#stick woman being fabulous
justin-peudeau · 1 year
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Did someone say...
Haha, I begin my jobs since wednesday and I really love the new ideas that came to my mind when I got home now 😂
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krahk · 6 months
Blood for Ruin
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3
Alastor x OFC/Reader (no use of Y/N)
Part Four
(Or, Alastor Learns Hell Hath No Fury…you know the rest)
18+ Minors DNE, Smuttempt below.
Alastor and you had come to a respectable agreement in a considerably quick amount of time given the fact that the two of you were hesitant to even speak to one another. He still had free reign, his excuse being that he had already navigated Hell for nearly a century virtually unscathed and was immensely powerful. He also brought up that it was just unsafe for any women to be wandering around Hell in general. All the unscrupulous, unsavoury, and demented sinners loved to continue their victim count in the underworld. You were a target simply because of your gender. And gentlemen did not let women they knew walk straight into danger. He mentioned that was partially the reason Nifty stuck around him so long. He provided a safe area for her to be herself without being exploited due to her very strange mind. His concern for the little woman was touching, since you had assumed he had no good bone in his body.
You, however, would stick around the hotel mostly, but you were not limited to just your room as Alastor had first suggested. You would also be able to leave, but Alastor would be your chaperone. Having him around almost guaranteed distance from other sinners due to their fear of the Radio Demon. You could also leave with Husk, but only locally, and he would call for Alastor immediately if you would try anything funny. Alastor had told Husk about your attack and used your trauma as a reason for your constant babysitting. He wasn’t pleased about his new duties, but he certainly couldn’t refuse the Overlord.
And for a couple of weeks, this arrangement worked just fine for you. You didn’t suddenly need to leave the hotel a bunch, you preferred staying in anyway. Part of it was still just that you were still freshly dead, didn’t have to work, and there were enough things around this old building that needed attention. You started reorganising the library as a job, remembering that the state of it was less than desirable. It was still a mess, and currently it felt as if you were trying to polish a turd making it look presentable. Charlie’s father was arriving soon, called as a last resort to help her with the hotel. Pressure was on this morning, since the woman was clearly trying to work through some emotional baggage waiting regarding her father. Taking a step back and realising there really was no chance, you just wrote ‘Women’s bathroom’ on a piece of paper and fingers crossed the Devil was a gentleman. As you were sticking the paper on one of the double doors into the room, Angel walked by and barked out a laugh.
”You really think that’s gonna keep the man out, toots? Props for trying I guess.” Ending with a wink. You chuckled back in return, explaining your reason. ”I mean, he doesn’t really need to check every room out, but what if he’s a total perv? I know lots of powerful men that are totally into that shit! Overlords, even. Right Smiles?” Angel had directly that last statement to Alastor, who had come up from behind him and was now looking at your sign, perplexed. He waved his fingers and your sign turned into a shiny gold placard, and raised an eyebrow looking to your face for a reaction. You smiled at the sign, and nodded your head in his direction.
“Quite right to keep him out of as many rooms as possible, my dear. Fabulous idea indeed.” Oh yes, let us let him think you did this for an actual reason, and not because you get distracted trying to fix whatever Dewey Decimal system they were using in Hell. The three of you heard Charlie call for everyone to come into the foyer to wait, and you and Angel walked side by side talking about what you thought Lucifer might be like.
“Well, he’s supposed to be God’s favourite, and beautiful - like the Morningstar, so he has to be hot as fuck!”
”Mama warned me that Satan would be attractive, but since he’s not Satan and life doesn’t make any sense anymore, I figure she meant the Devil. Charlie’s gorgeous so I wouldn’t be surprised.” You stated. Angel was nodding while pursing his lips.
“Charlie’s mother is some kinda bombshell though, a total dime. I’ve never seen her but I do believe you gotta be to keep the Devil occupied.” He winked at you again, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. “Don’t be a pig, Angel, try to keep that under control for the time being.”
”Hey, Fat Nuggets and I have more in common than you know, girl.” Both of you laughed at his remark, and suddenly, Charlie interrupted your little chat-
“Okay Everyone! It’s Showtime!” Opening the door to Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil.
You blasted off your confetti cannon at the same time as Husk, welcoming him to the foyer. Alastor stood alongside Charlie and it was clear from his facial expressions he was unimpressed. Like, so obvious. Eventually Charlie introduced him to everyone in the group, ending on you, where Lucifer had grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth to politely put a kiss to the back of it, much to your surprise. You smiled in return, while he made a remark about how cute some sinners could be. Eyes darting to Alastor, it was evident that he was seething about the special attention. Putting your hand back to your side, you thanked him for the compliment and allowed Charlie to attempt to continue her tour.
However a chandelier disaster had surprised you all, and it broke Lucifer out into song. You could see where Charlie got it from.
See this part of hell you would never understand. Occasionally, people would just break out into song, like a musical. It was generally entertaining, but as a spectator sometimes you were unsure what to do. You could all hear the music, so this was something that happened with intention. Still did not make sense overall. Alastor had taken over Lucifer’s song and as it spiralled out of control swapping between the two men, you hunkered over to the wall to enjoy the show. Before long, an interloper broke in and took charge over the song. It was a female sinner, and it was clear that she and Alastor had history together.
Always one to keep to a strict schedule, Alastor reminded Charlie of the tour as he redirected the new addition. The two of them, along with Vaggie and Lucifer went their own way. You joined Angel at the bar with Alastors friend, Mimzy, and were swept up in her storytelling of Alastors history before and beginning in hell. You could tell that Husk and Mimzy had some of their own history, and it was not good. Suddenly, the main doors were busting against the frame, with yelling for the new demon coming from outside, and they had the entire building shaking. Very quickly, things went very downhill, but you were quickly pulled aside with a shadowy tendril and placed at the very back of the room, the tendril blocking you in with whatever furniture had become askew.
Of course. You were a liability. But he couldn’t very well instruct you out loud to stay safe, things were still on the down low. Like buried 20 feet deep down low. You peeked over the edge of a table that had been placed in front of you to watch the fight go down. Alastor had become…evil, to put it simply. Charlie was holding rage in at her fathers words, Vaggie was checking on staff. Pentious was running for his own eggboys to find cover. Truly never a dull moment here. You sat down and pushed yourself to the wall, hitting it with your back and pulling your knees up to your chest, holding them to you with your arms.
Almost as quick as it came, the noise was silenced. Clearly Alastor had promptly dealt with the threat, coming out a winner, and was correct about his capabilities regarding avoiding injuries. You stood up, and made eye contact with the Radio Demon, the slightest nod in approval coming from him. You climbed over the makeshift blockade, and headed towards the front door to join Angel and Husk outside. Charlie and her father had walked past you, Charlie clearly upset with him. You could tell another song was coming out, very personal this time, so you were eager to get a good distance away from it.
As you approached him, Angel had a sly smirk and a raised brow at you. “What's that look for?” You inquired, on the defence to his judgement.
”Well don’t you look fresh and clean as ever - don’t think I didn’t catch Smiles over there keeping you sa~fe.”
You scoffed in return. “Alastor is just a gentleman, he knows I’m an absolute klutz, remember how I busted myself up looking for you that one night? And then again when I missed the last step of the stairs and ate shit on my chin?” You were gesturing like a mad woman, hoping your quick and reasonable response would be believed. You only received a sceptical look in return. “Yea, I dunno if he’s that kind of a gentleman, doll. He generally doesn’t give a shit if any of us hurt ourselves. Look at Nif!” You didn’t have to look at the demon to know she was probably up to something no good.
“Nifty likes getting into trouble, and especially loves pain-“, “I love pain!” She interjected with a menacing laugh afterwards. “See! She’s a big fan. He’s simply a gentleman.” But Husk gave you a very sceptical look. He was suspicious.
