#speaking as a little sister with a brother four years older than me
jeanmoreaue · 21 days
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honestly so emotional at Jean patching up his little sister’s dress so that she can play outside. and I guarantee nobody taught Jean how to sew so it was probably him poking himself
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thesuperiorrobin · 5 months
Winter season~
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‪‪❤︎‬ Pairing: Single Dad!Damian Wayne x Fem!Nanny!Reader
‪‪❤︎‬ Word count: 1.5k
‪‪❤︎‬ Warnings: none!
I do know know if I spelled the write term from father in Arabic correctly, asked a friend who speaks it and she told me she calls her dad “baba”. But if I did use the wrong term or spilled it wrong let me know please!
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Christmas seemed to be the only holiday the twins looked forward to all year, but then again what kid doesn’t? The twins are settled beside you, on their feet with red and white plastic balls in hand, debating on which color should cover the tall tree.
“Red should go on the tree,” Amir says, placing the red ornaments on the tree and watching it dangle. The little girl huffs slapping the ornament onto the ground. The plastic ball makes a noise as it comes in contact with the wooden floor. You frown.
“Ew no!” Fatima sticks her tongue at her brother, who’s older by seven minutes. “Red was last year! We do white this year!”
“Nuh-uh!” The boy shakes his head roughly, kneeling to pick up his decoration before waving it at his sister's face. “It’s Red! It’ll look so much cooler!”
“I don’t want cooler! I want pretty! So white!” You listen to the twins bicker back and forth for a few minutes before sighing heavily, snatching both decors off their hands and placing them on the tree.
“We’ll use both this year and that's final” the young set of twins let out grumbles as their little hands pick up their color ornaments and start decorating the bottom of the tree while you stick with the top part they can't reach. A normal person would take about thirty minutes to an hour to finish decorating a Christmas tree, but being stuck with two stubborn children took a lot longer than it should have been. You take a step back to admire the work you and the two children have put in, most of the ornaments fell at the bottom a clear indication that the twins did help while yours were scattered around—barely touching.
Fatima tugs at the hem of your shirt—taking your attention off the tree and onto her. She’s holding something in her hand—they look like Christmas ornaments but they weren’t from the boxes that you had initially picked out. “We made some in class for our last day! Can we put them on the tree?” She seemed to hesitate with the last sentence and all you could do was nod, a bright smile on your face.
“Of course! Where do you want to put them”
“on the top!” They shout. A chuckle erupts from your throat as you pick them up one by one, Amir’s then Fatima's. Their homemade decoration is placed next to each—you examine them carefully. You can tell who’s who by the snowmen are lined up. There are four snowmen on their balls, which leaves you confused.
“Who’s the fourth snowman?”
“That one’s you!” The little girl, who’s still in your arms, giggles. A soft smile forms on your lips as your heart warms.
“Can I light up the tree now?” You nod down at the little boy who gives you a toothy grin and skips behind the tree. It takes a few before the lights around the tree light up and green, red, and white fill your visions.
“Still think we should have gone with white, but this will do” You roll your eyes playfully, bringing Fatima onto the ground carefully.
“Do you have your Christmas list done? Or do you two need more time?” you question, they answer quickly “mines in my room!”
“Mines in my backpack!” And before you can set an answer the twins are sprinting off in different directions. You leave behind and with a sigh, you sit done on the comfortable couch in the room. A smile paints your lips the longer you stare at the colorful tree in front of you. Not long after the twins leave they come running back with a piece of paper in their small hands.
Fatima hands you hers, and you aren’t shocked by the many things she’s asking for this year. You read the list carefully and your eyes land on a certain bullet point.
“A real-life shark?”
“Mhm!” She hums “We learned about them and I thought they were pretty so I want one!”
“Well let’s wait and see what Santa can do” You smile at the little girl and Amir hands you his, he doesn’t ask for much but you are surprised to see only four things on the small piece of paper.
“No toys this year?”
“I’m too old for them” he huffs “I’m a big kid now so I don’t need any toys” You hum
“Not asking for Nerf guns?”
“I outgrew them” his answer hesitated. You scan their list one more time before you send them to get ready for bed, they protest but go on their way, dragging their behind them. A small laugh comes from your throat as you shake your head. The Christmas tree disappears from your sight as you leave the room with the letters still in your hand. The walk to his office is short, as you are faced with the dark brown wooden door you bring your arm up—hand in a fist as you knock on the door three times.
You wait until there is a faint ‘come in’ from the other side. The door lets out a small creek as you open it, stepping foot into the room, there Sits the infamous Damian Wayne, at his desk signing away at papers that lay below him. He places his pen down, forgetting about the papers once he feels your presence.
You wave the letters around with a bright smile “I got their Christmas list!” The letters slide across his desk as you pass them over to him, and with an exhausted sigh, you drag yourself to the couch a few steps away and plop yourself down, head resting on the arm set. Damian scans his children's list, chuckling at His daughter’s list as he reads a few things off hers.
“A shark?” You hum in response. He moves on to his oldest son, head tilted in confusion. “Four things? Not even a single toy?”
“He secretly wants more Nerf guns” He hums. Damian takes a look at your exhausted form, chuckling.
“I assume my stubborn children burned you out today?”
“Wasn’t so bad today, just a small argument about the tree ornaments”
“Fighting over what color they should be again?”
“Yeah, but in the end we went with both red and white. So no more arguing” It’s silent between you two, taking in the quietness before it’s gone. The sound of pen against paper stops and it goes unnoticed by you. Damian’s paper is forgotten once more, taking in your figure as you lay still on the couch with an arm over your eyes. Your breathing is even but you aren’t sleeping, he could tell by the way you softly hum to keep yourself from dozing off.
The soft sound of steps breaks his gaze, green eyes land on his closed door, seconds before it’s slammed open to reveal his blood dressed in colorful sleepwear. Their giggles fill the room—each running to whom they land their eyes on first. Fatima runs to her father, running behind his desk and jumping in his arms, trying to get a look at what lies on top Thankfully Damian hid the letters as soon as he heard them. Amir Runs to you, finding a place beside you seeing as you’re no longer lying down.
“Did you see the tree baba?!”
Fatima exclaims eyes shining brightly as she stares up at her father, Damian shakes his head, much to the little girl's disappointment. “Not yet ‘Amira, I’ve been busy” his accent runs as he pinches the small frown off the little girl's face, Fatima lets out a small giggle, slapping her father's hand off her cheeks.
“The white kinda ruins it” Amir murmurs quickly, and you cover his mouth, frowning. Fatima sends a glare at her older twin, green eyes staring at the side of his face viciously. The small boy takes your hand off his mouth turning to his sister to repeat his sentence to her face.
“I said-“
“he said ‘let’s go brush our teeth!” He cuts him off, not wanting to deal with the Wayne twin's outburst so late in the night, you grab ahold of his hand before reaching your hand out to the little girl who jumps off her father's lap and runs to you—grasping your hand in hers.
“But that’s not what I said” he protested
“Yes it was, now come. Your father has work to finish, us interrupting him means he won’t be able to read you stories before bed.”
Damian can only stare at the scene in front of him, his children clinging to you as you drag them out of his study. His children were never the way they are now, always quiet and kept to themselves, but once you came you seemed to break them out of that habit. You were what they needed and it’s a Christmas miracle that you were able to win them over so easily. The other Nannies couldn’t do what you did, quitting after a week or so his children were so difficult, but he couldn’t blame them they got that trait from him.
Once you’re out of his sight he goes back to signing, but something tells him to look over their list one more time and he does, scanning over until he flips over the paper. His ears tune red and his skin feels warm when he reads the single bullet point.
“Make Miss Y/N our mother!”
Written in bold letters.
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neymarsangel · 11 months
Car Troubles - Charles Leclerc x Verstappen!reader
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Charles Leclerc x Verstappen!reader
Requested? Yes/No: Anon: Can you do an angst with Charles where the reader is a Verstappen and lots of brother max🥺🥺🥺
Summary: Ferrari can’t keep their car on track and Charles can’t keep his emotions on the track. 
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, Max on a rampage.
When Max found out you and Charles were dating he wasn’t precisely best pleased, how could he be? His little sister was in bed with the man who’d been his rival since his karting days. Although Max was kinder to Charles now than he was back then he would still give Charles a rough time on the track or the cold shoulder at family dinners. Just because Charles was dating his sister didn’t mean he’d like him. 
For the past few months, Ferarri hadn’t been performing as well as they should be and the moment the car stopped breaking down Charles would make a mistake and land himself with another DNF. The pair of you had been dating for over a year now and Max was very much aware of it. You moved in after four months leaving Max alone in his apartment, not that you were always away from your older brother and tonight was one of those nights. 
Charles had returned from the race weekend pissed off beyond measure. The car had finally started to work and he’d spun out and hit the wall. He was leading the French GP and after his mistake, your brother went on to claim P1 which only pissed Charles off even more. He and you returned to Monaco rather hastily, saying nothing the entire flight home. Once you were in your shared apartment you finally decided to speak. 
“I don’t want to talk about it y/n.” His voice was stern as he threw his bags down without looking. His careless actions caused his bag to knock against your coffee table, hitting a vase Max had bought you. The water from the vase fell across the small table and leaked onto a scrapbook you’d left on the glass counted. 
“Charles!” You screamed before running over to the table. “Be careful you’ll ruin it!” The scrapbook was a present from Charles. After you two had an argument over telling Max about you both, he created the book as a way to show you that he never wanted to hide you ever again. Every time you went on a date he’d make sure he got something as a souvenir so he could scrapbook it. He got to relive the memories, allowing him to relax after races. 
“Who cares? It’s just a shitty book!” He snapped, running his hands through her hair. 
“What did you say?” Your voice broke at his words. 
“You heard, it’s just a shitty book with scraps of paper, it’s not important -”
“That book is about us, the book that you made! It is important.” 
“You don’t know what’s important y/n.” He raised his voice. “You know what is important? Me winning this championship! I need to win this for me, for Ferarri, for my family… for all those fans that give their time, effort and money to me, I need to win it for them!” He took a deep breath. “I need to win it for you…”
“Charles I want you to win the championship but it won’t make me think any differently of you…” 
“It should.” He snapped. “It’ll make me on the same level as your brother and I need to be fighting against Redbull… but you don’t get it.” 
“Charles I do -”
“No, you don’t! You’re not in that car, your brother is. You’re just always there in the background, just waiting there for Max… never me -”
“That’s a lie and you know it!” Your voice grew. “I always watch the race in the Ferarri garages, I only leave when Max wins to congratulate him. He’s still my brother Charles.” 
“You know sometimes when I lose I just want you there…” His voice was low as he spoke but that didn’t last long. “But you’ll never understand what that’s like.”
“Why? Because I’m not a driver?”
“Because you’ve never been in the spotlight, only the background.” 
“Is that what I am to you?” Your brows arched at his words. “Just someone in the background?”
“Well… the journalists flock to your brother, not you.” 
Being the sister of a Formula 1 driver had its perks but it also meant that every day you woke up knowing you would never be on the same level as your brother. Max was always praised by your mum and dad whereas you had to fight for even the smallest acknowledgement from your parents. It wasn’t that they didn’t care about your own achievements but more so that Max was always at the forefront when it came to outperforming you and Victoria. 
You didn’t utter a word to him as you grabbed your bags once again but rather than heading to your front room you headed towards the door. “Where are you going?” Charles asked. 
“Why do you care? I’m just in the background, aren’t I?” 
“Oh come on y/n you know I didn’t mean it -”
“Are you sure about that Charles because you’re acting like it.”
“Look, I know you will never understand what it’s like being under so much pressure but -”
“Charles, do you know what it’s like to be compared to your brother who’s won a World Championship? Do you know what it’s like to have to constantly think of ways to be noticed by your own family for something whilst your brother is out on the track competing in one of the greatest sports in the world?” Taking a deep breath as you watched his mixed expression. “Maybe Arthur will understand.”  
“Don’t bring Arthur into this -”
“Then don’t bring Max into this!” 
“How can I not? He’s everywhere I turn! He makes stupid decisions on the track which resulted in me suffering!” 
“Do not blame your incompetence on my brother!” 
“My incompetence?” He laughed at your words. “Your brother’s a fucking idiot on that track, nearly kills everyone who even dares go near him!” 
“At least Max knows how to stay on the track.” You knew it was a low blow but the way he was speaking to you, he deserved it. 
“That was low y/n…”
“And calling me unimportant isn’t?”
“Well right now you’re not important y/n, you know what is? Running Redbull to the ground and winning this championship, nothing else matters right now.” 
Charles was obsessed with winning, he always felt the need to prove himself to everyone around him despite his friends and family knowing he was capable of what he wished to achieve but he knew that didn’t matter. With fans and the press constantly hounding him and Ferrari to be better you knew it was them he wanted to appease, not himself. 
“Fine.” You didn’t utter another word as you opened the door and left him standing alone in your apartment. Tears pricked your eyes as you dragged your bags into the lift. You knew that if you stayed the two of you would only rip one another’s heads off even more than you already have. 
Monaco wasn’t exactly small so it wouldn’t take long to get to Max’s building meanwhile Charles was left alone with his thoughts. He’d fished the scrapbook from the water, treating it like an artefact at a museum as he slowly flicked through the pages, carefully inspecting which ones were damaged. Every time his eyes fell on the photos his heart sank. He knew he shouldn’t take out what was happening on the track onto you. You would support him at every turn and he knew what he said about you never being there for him was a lie. He spent the night drying the pages as best he could whilst he put them back together as they were before. He thought of sending you a text asking you if you were at Max’s safely, it didn’t take a genius to work out that you’d gone to see your brother about it, but he also knew if Max saw your phone he’d take it upon himself to reply. 
When Max saw you his confused gaze softened into a sympathetic one. His arms opened as you fell against him in his doorway. Sobbing into his chest he slowly guided you into his apartment before speaking. “Want me to break check the cunt when he’s out cycling? Or I can shove him into the wall during the race next week? Then again he does that himself anyway…” You pulled back from Max, a small smile on your face at his words as you two sat down. “What happened?”
“It was just a stupid argument, it’s nothing.” You wiped your tears away with your sleeves but Max wasn’t convinced. 
“It’s very rare you come running to me late at night because you’re upset.” He leant back in his chair. He had a point. Normally you and Charles would act cold with one another until either one of you apologised a mere few hours later but this time it felt different. He’d gotten personal and it had hurt. “You normally make up after a few hours and then I find out a week later so what was different this time?” 
“He said I wasn’t important to him and that all his focus was on the Championship… he told me I wouldn’t understand and I get that - I’m not one of you and I know it’s important but I can understand to a certain degree how important it is but I thought he’d value what we have over that title.” 
“I’ll kill him -”
“He’s still my boyfriend.”
“Not one I like.”
“You don’t need to like him… more tolerate him.”
“I’m finding that hard right now.” Rolling his eyes he shifted his gaze back to you. “Has he even texted you? To make sure you got here safely?” 
Sliding your phone out of your pocket you were met with a blank screen. “No -”
“Cunt.” Max spoke under his breath. “Have you eaten?”
“No -”
“Good, we’ll order in, watch a film, like we used to.” He smiled at the memories. When the two of you were younger every single Friday you would all watch a film and have a takeaway with your sister Victoria. It was the one night when the three of you were all together and could forget about your parent's divorce and the world around you.  
You and Max spent the night talking about what happened whilst you two watched a Disney film, trying to forget the night. Unlike anyone else you were close with, Max knew how Charles felt when his car didn’t comply and when he made a mistake which lead to his race being ended. He would always give you a different perspective on your situation and most importantly, he’d listen to you. That was something a lot of people never saw, Max would always validate your feelings and tell you his own perspective on things when you needed it. 
Eventually, you and Max called it a night and you headed into his spare room. Throwing your bags onto the bed you began to get ready for bed when your phone sounded from the cabinet. 
Char <;3: Did you get to Max’s okay? X
You: I did x
Char <;3: When are you coming back? X
You: Is that why you texted? X
Char <;3: No I wanted to know that you were safe x
You: I left the house hours ago x
Char <;3: I know but I wanted to give you space x 
You locked your phone, ignoring his last text. You knew you’d cause another argument with him about his text being a little too late but he’d already read your mind.
Char <3: Look I’m sorry I should’ve messaged you earlier but I didn’t want to make this any worse x
You: By making sure I wasn’t killed? Do you think you checking in on my well-being was going to make this worse? X
Char <;3: You’re right and I’m so sorry, I should’ve walked or driven you over myself. When are you coming home? X 
You: I don’t know x
Char <;3: Please be safe. Take your time and I’ll see you soon and I’m sorry x
You: For not texting me or the argument we had? X
Char <3: Both x
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to go home to him but his words continued to play in your head over and over again like a broken record. Climbing into bed you glimpsed at your lock screen which was a photo of you and Charles after he’d won the Australian GP. He had the trophy in one hand but he was looking at you, his eyes full of love as he looked at you, completely ignoring the trophy in his hand. 
You: I’ll message you later, goodnight Char. I love you x 
Charles's heart jumped at the reply he got. He knew it was stupid considering the two of you had been in a relationship for years but after a fight like that, all he wanted was reassurance. 
Char <;3: I love you too x 
He knew he had to make it up to you, he’d fucked up and with Max as your brother, he knew he’d have to grovel. 
You’d stayed with Max until the Hungarian GP, you knew you’d end up sharing a hotel with Charles. Max had offered to pay for another room for you but the truth was your heart ached to see your boyfriend again. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to buy you a room?” Max asked as he carried your things to the room you were set to share with Charles. 
“I’m fine Max.” You smiled at him. “Besides they probably don’t have one free at this time-”
“Then you can take my room and I’ll share with Charles.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that would go down well.” 
“Well…” Max smirked at his own words. “He wouldn’t have to worry about him crashing into a wall because he wouldn’t even make it to the car.”
“You’re horrible.” A smile tainted on your lip at your own words. 
“Could be worse, remember what I did to your ex?” He smiled down at you. How could you forget? Your last boyfriend, Alexander, had cheated on you with a girl he claimed was ‘just a friend’. You walked in on the two of them in a compromising position only hours after he told you that he loved you. When Max found out there was nothing that could stop him. He stormed into his house and made sure he gave him two black eyes that wouldn’t shift for weeks. 
“It would be harder to get away with if you did it to Charles, besides, we had an argument. It’s not like he cheated on me.” 
“Well if that ever crosses his mind… it’ll be worse than two black eyes.” 
You reached your room but just as you went to open the door a tall brunette swung the door open before you could even get your hand to it. His eyes met yours as you both stared at one another in silence for a second. Max coughed, breaking the two of you out of your trance. 
“Max…” Charles glanced over to your brother who looked as if he was ready to kill him. 
“Charles,” Max replied before turning to you. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with him? You can take my room.” 
Charles looked as if he wanted to kill Max himself at his words. “I’m sure she’s fine with me,” Charles spoke up. 
“You know she can talk for herself, Leclerc.”
“I’m aware.” Speaking through gritted teeth Charles seemed to have finally found his voice. 
“I’ll be fine Max.” You looked between the two men. Charles quickly snatched your bags away from Max’s grasp, a smug smile on his lips as he watched Max take a step back in defeat. 
“Text me if you need anything y/n, I’ll see you in the garages.” Max turned on his heel, his eyes not leaving Charles’s as he headed down the hallway. 
Charles held the door open for you as you walked inside the room. He’d moved his things in but only to one side of the room like he did every single weekend. Even when you weren’t around it always became a habit for him. “How was your time with Max?” He spoke as he set your bags aside. 
“Needed.” You replied. “How was your alone time?”
“Lonely.” He stepped closer to you. “I missed you.” 
Looking up your eyes met his. “I missed you too.” 
“I’m so sorry y/n. What I said, I didn’t mean it at all. Look, I was upset over the race, I feel like I’ll never be a World Champion and every single day I believe that I feel like I’m letting everyone down… especially you.”
“Charles I won’t love you any less if you aren’t a World Champion.”
