#stan wedge
whirltherescuebot · 11 months
who let me cook on this one :sob: /pos
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corelliaxdreaming · 2 years
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I don’t even know how to caption this. 😍🥰
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ladythornofrivia · 7 months
Kingdom of Fire & Blood || (Part One)
Next Chapter
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summary: modern!reader woke up in Westeros after getting drunk.
pair: aemond x reader
warnings & disclaimer: smut, violence, p in v sex, sexual content, aemond being arrogant but is secretly a softie, modern reader doesn’t know how the world of GOT works but is a Aemond stan, praise kink, breeding kink, spitting kink, voice kink, fluff, angst—family drama, oral sex, hate sex, jealousy, stalking, virginity loss, obsession, reader being sassy and aroused, sweet moments with reader and aemond. Reader is a huge GOT & HOTD fan. Pro-Green, Reader is a green supporter. Aemond becomes king instead of Aegon. (P.S. Alys who? I only know Aemond x Reader).
a/n: it’s official! It’s here! I hope you enjoy my fanfic series of ‘Kingdom of Fire and Blood’.
Chapter One: The Dark Uproar
In a realm of dragons and knights,
There lays with conquer and fear, from scorching summer through bleak winters, through life of air and fire and ashes.
In a realm of nobility and law, in the halls of mountain and sea,
the green star has shed upon the dark, cloudless sky, wedged upon the shrouded waters of Westeros.
The green star has emerged.
“Seize her! Don’t let her get away!” the man pointed at you dashing away from the scenery.
It’s a dream. You were sure that it’s a dream. Dreams occurred in a blurry vision, not by transparency. Dreams are often—and easily—forgotten once awake after the newborn daylight arises.
In a midst of pursuit, you retraced back your steps. You went at your friend’s celebration, then eat and watched anime— you didn’t have much vigor to spare for removing your makeup due to sleepiness. The last thing you ever did was you resting on your warm bed without a change of clothing, now dry and shivering, laying down on a half-parched sand, half-asleep while unsure of what’s happening before your arrival. You were unconscious deeply in your sleep you weren’t aware of the commotion you have caused, awoken by the young knight, who found you in the brink of nightfall—who fled and carried you—travelled within distance for three days.
Under a huffed breath, legs and feet numbed as you carried yourself away to stray paths where band of guards weren’t able to trace you accurately. You’re much lighter and faster with sprinting; due to their armor, they couldn’t move they so desire. Even more so when some guards have horses with them. Or hounds barking with thirst for a good gnaw on your youthful flesh.
Until now, you’re steadfast with rush. Harsh wind blasted in your earholes at the stallion’s speed.
Your mind is raced with previous encounter, mind occupied with millions of panic inquiries.
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~ before the chase ~
Previously, with your skin and bones beneath your tight crop top shirt and tennis skirt quivering at a spine-tingling weather, despite the lack of storming wind, you have no idea where to begin on what to say to the young knight but offering him a small yet timid smile to lessen the intensity of cumbersome fate that’s forcefully thrusted upon you, oblivious and frightened, shaking like a grumpy feline that despises water or anything that touches the feline.
Upon the yearnings of a weeping locked inside your heaving chest, of begging and wanting to go home was futile, estranged within a foreign land. As the vexed fate of anxiety clambered into your heart, the staggering breaths and rasps in your voice and your loud thoughts has been noticed by a young man in fancy armor, bestowing you with a relieved grin etched on his weary features. You’re certain that Halloween is over.
“You have awaken,” he said with a brightened grin, though you weren’t focused on the sound of his voice, but saw his lips shifted.
Noticing the young man’s eyes, you were positive that no one wouldn’t rescue a stranger such as yourself. Groaning, you leaned your back against over the bulkiness of a tumbled tree. Fire flickered and crackled like bones snapped to pieces.
“Can you hear me, my lady?” he asked, alarmed yet almost as quiet; he didn’t wish to see you alert under his aid.
“My lady,” you repeated, lifting your heavy-numbing head, confused as you were shaking with your eyes sealed with bursting pink stars flowing in your black vision, ears, head and heart pounded against you wakened state. Sighing, you resumed with, “How long have I been unconscious?”
“For three days,” he said, the soft outline of his lips curled upward, as if he was relieved to see you alive and well. Your eyes examined him, spotting the clean armor and a long sword carried in his sheath.
“What happened?”
“I saw you lying unconscious, so I have to come and save you, hoping that you’re alive.”
Everything was bizarre at this point.
“Save me?” you asked the boy, subconscious, coughing out the thick, salted water, clutching your chest tight, pounding for the leftover to drain.
“Yes, my lady,” the young man said with a kind smile, but his glassy eyes beamed against your frightful ones, covered in soot, despite being drenched. “I was sent by my father for a further alliance with another house, but as soon as I left the castle, I found lying you unconscious in the midst of the ocean. I have swam my way to rescue you.”
“Where did you find me exactly? I’m all wet,” you commented, lips curled in disgust your clothes are caked in black sand and puddle.
“I found you by the shores, and took you in quick before anyone could search on the grounds.”
Your head was pounding.
“At Blackwater Bay,” he explained.
Blackwater Bay, you thought as your fingernails scraped onto your wet scalp. That name sounds familiar.
The back of your head was pounding. “Are we still at Blackwater Bay?”
“We travelled within three days while you were in your subconscious state. A fewer miles ahead and you’re already in the kingdom.”
Then the skies filled with an animalistic roar, screeching like nails on a chalkboard.
Your ears covered and shoulder blades flinched at the long, grating sound.
Your shoulders flinched as you said, “What the hell is that?”
The young man still grinned, remaining silenced from your projected inquiry.
“They’re still frightened of the sound,” is all he said. “Of the light.”
You eyed on him with perplexed expression resting on your features.
“What light?” you wondered. “What did you mean when you ‘they’re still frightened of the sound’?”
“Dragons,” the young man said, eyes twinkled. “You came down here with the light, and that’s what’s causing the uproar.”
You found his cryptic statement alarmingly bizarre due to his faint enthusiasm.
“We’re reaching close to our destination,” he said, but you still don’t comprehend.
Bewildered, before you could ask another, the clanging sounds of metal and flickering flames on a torch and countless heavy stomps dashed on its way to your direction.
“Allow me to escort you to safety. These guards are brutal than ravage beasts,” he said to you. “I can’t let a young maiden die in vain.”
Your breath held in shortly.
“Which way should I go? Is there a safe spot for me to hide?”
“Take the nearest path down on a pebbled road and hide. From there, you’ll see the narrow passage, one where no one uses. Traitors and spies lurking about the lower grounds.” and kept heading The young man pushed you, guided you and instructed you to conceal behind the large and sharp boulder, while your legs shaken, air colder than ice. However, another realization dawned upon your wake. You have nowhere to go. Not in this foreign land.
Thoughts conjured and slice your numb mind open. Death is near me; I’ll be killed if I don’t have something with me.
“Where am I heading to?”
“Somewhere far where they can’t reach you or trace your steps. You’re heading to a place where the crown’s might is still strong.”
You paused in your tracks. Wait, that can’t be right.
The rumbled noise made it’s passage close to your location, causing for your heart and his sprung with immense fear.
Both of you reached in time as he hoisted your body up on the saddle. Before whipping the reins on the horse, the young man gave you the dagger with a symbol on his shining armor. The same sigil the knight has on his armor—or so it appears. “You’ll be in safer hands if you carry something with you.”
“If we meet again, I’ll return this blade back to you.”
His eyes gazed into yours with a sad smile.
“Still, I don’t even know your name.”
He grasped your hand shortly. He smiled. “Ser Remon Blackwood.”
The pounded hooves reached a louder noise, getting near to your direction.
“Thank you, Ser Blackwood,” you said.
Remon Blackwood had his hand reached out to yours. “You share kindness like no other. Not like the people in the realm with conquering dragons. It’s an honor to meet you, my lady,” he said, giving you a one last smile.
“Dragons?” you questioned in shock.
He gave a hard slap on the horse’s front leg, as he watched his given horse galloped with you giving one last look onto the despairing knight with a somber smile.
Your eyes darted forward, leaving your ears perceiving the traced sounds of sword clashed and rang, forest filled with raged shouts.
Afar, a young knight plea for mercy, then a long-produced sounds of swords slipped through cracked armor and bones, blood shed and slimed over the forest ground.
Then nothing; only the solid ripples of the heavy hooves and a rushed wind from a great stallion’s speed deafened onto your ears.
The good knight is dead.
And the nightfall became colder.
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~ present ~
The horse nearly reached to a wide-ranged road when five of the men continued to pursuit you, eyes preyed on you at the back of your head, drilling and contain in unyielding desire of violence.
“Kill the bitch!” one man shouted.
Looking over to your shoulder, on your left, you saw the man on the right drew out a bow, and sent the arrow down at your back. But you managed to duck in time. With an irritated huff, the man sent another blow with the second arrow. You ducked your head once more, gazing back, then forth, then back again.
Heart pounding in your chest; the distance between them began to shrink.
“For fuck’s sake,” the first man bellowed, wrinkles on his forehead protruded, veins on his neck were visible. “Sent the arrow flying down on that bitch’s neck, you good for nothing prick!”
The second man’s face went pale. “I’m trying, sire.”
“Try harder, you useless fucktwad!”
Clutched fingers against the writhed reins grew tired, the steadiness in your breath increased tenfold in suffocation, heart rate escalated twice as strong—feeling hot and cold all at once. Cold sweat plastered to your clutched hands as you whipped the reins harder, indicating a sign for the stallion advance farther. The pace began to slow; you whipped the reins, but no to avail.
“Please, hurry,” you begged, head leaning against the horse’s ear, holding onto your dear life as death still awaits for you.
The man reload with the third arrow. His aim targeted to your face. For a second, he went still with his aim, but immediately shot at the back of the horse’s leg. The back of the horse’s limbs tripped and flipped in mid-air, sent you flying forward with a loud clash on the forest ground that nearly shattered your back and ribcage. Ears rang and eyes shut with gritted teeth droned a sharp hiss from your lips as the men dismounted down and marched their towered over you crumpled form.
Immediately, you gathered your shattered form and fled with your hidden in plain sight. The limp on your leg made a painfully deliberate pace as you attempt to go farther while the men with cloaks and big swords, following you, wearing a yellow and crooked teeth on their lips, sniggering at your flee. And by the time you reached at the centered road, nearly to the exit, your path has been blocked by two more men, who you unaware of the extra company. One man grabbed a fistful of your hair and dragged you down. Drawing the dagger out, your hand brought down on his foot, then his knee, then his thigh—never minding the hysterical noise. Loosening the grip on your head, while on your knees, with a support of your foot, you spun around and stabbed a knee from another man.
You couldn’t scream or cry for help anymore. After all, you’re drowsy from ocean water, still wet and lost, in an unwonted void of labyrinth.
“What shall we do of this little cunt?” the man with a thin beard said.
