#stay safe the call the midwife way
camille-lachenille · 4 months
A flickering flame
She looks at the babe in her arms, blissfully asleep and unaware of the world he just entered. This little boy who shouldn’t be, her miracle and her curse.
Drained, she leans back against the pillows as the midwife cleans the room. It’s a sad place, to bring a child to life in, this rickety little cabin in the woods. And yet, it is the only way to keep her secret, to keep her son safe.
“Do you have a name for him?” the midwife asks quietly. It is not the first time she asks, and not the first time silence is her only answer.
No, she doesn’t have a name for her son, because she did not mean to have a son. Because, by any mean, he should not even exist.
Yet, exist he does, and his warm weight against her breast chases some of the pain and melancholy away. She presses a light kiss to his soft dark hair. His eyes are blue, for now, and she wonders if they will change to her own brown or stay as blue as his sire’s. She considered calling him his father, even if just in her heart, but the wound is still too fresh and the word stings at this gaping absence. He left her, alone with this tiny, flickering life; he does not desserves any other title than sire of her son. And yet…
And yet this is not her son, she muses, not entirely, for the life in him is brighter and stronger than it ought to be. This babe a mere hours old already has a keen gaze, his large eyes reflecting the light. She wonders if they will reflect the stars, if she brings him outside.
She does not have foresight, for this is a gift of the Eldar, but she knows her time with her son is limited. That she has to secret him away and rip yet another piece of her heart if she wants him to live. He does not belong to the green forests of Ladros and the villages scattered there. He is not destined to the simple life of the men of this land.
With a heavy sigh, she carefully lays her son next to her on the bed and asks the midwife for the paper and ink she packed with her own supplies. The letter is short and to the point, just cryptic enough that anyone unaware of her identity can’t understand the message. There is precious little wax in the cabin, but she sacrifices a bit of her candle to seal the letter before handing it to the midwife.
“Give this to the closest courrier you can find,” she says, an order despite her tired voice. The midwife nods and tucks the letter in her bag. She won’t speak, she knows.
The answer comes swifter than she expected, in the form of a tall, cloaked figure entering the cabin at night. She almost screams in fear, reaching for the knife on the bedside, before recognising the face half hidden by the hood. The bright eyes shine in the dim light of the lone candle.
“You called for me?” the figure asks, his voice melodious and fair. If she did not know the identity of her visitor, she could have mistaken his voice for another, beloved one, just for the faintest moment. But he is not him. She will never see him again and she thinks ‘good riddance’ even as her heart bleeds.
Mutely, she signals to the visitor to sit on the side of the bed, and places her son in his arms. “Take him to safety, my Lord,” she says. “Tell whatever lies you want about his origins but keep him safe with his kin.”
“But you are his kin, my friend,” he replies calmly, even as he rocks the babe in his arms. And what a picture it would be, to see this great Lord playing nursemaid, if the situation wasn’t so painful.
She shakes her head. “He may share my blood but not my soul; I can see it in his eyes. He belongs with you. Please, take him and tell no one the truth!” and she hates how her voice shakes, how she is reduced to beg to have her son taken away from her. But she cannot keep him, she knew that from the very moment she felt this little life growing within her.
Her visitor sighs softly in defeat, and even this sound is music. “Very well, my nephew has a young daughter and his wife is still nursing. They will be happy to call him their son.” And his words sound like a promise.
A knot loosens in her chest at the knowledge her son will be well cared for. “Thank you, my friend,” she whispers quietly. “But go now, before dawn comes. There is a basket with supplies for the babe on the table.”
The visitor raises, towering over the bed she has spent the last few weeks in, close to her son, and secures the still sleeping babe in a sling against his heart with the uttermost care. Yes, her son will be safe in these hands.
He is about to leave, basket in hand, when he pauses by the door and turns to look at her. “You never told me his name.” His voice is serious and his gaze piercing.
She looks back at him, calm and sure of herself for the first time since he entered the cabin. “Artanáro,” she says with a tight little thing of a smile. “For his life is bright as a flame.”
Her friend smiles faintly as he looks back and forth between her and the babe. “Artanáro. Yes, it suits him.”
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daisyblog · 6 months
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: YN and Louis welcome their baby.
It was the 25th of January, and YN was 36 weeks pregnant. Coming towards the end of her pregnancy meant she was faced with aches, pains and discomfort. She had moved into her own house in Manchester a few weeks ago, with the help from Harry and her Mum. Louis had asked her to move closer to London, but YN wanted to be live closer to her Mum so she could help with the baby.
As the boys tour wasn’t starting for another few weeks, Harry was staying with YN to keep her company and to help her get settled in her new home.
Harry had just put up some family photos on the wall as YN had asked, when he noticed her facial expression change as she held her now round bump.
"You alright?". Harry walked closer to where she was standing.
YN nodded. "Yeah...braxton hicks I think.".
"Are you sure? You look like you're in pain.". Harry wasn't an expert but the way YN was starting to hunch over told him different.
"Yeah..they can be painful."
As the afternoon went on, so the pain was getting worse. YN had stopped several times from what she was doing, to breath through the pain.
"I'm phoning Mum." Harry announced as he watched YN hunched over the counter top.
YN was admitted to the labour and delivery ward once she had arrived at the hospital due to them suspecting she was in early labour.
When Anne arrived to YN's after Harry's phone call, she knew her daughter may be in labour when she found her taking deep breaths and holding onto her growing tummy. As Harry drove the three of them to the hospital, Anne rang Louis to tell him what was happening.
With Anne by her side, and Harry in the waiting area, a midwife examined YN and confirmed she was in early labour and due to her only being 36 weeks, she would need to go straight to the delivery suite.
"Mum...I'm scared...the baby can't come yet." YN began to feel anxious that her baby was coming early.
Stroking a stray piece of hair from the face, Anne reassured her. "It's okay my darling...you're in safe hands here...I'll be here too.".
Louis and Jay had arrived at the hospital around 2 hours after Anne had called. They hurried down the corridors, searching for Harry's familiar face. When they saw him sitting on one of the chairs, Louis ran towards him.
"Hey..is she okay?" Louis asked, knowing how quickly all this had happened.
Harry stood from his chair at the sound of Louis voice. "Yeah she’s alright, my Mum said she's doing okay."
Before Louis and Jay walked towards the large double doors to find YN's delivery room, Harry's voice stopped them.
"Lou?" Louis turned around. "Look after her in there for me.".
Jay smiled at how protective Harry was of his sister. "I will, I promise." Louis reassured him.
YN had been in labour for 6 hours, when the contractions had gotten severely worse. She was bouncing on the large birthing ball, trying to ease the pain as she held the gas and air in her hand.
"You're doing so well my love." Anne encouraged her daughter, knowing exactly how she was feeling, having given birth herself.
"You're actually making this look easy sweetheart." Jay also complimented her, having been through this experience many of times. By giving birth herself and being a midwife.
Louis felt useless as he sat on a chair next to the bed. He wanted to help but didn't know how. "Do you wanna hold my hand?" he asked. "You can squeeze it tight whenever you're in pain.".
YN shot him a dirty look. "No keep your hands over there...that's the reason I'm in this pain.".
Anne and Jay shared a look, trying not to laugh at YN's words. "I'm sorry." Louis mumbled.
"I wouldn’t take it personally, lots of the mothers tend to get a little annoyed at their partners during labour.” The midwife who was sat in the room tried to reassure Louis.
“We’re not together.” YN corrected the midwife, in between her contractions. “I had too much vodka and here we are.”.
“YN!”. Anne scolded her daughter, when she saw the sad look on Louis face. YN took more gas and air, as she felt the pain increase. “I didn’t say I didn’t have a good night.”.
Louis eyes were wide as he stared at YN, not believing what she had just said. Anne and Jay were just as shocked and for their own benefit decided it was best they forget what YN had just said.
“When the Mums have gas and air, they tend to say exactly what they’re thinking.” The midwife explained to Louis, to prepare him for else YN may say. ---
Anne and Jay had decided to go for a little walk and to keep Harry company for a little bit, as the midwife had explained that YN’s labour was still in the early stages.
“My back is hurting.” YN cried out as she stood next to the bed, moving her hips gently to try and get some ease. The gas and air still glued to her hand.
“Do you want an epidural?” The midwife asked, as she looked down at YN’s notes.
YN shook her head, as she took another breath of gas and air. “No, I want to do this on my own.”.
“I know this may be a little strange for you.” The midwife began. “But often Mums find the pain eases a little when the partner…or Dads are involved in labour.” Louis glanced at the petite midwife, silently asking her what she was referring to. “Whether that may be holding their hand or just words of encouragement…or often a little back massage.”.
“YN…this doesn’t have to be weird.” Louis quietly spoke. “Let me be here for you.”.
As another contraction hit, YN hunched over the bed and brought the gas and air up to her mouth to take another breath. Louis took control and gently massaged his fingers into the bottom of her back.
“You’re doing really well YN.” The midwife encouraged. “Keep breathing through them.”.
Within a few minutes, a gush of water fell from between YN’s legs, meaning her waters had broke.
“Okay YN, that was yours waters breaking.” The midwife began to explain. “Which is good, but it means the contractions are going to be more painful and frequent.”.
A few hours later.
Anne and Jay had returned a few hours ago and was happy to see YN allowing Louis to help. The midwife wasn’t wrong about the contractions, YN clung onto the gas and air and held onto Louis hand as she breathed though each one. “I can’t do this anymore.”.
“You can love…you’re doing it.” Louis moved some of the loose hair away from YN’s face as she sat on the bed. “Just think, our baby will be here soon.”.
YN breathed in the gas and air for what felt like the millionth time, she felt the pain ease. “You can give birth next time.” The gas and air did the talking,
Louis was about to make a joke about him not releasing they were going to have another baby, but he decided it wasn’t the right time, as YN continued to hold onto him for support.
“I feel like I need to push.” YN announced, causing the midwife to stop writing notes.
“If you lay down on the bed, I’ll give you a quick examination.” The midwife pulled on some gloves as YN did asked was asked.
Louis was about to walk to the other side of the room to give YN some privacy, when she reached to hold his hand.
“Good news…you’re 9cm” the midwife announced, causing Anne and Jay to get excited. “What I want you to do is…listen to your body and keep that gas and air close.”
YN had been pushing for 30 minutes when she was about to give up. “I can’t do this…I’m so tired.”.
“Darling you’re nearly there…a few more pushes and your baby will be here.”. Anne encouraged her daughter.
“I can see the baby’s head…give me a couple more pushes.”. The midwife added.
“You can do this sweetheart.” Jay spoke, looking at Louis to join in their encouragement.
“YN…I know you’re tired…but just think of how much you want to hod our baby…and think of how much love their going to have…and all the memories we can make.” Louis rambled on, whilst he continued to hold her hand.
Three pushes later and a lot of “I can’t do this”, a loud cry erupted in the room as YN fell back into the pillow on the bed, completely exhausted.
Anne and Jay held eachother as they looked on at the scene, their babies baby. Louis looked towards the midwife, completely in awe of the little baby that she held in her hands.
“Congratulations Mum and Dad…you have a little boy!”. The midwife congratulated them as she placed their son on YN’s chest.
Tears ran down YN and Louis cheeks, as they started down at the precious baby that they had created.
“I’m so proud of you.” Louis placed a peck on YN’s forehead. “You’ve given me the best gift of life.”.
It was a couple of hours later and YN was now showered and recovering in her own little room. Anne and Jay had gone to get Harry, as he was now allowed to the ward to see them.
Louis was cradling his new son in his arms, as he sat on the chair next to the bed where YN was resting watching them.
“He looks like you.” YN commented.
“I guess my genes are strong.” Louis joked, as he looked down at his mini self.
“Should we tell them what we’ve named him?” YN asked:
Louis nodded. “Do you think Harry will like it?”.
“I bloody hope so!” YN laughed.
The sound of the door opening, caused them both to look and in came Anne, Jay and Harry.
Harry went straight over to his sister and carefully wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so proud of you…I heard you were amazing.”
“Thanks H”. YN hugged him tighter. “Do you want to meet your nephew?”.
Harry nodded as he looked over at Louis who still had the little one cuddled up in a blanket. “Congratulations mate!” Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby.
“Thanks lad!” Louis smiled at his best friend. “Here have a cuddle.”.
Harry held his nephew in his arms after Louis had gently passed him over. “You’ve stamped him well.” Harry directed his comment to Louis, causing everyone to laugh because everyone has commented on how much the baby looks like Louis.
“We’ve decided on a name.” YN spoke. All eyes were now on her waiting for the name to be revealed. “Lou…do you want to tell them?”.
“Arthur Harry Tomlinson!”.
“Oh what a beautiful name!” Anne complimented as she sat next to her daughter on the bed.
“I love it…our little Arthur bear!” Jay smiled widely.
Harry swallowed down the tears that were about to spill. “I love you guys!”.
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liked by ynstyles, mrsjohannahdeakin, and 2,469,555 others
louist91 Meet my little lad, Arthur 👶🏻 View all 45,987 comments
niallhoran Congratulations lad x
lottietomlinson my baby nephew ❤️
mrsjohannahdeakin My boy and his boy 💙
zayn congrats man! he's so cute!!
annetwist His Daddy's double ❤️
liampayne Huge congratulations Tommo!! Can't wait for another cuddle x
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist, and 966,565 others
ynstyles Arthur Harry Tomlinson 👶🏻 💙 View all 7,347 comments
gemmastyles My precious nephew!!💙 Love you sis x
lottietomlinson ❤️
niallhoran Congratulations!!
mrsjohannahdeakin Beautiful Mama!!xx
harrystyles Proud of you Twin x
sophiasmith Congratulations beautiful girl x
annetwist My two babies ❤️ Love you both xx
louist91 💙
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Hob used to be in the information business -- knowing things, trading useful bits to disreputable people, getting a slice of the take, but he got out of all that, for reasons, but he keeps a slight hand in.
When he hears (distressingly after the fact) that Morpheus Endless has been taken, Hob is more than worried. Morpheus, Dream, is one of the reasons Hob is out,,,,,,well the main reason is Robin.........but Dream gave Hob Robin (in all the ways that implies) and Hob promised on his soul to keep their family Robin safe.
Robin was not/is not a mistake, he is the second greatest miracle of Hob's life, with falling in and loving Dream being the 1st. But they were not good men in a terribly unsafe business when Dream got pregnant. A pregnancy that they went out of their way to hide and a birth handled by just the two of them (they were bad men, but they didn't want to have to kill a midwife,,thankfully nothing went wrong).
Dream had just two weeks with Hob and Robin, with his family before he had to go back to the Endless "organization" (there was no way that Time & Night would let one of their child free of the Family.). Dream promised he would keep himself safe, if Hob kept Robin safe. So Hob kissed his still healing love goodbye and held tight to their son.
Now Hob is hearing that the rival Burgess family is making their play for the city and Dream has been taken as leverage.
Well, that can't stand!
Maybe this is enough to get Dream out.
There are few people Hob trusts to look after Robin while he's gone, but he calls one of the few - they'll keep Robin safe and make sure if the worst happens and neither of Robin's fathers make it back Robin will be cared for.
That squared, Hob is off to get his man and make his family whole. 🗡🔪🔫
OOO yes!!! I'm so intrigued by hard-man, nasty criminal Hob switching from his former career to a devoted single daddy. He keeps an ear out for info on Morpheus, but he really is a proper suburban dad now - Honda civic and all.
But now he's got to save his baby mama. Robin is everything to Hob, but Dream is even more than that. If he's not safe, then Hob can't just keep on living his life. He's got to dig up all his old weapons and contacts, get in the Honda and drive without stopping until he reaches the place where Dream is rumoured to be held.
Dream is angry when Hob comes to get him. Angry that Hob reneged on their deal, angry that he left Robin. He's even angry that Hob killed Burgess, because it's only going to escalate the conflict between the families. Hob bluntly tells Dream that he doesn't give a fuck about any of that. He's getting Dream out. They'll go get Robin together and then leave. For good. Dream evidently isn't able to stay safe so their previous deal no longer applies.
Hob gets shot by Alex as they make their escape, and Dream is honestly a bit smug about it because he's the one driving Hob back into the city to pick up Robin. Hob isn't that badly hurt. And it serves him right for being a self sacrificing dumbass.
Robin hasn't seen Dream since he was 24 hours old but even so, he clings onto his "papa" tightly within minutes of meeting him. Meanwhile daddy Hob is having a private little cry as he gazes at his family. They still have a long way to go, but whatever. Dream is holding their son and looking at Hob with that fond, exasperated smile. He knows that everything is going to work out okay.
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the-hidden-empire · 1 year
How they are during you’re pregnancy:
Fluff/ NSFW +18
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- “I’m pregnant.” You announce to you’re husband who had been in the admits of reviewing battle plans.
- He smiled to himself as he slowly shuts off the holograms, and made his way towards his beautiful wife.
- “I had my suspicions.” He spoke with amusement.
- He had a feeling you had fallen pregnant after showing symptoms.
- Felt honoured that you were willing to bring his child into this world.
- Wouldn’t want any other woman to mother his children.
- Made sure his wife and child were top priority.
- He still had to attend to his work duties, so he would keep you both onboard the the Chimaera.
- He accompanied you to every appointment back on Coruscant.
- When you started to show, he had a problem trying to contain himself.
- He couldn’t keep his hands off you.
- Just when he thought his wife couldn’t get anymore beautiful, you keep proving him wrong.
- Watching you’re body change was captivating to him. A true gift.
- Never wanted you to stop being pregnant.
- He bedded you almost every night.
- You’re hormones and increased limbo triggered his testosterone to kick in on overdrive due to his alien origins.
- The chiss men cherished their pregnant wife’s/mothers to their children.
-They devoted themselves to the mother of their children. They’d protect them with all their power.
- Thrawn was no exception.
- He would hold you’re bump from behind to help relive pressure off you’re back as he viewed his work.
- Would keep you away from from his work especially now that you were carrying such a precious package.
- Would allow you to stay on board the cruiser with him so he could protect you from harm. His ship was the safest place in the galaxy for you.
- He felt feral for you’re naked form with that baby bump protruding.
- He loved that the bump got in the way of most sexual activities.
- Turned him on to no end. He’d love holding you’re swollen breast.
- During a evening walk among the empty halls in the ship, you has heard him cough politely trying to get you’re attention
- “As mesmerizing as you look my darling wife, I would prefer to be the only man who sees my wife’s breast leek.” He humoured lightly.
- At first you knit you’re brows together, before realizing what had happened.
- You’re poor breast we’re so sore that you hadn’t notice them leaking through you’re fabrics.
- You’re checks turned a shade of crimson red.
- He gave you his jacket to cover you from unwanted eyes as he quickly escorted you back to you’re quarters to change.
- But he helped you pump the breast milk first.
- Would inspect the liquid between his finger with his signature grin.
- “Women are truly incredible specimens. The key to all life. And here you are about to bring life into this world. It’s truly magnificent.”
- Analyzed every ultra sound/ medical reports.
- Was concerned about missing his child’s introduction into the world. Won’t voice his worry to you thought, you had enough to worry about.
- Found you’re irritability attractive, you yelling at troopers to get out of you’re way, he liked the face, feistiness that blazed within you.
- Would watch you from the ship’s control centres when he couldn’t be around, keeping tabs on you at all time.
- Three months before you’re due date, you’re husband had been report mia.
- But nothing would stop Thrawn from getting back to you, his only goal was to get back before you gave birth.
- He had found a safe heaven for you to safely deliver and raise you’re child in secrecy.
