#spn vocab
winchesterride · 8 months
Okay, I just found out on Instagram that there's a thing called "Bronly" (Brothers Only) that happens to be a fan that values Sam and Dean above all other characters (like all should).
It also added that most are wincest shipper and tends to be particularly negative towards c*stiel and to have conflicts with h*llers. Some also being tinhats.
It also pointed that is different from being a bibro that just likes the brothers the same with no preferences.
I don’t know if this was supposed to be a negative thing or a "pejorative term" like it was discribed in the post but I don't see it I actually really liked it. I'm claiming myself as a bronly now.
Impressive how much supernatural vocabulary there is out there.
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Choosing a Tarot Deck
A 'deck' is any complete set of cards. For tarot cards, that usually means 78 cards divided between five suits (Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles, and the Major Arcana).
The most common tarot deck is Rider-Waite. Another common deck (and the one I use the most often) is the Aquarian deck. That said, there are literal thousands of different tarot decks.
When choosing a tarot deck, the absolute most important thing is to use one that you connect with. If you really like Rider-Waite and feel like you could spend hours looking at each illustration? Use Rider-Waite. If you've seen every episode of Buffy four times and know the series backwards and forwards and feel like you could understand anything the universe tried to tell you so long as the universe spoke in Buffy references? Get a Buffy deck. Whatever it is that resonates with you is what you ought to use, and if that deck is popular or obscure or old or new or anything else at all doesn't matter.
That's not to say, though, that you have to decide what sort of deck you want before you even go looking. When I was looking through tarot decks for the first time, I had absolutely nothing in particular in mind, but the very moment my eyes landed on a single illustration from the Aquarian deck I was hooked.
Tarot decks are sold just about everywhere, including a great many bookstores and countless online shops.
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Learning tarot | Daily Tarot so far | the Rider-Waite deck | the Aquarian deck | Tarot crash-course | Tarot vocab | main blog | Tarot Reading Commissions
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synesindri · 2 years
wait ok the distinction between demons possessing and angels taking vessels is relevant in the hunger/consumption topic — to an angel the human body is a vessel, an empty space waiting to be filled. humans who are destined to be vessels are starving stomachs and hungry mouths, waiting to be filled with the angel that feeds itself to them. demons, on the other hand, possess the human body, they are inside of it but in a way where the vocabulary sounds more like enveloping than eating, because demons are empty and hungry too in the way that humans are but more. a demon is an incomplete, ruined being (biblical legion says as much, and spn lore runs with it by having demons be broken human souls) whereas an angel isn't (or isn't defined as such, anyway), so the demonic form of controlling a person is by consuming them whereas the angelic version is by being consumed
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jackklinestan · 2 years
just finished what is by my count night 4 party 8 of halloweekend. i have a quiz tomorrow at 10 am
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spnfanficpond · 8 months
January 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
The Unconventional Meet-Cute by @schizonephilim
I wanted to read something different from my usual go-to, and I had this story in my To Be Read 'pile' for a while, so I read chapter 1! I can't wait to read chapter 2. It's really well-written and the sexy times are awesome.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Full of Grace by ilovehowyouletmefall (AO3)
I love this fic. I have read this thing so many times. I love the intimacy and how they develop organically. How Cas just takes why Dean gives and it’s how it should be in my head. It’s sweet and fluffy. I wish Dean would stop calling Cas “pal” as if he’s fucking Mickey Mouse and Pluto but it’s amazing. I return to it a lot. It’s a comforting story that deals with mental health and I’m glad it’s set in heaven.
Cuddle Deprivation by @destielshipper4cas
This is sooo good. It’s an incubus that feeds off affection and emotions through touch. It is so good. So fluff, Castiel and Dean confused about the different cultures, which I think is a great element because it's a common problem with relationships from people of different countries or even skin color at times. Must read.
Cuddlibus by @destielshipper4cas
It’s an incubus that feeds off affection and emotions through touch. It is so good. So fluff, Castiel and Dean confused about the different cultures, which I think is a great element because it's a common problem with relationships from people of different countries or even skin color at times.
