#sorry there isn't an update there every day when you check <3
lucidreamer-uwu · 2 years
Things that make them fall deeper in love with you | Brothers Edition
Sticking your tongue out in mischief, or when you feel silly, at him.
Poking his shoulder to get his attention and quickly moving out of sight when he looks, only to find you smiling at him on the opposite side.
Making him coffee.
Reminding him about tasks he has to do like meetings, paperwork, or student council things.
Asking him about small details about himself.
Your cute puppy dog eyes when you beg him for something.
Your focused face.
Idly smiling at him. Even more so if you stare.
Genuinely complimenting him.
Recognizing that he isn't what everyone thinks he is.
Booping his nose when you're face to face with each other.
Seeing your reactions when you receive his gifts.
Making mischief with him.
Reading magazines he's in together.
Surprising him at his modelling gigs.
Your laugh.
Cheering for him in games, school work, or anything in general.
Surprise hugs from behind.
Whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Head pats.
Insisting on making a very elaborate otaku secret handshake.
Holding onto him when you watch or play something scary.
Rare moments when you make an embarrassed face.
Seeing you dance and/or sing anything anime related.
Being clumsy.
Sneezing softly. It reminds him of how cats sneeze. He thinks it's absolutely adorable.
Talking about your favorite books, which parts you liked the most, what you thought about the plot and characters.
Rambling about anything and everything that pops into your mind to him.
Combing your fingers through his hair as he reads a book and drinks his tea.
Kissing his forehead.
Taking his hand in yours.
Choosing him. When you tell anyone else that you're busy being with him to hang out.
Volunteering to help him with his various self-care routines.
Telling him that he's even more beautiful on the inside.
Being there when those rare insecure times roll in on him.
Cupping his face, smiling, and telling him you love him.
Your "angry" face.
Intertwining your fingers with his and swinging your hands as you walk.
Sleeping in his bed.
Touching your noses and foreheads together.
Asking him to wear matching outfits.
When you touch/poke his nails one by one and hum a cute tune like a kid.
The way your eyes turn into hearts as you watch him do anything.
When you try to challenge him in a determined way.
Using his arm as a pillow.
Wiping crumbs off his face.
Bringing him snacks at his practice.
Secretly handing him food after Lucifer confiscates his during a student council meeting.
When you work out.
When you're lazy.
That face you make when you enjoy your food.
When you cook.
Your blushy face.
Your sleeping face.
Your worried face. But only if you're worried about him.
Your panicking face.
Any silly face you make when you try to cheer him up or make him laugh.
How determined you are to motivate him.
The way you slide your hand under his bangs when you check him for a fever.
The rhythm of your heartbeat and the sound of your breathing.
Poking his cheek.
Feeding him when he's too tired to feed himself.
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HI EVERYONE I'M BACK!! After not posting or updating the blog for about 2 months I'm actually glad that you legends still follow me uwu. Sorry to disappoint, I'm not dead yet >:3
Anyways, thank you thank you thank you for all the continuous support and love that you give me despite my sudden disappearance lol. I appreciate every single one of you 💕
UPDATE: I will do my very best to answer all the pending asks in my inbox and the ones that I've already started working on and are in my drafts ; w ; so look forward to it because I didn't forget about them <;3
ANNOUNCEMENT: As of the writing of this post, asks are currently closed. HOWEVER I will be reopening my asks when I reach 600 followers ^ ^ ! We are currently at 550 ♡(⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!! Love you all, stay awesome 💫
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lovings4turn · 4 months
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୧ ‧₊˚ ☕️ ⋅ ☆ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭…
— in desperate need of caffeine, logan stumbles into the first cafe he comes across. little does he know, this will be the start of something great.
+ the first part of my whole latte love series , aka my child , so i hope you all enjoy <3 this is set in the uk , but reader isn't specified to be any particular nationality !
+ dividers from benkeibear !!
there were many sacrifices logan sargeant was willing to make in his life.
flying halfway across the world aged only eleven to pursue his dream of racing, for one. on a smaller scale, always allowing his brother dalton to ride shotgun on family trips, despite the fact that the backseat caused his legs to cramp up after a few hours.
but, no matter how late he was running, logan had promised himself he would never, ever deprive his body of a hot, caffeinated beverage before a meeting. 
on this particular morning, though, logan was running especially late. normally, the jarring sound of the iphone alarm would snap him from his deep sleep within seconds, the noise sparking an instant feeling of dread within him even when it wasn't coming from his phone. 
he’d learned that alex had a habit of setting alarms for various things throughout the day, before promptly forgetting what he’d set it for, leaving logan to go through the five stages of grief at least four times a weekend. 
but it seemed today the universe had been a little bored, and so decided to find entertainment in burdening a poor, unsuspecting american race car driver with one minor inconvenience after another. 
firstly, his alarm hadn't woken him up. correction: it had woken him up, just thirty minutes after it was supposed to.
secondly, his pride in managing to get dressed with an impressive five minutes to spare was quickly dissipated when he couldn't find his keys or wallet. the hunt had set him back another ten minutes (because why on earth would he think to check the cutlery drawer until he had run out of other possible options?).
and, for good measure, he'd tripped over his own welcome mat in his mad dash out of his apartment. so, yeah, it had been a morning, to put it lightly.
logan cursed to himself as he all but jogged down the busy street, eyes desperately scanning every building he passed in search of a cafe. he was too frantic to read any shop signs, but when he witnessed two girls walking out of a doorway clutching two paper cups, he knew he'd struck gold.
fucking finally.
logan offered the pair a tight lipped smile as he slipped past them and into the cafe, letting a sigh of relief escape his lips as the familiar smell of strong, freshly brewed coffee hit him. 
this was more than worth being late for, he decided. he'd pick up a few extra coffees, as an apology, a courtesy of some kind. who could be mad with a cup of coffee in their hand? though logan figured he was allowed to be a little lax in his timings anyways, since he was no longer in his rookie year at williams. the team would forgive him quick enough.
trainer-clad feet led him towards the back of the fairly short queue leading up to the counter, and logan took the opportunity to slip his phone out from his coat pocket and shoot a quick text to alex. he hoped his teammate wouldn’t mind bearing the responsibility of updating the rest of the team on his whereabouts. 
‘sorry, overslept. omw now though, bringing coffee as an apology and effort to keep my head’.
three laughing emojis quickly flared up onto logan’s lockscreen, and he took that as a positive sign. 
it was only when logan placed his phone back into his pocket that he realised just how close he was to the front of the line, and immediately began rehearsing his order. sure, he ordered the same thing practically every single time he got coffee, but with the day he was having, he’d probably find a way to absolutely butcher the simple order.
all he needed was his oat milk latte, a black coffee for james, and some sort of sugary, overly sweet concoction for alex. he doubted this place sold the pumpkin spiced lattes that he loved to tease alex about ordering, so he’d just have to find the next best thing.
only, when he finally stepped up to the counter and opened his mouth to order, his mind went blank.
standing only a few feet in front of him was the most gorgeous person logan had ever seen, and considering he’d travelled the world and met countless different women and men over the years, that was an impressive achievement. 
you, luckily, hadn’t noticed the internal reboot logan was experiencing, and focused instead on offering him a warm smile and greeting.
“morning! what can i get for you today?” you asked, finger poised and ready to input his order into the till in front of you.
logan barely managed to stop himself from physically shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, before pasting a crooked grin of his own onto his lips.
“good morning,” he returned, voice a little quiet before he cleared his throat and spoke up again. “can i just get a large black americano, large oat milk latte, and uh,” logan paused, eyes quickly scanning the board in front of him as he weighed up all of the different syrups available. 
vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and oh, thank god, cinnamon. that was close enough to pumpkin spice, right?
