#stereo device
stone-cold-groove · 3 months
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MXR Stereo Chorus pedal - 1979.
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satoruhour · 6 months
a/n: not sure if other countries have rubbish chutes but my country does! i have to get out of my house to go to the common floor chute to throw my rubbish so this is just a little drabble based on that + spider-man!gojo :) / tagging @osaemu @jabamin @shotorus @hyomagiri @mysugu ✶
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“yes, yes! i’ll take out the trash—” you’re shouting to your mom when you’re called upon again, the third time within ten minutes to take the trash out. through your one-sided airpods (your left one always dies first), you can hear your mom tying the plastic bag and cleaning up at the sink.
it’s always been her bringing it to the chute outside your house; occasionally, you’d help but routine has never really let you do it, so later when you’re awkwardly tucking your phone into your pocket and listening to charlie burg’s voice through the right airpod, you can’t help the grimace that takes over your features at the wetness all over the trash bag.
“oh, it’s just water; stop being dramatic!” your mom chastises whilst on her nightly cup of water, gulping down the beverage before nodding towards the master bedroom, “i’m gonna go to sleep first.”
you hum in a half-hearted response, a little annoyed that you were interrupted from your lazing around but you still manage a soft goodnight when she disappears into the room and the house falls quiet. apart from the background classical music that plays from the stereo in the room and the laughter of the older kids downstairs outside, you’re living in a world of both music and silence, feeling a little disoriented by the one-sided song.
the walk to the outdoor chute is short in your oversized puffer jacket, flip-flops seemingly slapping against the floor in attempts of waking up all your neighbours beside you but thankfully they don’t seem to mind when you walk past their homes. it’s cold, feeling the snow that beats into the open corridors that lead to the rubbish chute. beside it, there’s a ledge that overlooks the other buildings, too.
with one swift step to the foot lever, the chute opens and you’re dumping the trash bag into the dirty, stained metal device and with a listening ear, you grin when you hear the bag travel through the tunnel and reach the bottom with a big plunk!, not really realising the ledge now held something.
or someone.
if your slippers didn’t wake the neighbours up, your scream definitely did when spiderman himself hops off the ledge and leaps forward to place his palm over your mouth. it only fuels your desire to scream even more before you remember that your damn boyfriend is the vigilante that the police are looking for and citizens are rooting for more and more and that calms your racing heart just a bit.
but you still give him his due treatment . .
“what!” smack. “the!” smack. “fuck!” smack. “were!” smack. “you!” smack. “thinking?!” smack.
. . even if the widening of his spider-man mask eyes were adorable.
“sorry! sorry, sorry—” spider-man!gojo only continues to apologise but you can tell he’s enjoying it at least a little, hands gripping your biceps to help you to centre yourself. and as you predicted, once your boyfriend pulls off his mask, there’s a shit-eating grin and a cheeky glint in his eyes.
you muster the most unimpressed face you can — “really? i’m starting to think you’re not really sorry,” your mouth twists when you roll your eyes, getting ready to make a show of heading back into your house before he brings you into his arms. even with a hint of faux protest from you, you’re melting into his embrace, grumbling into his chest.
there’s a hint of wetness along his suit that you feel against your body, probably from the snow outside, but mostly you can feel the cold air against your hair and laboured breaths in your ear.
“i am! i missed you . .” he mumbles, suited fingers gripping your body tight against him like you were an apparition, “i just wanted to, uhm—”
it’s rare that you see your boyfriend having such a hard time with words, but it’s a cute sight when he pulls away and stumbles in his sentences and quickly removes the backpack that he’s webbed to the wall outside. there’s a noise of surprise from you as you watch him crawl outside on all fours and rip the backpack, scrambling to remove something from it.
and you’re so caught off-guard — in his hands are a ruined bouquet of flowers and a mixtape he’s put together for you — that you giggle at the state of it and coo at his downcast expression. he’s looking in the bag, outside, anywhere for what might’ve been the culprit to make the flowers turn out that way until he realises he had bought them a tad bit early and had been swinging around with it the whole day.
“aw . . satoru, they’re still pretty!” you take the gift with grateful hands, something you cherish despite his busy schedule of school and fighting villains. “but maybe don’t go on missions when you’ve got fresh flowers in your bag?”
satoru whines at that as he instinctively webs his backpack again, sulking until you’re leaping forward to give him another tight hug. alas, you would’ve preferred the comfort of his familiar hoodie but you can settle for the spandex of his suit as you squeeze him tight, ignoring the cold air that seeps into your bones.
“thank you, thank you ’toru . .” you smile, pulling away slightly before you take in the state of him. you didn’t have much time before, but now you can fully appreciate his white stark hair that matches the snow outside and the blue of his eyes that mirror his suit.
“it’s the thought that counts right?” he asks awkwardly, scratching his head with the hand that clutches his mask.
you burst out laughing, “yes. yes it indeed is,” you smoothen out his hair, but not before you’re forming an idea, “i’ll— i’ll go put these in water and see if i can salvage them. you, stay here.”
with one peck to his cheek, you’re off back to your house but the bouquet of flowers is only left on your bedside table. in your hands are something else, a scarf and beanie that you take back to the area of the rubbish chute.
it’s not a place you deem romantic, but you’d never pass up a surprise visit from your superhero boyfriend. when you get back he’s removing the fallen petals from his bag, interrupting his activity when you place the scarf around his neck.
“here,” you smile, wrapping it around once and tucking in the ends, “it’s cold.”
satoru looks at you like everything good in the world, a bright grin breaking through when your eyes meet his in the midst of your adjusting.
“just so you know, you might not see this scarf ever again, sweetness.”
you laugh, “why? cause it’s got my scent all over it?”
gojo shrugs and gestures, “partially, but also it might fall off while i’m doing big boy things and swingin’ around in the neighbourhood.”
you push his shoulder lightly and joke, “if my scarf touches the city ground, you’re never hearing from me again.”
and all he does is cross his heart and hold out his hand, “i humbly hold your promise to my heart, your royal highness.”
gently you pull him towards you with the scarf ends, careful not to choke him. there, your lips collide with his glossed ones that manage to stay like that despite the cold weather, while your chapped ones only surprise him. but he swallows the shock soon enough, humming into the kiss softly as he wraps his suited arms around you. you’re so warm, puffer jacket and all and his neck is already heating up from the scarf and his flustered state, enough heat to fuel him through the night.
when oxygen becomes scarce you find that you need to pull away, met again with his pretty eyes that soften just by looking at you, but you both know that he needs to go when the notifications on his phone don’t stop. it’s probably his trackers notifying him about the villain, so you help him put on his mask, making sure the eye holes fit exactly where it needs to go and the sewing lines up with the rest of his suit. the beanie goes on last.
“baby— i . . i just needed to come see you before i fight green goblin,” he mumbles, brushing hair from your face and even with the barrier between the both of you, you know he’s smiling under, “some good luck would suffice, don’t ya think?”
“it would. now, go.” you pat his cheek, pulling away reluctantly as he slings his backpack and you suddenly feel cold again. “stay safe, spider-man.”
satoru cannot wait until he’s in your arms again, so he lunges forward and pulls his mask up just to his nose to give you one last kiss and you indulge him; when your eyes open, he’s already on the ledge.
“merry christmas, baby.” you can see the familiar stunning smile and a soft confession before he’s hopping off and you’re running to it to watch him swing away with a loud, lovesick laugh that sounds a little too much like the star student, gojo satoru, but it doesn’t matter when you know you’re the only one who knows his secret.
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part two
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dykendireckt · 2 years
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design-is-fine · 9 months
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Hans Vagt and Peter Bannert, Radio set "Pop 70", 1969. Wood, plastic, metal, manufactured by: Blaupunkt, Hildesheim, Germany (1969-1976). Photos via 1stDibs / Radiomuseum
"The first stereo radio designed specifically for the rooms of adult sons and daughters. As an acoustic and visual center. Not a toy, but a real stereo device." Salesfolder Blaupunkt
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moonyflesh · 27 days
🐾 Cat Scratches - [James “Logan” Howlett x Reader]
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WARNINGS: lots of fluff, brief mention of neck kisses, some suggestive comments but nothing past PG
CHARACTERS: James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine, MARVEL/X-MEN)
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🐾 .*.. 🕯️
Logan laid comfortably on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your lower back and hips as he buried his face into your abdomen, the bare skin of your tummy visible just slightly underneath your sweater.