Heartstring Promenade by @winchester-reload
This is the ending to the series I wanted.
Destiel's 1st Time by @chaoticmotherofall
Holy shit. Wow, primal. Rawr. Must read smut. I think it’s the scene most of the fandom would want to see if they could. Sorry, not sorry.
Dean's Delights by Redamber79 (AO3)
Destiel. Baker Dean. Can smell each other through blockers. Insecure Cas. Love it! He just wants to eat Dean up and kind of does! True mates are delicious, don’t ya think?
The Company by CasCase (AO3)
You’re gonna get intimidated by the language of ballet vocab but don’t worry, it isn’t important. It’s such an amazing love story and so well written. Wow. There is even artwork of the seriously important emotional scenes that just make it so much better. Omg! I wish this was a fucking movie because it’d be gorgeous!
Room for Two (The Mattress AU) by @almassi
Schmoopy fluffiness. I love it! I also love that Cas actually gets everything but doesn’t show it. Lol. He got the references.
truly there's nobody for you but me by Abi_in_the_Cosmos (AO3)
Omfg, hotness. Cas so teasing Dean. The shorts are used. The shorts in the BTS on the show of Jensen wearing denim short shorts, which of course Dean says they exist for an in-story reason. I don’t care. It’s great.
this heart and flesh shall fail by ValandraWrites (AO3)
Monsterfucker story, technically. Great story. Dean is not technically underaged despite what it says. Twist ending. Beautiful story with a sexy but sad twist.
The Biological Ways by @sitruunavohveli
Three words: Accidental office romance Destiel! A/b/o! Love it. Love that it’s Charlie too. Yay! I also am a huge fan of this author’s works. I’ve had the pleasure of working with them and they’re just amazing to work with. Please check them out.
Weighted by amireal, tiamatv (AO3)
I absolutely love this fic because I actually sleep with a weighted blanket and when my kids are sick, they love their own. I even have one in the car. It’s light but enough to feel it. This is just so fluffy and romantic all thanks to our favorite redhead introducing weighted blankets which helps so much. It’s been shown to even help babies but blankets aren’t great for them. Anyway, they’re so cute and that scene where Dean opens his eyes all slow and gentle with “hey”, just broke me. My husband and I do that periodically and it just means more snuggles and sleep. lol. Poor Castiel thinking he couldn’t have Dean which I understand since Dean has said so much he is straight or implied it rather often. Ugh. This was done so well. Thank you both!
Nominated by @deeranger
When There's Only You by AnOddSock (AO3)
It's such a visceral and extremely well-written story, dark and full of intense angst but at the same time it highlights that profound tenderness and affection between Sam and Dean. The whole "there is no me if there is no you". I was on the edge of my seat all the way through, my heart breaking for the brothers in such a delightful way. This fic is a great rollercoaster ride, like a dark porn with a substantial amount of well-thought-out plot. Heed the tags though... Your feels might not come out intact.
Nominated by @spnexploration
She Thought She Was Normal (series) by @aylacavebear
This is @Aylacavebear's first fic she's putting out into the wild and it's going to be a long multi-chapter journey. What a way to start! This first chapter takes us to poor Maria as a child, who has just lost her mother to a yellow-eyed demon, and Bobby sets her and her Dad up with Sam and Dean. Can't wait to see the whole journey!
Cuddle Deprivation by @destielshipper4cas
This was adorable!! The whole concept of cuddlibus was so cute and I loved when both Dean and Cas were trying to get more out of the relationship but thinking the other didn't want it. And including Sam's cuddlibus daughter was also adorable
Power Grows out of the Barrel of a Gun by Alaisabel (AO3)
I absolutely loved this AU. There are so many twists and turns and I had such a fun time working out what was going on. Dean is so anti-authority and he ends up in a relationship with Cas, a cop.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Fluffy Faerie Tales (series) by @ladylilithprime
This universe and the characters in it are so fascinating! Sam and Dean are half-fae, and Jimmy and Cas have a backstory that is wildly different than anything else I've ever read! (No spoilers!) Sam/Cas/Jimmy is a threesome I've never read before, I don't think, and I'm loving it. So far, all of these stories are filled with plenty of fluff, and the perfect way to end my day. Sweet dreams of faeries and friends are always welcome!