“We’re going to make a use of her, bore into her with my seed and carry the filthy bastard inside her,” the second man with a short, uneven bowl cut suggested confidently. “After that, I’ll eat her flesh.”
“Stupid cunt can’t even fend for herself,” the third man, who was shorter than you said, cackling. “Let’s all take turns then. Whoever makes her scream the hardest, will get to keep her as a toy.”
One man undo his armor on the half-bottom, the clanging armor bumped in haste rhythm, as all the men who towered over your sicken stature, shed their trousers out.
Before one could pull the long cock out, with a knife in your hand, given by the young knight, you sliced his cock apart, left him wailing like an infant, blood splattered like waterfall. The men hovered you with their grubby hands, but you dodged—rolled back and took a hard swing at the man on your left, chopped his hand off. With the knife on your hand, it felt more like a short sword.
Another man has struck.
The bulky man in the middle plunged a full swing on your belly. Yelping, your arms encompassed over your flesh as the man plunged another blow with his hardened boot. His eyes gaze over the blade and punted it over to the side, then stomped over your belly and breasts in repeated motion until he grows tired. Once his foot has grown fatigue, he grabbed your thighs and spread them apart.
“No…” you said, pleading and crying. “Please don’t!”
The man dragged your panties and your tennis skirt down in barbarous motion. “Stay still and be a good wench,” he said, muddy fingers traced over your skin. You bit his fingers, drawing hot blood.
Enraged, his hands strangled you. With quick thinking, you knee slammed against his balls and kicked his face, crawling away before retrieving the dagger back, the man stomped over your left wrist, your mouth opened, but no sound came except the twinge of pain searing in your bones.
“You should’ve listen and stay still like a dog,” the man sneering, pulling your hair back again. The blurriness in your eyes worsened.
With your bones and limbs have been shattered, the hope in you began to fade. No hopes of a savior or luck stayed in hand with your despair.
His boot lunched another blow struck against your face, only to be bled through your nose, your body is broken and immovable, you couldn’t find yourself speaking, or cry for aid. Nothing good ever comes.
Except you’re alive. In fact, you were letting your guard down—pretending to be dead, abiding for the enemy to make a hasty error. The squint on your right eye left a little gap, seeing the man, kneeling down on you as he took off his trousers merrily. But as he splayed his cock out in the cold air, you managed the seize the dagger, tackled him and slashed his throat, while alive, the dagger impaled him through one of his eyes, then nose, then cheek—spare vigor imploded under a last sheer of your quick anger. The man’s face and mouth flowed with warm blood, choking and plopped down back on the surface with a thunderous thud.
From there, you stood once more and limped your way through the exit from the forest’s road in so little steps.
Only remains are the trees billowed and rustled and swayed through a gentle, cool breeze, and with you exhaling with a cautious breath you held in your chest and limbs worn out and limped as your vision drown into darkness.
Ser Criston Cole accompanied the band of men through the forest, as for they ought to repose for a short while. Sundowns became long, and the dragons in the heavens unyielded through an unforgiving climate.
The dragons don’t bear the coldness of wintry-like air. In the old days of Valyria, centuries before the time of Viserys’s reign, none of the great dragons and its people survived the Doom of Valyria, and within the errored times, from moving Essos to Westeros, dragons hatched into a total of eighteen—mighty and proud and carnivorous and bloodthirsty, though tamed through the influence of their rightful owners—heirlooms and foundation of companionship and trust between those who have the blood of a Valyria and connections through history. For instance, Vhagar is the second largest dragon compare to the other dragon riders owned. Dragons are obedient when those who dialect in Valyrian tongue, if not some. Some takes a special gift to have certain trust with a dragon, and dragon shares it’s mutual respect to the owner.
But it can’t say the same to the recent owners. The Blackwater Bay boomed nearby the Dragonstone. And during the nightly hours, the dragons were deeply asleep, though fully awakened by the quiet whiplash of what it appears to be none other than the small green light yet brightly shot downward from the vast of great, empty sky. Two nights ago, Prince Daemon tried to appease his dragon, Caraxes, the red scaly beast, but it’s clear enough to sent the prince with hesitation. Prince Daemon reached Caraxes with his hand for reassurance but Caraxes nearly snapped Prince Daemon’s hand in half. Criston Cole has neither seen Prince Daemon or Caraxes in the verge of calamity. Prince Daemon, a rogue prince who tends be as brute yet reckless and composed has been caught off guard.
The dragons have startled the men—knights and royals alike completely—peasants, too. The green starry light has fallen into the thundering waves, almost as if it was the end of Westeros. The booming wave from Blackwater Bay still lingers the aftermath effect. None slept through the night. They were returning to King’s Landing from meeting the lord from the north nearby the Blackwater Bay. But Prince Daemon, as always, fled away without considering so much of a wait for the others.
Under the gentle moonlight floating from the clouds, Ser Criston and his men galloped through the forest with their horses, hooves stomped over the twigs and dead leaves and the steeped grounds. By the time they reached into the monumental of pointed, red structures and gold and white in the city, Criston Cole couldn’t wait to repose and serve the Greens, mainly Queen Alicent, King Viserys’s second wife.
The stallion neighed loudly as it thrown its front hooves up in the air. Criston Cole’s heart leapt, somewhat appeasing his steed as the men behind him halted without a warning, causing others to nearly fall.
“What in the Seven Hells…” the man beside Criston Cole, took upon the glance at the fallen men in the midst of their exit.
Criston took the man’s torch and investigated the scenery. The fallen men all have bled from their knees to their open crotches. Hardness of their cock had flung out from a sharp blade. Criston winced at the sudden imagery flashed through his head.
“What could’ve done this…” a scrawny man said, perturbed.
“It must’ve been the work of a demon,” another man commented.
Criston moved onward, his legs carried him far and examined the view before him long before he reached to a figure, laying down. Rushing to her side, he noticed that her attire was far strangely and strikingly unique and bright compare what other women in the court wore. Turning her over, Criston settled his palm over her visage, pushing the long locks aside.
“My lady,” he muttered, still calm. While carrying the torch, he removed his glove with his teeth and touched her face. It was warm. Then he traced his hand below on the center of her chest.
Her heart in fact, still beating. He heaved with relief and called out to his men.
“This girl is alive! We must take her back to King’s Landing!” He passed the torch to the man beside him, who was following Criston without Criston noticed, and ripped his cloak off and wrapped the cloak around you and carried your unconscious body back to the men. Instructing the man to carry you while mounted on his horse and retrieved you back, placing you at the front.
“What of the Targaryens?” the man asked, somewhat scared.
Criston gave a sharp glare.
His fellow comrades, knowing Criston’s reputation, has not said a word, and followed Criston back to the realm where dragons reign.
Taglist: @liannafae
@ aemondswifffeeeyyy - all rights reserved
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luveline · 8 months
Hi Jade! I wanted to request something with Prince Steve and his soulmate. I feel like we’ve started to see them warm up to each other but maybe we could see reader start to meet Steve’s friends and see that she’s got more people standing behind her? Like maybe Robin and Eddie teasing Steve about something embarrassing in front of her or I know she hasn’t shown up yet but I could totally see Nancy as like a lady in waiting/tutor to teach her all about proper manners but in the process she spills all these stories about Steve growing up?
thank you for requesting ♡ prince steve au fem, 1k
A knock at the door, an impatient huff. "Are you ready yet?" 
"Come in, Steve." 
He wedges into your rooms, a basket in his hands. "Why are you on the floor?" 
"Can't tie my stupid shoes," you complain, dropping your hands down, knee pulled up, too warm for all the fuss. 
Steve nearly drops the basket, he's that enthusiastic to help you out. He kneels by your feet and takes the laces of your shoes into his hands, pulling them tight, his eyebrows pinched tighter. "That okay?" he asks, pausing his loop. 
"Yeah. Thank you." 
"They didn't teach you how to tie your shoes back home? We need outreach immediately." 
You laugh and lay back on the plush rug behind you. "It's the weird eyelets. You royals do everything weird. Like picnicking." 
"So many points. These aren't eyelets, they're lace hooks. You're pretty much as royal as I am, or you will be in a matter of days. And," —he finishes tying your boot, pulling the other toward him with a small laugh— "Robin wanted a picnic. She's not royal. None of your points make any sense." 
"You'll be a wretched husband." 
Steve takes your hands and pulls you up into a sitting position. He doesn't let them go, transferring both into one so he has a hand free to straighten up your cardigan. "And you'll be a cherished wife." 
Steve pulls you onto your feet. Together, you walk through the selenite halls of the palace to the prince's private gardens, where a gazebo the colour of the sky stands shading refreshments from the eager sun. Helping themselves to the hors d'oeuvres are a tall Eddie and a shorter partner in crime, Robin. Nancy lays out in the grass next to who you assume to be her boyfriend, a handsome guy with two books in his hands, still closed. He squints in the sun, waving as you and Steve approach. 
"Hey!" he greets. "You're late."
"Don't get up," Steve jokes, waving back at him and Nancy, who's barely lifted her head. "Not like I'm anyone important." 
"Very, very hard to find you important when you're wearing shorts," Eddie says. 
Steve shrugs. "She likes them." 
You realise belatedly and with horror that you're she. How does he know you like his nice shorts? Either way, his indifference so long as you like them makes you flush, leaving his side in search of a cold drink to drown yourself in.
"Did you bring the bat?" Steve asks Jonathan behind you. 
"Hey, babe," Eddie says, offering you a glass cup set with pressed flowers in the sides, "you okay?" 
"Is that lemonade?" you ask, pointing at one of the small water dispensers. Their glass shells shine with condensation, more ice cubes than liquid inside. It's a cloudy white with blood orange slices cut and garnishing the top, their juice seeping downward slowly. 
"Sure is. Prince Stevie's favourite, as always. Don't know where the sudden love for oranges came from, do you?" 
You've had a love for them since you got here and tried them for the first time. Oranges are expensive, and so the palace kitchen has them in abundance. Steve clearly noticed. "Wouldn't you know?" you ask. "Don't you choose his meals?" 
"As if. I'm a glorified cleaning boy," Eddie says. He scoops a bagel covered in cream cheese and fresh cut salmon from a silver tray and takes a big bite. "Just stick around for the food." 
"They won't let him back into the engineers workshop on account of his bad manners, he'll be a dishwasher forever," Robin says grandly, rounding the table to stand on your other side. 
"Says you, lady's maid." 
Robin was supposed to be a lady's maid. Sick gig, good pay, she had all the grades and none of the decorum, but Steve wouldn't let them get rid of her, and after an intense training program that taught her to wield a titanium blade longer than her arm as an extension of it, she was instated as his personal guard instead. They're all job hoppers —Nancy started as a lady's maid but now apprentices as a royal tutor, and her boyfriend worked for the palace's news room but now works under the sous chef. 
You did anything you could to stay alive, and now your full time job is princess, so. You're not judging. 
