#sorry to bother you but can I maybe get more pain meds?
menlove · 10 months
also I kept wondering what weird shit I'd say coming off anasthesia but the first thing I became aware of was throwing up, asking for saltines, and then asking the very annoyed nurse how she liked her job/how long she'd been working there/complimenting her lanyard
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miahxrrington-blog · 7 months
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“hey, henderson why haven’t I heard from your sister?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ ⋆ ˚。⋆
summary: steve is worried about reader he hasn’t heard from her in a while so he decides to call dustin who then tells him she’s sick because of her period
warnings: swearing, fluff, period talk
Steve was starting to worry he hadn’t heard from his girlfriend all day she’d usually call him. To atleast tell him she’s okay. So it was odd of her her.
Steve decided to call the Henderson residents to make sure she was alright.
“Henderson Residentes this is Dustin speaking.”
“Hey Henderson, why haven’t I heard from your sister all day?” Asked Steve
“Girl problems. You know how it is” said Dustin
“No I don’t is she alright?” Asked a concerned Steve
“Yea she’s fine she just got her period and she started feeling dizzy so mom let her stay home from school. She hasn’t gotten out of bed since. ”
“Why didnt she tell me anything? Is there anything I could, do can i talk to her?” Asked Steve worried
“Mom said it’s better to let her rest.” Mumbled Dustin
“Shit okay uh- thanks for telling me” Steve then hung up the phone, now staring and Robin from across the room.
“We’ll?” Asked robin
“She’s on her uh her start of the month.”
“You mean her period?” Asked a teasing Robin
“Yea that I uh, I didn’t know girls could get dizzy and sick from it.” Said a confused Steve not really understanding what was happening
“Yea doofus, most girls do. I feel bad for Y/N honestly some girls get it worse than others.”
“Shut, uh how do I help like is there anything I could do? I feel useless while she’s over there in so much pain meanwhile I’m here fine.”
“We’ll you Can start by buying her ice cream it always helps me feel better and maybe some meds ibuprofen, Tylenol and also something to eat like a meal I know I always forget to eat while I’m on my period. Maybe that’s why she felt dizzy or it may just be because she’s loosing large amounts of blood.” Said Robin trying to give Steve a better understanding.
“Shit i didn’t know if was that bad for you guys Rob, And this would help her feel better?” Asked Steve
“I mean maybe but i feel like she needs comfort right now.” Explained Robin
Steve then headed to the store he made sure he wrote down what robin said to get and got it for Y/N he wanted to make sure she felt better atleast for a little bit.
Steve walked to your front porch bags in hand and knocked. Dustin open the door and led him in giving him a quick Pat on the shoulder.
“Here to see y/n?” Asked Dustin
“Yea.” Answered Steve quickly
“Good luck dude” Steve rolled his eyes at Dustin’s remark.
“Baby?” Asked Steve before entering the dark room looking for the light switch and putting the bags on your dresser
“I heard you were sick my love.” You stood up not even being able to keep your eyes opened and gave him a quick smile because even though you were in a lot of pain seeing him made everything better.
“Yea I’m sorry for not talking to you i haven’t even been able to get out of bed all day. And my head has been killing me.” You said
“Hey it’s okay I’m here to help. Why don’t we get you something to eat. I brought Chinese your favorite ” Said steve
“God i really love you, you dont understand. You said happily reaching for the bad
Once you were done eating you asked Steve if he wanted to stay over. You really needed your boyfriend more than ever.
“Can you just hug me.” You asked
“Yea yea anything you need.”
Steve rapped his arms around you
“I love you so much.” He kissed your temple
“ I wish you would’ve told me wouldve been here sooner and helped you my love”
“You were working and i didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never bother me baby.”
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bordysbae · 1 year
Heyy lovely can I request a Luke hughes fic with the prompts 4 and 10. Maybe the readers on her period and is crying on the phone to jack or Quinn because luke won’t answer and she’s got bad cramps?
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“on my way”
luke hughes x fem reader
4. i’m here baby, don’t worry
10. you make me feel safe
warning: vomiting and nausea
word count: 0.7k
its the first week of summer, and of course you’re spending it at the hughes’ lake house. the boys always stay at the lake house for a month during the summer, it’s been their ritual since they first bought the house nearly 10 years ago. you and luke have been dating since first semester of freshman year, and ellen has really grown to like you, which is why she always invites you to go on trips with the hughes family. this is your second time at the lake house, and it already feels like a second home to you.
“morning honey! i’m assuming luke told you that him and the boys are going fishing with jim right?” ellen says as she sips her coffee at the kitchen island. “yeah he did, what are you doing today?” you ask her, as you pour yourself a cup as well. “i’m going out with one of my friends, are you alright being alone for a bit? i should be back at like 1, we’re just going out to lunch. if not you can always join me and my friend, she’s known the boys forever so i’m sure she would be delighted to meet you, she’s heard about you being luke’s girlfriend.” “oh no! i don’t mind being alone at all, honestly i’m not feeling too great. my cramps have been acting up a bit today” you say as you sit next to her. “aw i’m sorry hun, if you need anything don’t be afraid to call me okay! i’m gonna be leaving here in about 20 minutes.” “thanks elle, you’re the best” you smile, her returning the favor.
you’re now alone since ellen left about 15 minutes ago, and the boys are still fishing. your cramps are killing you, and the pain meds are barely working. you’re in pain and you’re hormonal, so the best thing you can do is cry. you always get cramps so bad that you feel the need to vomit, and luke knows this. so you decide to just call him and see when he’s coming home. unfortunately he doesn’t pick up, and this makes you cry even more. you hate vomiting, and the fact you know you might vomit at anytime is freaking you out. you start to panic, and luke still won’t answer his phone.
you decide to call quinn in hopes that he can get ahold of luke, and with your luck, quinn doesn’t answer. you keep feeling more nauseous by the minute and your last resort is calling jack. “hello?” jack says. “hi jack sorry to bother you, could you get luke please?” “yeah, everything okay?” “um, yeah. sort of, not really. can you just get luke?” “yeah yeah of course here” he says, a slight panic in his voice as he hands the phone to luke. “hi babe, are you okay? i’m so sorry i didn’t hear you call, jacks phone was connected to the speaker so i didn’t hear it ring. don’t worry he disconnected it when you called, what’s up?” “luke i think i’m gonna vomit” you say softly. “what? are you okay? what’s wrong?!” he says concerned. “my cramps, they’re killing me. and your mom left like 20 minutes ago, what time are y-you coming home?” you say, holding back your gags. “now! i’m not that far out on the lake i’ll have them drive me back and drop me off, i’m on my way.” “luke no, don’t stop your fun cause i’m sick. i’ll be okay i just wanted to let you know.” you sigh, taking a sip of water. “too late, my dad already started the boat. i’m gonna hang up okay? i’m almost home” “okay. i love you lukey” “i love you more” he says before ending the call.
as you’re leaning over the toilet, holding your hair back with your hand luke slowly creaks the door open. “oh y/n” he says as he quickly walks over to hold your hair back. “i’m sorry luke” “you’re sorry? don’t be sorry for anything. honestly it wasn’t even that fun, i was the only one who couldn’t catch anything and i was tired of getting bullied for it” he chuckles, making you smile at the thought of the comments the boys must’ve made. you begin to start gagging again, and you start to freak out a bit. luke rubs your back gently, “i’m here baby, don’t worry.” he states softly.
once you begin to feel better you both climb into luke’s bed, and you’re cuddled into his chest. “thank you luke, you make me feel safe.” “of course, i’d do anything for you. i love you.” “i love you more lukey.”
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jedi-lothwolf · 3 months
Whump: The Musical Day 6: Newsies (Chronic Pain)
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Summary: Crosshair finally does something about his hand.
  Crosshair hated Hemlock. Never before had he hated someone so much. As he watched his hand shake, he knew that if he ever saw the scientist again, he would shoot his in the stomach and drive his rifle into the wound. He would make him feel as helpless and as awful as he felt.
    It wasn't just the shaking. His arm had been in pain for months. There was nothing he could do. Pain medicine made it bearable, sometimes it even kept it from hurting, but like a river, the dam could only stop it for so long.
    So, Crosshair started to think there was nothing he could do. It had been months.
    Tech would have known. But, Tech was dead. Az should know but he didn't have the technology he needed. Crosshair was too nervous to go to the hospital on Pabu. He knew he shouldn't wait, but he wanted someone to go with him and he wasn't going to take the kid. Hunter would be his best opinion but he couldn't face him yet.
    This morning, Crosshair grabbed the last of his stolen pain meds and put them in his mouth. The bitter taste lingered on his tongue as he swallowed the pills. But the pain wouldn't leave him alone.
    As the day went on, Crosshair seemed detached. It appeared that he was always thinking about something. The batch didn't know rather to give him space or if they should talk to him.
    "I'm going to talk to him" Hunter finally said. 
    "Normally Cross doesn't like to talk to us about these kinds of things unless he comes to us." It wasn't that Wrecker didn't want to talk to his brother, he just didn't want to make anything worse.
    "He's in pain, I can tell. I don't want him to hide that from us."
    So Hunter went to find his brother. Crosshair was in tears when he found him. Holding his wrist, the sniper tried not to look at him.
    "What's wrong?" Hunter came to sit beside Crosshair.
    "I'm fine" he scowled.
    "You're crying."
    "I said I'm fine."
    "What's going on?" Hunter sounded so calm. He talked to him with all the patients he had, maybe more.
    "My hand" Crosshair sighed, "my hand was messed up at Tantiss . It hurts Hunter." The man looked over at his brother, tired. "It hurts all the time and I'm out of pain meds."
    It took a moment before Hunter said anything. "okay. Let's take you to the hospital. They might be able to do something for you." Seeing Hunter reach out to him, helped. It almost felt like nothing happened.
    The two walked to the hospital together. Hunter went in first and whispered something to the nurse at the front desk that Crosshair couldn't hear. The sniper followed his brother inside. After a while, the two were called back.
    "So the nurse tells me that your wrist has been bothering you."
    "Alright, lets take a look." The doctor took Crosshair's hand into her own. After talking for a while, the doctor ordered a few tests. She was determined to get to the source of Crosshair's pain.
    A NCV showed that the man had nerve damage.
    "Unfortunately, we would have to operate. Even then the pain and the damage will never completely heal. I'm sorry but you'll need a brace to help steady your hand and we'll put you on pain medicine for the chronic pain."
    "That's it?" Crosshair sighed. "How soon can you do the surgery and how soon can I have those meds?"
"Soon and soon. I'll get everything scheduled. About once a month you'll come here to pick up your medication. After your surgery we'll put you in physical therapy to help with the recovery."
"Thank you doc." Hunter stood.
The brothers walked outside. "It's a start" the older of the two said.
Crosshair looked at his hand. He took two of the Gabapentin pills. Then he put his dark gray brace on. "Okay."
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urlocalwhumper · 3 months
as always, rayan belongs to @sowhumpshaped
rayan felt horrible.
nana had only been with him for a few days when he noticed that her tail was bothering her. a little glint of pain in her eye whenever it wagged, she way she took great care not to sit or lay on it, and, most recently, how she yelped and flinched away when he, idly fidgeting with her tail while sitting on the couch, brushed his fingers over the unnatural bend near the middle.
he'd wanted to give her at least a week to settle in before taking her to the vet for a check-up, but he also wasn't just going to sit there and let her suffer when she was clearly in pain.
so, off to the vet they went. nana really didn't like it there, she shook like a leaf and stayed glued to his leg for their entire time in the waiting room, and once she was up on the examination table, he had to be at least holding her hand for her to stay somewhat calm.
even the vet winced once her x-rays appeared onscreen.