“Keeping the fairer sex safe has always been a gentleman’s priority, Angel Dust. And this one in particular does like to get herself into trouble. I could not possibly allow any of our staff to be exposed to danger unwillingly.” He said, agreeing with your statement.
“You didn’t seem to give a shit about Mimzy, though.” Husk said, giving the taller demon a look with attitude.
Alastor hummed briefly, “Mimzy is more than capable of handling herself, Husker - I know her to be very capable of keeping herself safe. Why, it was why she came here! I am well known to take care of those who need help.” The look he gave the bartender was one of contention. The tension between the two was strong, and you and Angel were simply unwilling spectators in this battle. “Yea, but not without an exchange - you don’t do shit for free, everyone knows that too.” Alastors eyes thinned at him, and Husk shut his mouth after that, but it was clear he thought he had made a point before Alastor had turned on his chipper Radio persona to reply.
“I enjoy keeping people on their toes! It is a good way to keep the boredom at bay. Hah-hah!”
You breathed a small sigh of relief, avoiding eye contact from any of the men around you entirely. You watched as Lucifer gave Charlie a firm hug and left. The girl looked pleased as she informed Vaggie that they would be meeting in Heaven for a meeting. Hopefully things would continue to go her way.
Angel would simply not drop it though, just as you thought you and Alastor had made it out of the woods, he just started all over. “You got a thing for her, Smiles? You stare at her a lot too, don’t think I don’t catch ya all the time. Ya gotta crush?” Oh, Angel was just a couple drinks in already. Damn his weak constitution for strong liquor. The room became chilly, and Alastor went on a polite-ish tirade- “How dare you insult me with the notion of ever feeling anything for this pathetic creature other than pity. She is incapable of keeping herself out of trouble, but since Charlie seems quite fond of her it would do me no good to have her worry over this little doe. She is exactly as she appears - weak, scared, and lacking any form of self preservation. It is clear why she came to hell as a doe, because she is no better than basic prey. Think before you decide to insult me again.” Mmmkay. Not polite-ish at all.
“Ex-cuse me?!” You exclaimed, defensive. “You’re also a deer!” Ah yes great, what a good comeback. He sneered at you - “My appearance is laced with irony, my dear. You fulfilled your position on earth for what you are. I was simply cursed with my appearance as punishment. This is, after all, hell.” You made a few noises as interjection, but your face was beginning to burn with embarrassment. Alastor quickly turned away, obviously to avoid anyone getting a good look at his face flushing, announcing he needed to get up to his radio tower to be on time for his evening broadcast. “Such good news to be announced! I simply cannot leave anyone waiting for me!” And he swiftly disappeared into his shadows, leaving the 3 of you sitting at the bar amidst the mess. You jumped to your feet off the stool and did a little stomp and noise of frustration.
“How fucking dare him I- I swear, I’m gonna…UGH.” You grabbed your hair on either side of your head before running your hands down your face.
“What toots, what could you even do to him? He’s like, super spooky. And strong, you heard that broad earlier. He basically eats overlords for breakfast. Guess it’s easy bein’ a dick down here if you got no weaknesses.” Angel said, putting his glass on the counter and getting up himself to head upstairs.
Then it clicked. Oh-ho-ho. But he did have a weakness. A great big weakness. What a shame if someone were to abuse their power while said dick was perhaps engaged in something important…like being on the air. You laughed darkly, smiling wide. Pathetic, eh? Well, you could get him to your level. And it would be so easy, too. You turned on your heel and ran past Angel to the stairs, shouting goodnight to the lingering bodies in the foyer. You had a date with a broadcast.
Once upstairs you locked the door, and triple checked it was shut. You turned out most of the lights and turned on the warmest lamp for ambiance. Angel was always getting free PR from all sorts of businesses, most of them involved in the sex trade. And many of the free items were designed for people with a different set of sex organs than him. For some reason, about half of Hell thought Angel Dust was a girl, confused about the chest fluff. So not long ago Angel had ‘gifted’, i.e ‘ dumped’ a load of different vibrators and dildos your way.’No point lettin’em go to waste doll face!’ He had said, laughing at your red face once you had realised what he had given you. You had promptly thrown the box of intimidating items under your bed while he was trying to convince you rubbing one out was good for the soul. Something about ‘loving yourself’ being a very important step in redemption. Most nights, he was like a very annoying older brother who only made inappropriate jokes at your expense.
But tonight, oh-hoh, that box was coming out of the dark. You rifled through the objects, startled by some of the more…complicated items. Some had 2 wands, or curvy bits, some had 3 - all very intimidating. Your hand had landed on a smaller box, one with an easy to grab handle and a white rubber circle on one side at the end. You put the batteries in it, turning it on. Confused, since all your vibrators were pretty plain in the overworld, you put your hand to the white rubber. Oh! Ooohh~~.
Suction. Good god, hell thought of everything filthy, now hadn’t it? But already, just the thought of using it made you squish your legs together. You put it down on the bed. Everything needed to be perfect. You turned the radio in your room on, Alastors broadcast filling the silence. It was a musical interlude at this moment, which was perfect because you could assume he was just ignoring the little moment of arousal that passed through you just then. Putting the box and all of the more advanced items back under the bed, you stripped down and threw yourself under the covers.
Usually a date with yourself was a little more spontaneous. And not for such a vengeful reason, either. But the thought of getting him back like this, him knowing how you felt and what you were probably doing, the effect it would have on him was invigorating. And there was nothing he could do about it, either, he was not one to skip a broadcast. His ego simply wouldn’t allow it. You didn’t focus on the many ways that this could (would) blow up in your face. You were a little too excited in more ways than one now.
You started with feather touches on your clavicle, using the allusion of a faint hand being someone else’s to spark the match. You grazed over your breasts, lightly pulling on a nipple and bringing it to a peak. You put your fingers in your mouth, and pinched your nipple again, blowing cold air on it, resulting in a full body of goosebumps. By this time, Alastor was back on the air.
”Well was that not a swell piece of music? From a better time, I say! Now, focusing more on today’s great news of a meeting with the higher ups in heaven-“
Your fingers had drifted down your stomach to below your waistline and further. Small circles were being drawn on your upper thigh, heading in a spiral down to your core. You could feel how puffy you were getting, radiating heat under the blankets, and a finger rubbing over your slit bringing wetness up to your clit was clear that you were more turned on than usual. It had been a while, after all.
“-Morningstar is a…determined young lady-“ You inserted a finger, “*cough* how can we not follow in her stead? Give redemption a chance and-“ a second, only to come out and rub around your clit in a slow and steady circle. You had turned the little vibrator on at this point, bringing it down to your throbbing heat. “Come down to the …t-to the Hazbin Hotel! We’ve - hng -“
He lost his words just as soon as you had placed the little rubber ring around your clit, the strong sucking sensation making your hips jerk up from the over-stimulation immediately. You were certainly more sensitive in your new form over all, but sweet baby Jesus the sensations you were feeling were so strong you lost your breath.
As did Alastor. He coughed again, the noise coming out strong on the radio. “Apologies, listeners! It appears as if …as if our broadcast is having a diff-‘“ he took a haggard breath as you could feel the pressure building rapidly. This was accelerating far quicker than you had imagined. The toy was so strong that you didn’t even remember what the goal was anymore, it didn’t matter. Your arousal was hot and burning and it took over your mind entirely. You were matching Alastor's ragged breaths, his static taking over his voice in an attempt to cover his strange broadcast.
You were building up, up, up, until finally the dam from your little toy broke your walls down into a strong, powerful orgasm. Strongest one you have ever had. Your cunt was clenching, clit protesting at the continued abuse it was taking from the little rubber circle. You rode it out, lowering the speed as your jerking began to subside. You turned off the machine and just laid in the bed with arms at either side of your body. you could feel your wetness trailing down, surely leaving a patch of shame on your sheets.
