#species: demon
dresspheres · 2 years
329 Icons | Nezuko Kamado | Demon Slayer
329 Icons for Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer (Manga)
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This has been posted on deviantArt for the purpose of being sold and making a profit- however, since it was generated by AI, it does not fall under intellectual property laws, so it's yours for the taking!
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the-travelling-witch · 4 months
Mc: *sneezes*
Mammon, leaning towards Levi, whispering: What does it mean when humans do that?
Levi, whispering back: I think they just took a screenshot
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
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the rest of the cast got their new song covers, so i wanted to try putting the others in a band :>
i did want to make it look a bit like an album cover but i have no idea how those are designed so eh?? i also couldn't think of any band or album/song names so. if anyone has any ideas...
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coulsart · 1 year
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One for moon, ofc
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sunderwight · 9 months
aziraphale and crowley are so bad at convincing anyone that they don't know where gabriel is
it's funny because even when crowley actually didn't know what was going on he still somehow gave off vibes as though he did
and it's not just that the vibes! strategically they suck at it!
at any point they could have actually let the angels or demons search the bookshop top to tip, with "Jim" standing there waving and offering snacks the entire time, and they would have actually not found anything and been forced to look elsewhere
but it never occurs to them to actually do that because THEY know that they know where gabriel is, so they just panic and fixate on keeping all the angels and demons away as much as possible, which makes it really obvious that they know something they're not sharing with the class
how are you both so bad at this?!
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shortbreadly · 2 years
ok so i have a very unlikely theory idea (SPOILERS AHEAD):
so towards the end of the episode we see stolas look over at this:
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now a lot of people are thinking stolas is gonna try and manipulate blitzo into loving him or whatever which i personally think is very unlikely and out of character for him. so instead i propose this probably stupid theory.
now obviously we can’t tell from first glance what the fuck that book is saying but luckily someone translated it on twitter:
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now not only does this confirm that there’s more than one way for demons to travel to earth but it also shows that stolas has been learning about it. i mean c’mon it panned to the book it’s obviously gonna play some kind of part
my (slightly depressing) theory is that stolas will recognise that the full moon deal is not a great idea and give blitzo one of these instead of the grimoire for his job. i think stolas will believe that he’s fucked everything up and that blitzo would be better without him, therefore doing him a favour by giving him the jewel or whatever
anyway that’s just a theory
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transpool-moved · 1 year
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new shark species just discovered
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densewentz · 6 days
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askfordoodles · 2 months
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Excessan/Nimish translations for easier reading experience...
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tswwwit · 4 months
I feel like if Dipper were ever reincarnated as a demon, he wouldn't fit in super well with the others. Yes, he's been raised to vie for power and step on everyone in his way using whatever means is necessary - it's the same toxic bizz as when he was a human, appealing to gender norms. He's tougher, scarier, more powerful (than ordinary humans, that is), but when it comes to asserting control - being Evil - he doesn't have it in him. Given enough time, I think he'd grow pretty vocal about leaving living things alone. NOT torturing organisms for the hell of it, or stealing people's souls, or conquering planets. Sure, he's a demon. That's no excuse to be a MONSTER.
It's a VERY unpopular opinion amongst neighboring demons, and rumor spreads fast about the Goody Two-Shoed Activist imp raining on everyone's blood-splattered parade, so much so that it makes it to Bill, who's immediately intrigued. Call it intuition, but only one soul's capable of overriding goddamn demon nature for some preachy bullshit about "Doing Good." Lucky for him, demons occupy the same plane of existence, so all it really takes to verify the guy is a snap of his fingers, and POOF! He's floating right next to him. Sure enough, Dipper's fashioned himself a new and improved demonic form, and it is lovely!
No one likes Dipper's kumbaya "Can't We All Just Get Along" ideology, but Bill's almost instantly smitten with the guy, whoever he is, so he's gotta be at least somewhat powerful. Demons take notice when the all-powerful Bill Cipher starts lending his time (and magic?) to some low-leveler like Dipper. Is he being blackmailed? Are they working together? No. Not possible. Bill doesn't "work" with anyone, save for whatever human catches his eye every few decades. Doesn't look to be doing him any benefit, either. The opposite, even. Lending power to a saint like Dipper only makes it harder to cause chaos, after all. Why would he actively go against his OWN best interest to cater some imp's? It's almost like he's. He's.
A henchmen.
(Bill's also 30% more affectionate the first month they reunite, because he still can't believe that his adorable little human husband came back as the same SPECIES as him! He'd never complain over having a sweet human to squeeze, but one with teeth and claws and cute pointy ears doesn't hurt).
