#sorry majorly rambling here its just on my mind
soupacool · 10 months
white people make everything about race they just don't say the words out loud. white people, no matter how liberal and not racist they are, make more snap judgements about people based off the color of their skin than anyone else, and they carry the consequences of those decisions carelessly. flippantly. we know we do this, at least subconsciously, and feel shame but shame makes us turn our head and refuse to gaze into the pit of culpability. white guilt, conscious or unconscious, prioritizes the way white people feel about racism as opposed to acknowledging and combating its systemic nature and the way our actions contribute to it.
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yaspup9000 · 1 year
Alright, So, remember I’d mentioned the dating feature in this game? Yeah, there's a dating feature. Now, you might be wondering why that is? Well… I'm not sure myself, but I do know that due to the female player-base of the game, they had decided to add a dating feature so that way couples can be “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” That's cute and all, however, ,it's only for hetero couples and not same-sex couples. So if you wanted to have a same-sex couple in your Katamari MMO, yeeaah…sorry they don't do that. Which, again, is rather odd since the player base was majorly female.
Oh yea, and speaking of players, let's talk about the cosmics and Cousins! Okay, so before I share my disappointment about the avatar features, I just wanna say something about all of the new cousins and cosmics and their designs: Honestly, I really like them a lot! I think most of you have already seen Mint and Melo, But i think my biggest surprise was Burda. Now I’m gonna tell you why Burda is so special, like no joke: Burda's the only black cosmic person here! I’m not kidding! Like, it really shocked me when I had first heard about her awhile back since Korea and Japan have a habit of not showing decent black representation, let alone having characters with darker skin without being racially insensitive.
(Korea, Japan, and most South Asian culture have an obsession with skin bleaching) I know in most media nowadays, things have gotten better. But for its time, having Burda as a black girl in a South Korean MMO Katamari game is really something. I'll probably talk about Burda in another post because this one's long enough. Okay, so, yeah I love these newbies and all their quirks but what made me feel disappointed about this MMO? Well, there's a lack of customization features.!Yes, I know you can give them little hats and whatnot, but that's not what I’m talking about. Like—Don't get me wrong, all of the Cousins and cosmics—both new and old—are neat. However, what really bugs me is how there's no option to make your own original character. Like, idk man…that's a lost opputinty here. I’m gonna use fer.al and even Roblox as examples. With Fer.al and Roblox, along with most other MMOs, the appeal is that you can make your own character and make up your own story. With Fer.al, you can make your own creature and design them the way you want. And if I'm gonna be completely honest, I feel like Katamari Damacy Online should at LEAST give you the choice to choose The Prince, any of the Cousins, or get creative with it and make your own character. Idk, I felt like they lost me on that.
Now, I’m gonna say that with some of the mapping and hub designs, I personally really like this bit of world-building. I know it's not a lot—but dang it! I’ll take what I can get! Now, for my harsh truth about my feelings on this lost media: Yeah, I can understand why I didn't care for it that much when I first found out about it. If I’m gonna be honest, I thought it would be gone forever and it didn't matter. Along with the fact that for a long time, I didn't really see it as canon, so I just didn't put much attention to it. However, after revisiting it again and really thinking about it a bit more, I felt like there was a lot of lost potential even with how questionable some of these choices were. Overall, I now have an open mind to this and I hope that this game will be found soon. Who knows, maybe one of the archivists might finally find the surviving installer and might turn it into a Katamari Damacy Online rewritten type beat! Also folks, if I missed anything or messed up, please feel free to let me know.
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vero-niche · 7 months
(context: this ask was sent by my dear mutual after i reblogged a post about what my special interest is, which is films and filmmaking that i called those things)
fjhfjvhnfkc im so sorry for not replying to this sooner, it's been haunting me since that day bc first i was like "i will answer from desktop bc this is gonna be a long one" and then... i didnt. anyway, im just gonna start rambling and hit post at some point when i run out of steam, enjoy 💞
edit: whoops better put All That under a read more lmao
note: by movie/film i also mean animation, tv shows, anime, etc
so, it all started when i was little.... we were living mostly in a small village in northern hungary, no access to cinemas or such but my dad started working at a tv station in the capital when i was like... idk. small
anyway, he had access to The Internet and pirated movies and brough home burned VHS tapes.... i loved fiction ever since i remember and movies were no different. saw a lot of disney and other stuff, mum says i rewatched a lot of them a lot of times.... as an undiagnosed adhd+autism kid these movies were my main source of obsession.
as many in my generation, i grew to love reading a bit later after i saw the first h*rry p*tter movie and read the book but even then and ever since as well my imagination works kinda like a movie. i imagine certain shots and angles, even tho for the most part my imagination is as fuzzy as my thoughts.
also on the part of the audhd, i was basically self medicating with movies. stressed? watch a movie. sensory overload? movie (or later on, music). feeling shit? movie. it kind of works like a factory reset of my brain if the film is good. i guess because for 1,5-2,5 hours i am completely focused on one thing in a way thats not exhausting to me.
during elementary, i was in a friend group that i got in because we were in the same not school related drawing group (rajzszakkör yknow) and basically all 4 of us were a bit too neurodivergent there i think 😄 anyway, somehow when i first got a phone with camera, we started doing little "sketches" (and me with my then best friend separately too). then two of those friends came up with a short movie idea, a mockumentary about the iconic "twin towers" of the town we lived in (and hated). the 4 of us filmed and played all parts, right there in the city, and one of us edited it. it turned out quite.... well, like a shitpost lmao. so, naturally, we got quite hooked but esp me and one other friend (who is now an acclaimed theatre director btw. lol)
anyway, so we did several of these short movies + i did several sketches and other stuff with all kinds of friends in the coming years, all through about mid-high school years...
for several reasons, despite it being the obvious choice, i didnt end up going to film major at uni but chose english studies. i don't regret it, but my place wouldve been at the film major tbh....
anyway, i decided to give up my filmmaking dreams... but yknow, special interests dont wotk that way lmao.
i kept watching movies with a critical mind, such as "oh this shot is good" or "this shot is too long, they should've cut it a few seconds earlier" or "oh, they are using xy technique here" and once you start looking at movies from a filmmaker point of view, theres just no turning back (or off). i think i majorly watch anime in my spare time now bc i analyze what i see less than with live action stuff.
so like. idk what my point here is. i listen to soundtracks of movies i loved, not just the ones with lyrics but the background music too. i love rewatching and dissecting parts. after seeing a new one that i loved i headstraight to imdb to the crew and trivia section, i watch/read interviews, check box office numbers even and stare in awe when they show a special technique or smg they used.
and i mainly always thought "well i just have a passion for it but its nothing that outstanding, right? people look these stuff up when then love smg, right?" well. 😶
then not too long ago i realized im not only adhd but autistic as well. and that the reason why this passion (and need to be involved in the making) never really left, even when i myself gave up on it, is bc its my special interest.
so now im slowly approaching crossroads bc on the one hand i have a stable corporate job with good routines at home. but on the other if i dont "give in" to my special interest i feel my soul will wither. but also im sososcared 👍
in summary:
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cylonbarnes · 2 years
vampire academy 1x01 observations
just going to put everything in here as it happens rather than a bunch of posts/reblogs
this is going to be verrrrrry long so if you want to read a rambling play-by-play of this ep then by all means:
not beginning with rose and lissa on the run... okayyyyy
the queen's 200th birthday and "last as your queen" huh? the queen is stepping down? we're majorly changing the entire plot of the series right here right now?
rose is all dressed up (hell yeah girl you look great) but also... why? surely the school would INSIST on her being on guard for this celebration. of course, she would never listen, but still...
st. vladimirs looks ridic. will not clarify if that is good or bad just yet. i'm a little insulted that the queen's celebration isn't happening in THE POCONOS.
victor's daughters are sonia and mia..... and their last name is karp........... sigh
okay so rose is described as just a guest and is saying hi to someone... eddie? probably not eddie but i'm so sorry i can't remember the name of their friend from the first two books. miles? so sorry but i never liked him
OH FUCK THIS IS BEFORE. THE DRAGOMIR FAMILY. OKAY NEVER MIND ME THEY GET POINTS FOR THIS but mia's relationship with andre is meant to be... not a known thing
okay sex scene okay. great fine definitely necessary. i'm not a prude but i think this show shouldn't have any sex scenes until rose and dimitri go too far in a cabin if you know what i mean #boythatwasillegal #butproblematicfavesowhatever
this fight is pretty good and i like the contrast with the party. kinda wish they made this a like 2007 period piece... for the sake of the music
and we've arrived! soul bond here we come.
THREE MONTHS LATER? please for the love of god just send us a year ahead
lissa looking FAB at her family member's graves
"i'm ready to go back" girl what
rose can leap off of tall buildings in a single bound? i know dhampirs are strong and resilient but really?
dimitri, light of my life, stop being irish(?) and be russian instead i'm fucking begging you
[I get distracted for four hours, make dinner, and watch 2x01 of Farscape AND 2x01 of Fate: The Winx Saga instead]
i cannot believe lissa was gone, with permission/approval, and rose wasn't with her... this is WRONG this is not RIGHT this does nothing for either of their characters OR their extreme codependence, which is frankly the most important aspect about their relationship throughout the entire series, AND their relationship is the most important in the series outside romitri so this is like... important. it's important.
all the random accents. most of these people should sound american and the people who don't sound american should sound romanian or russian. the movie, bless its terrible heart, fucked around with this too. random british accents don't make your characters sound more regal, it makes me wonder how all these people apparently grew up together
TOO MUCH ROYALTY STUFF TOO EARLY. DON'T THROW US INTO THE DEEP END WITHOUT LETTING US PADDLE IN THIS UNIVERSE. people new to the series barely understand the difference between moroi and dhampirs, we don't need to get so in the weeds so quickly.
basically, i like lissa more than the last movie or books, rose is pretty on point thus far, i like my man winston "chewy" chu as christian a lot more than dominic sherwood (but that's just cause i hate dominic sherwood in anything) but i also don't care for christian in general
dimitri is completely wrong. 0 dimitri vibes at all. this is not my man. give me comrade cowboy or give me death
a fucking NORMAL leather jacket? dimitri would never. dimitri literally cannot live without a fucking dramatic leather DUSTER and he buys way too many of them in the books. he's always replacing that bitch. it's IMPORTANT TO HIM
also rose likes dimitri because he's WEIRD AND COMPETENT not just hot
sonya's vibes are perfect and mia's quite good, though she's very much late-book mia and not early-book mia. is sonya becoming strigoi going to be in a natalie-surrogate way instead of self-spirit-induced?
i think i complained about the outfits a lot. why are these young moroi, born in the 2000s, wearing these ugly ugly 1800s (or whenever) outfits? why would christian ozera ever wear a pussy bow?
WHERE IS THE FUCKING SPIRIT BOND. the spirit bond is SO MUCH of what makes this series unique. lissa and rose's entire relationship and dynamic hinges on the fucking spirit bond, the problems it creates and the solutions it provides. the fact that rose can see lissa but lissa can't see rose and the sharpening of the imbalances in their relationship (already present from being moroi/dhampir and royalty/guardian, heightened by the EVERYTHING with the bond)
this show takes itself too seriously. the movie is bad but it did inspire me to read 12 books. the movie is bad but it's silly and enjoyable. this show is just a little lifeless and not fun at all
his name isn't miles, it's mason. i don't care i only love eddie
so rose and lissa met each other at an older age than in the books, hence accent mention in this little daytrip
i love this mini daytrip btw, something actually in character and vibe of the series. i also liked that they showed lissa's self-harm/self-destructive behaviour already
strigoi are too freaky tbh. strigoi!dimitri has to be HOT and CREEPY and DANGEROUS and at this rate he'll be GROSS and and like... a mindless monster. god this show wants to take everything from me
okay so they are really harping on the fact that andre would be king... again, the royal plots are coming way too soon and also that was never part of his character, right? her DAD would have been in the running but the crown isn't simply GIVEN to anyone. the fucking trials take up so much of book 6. lissa ends up with the crown because she EARNS it
they are not giving j august richards good material, and they've made his character weirdly flat and boring. victor is such a great villain and this is just..... eh
STOP SHOWING ME THIS FAKE DIMITRI I DONT WANT TO SEE HIM ANYMORE THIS IS NOT MY MAN. honestly i just absolutely cannot stand him not being russian
i need showrunners to stop "adapting" well-constructed books just to keep all the names and some vague characteristics and throw everything else away so they can play in the sandbox of the world. i want an adaptation, not poorly researched fanfic. vampire academy's writing left a little to be desired in places but it makes for a TIGHT six season series, no problem. they've made the series both boring and overcomplicated for absolutely no reason
speaking of narration... not to be that girl but this show could benefit from a rose voice-over. i want it to be clear that ROSE is the protagonist, not rose-and-lissa
it would also stop the characters from explaining things they all already know to each other (vampire diaries disease)
this unicorn shit is cringe
kissing mason this early..... okayyyyyyyyy
oh so there IS a landline. IS THIS A PERIOD PIECE?
the queen is kinda doubling as the school principal character? and again, she's stepping down and naming a successor
and naming LISSA jesus fucking christ what is wrong with this show. why would you do this in the first episode. we cannot have this lissa-for-the-throne plot without my baby girl jill!!
okay. well. that was much longer than anticipated (this post, that is. the episode also felt pretty long, though)
i can't divorce this show from the books so i can't say whether it's a good show for viewers with no prior knowledge, but the overloading of plots and too many underdeveloped characters and relationships makes me think not. they are trying to start with way too much drama and high stakes, leading to inevitable disappointment, rather than building everything slowly as we get to know the characters.
there are so many changes that it's almost hard to see this as an adaptation. i don't think of vampire academy as a book series that many people know the plots and details of, outside what was covered in the first movie, so it was a perfect opportunity to follow the actual plots and have a well composed, well paced, and engaging episode/season/series that not many viewers are familiar with.
i cannot see this working out for them. it feels too alienating to book fans, and not accessible or interesting enough for new viewers. so many details have been scrubbed away for the worse, for reasons i can't understand. i don't even think every book needed to be followed 100% no changes, just that the framework was there for a good story with some updates or deviation. this episode is like they took all 6 books, threw them in a blender, and picked out some partially-intact pages at random
anyway, yeah, i'll finish the season, but i won't be happy about it. if anyone in the world reads this whole post though, i'm very proud of you because this thing is ROUGH
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penciled-palominos · 1 year
I wanna work at an aquarium in a few years, i should make a game plan for life stuff, atm that and marine bio are my two goals, i think im gonna work during summer next year so i wanna get my liscene soon,so i should probably get into drivers ed since i havent yet, then i can drive and get my job, though maybe i should get a little job for a while in town where i live, so i have some experience and money, cuz the aquarium i wanna work at is unfortunately in a different state, do that nay need to be held off and i would get a little job where i am so i can collect money to help get my collage fund easier cuz- getting a marine bio degree of any kind is gonna be a major investment and honestly im willin to do it, i really wanna make a little career from my art but im always worried im not good enough to get anywhere, and i never will with that mindset, so, I'm trying to put myself out there, at this point only on here and i don't have a very big platform, but i don't mind that, i like who i have around me, especially people like @lpsotd , people like him have made me feel very comfortable on here and they've really inspired me to just do what i love and have fun, so special thanks to him for helping me and sorry for tagging you in my big life ramble friend lol, but its late so im gonna go sleep, i hope somedsy ill figure it all out, for now though im not too majorly worried about it all
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petersasteria · 3 years
To Dye Or To Die - Holland!Reader
Pairing: None Requested? Nah 2,040 words
Holland!Reader Masterlist || Ultimate Masterlist || New Year, New Taglist
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As soon as you turned 20, you wanted to color your hair. You told your mum, Nikki, about it before and she promised that she’d take you to the hair salon herself to dye your hair. So, you asked her about it and she said, “When you turn 21, I promise this time. I figured that you’re still a bit young to get a hair dye.”
That made you furious. You’ve been waiting to dye your hair ever since you were 7 years old when you saw Sharpay Evans’ beautiful locks in High School Musical. Being the only girl in your family, this made you become your dad’s favorite.
“Dad, can you please take me to the hair salon?” You asked sweetly with the smile you knew your dad couldn’t resist.
Without looking at his phone, he asked, “What did your mum say?”
“She said no, but-”
“Then, I won’t take you to the hair salon. Sorry.” He finally looked at you and gave you a sympathetic smile. Your jaw dropped and went to your room. You were majorly annoyed and pissed.
On the way up to your room, you saw Sam getting ready for work. You knocked on his door and he looked at you whilst fixing his hair. “What?” Sam asked.
“I just want to say that out of all my brothers, you’re my favorite.” You smiled and Sam did too.
“That’s really sweet, Y/N.” Sam smiled.
“You’re also my most handsome brother and obviously the best Holland brother. You’re the superior Holland.” You rambled, getting on his good side.
Sam gave you a look and fully turned to you with his arms crossed. “Okay, now you’re just chatting shit. What do you want?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“What do you me-”
“You’re saying shit because you want something from me. What do you want?” He asked with a raised eyebrow raised.
You sighed, “Can you take me to the hair salon?”
“No.” Sam shook his head. “But I’ll take all the compliments you told me.”He took his backpack and walked to his door. You immediately blocked the way and said, “You know, I take all of those back because you said no.”
“Oh, gee. I’m scared.” He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
“Just take me there and then you can leave me!” You whined.
“You’re so annoying, I swear.” Sam shook his head. “Move, you little shit. I’m late for work!”
You moved out of the way with a big frown on your face as you watched Sam leave. You called out to him, “I HATE YOU, SAM!”
“Love you too! See you tonight, sea monkey!” He shouted and left.
You groaned and went to your room and slammed the door. You grabbed your phone and called Harry. He picked up in the first ring and before you could say anything, he asked, “If you’re going to ask me to take you to the hair salon, my answer is no. Listen to mum, for fuck’s sake.”
“How do you know about that?” You asked.
“Paddy and Sam.” Harry answered. “Don’t ask Tom as well because his answer will be ‘no’ and he’s out at the moment.”
“You know, for brothers, you guys suck!”
“And you swallow, bitch.” Harry said nonchalantly.
“Calm the fuck down!” Harry laughed. “I’m hanging up now. I have shit to do.”
“Fine. Bye.” You said coldly. Despite not seeing him, you could feel him rolling his eyes at you as he said goodbye and hanging up.
