#sources (youtube comments) are conflicting.
mudzdale · 1 year
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echoekhi · 7 months
I’m Declaring War Against “What If” Videos: Project Copy-Knight
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What Are “What If” Videos?
These videos follow a common recipe: A narrator, given a fandom (usually anime ones like My Hero Academia and Naruto), explores an alternative timeline where something is different. Maybe the main character has extra powers, maybe a key plot point goes differently. They then go on and make up a whole new story, detailing the conflicts and romance between characters, much like an ordinary fanfic.
Except, they are fanfics. Actual fanfics, pulled off AO3, FFN and Wattpad, given a different title, with random thumbnail and background images added to them, narrated by computer text-to-speech synthesizers.
They are very easy to make: pick a fanfic, copy all the text into a text-to-speech generator, mix the resulting audio file with some generic art from the fandom as the background, give it a snappy title like “What if Deku had the Power of Ten Rings”, photoshop an attention-grabbing thumbnail, dump it onto YouTube and get thousands of views.
In fact, the process is so straightforward and requires so little effort, it’s pretty clear some of these channels have automated pipelines to pump these out en-masse. They don’t bother with asking the fic authors for permission. Sometimes they don’t even bother with putting the fic’s link in the description or crediting the author. These content-farms then monetise these videos, so they get a cut from YouTube’s ads.
In short, an industry has emerged from the systematic copyright theft of fanfiction, for profit.
Project Copy-Knight
Since the adversaries almost certainly have automated systems set up for this, the only realistic countermeasure is with another automated system. Identifying fanfics manually by listening to the videos and searching them up with tags is just too slow and impractical.
And so, I came up with a simple automated pipeline to identify the original authors of “What If” videos.
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It would go download these videos, run speech recognition on it, search the text through a database full of AO3 fics, and identify which work it came from. After manual confirmation, the original authors will be notified that their works have been subject to copyright theft, and instructions provided on how to DMCA-strike the channel out of existence.
I built a prototype over the weekend, and it works surprisingly well:
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On a randomly-selected YouTube channel (in this case Infinite Paradox Fanfic), the toolchain was able to identify the origin of half of the content. The raw output, after manual verification, turned out to be extremely accurate. The time taken to identify the source of a video was about 5 minutes, most of those were spent running Whisper, and the actual full-text-search query and Levenshtein analysis was less than 5 seconds.
The other videos probably came from fanfiction websites other than AO3, like fanfiction.net or Wattpad. As I do not have access to archives of those websites, I cannot identify the other ones, but they are almost certainly not original.
Armed with this fantastic proof-of-concept, I’m officially declaring war against “What If” videos. The mission statement of Project Copy-Knight will be the elimination of “What If” videos based on the theft of AO3 content on YouTube.
I Need Your Help
I am acutely aware that I cannot accomplish this on my own. There are many moving parts in this system that simply cannot be completely automated – like the selection of YouTube channels to feed into the toolchain, the manual verification step to prevent false-positives being sent to authors, the reaching-out to authors who have comments disabled, etc, etc.
So, if you are interested in helping to defend fanworks, or just want to have a chat or ask about the technical details of the toolchain, please consider joining my Discord server. I could really use your help.
See full blog article and acknowledgements here: https://echoekhi.com/2023/11/25/project-copy-knight/
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whorety-k · 28 days
Hi hi! This is for the primarch + song thing! Konrad Curze and 'The Haunting' by Avantasia is a really good match, it fits both his and his legion's downfall really well. ye have full freedom with writing it
This was actually a really enjoyable listen and fit really well!! Very easy to write some twisted shit to, so I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Konrad Curze and gn!Imperial Agent!Reader, could be either platonic or romantic
Song Inspiration: The Haunting - Avantasia [Youtube] [Spotify] “A thousand nights / We've been calling your name / Close your eyes but I won't go away / We're there for you / The cold embrace / that you don't wanna feel / Must not be, but you know it is real / We're there for you.”
Warnings: Graphic blood and gore, descriptions of innards, terror, bestie you aren’t here for a good time, Konrad being a creep that doesn’t know how to express emotions like a normal person, yandere? I think?
Word Count: ~1k
Clink. Clink-clink.
The ice in the cup of water collides with the side of your glass as you raise it to your lips with a shaky hand. You try to focus on it to avoid retching from the overpowering scent of iron around you, condensation dripping through your fingers and onto the floor.
It had started off innocently enough, considering who Konrad Curze was as a person. Being an agent in the Imperial Palace tasked with correspondence, you were the political voice of your charge– a mediator to avoid conflicts, listening and translating the oft harsher voices of the Primarchs into something more easily digestible for the Highborn of Terra. Curze wasn’t even the Primarch you had been assigned to, but with the XIVth Legion on their homeworld of Barbarus with little in terms of updates, your open availability had allowed for repeated encounters with the King of Terrors.
You could not have caught the attention of someone worse, and truly, you hadn’t intended to catch it at all. 
You smelled him before you saw him. It was hard not to, with how rot and decay hung to his frame and soiled the atmosphere around. Konrad Curze’s presence had filled you with a level of dread previously unknown to your cushioned existence. Haunting black eyes that seemed to pierce into your soul despite not being fully present. Grime and dried blood embellishing his unkempt locks. Before that moment, you had only heard tales of the Night Haunter’s grim visage and lackluster decorum, but no words known to you could describe the true extremes of it. You had done your best to be amicable with the Primarch of the Night Lords, fearful of his easily-excitable penchant for violence but understanding enough that it caught his attention. Something lingered in those abyssal eyes.
Curze wasn’t used to someone looking at him with anything short of disgust and terror, yet you had given a genuine attempt at conversation. It fascinated him, and it compelled him to keep an eye over you. He was a guardian of justice and an embodiment of the Emperor’s will, after all. 
You did not need to know he was watching.
A weight places itself at your upper back, the chill of clammy skin nipping at your neck. It’s cold, the room around you, and a chill runs down your spine for the umpteenth time. You long stopped counting the amount of times goosebumps raised on your skin, or how bile would rise in your throat if your gaze strayed any farther from your cup than necessary. Trying not to cry out was enough effort.
It was supposed to be a regular meeting amongst agents. Even with your Lord Primarch absent, you were still required to show and take notes to discuss with him later. The agent to the Night Lords sat directly beside you as a constant source of annoyance throughout the entire evening, the epitome of a pig. Unwelcome hands on your shoulder or comments about the cut of your uniform came as a plague to your mood, and you left in a hurry as soon as the allotted time was up. You had nearly run head-first into Curze’s leg in your haste to exit the room.
Thankfully, the Night Haunter was more sickly entertained with your clumsiness than irritated with the transgression. He seemed even less enthused to see his agent than you had been, and Konrad’s gaze had not missed the way you swatted said agent off of you when his hand gripped your waist to steady you. You may have withheld your biting comment, but you couldn’t hope to hide the spike of dismay in your scent. Konrad was disappointed you left quickly enough to miss the interrogation that followed, but he figured the aftermath would be enough of a gift.
“Do you like it?” Curze asks, thumb caressing the trembling flesh of your upper arm. You allow traitorous eyes to look up once again at the puppet of meat that once was Konrad’s agent. To call it a corpse would be a gross misjudgement of the scene.
The expression of terror on his face still lingered in his glassy eyes. His chest had been flayed open, ribcage split at the sternum and spread open to reveal the underlying organs beneath. Ropes of intestines piled into his lap like pulled rubber. Arms and legs alike had been shredded into ribbons, tangling within each other. His heart had been carefully carved out and placed on the table beside him. 
Frozen to the ground below, you take another shaky sip of water from your glass, unable to look away this time from the grotesque details. You don’t answer.
“He shall no longer be a bother to you,” Konrad says, removing his hand from your back and circling around the scene like a shark called to blood, “Fools have no place in this universe.” He plucks the dead heart from the table, raising it to examine the muscle closer. It pops with a revolting wet squish as he closes his fist around it. Curze sighs, “A pity I’ll have to hassle with finding a new agent, but I’m certain a qualified candidate will come my way...”
Your entire body runs cold when he turns to face you with a knowing grin and stalks closer, wiping his soiled hand on one of the leathery rags of skin adorning his armor and kneeling to be at your level. A bloody hand rests on your shoulder, and an amused breath puffs through his bared teeth when you recoil. You nod your head and force a smile despite the ice in your veins. Black eyes crinkle in macabre joy.
“It’s a great time for change, don’t you think?”
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absolutebl · 3 months
Began Beginning - Myanmar's first BL 
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Not So Quick Pitch (or is it a pitch?)
Cause I got a lot of thoughts
8 eps 25 min ea YouTube
Began Beginning feels very much like a first timers BL. Which it pretty much is. There’s a lot of explaining and info dumping and information that we really don’t need about the characters (or the family) especially in the first couple of episodes.
