#spn matchup
bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
@the-kinnie-in-me asked: Hello!Can I please have a atla,hp and spn matchup?I'm female and straight.I'm a 5'0 Hufflepuff with black hair,brown eyes and glasses.I look intimidating but just shy and compassionate.I'm an ambivert more on the introverted side.When I warm up to someone I became geeky,more talkative and supportive.I'm a very patient person according to my friends.I'm creative.I like to watch movies and listen to music.I'm smart but unpredictable and pretty chaotic but still chivalrous.Im a just minded person.
-If you enjoyed this work, please consider buying me a coffee.
I match you with: 
Prince Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender
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Dean from Supernatural
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Ron from Harry Potter
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hi,I was wondering if I could get some matchups for marvel,x-men and supernatural.
I am 19 years old intj female with mid length thick dark brown very wavy hair(borderline curly).I have big brown eyes kinda round and almond shaped at the same time.I love exercise so I am relatively fit.My face is a bit rounded(big cheeks) with some angles.I am very pale but have a lot of moles one or two in my face but most in my arms and torso.I also have this weird birthmark(a tag in my one ear).In terms of fashion i like darker clothing with an occasional dash of pink since it's something that looks good on me.Flared pants,jean and leather jackets,leather bags, custom made bags with rock bands and a bag that looks like a duck(i like ducks).I also like custom made shirts with jokes regarding my personal interests (books,series ect...) and my messed up sleep schedule.
At first glance I am a bit reserved but if I am made comfortable I will open up(i kinda choose the people I will open up to).I love sarcasm and very dark humor.I will joke around a lot and I want to encourage people around me to be happy.I like teasing people a lot. I deeply love learning information in every form.I study physics because I love astronomy and I want to become an astronomer but I am also a big history/archeology/mythology nerd.In my free time I love learning new stuff(psychology, law, history ,random facts ect...),reading,working out and listening to music(fav song:soltitude by m83).I like art a lot,drawing,reading about it,going to museums and exhibitions.I also love going out on nature and on all sorts of adventures but I dont have the right person to do that with.I deeply love nature and the sea since I grew up in an island.
I have clear goals in life,I am very ambitious,patient,curious and diplomatic but still have a bit of a nihilistic approach to life(in a good sense,to fuel questions about the world around me).
As I said before I can be quite reserved and appear as cold but I am a very sensitive person,an extreme overthinker.I feel insecure because when I get too comfortable/excited my voice gets really loud,I get all giddy and I have been told off about it enough times.I dont know how to receive a compliment or acts of friendship/kindness because growing up I had very bad experiences in school.However I like to be there for people and I want them to feel good around me.I like helping a lot by solving problems and being kind but I hate myself for it because I feel like I am showing weakness (but once I realise someone is a friend I am THERE no matter what)I also am the "I told you so" kind of friend but I am not judging(quite the opposite) .I deal with anxiety and I get lonely around people but I dont let it affect my social life,I really push myself out there no matter what and I always push myself to get back on my feet and keep going after bad experiences because we only have one life and we have to make the most of it.
I also am a very calm even during arguements,until someone crosses a line and hell breaks loose.
Sorry,I hope its not way too long.
Hi! I hope you like your matchups! <3333
Thor Odinson:
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⭐ You met Thor when you were hired by Nick and SHIELD in general when they wanted to learn more about Thor and his mythology - you being the little genius that you are - were more than happy to tell them more about his myths, history, and culture (since you had read some stuff about it in the past); you knew a few fun facts, but those facts were exactly what they needed... Who knew?
⭐ Finally, you got to meet the man in question, he wanted to know all that you knew, and you were a bit nervous at first, but you were happy to tell him everything you knew - you may have gotten a bit excited, and may have apologized for getting a bit too loud, but Thor was reassuring and sweet; telling you that he admired how passionate you were and to not be afraid to be yourself around him
⭐ Once the two of you begin to hang out more, you begin to open up more, sliding in a few dark jokes here and there (Thor gets confused in the beginning, like the golden retriever he is, but after a while he's laughing along with you); during the holiday, you both know you both like each other when you both accidently gift each other cute custom things (you gift him a custom shirt with one of your favorite quotes of his, and Thor gifted you a backpack that was shaped as a duck)
⭐ Thor often takes you to Asgard, where he gets to give you the royal tour, introduce you to new foods, and gets you a custom Asgardian outfit (that has dashes of pink in it); and at the end of the day, you and him watch the Asgardian sun set
⭐ You are there for Thor, always standing up for him if he ever is in a verbal argument with Tony (which is often, poor guy may be loud but Tony is often very adamant in being right) - and Thor is always there for you, obviously, finding you incredibly smart, talented, and lover of nature and life
Logan Howlett:
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💛 You met Logan when Charles had found you and asked you if you wanted to move into the X-Mansion (so he could help you master your amazing nature-esque powers!) - you were practicing in the courtyard and Charles came to introduce you to the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome man; Charles was quick to point out your almost matching leather jackets that you were both wearing at the time
💛 You nor Logan really sought each other out, but fate is weird, and caused you to both run into each other on many occasions - though, the one time Logan actually had a full conversation with you, was the day you found out he had a motorcycle; by the end of the conversation, Logan offered to drive you around (how could you say no to driving around nature, the wind blowing through your dark brown hair, feeling free?) You could drive around with Logan for hours
💛 You are even lucky enough to get Logan to accompany you to art museums, seeing such beautiful works like Andy Warhol and Yayoi Kusama - Logan acts bored, but he's pretty interested, especially when you tell him all the cool facts that you knew about each art piece you past; at the end of your museum adventures, you always end up going to the museum gift shop, and leaving with a small handful (armful) of artist merch/supplies/and whatnot
💛 You and Logan, going back to adventuring thing, often go on adventures out in nature, spending a couple days camping, sitting in wildflowers as you draw - listening to music - just the two of you; Finding each other's company calming and peaceful
💛 You work together pretty well, both very YOLO, but both very fire and ice - you are patient and love solving problems, while Logan is not that; he likes to solve problems with his claws/fists; but you know what they say, opposites attract, and Logan really likes you (for your kindness, how understanding you are, and how much you say 'I told you so' to him
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You were just minding your own business, walking around the woods that close to your home, when BAM creepy monster thing, oh no, what are you to do? But then you see him, Dean Winchester, well, he was too late, you were able to scare the monster off - Dean was impressed, but you never told him how you did it... Mysterious...
