#spotting Bobby in the masses
kiwiplaetzchen · 11 months
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plutoswritingplanet · 8 months
Ring Of Fire (Lucifer x Female!Reader)
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a/n: again, no one asked for this, but i've been rewatching supernatural and there is something about season 5 Lucifer that just hits the spot for me. this one will be multiple chapters (i swear), a bit on the darker side. Cross-Posted on AO3
Warnings: Dub-Con (nothing too scandalous), Soulmates (but not really), follows season 5 storyline, Kinda Depressing, Strongly Inspired by "Preacher's Daughter" by Ethel Cain
Summary: Knowing God has an actual plan for you would be comforting for most people. You, however, seem to be always down on your luck.
The foliage is damp with the night's air, water seeping into the fabric of your jeans, as you sit in the low bushes, watching. Smoke still fills your lungs, and grief still fills your heart, Jo and Ellen's faces etched just beneath your eyelids. Tears stain your cheeks, drying slowly on your skin, forming an uncomfortable crust. It's been such a long time since you've experienced loss such as this. One that rips something out of you and refuses to give it back. You must've grown too comfortable since Dean has been brought back, life needed to bring you back down. Your hands hurt from the tight grip you hold on a branch of a nearby tree, nerves locking you in place, as you watch Dean approach the Devil. Except, you're not there anymore. 
It's warm inside Bobby's home, and you've changed out of your past outfit, scattering it on the floor, never to be used again. Still, you can feel phantom moisture on your knees, elbows, on the palms of your hands. Coldness, like nothing you've ever experienced, seeps deep into your bones, taking root within you. No candle, no prayer, no ancient exorcism can cleanse you of the revelations you've seen tonight. Your head feels heavy, when you drop it onto the pillow, as if some weight is pressing you further down, through the comforter, through the bed and the wooden floor. Through all the layers of Earth, until you're right where you're supposed to be. 
It's unfortunate, you thought back then, compelled to reveal yourself from your hideout by one command you couldn't ignore, he looks just like any human. Tall and lean, with a little softness to his body. His clothes were unassuming as well, casual. As if he just took a stroll through the woods from a supermarket. No one told you the name of his vessel, who he was before he said yes, why did he do it. His eyes were ordinary as well. Blue and gray, aged, tired. Human.
It would've been so easy to pass him on the streets, not knowing. He could've been one of the patrons in the countless bars you've visited while on the hunt. Handsome, yes, with an aura of a beaten dog around him, that, in any other circumstances would've made him irresistable to you. You could never refuse a hopeless case, now you supposed you knew why. 
Sam made you tea. It sits untouched on your night stand, steam flowing in dancing ribbons into the ceiling. Somehow, you can't seem to force yourself to drink it, even if you know the intention behind it has been kind. You couldn't eat as well, the smell of cooking coming from Bobby's kitchen reminded you too much of the smell of smoke coming from the exploding hardware store. And his smell. 
Burning coals, cedar wood, jasmine, all of them were pleasant once. Now, you know they will always be stuck in your head with only one association. Lucifer. 
Even thinking of his name brings a wave of shivers running down your back, as you curl into yourself on the bed. Your fingers scratch at skin of your jaw, trying to regain some sense of autonomy. Still, you can feel a phantom of his icy touch, where he grabbed your face like his hands were meant for it. And in a way they were. At least, that's what he told you. 
The demons gathered around the mass grave didn't even react, as you ran out of your cover, pushed to reveal yourself by the sight of Dean's flying body. Because how else would he coax you out, if not through the hurt of your boys? In hindsight, you were glad Dean was unconscious for the most part of this ordeal. After the night's events, it was hard to look him in the eye, you didn't need him witnessing your downfall over your head as well. Sam tried to make his way over to you, feet sliding cautiously through the grass, but suddenly Lucifer's eyes were on you, and you could feel your fate get sealed then and there. 
He clasped his hands in front of him, pursing his lips as he took you in, cowering on the ground, trying hard to find Dean's pulse. 
- You boys brought me a gift - he mused, eyes crinkling with some strange emotion - You shouldn't have. 
One gesture later, you're up on your feet, limbs trembling as he abandoned his shovel in favor of making his way towards you. You're frozen, fear seizing you in a tight grip, and you can't seem to think straight, as you watch him approach. Last day on Earth, you muse, life flashing before your eyes, when he raises both his hands. And then he grips your face, gentle yet confident, and the world around you spins. He's cold, so cold it's unnatural. Your lips fall apart in a silent gasp. 
- Do you know who you are? - he asks in a quiet voice that suddenly makes you understand why he's temptation incarnate - Do you know why you were put on this Earth?
All you can do is stare, confusion creasing your eyebrows. His breath reaches your collarbones, as he lowers his head slightly. You can hear him chuckle to himself. The sound makes you shudder, fear and anticipation mix within your gut. 
- All those years of hunting, struggling... - your life seems so trivial, coming from his lips - It all lead you here, to me. Doesn't that sound lovely?
It doesn't. It most definitely doesn't. Tears of confusion prick at the corners of your eyes, your breathing quickens. Panic settles into your nerves like a paralyzing blanket. Because here stands a threat of magnitude you couldn't even dream of. The Satan, the Devil, Bible's biggest villain. And he knows something about you, that you cannot comprehend. 
- It's really quite pathetic, when you think about it - he muses, hands leaving your face in a flash, as he starts to pace in thought.
Swaying in your place, you risk looking at Sam, his confusion mirroring your own. Dean is still unconscious beside him. There's a thin smudge of blood running down his forehead, and you want to move so badly. You've spent years caring for these boys, being there for them, whenever they needed you. Yet, at this crucial moment all you can do, is stare in horror.  
- My Father's last ditched attempt - Lucifer turns to you with a tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes - To give me my own special little bag of worms. To own, to care for, to change my mind. 
- What?
Your own voice sounds foreign to your ears. Lies. Those had to be lies. He's Satan after all, manipulation was his forte. Yes, that had to be it. Just another, messed up way at getting an upper hand over Sam. 
This time, you nearly scream when he advances towards you, his cold hands immediately finding purchase on your face, covering your jaw and your cheeks. He presses against your face so hard, you have to take a step back as he comes closer still. Sam's figure flashes out of the corner of your eye, and suddenly you feel the rough surface of a tree bark digging into your back. 
- You - for the first time you can hear some tension in his voice, something more than cold indifference - You were made for me, Honey. Just like Sam is destined to be my vessel, you're destined to be by my side. To own, to care. - he repeats those words like a mantra, and you want to throw up at how genuine he sounds.
He smiles at your terror. Tears start to flow freely from your eyes, falling on his cold fingers, skipping down his arms in smudges. His hands start to move, a perversion of a caress, as he ruffles your hair. Your head bounces off the tree, and you try with all your might to free yourself out of his grip. Your limbs flail at your sides, and you crane your neck so far back, your muscles start to strain. He doesn't let go, pressing himself closer, one of his hands coming up to grip your hair. Your nails dig into his cotton shirt, as you push against his chest to no avail. 
- No - you whisper, your rejection falling flat against his unaffected stare - I'd never...
- See, but that's the best part - his sudden enthusiasm scares you deeper, than any passive stare ever could. - Unlike Sam...
You backpedal into the tree again, as he leans closer still. His cold breath mixes with your short, panicked ones, and your stomach churns, when he tilts his head in curiosity, as if he's experiencing this intimacy for the first time. And in a way, you suppose he is. Then, his eyes meet yours, gray captivates you, and you hold your breath on instinct.
- You don't have to say yes to me. 
You're not even allowed the decency of taking a gasp of air, when his lips press into yours. It feels beyond weird. He's unnaturally cold, and there is a sort of unpracticed sloppiness in the way he fights for your mouth to fit against each other. Reminding you of your first, inexperienced romances, he smashes your faces together until you feel both sets of your teeth through the flesh. Then, he pulls back just a smidgen, taking in your terrified face. Something flashes through his expression, and he sighs, leaning back towards you, stopping just short of your left ear. 
- Kiss me like you mean it, or I'll make Dean eat his intestines. 
He looks at you, just once, letting you know this is not a game. Your heart stops. 
Dean's unconscious body starts to move by the tree, and never in your life have you felt so helpless. So, when Lucifer unavoidably leans back down, you give him all you've got. Your body arches, hands come up to his hair, and you will yourself not to feel grossed out by the feeling of his cold tongue slipping past your teeth. It's a fight for survival, you remind yourself, as his hands move to your back, rubbing your skin like a horny teenager in a bathroom stall. The short supply of air you've been granted runs out quickly, and as pressure builds in your lungs, you start to push against the Archangel's chest. He doesn't register what you're doing, not at first, confusing your sudden unwillingness as some sort of late attempt at rebellion. That is, until you bang your fist against his shoulder, letting out a muffled scream. 
Finally, he detaches himself, hair even more disheveled than before. You take a heaving gasp of air, as you brace yourself against the tree, your vision swimming ever so slightly. Lucifer watches you, his body hunched over, as if he's observing some middle schooler's science project. There are new tears in your eyes, just waiting to fall. Your hair is disheveled and your lips are puffy from his unpracticed assaults. His right hand comes up to his face, and he bites on his index finger in thought. 
- You really are human - he muses to himself, and with every fiber of your being, you try to explode his head with your brain - That's no fun, you'll break so easily...
- Fuck you - your words make his eyebrows raise, and he straightens out with a flourish.
- Fuck you - he repeats, mocking your tone - Yeah, I probably will - you watch, disgusted, as he sends a wink towards Sam.
Then, he's back to his shovel, back to his mass grave, where he completes the ritual. 
You can't move, not really, even when Sam tugs on your shoulder. Your head runs empty, realization of your current predicament far from registered in your brain. You stay frozen in your spot, when Castiel arrives, taking the three of you back to Bobby's house. Only, when the Angel's hand pushes against your rib cage, only when you feel Enochian symbols burn into your bones, do you lift your gaze. Apologetic doesn't really cover the way Castiel looks at you, and the pity painted on his face drags you down more than any Devil could.  
Sam is the only one to truly understand, when you fall to the floor, shock, anger and dread spilling out of you like a broken faucet. He's the only one that truly knows how it feels to have your bodily autonomy stripped away by the literal Devil. How it feels to have a threat of such magnitude hanging over you, every day. Which is why, he's the one to lift you in his arms, and get you to the guest room, lead away by the concerned glances of the rest of the men. He's the one to make you tea, bring you fresh clothes. He opens the window when the smell of dinner makes you retch. And finally, he's the one to explain, what really happened back on that hill to the rest of the group.
From your fetal position on the bed you can hear Dean curse, throw something somewhere. All the ways he knows, how to show he cares. Despite everything, it makes you smile, face pressed to the pillow that smells like cigarette smoke and beer. You're doomed. There's nothing you can do against God's plan, and you can feel that thought take root in you like an invasive species ready to destroy every crop in it's path. Still, despite it all, a sense of security falls upon you like a decieving blanket. 
- What sort of a messed up game is this? - Dean screams somewhere in the house, you assume it's at Cass, the only one even remotely aware of your destiny. 
The idea, that God made you specifically to be Satan's personal therapist sounds far fetched at best, but given how the last couple of months have been going, you're more inclined to believe in the absolutely worst scenarios. You don't even need to hear Castiel's response. The sound of glass breaking is telling enough. Then, a door slamms somewhere, and the house falls into heavy silence.
