#source: everybody hates chris
fansiesmemes · 19 days
Sarah: I just want to understand why you would speak to my brother like that
Jack: I was standing up for myself
Sarah: Jack... you might win the battle, but you're going to lose the war, sometimes it's not about just being right. Now go and apologize to Davey
Jack: Why?
Sarah: Because he will make your life miserable if you don't. Do you know how many times I've been right and still had to apologize? 469,531 times
Les: And counting
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
For the mama bird AU. Can you do some Rochelle (Everybody Hates Chris) moments for Raven please?
Yang: My father always worked two jobs, which made my mother so comfortable, she’d quit her job over anything.
[flashback to Raven as a waitress]
Woman: Check, please?
Yang: [v.o.] And I mean anything.
Raven: Now, do I look like I have your check? All that hollering at people. I don’t need this. My husband has two jobs. I don’t need to be here right now.
[flashback to Rochelle as a receptionist]
Man: Hold my calls.
Raven: Who are you hollering at? “Hold my calls.” Hold your own damn call! I do not need this! My man has two jobs!
Yang: [v.o.] As much as my mother complains about housework, she hated to have somebody else do it. And after my father got his job back, she got to do one of the things she does best...
[cut to Rochelle in the office:]
Raven: File your own damn papers. I do not need this. My husband has two jobs.
Raven: The next time you ask me to do something after your father told you no, I'm going to pop the pores off your face, do you understand me?
Kid Yang: Yes, ma'am.
Yang: [v.o.] While I had my father on my side, my mother was going to get a teacher off of Ruby's back.
Raven: I don't see why I have to take a whole day off of work, to come down here for this nonsense.
Mrs. Wilson: I don't think it's nonsense. Tonya was exhibiting some aggressive behavior toward a classmate. I just wanted you to be aware of it.
Kid Ruby: I was just trying to read, and she wouldn't be quiet.
Raven: Girl, you interrupt me again, I'm going to knock the sound out of your mouth.
Raven: Boy! Is that a baby?
Yang: No, it's a football.
Raven: Is that a baby?
Ruby: No, it's a shoebox.
Raven: Is that a baby?
Tai: No. It's baby carrots.
Raven: If I ever catch any of y'all spray painting on anybody's wall, I'm gonna put my foot so far up your behind, you'll have toes for teeth. Get inside.
Raven: Boy, I will slap the caps off your knees.
Raven: I will knock you into last night.
Raven: I will slap your name out the phonebook and call Ma Bell and tell her I did it.
Tai: Raven, money is money. Cash, food stamps-- what's the difference?
Raven: Because I don't want to have to curse nobody out.
Tai: What?!
Raven: Tai, when I pull out food stamps, people look at me like I ain't got no husband. They talk to me like I ain't got no sense. They treat me like I ain't got no class. And if somebody treats me like that, I'm gonna curse them out! All because you won't let me Kill themfor their insolence!
Ruby+Yang: Bye, Mommy. Love you. Raven: Have a good day at school. Don't come home stupid. Ruby+Yang: We won't.
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incorrectfexi · 1 year
lexi: fezco, wake up
fez: i’m awake, i just got my eyes closed. i’m testing their opacity
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@spengnitzed @janeb984 @bixiebeet @stantzed @angelixgutz @thereisnoblogonly-zuul
Egon: Come here, Pooky.
Janine: No, last time you said Pooky I got pregnant.
Egon: You're my Pooky. You're always my Pooky.
Janine: No, no Pooky. Okay, a little bit of Pooky.
Egon: I love you.
Janine: I love you too, babe.
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Young Daffy: I can't eat this! My peas are touching my mashed potatoes!
[Young Porky dunks Daffy's head into the mashed potatoes]
Porky: Are th-th-they separated n-n-now?
Daffy: Mm-hmm.
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the-herdier · 2 years
Hubert: "If you ever put your hands on Lady Edelgard again, you're not going to jail..."
[Hubert prepares a spell in his hand.]
Hubert, grinning evilly: "I'm going to jail."
