, gold for Frankie.  
And as with ’87, no one had any answers for Maddie about what could have happened to her children.  
Freddy woke up that night, still in the hospital, to hear snippets of an argument outside their room between his parents.  
“You promised they’d be safe, and yet here we are.  I should have never let you reopen that place.”  
They were out of the hospital a day later, and Freddy’s was closed down for good not long after.  The twins didn’t even cry when their dad explained it was closing. They’d both decided they had enough of that place after what happened.  They moved to a smaller house in a different part of town, life slowly getting back to normal. Or as normal as it could be.
Freddy could no longer sing the way he once had, although it didn’t stop the family sing alongs.  
And Frankie kept having terrible nightmares about the event, nightmares that were disjointed and strange and felt… more like a memory that wasn’t quite his.
Where Frankie had been willing to talk for both of them before, now he was more quiet and reserved.  And Freddy took over as the one in charge between the two of them.  
They were 8 years old when the next odd event happened.  On a usual drive to school, the twins singing along with their mom as usual, Frankie very suddenly and painfully lost his voice.  Maddie took him to the ER, frantic about what could be wrong with him. A doctor looked him over thoroughly, but there was nothing physically wrong with him.  He just… couldn’t speak. Couldn’t make a sound.  
Once Fred learned this, he disappeared for a day or two.  The twins were scared, and Maddie did her best to explain that ‘dad has to go figure things out.  Just for a little while’. Not that it helped. Frankie was terrified and unable to communicate. Fred came home and thought the boys were overjoyed to see their dad, something still seemed wrong between their parents.  Maddie, determined to keep the family from falling apart completely, found sign language classes to sign them up for. It’d give Frankie a way to talk, at the very least.  
The next year, just before the twins turned nine, their parents sat them down for a talk.  Maddie had cancer, they explained. Some doctors were going to do everything they could, they explained.  It would be okay, they said. The twins didn’t know what cancer meant, but with how serious their parents were about it, it couldn’t be good.
By this point, Freddy was getting in fights at school to stand up for both him and Frankie; sometimes these fights went very bad very quickly, the effects from the ’93 event beginning to be more obvious.  While Freddy struggled with all the problems- quick temper, prone to outbreaks, memory lapses- Frankie seemed to have few of these same issues. The Fazbears were struggling to keep it together as a family, seemingly running into problem after problem.
For a long while, the twins figured that their mom was fine, that this “cancer” thing was just something she’d get past.
Then it was 1998 and they were watching their mom become weaker and weaker.  
A little over a month after their 11th birthday, their mom was admitted to the hospital.  They were taken out of school to see her and told that it was hoped she’d recover.
But just in case…
Freddy was stubbornly hopeful that his mom would be fine.  She struggled through his favorite song with him, told him she loved him, told him his singing was still just as beautiful as it had always been.
Frankie knew better, pessimistic about a good outcome.  He was beginning to notice a pattern with the family luck.  His mom took his hand though- something she’d done since losing his voice to keep him calm and tell him he’d be safe.
“You still have the strongest voice of all of us, darling.  Don’t ever forget that.”
It would be the last time they saw their mother; she passed away that night.  
Their dad was never really the same after that.  At first, the fact that they would occasionally be left in the care of two of their dad’s close friends for days at a time wasn’t too concerning.  At Ben’s house, they often were babysat by the man’s teen daughter who’d known them their whole lives anyways, and both Ben and his wife Ashley were incredibly loving people.  Jeremy was a security guard and worked odd hours, but he’d sometimes bring them with him if he could get away with it. It gave them something to do at least.
The older they got though, the more obvious it was that Fred was simply just growing distant from them.  Freddy and Fred got into arguments more often, Freddy telling him he still needed to be there for him. Frankie tried not to add to the stress his dad already seemed to have; not like it was easy for him to communicate with him anyways, Fred having never picked up sign language as well as the rest of them.  Something he apologized often for.
Frankie seemed to be the only one to think there was something far bigger that was bothering their dad that he wouldn’t- or couldn’t- tell them about.
At 14, Freddy brought home his first boyfriend, seemingly as a challenge to their dad.  Not that it really bothered Fred. The whole thing went better than Freddy expected it to, which shouldn’t have disappointed him as much as it did.
A lot of Fred’s reactions to his antics was disappointing to Freddy in his high school years.  The short temper and memory lapses were causing more fights than ever, and Fred just seemed indifferent to it.  Nor did he seem concerned with Frankie’s grades slipping, insomnia, and increasingly disjointed nightmares that still felt more like memories- memories that couldn’t even be his.
Then it was 2005.  Freddy hardly even acknowledged Fred as his father anymore, despite Frankie trying to convince him that something was clearly wrong with him.  One particular fight got far out of hand, Freddy accusing Fred of only ever having cared for their mom, since clearly he didn’t give a shit about them anymore.  And it pushed Fred to a certain point, because he snapped back.
“Yeah, what reason are you giving me to care for you anymore, huh?  Cause all you ever seem to do is cause me fucking problems. At least your brother can keep his damn mouth shut and not add to my stress, since all you do is try to fight me!”  
It was harsh and cruel, and unnecessary, and Frankie could tell he didn’t mean it the moment it came out; Freddy however didn’t have the weird sixth sense Frankie had about these things and took it to heart. 
“You know what, fuck you Fred.  The second I’m 18, I’m gone. Maybe mom’s parents will take me in.  Or her brother. I wouldn’t fucking know, since you pushed them away too, but it sure as hell has to be better taking a chance with them than staying here with you.” 
The damage was done on both sides.  Freddy didn’t even acknowledge the weak apology.  He stopped speaking to his dad entirely, even when Frankie tried to convince him it was all just heat of the moment anger.
July 23rd, 2005.
Fred went to work at his usual time, telling Frankie, the only one awake in the morning when he left, that he’d be back a little late with pizza.  Told him to make sure Freddy didn’t do anything dumb. Reminded him he did love him and his brother, even if he seemed distant. All things that Frankie was used to hearing.
Neither of the twins had jobs at the moment, so it was a usual summer day of playing video games.  Frankie tried to convince his twin to at least go find their dad some kind of small birthday present since it was now the day before, but Freddy pretended he forgot sign language.  Frankie went out by himself and picked up a card and was back home way before Fred was supposed to be back anyways.  
The day got later and later- around 11 PM, Freddy commented that Fred sure as hell knew how to let them down.  Frankie had to admit it was unusual; he was usually home by 8 on weeknights at the very latest.
And then they heard sirens.  There was a long moment where it seemed like maybe they weren’t going to be nearby; but they only grew louder until they sounded like they were only a few houses down.  Frankie, always a worrier, took off towards the sound; Freddy followed him, more concerned that it was probably not a thing they ought to be concerned about.
However, the car crash at the corner just down the street had involved an all too familiar black car that looked like it had gotten the worst end of the deal against the SUV at the scene.  A few of the neighbors also looked on, one telling the boys that they should probably go home. Freddy vaguely recognized the girl who must have been the driver of the SUV, looking like she was in shock, wrapped in a blanket as a EMT checked her out.  Frankie tried to, without thinking, ask another EMT who else was there; Freddy intervened and asked in his place, hardly managed to get out their dad’s name.
The way the EMT’s face fell told them everything.
It was indeed the family car.  The intersection had always been a bit dangerous, and the passenger of the SUV said they hadn’t seen the car until it was too late to stop.  They hit the driver’s side of the car dead on, and…
They’d sent an ambulance to the hospital with Fred.  The EMT assured them they were going to do everything they could, asking if they had a mother who could take them there.  Freddy barely managed to convey that no, they didn’t, but they could call someone.
By the time Jeremy was able to get them and take them to the hospital, it was nearing midnight.  They startled the receptionist at the ER, Freddy stumbling over his words to ask if a Fred Fazbear had been admitted.  The receptionist checked and could only tell them yes; she told them she’d go get a doctor to talk to them. They were hardly able to sit, time feeling way too slow.
The doctor came along shortly and quietly relayed the information.  Their dad had passed away before he even made it to the hospital. Freddy didn’t get it for a moment.
“Okay, but he’s gonna be alright?  Like we can see him?”  
“I’m sorry.  He didn’t make it.”  
And that was it.  The Fazbear twins were orphans.  Jeremy took them home with him since both were in a state of shock.  They didn’t really sleep that night, reality seeming to lose all meaning.
It stayed that way until the funeral.  It wasn’t a big service; Fred had alienated a lot of people along the way and isolated himself as he became more and more distant.  It was a far cry from what their mom’s had been, attended by so many people who’d loved her and would genuinely miss her that it overflowed with love and support for the family she left behind.  Looking at their dad’s funeral was like looking at a handful of people who were attempting to put on a façade for the ones he was leaving behind. Freddy meant to say something at the funeral, but ended up unable.  Ben reminded them they were still always welcome to stay with him.
They stayed with Jeremy after, and a week or two after the funeral Jeremy brought them into work with him.  He had taken over a dayshift security job at this guy’s facility where he did all kinds of ‘crazy’ experiments as Jeremy called them.  Neither of the twins were too fascinated to meet the man, who Jeremy introduced to them as Phillip Guy. The man was fascinated in their extra ears; in fact he ended up spending a lot of time questioning them about them and if there were any associated effects.  Freddy of course answered for both of them.
“Are you two the only ones?”  
“Not that- Wait.  There was another kid at school with bunny ears I think.  And Frankie says he thinks there’s more than that.”
“Fascinating.  I might be able to help.  Oddities like this are kind of my speciality.  Not that you two are oddities, I don’t mean to come off as rude, but-“
“We’d love the help.  It would be nice to be normal again.”  
“Great!  I’ll get things in motion and we’ll see if we can’t fix you kids right up!”  By the last week of August, things were in motion- with at least 7 others.
Maybe it’d be a good enough distraction from their usual shitshow of a life.
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notdeadjack · 4 years
annual rec list 2020: part 2 electric boogaloo
Part 1, Multi-fandom rec list: 55 fics here
Part 2, Boku no Hero Academia: 223 fics
bc tumblr wouldnt let me link all of it in one post. also, my usual formatting broke when i copy pasted this to a new post and i cannot be arsed to fix it bc there’s just too many aaaaa
again, if the read more breaks and y’all have to scroll through this on your actual dash, i am sincerely sorry orz
Boku no Hero Academia
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12839862   Can't wait to see you by Mizaaistom   4k, Tamaki/Mirio,
“No light though..?”
Tamaki stiffens and Mirio instantly regrets his words.
“No light though! Sounds hot,” he tries. He also tries a quick peck to Tamaki’s forehead, hoping it communicates his apology and that he is very much ok with getting his first blowjob in the dark.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13625934   Blow Your Mind (Mwah) by MissPlacemat   2k, Kaminari/Kirishima, platonic sex, just dudes being bros,
For the kink meme prompt: Kamikiri, giggly sex
Just some thoroughly platonic and very, very goofy sex between two bros.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13115979   a fever you can't sweat out by Chewpid   7k, Kaminari/Kirishima/Bakugou,
Kaminari realizes he likes boys about a lifetime after everyone else does.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11927796   daydream by pvwork   2k, Tamak/Mirio, first kiss,
Third grade was scary for all of the two hours that he didn’t know Mirio.
After that first meeting, every memory Tamaki had of his childhood was filled with the summer sun, the melt-on-your-tongue sweetness of a shared anpan, the pinprick hurt of straining his limbs to manifest his quirk, Mirio’s megawatt smile, and Mirio’s big braying laugh.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13870977   Boy Problems by QuirklessWonder (SouthernSmartAss)   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, pining,
“Are you okay, Kirishima?” Amajiki was asking when Mirio tuned back into the conversation. He picked at his takoyaki, and Mirio could tell he was nervous. Well, Amajiki was always nervous, but right now he seemed to be extra nervous. Was it because of Kirishima being here? He usually didn’t mind the kid.
Speaking of, the kid looked up from where he was picking at his own lunch and he blushed so brilliantly that his face was hard to tell from his hair. It was kind of fascinating.
“I’m fine! Just - thinking,” He said, averting his gaze. Well, it wasn’t difficult for Mirio to tell when someone was being nervous and avoidant at this point. He ate some more of his lunch contemplatively before announcing cheerily -
“Boy problems.” He had been kind of joking - well, more like projecting - since he didn’t even know if Kirishima was attracted to men, but at the sharp, stunned look that the first-year sent him he realized that maybe he had also just started to realize what that looked like now.
“Mirio, what do you mean?” Amajiki asked at the same time that Kirishima asked, ”How did you know?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12108360   five times mirio snuck into tamaki's room and one time he didn't by silvercistern   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, 5+1,
Tamaki and Mirio's young life together as a series of breaking and entering.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16201307   This Ain't a Fairy Tale by alpha_hydra   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou,sex pollen, kinda,
“No catch,” the doctor assures, but he hesitates a little before continuing. “However, it’s not your physical condition we have to be worried about. The victims of the quirk-”
“Victims?” Kirishima repeats weakly.
“The fucker’s quirk is called matchmaking,” Bakugou spits out before the doctor can continue. “He makes people infatuated with a person he chooses, and makes them fucking psychotic the longer they’re kept apart from them.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12193362   like you're running out of time, like you need it to survive by Slumber   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
Kirishima ravenous over omurice looks nothing like the any of the pictures in any of the articles of Red Riot's debut. Kirishima is a fifteen-year-old boy with a growing appetite, Red Riot a sturdy hero with already one apprehended criminal under his belt. And Katsuki--
Katsuki is only a boy playing at being a hero. He doesn't even have a fucking code name yet.
Or, Katsuki has a lot of thoughts about Kirishima that don't always fit together. (Takes place from after Kamino to the internship arc/ch 153.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13490769   living on your knees (you rise up) by Slumber   13k, Kirishima/multiple, friends with benefits, casual sex,
It starts with Kaminari.
It starts with Kaminari after their first mission together, the cops and villains long gone and the remnants of the fight nothing more than burnt fabric and deep cuts on their skin, a purpling bruise where tender flesh collided with concrete and metal and hard fists. There's a trembling in Kaminari's fingers and a desperation in his eyes, his knees giving out were it not for Kirishima's hands on his arms, holding his weight and pressing it to the dirty brick wall.
In which post-mission blowjobs become something of a habit. The feelings, an unexpected side effect.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12363684   arms by silvercistern   5k, Tamaki/Mirio, awkward first time tentacle sex,
Mirio runs his hands over the comforter where Tamaki’s shoulders and back are, gently petting. “Why don’t we just put on a movie and see what happens? I want to watch The Force Awakens again. Maybe we won’t watch all of it, who knows?”
“Aren’t you embarrassed?” Tamaki’s muffled voice filters through the blankets. He’s leaning into Mirio’s touches, and it’s really, really cute.
“Well, I mean, if it was somebody else, I’d probably be embarrassed but it’s real hard to be embarrassed with you.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13892967   breathless by silvercistern   16k, Tamaki/Mirio, soulmates, angst,
Mirio and Tamaki were caught in each other’s gravity. Inseparable friends, they brought out the best in each other, understood each other like no one else could. Together, they inspired each other to go above and beyond.
But they weren’t soulmates.
And Tamaki seemed to be the only person in the world who cared.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22497325   Sun by is_this_a_mistake   2k, Tamaki/Mirio, body insecurities, small penis,
Everyone always laughed when Togata ended up naked, and Tamaki was never sure why.  He knew nakedness was embarrassing… though the idea of people seeing Tamaki himself naked was not much more embarrassing than them seeing him at all.
But Togata… Mirio… was beautiful.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8337607   Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom   424k, gen, canon-AU, BAMF!Midoriya, body horror,
Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it.
But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless.
Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11468634   We Are So (Not) Married by MikeWritesThings (orphan_account)   53k, Aizawa/Yamada, fake/pretend relationship, pining, friends to lovers, ace specturm, implied homophobia,
In which everyone thinks Hizashi and Shouta are married due to an incident and while the nation is struggling to decide if this is a good or bad thing, Hizashi's struggling with the urge to say out loud, "Damn, I wish we were actually married, though."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22650859   i'm having a secret conversation about you with the tiny stars in the pitch-black sky by crossroadswrite   7k, gen, background relationships, kid fic, fluff, 5+1,  
“Is there anyone else you want us to call?” Ochako asks gently, and Eri chews on her lip and looks down and away. “Do you want me to call Deku?” Ochako pushes, and it’s worth it for the way Eri’s head snaps back up to her, eyes wide with hope, before she looks away again.
“I’ll send him a text!” Mina pipes up, already having her phone out and typing rapidly on it. “He’s just on the other side of the building, Eri-chan,” she waves the phone at her with a wide smile that squints her eyes shut. “All done, he should be here any min-“
The door to the room slams open, making them all jump and jerk their heads towards it. Ochako brings her fists up instinctively, heart hammering in her throat.
“What’s wrong with Eri?” Deku demands, standing in the doorway, green lightning sparking off his skin, eyes shifting around wildly as if looking for a threat, body braced in a battle stance.
(Or: 5 times Eri falls asleep on Izuku + 1 time Izuku falls asleep on her)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16409552   Kids (Are The Future) by the_crownless_queen   5k, gen, background relationships, fluff, dadzawa,
“Say, Shouta, you wouldn’t happen to have a secret son, would you?”
-- or 5 times somebody thought Shinsou was Shouta's son, and one time Hitoshi called him Dad.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14620713   Running to Stand Still by Kiyoko_Michi   42k, Aizawa/Yamada, de-aging,
Shouta never needed much. He had his dream—getting into the UA Heroes course—and he had Hizashi, who’d carved out his own spot in Shouta’s life. That was enough for him… until he wakes up in a dirty alleyway wearing clothes three sizes too big. Faced with an unreliable memory and a school full of strangers, Shouta struggles to unravel what happened to him.
(a de-aged!Aizawa fic)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12879186   Aizawa Definitely Doesn't Care by teaandtumblr     15k, Aizawa/Yamada, dadzawa, familty issues, fluff,
Aizawa doesn't care about his students. He really, really doesn't.
Except for the part were he very much does.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15046934   journey to the past by aloneintherain   44k, gen, time travel, protective!1A,
Izuku is five years old the first time he's saved by heroes. He's an instant fan of the woman in pink with her cheerful smile and the man with his ice powers and fine-boned features, even if they both refuse to tell him their names.
For most of his life, Izuku has been the centre of villain attacks, but he has never been injured. Every time, he's saved by bright, unknown heroes—heroes who smile at Izuku, and ruffle his hair or ply him with hugs, and seem mesmerised by how small he is.
Heroes that the rest of the world doesn't believe exists.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15189752   Looping Back to the Beginning by Feneris   10k, gen, time loop, crack,
Where Class 1-A finds itself in a time loop centered around their first year at UA. After getting over the usual angst, they decide that the best way to grow as heroes is by antagonizing dangerous villains for fun and amusement.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12558048   could i but teach the hundredth part by terra_incognita   5k, gen, dad!might,
Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.
All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11400303   little are the things we learn by newamsterdam   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1, h/c,
Almost half an hour has passed, and Kirishima and Bakugou still haven’t come back. Bakugou may be fine running on fumes, and could probably blast his way through the second part of the exam on pure willpower and stubbornness. But Kirishima should probably eat, and relax for at least a bit.
Kaminari is such a good friend. He hopes Kirishima appreciates him properly. He gets to his feet and wanders out into the hall, looking for a glimpse of Bakugou or Kirishima.
He sees— well. It’s more than a glimpse. And at first, Kaminari doesn’t quite believe it.
Five people who are let in on Yuuei's worst-kept secret, and one person who always knew it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16226225   How Can You Smile With So Many Scars by Quirkyasfok   4k, Bakugou&Midoriya, scars, angst, power of words,
After taking on a villain who's quirk involves making the words that have hurt someone the most appear on the their skin Katsuki begins to learn the true power of how much effect words can have on someone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15907110   Pick Me Up by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)   5k, Aizawa/Yamada, 5+1, friends to lovers,
“You’ll never make it. You’ll drop me before we get halfway there.”
“Bet you I won’t,” Yamada says. The look in his eye is bright and dangerous. It makes Shouta want to agree to things he shouldn’t.
“Bet me what?” he answers, against his better judgement.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13361256   cotton candy hands by chonideno   26k, Kirishima/Bakugou, mutual pining, touch-starved,
Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no.
A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13668393   Surprises by MikeWritesThings   21k, gen, dadzawa, 5+1,
Moving into the dorms, the students get to witness a side of their teacher they didn’t even know had existed--a side much softer, and, dare they say, human, than any of them had ever expected to see.
(Or, 5 things class 1-A never expected from Aizawa, and 1 thing he never expected from them.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17905568   On Secret Relationships And The Importance Of Representation Among Pro Heroes by smol_bird   3k, Aizawa/Yamada, dadzawa,
“I guess,” Midoriya sighs. “But then – some of the pro heroes are our teachers, you know? And still, it’s not like any of them are... I mean, it’s certainly not a common occurrence for a hero to be... out.”
Out? Aizawa thinks. He begins to suspect that he knows what this conversation is about.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20405767   says the moon by chonideno   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, rule 63, pining,
bakugou has read all the books, watched all the movies, heard all the stories, seeked out all possible advice, and none of it has ever made looking at kirishima easier. by the time they reach their third year at UA, bakugou might as well be begging for relief
or how girl loves girl
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17886320   The Best Medicine by chezka   13k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
He couldn't stop thinking about it.
The sound of it, breathy and wild, and the sight that accompanied it, warm and relaxed - Kirishima couldn't get it out of his head. It was stuck at the forefront of his mind, whenever he closed his eyes or let his thoughts wander, capturing him, cutting off his breaths.
He wanted to see it again.
Or, Kirishima sees Bakugou laughing, and his world shakes with it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6563575   The Beauty of a Beast by starofjems   101k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, curses,
Once upon a time a lonely beast lived in a manor deep in the forest. He dreamed of the day his true love appeared to break his curse... When a beauty finally appears in his life, it is not quite as he imagined. For who could have thought a beauty would be more of a beast.