You can't think. Can't allow yourself to fall apart more than you've had already. So, you focus on the sound of your own breathing, interlinked with your heartbeat. Steady, alive. Your eyelids are heavy, eyes burn with drying tears, so you close them and sigh. Exhaustion pinns you in place, sinking you into the blankets. Darkness welcomes you like a long lost friend.
Your boys will find a way, they always do. And Lucifer can't find you, not with the wards Castiel has put on you. You'll have to thank him i the morning, you think, and it's the last conscious thought you have, before slipping into sleep, shivering like an abandoned child. 
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lerchicken · 10 months
I've noticed that no one writes tkl headcans on Smiling Critters.
So I decided to fix the situation!
Lee:40% Ler:60%
°Will tease you.
°Lee will wrap himself in his tail (Or in a blanket) And you will be tickled.
°Will tickle Lee until lee cries.
°Favorite Lee:DogDay, Bubba Bubbaphant and Bobby BearHug.
°Has hysterical laughter
°Will try to push Ler away
°Will spin like a caterpillar
°Ticklish areas: legs, sides, neck and ears.
Lee:50% Ler:50%
°Usually tickles Lee when he/she doesn't want to wake up.
°Will play with Lee by bouncing on him/her.
°Loves tickling very much
°Usually tickles if someone is scared.
°Will beg for mercy from Ler.
°CatNap likes to tickle VERY DogDay.
°He has a heavenly laugh.
°Ticklish areas: Belly, legs, tail and back.
Lee:70% Ler:30%
°Be very embarrassed to tickle Lee.
°Doesn't tickle well, but still tickles well
°She likes to paint on Lee's body.
°Quickly find ticklish spots Lee
°Blushes quickly
°Has a very loud laugh
°Tries try to run away.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, horn, chest, hooves and thighs.
Lee:60% Ler:40%
°Usually tickles when Lee is sad
°Can hug and tickle Lee
°Merciless Ler.
°Will run after Lee
°Her laughter is very cute.
°Quickly turn into a giggling ball.
°A little tail wags.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, Ribs and neck.
Lee:20% Ler:80%
°Less ticklish
°But it's still ticklish
°Tickles with the trunk
°Loves tickling
°Has a quiet but heavenly laugh
°Will run from the Ler
°It will turn into a giggling mass.
°Ticklish areas: Ears, tail, knees, and thighs.
Lee:90% Ler:10%
°Usually tickles to humiliate Lee
°Won't miss a pun
°It will always remind you that Lee is afraid of being tickled.
°But he is very afraid of being tickled.
°Blushes quickly
°His laughter looks more like a cackle (Logical).
°He has an INCREDIBLY ticklish belly! Even the slightest touch makes him laugh loudly.
°Ticklish areas: Belly, navel, legs and ribs.
Lee:60% Ler:40%
° Believes that tickling is only for children.
°Usually tickles to humiliate or to take the ball.
°Giggles evilly while tickling Lee.
°But in fact she is very afraid of tickling.
°Instantly turns into a giggling puddle.
°Her laughter ranges from giggles to screams to tears in her eyes.
° He will press his ears back and beat his paws on the floor. (BITCH THIS LOOKS SO CUTE!).
° Ticklish areas: Belly, paws, ears and ribs.
Lee:40% Ler:60%.
°Will tickle Lee everywhere.
°Loves to poke Lee's stomach with his snout. (IT'S SO CUTE!).
°Kisses often, causing tickling.
°He will run around Lee and squeal joyfully.
°Always hides her face or closes her mouth.
°He will roll on the floor and squeal loudly with laughter.
°He will beg for mercy and even bribe Ler.
°Ticklish areas: tail, chin, legs and sides.
(Sorry for the English, if you see this post, please make art, fanfiction and headcanons!)
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femmescripter · 13 days
Poll Results & Future Maxley Story Summaries
You, the masses, have spoken! And by a landslide vote...
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Option five won! So, you all want to see what my take on a Maxley-centered Extremely Goofy Movie sequel would be? You want to see one of my AU ideas? Well then; here you are! The summaries of the future Maxley stories I'll write - based on winning result.
Original Movie Maxley Sequel ___
Title: Backstage Romance
Summary: The Welig University theater club is doing a production of The Scarlet Pimpernel for a charity show. Bradley, who's been trying to find a new niche after being snubbed by every sports team since the X-Games incident, decides to audition. While he does have some competition with an enigmatic, buffy bearded vulture named Emmerich Hertz the Saluki manages to land the role of Sir Percy Blakeney aka the Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately, the leading lady meant to play Marguerite St. Just/Lady Blakeney has fallen sick. The director is in a panic until they're informed that the runner-up is available to take on the role. To Bradley's surprise that runner-up turns out to be none other than Max Goof, who auditioned for the female lead. Bradley of course teases him and asks why Max would do such a thing. And the Labradoodle just grins and tells him that he'll reveal the reason why on the week of their last rehearsal. Curiosity piqued Bradley decides to actually get serious about the play in order to figure out why Max would take on such a role. As they rehearse more and more Bradley starts to think that his initial animosity towards Max may have a more amorous motivation to it but is too prideful to admit it. This may be to his detriment, though, as Emmerich expresses interest in Max and seems keen on sweeping him off his feet. On top of that strange accidents begin to plague the production. But the more dangerous happenings seem to be targeting Max. Will the stars figure out what goes on behind the curtain in time before the big show? And will Bradley have a happily ever after with Max, or will the real world make it too little too late?
And this...oh this is a very special story that I think a lot of you will like! AU Maxley Story ___
Title: A Tail of Team Spirit
Summary: One month before Max and his friends go to college to sign up for the X-Games he gets an unexpected but very welcomed call from Roxanne. She's moved to the town where Welig University, the same college that the Goof Troop are going to enroll in, is. And she's going to start her freshman year at the same time they'll arrive. Max is happy for his old junior high sweetheart and looks forward to seeing her again. But there's another reason besides this good news and a chance to reconnect that Roxanne is calling Max. Her cheerleading squad wants to enter the College Cheer Competition, or the Triple C's, and represent the Welig Caribous. But they're down their one male member who acted as the pillar of their towering positions. And Roxanne is in desperate need of a replacement. It's incredibly short notice…but Max is the only guy she knows and trusts to take the spot. Max is shocked and slightly embarrassed as he's only danced a little before, and he wasn't even that good. Roxanne assures him that he has the flexibility to make it work and that he can practice with the team. They're also in need of a new mascot as the previous one quit, and Stacey would love for Bobby to take the role. They'd also like P. J. on board to utilize his creative talents with music and pyrotechnics. What is a Goof to do in this situation? Well Max says yes, of course, and promptly volunteers his friends to help out. So, upon arriving at Welig University, Max sets his skateboard and baggy jeans aside for some form fitting shorts and pompoms as he joins Roxanne's cheerleading squad. Luckily all of the girls welcome him and his friends with open arms. However, the Labradoodle quickly finds out that not everything with cheerleading is hair scrunchies and friendship bracelets. A lot of the women in the Triple C's are a fourth C. Cutthroat, that is. More so when a special prize is on the line. The winning cheerleading squad gets to perform at next year's halftime show of the Super Bowl. And one wicked senior team from a rival college are ready to squash anyone who stands in their way. But Max isn't going to let anyone ruin Roxanne's dreams and puts his all into every cheer. He even uses his skating prowess to his advantage. Speaking of skating, X-Games champion Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd has started hanging around the Welig Caribou cheer squad. Max is immediately protective of Roxanne, thinking Bradley is eyeing her as a potential conquest. In reality it's Max himself who Bradley is captivated by. And he's looking to make the freshman his "personal cheerleader".
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And there you have it! Based on the choice you all picked, these are the Maxley stories I'll start working on! I got quite a lot in store with these two. I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned.
Thank you all for your time and attention. I hope you had fun voting. And don't worry! I do plan to write and eventually post the other stories that didn't win. So you'll still see the Omegaverse stories and other AUs! These two are just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any questions about either story, feel free to ask and I'll answer as much as I can without spoilers.
I'm going to work on the first two chapters of each story at a time. But before then - I'm going to work on and complete my current Maxley miniseries. That, by the way, is totally unrelated to both of these stories. So just keep that in mind.
Until next time, take care of yourselves.
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I've mentioned the Wings of Fire version of the X-Men Evolution 🖤Dark AU before, right? Well, I'm going to add a bit more to it, fledged it out a little:
Let's call this the 🖤Night AU for now, to set it apart from the 🖤Dark AU, but tie it into its multiverse, okay?
• The mutants and humans are all dragons from the ten tribes, but mutants are either A, hybrids, or B, a descendant of a hybrid. Due to the ancestry of two or more different tribes, they gain powers not found in any tribe, and even odd mixes of powers from two or more of the existing tribes
• Reader, Kurt, Kitty and Pietro are still the four who disappear/die, but they come back in the future (possibly due to one of their powers or an animus touched item)
• Not every hybrid or descendant has an obvious difference, but most appear different, not able to fit entirely into either tribe...
• Xavier is part NightWing/HiveWing, Logan and Victor are as well, and so is Laura, but have some older IceWing ancestry where Xavier doesn't; Magneto is part IceWing/SkyWing, with Wanda and Pietro having a mix of IceWing, SkyWing, and NightWing blood; Mystique is part RainWing/NightWing, and Kurt and Rogue are both part NightWing/SilkWing, with Rogue having HiveWing blood and Kurt having RainWing; Scott and Alex are part SkyWing/SeaWing; Jean is part NightWing/SkyWing; Ororo and Evan are part IceWing/SandWing; Todd and Fred are both part MudWing/SeaWing; Lance is part SandWing/LeafWing; Hank is part SilkWing/MudWing; Kitty is part RainWing/IceWing; Reader is, well, undecided as of now, but if any of y'all have ideas or want them to be one of the rare few who appears as onw tribe, I'll hear you out (doesn't mean it will become canon, but I'm open to talking about it)
• Some examples of hybrid powers are: fiery glowscales (Scott and Alex), faster than average flight and running (Pietro), mind control and stronger mind reading (Xavier and Jean), sharp, stinger-like claws (Logan, Laura, and Victor), animus-like powers (ex. Storm can summon different kinds of storms, sandstorm, dust storm, thunderstorm, snowstorm) (ex. 2 Rogue can gain any NightWing, HiveWing, or SilkWing powers from that specific dragon she touched in those tribes/those hybrids) (ex. 3 Wanda can control parts of reality, show dark visions/illusions, and can control inanimate objects), Evan can grow amd regrow lots of spikes and spines, Fred is impervious to most attacks due to harder scales and muscle mass, Hank has increased strength and fluff due to SilkWing and MudWing genetics, etc.
• Each tribe in this au has a few different or added on traits: HiveWings and SilkWings can have fuzz or fuzzy patches on their bodies; RainWings are a bit more snake-like, and their hybrids if they have venom can melt through inorganic and organic matter; NightWings can be dark greens, dark blues, dark purples, dark grays, and dark browns and reds, as well as black; SkyWing fire scales are mutants/hybrids, such as Amara and Roberto; MudWings can hold their breath up to an hour and have more alligator-like tails, hybrids can hold their breath for two to three hours; IceWings have sharp angles and freezing cold scales, while their hybrids can sometimes have frost touch (where they can make frost with their cold scales and even ice, so this is Bobby); LeafWings have horns and claws that are always dark brown and wood or branch-like, with wings shaped like different leaves; SandWings have more snake patterns amd more black spots or speckles near their eyes to help with the desert sun and heat, and don't dehydrate as fast as other tribes; SeaWings can have extra colors, like black, yellow, orange and white, and hybrids can look like tropical fish or other aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures (Scott and Alex in this case do not, but Todd and Fred do); most tribes have their basic powers, but more powerful canon powers and the mutant-like powers are only found in hybrids (this world's versions of mutants, can be called mutants in the au or hybrids)
• Tribes acted like SkyWings, being they tended to kill, ostracize, weaponize, or enslave dragons and draginets with these powers, but the mutants/hybrids fight to he seen equally or to take control themselves; these two hybrid factions end up joining forces in the end, though, because it's better to have everyone together in case things go wrong
• Angel in this case is a dragon with SilkWing/IceWing ancestry, and has six pairs of wings instead of four, and all six wings are beautiful and stunning white or opalescent; Roberto and Amara are firescale hybrids who sometimes can control how hot they burn, meaning they can sometimes hug others; Laura has sharp stinger-like claws on her back talons as well as the front talons; Forge is part NightWing/SandWing and can see into the future how to build working items and plans...
