#steel fang company
catbatart · 1 year
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Commission for @kamoriaart of their nb witch, Trappa, being dramatic and creepy! You may recognize them from doodles from our Pathfinder campaign!
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kamoriaart · 1 year
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Last minute slide into Art Fight. If I did one, I HAD to attack @catbatart of her exceptional damaged goods; Agon
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casteliacityramen · 14 days
Rio stared, dumbfounded, to the heavens as she lay on her back. She charged at the intruder with a steel wing, but he caught her attack between his palms and threw her onto the ground like a rag doll. She thought the first time was a fluke, but if he was able to do it a second time…
The dust cleared from her vision to reveal the cloudless sky. The sun suddenly felt all too bright and all too revealing.
"How?" Rio asked, lying still on the ground with her wings spread flat on the dry dirt, "How did you catch that?"
"You might be the strongest wyvern on Twist Mountain," The Hero King of Ideals beamed, "but I'm the baddest living thing on the West side of this continent!"
The Hero placed his hands on his hips, took a deep inhale through his nose, and laughed out his exhale.
"Hah! I miss how simple this is," the Hero brushed a lock of light green hair away from his face, "'Might makes right' is the easiest governing system of all. Just be the strongest and you get to make all the rules!"
Rio craned her neck upwards off the ground to glare at this… naked mankey. This sack of meat and bone who dared to trespass into her territory and challenge her authority. The same one who dared to claim that he was the strongest person here, in front of her.
She's beaten everything from a raging Hydreigon to an entire Durant colony. Ever since she was born, she fought wing, fang, and talon to establish herself on this mountain. Her mountain.
This is beyond insulting!
"Your Majesty, your hands-"
"Ah, what of them? This is nothing!" The King turned towards his group of bodyguards and raised both his clenched fists into the air. Small trickles of blood dripped from under his tattered gloves and down onto his forearms.
"I haven't had this much excitement in years!" The Hero King exclaimed. His face fell a little when his company provided concerned glances instead of the roars and cheers that he was typically used to.
He turned to Rio and extended a hand for her to help herself, but Rio frowned deeply at the sight of the dirtied, bloodied gesture. With a beat of her wings against the ground, she flew up, rolled to level herself, and levitated at eye level with him.
The human and pokemon guards raised their respective weapons, fangs, horns, and claws at her, but an obsidian colored dragon raised a clawed hand to lower them. The one whose name she heard whispered throughout the valleys surrounding Twist Mountain. The one she actually wanted to fight. Zekrom.
"You're going to give your wife so much grief when she finds out you've been wrestling with dragons again," Zekrom laughed.
The Hero shrugged and wiped his hands on his clothes the same way a child would brush their palms after eating something sticky.
"What do you want?" Rio glowered.
"I'm sorry, my friend. May I borrow your cloak? I will get you a new one," The King completely ignored her, speaking to a young guard. He ignored the guard, too, since the question was asked after the cloak was already torn and wrapped around his hands.
"I asked you a question!" Rio shouted, her mouth spewing technicolor flames as she readied a dragons breath. Her outburst included a pulse of psychic energy which blew the dust and sand away, leaving everyone in the vicinity clearly in view.
This time, Zekrom didn't stop the guards from taking up their arms to protect their king and crown. Any sign of playfulness dropped from his face as he tensed his own body. However, the Hero King made a gesture as if he were patting unleavened dough with both hands, telling everyone to stand down and relax.
"I've heard stories about you," The Hero King finally turned to address Rio after calming down his posse:
"I've heard stories about a dragon who felled everyone who dared challenge her. The possessed Demon of Twist Mountain… terrifying my subjects," The King loosened and clenched his fists to get a feel of his makeshift bandages. Satisfied, he lowered his hands and looked her straight in the eyes:
"But I also heard stories about a benevolent dragon who offered shelter in her territory as long as you brought her a gift. It didn't even have to be that grandiose. Even a single oran berry would suffice as an offering, as long as you were genuine. Which of these stories were true?"
The King continued to smile, despite the imminent danger. He raised his hands towards her, as if he were marveling at a grand statue of himself.
"I had to see for myself! No matter what you hear about someone, you never truly know them unless you fight them. And now I understand more than what these stories told me. Now, I want you to work for me."
The Hero King looked behind him for a reaction. The royal guards looked at each other in confusion and worry, but Zekrom rolled his eyes and laughed as if to say, "Of course you would." That was all the validation he needed.
"Perish the thought," Rio spat back.
"Oh? But what if I were to defeat you once more in this bout? What say you?" The King lowered his stance, his arms in front of him in a braced position like some sort of feral beast, "What's the saying? The third time is the charm?"
Rio felt her face get hot. Her pride and image was on the line. She couldn't let this go. She clenched her teeth, dispelling the dragon fire as she readied another physical attack.
"I'll make this deal of yours. If this is what it takes for you to get excited at your own death, so be it," Rio sharply laughed.
"Give me another story I can tell my kids!" The Hero grinned excitedly as he twisted his feet further into the dirt.
"Come!" The Hero King shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice loud enough to rattle a lesser man's bones, "Let's see if the Demon of Twist Mountain has what it takes to kill this king!"
If Rio was less enraged, she would have noticed the pebbles near the King's feet levitating off the ground. She would've seen the hand wraps whip around with more force than what the wind could provide. She would've reconsidered the moment she saw everyone, even Zekrom, take a worried step back.
But Rio was all too happy to oblige. With all of her strength, she darted forward like an arrow released from a bow, aiming to shatter the human's ribs with a Zen Headbutt. The air felt like it caught on fire and exploded from the sheer speed and sudden acceleration...
... And then she tasted dirt, stone, and dust. Again.
|| Ray's First Interaction with the King of Truth | Pinned Post ||
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howlingday · 5 months
AU idea. Adam instead of being how he is actually wants out of the Fang so he goes to Beacon with Blake and becomes apart of JNPR so it's just JNAPR and his relationships eith the characters are just
Ruby: friends
Weiss: freinmies at first and then good friends
Blake: brother sister relationship
Yang: pun buds/Wingman for Yang to get Blake
Jaune: honestly with Jaune he thinks he is crazy for enrolling without Arua but gains a respect for Jaune
Pyrrha: Rivals
Ren: meditating buddies
Nora: eating buddies
He would also get rid of his Fang mask and train himself to fight blindfolded so if he ever gets blinded temporarily he still can throw dem hands without problems
I do like the premise, and I can see it happen, BUT I also think that a few things should be tweaked so it's not just rewriting Adam as an OC insert.
First of all, let's start with WHY Adam would leave the White Fang at all. For this, I suggest the same reason he attacks Beacon with them; Blake. As Blake attempts to leave the White Fang, what if Adam makes it over to where Blake is and demands she explains herself. Blake, steeling herself, tells Adam that she's done with the White Fang going on their murder spree, and if Adam thinks he can change her mind, then he should just kill her right now. Adam decides to humor Blake and leaves the White Fang with her. The two then flee to Beacon, the closest academy, and enroll to become students.
However, due to Adam's much more recognizable appearance, he decides to stay in the shadows of Vale while Blake attends Beacon. Assuming there's a primarily Faunus neighborhood in Vale, I'll assume this is where he's hiding out. But he still needs lien, so he calls on an old friend, a fellow deserter by the name of Tukson, and gets a job stocking books for him while keeping an eye and ear out for Blake.
During the events of the Volume 1 finale, I'd assume Blake runs back to Adam, who welcomes her with open arms, but the tender moment is broken by the arrival of Sun, who tries to convince her that not all humans are bad. Adam is about to argue when Tukson joins in. Adam swallows his pride, and some bile, and keeps his mouth shut, though he does get a kick out of the fact that Blake stood up to a Schnee.
During Volume 2, I can see Adam pitching in to help Team RWBY with their investigation of the White Fang. Adam keeps out of sight of Emerald and Mercury as Tukson is murdered. With nowhere else to hide, he flees for Beacon to warn Blake, where he meets Team RWBY. It's here that I'll discuss what their relationships would be like.
Ruby - I can see Ruby giving Adam a chance since he's a friend of Blake. She also doesn't really understand why there's so much animosity between Adam and Weiss, so she chalks it up to both parties having negative opinions of the other. To Adam, Ruby is just an ignorant child with no understanding of how the real world works.