“You know, you can just do it yourself.” A voice said out of the blue which made you jolt in surprise. You looked at your door and saw Paddy standing there, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
“Get the fuck out of my room.” You said to your little brother. He didn’t listen, though. He proceeded to go inside your room, closed the door behind him, and sat next to you on your bed.
“I’m here to claim my title as the best Holland.” Paddy said confidently.
“Calm down, you’re not Tessa.” You told him.
“I assure you that Tessa can’t help you with your hair problem. With my help, not only will I be the best Holland and best brother, your hair will be dyed just like you want it to be!” He exclaimed excitedly.
“Why do you want those titles so bad?” You squinted at him.
He shrugged, “Bragging rights. If they ask me why, I can say it’s because I helped you ‘achieve your hair goal’ and that’s the best thing to happen, right?”
“I guess so.” You said slowly, falling into his trap.
“Our older brothers aren’t the boss of you, you know.” Paddy added.
“Fine.” You said and looked at him. “What do you suggest?”
Paddy grinned, “I won’t fail you with my idea, sis.”
“Just tell me!” You pleaded.
“I heard that Melanie Martinez colored her hair without telling anyone. So she just went to the hair salon and dyed one half of her hair. She walked in the house with her real hair color facing everyone and she turned to everyone only to reveal that half of her hair was dyed.” Paddy explained.
“And what’s your point? That I should dye half of my hair?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“You’re so slow sometimes.” Paddy said. “I’m saying, you should just go out and dye your hair. You’ve been saving up, haven’t you?”
“So just go for it! Mum might kill you herself, but what’ll she do? Dye your hair like its natural color?” Paddy snickered.
“I mean… she might.”
“She won’t and I know that because she doesn’t waste money.” Paddy said and it was true. “Now what are you still doing here? Go out there and dye your hair blonde!”
You smiled at him and grabbed your jacket, phone, and wallet. With that, you’re out the door.
You arrived at your favorite hair salon and immediately told them what you wanted for your hair. Thankfully, there were only two other customers so they sat you down and quickly tended to your hair.
Unbeknownst to you, Tom was in the same area. He had a few weeks off and it was only his first week. He decided that it’d be a great idea to walk around town and relax. He walked out of Lacoste with one paper bag and his phone on the other. He called Harry as he walked around more.
“So, where are you? The thing you bought online just came and I want to open it.” Harry said on the other line.
Tom looked at the place behind him and said, “I’m in front of a hair salon at the moment.”
He looked through the glass and his eyes widened when he saw your hair which was practically white at this point because of the bleach.
“Oh my god, Harry.” Tom said in horror.
“What?” Harry said.
“I’m not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but I think Y/N’s in the salon getting her hair dyed.”
“WHAT?!” Harry shrieked. “Mum’s going to kill her.”
“Not if I do it first on behalf of mum.” Tom said. “I’m going in there.”
“Yeah, you should. I bet you look like a creep just standing outside a hair salon. Can you imagine the headlines? ‘Spider-Man star, Tom Holland, found peeping at a hair salon’. That looks weird.” Harry said, laughing.
“Yeah, shut up. I’ll be home soon. Bye.” Tom said and hung up. He opened his phone’s camera and took a video. “Guess who I found.” He said as he filmed his way to you. The camera was facing you and you were too busy texting your group chat updates about your hair.
“I found Y/N!!” Tom said loudly, earning weird looks from people. You looked up with your eyes wide and you quickly turned to Tom.
“Tom?!” You panicked. He laughed and ended the video. He put his phone in his pocket and said, “Surprise, motherfucker.”
“You slumped in your seat and covered your face, “Oh my god.”
“You’re so grounded.” Tom cackled.
“Mum said I can color my hair when I’m 20 and I turned 20 already! It’s only fair for her to keep her word.” You huffed. Just then, the hairdresser called you to rinse your hair. You got up from your seat and walked to the area where your hair will be washed as Tom decided to sit in the waiting area.
An hour and a half later, you were finished and already paying. Tom looked up from the magazine he was reading and his jaw dropped. You were now blonde.
“Oh my days.” Tom said. “C’mon, I’ll drive you home.” He got up and walked out of the hair salon with you trailing behind, happy as ever.
Tom parked his car a little far away to enjoy his walk, so when you got in his car you were already tired.
“My sister’s fucking blonde.” Tom said as he started the car. “I mean, it looks good on you, but oh my god mum’s going to skin you alive.”
“Thank you.” You said with a smile.
Tom glanced at you with a weird expression before driving, “I just said she was going to skin you alive.”
“Yes, but you also said that it looks good on me. So, thank you.” You said playfully. “At least I’ll die with my dream hair color.”
“I’m disowning you as my sister. From now on, you’re Harrison’s sister.” Tom said.
“Meh, he’s cool anyway. I don’t mind.” You shrugged and unlocked your phone.
Tom was gobsmacked with your response, “Are you saying that I’m not cool?!”
You smirked, “You said that, not me.”
“You’re so un-fucking-believable.”
“I fucking know right.” You mocked.
 In a few minutes, you arrive at home. As soon as Tom parked the car, you took a mandatory car selfie with your new hair color. Tom looked at you and rolled his eyes before getting out of the car. You followed after at least taking 10 selfies.
He went inside first and you followed and closed the door behind you. He stood in front of you, completely shielding you from your parents.
“‘Tom! What a surprise, love.” Nikki said happily as she gave your older brother a hug. Tom hugged back and pulled away after a while.
“Look who I found today.” Tom grinned and stepped aside for your mum to see you. “Your beloved daughter is now blonde.”
“Oh my god, Y/N!!” Nikki screamed.
You made a face as if saying ‘yikes’ and said, “Hi mum.”
“What’ve you done?” Nikki asked with her eyes wide in shock as she touched your new blonde locks. “Oh my god.”
Dom walked in with Paddy and both of them had different looks on their faces. Dom was just as surprised as your mum and Paddy had a proud look on his face because he helped you.
“I’m surprised that you went with that color, but it looks good, love.” Dom said and nodded in approval. “I like it.”
“Thanks, dad.” You smiled and looked at your mum. She nodded and said, “I mean, the more I look at it, the more I’m getting used to it.”
“Do you like it?” You asked.
She was silent for a while and everyone was waiting for Nikki to say anything. After a minute, Nikki said, “It looks good on you, sweetheart.” She smiled genuinely.
“Thank you.” You smiled and you glanced at Paddy who had a smirk on his face and gave you a thumbs up. Everyone went back to their business and Tom went home shortly after that. Paddy pulled you aside and said, “I believe a payment is due.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Payment? I didn’t agree on paying you.”
“My help doesn’t come for free, you know.” Paddy said. “You should know that by now.”
“No wonder our brothers don’t like you getting involved with their shit.” You shook your head.
“Yup.” He said, popping the ‘p’. “I’ll get your desserts for two months.”
“What? No! I love Sam’s desserts.” You exclaimed.
“Fine. One month.”
“Three weeks or nothing at all.” You said. “Deal?”
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𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃!𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag @thatforgottenangel 
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓:  @holland-styles @trustfundparker @calltothewild @holland-parkers @hufflepuffprincess24
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atiny-orbit1219 · 4 years
I Am Not Spiderman
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*Pairing: Spiderman Mark lee
*Genre: Fluff
*Plot idea: (This master piece was inspired by my friend @sharklee127​‘s imagine about Spiderman Mark and I wanted to make it into a longer fic!) Mark lived a painfully boring life. Nothing special ever happened to him, he even resorted to joining Yearbook club so he could at least observe more interesting lives. But all of that changed when the new girl shows up and Mark gets lost during his tour of Osborn Laboratories. 
*Word count: 3,600
*Warnings: Cussing, cute baby Mark
 You first met Mark in the crowded hallways of your high school. You had just moved from your small town home in Upstate New York all the way to Queens because your father had received a once in a lifetime position at Osborn Laboratories. You were hesitant about moving and leaving all of your friends and your old school behind but like the supportive daughter you were you transferred to Midtown High “school in Forest Hill, Queens with a smile on your face. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that you were also given an internship at Osborn Laboratories and that would look excellent on your college applications, whatever it was you soon found yourself in one of the largest schools you have ever seen. Thousands of students must have to attend here which made you slightly nervous, how were you going to make friends when there are so many people to get to know at once? Internship… remember the internship. So you walked into the building with your head held high and your earbuds pushed snugly in your ears as you used your music to drown out the unfamiliar sound of hundreds of kids screaming at each other. 
    You got a few looks from the people who realized they’ve never seen you before but the majority looked right through you, and one boy even tried to walk right through you. “Oh my god, I am so sorry!” The stranger rushed out as you fell to the floor. His books in hand followed in suit, the hardcovers making an obnoxiously loud sound. “It’s okay.” You muttered, letting out a soft sigh before leaning forward to help the clumsy boy pick up the textbooks. “Are you okay?” He asked, extending a hand for you to take, which you did; you had to make friends somehow. You just nod at his question, handing him the books with a small smile. “Oh, Thanks… Are you new here? I’ve never seen you before.” You look up at the lanky boy, his hair was so fluffy you had to restrain yourself from reaching out and seeing if it’s as soft as it looks. He wore thick black-framed glasses that had their fair share of tape holding them together, so he was always this clumsy. “How could you tell? There’s like a million kids here.” You exaggerate, your smile growing. He was kind of cute. 
    “Try a little over three-thousand. And when you walk the same halls for three years you start to pick up on faces, even the people you’ve never talked to. Plus it does help that I work with the yearbook.” He was shy when he spoke, his voice quiet and he avoided any form of eye contact, he had the habit of scratching behind his neck every few seconds but yet you were still intrigued. “A little over three-thousand is a lot compared to the school I used to go to.” you joke with a small smile. “I’m Y/N, I know its a bit sudden but you’re the first person I’ve talked to here, do you think you can show me around? I have my schedule but it makes absolutely zero sense.” You were hopeful, maybe you didn’t have to be the new girl who got lost on her first day. “I’m Mark! And despite the fact that I talk too much sometimes and I fall a lot, I’m a pretty damn good tour guide.” You let out a small laugh and hand him your schedule. “Then lead the way Mark.” 
    “Looks like you and I have Chemistry together first period!” The boy said with an excited smile, “And we’re in the same lunch block! You can sit with me if you’d like, I’m sure Ned won’t mind.” Mark rambled and you just listened, nodding your head along. You found the nerdy boy quite amusing, and really, really cute. “Sure! Sitting with you sounds a lot more appealing than sitting by myself.” You reply, giving the dark-haired boy a smile, which he returned. “And we have arrived! This is the Chemistry lab.” He opened the door to the lab and led you into the room, “We do experiments Tuesday Thursday, and lectures Monday Wednesday, and a free workday on Friday.” Mark brings you to one of the many lab tables and takes a seat, you follow, sitting on the stool next to his. “Oh, cool! I like chemistry.. And just science in general.” You confide, excited to see what experiments you would be doing in this class. “Really!? Me too!” There it is… another one of his perfect smiles. You admire it while it lasts but his attention is diverted from you to the teacher walking in. 
    Lunchtime has finally rolled around. You didn’t know exactly where the cafeteria was, but your plan was to just follow everyone else after the bell rang. But it turned out you didn’t have to do that because as soon as you walk out the door of your AP Calculus class you are met with Mark leaning against the lockers. “Figured you didn’t know where the lunchroom is.” He said simply. Just the small action sent the long-dormant butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. “How’d you guess?” You teased, falling into step with the taller boy as you two walked down the crowded halls together once more. “Just a gut feeling.” he teased back, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
    “So how are your other classes? Probably not as interesting without me right?” You playfully roll your eyes as you sit down at the lunch table in the far back, the previous mentioned Ned was not there yet so it was just you and Mark. “Oh of course, without Mark Lee my life is just dim hues of grey.” You say dramatically. Mark chuckled and rolled his eyes back. “Maybe you should drop the whole science thing and become a theater major… Drama queen.” You scoff but before you could give your snarky reply someone joined the two. “Oh Hey! Ned this is Y/N, Y/N this is Ned, my best friend.” You smile up at the new addition to the table, giving him a small wave. “Nice to meet you!” you say sweetly before reaching into your bag and pulling out your lunchbox. It was only your first day and you made two new friends… Success. 
     “Dad I think you’re more nervous than me.” Today was your first day for your internship at Osborn Laboratories and your dad was driving you to the large building. “What? No! I’m just excited! You and I are working together, it’s like every day is bring your daughter to work day.” You smile at his enthusiasm, humming along to the soft music coming from the radio. 
      You two approached the company and you couldn’t lie, you were just excited as your father, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. The selection process for this internship is tough, hundreds of teens apply but only five make it in, and you just happened to be one of those five and so did… “Mark??” Even from behind you could tell that it was your new friend. After a week of following him around the school, you’ve become accustomed to the messy bedhead and bad posture. The boy turned around in surprise, following the sound of his name. “Y/N?! What are you doing here?” He asked, an automatic smile appearing once he saw you. He jogged over to where you were walking and took his normal spot next to you. “I’m here for the internship! Today is the first day.” You explain, ignoring your father’s questioning eyes for now. “No way! Me too!” you look up at him with shock, what were the odds. Even if you didn’t meet at school you two were destined to cross paths at some point. You only smile widely, bumping into the other’s shoulder playfully, “Guess we’ll be spending even more time together.” You say with a raised eyebrow and Mark only smiled. “Guess so.” He replied.
        You two joined the other three interns once you walked through the large glass doors, the intro tour was starting soon but Mark had left after a few seconds to go to the bathroom before the important information was given. You pitied your friend, the directions he got to the bathroom were even more confusing than the school hallways you were still learning. When the tour started and Mark wasn’t back yet you started to grow nervous, the guide’s voice going in one ear out the other as you look around for the lanky boy. Did he really get lost? You were too scared to pull out your phone, knowing it would look disrespectful, so you just try to forget about Mark for now and focus on the guide, you can just give the boy a recap once you see him again. Which wasn’t until the end of the tour. The skinny boy came rushing towards you from some random doorway and you let out a breath of relief. “Mark Lee where the Hell have you been?” You whispered angrily as he got close enough to be in earshot. “To be honest, I don’t really know, I got lost like majorly lost, I don’t wanna talk about it.” You tilted your head curiously, wondering why your friend was gripping the back of his neck, he stopped doing that as often as you two got closer so it was weird to see. You just shrugged and turned away. “Can you catch me up on everything?” He asked, leaning over so his head rested on your shoulder from behind you. “What are friends for?” 
    Its officially been one month since you transferred to this new school and met Mark, and you can safely say there hasn’t been one boring day. After your first day as interns Mark started acting a bit weird. He no longer wore his glasses but he excused that with his new love of contacts. He was stronger and his body was not as lanky as before and overall just gave off a new aura. He didn’t feel like your normal nerdy Mark. You weren’t complaining, of course, That boy needed some confidence you were just curious about its sudden appearance. 
     “Have you guys heard of that Spiderman dude?” You ask nonchalantly at the lunch table, you lift your head from your phone and look over at Mark, his eyes met yours and it was hard to hide the blush that appeared. Shy or confidant Mark, it didn’t matter, as time went on you fell head over heels for the fluffy-haired boy. He shakes his head quickly, “N-No! Spiderman? What stupid name is that?” He rushed out. “God you’re so weird Mark Lee, I was just asking. I saw a video of him on Twitter last night and he looks pretty cool, the suit could use some work though.” You shrug before taking a quick sip of your chocolate milk. “What’s wrong with the suit?!” Mark asked defensively, Ned glared at his friend and punched his arm from under the table, but you didn’t miss the way Mark flinched. He cleared his throat, letting out a nervous laugh, “Uh... I mean.. From what you’re saying, he’s a new hero right? He’s probably still working on the suit and other minor things.” Mark covered up poorly. You look over at the flustered boy before turning your head to Ned. “I guess..?” You replied simply. 
      The rest of the day was uneventful, Mark was still being his weird self but you were getting used to it. He had yearbook club today after school and you stayed with him since you guys carpooled together to Osborn. He knew you found yearbooking extremely boring though so he excused you and you left to wander the halls, it was rare to see them so empty and you took advantage of the quiet. You hummed softly to yourself as you scrolled through your phone, more and more videos of this Spiderman guy popping up on your feed. After a few minutes of silence, you were brought back to reality by the sounds of yelling and lockers rattling. Being the curious person you were you followed the noise. 
      “Mark?!” You were not expecting to see the boy you have a crush on, on top of the high school football star, both were throwing punches left and right. Mark had blood dripping from his lip while the other had a busted nose. You run-up to the nearest bystander, “What the Hell Happened?” You ask. You were too shocked to do anything, you thought you’d never live to see the day where Mark Lee got in a fight and was winning. “I don’t know! Levi was talking his normal shit talk and yearbook boy wasn’t having it, he just lunged at him.” Holy shit, the Mark you knew would never do anything like that. Just as you finally move to step forward and do your best to convince your friend to stop, the booming voice of the principal echoed throughout the halls. “What is going on?!” Just at the sound, everyone started running, including you. You ran towards Mark, grabbing his hand and pulling him up quickly. “Come on dumbass, if you get expelled you’ll lose the internship.” Levi apparently had the same idea as he also got up and bolted. 
    You and Mark ran hand in hand all the to his car and while you were completely out of breath, he was doing just fine, well except for the cut on his lip. As you two rushed into the car you couldn’t hold back anymore. “What the fuck were you thinking??” You almost yell, disappointment seeping through your voice. This bastard had the audacity to laugh. He was laughing! “Should I drive? You don’t seem mentally stable.” You only half-joke. “No no no I’m okay, I’m okay. Honestly, I’ve never been better! Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do that? Since Freshman year.” You just watch Mark as he speaks. His hair was messy, his lip was bleeding, he had a bruise forming on his cheek, yet this was the happiest you have ever seen him. “I’m used to him making fun of me.. But he said something about you and I don’t know what came over me… all I know is that it felt good, really good.” Mark explained as he drove the familiar path to the lab. “What did he say?” You ask curiously, he did it for you..? “Something about taking you away from me, that you were too good to hang out with Ned and I… in his words you are too ‘hot’ to be associated with us… I hated it, I hated the way he talked about you. He doesn’t know how smart you are, how clever, you’re a genius and all he sees is how pretty you are.” Mark was in one of his many rants but with each word, your face grew redder and redder. Mark soon realizes his mistake and he shuts up too, a blush of his own growing. “You are though… You’re really pretty.”
