#spider-mar imagine
itsmarsss · 5 months
Marvel Masterlist
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver x Reader
stupid | ~from the vault~
Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader
hunchback of notre-dame who hurt you? [coming]
Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Logan Howlett/Wolverine x Reader
empty for now!
Peter Parker/Spider-Man x Reader
empty for now!
Peter Parker/Spider-Man x Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader
empty for now! .................................................... Requests for Deadpool x Reader and Deadpool x Wolverine x Reader are open 👉👈
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
I'll find you.
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: the high Septon visits Winterfell, and Cregan would rather do anything else with his time than spend it with the priest.
Warnings: religious trauma, bad theology, blood, fighting, vulgar words and name-calling
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"I don't want him near her."
"My lord, please. You and the Lady must greet him most welcomingly. He's an important ally."
Cregan gritted his teeth. "He's a fucking fiend. I'll not have him anywhere near her. I'll greet him myself."
The maester sighed, "You cannot keep her away from him the entire time. It raises suspicion."
"I find myself hardly caring."
"Speak to her on it, my lord. Perhaps you'll come to an arrangement."
"You're worried about a septon?" She asked in a confused manner.
"You've ever had your gut wrench at the thought of someone?" He asked.
She leaned against the back of her chair with her head tilted in thought, "I suppose so."
"Septon Garren has no regard for life itself. I'd make a better priest than him."
She rolled her eyes, "We're his hosts. We still make the rules here, Cregan."
He sighed and sipped his ale. "I know that. Still, I'll not have him disrespect you."
"I'll stay at your side. How does that sound?"
He let out a long breath, "You won't wander?"
"I won't."
"Fine. Fine."
Septon Garren exited his carriage with a scowl that looked like it was permanently marred to his face.
He looked around at Winterfell with a look that screamed he was unimpressed.
Cregan stepped forward, keeping Y/n behind him, "Septon. How wonderful to have you join us."
He grimaced, "Yes. Yes. Very well."
Cregan had to hold back a sigh, "I've not seen you since I was young. Might I…" He paused, forcing himself to continue, "Might I introduce my Lady Stark?"
Garren's eyebrows shot up at that.
Cregan reluctantly pulled her in front of him, his hands never leaving the woman's body.
She smiled and held out her hand, "A pleasure, Septon Garren."
Garren stared at her hand with an unimpressed stare.
She awkwardly lowered her hand and leaned back into Cregan. 
Garren finally spoke, "'Tis colder than I imagined."
Cregan gritted his teeth in frustration, "Yes, well. You did decide to visit at the beginning of winter. So, I imagine it's much colder than King's Landing."
Y/n felt the tension, "Might we go inside? You must be weary from your travel."
Garren's eyes wandered over her slowly, as if seeing something that she didn't. "Yes. That would be fine."
Cregan sighed and pulled Y/n along with him, leading them into Winterfell.
"He doesn't seem that terrible, Cregan."
"You've no idea, my love. He's like a spider."
She scoffed lightly, "C'mon. He's unpleasant, yes. But you make him seem like a demon."
"He's the closest you'll find."
She sighed in frustration. "I am going to fetch my book from the library. When I return, I expect you to have pieced yourself back together."
She picked up the book she had abandoned in the library, turning around and jumping in surprise.
Septon Garren stood in the doorway.
Just staring. 
She held the book to her chest, feeling exposed for some reason. "Septon. Forgive me. I didn't hear you."
He grunted, continuing his stare. 
She was unsure of what to do but stare back. He was in the door way. What else was she to do?
She made herself walk the various shelves, pretending to scan for a book. 
He continued his stare. 
She finally sighed, "My husband told me you've been the high septon for three kings now."
Garren grunted, studying her. 
She looked around, very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. I should return to Cregan."
He moved one step to the side and grumbled under his breath, "Flee from me, Eve."
Her brow furrowed, "Hmm? I'm sorry?"
He stared with a glare now.
She quickly made it back to Cregan.
Cregan had decided to give the man a single chance due to his wife's words.
So he sat over his dinner, trying his hardest to converse with the man. 
"My friends in the south tell me the weather has been fairing nicely this season."
Garren grumbled, "Aye. A fair amount of rain."
Cregan nodded and sipped his wine, "I see. We're all snow. I understand the feeling of rain."
Y/n leaned forward with an intent to speak, "Tell me exactly what it is you do?"
Garren's brows furrow, "I'm the high septon."
She bit her lip, "Yes. But… what exactly does a septon do?"
He frowned, "Girl does not know the jobs of a septon?"
Cregan's chest puffed out on instinct.
"No, I'm afraid I don't. Please tell me." She tried to reason.
"I… I communicate with the Seven, and relay the message to the people. I perform exorcisms and offer sacrifices to our gods, old and new, to please them."
She hummed, "Oh… is that all?"
Cregan held back a chuckle.
Garren frowned but said nothing. 
Late that night, she sat up from the bed, unable to sleep.
Cregan snoozed loudly as he always did.
It seemed to be the only time he was in a state of pure relaxation, so she never dared to interrupt it.
She pushed herself from the bed and ran a hand through her messy hair in an attempt to calm it. 
After throwing a robe on over her small clothes, she left the room to spend her time in the library until morning. It was a common routine for her to do so, and none of the servants ever batted an eye when she did. 
But when she walked into the library, she froze to see Septon Garren there. She let out a soft gasp that caught his attention.
He turned, a new look in his eye, "Come. Sit."
She held her arms over herself, "No, I couldn't. I'm hardly appropriately dressed. I… I did not expect anyone else up at this hour."
He titled his head, "It does not bother me, my child. Sit."
She forced herself to talk slow steps to him, sitting down on the sofa next to him. 
He watched her closely, letting his eyes wander over her. 
"Couldn't sleep, I suppose?" She asked awkwardly.
He stared at her, debating something. 
He leaned towards her, grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms away from her body, making her expose herself more to him. 
She watched him in freight as he took her in more. 
He finally spoke, "'Tis a shame."
"W…What is?"
"The curse of women."
She let out a breath, "I… I'm sorry."
"You believed you could seduce a high septon? You're certainly a bold one."
She lightly scoffed as her hands began to shake, "W.. What?"
He grinned a sick smile, "You've succumb to your nature, girl. Don't play the fool when your septon discovers so."
She tried to pull her hands out of his, to no avail, "Stop."
He bit his smile back from growing wider. "I bet you've fooled the Stark lord." He leaned in, "No man but a holy one can outwit the dealings of an evil cunt."
"Let me go."
He stands, pulling her up with him, "On the contrary, girl. I believe I know just what to do with you- something Cregan Stark doesn't have the guts to do."
Her eyes welled up with tears, "I haven't done anything… I haven't… I haven't done anything."
One of his hands moved up to her hair, gripping the strands at the back of her neck harshly. "Let's go, Eve."
She could only comply as he began to drag her by her hair with no remorse.
He pulled her from the library and began to pull her down the corridor.
She began to cry, "Stop… please… pl… stop."
He laughed, "Now Eve uses her tears to plead for forgiveness. It's typical."
She tried her hardest to pry his fingers from her.
"You see, every woman is a reincarnate of Eve, sent by Satan to test us all. It's a man's job to keep her evil at bay." He leaned into her ear, "And yours has done a poor job of it, it seems."
She misstepped, tripping herself and falling to her feet. 
He reaffirmed his grip on her hair and tugged her up harshly. 
She let out a loud shriek in pain. 
He pulled her the rest of the way up, letting her go and slapping her across the face so hard, she fell again. 
She cried at the pain that throbbed in her face and head. "I didn't… I… Creg… please."
Garren grabbed her by the hair again, "Don't worry. I'll beat it out of you, girl."
She hiccuped, desperate for breath through her panic and tears as he continued to drag her down the corridor. 
"Please stop… I… I'll do anything… let.. let me go."
He gripped her chin tightly to pull her face to him, "You'll feel better after a proper beating, I assure you."
She felt the smallest but of determination, and she spit in his face.
He let out a grunt and took a step back. His anger grew tenfold suddenly, and he let out a full swing on her. 
She screamed at the pain as she fell to the floor another time.
Blood seeped from her nose profusely.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Cregan's voice boomed from down the hall. 
He stood in his usual cloak, no doubt thrown over his small clothes. 
She hiccuped but made no effort to move from the ground in worry of having him see the blood.
"My lord," Garren began, "Your wretch attempted to seduce me in the dead of the night! You've not done your duty!"
Cregan's eyes widened in pure anger. A fire was lit behind the pupils. "My what?"
"Your wretch."
Cregan immediately began swinging, throwing a series of punches at the man.
She sat herself up, looking down at her shift and robe that now were stained with her blood. She let a small whine at the uncomfortable feeling of the liquid running from her nose. 
She let out a grunt and pushed herself up on shaky legs, immediately leaving as quickly as she could.
"Let me in."
She turned to look at the door, pausing the patting of the wet cloth to her nose.
She couldn't let him in like this.
"Leave this for the morrow, Cregan. Please."
She heard his feet shuffle.
"I'm not leaving this door until I'm done with the conversation."
"Well, I do not wish to converse."
"Let me in, or I'll break it down now."
She quickly got up, moving to it and unlocking it. But just as quickly as she had gotten up, she moved back to the vanity.
Cregan stepped in, assessing the room before his gaze settled on her, "My gods."
She turned her head to him, immediately beginning a sudden sob at the look in his eyes. 
He took a step towards her, but she shook her head, "Stop… d… don't please."
He paused, "You've got to let me see."
She shook her head more, "Don't come near me."
Cregan felt offended, "Love, why not?"
"I… I'm… nothing. I don't… I can't take more today… please."
His eyes softened, "What?'
She sniffled, "I can't take another beating, please, my lord."
He felt his stomach drop. "I… I'm not gonna hurt you, my girl."
Hot tears continued down her face, "I didn't mean to. I didn't know he was there…"
He nodded, "I never doubted you. I never did." He took a slow step forward, "Can I look at you?"
She studied him in deep thought before nodding. 
He let out a breath of relief and knelt in front of her, taking her face in his hands gently. 
"Nasty hit, huh?"
She scoffed, "That's all you've to say?"
He grimaced, "I have much to say, trust me, pretty."
When her snivels multiplied with the promise of more tears, he quickly corrected himself, "I'm not angered with you."
She looked at him through a blur of tears, "You're not?"
His brows came together, "How could you think that? Of course not. A man beat my wife, and you think I'm mad at you?"
"If you believe him.."
"About what?" He asked incredulously. "You know the horrid things I'll do to that man for what he said?"
She sniffled, "I'm sorry."
He shook his head, "Stop that."
She nodded, "Yes, my lord."
He let out a frustrated sigh, "No. Don't say that."
"What do you wish for me to say?"
"Doesn't matter. You're to call me whatever you wish. You know that." He paused, "Has he brain washed you so easily?"
Another tear fell down her cheek, "I'm just lost."
He nodded and wiped the tear, "I'll find you then. How's that?"
She let out a shaky breath. "Please."
He took the cloth from her hand and tilted her head up as he began to dabble the cloth across her nose.
She spoke after a while, "You can't kill him. He's the high septon."
"He touched you. I'll do whatever I wish with him."
"You'll make an enemy of King's Landing."
"Don't care."
She sniffled, "No?"
"Do you think I'm a formidable opponent because of my worry of making enemies? No." He rubbed a tender spot and apologized, "I'm a formidable enemy because I don't stop until I get what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"His head on a spike and you in my arms."
She smiled, "You have one of those things already."
He chuckled and threw the cloth onto the vanity, "Indeed, I do."
She gasped when he picked her up and took her to the bed.
"In the morning, I'll have them both. Until then, I'll enjoy what I have."
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn
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boytumms · 3 months
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Hey guys! This is a little collab I did with @let-me-fill-you, they've sent me many wonderful prompts in the past and I liked one so much I asked them to expand one so I could draw something for it!
Although it is a fine summer's day, you are cold, beneath the earth. For several minutes, you have followed the abbot into the bowels of the monastery, far deeper than you believed, deeper even than the catacombs. Thankfully, it hasn't been a single spiralling staircase all the way down, or else your head might've twisted off from sheer dizziness. But there is a growing pit of unease in your stomach. Where is the abbot leading you? And why now, immediately after you took your vows? Every time you think to ask, the words catch in your throat or the abbot speaks first, "This way." You are grateful for his guidance, at least. It's a maze down here - and the architecture has taken a turn for the unfamiliar, making the darkness all the more unnerving. Could it be that the monastery was built atop an older structure? The order is old, dating back centuries. You haven't the slightest notion of what might've come before. But you have a growing suspicion you're about to find out.
Soon, you see light ahead, stronger than the lantern borne by the abbot. You see a barred door, flanked by two members of your order... but they're not dressed in the monastic habit. Instead, they are clad in fine armor, made of what appears to be... silver? It gleams in the fire-light, lustrous and covered in filigree. No, not filigree, you realize as you draw closer. Runes. Protective spells. Your eyes drift from one's cuirass to his belt, and what you see isn't a cudgel - as expected of simple monks - but a blade, slender and deadly. Your blood chills, on the verge of becoming ice. You look to the abbot in trepidation.
The abbot's expression is grave. "Now that you are one of us, bound by oath, it is time you learned the truth of our order - our shame, and our obligation." He beckons you closer to the door - a great, heavy door, barred not once but twice. You hesitate to move from your spot, but the abbot is patient (and insistent). As you step forth, you console yourself with the knowledge that a door like this is not easily opened, and you are not alone. You should be safe. Should be...
Once you're close enough, the abbot slides open a slot for you to peer through, into darkness - but you hear it before you see it, whatever it is. You hear... moaning? It's dull and low, but clearly in pain. It's enough to raise your hairs; you feel the urge to pull away before something lunges out of the darkness, but you also feel the abbot's gaze boring into your skull, locking you in place. So you continue to stare into the darkness, until your eyes adjust.
And what you see is... a boy? Pale and thin as bone, his face veiled by a head of unkempt hair. You cannot tell if he's conscious, but his lips are open, from which the moaning emanates. He is chained to a rock, jutting out of the ground like a crooked tooth, kept halfway between standing and laying. His wrists, locked tightly within manacles bolted into the stone itself, are starkly red and raw from chafing. You imagine his ankles are similarly bound, but you cannot see them because, well... his stomach is in the way. You cannot believe your eyes. This isn't a gut swollen in hunger, but a sack of flesh, bloated like a fat mosquito, hanging from his skeletal frame all the way down to the rough stone floor, obscuring the entire lower half of his body. His belly, though it feels inappropriate to call it that (it doesn't look like an extension of himself, more like he is attached to it) is huge and ugly - shaped like a droplet from some great weight inside it, and wider than his shoulders, stretched perilously thin and marred with unflattering stretch marks and spider veins. Chains crisscross the gravid expanse, again not made of iron but hallowed silver - and wherever these hold tight, there seem to be burn marks.