“I know but… in the past, it's gotten too much and I’ve had people leave me or just become distant and I couldn’t take it if you decided to leave.”
“I’m not going to leave you I just want you to talk to me. I know I’m not a driver but my brother is and for years Max told me what it’s like and I know I’m not in the car but I can listen and understand as best I can, I’m sorry for what I said.” 
Charles stepped closer, his hands resting on the sides of your face as he leaned down. “You are so important to me, more important than any stupid trophy.”
“I better be.” Your face broke into a smile as Charles leaned down and took your lips into his. He stood in between your legs as he deepened the kiss his hands going to your hair to pull you closer to him, acting like this was the last time he’d ever kiss you. Eventually, you both pulled away, and Charles straightened himself up. 
“I have something for you.” Opening the drawer beside the bed he pulled out the scrapbook he’d made you. “It’s not just a book to me.” He handed it to you. “I fixed it as best I could, I’m sorry-”
“I think we should leave this page blank.” Cutting him off you pointed to a blank page. “For when you win the Championship, that way if you ever feel like you aren’t good enough then you can look back to this page, it might be blank for now but it’s a silent reminder of how much I believe in you, we all do.” You pecked his lips. “You might not believe it sometimes but everyone wants the best for you, especially your fans.” 
“I don’t want to let them down.”
“And you won’t… Ferrari will.” 
He laughed at your words, falling down beside you on the bed. “If only everyone thought how you did.” 
“Are you spying on them?” A British accent made Max jump back from the door to yours and Charles’s room. Lando stood behind him with a confused expression. 
“I’m just making sure he doesn’t make her cry.” 
“I think he makes other things wet besides her eyes.” Lando laughed at himself. Turning to face him Max laughed alongside him before his expression changed in a heartbeat. 
“Make a joke like that about my sister again and I’ll cut your dick off.” 
Buy me a coffee <3
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fandoms--fluff · 11 months
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Part 4 
Salvatore little sister x Damon Salvatore x Stefan Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, death/murder
As soon as Jeremy opened the door a bunch of hybrids came crashing through the house, starting to attack everyone.
Damon, enraged started to rip all the hybrids that are attacking him, hearts out, then throwing them right next to the limp bodies. Katherine and Elena coincidentally fighting next to each other made all the hybrids confused as which one of them were Elena.
“Which one of you is Elen-” one of the hybrids started but Jeremy attacked him and decapitated him before he could say the rest of his sentence. 
“That was quite rude, I have a way better personality and better looking than her” Katherine said before slamming one of the hybrids into the railing. Elena just glared at her before moving to an opposite spot of the room.
While they were fighting off the last few hybrids you had no idea what was going on downstairs since Tyler and Caroline’s room was on the other side of the house and the door was closed. That was until a hybrid got past all of them and followed the sound of your voice to the room. He crashed into the room and you screamed, frightened and backed away until you hit the headboard of the bed.
You still had your light brown teddy bear tight in your grasp and hugged up to your chin. The guy vampire sped towards you and stabbed a shot full of vervain on your shoulder. You fell slump against the headboard and he picked you up, speeding out of the house without anyone seeing or hearing anything.  
By the time all the hybrids were dead, some of the furniture was flipped over. Immediately Damon sped upstairs and searched all the rooms that you could’ve been in, including tearing apart the fort you built and tripped on one of the blankets. 
“Fuck!” He swore and got back up then went downstairs to everyone else. “y/n’s gone” He informed. 
“One of Klaus’s hybrids must of gone upstairs and taken her while we weren’t paying any attention. 
“Well we would have heard her screaming right?” Caroline asked, worried. 
Damon clenched his fists, trying to push back his anger. “She was in your guys’ room” Damon said, motioning towards Caroline and Tyler.
“How do you know she was in there?” Elena questioned.
“I saw three of her stuffed animals scattered on their bed and the sheets were scattered as if she were trying to back away from someone coming towards her.”
“So what are we going to do? How are we supposed to get her back without Klaus killing all of us, cause he will with no hesitation. And that’s coming from someone that’s been running from him for hundreds of years” Katherine said, pouring herself a drink then downed it. 
“What about Elijah, would he know where Klaus might be?” Jeremy asked.
“I’ll see if there’s anything that he knows” Elena said getting her phone that was laying on the ground, phoning Elijah. 
After the first three rings he picked up, “Why does he always pick up when you phone but never when I phone him” Damon complained, not noticing Elena put her phone on speaker. 
‘Because every single time you phoned me it was always something stupid or just to piss me off’ Elijah said, making Damon freeze.
“Fair enough” Damon shrugged then put on a serious facial expression.
“So your brother’s hybrids came and attacked us we killed them all obviously then plot twist one of them got away, went upstairs and kidnapped y/n” Katherine said, trying to imitate Elena.
‘I know that was you speaking Katerina, your vocabulary is very different from Elena’s. Oh and also who is y/n?’ He asked, confused.
“She’s our four-year-old sister - well older but, you know- whatever” Stefan said, panicking about where you were. 
‘I’ll see what I can do, I’ll make sure to contact you as soon as I find out anything’ Elijah sighed.
“Okay, thank you so much, bye” Elena said. “Alright, bye” he hanged up and he looked towards his brother.
“What did you do Niklaus?” Elijah said, rage laced in his voice.
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aonungyou-shit · 11 months
Hi!! , I just read one of your fics and absolutely loved 🥰 I’ve never requested anything before but I saw that you’re are open so here goes nothing…
A Tsu’tey x reader ( jakes younger sister) who was one of the first dream walkers who was sent ahead of her brother and went to graces school to learn along side the children of the clan who they had hoped would be seen as less of a threat and could lean more and get abetter footing in the clan for them , when the school was attacked the reader ran away scared of what the rda was capable of asking the clan for help and since she was still considered a child they took her in when jake gets to there he’s told his sister had died and instead he comes to find her alive within in the clan mated to Tsu’tey and with a family of her own but she’s terrified of her brother
Hi Hi so so terribly sorry its taken me this long to respond! That is an excellent idea and i wish to kiss your brain because the FLAVOR this has is mwah! I hope you enjoy this
Actually i quiet enjoyed this a little too much.
To Lose, To love, To be afraid
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When you came here Around four years now you were fresh to the world of possibilities. You were 17 one of the youngest personal that had been selected for the avatar program. Down on your luck you reluctantly joined. You had never seen yourself live the life you currently had.
You were clumsy at your feet in your new body and new height. Young was your avatar too. Seeing as how some older avatars and Na'vi were just taller than you. Dr. Augustine had been your guide in your new life. The school had been running for 8 years successfully and you were new to said studies. Lucky for herself and you, you were quick to learn.
You were always by yourself. never really fully talking to anyone the first few months. But then Neytiri was the first one to speak to you. You spoke to her sometimes until one day where she caught you outside of school following the gentle flowing of an Atokirina
"what do here Sully?" She asked you stopping you from following any further. It wasn't until she spoke that you realized just how far you were from the RDA camp.
"oh Pardon me. I guess i just got too caught up in Pandora's beauty"
From then on you continued to talk as if you were nothing else than sisters. She has made great company while you were extremely homesick and missing your only family Jake and Tom.
then Came Sylwanin and Tsu'tey. You knew they came to school. Tsu'tey sometimes when ever given the chance and you had grown to really grow fond of them. A little circle.
Grace had been happy that you had made such progress within the year. You were shown how to hunt, what and what you shouldn't eat. You were being taught much more than grace could teach. Little by little the earth you knew as your home was now a long forgotten past.
And then tension grew. You were dining waiting for Sylwanin and Neytiri when you heard the hushed whispers of the Omatikayan
"Sky demons do not belong here, Walk in a suit of flesh and plan to take over our way of life, We must do something"
"Do not be foolish. Hush your howling and continue to eat least of all do not cause trouble"
"I just think we should speak to One of them. they continue to destroy our land, coming here not knowing what to do"
You felt guilty yes, Felt like this could all be your fault and yet you knew that it wasn't the case. You were just here lucky to be one of the people to hopefully unite humans and Na'vi people.
But the fates are cruel and unkind.
Somehow without your Knowledge Sylwanin and a few other hunters had Destroyed what Humans saw most valuable than some 'savage' lives.
In turn causing one of your friends to die. With a broken cry you yelled helping Dr. Grace to get the remaining children out alive. And with it you ran way with them too.
Your heart sank when you realized that somehow you had managed to drag Sylwanin's body back to the people. Begging Praying that somehow she could still be alive.
Heartbreakingly that would never be the case. Mo'at's cries or anguish, Eytukan's wails of rage and the silent sobs of Tsu'tey and Neytiri was all you could hear. You wanted to cry. Hell you did cry, But your crying could never be the same as them. Life is sacred. You had learned that now. So many lives were lost. You knew that sooner or later you would have to wake up from this horrible sight and awaken in your human body.
But all you did was beg and cry with the family that this was not the way it should go. You spoke that if they banished you. If they sought to kill you then you wouldn't mind. A life for a life.
However Neytiri refused. Knowing that you had done all you could to save her people's children and bringing back what was sacred to her family clan.
You were young. You were like a baby and for that reason perhaps too had Mo'at allowed you to stay.
But you could never let go of this guilt. You told them that you came here to seek peace to hopefully live united. But humans can be cruel and no doubt would never see anything wrong with killing sentient living beings.
For humans can be selfish and don't see people as people. But obstacles.
You swore that you were of the people. That you would do what you can with your human body to help the Omatikayan people. But you knew maybe not all of them trusted you. You had grown wary of what you say or that of how you speak.
When you awoken in your human body you went to console Dr. Augustine. Who in her heart break yelled and screamed that what they did was detrimental to what they were trying to accomplish.
But her status meant nothing to men with power.
Threatening her to silence.
"How are the people" she asked you sometimes when you came back from your walking with the Na'vi. And you relied what information you could. Wary of prying ears.
It was only weeks and already You had before one of the people. You would soon be able to make Your bow from home tree. Neytiri congratulating you. and begrudgery Tsu'tey as well.
He Grew to like you once before. But after the death of his promised he had grown to be avoidant of you. Heartbreak was a rather hard thing to get over. You can deny it all you want but you had lost two friends that day.
"You did well" He spoke to you.
You couldn't shake the feeling the immense guilt. The spark was brighter yes but it was anger, discomfort hatred for what you once were.
"are you well?"
"I am, You have proven yourself to be with us"
"That is not what i mean Tsu'tey"
He bit his lip. Ears flattening as he looked at you. You were once what he hated. But it never was your fault. He couldn't forgive that which was only ever filled with greed.
But you weren't to blame. and he could not be angry. For better or for worse things happen as Eywa deems it to happen. He lost someone and in turn found someone with you.
"It keeps me up at night"
"im so sorry"
"do not apologize, You were never the one to blame." he spoke hand now resting on your shoulder. " you and i are one in the same now. You are one mighty fine warrior. I am sure if you were to choose a mate then they will be lucky to hold you"
" i dont think i deserve such thing"
"why? did someone say something like that? just say the word."
You couldn't help but laugh just a little as you sat down. It would be a while before neytiri would call you to receive your paint and be celebrated as that of the people so you could only figure to kill time
"once, Back home"
"Someone said that to you?"
"Yes. But i hold no ill will no malice. Perhaps they are right"
"none sense! Y/n you are mighty and you are strong! Who ever said that is foolish"
You saddened a little. To have someone say that it was different. It felt nice to be told you were something that you never saw yourself as. "Humans are cruel"
"i know"
"Humans kill each other. they kill that of what gives life. Our mother's dead. She died a long time ago and we killed her. Tsu'tey if i am honest i dont want to return. I don't ever want to blindly follow that who brings sorrow and destruction. Tho i know i cannot leave my human body behind." You didnt know where this was coming from.
But he just sat there and listened to your troubles.
" i think it be cruel to leave my potential mate while i live with humans one moment and return the next. That is not right i know it. To be without your other at night. Its dreadful to think about"
Tsu'tey listened to that and somewhere deep in him. Something enlightened. Some crazy idea. he would bring it to mo'at once you had chosen your mate.
However somewhere inside him he began to frown. Was he angry, no he was..lost. Truly he had never held romantic feelings for anyone but Sylwanin and even then it was solely cause he had so much time to try and develop something for her.
Once he was chosen to be her's well he saw no greater honor then to burry his thoughts of choosing someone for him, and here you were disassembling everything he build up.
However now he was promised to Neytiri and while he saw her as a younger sister he had taken that role too. Eywa had her plans. But had she placed you right here in front of him? making his heart beat a little more for you than anyone else?
"Do not worry im sure something will work out"
"Ah Sully there you are" Neytiri said now looking at Tsu'tey and then at you. "good Tsu'tey can help too"
He frowned a little before sitting in front of you and Neytiri behind you.
Your eyes were down cast as you felt the two Na'vi paint you. Not wanting to think too much. There was a lot to think about but that would be all for tonight.
Tsu'tey was having trouble however. How could someone he have hated for being a demon now become someone he longed to protect too? no. You weren't a demon now.
His fingers now lingered on your lips as you stared at him. his eyes staring at where his fingers remained. Before looking at your eyes.
You were uncanny and yet not at the same time. Your eyes were just a little smaller than theirs. Your lips a little fuller than theirs. Your figure was just the tad bit more fuller. You were a dream walker yes.
"You are Omatikayan now"
you wanted to cry a little. but didnt want to ruin the paint before the ceremony.
But once you returned to your human body you didn't tell Grace. You could not tell her. Even if you trusted her. For you were going to try something absolutely insane with the help Of Tsu'tey.
"Y/n Sully is dead" Was all grace got suddenly when your lifeless body came back. Your mask hanging off your face where no doubt this planets atmosphere had killed you.
She wept of course but pushed on as to guide the new people But she mourned you as she had Sylwanin, as she mourned the many Na'vi children who caller her Sa'nok.
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You were happy. You had lived 2 full years with the Omatikayan people. In your once fake body now your fully in soul and mind. In those first few months of being fully Na'vi Eywa seemed to test you. You weren't strong like these Women You had always left the fighting to your two older brothers. So you took up the role of a gatherer.
But you were mighty as Tsu'tey had said. Which caused him to seek guidance within The Tsahik and Olo'eyktan. He didn't want to dissapoint them he hadn't wished to grow to fond of you. But you had helped save many children. You adored your role now that you were of the people.
And he could not deny his feelings anymore. He wanted to have you if you would ever so much as liked to have him too.
You had been out when Neytiri had brought you back. Your basket filled with goods as you entered Tsahik's hut.
"Oel ngati kameie, Mo'at" You greeted. Setting your basket in between you and her. Her gaze was one that had looked through you a lot of times. one that before had caused a chill to run up your spine.
That time she had seen you.
She told you what Tsu'tey has asked. She had never seen him be serious like he had been in asking, pleading with her to be with you instead. She understood that Her remaining Heir did not love Tsu'tey and so with guidance from Eywa she let it be.
You would not take long to return those feelings. And it wasn't long after that of which you two had mated that you fell pregnant. Life was not as it once was for the Omatikayan people. Never had a sky demon infultrated their clan and lived along side them.
It wasn't as it once was. The threat of the RDA still rose high. And yet you had welcomed a healthy baby boy into pandora.
That had been almost six months ago and counting. Tonight you had decided to accompany Neytiri in her hunt. Tsu'tey had been reluctant of course, Having to take care of a six month old and then you with your prominent belly full of your second child.
However as night fell You watched as Neytiri pointed to a figure.
You looked from where you stood. An Avatar. It caused your body to run cold. You had not seen an Avatar in over two years. But never the less you followed Neytiri's lead.
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Jake Had been told that you had lost your life due to the harsh world of Pandora. Now left alone in this cruel life. Tom and yourself lost to this world that he wanted to help conquer. He hadn't seen your body. But Dr. Augustine had been frank with him. This oxygen killed you.
The Training killed Tom. And now facing off the dangers he was going to get killed too.
Within a blink he had seen two fierce figures jump to his aid. Slaying that of which he could never understand. Before stopping to thank one.
Then They turned to look at him.
"Don't Thank, You do not Thank for this. This is sad" She spoke with vigor as she had been furious.
Jake Turned to look at you and in that instant you felt your body run cold.
"you... Jake or Tom?" you asked between a hushed tone as you looked at said Avatar.
"Y/n? but. But your dead! Dr. Augustine said you were she saw you, you were dead" he exclaimed. At that tone you instantly knew.
Marine. It was Jake and maybe that's why that sinking feeling of fear dropped to your stomach.
Jake knew your features. They were one of a kind. He knew instantly he did and yet it made no sense as to how you were here in front of him. How were you alive when you were dead? You died two years ago did you not? meaning you were now twenty one? but how could it be
how is it possibly to continue to live once you died.
"Quiet!" Neytiri spoke breaking you out of your haze as she began to ask you in Na'vi to come. To let him be lost to the forest. With fear in your heart you did. Running ahead of her and by default Jake as he tried to reach you to talk to you. Trying to get answers and thank you at the same time.
You wanted to retort back before you stopped. The great mother that had guided you here long ago now there she was. Floating gracefully down to your brother.
which he then swatted at.
"Kehe!" You yelled
"Ftang nga!" Neytiri retorted.
Jake Paused before trying to swat again.
"Rutxe. No" Neytiri said now holding his arm as she was the one closest to him. "Atokirina!"
You looked at each other in awe as more seem to go down around him. "Atokirina.."
Neytiri turned to you now. "Lolu Aungia"
Biting back the fear you felt you nodded as you helped guide Jake back. Neytiri telling him to follow.
And when Jake would wake once again in his human body he had quiet a bit to tell back.
When Dr. Augustine was welcomed back to the clan She sought you our first and foremost. She could not believe what jake had told her. It was impossible to believe. That an Avatar was no longer that but a breathing conscious body that once was human.
Moreover she could not believe when She had tried educating Jake on the roles of the people that Tsu'tey no longer was the next Olo'eyktan in line. She could not believe that you were now a mated pair
She was morbidly curious about your offspring too. So once she had gotten permission from Mo'at she went to talk to Tsu'tey.
How big he had gotten. How strong he was.
"Tsu'tey, Oel ngati kameie" She greeted him formally before he turned to look at her
"Sa'nok! Oel ngati kameie, how long its been"
She agreed and Asked him to sit down and talk. And talk they did. She asked how life had been treating him and if he was happy. And once that was all she apologized.
"Forgive me for what they done to Sylwanin"
"Don't fret. It is not your blame." He spoke reassuring her "she lives within our great mother now."
"yes i know...How, no.. is it true that you and Y/n have.."
"It is. She has bore me one strong son. And we await the arrival of our newest member of our family clan"
As if right on time you barged into your home. A babe strapped to your chest resting atop your swollen bump. and a basket resting on your hip.
"Y/n!" Grace spoke without even thinking. hugging you tight. Ever so grateful that Jake's words ran true. You were alive. You were spared.
"You're alive."
You couldn't help but smile. Trying to hug her as best as you can before your son began to fuss.
"oh Shit sorry" she excused herself seeing the little tot fuss at suddenly being squashed.
"What is his name?"
"Tsaro Rongloa Tsu'tey'itan." You proudly stated Sitting down finally to let yourself rest.
Dr. Augustine stayed and spoke with you two. Far longer than you had thought you may have allowed before she had to leave. Leaving you and Tsu'tey to speak.
"Something troubles you"
"i am afraid as to Why Jake is here"
Tsu'tey rose a brow.
"you've seen first hand how the RDA are. And what greed does to them. My brother was a marine when i left and he came here armed. And i know he is family but i am afraid"
"i dont like him either. He is a threat to my family"
You smiled feeling his large hand on your growing bump. Looking down at your son.
Your fear was justified. You lost friends and people to the RDA. And if what jake told you was true about Tom. Then you had lost family too.
Your fears were Tsu'tey's but you felt safe within his embrace, unbeknownst to you however Jake would be what would bring you peace one day.
please excuse if my ages make no sense. I really couldnt see how to mathmatically make it make sense so im sorry if it troubles anyone.
