#sorry this list is pretty biased
tenfoldtranslation · 5 months
I need to go to sleep, but the Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi discussion is reminding me of Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. When the title sounds weird in English, and the Japanese isn't too hard to grasp, I can see why people prefer the Japanese. For Dungeon Meshi I feel like it makes even more sense because Dungeon is borrowed so directly from English, so "Dungeon Meshi" is not hard to say. It's shorter, even. I get why it needed an English title, because meshi isn't a commonly known word, but I bet it'll become a lot more well known now.
I feel like this might be an ongoing list of how titles get treated, as I think of them.
All English (=fully translated)
Captain Corinth
Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyoshitsu)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)
Beyond the Boundary (Kyoukai no Kanata)
The Summer Hikaru Died (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu)
Classroom of the Elite (??)
the Grimoire one...wait, Grimgar
Your Lie in April (shigatsu wa kimi no uso)
Attack on Titan (shingeki no kyojin)
Blood Blockade Battlefront (?) (Kekkai Sensen)
The Executioner and her Way of Life (and good thing they did, too... something something virgin road)
Erased (Boku dake ga inai machi)
The Saga of Tanya the Evil...?
The Night is Long, Walk On Girl (I definitely have that wrong)
Black Butler (but I call it Kuroshitsuji so often I almost forgot about the English name)
Run on Your New Legs (?)
Laughing Under the Clouds (donten ni warau)
All Japanese (includes Japanese words that aren't proper nouns)
Oshi no Ko
Hikaru no Go
Asobi Asobase
Tegami-bachi (I think)
(Tengan Toppa) Gurren Lagann
Jujutsu Kaisen
To-rabu (?)
Uma-musume (?) ('Horse girl' just doesn't sound right >>)
Doraemon (this sound probably go in the "both anyway" category
[It's probably examining which ones I put in this category versus which ones I put in 'It's Both Anyway' that's interesting]
Some Japanese, some English (/some proper noun):
Bungo Stray Dogs
My/Boku no Hero Academia
Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited (?) (I called it the Daisuke anime, anyway)
Blue Exorcist
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Kaiju No.8 (I'm counting Kaiju as the English word)
Ranma 1/2
Kado: The Right Answer (Sekaisuru Kado) (these categories are starting to blur)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken)
Arslan... (Arslan Senki)
March Comes in Like a Lion (sangatsu no lion) (??)
Yona of the Dawn (Akatsuki no Yona) (I often just call it Yona)
Gargantia on the Verduous Planet (Suisei no Gargantia)
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (... meidoragon?)
Ya Boy Kongming (Paripi Koumei) well, I guess technically that's fully translated...
Ouran High School Host Club (Ouran koukou host-bu)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (does it have more Japanese...?)
Crayon Shin-chan (I think the -chan keeps it out of the 'but both' category)
Seraph of the End (owari no seraph)
Vampire Knight (it was Vampire Kishi, right??)
Keep it but add on:
Ajin: Demi-Human
Magi (??)
Ano Hana ? (this actually seems like a good fit for this category)
It's both anyway: (or it's a name/proper noun)
Undead Unluck
Code Geass
Fruits Basket (had to keep the s on Fruits I guess)
Hunter x Hunter
Yuri on Ice
Ruroni Kenshin
Yuyu Hakusho
Boys Run the Riot
Re:Zero (??)
Black Clover
i tell c
FLCL (sorta?)
Cowboy Bebop
One Piece
Death Note
Sword Art Online
Sailor Moon (I guess really bishoujo senshi sailor moon)
Kill la Kill (sorta?)
Chainsaw Man
Mob Psycho 100
Angel Beats
Brand New Animal
Made in Abyss (??)
Deadman Wonderland
Zombieland Saga (is that right? Also Saga is doing so much there)
Wind Breaker (?)
Cardcaptor Sakura (??)
I'm thinking it may mostly have to do with whether they were already out when I heard about them, or they gained traction before official release (...of the anime...?)
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mikimotopearl · 1 year
I don't think people realize how limited AI is, at least for now. It's a bit cringy. They keep tagging that explanation bot on twitter as if it's actually going to help😭. Unless you have actual reading comprehension issues and need a fucking 280 characters long tweet rephrased, it won't
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sunlit-haruka · 7 months
Ranking all of the Milgram Birthday Outfits on a scale of 1/10 because it's 3AM over here and I have to do school things at 6 (Inspired by this video) ↓
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Already off to an incredibly strong start, because as we know, Haruka is perfect and can do no wrong. Dog? Little sister? Who's that? Sounds like a myth honesty. Alright, jokes and Haruka bias aside, very nice ! Relatively plain all things considered, but that's quite fitting for Haruka (I mean, have you seen how this kid dresses normally? I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't go for a full white look. Wonder if Muu helped him out when choosing his pieces) I also love the color blue, so bonus points for that. (shut up I know I just said I would ignore biases) Overall, I give Haruka Sakurai a 8/10 !! Lookin' good, buddy ! ↓
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Yuno looks so pretty and the outfit is SO cute !! I love the frilliness of the shirt, the pleated skirt is really cute and in general I love the shades of pink chosen for this outfit, and those SHOEEEES girl where did you get those give me name and address. I honestly have no complaints at all I give Yuno Kashiki a 10/10 !! Absolutely gorgeous girl !! (Also it's unfortunate we're only ranking the outfits and not the cakes, because the decision to give Yuno a fucking staircase cake was genius) ↓
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...Mannn, I wish I could say I liked this outfit so badly. The outfit itself is alright, if a bit basic, and Fuuta looks very handsome ! But I can't help but feel like black would've been a better choice for him than dark brown. And Fuuta...my guy...WHY those shoes? I could've maybe forgiven the outfit colors if you didn't decide to pair them with shiny gold...sneakers? What the hell even are those? Get better shoes, man. Overall, I'm giving Fuuta Kajiyama a 4/10. I like the outfit it'self (minus the shoes), but the coloring brings it down a lot for me. ↓
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Christ, no wonder Muu got model deals ! Look at this queen right here !! She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress is beautiful and I love the Beauty And The Beast inspiration. The earrings being inspired by an hourglass is a very cool detail, and the heels look great as well ! I genuinely don't think I have any faults with this one Muu Kusunoki gets a 10/10 ! Nice job dressing to impress ! ↓
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One chance Mr. Kirisaki, one cha-- Ahem. As I was saying, Shidou looks amazing in this outfit !! I'm usually not a fan of there being so much white on it's own (I sound like a certain horror fanatic, sheesh.) But Shidou reallly rocks it, and the purple accents are very nice in comparison !! I also really like the shoes for some reason. Shidou is being added to the list also consisting of Muu and Yuno where I need to see who their shoemaker is For Shidou Kirisaki, I give a 9/10 !! Very pretty man. ↓
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Mahiru looks very pretty here ! I love the poofy hair accessory, and the birdcage earrings are a very nice touch. That being said however...the dress is a bit too plain for me. I cannot help but feel like something is missing here that would make the overall outfit look way better. A sash maybe? Despite that though, Mahiru Shiina gets a 6/10 !! Looking ready for a date !  ↓
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Ooooh...Kazui stans forgive me, but I'm pretty indifferent to this outfit. It's not bad mind you ! Kazui looks very handsome in it, and I like the blue chosen for his tie. But it's the same problem with Mahiru where I feel like it's a bit too plain and could've used something more, like a pattern on his vest or pants. Also though his shoes aren't the atrocity that is Fuuta's, I feel like a black or even a dark blue akin to Haruka would've looked a lot better in comparison to the rest of his outfit. Kazui Mukuhara is granted a 5/10. Not the best, not the worst. Sorry old man. ↓
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AHHH SHE LOOKS SO CUTE !! It's like if the frilliness from Yuno's outfit was upped to twenty ! Amane's dress is adorable and looks very comfortable as well, I want a bigger sized version for myself. I also really like her big bow, as well as the blue shoes. But most importantly, Amane seems to be genuinely happy wearing it, and as a fandom, Amane's happienss takes priority. Amane Momose, you'll be getting a 9/10 from me ! Good on ya, kid ! ↓
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Ahhh, he's so cute ! Look at how polite he looks ! The blazer is nice, and also blue. Blue bias. And the boots absolutely fucking SLAY. The way his hair is styled looks very nice as well ! I also think this is the closest we have gotten to official art of Mikoto smiling genuinely, and I personally think we need more. And more. And more. Mikoto Kayano gets a 10/10 !! Very cute boy ! ↓
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Ma'am, I politely and respectfully ask you to break my neck mercilessly-- Ahem. As I was saying. KOTOKO LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING !! The undershirt oh my god the FUCKING UNDERSHIRT !! Absolutely adore it so much. The colors are all very pleasing to the eye, the skirt is very cute, and the heels look cool as hell !! But Kotoko also looks cool as hell in anything, so is this really fair? Kotoko Yuzuriha has obtained a 10/10 ! Absolutely gorgeous.