"oh yeah, no wonder she's in pain." the vet grimaced. "this is a really bad break, the bone is completely shattered around where that bend is." he said, pointing on the screen to what he was talking about.
"this kind of injury... the most likely cause is crushing." the vet glanced at nana's papers and pursed his lips. "repeated impacts. like being stomped on, perhaps."
rayan felt sick. he could tell, from the look in nana's eye and the way she curled further into herself, that the vet's assumption was correct. he trailed a comforting hand across her scalp and pressed a little kiss to the crown of her head.
the vet continued. "either way, for a break this severe, there really isn't much we can do to fix it. your best option is to amputate."
nana went stiff as a board. rayan felt her breathing quicken as she started to whimper under her breath. her loose grip on his shirt turned into an iron vice and she looked up at him with a fearful, pleading gaze.
he continued to scratch at her scalp and behind her ears, soothing and gentle, but internally he was just as frazzled as she was. he was expecting the worst case scenario to be needing to re-break a badly healed bone, not amputating most of her tail.
"can... can we have some time to think about it, please?" he said, wanting to at least get nana out of the examination room and hopefully calm her down.
the vet nodded. "of course. you know how to make an appointment, once your decision has been made."
it took hours for nana to calm down fully. once they returned home, she immediately retreated to her bed, curling up under the blanket like it would hide her from the world. rayan sat beside her, nearly lost for words.
"... i'm so sorry, nana." he said, resting his hand, palm-up, on the edge of her bed. her shaking hand reached out from under the blanket and gripped it tight. "this isn't fair, you shouldn't have to deal with this at all."
he sighed. "... but... your tail's just gonna hurt forever if we don't do anything. and it might even get worse." he squeezed her hand. "getting it amputated is scary, but it's the only option we have."
he felt horrible, trying to convince her like this. he knew that if he was in her position, he'd be just as terrified and reluctant to have a part of him cut off. but, he also knew that, for her health, it needed to be done.
and when he looked over and saw her peering out at him from under the blanket, her eye hesitant but trusting, he knew that she understood too.
nana was a nervous wreck on the day of her surgery. even though he could tell she was trying to be brave, the vet informed him that she wet herself out of fear the moment she was in the prep room, completely separated from him.
but it was finally over. the amputation had been performed with no complications, and now nana was at home - short half a tail and loopy from the meds they'd given her, but no longer suffering from a painful shattered bone.
she was napping at the moment, her head in his lap as he absently pet her hair. he frowned at the bandaged end of her newly shortened tail. it was the right decision, he knew that, but... it was just so unfair. for her to lose most of her tail just because some jackass decided it'd be funny to stomp on it... it made him angry.
angry that such a monster could get a pet license, angry that they'd been so cruel to a pet as sweet and loving as nana, angry that they even existed. it made him so angry that he felt like he could just- !
nana stirred in his lap, mumbling something unintelligible and snuggling further into him. right, he needed to calm down. all of that was in the past now. right now, she was safe and comfortable and happy with him, and that was all that mattered.
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headpainmigraine · 1 month
do you have any tips for those who suffer from hemiplegic migraines? i feel like im going insane, and the anxiety i experience afterwards is phenomenal. i feel so terrified and alone from it
I'm so sorry, I didn't see this until just now - tumblr, it's a website that works.
Please bear with me if I tell you something you already know.
Hemiplegic migraine is a slightly different animal to other migraine types because of its mimicry of stroke symptoms, and because of that I usually avoid talking about it in any depth, because I don't have personal experience with them.
It's treatment is also a little different because the use of triptans to help the migraine is contraindicated because it restricts blood vessels, and doctors are leery of prescribing them to people suffering stroke-like symptoms
The best thing I can do in regards to helping with the actual diagnosis is point you towards people who know about these kinds of things, and not the usual mayo clinic, etc websites.
The Migraine Trust
The American Migraine Foundation
All those are websites with a focus on migraine, who are more likely to give you accurate information.
I've linked what I could find there on hemiplegic migraine in particular, but it's worth having a look around them to see what info you can find.
So, a doctor/neurologist/specialist is going to be your best bet for actual physical help. Any tips I could offer would be to try the non-medicinal help for other migraines that might also help you, eg, sunglasses, cooling patches, ginger for nausea, and so on - I can talk to you a little more about them if you think that'd be helpful, if you want?
But that isn't what's bothering you though. I don't know how frequent your attacks are, or what your support situation is like at home.
I can tell you that feeling scared makes a ton of sense. Sometimes it can feel like your pain isn't going to end. I've had times when I've thought 'this is it, this is the pain that's going to kill me', and I've had hallucinations that made me doubt my reality. I can imagine part of how terrifying it is to have half of your body suddenly stop resonding to you.
It's a scary thing, and you have every right to feel scared.
And I know that it's difficult in the moment, while you're inside the thing, to have a rational conversation with yourself, but I find arming myself with knowledge is the best weapon against my freaking out when it happens.
Not knowing what's happening to you is maybe more frightening than the actual experience of what's happening to you. Learning as much as I can about the mechanisms of migraine has done a lot to help me understand what's happening in my body, and when and why (as far as they know) and it's weird how much that helps, it takes away the "unknown" and "what if" of everything.
It's also helped me realise when I'm in predrome or having an aura, because I know those symptoms now and can keep a better eye out for them
That said, having a good support system really helps, and I'm fortunate enough to have one in my parents and sister. If you live with someone who is open to understanding and listening to you, it's a good idea to tell them things about your migraines.
I voice my symptoms to my family all the time. I'll say out loud that I'm having a headache, or feeling dizzy, or if I feel restless or grumpy - half of it is to track my symptoms, because I'm crap at doing that by myself, and the other is because often they're better able to see a migraine is coming from what I'm saying than I am myself - it's harder to see when you're inside it.
They can help when I'm hallucinating too. If I smell or hear something that I don't trust is there, I can ask someone to verify that it isn't, or is, and can take meds or at least prepare from there.
Getting someone to remind you while you're having an attack that it will pass, that you've been through them before, and that you know what it is, might help with feelings of anxiety or panic at the time. If you can't rely on yourself, it's okay to ask others to do it for you.
Remember that what's happening to you is a physical, neurological process. It's an actual disease, and not in your head. There's a cascade of activity moving through your brain, and it's making your brain fire off in weird ways that you don't really want. As far as your brain is concerned, it got a signal, now it's going to do a thing.
It's not a bolt from the sky torturing you with some kind of magician's curse. You can't help it, it's just the same as having a pulled muscle, or diabetes. It's just an error in the way your body works, but it's one we know about it and more and more research is being done to help us understand and attack these things.
On that note, while triptans aren't recommended for hemiplegic migraines, the new meds, gepants and ditans, are (as far as I'm aware, ditans for sure). That's huge news for migraineurs, and something you should talk to your neuro about - assuming you have one.
All I can say for after the attack is to be kind to yourself. You feel like a cracked teacup, no need to bash yourself around anymore than the migraine already has. If you've got little things that make you happy, like taking a bath or listening to bird song or anything, indulge in it. Rest, maybe with a comfort show on TV.
You've just been through a storm, body AND brain, and you need to make yourself have some space in the postdrome to slowly pick yourself back up.
It might also be worth speaking to a pain therapist. YOU'RE NOT CRAZY. They'd be there to help you process what you're going through. The human body wasn't meant to be in constant pain, it wasn't meant to lose sudden control of itself for no reason, and it's a lot to put on someone, especially when their disease is so rare, as hemiplegic migraines are.
I've actually been thinking about trying to find one myself, mostly to help me work through the unending rage, but it could help you with your feelings of anxiety in regards to your hemiplegic migraines.
I'm so sorry I can't offer you anything more than that. It might help to connect with other people who suffer with hemiplegic migraines here, to share experiences, and you can always drop a message here if you want to talk to me about migraines in general.
The cripplepunk/spoonie community as a whole has been a help to me too, especially trying to learn to let myself feel angry and bitter and unashamed. It's nice to have a space to be shouty and angry about your disability, and to really feel that you have community.
I think the only other thing I could leave you with is to talk, not necessarily to anyone in particular, maybe just in a sideblog even.
Talk about how you feel, what you're experiencing, how much it sucks, what you've learned about it, anything. Bitching lets you vent it all out, helps other people understand what you're going through and lets you leave it on the net if you do it online.
I'm constantly shouting into the wind on this blog about my disabilities and it's really helped.
I'm so sorry I can't do anything more, and sorry again that this is late. Let me know if you wanna talk about anything more, or if you've got any questions about migraines in general, I'll do my best. I hope this helps
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Haunted Hallways
“The Healer”
Chapters: 1, 2
In which Hunter meets someone who talks a little odd, has awful bedside manners, and cares a whole lot. Even if he’s bad at showing it.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The next time, he was eight.
And this time, he wasn’t running or wandering aimlessly through hallways. He knew better than to try that now.
Instead, he was curled up in his bed, sniffling and covering his mouth with the glove Belos had gifted him a few months earlier to stifle his cries. With his other hand, he clutched at the bleeding wound over his side, skimming his ribs.
It’d been his fault. Belos was not happy, and Hunter had dared try and talk to him about wild magic. He’d come to the conclusion that, if wild magic had been what made his Uncle so scary and sick, then surely wild magic could fix it.
Unfortunately, he’d talked about it to Belos’s face. After he clearly had received some bad news, because he was already mad when Hunter started talking.
Belos had apologized. He remembered, somewhere in his mind, as he hobbled out and his Uncle tried to contain the monster that erupted from his skin, that he was yelling apologies. But Hunter was too scared, too cowardly, to turn back.
Which led to where he was now, pressing his hand over the bleeding wound, hiccuping and coughing. He had a med-kit, some healer accidentally left it in his room once and never took it back (at least, that’s what he thought happened) a few months ago, so he tried to use it whenever he got hurt. Belos didn’t like to hear him complain.
Right now, Hunter was only squeezing his eyes shut and trying to stop himself from making too much noise and someone got mad about him causing such a distraction. He’d been enough of a bother already.
His hand tightened, fire lighting over his skin. The pain was stinging, and maybe, if he clung tight enough, he’d get a good grip, and he could rip it off of him—
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.”
Hunter yelped, eyes flying open as he jerked upright, wincing and whimpering at the pain that flared up. He caught sight of a humanoid figure with flashes of white and gold before his vision blurred and he shoved his face back down against the bed.
“Whoa, whoa, easy there,” the voice said quickly, making him full-body wince, because nobody was supposed to be in his room, “you’re alright, kit. Just–just hand on a second, I need to—”
“Get out!” He tried to shout, but it came out more as a desperate plea. “Please, please get out, you can’t—“
“Can't do that, kit.” The person apologized, the sound of shuffling and bumping by his head. “Well, I could, but, well, I don’t want to. So, sorry.”
“Go away!” Hunter pleaded again, the hand that wasn’t around his side fisted in the sheets. “My—the–the Emperor will—“
“Ugh, God, just call him Belos,” the person huffed, something shifting towards the end of his bed from the tiny, tiny sliver where his eye wasn’t shoved full-force into the sheets, “it’s way too weird to for him to be an Emperor now—“
“Don’t touch that!” Hunter jolted upright when the movement processed, vision whirring together as he looked over in a mad panic to where his med kit was across the room, figure next to it.
“Hey, look at that, he can sit up.” The person huffed, and when he looked at his face, he realized with a start they barely had a mask compared to the others. “It is ridiculously hard to mess with things that aren’t borderline cursed, quit your fretting.” He muttered, looking down into the kit.
“That’s mine!” Hunter defended desperately, wincing and hissing as he tried to sit up, still clutching his side, eyes wild. “You can’t—I need—“
“Easy there!” The person raised his hands, gloves much thinner than the others, this time a blackish blue with white ribbons tightly pushed through the loops around the wrists. “I’m just taking a look at it for you, kit. I certainly don’t need ‘em anymore.”
