#steph on me brown<333
Hi Elle!! Hope all is well 💕💕
Can I request a headcanon or fic of where Dick and y/n have been in a serious relationship for a few years and OC has become a “mom figure” to all the other batboys. So when the batboys misunderstand Dick and OC getting into a big fight somewhere, they both come home (either to their place or to the manor) to find that the batboys have moved/thrown out all of Dick’s things because they love OC that much??
Thank youuu ☺️
Ahhh this is such a cute little idea!! Thank you so so much for the request it’s lovely to see an old friend <333
Found Family - Dick Grayson x Reader
Steph gave you a sympathetic smile as she poured the rest of the wine bottle into your now empty glass. “What’s wrong hun? Because if it’s boy troubles I will personally castrate Richard if he hurt you.” Which only made you sigh as you nodded. Her eyes widened, you and Dick never ever fought, and this foreign emotional territory was a shock to you too- hence the wine.
“Dick asked me to move in with him, but I’m not ready to leave my place! I love Gotham, and I’m not sure Bludhaven is where I’m meant to be. But I also know I could never leave him. I just told him I needed more time to think and I think he took it really personally. It’s not that I’m not ready to live with him, I’m just not ready to leave my life here even if it is just a town over.” You said, happy to put into words the emotions swirling in your chest.
“What?! You are NOT leaving Gotham anytime soon. What on earth would I do without you here?” Steph exclaimed, putting down her glass to pick up her phone, fingers typing frantically.
Less than a minute later, Tim was jogging into the Manor kitchen, “Dick’s tryna take Y/N from us? Over my dead body.” And before you could tell him otherwise, the young hero burst out the room, clearly on a type of war path.
“No! I love Dick and you guys, Bludhaven is great! I just need-”
“Taking down Richard has always been on my bucket list.” Damian’s snarky voice echoed through the manor as he stalked out the same door as Tim. You scrambled up and after him, but Steph side stepped in front of you, “don’t you dare try to fix this, we’ve got it!” Which only made you more nervous for the future of your relationship.
Before you knew it, another bottle was opened, and the colors of the Manor living room were awfully fuzzy. You were pretty sure you’d seen Jason, Tim, and Damian zipping in and out of the manor, each repeatedly promising an increasingly violent demise for your boyfriend, who’s radio silence was only making you more anxious. Steph, while physically with you, was terrifyingly glued to her phone, sending text after text- even taking the occasional call, but she was speaking quiet enough that your tipsy-mind couldn’t process the words flying out of her mouth.
You truly weren’t sure how much time had passed when Dick burst through the manor shouting “Stephanie Brown where the hell did you hide her!” And before you could shriek with excitement, Dick appeared in front of you, his eyes frantic until he saw you were okay.
“Dickie!” You cooed, outstretching your arms so he would scoop you up into a hug. And he did. He was breathing heavy, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he took a deep inhale. You were just giddy to see your handsome man, squeezing him tighter, wrapping your legs around his waist, happy to be carried as you weren’t sure you could stand in your current state.
“What on earth did they do to you sweetheart,” Dick mumbled, walking back towards the kitchen so you could place you on a counter, you leaned back to look up at his eyes. He swiped a hand over your cheek, you assumed you were still warm from the alcohol.
“She’s. Fine. Can’t say the same about you you selfish monster,” Steph slurred her speech, pointing an accusatory finger at Dick who gave you both a confused look.
Almost like a sitcom, the three other boys burst into the room, as if on cue.
“Step away from the woman Grayson!” Jason shouted as Damian lobbed the nearest manor antique he could get his hands on at Dick, who of course caught it effortlessly, setting it down next to you on the counter.
“What the hell is going on?” Dick raised his voice, but Tim was already in between the two of you, pushing Dick backwards as Damian hopped up onto the counter next to you, silently handing you a glass of water which you graciously took, enjoying the plot unfolding before you.
“No questions at this time Richard, as Y/N’s personal advisor I’m here to state the case.” Tim began, Jason and Damian nodding in agreement. Steph had her phone out, clearly filming the entire argument.
Tim continued, “it has come to our attention that you intend to take Y/N from us.”
“I asked her to move in with me?” Dick looked exasperated but intrigued by the way his brothers had turned on him in your name.
“And in doing so, you’d be removing her from Gotham, and therefore the four of us!” Tim concluded, and at the statement, Jason, Steph, and Damian mumbled angry agreements.
Dick scoffed, “I’m sorry, I thought she was my girlfriend, and you guys love coming to Bludhaven! With Y/N there it’s more reason for everyone to spend more time over there.”
Damian piped up immediately, “we hate Bludhaven Richard, Y/N is the only thing that makes it manageable.”
Jason snorted, “ever realized we only go over for dinner when Y/N is visiting you? Or that Steph only wants Sunday bagels in Bludhaven cuz Y/N spends the weekends there? Did you seriously think we just went over for you?” You cringed as the harsh tone, but Dick didn’t look offended, rather, proud?
Dick opened his mouth to retort, then closed it. Tim spoke up again, “Don’t worry Richard, I’ve already mended the problem at hand.”
Now Dick spoke up, “what the hell did you brats do now”.