🥧 You were a bit reserved in the beginning of your conversation, but after he brought up the quote on your custom shirt - from a favorite book of yours - you felt yourself being swept away in the topic of books; which led into college, and then astrology, and then mythology, and then pie, and then-
🥧 You soon enough found yourself joining Dean (and Sam) (and Cas) in their monster-hunting adventures; and they were quick to realize that you were actually a great new member of the team - you are patient, hardworking, and a problem solver, which is pretty important, (you're great at not letting anyone get killed)
🥧 Before you and Dean even knew it, you both began to feel a little bit of something for each other (Sam and Cas could see it clearly, you and Dean had this chemistry that was just amazing); you and Dean often - when you can't sleep or mess your schedule up enough - drive in Baby, just driving and listening to tunes together
🥧 You are so comfortable with Dean that you can truly be yourself around him, teasing and joking around - often teasing Dean about his love for his car, Baby, and his love for pie... He can't get enough pie... It's becoming a problem... He has like five different types of pies in the fridge... He would probably say he could eat them all himself just fine, but let's be honest here, he needs someone to help him eat them all ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🥧🥧🥧
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lv-iceprince · 1 year
🎃...Wren's Spooktober Halloween Ships...
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October is a special month, so to celebrate my birthday, halloween and my 200 followers I will be opening two limited time ships.
Hogwarts Life Ship:
So I adore Harry Potter and the Wizarding Universe so I am creating Hogwarts Life Ships but with my own not so secret little twist. If you request a Hogwarts Life Ship you will be randomly assigned 1 of 3 symbols
Now to make it interesting. This symbol will pop up somewhere random in your ship so keep your eyes open like wide open. And if you find a symbol that isn't where it's supposed to be dm and tell me where the symbol was.
If you do find it you will be entered into one of the tri-wizard tournament categories. Which means that you will receive either 1. a full one shot starring you and the idol of your choice and it can be a fluff, smut, angst, whatever you want fic with whatever plot. 2. a short drabble, or 3. A relationship headcanon either one is of a member of your choice.
Now to request for a Hogwarts Life Ship I need to know your; Hogwarts House (Unless you wish to be sorted), Patronus (if you know it), Your personality, sexual orientation (for the relationship section of your ship), appearance, likes/dislikes, your favourite Hogwarts subject, Your favourite professor, What extra curricular activities would you do at Hogwarts and anything else you feel like relates to your life as a Hogwarts Student.
And you will receive a fully nerded out comprehensive Hogwarts Life Ship with your romantic and friend life, your identity at Hogwarts, what Hogwarts clubs you are a part of, enemies or rivals, past relationships and Yule Ball Dates.
Now this can be completely random like the Idol life ships or you can choose 1-4 groups and I will include some members in the final ship. If you are requesting for a non-kpop fandom you can do this and get a spliced Hogwarts Life ship or just choose your favourite fandom to adapt into this world.
But again in the instance of kpop if you do not choose a group it will be completely randomised by my choosing like the Idol Life Ships I do
Please request one at a time and only one of these ships since it's supposed to be a very special once off thing
Halloween Trick or Treat Date:
Let's set the scene, Halloween is no fun without a partner by your side so instead of a Valentines Date you will have a Handsome Little Devil or a Gorgeous Ghoul (so cheesy I know let me live) who asks you to spend Halloween day with you.
In this ship you send me the same details that you would with a written or overall ship (it's your choice)- stuff like personality, likes/dislikes, mbti, hogwarts house, astrology, favourite halloween thing to do, favourite halloween costume, favourite candy, ideal date stuff like that and you will receive a ship that tells you your secret admirer, what your Halloween date, a small drabble and a moodboard and a shufflemancy song reading that says all you need to know about the vibes of your date!
Please request 1 group per ship but as soon as I am done you can keep requesting these until my special submissions are shut.
8-31st of October submissions are now open!