- Had you escorted by bounty hunters to a remote location he could keep you safe (and plan for his return).
- He was incredulous at the sight of how large you’re bump had became.
- You both shared a passionate kiss, which turned into a night of tears and passion between the sheets.
- You had one last go at intercourse before you’re water broke.
- As he finished inside of you, you both felt you’re water break.
- He called the midwife and doctor.
- Between the three of them, you had managed to give birth to a beautiful girl.
- He cut the umbilical cord with his own knife that had been gifted to him by you during one of his many promotions.
- You were to exhausted to hold her by you’re self as you fought off the sleep in you’re eyes, so he helped you hold her.
- You thanked him for coming home for her, then you fell asleep so innocently. Like a baby yourself.
- He helped clean you and you’re baby up. He didn’t wish for help of the midwife.
- Chiss men usually take the duty of cleaning wife and baby, a bonding ritual which is taken seriously.
- You’re daughter looked full born chiss, he was bewildered. But she had you’re gave structure.
- That night he held his first true art creation.
- He couldn’t let her go.
- He moved her crib by his side of the bed so he could check on both of you.
- Also held you in his arms that night extra carefully. He knew how much strain you’re body endured.
- You had been the artist who helped create the most precious piece of art to ever exist.
- He held you that night, and every night that followed with such protection.
- You and you’re daughter would always be safe in his arms.
- Nothing in this galaxy would rip him away from you again.
- He was going to make the galaxy pay for taking time away from you.
- He wanted to rule with his family at his side.
- Seeing you with one of his children, made him want to make you pregnant all over again.
- Wouldn’t be shy about expressing that idea.
- Plus seeing you’re body change just for his creation, made something in him completely feral.
- Safe to say he would give you as many children as you wanted.
- Motherhood looked good on you, his beautiful little wife.
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cherriesrae · 8 months
" No, but they will show up to the fundraising gala run by the Y/N L/N, you're a genius!" Her heart gives a flutter at his kind words. Charlie decided he had had enough applesauce and wanted some of the good stuff, gripping onto the front of Y/N's shirt pulling down not only her shirt but the breastfeeding bra she was wearing, flashing Harry completely. | Or Harry is nanny Y/N’s recently divorced
This story contains mentions of drinking, sexual acts, big MILF energy, infidelity and violence including domestic violence. If any of this could or would trigger you, or are under 18 I recommend you stay away from this fic and DNI with this post.
" Good Morning Harry, sorry to call you in today but I have a meeting in an hour with a sexual assault accusation from the manager in the Seatle branch and no one will take it seriously, so I have to."
" It's really no problem Ms. Raymond," Y/N winces a little at the use of her ex-husband's last name.
" Harry, call my Y/N or Ms. L/N if you really have to. But I prefer to not be associated with that man."
" It's really no probelm, Y/N." He ansates her name, it quickly shoots and tingle down her spine and straight to her clit. "I love Charlie, I think we'll watch some Disney movies today, y'know for winter and all that. Maybe when you're done with your meeting we'll meet you for lunch." He gave her a smile, grabbing a mug out of the kitchen cupboard and pouring himself a cup of coffee, using the oat milk creamer instead of the regular to avoid the effects of being lactose intolerant.
Harry being Y/N's midwife is something that was decided when the father was still in the picture, Richard always had wandering eyes and she felt it was the only way for her to have a chance at a family with him. Unfortunately, his love for barely legal girls got him thrown out and removed from Charlie's life.
" It'll be a late one though, I'll have Alex call for a 2:30 reservation? That place on Bowery that knows about the kiwi allergy?" He nodded with her recommendation and walked out of the kitchen to wake up Charlie. Y/N checks her iWatch and sees a message from Alex- her assistant- saying that Kristin was trying to back out of the meeting and that she should call her.
Typing her phone number in her cell and pushing the call button, it rings once before a teary voice answers it. " Hello?" a quiet sniffle follows it.
" Hi, is this Kristen Indigo? This is Y/N L/N," she kept her maiden name for business purposes. " I heard that you wanted to cancel the meeting today and I wanted to ask why?"
" M-Miss L/N, I-I-I," the woman is obviously in shock so Y/N cuts her off.
" I really would like this meeting to happen, if Mr. Wilson did do something I need to know. I need to know so I can make my company safe for everyone, including you Ms. Indigo." As she finishes her sentence a very sleepy and cuddly baby boy comes down the stairs clinging to Harry, to come to say goodbye, " One second Miss Indigo."
" Hi baby, I'm going to see you at lunch okay?" Y/N uses her acrylic nails to softly go down his back while his head is tightly tucked into Harry's neck. Sometimes she thinks Harry was made to be a father with the way he cares for Charlie.
" Bye-bye Momma." Charlie's words are muffled by Harry's skin.
" Bye-bye Charlie, I love you." Y/N's words are soft and warm against Harry, her breath tickling his neck as she leans in to give Charlie a kiss.
" Love you," Charlie murmurs out.
" Now Miss Indigo I'll see you in 30 minutes."
Harry and Charlie’s morning routine was usually never altered, today was no exception. Harry gets Charlie up at 7:00, breakfast by 7:15, blocks from 7:30 to 8. Everything mapped out. After Richard was no longer in the picture Harry stepped into the other parenting role automatically.
By 9 Harry was getting Cinderella loaded up so he could work on the Christmas plans. Charlie's birthday was conveniently enough on January 5th, so directly after the holidays, Charlie was going to turn 2. This was going to be the first year that Richard wasn't going to be there, and Harry wasn't going to force Y/N to take it on by herself.
So as the mystical whispers of mice came from the flatscreen, Harry was planning the birthday party and making a Christmas list for the child who couldn't. His 3rd peppermint-flavored coffee still lightly emits steam when his phone rings.
" Harry," he answers, not caring to check who is.
" Hi Harry, how are you?" A rough-sounding voice came through the phone.
" Richard? Why are you calling me? I thought the deal was you don't contact any of us and we would get a restraining order."
" How's my boy?"
" Charlie? He's fine, still alive thank god." At this point, Harry was getting aggravated. The nerve of this absent father to ask how his son is, after feeding him kiwi and blaming Y/N for his throat closing one of the last times he saw him.
" Still giving it to my wife better than I did?"
" Richard I never slept with Ms. L/N, I do believe you were getting secret hotel rooms with my girlfriend is why you two split." After Y/N sent Dick the divorce papers he tried to claim that she cheated with Harry to try and get the prenup revoked.
" Yeah, too bad Elizabeth wasn't too fond of the whole ' sleeping with me after you left her' thing." Richard reminces.
" I'm going to hang up if you're not going to tell me why you called."
" I called to see what time I should show up for the Christmas party, I know that bitch is throwing one and Alex won't tell me."
" And what makes you think that I will? Try to contact me again and I will call the police, go to hell bastard." With that, Harry hung up the phone and looked over at Charlie, who was blissfully sleeping for his nap as the credits rolled. " Let's move you to your bed?" He said to himself before moving Charlie to his crib.
Turning on the baby monitor he decided it was time to take a shower, something he did rather often. He had his own room and bathroom, kept well stocked with everything he might need in case he was needed overnight.
Stripping and jumping in to wash his greased hair and release some pent-up energy from the conversation he just had. Nothing ever got him going more than Y/N, everything about her made his heart race and cock throb.
The way he would imagine her eyes glossed with need and how swollen her lips would be if he got the chance to have a go at it. He started to stroke himself the way he pictured she would. Beginning with his balls, cupping them gently and tugging them slightly. A scratching moan left his throat, slowly bringing his hand up to the tip and thumbing to the slit. The hot water hitting his back only added to the sensation.
He thought that only if she could see him now, mouth open, moaning and groaning at only the thought of being able to see her in such a personal and vulnerable state. Other things like if she liked to take charge or let someone else take the wheel. If she'd let him fuck her face or would she fuck his?
Vision after vision came to his head, too soon it was all over. Thick white ribbons of cum shoot out onto the shower floor, his orgasm almost sending him to his knees and leaving him like a rubber band breaking its tension.
Lunch came rather quickly, the meeting taking longer than Y/N thought it was going to. Ms. Indigo showed up with written reports of other assault and harassment claims that she found on his desk. Mr. Wilson claimed he never took that out of the complaint box that was mailed off once a month to his higher-up. At the end of it all. Y/N decided that Kristen Indigo was more than qualified to run the branch by herself considering that Mr. Wilson's position was basically a middle man between his boss and her.
Y/N encouraged Kristen to use the company lawyer to file a suit against him, as Y/N was already doing considering the more serious claims lead to stalking and drugging employees.
She ordered Harry's usual and herself something she deemed tasty as she arrived first. As the bell to the door rings Y/N looks up to see her baby and Harry walk in, bundled up like it was a snowstorm.
" Momma momma momma momma momma," Charlie ranted on wanting to be held by his young mother.
" Is that your mom? She awfully pretty Charlie, I gotta say I see where you get it from. Practically a carbon copy." Harry joked to the baby as Y/N laughed.
" Hi, baby! How was your nap, Charlie?" She looked at Harry to get the answer as Charlie stuffed his face into his mother's neck still feeling cuddly.
" Had to cut it a little short so he could get ready for our outing, fell asleep in the car on the way over." Harry took off his puffy jacket, setting it on the back of the wooden chair revealing a rather tight, gray textures long-sleeved shirt. Y/N looked back down at her son only to see him blissfully asleep again in a matching outfit.
" I should buy you two more matching clothes, it's adorable. He looks like a little person." Kissing Charlie's head, she relishes in the infamous baby smell. " I ordered your usual, and some warm apple sauce for this one."
" Mr. Raymond called me." Y/N's train of thought crashed as she looked up at him to see what he was talking about. " Wanted to know when the Holiday Party was, told him to fuck off and that if he tried to contact us again I was going to call the police."
" Oh. Well, that's good. Thank you, Harry."
" It's not a problem Mrs. Raymond-" cutting him off she decided she was over being called the name of the man she left.
" Just call me Y/N, please." Harry nodded in agreement and continued the conversation.
" Y/N," he emphasized, " when is the Christmas party?" Y/N sighs at his question.
" I've made it into a gala-type thing." their food comes and Y/N starts to feed her son.
" What do you mean ' gala type ting'? are we not having it in the banquet hall on 3rd like usual?" Hary questions her. She shakes her head no at the wondering man.
" No, Alex suggested that we should invite clients to the party and we both know how uptight the celebrities can be."
" Well Miss Forbes Women of the Year, wouldn't you be one of those 'celebrities'?" Y/N giggles at his clever remark.
" No, I mean the Kardashian-Jenners, Julia Micheals, Micheal Buble, they won't just travel to New York for an office party because their marketing team invites them." Harry nods his head.
" No, but they will show up to the fundraising gala run by the Y/N L/N, you're a genius!" Her heart gives a flutter at his kind words. Charlie decided he had had enough applesauce and wanted some of the good stuff, griping onto the front of Y/N's shirt pulling down not only her shirt but the breastfeeding bra she was wearing, flashing Harry completely.
" Oh god!" She exclaimed as Charlie latched onto his primary food source. See if this had been Harry's first time seeing Y/N's breasts, things would have been different, instead of wasting a minute, he’s pulling out the cover from Charlie's diaper bag. Covering her for her own comfortability, knowing that she was still not ready to show the world her tits. " Thank you, thank you. Harry, I am so sorry I-"
" It's not like it's the first time I've seen them, I'm just glad I grabbed a cloth before the creep in the corner wanted to come to take a peek," Harry states to try and release some of the tension but in turn only causing more. " I- I mean when you're feeding him not that I break my neck to look at them or anything, that would be gross." Once again not making it any easier on himself, he rambles on to try and fix it. " Not that you or breasts are gross, they're good breasts! Great event! I think our tits are great! NOT THAT I THINK ABOUT YOUR TITS, I JUST MEAN-" Y/N having enough of hearing about her tits from her nanny, cuts him off.
" Harry! It's okay! You're okay! I promise!" She lets out a light laugh, Charlie's eyes drooping, enjoying the nourishment entering his body. " Nothing wrong with having seen my breasts, nothing wrong with thinking about them either for the record. I'd be a little concerned if you didn't think about them if I'm honest. I'd probably think something was wrong with 'em or something." Looking up at him after having cooed at the nursing baby in her arms.
Harry's face was relaxed, red with surprised eyes. Running a stressed hand through his hair he spoke up, " Let's just not cock about it," quickly realizing what he had said he rushed to fix it, " I mean TALK about it! Wouldn't want to have to stroke it- HAVE A STROKE OVER IT!"
Y/N began laughing about it before her phone rang, " sorry it's Alex." She quickly answered it.
" Oh my god! Alex, call the police. I will be there in a second!" Hanging up the phone, she unlatches her baby boy and hands him off to Harry. She fixes herself and gets ready to leave. " Richard just showed up at the office and is threatening people! He broke Alex's collectors' pots he had on his desk! I have to go!" Harry standing up putting Charlie in his carrier gasps.
Pulling out a fifty and throwing it on the table, " Wait, I'll just come with you-"
" What about Charlie?" She sounds panicked and in charge at the same time.
" We can leave him with-" She cuts him off once again.
" Martha on the first floor, smart. Let's go!"
It was only a 10-minute walk to the offices, " Look who's here to see you, Martha!" The old Nigerian woman heard Harry before she could see him.
" Baby Charlie!" The 80-year-old woman jumped up from her desk and quickly walked to the baby. Leaving Charlie and the diaper bag with her with a promise of not being more than half an hour.
Before they even reached the main source of the problem- Raymond -they could hear it on their way up. Y/N walked out of the elevator first, Harry only wanting to intervene if he had to.
“ YOU CALLED HER?” Richard county yelled in the direction Alex was hiding. Y/N’s ex husband had moved into the desk and cubicle area, papers, pens, and staplers thrown everywhere. “ EVERYONE LOOK! IT'S THE BITCH WHO STOLE MY SON FROM ME!”
“ Lower your fucking voice when you are talking to me. How dare you come into my office, my place of work, and tear shit up!” Raymond goes to open his mouth but Y/N cuts him off before he could. “ I'm still talking!" She seethed when hs ehad to raise her voice to get his attention. "I didn’t ‘steal’ your son from you, you gave up your parent role to my son when you fucked my barely legal personal assistant when I was pregnant, then almost killed him. Dick, you are 42 and you are throwing worse tantrums than Charlie.” He was almost at a loss for words, but then he saw Harry.
" SHE WAS 18! IT WAS ILLEAGL!" He shouted.
" And your son's nanny's girlfriend!"
“ OH YEAH! You’re such a GREAT mother! If his fucking nanny is right there, then where is our son Y/N?” Thinking he had the upper hand, he hadn’t planned on Harry sticking up for her.
“ That’s none of your business, is it mate? You don’t get to criticize her OR me in how Charlie is being raised, you were too busy trying to get your little dick wet when he needed you so you could leave him out of it.” Harry spits from the wall he was leaning on. Raymond stared at him, fist up ready. “ You really want to also get charged with assault?” Harry asks. Richard looked at him, sizing him up it seemed. Taking Harry's height into account he decides to go for Y/N instead.
When he gets within a couple feet of each other, Y/N takes her dominant hand and launches it forward, knocking him straight into his nose. Y/N could feel the bone crack under her fist, the pressure on Raymond's bone causing him to take a couple steps back.
" YOU FUCK HIT ME!" Her ex-husband screams. " I'M PRESSING CHARGES! SUCKS TO BE A FUCKING BITCH NOW, DOESN'T IT?" Raymond looked as if he had won the lottery.
" I have cameras dumbass." Y/N states as the police conveniently come out of the elevator. " My lawyers will be in contact, expect a restraining order."
Y/N ended up just sending the whole floor home for the day on a case of " emotional distress", she sent Alex home and booked him a trip to a spa near Central Park that she likes to go to.
Harry ended up carrying Charlie home because Y/N's hand hurt so bad it was only a matter of time before it turned purple and blue. She refused to go check if it was broken because one of the cops said if it was, she would definitely know. But they don't know Y/N like Harry does.
Harry knows that she blew out her knee in high school by falling down the stairs in her at the time boyfriend's house and took ibuprofen for a week before she went to the ER because she said it was still " a little sore". Or how she has a combined total of 6 concussions under her belt, 2 of them being caused by the 4th one she had ( she had been hit in the head with a baseball, then when the concussion had finally gone, she fell into her dresser from still being woozy from the past one.). Or how she delivered Charlie via natural birth in her home without pain meds and said she would do it again.
So instead of arguing with her about it, when they got back to hers he just put Charlie down for another nap and offered to disinfect where it had gotten cut off of Dick's tooth.
" I am so sorry Harry, genuinely. This is my consequence for trying to fix him, not yours. You don't have to be here." She whispers to him and he was cleaning up her minor wound. she winces at the pain of her hand being moved in a certain way. Harry standing in between her legs as she sits on the counter looks up at her eyes.
" If I didn't want to be her, I wouldn't be," Harry states simply as if it was already said. She just shakes her head at him looking up at the fancy light fixture that holds the color-changing light bulbs she put in not too long ago. A single tear slips out of her eyes, betraying the self-restraint she was trying to use. " Hey, why are we crying? If it hurts that bad then we need to go get it checked out" She once again just shakes her head at him.
"He's just got so violent, it scares the shit out of me." She breathes in deep, tears now free-flowing out of her eyes. " Y'know I tried to make it work with him for so long." She lets a sob rack through her body, " he slept with Elizabeth, I got over it. I chose you to Charlie's nanny just to prove that I was over it!" Her eyes quickly glance up to his.
" That isn't saying it didn't work out for the better, you're amazing with him and he loves you more than he even thinks about me. " She lets out a sad giggle before cutting Harry off before he could even start. " But then he just kept doing it, and then he Charlie almost," she pauses to hopefully contiune, but then doesn't get more than a word out. " Amost-."
" Hey hey hey, Y/N. You're okay," Harry pulls her into his chest, careful of her hand. " He can't get you now, not while you're here with me okay?" She just continues to cry. " Know what always makes me feel better?" Harry asks her.
" What?" She plays along.
" Tequila!" Harry squeezes her as he emphasizes the word in excitement. Y/N laughs for a minute then starts bawling her eyes out even more. " What? What? Don't like tequila? That's okay, I think y'also have vodka or wine or beer or," Harry stops his theatrical list-making when he notices that she is still crying. " Hey talk to me Y/N, what's wrong."
" I have to protect Charlie from him, you'd think that would be enough, right?" He hums in agreement before speaking.
" Yes, but you don't have to do it alone, okay? I will be here for both of you. I promise." He means what he says, truly.
" What if there are more of us to protect from him?" She asked quietly.
" Then I will be here for all of you, hypothetical or not. If you get a boyfriend I will still be here, I will still take care of Charlie. You won't be alone." Harry continues to hold her during his speech.
" Harry," he hums in response. " I'm pregnant."
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cyankeiya · 6 months
Still here (with you)
Back with another mpreg birth fic, this time w/ Suguru x Pregnant! Satoru.
Pairing: Getou Suguru x Gojo Satoru
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Word(s): 2k+
Cw: Waterbreaking, Painful labor, Childbirth
The arrival of Suguru and Satoru's baby, ft. Midwife! Shoko Ieiri. Birth story + domestic fluff.
“Suguru!” Satoru called out from the bathroom.
Suguru entered the bathroom and walked in on his very pregnant husband hunched over on the sink, gripping the counter. Satoru’s head was down, his eyes shut and his expression pained, his other hand grabbing underneath his round, heavy belly.