The beauty and the beast AU nobody asked for but here it is.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7267141   Bright as the Sun by starofjems   7k, Kaminari/Kirishima, AU,
For years Kaminari has kept his crush on one of his best friends hidden. It was never the right time, never the right place. They were all too busy trying to make their dreams come true, too busy becoming one of the best pod racer teams in the universe. But now that their dreams are finally becoming reality, it's hard to ignore Ashido's pestering to confess to Kirishima finally. Is it too much to wish for two dreams to come true?  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20729933   Schrödinger's cat by AyzuLK   31k, Midoriya/Todoroki, PTSD, non-con, amnesia,
The cat is in the closed box, with a 50% chance of being alive and a 50% chance of being dead. According to the principle of uncertainty in quantum physics, he is alive and dead until someone opens the box. Izuku doesn't want to open the box. OR Izuku didn’t return home after school. Two months later he was found roaming a deserted road with white hair, psychogenic amnesia and a quirk out of control. Nothing is the same after that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19245922   Heartbeat Thunder by Shippeh   95k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O, knotting, heat,
Kirishima tries not to remember his first rut, and he's taking care to ensure it never happens again.
In which: Kirishima is an extremely aggressive Alpha by nature but insists on suppressing everything, and Bakugou is an Omega wildly confident in his secondary gender.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15980336   hold on tight by lunalou   33k, gen, h/c, touch-starved, 5+1,
"What are you doing?" Shouto asks.
"Hugging you." Midoriya returns in a patient voice. His arms tighten around Shouto's waist and he presses his forehead more firmly against his back. "You know it's a hug, Shouto-kun. Don't play dumb."
or, five times somebody from 1-a hugs todoroki and the one time he hugs them first
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13498050   First Time For Everything by kazzarole   4k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
Midoriya is the catalyst of many of the 'firsts' in Shouto's life--it just makes sense that Shouto should share his first kiss with him, too.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11500860   Head vs. Heart by Ms_Chunks   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Todoroki Shouto had never known anyone quite like Midoriya Izuku. The strength of Midoriya’s quirk paled in comparison to the power of his heart. And it, more than any superhuman power, was what defined him.
Midoriya didn’t think before he acted, he felt. Shouto had a lot to learn about that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17289734   Kiss Me Through The Screen by Ischemia   70k, Shinsou/Kaminari, AU, cam-boy,
Shinsou remembers when he first saw the ad for Ch4rgeb0lt’s services. He was just messing around online when a pop-up appeared with his smiling face, one eye winking and the other brightly flashing with happiness.
“Lonely? Tired of coming home to an empty apartment? Can’t find anyone to listen to your problems? Say no more! For the low cost of $10 per stream, you can have all the company and love you ever wanted. Get a best friend for the best price!”
His first reaction was, “what kind of depressing loser needs to buy a boyfriend?” before he looked around at his empty home and realized he might be that depressing loser.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11227647   nothing has changed me quite like you by akhikosanada   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, friends to lovers,
"Touching someone for the first time, Shouto found out, did not draw electricity or any other romanticized chemical reaction described in books and movies. It did, however, make his chest tighten harder than it ever had before, and as he drew the shape of lightning over Midoriya’s skin, his lips parted on an almost inaudible sigh. Midoriya’s breath caught in his throat, and Shouto wanted to catch it in his own mouth."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18925678   Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup   3k, Shinsou/Kaminari, soulmates,
Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has.
“I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe.
Denki laughs.
“Oh no.” His mother says, watching him.
“Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17843384   Hand to Heart (Right to Left) by Half_SubmergedinPurgatory   13k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Shouto indulges Midoriya's curiousity about how his Quirk works. Just like everything he does with Midoriya, Quirk study sessions quickly become life-changing.
In other words: Shouto learns how to spite his dad, scare his friends, and how teenagers are supposed to act when they're in love.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13433601   Conventional Taste by WowBoring     44k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
He didn’t think it would matter if Midoriya were taking him to a sewer convention; it was probably still going to be the highlight of his Golden Week.
In order to avoid a visit from his unpleasant grandparents Todoroki attends a hero convention with Midoriya, and learns a few things along the way.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21649615   no rest for the wicked by crossroadswrite   3k, gen,
“I’ll destroy a man for you,” he says breathlessly.
Todoroki looks vaguely amused. “Good to know.”
Midoriya passes the mug to Momo’s hands and then reaches up to put his hands on Todoroki’s cheeks so he can bring him down to eye-level.
“No, listen. I will destroy a man for you.”
Todoroki blinks at him, looking a little startled.
“I have a seven year plan,” Midoriya elaborates terrifyingly.
“O-kay?” he says throught his smushed cheeks.
“Fuck Endeavor,” Midoriya says empathically.
(Or: Midoriya has absolutely no filter when he's sleep deprived. That's it. That's the fic.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21245684   Rutting For You by FoolishFortuna   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O, rough sex, alpha/alpha,
Kirishima’s scent washed over him as the redhead moved to slide into bed and Katsuki found his mouth watering. For fuck sake, why was his body being such an asshole all of a sudden? He swallowed.
“Uh, Bakugou?” Eijirou's voice was quiet, almost rough, “You're putting out a pretty strong scent.” There was a tone to his best friend's voice that he'd never heard before, and it sent a shiver through Katsuki as he fisted the duvet in his hand tighter and ground his teeth.
His gums ached.
“Its nothing, shut up.” He focused on getting his pheromones under control quickly. Fuck, he really wanted to bite something. Something that smelled like Eijirou. He swallowed another mouthful of saliva.
“Do you-” Kiri swallowed as well, “d’you wanna just sleep up here?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23176183   Impressionable by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion   5k, gen,
Aizawa spits out a mouthful of hair and says, “Give me coffee, and fuck off.”
There’s a tiny gasp from the doorway. Tensei is fast as a whip when he turns and stares, wide-eyed, at the very small figure of his younger brother outlined by the hallway light. He’s got pyjamas on, fancy silk things, and he’s holding, of all things, a clipboard. Aizawa squints. He’s pretty sure the kid isn’t even ten yet, although he can’t be sure, because the Iida’s seem naturally gangly, and he’s never been very good with kids. How do you measure them? They don't seem to come with a scale.
“You shouldn’t be saying words like that,” Iida says very sternly. “I’m impressionable.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23039944   From Fire and Ashes, Flourishing by Milligramme   21k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU,
It was starting to be insanely hot, Eijirou tripped so often that he was almost walking on all four at this point, his hands were all scratched from the rocks, his clothes dusty and in disarray, and to make things worse, the volcano was mocking him with an uneven slope that made him think the summit was close only to reveal another one further up.
Kirishima's peaceful life on his volcanic island is put to an end when the dormant Mount Bakugou comes back to life, each eruption getting closer to the village and the crops. As panic starts to spread, people remember the old god of the volcano and the ancient tradition to offer him a sacrifice.
Kirishima doesn't buy any of this, but the older villagers seem serious. So before they kill someone in the name of a god that might not even exist, he decides to climb the volcano himself, hoping to find out what causes the eruptions.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23056354   The Anger Translators by naggeluide   5k, Todoroki/Bakugou, quirk accident,
Todoroki considered, then sighed. "Do you think we'll ever be able to do this on our own?"
"Do what, express anger normally in a healthy-ass manner or some shit that's not either super repressed or extremely violent?" Bakugou glowered at him, arms crossed.
In which Bakugou becomes Todoroki's anger translator and vice versa
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22167295     Tiny Truths by Quirk Archivist (OneHitWondersAnonymous)   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou, de-aging, quirk accident, fluff, pining,
“The wedding,” Bakugou repeats, though it sounds like he’s annoyed. “Everybody knows you get married when you make a hero agency, stupid. Why else would you get married?”
Bakugou gets hit with a de-aging quirk which shrinks him down to a four year old. Class 1A panics, but Kirishima steps up to the plate to help his best friend (and secret crush) feel safe in a scary situation. Rated T only for language; this is pure fluff through and through!
https://archiveofourown.org/series/811476   F is for fire that burns down the whole town series by pepperfield   53k, gen, background relationships, shenanigans, quirk accidents,
“Karaoke, Kacchan.” Deku slams his palms on the table, fire in his eyes. “I need a rematch.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely not.”
With his boyfriend out of town and the crime rate up, Bakugou hasn't been having a great week. Deku does his best to make things worse.
(Friendship sure is beautiful.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20067997   Some Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them by AisforAmy71   230k, canon-divergence, injuries, character death, PTSD,
An AU what-if that explores what would happen if All Might lost his first big confrontation with All for One. When All Might is fatally injured after his battle with All For One, nine year old Midoriya Izuku forcibly receives One For All, unbeknownst to anyone...not even Izuku. It will be up to Inko and Gran Torino and as many favors as they can pull in to keep the boy safe from his new quirk until he can learn to use it, or until a suitable vessel can be found. With the Symbol of Peace out of the picture, the world just became a much more confusing place for everyone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24192880   A New Starting Line by AisforAmy71   13k, gen, bullying, soul-searching,
This is kind of a What If? piece from Bakugo’s POV, where Izuku apparently takes Kacchan’s advice and jumps off the roof of the school. Things aren’t always what they seem, and Bakugo has some soul searching to do when he learns the truth.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18310007   manly man falls for manliest man by afuzzyowl   109k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, celebrities, pining,
Kirishima brings up Bakugou one day as he and Kaminari are eating together in the campus cafeteria. Super casual, like yeah-I-saw-this-guy-on-TV-once, and not I’ve-watched-literally-every-single-interview-he’s-ever-even-been-in-the-background-of-and-wouldn’t-mind-having-his-babies.
“Oh, him,” Kaminari says. “Eh, he’s popular lately, I guess. Don’t see what all the hype's about.”
Kirishima feels lightheaded. “You—you don’t see the hype—” he splutters. “He’s incredible, dude.”
Kaminari just eyes him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19349770   Not Waving But Drowning by sandelf   38k, Kirishima/Bakugou, child abuse, child neglect, found family,
"This is for the best." "I know." "It is. I promise. It'll all be okay now. Everything will be okay now."
When class 1-a move into the dormitories, Bakugou has a horrifying realisation about his home life, forcing the self-proclaimed Bakusquad to band together to prove that he has everything he needs in that packed, happy, loud building.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1609612   the bomb squad series by rae_tnub     28k, gen,
Class 1A is their own personal bomb squad, or moments 1A shares with Bakugou.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23766268   president of the krbk club by hiuythn   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
Izuku watches, in a disbelieving and horrified sort of fascination, as Kirishima and Bakugou fall in love.
(Seriously? Right in front of his salad?)  
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1632100   every sign of love series by dino by might   25k, gen, platonic soulmates,
The first mark Izuku gets is a slight brush of green across his temple. It’s the soft touch of a mother holding her son for the first time. Inko has one to match, the same shade of green staining the tips of her fingers. Hers is more noticeable; Izuku’s tends to blend into his hairline. He loves it anyways. He has to. It’s the only soulmate mark he has. (Or: how Izuku goes from just green to a rainbow, UA-style.)  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22380874   What Rules Were Made For by Catastra_Fey   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, masturbation,
Bakugou has a problem. Apparently he's had it forever, and despite being his best friend, Kirishima is only just learning about it. The fact that his friend's quirk prevents him from any kind of self satisfaction has Kiri's brain melting down with sympathy and shock. So he does what any friend would do and offers to help him. Right? That's...what any friend would do...
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22796851   copper on your tongue by lanestreets   3k, gen, epilepsy, h/c,
I’m really sorry, I’m about to have a seizure, it might be bad, Denki thinks.
“So,” is what he actually says, drawing out the vowel, “is bad.”
“What?’” the redhead hovering over him says, and Denki blacks out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22857316   can i be undone? by lanestreets   7k, angst, h/c,
“Why can’t I do those things? What’s wrong with them?”
Hawks sighs, and pushes his hair back out of his face. “It’s not that they’re wrong, they’re just different, and that’s wrong. The more you’re different, the more reason people have to distrust you, yeah? And if people distrust you, how can you be a hero? I want you to be safe, and not have to deal with all that scrutiny.”
Hawks was really only trying to help Tokoyami. He never meant for it to go so far sideways.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23175157   like light through a window by achievingelysium   1k, gen, whump, dadzawa,
The first time Shouta sees what Hagakure looks like, it’s because she’s covered in blood.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23192434   Putting Infinity into Words by redrobin1989   8k, gen, platonic soulmates,
Soul Mates have evolved with quirks to become Soul Bonds in which one feels the entire emotional spectrum and a fact about their future relationship. Or so Izuku had heard, he'd only ever two Soul Bonds and they both caused him pain. Until All Might and Yuuei and he finally learned what it was like to have a loving, thriving Bond.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21997543   Worth a Thousand Words by awareoftheconcept   43k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
When a rare picture of Bakugou smiling leads Class 3A to believe he is in a relationship with Utsushimi Camie, a contest arises to see who can get the most pictures of the couple together. *** “Umm,” Midoriya said nervously. “I-it’s Kacchan. There is always a spark.”
With another round of boos from Kaminari and Jirou, Ashido took a page out of Mineta’s playbook and started shaking Midoriya violently. “I mean like a romantic spark!”
Midoriya blanched. “You think Kacchan is interested in Utsushimi?”
He seemed doubtful, so Ashido shoved Kirishima’s phone in his face. “Do you see this smile? That is the smile of boy who is head-over-heels smitten, am I right?”
Midoriya actually took the time to look at the picture critically, though he shot an uneasy look towards Kirishima before he answered. “Umm, y-yeah,” he said as he started to back away, hiding behind Uraraka like a shield. “It definitely looks like Kacchan is in love.”
How could Kirishima have been so stupid?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21787960   Bakugou and Todoroki's Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701   37k, gen, background relationships, memes,
It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students.
To say that things had snowballed was an understatement.
Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1540663   BNHA Pro-Hero Au series by surveycorpsjean 69k, Midoriya/Todoroki, Midoriya/Todoroki/Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, thirst, polyamory,
It's been four years since Izuku took an overseas villain case.
Now twenty-six, Izuku is one hundred percent, without a doubt, completely and utterly over his crush on Shouto. No problems, smooth sailing, Izuku is a new man ready to start the next chapter of his life.
(RN: i had to go lie down after reading this)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20492264   Liquid Nitrogen by surveycorpsjean   23k, Hawks/Endeavor, age difference, size difference, enemies to friends to lovers,
Enji can't figure out why the hell Hawks keeps sleeping in his office.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12025527   quote love unquote by newamsterdam   135k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, celebrities, fake relationship, pining, slow burn,
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11382708   Up the Wall by surveycorpsjean   8k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pining,
He was told love makes you weak.
Well, Todoroki would like to disagree.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18052598   Thanks for Saving Me by Esselle   46k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, age difference, celebrities,
"You saved my life," Todoroki says.
Izuku freezes. Then he looks up. Todoroki Shouto is staring at him, his eyes calm but wide, dust and soot all over his face. His perfect, handsome face. He's more beautiful in person than Izuku could have imagined.
"You just saved all of us," Todoroki says again. "What's your name?"
"M-Midoriya," Izuku chokes out. "Midoriya Izuku."
Todoroki nods. "Midoriya. Thank you."
Midoriya Izuku is a university sophomore, a fanboy, quirkless. On the list of things he is not: a hero.
That's why he's more surprised than anyone when he rescues Todoroki Shouto, his favorite pro hero, from a deadly villain attack. His actions fling him into the media spotlight, grabbing the attention of the entire country, including Todoroki himself. But Todoroki actually wants to get to know him past the headlines.
Izuku finds himself living a story straight out of a fairy tale, one where the mysterious, handsome prince is played by the real-life superhero he has always admired. But Izuku is convinced he's the ugly duckling, not the swan; could he ever be remarkable enough to get his happily ever after?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15651684   The Hot One by Esselle   1k, pre-Bakugou/Kaminari/Kirishima, fluff, accidental flirting,
"Oy," Katsuki warns. They ignore him.
"He's like," Denki continues, posing with his arms flexed, "grrrr, he's like a beast."
"Well, yeah," Eijirou agrees, "everyone knows he's super manly, but I don't know if that means he can't be pretty, too."
"Oy, idiots."
Even though they're complete opposites, both of Eijirou's best friends are really, really cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13902942   Biting the Bullet by orphan_account   4k, Uraraka/Bakugou, sexual tension,
In which a training exercise brings a whole other meaning to fighting dirty.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14831519   I'm Making You Sweat by karmaticinstitution   4k, Uraraka/Bakugou, sparring, femdom,
He wants to touch, touch, touch— but she stops him short of anything else.
“Katsuki, I’m going to fucking tear you apart,” and he changes his mind, this is definitely the hottest thing he’s ever heard. Nothing can beat it, and he’s instantly swelling in his shorts. He runs his eyes over her, and he thinks she could probably do whatever she wanted and he’d go along without any qualms.
Bakugou is weak for thick thighs and Uraraka is a queen.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14761845   There's Something About Bakugou by ohmytheon   19k, Uraraka/Kirishima/Bakugou, ust, quirk accidents,pining, dirty talk,
After Bakugou is hit by a villain's unknown quirk that produces some strange side effects, both Uraraka and Kirishima have a very interesting day trying to help him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24254872   sparks fly (and not the flammable kind) by laurenshappenstobemyhusband   7k, Jirou/Shinsou/Kaminari, fluff,
He's cute, Jirou realizes with a bit of a start. Sure, he's about to set fire to the TV, but it's cute. When did that happen?
Shinsou elbows her in the side, and she turns to see he's looking at Kaminari too, with the same fond smile.
"I'm gonna date that," he whispers, not looking at her, but his smile curls at the edges. Like a cat.
"Oh yeah?" she says, suddenly on the defensive. "Not if I date that first." No challenge was named, but she'll damn well win it.
OR: Jirou and Shinsou both try to win Kaminari over, and Kaminari painfully likes both of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25055935   catch you when you fall by pixiegold   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, truth spells, pining,
“I accidentally used my quirk on him, he’s gonna be super honest for like three hours now, and I haven’t worked out how to stop it early yet! I’m so useless, I’m sorry!” She blurts out, and Kirishima blinks at her for a second, before looking at Bakugou. The boy stood next to her rolls his eyes and starts walking over to the nearest teacher like he’s done this a hundred times before.
"Three hours?" Kirishima mutters.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25061890   Voices by SquirrelWriter   11k, gen, dadzawa,
Hitoshi has a thing about voices.
Part of it's because of his Quirk, probably. He's always listening for that reply. It's the opening, the chink in a person's armor that lets his own voice slip in and hijack their brain. But part of it is that most people are wary around him, so when someone does talk, particularly to him, it stands out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17221628   rock'n'roll, buckaroo! by Origamidragons   6k, gen, social media,
Kaminari walks up to Todoroki in the hallway after class and says, “Dude, I need your help.”
Todoroki checks over his shoulder, twice, to verify that Kaminari is indeed talking to him. “Why?”
“Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-sensei’s son,” Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all.
“Make a hero conspiracy YouTube channel with me.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11751861   slow down, start dancing by blessings   4k, Yaoyorozu/Jirou, mutual pining,
“We’re dead” is the first thing Momo says to her when she opens the door, and it’s somehow more beautiful than any lyric from Kyouka’s favorite song.
“Yeah, like, on the inside and stuff,” she replies.
Yaoyorozu Momo and Jirou Kyouka have to define what courage means to them or risk failing All Might’s class. Forgetting about their project until 10 hours before it’s due feels like the right answer.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17204222   Kaminari's Declassified Coming Out Survival Guide by MustardSoup   3k, Kaminari/Shinsou, coming out,
Local disaster bi, Kaminari Denki, is yanked right out of the questioning stage of his life and now has to navigate the process of coming out. He decides to do it step-by-step, with each step taking more courage than the last.
And if coming out equates to slaying the dragon, then perhaps by the end of this he'll get the guy, too.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23349292   the river walked me home by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion   28k, gen, referenced child abuse, dissociating, healing, dadzawa,
Shouto's life is a deck of precariously stacked cards, and one online article about Endeavour's approach to parenting sends the whole thing tumbling down. Not everyone believes it. Half the public denies it. But even if it turns out there's no truth in the article, the staff at U.A. are under enough fire as it is, and sending Shouto home for the upcoming week-long break is inexcuseable in the eyes of the press.
Not to mention, Aizawa wouldn't stand for it anyway.
Or: Shouto spends a week or two hiding from the world in his teacher's house, where he is introduced to Animal Crossing, the sweetest cat in the world, and the bizarre concept of feeling safe in his own home.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18507250   All-Night by ertiniest_hands_in_all_the_land   7k, gen, fluff, domestic, dadzawa,
Tonight doesn’t seem to be any different. Though Aizawa hasn’t moved since hitting the couch, Shinsō knows he’s still very much alive when he hears the muffled inquiry of, “Why are you two still awake…”
Shinsō takes another bite of his crepe before answering. “I couldn’t sleep and she had a nightmare.”
Shinsō Hitoshi comforts a small child, makes crepes at 2 in the morning, sutures a wound, and appears on late-night radio. The perfectly normal experience when he can't sleep.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13853580   Dis(associate) by BeyondTheClouds777   283k, gen, bullying, puns, injury, service dog, ghosts (kinda),
Izuku has a “dissociation” Quirk that lets his ghost leave his body, and it’s both convenient and inconvenient at the same time. Either way, he's going to do whatever it takes to become a hero.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19935958   and i'm nothing like you by aloneintherain   9k, gen, kidnapping, mind control, being forced to hurt your friend, h/c,
Of all the people to have been kidnapped alongside, it had to be this person, this hero, the one person who would never blame him for the things he was forced to do.
“Don’t cry,” Midoriya says.
“Fuck you,” Hitoshi chokes out.
(When Shinsou goes grocery shopping a few weeks after transferring to Class 2A, Midoriya tags along. Because he is, for some reason, determined to be Shinsou’s friend.
Shinsou remains cold and withdrawn in the face of Midoriya’s friendliness—until they’re kidnapped by a woman with a brainwashing quirk who believes Shinsou doesn’t belong in the hero course.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22035913   i was busy thinking 'bout... by crossroadswrite   3k, Midoriya/multi,
He wonders at times if this is divine retribution for something he did. Is it punishment? Is he being punished with pretty boys who can snap him in half? Is that it? Or is this a reward perhaps? Can you call being tormented by handsome boys a reward? Probably.