Side note all of my ships are open for other fandoms besides Kpop only until the 31st of October otherwise this is a standard Kpop blog
List of alternative fandoms
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lost-eternity · 8 months
Supernatural Matchup -Closed-
This is a matchup trade with @perseephoneee
TW: Substance abuse (alcohol)
Let me know if I am wrong but.... are you a Dean Winchester girlie by any chance?
Idk that’s the vibes I got from reading over your blurb. 
That being said... I am not sure he is the best fit. 
Mainly because y’alls love languages clash hella. I can’t see Dean enjoying physical displays of affection to any extent (especially if it is public) and validation and compliments from him are exceedingly hard to come by. 
He is more likely to insult you than praise you for.... Anything really. 
You would have to thrive off playful banter and keep a tough exterior because Dean would accidentally just take it way too far. While also being okay with never actually hearing him say things like “I love you”. Or anything that indicates he actually cares. 
So I don’t think this would be a super healthy or satisfying relationship. (Obviously besides the fact that Dean, in of himself, is a flag redder than Mars but sometimes we need to be a bit delusional to fuel the soul). 
So, if not Dean then who? 
Well, without further ado here is your mans.
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•──⋅☾CASTIEL ☽⋅──•
Right so, I knew immediately off the bat it was either going to be Cas or Sam. Both of these men are more sensitive and willing to listen. Both would try to take an interest in the things you like and would not disregard them as fanciful or frivolous (looking at you DEAN). But ultimately I strayed more towards Cas than Sam. 
Cas is clueless. We love him, but it is true. 
That being said, he does try his best. He would not understand wtf you are talking about, but he would delight in the way your eyes light up when you begin to speak about something you are passionate about.
The sheer joy that these topics bring you would be enough for the man to be enamored with what you are saying. 
Just be prepared for a lot of questions. 
Because like I said, he is clueless. 
I chose Cas over Sam mostly for this reason, actually. 
While I am sure Sam would do his best to take an interest in the things you like and listen to you when you speak of them, he is much more grounded. I could see him being “too busy” and not devoting his full enrapt attention to you. So you may end up feeling like he is being dismissive of you.
Moreover, you and Castiel are very similar in your self-sacrificing tendencies. Which, I suppose would compound a pre-existing issue. But I also think it means you will take care of each other. 
He would do whatever he can to make sure you are taken care of, even at his own expense. And you would do the same for him in kind. As a result, both of you serve each other in a way that is completely selfless and wholly dedicated. 
Which I think is very sweet. 
But I could see this getting toxic if taken to extremes. So please set boundaries. 
Another reason I selected Cas for you. 
You said that you enjoy emotionally unavailable men. 
Well. Here you go. 
As an angel, Castiel expresses very little external emotion. 
Especially earlier-seasons Cas. 
He is very objective and collective. Which, I suppose would make communication easier. But it would be difficult to rile him up about anything. 
I do not think he would get into many fights or disputes for this reason. 
But I could also see it being very frustrating. 
Trying to coax even the smallest amount of emotion out of this man would be like pulling teeth.
Especially if you are already frustrated with him?
Imagine trying to scold him for his recklessness and disregard for his own life on a past hunt and he just stares at you blankly and hits you with the “Okay.” 
Like, dude. 
Some amount of concern for personal safety would be nice????
Also, it is just really hard to argue with someone who agrees with everything you say.
Perhaps most hypocritically, I could see him getting genuinely pressed if you acted with the same disregard for safety. 
Your self-sacrificing nature reflects his and he would not be happy about it. 
Probably would scold you for your disregard for personal safety. 
And if you try to point out the hypocrisy in his argument he will just get even madder. 
Mainly because he cares. Buit does not really know how to express it. 
And he does not care if he dies. 
But losing you?
Somehow, that is so much worse than death. 
I also think your feistier side would be so cute with Castiel’s deadpan countenance and inability to grasp sarcasm. 
He would try to learn from you. 
But it would come out like a boomer trying to use Gen Z slang.
And you are all just staring at him like “Oh, hunny. No.” 
I think the two of you would play off each other very well.
Similar to how Dean and Cas do in the show. 
He would not get ANY of your references. 
But that is okay because you will force him to get them.
Please educate this man. 
Although he WILL try to also make references. And it will come out super awkward. 
Again he is trying. 
Many date nights for the two of you would likely consist of movie marathons/netflix binging. As it is your sacred duty to update the funny angel man. 
Just wait until you have to explain to him what a Dashcon Ballpit is 💀
Cas strikes me as the type who is silently touch-starved. 
But he would not know what to do with the affection. 
You could run up to him and wrap your arms around him and he just tenses up. 
Not because he does not like it. 
But because he does not understand how to react. 
He eventually learns to crave it and will pout if you don't hug him enough. Not that he’d say this. 
Okay okay but like. Imagine...
Castiel hasn’t been doing too great. He carries the weight of a silent storm, his once calm and reserved demeanor eclipsed by shadows of turmoil and despair. His temper is short, his eyes are defocused and cloudy. He hangs around like a mere shadow of his former self, the fading embers of a dying flame drenched in self-doubt. 
And you have no idea how to help him. 