• Names for everyone include:
Charles Xavier: Chary
Ororo Munroe/Storm: Snowstorm
Logan Howlett/Wolverine: Wasp
Hank McCoy/Beast: Beauty
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto: Elk
Raven Darkholme/Mystique: Majestic
Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Sawfly
Scott Summers/Cyclops: Scarp
Jean Grey/Phoenix: Gentle
Anne-Marie/Rogue: Roguethought
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat: Snowfox
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler: Kurnia
Evan Daniels/Spyke: Horizon
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver: Silver
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch: Scarlet
Lance Alvers/Avalanche: Lancehead
Fred Dukes/Blob: Fern
Todd Tolansky/Toad: Tadpole
Alex Summers/Havok: Alp
Laura Kinney/X-23: Yellowjacket
Forge: Foreseer
Bobby Drake/Iceman: Iceberg
Reader: ??? (if anyone wants to make a stand-in name for all Readers, we can try to work something out, or you can just leave it as Reader, and use your own)
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delopsia · 1 year
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"Can I take the blindfold off yet?"
"Not yet," Bob's gently urging you forward again, one arm curled around your waist. Not letting you stray too far as he guides you through what you assume is an open field. Long, wet grass squishes beneath your shoes, the blades long enough to tickle at your exposed ankles.
When Bob had told you that he had a date planned for today, walking blindfolded through a field was not on your list of possibilities. Up until you caught Natasha and Bradley snickering as you climbed into Bob's passenger seat, you'd been expecting something simple. A dinner date, a visit to the arcade, a romantic walk on the beach, hell, an afternoon at the Hard Deck.
But the longer you tread through this grass, the more lost you become. Surely a picnic date wouldn't involve a blindfold, but the only other thing you can think of is... "Are we going to the lake?"
Bob's chuckle is the clearest thing you've heard since he led you out of the car. "Not quite," and despite not being able to see a damn thing, you can feel his eyes on you, "but I'm sure you'll be able to see it from where we'll be."
"Are you making me go hiking?"
His lips press to your cheek, fighting another laugh. "Nope."
All of a sudden, you're stopping. Bob's letting go of you, and all of a sudden, you're alone in this big, dark world. Teetering on your own two feet, unsure of what to do or where you are.
But then he's back. Reaching behind your head, untying the blindfold, and letting it fall from your eyes without another word.
"There you are," he murmurs, hands falling to your jaw, guiding you to meet his eye. Blue as the sky and twinkling with the same excitement they held when he covered your eyes in the Hard Deck parking lot. "Ready?"
You don't know if you are, but you're nodding your head anyways.
He turns his head to the left at that, gazing off at something you've yet to see. That big, dopey smile on his face has your curiosity piquing, turning to figure out what he's looking at.
It's...a massive basket?
Laying in the grass on its side, attached to a mass of blue and white checkered material. Familiar faces meander around it; Reuben and Mickey are lifting a portion of the material off the ground, exposing a massive hole that's gradually filling with air. Jake and Bradley are bickering about something regarding the basket, toying with something metal that doesn't seem to be responding to their efforts.
A hot air balloon.
"Who's flying..." but you don't get to finish your sentence because Bob grins at you, his cheeks pink.
"Remember when I told you I could fly things that aren't planes?" He chirps, fighting to speak through his smile.
"Bob, how does this work again?" Bradley calls out, and off goes Bobby, meticulously setting everyone back into the right order of how things are done. Diligent as he gets the balloon filled with air and off the ground.
His friends fall into place under his careful instruction, almost as if they've all done this before. Practiced before the real thing. It takes you a minute to notice them, but you spot Natasha and Javy lounging on a blanket not far away. Nursing drinks they've fished out of a cooler and enjoying the sight of five men fumbling with a giant balloon.
"They've done this four times so far," Nat hums when you're within earshot, "you would think they would have figured it out by now."
But they must recall some bit of what Bob has taught them because the next thing you know, you're clinging to Bob's side as the basket lifts off the ground for the first time. Eyes squeezed shut as if opening them will cause you to fall out. Can feel the way the balloon climbs higher and higher into the sky, the excited calls of Bob's friends drifting away until you can no longer hear them.
His arm tightens around you, bringing you into his soft, warm chest, the tip of his nose bumping into your forehead, "you're okay," he murmurs, "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."
It still takes you a moment to get your eyes open. But when you do, you don't think you'll ever be able to close them again.
You can see everything.
The parking lot, the baseball park, the forest surrounding the field you lifted off from, and the big, blue ocean in the distance. So high in the air that even the cars on the road are nothing more than colorful dots. Everything so microscopic and far away that you have to squint to see them.
If you really focus, you think you can see Jake and Bradley's trucks loosely following the balloon. Ready to catch it and pack it away once you land.
"What do you think?" You can hardly hear Bob over your own thoughts. "Still scary?"
"So long as you don't let go of me," your voice wavers as you reach for the edge of the basket. Daring to cling to it and peer down at the land hidden below. All places you've been to more times than you can count but never realized how it could have looked from above. "Since when could you fly a balloon?"
Bob's first attempt at answering is covered up by the sound of the burner, sending heated air up into the balloon. "I had one too many a few years ago and thought it would be a good idea to sign up for classes," he's a little too ready to answer. Like he's been waiting on you to ask, "Come to find out, those classes are nonrefundable."
"Drunk Bobby sounds like a hell of a person to be around," you can't help but giggle. You've never seen him drunk, but oh, have you heard the tall tales of the things he used to get up to while under the influence.
His eyes roll, cheeks flaming with red. "Drunk Bobby makes bad decisions and leaves sober Bob to deal with the consequences."
"Is that why you quit drinking?" Is now a bad time to be asking him that?
"I wish," he shakes his head, can no longer meet your eye, "I quit drinking because I woke up in the tree outside my apartment building."
You open your mouth, but he's still talking.
"I can't climb trees sober," he laughs at his own memory, glasses falling lower on his nose, "but come to find out, I'm great at it when I'm drunk."
A part of you wishes you could have been around to see it. To have your phone littered with pictures and videos of him stumbling around, doing all of the things he wouldn't normally do. Taking home stray cats, sleeping in trees, losing the soles to his shoes, and nothing else.
But a bigger part of you is just glad to have him. The sober one who wants nothing more than to watch movies on Friday nights and defines a "wild night" as going to Walmart at four in the morning.
"Well," leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek, the tiniest bit of stubble scratching at your lips; it's hard to believe that the last time he shaved was three days ago. "Tell drunk Bobby that I said thank you for signing up to take those classes."
You can't wait to find out what other odd talents drunk Bobby has gifted him with.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @jesuisici33 @forthewolves @rewritetheending @wikiangela @thosetwofirefighters @bvckandeddie
Thank you darlings! 💖
No surprise, paint sex fic has gotten out of hand and includes more plot than it has any right to (plus it has led to me starting another wip with sub eddie and dom buck so phew it's been a time), but here's a little taste of no smut from this smut fic
Ever since they gave themselves permission to fall into one another–to sink even further into the thick and golden syrup of their love and not come up for air because why would they need it when the life of the other is the only thing they would ever need to breathe, mouths pressed against one another for eternity, an intimate conversation, an exchange of sustenance, a comfort given and taken–Eddie hasn’t strayed far from Buck’s side.
It has earned them no small amount of teasing from their friends, all of them questioning how it was possible for Eddie and Buck to become even closer when they were already attached at the hip.
When Chim and Hen asked that (with broad, pleased smiles that made Eddie’s heart feel so fucking full) Eddie thought about how they were right, that his hip did automatically fix itself to Buck’s, a push and pull established between them early on that both of them were happy to follow, but that that’s the only part of themselves they allowed to touch, that there was plenty of distance between their torsos which were bruised and aching from the ferocious rhythm of their hearts that they tried not to let fully meet.
He didn’t say any of that that though, because he has some sense of self-preservation and dignity, but also because Buck proceeded to smile smugly at them in that lopsided, cocky way of his that Eddie hates (loves) and simply said, “Sex,” with an eyebrow wiggle.
The chorus of groans echoed loudly in the firehouse loft, and Eddie’s cheeks flushed so hot and bright he’s amazed he didn’t burst into flames on the spot.
He did manage to elbow Buck in the side and shake his head at him with an expression he has had to use far too many times, one that clearly says Buck, no.
Buck winced and rubbed at the spot where Eddie’s elbow dug into him while laughing a little breathlessly which of course made Eddie laugh because he doesn’t think he could ever resist the hypnotic pull and flow of Buck’s joy, can do nothing but try to match it and capture it and tuck it beneath his breastbone so he can feel it for the rest of his life.
And the loud thunk as Bobby dropped his head onto the table certainly didn’t help matters any. The sound was somehow full of Bobby’s exasperation and misery and it dragged laughs out of all of them until they were just a mass of cackling firefighters on the floor, clutching their bellies and crying from the force of their amusement.
Tagging: @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @anxieteandbiscuits @diazass @shitouttabuck @diazblunt @paranoidbean @housewifebuck @watchyourbuck @jeeyuns @buck2eddie @cowboydiazes @cowboy-buck @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @buddierights @rogerzsteven @bigfootsmom @transbuck @transboybuckley @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @thewolvesof1998 @butchdiaz @bucks118 @the-likesofus @gayedmundodiaz @try-set-me-on-fire @folk-fae and anyone else who wants to share!
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watchingspnagain · 1 month
Rewatching Abandon All Hope
Welcome to “If the Female Character Has Agency In Her Own Death, Does It Still Count as Fridging?: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e10: Abandon All Hope.
Cas tracks down Crowley, and Sam and Dean then go to confront him, hoping to retrieve the Colt. Crowley hands over the Colt on his own, telling the boys he wants Luci dead because he suspects that Luci will kill all the demons. He tells them where to find Luci, and after an evening at Bobby’s, Sam, Dean, Cas, Jo, and Ellen head to Carthage, Missouri, to go devil hunting. Things go awry immediately—the town is deserted, except for dozens of Reapers, who Cas claims only gather in such numbers when a mass death is in the offing. Meg arrives, taunts her some Winchesters, summons some hell hounds, and sends the boys and co. running. Jo gets big maimed, and with Dean consulting with Bobby over a short-wave radio and barely keeping it together, Jo convinces everyone that they need to build a bomb in the hardware store they’re sheltering in and let her stay to blow it up so the others can escape the hell hounds and continue looking for Luci. We get kind of a great and painful death scene for Jo and Ellen, who can’t stand to leave Jo to die on her own, and Sam and Dean take off to find Luci. And find him, they do, and Sam shoots him. The end. Ha! YOU THOUGHT. The Colt can’t kill the devil, silly. Oops. Cas swoops the boys back to Bobby’s, and they all have A Moment over Jo and Ellen.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
I always forget he doesn't have a beard at the start
he is so adorable
oooh peeping Cas, eh?
awwww Cas hiding behind his pillar
"it's going... down"
"took you long enough" I love him
um. Becky told them and she read it in Chuck's book. How's that rumors, Crowley, my love?