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italoniponic · 1 year
Cater when MC/Yuu shows some interest in one of the other Heartslabyul boys: Dude, they're so into you
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milkqndrem · 2 years
Thugs who tried to kidnap Anya: So we’re supposed to be afraid 'cause she brought her maid out here?
Yor: No, you're supposed to be scared because if you ever put your hands on my daughter again, you’re not going to jail…
Yor, demonically: I’M GOING TO JAIL!
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
Red: If I ever catch any of you spray painting on anybody's wall, I'll put my foot so far up your ass you'll have toes for teeth!
Cut to, early season 7. A vandalized muffler shop.
Red: You dumbasses ready to have toes for teeth?
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majaloveschris · 11 months
What do you think about Lonesome saying they got video proof of the engagement?
You know that I don't talk about other blogs here; however, as I used to do in the past, I'm going to talk about the information they shared!
Disclaimer: Everything I say here is not about Lonesome but about their source. Do not use my post to send hateful comments or death threats to them. Do not repost my post with any hateful and disgusting comments.
I always try to think through things rationally and with all the possibilities, not only from a PR perspective.
So Lonesome mentioned that their source is somebody from Chris's side. I have the first and probably the biggest problem here. I don't think anybody from his circle would give away anything about him, especially not about his personal life. Who could this person be? Someone who is extremely close to him, like a family member or a close friend, who didn't just see the video and the photo but also has them. I can't imagine Tara, Carly, Scott, or anybody like that going online and sharing anything, but especially something so private and intimate like a proposal.
Another question: Why? Why would anyone from his side want to share this? What would be the reason? Why would they want to get this out? They clearly asked Lonesome not to share the picture or the video, but then what's the point in sharing the information? If they are a trustworthy source, if there are pictures or videos, and they aren't photoshopped or anything like that, why not give permission to share them? Giving information to someone but not allowing them to post actual evidence of it—and I'm not talking about anything personal—seems pointless to me.
So if they are truly together and they clearly want to keep it secret, since the source said nothing about the announcement but that it won't be the thing that comes in the next few months but the wedding, then why does everybody keep leaking and leaking everything about the engagement and the fact that there will be a wedding? There is no way they don't know; they don't want to make it public. And why would their families and friends make their private lives public, especially when they know they don't want it? Also makes no sense.
I don't trust nameless, faceless sources, especially when they say they know something so personal and intimate. No matter if it would support the real or the PR side. I can't believe them; I'm sorry. Especially when I have never even talked to them or known anything about them.
We have never ever gotten anything so personal out about Chris; nobody has ever leaked anything so private, except for his d pic, but that's on him. Even DM admitted that she has nothing on him since he has a really closed-off group of friends. And to me, it's so surreal to think that everybody would betray him like this.
So this is my take on the whole thing. Again, it's about the source, not about Lonesome. Do not go to their blog and leave hateful or disgusting comments, or do the same thing by commenting on or reblogging my post. I do not stand for bullying other people or blogs.
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earlgreytea68 · 9 months
I’m not a newbie here, but early day fob lore is still sometimes a mystery to me, lol! Love your deep dives, they’re always very articulate, and very well put together, so thank you for doing them. In recent post you mentioned hey chris, and I’ve seen him being referenced before. I sense some deep history and drama in there, lol ) can you enlighten us, fake fans??))
P.s I’m now especially intrigued, as you mentioned him as an ex friend ….)) please, spill the tea ;))))
First, you are definitely not a fake fan. Everybody starts off knowing nothing!! I tell this to my students on the first day of class, so I will say it to you: If we all knew everything right away, what would we even do with life????? So! Not a fake fan! Normalize being a beginner sometimes! Learning is fun!