“and a large cinnamon latte, please. oh, to take out.” he finished, finally returning his eyes to you as you skillfully rang through his order.
“ah, great choice,” you commented, your smile still never having left your lips. 
from the moment he’d opened his mouth, you’d quickly registered the accent, though opted not to comment on it despite how pleasing it was to your ears. of course there were no shortage of americans stepping into the cafe everyday, but there was something about his in particular that caused your ears to perk up a little more. maybe it was down to the person it was attached to, instead. 
“and is that everything for you today?” you continued, snapping back into following what you’d aptly dubbed your ‘service speech’, a routine that ensured you didn't stumble over your words to every customer you served.
“that’s all, yeah.” logan responded with another small smile. 
“perfect. that’ll be nine eighty there.”
"great, thank you."
logan quickly pulled out his phone to pay, though as his eyes caught the small jar sat on the counter, ‘tips’ scrawled onto a label in nice handwriting, he wished he was paying by cash. a flash of hope ran through him as he dug his hand into his jean pocket, and he had never been more relieved to feel some spare change brush against his fingertips. 
barely even bothering to count how much was there – it looked to be about three pounds, but he could have been wrong - logan dropped it into the jar, offering you a sheepish smile. he felt a little foolish, paying by card and fumbling around for some cash, but the look on your face was more than worth it. 
“thank you,” you repeated with a soft laugh. “should be ready for you in two minutes.”
logan couldn’t bring himself to speak again, so simply nodded and moved to walk to the point he would collect his drinks from. before that, though, he would grant himself one, small privilege. 
his eyes quickly found your name badge, and he scanned it as subtly as he could before he walked away, the name replaying over and over in his mind like a broken record. but, no. broken records were annoying, an inconvenience, something to fix or throw out. your name was anything but. 
not even five minutes after he’d placed his order were his drinks placed onto the counter, each labelled appropriately to save for any confusion. a cupholder had also been provided, which logan was eternally grateful for. he didn’t think the three drinks would survive the short journey otherwise. as a treat to himself, he took a small sip from his latte and almost swore. logan didn’t believe in magic, but he was sure that this coffee was somehow laced with it. never had a simple oat latte tasted so good to him.
and, he thought, a little embarrassingly, never had someone looked so good making one, either. 
“see you later!” you called from behind the till, lifting your hand in a gesture that could be perceived as a wave, but also an attempt to smooth your hair a little. 
logan nodded and gave you a smile. you would definitely see him later. he had just found his new favourite coffee shop, and he wasn’t going to give it up any time soon.
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☕️ . . . there it is , the first instalment !! i loved writing this so much - and actually did so with a cinnamon iced latte of my own , as alex and i are actually one and the same ! hope you all enjoyed , and thank you for reading <3
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Quick world lore question; does the game ever specify what kind of potions/poisons exist in twst? Like, since it's technically a fantasy world, would things like health/stamina potions like you'd see in rpg's exist? Or would it be closer to reality, like home remedies and basic pharmaceutical stuff?
I'm only an EN player and I havent read all the pomfiore student's vignette's so if they answer this there then im sorry for the bother ; ;
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Potions aren't talked about in the only Pomefiore students' vignettes! (In fact, if we're talking just strictly Labwear vignettes... Vil and Rook's don't really focus on potions at all; only Epel's sort of does.) There isn't actually a ton of lore about potions, and in the times when they do become relevant, the writing tends to focus more on the ingredients and/or the preparation process rather than what kind of potion would be produced. For example, the entire Labwear series of vignettes frequently brings up rare or dangerous plants that require the application of magic in order to safely harvest, such as the mandrake and the lantern blossom.
I wasn't able to check all vignettes (since that would be like... what, probably a few hundred at this point? If not that, then at least over 100.), but there's definitely mentions of potions with various effects. From all lab vignettes alone and combing through the main story, here's what I could glean:
transformation/transmutation potions (prologue, book 2, Beans Day, book 6, etc; this is probably the most often mentioned type of potion)
voice-changing potions (Leona Labwear vignette)
color-changing potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
plant growth potions (Epel Labwear voice line)
sleeping potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
awakening potions (Silver Labwear vignette)
magic enhancing potions (book 2)
a potion that changes one part of your body to that of an animal's (book 3)
itch-relief potion (Lost in the Book with Stitch)
On the subject of poisons, no specific kinds are mentioned as far as I'm aware. There's a Poison Refining class (Cater Labwear vignettes), but we don't really get specifics. When poisons are talked about, it's usually in reference to the Fairest Queen or the Pomefiore dorm leader being skilled in making potent poisons, or it's Kalim talking about the many attempts on his life and unnamed poison antidotes. There may be more mentioned in other places, but at this time I don't have the capacity to check every single event and vignette. If you know of any more that aren’t listed here, please let me know and I can update the list!!
It should also be noted that "potions" can also be used for other purposes. This includes creating special effects for movies (mentioned in Vil's Labwear vignettes) and enhancing the effects of skincare (book 6, Azul Ceremonial Robes, etc.).
You'll notice that the effects of these potions can also be achieved via regular spellcasting. (In fact, we see Adeuce practicing color changing magic in Floyd's Labwear vignettes + Vil using color changing magic to help himself hide from paparazzi, etc., Jack's/Malleus's/Azul's UMs also allow them to do things without the help of potions.) Because of this, I believe that potions are meant to be an alternative way of spellcasting without actually needing to use magic. This makes already prepared potions usable by mages who don't want to expend energy/build blot as well as by NON-MAGES.
Within the world of TWST, there is an occupation known as the “medical mage”, who appear to combine magic and medicine into their practice. Furthermore, what is called “Potionology” in EN is written as 魔法薬学 (literally, "magic pharmaceuticals") in JP, implying that there is, in fact, an intersection between magic and medicine. This is similar to how "technomancy" is described to be the cross between magic and technology.
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In terms of a "healing potion", there are instances which show that a magic potion may heal or at least speed up the body's natural healing process. For example, in 7-68 of the main story, Baur gives Lilia something to drink to help him with the dire blow he just took. It doesn't appear to restore him to full health though, as Lilia states he still needs rest afterward. In EN, they use the term "potion" but in JP they use "薬" (kusuri), which is "medicine". Baur qualifies the character with "魔法" (maho), which is "magic", so the term he's using is "magic medicine". This is probably the closest thing to a "healing" potion that we know of in the TWST lore.
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So technically, yes, TWST has "healing potions". I wouldn’t say there is one blanket cure-all potion though; based on what we know of potionology and how it’s very similar to irl chemistry classes, we can assume that there are generalized “healing potions” but that there must also be far more specialized and targeted ones, similar to medicine irl or non-enchanted or non-magic infused medicine. I would imagine that, like transformation potions, “healing potions” would have to be highly regulated since they’re basically a drug 💀 (There would probably be OTC types too, given proper governmental approval!)
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genericpuff · 6 months
Do you have any recommendations for comics on tapas? I'm rather new to the app so I wondered if you had any. Sorry if someone already asked!
Oh, so many! Tapas was one of my OG homes waaay back in the day, when I was still getting into drawing comics (back then it was gag-a-days). I spent a lot of time reading comics on there and it was one of my first introductions to comic platforms in general (next to SmackJeeves, RIP).
Rock and Riot - 1950's LGBTQ+ gangster teenagers getting into shenanigans and turf wars. Very cute and fun and adorable <3
Monster Pop! - Monster girls who are besties! This one has some real gorgeous art especially if you like the original vibes of S1 LO, lots of bright beautiful colors and lineless shapes. The creator of this comic, mayakern, now develops comfortable and eco-friendly skirts with her wife and pals for plus-sized folks! (they have pockets!)