Here's your hlepful breakdown:
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Mani = main boy workaholic, probably gay, acts ace 
Hlyan = cute flirty bestie, smoker, closeted gay (for good reason) in love with Mani (becomes main character about 3/4 way through) 
Walar = openly gay visitor recovering from a breakup who enters their codependent dynamic and things happen as a result
Thae = Mani & Hlyan’s other bestie, trans 
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I was tempted to say this reminded me of early Vietnamese BL, but in actuality what it reminded me of most was the stuff we got from way back in the early 2000's out of Hong Kong, or more recently from the Philippines (I'm thinking about something like The Boy Foretold by the Stars).
There is a grungy sticky authenticity to these works, of which Began Beginning is now a part. They have their own tarnished charm. For all their hiccups in storytelling and absurdities, there is an almost documentary feel to them, partly as a result of the inferior quality of production and filming (which is entirely economic). But that itself also somehow adds to the appeal.
This kind of BL is entirely the opposite of something out of Korea or GMMTV. And if you like that BL best, you aren't gonna like this product. But as much as KBL wins top ranks from me pretty consistently these days, sometimes I enjoy this kind of BL too.
The range itself keeps the genre vibrant and healthy.
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So what is Began Beginning about?
Childhood best friends must come to terms with their own identities and true feelings for each other when a new boy comes to town, putting them into conflict with their families and ultimately, each other.
For the first half of this show there’s a lot of sitting across from each other and talking about life choices over yummy food and then going to tourist spots (mildly boring and not particularly important to the plot). 
It changed tone about 2/3 in to be way more of a coming out family drama about forced marriages and homophobia.
And then at the very end it changed again, becoming a full on soap opera with kidnapping, crazy characterization shifts, and rescue missions.
All in all? It was a wild raw creature to consume as a binge. No kisses since this is Myanmar, but a very romantic end, so I think maybe actually worth your time? I'm certainly glad I watched it.
Recommended with lots of reservations but great respect. I’m going with a 7/10.
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There is a particularly important part at the end when Hlyan talks about asking Thae to dress him as a girl to see if he was third gender because he had these feels for another boy. And how unpleasant that made him feel. I thought it was hugely impactful as a window into the boxes same sex loves in modern society forces upon us. No matter what options our culture provides for us, if the boxes are limited we feel limited too. Also, drawing a distinction between gender identity and sexual identity. Lovely bit of storytelling.
(see comments, turns out this is not the first one)
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mariacallous · 2 months
In the hours after Iran announced its drone and missile attack on Israel on April 13, fake and misleading posts went viral almost immediately on X. The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a nonprofit think tank, found a number of posts that claimed to reveal the strikes and their impact, but that instead used AI-generated videos, photos, and repurposed footage from other conflicts which showed rockets launching into the night, explosions, and even President Joe Biden in military fatigues.
Just 34 of these misleading posts received more than 37 million views, according to ISD. Many of the accounts posting the misinformation were also verified, meaning they have paid X $8 per month for the “blue tick” and that their content is amplified by the platform’s algorithm. ISD also found that several of the accounts claimed to be open source intelligence (OSINT) experts, which has, in recent years, become another way of lending legitimacy to their posts.
One X post claimed that “WW3 has officially started,” and included a video seeming to show rockets being shot into the night—except the video was actually from a YouTube video posted in 2021. Another post claimed to show the use of the Iron Dome, Israel's missile defense system, during the attack, but the video was actually from October 2023. Both these posts garnered hundreds of thousands of views in the hours after the strike was announced, and both originated from verified accounts. Iranian media also shared a video of the wildfires in Chile earlier this year, claiming it showed the aftermath of the attacks. This, too, began to circulate on X.
“The fact that so much mis- and disinformation is being spread by accounts looking for clout or financial benefit is giving cover to even more nefarious actors, including Iranian state media outlets who are passing off footage from the Chilean wildfires as damage from Iranian strikes on Israel to claim the operation as a military success,” says Isabelle Frances-Wright, director of technology and society at ISD. “The corrosion of the information landscape is undermining the ability of audiences to distinguish truth from falsehood on a terrible scale.”
X did not respond to a request for comment by time of publication.
Though misinformation around conflict and crises has long found a home on social media, X is often also used for vital real-time information. But under Elon Musk’s leadership, the company cut back on content moderation, and disinformation has thrived. In the days following the October 7 Hamas attack, X was flooded with disinformation, making it difficult for legitimate OSINT researchers to surface information. Under Musk, X has promoted a crowdsourced community notes function as a way to combat misinformation on the platform to varying results. Some of the content identified by ISD has since received community notes, though only two posts had by the time the organization published its findings.
“During times of crisis it seems to be a repeating pattern on platforms such as X where premium accounts are inherently tainting the information ecosystem with half-truths as well as falsehoods, either through misidentified media or blatantly false imagery suggesting that an event has been caused by a certain actor or state,” says Moustafa Ayad, ISD executive director for Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. “This continues to happen and will continue to happen in the future, making it even more difficult to know what is real and what is not.”
And for those that are part of X’s subscription model and ad revenue sharing model, going viral could potentially mean making money.
Though it’s not clear that any of the users spreading fake or misleading information identified by ISD were monetizing their content, a separate report released by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) earlier this month found that between October 7 and February 7, 10 influencers, including far-right influencer Jackson Hinkle, were able to grow their followings by posting antisemitic and Islamophobic content about the conflict. Six of the accounts CCDH examined were part of X’s subscription program, and all 10 were verified users. The high-profile influencers who are part of X’s ad revenue sharing program receive a cut of advertising revenue based on ”organic impressions of ads displayed in replies” to their content, according to the company.
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pigeonrobespierre · 6 months
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Soo today I decided to look further into whathever happened to the I Giacobini screenplay - buckle in, I did my best to include as much info as I could find!!
"I Giacobini" (the jacobins) is an Italian screenplay from 1962 based on Federico Zardi's homonymous drama and it is, as of today, a lost media.
The cause for the disappearance of the screenplay from the RAI (Italian national public broadcasting company) archives is either reconduced to the lack of care for the preservation of medias at the time or to the theory which believes the cause to be due to political circumstances.
According to Wikipedia (eh):
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...while Italy was in the hands of the Democrazia Cristiana, RAI for the first time broadcast to the public a screenplay «practically entirely aligned with the left and in which Robespierre doesn't come off as a bloody monster but rather like a Che Guevara of reason»
The Democrazia Cristiana or DC (Christian Democracy) was a centrist christian democratic political party in Italy.
The screenplay became largely appreciated by the public, as well as receiving praises from Palmiro Togliatti, exponent of the PCI (Italian communist party) - which happens to be one of the DC 's political opponents at the time.
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Palmiro Togliatti on "Rinascita" wrote that television was bringing a change, since «for the first time it brought a representation of the French revolution inside Italian households»
I went ahead and looked through the archives of Rinascita but found this.
Here I found Togliatti's comment on the screenplay - the below image is a section of it:
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The screenplay I Giacobini can be considered an important event of national culture. [...] What matters is that for some weeks a few billions of Italians, have seen and have had in front of their minds a revolution, have been brought to think about about it and to discuss it, seeing it as a political, social and human conflict.
It's then necessary to understand the political contexts of the time both within and outside of Italy:
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...In 1962, under the threat of the cold war, a few months before the Cuban Missile Crisis, a screenplay remarked positively by the leader of a communist party in a NATO country could've raised any kind of reaction.
Thus, the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the screenplay is believed to be caused by some archivist involved with the democristian party.
While this is widely believed to be the reasoning behind it there's not much clear evidence and it's likely impossible to investigate since so much time has passed.
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About the screenplay: it was broadcast in 6 episodes, of 90 minutes each, between 11th March - 15th April of 1962 (with a rerun in 1963 after which the tapes disappeared).
It originally featured La Marseillaise, La Carmagnole and Ça ira as well as 4 songs produced for the theater play by Gino Negri.
Audio Recording
In 2012 a man came forward with a (illegally) recorded copy of the audio from the screenplay and sent it over to the Rai archives. The studio managed to recover and digitalize the audios of the six episodes - sadly the video recording is still missing.
Funnily enough, the archive page on which the audios were supposedly made public is gone as of today - but I have found YouTube uploads here: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Also here's a doc that wast broadcast on Italian television on the 11th March of 2012, in honor of the 50 years since the first run of the screenplay - (it's in Italian, if anyone's interested I'll gladly sub it/provide a translation)
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In short - bless that viewer for pirating the audio in 1962 and lots of hate to whoever lost the tapes..
Maybe I Giacobini was the friends we made along the way 🍊
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into-september · 10 months
Saw your comment on the end of the agreste arc not being originally planned. What makes you think that?