“To the Zeta Tube!” Jason called, scooping you and Damian up in one arm and sprinting towards the teleporter, with Dick screeching for him to put you down following close behind. For once, Damian wasn’t squirming out of Jason’s grasp, rather he had quietly grabbed your hand, saying “I hope you love your new home” to you right before the Zeta Tube activated.
When you came through, Jason set you and Damian down happily, and you were situated in a fully furnished apartment. Furnished with your and Dick’s combined furniture. You froze for a moment, feeling like you were in a different dimension until you notice the window in the apartment. You recognized the block corner instantly.
“We refurbished an old safe house! It’s south west Gotham, so close enough to Bludhaven that Dick can’t whine too much, but only a couple minutes drive, or instant Zeta Tube to the manor!” Tim exclaimed excitedly.
Damian piped up, “we stripped Dick’s apartment to the ground to furnish it! Not like either of you will be needing it anyway!”
Dick had been silent, drinking in the new view. But he came up beside you to stare out the window, “I think they just made a compromise for us, but I do want you to love it. What I should’ve said earlier, is that I don’t need to be in Bludhaven, I need to be with you. You’re my home Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you leaned back into his chest.
You spoke up, “I love it, and I love you, and I especially love you guys,” you turned around to face your family. Steph was grinning, Jason was nodding knowingly, Tim was off slightly adjusting furniture placements, and Damian was- wiping away a tear. Not worth pointing out, because he’d deny it anyway, but your heart was bursting knowing the little guy wanted you near just as badly as you wanted to be close to him.
“Tim! Get over here, it’s group hug time!” Dick called, throwing an arm around Jason and Steph while you scooped up Damian, who for the second time that day, wasn’t fighting back. Tim crashed into the hug and your swore you could feel your heart beating out of your chest with pride in your found family.
Tim’s phone vibrated and he shouted “Dick! You’re rich! The Bludhaven apartment just sold!” And Dick shrieked, “You put my apartment up for sale in a day!!” To which Damian shrugged, “not like there was anything in there after we were through.” Jason nodded in agreement saying: “yeah, you don’t even wanna know what plan B was if you said no to this place!” But Steph shushed him before he could divulge any more, most likely violent, secrets. You couldn’t help but grin knowing your family had your back no matter what, even if Dick was slightly concerned over his brother’s undying loyalty to you, it made staying in Gotham that much more worth it to you both.
“As your realtor I will be taking 15% of the profit! Gonna go meet the new tenants!” Tim called, beelining to the Zeta Tube before Dick could even try to tell him no. You gave Damian’s hair a ruffle, which he immediately tried to fix, as Jason and Steph nodded, knowing they could be over whenever, but you and Dick probably wanted a moment to get used to the new place.
And suddenly, it was quiet. The bustle of the Gotham streets was faint, and you walked through the apartment which was truly designed perfectly, imagining the dinner parties, late night adventures, and peaceful mornings you’d get to have in your new place.
“As much as I hate to admit it, they did good.” Dick broke the silence. You nodded in agreement, unable to wipe the heartfelt smile off your face, you gave him a peck and said, “They sure did, it feels good to be home.”
I hope you enjoyed!! Thank you again for the request!
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felinemotif · 4 months
ik i could just ask this on discord but it’s not urgent so i didn’t wanna like. @ you or anything
i just had a couple of steph questions!! first: i swear i remember reading that steph was a vegetarian or had attempted being vegetarian at some point? but i can’t find anything about it & am starting to think i imagined it shsjjdkdjd
& then my second question: is she mentioned to like. enjoy any particular shows/movies or genre of shows/TV??
(these are for fics but like… minor, single sentence details so. def not urgent <333)
also feel free to throw any other interesting steph facts at me!! esp things you feel ppl forget / leave out 💞
ahhh you know i am always happy to talk about my girl <333 it’s after midnight for me so i am sorry that this isn’t the most eloquent answer and i am sure i am forgetting some things (i’ll add to this later/dm you if anything hits me) but to the best of my knowledge:
yes, stephanie is/was(?) a vegetarian. not sure off the top of my head if it was stated anywhere else but i dug up this screenshot from batgirls #13.
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(for clarification this was when steph and cass body-swapped)
so no, you didn’t imagine it! though i can’t recall if she is still a vegetarian now, sorry.
now, your other question was much harder lol. i actually went and skimmed through all of the comics i have marked down as my favorite reads for her (+ a few non faves that i thought might have smth relevant) and most of the time when stephanie is shown watching tv or in front of a computer, all that’s ‘on’ is the news.
but! for you, livvy, i didn’t give up.
in nightwing #106, stephanie, cass and dick are all sitting down for their movie night. it’s cass’ pick that week but since steph did stay to watch, i think we can go on a limb and say that she at the very least doesn’t mind horror/sci-fi.
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i know that she’s also referenced harry potter throughout her comics— usually just a throwaway line like ‘accio’ so from there we can infer that she does like fantasy/adventure as well.
