#sorry in advance for the upcoming oc angst
randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
Really don’t need a new Angsty As Fuck song for Colton and maybe also Jeremy but here we are
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hopefulvittori · 10 months
Kindled emotions
Pinocchio (Lies of P) x OC/Reader
So this is my very first fanfiction... To be honest, I was kinda afraid to post it at first, but every starts are always the hardest. Sorry about my english in advance, I'm not a native speaker. I only created this blog as a placeholder because AO3 has a pretty long inv queue nowadays. As soon as I have an account, I'll post my upcoming fics here and there. :)
As his journey goes on, the puppet of Geppetto starts to experience fear and doubts about his circumstances. Luckily, a certain helpful falcon helps to take that despair away.
Pain wasn't foreign for the puppet of Geppetto. At least not anymore. He noticed a few changes ever since he started his journey. It hurt him when the frenzied puppets hit him with a candle holder or a shovel. Or when the monster-turned infectees latched themselves onto him. 
Yet, this kind of pain was different. It came from his chest area. It was suffocating. 
Ever since he dealt with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood and saw that painting, he's been thinking a lot. Every time he was close to shutting down, the woman in blue always stayed time's hand from claiming him. And despite his struggles, he always saw his father - his creator - watching that portrait with melancholic fondness. Oh, how he wished that his only family would've looked at him with similar tenderness...
He started to feel fear. Fear from the uncertainties of his time-manipulating circumstances. What if the next of his perilous endeavours will be the last? What would his father think of him then? Will he be sad? Disappointed, maybe both? Questions, yet no answers.
"Are you okay, pal? You've been spacing out a lot lately." Gemini asked him with a worried tone. His green light flickered in the dark streets of Rose Isabelle.
It was all true. He has been extra cautious when it comes to his stalking. Krat was certainly a dangerous place to live by, especially with these frenzying puppets and monsters around. Despite that, although slightly, his non-legion hand was shaking. He couldn't feel the sword in his hand the way he held it before. His cerulean gaze was glued to the ground. 
He felt cold...
"H-hey! Watch where you're going or else we'll be--!" Even though the puppet guide in the lamp tried to warn him, the encounter was inevitable. A large number of frenzied puppets fell from a storeyed house. Screaming like wild animals, they were lunging themselves towards the puppet of Geppetto. He reacted as quickly as he could and turned his back on his desired destination. Although he avoided getting clobbered by the puppets, he couldn't stop one of them latching itself onto his leg. Trashing against his captor, the boy managed to get himself free and cut it down with a single powerful strike. Then he ran away with the feeling of hopelessness and confusion.
He didn't even notice that lack of the lantern's green glimmer. The hostile puppet managed to grab Gemini and drop it to the ground. It couldn't see where the puppet boy ran off to nor warn its partner in crime as the impact managed to turn it off.
───── ⋆ ─────
The Falcon felt quite tired after spending the night on the streets of Krat, getting rid of the maddened puppets. With each strike, her indigo dress was painted with oil. She felt the taste of iron in her mouth. It sickened her. 
Separating her lance into two blades, she finished her work on the last two or three automatons. Electric sparks lightened the darkness as her enemies lifelessly fell into the cold stones. She sighed in relief while sheathed her swords. She saw no other puppets on the streets. None, except one. The Falcon noticed a familiar lanter lying on the ground. Its side was kinda battered.
"Cricky? What happened?" She asked as she picked up the lantern. No response. The lack of his peculiar green light worried her. Then she suddenly remembered how its owner turned it on and off. She looked for a button on its side. With a "click" and its signature green spark, the lantern turned on. 
"T-t-tori?" Though her distorted voice surprised the stalker, she was more annoyed about calling her that silly nickname.
"What happened to you?" She asked. 
"I-i don't know. There were... so many puppets and... and..." He said with fearful hesitation.
The Falcon looked around, searching for the signs of Gemini's owner. Did the puppets get him? He was pretty much inseparable from his lantern. Something bad must've happened.
"Where is Speckles?" She asked slowly. 
"I'm... n-not sure. One of the puppets grabbed me a-and... and..." Even though it felt kinda impossible, Gemini sounded like it was in despair. Its entire purpose was to guide its owner. Without him, no wonder it sounded so lost.
The Falcon grabbed the lantern and strapped it on her belt. Her hand rested on its form as some comfort of sorts. She didn't say anything but started her search for the puppet of Geppetto. She knew his nature. He was pretty much an Ergo-harvesting automaton. She always felt the sweet scent of life on him. It was both of her blessing and curse to being attuned to those souls, feeling their desires as her own. She followed that odor of the puppet's Ergo. She always found his scent quite nostalgic. Like settling around a fireplace after getting away from the cold rain or snow. It was warm. 
She stalked around Rose Isabelle streets for almost an hour. Luckily, she felt it. The scent of Ergo got a lot stronger inside of an abandoned storeyed house. She was careful though. Her steps were light as a feather when she started searching through the home. There she heard it: a quiet but hasty heaving. It came from a bedroom. The Falcon doubled her steps, carefully opening the door. Then she slightly gasped at the sight that awaited her. 
The puppet of Geppetto sat before a bed. His frozen expression was lightened in the fireplace's gentle gleam. It was subtle, but his eyes were staring forward in shock. Lips parted and gasped for air. 
It seemed that he was searching for some sort of solace. To remind himself of the comfort of his home. Yet despite his endeavors, he clearly failed to calm his nerves. 
"Speckles? What are you doing here?" The Falcon asked gently. She hoped for a response, yet the boy couldn't even look at her. The woman got closer and crouched before him. Even like that, the puppet failed to notice her presence.
Judging by his body language, he had a panic attack. The stalker didn't know that this was even possible. He was a puppet after all. Yet even though she had questions, she needed to wait for answers. 
"P?" The woman tried to call out for the boy once again. Only this time, her hand found its way to the puppet's human one. To the Falcon's surprise, it felt wet. His hand was drenched in sweat. She placed her other hand on his freckled cheek, forcing him to look at her. Despite tilting his head towards the woman, his eyes were unfocusing. 
"It's alright, P. It will pass." She said gently, stroking his cheek. "I'll stay with you until this is over."
Then she felt it. His human hand gently squeezed hers. He showed her appreciation in a way he could in this situation. She warmly smiled and sat beside him. She petted his fluffy chestnut brown hair while holding his hand.
"Try to control your breathing. It will help you calm down." She continued on as she showed it to him. "Take a big breath... keep it in for a bit... then breathe out."
She kept doing it until the puppet of Geppetto tried to do something similar. Even though he couldn't look at her, he tried to do his best to calm his breathing. His shoulders rose and fell in a more rhythmic manner.
"That's it, P. You're getting better at this. You're going to be alright." The Falcon said in an encouraging way.
His chest heaved less and his eyes became more focused. He needed a few minutes before he could finally look at her. He tilted his head a bit slightly to the right, eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. 
The Falcon smiled at him, unstrapping Gemini from her belt in the meanwhile. The boy was surprised to see his puppet guide in the hands of the stalker woman. 
"Some puppet must've snatched it. I found it after you hid here." She explained quietly, handing over the small puppet to its owner. The boy gave her a small smile as his appreciation. 
"What happened?" As she asked, his simper disappeared. He tried to avoid her stare, but the Falcon searched his gaze curiously. 
"I..." His lips were parting slowly, but no more words came out. She knew now: these feelings were beyond his comprehension. He wasn't ready yet.
The Falcon shifted and sat before the puppet boy. She grabbed his automaton arm and gently squeezed both of his hands.  
"I see now. You can't tell me, can you?" She asked quietly. 
The boy nodded curtly. 
"...Because it's something you can't exactly explain." She continued. 
He blinked a bit before nodding again. The woman averted her gaze and looked at the fireplace. 
"The flames partake in such warmth. To wash away the pain."
The puppet raised an eyebrow curiously. 
"Oh, just a phrase someone I knew used a lot..." She said with a tint of melancholy. The Falcon shook her head. "Anyway... if you have any doubts, you don't need to be afraid. I know how these new feelings and doubts can burden one's heart. But..." She gave him an encouraging look. "When you're ready to tell me about them... you know where you can find me. You can always partake in this warmth." 
This woman - this girl - intrigued him to no end. Sometimes she was witty, yet showed kindness to others. Even strangers. She was willing to sit with him, helping to understand these new emotions without asking anything in return. His doubts were washed away in those sea of flames she spoke of. As he held onto her hands, clutching them like small, fragile things, he felt... safe. Like a warm blanket, this new feeling covered his entire being.
He felt warmth...
Without hesitation, he leant towards the Falcon and gently pressed his forehead to hers. Her breath hitched as her entire body froze. His human hand shifted to stroke her long ashen brown hair. His eyes were closed as he tried to express the gratitude he had felt. Then a small smile appeared on his lips as he felt her being relaxed in his grasp. Her hand found its way to his arm as a way of support. This situation was also new to the stalker. Her kindness was appreciated. Her words didn't fall on deaf ears.
It wasn't in vain.
Realizing this, she gave out a sigh of bliss. The Falcon felt a bit light-headed from the content she had felt... or maybe from the tiredness. Her head slowly slipped from the boy's forehead onto his left shoulder. He gave her a mild puzzled look as his arms encircled around her form. Each time she sighed, her shoulders were rising. The puppet of Geppetto could've sworn he heard her snoring. He felt his gears moving a bit faster as he looked at her peaceful form. The Falcon completely tired herself out, yet she found the strength to help him. He carefully scooped her up and laid her down onto the bed. He watched her serene face as a content smile appeared on her lips.
"Geez, she is completely tired herself out. Just to look out for you." It was a genuine surprise how long Gemini has been quiet. Its voice was kinda raspy from the damage it sustained, but it survived worse situations than this. The boy was fully convinced that it was fine when the puppet guide suggested to draw a mustache and a monocle on her face. With a deadpan face, he reached for his lantern.
"Imagine her reaction, that would be price... Wait wait! I was kidd--" With a loud "click", Gemini was turned off. The puppet of Geppetto quietly sighed as he sat down next to Falcon's resting form.
Morning wasn't coming any time soon. He could wait until down to make sure she gets some rest. As he watched her defenseless form, his hand reached for hers. He gave her a last squeeze before standing up and reaching for the door.
"Sweet dreams."
In the original storybook, the Falcon was a minor character. It was the Blue Fairy's helper who rescued Pinocchio from hanging. I thought it would be a neat idea to put P in a similar but symbolic situation. He was literally suffocating from his fears and doubts until the Falcon tried to make those feelings go away. :) Btw my OC just loves giving nicknames yet she hates being called Tori (her real name is Vittori, her nickname means "bird" in japanese).
Once again, sorry for any grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed this story filled with angst and fluff!
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Lucky Girl
Trying something a little different with this story...This is heavily inspired by all the feelings I got when someone was trying very **very** hard (unsuccessfully) to get with my man 😩😠. I decided that instead of being angry, could reframe that situation, step away from the anger, and realize that there's nothing to be angry about. In fact, I sorta even feel a little bit sorry for her bc the angst in her situation is pretty real. So anyway... I've got a story from it!
Warnings: my usual self-indulgent stuff, angst, jealousy, reader with description, mentions of past sexual activity, unwanted sexual advances, 18+ mature only.
References to past ARC Trooper Fives x OC "Aibree", featuring ARC Trooper Fives x reader
The mess hall aboard the Resolute was alight with laughter and the usual rabble rousing atmosphere that typically preceded planet visits. Fresh off a hard-won victory against Separatists forces on Kamino, the Resolute was due for a short stop planetside on Coruscant as was fairly typical during the war. And the men were anxious for some time away from the ship. And Aibree couldn't wait.
Aibree watches as her friend, newly minted ARC trooper Fives enters the mess hall in his new ARC trooper armor to show it off in front his brothers. Rising from her seated position at a nearby table amongst her civilian-medic colleagues, Aibree joins in with the hoots and hollers praising the clone trooper in his new getup.
"Look at you, big man!" Jesse says, pushing through the little crowd and grabbing Fives by the back of his neck to roughhouse with him. "Yeeahhh.. you know you're jealous," Fives says with his signature smirk. "Eh, I'll be an ARC one day, just you see!" Jesse jabs back.
"Whew! Lookin' good, Fives," Aibree calls out, walking over to admire him. Fives glances over to Aibree, and flashes her a friendly smile. "Well, we gotta earn it first," Echo says nearby. "We're promoted, but not officially trained as ARC Troopers. Not yet."
The crowd throws reassurances toward the twins, Echo and Fives, while also congratulating them on their recent promotions, And wishing them luck in their ARC training which was to commence shortly after the Coruscant visit. The troopers stand around and engage in more excited talk about the upcoming planet visit, and all the things they want to do while planetside. Still smiling at Fives, Aibree gathers her things and heads back toward the med bay to finish her shift. She knows she will catch up with Fives later. Like they always do...or did.
Aibree wasn't quite sure what was going on between them lately. To say that they were friends was a bit of a stretch. Truthfully, the two of them weren't really that close. Sure, they were on the Resolute together. But as such, they were just two of the thousands aboard. They did not work together, but in passing, and through some peripheral interactions in the med bay, the ship's gym, the mess halls and such, Aibree became a regular acquaintance with the outgoing trooper with the "5" tattoo on his face.
There was something about him that made him stand out. Maybe it was his over-competence in everything, his confidence, or his charisma. But Aibree found herself attracted to him, despite the fact that he shared a face with nearly every man on board.
And it wasn't long before she let her attraction be known to him. It was one night in the ship's gym after all the others had left and the Resolute was in transit on another long away mission. All had departed the gym except her and one particular trooper she had her eyes on: Fives. Some sideways glances led to small talk. And that led to some flirting, which ended up with her and Fives sharing a quick fuck in a nearby supply closet.
Since then, it had happened several more times. Not really something that they talked about or planned, but something that happened when the opportunity arose. And then one day, things changed.
"You know, I don't think we should do this anymore.." Fives had said, discarding the condom and pulling on his blacks. "Hmm?" Aibree hummed in question, fumbling around in the dark to straighten out her panties. "Well... ahh, how do I say this?" Fives mused contemplatively, "If we keep doing this, I'm... afraid you're gonna get attached. I've hooked up with a few medic girls in the past, and it was just.... messy," Fives admitted. "Well... would us getting attached be a bad thing?" Aibree had asked, somewhat hopeful for a particular answer. "Yeah, " Fives replied. "Look, this thing we're doing.... It's been fun, but if you're even thinking it's a possibility... it's probably gonna end up hurting you. And it'll hurt you way more than it's gonna ever hurt me. So..." Fives takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm just looking out for you. You know, a common courtesy, that's all," Fives had said before snapping the last of his armor on and leaving Aibree in the closet to finish dressing on her own. Aibree thanked the maker for the cover of darkness inside the supply closet. She was hoping he would say no, that getting attached wouldn't be a bad thing at all, and maybe it was something he was hoping for. But he didn't say that at all.
Aibree winces at the recollection of their last rendezvous. It had been a few months now since despite running into Fives plenty of times on the Resolute. There had been no lustful glances, 'convenient' meetings in the ship's gym late at night. She would often go and stay a while after her workout just to see if he came by, but he never did. Even during their last visit to Coruscant, he was nowhere to be found in the crowds at 79s. She thought of cornering him to talk to him, but they didn't really talk that much about anything anyway. Despite all this, Fives was partially right: an attachment on her end had grown, but it was now. Not in the future.
Aibree thought she had hid her feelings quite well...so why would Fives even bring up such a thing...... unless... he were the one starting to feel attached? Maybe the big, bad, ARC Trooper was starting to catch feelings so he took a classic move in trying to pretend he didn't have any? Aibree's heart leaps a bit at the possibility. Only one way to find out for sure.
That night, the Resolute arrives at Coruscant and the ship's company depart for a night of shore leave on the town. Aibree decides to dress up a bit: a short, white off-the-shoulder dress with cutouts on the side, and a lace-up back. Sexy and daring. That should catch his eye. And recently promoted to ARC, there's no way Fives would miss a night at 79s during this planetside visit. And all she would have to do is get him to the side, and they'd get to hook up again... like they used to do. Then maybe she could take the opportunity to tell him how she feels.