Moments after your release, the static faded from the radio, with Alastor announcing “It appears as if we’ve had some interruption with our signal, save your ears for other nights, listeners!” Before ending the show abruptly with an upbeat jazzy instrumental. It wasn’t long before you heard a loud slam of something from the room right across the hall before you chuckled at your payback, dozing off to sleep. Best part, you thought as you were fading into slumber, was that he most certainly kept his smile through that entire ordeal. Payback can be a bitch.
And she was coming for you soon.
You wanted to play dirty? He could play dirty. You would need to be reminded not to mess with the Radio Demon…
Alastor was furious. Livid, he had thrown a few pieces of furniture into the swampy marsh within his room. How dare you compromise his show that way. To do something that…lewd as he was on the air? How very dare her. If you weren’t so intrinsically linked to his livelihood, he would skin you alive. He generally kept his mind off of such carnal pleasures, considering them a waste of time and energy - what was the point, anyway? One could not procreate in Hell as a sinner, so there was no reason why one should engage in sexual activities. That was what he thought for himself, anyway. And it had worked for him for nearly a century. Decades over the amount that you had been alive overworld! Seething, he shredded one of his sitting chairs, the stuffing shooting out of the claw marks. His antlers were proudly massive, body big, but his pants still had evidence of younterference with his night.
Buckle up readers, it is beginning. I’m reading like a thousand shitty romance books to figure out how writers can describe genitalia now my search history is ruined.
@queermaxwooo @drawings-by-meh @sirens-and-moonflowers @looking1016 @mo-0-o @blakeaha @mutifandomkid @ministarheaven @nightingale0603 @loadedwafflefries @rizzscary @bishiglomper @vividachromatic @fluffy-koalala @mkaella @readergirlstuff
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
change of heart (s.c)
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first piece of my skz street racing series! i'm extremely nervous, and i really hope you all like it 💓
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
You're cleaning the ceramic cups when his loud voice echoes off of the walls. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as you glance in the direction of the front door.
A few other patrons glare at Changbin as he walks up to the counter. It's not every day that he comes here, but most people come here to study, meaning they want the space to be quiet.
"Welcome to The Crescent Café, what can I get for you?" You ask the dark-haired man with no emotion in your voice.
"It's nice to see you too, Y/N," Changbin says while keeping his eyes on the menu. "Can I get a medium iced americano?"
You nod your head, inputting his order into the system. "Is that all?" You follow up, meeting his gaze.
"Can I get your phone number?" He asks with a smirk.
"No. Your total is $5.46," you reject him with no hesitation.
Changbin releases a light hiss before shaking his head. "Come on," he whines, laying his hands on the counter. "What do I gotta do to get a chance with you?"
You purse your lips as the receipt for his order prints. "You'd have to stop being a dick to people around you. You'd have to be more considerate too," you mention while handing him his receipt.
He just nods his head, keeping his mouth shut. Changbin doesn't say anything else as you start to make his coffee. A part of you is surprised that he shut up instantly.
It doesn't take you very long to make his iced americano, handing it to the buff man once you're done. He doesn't stick around after he takes the drink from you.
You feel proud of yourself for knocking him down a peg or two, but you also feel a bit guilty for sounding so… mean. Your gaze moves with his figure as Changbin walks out of the coffee shop.
"You okay?" Your co-worker asks while placing a hand on your shoulder.
You jump at the sound of his voice, placing a hand over your heart. "Jesus, yeah, I'm okay," you mumble, giving him a small smile.
The guy apologizes to you while placing a comforting hand on your arm. "So sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," he chuckles, rubbing your forearm.
"It's okay," you giggle, moving to rest against the back counter. "You're just early. Cho said that you weren't coming in until eleven."
"Ah, yeah. I thought I wasn't either, but the event I attended was shorter than anticipated," Ji-ho mentions, his arms crossing over his chest.
"Everything is okay?" You ask him.
His gaze meets yours, and a charming smile graces his lips. "Yeah, everything's fine. Don't worry your pretty little head," he flirts, tapping the pad of his index finger on your nose.
You feel yourself blushing, dropping your gaze to the tile flooring. Ji-ho hooks a finger under your chin, lifting your head up.
"Would you want to go out Friday night?" He asks you, smirking a bit.
"O-Oh," your eyes go wide, and you stutter, "I, uh, yeah, sure."
He smiles widely as a customer walks up to the counter. "Great. Give me your number after our shift, and I'll text you the details and everything," Ji-ho mentions while strolling past you.
You keep your eyes on him as he helps the older woman. Did he really ask me out? You ask yourself, furrowing your brows a bit. You can feel the nerves beginning to catch up to you, and you let him know that you're going to take a quick break.
Once you make it outside the building, you release a deep breath. "I have a date Friday," you whisper before doing a little cheer.
"Are you sure this is appropriate?" You ask your roommate, a laugh escaping your lips.
Hana runs her hands up along your sides before resting her chin on your shoulder. "Girl, yes. You look absolutely fabulous," she hypes you up, patting the top of your head. "Plus, didn't he say to dress nicely?!"
You nod your head, looking yourself over in the mirror. You do look good, you have to agree. "Okay, before the confidence wears off," you chuckle while walking out of your bedroom, heading into the living area to put your shoes on.
"Get some!" She screams, racing into the kitchen.
Another laugh comes from you as you slip your black heels on. Hana comes into the room with two glasses of wine, handing one to you.
"Hana, I'm just about to leave," you tell her, pushing the glass back towards you.
She pushes it into your hands anyway, making you take it. "It's for courage, babe. Drink up," she clicks your glass before downing the alcohol.
You raise the drink to your lips, drinking the red wine steadily. You gulp the liquid down and place the empty glass on the table in front of you. A knock on the door echoes off the walls, signaling that Ji-ho is here.
"Okay, I'm leaving. I'll update you later," you tell her with a grin.
She nods her head and quickly dips back into her bedroom. You take one more deep breath before opening the front door. Your breath hitches in your throat at the sight of him.
"Hi," you greet him, meeting his dark eyes.
"Hey, you look gorgeous," Ji-ho compliments you, leaning forward to place a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you," you blush, taking the hand he's holding out to you.
The taller man leads you out of your apartment building, making small conversations about each other's day. He stops in front of a sporty looking vehicle and opens the passenger side door.
"This is yours?" You ask him after slipping into the seat. Ji-ho nods his head before closing the door. You lock your seatbelt and rest your hands in your lap.
Ji-ho slips into the driver's seat and starts the vehicle. He revs the engine, the loudness of it startling you slightly. "Ready?" He grins, revving the engine again.
You nod your head once, and Ji-ho shifts his vehicle into gear. You grab a hold of the door as he speeds down the well-lit streets.
The ride lasts about twenty minutes, getting curious about where he's taking you. You notice a bunch of cars sitting in one area, the neon lights on each vehicle lighting up the parking lot.
"What is this?" You ask the man beside you, taking a quick glance towards him. "Where are we?"
"Street race," he tells you before parking the vehicle. Your lips part as Ji-ho gets out, gently shutting his door. He races over to your side and opens the door for you. "Come on. It'll be fun."
Your hands shake a bit as you slowly rise out of the vehicle. "Uh, you know these races are illegal, yeah?" You ask him, starting to feel a little uneasy.
Ji-ho rolls his eyes at your question. "Really? Are you going to be a buzzkill? This group comes here almost every night," he informs you, attempting to drag you towards the crowd of people.
"I don't want to be here," you truthfully tell him, planting your feet into the ground.
"Fine. Find your own way home," Ji-ho snaps before walking away from you.
You're honestly a bit surprised that he just left you alone. You look around yourself, feeling a bit overdressed for this kind of occasion. A slight gasp comes from your lips upon seeing Seo Changbin.
Of course he's here… You think to yourself, having an internal debate with yourself. "Do I really want to ask him to take me home?" You mumble while slowly making your way towards him.