(took some digging but i found an example in batgirl #18)
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she’s referenced star trek as well, and at least in one conversation has been shown to know enough about game of thrones and star wars to joke about it with cass in batman: urban legends #5
i know that’s toeing the line of pulling at straws but given her more delved into interests in the action and fantasy genre i feel like it’s okay to assume that she does like those shows :) and if not who is going to tell me i’m wrong :) stephanie brown would love arya stark
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all of this to say that stephanie has been shown to enjoy and understand pop-culture. a good portion of her civilian friends are alt as well, and i’d go so far as to say that given that, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that she would enjoy independent films.
she’s a self-confessed music snob with an interest in art. i could easily see that playing into a joy for film festivals.
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(didn’t include because this is already so long but after this panel — i already had it screenshot but i believe it comes from batgirls #1 — was her saying that they were looking for models and steph did consider it so i’d argue that she would enjoy fashion shows as well, though probably ones that are entirely student-run or by small designers)
(she hung that poster up on her bedroom wall next to her bed later on)
i know this isn’t covering everything, but i hope it’s enough to help!!! so excited to read your upcoming fics 🫶🏻 and as always if you have more steph questions or need a panel dug up, i am your gal
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leonstamatis · 7 months
top 5 dc comics women
DIIIINAH LANCE <333 wife wife wife
STEPH BROWN <333 did i spend money on an issue of a comic i don’t even like literally this morning just so i could frame her and put her on my wall? i will never tell!!
helenaaaaaa bertinelli my life my loveeeee
diana <333 this is skewed quite a bit in that i’ve read a TON of ww comics this year but yknow when she’s done well she’s SO compelling to me sorry for being basic but i’m right
pamela isley <33 she’s mostly this low bc I haven’t read anything of hers other than the current ongoing. and while that run is FANTASTIC i feel like i can’t move her up this list without additional context i currently do not have.
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stephlastname · 9 months
you already know what's going to happen >:) E V E R Y T H I N G for the ask game
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
● A drawing my partner made, it has a purple background with flowers on it and a small poem
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
● CHEESE (only if it's Dutch cheese)
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
● Steph Curry, Stephen King, Stepheroni
🎵 Last song you listened to?
● Taylor Swift - Antihero
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
● Yesss
😏 Are you on discord?
● Yep
💛 Do you have any piercings?
● I used to have a nose piercing but my nose rejected it
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
● First glance? Their posture
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
● Uhhh Sequilhos, bland and simple
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
● Dog person for sure
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
● Earbuds all the way, headphones make my head hurt
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
● Ik ga echt stuk (laughing my ass off)
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
● Birds' bones are not entirely hollow, @copyrightcreep provided me with that fact haha
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
● Night owl for sure
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
● Either my bed or a grassfield with sunny cloudy weather and a slight wind <333
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
● For sure, I'm transgender, panromantic and demisexual
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
● Loyal, overemotional, naive
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
● Sweatpants for SURE
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
● Caramel Frappuchino
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
● Puke green or very bright yellow
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
● Uhhh idk if I'd call them prized possessions? My birbs
☕ Coffee or tea?
● If it's iced coffee then that, otherwise tea
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
● Either a Dodo or a Sabretooth tiger
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
● Oof, I originally joined in 2016 after I found out about Undertale
🌴 Desert island item?
● Sjfjuejfujejf probably my big rainbow tiger plush or my Mimikyu plush
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
● I don't know what this question means uhhh I'd just say pained emo boy
🔮 What’s your dream job?
● Vetenarian or published author
💙 Relationship status?
● Engaged to @snowcantbefalling !
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
● My blue Bugsnax jacket, my black cargopants, my pink seadog shirt, any of my pokemon socks, and my Mickey Mouse crocs
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
● Easily all Queen songs, all ABBA songs and all Florence and The Machine songs
🤎 What color is your hair?
● Brown with blonde dyed tips
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
● All the time
💄 Do you wear makeup?
● Only for cosplay
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
● I don't know, it's weird. My hairdresser said that if she saw me randomly passing by and didn't know me, she would assume I was a cis dude and that just made me really happy
💞 @ your favorite blog.
● Probably @realpokemon and @welched !!!
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spoilers-ahead · 1 year
detective comics vol 1 #647-649
credit to @bitimdrake for their complete stephanie brown reading order! everything under the cut!
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first things first: STEPHANIE BROWN DEBUT?!?!?!?!
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spoILER DEBUT!!!!!! AAAA i love the og comstume design sm! 
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i can not even express to you how sincerely i hope this is the issue where stephanie bashes tim drake’s robin with a brick (affectionately)
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aaaghhh look at her!! LOOK AT HER!! SHE’S SUCH A GIRLBOSS <333
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everything about this panel just SCREAMS the 90s. the chunky hoops. neon orange shirt. flaming magenta pants. 