“Satoru?” Suguru asked, worried. “Satoru, what’s wrong?” He put a hand on his husband’s back.
“My water broke.” Satoru clenched his teeth.
Suguru’s eyes widened. Satoru had been having contractions for the past couple days leading up to his due date; they both knew he was going to give birth very soon. Suguru looked down at Satoru’s sweats, and saw they were soaked. It also served as an explanation as to why there was a crumpled, damp towel on the floor. The baby was coming today.
“How are your contractions?” Suguru asked, rubbing Satoru’s belly.
“They’re 6 minutes apart.” Satoru looked up at himself in the mirror. His white hair was unkempt. His large belly had dropped, he felt and looked so heavy. The grey t-shirt he was wearing was stained with sweat. “I look like a mess.” He laughed, staring at himself in the mirror.
“Shut up, Satoru, you always look gorgeous,” Suguru rolled his eyes, giving his husband a kiss on the cheek. Suguru’s hand was on Satoru’s belly, feeling the baby’s little kicks against his palm. Suguru and Satoru looked at each other and smiled.
“Call Shoko.”
“Alright, I’ll go call her.” Suguru dialed Shoko’s phone number and told her Satoru was in labor and his water broke. Shoko then informed she was going to be at their place in about an hour since she did live a distance from their home. Suguru put his phone down and returned his attention to his laboring husband.
“Shoko will be here in about an hour.” Suguru said.
“Okay, sounds good.” Satoru nodded.
"Will you be okay?"
"I'll be okay, because you're here with me."
“Yes, I'm here. We got this,” Suguru took Satoru’s hand and kissed it.
The whole time they were waiting for Shoko to arrive, Suguru had Satoru ride out more of those contractions. The couple recalled what Shoko had taught them during the course of Satoru's pregnancy - walking around, leaning over against the wall and the sides of the bed. All of which they did, and was met with complete agony for Satoru. It fucking pained Suguru to see his husband struggle this way.
Now Satoru was sitting on the toilet seat. Satoru’s contractions were coming in less than a minute apart, though he wasn’t ready to push because he wasn’t fully dilated. Satoru groaned and gasped as he sat on the toilet, wrapping his arms around Suguru’s torso and leaning his head into Suguru’s chest. Suguru, who was standing in front of him, embraced Satoru as he labored.
“You gotta breathe, baby.” Suguru reminded him gently, rubbing his hand to his back.
Satoru tried to take slow, deep breaths, which were often interrupted by stronger contractions and it caused him to yell out. So much pressure, the pains were not just cramping, sometimes when the contractions came in, the pain was sharper.
“It hurts so bad,” Satoru trembled, sobbing, then yelling out when another bad contraction came in.
Suguru’s heart raced. But he stayed calm for his husband, comforting him. “I know, I got you. Shoko’s on her way too, we’re gonna keep you safe and make sure everything’s good to go.” Suguru kept Satoru close, running his fingers through Satoru’s white hair and kissing his sweaty forehead. “What can I do right now, baby? To help you?”
“Let me lie down…on the bed, please…”
“Okay,” Suguru took Satoru in his arms and carried him bridal style. Satoru’s labor had become painful, where it was hard for him to focus and caused him to lose his balance.
“Am I too heavy?” asked Satoru.
“No, you’re fine.” Suguru said as he walked Satoru to the bed. He placed him on the mattress before stacking the pillows underneath his head and his belly. Suguru lay beside Satoru and faced him, hugging him close.
As Satoru continued to have contractions, he groaned, cried, and took heaving breaths into Suguru’s chest. Suguru continued to soothe him the best he could, holding him and saying encouraging words to him. Satoru’s labor, having progressed to this point, really worried Suguru. He felt almost helpless, his husband was in so much pain and there wasn’t anything he could do to just make it stop. It made Suguru want to cry too.
“Suguru!!” Satoru groaned through a rough contraction and gripped Suguru's arm. His body was so sweaty, he was so tired. Pressure continued to increase in his pelvis, everything just hurt.
“Satoru,” Suguru whispered, holding Satoru close to him and rubbing his belly. As Satoru panted heavily in pain, Suguru’s throat tightened, and he let the tear welling up in his eye stream down his cheek. “It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” His voice trembled. Fuck, he was so afraid for him.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Meanwhile, Suguru then felt his phone buzz in his pocket and checked who was calling him. It was Shoko. Suguru answered it. “Hello?” He asked, wiping his tears and trying to compose himself.
“Hi Suguru, it’s Shoko, I’ve arrived at the front door.”
“Okay, just a second, I’ll let Satoru know.” Suguru took the phone away from his ear, then whispered to Satoru, “Shoko’s here. I’m gonna let her in, will you be alright?”
“I’ll be okay, go ahead.” Satoru nodded.
Suguru got Shoko back on the phone. “I’ll be at the door, I’m on my way.”
Suguru ended the call. He reluctantly let go of Satoru, exited the bedroom, and paced to the front door. Suguru looked through the peephole, and saw that Shoko was there, standing outside with her supply bag. He opened the door. “Hi, Shoko,” Suguru greeted. Shoko saw that he looked nervous.
“Hi, Geto, I came up here as fast as I could.” Shoko said, hugging Suguru. “How’s he doing?”
“I don’t fully know, he’s been riding out the contractions well, but the labor’s really painful.” Suguru said, leading her to the bedroom. They walked in to see Satoru, who was still lying down and groaning, hand holding his belly. “He likely needs to push soon.”
“Okay, I’ll check up on him.” Shoko walked up to Satoru, and Suguru returned to Satoru’s side, rubbing his back. “Hey, Gojo, how are you doing?”
“What does it look like…” Satoru huffed.
“Not great, huh? I’ll check you and make sure everything’s good to go.”
Shoko checked Satoru’s vitals. He’d taken his soaked underwear off, his legs spread so Shoko could then check his dilation and for signs of abnormal bleeding or any other possible complications. And there wasn’t any.
Suguru got into bed next to his laboring husband. He wiped Satoru’s forehead with a washcloth and helped him sip some water.
“Satoru,” Suguru whispered. “How are you right now?”
“I’m okay, nothing feels wrong, just really hurts.” Satoru sighed in exhaustion.
Suguru rubbed Satoru’s belly in wide, gentle circles and kissed his temple. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”
“Yeah right.”
“I want this birth to go well for you.” Suguru offered his hand for Satoru, which he held and squeezed. “I’m here, okay? I’m not fucking leaving.” Suguru’s voice was shaky, but he was serious and genuine.
Satoru nodded and turned his head to face Suguru. He opened his eyes, the whites of his eyes reddened from crying, his irises such a glistening blue, they looked so tiredly but lovingly at Suguru.
“I love you,” Satoru teared up in response to hearing that, both from the pain and the emotions he felt with his husband just being here.
“I love you too,” Suguru said, cupping Satoru’s cheek. “Love you so much.” Suguru wiped his husband’s tears with his thumb. “Shh, it’s okay, baby. You’re safe.” He assured.
Shoko announced, “Okay, Satoru, you’re fully dilated, we can have you start pushing. Are you ready?”
Satoru looked at Shoko, then Suguru, then back at Shoko, and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”
Satoru began pushing. For the first 10 minutes of pushing, he’d been screaming and sobbing, tightening his grip on his husband’s hand so firm it was red and probably cracked. Suguru continued to stick by his side, comfort him, encourage him, and take care of him as Shoko instructed him to push.
Satoru managed to push the baby’s head out, before he had to push the shoulders. The pressure mounted in Satoru’s pelvis, and a sharp, burning pain cut between his legs.
“I can’t, guys, I can’t do this,” Satoru shook his head, sobbing. “I can’t push, it burns too much.”
“Shoko??” Suguru panicked, turning to her.
“Satoru, do you need to change positions?” asked Shoko.
Satoru huffed out, “I need to get up, like on my knees.”
Shoko nodded. “Okay, Suguru, we’ll help him up. Let him hold onto you.”
Suguru nodded. Shoko moved to the side of the bed to help Satoru get himself on his knees. Satoru wrapped his arms around Suguru’s neck and shoulders so he could hang off of him.
“Oh god…” Satoru was having another rough contraction, signaling him to push. “Hrrrgghh… Suguru!! ” He gripped at the back of Suguru’s shirt, pulling at the fabric.
“I got you, honey, I know that was hard.” Suguru kissed Satoru’s head through his sweat-dampened hair. “Hold onto me. Breathe.”
Satoru sucked in a deep breath before he pushed again. This new position allowed for gravity to help Satoru get his baby out. The sharp pain reduced significantly, so Satoru could push easier. After a few more pushes, he’d gotten the baby’s shoulders out. Though the strain between his legs overwhelmed Satoru, and he cried out for Suguru.
“It’s okay, honey,” Suguru assured him, smoothing his hand along Satoru’s back. “I’m here, it’s okay. You’re doing great.”
“Push when you can, Satoru,” Shoko said, her hands held underneath Satoru, cupping the baby’s emerged head.
When Satoru could feel another contraction, he sucked in a deep breath. He planted his toes on the mattress and straddled his legs as he pushed down into Shoko’s hands. “I’m pushing, I’m pushing!!” yelled Satoru. His legs trembled, he was afraid he’d lose his stability. “Guys, help me, please…”
“I’ve got you, Satoru, we’ve got you,” Suguru spoke softly, arms still wrapped around his husband. “You’re doing amazing.”
“Suguru’s right, we’ve got you.” Shoko nodded in assurance. “Keep going.”
Satoru continued to breathe and push by Shoko’s instruction, which was met with more of him sobbing. Right now, Satoru was just sick and tired of being pregnant and in labor, in pain and feeling so heavy. As he pushed, the baby was inching further out of his body.
“SHOKO, IT’S COMING!!! GET IT OUT!!!” cried Satoru, hugging Suguru tighter. “SUGURU!!!”
Shoko still had her hands cupping the baby’s head. “I’ve got ‘em, just keep pushing, and the baby will be out.”
“You’re almost done, Satoru,” Suguru said, rubbing his hand along Satoru’s back and kissing his cheek. “You’re so wonderful, honey, you’re so strong. Just keep going.”
Satoru let out a feral scream, desperate to make these pushes the last ones. Shoko carefully guided the baby completely out of his body and into her hands.
“Baby’s here, Satoru, it’s over!” Shoko announced. “Congratulations, it’s a girl.”
Satoru’s tired arms were still wrapped tightly around Suguru, his legs shaky. Suguru did not let go of him either, and Satoru let out a sob of exhaustion, joy, and relief. “You did it, honey, our baby’s here.” Suguru whispered to Satoru.
Shoko gave Satoru the baby to hold in his arms. Their daughter let out a cry, which relieved the couple that she was alive and breathing. Satoru sobbed even more as he held her to his bare chest.
Satoru continued to weep sobs of overwhelming emotion. Suguru carefully cupped his daughter’s head, which made tears well up in his eyes. He then wrapped his arms around his husband, and cried with him too.
“She’s beautiful, honey, you did so well.” Suguru laughed softly through tears. He pressed multiple kisses to Satoru’s face.
Shoko smiled at the loving couple with their new baby. Satoru and Suguru had done it, they were a family. They could get through anything together.
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anjelicawrites · 7 months
Do you have any modern dad!aemond headcanons?
Of course I do!!!
He falls in love with his child when you tell him that you're pregnant. Your child is still growing in your belly, and he's already calling himself "Kepa" in his head.
He's always with you when you go to your doctor's/midwife's appointment. He reads all he can about pregnancy and puericuture and becomes the kind of person who thinks they know more about the matter, than the professional they're talking to. Sometimes there's a bit of posturing with your gynecologist, because he only wants what's best for you and the child.
The only reason he doesn't faint during the first morphological scan, it's because he's sitting on a chair. You notice his eye is misty and he is, suspiciously, blowing his nose on the way to the car.
He talks High Valyrian to your growing tummy and falls asleep with a hand on it, making sure that the baby knows kepa is there to keep them, and you, safe.
Right before birth, you make him promise he will not posture with the team taking care of you and he'll let them do their job. Helaena has, gently, threatened him with her bugs and telling him she'll make sure he'll find them on everything he owns, if he doesn't let the hospital personnel do their job.
He is terrified for you, during birth, even though everything goes smoothly. He stays by your side and lets the professionals do their job, without voicing his opinions. He trembles when the midwife places the child in his arms and barely manages not to cry with happiness.
His schedule starts rotating around the child and he doesn't care that Aegon makes fun of him: Viserys had been such an absent father, that Aemond makes his primary goal to be the complete opposite. ( He might get a bit intense, when there's other parents involved, other parents who don't see how great his child is).
Yes, he goes flying on Vhagar with the child strapped to his chest and when the child's dragon his big enough to ride, the two go fly together.
Aemond taglist: @fan-goddess
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winter-soldier-101 · 1 year
You are not her! Part 9
Word count: 1138
Tumblr media
“(Y/N) are you sure he did this?” Harwin asks.
“Yes Harwin, Larys tried to kill you along with your father” (Y/N) tells him.
(Y/N) and Harwin make their way to the throne room and tell Rhaenyra everything.
“My Queen, I have information about the fire at Harrenhal” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra.
“I know who started the fire and why they did it” (Y/N) says looking at Larys and Alicent.
“Larys Strong had prisoners from the black cells swear they would do as he wishes and they would be free as they say yes to him he had their tongues cut out he did it to have the favor of former Queen Alicent and he would be Lord of Harrenhal” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra as she has her men bring the men who started the fire.
“Bring him here now” Rhaenyra tells the guards.
“Is it true?” Harwin asks Larys.
“Yes it’s true do you think you truly deserve Harrenhal or to be Lord of anything you fathered bastards and father knew and was going to let you be Lord of Harrenhal no I had these men follow you and start the fire to kill you and father but no this cunt had to save you” Larys yells out.
“I dreamt of the fire I saw what would have happened if I didn’t save your brother and father but I was too late. I couldn't save your father but I did save your brother and I kept him hidden and safe” (Y/N) tells Larys.
Harwin walks over to Larys and starts to punch him as he begs Harwin to stop but Harwin keeps hitting him till he stops breathing.
“You knew what he did and did nothing” Rhaenyra yells at Alicent.
“I…. I did not know what to do when he told me?” Alicent says with tears in her eyes.
“Rhaenyra” (Y/N) calls out.
“What (Y/N)” Rhaenyra says as she walks to you.
(Y/N) pulls Rhaenyra to the side.
“She didn’t tell anyone because she was scared of what he would do to her or our siblings or her grandchildren that’s why she didn’t say anything” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra.
“Then what should I do with her?” Rhaenyra asks you.
“You can confine her to her room and only allow her to certain areas or send her back to Old Town and tell her she can never come back to King's Landing” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra and (Y/N) walk back to everyone.
“Alicent Hightower I give you two choices: you can stay here and be confined to your room and only allowed to certain places in the castle or you can go back to Old Town and never come back and if you step foot back here you will burn” Rhaenyra tells Alicent.
“I choose to stay here because I want to be with my family,” Alicent tells Rhaenyra.
Otto Hightowers Sentencing
“Ser Edmund bring in Otto Hightower” (Y/N) says as you sit upon the throne while Rhaenyra gives birth.
Otto was brought into the throne room Alicent stood by with Aemond and Aegon by her side as she watched her father kneel down in front of you.
“Otto Hightower you are being charged with treason for trying to usurp my sister's throne from her. My father’s chosen heir” (Y/N) says.
“Your father should have listened to me, you nor your sister do not belong on the throne Aegon should sit there not your whore sister and where is her King consort?” Otto asks (Y/N).
“Daemon Targaryen is dead and the Queen is giving birth so I will give the Queen’s justice and for your crimes against my family your sentence is death!” (Y/N) tells him.
“Alicent I will let you and my siblings say your goodbyes” (Y/N) tells her.
A midwife comes running over to you and tells you the queen has lost a lot of blood and she won’t live if the bleeding doesn’t stop.
(Y/N) looks at the midwife and stands “ Guards take Otto back to his cell and take lady Alicent back to her room and brothers I will see you soon” (Y/N) says walking with the midwife to Rhaenyra’s room.
“Ser Lucas go get the Queen’s sons and their soon to be wives now” (Y/N) tells him.
“Rhaenyra” (Y/N) whispers as she walks into her room.
“(Y/N) I need you to watch over my children and protect them. You will be Queen and Jace will be your heir and please protect my little Visenya” Rhaenyra tells you as she continues to bleed.
Jace, Luce and Joffrey, Baela and Rhaena all rush over to Rhaenyra.
“Mother, what's wrong?” Jace asks.
“Your mother is bleeding out from giving birth, she won’t make it through the night” (Y/N) tells the boys.
“No…. No, you have to help her!” Jace yells.
“Jace… please it’s okay (Y/N) will protect you all and she will be named Queen and you will be her heir” Rhaenyra tells them.
“I… I don’t want to lose you mother” Jace says with tears running down his face.
“You all need to stay with your mother. I have to get everything together. I will be back soon” (Y/N) tells them.
(Y/N) calls a small council meeting and waits for everyone to arrive.
“What is this meeting about Princess?” Someone asks you.
“Bring in my siblings and Lady Alicent please” (Y/N) tells the guards as they bring them in.
“Everyone please take your seats Queen Rhaenyra has given birth to a daughter and Rhaenyra is bleeding out she will not make it through the night and she has named me to be Queen and Jace will be my heir” (Y/N) tells them.
“She wants you as Queen? Why not her son?” Someone asks you.
“Jace is not ready to be King, he needs more time to understand the people and everything. You may all ask the Queen if what I say is true” (Y/N) tells them.
“Alicent you may go to her” (Y/N) tells her as they make their way to Rhaenyra’s room.
“Rhaenyra” Alicent whispers out to her as she makes her way over to her.
“Alicent I’m happy to see you. I'm sorry I was angry at you for marrying my father. I'm sorry I didn’t try to be your friend” Rhaenyra whispers to her.
“We are all by your side Rhaenyra I am going to go get Harwin” (Y/N) whispers to her.
“Harwin Rhaenyra needs you” (Y/N) tells him.
“Is she okay (Y/N)?” Harwin asks you.
“Harwin she is bleeding out she won’t make it through the morning” (Y/N) tells him as he looks at her and runs to Rhaenyra’s room.
Taglist: @secretdreamlandmentality @malynn @stargaryenx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @splaterparty0-0 @siriusdumblittlepuppy @devils-blackrose @thefandomimagines @impartinghades @immyowndefender @melissarose234 @lazyotakujen @whitejuliana1204 @elizad @thanyatargaryen @afro-hispwriter @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hc-geralt-23 @snh96 @animelover18 @danielle-leah1997 @angeliod @lightdragonrayne @talkdiffently6 @yeah-just-a-fan @1950schick @billiesbeans @daemyratwst @impartinghades @nats-whore @dc-marvel-girl96 @noname2246 @targaryenmoony @scarlettqueen190 @slutmeoutsworld @ivanna6026
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sensei-venus · 11 months
Random Thoughts/Headcanons on Hawk/Pregnant!Reader/Pregnant!Midwife!Moon
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(Unedited) (Based around this Discussion) ( @gemini-sensei because we be vibing to this shit so much🥰😍)
I keep thinking about how as they both get bigger the more cuddly they get with each other.
Hawk is all for it during the first half of the pregnancy because he feel like it’s safer. He can’t be around them constantly because he still has to go to work. With Moon basically still having her own work schedule along with Reader, it’s best bet they stay together.