     Once you two reach the lab you walk over to Mark’s side of the car and as soon as he got out you grabbed his hand. He didn’t argue and allowed you to lead him to the break room for the interns. “Sit down.” You said softly, pointing to one of the many chairs. For the first time, the air was awkward around you two and you hated it, no you despised it. You took what you needed from the first-aid kit before walking back over to your friend. You pulled another chair in front of Mark’s and when you sat down your knees were pressed against his. You both gulped nervously from the closeness but you just continued, leaning in slowly, using the edge of a cotton swab to clean the cut on the boy’s bottom lip. Your eyes were trained on the wound you didn’t even know Mark’s eyes were focused on the same thing. He couldn’t stop himself from training his gaze on your lips. He meant it earlier, he found you absolutely stunning, which was why he attacked Levi the way he did… because a part of Mark believed that the other boy was right. You were too good for him. “Y/N?” The boy whispered. “Hm?” you reply, not really paying attention to his words. “Can I kiss you?” That caught your attention. You looked up at Mark in surprise, your eyes wide. Did he just say what you thought he just said? “What?” You ask although you heard the question but your brain refused to process the words. “Can I kiss you? I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I met you but something happened to me recently that changed how I view the world and I just don’t want to live with regrets an-” Mark’s rant was cut off as you place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him close so your lips met in a soft kiss. The first thing you noticed was how warm he felt against you, you felt safe and comfortable, kissing Mark was like sitting by a campfire during a freezing night, it was an escape, and you were afraid that with this one taste you would grow addicted. Mark was quick to act, his hands pulling you closer so you were literally on the edge of your seat. He also couldn’t believe this was happening, he’s liked you since he met you and he never thought the day would come where he would be kissing you and it felt so much better than what he imagined. After a few more seconds the both of you pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other as you let out a soft laugh.
    It’s been a few weeks since Mark and your’s first kiss, and you two have had plenty more since then. You couldn’t believe that you settled in so quickly to this new school. You had a group of friends and even a really cute boyfriend. But you couldn’t get the thought out of your head that Mark was hiding something from you. He would disappear randomly for hours at a time and give you pisspoor excuses as to why. Sure you were nervous and curious… but every time you asked about it he would just change the topic. You tried to ignore these thoughts though, just wanting to enjoy the date in Central Park with your boyfriend. “I think I figured out why you disappear all the time.” You muse with a teasing smile. “You’re Spiderman! Just think about it, I’ve never seen you and Spiderman in the same room, and every time you’re gone Spiderman is off saving the city.” You were teasing of course. Your hand was laced with his, the light from the buildings and the smog in the air hid most of the stars except for the brightest but the night breeze was very much appreciated. Autumn was coming to an end, the colorful leaves that once hung from the trees covered the ground. The street lights lit their path as the couple enjoyed the hot chocolate they bought a few minutes ago. Everything was perfect.
   “Hahaha very funny. I’m not Spiderman.” Mark said, giving you a playful look. You didn’t notice the way he tensed up when you brought up the idea. “I don’t know, you and the spidey boy have similar bodies.” You continue to joke, meeting Mark’s eyes. “First of all don’t call him spidey boy, and second of all, I. Am. Not. Spiderman.” Mark replied, not liking this conversation one bit. “I think you’re Spiderman.” You say with a simple shrug, you, on the other hand, found this game very fun. Mark stopped you two from walking before moving in front of you. He bent down slightly and cupped your face with his free hand. “Y/N.” He said sternly. He leaned in and placed a quick peck on your lips. “I.” Another peck. “Am.” A longer kiss this time. “Not.” Another peck. “Spiderman. What do I have to do for you to believe me?” You smiled up at Mark, your cheeks pink from the affection. “Hmmm.” You pretended to think before grinning, “Kiss me again… and again… and again..” Mark just laughed and pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “Okay.. I will kiss you as much as you want.” He answered before leaning in once more, his lips immediately meeting yours. You gripped his jacket as he moves to deepen the kiss, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip. But before that could happen Mark ripped away from you and turned around, following the sound of an explosion.
    You watched in shock as one of the tallest buildings in the city erupted into flames. “Oh my god.” You mumble the fire reflecting in your eyes as the screams filled the air. The shock didn’t end there, you saw Mark take his coat off in the corner of your eye, the rest of his clothes following to reveal the familiar red and blue suit. Before he pulled on the mask he looked over to you with a shy smile. “I will explain everything later.” was all he said before placing one last sweet kiss on your lips then raising one of his arms, webs shooting from his wrist to the nearest building. Mark swung out of sight, leaving you on one of the many sidewalks of Central Park, wide-eyed with your heart racing a mile a minute. All you could think of at the moment was one word, and it brought a smile to your face. 
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violexides · 4 years
fic recs (part 1?)
hi!!! so @n3tn0b0dy sent me an ask about fic recs, and i am stupid so it took me a few mins to like. compose myself and figure out what this is. i am definitely absolutely going to miss a few fics here, which is why it is a part one. i will probably keep this short-ish??? maybe go into more detailed ones later :eyes: 
(i am realizing i am going to write essays for these and for that i am very sorry)
something close to domestic, maybe by @mystxmomo (hi!)
definitely one of my favorite danganronpa fics, currently and (probably) forever. it’s a mature rated kamukoma fic, following an AU in which, instead of the remnants being captured and taken to jabberwock, despair sort of... fizzles out on its own, leaving the remnants of despair-- and the rest of the world-- to sort of heal with it. it’s in a series with another fic, that is in the same universe but following a different narrative with different central characters, and though it only has one chapter rn i highly rec that too. 
i like this fic for many reasons and to avoid prattling on, i will bullet point it.
- easy to follow. there are not overly complex structures-- not that that is inherently a bad thing, i also tend to love that style-- which makes it easy to digest.
- strong emotional impact. this fic has made me cry very, very often.
- really good characterization. mystxmomo is very good with characterization overall, especially with kamukura and servant, and that really shows with this fic.
- a compelling plot that still retains a slice-of-life format. i don’t really know how else to elaborate here.
- an idiosyncratic look into their dynamic. this fic explores kamukoma in the process of them healing, which is pretty distinctively different to a lot of kamukoma fics. obviously, this is not to shade those other fics, but, yeah. i really like it. 
okay sorry for rambling very much there, i really highly recommend it, it is a ongoing multichapter (i should have said that earlier i apologize) and the writer is also very cool. 
postscript by zombiekittiez
this is actually a series. it currently has three fics-- one that is fully completed (defy you stars), one that is a completed oneshot (supersonic man outta you), and an ongoing multichapter with pretty frequent updates (prince of a thousand). this follows a post-SDR2 storyline, with a lot of ships and dynamics within it, but heaviest emphasis on komahina. 
more bullet points! yay 
- the characterization is god-fucking-tier. this author is very, very good at characterizing these characters and i will not shut up about it ever actually. they feel real, and distinct, and flawed, and alive, and i love everything about it.
- good exploration of dynamics! i think the latter two fics especially shows this off really well. the friendships and relationships built are all pretty different from each other, but all feel like a pretty natural progression, sticking true to the characters, and feels very... real. which i like a whole hell of a lot.
- there are so many literature references and i am happy about it. there are also sparknotes-ish things at the ending notes of each chapter, which translates the quote, explains the significance within its own text, and applies it to the fanfiction. they are used in ways that make sense, too-- they don’t feel forced.
- the plot and plot building is SO fucking good. prince of a thousand has so many cliffhangers and i am very happy but also dying.
anyway, i really rec this series! be mindful of the tags and the ratings on some of the fics, but they are really, really good reads. 
absent mind by galaxyaqua
okay. this is a v3 oneshot rec, exploring pregame rantaro, as well as his relationship with tsumugi shirogane. it’s rated “teen and up audiences”, and. holy shit, okay.
- the writing style of this is GORGEOUS. i don’t know what it is about the writing style, but it feels so much like rantaro is talking, which is so fucking cool, and i love that so fucking much??? i can’t even explain it, but it is seriously super neat. 
- the EMOTIONS. this fic is so fucking emotional, honestly? it shows you this realistic, flawed, you could consider broken, character, shows them finding some hope, and shows the loss that comes with that. it’s so fucking incredible, and the lines have stuck with me even now, and it’s been a bit since i’ve last read. i think about the last couple lines especially a lot.
- these impactful one liners. holy shit. every line means something in this fic, and it’s so fucking cool and incredible, and i just??? holy shit??? i really love this fic???
i will say that this fic is sort of depressing in places, but i highly, and i mean highly, recommend. it is not a super difficult read, and it’s super, super fucking good. so i really recommend it. 
this sickness will save us by starrylitme // i believe this is @magioftheseas i am super sorry if it isn’t
okay. super, super fucking big content warning. this fic is a yikes, and the tags can sum it up a LOT better, but yeah. just keep that in mind. 
that being said, this is a really gorgeously written oneshot centered around soulmate au kamukoma, exploring the sort of... unhealthy aspects of their relationship. and i. Wow. okay.
- these fucking one liners. holy SHIT. i remember some of these scenes and lines so very well, and it does live in my head rent free. 
- the tone of this. the tone, and the mood created, is so fucking... i don’t even know how to describe it. terrifying? eerie? super fucking intriguing? it shows this shitty situation in an appropriately terrifying light, and it inflects so much emotion and connotation into the scenes, and holy shit. like, if i wanted to do a case study of incredible tonal work and diction and all, i would absolutely grab this fic.
- the characterization. while kamukura and komaeda are placed in a very interesting predicament, they still manage to stay pretty damn close to being in character, which i personally think is super remarkable. it almost enhances the circumstances too, ngl. 
- their dynamic. their dynamic in this fic is NOT healthy, and that is shown in full “glory”, in a very messy and dysfunctional and terrifying way, and i absolutely love it. it has a kind of realism to it, almost a cautionary tale but not quite, a sort of “this isn’t very good but it still feels grounded in realism”. and wow. Wow. it’s so fucking good.
mind the tags, but definitely rec this one. 
some scattered accounts i will gush about and if they have a tumblr account i will do my best to tag it. 
@kidcarma, same name on ao3. 
- okay, cam is just super fucking talented with characterization, and i adore all of their fics so fucking much? the way they characterize komaeda, kamukura, and hinata resonate super hard, and i just. really love their stuff. they are also absolutely wonderful so please support them do it why aren’t you doing it just kidding haha unle
@celestial-nova, celestial_nova on ao3
- nova is my best friend and i fucking love her, also her writing is fucking art. does a lot of naegiri and some stuff out of this fandom, but i seriously recommend her stuff. she’s really fucking talented and absolutely incredible and i adore her so very much. 
sinnohremaker on ao3
- their stuff is MAJORLY cathartic to me and they are also super sweet, love them a lot.
shutupnerd on ao3
- SHE IS REALLY TALENTED, I LOVE HER WORKS!! they are also super cool and i just appreciate her a lot fksdc,mxv, her fic “an account of events” is really good
@whatsupscythia, hinataisnothim on ao3
- i fucking love her writing, does some really good hinata prose, highly recommend it
i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting people, i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting fics, and i am ABSOLUTELY going to bash my head into a wall when i realize i have forgotten people, but uhm here is an impromptu list. i hope this was good? idk how to do fic recs. uhm yes support all these people they are dope
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boundtoyouphff · 4 years
Chapter 11: Royals Do Not...
A/N: Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I have not been as active on here. I have moved to England temporarily and its been quite the adventure! I feel inspiration here and there to write this story so I am hoping that this inspiration and I can continue to share more of this story with you. Much love xx
From the moment I was born I have lived my life in the spotlight. Many people I have met are envious of that fact, of the fame and apparent glamour that my birth right gave me. But... it is far from what they dream it as to be.
It is not all glitz and glam or dressing up in a pretty designer dress and wearing magnificent sparkling jewelry. It’s about being a public servant to the people of your country and with that, there are rules that are not meant to be broken. Rules of how I should be greeted by another, who is allowed to touch me, how I am supposed to act in every occasion you can think of.
My grandmother instilled this quote in me at a tender young age as my rebellious side craved to appear... ‘to be believed you have to be seen. You have to give the people a monarchy they desire and envy to be like and thus act like one.’
I have stopped counting the amount of times I have been lectured on what “Royals do not...” do, mainly its because I don’t want to do things the way I was taught. To show no empathy or compassion, to not embrace and hug someone or try to relate to them by putting myself down from this pedestal that I should be cemented in.
I have been told to act ‘more royal’ but what does that even mean? Does anyone really know? What really makes me different from anyone else I pass by on the street?
I can hear my grandmothers scolding tone invade my mind when I am on an engagement, telling me how I should be acting or the fact that I held someone’s hand was wrong. And yet, I can never learn to stop that. I cannot put on a fake smile or not feel genuine emotions that these people elicit in me.
Those three little words.
Royals do not...
They define my life. Or at least that is what they want me to believe.
Emilia lifted her chin up in the air as her stylist and make up artist, Ella, applied a natural layer of make up to her face. Mia Deacon was rambling off in the corner about the day’s full itinerary of Harry’s tour accompanied by the princess, stressing over every single detail with little side notes of protocol reminders, no doubt her grandmother incorporated in through Mia.
Ella rolled her eyes with her lips spreading into a cheeky smile picking up on the fact that Emilia was starting to get annoyed with her private press secretary. “Just be you, Emilia.” Her stylist encouraged in a sincere tone that was matched within her eyes.
The princess closed her eyes with a slow nod and tuned out all the voices from around her to focus on calming her nerves. Emilia felt the pressure from every angle and today would only be another day that every moment would be cautiously watched and scrutinized not only by her grandmother, but also the Illyrian media.
“There how do you like this Em? I could add a bit more but felt a natural look would be perfect for today and then this evening for the state banquet we could amp it up!” Ella delightfully smiled at the finished product and grabbed a mirror to hold up in front of Emilia.
“Looks perfect like always Ella. Thank you very much.” Emilia’s lips tugged into a smile and stood up from her stool motioning for her stylist to follow her into the closet. “Now, I forgot which outfit we talked about last week for the first engagement.”
Mia’s heels clicked behind them and entered her walk in closet ready to put her opinion in. “Let’s make sure it’s elegant and regal. The style of a true princess.” Emilia’s press secretary was adamant that she would be the one to ultimately decide if her dress was suitable for the occasion, but the princess was not going to succumb to the pressures placed on her when someone else would decide every single little detail.
“I appreciate the input Mia.” Emilia sorted through her closet analyzing a few options before continuing. “But, I think this is a decision for Ella and I. Besides I am heading to a children’s hospital in a lower socioeconomic community and do not believe that is the place to be ‘regal’ as you put it, but more... relatable...” Emilia angled her head down, admiring a dress she thought would be a good fit for the event.
“Emilia… these engagements are important for you.” Mia was not backing down from the princess.
“Important for me? Or important for you so you don’t lose your job.” Emilia sassily replied and turned around to confront her private secretary with a disappointed expression morphing onto her face. With each passing day, it seemed like Mia was no longer interested in working with Emilia, rather for her grandmother. Able to keep a close watchful eye on the young royal and persuade her actions to those that would align with the Queen’s.
“Both.” Mia crossed her arms defensively and narrowed a stare towards the princess. “Your grandmother hired me to set you on a straight path and you have been making this job more than difficult because of your attitude and the need to be on the front page of the daily paper... daily.” The brunette freely spoke her mind, not holding anything back. “You need to grow up and be the princess your grandmother wants you, rather needs you to be.” Those words cut through Emilia like a knife, stinging on their way out.
Tristan had walked in mid conversation and was casually leaning up against the framed entrance watching the encounter unfold in front of his eyes. His brow furrowed in displeasure seeing how Mia was treating Emilia. He could recall all the difficulties he previously had with the princess, but he showed Emilia how they could work together and gave her the freedom she craved every once in a while in return for her cooperation and in time, built an understanding relationship. The moment he met Mia, Tristan had an inkling that she would rub Emilia the wrong way mixed with the fact that she was not the princess’s choice rather the Queen’s intention to keep a closer eye on Emilia.
Emilia’s silence was profoundly felt amongst all standing around her as the awkwardness in the room rose. The disappointment that was etched on her face provided more proof of what the silence meant as she stared down Mia
Mia had over stepped majorly and she knew it. Opening her mouth to apologize she was interrupted before she could even start.
“Mia.” Emilia spat out her name. “I need people on my team who can work with me, not work against me. There really never was a cohesive feeling when you arrived and partly for the fact that you believe my grandmother is your boss as she is the one you are required to please and not me. That was your first mistake.” The princess calmly spoke, mustering all she could within herself to not lose it. “Your second mistake is thinking you could speak to me that way and this is not the first time I have let it go unchecked.”
“Emilia, I apologize.” Mia stepped forward towards the scowling princess to beg for forgiveness, but Emilia was through with her.
“It’s your royal highness or ma’am to you.” Emilia interrupted with a clenched jaw. “Mrs. Deacon, I think this is where we say our goodbyes. Thank you for your service and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.” The princess raised her head to look past Mia at Tristan giving him a slight nod of the head. “Tristan, please escort Mrs. Deacon out of my apartment. I am sure she will be wishing to speak with the Queen on this matter.”
“Gladly, ma’am.” Tristan stepped forward and gripped Mia’s arm tightly, giving it a tug back. “It’s time to leave here, Mia.”
Mia’s big brown eyes that were filled with regret peaked up at the blonde RPO. “You know this is ridiculous Tristan.” She was practically being pulled out of the princess’s apartment.
“What is ridiculous is how you thought you could change Emilia. Maybe she is what this family needs right now.” Tristan stood up for the young princess he had grown fond of despite her unprecedented ways. “A breath of fresh air.”
Emilia turned around being no longer able to watch Mia’s figure slowly disappear in the distance. She had to hide the tears that were threatening to over pour. Never had she felt so alone in this world before, but her mind could not stay on that thought as it brought images of articles to the forefront of her mind knowing this would have to be revealed publicly. Not to mention how her grandmother would react once she heard the news of Mia Deacon no longer being her look out for Emilia.
The princess fought back the tears and gained her composure while sorting through her dresses. “Can you pick one out Ella, I trust your judgment.” Emilia sat down on top of a white cushioned bench taking a moment to herself.
“I think this one will look fabulous on you along with these shoes and a simple pair of pearl earrings.” Emilia lifted her head and smiled weakly at a beaming Ella who was holding up a black and white simple dress with a turquoise heel to add a pop of color.
“Me too.”
“Good morning.” Harry leaned in and pressed a greeting kiss on both of Emilia’s cheeks. He had been waiting for the princess to join him on their first engagement as his team waited at the convoy along the palace’s gates, but Emilia was nearly twenty minutes late. Judging by her quiet demeanour the prince guessed that something had happened.