(you bet I wrote like half of this, then had to do something else, and forgot it in my drafts. sorry it took so long)
In short: Because of how unsatisfying and thematically insulting it is.
In longer: The reason for that is because the very set-up of the story - and the conflict to which the show keeps returning time and again - is left unresolved.
The beginning of the story, whether or not "The Bubbler" was meant as the pilot, establishes the parallel conflicts between Marinette-Adrien-Gabriel and Ladynoir-Hawkmoth. Specifically, what it establishes is that the one thing keeping these conflicts from being solved is the secret identities.
On the larger story level, it's important to remember that Hawkmoth's stated goal isn't to beat Ladybug and Cat Noir, but to get their miraculous. In every scenario he has succeeded, he did so because he discovered their identities, not because he grew strong enough to defeat them in battle. Their identities are the key, and Gabriel knows it, and so, eventually, does Marinette (jury's still out on Adrien, who is still sore about it in the S4 finale). Conversely: It is vital for Gabriel to keep his own identity secret, because the moment it's out, he can expect Ladybug and her extended cavalry to come pounding on his door.
The secret identities are also the one thing keeping the two personal stories from being resolved: The Love Square and Adrien's troubled relationship to his father. Until S5, these are both kept in a narrative limbo: the source of repeated conflict that finds no final resolution because the moment they do, the relationships involved will change so fundamentally that every episode after will find them unrecognisable.
(this, by the way, is not a bad thing, no matter how much the fanboys on youtube and reddit moan about "filler" and "dragging the plot out". The show was conceived to be watchable in any order, and until "Kwami's Choice", what little change happens is so inconsequential that it hardly ever affects the story on the episode level.)
As The Movie well showed us, the identity reveal is the dead man's switch forcing the story to conclude. When Gabriel and Adrien know, both their character arcs will come to a head: Gabriel will have to choose between his son and his wife, and the outcome of his choice will finally give Adrien the answer if he can continue hoping to have his father back, or if he has to find the belonging he so longs for elsewhere.
The LS reveal meanwhile being far more vital to Marinette's character arc, and as "Ephemeral" would have us believe, crucial for her having a relationship with either of Adrien's two personas.
What we get instead is the least important reveal in this triangle - the Gabriel-Marinette one. Neither of them gets to change their mind about Adrien and re-evaluate their actions based on his knowledge, and Adrien never gets any resolution of the numerous problems he had with them both. The boy whose whole character arc is about winning his agency away from a father who has total control of his life down to his body and his mind ends the story as the in absentia bargaining chip between his father and his girlfriend, never knowing that this confrontation even happened. In fact: if the lore from "Ephemeral" still counts, Adrien's entire character arc was un-made, since Gabriel specifically requested to be remembered as a good father, and allegedly wasn't such a jerk when Emilie was around.
Since the show never did come out and say in words that Adrien is a sentimonster, and since being a sentimonster is compeltely unproblematic now that Felix is a good guy, I don't expect that this will be a story point in future seasons. Marinette made the choice to bury Gabriel's sins, and the show has never disagreed with her decisions except in the cases where it was blatantly obvious that she'd learn a lesson by the end of the episode.
Gabriel's story is over, Adrien will never know, and I refuse to believe that the people who made the two of them father and son did so with the intention of never letting that have any meaning.
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chery1bery1 · 2 months
A thread of actors/musicians that support Israel.
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Jen Cohn
She is well known for voicing many characters such as Pharah from Overwatch, Ursa (Zuko’s mom) from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Miss Champlain from Wordgirl, and many other roles. On a TikTok and YouTube livestream when many watchers commented “free palestine”, her response to them was “Yes, free Palestine from Hamas.”
There are also more quotes from Cohn such as her response to a comment about wanting a new Pharah voice actor along with the Palestine flag emoji, “That is not a very ‘values of Overwatch’ thing to say” which caused anger from many fans. Cohn has also stated that “Hamas is a terrorist organization, there are so many articles and videos of Gazans risking their lives by speaking out and begging to be free of their terrorist government.”
A change.org petition to call for a voice recast can be signed from this link here.
Video source
(Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist nationalist group that controlled the Gazan strip for 20 years and is labeled as a terrorist group by many countries. It took over the Gazan strip after an election between a political party called Fatah in 2006. On October 7th of 2023, the IDF’s attack on Gaza was followed from a series of many other attacks in Israel from Hamas but there were other conflicts between Israel and other groups before 10/07.)
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Deedee Magno Hall
Hall is well known for voicing Pearl, a character from the Cartoon Network series Steven Universe along with other live action roles for other studios. Although she never stated anything about Israel or Hamas, one of the posts she liked on Twitter was from Mark Hamill, “America stands with Israel ✊ #ALWAYS” which spread on the platform, receiving backlash from SU fans.
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Eric Nam
Eric is a K-pop/R&B singer and songwriter based in South Korea who wrote songs under B2M Entertainment. He had many tours over the years as a musician and even acted in television. In a tweet by @DiscussingFilm on April 11, it was announced that he had been cast as adult Aang for the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie set to release around 2025-2026.
This post received backlash from ATLA fans due to posts regarding his involvement with Zionists and support for Israel such as liking a pro-Israel instagram post,
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The companies Dive Studios and Mindset (both co-founded by Eric and also his brothers) having investor companies supporting Israel along with Mindset’s strategic investor Scooter Braun also supporting Israel as well as a history of working with celebrities that are pro-Israel, and the fact that he removed Malaysia and The Philippines off of his “House On A Hill” tour list due to backlash by many Malaysian fans for the aforementioned instagram post (Malaysia is against people supporting Israel and is very pro-Palestine.), ignoring the backlash but posted a statement regarding his neutral opinion on the Gaza genocide where the reason was that he “made the difficult decision to cancel the show” in Malaysia.
You can sign the recast petition here
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Noah Schnapp
Schnapp is another well known actor who played characters such as Charlie Brown from the Peanuts Movie by the now-defunct Blue Sky Studios, and Will Byers from Netflix’s Stranger Things.
In a TikTok video, Noah Schnapp is seen sitting and filming with people holding “Zionism is Sexy” stickers, the line “You either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism.”, along with liking a post that mocked Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as well as his visit to Israel. This had many fans call for a boycott against the 5th Season of Stranger Things or for Noah to be fired from playing Will Byers.
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Jeremy Shada
Jeremy is also another well known actor and had many roles like the Cookie Run franchise as Gingerbrave, Adventure Time as Finn the Human, Voltron: Legendary Defender as Lance, Julie and the Phantoms as Reggie Peters, and some others. Many fans were not happy to see that he has been pro-Israel due to an instagram post liked by Shada and so some Finn and Gingerbrave fan art with the Palestine flag were made.
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Tara Strong
Tara is the one of the most well known voice actor in the animation industry and had been widely loved for playing many famous characters such as Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls, Raven from Teen Titans (and the reboot), Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Timmy Turner from The Fairly Oddparents, Ilana from Sym-Bionic Titan, and so many other characters she’d played in.
Recently, she was fired from playing the character Bill the Orphan in an adult-animated series called Boxtown due to her negative responses to the Palestinian genocide. She said in a tweet, “Just found out on twitter! This is what happens when you help fans get shows made I guess. Fired for being Jewish. Glad I helped you get your kickstarter money. Please lose my email address & pray for my family in Israel and in Gaza. & #prayforpeace.” Bandit Mill Animation however, has stated this was due to Tara’s controversial tweets.
Speaking of, there are many tweets by Strong that prove this point such as liking posts that are against Islamic people, being pissed off that the BLM movement didn’t stand for a genocide, claiming the IDF doesn’t rape/harm any civilians, making a post with the hashtag #IStandWithIsrael, hiding a reply of the death count between Palestinians and Israeli people, and even more situations outside the Palestinian movement like being an anti-vaxxer, supporting PETA, supporting and directing an “eco-friendly” NFT movie project called Ornamental, supporting Autism Speaks (an organization that claims to “cure” autism.), being in a video where Tara was verbally abusing an Uber driver that was an immigrant along with Rena Sofer by saying “We are Americans, we were born here.”, did nothing when Greg Cipes called asexuality a phase to an asexual in a FMA game he hosted, being racist in response to a news clip of MEMRI (Which is a non-profit organization founded by Yigal Carmon, an Israeli military intelligence officer. MEMRI has been claimed to mistranslate clips so Palestinians would viewed in a bad light.), had a little girl who had a brain tumor pass away due to bronies donating to a charity where the money was instead of real medicine, it was put into “alternative treatments”, AND retweeted Ben 10 incest back in 2012-13.
Tara Strong has really destroyed her own reputation as a voice actor and it’s really upsetting that a famous woman who voiced pretty much everyone’s childhood have such negative ways when dealing with topics like these. The fact that there are STILL fans defending her actions is just depressing to see what she had become.