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fairuzfan · 8 months
hi! i just want to clarify first of all that im pro palestine, but a lot of people in my life aren't. ive been looking for ways to convince them but tbh im kind of lost. ive tried showing reports from websites like al jazeera but that's been dismissed out of hand because they're a middle east jounral and thus must be biased (pointing out that stuff like cnn then must be biased too because they're american hasn't worked lol). so, do you know of more "unbiased" resources/journals/etc, or anything that can argue for palestine? sorry if this is badly worded its pretty late. appreciate everything you've done btw 🇵🇸
No worries, I totally understand where you're coming from.
I guess I wanna ask for clarification—do you know what resources they personally are willing to accept? I can provide from Jewish scholars/voices if that'll help.
The issue is, not many USAmerican/European sources are unbiased, and they often spout imperialist propaganda. So if they're looking primarily for those types resources, I'm afraid I cannot really give you too many.
Here's a segment from an Angela Davis interview from Democracy Now that I like: https://www.democracynow.org/2021/12/28/angela_davis_25th_anniversary_taped_segment
Also her book Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement: https://www.amazon.com/Freedom-Constant-Struggle-Palestine-Foundations/dp/1608465640
Angela Davis is often pretty vocal about the harms of imperialism throughout the world and specifically mentions Palestine in her activism. I suggest looking to her writings also.
Can't say I know too much about DemocracyNow! though.
Some other scholars/orgs are:
Jewish Voice For Peace: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/
If Not Now: https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/
Ilan Pappe (he's specifically "Israeli", if that will help at all)
Frank Barat
Noam Chomsky: https://chomsky.info/
Modoweiss: https://mondoweiss.net/ Now I don't totally love Mondoweiss all of the time but if the people in your life are really against learning from non-Palestinian sources they might be ok to introduce them. They do have Palestinian writers and editors tho.
I guess if its more that they're unwilling to trust SWANA news sources, you could show them The Institute for Palestine Studies, which is associated with Columbia University.
This list was a little difficult because I can't say I'd always recommend these sources (except, well, Angela Davis—I really look up to her—and Institute for Palestine Studies), but it could be a good introduction if they're rejecting other places that have more reliable reporting. If they're willing to accept these places/people, then you could move on to more Palestinian led sources.
I don't know if this helps, but you could say that they should listen to the Palestinian's POV because you'd always asked the people directly involved in a situation what their viewpoint is? Might help shift their understanding.
There are more sources that I thought about adding, but I need to look into them a little more. I might add on to this list later.
Let me know if any of this helps at all or even if it didn't, I'm genuinely really interested to see what they have to say.
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dickheadcanons · 2 months
sorry for the vent, but nothing annoys me more than people who don't read the comics because they claim they don't want to read inconsistent characterization. Just say you're too attached to the fandom versions of the characters! You don't want to find out what they are actually like!! Being inconsistent with what you like is not the same as being inconsistent!
Because, at the end of the day, these people don't know if the stories are inconsistent because they don't actually know the characters, they haven't read the context, and they don't know how the events in the story came to be. These characters have been around for decades. They've "done" almost everything under the sun. If someone's only heard a laundry list of things they've done (usually told by a pretty biased 3rd party, myself included) then of course the actions are going to sound inconsistent. The connecting tissue of how they got from point A to point B is the entire point of a story.
I think this urks me so much because it’s always couched in this haughty, "it's impossible to read all of the comics and they’re not good enough to try" language, which for one thing, is just such a dismissive attitude of something they claim to love. But the other thing is that, so often, these people love to talk or write about specific comic events. If all they're writing about is the batfam going for a day at Disneyland, then yeah, they don't need to read anything. But if they're specifically writing a fic to address, like...Tim and Jason's fight at Titans Tower, or Bruce's return from the timestream, especially in a “fix-it” framing, and they can't be bothered to read the *40 pages of pictures where that happens*....what is this manufactured outrage? Are they just trying to be angry about something that never happened? Are they so obsessed with the canon being wrong that they can't give the thing they're mad at a chance to be right?
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anothermansjeans · 2 months
Hey i hope you get your mojo back! As my personal indulagance which hopefully also help you may i please requeat 6 and 8 from the first random dialoge list with spencer read and an NONbau reader, exstra love if its an neighrbour reader!
Love and kisses ❤️❤️❤️
thank youuuuuu!!!! i also want to apologize-- you didn't specify gn or fem! reader and i was just about done when i realized i did fem!reader, so lmk and i will happily rewrite if needed 🫶
i also don't know how i feel about this but i tried lmao
also only a little proofread...
"Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn’t have to completely fall apart."
"This is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty."
cw: mention of family member dying, the word vomit being used
wc: 920
Spencer was very concerned. His neighbor– his very attractive, down to Earth, and kind neighbor– was frantic, eyes sunken, and just wasn't as… present as she usually is. Spencer was concerned.
His concern also may have been a bit biased because of the small crush he harbored for her… but he didn't want to think about that too hard.
He hadn't been around much recently, getting called into the BAU more often than not, but when time did allow him to linger around his building, he would see the distress on her from a mile away. The other day, right before a case, he was locking up his apartment when she was just getting home. It was quiet this time of day, but that was cut short when her phone started to ring.
“This is the one time I’m wishing they're calling about my car’s extended warranty.”
Her disgruntled mumble was pretty soft, and if Spencer wasn't right across the hall from her he wouldn't have heard it. He wanted to see if she was okay, but she answered her phone and he was being asked for his ETA at the BAU.
When that case was finally over, and he was walking back to his place, he suddenly stopped and turned towards her door. There was a package in his apartment that was placed with his mail in the mailroom, and only really looked at it last week; right before he left for a case. He would've given it to her then if he wasn't already late at the time, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving it in front of her door so this was truly the next best thing.
His plan was the following: knock on your door, tell you he has your package in his apartment, grab said package, and then leave with dignity. There was no way he could screw this up.
His knock was soft, but the way she swung open the door was a sharp contrast to that. “Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn't have to completely fall apart oh– you're not the delivery guy.”
Your dejected look caused a small ache in his chest. “No, but the delivery people tend to not come to our doors, they're supposed to stay in the mail room– you already knew that.” He was getting flustered. This was not a part of the plan. “Are you okay?” He couldn't help himself. After seeing the way you were last week, and how that hasn't changed one bit since he was gone… he really wanted to make sure all was well.
She barely waited a moment before answering. “No,” the crack in her voice was evident. “My great aunt passed and she was a horrible person, but the funeral directors were asking me which address to send the urn to and my sister stepped in making sure I didn't put mine down because I’m ‘most likely to lose aunt Pearl’s ashes’ and the rest of my family overheard and started running with the joke. With me being me I wanted to prove them wrong so I did give them my address and I still don't have the urn but they're saying it was delivered and oh my, God, I’m dumping all of this on you.” Her eyes were welled up with tears, and with how wide her eyes became he was surprised the tears hadn't started to fall. “I’m just going to… let you go on with your day. I’m so sorry, Spencer, maybe we can talk to–” she started to close the door, blocking her face that held a worrisome look.
“I have it!” It’s as if he suddenly remembered why he went over there in the first place “I’m uh, I'm assuming I have it…?”
“You do?” Her door was now wide open again, and a spark of hope was shown in her eyes.