He checks the engine in his vehicle as you walk up to him. The curly-haired man lifts his head, and his eyes widen once he realizes who you are.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Changbin asks you, looking around while resting a hand on your forearm. "How'd you even get here?"
You swallow thickly and jab your thumb in the direction of the crowd. "Uhm, I went out with a guy from work, and he brought me here," you begin to explain, tangling your fingers with one another. "I-I asked him to bring me home, but he just ditched me."
"Who is it?" He asks, straightening his back.
"His name is Ji-ho," you mention with furrowed brows. "It doesn't matter. I was just wondering if… if maybe you could bring me home?"
Changbin's eyes meet yours again, noticing the desperate look in them. "Yeah, sure," he pauses, the corner of his mouth lifting, "but only if you give me your number after."
You scoff, shaking your head at him. "I can't stand you," you laugh loudly, turning to walk away from him.
A hand quickly wraps itself around your wrist, stopping you from walking away. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Changbin apologizes while pulling you back towards him. "I have a race in five minutes, but after that, I promise to bring you home."
"You don't expect me to ride with you for it, do you?!" You ask him.
"I mean, you don't have to," he shrugs his shoulders, providing a small smile. "Although, I'd feel more safe if you were with me."
You bite your lip as you glance back at the group of people. They start to disperse, and you assume they're preparing for the race.
"If I scream to get out of your car, you pull over," you start while walking towards the passenger side of his crimson-colored vehicle, "I don't care if you're in first or last place."
Changbin places a hand on his heart after shutting the hood. "I promise to let you out if you scream," he swears, the two of you piling into the vehicle.
You can not believe that you're in Seo Changbin's car during an illegal street race. Hana's never going to believe you when you tell her this.
His car drifts around the tight corner, causing you to suck in some air and squeeze your eyes shut. "H-How does one do this?!" You ask out loud to no one in particular. "You're all crazy."
Changbin places his right hand on your leg before slapping it a couple of times. "Oh, come on. It's fun. We're having fun!" He says while squeezing gently.
You turn your head to glare at him, your knuckles beginning to turn white from how hard you're gripping. "Oh, yeah, I'm having so much fun," you almost growl.
He takes another sharp turn, and you almost bash your head off of the window. "Shit, be careful," Changbin's demeanor changes from amusement to concern. "You gotta pay attention, baby."
"Don't call me baby," you grumble, keeping your eyes on the road.
"You're cute when you're mad," he laughs while shifting his vehicle into another gear, the speed of it increasing.
You cross your arms over your chest for a few seconds. "Is that why you keep trying to get my number?" You ask him with a raised brow.
"I mean, it's part of the reason. The other reason is that you're so cute," he answers your question with his signature smirk.
Your hand grips his wrist that sits on the shifter, your eyes glancing towards the man. Changbin crosses the finish line in first place, and you release a deep breath as he starts to slow down.
As soon as he parks the car, you unbuckle your seatbelt before opening the passenger door. You tumble out of the vehicle, looking back to see others cross the finish line.
"Do you still want me to take you home?" Changbin asks you, leaning forward a bit to look at you from the driver's seat.
"Will you drive normally?" You almost plead to him, trying to get your heart rate down.
He smiles at you softly, nodding his head. "I promise," he places a hand on his chest.
You nod your head and get back into the car. The buff man beside you waits for you to get settled in before driving away. Silence fills the space for a few minutes, your eyes staring out at the quiet city.
"What do you get when you win?" You ask all of a sudden, keeping your gaze on the view.
Changbin hums in response while taking a quick glance in your direction. "Uhm, pride?" He chuckles, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel.
A loud laugh leaves your lips, and you finally look over at the pretty man. You give him a look, not wanting to believe that they don't get some sort of prize. "You're absolutely kidding?" You ask, leaning forward in your seat a bit.
"I'm being one hundred percent serious," he continues to laugh, turning his vehicle down a different street. "We all do it to be on top. You know how some guys can be. They get off on this kind of stuff."
"Gross," you laugh while shaking your head.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive. Changbin pulls up to your apartment building, parking the vehicle before turning it off.
"What are you -" you're cut off as Changbin piles out of the car. You watch him race around the front before opening your door for you. "Well, aren't you a gentleman?"
You giggle as you get out, flattening the skirt of your dress afterward. "I'm trying to woo you," Changbin says, shutting the door behind you.
"Woo me, huh?" You whisper to yourself, feeling your lips perk up into a smile. He walks you up to the main door, holding it open for you.
"Thanks for accompanying me tonight," he mentions. "I hope it wasn't all scary."
"I…" you trail off while walking up the last step, tilting your head to look at him. "I had fun. The driving scared me a little bit, but you're pretty good behind the wheel."
You hold your hand out to him, deciding to give him your number. Changbin looks at your open hand in confusion before realizing what's happening.
"No way!?" He asks in a hushed whisper, shoving his free hand into his pocket. He pulls his phone out, placing it onto the palm of your hand. "You're actually giving me your number?"
"Yes," you laugh, typing your contact information into the device. "You're pretty cute, Seo Changbin."
"You're cute," Changbin mumbles, his eyes dropping down to your lips. "Would you want to come to the next one with me?"
You hiss before gently biting your lip. "Hm, I don't know about that one," you tell him, rocking on the balls of your feet. "I'll have to think about it."
"I'll take that."
You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning on your toes to press a kiss on his cheek. "I'll text you tomorrow," you tell him after walking through the open door.
Changbin grins, nodding his head. "I'll be waiting."
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @foxinnie8 @moon0fthenight @luckieleaf @stayconnecteed @tiaxa @yoonrimin @sunny-future @daysofskz-ateez @endzii23 @sweetbutpsychovalkyrie @bunnies-only
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Her red bottoms click against the black marble with each stride she takes, her fiery red curls flowing down her back. 
Pushing through the glass doors, she pulls her deep burgundy, fur computer chair away from the desk and sits down, grabbing her buzzing phone.
“What?" Simone's sultry, yet irritated voice fills her ex-boyfriend's ears.  
"Why you keep sending me to voicemail? You too good to answer me, now?" He spats.  
"Anything I do is too good for you, B. I don't even know why I gave your dumb ass a chance, in the first place." She scoffs a laugh, pulling the phone away from her ear and putting it on speaker.  
"Wow.... that's how you do me?"
"You cheated on me. What am I supposed to say to you? What do we have to talk about?"  
"I keep trying to apologize—"
"Save it." She hangs up and blocks the number, rolling her eyes as she turns around and stares out of her big window.  
"Indeed," Jada comes in with a bottle of champagne. Simone turns back around and laughs.
"Is it too early to celebrate?" She asks, sitting the chilled bottle on the desk.
Simone checks her watch and shakes her head, reaching into a compartment under her desk, pulling out two wine glasses.
"It's five o'clock and right about now!... I need a damn drink."
“Let's pop this bottle then, bitch!"
Pulling the cork out of the bottle, the popping sound echoes throughout the space. The fizzy alcohol slightly spills from the top and down the side of the bottle.
The clinking of their glasses and laughter is just what she needs, after another long day of being the best editor in chief in Atlanta, Georgia.
Allura has been her reigning domain for about three years and counting, and she's never felt so powerful.
Having one of the biggest offices with the nicest view on the corner of Peachtree was more than a lifelong accomplishment for her, especially doing it all at the young age of twenty-five.
“Congratulations! We all know that your name should be on every issue. I'm so glad that you're finally being recognized for all the work you put in to make us look fabulous!"
“Thank you, chica! You're up next!"
“Simone, you've got a call on line three,” her personal assistant, Logan, buzzes through.
Sitting her glass down, she pushes the little red button and thanks Logan, before picking up the phone.
“That beautiful voice is one I could listen to, forever."
A deep chuckle rattles through the phone and down her spine, but she quickly recovers, raising her eyebrows at Jada.