Weiss - The two have a mutual distaste for one another. Weiss hates Adam because he's responsible for her turbulent home life and how he's suddenly forgiven just because he's "Blake's friend". He despises her because of the horrible atrocities committed by her father. At one point, their argument gets so heated that Adam reveals his scar, leaving Weiss stunned at her legacy branded across his face. This is where I feel like the two could start getting along better with Weiss apologizing for her company maiming him. Adam says it doesn't change all the horrible things that they did, but he does accept her apology, but only her and not the SDC. They're still hostile, but much less so than when they started.
Blake - I feel like Blake is caught between two worlds with her history in the White Fang and her friendships with Teams RWBY and JNPR. This also puts her in a great position to be a mediator between him and them, giving his side of the story to them and their side to him.
Yang - Yang TRIED to be friends for Blake, but the looks Adam gives her are the same she'd gotten from Raven growing up. To her, he sees her as an obstacle to what he wants, which is Blake. Since meeting, Yang's grown less friendly with him, but she can still put on a smile to keep Blake happy. And in her defense, she's not wrong for thinking something that's true.
JNPR - I'll summarize it into one section and say that Adam and Team JNPR are at opposite ends of indifference. Adam sees JNPR as a bunch of humans who will go on to support the SDC and subjugate more Faunus for the kingdoms, but takes Blake's word that they're nothing like that. Jaune doesn't know a thing about Adam or the White Fang, so he just trusts the judgement of his friends. Jaune does get a bit of brownie points when Adam hears that he stood up to Cardin for Velvet. Pyrrha knows about Adam and is especially cautious around the former White Fang member, mostly because he was at a higher rank than Blake, which means he's a lot stronger than her. Adam also knows about Pyrrha and just sees her as someone as bad as Weiss or Ruby; an ignorant human living blissfully unaware of the plights of Faunus around them. Nora and Ren don't really have much of an opinion on Adam, though they understand the danger of having a former White Fang member nearby. Adam doesn't have much to dislike about the two, other than the fact that they're both humans.
I'll finish this up by explaining how I think he'd be involved in the White Fang in Vale. I could see him swooping in during the events of Volume 2 and taking back the White Fang after Roman Torchwick is arrested. He'd offer them a place in his new White Fang, promising them a piece of the humans who tricked them into attacking like they did. The White Fang then cheer for Adam as he smiles and looks over Vale, plotting and scheming how best to bring Blake back to his side.
What do you think? Does this sound pretty good?
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midnightsun-if · 11 months
A continuation to the ask about the ROs being asked if MC was seeing anybody: what would happen if they saw the person who asked that question pestering MC while MC's whole body language screamed 'I'm uncomfortable!' but they were trying to be nice about it?
Continuation of this ask.
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Koda: He stops next to you, a small frown furrowing his brow as he glances between you and the person. "Hi, MC." A bright grin is sent your way, but it quickly falls away when he shifts his attention. "I thought you wanted me to ask him later? Don't you think now is a bad time?" Koda glances down at his watch, worry welling within his stomach. "We're going to be late for our movie marathon." Gently taking you by the arm, he tugs you closer to his side, whiskey brown eyes never straying too far from the other person. "Why don't we head back to the dorm now? It's Gina's turn to cook tonight and I can't wait to eat up." He looks down at you then, his warm countenance returning in spades immediately. "That's something that'll be fun before it, I think. Some good food and good company to match."
Scarlett: Viridescent eyes narrow into slits, features devoid of emotion twisting into the epitome of anger-- a vicious, burning entity that's scorching in intensity-- at the sight that greets her at the other end of the hall. She doesn't think, doesn't give credence to the thoughts running through her head, all she felt in that moment, all that she knew to be true, is that she needed to get to you. With long strides, Scarlett closes the distance quickly, heels clicking menacingly against the waxed floor. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" A hand grips onto their bicep, more impervious than steel, as she twists the person towards her. "When I told you to go ask her, I didn't mean make a nuisance of yourself and force your cretinous presence somewhere it doesn't belong." Scarlett leans closer, sharp fangs glinting underneath the torchlight when she growls. "You've just made a mistake. The likes of which you'll never recover from. I'll make sure of it."
Cyrus/Cyra: "This isn't what I meant by getting your answer faster." Their words, much like the expression etched across their face, is filled with anger-- a raging inferno roaring within their chest at the sight before them. They step closer, settling by your side, with their arms crossed over their chest; presenting every bit as the Heir to House Aurelia in that moment. "I'd leave if I were you, it's clear that your presence is no longer required or welcomed." Gentle gold eyes, that still have a lethal undercurrent of red, turn to glance at you, a soft smile quirking their lips. "Though, I believe, I must thank you in a way. You gave me a question that I didn't even know needed to be asked and, because of it, I have come to answer that's quite satisfactory." They turn back to the person, their earlier fire returning. "But, make no mistake, that your help, however slight, makes me any less forgetful of what you just tried to do."
Quinn: Can I eat them now? Their wolf, while unwelcome in the moment, reflected the exact feelings currently welling within their chest. A festering rage causing their eyes to flash sporadically, but they maintain control as they easily find their way to your side-- one of their favorite places to be. "Forcing your company on someone that doesn't wish for it isn't exactly charming," Quinn mutters, arms crossed over their chest. Sapphire blue filled with nothing but barely concealed hostility. "In fact, I think it's something that'd warrant a visit from my furry friend." They take a small step forward, voice lowering to a menacing growl. "So, I'd leave if I were you. If you care at all for your health."
Caden: An icy chill instantly fills the hallway, silver eyes flashing brilliantly-- wisps of chilling white intercepted within them. They're not aware when they stop by your side, but they're more than aware of the growing fire within their chest; a rage the likes they haven't felt in a long time. "You need to leave." They take a step closer, voice hauntingly devoid of any emotion. At the hesitation, another gust of icy air rushes through the area. "That wasn't a suggestion." Caden inclines their head towards the exit. "Now."
Sloane: Without thinking about the consequences, without putting any thought into the action really, their fist collides with the person's cheek-- satisfied immensely by the crack that fills the air because of it. "Why don't you fuck around with someone who actually wants it, asshole?" Teeth bared, wolf broiling at the surface, Sloane takes a step closer, fighting against the urge to tear them apart. "Next time I see you even in the same radius as MC, I'll make you sure you wished that you never stepped foot in Aurelian, understood?" At the frantic nodding of their head, Sloane jerks their own towards the exit. "Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight."
Blake: An easy smile slips from their lips at the sight, violet eyes darkening to a shade few have ever seen before. Without putting much stock into the action, Blake easily sidles up to you, throwing a loose arm around your shoulders. "MC," they crow, tugging you closer into their side. "Just the vampire I was looking for, I was wondering if you'd help me with an assignment?" At the scoff from the other person, Blake allows a cheshire grin to overtake them, not a hint of mirth in their gaze. "Oh, I wasn't aware you had company. Would you like me to leave you be?" They shift their focus towards you, deadly serious. "I'd be more than happy to handle it, of course. Handling unwanted things is an amusing pastime of mine."
Reginald/Regina: "It seems you also have to work on boundaries too," they comment, easily settling by your side. Ignoring the glare that's sent their way because of it, a gentle smile comes to their lips as they nudge you. "I'm making dinner tonight, wanna help me out?" Blue green eyes flash merrily, but anyone would be able to see the sharpness hiding just underneath the surface-- a clear signal to the one it's directed towards that they wouldn't leave regardless. "You've always been a big help to me, I could definitely use that now. What do you say?"
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paviastrashyrings · 8 months
Hi there, can I...give you a R:1999 request here ?
Request: Pavia met Assassin Reader who's retired after doing countless missions, but still looks dangerous nonetheless. I really wonder about their relationship between the Wolf and the retired Assassin look like, especially reader who had a bit wary about Pavia and his actions toward them.
(Thank you very much for my first request 🎉) I would be delighted to indulge in a reader that is worn through by past work; fortified from a life of dirty work much like our Wolf man. Join me now in yet another sleepless dream of Pavia, dear readers.
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He would think of you as intriguing, similar lines of work except you seemed so different.
You were tired, moreso than he, and even a single glance at his guns or blades would change your demeanor towards him.
You were not friendly, but you were not cold...that is, until you were made aware of the weapons he carried on him. The distinct smell of blood follows him around despite all the cologne he drowns himself in. You could never forget the feeling of cold metal, fatal yet beautifully crafted, in your hands as you steeled your resolve and pulled the trigger for the first time
His pack was wary of you the same way you were wary of him, you reeked of danger despite your work having ended long before you met him, the wolves would raise their hackles and bare their fangs at you if you as much as reached a hand out towards him in the early stages of this relationship.