“Yeah, that's why I came over here. I just got back from work and wanted to let you know before I grabbed it. They put it with my stuff and I didn't check it until a couple of days ago and then I had a case and–”
“Spencer?” She cut off his worried rambling.
“Could you grab it please?”
“Oh! Yeah!” He was like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. His legs were not keeping up with his body as he quickly walked over to his place, unlocked his door, and made way for the box over in the corner by his bookcase. “Again, I’m sorry. I’ve been at work more than not recently and I should've brought it over as soon as I knew it was yours but–”
“Oh, I could kiss you right now!” She grabbed the box so fast it could be considered snatching, but Spencer didn't mind.
“Maybe after I take you on a date?” What the hell was that? She was excited, he was flustered, and for him, word vomit was real. “I’m sorry, I have no idea why I–”
“Spencer…” She stopped his worried ramble once again, and Spencer assumed he died and went to Heaven because there was no way the next words out of her mouth were real. “Ask me tomorrow, when I’m not all flustered. I’ll definitely say yes.”
Yeah, he definitely died and went to Heaven, because the next day, he saw her walking back from the grocery store, walked up to her, stuttered through asking her out for real, and she said yes. Just as promised.
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for-a-longlongtime · 4 months
JOIN US for the Triple Frontier 5th Anniversary Write-A-Thon!
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Hosted by @romanarose and @for-a-longlongtime
Hello everyone!
March 13th 2024 will be the 5 year anniversary of Triple Frontier, a movie that was underrated but very precious to us all. Whether Frankie Fridays rock your world, you're a Benny kinda-person, you've got a thing for Santi, or are counting everything all the time just like Will - there are so many of us.
Charlie Hunnam announced recently that there is potential for a sequel; he is trying to get it in production and has signed on as a producer. Do we want this? HELL. YEAH. Let's be real, we've probably all thought about how that would go. So @romanarose and I wanted to drum up a little extra excitement all over the place and spread some love for this movie that many of us have watched so many times! (Probably every week. I have no shame admitting this.)
Here's what's happening
It's super simple: create a fanfic of Triple Frontier, any way you like and with any characters you want. Most people will be inclined to write a story, but we always greatly welcome other artistic interpretations. We've listed some content rules below just to make sure it's fun and accessible for everybody, so please check it out. This is for both art and fanfiction. We encourage you to utilize Twitter or Instagram if you’d like to share either, and #triplefrontier or #triplefrontier2019 on any site you post on! Even if you don't plan to participate, please feel free to share this (or other) posts.
Please note you do NOT have to write a 'sequel' to TF; any fic with any Triple Frontier character will do, in pretty much any situation. A 500 word ficlet will be awesome, as will a 20K story, a painting or digital art be!
🏳‍🌈 We are highly encouraging LGBT themes and for you to think outside of x f!reader. 🏳‍🌈 
👉 If you are writing reader insert, we strongly encourage you to encompass a broad scope of readers if you aren't going to specify the demographic. 👈 (FYI, @idolatrybarbie made a great, important post about the need of inclusive reader inserts a couple of months ago.)
All fics that fall under the rules are encouraged, so if you write Santiago Garcia x afab!f!reader, that’s great! But we’d like to take this time to encourage gay/bi pairings, trans readers, gender neutral characters or readers, or even trans interpretations of the boys. Branch out!
🚨 When you post, PLEASE tag @triplefrontier-anniversary on Tumblr and we will reblog it there. We also may reblog onto our main. Please follow that page to see what other people are writing! In the tags, please tag it triple frontier write a thon, just to make everything easily found.
If you want to post art that Tumblr doesn’t allow things like nude art, link the content in a Tumblr post, like a Twitter link, and we’ll reblog that!
If you exclusively write on AO3 or Wattpad or other, you can either make a link on a Tumblr post and tag us. Or message @romanarose privately and they’ll get this set up for you so we can reblog.
Triple Frontier Write-A-Thon Rules
We will run from March 1st to March 14th. Fics and art posted before or after will not be counted - we're trying to keep things manageabel!
This is not a dark event, sorry! Some of us enjoy dark content but wanted to keep this particular event mostly non-dark. That being said, we will allow dub con in the context of mild alcohol use, power dynamics etc. Nothing cooercive, anything sexual should be done with consent. Mostly we are looking to avoid non-con/violence. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to reach out to us!
All participants must be 18+, although smut is not required
No incest, including Millercest. No underage content, no grooming, no - do we really need to list it all here? Again, this is not a dark fic thing.
We have the right to exclude any fic that makes us uncomfortable. It’s our event.
However, we will NOT be excluding people for personal biases, unless it encroaches on our boundaries. This event is to promote Triple Frontier, not about us.
LGBTQ+ characters and themes are highly encouraged, not required. Any fandom thrives when it's inclusive, so we want to explicitely welcome and encourage authors to be themselves and write what they want! Or perhaps even try something new, if so far you've only written P boys x f!reader/OFC.
Tom is allowed. We’re not gonna tell you not to include him if that’s what your little heart desires. However, we highly encourage that your work includes at least one of the usual four guys.
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(We don't know WHY you would want this but but FINE. If you must...)
We hope everyone has fun and that this will drum up some more Triple Frontier fics! It's just a fun little thing we want to do in order to celebrate all of you as authors, artists and the movie/characters that have made such an impact on many of us.
Once we start reblogging your entries at @triplefrontier-anniversary starting March 1st, remember to reblog and comment to support artists!
Please come to @romanarose or me with any questions!
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PS: Just to make sure there's no confusion - this write-a-thon is explicitely about the Triple Frontier characters, so there's no RPF.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
helloo! could you write high school wandanat x reader where they’re enemies to lovers? wandanat are already a couple. wandanat and r are part of different friend groups in school, and there’s a lot of tension between the two groups, maybe because of a past event. wandanat and r have a class together and are put in a group, forcing them to work together and spend time with each other. eventually the 3 start to become friends, and end up falling for each other
Group project
Summary: Proximity warms hearts.
Pairing: WandaNat x female!reader
Warnings: everyone is a bit mean, cursing, a bit steamy in the end I suppose
Word count: 3186
a/n: I’m sorry I’m not very good at writing enemies to lovers, so I don’t really know what this is
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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“Why are they staring at us?” Kate mumbles as she shoves food into her mouth. “They are like, obsessed or something.”
Y/N glances to the direction Kate is staring at. It’s the popular table. No one really understands what their deal is, they just don’t like people who aren’t part of their group. No one knows if they just think they’re better than everyone or if something happened. But at the end of the day, pretty much all the groups are like that.
“I don’t know.” Y/N shrugs, turning back to her lunch. “You look kinda obsessed with them right now.”
Kate looks at Y/N with her mouth open and brows raised. “I am not.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles with a slight smile.
“I am not!”
Taking a bite out of her food, Y/N nods slowly, not looking at Kate, but still knowing what kind of look she has in her face. “I heard you.”
Kate humphs, annoyed by the grin on Y/N’s face. She stabs her food and eats as angrily as she can, just to show Y/N the level of annoyance she is at. However, all this just amuses her even more.
“So, you’ll be doing the project with me that Ms Harkness said we’ll do, right?”
“I don’t know anymore.” Kate shrugs. “Maybe I’ll do it with Yelena.”
“Oh, come on. You hate doing school work with Yelena.”
“The only thing she does is slack off.” Dropping her fork to the empty plate, Kate turns to look at Y/N. “I’m doing it with you.”
“Listen up, students!” Ms Harkness claps her hands, quietening down the classroom. “We are trying something different today. I’m going to assign your project’s groups.” The whole class starts groaning and whining, all of them having made plans with their friends already. “I know, I know. This is the ends of the world for you. Anyways,” she takes out a list, “I have the groups written here, so listen closely.”
As Ms Harkness lists off the groups, the students start moving into said groups. The more time goes on without her saying Y/N or Kate’s name, they get excited as the possibility of them being in the same group grows every second.
“Next group. Kate Bishop…” Kate and Y/N’s ears perk up, both waiting anxiously for the latter’s name to appear. “Yelena Belova and Gwen Stacy.”
The two deflate, sending each other disappointed looks before Kate moves from the desk next to Y/N. She looks around the classroom, trying to see which students are still without a group. When she notices everyone but two people with their own groups, her eyes widen.