Most of the day they are completely hip to hip with each other. After a long time of thinking about it they believe it was honestly their best option that they got pregnant so close together. Yes multiple hormones and growth and so on. But they got to go though it together and they could lean on each other if the need to.
(Yes I made this part a little sad. Why because I can.)
During the first half of the pregnancy Reader starts to get dizzy more often then not. At first it’s completely harmless, Moon being a midwife says it’s completely normal to occasionally get a little dizzy. It’s just a normal symptom of pregnancy. But then one day when Reader is at work, she is in her own little office and she passes out in her chair. Luckily it’s only a minute or two that she’s out but she wakes up and freaks out. She calls a ambulance and goes straight to the hospital.
Moon and Hawk drop everything and rush to the hospital.
Moon is upset because she has no idea what is wrong, now she’s thinking about her own pregnancy and how she should have been there with Reader. Hawk is the same way, thinking he should have quite work for a while and went on leave to take care of both of his girls. But ultimately they don’t blame each other because they couldn’t have known any of this would’ve happened. When the doctor finally lets them back they find out that Reader developed a intolerance to something. It was most likely brought up and amplified because of the pregnancy. No one would have know until it actually happened and they could diagnose it. The doctor tells her that she doesn’t need bed rest but she needs to be relaxed and most importantly have someone with her if she can.
After they get home they have a long much needed conversation. Hawk and Moon don’t want to force Reader to do anything she doesn’t want to, but they make a good argument.
She needs to be in a relaxed and safe environment now.
Moon doesn’t want to bring it up but she does. She has more then enough money from her mom tucked away in a offshore bank account that she can use any time she wants. It will be replenished as well any time she calls her for more. If she was frank about it none of them needed to be working with the amount of money her mom has given to her. Reader understands this and after long though she agrees that she can’t go back to work. So she leaves her job and goes to work with Moon.
Moon’s job is pretty cushioning, she has a great work schedule for the most part and luckily enough she could take on as many clients as she wanted. She promised herself and her lovers that she would stop taking any more new clients the minute she found out she and Reader was pregnant. She only had three clients who where all in late stage pregnancy, when her and Reader where about four months in she was all done. Her clientele list was completely blank and she officially stopped working after that.
Moon makes it a big deal that she pulls out her midwife equipment every once and a while to use on the two of them. She has a portable heartbeat finder. Sometimes she pulls it out and she takes turns between using it on herself and Reader. They listen to each other’s babies heart beats. Moon always giggles when she does Reader’s because Reader always ends up laughing mid way through. The little heart beats always seem to lift their spirits when some days are worse then others. Hawk loves to listen to them as well when he is home with them.
Hawk loves taking them out to baby stores all the time when he’s off work. They like shopping on line for stuff but going in person is so much fun. He gets to spend the day with his baby mamas. Looking at all kinds of new stuff that they had no idea existed. Some times his head spins a little because when he sees something he likes he always had to double up on it. Reader and Moon are dead set on making sure to get doubles of everything and or matching things. Matching outfits are Moons favorite thing to pick out with the help of Hawk.
Hawk thinks it’s the cutest thing when they first start showing. The two women do everything together now that they are pregnant. At first Moon is the bigger one, naturally do to her being a few weeks ahead of Reader in pregnancy. Reader helps her do things like reaching down, reaching up so on. They tie each others shoes if they go out and can’t wear slip on shoes. They help put on each other’s underwear. It’s literally one of the cutest things he has ever scene.
But then Reader starts to catch up with her.
Both of them are big and can’t do much. They have to work together to do the most simple things. If they need something off the floor or drop something, one of them has to brace against something and help hold the other so they can reach down and get it. Cue days where they act like they are going to get up and do stuff when Hawk is leaving for work, only for them to get back into bed or lay on the couch together. Moon try’s her best to stay active but as time goes in she just can’t. Reader hates walking around at that point and just makes Moon stay with her all the time.
Hawk literally burst out laughing one time because he came home to them both laying opposite to each other on their bed. Reader was crying because she wanted something from the fridge. Moon was also crying but because her feet hurt and she just couldn’t bring herself to get up to go get it for the other women. Their just hormonal sobbing together until Hawk brings them what they where both craving from the kitchen.
Insert Hawk crying when Moon’s baby starts visibly moving around. Kicking, punching and moving around and in her big belly. Everyone is so excited to see the baby start to move around. Reader is in awe as she feel the baby move under her hand. She asks so many questions about what it feels like because a she has been able to feel is flutters so far. A few weeks later Reader’s baby starts moving to. Both women go crazy at this. Taking turns feeling each others baby’s kick.
Hawk takes multiple pictures of them with their bumps together.
All of them are in silent awe when the baby’s kick each other for the first time. They both decide to move around at the same time as the two women are touching belly’s.
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Honestly I could go on and on with those three. But Moon/Reader are always so cute with each other pregnant.🥰 I love @gemini-sensei so much because she always makes me think about some of the most random cuteness things in my head.
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Skin to skin (George Russell)
George and Y/N go through the challenge of the first night back home from the hospital as a family of three (and Olivia Russell mostly does take after her daddy)
Note: english is not my first language, here is some dad!George I hope you enjoy, I never had a baby this young on my care (my sister is younger than me by 6 years but honestly I have always been a heavy sleeper) so yeah, take it with a pinch of salt because this may all be a bit incorrect
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so but know that I'm not certain when I'll be able to tend to them!
Tw: childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding
The moment Olivia was placed in her daddy's arms and chest, George promised that he would do anything in the world that he needed to do to make sure his family was safe and happy. He vowed to always be there whenever you needed, to support you everytime even if he wasn't physically close and to always love you both.
When the midwife left the room after George reassured her that he could help you, you went to the bathroom to freshen up a little before heading home while your husband put your things back in the bags, "George? I need help, please", you called as you exited the bathroom, your body still recovering from birthing your baby girl as you asked him to help you put a dress on, prompting your husband to help you right away, "Thank you, my love", you said as you pressed a kiss to his lips before going to check on your daughter as he placing the car seat on the bed so he was able to transfer her, "we're going home, little one, you're finally going to see our home", you heard George say to her gently as he buckled her in. Wheeling your bag out of the room, you looked around to make sure you hadn't left anything behind, following George outside, only stopping when he saw a familiar face that had somehow helped in your stay at the hospital, saying a last thank you and a last goodbye to them before heading to the car.
With everyone and everything inside the car, the three of you made your way home, excited to introduced Olivia to it, "Mum and dad said that they wanted us to tell them when we felt ready for visitors", George said as he remembered the text he got earlier, his family knowing how sometimes, despite the help coming from a nice intention, it was better to let new parents settle in first, earning a nod from you as you watched the gate open to your house, "we're home, little bug", you cooed as you watched her sleep.
While George took the carseat out and told you to go inside since he would come to get the rest, you and Olivia were having snuggles in the living room sofa.
When you made your way to your bedroom after filling your water bottle a grabbing some something to snack on during the night, Olivia was in George's arms while you got ready for sleep in the bathroom, coming out of the ensuite to see your husband doing some skin to skin with his little girl, "mummy says you look a lot like me but I actually think you have her nose, and her cheeks too, so soft, little one", he said before pressing a kiss on each of her cheeks, only then noticing you admiring them, "I already changed her nappy and put her pyjamas on, she's just hungry and there's not much I can do", he chuckled as he watched you unbuckle the strap of your maternity bra, sitting next to him on your side of the bed while he placed the baby in your arms, your back laying against the big pillows while he arranged the pillows under your arms for support so she could feed on your boobs, "I actually pumped a bit after she was done with the last feed, but we'll save that for another time", you smiled, puckering your lips so he could come and kiss them as a form of thanking him. Olivia seemed to have a harder time settling in as opposed to the previous nights in hospital, George walking around the room with her swaddled in his chest in an attempt to soothe her and bring her to sleep, "I think that is it", he whispered, laying his daughter on the bassinet attached to your side of the bed, then tiptoeing so he could join you in bed, his arms bringing you in for a cuddle, "Is this okay?", he asked, "I don't want to do anything that hurts you", and you looked lovingly at him, appreciating his concern while you moved his arm to an area slightly lower that he originally had out them, "here feels better, boobs are a bit sensitive now", you explained, enjoying how his scent immediately comforted you.
You woke up from your daughter's cries, rolling to the side as you lifted your torso up with the help of your arms, flickering on the soft nighlight before grabbing your daughter to your chest, "Are you hungry, little bug? You seem like you are...! Let's take this dirty nappy off first and then you can eat", you pressed a kiss to her forehead as you grabbed what you needed from your bedside table, felling George's hand on your shoulder, "I can do that too, if you want", he said while you fastened the new nappy, "There, all done! Now for some food", you said as you repeated your earlier movements, this time laying your back on George's naked chest, he warmth and warm caresses still not easing you as much as they used to as Olivia wailed, "C'mon baby girl, just open your mouth for mummy's nipple, I promise that that is where the good stuff is", you said as you moved your boob around, trying the technique one of the nurses explained to you. A few minutes passed, your's and George's heart squeezing as your little girl hadn't stopped crying and was not feeding from your nipple, "Can you go downstairs and heat up the milk I pumped earlier, she's hungry and my boob is not doing it for her", you asked your husband and while he went to the kitchen to do so, you got up and walked around the room like he had done, the cries softening a little bit as you tried your best to comfort her, "is it your tummy? Was the massage daddy gave you not enough to soothe your tummy?", you ran through the possibilities in your head, turning your head to the bedroom door when you heard your husband's footsteps, "here's the bottle. She could just be trying to get adjusted to the new environment, darling, let's not worry too much about it", George said despite feeling a tightening in his chest, his little girl was obviously not happy from how she kept crying, handing the bottle to you with your hand immediately bringing it to Olivia's mouth in an attempt to help her hunger, the little girl finding it okay for a bit before, like she had with your boob, not wanting it anymore and bursting out on wails again, "Oh, my little bug", you said as you walked around a little bit more, not noticing how the bottle's teat had leaked a little bit on the pyjamas she was wearing, "shoot, love, hold her for a bit while I go and get a new one", you said, thinking that maybe he could summon his capacities earlier that night and manage to soothe her.
Coming back with a clean and dry vest, you held the unsettled baby on your chest and laid the open piece of clothing on the mattress so it would be easier to get her in it, George helping by taking the wet vest out of her, "it's okay, you're going to be warm soon", you said, already trying to soothe her from the cold chill that was about to overcome, but instead found her recoiling closer to your chest, snuggling her skin on the skin of your neckline that the piece of clothing you were wearing left out, prompting you to take the rest of your top off and just enjoying how fhe room quieted down after what felt like forever, your little girl happily snuggled in your skin in all places besides the area her nappy covered, "So we're staying like this for the foreseeable, hm little bug?", you asked as you noticed her cheeks drying from the tears as she got comfier on your chest, "It appears so. She was so close to you for all of those months that she must have missed it", George said, relief coming over him as he could finally relax as he watched how you and Olivia were also doing much better, the confusion, stress and fuss from just a few minutes ago forgotten. Settling down on the bed, George patted his chest for you to cuddle into him whilst keeping Olivia close to your chest, her mouth opening and closing prompting you to try again and feed her, this time working well as she suckled on your nipple, "Well, at least now we know you like to be shirtless I guess, just another thing you got from your daddy", you teased, George shaking his head as he kissed your shoulder, lovingly looking at his two girls.
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nirawrite-holab-if · 1 year
can we PLEEEEEAAAASSEEEE have a Drabble of the day MC was born ? (No actual pressure to right though just being extra :).)
Well..that turned out to be a little big 😳
Anyway, I loved doing it! Feel free to ask me again 🖤❤️ (also sorry for the grammar mistakes I wrote this on the bus 🤍💛)
And here it is👇🏼
The pain started early, before daylight even touched the elves' castle.
"What now?" Asta asks the line of maids standing motionless by the door:
The women exchange glances with each other, unsure of what to say to their queen.
"Your grace, we've already called the midwife," one of them began, casting a nervous glance towards Asta's big belly. "At any moment she's going to..."
"There's no time!" Asta screams as the worst pain of her life emanates from her womb and makes her knees buckle. "The baby is coming now; I can feel it."
She clings to the edge of her bed so tightly that the knots in her fingers turn white.
"Call my father," she manages to say between her teeth. "Tell him the queen is demanding his presence."
The maids exchange another, even more uncertain look before one of them practically runs out of the room.
Asta tries to find a comfortable position, but the pain is unbearable and won't let her think straight.
It's as if her body wants to do too many things at once — break in half, vomit, and, of course, expel a baby.
In the distance, the sound of a trumpet cuts through the air, and the silence of the morning is interrupted.
"Fuck," she whispers and looks at the maids, who remain motionless like statues. "Go after the midwife and just come back with her." Her tone comes out more menacing than she intends.
But there's no time to think about it right now. Not only is her baby on the way, but so is an army of vampires ready for war.
What is Carmello planning? Plucking the baby from her womb? Forcing a war?
"So be it!" She shouts determinedly, "Let's see who's left to tell the story."
Pain and frustration overwhelm her, and for a moment, the room fills with a blinding, impossibly hot flash.
When Asta's eyes are able to see again, her room seems to have been hit by a hurricane. There's broken glass, furniture dragged to the opposite corner of the room, and the squares on the wall are crooked.
But it wasn't me... She is horrified. It can't have been...
The bedroom door opens again, and Aedh enters, looking stormy.
He is wearing the royal military costume with the colors of the kingdom: white, gold, and lilac.
"Asta," he says, further evidencing his mood. 'We are on the verge of a war."
"And I'm having a baby, father," she replies, her voice trembling from the pain. "The heir of the kingdom you want to keep safe"
Aedh narrows his eyes at her.
"I can't help you with this," he replies, turning his back on her.
"Father" is just a word, but Aedh stops. He looks over his shoulder at his daughter.
She has her hair usually pinned together impeccably, glued to her sweaty face in a tangled mess of gray; her skin is pale; and the electrifying lilac eyes are the only sign of vitality on her face.
"I command you to stay," she says when she's sure he's actually listening. "If you will not listen to me as a daughter, you will have to obey me as your queen."
"Are you afraid to face the consequences of your actions alone?" He asks, turning completely to her.
But she doesn't have the opportunity to answer because, at that moment, the midwife finally arrives in the room.
Not long after that, and already with the baby safe in her arms, Asta finally averts her eyes from her heir's face and looks at her father, standing motionless in the corner of the room.
"You can go now if you wish," she tells him. Their last words to each other are still echoing through the walls of the room.
Aedh says nothing. Instead, he approaches the bed, where she rests with the baby in her arms.
His golden eyes fixate on the little creature's face.
It's not a monster, after all. He thinks with more relief than he thought he would.
They even have little elf ears.
Like him and Asta.
"Let me hold them," he says, extending his arms in a gesture that surprises both Asta and himself.
She hesitates for a moment before obeying the request.
With the baby already snuggled in his arms, Aedh walks around the room, thinking about how much chaos that little hybrid is already causing in the kingdom.
"Whatever your future legacy, you will have me by your side every step of the way." He whispers only to the baby after several minutes. "But I'm not going to take it easy on you."
Later that day, the sound of trumpets is heard again, but this time they announce the birth of a new heir in the elf kingdom.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
The Big Day:
Summary: You and Elvis welcome your first born child
You and Elvis had needed to have a talk about whether or not you were going to deliver at a hospital. You had done plenty of research and being an anxious person, you definitely saw more pros to giving birth inside your home, your space, your Graceland. Elvis, the logical yet emotional one who only wanted you to be safe may not see a homebirth as the safest option, hence why you felt you needed to present your worries and talk through it with him.
You decided to bring it up with him when he came to bed that night. He could already tell you had something on your mind when he tucked himself in beside you, rubbing your seven month pregnant belly affectionately. "Hey little, you doing okay?" You scoffed. He's been calling you that nickname for years now but you definitely didn't feel any semblance of little right now.
Elvis raised his eyebrow, his mouth quirking up at the corner. "What?" You put down the book you were reading. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.." Elvis puts both of his hands up, "Whatever it is, I didn't do it!" You chuckled, "No no, it's nothing like that. Just something I've had on my mind lately and researching." Elvis nodded, and kept his eyes on your rounded belly, rubbing his hand over it; the action constantly calmed him.
"I, uh, I've been thinking about if I want a homebirth actually instead of y'know a hospital." Elvis didn't expect that to come out of your mouth, he was caught off guard. "Okay, uh, well you know all I want is you to be safe and for the baby to be safe. And the fact that we'd be here not around doctors doesn't make me feel like you'd be the safest staying here, e-e-especially if something goes wrong, honey. I couldn't live with myself if I watched something happen to you and our baby..." He was spiraling already, tears brimming in his eyes.
You pressed one of his large hands onto your belly in attempt to calm him and cupped of your hands on the side of his wet cheek shushing him. "Elvis, baby, baby, I'm okay, the baby's okay, just listen to me okay?" He sniffed, eventually nodding.
"You and I wouldn't do this alone, we'd have a midwife to help and if anything went wrong, I'd go to the hospital if I needed to. I've already found a midwife I really like but I really like the idea having the baby here; this is our home, this is where they're going to grow up, hm? Plus if I have the baby here, that makes it so the paparazzi doesn't get any chance to photograph the baby when we're on our way home and we can control who comes over here after they're born instead of them just showing up, y'know?"
Elvis thought it all over, pecking your forehead and your lips. "Okay, mama, okay. Whatever you want, okay? If you feel safer and better doing it here then that's what we'll do okay?" You nodded as Elvis hugged you to his chest. "Thank you, El."
Eight weeks and five days later, you were finally in labor. But you didn't want to wake up Elvis yet because he barely slept as it is and you didn't want to wake him up until you absolutely had to. You were walking around the ground floor of Graceland, letting gravity help the baby come down. As another contraction wrapped around your middle and squeezed around your organs, you leaned on the banister of the main staircase, groaning as you tilted your body to rest against it. And that's where Elvis found you. "Baby? Are you okay? Why didn't you wake me." Elvis rushed down to you and placed one hand on top of yours as you clutched the banister and one hand on your back.
"Oooh shut up, shut up." Elvis nodded, staying quiet until you acknowledged. Only then did he feel he was allowed to say anything.
"Okay, it's gone." You breathed heavily, straightening up. "I didn't wake you because it's not a big deal." Elvis's eyes widen in horror and anxiety. "Not a big deal?! Baby, you're having contractions." You still struggled to catch your breath. You nodded. "Trust me I know, I just didn't know if this was the real deal or not so I didn't want to wake you yet. Besides you need your rest, you haven't been sleeping well lately." Elvis rubbed his temples. "Baby! My comfort doesn't matter, you're having a baby here. Have you called the midwife?" You rubbed the underside of your belly where all the weight was causing pain to your back.
"No, no, I haven't yet. Now stop yelling at me, I'm about to have another one, E." He sighed, realizing how his voice sounded, he hadn't meant to sound angry with you. He wasn't angry at all just scared and nervous. "I-I didn't mean to yell at you, baby. I'm sorry. What can I do?" You held your hands out to him. "Just hold me, please." You begged with tears brimming in your eyes. Elvis let you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and helped you sway around the room with him in a bit of a slow dance while your belly contracted yet again.
You screamed just as the contraction peaked, burning your belly as Elvis shushed you, petting your hair. You finally got a deep breath as something popped and all the pain left you. Elvis pulled back, feeling his socked feet get wet. "Baby, did you-" You sighed. "My water just broke. Time to call the midwife and clean up this mess, huh?" Elvis smiled. This was really happening. Happening today. "No, you sit down and call her and I'll clean up this mess okay?" You nodded, waddling over to the couch to sit yourself down.