Lazily scrolling through your phone, splayed out across his bed with him on top of you, your fingers trailed over his upper shoulders, scratching the fabric of his white compression shirt, rubbing his sore muscles from a long day of training and battle practice.
As your fingers trailed upwards mindlessly on his back, your manicured nails finally reached the nape of his neck, teasing the edge of his hairline.
Scrolling down further through your instagram, you let out a soft sigh of content as your fingers finally buried into the hair on the back of his head, eliciting a low rumble from the back of his throat.
You perked up at this, glancing past the dimmed screen of your device, an eyebrow quirked upwards at his reaction.
“You alright, Lo?”
You muttered out, a small, curious smile tugging at your glossy lips, damp from your teeth gently biting at them out of unconscious habit.
He responded in a low hum, leaning into your fingers as you smiled, a small, amused chuckle leaving your lips at his fingers that slid lower on your back, cupping the backs of your thighs with a slightly possessive grip.
You felt a soft, warm press of his chapped lips against your stomach, just above your panty line, and a small laugh left your lips as he buried his nose further into you, inhaling without hesitation. In response, your legs opened slightly underneath him, wrapping them around his broad midsection with a light squeeze.
Preferring the man in front of you opposed to the celebrities on your phone, you dropped it at your side, letting it become lost in the fluffy, unkept sheets next to your form as both your hands wrapped around his head, burying your fingers into his scalp.
A low, animalistic-like growl left his lips as you scratched through his hair, meeting the place behind his ears, where you knew he was most sensitive.
Tracing over the area where his jaw connected to his ear and neck, you let out a low hum in response, tilting your head propped up on one of his pillows to the side, your eyebrows knitting together lightly in curiosity at his pleasant reactions.
“Feels good, bub. Right- mmh. There.”
Your eyes narrowed at his borderline inappropriate hum, and you nodded, wordlessly continuing to scrape through his fluffy, unkept hair.
“I didn’t take you for a cat, Logan,” You teased quietly, a small vibration leaving your own form, similar to that of the buzz of an old stereo.
“Don’t mock me, sweetheart. Can’t help it,”
He shot back, his furry eyebrows knitting together as he finally shifted, pulling himself up further, allowing his face to move from your stomach to your collarbone, trying desperately not to go full deadweight on you, knowing he’d crush your frail form.
“Plus, ever since you got yer nails done-”
He didn’t finish his sentence as you raked through his head of hair once more, pushing his face into the warm skin of your exposed neck, muffling any protest from him.
“Stop talking, James. Sleep.”
You effectively hushed him, a small smile pulling at your face as he grumbled out something along the lines of ‘mm. Whatever,’ and ‘fine.’
You felt him pepper a few hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck, his teeth teasingly biting down on your exposed shoulder, before lapping at the new mark with his tongue, admiring his work with your taste.
“G’night, bub.”
You smiled at his subtle acceptance to your demand, your fingers frozen in his fluffy hair and partially in his long side shaves, nodding.
“Goodnight, kitty.”
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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The girls brought their boys to the Oh Boyz reunion concert.
"Ron, grab that USB before Drakken can install it into his doomsday device" "On it KP!" Ron tries to get to the work desk and trips slamming face first onto the surface causing office supplies to fall all over the place. Drakken runs over and grabs one of the two scattered -almost identical looking- USBs and plugs it into the device "HA! I'll take that, thank you! And now, behold the power of--" "HEY IS THAT 'I WANT IT MY WAY'?!" "Errr... No, it's not what you think--"
Shego and Kim pause their battle, watching the two men go from bickering to singing in no time. Turns out this doomsday device can double as a mega surround sound stereo speaker instalation set.
Ron starts talking about how they saved the Oh Boyz once and that Rufus is their new manager.
Kim thinks and offers a deal "If you hand us the USB, you two can come with us to the Oh Boyz reunion concert." "DEAL!" Shego almost hurts her neck when she snaps her head in Drakken's direction "WHAT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Drakken picks up the USB from the ground and hands it to Kim, he waves the two teens off.
The moment they leave the lair, Shego grabs Drakken by the collar. "Do you have any idea how annoyingly tedious it was for me to get that stupid USB for you?!" "Up-pupup Shego, I did in fact make a backup this morning" "You wha-?" Drakken opens the desk drawer to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of identical looking micro SD chips. "Now if you can help me find out which one of these chips contain-- Shego?" Shego slams the lab door closed behind her.
"Shego? What a coincidence!" Junior lays down on the sunchair next to her. "Junior? What are you doing here in Middleton of all places? Don't you have your own, I don't know, indoor house spa?" "Ah yes, but my lovely girlfriend Bonnie has cheerleader practice right now and I thought, why not broaden my horizon -like they say- and try out the spas of the common folk. You look upset, what's on your mind?"
Shego regretfully tells Junior about what happened this morning and Junior, in his excitement, almost instantaneously heads over to school.
Junior begs Kim and Ron to please bring him and Bonnie along with them to the Oh Boyz concert. "BUT WE WERE GOING TO THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS FOR THE WEEKEND JUNIOR! YOU'RE SO RICH, YOU CAN EASILY BUY THE OH BOYZ FOR A PRIVATE CONCERT!" "But my darling! I want to experience the real pop idol experience! I need to know what it is to be amongst the fans, so I can understand what it feels like to them. That way I'll become a more understanding teen pop idol sensation! It's like, what you call it; homework, yes?" "Ugh... FINE! Alright Kim, you take care of everything, we'll take care of transport. I am NOT going to go there by cab. "
And thus all six of them ended up at the concert.
The boys: absolutely starstruck (Drakken eventually gave up on finding the chip.)
The girls:
- Bonnie doesn't like being amongst 'common folk', sure she would've loved this a few months ago, but now that she's dating one of the richest guys in the world. This has become dull.
- Kim pulled some strings with Rufus, asking for a favor to make this night unforgettable for the guys.
- Shego is confused as to why the Oh Boyz songs sound oh so familiar to some other boyband she used to hear on the radio when she was in college.
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ragsy · 6 months
Listening to a podcast about primates
Taking my car to the mechanic, who is a god-fearing country boy
Podcast is really getting deep into a discussion about ape testicles
My podcast app starts playing automatically when it connects to a Bluetooth device
My phone Bluetooth automatically connects to my car stereo when the car is turned on
They've just taken my key to pull my car into their garage
Sitting in the waiting room of the mechanic hovering my finger over the pause button like I'm diffusing a bomb made of chimp nuts
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seat-safety-switch · 20 days
If there's one thing that humanizes me to my fellow productive member of society, it's that I love a good button. Elevators, jukeboxes, medical equipment: if you make a quality button, I will push the hell out of it. I've bought tons of things on impulse, just because the buttons were of a high quality.
What that device is does not really matter to me. Like I just said, I'll buy anything if it's satisfying to push. And lots of high-quality, expensive stuff just... isn't. There's no excuse for why your hugely pricey stereo system feels worse to jab your finger into than any given Fisher-Price toddler toy.
I didn't know much about buttons at all when I was a kid. Just took them for granted, like you do for so many other things: gravity, breathable air, the option for grandpa to hide you from family services when they start wondering why your mom and dad are off auditioning for the circus again instead of feeding you. Buttons, though, have a long and fascinating history. And you won't read about it here, because we have things to do.
So if you're about to throw something away that has a satisfying button on it, pry that button out and keep it. You'll wish you had it the next time you encounter something with a button that sucks. And it's not like the police can really get you for "vandalism" just because you pried out that bullshit touch screen from your apartment elevator and crammed a nice Otis part in there. At least, not if you do a good enough job of wiring.
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 2 months
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"𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐮𝐦?"
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synopsis: it's finals week and you just need some quiet to work, but your roommate can't do even that for you. Somehow still managing to fuck you senseless after a heated argument.
tags: college au, rough, messy, vulgar, explicit, humiliation, creampie.
wrd cnt: 2.3k
a/n: repost/rewrite from first acc!
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You were in your room trying your hardest to study, but that was constantly interrupted by the loud noise coming from the stereo. Angrily, you had about enough of that shit and walked out of your bedroom into the one Geto was in, your brows already furrowed in annoyance with him, who was in his room; feet kicked up onto his desk and a pencil twirling in his hands as the music shook the walls, now staring at you with a grin on his face.
"You look like a mess. What's wrong sweetheart, did I disturb your nap?" He could already see the lack of amusement appearing on your face after he called you that name.
Without a word, you walk up to his desk and turn off the device, folding your hands in front of your chest in response of his inconsiderate behavior.