(or: local bi boy too gay for this, more at eleven.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21821275   a little pick me up by crossroadswrite   2k, Midoriya/Kirishima, fluff, 5+1,
Midoriya and him have been working out together for a while now. He’s a cool gym buddy, and he keeps up with Eijirou better than a lot of other people in class, which is fun.
There aren’t a lot of people who can spot for him when he does weights, just because of how much Eijirou can lift.
And despite all this, nothing prepares Eijirou for Midoriya coming up to him nervously, and bashfully asking, “Kirishima-kun, would you mind sitting on me?”
(Or: 5 Times Midoriya picks Kirishima up + 1 time he picks him up, or 5 times Midoriya picks Kirishima up + 1 time Kirishima picks him up)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24609802     A Letter to Me by kiapet   15k, gen, time travel, bullying, kidnapping,
Fourteen-year-old Bakugou Katsuki knows he’s destined to be a great hero someday. Midoriya Izuku dreams of the same, but struggles to get through each day in a world determined to push him down. But when the pair of middle schoolers are kidnapped by a villain with a time travel quirk, they are forced to confront a future neither of them could predict- and versions of themselves they never expected to become.
Pro!Midoriya to Kid!Midoriya: You matter so much, and everything is going to be okay! Pro!Bakugou to Kid!Bakugou: Now listen here you little shit-
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24560458   third couch is the charm by laurenshappenstobemyhusband   6k, gen, friendship,
Shouto trained for years to control his ice. Encasing everything in ice whenever he sneezed, got angry or startled, or just whenever he wasn't paying attention always got him into trouble, and he's glad he finally has complete control over his right side.
Unfortunately, he can't say the same about his flames.
OR: Todoroki sets three couches on fire, which apparently is too many, so now he has to take quirk control classes with Kaminari and they bond over mutual destruction
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23241805   You Matter, Too by Baku_Babe   11k, gen, injury, recovery,
Bakugou was afraid.
He never thought he'd see the day where he would openly admit to himself that he was scared. Because he shouldn't be scared; he was Katsuki Bakugou, one of Class A's finest students, survivor of more horrific events in his young life than most adults had experienced in a lifetime.
But today was different. Today, as he stood on trembling legs with his hands clasped tightly against his stomach, blood gushing past his clenched fingers as his vision blurred...
Today, in his greatest moment of weakness, he was horrified.
And there was no one there to help him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24425764   Of Supervillains and Paternity Tests by onelittlebirdiesittingonthesill   1k gen, dad for one,
Midoriya Izuku is just getting settled into life in the dorms, as a rising hero, comfortable in his knowledge of Eri-chan's safety.
Then someone collapses the roof of the dorms, and Aizawa-sensei shows them the newly-rewound identity of All For One.
And he has freckles.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22575034   the drip of melting ice by walking_through_autumn   19k, gen, dadzawa, h/c,
Aizawa found out within a day. It was quite likely due to the dish Todoroki had washed and left to dry in the shared kitchen after the kitten had been fed off it. Hitoshi was forced to reflect that it wasn’t any good hiding the litter and cat food in their wardrobes if Todoroki was going to make a fundamental mistake like that.
Aizawa stood in his door frame and raised an eyebrow. “Well? Where is the cat?”
Hitoshi gave his most disarming smile. “What cat?”
Todoroki chose that moment to exit his room, eyes on his phone, other hand holding a cat toy. He bumped into Aizawa and looked up slowly, like in a horror movie.
“...oh,” Todoroki said. Aizawa raised the other eyebrow. Hitoshi rubbed a hand down his face.
Herbal tea, weekly floor gatherings, spoiled surprises, movie marathons, shared custody over a cat, rain and ice and blankets and plushies, and the journey of falling into a friendship. (Or: Hitoshi moves into the 2A dormitory at the beginning of his second year, learns who his neighbour is, and makes the friends he had declared he isn't there to have within the space of a semester.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23019061   Doodling the Daydreams Away by loki_dokey   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
Aizawa had never had any qualms with Bakugou's attitude to his learning. In fact, the kid had taught the others a thing or two about diligence and productivity over the two and a half years he'd been in the class. Truth be told, Bakugou was on par with Yaoyarozu and Iida when it came to having a studious nature.
So when Aizawa carefully tilted the boy's paper in the light to discover what had clearly been erased with earnest, he blinked when he realised it was a dick. A firmly-drawn but desperately-erased dick. Unable to help the huff of laughter from escaping him, Aizawa sat back and ran a hand through his hair, eyes scouring the work in his hand. Well, he had not been expecting to find that on his Monday evening.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22223665   Renegade Quirk by threesipsmore   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, quirk accident,
This is the second time Bakugo's been hit by a wayward quirk in a playground of snotty, wailing children. He's intent on ignoring the colors all around him until it wears off, no matter how violently apparent his classmates' inner emotions become.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23675587   Flying High, Diving Low by EonsofVictory   2k, gen, dadzawa, accidental drug use,
“Are they drugged?!”
During a temporary internship, Bakugou, Midoriya and Shinsou are accidentally exposed to an unknown substance, leaving them dazed with the drug's effects. Its a good thing their homeroom teacher is there to take care of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23167126   Eye of the Beholder by Heronfem   6k, Sero/Todoroki,
“I’m just saying,” Mina says, propping her chin in her hand and pouting, “it’s unfair. It’s totally unfair. We were all fools and our punishment is too extreme to be borne. The gods are making us pay.”
Bakugou cracks an eye open from where he’s sprawled out with his head in Kirishima’s lap. It’s a nice day, closing in on the end of summer during their third year of school, and the heat is fully upon them. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That,” she huffs, and points.
“Oh,” Bakugou says wryly. “That.”
Or, Sero gets hot over summer break and Todoroki gets his man (though not without a few bumps along the way).
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23828215   (it's just that it's) Delicate by DarklingMoon   8k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining, awkward sexual situations,
“With both of my arms broken…” Shouta trails off, breaking his glare to look away. “...Oh,” Hizashi says, after just a moment, when he gets it. Now he’s blushing, too. If he wasn’t before. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that, you can’t...haven’t been able to...”
Hizashi gives his best friend a helping hand.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24429556   Security Blanket by ManaBanana   8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, fluff, h/c, 5+1,
Bakugou sleeps a lot already, but he tends to do it more when Kirishima is around.
(5 times Kirishima found Bakugou sleeping and one time he woke up next to him)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17635304   Wishful Thinking by Kiyoko_Michi   17k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining,
Most professional Heroes keep their personal relationships quiet, for privacy and safety. Everyone who has ever seen Eraserhead and Present Mic together know they’re one such couple. If only someone would tell them so they’d stop pining over each other…
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24604015   stillness and sanctuary by wonhaebunny   3k, Iida/Bakugou, fluff,
“Is that… Hesse?” Tenya ventures slowly. Bakugou pauses, page suspended half-turn. “What the fuck is it to you?” he snarls, looking very defensive suddenly. Tenya is too busy staring at the book cover to reply. He’s not sure how to process the fact that Bakugou Katsuki is reading his favourite book. What does this mean? How does Tenya proceed from here?
or: katsuki can read and tenya loses his absolute shit over it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24276730   Beyond The Stars (All The Way To You) by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter   19k, gen,
Shinsou Hitoshi is finally home with his new family and ready for a long break of doing nothing before he starts his second year of U.A. in the heroics course. His break doesn’t quite go to plan, though, when his body starts going through changes. And not changes as in getting older, but changes as in he suddenly has pointed ears, sharp teeth, and wings and a tail growing out of his back.
It’s a scramble to figure out if what’s happening is a rare quirk mutation or if it’s something else much more serious. While the answer might lie with his birth family, it’s the family he has now that’s going to help him through it. One thing is for sure, though, and that’s the fact that Hitoshi is never going to have a normal life again.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24941116   if you see the boy i used to be by aloneintherain   5k, gen, temporary amnesia, past bullying,
“Where are we?” Izuku asks, throat tight.
Aizawa glances at him. “UA.”
Izuku stops. He looks back down at the forest-green suit and the cape fastened around his neck, and swallows, barely daring to believe it. “And I’m...”
“You’re a third-year student here,” Aizawa says without inflection, like he’s not completely shattering Izuku’s world-view. “In the hero course.”
Or: After a training accident, Izuku forgets everything that happened after his second year of middle school.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19887490   for you, anything by unreemarkable   41k, Midoriya/Todoroki, fluff, h/c, angst, 5+1,
“Hey, Shouto, we’re friends, right?” “Best friends." In which Todoroki and Midoriya try their best. (alternatively: five times Midoriya is there for Todoroki, and one time Todoroki is there for him.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18727342   Power Lift Into Your Heart by IceEckos12   30k, Modoriya/Todoroki, AU, personal trainer,
In a world where people cause minor miracles to happen daily, Izuku is unfortunate enough to be stuck with uncontrollable bad luck. Nevertheless, he tries to live his life as quietly as his mysterious (read: annoying) ability will allow.
But then Izuku is hired by UA Fitness, and things kind of snowball from there. The clients are strange, the staff is even stranger, and if his quirk doesn't break every bone in his body then he will be lucky.
At least the guy who threw coffee all over him is kind of cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17659223   What One Hides by Pinalinet   94k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20714669   Cry Me A River by carolinaa   7k, gen, quirk accident, dadzawa,
“This is nothing,” Shouta says to the class, trying to sound as flat as possible. “Please go back to studying.” “You’re crying,” Asui says into the heavy quiet.
Shouta gets hit with the worst quirk he could possibly think of. On the bright side, his family loves him. And his eyes haven’t been this hydrated in about fifteen years.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24067537   you live/you learn/you love/you're dead by carolinaa   13k, gen, injury, h/c,
Two minutes pass before Aizawa taps Midoriya’s face and Midoriya doesn’t respond in the slightest. They don’t have time to wait any longer.
Aizawa looks up at Todoroki, and tries to say with the least amount of callousness possible, “He won’t make it until the medical team gets here.”
Todoroki’s breath hitches, but his voice is still hard when he insists, “Yes he will.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21498238   bff (brother friend forever) by carolinaa   3k, gen,
Uraraka's an only child, and Iida's only ever been a younger brother. The two of them have no clue what an older-brother, younger-sister dynamic is supposed to look like.
At this point, they just seem determined to make everyone around them as confused as possible.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17612087   three fishes in a tank by atomicmuffin   30k, Midoriya/Ochako/Todoroki, fluff, polyamory negotiation, sharing a bed,
Due to the tragic and early demise of his flat, Todoroki has no other choice but to temporarily move in with Midoriya and Uraraka. And, one thing leading to another, never manages to leave.
Midoriya/Uraraka/Todoroki domestic fluff.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17571911   awake and (un)afraid, asleep or- by driedupwishes   54k, Midoriya/Todoroki, post-canon,
“You,” Shoto says, picking his head up from where his screen is filled with The Worst Photograph Ever, curtesy of Shinsou, Jiro, Kaminari, his brother, and nearly everyone they know. “You are so dead to me.”
Kirishima blinks, mouth half open while Izuku mutters oh god, it’s too late, isn’t it on the other end of the phone, before Kirishima is leaning into his space to see his screen.
“Oh,” he says, in response to the photo someone in the crowd of civilians watching the fight had taken of them. “Oh, that’s-” he cuts himself off for a minute, leaning back to eye Shoto’s face while on the other side of the phone Izuku smothers what is probably a laugh, and then changes tracks.
“It’s super manly to love and support your friends,” Kirishima tells Shoto haughtily, as if this whole thing isn't his fault in the first place.
or: Kirishima and Shoto accidentally start trending on Twitter and in retaliation Shoto decides to make an Instagram to showcase all his Hero Deku merchandise, so that everyone knows how much he loves his boyfriend Izuku, and no one expects how quickly it will all spiral out from there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17409002   Romancing For Dummies: A Book Specifically Addressed To Todoroki Shouto by Julietwasanidiot   8k, Midoriya/Todoroki, 5+1,
If this is what Midoriya thinks, that these results come from a genuine effort on Shouto’s part to smooth over the romantic tribulations of his classmates, and not from the awkward fumbling of some hormone-ridden teenage homosexual disaster, Shouto’s going to defend that belief if it kills him.
Or: Five times Shouto intervenes in times of emotional crisis, and one time Class 1-A intervenes because Shouto is the crisis.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15019553   Never Let Me Go by Iamalsohere   7k, Todoroki/Yaoyorozu, light bondage, non-sexual intimacy,
"I like the idea that someone would ever trust me enough to let me tie them up. I know it sounds stupid…"
"No. It doesn't. It sounds nice."
Todoroki is intrigued when he finds a book in Yaoyorozu's room about bondage and shibari (though she insists she just owns it for reference). He finds himself lying awake at night, wondering what it would be like to trust someone enough to give his body to them. To let someone else take control for a change.
If it's Yaoyorozu taking control, he thinks he might enjoy it. In fact, Todoroki quickly realises that that's what he wants more than anything.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12002178   Just Say When by Bounemr   50k, Kaminari/Todoroki,
Denki is shocked to find himself tutored by Todoroki. Will he finally rise from last place, academically, in class? Will love shenanigans happen? Probably. They're not mutually exclusive.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18686197   The World Is Not Enough by mousapelli   25k, Midoriya/Todoroki, post-canon, pining,
In the four years after leaving UA, Midoriya and Todoroki live in lots of different places and try all sorts of different things on their way to becoming full pro heroes, but one of the things that never changes is staying best friends and always being just a phone call away even when they're on opposite sides of the world. Another thing that never changes is Midoriya's Plus Ultra-sized crush on Todoroki.
Slow burn friends to lovers for TodoDeku Big Bang 2019.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17396711   Dé à coudre by atomicmuffin   4k, Sero/Todoroki, fluff, pining,
Sero Hanta slides from the One-Sided Rivalry Zone and dives head first into the Pining Wasteland so fast he doesn’t even notice until he’s already half drowning under the feels.
A Sero/Todoroki One Shot, coming straight from the RarePair Hell.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19721299   Checks and Balances by indirectkissesiniceland   113k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, pining,
Izuku Midoriya was a competitive cheerleader up until an injury to his hand made tumbling and stunting an impossibility. It's devastating to think that cheer could be out of his life for good—until a pair of enthusiastic classmates show up at Izuku's dorm room with a signup sheet for a new club: hockey cheerleading. All that's left to do is learn how exactly hockey works...and try not to think too much about the prodigious freshman right wing, who's just about the most wonderful person Izuku's ever met.
Shouto Todoroki has eaten, slept, and breathed hockey his whole life. He's got a legacy to live up to with his pro-hockey old man, and he's no stranger to the scrutiny and expectations of his coaches and teammates. It's different now that he plays for UA, though. He's got a former pro coach who sees potential in him and teammates who might actually like him as a person. Then there's the cheerleading captain, who's kind and compassionate in a way Shouto's never known—and who won't rest until Shouto stops dismissing hockey as nothing more than his old man's game.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25533433   Sunflower by indirectkissesiniceland   10k, Sero/Todoroki, pining,
Sero has a soft spot for Todoroki, who has a soft spot for Sero. Bakusquad passes the popcorn.
Written for Sero Week 2020!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13962834   Late bloomer by NohaIjiachi   9k, Midoriya/Todoroki, porn with feelings, slight angst,
That’s why when they’ve found themselves face to face on the ring of the sport festival once more, for the third time ever since they’ve met each other, and Izuku smiled at him, eager and challenging, self-confident but never full of himself, Shouto blinked, dazed and shocked, in realizing just how blindingly beautiful his best friend was. The way Izuku’s white shirt clung on his muscles, the little peek of his collar bone and the hard lines of his pecs visible under it, the way his thighs curved and filled the school gym uniform.
‘Oh, fuck—‘ Shouto thought, his head spinning, feeling like he just got run over by a freight train. ‘Shit. He’s- hot?’
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15076253   You Need Some Ice for That Burn by theyalwayssay   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
After four months of Izuku being the ecstatic, bewildered, disbelieving boyfriend of Todoroki Shouto, their physical intimacy has plateaued. Both of them are burning up, and something’s got to give. Strap in; this is gonna get loud.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20737139   The Cave by TheRedDragon173   55k, Kirishima/Bakugou, child abuse, self-harm, PTSD, trans character,
Bakugou Katsuki is not weak. He's strong. Or at least, that's what he tells others. And himself.
He wears his aggression like armor, hiding the truth of how he feels. But even the strongest armor can start to chip away and warp, if enough pressure is applied. So when the facade begins to crack, how is Katsuki supposed to deal with it?
The answer is; badly.
But maybe he has more friends than he thinks, and they just might care a whole lot more than Katsuki realizes.
(heed the tags)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19888921   Up To Date by Pouler (poulerslashes)   19k, Midoriya/Todoroki, pro-heroes,
"It's just for fun. Heroes do this sort of thing all the time." "Do they?" Uraraka laughed. "Oh yeah," she said. "You should’ve seen some of the pictures I found in my mom's stash when I was a kid." "I see." Todoroki stumbles upon a collection of photographs he wasn't intended to see.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15088175   Always On My Mind by TheMomeRath   10k, Midoriya/Todoroki, no mpreg,
It's been a couple years since they started dating, and Midoriya and Todoroki have plans to lose their virginity to each other. Sometimes, however, sex can have unexpected effects.
Or; a lesson in the importance of wearing a condom.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21824905   Echo by CrzA   22k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, soulmates,
Not trusting his voice not to crack miserably, Izuku gives him a little nod that turns into a shake of his head about halfway through. How is he supposed to be okay? The literal man of his dreams is literally standing right in front of him, fussing over him while blushing like a maiden after the absolutely lecherous activities they have engaged in more than once in his head.
Or a fic where soulmates exist and Izuku thinks he doesn't have one... until he almost literally steps out of his dreams.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13345182   lantern by notallballs (notallbees)   3k, Midoriya/Todoroki, first time, h/c,
He turned his head. "Mm?"
Midoriya's voice quivered. "How many did we save?"
Shouto closed his eyes. "The police officer I spoke to said a conservative effort would be seventy-five, perhaps eighty."
After a difficult rescue mission, Midoriya and Todoroki find comfort in each other.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18538114   friday nights by gasmask   6k, Kirishima/Bakugou, mutual masturbation,
“You guys send each other porn? For the muscles?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18550984   seeing sparks by gasmask   4k, Bakugou/Kaminari, pining, 5+1,
5 times having a crush on Denki really fucking sucks.
1 time having a crush on Denki isn't too bad.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22566070   𝙸 𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸'𝚖 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊 by cutiefemdom   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, dominant omega,
Bakugou wants to be the class's pack leader but a strangely fearless and tough omega beats him to it. He's less upset about it than he thought he'd be and breaks about three hundred gender norms in the process of falling in love.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22598746   🔥 Comfortably Numb 🔥 by cutiefemdom   32k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, dominant omega,
Due to the sheer amount of sweat his quirk produced, Bakugou was an omega heat magnet. In fact, his scent made omegas close to their heats go straight into it. They couldn't keep their hands off of him.
𝘖𝘙: 𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘥-𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴. (𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘒𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15435156   nothing lingers passively by iimo   44k, Todoroki/Bakugou, a/b/o,
“Dehydration and dry skin were common side effects of suppressants - they dry up the glands that secrete the potent hormones that Alphas and Omegas experience during their monthly ruts and heats. Normally these reactions can be lessened by drinking more water and bulking up on body lotion and chapstick.
But the hormonal glands aren't the only ones to whither like raisins under the influence of suppressants - both the exocrine and endocrine systems were subject to its dehydrating effects. So as a future Pro Hero with a quirk that activates with sweat, the choice boiled down to a hard nope, fuck that. No suppressants.
The peace of his classmates be damned.”
Alpha Bakugou Katsuki is allergic to suppressants, and Todoroki Shouto is a Beta with a grudge. Together they strike a deal that swiftly exceeds anything they'd bargained for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16794499   What Came First? by FoolishFortuna   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
“Right. So you’ve gotta know what a game of ‘chicken’ is right? Its when two people start at either end of a drag strip or road and drive their cars straight at each other until one of them gets scared and turns the wheel. Well, this is the gay kiss version. You both lean in and the first one to pull back loses. Simple, man.” Kaminari put his hands on his hips and grinned at his classmate.
Wherein Kirishima is the king of gay chicken. Until he's... not?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25189612   I think I wanna marry you by izlaria (mixthealphabet)   5k, Aizawa/Yamada, mutual pining, bed sharing,
At 22, at 25, at 31, the truth stays the same: Hizashi Yamada is in love with his best friend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25342699   But Our Records Keep Skipping by Robbirdthe8th (FictionalFeather)   13k, Aizawa/Yamada, pining, gentle sex, past sexual abuse,
"It's not like any of my exes ever said 'let's fuck or I'm leaving you' but...yeah. It's a factor."
"You just didn't want to sleep with any of them?"
"I wanted to. Or wanted to want to, I guess."
The impact left by Hizashi's ex-boyfriend still looms, too big and too much, so he asks Shouta for a favor.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25339180   Do You Even Lift? by Plantzawa   1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, dumb boys,
Some girls think they're real clever getting Kirishima to bodily lift them, but one blond disagrees.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12733629   show me how to by Slumber   3k, Aizawa/Yamada, voyeurism, exhibitionism, asexual character,
"You have a power, learn to control it. Instead you'd rather ask me to erase it for you while you get off with another student-- have you thought about what you're asking?"
In which Yamada Hizashi just wants to have sex without injuring his classmates and Aizawa is the perfect solution.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12193845   Send Nudes Winky Face by thephilosophah   81k, polyamorous 1A, lots of sex, all the sex,
In which Kaminari is bad at sexting and the Bakusquad makes a bet over it. Then everyone starts betting on them and the stakes rise, and Bakugou's so certain he'll naturally win that he doesn't even notice how much money he's adding to the pool.
RC: incredibly smutty yet wholesome. an absolute delight to read. made me happy just to see the tab scroll past as i procrastinated on updating this list.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1115469     I Am Here series by lalazee   9k, All Might/Endeavor, pre-canon, UST, angst, teenagers,
“Nothing about this life is like a comic book. One day, you’re going to realize it in the worst way possible. And I’ll be there, the Number One Hero, all along.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16795468   If I Win... by orphan_account   2k, All Might/Endeavor, pre-canon, internalized homophobia,
"If I win, let me kiss you."