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and THIS FINAL IMAGE!! i can NOT get over it! the rain! the orthographic view! stephanie standing above the glass ceiling!! icon behaviorrrrrr
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YEAHHHHHH GET HIM STEPH!!! (i should clarify that i actually do love tim drake. he’s such a loser (affectionate))
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can’t explain it very well but this panel gives me such sherlock vibes
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LMAO this post has devolved into a love message for one (1) stephanie brown BUT i’m so fine with that you have no idea
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cuzmbatmn · 11 months
the most superhero characters of all time, to me personally:
miles "baby boy" morales
jason, who is like a little baby to me. his atrocities were girlboss of him
steph, the absolute girl of all time who i WILL die for i will beef for her like no other i feel so strongly abt her do not fuck w me rn
duke "the BOY" thomas he is so. hes so. HES SO,,
bolito de odio damian my baby boy <333
obie obie brown most iconic figure to ever superhero if i turn traitor to marvel for one guy it WILL be this guy he fights with a GUITAR I- AUGHH
ollie communist king. get it. other superheroes strive to be him they wish they had what he had (ugly ass goatee)
dick i love u but u need therapy badly
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princedrewwrites · 2 years
Hi!! I'm never sure if you actually want to answer questions for ask games, and it's totally fine if you don't! But in case you do, for the writers' asks, maybe 5, 27, and 28? I hope you have a very nice day!! :)
Bug!! Oh I promise you I do, but sometimes time slips away from me and I forgot and then I feel too embarrassed to respond :((
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I don’t, actually! I don’t really keep myself to anything when I’m writing, which is of course, not very disciplined of me. I guess the closest thing I have is my cup of tea rule when I write my uni essays, which is you write for along as you have your drink, and then when you finished your drink, you make another and that’s your small break. Was very helpful in keeping me on track, because I got to do the stuff my brain wanted to do while writing as I waited for the kettle to boil.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
At the moment, it’s Tim Drake. Wonderful lad, stunning, but also my god. Getting the balance right with him - between a snarky teen and genuinely troubled boy who probably doesn’t realise he’s troubled - is hard. Also, in general, I find antagonists and villains hard to write. It’s like, oh, so you’re being mean on purpose? Don’t you wanna be nice instead :(
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I love writing Stephanie Brown. Favourite batgirl for a reason, anytime I write her, she just comes to me so easily and so naturally it’s like ah yes, Steph <333
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bitimdrake · 2 years
okay i'm about eight issues into batman eternal and have been jotting little notes like
Dustin Nguyen and Trevor McCarthy art are both immediately obvious the second I open an issue, and both so delightful <333 ALSO they're a huge breath of fresh air between the artists who draw women like they've never seen one outside of pin-ups.
plus under Nguyen's pen Crystal Brown is immediately recognizable with the same look as pre-flashpoint, which I loved.
which only makes me MORE UPSET that crystal would do this you bastard you fiend, how dare you betray the memory of post-crisis Crystal and side with your shitty husband against your daughter.
Speaking of, intellectually I knew it would only make sense to re-introduce Steph with a new origin story, but it's still so....weird to read a Steph clueless about her dad's activities. Even in her very first comics, she'd known about and hated her dad since she was a kid (despite not becoming Spoiler until much later), and it's remarkable how huge a change that one little thing makes.
There was a split second where I was wondering if that indicated that Flashpoint!Cluemaster was actually a better dad and didn't give Steph reason to hate him, and then he immediately tried to kill her so uh. no. Interested to see if Steph trusting her dad but him still being terrible is something that will have an explanation (i mean, there is certainly a secret plot going on here with Crystal and Arthur), or if it's just a weird artifact.
the more I think about it, the more I am baffled that one bullet hitting one electrical box that's in plain view of a subway station can immediately shut down control of the trains and get hundreds of people killed. Either this is a plot point, or Gotham has just. the worst infrastructure ever.
i can't get over falcone wearing what looks like a blazer over a t-shirt in every scene. You're a crime kingpin, dude. (in gotham!!) Get better fashion.
Okay, last point because I really don't want to say it but. Babs....sucks? I'm sorry. Like, entirely separate from how the ableism and infantilization of reverting her to Batgirl sucks, she also. sucks? as a person? And it's not some specific artifact of one writer on one book--it is very consistent across her appearances by now that Babs hardcore, blindly supports police in a way not even the typical milquetoast centrist version of Batman really reaches. She passionately insists every single shooting is justified. She refuses to even consider her dad could have ever made a mistake. (She goes on a very stupid public rant in court as the judge tells her to be quiet.) And yeah! That's her dad! I get it! But it comes across so bullheaded, and stupidly, stubbornly determined to support her "team" rather than actually form an opinion on a situation. I 100% believe Babs thinks cops should always have each other's backs, in the worst way. And she's lashing out at everyone around her because she is personally upset. (Which, ngl, is kinda funny to see Bruce on the receiving end of for once, but it's still a thoroughly unmerited response.) I genuinely hate that I feel this way but...I straight up don't like Post-Flashpoint!Babs at this point :/
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woahajimes · 3 years
I give you Stephanie Brown
and I give you my many thanks 
How I feel about this character: SUCH A BEAUTIFUL BEAN I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHES SO PRECIOUS AND QUIRKY AND like I just love her a lot and she’s done no wrong ever <333 The fact that she created her own vigilante identity just makes me feel giddy inside idk I love her sm