"What's Nancy's boyfriends name?" you whisper. "Jon?" 
"Jonathan. I don't think anybody calls him Jon," Robin whispers back. 
"She's lying. His name is Gordon." Eddie glares at Robin. "She's trying to trip you up." 
A smack erupts through the air, chased by Steve's pleased whoop. "Yes! Baby, did you see that?" 
"I'm not trying to trip you up," Robin says, "don't listen." 
"She totally is." 
"Baby?" Steve calls, yards away in the bluegrass, a bat held at his side. "Guys, stop harassing her. Jesus." 
"We're not harassing her, Stevie, slow your roll. This is a common social phenomenon called teasing, maybe you've heard of it? You do it with friends," Eddie says, nudging your arm. 
Friends, you think. Steve's looking at you, waiting for confirmation that you're alright. "I didn't see it, Steve. Do it again!" 
Steve immediately jogs backwards, goading Jonathan into pitching another ball. He has a good arm, the ball soaring just right for Steve to curl back and send it wide across the green grass of the garden. It hits a long banner across the way, smack dab on its painted target as he'd aimed for, falling practically on top of the first. 
It's an impressive arc. You clap your hands together and cheer, though the rules of this game escape you. You think it's supposed to be darts without sharp points, but you're more concerned with the lines of Steve's bicep as he rests the bat on his shoulder, his triumphant sun-kissed smile.
"Did you see that one, baby?" Robin asks. 
"He's so impressive, isn't he?" Eddie adds, grinning. 
Steve throws them the bird, his cheeks pink. 
"That's an example of what not to do in a formal setting," Nancy says, her skirt moving like water as she puts her face in her hand, her elbow on her knee. 
"You're getting good at this tutoring stuff," Jonathan says. 
Steve meanders your way to beg a consolation hug (he puts his arm across your shoulder, muttering about mean friends and their unjust jokes). "They're the worst," he mutters, his hair brushing your ear, goosebumps erupting down your arms. 
"I think they're nice," you say. 
He hums in your ear. "You would. Wretched wife." 
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queerfables · 3 months
I've joked outrageously in the past about being a Metatron stan, but in total and complete honesty, I would fucking kill for a twist where his shady ulterior motive is that he is a double agent working against actual big bad, God. Let it be true that he is lying about carrying out Her word, but let it be because he's in an impossible situation trying to hold back the destructive force of an omnipotent tyrant. Let him be recruiting Aziraphale as the first angel to openly defy the Almighty and get away with it, and let him be driving a wedge between Crowley and Aziraphale to protect them both against whatever is to come. The ending of season two cast him as the perfect, hateable villain, and nothing would delight me more than everything I thought I knew about him turning entirely on its head.
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Kills two birds with one stone: makes you look like you know more than you really do, AND it makes your ex jealous!
Jokes aside, this is actually gonna be a plot point in the Simon story; Bill saying he’s Simon’s other parent. It’s a plausible explanation, plus it drives a further wedge of general mistrust between the Stan twins, since Ford now highly doubts Stan’s own recollections of Simon’s conception, while Stan continues to become increasingly frustrated with Fords shenanigans. Not to mention Ford wondering what purpose a human offspring might serve to Bill’s plans.
Of course, every explanation for Simon that Bill provides is a lie, because Bill doesn’t know why Simon’s Like That either, and is talking out of his own ass
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
A Patient Man Ch. 2
One week later
“Y/N!” Sebastian burst into her hotel room with the key card she gave him.  
“Seb!” she yelled back as she came out of the bathroom, her makeup artist and hairdresser finishing getting her ready for another day of interviews on the press tour.  He looked her over, her hair done in an intricate braid, her signature style on full display with her clothes and bright green wedges that made him wonder what she would look like with only them on.
“Wow, love, you look beautiful,” he breathed.  
She smiled, putting her earrings on, and looked him over as well.  “Thank you, honey,” he beamed at the pet name. “You look pretty snazzy yourself, sir.”  His eyes slightly widened at the second pet name, but he quickly recovered and gave her a smirk.  
“All for you, sweet cheeks.”
She giggled, her cheeks blushing a soft pink that he just wanted to kiss.  “You ready to go?” she asked, “We could walk down to the car together.”
“Yes!” Sebastian said a little too quickly.  
As they made their way down to the lobby, Sebastian got progressively more excited.  He had arranged a surprise for Y/N and couldn’t wait to see her reaction.  She seemed to notice his newfound giddiness and eyed him warily.  “What’s up with you?  Did you do something?”
He blushed and avoided her eyes, “No, why would you say that?” 
“Mhm,” she hummed, squinting her eyes at him and popping an eyebrow up in suspicion.  The elevator doors thankfully opened and he grabbed her hand to drag her out so they could get to the surprise more quickly.  
“Seb, what are you doing?  What’s going on—“  Y/N stopped suddenly when she saw who was in front of her. 
“Mama!” Lulu and Ollie screamed, running full sprint where they had been talking to their grandparents by the doors in the lobby.  Y/N immediately broke down into tears, sinking to her knees so she could catch them both.  They launched themselves into her arms and laughed as she squeezed them tight, kissing them all over their faces.  Sebastian had taken a step back to let them have a moment, watching the family reunion with a sappy smile on his face.  He heard a click and looked up to see a person catching the moment on their phone, smiling from both seeing some famous faces as well as the cuteness of the situation.  Sebastian decided to step in their line of sight to make it harder to record, and knelt down next to the kids.
“Was this a good surprise?” he asked tentatively as Y/N tried wiping away some of her tears, still holding her children as close to her as possible.  
Y/N looked at him with watery eyes, lower lip quivering, and shook her head affirmatively.  Lulu and Ollie noticed him. “Sebby!”  He smiled wide at them as they hurled themselves at him next, and he fell over from the force of the little bodies hitting him.  “Hey my munchkins!” he laughed as they climbed all over him, squeezing him as hard as they could.  
Y/N looked on smiling like an idiot, wiping the last of her tears away.  As Sebastian played with them she looked at her parents who had been flown in with the kids.  They both smiled at her and the kids loving Sebastian so much.  They were too young to remember their father very well, and she was happy that the kids had someone like a father figure to look up to and have back in their lives.  Y/N had been feeling the fluttering of emotions she hadn’t felt in over 2 years, and as much as it scared her, she couldn’t stop smiling at the scene before her.  
6 months later 
Sebastian Stan and Y/N are starring in a new movie together, again!  They’ve been looking very cozy lately and we’re wondering, is the chemistry on-screen translating to off-screen romance?  Y/N will be taking on a daring new role as a burlesque dancer turned nanny working for Sebastian’s character as a single dad to a young girl.  Will she be able to pull it off?  We can’t wait to see!
Sebastian couldn’t believe it when he had auditioned for the part, got the callback, and showed up for the screen tests that Y/N would be there as his co-star.  He had been silently ecstatic, trying to play it cool when he saw her there waiting.  Sebastian had been given the script by his agent and had liked the story, thinking it would be an interesting part to play in a more romantic comedy type of movie, taking a small break from the more intense characters he’d been playing over the past few years.  
He’d been in a romantic relationship with her character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and had loved every minute of it, but now he was getting to play a different type of relationship with her that would turn romantic as well.  He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little too turned on by the fact that she would be doing a lap dance on him for a scene.  
“Alright my dudes, today is the day!” the director yelled out.  They had shot most of the movie already within the last few months and only had a week left.  Y/N had been practicing pole dancing and burlesque dancing for the role, and was getting pretty good at it.  This last week would be her shooting the burlesque scenes with Sebastian’s character at a burlesque club.  She actually quite enjoyed it, and her kids would go to the gym with her as she practiced and learned new moves.  Lulu liked to try swinging around on another pole as Y/N did her choreographed routine for the scene.  Sebastian had met them all once at the gym before going to a family dinner.  He had seen Y/N finishing up her routine, and had had to hide for a minute to get himself to calm down and make the bulge in his pants go away.  He didn’t know how he was going to handle the lap dance scene today.  There would be no acting in that scene on his part.  
“We’re shooting the scene that we’ve all been waiting for today,” the director went on.  Everyone started to “ooh” at Y/N as she stood there in her robe, and she cheekily posed although her cheeks were burning.  Sebastian had a few crew members give him a little nudges and wiggle their eyebrows at him.  He just smiled, trying not to let on how excited he actually was for today.  He looked at Y/N and could see that although she was putting on a nonchalant front she was extremely nervous.  They had been in close proximity and intimate situations with each other before for the previous movie, and she was generally a physical person, but this was a very different, much more sexually charged situation than what they had experienced together before.  
Y/N hadn’t been intimate with anyone since her husband died, and had barely dated recently, but it was never anything serious or physical.  Sebastian felt the protective urge to pull her away from the group, but the director was speaking again, giving a rundown of the schedule for the day.  It was all intimate moments today, and while Sebastian was excited, he knew he had to be patient with Y/N.  It would be a long day for her. 
They dove right into the pole dancing, where Sebastian’s single father character on a night out with his work friends is taken to a burlesque club and sees a dancer that he recognizes as his live-in nanny on the stage.  The director called action and Y/N took off with the music, getting lost in the resonant beats, her supple body sliding up and down the pole then slowly twirling to the floor where she started crawling along the small stage.  Sebastian was supposed to look surprised and slightly angry during this scene upon realizing the dancer is his nanny, but he felt like he was failing miserably.  He could feel his eyes were wide as saucers, his mouth hanging open, hands balled into fists to stop himself from palming the growing tent in his pants, willing himself to think of unattractive things to make it go away.  The other male actors in the scene were whooping and hollering as she interacted with those close to the stage, making him furious that they got to see her this way, that it wasn’t just all for him.  Finally the song ended and Y/N did her final move and posed, a coy smile on her face, and Sebastian remembered himself, quickly contorting his face into a scowl for the camera at the last second.  
“Cut!” the director yelled and started clapping as he went over to Y/N who was still sitting on the stage, moving to a more comfortable position, trying to cover herself a little more with her arms across her chest.  “You’re amazing, gorgeous, sublime, I can’t even handle it!” he exclaimed, making her smile slightly.  “We’re just gonna run it a couple more times to get more angles, then we should be done,” he said, taking her hands in his.  She smiled wider and said something quietly to him that made him laugh.  He then turned to Sebastian, who didn’t dare stand up yet.  “Very good, Seb,” he said as he walked over to where he sat, then when he was closer in earshot slyly said, “You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”  Sebastian blushed and looked away, finally getting the bulge to disappear from the embarrassment of the situation.  “It’s okay,” the director said quietly as Sebastian stood up, “but you should probably go talk to her, tell her she did a good job.  She’s feeling a little exposed.”  Sebastian immediately looked back to Y/N as a dresser was giving her the robe to cover herself again and the actors near her were giving her high fives, making him quickly walk over.  As he approached, Y/N started looking anywhere but him, giving him a glance here and there. 
“Hey Seb,” she said, looking down, adjusting the strap around the robe.  