"Hello, hello?! I hear we're having a baby?" The midwife announces herself as she lets herself in. She finds you leaning back against Elvis as he sits behind you on the couch, propping you up, letting you lay on him between contractions. Your nightgown was pulled up to expose your nether regions and your bump because as the contractions continued the hotter you got. "Looks like it," Elvis said as he watched the midwife set up her things and covered the furniture and anything else that could get covered in bloody fluids, ''her water broke about twenty minutes ago. She hasn't let me up since we called you." The midwife chuckled. "Yeah, she needs you. You're not moving till she moves." You gripped Elvis's arm, eyes closed, breathing steadily. "He's comfy." Elvis chuckled against you. "I think that's just a loophole to calling me fat but thanks, darling. I love you too." You patted Elvis on the shoulder, still not opening your eyes. "Don't move, that hurts." Elvis nodded whispering, "Sorry."
You still didn't open your eyes but you could feel the midwife sitting in front of you and she touched your bare knee. "Darlin' is it alright if I check how dilated you are? See how far you are?" You held out your hand to Elvis. "Elvis hold my hand." Elvis dutifully quickly took his chunky rings off and gave you his hand for you to squeeze the hell out of. "It'll be a bit uncomfortable but I'll try to make it quick, okay?" You nodded, bracing yourself for the pain.
As you felt gloved fingers enter your vagina, you gripped Elvis hand until you were sure it was bruising and turned your face into his neck, growling and screaming at the pain. "Oh god! Stop please!" "I'm sorry darlin, I'm almost done." Elvis wanted to crumble at the sound of your raw pain. There was nothing he could do, there were no drugs for you to help with pain here. But you didn't want to go to the hospital. And it was breaking his heart. "Alright, alright, she said stop it!" Elvis nearly screamed at the lady. No one argues with Elvis so the midwife does stop and removes her used gloves.
"Alright, it looks like you're at a four right now, sweetie great job." You just groaned, trying to sit up. "Woah woah," Elvis exclaimed at your sudden movement that he didn't expect. "What're you doing, love?" Elvis grabbed your arm, holding you steady. "The bed, El. I want the bed. But I'm scared of the stairs. They're gonna hurt so much..." The midwife smiled reassuringly, rubbing your other arm. "Honey, we can help you. It won't feel pleasant but if the bed is where you want to be, we'll get you there, okay?" You nodded and they both helped you to your unsteady feet.
It was a long and painful process getting you up those stairs. Every time you lifted your foot it was like bolt of lightening burst up your leg. "Elvis, stop, I can't!" You groaned as you somehow got to the middle of the staircase. Elvis held you in his arms as the midwife used her thumbs to create counter pressure against your back which felt fucking wonderful. "I-I'm tired El. And I'm scared." He rubbed your back, kissing your head. "I know, love. I am too. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? They can get you some pain meds that'll help you get some sleep?" You shook your head as a sob bubbled up your throat. You felt like you were admitting defeat if you left your home now. "No, no, no." Elvis nodded. "Okay, we don't have to. " Yet he didn't add. "Let's just get to the bed first and figure it out later. Here, let's get you to bed and I'll get you some ice water, hm? Does that sound good?" You nodded, just not noticing how freaking dry your throat was. "Y-yeah." You mumbled. "Good bub. Can we move now or do we need to stay here a bit longer? Whatever you want is fine with me." You locked your arms as tight as they would go around Elvis's neck so that you wouldn't trip or fall. "Move, please."
21 Hours Later
You had been laboring for more than twenty hours at this point and Elvis was getting more and more concerned at how exhausted and out of it you were getting. He sat at your head as you laid on your side on his huge bed writhing in pain. Elvis was so worried at this point, seeing how you went in and out. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it to get your attention. "Honey are you with me?" All you could muster at this point was an "Mmm." Like, yes you were but you couldn't formulate proper words at this point. "Honey, I really think we should head to the hospital at this point. Get you some pain meds and some sleep. You're exhausted love. You're worrying me here." The midwife looked to Elvis, giving him an agreeing nod. She was on the same page with him, they just had to convince you.
"No, no, don't leave me." You whimpered as you cracked your eyes open and Elvis wasn't even sure you could focus on his face. Elvis cupped your cheek in his hand and sighed when you visibly relaxed at his touch. "Honey, I'm not leaving you at all. You're just in too much pain, let's just get you some relief huh? That way you can sleep some and when it comes time to push you'll have some energy again. I really think you need to go. Do you trust me?" You nodded as much as you can. "I can't sit in the car though... It'll hurt so much." The midwife piped up. "I think we can call an ambulance. This is definitely somewhat of an emergency." You tiredly poked Elvis in the face to get his attention. You were so out of it. "I give you permission to use your Elvis card. I just wanna go to sleep, El. Please let me sleep." The midwife goes off to call a private ambulance company while E comforts you.
"I know baby, they'll give you something to help you in the ambulance I promise." Elvis notices your eyes light up with a moment of clearness. "Promise you won't get mad and yell at them please. They're just gonna take care of me." Elvis nodded, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "Alright I promise."
Twenty minutes later, you have no idea how you got here but you're laying down again with people yelling things and you're moving way faster than you'd like and you can just barely hear Elvis yelling over everyone else that is hovering over you, "I'm right here baby. I'm still here, you're just fine I promise." You hear him yell against the haze in your mind. You feel a sharp poke in the inside of your elbow and another one in your non-dominant hand. You have no idea where Elvis is but you extend your arm toward his voice, just wanting him to hold your hand.
One of the EMT's grabs your hand and pulls your hand back but you think it's Elvis. "No, no, I wanna hold your hand, please hold my hand baby." The EMT puts your arm back on the stretcher, preventing you from reaching for your husband for comfort. But Elvis was sitting up front and you can't reach him you can just hear him yelling reassuringly. Even though you told him not to yell he found a loophole like he always does.
"Elvis! Please help!" Elvis has to blink hard to keep the tears at bay and not one moment later, everything goes black and you're finally passed out.
5 hours later
You wake up sometime later in a hospital bed in a private suite with two IV's in your arm and hand and you see Elvis passed out sitting at your bedside with his hand placed on your belly. "El?" Immediately hearing you, Elvis pops up and takes your non stuck hand in his. "Hi baby. How do you feel?" At that point you feel your baby moving around in your belly so you know you're still in labor. "How long have I been-" Elvis smiled at you to help your fear. "A few hours, they just slowed everything down and gave you some pain meds because you needed your rest." You nodded, trying to get your bearings. "Am I okay?" You asked, still scared. Elvis nodded, running his hand through your hair. "Yeah, you're okay. We were just waiting for you to wake up so we can start your contractions up again, you ready?" You nodded. You were feeling a lot better with some sleep and medicine coursing through you. You were ready to meet your baby. He pointed to the big red help button on the wall behind you. "Hit it, the nurses will come running." You nod and push the button, squeezing Elvis's hand glad that he was still there with you.
Not even ten minutes later, a nurse comes in and waves at you, "Hi! You feeling better, ready to start up your labor again?" You nodded. "Yeah, I want to meet my baby." The nurse nodded, getting all of her supplies ready.
30 minutes later, you were back in full blown labor. You had been in labor for over a day at this point and you just wanted to hold your child. You had gotten scared again, wanting to be in a smaller space and feel safe again, you had asked if you could sit on Elvis's lap. "Sure baby." He sat on the side of the bed and helped you ease your body into his lap. You groaned a bit, adjusting your body into a comfy position, and wrapped your arms around Elvis's neck, laying your head on his shoulder, pushing your face into his neck. "Are you comfy little?" You nodded. "Thank you. You make me feel safe." Elvis sighed. "I'm glad, little. I'll do anything for you." He whispered as he leaned forward a bit to kiss your shoulder as he tried to rock you a bit, waiting on yet another contraction.
You were breathing roughly through another contraction when you needed a distraction. "Elvis, please. Talk to me, tell me anything. Just talk to me." He nods, happy to have a task he can actually accomplish.
"Who do you think the baby will look more like? Me or you?" You grit your teeth, hissing air through your teeth trying to focus. "Uh, I hope she looks like you." Elvis raised his eyebrow. "She's a girl today?" You shrug, gripping Elvis's shoulder. "She feels like a girl most days... Oh hi honey I know that's your knee. Ouch that hurts." As your catching your breath you ask, "What if she wants to sing, like you?" Elvis curled his lip up. The last thing he wanted was for his son or daughter to get caught up in the fame and fortune and have to meet someone to control their career like the Colonel did for Elvis. "If she does, I hope she's smarter than me about it. And if she doesn't want to sing or do anything musical that's okay too." You eyed Elvis. "But Graceland's always gonna be filled with music. We're gonna make sure she at least likes music." He nods, pecking your now dry lips. "Yep, she'll listen to music every day."
Ten minutes later you start fidgeting in El's lap. "What, what's wrong?" You gripped the underside of your belly as you tried to stand up off of Elvis's lap. "Oooooh no, she's right there El. Her head's right there I can feel it. Oh god. I need to push."
Not even five minutes later, the room was in a total frenzy multiple doctors rushed in as Elvis was helping you back on the bed and he was prepared to fight if they tried to make him leave the room. As the doctors set up everything for the delivery, Elvis kept your face locked toward his so that you wouldn't get too scared of everything that was happening. "El, get behind me, I need to help me." Elvis eyed the doctor for permission and they nodded as if to say, 'Do whatever she asks here'.
Elvis sits behind you so you can lay back against his chest. "Alright, Y/N as soon as you get another contraction I want you to put your chin to your chest and push for ten seconds, then we'll take a break and go again. Got it?" You nodded, pressing your face into Elvis's neck. "I love you E." Elvis rubbed your belly. "I love you too, hon. Let's have our baby okay? You got this?"
An hour later, you were finally getting somewhere. "Oh fuck, it burns!" Elvis's eyes widened, is it supposed to burn??? "That means your baby's crowning love. I need you to stop pushing and just breathe. Breathe your baby out until I tell you to push again, okay?" You really wanted to push but you did as you were told even though it was extremely difficult.
"Baby, copy me, okay? Watch me." Elvis takes deep breaths and eventually you follow him, breathing into his face until the burning lessens and the urge to push almost comes back overpoweringly. "Head is delivered." Elvis peeks over your knees as he hears that and sees your baby for the first time as they're partially delivered. "Oh baby, she's beautiful." You're laying back against Elvis just taking a minute to catch your breath. "She?" You ask breathily. You can hear Elvis's smile crack across his face. "You convinced me." The doctor spoke up just then. "Okay on this next push, the shoulders will move and then you'll feel me do some tugging, okay?" Elvis read your mind and voiced your concern while you were still catching your breath. "Will it hurt her, the tugging?" The doctor shook their head. "Being born is hard work but it won't hurt either of them. Now chin to your chest and push."
You could feel the baby's shoulders moving around and eventually exiting your body and you screamed as Elvis helped you hold onto the energy you needed to push past the pain. "Keep going baby, keep going, she's almost here. You got this." Elvis whispered sweet nothing's into your hair and cheek as you rested against him. "E!" You screamed, just wanting your husband to take away all the pain and make it better.
"I know baby, I know, you've almost got her. She's almost here. You're almost done." You pushed as hard as you could one last time until the pain left your body and your baby was finally held up and placed on your chest. "Oh my god, oh my baby, baby." Elvis chuckled wetly, kissing your cheek. "Is that your baby." You laughed, relishing the weight of your child laying and screaming on your chest. Elvis lifted up the baby's leg and chuckled. "Mama's intuition was right, it's a girl." You laughed, tears leaking down your cheeks as you rubbed your baby's back.
Ten minutes later, Elvis was sat beside your bed, just telling you how well you've done while the baby was being weighed and measured and getting their footprints. "I can't believe you just did that. That was crazy, lovie." You smiled, still a bit out of it but insanely happy.
"What do you want to name her?" Elvis asked you as the doctor laid your daughter back on your chest and your rubbed her back, putting her inside your hospital gown and adjusting her hat on her a little bit. "I liked Amelia Jayne for a girl." Elvis thought the name over and nodded. "Look at her, she looks just like you." You said with a smile on your lips as you studied your daughter's brand newness. "Eh, she's got your eyes." You chuckled and Amelia squeaked at the movement. "Oh, Oh, I'm so sorry little one, go back to sleep." Elvis smiled and leaned down to peck her shoulder as she napped on you.
Elvis held his hands out, "May I? I'll hold her while you get some sleep?" You nod. "I'm gonna miss her though." Elvis smiles, taking your daughter off your chest and cradling her in your arms.
Two hours later, you're woken up when you hear Elvis across the room softly singing to your daughter. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dear Amelia Jayne. Happy birthday sweet girl." Elvis stopped when he noticed you sniffled and he realized your eyes were closed but tears were running down your face.
"Honey? I know you're awake." Elvis walked toward your bed with Amelia still asleep in his arms. You reached one hand up and wiped your face. "I just never knew that Happy Birthday would make me cry like a baby." Elvis chuckled wetly, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and did the same for Amelia.
There it is! The long awaited birth scene I've been working on for two whole days! It's my favorite so far! <3 hope you enjoyed it! @plasticfantasticl0ver @kendralavon7 @mooodyblue @ellie-24
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Didn’t Have To Learn To Love Pt1
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I've been watching way to much Call the Midwife and one of the episodes inspired this imagine.
Marriage. A union between two families. Usually because of love. Not for me though. I married because I got pregnant
"How are you feeling love?" Polly asks walking into the room
"Fine. Would be better if Tommy could even look at me. For fuck sake I wasn't the only one to get us in this position. He didn't have to marry me"
"You know he did. Now..." before Polly continues there's a knock on the door "I'll get it. You put your feet up" Polly walks over to the front of the house "hello? can I help you?"
"Hello. I'm Alice I'm YNs midwife" hearing this makes me get up knowing that Polly will push the midwife away
"Midwife? no you must have the wrong YN and address. I will be..."
"Polly let the poor woman in would you. She'll catch herself a cold stood out in this rain"
"You can't be serious YN, your having a midwife to come. You've got me and Esme to help"
"Polly I love you and Esme. I really do. But I want a midwife to deliver the baby, just in case anything goes wrong"
"Please your daughter needs to rest and stay calm"
"She's actually my husband's aunt" I chuckle waddling over to the sofa
"Polly would you make us all a cup of tea?" I ask. Polly scowls but makes her way to the kitchen "sorry about her. Most ladies have a overbearing mother in-law, me? It's a crazy aunt in-law" I laugh but feel a twinge
"You ok?" Alice asks
"Yeah just a little pain"
"Have you been having these a lot?"
"They started yesterday, but Polly said that it's my body getting ready for the birth"
"And she's right, but how about we check what baby is up to?" I lay down on the sofa letting the midwife check me over as Polly comes in with a Pot of tea and some cups.
She checks my blood pressure, the heartbeat and where the baby is positioned "everything's in order Mrs Shelby and dare I say baby will be here in a day or two"
"I guess I will be staying over then" Polly smiles
"Yay" the door opens again and closed
"Pol? YN?"
"In here Tom" I call out. Tommy walks into the living room wearing a suit, looking so good might I add "Alice, this is my husband Thomas. Tommy. Tom this is my midwife Alice"
"It's nice to meet you Tommy"
"Yeah. I'm going to my office" I give him a weak smile, but Alice seems to notice
"Polly could I trouble you for some biscuits?" Alice asks and again Polly walks out, this time muttering something to herself "Mrs Shelby, is everything ok with you and Mr Shelby?"
"Oh yeah don't worry"
"Are you sure? because baby needs a steady safe environment"
"Of course. Tommy and I didn't fall in love, get married then have a baby. When we met I wasn't like I am now, the war messed us up and we found comfort in one another. We were friends, then an accident happened between us and here we are. No love, but we make do" Polly walks back into the room and places a plate of biscuits in front of me "thank you Polly"
"Ok I just need to check the home if that's ok. To make sure it's ready for a home birth"
"That's fine. Mary?" I call out and immediately Mary pops her head through the door "would you take Alice around the house for her checks"
"Of course Mrs Shelby"
"Are you coming back to bed or are you doing to pace a hole in the floor" Tommy asks not even looking at me as I walk back and forth
"Sorry, can't sleep. I've had this pain all day and it's just getting worse"
"Come back to bed and..." I then feel wet down my legs
"Tommy phone the midwife" I tell him while pain shoots all throughout my stomach. Tommy quickly leaves the bedroom and downstairs to his office where the phone is. He also wakes Polly up in the process who comes into the bedroom
"Ok lets get you on the bed YN and I'll check..."
"Sorry Polly but I want to wait for the midwife"
"Midwife" she scoffs "never used to have such things"
"I know but please Polly, it's not that new of a concept. They've been around for near 30 years now. They're trained they know stuff you might not"
"Midwife will be here in 10 minutes. What can I do Polly?"
"You can leave the room and wait got the midwife to arrive downstairs" Polly pushes Tommy out of the room
20 minutes later I have my knees up and I'm pushing
"I can't do this" I cry feeling tired and weak
"You can YN, because once you have the baby in your arms this will all be worth it" Polly takes my hand in hers and gives it a squeeze
"Ok YN I can see the head. Your next contraction your going to push as hard as you can ok?"
"You can do this YN" I nod my head pushing when the pain hits me
"That is heads out. Now just one more little push then your done" I push once more then the cries of my newborn fill the room
"Congratulations Mrs Shelby, you have a healthy baby boy"
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poorlittlegreenie13 · 2 years
Gretson having a baby?
I’m not the biggest Gretson fan but this is adorable.
Idk exactly how it would work for them logistically at this time period but I could see them either asking a gay guy to ✨donate✨ or maybe Carson realizes she’s pregnant by Charlie and asks Greta to raise the baby with her.
But either way I think Greta would be really scared at first and she and Cameron would have to talk it over a LOT before they committed to anything.
Greta would be hesitant both about what people would think about two women living together and raising a baby, and also about bringing a child into the world during the war & during such a time of hatred.
(Deep down she would also be scared of being a bad mom)
Carson would also be scared considering her experiences with her own mother, but I think she loves Greta enough that she would get over that worry pretty quickly. There’s nothing that could make her leave Greta and she knows it.
But once they actually commit to having the baby, Greta would be all in on motherhood.
She would take such good care of pregnant Carson.
She’s not the best cook but she tries her best and Carson doesn’t complain because she’s always hungry.
Greta would buy everything that she could for Carson and for the baby. She would be constantly shopping for clothes and blankets and everything she could think of. Carson would act annoyed but actually she would be super flattered.
Greta would talk to Carson’s baby bump all the time.
She would also be much touchier than normal. She knows it’s not 100% safe but she can’t keep her hands off Carson, especially in public. She would be constantly holding Carson’s arm, guiding her in the right direction, and touching her stomach all the time.
And at home, Greta would cuddle with Carson as much as she let her. They would sleep with Carson as the little spoon so Greta could wrap her arm around Carson’s baby bump and hold her safe.
Later in the pregnancy, Greta wouldn’t be able to fall asleep without feeling the baby move.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
And Carson would be like, “How do you know it’s a girl?”
Greta just knows, okay?
And because of the time period, if they told the hospital that Carson’s husband was away at war and Greta was her sister, Greta would totally be allowed to stay in the room with Carson while she gave birth.
(I know this because of my extensive ‘Call The Midwife’ watching)
So Greta would be majorly panicking but trying to stay calm.