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Tim, Cass, Harper (for a bit) and ngllll Jason (sometimes)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tim n Cass bc I like that their relationships aren’t simply romantic nor do they just rotate around that. They’re friends and they annoy the crap out of each other and I’m here for that :D (also her dynamic with every single batfam member is just really fucking hilarious I love it)
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have many unpopular opinions so idk if this counts as one but I don't want steph to become nightwing :/ i’m being unfair but like the whole ‘mantle’ thing feels sorta weird sometimes, and I’m just greedy af sorryyy (im just in love with steph being spoiler like. the name even, it’s so sassy and cute and it just fits her so well uhhghghghgh)
One thing i wish would happen: MORE SCREENTIME PLS but like... make it steph... not tim’s girlfriend... GOD IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK??? also “stephanie brown” my ass lmao that one live-action steph is literally babs i hate it here 
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starspatter · 5 years
Stephanie brown
favorite thing about them:Her determination to never give up and maintain a positive outlook even in the face of despair, spreading hope and cheer to those around her and bringing light to the Batcave. least favorite thing about them:The fact that she tends not to look before she leaps, often leading her to trouble (and tragedy in some cases OTL), and that in the beginning she didn’t seem to take “superheroing” very seriously, seeing it more as a way to get revenge on her dad/close to Robin.  Her transition to Batgirl shows tremendous growth in that regard, as the below quote(s) illustrate.favorite line:”Everything doesn’t have to be about fear.  There’s room in our line of work for hope, too.”and “You said I haven’t changed much… but I have.  For the first time in my life, I’m fighting this fight…  I don’t know… not even for me.  I’m doing this for all of them.“and“The only variable you can control is yourself.  You can forget who you are, or you can be who you want to be.  That’s why you stay.  You stay for a second chance. “brOTP: Cassandra Cain, although I also like her relationship with Damian in the “bratty little brother” kind of way.  (I also think she and Jason would get along/could at least relate to each other, if they interacted more.)OTP: (DCAU) TimSteph nOTP: DamiSteph kinda???  Again they’re cute in the “sibling rivalry” sense, but unless Damian really matures when he’s older I don’t see them working out romantically.random headcanon: Not so much a headcanon as a “wish” for Young Justice S3, but I really hope we get to see Steph bonding with Artemis over their jerk criminal dads (and being butt-kicking blondes together).  Plus now that Cass is soft-confirmed to appear this season too, add her into the mix of “traumatized kids who grew up to defy their abusive fathers’ bad guy backgrounds” and let them all be kick-ass girlfriends pls. =3=bunpopular opinion: Uh… Does me preferring to ship her with BTAS Tim/Timmy Todd count? *shot*song i associate with them: We’ll Be the Stars - Sabrina Carpenterfavorite picture of them:I’ve come across quite a few pretty pics of Steph, but these two are probably my favs:
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Stephanie Brown, by 陌桑While the first features her current Rebirth design (which I’m not opposed to, I’m just not as familiar with that version of her), I love the visual detail and freedom of the image and the fact that it almost feels like a crossover with Kagepro, my other favorite fandom. *cough* The second one (which sadly depicts Steph as she’s leaving for Africa following her torture and supposed “death” at the hands of Black Mask ;() is also lovely, and I like the animé-esque inspired style since I’m still a weeb. =P The little robin is a nice touch too. ;~;
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spacecowboyhotch · 2 years
1, 6 and 10 my beloved <333
Steph!!! my beloved! my sweet! how are you?
1. the meaning behind my url? it was actually a typo. was typing aaron and arson happened instead and now here we are!
6. favorite band? it’s a tie between one direction 🤥 and paramore!
10. biggest turn on(s)? brown eyes, eye contact, sweetness, humor, and tension. like when you both are trying to be nonchalant but the air is just thick? yeahhhh.
let me introduce myself🤪
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ssasakii · 6 years
Rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by the awesome @stephanythedramaqueen sweets!
name: Andy nicknames: A, Andy, and Sakii (based on my url. And I blame Steph for it lol cause I love it. <333 ) zodiac sign: Virgo height:  5′0″ (shortie here) orientation: Agender nationality: Filipino favourite fruit: Mango/es favourite season: summer favourite book: Everyday / Another Day by David Levithan and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte & Sidney Sheldon books favourite scent: er... i don’t really know. lol (maybe that good scent that brings back good but nostalgic memories that all i wanna do is just  cry or smile depending on the mood and i just get lost in it and reminisce and let it take me anywhere. idek what i am talking about.) favourite colour:  PINK, blue, black, gray, brown (pastel shades) favourite animal: Dog, bird, fish coffee | tea | hot cocoa: Coffee (?) but I don’t drink coffee much. average hours of sleep:  6-7 (weekdays) and 8-10 (weekends) lol cat or dog person: I don’t have any pets though, but DOG! I love cats as well, but if I gotta choose between to pet, I would choose dog. favourite fictional characters: Lightning, Noctis, Nyx, Lara Croft, Dante (DmC), Wonder Woman, Superman, Baymax, Captain America, Black Widow, and a lot more! number of blankets you sleep with: one. but ask how many pillows. lol dream trip: South Korea, Japan, Europe, Israel, LA California. blog created: 2012 number of followers: 2k+ random fact: uhm...I fangirl a LOT! and whenever I meet a friend in real life, i don’t show them at once how much of a fangirl i am unless i am already comfortable around them, because I am afraid that they would find me weird, because yeah, I am really weird and so geek and i don’t have enough confidence. Although by far, I have met really good friends in real life and in the internet as well. :)
I tag: @mercifil | @thechocobros | @elliejoys  |  @cetras | @nctiscaelum | @ne0ldian | @evilwvergil | @likeazerofive | @shakkuris | @shadowdarkleonidascrusade | @caerberus | @zacksoldiers 
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seolhysns · 7 years
um 1-50 do it for me
1. selfie
sdjflak i’ll link to one of my most recent selfies that i haven’t posted here, which you can find here.