Aibree arrives at 79s and works her way through the crowd. There is quite an atmosphere tonight as the boys of the famous 501st always had an energy that was unmatched by the other battalions. It doesn't take long to locate Fives, the dashing new ARC Trooper. He is nestled in a booth with Echo, Kix and Jesse, all sharing a few pitchers of cheap beer.
He looks happy, Aibree notices. Genuinely happy. He talks and smiles with his brothers, only looking down at his comm device occasionally. Aibree orders a drink for herself, just a pint of the same cheap beer the clones drink, and perches herself at a table nearby. Nobody seems to take notice of her, as the crowd is quite busy tonight, but she doesn't mind. She wants to catch Fives alone.
And then her opportunity comes: Aibree notices Fives scooting out of the booth to head to the hallway in the back of 79s where the refreshers are. Aibree pops up immediately, abandoning her drink, and quickly enters the hallway just ahead of Fives where she can turn around and finally get him alone to talk.
Fives nearly walks past her but then takes notice at the last minute. He speaks first. "Hey, I know you," he says in a voice indicating that he's buzzed. "Yeah, it's me," Aibree says, nearly breathless as this was the first time she had been alone with him in months. Fives turns to give her a fist bump, which Aibree uses as an opportunity to slip her hand past his fist, and touch his wrist, her finger trailing under his forearm until she can grip the back of his arm, at his tricep, to pull him toward her.
His reactions slowed by the alcohol in his system, Fives takes a step back. "Hey now, heh! Whatcha doin?" he asks, almost rhetorically.
"Oh, come on Fives. It's 79s. We're in the back where no-one can see us, " Aibree says in her most sultry voice. "It's been a while..." she purrs while reaching out to touch him again.
Fives scoffs. "Aibree, we're not doing this anymore. Remember what we talked about? About getting attached and all that?" Fives says firmly, rebuffing her advances.
"Fives, it's too late for that," Aibree admits. "I - "
"I knew it, " Fives says, turning away and shaking his head, palm covering his eyes. "I knew that last time was a mistake. Aibree, I thought we were just having fun honestly. It was never a thing for me."
Ouch. That stung. "Well, what if we just see how it feels tonight. If anythings different?" Aibree asks out of desperation.
"No, " Fives repeats firmly. "It's not gonna be different and you know it. Not for me at least."
"OK, fine. Yeah I'll admit. I'm attached. And I get it. You're not. But I want it anyway. I want you, Fives, " Aibree pleads, showing the full extent of her feelings.
Fives turns to her, and stares at her solemnly, perhaps with a bit of guilt for how attached Aibree was to him. She was a natborn adult, but young still. Though she had many sexual experiences before with other men on the Resolute and other cruisers she was stationed with, she was still naive about the nature of those arrangements. She didn't really understand just how inconsequential those encounters were to the men she hooked up with.
Fives grimaces. Maybe it was partially his fault. He should have picked up on it sooner and cut it off right away. He should have kept it as a one-night thing. "Aibree...You're not listening to what I'm trying to - " As Fives speaks, Aibree continues to grasp at him in an attempt to pull him close, but this causes Fives to lose his patience.
"I don't want you like that! Or any kind of way. That's why I stopped meeting up." Fives says, exasperated, and on the border of being angry at her for her unwanted advances. Aibree drops her arms to her side finally and listens. "A while back I met a girl. Started talking to her. It was just before that mission we went on, where we hooked up that one last time? That's why it was the last time. Me and her started getting together when we got back.
That's why he wasn't at 79's the last time. And why he never showed up after her workouts anymore.
Aibree absorbs every word he says. But her heart tells her to try, still. "Ok, so what? Aibree says evenly, in an attempt to sound more logical. "Fine, so you started seeing another girl. Fives, it's ok if you want to see her too. It's ok to have multiple partners as long as we're being safe."
Fives lets out a frustrated laugh. "Listen... it's not like that with her. It's different than what we had going on."
Aibree begins to feel the beginnings of jealousy and anger grip her insides. "Oh yeah? Who is it? Another medic girl? Is she on the ship? Is she hotter than me? What makes her so special?" The questions slip straight out of her brain into the air around her, and this causes Aibree to feel embarrassed. Too late. The words were spoken. Can't take them back now.
Fives stares at her, mouth agape at the audacity and immaturity of her questions. "Wow.... you don't know her. And none of that is your business anyway." Fives rubs his eyes with both his hands and shakes his head while chuckling to himself at the ridicilous nature of his conversation with Aibree. "But if you really wanna know, she'll be here any minute." With that, Fives begins to walk down the hallway to the refresher, leaving Aibree behind him.
Sensing that she had already crossed a line, Aibree decides to continue fighting dirty. "Oh really? I'll get to meet this special girl of yours? Does she know about us?" she calls down the hallway in Fives' direction.
Fives spins on his heel and lets out a disgusted sound. "Us?" he says, voice laced with contempt. "Yeah, sure! You and any of the dozens of other girls I've hooked up with that I literally never talk to again? Yeah, she knows I have a past. And she doesn't judge me for it, " Fives holds his hands up to shrug. Aibree's mind races from thought to thought. Burning with jealousy, she shakes against the wall. "So feel free to say whatever you want. It'll only make you look bad, " Fives spits before going into the refresher, out of sight.
Aibree enters a different refresher and takes a moment to touch up her makeup and get herself together mentally. She hadn't gotten all dressed up to be insulted and rejected like this. Not when she had him mere months ago standing behind, pushing her up into her, whimpering and cumming into the condom within the warmth of her pussy. Aibree knew that Fives had gotten around. But of all the girls on the Resolute, she was the only one he was hooking up with at that time. So that made her special too, she reasoned. And all she had to do to make him see it was to go back out there, flirt with the men, and then Fives would see what he was missing.
You climb out of your cab, toss some credits down for the driver, and then enter 79s with a pep in your step. You're dressed up and got a date tonight with a special someone. Someone who was recently promoted to ARC Trooper.
"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiives!!" you squeal, as you rush toward each other in the midst of the crowd of dancing troopers and civilians. Fives lifts you up and spins you around, kissing all over your face.
"Ready to meet the boys?" Fives asks you eagerly. You can tell that he has long anticipated this moment since the last time you were together.
You and Fives had been seeing each other for a few months now. You had originally met just before a long mission, but then you started seeing each other regularly once he got back. And since then, you kept in touch regularly, even when he was away.
"Yeah, can't wait," you smile at him, watching his face light up at your response.
Fives proudly takes you to the booth where the others are seated and introduces you formally to the group. You had already heard of them, but now you could meet them in person. You meet Fives' closest brother, Echo. Then Jesse and Kix who are seated across from you.
It is easy to fall into conversation with the friendly troopers. You can see how getting along with Fives meant that you were a seamless fit into their group. You spend some time getting to know them before getting up to dance with Echo.
You and Echo dance for a song or two, and then return to the booth. This time, you notice a girl standing at the edge of the table awkwardly chatting with Kix. None of the other men seem to take interest in her, so you observe quietly while Echo slips back into conversation with the others.
Kix seems only partially engaged in conversation with the girl, frequently drifting to focus on his brother Jesse's antics at the table. You can tell that Kix knows her, but that they weren't close on a personal level as their conversation centered around the medical facilities on the Resolute. She must be one of the GAR civilians that deploys with the troopers on ships.
She seemed to be an awkward girl. Her comments in the conversation were forced and off-beat. She didn't seem to keep up with the witty comments that shot back and forth across the table between the boys, as many jokes seemed to go over her head. Other than that, she seemed quiet, but not in a mysterious way that one finds interesting. Nothing about her personality was particularly alluring. She wasn't particularly attractive either, which makes it hard to get noticed in a crowd, and you began to feel a bit sorry for her standing there as she tried to flirt with Kix.
"Hey, Kix. Move over?" you say, effectively inviting her to sit with you all at the booth. Kix shrugs and scrunches in with Jesse, leaving some room on the outside for the girl to sit across from you. The girl continues to talk to Kix as she takes her seat, but you notice the men trade glances with each other. It only lasts a second, but you catch it. Had you made a mistake asking her to sit at the table?
The evening goes on, and you notice the girl looking across the table at Fives a little more than normal. Even when he wasn't talking, and the boys took turns in conversation, regardless of who was talking, she would face him instead of the speaker. You wondered if she had a secret crush on Fives.
"Can I... help you?" Fives asks, looking in Aibree's direction. You catch a thinly veiled tone of annoyance in his voice. Aibree jumps slightly in her seat, clearly caught in her staring. After a short silence, Kix jumps in. "Didn't think you were the type to come to 79s by yourself. Where are your medic girls tonight?" Kix asks, turning to her and redirecting the conversation.
"I don't know. And I'm not here by myself," she replies meekly.
"Well, you came out by yourself, " Jesse clarifies.
"Well, no. I know you guys, " she says toward Jesse.
The boys trade glances once again, this time an awkward silence ensues.
Then Fives jumps up, breaking the silence. "Wanna dance, love?" he asks you. "Sure, babe!" you say cheerily, glad for an excuse to escape the strange mood at the table.
Once you are outside of earshot of the table, you put your arms around Fives. "Hey, what's up with that girl? Everyone seems a little annoyed by her?"
Fives groans and rolls his eyes, burying his face in your neck. "Ohhh.. yeah. So, uhh.." he stutters, before pulling away slightly to look in your face. "To be honest, I had a little fling with her for a while. It was just a hook up thing back on the ship, but she got all attached. And now she's acting weird about it. I think she doesn't get it. We're not friends or anything. We just hooked up."
"Mmmm," you hum, nodding slowly. "Hate it when that happens. It's always awkward, " you laugh. "I've been in that situation before, where you hook up with a guy and then all of the sudden they're in luuuurve with you, " you add, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah. Heh, it's that exact situation here, " Fives says, hanging his head and shaking it. "I'm sorry about her."
You reach up and place a palm on his cheek, turning him to face you. "It's ok. I understand. It happens when you've been around, " you say. "You're gonna run into old flings here and there. It happens."
"I know you know I have a past..." Fives says. "And I'm thankful you understand. I didn't invite her out tonight or anything. I told her the last time that it wasn't a real thing but..."
"I know. And it's ok, " you reassure him. "We all have a past. Me included. We've talked about it. It doesn't bother me, " you add as you pull him toward you for a kiss.
Aibree watches the scene before her with a mix of emotions. She was happy for him. Fives looked so handsome, his ARC trooper armor stripped from the waist up to reveal his muscular torso clothed in the tight black undershirt that they always wore. She had wanted to celebrate with him tonight. She was so proud. But here he was, holding his 'special' girl, swaying to the music, celebrating with her. It was something "different" he had said. She was different to him.
"It's gonna hurt you more than it's ever gonna hurt me." And Fives was right. Stopping their random hookups didn't look like it hurt Fives at all. In fact, he didn't look in pain in the slightest as his face shone under the lights. His look a mix of buzzed and just entranced. Just fixated and totally smitten with the girl in front of him.
The way he held her made a knot of jealousy wind up in Aibree's gut. The way he caressed her sides, how he grazed his lips up and down her neck to place gentle kisses there. He did this in the open, under the flashing lights of 79s in front of his brothers. Not in a dirty supply closet under the cover of darkness and secrecy on the Resolute.
Aibree had watched Fives sit with his brothers in the booth with this girl, where he introduced her by name. She wasn't from the ship. The only reason they would know is because he told it to them. Because he had invited her out with them. Because he wanted her to know his brothers and become closer to him on that level.
Kix, Jesse, and the others knew Aibree from the ship. But they didn't really know her outside of work. They only vaguely knew her name and they knew of her and Fives' thing they had going on... but Fives never invited her to sit with him or meet up anywhere off the ship or anything remotely close to it. Fives never took any interest in her other than their hookup sessions. Aibree never sat around and joked with the boys and shared inside jokes with them and laughed until tears streamed down their faces. She never did those things. But she sat there and watched tonight how Fives and his closest brothers did that with this special girl. The one that is different, he had said.
Aibree's hands unconsciously grab the hem of her dress and she unhappily and tugs the fabric while fighting back her emotions. The girl was devastatingly beautiful. And there was no way in Aibree's mind that she could twist it otherwise. She could tell that the girl had barely worn any makeup, yet her features were striking in the most naturally effortless way. She had a mature look to her, unlike Aibree, in a way that made her age hard to guess. She could be young, or older with that eternally youthful face other women envy. Aibree internally cursed her round, babyish face - One that was youthful in the wrong ways and got her teased well into adulthood, even on the Resolute amongst some of the men onboard. The odd proportions of her face shape and mouth, which seemed too big for her face, gave her a rather ordinary appearance. What an advantage it was to be deployed with the clones sometimes, for it gave her the opportunity to be one of the few females onboard and therefore in more demand than usual. Though it was hard for Aibree to admit, almost all of the interest she got was from the men on the ship while it was deployed.
She watched as Fives led his special girl around the dance floor. Her complexion was similar to Fives and the other clones, which complimented the clothing she wore tonight. She was taller, a somewhat athletic or leaner build. She stood up straight and had visible muscles in her bare shoulder and arms that peeked out of her one-shoulder top. Aibree cringed with jealousy. Aibree was shorter than average, with a hunched posture that accentuated her soft, rounded shoulders. She really didn't have a defined waist or bust line as she was neither fat or curvy, nor thin. Neither flat chested, nor big busted. No part of her body was particularly toned, and all of this, made her appearance rather forgettable in a planetside crowd such as the one at 79s tonight. On the ship while it was deployed, she was noticeable. Tonight, hardly.
It wasn't fair, Aibree decided. But there was nothing she could do about it. There was something special going on between Fives and this girl. She stood out to him. He had picked her out of a crowd of women, wherever it was that they met. They had taken the time to get to know each other over the past months to the point where he had begun to introduce her to his brothers. She wasn't a quick fuck as a result of circumstance and convenience like it was with Aibree on the Resolute.
Aibree finally accepts defeat, and rises to leave.
You and Fives finish your dance and saunter arm in arm back to the booth. Fives slides in and you follow, seating yourself on the outside. You see the girl from earlier standing at the edge of the booth again by Kix.
"You leaving?" Kix asks her.
"Yeah," she says.
"Alright... bye!" Kix says, holding his hand up briefly for a quick wave.
With that, the girl turns to leave and you see Kix exhale and share a look with Fives.
"She knows, Kix," Fives says, nodding in your direction.
Kix nods slowly with a smirk, "Well, brother. This is how your past comes to haunt you. Told you that. That's why I don't mess with girls on the ship."
"I know, I know, " he says, waving Kix off. "That's the last time I ever do that shit, " Fives adds, more seriously.
The table shares a few more moments of conversation and a few laughs before everything is stopped abruptly by the return of the girl from earlier. You see her working her way through the crowd, back to your booth. Kix looks at Fives and covers his face, laughing.
"What the fuck..." Fives mutters. The girl approaches the table and stares directly at you. She is no longer staring at Fives like she was earlier in the night. It appears that you are her target now.
Despite her staring, nothing in her posture is threatening, so no-one makes a move. Instead, they all stare back and decide to let her talk.
The girl stands at the edge of the booth on your side. You look back up at her with a curious look on your face, lips slightly parted, but allowing her to talk first. She meets your stare momentarily before looking down at the floor. She licks her lips nervously before returning her eyes to meet yours, and then she finally speaks.
"Just wanted to say... you're a lucky girl," she says, barely audible above the loud music and noise inside the club. As soon as she speaks the words, she breaks eye contact and disappears into the crowd once again.
"Wha'd she say?" Kix asks, leaning over toward you and Fives. "I dunno, is she drunk or something?" Jesse asks, his eyes scrunched up with snickers between words.
"No, " you say. Everyone turns to you at that moment, eager to hear what drama the girl might have been trying to stir up with you.
"She's just... upset. For obvious reasons, " you say, looking at Fives. "We've all been there. She'll get over it, " you add, watching the men relax back into the booth, silently nodding in agreement.