You are biding your time, your lithe fingers flitting across the worn pages of the novel, tracing the well-traveled path of smudged ink. The world beyond your book seems to fade into obscurity. Each word, each sentence, is a lifeline to a reality untainted by the chaos that threatens to consume your life in the real world. 
The clamor of metal against concrete shatters the fragile illusion of peace. Alarm rips through your spine and you immediately spin around, instinctively reaching for one of the blades positioned by the reading table. 
And there he stands, a disparaged silhouette against the threshold of the doorway. Castiel is leaning against the wall, his iconic trench coat stained with a mystery liquid you would rather not question. His usually-tousled brown hair clings damply to his forehead. His eyes are half-lidded and hollow, haunted by specters of a past he can never reclaim. They wrinkle ever so slightly in the corners as he squints against the dim mood lighting of the room. 
The two of you remain there for several moments, merely regarding one another. It is hard to get a reading of the angel’s deadpan visage and your expression is tinged with concern. You open your mouth to speak again but Castiel interrupts. 
"Cas?" you call out, the syllables hanging in the air like an unanswered prayer, but he offers no response.
He awkwardly shuffles forward, his movements hesitant and disjointed, staggering and leaning against the table with a shaky exhale. 
With a trembling hand, he reaches out, his palms are clammy and cold against your wrists. The acrid scent of alcohol bathes your tongue. He pulls your arms up and gently lowers them around his neck then stoops forward, standing there, head hanging. 
Without words, without preamble, you understand.
“You want a hug, don’t you?” 
The words are mumbled so quietly even you can barely pick up on them. 
A frown tugs at the edge of your lips but you do not hesitate. With gentle hands, you enfold him in your embrace. He leans into you, his weary frame finding solace in the warmth of your touch, resting his forehead against your shoulder in silent reverence. 
Okay, depression is over. 
But like.
The same thing would apply to kissing. 
He has no idea. 
Not a clue. 
You will have to train him. 
But it works out because he is not about to be upset or offended by it. He will readily take your advice and apply with exuberance. 
Sometimes too much exuberance. 
Either way, it makes him infinitely better than most men. 
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lovelymindescape · 6 months
Hi! Do you take matchup requests for supernatural?
Yes , i would do a supernatural matchup so Anon , request if you want , just have in mind it will take a while to write it 💖
Luv ya'll ❤❤
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chiaroscuroverse · 9 months
I'm kind of craving a Moff-era rewatch too. Specifically Capaldi, but I may just work backwards from 12 to 9 😂
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Now that's a plan! And that might be good for me too 🤔 I feel like I've seen Twelve the least number of times and I've been wanting to revisit other Rachel Talalay episodes. I've been in an RTD rewatch, going slowww because life!
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shallowseeker · 8 months
The matchup of all time:
Make your terrible choices.
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museaway · 1 year
To all of my friends in the SPN fandom, while it's not the same as a bang (it's a writing event & there are no matchups), if you're looking for an event that is truly welcoming to all ships (and gen! we love gen), please consider the 5k! It's an all-fandoms event that challenges you to write an AU using no more than 5,000 words.
A few of our features:
we welcome all fandoms, all ships, and original works
we have 0 content restrictions
you can write in any language
it's an AU if you say it is!
our mascot is an inspiring pineapple
you can post whenever you want in August, I don't care
what are penalties? we don't have any. we don't even close sign-ups
we have one check-in, which is next weekend, and tbh it's just a reminder for all of us
it's the perfect excuse to write that one AU you've been sitting on for three years
I run the 5k through @ficwip and you can find out everything there is to know about it over here on notion
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angelinthefire · 6 days
Yeah so I think I'll do a best spn character poll. Maybe in December, because it'll take some time to put together a bracket. Not sure if I'll do preliminaries for the sake of seeding or if I'll just seed it based on where I think characters stand and what I think interesting matchups will be.
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oopsalldadsderby · 1 year
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The contestants have been finalized! Here's the bracket lineup!
So how this is going to work is, there's going to be 8 polls a day, starting tomorrow, until we hit semifinals. That means we'll do group A, B, C, D, then side AB, then side CD, then all the quarterfinals together. I'll update the images whenever we hit a new round.
Plain text Round 1 matchups under the cut:
(As a reminder, groups are formatted as [Dad name] & [Kid name]. So if there's multiple of either dads or kids, they'll use the word 'and.' Think of the ampersand like a separator.)