Your stomach curdles. What could possibly necessitate this barbaric treatment? Then, as if in direct response to your thought, you see it - something huge and powerful, squirming and shifting within the boy's belly, pushing this way and that, recoiling from the silver, protruding in between the gaps. This isn't a silent affair - you hear the boy's skin creaking as it is stretched to its utmost, you hear sloshing (of amniotic fluid?), you hear sizzling as the tortured skin makes contact with the silver, and worst of all you hear a muffled growling of something vicious and hateful, and you hear the boy's moaning increase...
But it's cut off by the rasp of metal, as the slot is shut in front of your face, startling you. Refocusing on the abbot, you blink a few times, readjusting to the lantern light on this side of the door.
The abbot's expression has not changed, but did he always look so tired? Perhaps it is you who has changed, from the person you were just a minute ago, before you saw that. You look deep into his eyes for answers, a justification of any kind.
He tells you, with solemn cadence, "You must bury whatever sympathy you have for that boy. He contains Armageddon - a monster so terrible that, had it been allowed to enter our world, would have doomed us all. It is trapped in there, but we must remain vigilant. So long as he carries that monster, it will not allow him to age. And he must not die, or else that thing will be free to find another host, another womb to bear it. It may seem cruel to keep him like this, but remember your vows. You have a duty to your brothers and sisters, and the world beyond these walls. You must close your heart to his suffering. In the days to come - not today, or tomorrow, but soon - you'll be expected to feed him, to give him water. It's a heavy burden we share between us, so the onus does not break any one of us. And when that time comes, he will speak to you. He will cry, he will beg, he will howl and scream for the slightest of accommodations, a loosening of his shackles, anything to alleviate his pain, and you will know in your heart that his pleas are genuine. You must not listen to him. The devil does not speak through him - it has nothing to say to us - but it will use our better angels against us." The abbot places a heavy hand on your shoulder. "No one is deserving of that boy's fate. But he must suffer it all the same."
After that, the abbot leads you back to the surface, back into the warm light of day. But you remain cold.
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fauustic · 1 year
crimson staining the cement
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i needed to get this out of my system before i sleep ... i have so many thoughts of a very in love but obsessed/possessive miguel who is just too jealous and overprotective but is still a sweetheart.
im still taking requests so please do feed my imagination
gender-nonconforming reader x miguel “spider-man 2099″ o’hara drabble
warnings: depictions of violence, poessiveness, overprotection in the term of obsession. jealousy. blood, biting. definitely something i haven't wrote about a lot.
Miguel knew that underneath his constant need for your affection and reassurance, he was a jealous, jealous man.
Beyond his stoic expression conveyed to anyone other than you, the moment another individual other than him made advances towards you his jaw would tense and his talons instinctively unsheathe into his palms. His mind blanks at the idea of someone invading the space that only he is allowed to occupy.
It's not like he feels as if he owns you, his anxiety and worries stem from feeling as if you are too out of reach for him, on a whole different dimension because you were human and lively, everything he was not. Miguel O'Hara, a shell of who he was once before, viewed himself as something grossly supernatural and devoid. In his mind, your companionship was a necessity for him to live. He's never felt more alive than with you, and now that he's had a taste of what he's been missing he can't seem to detach his fangs from you, his prey caught by the neck.
So when he's pushing his way through a crowd of scientific elitists and spots some prick practically hovering over you with a sneer, an absolutely primal rage floods his vision and the only thing he can think about is you and ripping the rich pervert limb from limb. And Miguel truly was contemplating the idea until your anxious scouting finally pinpointed him, in which he assumed you excused yourself with haste because of how quickly you departed from the prick before pushing through the crowd to reach his embrace.
Miguel hated settings such as this, being dragged to go to social gatherings due to his position at his job, but the only reason he dragged himself to come was because of you. You urged him to try and do the things he hated, pressed him to experience new things. And he allowed it, with the only condition that you had to be strung along with. With a smile, you always more than happily agreed.
Yet everytime the two of you arrived at a fancy getup, someone stupid enough to bother you had to interrupt your happiness. Which ultimately ruined his contentment.
Miguel was never mad at you, could never bring himself to hurt you unless it was the marks he made with loving bites and harsh kisses. 
But he was not below hurting someone to make a statement. And when someone got hurt, they had to be silenced because then they knew too much.
It never bothered Miguel much to dispose of those who hurt you, who sunk their blunt nails into your flesh and made you nauseated from their unwanted creepy flattery. He was just doing what he needed to do, protecting his responsibility. Get rid of the problem, no?
As his fists met the sickening crunch of cartilage and bone, the street lights painted his figure into a canvas filled with glistening crimson. It was a gruesome masterpiece, he thought. Like a spider trapping a fly, poking its tendrils against its food like a toy.
When his instincts overdrive his rationality, he doesn't think of himself as Miguel O'Hara anymore. He was simply the predator that crafted his genetics, the spider that altered his being.
The tear of skin as talons claw into the marred flesh of another elitist scum, who just hours before had the audacity to belittle what you wore in Miguel's earshot, calling you unsavory things such as a "whore, or slut." He had been itching all night to get his hands on the pathetic lump of a man, yet when his red-clouded gaze fell upon the mess against his crisp, standard black suit vest tailored around a white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. 
Wiping the blood splatter off his cheek with a swipe of his arm, Miguel spat on what was left of the man who viewed you, and probably many others, as an object of desire and nothing more. It made him sick.
He'd clean up before arriving to your flat, a place where he found himself most comfortable within. Without you, his own home felt frigid. A mirror of who he was, which he hated the idea of being alone in.
So when you felt your boyfriend's arms wrap around your hips in the softness of your duvet, you were blissfully unaware of just what he was doing earlier that night. His fangs sunk into your unexposed shoulder, a purr vibrating against the bite as fuzziness soothed his haunting thoughts.
It was common for him to sink his teeth into you as a form of relief after long days, your body growing used to the intrusion. 
"Love you so much, my darling." You murmured into your pillow, mind foggy with sleep as he unlatched himself from you just to bury himself in your chest. His nails scratched your back, tracing stars and circles mindlessly as he purred.
"Love you so much more, mi vida." His grip on you tightened subtly, "would do anything for you and more."
You simply giggled in response to his declaration, calling him a big teddy bear, before brushing your fingers in his soft curls. Giving him a sweet peck on his lips and one last lingering kiss to the nose, the two of you drifted to sleep with nothing on your mind but one another.
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godsandvillains-if · 23 days
Ros just sitting and doing their own thing until they hear a faint singing/humming like something is outside but thats impossible because they several stories up high then they happen to accidentally look outside and mc is just tiptoeing on the edge across the goddamn window outside but when they see the ro has spotted them they start hurrying up their steps because they are going to get so yelled at.
I just imagined the MC walking on the tower's windows like Spider-Man using ✨magic✨ and the RO just having a mini-heart attack at the sight—except for Zodiac, who is just scolding themselves for lending the MC that damned book on "Peculiar Magical Spells: How to Reach New Heights."
P.S.: Mars would just stare at the MC, making eye contact for a few seconds—just to make sure they wouldn't fall to their death—then turn back to whatever they were doing in the Alliance Tower... Nefarious things, obv.
Thanks for the question!! 🥰🥰
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mcverse · 1 year
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ꨄ︎ Paring: Neteyam x Avatar! F! Reader
ꨄ︎ Requested: Yes/No
ꨄ︎ Type: Part 1 out of 5 (Previous/Next)
ꨄ︎ Word count: 2.3K
ꨄ︎ Warnings: Death, conscious transfer, illness, depression, angst, not spell checked
ꨄ︎ Side Bar: Lied bout how many parts ✌️
please keep in mind that all characters in my stories are always 18+
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You were the fault in the stars—an anomaly right from your first breath.
The sky people, who technically were your own, had descended upon Pandora with a singular intention of seizing what was not theirs, continuing the vicious cycle of destruction and resolution that had marred their history.
In the midst of this chaos, your parents, two faceless soldiers whose names and faces are shrouded in a haze of pain and heartache, had their own hidden agenda that they pursued with reckless abandon.
Their clandestine romance, born out of passion and desperation, resulted in your fragile birth—a constant reminder of their illicit love in a world that will struggle to accept you.
Much like spider, whom you considered your own brother now, the two of you were both deemed too young for cryogenic preservation and left behind on the unfamiliar terrain of the alien planet.
Unfortunately unlike Spider, your body was weak, afflicted with a genetic strain inherited from one of your biological parents. Perhaps this, among other factors, contributed to the decision to abandon you on Pandora, leaving you to face the harsh realities of survival alone.
Despite your rational understanding of the circumstances, as you came to accept the voice in your head as your own and not a figment of your imagination, the unjustness of their decision still lingers within you.
It certainly wasn’t fair.
Your delicate condition left you confined to the high camp, unable to roam freely and appreciate the majestic wonders of Pandora like Spider. Every step you took was accompanied by painful bouts of coughing, requiring you to rely on a specialized oxygen mask designed to alleviate your symptoms.
Even within the safety of the base built for humans, the air meant to sustain you offered no respite. Such was the irony of your existence, born into a world where both forms of air you breathed posed a constant threat to your survival. Life had thrown you a curveball long before you even knew what it meant.
But it wasn't all doom and gloom.
Although you were too young to return to Earth and too ill to venture far from your room, you seized the opportunity to explore what was within your reach. Every video log, every movie, and every book, left behind by the sky people, some of which a child shouldn’t have access to was reviewed by you to fill in the absence of adventure in your day.
For a while, it was sufficient, and you gradually came to terms with the inevitability of your fate. There was no cure for your ailment, not on Pandora, and certainly not without the funds to obtain one. You accepted that you would die here, in this place, as you.
It was during this time that you became fascinated with the study of physiology, absorbing every bit of knowledge about your own body and how it could have been saved under different circumstances. You spent countless hours researching medical practices and surgeries, diving deep into your own anatomy and discovering how various medications and herbs could extend or improve life.
Sharing your newfound knowledge with Spider, Lo’ak, and Kiri became a daily ritual that brought you joy and excitement. You would eagerly offer up fascinating facts to the Sully children and Kiri whenever they stopped by to visit or fetch your brother.
Though they didn't always grasp the intricacies of physiology like you did, they were just as enthusiastic to learn and would often opt to stay cooped up in your room, asking questions both silly and serious, and enjoying the happiness that radiated from you.
The moments spent with Spider, Lo’ak, and Kiri in your room were some of the best memories you would always treasure. It was through your eagerness to share your newfound knowledge and energy that you got to know them better, especially Kiri, who became your closest friend and confidante. You were so close that she was like a sister to you, always by your side.
However, the limitations imposed by your illness often left you feeling lonely and isolated when your friends were not around. Your physical limitations reminded you that you had a faulty body that was unable to explore the vast world of Pandora like they could. And that is where you messed up.
You fell into a deep depression, which gradually turned into a false sense of determination. You felt like you could survive out there like Spider, or rather, that you wanted to. What was the point of living if you had to live with this feeling of not being in control? It was actually pathetic.
It was a reckless decision to leave the safety of your home and venture into the forest, following the group of newly-adults, taking care to move slowly so as not to cough and give yourself away. It was even worse when you brazenly entered the Omaticaya clan, knowing full well that you were a stranger and seen as an enemy of the natives.
Being surrounded by creatures larger than you, most of them hissing and armed with weapons, was overwhelming. Panic set in, causing hyperventilation, which was exacerbated by your illness. Despite the mask, it was difficult to breathe, doing very little to keep you conscious and your eyes began to roll to the back of your head.
You welcome the darkness, craving the peace it brought, but never enough to end your life yourself. In that moment, you felt alive for once, and you never wanted to leave. You had no desire to return to the life you once had.
But things don't work that way, and eventually, your eyes flutter open. For a moment, you're disoriented, you wonder if you're still gone—whether you're dead or just existing to not exist. Your vision is still blurry, but as you blink and flicker your eyes, the colors of glowing, bioluminescent blue slowly come into focus.
The sight before you is truly breathtaking. The glow emanating from the tree mesmerizes you and fills you with a sense of wonder and awe. As you gaze at it in rapture, you feel an intense urge to touch it, to feel its warmth and energy. You reach out your hand, but to your shock, the hand that extends is not yours.
The hand that hovers before you is large, bony, and blue, with five fingers like yours. Confusion and bewilderment seize you, and you stammer out a feeble, "W-What?" as you try to make sense of what is happening.
As you stare at the mysterious blue hand, your eyes widen when you see another identical hand firmly grasp on the blue hand hovering before you. It's not just a visual illusion—you can feel the pressure on your skin. Slowly your eyes follow up the arm of the mysterious hand to find Kiri smiling softly at you, tears glistening in her eyes.
The sight of her tears immediately worries you, filling your head with warning bells and you return the squeeze, “Kiri, what’s wrong?” you ask, voice oozing in concern.
She returns your concern with a wider smile, her teeth gleaming under the bioluminescent light and shakes her head, “I’m okay,” she assures you, her hand trembling as she continues, “It’s just… to see you like this makes me so happy.”
Confusion etches on your face as you furrow your brow, struggling to comprehend Kiri's statement, "See me like what?" you mumble, tilting your head quizzically. Your eyes dart back to the now intertwined hands before you, trying to make sense of what you're missing.
As you feel Kiri's hand on the other bony blue hand, you can't help but notice that it's not your own. The hand is obviously Na'vi, which you are not. Your mind is filled with unanswered questions, and the nagging feeling of not understanding the situation consumes you. You look back at her, repeating your question with a sense of urgency, "What do you mean, Kiri? When you say 'see you like this', what am I like?"
Kiri kneels down beside you, and you feel her release your hand. She slides it up your arm and firmly grasps your bicep, while her other arm reaches around your upper back and uses all her strength to pull you up into a sitting position. You're momentarily discombobulated, realizing you must have been lying down before, but you can't remember when or how you ended up in that position.
“You fainted,” she replies softly after a beat of silence, pulling on you slightly to lean more on her. You look up at her, mouth slightly agape at her words, “You almost died,” she continues, brows frowning like her lips, “We almost lost you.”
The weight of her words hits you hard, and you feel a lump form in your throat. You inhale sharply, only to realize that when you do, your lungs contact and flatten smoothly without a following cough. It's a strange sensation, and you can't help but marvel at it for a moment, grateful to be breathing easily again.
Then your attention is back on Kiri, eyeing her questionably, as you notice something strange, “Did I grow or have you gotten shorter?” Whether it was sitting or standing, Kiri is normally seen towering over you by several feet, but right now she’s exactly the same level as you.
Kiri's expression twists into a grimace, and she opens her mouth to answer, but before she can speak, another voice cuts in, firm and straight to the point, “No! You have passed through the eyes of Eywa and returned.”
Your gaze shoots up to the source, and you find yourself gazing into the piercing yellow eyes of a female Na'vi standing before you. They felt as if she was looking straight through you, leaving nothing hidden or unexamined. Immediately your struck by the intensity of her. There's a raw power to her presence that feels both intimidating and awe-inspiring, as if you're standing before a force of nature.
“Come again?” you stutter, worry slowly creeping up on you as you are once again confused by another statement. You weren’t understanding a lot of what was going on right now. You tear your eyes from her to look back at Kiri and raise your brows at seeing Lo’ak and Spider now standing behind her.