The way she said those words, you knew that she had felt a real attachment to Fives. You couldn't blame her. Perhaps it would have been insulting or even embarrassing under some circumstances for your partner's former hook up to approach and confront you like that but in this case, you felt sorry for her. She was, after all, just a girl. Just a human with emotions and feelings. She couldn't help who she was, her personality, or her looks. She was just born that way. And for whatever reason, Fives didn't see anything there worth keeping around for more than a few quick hookups. He could have kept seeing her. It would have been easy with them there on the Resolute together on those long transits between missions. It would have been far easier than him pursuing you. But he didn't. He chose you instead. This other girl? One of many in Fives' past as you knew. Forgettable.
And that's all that mattered, you decided, brushing the topic out of your mind for good, already refocusing on the present with Fives and the boys. You easily fall back into conversation, the banter, the jokes and laughter from earlier in your night, and celebrate your darling new ARC Trooper and budding relationship the proper way.
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
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warning: it's going to be a very long post, since it's a little annoying for me to break it off into different posts and link them & stuff.
about me & the blog:
call me Cherry AND AM HAPPILY MARRIED TO SILVER (silussy) AND SEBEK, MY BELOVEDS! I use she/her pronouns, and am a reblogging, writing, art and OC blog all at once!
I mainly reblog twisted wonderland, but genshin impact ,obey me , mystic messenger and ikemen prince make their rounds too.
as for my writing content, requests are currently [CLOSED] for twisted wonderland!
have an archive blog called @ramblings-of-an-internet-person for my old stuff, but that I believe tumblr shadowbanned that, or something.
as for the recent and upcoming stuff, I write it here! I have my rules written under the cut, so be sure to read carefully~!
art is something I do casually, and I'm a little over a year old to it, I still have much to learn! it's usually of my OC's or twisted wonderland.
speaking of my OC's, I have three of them! my most beloved people- I cherish them very much, so please don't be afraid to ask about them. my inbox is always open for them!
writing rules: [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!]
🍉 I have the rights to reject any requests I don't vibe with~
🍉 If a rule is broken, I will attempt to work around it, but if I can't, then I can't.
🍉 None of my works are proofread, so sorry in advance for typos!
🍉 I'm not going to write ALL the boys, so the ones I CAN are listed as follows:
Riddle Rosehearts
Deuce Spade
Ace Trappola
Jack Howl
Ruggie Bucchi
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Kalim Al-Asim
Epel Felmier
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Sebek Zigvolt
🍉 and these are the boys I CAN'T write:
Trey Clover
Cater Diamond
Leona Kingscholar
Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit
Rook Hunt
Idia Shroud
Ortho Shroud
Staff (Dire Crowley, Ashton Vargas, Divus Crewel, Sam and Mozus Train)
Cheka Kingscholar
RSA (Neige Le'blanche, Chenya, Ambrose the 63rd)
🍉 I repeat, these are the boys I CANNOT and WILL NOT write.
🍉 I am open to write headcannons and short scenarios! How long/short these pieces are and their style depends on me and my mood~
🍉 You can and are encouraged to request more than once!
🍉 The limit is 4 characters for headcannons and 1 character for scenarios. The exception to this rule are the first years (Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack and Sebek)
I can do:
Soft yandere (devotedness and love sickness)
Fem! Reader and GN! Reader (P.S.: if your request has no specified gender, I will automatically write them as gender neutral)
Suggestive content
I cannot do:
Male! Reader
Character x Character [but feel free to talk to me about them!]
Triggering content (non-con, incest, character death, the usual)
Angst (like, even the slightest pinch of angst. angst to comfort? NO, I cry)
Adult x Child
Things regarding mental illnesses
Song fics
my tags aren't very organized because I started organizing them in 2020, stopped in 2021, then continued the process in 2022. I won't be retagging my stuff from 2021, so... 👍
writing tag:
#stuff hits the fan - my own writing that aren't from requests!
#cherry picking - 500 followers event writing tag!
#sugar rush - requests writing tag
other tags:
#news - either donation posts or actual news
#etc. - the dumpster fire that is tumblr or stuff I don’t have a tag for
#my art - my art. sometimes I forget to tag, but its either filled with my OCs or twisted wonderland.
#weddings!! - the recent trend of people coming to my blog for blessings on their weddings on various twst boys!!
oc tags:
#valencia karasu - my OC for twisted wonderland; my version of yuu a.k.a the main protagonist!
#vivica karasu - my OC for obey me! shall we date; my version of yuki a.k.a the main protagonist!
#himawari nikko - my OC for twisted wonderland; a side character for twisted wonderland!
for reblogging, the character tags are just their names. for example, #twst silver for silver from twst, or #sebek zigvolt for sebek from twst. #mammon is mammon from obey me!, and #gorou is gorou from genshin impact. I don't have the patience to customize my tags m'kay?
I guess that's it...? Be sure to stick around, cuz' I make some pretty cool stuff!
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guardianofrivendell · 2 years
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Back by popular demand (lol two people but let me have my moment): the Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge!  
A writing challenge?
Yes! To celebrate Tullaina's and my own upcoming birthday on June 11th, I challenge YOU, my dear mutuals, friends and followers, to write! Because what better way to celebrate my birthday than by being creative?
You can write anything from a little drabble to a full-blown 5k+ words fic story, whatever you feel like. But about what?
Well... If you remember last year, the writing challenge was all about the Incorrect Tullaina Quotes. I’m bringing them back because it was a lot of fun, but I’m adding two more options for those who want to try something else this year or simply don’t want to write about my OC (which I totally understand!!)
You can write fluff, angst, even smut, use every cliche trope in the book if you want, but make sure to tag your work accordingly so no one gets surprised!
You can find the three options further down this post. 
How do I participate?
If you decide to join this little writing challenge, I'll be forever in your debt and super super grateful that you helped by not letting this flop!
Send me an ask or dm if you want to join this challenge with the option of your choice. I'll list the participants in this post and depending of if they want to, I’ll add what option they chose so you’ll have a basic idea of what everyone else is doing (because we like that, we’re human after all)
Deadline is Saturday June 11th 2022, this means you’ll have about 6 weeks time to write your work. On June 11th, everyone can post their work on Tumblr using the tag #Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge 2022 so we can find the fic and don't forget to tag me in it!
The day after I’ll link all the works in one big GBWC 2022 Masterlist. 
Can I post the fic on other platforms too?
Sure! Go ahead and post it on AO3, Wattpad or whatever platform you use outside of Tumblr.
What if I can't write, but I want to draw something or make a moodboard?
Uh... Yes please! You don't even have to ask! Same thing, send me an ask or dm that you’ll join the challenge and I’ll add your name to the list. You can still choose between the three options!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message! I’ll probably reblog this post a lot of times the next 6 weeks, so sorry in advance for that :)
I read this post but I still don’t understand what this challenge is or what I have to do?
Don’t worry, we all get that sometimes! Luckily for you (and me!) I did this challenge last year as well. You can read all the works and watch the beautiful art pieces here so you can see how my wonderful mutuals and friends took on this challenge like a boss! Aren’t I the luckiest one?
Alright, alright, we get it! Now get to the options already!
You can choose out of three options, or combine them if you want, go crazy:
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Pick a quote (or quotes if you’re feeling ambitious) from the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes”. Use it as inspiration, build your story around it or use it as part of a dialogue in the fic. Your choice!
Search the tag “Incorrect Tullaina Quotes” in the Tumblr search bar or on my blog and you’re supposed to get most of them that way. There are over 100 incorrect quotes, so I can’t link them all in this post. It would simply be too much. However, if there are enough people who do want a list with all the quotes lined up, let me know and I’ll see if I can collect them in a doc and link that doc here. It’s a lot of work, so it can take a while before I’m able to do that.
If you need more information about my OC Tullaina, you can find fics, arts and her character sheet in my masterlist. 
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As you all know I’m a pretty slow writer and cursed to be visited by plot bunnies all the time. This can be quite frustrating because I know I won’t be able to write them all, even if I really, really want to.
So why not challenge you to write them for me? 
Under the “read more” cut you can find a selection of Tullaina Plot Bunnies, little moments out of Tullaina’s life that I was planning to write someday. Some are almost summaries of the (non-existing) fic, while others are just “what about so and so”. 
Don’t be afraid to write Tullaina OOC because you can’t! If I learned anything about last year’s challenge it’s that I love every version of Tullaina that was created, not once did I think “She wouldn’t say or do that!” because I was so in the moment!
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Isn’t that a question we all ask ourselves sometimes? What if?
Well, now is the moment you can find out! Under the cut are 10 “What if” questions. Pick one and rewrite a scene from The Hobbit or Lord of The Rings, or write a new one!
For example, what if you pick the question “What if Thranduil was the smallest Elf in history?”, you could imagine how the scene in the throne room between Thranduil and Thorin would go a little differently... Let your imagination run free!
Thought of a What If-question that you would love to write but can’t find in the list? No problem, then you’re choosing number 11! 
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@grunid - art
@medusas-hairband - art plot bunny
@sunnyrosewritesstuff​ - what if 
Tullaina Plot Bunnies
Here you can find little snippets out of Tullaina’s life that I wrote down in a doc (literally, it’s a copy paste out of that doc minus two that I really want to write myself) because I wanted to write a fic about it at some point. But you know me, I can’t write fast so who knows when it’ll get done, if ever. Feel free to give it your own twist! 
Tullaina has a nickname ‘Tulls’, but only Fili and Kili use it. They get very protective if anyone else picks up on the nickname and uses it to address Tullaina. What would happen if at some point (say at a feast or gathering), another Dwarf uses the nickname when he talks/flirts to her? Could be any period of time: Ered Luin, during the quest, in Erebor, ...
There’s a ball in Ered Luin, the first one since forever (mostly to boost morale a bit) and the first one Fíli, Kíli and Tulls are allowed to go to. It’s the first time Fíli sees Tullaina all dressed up (hair done nicely, a proper dress). His mouth runs dry and he knows it will be a long night this way. How does the evening go? 
Tullaina is trained by Thorin and Dwalin, and sometimes even Fíli and Kíli. She has the normal amount of training every Dwarrow gets, but once she decides to join the Quest, her training sessions pick up. What would a training session look like? How is she doing? And why doesn’t she wield an axe? Ered Luin era 
When Kili meets Tauriel (? or another OC?) and falls in love during the quest, he tells Tulls he wants to ask her to marry him. And then Tullaina wonders ‘but who am I supposed to marry now?’ because they promised each other when they were teens that if they didn’t find their One they would stick together, maybe even marry each other. And she jokingly says (but secretly also kind of means it) that she’ll forever be alone now. Fili is standing there, he wants to swoop in and say something smooth like ‘you will always have me’ but can’t seem to find his voice. The moment is broken when Bofur says just that, and it becomes one of their ‘almost’ moments.
“Uncle Thorin” moments with Fíli, Kíli and Tullaina
There was really only one other Dwarf who genuinely wanted to court Tullaina, when they're in Erebor. You can imagine how that affected Fili... How is he dealing with this? And Kíli (aka their biggest shipper?)
Fíli runs into Kíli late at night, he’s looking for Tullaina. “Have you seen her? She’s not in her room and I can’t find her anywhere.” They’ve been working all day for the past few weeks. “Do you think she could have left?” “Maybe she finally got enough of being alone, we’ve neglected her” etc etc They look for her in the library, great hall, the stables but can’t find her anywhere. Slight panic, Fíli freaking out, Kíli trying to reassure him. When they’re on their way to alert Thorin and Dís of her disappearance, they find her sleeping with a book in her lap in a nook in one of her secret reading spots.
Once they’re settled in Erebor, married and all, Fíli surprises Tullaina with a grey puppy called Mouse (kind of like a Great Dane but the ME version of it, so... BIG, Fíli hates the name she gave him), as a guard dog for her when he’s out (worried husband y’all). Turns out it’s one big softie and instead of being weary of new people he’s welcoming to everyone. Until one time he doesn’t and everyone is suspicous. Rightfully so. 
What If?
Pick a number and (re)write a TH/LOTR scene of your choice with this question in mind, or create a new one (a deleted scene if you want)
1. What if Dís went on the Quest, along with her brother and two sons?
2. What if Ori was the one to fall in love with Tauriel (movie verse)? 
3. What if Boromir survived the arrows? 
4. What if Hobbits could talk to animals? Like tiny dr Doolittles?
5. What if Gandalf couldn’t keep a secret/can’t lie?
6. What if Smaug was a different kind of animal?
7. What if Víli, father of Kíli and Fíli, was still alive when they leave for the quest?
8. What if Middle Earth was more modern than Tolkien let on?
9. What if Elves can’t tolerate water (maybe it burns them or harms them in some way) ?
10. What if one of the Hobbits is cursed with saying everything the opposite of what they mean? (fe yes means no, I’m sleepy means I don’t want to go to sleep)
11. (your own What If question)
Tagging a few people who were interested: @midearthwritings​ @beenovel​ @grunid​ 
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jananakookie · 3 years
Beauty | kth - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Taehyung x OC (Reader) , slight Jimin x OC
Genre/Tags: Strangers to Lovers, Idiots to lovers (kinda), single dad; humor (-ish?), slow burn, angst, fluff, smut
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, I feel like I‘m making fun of tiny people sorry, use of alcohol, mentions of sex and Taehyung‘s and Namjoon‘s dicks (idk lol)
Word count: 10k
Series summary: Taehyung knows what beauty is. He sees it every day.
You feel like you haven’t seen real beauty in a while but you think you remember what it looked like.
Or maybe you both have no idea?
Previous Chapter / Chapter List / Next Chapter
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Chapter 2
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Normally, Taehyung really likes his job. He usually works at different locations, it is varied and he has the privilege of photographing beautiful people every day. But the best part is that he gets to do what he loves all day long. And that includes photographing and putting his camera to good use.
Well, as a model photographer at the company he works for, he can't be as creative and is a little more limited as he would like to be but it comes at least very close to his dream job. Not to forget that he has a steady income, which enables his and his daughter to live a solid life.
So how could he complain, right?
“Taehyung!“ Ah right… He forgot about his boss for a second.
Preparing for the upcoming encounter with Satan’s little dwarf brother in advance, Taehyung tuns away from the scenery he was just looking at. He was just about to decide on which camera setting would be best to do next before he was so very rudely interrupted by his boss.
Not to be mean but Mr. Han seriously is a walking joke. His demeanor resembles that of a spoiled child and his physical appearance — although Taehyung usually isn’t one to make fun of that — doesn’t help him make up for that. When Jungkook randomly came to a shoot one day for the first time, the boy wouldn’t stop laughing at him for a solid 30 minutes after Taehyung got scolded by his boss once again. Since that day, Jungkook won’t stop referring to Mr. Han as ‘raging Yoda’ and Taehyung may or may not have copied that because it’s just so fitting.
Even if it doesn’t help much, if Mr. Han wasn’t the one who’s responsible for Taehyung’s employing, he’d laugh in his face whenever he’d decide to be rude to him again. Sadly, he can’t effort to do this.
“Mr. Han?“ Taehyung addresses him politely, ignoring the way all eyes seem to be on him and Mr. Han at this moment. Everyone was probably feeling for him because they all know he’s after Taehyung and enjoys taking him down regularly in front of an assembled audience.
“Why is this taking so long?“ Mr. Han grunts, looking up. “How long can it take to snap a sexy photo for a calendar?“
It takes everything in Taehyung not to lash out at him but he needs to think of Hyejin. He needs this job. No matter how much he wants to put that angry little dwarf in his place. “I’m sorry, Sir. I was just about to do the last shot for today actually.“ He answers in a calm voice, gaze dropping to his feet in an instance.
Mr. Han scrunches his nose, looking through Taehyung’s camera and messing up the setting he just wanted to use in the process. “There. That’s better.“ He then says, folding his arms while looking up into Taehyung’s unimpressed face.
Taehyung forces a smile and then takes a look as well to check the new setting. He’s annoyed to see that his boss just messed everything up, making it worse rather than better. Idiot. If he didn’t know better, he’d say this joke in front of him majored in clownery instead of photography. They could’ve simply mixed up the two words on his diploma…
‘Just stay calm, Tae. You need to stay collected.’
