#spoiled ideas
spoiledleaff · 1 year
as the drummer, i think mountain deserves to have his cunt smacked.
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hoofpeet · 4 months
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This guy's a freak...
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duty-calls-for-booty · 6 months
Simon “Ghost” Riley feels like the type of boyfriend to have a rivalry with his girlfriend’s cat.
Those fuckers are fighting over lap real estate, the cat is leaving light colored hair all over his black clothes, pissing in his duffel bag.
Simon’s mean mugging the little bastard behind your back. Always silently pleased when he gets to scruff it and toss it out of the bedroom so you two can have alone time. “Accidentally” locks it in the bathroom at every opportunity.
You are incredibly frustrated by their refusal to get along.
It all comes to a head when you have to go away for a few days. You ask Simon to cat-sit for you, and despite his grumbling and bitching, he agrees to stay at your place while you’re gone.
When you get back, it’s clear that something has gone down. The blinds in the living room have been replaced. One of your potted plants is missing and another is in a new pot. The ceiling fan is sitting at an angle…But Simon is sleeping soundly in the recliner with the cat curled up purring on his chest, so at least it seems like they’ve worked through their differences.
Now you have to deal with your boyfriend hogging your cat.
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
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Wow. That could not have turned out worse.
Part 23 || First || Previous || Next
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This comic will be on Holiday Hiatus this December and January! While on a cliffhanger? What a scam! >:/
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hiroshotreplica · 4 days
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chimera falin introduction scene in the alternate universe where labru is canon or something i dont knowh
thank god that chimera shit isnt genetic am i right guys (crushed by a thousand stones)
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holly-tea · 1 month
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“I’ve never received an offering before…” 🌿
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sexy-dance-fighting · 11 months
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My copy of the Danny Phantom graphic novel hasn't arrived yet, but based on isolated images I've seen without context, this is basically what happens right ???
I know they obtain cowboy hats and trauma
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triple-starsss · 1 month
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first time gigs and anxiety dont mix too well
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shummthechumm · 1 year
“she’s not dead!”
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a silly scenario for my rewrite (more info under cut)
some silly au thoughts ive had for a while. in my rewrite dove and ivy are born around eclipse/long shadows, mainly because it gives the story plenty of room to foreshadow dove being a prophecy cat (instead of holly). this scene would take place inbetween sunrise & TFA
truly a "kids say the darndest things!!" except lion blaze is deeply unsettled by this infant playing into his denial over holly's death.
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aejiee · 2 months
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Bro does not understand the cheek heart 😭😭
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civetside · 10 months
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funny fandom AU compilation cuz i LOVE funny fandom AUs they are the BEST, no matter how serious or intense a piece of media is there will always be fanfics where the characters are cowboys or ghost hunters or something and they only have one bed and they kiss a lot and i think that's wonderful
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
…swiss subbing for dom zephyr… because swiss is flying dangerously close to the sun… and zephyr decides to fuck some well-deserved obedience back into swiss’ pussy and remind her of her proper place while she’s dressed up in the prettiest sluttiest lingerie set zephyr could hope to snatch from mist, making fun of swiss when the panties don’t wrap snugly around her clit like they do for mist’s cock, all before tugging on her pretty little leash and, and, and—
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familyabolisher · 1 year
i really don't get people who get mad about other people's "overreading" or "overanalysis" in a text that they themselves enjoy; like, the idea that taking a piece seriously is effectively just giving it more credit than you think it's due seems like a very weird way to think about something you claim to respect
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runraerun · 6 months
*noisily pulls up a chair* 🪑 do you guys ever think about what HunterCorp!Dean thought of Cas? Like he was already clearly of jealous of Dean Prime, with his cool shirts and rugged trauma, so he must have been like, ‘what! you have a hot angel sidekick too?! Lucky!’
And Dean would have just floundered and gruffly tried to shut him down like, ‘what’re you even talking about? Cas—hot…?’ *manly, sputtering deflection*
And then HunterCorp!Dean would be like, ‘oh?👀 so you’re not together then? Interesting. Very interesting…’ *slicks back his already over-slicked hair* *huffs into palm to check if breath stinks* *readies himself to make his move*
And then Dean would have internally combusted, obviously. because now he has to explain to his very queer alternate self to cool his jets and step away from his not-boyfriend because…. Because…. Well just to back the hell off okay that’s why!!! >:/
Both Sam’s just -_-; -_-; *deep sigh*
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py6oto · 5 months
waaarggg. posted this on youtube to celebrate 900 subs, hence the random gratitude message at the end ,, but it really goes to all of u here too . every bit of ur support matters :} i am very happy about it im just also very tired >o< hitting the pillows after posting this !
this was supposed to be longer and cooler but unfortunately for all of us, i am not that experienced nor will i ever escape the grapple of art block. i could not get anything right after the text box so i accepted defeat and gave what i had which i believe was the smart option
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northstarscowboyhat · 3 months
since clover is starlo's kid, how does solomon and crestina feel about being grandparents and how does orion feel about being an uncle?
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Oh, Starlo's parents absolutely adore Clover, no questions asked. They don't mind at all that Clover is a human! That's their son's child, and thus, that makes Clover their grandchild. Clover is absolutely spoiled by them and they love whenever Starlo brings them over to visit. Clover has lots of sleepovers at the farm house growing up! Having grandparents is something they've never experienced before on the surface, but they adore their new grandpa and grandma.
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I HC that Crestina and Solomon (based on Crestina's dialogue if you speak to her in their farm house) were kind of nudging their sons to settle down with a spouse/kids. They weren't too harsh or pushy about it, but you know Starlo gets a few comments over it from his mother. The fact that they're so relieved to finally have a grandchild is a little embarrassing for Starlo.
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Orion acts disinterested at first. He doesn't really want to get involved with being an uncle when he already has farm work to deal with. But despite that, he warms up to Clover really quickly (partially because Starlo threatens to kick his ass if his brother is mean to his kid). Even if he doesn't show it that often, he really likes having a nibling. He tells Clover all of Starlo's embarrassing teen stories to get back at his brother, and Clover is one of the few people he truly enjoys the company of. I imagine they get even closer when Clover's older.
So overall, Clover's absolutely been accepted and adopted into the Sunnyside family! They love Starlo's funny little human baby.
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