“Hey hun,” he smiled slightly, “how are you feeling doing all this?”
Y/N shrugged, still playing with the strap on the robe.  Sebastian felt that protective surge come over him again and pulled her to the side away from everyone else.  
“Y/N, it’s okay to feel a bit awkward and exposed.  I did the first time I did a love scene,” he said quietly.  She looked up at him then, eyes tight and apprehensive.  
“Really?” she whispered.  
“Oh yeah,” he chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets.  “Being basically naked, tons of people and cameras watching and catching every little move you make, and the idea that millions of people would see it when the movie came out?  It was terrifying.”  He stepped a little closer, taking her hands off the strap she was still holding tightly.  He squeezed her hands and she squeezed his back.  “But you were amazing up there,” he murmured, his voice becoming more husky than usual.  “You have nothing to worry about.  People are going to love you in this movie and in this role. I know you feel a little weird right now, and that’s okay, it’s valid.  Just embrace it and the day will go by faster,” he then winked at her to lighten the mood.
Y/N giggled at that, and looked down at his hands again, giving them an extra hard squeeze before looking back up at him.  “I’m nervous about later today for our other scene,” she said softly.  
Sebastian furrowed his brow quizzically, “Why?  We’ve been in intimate scenes before.”
“Well yeah, but…” she started, then bit her lip.  Sebastian wished she wouldn’t do that, it was too sexy.  “Those other scenes were kissing and hugging and mostly mild compared to me giving you a fucking lap dance!”
He threw his head back in a laugh, and pulled her into a hug.  She slapped his chest as he laughed at her, but couldn’t help but to laugh along with him.  
“You got me there, sweetie,” he laughed, then gave her a kiss on the top of her head that barely reached just under his chin.  “But it’s going to be okay, it’s just me.  We can do this.”
Y/N sighed into his chest.  “I know we’ll be fine, I just…” she then pulled back and looked down.  “I haven’t actually been intimate with anyone for a while, so this feels kinda…big.”  
Sebastian’s heart broke for her then.  He gave her a small smile, and as her eyes started to well up with tears of anxiety he quickly cupped her cheeks and swiped under her eyes with his thumbs.
“Hey, just breathe okay?” he said quietly, moving forward and crouching slightly so he could put his forehead against hers as he held her face in his hands.  “You can trust me, okay?  It’s just me.  I’m sure you’re feeling anxiety and nerves, and probably a little scared, right?”  Y/N nodded as she gripped his wrists.  “That’s okay.  When we get to it, just focus on me and you, nobody else, got it?  Just you and me, babe.  Just you and me.”  He looked deeply in her eyes as she stared up at him.  She seemed to be looking for something as her eyes looked back and forth between his.  Her stare made him feel self-conscious but he didn’t dare look away, letting himself indulge in this little moment.  She seemed to like what she found as she blinked a couple times and then gave him a smile.  Sebastian smiled back at her as she gripped his wrists a little harder one more time, then rubbed the tip of her nose on his nose, making him laugh.  She would be okay.  He’d make sure of it.  
Later that night
It was time.  The lap dance scene was kicking off in a matter of minutes, the scenes leading up to it had been shot and her entrance into the room was done, now it was time for the actual dance.  Y/N had only practiced it on a chair with nobody in it or with the choreographer, and so far it didn’t feel as sexual to her as it was about to.  Y/N was wringing her hands, trying to keep her breathing even as Sebastian sat down in the chair in the middle of the private room in the burlesque club.  Sebastian looked over to her standing in the corner and lifted his hand up to her to come forward.  She quickly walked to him and put her hand in his outstretched one.  He smiled reassuringly at her and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb.  She puffed out a bit of air between her lips and smiled back at him.  He winked and pulled her closer so he could speak in her ear as the loud music was playing in the background.  
“Just remember to have fun and play along.  It’s you and me.  Just you and me,” he whispered so only she could hear.  His gravelly voice made Y/N shiver slightly, and she stood back up and winked at him.  He chuckled at that and let her hand go. 
“Everybody in position!  Let’s get this done and go home!” the director yelled over the music.  “Light check!  Good, sound check!  Good, good.  Now, Y/N, you ready?”
Y/N got in position, took a deep breath and let it out, then gave him the thumbs up.  “Great, and cue music!”
The moment the song “Touch It” by Ariana Grande came on, Y/N seemed to slip into her own little world.  She began to sway to the music, her hands gliding up her body and into her hair, tugging at her locks, then slipping her fingers through the strands and up above her head.  She seemed to almost be slithering her way towards Sebastian as she twirled.  She sank to her knees, then tipped her upper body forward so she was on all fours and began crawling towards him.  Even though they had gone over what she was going to do since the dance was choreographed and rehearsed, Sebastian still wasn’t prepared for just how erotic it would be.  Y/N finally reached him, touching his knees first to hoist herself up and after a few smooth moves lithely set herself on his lap.  He kept his hands in fists at his sides, both for the character he was playing and also for himself.  He wasn’t sure he’d be able to make his hands behave once he was allowed to touch her.  Right on cue she took his hands and set them on her hips, and he gripped them tightly, trying to ground himself in the moment.  She was a vision, with her hair slightly messy, a slight sheen of sweat on her brow and her bright lidded eyes looking at him hungrily.  He wanted so badly for that look to be real.  
At the rise of the music in one of the last choruses she reached up and ran her fingers through his longer hair that he had grown out for this movie.  She gave his hair a good tug, making his head fall back, and he couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled past his lips from how good it felt.  Y/N didn’t let it distract her and leaned forward and licked his exposed neck, giving his pulse point a nip, then rubbing her nose along his neck to the soft spot just below his ear and sucking it softly.  Sebastian was harder than he could ever remember being before.  Y/N finished her dance as the music died down, doing her choreographed last few moves, then slid off of him and made her exit from the room, her hips swaying in her tiny outfit.  
Sebastian didn’t dare move, his eyes blown wide as he watched her and his hands back into tight fists resting on his knees.  The music finally stopped and the lights went up again.  
“CUT!” the director screamed.  “Yes!  Yes, Y/N, that was amazing!” he praised her as she shyly came back through the door, arms covering her chest again as she fidgeted with the small shorts she had on.  He gave her a quick hug and then put his hands on her shoulders.  Sebastian felt a sting of jealousy towards the man for touching her, but still couldn’t move due to his painful, raging boner.  Y/N just smiled lightly at the director.  
“It was so good.  We’re just going to need you to sit on his lap and do some more dancing for a few more takes so we can get some more camera angles, k?  I know it's weird, but we’ll only be doing this for a little bit longer, I promise,” the director said quietly to her as the cameramen and sound people were moving everything around frantically trying to get to the next position.  Y/N just nodded resolutely.  The director looked over at Sebastian.  “You good with that?”  Sebastian just nodded as well, trying to shrug off that this delicious torture wasn’t over yet.
“Ok people, places!  Music!  ACTION!”
Y/N picked up the choreography right where the music started, and sat in Sebastian’s lap again.  She put his hands in position on her hips again, and ground down on his lap.  “Y/N!  If it’s okay, can Sebastian put his hands on your back and your butt?” the director yelled over the music.  Y/N’s body seemed to stutter for just a second, but she quickly recovered and pushed his hands down til they cupped her buttcheeks, giving his hands a squeeze to let him know it was okay.  Sebastian’s heart felt like it would literally leap out of his throat at any second, and his eyes fluttered shut at the sensation of getting to touch her like this.  He knew it was wrong, but it felt so right, so he took advantage of the situation.  He only held her butt for a second before moving his hands up her back, fisting her tiny outfit in his hands to pull her closer to his body, pushing her down further onto his erection, trying to relieve some of the bulge with the friction.  Y/N’s eyes widened, her jaw dropping after feeling just how hard and large he was pressed up against her groin.  She gripped his shoulders as he pushed her closer, her nose bumping with his, and she felt herself get lost in the moment.  Forgetting the choreography, she just enjoyed the feeling of him against her, his large hands splayed across her back, his broad chest heaving with his deep breaths, her legs wrapped around his waist.  Y/N quickly collected herself as the music progressed into a pivotal chorus high note, and quickly ran her fingers through his hair again, pulling his head back.  This time the moan he let out rumbled in his chest and was much closer to her than the first time, and she trembled from the resonance of it.  She once again licked his neck along his pulse point, sucking the soft spot below his ear, and loved how she could feel him cup her buttcheeks again and pull her down on him again.  She hadn’t felt this intimate, this exposed, this sexual and this wanted in a long time, and let herself revel in the feelings she was having towards Sebastian.  
“CUT!” the director called out again.  Y/N stopped grinding, slowly releasing his hair but stayed sitting on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck.  Sebastian closed his eyes, trying not to scream at the director while also being extremely thankful that Y/N didn’t get up.  His cheeks were flaring crimson in embarrassment, his head hanging in shame at being caught enjoying himself.  
“It’s looking great you guys.  Seb, you good?” the director asked as he stood next to them, a smirk pulling at his lips.  Sebastian didn’t look up, just gave him a quick thumbs up.  The director chuckled.  “Alright, just one more angle that I’m wanting then we’ll be done, k?  Y/N, you feeling okay?  I hope it wasn’t too much for him to touch you some more.”
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m okay,” Y/N said steadily, squeezing the back of Sebastian’s neck lightly, trying to let him know that it really was okay.  Sebastian tapped her leg lightly in response.
“Alright, we’re just going to do one more shot from above, then we’ll be done for the day.  So let’s start just about a minute back in the music, alright?  Alright.  LIGHTS!  MUSIC!  ACTION!”
Y/N started slowly grinding against Sebastian’s hips again, but this time after pulling his head back by his hair and kissing his neck, she ran her manicured fingernails down his chest.  Sebastian tried as hard as he could to not become completely overwhelmed by the sensations, he really did.  But nothing could prepare him for just how good it felt for her nails to scratch and slightly pinch his nipples as she grinded on his crotch and sucked on his neck, and next thing he knew, he let out a guttural grunt as he came in his pants, his hips involuntarily snapping up to meet hers, his eyes rolling back into his fluttering eyelids and mouth gaping open.  Y/N gasped, her hand freezing against his chest and the other still in his hair, feeling his heartbeat quicken and an extra warmth seep through his jeans underneath her.  The music died down and the lights slowly came back up again.  Neither of them had heard the director say “cut!” as Sebastian’s grip on Y/N’s hips tightened, keeping his eyes tightly shut as he hung his head.  
Sebastian knew that Y/N could tell what had happened, and he didn’t dare open his eyes to look at her reaction.  She kept her hands on his chest, too stunned to move.
“Great job you guys!  We’re done for the day with you two.  Go back to your trailers and take cold showers, huh?” the director laughed at both of them as the crewmembers around them quickly packed everything up and cleaned up the room.  Sebastian still didn’t move, and he was confused why Y/N hadn’t either.  It wasn’t until the room had become quiet that Sebastian finally felt her start to slip off his lap, pulling herself up onto her feet.  He let her slip through his fingers, putting his hands in fists on his knees again, refusing to look up at her.  He was too embarrassed, too ashamed, and what was worse was that the moment had been caught on camera.  The whole world was going to see it.  