“Is that so?"
Jada grabs the champagne bottle and her glass, before slipping out of the door. Simone laughs and shakes her head.
"Indeed. How's your day going?"
"Well, our next issue just went out and my name is on the cover.”
The excitement in her voice is unmistakable.
"That's incredible, princess."
she swoons at the nickname.
"I'm so proud of you. Did you celebrate?"
"Thank you and yes, my best friend and I popped open that damn champagne bottle that's been staring at me for weeks!"
"Weeks." He reiterates, making her laugh.
“I thought you were gonna wait 'til I made it back, to open it."
"Well, originally, I was— why didn't you call my phone? This, technically, isn't a business call."
The deep chuckle returns. "You're a very busy woman, Ms. Carson. I didn't wanna disturb you."
“Hm... fair enough," she sticks her tongue into her cheek, "enough about me... how are you?”
"As long as I'm talking to you, I'm great."
She giggles, sipping on the golden toned liquid that's left in her glass.
"When you kiss ass, you get both cheeks, don't you?"
“Hm, I guess I should pay you a visit, soon. You get a little rowdy, when I'm away for too long—"
“—is that right?," she cuts him off.
A pet peeve of his. He licks his lips and laughs, but she knows it's less than amusing to him.
“That's right. You like startin' fires, but I'm coming to put ‘em out."
She crosses her legs, smirking as her plan works, once again.
“I won't be waiting."
A little lie never hurt anybody, right?  
Lie on this phone, again, Simone."
She rolls her eyes as if he can see her.
"I'll see you when I see you."
She hangs up and steps away from her desk, heading out of her own office and further down the hall to Jada's. Walking into the creamsicle colored office, Simone takes a whiff of the cinnamon incense burning, before that amused chuckle fills her ears.
“That was a quick little conversation." Jada eyes Simone as she moves towards the window, with a sly smirk on her face.
“What can I say?" she sighs, "we don't beat around the bush."
"Mmhm. He gon' come beat them walls down, ain't he?" She asks.
A boisterous laugh escapes her, before she can stop it.
“Is he really?!"
The excitement is unmistakable in her tone as she moves from her chair to poke Simone's side.
“He's always poppin' up to put me in my place as he calls it."
“When's the last time he came down?"
“February," she replies.
"It's damn near May, girl!"
“I know, Jada. How do you think I feel?”
“I'd be dead by now, no lie. The way you talk about him, he's the truth."
Simone pulls on her open collar and sighs. "...with his arrogant, fine ass."
They both laugh and move away from the window. "So," closing her office door, Simone raises an eyebrow at Jada. "Where's lover boy?"
“Oh God," Jada rolls her eyes, "he's around here, somewhere. I had to shoo him away—"
“Cause he's tryna make me fall in love with him! I do not wanna do that. We can fuck— we can do that all day long— but that's it."
"Yeah, right. You know you want him all to yourself.”
“In the nastiest way, possible.... yes."
"Hm.....well I'm gonna head home. Enjoy the champagne."
"I will! Text me when you make it."
"Will do."
Heading back into her maroon hued office, she grabs her phone off her desk and her bag from her bottom drawer, before turning off her lights and locking her door behind herself.
Heading towards the elevator, she pushes the button to take her downstairs. Her phone goes off with a message. The doors slide open and she steps on, pushing the golden button with the dim 1 on it, lighting it up. She pulls her phone out and scoffs a laugh.
Call me when you get home.
So you can harass me, some more?
Cut that out. I just wanna talk.
Stepping off the elevator, she makes her way down the wide hall and passes the receptionist, waving her goodbye.
“Have a wonderful night, Ms. Carson."
“You too, Liz."
Making her way outside, she heads towards her red Mercedes and gets in, plugging her phone up to her Bluetooth. Summer Walker's voice flows through her speakers as she makes her engine come to life. Instead of quickly going home to call the smug bastard that weakens her knees, she cruises down the street, watching as the pink sky turns into a deep orange.
"My last nigga was a bitch nigga I need a nigga wit bout six figures. Someone who know what to do with it, yeah Someone who ain't on that goofy shit..."
“Ugh," she turns down her street and slowly pulls into her driveway, cuts the car off and walks up the brick-lined sidewalk. Once inside her loft, she locks her door and kicks her heels off, heading into her living room to plop down on her sofa.
Running her hands through her curls, she pulls her phone out and shoots a text to Jada, before tapping his contact, watching the call connect after two rings, his handsome face coming into view.
"Don't you look gorgeous.”
"You got me beat, handsome."
"I could never.”
He props his phone up and places his salt and peppered, beard-clad chin into the palm of his calloused hand, his eyes wandering down the valley of her exposed chest.
"You left the house, like that?"
"I'm grown, yes." He laughs.
"Nobody had a heart attack?"
This makes her laugh.
"The usual perverts, but it's nothing I can't handle. How was work?"
"It was fine. Just a regular day at the office, honestly. I'll be glad when I can come back."
"I thought you could just do it, without needing permission?"
"It's a little more complicated, this time. I got some deadlines to meet and then I can be outta here."
The slight pout on her face makes him smile.
"You miss me, don't you?"
"Unfortunately." Her expression straightens, but he's unfazed. He even laughs.
"Nah, you blew that mean ass act, when I picked up the phone… callin' me handsome and flippin' your hair. Don't try it, now."
"That doesn't mean anything."
She props her phone up against the stack of records on her pink tinted, glass table and leans forward, her cleavage daring to jump from underneath the silk fabric.
"You're such a tease.”
"You like it, though."
Standing back up from the couch, she grabs her phone and heads upstairs, into her bedroom. He scoffs.
"My feet are killing me,” she stresses as she lets the phone fall onto the bed, while she pulls a navy blue bralette and panty set out.
"You're annoying, but your hands work magic. I could use that, right now." She continues.
Stripping out of her work clothes in record time, she ignores his chuckle and pulls on her set, grabbing the matching robe off her vanity chair.
"When I come back, you can get all the magic you desire."
"Can I, really?" She asks in a sarcastic tone, as she sits down at her vanity and props her phone up.
A deep sigh leaves as he stares at her. "Damn... you definitely can, babygirl."
"You should find a way to come back, sooner."
"I'll see what I can do, but I can't guarantee anything."
"But, I miss you," that famous pout returns, causing him to chuckle.
"I miss you more, princess. Quit pouting."
"I'll stop pouting, when you get here." 
He shakes his head and stands up, walking into his kitchen. She hums to herself as she watches his back muscles flex underneath his shirt, with the slightest movements.
"Jesus." She mutters to herself, as he turns around to face the camera, his black sweats hanging low on his hips. Her eyes linger on his outlined print, causing a chill to creep up her spine.
"Did you hear me, babygirl?" His tone is full of amusement as he watches her eyes dart up to his face.
"What did you say?"
"You've got some gifts coming your way, tomorrow."
"What kind of gifts?" Her ears perk up.
"Just a couple of things to hold you over, until I return."
"You didn't have to get me, anything—"
"Yes I did. I know you still don't like asking for things, but we'll break you out of that. It's just a couple of gifts, I promise."
"But, babe," she whines.
"Imani. I've already told you, my money is yours to spend." She sighs, staring at her nails.
"I want you to take me out when you come back."
"Where do you wanna go?" He comes back to his chair, giving her a full view of his grown out beard.
"I don't know, yet. It's one of those restaurants where the flowers hang overhead and there's lights everywhere! I just wanna get dolled up, eat good, drink good... come back to my place and fuck good."
He raises an eyebrow at her, but she just innocently smiles. "You're something else."
"That's why you put up with me." She winks.
"That and many other reasons. But, I'll see about the restaurant and set everything up."
"Thank you, baby."
"You're welcome. What's on the agenda for tomorrow?" She groans at the mention of her backed up schedule.