I have a picture limit that only goes for 10 images, so here’s a lightning round of more people.
Jerry Seinfeld, who voiced Barry B. Benson from the Bee Movie and had his own semi-fictional show named after his last name visited Israel into the IDF military base nicknamed “Camp Shoot-A-Palestinian” (I’M NOT FUCKING JOKING) and played target practice with pictures of REAL Palestinians, made a few pro-Israel posts on his instagram, and more.
Selena Gomez, played Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place, Mavis from the Hotel Transylvania franchise, and many other roles has many posts regarding support to Israel such as liking Amy Schumer’s pro-Israel posts on Instagram, was VERY pissed off when fans asked her for Palestinian support, and lying about the beauty company Rare Beauty supporting Gaza even though the CEO is a Zionist which resulted in the donation money going a Zionist organization called Magen David Adom.
Scarlett Johansson had worked with companies that support Israel over the years along with a couple of posts that are pro-Israel.
Kim Dongyoung, who is a member of a few South-Korean bands as Doyoung like NCT and it’s other sub-units has lost over 800,000 instagram followers because of a McDonalds Korea promotion he was in even though he had donated to World Food Program Korea (a company that started to donate food to Gaza back in December of 2023.).
Taika Watiti, who played Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death has liked Instagram posts of Gal Godot’s suppport for Israel, went on a big rant about his response to people addressing his silence on Palestinians because of people not knowing about Māori issues on the Marc Macron podcast (Many, Many Māori people are pro-Palestinian.)
Sarah J Maas, author of The Assassin’s Blade, Crescent City, and A Court of Thorns and Roses, is a Zionist that has spoken about her “love for Israel”, said that she was proud of her family members that had been involved with the IDF and its military bases and went on a trip to Israel.
Con O’Neill, who plays Izzy Hands from the show Our Flag Means Death has a liked post by Eve Barlow with the lines of “coming out as a Zionist is harder than coming out as gay”.
Keanu Reeves is another well known actor that appeared in The Matrix franchise as Neo, The Day the Earth Stood Still as Klaatu, Cyberpunk 2077 as Johnny Silverhand, and many other movies. He said that he wanted to make a John Wick movie that take place in Israel with IDF soldiers that trained for stunts, went to a party that was hosted by a former arms dealer during the 2014 Gaza war, and visited Israel several times along with meeting Netanyahu.
Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson books made a very lengthy blog post stating the Israel-Palestine conflict with lines such as “the Israeli government’s brutal retaliation against the entire population of Gaza has reached genocidal proportions.” & “This means security and support for Israel, yes.”
You can find a LOT MORE celebrities/actors (that aren’t included in this post) that support Israel/ had signed Zionist letters along with people who support Palestine here👇
If you follow any of the people that are on this post, including the ones I’ve shared above, UNFOLLOW THEM. Do not go to any place that includes that person and boycott any artist that remains silent/supports Israel.
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felassan · 1 year
Some snippets of interest and insight from Mark Darrah, from an older Mark Darrah on Games YouTube video where he was livestreaming playing Dragon Age II some months ago -
Chat asked "Are you devs (former devs as well) hyped and excited about entire lore and world of DA like we are?''. Mark replied that the devs do get into the lore but that they actually often lean into the community to make sure that they aren't violating their own lore (because there's so much of it). "You guys have done a much better job of curating it than we have to be honest".
A comment in chat said "I think it's important to know that as DA4 ramps up, the fandom is going to change". Mark replied "for sure, definitely, as the marketing picks up for a game you draw in more people. Also, BioWare is carrying some Anthem people that picked up that never left, that have definitely changed the tenor of the fandom to some degree".
For dialogue, the reason why the paraphrase is different to what Hawke actually says is that they found in ME1 that if they just made them the same, it felt like everything you as the PC said was being repeated because you had already read it in your head and then it got said out loud. This does sometimes lead to disconnect as sometimes what Hawke ends up saying isn't really what was implied by the paraphase. Mark said "that's why we've been experimenting with different tonal stuff in different games, to give you hints as to more clarity as to what will actually be said".
Chat asked ''what is you opinion on the rewrite/corrections of a lot of the lore from DA2 in subsequent media?'. Mark replied "My opinion is that you should try to be respectful of everything that came before as much as possible. I don't like that some of the comics and things have enforced sort've standard canon so strongly. I recognize that, especially coming out of DA:O, there's not much choice, but I feel like we could have done a bit of a better job there".
He also talked more generally about DAII and the previous games in general. These bits are collected under a cut due to length:
The messages that appear at the bottom of the DAII start screen must be hard-coded as opposed to live updates received from online, as some of them still refer to long-past things
On Varric's embellished prologue scene, where Bethany's chest size is exaggerated, he mentioned that Varric was more of a pig in DAII than he is in DA:I. "Men writing men writing women"
First impressions have an impact on players' opinions of the companions. Mark mentioned that he thinks that might be one of the reasons why players tend to stick with the first 3 companions that they get in the game, because those are the ones they're used to and are forced to get a bit more context on because they're there with you for the duration of the prologue/introduction
One of the problems with DAII is that because the followers are so locked down in terms of their abilities, gameplay and roleplay are in conflict more than they are in DA:O and DA:I
Combat in DAII is essentially the combat of DA:O (the same systems underneath) if someone took the 'knobs' and cranked them in the opposite direction really far. So the same systems underneath, but just with very different numbers in them
In DA:I, lighting (what time of day it is) was created such that the best looking lighting/time of day for each area was chosen
In DAII Kirkwall, because it was essentially such a central character in the game, actually got a lot more attention than cities usually do in DA games
The design of Kirkwall's city map actually kind of discourages you from going out into the wilderness, which Mark doesn't think was the intention
He mentioned that accents are tricky and that you want replicable accents. This was a problem Mass Effect had, e.g. with Tali. Tali's accent was one her VA could do, but no-one else could do it, so they ended up with an un-replicable accent for this character
"I forgot how many redheads there are in DAII"
Adding in some of the 'this is physically impossible irl' moves and skills to warriors and rogues in DAII helped to better balance those classes with mages, which were sort've overpowered relatively speaking in DA:O
DAII tried really hard to establish an art direction. So for example, there was a strong effort to make elves not look like 'humans with pointy ears', hence they're very angular. They then backed away from this a bit in DA:I
Chat asked ''Do you guys prefer the strongest loot to be crafted or found?'". Mark replied that crafting is a dangerous thing because some players don't engage in it, so if you require crafting for the best loot you run into the problem of players who don't engage in crafting not being able to play the game. Usually the best loot is crafted, but you need to be able to play the game without using it
In DAII they were trying to control the game economy a bit better than it was done in DA:O, as especially in the first act you're supposed to be someone who has just fled the Blight, so it wouldn't make sense to have a sack of money
On the repeating cave environment in DAII, it was a very specific hole in the cave ceiling with a shaft of sunlight hitting the ground that was so identifiable/distinctive that was what showed that the cave was being reused. "That specific spot is the main reason there was backlash about and people noticing the reused cave". Chat asked whether Mark thought that a simple texture swap-out would have helped mitigate the repeating dungeons complaint and he replied that some texture swaps could have helped, but the reason why they didn't do more clever tricks to conceal it was lack of time
Another major thing that caused the noticeable repeating environments problem is that they had the same area map, as they didn't have the ability in the engine to have specialized area maps, "so what happens is you actually get lots of times where parts of the level look accessible when in fact it isn't" (blocked off doors and not making it look like that on the minimap), and that just draws even further attention to how repetitive it is. DA:O comparatively did better at disguising or effectively reusing content
Also, chat asked ''Development wise, was crunch much worse for DA: Exodus versus DA:O or DA:I since it had a year or two development period??'". Mark replied that "Crunch-wise, yeah, DAII was arguably the worst but because the game was short in terms of dev time it was less total time I guess. But it was kind've for the entire development process so that was not great. We decided to do it in December in 2009 and shipped in March of 2011, so total time from the day we decided to do it until the day it was on shelves was about 15 months." This is why the game relies so much on the followers, because they are faster to write, usually require less revisions and you can go with the first drafts a little bit more. "If Jason Schreier says it was 2 years dev time for DAII in his book Blood, Sweat and Pixels, he's incorrect". More development time for DAII would have helped but it would have needed to have been added to the timeline in just the right way. If it had been added at the end and the release date had shifted really late in development, that would have been the biggest way to help, "because you could take the game as it was and patched over the biggest shaky bits". If it had just started with a 2 year dev cycle "I think you would have ended up with weaknesses because you would have just filled up the bucket with more content and I think the solution would've been to not do that, to keep it super tight, keep the focus on the characters and then patch over the worse of the glaring things". Also, "I have slept under my desk, yes".