Second, thank you for the kind words on the way-too-many paragraphs I spend thinking about all of this lol
Third! This is what I have gleaned about the Hey Chris situation. First, I read the unauthorized Fall Out Boy biography. I did this mostly so you did not have to, because it's not that good. But Chris gets quoted a lot wrt the early Fall Out Boy years. This was notable to me, because the reason those early years get so much focus is I think because he could actually find sources, whereas nobody from Fall Out Boy or their inner circle talked to this guy. So that just says to me right away that Chris isn't really part of the inner circle anymore. Pete does sometimes reblog his stuff on Instagram and it feels polite and cordial and not at all like Pete treats his friends. And that's striking because, as I said, Pete is extremely loyal and keeps many friends forever and he and Chris were very close and are notably not anymore and that is in and of itself unusual.
Anyway, In The Beginning, so to speak, Chris was close friends with Pete and the rest of the band, this is how he got immortalized in "Grenade Jumper" in the first place (I assume you know the apocryphal story but in case you don't, I heard it told that Pete told Patrick they should write a song "for the fans," and Patrick was like, "What fans? Chris is our only fan," and so he wrote a song for Chris lol).
The book spends a lot of time on Pete Wentz pre-Patrick, and especially on Pete's relationship with Chris pre-Patrick, which is also another interesting and telling detail, that Chris seems mainly like a relationship that didn't really last past Pete's discovery of Patrick. Although the way it went down between Pete and Chris also doesn't seem to have anything to do with Patrick, so I don't mean to cast any aspersions on Patrick's role in the whole debacle.
ANYWAY, Chris is quoted in the book as saying that he hated Pete before he met him and he was annoyed because Pete always wore his jeans too tight, which is...such an observation to make about why you hate someone. (I literally borrowed the inappropriateness of this observation for Patrick in one of the Halloween fics I've written lol, it just has always struck me as a remarkable reason to hate someone.)
Chris doesn't seem like he was especially the best influence on Pete (I think in the biography he says that they bonded over peeing on people's coats in a coat checkroom which is...yeah, Idk, BOYS) and it's probably for the best that Pete came eventually to orbit more Patrick's way. But for a little while Pete and Chris were tight and close in this manner that is SO FILLED with queer subtext, like, it is INCREDIBLE the way Chris talks about Pete and everything that went down between them.
NONE of that was in the FOB biography (I wrote up the biography here), so I Googled all of this and pieced it together, and Idk if I can find sources now, but I'll link as many as I can. Anyway, there was this whole thing in 2006 where something-something-maybe with Pete and Chris's girlfriend. Chris's "open letter" says at the beginning that it's about Pete having told Chris's ex-girlfriend that Chris was cheating on her, which was a lie. That's what the letter professes to be about. But the letter is way, way, way more than that and keeps referencing having been sold out -- which isn't how I would characterize having my ex lied to about me, it's a weird phrasing for that -- and then there's some other random person involved who Chris is cagey about but who is also angry with Pete for undisclosed reasons.
The point is to say that it seems like something went down between Pete and Chris's ex-girlfriend but it also seems like there is A LOT more going on. The letter is truly vicious in that way that you can be only when you know someone really well, and know exactly what their deepest fears and vulnerabilities are, and exactly how you can hurt them. He goes after Pete’s fans, he accuses him of being fake and contrived and performative, he mocks him for struggling with fame – it’s an extremely calculated attack for exactly what Pete Wentz worries about most, exactly the right way to get at him.
And he succeeds. Pete does respond, mostly entirely to talk to the fans. In what, of course, can seem like another really calculated PR move on his part. But then, that’s the story of Pete Wentz’s life. He’s in a catch-22, because he’s smart and strategic and it’s the same attack that, honestly, Patrick is still defending him from in the Folie era years later: that Pete’s a better guy than he can look from the outside (this interview is a killer Patrick interview about Pete, if you’ve never read it, just do a search for the word “Pete” and read what he says). (He makes similar statements after the hiatus, too. I couldn’t find the interview but there’s one after SRAR is announced where there’s, like, a signed Ghostbusters VHS or something in Patrick’s house and the interviewer comments on it and Patrick’s like, “Yeah, that was a birthday gift from Pete. Because that’s just the kind of awful guy he is, you know, sends thoughtful birthday gifts,” or something, and it’s clear he’s just, always still out here defending Pete Wentz. Patrick is always keenly aware what people say about Pete and always trying to protect him from that.) As for whatever is happening personally, Pete tells Chris to call him.