“you’re functioning…morons"
"yeah, you're functioning... morons" LOLOLOLOLOL
CROWLEY just standing there when Sam tries to shoot him
I love when he gets all angry
omg Cas
he's adorable
and Ellen is an idiot for thinking she could drink him under the table
"thank you again for your continued support"
“since when have we ever done anything smart"
"since when have we ever done anything smart"
Dean. No.
I mean, among other things, Cas is RIGHT THERE
There’s a perfectly good angel just over there, idiot
But Jo. sleeping with a hot dude on your own terms is not losing self-respect.
the look Dean gives Cas. you could try again, hon
you stick those flip phones out the car windows, boys, you stick em out good
“of course I have" CAAAAAAAS
well spotted, Ellen
she annoys me SO HARD
this is what you get when dudebros try to write a strong woman character
"I came alone" aw Cas
"I'm told you came here in an automobile"
"slow. confining" hAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
“what a peculiar thing you are” Gay, Lucifer. The proper term is gay.
Oh sweet Dean. That scared face
ooooof Dean's face when he realizes it's hellhounds
hellhounds on your trail, boy
oh. look out, jo.
oh. no. jo. do not get ripped to shreds. oh no
should have slept with the hottie hunter when you had the chance, girl.
the best part of this is how it affects Dean and as much I don't care about Jo I HATE that they killed off a female character for the effect it would have on one of the heroes and IT WORKS
god this scene bt Bobby and Dean
“the devil’s in the details, Dean"
"I've died several times myself"
poor Dean. he is FRAYED
he is so close to falling apart
I could hold him together
uhhuh. such a sacrificer, you
that's me. always ready to take one for the team
god his FACE
when he gets out of this situation, I will be speaking to him about leaving the “rather” out of the phrase "sooner rather than later"
DEAN. Her innards are outards. She doesn’t feel like macking right now.
I wish they had left it at the forehead kiss
I’m not an Ellen fan either, but I do like the dynamic here of not leaving her daughter but choosing to die with her
also that he hadn't tried to sleep with her earlier. it feels out of character (unless he was just looking for comfort and that's the only way he knows how to try to find any. but still. it's Jo. he's not into her)
(I’m convinced that these occasional eps in which Dean acts un-Dean-like are all written by the same person)
(yeah I wouldn't be surprised)
UGH. the fact that Ellen has to experience Jo dying first. GAH
and that it was her refusal to leave her that made this work. bc Jo died before she could have set the bomb off
they both can’t really believe it would be that easy and you can see it in their faces
I love the faces like even they don't believe at first that it was that easy
ooof Sammy
huh. a little Dark Side dialogue there, guys
cloud-hopping pansies is such a good insult
he just stone-cold throws her over the holy fire and uses her as a bridge daaaaang
he can be such a badass when he needs
why take the commemorative photo if you’re just gonna burn it?
i was JUST thinking that!
such drama queens
...maybe he's afraid their spriits could latch onto it and not move on?
I’m sticking with drama queens as the reason
or maybe someone just thought it was be a cool shot and they needed a bit of business bc otherwise SDandB and just standing there like dopes
[after the episode ended:]
so I was just grabbing this convo to dump in a word doc for the post and I was looking at some of our reactions to Cas and Luci talking to each other and I had a thought (I feel like this ought to be obvious but). The behaviours in Cas that read like autism are CAS behaviours, not angel behaviours. none of the other angels are like him. he's the only socially awkward bean who doesn't get sarcasm and takes things literally. that's HIM
Oooh, yep, that’s right
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i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Confessional
Confessional with Cardinal Copia is a little unique when it comes to one member of the Sisters of Sin, the real question who is confessing to who…
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Oral, squint and there is a fem!dom, public-ish sex, church sex??
A/N: This has lived in my head since the idea slid into my brain and I had to get it out before I had yet another dream about Copia. Solid PWP, with plenty of my dirty ex-catholic thoughts mixed in. This no-name Sister of Sin is going to end up being the main character of any of my Ghost writing going forward because I am so uncomfortable writing in a y/n style like the other stories I’ve been writing the last few days. I’ve also given up on trying for something every day as I am a full time working mom now and I have to eventually sleep…
Anyways!!! Enjoy!
The bells of the abbey tolled, the sound echoing off the stone of the abbey that housed the church of satan. Thirteen chimes, a nod to his darkness below but also the way to tell us siblings of sin that our day of studies were over for the day. 
I stood from my spot deep in the abbey’s large library, surrounded by dusty tomes that I had been entrusted to translate from old world Latin to English, and stretched. The sound of my back cracking practically echoed in the quiet hall. 
“Buongiorno, Sister.”
I jumped slightly, used to being left alone to focus on my task, and looked towards the person who spoke. Standing with his hands wringing together softly, the sound of black leather squeaking made me smile softly. This man, who looked so unsure of himself and was barely able to keep his mismatched eyes on me, was dressed in his red cassock today. His traditional face paint a stark contrast against his pale skin. His beretta was perched on top of his head, slightly askew. I walked over to him and reached up to adjust his hat, hand sliding to caress his cheek softly.
“Afternoon, Cardinal.” I smiled at him, his cheeks flushing instantly as I touched his face. “What can I help you with?”
“S-sister Imperator asked that I check in on the sisters who haven’t had a confessional in a few months.” He spoke quietly, his hands flinching toward mine at my sides before thinking better of it. “You’ve gone the longest, she’d like you to come to me after dinner this evening.”
“Ah, of course. I’ve been preoccupied with all my translations and research recently.” I turned away from him, stepping out of his range just as Copia lost the battle of wills and his hand slipped to my waist. “Shall I meet you in the confessional booth at 7?”
I turned back to look at him, eyes locked on him and he nodded mutely. I smiled again at him, turning back to my work at the table and bending over to move things around. I could hear his breathing increase just slightly as I bent over, giving him a better look at my curves as I collected my work in its proper folders. “I’ll see you then, Cardinal.”
Dinner was a calm affair for once, Papa Emeritus III was currently on tour with his band of nameless ghouls. The abbey felt empty without his presence home and with less ghouls prowling around the halls the dinner went smoother than it had in a long time. 
Every so often my eyes would drift up to the long head table where the prior Papas sat, Copia on the end next to Sister Imperator. His mismatched eyes would lock on mine and I could feel a blush spread over my cheeks. My table mates none the wiser to who I was eyeing at the table, talking amongst themselves. When the plates were being cleared, some siblings tucked in for the post dinner desserts and coffee time before curfew, I excused myself from the table and slipped from the room. 
I darted down the hallways to the vestibule prior to our large worship hall we used for Sunday night masses and holiday mass. I saw the door to the confessional was closed and I smirked, my hands reaching up to slip the Bobby pins from my habit. I knocked twice and the grate slid to the side; a familiar pair of dark rimmed eyes locked with mine. 
“Evening Cardinal.”
The door opened a fraction and I had barely the space to slip into the tiny room, not much bigger than a broom closet. Along the back wall was a bench where a member of the clergy would sit to listen to the confessions of the siblings of sin and ghouls during working hours. There was a small glass window on the wall as well, the pane tinted red caused the small space to feel bathed in blood. Combined with the constant smell of thick incense and the smoke of the candles it gave the space a heady feeling. 
The door to the space had barely closed before Copia was on me, my back slamming against the wall across from the other empty confessional room. His hand yanked the habit from my head, my hair spilling from its confines, and his fingers instantly tangled in the strands. I moaned softly as his painted lips pressed frantically against mine, his tongue brushing softly against my bottom lip. I let my tongue slip from my own mouth to tangle with his own, coaxing it to follow my own. My arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tugging gently on the longer strands at the base of his neck as we kissed. His hand came to settle at my waist and I could feel his fingers pressing into the flesh, likely to bruise if he kept up the pressure. 
“Cardinal…” I moaned, tilting my head to the side to take a breath and his lips traveled down the column of my neck leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. His teeth nipped at the pulse just under my ear and I couldn’t help the way it made my hips jump forward to grind against his. 
He parted his cassock and slid his right leg between my legs, pressing his knee up against my core as I soaked through my underwear. I rolled my hips against his thigh, a shutter running through me as heat pooled in my belly. My nails dug into Copia’s neck and hair, my back arching against the wall and thrusting my chest into his.
“S-sister.” Copia groaned, forehead resting against my shoulder as he rolled his hips against mine. I could feel how hard he was already and a thrill shot down my spine.
“Touch me, Cardinal.” I hissed, taking his hand to press against my breasts. Like the good student he was, he understood instantly. 
His fingers brushed against my hardening nipple through my bra and robes. He shuttered quietly, still rubbing himself against my hip as I rode his thigh absentmindedly. He rolled the bud between his fingertips and I hissed under my breath before my hand cupped his cheeks, pulling him up to kiss him fiercely. It was getting hot in this tiny room, I could feel sweat sticking the back of my robes to my skin and I could see how red Copia’s face was even in the rose colored room. I could see the thick pain around his eyes wobbled faintly, I couldn’t imagine how hot he was in the layers of wool he was wearing. 
Pulling my lips away from his I focused on pushing the biretta off his head, flinging it to the bench to our right. Next I pulled off his caplet, then I tugged at his long belt with its intricately beaded grucifix and tossed it to the side. The heat of the room felt sweltering suddenly as Copia pushed forward, lips coming back to suck and nip at my neck while grinding against me. I moaned quietly as my fingers started to undo the many buttons of his cassock, fingers deftly starting at his neck before pushing against him to give me space to undo more of the buttons. When I reached his waist he took over, seemingly just as impatient as me for my touch on his bare skin. Quickly he shrugged out of the heavy wool coat and tossed it to the side. 
Under the cassock he wore tight fitting trousers, leaving nothing to the imagination of what his cock looked like as it strained against the stiff fabric. He wore a black button up with black suspenders to hold his trousers up. My fingers twitched and I could help but to softly run my fingers against his straining cock, his whole body shuttered and he groaned into my neck, bucking softly in my hand. 
“F-fanculo…Sister.” He whimpered, his hands tugging at my own robes. I grabbed his wrists and he paused, his one white eye practically glowing in the low light. “Per favore, let me touch you.”
“I want you to taste me, Cardinal.” 
Copia’s eyes blew wide, surprise written on his face, as a deep red blush spread across his cheeks and spread down his neck. There was a squeak that slipped past his lips as every joint in his body locked up. Eagerly he nodded before dropping to his knees in front of me. His chest looked like it was heaving as he locked his gaze with me, my own cheeks flushing as I watched him push my skirts up my thighs. I grabbed the fabric and pulled it up to tuck into the band of my bra, I knew I wanted to make sure my hands were free to be able to slide my fingers in his hair. 
Copia brushed gentle kisses against my skin, his tongue slipping out to taste my skin as he went. His fingers hooked around the waistband of panties, letting his fingernail scrape softly against the sensible skin near my hips as he pulled the scrap of fabric till it fell down my legs. He paused, allowing me to step out of them and kick them to the side before he greedily threw my left leg over his shoulder. My breath came in short bursts as I felt his fingers teasingly run against my outer lips, I couldn’t help but whimper as I bucked against his fingers. He teased me for a few moments, his breath softly brushing against my bare inner thighs as he watched with hooded eyes as his fingers slid back and forth. 