“And last but not least, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Shit.” She whispers to herself. With her luck, of course she gets paired up with the couple. Y/N sees them sitting on the dow in front of her, unmoving, so she grabs her bag and makes her way over to them.
She moves a desk bit closer to them, but far enough so it doesn’t touch either of their desks, and sits down. “Now that all of you have your groups, pick a subject and start working on the project. We’ll be doing it this whole class, but after that it’s a thing you have to do on your own time.” Everyone starts groaning again. “I know, I’m horrible. Start working.”
Before Y/N can even think about saying something, Wanda opens her mouth. “We already decided the topic to be how AI was doomed from the start, because they learn from biased people.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles. “Uhm, what should I do?”
Natasha shrugs, opening her laptop. “Just look some info on AI. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Nodding silently, Y/N opens her laptop and starts searching any kind of information on AI and its future. She stays quiet the whole class, not finding any openings in Natasha and Wanda’s conversation.
When the class ends, Y/N’s mood is on the floor. She is not feeling good about the project. “We’re going to our dorm after school ends to work on the project, so see you there, I guess.” Wanda says as she puts her things in her bag.
“Where is your dorm?”
Natasha sighs. “Building B, fourth floor, dorm number 405.” She tells in a quick manner, leaving immediately after.
Y/N looks after them with a dumbfounded look until Kate comes up behind her, wrapping her arms around her neck. “How’d it go?”
Yelena walks to them, laughing mockingly at Y/N’s misfortune. “Our project is going great.”
“That’s because you didn’t do anything.” Kate frowns, letting go of Y/N’s neck only to lock their arms together. “Me and Gwen did all the work so far. Your contribution was whining.”
Yelena shrugs, following the two as they start walking to their next class. The three are tight together, though out of the two Kate and Y/N are clearly like sisters, because while Yelena has other friends, the pair have stuck together their whole life.
Y/N giggles quietly at their squabbling. They never seemed to agree on anything, but that was just their way of showing that they care about each other.
“Well, at least I don’t have Yelena on my group.”
Scoffing, Yelena punches Y/N’s side lightly.
Standing in front of the dorm room 405, Y/N takes a deep breath. She’s holding one of her fists up in the air, ready to knock. Music can be heard through the door. Wanda and Natasha are already there.
She knocks.
The music quietens down and Wanda opens the door. She says nothing when she sees Y/N, only widens the gap so she can step inside.
“Hi.” Y/N mumbles, almost too quiet for the two to hear. She looks around the room. The two single beds have been pushed together to form one big bed to the left side. There’s a bookcase on the end of it and two desks against the opposite wall.
The floor is neat, it only has a rug on it, but the walls are full of decorations. There’s pictures of people from the school and celebrities, posters of different movies and artists, even some vinyls are pinned to them.
Y/N clears her throat as Wanda goes back to sitting by the desk, right next to Natasha. “Cool room.”
Natasha nods in acknowledgment. Wanda did most of the decorating, but she likes it too. “We don’t have any more chairs, so, like sit on the floor or something.”
Too tired to fight against it, Y/N sits on the floor and takes out her things. “Me and Nat already started on our slides, we thought it’d be best to just do them individually.”
And so, they start working on the project. Like during the class, Wanda and Natasha discuss points together, while Y/N stays quiet and does her own thing. It’s uncomfortable, but she’s not about to start a conversation with the two.
It goes like this for the next three meetings.
Y/N’s head is laying on the cafeteria table. She’s not feeling too good and the loud conversation going on isn’t helping at all. “Shut up.” The words come out more quiet than she wanted to.
Someone’s hand goes to her neck. “You’re really hot.” Kate frowns.
Kate groans and Yelena laughs. With a roll of her eyes, Kate ignores the comment. “I’m serious. Should you even be in school right now?”
“I can’t miss anything, plus I have to go work on the project today.”
“Can’t you skip this one time? I’m sure they won’t mind.” Kate’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s back, rubbing it softly to bring some comfort.
Y/N scoffs. “Have you seen how they look at me? They’d kill me if I didn’t show up.”
“Well,” Kate cringes, “yeah. Probably.”
“Why do you care?” Yelena speaks up. “You’re a hard worker. You deserve a break, especially when you’re sick.”
“I don’t have time to be sick. Gotta keep my grades high.”
Yelena shakes her head. “You’re crazy.” She mumbles, going back to her lunch.
Once again, Y/N is knocking on Wanda and Natasha’s door. Her nose is stuffed and there’s loud bounding in her head, but she tries her best to ignore it.
Natasha opens the door and lets her in before going back to her seat. It’s the same as it has always been, Natasha and Wanda sitting beside their desks, while Y/N is on the floor.
Y/N isn’t sure if time is moving fast or slow, or if it’s moving at all. She feels like she has been writing forever, but the small clock on the bottom of her laptop screen hasn’t moved in ages. The conversation going on between Natasha and Wanda is muffled. It sounds like they’re much further away than they truly are.
She has been breathing through her mouth for some time, as her nose isn’t letting any air through. Leaning her head against her open palm, Y/N closes her eyes, just for a moment.
“Y/N?” Someone is shaking her shoulder. They’re doing it gently, but to Y/N it feels like her whole body is going through turmoil. “Did you fall asleep?”
Opening her eyes, Y/N sees Wanda in front of her. “Uhm,” she looks around the surroundings, catching up her brain on what’s going on, “no?” She mumbles.
Natasha furrows her brows together. She’s still sitting on her chair, but her attention is fully on Y/N. “Are you okay?”
“I am, yes, sorry.” Lifting up her head, Y/N shakes it to wake herself up. “Sorry.”
The back of Wanda’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s forehead. It should be surprising, but her brain is too foggy to register it. “I think she’s sick.” Wanda turns to look at Natasha, talking to her rather than half awake Y/N. “Like really sick.”
“Do we have a thermostat?” Natasha mumbles, going to look for one in their bathroom. As she finds it, she brings it to Wanda and crouches down next to her.
Wanda presses on Y/N’s jaw to open her mouth and stick the thermostat under her tongue. Y/N grumbles at the feeling of it, but lets it be there.
When the thermostat beeps, Wanda takes it out, frowning at the number on it. “She has a fever.”
“I’m fine, you guys.” Y/N rubs her forehead, hoping it’ll lessen some of the pressure. “Lets keep working on the project.”
“No.” Natasha glances at the laptop screen, it’s showing the project’s slide show. “You have spelled every other word incorrectly.”
Humming, Y/N squints her eyes to look at the small words on the screen. She frowns as the words don’t come any clearer, realizing she must be sicker than she thought.
“What are we supposed to do?”
“Where are your friends?”
“Kate and Yelena are working on their project in the library in town, I think.” Y/N starts coughing. It racks up her whole body and hurts her throat. She misses the way Natasha and Wanda look at each other.
Wanda helps Y/N up while Natasha cleans up her things. She brings her to their bed, moving the cover so she’s laying under it. “Go to sleep.” She mumbles.
Natasha and Wanda stay by the bed next to Y/N until evening, when Kate comes knocking on their door, worried when Y/N still hasn’t come back to their dorm.
Over a week goes by, during which Y/N heals properly and starts working on the project again. However, after being sick, Natasha and Wanda have started to sit on the floor with Y/N, and even engage in conversations with her.
Now that her mind wasn’t so foggy, she started to notice the little things. Sometimes the couple looked at each other with a certain look when they were with her, it wasn’t bad, so to say, but Y/N doesn’t know what it is. And sometimes their eyes linger on her just a bit too long for it to be considered normal.
Although, all these things make her wonder what it all means, she ignores it all. Or at least tries to.
“Hey, Y/N.” Wanda’s hand sets on Y/N’s shoulder
Kate’s eyes are wide as she watches Y/N turn to Wanda and Natasha. “Yup?” It feels weird to have someone like Wanda touch her, still, she puts on her best smile and tries not to reveal how tense she is.
“We though we should finish the project today, so we can have the weekend free. Is that okay?”
It’s the first time they ask her opinion on their plans.
Natasha smiles, grabbing Wanda’s hand. “Great, see you later.” The two walk away.