A BETTER PLACE - Young girl Hannah and her little brother Theo find something cool in the woods. Children becoming gods. This was one of those comics that had some REALLY cool "you had to be there" time travel elements that aren't quite as immersive in hindsight (I was one of those people who were there and DAMN it was awesome), but it's still absolutely worth the read and it operates as a sort of prequel to another one of Harry Bogosian's comics on the platform.
Fail by Error - This comic is long since done with, its creator having moved on to bigger things, but at one point in time, this was the titan series on Tapas, before the platform became predominantly BL's and isekais. Fail by Error was truly one of the best of the best of Tapas-hosted comics from its golden era of comedy comics. Also the creator made art for me once and I still have it! <3
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(my babieees <3)
RandoWis - funny gag strip is funny ! He also draws an MMO-themed comic that - coincidentally - when I double checked, looks like it stopped updating in 2021 until two days ago. So yeah, good time to check that one out too!
Undying Happiness - Naomi takes a chance on love and decides to meet up with a guy she met online. He turns out to not look like the guy in the photos in the most hilariously absurd way.
Deep Fried Pudge - Okay, this is a really weird inclusion because like... this comic isn't good. This comic is painfully bad. Like, "roll your eyes into the back of your skull at your dad's stupid jokes" bad. This comic has not stopped updating daily since 2012. It literally just had its 11 year anniversary. Every update is just a single panel either making some pun or just stating very innocent, inoffensive opinions. There are four thousand of these things. And every single one is done with the same art style and joke structure as before, the comics from today look and feel like a 7 year old made them the exact same way they did 10 years ago, as if trapped in a hellish time capsule of its own design, and I love it, I freaking love it. Its existence quite literally defies human nature. Reading it and attempting to comprehend why it exists is like staring into the eyes of some Eldritch god that chose peace over chaos. Pudge will outlive all of us. Pudge will outlive the universe. All hail Pudge.
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desceros · 4 months
Hello! :333 i hope everything is going well for you! And i hope you had a great day so farr! i'm a great fan of your writing work and i always read your work over more than 3 times! X3 and my favorite fanfiction is the symphony one! I check your tumblr every morning when i wake up to see if there are any updates regarding the fanfic. Sadly, we didn't see much of the Symphony book and i was wondering if it was on hold or canceled ? Best of luck and love you so muchhhh 💜💜💜💜💜🔥🔥🔥
so i actually have had an extremely busy february with what i've been writing! there were a lot of time-sensitive things that needed to be worked on, like birthday gifts for my friends, a valentine's event i signed up for, and a march event i'm promoting. i even posted a roadmap so people could see what i was planning on working on, and what dates things would drop.
as a person with a full-time job, a physical limitation with a bad wrist that limits how much i can do, and limited time i can work on things, that just means that things that aren't time sensitive (like symphony) get pushed down the list to work on a little.
...i'm going to be honest and tell you that this ask ruffled my feathers a bit. since the last symphony update (which, let me point out, has accumulated 217k words in a little over 100 days and is not the only thing i work on), i have posted three fics, written a fourth that will go up in a couple days, and am currently working on a fifth. this is in addition to all of the work i need to do to keep my house, pay my bills, and the time i take to spend with my friends and family.
i write fanfiction for fun. because i love it. and i'm so, so sorry if the project that i'm working on isn't the one that you want to see, but it's what i want to be working on right now. i made commitments, and i stick to them. it hasn't even been a month since i last updated symphony, so asking me if it's "canceled" or "put on hold" comes across as you pestering for an update, and i take a lot of issue with that. it's very rude, and i don't appreciate feeling rushed.
that said, i like to assume good intentions from people. normally, if someone nags me for an update, i block them because that's toxicity i don't tolerate in my community. in this case, i'm going to choose to believe that you didn't mean for that to be the message that came across, that you're earnestly asking after something you love, and i'll just tell you that no, the fic is not canceled or put on hold by any means. i'm super glad you're enjoying it because i really love it too, and the next chapter will come when i have time to work on it! just... next time consider tweaking your phrasing so that it doesn't come across as nagging.
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within-your-eyes-if · 10 months
September 1st Update
Hello everyone!
First off, thank you for all the messages stating how much you love my story! I read them all and deeply cherish them ♥ Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but I once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support!
Secondly, I will be answering more asks and scenario requests soon, I've just been very tired the last few days. Sorry for taking so long!
Now, on to the progress update.
I'm redoing some of the later parts of Ch3 because I'm just not happy with the pacing. I might split the chapter into two parts because it's feeling rather long. But I'm still deciding on that.
Regardless, this change will not affect what I've already written.
Now, I won't lie, progress has been slow this month (*nudges Baldur's Gate 3 further under the rug*), I've also been improving the fight scenes in Chapter 1. They are not great, I'm sorry. It's been on my mind for a long while and I received some pointers on how to improve them. This isn't the only improvement, however.
I decided I am not going to do personality checks. That is to say, you will not be punished for saying something out of line for your character. Personalities are not black and white, and I see the flaw in a system like this, as one shouldn't expect someone to react the same in every situation. Saying abnormal things for MC will still garner special reactions, but I repeat: you will not be punished for it.
There are a few other things I've changed and added (tongue piercings among them), but I'll save the details for when I update the game, hopefully sometime this week or next.
I believe that's all for now, so I hope you all have a great day, week, and month!
Thank you once again!
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yoonjinsgirl · 9 months
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with part-5 to my series.
checkout series previous chapters: 1💌 2💌 3💌 & 4💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: An au concept, not something that could make sense irl, it could be dangerously delulu. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! Check my work until now: Masterlist💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Part - 5
Everything was fine until one evening you receive woozi's call and you feel your whole world falling apart by just looking at the screen buzzing, but it wasn't like you had any choice other than receiving the call, and so you anyways receive the call.
"Hello y/nsii I've a great news for you, you can finally go back to your world! Thank you so much for cooperating with our situation, I'm so sorry for the trouble you had to go through because of our team!", Woozi said happily as he was happy for keeping his promise. But you weren't really happy with the news you just got! A whole minute went away in silence that's when woozi again speaks, "Hello! HELLO Y/NSII! are you on line?"
"Ye Ye sorry woozi i wasn't really expecting you to call this soon, I'm just trying to process your words" you tell him not really knowing how you are supposed to feel.
"Ahhh ne ne i can understand your point you must be so happy to return! And guess what you're going tonight itself isn't it great! So as i had told you as soon you both will teleport to your own world everything will return back to its original form! And no one would be able to remember you or any memories related to you! So get tension free nothing will go wrong, once you return to your original places" woozi said explaining you. But were you even ready to leave this world! Were you ever ready to leave yoongi? It was all your fault you think you were never allowed to fall in love with yoongi from this world or your own world, your love was forbidden.
You feel your eyes filling up with tears but you continue the conversation, "and what about me? Will i be able to remember anything?" You asked woozi. "No y/nsii that seems almost impossible and totally rare, only in 0.1% of cases people can remember so i don't think you will remember anything so relax, also just like you were teleported here while you were asleep the same you will return your own world so don't worry you'll have to do nothing!" You think how weird this is that you want to remember your time here, for what though only to feel deeply pained remembering how you could never be his! How you could never become yoongi's girl, his love! But afterall it was for your own good if you don't remember anything because your life without him being actually around you will genuinely make it hard for you to live! Everything will be hard without having yoongi next to you!