Enji punched him in the face.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16266083   warm, sweet, slightly smoked by soltian   2k, Hawks/Endeavor, male lactation,
due to unknown factors, endeavor has a problem. hawks is happy to help.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18234113   Hold Him Down, Goddamit by Elixiers   2k, Bakugou/Kirishima/Kaminari, masturbation,
Denki should have known, he really should have. To his defense, he never really realized it until he paid attention.
Now, though, it’s glaringly obvious: Bakugou is putty in Kirishima’s hands.
Denki’s incredibly curious about how Kirishima does it, about what he tells Bakugou to calm him down… but each time he asks, Kirishima only gives a boisterous laugh and waves the question away.
It becomes Denki’s mission to find out– simply because of the fact that, well, it’s kind of hot, he guesses? He can’t help but hold that thought every time Bakugou shivers just slightly when Kirishima whispers into his ear, and Bakugou’s cheeks turn red, and he’s still scowling spectacularly but, uh… yeah, shit, it’s cute.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19116025   Messy by beebuzz   14k, Kaminari/Bakugou/Kirishima/Tetsutetsu,
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Kaminari moved his eyes to the side. “I’m trying to talk about this. Because I feel guilty talking to him like that when I should be satisfied with you two- And I am- And I know there’s already a lot to deal with when there’s three of us, but I guess I was just wondering if maybe you two would be open to meeting him.”
“Meeting him.” Kirishima repeated, hands completely stilling on Bakugou’s shoulders. “As in-”
“A date.” Bakugou finished for him, sharp gaze catching bright gold as Kaminari shot up straight.
“Well- maybe.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24510598   Don't by Trenchcoatkitten   16k, Kirishima/Bakugou, post-canon, roommates,
Kirishima is out of a place to live - and Bakugou gives him a perfect solution
And they were roommates. (Oh my god they were roommates) Basically I just needed these babies being soft and sweet and domestic okay. Light angst cause I'm ~still a piece of garbage~ and I can't help it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25454512   When He Sees Me by Trenchcoatkitten   81k, Midoriya/Todoroki, AU, disability, past child abuse,
“Sorry,” Midoriya says. “I tend to get off in my own little world sometimes. Guess I just talk a lot. Hope that won't bother you.” “It's fine. I don't talk very much.” Midoriya grins again, lighting up the booth brighter than the light hanging over the table. “We're a perfect pair, then!”
Todoroki Shouto moves in with someone he's never met, just while he's in town for his show. He's never really known what home could mean, and, well, Izuku's the perfect ball of sunshine to show him. Basically, this is a Blind!Izuku and Dancer!Shouto AU :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25647619   bells by arxaris   18k, Sero/Todoroki, A/B/O, pining,
It’s times like these that Hanta wishes he were… like his peers. Where they can rely on biological instincts and subtle changes in scent, he has to rely on his subpar skill at reading people, on the hope that he can tell when a friend – are they friends, though? – would rather not be alone.
Hanta looks down at his arm, curled tight around his offered comforts, and lets out a quiet sigh.
He has to rely on a shared interest in manga, on the sheer luck that he watches Todoroki enough to know which brand of chips he sometimes buys at lunch time, what drink he reaches for from their communal fridge after class.
-Third year brings Sero Hanta new manga, old insecurities, and Todoroki Shouto.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22403767   Overheard by catastrophicGallivant   7k, Sero/Kaminari/Todoroki, accidental voyeurism, masturbation, awkward sexual situations, first time,
Shouto is already in bed when the noises start. He glances at his clock—a quarter to midnight, about the usual time for them. Kaminari is always the louder of the two. Shouto can hear him moaning through the wall, faintly at first, then loud as if he can’t control himself anymore. Quieter but still present, running underneath Kaminari’s keening, Sero sighs, gasps, curses softly.
Shouto should really go back to sleep.
He should get up and knock on the wall; he’s done it before and they quieted right down after, and the next morning he got matching apologies at breakfast. He should text Sero, who would see his phone ping and do—something, and then the noises would stop and Shouto could sleep. He should really, really go back to sleep.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18419600   Kneel by deviance   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, post-canon, pining, light dom/sub,
Bakugou shuffled on his feet, hovering over Kirishima and looking at the ground with stormy eyes. He glanced up to glare at Kirishima, a silent dare to call him out on his odd behavior no doubt. Kirishima forced himself not to tense. Whatever Bakugou wanted, he was about to show him and Kirishima had to get this right. Bakugou was all about showing and not telling.
Kirishima nearly bit his tongue to keep in a squawk of surprise when Bakugou suddenly dropped to his knees next to him, shuffling forward until he could press his forehead to his thigh and hide his face against Kirishima's leg. Kirishima opened his mouth, questions on the tip of his tongue, and he barely managed to catch them before they could be given voice. Bakugou was trembling minutely, his entire frame so tense his muscles were twitching under Kirishima's gaze.
“Just. Don't say anything,” Bakugou muttered, hands clenching in his lap tightly. “Please,” he whispered, a short choked sound.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23191777   I See Your Face So Vividly by kopycat_101   13k, Kaminari/Midoriya, pining,
"Midoriya looks electric, looks vibrant. His eyes light up, big and glimmering like neon signs. He jumps across Field Gamma, a place that’s all but a twisting maze of steel, a streak of bright green amongst the monotonous gray. Fearless, easy, like he’s flying through the skies.
Denki wishes he could take a picture of this, of Midoriya leaping through the air like a lightning strike personified. But a picture wouldn’t ever be able to live up to the real thing, wouldn’t do justice to how Midoriya looks."
Denki's been falling for a long time without knowing it. But then he's hit by the sudden realization that he has a crush on Izuku the day Izuku uses Full Cowl for the first time in front of class 1-A. What follows includes a sexuality crisis, compliments, smiles, extended eye contact, blushing, heartwarming friendships, and an insane amount of pining for the ages.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22396243   A Different Kind of Limelight by despitetheabundance (Lindra)   6k, Aizawa/All Might,body dysmorphia, scars, emotional porn, camboy,
Yagi Toshinori posts a drunken dick pic on self-deprecating whim and falls down a rabbit hole of tips, compliments, and learning to live in the body of a man he never wanted to be.
AKA Toshinori becomes a camboy and learns to love himself, feat. Aizawa's Thirst
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25812076   you have made me feel so sure by honeijirou   17k, Kirishima/Bakugou, soulmates, disability, pining, h/c,
Kirishima only saw him out of the corner of his eyes at first.
It’s a blur, a flash really – it’s a blossom of explosions whose after-flashes seemed to form a halo around the boy’s head, or perhaps it was how the boy’s blonde hair caught the sunlight: a combination of that specific angle in that specific moment. Either way, when Kirishima catches a hint of a smirk of a smile, even despite Kirishima’s own Quirk, the way it glints feels like it cuts.
alternatively, a soulmate au. first words are written on your body, and kirishima has always had clear skin: but the moment he sees bakugou, he has never been more sure of anything in his life.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24575374   We've got a good thing going by lehnsherry   3k, Hawks/Endeavor,
Enji is watching Shouto, so he notices the way his eyes snap to the kitchen doorway just before he hears the soft footsteps and the rustling of wings, and his heart jumps into his throat. He turns in his seat just in time to see Hawks walk in, eyes still closed and a hand scratching at his messy hair.
“Mornin’, babe, do you know where my -” Hawks breaks into a huge yawn, and then opens his sleepy eyes, and freezes in the doorway like Shouto used his power on him.
Enji’s mouth makes an involuntary sound of embarrassment, and Hawks flushes all the way down to his chest.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25509430   speak it free by aloneintherain   3k, gen, h/c,
“I didn’t have the same middle school experience as you,” Shinsou says. “I didn’t become rivals with my childhood friend.”
Shinsou doesn’t know who Kacchan really is to him. Izuku has spent so much time looking at Shinsou and relating to him, that he forgot that Shinsou wasn’t looking back at him with that same recognition.
Izuku takes a deep breath, and starts, “Kacchan and I aren’t really childhood friends. Not really.”
Or: Shinsou finds out that Bakugou used to bully Midoriya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24799483   How To Get Adopted Without Letting Your Dad Know He's Adopting You, A Guide By Class 1-A by lesbianclerics   16k, gen, dadzawa, fluff, injury,
Mina waits until Aizawa’s well out of earshot before muttering a teasing, “Okay dad” under her breath. Kirishima’s eyes go wide. Midoriya chokes on air and the soap he’s spraying goes wide, hitting the wall as well as the stove. Kaminari freezes halfway through tiptoeing across the kitchen. They all stare at her, frightened for a moment that Aizawa heard her somehow. Then, when nothing happens after a moment, Kaminari cackles, loudly, and doubles over laughing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25979236   Lightning Child by AmaranthineDream   3k, gen, BAMF!midoriya,
Izuku manages to consistently use One for All at 100%, without breaking himself, half way through his second year. He graduates with that power tightly regulated, completely under his control; his quirk is his, completely.
The graduated class 3A has a word for it when Izuku - Deku - goes 100%. It's a physical sensation, they learned early; a pressure in the air and on their lungs and down to their bones and blood. Everyone within his vicinity can feel it.
They call it going green.
And then, in a fight against the villain Jupiter, Deku goes green for the first time since UA.
One third of the people at the scene collapse to their knees.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25779088   Eggs With a Side of Crimson Feathers by kittenmittens   7k, Hawks/Endeavor, mpreg, oviposition,
“These your other kids?” All that gets him is a grunt in response. Keigo snorts, then goes on talking like Todoroki didn’t just give him a massive verbal red light. “I don’t think I ever got their names.”
“I never told you,” grumbles Todoroki, and when Keigo turns to look at him, he’s glaring worse than ever.
Keigo smiles. “My bad.”
Hawks just happens to lay eggs every once in a while, but it's fine, totally fine, and he's not gonna let it ruin this once-in-a-lifetime chance to nail his idol.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24726799   A Secret Admirer by KiriBakuHappiness   61k, Kirishima/Bakugou, fluff, pining, friends to lovers, the boys are dumb,
Bakugou Katsuki has a secret admirer and the class of 1-A is desperate to figure out who it could possibly be.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25659202   Why Is Everything So Weird With the Lights Off? by KiriBakuHappiness   12k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
Kirishima’s never really considered what Bakugou would be like when he was drunk and he’s kind of curious to find out but also a little apprehensive. This was still Lord Explosion Murder he was dealing with, after all.
Bakugou stops in the middle of the room, taking in all of the posters on the walls and eyeing suspiciously at the punching bag as if he’s never seen one before in his life. He sways a little before he frowns and squints dangerously. Kirishima tenses in preparation for some snarky remark about his inability to decorate, but all that comes out of Bakugou’s slurred mouth is, “This isn’t my fucking room.”
Wow, okay, maybe he’s a lot more drunk than Kirishima first thought.
OR - Kirishima can't imagine who would be trying to talk to him in the middle of the night on a school night, but when he opens the door and finds Bakugou Katsuki drunk, he can't just turn him away, right? What kind of a friend would he be if he did that?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238265   He's Sexy And He Knows It. by FoolishFortuna   2k, Kirishima/Bakugou, grinidng, lapdance, exhibitionism, premature ejaculation,
"Bakugou couldn't do anything sexy if he tried!” Kaminari called out with a loud laugh that everyone in the common room joined in with.
Katsuki felt a vein in his temple throbbing as he bared his teeth and tried to count to ten in his head before he was tempted to cross the room and blast Dunce Face to hell for the insult.
They were in the common room, eating junk food and drinking light, crappy beers on their day off from hero training. But when the conversation turned to who had the most sex appeal in the class, it became clear that not one of these fucking idiots believed Katsuki was capable of being anything other than loud, angry or sulky. ‘And pulling horrible faces’ was added by Mina with another laugh that everyone echoed.
And okay, the fact that they had no faith in him made him want to shout and blast things and pull faces, but shut the fuck up. He could be goddamn sexy if he wanted to be.
Kirishima slapped a hand to his thigh and guffawed before wheezing in a breath and adding, “HA! Blasty asking someone out, I'd pay to see it! Or asking for a kiss like, ‘kiss me now, you shitty bitch’. I can't, that's too good.”
That's fucking it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20067655   In the Dark of the Night by arxaris   84k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU,
Bakugou woke to chants sounding through the Colosseum. “Red Riot! Red Riot! Red Riot!”
Red Riot?
“Sero,” he snapped at the Head of his Council, seated a few meters to his right in the Emperor’s box. “What the fuck is a Red Riot?”
Sero nodded his head to the pit and Bakugou followed his gaze, watching as another gladiator walked out of the gate and towards the center. “New gladiator prodigy. He’s only eighteen, but he hasn’t even come close to losing a fight since he started a couple months ago.” Then, Sero smirked. “I think you’re gonna like him.”
Or, all's fair in love and war.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24798505   Complicated Creation by Elemental   112k, gen, canon-AU, dadzawa,
Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the heroes now think he's a villain working for the League.
Aizawa Shota just wants to take down Overhaul, rescue Eri, keep his students alive, get some rest, and find out how this Deku kid knows things he absolutely should not know about his personal life and the Shie Hassaikai case.
Unless Nighteye's right, and the kid really is a villain.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25578874   He's Our Most Important Member by autumnconcept   5k, gen, BAMF!midoriya,
As a member of the quirkless side of society, Izuku has long given up his dream of being a hero.
Remind him how he ended up in charge of an entire agency?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12729852   I Would Understand by deafmic   45k, gen, dadzawa, foster care, child neglect, child abuse, adoption,
Shinsou Hitoshi had a bit of a problem, and that problem was that he’d gotten attached to Aizawa Shouta. And somewhere along the line had started seeing him as a parental figure, a replacement for all the foster home parents who’d passed him along and never quite done their job.
A kid who's been in foster care his entire life spends a normal, average day after training with the teacher who seems to care a little too much.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21216944   You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions by Sif (Rosae)   13k, gen, quirk swap, PTSD, touch starved, h/c, quirk drawbacks,
Momo wasn't sure why it came as such a shock to her and her classmates that nitroglycerin was not, in fact, easy to control. The chemical was defined by it's instability, it's ability to go off under near any circumstances, it's powerful blows.
And yet, Katsuki had always made it look so simple. He soared through the air like it was nothing, switching between bullet-sized blasts and missile levels of firepower like most people switched channels on TV. Momo had found herself jealous of his quirk at times, unable to help wondering what it would be like to have such power at her fingertips.
Good news, she didn't have to wonder anymore. Bad news, it was absolutely terrible.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26218951   Where the Archangels go by surveycorpsjean   40k, Hawks/Endeavor, injury, chronic pain, angst, h/c, healing,
“I’m all aloooone, with nobody besiiide meee – can you turn that TV off? Thanks.”
“I’m told you refused multiple offers.”
“Rumi would take in a dead squirrel,” Hawks huffs, scratching his nose on the pillow, going wsh wsh wsh. “I’m not doing that to her, no way in hell. And the commission wanted to put me into the hero equivalent of a nursing home, so fuck that too.”
When Hawks is abandoned by everyone else, Enji offers to bring him home.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19153039   That's All You Ever Have to Say by arxaris   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, light dom/sub, praise kink, sugar daddy,
Maybe a sane person wouldn’t put up with it. They’d probably call the whole thing unhealthy, say that Bakugou should learn to express his feelings. People have suggested to Kirishima in the past that he put his foot down and demand they talk about things. They’ve gritted their teeth as they told him Bakugou was playing games with him, looked at him with pity as if they were cluing him into something everyone knew but him, something truly awful. But of course Kirishima knew. How could he not? Katsuki wasn’t just playing games with him. They were playing games together.
And Kirishima was positively addicted to them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26934046   disarm me by hiuythn   8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, touch-starved, hand fixation,
Bakugou’s hands are made for winning.
They’re made to reach for victory, to grab what they want and refuse to let go.
Bakugou’s hands are not made for holding. They’re not made to cradle, or to help. His hands are calloused and rough. They are not meant to cherish, to be gentle, to be safe.
When he’s not using them to blast his opponents to dust, he keeps them sheathed in his pockets like the weapons they are. A gesture of goodwill—a handshake, from him, would be deadly. His hands are deadly.
And that’s how he likes it.
That is, until Kirishima.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24912604   a twisted fate never alters destiny by Watsittoyou   138k, Aizazwa/Yamada, canon-AU, adoption, internalized homophobia, canon character death,
Kicked out and homeless as a hero student wasn't somewhere Aizawa Shouta intended to be, and yet those were the cards he was dealt. Kids like him don't just get second chances handed to them on silver platters, but when he spends his last few hundred yen at Midoriya's cafe, it seems like that's precisely what he gets. Along the way, he gains parents who love him, an idiot he might be sort of in love with, and a future promising trouble thanks to a problem child baby brother.
But the world of heroes is much larger than it seems on the surface, and somehow his green-haired nightmare manages to find his way to the centre of it, all while Shouta tries to navigate his own love life and hero work.
Or, the time Inko's determination to adopt a teenage Aizawa not-so-accidentally lays the groundwork for his future as Eraserhead: serial child adopter, all while uncovering the darker secrets of the villain underworld.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18205364   touch too much by h_lovely   9k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, friends with benefits,
Kirishima had always been touchy. Bakugou has a hard time believing it's anything more than that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19945867   i go where you go by favspacetwink   2k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, sharing clothes,
God, handjobs are the fucking best.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12753570   Sugar, Spice by Grimmseye   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, canon-AU, incubus,
Red was the color of passion, of fury, of violence. And for that he offered red candles, red roses, red blood. His veins sang for a fight.
" — what kind of a shitty demon are you?”
It blinked up at him, raising its weight from its haunches. Its head cocked to the side. “Um,” it started. “I'm... an incubus? Master?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12090270   take your time with me by Shadow_sensei   4k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, mutual masturbation,
And then Katsuki steps away, breaking away from Eijirou’s body, as if he’s been shocked, because it’s so much, all at once, and it’s overwhelming and his mind is drifting and it’s almost terrifying, to be so fast to lose his composure, just from a simple touch. Is it a sign of weakness, that he can be pulled into Eijirou’s control so quickly?
No, thinks Katsuki. It’s a sign of trust.
- As the water flows hot and steady over their backs, Katsuki learns that it's okay to let Eijirou take over his heart.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12145455   a long time coming by tusslee   1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining,
There’s nothing soft about a boy like Bakugou, but Kirishima can’t help but wonder if his skin isn’t as smooth as it looks. If his hair isn’t a fluffy mess when he first wakes up in the morning. If his tongue is as sharp as he makes his words out to be. Everything about Kirishima is soft except for his Quirk. What a pair they seem to make.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26177596   i love you like the sun came out by unreemarkable   46k, Midoriya/Todoroki,
Todoroki Shouto is untouchable, until he isn't. What comes after goes a little like this.
[In which Todoroki falls, slowly, steadily, with his eyes wide open.]
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12706605   Acceptance by WereKoalaPL   46k, Ojiro/Shinsou, self-harm, denial, self acceptance,
There are many things Mashirao fears, some more so than others. He was always somehow able to deal with them though, through lies, denial, clenching his teeth, and biting his words back. But some things can't be changed or fixed, no matter how much of a fight he will put up.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27090436   (Un)Made by Ashynarr   4k, gen,  
In the aftermath of a slightly different Yakuza Hideout Raid, Izuku and Eri have to come to term with their new life, while Shouta and Toshinori figure out how to help them start on the path to recovery.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27094156   Mass Divided by Volume by The Feels Whale (miscellea)   37k, Ashido/Kirishima/Bakugou, canon-AU, polyamory, asexual character,
It comes as a surprise to a lot of people, finding out that Bakugo is part of a loving triad and has been for years; including Bakugo.
Especially Bakugo.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27051973   i just want somebody near me by theyaremycrocs   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, bed sharing, hugging,
Kirishima likes the dorms.
He really does - they’re convenient, they’re safe and he’s in the room right next to his best friend’s. They have movie nights and game nights and there’s never a dull moment when he’s there, but- he misses his moms.
The Kirishimas are a very affectionate family. Kirishima’s no stranger to physical contact. He welcomes it, even; a hug when he leaves for school, a hug when he gets home from school. Before he goes to bed. It’s comforting, and it’s normal, and Kirishima… well, he misses it.
And that’s how Kirishima finds himself stood in front of Bakugo’s door at midnight on a Friday, worn down from the school week, desperate enough to go to his best friend’s room to ask him for a hug.
“You’ve been in front of my door for the past five minutes,” Bakugo tells him flatly, fingers tapping impatiently on his arms. “What.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27097288   hope that soul is changing by Sour_Idealist   3k, Hawks/Endeavor, past domestic violence,
“You’ve been working with Endeavor lately, isn’t that right?” she asks instead.
He laughs, trying for casual and missing it by at least a city block. “That what this is about, huh?” he asks. “The, uh, the missus and the side piece?”
Her own cup of tea is three-quarters full; she takes a sip and sets it down. “Well, is it?” she asks.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27176774   Sunshine & Lightning by splot   4k, Kaminari/Shinsou, scars,
Shinsou’s still staring, mouth agape, eyes wide when Kaminari finally frees himself from his shirt, eyes darting nervously from person to person. “What? Why are you all staring?”
“Dude… what is that?” Kirishima asks, blunt, but not rude – concerned. Kaminari follows everyone’s gaze to his midsection, blinks a moment, and then laughs, flapping his shirt at Kirishima.
“It’s nothing, bro. It’s just like a heat rash kinda thing I get sometimes ‘cause of my quirk. No biggie, it’ll be gone by tomorrow.”
There's a side-effect to Kaminari's quirk that he keeps hidden. Shinsou finds out.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26640583   From the Heavens Into Heaven by Epsilon110, Jade_Kitsune   25k, Midoriya/all the girls, BAMF!midoriya, blindfolds, truth or dare,
Izuku Midoriya has always considered himself lucky beyond belief, ever since All Might told him that he could be a hero. Time and time again, his luck paid off, allowing him to survive villain attacks and win competitions and exercises. When the hero students of Class A and B returned to the Wild, Wild Pussycats' forest for another training camp, Izuku had hoped his luck would hold out.