He paused only for a moment, pressing a soft kiss to the very inside of my thighs before I felt his fingers spread me open before his tongue brush against me in one long languid brush. My head fell back, thudding against the wood of the wall, and my fingers tangled in his hair as he began to tease my entrance with the tip of his tongue. His lips descended against me, pressing a kiss as his tongue swirled my clit for the first time. My hips bucked against his face, his nose buried in my curls between my legs, his eyes looking up at my flushed face. 
“Oh…Copia.” I moaned, nails digging slightly into his scalp as I pulled him closer to me, grinding against his face as he sucked at my clit. He hummed in approval, fingers gently slipping inside me. One then two, his fingers curling inside me causing a whole shudder to roll through me. 
The cardinal’s tongue set a rigorous pace, the tip flicking against my clit before he sucked it into his mouth while his fingers plunged in and out of me. I could feel the pleasure pooling in my belly as I rode his face, his mustache rubbing roughly against my inner thighs as I failed to not squeeze his head. His mismatched gaze turned on me, my own vision practically cloudy while I fought to keep my breath under control and my voice low. His eyes were locked on mine and I felt pinned by the pure lust in his eyes. I felt his free hand snake around my thigh, gripping almost painfully, before I felt him add a third finger. I groaned. loudly before shoving my free hand in between my teeth, muffling the noises as best as possible while my eyes rolled into the back of my head. 
“C-copia, don’t stop…” I hissed, tugging on his hair roughly as my orgasm began to come on fast. “Don’t fucking stop.”
Two more thrusts and a swirl of my clit with his tongue and I bit down on my fist so hard I thought I was going to break the skin; my hips grinding roughly against Copia’s face while I rode out my orgasam. I could feel my chest pounding, as my hands slipped from his hair to caress his cheek. I couldn’t help but to smile at him warmly, as he pulled back away from me. His face was soaked with the combination of my fluids and his spit, I watched with hooded eyes as he licked at his face before sucking his fingers into his mouth. His eyes never left my face. Ever the gentleman, he helped me get both feet down before standing. 
Gently, such a far cry from how fiercely he was just devouring me, he pressed his lips to mine. I could taste myself on his lips and I felt the flutter in my belly again as I shivered. As we kissed softly, I was well aware of something hot and hard pressed against my lower belly. Copia’s hands came to cup my face before slipping down to slide under my bra, fingers deftly manipulating my hard nipples. I pushed my chest into his greedy hands and I leaned forward to press my forehead against his shoulder. 
My hands drifted down to his cock, straining against his trousers. I cupped my hand against him and I felt him buck into my hand, whimpering in my ear as his fingers twitched and pinched my nipples. His hand slipped from my breasts to cup my face again, kissing me more forcefully this time and I matched his movements with that of my hand on his cock. He rolled his hips and suddenly I was impatient. I wanted him, the painful clench in my belly obvious to me now. I pushed away from him, the look in his eyes confused before I pushed him to sit on the bench. 
He looked up at me eagerly, his hands absentmindedly drifting to cup his cock as I pulled my robes over my head and unclasped my bra. His eyes drifted to my bare chest and I blushed slightly before I pushed at his suspenders, shoving them from his shoulders. I unbuttoned his trousers as well, pulling at them before he helped me slip them down his strong thighs. Copia’s hands came to rest on my hips as I moved to settle in his lap.
We started to kiss again, our tongues lazily curling around each other as I ground down against him. He met my hips with his own, I could feel the precum beading on his head against my belly. I couldn’t wait any longer and I sat up, gripping his thick cock as I guided him inside me. I sank all the way down on him, feeling my walls stretched by him and I threw my head back a hiss slipping from my lips. 
“Carina, s-sister.” Copia muttered, one hand gripping my hip while the other settled on my lower back to help with the angle we were sitting in. “Sei cosi stretto, fanculo.”
I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t quite know all my Italian, so as I begun to move up and down on his cock I answered him by a searing kiss. Pressing my whole body against his, our bodies slick with sweat, I rode him like my life depended on it. I felt the cardinal begin to thrust up to match my pace as his hand gripped my waist firmly, moving my hips back and forth as we chased our orgasam in each other’s arms. His other hand slipped from the small of my back to the back of my head, tilting my neck to the side as he sunk his teeth into the sensitive flesh there. My arms snaked around his neck, fingers tangling in his messed up hair as I felt my orgasam beginning to build. 
“I’m so close, Copia…” I whimpered, rolling my hip with each of his thrusts. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around my back and flipped us so I was laying at an odd angle on the bench and he was on his knees on the floor. He took my leg and hooked it around his waist as he suddenly began thrusting into me hard enough I had to put my arms above my head to prevent my skull from slamming into the walls of the confessional.
His fingers slipped between our bodies and he quickly rubbed at my clit. I suddenly saw stars as my orgasam slammed into; I moaned loudly, my voice echoing in the antechamber due to the volume. Copia’s hand flew up to cover my mouth as he grunted, his hips snapping up to meet mine at a punishing pace. A few more erratic thrusts and he surged forward, his lips crashing into mine so forcefully I felt our teeth clink together. 
I could feel him release inside of me, his whole body shuddering and taut as we both fought to catch our breaths. He rested his head on my chest, pressing lazy kisses on my bare skin and I couldn’t help but to gaze at him fondly. My fingers brushed against the top of his head, practically petting him which was even more surreal when it felt like he was practically purring. I have no idea how long we stayed like that but it wasn’t long enough. The gently gong of the bells signaled final lights out in the siblings quarters; meaning it was just after eleven in the evening.
“I’ve got to go Cardinal…” I sighed softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to the top of his head. He didn’t say anything, he rarely did after the haze of lust faded and we had to part.
Slowly but softly, we helped each other dress again. I made sure that Copia’s biretta was on correctly, his clergy paints were a whole other story. Between the steamy conditions in the room and our vigorous activities, there were plenty of places where the black paints had migrated. I smiled affectionately at him before leaning in to kiss him softly, his hands sliding up to tangle in my hair before I pulled away and pulled on my habit to cover my hair.
“Thank you, Cardinal, for hearing my confessional.”
“Of course, Sister. Please come see me anytime you need to confess your sins.”
“Yes Sir, have a wonderful evening.”
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
So, I re-read all the '#deli superhero au' posts and made some more questions:
> I don't remember if I already send it, but I changed some of the questions anyway.
•  Thinking a bit into the spiderverse, does this au Spiderman have some unique trait /ability that’s different from the original? 
•  So now that there is this blank spot where there was supposed to be a major, Is the FoH just a lot more controversial? Maybe turning the elections something that is happening? ElQuackity, Quackity, Baghera and Maximus seem like interesting choices for a new major.
•  As for The Junior Hero program, maybe the villains take a major role trying constantly to cause a mass riot so it works through a public school system? Since, well, many villains have kids of their own that have been taken from them.
•  Will Richas still want to volunteer himself into the JHP? If not, how did he meet Bobby? I imagine a marketing event with the Junior heroes squad doing tricks with their abilities and then Richas just """gets lost""" and ends up behind the stage with a grumpy kid (Thorn, who just doesn't want to do the stupid show because his abilities are for his parents or soon-to-be-dead-villains) all alone. Richas ends up helping him run away so they can do some competition. Because somehow The Kid, “Bobby” he says, manages to convince Richarlyson he is not a superhero, just a cosplayer, and they fight each other and play pranks around the event, and it's a good distraction until it's over.
•  Talk a bit more about Richas power! Like for example, how long can something he created “stay alive”? Can he do it only with paint or it could be any liquid? Let's say he is in some situation where he only has blood, would it work?
Also, not a questions but the idea of naming Etoiles "Meta Knight" (from smash) would be funny.
Roier’s special Spider-Man trait is the fact that the fact that he’s also one of two Spider-Women. One is his sister, Leo, and the other is himself as Melissa. Lucky him
Yeah so the Feds are under a good amount of criticism and yet a lot of people are vying for the position of mayor while knowing that the mayor is essentially just a FoH puppet. Bad and Baghera especially are trying hard while secretly planning to take down the FoH from within
Most villains actually disregard the Junior Heroes entirely because they’re just kids. Junior Heroes like Thorn (aka Bobby) can and will be beat up and/or killed, because plenty of villains are really bad people. But the villains with kids do want to get rid of the JHP because the FoH has a habit of faking court records to have powerful kids taken from their parents. Bad deal!
And Richas probably meets Bobby/Thorn one day when Cellbit has to go turn in pictures of Spider-Man to Cucurucho at the FoH headquarters (they’re the worst pictures he has, but he can’t be arrested now, so he’s gotta play along.) Richas waits in the lobby, gets bored, ends up sneaking off, ends up getting in a fight with Thorn in the hallway. For socialization purposes, Richas is allowed to visit with Thorn when Cellbit has to go to HQ, and they start gossiping from there
Whatever Richas makes art with, he can use to bring something to life. How long the art stays Real depends on what it is- inanimate objects are basically permanent, but living things like butterflies or flowers tire Richas out and so they disappear quicker
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imbxdateverything · 1 month
fandom: Malevolent
whumpee: Arthur Lester
word count: 3,097
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, pre-canon, protective Parker, hurt Arthur Lester, mentions of blood, unconscious, field medicine
read on ao3
Parker grinned at the barkeep, an old friend of his named Bobby, as the man relayed a story from his past containing a lovely young lady and a rambunctious gentleman getting into quite a bit of trouble. He sipped his whiskey quietly, seeing no further need to spur on the man's tale as it was given out freely, simply letting himself feel the burn of the alcohol in the back of his throat as it travelled down.
Bobby leaned over the counter to whisper into Parker's face as to how that specific tale ended, a finale that seemed to be quite a promising ending if the gleaming mirth in the man's eyes was anything to go by. But before the man could finish his tale, the speakeasy's door was pushed open with a whine from the old and cracked wooden door.
The barkeep turned to face his new guests, but the easy smile adorning his lips mere moments ago fell into a frown, amused eyes widening slightly. The atmosphere inside the barroom instantly turned ice cold and tense.
Parker watched the differing emotions travel across Bobby's face before turning to see what had the man looking so spooked.
Parker was by no means a pushover, his stature and muscle mass were hints enough for people to know not to mess with him, and he had been known to turn rowdy and unwanted customers away from his regular drinking spot when needed. He turned around, eyebrows furrowed in a way he knew to make lesser men shudder and think twice about approaching, but as he took in the sight in front of him, he could feel his face slacken and his eyebrows shooting up instead.
Not ten steps away from Parker, right on the threshold of the bar's entrance stood his and Arthur's current person of interest; a weaselly man named Donny, grinning wolfishly and seeming more than pleased with himself. Around and behind him were a few of his henchmen double his size that Parker didn't care enough to remember their names. The only information he needed was that they belonged to some gang on the other side of town, and they knew about the services Parker and his partner provided.
Donny took a couple leisurely steps forwards and to the side, and all at once Parker understood why he looked like a predator with its fangs sunk deeply into its prey's soft neck.
Parker's breath caught in his throat as the man moved to reveal none other than Parker's own partner hanging off the loose hold two of Donny's lackeys had on each of his arms.
Arthur didn't lift his head to meet Parker's eyes as he was presented, he made no move to even show he was conscious and fuck, it seemed as if Arthur wasn't even breathing for a few alarming seconds.
The band had stopped playing soon after the men had stepped inside, all conversations seized, and there was nothing to buffer against the too loud slapping of Donny's leather soles as he strode towards Parker, looking for all the world like he had won a competition only he was taking part in.