"Ahh really! Th..thank you woozisii! You really helped me alot! And it was nice knowing you!!!" You tell him genuinely because no matter what, he was nothing but the kindest to you, and as he had promised he is here calling you to inform you about your safe returning. The pain and hurt you were feeling was all by your own cause and he definitely doesn't needs to know how you feel for yoongi because that would just add guilt to him.
Suddenly you feel another guilt tripping down on you as you think about your bestfriend being with hobi, you think how selfish you can get, that you didn't even gave a thought what about her? What about their relationship? You didn't wanted their relations to wreck because of something stupid going on!
"And one last thing that i wanted to ask you woozisii, what about my bestfriend will her relationship with hobii too will get affected? Do you know anything about her?", you ask him hoping atleast her happiness won't get affected.
"No no don't worry, I've come to know hoseok hyung was already seeing someone and turns out it was your friend! So don't worry their relationship won't be affected", woozi replied.
"Ahhhh thank god i would seriously never forgive myself if anything would have gone wrong with them because of me!Again thank you so-so much for everything! For always being patient and answering all my problems!" You say as you were really grateful for him being so patient with you, as you always bombarded him with so many questions but he was very patient and gentle with you. You lowkey smiled thinking he indeed was one of your favorite artists from one of the groups that you respected and you were lucky to have interaction with him, no matter if he was from another world, still you were very thankful.
"Aishhh aniyaa that's not a big deal, afterall i was somewhere responsible for you landing into this trouble! So I'm really glad to hear that i could help you with whatever you asked! Also y/nsii i know you like hyung so I'm really sorry! I know whatever is happening is cruel but please take care, i truly wish you the best and wish for your happiness!".
At this point you felt your tears rolling down free as you heard him saying how he knew you were caught up in feelings but you still decided to play it cool. "Thank you for always looking up for me woozi, also I'm fine so don't worry! Also i wish the same for you and for BTS here, I truly wish happiness and well-being for you all.
"You are really brave y/n, fighting, take care" you chuckle at his statement for calling you brave which you certainly were not but he didn't needed to know, "Fighting Woozisii! FIGHTING BTS!", and the call ends.
As soon as the phone ends your mind goes blank as you fall down tearing up, you certainly weren't expecting all this to happen this early! You thanked god that yoongi wasn't home to see you in such a state. You somewhere hated yourself for literally being selfish because surely this was the stupid realm thing and not yoongi's actual feelings for you! So you yourself were the reason for your hurting, you should've kept, hold on emotions! On your mind and heart.
Tears continuously streaming down your eyes as you remember all the times you spend with yoongi, the hugs and the kisses you shared with him, all the beautiful moments you shared with bangtan. Why did this all had to end? But you were being unreasonable you thought, while wiping your own tears as you looked at the clock and realizing yoongi must be home in few hours now, and he doesn't deserves to see you like this, you didn't wanted your last day with him to be a crying mess and what reason you'll give him afterall if he sees you in this state? So, You get up getting hold on your emotions and got freshen up and set up the bathtub for him to take shower after he comes home and arranged his clothes for him.
All these days it became your habit to look for him as he would look for you. You had made your mind no matter what you won't spoil the few hours you've left with him and will do nothing to spoil his mood. As you were thinking door bell suddenly rings and you know who it could be so you run towards the door opening it to meet an exhausted looking yoongi.
As soon as his eyes meets with yours he instantly pulled you in for a hug, snuggling his face into your neck as he wraps his hands around your sides, your heart beating loud as he snuggles more into you leaving no space between you two, you feel butterflies everytime you are close to him, meanwhile his scent calming you down.
"i missed you y/n"
"i said i missed you kitten" he speaks again as he breaks the hug and lifting you in his arms. "I missed you too! I love you so muchhh!" you reply him, wrapping your hands around his neck, not protesting anymore as he lifts you, because this is the last time you will experience this feeling of being loved and pampered by yoongi.
"You know y/n i love my work..my music so much, and i still do, i always will but today i felt like i was missing out something inside me and i knew it was you, so i couldn't help but complete my work quickly so i could come back home to you!" He said as he brought you to the bedroom gently placing you on the bed and kneeling down at your level and holding your hands as he continued, "you know y/n i never felt like this before, home was never like this, before it was a place to rest and have me time, now it's not a mere place it's my comfort zone! My safe zone! My love zone! Where i know my love lives, always waiting for me! Thank you so much for coming into my life bby! I promise you will never regret being with me, I'll always treat you like my queen kitten" he said as he kissed your knuckles, looking into your eyes, you feel yourself almost tearing up with all the love you were feeling, there was no doubt yoongi always made sure you felt loved, you always got his attention, his affection and his care, not a single moment where he made you uncomfortable with anything, always making you laugh and smile. He was someone with whom even sitting in silence felt comfortable.
You too knell down holding his hands as you leaned in holding his t-shirt's collar and pulling him close to kiss him as he responded back immediately smiling against your lips, pulling you close to him by holding his hands around your waist to deepen the kiss. Both only pulling out as none of you breathe anymore.
"I think you should get freshen up, you must be tired"
"I'm never tired for you love"
You immediately give a quick kiss on his cheek, "i know but you do need to relax yourself yoongles, I've already set up bathtub for you to get freshen up"
He placed a kiss on your cheeks as he said, "Aren't you a perfect wife material, I just know i want to get married with you y/n! I don't want to stay away from you anymore!"
"Yoongi i..i..I'm all yours!" You say as you tear up, as he slides a beautiful ring that he has always been wearing in one of his fingers. As you cry your heart out hugging him like koala at this point, this had to be your worst dream because why were you supposed to return today itself? Why was this all happening to you! Why did you had to go through all this pain of leaving him? why was god giving you this moment to just take away your everything, you felt so guilty for ruining everything, you almost felt like betraying yoongi but what could you do anyways!!??!!
"Yoons i love you so much! I wonder what did i ever do to deserve you.. your love! i wouldn't even hesitate to get married to you right away! If.." before you could say anything any further yoongi put his fingers on your lips as he says,"Shushhhh say nothing my love! I know you are overwhelmed by my sudden confession yet I'm so happy to have you with me! To have this moment with you right now, to have you in my arms right now!". As he held you and made you sit on the bed again sitting next to you, whipping your tears, as he continued, "y/niee don't cry my love! I know i always say people should cry out whenever they feel like crying but don't cry love, I'm going no-where! I wanted to assure you that this isn't your dream anymore it's our reality! Not hurrying up, we while get married soon but at our own pace! So don't overwork your emotions or feel pressured hmnn". You nodded in response as he again gave you a quick peck, "bby relax and take a quick nap as i take shower, you know taking nap can solve 99% of our problems" you laughed slightly at his cuteness,
"Yooniee you're surely the most adorablest encyclopedia of useless knowledge which i love so muchhh",
"yahhh y/niee I'm offended by that" he said pouting slightly making you laugh even more "aigooooo yoonieee! Now go and get freshen up" you push him playfully as he laughs too and goes in.
As you look towards the silver band he just made you wear, you wonder what does destiny even want to happen with you and why is destiny playing cheap games with you! And from like billions of people around, why is yoongi getting caught up in this sh!t he doesn't deserves to get played, man is literally the softest soul you've ever came across. This has to be the worst thing happening to you both because none of you deserve this all, for minutes you feel you should tell him the truth and break the spell but then you think what if actually his life is put into danger, that would be even worse, Fuck my life you think as you heat the food you had prepared for him and set the dishes on dinning table. Soon yoongi joins you and helps you to serve for both of you and you eat your dinner and clean the dishes together. Surely yoongi's way of showing his love included so many things and surprisingly lots of clinging all in good way but it was alot about his act of service.