(pls note that in places there is a bit of paraphrasing of the info, the best source is always the primary source with full quotes in their original context. and also that this vid is from 11 months ago)
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hindulivesmatter · 5 months
I know who's Indian though not from India say she learned so much about Hindutva from watching videos about it from some white mayo monkey Youtuber in his early 20s (Armchair Psychologist) and became this super aggressive leftist activist against matters like CAA. I don't support a Hindutva nation, but I hate how a lot of Indian leftists suck up to white ones with vested interests to the point where they go so far against their own people and act super annoying about politics. At least look at all the sources instead of colonial bullshit. Also she and many other desis act like Modi is the most undemocratic and worst politician when politicians like Biden have a pattern of saying and doing harmful things to multiple groups, even in the present. Other groups of people are more self respecting and act more normal when talking politics while Desis particularly Hindu desis have crackhead energy. I've even seen Hindus support and invalidate racism against those who diverge in their thinking alongside liberal whites instead of checking them while black people for instance have a common phrase to tell other groups to stay out of their business when engaging in conflict and Muslims have more solidarity too. I hate how so many Muslim desis I've grown up with talk about Palestine all the damn time without uttering a word about Hindu minorities where their from and the Hindu ones grew up to be Muslim simps to the detriment of their own even though they were horrible to me long before. Also I find it so interesting how much discrimination someone like Vivek Ramaswamy gets even from the "Hindu" community for being raised Hindu even though he has a very American politics unlike Ilhan Omar who is an Somali immigrant and isn't fully aligned with American interests to the point where she made an offensive comment about 9/11 and has supported religious extremist rhetoric.
I'm sorry when you said white mayo monkey I SCREAMED 😭
you made some really good points though, this was very interesting to read.
i always find it funny when people who aren't even Indian go to lengths to make videos on topics like Hindutva when they probably don't even know what most of it means or have found their info from biased media.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Michael Bennet on Tuesday sought information on how tech giants Meta, X, TikTok and Google were trying to stop the spread of false and misleading content about the Israel-Hamas conflict on their platforms.
"Deceptive content has ricocheted across social media sites since the conflict began, sometimes receiving millions of views," Bennet, a Democrat, said in the letter addressed to the company chiefs.
Visuals from older conflicts, video game footage, and altered documents are among misleading content that has flooded social media platforms since Hamas militants attacked Israeli civilians on Oct. 7.
"In many cases, your platforms’ algorithms have amplified this content, contributing to a dangerous cycle of outrage, engagement, and redistribution,” Bennet said.
The Senator's comments come after European Union industry chief Thierry Breton blasted the companies, demanding they take stricter steps to battle disinformation amid the escalating conflict.
In his letter, Bennet has posed a series of questions to the companies seeking details on their content moderation practices and sought answers by Oct. 31.
The social media firms have outlined some steps they've taken in recent days in response to the conflict. The short video app TikTok said it had hired more Arabic and Hebrew-speaking content moderators. Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, said it had removed or marked as disturbing more than 795,000 pieces of content in Hebrew or Arabic in the first three days since the Hamas attack. X and Google-owned YouTube both said they had also taken down harmful content.
But Bennet said those actions were not enough.
"The mountain of false content clearly demonstrates that your current policies and protocols are inadequate," he said in the letter.
Bennet also slammed the four companies for having laid off staff from their trust and safety teams in the past year that were in charge of monitoring for false and misleading content.
Twitter shelved 15% of its trust and safety staff and dissolved a related council in Nov. 2022 after Elon Musk acquired the company, cutting more staff last month, Bennet noted. Meta reduced 100 similar positions in January, while Google reduced by a third a team creating tools to counter online hate speech and disinformation, Bennet said.
"These decisions contribute to a cascade of violence, paranoia, and distrust around the world," he said.
"Your platforms are helping produce an information ecosystem in which basic facts are increasingly in dispute, while untrustworthy sources are repeatedly designated as authoritative."
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elvis1970s · 2 years
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Presley’s Center Courts was a failed business arrangement that Elvis became embroiled in during 1976. There seem to be many conflicting versions of this story, and no one comes out of it particularly well.
The plan was for a nationwide chain of branded, upmarket racquetball and spa facilities, Presley’s Center Courts, for which Elvis would lend his name and in return receive 25 per cent of the company. Elvis was assured it was a risk-free commitment and a good long term prospect, requiring no cash investment on his part. Elvis might have seen this as a way to forge some business and financial independence from Colonel Parker. The driving force behind the project was a local Memphis property developer and businessman, Mike McMahon, along with Dr Nichopoulos and Joe Esposito.
According to Elvis biographer Peter Guralnick;
"…They had broken ground on the Memphis and Nashville clubs in the middle of April (1976) …but then things started to go wrong, as McMahon claimed that Elvis had to put up money for a buyout of the leases on the two buildings currently under construction, and when Elvis balked, informed him that by becoming 25 percent owner of the corporation, he was liable for 25 percent of its debts…"
Elvis then discovered that McMahon had been taking a salary and was funding a company car from the business account, despite assurances from Nichopoulos that no one would be taking anything out until the business showed a profit. Elvis appealed to Colonel Parker for help, but Parker reminded Elvis that he had been against the whole affair from the start, that a 25% stake in a company at no cost had always been too good to be true, and that it was too late for any kind of intervention.
Elvis took matters into his own hands. In a late night and not entirely coherent phone call to McMahon, with whom the relationship had to this point been cordial, Elvis let him have it, and even allegedly threatened to kill him. Nichopoulos mediated, telling McMahon not to worry and that irrational rage was a side effect of Elvis’ medication regime, and that Elvis would soon calm down. Nichopoulos wasn’t spared, himself the subject of a midnight call during which Elvis fired him and robustly expressed his disappointment at being taken advantage of.
Through his lawyers, Elvis subsequently withdrew his support for Presley’s Center Courts and instructed that his name be removed from the project. Following some legal manoeuvres, it appears that Elvis did pay some compensation to the racquetball company and loaned them around 40 000 dollars on top of 25 000 dollars damages, and the business continued without Elvis’ name until it folded in 1981. (The loan was apparently repaid promptly).
Nichopoulos was soon forgiven, as was Joe Esposito. The following year Elvis loaned a further 55 000 dollars to Nichopoulos, on top of an existing loan of 200 000 dollars, as the doctor was struggling with debt over a lavish new home. (As if Nichopoulos wasn't ethically compromised enough already).
According to the New York Times;
"...In 1980 Dr. Nichopoulos was indicted on 14 counts of overprescribing stimulants, depressants and painkillers for Presley, the singer Jerry Lee Lewis and several other patients. Two counts dealing with Presley accused Dr. Nichopoulos of “unlawfully, wilfully and feloniously” prescribing, in the months leading to Presley’s death, a cornucopia of narcotics, painkillers, depressants and appetite suppressants..."
Dr. Nichopoulos was acquitted of all charges, but in 1995 the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners permanently suspended his medical license, stating that he had been overprescribing to numerous patients for years. He tried multiple times to have his medical licence reinstated through appeals, but failed. He died in 2016, aged 88.
(Sources: Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley by Peter Guralnick, comments credited to Nichopoulos by YouTube channel ElvisistheMan, New York Times obituaries. Website of Heritage Auctions)
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deviantartdramahub · 3 months
So, Ilia tries to call me out on tumblr but i can get my revenge on tumblr as well until i am return on this site in december 2023. If she will be nicely to me, Maybe but she SHOULD be NOT EVIL.
And i am also regarding her awful post back for what ilia did shit to me: https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/735373729478098944/regarding-this?source=share
"A post that implies that if he had another account that he would evade the block and contact the person who blocked him - which is block evading and against dA rules (I was rude here, could've been nicer. I wasn't. I apologize for that bit)" Too bad ilia, because he already quit dA but yet you beg him to reporting me, But now you did because you cause my dA channel to be a damaged so you did, And no! I did not blaim you, You blaim and harassing me first. You also send your friends to attack me on my social media account when i got roasted but i escape, And i don't know you since july 2023.
"A status update that uses transgender as an insult. Which can be seen as hate or some kind of aggression. (even if I was transgender, how does that have any bearing on anything?)" Then whats your gender? Oh, You are female! I know what you reveal, I was asking you who are you but no, You are monster. Do i ever aggression you ilia? Hell no, I don't. If you are transgender in real life, That means you could be a male.
"Status by RRCBT577 on DeviantArt (archive.is) - A beware status about me / call out post with little to ZERO evidence of claims. And the ONLY evidence that was used was this status Status by ZazGal432 on DeviantArt (archive.is) < which Zazgal didn't even PROVIDE evidence of. - The original link Status by ZazGal432 on DeviantArt If you actually look at the entire freaking comment section NO WHERE in any of that is there evidence of claims of me supposedly bullying her. You know what I did ? I linked her to the RULES of deviantart regarding screenshots of other user activity like comment threads or dms. THAT'S what I did. (Telling someone the rules of dA isn't considered bullying or harassment). If you're curious - here's the rule she broke: What are your policies on resolving social conflict? - DeviantArt Help Center (deviantartsupport.com) - In the section that stats "Leave your deviations out of it" it talks about how screenshots aren't allowed with serve as a PERSONAL ATTACK."