When did they get there?
“What does she mean? Who is she?” You whisper hurriedly to your best friend, glancing occasionally at the boys, hoping if Kiri doesn’t give you the answers you want, they will.
“[Name],” another voice speaks, calling out to you. You perk up at it, instantly recognizing it to be Norm, which it was when you find him standing in his avatar body beside the mysterious woman from before. He walks closer to you, kneeling when close enough just like Kiri, “Sweetie, when you fainted, you stopped breathing for a few minutes. Jake called Max and I to help.”
Jake. That’s Kiri and Lo’ak’s dad. You’ve only met him once when he was stopping by to talk to Norm. He was really sweet and made you feel normal just like his kids.
“Okay…” you stare at him warily, waiting for him to get to the point.
He looks away briefly, seemingly to gather his thoughts before looking back at you, “Max and I know more than anyone how much you’ve been struggling. So even though we didn’t have the resources before, we were determined to help you,” he pauses as Max comes up behind him and beam at you, “We started making you an Avatar 6 years ago. Some test still needed to be ran but we’re out of time.”
You push away from Kiri slightly, lips forming a tight line as your squint at him, “What are you trying to say, Norm?” A part of you knew deep down, but the denial was heavy, to think you could be like everyone else, no illness or restrictions was a myth.
“You’re human body died, you are now consciously living in your avatar.”
His words caused a reaction, albeit a slow one. First your lips start to quiver, and your body trembles in disbelief before tears pool at your eyes. Kiri quickly wraps you in her arms, laying her head on top of yours as you lean your face into her to conceal your choked sobs.
To think something you had dreamed about has actually came true. The many nights you stay up, coming up with solutions to you, the problem. You didn’t know what else to feel, if not relief beyond the depths of your soul.
“Eywa has gave you a second chance,” Kiri mutters lowly, but it was loud to you as her hot breath fans your ears and cause it to twitch, “I’m so happy for you, [Name].”
This time you pull away from her completely, smiling up at her with glossed over eyes and chest filled with so much warmth, you might overheat, “Thank you, Kiri.” Slowly, you rise up from your sitting position with her help. You were stunned at the distance from the ground at full height. This was going to take some time to get used to.
“Max, Norm… Thank you, I can’t express that enough.” You try to walk to them, but your legs were wobbly so you more like stumble instead. Eventually, you reach them and pull them both into a hug, which probably looked silly as Max was the shortest by far in the bunch.
“You being safe and healthy is enough.” Max says, being the first to pull away and Norm nods, agreeing with him as he pulls away next, “We still have to run test though.”
You chuckle at that, rolling your eyes as you nod to him, “Understood.” You didn’t care how many test they had to run, as long as you were able to run and breathe without falling over.
You wanted to run.
Your ears flicker at the thought, stalling your side quest as your attention is drawn to them. You went to grab them in awe and felt something swish behind you, “Huh?” You twist your body, wait a second, and laugh when your eyes land on a tail; your tail, “Amazing!” You exclaim, smile growing wider.
Someone clears their throat, successfully making you stop and look at who did. To your surprise it was Jake, who was standing by the female Na’vi from earlier. He too had a smile on his face, happy to see you back and better than ever.
Though he haven’t spent much time with you, he was sympathetic to your situation, as it felt somewhat similar to his past self and unknowingly to you, have allowed Norm and Max to create a Avatar for you. It was only a matter of time before you became one like him.
“How are you feeling?,” he smiles warmly at you, like a father does his child. It made you feel giddy and shy, “It might feel strange at first, but you'll get used to it.”
You give him a curt bow, afraid to look him in the eyes. Before it was easy, it just felt different now. You couldn’t explain it, you just knew, “Thank you, it feels… different but I’m still me.”
He nods, walking closer to stop a foot away, “Good… [Name], you are Na’vi now. That means you have the opportunity to become apart of the Omaticaya clan.” He raises a hand and places it on your shoulder.
You knew what that meant. That means you’ll have to complete rites to become one of them. But that was the least of your worries; you knew nothing out the land except from what you read or what Norm brought back and you didn’t know how to hunt or fight for yourself. There was no way you can pass.
As if he can read your mind, he points to a male Na’vi, much younger than him with braided hair and sharp features. He resembles a handsome sculpture you read in history books, but better, “My son, Neteyam, will teach you the way of Na’vi.”
“Dad,” Lo’ak steps forward to protest but gets shut down with one look, his eyes cast down and he steps back into the background.
Poor Lo’ak, you thought, didn’t even stand a chance.
“Neteyam is a good teacher and warrior. You’ll learn fast.” Jake tells you, proudly.
“T-Thank you.” You bow again, much deeper this time. You didn’t know why you were bowing or if it was even appropriate in this situation, you just read somewhere that it was respectful.
He nods again, turning away to walk over to his son, the one he calls Neteyam. He whispers something to him, something that causes his lips to form a tight line and look over at you in annoyance as his dad leave him there.
You flinch at that and look away abruptly, just now taking notice how there were a whole ton of Na’vi circling around you all. How overwhelmed must you’ve been to not notice?
Suddenly, the air was knocked out of you temporarily as a force hits your stomach. Looking down, your body relaxes when you see it’s Spider. It was a little weird to be the taller one this time, but that didn’t stop you from returning his hug.
“Do that again and I will kill you!” He spits, glaring up at you in faux aggression. His hold on you, along with the pout on his lips tells the opposite of his words, “Scared the hell out of me.” he eventually admits, glare softening a great deal.
“That’s the opposite of what we want, bro.” Lo’ak comes up beside you and swings his arms over your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug of some sort, “But if you do, I’ll team up with him to make it happen.” He teases, smirking at you.
Kiri comes up from behind to push him off you, replacing his arm with hers around your waist, “Over my dead body,” she rolls her eyes and cheese at you, “I can’t wait to show you pandora. You’re going to love it,” she says, tugging you with her towards the forest, “Come on.”
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Planet Incorrect Quotes
@same-pic-of-jupiter-everyday @same-pic-of-the-earth-everyday @same-pic-of-mercury-everyday @same-pic-of-the-moon-everyday @same-pic-of-neptune-everyday @same-pic-of-pluto-everyday @same-pic-of-venus-everyday @same-pic-of-mars-everyday @same-pic-of-the-sun-everyday @same-pic-of-uranus-everyday
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Saturn: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve. Neptune: I think you mean cards. Mercury: They did not. Saturn, pulling out knives: I did not.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Sun: Moon… you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now. Moon: muffled mm hmmm :) Sun: Fuck. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Earth: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? Pluto: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it. Sun: Three of us saw it, Pluto. How do you explain that? Pluto: points at Saturn Sleep deprivation. points at Sun Paranoia. points at Mercury Delusional personality disorder.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Pluto: I lost my fish, can you help me find it? Mercury, cooking the fish: What? I couldn't hear you, please speak up.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Moon: I don't know how to tell you this, but… I love you. Sun: That's great, Moon. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Jupiter: Hey guys, I found a spider. Cool little lad. Thanks for eating the mosquitos. Jupiter: Oh no, where did it go? Venus: JUPITER WHAT THE FUCK?!
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Everyone is giving advice to Saturn Pluto: It's okay to ask for help. Moon: You're not a burden. Sun: Murder is okay. Uranus: Your feelings matter.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Earth: Time for plan G. Moon: Don’t you mean plan B? Earth: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Neptune: What about plan D? Earth: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Venus: What about plan E? Earth: I’m hoping not to use it. Saturn dies in plan E. Mercury: I like plan E.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧.𖥔 ݁ ˖✰
Mars: I’m the smartest, wisest person in this group. Uranus: Really? Then why is your hand stuck in a vending machine? Mars: I paid for my Kit Kat Bar, I’m getting my Kit Kat Bar.
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catmansquad · 1 year
“Unstable” (2)
I had intended for the first part to just be an excerpt I’ve rewritten, but since you people are clearly thirsty for this crazy, dangerously obsessed variant…(100+ Notes (Sweats))
So, here we are. More Yandere!Miguel
You were fairly sure you couldn’t mark the exact point in time where your life had suddenly become spontaneously more interesting. On second thoughts, you most definitely could; the other Monday, you were just on your way home from grocery shopping, arms heavy with bags, aching with the shopping and mind ticking over for what you could make. Would Miguel eat your cooking, or would he be exhausted from work again and subsist solely on store-bought empanadas? You admitted a soft sigh, well aware that your permanently exhausted husband had no time for your cooking any more. He had little time for anything but work and sleep these days. You were just considering that you could tempt him with something spicy when your attention was seized by a screech of tires.
You watched in horror as a car on Auto-drive screeched from the road, mounting the pavement and racing straight forwards, towards you. You were frozen in fear, a deer in literal headlights. Only the car never hit you, seconds before impact, you were grabbed by a strong arm across your waist, pressed against a broad body and both were sharply launched up and away as the car raced over where you had been, screeching for a few feet further as the brakes applied and the engine shut off. You didn’t see any of this, you were still trembling, eyes screwed shut. You felt soft grass underfoot. ‘Hey… You’re alright.’ That deep voice soothed you; you could feel it rumbling in that broad chest, and your eyes slowly opened, you looked up and around; you were being held by a masked figure who towered over you, clad in red and deepest blue. ‘… Y-you… Saved my life…’ ‘Yeah, I did… Sorry I couldn’t save your groceries, too. The important part is that you’re safe.’ You gasped softly as you felt the figure’s other arm come around to embrace you in a reassuring cuddle, almost squeezing you against that broad form before slackening his grip. You swallowed; you could feel just how buff your saviour was; that suit was utterly skintight. You tried not to blush, not to be embarrassed. You were married, with a loving husband. ‘C-can I, uh…?’ At your unfinished question, your saviour hummed, then finally released you from that embrace. You turned around to face the mystery man; as tall as Miguel, but outclassed him in sheer muscle mass. ‘Who are you…?’ You watched that mask shift, eyes narrow, they hummed again. ‘I’m…. I’m your friendly Spider-man. Just looking out for you.’ His hand was huge and warm on your shoulder, then he launched webbing from his wrist and was gone into the city. You were still, aware of broken bags and the pavement marred with the black streaks of tire burns. ‘… What the hell is a “Spider-man”?’
He followed you home, from the shadows, from the rooftops. He was in this world now, close enough to touch you. Holding you in his arms had only been a brief taste of just how deep his affections ran, in time he knew you wouldn’t want to leave his embrace. It had been perfectly easy; for Lyla to hack and reprogram the Auto-drive GPS, technology in this world was so laughably primitive. So very easy to engineer a tragic accident to rescue you from. Already, she was proving her worth once again, already setting more events in motion… He would have you, your love, your trust, as soon as he had dealt with the spare…
Of all the things that Miguel O’Hara could have imagined happening, he did not expect to be kidnapped on his way home from work. There was no creaky white van, no gangs in balaclavas. No, he was out into the car park when he registered the feeling of something wet and sticky gluing itself to his back, and then his feet were no longer on the ground. He floundered desperately for something to grab onto, but there was only empty air and the ground that was getting further and further away. Momentum ceased suddenly as a hand closed sharply around his neck, almost cutting off his air entirely. ‘Miguel O’Hara…?’ The masked figure demanded in a growl. ‘Wha…?’ He wheezed, trying to draw enough breath to speak, his feet were still not touching solid ground, his entire bodyweight being supported by the hand around his throat. The masked figure laughed, head shaking as if in disbelief. ‘Of course you are… Pathetic. We’re going to go somewhere quiet, and have a little talk, O’Hara, and if you behave yourself, I might just let you keep breathing…’ The strangled choking gasp squeezed its way out as the hand on his throat tightened crushingly, just for a moment.
You glanced at the clock, listening to the relieving sound of a key turning in the lock and the front door opening. Stepping out into the hall, a relieved smile settled across your face at the sight of your husband shutting and locking the door behind him, twirling the ring of keys around one finger before his eyes found you, a look of elation crossed his features, just for a brief moment. ‘Mig, I was getting worried, you’re not usually so late. Don’t tell me you stayed behind again? Seriously, I know your work’s important, but it’s not good for your health…’ You stepped closer, hands resting on his shoulder and a little yelp escaped you, unbidden, as you were all but pulled into a crushing hug, feeling him pull you tight against him, his face nuzzling into your neck as he inhaled your scent. ‘Heheh… Hey, what’s gotten into you, Mig…?’ You returned his hug, grateful for it, feeling him shiver softly at your touch. ‘Mm… Only good things, why’d you ask?’ With some reluctance, he stepped back, still smiling. It had been years since you had seen him like this, so full of life, so full of energy.. ‘You’re usually just so… Exhausted-‘ Your gaze turned critical; voice serious. ‘Miguel. Answer me, truthfully, right now; Are you on drugs?’ He chuckled at your answer, hands squeezing your shoulders reassuringly. ‘No! No, of course not. I… I managed to convince work to move my vacation time up. For the next two weeks, I’m all yours…’ His voice slipped into a low purr, leaning in for a kiss. You stopped him, hands on his chest, hesitating.
‘It’s…. Strange.’ ‘Strange?’ His smile faltered, just for the briefest instant. ‘… Yeah, just strange, seeing you so… Happy, so full of energy. When you weren’t back on time, I was starting to worry that something had happened, and then you come in practically bursting at the seams with joy… What did you do with my old husband?’ You laughed softly, and after a second, he joined in, squeezing you into another hug that you didn’t resist. ‘Oh, mi corazón, I’m the same man I’ve always been…’ He held you close, close enough that you could not see the crimson glint of his eyes, or the vicious smirk of triumph that crept onto his face.
‘Turn out your pockets. Everything. Wallet, keys, ID… All of it. Everything.’ Miguel O’Hara was in a panic; battered, bruised and bloodied, he struggled to obey fast enough. His kidnapper was not after the secrets of his job, did not want the details of his impressive bank account. Nor was he messing around, he had just witnessed the terrifying manic crush a steel bar effortlessly- nothing more than an effort in intimidation, to show off his inhuman strength. It had the desired effect. ‘W-why are you doing this-?’ ‘Why…? WHY?!’ The figure leaned in, scowling, masked eyes narrowing into slits. ‘It’s because you are WEAK! You’re weak. I’m not. I’m so much stronger than you- so much better than you- So… That’s why you’re going to go away now…’ Clawed hands snatched the belongings out of his grasp, still the voice was thick with venomous hatred. ‘… You’re going to go far, far away, and you’re not going to see or speak to your partner ever again… If I ever see you again, O’Hara. If I get even the tiniest inkling that you’ve been making contact with them… I’m going to find you, I’m going to hunt you down, and I’m going to snap your spine like a toothpick…’ He watched those masked eyes narrow again, voice a low growl. ‘… Comprende? Yes?’