2. what would you name your future kids?
i don’t particularly have any plans to have children. i’m open to the idea of adopting, but i’ve honestly not thought much about that.
3. do you miss anyone?
um just my family ?? but other than that, like i always tell her, i always miss steph.
4. what are you looking forward to?
the summer quarter to end so i can have a little break & also for autumn weather.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
STEPH !! she’s the cutest person in the world & i love her.
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
depends on the person, usually. for example, it was easy to get over my best friend from high school because she treated me like shit all throughout last year & once i was over it, i’ve moved on n never looked back.
7. what was your life like last year?
a little more adventurous, i’d say ?? i moved out pretty quickly, made the decision to enroll in school after like a week or two, i got drunk a few times, i was a little more adventurous. but it’s helped me become more comfortable in my skin.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
can’t say i have.
9. who did you last see in person?
well, my roommate is just a few feet away from me ?? n my house mate is next door. but other than that, i saw the neighbors earlier.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
for the most part, yes. i’m pretty good at managing my feelings, and if i need time apart, i tend to walk away n cry on my own or take a walk.
11. are you listening to music right now?
no, i paused it all. i was listening to aoa ( as i always do ).
12. what is something you want right now?
off the top of my head ?? a hot dog.
13. how do you feel right now?
content. happy that i’m talking to steph tbh.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
i can’t tell u the last time anyone’s hugged me. despite how i am to my friends on here, i’m not that affectionate in person.
15. personality description
oh god ... uh i’m creative, passionate, ambitious, loyal & individualistic ?? i can be a little too critical at times, and sometimes come off really rude with the way i handle things. i’m a very private person, who comes off very shy, yet standoffish to strangers, but i’m really outspoken, blunt, n sometimes dramatic. i can tend to be a bit of a Mom bc i basically assumed the mom role growing up to take care of my siblings n i’m very stern, sometimes not very flexible n moody. 
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
all the time, but i know when to hold my tongue for the most part.
17. opinion on insecurities.
everyone has them, u wouldn’t be human if u didn’t. u can either live with it, or try to better it.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
19. have you ever been to New York?
i’ve only been out of state once, and it was to nevada.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
it changes all the time. i’ve been listening to remember by 9muses a lot lately. also mirror by fiestar. but 10 seconds by aoa is one of my all time faves lately.
21. age and birthday?
23 & july 7.
22. description of crush.
steph is the cutest person in the world n i love my wife more than anyone n anything.
23. fear(s)
heights, snakes, mice/rats, sharks, the dark, etc.
24. height
25. role model
eh idk if i’d say i have one.
26. idol(s)
uh this probably isn’t what this means, but seolhyun, yuta, momo, ten & jaehyun are my favorite idols atm.
27. things i hate
lol like racists, transphobes, homophobes, etc idk what else to say.
28. i’ll love you if…
not to be that person, but if u give me food dlskjaf that always puts me in a good mood.
29. favourite film(s)
selena, sleeping beauty, pocahontas, scooby doo on zombie island, lilo & stich, probably others.
30. favourite tv show(s)
buffy right now.
31. 3 random facts
uh i’m a fashion design student, the tips of my hair are brown & i have full lips.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
i can’t even name a male friend off the top of my head.
33. something you want to learn
i want to learn how to dance.
34. most embarrassing moment
the time i almost got ran over by a bed on wheels used as a stage prop is the first thing that comes to mind, but i’m sure there are more.
35. favourite subject
in high school, it was drama. now, it’s patternmaking. i mean, u have to keep in mind, i go to art school n take mostly fashion classes.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
get a good job in my field, pay off student loans & be happy ??
37. favourite actor/actress
i can’t really name one off the top of my head ??
38. favourite comedian(s)
lol uhhhh ??
39. favourite sport(s)
dance ??
40. favourite memory
i can’t really think of one in particular tbh. i’m not that sentimental. 
41. relationship status
i’m single, but all that matters is that i’m married to steph.
42. favourite book(s)
the foxhole court comes to mind.
43. favourite song ever
oh god uh ... just for the sake of this question, i’m gonna say 10 seconds.
44. age you get mistaken for
like 20.
45. how you found out about your idol
i found out abt seolhyun bc i saw her in a cf n went wow she’s so pretty n a friend at the time looked at it n went “oh i think that’s seolhyun from aoa” so i immediately looked up aoa n lo n behold.
46. what my last text message says
funny bc my mom texted as i was writing this n she sent a meme with laughing emojis saying it was my sister.
47. turn ons
i’m not really a sexual person. but i’ve always liked suspenders, i like the ripped jeans + fishnet leggings look, i love tennis skirts. i feel like i’m not even listing turn ons. what’s a turn on like idk i’m so bad at this.
48. turn offs
i get turned off by people a lot when they say stupid n ignorant things.
49. where i want to be right now
nowhere in particular ?? it’s late n i’m in bed ... right where i wanna be.