Carson would probably be chilling tbh she gives me high pain tolerance vibes.
Greta would be touching her as much as they safely could because she loved her girl and doesn’t want to see her in pain.
So Carson would wind up comforting Greta the entire time instead of the other way around.
She doesn’t mind, she loves her slightly wimpy girlfriend.
I think Greta would cry when the baby was actually born.
Carson would cry because Greta was crying.
And then they’d just start laughing at each other.
Greta was right they have a girl :)
All the (gay) peaches that they tell (plus Maybelle) are super happy for them.
Jess and Lupe definitely send them the weirdest baby gift possible… like a hunting knife… or a bottle of whisky. Their intentions are pure.
Maybelle knits them a little baby peaches uniform.
I think they would name the baby after a bird because of Greta’s nickname. Like Lark or Robin.
Aunt Jo would be doing the most. She would be so excited. She loves it when the baby sleep in her arms and she is soooo gentle.
There are no men in that child’s life /pos
Greta would by Mommy and Carson would be Mama
I think more than once, Carson would wake up in the middle of the night and find Greta just watching their daughter sleep, her eyes glassy. Because she’s never seen anything so pure before and this tiny little baby loves her so much.
Carson comes up behind her and wraps her arms around Greta’s waist and whispers that she loves her.
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all-the-things-2020 · 5 months
Further Along the Way - Chapter Eleven
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Summary: Din gets some very bad news.
Chapter Warning: ⚠️ This chapter is rather dark and refers to the deaths of some characters we’ve already met. ⚠️
Rating: PG
Valinda Knorros was in her late forties, short and slightly plump, her long brown hair shot through with a few strands of gray and pulled back in a neat braid. Mariana liked her immediately. Unlike the doctor at the local health clinic, the midwife explained everything before she did it and made sure Mariana didn’t have any questions before she moved on.
“Well, I think that’s all for now,” Valinda said finally, putting her data pad and scanner away. “Everything looks fine. I’d say you’re right on track for a healthy baby and a normal delivery.” She smiled. “Next time we’ll start going over the birthing process so you’ll know what to expect. Have you talked to your husband about whether he wants to be present during the birth?”
“Not really,” Mariana admitted. She was fairly certain he would want to be there, given how protective he was, but she hadn’t thought to ask him.
“Discuss it and let me know next week,” Valinda said. “If he’s going to be there, he’ll have to come to at least some of the appointments so we can go over his role as birthing coach.”
Mariana suppressed a smile at the sudden image of Din in his full Mandalorian armor holding her hand and telling her when to breathe and when to push, like a scene from a cheesy holovid.
“I will,” she said. “See you next week.”
Valinda walked her to the door and Mariana stepped out into the crisp afternoon air. It was a beautiful day and she thought briefly of walking home, but it was at least six blocks to Tress’ place to pick up Ad’ika and then another three to get home, and she wasn’t sure her feet were up for it. Instead, she hailed a speeder cab and gave the driver the Mondella’s address.
Lina answered the door when Mariana knocked, her face sober. “Hi, Dika’s mom,” the girl said. “Momma’s sad.”
Mariana’s heart sank and she pushed her way past the girl. “Tress?,” she called out. “Are you okay?” Oh, please, please, don’t let anything have happened to Garrick!
Tress stepped out of the kitchen, her eyes red and tear streaks running down her face. “Oh, Mariana,” she gasped, reaching out to wrap her arms around her. “It’s horrible.”
“What? What? Is it Garrick?”
“No, no,” Tress said. “It’s … it’s the cadets. Din’s cadets.”
Mariana’s knees gave out and Tress had to help her onto the couch. “Oh, stars, what happened?,” she managed to say once she could breathe again.
“Garrick … he still gets all the comms pertaining to the Academy and he forwarded it to me,” Tress said between sobs. “They were guarding the embassy on Vrentos, routine stuff, but terrorists bombed the site.” She hiccuped. “They haven’t released any names yet but five of them died, more were injured. Fennic — he didn’t make it, Mari, he’s dead.”
Mariana’s blood ran cold. Corporal Fennic had taken Din’s place. “I’ve got to get home,” she said, jumping to her feet. “I need to be there when Din gets home. He’ll be devastated.”
Tress nodded. “Leave Ad’ika here,” she said. “He can stay overnight. The girls will love it and that way you can concentrate on Din. Oh, sweet gods, I can’t even imagine what he’s going through …” She dissolved into tears again.
Mariana sat back down and hugged her friend tightly. “It’ll be okay,” she whispered. “Don’t worry about us, just take care of yourself and the girls. We’ll be okay.”
Tress wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry, I just … I‘ve been so on edge since Garrick left, and those kids … they were supposed to be safe.” She shook her head. “Don’t mind me. Go on, go home, take care of your husband.”
Mariana took a moment to say goodbye to Ad’ika. “You’re going to stay here tonight, ad,” she told him. “I’ll be back to get you in the morning. Be good and listen to Tress, okay?”
He nodded, his ears drooping. “Trikar'la,” he said.
“Yes, sad, Ad’ika,” Mariana said. “We’re all very sad right now. But it’ll be okay. I’ll get you tomorrow. Be good.”
“Da?” He looked so forlorn that Mariana had to take a moment before she replied so that she wouldn’t start sobbing.
“Daddy will be okay,” she said finally. “I’m going to make sure of that. We’ll see you in the morning.”
She left the Mondella’s house and walked as quickly as she could back to the apartment building. If Garrick had already forwarded his comm to Tress, then the Colonel had known for some time, and with no final class to teach, Din’s days were over earlier than usual. He could be home at any time, if he wasn’t already there.
She had a stitch in her side by the time she got to her street, but she refused to slow down. She was huffing and puffing as she unlocked the door to find Din slumped on the couch. He looked up at her, his eyes bleak.
“Tress told me,” she said, shutting the door behind her and hurrying to his side. “Garrick commed her. Oh, Din, I’m so, so sorry!” She wrapped her arms around him, pulling his head down onto her shoulder. He was very still for a long moment, and then she felt him begin to sob. She rubbed his back with one hand and ran her fingers through his hair with the other, two things that always soothed him. “It’s okay,” she crooned. “It’s okay, cyar’ika. I’m here. I’m here.”
Eventually he stopped crying and pulled back enough to look at her. “It’s not okay, Mar’ika,” he croaked, his voice raspy with tears. “I should have been there. You were right. I had a duty to them. I failed them.”
“No, no, you didn’t,” she said.
“I did,” he insisted. “They’re my students, not Fennic’s. He shouldn’t have had to go. He shouldn’t have had to die.”
Mariana wiped the tears from his cheeks and held his face steady. “He wanted to go,” she said. “He sent me a message right before they left. He said that even if you’d agreed to go, he was going to offer to take your place.” Din shook his head, but she held him firmly. “He said you didn’t need to risk your life.”
“Even so,” Din said wearily. “The kids … Mar’ika, five of my kids ….” He couldn’t go on and it broke her heart to see him so devastated. “Maybe I could have saved them,” he whispered.
“And maybe you couldn’t,” she replied. “Maybe more would have died, or maybe you would have died.”
He sighed, his head dropping back onto her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her, hanging on like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver. “I don’t even know who … who it is,” he said. “The Colonel couldn’t release any names until they’ve finished contacting all the next of kin. Fifty kids, cyar’ika, five dead, who knows how many more wounded … that’s a ten percent loss. And this was supposed to be a nice, easy assignment. Perfectly safe.” He shook his head and she couldn’t think of anything to say, so she just kept rubbing his back, occasionally pressing a kiss against his neck or ear.
They sat like that for a long time, until her leg started to go numb from the pressure of sitting in the same position for so long, but she didn’t want to disturb him, so she endured until he finally sat back. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“Don’t apologize,” she said. “You have every reason to be upset, my love.”
He rubbed his face with both hands. “I know, but still …” His data pad, abandoned on the side table, pinged. They looked at each other, knowing what the message probably was.
“I’ll get it,” Mariana said, picking up the pad and pressing the button to wake up the screen. At the top was a message from the Colonel, blinking bright green to indicate urgency. She took a deep breath and tapped on the message to open it.
“It’s the casualty list,” she said.
Din closed his eyes and nodded. “Read it to me,” he said, his voice strained.
“Lormand Anzitor — DECEASED, Nandoo Bendar — DECEASED, Fangor Donden — INJURED, Pando Florenz — INJURED, Hoven Limante — DECEASED, Brix Lovari — INJURED, Vintex Marddanda — INJURED, Prig Pexar— INJURED, Kalen Robbins — DECEASED, Helix Shandilon — DECEASED, Corton Trimble — INJURED, Klaarmat X’intari — INJURED,” she read. With each name, Din’s head drooped further and further toward his chest until by the time she reached the end, he was doubled over completely.
“Bendar,” he sobbed. “She … she was doing so well. And Robbins … he was top of his class. Limante, Anzitor … Shandilon. Kriff, I was so happy I wasn’t going to have to deal with him for a while, and now he’s dead.”
Mariana dropped the data pad and pulled Din’s head into her lap. She was crying herself, now, the tears flowing freely down her face. She hadn’t met most of the students, but she knew Bendar, Florenz, and X’intari from the after school class. Now shy Nandoo was dead, and Pando and Klaarmat were injured. Of the four, only Glenna Laren had escaped unscathed.
She let Din cry himself out, then helped him into the ‘fresher, where she made him take a shower and change into pajamas. He was quiet as she led him into the bedroom and tucked him into bed. “Try to sleep,” she whispered. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”
She took a quick shower herself, letting the water wash the tears from her face. Slipping into her nightgown, she crawled into bed next to Din and snuggled up against him, her back pressed against his chest. After a moment, his arms wrapped around her and she felt his face burrow into the back of her neck. “Thank you, cyar’ika,” he mumbled. “For understanding.”
She took one of his hands in her own, pressing it against her chest, right over her heart. His other hand slid down to her belly. The baby was quiet, for a change, seemingly subdued by her mood.
“Just sleep, Din,” she whispered. “Relax. Sleep. It’ll be better in the morning.”
He nodded into her hair, his breathing starting to even out, no longer hitching with sobs. Suddenly, though, he half sat up. “Where’s Ad’ika?,” he cried out.
“He’s with Tress,” she assured him. “She was watching him while I was at the midwife’s and she offered to keep him overnight for us.”
Din sank back onto the mattress, relaxing a bit more. “I forgot,” he said. “How … how did it go?”
“It went very well,” she said. “But I can tell you all about it tomorrow. For now, just get some rest, cyar’ika.”
He sighed deeply and snuggled closer to her. “Okay,” he said wearily. “I’ll try.” She knew from experience how draining a hard cry could be, and she knew he must be exhausted. She gently stroked his hand until she felt him go limp against her, his breathing slow and steady against the back of her neck. As she was about to drift off herself, she felt the baby start to stir. Go to sleep, little one, please, she begged, and after a couple of flips and a feeble kick, the child settled down again. A few minutes later, she was sound asleep, still clutching Din’s hand to her heart.
Mando’a words:
trikar’la = sad
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A Quiet Entrance
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Nine months after landing in Dallas, Texas during the 1960s, Diego is finally reunited with the rest of his family. They've got a lot to deal with until they're safe and they've got a lot of curveballs coming to them, but they can handle it because they're back together again. Warnings: Pregnant trans character, graphically described childbirth, mentions of mental distress, and period typical transphobia Word Count: 11,618 Ship(s): Diego Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
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A/N: If you've noticed that I'm writing more fics like this, it's because my mutual poked me into watching Call the Midwife and it reignited my special interest surrounding childbirth and pregnancy, so I am combining it with my current fandom obsession. I hope that you guys can enjoy some of these, because there's going to be quite a few of them as time goes on. Thanks for reading! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
After making sure that all four of his already found siblings were listening to him, Five began to explain the situation that they were in. “I dumped you here without permission and we got the attention of the Commission, unfortunately. The Handler has been trying to do something nefarious with it since I joined and she’s using the fact that you’re all here as a way to continue doing that. I went back to the Commission and agreed to stop messing with time and keep certain things a secret as long as they helped me keep all of you safe. They’ve agreed to let us use one of their old safehouses. It’s one of the ones that The Handler isn’t aware of, so I’m sending you all there so that you can be safe.”
He had tried to make it so that his statement left no room for arguments. He didn’t want to spend an unknown amount of time poking, prodding, and reassuring them that it was okay and the right thing for them to do. He just wanted to make sure that the five remaining siblings he had were safe and tucked away until he could return them back to the world that they deserved.
Luther, however, seemed to have not gotten the message. Five should have suspected that he would be the biggest problem out of all of his siblings since their father had reassured him over and over again that he was the leader. “You’re going to go after that entire organization by yourself? Don’t you need the rest of us to help you?”
The oldest-youngest brother shook his head. “I don’t. I’m only going after The Handler and I’ve been given permission to use some of the other agents if I need any help. The thing that is going to help me most is having you all out of the way so that I don’t have to worry about you fucking up the timeline more. The Commission wants you out of the way as well. Two of you have tried to mess with the Kennedy assassination and the other two have made huge ripples in the culture of Dallas and the world as a whole.”
Diego pursed his lips and then folded his arms moodily over his chest as he sank down in his chair. Luther looked a little bit guilty and began to fidget impatiently. Allison let out a huffy noise and rolled her eyes, obviously not having any remorse for the ripples that she had sent through the timeline. Klaus just laughed as he lounged back on the couch that he was already sitting on.
“Do you understand?” Five asked as he looked out over all of his siblings. “If you all continue with what you’ve been doing until I got here then there’s the chance that the Commission will decide that you need to die anyway. You all have to go to the safehouse and stay there until I come to get you.”
Allison spoke up before the rest of them had the chance to, “Are we allowed to go back and say goodbye to any of the people that we loved?”
“No,” Five shook his head. “Not right now. Maybe if you’re all good and you’ve done what I’ve asked I can accompany you back so that you can say goodbye before we got back to where we’re supposed to be.”
She didn’t seem content with that answer, but she also didn’t pitch a big fuss. Five walked his siblings down the stairs so that they were near the car that Eliot had before he had been killed by the Swedes under The Handler’s instruction. “I want you to all go to this address and find Viktor. He’s going by his old name and working as a nanny for the family that lives at this address,” he didn’t bother to explain how he knew that as he wrote the information down and then handed the slip of paper over to Diego.
The aforementioned brother’s face was overcome with a kind of emotion that none of them had ever seen from him before. His brows were furrowed together and his mouth was in a pinched line. He walked to the other side of the car and then got in the front behind the wheel while waiting for the rest of his siblings to follow suit.
As soon as the present Hargreeves, with the exception of Five, had sat down in the car, he started it up. A flash of blue told him that Five had gone off to wherever he was finishing his business, so he pulled out of the driveway to go to the address they had been given.
Klaus struck up a conversation about halfway out of the city and towards the farm where their last brother was living. It was easy to fall into the pattern that they had grown up in, listening to him say something and then groaning or pointing out the inaccuracies in it. This time, even Luther joined in. Diego felt himself relaxing as he thought back to some of the more comforting memories that he had of when they were younger.
The tension and stress that he had felt before were back as soon as they pulled down the dirt driveway of the farm where Viktor was living. There were tire tracks down the path, but no car in front of the barn or beside the house which meant that someone had probably gone out.
Diego hung back in the car while the rest of the siblings piled out. He had a lot of emotions that he had to sort through concerning the brother that they had come to pick up, the least of which being the guilt that was boiling in his stomach at not coming to rescue Viktor from what might have been a very bad situation.
He stepped out after a moment, knowing that he couldn’t run away from it. He turned and then felt like his breath was stolen from his lungs in the best way possible.
His relationship with Viktor had been complicated from the very beginning of their lives, there was no alternative with the way that they had been raised. As they got older and began to come into themselves more as people, it had gotten even more twisted and confusing. He had always thought that the violinist was beautiful, but something had changed since they had last seen each other and the radiance of the other man had seemingly increased tenfold.
Viktor was standing next to a laundry line where he was picking up garments from a basket and then pinning them down so that they flapped dry in the breeze. He was wearing a long blue summer dress that brushed across his ankles and tightened up at the waist. The sleeves were simple and stopped at his mid-forearm with a looseness that allowed for work to be done easily. His hair was cut short again, like it had been right after they left the Academy and formed their short-lived band.
Something about the way that he was standing in the hot Dallas sun, the spring breeze wrapped around him, made him look more beautiful and ethereal that Diego had ever seen him look before. He could only see the side of Viktor’s face and yet the healthy glow that he had acquired since arriving in the past was evident. He was beautiful in the same way that he always had been, handsome yet soft, but at the same time different. It might have had something to do with the fact that he was off of the medication that he had been on his entire life and was finally able to feel his own feelings, but as soon as Viktor turned Diego knew that it wasn’t just that.
“Viktor?” Allison called, quickly getting the attention of their brother.
He turned around and his beautiful brown eyes welled up with tears. They didn’t even hang on his lashes as they often had when they were all children, back when his emotions were being suffocated by the medication that Reginald had kept him on since they were four. “Allison?” he asked.
The siblings had all been getting ready to approach their brother so that they could have a conversation without shouting, but as soon as he turned around they all stopped. He had one hand extended out over the top of a basket that was overflowing with wet laundry and clothespins, but the other one was what they were paying attention to. Even if it hadn’t been placed where it was, the object of their fascination would have been very obvious.
Viktor’s stomach was rounded out from underneath his chest all the way down to between his hips. It looked firm and not at all proportionate to what it would have been had the small man just gained some weight. The hand placed on the very bottom of his stomach made it even more obvious because it cut the dress so that the fabric was tightly formed around him. It was very blatant that he was pregnant.
Diego felt like he was frozen in place as soon as that finally clicked in his brain. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do when he saw the man that he had so much history with before that had been thrown into the equation, but now any ideas that he had were completely thrown out the window. 
The rest of the siblings seemed to be similarly astounded that the bringer of the apocalypse, their timid little brother, was harboring a life inside of him. They were just as frozen as Diego and so Viktor had to be the one to make the first move. He dropped the basket of laundry so that they tumbled down onto the packed dirt and grass. He didn’t care as he hurried, as quickly as he could with the heavy weight on his abdomen, towards the siblings he was worried he would never see again.
He paused when he was finally in front of Allison, a mere foot away. “You’re okay?” he asked, his hand twitching at his side as he thought about whether or not it would be okay for him to reach out and touch her.
“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m okay,” Allison immediately nodded. She lurched forward so that she was hugging her brother, saving him from having to make the decision. Viktor had been crying the entire time that he had been getting closer to her, but as soon as her arms were around him he began to sob loudly.
“I’m so sorry that all happened and then I wasn’t even there to make sure that you were okay. I tried to get back to you but then my powers they- they just took over so I couldn’t think anymore and then I woke up in Dallas and I didn’t even know if any of you were out here,” Viktor gasped around sobs.
“Shh, shh,” Allison immediately soothed. She brushed her hand over the back of his head in the same way that Grace had often done when they were younger. She placed a kiss on his forehead and Diego felt a spike of jealousy flare up inside of him as he wanted to be doing that, though he quickly stamped it down as he remembered all of the feelings he had nine months ago when they were in their own timeline.
Allison pulled back then, brushed her fingers over her own eyes to rid them of the tears. “You shouldn’t be all worked up when you’re in this condition,” she sniffled.
Viktor laughed as the hand that wasn’t on Allison’s shoulder, reassuring him that his sister was really there and really okay, moved to his stomach. He rubbed a circle and then settled it back where it had been while he was working with the clothesline.