In a way, it did. Still, Izuku isn't sure how long he can last in the hot springs surrounded by every woman in both Hero classes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13278729   One Step Closer by tusslee   50k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, injury, angst, physical theraphy, recovery, disability,
Hope flickers pitifully beside the fire of determination inside of him. Whatever it takes, he decides, he’ll prove them all wrong.
- Injured in a car accident, Bakugou Katsuki has to learn a new way of life as he slowly, but surely recovers with the (unwanted) help from his physical therapist, Kirishima Eijirou.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15090842   Love So Soft by Fanficismything   11k, Kirishima/Bakugou, A/B/O,
Kirishima found out completely on accident.
He would never have guessed who had been taking his clothes to nest with.
He absolutely never would have guessed who but damn if it didn’t give him all sort of warm and fuzzy feelings to keep him warm at night or literally any time he thought about it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17348138   In your face, Endeavor! by caelestisxyz   2k, Yoarashi/Todoroki, semi-public sex,
This is hands down the most disrespectful thing Inasa has ever done in his life. Here he is, tailored suit and brand new tie, sitting amongst the city's elites while he's roughly face fucking the No.1 Hero's son.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19884178   Learn You (Bit by Bit) by deviance   5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1,
Five things Kirishima learns about Bakugou, and one thing Bakugou teaches Kirishima about himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17096087   Polish Me Up by deviance   2k, gen, touch-starved, platonic cuddling,
If Bakugou had known of his own weakness, perhaps things would've ended up differently, his pride dictating that he hide anything that might be a vulnerability. However, he hadn't know about this weakness, in fact the damn squad were the ones to cause him to discover it, so keeping it hidden was not even a possibility.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19244770   Thursday by CitrusVeins   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, panic attack,
Everything with Bakugou, at least when it came to intimacy, had to be slow and calculated. Once Kirishima barely skimmed a hand under the hem of his shirt and the contact of skin on skin startled Bakugou so much that he jumped back like he was burned. It was one of the few times Kirishima actually got an apology from him, as he admonished himself for ruining 'the moment.' Kirishima was, of course, fine with it. It just meant that they found a limit they could work on together or not at all depending on what Bakugou wanted.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16435358   Broken, but Still Good by deviance   75k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, A/B/O, torture, PTSD, non-con, angst, recovery,
“He’s just too combative. I know he was recovered from an illegal Alpha fighting ring and we can’t do much for that, but he’s not receptive to any of our attempts to help. He instantly starts fights with any Alphas that try to reach out to him, even if they aren’t posturing, and if we try to send in an Omega to keep him calm he somehow manages to freak out even more.”
“All we can do it be patient and provide him a safe environment to heal. We don’t know how long he was held captive nor what sort of things he’s had to do to survive.”
“But if no one can get close to him, how are we supposed to help?”
“Have we tried sending in a Beta? If we have one that would be capable of withstanding his quirk, it may be the best middle ground.”
“Red Riot, one of my previous students might be able to. Kirishima’s quirk is hardening and should be strong enough to withstand the Alpha’s explosions. Plus his personality tends to let him make friends with just about everyone. He was on the infiltration team too, so he’s at least minimally aware of the situation. He’d have to be briefed on the specifications, of course.”
“He sounds like the best chance we’ve got."
“Can’t hurt to try, I guess."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20660567   no door left unopened by sprx77   2k, Midoriya/everyone, kissing, polyamory,
Izuku passes One for All to all of his friends and they pass it back. The successor of peace is not a title worn lightly and they're all old enough to know that some things are more important than hero rankings, some contingencies more than worth it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19974307   No Secrets to Success by kingdoms   7k, Kirishima/Bakugou,
“Hey!” Kirishima says brightly, stepping sideways to be directly in the guy’s path. “I know you!”
“Fuck off,” the guy snarls, pushing past him and barely slowing down.
Kirishima is forced to start his first semester at UA two months late. Somehow he still meets Bakugou Katsuki, makes the most of those two months, and gains a tutor, a best friend, and an exciting way to scandalize his new peers. Canon AU where Kirishima and Bakugou become friends before Kirishima meets the rest of Class 1-A.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24036481   In the Lap of the Gods by theyalwayssay   10k, Shinsou/Kaminari, AU, top!kaminari,
“Don’t keep me waiting.” Denki swallowed away the saliva that had built up in his throat. Only a minute ago his mouth had been parched as leather; now, he was struggling not to drool. “I want an audience with the Oracle. I’d prefer that over just speaking into this fog.” “You already have it,” the voice said. Denki’s head lolled back on his neck, spine tingling at the feeling of someone murmuring deep into his ears. “God, I-” “Do not call for them. There are no gods here. There is only you and I.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16826065   A Short Sharp Shock by theyalwayssay   17k, Shinsou/Kaminari, first time, quirk kink,
In which Kaminari blows the whole dorm, but not in the way that you're thinking.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15195866   Catch Me Red-Handed by theyalwayssay   10k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time,
When Bakugou gets hit with a color-change Quirk which reacts to his mood, it’s up to Kirishima to figure out a meaning behind the shifting colors speckled across his boyfriend’s face. The solution is, of course, to cross examine the colors to a mood ring color chart. Let’s see: orange is indignant, blue-green is flirtatious, and red is...oh.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14657547   Pass it On by theyalwayssay   14k, Kirishima/Bakugou, sexual frustration, truth or dare, crossdressing,
RED ALERT: Bakugou can't jerk off because he'll explode his own dick off. Pass it on.
Mina spreads a rumor around Class 1A about a certain Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima is tasked with taking his own life and dignity in his hands and finding out of it's true. Party hijinks ensue.
(Spoiler alert: dignity and his life aren't the only things Kirishima takes in his hands)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12090492   Stray Italian Greyhound by ArgetCross   5k, Jirou/Taoyorozu, pining,
That was the wretched start of it all.
Momo couldn't stop thinking about sex. At first, she thought it was just because she was mortified by the idea of anyone figuring out that she now could make condoms. She kept expecting someone, Kaminari or Sero, to come up to her and ask her. One night she even had a terrible dream where she was back in a practical exam with Todoroki and, instead of producing matryoshka dolls, she accidentally flung a bunch of condoms at Aizawa-sensei.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15726360   a secret quest for common sense by jurassicqueer (gaybirdkid)   23k, Sero/Todoroki, pining, touch-starved, self harm, clothes sharing,
One way or another, Hanta finds himself being drawn back to Todoroki again and again. The boys learn to lean on each other.
"Hanta gives himself five seconds to fully experience whatever warm emotion is swelling in his chest. It expands like hot air, pressing on his aching ribs and crawling up his throat; it worms between his heart and lungs and curls up like a contented cat. Hanta isn’t sure how he knows, but he’s sure the feeling’s name is Todoroki."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15147833   Like Seaglass by IvoryCrow   10k, Inko/Yagi, AU, mythology, pirates,
The woman curls her lip, tightening her grip on her seal skin. “You will not steal my pelt, I will not be your bride.”
Toshinori can only promise, raising his hands in surrender. “I will not take it from you.”
His honesty must satisfy her because she moves closer, pressing her pelt against the gash on his side. The selkie blinks at him curiously, watching for his reactions. She’s familiar, like someone from a dream. When she pulls away, the wound is healed, leaving behind a scar shaped like a river of stars.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15124007   Lies in the guise of truth by Jeanemon   44k, Inko/Yagi, fluff,
All Might is the world's #1 hero, the symbol of peace, the pillar that the world knows they can stand on. He dominates every room he's in, from press conferences to his Hero Agency.
It's pretty easy for everyone to overlook Yagi Toshinori, All Might's 'quirkless secretary'. But he's still there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14574993   call the fire department (i'm burning up with love) by Edgedancer   22k, Todoroki/Midoriya, families of choice,
An (abridged) list of things Todoroki Shouto did not have before U.A.: Loud neighbors. Fire alarms. Friends. Midoriya Izuku.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11808918   Conversations with a Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight   67k, gen, meta fic,
The man was over a century old. There had to be more to it. In hindsight, it hadn’t been one of Izuku’s better ideas.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16440632   what we deserve by bwyn   5k, gen, reconciliation,
“He said I needed to be faster changing the strength of my quirk output.”
“Like Midoriya?”
“That bar is so hiiigh,” Ashido groans, which, true, there’s no higher bar than the kid they’d taken to calling Small Might behind his back.
The scream of Mineta cartwheeling through the air serves as Kirishima’s cue to step up next. Kaminari rests a hand over his heart, mirrored by Ashido and Sero.
“May your soul find peace,” says Kaminari.
A few have noticed a change in Bakugou's attitude, and that maybe it's thanks to Midoriya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25194799   skin by rae_tnub   4k, gen, angst, h/c, scars,
What was it All Might said once? ”A scar is proof you’ve survived!” or some bullshit like that.
Where’s the proof of Katsuki’s survival?
Where are the marks from when he was little and injured himself training to have as much control over his quirk as he does?
Where are the burns that prove Dabi’s fingertips burnt the back of his neck?
Where are the cuts that prove the muzzle forced on him at the Sports Festival was strapped on too tightly?
Katsuki digs his fingernails through the fabric of his pockets and into his thighs.
It doesn’t matter if he bleeds. 
There’s not going to be any proof of it anyway.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22245835   Mild-Mannered School Teacher/Adrenaline-Junkie Vigilante by JajaLala   136k, Fuyumi/Miruko, secret identity,
Fuyumi Todoroki was stressed. She was always the peacekeeper, the ice-quirk user who calms the hot-headed members of her family. What was she supposed to do when she was frustrated, and couldn't calm herself down?
Go onto the streets and become a vigilante, of course.
Follow this mild-mannered school teacher/adrenaline-junkie vigilante as she befriends the mysterious Dabi, tries not to get caught by the persistent Miruko, and through it all struggles to keep her family together.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22440598   White Lies Always Blow Up by Milligramme   93k, Bakugou & Todoroki, Kirishima/Bakugou, fake dating, slow burn, practise kissing, injury,
Ever since Endeavor was forced to retire, his new hobby seems to be nagging his son about his hero career and nonexistent love life. Worse, it seems that Todoroki's entire family is dead set on helping him find a girlfriend and give love a chance.
Desperate to make them stop, Todoroki lets his classmates convince him that the best solution is to fake date someone. And no one's better suited for the job than his dear friend Bakugou, right? If even Midoriya says it's a good idea, there's no way it could possibly go wrong!
Follow Todoroki and Bakugou on their journey to find out in how many ways it could possibly go wrong.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25663108   give me compliments (i said give me compliments) by wonhaebunny   3k, gen,
“It’s just cute,” Ashido is telling them as she walks into the classroom. “Like, when you compliment someone and they get flustered so easily, don’t you think it’s endearing?” Kaminari blinks. “Like Bakugou?” he asks slowly.
1-a realises that katsuki is really, really bad at receiving compliments. exposure therapy ensues.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18803488   Tell Me I'm Yours by arxaris   6k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, praise kink, light dom/sub, friends to lovers,
Bakugou was going a little crazy. He could grudgingly admit that it was at least in part his own fault; moving in with his best friend maybe hadn’t been the best idea. At first, it sounded great. The rent would be cheaper, grocery shopping and cooking for two would be way more convenient, and it would be easier for the two of them to hang out. The only thing was, Bakugou forgot to consider how the joys of moving in with his aforementioned best friend might be dampened by the fact that he was madly in love with him.
Alternatively: Kirishima Eijirou is a goddamn tease and there's no way he doesn't know what he's doing.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13635312   Would you be my fucking boyfriend? by Claus_Lucas   3k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, bed sharing,
Unsure what to do about his crush on Bakugou, Kirishima finally decides to ask him if he’s ever liked someone – that way. His answer turns out to be a confession in of itself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24632389   By Dawn, Promise Me by chezka   9k, Kirshima/Bakugou, hanahaki, h/c,
Kirishima looked soft, right then, and warm and beautiful and inviting, open in his clear acceptance of anything Katsuki might have been there to lay on him, and Katsuki was in love with him.
He loved him.
And it was killing him.
The universe could be especially cruel, Katsuki had come to realize.
or, with flowers blooming in his chest and threatening his future, Katsuki decides a last conversation is long overdue
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25430923   Eyes Like Dragon-Fire by Dragonire   108k, Kirishima/Bakugou, au, dragon!irishima, curses, h/c,
The world beneath his palms was sharp and painful and unforgiving.
Kirishima didn’t even try to hold back the yell that broke out from between his lips, if only for some way to release the pain that was building inside; smoke billowing out of his lungs in guttural cries that didn’t sound like him at all.
“I’m sorry,” the mage cried before him, her brow drenched in sweat while her hands were drenched in thick crimson blood, just as Kirishima’s were where he dug his nails into the stone beneath him; blunted fingers giving away to the strength of the earth, over and over, searching for a reprieve from the volcano erupting in his chest.
Pain. Agony. Torture. There was no stopping this.
Or: Kirishima is cursed to become a dragon and is found by one Bakugo Katsuki, who doesn’t realise his dragon wasn’t always a dragon and needs his curse broken.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16146635   Moment of Truth by Fanficismything   104k, Kirishima/Bakugou, AU, fake dating, pining,
Faced with deportation from Japan, high strung Bakugo Katsuki accepts a marriage of convenience with his partner and co-worker, Kirishima Eijirou. A suspicious immigration officer has him playing along on a trip to Kirishima's family home for his birthday, and is suddenly thrust into the middle of many, many eager friends and relatives, all delighted to know Kirishima's fiance. The longer he stays and sees Kirishima in his element, the more Bakugo unpacks his own feelings on the matter, and on Kirishima himself.
A fanfiction based on the 2009 movie The Proposal that turned into its own storyline and lovingly stuffed full of cliches.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12442488   5 + 1 by kazhan   24k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 5+1, first time,
The five times Kirishima made the first move + the one time Bakugou blew his mind.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25051885   Flinch by MermaidMayonnaise   17k Todoroki/Midoriya, touch-starved,
Shouto’s hatred of touching people and being touched could easily be traced back to his childhood. - A high school graduation fic detailing how one step in front of the other is the basis of a journey. Once you’ve taken hundreds and thousands and millions of steps, you can look back and marvel at how far you’ve come.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26313439   a slight omission by ValkyrieGail     4k, Hawks/Enji,  
Enji thought he would be another one of Hawks’ achievements; another firm notch on the bedpost of Hawks’ illicit affairs. Little did he know that he was the first and only notch after a terrible assumption gone wrong.
The one where Hawks and Enji hook-up, and Enji didn’t realize Hawks was a virgin until after the fact.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24434113   Simmer Down by ValkyrieGail    9k, Hawks/Enji, bottom!endeavour, 
Enji and Hawks have been hooking up for a while, and with a lazy day to themselves, they take time to explore a new facet of their physical relationship.
Hawks finds a fresh meaning to the term ‘hero worship’, while Enji indulges in enjoying his partner in new ways. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20606219    troquer by Shippeh   4k, Kaminari/Bakugou/Kirishima, bodyswap, threesome, 
Denki gets to top- unless it doesn't count because it's not his body? He's not really sure, but he's not going to look a gift-horse in the mouth, or whatever.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11881836    Your Hands Protect the Flames by Anonymous    74k, graphic rape, rape recovery, h/c, amputation, minor sellf-harm, 
For as long as Bakugou can remember people have been telling him to 'swallow his pride.' But no one's ever told him how he's supposed to sew his throat back up after the fact.
After an assault leaves Bakugou and his classmates reeling, they all have to figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16304276    high and low by rronanllynch   4k, Iida/Zero, drug use, shotgunning, 
based off my own tweet because i'm the only one in this damn house that does anything:
"sero smoking w iida for the first time and it turns out iida knows exactly what he’s doing and sero falls in love immediately"
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27067372    Incompatible (But only in Theory) by cutiefemdom    5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, a/b/o, alpha/alpha, rutting, mutual pining, 
Kirishima tried to ignore the heat that rose up his neck as he felt the toy stretch beneath his fingers, the material torn far past its limits by Bakugou's growing knot.
"Dang, I guess it's a size too small, huh?"
Kirishima helps Bakugou through his first rut. You know, like any good best friend would.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27789139    this house of cards by justhavesex    23k, Hawks/Enji, AU, family fluff, 
In which Hawks, age 22, successfully becomes a home wrecking sugar baby.
Except, not really.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27746485    Northern Lights by quietfaun   11k, Hawks/Enji, 
There's someone in his apartment.
With one feather clutched in his hand, Keigo steps into his living room. “Who’s here?” He calls, voice knocked severe and low. “I saw you moving. Come out.”
A beat of silence.
And then a soft, “Hawks,” comes from the direction of his bedroom. Standing in the doorway, lit only by the moon and the ambient glow of the city, is Enji Todoroki.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23866006    Cotyledon by Sholosha    232k, Midoriya/Todoroki/Shinsou, slow burn, pining, UST, poly, 
It's his second year at UA, and Shinsou is finally, finally, transferring to the hero course. He's ready, he thinks, or hopes— either way, it doesn't matter, 'cause he's going to show everyone he's got what it takes. And it also doesn't matter that the longer he spends in the program, the more he can't stop thinking about a certain freckled wannabe-friend, and the more he's noticing that a certain stoic classmate is paying him a lot more attention than he'd like.
Whatever. Irrelevant. He's here to be a hero, not make friends. Even if they would be the first ones he's made in...ever. But it's his second year, and he's going to make it count by focusing on what's important.
His name is Shinsou Hitoshi, and he's going to be a goddamn hero.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27239734    keep it coming by bakunonist    35k, Hawks/Enji, friends with benefits, mutual pining, 
Hawks referenced what happened between them last night so casually, so offhandedly that Enji is filled with hope that maybe, just maybe, they’re actually on the same page:
They were drunk, and they made a mistake.
But most importantly, no matter how good it was—it’s not happening again.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27415918    after midnight by stereonightss    1k, Kirishima/Bakugou, first time, gentlest falling in love,
“Soap,” Katsuki says, holding out his hand, and just like reading minds Eijirou’s got the bottle ready, half-way reaching out. Katsuki’s hand catches his forearm instead of the bottle, hot and slick and steaming in the gap of the showers’ spray. A simple miscalculation, an innocent touch—but a lingering one, rough pale fingers dragging down the length of Eijirou’s arm, over his now trembling hand to pluck the bottle from his fingers.
Touches like that makes Eijirou wonder, did he know how I felt in high school? Does he know now?
Neither of them fell in love; it’s as though they always felt it deep inside. Or, the night it all came together. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27929647   red oleander by hupsoonheng    18k, Kirishima/Bakugou, hanahaki, pining, 
For his crimes of being selfish, mean, and with no love in his heart, Bakugou Katsuki is cursed by a mysterious old woman's hanahaki-like quirk. And because he is selfish, mean, and with more love in his heart than he knows what to do with, he lets it almost kill him.
my first bnha fic and the first writing i've done all year! (thanks, 2020.) it's also my first hanahaki fic, and i wanted to take more of a hans christian anderson take on the trope.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18092318   Wrapped Up by Mavericksy    21k, Sero/Todoroki, bondage, teenage crushes in adulthood, 
When Todoroki and Sero reunite as pro heroes for a friendly night of drinking, a confession is made that takes their paths in a direction neither of them were expecting.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27693374    hummingbird boy by gummyconcrete, what_a_loser    8k, Kirishima/Bakugou, pining, 
Bakugou has dimples.
They’re not noticeable. Not by much, not with the way he scowls to hide them. But Kirishima still catches them, the first time he makes Bakugou crack a grin after he trips and fails a new stunt on his skateboard.
When Kirishima sees it—it’s a tiny dip in his cheeks, and one under his chin. They’re out in the sun, and small shadows tuck into his dimples charmingly. He’s grinning wide, boyish and rude and unhinged. He’s laughing, too, and the sound is brash.
Or; Kirishima learning what it really means to yearn.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27709468    marry me by shiggay    5k, Kirishima/Bakugou, 
“Marry me.”
“We’re fifteen, idiot.”
“C’mon, marry me.”
“Not right now,” Katsuki looks up from his notebook, leaning over to tap his pencil on the papers in front of Eijirou. “You have more equations to solve.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25274074    On Letting Go by meeokie    26k, Midoriya/Todoroki/Shinsou, quirk play, light BDSM, forced masturbation, 
Deku moved to shake Hitoshi’s waiting hand but paused, a dangerous calculating look flashing before he drew back an inch. “Well, couldn’t you just tell someone to come? Wouldn’t a body respond instantly to that command?”
Hitoshi grinned and shrugged his shoulders, knowing all too well how fast he could reduce someone with something like that. How fast he had already, with specific clients.
(Chapter 1: Deku/Shinsou, Chapter 2: Deku/Shinsou/Shouto)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27142273    Night Vision Binoculars by surveycorpsjean    45k, Hawks/Enji, friends with benefits, feral behaviour, light BDSM, birdy hawks, 
Hawks is acting strange, and Enji is going to find out why.
Oh, and something about ghosts, but not really. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14296956    Tender Violence by Leticheecopae   10k, Bakugou/Shinsou, accidental rivals to lovers, consesual mind control, 
Bakugo has an annoying habit of training well into the night, and for someone who gets as little sleep as Shinso, it is a pain in the ass; but third years have unlimited access, so what can he do? Fed up one night, he finally decides it's about time he figured out why the bombastic blonde is out destroying the training areas so late into the night; he doesn't expect to help him deal with the reason. 
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Searching My Dreams for a Lifetime; Chapter Three (Criminal Minds)
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            “Strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others.”             -Suzy Kassem
      Shira wanted to help, but she knew that there wasn’t much she could do. Her job was to focus on the ritualistic and occult aspects of the murders, not the missing persons search.
      Yet sitting there in a sling, watching the others do what they did best, she felt almost useless. She knew the key to it all was the sigil, the one mark that she couldn’t figure out. It was the key.
      Staying at the station with JJ, Shira was working on the sigil.
      “What’s so difficult about the symbol?” the blonde asked, watching Shira trace different shapes to try and figure out how it was put together.
      “This sigil is a personal one,” Shira explained, focused on her slow pencil movements “those are made up of symbols, letters, numbers, most anything that is personal to the magic user creating it. When I do work creating sigils, they’re usually from a word or phrase, and I use letters from them.”
      “So, whatever this is made of is personal to the Unsub,” JJ mused “and could help us find him.”