A bunch of other incredibly dramatic stuff happens. Only a few days after this whole exchange, the dick pics get leaked. I have heard it said that Chris was behind the dick-pic leak, possibly because Pete had sent the pictures to Chris's ex-girlfriend. That aspect of the rumor about them being sent to Chris's girlfriend isn't in that source post I just linked and I can't quite remember where I heard that (although I think it was from someone who was in the fandom around that time tbh).
Whether or not Chris was behind the dick pics, the language that Chris keeps flinging around about him and Pete is extremely loaded. In the original letter, Chris brings up the fact that he's in "Grenade Jumper" and says "guess whos fucking name you're saying each and every night?” which is a weirdly sexual way to put that, Idk, he's talking about the song but still. And then he signs off “oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking coward,” which, I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean, actually, but it also sounds really intense. Whatever their relationship was, it just sounds really intense. After Pete’s response, who knows whether Chris called him or not but Chris’s next public response calls Pete his "heterolifemate" and then says "no one knows how to break a heart like he does" (which Pete kind of borrows this phrasing in "never seen a heart I couldn't break"). IT'S ALL SO MUCH and Chris really does seem really angrily heartbroken over whatever was going down. AND THEN HE POSTS PHOTOS WITH MIKEY WAY TO MAKE PETE JEALOUS????? (Everything about this is so straight, am I right?_ AND ALSO THE PHOTOS WORK AND PETE GETS INFURIATED AND FREAKS OUT IN HIS AIM AWAY MESSAGE BECAUSE PETE WENTZ IS MY FAVORITE EVER, NO IRONY hahaha I love him for that.
ANYWAY, this is all to say, Pete and Chris are, as I noted above, now on at least cordial terms, and maybe even closer than that, who knows, I only know public stuff, they might be secret besties. But in general Chris is really the only friend of Pete’s who had a really public falling-out with like this and the whole thing is extremely fraught in AN ENTIRELY HETEROSEXUAL WAY, totally. (Chris is apparently still friendly with Mikey Way, I’ve seen that posted lots of places. I feel like my favorite part about this story is how much Mikey Way gets embroiled in Pete Wentz’s drama and I think he remains totally oblivious the whole time hahaha.)

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wrestlingisfake · 5 months
Found an article summarizing the thing with Chris Jericho.
First, Jericho got into an argument with CM Punk's lawyer Stephen P. New about NDAs. Then New was a guest on Nick Hausman's podcast, and Hausman talked about skeletons in Jerihco's closet that will someday come out. He likened this potential reckoning to the downfall of Harvey Weinstein.
Then, italkwrasslin on Twitter reacted to Hausman's hints by posting two old screenshots. The first is apparently from late 2019, and some unknown person claims to have sources who said Kylie Rae asked for her AEW release because Jericho made a pass at her. The second screenshot is a 2020 tweet from a person who spoke out against David Star, wondering when women will feel safe talking about Jericho.
So far none of this is very persuasive. Hausman only implies Jericho is like Weinstein, and the two screenshots feel like somebody with an axe to grind going on a fishing expedition.
What is more damning is that Kylie Rae replied to italkwrasslin's tweets with a heart emoji. Given that she could have denied the Jericho allegation, or she could have said nothing at all, leaving that comment seems significant.
Whether this snowballs into a major scandal for AEW and Jericho remains to be seen. Plenty of people already hate Jericho, and giving them something new to hate him over isn't going to change anything. The question is whether this will stick with people who don't already hate Jericho. Going back to the Weinstein analogy, "everybody knew" what he was doing for years, but it didn't reach a tipping point until a wave of women came forward against him. It's too early to say if this current situation will cause such a wave.
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incorrectfexi · 2 years
lexi, opening a new box of cereal: is there a prize inside??
fez: the prize is you won’t starve to death
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@spengnitzed @bixiebeet
Winston : [v.o.] Back at the Firehouse, I found out when the woman of the house goes on a diet, everybody in the house goes on a diet.