‘I’m the man you married…’ You squirmed in delight as he peppered kisses on your cheek, still held in his arms, like he couldn’t get enough of you. ‘So, mm… Mig, give me just a moment, please…’ ‘I can’t help myself, you’re just too… Addictive…’ He finally released you, he had not taken more than a few steps into the door and already affection had spilled forth like a near endless font. ‘Go on… My restraint is only so long.’ You took a moment to recompose yourself, pulling him by the hand into the lounge, and he didn’t resist. ‘So… Two things, the first; since you’re on vacation now and have no further excuses; we’re still on for tomorrow night?’ You watched his eyes search your face softly, smile fading slowly. ‘Uh…’ ‘Seriously, Miggy? This is why you need to get more sleep. We were going out to the Yew Crozier for dinner with my friends? Remember now?’ He hung his head, smiling softly in embarrassment. ‘… Of course. What fun we’ll have. What was the second thing? You mentioned two.’ ‘Two? Uh, well, technically three things, but these two are entwined. I was nearly run over today, Mig… Someone’s Auto-Drive GPS decided to spontaneously plot a route right through me.’ You watched shock write itself across your husband’s face. ‘Mi vida-!’ ‘W-wait… I nearly was. I was saved by… Um. Promise you won’t laugh?’ You waited for Miguel to nod with a gentle smile, his eyes sparkled with mirth. ‘… I think I was saved by a… Superhero? Like, the guy came out of nowhere, picked me up like I was a sack of feathers and carried me to safety.’ Miguel raised an eyebrow, still smiling. ‘A Superhero, really? So, I’ve got competition, you’re saying? Was he hot?’ ‘Miguel!’ He laughed at your shocked response, waiting for you to calm down with a sly smile playing across his features. ‘No, I’m married! To you!... He was buff, though, and warm. Very buff.’ ‘Right…’ He nodded, eyes glinting as he stared into your own, then shuffled closer. ‘… Well, I’m warm and buff, too. Give me some affection, mi vida…’ His tone slowly dropped into a soft purr, hands taking your wrists and guiding them under the layers of clothing, letting you feel his warm skin and hard muscles. Much to the delight of you both. ‘M-Miguel… Have you been working out without me knowing?’ ‘Heh… I thought I’d get myself in better shape for you… Brr, your hands are cold, though…’ You kept your hands on his chest, snuggling closer against him with a pleased smile. ‘Mm… I love my tall, buff husband….’ Once again did you miss the crimson glint of his eyes, the smile that grew too wide for him to continue concealing his sharp fangs. He had practiced his smile many, many times, just the right amount of joy and sincerity to make it seem genuine without revealing those pointed, venomous mutations. Already, the dark flower was blooming in his gut; tomorrow he would have to be utterly on point- your friends, a whole evening with them, the mere thought nearly made him scowl. But tonight… Tonight he would have you all to himself- and oh how he planned to enjoy every single second… Already Lyla was mining the names, faces, and numbers of your friends from your phone, your social media connections, and all of their connections. Forming a spiderweb of information, he could tug and pull… To find the troublesome threads- and make them snap.
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paperstorm · 5 months
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thank you for the tags @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @nancygillianmvp @bonheur-cafe and @sznofthesticks! You're queued :)
TK strips methodically once the door is closed behind him and turns the water on. He stares at himself in the mirror and feels as if he’s looking at an ancient portrait of a distant relative instead – there’s some resemblance in the likeness that stares back at him with slightly parted lips and drooping features but there’s a haunted, hollow look behind his eyes and it doesn’t look like the reflection he used to recognize. He looks old and tired, dull like a flickering lightbulb on its last legs, worn out and flat like an overused tire with no treads left to speak of.
It isn’t the first time he’s seen such an empty look on his own face, it’s just the first time in a very long while. TK’s put so many things behind him, anchored them firmly in his past and slammed a door of steel and iron behind them so they can’t follow them into his new life. The only person here who knows the extent of his failures is his dad, and Owen rarely mentions it anymore. TK gave Carlos the middle school book report version but not more than that, and Carlos has never asked for further explanation. TK feels like a gate has been lifted and the ghosts that haunt his past are suddenly swirling around him, and maybe, he thinks as he balls his hands into fists and tries to shatter the mirror with his mind so he doesn’t have to face himself anymore, the gate was made of her.
Tk turns away from it. He steps into the shower, lathering soap into a dark blue bath puff until it’s bubbly and trying to scrub the spiders off his skin. They used to be such a familiar presence. Almost comforting, because they were predictable. It took TK so long and so much work to get rid of them.
Twice, he managed it. Twice he managed to pick himself up and bleed the poison from his system and rebuild. After he lost Carlos, TK’d spent a week terrified that they might come back and he might not be strong enough to resist them, or scrub himself clean a third time afterward. They never did and he was proud of that, even as he drowned in the soul-deep sorrow of lost love. But this is worse than that. Carlos was gone, but he wasn’t gone. The possibility of reconciliation was always floating in the distance, and TK could have reached for it sooner if his pride hadn’t set up so many roadblocks. This isn’t the same. He could reach for his mom but he would be reaching into a void that he won’t be given permission to enter. She didn’t come with him to California but she could have. She didn’t follow them permanently to Texas but she could have. TK can’t follow her wherever she’s gone to this time.
It strikes him as he roughly kneads shampoo into his hair that he’s already forgotten what her laughter sounds like. He can’t conjure the sound of it in his imagination, as much as he tries. He bites the inside of his cheek until he tastes blood and then spits it down the drain, watching as the water pooling around his feet is pink for a few seconds before it runs clear.
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coeurcanelle · 2 months
☆Baby,the stars shine bright☆pt6
inspired by the 'kamikaze girls',♡ always had unconditional love for lolita fashion and nothing else but when she met ellie,an auburn haired girl whos part of a gang with a dad's fashion sense ,her love for clothes begins to compete with her growing feelings for ellie
strangers to friends to lovers,love-hate friendship,opposite aesthetics,early 2000s
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loud scream was heard all around the house, immediately waking up Ellie. The bed was empty beside her, and you were nowhere to be seen in her room, so she ran to search for you.
Mars ran away from the bathroom door, using the chairs in the living room as her hiding spot. Ellie's eyes drifted from her cat to the bathroom door. She approached it, turning the doorknob while imagining the worst.
There she found you.
"wat's wrong with you? don't tell me you got jumpscared by a spider or something."
Mixed emotions washed over her: relief and confusion. She hated waking up to clock alarms, but your screaming was by far the worst. She was even more puzzled seeing you standing next to the large mirror, holding the same bonnet you wore yesterday.
"it's worse than that," your voice filled with sorrow, making Ellie furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Only her fear of spiders could make her scream like that. But when you clearly showed her the small holes in your bonnet, she didn't need any clearer explanation for your reaction.
Your ears quickly turned red when you saw Ellie raising one eyebrow at you; you might have overreacted. "sorry, but if you think about it, it's not entirely my fault."
Ellie scoffed. How was she to blame?
It was you who fell on your own that night you both left the casino. If you didn’t call her the names you did, she wouldn’t have chased after you. She didn't need to lift a finger to make you regret your words, not when gravity became your worst enemy at that moment.
"you're such a drama queen. Just get a new one. Besides, what's done is done. At least next time you'll watch your mouth before calling me stupid names." Her hand still reached to grab your bonnet, wanting to know if it was that badly messed up for you to react so negatively.
"you sure don't get anything in fashion. It was a limited edition, dumbass." You handed the accessory to her. Since it had gotten into a mediocre state, its worth was now reduced to nothing to you. It would finally meet its destined fate and be thrown in the trash.
Carefully, Ellie inspected your item and even tried to slide her fingers through the small holes.
"well, you're definitely not a smartass for wearing this AND trying to annoy the shit out of me." Her fingers swiftly passed through the holes; she wiggled them at you, doing a good job of pissing you off.
It was just morning, and you could already feel grumpiness sticking with you all day.
You snatched your bonnet out of Ellie's hands, earning a smug grin from her that you couldn't snatch away from her face. "you're so fucking immature."
All you wanted to do was to go home and start all of this over, wishing for a miracle and hoping to find the exact same bonnet in any nearby shops.
"you can't call me that too." Ellie crossed her arms and blocked the way out of the bathroom so you couldn't leave, even if you truly didn't want to.
You were for sure overreacting, and Ellie wasn't going to let you be all grumpy to her, not when she thought of a solution to help you and not when both of you spent a dreamlike night yesterday.
The clock was ticking 9 am, signaling it was her breakfast time, but the only thing she needed at the moment was that smile of yours to make a comeback.
So she suggested: '"you know what, I'll let that slide because you're-your hat's cute."
"bonnet" you corrected.
"whatever. Just give it to me. I don't know anyone around who can do it for free, so I'll try to fix it up."Her words were anything but convincing to you. "plus, embroidery is like stitching someone up except with fabric. I'm sure I can do this with my eyes closed." she sounded more confident until she saw reluctance reappearing on your face at the last sentence.
"It's fine"*you're going to mess it up even more* you carefully didn't add.
Ellie wanted to help, and she started to get desperate. Fashion wasn't something she was particularly interested in, but she was certainly interested in you.
The way your face would beam at the sight of Lolita dresses, the way you'd work hard (scam) to get money for the sole purpose of upgrading your wardrobe, and the way you looked in the clothes you liked didn't go unnoticed by Ellie,in fact,there was nothing else she liked more than seeing you happy.
It was at this moment she also realized your connection was so strong she started to match your emotions too, and the last thing she wanted right now was to feel sad because you did.
"just give me one chance," she said, letting herself get carried away by the waves of love and affection. It was undoubted that she would do anything for you. "and if it doesn't look fashionable enough, you can lock me in your basement and leave me dying of hunger and boredom."
Your lips curved into a smile at the inside joke. "you're lucky I'm not as unhinged as you", after debating whether or not you should let Ellie fix your bonnet, you reluctantly gave it to her to put an end to her persistence, but not without lessening your worries.
Ellie was thankful that you trusted her, and now that your bonnet's future was placed in her hands, with hope and determination, she would give it to you all fixed up to thank you back.
"damn, you can't take a joke, can you? I don't even have a basement and even if I did— i mean..do you see me doing this kind of stuff? thats just fucking crazy. What kind of psycho would do that just for getting scammed?"Her tone was exaggeratedly bewildered as if it was something morally unthinkable, as if she didn't joke about it last night.
"It doesn't sound that unbelievable since you did think about it." Your arms crossed and you straightened your back. You recalled Ellie's serious face from last night and how she easily sent shivers down your spine. Your opinion today hasn't changed; you still found her kinda hot. "trust me, those psychos think exactly like you. They're just a little more deranged."
A sigh escaped her lips as she inspected your item, using her imagination to figure out how to sew the small holes. But if you kept teasing her, she would start to reconsider helping you.
"you can play this spot-the-difference game and all you want. You could do the same with your hat and Joel's socks once I'm done fixing it."
Yesterday, when you passed through the kitchen, the open windows offered a view of the small garden outside. The hung-up clothes slightly moved back and forth with the wind, and a few holey socks were strongly attached to the cord.
Now you know who they belonged to.
"please don't."
With eyebrows pulled together, focused eyes, and gentle yet ineffective movements, Ellie’s determination wasn’t enough against her lack of experience. Many things that looked easy often revealed themselves to be the complete opposite.
Some stitches were too tight while others were too loose; Ellie had difficulty hand-sewing up the hole.
You both had left Joel's house to head to your own, not expecting to see your dad bringing people into the house too. It turned out he had finally found a job—something that wasn’t drastically different from what he used to do before but made him satisfied. However, you never imagined he’d once find money through being a fortune teller. But only a scammer like him didn’t mind looking absurd while predicting obvious events that eventually occur in everyone’s life.
You had led Ellie to your room at the end of the corridor and now you were sitting at the edge of your bed, with your face resting in the palm of your hand when you weren’t leaning over your desk, taking a closer look at what she was doing.
If it wasn’t for her kindness and how adorable she looked, you would have definitely taken back your bonnet already, not letting her continue her terrible job at pushing the thread in and out.
Since it was her first time doing something like this, she judged the uneven stitches to be fine, while you grimaced at the sight of them.
After finishing one hole, Ellie turned to you and held the bonnet up to you expectantly.
Your lips pressed into a thin line quickly formed an embarrassed smile.
You didn’t know what to say.
“is my work so good it got you speechless, or you don’t wanna say anything because you envy my skills?” Her grin was cocky despite her awful work. You had to do something about it (both her cockiness and her work).
“I’ll give it a 2/10 for effort and also because it’s your first try.” Your bluntness instantly made her cocky grin disappear, her lips pressed into a thin line instead.
“never meaner... and why not 3?” Ellie asked for justification. She had spent a hot minute trying to copy what you had shown her, but she couldn’t even get through the basics.
You wanted to laugh at her desperation. “maybe you’re right, I should reconsider...” You pretended to think as you put your finger on your chin, not surprising Ellie with your comeback, “1/10.”
“alright, for effort or first try?” she asked as if your answer was going to have life-changing consequences.
“whatever helps you sleep at night,” you shrugged your shoulders and tried to think of what to do with your ruined accessory. Now that Ellie had tried to help, you didn’t want it to end its life in the trash. “I’ll do it myself, I can’t stand seeing my bonnet like this.”
“then sit,” she didn’t fail to make you roll your eyes at her, smirking in return.
After giving it some thought—something Ellie is highly unlikely to do—you carefully removed the thread Ellie had stitched on the hole, throwing away 30 minutes of hard work and determination.
You told her you had another idea when you heard her dramatic gasp, and all she could do was trust the process.
As your hands were busy hand-sewing, your mind brought you back to a memory that still felt like a vivid dream.
The scent of Ellie on her clothes that you were wearing, her playing the melody of your favorite song, and her strong arms embracing you.
You slightly shook your head.
One thing was in fact from a vivid dream.
At least you still got to wear her clothes, get her to play your favorite song for you, and even gaze at the stars while your heartbeats rhythmically synced.
However, you couldn’t ignore the painful pang in your chest when you remembered her embracing you with affection was just a dream.
You wanted her to hold you like this in real life too.
Once again, you shook your head to arrange your thoughts.
You were so crazy about her that the lines between imagination and reality uncontrollably started to blur!
Then 1... 2, and soon 5 petals were meticulously sewn around the hole. You had never thought of doing something so original before; maybe it was because you felt Ellie’s attentive gaze on you.
You made sewing look so easy while she struggled to get one stitch right.
Thoughts like "maybe if I'm better at this, I could make her like me more" resurfaced in Ellie’s head again.
At first, it was envy, but her admiration for you made her gradually seek approval from you, which wasn’t any easier.
Her mind was still filled with the newfound memories of yesterday: how good you looked in her clothes, the way your eyes would sparkle under the moonlight, and the sound of your uncontrollable laughter when she’d tell you something stupid. This was the recipe for making her heart melt. Words weren’t enough to perfectly describe how happy she felt, knowing she was the reason behind your bright smile.
One night wasn’t enough to satisfy her; she wanted to spend as much time with you as possible.
Maybe tonight you could hopefully recreate yesterday again, even better?
Caught staring at you, Ellie snapped her thoughts away and drifted her eyes away from you.
You had noticed Ellie’s devotion to proving herself to you, but you were against it, believing this whole comparing thing was pointless when you liked her just the way she was.