“Seb,” Y/N spoke quietly.  Sebastian’s brow tightened at her voice.  “Seb, please look at me,” she pleaded, her voice intimidatingly soft.  He minutely shook his head, his longer hair tickling his cheeks, trying to hide the furious blush on his face, feeling like he could cry at any moment.  He felt her kneel down in front of him, her hands settling on top of his fists.  
“Sebastian Stan, look at me,” she commanded him, her voice more stern now.  He opened his eyes in surprise at her tone, but could see her expression didn’t match it.  Her eyes were sparkling with a hint of mirth, a small, coy smirk pulling at her lips as her eyes traced his face.  “Seb, it’s okay.  I’m not embarrassed, you shouldn’t be either.  I’m sure these things happen all the time in situations like this,” she spoke softly again, rubbing his hands until they eased out of the fists he had them in.  He let out a long sigh, eyes closing again as he tried to maintain better composure.  
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered.  Y/N only giggled at him and continued rubbing his hands.  
“It’s alright, honey, ‘m serious.  You don’t need to apologize.  I’m fine, really.”  
He pulled his hands from underneath hers and rubbed his eyes as she smiled reassuringly at him, and he finally smiled back, relief painting his features at how understanding and kind she was about the whole thing.  He held his hands out to her and she gingerly placed hers back into them.  “I’m still sorry, though.  I’ve never done that during intimate or sexual scenes that I’ve shot before.  I guess this time I just...I...ugh, goddamn Y/L/N,” he chuckled, which made her laugh.  
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said as she squeezed his hands, then pushed herself up onto her feet and stood before him.  He couldn’t help but check her out with her this close in the light in an outfit that would barely qualify as underwear.  She reached out to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted.  Her breasts pressed against his face, standing in between his legs as he eagerly wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her as close as appropriately possible within the moment.  He breathed in her scent as they just stayed there, both of them trying to get their bearings back after such an intense afternoon.  
“Seb?,” she spoke again as she pulled slightly away from him and stood before him again.  “Yeah?” he looked up at her quizzically.  She gave him a lopsided grin and leaned down so that her face was right in front of him, his eyes widening as she was barely half an inch from his face.  Her sweet breath fanned over his face as she sighed openly.  “You looked beautiful when you came,” she whispered, her eyes flicking to his lips then back to his eyes.  Sebastian’s jaw dropped comically as his eyebrows shot up his forehead.  Y/N scrunched her nose at him as she leaned a little bit forward and rubbed the tip of her nose on his, then quickly stood straight again and winked at him as she turned and walked away, the swing in her hips back as she sauntered off the set.
Sebastian stared after her, feeling his cock leak some more at her words.  Once she was out of eyesight, and he hoped out of earshot,  he moaned again and palmed himself through his now ruined costume pants.  He really didn’t want to explain that to the costume designer.
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The Tragedy of Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Rhaenyra Targaryen's story is one of tragedy, she is put into a series of impossible situations and finally was killed for the crime of being a woman and wanting her birthright. This fact is something that TG stans are obsessed with trying to minimize or completely erase. Since they're usually exclusively show fans, I'm going to go through show Rhaenyra's life until we hit the end of season 1 (this is a long one so bear with me).
Rhaenyra spent her entire childhood being told she was less than for being a girl and her father killed her mother in pursuit of a son because of this belief. When Viserys finally recognizes her worth, she then has to deal with the misogynistic lords and their lack of respect towards her. Her ideas and opinions are dismissed in the SC, including Otto who fucking suggested making her heir, and they outright send her off like a child when she becomes too unruly for them.
Then after all this, Viserys marries her only friend, thus removing what's left of her support system after Daemon is banished. Alicent also went behind Rhaenyra's back to seduce Viserys. Sure, it was what her father told her, that doesn't mean it wasn't a shitty thing to do. Especially since she let Rhaenyra believe Viserys was going to marry Laena, thus causing her to be massively blindsided by the announcement. Of course Rhaenyra felt she couldn't trust Alicent, of course she felt betrayed, and Alicent never explained why she did it. This obviously drove a massive wedge in their friendship.
Things only get worse for Rhaenyra when Aegon is born. Now the lords who had no respect for her, including the fucking Hand, are clamoring for Rhaenyra to be disinherited. Sure, Viserys keeps her as heir, but does little to reinforce to HER that he isn't considering replacing her. He practically ignores her for the majority of episode 3 until he gets angry with her for not wanting to be his political pawn. Alicent isn't helping matters by never acknowledging the change in dynamic in their relationship, she's the queen consort now, a position she worked to get behind Rhaenyra's back. No things aren't the same, they never will be, Alicent acting like Rhaenyra should just treat her like normal is unrealistic and totally dismisses Rhaenyra's feelings.
Rhaenyra has a completely understandable fear of marriage and childbirth, considering what happened to her mother. Yet Viserys is insisting she marry, and sure, she can choose her own husband, but from her perspective that's basically being allowed to choose your own execution method. And there is also an underlying caveat: Viserys has to approve the match.
In the midst of all this, Daemon finally returns, the one person who completely understands Rhaenyra. He offers her the first scrap of true consideration and then expresses actual interest in her at the brothel. However, he leaves her in the brothel, so, drunk and alone, she stumbles into the arms of her only remaining friend. A man who willingly and eagerly slept with his drunk charge and thought that it entitled him to marrying her. After this, we see that caveat I mentioned come into play when Viserys rejects Daemon's proposal without consulting Rhaenyra, if he truly meant for it to be her choice, he would have let her have the final say.
So now her uncle is once again taken away, her former friend now hates her for not telling her a potentially damaging secret, and her former protector hates her for rejecting to run away with him. And to top it all off, she's now being forced to marry her openly gay cousin to fix the mistake Viserys made when he married Alicent. Then at her wedding, Alicent finishes of what's left of their friendship by declaring war on her and Criston kills Laenor's lover and allies with Alicent.
During the time jump, we know Alicent constantly undermined and abused Rhaenyra. She flouted her power at every turn, factionalized the nobles, taught her sons that Rhaenyra and her sons were beneath them, and shot down any of her opinions in the SC even to the detriment of the kingdom. We know from a deleted scene that Rhaenyra pursued a relationship with Aegon, yet she doesn't have any kind of connection to her siblings later on, meaning that someone must have put a stop to any bonding. After all, why would Aegon and his siblings be willing to usurp Rhaenyra if they had a good relationship? We also know from Laenor's "I thought we were past this" in ep six that Alicent constantly pressed the bastard issue even though Laenor, Corlys, and Viserys acknowledging them as legitimate made them so.
The issue of the Velaryon boys clearly shows how Rhaenyra was thrust into an impossible situation: she needed heirs and Laenor couldn't provide. By choosing Harwin, Rhaenyra was able to have three sons and have a loving relationship (as far as we know). But of course, this small happiness didn't last, as Harwin was sent away and murdered alongside his father by Larys. Before this, Alicent's abuse finally drives Rhaenyra to Dragonstone, by the way, Viserys never did anything to help Rhaenyra against Alicent.
Things finally seem to be looking up for Rhaenyra when she marries Daemon after Laena's funeral. She at last has a steadfast ally in the face of the greens and someone who genuinely loves her. She has two sons by him, her other children are growing up safe and happy alongside her stepdaughters who have integrated well into their new family.
Alas, after six years, she is dragged back into the greens' shit show when they decide to bring up the resolved matter of the Driftmark succession. This marks the beginning of the end for her happiness. Viserys dies and the greens usurp her crown, the news of which sends her into an early labor, killing her daughter. Now Rhaenyra is faced again with an impossible choice: go to war for her throne or bend the knee and risk being killed alongside her children (something the greens were already planning). We know which one she picks, and she's right in this: it's her throne, the greens are usurpers and traitors, end of story. But the greens then murder her son, Lucerys, when he was on a peaceful mission as a messenger.
Rhaenyra has now lost two children to the greens, and in the ensuing war, loses Viserys II (though he was alive unbeknownst to her), Jacaerys, and Joffery. Her stepdaughter, Baela, becomes a captive of the greens, Rhaena is being sheltered in the Vale, and her husband dies killing Aemond. The war takes away everything she loves except her son, Aegon III. She then has to flee KL after six months due to the rioting small folk and betrayal among her council (Corlys is a bitch). When she arrives on Dragonstone, she is seized by her brother's men and burned and eaten alive in front of her son by her usurper brother.
This is the story of a woman tormented throughout her life by the fact that she is a woman. She is undermined and abused as heir, usurped, and killed all for the crime of her gender, plain and simple. TG can try to deny it, but the story is clear, despite Condal and Hess' meddling. And if I see anyone saying that Rhaenyra is bad because she isn't a feminist, that doesn't matter (and that's not a true assessment), her reign sets a precedent for female inheritance in the Seven Kingdoms, that's still important in the long run. She is a tragic character, GRRM has made it clear the usurpation would have happened no matter what Rhaenyra did, she was doomed from the start.
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yes-divine-ruler · 1 year
nsfw prompts here
“Oh I love this dress sweetheart, just short enough to give me easy access,” Stan leaned down behind you, and whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver up your spine, and made a pool form in your panties.
You turn to watch Stan walk away, when he turns, and holds up 5 fingers to you. 5 minutes.
You mentally prepare yourself, quick to take out your pocket mirror and check on your make up. You’d been secretly sleeping with your boss for the past few months, and it definitely made work interesting. Stan refused to fuck in the office, and in a ruse to persuade him otherwise, your dresses got progressive shorter. It seemed to work in your favour, because in exactly 5 minutes, your back was pressed against the desk in Stan’s office.
“No panties?” He whispered against your lips, as his fingertips grazed at your slick folds at an unbearable slow pace.
“The easiest access for you, sir,” you tease back, before Stan reconnects your lips in another fiery kiss. He helps you sit on the table, before his ring and middle finger were knuckle deep inside you. You throw your head back in pleasure as he expertly curls his fingers, the wedding band on his finger cool against your throbbing heat.
“Oh my god,” you moan, before wedging your bottom lip between your teeth to try and stop it from happening again.
You felt your orgasm past approaching as the pad of Stan’s thumb rested on your clit and started to apply pressure.
“That’s it baby,” Stan’s breath fans your ear, as he whispers words of encouragement, “is my little princess needy? Needy for daddy’s dick?”
You nod in an effort to answer him, whining once he removes his fingers from your heat, his fingers slick with your arousal.
“My god, you’re so wet baby,” Stan mewls, tugging down his pants just far enough to pull out his cock. With no forewarning, Stan rams his cock inside you, causing a loud and surprised gasp to leave your lips.