In no time it was time for you both to sleep, no matter how hard you tried to act cool to yourself, acting as if you were strong enough but deep down you were not prepared for whatever was coming next! Definitely not prepared to leave yoongi! Not prepared to open your eyes to a world where you wouldn't woke up next to him! Your thoughts were interrupted as yoongi laid next to you, holding your hand and kissing your hand where he had placed his silver band on your fingers! You felt so much love at the moment and wished the time to stay still and to stop at the moment, in no way you were ready to leave him but you also didn't wanted to cause any trouble creating any harm to him! Not wanting to face anything you quickly hide yourself into his arms hugging him tight then ever and snuggling close to him. And yoongi holding you tightly as you feel safe and secure in his arms as he pampered you to sleep, no matter how hard you tried not to fall asleep thinking maybe that could save you from not returning back, but after your various attempts you soon fall asleep feeling comforted by yoongi's warm hug and his relaxing scent.
The next day you know you wake up with your head heavy, eyes hurting as if you had cried yourself to sleep, but as your eyes fall to the clock hanging on your bedroom's wall you realize you've overslept and now you're late for your work, so you quickly hurry to get shower as you feel a little bit dizzy as you get a quick vision of yoongi carrying you to bathroom as you shyly blush, jerking your thoughts away thinking what kind of delusional person you are literally to visualize the literal impossible and daydreaming about your bias literally when you were late to work.
You hurry up with your morning routine and somehow manage to reach your work by just time. You keep feeling dizzy throughout your day and you keep shrugging it off as you think it must be just your usual bp fluctuation or your irregular sleep. What amazes you is how you could not stop thinking about your bias the whole day! Not like it's anything new but you were being too much! You knew you missed him as he was inactive on his sns accounts after his world tour had ended and his enlistment notice was made public, so you understood how he must be spending his time resting and enjoying his time with his family, friends and his members who were more likely his brother's but his absence made you really anxious. But you lowkey kept reassuring yourself that everything was going to be okay!
Everything was going just fine and normal until somebody at your work pointed at the ring you were wearing, but last time you remembered you kept looking for a ring similar to the one you were wearing right now but you couldn't really find one! It was exactly similar to the one your bias, your crush, your most favorite person on the planet, your only desired man 'Min Yoongi'! It was him who was wearing this one time in one of his photos and you had absolutely fallen in love with it and since then you always wanted to buy yourself a ring similar to it but you couldn't find any! So what and how is the ring in your finger now? No matter how hard you'd try you couldn't remember buying it. So how the heck were you wearing one! Looking at your facial expression your colleague immediately changed the topic saying maybe you should pack up and leave for home as it was almost 6.pm, thinking you were just stressed too much to work that you needed rest! And nodded in agreement and soon wrapp up all your work as you leave your workplace still thinking about the ring.
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So as soon you reached home, you immediately rushed into your bedroom looked for anything that could tell you how you got this ring. Your mom came looking for you only to see you rumbling around your room so you told her everything and your mom assured you maybe you had bought it but you must have forgotten and maybe you should just rest, taking nap after all you know can solve 99% of our problems. Listening to your mom speak you felt dizzy again, for some reason you could literally hear yoongi saying something similar in your head. You hit your head lightly thinking what the fuck is wrong with you today as you walk towards your bathroom to get freshen up.
Little did you know this wasn't just your mind playing games with you or your delusional mind day dreaming too much but it was just your mind playing your some of your foggy memories that you had unfortunately almost forgotten, most likely the memories that were lost.
To be continued...
I hope guys enjoyed reading this one! I do know we all are here for yoongi and this one definitely had a lot of readers pov, if you want you can skip it ig! I hope you all will look forward to upcoming parts! So stay tuned!
Also guys I'm really sorry!🥲 I know it takes me little too long to post but trust me my laptop is in repair for few days and making corrections in my written draft takes my most of time, and it's not like i have already written all my parts, i write them in real time so it takes a little long especially writting them on my phone takes even more long, so i hope you can bear with me. Thank you for being patient with me y'all!.♡
Also guys i don't think this could be a called mini series anymore lmao, as I'm sure it will take atleast 2 or more chapters to complete the whole thing, so I'll be editing and updating my masterlist by today.
Also I'm thinking, about naming parts for this series! What are you opinions please let me know.
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.♡
So if you've requests please go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one. Also your feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated.💜
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crunchesloudly · 6 months
Posted here
-Snippet for my current Ethubs season 7 WIP-
Recently, because of Grian and Scars nuptials Bdubs has been thinking about marriage and weddings a lot more. Never letting himself daydream for more than a few minutes, forcing himself to shake the thoughts away as quickly as they would show up. He thought that now that the wedding had passed and the newlyweds were offserver on their honeymoon that Bdubs would finally have a few weeks of peaceful non-wedding oriented discussions with his fellow hermits but of course Tango and Impulse cannot help themselves.
He stays in his seat within the Boomers shop feeling sorry for himself for what felt like only a few minutes but when a bell chimes on the door downstairs he's broken from his haze. He checks his clock seeing that an hour has gone by. He raises his hands to his face only to notice a wetness he wasn't aware of before. When had he started crying? Quickly wiping the tears away, a voice calling his name prompts him to move.
“Bdubs! Baby you here?”
Collecting himself as much as possible, Bdubs makes his way down the stairs into the main section of the shop. Etho greets him with a wide smile moving swiftly towards him and engulfing him in a hug. Bdubs melts into it immediately.
“Hey baby, how was your meeting? Get everything sorted?”
They pull back from each other slightly though, Etho keeps his hands around his waist, holding him close.
“Good, we got everything planned out just gotta do it now. How about you? Make any progress?”
The conversation shifts to Etho and his base production, Bdubs listens intently taking in every word Etho says, his mind shifting away from its previous thoughts, filling instead with present feelings of the comfort and security Etho gives him. Even if it sometimes feels incomplete.
Eventually they break apart and Etho suggests they go and make something to eat, it's at this moment Bdubs stomach rumbles reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, he is quite hungry. Etho grasps his hand and they leave the shop, walking hand in hand through the shopping district, towards the main nether portal by city hall.
They make their way to Bdubs base, hastily putting together a meal and mirroring their positions from earlier in the day across from each other at the table. Bdubs isn't really in the mood for talking anymore, choosing to keep his head down and eat in silence.
He doesn't want to ruin what they have. He just wishes things could be only slightly different.
A ring on his finger, a new title, that's all it is.
He cant bring it up , cant voice his inner monologue begging him to share. He can't lose Etho. Having him how he does is better than losing him over something as cynical as wanting to get married.
He'll be fine. He’ll get over it.
I hope you liked this! It’s a little Christmas treat I suppose 😁😁
This will be up some time after Christmas. I have about 1.5K rn knowing me it’ll probably be anywhere from 3-5K when it’s done. I will post it on ao3 then and update this post with a link as well as making a new post for it.
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queerdraws · 8 months
i love your postcard artwork for the zolu playlist SO much!! the colours are so so good and i love the brushwork! i think my favourites are a tie between the one for chikai and the one for simple song <3 also, I was wondering if you could share what brushes you used + how long they took you! looking at your art makes me want to draw again after not doing it for so long
Thank you!! and wow i think this is the first time someone's asked me for my brushes, this is like a digital artist rite of passage!
Answers n screenshots n stuff under cut (I went a little to ham on this oops)
While we're talking settings I want to give a quick PSA to all digital artists:
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DO NOT DRAW WITH THIS ALL MESSED UP, IT WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY. It's probably good to check this after every system update (I don't, but, you know...). Windows likes to mess w your shit when it updates.