He just nods his head and offers him a very pained smile. Taehyung is sure that one can literally see him die right this moment.
Thinking this would be all and hoping his boss would just disappear, he’s about to get back to work when he realizes that Mr. Han isn’t moving. He’s still standing there, looking at him as if he hates him with all his guts, which he probably does.
“Sir? Is there anything else I can help you with?“ He asks him skeptically, not trusting the weird situation.
“Mmmh… You know Taehyung, I’ve been very patient with you these last couple of years you’ve been working here, don’t you think?“ Uh-Oh, that doesn’t sound good.
“Uuh… I’m sorry?“ Taehyung doesn’t really know what he wants to tell him with that. Is he going to fire him? He hopes not.
“Apology accepted. Anyway, I didn’t say anything last week, when you just left us hanging right before the shoot and Minho had to take over. Remember?“ He innocently asks but Taehyung already knows there’s more to it.
“I mean… You immediately yelled at me the next day as soon as I walked—“
“And I was so patient when you needed to take a day off in January. Can you recall?“ He asks further, ignoring Taehyung’s attempt to answer him.
“My daughter was sick and it was just one day. I mean, she had a very high fev—“
“And remember when I didn’t even say anything when you started this affair with one of the models, a couple of months ago?“
“Yeah again, that wasn’t me. That was the intern, who left right after because his mum found out about it.“ Taehyung says confused. “And you still yelled at me for it.“ He adds without Mr. Han paying any attention to him while already forming his next words in his head.
“Exactly. And I did all of this because I am lenient.“ Taehyung can’t help but almost laugh at that. “Because I am such a good employer. Because I’m such a good man.“ Okay, one more and he can’t hold it anymore…
“Sir, may I ask—“
“What I actually wanted to say is…“ Taehyung watches attentively as Mr. Han smiles at him, in a very creepy way, while turning his body sideways and pointing at Hyejin, who is happily drawing in her coloring book while she sits on the floor. “What is this small human doing here?“
With a heavy heart, Taehyung shrugs off the need to make a joke about the size of his opponent and instead tries to stay serious when he answers his question. “We actually call that ‘a child‘, Sir.“ The laughter about his own joke almost instantly dies down when he sees that Mr. Han doesn’t even smile one bit. Clearing his throat, he quickly finds his composure and sinks his head in shame. “That’s my daughter, Sir.“
“Yes. I already thought so far. The question is, why is your daughter here, while you should do your work?“ He then asks, his voice getting deeper as he seems to be getting angrier.
“I—I’m sorry. I just didn’t have anyone today to look after her while I’m at work.“ Taehyung softly answers.
“And since when are we running a daycare?“ Mr. Han sarcastically asks him.
Taehyung sighs, trying to find the right words but he already knows he won’t be getting out of this easily. “We aren’t. But I had no place to take her to and—“
“And that’s not an excuse.“ Mr. Han cuts him off for the hundredth time in the last two minutes, unknowingly testing Taehyung nerves. Or maybe he does know it but he just doesn’t care because he’s just “such a good employer“.
“I’m really sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again.“ Taehyung reluctantly apologizes.
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t. Because if it does, I’ll just have to fire you once and for all.“ He threatens him. “Did I make myself clear?“
Taehyung once again clears his throat out of nervousness, gaze falling on Hyejin. Luckily, it doesn’t look like she’s caught any of the conversation, even though Mr. Han is talking to the whole studio at this point.
And when he thinks once again that his boss is finally done and going to withdraw, he’s already proved wrong when he suddenly talks again.
“What about your boyfriend then? He couldn’t take her?“ He asks him, partly disinterested and partly annoyed.
Taehyung stills, lifting a brow in a questioning manner. “My… What?“ He asks in total shock.
Mr. Han looks at him as if he’s stupid. “That boyfriend of yours? The one who came around a few times.“ When he sees that Taehyung still doesn’t catch on, he deeply frowns, “Tall, weird fluffy hair, annoying to no end… You know, that pretty boy.“ He then says and it klicks.
“Jungkook?! Oh no…No! He’s my best friend. He just looks after Hyejin most of the time when I’m not around but he’s actually the reason I had to leave early last week and I’m still kinda mad at him so—“
“Listen Taehyung, I don’t care about your love life problems, okay? Just don’t bring any children to work. Ever again.“ With these words, he finally says his goodbye and pulls back, probably on his way to yell at somebody else.
Taehyung rubs his face in annoyance before he gets back to work. But he can’t help but think about Mr. Han’s words. He never liked him much. No, that would be put far too nicely… He never liked him at all but somehow he seemed to like his work or at least, he likes it enough that he hasn’t fired him yet. But he will probably not go along with it much longer.
It’s all pointless anyway because taking Hyejin to work all the time from now on, wouldn’t have been a permanent solution either. Taehyung knows that. He just didn’t have someone for today because Namjoon had to work himself and Jungkook… well, Jungkook was not an option.
It’s not that he will never let Jungkook take care of his daughter again but it’s only been a week for christ’s sake. He was still mad at his best friend and his ego won’t let him forgive him that easily.
He quickly finishes his job for today and takes the final photo of the girl, that’s now waiting for way longer than she should have had to. Taehyung kinda feels sorry for her because the studio isn’t the warmest since Mr. Han likes saving money on heating costs, and she’s in nothing but a lace bra and panties.
“Alright, that’s it. You did pretty well, I’m very sorry you had to wait for so long.“ He calls out to her as soon he found a photo that’s good enough.
“It’s alright, Tae.“ She smiles, throwing a wink his way.
He simply returns the smile before he packs his things and goes to Hyejin.
She’s still drawing when he arrives by her side, currently working on a picture of Elsa and Anna but she doesn’t look as happy anymore. It’s kinda cute how she suddenly looks so angry and annoyed while practicing her favorite hobby. Taehyung doesn’t even need to think about what’s wrong when he’s greeted by not only Hyejin but five other voices, belonging to some of the models with who he had to work today.
“Tae, is that really your daughter? She’s so cute, oh my god!“ Byeol squeals, as soon as he appears.
“Yeah Tae and she’s so smart and talented!“ Nari agrees with her.
Byeol and Nari are two of only a handful of girls Taehyung really bothers to remember the names of. It’s not that he’s a completely ignorant asshole who doesn’t care about other people. The main reason is just that he’s not very good with names and he sees new faces every day. Byeol and Nari though, have worked with him so many times by now, that he started to remember their names after a while.
The other reason is, he can barely remember all the other girls because, at some point, they all just seem to look the same for him. It’s not even supposed to be mean but models… oh well, they kinda blend in together after a while. At least for him.
“And she’s soo cute!“ One of the other girls sighs dreamily as she touches Hyejin’s hair, making her flinch away and Taehyung cringe in the process because he knows exactly how much his daughter hates when someone touches her hair. She won’t even let him comb it in the morning, without making a scene.
He takes Hyejin’s hand, helping her stand up from the ground as he politely smiles at the girls. “Yes, I know. Thank you. She’s quite perfect, really.“ He winks at Hyejin, who just looks up to him and raises her arms for him to pick her up. He happily consents, making everyone in the room dramatically coo at them.
He could swear he sees Hyejin roll her eyes and it makes him grin. She’s never been very fond of people babying and complimenting her in the way these girls just did. Taehyung always feels like he’s raising a teenager instead of a four-year-old…
“Daddy, can we please just go now?“ She whines, obviously irritated by everyone right now.
“Sure darling, I’m just picking up the rest of my stuff and you can go get your jacket, okay?“ Taehyung smiles at her, making her smile back instantly. She then jumps out of his arms and happily skips away to get her things.
Taehyung looks after her for a few more seconds as she sings loudly to herself — she always has to sing loudly — while she’s getting dressed. A proud smile covers his lips as he looks at his daughter. How is it possible that he has such a perfect child?
“I didn’t know you had a daughter.“ A small voice shakes him out of his state of pure bliss, making him turn away from Hyejin for a moment. Instead, he now looks into Byeol’s big, almond-shaped eyes. “Didn’t even know you were married.“ A slight chuckle followed by a smile, that doesn’t nearly reach her eyes, spreads on her lips.
A little surprised by her sudden attempt to start a conversation about his private life, Taehyung simply shrugs. “Well, you never asked.“ He crouches down to pack the rest of his stuff together. “Besides, I don’t think we’ve ever had a conversation where this could’ve come up so…“
Even if he’s not directly looking at her right now, he can feel her frown.
“Oh right… I guess?“ She says in an unsure voice before she becomes quiet. Taehyung almost thinks she’s disappeared before she speaks up again. “So… Is there a reason you don’t wear a ring on your finger then?“
Taehyung stops his packing for a moment and looks at her again. She’s getting a little too close for his liking but it’s nothing he isn’t used to by now. The girls here are usually not at all afraid of flirting and he’s a straight, young male who is also divorced. He’d lie if he said he’s never flirted back.
But this is getting too private for him. Especially with his daughter standing only a few meters away from them.
He doesn’t like to talk to people outside his comfort zone about his private life and people from his workplace are definitely not part of his comfort zone. But he’s known Byeol for quite some time now and he knows she’s not one to give up easily. Beating around the bush won’t do much and he hasn’t got the time nor the desire to stay here any longer than necessary.
“That might be because I’m not married anymore.“ He simply says, ignoring the way her grin is getting bigger.
“Oh, how come?“ She asks further, still not letting go.
“Just… Didn’t work out?“ Taehyung is slowly but surely getting irritated by her interrogation. He actually wants nothing more than to tell her to leave him alone already but he doesn’t want to make her upset either.
He’s still a gentleman and at the end of the day, he has to work with her again and he doesn’t want any bad blood between him and any of the other employees. If his boss already hates him, he needs to at least have a good relationship with his colleagues.
“Hm… I can’t imagine. Her loss then.“ A flirty smirk creeps up on her face as she seems to be getting even closer.
Taehyung isn’t having it though. He doesn’t like how lightly she deals with the situation. His situation. Who does she think she is, interfering in his business like that?
“Please excuse me Byeol. My daughter is waiting for me.“ He doesn’t say anymore when he finally walks away, leaving her to stand there by herself.
Hyejin is already waiting for him at the entrance, giddily taking his hand and pulling him outside of the building.
“Daddy, do I always have to come with you now?“ She suddenly asks him the moment they step into the car.
“No darling, you don’t have to.“ Taehyung answers her, laughing about the way her face immediately lights up at his words.
“Good because all the people there were annoying.“ She rolls her eyes as she groans in order to express her anger.
“Hey, come on now. That’s pretty rude, Hyejin.“ He scolds, face turning into a frown. He secretly shares her opinion of course, but he doesn’t think that someone her age should be judging people like that. Besides, everyone was just trying to be nice to her and they actually never gave her a reason to be rude to them.
“I’m sorry…“ She sighs but it doesn’t sound very regretful, to be honest. “I still don’t like them though…“ She mumbles under her breath but Taehyung still hears her.
“What’s wrong, Hyejin? Was someone being mean to you?“ He then asks, digging deeper because he can’t think of an explanation as to why his daughter has such a chiseled opinion about those girls even though she only got to know them for no more than a few minutes.
“No… I just didn’t like the way they were looking at you.“ For such a small child, she sure can frown when she wants to. One could think she’s making plans on how to get rid of someone if they were looking at her right now.
“Like what?“ Taehyung asks a little dumbfounded but also quite impressed by his daughter’s ability to catch on to things like that so well.
“Like uncle Jungkook looks at those girls on the tv.“ She suddenly says after thinking about her answer for a moment. “The one’s with the small swimsuits on.“ She adds, making a face.
Fucking Jungkook!
How often did he tell him to not watch Baywatch reruns with Hyejin?
“That stupid motherf—“ He thankfully stops himself before he finishes that sentence and instead tries to offer Hyejin a small smile through the rearview mirror. “They were just being friendly Hyejin. They didn’t mean any harm, okay love?“
Hyejin nods her head in approval but the frown is still present on her forehead. Seems like she doesn’t believe him. How could he blame her though? His daughter might be only four — nearly five — years old but she’s very attentive and definitely not stupid.
Oh, he can’t wait for her teenage years...
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You’re standing in front of one of the large, colorfully mixed flower bouquets on one of the tables in the shop. It’s just one of many in Mr. and Mrs. Yang’s flower shop but somehow it got to you. Maybe it’s because of the colors, starting with an incredibly vibrant red, changing to a not as vivid but still strong pink, to a pastel pink with a bit of yellow in between.
It’s definitely far from the most beautiful or distinctive bouquet in the shop but still eye-catching and unique in its own way.
It made you happy just to look at it, catching all of your attention so you don't even notice the strange looks the only other person in the shop is giving you.
“So… I have two questions. One, for how much longer are you going to give the bouquet those lovey-dovey eyes, and two, is this some type of weird objectophilia, fetishism thing? Because I don’t want to assume shit but I also can’t see where your hands are right now.“
With your face still buried in the flowers, you quietly groan. Annoyed by the fact, that your wonderful and very rare moment of pure inner peace was just ruined by no other than the most unpleasant guy you’ve come across since you came to Seoul.
“Shouldn’t you be fertilizing the bonsai trees, Yoongi?“
You turn around to look into his — unsurprisingly — expressionless face and cross your arms over your chest.
“I’ve already done that. Looks like some of us actually do work here, eh?“ He says, occupied by his phone, not paying attention to you anymore.
You scoff, raising a brow. “You barely ever do anything. The times you leave to use the bathroom are the most I’ve seen you move your ass around here.“
Yoongi puts his phone down again and offers you a slight smirk. “Didn’t know you find me so interesting, you need to watch my every move.“
“You should get our ears checked. Seems like you hear things that aren’t there.“ You offer him a fake smile just as he immaturely mimics your expression.
“People call that intuition. Might want to google it.“ With those words, he walks around the table and is suddenly standing right next to you.
“What’s so special about this one? Thinking about someone?“ He then asks, suddenly seeming interested but you can already tell that he’s merely making fun of you. The look in his eyes clearly gives it away.
You actually need to think about it because yes, you surely don’t like to admit it but it does remind you of someone.
“He used to buy me flowers all the time, you know?“ Sad eyes wander from the color spectrum to the attentive eyes, that are already focused on you. “It’s kind of cliche, but flowers have always made my days better. Just looking at them can lift my mood in an instant. He knew that. And he made use of it. So yeah, maybe I subconsciously was thinking of someone.“ You offer him a sad smile and watch as his face slightly crumbles at that.
“I’m sorry ___. I didn’t want to open any old wounds. I’m an idiot.“ Yoongi looks ashamed of himself as his gaze drops down to his feet. It’s a new experience for you too because you barely ever see anything affect him.
You offer him a sad smile as you shake your head. “Nah, it’s okay. I’m good, really.“
The sheer look on Yoongi’s face, tells you that you’re not the only one, who doesn’t believe you. To your relief, however, he doesn’t elaborate on your lie.
“You came here to Seoul to start a new life, didn’t you?“
You nod your head in an approving manner.
“Good, then stop thinking about him, ___.“ Yoongi says.
“If it was that easy, I would’ve done it months ago, Yoongi.“ You roll your eyes and play with the petals of one of the flowers in order to keep yourself busy so you won’t cry.
“It is that easy, just look at me. My heart has never been broken before.“ He shrugs and slaps your hand off the poor flower as you nearly kill it.
“But have you ever been in love before?“ Feeling like you already know the answer to your own question, you only listen with one ear as Yoongi scoffs loudly, confirming your suspicion.
“Do I look like a pussy to you?“
“Depends on what you mean by ‘pussy’ because you do look like a cute little kitten.“ You laugh and ruffle his hair in the process. Your laugh only gets louder as he desperately tries to get you out of his hair.
“Don’t ever do that again ___, I swear!“ If looks could kill…
Without another word, he walks around you and leaves you on your own again to admire the beautiful flowers surrounding you.
If anyone would’ve encountered your little scene just then, they might think you hate each other but that’s not the case at all. You actually like Yoongi. You find him annoying at times, lazy, and sleazy all of the time, and he has that creepy serial killer look on his face which haunts you since the day you first met him but all in all, he’s a good guy.