“Oh daddy,” you plead, as he begins to savagely stretch apart your dripping cunt, his balls slapping against you with every thrust.
You threw your head back in titillation, your legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer. His fingers dip into your hips as he pistons inside you, so deep he was hitting all the right places at the perfect pace. The stimulation had your thighs shaking around his waist, and your fingers trembling to grab at his forearms. It was almost too much.your eyes peer into his, all doe-eyed and glassy, tears threatening to fall down your face as your first orgasm washes over you. You pulse deliciously around Stan’s rigid length, and he groans at the mere feeling of your body giving in to him.
“That’s my girl,” he coos, his lips attacking your jaw, “I know you got more for me.”
Stan didn’t halt his lust-filled assault on your pussy, instead turning you over to lay stomach first on the desk. He brings your leg up, bent at the knee and by your side, reaching your sweet spot. Swollen, abused and throbbing from your previous orgasm, you whine as Stan’s cock rapidly prods against it.
“Daddy, I can’t-” your words are slurred and almost incoherent as the fire begins to burn in your lower abdomen again.
“I know sweetheart, I know,” Stan muttered encouragingly, “don’t stop it.”
For the second time you feel your release at the simple trigger of his praise, now panting to try and catch your breath back as it shocks through your core.
Your orgasm sends Stan over the edge, groaning profanity as he cums within your clenching walls.
“Mr Bowes?” A knock sounds from his office door, startling both of you.
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thoughtspresso · 10 months
Predictions for Oshi No Ko Ending
1. Anemone will be the one to find Katayose Yura's dead body.
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In Japanese flower symbolism, Anemones or Windflowers represent death, bad luck, and forsaken love. And it just so happens we have a character named exactly that, who happens to be the only other character apart from Katayose Yura who loves being in the mountains.
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Anemone will likely be climbing the same mountains on Yura's wishlist, and just like before, The Crow might lead Anemone to the dead body.
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It's like Akasaka-sensei decided Spider Lilies are already too obvious a deathflag so he chose a different flower.
I'm taking the bet that Akane might be the person who figures out the connection between Yura and Kamiki, or Miki-san might simply show up on the news as a statement about his "dear friend Yura" who "disappeared".
Akane might also give the head's up to Aqua that she thinks Kamiki murdered Yura, and that would be a reason for the two to spend more time with each other again. (Might shove a wedge between Kana and Aqua again, if Aqua isn't already doing that himself lmao.) Either way, it'd be a convenient way for Akane to attempt to both "save" Aqua and also help him accomplish his goals without killing himself.
2. The person who texted Frill Shiranui is Miki-san.
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Sylvanes made a fairly solid guess that Frill Shiranui works for Kamiki Productions. Whether or not he was necessarily correct on this, I'm making the bet that Yura's "best drinking buddy" Miki-san is connected to Frill professionally, and goaded Frill into pushing Ruby into the spotlight.
Some speculators say this might have been Aqua's ploy, but I I think this was incorrect. Aqua agreed with Kaburagi that money comes first and Frill was a more reasonable choice commercially. He even said that Gotanda should "grow up" and not choose Ruby just because of his artistic integrity.
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Apart from the friendly, casual tone of the text message that really sounds like the "Miki-san" persona and the image of decanted whiskey as his profile picture, I think Kamiki is actually praying for Ruby's success as a star.
In fact, I think people misunderstood why he killed Katayose Yura. He didn't kill Yura because his serial killer MO was simply because he liked killing up and coming megastars who shone brightly. He killed Yura because:
(a) He hates Stars who lie, who sell a persona to their fans that is vastly different from who they are as people, which is why he hated Himekawa Airi and Hoshino Ai.
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(b) He killed Yura because he knew that the project being offered to her was the lead role in The 15-Year Lie. And simply, he wanted Ruby to play Ai's role.
In a twisted way, I think Kamiki believes he is protecting his children, and the public in general, from being lied to any further by celebrities like Yura who deceive the public with their feigned innocence.
Honestly? I think the reason he killed their mothers was to protect them from growing up with mothers who lie and abuse their kids.
3. Kana might play Hoshino Ai in The 15-Year Lie.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. I know. I know. Unhinged fan theory. I get it.
Even AquaKana stans think this is majorly unlikely to happen. I agree in that, I think it's insane. But I keep coming back to what Aqua meant when he said that, "Kana is so easy to manipulate", and "It's more convenient for me to build a good relationship with Arima right now."
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People tend to say, he's making silly convoluted excuses again, he just wants to spend more time with her. But I think a man who is resolute in his goal to off himself by proxy of martyrdom doesn't care to date the person he was protecting from a love scandal anyway.
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There are a few key reasons why I think Aqua's "using" of Kana will result in her playing Ai's role.
First of all, I think Aqua's plan is to play Kamiki, to portray him in the worst possible way, and expose him as the murderer through the film. Through this, Aqua will bait his father into murdering him too, and thus Aqua's death can be used as legal grounds for charging Hikaru Kamiki with Homicide.
As established above, I think Aqua doesn't agree that Ruby is the best choice for Ai's role. There are a lot of parallelisms baked in between Kana and Ai. Apart from the shot-by-shot remake of Sign is B, Kana is also the best person to get stabbed and deliver the lines, "Some day I hoped the lies would become true. / I did my best. I worked hard. I lied with all my heart. / To me, lies are love. In my own way, I thought I was showing my love."
Besides, you saw anyone else say these same things?
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Uhuh, you guessed it:
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So is Kana gonna get stabbed? Hopefully in a movie, yeah.
I think it could happen as a result of Kaburagi's dissatisfaction with Ruby's performance.
Kaburagi's "finalized" casting isn't final-final yet, really. We can see that he swapped Aqua to play Kamiki instead of Himekawa who will now play Ryosuke the university student/stalker here:
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Which makes sense! Aqua looks like his father, is closer to his age during the time of the events, and Taiki's age and height also better matches Ryosuke.
And even though the paper says finalized on Ruby's casting, Kaburagi's still not completely sold:
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I think the swap will come as a result of Ruby being severely overworked and unable to keep up with the demands of her role, and the Dome performance that she might want to prioritize. She may even outright collapse from exhaustion, as foreshadowed by Kana:
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Apart from Akasaka-sensei absolutely trolling us to death by Ai x Kamiki on-screen romance being portrayed by twins, then just outright pulling the plug on that for fun, I think it'd just make sense for Kaburagi to say it's better if we pair Aqua with Kana for this role.
Ruby doesn't even have to collapse or anything. She's so loved up with the idea of Gorou-sensei right now, Aqua could literally just tell her "this is what's best for the plan, you trust me, don't you?" And she would absolutely just go with it.
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I said before that I think up until Mem-cho pointed it out, Aqua was wholly unaware that Kana had a crush on him and joined B-Komachi just because of him. I think now that he has the awareness, he'll ask Kana to do it, first to help Ruby, but also because he can only trust Kana to play this role because she is "Special" to him.
A repeat of:
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It really is the only way that this scene therefore makes sense to me:
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Bonus: if the Shima D masterpiece film doesn't draw Kamiki's attention to her, Kana playing the role of Ai definitely will. And if she delivers the role with so much honesty, it might change the trajectory of the story altogether.
4. Aqua's plan will backfire.
I explained a little above and in a previous post that Aqua misunderstands Kamiki's motives.
While we all like to shit on Aqua for being the World's Nicest Master Manipulator, we have to give him credit for the fact that when it's used for saving other people, he's been really effective at spinning a public narrative in his favor. Like in the cases of Akane's suicide attempt and Kana's Love Scandal.
If the goal is to get Kamiki to stab him in plain view of the public, villify his father, and make it easy to convict him for homicide once and for all, I think he will fail.
Kamiki will not kill him or go after him. In fact, I think Kamiki will shed his Miki-san persona and reveal the truth: he was Himekawa Airi's rape victim, and Hoshino Ai was a manipulative person who seduced him with the prospect of true love, then abandoned him when she got what she wanted, which was a family.
In the absence of any evidence that he had anything to do with their deaths, Kamiki might even use this momentum of propaganda to make the public believe that he's happy to finally be reunited with his children that these terrible mothers took away from him.
Heck, Taiki might hate Uehara so much that he'd be relieved to learn about Kamiki? And if he really is connected to Frill, and if Kindaichi still cares about him, there might be real people who would back him up.
Then, it won't be until Akane works with Aqua and everyone to bring the murder of Katayose Yura to light that Kamiki would actually be brought to justice.
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andreal831 · 4 months
What do you think the Mikaelsons would be like if the Aurora fallout didn't happen?
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TW: Mental Health/Mental Illness, bipolar disorder
I'm assuming you mean the Aurora fallout when she was human and not when she took the serum. I personally don't think it would be the fairytale a lot of Klaurora shippers want it to be. Don't get me wrong, I like Aurora's character and she did not deserve being compelled to be Rebekah for a hundred years and I also think she is one of Klaus' better ships. I also think we need more (and better than TVDU gives us) representation of mental illness in media. But I personally think people romanticize their relationship a lot. I do think Aurora is Klaus' first love and he loved her deeply, as she did him. But they were both in very bad mental places when they were together. This was only exacerbated by the vampirism. They likely would have led each other down a dark path rather than help each other out of it.
When Aurora is first turned, the vampirism makes her slightly out of control, which is not good considering the Mikaelsons had not mastered their control yet. This meant that shortly after she turns, Mikael tracks them down because of the carnage they were causing. If Elijah hadn't compelled Aurora, she would have run with them. She likely also would have wedged herself between Klaus and his siblings. This is especially true because Elijah would have likely still remembered that Klaus killed their mother and lied to them about it all of that time. The memory was behind the red door because of what Elijah did to Aurora, not because of what he discovered.
This would have created a huge rift between Finn and Klaus, likely causing Finn to do what he claimed to want to do and leave his siblings behind, potentially even seeking Mikael out to help avenge his mother. With Finn leaving, Kol would also part ways shortly after. We know this happens anyway as Kol is already on his own when the Mikaelsons encounter the Hunters.
Tristan would also have sent an army after the Mikaelsons to retrieve his sister, likely with the help of Lucien as I think he partly always believed Klaus manipulated Aurora. I personally was never a fan of how Lucien interacted with Aurora. He always acted like she was unable to think for herself so it would be easy for him to believe Klaus had manipulated Aurora and not that she rejected him. It also would give him an excuse to go after the Mikaelsons and make Klaus pay for "stealing" Aurora.
It would have been Mikael and whatever army he mustered up and Tristan/Lucien and their army chasing after the trio and Aurora. I think it would be a fascinating story and if anyone wants to write it, I would definitely read it. However, it wouldn't be positive for either Klaus or Aurora's mental health. We are told Aurora battles bipolar disorder. This mental illness, unfortunately, for the vast majority of the time cannot be handled effectively without medication. Bipolar disorder was not even diagnosed until the 1800s and it wasn't effectively treated until the mid-1900s. Because vampirism already exaggerates emotions, Aurora's battle with bipolar disorder was extreme. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are also exacerbated by stressful life events, like being on the run from your brother and your homicidal father-in-law.