Group A
Bruno & Team Bucciarati (JJBA:GW) vs. Kanan & Ezra (SW Rebels)
Tony Stark & Peter Parker (MCU) vs. Lin & Asami, Mako, Bolin, Korra (LoK)
Balsa Yonsa & Chagun (MGotS) vs. Thancred & Ryne (FFXIV)
Aizawa & class 1A (MHA) vs. C!Philza & crew (DSMP)
Sojiro Sakura & the Phantom Thieves (Persona 5) vs. Tommy "Big Man" & Gus (Sweet Tooth)
Finn & Leif (FE) vs. Sandor & Arya (GoT)
Axel/Lea & Roxas and Xion + King Mickey and Riku (KH) vs. Artemy & Sticky and Murky (Pathologic)
Joel & Ellie (TLoU) vs. Darkwing Duck & Gosalyn Mallard (Darkwing Duck)
Group B
Pyrrha & Nona (TLT) vs. Kelsier and Vin (Mistborn)
Fukuzawa & Ranpo (BSD) vs. Miss Honey & Matilda (Matilda)
Jack Wynand & the Little Sisters (Bioshock) vs. Scar & Mei Chang (FMA)
Eda Clawthorne & King and Luz (TOH) vs. John Silver & Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Logan & Kitty and Jubilee (Wolverine) vs. Geralt & Ciri (Witcher)
Donquixote "Rosinante" Corazon & Law (OP) vs. Rouxls Kaard & Lancer (Deltarune)
Sully & Boo (Monsters Inc) vs. Simon & Marceline (AT)
Din & Grogu (The Mandalorian) vs. Bobby Singer & Sam and Dean (SPN)
Group C
Welt Yang & March 7th and the Trailblazer (Honkai Star Rail) vs. Jim Hopper & Eleven (Stranger Things)
Ingo & Irida and protagonist (PLA) vs. Gregor Samsa & Emil Sinclair (Limbus Company)
Nanami Kento & Itadori Yuuji (JJK) vs. Meta Knight & Kirby (Kirby)
Phoenix Wright & Trucy (AA) vs. Shirou & Michuri (BNA)
Yuugo and Lucas & 50 kids (The Promised Neverland) vs. Stan Pines & Dipper and Mabel (GF)
Date & Mizuki (AI:TSF) vs. Peabody & Sherman
Cabalena and Jowd & Lynne (Ghost Trick) vs. Pigsy and Tang & MK (LMK)
Kiryu & Haruka (+others) (Yakuza) vs. Tenmyouji & Quark (Zero Escape)
Group D
Silco & Jinx (Arcane) vs. Guts & Schierke (Berserk)
RGB & Hero (TPoH) vs. Father Garcia & John (FAITH)
Sam and Max & The Geek (Sam and Max) vs. Tom Wachowski & Sonic (Sonic movie)
Rei and Kazuki & Mira (BD) vs. Daud & Billie Lurk (Dishonored)
Chongi-re, Numeri and Butler (TRPC) vs. Jacob Holland & Maisie (The Sea Beast)
Reigen & Mob (MP100) vs. Maedros and Maglor & Elrond and Elros (Silmarillion)
Jean Valjean & Cosette (Les Miserables) vs. Loid & Anya (Spy x Family)
Batman & Robins (Batman) vs. Kurogane & Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
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loving-family-poll · 9 months
i'm scared of spn fans it looks like they are gonna take over the poll
Spn pairings are definitely going to be big in this tournament, but dw, the matchups aren't going to be totally random! I'm going to make sure ships from the same fandoms have to face off early on; if I organize it right, only one ship from any given fandom will be able to make it to the semi-finals. I can't promise that wincest won't sweep every time tho lol
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lpgenderfluid · 3 months
Please read before requesting
Fandoms I write for
Alphabetical order
(Fandom count; 8)
Danganronpa (Matchups & Aesthetics)
Hazbin hotel (Matchups, Aesthetics & H/R)
Mha (Matchups, Texts, Aesthetics & H/R)
Miraculous (Matchups, Texts, Oneshots, Aesthetics & H/R)
Ohshc (Matchups, Texts, Oneshots, Aesthetics & H/R)
Ouat (Matchups, Aesthetics & H/R)
South park (Matchups, Texts, Aesthetics & H/R)
Supernatural (Matchups, Oneshots, Aesthetics & H/R)
Written Match ups
(Romantic & Platonic)
(Poly works as well)
(I do agere ones as well so like Caregiver/Little)
Aesthetic Matchups
(Romantic & Platonic)
(Poly works as well)
Ideas of what to send for a matchup
details about your personality
hobbies, interests, likes/dislikes
your love language(s)
Ideal date(s) 1-3
specific gender preference
Characters you don't want to be matched with if any
Anything else you want to include
(Text convos between you and a character or character(s) but no more then 3 characters. Can be Romantic or Platonic. Can be cg/little)
(Certain characters may take me longer to complete then others)
(You can request up to 8 if they're the same theme. If not then 4)
●Headcannons/Reactions (H/R)
(Anything I take headcannon request for I'll also take reaction request. That's why I kinda lumped em together. Reaction is like "What if you had a nightmare" or "What if you surprised them w/a picnic date" etc. You can request multiple characters for Reactions. Headcannons are bullet point lists and I only take request for one character at a time. Reactions tend to be just a paragraph or two)
Any requests you make can be Romantic or Platonic or Agere.
I do not write smut at all. Characters may flirt or say suggestive things but I'll never go farther then that. Agere is never ever romantic when the character (or you) is small however their can be a relationship as well when both big.
For spn I only write for Sam, Dean, Cas, Charlie & Jack (This only goes for Oneshots & H/R. Matchups & Aesthetics are basically free for all except Crowley & Lucifer. I don't touch them at all)
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hey there, asking for a romantic matchup for SPN.