50. favourite picture of your idol
one of my all time favorites at the moment is this.
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allumetterouge · 7 years
So there it is! Special thanks to @minchen0897 and @ceara-banana - You know what you did <333
Dead Robins Society - Runaway Part II
Summary: Finding Jason is harder than expected, but there is one person that should know where he is...
[Read on AO3]
Jason was hard to find if he did not want to be found. He had been trained by the best as well as the worst and Damian was still only twelve. It was an excuse, sure, but right now, he was okay with that. Jason would have been proud.
Sighing, Damian curled himself up on the backseat of Steph’s car. It was a hunch they were following. Nothing more than a hunch, but at least they were moving. If Jason had been with them, he would have fiddled with the radio, singing along whenever he knew the lyrics, but he wasn’t here.
For some kind of idiotic reason, the dummy had decided he wasn’t worth Damian’s time. Wasn’t worth being around him and being a bad influence on him. Which was the most moronic conclusion Damian had ever heard and he hated even thinking about it.
He didn’t understand it, either. Didn’t understand what he was doing here in the car with Steph either. In what little time Jason and he had spent together, Damian had been given so much... he was in no place to ask Jason to give him even more, no matter how much Damian wanted his brother to come back.
Just before he could fall asleep, Steph put a cassette in the old radio, filling the car with what she called ‘music’. Damian called it ‘crap’ and shot up in his seat. “Will you turn that down!”
“Just put your earphones in.” Looking at him through the mirror, Steph grinned and turned the music louder. It was a punk band with a female lead that had no idea what it meant to hit a single note.
“I’d still hear it,” he complained.
“Yeah, well, sucks to be you. I’m driving and I need to stay awake.”
“Oh for-- just let me drive.”
Steph considered it. He knew she considered it by the glance she gave him. Her reply still came out dry and negative.
“Let’s talk again once there’s hair growing on your face.”
“If facial hair were a prerogative to drive,” Damian started, pulling out his iPod. “Neither you nor Drake would ever be allowed. Just pull over next time you get the chance. I need to pee.”
“Again?” Steph whirled around.
“Keep your eyes on the road!”
“Shit!” Cursing, she brought the car under her control again, flipping the honking man behind them the bird. “Still need to pee?”
“Not anymore,” Damian grumbled.
He really didn’t have to, but Steph definitely needed a break. They both did. Jason was way harder to find than they had first expected, which... okay. He had been Mother’s champion for a while.
The rest-stop they pulled up at didn’t remind him of the diner Jason took him some times after school. It didn’t because it was different. A totally different place filled with strangers instead of all the familiar faces. No jukebox that no longer worked, no Sandra who got him paper and crayons and strawberry milkshakes, no grumpy old man reading yesterday’s news. And when he flopped down on the red vinyl, there certainly was no Jason.
Steph shoved her purse at him. “Order me a coffee - one even Tim would wake up from, okay? I’m gonna look for the bathroom.”
Nodding, Damian wondered what would be stronger than brewing an espresso with Red Bull, but he already knew he’d decide on decaf anyway. He might want to find his brother, might even be a little desperate, but he sure as heck wasn’t stupid.
Not-Sandra took the order wordlessly and he didn’t have the heart to get a milkshake. That was when he finally knew what to do. One of the first things they had tried was calling - without luck. Chances were high Jason had disposed of his phone already, but there was one person he kept in contact with. One person he neither loved nor hated and who owed Damian big time: Mother.
When they met up, Mother looked different. She seemed happy to see him, wanting to reach out but obviously holding herself back as if she knew she didn’t deserve that kind of trust from her own son. It had taken a while to realize, but by now, Damian was sure she had felt that way for quite some time - and he was unsure how he wanted her to feel. He definitely wanted a hug. But not from her.
He loved her, his heart ached for her, but he did not want a hug from her. Being happy to see her alive was fine with him; now he needed what he endured seven hours of Brown yelling at him for.
“Do you know where he is?”
Talia crossed her arms over her chest. It was a nice little café they had met in and the wind played with her hair. She would always be a beautiful woman, but one who had a sharp mind to accompany her pretty features. “Jason is not easy to locate if he does not want to be found and I respect that.”
Damian shot Steph a glare over the rim of his soda so she would shut her mouth again. It had been a hassle getting her to come – or really, taking Damian here. If things had gone according to her plan, they wouldn’t have met up with Mother, but then again, her plan hadn’t worked and it was time for Damian’s plan. Which did not actually involve her sharing the table with them, but he would be able to make do.
Taking a sip from her tea, Talia continued, “I do try to keep tabs on him, though. Now, if you can explain why you would need his special talents, we might be able to come to an agreement.”
“I don’t want any of his ‘special talents’,” Damian spoke. His mother’s eyes widened as he had predicted. “I just want to talk to him.”
“You want Jason for his own merit?” she sputtered. It was almost worth the whole trip only for that reaction. Jason seemed to be a soft spot for both of them.
Next to him, Steph shifted in her seat. She had kept silent as instructed, but it seemed likely she’d explode any second; her lips a thin line and her hands shoved under her thighs. She hadn’t taken a sip of her coffee ever since Talia had arrived.