Stans, and even Klaus himself, changed their tune after finding out about Klaus' first heartbreak and, instead of blaming his parents, shifted blame to Elijah for why Klaus behaves the way he does. But we have to realize that Klaus is Klaus. Vampirism and his werewolf side only heighten who he is. We see Klaus as a human get in angry, heated fights, he is still fairly self-centered (kissing Tatia without even considering her feelings), he kills his mother for lying to him before his heartbreak, he goes on a killing spree before this heartbreak. He wasn't some innocent, good-tempered person before all of the heartbreak and betrayal. He was also in a fragile mental state and it would have been easy for Aurora to convince him to leave Rebekah and Elijah behind. Klaus was clearly suffering some level of depression and likely PTSD from his childhood trauma. Aurora already thought Elijah was too obsessed with family and didn't have a positive association with family in general. To me, she would have wanted her and Klaus to be a family on their own. She even seemed to cast Rebekah aside as her friend when Klaus showed her romantic interest. She was so quick to tell Elijah she knew something about Klaus that even he didn't know. Whether intentionally or not, she would have caused a separation between the siblings. I personally think this would have been for the best for Elijah and Rebekah. They could have gone off and lived a happy life, finding love.
But Klaus and Aurora likely would have gone down a dark path. We already see them begin to right after she is turned. She, like Klaus, reveled in the gore of vampirism early on. Without Elijah or Rebekah there to even him out, Klaus may have gone off the deep end, making it easy for Mikael to find him. If Mikael had an army, it likely would not have ended well for Aurora and Klaus.
I've seen two people who were struggling with their mental illness try to make it work in real life and it unfortunately usually does not work. When you are struggling, you need someone who can support you, but if your partner is also struggling, that is too much pressure. They created a beautiful relationship in the comfort and safety of the castle but they would have struggled to support each other once life got hard on their own.
It is really sad because so many people in history suffered unnecessarily because of mental illnesses before treatments or understanding was available. Aurora's conversation with Cami gives us just a small insight on what people in her position were often forced to undergo in an attempt to "fix" them. If Aurora and Klaus had met in modern setting where treatment was available for both of them, I think they would have a beautiful relationship. It just was unfortunately the right person, wrong time.
Thanks for the ask! This was really interesting to think about. Sorry, it took so long to respond, but I wanted to make sure I really thought this one through. I try to be delicate any time I discuss mental illness.
As always, if you disagree or have a different perspective, feel free to share. All I ask, is that you keep it respectful, especially when discussing mental health.
**EDITED: To correct the improper use of BPD for bipolar disorder.***
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rdng1230 · 10 days
911 spoilers
god where do I even begin???
First of all, I was ready to flip a fucking table when Gerard said that to Tommy. I really love the detail of Chim standing up to him though, I think it’s nice that 911 continually reminds us that Tommy isn’t just buck’s boyfriend, he also has his own history with the 118 gang. I could see how tense Tommy was and my heart broke for him. I also love Buck getting in Gerard’s face a little as he walked away. We Stan a protective boyfriend.
I was never a foster kid but because of custody fights I know EXACTLY how it feels to be ripped away from the family you love because of what a judge says. My heart breaks for Mara and for Henren, when Denny got in the middle my heart tore even more. That councilwoman genuinely is evil. She has no idea how long lasting and deep those wounds are for a kid.
the last supper montage/scene with Bobby hurt my feelings, but I loved the voiced acknowledgement of bucks growth. I think Buck still has lingering self doubts, and Bobby coming out and saying “you’re not that guy anymore” I think will help Buck let more of those doubts go.
the scene with Buck discovering Kim played out pretty much exactly as it had in my head. I don’t know why I just had the feeling Buck was going to encounter her first before shit hit the fan. I loved his concern for Eddie *and* for Kim. “Does this poor woman know she’s a carbon copy of your late wife?” I think he’s really good at saying things that genuinely reach Eddie. Buck knows that Eddie doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and so he uses that to wedge the door open. Listen, I’m not opposed to buddie happening one day (although I really don’t want a Bucktommy breakup) but whatever happens, them being friends who can be honest with each other is so important. They’re great partners for each other in really every sense of the word.
I can see Athena’s desperation but I also think her completely disregarding Amir’s boundaries and needs is a fucking dick move. Bobby needs a therapist, and probably some in patient mental health treatment too. Amir should be left in peace.
I knew the Kim thing had been too easy and as soon as that door opened and I saw her hair, I fucking knew Chris was going to see. But god Ryan did SO WELL with that scene. He genuinely had me choked up. He Shoulders so much loneliness and anger and hurt and he never really unloads it. I really can’t imagine the grief he feels even if I don’t always buy that he was *in* love with Shannon. I think she was very special to him, but I don’t think she was the love of his life. I still can’t decide what I feel about Kim for that. Truly, on the one hand girl WHAT THE FUCK and on the other, yeah maybe that was the only way Eddie was ever gonna say all that shit out loud. Her motives are as yet a total mystery to me.
Chris gets his own bullet point. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I really can’t imagine the hurricane of emotions he must have felt and will feel. I truly do not know how his relationship with Eddie will ever recover, and it would not shock me in the least if chris went and stayed with Buck for a while. I get what Ryan means when he says Eddie’s gonna end the season really isolated.
Im gonna miss that house, it really was gorgeous.
I love a good fretting over someone in the hospital scene and this cast in particular does so well with them. Looking forward to next week and also fucking terrified at the emotional fallout of everything particularly for Chris, Mara, and Denny.
boy “punched in the gut repeatedly” really was accurate huh?
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Those types of Scott stans exist, for sure, but there are also toxic Stiles stans who take every unkindness, cruelty, poor choice, basically anything bad Stiles did, and deflect them onto other characters, acting as though Stiles never did anything wrong. There are toxic Derek stans who claim that he was never in the wrong (not even in S2 where he was explicitly an antagonist and almost murdered an innocent teenager). I'd argue those two types of toxic stans are more numerous due to how much Sterek blew up, but that doesn't mean all fans of Stiles and/or Derek are like that.
And the pattern continues, there are Toxic Liam Stans, Toxic Isaac Stans, Toxic Erica Stans, Toxic Lydia Stans, etc, etc. The wedge of the pie that is toxic varies with character, but even minor characters like Cora and Nolan (I love you Nolan, but you were only in ten episodes in fairness) have their toxic Stans it seems.
As soon as one drops the adjective in an argument and tries to generalize ALL of <insert character name>'s fans as Toxic or the worst, they lose a lot of credibility to me, because you're showing your hand. If you open with the claim that anyone who likes Scott is going to be toxic and/or call you racist, then it's clear it was never a discussion about Scott, it was a put down.
So idk, maybe don't assume the worst of people before they've actually talked to you on this website where we all came for fun and at least semi-relaxation? Just a thought...
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officialfoxsquadron · 2 months
if there's one man i will forever stan it's wedge antilles. i love that, just going off of movie canon, we know nothing about him besides the fact that he's the ONLY bitch to take down two death stars. he shows up does his job and leaves. unproblematic king. there is absolutely no one doing it like him
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headcanonfalls · 3 months
Tourny 2: Round Three!
our competitors:
headcanons that Bill Cipher's statue was sent back in time when he died and Stan's favorite planet is Jupiter
('Would explain why it looks so worn when we see it, moss growing on it, wedged into the ground, and cracked. Like some kind of half-buried relic.')
headcanon that Robbie Valentino has borderline personality disorder
(evidence from submitter:
1. Fear of abandonment - desperately doesn’t want Wendy to leave him when they are dating, people with disorder often take extreme measures to prevent abandonment
2. Impulsive or dangerous behavior - what could be more impulsive than deciding to use a potentially magical mind-controlling cd because your girlfriend wants to leave you? also, in terms of dangerous behavior, taunting rumble mcskirmish most definitely was not his safest move
3. Anger management issues - tries to fight a twelve year old
4. Unclear or shifting self image - seen very confident in some episodes but then seen feeling bad about himself in the love god episode when mabel goes to his room
5. Feelings of emptiness - in the love god episode, despite regretting the sentence immediately afterwards when it starts pecking him, he tells a vulture to just ‘eat him already’ because he feels so low and sad)
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
Final- Ch.6 A Patient Man
*smut in this chapter*
1 week later- Valentine’s Day
Sebastian spent all of Valentine’s day schmoozing Y/N’s family.  He started with a sexy morning oral surprise for Y/N.  He then woke the kids up with breakfast in bed, giving them little Valentine baskets filled with goodies, then got them ready for a whole day of activities.  After a big family outing day, the kids were taken to Y/N’s parents’ house, who had had Valentine’s goodies sent to their home earlier that day as well, so he and Y/N could get ready for a fancy dinner.  
As they got ready Sebastian watched Y/N get dressed in her flowy red velvet dress.  He had been sleeping in her room since their first sexual encounter last week, and they had been much more open with each other.  Changing in front of each other, not hiding their nakedness from each other, even showering together.  Sebastian felt like since then their relationship had morphed into something more profound, and that they were at the precipice of not just having full sex with each other, but something more than he had ever had before.  He was contemplating marrying her, adopting the kids, and intertwining their lives together fully.  He would ask her today if he felt like she would say yes, but he wanted to make sure he did all of this right, and make her feel comfortable with the direction this was heading.
Y/N was finishing putting in her earrings as he put on his suit jacket.  She looked amazing in red, the velvet dress like a kaftan with a deep V down her chest, her red wedges hidden underneath giving her 2 more inches in height, her hair curled, pulled and pinned to the side of her head, diamond earring studs in her ears and deep red lipstick on her lips, making them look fuller and even more kissable.  Sebastian walked up behind her as she finished the last earring, looking at her reflection in the mirror and planting a kiss on the side of her neck.  
“You look ravishing, my love,” he complimented, his hands finding her hips and pulling her back towards him.  Y/N giggled, her wide smile making her teeth look striking against her red lips.  
“And you look like a snack, Mr. Stan,” she complimented him back, turning towards him and adjusting his suit jacket.  “You always look amazing in all black,” she stated, giving him a long lookover.  He had a black Prada turtleneck on, with a black jacket, pants and shoes.  He had a red rose in his jacket breast pocket for the occasion.  “It really brings out your eyes,” she said as she gazed up to his face, giving him a smirk.  Sebastian groaned at the look she gave him and the intonation in her voice, making her giggle again.
“Don’t start, Y/N, or we’ll never make it to our reservation,” he said warningly.  She merely gave his chest a light shove, teasing him.  “But I think you’re missing something,” he said, eyeing her up and down again.
“What?  What’s missing?” Y/N said, looking down at herself, then towards the mirror.  