If you have a really tiny tablet you might need to trace outside a bottle lid or something.
Okay now on to the meat of the post
-- Brush Stuff --
I use Clip Studio Paint. For my playlist drawings I think I only used these brushes (these are my main 3 in general) (p.s. they're all default brushes! but i've adjusted the settings):
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1) Gouache This is most of what i used for the postcards. I nuked Color Stretch because i hate it (it blends colors together as you're painting, like painting over wet paint. I prefer things to look more crisp)
2) Real G-Pen Used this as little as possible, to keep the painterly effect. My preferred fine-detail pen, has a nice crunch to it. I've fine-tuned my setting further in the thickness dynamics / brush size dynamics settings because I mostly use this brush for linework and wanted it to handle really, really naturally and precisely
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The random box is checked by default, probably to make this brush feel more like handling a real inkdip pen (I don't like that)
3) Mapping Pen Least used. I generally keep this brush at the 50-70px range. It's unpleasant to use for detail work (the taper is really fiddly at my tablet pressure settings) but good at filling in large areas very opaque very quickly, with a crisp edge (Also, doesn't lag as much as the gouache brush at large-ish sizes). Has enough wiggle room that it can be used to approximately fill tighter spaces at large brush sizes. Used for when I needed to quickly color over an area that wasn't working or quickly fill in background color that didn't need paintbrush texture. Did not realized the stabilization was set to 10 until just now. I usually turn that waaay down to prevent lag (my laptop isn't very old but it's a sensitive beast)
Other stuff that'll help:
General pen pressure: (under File -> Pen Pressure Settings)
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tweaking how CSPaint handled my pen pressure helped a lot with making lineart look more natural. It's worth messing around with this and trying out different settings for a while to see how they feel.
-- How Long it Takes 2 Draw --
I don't really keep track of how long art takes me from start to finish, and making the playlist drawings was kinda nonlinear 😅 sorry!
-> I started out sketching really quick composition and color ideas as the songs were playing, limiting myself to just the duration of each song (so like, 5 minutes for this part) -> i did that again at least 2 more times per song -> after that, idk. I would work on one pic then get stuck and move to another. Some I could hammer out in like... 5 hours? Some took me upwards of 20 (30?) hours for no real reason (I have "will graham clock" days, where I'll try to draw a face over and over and it'll look really strange, like will graham's clock drawing every time) (this seems to be either a vitamin deficiency or a brainfog inflammation type thing 4 me 😵‍)
I'll use ur two favorites as specific examples: -> Chikai was one that went pretty quickly (with the exception of their arms and the clothing folds there giving me trouble). Probably took 4-6 hours? -> Simple Song had a couple different versions, partially because I initially had the cards all laid out landscape-style, and I decided I actually wanted them all portrait-style & repainted it after it was already done. That aside, the colors /atmosphere on that one gave me trouble and the general composition / perspective had a lot of tweaks (I was trying to figure out if I wanted it to be a kinda flat stylistic perspective or if I wanted it to make more literal sense, trying to figure out what to do with luffy, trying to make him not look Too baby boy sweetie pie). Probably took 7-10 hours...?
In-progress landscape versions: (varying levels of in-progress)
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Misc in-progress of Chikai and Simple Song:
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Simple song looks kinda sequential like this lmao. Luffy looks like he's A-posing and floating away to the boat and then sitting down pleasantly in it. Wonderful. --
Anway -- hope any of that was helpful!
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Yesterday (2/7) I submitted something about my paycheck being late. Well, update: It is now 2/8 and I have not been paid. Usually what happens is I get my pay stub emailed to me on Monday (I get paid every other week), and my paycheck is directly deposited into my bank account by Tuesday morning.
This week, however, my pay stub did not arrive on Monday, and I kind of had a bad feeling about things already but I figured maybe my paycheck would still hit on time. Nope! Tuesday dawned and no paycheck. Which was frustrating because I had plans to go grocery shopping and get a haircut, and I couldn't do those things without my paycheck, but as I mentioned in my other ask, my paycheck is sometimes delayed by a day if the banks are closed on Monday for some kind of holiday (not that there was one this week, but I was still hopeful).
Today, Wednesday, was my anniversary with my partner, and we had plans to go shopping together, but when I woke up and checked my bank account, no paycheck. I did, however, finally have my pay stub in my email. I messaged my managers to (politely) ask what the fuck was going on, and the owner replied "There was a delay. It was my fault. It should be deposited tomorrow. I’m very sorry."
Like, it's nice that you're sorry, I guess, but a heads-up would have been appreciated! One of the other managers mentioned that she also had a delayed paycheck, so I know I'm not the only one, but no one bothered to send out any kind of text/email/message to give us a warning about the problem. 😡
This isn't the first time I've had issues getting my paycheck, which I've complained about on this blog before, and honestly if I thought I had any better job prospects I would have left ages ago. I wish I was close enough with my coworkers to start talks about unionizing, but given that I'm literally always scheduled alone (I work in a small store so one person can technically run it by themselves but imho it would be better with two) and I'm not very good at socializing to begin with, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Fuck managers, get your shit together or at least give us some warning when you fuck up.
My company did that to us a few times in the mid 90′s. And that was when they still had stores in 14 states and just bought another chain and gained 3 more states. And not one word was said. All of us just kept harassing the manager to get paid. The longest was a week and we got two checks at once. Then they pulled the BS of changing payday from Tuesday to Thursday without a word. Then Tues again then Thurs. Then Tues again and it’s been that for about 25 years solid now. But I really don’t put it past them to pull this BS again. This is the company that remodeled about 1/3 of the stores then declared bankruptcy so they didn’t have to pay for it and closed the stores that didn’t get the remodel.  
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
(@perhapswhoknowsvamp and I have the best slash worst text threads ever. We realized that Danhausen isn't following Jack on IG today and spiraled.)
Danhausen follows Orange Cassidy. Danhausen follows Hook. Danhausen follows most people on the roster, really.
Danhausen does not follow Jack Perry.
Actually, he used to. Danhausen follows and unfollows Jack once a week, just so Jack gets the notifications. Since he’s bored and couch-bound currently, he’s upgraded to doing it every half hour like clockwork. He sends bitchy messages at 3 AM and then blocks Jack so he can’t reply.
Hope Jungle Jack gets some sleep. Would be a shame if someone STOLE that from him.
Jack, whose phone dings for the third time that morning: “THIS MOTHERFUCKER”
When he’s on the pain meds, he sends more messages. Has Jack checked his brake lines recently? and This picture of you is quite nice and it’s a cockroach wearing a top hat. (Danhausen doodled the hat on the cockroach.) Behind the cockroach is a jungle, and a large bird of prey with red black and white head feathers.
Hook replies with sorry the number you have sent this to is no longer in service R.I.P.
Hook sends a follow-up text: the hat does look nice on you.
Jack: “They fucking deserve each other.”
Darby eventually slides into Danhausen’s DMs. dude could you stop he is profoundly unsexy when he is this stressed out.
Danhausen: whatever he is profoundly unsexy ALL THE TIME. You should get one that looks sexy more often, then. Darby obviously has poor taste. Perhaps he should talk to Hook. The two of you could become best friends with your new jungle infatuation.
Darby: Is that what this is about? Hook?
Danhausen blocks Darby.
Jack finds Hook. He hasn’t slept in days. He is mid-mental breakdown. “PLEASE. I can’t even ask him what he wants! He keeps blocking me before I can tell him that you and I are not a thing. Call him, for fuck’s sake.”
Hook: “I don’t got reception.”
Hook, cupping a hand over his ear: “What? Sorry. You’re breaking up. They must be updating the towers around here. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later.”