Kate stares at Y/N with an open mouth. She leans closer to her to whisper yell. “They totally have the hots for you!” She laughs quietly, so the other people in the library wouldn’t hear her.
“What?” Y/N’s brows scrunch together as her whole face turns into a grimace. “No they don’t! Are you crazy?”
“Oh, come on. Did you not see they way they were looking at you?” Kate gasps, looking at the book she is currently in the middle of. “This is the perfect lesbian, enemies to lovers story!”
“No, Kate, I’m not in one of your spicy sapphic books.”
Kate raises her brows, glancing at the cover of her book. “You could be.” She mumbles with a shrug. She is pretty sure Y/N looks just like one of the main characters on the book cover, but she denies it every time. Glancing at the clock, she grins. “You better go get ready to go to their dorm and have hot, hot sex with them.” Kate whispers the last part of the sentence.
Y/N stands up with a huff. “I am not going to have hot sex with them!” She says it just a bit too loudly, making someone on the next table turn to look at them. “I’m not having sex with anyone!” Grabbing her bag, Y/N walks out of the library while Kate giggles after her.
Natasha opens the door with a small grin. “Come on in.” Y/N smiles and steps in, sitting to the floor where Wanda is already. She takes out her laptop, getting it ready for working. Natasha sits right next to her, which makes Y/N freeze momentarily.
“Do you usually work even when you’re sick?” Wanda asks suddenly. They haven’t really discussed what happened that day yet, not that Y/N really wanted to talk about it. She’s still mortified that happened. She nods quietly, making Wanda frown. “You really shouldn’t.”
Y/N shrugs. “It’s fine.”
“No.” Wanda says quite assertively. “Don’t do it again.”
“Oh, okay..” Y/N doesn’t know why Wanda is being so…worried, she also doesn’t know why she is agreeing with her. She misses the shared smirk between Wanda and Natasha, turning to her work instead, so she could escape the overwhelming feeling.
They start working on the project, only having two slides left to do. They swap ideas and talk through their points. Y/N actually feels good with them. They’re nice now that they are including her.
It only takes them thirty minutes to finish the project, mostly because Natasha and Wanda hurried it for some reason.
“So,” Wanda starts as they pack away their things, “do you want to stay here for a while?”
Tilting her head, Y/N closes her bag. “Do you want me to stay?” Her question comes out very doubtful.
“Of course, детка.” Natasha’s voice is right by her ear, it makes Y/N shiver. “Why are you so nervous?” She can hear the teasing tone behind her words. Natasha’s hand goes to Y/N’s back, just staying there innocently, though it feels anything but.
Before she can answer, Wanda moves closer to put her hand on Y/N’s bare knee. “You don’t have to be nervous with us, you know that, right?” Her thumb rubs it lightly, happy that Y/N decided to wear a short skirt today.
“Right.” Mumbling, Y/N stares at the hand on her knee intensely. The touch makes her skin feel hot and tingly.
Wanda’s hand travel up to her hip, while Natasha’s goes under Y/N’s shirt. Natasha’s cold hand makes her gasp quietly.
“Can I kiss you?” Wanda’s voice is breathy and sultry.
“I guess.” Y/N’s voice is quiet and anxious, her mind is going everywhere at once and she still isn’t 100% sure if this all is actually happening.
Tutting, Wanda shakes her head. “It’s a yes or no question, sweetheart.”
Wanda grins. “Good girl.” Her hand goes to Y/N’s neck, pulling her closer to kiss her. It’s soft, but still dominant on Wanda’s side. Natasha starts nipping Y/N neck gently, now moving both of her hands up her shirt.
“Holy shit.” Y/N mumbles when Wanda’s mouth moves from her lips down to her collarbone.
Seeing the opening, Natasha combs her fingers through her hair, gripping it and pulling her head back. She smirks at Y/N’s expression before taking her turn in kissing her. Natasha’s lips are more rough, but it still feels out of this world.
When Natasha pulls away, one of her hands go to rest on Y/N’s throat, while the other wraps around her waist and pulls her close, so Y/N’s back is against her chest.
“Fuck.” Natasha grumbles. “You are so hot.”
All the attention on her is making Y/N feel extremely warm. Her breathing is ragged as Wanda’s hands go under her shirt and up her chest. “We like to be a bit rough, but you don’t mind that, do you?” Wanda looks at Y/N with a grin, holding eye contact with her.
“I don’t mind.”
“Good.” With that, Wanda rips Y/N’s shirt open.
“You had hot sex with them!” Kate squeals right as Y/N steps inside their dorm. “I knew it.” Y/N shushes her, slamming the door closed so no one in the hallway could hear her. “I can’t even be mad at them anymore. Are you like, theirs now?”
“I’m no ones.”
Kate stares at the hickeys littered all over Y/N’s neck and the hoodie, that definitely isn’t hers. “They definitely think you are.” She can’t even keep her giggles in as Y/N shuffles over to her bed, tired by what happened. “They really did a number on you.”
With a loud groan, Y/N throws her pillow blindly towards Kate, who dodges it easily.
“I can’t wait to tell Yelena.”
“Don’t you dare!” But it’s no use, Kate is already out the door.
Y/N sighs, laying her head to the, now pillow-less, mattress. Closing her eyes, she lets a giddy smile come over her face.
She’s definitely theirs now.
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vicholas · 4 months
i can't remember which page exactly but before october 7 one of wikipedia's pages on israel-palestine conflict had a section continually stressing how many Poor Israelis have died but another page linked in that same section showed statistics clearly displaying the far higher rates of death for palestinians. been wary of wikipedia's handling of this topic since
It's pretty bad, I only learned today that their official policy is to use the term "Israel-Hamas war" :|
It's extremely easy to exploit Wikipedia's guidelines regarding sources and 'neutrality' to endorse fascist bias. Wikipedia's bureaucratic system just makes it harder to fight against that because they make it harder to change that status quo when the biased version is considered the neutral one.
This person in that one discussion page put it well:
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How do you take a stance in neutrality when you're convering a conflict in a world of biased journalism? What is the use of having a list of "reliable sources" for Wikipedia if those sources are unreliable in a specific topic? Wikipedia admins are too spineless to take strong stances in things like these, regardless of importance or consequences. That's how you get the right wing taking advantage of that.
Even a decision as simple as "The BBC is a reliable source when it comes to X topics but when it comes to Y it should be analyzed how it handles the topic, rather than taken as gospel just because it's the BBC" is too complicated and how their policy of reliable sources works. The BBC either is entirely reliable in everything or it is not.
It's particularly irritating seeing people in the discussion page saying stuff like "we can't call it massacre because we have to wait first for media to agree on how to call it". You can't preach about being all about neutrality and they say that you aren't allowed to call a person killing another 'a murder' unless the news explicitly used the word murder.
But that's not the Wikipedia way of seeing "neutrality". The Wikipedia definition of neutrality is this:
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And it's worse because Wikipedia's influence in the world means that whatever they call the page has a strong chance of increasing the usage of the name of their choice. But somehow I feel like Wikipedia admins have no conscience on how much they affect bias.
So of course people who want the article to be named 'incident' instead of 'massacre' insist on keeping the 'incident' title "just for now" and wait to see what terms ends up more commonly used. Because of course the term that Wikipedia uses will bring more search results over time.
They know it and they exploit Wikipedia's system of bureaucracy by making the title changing discussions go on forever so it keeps making this the common term.
Sorry if I sound insane I need people to understand how frustrating the inner workings of Wikipedia are and how people exploit the flaws in the system for their own gains and Wikipedia admins are too incompetent to even admit this is a problem.
A lot of us who grew up with the internet didn't even get to know physical encyclopedias and thus the Wikipedia model has been kinda internalized as the only way to handle encyclopedic knowledge, but god this isnt normal. A historian has to take stances towards biased sources and analyze them in order to reach conclusions rather than relying on a list of "trusted" secondary sources as gospel truth. An encyclopedia writer should be no different! The whole model is wrong.
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
griddlehark fic recs, part 3
hi, it has been 8 months since my last fic rec post and there have been a lot of new fics in that time period so: welcome to griddlehark fic recs part 3! this fandom has so many amazing authors, and i absolutely love every one of these fics. all fics here in this part are rated G or T, and tumblr usernames have been added if i could find them (sorry for the notification!). here is part 1. here is part 2 and part 4 (forthcoming).