Geto watched as you angrily stood infront of him, his laughter subsiding slightly "Oh, the music? Could have just said that y’know."
You roll your eyes and try to walk back to your room. "Do you listen to anything I say?"
Geto quickly got up from the desk chair and grabbed your arm before you could make it out the door, pulling you back into his room "You know, it's not very nice to walk away from a conversation."
"Oh is that what this is? I think it's over now."
"Oh cmon' y/n, If i'm waking you up from your beauty sleep just tell me next time."
Scoffing, you reply, "Geto...l have a test tomorrow, can you just be quiet?"
He was looking right at you but his gaze trailed over your outfit, a small smirk appearing on his face when he noticed how tight your t-shirt was, and in all the right places. How his chilly room seemed to have perked up your nipples, visible now through the fabric. How the length of it covered your little shorts so it looked like you weren't even wearing any, feeding into his imagination of what it'd look like if you weren't wearing anything at all. Were you eventually wearing bra!?
"Mmhm...right! Calculus yeah me too..." He said mumbling.
"You didn't hear a damn work I said huh."
"You're cute when you're pouty," he teased, letting go of your arm to lean onto his desk.
"Seriously? God..you piss me off sometimes you know that."
His tone shifted slightly, less flirtatious and much more direct in his retaliation.
"You don't seem to care at all about anything, the least you could do is be considerate and not make so much noise."
"Oh, sweetheart," Geto said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Im inconsiderate? I'm not the one inviting my fuck buddies over or your obnoxious friends. I'm just trying to enjoy my music."
Almost baffled, you take a step back and feel your body slightly hit the door.
"Look- whoever I chose to sleep with and bring to my room is my business..why do you care?"
"Because it's annoying," Geto replied simply, crossing his arms over his chest. "And besides, if you're not careful, everyone on campus might hear about how loud you can be in bed."
You feel your face heat up like lava.
"What- what are you talking about..."
Geto said with a laugh. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You moan so loud, it's like you're screaming for attention. Might as well be screaming my name instead of those other boring guys you lead on to make me jealous."
"I-I'm not doing anything that concerns you..."
"Is that so?" Geto raised an eyebrow.
"Then why do you always dress like this when I'm here, hmm? It's like you're begging for me." His smirk grew wider as he watched the mixture of anger and embarrassment flash across your visage.
You feel your face contort in a manner of rage. "You know what...l'm getting tired of your shit." You yell a little louder this time, attempting to leave the situation, but Geto just won't let you.
"Oh, so you do care what I think," Geto asked, his hand now grabbing your forearm as he's cornered you in his room. His big hands almost engulf yours on the cold silver metal.
"You just can't seem to escape me, can you?" He chuckled darkly, knowing that he found a way to push your buttons once again.
"I could care less what you think about me."
Oh, really?" Geto smirked. "Well, it seems like you care enough about my opinion to try and change it.
He stepped closer, his gaze burning into yours. "You might as well get used to me."
You breathe heavier at your close proximity "What about you huh? All you seem to do is...right! nothing."
"You really think that's all I do?" Geto asked sarcastically. "You have no idea how many nights l've spent alone wishing for your attention." He leaned in closer, his face inches from yours.
"Why? So you can piss me off some more"
"Because I can't seem to get enough of you." Geto whispered, his breath tickling your earlobe. "And, it's always been fun to see you so cute and mad."
You close your eyes shut slowly as you feel his breathe tickle your skin.
"You know, you look really good tonight," Geto murmured, his hand lightly resting on your hip, his other still holding your wrist tight on the knob. His lips brushed against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"Geto...stop.." You say breathlessly.
"Why?" He asked innocently, his fingers tracing circles on your skin. "Don't you like my attention?"
You lay your head against the door as you feel both his hands grab your sides. His warm breath tantalized your neck.
"You know," he whispered, "I could make you feel so good if you wanted me to." His fingers dug into your sides slightly, leaving red marks on your skin. "But then again..."
"then again what..?"
"You hate me, right? So I guess you wouldn't want that at all," Geto whispered, his fingers tracing slow circles over your skin.
"You don't know what I think of you." You confess.
His eyes narrowed, and he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "Oh, really?" He whispered, his voice low and menacing. "What do you think of me then? Y/n?"
"don't- what are you doing..."
Before you could speak, he moved away from your neck and brushed the hair from your cheek, leaning in and kissing you, his lips firm against yours.
You melt into his affection while your hands land on his chest, his entire body almost pressing against yours.
Feeling your soft moans against him, Geto took advantage of the situation, deepening the kiss, his tongue pushing past your lips and exploring your mouth. His hands moved down to your hips, pulling you closer to him.
"Geto- we should stop..." You say, almost like you're trying to convince yourself more than him.
Why?" Geto asked, his voice rough with desire.
"Because we shouldn't be doing this.”
“Or is it because you want more?" He grabbed onto both of your sides, sandwiching you between him and the door.
"It makes everything too complicated..."
Geto leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. "Things between us are already complicated.," he whispered. "Maybe this is just what we need to make things simpler." His hands slid up your sides, a swift motion as he picks you up with your back still pressed up.
"I can't believe I'm letting you do this..."
Geto smiled against your neck, the corners of his lips curling upwards. He whispered, his cock pressing against your crotch,
"Do your other fucktoys even make you cum?"
You moan at his kisses in your neck, avoidant to answering his embarrassing question.
Geto groaned as he heard your sweet voice. He slid his hands into the side of your shorts, playing with the band of your panties.
"Tell me you want it," he growled, his voice low and husky. "Tell me you want me to fuck you senseless."
"Please what? make you cum?" He smirked, his hand moving to your crotch, feeling your arousal through your clothes. "maybe I should just stop and let you jerk off in your room thinkin' about me?"
"...you're such an asshole...you know what I want..."
“You’re exactly right," Geto purred, his fingers still teasing at the hem of the silky fabric. "And believe me, I'm going to enjoy giving it to you... even if it means being the asshole you so desperately crave."
You scoff at his response and roll your eyes.
"What? Not happy with my honesty?" Geto asked, feigning innocence. "Or perhaps you're just tired of me being the only one who dares to treat you like this?" He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours.”
"Just shut up and fuck me."
Geto chuckled darkly at your words.
"So impatient," he murmured, his hand slipping under your shirt to grope at your nipples. "But since you asked so nicely..." He stepped back, releasing you to pull off his shirt and tossing it aside.
You lean back against the wall and watch the show.
Geto's muscles were well defined, enticing you to roll your hands up and chest and feel every groove on him.
As he approached you again, his erection was clearly visible now.
"Now," Geto's smirk grew wider. "My impatient little thing, you ready?" He asked with a chuckle.
Stepping back to you, he turned you around so your face hit the cold surface. His hips lined behind your frame as he grabbed your wrists behind your back. You couldn't help but grind your ass into him, feeling his hard cock through his underwear.
"You're such a tease, you know that?" He whispers into your ear from behind you.
You do nothing but greet him with a sultry laugh, dripping with anticipation.
A mischievous smirk appears on Geto's face as he leans in, his mouth brushing against your neck.
He grips your hair, pulling your head back to expose your neck, and kisses it gently. "Spread your fucking legs." His voice gets more demanding.
"Y/n..." He repeats your name back to you, his voice filled with amusement. He slaps his cock against your ass, squeezing and slapping it too, hearing you whimper at his stringing touch.
"You like that? Make all those sounds I hear through your wall. This time you won't have to fake em. " Slipping your panties down to your ankles and staring at your now exposed, sensitive folds, his cock teases your messy lips as it slides under you, pressing your clit with his tip roughly as he slaps your cheeks red.
"Suguru... please stop teasing..."
"What did you say baby?" Geto purred, leaning in closer to you. "Can you put your cock in my dripping hole? Never thought you'd ask!" He murmurs, amused as ever as he lines his tip against into your entrance, splitting you open in one deep thrust.
You can't help but moan out his name.
"That's it princess, say it again." Geto groans, his body starting to move faster. He slams into you hard, his hips slapping against your ass cheeks as he takes you roughly, watching it bounce against him like waves.
"You're so fucking sexy."
"Sugu- fuck you're going too fast..."
Geto grinned against your skin, his teeth grazing softly. "You like it rough, don't you?" he asked, his voice low and husky as he picks up the pace even more. His hand snaked up to your throat to grip your neck from behind as he took you deeper, your wrists still bound.
“Geto- Fuck..yes-“
"You want me to fuck you harder?" Geto moaned into your neck. "You want my big cock to pound you?"