“there are about 2 holes left,” you stated, reaching your hand out for Ellie to grab your bonnet. “here, take the needle. I’ll teach you how to make flower petals instead.”
Ellie’s hand didn’t budge, and you saw the hesitation in her eyes. “bet you could do this with your eyes closed after some time,” you added before taking her hand to place your unfinished accessory in it.
She scoffed as her eyes glanced at what she was holding, the pressure to be successful coming back “I don’t think you actually want me to do that.”
“hey, you might be slow, but you’ll get the hang of it at some point,” you reassured her.
You always believed that humans were gifted with potential; they just tended to limit themselves.
Plus, it wouldn’t hurt to have something handmade from the girl you liked. “Also, my hands are getting sore.”
“so, you’re basically using me? didnt know you were like this” she exclaimed with a smirk.
“you literally begged to help me.”
"omg, I literally didn’t... why’d you—I wasn’t even that desperate.”
And the teasing went on and on until she started to turn her attention back to your bonnet.
Once again, getting attention was something you were used to by now. You've seen so few people wearing lolita clothes that you could count them on one hand, so it was a normal reaction for people to curiously stare at you. Hence, you brushed it off when you felt the employee from your favorite clothing shop's eyes on you.
"maybe it's been a while since she last had a customer," you thought.
Totally lost in your own world, you shuffled through the stunning dresses crafted with luxurious fabrics and adorned with intricate lace, pearls, and embroidery details that were to die for.
Since Joel didn't want to spend his time shopping at the convenience store, he had sent you and Ellie with a list of things that mostly consisted of food. But after you were done with the task Joel had given you, you couldn’t wait any longer to visit the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright shop nearby, which you judged to be the best shop to ever exist in the world.
After taking a quick look at their newest collection in their showcases, you didn't waste a single second and stepped in.
Ellie aimlessly followed you around, carrying the plastic bag containing your groceries with one hand and holding yours with the other, languidly dragging her feet.
After finding your happiness, you headed towards the cashier. Faint dimples appeared on both sides of her cheeks as she smiled, enlightened to see you again. You dropped Ellie's hand as you paid for a brand new white headband, and the same employee from earlier approached you, as pleasant as the cashier, but her staring started to make you self-conscious.
"is there anything else you need, miss?" she asked, her eyes not leaving your bonnet. You readjusted it a bit nervously.
"that will be all for today, thank you" you returned an awkward smile. The employee felt sorry for her persistent gaze, but she needed to take a closer look at your accessory.
"is this bonnet purchased from here?" The employee thought it was strongly similar to one bonnet from their previous collection, except it didn't have embroidered flower petals adorning it.
She received a silent response with a positive nod from you, and you suddenly became shy.
The employee rapidly called another worker, "regina, come here, you have to look at this!"
In just a span of seconds, you became the center of attention of the whole place. Everyone was looking and pointing at the details on your bonnet, still sitting at the top of your head.
They were women with taste, and you hoped the surprise painting their faces didn't mean something about the retouches looking horrendous.
A feeling of reassurance washed over you when they started to praise you.
"beautiful, beautiful!"
"did you make this yourself? You truly are talented!"
"i wish I was this creative and knew how to do embroidery as well," they all exclaimed enthusiastically as their eyes shifted from your creation to your face repeatedly, admiring your bonnet like it was a piece of art displayed in a far-famed museum.
You were far from accustomed to getting praises, and Ellie wondered why they were all acting so excited over an accessory.
But when you told them she had helped you fix your bonnet up, all eyes turned to her, flattering her with praises as well.
One of the employees managed to get the boss out of his office upstairs, leading him to you.
It felt like time instantly stopped.
You couldn't believe what was happening.
The CEO of your favorite clothing brand, walking up to you?
It must be a dream, right?
You were too busy trying to distinguish your imagination from reality to react when he asked if he could take a closer look, suggesting you hand your bonnet to him.
Your legs suddenly felt heavy, and your vision started to darken though you had your eyes open.
You weren't here.
"wow, this is beyond wonderf-" The man didn't even have time to compliment your work before you helplessly fainted on the floor.
Alarm bells went off in Ellie’s mind. Standing beside you, she rushed down to catch your head before it could harshly hit the 'white tile,' blaming your sudden unconscious state on the tall man.
"what a reaction for a burst of joy," she sighed as she slightly shook you in an attempt to bring you back to her.
It didn't take long to wake up, but wake up from what? Because right now, you could literally say you're living a dream.
Ellie's heart returned to its normal pace. "are you alright?" she softly asked, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear to see your awakened face more clearly.
"yeah." The realization that you had fainted in front of everyone, especially the CEO of your favorite shop, made you extremely embarrassed. After a moment, you slowly stood up, cleared your throat, and turned to the girl who had just saved your life. "you?"
Your unnecessary concern for Ellie elicited a light chuckle from her. "thanks for asking, but you're the one who nearly passed out here."
The whole room was filled with awkward and short laughs. The feeling of embarrassment flashed across your face once again, and you refused to look ahead and meet the eyes of the man who had created the source of your happiness.
Your fixed bonnet was still held by his hands. His eyes darted from you to it, with many questions eager for answers popping into his mind.
Curiosity bubbled up inside him as he wondered how one's mind could go that far and how you and your friend had created such a wonderful replica of what you had just imagined. His mind was like bubbles of curiosity ready to explode.
He carefully approached you and Ellie, offering you praise and asking various questions.
Ellie's eyes never left your face, studying every single feature as you did your best to answer as clearly as possible. Her heart swelled uncontrollably with warmth when you'd mention her helping you a lot.
After what seemed like a lifetime to Ellie, he finished interviewing you both.
He just needed one thing from you.
The sight of his hopeful and impatient eyes made your heart burn with anticipation. You tried to control your breathing, which quickened its pace, refusing to succumb to the menacing fainting.
"with an imagination and talent like yours, it would be regretful for it to go to waste," he stated, reaching out to return your item. But he didn't hand it to you when your hands nervously grabbed for it. "I wish to hire you as an embroiderer. What do you think?"
Your mind was flooded with racing thoughts about working here.
It seemed like the ideal workplace, but was it truly your ideal job?
"I just love wearing cute clothes, not necessarily making them," you confessed after a moment of silence. The female employees exchanged glances, curiosity on their faces as they wondered why such a talented person would pass up such a fortunate opportunity.
Refusing to let this be your final words, Ellie gently touched your shoulder, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. "are you serious? Do you realize i know how to do embroidery thanks to you? me...someone who couldn't even hold a needle without shaking and pricking my finger" Ellie took your hand, squeezing it as she urged, "this is your chance, dont fuck it up"
Refusing wasn���t an option when such a suggestion came from the CEO of your all-time favorite brand, but hearing the desperation in Ellie’s voice made you accept right away.
Working in your favorite place, surrounded by stunning dresses and accessories, and earning money from it was literally a dream job. To you, it wasn't as if he was asking you for something but rather offering you a present. You told him you could work from 8 to 6, Monday to Friday.
His eyebrows furrowed in refusal, and he thoughtfully reduced the amount of work hours since you were currently on summer break.
And just like that, you left the shop with the same smile you entered with, except it was slightly wider and brighter than usual. The realization that this dream-like moment was indeed a reality would hit you later.
You walked down the streets with ellie,both of you not knowing where to go and just mindlessly following each other.
"uh, where exactly are we going right now?" Ellie questioned, her eyes squinting at the bright sunlight directly assaulting her face.
"I don't know. I was following you." You stopped mid-track and tried to put your mind on pause. The scenes from earlier replayed in your head non-stop.
"don't freak out, but I kinda don't have a sense of direction when it comes to wandering in places I don't know." A tired sigh escaped from Ellie's mouth. When she turned around, she couldn't even recognize where you both had come from.
But this place wasn't more unrecognizable than you. It felt like your soul had left your body since you passed out, that it had stayed in 'Baby, the Stars Shine Bright,' and that you were now working on autopilot.
Ellie's eyes fell on the white summer houses around you. With such little details to distinguish them from one another, they all looked awfully similar.
Silence reigned over the avenue, unlike your mind, which was anything but quiet at this moment. "ellie," she directly shifted her gaze from the houses to you, more worried about your overwhelmed state than the fact that you were lost. "god is real."
Pure confusion replaced her worry in a split second. "what the fuck are you on? I told you, you should never try smoking."
"listen, I'm serious." Your hands found their way to her shoulders, an attempt to make her carefully listen to you. "I received his blessings, and since I'm blessed and you're my friend, it means you can be too."
If she wasn't sober right now, maybe she would have taken you a little bit more seriously.
"friend?" Her voice carried genuine surprise; she realized she forgot to ask you what you both were after last night.
"so I would be cursed if I happened to be your girlfriend?" She tried to hide her genuine surprise with sarcasm and get a possible hint from you.
Her delusional side convinced her you were her soon-to-be girlfriend, that you followed her around because you loved her, and that your love language was annoying her,secretly liking the way she looks when you succeeded.
"what? no, I mean—my point is..." Ellie's heart felt less heavy seeing you avoiding eye contact suddenly, her lips curving into a proud smile knowing the effects she had on you. "I'll help you find the founder of your gang. I can also sew your gang's name on your jacket sleeve."
At first, she didn't know why. But the pieces of the puzzle started to connect together as she realized she was your only friend.
"you don't have to look for some designer to do it for you," you continued.
It was like playing baseball with her being good at throwing the ball and you not knowing how to properly catch it.
When Ellie was openly affectionate to you, you didn't know how to receive it.
Ellie smiled a bit. "Are you sure you don't mind doing it? I mean...no pressure, okay?"
How could you know how to receive love when you didn't even know what it was to begin with?
Your parents separated when you hadn't even hit puberty, and no amount of romance novels could make up for the lack of experience of a strong and passionate bond between people in love.
For this reason, you never truly knew what that feeling was.
To make things worse, whenever you felt yourself falling for something close to love, you would unforgivingly push it and the person involved away.
Even though your mom had cheated on your father, she was still the one who had welcomed you to this world. The guilt has never left you when you chose to live with your dad over your mom, although he was a good and loving person.
You couldn't put a face onto the word 'love,' and it gradually became meaningless to you, an unfamiliar word you'd come across when flipping pages in a dictionary. But as time went by, you had rediscovered it and put clothes onto it that were also the definition of your happiness.
"I want to do it for you," you smiled back.
But if all of this was in a book, Ellie would be the major plot twist. Her definition of happiness was short and precise: you.
Ellie reached her hand out to take yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. " 'kay, if you're in, you have to promise me something."
Love hurts when one-sided. If her definition of happiness was you, she had to change your definition of happiness and add herself in it too.
If you've never learned how to receive affection, that's okay. She'd proudly volunteer to teach you and only you.
"promise me," her eyes bore into yours expectantly, "that you'll never leave me."
Because, from you, she's learned that it wasn't impossible for love to go with happiness and that pain could step out of their business.
At least, that's how she felt about you.
"of course, I promise." You stuck out your pinkie, but to your surprise, Ellie didn't.
Instead, she wrapped her arms around you before pulling you into her embrace.
Your warm hearts beat faster in sync by the second, exploding in affection.
Except Ellie's heart missed a beat when you hugged her back. She never knew she needed it until now.
Her hair smelled like vanilla, and her body felt so warm against yours.
Both of you stayed like that for God knows how long. You had lost the notion of time, and it was the least of your concerns at this moment.
Her arms were over your shoulder, a sign that she deeply trusted you.
Pulling you out of your reverie, a red Suzuki Wagon drove past the both of you. Your arms stayed on hers for a little longer, an unspoken and double-meaning promise that you'd never let her go even if she did.
It seemed the car came from the same place you both were, meaning you weren't totally lost.
So after turning on your heels, both of you started to walk your way out of the unknown avenue, hand in hand.
In the end, everything turned out fine, and you soon found your way back to Tokyo.
This time,despite the comfortable silence it was ellies mind who couldnt keep quiet.
Her giddy smile not leaving her face ever since she wrapped her arms around you,as well as the warmth in her heart.
For how long will she able to keep her feelings locked in her heart?
Though your hug meant an unbreakable promise bonding you two,she hoped it also meant something more.
She cleared her throat,when you both stopped at the train station,it was surprisingly sparse of people for such a busy time.
"so like...you have a thing for tall guys or...?"
The sight of the tall man holding your bonnet in admiration and you fainting right after this flashed before your eyes"oh my god shut up"you retorted,rolling your eyes at her whose eyes shortly sparkled with hope.
This time, despite the comfortable silence, it was Ellie’s mind that couldn’t keep quiet. Her giddy smile hadn’t left her face ever since she wrapped her arms around you, and warmth filled her heart.
For how long would she be able to keep her feelings locked away?
Though your hug symbolized an unbreakable promise bonding you two, she hoped it also meant something more.
She cleared her throat as you both stopped at the train station, surprisingly sparse of people for such a busy time. “so like… do you have a thing for tall guys or…?”
The sight of the tall man holding your bonnet in admiration, and you fainting right after, flashed before your eyes. “oh my god, shut up,” you retorted, rolling your eyes at her, whose eyes shortly sparkled with hope.
“…but still… you’ve never fainted like that when you first saw me.”
After stopping at Joel’s to drop off what you had bought before, both you and Ellie returned to your house, which was quieter than usual.
Your empty schedule became busy in the blink of an eye. With a brand new simple white dress needing final touches and the famous gang name to sew in under three days, there wasn’t a single second to waste. Not to mention that traveling across the country to find the mysterious gang founder was also on your ambitious list.
“why would I?”
Turning your attention away from the jacket sleeve, your eyes shifted to Ellie instead.
“maybe 'cause I carry a tremendous amount of swagger like nobody else can in this world,” her voice sarcastically filled with confidence. She said this like it was an obvious fact, and you couldn’t really disagree.
Someone who clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing but lets themselves be guided by adrenaline and curiosity. Someone who doesn’t mind taking risks as if their life could be restarted by passing a video game checkpoint. Someone who didn’t mind getting lost in the most unknown places as long as it was with you.
As much as you tried to think, no words could perfectly describe Ellie’s unequaled aura.
But you weren’t going to let her know that, not when you liked teasing her so much. “you’re still not the CEO of Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.”
“you’re right,” she started before looking away, gathering inspiration from her heart. “But I’m the CEO of making you smile.” You proved her point as your lips immediately curved into one, as if her words put a spell on you.
“It shines brighter than any star too,” she added with a playful wink, mentally cheering for having the courage to compliment you. It was a small, yet hopefully significant, step forward in what you both had.
Her words flew straight to your heart, coloring it red because of the blood but also because of your newborn love.
The transition from liking to loving Ellie had started the night you spent stargazing with her.
And now you could no longer carelessly brush off her flirtiness, not anymore.
Her compliments were seriously starting to make you feel things.
Ellie’s eyes didn’t miss yours trying to push away the effects she had on you.
“did you train yourself in the mirror say this one too?” you asked.
It seemed you dodged Cupid’s bow again. “why? Is it a crime to be a natural flirt?”