- I am a women, bi, and in my early twenties. I am slightly taller than average, brown skin, dark brown eyes and curly black hair. My pronouns are she/her, and I’m of Indian ethnicity, but I was born in the States and raised up in different countries, having to travel a lot as a kid.
- My personality type is ESFP, but I’m more of an ambivert. I am sarcastic, downright bitchy at times, but I am an extremely sweet person to the people closest to me. I can be selfless, but it takes me a while to open up to new people sometimes.
- I love coffee, positively cannot go a day without it, and at a bar I’d pick the strongest cocktails, cause I’m not a fan of unmixed liquor.
- TW: I struggle with self-harm, eating issues and am a recovering nicotine addict.
- I love all kinds of music, classic rock like Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, hip-hop, Tupac is my favorite, and so many other genres, even Russian pop music.
- I used to be a much wilder and more outgoing person, extremely flirtatious with everyone, but I’ve had traumatic experiences in the past that have changed me, made me much more introverted at times.
- Horror and slasher movies are my therapy, and my comfort activity to do.
Thanks again for the matchup.
Hello! :) I hope you like your matchup! <33333
Dean Winchester:
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🥧 You bumped into Dean (and Sam) when you were hunting soe monster - turns out Dean and Sam were hunting the same one - Dean wanted to take charge, you were a bit quiet, but after some time your persistence took over, this was your monster; you ended up working together as a team
🥧 After defeating the monster, you, Dean, and Sam ended up getting a coffee - though Sam seemed to have become the third wheel near the end of the coffee trip - Dean loves your sarcasm, and your dark humor
🥧 Skipping to being official, you and Dean spend a lot of time together watching your favorite slasher films, or just quietly hanging out together; Dean would do basically whatever as long as you were with him
🥧 Sometimes whenever you both are free, you and Dean just spend time listening to some of your music - like AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Tupac - just laying (or sitting) letting the music flow through you
🥧 Dean would always be there for you - and you him - and he'd always be there in case you needed anything or needed someone to talk to or just rant at; even if you don't want to talk, he's there for you to keep you company, and if you want to be alone, he's more than willing to go out and drive Baby around for an hour or so - he understands completely - (he'd return with some of your favorite coffee when he gets back)
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
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This is a request I did for the amazing @strawberry-caffeine​ -- she’s been so kind to me and it was an absolute joy to do this request!
A few things: With the length of the request, while I still included friendship matchups, I decided not to write out descriptions/explanations along with them. To (hopefully) make up for that, I put the #1 friendship choice in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS with two other bonus characters I think you’d be good friends with in regular bold type (except for the Harry Potter: Marauders era because there aren’t many choices haha). I hope this is okay!!
Here we go!
I romantically pair you with…
You’re good at hyping your friends up? Please give this boy all the hype in the world -- he needs it.
Seriously though, one (out of many) of the reasons Jack loves you so, so much is how you’re able to talk him out of a slump. His constant doubts and insecurities regarding his identity plague him often, and the fact that you’re willing to both listen to him pour his heart out and still find a way to reassure him means the world.
Jack’s also still getting the hang of the whole “talking” thing, so you helping him along when a lull in the conversation arrives makes him feel supported.
Not only does your helpful nature benefit Jack, but it’s also one of his favorite traits of yours! He believes in a kind, just world and consistently seeing that from you never fails to bring a bright smile to his face.
Whenever you bottle up your feelings, however, Jack is admittedly at a loss at first. Though it would take patience, turning these moments into teaching opportunities will help him become more in tune with emotions over time.
During these moments, all he wants to do is help -- even before he really understands what’s going on. He’ll ask you what you need and rush to assist in any way he can. He hates seeing you hurt, it’s as simple as that.
Jack loves being around you because he learns so much, and you’re just as eager to teach him. Together, you learn to appreciate the little things in life because you both bring such different perspectives to the world.
Overall, the kindness you show Jack from the beginning is what drives your relationship, and he makes it his goal to make sure you know how loved and appreciated you are in return.
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
CASTIEL, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury
--Harry Potter--
In the Golden Trio era, I romantically pair you with…
Honestly, Neville’s insecurities may make him feel a little intimidated by you at first. Thoughts like, “How could someone as friendly, energetic, and spontaneous as her ever love me of all people?” are pretty common in the early stages of your relationship.
Of course, you help Neville understand fairly quickly that you aren’t going anywhere. Because you’re so good at reading and interpreting emotions, you’re able to assist him with addressing these doubts head-on. These personal conversations are what truly solidify your trust in one another and serve as the strong foundations of a powerful bond.
Also, Neville really appreciates your ability to keep a conversation going. He sometimes struggles with this himself, but he’s relieved he doesn’t have to worry about these shortcomings when it comes to you. Talking with you just comes naturally.
While his verbal communication can use some work, Neville is one of the best listeners to have on-hand when it comes to any problems that arise in your life. Someone’s pushing you to your limit? Neville has all the patience in the world to let you rant so you don’t have to bottle up your feelings. Need to talk through solutions to personal issues? He’ll give you his undivided attention while you work your way around to an answer, providing feedback if you ask for it. Feel the need to ramble? Neville will not only listen, but he’ll actually take a genuine interest in whatever it is you’re talking about.