He pulled back, letting his hips smack against yours before slamming back into you, thrusting into you over and over.
"Yes- Yes please...l need you..."
"Tell me how much you need me," Geto growled, his fingers digging into your hips as he continued his relentless assault on your body. His cock throbbed inside you, demanding release as he took control of the situation completely.
In a harshly broken voice, "need you so much suguru... need to cum...”
"I'll give you what you need, baby," Geto murmured, leaning in to capture your lips in a bruising kiss as he started to pick up the pace, pounding into you harder and faster as your head turned back look at his pussy drunk face.
"Fuck- thank you~"
"Dont thank me just yet..." Geto whispered, as he continued to take you roughly, his hips slamming into yours in a punishing rhythm. "Gonna let me cum inside right princess? Yeah? Gonna let me fill up your little cunt? That's when you're gonna thank me."
His thick member throbbed as you desperately nodded. Letting go inside of you filling you up completely.
He grinned as he felt you shake, leaning down to capture your lips in another deserpate kiss as he continued to pump his seed into you. He was incredibly self-satisfied, knowing that he had reduced you to nothing but a needy, cum-filled mess.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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simsantoinc · 2 months
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Dubiously Useful CEP Extras
I wanted an invisible fire sprinkler for my own devices and to get rid of the outdoor shadow on the break dancer mat then ended up with this small set of cep extras of questionable usefulness.
The ceiling sprinkler is now recolorable
The break dancer mat has 2 recolorable subsets: the boombox and the mat. The mat also has the outdoor shadows disabled as having the edit by itself would conflict with a cep extra. The shiny trim on the boombox is not recolorable since I couldn't get tsDesignModeSlaveSubsets to cooperate.
The radio on Scorchin' Matt's Mat is repo'd to the BG compact stereo.
The garden lamp is repo'd to the BG dangling daylight lamp. Though there are mods that kind of make this useless. The program files part of this just enables the brassy recolor for the BG lamp instead and is optional or can be used by itself.
Invisible recolors for the sprinkler and mat subset of the break dancing mat are included. All files are compressed with included preview.
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sillystargirll · 1 year
Daddy's Home
Back from deployment, Ghost needs his baby girl to relieve stress and tension
cw: fem reader, BDSM, Daddy Dom Ghost, Bondage, Oral Sex, Use of Sex Toys, Anal Plug, and Aftercare, not fucking proofread
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Ghost staring at his phone at a text from his phone that he's about to send to his loving girlfriend parked in a empty parking lot He leans back in his driver's seat and sighs. Running his hands through his blonde hair. He is so pent up and he grits his teeth and sucks in air. He looks at the car stereo time. 4pm.
Ghost I'll be home in 10 mins. When I get home I want you in the bedroom. Naked. Kneeling. Hair down. Hands by your side.
Y/N Yes, Daddy.
Ghost smiles, 'Good girl' he says to himself. He inserts the ignition key to start the car and turns the gear on.
You're enjoying a glass of Champagne while relaxing at home. Just staying in and keeping the house clean, nothing too dramatic, it was a pretty laid-back day. You made the choice to wash your hair, take a bubble bath, and dress in a gorgeous nightgown. You are content with yourself and having a fantastic day.
As you take another sip of your Champagne, your phone starts to ping. You've got a text. via Daddy. With a smile, you open it. You sigh inwardly as your stomach surges. scanning the text quickly reveals that Daddy has had a trying day. You hastily make your way to the bedroom as the thrill inside of you bubbles.
You enter the bathroom to check your reflection, brush your teeth, and wash your face. You blow-dry your hair and spray it with a scented mist that has his favorite scent—strawberries—knowing full well that it will drive him crazy. Then you remove your bra and underwear and put them in the hamper beside the door. You run some hot water, soak a washcloth, and delicately clean your most private areas. You walk back into the bedroom after applying a little perfume to your wrists and neck. A wool rug in the center of the room invites you to kneel down and take a moment to simply observe your surroundings.
You and your daddy play with the hanging toys that are all over the wall in front of you. Depending on his mood, he either prefers to sit alone in the huge leather chair and watch you or invites you to join him. You generally lie down with him behind you on the couch to listen to him talk about his day as he plays with your hair. the area of your bed where you play the most. A big queen-size four-poster bed with black silk sheets and opaque fabrics draped in black and maroon that you can occasionally pull down to encircle the bed. Daddy's bottle and glass of bourbon to be specific Kentucky is half-full on the bedside tables. Knowing that his drawer contains bottles of his favorite lubricants, plugs, and tiny vibrating devices makes you grin.
Your heart beats rapidly as you take a breath when you hear the front door.
"Daddy's home luv."
Your heart skips a beat when you hear the voice, but you keep quiet because you haven't been given permission to speak.
The door to the bedroom opens.
"Good girl. That's a good girl" Ghost praises you.
He turns to face you, grinning and admiring the scene. His baby girl is content and obedient to his every request. He kneels down and grabs your chin in his broad hands. His thumb barely brushes your lips as he elevates your face.
"Speak princess." Granting you permission to now reply to him.
"Welcome home Daddy." You reply.
He leans into you and licks your lips, you obediently open your mouth and he pushes his tongue inside kissing you deeply as you massage his tongue with your own. He moans into your kiss and you moan right back.
"Daddy is going to get ready princess. Stay." He commands
"Yes Daddy." You answer.
You hear the shower turn on, and you remain kneeling. Daddy is pleased with you and you are beaming. You live to please him and he take such good care of you. You are the most in love you've ever been in your life. You drift into your thoughts about what he is going to do with you and you let out a breathy huff at the sheer anticipation.
He uses a towel to dry his hair. He stands in front of you with his hands on his hips. Naked. You could see all of his scars, and he is quite sexy. He is tall, blonde, with strong shoulders, massive arms, and perfect abs. It's not the first time you've seen him without the mask; after months of getting to know you, he finally removed it in front of you. He was stunningly handsome; in fact, he was Adonis. As his cock expands in front of your face, your pussy starts to drip in slick. It took some time for Daddy to prepare you to be able to handle the length and girth of the long, girthy member in front of you.
He takes a step toward you. Having pulled a length of red rope from the wall and gently binds your hands in front of you.
"Up on your knees princess, I want you to relieve this tension for me okay?" He commands.
"Yes Daddy." You kneel up and obediently open your mouth and push your tongue out.
He takes another step towards you.
"Princess. Remember your colors and words and your taps for non-verbal. Do you understand?" He brushes your hair from the sides of your face.
"Yes Daddy." You reply.
He holds your head gently as he pushes his leaking cock into your mouth. You lick and suck the tip, tasting the pre oozing from his slit and you run your tongue all around the head pulling a low moan from your Daddy. He pushes further into your mouth and you hold your tongue on the underside of his cock as you suck his shaft. You moan sending vibrations up his cock as he pulls out and pushes back in, a little further each time, giving you time to adjust before his starts. Your tongue works around his cock, drool dripping down your chin, you know he likes it messy.
"Awh princess, yes, just like that, nearly ready, yeah, yeah..mhmmm." He looks down at you and meets your eyes.
You hold his eyes there and he smiles.
"Ready babygirl?" He asks.
You tap once on his thigh for yes.
He grins at you. "That's my girl, that's my good girl. So good for me aren't you. So good for Daddy. Yes you are. Yes you are." He purrs at you.
It sends heat directly to your sopping pussy and your throbbing clit. Praise does the trick for you.
Ghost pulls back and presses his entire length into your mouth while maintaining a hard yet gentle grasp on your hair. He groans as you hollow out your cheeks. He speeds up and starts throat-fucking you. You sigh and swallow while inhaling through your nose around his cock. He thrusts violently and swiftly, smacking your chin with his balls.
"Fuck baby, so good, your mouth feels so good. you love taking my cock in that pretty mouth of yours. Look at me princess. I want your eyes." He looks down at you.
"I'm going to come, and you're going to keep it in your mouth do you understand. Do not swallow." He commands.
You tap his thigh once.
"Fuck good girl, good girl. fuck." He moans and picks his pace up again, thrusting fast and hard and he chases his orgasm. He spills into your mouth and you keep it there. Obedient to the end. He pulls his cock out and lets out a breathy satisfied sigh.
He groans and quickens his pace, thrusting fast and hard as he pursues his orgasm. You keep it in your mouth after he spills. faithful till the end. He extends his cock and exhales a delighted sigh.