Hunter begged to differ.
This person’s mask was so busted that the only parts that remained were everything across his eyes and a chunk that curved down the right side of his face, only barely covering the very edge of his mouth. Everything was cracked to all hell, and he could see the straps, which looked quite a bit like the ribbons on his wrists, that kept it on his face overtop his very pale blond hair, a small wiggly cowlick sticking up from his head.
His cloak, on the contrary, wasn't in that bad of condition. The ends looked like they’d been singed, but it stopped underneath his knees. The gold pattern along the trims were in a curving loop, almost like stitch lines. The same trim was around his hood hanging over his back.
He bore a more solidly gray tunic, though his belt was the same shade as his gloves, and his trousers were darker. 
Hunter swore he saw boots that went nearly up to his knees until the person was turning fully to him with his oddly small, pointed ears twitching.
“How well do you know first-aid, anyway?” He asked curiously. “Can’t be very good. You’re, like, five.”
Normally, Hunter would’ve bit back a I’m eight! at the assumption, and he kind of wanted to. But his room started swimming again, and he gave a shaky gasp before swaying back and heavily leaning on his headboard.
“Oh shit—God help me—”
Hunter wasn’t quite sure what else he was saying, much too busy focusing on the blood seeping through his gloved hand and how much he cringed away from the feeling of it. But he needed to keep pressure, and what he felt about wet gloves wasn’t a big deal—
A soft, malleable pressure on his forehead.
He leaned into it for a moment, even if it was bitterly cold, before his eyes snapped open.
The person had one leg bent and resting on his bed, leaning over with the back of his gloved hand pressed to Hunter’s forehead. His mouth, the most visible part overall, was downturned in a frown.
“What do you want?” Hunter croaked, much too quietly.
“To make sure you don’t bleed out and die.” The person said simply, pulling his hand away. “I mean, you’re probably not, but little guys like you have a ridiculously low amount of blood. Honestly, I don’t know how any of us made it to full size.”
Hunter just blinked with heavy eyelids, and the person sighed as he leaned back a bit. He looked from the med kit, then to Hunter, back to the box, then to Hunter again. He tried not to squeeze his side too harshly in the ensuing anxiety.
“You’re gonna have to get up, kit.” The person said, sounding a bit apologetic. “I can’t heal you myself.”
“But it—”
“It hurts, I know.” The person cut him off, moving till he was sitting fully on the edge of the bed. “But it’s gonna hurt less when you patch yourself up. I can walk you through it. I wasn’t good at it in the beginning, either.”
“I don’t like it.” Hunter whined, hating how babyish he sounded.
“I know,” the person said evenly, “but you gotta get up. I’m sorry, but you just…you have to.”
Hunter supposed it was that surety that made him decide he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. Or the pain getting to his head. 
But he knew that after a long exhale that barely hid a hiccup, he gritted his teeth. He braced his free hand against the headboard, pushing himself upright.
“Yeah, you got it.” The person praised with a halfway upturned smile as Hunter slowly got up. “You just gotta grab it and bring it back to bed. Easy enough.”
Hunter really thought otherwise. And he had half a mind to snap that maybe if this mysterious hidden rank had such issues with grabbing things that weren’t alive, then maybe they should try different spells. 
But he’d already complained enough. So he didn’t.
The time between grabbing the med-kit and making it back to his bed were a blur. Lost somewhere between the black holes that ate at his memory like moths. But he knew that at some point, he made it, and he was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, face feeling awfully wet as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“No rest for the wicked, kit.” He heard distantly, feeling something nudge his uninjured side. “Come on, get up.”
“M’tired.” He complained.
“Yeah, well, so am I. Get up.” A harsher nudge. 
Hunter thought it was woefully unfair, this guy wasn’t bleeding, but whatever. He muttered and mumbled as he threw out a hand to bat around lazily.
“So, first things first, are you in need of stitches?”
“What?” Hunter mumbled.
“Just—hang on, let’s see.”
Hunter felt more coldness brushing along him, flinching a little bit at it, though it wasn’t wholly unwelcome. Probably too tired to think about putting up much of a fight, really. Even if in later years it wouldn’t be close to the worst injury he’d gotten.
Then his shirt was flung up.
“Hey!” He squawked, actually managing a bit of energy.
“Apologies,” the person said, not sounding very sorry at all, “gotta check you don’t have bones exposed, or something. I mean, you’d be writhing if you were, but—”
Hunter kicked out a leg. He felt it connect with the sludge that made up these weird people, and a muffled oof following. His shirt was promptly dropped.
“You’re lucky I don’t feel pain.” The person growled, Hunter craning his head to see him glaring daggers (assumedly, at least, but he at least looked unhappy), though shifting away so he wasn’t in Hunter’s direct kicking-range. There was a mutter—of course I can interact with you just fine—before he mumbled bitterly; “I get why healer’s hated me so much, now.” 
“You’re not a healer?” Hunter wound up asking, though he began to blindly reach out for the med-kit.
“As if I ever had the chance to be.” He scoffed, reaching out and nudging Hunter’s hand as it rummaged around. “Antiseptic, first, you’re gonna get an infection, those are a death sentence.” He hummed. “Anyway, no, but I’ve been around ‘em enough.” He continued despite Hunter’s glower. “Could probably qualify as a decent doctor's apprentice.”
“Infections aren’t that bad.” Hunter muttered, though he did sit up a tiny bit to find the spray that stung him.
“I’ve seen, like, six witches die from it.” The healer (he was still close enough, he reasoned) deadpanned, making Hunter pause. “God help them, wherever they are, but don’t you tell me how ‘not bad’ it is.” He scolded.
“I had an infection two weeks ago?” Hunter tried meekly, eyes sliding over to the figure.. “I-I was fine…”
It was a bit of a simplification, the infection had hurt like a bitch and left him shaking and feverish for a full day. His arm still twinged from where the infection had spread, but, well, he hadn’t died, so…
A moment of silence. Hunter decided to just grab the antiseptic spray bottle and draw it out before he said anything worse.
“Oh, yeah, it’s been a while.” The healer hummed after a moment, raising his head a bit like he was looking off into a memory. “Infections aren’t that bad anymore, are they?”
Hunter chose not to answer that. He just turned the spray around in his grip, bringing his other hand over for a moment before pausing, remembering the blood. Well, he didn’t think he was bleeding as much anymore, but…
“You gotta take that off, kit.” He said, sounding much more present than he had earlier, though Hunter kept his eyes locked on his hand. “Best not get any more old blood around the wound. Also, y’know, it restricts movements. And makes it harder to be precise. And probably feels awful, actually—”
“I need it.” Hunter protested, eyes flicking up to the healer, who was sitting halfway now, both legs hanging off the edge of the bed, body turned in Hunter’s direction, the med-kit acting as a barrier between them.
“Medically?” He tilted his head.
“I need them.” Hunter repeated, much too tired to go into depth on why it was bad to have hands like his. “They’re weird.”
“Well, my sincerest apologies,” The healer said, not sounding sorry at all, which seemed to be a theme, “but survival comes before insecurities. That’s a constant truth.”
“Before what?” Hunter squinted.
“Insecurities? You know—when you have a dislike—?”
“But they are weird!” Hunter insisted. “They’re, like–like they don’t—”
“I’m sure I’ve seen weirder things.” The figure dismissed casually, waving a hand. “We’ve got demons with seven eyes and beasts with tongues for feet. You’re fine.”
“But they’re supposed—”
“Do you want to stop bleeding?” The healer cut-in again, a slight shift to his exposed forehead signaling a raised brow. He barely waited until Hunter cautiously nodded. “Then the glove will hinder it. Just pretend I’m not here, if it makes you feel better, or something.” He muttered, head turning to the side to look off at nothing again. “Not that it’d be pretending, really.” He added, incredibly quietly.
Hunter hesitated, because of course he did. But he figured that, well, if these guys were so secret, it’s not like he would tell anyone. And his uncle wouldn’t let anyone bother him about his hands, anyway.
He muttered, albeit grumpily, and set down the spray. Then, he pulled off his gloves.
They felt very uncomfortable dragging across his skin, and he shuttered through every inch of it. He wound up throwing them to the floor as soon as they were off. Never again.
“There we go.” The healer praised, not missing a beat as he gestured to the med-kit. “Now give it a spray and wrap it up. You don’t look like you need stitches.”
“Yay,” Hunter grumbled dejectedly, picking up the spray again.
The figure barked out a laugh at that, startling him. He stared as the healer’s head turned away slightly, open mouth showing not-quite-sharp-enough teeth. He decided to believe he was being laughed at, and glowered as he managed to pull out the gauze.
“Oh, God above,” The figure wheezed when he spoke again, “alright, maybe there’s something annoyingly funny about kids.”
“M’not annoying.” Hunter muttered bitterly, frowning at the spray in his hand. “I’m telling the Emperor to rep..repim…repro…”
“Reprimand.” The healer offered, grinning like the right prick he was. 
“Repamind you!” Hunter shot back, testing out a small squirt of the antiseptic spray. And promptly dropped it with a hiss.
“Yeah, he started reprimanding long before you, kit.” The person said, casually. “You gotta spray more than that.”
“Shut up.” Hunter growled, getting another snort for his troubles.
“Nah,” The healer decided, passive as Hunter managed another spray and decided that was enough, because that stung. “Now you wrap—”
“I know what I’m doing!” Hunter snapped, much louder than probably needed.
“What else am I supposed to say, exactly?” The figure spread out their hands. “I literally don’t have anything better to do.”
“If you’ve got nothin’ to do, then you aren’t wanted.” Hunter sniffed, somewhat of a paraphrase of words he’d heard many times before.
“Alright, Christ.” The person muttered quietly as Hunter rolled out the gauze. “Ass.”
Hunter sneered, managing one wrap around his body before looking up again, smug and haughty.
“That is a bad wor—”
Hunter paused. Blinked at the nothingness, then turned his head almost a full one-eighty degree as he tried to see where the healer had gone off to.
His door hadn’t opened. In fact, he didn’t hear it open when the figure entered in the first place. It was still closed, and later, he would find it was still locked.
There was no indent on the bed where the figure had been. When Hunter pressed a hand over it, it was colder than the rest of his bed.
He silently wrapped up the rest of his injuries after that.
It was a lot more nerve-wracking than it had any right to be.
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k-sickies · 11 months
Can I ask for a sick Minho and his caretaker Bangchan 13. “Promise you won’t laugh? My tummy really hurts.”
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Minho loves dancing. It was the one thing he would day he's really good at. Yes he always wants to improve but there's a reason why he is part of danceracha. However, today he wasn't doing good at all. Normally he doesn't struggle with any moves. Especially not moves he already had memorized. They all knew that. Especially Chan. As the leader he knew his members the best and he knew it wasn't like Minho to mess around in dance practice and hold them all back. There must be something wrong.
There is something wrong. Minho felt awful. His stomach was in knots. It was hurting him the whole night and didn't stop yet. He couldn't concentrate on anything else. Not even the pain meds he took helped. If anything they made the pain worse. Probably because he wasn't able to eat anything before. He wasn't sure why it did hurt in the first place. He wasn't nauseous or anything but what he knew is that it's hurting like hell.
By now they all were a bit annoyed at the mistakes the second oldest made. Especially Minho himself. Before anything got out of control Chan pulled the leader card and called out for a break.
"Minho. Can we talk outside? Alone." Chan said sternly.
Mi ho just nodded and swallowed. Somehow he was scared that even Chan was annoyed or even angry with him. He wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. He's annoyed with himself too but that doesn't make him any less nervous. He feels bad and he doesn't need someone to scold him right now. It would make him feel only worse.