“It’s far from natural; it almost sounded scripted.” your voice dripping with sarcasm as usual
The truth is if you followed her, borrowing the path of truth, you’d end up either literally confessing your feelings or shyly stammering on your words and making her childish smirk come back.
And above all, teasing was more fun.
“your reaction didn’t seem like it followed a script though,” a soft chuckle followed her words. Before you could turn back your attention to the dress in front of you, she reached her hands out of her pockets to direct your turning chair towards her. “I think you just can’t flirt back, so you talk shit. Just admit I’m a smooth talker and you like it. It doesn’t hurt.”
There was a small gap between you, and when you turned to look at Ellie’s face, her kissable lips formed a smirk and her eyebrows waggled together.
Her sudden proximity made time stop, and the soft music playing in the background faded as you felt your heartbeat getting louder.
An unfamiliar feeling bubbled up in your stomach, something that seemed ready to explode as her gaze on you intensified.
Your body reacted before your mind, and her chest met your hand. Ellie understood she would cross the line if she leaned closer.
You kept her eyes on hers. "it does.it hurts my ego and pride." Ellie obviously understood your sarcasm—not because it's part of your nature, but because she also paints her buried feelings with jokes.
She took a few steps back before you could add another layer of satire, her eyes not leaving yours even when they looked away from hers.
"but objectively speaking, you're charming with your words."The honesty contrasting with your previous words made her snicker.
Today, at 5:36 pm, an hour when she usually lets herself be consumed by boredom, a new memory was engraved in her mind, and she wouldn't forget to write it down in her journal once back home.
Her heart would swell with joy as she'd quoe you calling her charming. Her stomach would birth butterflies as she'd remember this compliment coming from a pretty face.
But with a closed mouth to keep quiet and not make Joel think she'd gone crazy. Even though that was kind of the case.
"shut up, that's nothing but objective." Ellie scratched the back of her head, being the one avoiding eye contact now that your eyes peered at hers.
"don't your friends think the same when you flirt like that?" A natural flirter, smart and beautiful, kicking ass to do justice—to you, Ellie was an all-in-one, and you wouldn't be surprised to learn that she made other girls feel special too.
That you were just, hopefully not, one of her other friends.
"I don't flirt with them."
Whether it was the truth or a lie, a part of you wanted to believe her anyway. Maybe that was another effect, a result of her irresistible charm.
Overthinking was one of your worst habits, controlling your mind and replaying your most embarrassing conversations on a loop.
The best way you could have replied to Ellie complimenting your smile could have been simply thanking her and returning the compliment.
You wanted to hide your face in your hands as unanswered 'whys' and 'hows' progressively took over your mind.
It felt like losing the 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' game over the most evident and unmistakable question.
Except you weren't losing money but Ellie's interest, but that's just what you thought.
Suddenly, the same girl you've been thinking about spoke up again. Ellie's voice was a remedy to your overthinking; it was seemingly curious since a hint of interest influenced her tone. "do you ever look at guys and get... i dont know, like you find them so attractive you want to hug and everything... maybe ki-'
With a swift move, you pulled one thread out of Ellie's jacket sleeve. The details on the dress were unfinished; switching up between sewing the jacket sleeve and the dress so you could finish them both by your deadline was much smarter and also because doing repetitive things bored you.
After hearing her words and the mention of men, you stopped sewing for a second. "ew, why?'
"just asking"she snickered when your first reaction was disgust.
He appeared again. The man selling most of the clothes you had in your closet. The same man who praised your job at embroidery and who now wanted you to work with him. You physically shook your head to mentally shake the thoughts of him away.
"I'm not into him, okay? It just felt like meeting a celebrity; it's hard to control your emotions,"you clarified. You loved his work, not him.
"but in general? does it ever... happen? Idk how to make it not sound weird" Ellie started to fidget with her fingers, her black nails painted by you. Her mind took her back to yesterday again when she'd admire you whenever your sparkling eyes were fixated on the moon, wishing you were thinking about her too.
"it sounds weird no matter how you put it. But no, I guess puberty came late to me."
" 'mkay."
Before turning your attention back to her jacket sleeve, you caught Ellie nodding, putting her hands back in her pockets casually, turning her face away to forcefully stop her lips from forming a smile.
For the first time in her life, she believed in luck.
"you?" The initial of Ellie's gang name started to take form as you repeatedly pulled the golden yellow thread in and out of the fabric.
"ew, no, I'm not interested either. Just thinking about it grosses me out."Her brutally honest answer made you chuckle softly; you weren't that much different after all.
"really? Even if I was a man?"you joked.
"yeah, plus you couldn't even get to wear those dresses and stuff. Just seeing you wearing formal clothes to fit in with everyone else would feel weird."
She tried to imagine you wearing casual clothes or anything not extravagant in general, and you laughed at her unpleasant expression.
"that's funny to think I'd finally look normal for some people,"you said between laughs, and Ellie joined you in your laughter.
Now that you think about it, it was a pretty rare occurrence for you to wear something other than lolita clothes.
You paused and put the needle down before turning to Ellie.
"do you want to see how I used to dress before? It doesn't look that weird, trust me."
After last night, the magical night you spent over at Ellie's, you can officially say things changed.
Your past self would definitely not recognize you now for trusting someone enough to have the courage to show a different version of yourself.
"my brain does that thing when it erases traumatic memories, so you're fine."you rolled your eyes at her teasing tone, her jokes getting more creative as time went by.
"that was backhanded, wasn't it?"
Ellie shrugged her shoulders as she smirked, her impatience growing stronger as she followed you out of your room.
"whatever helps you sleep at night.'"
In the corridor, you slid open a door, keeping the boxes of furniture inside, and tipped onto your toes to reach the medium cardboard box
The dust that had accumulated on top of it over the years, quickly flew away as you brushed it off, before opening what had been closed for God knows how long.
The "you" that was once buried to give birth to the "you" now resurfaced.
Ellie grabbed a few pictures before you could change your mind.
Smiling and chuckling at how different you looked compared to now, she carefully scanned all the pictures in front of her, noticing one thing that had never changed.
"I gotta say... you still look so fucking cute."
Your brain stopped functioning at her words.
Her eyes darted from the pictures to yours, not really expecting you to respond to her compliments, just admiring your flustered reaction.
You tried to think of a response that wouldn’t make you cringe when you overthought it later.
Those words, coming from someone infinitely prettier, whose eyes regarded you like you were a masterpiece belonging in a museum, whose arms made you feel like home, held significantly deeper and more impactful meaning. It was as if Ellie knew what she was doing to you and wanted your heart to explode just for her.
To her, it was just a matter of time before you completely let yourself fall for her, unaware that it was already the case.
"thanks,you’re cuter though," you smiled back at her.
But if time really isn't real, then she would learn to be patient, knowing you'd be timeless.
It was Ellie's turn to sleep over at your house.
Despite wanting to stay awake a little longer, both of you found yourselves surrendering to unconsciousness faster than last time.
Imaginations and dreams enveloped your restless minds, quieting them down.
The smell of breakfast was more effective than an alarm clock at waking you up.
Your body was as cold as the inside of a fridge since Ellie kept unconsciously pulling the covers over her.
After warming up with some tea and filling your stomach with fluffy pancakes, you and Ellie continued with your day separately.
After spending two full days with her, her sudden absence felt strange, but you decided to put this feeling aside and focus on your new job to avoid having a wallet as empty as Ellie’s absence.
Sewing fabrics here and there to train yourself before working on the actual dress and jacket sleeve.
Walking back and forth around your room thoughtfully.
You spent most of your time sighing in frustration, as creativity refused to show up at your door.
Staring at the unfinished project in front of you, without new ideas in mind, began to take an awful toll on you.
Roses, tulips, and other flowers floated in your thoughts.
If there was one thing you wished for right now, it would be for your imagination to be as abundant as the richness of nature.
So, you ventured closer to nature and away from your trapped thoughts, wandering aimlessly around the nearest park while trying to empty your mind and let creativity flow naturally.
After a while, with plenty of walking and silent contemplation, your watch ticked to 5 PM. It was almost evening, but the sun was still shining in the sky, illuminating the blue lake beside you.
Ellie once told you that the reason the sea looks blue is because of the reflection of the sky.
A few ducks flew above the water before landing.
Some ducks swam in another direction, leaving two of their companions alone. They didn’t seem to mind the others had left, focused on swimming their own path, just the two of them.
Eventually, you dragged your feet out of the park, leaving your energy behind. A place as energizing as nature had unexpectedly drained you because no matter what you did, you always thought of her.
Whether she was around or not, Ellie lived in your mind rent-free.
When you contemplated the sky,the moon wasn’t out yet, so you stole one last glance at the lake.
Maybe you shouldn’t give up now; doing so would mean your entire day would have gone to waste.
Not to mention,facing complaints instead of praises from the CEO of your favorite shop would surely tear your heart into pieces.
So you called her.
You took your phone and dialed her number, biting your lip in hope she would respond.
Desperation was overpowering you, and Ellie clearly noticed it.
“what’s wrong?” her voice slightly modified by her phone.
A moment of silence passed as you repeated in your head what you wanted to say.
"everything,” you look pitiful.
“nothing,” you're wasting her time.
“are you busy right now?” just go straight to the point.
“I miss you,” too honest.
Ellie patiently waited for you to speak up, leaning her arms on the railing of the bridge, eyes peering at the lake while inhaling deeply.
“I need your help.”
Her eyebrows instantly furrowed in worry; you usually tried to handle things on your own, and it was unusual for you to directly ask for her help. “where are you?”
You had been wandering away from the park for so long that you didn’t even realize where you were heading. The area you found yourself in was sparse of people, resembling an abandoned train station with overgrown herbs on the rails.
When you sat on a bench, you heard an engine roaring toward you.
Ellie saw you alone on the bench, and your face instantly beamed at the sight of her arrival.
She parked her motorcycle next to the entrance of the train station and carefully crossed the rails, making her way to you.
“I’m away for one day, and you’re already missing me?”
You didn’t even have the energy to roll your eyes at her cocky smile; her words were harshly true.
Suddenly, the temperature began to cool down, signaling that evening was approaching. Ellie locked eyes with you, intently listening as you ranted about your struggles with creativity. As an artist herself, she thought of creativity like a battery that often needed recharging.
The thing was, Ellie was your recharger. Talking with her and spending time together felt like a mental cleanse, refreshing your mind. Her absence felt so unfamiliar to both your heart and your brain.
Asking for her help made her smile blissfully, unable to describe how happy she felt to spend time with you again.
Without hesitation, she took your hand right after you finished your monologue, bringing you to a familiar place—the one holding your best memories. Among them, searching for your bag with Ellie was your favorite so far.
So far, because you believed the future held even more thrilling and joyful memories with her.
Most of the stores still had the "open" sign in their showcases, including "Baby, the Stars Shine Bright."
Unexpectedly, you refused to let your inspiration come from the clothing brand you were now working for.
"You said you're on a creativity block," Ellie said, her confused eyes meeting your self-assured ones.
The CEO of this brand had praised your work for its originality, something he had never seen before. "exactly, so we need to think outside the box."
To keep satisfying him and his expectations, you decided to remain on the same path, coming up with unimaginable and creative patterns.
The puzzles instantly assembled, forming a clear image of understanding in Ellie’s head, your words failing to prevent her from holding back her laughter.
You were picking up the same sarcasm as her.
"My jokes are better."
Clothing shop after clothing shop, going from bright to dark areas, and the excessive bright lighting contrasting with the dark hues of the blue sky outside, was overstimulating Ellie’s mind.
But she kept dragging her feet to follow you around.
You could tell her anything, and she would do it without a second thought.
So that’s what happened.
The faltering and desperate look in your eyes disappeared, replaced by bright sparkles and dilated pupils as you rummaged through the clothes.
Your imagination started to paint Ellie wearing the type of clothes you had grown fond of—clothes she would never dare to wear, not because they weren’t aesthetically pleasing, but because she thought she wouldn’t look good in them.
Yet here she was, looking at your cheeky smile as you scanned her in an extravagant lolita dress you pleaded her to try.
There was no doubt you felt immensely proud to make her wear lolita clothes.
To you, Ellie was still the cutest human being you’d ever seen; the lolita dresses only enhanced her cuteness, something she strongly disagreed with.
Sensing your eyes admiring her, adding makeup felt unnecessary with her naturally blushed cheeks.
A sudden urge to squish them in your hands settled in your core.
Ellie’s face reddened even more when her cold cheeks met your warm hands, unable to ignore the temptation.
"you’re so—" you started, but Ellie immediately cut you off, her gaze dropping to the floor, embarrassed.
"don't say it."
She knew what you were about to call her; it was the complete opposite of the image she wanted to project—a thick wall of intimidating and cold exterior she had spent years building.
Yet in just a few days, she’d allowed herself to let her guard down. This wall, carefully constructed to give her a good reputation among her acquaintances, felt totally useless around you.
"alright," you retreated your hands and let out a giggle.
It was like a fierce missile flying right at this thick wall, crumbling it down with such ease, allowing her to be cheeky, goofy, flirtatious, embarrassed, flustered, happy, and in love—allowing her to be who she truly was.
What is the common point in Ellie's loving smile, the stars at night, and her making you the happiest being on Earth?
It all puts sparkles in your eyes.
The inspiration you had difficulty finding found its way back to you like a lost pet, except it always came from one person and the things that made you think of her—which was a blessing when she was present but a curse in her absence.
So you desperately hoped this night would never end. It became a message the universe was now used to getting because when the clock ticks morning, that's when the magic ends.
And you wouldn't be peering at the horizon ahead of you anymore, sitting behind Ellie as she focused on driving across the city lights. Your mind filtering out her friends driving with you at midnight, only caring about the person you were holding in your arms, trying to bring her what she brought you: comfort.
To your surprise, this dreamlike feeling repeated itself again when you woke up with her in your arms once more. She wasn't listening to your heartbeat anymore, totally absorbed in whatever dreams she was in, so you decided to oversleep with her, hoping to appear in one of her dreams.
In one of her dreams, you and Ellie were traveling across the country on her motorcycle, often stopping at car stations when her gas was low and eating breakfast in local coffee shops working early in the morning.
Both of you were unstoppable, searching for the infamous founder of her gang, grabbing clues from door to door and heading to as many cities as you could.
Your world was so small until you hopped on Ellie's motorcycle and discovered new places, unfamiliar routes, and different types of vegetation.
Thinking back to the time you accepted to help Ellie, despite the bumpy and narrow path, today you didn't have any regrets.
Everything went smoothly. When exhaustion enveloped you, you would stay in a nearby hotel; when hunger crept its way into your stomach, you'd find a restaurant to fulfill your wishes; and when you needed more money for the road, you'd stop at the city casinos, always going for the pachinko machines.
But again, it was just a dream.
Refusing to let disappointment consume her as the alarm went off, Ellie quickly woke you up and got ready. The festival's date was approaching with big steps, and Ellie found the perfect partner to help her find Himeko.
Since the perfect partner was you, you threw away your usual routine for the next days, trying to make her dream come true.