Janine : Okay, everybody, dinner is served.
Peter : No, it ain't. What is this?
Janine : It's the Nipsey Russell Bermudian Diet.
Egon : Why are we on a diet?
Janine : Because we put our jeans on and they won't button.
Peter : How come we can't eat because your jeans don't fit?
Ray : Yeah, why don't you just buy a bigger pair of jeans?
Janine : Because, nobody asked you.
Winston : Nipsey Russell ain't fat. What's he know about diets?
Janine : Oh, when he went to Bermuda to do a comedy show, he found that the women were very attractive.
Peter : [v.o.] Because they were the only ones on the island.
Janine : They stay slim by only eating fish and fruits.
Egon : So he decided to smash it up and put it in a glass?
Janine : Yes.
Slimer:  I'd rather eat the glass.
Winston: Well, I hope he took out the seeds and the bones.
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Melissa Duck: You know Witch Hazel?
Petunia: Yeah. What about her?
Melissa: Well, she was unhappy with her hair color, so she seemed pretty upset, so I just gave her a refund.
Petunia: REFUND?! What'd you do that for? I have a strict no-refund policy. You know that.
Melissa: Well, Petunia, she put a hex on me. A mojo!
Petunia: A mojo? You let that woman come in and scam you for $40 because she threatened you with a mojo? She's been doing that ever since she came in, Peta. She's crazy! She's the reason I put the sign up there.
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folklorebitch13 · 2 years
Messy Freaky Little Mouse p1 | E.M
Tumblr media
summary: after experiencing great trauma over summer break, everything is different, you don't know how to be you anymore, Eddie helps you re-discover yourself.
pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!female!reader
word count: 1.3K
chapter warnings: angst, trauma, ptsd, headaches, smoking weed, death, murder, Eddie being cute.
a/n: Hey guys, Here's something i wrote about Eddie Munson, It's gonna be a series if people like this chaper otherwise i might leave it at that. I was writing something about Chris E, but then watched Stranger Things and i'm irrevocably in love with Eddie. This story can be pretty heavy, so read the warnings and only read if you feel comfortable. Also i know I'm the most unactive person ever and i haven't posted for like months but please bear with me. Please leave a comment, they're greatly appreciated ;) i know this is on the shorter side but it felt right.
I do NOT consent to any translations, or this story to be posted on any other platform.
You were not listening to your friends chatting, too busy picking at your chipped blue nail polish, it was too loud in the cafeteria and you felt the headache come back. The headaches had been a constant in your life for the past month, sometimes you could try to ignore them, but at other times you felt your brain melting, boiling, and blubbering in your head.
The medication didn't help either, you were popping the pills as if your life depended on them, which in a way it did.
The headaches started a week after the accident. The accident, people liked to call it, but it wasn't an accident and you hated that word. Your sister was three years older than you, she had battled with depression almost all of her life. 
During the accident, you were on a trip with your parents to New York, the night of the accident you snuck out of your hotel to meet up with some stupid boy you'd met. You knew your sister was troubled but you didn't know she was selfish. You're not supposed to say bad stuff about dead people, especially your family, but she was truly selfish.
She'd had enough of the pain life caused her, so she wanted to leave, but she was scared, she didn't want to be alone when it was all over. So at night, she made her way to our parent's room, hit them in the head, wrapped them in the bedsheets, locked the room, and put their bodies on fire. The policemen thought she wanted to kill you too.
The fire didn't only kill your family, it killed the people in the room above your parent's room too, a mother and three kids. 
You spent the rest of the summer at your aunt's traumatized, depressed, and always at the doctor because of your headaches, they prescribed you medication after medication, nothing helped. But life goes on and at some point, you need to get over it, now a new school year has started and you're back in Hawkins. You're not over it, but you have to act like you are, even if people see right through you.
So you here you were, in the cafeteria, next to Chrissy in your cheerleading outfit instead of a big sweater. Everybody tried to avoid talking to you, you understood why, you looked like you could break at any moment, you looked a mess. Your hair was shorter than it was before summer break, you had bags under your eyes and chapped lips. People at Hawkins High don’t like messy.