      “It’s his signature,” Shira declared, glancing up “just need to figure out how exactly.”
      The quiet that descended started playing on Shira’s nerves, and she started to twirl her pencil.
      “I wonder how their soul mates are doing…” she muttered, earning JJ’s attention. Seeing the curious look on the other woman’s face, Shira gave a small shrug.
      “I just remember something that happened to me,” she explained “and I worry about the soul mates of these women. The amount of pain the women feel…it would be excruciating to their fated one, especially if they haven’t met yet.”
      “You’ve felt your soul mate’s pain before?” JJ asked, sitting up in her seat a bit “if you haven’t met him yet…it must have been a lot that he went through.”
      “I can imagine,” Shira nodded, falling silent for a moment before her hand ghosted over her abdomen “I don’t normally want to think about what happened to mine…”
      “Do you want to talk about it?” JJ questioned, reaching and gently putting a hand on Shira’s shoulder.
      “It was almost a year and a half ago,” Shira started, quiet “Late at night. I was up late, working on my book. I suddenly felt a stabbing in my torso. I felt it eight more times before the pain stopped.”
      “Stabbed nine times?” now that sounded familiar to JJ “I’m sorry you had to feel that…”
      “Just makes me wonder what sort of person my soul mate is,” Shira replied, smiling sadly “I know they’re still alive, but…how?”
      “They’re strong,” JJ declared, smiling for Shira “that much is obvious. Would have to be, anyway, to be your match.”
      Shira nodded, smiling for JJ before looking down at and continuing her work. The other woman watched her, wondering if she was going to tell the rest of the team after the case was over.
      There was no doubt in her mind, that Shira and Hotch were meant to be.
      When the rest of the team returned, the serious look on Hotch’s face was one that JJ absolutely didn’t like. It wasn’t often he was that angry.
      “Doctor Amell,” Hotch started, entering the conference room “we need to talk.”
      Shira’s confusion was evident, considering what happened that morning, but she stood and faced him anyway.
      “Agent Hotchner?” she replied, watching him.
      “All six previous victims, and the newest one, they all have one thing in common,” he continued, aware the rest of the team was watching “they look like you. And this newest victim, Allison Kane, she has your books on her shelf. Attended multiple lectures of yours.”
      “So, they’re surrogates for me,” Shira continued, trying not to let her panic show “and you’re now convinced it’s someone I know.”
      “Is it?” Hotch demanded “we both know the type of pain Allison is going to go through, so you need to think very carefully. Do you have any enemies?”
      “I’m a woman in a male dominated field,” she countered “purported to be the best in the field. Of course, I have enemies. I get multiple death threats a week, Agent.”
      “Death threats?” Rossi repeated “you’re a historian.”
      “And a woman,” Shira replied, looking to the other agent “do you know how many narcissistic misogynists exist in career fields like mine? I was seen as a threat the day my first paper was published. Death threats started before the ink was even fucking dry and haven’t stopped since. Only increased when I became a teacher.”
      “We need a list,” Hotch declared “everyone who sent you threats, especially the incredibly specific and violent ones.”
      “I can do you better,” she reached for her phone, dialing a number and putting the phone on speaker “a lot better.”
      “Doctor Amell!” came Garcia’s voice from the phone “what can I do for you, my fellow lady genius?”
      “I need you to go into my computer at the school, please,” Shira explained “there’s a database on there, of death threats I’ve received. Names, copies of letters and emails, pictures if I could find them. It’s organized by type.”
      “First of all, I’m so glad you’re so nice,” Garcia declared “second, I’m so sorry you have to have this because of how nice you are. I can have it quick as a flash! What am I running it against?”
      “Not sure,” Shira replied “I’ll leave that to your team to tell you. I just know it’s become apparent that the unsub wants to target me as his endgame.”
      “I’ll have the database ready to go for when the team has more to run!” Garcia reassured “best of luck, doctor.”
      “Thank you, Miss Garcia.” Shira smiled, hanging up the phone.
      “How many threats do you get?” Reid asked, tone clearly surprised.
      “Ten or so a week,” Shira explained “more right after exams, or when a new book or paper get published. I’m telling you, though, the key is this symbol here.”
      “Then we’ll need you to keep working on it,” Hotch told her “and you’ll be with an escort at all times. One of us, or a detective, am I clear?”
      “As crystal,” she replied, shoulders tense “I won’t stop working on this. I’ll figure out what it means, Hotch, I promise you.”
      “I know you will, Shira,” he nodded, tone softening “if you need anything, just say so.”
      The rest of the team was surprised when she called him by their nickname, even more so when he called her by her first name. Yet they had to find Allison. It was time to focus.
       It was late at night, the team still at the station. It had been nearly a week since they’d arrived, two days since Allison Kane was taken. Scared, frustrated, at the end of her rope, Shira was trying her hardest to figure out the sigil, but she was coming up short.
       “Might make my own sacrifice to Odin…” she grumbled, looking down at the symbol “if I could just figure this…”
       Shira paused, thinking it over. What if it wasn’t someone who’d threatened her? Sacrifices were meant to appease…what if it was someone who’d been an admirer of hers?
       Looking at the symbol with new eyes, she studied the brush strokes, and it all clicked immediately.
       “It’s a literal signature,” she muttered, earning JJ’s attention “a literal signature!”
       “What do you mean?” JJ asked, jolting Shira out of her half-asleep daze.
       “The sigil, it’s his initials!” Shira explained, showing the three letters “a combination of O B K. He’s literally putting his signature on the crime scene.”
       “How did you figure it out?” JJ took the paper, looking it over.
       “I realized we were looking at it wrong,” Shira elaborated, picking up her phone and punching in the familiar number “regardless of why he picked the method, these women are sacrifices. A sacrifice is meant to appease. It isn’t someone who wants me dead, not directly.”
       “It’s a fan of yours.” JJ concluded, listening on speaker phone as Garcia picked up on the other end.
       “What can I do ya for, good Doctor?” the technical analyst asked, peppy as always.
       “Miss Garcia,” Shira greeted, smiling as JJ chuckled slightly “On my school computer, I keep another database. It’s of fans whose letters came across as weird, creepy, or too intense. It’s formatted the same as the other one. I need you to access it, please, and look for entries with combinations of the initials O.B.K.”
       “Look for people who are from Minnesota, Garcia,” JJ added “this guy has been methodical in holding to his schedule. He won’t stray far from his home, at least not the state. Too much work to do.”
       “Ugh, creepy fans,” Garcia groaned “always the worst. I’ll run through it and get back to you guys with what I find.”
       “Thank you, Garcia.” JJ and Shira replied together, smiling as Shira hung up.
       “This is good,” JJ nodded “you did great, Doctor Amell. We really couldn’t have solved this so quickly without you.”
       “I hear a ‘thank you’ coming,” Shira laughed “and you can thank me when this is over and Allison Kane is back safe.”
       Standing and stretching, she gave a tired smile.
       “I’m gonna get some air,” she told the blonde “just be right out front.”
       “If this is a fan of yours, you shouldn’t be alone, like Hotch said,” JJ told her, standing up “who knows what this fan could do?”
       “I’ll just be out front, not even past the stairs,” Shira promised “I’ll be…oh god, I sound like the victim in a horror movie.”
       That pulled a surprised laugh from JJ, causing Shira to smile.
       “I’ll go with a detective,” Shira reassured her “I’ll be okay, I promise.”
       JJ nodded, watching as Shira walked over to a Detective heading out, talking to him before they walked out together.
       Fifteen minutes later, when the rest of the team came back, JJ’s phone rang, and seeing it was Garcia, she put it on speaker.
       “Is Doctor Amell with you?” Garcia asked as soon as they connected.
       “She stepped out for some air with a detective,” JJ replied “what did you find?”
       “I ran the initials through the creepy fan database that she’d put together, like she asked,” Garcia explained, earning the curiosity of the rest of the team “O.B.K. and residence in Minnesota. Got one name. Oscar Bennet Kolbeck. Another historian who’d been researching Viking rituals. He started writing to Doctor Amell after her Master’s dissertation on Norse blood rituals, but she never responded.”
       “Would have fueled his desire to make a connection,” Rossi mused “he wants her attention. How did Doctor Amell come to this conclusion?”
       “She made the connection that this M.O. turns the victims into sacrifices,” JJ explained “and sacrifices are meant to appease. Someone who wanted her to directly suffer wouldn’t want to appease her.”
       “Creepy fans,” Reid mused, wincing “I can relate.”
       “We need to talk to Shira,” Hotch declared “what sort of letters did Kolbeck send her, Garcia?”
       “He said she was a bright, rising star in their field,” Garcia replied “a beacon of wisdom that Odin would visit to learn from.”
       “Hence choosing an execution method that relates to Odin.” Morgan said, looking to the others.
       “Yet there’s all these references to his own work, and how her paper took attention away from it,” Garcia continued “yet it’s all very humble-brag, backhanded compliment in it’s phrasing. Very passive-aggressive.”
       “He sees her as competition,” Hotch sighed “fierce competition, and it’s only a matter of time before he tries to take her out.”
       “I tried calling her first, but her phone went straight to voicemail,” Garcia interjected “please tell me she’s okay, you guys.”
       As the others were talking, JJ turned and saw the detective that Shira had been with run back inside, blood trailing down his face.
       “She’s gone!” he called out “Doctor Amell. He took her!”
       “Oh God,” JJ muttered, turning to the rest of the team. The pale, shocked look on Hotch’s face was almost as terrifying “guys, if Kolbeck took her from in front of the station…”
       “We need to find her, and fast,” Rossi declared “Garcia, tell me you sent us the address.”
       “Already done,” Garcia replied “bring her home, you guys.”
            “When a real battle starts, you'll always find that there is no bravest man.”             -Jackson Crawford, The Poetic Edda
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anthropwashere · 6 years
@proserpine-in-phases tagged me in a thing about writing, so naturally I’m going to do this instead of write!
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
A lot of my deadfics end up stalling out over research roadblocks. I’ll flub my way through one scene with the intent to come back after I’ve done my Google-fu, and then another, and another, aaaaand that’s now too much work. 
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
A JTHM fic I wrote in high school that ended up deadfic because I ran off to BMT. It was well-received at the time but looking at it now? It’s just so ow, the edge. I’ve low-key considered tearing it down and rewriting it, but it’s been ten years and I can’t even recall where I was going with it. 
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
90% chronological with a lot of snippets for later scenes piled haphazardly at the end of every Gdoc. of all the things that might have been was the big exception. There’s 28k posted and another 50k trapped behind a heap of writer’s block. :C
4) favorite character you’ve written?
Gee, I wonder!
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5) character you were most surprised to end up writing?
Winry Rockbell. Not my usual character type to write by far, but she was just as surprisingly fun to write.
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now?
A ton of older fic on AO3 has a lot of weird formatting and grammatical errors. I think it’d be easy to get hung up over changes I’d want to make to various giftfics I’ve written over the years as well.
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I can count on one hand the number of real life people who know I write and have fingers left over. I hate talking about my writing face-to-face. 
8) favorite genre to write?
Mmm, suspense/horror? Whatever you call ‘presenting a problem to a character that gets insurmountably worse, and also it would be justified if the character just huddled screaming under a blanket instead of confronting it.’
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Read other fics that handle similar topics/ideas. Look through the literal GBs of refs I’ve got saved. Get out of the house and do something even a little bit out of my norm. Get lost on Wikipedia.
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
Music always, rarely near people.
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Man, I’ve been writing and posting fics for 15 years now. I have to hope every aspect has improved since I was friggin’ 12 years old writing garbo Mary Sues.
12) your weaknesses as an author?
I can’t concentrate on anything long enough to finish it. More fic ideas than I’ll ever have the energy to commit too. Run-on sentences. I don’t write women almost at all. COMMAS. 
13) your strengths as an author?
I feeeeel like I do a good job of getting the reader into the character’s headspace? I adore limited narrative so when I write a fic I try to commit to that character’s style and personality. I also think I do horror/suspense decently.
15) why did you start writing?
11 year old Lorelei found ffn and went, “Oh shit, this is a thing? Sign me up.”
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
...I’m not sure what this means? 
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
It’s okay to write positive endings, edgelord. Sometimes less is more. Sometimes more is good too, but damn girl, tread carefully. 
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
These seems like a dangerous rabbit hole to fall down, so I’ll just link the most recent fic whose style and impact left me speechless the first time I read it (and envious, and determined, and more than happy to read it three more times).
Divine Right of Kings by Oedipus Tex
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
Badly! Which is why I’ve never successfully finished a longfic! But I do try and make outlines or at least a tidy splash of notes at the bottom of the Gdoc. One fic I’m working on right now requires spreadsheets.
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
Little spurts. NaNo’s been excellent in the past at making me do more than a couple hundred words on a good day. Alas, the last Camp NaNo I signed up for I dipped out of because of my migraines, and I didn’t even bother signing up for July.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
For the most part I consider it all passable, as far back as AO3 goes at least. Anything earlier than that I pretend doesn’t exist. 
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
Intimacy, be it porn or fluff. Anything technical I can’t gloss over with some hastily gathered Wikipedian knowledge. Comedy.
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
I don’t think so? Not much of my personal experience has been applicable to what I’ve written. A bit of geography, maybe?
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
I’d never claim to be an expert on anything, but I do try and do my research for fic. Learning new things is my favorite part of writing.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
You may have a snippet from my four biggest FMA wips (all of which are over 15k words and nowhere near done, send help).
- We Are Sisyphus (03 fic where alternate Ed lives.)
Other Ed and Alfons are unpacking groceries, picked up on their way back to the tiny flat above not-Gracia’s flower shop that seems all the smaller with a fourth person inside. Gratia’s come up as well, bearing fresh vases of flowers too damaged to sell but still smell just as sweet. It helps to mask Hohenheim’s reek, something he can’t really help with how advanced his decay’s gotten in their time apart. 
“Surprised you even recognized him,” Ed says under his breath, under pretense of showing him some of the notes he’d brought back. He gives Hohenheim a long, quelling glare out of the corner of his eye. “I mean, considering you left when Al was still practically a toddler.”
“There were more recent pictures at Pinako’s house,” Hohenheim replies, apparently uninterested in taking the hint to back off. “But it’s the way you look at Herr Heiderich that made me realize just who he reminded me so sorely of.”
“Oh yeah? And how’s that?”
“Like you’re grieving.”
- your head will lie in dust (Father wins, makes the five sacrifices immortal. AKA, the Hohenheim fic with the group chat that can’t stop, won’t stop.)
“There was a cut on your cheek,” Hohenheim says.
Edward brings shaking fingers to his face. He digs his nails in as if he’ll tear his skin open just to spite Hohenheim on principle. Then he stops. Shuts his eyes. Lets Mrs. Curtis slide from his lap. “I,” he says. “You’re wrong. You have to be.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. He has said this so often now, to so many people over so many years, that the words have lost all meaning. He tongues at the space where regret should be and finds only an empty hole. “Do you hear them?”
Edward flinches in slow-motion, an exercise in arranging the muscles of his face into a tense knot to display his anger, his fear, his grief. Little words for emotions greater than any person should have to bear. Edward flinches and struggles to breathe. He presses his hands over his ears and tilts rigidly to the floor.
- our hands were first to forgive (The Mustang remains blind and gets automail AU nobody asked for.)
It’s unsettling, how easy clapping alchemy has turned out to be.
He’d expected it to be difficult, to be something he’d have to learn through trial and error. He doesn’t know why he thought that. Edward’s never shown any hesitation in the use of it—though when has Edward shown hesitation in anything? Bad example. Not that there are a lot of examples to choose from, and of those he’s only been able to see Alphonse transmute without a circle. That’s a somewhat recent development, isn’t it? Before the boys went up to Briggs. He never thought to ask what had happened to allow Alphonse to abandon circles. It hadn’t occurred to him to think that anything needed to have happened to allow it at all. Knowing the source of clapping alchemy, he doubts it was anything pleasant. One more thing to ask after, once he can see again.
This ability, this… gift? He hesitates to call it that. Unwanted, unasked for, received all the same. Fine. This gift wasn’t learned. It feels grafted into him, weird and rough at its edges, like the scars on his torso his shirts still catch on months after burning Lust to ash. Unnaturally a part of him, but a part of him still. For all the knowledge that was poured into his mind in the Gate, he doesn’t feel like he learned anything.
He feels burned.
- Pour Out Like Light (9 years post-series, Ed finds out Trisha’s illness is hereditary. This absolute bastard of a wip is currently stalled out at over 46k words and nowhere near done.)
He peels a potato, sets it down. A broken, twisted hand reaches over his shoulder to pick it up.
He sets down the vegetable peeler. “Mom?”
“Why didn’t you tell Granny?”
“Tell Granny what?”
“You knew it wasn’t the epidemic, didn’t you?” He cups the potato in both hands, in the hand he’s always had and the hand he’d traded away and Al had given back. “If you knew, why didn’t you warn her I’d get sick too? Why didn’t you warn me?”
She doesn’t answer. Instead there’s the heavy, loose-limbed thud of a body collapsing to the floor. It has a wet sound to it, a splattering sound. Her death rattle sucks the sunlight out of the kitchen, strangled and thick with fluid. There is almost, almost the sound of his name.
This post is huge now, wow. Um. Never sure who’s cool with being tagged in these kinds of posts. @ladyyatexel @leda-x @haikujitsu I don’t really talk writing much w/ any of you but you’re all fantastic and it’d be cool to hear some of the thought process behind the fics? No obligation, of course.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
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Did you hear them shortly and 5,000 horsepower it should be easily able to go about a few thousand miles an hour at least and it should be able to keep up and the style and design at those fees it should be able to handle enough to stay in a straight line so we're off to the desert hot flats salt flats sorry is it salt flats and we thought Vegas but he's thinking the salt last but his rethinking it back to Vegas which are the hot flats and I was right and you didn't know to call the hot plants it's a lot of things he's not aware of because he's deceptive to you you always fall for it and he goes around making fun of you because you correct his words but his concepts are way better and they are they make fun of you too cuz you missed the concept for your stupid word hot versus salt and now corky hasn't missed it but he's got it wrong salt is not you in this case but okay. No you don't you don't have my permission it's a man and a woman they deserve their car but I want you to try and copy one cuz I'm tired of hearing from you that you're the balls if you can't copy one of those including the engine then you're fired. Okay well you have to try and will and Bill want to so finally the engine to be curious but he said was to have a pressure release valve on the intake because your motor will blow if they don't have control over the pressure and it's so much pressure and doesn't look like the regular well enough that they probably should do that and they did and they don't blow the motor anymore. Billy I'm like you guys want to work with you you have a class act you came up with the whole car and it's very high-tech and a new motor which is very impressive to them and after your secrets but they want to know what you'd want to work on with them and secrets and stuff okay yeah you're going to say about transformers so the laughing so who's going to come down here the devil color or the Devil himself is an out so if you unless he's out by the time we have the race it would be I think Mephastopheles and it's the first son of the Devil and Lilith off planet.
We accept the race they say of course and we want to see who this fella is or what he is or what he looks like and we see a picture of him and it's been circulated around and he has been seen and he is evil as hell you've seen him crush people as a skinny guy without any trouble but he's not there to crush us he says and he's under my directive if you don't try and harm them and capturing then you'll be fine is there for the race just as we are out there in Las Vegas even though it's not a true gentleman's area it is an area where the race is valid and as a race and then we will vacate the process we appreciate that it's the word and we won't do anything and you guys home and it usually works out even with that massive massive idiotic race with the Hard knock kicker people which was crazy as hell but they are a group and they're not aggressive to each other and it was fun to watch it was amazing to watch amazing so we should probably do that afterwards to cover our tracks have a Harley versus Hard knock race all classes you can pick the day you said Saturday and we agree I'll give you time to prep and test and blow a few stacks laugh yeah Billium and they're going to find you and they want to help out if they can they accept and we will be there. Mac wants to fund you and they accept and what Las Vegas and you guys to get together and come up with a name for the type of race because it is a momentous race there's hasn't been one like this for quite a while it was with the fly cars I think yes no they say with long cars and other odd cars that couldn't do it so it's kind of a romantic because it's in the right format it's the right type of motor and it's right type of car for the race and we are in that LeMans class race these days and your car would make it into it with just a few races like this and this will probably get it in with no questions asked and ours as well cuz this is a new car that he's wanted to race and it's a challenge and if we could of course get Jesus there to sing where the champions and you can say it's you and we'll see it's us but it is my brother and he says no not him then he says what about Brian Gerard he's always considered himself to be a brother and he says we think so but we'll strive to get JC out for it and Max says we will and he's getting loose now like a loose tooth and he shows hasn't show an image and it's gross he laughs he's still a young man be nice if I have something to go down there with like a city I can fly out rent a fitty. But I don't know if I'd stay in Vegas because there's so many gangland shootings but really I added all of the month throughout the whole entire soprano series and watch it all at once it was a bit much we agree for crying out loud.