“Morning.” Emilia spoke with a quiet voice and was visibly distracted, barely looking the prince in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Harry’s brow furrowed with concern while the princess peaked up at him through her dark lashes with those mesmerizing piercing blue eyes. For a brief second she allowed him into her thoughts that were painted across her face for him to clearly see, but they morphed into a fake smile that hide it all too quickly for Harry’s liking.
“Nothing.” Emilia brushed him off and stepped around him to get in the vehicle. “We better leave, Henry.”
The princess stared out the window hardly acknowledging the prince’s existence. Neither of them spoke a word to one another throughout the whole drive to the children’s hospital alerting Harry that something was definitely up with Emilia. His head lifted and locked with Tristan through the rear view mirror who was driving them to the engagement. Her RPO gave him a simple nod and pushed the button to bring up a separator between the back seat and the drivers, giving Harry and Emilia a bit of privacy.
“Talk to me, Emilia.” Harry’s soft voice was laced with genuine concern for the princess. “Please.” The prince begged of her when he was met with a silent reply.
Emilia closed her eyes and swallowed a lump in her throat. She could not bare to look at Harry so she continued to glance out the window, staring absentmindedly at the buildings they passed by while her thoughts consumed her.
All her mind was filled with was her grandmothers ridiculing voice saying...
Royals do not be irrational about their decisions.
“I am sure you will hear a few people commenting today that I fired my private secretary this morning.” Emilia sighed at the end of her sentence.
“Well, that happens.” Harry non-chalantly played it off, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. “I am sure there are other people more capable for the job.”
“No…” Her head snapped towards Harry as he was met with a hard stare. “You don’t understand, Henry.” Emilia’s cold icy stare bore into him. “Mia was hired by my grandmother to keep a closer eye on me and change my unroyal ways. I am just waiting to hear word from her about how disappointed she is in me... again.” The princess turned away from Harry to hide her somber eyes. “Nothing I ever do is good enough. No matter how hard I try, I am not good enough.... not royal enough.”
“I am sorry, Emilia.” The prince’s heart felt for her while her words tugged at his heart strings. “But, think of this as an opportunity to find someone who you can work well with, who will be on your side now and do things the way you want to do them.” Harry shifted in his seat to move closer to Emilia. “Come here.” He whispered and gripped her arm gently to pull Emilia into him.
“Nooo.” She fought it for a second, but quickly gave into his request craving his comforting touch. Emilia wrapped her arms around Harry, releasing a deep sigh and finding comfort once again in his arms. “I feel so alone, Henry.” The princess fought back the tears, but a stray one trickled down her cheek. “Why can’t being me just be good enough for someone? Why do I have to bend to their will only because I do things a little differently?”
“You aren’t alone.” His thumb rubbed over the soft fabric of her dress on the back of her arm. “You have me.” Emilia picked her head up off his shoulder to look up into his eyes to see if the sincerity in his voice matched. “And you are good enough, Emilia. Don’t let anyone tell you different.” The kind words that rolled off his tongue made the hurt subside a little, as she found solace in them.
“Thank you for being you.” Emilia cupped his cheek and without warning, leaned in and captured Harry’s lips. The princess had no idea what had gotten over her, but having someone on her side without any ill intentions brought a sense of reassurance and security to her that had been lacking for numerous years, so she welcomed it with open arms. She realized what she had done and tore her lips off of Harry’s only to feel Harry’s hand on her neck to stop her from moving any further away.
“Don’t pull away.” His lips embraced Emilia’s again while holding her head steady. She smiled into the kiss and welcomed the feeling of Harry’s lips softly kissing her. He was gentle, but passionate as the prince continued a feverish attack, making his motives clear that he indeed wanted Emilia.
There was a piece inside of Emilia that had feelings for Harry, making it more difficult for her to ignore with each passing day as it continued to grow stronger within her. It was undeniable that there was this palpable connection they shared like an outside force was playing like a puppet with their heartstrings.
Harry tugged hard on Emilia’s lips and captured a tiny moan that escaped from them. She clutched the collar of Harry’s shirt and pulled him down, fighting for a piece of control, but the prince did not back down and fought back with soft kisses trailing down her jaw line down towards her collarbone. Emilia was breathless as her head gently tipped back, giving Harry full access to her neck.
“We should stop…” The princess forced out from a fully clouded mind with evident regret laced in her tone.
“We should…” Harry mumbled against her soft skin as he found his way back to her lips and delicately tasted them, savouring the taste.
The screams of fans muffled from outside the vehicle brought them hastily back to reality. Emilia released her grip on Harry’s shirt and immediately sat back, clearing her throat and checking to see if her dress was in proper placement.
The prince was beaming from ear to ear as he licked his lips, tasting the remnants of Emilia on them. His eyes drifted towards a half stunned princess as she stiffly sat beside him, attempting to get the moment out of her mind.
“We should not have done that before an engagement.” Emilia’s shaky voice sounded as she fidgeted nervously with the ends of her dress.
“Don’t worry, it will be fine.” The ever-assuring prince calmed her. “It’s not like they are going to ask if we locked lips, Emilia.” Harry tossed his head back in laughter after seeing her ice blue eyes wide with shock.
“You can thank the blacked out windows for that.” The princess nervously giggled.
“Just, let’s keep it professional.” The princess informed him and even shifted further away from him. “Keep a good distance away from me.”
“Yes, princess.” Harry tugged on the sides of his suit jacket to straighten it out as their vehicle pulled to a stop. “Let’s not forget to have a little fun too. You aren’t the only one who likes to do things a little differently so let’s show them how the Brits do it!” Henry flashed a flirtatious charming smile at Emilia before his door sprung open and exited the vehicle to hear the hundreds of screaming fans hollering their names.
But, the same voice in her head was still louder than the cheers from the people... her grandmothers scolding her, again.
Emilia, Royals do not show any displays of affection.
Emilia gracefully stepped out of the back seat of the vehicle and briefly locked eyes with Tristan who displayed a genuine smile back towards the princess. Her eyes scanned the awaiting crowd and offered them a cheerful wave as they shouted her name. The princess walked around the vehicle to see Harry waiting patiently for Emilia before they headed towards the entrance of the hospital to greet the CEO and founders of St. Thereasita’s Hospital.
Harry motioned for Emilia to step ahead of him, technically against royal protocol but he was bound to break a few rules today to show the Illyrian media that breaking protocol was not as awful as they were portraying Emilia while she did it.
“Your royal highness, it’s a pleasure to have you visit us again Princess Emilia!” The founder of St. Thereasita’s Hospital greeted the princess with a warm handshake, attempting to speak above the erupting crowd behind them.
“It’s always a pleasure, Mr. Davies. Thank you again for allowing us to visit and see the children and their families.” Emilia smiled warmly and angled her body to proceed down to the next person while the prince stepped in behind her.
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Harry and Emilia walked down through the pediatric cancer ward and visited a few families along with their eager children who were so excited to meet a prince and a princess. Along they way, they were educated on the different programs offered for families in this low income community and how their out reach in their community has changed many lives for the better.
Emilia sat down on a little girls bed who was playing with a stuffed animal. She looked quite pale and ill, lacking any expression. “Hello there.” The princess quietly intruded in the little girls thoughts as she peaked up at Emilia. “My name is Emilia, what’s yours?” The girl leaned forward and tapped Emilia on the nose with her stuffed bunny.
“Charlie.” She cupped her mouth and whispered, shyly eying the hoards of cameras behind the princess.
“That is a very pretty name, Charlie. I love your bunny!” The princess tried to distract Charlie from the media quietly listening to every one of their words.
“Do you have a bunny?! Like this one?” Charlie held the ratted out stuffed bunny proudly in the air, showing it off.
“You know, I don’t but I really wish I did though!” Emilia shared a glance towards Charlie’s smiling parents and delved into a conversation with him. She listened to Charlie’s story with empathy etched on her face, learning that this little girl was indeed a fighter but her treatments had recently stopped working. This family was at a crossroads in their life, unsure whether to let Charlie enjoy the rest of the little time she had left or go on to explore treatments in other countries that would put her body through so much to extend her life only by a little.
Emilia’s eyes were brimming with tears while her heart ached. Her hand flew to her chest as she leaned in and tried to formulate a string of words that got caught up in her throat. “I can’t imagine. She is a very strong little girl.” The princess felt a stray tear trickle down her cheek that she quickly brushed away and heard an array of cameras clicking making Emilia hide her face away from them.
Royals did not show emotion. Emilia could hear those exact words in her mind being spoken by her grandmother.
Harry was leaning up against the wall, watching the whole encounter take place before his eyes. The media were practically starving for anything they could use against the princess, rather anything that would sell the papers. He felt for Emilia deeply. Even though he had an understanding of the level of scrutiny she was under, this felt more like an obsession, like she was a money target.
The prince stepped in and made a joke with Charlie to which everyone laughed. Emilia was grateful for the distraction and was able to thank the family for a visit before moving on to the next event on the agenda. Emilia felt the immediate presence of Harry beside her and silently whispered a quiet thank you. She received a small nod from the British prince before Emilia heard the shouting coming down from the hall.
“My friend! It’s my friend!” A small little girl was holding on to her IV pole as she came running down the corridor towards Harry and Emilia.
As the child came closer and closer, Emilia was both heartbroken and caught off guard to find out that she recognized the young child with her tilted purple beanie slipping off her head that revealed her hair was all gone. It was Olivia, the little sweet girl she befriended at her patronage, the Breakfast Club, a few months back. She was sitting all alone because the bullies at school did not like her shoes.
Emilia crouched down and opened her arms out to invite Olivia in for an embrace. The little girl wrapped her arms around the princess and squeezed her arms so tightly around Emilia. Closing her eyes, she heard the clicks of the cameras going off behind her capturing what should have been a private moment between them.
Emilia hugged Olivia tighter as the words crept in, blocking them out and relishing the feeling of the embrace as if she tried to convince herself it was worth the risk.
Breaking away from the embrace, Olivia stared up at the princess with her big blue eyes smiling. “Did you come here to visit me?” She innocently asked with an excited tone in her voice that made Emilia giggle.
“Yes! I did!” The princess stood up from and laid eyes on what appeared to be Olivia’s mother.
“Come sweetheart, the princess is busy at the moment. Maybe we will see her later.” Her mother reached out for her hand, but she grasped Emilia’s instead.
“But, mummy! My friend is here to see me!” She pleaded with her mother. “I have a drawing for her.”
Emilia’s head turned to see Harry smiling down at her with a fond smile plastered on his lips as he silently watched the sweet, but sincere interaction. His head lifted to stare into the depth of her blue eyed gaze that looked to him for guidance. He understood what Emilia wished for in that moment, private time away from the intrusive press, but if she asked for it there would be no doubt something written about her being difficult with them the following day.
Royals do not be difficult with those promoting their causes. Smile and give them what they want.
The prince stepped in and cleared his throat, approaching Mr. Davies. “Would you like to take me on more of the tour? I would love to see more of the work you are doing here and meet some more of the families and children here if possible. Emilia will join us for the story telling session later.” Mr. Davies hesitated briefly and looked beside the prince towards Emilia who subtly nodded her approval.
“This way, your highness.” He led the way as the press followed in behind them.
Emilia stood there holding Olivia’s hand loosely as she watched Harry glance back over his shoulder with a small smirk at the corner of his lips. One photographer lingered behind and snapped his lens at the princess, bringing her back to the moment.
Before Emilia could speak, Tristan stepped in front of him. “Sir, please join the rest of the media crew ahead. Princess Emilia has a privately planned meeting.” The photographer reluctantly left them and joined the rest up ahead, leaving Emilia alone with Olivia and her family.
“Hello, I am Emilia.” The princess stretched out her hand and shook the mothers hand, greeting her warmly.
“I must apologize. I have no idea why Olivia thinks you are her friend and for her barging in like that.” Her mother attempted to apologize.
“No no! Do not apologize.” Emilia was quick to re-assure her. “Actually, she is telling the truth. We are friends, aren’t we?” She glanced down at the smiling little girl. “Why don’t you take me to your room?”
“And this is for you!” Olivia handed the princess a drawing to which Emilia took in delicately in her hands to analyze it. It was a drawing of the two of them at breakfast that day, but both of them apparently had massive feet as she had show cased them both wearing her idea of replicas of the shoes she had worn. Their smiles stretched across their whole face, making Emilia’s reflect the same in that moment.
“This is so well done Olivia! Do you mind if I keep it and hang it up?” The princess gently asked. Olivia was quick nodding her head in reply.
“You can have it! It is a drawing of our friendship.” Olivia tilted her head and gave the most proudest, sweetest smile that tugged at Emilia’s heartstrings.
“I know what you are wondering.” Olivia’s mother broke the moment as she gained Emilia’s gaze upon her. “Of what happened to my little girl.”
“I do... but you don’t have to tell me.” Emilia reached out and brushed the little girls beanie gently with her hand. “In my eyes, nothing has happened. Olivia is still that sweet, adorable girl I met that day. Who is now rocking more amazing style choices just like she always has.”
Olivia’s mother, Leah, was taken back and grew into a silent demeanour while tears quietly streamed down her cheeks. It had been months since someone had looked past her daughters diagnosis and saw Olivia for who she really was and Princess Emilia did that. Wiping away her tears subtly, she watched from a close, but far enough distance to observe her daughters interaction with the royal. But, one thing her eyes could not stray from is the smile, rather the sparkle of life that had grown in Olivia’s eyes at the moment she saw Emilia.
Leah had read her fair share of the news that surrounded the Illyrian royal family, more so of the princess who was now sat in front of her. The media had been slamming her for nearly every blink of an eye, tearing her down. But, she witnessed another version of Emilia that was often not showcased in the news and the rare time it was, they ridiculed her for being too ‘common’ and ‘not enough royal.’ In reality, that made her more relatable than most people who had walked through her daughters hospital room.
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Emilia followed the sound of laughing children with Tristan in step beside her. She could hear the sound of Harry’s laughter from down the corridor that elicited a growing smile on her lips. Her feeble attempts to mask it failed miserably, she loved his laugh. Entering the room, Emilia opted to sit back and watch Harry interact with the children. Leaning up against the frame of a door she quietly kept her eyes on him, careful not to alert the media to her presence.
Harry was sitting on the tiniest chair she had ever seen, obviously meant for a child and not a grown man. But, there he was with a book in hand reading a group of children a story. He made silly faces and gave each character a different voice. Harry had the children holding their bellies in laughter, forgetting for a few minutes why they were in this hospital to begin with. They, were just being normal children the way they were supposed to be.
She sighed a breath of relief. Some piece of Emilia knew that Harry was putting on a bit of a show to show the media that it was ok to be relatable and to have fun on engagements. She deeply appreciated what he was doing for her, but in the end she knew things would never change as that small voice in the back of her head came to the forefront.
Royals do not have fun on engagements.
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Harry and Emilia exited the hospital after having a lovely visit at St. Theresitas. They both thanked Mr. Davies and chatted for a few minutes longer. Emilia felt Harry’s body become tense next to her and saw his jaw clench out of the corner of her eye. But, she continued the conversation with Mr. Davies.
The princess said her goodbyes only to turn around and find a swarm of paparazzi that had not been invited to attend the event, nearly pushing some of the barriers forward. The police told them to step back raising their arms up in the arm as a line of police built a barrier with their bodies, but Emilia knew exactly what was about to happen.
“Princess Emilia, Duchess of difficult! Why did you fire your private press secretary this morning?” One of them yelled at the princess. “Or did she actually quit because you were so demanding of her?”
Of course they had found out.
A sickening feeling in the pit of Emilia’s stomach began to grow as anxiety coursed through her body.
She felt a hand being placed on her back, settling her nerves with a simple touch. “We should go.” Harry’s voice broke through the clicks of the sea of cameras, his hand riskily guiding her forward. He knew that placing his hand on Emilia would insinuate rumours, but her safety was at the forefront of her mind.
Emilia quietly nodded and turned on her heel to leave, settling into Harry’s guiding hand on the small of her back. Showing off a fake smile and waving one last goodbye to the people who were awaiting so patiently to see them. But, with this media circus, a walk about would not be possible for security reasons.
The sound of metal crashing and shouting caused the princess to glance back over her shoulder to see some of the barriers being knocked down and a flood of paparazzi breaking through past the officers. Emilia gasped in shock as they shoved a policeman to the ground just to get to her, a hoard of running determined photographers came at her.
Tristan turned around and looked directly in Harry’s eyes for a brief second. “Get Emilia in the car now and go!” He barked an order at the prince, hoping he had made the right choice in trusting Harry with Emilia’s safety. There simply was not enough security to hold them back from the group rushing at her.
Emilia felt an arm wrap around from behind her and brought her body protectively into Harry’s to shield her from them. “Emilia, run.” His voice was commanding and cold. She picked up her feet as her fear drove her to run towards the vehicle that had swiftly pulled up.
Glancing back over her shoulder she nearly stopped in her tracks to see Tristan and the rest of her security team combined with Harrys attempt to hold them back just long enough to get the royals out of what had become an unsafe situation for them. Tristan grabbed someone who lunged forward, trying to break through and shoved him to the ground.
Emilia locked eyes briefly with the man as he smiled devilishly seeing the fear in the young princess’s eyes and yelled....“Emilia! Are you not royal enough? Is that why no one can stand working for you?! ARE YOU EVEN PRINCE FREDERICKS DAUGHTER?”
Those words cut deeper through her more than anything before, wounding her internally.
Harry grasped her forearm tightly and pulled her ahead with such force her arm stung with pain. “Emilia! Get in the fucking car!” He spoke to her through clenched teeth, forcefully pulling her along side of him. Not understanding why she was stalling and ultimately in fear of her safety.
He opened the back door and nearly shoved her in the back seat. “LET GO OF ME!YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHOVE ME!” She glared back at the prince who climbed in beside her and slammed the door closed in a fury of rage.
“GO!” He yelled at the driver. “I said go! Get the princess fucking out of here!”
The vehicle hastily sped off into the distance.
Emilia had not spoken a single word since they had driven away. They both sat there in silence. But, unknown to Emilia who refused to look at Harry as she looked out the window, Harry’s gaze never faltered from her.
He felt a pang of guilt when she grabbed the spot on her arm that he had gripped so tightly, wondering if he had hurt her. All he was doing was trying to protect Emilia without showing the onlookers how much he actually cared for her. He couldn’t just grab her hand and interlock their fingers in an intimate gesture for fear of reprisal.