A Handsomely Dangerous Thing T - zoicite short oneshot set during gtn. harrow's perspective on gideon's duel with naberius, featuring copious amounts of pining.
never exhale all the way G - pigflight short oneshot set during gtn. homoerotic face-painting; need i say more. harrow is so down bad for gideon in this one.
Saltwater T - Raxheim / @theriverbeyond short oneshot, kiriona speculation set between htn and ntn. kiriona meets nona in her dreams about the saltwater pool. lots of wonderful (?) kirianthe interaction as well.
A Simple Charm G - pipistrelle short oneshot set during gtn. gideon bandages harrow's hand and harrow gets flustered. the banter in this one is so good.
salt on the rim T - lifevoid short oneshot, modern au. harrow gets a bit drunk and calls gideon pretty. this fic kinda lives in my mind rent-free; the prose here is lovely.
We Have Always Lived In The Apartment T - labyrinthineRetribution / @thatneoncrisis long multi-chapter modern au, currently unfinished. (deep breath) sorry to be biased but this is probably my favorite fic on this list, if not one of my favorite tlt fics of all time. not to spoil anything, but the writing reminds me a lot of tamsyn's own writing style: there's weird identity shit going on, there's weird homoerotic shit going on, there's weird mystery shit going on. the girls are Heinous and there's bones. what more could you want from a tlt fic.
said the spider to the fly T - mutterandmumble short oneshot, modern college/uni au. harrow's having a bit of a rough time, so gideon comes over to help cook food (neither of them can cook). it's both funny and a bit bittersweet.
mune ga hachikire-sodē [my heart seems to burst] T - nosecoffee / @nose-coffee long oneshot, ntn canon-divergence where kiriona ends up rooming with pyrrha, nona, and cam & pal. this fic takes a really interesting premise and absolutely goes wild with it, and i love it.
never saw you coming T - igneousbitch oneshot, modern college/uni au. a very funny fic where griddlehark pull off a "heist" to put a fish in (professor) john's office. featuring such award winning dialogue as:
“This is my nightmare blunt rotation,” Gideon told her. “And you’re just my fucking nightmare,” Harrow said.
Intern the Sixth T - apocalypticTaco / @notedchampagne long multi-chapter pre-canon au, currently unfinished. a half-epistolary fic about the sixth going on an academic exchange trip to the ninth house, taking place about five years before canon. this entire fic is so goddamn funny and i love how much detail and attention the author pays towards necromancy, necromantic theory, and worldbuilding regarding the sixth and ninth houses.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
i know you don’t play the game/gacha, but do you have any particular favorite cards/designs? i personally love deuce’s star sending card, it’s so sparkly ✨i also like ace’s newer playful land card, it’s kind of sexy??
Anon! Sorry for the late reply; every time I start thinking about your ask I realise that I just love way too many cards aushdia Deuce’s Star Sending card is great, everyone’s outfits from this event are gorgeous; and Ace’s new card is honestly amazing, so I completely agree with you.
I’ll go through all the characters and try picking one favourite one + list the other ones that I like… it’s a lot… I’ll try not to pick everything lol
Also sorry if I use different names for the same Event in this post, my brain is a bit fried because of the amount of information. But it was a fun reply to write nevertheless.
Riddle – Labwear Groovy, the atmosphere on this one is just lovely and Riddle is very cute; Swimwear (+Groovy) because I'm weak...; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Halloween (+Groovy), , Suitor Suit Groovy, Apprentice Chef Groovy, Broomquet (+Groovy)
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Ace – Playful Land (+Groovy), it’s way too cool, I think this is actually my favourite Ace card lol; Suitor Suit (+Groovy), Apprentice Chef Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Fairy Gala Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Basketball Jersey (+Groovy).
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Deuce – Rabbit Wear (+Groovy), it’s so difficult to pick between this one and the Starsending one, but Rabbit Deuce is super charming; Starsending Robes (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Clubwear (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy
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Trey – Halloween Groovy, I really like it when Trey gets to be a bit spooky and creepy, so this one is honestly easy; Broomquet Groovy, Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), Lab Coat (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Ceremonial Robes Groovy.
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Cater – Broomquet Groovy, the composition and colours on this one are so sweet; Pop Music T-shirt (+Groovy), New Year's Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Dorm Uniform, Playful Dress Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Halloween.
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Leona – Labwear Groovy, but I'm biased because this is the one Leona vignette that I really liked + it's funny lol; Gala Couture (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Kingly Garb, Halloween (+Groovy)
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Ruggie – Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), really like the angle and the atmosphere, plus honestly happy to see Ruggie enjoying himself lol; New Year's Groovy, Halloween Groovy, Port Wear Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy
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Jack – Beans Camo Groovy, such an intense and beautiful card, it’s very energetic; Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Port Wear (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Club Wear Groovy.
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Azul – Halloween Groovy, although it’s super difficult to pick one, I love pretty much all the Azul cards LOL but this one is special because Azul is super unhinged...; Masquerade (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy (fuck yeah AzuIde card), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Beans Camo (+Groovy), Broomquet Groovy, Tsumsitter (+Groovy)
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Jade – Halloween (+Groovy) COME OOOOn when it comes to “unhinged” Jade has the best cards to be honest, he’s so deliciously psychotic on these + the new New Year card is SO NICE that it broke me; Apprentice Chef Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Outdoor Groovy, Dorm Uniform Groovy (+ Groovy VIL SHOE), Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Floyd – Swimwear (+Groovy), I picked something spooky for Azul and Jade, and I originally wanted to either pick the Dorm Groovy or the Beans Groovy for Floyd, but then I saw the Stitch cards and they made me so happy that my hand slipped; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Beans Camo(+Groovy), Outdoor Wear Groovy, Basketball Jersey Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Playful Dress.
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Kalim – Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), I thought I’d pick the Pop Music Club one, but then I looked at this groovy again and I god I think this is objectively one of my favourite cards from all of the boys simply because of Jamil’s bracelet reflecting Jamil’s concerned eye; Pop Music (+Groovy), New Year's Attire, Apprentice Chef Groovy, Playful Dress, Gala Couture Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy.
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Jamil – Harveston (+Groovy), this one annihilated me, I cannot pick any other one, although Jamil is so gorgeous all the time that frankly it's unfair; Dorm Uniform (+Groovy, fuck), Basketball Jersey (+Groovy), Gala Couture Groovy, Masquerade Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Silk Adorned (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Vil – Halloween, let's face it, this is objectively the best Vil card, the legs, the outfit, the composition, it’s legendary… I honestly love this one much more than the Groovy version; New Year's (+Groovy), Beans Camo (+Groovy), Outdoor Wear (+Groovy), Silk Adorned (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Jacker Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Playful Dress.
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Rook – Beans Camo (+Groovy), I feel like this one has such a strong "Rook" presence, but at the same time it's kind of unusual in a way; Halloween Groovy, Lab Coat (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Apprentice Chef, Port Wear (+Groovy), Tsumsitter Groovy (bonkers).
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Epel – Harveston (+Groovy), the ultimate Epel Card, both versions are very beautiful; Rabbit Wear (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy (yay Floyd) Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy
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Idia – Masquerade (+Groovy), I think I literally picked every card of Idia lol he can do no wrong, but the Masquerade ones just hit different, they're so dramaticly delicious; Harveston Groovy, Suitor Suit (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy, Starsending Robes (+Groovy), Birthday Jacket Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Ceremonial Robes Groovy (aoba looking ass), Broomquet Groovy, Apprentice Chef (+ Groovy)
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Ortho – Cerberus Gear (+Groovy), because Ortho is a BAD DOG this card has absolutely no business being this cool, it’s been almost a year and I still can’t quite express how I feel about it; Fairy Gear (+Groovy), Playful Gear, Rabbit Gear (+Groovy), Birthday Gear Groovy, Ignihyde Gear (+Groovy), B-Day Jacket Gear Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Precision Gear Groovy, Burst Gear Groovy (I'm biased), Stargazer Gear Groovy.