EITHERWAY i do hope you enjoyed it
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randomgurl2326 · 4 months
Andromeda and Perseus: Destined
Chapter 1: Platform 9 3/4
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Welcome back to Andromeda and Perseus: Destined, I am so ready to continue this crazy journey. This story will of course have lots of angst, smut, and fluffiness. Thank you guys for reading this story and trusting me💚💜
September 1st, 1991 Y/N and Mattheo’s Room, Malfoy Manor
Years passed, and things had changed for the Core Four. Each had grown and gotten their own personality; Mattheo was the fight starter (they found this out when one day the four were wandering around Diagon Alley and some kid a year younger than them pushed Mattheo. He wasn’t having it. Mattheo was also eight at the time), Draco was the dramatic one (his flair for unneeded fashion and over-the-top monologues and complaints explained that for itself), Theo turned into a shyer, studious boy only really talking much with his close friends (this only happened when his mother had died a year after the Infamous Day of Tag), and Y/N… well Y/N was stuck between fear of her father returning and acting like the perfect pure-blooded princess and turning to what the muggles called ‘punk’. So, as to say, much had changed.
Recently, the Core Four received their Hogwarts letters. Speaking of which, the twins were currently–excitedly–packing their trunks. The sounds of hushed whispers and the click-clacks of their trunks being filled to the brim with personal items and closed filled the otherwise quiet room.
The twins' room was humongous, each half of the room was completely different. Mattheo’s side was stuffed with Quidditch posters of whatever team he had deemed acceptable enough of his attention this season, a window next to his messy bed, and a half-empty walk-in closet that usually held his broom and his multitudes of fancy robes that Draco had convinced him were fashionable.
Y/N’s half of the room on the other hand was tidy to an extreme extent. Her walls were covered in posters for The Weird Sisters, The Cauldron Stirrers, and (her personal favorite, though muggle-linked) Mötley Crüe. Y/N had more memorabilia than Mattheo did, her desk and nightstand riddled (ha! See what I did there? No? Okay…) with enchanted polaroids she took with Theodore, Mattheo, and Draco (mostly with Theo). Her bed–unlike Mattheo’s–was neat and made, she also had drapes over her bed.
“Y/N/N, I swear if you don’t stop going on about how History of Magic or Ancient Runes is gonna be the most fun at Hogwarts, I will Avada myself,” the voice of little Mattheo Riddle clearly agitated at his sister’s ramblings.
“Mattheo, you clearly don’t understand the-” the younger Riddle’s voice is cut off as Draco comes barreling inside with his bursting trunk, and bleached blond hair.
“What does Matty not understand? Other than the obvious of course,” with his words he gets yells of protest from the older twin and a pillow to the face. “Just telling the facts!”
Y/N laughs at the two boys antics, “My nimrod of a brother simply cannot comprehend the sophisticality of what Hogwarts has to offer.” 
Mattheo mimics her words wordlessly and groans closing his trunk. Draco decides to speak up, “No surprises there, he couldn’t tell the difference between a werewolf and a puppy.” Again, a pillow is thrown at the blond’s face. “Again, facts… Anyways, I thought your,” Draco points to Y/N, “favorite part of leaving for Hogwarts would be seeing your best friend again.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, “Obviously, but the academic parts of Hogwarts can’t be ignored. Over the summer, I’ve been reading Hogwarts, A Hist-” Mattheo interrupts his little sister, rolling his eyes, “We know, you haven’t put the bloody thing down.”
The Riddle girl glares at her brother, “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted: I’ve been reading Hogwarts, A History, and it says that the enchanted paintings inside of Hogwarts have receptive and cognitive memories, meaning they remember everything from any previous year they’ve been hung and enchanted inside of the castle. And the ghosts have stories of the time even before the infamous Wizarding-Muggle War of 1408. They’ll have so much to tell from what they’ve seen.” Y/N’s eyes lit up as she talked so passionately about what she’s learned over the past summer. She was especially excited to tell a certain Italian boy what she had read.
Draco and Malfoy give each other a look at what the girl had been going on about. Out of the two boys, the latter decides to pipe up first, “Oh, yes, so very riveting. I’m sure Rita Skeeter will love to-”
“Children! Time to go,” the saccharine voice of Narcissa Malfoy calls to the children. The three eleven-year-olds beem to eachother and pick up their trunks to run down the stairs. 
As they race to the landing they come face-to-face with the motherly face of Mrs. Malfoy, and the emotionless face of Mr. Malfoy. Narcissa walks towards the children and leads them with her arms across their backs. “We’ll be apparating to the platform, darlings. Have you three got everything?” The three children nod excitedly.
Lucius’–the long-haired vulture–voice rings out, “Very well then. Let’s get going, can’t be seen when the filthy mudbloods start to show.” At this, Narcissa gave her husband a disapproving look at his choice of words.
“Everyone hold each other's hands, come now,” at her motherly voice, everyone comes together to attach to the patriarch to apparate, whether begrudgingly or not.
September 1st, 1991 Platform 9 ¾
The children all gasped at the look of the red and black train, all three in awe. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy let go of the children and turned to them. “I want you three to have the best first year at Hogwarts, you hear me,” a rare smile graced Narcissa’s face as she addressed the children, “make sure not to get into too much trouble, and take care of each other no matter where you are or who you’re with. I need you three to stay true.” Narcissa kneels down to give all three of them a much-needed hug, all accepting the form of affection.
The four of them pull away, “Do you promise me, my darling?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Of course, Cissy.”
“You know it.”
The chorus of the three children almost made the tears lining Cissa’s eyes almost threatened to spill over, “Good.” She turned to her husband and whispered, “Say goodbye to the children, Lucius.”
Lucius grunted and addressed the children, “Yes, well, enjoy the year children. Be on your best behavior.” At the words, Draco hugged his father’s legs unexpectedly. Lucius moved backward at the sudden feeling and patted his son’s back and for a split second affection seemed to come across his face. This time it was Draco’s turn to speak, “I’ll miss you, Father.” The older blond gently moved his son off of him and faintly smiled at him, “I… I’ll miss you as well, Draco.”
Draco smiled and stepped back to the smiling twins. “Well, my darlings, I guess this is goodbye for now.”
Y/N and Mattheo smile, “We’ll see you again in the summer, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, Y/N/N and Theodore will keep us in check,” Mattheo’s words followed with a mischievous smirk and nudged his sister, “Isn’t that right, Y/N/N.”
Y/N scoffs at her brother’s words, “I just hope you and Draco won’t need to be kept in check. Maybe with Harry Potter in our year it’ll give you some incentive to do so.” At her words, the infamous Riddle smirk comes through.
“Right, you are, dear Y/N/N. Now, off you go. You must be so excited, I know I was,” the motherly Malfoy chuckles and prompts the children, “Go on and have fun, be safe!”
“Farewell, children. We will see you again at Christmas,” with the words of the long-haired Malfoy, he and Narcissa apparated back to Malfoy Manor.
“Alright, cousins, let’s go find a nice spot on the train,” with Draco’s beckoning the twins followed. All three turned, following Draco to get on the train. Once inside, they start walking through the overflowing paths through the train car. Amidst the crowd of students on the train, a mop of brown curls stands out to the younger Riddle twin,
...Previous Chapter -- Next Chapter... ——————————————————————————-
Yes! The second (technically first) chapter of Andromeda and Perseus: Destined is up! I'm so hyped!
Also, I'm sorry that I got this out a little late, I know I said I would be updating every Sunday, but my Tumblr drafts on mobile stopped working so that was really shitty. But, I did get it out nonetheless, so I call that a win. Also, I had robotics comp yesterday and we fucked up majorly, especially in software (which is what I am), and I was pretty pissed about that.
Anyway, here is chapter one of Andromeda and Perseus: Destined! I hope you enjoy it, and please send feedback🙏. I love you all!!!💚💜
@elsie-bells @cinderellawithashoe @niktwazny303 @claranunez @hanversace @desiray562 @jetblackpayne @fandom-life-12 @hanversace @trshngyn @silencionyx @c-dizzle99 @starmansirius @ssc7514 @amwhy
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crljhnn · 1 year
Gareths totally real girlfriend
Pairing: Gareth Emerson x fem!Reader
Summary: Gareth and you are in a long-distance relationship, meeting for the first time since getting together. While he is excited, his friends doubt whether you are real or not.
No physical description; No use of y/n
Word count: 2k
Warnings: None really, just a bit of making out but no actual smut
[Also posted on AO3 - pseud: 04814]
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“Ohh Gareth is blushing!” “Aww are you talking to your girlfriend again?” “He is in love” his younger sisters are giggling, dancing around Gareth who is currently sitting on the kitchen counter, telephone in hand.
“He just can’t help himself, she is just so pretty!” “And smart” “and talented” with high-pitched voices they are mocking the way their older brother is regularly fawning over you, while overly batting their eyelashes.
“They are growing up so fast!” His oldest sister is dramatically wiping away fake tears.
“You’re literally five years younger than me, what do you mean?”
“Actually I’m only four and a half years younger than you, so you’re wrong!”
Gareth is about to tell her that that is basically the same when he gets distracted by your laugh coming through the phone. “I can’t wait to finally meet your sisters!”
He grins “Ohh so that is the real reason why you finally decided to come and visit me. I can’t believe it, my dearest girlfriend is only dating me because of my siblings.”
“Don’t be silly!” He can hear the grin in your voice “We both know that it’s actually your hair that wooed me, but I guess your personality and you as a person in general are alright as well.”
“Haha very funny. I think you guys meeting will probably be the death of me.”
“What a great way to die.” those are the last words his youngest sister says before she grabs the older one and pulls her out of the room.
Gareth and you met at a concert a few months ago and instantly hit it off. After finding out that you both drove about two hours to the concert, coming from opposite directions, you exchanged numbers and promised each other to at least call every once in a while. Planning to attend the next good concert, that’s somewhat nearby, together.
Well, looking back on it now you might have overdone the whole staying in touch thing a little bit, not that you’re complaining! You and Gareth had great chemistry from the start and easily spent multiple hours talking on the phone every day. Considering that, and the way you both have been quite smiley ever since coming back from the concert, none of your family members were surprised when you announced your relationship.
You both have been itching to meet in person again, which is why you decided that the first longer trip you are gonna make with your first own car that you just got for your eighteenth birthday, is going to be to Hawkins. Gareth was over the moon, hearing this news, having himself begged his mom at least a thousand times to let him borrow her car over the weekend, to make his way over to your city.
“It’s getting late, I think I should head to bed, after all, I have a long drive planned tomorrow.”
It’s Thursday afternoon right now, tomorrow around this time you are gonna be lying in your boyfriend's arms. You already have everything packed and safely stored in your trunk, planning to drive over directly after school in hopes of arriving during the early evening.
“Okay, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. Please drive safely, good night sweetheart.”
“Good night babes, see you tomorrow.”
He nearly has a heart attack when he hears his sister speaking up next to him “Aww he called her sweetheart, how adorable.” She giggles.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“Shouldn’t you be taller?”
The next day Gareth is up nearly an hour earlier than normal, being way too excited to even think straight. His giddiness follows him through the day confusing the Hellfire guys immensely. This is not how he normally responded to being at school.
“Okay, what’s up with you?” Eddie is the one to finally break the silence when they are all sitting at their lunch table “You’ve been acting weird all day!”
“Oh my girlfrie-” he is not able to finish his sentence before he gets interrupted by Jeff “Ohhh your totally real girlfriend that coincidentally lives super far away.” The boys laugh “You know we are all single, no need to make up lies to-” one of the other Hellfire boys speaks up just to end up getting interrupted as well. And that by no other than one of the freshmen “Not all of us are single, we’re not!”.
“Well,” Gareth, being fed up with his friends not believing that he could possibly be in a relationship, abruptly stands up “Actually, she is visiting this weekend so if you come over you can finally meet my in fact very real girlfriend.” With that he storms out of the cafeteria, leaving his tray behind for the others to clean up.
His angry mood doesn’t stick, but his good mood doesn't return either. Is it really so unlikely for him to have a girlfriend? Is it so unrealistic that a girl could be attracted to him? He always thought that you were out of his league, but before now it never worried him or made him feel insecure. Quite the opposite actually, he was always proud that he was able to score a girl like you.
But what if you remembered him in an idealized kind of way? Would you be disappointed after seeing him in the flesh again? Would it be awkward? What if you decided that he wasn’t what you expected and just broke up with him?
His spiraling was interrupted when his house came into view, with a car parked in front of it, which exactly matched the description you had excitedly given him a few days ago talking about your newest possession. Is he starting to imagine things now? You shouldn’t be arriving until way later in the day.
When he opens the front door he is greeted with the view of you and his mom, giggling and drinking tea at the kitchen table, something suspiciously looking like a photo album lying in front of you. The noise of the closing door notifies both of you of his presence making you simultaneously look up.
He is still frozen at the door. You stand up, cross the room and meet him at the door, embracing him in a hug as soon as he is within reachable distance. Coming back to earth he quickly returns it.
“You’re early.” It comes out more like a statement than a question. His tone made you fear that you crossed a boundary or upset him, slightly pulling back from the hug to look at his face “Yes, is that okay?”
“YES! Sorry! I mean yeah that’s totally cool, I’m just surprised. How did you get here so early?”
You grin sheepishly “I might or might not have skipped school today. But I wouldn't have been able to focus either way because I was way too excited” you reason.
“You’re lucky that it was my day off today or you would be sitting on the porch right now” his mother's amused tone pulled you out of your little daze, finally completely pulling out of the hug “I probably should be concerned about you being a bad influence on my son by skipping school, but it looks like he himself isn’t really taking his attendance that serious either.”
“However,” you and Gareth share a slightly anxious look “I'm gonna make an exception and let that slide today, but don't make skipping a habit. We don't want your academics to suffer, right?” Gareth groans, mumbling something about her embarrassing him under his breath.
You on the other side let out a breath you didn't knew you were holding in. You didn’t even think twice about what impression you would leave, when you show up for the first time meeting your boyfriend's mom, proudly proclaiming that you just skipped school.
She grabs her bag and turns to you. “I'm going grocery shopping, anything I should bring honey?” You both simultaneously shake your head. “I wasn't talking to you Gareth, you just skipped school, I may not punish you, but I’m sure as hell aren’t rewarding you either!”
“But she skipped too, why are you asking her then?”
Geez thanks.
“Well SHE is not my child to raise and SHE is also a guest, if you excuse me now, I want to be at the shop before all the good fruits and vegetables are gone.” With that the door closes behind her, resulting in you two being alone now.
“Hi” 'Wow smart thing to say, if she doesn’t already think that you are a total loser she sure does now.'
Instead of laughing at him as he expected, you smile.
“Hi! Wanna show me your room?”
Back at Hawkins High, the Hellfire Club is still sitting at their table.
“Wasn’t that a bit much? He seemed genuinely hurt.” Dustin, always the sweetheart, speaks up. “Yeah, I feel bad now too” agreement follows from the others.
“Do you really think that his girlfriend isn’t real?” Mike asks Eddie
“I mean I was suspicious before, but this kind of sold the deal, right? If he had a girlfriend, why would he react like that?” The others nod at their ‘leaders‘ reasoning.
Dustin decides to speak up again in hopes of making them see the said things from Gareth's perspective “I mean you sort of implied that it's extremely unlikely for a woman to want him”
Eddie looks offended “Come on now, that’s not what I said or meant and you know that.”
“Yeah, I know that, but does Gareth?”
“Okay, you know what, I'm gonna drive over and apologize. Then I'm telling him that it’s no biggy that he lied about having a girlfriend and we will all just forget about it. Yay happy ending, driving into the sunset together with our hair flowing in the wind.”
“Fine man, but Im coming with you,” Jeff says “Not the whole sunset thing, but I think I have to apologize too.” And with that, they both make their way to Eddies van to drive over to Gareths.
Gareth on the other hand has long forgotten about their ‘fight’ at lunch, being a lot more focused on the way his girlfriends' lips feel. He still can’t believe that he finally has you here, in his house, in his room, in his bed. That he can hug, touch and kiss you. He slowly pushes you down, laying part of his body weight on you to get closer, while your hands find their way under his shirt.
Eddie and Jeff have now arrived at their destination, ringing the doorbell a few times.
“He must still be mad, let's get in through the garage, they never lock it.” Eddie proposes.
“There is someone at the door” you break the kiss
“Yeah, I heard.” Gareth only takes a second to respond before instantly chasing your lips again.
“You don’t want to open?”
“Nah, whoever it is is gonna survive, I have more important matters to attend to.” You giggle, making your boyfriend aware of how smitten he is again.
The two boys have successfully entered the house and are now walking up the stairs, Eddie already talking the apology, that he and Jeff came up with on their way here, through in his head, being so deep in thought, he doesn’t even consider knocking before he opens the door, well more like slams the door open.
The first thing he hears is a shriek that sounds suspiciously like it came from a girl. The next sound is clearly Gareths voice.
“What the fuck dude, ever heard of knocking? Get the fuck out!” With that, he is pushed out of the room by a shirtless Gareth. Neither he nor Jeff has a chance to say anything before Gareth is slamming the door in their faces.
“Damn, maybe he wasn’t lying.”
“Good for him, good for him.”
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Broken Hearts
Characters: George Weasley x reader
Summary: George Weasley has been in love with you for four years, not that he could tell you that because he is fairly sure you’re in love with Charlie. Sometimes the world forces truths to be told for fear of losing them forever, and some truths should have been spoken sooner.
Word Count: 2333 words
A/N: The wonderful @imaginemyfavoritefics was one of my reblog draw winners and as their prize requested some fluffy George Weasley, so here you are. I am so sorry it has taken me so long, but I hope you enjoy.
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At the tender age of sixteen, George Weasley fell in love. Totally, completely, heart and soul in love. Not that he knew what this feeling was when it first hit him, no, that would take him a while to figure out, although he was never certain that what he felt that first time he saw you was love, because surely love is deep and that needs more than simply seeing you, right? Although, and this theory came much later from his little sister, maybe kindred spirits recognize each other immediately and that is where the deeper connection lay.
It was a bright day despite the slight chill in the air, the beginning of the Easter holidays looked promising with talk of a little quidditch as those gathered at The Burrow chatted over breakfast. The sound of the front door opening and a familiar voice calling ‘hello’, had Molly jumping to her feet, hands clapping as she rushed to greet her second eldest.
“Charlie! I wasn’t expecting you until- oh my goodness! Hello dear, it is so lovely to finally meet you!”
His mother’s words piqued George’s interest and he exchanged a look with Fred before they both snuck to take a look. That’s when it happened, when George’s life went from a world before seeing you to a world in which he was painfully aware of your existence.
As you pulled back from his mother’s tight hug, a shaft of sunlight from the window fell upon your hair, creating a halo effect. He could have sworn his heart stopped entirely for a moment when you smiled, your face lighting up with such joy that he felt a pang of jealousy at not being the reason for it. George wanted you to smile at him like that, though he had no idea why, and then his mother had turned, guiding you towards the kitchen, towards him.
“Fred, George, why are you two always under my feet?” Molly asked in exasperation, causing you to giggle. Your eyes met George’s and he felt his cheeks heat in the warmth of your attention. He was so flustered that he didn’t even manage to say hello before you were ushered past him and seated at the kitchen table.
“Hope you two have been keeping out of trouble.” Charlie grinned at his younger brothers, and suddenly George realised something bloody obvious; you were here with Charlie.
Over the next few years, you were a frequent visitor to The Burrow, Charlie’s plus one to many events, although it was never entirely clear to people what that really meant. You had an apprenticeship working closely with the older Weasley, a great honor most people would kill for, and the two of you were clearly close. Molly already had the pair of you married off in her head, although Arthur felt the relationship was more like siblings, no romance.
George found himself looking forward to the holidays more and more, each one giving him the chance to spend some time with you. When you had given him your address and told him to write, he could have burst with excitement. Of course, you then extended the same offer to Fred which took the shine off it a little, but you had given it him first, and that was what he clung to.