One of the other siblings slipped out of their surprise then as Klaus walked over to the smallest of the brothers. He wrapped one of his long arms around the violinist’s waist and brought him in to a half hug, “I never thought that we’d see you in a dress again, mein bruder.”
The aforementioned brother let out a half laugh, sounded absolutely exasperated despite how little Klaus had said so far. “How about you try being nine months pregnant in the beginning of Dallas summer and then tell me if you want to be wearing jeans?”
Klaus laughed, tossing his head back so that the black hat that was perched on the edge of his head tumbled back into the grass along with the laundry. “At least you don’t have much longer to go. When is baby supposed to come?” Klaus asked. 
His hand moved over to Viktor’s stomach but Allison quickly hit it off. “Klaus! Never touch a pregnant person’s stomach without permission. Just because they’re carrying a baby doesn’t mean that they don’t get to have autonomy and consent anymore.”
The violinist quickly soothed the argument before it could really get started. “Allison, Klaus never asks when he touches someone so it isn’t like this is a pregnancy specific thing.” He then turned towards his brother with a small smile, “I am getting very close to my due date. We’re not sure when exactly because it took a while for me to remember again and then I couldn’t quite figure out conception dates because of how the time travel worked.”
“Remember?” Luther asked. He walked out from where he was standing next to the car so that he was closer to the rest of his siblings. Viktor tensed up a little bit and the wind picked up, but then he took a deep breath and everything settled again.
“I was dumped into a back alleyway when I got here. I was really disoriented because of the kinds of things that my powers had done to my head. I stumbled out into the road and someone hit me with their car,” he explained. “I actually work for her family, she’s been kind enough to let me stay here even with the baby on the way.”
“You were hit with a car?” Allison gasped.
“Yes, but don’t worry! She stopped as soon as she could so it basically just threw me down to the ground. I didn’t break any bones and the baby wasn’t hurt at all. I had a concussion for a little while and some scrapes but we’re both fine,” Viktor immediately soothed. He then flushed a little, no doubt ashamed that he had assumed they were worried about his and his baby’s health because of how he had been treated when they were younger.
Diego felt like he was suffocating, like the air around him was slowly seeping out. It reminded him of some of the training that he had done when he was younger, back when Reginald was trying to figure out if his breath-holding applied to anything other than world. His chest was beating up in his ears so that it made it hard to hear what his siblings were saying, but he was also hanging off of every word. His thoughts were rolling over and over in his head as he tried to figure out conception dates on his own.
“We should get going. Five said that we had to go straight to the safehouse after we picked him up,” Luther said as he glanced back towards Diego, who was still hanging back at the car.
The look got Viktor’s attention back in that direction as well. His eyes widened when he noticed that the brother he had been closest to as teenagers was there as well. He ducked his head down, though without the curtain of hair that he had all the way up until their sixteenth birthday, it was hard for him to hide the way that he was feeling. His eyes were wide and the tips of his cheeks were colored red with a nervous flush. Diego had seen that look a lot back when they were trying to, futilely, get their band off of the ground.
“Safehouse?” Viktor asked.
Klaus let out a sigh as he got ready to explain, “Our dear Fivey has been very busy since he dumped us here. He only got into Dallas about three days ago and he’s been working rather tirelessly to find us all. We were all dumped in different times because of how messy his powers are. Apparently we caught some nasty attention and so now he’s having to squirrel us away while he gets it all cleaned up and we get to go back home.”
“I can’t leave just yet. I told Sissy that I would get some chores done around the house and she might worry if she comes back and I’m just gone,” Viktor shook his head. He detached himself from Klaus and Allison as he slowly made his way back over to where the laundry basket was. Diego noticed, with affection swelling his heart, that Viktor had a little bit of a waddle now because of the size of the baby. 
“Here, let me get that,” Allison quickly said as she moved past him and gathered the laundry up from the ground. She winced when she saw that one of the shirts had spilled out into a patch of mud and was now soaked. She placed that over one arm while she put the rest of the laundry back where it went and then handed it to Viktor.
“Thank you, I can’t reach stuff that falls as much as I used to. I refuse to be one of those people that just doesn’t pick things like that up because it’s harder, but it’s nice not having to do it every time,” he laughed as he took the basket. He turned back to his siblings. “Can you let me finish up the chores I need to do around the house and pack up some things?”
He was taking everything in better stride than they thought that he would given what their last interactions had been like. It was kind of hard to believe that the brother that they had seen up on that stage, bathed in white energy while trying his very best to kill everyone coming too close to him, was the same that was standing here. The Viktor that they had seen the last time they were all together was all blue-hued and cold while this one was full of rosy golden warmth.
Diego spoke up before anyone else had the chance to. His words had been stuck in his throat, much like his body had been stuck in place. “We have time, you can pack.”
From a few feet away from the car, between the vehicle and their pregnant brother, Luther whirled around with wide eyes. Despite his reluctance to help Five in the saving of the world earlier that day, he seemed to have jumped on it now. The idea of letting someone have more time than the rest of them also seemed to tick off Allison, but she didn’t say anything about it. 
Viktor turned to face Diego for a moment, his eyes full of nearly-unreadable emotion. When they had been working together on starting their band, before Diego had flunked the police academy and blown away in the wind like bad dandelion seeds, the marksman had gotten very good at reading those emotions. He had to be since Viktor was shy and quiet and rarely ever spoke what he was thinking. “Thank you,” he whispered. He turned back around to his work so that he could finish hanging up the wet laundry on the line.
The lone girl of the family sent a half-pissed look at her brother, which just confirmed that the pregnancy was the only reason she wasn’t fighting against his decision the way that Luther was. She walked over to their brother and took the basket from him so that she could help him. Viktor was pulling garments out and then pinning them to the line while she trailed slowly after him while keeping the basket steady.
“What the Hell, Diego?” Luther demanded as he stormed back over towards his brother. 
“You didn’t even want to save the world the last time that Five came to ask you for help,” Diego snarled.
“Why does he get more time than the rest of us to wrap up his shit? Five said that we had to get to the safehouse as quickly as possible because of the danger that the Commission is posing to us right now. If we stick around for too long they might figure out where we are,” Luther argued. 
Diego felt a flare of anger burning up inside of him. He thought that he had left those kinds of feelings behind when he had dropped into this world. Despite the barbaric treatments of people in 1960s mental institutions, some of the things that he had talked about while in therapy had helped him with some of his issues. He had a couple of sessions of therapy under his belt before he even got there, so he just built their basic suggestions on the more modern ones he already knew. He had worked very hard to try and get over the issues that he had with his brother, to ration that it was their father that had turned them against each other like that.
He had forgiven Luther around the fourth month of being in the institution. The more that the other man was pushing this specific issue, the less he wanted to keep on that streak. “Because he’s fucking pregnant, Luther! You weren’t around him enough to see how much being forced to pretend that he was a girl messed him up. Pregnancy in the 1960s isn’t going to be fucking nice to him so we have to be gentle for two different reasons. I don’t think you want anything bad happening to him or the baby, do you, Luther?” he snapped.
“Something bad is going to happen to him, Diego!” Luther shouted. “There are dangerous people out there with guns that are going to hurt him, the baby, and the rest of us if they catch us!”
“They’re going to have to fucking wait until Viktor feels safe enough to go anywhere! I’m not going to push our pregnant brother into doing something he isn’t comfortable with,” he was basically seething at that point. They were going to be going back and forth like that for a while longer before one of them got bored and stopped fighting. It was something that they had done often when they were younger and were pushed against each other by their father. It was something that he often goaded them into and they fell into very easily. Diego also needed to burn off some of his anxiety and the other feelings that were swirling in his gut.
Meanwhile, Klaus had wandered off to talk with Viktor and Allison. “So what have you been doing since your little ending-the-world rendezvous?” he asked as he snagged one of the clothespins to play with.
The pregnant man pursed his lips and shrank down into himself. Allison opened her mouth to object over their brother bringing up that topic, but she was shut down before she really got to, “I’ve just been living here. Like I said earlier, Sissy hit me with her car and then brought me to the hospital. I had a pretty bad concussion and had no idea who I was so they brought me back with them to take care of me since I didn’t match up with any missing person’s reports. My memory slowly came back and we tried to reach out to you guys but I was too pregnant to get a job so that I could get an apartment. I work as a nanny here so that Sissy can focus on the farm.”
“They’re not working you too hard, are they?” Allison asked, her eyes drifting down specifically to Viktor’s domed stomach.
He chuckled and placed a hand on his swollen bump. “No, they’re not. I mainly do household chores and watch after Harlan. My midwife said that getting the exercise that I do is actually good for me and the baby. Makes it so they can grow up to be healthy and strong. Also means that I’m not liable to go into labor sooner than I’m supposed to,” he grabbed the last garment from the bag and then took the basket from Allison.
Viktor turned back towards the car, trying to catch some kind of a glance at Diego, when he saw the two brothers fighting. “Allison, why don’t you go see if you can talk Luther down and then send Diego into the house with me? We need to talk.”
He didn’t give them any room to argue as he drifted back into the house to finish up the remainder of his chores before he had to leave. Klaus and Allison glanced at each other knowingly before doing as they had been asked.
The back door that Viktor had just come through slowly opened and then closed as Diego walked through it into the kitchen. Viktor was placing the shirt that had gotten dirty when the basket fell back into the washing machine so that it could be washed with the next load. He set the basket down on the ground next to it and then slowly pushed himself up into a standing positon, one hand going to his back for extra support.
“Allison said that you had something you wanted to talk to me about,” Diego said softly as he walked over to one of the counters in the kitchen.
“Yeah, I do,” Viktor nodded. He turned around to that they could have their conversation face-to-face but then paused as he felt the burning, searing pain beginning to grow in his back. He placed his hand on the wall to support himself as he took in a deep breath through his nose. The muscles along his spine tightened painfully and then wrapped around his gravid belly for a solid thirty seconds before they all released. The pain fled and he was flushed with endorphins before he remembered everything that was happening. “Um, would you mind making another tally under the four on that paper for me since it’s behind you?”
Diego had been staring at him the entire time that he had been standing there, he was able to feel the other man’s eyes boring into his very being. It was only after he said something that the spell or captivation that had been placed on him was finally broken. He turned around to grab the paper and pencil that had been requested of him before he paused. “Viktor, what is this?” he asked.
“It’s just something that my midwife asked me to keep. A log book of all my false labor contractions to make sure that nothing is wrong with baby,” he replied. “Which is kind of what I need to talk to you about.”
“False labor?” Diego asked, trying to play stupid to give himself more time to process the information on the paper. It was broken up into seven sections, each with several numbers spread evenly throughout. Underneath each number was a certain amount of tallies, with some being more frequent and most of them being devoid of the marks altogether. The one at the bottom that was marked with their current date was what had caught his attention, however. The tallies increased as the day got later, to the point where there were already five in the column underneath the four. 
“No, the baby,” Viktor shook his head. He snagged the paper and then set a tally mark down where it needed to be. “I know that you and I haven’t always had the… most stable relationship,” he winced.
Diego snorted, “You could say that.”
“Do you remember right when we found out that Dad died? You got distracted when you were doing your whole Batman-thing and came to me to get patched up, like you always did. And we…” his ears were burning red as he fully trailed off.
The memories of that night came flooding back to them both. It was like whenever they were seated that close together, on the poorly tiled floor of Viktor’s tiny bathroom, something drew them even closer. They had become intertwined as they had many times before, but they had become so giddy with the news of their father’s death that they had forgotten to be as careful as they usually were. It had resulted in them having to shower to get all of the blood from Diego’s cut off of them and Viktor complaining under his breath about having to pick up a Plan B on his way to work the next morning.
“I never did it. I was late going to orchestra and then the funeral happened and now…” he placed his hand on his swollen stomach.
“Are you saying…?” Diego felt his eyes widen as the words got stuck in his throat. That had happened so often when they were younger and Viktor had always been the most patient about it, struggling with his own words more often than not. The thought had flit across his mind as soon as he had seen the state that his adoptive brother was in, but he pushed it away quickly after reminding himself that nothing good ever happened to him.
Viktor nodded, tears welling in his dark brown eyes. “I think so. I- there’s a chance that it could be Harold’s because we weren’t… there was a time, right after my powers went haywire when Allison triggered me with her rumor that he… and I didn’t really have the brain space to be able to tell him that I didn’t want to or that he had to use a condom,” he gave a shudder. 
Immediately upon hearing that, the amazement and wonder was replaced with burning rage. He had already felt a huge surge of protectiveness over his pseudo-lover when they found the body of the poor woman who had first chair violin in Viktor’s orchestra, but knowing that the murder had taken advantage of Viktor during a vulnerable time in his life made his blood boil. Diego had often initiated forceful sex and kissed without asking first, but he had always immediately backed off without any attempt at coercion when he had been told no. 
He was brought out of some of the darker thoughts when he watched Viktor wiping at his face with both of his calloused hands. “Sorry. I haven’t been able to think about it much during the pregnancy, I’ve kind of decided that they’re yours already because I can’t bare the idea that he could have gotten me pregnant on top of everything else.”
Diego’s hand twitched at his side and he slowly brought it up to Viktor’s stomach, giving the other man ample opportunity to say that he didn’t want it. Instead, Viktor reached up and took his wrist so that he could lay Diego’s palm flat against his stomach, right above his belly button. “I had sex with you first and we know for a fact that you were ovulating then and we didn’t use protection. The chances are pretty damn high that this baby is mine,” he whispered.
Normally he wouldn’t have been able to say something like that because it all would have felt too overwhelming. While he always wanted to be a father, a child was a big responsibility and having a baby suddenly dumped on his lap when he didn’t have any time to think and panic about it made him want to throw himself into a lake and live there eternally. The impulse didn’t plague him now, though, because he knew that Viktor needed that reassurance. The baby would be born soon, especially if Viktor’s midwife was right about due dates, and he needed to be strong for the blossoming family and the man that he loved.
Diego took a deep breath as he leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. It was an intimate gesture that used to be very common for them, back when they were playing small gigs in the back of pizza parlors and abandoned garages. Viktor had always been nervous, even when he was back on the medication that their father had given him, and that was one of the only ways that would properly soothe his nerves. “It’s a lot to take in, huh?” Diego asked.
He felt like he was going to shake apart at the seams as his brain really began to process everything that had happened. One day it felt like he was going about his normal life, working as a janitor in a gym by day and being a vigilante at night. The next his father was dead, he had some of the best sex of his life, and then he was at his father’s wake. Everything after that, finding out that Viktor had powers, that his sort-of lover was dating someone new, that someone turning out to be an obsessive murderer, watching his mother die twice, watching his childhood home crumble, being forced to sit silently as Viktor begged him to let him out of the cage they had locked him in, and then watching powers none of them understood taking over their brother. That had all been before the time travel, the asylum, the second end of the world, and everything that had happened with Lila.
Now he was standing in a stranger’s kitchen, trying to work through all of those events while also processing that it was very likely he would be a father before the week ended.
“I don’t think I’ve had the chance to process it all since it began. I was back here and then I was pregnant and I had that to worry about. Still do, and then I’ll have the baby. But there’s always time for a panic attack later, right?” he chuckled.
Diego cracked a smile at that. Despite the nervous energy that was thrumming through his body because of everything happening around him, that nod back to their band days helped him feel immensely better. It wasn’t something that they had enjoyed at the time and it had worried him then, but now it made him feel warm. It reminded him of back when they thought that they had a chance for the future, that they would never hurt each other because they understood the other too well. That hadn’t lasted long because Diego was shit at managing his life and had a mean mouth to boot, but he had changed a lot since then. 
“Yeah, there will be time for panic attacks later,” he murmured as he rubbed his hand over the swollen bump on his brother’s abdomen. The idea that their child was inside of the smaller man, nestled away from the world and safely growing until they could make their debut was the most exciting and terrifying thing that Diego had ever thought about.
He felt a small kick to his hand just as Viktor’s face fell from the delicate smile he had been wearing. He let out a small hum in the back of his throat as his spare hand moved away from Diego's shoulder and to his back, supporting him through another one of the pains. 
Diego kept one hand on Viktor’s bump while the other moved to support his brother. They slowly walked over to the dining room table a few feet away from the kitchen. He helped Viktor lower himself down until he was leaning back in the chair, finally sitting down and off his feet. “So I’m not exactly an expert on this, but I don’t think that false labor contractions happen this often,” he gestured with his head over to the note that he had snagged on their way to the chair.
“I’m not in labor,” Viktor shook his head. “When my midwife came to the house yesterday she said that I still had a couple of days. Nothing is on the move yet, so we should have plenty of time for Five to finish doing whatever it is that he needs to get done.”
There was no argument in his voice and Diego was too worn out from having all of the information dumped on him to try and find the words. He merely added another tally underneath the hour and sat with Viktor until the other man felt steady enough to get back up. “Do you think that you could help me with some of the packing? I’ve already done most of the chores that Sissy asked me to do while she was away.”
“Of course,” Diego replied. He was standing and helping Viktor to his feet in an instant. Knowing that the other man still loved him, at least in some way even if it wasn’t the more direct way that he had been hoping for, had directed some of his attention away from all of his other thoughts. He had been of the opinion that the fathers-to-be that were obsessed with their spouses when they were expecting had been cheesy and unrealistic. He had never been around someone that was pregnant all the way from the beginning to the end when he was that young, but his opinion had stayed the same as he got older. He had figured that nothing much could change in the way that someone loved just because their partner was pregnant. He now knew better than that, because he felt completely enamored with Viktor now that he knew the other man was responsible for making him a father.
“Just through here,” Viktor explained as he waddled towards the living room. The couch had a stack of blankets and pillows carefully made up on one side and there was a suitcase full of clothes next to the chair. 
Diego felt his mouth flicker down into a frown. He was grateful that this family had taken in Viktor when he needed them but he wished that it had been a slightly better situation. If the apocalypse hadn’t happened Diego might not have been able to offer Viktor a better place to stay himself, but at least in their own time the pregnant man had his own apartment and an actual bed to sleep on.
“Where’s the baby stuff?” Diego asked as he searched for it.
“Under the couch. It’s bigger than you think,” Viktor chuckled. He walked over and hefted the suitcase up onto the chair so that he could flick it open and look through it. It was full of clothes from throughout his pregnancy, though there weren’t a lot of garments in there. It was about half full with a half dozen pairs of pants, three button ups and a pair of overalls. There was plenty of room for him to move the baby clothes that he hadn’t prepared yet into it.
Diego slid everything that had been nestled underneath the couch out and then began to help Viktor fold them and get them packed away. The smaller man had another two contractions while they were working but waved away Diego’s little concerned noises every time.
Eventually, the domesticity of the situation was interrupted by another one of their siblings. They had been in the house for longer than they thought and the others were beginning to get worried that they were hanging around for too long. “How’s it going in here?” Allison asked as she looked over the baby clothes that they were sorting through. It was two full boxes worth of clothing items, everything that Sissy had saved from when Harlan was born and a few that they had gotten just in case the baby was a girl.
“Good,” Viktor smiled. He turned towards her to give her more details but then stopped as he felt another one of the building pains. Diego was on his feet in an instant, allowing Viktor to use the other man’s hands so that he could stay upright and steady. 
Their sister turned towards Diego and their eyes met. A whole conversation exchanged between them in the silence of Viktor’s contraction. “Are you in labor?” she asked, keeping her voice low and compassionate as she walked over to help keep him steady.