Cuddle Deprivation and Cuddlibus by @destielshipper4cas
I am now OBSESSED with the idea of cuddlibi!!! Like those who have nominated this story above, I find this idea adorable and sweet. And Cas is just SO SWEET! And there's so much delicious pining in both of these stories!! I now want to read ALL the cuddlibus stories!!
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- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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theangiediary · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday!! what's your favorite post-s5 wincest scene?
why would you ask me, a kripke blog, this
Kidding lol. But I will go a bit unconventional! I actually love that SPN takes 🌹Romantic Tropes🌹 and uses them for brothers, so a lot of the Iconic Wincest Moments I prefer just as they are. <- edit: this might be a vocab interpretation thing: I use "samdean" as like, their canonical relationship and "wincest" for Sam + Dean + sex
Anyway I like fics/scenarios where they're just hunting on the road, no Big Bad, no interpersonal fighting, living outside society.. and fucking.
7x12 Time After Time is a great episode for this.
Starts off with Dean angsting/watching Sam sleep. Testament to their comfort with each other.
"Don't give me that dirty-diaper look." Baby brother🥺.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but I hope you're watching cartoon smut." WEIRD SAM.
"Special Agent Smith. This is, uh, Special Agent Smith. No relation." Canon putting in 0 effort and letting them get away with shit like this does relieve me as a fan from worrying about some details, which I appreciate.
"What, are you gonna look up more anime, or are you strictly into Dick now?" Bully your brother with sexual jokes: Round 2!
The little security camera exchange: Dean getting to show off... for exactly 0.2 seconds. I love when Sam's mean <3
They're separate for most of the rest of the episode, and while they are ORANGE, Sam has nearly unforgivable sideburns, and Dean's written a bit too goofy for my tastes (come on, Ness obviously hasn't seen the movie stop quoting it at him), he also has moments of heroism (willing to be stuck in 1944), charm (kiss from Erza), and of course, the Connection he has with Sam is what saves the day. Writing him a letter that he leaves exactly where Sam will find it reminds me of the The Usual Suspects. <- this is the single scene I would chose, for the ask
Actually, the whole Sam/Jody + Dean/Erza/Ness parallel montage is quite nice. For all those boys' differences, they were raised together, think in much the same way.
It's just... Brothers. Not soulmates, not freaks. Arguably either one of them could leave the life (no big Chosen One plot), and if they're really that pressed to Save People... idk volunteer or go into nursing or something. But they're choosing to be together. They like each other.
And, it's a deleted scene, but the "Jealousy is a bad color on you bro"... yeah. They're fucking.
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loserchildhotpants · 2 years
so ... i've seen multiple like polls/memes about characters being babygirl along with (affectionate) or (derogatory) and i'm confused. i am "at this point i'm too afraid to ask" meme. I understand blorbos and poor little meow meow *i think* but idk what babygirl is meant to mean can you explain? (I'm asking you bc you're someone I follow who I've seen use it and I trust you to actually try to answer my question)
hello, anon! happy to help!
so just to be clear on other vocab:
blorbo: this is applicable to any character you obsess over. if they're in your head constantly and you have a 3d model of them in there that you shake around and rotate 360 degrees all day like a rotisserie chicken and u just think they're neat!!!! that's a blorbo. blorbo is a catch-all for this phenomenon, whereas Glup Shitto is a more specific sub-genre of blorbo generally used to specify the media from which that blorbo comes from; Glup Shitto is a blorbo inspired by Star Wars style names, so if someone makes a post about Glup Shitto you can basically imagine what the fandom is like, whereas a blorbo can be from anywhere or anything.