While he otherwise second-guesses all his decisions, Neville surprisingly really enjoys venturing on unplanned, impulsive adventures with you. A favorite for the both of you is exploring areas on the grounds or in nature. You’re usually the one to charge ahead, excitedly talking while Neville hangs back a few steps. He takes in his surroundings, sure, but mostly he’s just watching you and simply feeling happy from the joy you radiate.
Speaking of things you love to do together, gardening is near the top of the list! One of Neville’s deepest passions is botany, and he doesn’t share his knowledge with just anyone. Seeing you take a true interest in your shared garden gives him all the warmest, fuzziest feelings imaginable.
Overall, you’re the one to bring Neville out of his shell, and he’s the one who takes time to listen to you. You bring out the best in each other, and your unbreakable bond makes the two of you fiercely loyal until the end.
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
LUNA LOVEGOOD, Nymphadora Tonks, Molly Weasley
In the Marauders era, I romantically pair you with…
You want to talk about one of the most understanding and patient individuals out there? It’s this one.
While Remus isn’t always keen on discussing his own emotions, he is very astute when it comes to sensing the well-being of others. Whether you’re burnt out, overwhelmed, on the verge of a breakdown or something bad just happened to happen to you that day, he knows.
Having people like James and Sirius as friends has taught him both how to tune in to the ramblings of a hyper person as well as how to utilize selective hearing. Remus realizes that he never wants to use that second skill with you. Unlike his friends (who he loves very much, mind you) he wants to take in everything you tell him.
It’s this active listening that makes Remus an excellent gift giver. A majority of the things he gives you are from offhand comments that you don’t think twice about making in the moment.
One of Remus’s absolute favorite things about you is the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about. He finds this trait so endearing, and it’s an easy way to make him smile.
Caring for you when your thoughts are traveling especially fast becomes second nature to Remus. Whenever he knows that he’ll see you, he always has at least one outlet (pen/paper, alcohol marker, etc.) for you. He’s also more than fine with you drawing something on his hand if you’d like -- he loves watching you work and he also gets to walk away with something that can remind him of you!
Remus also excels in history, reading, and writing, so I can definitely see many conversations between you two that revolve around these subjects. Also, after both of you complete your own essays, I believe proofreading and/or discussing each other’s work would become a habit of yours.
Overall, the shared ability to read and interpret emotions as well as the simple wish to care for one another draw you two together to form the sweetest couple around!
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
--Marvel Cinematic Universe--
I romantically pair you with…
Pietro was first drawn to how easily you can hold a conversation. He recognized immediately how easy it was to joke around with you once you warmed up (which didn’t take long -- Pietro’s somewhat gifted with the power of easy conversation himself). You both felt comfortable around each other relatively quickly.
Yes, Pietro’s known for his impossibly quick movements, but no one stops to think that this requires impossibly quick thinking. While Pietro has had some time to grab somewhat of a hold on his abilities, he still struggles with thoughts that just move too fast for him. You show him some of your tactics for dealing with this, and it literally changes his life.
Up until that point, your interactions had been mostly fun and rather lighthearted. But helping Pietro in such a thoughtful way and relating to him on a level that no one usually can made him see you in a different life. That’s how he knew he loved you.
This can be a chaotic relationship at times to say the least.
Many of your conversations can hardly be followed because you often build off of each other’s energy. While your quick minds are often on the same page, a third person might not be able to keep up.
Pietro does NOT hesitate when it comes to standing up for you. As soon as he learned about your people-pleasing habit, he took it upon himself to be on guard for anyone who could possibly take advantage of you. While you may find it hard to say no, Pietro has no problem stepping in and telling someone to back off.
You might feel as if he goes a little overboard with this sometimes, telling him that it “wasn’t right to be mean to that person.” He’ll just glance at you, shake his head and start up a lecture (albeit not a harsh one -- he really does care about you!) about asserting personal boundaries.
Pietro and his ego LOVE compliments, so you can expect a welcome reaction to each one you give him.
He’s also a big fan of going on spontaneous trips, discovering different parts of the world side by side.
But he’ll also settle for getting to hold you while you two talk about your day.
Overall, Pietro has no problem matching your energy, and you both want nothing more than to discover the adventures life has to offer together.
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
VISION, Thor, Tony Stark
I romantically pair you with…
John has a lot of respect for someone who manages to include everyone, so it’s no wonder you caught his eye.
First impressions already told him you were friendly and empathetic, but discovering the more energetic and spontaneous side of you? Yep, he was in love.
Both of you have always had a desire to help people, so being able to do that with someone who shares the same passion and energy feels special. You’re more than a couple; you’re a team.
Whenever John’s troubled by what’s going on in the world, it doesn’t take him long to turn to you. He’s one of the most stubborn people alive when it comes to admitting he needs help, but all he knows is that talking to you seems to relieve him of some of that load (please be patient with him!!).
Meanwhile, he knows you have your own ways of coping with racing thoughts so he feels comfortable giving you space when you need it. If what you need is a person to listen, however, he’s there in a heartbeat.