So you archive my dA channel? Like why are you archive my social media account? Stop using archive.is and quit archiving me instead, You are so annoying lady in the world, You also trying to call me out but you failed. With a little to zero exposed of claims. And the only reasons why i share on your community tab because you beg someone to leave you alone but you cannot handle the FUCKING hate, I already read the dA rules but still. < Your friends are SUPPOSED to quit reporting me on dA, Instead of your bullshit. Btw, I send your friends request on discord because i have to bad reply at you back, I can also send my real friends to come over to your youtube channel. Such as a other, So you have to appeal my ban account instead of CONTACTING a dA help center, You would have to. And screenshots are still allowed you idiot, So stop trying to dragging me.
"The 2 statues he created were used solely for the purpose of attacking, not warning anything.. < Those 2 statuses were removed by staff." Now go RECOVER my dA channel by contacting a dA help center, You are still helper so you cannot hiding your actions. < Or i gonna get the hacker man to recover my dA account, So don't ever trying to reporting me on dA and tumblr you sick woman.
"And then after I created my own beware journal I got comments from an Account named Anti-esai who created this journal: Do not trust a karen username named Illia-Mae by Anti-Esai on DeviantArt (archive.is) - Supposedly, stating that I was "forcing" max to report richard when I was suggesting/recommending. Recommending something isn't "Forcing", btw." I do not created those accounts, It was made by yours or someone else, And yes you are karen. Also like i said before, Stop begging someone to reporting me on dA because that's not how it works, Recommending on your bullshit post is also not gonna help. Ilia, Just stop looking at me on my social media channel and leave, But you won't leave because you still let your friends to ATTACK my community tab. I already get my hero friends to get you because i suggest you to NOT come over me on tumblr. You are the most villains woman in social media i ever seen, And i am becoming a super hero soon until january or march 2024.
"After that journal was posted I created my report with that account and 3 others including the main account asking staff to REVIEW IT.. they deemed the anti - esai was breaking dA rules being a ban evader, Didn't state that it was his account but it was banned nonetheless ; However when Richard here created an account called Anti-Spinninganansi after his prime got SUSPENDED and sent me a note stating "go ahead and suspend me". Tell me you're richard without telling me your richard . and spinning a note asking for his "manager" - It was deemed by the staff that he was indeed suspension evading and therefore banned." So you think you are better than me? Well, You are WORSE than evie when evie attacking me. And now i lost my 1K watchers because of YOU! You keeps blaiming me alot of things that i did, But you DID because you are bad woman. And bad womans don't deserved to be return on other social media, You will unbanned me on dA soon. And my dA channel isn't supposed to be a name my prime, Including nick! He does NOT appeal me when i can show you on the center. I am stuck in banned from dA in 4 months and you won't let me go, Idiotic woman. And you wanna trying to reporting me on tumblr but you are not leader on this site. And he is not my manager, Your friends has a manager on dA because they are acting like a admit ; However when you came to my unfinished dA channel, Then your friends should quit reporting me because i am NOT a ban evade, I am a innocent you monster. Just leave my dA account alone already and stop trying to find me with a help welcome, Go ignore your dA notifications instead and leave my other social media accounts, If you don't leave my social media accounts, Then i am about to get my friends to get you. Now do it or you get bullies by my friends.
"DeviantArt - Discover The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community (archive.is) < this comment thread, pretty much threat. Or can be considered a threat." If you did, < Then explain this
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Nick does not let me a appeal because you EVER cause my dA channel to be a damaged and you will RECOVER my dA accounts, I don't care if you not admit but you will.
"That's the reason why NICK a STAFF member of dA declined your appeal. because your behavior on the site got YOU into trouble not the other way around." Oh yeah? Ilia, Your friends evie is trying to get my twitter account trouble because she tries to reporting me on twitter but she failed, But you will never able to REPORT me on twitter and tumblr because you are not A PRO.
Also, I will do a regarding her another awful post about me: https://www.tumblr.com/deviantartdramahub/735374599547748352/also-i-get-that-you-are-upset-richard-and?source=share
"Also -" For what, Another bullshit post you created? Ilia. -
"I get that you are upset Richard and absolutely you have the RIGHT to be upset. And I validate your feelings on being upset. But, how you are handling this ENTIRE thing; Instead of acknowledging your errors - you blame others. Instead of growing and reading the rules that are presented to you that YOU YOURSELF AGREED TO - you continue the behavior. Instead of actually being a mature teenager - you act like a petulant 2-year-old." I am 16 years old, You are upset too because you keeps telling someone to leave you alone but you deleted your post on youtube because you are still letting your friends to attack me. How about you grow up instead and not being a idiot like evie, My fellings will be not upset as your fellings will, I only acknowledging my life - you only blame me first, Instead of your lying and too many times that i already read the dA rules, The only villains that YOU ONLY AGREED TO - you also continue to the drama war too and the behaviour, Instead of actually being a adult - you act like a idiotic crazy woman, Now do it about recover my dA account or else. I am already have 5K subscribers so you will NEVER go inside my YT account.
"The behavior you are displaying on here, YT, twitter, wherever other socials you have - you display a tantrum. (and yes I do see it because you always seem to mention me or others you have issues with)"
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You display on my dA account back in july 2023 when i told you ilia, I don't FUCKING know you. - You also display a crazy woman that you are insulting me, Also what do you mean i mention you? You mean a deviantart mails right? You have a issues with your stupid mails that you don't deserved to be a KING, Instead of your evil behaviour.
"I WILL ADMIT that I was rude to you and I AM sorry for being rude to you. But here's a question for you: IF (keyword) IF I nicer to you and let you know PRIVATELY via DMs/notes about the rules of dA - Would you still act the same way?" If you want to apologies to me and being a nice to me, Then do NOT contacting nick to ban me on dA because i can do a legally screenshot whatever i have to, And IDK if i still act the same away but still pissed me off. -_-
"Here's the difference between You and I, right now richard. I have NEVER once threatened to hack your account, I have NEVER ONCE threatened to get "vengeance". I don't create "evilrichard" accounts. I don't post "who is more evil" polls. I don't do things like that." I don't think you shall not do it but my evil clone does NOT exist and my evil clone will be not return, You cannot treating me like this. If you want to be good woman like plankton, Just try but NOT a being evil like your friends evie, I hope the dA drama will be finally END and they will be NO MORE WAR AND BANNED, So please be a good woman or you will be a evil like him.
"You're right. We don't know if the evileviejulia accounts or evilsky or evil-iliamae accounts are yours. But if you look at the coincidence of the situations and everything in between, between your threats, the behavior you're displaying. How can we NOT assume that they are yours?" Like i told you ilia, These acocunts are NOT mine. Your threats must be a quit, Between your community tab of the situations and everything on deviantart and youtube. You'are supposed to be a good or bad, But if you acting like scar from the lion king. This means you can be a villains like him, But if you good woman! You will be good like spongebob or simba.
"I have made mistakes and I will own up to those. My primary mistake was interacting with you. Trying to save your account. - Again. I WAS RUDE. I will admit that shit. But at least I didn't threaten you, call you names by using offensive words, or swore vengeance on you for something so stupid as this."
If you have a mistakes, Then DO NOT CONTACTING ON DA HELP CENTER TO GET MY DA ACCOUNT BANNED.... Because thats not how it works, But it did. If you did not threaten me, Calling me names by using offensive words, then stop trying to attacking me. Because i am a good person and i delete those status update, If i trying to save my account, I will save my account sooner until someone recover my dA accounts. Look ilia, You must be good woman or evil womans! Otherwise you might end up like her.
So that's all i have to say her post about me.
DA belongs to its admins, I would say they can boot who they wish. However, it is more agreeable everyone's approach to this is hideous.
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idislikethissite · 1 year
An Interpretation and Review of Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium: an album of Tally Hall Cover/Remix/Mashups
Going by the name of Chonny Jash on youtube, he creates a stylistically unique form of “cover” (in addition to original songs, not included in this album) in which the original is covered, remixed and mashed up with tunes from other songs as well as adding entirely original lines; this allows for commenting on songs such as “Banana Man” and “Welcome to Tally Hall” within themselves, reframing ones like “Spring and a Storm” while maintaining the original tone, and expressing an epic psychospiritual story of self discovery, queerness and neurodivergence over the course of 18 songs. Content warning: suicide mention under the cut.