"I've got a press conference in the morning. The building is supposed to be getting redesigned and my goofy ass decided to put my two cents in, and now I gotta sit in for the meeting after that. Then, I've gotta help Jada find her sister the perfect wedding dress, before next Friday— it's just a little too much going on."
"You've got this, business woman. Hard work pays off, right?"
She nods, placing her chin in the palm of her hand. "That, it does."
"It's all worth it, then."
Staring at the clock on the other end of her vanity, she sighs. "It's almost seven and I haven't eaten a thing."
"You drank on an empty stomach?"
"Yeah, but I only had half a glass. I might just order a pizza or something. And no, I don't want you to buy it for me. I'm still mad at you for paying my rent."
"You can front all you want, but I take care of mine. You keep your money in the bank and let me spend mine on you."
She rolls her eyes, fighting the smirk that makes its way onto her lips. "I'm hanging up, now."
"Cause, I can't fight you through this screen." He laughs.
"Keep that same energy, babygirl."
"It's kept. Goodnight." She blows a kiss.
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pascalscoffin · 9 months
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Bad Idea
Full Pedro Masterlist
No this is not inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s song
Warnings: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. Smut: unprotected p in v sex (do what you want, heathens); oral (f receiving); biting; Dieter gives a pussy she/her pronouns; “choking”; Dieters a menace. Reader works at the hotel and just can’t follow literally one of the only rules DONT FUCK THEM
You never really fawned over celebrities before, you never really understood the hype, they were just normal people that made it onto tv more often than most normal people. Anyway, that’s what you used to think, but being the concierge of a fancy ass hotel in England quickly taught you otherwise.
Sure, celebrities wanted you to think they were normal, just regular people milling through their day with an annoying boss- their bosses were in fact annoying- but these people were far from normal, most of them had absolutely insane views, or requested absolutely ridiculous things from you or the other hotel workers. And they never fucking tipped. Ever.
So, the ‘do not fuck them’ rule was never really a problem for you, sure your favorite celebrity would come in, you’d get the butterflies and the nervous feelings- and then they opened their mouth and they were just… horrible, and any infatuation you’d had for them would be gone immediately.
When you heard a whole slew of them would be bubbling in the hotel you worked at, you seriously considered completely resigning from the job altogether and finding a new one, you didn’t want to be stuck in a hotel with those people for three months! Filling their ridiculous requests and making them feel good about themselves when they inevitably crash, because they always do.
Ronjon, though, had somehow managed to convince you not to, and now here you were, standing at the front desk of the hotel as the actors got taken care of outside before coming in. It was the Cliffbeasts cast and crew, Cliffbeasts, while it was an okay movie, ultimately did… nothing for you because you really would rather just go watch Jurassic Park.
Not to mention the cast of the Cliffbeasts movies made you want to shoot yourself in the face. Sean Knox was a “wellness guru” though something felt fishy there to you, like maybe he didn’t believe in it or something, or maybe like it was a cult. Carol Cobb.. you weren’t sure why you didn’t like her, she was a decent actress.. well despite that half-Pakistani half-Israeli role she’d recently done but you couldn’t really blame her for that… could you? Lauren Van Champ… you really really didn’t like Lauren, her nasally cry thing was annoying, her Cliffbeasts accent was just… too harsh, and her all around… everything just made you not like her. Her husband Dustin Mulray was a class A fucking asshole, drunk and disorderlies, screaming at old ladies, he was even seen flipping off a seven year old one time.
Krystal Kris was a new face to the movies, a young girl famous on TikTok for her choreography.. if you can call swaying your ass back and forth choreography. Howie Frangopolous was a good actor with some truly comedic gold lines, though a bit hot headed according to tabloids.
And then there was Dieter Bravo. Dieter was probably the only one that didn’t put on a show for people, didn’t try to make his life seem more or less fabulous, he didn’t dress up for anything that wasn’t a tv interview or an award show, though you figured if he could dress like a hobo to those things he probably would.
You’d heard Dieter was a man whore, giving himself over to any woman or guy that was willing to lay under or on top of him. So, you expected him to be.. less than appropriate. Maybe a scandalous comment here and there, or sultry looks, you didn’t know, but you were determined to stick your ground and not fall into any traps.
That proved difficult, though, because it seemed like every time you went to Dieter’s room to collect a service tray, or bring him food or clean towels, he wanted a serving platter once and hasn’t returned it yet, he was pretty much fucking naked, door flung all the way open with his arms stretched out, sometimes in a bathrobe, other times in a wool brown robe you often thought about feeling anywhere on your skin that wasn’t your fingertips. Always with a cheeky, sexual grin as he tried to coax you into his chamber of pleasure, you’d decline with a comment about him having a fist and internet before practically sprinting away from him.
You’d tried not to be around him too much if you didn’t have to go to his room, feeling your resolve crack each time he’d flash you that stupid fucking smile that made your heart palpitate. The stars were having dinner together tonight though so you wouldn’t be able to avoid him like you’d hoped.
You walked over to him and Carol when you noticed he didn’t have any water and motioned to his water class with the pitcher in your hand. “Would you like some more?” Dieter looked over at you quickly and grinned over the top of his sunglasses. “Yes. Please.” He reached for his water quickly and extended it out to you, gazing up at you with those big brown eyes.
God you had to get away from him, away from this room, before your resolve completely shattered and you were begging him to just take you right then and there. Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. Repeated in your head like a mantra as you poured his water and then rushed away from him, feeling your face start to warm up under his heated gaze.
Dieter stared at you like that all night, like he knew something you didn’t know and it was driving you crazy. At the end of the dinner you rushed to help clean everything up as the actors started to file out of the room. Dieter, though, hung by the entry way, watching you as you scampered around the dining area.
When you made your way out you stopped in front of Dieter and put on your most professional smile. “What can I get for you, Dieter.” Dieter looked down at you and tilted his head a little.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Your eyes widened and you jerked your head behind you to make sure your coworkers hadn’t heard, opening and closing your mouth before looking at Dieter. “That’s unprofessional, Dieter.” You stuttered, trying to move past him.
He followed you, though, and continued. “That wasn’t a no.” He looked at you and you sighed, shaking your head. “It’s a bad idea.” “Again, that’s not a no.” You sighed harder this time and stopped, turning to face him. “Do you actually want to have sex with me or just sex with something?” Dieter opened and closed his mouth and you raised a brow. “Find me with an answer and I’ll give you mine.” “Yours?” Dieter perked up and his eyes fell to your crotch. You scoffed and slapped under his chin. “My answer.” You rolled your eyes. “Now go to your room and take a cold shower or something.”
“Cold showers don’t work.” Dieter grumbled as he slouched away, bath robe swinging side to side with a big pout on his face. You shook your head and went back to doing your work, rubbing your wrist against your forehead.
Two days later Dieter was asking for chocolate strawberries and rosé to be brought to his room- by you specifically. When you got to his room you tapped your knuckles against it and hummed as you waited for him to open the door.
When he opened it, he actually had pants on this time, well not pants, more like those dress shorts you usually hated on men but… they looked good on Dieter. And of course, he had on that brown robe again. He looked godly, really.
“Hi. Come in.” Dieter stepped to the side quickly and you raised a brow before stepping into the room a when he motioned you in before closing the door. You looked at the door, and then Dieter.
“I thought about what you said.” He nodded and sat on the sofa, patting the cushion next to him. This is a bad idea. Echoed in your head as you slowly set the strawberries and rosé down, sitting down next to him even slower as you pressed your hands into your skirt. “Okay…”
You didn’t actually expect him to think about it. You thought maybe he’d give up the chase and try to find someone else in the hotel or maybe finally cave in and just fuck his god damn fist- no such luck, though.