“Are you ok?” He broke through their silence, asking a question he already knew the answer too. Harry had heard the words and accusations being tossed her way. He placed his hand on top of her knee, feeling a stiff tense body that did not reciprocate his touch.
Emilia didn’t acknowledge Harry. She sat there with her head resting on the window, absentmindedly watching the world go by as she was trapped in the depths of her mind, replaying the words of grandmother over.
Royals do not be irrational about their decisions
Royals do not show any displays of affection
Royals do not show emotion
Royals do not be difficult with those promoting their causes
Royals do not have fun on engagements
Royals do not cause a scene
“Emilia! Are you not royal enough? Is that why no one can stand working for you?! ARE YOU EVEN PRINCE FREDERICKS DAUGHTER?”
After everything the media had bore witness to, after seeing a side of Emilia she was hesitant to even show, all that would be reported about was the scene that had unfolded while they left the hospital.
A deep sigh was released from the princess.
“No, Henry.” His head lifted, hearing his name roll of her tongue.
“I am not ok.”
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asgardianthot · 5 years
Aftercare (Steve/Bucky)
Dom/sub aftercare, angst
summary: Steve takes care of his sub, no matter how reluctant he is to it.
word count: 2996
warnings: mentions of BDSM (previous to the scenario), one unintended injury
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Steve Rogers was known for many things, but kinky wasn’t one of them…
…one of the things people knew about him, that is, keeping in mind how he’d been working me with chains, spanking me and fucking the living breath out of me for the past hour.
Even though we’d both caught our breaths, I was left devastated on the bed, laying on my stomach as my bare ass was still heated red. I could have moved, probably, but taking in mind my recent submission and dedication, I believed I deserved to act as a ragdoll. So did Steve, who was already retrieving the soothing lotion and rambling about getting me some water or whatever.
“You okay?” he asked for the seventh time.
I sighed from exhaustion, given both by my sore body, and by his insistent question. No, I wasn’t perfectly fine, my back and arms were slightly hurting, my ass and butt cheeks were killing me, the marks left by the handcuffs in my flesh hand were burning, I had a small cut on my lip from biting on it that wasn’t majorly uncomfortable but I could still taste the iron in my mouth, and everything felt as if I’d ran a marathon. However, I wasn’t dying, he hadn’t done anything more than he’d done before and I had already answered to his question the other six times.
Plus, it’s what I loved more than anything. Being roughed up by Steve.
“I’ll have that water.” I mumbled, merely for him to shut up about it.
He nodded with a small smile, rushing to the bathroom to get me what I had seen myself forced to ask for. He came back with his boxer briefs on, still allowing me to stare at his sculpted body, glistening with the lingering of sweat sticking, and I thought to myself it wasn’t too much of a bad view to die looking at.
“Here.” He sat down on the bed where I propped myself on my elbow to drink from his a glass held by his hand, making myself useless.
I stared into his eyes while sipping it at first, thanking him with my gaze, then focused on gulping the water down as I was desert-like thirsty and hadn’t realized it before. Once I was finished, I fell back on my side with a loud puff of air.
“Better?” Steve’s puppy eyes smiled down at me while his hand, one that had been choking me minutes earlier, was now caressing my shoulder with extreme care.
A small grin made its way into my face although I was doing no effort to conceal my tired eyes. So I just closed them and nodded, practically getting ready to take a nap before Steve started to kiss my cheekbone over and over again, with the cutest caring pecks a grown man is able to give. I enjoyed the moment for as long as it went on, until he stopped to check the red marks on my ass.
“Looks painful.” He commented when his palm grazed the irritated skin, and I knew he was hinting the possibility of putting some lotion on it.
“It’s fine.” I groaned, then motioned behind me by tilting my head a little. “My back’s not, though.”
It was meant to be a witty comment, even if there was some truth to it. The sore feeling in my ass and cheeks wouldn’t even become bruises, and I had probably mildly bruised skin somewhere in my body, but the scratches on my back meant my flesh was exposed and therefore the feeling was a bit worse at that specific moment.
Steve hovered over me to check, immediately standing up to circle the bed and examine me from behind. “Damn, I’m sorry.” He said in a low voice, not really feeling overwhelming guilt, to be candid.
His fingertips ran through the red trails, the burning sensation immediate but bearable. The Captain ended up massaging some lotion into it, anyways, even though I told him it wasn’t necessary. And good thing I didn’t try and stop him, for it truly was soothing after all. After laying a few kisses right under my nape where my hair stopped, he covered my corpse-like body with the blankets and returned to his original spot, where he sat next to me.
“You know, you’re kinda pretty.” I mumbled. “When you’re not unbearably annoying.”
Steve rolled his eyes with a smile, moving some sticking hair off of my forehead. “I just take care of you, you masochist.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You seem to love when I’m a masochist.” I said in a high tone, mocking how hypocritical he could be when it come to an activity performed by two people, and one he enjoyed so much, sometimes I forgot it was me who offered it in the first place and felt like he bribed me into it. “You just love being a pain in my ass after… well, literally being a pain in my ass.”
The blonde burst out laughing in reaction to my comment. He always was easy to embarrass, he would blush at the slightest joke or dirty comment, yet turned into something completely different when I kneeled in front of him, mouth open. I’d beg for release and he would spank me to shut me up, but sure, laugh like a toddler when I mention butt sex.
He went to kiss my wrist, lovingly caress the marks left by the cuffs, as he always did, yet this time it wasn’t as easy to move my, up until that moment, motionless limb. When he took a hold of my right wrist, the one arm I hadn’t moved merely out of instinct, the one made out of flesh and bone, the scorching pain made me hiss loudly.
“What?” Steve let go of my wrist, a terrified expression plastered on his face and wide-opened blue eyes piercing through mine, searching for answers.
I avoided his gaze, having trouble putting on a false worry-less face which ended up looking just confused. As I grabbed my own wrist with care, I sensed how absolutely wrecked it was, however being now prepared for the sensation, the pain didn’t take me by surprise and I was able to conceal any outer representation of it.
“It’s fine.” I lied, giving him a small smile, rubbing the skin with harsh metal fingers, which didn’t help.
Steve’s eyes were going nuts, scanning my face, scanning my hand, scanning my body, as if there were something else he’d missed, like a sword dug in my back or something. I could see the worry building up for he didn’t buy my poor acting.
“Let me see.” He insisted, his voice now a little sterner.
I shook my head and turned on my back to rest my head against the pillow, trying to forget about my wrist. I knew he would make a big deal out of it, blame himself, treat me even more like porcelain, as if it were possible. I only needed to heal the bone in question, not discuss it with an overprotective mess of a dom.
The man sat up straighter, still examining my face and torso. “Buck, let me see.”
“Mind grabbing me a sweatshirt?” I asked to derail the topic.
He held a serious and concerned expression, that was beginning to turn into anger, but complied, as he physically couldn’t not spoil me in aftercare, which implied accepting my every request, which were usually little to nothing. When he came back with the item, I received it with my good hand, however had trouble putting it on.
“Let me help.”
“I’m fine.” I raised my voice a little on exasperation, having already said those two words around twenty times before.
Nevertheless, I was not fine, taking in consideration the trouble it meant to slide my aching arm through the sleeves. I made a grimace that was impossible to control, followed by a grunt. Now he was definitely worried.
Not minding my opinions anymore, he walked up to me from the side of the bed and gently lifted my arm, concentrated on the hurting articulation, which happened to burn like a bitch when he held it in his hand. This time the noise that escaped me sounded much more like an annoyed grunt, mostly from holding back the pain but also out of real annoyance towards Steve’s stubbornness and hero complex.
“I hurt you.” He let out, examining the articulation.
I simply sat there, legs dangling off the bed, that big sweatshirt covering me all the way down to my thighs and a dead look on my face. It felt as if he were to yell at me like this was somehow my fault, which excessively-technically, it was; I was the one to always push myself to the limit, but those kinds of things don’t necessarily matter when you’re full of superserum and heal rapidly. Still, the image made Steve extremely upset.
“Was it the cuffs?” he questioned, still not facing me.
“I guess so, it’s where you put it last, didn’t you?” the words came out a tad too sarcastic for anyone’s liking, but I didn’t mean to take them back.
He closed his eyes. “I’m serious, Buck. You’re hurt.” Steve then let go of my hand smoothly to avoid any pain and rested one hand on his hip, more angry-pose than anything, even thought it was hard not to picture him as a model with such a sight. “Not fun-sex-hurt, but actually hurt. I hurt you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Hand me my underwear?” I extended my arm, ignoring his overreaction.
He turned around to fulfill my command, not shutting up though. “This shouldn’t have happened. How did it happen?” he ranted while handing me the item.
“It was just an accident.” I said in a low voice, receiving the boxers and doing my best not to grimace while sliding it up my legs, but failing miserably. “It’s not- agh- a big deal.”
The ridiculous contradiction in my sentence made Steve tilt his head with a sad frown, a mixture between frustration and desperation for my refusal to let him do everything for me, or at least recognize the injury as important. He kneeled in front of me.
“Here, let me.”
“Go away.” I said unironically, however I felt like he received the words lightheartedly.
He insisted, which only made me feel even more humiliated as he tried to hold onto my boxers.
“I said go away!” I pushed back, hitting the back of my legs with the bed end and therefore falling on my butt; Steve stood back up and stared at me with a frown that had become much angrier, to which I cooled down and lowered my voice. “Can you stop acting like this? It’s insane.”
“No! What’s insane is whatever you’re doing!” he yelled down at me all of a sudden. “I broke your wrist, Bucky, how the hell do you expect me to react? I broke your fucking wrist!”
The scolding I was enduring had me looking down with shame, and I took the opportunity to lift the item of clothing that still laid right below my knees. I pushed it up my bum and accommodated myself, using my hand as little as possible.
“I didn’t notice.” I mumbled under my breath.
The way Steve’s voice rang across the room like a bark had me frowning up at him with something I couldn’t quite decipher, but walked along the lines of embarrassed and sad.
“What’s next? I choke you to death because you didn’t make me to stop?” he threw his hands out in the air, making a loud slapping noise when they fell at his sides. “I thought you were aware of a thing as simple as a safeword!”
Truth be told, the man had a fair ground to stand on regarding the why he was so disturbed. It was very easy for me to care little to nothing about my well-being. Hell, if Steve hadn’t been there to reach into my post-Hydra emotional hole and pull me out into his arms, I probably wouldn’t even be there in that room to receive his yelling. And my actions only confirmed it to him, the way I copied how reckless he was when it came to missions, how I didn’t mind leaving a wound unattended, the amount of times I forgot my body was mine and not the machine they had told me it was.
Technically, yes, this was somehow my fault for not noticing. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to apologize for something that held me as the primary victim. I was the one who got hurt, meaning Steve shouldn’t had been so tough on me for it.
He broke the tense silence with a puff of air, not raising his voice anymore. “Goddamn it, Buck!” he sighed, followed by his face falling on both of his hands in frustration.
I wasn’t entirely sure if it was caused by a fair mixture of my negligence and his decision to yell at me, or if one of those two weighed more than the other. Yet everything in my body pushed me to comfort him, not allow him to wallow by himself. I stood up slowly, contemplating his still body which barely shook his head a little, and walked to him where I could grab his arm tenderly.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” I gave in, the slightest hint of annoyance in my voice. “I’ll be more careful. But I really didn’t notice.”
Instead of arguing back, Steve pulled me into a hug, which I reciprocated while avoiding any rough motions with or near my hand. He pressed the sides of our heads together and sighed again, this time more painfully.
“I can’t hurt you. I just can’t.” the way his thumb ran up and down my shoulder let me know he was apologetic more than anything. “I’m so, so sorry, I didn’t wanna yell.”
I remembered when I first told him what I was into, and he had thought he wasn’t capable of doing it, cause he didn’t wanna lay a finger on me if it was going to be painful in any way. But then we tried it, and he realized it was a different kind of pain and it very quickly grew on him. He liked playing like that, pretending to enjoy watching me suffer when all he really enjoyed was hear me beg, because it made him feel needed and in control.
He might have been the captain out there, but when it came to us both, he always said he had no say in his feelings or actions whatsoever, like I could ask him the world and he’d steal it from the entire population just for me. I never wanted to exceed those limits, never wanted to take advantage of his will. I even sometimes pretended he never confessed such thing to me.
“You didn’t hurt me, I hurt myself.” I did my best to ease the moment and comfort him. “And it’ll heal tomorrow.”
Steve kissed my forehead, then my temple, then cheekbones, until it led us into a sweet kiss. After staring deep into my eyes, as if we could read each other’s minds by doing it, he led me to sit down on the mattress, where he took a seat right next to me.
“I love you.” He said seriously. “So much, if anything were to happen to you…”
I simply stared down to my hands. “It’s already happened, remember? I can take it.”
Whatever torment he thought he was capable of unwillingly, was nothing compared to the things I had actually endured, and nothing Steve could ever do would even approach anything done by Hydra. He meant safety. I never had wanted to draw the psychological link between Hydra and my kinks, but I was pretty sure it has to do with catharsis, perhaps allowing the person I feel most safe with have their way with me in a healing manner.
He, however, didn’t enjoy any idea that compared him with the people who abused me. I could see it in his eyes when I peaked then looked back down to my hands, which he grabbed with utter care and held in his own.
As he pressed our hands against his chest, I could feel his voice buzzing. “I don’t want you to. I’m supposed to take care of you, not the opposite.” Suddenly, there was a hint of a smile in his pink lips. “You gotta let me take care of you, no matter how annoying I can be.”
We both smiled, him pleased with his reference to my complaints earlier, and me, giving into his warmness. Sometimes I had a hard time fathoming the idea of a person being the embodiment of the concept of haven. He kissed my metal arm, a gesture he didn’t do often but it reminded me he was the only person who knew how sentient it was, how much of a part of me and not just a weapon.
“I’ll get you some painkillers, okay?” he leaned to drop a kiss in my forehead before tugging a strand of hair behind my ear. “A heating pad and some hot chocolate.”
I frowned at the last addition, however a small smirk escaping me. “What’s the chocolate for?”
Steve only smiled as he got up. “To spoil you.”
Somehow he still got away with his own, for I gave into allowing him to pamper me without a single protest. And I figured, I wouldn’t care being looked after like that. When he got back with the promised, I laid in Steve’s arms while he pressed play on our old TV that we could barely use despite being a dinosaur for the likes of everyone else in this century.
And sure, I also figured there was nothing else I would rather be doing.
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spinblue · 4 years
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On Sonic during forces into IDW Comics, and a tiny insight on after
this is barely even a headcanon? I just wanted to get out all my thoughts on Sonic’s thoughts from these events, since it impacts my Sonic a lot. 
Honestly, it’s like my usual rambles just like times ten so if you choose to read, I’m sorry in advance aowineaw But gosh, it’s dumb long and was more just to get it out of my system than anything and is completely good to ignore tbh. 
Also, keep in mind that everything I describe here is just my default view on what happened. If you rp any character core to this and want to talk about things going down differently — I’m all for that too! 
Sonic wasn’t excessively physically tortured during his captivity during Forces. His imprisonment wasn’t dramatic or really anything. For the most part, he just sat in a cell with his arms and legs shackled. 
However, it’s not like it didn’t negatively affect Sonic. If you had to describe Sonic in one word — after fast — you would say free. Sonic is the embodiment of free will, and that very core part of him was taken from him, and he couldn’t do anything about it.  
It’s not like Eggman would have allowed him to go out and stretch his legs, and after his entire life of being able to run whenever he wanted for as long as he wanted, this was a harsh change to adjust to. He was just so restless.
Because not only was he stuck against his will in one place ( and this was the fastest thing alive, living embodiment of freedom, unable to so much as walk ) — but everyone was out there fighting for their lives and he couldn’t help.
Eggman made sure he was kept up to date on the progression of his expanding empire. He showed video feed of destroyed villages, trampled forests, and of so many people scared, hurt, and losing all hope.
It made him angry. Angrier than he has gotten in a long time. Angry enough to turn into Dark Sonic on a normal day — however, Eggman was smart. The cuffs used to chain Sonic also drained his chaos energy, and Sonic was kept weak. Alive and well enough to not fall into sickness or anything, but weak. It didn’t help that Sonic didn’t get a single restful night during his captivity ( not due to anything Eggman did directly, but Sonic just couldn’t let down his guard for even a second ) and he would do whatever he could to escape, trying to gather enough momentum/strength to break the walls, break his cuffs, anything. It left him more battered and bruised than anything Eggman himself directly did.
Being imprisoned for so long took its toll on him — though he didn’t allow himself to feel it at the time. After all, once he was rescued he was immediately taken into the thick of things, and he had an entire war to help win. 
Plus, he was Sonic the Hedgehog. He wasn’t the resistance leader — Knuckles got that role covered and Amy took on whatever extra was needed ( and boy was he relieved for that. Because for once people weren’t turning to him for guidance and instructions. he wasn’t the one in charge of millions of people doing what they can do take their planet back ) But, he was still The Hero ( people still looked at him for hope. for inspiration. for the opportunity they waited so long for ) He felt the pressure to act like nothing was wrong, that six months — half a year — of imprisonment was not enough to bring him down. And that they were all going to be okay and that they’ll finally win and bring an end to this whole mess. ( and somehow push past even when people were dying all around him. when so many have already died while he was sitting in some cell. and what kind of hero? what kind of hope? was he when all he could do is watch as so many good soldiers civilians died to protect him )
And you know, the easiest way to convince others of something is to convince yourself, first. Sonic fell into his role so wholeheartedly that he repressed the past six months. Pretty much instantaneously, too. Not giving himself any time to really process anything even after the war.
Despite his best attempts at repressing things, it wasn’t like he was just magically unaffected by what happened to him. 
It was in the little ways he changed after the events of Forces. 
He, more than ever, just couldn’t sit still. Before his imprisonment he’d be up for relaxing and be perfectly fine doing things cloud watching, but it was bad for a while after they won the war. He immediately left afterwards during the end credits of the game, after all. He made his rounds to say catch ya later to his friends, and then took off. And just, kept running.
He would be running, taking care of stray badniks, and then go to the next town, and repeat. and repeat. and repeat.
It wasn’t a conscious decision, but this was his way of making up for his six months of doing nothing. Of being so useless while people out here suffered through six months of war.
Not only was he itching to run, but he was itching to help. So he just couldn’t get himself to rest properly when there is still so much to do. So many people to save.
He went on like this for a long while. 
Eventually he crashed. And he crashed hard. 