It was a cold November evening at the end of Half Term that George’s fragile hopes were well and truly crushed. He had found himself sitting with you on a blanket as you watched the firework display, he and Fred had put together. A certain amount of fire whiskey had been consumed, which is possibly why he was able to speak in full sentences despite your arm touching his.
“You Weasley boys are so clever.” You hummed, eyes watching the bursts of colour in the sky above.
“Maybe you should tell some of my professors that.” He joked, stealing a glance at you as he preened at your compliment.
“Ah, don’t pay any attention to them. You and Fred will be just fine out in the big bad world. So, Fred and Angelina? He seems to be very happy, but what about you? When are we gonna hear about you asking someone out?”
George froze up a little at that. How could he possibly say that there was only one person he wanted in that way, and that you were that person, but he didn’t have to say anything as you continued on.
“You know, you shouldn’t wait for too long. That’s how you get stuck in this weird limbo where you end up with the object of your affection calling you ‘mate’ and not seeing you as a romantic option in the slightest.” Your eyes had now fallen on Charlie who was laughing and joking with Bill. As if sensing your gaze, he looked over and waved.
“Get over here, mate! You’ve gotta hear this!” Charlie called and you nodded, slowly getting to your feet and giving George a soft, sad smile.
“Whoever they are, they will be damned lucky to have you, just remember that.”
As he watched you walk over to Charlie, watched his big brother lazily wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you against his side, George felt his heart completely shatter. Here he was pining for someone who was clearly in love with his big brother, life just was not fair.
Tugging at the bandage around his head once more, George put on a brave smile to hide just how self-conscious he felt. He busied himself with helping put up the marquee, following orders issued by his mother, avoiding actually socializing with people. He was happy for Bill, and they definitely needed a party to focus on in these dark times, but he wasn’t ready for the sympathetic looks he would be getting all day, especially not from you.
“There you are Georgie-boy.” Charlie grinned as he wandered over and patted his brother on the shoulder. “Mum told me to come give you a hand with glasses or something. Not sure what that woman is thinking giving you and me this job, may as well ask Ron while she’s at it.”
“Yeah.” George smiled, not that it quite reached his eyes. “We’d best not break too many of them.”
“You know who would be great at this?”
“Charlie Weasley, I can’t believe you have been volunteering my services!” Your voice cut through the air, the underlying amusement in your tone not lost on your best friend. As you came into sight, George felt his heart pick up speed, his tongue seeming to expand in his mouth while also drying out. You looked gorgeous, and he didn’t have the words to do you justice.
“I was just talking about you, mate! Come on, give us a hand.”
“Or maybe you could show me and George how it’s done, since you are ‘so good’ at all this.” You teased, moving to stand in front of George. Your hands came up and he swallowed thickly as your fingers adjusted his tie. “There you go. So handsome. Hey, Charlie, why can’t you look as good in a suit as you little brother?” You smirked, barely dodging Charlie’s attempt to swat your arm.
“I knew I should have brought Madeline to this.”
“You do realise I would have been attending this wedding anyway, right? Your mum would have sent me my own invite, or I could have been George’s plus one.”
“So, I’m basically saving my little brother from having to spend the entire day with you, I deserve something for that sacrifice.”
“I’ll make you a badge or something.”
“Who’s Madeline?” George finally managed to speak, he got out two whole words without his voice cracking.
“Oh, she’s the unfortunate soul who has agreed to date your brother. I mean, someone had to take that bullet.” You shrugged, a teasing smile on your face and not a hint of sadness or jealousy.
“Right, that’s it, no more plus one’s for you.” Charlie playfully scowled, heading into the tent to get to the actual task of sorting out the glass wear.
“I’ll just be George’s plus one then,” you called after him as you headed inside too, “at least until he gets himself fixed up, then I’ll just get your mum to adopt me.”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, George trailed after you, smiling to himself at the thought of you being his plus one indefinitely.
The world had got so dark, everything felt heavy, and any joy had been sucked from life. George stood in the kitchen of the safehouse, staring into his mug, trying not to think about what the morning would bring. Hogwarts had always been a safe place for him, for so many people, and knowing they were on the precipice of the most important battle was terrifying. Not that he could admit that, he had to be brave, right? He couldn’t show weakness.
“Sorry we’re late.” He heard Charlie’s voice and his head shot up, even as Bill was quietly reassuring him that it was okay, he was here now.
“I’ll go put the kettle on, can’t see anyone getting much sleep tonight.” You said before walking into the kitchen, a warm smile lighting up your face as you saw George. “Hey there, handsome. You want a brew or you good?”
“I could do with a top up, this one’s a bit cold.” He admitted, feeling guilty at how happy your presence made him. He should have been praying you weren’t coming, that you wouldn’t be put in danger, but right now he realised he needed to see you, needed a reminder of what it was they were all fighting for.
“How you holding up?” You asked softly, not intending for your conversation to be overheard.
“I’m okay.”
“Liar.” You smirked, and George found himself chuckling.
“I’m shitting myself. You?”
“Yeah, pretty much trying not to think about it because I think it scares the crap outta me. We’ll be okay though. We’ve got each others backs, and we can do this.” Your hand ran over his bicep, and he felt his breath stutter.
“You’re bloody brilliant, you know that.”
“Well, my tea making skills are legendary.” You joked.
“No. I mean it. I need you to know that I think you’re amazing. You’re so smart and brave and funny and gorgeous. You make everything feel better, just by being there. I should have told you years ago, should have been telling you every time I saw you, but there’s a very real possibility that I’m not gonna get the chance after tomorrow, so, I need you to know.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Charlie and Bill bustled into the room and whatever your response would have been was lost in the chatter. More and more people crowded into the kitchen and even though George never had a chance to steal a moment away with you, he was happy knowing he had finally told you how he felt.
Dust from all the rubble hung in the air, making it thick and clawing with each breath. George had made his way to the Great Hall, relieved to see so many of his friends and family still standing. He pulled Fred into a hug, silently thanking every god he could think of that they had made it through. His relief was short lived though as his eyes scanned the assembled crowd and he failed to find you.
Breaking away from his brother, he frantically began searching, not wanting to look at the fallen, laid out on one side of the hall, he did not want to see you in that number. Charlie stumbled into the room, a lazy half smile on his lips as he wiped away some blood from his face. Once his mother had finally released him from her embrace, George had asked where you were, and Charlie had to admit he didn’t know, he’d lost track of you somewhere near the astronomy tower.
George’s heart was beating so loud that it was all he could hear, throbbing in his ear as he tried his best to keep calm. His hands shook as a myriad of emotions crossed his face, he was about to enlist Fred’s help to go search for you when he saw Charlie’s face light up. Turning to follow his brothers gaze, he saw you helping some Hogwarts pupils into the room, clearly in need of a little medical attention.
You looked up and smiled as soon as you saw Charlie, your eyes then searching for his little brother. Once your eyes locked with George’s, you began to walk towards him, your steps getting quicker until they were a full on run. Heading straight past Charlie, you threw your arms around George and held him so tight he thought he might pass out.
“Hey, love, you’re gonna have to let go a little so I can breathe.” He joked softly, smiling as you pulled back a little and looked up at him.
“It’s not my fault, I love you. You are the one who started it.”
George felt his knees give way. Had you just said that you love him? His hands came up to cup your face, his eyes searching yours for any indication that he had misheard. When he found none, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you like his life depended on it.
“Finally!” Fred declared, “All it took was a war and possible imminent death.”
“He got there eventually.” Charlie smirked, placing his arm around Fred’s shoulder and pulling him away.
“Four years! I’ve had four years of him going on and on and on…”
Fred’s grumblings went on unheeded by the two of you. George was just so happy that his broken heart was now whole, and he had every intention on making sure you would be his plus one for the rest of his life.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
part one / part two / part three / part four /
i accidentally deleted this with ctrl z THREE TIMES i was going to have a mental breakdown
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liked by dawson1417, edwards.73, and 5,612 others
blakefriarr_: my brother's an ebug, episode four!
i thought my last post was missing something, and i decided it was eyebrows looking horrified at something in front of him, so that’s back. see slide four
from the top, though, slide one is rowdy and merc sitting on the bench. nothing special other than dawson very closely inspecting the blade of his stick
then we have daws in the sin bin repenting for his crimes. they give them little juice boxes like school children!! go to timeout and have your lil drink, it’ll make you less prone to felonies <3. he’s even matching with the zebra, cute!
fifth and not finally, we have dawson, again, looking all cute n shit, to balance things out, obviously, cause this post didn’t have enough of him already.
actually finally, we have me and jj (we’re about to express a light to moderate amount of emotion, babes. viewer direction is advised)
jj let me literally cry on his shoulder last night, and this morning he brought me (i drove, but that’s besides the point cause he initiated it) on an impromptu shopping spree!! some old hag looking bitch at work screamed at me for something that was entirely out of my control and made me cry about seventeen minutes into my eight hour shift yesterday, and twin mode was very activated in him.
he even bought us those dazzling glasses and posed for my photo, AND he stood outside the dressing rooms while i tried clothes on and gave me very crucial information on wether or not i should buy things (one nod for yes, a look of complete disgust for meh, and a dumbass smile for ‘this looks great but i refuse to say it even though we are biologically the same and look almost identical’)
thank you, slightly older brother, for being there for me and listening to me complain about my often overwhelming and underpaid job <3 i love you like 96% of the time
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jj.friar31: you're welcome, slightly younger sister <3 i love you like 97% of the time
→ blakefriarr_: aww that's like a lot of the time
jj.friar31: every time you whip out hockey vocab like stick blade i am painfully reminded of the year i didn't try out for rep and we played on the same team
→ blakefriarr_: why are you acting like stick blade is extravagant hockey lingo
→ jj.friar31: mom calls it the bendy part
dougieham: i'm scared to ask.. you played hockey??
→ blakefriarr_: i was an enforcer.
→ jj.friar31: she's not kidding.
rutgermcgroarty: slay
adamfantilli: slay
nicohischier: the face was cause i saw jj in the stands and i know you're his ride. also, don't call me 'eyebrows' ever again
→ blakefriarr_: well what else am i supposed to call you
→ nicohischier: nico????
→ blakefriarr_: why would i ever call you nico that is completely absurd
seamuscasey26: slay
dawson1417: i feel appropriately appreciated every time jj is the ebug cause i get ample screen time in these glorious things
→ blakefriarr_: what is the inappropriate amount of appreciation
→ dawson1417: this, usually. but for you there is no inappropriate amount, appreciate me as much as you want
→ drayanewman: AYO
dawson1417: also, you got yelled at?
→ blakefriarr_: customer service core
→ dawson1417: text me :(
→ jj.friar31: you have his NUMBER!?!?!?!!?!?
→ blakefriarr_: shhhhhh you're sleep typing go back to bed
dylanduke25: slay
jackhughes: did you just call me rowdy
→ blakefriarr_: it can read
→ jackhughes: how did you find that classified information
→ blakefriarr_: there's a groupchat.
→ jj.friar31: you have MULTIPLE of their phone numbers?!?!?!?!
→ blakefriarr_: i thought i told you to go back to sleep what are you still doing here
→ trevorzegras: can i be part of this groupchat you speak of
→ blakefriarr_: ariana what are you doing here
→ blakefriarr_: but also yeah i'll get quinner to add you
mackie.samo: slay
ryangraves27: your camera is on dawson
→ blakefriarr_: whatever this was (a question? a statement? an observation? a complaint? all of the above? fucked if i know) i hated it
→ blakefriarr_: please use at least a question mark, a period, something, ANYTHING, gravy i'll give you your own post. do you want jj? you can have jj this is like an ad for him tbh great emotional support entity
→ dawson1417: gravy i will pay you actual american dollars to ensure you do not get your own post before i do
→ blakefriarr_: that is really sweet, daws, but i cannot go on like this please
markestapa: slay
edwards.73: slay
→ blakefriarr_: ok i've had enough @/lhughes_06 WHAT have you done
→ lhughes_06: i have no idea what you're talking about
→ blakefriarr_: i am living in your bones.
→ lhughes_06: ... i'm not even really sure how i can reply to that
luca.fantilli: slay?
→ blakefriarr_: @/lhughes_06 sleep with both eyes open. one is not enough.
→ lhughes_06: you said i was dumber than quinn which is just entirely incorrect
→ blakefriarr_: that was more than TWO WEEKS AGO??? have you been plotting this since my birthday?? and this is all you could come up with??
→ lhughes_06: i was aiming for confusion
blakefriarr_: update: groupchat participant that will remain anonymous has sent me the video of luke calling hockey a business. i'm laughing so hard that i can't even threaten the university children
→ lhughes_06: QUINN??
→ _quinnhughes: i plead the fifth
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janicho88 · 10 months
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 11
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 4,674
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-II'm interested to see what you all think about this one. Jensen is wrapping up his time in Toronto, and this brings a visitor to Austin. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
The nice thing about your first day on Walker?  It was everyone’s first day.  When you joined Supernatural, they had already been working together for a couple seasons.  You were the new kid who had to figure out where she fit in on her brother's playground.   
There were a few scenes with the whole Walker family, so you had a chance between takes and set ups to get to know your new cast mates.  You and Keegan, hit it off.  During one of the breaks, you can’t help but ask what it was like working on Pretty Little Liars.  He laughs at that.
“Dude, that show was my guilty pleasure.  Please?” you plead.  “Did you know the ‘A’ secrets ahead of time?  What were the girls like?”
“You do know the show wrapped right?  Like a few years ago.”
“Yes, I saw the finale.  It was nuts.”
“It was,” he laughs again.
“Please Toby won’t you share?” you ask with a laugh.
Shaking his head at your use of his PLL character’s name he responds, “maybe another time when I don’t have to be Liam in a few minutes.”
He takes some pictures and behind the scenes videos and posts them on his Instagram, announcing the first day of filming, tagging you, Jared and a few other cast mates.
The rest of the work week goes by very quickly.  Before you know it, it’s Saturday and you are loading up your car and Jared’s truck with the rest of your things.  The four of you make the trip over to your new place.  You and Jared start to unload his truck while Gen and Tom watch,  stepping away from the  truck a box is taken out of your hand, shocking you.  Turning you see Jeff holding it with a smile.
“Surprise.  Couldn’t let that one over there take all the credit for helping you.  Plus, I have to know where I can find my little sister too.”
You laugh at that, “Thanks, I appreciate the help.  Ulterior motivated, but still help.”  Grabbing another box you lead them all upstairs to your new apartment.  
Unlocking the door, you let them all in before following.  You don't notice the look Jared and Jeff share.  Gen bites her bottom lip as she looks around before raising her eyebrows at Jared.  
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“It’s small in here,” Tom is the first to speak.
‘Yeah, but it’s just me, so it’s alright,” you tell him.
“It’s cute,” Gen finally speaks up.
Jared doesn’t want her carrying anything, so she and Tom stay in the apartment and she begins opening some of the boxes of clothes while the three of you carry in the rest.  It doesn’t take long to get everything inside.  Some of your things are still at still stored at your brother's place.
“How long of a lease did you sign?” Jeff carefully asks once everything is unloaded..
“It was only available for four months.”
“Good,” he answers without thinking. “To know, so you won’t be able to hide from us,” he quickly finishes
“I don’t think you could hide from anything in here,” Jared mumbles, but you don’t hear him.
You had gone to help Gen in the bedroom area and come back to your two brothers in the kitchen.  It looks even smaller than before with them standing in it.  You finally get everyone to clear out, and you are alone for your first night in your new place. 
It was a restless night; it will take some time to get used to a new place, especially one with so many outside noises.  There is a text from Jared asking how your first night went, and you respond before walking to the kitchen.   The empty cupboards and fridge dictate your plans after a shower.  Heading to the grocery store, you grab what you need to get you through the week. 
The following week has you scheduled for four days of filming.  You spend your off days in your apartment, or at the onsite gym and pool.  Gen and Tom stop by on Tuesday, your nephew was having a hard time not seeing you as frequently as he had become used to.  He asked for a snack, but wasn’t happy with what was in your cupboard. Protein bars just aren’t his thing apparently.  On Thursday you receive a text from Kenzie.
Mack-Hey lady!  How are you doing?  I’ll be in Austin this weekend, are you free Sunday?
You- Hi Kenz, I don’t know of anything going on.
Mack- Great! Are you up for grabbing lunch or shopping? Something?
You-Yeah, sure.  Whatever you feel like.
You haven’t talked to her since your birthday.  You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about seeing her now that you and Jensen were no longer together.  She had to know by now right?
Tom comes to set with Gen on Friday, he walks over and hands you a bag when you finish filming your scene.  
“Thanks bud, what’s this?”
“It’s for your new home.”
You open it up and find a big box of goldfish crackers inside.
“Oh, uh..thanks Tom.”
“Dad says Unca Jensen comes home this weekend.  Now you have something for him, not those yucky bars.”
“Great.  Thanks.”
Gen gives you a side hug as he runs to his dad.  “Sorry, we haven’t explained the break up to him yet.”
“That’s alright.”
Jared, carrying Tom over his shoulder, makes his way over. “Hey, we’re doing tacos tonight.  Do you want to come over for dinner?”
“Thanks, but I have plans tonight.”
“Plans? You never have plans.  What are they?” your brother pushes.
“None of our business,” Gen answers while pushing him away.  “We’ll see you later, Y/N.”
So your plans might have been watching movies with a bag of popcorn on the couch, but they were still plans right?  You could handle being on your own again just fine.
Up in Toronto, Jensen is going through his apartment.  Checking that he has everything all packed up. Filming wrapped the day before, there is a get together tonight and then he is out of here tomorrow.  A majority of his things were shipped out earlier in the week.  He just has two suitcases and a carry on going back with him tomorrow. The benefit of renting a fully furnished place, there isn’t as much to take or bring back. 
Not finding anything he missed, he sits down on the couch next to his carryon.  Pulling open the front pocket he removes the black box he has looked at every night since he found it.  In a way it has become a reminder of his failures.  Just over a month ago he would have been excited to be going back to Austin and being with his girl.  Now he was just going back to Austin.
Jensen is standing next to one of the bars set up around the room that evening, when Eric finds him.  
“How are you doing?” his friend asks.
“Alright, you?”
“I’m fine, but I’m not the one with problems at home.  Ya buy your knee pads yet?”
“You’re hilarious, Eric.  I’m not sure what’s going to happen there.”
The two talk for a bit before Eric moves on to make his rounds among the cast and crew. He talks with Karl and Chase, before they move on to other groups.  Claudia keeps seeming to pop up at his side, but he isn’t up to talking much with her.  When Jensen feels he has been there for a suitable amount of time, he says his farewells.
He crashes on the couch that night, his bed already stripped.  The next morning comes too soon as he quickly showers and throws on travel clothes and a hat to head to the airport and his early morning flight.  
Thankfully, there aren’t too many people at the airport at 5 am, and he is able to get through check-in and security without too much of a wait.  Finding a coffee is the first thing on his list once he’s past security.  Taking a muffin with him, he slowly makes his way down to the terminal to wait for the flight to board.  The closer it gets to take off the more the seats fill up.  He pulls the baseball cap down a little lower to try and avoid being recognized.  
The three and half hour flight is a rougher one, good thing he’s gotten used to flying over the years.  He is surprised to see Mackenzie waiting for him after he grabs his luggage, he had been planning on just grabbing a taxi to drop him off a few houses down from his.  She walks over to give him a hug and grabs the handle of one of his three bags.
“Hey, how was the flight?”
“Awful.  What are you doing here?”
“Good to see you too, brother dear.”
“I just wasn’t expecting you.”
“Mom told me you were flying in, and gave me the flight details.  I didn’t think you had anyone else picking you up.”
“Yeah, not this time.”  Neither one brings up that it should have been you there instead.
The rest of the walk to the car is a quiet one, once it’s loaded they are off to his place.  Before she can start asking questions, he turns the radio up to discourage conversation.  Luckily, she lets it go, he just doesn’t know the reason she didn’t put up a fight. Once Kenzie pulls into his  driveway she gets out and grabs another bag from the backseat, along with one of Jensen’s.  He gives her a questioning look when he notices it while walking to the front door.