“I thought about it a lot. Like a lot. I haven’t slept. Well I slept but only for like thirty minutes and then I dreamt about it.” You blinked and motioned for him to continue. “Okay…” he nodded. “I wanna have sex with you. Anybody else is just confident. Around.” He shrugged. “Besides… I’ve wanted to taste you since the second I walked into the hotel.”
You widened your eyes a little and let out a little scoff. “What?” “That’s why I keep asking people if they wanna have sex. I keep thinking about you. About how your pussy would taste. How she looks. Fuck I bet she’s pretty.” His eyes are glued to your skirt now, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as you looked anywhere but at him because you had one sliver of resolve left and you could already feel it starting to slip away right into Dieter’s thick fingers for him to just completely obliterate.
“Dieter you can’t-“ Dieter was in your personal space now, practically sitting on you but not necessarily in your face or anything. “Bet she glitters like fucking gold when she’s all wet and waiting for somebody’s cock.” And then his hand is sliding under your skirt and his lips are on your neck. “I bet she’s soft and warm and tight. I bet she’ll flutter like a fucking butterfly when I finally let her cum.” And that was it.
You whined and grabbed Dieter’s wrist to push his hand under your skirt, taking a deep breath when his large warm hand settled over your panties, already wet with your arousal. Dieter groaned low in his chest before slipping his hand into your panties and resuming his assault on your neck, getting more aggressive.
“Need you to say it.” He shifted so he was turned towards you better. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl.” He nipped at your jawline lightly, causing you to shudder as your eyelids fluttered, moaning softly. “Dieter- need you to fuck me. Please.” You scratched his forearm lightly. “Please.”
Dieter pulled away and was quickly tugging your blouse of your skirt and started yanking it over your head before kissing your chest, biting down on the flesh of your left breast. You yelped a little and looked down at him as he slid his tongue over the bite and grinned before lifting you up so he could unzip your skirt before tugging it down.
Once he had your clothes off and you were sitting there in your bra and panties, he stood up and put his hands on his hips, getting a good at you. “Fuck you look gorgeous.” He mumbled, licking his lips before leaning down and slamming his lips against yours.
You pushed into the kiss eagerly and let out a soft moan, grabbing his robe and pulling him down on top of you, pressing up against him. Dieter moaned happily and pressed his hips down into yours eagerly, letting out a shuttery breath.
“Gotta taste you. Fuck. I’ve been wanting to taste you.” He reached behind you to unhook your bra, nipping lightly at your nipples before trailing down your torso and to where he really wanted to be.
“She’s crying for me, baby. You shouldn’t deprive a lady of what she wants.” Dieter shook his head and pulled your panties down, groaning happily and closing his eyes before pressing his face deep into your pussy.
You gasped and looked down at him with wide eyes, moaning loudly and gripping the couch cushions tightly, trembling a little. “Dieter- fuck.” You pushed your hips up into his mouth and whined softly, looking down at him.
Dieter peered up at you through his lashes, humming happily and sucking on your clit like a pacifier. Your back arched as you gasped loudly, moaning as your eyelids fell shut, dropping your head back as you rocked your hips up into his mouth eagerly, your hands moving from the cushions to his hair when he slid his tongue into you and started fucking you with it.
You’d never really enjoyed oral before, most guys that tried were rushing so they could get to their prize, bury themselves in you and then never call you again. Dieter, though, Dieter ate pussy like his life absolutely depended on whether or not you came. His tongue massaged every inch eagerly but not too eager to the point where he was rushed and sloppy.
His movements were calculated, lips moving like he was having the most intense make out session, sloppy wet sounds mixing with his moans and groans, fingernails dug deep into your skin. He was actually enjoying it, his own hips pushing against the air as he looked up at you with those big brown eyes, whining and begging you to cum on his tongue.
It wasn’t long before your brows furrowed and your mouth fell open, her legs shaking and closing around his head as you came with a loud cry of his name, trembling a little and tangling your fingers tightly in the hair on the back of his head, keeping him in place even if he made no movements to pull away.
After a moment, though, he tapped your thigh and you felt your cheeks warm up more than they already. Your skin was practically on fire, already a little damp from the exertion. You slowly opened your legs and Dieter pulled up with a small gasp, panting softly as he grinned cheekily, face shiny with your juices.
You blinked rapidly as you looked at him and shifted a little. “Knew she tasted good. Taste.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours tightly, pulling you closer to him as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. You moaned happily and tangled your tongue with his. Dieter wasn’t really the type to wipe his face, instead opting for leaving your juices there, sliding his tongue wherever he could get it on his face before he was picking you up and carrying you over to his bed.
You yelped when he threw you down on it and laughed as you looked up at him. “Keep it on.” You said quickly when he went to take off the coat, raising a brow at you. “What?”
“I…” you huffed. “You come to the door naked in the coat constantly and you’re not gonna fuck me in it?” You pouted. “A little lack-luster if you ask me, Dieter.”
Dieter blinked and slowly let go of the coat with a grin, humming. “Alright.” He moved down to his shorts and undid them before pushing them down- commando- you expected nothing less from him.
“God I’ve been dreaming about this since I got here. Been wanting to bury myself in this warm pussy.” Dieter purred and kissed you deeply as he pushed your legs apart and slotted himself between them, grinding against you but not quite sliding in yet.
“Please, Dieter. Need you.” You begged, grabbing his shoulders under the jacket as you peered up at him, trying to tug him closer. “Can’t stop thinking about it. Please.”
Dieter grinned and chuckled a little as he started kissing your neck. “So impatient.” “Says the guys who’s been begging me to fuck him for three weeks.” Dieter laughed again and lifted up so he could watch as he grabbed the base of his dick and guided it into you slowly, groaning happily.
“Look at how hungry she is.” He mumbled softly, sliding his thumb over your clit slowly. “Swallowing me up so good. Didn’t even need to stretch her out.” He ran his hands over you slowly, pulling out and then sliding back in, groaning. “God it looks so pretty. Fuck. Got me all soaked already.” He dropped his head back as he bottomed out, eyelids fluttering as he closed them.
“Dieter~” you whimpered, you were honestly surprised you hadn’t needed any stretching, Dieter was definitely the biggest guy you’d been with, not in just one aspect but individually you’ve been with men that compared either girth wise or length wise. But you’d never been with someone as long and as girthy as Dieter, your legs shook as you hooked them around his waist, sliding under the coat as you whined.
“Fuck you feel so good.” Dieter groaned into your neck, starting to bite and suck on your neck. “Harder- Dieter, harder. Please.” You begged him, tugging him closer and leaning up to kiss him eagerly as he started fucking into you harder, huffing softly.
“Listen to you, baby. You sound so fucking pretty- fuck- gonna have to keep you around huh?” He kissed your jaw lightly, nudging his nose against your cheek lightly. “Would you like that? You can come live with me in Sherman Oaks, have your own room- fuck- your own house if you want one. Never have to work again just be my little play thing- fuuuck.” Dieter whimpered when your nails dug into his shoulders, a gasp falling from your lips when he brushed your gspot.
“Dieter-“ “aww I know, sweet girl.” Dieter purred, kissing your cheek gently. “Feels good, huh?” He angled his hips to hit your gspot with each thrust, groaning with the way you were fluttering around him, shuddering as you nodded your head rapidly. “Yes. Fuck it feels so good, Dieter.” You whined, rocking your hips with his before gasping when he shoved your hips down into the mattress.
“Stay still, sweet girl. You just sit there, look pretty, and feel good.” Dieter hummed, nipping lightly at your jawline as you nodded eagerly, not even sure what you were agreeing to as you felt his thumb press into your clit, the rest of his hand splayed over your mons pubis, his fingertips grazing your midriff as your head fell back, the pressure of his hand pressing down caused everything to feel ten times stronger than it already did.
You looked up at Dieter and saw him watching his hand with an astonished look on his face. “W-why are you making that face?” You whimpered softly as Dieter chuckled. “Can feel my dick through your stomach, gorgeous.” He licked his lips. “Fuck. Let me keep you, baby. Please.” He begged, looking from your stomach to your eyes.