"Show me." He demands
You open your mouth, full of Daddy's cum, a little dripping out down your chin and running out the sides. Daddy always fills you up good.
"Oh princess that's a good girl. Yes. Look at you, your pretty mouth full of Daddy's cum. What a messy girl you are huh." He takes a moment and just admires the view. You are on your knees looking up at him, mouth open full of his cum.
"Swallow baby." He commands, and you obey.
"That's my princess." He purrs.
"Do I get my reward now Daddy. I was such a good girl." You purr back
"of course luv" He kneels and wipes your face and mouth with a warm cloth. He then cleans his cock. He picks you up and moves to the bed. Before you, he kneels and sets you on the brink.
"Keep it off the edge baby."You get softly pushed backward while he speaks, and you are lying on the cool, soft sheets. His thumbs graze your pussy lips as he lifts your legs and slides his hands down the backs of your thighs before running them back up. You whimper as you no longer feel his touch on your dripping cunt. He purrs at you while grinning and tenderly rubbing your legs. Your knees loop over his shoulders as he lifts you up while pulling you toward him.
"Be good and moan for Daddy princess." He says, as he flicks his tongue out at the wet folds of your cunt. He skilfully licks and sucks your lips, swirling his tongue around to explore every inch as you gasp. You let out a deep groan as he flattens his tongue and licks you from your asshole to your clit. It feels fantastic, fuck. You buck a little as he flicks his tongue over your clit.
"Such a doll"
He purrs. He brings his big hands around your thighs and pins you.
He continues his assault on your pussy, massaging, licking and sucking your lips, flicking your clit as he coaxes your juices out of you. You are literally dripping and he is lapping it up.
"your so fucking wet and taste fucking divine"
He praises you
Your heat rises and he continues to eat you. Picking up pace as he moves his mouth, enveloping your cunt. He starts to furiously flick and suck your clit and your hips try to buck as you grip the sheets under your hands tightly.
"d-daddy p-please" you beg
"you know I love it when you beg, let me hear more." he purrs
"d-daddy more please"
 You whimper as the waves threaten to gush out of you.
He suddenly pulls his mouth away leaving you whining at the loss of him but he quickly and smoothly moves your pliant body, he flips you quickly onto your stomach and again pulls your legs towards him. You hear him open the drawer to his left and then a zipper. He pulls out the butt plug and lube. Coating the toy he purrs at you again.
"Now your gonna behave and take it like the good girl you are."
"y-yes daddy."
He pushed the plug inside your ass, gently stretching you, the beautiful burn making you moan as you drool beneath him.
He stroked your ass cheeks and you swallow the plug. All the way in. You smile at yourself. Pleased.
He climbs onto the bed and he turns you over to face him now. He settles in between your thighs and lifts your knees up to hook over his elbows. He lines his hard throbbing cock up with your soaking wet entrance. Holding your thighs and pushing his length into you. groaning as he feels the heat of your pussy and your walls clench around him. He thrusts, and thrusts, pushing deeper and deeper.
You hold each other's eyes as he fucks into you. Driving you into the mattress. He moves again, hands on your hips and he pulls you toward him with each thrust. Your hips clash together, your clit stimulated with each thrust as your cunt takes all of the hard cock Ghost is giving you. The waves of pleasure wash over you with each thrust as your moans fill the room. Ghost holds your eyes as he fucks you, smiling, licking his lips. A possessive look. You belong to him. You are his. He owns you and you love it.
"so fucking tight" That sends you over the edge and he sees your reaction, he pounds hard and fast making you scream out and writhe beneath him. You chase your orgasm and it hits you like a tidal wave. Daddy thrusts as you ride it out with him. He is chasing his own orgasm as he gives you yours. Your pussy gushes around his cock and that's what sends him. He cries out and you respond in kind. You both come hard together.
Heavy breaths fill your ear and Ghost leans down on top of you. He kisses your neck, your ear lobe, your jaw then your mouth. Clashing your lips together and tongues licking and massaging each other.
"I've missed you Simon."
"I've missed you too (y/n)"
You slip into that Euphoric phase you go to after play. You are happy, content, and satisfied. You close your eyes and let out a purr.
"I'll clean you up, just sleep" He unties the red rope. Ghost always looks after you. You smile.
"Mhmmm." is all you manage and you fall into silent peaceful void.
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midstpodcast · 4 months
The music and sound design for Midst is absolutley masterful. You mentioned some cool and weird methods of making noises for the Fold - can you tell us of any other unconventional objects or noises youve used to create some of the tracks?
🎷: YES, YEP, I can tell you about cool and weird sounds ANYtime. Here’re a few fun ones in brief:
The Blinding’s sounds are heavily remixed and modified vocalizations from a variety of different types of seals.      
Years ago I had access to a storeroom full of defunct old A/V and electronic gear including old film projectors, vintage adding machines, typewriters, strange retro printers, and loads of other obscure electronics from the 50s-70s. I recorded tons of random audio in there of various contraptions doing various things, and a lot of that vintage machinery is what makes up the mechanical ambience of the Trust bank machines in the Central Vault and in Imelda’s mission.
S1E12 “Coda” was probably the most wild sound production episode of season 1, and I had several days of fun throwing myself bodily around the room, knocking over furniture, smashing pomagranates, and generally hyperventilating while semi-literally strangling myself. 10/10, would repeat. Good times. 
We decided that teletheric devices in Midst emit sound not with diaphragmatic speakers, but with organ-like pipettes that emit overtones (you can see them pictured in the episode icon for S1E03) – so processing audio in Midst to sound like it was coming out of a teletheric wasn’t just a simple process of making it sound “radio-y” with some EQing, but rather a fun techno-anthropological process of converting audio into mechanically-accurate harmonic sidebands based on the technology in-universe that we decided was creating that sound.
The reality-eating sound of the Tearror consuming the cave in S2E04 is 75% the sound of my cat snoring and digesting his breakfast. I stuck a stereo mic under his belly while he napped and recorded the whoosh of his breathing, the pulse of his heartbeat, and the gurgle of his lil' cat intestines for use as the stuff of nightmares. Scary sounds can sometimes come from very cute places!
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blank-slate-jay · 1 year
Louder than Words
Joel Miller x Male!Reader
Summary: Joel feelings for you start to come to light while talking with Henry. Things between you two take off when Joel finds you alone, and finally takes his chance. (Setting and story moments from Episode 5)
Tags: Fluff, Kissing(Slightly Smutty), Soft Joel, mention of violence
Word Count: 2.7K A/N: Time for some more Joel Miller! This time something more sweet and passionate. Writer's block made this one take forever to finish, but here we are. Any who enjoy!
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A loud crack at the wall echoed within the sealed room. Ellie excitedly jumped up, cheering after scoring a goal. Ellie and her new friend, Sam, were occupying themselves with a game of soccer to past the time.
You were setting your supplies down on a desk that hosted a stereo and lamp in a dark part of the settlement. Seemed like a perfect place to get yourself situated, so you got to work turning both the devices on and getting your things organized in your bag.
Joel and Henry, both sitting at small tables on the other side of the room, were watching the kids play. Whether it was out of boredom or just seeing them entertained brought them the same emotions, wasn't clear.
"If you were collaboratin' to take care of him...I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know your situation." He offered his apologies to Henry, explaining the cruelty of FEDRA's intention of trying to kill him.
Due to Joel's show of empathy, Henry took the opportunity to open up about his first kill. "There was a man, a great man". By the way Henry explained him, his death almost seemed unwarranted. His selfishness, forgiving nature...having to kill somebody like that must've been difficult. His face made it obvious.
Henry continues after a short pause, "Have you ever met someone like that? Kinda man you'd follow anywhere."
Joel felt his heart jump at said words, his eyes instinctively looking over at you. You were moving your head in sync with the music while patching up your weapons, unnaturally calm about their coming mission. You were just like that, seemingly levelheaded even if the worse was to come. It was something Joel just couldn't get his head around. Yet he still found it comforting, perhaps he knew he could lean on someone in dire situations.
While Joel's attention was brought back to Henry's further explanation, you proceed to set your gun down after making some modifications to it. You turn the volume of the stereo down some, eyes catching a softball just off to the side. You stopped what you were doing, picking the ball up with an idea coming to mind.
Ellie and Sam began chasing each other around, but you were about to ruin their fun. You came out of your dark corner shouting to the two, "Heads up". You threw the ball at Ellie who didn't have enough time to react and ended up being hit in the shoulder. She turns to you with a confused look.