Parker felt his mind roar at him to grab the man and smash his head onto the counter until it was nothing but a bloody, pulpy mess to be cleaned up and thrown out. It would have been easy, too, Parker knew that, but a glance towards his partner had him glued to the spot, even as a gratingly confident voice called out to him;
"Evening, gentlemen," Donny said, saccharine poison slipping off his tongue, his charm practised and confident and his eyes never leaving Parker's own, "We found this one sniffing around our parts. And I think you know how we feel about strays messing about our block."
Donny had the gall to show yellowed teeth with a smirk as he clicked his tongue; a plain order aimed at his lackeys. The two men holding Arthur up came as close to Parker as they dared before haphazardly dumping Arthur at Parker's feet, letting him fall into a heap.
The itch crawling deep beneath Parker's skin to reach down and make sure his partner was at least breathing was squashed down forcefully as Donny started speaking again, his voice abandoning all the sickly sweet charm it held for an unmasked threat;
"You should really train your mutt to follow orders better, Peter. Be a shame if you had to get a new pet so soon, now, wouldn't it?"
White-knuckled fists formed on each of Parker's sides, and he didn't know how he managed to keep his anger and tongue in check as he glared daggers at the men opposite him. It wouldn't do any good to let himself be baited into a fight with them, not in this place, and certainly not with Arthur in the state he was currently in.
Arthur, who was bleeding by his feet, with his slender limbs tangled when those assholes had practically tossed him, and who still hadn't moved and why hasn't he fucking moved?
Donny was grinning like the fool he was, going against Parker's partner and friend and having the audacity to look like a cat with its canary. Parker flexed his jaw taut, finding it harder and harder to convince himself that smashing that asshole's teeth in right in that moment would be a terrible idea.
His focus shifted when he saw Bobby produce a shotgun from the corner of his eyes, sparing a moment's glance to see the man bringing his weapon to aim at the gang members.
"I think it's time you left." Bobby threatened, and even though he would be hard-pressed to have a shot go off inside a hidden bar, the intruding men weren't quite as stupid as they appeared, so they didn't push the man actively pointing a gun at them.
"Alright, alright." Donny chuckled, bringing his hands up in mock surrender, "We're done here anyway. Just wanted to make sure this little lapdog got back to its owner." He said with an air about him as if he were expecting to be thanked for his kind service.
Parker's fists shook and it took everything in him to not grab the barkeeper's shotgun and empty it into Donny's ugly mug himself. With a final low sneer, the man walked outside with his lackeys following right after him.
As soon as the door closed behind them, Parker sank to his knees in front of his partner, his eyes scanning every blood-covered inch of him.
"Arthur," He called out softly, like he was sharing a secret between just the two of them, his arms hovering in the air undecided.
Parker let a heavy breath rattle his lungs as Arthur grunted before trying to get his arms under his body. It seemed as if time stood still for everyone except the two investigators as Parker watched his partner struggle to push himself up with little success. The trembling in Arthur's arms as they were unable to hold his weight pulled Parker from his trance, and it was like a spell had been broken.
Parker was instantly upon Arthur, helping him right himself and gently pushing him to rest his back against the side of the bar's counter.
Arthur spluttered wet gasps that made Parker wince, and Parker had never been so glad to hear such an ugly sound after the terrifying silence that had sat heavy on his chest.
"Parker," Arthur whispered, a broken cut-off sound that tore Parker's insides to shreds.
"Hey, English," Parker let an empty chuckle fill the space between his breaths lest he allowed panic to truly set in, "Let's get you home, alright?"
He didn't wait for an answer he knew he wasn't getting before he carefully put Arthur's arm around his shoulder to pull his partner up. It was slow going, and Parker had to bend his back low enough to accomodate for his partner's slighter frame and to keep from pulling any of Arthur's multiple wounds.
The silence around them soon turned stifling as all eyes seemed turned towards them, but Parker ignored the gnawing feeling crawling up his spine and turned to the barkeep.
"I'll put it on your tab." Bobby said without any prompting, and Parker hoped he could see the gratitude in his eyes in the low light of the speakeasy.
A few of the patrons moved in front of Parker before he could take a step, opening the door and a couple of them stepping outside while another held it open for him and Arthur to pass through.
Parker took a good look at the men's faces as he passed them, making sure to commit them to memory along with a promise to buy each a few drinks as thanks.
The chilled winter air outside hit Parker full force as soon as he stepped out and he felt Arthur shiver against him, spurring him on to reach their office that much faster.
Their usually short enough journey proved to be arduous as Parker listened to every slight noise Arthur made, every wince, every gasp, every whimper almost making Parker wish he had the courage to take his partner to a proper hospital, even though he knew how much Arthur despised them, how Arthur would hate him for it.
But, the small office they had called their home for the past long months was much closer and required a lot fewer questions than Parker would be willing to answer.
Arthur's right leg had long ago given up on trying to support any of his weight, making their trip that much more taxing, and Parker mumbled a few curses under his breath when he finally managed to half drag, half carry his partner onto the curb outside their rented apartment.
Having to take the stairs up to their office had been a daunting task weighing on Parker's mind the entire way there, and now, as he held onto Arthur's waist to keep him upright, he was finally faced with it.
Walking up those steps had never seemed more difficult, more weighted– even during the worst nights of his partner's insistence on drinking himself half to death, on the nights when Parker could only wonder how the man stumbling and clutching onto him had yet to keel over.
From the moment they stepped inside and onto the first step, Arthur hadn't stopped the low whines and moans from stumbling past his lips, but almost halfway up, he had fallen silent and Parker had almost sobbed as his fears took root behind his ribs.
Parker was panting when they finally reached their door. He managed to fish his keys from his pocket and unlock it without shifting Arthur too much, and still his partner remained quiet, making Parker's head spin in worry.
Parker kicked the door closed behind them as soon as they were through, and made a beeline for the small sofa they kept for any in-office visitors, setting Arthur on it as gently as he could.
The shift in gravity seemed to awaken Arthur from his stupor, making him let out an agonised groan as he clenched his eyes shut. Parker winced at the sound, but he couldn't keep himself from feeling relieved as his partner became aware enough once again.
"I'll be right back," Parker softly promised, knowing that Arthur was still too far gone to process any of his words.
Not waiting for a reply that wouldn't come, Parker locked their door before he set off to retrieve the first aid kit they kept in their too small bathroom, remembering his promise to himself that he'd stock it up after a case they had taken a couple months ago had turned a little too violent for his liking, and how he kept repeating that promise in his head every time his eyes fell on the blasted box.
He remembered, as he bent down to grab it, how Arthur had dabbed away the crusted blood off his knuckles after he had clipped one of their attackers on the side of his head; he remembered doing the same to Arthur's busted lip where a fist had struck him.
Parker returned to the office proper moments later, turning the main light on and dropping once again in front of Arthur. Parker almost lost his nerve as he took a better look at his partner's state under the better lighting; dried blood covered the left side of Arthur's face until only a sliver of too pale skin could be made out, a multitude of scrapes and bruises visible on him from top to bottom, his suit darkened further where it had greedily soaked Arthur's blood.
Arthur's every other breath hitched, making Parker flinch, and every wheezing inhale making bile rise in his throat.
As Parker stared, his eyes jumping on every jagged wound on his partner's body, he suddenly felt a deep, rumbling anger swell inside his chest; he had half a mind to start cursing at the suffering man opposite him when he had told him not to follow up on this case alone, to wait for morning for them to go together, or better yet, let Parker handle it himself.
But Arthur didn't know how these gangs could be. He hadn't lived in Arkham as long as Parker had, hadn't seen how low its people would stoop before letting go of their fragile ego and the power they thought was owed to them. And Parker couldn't fault him for that– especially not when he watched the man suck in harsh gasps, blood bubbling on his already stained lips with each exhale.
Peter closed his eyes, taking a moment to breathe deeply in an attempt to calm himself and steady his nervous hands as he unbuttoned Arthur's shirt.
He picked up a piece of gauze from the kit, soaking it in iodine and leaning closer to Arthur, all the while speaking softly like his partner was a cornered and injured animal, wound up and ready to pounce at any given moment.
Parker telegraphed his every move as he went about treating the wounds on Arthur's face first, the process slow and excruciating and drawing a myriad of strained whines from Arthur's lips. He kept speaking softly to himself, to Arthur, to the damn piano in the corner of the room– a litany of nonsense trickling out of Parker's mouth if only to fill the palpable silence around them with anything that wasn't the agonised groans Arthur let out.
"You're a damn idiot, English, you know that?" He whispered with no real heat and ignored how his hand shook something fierce as he removed pieces of broken glass embedded behind Arthur's ear.
Arthur flinched as the protrusion was pulled free, apologies stumbling out of Parker's mouth immediately at the sorry sight his partner made. Even more falling out, seemingly without Parker's prompting, as he continued his ministrations.
Halfway through setting and bandaging Arthur's broken fingers, Arthur seemed to come back to himself with a startled curse pushing past his bloodied lips.
"It's alright, Arthur," Parker swallowed down his worry and put on an easy smile that he would bet looked more like a grimace; all of it an act for tightly clenched eyes and a mind too addled with pain to make the words stick. "I'm almost done."
Parker kept countering every choked down scream Arthur made with kind words and encouragements that sounded almost foreign spilling from his deep and gravely voice.
It was a long and harrowing two hours before Parker accepted that he'd done everything he could. The cries Arthur had been making during that time had almost driven Parker mad, filling him with an urge to stuff his ears with the discarded cotton haphazardly thrown into the first aid kit's corners, if only to never have to listen to such slurred and mumbled sounds fall out of his partner's lips again.
Leaning back and looking over Arthur once again, Parker let his eyes travel between the cuts he had managed to find the bandages to cover, to the torn skin that he had to leave exposed, making sure he hadn't missed any injuries, and sighed to himself.
Parker didn't think he would be able to get Arthur to the makeshift cot they took turns sleeping in further back into their office– not that it'd be much more comfortable than their worn and faded leather sofa. Not to mention how unpleasantly the thought of trying to move Arthur in his state was stirring in Parker's mind.
While Arthur was valiantly fighting against unconsciousness, Parker got up on unsteady and numb legs to stumble into their kitchenette, filling an empty glass with tap water and pointedly not worrying about how cloudy it was as he took it back to Arthur.
Parker dropped down slowly, a careful hand on his partner's uninjured knee as he presented the water to no-one but himself. He had to coax Arthur into taking small sips, getting him to manage drinking almost half of it before the last sip had turned into a wet cough, water tinted pink trickling down Arthur's chin.
It seemed obvious that Arthur wouldn't be winning against the darkness any longer, so Parker abandoned the glass on the coffee table behind him and attempted to ease Arthur into as much of a laying position as he could, gingerly lifting both his legs onto their small sofa.
Arthur was certainly not the biggest man Parker knew, to put it mildly, but even he was hard-pressed fitting comfortably on the furniture, as the double seat did nothing to help accommodate its current occupant.
After settling his partner down and making him as comfortable as he possibly could, Parker sank stiffly to the floor, his back against the sofa where Arthur's feet were, and his head turned to look at his partner's sleeping face.
Still, even in sleep, Arthur's face was screwed with pain, his jaw tight and his eyes wrinkled, and Parker had to look away. He let his head fall between his knees with a forced exhale, trying to get his jackrabbiting heart under control.
He'll be okay. He'll be okay.