At least that’s what you think of him. He isn’t very social or outgoing, he most definitely doesn’t like talking to anybody and you’ve never actually seen him around anyone but Mr. and Mrs. Yang but you’ve experienced his kind and caring side first hand when you came to Seoul with absolutely nothing on you and he was the first one to cross your path.
You asked him for directions to a hotel that night and he straight up refused to ’lead an innocent and obviously stupid idiot to their death’ and that’s how he introduced you to Mr. and Mrs. Yang, a lovely elderly couple, who owns a beautiful little flower shop and two apartments. One of which was still available at that time. The other one was safely occupied by no other than Yoongi himself, turning the two of you into neighbors.
And that’s the story of how you made your first acquaintances, home, and job on your first night in Seoul.
So no, you definitely don’t hate Yoongi. You owe him a lot.
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“Wait, wait, wait, so the little raging Yoda actually threatened to fire you?“ Jungkook asks disbelievingly as he takes a sip from his beer.
“Ugh, I don’t know but he said some stuff and I better don’t want to find out.“ Taehyung groans, feeling the need to throw up just by the thought of his boss.
That evening, Taehyung felt like he just needed a little alcohol. So after he tucked Hyejin into bed, he got a few beers from his fridge and let himself fall onto the couch. It didn’t take long for Jungkook to join him after he came home and a few minutes after, Namjoon rang the doorbell to the apartment and joined in as well.
And that’s how it kinda turned into a guy's night in. Before anyone knew what was happening, there were three fully grown-up men, drinking a few beers and a few bottles of wine while talking about life. And all of that while trying to stay somewhat quiet in order to not wake the little girl up, that was asleep just one floor higher.
“Sorry Tae, I really would’ve taken Hyejin today, if I wouldn’t have gotten called into work so suddenly.“ Namjoon apologizes but Taehyung just waves him off, taking a huge sip out of his wine glass.
“Don’t sweat it. Wasn’t your fault, Joon.“
“Yeah and it’s not like he didn’t have any other options, right Taehyung?“ Jungkook butts in, obviously talking about himself.
“Don’t start again, Kook. You know exactly why I didn’t have another option.
“Ugh come on, Hyung! Will you never trust me again with her now? It was one mistake…“ The younger man sighs loudly while pouring himself yet another glass of wine — the third…fourth one? — sometimes taking a sip from the glass before going back to his beer.
“Of course I will, I just want to let you bleed a little longer.“ Taehyung smirks.
Jungkook sneers at him, rolling his eyes, “Hmh, and between the two of us, who’s the one that suffers the most from that?“
Taehyung stays quiet and looks away from him, knowing he’s right but not wanting to admit it.
“So, what are you gonna do now?“ Namjoon then asks after a few moments of silence.
“Well, I can’t take her with me anymore, that much is clear. But it wouldn’t have been a permanent solution either way. Hyejin hates that place. Maybe even more than I do.“ He sighs loudly.
“What do you mean? Man, I really don’t get what your problem is. You work in fucking heaven!“ Jungkook suddenly exclaims
“Language.“ Taehyung only mumbles, not really listening.
“Wha— Hyejin isn’t even here, she’s fast asleep.“
“Doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to swear in an environment where she could possibly hear you.“
Jungkook scoffs and looks at Namjoon for help but the older man just hides a smirk behind the rim of his beer bottle while shrugging his shoulders and keeps himself out of the discussion for now.
“Anyway, literally any man would kill to have your job — especially any man in your position — and you don’t even appreciate it.“ He further adds, trying to get his point across.
“Why? Because I work with models?“ Taehyung asks stupidly.
“Uhh yeah? Because you work with models you idiot.“ Jungkook just rolls his eyes and takes another huge gulp from his bottle.
“Literally who cares about that, Jungkook? I’m not 18 anymore, I have a child.“ Taehyung just shakes him off, already done laking about it but Jungkook isn’t having it.
“But you aren’t 80 either, Tae.“ Jungkook mocks him, obviously not agreeing. “Literally when was the last time you got some pussy, huh?“
“Jungkook! Shut up, Hye—“
Jungkook groans, rolling his eyes, “She’s still sleeping, Tae. So tell us. When was the last time you got some, huh? And don’t lie because I’ll see right through you.“ He challenges.
Namjoon just stays quiet and waits for Taehyung’s answer because he wouldn’t have asked him but he himself is quite interested in it, to be honest.
“It shouldn’t concern you, okay? That’s non of your business.“ Taehyung blocks off, cheeks turning a little pink. All just side effects from the alcohol of course.
Namjoon hums quietly, gaining his attention, “That long, huh?“
“Wait, but you had at least one in those two years after your divorce, right?“ Jungkook asks, slightly getting concerned
Taehyung stays quiet and that’s the moment Jungkook loses it.
“Oh please don’t tell me the last action you had was with Jisoo?!“ He nearly yells, making Taehyung and even Namjoon shush him, “Sorry…“
“It just never…came down to it, okay? It was never my priority and you don’t have to act so surprised.“ He directly says to Jungkook, “You live here too, don’t you think you’d know if I ever…well you know.“ He shrugs, obviously done discussing his nonexistent love life but he knows his friends won’t let him off the hook that easy.
“Dude, your divorce was two years ago and you two practically despised each other in the two years before that, so—“
“Can’t you just please, drop it?“ Taehyung whines, desperately needing to drown his wine and his beer with one gulp each.
“No, I can’t. I worry about your dick, man.“ Jungkook of course disagrees.
“Yeah no. There’s no need for you to do that, really.“
“Oh but there is! Because you’re my best friend and that means, that I need to make sure you’re alright.“
“I am alright, Jungkook! I’m not dying!“
“Yeah? Tell that to your dick then and see what he has to say about that!“
“He has nothing to say about that because he doesn’t talk!“
“Well, not with words, he doesn’t!“
They both get louder with every word that leaves their mouth but they currently don’t even seem to realize it, being way too drunk to register something like that anymore. Namjoon just watches them. He must say he’s quite amused by their little brainless argument right now. He wouldn’t dare to interrupt them even though he probably should.
“Can you please stop talking about my private parts now?“ Taehyung then says, voice getting quieter again, trying to not let the younger man let him get railed up so easily but Jungkook just laughs at him, making it very hard for Taehyung to keep his cool.
“Oh my god, you're such a dad.“ Jungkook mocks him, “’Private parts’? What, can’t you even say dick anymore?“
“Of course I can, you idiot.“
“Say it then.“ Jungkook further provokes him, smirking.
“No, I’m not twelve years old, I don’t need to prove anything to you. I’m an adult, okay?“ Taehyung scoffs.
“Alright show me your dick then.“ Jungkook shrugs, expression totally unaffected.
Namjoon and Taehyung both choke on their drinks, the older one looking absolutely horrified. In the meantime, Jungkook just looks like he’s discussing the weather or something.
“I’m not doing that.“ Shaking his head in total disbelieve, Taehyung takes yet another sip of his wine.
“Why not? I thought we were best friends?“ Jungkook asks still pretty serious.
“What does us being friends have to do with me showing you my dick?“ Taehyung asks him.
“Oh so you can still say it then.“ With a proud smirk growing on his face, Jungkook drinks again. “And that’s just something friends do, okay? Like sharing a bowl of chips or something.“
“I wouldn’t necessarily compare those two as if it’s the same thing—“
“I’ve seen Joon’s as well.“ Jungkook suddenly interrupts him.
Surprised by the new information, Taehyung looks at Namjoon, who’s currently about to die from a coughing fit.
“Wh—When?!“ Namjoon asks Jungkook as soon as he can breathe again, voice full of horror and maybe even a little bit of embarrassment.
But Jungkook just shrugs unaltered, “Remember that one party where you got absolutely shit-faced?“
“Right, I remember!“ Taehyung suddenly exclaims loudly, almost instantly slapping his hand on his mouth when he remembers Hyejin. “We’ve all seen it, Joon. You got drunk and just took your pants off. But we were impressed, so you’re good.“ He adds in a much quieter voice, simply shrugging his shoulders.
It doesn’t help Namjoon though. The man is still absolutely terrorized by that thought alone.
“I wasn’t,“ Jungkook then says, making the other two guys look at him. “Impressed, I mean.“ Namjoon frowns, giving him a look. “I knew it’d be huge, so I wasn’t surprised and that’s what kept the impression down for me.“ The youngest one concludes, not even realizing the way the other two look at him with their mouths wide open in pure disbelieve.
Taehyung is the first to get out of this pure state of shock, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. “Anyway, I won’t get naked now for you to see my dick and I also don’t think my sex life is that big of a deal. I’m fine, okay? Really. I’m quite happy with my life right now, I don’t need a girl to fulfill anything.“ He then says, seriously meaning every word of it.
“So what’s your plan for the next 20 years then, huh? Staying by yourself, only to be there for Hyejin until you die all alone in your ugly ass brown love seat, which doesn’t even have a purpose because there’s no one for you to love and Hyejin has already moved out?“ He waves his arms around wildly, which makes the situation more dramatic than it has to be.
Taehyung frowns deeply, thinking about his best friend's words for a moment before he looks at him with shock written all over his face. “Wait a minute, why don’t I make it past 50 in your weird forecast story?“
Jungkook throws an intense look at him, that lasts so long, Namjoon kinda feels like a third wheel while watching them both. “Because lonely hearts die young, Tae.“ Jungkook then whispers, with a pained expression on his face.
Namjoon doesn’t know if he’s supposed to laugh or cry, that’s how serious the two friends look in their weird little moment. But in the end, he decides to just wait and see where this is going.
A mix between a scoff and an uncomfortable laugh leaves Taehyung’s mouth as he mimics the look on his best friend’s face, somehow sliding to the edge of his seat in order to be closer to him.
“But I’ll still have you guys though… right?“ Taehyung tries to smile, eyes racing from Jungkook to Namjoon but he actually looks a little alarmed now.
Jungkook reaches out his hand to grip Taehyung’s shoulder. “Man, you will always have me. That much is safe.“
“God, I love you, bro.“
“I love you too. So much, man.“
When he’s sure that he can see tears appear in their eyes, Namjoon senses that this is the moment where he should probably say something for once because he isn’t sure if they’re about to cry in each other’s arms or start making out and he quite frankly doesn’t want to see either of those scenarios.
“Okayyy, how about we try to calm down a bit?“
Both guys tear their gaze from the other to look at him now. Namjoon clears his throat and offers them both a smile. He firstly directs his attention to Taehyung, trying to calm him down, “Tae, just because you hate your job and don’t want to start useless flings with your colleagues, doesn’t mean you’re going to die alone, okay? And Jungkook—“ He stops himself for a second to look at the youngest one, “You should… You should really go see a doctor or something. I mean it. Please get some help.“
Leaving the two guys dumbfounded, he stands up from his seat on the sofa and walks to the door. “And stop drinking you both. It’s like a fricking telenovela going off in here every time the two of you start drinking together.“ He gives them one last look before he just walks out on them and leaves them to it.
Taehyung and Jungkook just stare at the closed door for a little while longer. None of them say anything before Taehyung suddenly breaks the silence.
“God, he’s such an idol.“ He breathes out, amazement clear in his voice.
“I want to be just like him when I grow up.“ Jungkook silently agrees, both of them nodding their heads in sync.
And that’s what marks Taehyung’s “comfortable evening with a bit of alcohol“. At the end of the night, he’s even more exhausted than he was, to begin with, and as he finally lays in his bed, he can’t help but think of Jungkook’s words.
Yeah the boy is an idiot and he’s an even bigger one when he’s drunk but he did have a point and Taehyung knows that.
He can’t close himself off forever and never talk to a woman again. It’s not what he wants anyway. He knows he said that he is perfectly fine on his own and he is, he really is but at times he wishes he’d have someone by his side again.
Hyejin is growing older and even if he has the full support of his friends, he can’t deny that she really is a handful at times. Juggling a job and a four-year-old at the same time, while being a single parent and often even having to look out for the 25-year-old baby he calls his best friend, just kinda pulls on his nerves.
And at the end of the day, there’s no one there to cuddle up to and just forget about all the stress a normal day brings with it.
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The next morning comes much too fast for Taehyung’s taste. He wakes up when his bed starts to shake and a pair of very small feet find their place right in his face.
Even though his head kills him the second he opens his eyes for the first time, he can’t help but smile as he hears the very familiar, tiny giggle that wakes him up next to every morning at six am sharp.
At this point, his daughter is even more reliable than any alarm clock he ever had. It’s very useful most of the time but on a day like today, it’s just torture.
“Daddy, are you still sleeping?“ Hyejin whispers, right into his ear. He slightly cringes because of the feeling of her warm breath in his ear and resists the urge to wipe it off.
Instead, he cracks one eye open for her to see that he’s awake and shakes his head. “No honey, I woke up the second you put your smelly feet all up into my face.“ He jokes, smirking at the little girl.
“My feet aren’t smelly!“ She exclaims outraged. Taehyung’s head immediately starts to pound even harder because of the loud noise and he instantly shuts his eyes, groaning.
“Not so loud Hyejin, please. Daddy has a headache.“ He grumbles, massaging his temples in the process, a desperate attempt to somehow get rid of the pain.
Hyejin’s little smile turns into a small pout as she looks at her dad confused. “Uncle Jungkook has one too, are you sick?“
Quite surprised that Jungkook is already awake, Taehyung slowly tries to put his aching body in a sitting position so he can start to get up. “No no, everything’s fine, don’t worry. Uncle Jungkook and I just went to bed pretty late and didn’t get much sleep.“
Hyejin arches one brow as she watches her father slowly get up. She seems to find his behavior unusual but not worrying and thus follows him with clumsy steps into the kitchen. “Uncle Namjoon is making breakfast, daddy. Maybe that will help you.“
‘Thoughtful as always’ he thinks to himself while a proud smile makes itself known on his face. He just couldn’t wish for a better child. Of course, every dad thinks of his child as the best but he’s pretty sure that Hyejin can’t be topped.
As expected by Hyejin’s earlier statement, Taehyung sees Jungkook and Namjoon as soon as he enters the kitchen. Jungkook is sitting at the table whereas Namjoon is standing behind the counter making breakfast. At least that’s what it looks — and smells — like.
With a growling stomach and a hurting head, he sits right next to Jungkook. The younger man doesn’t even notice that somebody has joined him, as he rests his head on the table.
“Good morning, Tae! Nice of you to finally join us!“ A way too loud voice, that belongs to no other than Namjoon, echoes through the room. It makes Taehyung and Jungkook flinch in the process.
While Taehyung makes a face that comes close to the face Hyejin makes whenever he tries to get her to eat something healthy, Jungkook looks absolutely furious.
“Joon, I won’t say it again. If you do that one more time, I’m coming over there and I won’t hesitate to—“
“Aww calm down Jungkookie, did you forget who’s making breakfast and helps you overcome your hangover because some specific people just don’t know their limit?“ Namjoon laughs loudly, making fun of the two younger men.
“I sure as hell didn’t forget who woke me up with a fricking harmonica at just half-past five this morning. And all after a night of pure, uncontrolled drinking.“ Balling his hands into two very dangerous-looking fists, Jungkook keeps glaring at Namjoon, who looks nothing but amused at the whole scene.
“Since when do you play harmonica, Joon?“ Taehyung quietly asks. Watching the interaction between his two friends kinda makes him feel like he’s still dreaming.
“He doesn’t.“ Jungkook seethes through his teeth while Namjoon chirps a happy “I don’t,“ at the same time.
“You really enjoy all of this, huh?“ He states at a grinning Namjoon, who’s already on his way to serve breakfast.
“Sure he does. It’s easy for him too because he had close to nothing to drink last night.“ Jungkook scowls with a husky voice. Nonetheless, he immediately throws himself at the scrambled eggs Namjoon made, the moment he spots his plate in front of him.
For some reason, Taehyung feels his headache getting worse just by watching those two interact with each other and he doesn’t know if he can take it.
The real problem is though, that he still needs to be at the studio in less than two hours. And that’s what keeps his mood sinking even lower.
For a moment he thinks about calling in sick but when he remembers Mr. Han’s and his little talk yesterday, he quickly throws that thought out. He doesn’t want to give him another chance to hate on him. At least not so soon.