You were fine with abstaining from touch, preferring to not cause conflict, but he seemed to throw himself at you.
He was curious, when he got curious he got impatient. He wanted to know you, willing to deal with how you glared at him if he asked you any questions about your past work.
"Amico Mio! Buongiorno," before promptly throwing an arm around your shoulder, feeling you tense before relaxing a smidge after not hearing any growls.
The problem was not touch, you didn't seem to be uncomfortable with friendly touch, but the moment he speaks of how the rain washes away notes written in blood he cant help but note the tension in your jaw and shoulders.
He would have been a target, you knew from how he spoke and the work he did, someone would have paid big to get rid of him.
The thought terrifies you, especially if you feel romantically towards him.
Speaking of Romance, perhaps you came here for a sweeter dream? If so, I would be happy to indulge, dear readers:
Pavia is a very loud and forward person, he would not be one to label a relationship because he does not seem like the type of person to commit to someone so...commonly.
Pavia was not raised by humans, but by the wolves that kept him company in the dark of that basement, his very best of friends. If he likes you, he will pop up at places you frequent and pester you, weapons concealed so he could (try to) keep you comfortable.
He'll give you little baubles that jingle or shine, and give you cologne that he wears.
I like to think that he likes when you smell like him. If you let him into your house willingly, he'll take note of the shampoo and conditioner you use so that he can discreetly smell like you.
As you get more comfortable with him, he'll test the waters of touch.
Running up behind you without discretion and picking you up, you can scold him after if you did not like it, this was just a test after all and he promises he wont do it again.
He asks to spar with you, rough housing is a way that wolves play after all, and he even knows how to play bow. Lowering his head and hinging at the waist slightly to lean in as if to challenge you; bending his knees and bringing his hands in to guard his face.
The fact that he wants to fight you, in your mind, is bold and nonsensical. You would even go as far as to say he's foolish for doing so, but indulge him, he wants to learn how you move.
He admires how you fight, despite you saying that you never really had to do much hand to hand combat, you carry yourself gracefully. He could watch you mess up a punching bag or training dummy for hours, (he would openly admit how attractive it is).
He's aware that after all your years of work, your body does tend to hurt after a sparring match, its been a while since you even wanted to get into stance again. Without asking, he'll bring your favorite food or snack later on to help you recuperate, maybe even make you gelato based off of the flavor of your favorite sweet.
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This was fun to write, but it isn't beta read so forgive me if it isn't up to par. Thank you once again for your request. With a heavy heart I must bid you adieu for now, dear readers, Signed yours eternally, Moon.
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ftafp · 2 years
Protip: If you ever get burned out on the awfulness of the world, try to imagine it filtered through the perspective of a bronze age peasant
We live in an age of wizards, where even the poorest beggars are lettered scholars, and the violet robes of kings can be bought with a few hours of a commoner's daily wage. Steel horses gallop past on hooves made of tree gum, upon stone roads that rise into sky like tangled ribbons or nests of snakes.
Near every man, woman and child owns a magic mirror of polished obsidian. It feeds them with visions and songs of distant lands and times, and carries within a library greater than that of alexandria. and they are only the product of a thousand other wonders. Its face is made of crystal orbs which glow like the sun, shone through rubies emeralds and sapphires that are said to flow like liquid while still a gem. Its brain is a magic circle made of polished copper, decorated all around with lightning runes carved in tiles of clay. They say these eat lightning released by burning dragon bezoars and blood, or from metals from tartarus that radiate hellfire and plague
There are other lands beyond here the likes of which can't be fathomed. Though they are distant they must be seen to be believd.
beneath the waves lies a world both beautiful and dying. In cities of coral the octopodes live, using magic to take the forms of forests, fish and sand. There are deep valleys where darkness weighs as much as a mountain. Hideous monsters dwell in this darkness, using dim lights to spring their trap. The gods of the fish drift across the sky of this world. To approach when they are singing causes one to die and stream blood from their ears. When gods do die their titanic corpses rain from the heavens, and from their flesh the fish carve their cities
Off in the south their is a great sea of trees, it is a vast battlefield both above and below. In one men lead menageries of of steel beasts to carve away at this ocean, bearing swords powered by dragon blood which have grown sharp, gnashing teeth. beneath their feet tiny battle companies of six-legged men ride battle each other in black plate armor, and use not swords but their fangs. These tiny soldiers are said to have no minds of their own. instead a queen thinks for them, and leads them to fight with her perfumes
There are still farther lands men have not yet seen among the stars. celestial spheres of endless skyies that rain diamonds and acid and rivers of metal rush molten unbidden through dead worlds, and great clouds sparkle, in colors human eyes cannot see
This world is horrible, wonderful, awful and beyond description. One only needs to remember it for the wonder that it is.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is the greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
Wow, we are now down to a measly 256 stories
as before everything has been put into groups of 32 (as fairly as i can manage). Every day I will post the matches for one group, with Friday's off. At the end of the round groups will be paired up and mashed together to do it all again. That means the order the matches below are listed in has no baring on what they'll be against next round
You can still submit propaganda for posts here
Day 8
Death of the Doctor vs Miracle Day
For Tonight We Might Die vs Small Worlds
A Day in the Death vs The Mark of the Berserker
Day of the Clown vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith
K9 and Company vs The Nightmare Man
Adam vs Ghost Machine
Everything Changes vs Reset
Exit Wounds vs Children of Earth
The Curse of Anubis vs Dream-Eaters
Out of Time vs Detained
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart
Fragemnts vs Captain Jack Harkness
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Custodians
Dead Man Walking vs Countrycide
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang vs Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith
Fear itself vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
previous and future days under the cut - unfortunately i will have to get rid of the links after each day because there will be too many and the post will break, however they will all be tagged #round 3 (I think this is the last round I'll have to do this)
Day 1
The War Games vs The Gunfighters
The Daleks vs The Edge of Destruction
The Romans vs The Sea Devils
The Invasion vs The Time Meddler
The Green Death vs The Daleks' Master Plan
The Curse of Peladon vs The Aztecs
Terror of the Autons vs The Web of Fear
The Chase vs The Enemy of the World
The Daemons vs An Unearthly Child
The Power of the Daleks vs The Time Monster
The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs The Macra Terror
The Ark in Space vs Inferno
The Three Doctors vs The Evil of the Daleks
The Horns of Nimon vs The Tenth Planet
Spearhead from Space vs Dr Who and the Silurians
The Sensorites vs The Mind Robber
Day 2
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
Day of the Doctor vs The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Partners in Crime vs Gridlock
A Good Man Goes to War vs Turn Left
Blink vs Amy's Choice
Planet of the Ood vs The Runaway Bride
Utopia vs The End of the World
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone vs Dalek
Midnight vs The Doctor's Daughter
The God Complex vs Smith and Jones
The Eleventh Hour vs The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
The Girl Who Waited ve Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Father's Day vs Fires of Pompeii
The Waters of Mars vs The Doctor's Wife
The Beast Below vs Vincent and the Doctor
Day 3
The Fifth Citadel vs The Scarlet Empress
Camera Obscura vs The Book of the War
Lungbarrow vs The Cars that Ate London
Unnatural History vs Vampire Science
Mad Dogs and Englishmen vs The Creeping Death
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play vs A Photograph to Remember
The Scorchies vs Alien Bodies
The Forgotten Village vs I am the Master
A Full Life vs Interference
Living Legend vs Solitaire
The Year of Intelligent Tigers vs Human Nature
Peri and the Piscon Paradox vs No Place
The Lumiat vs Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Square One vs Gallifrey IV
The Last Post vs Death and the Queen
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street vs The Bekdel Test
Day 4
posted alongside day 3 to catchup on an earlier missed day
City of Death vs Trial of Time Lord
The Keeper of Traken vs The Brain of Morbius
Earthshock vs Castrovalva
Planet of Fire vs Survival
Enlightenment vs Paradise Towers
The Mark of the Rani vs State of Decay
The Pirate Planet vs Battlefield
The Key to Time vs Remembrance of the Daleks
The Curse of Fenric vs Warriors' Gate
Snakedance vs The Face of Evil
Horror of Fang Rock vs The Stones of Blood
The Deadly Assassin vs The Robots of Death
Genesis of the Daleks vs Mawdryn Undead
Vengeance on Varos vs The Five Doctors
Logopolis vs Ghost Light
The Androids of Tara vs The Caves of Androzani
Day 5
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane vs The Halloween Apocalypse
Listen vs Hell Bent
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang vs Under the Lake/Before the Flood
Last Christmas vs The Pilot
Mummy on the Orient Express vs War of the Sontarans
Village of the Angels vs Oxygen
Dark Water/Death in Heaven vs Time Heist
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror vs Husbands of River Song
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs It Takes You Away
Spyfall vs The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Flatline vs Eve of the Daleks
The Woman Who Fell to Earth vs The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Thin Ice vs Fugitive of the Judoon
The Power of the Doctor vs Demons of the Punjab
Face the Raven vs Extremis
Flux vs Heaven Sent
Day 6
Time Crash vs Space/Time
Unnatural Selection vs Shada (webcast with 8)
Space in Dimension Relative and Time vs Doctorin' the TARDIS
Farewell, Sarah-Jane vs P.S.
