#source: chris evans and chris hemsworth
Iceman: Who is the biggest troublemaker in the Dagger Squad?
Hangman: ...I don't know.
Maverick: I don't think there's a troublemaker in the Dagger Squad.
Hangman: *nods*
Iceman: Bradley, who is the biggest troublemaker in the Dagger Squad?
Rooster: Jake and Mav.
Iceman: *raising an eyebrow* They didn't answer.
Rooster: They didn't? ...That's because it's them.
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tang0w0tek · 1 year
Phil: Who is the biggest troublemaker on the Dream SMP?
Tommy: ...I don't know.
Tubbo: I don't think there's a troublemaker on the Dream SMP.
Tommy: *nods*
Phil: Techno, who is the biggest troublemaker on the Dream SMP?
Techno: Tommy and Tubbo.
Phil: *raising an eyebrow* They didn't answer.
Techno: They didn't? ...That's because it's them.
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wanna-able · 1 year
Guanlin: Who is the biggest troublemaker in Wanna One?
Daniel: ...I don't know.
Woojin: I don't think there's a troublemaker in Wanna One.
Daniel: *nods*
Guanlin: Minhyun, who is the biggest troublemaker in Wanna One?
Minhyun: Daniel and Woojin.
Guanlin: *raising an eyebrow* They didn't answer.
Minhyun: They didn't? ...That's because it's them.
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Thor: What's everyone's favourite position? I'll go first: woman on top, because you get to see her knockers. Steve?
Steve: Are we all doing it? Ok well I think there's a lot to be said for the missionary position. You're in and out, there's no theatrics, and you don't get cramp.
Bruce: *nodding* You know where you are with it... Me, I'd probably be just as happy with a cuddle.
Thor: I'd give you a cuddle!
Bruce: I know you would, pal
[from 'Mum']
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Why nothing makes sense part 7.
Wedding edition
Before I start my little post about why nothing makes sense about this whole wedding and marriage thing, I'd like to declare that I'm not saying or stating that they haven't gotten married or that there wasn't a wedding; this is simply about why nothing makes sense about it.
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So the whole wedding debate started when we saw Dennis (Chris's friend) go public and share in his story that Jamie, Bryan, and Mark were together in a bar. This made people immediately jump to the conclusion that they were there because Chris and Alba would get married. Then people posted that Hemsworth, RDJ, and Renner were at a restaurant. According to someone who said they were part of the group who met Hemsworth and Renner, Hemsworth told them that they were in Boston because of Evans's wedding. This was immediately really weird to me, since I doubt Hemsworth would've told random strangers that they were getting married. Chris and Alba didn't talk about getting married publicly, so it was a secret. The public didn't know about the wedding date, if they were engaged, or if they were going to get married. I'm pretty sure Hemsworth knew about this and wouldn't spill any tea, especially to complete strangers. Then things were silent until Dennis went public again and posted a picture of himself and his wife dressed up elegantly. This, again, fueled the fire.
After all of these, we got the Page Six article about them reportedly being married. Obviously, after that, almost every outlet ran with this news and posted their own article, everybody quoting Page Six, even People. Page Six wrote that those who attended the wedding had to sign an NDA and couldn't have their phones with them. This whole NDA thing sounds so interesting to me. We talked about Hemsworth spilling that they are getting married, and I said that I don't think he would do that to a friend, but the fact that he even signed an NDA makes the whole thing even less sensible. I also found the phone thing very interesting. Does that mean he doesn't trust his friends? If they knew they were going to sell the story and share breadcrumbs of it, and even of the second wedding, why couldn't the guests have their phones? So they can control what, when, and how it gets out? So we know that according to the source, they had a private wedding and only invited their close family and friends, yet there were several people missing. I missed Scarlett, Octavia, Mackie, Seb, and from her side, her cousin, who was on vacation with her entire family. Every article mentioned the Avengers, his Marvel co-star being there, but what about those close family members? Why wasn't there any mention of them? According to the article, Emily and John were also there, but I don't think they were actually there. They only mentioned her because they have a movie together.
After people found Scarlett's non-presence weird, they posted an article saying they saw Scarlett and Robert together in Boston. It's really interesting that this article was published after people questioned her whereabouts, and it's also really interesting that there were no sightings of her. So people saw the other Avengers out together in a restaurant and took pictures of them, and even if just one person saw Scar and Robert out, I doubt they wouldn't have taken a picture of those two.
Talking about sightings. Why did nobody see or hear the wedding? I'm not even talking about pictures, but like a DM anon, a blind item, or somebody tweeting something about it. People see him walking Dodger and doing everyday stuff, but nobody sees anything unusual; nobody spots the avenger there? No matter which house or location we are talking about, it's weird that nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything.