Groaning, he slowly shakes his head, silently regretting the choices he made last night. How could he be so stupid? Drinking himself to sleep with his best friends on a work night? Great. Just great really because now he has a hangover, looks like total crap, and probably won’t be able to do a good job today, which will result in Mr. Han throwing another fit.
Namjoon is the one who gets him out of his head just a few minutes later when he puts a cup of coffee in front of him on the table. He then sits down on the chair across from him without comment and starts to eat as well.
Taehyung is more than thankful for having him in his life right now.
“Thanks, Joon, I really needed that.“ He thankfully moans as soon as he takes his first few bites and sips of his coffee.
“No Problem, I thought it’d be a tough morning for you.“ Namjoon simply shrugs.
It looks like he even manages to care for Hyejin, who is already happily munching on something that looks like all kinds of fruits cut together in a bowl. Damn… He came over at an ungodly time in the morning, made breakfast, coffee and even managed to put a fruit salad together?
Who was the dad again in this constellation? Taehyung can’t help but feel a little jealous. How come he never gets stuff done so easily?
“I’ll take Hyejin today if it’s okay for you. I figured you didn’t think of another solution since last night, eh?“ Namjoon suddenly speaks up.
And that’s the moment Taehyung starts to ask himself where he’d be exactly if it wasn’t for his friends. Yes, even Jungkook. He really couldn’t do it without them.
“Ugh, I totally forgot about that, I’m so sorry.“ Feeling a total loser, he shakes his head in disbelieve.
“Nah, it’s fine, really. I have the rest of the week off anyway.“ He offers Taehyung a knowing smile, which he gladly returns with a grateful one himself.
“I can’t take her after that though, I’m sorry man. After this short break, I’ll probably have to work overtime because my boss wants us to land a big deal overseas and it looks like there’s a lot of work waiting for us.“
“Don’t worry, I will find a different solution. You’ve done enough already anyway.“ A small noise, that sounds like a throat-clearing rings out right next to him and he suddenly draws his attention to Jungkook, who’s already looking at him. “Is there something you want to say to that?“ Taehyung asks, feeling like he knows what’s about to come.
“Not to be the ass— butt…butthole here. But I feel like, I’m not valued enough by you, okay?“ Jungkook chimes in, “I mean, how many times have I watched Hyejin for you, huh?“
Before Taehyung can even think of an answer, Jungkook already keeps on talking, “Yes exactly, four whole years.“ He then answers himself.
Taehyung opens his mouth to protest but doesn’t even get the chance to breathe in enough air before Jungkook talks further, “I looked after her for four years straight and I’m not complaining because I love the little gremlin, obviously. But all I ever get is your nagging and whining about what I do wrong but then Namjoon is looking after her for a handful of days and all of a sudden, he gets the whole ’Oh my brother, I love you, I couldn’t do this without you’ speech?“
This time, Taehyung even holds a hand up in order to get to say something but it still doesn’t change anything because it seems like Jungkook isn’t done yet. And he’s right. Not a whole second passes before he starts talking again.
“Where is my appreciation, huh? Where is my love!?“ Practically raging now, Jungkook even stood up from his chair to get his point across, silencing everyone in the kitchen for a few moments.
Namjoon is the first one to find his voice again, mumbling a questioning, “butthole?“ In the round, while staring at nothing in particular.
Taehyung sighs loudly and looks at his best friend. “I do appreciate you, Jungkook. I’m very thankful for everything you’ve done those past years and everything you still do for Hyejin and me. We’d probably both be dead by now if it wasn’t for you.“ He offers Jungkook an honest smile, getting one back in return.
“But I just want to clarify, that you most definitely didn’t watch her for four years straight.“ He then adds, rolling his eyes in the process.
“Aaaand he’s back at it again, ruining a perfect bro-ment.“ Jungkook sighs.
„Ew, please don’t ever say that word again.“ Causing a creak by his chair, Taehyung stands up and walks to the kitchen sink to get himself a cool glass of water.
“But anyway, you should really go look for a nanny or something.“ Namjoon suddenly changes the subject again. “Jungkook, you start your new job in a few weeks right?“
In an instant, Jungkook’s face lights up and he nods his head. “Yes, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see what it will be like this time.“
The words this time, hold much more meaning than anyone who doesn’t know Jungkook that well might guess. The thing is, that this will be the twelfth job that he’ll start. The twelfth.
The problem is, that Jungkook doesn’t have a lot of stamina when it comes to jobs and the duties that come with them. It’s not that he’s particularly lazy, it’s just that he always feels like he could get more out of his life and he doesn’t want to waste it by spending hours doing a job that bores him to death after a short period of time. And that’s the reason he never really works at a job for more than a few months before he quits again.
“Yeah, none of us can.“ Namjoon says under his breath, making Jungkook raise a brow in question.
“Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?“ He innocently asks, looking from Namjoon to Taehyung, who desperately tries to look elsewhere.
The truth is, Taehyung usually supports his best friend’s decisions but due to the fact that they share an apartment and Taehyung relies on Jungkook to contribute to the rent, he really wishes that the younger one could finally find a real and steady job.
“Nothing, I’m just saying. You’re 25 and this will be like… your twentieth job.“ Namjoon shrugs.
“Whatever. Look, I don’t want to start something, okay? What I actually wanted to say with this is, that you can’t babysit Hyejin that much anymore when you start your job. So Tae, you really need to think of something.“
“Problem is, I don’t have the money for a nanny.“ Taehyung sighs.
“No money.“
“I could lend you—“
“No, I don’t want that, I will find a solution myself, okay?“ Taehyung kindly declines.
Nobody says anything about it anymore after that. The boys know exactly how stubborn Taehyung can be. If he says he won’t take any money, then he won’t take any money. It’s as simple as that and they respect it.
“Tae, what about that girl from last week?“ Jungkook suddenly exclaims, seeming very excited all of a sudden.
“What girl?“ Namjoon asks, immediately looking interested.
“The one who found Hyejin and brought her to the police station. She’s the reason we found her so quickly.“ Jungkook elaborates.
Taehyung frowns slightly and looks at Jungkook. “Her name was ___. And what about her?“
“Yeah ___ right. What if you asked her if she could look after Hyejin one or two times?“ Jungkook suggests.
“Kook, we met that girl exactly one time. She probably doesn’t even remember who we are.“
“That’s not true. I bet she remembers us. She was so nice! And she got along quite well with Hyejin and you know that girl despises the presence of women like no other.“
“She doesn’t despise them, ok?“ Taehyung quickly checks if Hyejin is still eating but she’s nowhere to be seen and has probably already gone to play in her room. “She just feels more comfortable with men because she’s growing up with a lot of them, obviously.“
“But remember when I brought a girl home that one time and Hyejin was such a brat to her?“ Jungkook asks trying to get his point across.
“She wasn’t a brat to her. She was reserved and a little jealous. You’re her favorite uncle after all.“ Taehyung just shrugs, ignoring the way Namjoon frowns at him after he finishes that sentence.
Jungkook’s face lights up as he hears it and a proud smile makes itself visible on his face. “Aww she’s my favorite too!“
“Okay, but Jungkook's idea isn’t even hat stupid and me saying that, means a lot.“ Namjoon says again.
Jungkook merely flips him off while he offers him a fake smile. “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I’m actually pretty smart. I just choose to not show you that most of the time because I feel like a king whenever you guys underestimate me and I show you what I’m really capable of.
While Namjoon and Taehyung are busy holding back their laughs, Jungkook simply ignores them by taking another bite of his breakfast. He again moans at the taste, only coming to his senses again when he hears Namjoon asking about whether the girl from last week was pretty or not.
“Yes, she was totally pretty, Hyung. And so nice! I think she actually tried to prevent Tae from killing me that day.“ He chuckles to himself, looking in Taehyung’s equally amused face.
“Jungkook fell in love with her the moment he learned that she’s originally from Busan.“ Taehyung jokes.
“Yeah, isn’t she just perfect, Hyung?“ Jungkook exclaims, looking at Namjoon this time. “I’m so mad, I didn’t get her number.“
“Well, you know where she lives, don’t you.“ Taehyung jokes but halts immediately as soon as he sees Jungkook actually thinking about it. “Don’t even try to think about it, Jungkook. I won’t allow it. Leave that poor girl alone.“
“Oh, so you don’t get sexually frustrated, working with hot models in tiny clothes while you spend your life in celibacy but as soon as I show interest in someone, you want to get back in the game?“
That feeling you get when you experience a Deja Vu, suddenly appears in Namjoon, as he watches the scene in front of him. But then again, being with these two idiots never ends any other way.
“I just don’t want you to randomly show up at her house and scar her for life. I wanted to do her a favor by driving her home, not ruin her life.“
“Wha—Are you saying I’m not a great catch?“
“No, what I’m saying is, stalking is definitely not the way to get closer to someone.“ Taehyung really can’t believe he’s having this conversation with his best friend right now.
“I was just joking. Jeez… Where’s your humor? Like I would need to stoop that low.“ When he notices that Taehyung actually believed his words, he can’t help but laugh at him, earning a middle finger in the process.
“But all jokes aside, yes she was pretty, Joon.“ He then says again to emphasize his earlier statement, as he focuses on Namjoon.
“Damn, the fun stuff always happens when I’m not around.“ The oldest man groans in annoyance, making Taehyung look at him questionably. “I mean… Not that Hyejin disappearing would be fun, just… yeah.“
He quickly shuts his mouth and takes a huge bite of his breakfast instead.
“Tae, what do you think happened to her face though?“ Jungkook finally asks, which immediately piques Namjoon’s interest again.
“Why? What was wrong with her face?“
“Nothing was wrong with her face, okay? Don’t be so fucking rude.“ Taehyung replies, growing annoyed by his friends as more time passes.
The two men gasp in surprise straight away. Jungkook nearly even falls from his chair. “Did you just swear?“
Surprised by his own actions, Taehyung feels his face getting warmer.
“You never swear when Hyejin is around.“ Namjoon frowns.
“It slipped. Just forget it happened.“ He tries to simply shrug it off but knows it’s kind of a huge deal. Somehow, he just didn’t like the way Jungkook and Namjoon asked their questions.
“I didn’t mean it in a rude way. I was just curious…“ Jungkook quietly says, sounding a bit ashamed himself.
“Well, how would I know, Kook?“ Taehyung replies with his thoughts somewhat absently. He also feels a little abashed. He had already asked himself the same question when they met last week, but would never have asked her about it on his own. “It’s none of our business anyway.“
“Why are you acting so protective all of a sudden?“ Namjoon smirks.
“I’m not, I just think that we shouldn’t talk about that stuff. It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s not like we’ll see her again.“ He shrugs nonchalantly.
“Yeah, it was stupid of me to ask, I’m sorry.“ Jungkook agrees, “Well, I would say sorry to ___ but she’s not here.“
It’s at that moment that Hyejin comes back into the kitchen, big eyes looking at her father’s face.
“Daddy, can we finally visit ___?“
After he hears what she says, Taehyung falls into a coughing fit and clutches his chest tightly. “What exactly did you hear uncle Jungkook say?“ He asks her thoughtfully.
“I just heard him say ___’s name.“ She shrugs.
“Wow, that girl must’ve really made an impression on Hyejin, if she still remembers and wants to go see her.“ Namjoon exclaims pretty impressed.
The truth is, she had asked Taehyung over and over again all week to visit her ‘new best friend ___‘ but Taehyung somehow managed to get her off this idea every time without causing her to make a big fuss. At least until now.
“Darling, I already told you something about that.“ Hoping she would just let it go, he checks his cell phone to see how much time he has left until he needs to leave for work. When he sees that he only has an hour left to shower, get ready and drive to the studio, he starts to sweat.
But it would be too much to ask of a child to just drop a subject like that, wouldn’t it?
“But I want to see her. Please daddy, why can’t I?“ She stamps her little feet and starts to whine.
“Hyejin, I said no. Please be a good girl and listen to me. I’m going to take a shower now, I have to leave in a bit.“ He didn’t mean to sound so harsh but he really needs to leave and he just can’t deal with Hyejin’s whiney behavior, while also handling a hangover.
But seeing her expression change from happy, to glassy eyes and trembling lips because of him, makes his heart go soft again.
“Darling, you have to understand that we can’t just bother a stranger like that—“
“She isn’t a stranger, she’s my friend!“
“She’s still a stranger, honey. You only met her one time, we don’t know what her life is like. She could be very busy and we don’t want to disturb her, no?“ He tries to explain to her in a calming tone and even gets down on his knees to be on eye level with her. “And I also don’t have the time right now, I really need to get ready and go to work, okay?“
He silently watches as she nods her head defeatedly. Taehyung smiles proudly and kisses her head before he leaves to go to his room, giving his friends a quick nod to let them know.
As he walks down the hall to his bathroom, he can hear how Jungkook tries to comfort Hyejin by telling her that he believes ___ still thinks about her too and that she might see her again sometime.
Who knows? Maybe she will.
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Copyright © 2021 jananakookie please do not repost, and thank you for reading :)
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i-call-me-clarence · 5 years
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So @ao3commentoftheday suggested people make rec lists during these trying times and I decided to go ahead and jump on the band wagon. Here is a list of 13 Johnlock fics, sorted from shortest to longest. There’s H/C, PWP, Case Fics, PRETEND RELATIONSHIPS, and some pretty dank AU’s. 
Okay then, onto the tropes!
(fics listed below)
Caught by Salambo06 (AO3) ( @salambo06fics)
Author’s Summary: A hotel room. They’re here for a case, hadn’t planned to spend the night and ended up sharing a room. No, sharing a bed. Suddenly John is very much aware of his own hand closed around his hard cock and the ragged breathing next to him. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, John dares to turn his head just enough to confirm what he already knows.
Sherlock, on his side, watching him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,859
Tags/Warnings: bed sharing, wet dreams, POV John, Masturbation, Frottage, First Time, First Kiss
A PWP that’s scorching hot. ‘Nough said. (BUTOMG it is REALLY hot, beware reading in public yo)
Paranoia by Ewebie (AO3) ( @ewebie​)
Author’s Summary: is a description of the rules of the drinking game Paranoia and also too long to put here! But suffice it to say that this fic involves drinking games at the Yard.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,789
Tags/Warnings: Tumblr Prompt, Drinking Games, Silly... no smut but building fun and allusions to upcoming rrrwarr
I love fics where the team at the Yard and the boys all get drunk together. Throw in a drinking game and I’m already hooked. This fic was really funny and cheered me up when I was sick with the flu a while back (perfect time to read it again!)
Coldness/Heat by agirlsname (AO3) ( @agrlsname)
Author’s Summary: The inn is booked up on New Year's Eve. The train home is cancelled because of the snow. The only option is to sleep in the non-heated guest room of a client, and John and Sherlock are freezing.
You know where this is going.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,790
Tags/Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Bedsharing, Sharing Body Heat, Frottage New Year's Eve, Cuddling & Snuggling, Friends to Lovers
THERE IS ONLY ONE BED! AND THEY ARE SO COLD! WHATEVER ARE OUR BOYS TO DO?!?!?! Turn it up to 11 in this amazing PWP, that’s what.
---- Stranded by BeautifulFiction (AO3) ( @the-pen-pot ) 
Author’s Summary: ‘Do you think we’re less than that – best friends? Or more?’
John’s head pulled back, and the look he received suggested John was seriously wondering how someone so intelligent could be so stupid. ‘Well, definitely not less.’
 When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 5,798
Tags/Warnings: case fic, cuddling for warmth, first kiss
I really liked this fic. It really drew me in with it’s imagery, I could see the scenes as easily as I could see John and Sherlock getting together in this way.
Azure On Grey by shiplocks_of_love (AO3) ( @shiplocks-of-love )
Author’s Summary: When Sherlock’s transport betrays him and conventional healthcare fails to help, John comes up with an unorthodox solution…
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 8,986
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Medical issues, Kidney Stones, Embarrassing Situations, brief mention of past substance abuse, unorthodox medical treatments, Amusement Parks, Intimacy, hints of romance, Pining John, friends to almost lovers
This fic is a wonderful H/C that features a sick Sherlock who can be exceptionally fragile at times, and a caring Watson. Makes me wish I’d had a John around when I had kidney stones :’(
---- Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by cypress_tree (AO3) ( @cypress-tree​)
Author’s Summary: John helps Sherlock with an experiment: for an entire month, they are not allowed to touch each other and must remain at least one metre apart at all times. Meanwhile, I conduct my own experiment: how much UST can I shove into a single fic?