Outside Chan pulled Minho with him so they could sit down somewhere without anyone interrupting them. Chan crossed his arms and looked at Minho. "Don't you want to tell me something?"
Mi ho swallowed and took a deep breath. "I'm Sorry for holding everyone up. I'll stay longer and practice more. I'm really sorry." He tried to bow down but it was a bit difficult with how his stomach was feeling. He grimaced as this out extra pressure on his stomach.
Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder that pulled him up. He looked at Chan. The leader looked really worried.
"It's not that. I want to know what is bothering so much. It's not like you to make such mistakes. I'm worried. We all are." Chan said
Minho could see the sincere in his Hyungs eyes so he decided to tell him what's wrong. Even if it's a bit embarrassing.
"Promise you won't laugh?" He asked
Chan nodded and took the youngers hand. Giving it a squeeze. Minho smiled at that.
"My tummy really hurts.." he mumbled
Noe the leader understood. It must be really bad then. "Why haven't you said anything?"
Minho shrugged, "I thought it would go away."
Chan hummed. "Do you feel sick or anything?"
At that the younger shook his head "No it's just hurting. I feel incredibly full and bloated. Maybe its because if the new diet. I'm not sure why..oh-" now Minho knew what it was. He blushed.
"Oh?" Chan mimicked and tilted his head in question.
"Nothing. I know why it's hurting." Minho blushed.
"Do you want to tell me why? Maybe I can help." Chan offered.
Immediately Minho shook his head "No!" His ears turned red.
Chan nodded understanding. "Let's get you home then, okay?"
And going home sounded just perfect in Minhos ears.
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
HELLO !!!!!!!!
so 👉👈 I was wondering if you had thoughts abt bakugo when you’re on your period (if you have the parts for that lmao💀) BECAUSE I DO!!!!!
(Below! Bullet point style!)
So. I wanna make it really clear that I’m a firm believer that bakugo is NOT the guy who’s like “oh it can’t be that bad blah blah blah” cuz that’s LAME
No no no, instead I think he’s the type to be scared out of his mind depending on your symptoms
For example: the first day my cramps get bad enough that I pass out and I’m usually delirious the entire day 😃
I feel like I’m that scenario, so if your cramps are bad, sick, ect. He would be so nervous about it
Prolly because I think bkg is the type to want to physically solve the problem, but this time there isn’t really a villain to fight- it’s just your uterus 😭
either way !!! Food is medicine baby! And bakugo has got you covered !!!
Obviously he gets you so much midol, but maybe you’re like me and don’t like to take it!! In which case (or COMBINED w/ the meds)
Katsuki “can’t be bothered” Bakugo is RESEARCHING
I’m talking google academic scholar research papers on searches like:
“Foods that help cramps”, “does potassium help mood swings”, “foods that will make my girl stop being upset at a TikTok”
Also, this is self indulgent :(, but Ik for me my adhd meds don’t work properly when I’m on my period- meaning I get SUPER scatter brained. Combined with the delirious symptoms, I am a MESS
So what do I think he does? Simple 👏 instructions 👏 nothing complicated, very direct, very much d r e n c h e d in petnames and lovin’
(Also this applies to focus in general but I think if he’s noticing you’re spacing out he cups your face in his giant ass hands to grab your attention.)
Anyways there’s prolly no shot he’s gonna encourage you to still go to work. Actually he’ll probably call in sick for you
I have more! But I didn’t wanna spam especially unprompted!!! Anyways though sorry I was feeling self indulgent and the image of bkg during period times is ROTTING my brain
I hope you’re doing amazing !!
hi hi!!! yes I always have thoughts about how comforting he would be during my period!!!
but I agree with everything about this omg he’s so frazzled bc he’s so used to being able to physically solve the issue. but how can he when it’s just you rolling around bed, in pain, and refusing to help yourself??? man’s is panicking every month until he learns a routine of how to make you feel better!!!
I feel like too, he stays with you for as long as he can. just lays with you with his warm hands wherever you need them, helping you with harder task, so very gentle with you but still grumpy when you don’t wanna help yourself >:(
I just think he’s so very attentive, and you said everything so well!!!
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ghost-wolf34 · 1 year
Werewolf Bucky Barnes
Chapter Six. Helping him with a bad headache
Peggy walked into the kitchen smiling, as she walked over to Steve before grabbing a cup of coffee. "Good morning darling." She told him as she poured herself some coffee. 
"Is he gonna be okay?" Shadow asked Steve, she knew this was all new to Bucky and she knew that he would need someone to help him understand what was going on with him. 
"He'll be fine, he just needs some time to figure things out and to get used to it." Sam said as he ate his breakfast, before getting a bit of a look form Steve who then looked at Shadow. "He's gonna need your help to understand what's going on with him, you and him seem to get along. He enjoys your company." He told her, as he kept a secret from her that his best friend actually liked her. 
"We can also see how the two of you look at each other when the other isn't looking, but captain Rogers is right he does seem to enjoy your company. This could give you two a chance to get to know one another." Peggy told her, she saw Shadow/Shauna as a good friend and teammate.
Shadow sat there quietly as she thought about what was being said to her, she did like Bucky and she wondered if he liked her back but she did agree with Peggy this might be a good time for both of them to get to know each other a little better. 
Bucky felt bad for leaving the kitchen like that, but his head was killing him and he just wanted to go back to his room. He wondered why he didn't know about his wolf til now, but he also wondered why he felt a need to be around shadow more since this happened. 
But the more Bucky thought about it, the more his head started to pound more. He winced and held his head for a second, before continuing to walk to his room not sure what exactly was going on with him fully yet.
As soon as he made it to his room, he opened the door and walked inside his room before closing his door and walking over to his bed. 
He sat down with his head in his hands, before telling Friday to dim his room and close the blinds so he could rest his head for a little bit. 
Bucky laid down on his bed with a very splitting headache, he also started to feel very warm like he was sweating. 
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So he sat up and took off his shirt before laying back down, it seemed to have helped him relax as he laid there for awhile and soon passed out. 
A few hours later
Shadow decided to go and check on Bucky, she was really worried about him since she knew how hard the first transformation into a wolf was. 
She had brought him a sandwich and a glass of water, along with something for his head since she knew that he probably would need it even though Steve told her Bucky was stubborn when it came to his well being. 
Shadow made it to his room and hesitantly knocked on his door, before knocking a few more times. "Why the heck am I so nervous, about knocking on his door?" Shauna thought to herself. "It's not gonna yell at me or anything, unless it's not me that's nervous?" She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard shuffling on the other side of the door, along with groaning. 
Bucky was resting til he was woken up by Friday telling him that miss Shauna was outside his door knocking. He heard the quiet knocking and sat up, 
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with his head back in his hands with his still pounding headache. "Okay, fell her she can come in." Bucky told the ai in a husky voice since he had just woken up from a nap.
Shadow took a deep breath and let it out, before opening the door and going into his room after Friday told her that  she could go in. 
She closed his door carefully and quietly, she winced a little when it made a clicking sound as it closed. 
"Sorry for Um...bothering you...but I...Uh..I thought that maybe this would help you." She stuttered shyly and nervously, as she sat down the cup along with pain meds for his head. 
Bucky looked up at her as he fought back his splitting head, he gave her a light smile at her thoughtfulness. "It's okay, thank you." Bucky told her gently, as he took the sandwich from her gently with his flesh hand and opened the baggy it was in. 
Shadow nodded her head lightly and smiled, as she was thankful that the room was a little dark so he couldn't see her blushing. 
She then turned to leave to give him some peace and quiet to eat his food, but she stopped and turned to face him as she saw him staring at her. 
"Could you....maybe...stay please." Bucky said softly, he quite enjoyed her company and he wanted her to sit with him for a little while because there was  a part of him that wanted her to stay with him, where she would be safe and sound. 
"Y-Yeah sure, I...I can stay...I don't mind." Shauna said, as she immediately wanted to facepalm for how nervous she was being with him, she calmly walked over to him trying to ignore her fast beating heart as she sat down next to him and told Friday to turn a dim light so Bucky could see a tiny bit, but her heart skipped a beat as her breathing hitched in her throat when she realized that he was shirtless. 
She blushed as her eyes looked him over, before she immediately looked away and apologized which caused a light chuckle Bucky whom was also blushing realizing that he didn't have a shirt on.
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All Park No Bite || Crow and Kaden
TIMING: Not long after Run Boy, Run LOCATION: A park PARTIES: @corvidaecrow and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: Crow meets Kaden in the park after talking about his trouble with his family so that the hunter can learn a little more details. CONTENT WARNINGS:  Parental abuse mention, Emotional abuse mention, Parental death mention
Crow sat quietly in the park, looking at the trees around him while waiting for the man who asked him to come talk. Crow had been hesitant at first, but the man didn’t seem to be a cop, just a park ranger taking an interest as to what happened in the woods, which made sense he supposed. It was their job after all to take care of the woods. Crow hadn’t really been secretive either when he tried to explain online what had happened, he didn’t see the need to or it was just the pain meds he’d taken. Still the other didn’t rub him the wrong way he figured it was okay. He might be in a sorry state right now but as long as the lighter sat in his pocket he was safe. He refocused when he noticed a figure approaching him. He stared blankly up at the older man, “Kaden?”
Kaden had no idea what compelled him to meet this kid out in the park but – no, that was a lie. He knew. The kid said that his parents were trying to kill him. Whatever the fuck the situation was, the ranger had the stupid nagging need to try and help. Nothing fucking qualified him to, except for the fact that his mother had attempted to kill him when she was a poltergeist. Kaden was pretty sure this wasn’t the same, but he suspected some of the feelings were the same. Maybe. The betrayal and the bullshit guilt probably covered both. When he saw a kid on the bench looking worse for wear, he had a feeling that was him. “Crow, I take it,” he replied. His lips pulled into a thin line as he looked at the kid sitting there in a sling, covered in bruises. “So what the hell happened? Cause you don’t look okay, I’ll say that much.”
“...Family came. Had argument. Took care of it.” Crow kept his deadpan face and looked down at himself. He really was in a piss poor state but was better than the night he left the cult so he counted it as alright. “Friends came. Got help. Feeling better.” He wasn’t sure if the bodies were still out there or if one of his three guardians had taken care of them. He was still sore and while he was fine going most places he didn’t want to traverse the tree roots and risk falling. He wasn’t even sure if it was okay to tell a park ranger about dead bodies in the woods, he didn’t want the police to bother him if the ranger decided to report it. He was at least old enough to avoid the foster system but he was still an undocumented person who just murdered 8 people. He could feel the nausea rising in his stomach at the memories of it.
“Uh huh,” Kaden said, giving the kid’s wounds another one over. “You know, most family doesn’t have arguments quite like that.” Unless they were hunters. Depending. Still, Kaden had to assume that even in that scenario, this was beyond anything remotely normal. Too many possibilities were swirling around his mind but the ranger was still pretty sure he wasn’t going to come up with the right answer while looming over him. Kaden reached up to rub the back of his neck before cautiously bending down to take a seat on the empty part of the bench. “Glad you got help but, uh, how’d you get all those from an argument?” Are you okay? Putain, Kaden didn’t know why he even gave a shit. The suspension must be really sending him spiral into pure boredom or something. “I mean, you don’t have to explain. If you don’t want. Just, uh, what to know what kind people do that and then say they’re your family.”
“My family is different.” Crow tensed when Kaden moved to sit next to him but willed himself to loosen up when the older man still kept his distance. He wasn’t someone who Crow knew so the young man was still on the defensive. “Cult. Trained fighters. Worship a demon.” He rattled off the points as if he’d said it many times before and he had really. He wasn’t sure why so many people wanted to pry into this and at first he’d been careful of hiding the information but now he just didn’t care. He could see a cult member coming from a mile away with their dumb outfits and demeanor so he already knew Kaden wasn’t apart of it. Unless the cult had suddenly gotten smarter, but he doubted it. Even with Sigas telling them to be inconspicuous the cult had too much pride in their love for it.  Seemed to be a feature most religious organizations had, or Crow thought so.