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Malleus – Dorm Uniform it's gotta be this one, it's stupidly gorgeous and has a HEEL, I feel like this one expresses Malleus' entire being perfectly, but it was hard to pick between this one and the Masquerade+Halloween; Masquerade (+Groovy), Halloween (+Groovy), Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Birthday Boy Groovy, Broomquet Groovy, Silk Adorned Groovy, Apprentice Chef Groovy.
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Lilia – General's Armor (+Groovy), it's so difficult to pick one for Lilia omg all of his cards are pretty great but this one is so ICONIC that I honestly have no choice; Swimwear (+Groovy), Halloween Groovy (FACEEE), Dorm Uniform (legs), Broomquet Groovy, Suitor Suit Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Pop Music (+Groovy), Kingly Garb (+Groovy)
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Sebek – New Year's (+Groovy), another difficult one to pick, maybe I'll change my mind after we watch ch7, but Sebek looks so good in this outfit and his face looks so good on this one + the perspective makes me weak; Armor of Eternal Night (+Groovy), Harveston (+Groovy), Masquerade (+Groovy), Dorm Uniform, Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Labwear Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Broomquet Groovy.
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Silver – Halloween (+Groovy), the colours are gorgeous on both of these, but especially the non-groovy one: the teals and the blues work so wonderfully with pink accents, Silver is super pretty on this one; Gala Couture (+Groovy), Ceremonial Robes Groovy, Labwear Groovy (this one is so silly he's so serious), Broomquet Groovy, Birthday Jacket Groovy, Dorm Uniform (+Groovy), Birthday Boy Groovy.
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basu-shokikita · 6 months
do you have any headcanons for old men yaoi skwistok?
FUCK YES OH MY GOD. Actual old men yaoi Skwistok the beloved
Based on the fact that Skwisgaar didn't visibly age from the earlyklok days until now, I figure he would age really gracefully. Like, he'd be well on his 50's and seem a decade younger at least. A total silver fox. Luscious silver hair, perfectly maintained 5 o'clock shadow, eye wrinkles...he drives girls crazy still! But he's taken, sorry, ladies.
Toki isn't as lucky, but he's still hanging. His hair has thinned out and his hairline has receeded some, but he wears it in a ponytail now so it's all good. At some point he let the kitty whiskers grow and now he displays a fluffy little beard. His muscles aren't as prominent anymore but they're still pretty noticeable, so he's up there on the dream sugar daddies list.
When it comes to their personalities, they've definitely mellowed out. Skwisgaar had a middle aged crisis when he stopped being the fastest guitar player in the world. It wasn't easy whatsoever, but it made him change his approach on life. He doesn't need to be the very best to love himself. Shocking exactly 0 people, Toki didn't love him any less for it, so Skwisgaar actually lives calmer knowing their relationship wasn't defined by his success.
They've been together for decades now, and they're not as obnoxiously all over each other as they were when younger, but there's a certain 'one whole entity' vibe that people get when they're around them. Like two magnets and a force field that puts space between the rest of the world and them. Oh, yeah, they mostly speak to each other in norwegian/swedish now, only saving for english for when they have to talk to others.
Dethklok is far from being the most popular band in the world these days, which gives them more free time to spend with each other. When they're not working on their side project, they go on trips all over the world. They're particularly biased about landscapes, though. Toki opened a chain of cat shelters in many different countries and he likes to visit them from time to time. Of course, he takes Skwisgaar with him.
There's rumors about them having a secret wedding at some mysterious spot in Scandinavia many years ago but they always avoid the question when it comes up on interviews. Despite having matching rings. Legal registers say they bought a cabin there, also.
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the-final-sif · 6 months
One of the things I think people as a whole don't understand about the internet today is that so much of what's wrong/dangerous/flawed about the internet exists because so much of the internet started as one person's hobby they built in their spare time or as a specific task for a specific function that was just useful/functional enough that literally everyone started using it. There's tons of biases built into the modern internet and some of that is carelessness but a lot of it is... just like. This was invented by a group of grad students fucking around for a few weeks. How the fuck were they supposed to know it'd be become the global standard and that nobody would bother to address or change these things?
Like, the whole reason that the US government gets the ".gov" domain name is because this entire system was invented in the US primarily for use in universities. Under the original system, you had to phone in to talk to the center who owned the list, tell them what name you wanted and then a person would type your name/ip onto the list attached to a nickname much like a phonebook. Then people slowly figured out domains and maintaining domain registries. And then the system became useful enough that more of the US started using it, and then people realized "oh shit, other countries want to use this too, guess we need to figure that out".
The "world wide web" or the thing we all know as the internet (and the reason that every website you visit has www in front), was invented originally by one dude trying to make his own job easier (Tim Berners-Lee). He thought it was pretty cool and shared it, and he was one guy who only spoke English and was just doing what he thought was going to work.
Like, this is a very lighthearted article talking about him, but I think it illustrates the point really well,
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, has confessed that the // in a web address were actually "unnecessary". He told the Times newspaper that he could easily have designed URLs not to have the forward slashes. "There you go, it seemed like a good idea at the time," he said. He admitted that when he devised the web, almost 20 years ago, he had no idea that the forward slashes in every web address would cause "so much hassle". His light-hearted apology even had a green angle as he accepted that having to add // to every address had wasted time, printing and paper.
via "sorry for the slashs"
We have an entire internet and infrastructure built rather haphazardly but also in such a way that going back and trying to change or fix things either requires an insane amount of work or could render vast swaths of the prior internet inaccessible.
Like, I think everyone here remembers Flash getting shut down and how much of childhood games got wiped off the generally accessible internet and relegated to projects like Flashpoint. It was really hard to see, but Flash was also a project started in 1996 (or 1993 if you count the OG version that turned into flash) that was supposed to be for a limited set of use cases, and not the medium on which major parts of the internet would run. By the time Adobe shut it down, Flash was incredibly dangerous with the constant risks of malware, it was buggy, slow, and there were a million better programs. It had to be killed to make way for better things, but because of how the internet was built, that death came at a pretty high cost.
So if you're ever wondering why it feels like the web is a bunch of dominoes ready to fall down at any time, it's because it is. And it does. And so many people spend so much of their time combating all the problems created by using systems that were never intended to handle everything they are currently handling because the alternative is a task of monstrous undertaking that would almost certainly turn decades of history to dust.
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maximoff-forevermore · 7 months
Tumblr Wrapped: BLORBOS!!
thank you sm for the tag @healmydesires 💋🫶🫶
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i have SO much to say, but then again, i always do
i’ll start with my top five, and then do some honourable mentions because five fics is NOT a big enough list for me
1. Red Light by @kiwisbell
you may NEVER hear me stop talking about this fic. EVER. Red Light!Joel has taken up more headspace than anything else in a good long while, and i’ve reread this fic so many times if you asked me to rewrite it from memory i probably could, but i wouldn’t, because i’d never do it the justice kiwi did. this fic basically belongs to me, because no one can love it as much as me. i could go on and on, but there’s not enough time in the world.
2. The Dress Series by @janaispunk
can i let y’all in on a secret? i got the outrageous honour of talking to jana about the third part in this series, it’s like getting a shoutout from an artist winning a grammy, only better. this series restarted my obsession with dave, and i’ve had such brainrot about him since i started. LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL it’s so good, and the taylor titles GOD.
3. Las Mañanas by @kiwisbell
i had to be very careful, or else every fic on my top five list would be one of kiwi’s and people would think i’m biased (i am, just a little). so i only chose my two favourites, and this series was one of them. it brought so much light and life to the minutes i spent reading it, and i just had the best time!! javi my beloved, you have such a special place in my cold, dead heart, you wife-loving POOKIE!!
4. The In My Hometown Series by @swiftispunk
A SERIES INSPIRED BY ‘TIS THE DAMN SEASON *buries face into pillow and screams* ‘tis the damn season is one of my all time favourite songs, and it was done SUCH JUSTICE. this fic had just the right amount of everything, and i’m so grateful i got to read it!!