We accept and we're hoping this guy has a place because I'd like to see you with a house goes because this is intense they're losing the Midwest and it's too an Angel and it's one of him and he's the guy that we've been struggling against and we thought it was Ken we thought it was his dad George or Tommy F maybe no. Tommy F says no and tell me that you have a casino that you can easily put me up in and I can rent a fitty there. Who are you there renting a fitty why the hell are you a jailer. No it's just that we should move you around it causes problems for us not really fix things in the past but okay we will sit here and take it like a man okay Tommy you've had enough so they know you taught me off Tommy f... And yes I raise Mr Chris and I'm pretty good at so I'm going to have to try and figure out how their motor is made and the car too because it's intense and you say that all they did was make it an actual high performance car that you have motorcycle that are in ships and so forth that's true so I'm going to go ahead and work on one and it's not open class it's going to be gas and certain type of gas motor per the requirements of LeMans and really to me now the man sounds like some sort of lounge chair and laid back and slow compared to maybe Indy which sounds like Indiana Jones it's true too LeMans is about the same speed that sounds weird I seen your cars they go flying off the road to go so fast and I don't stay down very well but if they did they might crush the stuff so we're going to make hours out of titanium and they're going to too they say and it's all it's going to be a huge race and we're wondering if other people in virus can make it down there and maybe make it into an event Salazar has a car and says he has a new one now and has Goddess Wife has one too that's new. All of us are going to be there now and I think you're going to have company devel... I appreciate it and I'm getting respect too and I'm getting funding which I need doesn't support really they have facilities they support me with them and their test facilities and they're also supply and repair and storage and protection all that is important you're trying to do something like this and they're going to have their own cars too but they're really interested in the motor and I see how it is I should patent it and sell it is what he says and I might go ahead and do that and hold the patent as well because they're going to find out a scanning and so forth so I think I might do that and also make some conditions because they'll make it for resale this is smart guy and it'll probably work maybe 50% or better or who knows what a percentage is better than nothing and being mad and turning into Infinity the Chuck beef head person that everybody thinks of doing all the time it's a great idea and I can also try and sell the car on the open market and I have offers already and he says it's really easy you can sell the car for enough to build several factories already a lot of people want to have and you can build a fly conversion it's nothing illegal about it because you can copy us and he says well that's great so he's going to have to do that and Sebastian still has his plants
Thor Freya
You said most of it but he got a little tired
Hera Zues
0 notes
will-squill-blog · 6 years
11 Questions
hey y’all!! so i was tagged in this thing by @libtertysir (thank you for tagging me!! i’m sorry i took so long to get to this) and i’ve never done one of these before, so i really hope i did it right!! i tried to not make myself overthink the answers but there were a couple times when i did, so sorry about that,, anyways I’m gonna put my answers and all of that shit under the cut BUT the people I’m tagging in this next are:  @georgiapeaches-n-cream, @linquenelsprite, @eldritch-queen, @theradicalace, @afantasticmess, @alexfuckingdies, @introverts-unite, @fowl-play-blue-jay y’all don’t have to feel obligated to do this if you’d rather not, but yeah!! if you are, you should at least read the bottom of the posts bc the questions for y’all to answer are down there,, anyways-
What is your earliest memory of school?
Before elementary school, I went to this school/daycare place called “the young school”. I have multiple specific memories from there, (including being taught how to yo-yo and not at ALL figuring it out, getting very concerned over the words to “ring around the rosie”, and not at all understanding the point of nap-time) but the very earliest is from the first day there, when I realized I had to be separated from my brother and was absolutely terrified. 
What is your favorite candy bar, and describe everything good about it!
Kit Kats! It’s probably a pretty typical answer, but it’s always the first one that comes to mind. I love that they break into two, and they’re so crunchy! My favorite part has to be the flavors, though. We have this asian market a little while away from my house that sells a bunch of flavor variations, and they’re so good! Most places just have chocolate and vanilla (which is seasonal), but this place has cookies and cream, matcha green tea, strawberry, peach, mango, and some others! I’ve seen pictures online of the amount of flavors they offer in Japan, and they look so good!! My only problems with them are that I can’t try all the flavors ‘cause they aren’t here, and, of course, that they have milk (I’m lactose intolerant).
What 3 songs would you use to introduce someone to your favorite band? 
I don’t really think I have a favorite band? I usually don’t, I just listen to whatever music I’m feeling at that point. Although if I did have to pick a favorite right now, it’d be NSP, and the songs I pick would vary GREATLY depending on the person. However, I actually was going to introduce them to someone I know, and was going with “take on me”, “peppermint creams”, and “6969”!
What was one weird thing you did with your friends in high school that you’re not afraid to admit? 
I’m gonna be real, y’all, I’m still in high school! I don’t think I’ve done anything weird enough yet that it would fit here, so I guess I can’t answer this one.
What musical instrument do you hate hearing the most, and why? 
This might be very obscure, but a “crank-style ratchet”? We were doing an activity in music class and someone chose that for their instrument and let me tell you, this thing sounds HORRIBLE. I couldn’t think of an actual instrument, it’s more of a noisemaker, so I’m sorry if my answer technically doesn’t count!
If you could, what personality trait of yours would you give to everyone else in the world?
I’m pretty sure “acceptance” is a personality trait, so it’d be that one. Just so people can be less bigoted, you know?
If you could learn any skill, what would it be, why, and how would you use that skill to make at least 5 friends? 
Assuming we mean skills that are physically possible, I’d want to learn art. Not regular art, I mean that next level shit. I’d want to learn how to flawlessly make art using any medium in any art style and it would always look exactly how I wanted. Every time I make any type of art- drawing, painting, sculptures, ANYTHING- it’s never quite right. I would love to be able to always make it look exactly how I wanted. I’d make friends by then being the best fucking artist to exist ever. Just make art of anything and everything, give art to people I meet, make friends.
Honestly, I love bees but whenever I’m near them, I’m absolutely terrified of them. Fuck yeah, though, bees.
What is your favorite thing about your face? (Positive Answers Only, y’all are beautiful people)
My eyes! How they look, I mean- I have absolutely horrid vision, but that is a long and complex story for another time. Here’s a fun fact: they’re so bad I had to write this post in another software before copy-pasting it here since this format has so many words so close together that I can’t read this. I’m trying to make the format a bit easier by adding more spaces, but still. My eyes suck.
Do you have any ghost stories?
The one I remember the best is the time when I was younger that I was convinced there was a ghost since I kept hearing scratching noises on the walls and I was upstairs. There were also some strange whistling noises, but that was just the wind. Apparently the scratching was a raccoon, but I still don’t know why it sounded so close? Did it climb up the side of the house or something? Plus, it was really windy out, so how would that thing even get up there? I know it’s not that great, but it’s the first one that came to mind.
A door appears in front of you, and takes you to a room with someone who you want to forgive, and someone who you want to be forgiven by. Who are they, and what happened to between you?
Oh boy, this is a heavy question. Like, a really fucking heavy question. The person I want to be forgiven by would probably be someone who was actually best friends with my shitty, abusive ex boyfriend. We’ll call him L. He was horrible, so fucking horrible, and I still have SO MUCH trauma from that relationship, but that’s for another time. His best friend, however, knew that the things L was doing were bad, but stayed friends with him- for reasons I don’t know. I think, after things got really fucking shitty between me and L, that his best friend started to get angry at me. L’s best friend was an extremely sweet and caring person who I sometimes really, truly miss. I will never, ever understand why they stayed friends, or how you could even stay friends with someone after knowing about how badly they abused other people. Now, on the other hand, the person I want to forgive. This is a lot harder to think of. If I’m being honest, the answer I really want to give is myself? I know that’s probably kinda dumb, but there’s a lot of shit I’ve done and never fully forgiven myself for and I really, really wish I could. That shit, however, is too personal for this post.
WOW i hope i didn’t bring everyone down with that last bit hskjhfdgh
anyways !!as for the people i tagged earlier!
Your questions are:
1: If you had to pick an instrument and a color to describe yourself, what would they be? 2: Describe your favorite outfit and/or what you wore today! 3: What’s the last song you had stuck in your head? 4: Do you have a dream job, and what is it? It doesn’t have to be realistic!
5: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? 6: Tell the story of the last time you cried from laughter! 7: What’s your favorite superhero / superpower? 8: Do you know that you’re so fucking valid and important? 9: What’s your favorite movie / video game / series of any kind that’s super obscure? 10: Do you have any stories that are actually true, but sound unbelievable? 11: What are your thoughts on birds?

4 notes · View notes
barenjunges · 4 years
lonely bottles - infamous
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infamous  2289 words third person limited pov present tense content warnings under cut
It’s what he sees before he closes his eyes to sleep at night, and that moment of twilight before he drifts off is his favorite time of day - he loves that sleepy feeling, and knowing that his worries can wait until tomorrow. 
content warnings: mentions of physical parental abuse, trans male issues
author’s notes: this is, like, pre-whump. the whump is upcoming. whumpcoming. um, i’m still creating with these ocs on the fly so you’re definitely witnessing something chaotic here. i make stuff up as i go along which is really unlike my usual style, so i’m going to screw up, it’s an inevitability, but i do have a page of notes to refer back to so hopefully it’ll be few and far between. anyway, this is pretty tame but i’m expecting these two to get pretty unhealthy later on so if that’ll bother you, steer clear!
ETA- my formatting isn’t transferring over correctly. i’ll. have to fix that.
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The reason this particular meetcute is so important to Schuylar is because they usually happen when he’s wasted, late on a Thursday night, in a stranger’s home. He’s always sort of been the type to read his horoscope, hoping it’ll give him some hint as to when he’ll find his soulmate. He knows 20 is young technically, but these days it’s not all it’s cracked up to be and he’s starting to worry it’ll never happen. He’s worried he won’t find the love of his life while he’s sweaty and moving his hips erratically, as is his form of “dancing.” He won’t be making vows on his wedding day to the person who found him hunched over a toilet or letting his head sway while seated on a couch. He’ll never sweep anyone away - or be swept away himself - knowing they introduced themselves to each other twice, once at eleven p.m., and once at eleven a.m. the next morning because they couldn’t remember doing it the night before. 
Yeah. This is not that. 
This is a Starbucks, on campus, while he’s doing homework. He’s wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, worrying the straw of his iced coffee and staring at a notebook page full of notes he can’t make anything of. He wrote these. They should make sense to him. But there’s something about Etruscan architecture that evades him. He can’t wrap his head around the concepts he’s supposed to have absorbed. The exam isn’t for another two weeks but that’s why he’s making flash cards now, not that he’s actually crafted one yet. His stack of index cards are sitting next to him and he’s about to start swiping through the photos on his phone that he took of the slides his 68-year-old professor showed to the class. She doesn’t allow computers during lecture so he can’t search for these images while actually taking notes. He has to sneak his phone out every few minutes to take a picture and then match them to his notes. 
It’s an absolutely ludicrous system. But he hates feeling overwhelmed right before a test. And flashcards are helping him in the other classes - though they’re easier to make, given that he can just copy an image of fucking Starry Night and paste it right into his notes when his professors let him type them - so he’s determined to make them for this class, too. 
Anyway. That’s when he meets Thomas. 
Thomas is large. Pretty tall and very muscular, like he goes to the gym regularly, which is something that would do Schuylar some good. Xavier and Henry have an open invitation for him when they go but he’s too lazy and that’s all there is to it. But Thomas clearly enjoys himself to some protein shakes. He’s very tan-skinned and wearing a bright blue Polo when he approaches, which is a good thing because if he’d been covering up just how big his arms are, Schuylar might’ve brushed him off. Then again, the first thing he does is smile, and anyone who wasn’t already done in by those arms definitely would have folded from that smile. 
He’s that kind of cis guy that makes Schuylar madly envious; he wishes so badly sometimes he’d been born with that body. Not because Thomas is sexy - which he is - but because he’s Schuylar’s definition of man. So Schuylar was doomed from the beginning. Not only does he want Thomas’s body, but he wants Thomas’s body, and that’s a dangerous combination. 
He gives Schuylar a simple, “Hi,” and Schuylar doesn’t really move. His lips open up, dropping his straw back into its cup, but he’s sort of blinded by the handsomeness and sits there like a lump, staring. Thomas doesn’t seem to realize Schuylar is so enraptured. 
“Sorry to bother you,” he says. “I just noticed you were struggling with your homework.”
Schuylar, weirdly, hasn’t referred to his studying as “homework” for two years now. He feels like he’s back in high school, though that isn’t really a good thing. 
“No,” he says finally, sitting up straight and pulling his hoodie down. He was sort of slouching, nearly drooling over his laptop and didn’t notice. “I mean - I’m doing fine.”
“I didn’t mean to be a weirdo,” he says. “I’m Thomas.” So that’s when he actually learns his name. “I’m a tutor. So I’m sort of trained to spot these things and just wanted to offer to help. But if you don’t need it, I’ll leave you alone.”
By this point, Schuylar has realized exactly how hot Thomas is and scrambles desperately to get him to stick around. 
“Actually,” he says, putting his hand on the table awkwardly, “I know what I’m doing but I am having some trouble. Just scatterbrained right now.”
That’s when Schuylar has to remind himself that Thomas probably isn’t gay, and if he’s straight, he’s reading him as female. Neither of which are ideal, but there’s really no in between. Most of the time he passes, but every now and then -
But Thomas takes a seat next to him and cuts off that train of thought. 
“What have you got?”
So that’s how Schuylar meets Thomas. That’s how Schuylar’s most infamous meetcute goes down. In the record books, it’ll say, “Location: Starbucks, Time: Tuesday evening, Wearing: stained hoodie and baggy sweatpants.” He wasn’t expecting it; he really thought he’d meet his soulmate at a college party and it would be magical when their eyes met, celestial when they brushed each other’s bands. But no, it was at a four-by-four table in a major coffee shop chain - that’s how he meets him. 
That’s how Schuylar meets the man who ruins his life. 
He’s incredibly helpful. He doesn’t know art history specifically but he’s great at streamlining the flashcard making process and has amazing handwriting, too. Schuylar tells him to write them all because it’s far more legible than his own and Thomas pulls a calligraphy pen out of his bag and writes Schuylar’s name on an index card, sliding it over to him with a childlike grin. Schuylar hands it back. 
“That’s spelled wrong.”
“No way!” Thomas exclaims. “I was so excited.”
“It’s okay,” Schuylar tells him. “My family is old money. They spell it weird.”
“Alright,” he says, crumpling up the failed index card and grabbing another. “How do you spell it.”
Thomas looks down at the index card, then up at Schuylar. 
“And it’s pronounced Sky-ler?”
“It’s old money,” he repeats with a smile. “Dutch. Like, first settlers. The pilgrims who killed Native Americans. For some reason my family is confused why I’m not very proud of that.”
“You a rich boy?”
Schuylar’s heart skips a beat. He reads him as male, so that’s good, but unless he’s bisexual, this still won’t work out. Not that Thomas wants anything but to help him out with schoolwork. Schuylar pretty much thinks about three things: studying, sex, and alcohol. 
“Yep,” he nods. “And that,” he says, pointing at the discarded card, “is spelled wrong.”
Thomas grabs a normal pen and uncrumples the index card. 
“Spell it again.”
Schuylar does, and this time Thomas writes it down in regular ink first. Then he studies it for a moment and Schuylar sits in silence as he tries again. When he presents it to him, Schuylar smiles demurely. 
“So where’d you learn calligraphy?”
“I know a lot of things,” he says. “I was one of those kids who were so smart I got bored in school and had to start teaching myself other things.”
“And you chose calligraphy?”
“Well, I’d already learned three languages,” he says. “I was getting bored of linguistics.”
“So you chose art.”
“Looks like you’re into art yourself,” he says, pointing at the laptop screen. Schuylar looks at it for a moment and then sighs. 
“Yeah, I’m an art major,” he says. “Not very good, though. I just pass classes because I work hard and they feel bad for me but I don’t have the… capacity to be a tortured artist. Some of these kids… they never do the homework but then they make these amazing paintings in forty minutes and explain them and it’s like, how are humans capable of this?”
“And you’re not like that?”
“Nah,” Schuylar says. “I’m just trying to graduate. I need something to do before my trust fund kicks in.”
“Oh,” Thomas says slyly, “never gonna work a day in your life, huh?”
“No, I am,” he frowns. “I just don’t know what I wanna do yet.”
“So art is just your stalling tactic?”
“I’d like to be good at art,” he shrugs. “I’m hoping I can just be a docent or something.”
“Let me see something.”
“Let me see your art.”
“I don’t have any. My portfolio’s at home.”
“You don’t have any photos?”
“Ugh, fine,” Schuylar says, drawing a grin from Thomas. He goes to his desktop then to a folder buried deep within the confines of his hard drive. He’s been really into textiles lately but he doesn’t have much to show for it, so he just searches for his best work. A painting from sophomore year. “Here.”
Thomas leans in. 
“Oh, shit,” he says. He studies it for a few moments. It’s just a still life. A corner of his room he sees from his bed, when he’s laying in the middle of it, clutching his back, crying. The blurriness just seems stylistic to everyone else - even his professor. But Xavier understood on a visceral level and it only took Henry a few moments to gather what it was, too. And when it clicked for him, he winced as if he belt had struck his back instead. 
“It’s just a still life.”
That’s what Schuylar tells people. It’s just a still life. And people believe him because what else are they supposed to think? In his afterword, he wrote that it’s what he sees before he closes his eyes to sleep at night, and that moment of twilight before he drifts off is his favorite time of day - he loves that sleepy feeling, and knowing that his worries can wait until tomorrow. “Very relatable,” his professor had said. He’d beamed at the praise until he remembered it was a lie. 
“It’s good though,” Thomas says. “Stylistically, but also in terms of… space. You probably do really good realism.”
“I mostly focus on color,” Schuylar shrugs. “I took a test once that said I see color better than ninety percent of the population.”
“How do they measure that?”
“They give you four squares and you have to pick the color that’s not like the other. Then they give you six squares and the colors are a little bit more similar and you do the same thing. You do it until you can’t tell the different color anymore.”
“How many boxes did you get to?”
“A hundred and forty.”
“What?!” Thomas exclaims. “And I was gonna brag about being one level away from Mensa.”
“What?” you say. “Isn’t Mensa like, the top two percent of the population?”
“Yeah, I’m in the top ten of people who have taken the test.”
“Jesus, that’s way more impressive than fucking knowing the difference between lavender and lilac.”
“Well, I’m color blind,” Thomas says. “I think I’d prefer to see color than be a genius.”
Schuylar doesn’t say anything but when he thinks about it, he does too. 
Thomas helps him finish his flashcards and then writes his number down on one. Schuylar takes it shyly and stares at it for a few moments. Most straight guys get weirded out when he tells them he identifies as male. A lot of gay guys are disappointed when he says he has a pussy. So there’s really no good way to do this, and Schuylar has never been one for tact. 
“Are you giving me your number to call for tutoring?” he asks. “Or is this a social index card?”
“Social,” he says. Which is nice, but now comes the hard part. “You can even think of it as a flirting index card if you want. But if you don’t, that’s okay, too.”
Schuylar smiles. God, this always sucks so much. 
“Are you gay?”
“Yeah,” Thomas says. “You’re straight?”
“I’m bi,” he tells him, “but… I’m trans.”
Thomas doesn’t respond, but he certainly seems put out. . 
“So… I mean, we can still hang out. But if you want, you know… dick.”
“Oh, wait,” Thomas says. “You’re a trans… guy.”
“Oh, okay,” he nods. “Sorry. I thought you meant you were a chick.”
“I’m - I am a chick. Under my clothes.”
“I know, I mean… you’re a dude though, yeah?”
“I identify as one.”
“Then you’re a dude,” Thomas smiles. It’s so warm and Schuylar’s face heats up. “I’m pretty exclusively into guys.”
“So it’s okay that I have a pussy?”
Thomas laughs. 
“It’s not my place to say your body isn’t okay.”
“But you’re still interested?”
“So this is still a flirting index card?”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “It’s the last flash card in your deck. Here.”
He takes it back. He uncaps his pen and writes something on the other side, then slides it over to you once more. It says, “The phone number of the most handsome guy I’ve ever met,” and Schuylar rolls his eyes, but his big, doofy grin betrays him. 
“Study it,” he says. “If you don’t want to text me, you don’t have to. But I’ll be disappointed.”
Schuylar puts it with the rest of his flashcards before wrapping a rubber band around them. 
“I’ll text you.”
When Thomas smiles, it’s like looking into the sun - it makes Schuylar feel warm now, but man, is it gonna hurt later. 
0 notes
ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF] Sunday Scaries
The conversation formatting doesnt hold on reddit copy paste, so its much better read thru link
Linking at Top to not spoil the end - hope thats OK!
Jesus Christ and Other Swear words
Volume II: Anxiety Rainbow
A Slower Burn to Fiery Finish. About 10-15 minutes
Chapter 2, 3 or 7, not sure yet.
Chapter III: Sunday Night Scream Into the Void
I lie (awake) to myself
A feeling of impending doom. So many emails. Existential dread and the Sunday Scaries.
I cannot sleep, it is nearly midnight. I have so much to do this week.
I lie awake and try to think of all the embarrassing things other people have done.
I can't think of any, so I go back to remembering my own social failings.
The time I tripped in front of my Crush age 14. My disastrous bangs of just last year. The time I mispronounced Worcheschertshishire in front of my cute coworker. The 23 blocks I walked with toilet paper stuck to my foot and that afternoon tanning in the park with a tampon string dangling from my bikini bottoms. Everyone remembers. I am sure of it. I farted once on a conference call.
Monday is only a few hours away. So many emails and the dishes sit soaking for a third day. I shouldn't have slept in today. I have so much to do tomorrow. I think about every time i've fucked up in my past 30 years.
My anxiety builds and I try again to refocus my attention. I try to remember all the embarrassing things other people have done, but I literally cannot think of any. I sort of remember one of my friends shitting his pants. Was that the day I walked into the sliding glass door. Do you think he remembers? Oh god, was it me that poped my pants? Oh jeez, i said poped, not pooped. Im talking out loud to myself.
Thank god no one is here.
I feel lonely.
I eat a CBD chocolate and feel the anxiety of impending doom. So many emails.
I remember. I remember every embarrassing thing I have done in my entire life. I have so much to do this week. So many emails. I have a meeting tomorrow and I don't feel prepared. That time I was left hanging for a high five with my hand in the air. I looked like Hitler with no friends. It is Sunday and life is Scary. So much to do this week. Were they laughing at me? I feel lonely. No one talked to me today. I feel like the Pluto of my friend group.
I decide to crowdsource some self esteem and climb on Tinder.
Oh damn this guy is hot.
Damn, 5’10
Every time I swipe right it's a Match. I feel attractive and desirable
Double ew!
Nothing. What!?
I lower my standards
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing
Sunday Feels Scary Again. I have so much to do tomorrow. I don't want to play the game anymore. I fear rejection from strangers. Kinda horny tho. I survey my matches and read messages:
“Wanna Fuck?”
“Nice weather Today”
“Show me your bobs?”
“Nice Feet”
A profile stands out
6”2’ “Ive never shoed a horse, but I told a Cow to go home once”
I don't really get it, but he's HOT. That fish he caught is HUGE! I climb out of my comfort zone and message first. I've never done this before
“Hey” she wrote with butterflies
18 minutes pass. Nothing.
I go back to swiping unenthusiastically
I feel like a Moth in a world of Butterflies. Undesirable.
OH GOD. I research gravity blankets and take a xanax. I think of Cocoons.