"Ooo..did that hurt?" you say in a mocking manner.
"Screw you" she retorted, retreating the ball off the ground and throwing it back at you.
You of course caught it with ease, "Dodgeball ain't your sport kid."
Ellie scoffed, "I didn't even get a chance, pass it here...I'll show you."
Your eyebrows raised before looking over to the 'Goal' writing on the wall. You walk over to the goal frame, passing the ball too Ellie. "Alright, you two you gotta hit me. Best-" As quick as the words came out of your mouth, Ellie threw the ball at you.
Ellie giggled, watching your expression changed to one of shock. "What? You said hit you..."
You sighed, passing it back to them, "When I say go, Ellie. Like I was saying, best game out of three. I dodge and you two try to hit me. Each round is complete after one attempt from both of you." Sam was then notified how to play the game via his magic slate board and they begun.
Unfortunately for the kids, your reaction time was unmatched. Not a single throw had landed. Ellie decided then and there to hand the ball to Sam, pointing her fingers down at the ball and then towards you. She then charges toward you and jumps onto you. You yelp as the her weight and grip kept you in place.
It clicked then for Sam what Ellie was trying to do, and he proceeds to bombard you with blows from the softball. The kids laughing and smiling in taking their revenge got a smirk out of Henry.
"It's nice seeing that boy happy..." Henry mentions, referring to his brother, "Very rarely does he even crack a smile." Both Joel and him watched as the chaos unfolded, certainly clear to them now that they were entertained. “And your friend is something. Don’t come by someone like that often”.
Joel replies trying to hide his smirk from forming, “Yeah, something for sure.”
Henry looks at Joel, who still had his eyes on the chaos. He thought for a second before stating, "He's a good guy, you know”.
Joel could only give Henry a puzzled look as a response, trying to figure out what the man was getting at.
“You may not be his, and she not be your daughter, but you were someone’s at some point. I can tell,” Henry exclaims.
All Joel could think was how perceptive Henry had to be to figure that out. They had just met not even half a day ago and he seems to have a general idea about them. Joel couldn’t tell if he feels relief or offended by his feelings being plastered out in front of him.
Seconds later, Joel decides to end the conversation entirely by getting up, “We need to leave. We’ve waited long enough.”
It was far late into the night now. The group had posted up at a motel after just barely making it through a fight between FEDRA and a horde of clickers. Everyone by this point was exhausted and getting ready for bed, except you weren’t back inside yet.
Earlier you had stepped out, saying you needed some air. So instead of getting comfortable on the floor, Joel gets up to leave the apartment.
Stepping out into the night, he's hit with the night's cool air. He looks in both direction and spots you half way down he open hall with your arms leaning against the railings. Gently, he closes the door behind him and walks over to you. His heavy footsteps alerting you of his presence.
You greeted him, “Joel.”
“Y/n”, he says, rubbing his hands together. The man stood a few feet from you, “Cold ain’t it?”
“No…weather is quite nice. And you're not warm in that,” pointing out his light brown jacket.
Joel shook his head, moving closer to the railing, "Barely." An awkward silence lingered over the two as there wasn't much either one of you wanted to say.
Even with very little on your mind, you tried to spark up a conversation,"Today was quite eventful.”
Joel hummed, leaning against the rails like you were, “Yeah, we’re lucky nobody got hurt.”
“Seriously. I could barely tell what was happening. I honestly thought we were done for", a small bit of fear was noticeable through your tone. “Thankfully we had you watching our backs”.
Joel could sense his heart picking up hearing you say that. His compliment was well rewarded after saving you and Ellie multiple times from being bitten. The man could snipe for sure. “I’m just glad that massive clicker didn’t get ahold of any of ya.”
“The massive what?”
“Some overgrown clicker just emerged among the horde and started attacking everyone in sight.”
You raised a brow, a bit skeptical on how you didn't manage to see it. “Uh huh…you sure you weren’t just seeing things?”
"I'm certain of what I saw",
You backed off, "Okay then. I do wonder how you didn't shit your pants seeing that." Joel let out a quick laugh with a look of slight amusement and disgust. "What? I mean I would've shit pants. I would've even screamed it out loud."
"Y/n..."Joel cracked up some, trying to keep himself from bursting out in laughter by hiding his face in his shoulder. "That is a stupid thing to do."
"Hey at least everyone would feel ok to admit it as well."
Joel just couldn't help but imagining that scenario playing out. One guy screaming it first, creating a domino effect where everyone around just begins to say it too. The absurdity of a situation like that only made it funnier to Joel as he failed to hide his laugh. For a guy who hid his emotions a lot, his silent giggles were quite contagious.
You chuckle along with him asking, "What?"
The older man couldn't get a word out to respond, his face turning redder by the second. He buried his face in his palm and continued to laugh, trying hard to get it out of his head. There was no use, you had put that image in his head and was now irreversible. Both of you went on for almost a full minute before your amusement began to subside.
Joel was the last of the two to pull himself together, sniffing and clearing his throat up to gain control of himself. The silence before that plague the air was now back, only this time, things felt a lot more comfortable. Having Joel there, and the fact that he was a lot more loose played into it. You wished the man was like that more often. Sadly though you knew you needed as much rest as you could get. Tomorrow was undetermined, so it pained you to have to cut your time with Joel short.
"Alright Joel, we should probably head back in now", you suggested, removing your arms from the rails to stretch them out.
Joel nods, "Yeah we should," he really didn't want to. His voice shivered a bit with hints of disappointment. As you were beginning to walk past him, Joel thought about today...what Henry had told him. 'He may not be yours...but you were someone's at some point'. His longing for someone else, was that desire so obvious that a stranger like Henry could figure it out so quickly? Is that the way he treated you, like his partner? The prospect brought Joel brief happiness before thinking about the possibility of you getting killed. A reasonable fear given the world they were in, but Joel wagered the odds. Would he rather you die without ever telling you how he feels, or have you know he much he cared about you before you pass.
The ladder seemed like Joel's choice in the end cause before you could make it fully pass him he says your name. You stop in place directly behind Joel who still faced the open air. You let out a questioning hum, awaiting a reply.
Joel took a moment to collect his thoughts, trying to figure out the best way to go about this. Due to time and their environment, he wasn't as smooth as he use to like back in his earlier years. He begins by saying, "Thank you", turning his head enough to see your figure behind him, but keeping his posture still.
You tilt your head slightly, "For...?"
Joel fully turns to you, "For everything. Your support, your extra hands, protectin' Ellie...just sticking by us through all this madness".
That to you was a bit unexpected, but you weren't going to turn down some appreciation from Joel of all people. You took the praise with a gentle smile on your face, "Of course."
The older man's eyes lingered with yours for sometime. Both of you had a soft gaze, just observing and expecting the other to say something. Joel was the first to react, stepping forward he inches closer to you, comfortable in doing so since you weren't changing your expression or moving. His eyes then traced over to your lips, looking at them before gazing down at his boots. Joel was oblivious to how tense things were. Sure stalling gave him time to figure out his next move, but he couldn't hold out forever.
Locking eyes with you once more, he was met with a gentle look that nearly sent him over the edge.
You couldn't help but say his name in a near whispering tone, "Joel."
By then, Joel felt he could tell you everything, tell you how much you meant to him. But words wouldn't do his emotions justice. He knew one thing would say all he wanted with one action.
Joel steps within a foot of range from you, his hands grabbing both sides of your face and leaning in for a kiss. He inhales, surprised by how soft your lips were when making contact. He initially wanted to keep the kiss to be brief, but it turned out to be much deeper with you kissing him back.
Upon parting from your lips, Joel traces his hands down your chest and all the way down to your hips, getting ready to speak. You were quick then to pull him back in for more, grappling onto the collar of his jacket and locking your lips back together. Joel lets out a heavy sigh into the kiss, grateful that you didn't want it to stop.
The older man wrapped his arms around the small of your back, reeling you in until you were chest to chest. The man's heart was racing, you could feel it pounding against your shirt, just as fast as yours was going. You guessed the man really did have a heart under all that thick skin, is if the moment didn't already confirmed that.
Your arm ran around Joel's shoulder to get a grip the back of his smooth grey hair. Gripping him causes him to moan; loudly. He could feel you smiling into the kiss as you both continued basking in each other's taste. Joel took the initiative and bites softly into your bottom lip to get a reaction out of you. On queue, you groan separating your lips from him.
Heads still close together you speak, "Don't infect me now".