We also have some problems with the location. So Page Six said the ceremony took place in Massachusetts, at their Boston-area home, while People said the wedding was in Cape Cod. While both places are in Massachusetts, they aren't really close to each other. People also said that Hemsworth, Downey, and their wives were photographed having dinner, which we all know is not true because it was his mom. Was Elsa at the wedding? Probably not, and why was his mom there when she doesn't even know Evans or anybody else there? Who knows. Then we got another article from People saying that they were serious very quickly; this was another source exclusive. In this article, the place of the wedding was still Cape Cod. Then there was another People article that said that they had a party in his Boston-area home to celebrate their marriage. According to another exclusive source "a large tent and dance floor were set up at the house", we know this must have been someone who was there because, as I've already mentioned, nobody sent an anon to DM, came to Tumblr, tweeted, or wrote a blind item that they saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related. This article was published on the 12th, which is basically three days after the wedding. People said that the wedding weekend also included a gathering in Cape Cod, which is such an interesting wording since I don't think anybody would call a wedding a "gathering". A wedding is a wedding to me. Here they again said that Elsa was also there, which is still interesting since in the restaurant that was most definitely Hemsworth's mom, not wife. So why wasn't Elsa there? Where was she? And what was Hemsworth's mom doing there in the first place? On the same day, Page Six posted another article where they referred to the People article about the Boston party. Page Six said that the main wedding celebration was in Boston, yet they had another gathering in Cape Cod. So it seems like they still couldn't decide where the wedding was.
I doubt they would've had two gatherings or that they would've held the wedding and the party at a different spot. The Cape Cod private estate would've been perfect, maybe even a better choice for the party, but they definitely could've just gotten married and had a party at his Boston-area home. I didn't really understand why they would've wanted to hold the ceremony and the party in different places, especially since both Concord and Carlisle are almost like a 2-hour car ride from Cape Cod.
The last article we've gotten so far about them was the Portugal wedding one by Page Six. According to another source, there will be a second wedding in Portugal for her family, which is weird since most of them, those who are really important to her, definitely could've attended the MA one. The source called this one also a "gathering" and didn't even know when it would actually be, just that it was going to be "sometimes this week".
The only constant thing in these articles was "Reps for both actors did not immediately respond to XY's request for comment."
The last article was posted on September 12th, and after that, there was no article, but his friends started posting from Portugal. Other than Dennis, I wouldn't say anybody too interesting posted. It's really weird that the Page Six/People articles stopped before his friends started sharing breadcrumbs that they were all there in PT. So we've seen at least one story shared by at least one of them since that day. I know what some people say: "Maybe they just wanted to share some pictures about the places they had been", which I'd understand if this wasn't supposed to be a private wedding and if they weren't a private couple. I'd assume that Chris had asked them to keep it low, at least until they aren't back in the States, but as of right now, it seems like Chris has asked them exactly the opposite.
My other question about this whole PT thing is why they haven't been spotted by someone. So you want to tell me that Chris is in PT, even after he married someone, and that someone happens to be quite well known in PT, and still nothing? Are they hiding in their hotel room? Are they never going out? Or nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related? Why is nobody seeing or hearing anything?
Something else that is really interesting to me is that only his friends are part of this breadcrumbing. Not the closest ones, or those who've already been part of this like Tara or Chelsea, but those are known enough so people will check their pages and stories, especially since Bryan (the wedding planner, followed by Scott) posted that story of him having drinks with a woman and a man, which started the whole PT wedding fire. It seems like only his friends are "allowed" or rather asked to post something about their whereabouts, so people will keep talking about their PT wedding. I guess Chris only trusts his friends to spread the narrative.
So according to Page Six, the wedding happened on September 9th. To me, this date is also weird. So the article about Pain Hustlers premiering in Toronto came out on July 24.
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According to the official site, the premiere would've been on the 11th, so only like 2 days after the wedding and a few days prior to the Portugal one.
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However, on the site, there are several events on September 12 and on September 15, so on the Portugal wedding week.
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While we only got to know this on July 24, I'm 100% sure Chris and Emily knew way before that they would need to go to TIFF and be there, maybe even before they started organizing a wedding, which is not a few months thing, so they most definitely needed to start doing it much before even the strike started on July 14th.
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So on July 14th, Chris and Emily were informed that they probably wouldn't be able to attend TIFF or do any type of press for the movie. The movie comes out on October 27th, and after TIFF, they probably would've needed to do several interviews, and just like with TGM, maybe they also would've needed to attend several red carpet events in the States and in Europe. What I want to say is that I find it very unlikely that this was the original date of their wedding. Maybe they were supposed to get married prior to PH or after (I think I'd rather say after), but why did they change the date? Why? Why were they in such a rush? They had not even 2 months from July 14 to September 9, and by July they probably sent out the invitations, booked a caterer, chellist, violinist, or whatever to the original date, and ordered a cake to that original date. So they called up every person they invited, every person who was involved in the wedding, to let them know they changed the date and the wedding would be earlier? And in this case, we don't even just talk about one wedding, but two. I get that he is a huge star, but I doubt that people would've been really happy about him just casually changing the wedding date since this most definitely wasn't the original one and since he wouldn't and probably couldn't have been able to miss TIFF and his other responsibilities tied to Pain Hustlers.