5. Punishment by @joelsgreys
OOOOOH HOT DAMN. there was something about this fic that made me drool, because hELLO JOEL MILLER?? gods that man is FINE AS FUCK, and this fic so perfectly captures that😫😫 i had the time of my fucking life reading it, and it was so SO worth every second. my next, pls joel🙏
those fics have such a special place in my heart, but so do many others, let’s go through them!!
Is It Over Now? by @planet-marz1 OH this one is my SHIT!!! angst is so delicious for twelve months of the year, and this one shot was me being FED. i loved every minute, and fuck joel, not in the horny way this time🙄
Sexfiles.mp3 by @beskarandblasters tim rockford, the grandma investigator, and love of my life WHERE have you been all this time?? this fic gave me that alligator-jiggling fever
the Seams series by @fuckyeahdindjarin MY BELOVED POOKIES!!!! i love lucy to the ends of the earth, and joel and pins have the CUTEST fucking relationship on the planet
A Lover’s Pinch series by @hier--soir pull me out of the dumpster and fuck me sideways GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO??? gods the sex is just so BXKANDIWNSKW clawing at my fucking WALLS!!!! i haven’t finished this series yet but when i do you may NEVER hear the fucking end of me🗣️🗣️
the Pretty Little Wife series by @beardedjoel OH MAMA, i need a fan because it is HOT AS HELL in here😫😫these fics give me such housewife-fever, i love them just a bit TOO much
Real Gods Require Blood, by @pr0ximamidnight you guys have no FUCKING idea how obsessed i am with this fic. the minute it’s possible to make fics into physical things, i will turn this fic into cocaine and snort it faster than you can scream “he’s evil!”, and even if you did scream it, i wouldn’t care, because WOW is he hot as hell
Feelings on Fire by @joelscruff CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT. CAN WE TALK ABOUT IT. CAN WE—im so obsessed. and i don’t mean that lightly. this series has CHANGED ME. i am moved. i am reborn. i am SOMETHING ELSE. i can’t get over this series i’m not sorry, it’s just so so SO good
and last, but definitely NOT least, Truth or Dare, ALSO by @joelscruff I’M SO UNWELL. I NEED HIM. I NEED THIS. I AM IN DIRE, DESPERATE NEED OF THIS FIC. it’s so so close to my heart, i actually physically cannot get over it. like, guys, GUYS. this fic is such a go-to of mine, and so close to my heart.
and that was my long, long, LONG list, but honestly, i’m not even halfway done. so many fics and so many fic writers have changed my life, and if i was less tired and had more energy to type, i’d list them all<3
all the love to every single fic writer out there, you are doing the most, and if you need someone to read something you’ve written or you think i’ll enjoy something, don’t hesitate to send it my way!!
tagging everyone who wants to participate!!!
as always, my obligatory taylor gifs:
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simpjaes · 26 days
I’m so sorry if you’ve been asked this before, but would you ever do a rec list or a list of accounts (writers)? You’re my fave so I highly trust your opinion 🙏🏻
I have a library tag, which i guess you can consider my recs!
i'll be very honest with you though, i've said it a few times already but i wanna say it again 🖤
i very rarely read on tumblr and I mostly just post what I write here. the majority of the fics i read are on ao3 and aren't self inserts. I will, however, recommend you two writers here that i already read from and/or intend to read from when i enter consume mode!
@drunkhazed. she's one of the only writers i'll automatically drop whatever i'm doing and enter consume mode for [not easy for me bc i either have to be writing for months at a time, or reading for months at a time lol] and i'm not being biased just bc she matches my freak and is the literal sun to my won. Gods & Monsters [Heaven & Back 1/2] Paws & Play Bestie Jay and soon to be my birthday fic but it aint out yet. hnnnng. @ja3yun i haven't read any fics by aj yet but i've seen a lot of really good feedback regarding her dollhouse series. some reallly juicy word counts too so i'm excited to eventually read it and see what all the hype is about + support a fellow writer who isn't afraid to drop fics over 10-15k, huuuuuuge respect in that regard....like do y'all see those tags???? hell yeah The Doll House
and also, here is a list of a bunch of fics that were recommended to me a while back, i still do intend to read them but they got some pretty high praise it seems, they are all jay or jake though so, do with that what you will!
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darlingkirstein · 3 months
im just curious about your headcanon for their job (for eremika and jeanpiku if that's alright)
this question has truly thrown me for such a giant loop because im super indecisive! so i thought instead of choosing one option, i could list a few plausible options for the characters! these are just the jobs that came to mind for some reason. im sure i could come up with others but this are the first that i decided on, and i tried to choose jobs that are a little more unorthodox to be unique 🩷
also sorry for how long this has taken ! i know you've been waiting for this for a while 🫶
— Eren Jaeger!
Physical/recreational therapist: I can imagine him wanting to help people but not wanting to be a hospital doctor or anything like that. He seems like he'd be a pretty active guy so I think a job where he gets to help people and also move around and help clients move around and recover from injury would be both fulfilling and fun for him at the same time! Or even recreational therapy, getting to help people through different activities!
Small business owner: I can see him taking the charge and owning his own business, maybe with the help of his parents with a small investment to get it started. Mikasa might also help with this when she has spare time because she wants to support him! I'm thinking something that incorporates his love of cooking, like a bakery or food shop?
Stuntman/stunt coordinator: This one is more for fun but I love picturing him as a stunt man for movies. He would get a kick out of the thrill it gives him if he's actively participating or he'd find it satisfying to coordinate really interesting stunt work. Mikasa would always be fearful that he's gonna injure himself.
— Mikasa Ackerman!
Bookstore employee: I don't know why, but I think Mikasa would love working around a quiet environment with books. Getting to provide recommendations and organize the shelves makes her feel accomplished without over-stressing her. She loves reading so the employee discount is definitely a big benefit.
Speech-language pathologist: I'm biased here because this is what I'm studying! But I think Mikasa could thrive in this job! Getting to help people struggling with communication is really fulfilling and she gets to challenge herself to find creative solutions. I think she would love working with children, helping them fix their speech sounds, or even with adults, helping with different disorders.
Daycare owner/lead employee: I think a lot of us agree that even in our modern AUs, Mikasa didn't have the happiest childhood. So, I think she tries to make sure that other children have the best possible childhood around. She would be very attentive to all their needs because she's naturally great with kids. Eren would find this so endearing and it would really give me lots of baby fever when she comes home and talks about the kiddos.
— Jean Kirstein!
Gonna start off by saying that I feel like Jean initially settles for an office job because he feels like he has to be a big breadwinner and have a stable, high-paying job but it ends up making him rather miserable so he quits to pursue other jobs.
Art restoration: I know the idea of Jean being an artist is kinda overplayed since he only draws once but I am so attached to it. But here I'm specifically thinking of him restoring old/damaged paintings for museums or for people's personal collections. He probably finds comfort in seeing the pretty paintings come back to life after being so dull. He takes it super seriously since it's so technical so he's very proud of his work and the results!
Something in the restaurant/food industry: Jean loves cooking so much! He would want to share his cooking with others. He might work at a restaurant making good or maybe even as a cooking instructor? I think that even if his job isn't in the food industry that he still volunteers his time to cook for people in need because it's something he's passionate about.
Art therapist: In a similar vein to art restoration, I am imagining him as an art therapist, trying to help people with their struggles through various forms of art. It's probably therapeutic to him, so sharing that therapy with others is so sweet to me. I think would love to work with children especially, just getting to see them smile after they've gone through some rough things :)
— Pieck Finger!
Something in journalism: Pieck would get a kick out of writing small articles for different papers or magazines, or even in the newspaper (even if it's a dying medium). She gets to show a more creative side while making a living and she also gets to work from home which is great because she's kind of a homebody! She gets to be comfortable while writing her fun articles :)
Accent/dialect coach: This is also kind of a half-serious one like the stunt coordinator one for Eren. I feel like Pieck would be weirdly good at accents, like stupidly good. So she might have fun working with actors either in bigger shows/movies or in local theatre productions to change accents.
Editor: Another job that could be done from home, I think she would like editing people's books or articles or anything to make them better. She finds it fun and satisfying to correct mistakes and make suggestions, and it's so fun because she can work on stuff from her bedroom if she so desired. Maybe she both writes and edits and just switches off depending on the day/helping out her writer friends by editing their work for them.
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