Downtime vs Dr Who and the Daleks
The Flood vs Old Friends
Nothing at the End of the Lane vs Dalek Weetabix advert
The Land of Happy Endings vs An Adventure in Space and Time
Night of the Doctor vs Step Into the 80s/On Through the 80s
12 Doctors 12 Stories vs Pond Life
Merry Christmas Doctor Who vs Clara and the TARDIS
Shada (animated reconstruction) vs The Zero Imperative
The Star Beast vs Dimensions in TIme
The Room with All the Doors vs Scream of the Shalka
The Devil of Winterborne vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The Terror Game vs The Curse of Fatal Death
Day 7
The Chimes of Midnight vs The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Red Lady vs Albie's Angels
Absent Friends vs The Holy Terror
Ship in a Bottle vs The Kingmaker
Scherzo vs Jubilee
The Greatest Show in the Galaxt vs UNIT Dating
Storm Warning vs Human Resources
Seasons of Fear vs Day of the Master
To the Death vs Dragonfire
The Love Vampires vs Zagreus
Horror of Glam Rock vs The Natural History of Fear
Neverland vs Caerdroia
Doctor Who and the Pirates vs Robophobia
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Silver Turk
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg vs The Happiness Patrol
The Grey Man in the Mountain vs A Death in the Family
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ruiniel · 9 months
Broken traps
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Characters: Andreth, Bregor, Aegnor, Sauron
Rating: T
CW: canonical character death
Summary: Andreth stumbles upon a wounded wolf in the forest.
Written for Scribbles & Drabbles 2023, inspired by this wonderful artwork from @cilil.
Tagging: @i-did-not-mean-to @fall-for-tolkien
She tends to the animal with success, feeds it, and keeps it warm when the chill of winter drapes the land. Even when fully healed, it lingers. 
Andreth kneels to stoke the fire in her little cottage, smiling at Hala, the name she’d given her foundling. 
“He still behaves, I see.”
Andreth looks to Bregor, now closing the door behind him and rubbing his gloved hands together.
“He does…” Andreth rises. “Surprisingly docile for a wolf, is he not?” She gazes at Hala, now watching them with that intelligent air, something she’s never found as disconcerting as others. 
“Please be careful, wild animals are not pets, you know this.”
“Brother, he is free to come and go as he pleases.”
Bregor hums, looking to the wolf who offers a wide, fanged yawn to meet his worries. 
“I will be fine,” Andreth says. “I actually… do not mind the company.”
“There are other ways to resolve loneliness,” Bregor says, narrowly avoiding a straw pillow aimed at his head. 
“If ever I intend to accept suitors, you’ll be the first to know,” she mutters and turns back to the fire as Bregor sighs, setting down the wine he brought. 
“I want you to be happy, sister.”
“I am better than that,” Andreth murmurs. “I am content.” 
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The days are short, with heavy snows burdening the bare branches of trees. Her basket on her arm and the wolf to her right, Andreth advances with much difficulty. Her skirts are frosted in no time, her long woolen coat leaving streaks in the white blanket layering the forest floor. 
“They’re a specific type of winter berries, you see,” she tells Hala, and despite what anyone says, Andreth always gets the impression he listens and understands. How so, she cannot fathom; perhaps it is owed to one of those unexplainable bonds formed between beast and man, transcending the physical plane. 
The sky is steel grey and presses down upon the world, and lost in her search Andreth fails to notice the lengthening shadows.
“Here is one,” she kneels, her hand reaching to rummage through the silver-green shrub.
It takes all but a short warning from Hala, and her gaze snaps upward to see a pair of rusty sabatons. Fearfully, slowly, she looks up, up, up, and finally catches sight of a two-legged creature, one she’d never seen before; certainly not human.
She falls back, the basket she’d placed close tipping over, its contents spilling into the snow. Andreth is learned and some say even wise beyond her years, but even she knows that sometimes, the best solution is the simplest one: and as the creature reaches for her, she ducks with nimble swiftness, turns, and runs as fast as her legs can take her. 
“Must… not lead them… home…” she pants, seeing more shadows following her—no sign of Hala. Did they kill him? The thought races from her mind as she stumbles upon a root in her flight, falling over in a painful heap. 
Before her, a flurry of movement—and there is the wolf, standing between her and her pursuers. It growls something fierce, and Andreth fails to understand why, but the satisfaction melts from vicious faces, and despite their numbers, they make a slow retreat when faced with the repeated, strong snapping of jaws. 
The wolf turns its head, heading towards her. 
“My gratitude, you saved my life,” Andreth pants, wasting no time in resuming her run. “Come, quickly now!” 
If orcs have come so close to their settlements, then perhaps an attack is imminent. She must warn the others, and her brother and father are the first to know.
They prepare, they enforce sentinels on the borders. But no attack ever comes. 
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“How strange,” Aegnor says. In his lap is a crown of flowers Andreth had gathered earlier in the day during their walk through the hills. 
“What is, my lord?” she turns to him, finding the Elf-lord staring at Hala, lying outside on the threshold. 
“Usually, I can reach beasts, and they share their story with me, happily at that. But this one,” he meets the piercing eyes of the wolf, “...feels like there is nothing there to reach.”
Andreth chuckles. “Perhaps your powers have their limits?”
“Perhaps.” His gaze is soft on her; his fingers feel along the petals of the crown. 
“Either way, Hala has ever been his own master. Sometimes he disappears, for days on end. He goes to hunt, I think, for he never eats what I set before him. Sometimes he’s gone for so long, I think he’ll never return. But he does, always he does.”
Aegnor smiles, rising and nearing Andreth. He sets the flower crown on her head. “I am glad, for you and your guardian.”
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The wood shows signs of life, but all hides before him. The wolf leaps, silent as a wraith, advancing in a straight line. Frightened deer flee before his presence, and the forest quivers where he rushes past. 
The full moon paints the sky in pale blues and greens, barely reaching through the thick crowns of trees. 
And after enough time has passed, the wolf ceases to run. He passes leisurely through the womb of the forest, and soon four legs become two, and its shadow grows from that of a beast to something human eyes would never believe.
He raises his arms, cracking his joints and the bones of his spine in satisfaction. His eyes remain the same shade, but now they burn like hot coals against the night.  
His consciousness fully awakens, reaching across endless leagues. 
Tell me. 
He nods in acquiescence to the voice booming in his mind. 
“There is little of import I have learned of these creatures, my lord.”
What is their ilk?
The Maia looks to his clawed hand, curling it into a fist. “They are weak. In truth, I believe humans will cause little trouble in times to come.” 
There is no reply, but he knows, as the bond between their minds is severed, that his master is pleased. 
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Hala watches. Mostly it’s all he does, at the wise maiden’s side when he so deems. Children have learned to not flee when he comes, but none approach him readily either. 
Autumn is ripe and red, its winds fragrant with remnants of summer. Hala is there as she bursts inside, as she throws herself onto the bed, clutching a withered flower crown to her chest. 
“He left… he left,” she repeats, over and over. She cries herself to sleep that night, her dark hair fallen out of her braid, her shift crumpled. 
Hala watches. 
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The years pass as they would, happiness and woe sifted like fine flour over her hands. Now she is old, and the days of the long peace are over. 
Andreth looks out the window, finding her village put to flame by bands of the Enemy. She barely has the strength to rise, and she knows: this time, she cannot flee. 
Still, she makes it to the door, throws it open, and walks into the red night. Many of the younger ones had fled—she’d declined to do so. She looks to the skies, flooded with smoke and ash. She breathes the poisonous vapors, thinking of all the beings having crossed her path through the years.