poor little meow meow: this is applicable to characters that commit atrocities but you have deemed this, personally, forgivable or even kind of funny, and you don't see why they should suffer consequences. sometimes this is bc they are v sexy while committing crimes, sometimes this is bc they were v pathetic while committing crimes, or are cheeky and bat their eyelashes at u after having committed crimes. either way, you're like 'hey, no one put my poor little meow meow in prison, they did nothing wrong' (someone in the audience may be like 'what abt all the atrocities?' at which point, you remind them, 'they're my poor little meow meow')
now onto a babygirl.
babygirl is more often than not used to describe a queer-coded masc character who is more often than not splayed across the ground or covered in blood.
babygirl, like Glup Shitto, is a specific type of blorbo experience.
as an example, Dean Winchester is my babygirl; he's toxic, his lashes and lips are always on point, he cries a lot, he consistently breaks things/people/the geneva convention, u can find him on the floor a lot, but also often splattered w blood. something abt him makes my heart go doki doki, and i think to myself 'look at my babygirl go. look at him, flirting badly and clumsily mishandling a coffee cup <3 love my babygirl <3'
when someone puts '(affectionate)' next to any noun, it's meant to be said w love and tenderness; 'you harlot (affectionate)' and the opposite of (affectionate) is 'derogatory' meaning, when u read these words, hear them in your head as insulting bc i mean it as an insult.
so if someone gave me options w spn characters, i'd label Castiel my poor little meow meow, Dean is my babygirl (affectionate), Sam is a fantastic blorbo, and someone like Crowley, who i love to hate, is also a babygirl (derogatory).
all of these words are abt what u feel in ur heart tho. blorbos can be OCs, blorbos can be from ur shows. blorbos can be mentioned in a single line of text or be a blurry extra in a movie that u just become obsessed w - that's a blorbo, baby. it's blorbo, your favorite!
all these other things are just fun ways of specifying ur feelings abt ur blorbos.
i genuinely hoped this helped lmao
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noun; an itchy sense of dread when life feels just a hint too peaceful - when everyone seems to get along suspiciously well, with an eerie stillness that make you want to brace for the inevitable collapse, or burn it down yourself. Derived from harmony + paranoia. From The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Whenever Crowley and Sam’s civility begins to verge on harmonoia, Dean makes a point of hiding the demon blade.
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mjulmjul · 3 years
have we sufficiently considered that maybe cas' 'nonsensical' metaphors and idioms make perfect sense in his native language
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sortasirius · 3 years
Every time Seb posts it completely derails me for a good couple of hours
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rupertgayesarchive · 3 years
just watched the end for the f*rst time what was your favorite part bc in all the gif sets and meta that's been floating around here for a decade i kept seeing dean's "are you coming?" and cas saying "of course" and you all failed to tell me the infinitely more important exchange of dean not wanting his clearly suicidal plan to be called reckless and cas going “if you don’t like reckless I could use insouciant, maybe.” 
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blorbofrommyshows · 3 years
my friend and i discovered Boris Johnson’s books yesterday and i feel like the atrocity of his writing is something more people should be aware of
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tennet · 4 years
everyday we wake up and substitute the first letters of words with a little j and expect everyone else to know what we mean
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pinkhysteria · 3 years
people who enjoy fictional codependent familial dynamics and consequently get mad if one of the family members develops a friend/love interest that lets them branch out and care about a non-relative + accuse that of being “unhealthy” are so bizarre to me...
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bee-813 · 4 years
So I ended up writing Sherlock fanfiction for a vocab assignment...
     Sherlock watched, bored, out his window of their flat, thinking of contingencies. As he sat, he watched as a fancy couch was consigned to his neighbor across the street. Throughout the hour he watched as 4 more couches were delivered, seemingly creating a cosmopolitan of couches. The next day there was a dearth of activity coming from the building across the street, which would have been normal if they hadn’t received 5 couches the day prior. At first he thought the neighbors were just keeping good decorum, until once again they received 5 more couches. He then deduced that something sketchy must be going on to have a copious amount of couches. Watson expressed consternation when Sherlock told him of his corollary. When they went across the street, he was able to corroborate his theory of the neighbors starting up a black market business of selling fancy couches.
I know I didn’t use all the words in the correct context, but hey I got 30/30
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