Kaden was about to say his was pretty different, too. Then Crow filled in the blanks and all he could say was, “merde.” Cult and trained fighters he could relate to. Worshiping a demon? That was a hell of a lot worse than his family, no question. “I didn’t have a normal family or shit like that, either. But there weren’t demons invol–” The ranger stopped himself. There were demons involved in his upbringing, only difference was he was trained to kill them. His hand found the back of his neck again as he tried to pick his words. “Alright there were some of those, but no worshiping them. Anyway, I can, uh, I mean, my parents were kind of pieces of shit, too.” Pieces of shit that loved him and he was sure thought were doing their best for him but they were murderers all the same. And they trained him to be one, too. Fuck, what business did he have trying to help anyone? Probably would only make shit worse. “Well, I’m not good for much but if you need another trained fighter to lend you a hand if they come round again, I guess just, you know, you can call on me. That much I can do.” Kaden wasn’t sure that fighting off humans was any better than fighting off supernaturals, but one look at the kid and he knew he’d have no qualms helping defend him from his family. If there was one thing left he believed in it was that parents shouldn’t be harming their children and if they were, he was going to do what he could to stop it. Even if no one fucking asked him.
Crow paused for a moment taking in Kaden’s offer and finally looked over at the older man. “Will go back. Once better. Steal documents. Need information.” He knew nothing. That was a problem. His first year hiding he didn’t think it would be smart to head back all by himself but now he had friends he was sure would come along. Kaden wasn’t a friend but he said he could fight and was offering his service. Crow wouldn’t turn him down. Two trained fighters was better than one and could still be considered sneaky. He’d be able to get two people in and out no problem and if they did run into trouble they could fight their way out.
Crow relaxed a little more, leaning back into the bench and staring out at the common. It wasn’t as peaceful as it normally would be. He could swear there was a man who was not dressed for this century wandering around confused. This town was weird, weirder than his hometown. But it was offering him a lot that his old town didn’t.
“Putain de merde, you’re going back?” Kaden said, snapping to look at the kid. “No offense but you look like you nearly got torn apart the first time. Why the hell would you go back?” Alright, sure, he mentioned documents, but the ranger couldn’t think of any fucking documents worth that. He sighed into the bench. “You sure there’s no other way to get information? Is it really that important?” Kaden had no idea what was up, the extent of any of this, the kinds of documents or really anything about the situation as a whole. Still, he had a feeling it had to be important enough for Crow to even consider trying again considering the state he was in. He exhaled and threw his head back to look at the night sky as he did. “You sure as shit better not go alone,” he said, looking back at the kid. “I don’t want to have to identify your body at the morgue or some shit like that.” Not that there was any reason for anyone to call him in the event that might happen, but it didn’t matter. He was so tired of death, of lives cut short. Maybe he could help prevent just one. One wasn’t enough, but it was something.
“Was reluctant to fight. Won't be second time.” Crow hadn’t wanted to fight in the woods and he didn’t want to fight in the town but he would without holding back if it came to it. He couldn’t afford to go easy on his former family anymore. “Need info. On the demon. Need it off my back. Best place is home.” There was no other place quite as versed in the ways of Sigas than the cult bowing at its feet. They had scrolls and books and the altar itself might give some sort of hint, and if he could damage the altar it would definitely make it harder for the cult to contact Sigas in the long run which might buy him more time to figure out a solution if the books proved to be worthless. “Benefits outweigh the risk.” Or he hoped so. He would make them get out of there alive even if he had to burn the town again.
Kaden rubbed his face with his palms. Why was it always fucking demons? “There’s no other way?” He looked over at Crow and thought about suggesting that he speak with Leah, that he just research with her in the library, stay safe. But he knew that would likely take a lot longer. He didn’t know much about research, but he knew that walking into a library without much of a lead was going to slow everything down. He wasn’t sure this kid was going to get enough time to heal properly the next time this “family” attacked him let alone time to hunt through old dusty books with a phoenix. Putain. “Fine. You got a point. Sounds like the best way to get information fast.” Kaden had to assume there were others helping him, the kid said as much. He could walk away and no one would blame him. But for some fucking reason, he couldn’t. “Like I said, you need a hand, just ask. I’ll do what I can.” He’d caused so much death, if he could just prevent one, just one, that’d be nice.
Crow pulled out his phone and offered to the other man to put his number in, the screen was cracked as a result of the attack but functional enough. He had also done his best to clean the blood off it too though if you looked closely enough some specks remained. “Will contact.” As he said that his stomach let out a low rumble. His stony face only offered the smallest of frowns at the rumbling. He used his good hand to fish around his pockets, pulling out a packet of skittles from his pant leg. He shuffled it around so he could grab it with both hands and pull it open, only wincing a little at the sudden tug. He paused for a moment before offering the packet over towards Kaden for the other man to grab some. “They’re good. Sweet.” He was leaning more towards sweet things with every new food he tried. He supposed it was because he never had them while in the cult. “Will go over plan. Need to heal first. Shoulder will take awhile.”
Kaden nodded as he took the phone and typed in his number. He wonder if he should put some kind of note somewhere but he decided against it. He didn’t know what to put or where the hell it would go, anyway. He was glad he knew where to put his name in, to be honest. His brow raised as he watched Crow fumbling through his pockets, no clue what the kid was trying to find. A knife, maybe? Or a pen to take a note or something? No. It was some kind of packet of food. Colorful. Ah, not food, just candy. The ranger didn’t have much of a sweet tooth and didn’t put in a whole lot of effort into trying a lot of american candy. He considered shaking his head, saying no thanks, but putain, why not.
He reached out his hand to take a few of the small round lumps of sugar and various food coloring, looking them over a bit before he tried them. Tentatively, he popped on in his mouth, the red one, seemed like a safe place to start. It was harder than he expected. And chewy. And mostly just sugar, like he expected. Merde, did he have to swallow it? He didn’t want to spit it out so he gulped it down. Sure, it wasn’t horrible but if he was going to have something sweet, he’d much rather have a pastry or pie. Oh well, he threw the rest into his mouth and ate them anyway. The mix of artificial flavors was strange and it took a while to chew it all but he’d eaten worse. “Soubs–” Kaden started to speak before he finished chewing. Bad idea. He finished eating and tried again a few seconds later. “Sounds good. You sure you’re staying somewhere safe?”
Crow took his phone back once the other was finished, stuffing it in the pocket the skittles had been drawn out of. He watched the other man eat the candy thinking nothing of it. He liked the little sugar lumps, though he had to admit he didn’t have them often. He liked sweets but in moderation. He understood that if he had too much sugar all the time he’d end up disliking it but for now it was still new and he’d take it slow to make sure it stayed that way awhile so he can enjoy it.
“Staying with friends. At light house. Keeping watch on me. Keeping me safe.” It was hard not to feel safe with someone as powerful as Correy watching your back. The lampade seemed to genuinely care for him despite his run in with spellcasters in the past and the feeling was returned. If someday he could repay the favor he would. Same to Rhett and even Emilio. Also to Kaden who was willing to come with him despite being a complete stranger to get information that might prove useless in the long run. “Will repay the favor.”
Kaden wanted to ask more questions but there were no more to ask. “Good. Safe is good.” He scratched the back of his neck, not sure of what else to do. He had made so many wrongs in his life, too many. He had to hope this could be a right. There was something endearing about the kid even though Kaden had just met him. Even if there wasn’t, it was hard to imagine parents hurting their own child. He shifted in his seat at the thought, feeling a twinge of familiarity that hit a little too close to home. “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Just repay me by living, got it?”
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
If you're comfortable with this, could you do some hcs for the lords (but mainly moreau) with an s/o who gets HORRIBLE period cramps? Like they're literally writhing in pain and even after they take pain meds it's still miserable. Only do this if you feel comfortable of course, I totally understand if you dont want to do it❤
Hi, sorry folks, I bumped this to the top of the list, cuz I don't know if it's time sensitive for you, hope it brings comfort❤️ (Moreau's will have some extra)
TW: Period Mention, Reader is still Gender Neutral
Alcina Dimitrescu
Ah, she remembers those. She hasn't had to deal with one in a long while, due to her mutation, but even for her the experience was not pleasant.
This, however, looks very different.
Alcina cannot imagine the pain you must be in. You are curled into yourself on the couch, humming in an attempt to distract yourself from the pain, and you might try to hide them but she can see the tear tracks on your face.
Alcina takes care of you. Any of her day to day tasks can and will wait-- you are far more important. She doesn't leave the room unless you ask her to, and the Maids aren't let into the room unless it is to bring HER the things she needs to take care of you.
She will do whatever you need from her, no question. Cuddles, heated blankets, she will even read aloud to you as a distraction. Pro tip--her hands can get pretty chilly, and if you're someone who does well with ice packs, her hands work 100% better to cool off your skin.
Don't worry about her loosing control at the smell of blood--you are obviously in pain and she has far too much self control to let a little bit of blood bother her. (But depending on how hungry her daughters are, they might not be let in the room unless they have fed recently)
She will also use her contact with the Duke to find you a proper doctor. It's not normal for you to be in this much pain. Dearest, it doesn't matter if someone else has said there's nothing more to be done-- she's getting you a competent Doctor to get a second opinion.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is panicking.
Lady Beneviento is stressed the hell out by seeing you in pain--she hates it. You're lying in a pile of blankets on the floor, unable to be even the slightest bit comfortable because of the pain, and in such obvious agony that your hands are shaking.
Still, she's more than ready to make you feel better. Other than pain pills and more traditional treatment, Donna firmly believes in the power of distraction.
She will use books, movies, heck with your permission she might even use the pollen to craft a hallucination for you to help take the pain away.
(Ethan's encounter with the demon fetus was able to cause him enough harm that he felt it, Donna would definitely try to see if she could use her powers to trick your brain into not feeling as much pain)
She will also be attached to you at the hip, if you need space or can't be touched during your period, you need to tell her up front. She'll be very clingy when you are this miserable.
A little self indulgence here: while Donna does like her tea, she makes a KILLER hot chocolate. If chocolate brings you joy during your period, she has a constant, steady supply of it sent up to your room.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore engages Doctor mode immediately. For you to be in this much pain is both not normal and completely unacceptable. He's going to do his best to help.
This man absolutely used to be the Village doctor before his mutation, and as a result does Know His Shit. His siblings and mother may infantilize him to a certain degree, but that is mainly because Moreau's main issues are short term memory problems and his obsessive devotion to Mother Miranda that can make him regress. He's still competent as a doctor, and if he needs to reference anything, he still has some copies of medical textbooks.
He was also a Small Town Doctor, meaning he knows how to treat pain without access to traditional medicine, since often times he didn't have access to it.
It doesn't matter if you're not a tea person, you're still getting tea, made with herbs you don't know the name of and couldn't pronounce even if you did.
He doubles this up with more traditional pain relief methods like extra strength ibuprofen and heated compresses on the area. He might even talk you into doing a few exercises--it can help a lot with pain relief.
Still, when he's caring for you, sometimes he has to leave the room. He uses getting you a glass of water or another blanket as an excuse, but it's really so he can take a deep breath and center himself. Moreau is an empathetic man who loves you to pieces, and watching you cry silently into a pillow just...hurts.
Salvatore also does his best to distract you with anything he has on hand, mostly movies. While you two might normally playfully argue about which ones to watch, he will absolutely defer to you. I would recommend taking this time to watch a scary movie if you're a horror fan, there's literally no other time where Moreau would let you get away with it.
He is at your side constantly, and will only give you space if you ask for it. Even then, he will pop back in every few hours to check in.