When the wise woman falls, her knees are too weak. She cannot rise, and through her blurring vision, thinks she sees a phantom of the past. 
Of course, it would be impossible. Her once upon a time companion had left, eventually, and is likely no longer alive. She ponders on all and nothing, trapped upon the cold earth. 
Andreth opens her eyes—orc soldiers march to and fro, but none stops to deal the killing blow. There is warmth.
“You… you are… beautiful,” she speaks to the apparition in whose arms she lies. It must be a dream, but she stares into the molten, amber eyes of a man reminding her of both the Eldar, and her long lost wolf. 
He says nothing, and Andreth cannot discern any emotion on his face. 
“Have you come... to take me beyond the circles?”
His hair like a flame whips in the hot wind, and Andreth raises a thin hand with fingers like gnarled branches, but her strength leaves her halfway. “Hold me, then, through my darkest night.” Her eyes close again. 
As soon as her soul leaves her body, he speaks one word and what was once Andreth turns to silver ashes, escaping to the skies. 
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Thank you for reading this little experiment inspired by the artwork. I very much wanted Sauron and Andreth to interact.
hal(a) "watch, guard" (F.A. Early Mannish)
The last scene references the Dagor Bragollach after the breaking of the Siege:
And they assaulted the fortresses of the Noldor, and broke the leaguer about Angband, and slew wherever they found them the Noldor and their allies, Grey-elves and Men. Many of the stoutest of the foes of Morgoth were destroyed in the first days of that war, bewildered and dispersed and unable to muster their strength.
—The Silmarillion
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RWBY Saints of Remnant Notes: Arthur Gray(Watts); Mad Scientist, Unethical Businessman, and Conniving Rat
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Part of The Emperor-Verse
Now this follows up my AU Jacques Schnee and SDC and my AU Adam Taurus, which focuses on their common foe, Dr. Arthur Gray aka Arthur Watts.
I honestly loved Arthur regardless of my gripes with the FNDM's appraisal of him, his design, personality, his color palette, and weapons(neat pistol and rings) hit all the right notes for me and I do feel he along the rest of WTCH didn't really meet their full potential from what I've seen, Cinder and Hazel I have more unorthodox ideas for.
But for Arthur? I feel like the 'Mad Scientist' thing wasn't explored enough, and back when this was a V3 reboot, I had Arthur manipulating Jacques into hating the Faunus(framing the White Fang for his wife's death) but now with the hard reboot and remember Arthur's motivation in canon got my noggin jogging
What if instead of the SDC being the corrupt big business, Arthur had his own mega corporation that was part of the corrupt North instead, and part of something even more sinister?
Thus, I came up with his AU Counterpart, Dr. Arthur Gray, genius roboticist, biologist, and CEO of GigaWatts Incorporated and The Grand Master of the Northern Rite of the mysterious Freemason-Like fraternal organization The Lumen Society ran by Grand Mistress, Professor Salem.
Basically, GWI has taken over most of Atlas in the sense of supplying companies with tech, their own high tech products ranging from domestic, law enforcement, security, and even medicine.
Even Atlas Council and top brass of Atlas military are hiring Arthur to develop their military tech. Despite James Ironwood's protests and continuous vouching for Dr. Polendina instead, who he is supporting in his own department.
Not to mention, the factories are known for unethical labor practices towards faunus, which gives Arthur brownie points for the anti-faunus sentiment in the North, along with countless of corporate CEOs vying to make deals with him and his seemingly wondrous technology.
And with the link to my AU Jacques Schnee link, this corporate machine is crushing smaller companies, SDC among them, under its grey steel boot
Basically, GigaWatts Incorporated is like OCP from Robocop
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And even then that itself is nothing for the more unholy role it has for The Lumen Society, or its true name...
The satanic cult known as The Brotherhood Grimm. Whom Arthur's role is developing technology and occult research as they plot to resurrect The Black Empire that nearly destroyed the world in Ragnarok thousands of years ago with Salem as its Black Empress
But we'll get to that later
Arthur is currently tasked to recover an ancient ritual to “transcend” humans and Faunus into “The Grimmborne” or as Arthur calls “The Objective Man”(a reference to CS Lewis's That Hideous Strength)
And with Cinder infiltrating Beacon Academy as a teacher, Arthur finds a team he believe are suitable for experimentation. Though there is complications I will get to later.
He's the same as his Canon!Counterpart in many ways, snobbish, arrogant, passive aggressive(which I intend to show in the pissing contests he gets in with Jacques) but among some things, some which I will leave out for another post, he represents hyper-rationality, pragmatism and luciferian mind and the modern obsession to rationalize everything and destroy anything that can't.
"The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits." - GK Chesterton, Orthodoxy (1908)
You see, Dr. Gray hates personal and subjective feelings and certain emotions and the concept of the supernatural. He sees them as icky and disgusting things that sully intelligent and rational minds and their judgement of intelligence and "worthiness" instead of basing such things such as statistics, logistics, scientific method and what else he deems to be "real information", and he absolutely despises the concept of The Stoyteller and The Author Allfather as "Ancient Superstition" and he honestly hates both humans and faunus saying "both are subjective animals" which the Grimmborne aka "The Objective Man" shall replace.
He basically uses anti-faunus sentiment in the North to "keep the monkeys fighting each other" while he uses his tech and company as a means to get The Brotherhood's tentacles in The North
And when it comes to Jacques Schnee. There's very bitter history between the two, and Arthur may had some involvement with Mrs. Schnee's death. But Jack has no evidence. And even if he did, the majority councilmen and upper-class North are so corrupt Arthur is pretty much untouchable.
Now his allusion, he has two which is why I changed his last name.
His primary allusion is James Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes novels, but his secondary allusion is The Rat King from The Nutcracker and rat, mousetraps, and mazes are recurring theme with him and his aesthetic along some steampunk. Cuz rats have grey fur and grey is Arthur’s primary color.
It’s also to note he is something of a connoisseur of wine and cheese.
But combining James Moriarty and The Rat King, Arthur also alludes Professor Ratigan of the children's novels The Great Mouse Detective which was also adapted into a Disney Movie(and one of my favorites), and like him, he hates being called a rat among other things, but I'll save that for the story.
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and tidbits of Weston from CS Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy(Out of The Silent Planet, and Perelandra) and CA Rotwang from Metropolis but that will come later when I introduce his 'daughter' Maria Gray(which those who know the movie can guess who she is)
Now for his semblance, I call it "electrified malice" which he can channel his repressed disgust, resentment, rage, hate, distain, and while lotta suppressed emotions into lethal green electric energy which he can direct either everywhere from his body like a live wire or from his hands ala Sith Lightning(I mean he is like Palpatine in a way)
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The problem is, once he focuses in either spot and his emotions are intense enough, he becomes drunk with his malice which in turn takes him a while to stop, which will cost him dearly in the long run.
You'll see.
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catbatart · 1 year
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A fake screenshot...FOR ME!
This was just a REALLY cool scene from our Pathfinder game and I've been wanting to draw it since it happened. We encountered a Sphinx guardian to a hidden temple of Lamashtu and she was the COOLEST!
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 10 months
wait i didn't see that you reblogged that!!! 💎 for layla with either oc you'd like to answer with!
"Layla. Layla. Its always interesting to hear of another Dhampir - especially a female one. We are already a rare breed- but us daughters even more so."
after all, it is we who suffer the sins of our fathers the most, us who must hide the monstrosity they gave us just to please them.
"I heard tales of her while working independently, a ghost haunting a village, then a girl haunting an estate. Then the fire. I was curious, i hate to admit. Such an interesting story. I didn't have the time to do more than a brief... investigation, just a few casual questions in the right ears, but i saw enough of the picture to be fascinated.
it hearkens the mind back to another burning estate, another daughter, another death.