Joel bites his lips, “You want me to?” His voice turned devious, like he had something they’ll make you infatuated by him. You were curious, what did this man have in store for you?
You might end up regretting it later but saying ‘no’ meant missing out. You reply with a breathily, “Yeah,” hands still playing with Joel’s hair. The man didn’t say a word, he began kissing your cheek and trailed all the way down to your neck. You had lowered your arm so that he had room to bury his face inside. Joel started off gentle but was now starting to become more passionate with him introducing his tongue. It made you quiver, your hands grabbing onto his arms that held your hips tightly. You tried your best to keep your voice low, but between Joel’s warm breath and his repetitive licks, it became impossible to hide.
Joel, mere seconds away from nibbling on your skin, is stopped by a sudden rattling noise. His hand quickly grabs his holster, retreating from the small of your neck. Both of your attention's are now down the hall, awaiting the sound to return. It did, and when one of the motel doors opened, you two relaxed when Henry stepped out from within.
Henry lets out a quick, “Oh…” realizing that he might be intruding once seeing Joel’s hand on your hip, “Sorry…sorry I got worried.”
Joel lets out a sigh, taking his other hand off his holstered. “Thought you were in bed.”
“The door wasn’t locked and neither of you were back yet, so I just wanted to check,” he replies.
Slightly annoyed Joel comments, “Very kind of you,” not giving the other man much room to response.
You could tell the poor wanted to get out of your hair. You thankfully reassure him, “It’s alright, Henry. We were just about to head back in.”
Henry nods, “Right,” taking his chance to remove himself from the awkward situation by heading inside.
You and Joel look at each other, both still needy for each other but tired nonetheless. With that desire for you still lingering in Joel’s eyes, you pat the man on the chest offering a suggestion. “So, wanna continue this next time?”
Joel thought for a second, that you were just sending Henry away so that things could proceed between the two of you. You actually meant it though, bringing some level of disappointment to Joel. But the smile you had on your face, no way he could say no to you. Joel simply smiles back agreeing, “Next time it is.”
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lou-struck · 10 months
Golden Touch
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Mammon x reader
~A cursed piece of Grimm gives Mammon what he has always wanted, but there is a price.
WC: 2.2k
Warnings: Mention of Mammon potentially being dangerous to the reader, a bit of crying but it's sweet I promise.
a/n: Another Prompt that I was placed into a folder and forgotten about!
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It has been a long yet rewarding day of volunteering at the animal shelter with Satan. In preparation for an upcoming adoption event, the two of you got to pet and socialize with dozens of cats who are looking to find a new fur-ever home. 
You feel like you are covered head to toe in enchanted car hair, but it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. The day was long but definitely rewarding.
“Oh my, there it is,” Satan says, walking over to a side table by the front door and holding up his leather-bound wallet. The lucky cat keychain you bought for him swings happily from the bottom of it. Earlier today, he was so excited to join you on your day out that he forgot to bring it with him. “That’s odd; all my Grimm is still here,” he murmurs. 
“What is so strange about that?” you ask, peeking over his shoulder. “That’s a good thing, right?”
He raises his brows and counts through his Grimm again with a Frown. “Normally, it would be a good thing, but Mammon has been home with my unattended wallet for hours, and there is nothing missing.” He states as if it were obvious. “He must be up to something.”
“But he didn’t take anything; maybe he is trying to be better.”
Your optimism brings a soft smile to the Avatar of Wrath’s face, “Sometimes, Mc, you are too trusting for your own good. It’s going to get you in trouble one of these days.”
Before you can respond to Satan, your DDD chimes from your pocket. “Who is it?” he asks, watching as you pull out the device. 
“It’s from Mammon,” you say, reading the message. “He says he wants me to come to his room as soon as I can.
With your time being stolen away from him so quickly, Satan’s brow twitches in annoyance, but he doesn’t object. “He is probably up to something shady,” he warns. “Don’t let him drag you into one of his stupid schemes.”
“No worries,” you say brightly, tucking your DDD into your waistband, “He probably is just bored.” Giving the blond demon one last smile, you head off down the hallway toward Mammon’s room. 
As you walk, you ignore the sense of unease in your gut.
One that tells you that this already long day is going to only get longer. 
You arrive outside Mammon’s door, knowing how embarrassed the Avatar of Greed got the last time you poked your head into his room without announcing your presence, making sure to knock loudly.
“Come get in here, you silly human,” you hear Mammon’s muffled voice call from inside. “And shut the door behind you.” You shake your head with an amused sigh; of course, Mammon seems to be up to something. You place your hand on the golden doorknob and twist it until the door clicks open. 
Wait, golden?
Since when has Mammon had a golden Doorknob?
But as you step fullying into Mammon’s room, the little doorknob is soon pushed from your mind when you glance around at the once-familiar bedroom. His stereo system, his sports car, and even each ball on his pool table are made of solid gold. Everything is golden and glowing. The rich glare is so intense you have to squint your eyes just to make your way across the floor. 
“Do ya like what I have done to the place?” Mammon calls, lounging on his solid gold mattress. 
“Mammon, what is all this?” you ask curiously. “What did you do to your room?”
“I just made some improvements.” he grins, flashing you a pearly white smile, “Check this out, Mc.”
His hand goes toward a still normal-looking snowglobe that rests on his bedside table; before you can object, he grabs it, and the whole thing instantly turns to solid gold. “Pretty cool, huh?”
“Mammon, how did this happen?” you ask in disbelief. Mammon’s initial enthusiasm for what can only be a curse is concerning. He really looks like he has the Midas Touch. 
He just smiles and takes a piece of Grimm off of his nightstand. “I was walking home, and I found this Grimm on the road. I picked it up, and once I got back to my room, everything I touched with my bare hands turned to gold.” He flips the coin into the air playfully before placing it into his stiff golden jacket pocket. “Do you know what this means?”
“That you’re cursed?” you answer plainly. 
“No, It means we are going to be rich.” he grins, an excited blush appearing on his cheeks. “We can have all the gold we want with this power; I can take ya out and spoil ya anytime you want; the only thing is I need to find something to cover my hands with when I’m eating.”
“Has that been an issue?” you ask, wondering why he seems so unbothered by this curse. 
“Yea, I accidentally turned my cup of ramen into gold earlier.” he sniffs, looking over at the golden container on his coffee table. “At first, it was pretty annoying, but then I realized I could buy as much ramen as I wanted now. Honestly, I can buy anything I want.” His eyes shine with eagerness, and you can only imagine what kind of lavish plans are going through his head.
It’s hard to reason with him when he is this excited. You know you’re going to be the one who asks Lucifer to break this curse for him before he accidentally hurts someone. “How did you even message me?” you ask, looking down at his still-normal DDD. 
“I used the voice typing thing Levi uses when he is playing those games,” he smirks, sliding his now useless sunglasses off of his head where they rest upon his white hair like a crown. Their golden lenses are impossible to see out of. “You gotta admit, this is a power worthy of the Great Mammon.”
“As far as curses go, I do admit this is very you.” you giggle, “But do you really want to stay this way forever?”
“Why not?” he asks, “I’ll never have to worry about being short on Grimm ever again.” his blue eyes sparkle dreamily at the statement. He is so caught up in his fantasies you know that you’ll have a hard time bringing him back to reality by yourself. 
“That’s true,” you agree, the wheels in your head cranking up a plan to get Mammon to want to break the curse. “But could we go to Lucifer and just make sure that this curse doesn’t have any weird catch…” 
Your words cause a momentary flicker of fear to flash across his face. “What do ya mean by catch?”
“Just like a side effect,” you shrug nonchalantly, “You know, like every time you turn something into gold, you lose a bit of your hair or something like that.”
His eyes immediately dart to his reflection in the mirror as he looks for any signs of magical balding, finding none. He breathes a deep sigh of relief. “Yer pretty smart for a human, I knew there was a reason I kept ya around.”
“The only reason?” you tease, stepping out into the hallway, “I really thought I meant something to you.”
“N-not the only reason.” He stammers, cheeks flushing a deep red as he stumbles after you, His hands brushing along the wall as he walks, leaving a trail of gold in his wake. 
Lucifer sits at his desk, a blank expression on his face as Mammon tells him everything about his little Midas Touch problem, but he truly doesn’t have much to explain after accidentally turning Lucifer’s Record player to gold. For your own safety, Lucifer has you standing on the opposite side of the room from his brother. At least he sees the danger in this current situation. 
“That is all very interesting, Mammon, but I’ll need to inspect that Grimm you found to truly understand the effects of the curse.” He says, his voice is steady, but there is a look of tired annoyance in his eyes. 