“I’m crashing here tonight, I need some catch up time.  Figured, I could help make sure the house was in order before I left.”
“Did mom just mention that I was coming home, or she send you down?”
She just smiles and continues past him to the door.  “Are you going to come open this or what?”
“This why you didn’t push to talk in the car?  You knew you weren’t just going to drop me off.”
“Whatever would I push you to talk about?” she questions with a smirk.
With a shake of his head, Jensen unlocks the door and heads inside to shut off the alarm. He sets his bags by the stairs and heads to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. He walks past the counter, pauses and turns back to look at it.  Sitting near the edge is a house key and a garage remote, the ones he gave you.  He stares at them a moment before continuing to the fridge, but instead of pulling out a water he walks out of the kitchen with a beer.
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“Little early for that, don’t you think?” his sister questions.
“It’s almost noon in Toronto right now,” he replies as he sits down on the couch.
“You want to talk about it?” She asks, sitting across from him.
“Toronto’s a nice place, but I’ve been there before.”
“I didn’t mean the city, Jay.”
“The cast? The show?  They were both great, but mom is so not allowed to watch.”
“Jensen, I was referring to Y/N and you know it.”
He’s quiet before replying to Mack, “next topic.”
“Jay, what happened?” she softly pushes.  “When you were home Father’s Day weekend, you said everything was good.”
“Why did no one tell me it was Father’s Day weekend?” He tries to change the subject.
“I guess we thought you knew, and would be home that weekend for Y/N’s birthday anyway.”
He looks at his sister, “You knew it was her birthday?”
“Mom and I knew it was on Saturday, yes.”
“No one said anything.  But you both asked if I saw her, you could have said why.”
“Really?  We both thought you knew,  you were always on top of those things especially with Y/N.  When you said you were busy Saturday, we figured it was with her.  When we talked to Y/N that day, she was here waiting for you to come home.  She told mom she thought you saying you had meetings was to surprise her.  Not one of us ever expected you to forget her birthday.”
Hearing this, Jensen felt even worse than before about forgetting your birthday.
“What happened?”
Hanging his head with a sigh, he shrugs.  “I don’t really know.  I guess time went faster than I thought.  I knew filming was coming to an end in a few weeks, but I still didn’t put it together that it was already into June.  Not until I was back on set the next week.”  
“Did you talk to her about it?”
“I meant to.  Guess I had it in my head that I did, but I found her gift in my safe last week.  I never gave it to her.”
“Did she really come up to Toronto to break up with you, like that chick said in the interview?”
He looks up in confusion, before it dawns on him. “You mean Claudia?  I don’t know how she even found out about it.  Jared said he and Gen were hoping things would be better if she came up and saw me, so I guess breaking up wasn’t her intent when she arrived.”
“So something happened when she was there?”
“I guess.”
“Care to elaborate?  Something tells me that’s a big part of the story.”
He gives her a brief recap of that weekend, he had work things, she was on her own.  The group went out for dinner and Kripke ran into her and invited her along.  “I might have been upset about that, and maybe didn’t handle it in the right way,” he finishes up.
“What’s not the right way?”
“I might have pushed her to leave the restaurant.”
“Jensen, you didn’t.  You friggin idiot.”
He nods, “when I got back to the apartment her bag was packed and she was waiting for me.  She said,” he pauses as he wills the tears forming away, “that she couldn’t do whatever us was, didn’t even know what we were anymore.  That she wasn’t important to me.  My life was too busy and she didn’t fit in it anymore.”
“What did you say when she said this?”
“That I didn’t know what she was talking about, and everything I do is for the two of us.”  In a quieter voice he says, “might have told her to be out of the house before I got back too.”
Mack is quiet as she takes in everything he said.  
Jensen continues before she can speak.  “Talked to Jare at the last convention.  He said she’s been hurting for a while, because of how things were.  I never saw it.”
“Wow.  One, you’re an ass.  Two, you didn’t have any inkling she was feeling any of that?  Had she mentioned anything before when you guys talked?”
He hangs his head once again, “That was the other thing they both said, we didn’t talk anymore.”
“Is that true?”
He just shrugs, looking around the room.  His eyes settle on the dvd laying by the tv.  It was the last one you two had watched together.  
“I just always thought you two would be forever,” Mack comments. 
“Me too, already bought the ring.”
“You did?” 
He just nods.
“Are you going to try and fix things?” 
“She deserves better,” he finally mumbles.
Mackenzie doesn’t get anything else out of him.  Leaving him alone for a bit, she works on dusting and vacuuming before coming back to try and get him to go to the grocery store with her, but he won’t leave the couch.  His bags stay by the stairs, and she notices he is on his third beer before she leaves for the store.
Returning an hour later, he is still in the same spot.  The third bottle of beer was the last one in the house, so at least he didn't have anything more to drink while she was gone.  The only thing different is the jar of peanut butter and spoon sitting in front of him.
“Alright, time to take your luggage upstairs.  Come on, let’s move.”
She finally gets him upstairs, and starts on a light dinner while he’s busy.  The rest of the evening is a quiet one.  Mack isn’t sure if she should be surprised or not over how bad he is taking the breakup.  She can’t help but wonder what kind of shape you are going to be in tomorrow.
When your alarm goes off Sunday, it takes a moment for you to realize why you even set it.  Oh yeah, shopping and lunch with Kenzie.  Dragging yourself out of bed you make your way to the bathroom to get ready. 
A text comes through while you are drying your hair.
Mack-I’m almost ready, do you want me to swing by and pick you up?
You- You don’t have to do that.
Mack- I want to, that we can spend more time together.
You- If you’re sure.
After entering your new address you hit send and quickly finish your hair and makeup.  As you are making sure you have everything you need in your purse, there is a knock at the door.  Opening it up, you find a smiling Mackenzie on the other side.  She gives you a hug before walking in and looking around.
“This is…um.  Where’s the rest of it?” she finally asks.
“Good to see you too, Kenz.”
“It’s always good to see you, Y/N.  But seriously, is there more to this place?  I’m standing in the living room and so are your kitchen and bedroom.”
“It’s not that bad,” you defend.  “There’s a pool and a gym that I have access to.”
“I was just checking my purse, then I’m ready.”
Throwing the apartment keys in your bag after locking the door you follow Kenzie out to the car.  She doesn’t ask any questions as she drives to Barton Creek Square, just talks about what she has been up to lately.  After she parks at the JCPenny’s entrance the two of you get out and head inside.  
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Walking through the department store, you browse the first floor before riding the escalator to the second.  Mackenzie is looking through the toddler clothes for her nephew Levi, while you find yourself wondering over to the baby department.  You don’t hear her walk over to you, as you are looking through the bottom shelf.  Noticing the feet beside you, you look up at her sad face.
“What’s wrong?” you question, standing up.
She just shakes her head.
“I’ve known you too long for that, what’s up?”
“It’s just, I didn’t used to think it would be too much longer and I would be picking up these for your and Jay’s baby.  I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up, I just...”
A sad smile spreads over your face, “There have been a few that have caught my eye, where I’ve thought Jens would love this one.  I get it.  Let’s get out of here.”
After both of you pay for the items you picked up, you walk out into the mall’s second story.   Checking out the shops as you pass, nothing catches your eye before you reach the center of the mall. 
Deciding to walk toward the end with Dillard's first, you turn to the right.  Browsing through a few stores, you once again make your way to the middle and head down to the other end.
“California Pizza Kitchen, was down this way right?” Mack asks.
“Yeah, it is.”
“Want to grab lunch?”
You walk down one side and look through those stores before coming back up the other aisle.  You don’t know who you forgot about the store right next door to the restaurant.
Coming up to the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, you stop.  Kenzie is almost to the restaurant when she realizes you aren’t with her.  Turning around she sees you staring into the previous shop.
“Did you want to go in there first?”
“No, no, I’m good.”  With one last look you make your way over to the restaurant.
As you order drinks and food, Kenzie can pick up on a dip in your mood, just like in JCPenny’s.
“What’s on your mind, and before you say nothing, remember I know you too.”
Giving her a small smile, you look down at the table as you answer.  “I don’t think I’ve made a trip here where I haven’t gone to the Pro Shop and picked something up for Jensen.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“The store?”
She gives you a bitch face, “Oh my god you are as bad as my brother!”
You give her a tight smile and look around the crowded restaurant. “Not here.”
Mack understands what you mean, “Alright, I’ll let it go for now.”
She asks about Walker, and the Netflix mini series that wrapped up.  You ask how Jeremy, her parents, and brother’s family are.  Jensen used to keep you up on all of that.  Conversation died down when the pizza and bread arrived.  The leftovers are boxed up when the two of you are finished and put in a bag to go. 
Having walked the second floor of the mall, you take the escalator down to the first floor to check out those stores.  After browsing Bath and Body Works new scents you manage to leave that store empty handed.  A new pair of workout shoes, and some workout pants are all that catch your attention.  It was obvious to Kenzie, your heart and mind just aren’t into this shopping trip. After a quick stop at the Cheesecake Factory for dessert to go and Soul Popped for some popcorn, the two of you are on your way back to your place. 
Jensen receives a call from Jared, while Kenzie is out doing whatever it was she had to do this afternoon.
“Hey man.”
“Hey Jare.”
“Um, So are you back in town?”
“Yeah, got back last night.”
“That’s…that’s good.”
There was a little bit of awkward silence the two of them didn’t usually have.  It seems like they aren’t really sure where their friendship stands.
“Well, Tom keeps asking about you, and I told him I would call and see if you wanted to come over and hang by the pool?”
Jensen bites down on his lip as he thinks over the invitation.  It used to be a no brainer, but after the conversation with his sister yesterday he really doesn’t think he can face Y/N right now.
“I miss my little buddy, but I don’t know if today will work.  Kenzie’s in town today.  She had something to go out and do, but I expect her back anytime and I don’t know what she has planned.”
“Oh, alright.  Have a nice time with your sister.”
“Thanks.  Maybe we can take him down to the park he likes one day this week?”  Jensen throws his head back, usually it’s you taking Tom out with him.
“Sure, I’ll check my and Gen’s filming schedule for this week and see what we have going on.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to you later then Jackles.  Have a good one.”
“Thanks Jpad.  See ya.”
Mack pulls into the empty parking spot near your apartment and hops out.  She grabs the leftovers from lunch while you carry the cheesecake and your purchases.  You set the shopping bag on your bed and take the dessert to the kitchen where she is already putting the pizza in the fridge.  She starts opening the few cupboards looking for plates and utensils for the cheesecake.  You help her out before you both move over to the couch.
“Alright now are you ready to talk about it?  And if you even think about saying, ‘about what,’ I’m going to scream.”
Setting the barely touched desert down, you sit back on the couch and look at your friend.  “I guess I just don’t fit in his life anymore.  I think he’s ready to move on to his new co-star anyway.”
“For what it’s worth, I think my brother is a major idiot, but he hasn’t moved on to anyone else.” 
“I was… was just convenient when we were working together in Vancouver.  He never had time to talk anymore.  I had to call him, I think he’s called me once in the last few months.  I went to see him, and other things came up that were more important than spending time together.”  You shrug not sure what else to say.  
“What could have been more important than seeing you?” she questions.
“Going out with his castmates for drinks or golfing.”
“Shit, I’m sorry for all that.  I really am.  Mom and I were so surprised to hear you two broke up.”
You just nod your head. “I wasn’t sure what he’d tell you.”
“We heard from the interview.  Honestly, he has barely talked to any of us lately either.”
“Oh, so you heard I went up there just to break up with him.  That’s not how it happened.”
“I know.”
You stop and stare at her.
“He talked to me a little bit last night about Toronto, and what happened that weekend.  Eventually he told me what he did and what happened.  I don’t blame you at all.”
You can’t help the tears that begin to flow.  Kenzie puts down her plate and scoots closer to wrap you in a big hug.
“I really thought he was it for me, you know,” you manage to get out between sobs.
“I know, I know, honey,” Kenzie squeezes you tighter and curses out her brother in her head.  
When you finally calm down she moves back.  You get up to go wash your face.  She has the television on Hallmark when you return.  The two of you watch the Christmas in July movie in silence while you pick at your cheesecake.
“Okay, but what is the deal with this place?” she finally asks.
You look around and shrug.  “It came fully furnished.  I sold all my furniture when I moved to Texas and in with your brother.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, his house was set.  We didn’t need the hassle of moving more than my clothes and personal items.”
“So that’s why you got this place?”
“Yeah.  And it didn’t need a long term contract.”
“So are you still looking for another place?”
Biting your lip you study the blonde in front of you.  “Can you keep this to yourself?”
“Of course.”
“I’m thinking of moving back to L.A. at the end of the year.”
“What! Why?”
“Because everything here reminds me of your brother.  I just can’t handle being reminded of him all the time.  Being with Jensen was the reason I moved here in the first place.”
“What about Walker?”
“I think I’m going to see if they can scale back how often my character is on.  Maybe be just a guest star or something.”
“Oh wow.”   A minute later she softly asks, “Do you still love him?”
Closing your eyes and shaking your head you almost whisper “I don’t want to.  I shouldn’t, he’s probably already moving on.  I just can’t get that through to my heart.”
There isn’t much more said after that.  The movie neither of you have been paying attention to, finishes, and Kenzie gets up to leave.  She gives you a big hug before descending the steps.
“Call me if you ever need anything.  I’m still here for you, so are my parents.  Love ya girl!” she calls out.
“Thanks Mack.  Same goes for you.  Love you, drive safe!”  You watch her pull out before heading back inside.  Grabbing a bag of popcorn you collapse down on the couch with your Hallmark movies for company.  When the heroine eventually finds her Mr. Right, you can’t help the tears that fall thinking how you lost yours.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 12
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann @prettyinplaid94 @itsdesiree86 @mrsfox79 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @jamerlynn @jessica-marsh09 @abaker74 @ladysparkles78 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
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moonlitmeeks · 2 years
༉‧₊˚. what he doesn't know ; remus lupin (1.3k)
summary: sometimes, your older brother sirius doesn’t need to know every detail about your life, especially your love life.
warnings: implied fem!reader, swearing, slightly suggestive towards the end if you squint, inaccurate black family dynamics (aka. grimmauld place is actually a nice home to be in)
a/n: brother's best friend!remus has my heart, actually. hope you enjoy, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!! i edited this down. so much. as i had way too many ideas, so if you want me to post some other little blurbs/instances of remus' subtle flirting, or of sirius finding out, let me know!
masterlist | taglist
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unrequited love was a bitch. the familiar sting that accompanied every interaction, the constant reminder that no matter how hard your heart beat around them, it would never be enough to sway theirs. the bitter acceptance that, okay, you couldn’t have them romantically, but to have them at all was more than enough.
but unrequited love for your brother’s best friend? oh, that was basically a death sentence. 
a part of you had clung to the hope that your feelings for remus were fleeting, just a silly childhood crush produced by teenage hormones and way too many romance films.
it wouldn’t surprise you.
the first time you had met james, you could hardly get a word out, too flustered by the fact that an attractive, older boy was even speaking to you. it made you laugh now, thinking about it. you and james had grown much closer over time, and you considered him to be like another brother to you.
so it was frustrating that, four years later, remus still had a hold on your heart.
maybe it was his tawny hair, and how it always looked perfectly messy, just begging you to reach out and run a hand through the strands.
or, perhaps, you could credit it to his voice, a tone that was laced with sarcasm when speaking to your brother, but softened when directed towards you.
his personality also couldn’t be overlooked. how someone could perfectly balance kindness, humour, intelligence and mischief, you’d never know. 
if you were being honest, it was everything about him. remus lupin had you wrapped around his bloody finger and he didn’t even realise.
though, you couldn’t do anything about it, thanks to him being sirius’ best friend. telling him was out of the question: even if, in some weird universe, he returned your feelings, sirius would never allow it. not that he could stop you, of course, but he’d definitely make his displeasure obvious every time he saw the two of you together.
sucking it up was your only option. you’d dealt with this ache for four years. you could deal with it for four more.
so when sirius announced a movie night with you two and the other marauders, a movie night suggested by remus himself, you struggled to mask your enthusiasm with nonchalance. 
“don’t see why not,” you shrugged with a ghost of a smile. “sounds like it could be fun.”
“you’re sure you don’t mind?” sirius asked. “i’d tell him to piss off, but i think he’s desperate to get his mind off of exams.”
“don’t. it’s only a few films, not like he’s asking for a lung or something.”
“brilliant,” sirius grinned, moving to ruffle your hair in true older brother fashion. “i’ll let him know. cheers, y/n.”
“i’m great, i know,” you jested, holding back an excited expression.
it was only in the secrecy of your own room you let out a squeal into your pillow.
an evening spent with your unrequited crush in a dark, dimly lit room. it would make for an exciting evening, if you could get through it without combusting, of course.
unbeknownst to you, remus was also struggling with cupid’s arrow. it was the only reason he’d persuaded sirius to have this stupid movie night, just for a chance to spend a couple of hours in your company to get his fix of you in an unassuming way. liking your best friend’s sister had to go against multiple rules of friendship, but remus was done berating himself.
sirius would kill him if he knew the truth, so remus was determined to keep his feelings to himself. that, unfortunately, meant keeping them from you, too. 
not that he hadn’t hinted at his attraction. there’d been plenty of times he’d been a little too friendly with you, shot you flirty grins, paid you gratuitous compliments. he’d managed to mask it as an attempt to be welcoming and comforting, and luckily sirius was yet to notice. 
unfortunately, remus’ patience was wearing thin, and subtlety was the farthest thing from his mind tonight, sirius be damned. you were both adults now. if sirius didn’t like it, he’d have to suck it up. 
this time, he didn’t tear his gaze each time it wandered to your face. he treated himself to the sight of your side profile, delighting in each gasp and laugh the film drew from you. a large jumper hugged your upper body, and with your legs tucked up to your chest, you looked like the epitome of comfort. remus would do anything to come home to a sight like that, his only complaint that the jumper you wore wasn’t his. 
remus’ stare burned into the side of your face, and if you hadn’t brought your hand up to cup your heating cheeks, you’d be sure you were melting. whilst your heart whispered that your feelings were reciprocated, your brain struggled to come up with a counter argument for his fixation.
the film was interesting enough, some sort of action-filled drama, so boredom wasn’t a possibility. though, even if he was to zone out, there were plenty of other things to catch his attention. but, remus had chosen to unabashedly stare at you, drinking in every glimpse he could catch of your face.
surely that had to mean something, something that teetered precariously on the edge of friendship and romance. 
you dared a smile, raising an eyebrow in a wordless question. part of you hoped he'd look away, but you secretly delighted in his sudden confidence.
remus quirked a brow back, poking his tongue out from between slightly cracked lips. now your focus had been drawn to his lips, mind racing to wonder how they’d feel against your own.
would his kisses be slow, calculated with every movement? or fast, sloppy and fuelled by pure desire. maybe it was a mixture of the two, gentle caresses paired with sinful noises. it was a thought that, if you were standing, would make you weak in the knees. it was getting to be too much, and you jumped up.
“i’m gonna get a drink. anyone want anything?”
the boys replied with a chorus of different drinks, overlaps of ‘water’, ‘beer’, and ‘lemonade’ coming from every angle. you mentally noted them down, heading for the door.
“i’ll help.”
not giving you time to thank him, remus had already sprung from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. 
well, fuck. that plan had failed. curse him and his insanely charming kindness. 
you followed the boy, trailing slightly behind him as you tried to compose yourself. the chatter of the others became muted as the door closed, trapping you and remus in your own little bubble.
you were determined to look everywhere but him, putting too much attention towards grabbing five cups from the top shelf of the cupboard.
two large hands grabbed your hips, and you yelped in shock. you were spun around to meet hazel eyes, and inches away from your face was remus, breathing heavily as his eyes roamed across your features. 
it was as if he was in an art gallery and you were the portrait; he wanted to note every last detail of your face, from the curve of pouted your lips to the slight furrow in your brows, down to every last mark or freckle. remus wouldn’t be satisfied until he had discovered everything about you. 