Parker repeated the words in his mind like a mantra, promising that he would make them come true no matter what it might take. He sighed, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling before he closed his eyes and let the familiar and ever-present ticking of the clock mingle with Arthur's shuddering breaths as he slept fitfully.
He'll be okay.
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eremosjournal · 2 years
Catholic Drug // volume 18
I think I use Catholicism as a drug. 
I was listening to a podcast with Bobby Lee and Neil Brennan, a strange pair of comedians, and they were talking about meth and god, a strange pair of topics. The ways Bobby Lee described his meth addiction and his current spirituality both felt spot on to how I might describe my relationship to Catholicism. I wish I was trying to be funny - I wish this were funnier - but I think that my drug of choice is Catholicism. 
I’m trying to find the punchiest and most cutting examples. But my wit is falling short at this off-putting realization. 
When I was in high school, and the most depressed I've ever been, I found Catholicism. I started using, and I got hooked. I got a temporary high at youth group, sometimes a little hit at mass, and the highest of highs on confirmation retreats. Now, a few years removed and a few years deconstructed, worship music doesn’t hit as hard as it did before. My body adapted to that drug and the high has worn off. But I can still get a little buzz if I bump a recording of a new worship song on a really low day. 
I still work at the church, even though I have so many issues with it and barely believe any of the same things as the people in the pews next to me. I know it’s not good for me, but something keeps me coming back. Maybe it’s the community, or the predictability, or the predictability of the community. It’s stressful to exist in new, challenging environments. I never have to wonder what I’m gonna get when I go to church. The same people, the same songs, the same righteous bullshit I haven’t really believed in in years. And while I can feel it doesn’t make me a better person, it gives me something to lean on. This, I must imagine, is what meth felt like to Bobby Lee.
I haven’t yet found a sustainable substitute for the high Catholicism used to give me. But recently, I’ve found that living without faith doesn’t fill me with the sweaty withdrawals of doubt. It’s starting to feel good, to feel clean. Trusting that I can be happy without leaning on a system that fooled me for years is kind of a high in itself. 
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
From fics I’ll (probably) never finish
Damnit brain.  Stop it.  @tkwritesdumbassassins​ my brain really needs to stop this.  Like now. 
*sigh* FFO gets finished first.  You hear that brain? *shakes fist*
We don’t even have a title yet…. Mass Effect WIP banner by @radio-chatter​
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Untitled Buddie Space Opera/Mass Effect AU
Fandom: 911…. Original Mass Effect Trilogy 
Pairing: Buddie, prior Evan Buckley/Abby Clark, prior Eddie Diaz/Shannon Diaz
Tags/warnings: first draft. Space opera.  mash up of Mass Effect MShenko and Buddie.  Buck is Commander Evan “Buck” Buckley, first human Spectre.  Eddie is an alliance marine, one of the few surviving L2 biotics (aka space mage).  Buck supposedly died 2 years ago in the wreck of the Normandy after being attacked by an unknown ship thought to belong to the Collectors but he was revived by the shadow organization Cerberus and given the means to go after the new threat to the Milky Way…. 
what happens when your brain wants to pair the two longest, slow burn romances of two different fandoms and says ‘what if we put one in the other?’ And you get this.  MShenko is a long, 3 game burn with a payoff that made me cry the first time I played ME3.  Buddie is at, what, 5 seasons and counting assuming it ever makes canon?
Yeah I like my slow burns….  
I admit the thought of Eddie being a biotic (yay biotic booty!) is maybe also what got stuck in my brain.  
So have some Buddie-divorce era mixed in a blender with that whole Mass Effect 2 Horizon MShenko divorce-era and you get this.  
This is first draft.  Who knows if I’ll ever get around to writing the rest of this 600k epic. 
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“Eddie!” He calls before he can stop himself.
It is Eddie because the man comes to a halt before slowly turning.  All Buck can think is that Eddie looks unbearably good, his armor polished to a high shine, no dings or dents in it even though he’d been released from one of the Collector’s special coffin-like collection pods.  He’s still had the same ever-present scruff on his cheeks and his hair has a ruffled appearance like it’d been finger combed after sleep and just a bit longer than regulation standards. The two bars on his shoulders and around the collar denoted that he’s been promoted since Buck last saw him—Captain.  He’s Captain Diaz now—not lieutenant.  
Buck still outranks him he notes in the back of his brain with satisfaction.  That is, if Buck still was considered part of the Alliance and hadn’t been declared dead more than two years ago. 
You kept the rank you died in, right?
Eddie’s brown eyes search for whoever called his name and when they land on Buck there’s no mistaking the way he straightens and his spine stiffens as he comes to attention.  There’s a pallor to his face like he’d seen a ghost and he doesn’t look away as Buck lopes towards him, frozen to the spot and not running away. 
“Eddie,” Buck calls his name, softer this time.  His hands itch to reach for Eddie and confirm that he’s in one piece.  Bobby’s message hadn’t mentioned who the Alliance officer was that had been sent to bring the antiaircraft guns back online—probably because he knew if he’d mentioned it was Eddie that Buck would have torn the entire galaxy apart to save him and the colonists be damned. 
Bobby’s reticence to tell him where Eddie was had stung but now Buck suspected there was a reason he hadn’t been able to get in touch with Eddie. If Eddie had been assigned to Horizon then it made sense if he’d be out of comms range given the remoteness of the colony.  
The puzzle pieces were starting to assemble in his brain and he was starting to come up with a picture that wasn’t pleasant to think about. 
Horizon was the perfect target.  Human colony this far out without significant defenses and Buck suddenly suspected that the knowledge about the AA guns being inoperable wasn’t exactly a secret. 
Bobby had sent Eddie here to witness a Collector raid.  Buck was sure of it. 
Eddie who had a son—a son who only had one remaining parent. 
Buck’s anger at Bobby was sudden and vicious.  How dare he put Eddie at risk! 
The fact that Eddie was an accomplished marine and had a list of commendations almost as long as Buck’s arm didn’t matter.  Eddie had been his second in command and being put at risk like this…
Bobby had no idea how much danger he’d placed Eddie in and Buck’s blood boiled in fury. 
Never mind that Bobby had been the one to send Buck the intel about Horizon that had sent HIM here…
“Eddie,” he called again, jogging to catch up. Lucy and Ravi hung back but following on his heels. 
Eddie’s gaze sharpened and he frowned as he looked at Buck’s team behind him, immediately noticing the insignia on their uniforms and drawing his sidearm but he didn’t raise it.  Instead, he started to glow a faint blue as he activated his biotics and took a defensive stance, ready to react.  Violently if need be. 
Shit. Buck waved Lucy and Ravi to stand down and walked the last ten paces to Eddie with his hands held up in peace.  In a one-on-one fight he knew he could probably take Eddie unless he started throwing around his biotics and then the math tilted the other way given how high Eddie spiked as an L2.  Buck had no intention, however, of fighting Eddie with or without biotics. “Eds—it’s me.”
“I’d heard rumors but I knew they had to be wrong,” Eddie growled, his voice rough from disuse and mistrust. “The Evan Buckley I knew would never have joined up with Cerberus.”
“It really is me,” Buck tried again. “Eds—“
“Don’t call me that.  Not while wearing his face, clone.”
“I’m not a clone!” Buck protested, doing his best to look innocent. 
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stereogeekspodcast · 8 months
[Transcript] Season 3, Episode 9. Monarch: Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Review
Why is the earth shaking? Could it be... Godzilla? The Stereo Geeks weren't planning to watch Monarch: Legacy of Monsters but once we started watching it, we could not stop. Ron and Mon discuss what kept us going back to the show, what could have been done better, and how that father-son acting duo worked out. Warning, spoilers ahead.
Did you enjoy Monarch: Legacy of Monsters?
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters image courtesy Apple TV+.
Listen to the episode on Spotify.
Hello and welcome to a new episode of Stereo Geeks.
Today we're discussing Apple TV+'s Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.
I'm Mon.
And I'm Ron.
Let's talk about this show.
So we have 10 episodes of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.
It's split into two timelines.
One is set in the 1950s, when the Titans are first spotted, and Monarch is being set up.
And the other is in 2015, after a Titan attack and the search for answers.
So let's delve a little bit deeper into what all this means, because you're probably wondering, who are the Titans?
So Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is a TV show, which is the latest installment in the Monsterverse franchise.
And to explain, the Monsterverse is this American franchise, and it's a shared fictional universe, something like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, if you like.
So this Monsterverse features Godzilla, King Kong, and a bunch of other characters who were originally created and owned by Toho Company Limited.
This franchise started with Godzilla, the movie in 2014, which starred Aaron Taylor Johnson.
Then we had Kong's Skull Island with Brie Larson and Tom Hiddleston, which I had no idea was connected to Godzilla, but it is.
Following which, we had Godzilla, King of the Monsters.
This is a direct sequel to the Godzilla movie.
This was starring Millie Bobby Brown.
And the sequel to that was Godzilla vs.
Kong, which I have not seen.
I didn't even know this movie existed, so this is news to me.
And Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is connected to all these films.
The next film is going to be Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
That's coming out in 2024.
None of these are related to apparently the superior Godzilla movie, Godzilla Minus One.
We have not seen that yet.
It's on our list.
I have to admit, I'm a little bit confused because I thought all the promos were for the same TV show, and it turns out Godzilla Minus One is a movie.
I have to say, Godzilla is not like a thing that we follow.
He was, you could say, in the background of our childhood.
I remember us catching a few Godzilla movies or snippets here and there, but really he wasn't really a thing for us.
But we decided to watch this show after seeing a few of the promos.
It looked kind of interesting.
And well, surprisingly, the show was compelling.
We could not stop watching it.
I think it helps that you don't have to watch all the other movies to understand what's happening in this show.
In fact, in my opinion, some of the reveals were actually more exciting because I completely forgot what had happened in the movies I'd seen.
First episode in, I was hooked.
I don't know why I was hooked.
But I mean, one of the reasons could be the fact that it really does deal a lot with the aftermath of the G-Day disaster.
It's the day that Godzilla attacked San Francisco.
I've always found that very interesting.
How does humanity pick itself up from mass tragedy?
And then in the first episode, we find out about Hiroshi's double life.
Yeah, I needed to see more of that.
Honestly, this show is unpredictable in so many ways, not always in good ways, but it keeps you guessing and really keeps you wanting more.
So let's get into some of the negatives.
The show is so inconsistent with storytelling.
Is Monarch good?
Is it bad?
When did Monarch actually begin?
Even that's up for debate.
Like they say one date at one point and somebody else is convinced it's another date.
Very confusing.
Also, please explain why Hiroshi made the life choices that he did.
10 episodes, we still don't have an answer.
And let's not even get into what's actually happening in the show.
I can't say I understood most of what was going on on screen.
And I don't believe I understood people's motivations either.
I know this is a fictional fantastical show about kaiju and monsters.
Even then, I would like the science to make some modicum of sense.
I can't say it did.
Maybe because of the unpredictable nature of the story and the characters especially, I was just like, you know what?
It's inconsistent and some of the actions are beyond belief.
But this is riveting stuff.
I want to see more of what's happening.
And I also like to say that I love how this show goes back to the Japanese roots of this character.
When I say this character, I mean Godzilla.
He's the main character, come on.
A lot of stuff when it gets commentated by the US, they kind of forget its origins or its roots.
So it's nice that Godzilla or in the original Japanese pronunciation, Gojira, its heritage is actually acknowledged in this show.
That being said, the Titans, the monsters of the title, aside from Godzilla, I was not that impressed with the other designs.
With Godzilla, I love the scale of this monster.