The album is split into three sections: Calamity, Cacophony, & Concord. Concord includes songs themed around tally hall itself or with a theme independent of the rest of the album, including Welcome to Tally Hall and Banana Man. Calamity acts to set the stage, with the lines in Time Machine which encourage the listener to loop the album and turn it over in their head to consider many interpretations.
So look, god look at what you’ve done now to me; locked into eternity, I’ll be back here one day, so they say.
Rumors have that I will write a different song, trying to get it right all afternoon.
Dream is the only other song in Calamity, setting the opening tune to Cacophony with an appropriate cacophony in itself.
Cacophony is the above-mentioned saga of self-exploration, and in contrast to the eventual gravity it begins with a remix of Mucka Blucka, which was originally entirely composed of chicken noises; the lyrics draw from both other Tally Hall songs and original lyrics (replete with chicken puns in , referencing themes to come: the division of the self into heart, mind & soul with conflict and unity between each (a theme rooted in Christian philosophy as far back as Augustine), the cyclicality of Cacophony, stagnation & change, and freedom & imprisonment.
Through Cacophony, there are three central character, each with distinctive voices. Named Heart, Mind and Soul with a directness to match a medieval morality play, they each snap and prod each other as conflicts flare. Ruler of Everything is a case where Heart and Mind can be seen; Heart takes the role of Juno in the original song, while Mind acts as what had been a personification of time; throughout Cacophony Mind also exhibits traits of a vindictive figure who lashes out with a position of carceral authority. This aspect of Mind is established here, with new lines following "Juno was mad/he knew he'd been had/so he shot at the sun with a gun/shot at his wily one, only friend":
Listen to this he shot and he missed. So Juno got what he deserved imprisonment was all that he earned. So let's stop on in and see if he learned a god damn thing.
The Tally Hall song "The Mind Electric" serves as the base for three new forms: The Heart Acoustic is the first, expressing the character of Heart—a spirited being prone to swooping experiences of vicissitudinous emotion, disparaging Mind while illustrating what Heart strives for:
Choose to sit safely out of the sun away from rays so blinding to the eye. Singing songs someone's already sung averting gaze from beautiful light. But as complacency settles, anxieties will rise and part this soul as Jekyll parted Hyde. Now I'm one half of a hollow man's lies the love, the hate, the emotional side.
While the heart strives to reach for the "light", the source of its inspiration, the full self lies in stagnation; wanting to act, but not doing it. This expresses very clearly the sensation of executive dysfunction as I've experienced it myself, being aware of potential, of oneself not acting toward it, and the infuriating awareness of not knowing why.
"I know that I'm weak. I know that I'm vile. But sometimes that's what's needed to survive." That's what I'll say to rationalize. "I'm needed if we're to stay alive." And yet, here I lie with black sunken eyes. My Mind's consigned our sighs to a leaden void. The Soul remains tempered. I remain plied. Condemned 'til we are both all but destroyed.
The Heart here recognizes the coping mechanisms of self-preservation as an attempt to justify its own presence in the self. But at the same time it is aware of the continued inaction of the self, and recognizes that its presence is not enough to pull the self from that inaction as well as that while passive, the total self is condemned by the Mind.
But I know that one plus one can't equal two if happiness is both our truths. Our total sum must equal one if we're to find that golden hue. So spiraling down entropically, I beg of thee have mercy on me. I am just a boy, you see. I plead of thee, have sympathy for me. See how it hurts when the sound begins to ring. And you feel it start to rot and you beg for it to stop But you've already dug your lot in the ground.
The Heart sees itself and the Mind, recognizing the conflict between them and the hostility and believing them to be inevitable; overcome with fatalism and sliding into a role of victimization, it blames Mind for the situation and sees death as an inevitable conclusion.
See how the Mind tricks the Soul into being something sickly, dead and cold. as you feel it start to tire and fester so, so slowly. Up until the point where it will finally die, just in time to see what could have been. Do what you want, you automaton freak. No I can no longer bring myself to care. This hollowed out vessel's beginning to creak so take control, let's see how you fare.
Heart's fatalism has bled into apathy, and control is handed off to Mind with a dare to do what Heart believes impossible: to find, or create, a reason not to kill the self.
The song following The Heart Acoustic is Spring and a Storm, establishing the views of Mind.
One time I tried to sing about... I don't know, but it was nothing fucking new. Yet another platitude. Yet another platitude. "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla-blah blah" is all they heard. Oh, you thought they were listening? No, don't be absurd.
The Mind defines itself beginning with a deep awareness of its unoriginality; everything to say, in the self for Mind or out of it for the self as a whole, has already been said. Nobody cares, and so it's both ridiculous and pointless to try to say anything at all.
I'm sure you really sang your Heart out or I'm sure that's how it seemed. But you and I both know so well now that looks can be deceiving. 'Cos "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, bla-blah blah" is so overdone. For a man cloaked in daylight, you sure hate the sun. When the tears stream down one day, obfuscated by the rain can you truly say with a straight face that you tried your best?
Heart is seen by Mind as pointless; spouting meaningless words while hiding in self pity, the inaction of the self as "not trying". This calls again to executive dysfunction and the ease with which someone blames themselves in the simultaneous desire to do something and awareness of their inaction.
As Mind pauses, Heart (denoted in parentheses) takes the opportunity to snap pointedly at him:
(Mr. Mind?) Yeah? (What do you see behind those dead, leaden eyes?)
Instead of returning the insult, Mind expresses his view of the self:
A Soul, so deep, and dark, and eternally cold. And an oath, formed from us both, that it would stay whole. But I think if I left it to you you'd fall under its weight and kill it too. But I won't let you ruin what we could still be. We have so much left to sing such a plain and simple thing. Yet your silence lines this pit in which we have lain. All this rage, despair, and shame that's been caged, ensnared and flamed form this atom bomb of songs refused to be played. So if you insist on crying while our host is slowly dying then I'll cut you loose and spare this noose the dead weight.
The self, as seen by Mind, is ultimately a thing of potential; potential restrained by the indecisive, self-pitying presence of Heart. Recognizing that Heart is part of the self, Mind still is expressly willing to try to separate the two of them to spare the self from wasting its potential—even if this is still by killing the self, at least it isn't wasted passively. But Mind still remembers a mutual oath between itself and heart, to continue living. Mind, ironically, is defined by this contradiction: pushing the self to keep living while threatening an end to it in death.
From here, The Mind Electric begins with an extended roast of Heart by Mind.
I could go on, but let's leave it there. Resident Heart is feeble and frail. A scourge to purge; due diligence is all Silent, sad outbursts, inaudible wails dictate he never does as he's told. Fathers of fathers, brothers of sons, deterred from being what they know what they can. All because heart refuses to run. This creature hardly resembles a man. My logic is the absolute. His pity parties simply harm these chances at an apt repute: esteemed regard in place of mockery.
Mind leans into Heart's coping mechanism of self-pity, using it as a means to infantilize and dehumanize Heart. Heart is blamed for the way those external to the self see them, for their inaction, and for not taking decisive action to end it all. Mind also reinforces itself as an authority through judicial wording. The relations of father and son also echo the root of the heart/mind dichotomy as being based in Christian philosophy, where it's used to reflect and define the trinity with the individual psyche.
I can't claim that I enjoy this, covering for a tortured boy that's slowly tired of all his toys. His wiles and woes ring like white noise. And I know that it's hard to see my rhyme behind the entropy, but if he'd just once humor me, he'd see we need to live life logically. See how the Heart plays profound (See how he lies) But the depth is insincere a pathetic, thin veneer.
Mind continues condemning Heart, blaming it for the self's state of inaction and arguing for Mind's own necessity as a part of the self.
The Mind Electric is punctured with a new tone though, and the Soul Eclectic begins—establishing Soul, a third figure, claiming authority over both Heart and Mind. Heart is represented in parentheses here, and Mind in brackets.
Yo. Call me the Soul or call me my name. Oh, label me whatever you would like. Call me your host or call me insane if that will help you stay in line. (He's a damn madman) [He's a depressed fool] (Is that the one you truly want to be?) [Abandon him and we could be free.] Warring all night, abhorrent and trite. You seem to forget you answer to me. Fathers of fathers, I know that I'm vile. Let's see how long it takes to murder me. Neither is wrong, yet neither is right. Condemn him to the infirmary. You must be so arrogant to think that either of you can control the Soul so wholly, when to be the whole you can't hold solely.
Soul is frenetic, unleashed—exactly what should fit what both Heart and Mind have seemed to idealize. But seeing him, they recoil; Soul is ravenous for power, for action, for control, for freedom all at once and is exactly what Heart & Mind see as an obstacle to each of their aims. Soul, for his part, holds just as much disdain for them: he dares them to kill him, high on the sensation of his freedom and believing it unstoppable. Soul's challenge is the direct opposite of Heart's earlier challenge to Mind.