Page Six also said they are off to their honeymoon after the Portugal wedding, but if this was the original, he couldn't have gone on a honeymoon since he would have had a movie to promote. We don't know where they are going for a honeymoon, but even if they are going with a private plane, they need to stay somewhere, which, again, they probably booked prior to everything, so they would've had a ton of problems with that one too.
It's really interesting that they said they had a private wedding, people needed to sign NDAs, and they couldn't have their phones, yet there were several articles about them almost every single day. I don't think these were actual people who were at the wedding or who knew them; it was most likely his team. It made me really think about why two people who are so in love and happier than ever and just got married need this much traffic and attention, especially when they know that people don't really like them together. I'd assume they would want to keep their marriage to themselves; they don't want people to talk about it and gossip about it because it's something personal and intimate for them. That their friends would help them keep it secret and wouldn't post breadcrumbs that something might be happening. Chris had always been a quiet guy, especially when it came to his romantic relationships. I remember that almost everybody agreed that if he gets married, we probably won't even know that he's been dating someone until after the wedding. Or that he won't even announce anything, that there won't be articles and breadcrumbs, just him appearing with his wife somewhere or mentioning it in an interview. And now here we are, his friends sharing breadcrumbs, several articles out every single day. I'd assume that, just like in the past, he would want to protect his and his partner's privacy, that he would want to keep their personal moments for themselves, especially in this situation when he knows, and both of them know, that a lot of people don't like them being together,and they get a lot of hate, that a lot of people think they look weird, unnatural, and totally not in love. It seems like they are trying to sell the wedding, that they are trying to sell "we are so happy together", but are they trying to convince us or themselves that they are happy together? Because if you need to prove something this much-if you need to prove this hard that you're so happy-then you probably are not.
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growingexjocks · 1 year
Final Story Updates
Here is the final ranking of celebrities I will prioritize writing fat fics about:
Main Stories:
Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield
John Krasinski, Matt LeBlanc, and James Franco
Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans
Shawn Mendes and Charlie Puth
Alex/Alan Stokes
Short Stories:
Nick Jonas
Noah Beck
Josh Allen
Joshua Bassett
Channing Tatum
Chase Stokes
Brenton Thwaites
These are the pics that will be used for the upcoming main and short stories for inspiration ;)
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image edits source: https://www.tumblr.com/chubbycelebs85
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image edits source: https://oac47.tumblr.com/post/187739178670
The main stories are pairings while the short stories are just about those single celebrities.
If you have a pairing you'd really like to see, comment below and/or message me! I am open to the idea of considering what I write about next :)
Finished new chapters from the list so far:
If you have a certain scenario for a male celebrity or celebrities you'd like to see, I am open to ideas and suggestions in comments and dms! I decided I am just trying to build up my following and skills rn so all suggested commissions are completely free! So feel free to reach out :)
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spiralingthoughtpost · 6 months
Vedic Astrology Observations: “boy of the month” and possible generational preferences for men
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In Vedic astrology, Jupiter, also known as 'Guru' or 'Brihaspati', stands as a towering figure representing wisdom, expansion, and prosperity. This celestial body is closely linked with both the spiritual and material realms, often regarded as a harbinger of positive and beneficial influences. Individuals under the strong sway of Jupiter in their astrological charts are a source of deep fascination. These Jupiter-dominant natives mirror the quintessential attributes associated with this planet, displaying an intriguing blend of personality traits, physical characteristics, and distinctive energy patterns. A closer examination of these individuals offers a rich look into how Jupiter's expansive and nurturing energy takes form in human life. This journey of understanding not only unravels the myriad ways in which Jupiter's influence manifests but also deepens our comprehension of the overarching impact of such planetary forces. It's a testament to the profound and subtle ways in which cosmic entities like Jupiter shape and define our existence and traits through the perspective of Jyotisha.
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When discussing ‘Jupiter dominant men’, we delve into the sphere of individuals whose astrological kundli (birth chart) is markedly influenced by Jupiter. This dominant influence of Jupiter is discernible in the chart through its strong presence in the native's primary nakshatras and its overall potency and prominence. For instance, this can be seen in individuals who have key placements (such as the sun, moon, or ascendant) in a nakshatra governed by Jupiter, such as Punarvasu, Vishaka, or Purva Bhadrapada. Each of these nakshatras imparts a distinctive essence to the overarching Jupiterian influence with their one rich expression.