Now for Fluff stuff: If you're not careful and watch him like he watches you, Moreau will run himself ragged trying to keep you comfortable.
The best solution to preventing this is coaxing him into bed with you. He might let out a couple of token protests, but one look at your pleading face takes all the fight right out of him.
He will cuddle up to you as close as possible and rub little circles into your back or stomach, whatever feels best. If you two are face to face, you can start to feel yourself relax in time with his breathing, and both of you slowly drift off to sleep together.
It's the best you've felt in days ❤️
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is just... So lost...
You are writhing in agony in your bed, sobbing into a pillow, and so obviously suffering. He HATES to see you like this, because you're hurting and he doesn't know how to fix it.
Karl wants to hurt the things that hurt you, but when it's your own body rebelling against you and causing you pain...He wants to make it better for you but he can't.
He swallowed his pride IMMEDIATELY and called Moreau to the factory. Heisenberg might consider The Lord of the Reservoir to be a little slow in the head, but he used to be a doctor, and Karl is taking zero chances with your health.
He also pops by the Duke to pick up any kind of pain relief possible--Karl literally brings back 8 different brands of acetaminophen, hot water bottles, cocaine, opium, and enough alcohol to give an elephant a blackout. (Maybe he can get you to pass out long enough that you'll sleep through the worst of it?)
You will have to ask directly for cuddles if you want them--as handsy and clingy as Heisenberg is, he is so Bad At Feelings that he will just hover in the corner and work on projects to keep his hands busy. He doesn't know if you want to be touched, and is afraid to ask...but he really wants to keep an eye on you anyway.
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sevikitty · 2 years
AAAA THE RAN HEADCANONS WERE JUST PERFECTION OMG! If you’re not busy do you think you’d be able to write a one shot of ran x a waitress reader who works in the last drop sometime? If not that’s alright! :OO
🖇 ♡。゚. # moonlit eyes ♡ °・🖇
🦋 PAIRING: Ran + Reader.
🦋 GENRE: fluff. it's just thieram being thieram and ran inviting you out on a date.
🦋 CW: cursing, suggestive themes (for like one sentence, but still)
🦋 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please know this is the first time I've seriously written something in like nine years when I used to write MysMe fics in class, so tell me if you like it. Sorry I'm late to it-- med school got me a bit busy and this request came in my exams week.
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Working at the Last Drop was not an easy task. Sure, it wasn’t the same as dealing with the Firelights on the daily or risking the safety of your neck for the sake of protecting the shimmer cargo like Sevika, Mek and many others did, but it was still a living hell. It was all about running around, cleaning tables, washing the dishes, serving drinks, avoiding the insistent attempts to talk of some patrons, all at the same time, nonstop.
Not much could distract you, since as much as it was challenging, you were the best worker the Last Drop had (at least for now, if you were lucky enough and didn’t get killed in the next few weeks), but a few things -actually, people- did help you soothe the physical and emotional pain the whole thing got you. After all, who doesn’t enjoy watching a good bar fight, when you’re not involved? Or who doesn’t let a laugh or two when Dustin decides to be a menace to society and starts purposefully bothering the most intimidating clients?… Other than Sevika.
Damn, you could even think some of Jinx’s antics were funny enough (again, when you’re not the one on the receiving end).
Still, between the clientele with their sunny personalities, the strong mixed odor of sweat, smoke, shimmer, and alcohol, and the utter disaster this all created, you didn’t have the time to amuse yourself. Even now that you’d think you’d be able to take a breather during your break, the universe seemed to enjoy your suffering, the vibrations of the way too loud music went through the walls amongst the yelling and talking, and now, you were also stuck with the new kid, Thieram, and his nervous questioning.
Well, on one hand, you understood, you really did, no one would like to fuck up during their first weeks at a new job, and in the case of this specific job, the best thing would be to never make a mistake. He needed guiding, but you definitely needed your 15 minutes of napping before going back to that hell hole.
“Remind me again, the blonde, lanky guy, the one who’s constantly startling random people… and licking that bald guy’s head is…”
“Dustin, good. And the couple, uh, the girl with short white-ish hair and the- uh, the guy, S-something, Smiler?”
“Who? Schyler and Secora?”
“Mhm, yes, and the ponytail guy-”
“Jumbo, good. Can I… ask you one or two more questions? One’s about Jinx… She came to give her something called Snake Venom… which I’ve heard is kind of-”
“Highly flammable? Yes, we know, give it to her if she asks”
“But, isn’t that too dangerous? Should we really-”
“Look, Thieram, never say no to Jinx, never. You get me? It doesn’t matter how dangerous it is for her, she’s not your responsibility. So, don’t bother too much about it, give the girl what she needs, and you’ll live. Next question.”
“...Right. Uh, next question, well, there’s this patron who’s always around Rusty– I mean, Dustin, sorry. Uh, they’re always like, playing pool, sitting around,...”
You met Ran through work, they’re one of Silco’s goons, and one of the most devoted to the man himself. From what you’ve seen, they’re extremely reserved and quiet, but also so, so charming, so alluring… at least to you.
You didn’t know exactly which part of their entire existence was the one that fascinated you the most, maybe it was the fact that they were constantly appearing and disappearing through the crowd to the point sometimes you wondered if they were ever there to begin with, it made them look so mysterious; or maybe it was seeing them interact with Dustin, their all-time best friend, when most patrons have already left, and only the closest to Silco stayed behind drinking, softly talking, humming to the soft music coming out of the machine in the far corner of the main room. Seeing them look at the guy with the sweetest guy, like a proud older sibling, might just be the sweetest thing to witness. From what you’ve heard, they’ve been best friends since birth, their mothers had been close, neighbors or friends, so they usually let the two children play around together. Apparently, they’ve been there for each other since then, through thick and thin.
Other than that, you didn’t know much about them. It was that type of crush where you’d see this person, who you have basically no chance with, so you just resign to watching them from afar, content with making eye contact with them every two weeks, for at least two seconds. Nothing more, nothing less.
“...but they usually don’t drink much, at least not by the general standards of Silco’s friends and all that stuff, you know? I haven’t heard much of them, have you… Are you- Are you listening?”
Honestly? Not for like the last three to five minutes, no. “Yeah, of course. I think their name’s Ran, if I remember correctly, I don’t know. Why are you asking?”
“Because two days ago, I was on duty while you were at home and, like, they came to me, Ran, Ran came to me, when it was almost time to close, Dustin was outside, and said, they asked me for some schedules”
“What schedules?”
“Your work schedule, like your work times, you know?”
…My what now? “They asked for me?”
“No, your work schedules” Janna give me patience because if you give me strength I’m going to need bail money too.
“It’s the same thing, Thieram. What did they say?”
“...They asked for your w-”
“For the love of Janna, THIERAM, other than that, what did they say? What did you see?”
For you, this could be one of two things. One, somehow they found out about your crush, took offense on it, and is now coming to kill you with their dual spades… Which is honestly not as bad as one would think; or two, for some reason, in some sort of delusional fantasy your brain just created, they like you back, and want to tell you.
Or they want to make new friends, and you’re taking it too far.
But, in all honesty, who asks for work schedules other than murderers and people with crushes?
“Oh, well, they seemed a bit uncomfortable, and I did see Dustin sort of hype them up before they came here. They asked if you were around that night and I said no-”
“What face did they make when you said that?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t even see them react. They asked me for your schedule and I told them I couldn’t give it to them”
“I don’t know, maybe I thought it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO? And even then, when they insisted for a second time I was too scared to say no, sorry”
“So they do have it?... or not?”
“They do, I don’t know what for though, so don’t ask more”
“Oh, so now you want to stop talking?” And before he even had a chance to speak, Delphi, the other waitress, came in to tell the two of you that the break was over. And so the relaxation came to an end, and it was the moment to go back to hell.
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It’s been a few days after your small talk with Thieram, and you couldn’t help but feel your nerves go insane every time you caught a glance of them playing or sitting around in the room. The possibility of them wanting to know more about you made your head spin and your heart go faster, did you really have a chance? I mean, how bad could it really be if you did manage to get them to date you? Would it really put your life at risk or something? Because if it did, you weren’t completely sure if you really cared about it.
For a second, you chose to look in their direction, only to find they were already staring back at you from across the room. Now, eye contact with Ran is not what you’d commonly think, it’s not uncomfortable in the way it makes you want to look away. It’s actually the opposite, their gaze was captivating, more like bewitching, magnetic, it made you feel the need to drown in their eyes and stay there, looking at them, for the rest of your days.
You were so enticed by this you barely even noticed their hand raised to give you a quick, but in some way soft, wave, accompanied by a gentle smile that you gave back. Once they noticed they did catch your complete attention, they made a sign to tell you to wait for them. You could only stare at them, full of nervousness and thoughts about what they could possibly want from you, while they finished their game of pool and said goodbye to the other players.
Your heartbeat only got quicker when you saw them patiently making their way to the bar, stealing one last glance at Dustin who gave them a double thumbs up. This can’t be happening, there is no way this is what it looks like-
When they finally got to the seat right in front of you, Ran sat down and leaned on the counter with their arms crossed, and spoke in a low, soft voice.
“Hi, I’m Ran… I’ve seen you around for a while and I was wondering if I could ask you something, out of the blue, I’d just like to get it off my chest”
What is going on- “Sure, go ahead.”
“Do you think you have the time to go out soon?... Everything around here, Silco’s business, has been moving slowly lately, and I’ve been lucky enough to have more time to rest and hang out around here.”
“... It’s perfectly fine if you don’t, I won’t bother, but just know the offer stays up for you, for whenever you’d like to take it and-” It’s now or never.
“Yes” Ran looked at you with surprise in their eyes, which was quickly replaced by the same peace they always carried in them.
“Excuse me, could you repeat that?”
“Yes, I’d love to hang out with you, or go out, or whatever you’d like.”
Ran chuckled, “I may have a few ideas, hm, if you’d like, we could go to my room- Not with sexual connotations, no, but just to relax and talk for a bit, get to know each other…”
The mere thought of spending more time with them made you feel butterflies right in the middle of your chest. There were so many possibilities.
“I got the message the first time, don’t worry. Is there anything specific you’d like to do? You don’t strike me as the type to go to a restaurant or… anything like that”
“No… I’m not that excited about that type of plan... But I guess I do have a few ideas, I’ve been thinking about taking you to the market, we could buy beads, I have some wires at home, we could make some bracelets, or you could meet my cats”
Do they have kitties? I have won my entrance to heaven with this one. “I’d love to do that, meeting your cats and everything”
“And my rats”
“Your what?”
“My rats, do you mind rats?”
“...They’re sweet,” and not an uncommon pet down here in the lanes, “I don’t mind them, how many do you have?”
“Three, four, five, it depends on the day,” They said with a short chuckle.
Hm, cute.
“Excuse me?” Did you seriously say that out loud-
“I said your rat, your rat, it’s cute, would you like a drink?”
“From you? Anything” Janna don’t let me faint right now.
You started their drink, something simple, yet you put your whole heart into it, just for the sake of being a show off in front of the prettiest little thing in Zaun “...So, what’re your babies’ names?”
Ran seemed to light up at the pet name you used for her loved ones. Bingo, the way to an enby’s heart is through their pets.
“Dustin helped me name them, my cats are Bebe, Luna, and Glitter, and we usually name my rats with my friends’ names, Vika, Lockie, Jumbo Jr.” As they kept on listing the names of their beloved pets, you couldn’t help but be smitten by the way they were rapidly losing their calm composure over the conversation. You noticed how their words started coming out faster and faster, they were getting so excited just by talking about it, it was so angelic and sweet, and you were head over heels for their little expressions.