Still, it didn't take long to strip past the rumors and lies to see that she truly treasured her grandfather. I must confess I grew bored after hearing that, she had the fire but she ran. its all good not wasting effort on tearing them down, but some bloody revenge is good for the soul. If i was in the area i may have given her some advice, pass on the good deed that was done to me, and all that.
she could have been glorious, she could have made them all suffer. i could have helped her, helped her make them all suffer
Still, they didn't catch her, and five years is a long time to run from a man with his connections and wealth, and she proved that underestimating her inner strength of will was a dangerous mistake. Those fools always see a pretty face and a sweet smile, ignoring the- in our case, dear sister of circumstance, literal- fangs underneath."
i could have had someone who understands me. who understand the fire and the hate and the need to burn it all down. someone who understood the masks and the fake smiles and the bitterness
"Her face may be very pretty and her smile may be sweet but she has steel under there, and as disappointing it is that she follows that whimsical goddess of butterfly's, anyone would be a fool themselves to think that make her a brainless one. There's method in most madness's and a seemingly unpredictable enemy whose fighting for a cause is more dangerous than a simple sell-sword looking for coin,"
she found joy while i found apathy, she has something to fight for, what do i have? an exhaustion that drives me to find a place to rest, an itch that forces me to use my mind and skills, and nowhere to do both in this chaotic world
"I've seen others cross her followers and those like them- people often forget that those who appreciate joy the most are normally the ones who have suffered its lack and therefore know its value- and its not a pretty sight, those who fight for a cause and care about those they fight alongside always have a dangerous edge hidden from view. After all, their fighting to make a better world, and maybe that world doesn't have a place for the likes of you."
i don't want to fight you and see the desperation in your eyes because you have something to fight for and i have nothing. i cannot face you, you who survived and you who made good out of misery, because im a coward who can look in the mirror but can look at someone who made good out of a life like mine
"Maybe in her eyes that world doesn't have a place for me, but for all I'm disappointed in her choice, she has some measure of respect from me, and her chaos in the face of nobles is a delight to hear about. As much as i would enjoy a battle of wit's, i think in this case, fences make the best neighbors."
we are similar, but you chose another path. as much as i wish i had company on this lonely road, this kinship bids me to wish you well on your own
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charmspoint · 6 months
Sanguine Friday 7
Potential intro scene of Prinn and Duchess meeting
It wasn’t a bad looking mansion.
Nestled in a sprawling garden, roses climbing its sides, ruby red apples hanging off the trees, fishes swimming in the decorative ponds, it would have looked like something out of a fairytale if the stonework of the building itself wasn’t so dark. Burgundy drapes sheltered the inside of the house from direct sunlight and the wood of the door was dark, clean cut, no visible irregularities.
Prinnsal refused to let the aesthetic trappings of the lair lull him into a sense of comfort. What hid inside was nothing short of a thirsting monster, one that would sooner drain him of his blood than invite him in for tea.
And still he approached.
Still, he took the knocker in his hand—Intricate, branching frame, the wear on the gold attempting to hide beneath an inadequate new coat of paint—and banged it over that immaculate wood.
Suicidal, the others might have called him, like he didn’t know so himself. Like he wasn’t perfectly aware that an angel knocking on a vampire’s front door is just a feast delivering itself to the doorstep. But he wasn’t stupid nor reckless nor quite done with his life yet. There were simply more pressing things that wanted to kill him than a bloodsucker with a pompous taste.
The door opened without so much as a creak. Through the narrow opening, a man stared out at him. An old, gray haired man with eyes almost bulging out of his skull, like an insect inserted into a human-like suit. His eyes darted over Prinnsal’s frame, before shutting the door again.
For a couple of minutes, Prinnsal wondered if that would be it. If he would he would simply be turned away without so much as an acknowledgment of his stupidity.
But no. His blood alone was too delectable of a lure. The man returned. He opened the door wide. He bowed deeply. He motioned Prinnsal in.
So Prinnsal stepped into the belly of the beast.
Walls of the hallway crowded around him oppressively, claustrophobically. Every few feet, a rose shaped candle gave its damndest to light up the dimness of the house, failing considerably in the battle against the rich black walls and the scarlet carpeting.
Prinnsal kept his back straight, his fists unclenched. Every rune on his body screamed at him to flee, to turn tail now, while he still could, while he still lacked a bite at his throat and death at his back. But he was made of firmer stuff than fear. He was made of the hardest steel tested under the cruelest lash. Hundred years of torture couldn’t bend his back and neither would this. Even if this turned out to be the thing that actually killed him.
The house opened up as he was led into the parlor. A spidery chandelier gave the room some much needed light, dripping red specks of light down onto the two couches positioned around a tea table. The frame of them was a dark cherry rosewood, the firm panels carved in the shapes of snarling wolves chasing a fleeing doe. Brought to life by a masterful hand, that was plain to see, each animal lovingly crafted with distinct fur patterns and lively posing. 
On the further seat, the one facing the door, sat the woman he had steeled himself to meet. And he could have prepared for a week more and still failed to suppress a shiver that ran up his spine that first time their eyes met. What greeted him from those eyes was visceral, raw hunger.
He tore his gaze away from her eyes, only to have it snag on her mouth instead. Tips of fangs poking out between her lips, two tiny pears in a sea of dark red. Panic pinched at his mind in a sharp burst, almost making him miss her actual greeting.
“You know, my dear, it’s usually customary that one should announce themselves before coming to visit. I must say I’m caught quite unprepared to receive such an esteemed company.” She looked at him like she wanted nothing more than to tear his throat open and gorge on the blood. She smiled like a hostess keen on entertaining exactly how good manners dictated before she did just that. “Nevertheless, we must preserve. Sit, will you not? Tea please.”
The last line was directed towards the wavering servant in the doorway and the man bowed before disappearing from sight. There was something strangely unnerving about being left alone with her. Prinnsal had never before been this close to a vampire. He never before felt so much like a mouse in front of a starving cat.
She must have seen it in his eyes, in the briefest hesitation before the next step, because her smile widened and her fangs flashed fully in the dull candlelight.
“Sit, little lamb.”
Prinnsal did what he did best.
He gritted his teeth behind a smile and approached like there was nothing to run from. She lounged on her seat, hair spilling over her shoulders in bronze waves, relaxed in that finicky way of cats that could lash out at any moment. He refused to break eye contact first. It set his nerves on fire but he wouldn’t allow himself to yield a second time.
“I’ve come to you with a proposition.” He said, every muscle in his body tense just to keep his voice steady.
“A proposition, how exciting.” She grinned, leaning towards slightly, her dress—all shadows spilling over a scarlet sea—leaving little of her voluptuous figure to imagination. The servant returned and set the platter down on the table, two cups of tea and a generous helping of sugar. The subtle scent of pomegranate wafted through the air as she waved the servant off before picking up her cup, gently blowing out the rising steam. “And what may be your proposition, little lamb?”
The teacup didn’t stain with lipstick as she drank from it, not even a hint of the dark red color that was too vivid not to have been painted on. His own throat felt dry so he reached for the tea too. Tried to enjoy the warm lull of it without thinking of all those stories that warned not to eat the food of the underworld.
“I know how much your kind values the blood of my kind.” His voice sounded steadier than he thought it would, and that fact alone gave him the confidence to continue. “There are rumors saying that our blood stops your decay and the dungeons are filling up because it must be true.”
Something glinted in her eyes, a sharp sort of light, like the reflection of sun on a polished dagger. She brought her tea away from her lips and set it back down on the platter. Rings glittered on her fingers as she folded her hands down in her lap.
“Interesting,” she said that word as if she meant to say foolish, “I thought you were far more ignorant of your position in the world to come knocking on my door. Did you fail to consider this visit might cost you your head.”
“Wouldn’t dream to.”
“And yet here you are?”
“I thought that perhaps you’d like to entertain the idea of me being more useful in the long term.”
She licked her lips. One long, slow swipe of her tongue that cleared away the pink stains left by the tea, but left the makeup unsmeared. “How quaint, I’ve never before had a meal come to my door and demand to be played with. You’re masochistic, for an angel.”
“I haven’t come here to offer myself as a meal,” he said, even though that was only partly true. “One meal means nothing. You eat me now and, in a week, you will hunger for angel blood again. But you keep me under your roof, in your care, and I will willingly let you feed off of my blood every day, for as long as you wish to have it.”
There was that glint in her eyes again and this time when she swiped her tongue, she trailed it over the sharp edges of her teeth. “And in exchange?”
“In exchange I ask for nothing but protection. I am to be yours exclusively. You shield me from others of your kind that may wish to harm me.” He hesitated a moment, the final confession briefly stuck in his throat, fighting to give her that much of a leverage on him so early on. “And you shield me from anything else that may come for me.”
Curiosity infested her smile, turning it into a butcher’s knife. “Poor little thing, is someone chasing you?”
“No one that could stand a chance against you.”
“Oh you flatterer,” she laughed, waving her hand at him dismissively, though her eyes shone with pleasure. “You come with a whole heap of trouble, I just know it, but…mine exclusively.” Her smile played over the edge of the words. “I like the sound of that. Do you have a name, little lamb?”