You looked up from your nails to the source of the noise, the source of the noise was Eddie Munson. The guy your friends didn't like, they called him stupid, the freak, because he had tattoos and big hair you secretly admired and wished to run your fingers through. 
They called him a freak because he was a mess, he was loud and opinionated, would they start calling you a freak too in a few months? When they realize you are not gonna get better, when they realize this is who you are now.
The speech the boy was giving was making the headache worse, "hey Chrissy I'll see you in class" you say before rushing to the bathroom. You take a few pills before sitting down in the stall, head on your knees. Your head is pounding, brain melting. You don't know how long you've been sitting there on the dirty bathroom floor, you're sure class started a while back but your head hurts so bad you can't even imagine being in class right now. The medication didn't work so there's only one thing you can do. 
You get to your locker to grab a sweater you pull over your cheer outfit and your bag before making your way out of the school. You go to the back of the building and sit down against a wall. You take all your rolling stuff out of your bag and try to concentrate on rolling a joint, but your head is pounding so hard you see black spots and your hands are shaking as if you're suffering from a fever. 
Your first attempt is a fail, frustrated you rip the rolling paper to transfer the content of it into a new rolling paper but because of your shaking hands, you drop the ripped joint causing all of the tobacco and weed to fall on the ground. "Fuck!" you let a frustrated groan and hug your knees burying your head between them, you just want the pain to go away.
As you're drowning in your misery a voice speaks up, making you jump, "you alright princess? what's got ya cursing like a pirate". You look up, and there stands the freak, smirking down at your misery. The beautiful, beautiful freak. "No" you groan an answer, head buried between your legs again, "I dropped my weed".
Eddie Munson sits down in front of you, grabs one of your rolling papers, and starts picking up the weed he can save, "didn't know you smoked, little mouse". You frown and look up at him, little mouse? what was that supposed to mean? As you look up at Eddie he gets to see your face clearly, what he sees surprises him, tho he wouldn't let it show, he was a true gentleman after all. But what he saw wasn't you, he saw some apocalyptic version of you, somebody who hasn't been living, someone who's been surviving. 
He sees the irritation in your eyes and the bags underneath them, the messiness of your hair and dryness of your cheeks, notices how your cheeks are too hollow to be healthy and it makes him feel a tinge of sadness. Because in the midst of this fucked up world there was you, this tiny, happy little cheerleader who wouldn't hurt a fly. You might've been the princess of Hawkins High but you were kind.
He took a liking for you last year, you might not have been in the same year but he saw you around, you looked down in embarrassment when your friends yelled insults at him in the hallway and saw the corner of your mouth edge up into an almost invisible smirk when he gave your friends the finger and insulted them back ten times harder.
He saw the stickers of a band he liked in your locker, and sometimes in the cafeteria if he tried his best to listen to the cheer table's conversations he could hear you being strongly opinionated. 
Now you weren't the cheery little princess of Hawkins High anymore, of course, he'd heard about the infamous Hotel Murder. Everybody had, you weren't okay and he didn't expect you to be. "Why little mouse?" you asked, he smirked as he added some of his own weed to the joint, "because you're sitting here, curled up like a scared little mouse", "'m not scared of you" you muttered, watching him as he liked the paper and smoothly rolled it. "I know, little mouse.”
He lit the joint and took a hit before passing it to you, he noticed how your hands were shaking fiercely, and how it irritated you that you could barely properly hold the joint. He let out a quiet sigh before scooting closer to you, he took the joint prom your hand into his and pressed the filter to your lips, your lips wrapped around it and his fingers touched your lip, you looked into his big brown eyes for just a second, feeling grateful that he was helping you like this.
You took a big hit and he noticed how your eyes closed as you exhaled, cute. The both of you just sat there in silence for a while, smoking two joints, and slowly your headache dissolved into the background again. Eddie didn't ask questions, he knew better than to do that. You were the one to break the silence, "do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?". Eddie gave you pretty smile and shrugged, "um, just you know, on a daily basis".
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