“The next time I find a new one, I could give it your name, if you allow me to”
“Mhm, I’d love that”
You gave them their drink, and a comfortable silence took place, just you and them, with the longest eye contact session you’ve had in your entire life. You took a seat right in front of them, crossed your arms, and rested your head on them, still looking up straight into their dark gray eyes while they slowly sipped their drink, you felt like you both spent hours in that position, until the front door was slightly opened and Dustin’s head peeked in.
“Psst, Ran, psssst, pssssst”
Ran snickered and turned their head to him, “Yes?”
“Is everything going fine? Super good or like did you not- Did you smooch? Canoodle? Sweep them off their feet? Did you do the wink I taught you?”
Ran gave you a side look and you giggled, making them show a soft smirk, “I did, it worked perfectly fine, thanks”
“Good, I knew it’d work, it always does” He proceeded to come inside and sit on the chair next to Ran’s, “Now, uh, Silco called, we gotta go in a few minutes, you gotta get ready”
“Right now?”
“Yeah Rannie”
Ran huffed and looked at you once more, “Sorry, I gotta go now…”, they whispered.
“Don’t worry, duty calls. Would you like to talk later about the date or…”
“Uh, no, you’re free on Friday night, right?”
“I’ll pick you up if you’re ok with it, and we’ll go to the market together”
“Nice, should I bring everything?”
“No, I’ll pay for everything, don’t worry about it”
“No, no, but-”
“Ran, Silco’s calling” Now Sevika’s outside, it’s getting serious.
“I should leave now, bye”
“Bye- Ran, please take care”
“..Will do, please go home soon, stay safe” You didn’t even notice how they leaned on the counter once again to plant a short kiss on your left cheek, at least not until they had already left, and you stood there, shocked.
Dear Janna, or whoever is up there, I’m so glad to be your favorite.
And with that last thought, you took your things and prepared to close The Last Drop for the day. On your way home, you couldn’t stop replaying the events in your mind, over and over again, and when sleep caught you in your bed, your dreams were full of their moonlit eyes. You could only hope for the best, pray for their safety, and for Friday to come sooner.
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Anyways, please tell me if it's good or if it is what you wanted, I could rewrite it if you'd like to. It's pretty much my first official fic-- I had a lot of fun though, so if anyone would like to send more requests, I'd def like to write more.
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somnambulants · 3 years
Could you write protective!nat x r? I’m a sucker for r getting hurt on a mission, but I know you’ve already done that. Maybe r is in training w natasha as her trainer, and they go on what’s supposed to be an easy first mission for r but it turns out their intel is completely wrong. Even though r is in over her head, she saves nat’s life and gets hurt. Lots of guilty and protective nat and the confessing of feelings
with a safety pin
word count: 1.3K
“It was wrong – the….they… wrong, we’re outnumbered–”
The words come out jumbled, crackling in your earpiece as Wanda yells into her own from her position. You scan the field in front of you, but you can’t see her.
She's right though. You’re definitely outnumbered.
Every time you hit a target, there’s another three lining up after it. You’ve managed to push your way through half of them when you look up and spot Natasha across the field at the same time one of the beings you’re fighting does.
As it runs towards Natasha – who is occupied with trying to fight off a group of them already – you dart across the field in pursuit.
It’s a split-second decision but you don’t even need that time to make up your mind about what to do as you throw yourself between them.
You manage to get a hit on it, but not before it swipes out at you with its claws, snarling, and pulls you down with it. 
It takes a second for the pain to hit you but when it does; boy it does.
The last thing you see before everything turns dark is Natasha hovering above you and the horrified look in her eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
You wouldn’t be surprised if Natasha walked a hole into the floor with the way she’s going.
She hasn’t stopped pacing around your med-bay room once since you’d woken; if you asked any of your other teammates, you also wouldn’t be surprised if they told you she’s been doing it since you were bought in.
Still groggy from whatever meds they’d given you, you hesitate as you take in her words.
It’s not like you can give her an honest answer.
You can’t turn around and be like: well you see, Nat, I did it because i’m in love with you. And would do it again. Because I’m in love with you, as I said. No biggie though.
Either way, you’re saved from answering as she continues, not even sparing you a glance.
You huddle on the gurney beneath you and try not to flinch as she barks at you, even more harshly than before: “Are you insane Y/N? What the hell was going through your head when you thought that was a good idea?”
“Yeah, it was pretty dumb,” Sam agrees quietly in the corner, before he flinches when Natasha whirls around on him and slaps him on the arm. “You said it first!”
“Get out,” Natasha orders tersely, ignoring him. “All of you.”
She reaches out and grabs the back of your vest as you try to tiptoe out with the rest of the team. A few of them giving you sympathetic looks as they pass. “Not you.”
You don’t even bother trying to twist under her hold, it’s futile. You know better than anyone. When the room is clear, door shut behind them, she lets you go, surprisingly gentle even with the stormy expression on her face.
You watch her cautiously for a second before you clear your throat. “Nat, I’m sorry.”
At your words, her gaze narrows even further, and you flinch back instinctively as she advances on you again. The look in her eye making you back up until youre stopped abruptly when you make contact with the edge of the gurney behind you.
She doesn’t stop until she’s looming over you, hands on either side of you, flat against the gurney and caging you in so you’re trapped against her.
She’s so close that you’re pretty much breathing the same air. In almost any other circumstance you’d be jumping for joy being this close to her.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, almost whispering this time.
Natasha is probably the person you respect most in the world and her obvious disappointment in you made you feel about two inches tall.
“You ever do that again and you’re off the team, got it?”
You start to protest, feeling like she’s being a little unfair. It’s not like you meant for this to happen. “I was just trying to –”
Immediately Natasha cuts you off as she grabs the front of your shirt, leaning in until your faces are so close that all you’d have to do is angle your head the right way and your lips would be touching.
That particular thought still sends a thrill up your spine, despite the severity of the situation. Since you’d joined the team and Natasha had begun training you, you’d spent a lot more time daydreaming about that particular scenario than you’d ever want to admit.
“I don’t care about what you were trying to do,” she growls, her gaze dark and intent with the anger you can see inside of her eyes as she scowls at you. “Never do that again. Never put yourself in danger for me ever again. You hear me?”
“What?!” you can’t help yourself this time. Despite yourself, you’re starting to get a little worked up too. And a little incredulous; you’ve never seen her lose her cool like this in all the time she’s been mentoring you. “Are you kidding? That’s part of being on this team. We’re always in danger!”
“That doesn’t mean you can just risk your life for me!”
“Why not? You’d do the same for me!”
“That’s irrelevant!”
“How is it irrelevant, Natasha?”
You’re both yelling now, inches apart, and you know distantly that the team must be able to hear you and you know you’re going to feel embarrassed about it later.
At your words, Natasha falls silent and it’s like some of the anger leeches out of her as her shoulders slump a little.
It’s at this moment that you can finally spot the worry in her eyes, no longer masked by her anger and it finally clicks what her reaction is actually about.
It’s not because she’s angry at your insubordination.
She isn’t scolding you for going against her orders or the plan.
She’s scared.
“Why is it irrelevant?” you repeat, a little softer this time. “It was my decision, Nat. If I died today, it would’ve been on me. Not you. You don’t have to feel bad about it.”
When she looks at you this time, you can see that spark of anger is back. You’re not sure how but you’ve clearly said the wrong thing.
“You think just because you’re okay with sacrificing yourself like an idiot that I should be okay with it too?”
You just manage to hold back a flinch at the harshness of her words. And then you actually do flinch as she grabs you, fingers digging into your upper arms a little, not enough to hurt but enough to keep you in place. “You think I’d just be okay with it? If something happened to you?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Ignoring you, she lets go of one of your arms to grab the front of your tattered vest, running her hand down the bloodstained fabric.
You remember all of a sudden that it’s not even your vest; it’s hers. You hadn’t been able to find yours this morning and she’d shrugged hers off without hesitation and handed it over, zipping it up for you.
“I’m really sorry about the vest,” you say quietly and you must really be making it your personal mission to say everything wrong today because this seems to tip her over the edge completely.
“I don’t care about the goddamn vest, Y/N! God you’re so --“she seems to struggle for what to say for a second, hands coming up to fist and unfist in the remains of said vest as she glares at you, as though you should understand what she’s trying to say. You don’t. “You’re just so reckless! Why would you do that!”
“Nat, I’m sorry --”
“Shut up!” She growls. You let out a squeak of surprise as she pulls you toward her roughly, hand sliding around to the back of your neck. “Just shut up!”
There’s a second of complete blankness in your mind, where you have no idea what’s happening until you realise that her lips are on yours and she’s kissing you.
You kiss her back eagerly, trying to hold onto what parts of her you can reach until with a little growl, she grabs your hands and pins them by your side, holding you in place firmly.
“Never do that again,” she orders sternly, when you break apart. She rests her forehead against yours as her eyes flutter open and meet yours. “Promise me you won’t do that again.”
Breathlessly, you just have time to mumble an agreement awkwardly —you’d do anything she asks of you right now just for the chance to kiss her again — before she pulls you back in.
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orsialos · 2 years
Hello, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I just saw your post about Jehovah and the anxiety people feel relating to worshiping him after they convert to paganism. I must admit I’m certainly not new to paganism, but I’m feeling such anxiety regarding Aphrodite in particular. I have been a polytheist for a while now, but I have never worshiped or honoured the Greek gods. I feel a call to Aphrodite but I’m honestly afraid of her. I’ve heard that she is high maintenance and demands to be held above all other gods, is that true? I don’t know if I can authentically do that! I really respect her but I of course worry about pissing her off. The gods I worship don’t “speak” to me directly- they guide me in extremely subtle ways. I don’t do divination much because I am paranoid about trickster spirits and the like. I’m on a lot of meds so my intuitive abilities or psychic skills are pretty much nonexistent. So I’m not the kind of person who can just be like “oh lol Aphrodite just told me she really craves bananas right now” or whatever. I simply don’t have that kind of connection to any deity or spirit. So when people say “oh, Aphrodite will let you know if you make a mistake” I honestly doubt I’d even be able to pick up on that. Since Aphrodite seems to, from what I have heard, really love attention, I worry I will never be or do enough for her. I’m mentally disabled, and my gods seem to be ok with my more casual practice. They were not honoured the same way the Greek deities were in ancient times, so I think that might have something to do with it. Anyway. If you made it this far, thank you for reading all of what I had to say! I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest. If you have any insight I would love to hear it, but if not there’s no need to worry! Maybe your followers might have some input? I’m sorry if I worded this weirdly, it’s a lot for me to process in words.
Khaíre, anon!
You are absolutely not a bother, please never hesitate to ask. I wouldn't say I'm the most knowledgeable by any means, but I love talking to people, especially when it comes to faith and worship 💕 My apologies for getting to this reply a few days after you asked it 🥲
Ok, so a few things to address from your ask, I'll try not to let this post get too long, however.
1. Aphrodite is high maintenance and demanding
I'm still not so sure where this idea has come from. I see it repeated a lot in online communities and it really pains me. If we want to go based off historical practices, Aphrodite had one of the largest cults of the Theoi in the ancient Greek world. Aphrodite was a multi-faceted goddess whose worshippers honored various aspects of Her divinity for various reasons. In Sparta and surrounding areas She was Aphrodite Areia and Aphrodite Hôplismenê - of Ares (warlike) and armed. Athens worshipped both Aphrodite Ourania and Aphrodite Pandêmos, among other epithets of Hers. In some cases she was a fertility goddess only, in others a dispenser of justice and averter of "unlawful" desires, in other places a symbol of unity and love within the polis (city-state), and possibly even worshipped as a Chthonic deity. If she was so demanding and quick to be wrathful doesn't it seem counterintuitive that Her cult was so widespread?