“shit, remus–”
“if you tell me to stop, i will,” he interjected. “but don’t tell me to stop because of sirius. only tell me to stop if you want to.” 
you shook your head, swallowing hard, though you couldn’t bring yourself to utter a protest. desire had taken over your moral conscience with ease, tipping the scales right into lust.
his voice was low, mouth only an inch away from the shell of your ear. if you weren’t so desperate to feel his touch, your close proximity to your brother and friends would have produced more than feigned concern. 
“he’ll go mad.” you observed, leaning into his touch anyways. 
“i reckon what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” he pressed a chaste kiss to your neck, nipping at the skin ever so slightly. “don’t you think?”
and as his lips finally met yours, the two meshing like lock and key, you couldn’t help but agree with him. 
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🧸 ; @bluetreecloud20 @milkiangl @tayswiftlovebot @starlit-epiphany @mirclealignr @ladylokilaufeyson5 @bberee @decafcoffew
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
I've still got you all over me | Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Summary: When Eddie and the band rose to fame, your relationship was brought to an end. Four years later, Dustin plots behind your back and invite his former Dungeon Master to his birthday party without telling you
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: This is how I imagine older Eddie (edit credit to the owner, I couldn’t find)
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Two years after you left for college, Corroded Coffin blew up and moved to Philadelphia to record their first EP. Although it was closer to New York, closer to you, you and Eddie saw each other even less – go figure.
On your third and last year of college, the band released their EP and went on their first tour. It was small, but the crowds were bigger and bigger at every show. Eddie invited you for a couple of dates, but you could never stay for more than a few days.
You had promised each other to make the long distance work, but being apart was hurting you both. The more you talked on the phone, the more difficult it was to be miles apart. So the phone calls became less frequent.
He called you on your birthday and congratulated you on the job you got at a publishing company. You surprised him for Christmas at his apartment in Philadelphia. He didn’t show up to your graduation. You tried calling him on his birthday, but you had no idea where he was.
In November, you received an invitation by mail to his album release. You saw him with someone else.
Four years later, you came home for your brother’s big eighteen birthday.
Your mom had organized a big party with all of Dustin’s friends. Her baby boy was turning eighteen and leaving home soon, it was difficult for her to process.
‘’Happy birthday, Dusty!’’
He had grown so much these last two years. He was no longer the little boy who brought home strange slugs and who had a huge crush on his friend’s sister.
Dustin smiled in return, hugging you. ‘’Thanks. I’m so happy you made it.’’
‘’Me too. Where is Suzie? I want to meet her.’’
He looked over his shoulder and shrugged, not seeing her. ‘’Somewhere. Max and El stole her from me. Did I tell you we’re going to MIT in September? It’s in Cambridge, in case you didn’t know. I’m gonna be able to visit you more often and-’’
‘’Hey, is that Garreth?’’ you asked, spotting a guy in a red flannel chatting with Mike. ‘’Does that mean…
The moment Dustin was dreading arrived: he had to break the news about his surprise guests. ‘’Yes. Eddie is here.’’
Hearing his name made your stomach churn and your heartbeat double in pace.
‘’You invited him?!’’
‘’He’s my friend. And, maybe you could try talking to him. I mean, it’s been four years, Y/N.’’
You gasped, piecing the pieces together. ‘’You little shit! You planned this.’’ You wanted to murder him. ‘’You know how much he’s hurt me. Why would you do this behind my back, Dustin?’’
‘’I’m the worst little brother, I know I know. You can be mad at me all you want, but later. Eddie showed up, Y/N. He took a day off from his busy rockstar schedule and came to Hawkins to see you, to talk to you. I’m not forcing you to forgive him. Just…talk. Hear him out.’’
You glanced in Garreth’s direction again, feeling an ache in your chest. ‘’I can’t. He promised he would come back, but he just left me behind and found another bitch to fuck,’’ you said with bitterness and anger. ‘’How would you feel if Suzie had found another guy and didn’t tell you about and just ghosted you?’’
Speaking of the wolf, Eddie appeared by your side. He looked the same as the day you last saw him. His hair was still long and messy, but he had ditched the baby skin for a light scruff, giving him a more mature look. You couldn’t deny, he was still very attractive.
‘’Henderson,’’ he greeted your brother. His deer-like brown eyes then fell on you, causing his breath to catch in his throat. ‘’M’lady.’’ Eddie bowed the stupid way he used to do when you were dating, almost tearing a smile from you.
You rolled your eyes instead, keeping a straight face.
‘’I’ll leave you two to talk.’’ Dustin excused himself, his plan finally put into action. He walked backward in the direction of the living room.
‘’Dustin!’’ you hissed. ‘’Don’t- And he’s gone…’’
An annoyed sigh left your lips. That little shit better sleep with an eye open tonight or you’ll sneak into his room and cut his curls with your mother’s knitting scissors in his sleep.
Before you, Eddie shifted on his feet and played with his skull ring, a demeanor from when he was nervous. ‘’It’s nice to see you again, Y/N. I missed you.’’
You scoffed, leaning against the kitchen counter. ‘’Don’t waste your saliva, Munson. I have nothing to tell you.’’
Leaving was tempting, but you knew Dustin was lurking around and would corner you into going back. Instead, you cracked open a can of coke. A beer would’ve been better, but your mom never had beer at home.
‘’Can we have a mature conversation? Please.’’
You took a sip of coke and glanced around the room, looking for a blonde in a slutty dress. ‘’Where’s your side bitch- Sorry, I meant girlfriend.’’
It was immature and rude, but you didn’t care. 
‘’Angela and I-’’
‘’Angela, uh? So you and her are still together.’’ 
He looked down in confirmation.
‘’Do you think, for one minute, that she would even be interested in you if you weren’t if Corroded Coffin hadn’t blown up? If you didn’t sell thousands of albums and toured the country with Metallica as headliner? Are you that blind?’’
‘’At least she didn’t hide our relationship for months. She treats me like I’m somebody,’’ Eddie said back, digging into old wounds.
Keeping your relationship a secret had been the cause of many fights in the early days of your relationship. You realize today how damaging it had been. Eddie thought you were ashamed of him and no matter how many times you tried telling him it wasn’t true, the way you would dodge his kiss whenever someone was around said otherwise.
You didn’t tell your mother about him until the summer after graduation. After a rainstorm, you came home in a hoodie she didn’t recognize. When Dustin asked why you were wearing Eddie’s Judas Priest hoodie, she asked if this ‘Eddie’ was your boyfriend.
‘’Would she love you if you were nobody?’’
‘’Nobody loved me when I was nobody!’’ Eddie snapped, his unhealed wounds coming out of his mouth before he could stop them. 
They say you accept the kind of love you think you deserve. After it was drilled into Eddie's head that he wasn’t worthy of being loved, he was willing to accept any kind of love that was given to him. Genuine or not. It was sad, but Eddie would rather have someone who loved him for his fame than be with someone who didn’t love him at all.
‘’I did!’’
The loud volume of your voices made everyone go silent, their attention turning to the quarrel in the kitchen.
Everyone’s eyes were on you and Eddie, but, in the heat of the fight, neither of you paid them any attention. 
‘’Before the money, before the fame, and before you left Hawkins.’’
Tears sprung up in your and Eddie’s eyes. He looked away to avoid Niagara Falls, staring at ugly painting of Mews behind you. Why did your mom hang this atrocity?
You knew what he was doing. He was avoiding your eyes to hide his emotions from you.
‘’Look at me, Eddie.’’ Your voice was soft and pleading. With a trembling jaw, he glanced at you. ‘’To me you were a somebody, but you let our relationship turn to dust and now you’re a coward. A spineless coward who asks his agent to write his girlfriend a breakup letter.’’ Your words cut like glass, stabbing your old lover right where it hurt.
With a slam of your can of coke on the counter, you ended the conversation and left the kitchen. Your steps were fast as you snaked through the people, trying to make it to privacy before breaking.
In the kitchen, Eddie was stunned. He knew you had left, he had seen you leave, but he hadn't moved a finger since you had left half a minute ago. His mind was racing, the little hamster in his head going a thousand miles an hour.
What do I do now?
He clenched and unclenched his fists, fighting the urge to kick a chair or punch a wall. Violent behaviors didn’t solve anything.
With a clear of his throat, Jeff came up to him, bearing bad news. ‘’Eh, I don’t mean to interrupt your deep thinking, but we gotta get on the road if we want to be in Florida in time for the next show-’’
Eddie shrugged his bandmate off, moving his hands frantically around. ‘’Fuck Florida! Right now is not the time to drive up to fucking Florida!’’
He disappeared through the crowd, ignoring Jeff’s calls of his name.
You should have known Eddie would look for you. Your blow-up in the kitchen wasn't how he wanted to leave off. Old wounds had been reopened, pent up feelings had been released and confessions had been slipped.
All that was left was to pick up the pieces and mend them – if possible.
Eddie stood by the backdoor for a few minutes, hovering his hand on the door handle and retracting it. He tried to think of what he would say to you, but he couldn’t find the words. The breakup letter written by his agent had been a shitty move – he’ll agree. He was so caught up in his fame and career at that time, his brain to heart signals hadn’t been working right.
After a good fifteen minutes, Eddie finally stepped outside, knowing exactly where to find you.
When you were a kid, your father had installed a swing for you in the backyard. He would push you and make you fly as high as the birds – your child eyes thought so. When you turned seven, he took off without explanations and that’s all that was left of him. You resented him for abandoning you, but your love for that swing remained. You read too many books, cried too many tears and got too many splinters in your butt to hate it.
Eddie’s boots swished in the grass, too tall and needing a good mow. Your back was to him, but you knew he was there. You could feel his presence.
‘’It’s unfortunate that it’s not my birthday, I would’ve used my wish to make you leave,’’ you said, keeping your eyes on the old shed.
Behind you, Eddie laughed dryly. ''Always humorous, Y/N.’’ He took a few steps closer, now standing in your sightline.
‘’Why are you here, Eddie? You have the life you’ve always dreamed of and a girlfriend that worships the ground you walk on. Why did you come see me?’’
The question was simple, but its answer was of a higher complexity.
‘’I don’t know.’’ Eddie paused, running his hands over his face, his feelings in shambles in his head and heart. ‘’When Henderson sent me the invite, I didn’t think twice and got in my van. The boys and I were recording in L.A., I knew the label would be mad at me for peacing-out like that, but I needed to come. I didn’t care how many miles I would have to make to see you or about my other obligations; all that was on my mind was you.’’
‘’I was on your mind?’’ You scoffed. ‘’That’s new. I surely wasn’t when we were together.’’
‘’That’s not true-’’
‘’Was I on your mind when you shoved your tongue in that bitch’s mouth at your album release party?’’ you hissed at him, bringing back a stinging memory.
A frown formed on Eddie’s face. ‘’You didn’t come to my album release party.’’
‘’I did! I did. I said ‘hi’ to Garreth and asked where you were. He told me you were in the living with people from the label. When I got there, you were making out with her.’’ 
‘‘I know and I’m deeply sorry-’‘
‘‘You can shove your ‘sorry’s up your ass, Munson.’‘ 
‘’It wasn’t a question.’’ 
Something snapped inside Eddie and he stepped closer to the swing. ‘’I refuse to end us like this. Our love is stronger than this. Henderson was right, we’ve gone through so much together, I refuse to give up on us.’’ He crouched before you so he was at your level, then set his hands on your knees and shifted his eyes to yours. ‘’I refuse to let you go like you were just a chapter in my life.’’ 
‘’I’m being serious.’’ He grabbed your hands in his, his eyes begging for your forgiveness, begging for another chance. ‘’You are my past and my future, and I’m a fucking idiot for letting rust grow between us instead of keeping the fire burning.’‘ 
The backyard door opened and Jeff poked his head out, calling for his bandmate. He really didn’t want to interrupt, but the clock was ticking and if they didn’t make it to Florida in time for the show, their manager will be pissed. ‘’Eddie, the show. We really need to go.’’ 
‘‘Jesus Christ,’‘ Eddie grumbled under his breath. ‘’I’ll be in the van in a minute!’’ 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski @amberputh  @sea040561​
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella @Dreamtiara @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby @jenlouvre @bonked-beyond-belief2  @tvserie-s-world @bootlegmothman420 @courtmr @chrisxevans-seb @satinselenite @thikkiesixx  @jennilynn63  @nia-um  @welcometohellfirw @strangermarvelgirl @sugar-simz @fandomloversvaries @miakatharinaa  @julsss321 @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog @soph69420world  @ameliakf13 @nancewheelersworld @parasadic-blog @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @ali-r3n @Luv.eddie @stephylovesmayahawke @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetheart-im-the-boss @jusstdreaaming @hoeformunsonandhargrove @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @stormyparker @thechoiceslookgrimm @ilikechocolatemilkh @bbylyneth @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @rosaliesrealwife @munsonswhore86 @eddiescvmslvt @slightlyvicked
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hanilessa · 1 year
before reading please pay attention to the series masterlist, to make sure you have read the previous chapters!
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HALF AN HOUR FOR LOVE — Childe x F!Reader Chapter 10. You|her
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The spacious living room smelled of freshly baked cookies and wild flowers in a vase on the table. You awkwardly picked up a small cup of hot tea and looked at the little children who, with the happiest faces, were eating the oatmeal cookies that Tonia cooked. You were quite surprised by the fact that a girl at such an early age was able to bake such delicious cookies. She appeared to be less than ten years old.
You took another bite of the cookie and closed your eyes in delight, enjoying the aroma and taste of the mild sweetness. The pieces of chocolate melted pleasantly on your tongue, giving the cookie some bitter taste, which mixed with the powdered sugar applied to the cookie on all sides, giving the cookie a truly amazing taste.
You even thought that it would be nice to ask the girl to give you the recipe for these cookies so that you can make these cookies for your mom and Xiao in the future.
While you were in your thoughts, you didn't notice at all that Tonia's gaze was directed straight at you. The girl looked at you from head to toe, studying and interested, as if she was analyzing something and drawing some conclusions for herself. When you snapped out of your thoughts and looked back at the children, you caught her eye on you.
A slight blush appeared on your cheeks when you realized that you were the object of her observation. You tried to smile friendly and relaxed when the girl smiled back at you, her blue eyes sparkling. You four continued to sit in pleasant silence until Tartaglia approached you.
He looked at your face and shook his head when he noticed that there were cookie crumbs on your face. He leaned a little closer to your face, causing you to blush, and gently ran his thumb over your skin, brushing off the cookie and chocolate crumbs.
"I told you that you can’t even take a step without me." The man chuckled and sat down next to you, leaning back on the couch. "Your face is covered in chocolate. Last time you got dirty in flour. So sloppy. Even my brothers and sister eat more carefully than you!"
Your eye twitched, you blushed in embarrassment and hit him on the thigh, causing the man wince. He teased you as always.
"It isn't true!" You snorted and, defiantly turning your head away from him, took another bite of the cookie.
"The real truth!"
The children watched with interest and curiosity as you both exchanged barbs and snarky remarks about each other. Their blue eyes darted from side to side depending on which of the two of you was speaking.
Your annoyance level started to rise again when Childe reminded you of all the most awkward situations that you were in with him, and you already wanted to start reminding him of his awkward moments when a cheerful voice was heard next to you.
"Sis, do you want me to tell you about how messy big brother is when he cooks for us?" You let Childe go, which you held tightly on his ear in an attempt to avenge him for his teasing, and turned your attention to the youngest child.
Teucer stood right in front of you and flashed his joyful and innocent smile.
"W-what?" The ginger man asked, slightly startled as he turned his attention to his brother. "What are you talking about, Teucer?"
"I remember this moment too!" Anthon exclaimed joyfully and excitedly, and his eyes lit up with some slyness, which he directed at his older brother.
"Hm?" You also smiled slyly, glancing out of the corner of your eye at the ginger man, who noticeably quieted down and stared at his brothers and sister with a pleading look in his eyes. "Then I would love to hear your story about it!"
"Once we were cooking a festive dinner with family." Tonia began to tell, giggling mockingly and looking at her older brother, who gradually began to look like a puppy that was kicked by his owner. "Brother needed to cook pasta, and when he cooked, he was covered in sauce!"
The children burst into loud laughter, brushing away tears of joy from their eyes, and you giggled, watching how Tartaglia's face gradually turns red. He puffs out his cheeks like a small child, and crosses his arms over his chest, showing with all his appearance that he was offended.
"And once Tonia put her red lipstick on big brother while he was sleeping!" You could see from Teucer's face that he liked to tell you about the ridiculous situations his elder brother got himself into. You laughed out loud as you watched Childe's embarrassed expression. "When he woke up, big brother walked around with makeup until the moment he looked in the mirror in the evening!"
You sincerely laughed when you heard Tartaglia snort in annoyance. A slight spark of joy and mischief appeared in your soul when you and he switched places. Now he was the object of your teasing.
"Didn’t anyone tell him that he had lipstick on his lips?" You asked, covering your mouth with your palm to drown out your laughter — this made Tartaglia flinch, because now he was completely fascinated by your laughter.
"When he noticed it, he screamed so loud!" Tonia giggled, throwing a mocking look at the ginger man.
"It was cruel, Tonia!" Childe made a whining sound, embarrassed and offended.
"And we had fun!" The girl smirked and put her hands on her sides, after which she looked at you, as if looking for your approval and support. "Is it true, Y/n?"
"It's true!" You nodded with confidence and smiled at the girl again, catching Tartaglia's offended look on you.
"And more recently, my brother got dirty in toothpaste, and..." Anthon began to say, also wanting to share a funny story about his brother with you, but the ginger man managed to cover his mouth in time, forcing the boy to kick in his arms with displeasure.
"I think you've told Y/n enough stories." Childe said, after which he looked at his brothers and sister with some sternness and asked, "Have you finished with your homework? Should I check it out?"
You noticed how two boys shyly lower their eyes to the floor and blush, throwing timid glances at you. You could tell from their faces that they hadn't done their homework yet. Tartaglia understood this too. They looked so cute that your heart beat faster when you felt this warm and reverent family atmosphere.
But you could tell by Tonia's look that she had done all her homework. The girl smiled as Childe stepped closer to her and patted her ginger head.
"Take an example from your sister!" The ginger man said importantly and instructively, noticing how proudly Tonia tossed her head and smirked. "And while I'm cooking dinner, please finish your homework."
Both boys nodded absently.
"You both will definitely cope with everything!" You smiled reassuringly at them, and a happy twinkle of confidence appeared in the eyes of the little boys.
Anthon and Teucer hurried up to the second floor to finish their homework, full of confidence thanks to you that they could handle everything. Childe looked at you as you looked at his brothers, and for some reason his heart beat with joy. The fact that you got along with his siblings warmed his soul and gave him a sense of calm and serenity.
Tonia noticed her brother's gaze and smiled contentedly. It seemed that the girl understood much more than her silly older brother. A grand plan popped into her head.
"Brother, can I play with Y/n in my room?" Tonia asked, moving closer to the ginger man who was busy with dishes and vegetables in the kitchen.
Tartaglia turned to his sister and smiled, stroking her head, "Sure, you can. Y/n, would you like to play with Tonia while I cook dinner?"
"W-what?" You were in your own thoughts, so you flinched when the ginger man started talking to you. You looked at Tartaglia and his sister, comprehending what he told you. "Yes, sure, I'll keep her company."
The girl clapped her hands happily and walked towards you.
"Thank you, Y/n!" Childe smiled tenderly, and your heart fluttered at how sincerely he smiled at you at that moment. The man returned to cooking, and you continued to look at him, as if spellbound, until Tonia came up to you and pulled you by the hand towards her room.
A satisfied smile appeared on the girl's lips when she noticed your gaze.
"Let's go, we'll have a lot of fun!" You hurriedly stood up and let Tonia lead you towards her room.