It was messy, and it felt like all the tiredness that he’s been ignoring all this time dumped onto him at once. He also slept for almost two days afterwards. He woke up plenty of times during those two days, but would sooner or later drift back to sleep because he was just so tired.
Afterwards, that weariness was still heavy in his bones ( and at this point he half believed it would never leave him ) but he felt more relaxed, at least. Less like he was in a fast fall down with only seconds away from impact, and more like a slow ( a bit harsh ) trek up. Honestly, it didn’t feel like much of an improvement to Sonic at the time, but it was still better. And he desperately needed better at the time.
And that brings us to the start of IDW. 
Sonic running around and saving towns from badniks ( though nowhere near as frantic as he was at the start ) 
Sonic, again not consciously, but still he pulled away from his friends for a bit after the events of Forces. He was just so focused on doing what he could do help, of feeling the oppressing need to do more, that he forgot to check in with people like he usually would have. 
But after his crash one of his first realizations was that he misses his friends. He made the decision to try and track them down, but he ran into Tails before that. And then it lead him to bouncing back around his friends so it worked out in the end. 
Seeing his friends again cheered him up, far more than he would have expected it to. It also reminded him that he wasn’t in this alone — something he would have normally never forgotten, but things just got so cloudy for a while there. 
Hearing about Tails’s worry of Sonic being defeated again struck something in him, and it made him feel guilty for being the cause of his little brother’s distress like that, but it also made him strengthen his resolve to do better. To do better for Tails, the world, and himself. To be the Hero that everyone always proclaims him to be.
Too bad instead he causes an apocalypse. 
Before I let this dumb long post r e s t, I just want to say one more thing about why Sonic just was so adamant on Eggman being Mr. Tinker for good, and why Sonic thought letting Metal Sonic go was a good idea. 
Because it’s more than just the fact that Sonic believes in second chances ( though that also is a large and important factor ) Sonic truly believe that there is good in everyone, after all. And he will always want to bet on that bit of good in even the most evil villain. 
But, it was also just because Sonic was tired. That deep seated exhaustion that hasn’t left him since his imprisonment just flared and all of a sudden Sonic just wanted everything to end. 
He wanted to stop this constant back and forth. He didn’t want to fight Eggman anymore, he doesn’t want the world to be in constant peril every few months. 
He was so, so tired, and finally — finally a chance for things to change for the better was in grasp. For the first time in a long, long time, Sonic could see a future where there wasn’t constant danger looming over their heads. 
Because if Eggman truly was reformed, then there was no threat of an Eggman empire. ( once they stopped Metal Sonic, anyways ) 
And, with Eggman gone, it was the best chance for Metal to change, too. Because with Metal stripped of everything that made him dangerous, what threat was he? The only ones who could have fixed him was Tails or Eggman himself ( who at the time Sonic still believed to be Mr. Tinker ) Metal could go out and really experience the world himself, and again, because Sonic believes there is some good in everyone, he just figured that bit of good in Metal would finally be able to surface. 
Too bad Metal tracked down Eggman instead.
It was dumb, and way too idealistic of Sonic, but gosh did he want peace so bad. And when that small chance of obtaining it appeared, Sonic just latched onto it with all he could. He wasn’t thinking about it being too good to be true. He wasn’t thinking about all the things that could go wrong. He just wanted that peace. 
But as we all know it didn’t end up the way Sonic hoped, and it’s safe to say Sonic majorly screwed up. 
He’s going to be dealing with that guilt for a long time, and that faith that he so willingly gave will be withheld just a tad bit more. 
It’s been one misstep after another for Sonic, and he’s struggling to find his footing again. Because he’s trying. He really is. It’s just, not going the way he wants it to and he doesn’t know what else he can do???? 
He wants to stop letting people down.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
Mal En Point (part xiv)
Koh!Harrison x Angel!Reader
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A/N: hello its been a while but heres part fourteen. theres a lot of spots with just dialogue and im really sorry for that. also i’m thinking of abandoning this story. i feel like no one, myself included, is really excited for it and other reasons but i dont want to bore you. moodboard made by @wazzupmrstark and im so thankful for her
I suggest reading part 13 again to understand whats going on
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: uh insecurity and swearing
“So…” You dragged out the single syllable, getting King Harrison’s attention, “What’s with the kid?” You asked hesitantly. You’d wanted to ask earlier but not while Isaac was there and then you were too nervous to ask the King anything. Sometimes you just have to speak up though, so you did.
“Isaac?” He asks, turning his head around to look at you while you follow him back to the throne room from the main door, Isaac had just left and King Harrison had made sure he’d made it all the way out the gate of the yard before closing the door to the castle, “He’s just a kid. Nine realm years old. Big family and he’s the oldest so he kinda got pushed aside I suppose so I try to help out as much as I can”
You nodded along, you got a general idea but being an only child, you couldn’t quite understand. Couldn’t place yourself into his shoes.
“He’s a good kid, really” King Harrison continued, “His family was doing pretty bad before. They couldn’t afford food and Tom caught him on the grounds trying to take some food just after I’d become King” Harrison’s voice dries on the mention of his title, he hopes you don’t notice, “It was actually his idea to help them out”
So he wasn’t always an asshole. It was a question you wanted to pose out loud but you knew the answer that you’d get. King Harrison had already told you that he wasn’t but you hadn’t really believed him about it. You still weren’t sure if you did now. However, you had to admit that you felt infinitely more comfortable around the King than you had before. He always kept a safe distance away from you with his hands clasped either behind or in front of him. It made you feel comfortable despite how badly you wanted him to press his lips against your skin until it turns red and purple.
There’s an awkward moment of silence between the two of you before you pipe up with a curious question.
“How did Hell even come to be?” You ask, staring at a space on the black brick wall in front of you. You hear King Harrison chuckle from beside you, a smirk on his face. God you wanted it against your lips. “They don’t teach us in Heaven”
“Well, what do they teach you up there, angel?” For the first time, you feel like the term is not used in a derogatory way. It isn’t meant to mock or belittle you for what you are, were. The King used the term as an endearment, spoken softly, sweetly, under a laugh. Or maybe you’re reading into it.
“They tell us about Lucifer. That he craved power and fell, thus creating Hell. Anyone that was turned away at the gates to Heaven instantly went to Hell” Of course they told you this via much longer and much more boring lectures than what you just said to the King. They wanted to scare you in Heaven. If you feared what happened after falling, you’d be forced into obedience”
“But you never feared it, did you?”
“Not enough to stop me”
“So you’ve been planning your falling for a while now?” King Harrison furrows his brows together.
“Can you just answer the initial question?” You watch as King Harrison’s expression shifts into shock. You instantly go to backtrack, muttering out an apology for your outburst but the King started to laugh. You can’t shrink away no matter how much you try.
“Yes sorry about that” He lets himself calm down before starting but even still he could hardly wipe the smile off his face. It returned any time that he looked at you. You wondered why it made your stomach bubble with nerves.
“Hell always existed” He started. ”It wasn’t born from fallen angels who had defied God or the patriarchs. At first, the King and his family were the only ones that existed. But as angels fell they established a life here. Some were deemed unfit to survive here and were uh killed- you don’t have to worry about that though, it would have happened by now if someone was going to kill you-” There was an odd comfort to that sentence. Good that you weren’t going to be murdered but the way he phrased it irked you, “but as Hell gained more demons, the King grew more powerful. As the King grew more powerful, Hell grew. Both in population and size. It became an endless plane”
“So in theory, you should be the most powerful King”
“In theory, yes”
“But you’re not?”
“Wha- how do you know that?” King Harrison stutters out, instantly going to defend himself and his bloodline.
“You responded with ‘in theory’ not something like ‘I am’”
“That doesn’t mean that I’m not, that just means that I answered the question weird” You couldn’t help but notice how his word choice had changed. Harrison would be lying if he said that he wasn’t panicking even a little. Even though he had no reason to be, it was in his nature. His father taught him to never let anyone see you weak. Harrison had already made some exceptions to that and he didn’t want another. His father would be ashamed.
“So are you?”
“Yes. I am for a matter of fact” You cocked your head and looked at him curiously and it’s like he could hear the really? in his head. Fuck what his father taught him. “Okay. Fine. I’m not. I should be but I’m just… not. And I don’t know why”
You thought this would come as a shock to you but for some reason, it doesn’t. You can’t pinpoint why you feel as though you knew this. Like it was always there
“I’m getting better though” King Harrison interrupts your thoughts. His voice is filled with child-like glee, like when a kid shows their mom or dad a picture they drew or something new that they learned how to do. For the first time it occurs to you, even though the King of Hell is technically a full-grown adult, he’s still just a kid. A kid who was put in this position of power way sooner than anyone in Hell was prepared for. And they’re all still trying to cope. The population, Tom, and King Harrison included.
“Ever since Iezebel…” He trails off “I’ve uh. I’ve been getting stronger” Your heart melts at the proud smile he bears at his statement. he’s proud of himself and for that, you’re proud of him too.
“Do you miss her?” You blurt out the question but don’t take it back. You have a feeling King Harrison won’t mind your curiosity.
“Can I be entirely honest?” You nod and king Harrison’s gaze falls to the floor, “Not really. Not as much as I thought I would. I don’t miss her as my wife. I miss her as someone that I spent so much time with. If that makes any sense at all” He looks back up at you, met with an expression that he can’t quite decipher. But he knows it’s not negative. He knows that the smile flickering across your lips calms him down and that if given the chance you could probably read him better than anyone else ever could.
“I um, I should get going but I could show you back to your room.” King Harrison offers his arm for you to take but you don’t. It makes him a little sad, leaving a small sting inside his chest but he didn’t let it show. He hopes it didn’t
“I appreciate the offer, your highness, I think I can find my way back. I don’t want to waste your time”
“It’s not a waste of time, please I insist” When he sees the hesitance in your expression he continues; “It’s not too far. The same direction I’d be walking anyways” That was a lie, but he wanted to get a couple more minutes with you, even if there was no conversation.
Silently, you take his still extending arm, wrapping your arm loosely around it so your hand rest on his bicep. You walk in a comfortable silence towards your room. If you had been on your own you would’ve gotten majorly lost.
King Harrison stops walking and you stop with him in front of a door, you release his arm and he steps to face you.
“Thank you, your-”
“Please don’t call me your highness, or your majesty. Just call me Harrison.” He cuts you off.
“Well,” You start again, who are you to deny that request? The formalities made you slightly uncomfortable anyways. “Thank you, Harrison. You’re very kind”
“Have dinner with me,” Harrison blurts. “Tomorrow night. It can be just us. Or not if you’d prefer. I could get Harry or anyone that you’re comfortable with to join us really. I don’t want-”
“I’d love to” You cut him off to stop his rambling and the smile that breaks across his features is one of relief. It makes a smile find it way to your own lips, this one of joy. God he’s beautiful when he smiles. “You’ll have to find me and let me know when though. I don’t really have a grasp on how to know what time it is here yet,” You laugh at yourself in embarassment, though it's only mild.
“Tomorrow night it is then” He nods to confirm and the two of you stand there momentarily, you admiring him and him, you.
“Thank you again, Harrison,” You pipe up, “For helping me get back to my room”
‘You’re welcome, Y/N” He smiles and you can’t help but smile back as you go to open the door. “Have a lovely night” He places a small kiss on your cheek, making you blush and the smile on your face and Harrison’s grow. You entered your room and shut the door behind you before you were able to see how Harrison’s cheeks heated up as well.
Harrison was supposed to be asleep long ago. He meant to. Dom told him frequently that every good King needs a good nights sleep. Harrison’s father would’ve told him the same, but his mother wouldn’t have. His mother would’ve reminded him that sleep is important for reasons other than being King. She would have told him that if he was tired he’d be irritable and that any decision made in anger, even a small one, is never sound. He can remember her singing him to sleep as a child. A comforting hand running along his arm and shoulder, or fingers pressing into the skin around his wings to soothe the growing pains as soft melodies in varying languages filled his ears. Harrison replays the memories in his head in hopes of falling back asleep but to no such luck. He decided to head down to the kitchen, get something warm and calming to drink. Maybe it’ll help get everything off his mind.
As Harrison heads down the multiple floors towards the kitchen, he passes some of his staff who ask him if he’s okay or if they can help him. He brushes them all off with something along the lines of I’m alright and then thanking them. He was always sure to thank them.
Upon arriving in the kitchen Harrison found it entirely empty. He breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to deal with more people than he had to. There were no lights in the room so he tried his hand at illuminating some of the candles on his own. Much to his delight, the first two on the small island countertop flickered alive. The kitchen staff had started putting candles on the counters since he was young when they’d find him in the kitchen alone or with Tom in the pitch black. They didn’t bother asking questions, just put the candles in a spot they could reach and a matchbox since they were only kids, Tom could light them as he got older but Harrison hadn’t been able to until recently.
Harrison sat on the countertop watching colour leak out of the tea bag and sugar crystals dissolve in the hot water in his mug. If only dad could see you now he thought, chuckling at what his father would think.
Why are you slouching? That’s no kingly posture. There are bigger issues to tend to. Your girl problems are not important right now. She’s an angel, she shouldn’t even be here.
Harrison scoffs as he brings his tea up to his lips and takes a small sip, ignoring the way it burns its way down his tongue and throat. His eyes lift to the figure in the doorway.
Certainly not dressed as if he had just rolled out of bed, Tom steps into the kitchen precariously. Keeping an eye on Harrison as if he was some sort of threat, he stands on the other side of the island. Tom puts his hands on the edge and leans forward, finally breaking his gaze away from Harrison.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Tom asks, looking back up at Harrison who looks like a child who got caught raiding the fridge, eyes widened slightly and mouth pouted. The expression breaks into something more neutral that Tom was used to from Harrison.
“Uh yeah. Too much going on.” Harrison nods as he speaks, “What about you?”
“Found out that Lucius hasn’t come back from Earth yet. I was going to tell you tomorrow morning but I suppose nows as good a time as ever” Tom shakes his head, mostly at himself. It’s his fault and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t ridden with guilt. Harrison can tell. He could always tell when something bothered Tom.
Usually, with smaller issues, Tom can make a decision and let Harrison know about what he did. After all, that's pretty much the whole point of there being a right hand, a second in command of sorts. That’s what happened this time. There was an issue on Earth, angels meddling in human relations that weren’t their place. Tom decided to send Lucius to put a stop to it and told Harrison about it after Lucius had already left. Harrison told him that it was a dumb decision, that he shouldn’t have sent someone so young on their own. Tom should’ve sent someone older or sent Lucius with another demon. But the deed had already been done, it couldn’t be taken back from then. Now Tom knows that Harrison was right and it only makes his guilt worse. Harrison could read him. Instead of telling him I told you so he consoled.
“Even in the middle of the night, you don't stop working do you?" Harrison chortles, his attempting to lighten the mood falling flat when Tom doesn't look at him, instead just running a hand through his hair, messing it up and causing some curls to pop out of place. "We’d know if he was dead. Or at least I would” Harrison let his hands rest in his lap, still gripping the mug.
“I know. But what if they know that, Haz? What if that’s why he’s not dead yet? This wouldn’t be the first time that angels have done something horrible to our kind. I just” Tom sigh and shakes his head.
Wordlessly, Harrison places his mug next to him, hops off the countertop, reaches into the cupboard above him and grabs a mug similar to his own, filling it with water. He heats it in his hand while he rummages through the drawer for the tea that he knew was Tom's favourite before placing the tea bag into the mug and handing it off to Tom.
Tom accepts it with a smile and a quiet, “Thanks,” and adding sugar and milk. No matter how much the two of them fought and argued, they were still best friends. Still knew each other better than anyone else did. Harrison just wished Tom would stop challenging him on every decision. Tom wished that Harrison would stop making what he’d consider stupid decisions. Maybe he only saw them as stupid because they weren’t what he’d decide.
But he wasn’t King. Never would be.
“I’ll figure out where he is tomorrow,” Harrison says as he leans against the countertop, grabbing his mug from behind him. “I’ll go find him when I know where he is.”
“Haz, you can’t,” Tom says the words like they’re the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. Harrison looks at him with furrowed brows. “We need a King down here, besides it’s my fault. I should be the one to go get him”
“Tom it’s alright-”
“No, Harrison I’m not letting you go.” Tom shakes his head, “That’s final”
“Yessir” Harrison laughs, bringing his mug to his lips. Tom laughs too.
“Do you remember when we used to sneak down here as kids?” Tom says after a minute of silence.
“And used to take all the good snacks out of the fridge and cupboards?” Harrison replies.
“Yeah. Our fathers weren’t too happy about that were they?” Tom and Harrison both let out a chuckle.
“I don’t think anyone was too happy about that. Not much anyone but our dads could do though”
“Oh yeah you just pull out the prince card and everyone shut right up every time”
“Me? You could talk your way out of anything. I only pulled out the prince card on Lillian. She was the one person who wasn’t convinced” the kitchen is filled with laughter. In a way that it hadn’t been since the pair was young. They had climbed up the counters in an attempt to get the snacks that their mums had brought back from earth. But the staff had walked in for a final nightly check, only to catch the boys on the counter grasping for the bright green box which was just that little bit too far back.
“Oh, whatever. Same thing” Tom rolls his eyes as the laughter in the room dies down, both of the boys left with childish grins on their faces, now empty mugs in their grasp.
“You should get to sleep. Before you do anything stupid” Harrison says as he washes and rinses his mug, setting it out to dry. He turns back around to see Tom looking at him in offence. “Don’t look at me like that, you know I’m right. you’re not even changed yet. You’ve got stuff to do tomorrow and you need to be on top of things. And any decision made-”
“Any decision made in anger is never sound.” Tom cuts Harrison off, “She told me it too. You have as well. You’re not the only one who misses her. G’night, Haz.” Tom turns around and leaves, leaving his mug on the countertop and the room silent and tense.
mep: @tonystark-mcu @thirsty-hoes-central @deleteidentity @buckystolemyheart @youngandfleeting @peterbrokenparker @babyplutoszx2 @crazyfreaker @writing-in-winter @awesomeaugustina @agirlwithpointlessideas
Haz: @definitely-not-black-cat @hjosterfield @imagines-andshizz @thequeensardine @artemisiaarm @sincerelymlg @butithasntkilledyouyet @bitchymathematician @ixchel-9275 @honeyyhuggs @nedthegay @ohyouremymedicine @awkwardfangirl2014 @parkerpeterholland @screeching-student-unknown @musicalburrage @itsrecklesscalum @jjasalem @little-miss-rebel3 @practicallylivesonline @phia-eilice @osterfieldholland01 @happymagicbee @headsup-itsmostlypeter @starlightfound @spideyyypeter @empressdreams @isabellyduh
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I Know What You Did Last Summer: Part two
Chapter Summary:
Ruby, Sam, and Dean look for a girl who hears the angels. Castiel and Uriel return.