Dreams and reality, when you're blessed with luck with many ups and rare downs, there's not a significant line separating dreams from reality. However, when reality turns to look somewhat closer to a nightmare than a dream, a dream is often an escape.
"Dream" is such a small word for its numerous meanings, but even if it can be a subjective term, both you and Ellie can agree that your current situation was progressively drifting away from the aspect of a dream.
"I can't," you said as your walk came to a halt, still holding Ellie's hand. If you could describe the word 'inseparable' in three words, you would say you and Ellie; however, it seemed circumstances were starting to change that.
"what? What do you mean?" She hoped she had heard it wrong, that the sound of engines and powerful winds had made her a bit deaf after traveling for two days.
"I can't go any further," you clarified, your eyes dropping to the floor.
"listen." Ellie's mind froze for a second; your expression was unreadable to her. You were just lacking a bit of sleep, tired, maybe a little demotivated, right? "we've come a long way, to Tokyo, down to Yokohama, just you and me alone. In just what, two days... we already have a clear destination, and it's not like people don't know her at all..."
She gently squeezed your hand, a gesture that always brought your eyes back to hers. "I'm sure we'll gather more clues on our way there. Just trust the process... trust me. I promise we'll find her soon enough."
Even when you tried to seek comfort in her words, your mind wasnt set on it, not after what happened in the last casino you stepped foot in. "I literally gambled all of my money away."
Noticing the exhaustion in your voice, Ellie reassured you, lifting your chin up to hers. Both of you had already talked about this. "You're not gonna be broke... I can lend you some, y'know it's not a problem."
You went silent, and Ellie concluded it as the end of the discussion.
She didn't want to stop here, not now, when you were midway to reach your destination, so close to finally make her dream come true.
But when you gently pushed her hand off your chin, she sensed this situation was more complicated than she had expected.
"you don't understand..."
It's when Ellie was brought closer to her dream that she would get pulled back into harsh reality, something closer to a nightmare now that she felt that you were going to break her promise.
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cilil · 4 months
Crossroads of the Fallen King: The Sundelions of Arien
❁ Verse: Silmarillion x Legend of Zelda Totk/BotW ❁ Pairing: Mairon x Arien ❁ Synopsis: Mairon has a favour to ask of his former lover. ❁ Warnings: / ❁ Oneshot (~1.4k) | SWG
AN: Here's my contribution to the Crossroads of the Fallen King challenge! This oneshot takes place in my TotK/BotW AU and deals with the Sundelions, Arien as their caretaker and the key role they play in healing wounds dealt by Void creatures like Ungoliant and her spiders. For a more detailed explanation, see the end notes down below.
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The sound of Mairon's voice is pleasant as always, and she listens before she knows it, ignoring the dread and anger welling up within her chest. Many times has Arien imagined what it will be like when he finally  decides to show his face again, how she will confront him for his betrayal, how she will be wiser and not let him fool her ever again. 
She doesn't have to look at him. She knows he's standing there, smiling as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't broken her heart. 
And she knows that these days he only comes to see her if he wants something. 
Arien has no patience for it. 
"What do you want?" she asks as coldly as she can and refuses to face him. Stubbornly, she keeps her gaze on the black and golden flowers she's tending to for her lady, the miraculous Sundelions that can produce the only known cure to the Void's Gloom; and suddenly she has an idea why her former lover chose to appear in a domain where he's not welcome. 
The fact that Mairon was able to reach her without being seen or detected worries her, though less for her sake and more for the Maiar of Vána and Yavanna who cannot match his fell fire. 
He has taken a step closer, and Arien feels an uncomfortable heat surging through her veins. Is it his gaze on her that she feels, she wonders, or is he already looking at his prize. 
She caresses the Sundelions' fragile petals as if in reassurance, and she knows his eyes follow her movements. 
"Look at me." 
Mairon's request, uttered softly and without the edge of command that so often accompanies his speech, startles Arien so much that she does. She sees the same face she knew many years ago, yet marred by a blackened wound across his left cheek, as if struck by a poisoned blade. Similar wounds are on his neck, chest, arms and hands, and pity overcomes her before she knows it. 
"What happened to you?" she gasps and rushes to his side. "Did the Dark One...?" 
For a moment Arien hopes that he will answer yes. If it was Melkor who hurt him, maybe he would finally see the error of his ways and come back to her. But as quickly as that thought has crossed her mind, she begins to abhor it. She knows well how dangerous the Dark Vala can be and doesn't want her fiery kin, fallen as they all may be, to face the wrath of his freezing storm. 
"No. I was hurt while fighting monsters from the Void; with his help, if I may add," Mairon says, holding up his hands and looking at his damaged palms. 
Arien takes his hands into hers. He remains eerily calm and composed, and the lack of any wincing or flinching makes her hope he isn't in too much pain. 
"Are you sure this is what happened?" she asks gently. "Are you sure you are not blaming something else to cover for him?" 
"He hasn't hurt me and would never do so. It is as I said." 
There is no anger in Mairon's voice, but his tone is firm. Arien isn't sure if she should admire his conviction or think him a fool for trusting and defending Melkor. 
And even if he didn't hurt him himself, he let him get hurt, she thinks, nodding to herself as if to reassure her conscience that the Dark Vala is indeed to blame for this mishap as well. 
Gingerly, she examines his wounds and finds that Mairon hasn't lied to her. Injuries from Void creatures have unfortunately become more common in recent times, prompting her lady Estë to instruct her Maiar accordingly and request a steady supply of Sundelions. The pervasive decay infesting their once thought unbreakable weapons must cause him as much ire and stress as his former lord Aulë, she muses. 
"You want me to heal you," she says. It's not a question; she is certain that she knows the reason for his visit now. At least he was wise enough to come alone and not bring his miserable master with him. 
"Ah, you don't have to." Mairon looks up at her, an amicable smile on his lips. "A few of these lovely flowers would already suffice. I can handle the rest myself; after all it would be rude of me to ask for too much from you." 
His words seem fair, his voice is smooth. It's all so perfectly easy and reasonable that Arien pauses, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. Why would he not take the freely given help of a Maia serving both Vána and Estë, he who has never been a healer. 
Unless... There is a reason why he wants to take the flowers himself. 
"Is your lord hurt as well?" Arien asks sharply. 
There is a flash of something unreadable in Mairon's eyes, gone before she can see it for what it is. 
"Of course not, why do you ask?" He laughs lightly. Too calm, too serene. It doesn't ease Arien's worries in the slightest. "You would not feel very inclined to help him if it were the case, no?"
"Are you lying to me because it is in fact the case and you want to use my compassion for you to take my flowers so you can help him?" 
At last mild annoyance clouds Mairon's fair features, and the ancient familiarity of seeing him thus makes it strangely comforting. Endearing even. Yet Arien keeps her guard up while trying to glimpse past his. 
"You have seen for yourself that I am wounded as I told you," he says. The corners of his mouth quirk upwards again as if to regain his smile, but it's more akin to a haughty smirk this time. 
Arien finds a strange sort of pleasure in breaking through Mairon's barriers and ripping off his carefully crafted masks, even if what she finds is less fair than the faces she remembers. 
"It is not like I fail to understand the thought," he continues, "deny me in order to deny Melkor, just in case. That is certainly something he would think to do to spite former lovers as well." 
Her own control slips, her hands sizzling against his as her fána heats up. To imply that she would stoop to Melkor's level — and yet, even though Arien knows full well the intent behind such a well-placed comment, she cannot deny that Mairon has a point. 
"We wouldn't have that problem if you just agreed to let me heal you instead," she snaps. 
"Perhaps, though I did tell you why I didn't feel it was appropriate of me to ask for that." Mairon has regained his calm, controlled composure with infuriating professionalism. 
It's not the first time that Arien has wondered if speaking to her is some sort of task or game for him that he completes with the same excellence as his other work. 
"You are going to come with me," she orders, still fuming. "We will go to my house and I will heal you properly and you will stay as long as it takes."
"If that is your wish, I shall." 
Mairon's smile is as bright as Arien's fury. She lets go of his hands and links their arms; he knows the way to her house, yet she feels the need to hold on to him lest he slip away too soon. At least his wounds will make him stay with her for a while, even if his powers and strange new magic seems to be mostly unscathed and only his fána is damaged. 
There is a strange sort of triumph in taking her wayward former lover home. She even begins to enjoy herself once she takes a few Sundelions to brew a healing potion, applying it to every inch of blackened skin and adding a few spoons to a bowl of hot soup that she feeds him. 
Thus absorbed in this brief moment of reconciliation with the Maia she once wished to spend eternity with, Arien remains blissfully unaware of the shadow that comes over her meadows at night, cruelly rips out a handful of her beloved flowers and disappears with his prey. 
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End notes: In Zelda TotK, Sundelions are a plant ingredient used to cook healing items that can restore damaged caused by Gloom, an evil and harmful substance that essentially drains the life of its victims. It causes decay in weapons and permanently reduces Link's health, making him unable to heal himself fully until he can get rid of the Gloom damage. I felt like Void and Void creatures like Ungoliant would be an excellent fit for Gloom and Gloom-affected monsters, as well as Arien as a servant of Vána and Estë growing and maintaining Sundelions.
Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @angbangbaby @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @bluezenzennie @destinyeternity1 @edensrose @elanna-elrondiel @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @just-little-human @melkors-defense-attorney @numenhore @sauron-kraut @urwendii @wandererindreams
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official-megumin · 9 days
Y’know, I generally like to think that I’m pretty good at staying in my lane, so I don’t typically stray too far into fandom stuff or whatever.
But as some people may know, destiny as a franchise recently turned 10 years old. And I wanted to talk a bit about that.
Back when I was a wee little girl at 14, destiny popped up at my local gamestop, this was back before gamestop left Denmark as well.
Back then I didn't even go to the internet. So all I knew about destiny was that it was made by the people behind halo. Which at the time was my favorite series.
All I had to go on about destiny was the little pamphlet I got when I pre-ordered it.
And the way all these worlds we've all grown up imagining visiting, being presented? It just captivated me, the way all the characters looked both like they came from a distant past and the far future all at once.
So I went the rest of the year just looking at this pamphlet. Again, I barely went online at this point, so I had no idea how excited people were online, I had no idea that I could find out more about it online.
And then it came out, I barely knew how my xbox worked, so it took me a week or more to even get access to the game.
So I made a character, a male warlock at the time. The promise of great powerful magic and discovery had me intrigued.
And I will never forget the first time I saw the game.
The intro, seeing humanity go to Mars for the first time, seeing the traveler and what it could do.
The shifting landscape in the back, almost showing how this is something that has happened time and time again, repeating for eons.
All with some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard.
And then I got control of my character, and ghost spoke to me. I got to look around an abandoned road leading to a great wall.
Ghost told me I had to hurry because something was stalking us. I had no idea what.
So I kept going into the wall.
I still knew nothing, but this world already had me hooked. Around every corner was mystery and excitement.
As I went further through the wall, they found me; the fallen, a race of space pirate spider monsters.
Back in 2014 I just saw them as cheap copies of the covenant from halo. But as the years have passed, it had become so obvious that they are much more than that.
Luckily just before the fallen found me, or I found them really.
I found a rifle, a rifle that has stayed with me every since that day.
I still have my original khvostov in my inventory after all these years, still safe in my vault.
After fighting my way through the fallen, I came out the other side of the wall. And the world opened up.
It was a huge space port, filled with ancient secrets and rocket ships designated for the stars, but left to rot on Earth.
As I didn't have much time to play back then, it took me a while to get further.
A couple months later I reached the moon. Another place we all know so well from staring into the night sky.
But standing there in the dust of a great calamity felt different. And of course, we had neighbours there now.
The hive and their organic gothic architecture.
I pushed forward and reached Venus, another location that has etched itself into my memory.
The jungle, the vibrant volcanic pools everywhere, the blue lava and of course. The vex.
I robot hivemind existing beyond time. Like the hive and even the fallen. Their architecture was unlike anything I had seen in a game before.
It was geometric and ancient, it defied logic yet felt real.
It devoured Venus and imposed itself on everything.
Then I got to Mars, a planet that had defined my imagination unlike any celestial body till then.
Here we met the cabal. A race of militant giants.
At the time I didn't much care for them. But as we have moved further into the series, I have come to miss them as they were then greatly.
They were like us, they were conquerors and scientists. War pushed their limits in all fields of existence.
Like us, they tried to understand the vex.
And that let us to the black garden. The final level of the original game.
As I wasn't very experienced with gaming, I couldn't beat the final boss.
And as much as it's embarrassing to admit, it made me rage. And I ended up breaking a table.
This rage marked my end of playing until I was 15.
I had very limited money, so I didn't get to buy any dlc, or even play online with other people till then.
But then I somehow saved up the money to buy the taken king.
And since then I have bought everything on day 1. And the franchise has become a constant for me. It's become a source of comfort and excitement.
Be it exploring the dreadnaught or braving the plaguelands. Destiny 1 always sparked wonder.
Then destiny 2 came out, and I stuck around even in the darkest hours of the franchise.
It always hurt to see how much people hated what I loved so much.
As forsaken came out, my thoughts and feelings about my gender were starting to resourface.
I started struggling more, but destiny was still there for me.
A year passed, and by this point I had admitted to feeling how I did, and I came out as trans.
With the nex expansion called shadowkeep, old content returned too.
The first ship you got in destiny 1, the arcadia class jumpship. Returned, and it had me excited.
I started over, made a new warlock, female this time. To reflect who I now was. It also saw us return to the moon. It let us, for the first time in destiny 2. Explore hive architecture.
And I loved it.
This time was especially hard for me. It was a time of the players being the least hopeful since destiny 2 launched.
And it was a time where I was on the brink of collapse.
I attempted to take my own life, and in the wake of that. I came out to my fiends and aquaintences.
Luckily for me, this still mostly worked out, and I kept having friends to play with.
As the year kept going, beyond light was announced, and I lost interest for a while.
Gear would be sunset and I would lose all the armor I had worked so hard to aquire for years.
I didn't come back till the season just before transmog was introduced.
It happened to drop on my birthday.
Since then I have played pretty much constantly.
We have seen highs in the form of witch queen, and lows in the form of lightfall.
But I stayed through all of it. Enjoying all of my time spent in the process.
And now, tens years after I set out on this journey with bungie leading me and all other players.
It's over, the light and dark saga has been completed.
We defeated the witness.
And I'm thankful I got to experience it.
Few things in my life has been there for me as consistently as destiny.
I left out so many things that has happened over those 10 years.
I barely have mentioned the lore and how it helped get me back into the game several times over the past decade.
I have alluded to how much the music has meant to me.
But it has been the one consistent thing about the game, and now all the original composers are gone.
And I'm sad to see it end. But I regret none of my time in this game.
Neither do I want to see it go now.
Bungie has announced the next multi year saga. And I'm ready for it.
I'm excited to see the mystery and wonder return to this franchise so near and dear to me.