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Taking Purva Bhadrapada as an example, men born under this nakshatra often display a conflict between polarities of good and evil, coupled with an innate uncontrolled expansiveness in their nature. This often manifests as a subtle but pronounced fierceness and contradictory character, traits that distinguish them from other Jupiter-influenced placements. Across the board, Jupiter-dominant men typically exude a nurturing yet masculine energy, characterized by deep understanding and emotional sensitivity. They typically exhibit an expansive outlook and a pattern of philanthropy, combined with a philosophical mindset. They are often perceived as seekers of wisdom, truth, and expansion, attracting others with their insightful and optimistic nature. In terms of masculinity, Jupiter-dominant men often stand apart from conventional archetypes, thanks to their refined wisdom and nourishing disposition, which tends to favor emotional intimacy and commitment over sexual gratification. Their presence often serves to challenge traditional perceptions of masculinity, adding a richer dimension to the male archetype and leading them to have their sexuality questioned.
The evolving media portrayal of 'Jupiter men' in recent times, especially through the 'boy of the month' archetype that I’ve noticed, signals a significant shift in widespread cultural perceptions of masculinity. This new ‘boy of the month’ archetype, which focuses on elevating a man as being a highly desirable heart throb based on his representation in popular media, has traditionally spotlighted men with more conventional attributes. Examples include the sun-dominant Michael B. Jordan, Sun-dominant Chris Hemsworth, Rahu-dominant Chris Evans, and Moon-dominant Henry Cavill, who embody traits like stoicism, womanizing charm, or a cold, detached and mysterious allure.
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However, I’ve noticed a change has been occurring. The archetype is gradually moving away from these typically glamorized hyper-masculine traits and instead highlighting qualities traditionally seen as feminine, including a nurturing passivity, especially in romantic contexts, bringing a new type appreciation for men that embody these characteristics, which are mostly Moon men and Jupiter men. The allure of Moon men, such as Henry Cavill, Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, Harry Styles, Tom Hiddleston, etc. has always been somewhat recognized, given their mysterious and emotional appeal from their understanding of women. But, it is the rising prominence of Jupiter men that stands out as being particularly noteworthy to me.
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In 2023, an overwhelming majority of men popularized in media - over 80% - have been Jupiter men. This is a stark contrast to earlier representations, where Jupiter men like Will Ferrell, Robert De Niro, Jack Black, Michael Cera, Elijah Wood, and so on who were often depicted as being sexually awkward and comically fatherly, becoming targets for abuse and judgment from most other men that aspire to be like Sun and Rahu dominant men. This trend suggests a broader societal move towards redefining masculine ideals, moving away from traditional archetypes and towards a more balanced, inclusive understanding of masculinity that embraces emotional depth, wisdom, and nurturing qualities and showcasing newfound acceptance and even admiration for these men. Jupiter men such as Tom Blyth, Timothee Chalamet, Logan Lerman, Dylan O’Brien, Jacob Elordi, Nicholas Galitzine, Sam Claflin, Drew Starkey, Will Smith, Cody Fern, Andrew Garfield, and Barry Keoghan, once sidelined, are now at the forefront redefining standards for a new Ideal.
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Overall, this might be reflective of a larger societal yearning for hope and direction in turbulent times. In a world where uncertainty seems to be the only constant, the qualities of a 'Jupiter man' – wisdom, optimism, forgiveness, comfort, and an inclusive view of life – might be particularly appealing, especially to younger generations who have witnessed the effects of turbulent times and traditionally masculine ways of dealing with them. It's a reminder of the human tendency to look for guiding principles and figures who embody things we yearn for as a collective society.
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mysticalrambling · 2 years
My Person (C.E)
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My Main Masterlist is here.
Chris Evans Masterlist is here.
Summary: Chris doesn't win the Oscar and you are there to comfort him.
Warnings: slight angst and comfort.
“And the winner for the Best Actor goes to Chris… Hemsworth.” You know that you and Chris will have to keep appearances in front of the camera right now. Everyone seems to be focusing more on you and your husband than the winner. Squeezing his hand under the table, you try to plaster on a smile.
The rest of the ceremony seem to have passed in a blur as you could see slight tears welling in your husband’s eyes. His hopes and dreams were let down yet again. After the ceremony, came the food and Chris mindlessly pushed the food around in his plate. You know that he hasn’t eaten anything since morning due to server but you just kept quiet. Now was neither the place nor the time.  Although, Chris did not eat a single thing the whole event, he really did not hold back on the alcohol. 
“Chris, I think you should stop now.” You murmur in his ear after he tells the waiter to bring another whiskey sour. 
“Why, Y/N? It’s a celebration and we should all fucking celebrate.” The slight edge in his voice lets you know to not push the matter any further so you try a different approach. 