"Let's hurry!" You smiled.
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You were sitting on a soft chair at the dressing table in front of a large mirror. It was framed with gold edging, and, in fact, Tonia's whole room looked like the room of a real princess. It was very spacious and light in here. The room was dominated by light colors and tones.
On the girl's bed there were many different plush toys, next to the window there was a big dollhouse. If you were a little girl now, you would even envy her very much. Of course, as a child you had toys, but you never had a dollhouse, and with some envy you glanced towards a dollhouse from the corner of your eye.
The light strokes of the comb through your hair calmed you, and you relaxed a little when the little hands of the girl ran through your hair. Tonia asked you to be her model and you gladly agreed. The girl smiled happily as you removed the hair tie and let your hair down. Stars of pure delight shone in her blue eyes.
And now you looked at yourself in the mirror and understood why Tonia was so excited. Your hair was really very beautiful, it flowed down your back, framed your neat little face. Your hair was very soft and silky to the touch — you could see the ginger girl's eyes narrowing contentedly as she ran her hands through your hair.
"I really like your hair!" Tonia said enthusiastically, wielding a comb like a real hairdresser.
"Is it really so?" You smiled at her in the reflection of the mirror, trying to remain still so as not to interfere with her work. The ginger girl nodded contentedly. "And I like the color of your hair."
"It is true?" The girl was carefully combing your hair when a sly smile appeared on her lips. "Then do you like the color of my big brother's hair too?"
Your cheeks instantly turned red, and you excitedly looked at Tonia through the reflection in the mirror. The little girl looked quite pleased and wasn't at all embarrassed by her words.
"W-what?" You stuttered awkwardly, trying not to show your embarrassment, nervously clutching the fabric of your clothes with your hands. "W-why did you think that?"
"Sis, well, it’s logical!" The girl said cheerfully, and leaned over to her nightstand to get out her hair ties and various hairpins. "He's my brother and if you like the color of my hair, then you like his hair color too!"
You smiled shyly.
"That's hard to argue with."
"So don't you deny that you like my brother?" Tonia smiled slyly, continuing to braid your pigtail.
"W-why are you asking me something like that?" There was no limit to your embarrassment, because you couldn't understand how you felt about Childe. "We were talking about his hair!"
"He and his hair are one!" Tonia spoke instructively, continuing to braid your hair. A self-satisfied smile played on her small pink lips. "And if you like his hair, that means you like my brother."
You couldn't resist childish logic, so you chose to just nod absently, continuing to stare embarrassedly at your reflection in the mirror. Gradually, your hair became braided, giving you more cute and childish look.
The girl really made you think about what feelings you could have for Tartaglia. Why did this ginger man evoke such a storm of emotions and feelings in you when you were next to him?
Or when in a big crowd of people the first thing your eyes found were his blue eyes? It was like a reflex. You had the feeling that your body controlled itself and was looking for Childe among all the others.
How could you resist his beautiful eyes? How did your heart still not jump out of your chest when he was next to you every time?
And how could you resist the urge to kiss him on the lips when he smiled at you with such a wonderful smile? These questions quickly changed one after another in your head as Tonia continued to braid your hair.
Stop. What did you just think about?
Kiss him on the lips?
You instantly felt your heart beat much faster, a hot blush rose to your cheeks, and your level of embarrassment reached its maximum heights. When did your thoughts become so unexpected and embarrassing!? You didn't expect such thoughts from yourself.
You tried to calm down, take a deep breath in and out, and grunted in your thoughts. You and him are just colleagues and friends. You shouldn't be thinking about something like that goes beyond work and friendship.
Meanwhile, Tonia continued combing your hair, and when your hairstyle was ready, you smiled happily when the girl began to weave various hair ties and hairpins into your hairstyle. The final decoration was a small hairpin in the form of a bow, which the girl attached to one of your two pigtails.
You were looking at yourself enthusiastically in the mirror when you heard her thin voice behind you.
"She never let me touch her hair."
You froze for a moment and looked up at Tonia's reflection in the mirror, noticing that she was a little sad. You turned to her.
"Who are you speaking about?" You asked as you watched the ginger girl search for something in her big makeup bag.
You didn't use much make-up except for skin care make-up. Therefore, your eyes ran from side to side at the sight of all the variety of cosmetics that the girl had.
"She was always only interested in my brother. She never played with me." Tonia didn't seem to pay attention to your question, but you decided not to repeat your question, just silently continuing to listen to her. She pulled a pink lipstick out of her cosmetic bag and looked at you. "You're completely different. I like to play with you, Y/n!"
You were touched by her words and smiled, "I like to play with you too!"
You spent the time before dinner with Tonia. She gave you a beautiful makeover, telling you some funny stories from her life. At the same time she didn't forget to constantly praise Childe, listing all his best qualities and merits. You just smiled shyly at her as you listened to her stories.
You tried to listen carefully to her voice, but during all this time the thought of who this "she" that Tonia spoke about couldn't leave your head. Was it her friend or friend of her brothers? Why was the ginger girl talking about "her" in such a hurt and upset way?
While you were in your thoughts, you didn't notice that the ginger girl was finally done with your makeup. She moved away from you a few steps and smiled contentedly, proud of the work done.
"It's ready!" Tonia said happily. "You can look at yourself in the mirror!"
You nodded with a smile and turned to the mirror. You involuntarily felt that you were speechless. In your eyes, you looked amazing. Your hair was braided into two long pigtails that adorned various hairpins.
Your eyes were lightly made up with eye shadow, your cheeks were covered in light blush, and a matte pink lipstick was applied on your lips in a thin layer. And in addition to everything on your head was a hairpin with a beautiful puffy bow.
Your cheeks blushed pink as you said, "It's very beautiful, Tonia..."
"You're very beautiful, Y/n." The girl corrected your words and hurried to take your hand, forcing you to rise from chair. "Come on, I want my big brother to see you!"
Your heart was beating fast as the girl said those words. For some reason the fact that Childe would see you like this warmed your heart, but at the same time it thrilled you insanely.
"S-stop, wait a second!"
But the girl was quicker, dragging you with her straight to her brother, because of whom your heart threatened to jump out of your chest.
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Tartaglia was busy in the kitchen, standing by the stove and checking the soup was ready. A truly amazing aroma emanated from the pot, and the man smiled contentedly, anticipating his brothers, sister, and you tasting his food with the most enjoying faces. He wouldn't even mind if you complimented him.
Childe wanted to surprise and impress you by cooking you a delicious dinner. The opportunity to show you his culinary skills put him in a state of excitement and some nervousness, because he was very interested in how you would react to this.
Both of you have already cooked and enjoyed food together, but now he wanted to cook something for you on his own to make you happy. The last days you occupied all his thoughts, the ginger man thought about you almost constantly.
And the opportunity to see you next to your family, to see how you get along with his brothers and sister, makes his heart beat joyfully in his chest from the realization that the people who are dear to him — you and his family — were able to find a common language.
He wanted these wonderful days of calm to last as long as possible. Until his life turns into eternal suffering.
From his gloomy thoughts Tartaglia was pulled out by the sonorous voice of his sister.
"Turn around now and see what beauty you're missing from your sight!" This request was made in a commanding tone, and Childe, smirking, didn't dare to resist, wondering what Tonia was talking about.
And when he turned around, Tartaglia froze in place, and his heart beat faster when he saw you. Your beautiful appearance at that moment was reflected in his blue eyes with a radiance. You stood there in front of him so beautiful and wonderful, smiling shyly and nervously clasping your hands in front of you.
You looked wonderful, and the ginger  man was speechless for a few moments, not knowing what he should say. He could have sworn that he saw an angel in reality in front of him.
You bit your lip nervously as you noticed that Childe was standing in front of you in that cute kitchen apron looking completely stunned. And you would certainly have laughed at this, if not for the embarrassment that took possession of you when the eyes of the man looked at you from head to toe.
The silence between the two of you was also very embarrassing, and you already wanted to say something to break this embarrassing silence, but Tartaglia beat you to it, breaking the silence first.
"You're beautiful."
From how confidently this phrase sounded, and from how gentle his voice sounded at that moment, it seemed to you that your heart would break out of your chest now and rush right into his hands. Your cheeks instantly turned red, and you felt a great warm rise to your chest.
Both of you looked into each other's eyes, unable to tear yourself away, and it would seem that nothing could disturb this moment, but when Childe wanted to say something else to you, Teucer and Anthon's voices were heard from the side.
"Big brother! We're done with our homework!" The youngest boy ran up to Tartaglia and hung on his arm, drawing his attention to himself.
Childe's blue eyes left you and the man looked at his brother. You mentally thanked Anthon and Teucer for showing up in the living room at such an opportune moment. But Tonia seemed to be dissatisfied with something.
"Damn, you both messed up again!" She put her hands on her hips and glared at her brothers with irritation.
 "What? What are you talking about?" Anthon didn't understand, looking at Tonia and grimacing at her.
"You both will never understand this! You ruined such a romantic moment!" When the girl said these words, your cheeks turned red, and you glanced at Tartaglia, who caught your eye, making you even more embarrassed.
"Stop arguing!" Childe tried to calm the children by getting their attention. "You three should wash your hands, dinner is almost ready!"
The ginger children shouted excitedly and hurried to the bathroom to wash their hands. You smiled as a warm family atmosphere spread over your chest with a pleasant bliss, reminding you of your mother and Xiao.
Dinner came merrily, accompanied by hilarious and funny family stories. Children's voices were heard from each end of the table, the children vied with each other, trying to draw your attention to themselves. You laughed as you listened to their stories and sometimes asked questions that interested you.
You also told some stories from your life, and the ginger children with undisguised desire told you that they would like to meet your brother. You nodded and promised them with a smile that you would definitely introduce them to Xiao someday.
During dinner you often noticed Childe's eyes on you. He looked at you with a strange tenderness in his eyes, which was noticeable in his clear ocean eyes.
You wanted to ask him why Tartaglia was looking at you in this way, but the children constantly took all your attention to themselves, and you couldn't leave them unattended, gradually forgetting about Childe's gaze.
But the ginger man didn't take his eyes off you for a second. Throughout the dinner, his blue eyes studied you carefully, outlining every curve of your body, not leaving unnoticed a single piece of your skin, not a single birthmark and not a single small scar.
His gaze, like himself, succumbed to the pull of your gravity.
After dinner the children, happy and full, fell asleep on the couch in the living room. You gladly decided to help the ginger man clean up the kitchen after cooking and wash the dishes.
You washed the dishes, rinsing it with water, and the man, taking the dishes from your hands, wiped it with a towel. You both did your work in silence until you decided to speak.
"They are so active! They ate and immediately fell asleep." You chuckled as you passed another plate to the man, and at that moment your and his hands touched.
His hand was slightly cool, the skin was rough, but his hand felt very gentle and soft on your hand. Your cheeks flushed when you noticed that the man continued to stare at the place where your and his hand joined.
You exhaled in embarrassment, drawing his attention, and he, as if coming to his senses, jerked his hand away. It seemed to you that he didn't hear your words, but you decided not to tease him about this, maintaining a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
"Thank you for agreeing to come here today." Childe said in a serious voice that he used on the rare occasions when he was truly sincere. "It's very important for me."
"You have nothing to thank me for." You smiled and turned off the water faucet, finishing washing the dishes. "I was happy to meet Tonia, Anthon and Teucer!"
The ginger man froze when he heard your words, which spread in a pleasant warm in his chest.
"Listen, Y/n…" He didn’t have time to finish when you suddenly interrupted him.
"Oh my god, is it this late already?" Your sudden exclamation frightened Tartaglia a little when he noticed how frightened you looked at the clock that hung on the wall. "I need to be home in an hour, I have to receive a package for my report at work!"
You excitedly hurried out of the kitchen, leaving a confused and visibly upset Childe alone. Sighing, he followed you to see you off.
The ginger man found you in the hallway, where you were diligently trying to get your foot into a shoe, that you did quite badly and ridiculously because of your haste. You scolded yourself in your mind.
"Y/n, are you leaving already?" Anthon's voice was heard from the side, it sounded very upset.
You looked up and noticed three children who came closer to you. They looked very sleepy and rubbed their eyes with their hands.
"Y/n has some urgent business and she needs to go." Childe answered for you, he leaned against the wall, fixing his blue eyes on you.
"Wha-at?" Tonia asked in an upset voice, looking pitifully at you with her blue eyes. "Y/n, will you come to us next time?"
"Sure, I'll gladly come to you again!" You smiled and stroked the girl on the head, noticing the adoration and interest with which the youngest child, Teucer, looked at you.
"Then you should definitely come to our family picnic!" The ginger girl insisted, turning to her older brother. "Do you agree with me, brother?"
"You should ask about it not me, but Y/n." Tartaglia chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest and giving his sister a mocking look.
"Fool!" The girl snorted, then looked at you with pleading eyes. "Will you come, Y/n?"
"Sure, I'll try to find time for that." You smiled at her again as you picked up your bag from the dresser.
Childe decided to see you off and moved closer to you when his little brother's voice made him freeze in place.
"Big brother, will you and Y/n get married?" Teucer tilted his head, looking at Tartaglia and you with a question and sincere curiosity.
Your heart sank into your heels as you caught Childe's gaze. There was also a slight fear and excitement in his blue eyes. You both froze in place and turned attention to the youngest child, who was looking forward to your answer.
"Ahem…" The ginger man tried to control himself and looked at the boy. "Why do you think so?"
"You and Y/n look happy when both of you are around each other." The words of the child struck you to the core, and you didn't even know what to answer him, but Childe saved awkward position.
"No, Teucer, me and Y/n won't getting married." Tartaglia said, and at that moment it seemed to you that you forgot how to breathe. Just like Childe.
"But why?!" The child sincerely didn't understand, pressing his small hands closer to his chest. "Don't both of you want to always be happy?!"
"Enough, Teucer!" Tonia interrupted him, making an angry face. "You're putting our brother and Y/n in an awkward position."
"It isn't true!" He pursed his lips in resentment, staring at his sister. "Why can't Y/n and big brother get married?!"
"Because we don't love each other." You completed Tartaglia's thought, and for some reason these words came to you with extraordinary difficulty.
Childe felt that he was beginning to lose his mind.
You looked at the ginger man and caught his sad look. It has become very difficult to be here.
"I'm sorry, I really have to go." You said, ignoring painfully contracting heart in your chest that demanded that you stay here. Next to him.
You turned towards the door and walked out of the mansion, leaving Childe and his brothers and sister alone on the threshold of their big house.
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— taglist: @httpmitsuya @gojoandelsalovechilde @duckyyyx @i-x4o @chishiyawifesworld @ajaxstar @kiryoutann @xiaosonlybeloved @aloveablechaos @obervation-subject-753 @beyaaaafr @silverbladexyz @funicidals @simpfully-heartbroken @r0ttenhearts @cocoanvt @5sausefandom @yevene @hamsuigok @stxwpid
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katherinejess · 6 months
The Volunteer
The new Hunger Games movie, TBOSAS, reignited my love for the series and Finnick Odair. This started off as an imagine concept but then I just kept adding to it. Now it's a series. Definite slow burn, please tell me what you think if you read it!
Part 2 is up!
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While District Four had become more of a career district, Cyrena Thalassa did not expect her younger brother to volunteer for tribute when he knew how much she despised the games. She had hope that died when he uttered two little words that seemed like it broke her heart and her mind at the same time. He was only 13. It was only the second year he had his name in the bowl. But when the girl's name was called, it did not stop her from interrupting the girl's first step. 
“I volunteer as tribute!” My voice called across the crowd of people. Titan looks shocked from where he is next to the podium, and I feel sick to my stomach. But I can’t watch him die to the games, to the careers from 1 and 2 who he will try to befriend only to be stabbed in the back or killed in the cornucopia's bloodbath. 
My feet drag my body to the stairs, my eyes lock onto my brother and he is enraged. “What’s your name, dear?” the presenter questions, her eyebrows raising impatiently as I finally take in what she is saying now that she is in front of me.
“Cyrena. Cyrena Thalassa.” I murmur, which seems to send her eyebrows higher as her mouth opens in surprise.
Her face quickly changes as she turns to the crowd “How cute! Family,” she speaks into the microphone. She turns to my brother, “Are you two siblings, cousins?” She trails off, and he looks over at me as he mutters his response.
“She’s my sister.” 
“How wonderful! Your own built-in ally!” she squeaks into the microphone, “Well say goodbye to district four! You two will be getting to experience the Capitol together!”
She ushers us into the building behind us, Titan storming off in front of us. The Peacekeepers close the door behind us, faster than Titan can whirl around to yell at me. “What is wrong with you,” he starts in on me, the presenter quickly moving away from us, “you don’t even like the games and you volunteer just because I do? What, you think I need protection?” he accuses.
“Titan, you’re 13. Nobody your age has won, I am not losing you to the games. I thought you knew better than this!” I yell back at him, anger finally winning over as I look at him. 
He scoffs, “You are the only one who doesn’t like the games! I just didn’t want you to try and stop me, I didn’t think you’d volunteer! There’s only one winner, you or me. How do you expect this to play out, Cyrena?” He pulls his hands across his face. I shake my head at him, the fleeting anger leaving my body.
I notice two people enter the room, recognizing them as the former victors before I state, “I have no intentions of winning.” I turn to the two people who I assume will be our mentors, “Now that we are clear, I’m Cyrena. This is Titan, my brother.”
“So we’ve heard.” the man, Finnick, says, “Quite the show you put on.” 
I level him with a stare, “As the youngest victor in history, I expect you to train him with everything you’ve got. Make him the next youngest victor.” 
He cocks his head, “And what about you? Or do you expect to just do all this and then end up dying at the cornucopia in front of him the first minute in?” The older lady next to him whacks his arm, scoldingly saying his name, which he raises his hand in defeat while still maintaining the same attitude he had, “I’m just saying, without training she’s not gonna make it very far to protect him.”
I cross my arms, “I’m a career and have been training for years, though I was hoping not to have to use any of it, seems like i’m out of luck.” I sigh, deflating a bit “Now do I get to say goodbye to my family before the train?” 
“I was just coming to escort you myself. I never got to introduce myself. Finnick Odair, but it seems you know who I am. This is Mags.” He gestures to the lady next to him, “We are your mentors.” Mags smiles at us softly, giving me a very warm look.
“Now I can take you to your family. Then to the train where Mags will be along with your escort, Koi.” he grins at us, watching Mags slowly leave while holding open the door  for her before whirling back around to us. 
Titan looks over at me before leaving the room quickly as Finnick still holds the door. I follow at a slightly slower pace so I’m behind him and Finnick takes up next to Titan once I’m clear of the doorway. He guides us to another room where our parents and older brother are. 
Finnick leans on the wall of the hallway while I watch Titan go in and give our parents a hug. I stop in the doorway, facing the hall to close the door and catch Finnicks cheeky grin before I shut it. Then I put on a smile and turn to face my family.
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ohbrightnewday · 2 months
every aaron headcanon ever. go
Oh anon, what you have unlocked… sorry for whoever reads all of these. (These are mostly bway but l can be generalised to 2024 / 2004 I think, but usually, 2024 Aaron is a different person to me.)
• He’s an older brother to a younger sister, middle school aged when he’s a senior. He tries to have a good relationship with her, but she’s very much a pre-teen girl who doesn’t really like to listen to him and his parents make him drive her around a lot.
• Weird relationship with his parents. His mom wanted him to get an amazing education at Northshore and is devastated and furious when she founds out that the school found out she lied about their address. His mom claims she wants the best for him, but really she just wants him to Be Good at something. His dad is just… a typical dad. He pushes Aaron for sport, says stuff things like “good job bud” and then sort of leaves him to his mom.
• Deeply, deeply mediocre at everything. He’s never gotten above a A in a class before, even if he works at it, his standard grades are Bs and always have been. He doesn’t have a class that’s “his” in the same way Cady has AP calc, for example; he just takes classes and does okay in them. It fucks with his self esteem so much because he’s never going to be anything other than average.
