#star vs costume
hurricanek8art · 11 days
I had to start trying to explain to my mom (strictly a movie/tv fan) why the Jedi are like this at this point in time, and it finally clicked in my head. The perfect way to explain how they're so rigid and strict and have such huge sticks up their butts at this point in time.
The Jedi of this generation are the result of generational trauma.
(Spoilers for episodes 1 and 2 of The Acolyte, Phase One of the High Republic books, and some barebones setting spoilers of Phase Three under the cut. Also a big wall of text because I never know when to shut up 🙃)
So I'm behind on Phase III of the High Republic books (got a few chapters into The Eye of Darkness when it came out, brain farted out on me on reading ability, haven't gotten back to it yet 🙃😖) but I know enough to know that things are really going bad. The Nihil are rampaging, the Nameless are turning people to stone, the Stormwall has cut off like a third of the galaxy from the rest of it. It's a lot! It's really bad! And we see how it's affecting our heroes. Avar and Elzar are reeling without Stellan. Vern's questioning about how the Jedi are responding to this threat throughout Phase I has led her to become a Wayseeker. Padawans like Bell, Burry and Reath have been elevated to Knighthood a lot sooner than any of them expected to be. All of them are incredibly traumatized.
But that's just the Jedi we've seen. The heroes, the big names. Imagine being a nobody at this time. An extra. A child.
Imagine being a youngling in this era. There are literal nightmares hunting you. People are dying right and left, they're being husked and turned to stone or just plain shot/stabbed/whatever. The outposts are being closed down and everyone's being recalled to Coruscant, and that's the ones who've survived so far. They knocked the Starlight Beacon out of the sky, something that was supposed to be impossible. And less than five years ago, this was a golden age of peace, of light and life and great works that were bringing the galaxy together, a united front. That's horrible, that is terrifying.
We as the readers know it's going to work out, because it has to, because this is a prequel. They don't know that. They're just kids, and the world has suddenly turned upside-down, and the galaxy is big and scary and dark.
So everything works out, the day is saved. But these kids, they have to live with this trauma for the rest of their lives.
And when they grow up, and they train Padawans, those Padawans are going to carry the lessons they learned onwards. There is no lesson a Master can teach in this era that isn't going to carry the grief of the Nihil or the Nameless. There is no lesson any Master will ever teach again, from the moment Loden Greatstorm was captured by Marchion Ro all the way to Luke's temple burning to the ground, that won't somehow, in some way, be touched by this. It haunts everyone, everything. Those lessons are passed on, and on, and on.
Yord Fandar is intense about protocal and following the rules and making sure he's the perfect Jedi, because a hundred years ago maverick Elzar Mann played fast and loose with the rules while he was stationed on Valo, and then the Nihil turned the Republic Fair into a bloodbath. Sol is worried about Osha's (so far) inability to put her grief to the side and remain objective in chasing Mae because Imri Cantaros lost control and nearly murdered the Nihil who caused the death of his master during the Great Disaster. Vernestra Rwoh is refusing to charge into this without talking it over with the Council because she remembers what happened when she kept information from them a hundred years ago.
These aren't isolated incidents because they happened to the heroes, every Jedi of that era has some story like this, where the lines blurred in the fog of war and they made or nearly made horrible mistakes out of fear. And now, every Jedi is going to want to rise above that. To not make those mistakes, because that past is past. It's peaceful again. They're better now. But that trauma's lurking under the surface, just like the Sith. The Nihil won't win, but the Order isn't going to, either. Because what the Nihil did changed them, permanently.
The plot of the High Republic books is supposedly unrelated to the show, because it's a hundred years later. But the plot of the High Republic books explains everything about the Jedi in this era of the galaxy. They're carrying the trauma and grief of an entire generation that was brutalized unlike anything the Order had ever seen before.
And the Sith have watched, and waited, as that trauma has become so internalized, so central to what the Jedi are. The Jedi might not even realize that's what's happened to them. But the Sith see it.
And now it's finally time to begin the grand plan.
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f-athr · 1 month
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overtaken by motivation i haven’t had since 2021
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cadenreigns · 8 months
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Scoobyween Week 3
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thresholdbb · 10 months
I love how 90s Star Trek costuming is mostly pajamas, but aliens are often outfitted in upholstery. Let’s do a series-by-series overview, shall we?
The Next Generation
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Almost exclusively pajamas. Beverly is even wearing a robe half the time, and don’t get me started on Troi. Guinan is debatable, but I’m sticking with pajamas. Granted, the late 80s/early 90/ were pretty pajama-centric iirc
Deep Space 9
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Starfleet and Bajoran uniforms on the station? Pajamas. Sisko can’t wiggle down the stairs in upholstery
Jake-o? Pajamas
Quark? Upholstery, and every swatch and pattern he could get his silver-tipped fingers on
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Same after the uniform switch, but now Jake-o is feeling fancy and therefore sometimes dabbles in upholstery
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Quark and fam? Upholstery all day every day (until Nog abandons love and latinum for pajamas)
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Cardassians and Bajoran Vedeks/Kais? Looking pretty upholstered (no offense intended towards Garak)
Keiko might have fallen victim to upholstery here too
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Starfleet uniforms? Pajamas
Kes? Could go pajamas, could go upholstery. Depends on the costume
Neelix? Straight up upholstery.