“Hold on,” he stated, pulling a jewelry box out of his pants pocket.  Y/N watched him in the mirror with wide eyes.  As he opened it she saw a necklace sitting on a navy blue velvet setting.  It was a long gold chain with a small, champagne colored sapphire pendant in the middle that was shaped like a heart.  Her eyes bulged even wider at the gift, her mouth falling open slightly.  Sebastian smiled at her reaction, pulled it out of the box and wrapped it around her neck from behind, clasping it gently as she adjusted it down her chest.  It hung low into her cleavage, complementing the red dress and her skin tone.  Y/N held it daintily in her fingers, staring at it.  
“I know you’re not a big jewelry person, especially flashy or overly shiny things, but I wanted you to have something from me.  A small reminder that you own my heart,” he said, running his hands from her neck down to her shoulders then her arms, resting there as she took in the gift.  Y/N’s hands slightly trembled as she placed the pendant back down to her bust, looking at herself in the mirror again.  Sebastian noticed her eyes were shining with unshed tears. “Hey, no crying, especially on Valentine’s day,” he joked, rubbing her arms.  
“No, I’m not going to cry, it’s just…” Y/N looked up, blinking her eyes so her tears wouldn’t fall and ruin her makeup.  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, looking back at him in the mirror, “I love it.  Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he stated as he rubbed her arms again, then leaned down to kiss the top of her head.  “We should get going.”
Sebastian drove them to the Denver Aquarium.  Y/N always loved walking through the aquarium and there was a nice restaurant upstairs where you could watch the fish swim as you ate.  After the walk-through they sat to eat.  The restaurant was decked out in Valentine’s day decor, and a person dressed as a Valentine’s mermaid was swimming in the pool with the fish that night.  They talked and laughed as they ate their seafood platters, enjoying the evening as best they could with the sound of clicks going off every once in a while from someone thinking they were sneaky getting a photo of them.  
As the night was winding down, the restaurant was clearing out and they were finishing their desserts, the energy shifted.  Y/N was being more flirty than usual, reaching out and holding Sebastian’s hand, playing footsie with him under the table, smirking and making sexually charged comments and compliments towards him.  Sebastian could feel the change and welcomed it, flirting back with her and flustering her as much as he could.  
Once the bill was paid and they were headed back home, Sebastian kept a hand on Y/N’s thigh, rubbing up and down her leg and periodically squeezing the flesh of her thigh.  Y/N was lightly skimming the arm that was holding her with her fingers, angling her body towards him.  Every once in a while he would move up high enough to trail his pinky finger close to her folds, where on one pass he realized she wasn’t wearing any underwear.  He moaned at the revelation and squeezed her leg hard making her gasp at his firm grip.  
As they arrived back at the house and quickly got inside they were instantly on each other.  Sebastian pinned her against the door as he locked it, hiking her leg up around his thigh as he kissed her deeply.  Y/N’s hands were everywhere, running up his chest and neck into his hair.  In a frenzy of clothes flying off, panted breaths and bumping into walls they finally made it to Y/N’s room.  Sebastian threw Y/N onto the bed, making her laugh as she bounced on the mattress.
“Excited are we?” she teased as she scooted up the bed.
“You have no idea, sweets,” he answered, crawling up the bed to her.  He caged her onto the bed, laying across her and kissing any spot he could reach along the way.  He marveled at the little heart pendant hanging between her breasts and kissed it as well.  As he reached her neck and sucked on a sensitive spot below her ear she squirmed, her fingernails running down his back and making him moan at the sweet pain.  “I’ve been waiting so long, so patiently.  Can I have you tonight, my love?  Will you let me have you…all of you?”
Y/N pulled his face away from her neck and made him look at her.  She had that hunger in her eyes that he was newly introduced to, and also something resolute and trusting.  “I’m all yours, Sebastian.  I’m ready.”
Sebastian kissed her deeply, scooping her into his arms to lay on his side and hold her.  “Thank you, love-of-my-life,” he mumbled between kisses.  His hand roamed down to her pussy, his fingers deftly working her clit, making her squirm hard against him.  He worked her up to her first orgasm, making her writhe and loudly moan beneath him, then licked her nipples as he shifted to hover over her again.  He pulled her legs up to settle on his hips as he positioned himself between them.  He pumped his cock a few times before slowly running the tip between her folds, flicking her sensitive nub and making her gasp.  
“Last chance, are you sure about this, sweetness?” Sebastian asked.  
Y/N pulled his waste closer to her with her ankles behind him, making the tip of his cock slide a little more into her opening.  “I’m sure, Seb, please…don’t tease me.  I don’t want you to stop.  I want you,” she panted, her hands squeezing his biceps in affirmation.
Sebastian nodded, aligning himself again and then slowly pushing forward.  He hissed as her pussy swallowed his cock, the tight squeeze of her walls making him worry he would blow too early.  Y/N gripped his forearms as she tried to relax and adjust to him.  It was the first time she’d done this in years and it showed as they both gasped and panted through him dragging himself into her until he was fully seated.  Once his balls hit her ass he paused, letting her adjust and trying to not completely lose it immediately.
“Jesus, you feel so good, baby,” he moaned, staying still as he tried to relax.  “So tight, just give me a minute…I’m trying not to bust, God you feel so good,” he hissed again as he felt her squeeze around him.  “Don’t…don’t do that, please, I wanna take my time,” he gasped.
“It wasn’t on purpose,” Y/N hissed back.  Her legs were relaxing around him as her pussy got used to the stretch.  “It just feels good…so full,” she groaned, her eyes slightly rolling.  
Sebastian whimpered at her admission and felt himself pull back and thrust hard into her  making her let out a strangled cry.  “That’s it, baby, let me hear those pretty sounds from you,” he murmured as he slowly thrusted again.  He was agonizingly slow at first then gradually picked up a steady rhythm.  Y/N whined.  She couldn’t decide where to put her hands and opted to just feel all of him as she ran her hands over his arms, shoulders, chest, and like she had done when they’d filmed the dancing scene all those months ago, softly scratched her nails down his nipples.  His hips stuttered harshly at that as he tried again not to cum and grunted roughly.
“You’re killing me babes,” he growled.
“Please, Seb, faster,” Y/N begged, trying to grind her hips against his to get him to move.
Sebastian took a moment to look at her.  Her pupils were almost completely blown, her mouth hung open and panting, the red lipstick still intact but smudged on the one side, her chest, neck and cheeks flushed.  The heart pendant was askew on her chest and tucked against her breast.  The sight made him feel a possessive streak that he wasn’t used to, like he had marked her as his own with it.  He swore he’d never seen anything so erotic.  
Y/N’s nails scratching down his stomach grounded him back to the present.  He gave her a smirk as he pulled back so that only the tip of his cock was still inside her.  She tried to pull him back in again with her legs but he wouldn’t budge.  She peered up at him confusedly.
“Whose pussy is this?” he asked.
Y/N gave him a half-hearted glare, her hands stilling on his sides, but she tried again to pull him in with her ankles.  He almost completely pulled out, making her whine.
“Whose pussy is this?” he asked more firmly as he moved a hand behind her head to grip the back of her neck, making her look at his face.
Y/N squirmed under his stare and lost the heat of her previous glare, her eyes softening into a submissive expression.  “Yours,” she whispered.
Sebastian pushed back in just a little but held her head up more so that he was nose to nose with her now.  “I didn’t hear you, sweets.  Whose pussy is this?” he gave a quick thrust in and out of her and pulled a loud cry from her.
“Ungh!  YOURS, it’s your pussy,” she shrieked through gritted teeth as she fisted the sheets next to her.
“Goddamn right it is,” he snarled.  He thrusted back in more forcefully than he had before, making Y/N mewl for him as he set a staggering pace.  All Y/N could do was hold on tight and enjoy the ride as a string of guttural “uh, uh, uh” littered from her mouth.  He worshiped her body, holding her close, his hands exploring every available space to him, kissing her every time he dipped his head.  She felt weightless, the warm heat spreading through her stomach as the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.  
“All mine,” he purred.  “Been wanting you since the day I met you, you know that?” he accentuated each word with a deep rut into her hips, feeling himself get a little deeper, making her preen.  “All fucking mine…gonna ruin you, ungh, for any other man, sweets.”
Y/N could feel the invisible string deep in her belly start to pull tight.  His dirty talk was threatening it to snap at any second as he reached a hand between their bodies to flick at her clit.
“Sebastian!” she cried as he rubbed and flicked, his hips driving into her as he hoisted one of her legs up higher over his forearm to hit deeper.
“Yes, say it again, say my name again!” he begged.
Y/N’s arms wrapped around his neck, one of her hands running through his hair and pulling his head back by the nape of his neck.  Sebastian whimpered again, hips stuttering from their rhythm as he gazed at her, her lips just off center from his, her hot breath fanning his face.
“Sebastian,” she moaned lewdly.
“FUCK!” he cried as his eyes rolled back into his head, cock pounding into her one, two, three times, flicking her nub harshly and making them cum together. Y/N cried as she came, her body tensing, eyes shut tight, the orgasm ripping through her like lightning spreading through her nerves.  Her pussy gripped Sebastian so strongly he came with a roar, his head falling back, thick cum filling her up as he rutted against her.  He tried to keep himself up so as not to crush her underneath him but couldn’t find the strength and gently dropped himself across her body.  He laid his head on her chest, letting himself regain his breath as he listened to her rushing heartbeat, his cock still throbbing inside her, making sure she got every last drop out as her pussy fluttered around him.  He gingerly picked up the heart pendant and held it between his fingers as he gently tickled her chest with it.  Y/N was still twitching from the sensitivity but softly carded her fingers through his hair as the blood roaring through her ears lessened.  
Once they both could breath normally Sebastian lifted his head to look up at Y/N.  He paled when he saw tear marks from the corners of her eyes.  “Hey, hey what’s wrong?” he pressed, reaching up to wipe away the streaks.  “Was that too rough?  I’m sorry honey–”
“No, no Seb,” she laughed, wiping away the wetness he didn’t get yet.  “You were perfect.  That was perfect.”
Sebastian shuffled himself up so he could be closer to eye level with her, both of them humming as his cock slipped out of her.  “What’s up, sweets?  I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong,” Y/N smiled as she held his face in her hands, her thumbs sweeping across his cheeks and massaging the stubble along his jaw.  “I’m just a crybaby,” she laughed lightly.  “It’s been a long time since I’ve done that, and it felt so…right with you, my moon and stars,” she sighed.  Her eyes were tired and still a little glossy as she studied him. 
Sebastian beamed at her as he could feel the smile on his face stretch wide.  She smiled widely back at him. “Thank you for letting me have you.  Thank you for trusting me,” he whispered, kissing the tip of her nose.  Y/N scrunched her nose at him as he pulled away, making him chuckle.
“You’re welcome.  Thank you for letting me have you,” she answered, her arms weaving around his neck.  “I love you,” she said softly.
“I love you, forever,” Sebastian promised.  
THANK YOU GUYS FOR LIKING AND READING THIS! I'm excited to drop another story or some one-shots again soon.
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