I fall asleep lonely horny disappointed anxious and 8% numb. So many emails. Maybe I can do the dishes tomorrow after work, the gym, and picking up my prescriptions. I shouldn't have messaged him. I need groceries. That time I tripped on the bleachers and Becky laughed at me. I run through the grocery list in my head. Eggs, avocados, kombucha, spinach, Shame, paper towels, CBD chocolates. I feel weird.
I survive another week with espresso and antidepressants. It was hard. I am so tired. I am so tired all the time. Its sunday night and I feel The Doom coming again. I batten the hatches and prepare to wait out the emotional storm under the weight of my new Gravity Blanket. Its heavy and sweaty and I regret buying it. My anxiety rises to new highs and I feel like an idiot. Thank god no one is here. I feel lonely.
Blake: :Me
“Hey ;) still up?”
I think about unmatching to teach him a lesson for not replying to me last week, but digital or not, I really need this distracting attention.
“Maybe ;) whatcha doing?”
Trying not to think about Monday LOL
LOLOL Same Same. Sunday Scaries :o
LOL I KNOW! Just gotta get through this week,
I am getting a puppy on Friday!
Puppy! What kind!?
A Frenchi :) her name is Luna
You have any pets?
Nooooo :(
You can come play with mine!
Cats or Dogs?
YES PLZ! I grew up with dogs :)
What was the name of your first pet?
Daisy :) she was so sweet
Awww, where did you grow up?
Seattle, just moved for a new job
It's hard being in a new city!
Well I can show you around!
What is your job?
Never been to Seattle, were you born there?
Born in Suburbia, lol
a little town nearby called Auburn
I work for a company that has meetings
I have a friend from Auburn!
LoL what do you meet about?
No way!
We meet about other meetings
Yea, did you got to Westside Elementary?
Oh nice, her mom was a teacher there
Did you have Mrs. Ellison for 1st grade English?
I don't remember a Mrs. Ellison?
I had a Mr. Gardner
Oh lol. U like cars?
Sort of
I just got a new one :)
What was the make and model of your first car?
Wow! You are having quite the year!
Lol 1994 black honda civic. The dream
You sound like a Capricorn
Oh nice, when is your birthday?
August 24th, 1990
Just got a pic of my puppy, wanna see?
I like Capricorns ;)
Oh god that sounded desperate
Texted you
Didn't get it!
Tried again
Nothing :(
Lol new phone too, I think its fucked tho
Whats your email, I wanna show you my bb pup!
Lol look at you Mr. New
Did you send it?
Fal Asleep? lol
An email arrives to my racing heart. He's so inquisitive! New car and a puppy! I wonder what he does for a living? Such a Gentleman, that was a whole hour of texting and he didn't even ask for nudes. I click the notification but my email won't open.
Please login to continue. I type my password “Daisy123”
Incorrect password/email combination
Please try again
Oh, is it lowercase?
Please Try Again
Please Try Again
Please Try Again
Ugh im so tired, I can't even type right. I'll leave it for morning
MondayVegan Jessica III sleeps well in dreams of Blake, Frenchi’s and Avocados under the weight of her anti-anxiety gravity blanket. She wakes with a smile and grabs her phone eagerly.
Please Try Again
Please Try Again
Vegan Jessica III eats her last free-range Avocado on a piece of whole-wheat gluten-free non-cruelty noGMO carboloaf. Num!
Please Try Again
Fucking Annoying!
I switch over to my work email and begin responding to CC threads as I walk to the train. I meet with my team and we plan our next meeting. We have a great plan to plan.
I get home exhausted. I am so tired. We met for three hours and planned for three more days of planning meetings about meeting plans. I log in to tinder and check my messages. Nothing. I take a xanax and go to sleep. The dishes are molding and i'm out of avocados.
I wake stressed and skip breakfast. I head into work and drink espresso. We meet again to discuss our plan to plan. Everything goes as planned and we adjourn. I get out of work 15 minutes early and swing by CVS Pharmacy for LaCroix and drugs.
Some freak in a fedora oggles my breasts through my oversized sweater. What is he even looking at?
“Hi, yes, prescription pickup for Vegan Jessica III. It should have been called in Monday”
“Sure thing, insurance and ID please. Have a seat, it'll be about 15 minutes”
Pharmacists are just drug baristas, change my mind. I wait 45 minutes for the man in the never-dirtied lab coat to grab a prepackaged bottle of prozac from the wall. I hand him my credit card.
“Im sorry Ma’am, your card was declined, do you have another?”
The word ‘Ma’am’ turns three of my pubic hairs grey. It makes me kind of miss that creep in the fedora surveying my body.
Are you sure? Can you try again
Yes ma’am, the card is declined. Do you have another Ma’am?
Can you try calling them? I left my debit at home and don't have any cash.
I glance at my Fitbit. The time is 6:01pm
Its after 6pm Ma’am, you'll have to wait till tomorrow.
I leave the CVS and the pharmacists spends the next 30 minutes placing the bottle of pills back on the shelf.
I go home feeling frustrated. I skip the mailbox, dishes, dustbunnies and head straight for my bed. I pull the gravity blanket over my head like a ghost and feel a little better. I eat a half a pound of CBD chocolate and feel much better.
I log into Tinder. Fucking Blake ghosted. Unmatched. Under my blanket I get scared of ghosts and eat another ¼ pound of CBD chocolate.
I wake feeling like shit. I don't know why. I feel stressed. I call in sick to work and take a xanax and go back to bed. I awake to a phonecall from an unknown number. Fucking spamassrobocalls. I scream FUCK YOU to 1s and 0s. There's a panic rising in my throat.
I haven't checked my personal email in days now and try to log back in. I click password recovery and an email is sent to my old college email | [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Ugh I can't believe I used to eat honey and drink milk with my coffee; I feel ashamed of my former self. It feels like a Sunday, but it's only wednesday.
I try to login to my old college email to recover my password for my post-college email.
I try to remember my old password
Please Try again
I try all my old combinations
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Lockout timer 29:59..
Ugh I hate this shit.
Trying to recover a password to recover a password. Did I type it wrong? Was it capitalized? Am I just not remembering it right? Was the ‘I’ a “!” ?? Was there 123 at the end, or maybe beginning?
I need to set my passwords to things I can never forget. Maybe take a lesson from Sunday. Shame and Trauma seem to make for fantastic passwords.
That's not something im likely to forget
I spend the next 29 minutes finally doing the dishes and feel a little better.
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Lockout timer 59:59
I hate this shit. I click the password recovery button on my college email and a third is sent to my very first email address. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I go to AOL.com and try to login
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
Please Try again
It feels like im opening those Russian Dolls. Every time I open one, another is there. The Russian Nesting Dolls of Digital Frustration. Please Try Again Later.
Recover the password
to recover the password
to recover the password
Please Try Again
I channel my frustration and hit the gym. Pilates class with Pontious. I stop on the way home and Scream into the Void. I feel a little better.
I check the mailbox before the stairs.
I turn the key and an avalanche spills out. Envelope after envelope, it seems unending. They just keep coming. The cascade flow dries to a dribble and I reach inside to scoop the rest of my mail out.
My arms are full of dead trees and I feel sad. Plus its like super heavy after an hour of cross planking. I ascend the stairs and unlock the door with my keys in my mouth. I push the door open with my forehead and dump the heavy mess of envelopes and magazines on the floor.
A Victoria Secret catalogue catches my eye. I make a mental note of my despise for their company message and start perusing the pages. What kind of image are they putting in the heads of young girls. False standards of beauty. Where are the real women! That bra is like super cute tho. I order three in different colors but my card is declined. The bras never come, its ok tho, they wouldn't have fit me anyway.
When my card is declined I think of Blake’s rejection again. Ghosted. What an asshole. Whatever he's probably just another pig who gets off to Victoria Secret models and supports an impossible standard of beauty. I am now convinced Victoria’s real Secret is mainstream distribution of introductory pornography to young boys in suburbia. That's a big mental leap to take from subquality prethought, but I think it's important to note where some of these idolized false standards of beauty start. They start with aging young Mother’s ordering VS products and catalogs to catch renewed interest from their lazily inattentive husbands and trickledown pornoEconomics recycles the catalogs to prepubescent boys. Hidden and stolen, they are a prime middle-school currency. The image of Desire becomes fixed in pubescent development and the path upscycles again.
I throw the catalog away disgusted and pick up my copy of the much more realistic Vogue. I eat more CBD chocolate and forget to call my credit card company. I fall asleep with fragrant advertisements and two miles of photoshop-smoothed Gigi Hadid legs on my face.
It's a beautiful morning and i'm feeling rested. I don't know what happened to Thursday. We have a brief meeting about next week's meeting and are dismissed early. Summer Fridays are the best! I meet up with my besties and we dress up to impossible standards of beauty.
Thin pink straps patterned with “VS VS VS” loop my shoulders out of my strapless black dress. Clash is in. I think it looks cute even tho the bra doesn't fit well. I lace up my gladiator platform cork wedges and we head out for a night of dancing.
I dance next to my ugliest friend and bask in double attention.
Buy you a Drink?
Wanna Dance?
Ever Ride a Motorcycle?
All eyes on me. I dance and twirl and snort the night away. This cocaine is fantastic. My credit card still doesn't work so I have boys buy me drinks. I black out a bit and wake up in my Uber home. Its light out and the birds won't shut up about the stupid sun. My heart is beating arhythmically and I feel weird. A feeling of impending doom is brewing and it makes me feel weirder - it's not even Sunday.
I sober up a bit, but can't sleep. I decide to finish the vial of cocaine I took from that boy and do some housekeeping.
I take the trash out and open my computer. I feel inspired to clean and conquer.
I will recover my password!
I see a button for ‘alternate recovery options’ on my ancient @aol email and click
A series of questions challenge my identity
“Date of Birth”
August 24th, 1990
“What was the name of your first Pet?”
“What was the name of your 1st grade English Teacher?
Mr. Gardner
“What City Were you Born in?”
“What was the Make and Model of your First Car?”
1994 Black Honda Civic
And just like that I'm in! I recover my password and recover my password and recover my password.
The russian dolls reassemble and my anxiety plummets
Until I open Gmail to a Nightmare
The realization grips me. The Saturday Scaries are Real. I spring to the 4 foot foyer of my apartment where the non-fashion-catalog remainder of my mail avalanche sits piled like rubble.
I rifle through envelopes and cut my finger. It really stings. I suckle a droplet of blood and read the envelopes
Chase | Amex | Credit Karma | MasterCard | Kohls Discover Card | ATT | SPRINT | T-Mobile
Bills. Bills of all kinds. Bills of all shapes and sizes. Bills Not mine, but mine. An acre of rainforest in bills.
My iphone rings and my phone wont open. Panic Panic Panic. Saturday Scaries. I pull my bleeding finger from my mouth and the iphone recognizes my face. I answer the call
“Ma’am i'm calling from TransUnion Credit Reporting, we've seen some unusual activity on your report this week, can you confirm opening the following 227 Credit Cards on Sunday between the hours of 11pm and 4am Monday Morning?”
(This phone call 97% actually happened)
My vision spots and I hit the floor.
I awake Sunday. My head is throbbing and my finger hurts. I look at the papercut and it stares back with green eyes. It smells like Almond Butter, but the gross GMO kind. I put CBD oil on it and leave the house.
I head to the hospital, but my credit card is declined. My finger is green to the knuckle and it definitely feels like a Sunday.
I head home and curl up in my bed. With my green arm I pull the gravity blanket over my head and cry. I fall asleep feeling scared and not safe.
I wake to pain. The green has spread throughout my whole body. I feel weak. I need to go to work. So many emails.
I feel The DOOM
I try to lift the gravity blanket, but I am weak and it is too heavy.
The longer I stay, the weaker I become. Days pass and I miss meeting after meeting. I sweat profusely trapped inside a cocoon of anxiety. Unseen emails pile up and add to the weight. My phone is out of battery and I can't reach past the blanket for my charger. I need water. I really need water.
I feel The DOOM
I think of blood poisoning and my plummeting credit scoreThe Chrysalis hardens to reject the outside world
It becomes my Tomb. I feel safe here.
Immune to Anxiety
No emails, no meetings.
The DOOM fades to black and so do I.
submitted by /u/Beerandcabfare [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2QcBhf7
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dtkrippene · 6 years
Managing a blog page for a group or organization can be fun and rewarding – a phrase that should immediately toggle the cautionary button.
It’s that time of year for our annual writer’s group conference in mid-March. Since I blog somewhat regularly on WordPress, I was asked to revamp an outdated WordPress page to post presenter profiles, interviews, and conference news. Essentially, I’d be the ‘ghost in the shell’ to solicit, edit, format, and post articles by other group members.
Hey, I use WordPress all the time. How much trouble could it be?
Looking back, I ignored the ‘check details before proceeding’ indicator, and thought I’d share a few things I learned.
Get a Clear Mission Statement Before Proceeding
Valentina Conde – Unsplash
The group gave me carte blanc to redesign the page, which included an upgrade to a premium page for a small annual fee with access to better template options, widget buttons, and customary links. Nobody had to learn HTML tech-speak or pay a monthly “mortgage fee” to fancy-pants web designers.
That part was the easy.
Once the docket was approved, we created a process for members to sign up for one or more of the over twenty articles slated to print over a time frame of four – five months. First solicitation was met with a silence akin to a high school gymnasium at 2:00 AM. It took a bit of prodding by group officers to get things rolling, but eventually folks stepped up.
Create a New User Account for the Blog
Ludovic Toinel – Unsplash
I blew this one big time. As a WordPress Premium Plan user myself, I hoped to minimize the setup time by creating a new page while logged in with my own account, then adding others for administrators. Updating a page whose original owner hadn’t participated with the group for isn’t the best way to go. Page could be accessed by anyone.
I didn’t have problems with approved members accessing the blog and creating a post, but like Facebook, the WordPress folks like having an “owner” available for everything. Since I revamped the page while signed in on my personal account, only way I can unlock myself is if I delete the account. The annual bill hits my account every year like the return of robins in spring. Every year I have to rebill the group. I’m still working on a third-party Paypal invoice option.
Twenty-twenty hindsight; start fresh.
First, sign out first from any personal WordPress and Email accounts that are open.
Create a new group email and sign-in credentials if one is not available. I found Gmail to be work best. May sound like a Homer Simpson “duh”, but make sure officers know how to access it.
Then go to WordPress and create new account, using group email.
Have fun building the chosen template to fit your needs.
Be sure to include group’s mission statement in the blog page “About” profile.
Have more than one administrator assist with the management of it. I suggest offering a cocktail or two before making your pitch.
  Select Template to Suit the Group’s Brand
From: blogaholicdesigns
I love WordPress because they take the pain out of designing a page. They have lots of them for writers and authors, and the web is chock full of outside designers who create WordPress compatible temples.  You want it to be easy to read, not splattered with visual frilly things that distract from the text. Save that for a personal blog that celebrates all things unicorn.
I stuck with the same template I use for my personal page because I’m lazy, and the Chateau Theme has a good balance of widget placement, logos and link options.
I’ll not go into details of initial page set up. WordPress is fairly easy to navigate, and numerous Youtube videos exist from people who don’t get out much. Best advice I have in how to organize the page:
I’ve always believed a picture tells a story, even if it’s a simple message. Not everyone agrees, but to me, a blog page becomes it’s just another bunch of words in an overcrowded blogosphere universe. And since the graphic is the first visual a reader sees, make it a good one.
I went all out on my personal page on dtkrippene.com. Took me weeks to find that perfect graphic to represent my brand, “Searching For Light in the Darkness.” For a writer’s group, we agreed something less snazzy to be appropriate.
  Ready, Set, Blog – Wait …
To fill in that vast empty draft space, articles authored by other group members should be submitted with the following criteria.
Micah Boswell – Unsplash
Article typed in Times-New-Roman, 12 Font, preferably on Word for Window’s, or compatible program like Open Docs. The days of handing a secretary handwritten notes for letter dictation ended decades ago, and I don’t have time to retype an entire draft. Cutting and pasting on that blank template above saves a pile of time. Avoid fancy fonts; work this on the WordPress draft if you want them.
To this day, I still get articles inside the body of an email or formatted in a weird font that I must reformat. As a result, I transfer all summitted articles to a separate Word document by copying text, using “Paste Special – Unformatted Text” to remove hidden formatting problems that don’t translate well on WordPress, followed by changing the pasted text to NTR 12. Even then, I frequently have to use WordPress’ “Clear Formatting” Button (little eraser symbol) on pasted text.
Patrick Goth – Unsplash
A useable headshot for profile or interview, not a thumbprint taken from google images, or blurry selfie shot. There won’t be enough pixels. Do not include the photo inside the Word document; which requires screen-printing to clipboard, then opening a photo program to access pic for saving as a jpeg, only to get a photo the size of a postage stamp. Most professional agents and authors will provide a media kit upon request. The upside with WordPress, if the photo is too large, it’s easily reduced in the body of the draft.
Marco Djallo – Unsplash
Editing isn’t supposed to be in the job description, but it ends up as one. Minor faux pas for punctuation and a missing word happens to everyone, but I’ve had to practically retype some submissions. There’s a lot more to it than typesetting. When I write an article for someone else, I treat it as if I’m submitting to an agent. I mean – we’re supposed to be writers.
  Include social media and website links if doing a presenter profile or interview. The most time-consuming chore with posting someone else’s work (aside from chasing down useable photos), is searching the net for said links. Why is this important? It’s a common courtesy in a profile piece, and the more links we have inside the article, the greater the SEO search linkages the article will have, which leads to greater exposure. The pros know this.
Get article author’s bio and headshot. The point of volunteering to submit an article is exposure for the author. “Written by Such-n-such” is about as invisible as the dialogue tag – “said”. If article author hasn’t created a bio, this is the time to draft one. Call me old-fashioned for thinking readers want to see a human face, I tend to reject avatars. It might be acceptable with Twitter and Instagram, but if an article author wishes to remain anonymous, so be it. Unicorns and cute pugs are not writers.
Leio Mclaren – Unsplash
Article should include author’s social media links as well. I remember asking one article author if they had any social media links included in their bio, who answered with “I don’t use social media.” I almost followed up with “how does anyone know you exist as an author”, but sighed – que sera sera, and quit asking.
  Pay attention to tags and keywords. For the conference, every article should be tagged with: Writing, Writing Conferences, Writing Craft. If the article is a profile or interview, add tags to identify the skill set, like ‘Author Voice’, Query Letters’, or ‘Staging Fight Scenes’. If an author of YA fantasy, tags should include YA and Fantasy. If the profile is about a publisher or book coach, include the publisher’s agency name, ‘Marketing’, ‘Self-Publishing’, ‘Indie-Publishing’, etc. It helps fine tune SEO search engines, so browsers looking for book writing tips don’t end up with suggestions on how much to tip.
  Share the article on other Social Media accounts. If the group doesn’t have a Facebook Page, get one (sorry, didn’t mean to shout). To paraphrase the words of a NYT bestselling author who spoke at a past conference, blogs exist in a ‘tsunami of content’. To break out of the isolated bubble of a few group members and family friends who might read it, group postings need a social media sprinkler to let others aware the group exists. We’ve found contacting and liking other writer groups and interested parties pays big dividends. Fellow group members who participate in social media should also help broadcast the news. Ask any RWA Chapter Group; many of them have the best communicative share net on the planet.
From: imfunny.net
When posting the article link, Facebook automatically pops the first paragraph and the picture embedded in the article. It may appear to save time, but what often happens is the photograph displayed may not be the article header pic (if article contains more than one photo). Even if it is, the photograph won’t paste to Facebook Photobook. Took me a few iterations to discover the best course of action is to type in the article title, followed by pasting the article link, then physically attaching the article picture from file. Sounds convoluted, but the article graphic becomes a permanent record on the Facebook page, and it won’t be a cat selfie.
  And if You’re Still a Gluten for Punishment …
Vance Osterhout – Unsplash
Our group page goes into hibernation after conference activity ends, until the next cycle begins six months later. I’ve been taught that leaving an active website unattended for long periods of time, can undo all the connections gathered. Personally, I don’t blog often, but I try to be regular. As if I wasn’t having enough fun with the group site, I suggested the platform was available to membership during the off months to:
Announce a new book, short story, or article that appeared in a magazine
Offer a poem, or short story for others to read.
Allow other writerly folk who have something to share with the group
Invite blog sharing from other sites. We’ll post your article, you post ours.
Share your writer’s journey.
Share a valuable lesson learned that may help others
Share successes. Share disappointments. We’re all in this together.
The list is endless.
The submissions for off-season, unfortunately – haven’t been.
A Side Note on Other Blogging Platforms
Markus Spiske – Unsplash
I’m a diehard WordPress user, because I’m too lazy to relearn another platform. But if you’re interested in what’s available, check out The 10 Best Free Blogging Platforms in 2018! (Pros & Cons). What you’ll find is – free gets you in the game, but it’s going to cost a bit more for any kind of customization.
I still run across writers and authors who feel the need to have someone design a custom blog website to be unique. If you want a primer for how much this stuff costs, read How Much Does a Website Design or Redesign Cost? [2019 Guide] for a hefty dose of sticker shock.
From: digitalsynopsis.com
I’ve lost count of those who claim to have a brother, cousin, uncle-of-a-neighbor who has some chops in programing. I’m all for unique, but if it’s a group site, the major issue is what happens if the programmer/administrator gets hit by the proverbial bus? Time and time again I’ve seen website “owners” disappear, leaving the hapless writer stuck with an HTML intensive site without an instruction manual.
I’m sure I missed a few things, but I think I’ve confused you enough. If you remember anything, stick with simple. You’ll be glad you did.
This ghost-in-the-shell thing is hard enough as it is.
  May You Blog Well and Prosper
By the way, we still have openings for the GLVWG Write Stuff Conference™, March 21 – 23, 2019. Check out the amazing line up of speakers and get an opportunity to pitch your book to agents and editors.
You can learn all about the presenters on the GLVWG WordPress Blog.
A lot of work went into those articles. Throw us bone will ya, and give us a like.
  Ghost in the Shell – Group Blogging for Fun and High Blood Pressure Managing a blog page for a group or organization can be fun and rewarding – a phrase that should immediately toggle the cautionary button.
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