“Come on, let’s go home. The ceremony is about to end as it is.”
Bitterly agreeing with you, he stands up and buttons his coat. “Shouldn’t have come to this waste of an event anyway.”
After saying proper goodbyes to your friends and colleagues, you make your way to the car where Chris is aggressively scrolling through his phone. Thank god, you both had decided on a chauffeur prior to the oscars because you don’t think either of you could have driven.
Your breaths seem to be the only source of sound in the car so you try to diffuse the tension. “Babe-“
“Don’t, Y/N. I’m not in the mood.” He carelessly throws his iPhone on the middle seat, running his fingers through the neatly gelled hair. 
The anger seems to follow him all the way to the house but you don’t say anything. “I’ll be upstairs. Once you’ve calmed down, we can talk about this baby.”
“Y/N, I ju- this is su-“ He wasn’t able to complete the sentence before a slight sob came out of him. 
“Oh, darling. I’m here. Talk t’me.” Slightly maneuvering him towards the couch, you sit right next to him. Instead of sitting down, he places his head on your lap and curls into your stomach. You let him stay like that as you lightly ran your hands through his air.
“I know this shouldn’t be a big deal because other awards will come. But I can’t shake off the disappointment like other times. I work hard for all my movies and I really thought that I will get acknowledged for it. You haven’t seen twitter or instagram, all of my fans are so sad. I let them down and I don’t think I can do this anymore. (Y/N), I can’t do this anymore. I can’t, I can’t, I can-“
“Calm down, baby. Don’t get yourself worked up.”
Snuggling into you a little bit more, he curls himself into a little ball. Your heart breaks a little after seeing him like this, so uncertain and unhappy. You know that he has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders, be it a good actor, a good son or a good husband. Of course, it gets overwhelming sometimes and you feel slightly helpless in these situations. You want to be there for him but you don’t want to invalidate his feelings. 
“Chris, listen to me. I know you’re feeling lonely and lost right now. But it is going to be alright. There are ups and downs in our lives and I’m sure there is something great for you around the corner. There are some failures along the way but it just makes our victory all the more sweeter.” He looks at you through his lashes and silently waits for you to continue. “You have to take it one day at a time and I know you will get everything you desire. Babe, you know your worth and so do I. Don’t doubt yourself for one second. I’m your person and I will always be here for you. Talk to me whenever you want. I love you.”
“I love you too. Thank you, babe. I just want to sleep and forget about today.” Kissing you on the forehead, he silently thanks God for you. 
“We can do that, babes. Let’s just lay down.” Laying down on the couch, you snuggle into him and wait for this day to be over. 
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: There's a special message in this blurb for someone very close to my heart:) Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think.
P.S. poster credits: pinterest
Like, comment and reblog.
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male1971 · 9 months
Captain America Actor Chris Evans (42) Gets Married in Surprise Wedding With Partner Alba Baptista (26)
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From comicbook.com:
Chris Evans and Alba Baptista have reportedly tied the knot. According to a new report from Page Six, the duo got hitched at their Boston-area home on September 9th in an intimate ceremony with just family and closest friends. The tabloid says Evans' Avengers co-stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner were all in attendance at the closely-guarded event. As a part of the secrecy surrounding the wedding, guests were given non-disclosure agreements to sign and all cell phones were surrendered before entering the event.
Evans and Baptista were first revealed to be dating last November. According to PEOPLE Magazine's initial report, the two had been dating for a year prior to the reveal. "They are in love and Chris has never been happier. His family and friends all adore her," an anonymous source told the magazine at the time.
Evans also happened to win PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive, where he revealed in the cover story he's ready to settle down and start a family.
"That's absolutely something I want: wife, kids, building a family," Evans said in his cover story. "When you read about most of the best artists, whether it's actors, painters, writers, most of them [admit] it wasn't the work they made [that they are most proud of], it was about the relationships; the families they created, the love they found, the love they shared."
"So it's also something through my long 41 years that also rings true. Those things are the most important," he added. "I love the idea of tradition and ceremony. I had a lot of that in my life, so the idea of creating that — I can't think of anything better."
In that same piece, Evans says he's gotten more romantic as he's grown older.
"You spend a lot of time learning what's been helpful and what hasn't been," he said. "We all have patterns, hang-ups or baggage that repeat and echo, so I've really been able to kind of identify where I need improvement and what works."
"I also really see the value and strength behind saying, 'I'm sorry.' If you're able in those vulnerable moments to stay calm and listen, and say you're sorry even if you don't think you've done anything wrong because it's not from your perspective it's from the other person's, I think that opens up a door in a very healthy way," concluded Evans.