Serious topics aside, you two just know how to have fun! Between your friendly personalities that naturally draw others in and your impulsive natures that (most of the time) lead you to exciting experiences, you make so many mutual friends! Sharing a group of close friends -- surprise, surprise -- brings you and John even closer.
Overall, you and John can always be found by each other’s side when facing whatever comes your way, good or bad.
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
PHILIP HAMILTON, Marquis de Lafayette, Peggy Schuyler
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thewinterwaifu · 4 years
♤》Hi!Can I have a Supernatural match please?5'4 INTP-F gemini (more of an ambivert) ace/heteromantic girl pale skin wavy dark brown hair (the tips are purple) and eyes (with glasses) plus a little chubby(always with a smirk or a bitch face).Sassy I love justice and cats and to laugh(puns/dark humor) tease draw prank fight debate(about everything) learn and read(especially mystery thriller and fantasy) plus I'm a devil's advocate.Very open minded but confused with feelings (and people) so (1/4)
♤》I'm an expert at making jokes at the wrong time (and saying things I didn't mean or hurting someone because of how I said it) and not reacting "normally" to some situations.Not very touchy in public and have some issues.I'm charismatic prideful(saying sorry for me takes TIME and good luck if you want to have the last word cuz you won't) vengeful but I look chill with a distrustful aura(even if my friends say I have a baby face and eyes).Most people say I have anger issues it's more (2/4)
♤》annoyance then anger(tsundere),difficult for me to get angry,if so I can't control myself.I care about my friends and family even If they don't notice it and they don't come to me for help cause they say I can be blunt while I think it's better to finish this quickly so I am more logical, but in reality and on the outside I'm expressive/creative/talkative/protective/insecure a little naive but adventurous and a tomboy with some sadistic tendencies.I'm cruel to my enemies and indifferent (3/4)
♤》towards nearly every situation but in reality I'm very kind (I hate suck ups and idiots I become very mean a snappy with them)!Very curious(and polite unless you disrespect me or is disrespectful toward something I believe in) in every domain(morbid ones especially)+ have no problem talking about anything unless it's sexual or VERY gore which means that morally a lot of my entourage don't agree with me.A daydreamer but calculative and a smartass+chaotic good/neutral.Thank you and sorry! (4/4)
Hey, why are you saying sorry?Nothing to apologize for ♡!
I match you with...
The angel admires your sense of justice!He wants to protect your kind human soul and finds you precious! He might not get most of your puns or jokes, but he does appreciate the effort you make to try and get him to laugh. You will probably help him a lot with understanding human humor a lot more too!He is thankful for that
He can often relate to you "saying things at the wrong time" and such, as he, well, isn't completely used to the human world yet. So it's a great comfort for him to know that he is not alone, and even some humans go through the same things he does
The angel is also quite curious about human art and such, so he is very supportive of your drawings and is amazed by them!
Like you, he is also not that touchy so that matter won't really be a problem. He also likes how logical you are, he greatly admires how smart you can be!
Taking all of these in mind, it should be no surprise that Castiel fell for you, even if he was a bit confused about it at first, since he was new to to this whole dating thing and didn't know human emotions very well. He learns a lot of that being with you! And he can say, without a doubt that he truly is in love with you!
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Scenario Game: Supernatural Version (Male Characters)
Will do female characters version if requested
(Link to Scenario Games Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
Supernatural taglist: @kaashi
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Your Birth Month: 
January: Gabriel
February: Lucifer
March: Crowley
April: Dean Winchester
May: Adam Milligan
June: Gadreel
July: Castiel
August: Sam Winchester
September: Balthazar
October: John Winchester
November: Kevin Tran
December: Benny Lafitte
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Your Birth Date: 
1: Surprises you with flowers... 2: Asks you to move in with him... 3: Begins complimenting you... 4: Takes you on a picnic... 5: Gives you his jacket when you are cold... 6: Makes you a pillow fort... 7: Surprises you with a puppy/kitten... 8: Brings you breakfast in bed... 9: Wraps his arms around you... 10: Proposes to you... 11: Asks you on a date... 12: Checks in to make sure you are alright... 13: Leaves you anonymous gifts... 14: Gives you a token of their affection... 15: Brings you your favorite food/snack/candy... 16: Kisses you suddenly... 17: Takes you on a walk through the park... 18: Confesses that they are in love with you... 19: Cooks you dinner... 20: Takes your hand in his... 21: Asks you to be their partner/s.o... 22: Is very protective of you... 23: Kisses you on the cheek whenever he walks by... 24: Takes you on a road-trip... 25: Slips his hand into yours... 26: Takes care of you when you are sick... 27: Hugs you so hard he almost knocks you off your feet... 28: Takes you stargazing... 29: Gets nervous around you... 30: Takes you to the arcade... 31: Writes you a love letter...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
First letter of your name (or Username): 
A, B, C, D: Just to make you smile. 
E, F, G, H: Because he is in love with you.
I, J, K, L: Because he missed you.
M, N, O, P: Because they want to confess to you.
Q, R, S, T: Because it’s your birthday.
U, V, W: For your anniversary. 
X, Y, Z: To cheer you up. 
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I apologize if your combination does not make sense, it is very hard and time consuming to make sure each combo works.
Please consider reblogging and sharing with others~
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