Pairing(s):  Eventual Dean x Ariel, Ruby x Sam
Warning(s): Steamy Kissing, MAJOR Angst, Alcohol Consumption, Typical SUPERNATURAL Violence, Mild Language
A/N: The story isn't over yet don't fret. Haha. Kinder surprise egg! ♥ ♥  Also about Dean and Ariel's relationship, They do like each other to the point where they might kiss and have sex but I won't consider them canon until one of them asks the other one out. Cause it's pretty clear that they feel for each other.
When the kissing starts you will see *** feel free to skip it.
Please feel free to leave feedback.
Beta'd by Zoe (a friend)
Word count: 2,740+
In the middle of the wooden floor laid a figure with large black and gold wings surrounding them.
The figure opened its eyes, squinting as they readjusted to the bright light above their head. They shut their eyes and shook their head as millions of voices filled their mind.
"It isn't your time."  Were the words that played over in their mind. They recognized the voice but couldn't place it. If only they saw the face.
The being stood to their feet and walked over to the nearest reflective surface to observe themself to see if anything had been majorly changed.
The angel's breathing hitched in its throat as it was met with azure eyes in the mirror.
"I'm alive." Ariel murmured.
She studied herself in the mirror. It was a human vessel, Camille. That faint voice in the back of Ariel's mind had vanished. Camille was dead.
It felt strange.
Camille and Ariel were close, but to now have her gone, it was an unsettling feeling.
With wide eyes, she studied the large set of wings on her back. Ariel brought the left wing forward, stretching out her arm to finger the golden feathers.
Everything felt so different this time, being alone in the vessel and experiencing all the five senses alone.
She could hear the faint acoustics of an indecipherable song playing on the overhead speaker. Her sapphire orbs darted from the mirror to the speakers.
Ariel shut her eyes and inhaled deeply, "I feel different..."
It was hard not having someone to guide them for centuries and then Him to just appear and resurrect her; It made her angry.
"Why won't you help us?" Ariel challenged with a pained grimace.
The abandoned child looked heavenward, "WHY WON'T YOU HELP US?!" She shouted.
Dean knocked on the front door, sliding a hand into his pockets as they waited. A few seconds passed before he deduced that they weren't home. "Maybe they're not home."
Sam glanced at the driveway and shrugged. "Both cars in the driveway."
"Huh." Dean peered through the glass window and reached for the doorknob. Jiggling it, he had come to find out that it was unlocked. The hunter looked back at his brother and then entered the home.
"Mr. and Mrs. Milton?" Dean shouted throughout the house.
Sam followed close behind his brother, carefully searching the house for any signs of life. "We're from the sheriff's department." He closed the door behind him and continued. "We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions."
As Sam rounded the corner of the living room, he was met with two corpses. He let out a heavy sigh once he pieced together who they might be. The tall hunter peeped over his shoulder to see Dean entering with a solemn grimace.  He walked over to the bodies, hunkered over a yellow powder on the floor and swiped his fingers through it.
"Sulfur. The demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl--" Sam started but Dean finished.
"Yeah, they want her. They're not screwing around."  The 30-year-old took a deep breath, "All right, so, if I was 'Girl, Interrupted," Dean paused and plucked a few addressed envelopes and recommenced. "And I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box..." He looked down at his brother. "Possibly using superpowers, by the way. Where do I go?"
Sam brought himself to his feet and caught a glimpse of a family photo. "Hey, you got those sketches from Anna's notebook?" He motioned with his finger.
"Yeah." Dean nodded his head and tossed the envelopes to the side. He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out some papers he tore from her sketchbook.
The poppy flower fell out of his jacket, the stem was a vivid green.
Bending over to pick up the flower, Dean shoved the papers into Sam's hands and studied the piece of nature. For a second, there was a spark of hope in him that Ariel might be alive.
Sam glanced at the flower but the realization didn't dawn on him until he saw a scarlet petal growing from the stem. "What is that?"
"Um.." Dean cleared his throat as he thumbed the forming bulb. "Nothing." The hunter furrowed his brows and stuffed the flower into his jacket. He couldn't contain his happiness
Lowering the photo, Sam looked down at his brother, unsure of how to say this correctly. "Look...I'm sorry- ."
Dean shut his eyes, "Don't." He dragged his hands over his face and drew his lower lip between his teeth.
"Check this out." Sam shuffled through the sketches and stopped on a drawing of a stained glass window.
The 30-year-old opened his eyes, glancing between the photo and illustration. "She was drawing the window of her church."
"Over and over." Sam murmured, tracing his index finger over the colored ink. "If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?"
Dean ran his tongue over his bottom lip as recognition dawned on his face. "Let's change and then go."
Ariel could feel her grace replenishing, it wasn't quick but it was fast enough to the point where she may be able to heal, fly, and flash her eyes; Basic things.
A prayer? No one could possibly know she was alive. The voice sounded familiar.
It was Dean.
"Let me go," Ariel demanded.
"Not at this moment," The disembodied voice said.
"He needs me." Ariel turned to the entrance but it disappeared. "I need to save him."  She muttered.
Tossing her head back with closed eyes, a bright golden light engulfed the bar and her body. When she opened her eyes they were filled with grace, glowing gold.
Sam and Dean entered the church in their hunter attire, with guns drawn. The brothers stepped carefully around the corner of each flight of steps until they reached the top.
Sam entered the attic first, searching the room for any movement and his eyes fell on a silhouette of a girl, hiding behind a stained glass divider. He looked at Dean, "Dean." With a pointed gun, he motioned toward the divider.
Once the figure moved behind the glass, Sam held up his hands and put his gun away, prompting Dean to do the same.
"Anna?"  Sam cautiously took a few steps forward. "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help." He motioned between himself and Dean, "My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean." =
"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" Her voice came from behind the glass.
The long-haired male glanced at Dean confused, "Uh, yeah."
Stepping. "And you're Dean. The Dean?"
Dean's eyes widened at that title. The flirtatious side of him surfaced as he thought of a reply. "Well, yeah." He pursed his lips sheepishly, "The Dean, I guess." His response earned a bitch-face from Sam.
Anna slowly walked toward the righteous man, "It's really you. Oh my God." She laughed, a bit overwhelmed by the fact that Dean freaking Winchester was standing in front of her. "The- The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Ariel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us."
The girl then gazed at Sam, "And some of them don't like you at all." She smiled wanly and continued. "They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you. They also talk about Ariel a lot. Is she with you?" She rambled.
Dean averted his gaze as his brows drew together. "So, you talk to angels?"He asked, wanting to avoid the subject of Ariel.
"Oh, no. No, no way." Anna shook her head. "Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of...overhear them."
Sam scrunched up his face in confusion. "You overhear them?"
"Yeah," Anna breathed deeply and shut her eyes. "They talk, and sometimes I just...hear them in my head." She opened her eyes hoping the boys would understand.
Dean raised his brows at the thought, "Like, right now?"
"Not right this second, but a lot. And-" Anna's eyes darted between the two men and gulped. "And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them." The redhead's words trailed off near the end as she thought of something she maybe should tell Dean.
Anna smiled, "She- Ariel talked about you a lot, Dean." She shut her eyes as she remembered hearing Ariel's voice in her head, "Her voice was very loud, very commanding. But a few weeks ago she went silent...is she okay?"
Dean winced at her name and shifted on his back foot, "So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just...tuning into angel radio." He did not want to talk about Ariel.
"Yeah, basically." Anna nodded and looked up at Dean whose eyes were fixed on the floor.
Sam pursed his lips, "Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?"
Anna nodded, "I can tell you exactly- September 18th."
Hearing this date, Dean's eyes shot over to Sam who had the same worried look. "The day I got out of Hell."  He mumbled.
Tumblr media
Anna took a small step forward, "First words I heard, clear as a bell-- 'Dean Winchester is saved.'"
Dean's ears perked up at that phrase.
If Ariel and Castiel were the ones who pulled him out, did that mean they were the ones who shouted that so loud that it made Anna hear the angels? A part of him felt happy that Ariel might have screamed those words, but a large portion of him was sad that now he may not be able to see her again.
In the span of an hour, he forgot about the flower that was sprouting in his pocket.
"What do you think?" Dean asked Sam.
Sam scoffed and shook his head, "It's above my paygrade, man."
"Well, at least now we know why the demons want you so bad." Dean murmured whilst nodding his head. He resumed, "They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-angel."
It felt like things just kept getting bigger and much harder to fight.
Anna smiled at Dean, still in awe of his presence. "Hey, um, do you know-- are my parents okay? I didn't go home. I was afraid."
Before the boys could react and tell her that her parents were dead, Ruby came charging in. "You got the girl. Good, let's go."
"Ah!" Anna backed away from the trio, almost falling over. "Her face!"
Sam reached out a hand to silence Anna. "It's okay. She's here to help."
Dean sneered, "Yeah, don't be so sure." He looked in Ruby's general direction.
Ruby glanced at Sam, "We have to hurry."
"Why?" Dean challenged.
"Because a demon's coming-- big-timer. We can fight later, Dean." The demon snapped, starting for the door but Dean's words pulled her back.
Dean scoffed, "Well, that's pretty convenient-- showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?" His jaw tightened.
"I didn't bring him here. You did." Ruby asserted.
"What?" Dean glanced at Sam whose eyes were transfixed on Ruby.
Ruby took a step forward and gestured to Anna, "He followed you from the girl's house. We gotta go now."
Sam turned to tell Anna to follow but he caught a glimpse of the Mother Mary statue bleeding from the eyes. "Dean..." He pointed to the statue.
Dean looked at the statue with wide eyes. He parted his lips as he wasn't sure what it meant. There were no words.
"It's too late." Terror overtook Ruby's face as she couldn't think of what to do either. She took a few steps toward Sam who already had an idea to hide Anna.
"Anna!" Sam walked the girl over to the closet and pushed her inside. "Stay in there. Don't move." He then shut the door and walked back to where his brother and demonic acquaintance were waiting for him.
Sam dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask of holy water but was stopped by Ruby.
"No, Sam, you got to pull him right away." Ruby watched Sam as he walked by, not concerned with how Dean felt.
Dean's face contorted at the suggestion. "Whoa, hold on a sec. Ariel said that-"
Ruby snapped her head in Dean's direction, " Ariel is dead. Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going dark side. He does his thing, he exorcises that demon, or we die."
What was Dean to do?
The hunter parted his lips and looked to Sam with a wary grimace. He wasn't sure whether to let Sam use his powers or honor Ariel's wishes. Sam had already bent the rules; He used them to kill Samhain.
There was a beat.
Sam glanced at the flask with a conflicted look in his eyes. He wasn't sure what to do either, but it seemed like his only option. It took him a moment to put the flask away and turn to face the entrance.
Suddenly the door tore open, a caucasian male emerging from the darkness. He rounded the steps, his fingers grazing against the dusty banister. The demon looked at his fingers, disgusted.
Sam inhaled deeply and raised his arm outward, attempting to pull the demon but it did nothing.
The demon brought his hand up to his throat, "That tickles." He flashed his white eyes at the trio.  "You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam." He raised his hand and made a pulling motion, sending Sam flying through the banister and down the steps.
This put Sam out of commission for now.
Dean drew Ruby's knife from his jacket, not noticing that he dropped the flower.  He went to attack the demon, drawing his arm back but was stopped mid-strike by the demon.
"Hello again, Dean." The demon grinned, throwing Dean into a wooden beam and knocking the knife out of his hand. He landed a few punches on the human before gripping him by his collar and setting up him against the support beam.
'Ariel'  Dean prayed silently, hoping she would answer.
The demon mocked him, "Come on, Dean. Don't you recognize me?" He landed a few more blows. "Oh, I forgot-- I'm wearing a pediatrician. But we were so close...in Hell."
Dean shut his eyes as he tried to understand the words that were coming from the demon's mouth. Between the punches and the pounding headache, the only name that came to his head was 'Alastair.' But that couldn't be- Alastair should still be in hell.
"Alastair." Dean sneered with blood staining his teeth.
Meanwhile, in the background, Anna's screaming could be heard. "NO! NO! SO LOUD!" The girl pulled away from Ruby's grasp just as the church bells began tolling. Anna held her hands to her head while shaking it. "THE SCREAMING!"
Alastair landed a few more punches on Dean before he noticed the chaos ensuing around him.
The ringing intensified as the light from outside faded to darkness and a sonic boom was heard above the church. The window cracked from the high frequency.
Ruby and Anna looked at the giant stained glass window as the room began trembling from whatever was about to descend upon the church.
"No, no- Why is an archangel tethered to you?!" Alastair pressed out between clenched teeth. He yanked Dean and tossed him to the ground, ready to make an escape but as he turned he was stabbed in his shoulder with the demon knife by Sam.
Sam rushed to Dean's side and helped him to his feet. They both stared at the window, eyes wide with fear.
Dean panted heavily as he thought of who could be tethered to him. There was no way it could be her until he caught a glimpse of the red poppy, crushed under the weight of his boot. His face contorted at the thought of his angel actually being alive.
Just then, a fiery orb crashed through the window and landed in the middle of the room. The being cracked the concrete floor, sending a blastwave of grace through the room and knocking everyone over.  
Alastair raised his arms to protect himself from the light but couldn't withstand the power. He disappeared along with the knife.
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mrsjihyunkim · 6 years
20 Seconds of Bravery Ch 10
First chapter of the new year!!!!! XD
First         Next-NSFW      Previous     
Here’s a link if you want to skip the Nsfw chapter.
                   V was defiantly taken aback by my question. He began to cough and wouldn't even look me in the eyes. "I don't understand what you mean MC."
"I know that you were engaged to the same Rika that I grew up with. I just want to know if she is the one who hurt your eyes." A blush crept across his face as he ran his hand through his hair. I felt almost bad for pushing him to tell me but these thoughts have been buzzing on my mind and I needed answers.
"How do you know all of that?" He still wouldn't look me in the eyes and he was clenching his pants with his hands.
"Well it's not like Rika is a common name and when I told you about her I could tell that you lied about knowing her. After that I just kinda put the pieces together. I didn't want to force you to tell me anything but it's all just been swimming in my head. That’s why I just want one answer. You don't have to explain anything, just tell me yes or no." He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. He looked like a mix of frustrated and sad. "I'm sorry. Maybe it was a mistake for me to ask so soon." I moved to get off the couch but V grabbed my hand.
"No its ok. I wanted to tell you everything but I didn't want to overwhelm you with everything else going on." He paused and I squeezed his hand. "I also just didn't want you to see Rika every time you saw me." Suddenly an image of V wearing a blonde wig and wearing a dress popped into my head. I tried my best to stay serious but a small laugh escaped me. "What?" V finally looked at me and he was confused.
"I'm sorry. I tried to stay serious but when you said that an image of you wearing a wig and a dress popped in my head. It was hard not to laugh at." I cleared my throat and collected myself. "All joking aside though, I could never think of her when I look at you. You are both different people and I'm sure that you thought she was a good person, a lot of people did. I just want to know if she hurt you so that should I ever see her again I can at least punch her." V let out a small chuckle and just shook his head.
"You don't have to worry about that. She's very far away from us getting the help she needs." I gave him a confused look and he took a deep breathe. "I suppose I should go ahead and tell you everything. Where would you like me to start?"
"I guess just start with why she hurt you so badly. I know you told me some of it but I know there's more too it."
"You're right. We were fighting that night, which was really nothing new with her, but this night was worse. I had discovered that she had started another organization called Mint Eye. I didn't confront her with it until I found out that she was drugging people to make them 'happpy'. When I did confront her she accused me of not understanding and during my attempt to comfort her she attacked me." He paused and I processed what he just told me. I had this weird feeling of deja vu hearing the name Mint Eye.
"Hold on a second. You said Mint Eye right?" V nodded and got up and went to my office. In one of the drawers was a flyer with a big greenish color eye on it. I walked back into the living room and handed it to V. "Is this the place?" V became wide eyed as he grabbed the flyer.
"Yes. When did you get this?" I sat down next to him and could feel anger rising in him.
"It was a while ago. I actually got it as an email but the color was pretty so I printed it out to show the paint guy. Other than that I never really thought anything of it." V crumpled up the paper and his posture was stiff. "What is it?" I asked placing a hand on V's shoulder, suddenly concerned. He relaxed a little at my touch and leaned back.
"Nothing. Just the thought of you in that awful place makes my blood boil. And even though I know it wasn't his fault I'm angry that Saeran even sent it to you."
"Wait, Saeran was involved in it too?" All the anger left V and he realized that I was still pretty clueless on all of this.
"Oh yes. You see when the twins were younger they got separated in an attempt to get them away from their mother. Saeyoung went to work for an information agency and Rika said she had found a suitable home for Saeran. Turns out she was just feeding his anxieties about Saeyoung leaving him. He became her number one follower and was bent on destroying Saeyoung. Rika had poisoned his mind to a point where he would have died in the name of her paradise and he almost did." V looked sad as he took a drink of his tea.
"That's terrible. I know Rika had her issues but I never thought she would go so far. Is Saeran doing ok now?"
"He's doing better now. Saeyoung tells me that he still has nightmares and bad days where he just shuts down. But I can see improvement. Him and Yoosung have become best friends and he seems to really enjoy working at an ice cream shop. I think he's finally healing." V smiled a bit and put his tea down. I had one last question but I was honestly scared to ask it.
"Can I ask you one more thing?" V raised an eyebrow at my request but nodded. "Do you still love Rika?" I looked down at my hand and waited for his answer.
"To be honest I don't ever even know if I really loved her. I saw an emptiness in her that I wanted to create something with. It was more like I wanted to make myself feel better through her. It was a toxic type of love so I guess my answer would be no I don't. I used to always think that a part of me would love the person I thought she was but then something happened that changed all of that."
"What happened?" I asked full of curiosity. Before V answered he put his arms around me and pulled me on to his lap.
"Isn't it obvious? I met you and fell in love." He whispered in my ear. My face became red as I buried it in his chest. I felt him laugh and he tipped up my chin and kissed me. When he pulled back I was stunned. In that moment I could see all the love that V had for me. "You really are adorable when you're so flustered. I could just stay like this forever." He whispered as he hugged me.