Thank you bungie, for letting me have this in my life
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victormalonso · 1 year
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ARAÑA NEGRA DE MIS NOCHES XIV | © víctor m. alonso, for the photo and poem
en las dimensiones del silencio está la noche, estás tú; el mar se inunda de luz lunar, y tu boca, y tu cabello negro, y tus ojos, que reflejan el otro lado del espejo que imagino, que invento para ti: allí está la luna, sumergiendo la mar en luz, de su luz improbable, luz imposible: luz del espacio infinito que somos, del espectro cósmico de tu boca, universal marea, sal ruidosa del océano que nos baña y nos llena, oleaje salino que empuja la costa, marino ensueño de tú y yo, que empujamos, tiramos en el silencio milenario, araña negra de mis noches, mujer, deseo de mis ensoñaciones.
BLACK SPIDER OF MY NIGHTS XIV in the dimensions of silence there is the night, there is you; the sea is flooded with moonlight, and your mouth, and your black hair, and your eyes, that reflect the other side of the mirror that I imagine, that I invent for you: there, it is the moon, submerging the sea in light, with its improbable light, impossible light: light of the infinite space that we are, of the cosmic spectrum of your mouth, universal tide, noisy salt of the ocean that flood and fills us, saline waves that push the coast, marine dream of you and me, that we push, we pull in the millennial silence , black spider of my nights, woman, desire of my dreams.
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adastra-sf · 4 months
Inca City and the Spiders from Mars
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Rather than actual spiders, these dark-tendriled features form when spring sunshine warms layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the cold winter months. The sunlight causes carbon dioxide ice at the bottom to turn into gas, which builds up, breaks through slabs of overlying ice up to a meter thick, and bursts free, dragging material to the surface.
Laden with dark dust, the emerging gas fountains up through cracks in the ice in the form of geysers before falling back down and settling on the surface. This creates marks 45 meters to 1 km across in the characteristic spider-shaped patterns etched into the ice.
At least as interesting, the spiders captured by NASA's Mars Express emerge near the "Inca City" of Mars:
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This new view of Inca City and its alien arachnid residents was captured in angled perspective by Mars Express’s High Resolution Stereo Camera.
We're still not sure exactly how the Martian city formed. It could be that sand dunes turned to stone over time. Perhaps material such as magma is seeping through fractured sheets of Martian rock. Or the ridges could be eskers, winding structures related to glaciers.
Or could it be (if we squint our imagination just so) that these ancient city ruins tell the tale of Martians overrun by vast creatures? Or maybe the Spiders of Mars are the feral descendants of ancient city-dwellers?
Until we have definitive answers, SF writers are free to build on what little we understand from these orbital images. Have fun!
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malaierba · 3 months
What monster do you want to see the dungeon meshi crew cook up?
Hi pal! Sorry I took so long to answer, I wanted to add pictures to my reply and go through my trusty youkai book to see if something besides my first 3 choices caught my attention (in the end I decided that 3 is such a nice number already, let's not be extra) (you will soon see that i failed step one, this post gets very very extra)
That we haven't seen before? Hmm 🤔
Well, I'm pretty happy with what they eat in canon. Post-canon in true "Toshiro my beloved, I would kill and die to learn more about the pandemonium you call home" fashion, I think there's several yōkai that would be interesting to see cooked!
Bird yōkai that appear in the night and chirp "chi, chi, chi" like a sparrow, and are said to pass in front of people who walk along mountain trails. In some prefectures it takes the form of a butterfly or a moth. It generally warns travelers of upcoming encounters with mountain dogs or mountain wolves. Often, only one person within a group of travelers can hear them.
Since it's essentially just a bird with supernatural abilities, that's quite an easy hurdle to overcome when it comes to eating, right? Even if it probably WILL give the killers bad luck.
Would be fun to see it as a moth/butterfly though, since THEN we'd get to see the Bug Besties (Falin + Toshiro)'s position on eating bugs.
A yōkai from the folklore of western Japan. They usually have an ox's head with sharp upward-curving horns, wicked fangs and a slender tongue, and an oni's torso. Other ushi-oni have a reverse appearance, with an oni's head and an ox's body. Their body is also commonly depicted as spider-like with six legs and long singular claws at the end of each appendage.
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They may appear wearing human clothing, or flying with the wings of an insect. They spit poison and enjoy killing and eating humans.
Now THAT'S unsettling, isn't it? I like the challenge of eating an arachnid. It's doubly irk-inducing, because it's a very ugly monster, and also what would the meat be like? Beef? Would it be more insect-like?
If your culture doesn't eat both it's going to be challenging. And even if they do, it's such an odd mix, I think only the most adventurous would dare to take this one on, which is very interesting!
An echo-spirit depicted as a small goat-like humanoid in a sitting position.
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Yamabiko will echo any sound created by humans. They're rare to encounter and even rarer to engage. If someone tries to touch it, they will feel their hand passing through a viscous liquid. If you talk to Yamabiko, it will repeat what the person said before responding. For example: "What is your name?" "What is my name? My name is Yamabiko"
Now on to the other side of unsettling, this little dude is not only not what it appears (viscous? really?? how do you cook that! soup time?) it TALKS.
I know I'm leaning hard on the taboo side of monster eating, but, I mean, would you eat an animal that talks back? Many people think that eating parrots and crows is evil for that very reason, but are they that different from a chicken? Idk! It's interesting to me.
Also!!! I've made this joke before but I low-key really do think that eating the flying hag would fix Toshiro lol
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"Mar, It's made of magic and paper" idc eat your trauma to assert your dominance Toshiro do it for me, beloved. High in fiber too, essentially a health food!
Since we're on the topic, I think it'd be very fun if this... Yknow, monster eating business was seen from the perspective of Toshiro + Falin + Namari + Kiki + Kaká + probably someone else though I haven't figured out who. Tade would be cute since I think Toshiro would benefit from being closer to her, enough that he can talk openly to her about... spoilers?
The plot could be that as she's about to go on her Journey Around The World, Falin asks Namari if she wants to tag along to visit Toshiro, since the two of them got along so well in the party.
I imagine Namari would not only have an interest in going to Wa and learning what their weapons are like (Wa is after all inspired in Japan, who is renowned for their swordsmithing & polishing tradition. Maybe they could reference the 10 legendary katana legend too?), she'd be excited to see Toshiro again.
Kind of want Kaka and Kiki to tag along, since they have such a cute dynamic and I quite liked how they were used for exposition. Besides! KikiMari crumbs. Wouldn't it be sweet if Mr. and Ms. Tansu encouraged them to tag along so they can broaden their horizons?
I also kind of want to see them interact with Toshiro? Toshiro and Kaka are probably too similar to be too talkative, but it'd also provide an opportunity for the theme of kinship (prevalent in Toshiro's story) and also just. situational humour around two guys who are reserved. Not many mangakas can pull it off, but Ryoko Kui is definitely one of the few.
And with Kiki, idk I see something there! She has the type of personality that's a good balance of polite and cheeky. And Toshiro's so easy to tease lol. I think they'd have a fun friendship. Also tbh there's my 'toshiro and namari are each other wingmans, its not very good but its what they've got' agenda.
Showing everyone around would be a good opportunity for Toshiro to leave his household and do a little soul-finding himself, too.
Finally, I'm kinda super into the idea of their adventures actually being narrated by Laios, who's reading to Kabru and Marceille and others but mainly them the letters he's receiving from Falin, Toshiro and Namari.
Oh btw, if they're eating yokai it's absolutely because of Falin lol. She gets her way every time, somehow.
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littlequeenies · 4 months
‘I’ve been called a witch, slut, murderer’: the ultra-creative women dismissed as rock star girlfriends
Despite their artistic skill, Anita Pallenberg, Suzi Ronson and Yoko Ono were cast as mere lovers or muses. They're now being allowed to tell their own stories – even if it's after death-Annie ZaleskiTue 21 May 2024 11.46 CEST
In a 2008 interview, Anita Pallenberg swore she would never write her autobiography. The artist, model and actor was weary of publishers who only wanted to read about her intimate dealings with the Rolling Stones – she dated both Brian Jones and Keith Richards, and had an affair with Mick Jagger. “They all wanted salacious,” she said then. “And everybody is writing autobiographies and that’s one reason why I’m not going to do it.”
Yet when Pallenberg died in 2017, she left behind pages of a neatly typed manuscript, titled Black Magic, that contained her life story. True to form, she characterised these memoirs as “memory images, a traveller’s tale through a landscape of dreams and shadows” rather than an autobiography. But she held little back while chronicling her spirited and frequently tumultuous life, quipping: “I don’t think the lawyers will like it very much.”Read in a narration by Scarlett Johansson, her unpublished words are the backbone of a compelling new documentary, Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg. Kate Moss celebrates her as “the original bohemian rock chick that people still aspire to today” but more valuable is Pallenberg reframing her legacy on her own terms from beyond the grave. “I’ve been called a witch, a slut, a murderer. I’ve been hounded by the police and slandered in the press,” she wrote, before adding, “But I don’t need to settle scores. I’m reclaiming my soul.”Given how much ink has been spilt on the Stones over the years, it’s refreshing to hear Pallenberg share her own perspective on her experiences. She’s not the only high-profile rock girlfriend now getting a chance to tell their own story, asserting their place in, and influence on, male-dominated music culture.
Suzi Ronson, who was married to the guitarist Mick Ronson, just released a candid memoir, Me and Mr Jones: My Life with David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars, that’s a clear-eyed look at rock star mythology. Pattie Boyd, married to both George Harrison and Eric Clapton, was interviewed in 2018 by Taylor Swift for Harper’s Bazaar (“George and Eric had an inability to communicate their feelings through normal conversation,” Boyd said, “I became a reflection for them”) and this year she eloquently reminisced as she auctioned her memorabilia, including love letters from Clapton and handwritten Harrison lyrics, for a staggering £2,818,184. “The letters from Eric – they’re so desperate and passionate, a passion that blooms once in a lifetime,” she said. “They’re too painful in their beauty.”
Tate Modern, in London, is meanwhile celebrating Yoko Ono with a career-spanning exhibition, Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind – a pointed reminder that Ono’s artistic collaboration with John Lennon was only a relatively brief part of her career. It shows how her artistry spans theatre, writing and music, but also how it makes space for her story to change over time – for example, the various performances of Cut Piece across the decades – and for others’ perspectives. Take Ono’s 1964 artist’s book Grapefruit, which uses short, abstract action items (“Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put it in”) to generate a huge potential variety of creative responses.
Among those was Lennon’s Imagine. In a 1980 BBC interview, Lennon said Grapefruit provided “the lyric and the concept” of the song, but Ono didn’t receive a songwriting credit until 2017 even though Lennon was aware of the oversight in his lifetime. “But those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho,” he told the BBC, “and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution.”
Pallenberg, too, served as inspiration for Rolling Stones songs such as Gimme Shelter. But Catching Fire reinforces the idea that even if sexism meant she was underestimated by the public, she wasn’t a passive presence or muse. “Neither Anita nor I wanted to be with them because we wanted some of their power,” Marianne Faithfull says in voiceover – she was in the band’s orbit alongside Pallenberg owing to a relationship with Jagger. “We had our own power.”
Faithfull’s power was her own music career; Pallenberg, who spoke several languages and worked as a model, influenced the Stones’ look. (“I started to become a fashion icon for wearing my old lady’s clothes,” Richards quipped in his bookLife.) And she refused to rearrange her life for the Stones. “No girls were allowed in the studio when they were recording,” she said. “You weren’t allowed even to ring. I did other things; I didn’t sit at home.” She maintained an acting career, notably in 1968’s movie Barbarella and 1970’s Performance – though her voice was dubbed out in the former: you wonder whether her “muse” tag meant casting directors underestimated her.
Suzi Ronson, a colour-loving hair wizard who brought David Bowie’s tomato-red Ziggy Stardust coif to life, also took a different path from other women of her time. She left a steady job and went on the road, steering the Ziggy Stardust tour aesthetic by handling hair, makeup, and other tasks.
Me and Mr Jones illuminates her part in helping Bowie crystallise his vision – and shows how fame and rock stardom corrupt. On a Mott the Hoople tour, she seethes while Mick, cozying up to a baroness, orders Suzi to find his hairbrush, treating her like an assistant rather than a girlfriend. It wasn’t the only time she was underestimated. “I’m now the pathetic girlfriend, clinging on to my man, a position I never thought I’d find myself in,” she writes after joining Mick on tour with Bob Dylan for a few days, after not being invited. “I try to be understanding, but truthfully I’m infuriated at being left out.”
These new works also highlight how each woman, at a time when women struggled to “have it all”, cultivated agency through one of the only paths open to them: motherhood. Rather than being something limiting, becoming mothers allowed them to reinvent their lives. Suzi Ronson, long out of Bowie’s orbit and living in England with her parents after giving birth, reflects that “the life I created for myself has disappeared, and my career with it,” she writes, but her daughter brings joy and solace – and encourages her to stay optimistic and keep striving for a unique path. “As I push her around the same streets my mother used to push me, I swear to her: this isn’t going to be it, and I pray I’m right.” Ronson closes the loop by noting that she and Mick return to the US, living in the singer Maria Muldaur’s house and finding equilibrium.
Ono confronted motherhood’s messiness. Her installation My Mommy Was Beautiful used photos of breasts and vaginas to demystify birth and celebrate the strength of the body, and the 1969 song Don’t Worry Kyoko (Mummy’s Only Looking for a Hand in the Snow) – which Yoko wrote for her young daughter Kyoko – conveys primal agony and frustration. “Society’s myth is that all women are supposed to love having children,” Ono said in 1981. “But that was a myth. So there was Kyoko, and I did become attached to her and had great love for her, but at the same time, I was still struggling to get my own space in the world. I felt that if l didn’t have room for myself, how could I give room to another human being?”
Pallenberg also navigates this conundrum. Jake Weber, the actor son of notorious Stones associate Tommy Weber, becomes visibly emotional when talking about how “generous and funny” Pallenberg was to him after his mother died in 1971, during the Stones’ debauched French summer. “She filled a vacuum of a surrogate parent,” he said. “She was lovely like that. Her thing was trying to give us joy.” Catching Fire also visits the agonising fallout of the sudden June 1976 death of Pallenberg’s 10-week-old son Tara.
Pallenberg has the last word in Catching Fire, and her conclusion illustrates the importance of women directing their own narratives. “Writing this has helped me emerge in my own eyes,” she noted. “Reading over what I’ve written, I get a lump in my throat. But it doesn’t need to be a doom and gloom kind of story.” The film makes it clear that Pallenberg’s chief power was, ultimately, resilience, which she needed during an often-challenging life (she lived with various addictions, including to heroin and alcohol) and several tragic events, such as when a 17-year-old shot and killed himself in Richards’ bed.
“I felt like some nasty person who caused death and destruction around her,” Pallenberg said after the 1979 incident, but Catching Fire refuses to let Pallenberg become a tragic figure or cautionary tale. The film ends noting that she got sober, graduated from college, and aged with iconoclastic gusto. The lessons are clear – redemption is possible and we are not our worst moments – while also reinforcing what we miss when women’s voices are silenced or ignored. Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg, directed by Alexis Bloom and Svetlana Zill is in UK and Irish cinemas now
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