Scattering sparks of thought energy deliver me and carry me away. Here in my kingdom I am your lord I order you to cower and præy. 'Cos I'm not nearly kind enough to leave you parasites inside me Stumbling loosely down this path in hopes the other's struck by lightning.
Soul continues to establish his authority, legitimizing the claim to power by trying to set the self as his kingdom. There could be a potential double meaning here in lightning; Mind and Heart could be just as eager for each other to be struck with inspiration as they would be for them to be struck from existence.
([I. Am. Me.]) See how the serfs work the ground. ([See how they fall]) And they give it all they've got. And they give it all they've got. And they give it all they've got 'til they're down. ([HA HA HA HA HA HA])
For a moment, united against Soul, Heart & Mind are united; the source of that unity distracts them from noticing it at the same time though, and they soon split again:
(See how he laughs at you) [Seethe as he snarls at you] (He will never understand) [Watch him struggle just to stand] (A cold and bitter stance) [The weaker half of man] (What a calculated, degradated hand) [Watch him beg and bargain, time and time again.] See how they fight all day. The other half just won't hear what's had to say. It's just the game they play here in this labyrinth maze. Screams with no sense for why. One more day and one more night One more black and one more white One more chance is all you've left to turn the tides. Tridential regicide I won't hesitate to kill my Heart and Mind. I will abdicate these deviants sat inside. I'll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied.
Split again, Heart and Mind squabble by attributing traits of Soul to each other while Soul makes an ultimatum: One more day and One more night to live and find or create a reason to, or Soul in his decisive fashion will follow through on what Mind could only threaten with.
What follows is The Bidding; Mind's lines in brackets [], Heart's in parentheses (), and Soul in curly brackets {}. After Heart and Mind continue arguing while Soul's deadline approaches, a shift comes with Heart & Mind overlapping:
[You claim to relish entropy but I see] (Stuck, deteriorating helplessly, endlessly) [The order which you beg to hold you down to the ground] (The 'Ruler' of our Soul, left never crowned, forever bound.) ([Your [silence] (violence) deafens more than any sound]) {Oh my god. Holy shit. We were there, that was it. Did you see, harmony, if only temporarily? The halves I reviled An attempt to concile. One more time, go again. No, this can't be the end. It was mean. It was vile. Like a freak. Like a child. But for once, Heart and Mind had finally combined. I believe. I concede. You can finally enweave. If not for you or for him then please do it for me. 'Cos I don't know how much more I can take. This creeping, seeping, sickly, sweeping, heinous [heartache] (headache.) So please, won't you just attempt to be free. 'Cos I think I can finally be me.
Heart & Mind's moment of unity against Soul, and awareness of it, come with the realization that the structure of authority needs to be overturned to exist in unity; the Soul can't act without reason and emotion, and neither of them can exist while subjugated by Soul.
Two Wuv follows, solidifying the unity of the self:
Brothers, friends and family, I hope you understand that the person you see is a dark, divided man, but the fact is that is just who I am, and I can't keep selling this facade when I know that it's a scam. Father, Saint and Mary, I hope you understand, but your sermons are fucked, and it's time to take a stand 'cos I'm sick of hearing fears and demands. Can you tell me the point in preaching if I'm already damned?
The self has reconciled the parts, and accepted the unity; telling friends and family members about it, and about the euphoria found in that truth.
That unity isn't tolerated by the spiritual authority, and a part of the realization of the self is to recognize that that unity and continued existence stands despite the wrongful preaching of those spiritual authorities. The self has heard their sermons plenty, but has overcome them through realization of their own psychospiritual unity; their existence itself disproves the claims made in the preaching, and the only thing these spiritual authorities could want is to kill the united self either through forcing the appearance of conformity, or making them kill themselves literally and directly.
To anyone who knows me, I'm sure I sound absurd, but I'm an egoistic queer under any definition of the word, but I think, for the first time in my life that these oddities that bonded me aren't worth the fucking strife. So call me sick or crazy if that's what you'd prefer, but that rotten melody is one I've already heard and you can stick that shit where it can't be harmonized. I refuse to be the person that my parents eulogize.
The self is triumphant: existence continues, with a new sense of pride in unity, their own identity found and forged in defiance of the external disparagement.
Altogether, Chonny has threaded these songs into something entirely new: a saga of self in multitude, the currents of neurodivergence, queerness and spirituality coming together in a surging portrait of internal & external dialogue. The songs not mentioned all have just as many layers to look into, and these have only been chosen for being particularly relevant to the narrative of Cacophony.
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In recent weeks, the renowned author and academic Siddharth Kara released his latest book, Cobalt Red: How the Congo Powers our Lives. The book sheds light on the labor conditions and living standards in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where cobalt mining is prevalent. Cobalt is a crucial metal in the global energy transition, and the book argues that Western consumers who use products containing Congolese cobalt are complicit in a human rights and environmental catastrophe.
The book has received widespread acclaim in the US and UK, becoming a New York Times bestseller in its first week of release. Publishers Weekly has hailed it as a "tour de force exposé," and Foreign Affairs has called it "a thorough and insightful investigation." Kara was even invited to discuss the book on the Joe Rogan podcast, which has garnered over four million views on YouTube in just one month. The book has also been featured in major news outlets such as CNN, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Daily Mail.
Commenting on the book's wide readership in the West, journalist Howard French once said, "It allows us, meaning the general public [in the US], to become interested in Africa in ways that respond to some pre-existing notions we have of Africa. That Africa should be a certain kind of way. That Africa should provide an escalating sense of horror in order to get us interested in it."
True to French's opinion, the book has garnered widespread attention in America and Europe, quickly becoming a bestseller and receiving accolades from numerous publications. Kara has even been invited to speak about the book on a popular podcast. However, the book's popularity stems from its ability to tap into pre-existing Western perceptions of Africa. Cobalt Red employs vivid language and imagery to evoke sympathy for the Congolese people.
Unfortunately, the book follows a well-worn narrative of Western writers traveling to Africa to tell stories that paint the continent as a place of suffering and despair. This narrative also perpetuates the idea that the Western world is the only hope for Africa. This is a grossly unfair portrayal of Africa, as the continent is not helpless and does not need saving by the West.
While Cobalt Red has brought much-needed attention to the plight of cobalt miners in the Congo, it is crucial to remember that Africa is not a continent in need of rescue by the West. We must be mindful of falling into the trap of viewing Africa solely through a lens of suffering and despair.
Nothing New, History Repeating Itself
Kara's story follows the same pattern as the conflict minerals playbook from the 2000s, which did not end well. Christoph Vogel's Conflict Minerals Inc. delves into the multiple drivers of violence in the Congo, unlike the simplistic single narratives that Western advocacy on "conflict minerals" relied on. These colonial frames led to policies that perpetuated structural violence, and the crude misrepresentation of conflict in the eastern Congo as being driven by greedy warlords trying to access minerals fed into equally blunt policies that harmed many of the people they sought to support.
However, the reality was that mining was the largest employer in the region after agriculture, and for all the mine sites with links to conflict financing, there were just as many without such links. These mines provided a vital source of income to hundreds of thousands of workers and their households, often at a wage level higher than available alternatives and in a context of widespread local unemployment. Unfortunately, these nuances did not fit into stereotypical Western stories or the simplistic campaign against conflict minerals, which drove down demand for eastern Congolese minerals. The impact of this on people in the region was severe, sustained, and widespread. Meanwhile, the conflict itself continued unabated, making international headlines in recent months with the resurgence of M23.
It is crucial to understand local mining in the Congo as Wainaina's landscape in which people laugh, struggle, and make do in usually mundane circumstances, rather than Kara's "grim wasteland of utter ruin." Otherwise, history will repeat itself, and the impact on people in the region will be severe, sustained, and widespread. Western tech and electric vehicle companies always put their faith in foreign-owned industrial mines or dubious mineral traceability and certification schemes to secure Congolese cobalt, which only soothes their consciences.
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
3, 7, 13, and 24 for the choosing violence 💕
Zak I love you <3 Thank you
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
arcane: every silco is a bad character/dad because he is the villain of the show/he is inherently evil, there are at least a hundred of these
ghost: not Tumblr and not really a take but the 800 million youtube comments of the people conflicted with listening to Ghost because they're catholic/Christian. If you're having conflict, you should listen to Ghost because you've been traumatized, and like 70% of their songs are about that trauma. Feeling guilty about doing something like that, is a sign of religious trauma (source: went to catholic school my entire life, it fucks you up)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I love her now though. I realized I just hated a lot of the ship stans, that there was a serious vi versus silco stans feeling, and I retract my previous Vi is bad statements. She needs a hug real bad and some soup.
13. worst blorboficiation
Thank you, dying to answer this one
Secret Ingredient Silco.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Shipping in general, but also Canon x OC. People cannot let other people have fun. It's literally not a real person, why is this an issue
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