“No,” the smaller man objected. He stood up straight with a little grunt in the back of his throat and then a splattering noise sounded through the room.
Allison let out a little giggle as she said, “I think that baby is determined to prove you wrong. Unless you just peed yourself, I think that was your water breaking.”
He slowly tilted his head down so that he could see the growing puddle of water in the middle of the living room. Despite being nine months pregnant, he had never had an issue with his bladder other than feeling like had to pee more often. He was also aware enough of his own body to know that the clear fluid leaking out of him certainly wasn’t urine. “I thought that I was going to have more time…”
Another silent conversation passed between the other siblings. Diego grasped Viktor’s elbow with one hand and placed a hand on his back with the other. “Come on, we can go out to the car and wait there while people finish up here,” he said softly.
“Wouldn’t it be a better idea for me to go out to the car with him? I’ve had a baby before,” Allison argued. 
“That’s why I need you in here,” Viktor replied as he nodded towards his suitcase. “You know more about baby clothes than Diego does. He can sit with me in the car and hold my hand or whatever people are supposed to do when they’re around other people in labor.”
She looked like she wanted to protest, but he had made a good point. Instead of wasting what little time that they had before the baby got there and it was a lot harder to get to the safehouse, she gathered up the items from the couch and basically forced them into Diego’s arms. The duo were then shepherded out of the backdoor and towards the car so that Viktor would have a semi-stationary place to labor.
Klaus and Luther were talking about something amongst the white sheets that were now billowing in the hot desert wind, but Viktor didn’t really pay much attention to either of them. He had been so wrapped up in his feelings and everything that was happening before his water broke that he barely noticed when the contractions came and went. Now that the protective bubble of the amniotic fluid had left and he was focusing on how soon he was going to meet his baby, everything felt a lot more present. He had to pause every time that he got one of the pains, which was thankfully only once as they made their way out of the house and to the car.
They paused in their conversation to watch the slow way that Viktor was walking while almost clutching at his stomach. He was sure that the lower half of his sun dress was almost soaked with the fluid that was still trickling down his leg when he moved the wrong way. He tried not to think about it too much because the idea that he was going to give birth soon was almost too much for him to handle.
Diego opened up the back of the car and then carefully helped Viktor into it. The only section of the vehicle that Luther fit in, they found out, was the trunk, so even though Viktor would have more maneuverability back there, it was off limits so that they could get the entire family to the safehouse. 
The marksman laid down one the blankets on the backseat and then another in the footwell so that there was some cushion no matter how he decided he needed to be. “Can you run back into the house and get some more towels? I have a baby blanket but that’s not going to be of any use to us until baby is at least a little bit clean. Especially since we have no idea what this house Five is stashing us at is like,” he explained.
Diego looked a little anxious at the idea of having to leave his heavily pregnant and laboring partner, but he also knew better than to argue. He slipped out of the backseat, but thankfully he didn’t have to go far. The other two had been watching the interaction that they were having and slowly drifting over. Diego explained about the contractions and how Viktor’s water had broken when they were in the house, which only served to make Luther look a little pale and clammy. “Can one of you go get some towels? It sucks that we have to steal from this family but it’s not like we want this baby to be born with nothing if this house Five is sending us to ends up being empty.”
Klaus immediately agreed, turning and rushing off to do as he had been asked. Luther slowly trailed after Diego as the marksman returned to his lover. He paused when he got about a yard away from the car, turning to look around like attackers could be coming from anywhere. It was a little silly since Five had guaranteed that they’d be safe for a few hours while they drove to the house, but anything that made him feel better was getting a pass in Diego’s book. 
It took about ten minutes for them to all be ready to go. Viktor was in the backseat with his forearms pressed together on the backseat of the car, kneeling down in the footwell behind the front. Diego was right beside him with a bowl of water snuggled up to the door and the crease in the seat so it didn’t spill. He would douse a cloth in it and then either use it to wet Viktor’s lips or run it over the back of his neck to keep him cool. It was kind of beautiful and terrifying to see what his lover was going through to bring their baby into the world.
Eventually Allison and Klaus both came out of the house. The suitcase full of things that Viktor would need for the newborn was placed into the trunk alongside the towels and the kit that the midwife had dropped off for his delivery. Klaus was driving and Allison was sitting in the passgender’s seat, though there had been a brief argument about who should be the one sitting beside Viktor.
None of their siblings knew about their band or what their relationship had been like after Five left and Ben died, when they could only find solace and companionship between the two of them. Allison’s argument for her being back with him was that she had been in labor and delivered before, but Klaus was quick to chime in and tell her that she had a c-section so she wasn’t really going to be a huge help during the delivery part. 
Viktor barely even noticed anything had changed when the car started moving. Despite not having done it for most of his life, Klaus was fairly good at driving so even the transition down the long dirt driveway away from the farm was fairly smooth. They drove through the endless streets as they tried to get to the safehouse that Five had set up for them. Allison sat so that her back was pressed to the door and she could see both out of the windshield and her laboring brother, which was the only way that she allowed Diego to stay in the back with him. 
“He’s so quiet,” she whispered after almost half an hour of driving. Viktor had been swaying back and forth and breathing rhythmically the entire time, which made it very hard for her to time how close his contractions were.
“I thought that the screaming and shouting and throwing things during labor was a stupid movie trope,” Luther piped up from the back. He was nervously worrying a blanket in between his fingers to try and settle down. He kept checking behind them like he was suddenly going to see the FBI and Commission coming to chase them down, as though they didn’t look like any other family trying to get where they needed to go before a baby came into the world.
Allison moved her hand back and forth. “Yes and no. I didn’t tell Patrick that I hated him or I never wanted to have sex with him again when I had Claire but I still made noise. Contractions are probably the most painful thing that I’ve ever been through,” she explained.
Viktor was lulled by the sounds of his families’ voices all around him. He had always wanted to be surrounded by their love and warmth and he had been denied that for so long when he was younger. It was nice to be around them when he already felt so zeroed in and focused on what was happening. His brain was fuzzy and distant like it had been when his powers took over his body, but in a much different was. The only thing that he could focus on was the steadily raising tide of pain and pressure. Each wave would overcome him for about thirty seconds and then recede before the next one came in. He could feel every distinctive thing happening in his body as his baby stilled and made their descent into the birth canal.
His body had basically taken over the entire situation. He didn’t feel like he had to worry because Diego was a steady, constant presence beside him and his other siblings were all within grabbing reach. He could just focus on the pressure low in his pelvis and the steady descent of his baby.
He leaned forward and shifted so that he was up on his feet instead of his knees. It spread his pelvis at least a little bit wider, which was much more comfortable now that he was at this point in his labor. Viktor grasped the blanket that Diego had spread out over the seat of the car so that his knuckles had turned almost white as he felt the overwhelming urge to bear down. He wasn’t going to deny his body what it wanted after years of his life being consumed by only that alone. He also wasn’t sure that he was physically capable of resisting the urge.
Almost as soon as he had made the choice to start pushing, the pressure was alleviated off of him entirely. It was enough of a relief that he let out a small whimper when he breathed out after the contraction passed.
“You doing okay, V?” Diego asked as he brought the cloth over. He had wrung it out so that he could place the entire thing over Viktor’s head and cool him down. It did the trick as the water weighted down his feathery brown locks just enough that his scalp was bathed with cool.
Viktor turned his head to the side so that he could meet his lover’s eyes. He gave him a tired smile and said, “Yeah, s’just a lot.”
“You know that you can cry out, right?” Allison asked, reaching over so that she could rub his back with one hand. “We know that it hurts. No one is going to get mad at you for making noise while your body literally prepares to birth a child.”
He gave a small nod as he returned back to what he had been doing before. He wasn’t making noise not because he was scared to, but because the pain didn’t seem all that terrible to him when his mind was as fuzzy as his was. The pressure was what was wearing him out since he dealt with low level pain almost every single day. The steady movement on his back was just the right amount of stimulation that he needed to keep his body from freaking out. It was something to focus on other than the baby’s head slowly descending down his birth canal.
The tension in the car was so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. They were all worried about being able to make it to the safe house that Five had set up for them in the time that he had given them to show up. Luther was basically staring out of the back window like he was going to be able to summon a monster for him to fight just to get his nerves to settle down. Klaus was focusing on driving, though he kept muttering to someone that none of the rest of them could see. Diego was focused mainly on Viktor, but images of having to fight while his boyfriend was giving birth to their child alone kept flashing through his mind and it was making him feel restless. Allison kept twitching back and forth, her eyes never hovering on any of the siblings for long but taking more time with Viktor than she ever had before. 
Suddenly, she jerked forward and asked, “Is he pushing?”
Diego’s attention was snapped out of his thoughts and day-mares so that he could focus entirely on the brother that he had been taking care of during their long drive. “V? Hey, baby, I need you to look at me,” he made sure that his voice was soft and compassionate as he said that.
Viktor had, in fact, been pushing for the last ten minutes at least while they sped through Texas. He shifted so that he was leaning back against the front seat and looking towards Diego. His chest was heaving for breath but he focused on panting like he had practiced with his midwife when they were preparing for the birth.
None of the siblings said anything about the inherently romantic pet name that their brother had just called the laboring man, focusing entirely on the way that Viktor was cupping something between his legs. His hands had moved under the sundress that he was wearing somewhere in the twenty minutes that they had all been quiet. The billowy material of the outfit was enough that none of them could make out what it was. 
Diego brought the cloth down and brushed the edges of it over his red-hued cheeks to try and help him cool down. “Just breathe, baby, just breathe. You’re doing so well, working to bring our kid into the world. Don’t worry about anything else, we’ve got it.”
The words rushed over him like the soothing water from the cloth. He felt some of the tension in his muscles relax as he continued to let his body do what it needed to. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment as he felt the head, which had been crowning for quite some time, finally reach the apex and then slip out of him entirely. He had been feeling the soft, dirty, downy hair of his baby while he waited for that very thing to happen. Now that it had, he simply cradled the little head while he waited for the next pain to take over him.
Allison and Klaus shared a look with each other as they realized who the father of their brother’s baby was. It wasn’t like the pseudo-incest that any relationship between the Academy kids had been taboo. Allison and Luther had been making moon-eyes at each other since they were thirteen and they had all been raised as child soldiers instead of siblings like others might have been. It was just surprising because up until that very moment, all of them had assumed that the duo hated each other based on the way that Diego had acted during their father’s wake.
Soon, Allison recovered from the shock and turned around so that she could continue to enquire about the situation. “Diego, is he pushing?”
During the time that she had been asking him that, Viktor felt another contraction come on so he pushed harder. He let his head fall back against the front seat of the car and then whimpered when the shoulders of the baby finally slipped from him and into his waiting hands.
One second he was pushing with all his might to rid his body of the tiny infant coming out of him and the next both of his hands were full of baby. He completed the movement by removing the baby from underneath his dress and placing them on his chest, cradled protectively in his arms.
“Holy shit,” Diego whispered as he felt his eyes go wide. He might have gotten faint at the sight of needles, but blood and whatever else the newborn was covered with weren’t affecting him in the slightest. He had never felt more awake than he did in that very moment, staring at the squirming body of his firstborn.
“What? What just happened?” Klaus asked as he tried to glance back into the backseat using the rearview mirror. They had just passed by a rest stop so the amount of cars that they were passing increased enough that he had to pay attention to the road.
“Oh my God,” Allison gasped as she watched her brother slowly sink down into a sitting position with the baby grasped in his arms.
All of the noise and Allison’s insistent questions was enough to tear Luther away from where he was staring out the back window for any threats. He was now staring directly ahead, where all other eyes were, on the sweaty forehead of their brother next to the grimy body of the newest Hargreeves family member. “Viktor literally just gave birth,” he said as a way of explanation for Klaus.
Diego was the first to recover from the shock. He turned around and then flipped his body over the back seat. Luther barely even noticed that he was there, until the taller man was pushed almost unceremoniously to the side so that Diego could grab the delivery kit from where it was on top of the suitcase full of baby clothes. He also snagged a towel before he turned back around and dumped the former of the two items down. He handed the towel over to Viktor as he slid down onto the floor.
“You did this, you brought this baby into the world,” he smiled so wide that his cheeks hurt. It was hard for him to really grasp, that in a moment, without even knowing it, his baby had been born and he had become a father. The mere idea that Viktor had been that quick and efficient in giving life to another human made him all the more amazed with his boyfriend.
“S-sorry I didn’t tell you, I got too wrapped up in trying to get it over with,” Viktor replied breathlessly as his eyes flit up to where his sister was staring at the baby in dazed wonderment.
Diego leaned down and pressed a kiss to his wet forehead. “You have nothing to apologize for. I would take being surprised that I’m now a dad over you suffering or feeling uncomfortable any day,” he explained. He set the towel down over the other side the baby so that they were sheltered entirely from the rest of the outside world.
The smaller man brought his hand up so that he was rubbing small circles on the baby’s back to start cleaning off some of the birth goop. He let out a small, adoring laugh when the newborn took in their first breath and began to wail so loudly that he was sure the cars passing by could hear. “Hi baby, hey,” he whispered happily. He shifted a little bit, with Diego’s help, so that he was laying against the door with his legs spread out so that his knees weren’t bent any longer.
Diego got up onto the seat of the car and began to unpack what was in the birth pack the midwife had sent. He got out the clamps first so that he could cut the cord like he needed to. “Roll them out towards me?” he asked Viktor.
The other man complied, shifting the baby around so that the neonate was facing up towards the ceiling while still protectively wrapped up in the towel. “A little boy. We’ve got a little boy, Vik,” Diego was almost crying as he got a good look at his son. He would have been happy with either sex and he would be happy with any gender that his child may or may not decide he wanted to be in the future. He was more marveling about every little detail he got to know about his baby now that the little one was finally there.
“We do, he’s our little boy,” Viktor beamed at him before he looked down at the newborn with a fascination that only a brand new parent could have.
Allison instructed Diego on about how far down he had to cut the cord based on what she remembered from when she gave birth to Claire. They gave it an extra little bit just so that they could be sure they weren’t hurting the newborn. 
He shifted again, placing the clamp back in the bag now that they had tied and cut the cord. He wet a towel with the water from the bowl and handed it to Viktor before he dumped the rest of it out of the rolled down window. He then placed the bowl on the ground of the car so that they could use it to catch the afterbirth when it finally came. He knew that much from the mandatory lessons about childbirth they had to take during their first aide training.
“We’re about an hour away from the safehouse where we’re going to be able to bury it, sorry,” Klaus said as he checked the roadsigns that they were passing by.
“It’ll fly by now that we’ve got him here,” Viktor whispered as he looked down at his son. He had finished washing the baby off so that he was now spotless, pinked skin and kicking his chubby legs like his life depended on it. 
They managed to get some clothes from the back thanks to Luther rooting through it until he found something that looked to be about the right size. Once the baby was changed into a diaper and onesie, Viktor wrapped him up in the baby blanket that Sissy had given him when he first found out he was pregnant. “You wanna hold him? I have to pass the afterbirth and then I want to change into something so I can feed him.”
That question was one that, for some reason, he hadn’t really been expecting to be asked. He knew that the baby was his and eventually he would hold his son, especially since he wasn’t going to be distant like some of the fathers he had seen in the sixties or his own. Still, it came as a bit of a shock to him and sent his brain reeling.
He ended up just opening his arms for the newborn instead of being able to give an affirmative properly. All of his words were stuck in his throat, like they got every time he was worried about something. He carefully took the baby into his arms and then sat back on the seat of the car while staring down at the tiny face of the newborn. His son was still wailing loudly since it was overwhelming and confusing to be out in the world when he had been in the protection of Viktor’s womb only moments before.
The aforementioned man moved so that he was in a squatting position above the bowl and grunted as he pushed one last time and the afterbirth came out of him. Allison ended up looking it over with a pair of gloves from he birthing kit so that they could make sure it was the entire thing. 
Viktor was changed out of the now completely ruined sundress into a pair of baggy pajama pants and one of the button up shirts for ease of access when he was breastfeeding. His belly was still there but it wasn’t nearly as large or hard as it had been when the baby was inside. Diego got him set up on the seat part of the back with the pillow they had grabbed from the house propping him up against the door. He sat on the floor, though the blanket that had once been down there was now rolled up on the other side with the afterbirth bowl tucked inside of it so that no one had to look at it.
The rest of the siblings were quiet, each of them processing the fact that they had just become uncles and an aunt. Luther was staring out the back of the car to protect them from attacks in that direction and Klaus was focusing on driving.
Diego brushed his fingers over the soft hair on the back of the baby’s head while Viktor focused on helping the baby get his first feeding. “It’s hard to believe that he’s real. I know he’s mine though, he’s already got my nose and lips.”
“He’s got your eyes too. The shape of them. The blue will go away eventually,” Viktor said affectionately. “I think. It’s possible we’ve both got blue eyed parents and we don’t know.”
“I know he’s all squished and lopsided right now but he really does look like us.” He was marveling over that fact for several minutes until he finally asked, “What are we going to name him?”
“I was hoping that we could name him something Russian. I know that you’re Spanish and that’s also very important to you but… I just wanted something to connect him back to my own mother since I was thinking about her a lot when I was pregnant,” Viktor said, his voice small and nervous.
“Something Russian,” Diego hummed as he thought about it, not even questioning it.
“Rasputin,” Klaus said from the front seat. That got a laugh from the rest of the siblings, which was enough to make them all relax a little bit. None of them seemed to realize how the nerves of the baby being born on top of fleeing to a safehouse had worn on them until that joke finally broke the tension like a ball of glass.
They went quiet again, though it was a lot more easy this time. Diego brushed his fingers over the back of the baby’s head. “Aleksei?”
Viktor looked at him, tearing his eyes away from their baby’s now sleeping face for only a moment. “Aleksei Benjamin Hargreeves. I like it.”
In the front seat, despite being the person that had been most relaxed through the entire process of driving to the safehouse, Klaus tensed up. He turned to the side where Allison was sitting, though it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t looking at her. He glanced to the backseat and said, “Ben says he’s honored.”
None of them could say anything about that, but Viktor leaned forward so that he wasn’t directly crying down onto the baby as he suppressed a sob. Diego moved so that his boyfriend was laying down in between his legs and surrounded by his warmth. They stayed like that until they got to the safehouse, forty five minutes after Aleksei had been born.
Luther carried Viktor into the house, which they found to have two bedrooms and be completely furnished with anything that someone would need to live there for upwards of two weeks. Diego was put in charge of getting all of Viktor’s clothes set out along with setting up the cot for the baby to sleep in. Luther was in charge of digging the whole for the afterbirth while Allison and Klaus worked on getting some food ready for the rest of their family.
Viktor chose to be in the living room while all of that was happening. He had been separated from his siblings for his entire life and he had just been through something deeply traumatic and frightening, so he didn’t want to be away from them again so soon. Aleksei seemed to be soothed by being around Diego anyway, and he was building the small cot in the living room where there was more room.
Another half hour had passed by the time that the tell-tale pop of Five teleporting sounded around the room. “You all got here safe, good,” Five breathed out. He looked worn out and tired, like he had lived an entire life between when he had told them to come here and that moment. 
“Hey, do you want a grilled cheese? I know you prefer that peanut butter monstrosity but Viktor got to choose because… well,” Klaus waved the cheese-covered spatula towards the aforementioned brother.
Five’s brow furrowed together with confusion before he turned towards Viktor. He was laying on the couch with a blanket draped over his legs and part of his chest as he nursed the newborn again. The eldest-youngest brother blinked a few times and then said, “What the fuck?”
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