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#answers#I can't help but picture demon dipper starting out all like#I'm Bad 😡 I'm Mean 😡 I'm Evil As Heck!! 😡#And still having a HUGE hatred for things that are Unfair or Unjust. One time he saved a kitten from a tree and got embarrassed about it#Eventually he just has to give into his nature and speak up about all the BULLSHIT he sees going on around him#Sorry Dippin' Dots even the society that 'raised' you can't prevent you from your do-gooder ways#Don't worry Bill loves you for the stupid idiot you are#Everyone is completely BAFFLED by Bill acting like a friggin' henchman though#I bet they don't even peg it as romantic interest at first. Dipper sure doesn't#He's thinking this is some Grand Scheme to convince him back into the evil fold#And to be fair Bill's very tempting in that respect. But not leaning as hard into it as he *could* be#Maybe he thinks Bill's trying to 'mentor' him for something. Seems like the kind of thing Bill would imply and let Dipper fill in the gaps#They're technically not the same SPECIES since Dipper's probably some human-shaped 'demon'#And Bill's originally from a two-dimensional weird universe. Technically speaking he's His Own Thing#Aside from whatever refugees escaped that plane. If any.#Demon covers a LOT of different beings that don't have much or any genetics in common#But you KNOW Bill's thrilled as hell that Dipper's Slightly More Immortal than usual!! This one's gonna last a WHILE#*slams fist on table* Give Dipper A Tail With A Tuft That Bill Can Pull To Be Annoying#Final thought: In this incarnation Bill might have been wondering where the hell Dipper got to since there's no human around#Given a long enough time he might even wonder if he was LOST#So you know that when Dipper reemerges on the scene everyone else was dealing with a VERY unhappy Bill Cipher for QUITE a while
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dresspheres · 2 years
21 Icons | Spider Demon (Mother) | Demon Slayer
24 Icons for Spider Demon (Mother) from Demon Slayer (Manga)
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(I've been kicking this idea around for a while, so here's this.)
Mistaken Species
Phantom gets mistaken for a greater ice demon by a wannabe wizard going on a "gotta catch'em all" spree, and is subsequently sealed inside said wizard's book of magic as a potential binding summons/familiar. Danny goes missing for months? Years? Regardless of how long, somehow, someway, the book falls into Constantine's hands --He probably stole it in a game of poker. Yes, stole.-- then he pretty much just stashes it in the House of Mystery for safekeeping like all the other magic items that have been confiscated by the JLD.
It isn't until a world ending heat related threat appears, that he excavates the book and proceeds to make a familiar's contract with what he thinks is a powerful ice demon. What he gets instead is a very confused, very scared, and very exhausted Danny. Unfortunately for both of them, the familiar's contract still binds despite Danny being the wrong species of supernatural creature it was intended for. They are now stuck with each other for an indefinite amount of time.
Luckily, on the other hand, Phantom is still suited to handling the task he was summoned for and whoops ass and saves the day with his ice powers in little to no time at all. The Justice League are shocked by how quickly and efficiently the kid handled everything where they struggled in comparison.
Constantine has to explain the mix up to both the Justice League and to Danny--hes still very confused, not so much scared, and very tired--and how this ghost child is now stuck being around Constantine, and subsequently the Justice League Dark/Justice League whenever he's called in to help.
Shenanigans ensue as well as the majority of the JL trying to make his stay as comfortable as possible. Danny keeps dropping info bombs on how screwed up his human/hero life and his relationship with his parents is, and eventually help him contact his friends and sister, who have been worried sick about him over the years he'd been missing.
This is how the Justice League learn about what a dead zone (ha) Amity Park is and then step up to handle situation with the guidance of Phantom himself.
The amount of time Danny's been missing, as well as the guidelines of the familiar/summons contract are up to you to decide!
(Do I use Constantine too much for these prompts? He just fits so well in so many different au scenarios, it's kinda hard not to keep throwing him into the story.)
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kaleidoru · 3 months
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revisited my favorite lil imp dude and finally gave him his demon (promoted) form... though sadly his employer is withholding that promotion from him to keep him subservient :(
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 3 months
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They're elves of the shadowfell, normal human height. They specialize in teleportation and invisibility, with the casters among them throwing in confusion and fear and illusion. Be careful though, as any trained in combat start making non-elves slower and worse while within 10 feet. From depression, from the sound of it. Their angst about being more ancient and timeless than you wordlessly attaches to you like a parasite, slowing you down. Good for if you enjoy concepts like-
Shadows, but like DARKER than shadow, that lash out when they're moody
looking beautiful unless in shadow, in which case they're corpselike
ignoring pointless things like "comfort" and "morals" and "rules"
being the chosen of the Raven Queen, and on her behalf collecting dark tragedy, sorrow, and feelings of loss.
being corpse pale with jet black hair, pure black eyes, and covered with tattoos/piercings/anything that would make a generic white suburban mom in the 50's scream in terror.
Lumping them all together because they're all the same outside one having mage hand and such. Idc what weapon they're holding.
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traumatizedjaguar · 5 months
Daily reminder, if it makes you happy it doesn’t have to make sense to anybody else.
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