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thelonesomequeen · 3 months
CNN reporter obviously didn’t get the memo from US Weekly source about Chris not making it into the party. Who do you trust more CNN reporter or a source for US Weekly hmmm
‘It wouldn’t be a super soiree without Marvel superheroes. “Captain America” star Chris Evans and his wife Alba Baptista chatted with friends on the patio, while Damon and his wife Lucia took a group selfie with “Thor” star Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky as “Toxic” by Britney Spears played in the background. Later on, Oscar nominee Mark Ruffalo made his way through the crowd, which took a hulking effort, after posing for a photo with a friend.”
And yes there was a huge marquee set up but it wasn’t for drinks before lining up for the red carpet 🙄
“We were chatting at the 30th annual Vanity Fair Oscar Party (see the guest list below), hosted by editor-in-chief Radhika Jones and held under a vast, 10,000-square-foot marquee constructed on the Wallis Annenberg Center’s estate in Beverly Hills.”
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(How I imagine some people looking at those links)
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nighthunter241 · 1 year
Introduction to "He is mine"
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I don’t own any names used in this story and the idea is based on a Yandere concepts
All characters are 18 or older
18+ DNI if you are lower the age of 18
MR (M/N): Male reader or Male name
Henry and M/N have been friends since Freshman year of high school, you come to terms with your feelings with him but Henry manages to catch the eye of a number of people. During a 10 week period during Senior year M/N is getting rid of his rivals in hopes of finally being able to confess to Henry about his true feelings.
Alba Baptista: MR, Sebastian and Anthony's adopted mother, seems very calm and wants to prepare her children for anything in the world. Heart over the moon with their father. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving her children home alone for 10 weeks.
Chris Evans: Adopted Father of MR, Sebastian and Anthony, seems to always give his children what they want and cares for their well being, heart over the moon with their mother. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving his children home alone for 10 weeks.
Anthony Mackie: Your adopted brother who cares for your happiness and excellent with computers and programs
Sebastian Stan: Your other adopted brother.
Pedro Pascal: Classmate/Friend
Robert Downey Jr: Son of the leading cooperation “Downey Enterprise”, seems to want to be preparing more on taking over the company than studying. He is MR source of information/items/and schemes
Guidance Counselor Angela Bassett: runs it with a firm hand but is willing to give some wiggle room for the right thing
Principle Samuel L Jackson: A very nervous man, seems to be afraid/cautious of MR and his siblings
Student Council Members: All for some reason been told to keep on eye on MR and his siblings
Amy Adams: Henry’s childhood best friend, who clearly has feelings for him
Gal Gadot: Henry’s partner in a school project, and she is falling for him.
Ben Affleck: Jock, a part of the football team, the typical Jock in the closet
Tom Hardy: Part of the photography club, seems to have a gentle nature
Brie Larson: The example of an excellent student, straight A’s and perfect attendance and high academic integrity, it would be sad if all of that came crashing down.
Scarlett Johansson: Member of the gardening club, very intense person and isn’t afraid to speak her mind
Simu Liu: Wants to become a model when he grows up, has the looks and personality and Henry has caught his eye, it would be shameful if someone would ruin his dream.
Chris Hemsworth: Not in any clubs, but is the most popular guy at school with a high reputation.
Ryan Gosling: The boy next door, with his looks any woman or man would want him, sadly even Henry.
Zoe Saldana: The daughter of a notorious detective from the 80s-90s who is currently out of town for “business”, seems suspicious of MR and always has her guard up. Leader of the Journalism club
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topidea · 2 years
DAYSHIFT Trailer (2022) As the dog days of summer arrive, why not enjoy a dark comedy starring Jamie Foxx and Snoop Dogg as vampire hunters? Day Shift is a new Netflix original film about a vampire hunter who, like everyone else, is just trying to make ends meet so he can care for his daughter. This action-packed comedy appears to be slick and entertaining, making it yet another potential smash for the streaming behemoth. Watch The Video © 2022 @Netflix What is the story of Day Shift? The official synopsis for Netflix's Day Shift is as follows: "Jamie Foxx stars as a hardworking blue-collar dad who just wants to provide a good life for his quick-witted daughter, but his mundane San Fernando Valley pool cleaning job is a front for his true source of income, hunting and killing vampires as a member of an International Union of Vampire Hunters." What is the best way to watch Day Shift? Day Shift is a Netflix original film that will be available only on the streaming service. If you aren't already a subscriber, you can quickly sign up by clicking the link below. Day Shift was directed by who? Day Shift is J.J. Perry's directorial debut. While he is a newbie behind the camera, if you like action movies, you've probably seen his work before. Since the late 1980s, Perry has worked as a stuntman. He has over two decades of martial arts training, which has helped him prepare for stunt roles in numerous blockbuster movies and TV shows(opens in new tab) such as The Fate of the Furious, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, X-Men: Origins, and the John Wick trilogy. Who is the cast of Day Shift? Jamie Foxx (Spider-Man: No Way Home, Ray, Django Unchained), Dave Franco (Now You See Me, The Now), and rapper-turned-actor and pitchman Snoop Dogg star in Day Shift (BMF, Training Day). Steve Howey (Shameless), Karla Souza (How to Get Away with Murder), Meagan Good (Harlem), and Scott Adkins round out the cast (Avengement). They are performing the following characters: Karla Souza as Paige Zion Broadnax as Paige Meagan Good as Jocelyn Snoop Dogg as Big John Elliott Dave Franco as Seth Jamie Foxx as Bud Jablonski When will Day Shift be released? Day Shift will be released on August 12 in the United States and the United Kingdom. If you want to see it when it comes out, you must be a Netflix (opens in a new tab) subscriber. Day Shift follows in the footsteps of other significant summer blockbusters, such as several Netflix films. The summer season began with Chris Hemsworth's Spiderhead, a successful film that no one appeared to know about until it was released. When it releases in late July, Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling's The Gray Man is expected to be another great smash for the streaming service.