After he walks away, Jack stares. “This fucking guy.”
Darby drops down from the fucking ceiling. Jack has a heart attack.
Darby, unaffected: “Sounds like things aren’t going any better on Team Chips. Man, these guys are dense.”
Jack: “….what??”
Darby rolls his eyes. “I’m on Team Teeth, you’re on Team Chips. What, did you think we were going to be on the same side? Over my dead body.”
Jack: “….I—”
Darby makes a decision. “Actually…” He looks Jack up and down. “Yeah, I take that back. You can be over me any time you’d like. I’d let you top.”
Jack: “...wha—”
Darby: “I’ll call Danhausen the next time he unblocks me and see what I can do. Again. Idiots.” He fucks off down a hallway on a skateboard that seemingly materialized out of thin air.
Jack: “I…I am so tired.”
Danhausen ends up blocking half the roster as they try to get him and Hook back together. By the end, he’s only following a handful: OC (who doesn’t give a shit), MJF (who also doesn’t give a shit but for different reasons), and RJ City (who actually did attempt to get them back together but after he got blocked, he stood crying in Danhausen’s front yard until Danhausen unblocked him. He has not brought it up again).
He also still follows Taz. Taz sent him one message last summer: Sorry. He’s an idiot. He’ll come around.
Taz has not been cursed since he sent the message.
Jack considers checking himself into the psych ward because they’ll take his phone on intake and maybe he’ll be able to sleep. He walks into the lobby and spots an attending nurse wearing a face mask and hovering nearby, shoulders hunched…and arm in a sling.
Jack nearly cries while leaving the building. He just wants to sleep.
Darby: sounds hot
Hook: sounds hot
Hook: wait, who followed you?
Hook: Oh…
Hook: Sorry
Jack: You’re a shit friend.
Hook: yeah
Jack: He was pretending to be a god damn nurse in the lobby.
Hook: a nurse?
Jack: Yes.
Hook: what was he wearing?
Jack: I hate you.
Jack goes to Home Depot. He just wants to sleep. He breaks into one of the outdoor sheds in the parking lot. It’s cold.
There’s no cell reception in the shed.
Jack is happy.
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lovebugism · 1 year
I check your acc every day to see if there's new The Customer's Always Right 👀🤭 (this isn't to pressure you, just love the series and love you!!)
ahh omg i'm so sorry anon! i know the feeling, it can be kinda insufferable sometimes! i haven't been updating super regularly because 1.) writer's block is a bitch and 2.) i don't think people will care too much abt the series to want regular updates
but everyone's been showing the series a lot of love lately and i plan on turning all my attention to tcat when i'm done with the wip i'm working on right now!
there should be a part five out by next week, since this week i'm gonna post my steve harrington fic bc i did a poll and people wanted that first <3
thanks for checking in anon! ily!
tldr; sorry for taking so long to update tcat, part 5 is coming next week, stay tuned for my steve harrington / eddie's bff!reader in the meantime!
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ghoulangerlee · 4 months
hey, I just read about that comment you got (finally blabla) and that was not a kind thing to write to you. You don't owe anyone your precious time/you're writing as a hobby and I wanted to let you know you have every right to be upset about that. And I'm sorry someone wrote that to you. :( You taking care of yourself is the most important thing. <3 You're doing the right thing by taking as long as you need to. However long that may be. <3 Love <3
hey anon, thank you for your kind words. I will admit that the comment sort of threw me off when I got it this morning. I do understand that it was like 6 months since I last updated it, and I don't know. I didn't expect to get a "finally"? I've been pondering on it all day, actually, that's how messed up my head got about it.
I thought I'd mentioned in the notes of one of the chapters that because the chapters were long and it was sorta just my little personal side project that the updates for it would be sporadic. It's a fic that isn't widely popular or anything but I know that there are a few people out there reading it. It def makes a person feel a way when framing something with a finally. To be honest I almost didn't post it in the beginning! Because it's supposed to be for me, anyway, but my friend convinced me to so I did haha.
Trying not to let it get to me too much but it just feels weird, overall. The comment. I made a post about it just in case the person who commented follows me on here, because I do have some questions about some of the other things they said in it that are really throwing me off and I'm always open to private discussion on things.
Its like, it's a silly comment but I am feeling A Type of Way About It.
thank you so much for checking in and your kind words anon, I really appreciate it <3
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1need2bthin · 7 months
Update & Advice Needed
I'm sorry I haven't been on tumblr these last few days, I've been under a lot of stress and very depressed. I have had so much to east these past 3 days that I've probably have consumed around 10k calories. I feel so embarrassed and I'm mad because I was making good progress and I ruined it. I'm sure I've gained a ton of weight and i feel horrible and this feeling is making me want to binge even more. But I'm done, I'm not going to eat anymore until I have recovered from this episode. I ruined my progress once already this year by gaining over 40 pounds over the summer. I was 12 pounds away from my lowest weight of 85 pounds, I need this or else I will hate myself even more. I want to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin, feel small, and just look a lot more pretty overall. I have always looked better being really skinny and underweight. I plan on fixing this by letting my body recover from this horrible binge so I can lose the binge weight. I was planning on only drinking water for 3-4 days and not eating but I feel like that isn't enough so I'm reaching out to see if anyone is able to help me.
Here are a few questions I have and what I need help with.
How long should I water fast for?
What can I do these next few days to keep my mind off food and avoid eating?
Are there any distractions you can recommend that might be able to help me to not want to eat?
What hobbies/activities do you do when you're struggling with strong cravings? How are you able to keep them on control so you don't act on them?
What exercises should I do and for how long? How many calories should I aim to burn these next few days?
If you have any other tips, suggestions, or advice feel free to message me.
Also If there is anyone who is willing to help me keep my cravings under control by checking up on me every few hours to see how I'm doing with my fast and keep me motivated to finish the fast.
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formula-fun · 8 months
Hi Em!! Happy Sunday!! How are you doing? Hope you are alright. 💜💜
I LOVED the snippet from the sequel and now am too pumped and really looking forward to everything you are/will be cooking for us in this universe!! I have a few questions if you don’t mind. Please feel free not to answer any of them, no pressure :)
Does Charles have any more miscarriages before their baby girl is born?
Is the ultrasound in the snippet a follow up of a health scare?
Is only the baby’s life in danger? Or is Charles also having health problems?
Do they both consider medical interventions to have a baby? Like when discussing and planning their future together.
Does Charles give birth earlier due to just the baby being early or is it because of complications or to avoid further complications?
I hope I’m not intruding and you don’t mind this kinds of asks or asks in general as I’m sure you are getting a ton. You’re a brilliant writer (!!!), so please never stop writing!
Anyway, I hope you’re doing fine and I wish you all the time in the world to rest and enjoy doing the things you like doing. 💜 Meanwhile, I’ll be here checking your tumblr and refreshing my email for any snippets, updates or news. Ha!
Have a beautiful week, friend!!
Hi dear!! I'm doing okay, except it's monday night now and I've only just seen this--sorry for missing it earlier! Hope you're alright too <3
So glad you liked it, thanks for letting me know! I'll answer under the cut for spoilers.
Tentatively I'm going to say yes, he has one other miscarriage, but he doesn't realize he's pregnant until it happens so it's more of a surprise than a huge pivotal thing. Not sure if I'm going to write it yet but in my head it's part of the outline!