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Actually pretty much all of the Talaxians raid the upholstery section. The Ocampans not so much
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Seven of Nine? Skin-tight pajamas
Though I gotta say…
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Those sickbay pajamas are looking suspiciously like upholstery
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fiendnyc · 5 months
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Take off with Scott Pilgrim's precious little shirt
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rainbowresurrection · 8 months
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Ready to get vaporized! Halloween 2015 - 2023
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creativesplat · 1 year
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Inspired by @zephrunsimperium 's Henchmaniac Ford idea! He's got the gold nail guards and black and gold eyeliner!
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madmanwonder · 8 months
Star, Jackie, Janna, Hekapoo
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silentjaxx · 9 months
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Back again with another Star shot! I’ve been feeling lately like I’m isolated from the world so haven’t kept up with posting anyplace but just want to be the most happiest I can so trying to keep focused on projects and other things in life.
Just gonna leave this here since I don’t think this needs further explaining. It’s Star being herself on a nice day in the garden. Or at least the small garden area near my hotel we shot at.
Taken at AnimeNEXT 2023
Photo taken by squidlyuwuphotography (Instagram)
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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So originally, I was gonna be a noir detective for Halloween, but on Thursday night I changed my mind and decided I was gonna be Jesse Pinkman
Unfortunately, my package was delayed and so I didn’t get my stuff for his fit until I was already done with doing everything I was gonna do today (I’m not doing anything tonight except for HW haha), and so I went as a sort of version of Star Butterfly + some other cosplay stuff I had in my closet
I had fun nonetheless :)
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From the entrance to the exit Is longer than it looks from where we stand I want to say I’m sorry for stuff I haven’t done yet Things will shortly get completely out of hand -Old College Try, The Mountain Goats
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the-hawks-rye · 1 year
i know it's been said a gazillion times and said more eloquently than me but god the amount of missed potential in the sequel trilogy. thinking about how anakin became a villain because he felt he had no other choice (and the tragedy being that he always had a choice, and his character arc concluding with him deciding to stand up for what's right by saving luke), meanwhile kylo grew up surrounded by a loving family full of positive role models and chose evil knowingly because he craved power for power's sake. kylo idolizing the tragic figure of darth vader all the while burning the world around him. there was so much you could do with that but instead they had to sacrifice rey's character to make the movies about her fixing the genocidal white boy who never wanted to be saved
#rereading tfa junior novel...#tfa wasn't perfect but it really did set up a lot of interesting stuff! that never got proper attention (if it did at all)!#mitch rambles#sw#sw negativity#and of course the nature vs nurture with kylo vs finn. why the hell did they never get a rematch after tfa. like that would have so good#having finn now on solid footing knowing that this (the fate of the galaxy) is worth fighting for and his now realized self#kicking kylo's pathetic ass into the next galaxy#also why tf did rey get force healing in tros when finn was ren's (characterized by destruction) narrative foil#like i know it's sidelining finn bc racism and making rey super special and powerful in lieu of actual characterization & bc they didn't#actually care about the story they were telling but y'know. 'why' best conveys my bafflement with the thematic flops situation#anyway back to kylo. u could have him tentatively going lightside-ish at the end of the final movie bc star wars redemption themes and all#but you'd have to have him very very very clearly giving up power (or accepting a forced loss of it) for it to work! like themes 101 people#like 'oh i did a bad thing by killing my dad :(' cool but are we gonna address the root cause of why you did that? (or your other crimes)#it's bc he was representative of how morals still had some power over you and u hated that because u need to be stronger than anything else#i don't think any of this ground-shaking breakthroughs like your room full of writers couldn't work out any of that. does nobody know what#a theme is? people were payed big money to make those movies??? (this is not about set/sound/costuming/etc you did great)#*sigh*#store wore posting
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bmurfette · 2 years
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From the cast and crew of Dipper Vs the Forces of Magic 🦇
Release Date: November 25th
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cadenreigns · 1 year
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Jackie and Hekapoo wishing you a merry Christmas.
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Long time no post everybody! Hope you all are doing well 💓💓 I wanted to inform all of you guys that I'm selling some of the things I made in past years. My collection includes articles inspired by cartoons and videogames, you might find them a bit of expensive due to the fact they are entirely handmade and you won't find any similar manifacture elsewhere. If you're interested I'm leaving below my Vinted profile link! Thanks for reading 😚
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dippervs · 2 years
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From the cats and crew of Dipper Vs the Forces of Magic!!! 🦇
Release date: November 25th
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