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
https://www.tumblr.com/youjustcantrefuse/734259377690804224?source=share tw: them covered in blood 😵🥵🥴🔥
Why do I like this so much 🫣
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influencermagazineuk · 8 months
Marvel's Grand Reunion: Robert Downey Jr. & Chris Evans Set to Revive MCU, Fans Ecstatic
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Robert Downey Jr & Chris Evans To Return To The MCU? ( Photo Credit – IMDb ) The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has faced challenges recently, leaving fans eager for its revival. Exciting news surrounds the upcoming Avengers 5 & 6, with rumors buzzing about the return of fan-favorites Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. An internet source has reported that both actors have shown positive signs about reprising their iconic roles. Here's the inside scoop. RDJ, known for his portrayal of Tony Stark (Iron Man), and Evans, beloved as Captain America (Steve Rogers), were instrumental in Marvel's success. Their departure post-Avengers: Endgame left a void, and the MCU struggled to deliver the same level of excitement without them. Speculation arose about Marvel resurrecting Downey's Iron Man for an Avengers movie, and now, internet rumors, particularly from MyTimeToShineHello, suggest that both RDJ and Evans have agreed to return. The upcoming films, "Avengers: The Kang Dynasty" and "Secret Wars," will explore the multiverse concept, potentially facilitating their return. However, a significant obstacle lies in the film's budget, given Downey's high salary demands and the costs associated with Evans' return. Previously, there were hints of Scarlett Johansson's return as 'Black Widow,' alongside Jeremy Renner's 'Hawkeye,' Mark Ruffalo's 'Hulk,' and Chris Hemsworth's 'Thor' in an Avengers film featuring the original cast. The introduction of the multiverse opens doors for various possibilities, including Chris Evans possibly reprising his role as Johnny Storm, aka Human Torch from Fantastic Four. Fans have expressed their excitement online, with some humorously suggesting that all it takes is a hefty paycheck of $40 million to make these dreams a reality. Marvel enthusiasts eagerly await the grand reunion of their favorite superheroes, keeping their fingers crossed for one last epic adventure. Read the full article
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unitedstatesallnews · 2 years
Top 10 Actor in U.S.A
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1.Dwayen Johnson image source: britannica Dwayne Johnson was born on May 2, 1972. He is an actor, producer, businessman, and former great wrestler. He is known as the rock. He wrestled for 8 years in wwe. Dwayne Johnson has made his name famous in wwe. Dwayne Johnson's films have grossed $3.5 billion in North America and $10.5 billion worldwide. Dwayne Johnson's films are full of action. DJ's next film is Black Adam, which is scheduled to release on (October 21, 2022).
2. Vin Diesel
image source: imdb Vin Diesel was born on July 18, 1967. His name is Mark Sinclair but people know him as Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel is an American actor.He is one of the highest paid actors in the world. He plays the role of Toretto in the world famous movie Fast and Furious. Vin Diesel Diesel's Net Worth is $225 Million. Vin Diesel's next movie is Avatar: The Way of Water, which is scheduled to release on 16 December 2022.
3.Tom Cruise
image source: mubi Tom cruise was born on July 3, 1962. His name is Thomas Cruise Mapother, but he is professionally known as Tom Cruise. He is an American actor and producer. His films have grossed over $4 billion in North America. and grossed more than $11.1 billion worldwide. Tom Cruise's net worth is $600 Million. Tom cruise's next film is Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning 1. It is scheduled to release on 14 July 2023.
4.Johnny Depp
image source : imdb John Christopher Depp was born on June 9, 1963. He is an American actor, musician, producer and writer. Johnny Depp's Net Worth is $210 million. Johnny Depp's next movie is 'La Favorite'. Which is to be released in 2023.