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10,669
Tags/Warnings: Unresolved Sexual Tension, it's for an experiment John, Resolved Sexual Tension, smut
Sexy, silly, amazing.
---- Chaperones by MissDavis (AO3) ( @missdaviswrites​)
Author’s Summary: Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?"
"Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 34,115
Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed. Disney World, Parentlock, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss
I’ll just use what I wrote when I bookmarked this lovely fic: I’ve never been more compelled by Disney related things than when I was reading this fic. I’ll never go to Disney World, but I’ll sure as hell read this fic again omg was it good
The Darkness Within, So Close by shiplocks_of_love (AO3) ( @shiplocks-of-love​ ) ((I hope @ing you twice doesn’t cause any issues! Sorry in advance. Tumblr confuses me))
Author’s Summary: Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller deal with a new string of murders in Broadchurch. Help comes from an unlikely place as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson travel to West Dorset. But when the new crimes open old wounds and unearth the ghost of Moriarty, it becomes clear the game is not over yet.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 42,312
Tags/Warnings: casefic, Sherlock x Broadchurch crossover fic, Underage Death, Murder, MAJOR spoilers for Broadchurch S1 and S2 and for Sherlock S3, post S3 Sherlock, post S2 Broadchurch, you are MOST welcome to put johnlock glasses on but this is pre-slash okay?, Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
I haven’t actually finished this fic yet, but the characterizations for the characters of both universes are spot on. When Alec Hardy started shouting at the beginning, David Tennant appeared in my room and started reading the fic aloud to me. True story. Also this fic is part of a series, so, like, that’s amazing.
The Norwood Love Builders by flawedamythyst (AO3) ( Tumblr: https://flawedamythyst.tumblr.com/) ((couldn’t @  you for some reason. Prob, again, because Tumblr makes my brain hurt))
Author’s Summary: Sherlock and John go undercover to solve the murder of Joanna Oldacre, but things are complicated by the many feelings John has been repressing in the wake of Sherlock's faked death and return.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 47,798
Tags/Warnings: case fic, fake/pretend relationship, couples retreat, bed sharing, therapy (for a case...that’s a weird tag but I read this in fic so often so), pining John, UST, First Kiss, getting together
Amazing fic by an amazing writer. I have a weakness for ‘pretend relationship for a case’, especially when it’s filled with pining and ust. So in other words this fic is perfect. 
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (AO3) ( @silentauroriamthereal​)
Author’s Summary: Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly nine months after series 4.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 58,887
Tags/Warnings: post-series 4, Romance, Awkwardness galore, fake couple trope, Therapy, sex trafficking ring, First Times, Massages, wet t-shirt contest, Group Therapy, loss of child (past), Bed-sharing
Pretend relationship for a case, and it’s a really good case too! Plus it’s at a couples therapy retreat, I mean, come on!! And the OC’s, don’t even get me started on them, because I won’t be able to stop singing their praises. This fic was sent by the gods through the blood sweat and tears of the extremely talented SilentAuror. You should honestly just go and binge all of their stuff. What else are you gonna do during quarantine? OH! And guess what??? THERE’S A SEQUEL! 
Sensory Science by sussexbound(SamanthaLenore) (AO3) ( @sussexbound​)
Author’s Summary: John Watson has been invalided home from Afghanistan and is struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia, when an old friend from med school recommends something that might help: An ASMR YouTube Channel run by a friend.
One session in and John is hooked, not only by the way the ASMR seems to calm him after nightmares, and help him sleep, but also by the mysterious man who runs it.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 80,017
Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, ASMR, first meeting AU, problem drinking, Nightmares, Suicidal Thoughts, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, Homophobic Language, Masturbation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Prostate Massage, Prostate Orgasm, Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Frottage, Coming Untouched, Aborted Blowjobs, Rimming
Amazing fic that really draws you in. Even if ASMR isn’t necessarily your thing, this is still a fantastic read. I mean, it’s by sussexbound, so what else would you expect?
Rewind by All_I_Need (AO3) ( @the-reading-lemon​)
Author’s Summary: About a month before John's wedding, he and Sherlock embark on one last case together: a murder at a remote hotel in the middle of nowhere. A lot can happen in a week. And a lot doesn't. But what if ...?
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 87,594
Tags/Warnings: Pining, Angst, John is an oblivious idiot, all the feels, Rewind - Freeform, what if, Sharing a Bed, Dancing Lessons, literally everyone sees more than John does, Fake/Pretend Relationship
THIS FIC! This fic!! Let me tell you a thing about this fic: it’s amazing! I haven’t finished it completely, but the unique ‘rewind’ effect is something I hadn’t ever seen before. Interesting concept, pretend relationship for a case, hot, hot smut, AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED. What more could you want in a fic, honestly?
---- Out There by DiscordantWords (AO3) ( @discordantwords​)
Author’s Summary: FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 131,695
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - X-Files Fusion, Slow Burn, UST, No seriously a lot of UST, This is the X files they basically wrote the book on UST, casefic, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Pining Sherlock, Pining John, First Kiss, Coma
The X-files/Sherlock crossover I always needed in my life. I think at least a few other Johnlockers out there (ha! Fic title) have watched X-files and thought ‘holy cow this is so John and Sherlock, I need the AU or else I’ll die’. Well look no further! No need to die! Read and watch as all your X-files/Sherlock wishes come true :D
And that concludes this rec list! There will prob be a part 2 coming out as I’ve got hundreds of fics saved on this pairing. Also stay tuned for fic rec lists for some of my other fav ships! Spirk, Garashir, Hannigram, Bunny/Raffles, and more!!
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Snapetober 2020 - Day 18: Falling
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This was inspired by my main Snape x OC Severitus fic. Snape is married to another teacher, Skyrah, who also happens to be Voldie’s daughter.
Notes: references to sex. This isn’t a smutty fic though (sorry to disappoint). It’s more of a rom-com, angst mix.
Length: 2849 words.
Severus was sitting on the leather armchair opposite Minerva’s, separated by a circular table. On it, there was a chess set, a bowl filled with Honeydukes’s toffee and two cups of tea. The players had gathered a small fan club that showed so much interest one would think the final Slytherin versus Gryffindor Quidditch Cup match was taking place, rather than a regular wizard’s chess match.
“Severus will win,” said Filius, standing on a stack of books.
“It wouldn’t be the first time Minerva’s beaten him when all hope seemed lost,” countered Albus.
Skyrah didn’t agree nor disagree with either of them. Her eyes were focused on the position of the pieces, envisioning possible moves and its consequences. She barely heard her husband teasing Minerva, with that arrogant expression and matching tone of voice.
“I’m afraid you’re losing your touch. Your mind used to be sharper.”
“You all used to be quieter, too,” snapped Minerva. “It’s impossible to concentrate.”
Her excuses amused Severus, who took his mug to take a sip and, thus, hide his smirk. It didn’t hide the shrewd glint of his eyes. His face, however, creased into a deepening frown when he saw Skyrah whispering to Minerva.
“But why would I–”
“Trust me, Minerva. I’ve watched Severus play against Harry before. I know his weaknesses.”
Severus narrowed his eyes at Skyrah. “Have you just told my opponent what to do?”
A cheeky grin was the answer he got. The more Severus stared at her, the more the grin broadened as if her lips had touched some swelling solution. Insufferable witch.
“If you heed my wife’s advice, you’ll be cheating,” he said, eyeing Minerva. “You wouldn’t go against the values of your ‘noble’ House, would you?”
“Considering you spent almost ten minutes discussing a move with Filius, I believe Godric Gryffindor himself would allow me to ‘cheat’, as you put it.”
“I didn’t follow his advice in the end.”
“It still wasn’t fair play. I’m entitled to listen to Skyrah. Bishop to C4.”
The men in the room were left with identical puzzled faces as the piece advanced.
“Bishop to C4? I had figured you would have seen that was exactly what I wanted you to do. It doesn’t benefit you. In fact, it brings me closer to victory,” said Severus matter-of-factly, looking at Skyrah in search of answers.
He had never played against her. She preferred to watch him and Harry and offer the boy some advice when it was clear he was stuck. Since Harry’s skills couldn’t compare to Severus’s, he allowed it. With that said, the advice Skyrah offered Harry was certainly wiser than the advice she had just offered Minerva. It could only mean she was pretending to help Minerva while silently teaming up with him, couldn’t it? Not that insufferable, after all. 
“Your turn, Severus,” replied Minerva, grinning so slyly one would think she had more Slytherin in her than she let on, when, in truth, she was utterly confused and had simply pinned her faith on Skyrah. 
If Severus hadn’t been a Slytherin himself, he would have believed her confidence. He saw straight through her, though. Yes, Minerva, trust my wife, Severus thought with a crooked smile, taking another sip.
“King to B5.”
Minerva resisted the urge to cover her eyes, already picturing one of the black pieces kicking off her white king like the black king was doing with her bishop. She regarded the remaining pieces and took a sip herself, hoping they wouldn’t notice how nervous she was getting. Severus beat her the last time they played. Another defeat wouldn’t do her reputation as a chess player good.
“Bishop to…” Minerva trailed off, seeing Skyrah was subtly shaking her head. “Pawn…” She received a nod and watched as Skyrah made a C-shape with her fingers, only to dissimulate by tucking a lock of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. “To C...” Skyrah adjusted one of her shirt cuffs visible under her outer robes, holding out four fingers in the process. “Four. Pawn to C4.”
“What in Salazar Slytherin’s name…” started Severus. It hadn’t escaped him that Minerva was nodding her thanks at Skyrah. Advice on one move, he could tolerate. Two moves, though? Even if she intended to secretly help him by misleading Minerva, he wanted to win by himself. He didn’t fancy his wife intervening more than necessary. “Skyrah, if you are so keen on chess, we can play later. This is between Minerva and me.”
Skyrah raised an eyebrow at him. “Afraid you’ll lose if I help her out?”
“Not at all. Minerva and I began the match. We should finish it,” he said, ignoring her question on purpose.
“And you will… with some help. Filius appears as excited as me to join the match. What do you say?”
“I’m in,” said Filius, not waiting for Severus’s opinion.
“It’d be the fairest solution, Severus, considering you and Filius have already acted as a team. The same can be said about Minerva and Skyrah,” Albus approved, putting a toffee into his mouth.
It wasn’t like Severus could say no to the headmaster. He grunted, and sneered, and inwardly cursed Skyrah for being so charmingly meddlesome, and the rest for accommodating her. After discussing with Filius, Severus ordered the king to kick off the other bishop and grinned triumphantly. Minerva had already lost three turns ago. Now she would move her pawn and it would give him and Filius the chance to checkmate.
Or so they had assumed until Skyrah spoke.
“Queen to B3.”
Filius gaped. 
Albus clapped. 
Minerva almost bounced in her seat.
Severus stared at the chessboard unblinkingly. Skyrah’s been playing against me all this time. 
“I didn’t see that one coming.”
“Obviously, Filius, neither of us did, or else we wouldn’t be facing our upcoming defeat,” hissed Severus. It was a good thing the Hogwarts staff was used to his temper. 
“There must be a way to get out of this one,” insisted Filius, touching his beard pensively.
Amused, Albus unwrapped a second toffee and said, “I’ll be greatly surprised if you do.”
Fortunately for Albus, looks, however deadly they looked, couldn’t kill. Otherwise, Filius and Severus would have finished him off already.
The men’s team began discussing possible strategies in vain. The more the minutes ticked by, the more frustrated Filius got. Severus should have been as annoyed as him. He was, at first, but then he realized how brilliant Skyrah’s initial advice to Minerva had been, letting him think his victory was nigh and even helping him achieve it when, in reality, Skyrah had forged an alliance with Minerva and was already thinking ahead and taking advantage of his overconfidence. He banished his feeling of irritation to the point he couldn’t help but stare at her and her self-satisfied smirk in silent admiration, with his mouth half-open, threatening to curve into something akin to a smile. 
“They’ve won. We can only move the king to A5,” concluded Filius, getting a distracted nod from Severus, who was too busy thinking about how kissable Skyrah’s lips looked, wondering if a kiss from her would taste of toffee. Had Albus been the only one to eat some?
“Queen to B5. Checkmate,” concluded Minerva.
Accepting defeat, Filius shook hands with both witches and congratulated them on the entertaining match. Albus did the same. 
“You didn’t tell us you play chess, Skyrah,” he added.
“I don’t often play it. Even as a kid, I preferred exploding snap. That doesn’t mean I’m bad at it.”
“That is evident,” claimed Filius. “Queen to B3. Magnificent. Simply magnificent!”
“Is Severus okay?” asked Minerva.
Simultaneously, their heads turned to him. He was still wearing that awe-struck expression on his face. Skyrah had seen it on him on numerous occasions. 
When she put her hand on his cheek on their wedding night, and kissed it.
That one time she pretended she hadn’t become aware of his presence while she sang to herself in their garden in Cokeworth.
When she gave him and Harry a small History lecture while visiting a muggle museum.
After he made her laugh with his sarcastic sense of humor.
The few first seconds after discovering her patronus matched his.
In the afterglow of sex.
It was the first time that he looked at her like that in front of his colleagues.
“I thought you’d take it badly,” she said, approaching him.
“Your defeat.”
“Ahh… Yes. Me too,” he admitted, back to his senses. Out of embarrassment, he didn’t even glimpse at Filius, Minerva and Albus.
“So you aren’t angry even if I took Minerva’s side?”
“No, although I am confused,” he admitted, rising from his seat. “What, pray tell, motivated you to do such a thing? I had figured you’d choose to be part of my team, considering you took my surname. I thought you had until it was too late.”
“I wanted to get even, childish as it may sound.”
“Whatever for?”
“This morning you took the last brownie we baked,” she reminded him, poking his chest for emphasis.
“Allow me to object to your statement. Reading the recipe the house-elves lent you plus measuring the ingredients hardly counts as anything remotely close to baking.”
Nor did the stolen kisses and teasing touches he received throughout the baking process. Not that he’d say that out loud.
“It was the first time I attempted to make brownies. I didn’t want to spoil them.”
“You two made brownies?” asked Minerva, covering her mouth to hide her smile.
Albus and Filius appeared intrigued and surprised respectively.
“Is it funny?” asked Severus in a tone that told her it wasn’t the time to tease him.
“We would have never guessed you have a sweet tooth,” Filius answered for her.
“My wife does.”
“Nonetheless, you ate the last brownie,” Albus pointed out, eyes twinkling.
“I swear by the four Hogwarts founders, if any of you tells our colleagues, or Merlin forbid, a student, I will–”
“Oi, Severus! Don’t finish that sentence. Your reputation will remain intact,” Skyrah assured him. “If you ask them kindly, they won’t tell because they respect you. Besides, nobody would believe them even if they swore on it.”
That, fortunately, was the truth. Filius, Minerva and Albus still got a menacing look from Severus. Skyrah put her hand on his cheek to stroke it and draw his attention back to her. 
“It’s a pity you aren’t in the slightest mad at me,” she whispered, her lips brushing his ear. “I really enjoyed myself that time we had angry sex. I was hoping to repeat it.”
Oh, Circe. Yes. He had enjoyed himself too. A lot. The make-up sex that had followed had been glorious as well. At the memory alone, he had to bite his lip to hold back a faint moan. But then he remembered they were being observed and had to overcome his urge to laugh at himself. By Merlin! He had just fallen into her trap. The chess match had never mattered. She had only cared about him later making her scream his name in pleasure while she scratched his back with her nails and he gripped her hips almost painfully. Her Horned Serpent Slytherin mind never failed to surprise him. He found the way it operated so fascinating that he was starting to feel as giddy as if he’d just had two glasses of Superior Red, the kind of wine Lucius liked to serve.