"I don't understand why but I feel the same way." I meant every word that I said but I couldn't help but think about all the bad stuff going on. I was finally happy and I didn't want anything to take it away. I must have done a terrible job hiding my anxieties from V because he seemed to pick up on it right away.
"What's wrong?" he asked. I could hear nothing but concern in his voice. Right as I was about to tell him everything on my mind the front door flew open. We jumped off the couch and V stood in front of me. At first all I heard was the shouting of the security guards, until I heard Eric's voice cursing. I moved out from behind V and went to the door and saw Eric desperately trying to make his was through the door but weighted down by security guards.
"Stop! It's ok he's my family. He won't hurt us." I screamed. The security guards instantly let go of Eric and he fell into my foyer. One of the guards came up to me and bowed his head.
"We are so sorry ma'am. He came up to the house demanding to see you but wouldn't give us his name. So we treated him as a threat. I'm greatly sorry." I was completely flushed and didn't know what to say.
"It's totally fine. You guys couldn't have possibly known. I mean it's not like you were given of list people who weren't a threat." I scratched the back of my head and laughed a little. The security guards cleared out and shut the door behind them while I followed Eric into the kitchen. I could tell that he was majorly pissed cause he went straight for the beer and downed it. Now I was getting worried. "Eric what happened?" He ignored my question and walked straight up to V.
"Can you protect her? Shit is about to hit the fan and I need to know that my family is safe with you. So can you keep MC safe." Now I was getting angry for being ignored.
"Eric what the fuck is going on? You can't just come over and freak out like this. I've already had one attack today and I really don't need another. Now leave V alone and tell us what you're rambling about."
"Trust me you're not going to be so calm when I tell you what I found out today. He's going to have to know what he's up against if he's going to date you. You don't live with me and Shelby anymore so I need to know that you're safe, because Jake came to the shop today. He's out MC and you know he's going to come after you. Can you both handle that?" Eric sat down in a chair and ran his hand over his bald head. "I'm sorry to drop this on you but I knew you'd want to know. I was also worried that he had already came by here but I don't see that happening with your army out front." He laughed a little but I was still processing what he said. I could feel my heart rate rising and my breathing getting shorter. Suddenly a glass of water was in front of me and I saw V standing next to me. I took the water and drank it. V held my hand and faced Eric.
"Honestly Eric I don't know how well I can protect her right now, but I will do what ever it takes to keep her safe. It's not just me either. She's already won all of the RFA over and they'll do what ever they can to protect her because as far as they're concerned she's one of them now. The only thing that has me worried is when I get my eye surgery. I'll be useless to her as I heal after that." Eric gave me a confused look and I realized that he didn't know about V's eyes.
"V had an accident a while ago and it damaged his eyes. There's a surgery to fix them but I didn't know he was going to get it." I looked at V and he smiled at me.
"I made the appointment today. I was going to tell you but it kinda got away from me what with everything that happened once I came home." I blushed as I remembered my dramatic reaction to V not being home. Eric just seemed to brush it off and got serious again.
"So how bad is your eye sight right now? Is it good enough to watch everything and keep her safe?" Eric looked V dead in the eyes and I could see how serious both of them were.
"Eric you're being," V stopped me before I could finish.
"I have my good days and my bad days but my other senses more than make up for it. Today isn't so bad and I can see out of my right eye. My hearing has more than adapted to this and I can hear everything on through the house and outside. If something happens I'll more than likely hear it before anyone else. I greatly appreciate your concern about MC's safety. I'm very happy that she has family that cares about her this much. Not many people would bother fighting their way through Jumin Han's security guards." V laughed and Eric's serious aura completely dissipated.    
"Those are C&R body guards?" Eric stood up and looked out the window. He turned back around and put his hands on his head while pacing. "Holy crap I punched one of them in the face." Eric sat down in defeat and looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Between that and V's confused face I couldn't help but laugh.
"Eric is a fan of Jumin. He's looked up to him as a business man for the longest time. Guess you could say he's a fan boy when it comes to Jumin." I laughed a little bit more and Eric glared at me. Everyone finally seemed to have lightened up a little bit and I was glad.
"Well I should probably get home. Shelby has been freaking out since he came to the store. She'll calm down when I tell her that you have an army outside your house." He stood up and hugged me, then shook V's hand. After I walked him out I returned to the living room and saw V standing in front of the fire place. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.
"I know what you're thinking so stop it. I trust you and I'm not going to lose you." He placed his hands on top of mine. I felt him relax a little bit but he was still very tense.
"I'm just angry. I thought I had time to get stronger for you. I'm also angry that he's still bothering you. It's also funny because I've never been one to resort to violence but I just want to beat the crap out of him." He paused and took a deep breathe. "Considering everything I've already been through you think I wouldn't be so terrified of a pathetic loser like Jake but I am. I finally have something to live for and I could lose it all because of him." I heard a slight tremble in his voice. I moved to stand in front of him and saw how upset he was. His jaw was set very stiff and his eyes were locked into the fire. I placed my hands on his face and gently made him look at me. I smiled at him.
"Look at me. We knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Considering my level of anxiety I should be freaking out right?" He gave me a confused look. "The reason I'm not freaking out is because I have you. I believe in us and I believe that we'll get through this. I said I wasn't going to run and I meant it. Plus we still have time. I know Jake and he won't do anything if I'm around other people. He has a nice guy image to protect and he won't ruin that by making a scene." V smiled and pulled me into him.
"Your courage amazes me MC." He kissed the top of my head and let out a deep sigh. I could feel him finally completely relax.
"It's all thanks to you. I love you Jihyn." I looked up and him and was met with the full force of his lips. This kiss was full of hunger and passion and I met it with equal amounts. It wasn't until one of our phones rang that he went to pull away. I stoped him and pulled him back into me. "Leave it." I whispered to him.
"Are you sure?" He asked. I answered by pressing my lips back against his. Together we sank down on the floor with the phone fading into the background.
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Do freelancers work for free?
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Yes, of course! Why else would they be called “Free”lancers?
After that sad pun which is the general perception, let’s start this blog with a disclaimer because why not? 
If you came here looking for some sort of a rate card; greeting cards Rs. 500, posters Rs. 1,000, wedding invites Rs. 2,000. Etc then I suggest you close this tab immediately.
Pricing is very personal just like bras. There’s no one size fits all. So we are here to discuss the cup size and the strap width, texture, material, push or no push etc... sorry! We were discussing pricing, right?
Before we dive into the different factors that I consider before putting a price tag on my work, there are majorly two types of pricing that you can work with; a fixed price and variable/fluctuating price.
Fixed price : you pick a rate card for yourself depending on the kind of work you do/ you’d like to do. E.g.: Any or every wedding invitation will be charged Rs. 2,000 (imaginary figures) regardless of the brief (kind, type, size, etc).
Variable price : the pricing will depend on the brief.
Again, I am no expert in this field (I will always be a newbie) and I’ve learnt things the hard way (and I’m learning everyday). Here are a few pointers I tend to keep in mind before giving a quotation to a client (please bear in mind that this advice is coming from someone who once charged a client Rs.15 for a doodle!).
Time : the amount of time it will take you to make the said artwork. E.g.: an artwork that takes you 5 hours to make should ideally cost more than something you can whip up in 15 minutes. Some freelancers also charge a fixed rate on hourly basis. E.g.: you charge Rs.500 per hour. You work on a piece for a total of 4 hours then 4*500 = cost of total project Rs. 2,000.
Effort : this is hard to quantify but comes with practice. Effort as the word suggests is the effort you’re going to put into the artwork. E.g.: it could be a single character illustration but may require a complex amount of detailing and layering which will take time and a lot of effort when compared to making a stick figure of a human.
Scope of work : I’ve discovered this only recently (from my mistakes, you shall learn). I think I can best explain this pointer with an example : if you were to make an A5 size poster for a client and charge them Rs. 1,000 for it. But the client uses the same artwork as a book cover and prints say, 1,000 copies of it. Prints bookmarks and posters, and even wall art of the same design makes a thousand copies of each and sells them in the market, then congratulations! You’ve been fooled. *hands a paper crown*. In such cases, always know what the scope of work is, where all it’s going to be used, have the client sign a terms & conditions document which prohibits the client from using the artwork outside of the scope agreed upon.
Size of artwork : sometimes size matters. Sometimes! It’s a simple case of designing an A4 size poster Vs. designing for a food truck. The latter will require more effort and time and greater scope of work, hence the client has to part with his/her kidneys!
Timelines/priority : my favourite breed of clients are the ones who use the words ‘ASAP’ and ‘URGENT’. They will always ask for top notch quality with quick turnaround time and want to pay you peanuts for it. Now, you cannot compromise on quality (because I am assuming you’re a decent artist and human being) so you’ll burn the midnight oil and deliver within the “URGENT” timelines. So in such scenarios, the one thing you can do is demand more money. Because you are pushing other commissions to make space for this one, you better get reimbursed for making their priorities yours.
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How to get pricing right?
Nobody knows (ok! Maybe some people do. But hey! This is my blog and I will give shitty advice).
Trial and error (this is my mantra for EVERYTHING in life. Glad I don’t have kids yet!).
DON’T EVER WORK FOR FREE (I will stab you in the eye if you do!). You can work for free for NGOs working for a cause you believe in or for your grandfather (poor old man. Have a heart!). But otherwise, as a rule of thumb, please don’t ever work for free. If you work for free for a client/organisation, you’re not only securing yourself a comfy spot on the pavement to sleep for the rest of your life but also hitting the rest of us. Because then it’ll be a case of, oh! Sharma Ji’s son worked for free, you should learn something from him. We will all end up on that pavement. And people in our country DRIVE on pavements!!!
Ask yourself how much you’d be willing to pay for the piece you’ve created. Or ask a friend how much they’d be willing to pay for it (a real friend not those imaginary ones)
The other thing you can do is ask the client for their budget and see if you can match their budget or meet them halfway. You could alter the project E.g. An A4 poster with complex detailing and colouring can be reduced to an A5 poster with less background work, one character eliminated, etc to match the budget. Basically, work together with the client to make the project work. But don’t work for free! (I’m watching you).
You can (and should) revise your pricing every 6-12 months. This is again assuming you have polished your skill set and you’re producing better work and know your craft a little better than you did 6 months ago. To ensure the client doesn’t completely ruin your life, see if you can get a full or 50% advance payment before starting out. A lot of companies don’t agree to the 50% advance payment method (unfortunately) because they have their own 30 day payment schedule, in which case it’s a gamble. So you decide whether you want to risk it or not, how badly you want the project, and how reliable is this brand.
A quick wrap-up of this very serious and very useful blog :
Never work for free.
70% of the clients will claim to be poor.
And IF you are working for free as a one-off then make sure it is a one-off only and the “exposure” or “cross promotion” “collaboration” is worth it. Because if its not, I am coming after you with that knife!
Make sure you include cost for ideation if you’re also working on the idea/storyline/layout etc for a project in your total quote. You can totally charge for rough drafts/samples/and even extra iterations. 
And lastly but most importantly -Pricing depends on you, your skill level, your experience, & your needs.
Please remember that it’s ok to fumble, be confused, make mistakes, underprice (happens with me all the time) & overprice (the client won’t let this happen). At the end of the day, you need to decide how important the project and that experience is for you. You might come across a very interesting project which will also look amazing on your portfolio but the money isn’t great. Or the money is good but the project itself is bleh. It’s a choice you have to make!
Hope all this rambling was useful. If not, I am not sorry, you chose to click and read. 
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yourjughead · 7 years
Twisted Snake
Synopsis: It's jughead' birthday and with an unwanted birthday party in full swing Jughead flees the scene of the crime in favour of Pops. Where he stumbles upon a certain someone. Pairings: Jughead x reader, Jughead x Betty Warnings: Swearing, fluff A/N: not entirely sure if I'll make this into a little series. I haven't been majorly inspired to finish the wrong side of the tracks so maybe this will replace it. Let me know my lovelies. Also wrote this really quick and didn't really edit it sorrrrrry REQUESTS OPEN ------------------------------------------------- Jughead POV I can't believe Betty thought I'd like a birthday party. She doesn't know me like I thought she did. What the hell was she thinking?! I had never stormed out so quickly in my life. I had never been so infuriated by something...by someone. God only knows what the hell is going on with Archie, he's totally flown off the handle and I'm not in the mood to be a good friend right now. He wasn't a good friend by stopping this in the first place. I strolled along the short-ish walk to pops. The town was empty, all sleeping or in Archie's trying to sleep together. Pops’ was almost completely empty. I waved at Pop Tate and began ambling over to my booth, my safe space, my Oasis, my..wait what the fuck? I walked closer to the booth and looked at the y/h/c haired girl sitting down reading and drinking a milkshake in my booth. I am so not in the mood. “Ahem” I coughed loudly but she didn't move. “Emm excuse me..this is kinda my booth and I'm not really in the mood so could you just not thanks”. Still no response to more slightly more than harsh tone. I reached out to touch her shoulder and she jumped under my touch, gasping as she did so and then laughing. “Oh sorry were you talking to me?” She smiled sweetly at me as she removed her earbuds. Okay that makes sense now. “I.uhh yeah I was...you're...youre in my booth?”i mange to stutter. Her beauty stealing my voice. “you don't seem too sure?” She laughed, “you can sit down if you want?” She gestured to the empty seat across from her. Okay not really what I had in mind and it feels weird to sit here without my laptop but sure. “So what's your name?” Okay who am I and why am I willing striking up a conversation with a stranger. “Y/n” “Why aren't you at my party y/n?” that sounded a little more vain than I had intended. “Umm excuse me?” she chuckled “i mean the whole of Riverdale youth is at it so why aren't you?” “Maybe I'm not Riverdale youth” that's an interesting answer. “Why aren't you at your own party beanie boy?” hmm good question stranger…. “Umm not really my scene” “Your own party isn't your scene?” yup pretty ridiculous and rightfully deserved the laugh she gave it. I found myself laughing a little at its obscurity as well. “Yeah my...my friend threw it for me and I don't think they know me as well as I thought cause I couldn't think of a worse thing to plan for me” “a colonoscopy” “Aha what?” I laughed as she smiled so sweetly at me. “I think that'd be a worse thing to plan for someone besides a birthday party, no?” “I guess" grinning at her play on my words. We sat there talking for ages about nothing in particular. She never asked my name or pried into my business just took what I offered her. I can't say I did the same for her. I was actually kinda rude to be honest but I just wanted to know everything about her and even though she was a little slow to speak about herself I enjoyed every little detail however far and few between they were. “You know you have been sitting here or an hour Beanie Brain” “Really?...Oh shit! Yeah people are probably wondering where I am...then again they have alcohol so probably not” I joked but really it was true. “You should probably go back” this saddened me a little. I didn't want to go and I think she could tell. “Do...do you wanna come?” Did I really just ask a stranger to my sorta house? Then again Betty asked everyone in school and they're all virtually strangers...no they are strangers so what's one more. Besides I actually like this stranger. “Umm okay sure if you promise you're not a serial killer ” she stood smilingly and we began the walk back to Archie's after she paid the tab. “No I'm not a serial killer” “Yeah I mean what's the chances of two serial killers finding each other like this” she joked. I'm quite fond of her humor even if others in this town wouldn't find that particular joke funny at this current moment of time. I told her about the gang along the way however I seemed to fail to mention that Betty was more than just a member of the gang. I don't know why I just didn't. The house had people coming from all possible exits. Completely mobbed. Music and people spewing onto the street. Chaos. I took a deep breath in and shuffled my feet on the spot. “Hey we don't have to go in?” Y/n offered supportingly. “It's not really my scene either”. I like her, she understands me. “Okay,  come on we can go hang out with Vegas in the garage” “Is Vegas a hooker” she snickered. “Oh yeah totally, he might get you to join his brothel so be careful” I returned, starting to lead her to the shed laughing. Along the way she stumbled on discarded beer cans and I caught her hand to steady her….i had just forgotten to let go again as did she. We sat down on the old couch in the garage and she fell totally head over heels in love with Vegas. And I think I'm starting to fall for her. No. No I'm not. Shut up Jughead. We talked again for what seemed like ages but was only an hour. We could only hear the slight thud of music and blur of mangled drunken slurs. “This is a nice way to spend a birthday” I ramble. “What? With someone who is practically a stranger and a dog in a garage?” “Yeah, I mean they're all practically strangers and this is just...nice” I actually thought it was more than nice but wasn't ready to offer that kind of information. “Yeah, I guess you're right it is kinda nice” she playfully hits my shoulder and I react by going to tickle her. This is met by strong protest which only spurs me on. I'm soon lying on top of her tickling her mercilessly as she begs for peace. I finally stop as her face turned almost purple, mine almost the same from just laughing at her. I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. It was just easy to be around y/n. I blame what happened next on the lack of oxygen in my brain from the laughing. I leaned down and kissed her. I hadn't had a kiss like that before. It was truly sensational, magical, earth shattering, all of the above. I pulled back from her but it wasn't long before she pulled me back for another. This was truly amazing. The door began to shake and I had never moved so quickly in my life. Too quickly. I got my legs tangled in y/ns and ended up falling to the ground pulling her on top of me. “Oh.my.god.” shit. Betty stood in the doorway looking totally hurt and shocked and ready to both burst into tests and kill me all at once. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND?!” she shrieked, just audible over the music pouring in through the open door. It was y/ns turn to move quickly. ”Wait your what?! I swear I had no idea!” Oh I'm a terrible person. Y/N looked at me with all hurt and little anger….the same could not be said for Betty. “Jughead Jones!!! I have never been so cross in my enti...” “Wait what? Did you just call him Jughead Jones?” Y/N cut across Betty in a tone dripping in confusion while the one Betty returned only dripped with poison. “Yeah homewrecker that's his name, are you trying to tell me you take a sledgehammer to my relationship and don't even know his name you absolute fucking whore”. If y/n was hurt by Betty harsh words she didn't show it, I however was shocked by her language. “Oh God oh God oh God oh God this isn't happening this isn't happening” y/n sounded genuinely spooked as she grabbed her jacket and put it back on “I have to go I have to go oh God oh God" “Yeah I think you should go do that, I'm sure there's some other couple you can ruin skank”. I had had enough. “Betty! Don't talk to y/n like that!” “No! You don't get to speak right now!” As I was about to defy her the door closed and y/n was gone. Betty started shouting at me as I moved to the door to chase y/n but she was gone, leaving a very angry Betty and a very confused Jughead.- ------------------------------------------ Teehee Xx
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