Second one--no, no health scare, it's just a routine check. The pregnancy is considered high-risk because of his history, so he has to do a lot of these
Third one--there's a pretty big risk of miscarriage, but Charles' life isn't in danger. If there was a risk of that they'd definitely abort the pregnancy rather than play the odds. Max in particular is very wary of this for reasons which I keep trying to explain but keep backspacing because it's hard so im sorry but you'll have to take my word for it that the man lives in terror every day for nine months, which is vaguely alluded to in the snippet as well. i swear i know what im doing. i think
fourth one--this discussion is actually gonna be in the next chapter but it isn't written yet, so the good news is you'll have a full answer very soon but the bad news is I'm not exactly sure and can't really answer, sorry!
fifth one--again sorry, not quite sure but they didn't induce labor early either way. It might not be a complication so much as it is something pretty common in his family. Charles was born early too and a bit small so it doesn't worry him too much (tell me how ive already written the scene of charles being born underweight but not any of the rest of this)
Anyway thank you so much for this, sorry I couldn't answer all of these! I absolutely never mind getting asks, especially when they're worded so kindly <3 sadly I'm still working like a dog in school, but it's really nice to have a short break to talk about this fic and i really hope to have something out soon!! thank you, and I hope you have an excellent week as well!
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mylutteoheart · 9 months
Playing Cupid (chapter 9)
And finally a new unedited chapter. I'm sorry it took so long. The edited version of this one will be posted on ao3 tomorrow. I'm determined to finally finish this so expect updates every 2 weeks from now on. I don't know how many chapters are left but things are finally happening with gastina in this chapter. Also, at the end I was inspired by a certain creddie scene in the icarly revival so if you've seen the last episode of the show, you might recognize it. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | find my other fics here
Chapter 9: A Bump in the Road
This was a bad idea, Nina knew it but she had to go through with it. She promised Luna to spend the day finishing up the details for the wedding. Gastón would help and that's the part that made her the most nervous.
They decided to meet at the Jam & Roller. Being in a public place might make this meeting less nerve-wracking. Plus, Luna was closeby, training for the next skating competition with the team. If they needed help with anything, she could be here soon.
"Hey, sorry, I'm late. I was discussing some details with Matteo about the duet we're doing," Gastón said in a way of greeting.
"I heard about that, Luna said Matteo was very excited about this," Nina answered, "He's really happy you're back."
"Me too, I have to admit that I missed Buenos Aires. England isn't quite the same," Gastón said quietly.
Nina smiled and answered: "I imagine so."
Gastón felt the awkwardness and changed the subject even though he wanted to say so much more.
"So what do we have to do today?" he asked.
"Well, Luna and Matteo have everything booked and sorted out. We just need to check that the things they ordered will be delivered on time," she said as she looked through all the papers with all the orders on them, "We have to make some phone calls then."
Gastón nodded in answer and said: "Sounds easy enough. What's their wedding date again? I want to make sure I get it right."
"It's exactly 4 weeks from now," Nina looked down at the date.
"Then we better hope everything is okay because arranging anything on such short notice would be impossible."
"Let's get started then."
That's what they did, for the next few hours, they make phone call after phone call. Nina was relieved to know that everything was going smoothly so far. With something else to focus on, there wasn't any awkwardness between them. But sooner or later, they'll have to have a serious talk.
"Are you sure this is true?," Gastón asked the lady on the phone.
"I'm afraid so, the venue was destroyed by a heavy storm. We can't repair it in time," the owner of the venue answered patiently.
"Is there any alternative?" he asked a little panicked and turned around to look at Nina to show how he felt.
"If there is, I'm afraid you need to find it yourself. We have to put all our resources in the repair of the venue."
"Alright, we'll have to find something then, thank you," he answered, disappointed.
"What's wrong?" Nina asked, clearly in panic.
"We have to find a new venue," he sighed. Feeling hopeless this problem will be solved.
"Finding a new venue on such short notice is going to be impossible. We're never going to find the perfect place again. How on earth will we pull this off when we don't even have time to breathe until the wedding?" Luna said exasperated, pacing back and forth in the locker room.
Nina and Gastón stood near the counter, looking worriedly at their friend while Matteo is rubbing his neck. He clearly didn't like seeing his fiancée in distress.
He gently took her hand when she waved with them and pulled her in for a hug.
"I know this wedding is stressfull, chica delivery. It doesn't help the skating competition is close but just take a breath. We can solve this, I just need you to calm down," Matteo said while rubbing her back in soothing circles.
Her shoulder fell at his words and she started to relax.
"Okay, we can do this. No worries, it's going to be fine," Luna said to no one in particular.
"Listen, you don't have to worry, okay? Gastón and I will take care of this. We'll find the perfect venue for you. We're your best friends, we know you two well enough to know where you'd like to get married. Leave it up to us to find a better location," Nina interrupted. Wanting to help her friends as much as possible.
"We will do this?" Gastón said surprised.
"Yes, we will. We can definitely do this," she answered confidently.
Luna leaves Matteo's arms to give Nina a bone crushing hug and said: "Thank you so much, Nina. That means the world to us."
When they pull apart, Matteo lays a hand around her waist and said: "Yes, thank you. I know we made the right choice when we chose you to be in the wedding."
"I don't want you to regret it," Nina just said with a shy smile.
Gastón didn't answer, he just stood there frozen. Looking for a venue for a wedding could imply so much. It could bring his feelings to the surface due to all the romance that comes with wedding shopping. This day isn't going to be as easy as he thought.
"We should get started as soon as possible, I'll go get my computer to check out some locations," Nina said, "Gastón, are you coming?" 
She looked up at him and he just nodded. She was waiting for him to come.
"Do you mind if I talk to Gastón first?" Matteo interrupted and put a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
"Sure, I'll get started without you then," Nina answered and left the room.
"I should meet up with the team to discuss some things," Luna excused herself and left the room as well.
"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? You'll be spending a lot of time with Nina this way," Matteo asked.
"I am. Of course I'm nervous about this, I know my feelings will surface but that just might be the push I need to really talk to Nina," Gastón said, confident.
"If you're sure, I trust you know what you're doing," Matteo said with a smile, "I should get back to Luna, make sure she's okay."
"Okay, so we have a few location sightings lined up for today. It wasn't easy to find many locations available that day but I think we managed just fine," Nina said, looking down at the list of venues they made together.
"It's mostly because of you. We wouldn't have found so many without you," Gastón smiled at her.
Nina looked down, trying to hide her blush.
"We should get started right away," it was all she said.
So they did, they planned to visit 5 locations today and they couldn't find a good one until they arrived to the last one. It was next to the Japanese garden that Luna and Matteo knew all too well.
"This was one became available at the last minute," Gastón said while looking around.
They had a great view of the stream with the red bridge over it.
Nina looked around in awe and said: "This looks beautiful."
"Yeah, it's magical," he said while looking at Nina.
"I can already see it. Right here," she said as she stepped near the edge of the grass the place where the best view of the stream is, "Matteo and Luna should say 'I do' right here. It's a perfect place. I can already see it. It would complete the circle."
"Yeah, it couldn't be more perfect," he smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Imagine this...," she said and took his hand so he could stand right in front of her.
He was surprised by her sudden touch and felt the warmth radiating of off her. He reluctantly let go and put both his hands in his pockets to avoid giving in to his want to touch her again.
"The bride and groom standing here, face to face. Both radiating with happiness. It would be so romantic. They'll start their life together right here. Matteo saying I never expected to fall for you, you came out of nowhere. Then Luna would say she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him," she said with a faraway look on her face.
Gastón could do nothing but stare at her. While saying all of this, he was imagining them standing here. Her walking down the aisle.
When Nina opened her eyes, she saw him staring right at her and she said breathless: "Isn't that romantic?"
"It truly is," he said quietly and looked down at her lips. 
She noticed where his eyes landed and started leaning in.
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