“Jason can be a selfish prick, but so can I.”
His mother gave him an appreciative nod and her voice betrayed a certain kind of admiration when she replied, “You care for him.”
“And so do you.” He didn’t expect an answer to that. It was a fact, not well known, but he did know Jason quite well – or so he’d thought – and Jason didn’t stay in contact with just anyone when they had outlived their usefulness. “For his sake, you should tell us where he’s taken shelter this time.”
“Do I need to fear for his safety if I do?”
Steph slammed a hand on the table, her coffee spilling, just about missing her fingers. “Damian is not some bloodthirsty assassin, he’s a child looking for his brother, goddammit!”
There was no mistaking the look Talia gave her. Until now, she hadn’t deemed her worthy of notice. “And who might you be?”
“The person who’s telling you: you fucked up. Sheesh--” Steph stuck out her chin-- “I wanted to do this for years and now you’re sitting here and I’m less than impressed.”
Talia showed her teeth in a smile Damian knew to be closer to a threat than genuine. “I don’t remember caring for your opinion.”
“Good. You’re getting it anyway.” Steph was on a roll now. “You’re a stupid bitch and you have no right to ask anything of your son – No, really, you should just stay out of his life and--”
– “I’m not the one inviting you here,” Talia hissed.
Surprised by her outburst, Damian’s shoulders went slack. He could not understand what was happening, how Steph could have turned such an easy recon mission into… whatever this was.
Gripping her mug tightly, Talia’s knuckles went white. “He asked me to come and I stopped whatever I was doing to heed his wishes because--”
This time, it was Steph’s turn to interrupt the other women. “Don’t tell me it’s because you love him, 'cause you sure as hell don’t. If you did, you would be there for him – not Jason or Dick or even me. You would be making him sandwiches for school and you sure as hell would not have trained him to kill and let him still run around at night beating up people twice his size!”
Damian did not expect his mother to apologize. She had done what had been expected of her and she had seen to it he was given the chance to live with his father instead. If this didn’t show her love… Damian didn’t know. It certainly felt different than what Dick had taught him…
“You know nothing of life young lady” Talia stood, her fingers splayed over a piece of paper she shoved over the table. Giving her son a nod, she left without a further word to them – but the smile she gave him was genuine and Damian’s heart beat a little faster. He was unsure what he did to deserve it, but it still made him happy. His mother approved of his choices and that still meant something to him.
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imjaebeomtrash · 7 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
tagged by @whaaaalep - Thanks, Shannon! You the bomb.commmm
1: Are you named after someone? Not that I know of! I was actually supposed to be a boy I think, so my parents had set my name to Michael but then the doctor was like lol whoops it’s a girl so they decided Stephanie :)
2: When is the last time you cried? I cry everyday LOL but if you mean legit crying then maybe last week when post concert depression hit me :(
3: Do you like your handwriting? If I’m taking my time to write then yes I love my handwriting but if I’m rushing it looks like a piece of shit
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Ew lunch meat lol
5: Do you have kids? Do the got7 boys count? LOL I guess I consider my puppy a kid~
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Honestly I would, I think I’m pretty good company
7: Do you use sarcasm? The question is, when do I not use sarcasm
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes I do!
9: Would you bungee jump? Did it already~ Jumped off the Macau Tower which, btw, is the second highest bungee jumping place in the world!! How did I survive? idk
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Fruity Pebbles and Frosted Flakes have my heart <3
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Nopeee
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I’m weak as shit lol I have no upper body strength whatsoever
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Green Tea <333
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Probably the eyes? I’m not sure actually..
15: Red or pink? Pink~~
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? How short I am -_- All the pants I buy are too long for me
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Blue shorts and no shoes cause I’m still in my PJs lol
18: What was the last thing you ate? An appleee
19: What are you listening to right now? Stigma- V from BTS
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Something bright, maybe yellow?
21: Favorite smell? Fried chickennnn
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom LOL
23: Favorite sport to watch? Basketball~ (they don’t call me Steph Curry for nothing)
24: Hair color? Pitch Black
25: Eye color? Brown
26: Do you wear contacts? Yes
27: Favorite food to eat? Chicken!! (yes Shannon let’s go eat chicken together)
28: Scary movies or comedy? I love love love comedy movies!
29: Last movie you watched? I watched a Bollywood movie called Ae Dil Hai Mushkil with my friend! It was so so good!
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? A white Hawaii North Short Lifeguard tee :)
31: Summer or winter? Summer daaaays
32: Hugs or kisses? I’m a cuddler :)))
33: What book are you currently reading? China Rich Girlfriend- Kevin Kwan
34: Who do you miss right now? MY GOT7 BOYS, COME BACK SOON! And my dog T-T
35: What is on your mouse pad? Don’t have one
36: What is the last TV program you watched? Does kdramas count? Watching Entourage rn
37: What is the best sound? Jaebum screaming
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Haven’t listen to them enough to choose
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Asia! I looked it up and Bali is the farthest I’ve been to~
40: Do you have a special talent? Uuhhh no lol
41: Where were you born? Bay Areaaaa (Northern California)
tag: @got7-side-blogs @dailydoseofscenarios @damnyoungjae @jiaerson @got7tooprettyfortheirowngood
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