• Four season athlete to try and make up for his crippling mediocrity but he’s just… average at that too. Coach Carr sort of hates him and benches him a lot.
• He does genuinely enjoy soccer though, and is friends with a lot of the people on the team. When he was younger, that was his main activity, he really enjoys it, even if he’s just okay at it.
• A very, very long list of allergies: pollen, animal fur, peanuts, tree nuts, penicillin, dust and Regina’s hand cream. He doesn’t talk about any of them to Cady when they first start dating because he can’t handle being “flawed”.
• His entire time with Regina was spent being her trophy, a prize, the caricature of a perfect person, so he doesn’t know how to be anything else for a long time. If he isn’t perfect for her, a perfect boyfriend, then he is truly nothing at all.
• Post-Regina, he starts having panic attacks. He was a sort of anxious person before and during, but after Regina, he starts having panic attacks he can’t control even a little and he is so embarrassed by them because he can’t stop it. And he can’t reach out for help.
• Ms Norbury has taught him every year of high school and she’s such a comfort teacher for him; after he breaks up with Regina for the second time, he comes to class looking dazed and pale and tired, so she makes him sit down with her afterwards and talk to her about exactly what happened.
• Neurotypical but has many, many food aversions. For a while, he eats only soup and crackers because he’s so anxious and neither are too strong tasting and don’t upset his stomach.
• Speaking of soup, he and Cady frequent Olive Garden for their dates because of the free soup refills and Cady is obsessed with their breadsticks. There’s a week where they go every single day after school, no one knows why, but they do know they’re concerned for Aaron and Cady.
• Gets frequent nose bleeds and announces them with “oh. nosebleed”.
• Develops a friendship with Janis post canon because they can bond over Regina trauma. Janis teases Aaron for every single thing he does, but is also fiercely protective of him and helpful when he needs it. But she does call him a “wet cat” and “the lost puppy dog who follows Cady around” on a daily basis.
• Wears his letterman jacket so often Cady wonders if he owns any other clothes.
• He has super warm hands unless he’s anxious, then they’re freezing cold. This is how Cady knows he needs help, because he usually overheats really easily and his hands are so hot, but if they’re cold, he knows somethings wrong.
• Gets sunstroke like it’s nobody’s business. He bypasses sun burn and goes straight to heat stroke almost every single time the group go out somewhere in the summer, no matter how hard he tries to avoid it.
• Barely drinks alcohol unless he feels like there’s social pressure to do it. He doesn’t voluntarily drink very much, but at parties he likes to especially because it makes him feel “normal”. When he was dating Regina, he drank a lot more but Regina never let him drink enough he was a mess.
• Can’t drink soda because the bubbles hurt his mouth and make him so uncomfortable. He drinks the occasional coke if he’s feeling really brave.
• He frequently feels more like an object than a person. Especially when he was dating Regina - he almost had to gain her permission to feel because he couldn’t be too much, he was a side prize and she was the centre of it all. He spent a lot of his time forcibly numbing himself until he felt like a shell. So, so easily manipulated when he was like that.
• Lactose intolerant but doesn’t tell Cady because he doesn’t want to have flaws. Cady finds out after they go on a date and then they get ice cream afterwards. [Which Aaron only ever eats from a tub.]
• After a zoo date goes wrong (petting zoo + his allergies… bad), Cady suggests they go to an aquarium next time, and they both have such an amazing time. Cady buys him a little fish plush because he bought her a cat plush when they were at the zoo. Iykyk, but that’s where the ship name catfish comes from!
• Terrified of spiders, which Cady finds so confusing because she loves all animals!
[Cady, smiling: it doesn’t bite!!!
Aaron, shaking: idontcareidontcare
Aaron, hyperventilating: pleasetakeitawayplease]
• He once broke his arm but never realised because he just assumed it was sprained and he was in a normal amount of pain. His mom didn’t listen to him so he assumed it was fine, until several weeks later, the pain is so severe he’s holding it so limply that Ms Norbury points it out and he explains it and she sends him to the nurse immediately who phones his mom and he eventually needs to get it rebroken. He’s out of sport for ages.
• Hates the sea so much, Cady has to forcibly drag him in. Does not love it when he’s in the sea either:
• Is painfully aware of his own normalcy. He’s, overall, a plot device in every iteration and therefore a plot device in his own life. He’s exactly how he’s interpreted to be and exactly what people want. He’s on the outside of every single event, until he’s brought to the middle and needed immediately. I can expand on this point at some point because I feel so strongly about analytical interpretations of Aaron that go beyond hc post.
Bonus 😭
• 2024 Aaron specifically but he hates fairground rides and anything that is too high or spins too fast. He gets dizzy so easily and I once described him as a “feeble victorian women stuck in a 17 year old boys body.”
Thank you <3 im sure I can add more to these eventually, but it’s just off the top of my head. Feel free to send thoughts / own aaron hcs too!!’
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For an anon reader request - please read for a little more detail. Pairings: Rei x you
“I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to stop my precious baby sister from continuing down this path of criminal activity!” Kazuki has tears in his eyes. It’s taking everything in you not to roll your eyes in exasperation, trying to work out exactly how you ended up in this predicament.
Tiredness had made you sloppy and you were furious at yourself. About a week ago, the police had been tipped off to your syndicate’s base. It was petty crime compared to some of the other things you knew happened in the city – pickpockets, shoplifters, occasionally you pulled off a bigger heist but nothing too bad. A disused office building had been home for a good few years, heck, you’d even made one of the old units into what some might’ve considered a bedroom. You’d been out around the regular tourist spots when a text came through from an unknown number. “Base breached. Do not return.” You knew the higher ups would be working on some new accommodation - that is at least if they hadn’t been arrested – and chasing out the rat, but in the meanwhile you had to keep your head down low and put up with sleeping out. Originally, the thought hadn’t phased you – you’d done it a fair few times in your teens on first leaving the orphanage - but the first night you realized how much you’d come to appreciate your office bedroom, knowing you weren’t exposed. The result was patchy half-sleep on cold concrete, arms clamped around the rucksack which held everything you still owned.
You’d been in this particular mall a few times now, taking from different shops to then try and trade things down the market for some petty cash for food. The lack of decent sleep finally took its toll though as you didn’t quite clock the camera right above you as you slipped the perfume into your pocket. It wasn’t long after that than there was the steel grip of the security guard on your shoulder, escorting you to the back office.
“Now, young lady, tell me what this is all about, hmm?” He’s laid out the items you’d secreted into your jacket and bag in front of you. It’s all stuff you can easily resell. “Surely you have a bright future ahead of you that doesn’t involve any of this.”
You realise he thinks you’re much younger than you are and you can work this to your advantage – you’re pushing 24 now, but he’s taken your youthful appearance as a teenager at best.
Cue the waterworks. “I’m so sorry, sir. Please forgive me, I don’t know what I was thinking. It was a silly dare and I don’t know what came over me!”
“A dare?” He raises an eyebrow.
“From some kids at school. I can’t believe I let them press me into something so foolish and illegal. Oh, sir, I beg of you, college applications are so soon, I can’t believe I’ve ruined my life before it’s even begun!” You blub.
 “Now, now”, he tries to soothe. “I think we can write off this as a youthful indiscretion, but I need you to call your guardian to come and collect you.” He slides over your mobile phone that he’s retrieved from your rucksack that he confiscated whilst looking for stolen goods. “You dial, I’ll speak to them.” Shit. Your mind whirs over who to call. You can’t call your boss – you’d never hear the end of it. You can’t call your parents because, well, they don’t exist… There’s one person you could call.
You load up the contact and slide it back over. “Kazuki Kurusu?” He reads.
“Mm. He’s my big brother.”
It’s been a few months since you last saw him. Life’s been a little busy. He’s not really your older brother, of course, you met in the orphanage when you were four and he was eight and you’d started following him around like a lost puppy. After you’d apparently pestered him enough, he began to dote on you and the pair of you become inseparable, calling each other brother and sister. The caregivers tried to nip it in the bud. Didn’t you want to be adopted? The interested parties didn’t want two children, they just wanted a sweet little girl, but you weren’t going to be swayed. Any and all attempts at fostering you were swiftly quelled due to your incessant crying about ‘big brother Zuki’.
The two of you had stuck together up until he turned 18 and the state no longer had to care for him. Kazuki was dumped out onto the street where he was recruited - as most kids who didn’t end up being adopted from that particular orphanage - by a local gang who offered shelter and food for participating in their grifts and cons. Contact between the two of you became infrequent for a while. Kazuki wasn’t allowed to visit but he’d try and catch you on the way home from school when he wasn’t on the job. He’d spoken about you coming to live with him when you turned 18, that you’d not end up like him and had a solid start to adult life…
But, when the time came, Kazuki had entered into a whirlwind romance. He was married and there was a baby on the way and you didn’t fit in the picture anymore – and that was fine. It was always a bit of a pipe dream. When you turned 18, your then-boyfriend recruited you in with his local gang – they said you had the perfect, sweet face not to be suspected of any wrongdoing and taught you everything you needed to know about surviving on the streets. You kept in contact, sporadically – meeting up every once in a while. There was some radio silence after his wife and unborn child died and you didn’t press him. Eventually, he popped up again trying to mother you but you were fine, you didn’t need it. You knew he’d moved in with someone and had redirected his nurturing elsewhere.
“Hey, bumblebee!” Kazuki’s cheerful voice came down the line and you cringed. Of course he was still calling you that.
“Mr Kurusu?” The security guard enquires down the phone. “I’m afraid I have your sister in the security office here…”
About 20 minutes later, he appears in the office, looking flustered and wearing an apron but still the same old Kazuki. He’s left the house in a hurry and you feel a slight twang of guilt that despite your sporadic contact, he’ll still drop everything to come to your rescue. You offer a hesitant smile, not quite sure how to play this off. He stares at you, distraught.
“I am so sorry, sir.” Kazuki bows his head to the security guard. “Please forgive my little sister. She’s not normally like this at all, I assure you.”
“Yes, well, she seems a bright young girl.” You have no idea where the security guard is basing this assumption on, but you know Kazuki will run with it.
“Oh, she is! Papa and Mama had such high hopes for her career aspirations but ever since they died, her upbringing has rested on my shoulders and I have failed her as her guardian.” Kazuki begins to sob, holding up his apron to his eyes.
“Sir, please,” the security guard places a hesitant hand on his shoulder. “The store won’t be going any further with this – ah, what should we call it? - indiscretion. I trust you and Miss Kurusu here to make the right decisions from now on.”
Kazuki gains control of his sobs and smiles weakly as he dabs his face clear of tears. You need to congratulate him after, this is some A+ acting he’s developed.
“I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to stop my precious baby sister from continuing down this path of criminal activity! Sister, thank this kind man for his understanding.”
You get to your feet and nod politely. “Thank you. I will never forget your forgiveness and compassion, sir. I’ve truly learned my lesson – seeing the upset on my dear brother’s face is punishment enough.”
“Good.” The security guard smiles and escorts the two of you to the front door, watching as Kazuki leads you to a yellow car – typical Kazuki – and opens the passenger seat door. You get in and he goes over to the driver’s side, waving at the security guard before starting the engine and heading out of the mall’s parking lot. You wait until the building’s disappeared in the rearview mirror before you speak up.
“Thanks for that. Just drop me off anywhere, I can find my way.”
He scoffs. “And find your way to where, exactly?”
“Wherever.” You shrug.
A pause. “Are you sleeping rough, bumblebee?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m a little old for that nickname now, aren’t I?”
“Don’t think you can skirt around the question.”
“Just between accommodations this week – I’ll be fine.” You can’t lie to him, he knows all your tells.
“Mm, you look in need of a good meal and a good night’s sleep – both of which you can get at my apartment. Plus, you can meet your niece.”
“My what now?”
“I’m back!” Kazuki calls as he opens the front door to the apartment. You’re not even a step in and you can tell it’s fancy – way fancier than anything you’ve ever stayed. You’ve never been back here before – it’s usually been a café that Kazuki likes to frequent when you did meet in person.
There’s a man sat on the couch, messy black-hair, dressed in shorts and a white t-shirt with a cat on it and he looks pretty cute. He’s absorbed in the video game he’s playing on a wide-screen TV.
Kazuki has his arm around your shoulders again as he enthusiastically introduces you to his room-mate Rei, who pauses his game to stare at you.
He’s easy on the eyes, that’s for sure. “Hi.” You wave.
“You’ve never mentioned a sister before.” He frowns.
“Sure I have! You just don’t listen - bumblebee, remember?”
He stares at you again for a moment then there’s a look of realization. “Bumblebee’s a girl?”
“Yes… Wait, what did you think?”
“I thought it was a bee.”
“You… You thought all those stories I told you about my childhood was me and an actual bee?” Rei nods. “I don’t understand what goes on in your head sometimes.”
“I mean, I’m not really your sister either, Zuki.” You try and shrug out from underneath his arm but his grip remains tight.
“How can you say that? The bond we forged is stronger than any blood ties!”
“Still as dramatic as ever.” You look over at Rei. “How do you put up with this?”
He shrugs, eyes back on the screen. You take a look at what he’s playing and recognize it immediately – Morio Kart. They’d had a games console set up in the communal area in the base – pilfered from a lorry you hijacked and you often spent the night playing. “Ohhh, nice hit.” You compliment as he takes out another racer, sitting down besides him, earning you a smug grin.
Rei goes to pick up Miri from daycare whilst Kazuki fills you in on the last few months, though a little bit scarce on some details. That’s Kazuki though, if he thought you really needed to know, he’d tell you. Miri is a whirlwind from the second she gets home from daycare, but it’s clear Kazuki is in his absolute element with her.
The little girl stares up at you in wonder as Kazuki introduces the two of you. “She’s sorta like Papa Kazuki’s little sister, which makes her your auntie. I called her bumblebee when we were growing up.”
“Auntie Bee!” She squeals.
“Er, no,” you try and correct her with your real name, but now she’s running around the apartment, pretending to be a bee, wanting you to chase her. You know you’ve lost the battle before it even begun and Kazuki finds it hilarious. “Auntie Bee it is, I guess.” But, deep down, you don’t hate it.
You eat dinner together, Miri insists you join her Papa Kazuki for a story before bed and you can’t wipe the smile off the face as the two of you come back downstairs.
“You’ve got a real sweet thing going on here.”
“I’ve fallen on my feet, right enough.” He says wistfully, before his face turns serious. “Are you okay, though?” You know he wants to ask what you’re doing for work, how you’re surviving, but he probably doesn’t want to hear the real answer. He can’t contradict when you both live the wrong side of the tracks.
“I’m fine - promise. You do you, I do me.” You wrap your arms around his waist in a hug. “I have missed you though, Zuki.”
“Mm,” he hugs you back. “Let’s not leave it so long.”
He sets you up with spare blankets and a pillow for the sofa, lecturing Rei not to stay up too late and game when you’re trying to sleep, but you’re already a fair few matches deep with him to care and, to be honest, you wouldn’t mind spending some alone time with the man – he’s definitely very easy on the eyes.
“Oh, and Rei sleeps in the bathroom.” Kazuki calls as he heads up the stairs. “Don’t ask.”
“You do?” You raise an eyebrow at the man but he shrugs, taking advantage of Kazuki’s distraction to shoot by you on the second lap. “Hey!”
The matches are competitive, but between them you still find any excuse to put your hand on him – his shoulder, his arm, his thigh… It gets him a little flustered and you find it cute. It’s often up to the final lap as the two of you switch between first and second place. This time, Rei takes it and he playfully sticks his tongue out at you as he takes the win.
“Hm, you just got lucky.” You cross your arms in defiance.
“Sure I did. Another?”
“I think I need some inspiration – what does the winner get?”
“Bragging rights.”
“Nah, I need more than that.”
“Like what?” He sounds puzzled.
“Like…” you bite your lip, you’ve always been a shameless flirt. “If I win, you take me out for pizza.”
“Oh?” His cheeks flush a little, but he keeps his eyes on the game menu. “I guess I could do that.”
“What do you want if you win?”
“If I win, you take me to the arcades.”
The next championship is neck and neck. You take the first race, full of determination, but Rei brings it back in the second. The final race is a constant switching of first and second, throwing items at each other. The finish line is in sight when your character slips on a banana peel timed perfectly by Rei, sending you crashing off into the side and three CPUs fly ahead of you. You know you’ve lost then – there’s no item blocks left and there’s no way you can get ahead of them all in time. Rei, however, is about to cross the finish line, so just before he can you yank the controller out of his hands and send his character spinning off into the wall. A CPU goes over the line but that’s the last you see as Rei tackles you off the couch.
You’re trapped between his thighs as he snatches the controller out of your hands and drives over the line in a measly fifth. He glares down at you as you grin.
“Sorry, I probably should’ve mentioned I’m a sore loser.”
He says nothing. You try and sit up but you’re firmly wedged between his legs and there’s no give. “Er, can I get up now?”
He grins, slyly. “I think I’ve changed my mind of what I get if I win.”
“I think the victor deserves a kiss.”
You feel blood rush to your cheeks at that but you’re keen. “Oh, yeah?”
“See, I’m not sure if you can just change the rules like that right at the end.”
“You tried to cheat, call it a forfeit.” He sits back, finally allowing you to sit up right.
“Hmm. Well, I guess I did, and we never did discuss what should happen if one of us cheated.” You’re leaning in as you speak, getting closer and closer.
“Are you two still up?!” Kazuki hisses in a theatrical whisper from his bedroom door and you bump heads together in fright.
“Ugh… No, no, just going to bed.” You whisper back to the blonde as Rei gets to his feet, sheepishly rubbing his forehead where the two of you collided.
Kazuki’s door closes back over and you smile at Rei. “Busted.”
“Lucky escape for you.”
“My big brother does always have my back…” You step up on your tiptoes and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight, Rei.”
“Goodnight,” he smiles shyly, heading to the bathroom. You collapse on the couch and sigh contentedly into a pillow.
You wake up early to your phone buzzing with a text. It’s a location – it looks like either a rendezvous point to be taken to the new base, or the base itself but you know you need to get there pretty quick either way. You grab a piece of paper from Miri’s colouring pile and write down a message for Kazuki, thanking him for putting you up for the night. There’s a moment’s hesitation before you write your phone number down on another piece of paper, before sliding it under the bathroom door.
“Sneaking out?” Kazuki’s voice chimes from the staircase. How in the hell did he do that without you noticing?
“No, afraid work beckons. I was leaving a note though, see?” You hold up the piece of paper in evidence.
“Good.” He walks over and pulls you into a hug. “Promise it won’t take another trip to a security guard’s office until we see each other again?”
“Mm-hm,” you nod, staring at the bathroom door behind him. “You’ll get sick of the sight of me.”
A few days later, as evening rolls in and Miri’s getting ready for bed, there’s a knock at the door and Rei is apparently keen to answer it. Kazuki doesn’t think much of it at first – maybe it’s a game he pre-ordered or something – but he hears more conversation at the door from Rei than he’s used to over the years of living with him.
You’re standing at the door, smiling as Rei puts his shoes on.
“Back so soon?” Kazuki chuckles.
“Actually, Rei and I are going to play some games at the arcade.” You shrug, trying to spin a casual air on things.
“The arcade?!” Miri manages through a yawn, “Can I come?”
“Not this time, kiddo. It’s your bedtime.” Rei ruffles her hair and she pouts.
“We’ll go when you’re more awake, how about that?” You soothe, crouching down to her level and she nods. Kazuki clocks how Rei’s smiling at you and he puts two and two together in alarm.
“Hey, buddy…” he warns, “you are not going on a date with my sister!”
“Mm, not really your sister…” You tease, turning around to head to the elevator. Rei goes to follow you before he pauses.
“It is a date though.” He smirks and the door slams shut before Kazuki can react.
He feels Miri tug at his leg.
“Papa Kazuki, when do I get a sister?”
Please see my Masterlist and Requests Welcome posts if you have an idea in mind too!
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