Apparently, it's even better in Godzilla minus one.
I can't wait to watch that movie.
But in this one, especially, you feel the scale, you feel the fear and this rippling design of this creature.
The others, I don't know, they just look like very poor knockoffs.
For me, I wasn't really thinking that much about the science or the inconsistencies.
I was really going with the flow because, like, you have a very innocuous start.
You have Kate, played by Anna Sawai, basically going to Japan from San Francisco, and she's going to settle her father's estate because he's been declared dead.
And when she goes there, she finds that he's got another wife and a child.
And her newly found brother, Kentaro, played by Ren Watabe, his immediate animosity towards Kate.
I really enjoyed watching that because that is a very natural reaction.
He's angry at his father.
His father is not here.
He's apparently dead.
He's going to take it out on the first person he can, and that's Kate.
And it was such a great foil to his mother's desire to know her husband's other child.
So for me, on the one hand, I was a bit upset that we didn't see as much of a Godzilla.
Ten episodes and maybe three or four glimpses.
The last episode, though, was outstanding.
Oh, my God.
But this is the kind of stuff that kept me riveted.
And the other thing that I really liked was Kate's response to G-Day.
She completely shuts down, which is, again, a very natural reaction because we realize, and it takes a couple of episodes, they don't show it immediately.
We just know that something bad happened to her.
All her students died.
She was the only one who got off the school bus and she watched all of them die.
That's not something that you can just bounce back from.
This trip to Japan is literally the first time in a long time that Kate is being human.
And then we learn, again, this is also slowly eeked out, that it wasn't just her students that she lost.
It looks like she also lost her girlfriend, who she was cheating on.
Like father, like daughter, apparently.
Yeah, I have to say, I really like the younger actors in this show.
Anna Sawai, Kiersey Clemons, and especially Ren Watabe.
They really held their own and carried the show.
Sawai, I felt like she was so sweet and she was so emotional as Kate.
And you really feel for this character, who's been through so much.
And she faces an even more ridiculous circumstance in the very first episode.
She thought surviving a literal monster attack would be the worst thing she ever faced in her life.
Well, wait till you get to Japan.
Talking about Kiersey Clemons, her May is such an anomalous character here.
Honestly, at first, I thought she's just a tech person.
You always have the tech person in these monster movies.
But then we kind of slowly find out that May and Kentaro were in a pretty strong romantic relationship.
She's learned Japanese while she's been there.
And then May just starts revealing that she's got all these secrets.
She's not telling us what secrets, but there are a lot of secrets.
And these are the kind of things that will get her killed.
And everybody around her as well.
Unlocking those truths about May, there's an entire episode that's dedicated to that.
That's how important a character she is.
It really kept me riveted.
But I would say that once those secrets are revealed, I felt like May kind of faded into the background.
She didn't have as much to do.
But the show still tries to keep some kind of a focus on her.
Because then she kind of becomes the love interest for Kit.
Yeah, I've seen Clemence in a few other places, and I've never been all that impressed by her.
But I really dug this performance of hers as May.
She's really someone who's no nonsense.
She's also scared, she's angry, she's kind of lost.
And then it becomes this really sweet kind of thing between her and Kate, where they're always looking for each other and trying to help each other out, and it's really, really adorable.
Oh yeah, that was just so cute.
I really like the fact that, you know, there's romantic chemistry between the actors, and any other show, they might have just ignored it.
But I was kind of relieved that the show just went with it and said, okay, fine, these two have great chemistry, let them be a couple.
It sucks for Kentaro though.
But there's a love triangle in the past as well.
Yeah, see, this is where the story issues come in, because it wasn't until Kate and May have this really sweet moment, not a romantic moment, but it's the start of one, that you realize, oh, this is the start of a love triangle.
Oh, they're paralleling something from 1950.
A better writing team would have made that connection more seamless, and not just that connection.
It would have been throughout the show with other parts of the story.
But I really want to talk about Ren Watabe.
To me, he was the star of this show.
I also think he got a lot to do.
Kintaro is really the emotional core of the story.
He also goes off alone on several occasions.
Those are stupid decisions, but you know, that's focusing only on him.
So I found that he was carrying a lot on his shoulders on his own.
He was really excellent and really understated as well.
I genuinely would love to see more of him in Hollywood, but I do not know.
But yeah, these young folks, really, really good.
Let's go to the storylines in the past.
So we've got Keiko, who is a Japanese scientist.
She meets Lee Shaw, played by Wyatt Russell, and Will Randa, played by Anders Holm.
Now this is where the other love triangle comes in.
I have to say they didn't have as much chemistry as the three in 2015.
Honestly, the romance makes no sense in this show.
It's absolutely bizarre.
Like, who's in love with whom?
How do the timelines on some of these romances even work?
Why is X kissing Y when they were actually marrying Z?
I don't understand what is happening.
Weird, weird, weird.
Yeah, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Keiko is an amazing character.
Like, she was my favorite on this show.
She is formidable.
She's smart.
She's also really passionate about her work, and especially to protect the Titans.
I really liked that about her.
She doesn't want to blow the Titans up.
She doesn't just see them as a threat.
She sees them as a whole bunch of other creatures who have been happily living side by side with humanity and she wants to protect them and learn from them.
Mari Yamamoto was really good as Keiko, but I think she needed more story.
I feel like she got the emotional angles, and yes, her passion for her work and these creatures was great, but I just felt like she needed to be more of a doer.
Well, there's a reason why she didn't get as much story as we would have liked, and that's kind of something that happens in the very first episode.
And the rest of the season, I felt like it subsumed the fun science stuff that Keiko was doing with the Keiko-Lee-Billy love triangle in a way that added a layer of complexity to their interactions, but I'm still struggling to understand why Keiko got with Billy at all.
He seems to be a bit thick to me.
No offense, but I was wholly unconvinced by Anders Holm, who plays Billy Rander in this show.
Not sure what vibe he was going for.
I mean, it's kind of explained in the last episode, but at the same time, throughout the show, I'm like, he seems to be on a different plane than the rest of the show characters, so I was just not interested in watching this character at all.
But I love the casting choice of Wyatt and Kurt Russell playing the same character at two different ages.
I'll admit, the Nippo baby conversation comes into the fray here, but it was still a lot of fun to watch.
I don't know about you, though.
For me, it does put a spotlight on how Wyatt lacks the charisma of his dad.
I mean, I'm not even the biggest Kurt Russell fan here, though we did watch a lot of Tango and Cash's Kids, so that might explain a lot.
But even then, I'm like, Kurt Russell just has this presence, and he's so good.
And then whenever it was Wyatt, it's like, okay, yeah, he's doing his thing, but oh, no, let's bring Kurt back on the screen.
Honestly, I really liked watching the Russells.
It was so unexpected.
And I love the…
Obviously, the camera did these things where you're looking at one person's face and then you go to the other ones.
But there was such synergy between their characters.
I really was very impressed by that.
And yes, I agree.
Wyatt doesn't quite have the charisma of his dad, but you can kind of see why Keiko liked him.
And you can kind of see why the young people in 2015 just follow Lee Shaw, even though they don't know who he is, they don't know his connection to their dad.
They just go with him.
But there's just something about Kurt Russell.
His Lee Shaw is just so scarily driven and he's almost like way too enthusiastic and funny and jolly, but at the most inopportune moment, like everybody is terrified around him and he's like, oh my god, this is amazing what's happening.
No, we are almost going to die.
But I loved watching him.
Yeah, I think, you know, when you're watching somebody like that, who's got just so many levels to his performance, the way his face lights up and he sees this particular person and other times when he knows something and he doesn't want to reveal it or he's like a little bit scared, but again, Macho Guy doesn't want to reveal that.
You see that and then you've got all these characters in Monarch.
They were the weakest link for me.
Everybody, I know they were doing a good job, but they just were so dull.
All those performances were so dull.
The characters were so dull.
But that final scene in the finale though, huh?
I'm not even that invested in the Monsterverse and I got so excited.
Bring on season two.
Honestly, this is the kind of show where you come for the titans, but you stay for the human drama.
And with that ending, we need a season two.
And that's it from us talking about Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.
Let us know how you like the show.
See you next time.
Ron: You can find us on Twitter @Stereo_Geeks. Or send us an email [email protected]. We hope you enjoyed this episode. And see you next week!
Mon: The Stereo Geeks logo was created using Canva. The music for our podcast comes courtesy Audionautix.
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temp-check · 2 years
Monday's temperature check (2-13)
You’d think on Super-Bowl-Hangover-Recovery-Day that I’d mention the Super Bowl.  Sure, I just did.  Yay sports!!  Of course, I watched it.  I laughed a couple of commercials (Ben Affleck comes to mind). I enjoyed Ri-Ri’s half-time show and was completely mesmerized by the back-up dancers jumping around in their snowsuits like mass-hypnotized grade schoolers in a snow-day flash mob.  However, the real news is the perpetrator of the Dallas Zoo emperor tamarin monkey kidnapping caper has been caught and the monkeys are safe.  Granted, the monkeys are going back to jail, but the zookeepers “love” them and will make sure all their emperor tamarin needs are taken care of.  The behavior that tipped off the authorities was his line of questioning at the Dallas Aquarium.  The self-proclaimed animal lover and wannabe influencer went to the aquarium and asked employees a string of, "very suspicious questions." Like, “Which of these sharks would get along best with two monkeys?”  Apparently, our would-be Crocodile Hunter also intended to kit-nap the zoo’s clouded leopard.  He cut open the enclosure and tempted the big cat with tasty monkeys.  Tamarin monkey leaves a bitter after taste, so the leopard ran away.  He is charged with six counts of animal cruelty and two counts of burglary.  He is up for a guest spot on Beat Bobby Flay, where he will challenge the celebrity chef with his signature blend of bird seed and chipotle fused monkey feces. 
I don’t have any monkeys handy.  It’s all for the best, but what wine would pair with emperor tamarin?
Stay safe!
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“Don’t tell me you’re giving up already.” Saal En Nat
-- @defyxoblivion ||
"Not quite. Just inventing new ways to distraught our enemies. You should know better."
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Magneto's fingers are lodged into the dirt underneath him. Most of it is ash or Symbiote goo. Portions of the plains have caught fire in the conflict. The sky is darkened by swarms of black-tinged clouds that rains ash and enemies down. Mutants are scattered across the field where the flora and fauna of Krakoa has dwindled dangerously. The master of magnetism can feel the blood running through his mouth, but there is no metallic taste- instead it was but dirt and ash drying him out.
"I recall Bobby was so free to cool down volcanoes at the bottom of the Pacific. The volcanoes are now dormant, stuck with masses of cooled, metal-filled lava.
What a fortunate thing that they are just in reach."
The waters of the closest shore bubbled, waves trembled as the Symbiote onslaught within the waters starts to be swept away. Magneto did not control the storms, nor did he control the waves. But he could control what would cause them. Bubbles rise to the surface and one by one, soldier's disappear underneath. The waves sweep them away. Shadows linger in huge waves. Massive dragons cause turmoil in the waters. Their forms are black as cooled magma, the silver of their metallic cores shines against the flames. No fire is within their core, but their monstrous claws, horns and teeth were forged by good intent. And they were controlled by precise forces.
"Have you ever wanted to ride a dragon? There might just be an opportunity."
The mutant rose from his spot on the ground, the huge constructs of myth follow his action, the grasp of his hand leads them from the waters to the skies of their enemy's armies.
"Watch out for anymore dark dragons that are not ours."
If another one intended to get too close, The master of magnetism had his very own pair of dragons ruling the skies now.
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