“My Grimm?” Mammon repeats defensively. “Yer gonna give it back r~” he is cut off by a menacing glare from the Avatar of Pride that has him pulling the coin out of his pocket and dropping it on the desk.
With gloved hands, Lucifer analyzes the Grimm; there is a strange flow of magic radiating off the coin as he works. Mammon shifts nervously in his standing position as he watches the dark-haired demon mutter incantations under his breath. 
“There, now, was that so difficult?” Lucifer smirks, tossing the coin back to Mammon teasingly. “from what I can tell, your curse is to simply turn whatever you touch with your bare hands into gold. And it is breakable. If you wish for it to be broken, then it will fade away on its own.”
Mammon laughs boldly in his brother’s face, “Why would I ever want to give this up?”
Lucifer’s crimson gaze lands on you so briefly that, at first, you thought you were just imagining it before giving Mammon his full attention. A devilish lift to his lips. “Because, so long as you continue to feed this curse, you are forbidden to have any sort of contact with Mc.”
Mammon’s jaw drops comically fast as he registers Lucifer’s declaration. “Wh-what do ya mean I can’t be around MC?” he asks. “It’s not like m’ gonna turn’ em to gold.”
“You very well could, Mammon,” Lucifer frowns. “And we both care about them too much to put them at risk.”
Mammon looks distressed as he looks quickly between you and his brother. His eyes turn glassier by the second “B-but I could wear gloves or somethin. Please, Mc, ya trust the Great Mammon, right?”
“Mammon, gloves can rip.” you say solemnly, “I understand that if you are going to be happy with your new power, I can no longer be a part of your life.” with Mammon’s full attention on you, Lucifer sends you a knowing look. You are playing your part well, albeit a bit dramatic.
He’s quiet for a moment as he looks down at his hands, his brow furrowed as he weighs his decisions, a life full of endless riches and a few golden inconveniences, or you, the kind human who has stolen his heart. 
There is only one real option for the Avatar of Greed.
“Ahhhh damn it, don’t look at me like that, Mc,” he cries, “Just break the curse, Lucifer.”
Pleased at Mammon’s decision, Lucifer struggles to hide his affection for his brother. Having placed the cursed coin in the Avatar of Greeds path earlier to teach him a lesson. A soft silver light radiates from Mammon’s tanned hands, dispelling the curse’s magic trend into nothingness. Any objects that he had turned into gold return to their normal forms as the magic is wiped away. 
There goes Mammon’s plan of selling whatever he had turned earlier.
When the light fades, Mammon carefully touches the arm of one of Lucifer’s office chairs; instead of turning gold, it remains in its perfectly polished state. “It’s gone?”
“Obviously,” Lucifer replies. Although he doesn’t show it, he is happy that Mammon made the right choice. In fact, he is proud of his brother. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have much work to do, and you are only a hindrance to my progress.”
“Fine, we were leaving anyways,” Mammon huffs, striding across the room, taking your hand with his, and leading you out the office door. As the Avatar of Greed guides you away, you glance back at Lucifer and shoot him a knowing smile that he slyly reciprocates.
Now back in Mammon’s less golden bedroom, he has yet to let go of your hand. His eyes are fixated on how comfortably your fingers are intertwined. “Are we just going to stand here?” you tease, slowly pulling your hand away from his. 
Greedy as ever, he is reluctant to let go of your warm skin, “Hey, I gave up a lot to hold yer hand.” he pouts, his cheeks turning a deep red as he looks at you. He closes whatever space that was between the two of you and pulls you in for a tight hug. “B-but I had to do it; I knew how much you would miss getting to hug the Great Mammon.” 
You know he’s projecting; you saw it on his face back in the office. All that vibrato about how he wanted to keep the power was just an act. As much as he hates to admit it, Mammon is clingy; he needs touch and reassurance to make him feel loved. 
Not just from you but from all his brothers, 
When he is not dragging you across the Devildom, he looks the most content when Asmodeus is touching up the polish on his fingernails, Supporting a sleeping Belphie with his shoulder on the sofa, or Bumping shoulder with Levi trying to break his concentration during a game of Devil-Kart. 
“I was going to miss you,” you murmur into his shoulder. “I’m glad you chose to break the curse.”
His breath hitches as he squeezes you tighter. He trembles softly as a few teardrops land on your head. 
“Me too.”
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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the-64th-gamer · 1 year
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Next robot deep dive video is on this goober, the Hubot. I've got an entire archive of everything to know about em in my A.V.R.T.C Wiki
Its basically the equivalent of a Kaypro IV on wheels that can speak, alongside having multiple A/V internal devices:
Atari 2600
AM/FM Radio
Stereo Cassette Deck
TV Tuner
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wolfliving · 27 days
Meanwhile, in Brickland
Cory Doctorow:
Analog companies can raise their prices, or worsen next year's model of their products. *Digital* businesses can *travel back in time* and raise the price of something you already own, but need to pay a "subscription" fee for. They can reach back in time and remove features you've already paid for. They can even go back in time and take away things you already own. The omniflexible, omnipresent digital tether between a device and its manufacturer creates *so many* urges that they can't resist:
Are you one of 4,000,000 people who built "smart home" products from Wink into your walls, ceiling and foundation slab at any time since they started shipping in 2014? Surprise! Now you have to pay a "subscription" for all of those gadgets or they'll *brick your fucking house*:
Did you buy a "Mellow Sous Vide" gadget? Surprise, it now costs $48/year to use that gadget!
Did you buy an Exogen ultrasound device to stimulate bone growth after a fracture? Surprise, it bricks itself after you've used it 343 times! Enjoy your e-waste, Hopalong!
Did you *buy a Ferrari performance sports-car*? Surprise, it bricks itself if it detects "tampering" - and the only way to un-brick it is to connect it to the internet, so you'd better hope it doesn't brick itself deep in an underground parking garage. Oops!
Did you buy a Peloton treadmill? Surprise, your $3,000 "smart" treadmill no longer works in standalone mode - unless you pay $480/year, that treadmill is now a clothes-drying rack:
Did you buy an Epson printer? Surprise! It will brick itself after you print a certain number of pages, *for your own good*, because otherwise its ink-sponges might leak:
Did you get - no, wait for it - *did you get a neural implant?* Surprise. The company's new owners don't want to continue supporting your implant, and they won't let anyone else do so either. So now, *part of your brain* has been bricked:
This is like a lifetime money-back guarantee - *for companies*. Any company that experience's seller's remorse can cancel or alter the transaction, retroactively. It's as if Darth Vader opened an MBA program whose only lesson was *I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it further":
Darth Vader has the Force. Corporate enshittifiers have something even more powerful: IP law. Companies can cleverly arrange overlapping layers of IP - anticircumvention, trademark, patent, trade secrecy, terms of service, cybersecurity law, contracts - to criminalize otherwise legal activity, like reverse-engineering, jailbreaking, creating alternative clients or third-party parts:
That means that companies know that they can enshittify to their heart's content without fearing a competitor's disenshittification products. Raise the price of ink all you want, because you've figured out how to criminalize generic ink cartridges:
That's a lesson Spotify took to heart. Aaaallll the way back in 2022, Spotify started selling $90 "Car Thing" tablets - little car-vent-mounted gadgets that made it slightly easier to connect your car stereo to your Spotify account. Now that a suitable interval has gone by, Spotify has decided to remotely brick every one of these solid-state devices, no later than December of 2024:
Now, this may seem like a loss to all those Car Thing owners, who are out $90. But consider this: our descendants are *gaining* thousands of pieces of immortal, infinitely toxic e-waste.
So there's that.
Then there's this: Jason Koebler just published a breakdown of a leaked sSamsung repair contract on 404 Media, revealing how Samsung requires its "independent" repair partners to trick you, abuse you, spy on you, and literally destroy your phone:
First: every time you bring a phone to an independent Samsung repair shop, the company has 24 hours to notify Samsung, providing your name, email, phone number, address, the IMEI of your phone, your warranty status and complaint.
Then, the technician is required to inspect your device for any evidence that you have had it serviced by unauthorized technicians or fixed with third-party replacement parts. If they believe you have failed to act in accord with Samsung's shareholders' interests, the technician is required to *immediately destroy your phone* and notify Samsung.
(This is radioactively illegal, and has been since 1975, when Congress passed the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, which protects your right to use third-party parts:)
Why does Samsung do this? They can't help themselves. It's in their nature.
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