“Prinnsal,” she turned it over in her mouth like candy, hissed out the ‘s’ and curled her tongue around the ‘al as if she were savoring the taste’, “A cute name for a cute pet. Prinnsal then.” She reached down below the tea table and pulled out a knife. It wasn’t terribly big but it was sharp as sin, the ornate handle printed with shapes of thorns and wild flowers. She pushed the platter with the tea cups closer to him and laid the knife upon it. “Flavor my tea.”
Not once during his travel there did he actually consider how the deed would be done. There was no need to, he reasoned, vampires were cruel creatures, they knew how to let blood spill and at least that they could be trusted with, if nothing else. He hadn’t prepared for the possibility of her wanting him to do it himself.
But her eyes left no room for opposition, the words of refusal couldn’t even make it past his lips, and perhaps it was better that way too. He had come so far. He wouldn’t give up now, not at the final step.
The knife was light in his hand, barely more than a toy. His eyes reflected back at him from the blade, pupils blown wide in the silver sea, as if he himself couldn’t believe what he was doing.
He did it anyway, pulled her cup closer, settled it under his arm. It wasn’t like he never bled before, but he was never one to inflict such suffering upon himself. Positioning was mostly guess work. Trying to remember where the others had hurt him, how to cut shallowly enough not to actually harm the system underneath. Divine blood still flowed through his veins and he had to trust it to keep him together. Not to let him bleed out upon her desk.
It hurt, but he wasn’t a stranger to pain.
He didn’t dig deep, barely a line, barely a small trickle of thick blood down into the rich sweetness of her tea.
A sharp sting, an uncomfortable roll of dread through his body that he tried to ignore.
The knife was well taken care of, polished to a shine and sharpened regularly. The teacups on the table all matched charmingly with the pot and the sugar bowl, black in color with the constellations painted on with delicate and precise brushstrokes of stark white. Darkness blossomed in her tea like a winter flower.
He didn’t let himself make a sound, didn’t let himself so much as wince, wouldn’t stand for the humiliation of it. He was the one who had chosen this. He would see it through. 
The trickle of blood eased and he pulled his arm back, leaving the knife down on the platter and pressing his palm against his forearm. The pain was a memory and a dream and the tea table was black walnut carved with wild roses. 
“You have strong nerves, I like that,” she said as she retrieved the cup, stirred the bloodied tea with her spoon, let that dark color spread and grow until it was the deepest shade of garnet.
She then brought the tea to her lips, drank in elegant, contemplative sips for a long time, every so often pausing just to close her eyes and sit still for a while, the smile unwavering on her lips.
By the time she finished the cup, he had stopped bleeding completely and his palm was stained red.
“I think we have reached an agreement,” she announced, extending her hand forward, giving him little choice before she was taking his hand into her own, pressing his blood between their palms, “Remain at my service, give your blood to me when I ask for it. In exchange the protection of Duchess Elizabeth will be yours for as long as you earn it.”
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nelithic · 10 months
 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚 , 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫  / drabble ₊
"if imitation is required, then so be it. nil's safety is all that concerns me."
we would never be human, my brother and i. we could never hope to pass. even as i said these words to the divine dragon, i recognized that it was concession only. we needed somewhere to stay, a place to rest our weary forms, and regain our strength to continue on. i would make any placations and reassurances necessary to ensure this, so long as we needed it, and leave them behind when it was no longer of use. such simple falsehoods were common, a quotidian tool to dull the fangs of the prowling and jealous until another day. they would still come, of course. just as we would still depart.
    ——— ⟢ 
we would never come close to human, my twin and i. their faces made this clear. the divine dragon was hopeful and naive, and believed baselessly in our ability to make ourselves at home because, they assured us, they had been able to do the same.
on many occasions, i said to them: "that success is owed in part to your nature as a divine dragon. you underestimate the strength of a systematic distrust."
always, they would reply that my ' systematic distrust ' could only be dismantled by time and visibility, that given enough show of good intent, the others would have no choice but to accept us. i expressed that nil and i were not here to give shows of our intent, nor was it vital to us to earn the humans' trust. we had no interest in becoming the ' good ' fell dragons for others to praise.
always, they frowned. and i was unable to tell if my words had disappointed or saddened them.
���   ——— ⟢ 
"so, why the lance?"
a curious voice broke through the haze of sweat, exertion, and the punishing summer heat. i looked down to my bruised hands, to chastened palms rough and raw from the abrasion of wood, and planted the training weapon point-down in the ground between us to rest. it was as much an acknowledgement of their question as it was a wordless statement to come no closer, and in this single gesture simultaneously provided answer.
"i thought you said you wouldn't fit in."
"i have not."
and this was not untrue. seasons had passed, and nil and i had still not found a more remote, more willing sanctuary. and the faces had not changed. still we undertook tasks together and together only, at times with the divine one for company and otherwise a solemn and happy pair. for though there were those in the army who may stomach us one or the other, both at a time set them ill at ease. i did not fault them, for it did likewise for me. and i would not let nil alone, whose blood was too gentle still to wield steel against soft humanity should they strike first.
"my brother has made some progress with his axe. with a spear, i possess another means with which to protect him."
"ah," the divine one said, as though this was expected, though there appeared to me a distinct hope that there was more to be revealed. i sensed a certain expectation — that it had been a natural decision to complement the preferences of those around me: my brother's hatchets; the divine dragon's sword.
but i would disappoint. the consideration had never occurred to me; only that, of the options available, the spear proved most versatile. to slash, to pierce, to strike bluntly, close or at distance; to be thrown, and lighter weight than an axe.
and above all, to keep the enemy at bay, and nil behind me.
i turned the human weapon on the divine one now to demonstrate this. their startled blue eyes shone wide beneath the sun. "facing your sword will assist me in improving quickly. three seconds and i will attack."
    ——— ⟢ 
we could never have been human, my other half and i. after all, the humans had all taken their leave, what few remained of them, splintered and swept away like shards of glass.
and now it was quieter than it had ever been — in gradlon or amid the army camps.
regardless of what we intended, we had become the ' good ' fell dragons in the end. some of their faces had eventually changed because of this; others had not. i wondered whether seeing this had satisfied the divine one, had made them believe we had indeed managed to fit in with time and visibility; i had never had the chance to ask. regarding the fresh grave now, the spotless stone, the clean engraving, i felt that so long as this may have perhaps been true, my own intentions ceased to matter. and the praise and judgment of others ceased to matter.
my hands were once again bruised, raw from battle though the old callouses had long faded, and i tried to summon the memory of them again through vision too clear to be appropriate. i willed my eyes to weep, and it did not come. i gave that to nil instead, asked him to weep for both of us.
the spear drove point-down in the grass between the two of us once more, beside the pedestal's simple tomb, as though the iron sought the one who rested beneath it like a compass needle.
i could not reach. my hands could not reach. my tears could not reach.
yet with this lance, i may . . .
. . .
  【 nel has mastered halberdier 】
▀▀  BOTANICAL HEADCANONS ₊ | abatina : is there anything in life your muse has changed their mind about over time ( due to becoming more educated on the topic , certain experiences , etc .) , or that they would change their mind about under certain circumstances ? | asked by @heriteur
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keithtreason · 1 year
29 songs - so many sources of footage
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Tattoo | The Dragon Prince Promare Raya and the Last Dragon Arcane Nimona Demon Slayer How to Train Your Dragon Pokémon: Twilight Wings Naruto How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Weathering with You Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Cha Cha Cha | Jujutsu Kaisen Chainsaw Man
Unicorn | The Rising of the Shield Hero Tower of God Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia Beyond the Boundary The Case Study of Vanitas One-Punch Man Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Due Vite | BlackWolfsspirit Liz and the Blue Bird Your Name A Silent Voice Weathering with You
Queen of the Kings | Balto The Lion King Raya and the Last Dragon The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride Corpse Bride Kung Fu Panda Lady and the Tramp The Rescuers Down Under Tarzan Brave Wolfwalkers Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Oliver & Company Onward Turning Red
Heart of Steel | The Bad Guys Zootopia Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Gorillaz (Silent Running, Cracker Island) Because of You | Fellerya An Extremely Goofy Movie Raya and the Last Dragon Spirit Untamed Sing Tangled Hazbin Hotel - Addict
Bridges | The Legend of Korra Nimona Arcane Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Dragon Age: Absolution Revolutionary Girl Utena Wolfwalkers Over the Moon Vinland Saga Mulan Princess Tutu
Promise | Aleu the Husky Ice Age: Continental Drift The Lion King Kung Fu Panda 2 Wolfwalkers Bolt Balto Cool World Raya and the Last Dragon Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole Kung Fu panda Tarzan Puss in Boots: The Last Wish The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride Wolf Children Pokémon Journeys: The Series Oliver & Company The Croods: A New Age
My Sister’s Crown | Cirera Pocahontas Mulan Aladdin Anastasia The Hunchback of Notre Dame Atlantis: The Lost Empire Beauty and the Beast The Little Mermaid Hercules
Stay | zuckarr Destiny of the Shrine Maiden No.6 Terror in Resonance Devilman Crybaby Sasaki to Miyano Tales of Zestiria the X Violet Evergarden Tsurune Seraph of the End Free!