Her master plan had failed, though, for rather than having angry sex he felt like meticulously worshipping all her body. He wanted to take his time, be gentle and caring and vulnerable with her, touch her heart and soul, and pleasure her until she was physically drained. He would make her fall in love with him all over again as she was doing to him with that smug grin of hers he so craved to wipe off her face with a long kiss.
Before he could reply, she added, “I have to go to my office now.”
“Why? You finished planning next week's lessons before having lunch. I thought we could go to our quarters and… relax.”
“I’d love to, but Fred and George Weasley were prowling along the corridors past curfew last night, plotting only-Merlin-knows-what. I had to put them in detention. I’ll meet you in our quarters in about an hour and a half, all right?” His ears, covered by his hair, began to blaze after she sealed the deal with a kiss on the tip of his hooked nose. “I love you, even if you eat my brownies.”
“Our brownies.”
“A-ha! You admit it! I also participated.”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“You still tolerate me quite well.”
His heart stopped beating for a moment. Once again, he was amazed by her, hypnotized by the way she teased him and joked with him and beamed at him. She gave his cheek a final caress and nodded at Filius, Minerva and Albus as a goodbye, promising to play chess with them more often.
If she had looked back before shutting the door, she’d have caught Severus bringing his hand to the place her palm had been, with the silliest grin Albus, Minerva and Filius had ever seen on his face, exhibiting his uneven teeth. 
“He reminds me of someone...” murmured Minerva low enough Severus wouldn’t hear her. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had been louder. He was unaware of anything other than his fantasies, some of which were more innocent than others, and his racing heartbeat. “Have you caught sight of Mr. Longbottom drooling over Ms. Lovegood in the Great Hall lately?”
Filius snickered.
Holding a laugh back himself, Albus advised, “Don’t let Severus hear that comparison, Minerva.”
It wasn’t until Filius and Minerva left the teachers’ room – the former under the petition of a Prefect and the latter to grade a pile of assignments – that Albus put a hand on Severus’s shoulder, bringing him back to reality.
“You are falling in love. Terribly fast. Deeply.” Severus opened his mouth, to say what, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like denying the truth worked when Albus was involved. Anyway, Albus interrupted him before Severus could defend himself, his tone nostalgic, “It is an exhilarating feeling, isn’t it? I am happy for you.”
“You are playing a dangerous game, one more complicated than wizard’s chess, with rules imposed by her father. He didn’t choose you as her spouse for you to love her. In fact, I dare say it was for the contrary.”
“What do you suggest? I can’t stop myself from feeling what I feel for her.” In a lower voice, he confessed, “I don’t want to. I’ve never felt so… alive.”
“I would never ask you to stop loving someone. I’m asking you to be extra-careful during Death Eater meetings. The smallest mistake could give you away. It would put you both in peril.”
Severus gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. What kind of torment would Voldemort put them through if he decided that Severus wasn’t adequate for Skyrah anymore? Severus could very well suffer Skyrah’s ex-fiancé’s fate: death. Or worse. Voldemort could spare his life if he had other plans for him, and Severus would have to see how Voldemort forced his daughter to marry a fiercely loyal Death Eater and ask them to deliver him an heir. The thought alone sickened Severus.
“The Dark Lord doesn’t suspect us. He never will. Skyrah and I are adept at Occlumency and know what is at stake. We play our roles well.”
“I trust you,” assured Albus, squeezing his shoulder. “I know you will do the right thing. The wizarding world depends on you, the world in which you will rear your future child.” 
Severus shut his eyes momentarily, getting a sudden flashback to the morning he swore he’d make sure their baby girl grew up in a safe world, only to lose her that same day. It still hurt. They hadn’t really tried conceiving ever since. Not yet. They were too afraid of going through something similar while still grieving the daughter they would never hold.
“I fear Tom may start thinking you are testing his patience. It’s been about six months since you got married,” continued Albus. “Poppy could run fertility tests on you and Skyrah to make sure you aren’t unsuited to the task you must fulfill.”
“My wife and I are perfectly capable of conceiving a child. We only require more time.” Albus stared at him as if he intuited there was something Severus was keeping secret. “If that is all, I’ll go to the Greenhouses. Pomona mentioned she has herbs that the students could use in Potions class.”
Albus nodded and watched as Severus headed for the exit.
“Severus, one last thing.” With a lifted eyebrow, he turned to face Albus. “I expect you to save me a brownie the next time you and Skyrah decide to make some. I’m sure Minerva and Filius would appreciate it, as well. Christmas is around the corner...”
A/N: I probably wouldn’t have been able to post this on time if it had been betaed, so I apologize for any possible mistakes you may have encountered. I did my best.
If you liked it, you can read the main fic here: AO3, FFN.
Have a nice day, y’all! And thanks for taking the time to read this little fic :)
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chrisbbaegopayo · 5 years
Hold Your Breath (Stray Kids: Stalker AU) ➻ Chapter 3 (part 1)
Genre: Thriller, Angst, Gore, Mystery, Suspense Characters: All of Stray Kids, reader, OCs. Word Count: 1.2k Warning: This story will contain elements of gore, on- and off-screen abuse, torture, mental illness, and stalking. It will feature themes that are not suitable for all ages, readers discretion is advised. Each chapter will have its own specific warning.
Sorry for the short post. I’ve managed to hit a very bad case of writer’s block, as well as other things, more on that below. (updates will now be once every two weeks)
Chapters: Premise | 01 Prologue | 02 Chapter one | 03 Chapter two | Chapter three (part 1) | Chapter three (part 2)
She and Hyunjin ended up getting along really well in class, as they introduced themselves in the timeframe that the professor had given them. She learned that he had been here to earn himself a bachelor’s degree in literature, much like his parents wanted. He had been a pretty hardworking student and liked to participate in extra-curricular activities, although he didn’t really elaborate on which clubs he had joined since attending the university.
It had come to a surprise, then, that he knew who she was. It was kind of strange for her to introduce herself to someone who had already know of her—he did say that he knew of her and knew who she was, but never made an attempt to say anything to her, which, to her, was understandable. University could be somewhat of an intimidating place. And Hyunjin, who kept to himself during classes unless he was asked to participate in group work or class discussions, was naturally relatively inside his head. 
He had a small circle of friends, she learned, of which he had dropped after coming to this university. He told her that he stayed in touch with most of them through social media and that he had missed them. 
They didn’t manage to get too deep into their conversation, although he did tell her that he was in a few of her classes back in first and second year, and much of the reason of keeping to himself most of the time didn’t say anything to her, as they were practically strangers.
Professor Lee stopped the discussion then and then began his first lecture. Much of it had to do with what goals to set at the beginning of the semester, what they would be covering throughout the semester, as well as the many assignments they were expected to do and their due dates that accompanied these assignments. Much to her displeasure, every week, there would be a test that summarized the terms they learned the week before, just to keep them on their toes, apparently. This was probably the most for her, as her memorization skills weren’t the best…
…this would also mean that she would have to do a lot of reading. And note-taking. As much as she enjoyed reading, the mind-numbing technical terms might just defeat her.
However, the silver lining was that there would be some hands-on case studies and there might be field trips planned in the course, although the professor did not specifically say if they were definitely included. As for these field trips, they were still in the process of negotiating some plan, of which professor Lee did not specify.
They also had to write two essays throughout the semester. Great.
As the professor started lecturing, he covered what the meaning of crime was, what each term meant, and how it integrated into society on a very base level. As for the rest of the two-hour lecture, Professor Lee merely just taught through most of the time with interesting examples and various experiences that he had encountered. He made things interesting, and the majority of the class was completely engrossed. The mid-lecture break had gone by and soon, had buzzed by without much of a fuss. 
“All right, remember, class, make sure to read up on chapter 2, pages 60 through to 90! You will be expected to go through it with your teaching assistant in your tutorial later,” Professor Lee said. “Feel free to visit during my office hours should you have any questions or problems regarding class! See you next week!”
She placed her notebook in her bag and looked over at Hyunjin, who looked rather pleased with the class. “Tutorial, huh?”
He nodded and leaned back against his chair. “Yeah, it should be exciting. At least the professor was interesting, hopefully, the teacher assistant will be just as interesting. When do you have yours?”
She pulled up her schedule, and scanned it, trying to figure out which day she had her tutorial. Turned out that she had her tutorial at 11:30 a.m. in two days with a person named F. Lee. And upon showing it to Hyunjin, she was surprised to learn that he also shared the same tutorial. It seemed like a pretty pleasant surprise, she thought. To be in the same class and tutorial—it was as though something was being conveyed to her through this strange arrangement. Or not. It just seemed like a pretty interesting coincidence. 
But life didn’t have coincidences, did they? 
Regardless, the two left the lecture room and went their separate ways after swapping numbers. 
She had never been so glad to be home. After that stalker fiasco earlier on in the day, she was ready to retire to bed. However, she cracked open the textbook she was required to read for the class and sat at her desk, trying to make some from sense from the lectures. She got a few paragraphs into the reading when her phone buzzed with a text message.
>> Hey I’ve got food Open up OMG bless thank you <<
Jisung seemed to know exactly when was hungry because her stomach grumbled a bit. She went downstairs, and as soon as she got to the door, the doorbell rang, and she opened the door, letting her best friend in.
“You always come at the best time, ever,” she said, ushering him into the house. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Seriously.”
He laughed. “That’s why I’m your best friend, right?”
The two of them ate and chatted about their day and by the time they finished their food, Jisung had gotten up to toss the containers into the recycling bin. 
She stared at her phone for the time being and sighed. She should go back to reading, but she really didn’t want to do any reading that night. It seemed like a great time to just lay back and chill for a little longer until it was time for her to go to bed.
It was still relatively early in the evening—or late afternoon, and perhaps she could just put her feet up and catch up later on.
But then her mind wandered off to the letter she got—it was unsettling.
He made a noise of acknowledgment, while still staring at his phone. 
“I got another letter.”
His fingers that were once tapping away, seemingly mid-text stopped. He placed his phone down and faced her. “What did it say?”
“It was...something like ‘a new semester will start new things’ or something...and then something about more gifts to come,” she recalled.
Something about Jisung’s expression worried her. 
“Did you file the complaint to the school like I said?” He asked.
She shook her head, but then upon seeing his concerned expression deepen, she held up her hands and reassured him that she was going to file it in the upcoming days.
“I haven’t exactly had time, you know, I promise I will—I’ll even let you know! I promise!” 
He sighed, and with a heavy tone, he said, “fine, as long as you know.”
She was about to say something when he leaned over and put his hand atop her head, almost in a maternal gesture.
“I’m just really worried about you, you know? These are just some precautions that you have to take, okay?” 
She nodded. “Yeah, thank you, Jisung, you’re always looking out for me...”
He chuckled, “that’s what I’m here for, remember?”
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I’ve managed to land myself in a really deep ditch called writer’s block, and it’s honestly really draining to write when my motivation is zero most of the time. Sorry, it’s been pretty hard most of the time, especially balancing both work and creative writing at the same time. I do writing for my day job too, and every day I’ve pretty much felt like I’ve exhausted most of my writing into work, and the creative juices are NOT flowing into what should belong to creative writing. Hashtag excuses lol.
However, I did find a good way to keep my motivation up—the story is planned out, I know what’s going to happen in the bigger picture, but the details aren’t exactly set. Sometimes if I see an opportunity to implement new ideas, I will, such as relationships between certain characters and their history and such. I do have several pages of notes of the character’s relationships and backstories.
I will be publishing their backstories starting with Hyunjin, and I think it will make for interesting future plot segments. 
As well, I will be changing the updates to every two weeks until I can get out of this really bad writer’s block. 
Whether or not people like to read it or not, I’ll just keep on writing anyway because I genuinely do love creative writing. As well, I have been planning this story for wayyyy too long and even though my execution of the story might be slow and not what my mind wants me to write, I think I want to continue regardless. I’m just really grateful for the readers that I do have, and appreciate the time you invest in my story. Please feel free to poke me/talk to me about the story and let me know what you think of it. I know I haven’t advanced enough into the story for people have a true understanding or grasp of it, but I will be publishing the character’s relationships with each other and how they’re all connected. Because they are.
If I have any jumping tense problem—I’m sorry, I do try my best to catch them while writing, and I will improve and do my best not to disappoint too much.
Thank you! c:
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guardianofrivendell · 3 years
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This is what happens when I am left alone to my thoughts in the middle of the night... Then I think it's a good idea to start my own writing challenge to celebrate my upcoming birthday 🎂😀
So blame this on one of my many sleepless night's brainstorm sessions!
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A writing challenge?
That's right!
To celebrate Tullaina's and my own upcoming birthday on June 11th, I challenge YOU, my dear followers, to write!
Tullaina and I share the same birthday - what a coincidence right 😏 - and what better way to celebrate this by being creative?
You can write anything from a little drabble to a full-blown 5k words fic story, whatever you feel like, the only rule you have to follow is to include a quote you choose from the list below the 'read more' cut. I selected 40 quotes that I think are good for story plotting.
That's right! No prompt list or specific themes, the only condition is that you use one (or multiple why not) Incorrect Tullaina Quote. You can use it as inspiration, build your story around it or use it as part of a dialogue. Your choice!
You can write fluff, angst, even smut, use every cliche trope in the book if you want, but make sure to tag your work accordingly so no one gets surprised!
Does the story have to be about Tullaina?
Preferably yes - it's our birthday after all - but it's not mandatory. The quotes are all about her of course, but you are free to make her a side character and focus more on the canon characters or include your own OC if that makes you more comfortable!
This is also about you having fun while writing it!
You can find everything you need to know about Tullaina in my masterlist, or you can always come and talk to me if you need to know anything specific.
How do I participate?
If you decide to join this little writing challenge, I'll be forever in your debt and super super grateful that you helped by not letting this flop! 
Send me an ask or dm if you want to join this challenge, with the number of the quote of your choice. I'll list the participants in this post and you can check in the quotes list which quotes are still available. If the quote you really wanted is already taken, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!
Deadline is June 11th, that day everyone can post their work on Tumblr. Use the tag #Guardianofrivendell Birthday Writing Challenge so we can find the fic and don't forget to tag me in it!
Of course I'll give a good example and join this challenge myself!
Can I post the fic on other platforms too?
Sure! Go ahead and post it on AO3, Wattpad or whatever platform you use outside of Tumblr. 
What if I can't write, but I want to draw something?
Uh... Yes please! You don't even have to ask! Same thing, let me know which quote you want and it's yours!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or message!  I’ll probably reblog this post a lot of times the next 6 weeks, so sorry in advance for that :) 
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@guardianofrivendell  @anjhope1  @laurfilijames  @elvish-sky @classyhorseeclipseduck  @aggressively-reads-tolkien   @mrsmidnight15  @beenovel  @grunid  @shethereadinghobbit  @cassiabaggins @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @iwenttomordor @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch @midearthwritings @shrimpsthings​
(below the read more cut)
1. Trust fall 2. Mother hen Fíli 3. Puppy Dog Eyes 4. Drama 5. Adorable 6. Adult - @anjhope1 7. Allergic - @midearthwritings 8. Thinking 9. Flirting - @cassiabaggins / @bitter-sweet-farmgirl 10. A Good Job 11. Prank 12. Cupcake - @midearthwritings 13. His Wife - @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse 14. Butterfly - @beenovel 15. In Love - @midearthwritings 16. Marriage plans 17. Uno 18. Why haven’t they kissed yet - @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch 19. We’re Sorry 20. I will behave - @classyhorseeclipseduck 21. Fight - @grunid 22. Scared of the Dark 23. I like you 24. Courting Advice 25. Spider - @shethereadinghobbit 26. I think I’m in love with her - @mrsmidnight15 27. Smile - @laurfilijames 28. Sore loser 29. Please? For me? - @laurfilijames​ - @shrimpsthings​ 30. Arrhythmia - @iwenttomordor 31. Dale’s Market 32. Bingo - @elvish-sky 33. Legolas 34. Zipper - @laurfilijames 35. Unsupervised 36. Protective Dwarves - @aggressively-reads-tolkien 37. Snacks 38. No Stupid Things 39. Sleeping on the Couch 40. Duel
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