I truly believe this is a holdover from Christian teachings and the same misinformation getting regurgitated again and again and again (see: this post, which is the one I think you are referring to in your ask) In my own UPG, Aphrodite has become a second mother to me; she literally has taken me as one of her own and offers me protection, wisdom, unwavering love, and support since I have become a Devotee of Hers. I don't have a daily worship, or even a schedule I follow due to my physical disability - some days the effort of standing and performing my rituals is too much to bear. Despite this, I have never once felt anger or malice from Aphrodite (or any of the Theoi I worship) for "being late" or taking a few days off.
A great blog post about personal devotion can be found here and another wonderful post with ideas of small, intimate offerings can be found here.
2. Communicating with the gods
If we want to go back to ancient Greek practices again, this is another one that gets really misrepresented in the pagan community IMO. In ancient Greece the only people that really "talked" to the gods were Oracles, the most famous by far being the Pythia, the Oracle at Delphi in Apollo's temple. Even then, these communications were jumbled and required interpretation from other priests/priestesses . Nowadays, there is no Oracle that we know of (and if someone tries to claim to be an Oracle and directs you to rigid practices of faith, there's about a 99.99999% chance they are not actually an Oracle and are trying to push their own personal agenda. Stay far away!)
Again, going back to my UPG I found this post to be useful as least when discussing signs from deities. When I say something like "Ares told me this" I'm not speaking literally. I use a few methods of divination, namely tarot and mediation to "communicate" with my deities. Sometimes I can't make sense of what feelings and thoughts I am getting, but other times based on contextual clues I get a very clear "message" from the gods. If divination methods don't work for you, there's nothing wrong with you! Each journey is personal, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to communicate and enjoy the presence of our deities. This is where faith comes in, and I wrote a few musings on my thoughts here.
3. Historical Practices, modern practices, or a blend?
I get asked a lot, am I a reconstructionist or a revivalist? and I honestly hate the question. I think the distinction doesn't matter in the slightest and leads to division in both the Hellenic Polytheist and pagan communities. If someone feels better following historical practices and means of worship, then go for it! If someone wants to craft their own worship and devotion to their gods, then go for it too! I had a wonderful discussion with some fellow practitioners here , but I want to pull out a few key sentences.
Overall, I don’t think either or is the “right” way. There’s no “right” way to do religion. - Krioskhryosmallos
It also feels disingenuous that some people will say "the ancient Hellenes worshipped this way and this way ONLY" when I'm quite certain not every single one of them did the exact same as everyone else with no personal variability. We are individuals, not a collective organism, ya know? - myself
At the end of the day your practice is entirely between you and the Gods. Ideally, the Gods are also happy with your practice. Personally, I don't think it is hard to make Them happy. I'm absolutely not going to tell you that they aren't. I, a random internet stranger, am only able to give you my opinion, I cannot give you Theirs. That would be hubris. If someone tries to tell you the Gods are unhappy with you, I hope you run away screaming. That sort of thing is how religious trauma happens, please stay safe. - Paganphilosophy
In Summary
well, this got long and for that I apologize. I am horrible at the "keep it short and sweet" aspect of writing.
If you take anything away from this, I hope it's the following:
Aphrodite is not a vengeful goddess or one that requires a higher level of expertise to worship. If you want to worship Her, then do so! She is multi-faceted and Her reach varied - from protector, to avenger, to stirrer of passionate desires, to a gentle guide on the journey of self-love.... She is everywhere we look and She loves us.
Communication with the Gods is hard! And even if they don't answer, even if you don't think you can talk to them, They are still with us. If you don't think you can communicate with them, it's not a bad thing.
Every journey is different and what works for one person may not work for another. The beautiful thing about being a pagan is the individuality of it all. There is no central dogma like Christianity, and while some find the lack of rigidity alarming, I find it the most freeing part of my faith and my journey.
You are good enough for the Gods, anon. They want to be loved, and to love us in return.
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
OMG!! Snoop, it was amazing! I’m a little sad that, I didn’t find about you until now. Your writing is so great! And are your request open or are you not taking request right now because of the collaborative. (It’s ok if there not)You can make a part 2 of Ranboo dad Reader. 🏳️‍🌈 Anarchy [I say this with all of my favorite authors, but if I’m bothering you tell me please tell me]
Ahh!! Anarchy the beloved!! Of course you can have a part 2!! The link for part 1 is right below !! Also, if I had spaced this out like I was taught in english, this would be hella long-
Dad, but not // pt. 2
platonic!ranboo x male!reader, platonic!benchtrio x male!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: kinda angsty second part to my story
You cackled in the background as your son was blown up by a creeper. Your laugh was contagious as Tubbo started laughing with you. You slapped your knee from laughing so much. Tubbo tried to stand up, but he fell, which made you all laugh harder. “Don’t get an aneurysm, dad,” Ranboo told, and this just made you suffocate more. “Holy sh-i-i-i-t, hehe..” you spoke between laughter. “‘Don’t get an aneurysm’- heh-HEH” You tried to quote, but it just turned into a coughing/laughing fit. You groaned as your throat felt sore. “Dad, please don’t die,” Your son worried, and you pat his shoulder. “Not dying any time soon,” You started, your smile kind of turning forced.
You’d yet to tell the boys, Ranboo and his friends, that you would be leaving soon. You were happy and upset. You were only in England to do work. You could rent out a place here and leave it to one of your English friends who works in England as well. Maybe you could just buy a house here… no that would cost too much- “DAD! Are you ok? You’re zoning out.” Ranboo asked. You hadn’t realized it yet, but you had been ignoring Ranboo speaking to you. When Tubbo tried, you didn’t even reply. The both of them and chat had started to get worried. Ranboo ended up grabbing your shoulders and shaking them a few times.
“Y-yeah, I-I-I’m ok boys, I think I need to sit down for a second,” you informed. Now they were even more worried. You sat down on the couch and put your face in your hands. You had a killer headache. ‘I’m overworking myself.’ you thought, annoyed. You had asked your boss for a break multiple times, but he hadn’t responded. You thought about it for another second before deciding. You would skip a few days of work, hang out with the boys, then you would tell them. Or you’d tell them, then have your fun day…. days. Telling them after seems better. “Alrighty, I think we’re gonna end stream now, folks! Have a good day, bye!” Ranboo spoke. That was what snapped you out of your ideas.
Ranboo turned to you and sadly smiled. “You doing ok, pops?” He asked, He rarely used that name for you. Of course, you felt bad. You stood up, ignoring the sharp pain that came to your head. “Don’t worry about be kiddo… and I’m sorry for making you worry. I was thinking of stuff,” You answered, smiling as you felt Ranboo un-tense and lean into the hug. Tubbo huffed and walked into the hug as well. You moved your arm so it was wrapped around both of the boys. “By the way, Tubbo, do you have any Tylenol… or Aspirin?” You asked, ruining the mood, but making the 2 laugh.
“Yeah, we do. I’ll go get you some,” He spoke as he left the hug. Ranboo let go so Tubbo could get you some meds for your headache. Ranboo smiled, asking you s question. “So, what were you thinking of that had you so…” He stopped, as he couldn’t think of the word. “Disassociated?” You replied, “Yeah, I was thinking we could do something together. Me, you, Tommy, Tubbo, and maybe someone else if you want to invite someone.” You informed. Ranboo’s smile widened and he nodded his head. “Y-yeah! That sounds awesome!” He grinned. He hadn’t taken off his mask or glasses, but you could feel the happiness radiating off him.
“Ok, ok, kid. Let me get it planned, alright?” You spoke, chuckling. You had ford a smile onto your face as Tubbo came back into the room. He handed you the meds and a glass of water. You nodded a silent ‘ thank you ‘ to him. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo’s hand and dragged him to watch a movie. “You coming, dad?” he asked, you shook your head no and pointed to your phone and he gave a look of understanding. You walked outside and took note of the stormy clouds. You dialed the number and gave a smile when she answered. “Hey, Kristin,” you greeted into the phone. You smiled as she gave a polite hello back. “I need to ask you something,” you started. “Hm?” She hummed. You could hear her cooking in the background.
“I have to tell the boys that I’m goin’ back home soo, and I don’t know how..” You ranted, frowning into the phone. You heard a creak and turned around. The door was open. “Hm?” You questioned. You closed that door, didn’t you? Oh well. You walked back to the door and shut it firmly. “Well, I’d say you just flat out tell them. You should see how they take it, and then do something with them,” You laughed into the phone and shook your head. “That was my plan already!” You exclaimed with a grin. She laughed into the phone and you could hear her tap the counter. “Well I say you just go with your plan,” She told you. You grinned and nodded.
“Alrighty then, have a good day, Kristin,” you chuckled. “You too, [Name],” She told before hanging up. You held the phone, taking a deep breath. You walked back to the door, opening it softly and stepping inside. You could hear the thunder roar from outside so you were lucky to make it in soon enough. You walked through the halls. You heard a sniff and you stopped. “Hello?” You asked before stepping into the living room. Ranboo tuned to you and you could see his puffy eyes. “Are you really going back home soon?” He asked. Your eyes went wide and you sighed, putting your head down. You nodded to him and he sniffed again.
You walked back to the boy and pat his back. Tubbo sighed and put his head down, starting to tear up as well. He enjoyed having you here as much as Ranboo did. “I-Is that why you wanted to have a fun day?” He questioned and you nodded. “I was actually thinking of how I could stay longer.” Ranboo and Tubbo’s eyes widened as they listened to your explanation. “I want to stay longer, I really do kid. My company had only paid the hotel for the 2-week stay I have, so I couldn’t stay longer than that,” You told them with a frown. You sighed again and put your head into your arms.
“I’m sorry. Let’s just have a fun day together. You can invite that Tommy kid, if your parents’ll allow it Tubbo,” You sadly chuckled. Ranboo and Tubbo smiled at how you were trying to make things better. Ranboo called Tommy as Tubbo called his parents. Tubbo and Tommy’s parents agreed, so he walked on over. You all decided to have a sleepover-type thing. Tommy would stay over for the next 4 days that you are over. You all would stream, cook, vlog, and watch a couple movies. This should be fun. The first day you all hung out, you decided to do a cooking stream. You made a great bowl of pasta… besides the fact that Tommy spilled the sauce multiple times and Ranboo dropped the pasta noodles, breaking them into bits.
The second day, You all streamed a ‘you laugh, you lose’ stream. You didn’t laugh once, although you were very close. People had found it funny when you clapped to the song “Two Trucks” on beat. Ranboo’s hand had flown to his mouth, Tubbo had busted out laughing, and it took Tommy a seconds since he didn’t know what the song was. Chat had busted out laughing, and you only knew to do that because of how many times you had heard it from Ranboo. The other funny part was when someone donated a clip from the song “WAP”, and you had sung it word for word. Yeah… you successfully made the boys lose 2 lives… each.
On the third day, you all didn’t stream, but instead watched a movie. You decided to watch the Toy Story saga. All of you cried since you are all children. On the fourth day, you all went to a Halloween store that had opened early and vlogged there. It was all fun and games… till you all got kicked out cause, out of surprise and fear, you punched (and broke) one of the animatronics. The vlog was about 20 minutes long, so you thought it was pretty successful. Although, in the end, since you had run out of footage, you decided to do some small clips of you telling stories from America before your met Ranboo’s family.
And then you had the last day, today. Tomorrow you’d be going home. It was about 2 in the morning as you layed down. Captain America was playing in the background as the boys slept. Ranboo was cuddled up to your side, as was Tubbo. Tommy, however, was resting on the other side of the couch. Earlier in the night, he claimed that he didn’t need affection, but you knew he just didn’t want to get ‘picked on’ by Ranboo and Tubbo. You smiled as the boys shifted in their hold. Yeah, you’d miss them like hell. But hey, you just had the best 5 days of your life and, honest;y, you think you might be coming back soon.
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