Mama ŠČ! | Freak Kitchen The Aristocats Mulan The Emperor’s New Groove Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Nimona The Super Mario Bros.
Who The Hell Is Edgar? | The Hunchback of Notre Dame We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story Black Tulip (1988) Anastasia The Little Mermaid Rock and Rule Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas The Pagemaster The BFG (1989) The Princess and the Pea (2002) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs FernGully: The Last Rainforest The Black Cauldron
Evidemment | K/DA Frozen 2 How to Train Your Dragon Raya and the Last Dragon Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - More Fighters Kiriko - Overwatch 2 Animated Short Komi Can’t Communicate Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel III. spring song Chainsaw Man My Little Pony: The Movie Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken The Mitchells vs. the Machines Encanto Demon Slayer Lilo and Stitch Turning Red Appleseed Helluva Boss Big Hero 6 Wishing Dead - Rainimator KonoSuba Fire Force Nikki and the God of Dreams | A New Nikki Story JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Genshin Impact
Eaea | The Prince of Egypt The Hunchback of Notre Dame La Reine Soleil Zarafa
Soarele și Luna | Centaurworld Primal (2019) Corpse Bride Mune: Guardian of the Moon Wakfu Kirikou and the Sorceress The Dragon Prince The Princess and the frog The Prince of Egypt Birdboy: The Forgotten Children Sahara
Solo | Blueangelj Rosario + Vampire K-On! Sk8 the Infinity Golden Time My Little Monster Uta no Prince-Sama Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card Bungo Stray Dogs Sasaki and Miyano Clannad Given the Movie Given: Uragawa no Sonzai
Watergun | MovieEdyt Ferdinand Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole How to Train Your Dragon 2 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron Raya and the Last Dragon The Lion King Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio Ice Age Luca White Fang (2018) Disney’s Dinosaur
Carpe Diem | btloov Bambi The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride The Fox and the Hound Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure Oliver & Company The Aristocats The Lion King Bambi II
Duje | Encanto The Lion King Bambi 2 The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
Ai Coração | Gepardzia Animash 101 Dalmatians My Little Pony: The Movie Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Bolt Isle of Dogs Tarzan Zootopia The Lion King Scarborough Fair Don't Starve Together: Disconnected [WX-78 Animated Short] How to Train Your Dragon 2 Beauty and the Beast My Little Pony: A New Generation The Boxtrolls The Road to El Dorado Puss in Boots
Samo mi se spava | How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse How to Train Your Dragon 2 How to Train Your Dragon Trollhunters Wizards (Tales of Arcadia) Atlantis: The Lost Empire Rise of the Guardians Mune: Guardian of the Moon Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole
Blood & Glitter | Persona 5 Launch Trailer Seraph of the End No. 6 Persona 5: The Animation
Echo | Star Wars: Visions (Screecher's Reach, The Spy Dancer, The Village Bride, Lop & Ochō) The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Wolfwalkers Amphibia Assassination Classroom The Owl House Infinity Train Monkie Kid Arcane Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Kaguya-sama: Love Is War—The First Kiss That Never Ends Nimona Tear Along the Dotted Line Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio Centaurworld Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Breaking My Heart | Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Miraculous Ladybug Roadside Romeo Arcane Laputa: Castle in the Sky Princess Mononoke Kiki’s Delivery Service The Wind Rises She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Helluva Boss The Bad Guys Beastars Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole Naruto Wolfwalkers Violet Evergarden
What They Say | Ranking of Kings Spirited Away The Ancient Magus’ Bride The Legend of Korra To Your Eternity Mushishi A Silent Voice Hotarubi no Mori e Hunter x Hunter Heaven Official’s Blessing Banana Fish Violet Evergarden Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Bungo Stray Dogs
Like An Animal | Toy Story Cars Bolt Zambezia Turbo
We Are One | Zootopia Tangled Rio Brother Bear The Aristocats Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure Oliver & Company Puss in Boots: The Last Wish The Lion King The Fox and the Hound Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked An Extremely Goofy Movie Aladdin Beauty and the beast Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Tell Me More | The Cat Returns From Up On Poppy Hill Kiki’s Delivery Service Howl’s Moving Castle Spirited Away The Secret World of Arrietty When Marnie Was There Whisper of the Heart My Neighbor Totoro Ocean Waves The Wind Rises Tales from Earthsea Princess Mononoke Ponyo Porco Rosso Laputa: Castle in the Sky Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
What gets your muse in the mood instantly? (Mischa likes to think the answer is 'him'. And he's not talking coital relations)
Body of Evidence || Accepting There's a myth that a shark can smell a single drop of blood from a mile away. The truth is that they have the same sensitivity as most other fish. They can also detect smells at between one part per twenty-five million, and one part per ten billion, depending on the chemical composition and species of shark. Or roughly one drop of blood in a swimming pool. Another truth is that Beth is neither an actual tiger-shark though she can adopt the form and the abilities when she wants to hunt free of guilt or needs a breather from the human world. Neither is she full Rokea like her cousins, most of whom tolerate her only because she Kanaka Maoli, and some only because her grandfather's deed names carry weight even outside the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother. What she is, though, is observant. Calculating in a way that her brother could never understand, and committed to her beliefs just as strongly as he is to his own. In her estimation, what she is doing now is a Public Service that will go unsung except by their shifting-kin, other Verbena, and no one else. She knows Mischa sometimes worries about feeding off her exclusively though in Grandmother's grace, she seems created entirely for that purpose, and she respects his mostly unvoiced fears. Secretly engaged with Kindred and Kine can be problematic for both sides. Her Tradition often sees his kind as an insult to the natural order, and her kin see him as an agent of the Wyrm. They don't know him like she does. They don't hear the dreams in his poetry, they don't feel his longing for the days he had been alive and able to walk in the warmth of the sun. They don't know the good he does against an increasingly strangled reality, and do not know that he is just as willing to help her correct the balance. And then...then there's people like Todd. Possibly the douchiest of haole types. Thinks that it's okay to call women 'sweetheart', 'toots', and the like, and subscribes that a man can put his hands on one anyway he likes, regardless of her opinion on the fact. Todd comes to her attention via a request to partner with Riley Steel to promote some new blah blah blah. She didn't read the whole proposal, not when it involved land in the Dakotas, oil, and had the Endron logo. They're still digging themselves out of the whole they dug ten years ago, when they were involved in a huge scandal from a pressure pump exploding off the coast of Scotland, killing thirteen or so people and causing a huge oil spill that covered large parts of the coast. The five billion dollar penalty and public discredit was not nearly a just punishment to make up for the disaster. But of all the company's disgusting acts, the two that are the most criminal to Beth and Jay, is the fact that they are investing heavily in hydraulic fracking and trying to build a mega-pipeline in Egypt, which they are currently calling "Apophis." There is a laundry lists of crimes that Todd-Actually-I'm-a-Top-Exec is guilty of and Beth has not a single qualm when she invites him to a secluded spot out by the old lighthouse she knows. He's only too happy to join her and it takes almost less of the five minute walk from the car to the lighthouse before his hands are already on her shoulders, her back, her other places. She isn't quite faking the elevated pulse, the soft gasping breathes, or even the flood of warmth in her most delicate places, but they aren't for Todd. No, those belong entirely to Mischa as he seems to the mortal eye to materialise from the darkness itself. She isn't so full of herself that she thinks the look on his face has anything to do with jealousy, but in her own fantasy, it's nothing but. That someone would dare presume to manhandle his Sprite. His fangs gleam as he flashes as smile at her, pristine white if only for the moment. Sure, Beth could have disposed of Todd all on her own, if she put her mind, and her not inconsiderable talents, to the task. But nothing stirs her quite the way Mischa does in all of his glory, sating his hunger.
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