5.Robert John Downey Jr. 
image source : wikipedia Robert John Downey Jr. was born on April 4, 1965. He is an American and producer. He was named the highest paid actor in Hollywood by Forbes magazine. His net worth is $365 million. His next film is Oppenheimer. Which is to come on 21 July 2023.
6.Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio
image source: ew Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974. He is an American actor and filmmaker. As of 2019, his films have grossed over $7.2 billion worldwide Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio's net worth is $260 million. Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio's upcoming film is Killers of the Flower Moon. Which is coming in 2023.
7.Henry Cavill
image source: bakerstreet.fandom Henry William Dalgleish Cavill was born on 5 May 1983. He is a British actor. Henry Cavill's net worth is around $40 million. His next film is Enola Holmes 2. It is scheduled to arrive on 4 November 2022.
8.Chris Hemsworth
image source : britannica Christopher Hemsworth was born on 11 August 1983. He is an Australian actor and filmmaker.He began playing the character of Thor in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He played the role of Thor in the recent film Thor: Love and Thunder. Due to this film, he became one of the highest paid actors in the world. Chris Hemsworth Net Worth is $130 Million. His next film is Extraction 2. It is scheduled to release in 2023.
9.Chris Evans
image source: wikipedia Christopher Robert Evans was born on June 13, 1981. He is an American actor. We are known by the name of Captain America. He plays in the movies of Marvel Cinematic Universe. Chris Evans net worth is $80 Million. His next film is Ghosted. Which is coming in 2023.
10.Hugh Jackman
image source: imdb Hugh Michael Jackman was born on 12 October 1968. He is an Australian actor. He also played the role of Wolverine/Logan in the X-Men series. Hence he gained fame. Hugh Jackman's net worth is $180 million. His next film is Deadpool 3 which is slated to release in 2024. Top 10 actor in usa - web story Read the full article
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majaloveschris · 5 months
For some the “weddings” was what made them believe it was PR.🤣
Mostly because of the information that was coming in real-time when they were supposed to be happening from people that were supposed to have signed NDAs, around the same time projects for both of them were coming out I may have to mention, followed by all the articles promoting the ceremonies that keep happening even now almost every month like someone it's afraid we would forget. Which is kinda funny and desperate in my opinion because those articles are not always tied to them doing something like for example RDJ's wife mentioning how “he was mentoring during his wedding” after over 10 years of working with him. Like really? That's the best example you can think of. 🤣🤣🤣
Also, the mystery of where the first “ceremony” was supposed to happen that not even his “go-to” magazine seemed to know.
But I guess that helps to get people attention that seem to be the ultimate goal.
All of it is too sloppy to be just PR.
There doesn't seem to be much love or real need for privacy to be completely real so we are stuck in limbo until someone breaks…
Yeah, the super secret, super private, NDA-proved wedding wasn't that big of a secret after all. As you said, it's funny to think that the first article via Page 6 came out the day after the wedding. The "source" didn't wait a single minute. And the People article wave was even funnier. We got newer articles every single day for almost a week. Talking about the wedding, their relationship, and whatever they were able to come up with. What a low-key couple, right? My opinion is that those articles came from their teams, which leaves the question of why selling this whole "we are so happy and in love" thing is so important. It's a super secret, NDA-proved wedding, but Hemsworth was casually telling random people that they were there for Evan's wedding. RDJ's wife wasn't holding it back either, and it's so believeable that in the past 10+ years, RDJ hasn't "mentored" him for something else or even more important.
The whole location thing is a joke. Page 6 wrote, "The couple said “I do” Saturday in an intimate ceremony that took place in Massachusetts at their Boston-area home," and then People wrote (mentioning that "The New York Post's Page Six was first to report the news") that "The actor, 42, wed Alba Baptista during a ceremony at a private estate in Cape Cod, Mass., on Saturday, a source tells PEOPLE." Neither of those articles mentioned that the party and the ceremony were at two different locations, and both of those pages talk about the ceremony. So where was the ceremony then? Because the two outlets wrote about entirely two different locations, and the fact that People mentioned that Page Six was the first to report yet their "source" said a completely different thing is funny. I wouldn't assume the source didn't know where they were. Then People obviously tried to save what they could and published another article where they wrote, "Chris Evans and his new bride Alba Baptista partied at his Boston-area home to celebrate their marriage" and that "the wedding weekend also included a gathering at a private estate in Cape Cod, sources confirmed to PEOPLE." So what happened and where then? Because the story doesn't really make sense. Just like anything else in this whole thing. I guess their love is so strong that even the source(s) got high on it and couldn't tell where or what was happening.
To me, the sloppiness is one of the reasons why I think this is PR. There wouldn't be this many inconsistencies if this were a legit thing. They wouldn't need to prove anything, they wouldn't need to publish this many articles about the wedding or their relationship, and they wouldn't need to keep filling in the whole mess their sloppiness caused.
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