“Wanna be able to fuck this pretty pussy whenever I want to. God.” He dropped his head back for a second and snapped his hips harder into you. “Gonna let me? Please, please, please.” He moaned and pressed his hand harder against your stomach, making you whimper and scream his name as that coil in your stomach snapped and heat spread across your body, legs tightening around Dieter to pull him closer.
“Fuck- yes, Dieter. Don’t ever wanna stop doing this.” You whined and arched your back. Dieter gasped softly and moaned before leaning down and kissing you eagerly, moaning and pushing his tongue into your mouth as he came, pushing deep inside you as his muscles shook.
You slid your arms through the jacket and wrapped them tightly around Dieter’s middle to keep him close, nudging his nose against your cheek before covering you in kisses and little licks like he was a kitten.
You laid like that for a while, Dieter keeping himself hovered over you as he smothered you in kisses. Slowly, he moved off of you and laid next to you, laying on his side so he can look at you, a dopey smile on his face.
You felt a little awkward under his stare, slowly starting to fold your arms over your chest until he stopped you, grabbing your arms and pulling you close to him, kissing your knuckles. “Did you mean it?” He asked curiously and you looked at him, furrowing your brows. “About moving to Sherman Oaks with me.” He lifted on his elbow, looking down at you a little giddy as his fingertips drew patterns on your stomach, trailing up your chest and to your neck before grabbing it lightly at the sides.
“Want you to move in with me. Be my little housewife.” He bit his lip as he ran his eyes over your face, he looked a little nervous. You swallowed thickly, opening and closing your mouth before you nodded slowly.
“Okay.” You said softly. The idea of living with Dieter did seem nice, especially if this was something that was going to happen on any kind of basis, day to day or otherwise. “I wanna live with you.”
He perked up and grinned widely. “Yeah?” He shifted so he was sitting up now, his hand pressed down against your collarbone as you laughed softly and nodded, cheeks warm. “Yeah.”
Dieter grinned and leaned in to kiss you deeply, you yelped a little and giggled as you kissed him back, closing his eyes and laying your hands on his cheeks. “Good.” He laid beside you again, pulling you tight against his side as he nuzzled your neck, slinging his other arm around you and hugging you tightly.
You didn’t peg him for the cuddling type, though now that you were wrapped up in the octopus-like limbs of Dieter Bravo, it made sense he would cling to you like this, physical touch seemed to be a big thing for him, something he was always craving.
On some sort of sub-level you understood, being an only child with parents that would rather work and drop you with nannies you knew all about not getting the love and affection children craved and required.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Maybe you and Dieter could be good for eachother.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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randomdragonfires · 3 days
Fabulous chapter 3 of Time Can't Stop Me Quite Like You Did btw.
So I'm guessing he's legit sleeping with both? but damn I hope she tells him she's figured out who the other woman is..
Hello lovely anon! Thank you ::)
With regards to Aemond's little mess and Alys being labelled 'the other woman,' I have some thoughts. Long character dissection below.
Aemond has always been more mature and well-read than his peers, but this trait truly began to show after his accident. The loss of his eye compounded his insecurities, making him feel as though he needed to work harder to compensate for what he had lost. His desire to gain his father Viserys’s approval became a driving force, as he saw how effortlessly Rhaenyra's children seemed to win their father’s favor, a favor he never received. While Aemond is undoubtedly angry at his father’s lack of reaction to his injury, much of his motivation stems from deeper insecurities and a yearning for his father to be better, particularly toward his mother and siblings.
This desire to impress Viserys shaped Aemond into someone highly focused and driven. He dedicated himself to performing exceptionally in everything he did, but at the cost of becoming emotionally distant. While he maintained surface-level friendships with those in his orbit - the children of wealthy families who would eventually become business collaborators or competition - he never truly allowed anyone to get too close unless they're his mother, his siblings or Cole. In this regard, his connections were strategic, rather than personal.
Wylde however, is a different case.
Given her mother's friendship with Alicent and her eventual passing, Wylde is brought into the fold as much as Alicent deems appropriate. She's not the best mother by any means - she's not even that open with her own children, as is the case with most society mothers - but she sees that the kids take care of each other, so she simply enables Wylde's presence by welcoming her and lets them grow together. There is a certain comfort in it for her, given how her negligent Viserys was to the point of driving a perfect woman like her to an affair with Cole the bodyguard - the man who eventually becomes the calm in her storm, the love of her life.
Wylde basically grows up as part of the unit. Aegon takes on a big brother mantle even if he's not interacting with them on a regular basis - remember that scene where he's dancing with a kid!Wylde in the first chapter?
She is a fairly important presence in Helaena's life - it isn't much, but given how inclined she is to not go out there and stick to her own family, it's a lot. Daeron and Wylde of course grow up thick as thieves - same age, same classes, all of it. They're the definition of the young friendship trope and they've been in it all.
Aemond, however, was not initially part of this close-knit orbit. From a young age, he kept mostly to himself. Though he was aware of his popularity as a teenager - after all, he was the brooding, motorcycle-riding billionaire heir with perfect grades - he was careful to avoid emotional entanglements outside of what he's already got. The other kids may have admired him, but Aemond’s introverted nature allowed him to maintain a sharp, disciplined focus. Still, for all his emotional distance, Aemond held a soft spot for those who had been in his life for a long time, including Wylde, even if he didn’t initially interact with her much.
Aemond grew up in a conservative, old-money family where Alicent’s strict parenting set certain expectations, yet his worldview shifted significantly after meeting Alys at university. Alys was a woman who had lived - someone who had experienced life, pain, and pleasure in a way Aemond never had. She introduced him to a new way of being: one where a person could be at the pinnacle of success, the most well-read in the room, and still indulge in life’s pleasures without compromising their guard.
For Aemond, this was a revelation. His entire persona had been built around the idea of staying emotionally detached to avoid being hurt. Alys, however, showed him that he could live both worlds - he could enjoy life while staying sharp and focused. Their intellectual and emotional compatibility intrigued him, and their chemistry kept him hooked. He was drawn to her not just because of her knowledge, but because of the way she navigated the world with such control. Aemond’s relationship with Alys is more than just attraction - it’s about learning a new way to protect himself while still being able to not just live, but thrive. Imagine a worldly, mysterious and intriguing professor with society connects and crazy stories, all with a sad past to match - that's Alys. How can he possibly say no to that?
So no, she's not the other woman. Not in Aemond's eyes. She's someone that's widened his horizons. BUT Wylde won't see it that way - her reaction to it is natural. Concern, worry - and because she's grown feelings for him, hurt.
Despite his want to maintain the casual nature of it all, there are things that he doesn't account for - that Alys is an unattached to her partners as they come, and his feelings for Wylde (and hers for him) are too serious to involve someone else.
Aemond’s growing attachment to both Alys and Wylde sets the stage for a messy chapter 3. He believes that if Alys can balance her emotional detachment with the pleasures of life, he can too. What he doesn’t realize, though, is that Alys is emotionally removed from her partners by choice, while his feelings for Wylde - and hers for him - are far too serious to involve someone else. He’s playing a dangerous game, caught between two women and two very different sets of emotions.
The final chapter of their story will be a mess of unresolved feelings and emotional tension, leading to where Aemond will have to confront the reality of his relationships with both Alys and Wylde and figuring out what he wants, ultimately. I’ve taken a fair amount of inspiration from Sally Rooney in terms of tone, trying to keep the dynamics as realistic and emotionally grounded as possible. The hope is that I don't make it a wild ride, but simply as a part of their lives that is beyond their control and overwhelming, if you get what I mean.
Anyway, sorry about the rambling lmao. I just needed to discuss the POVs and motivations, really. I've been talking about this with @humanpurposes @chattylurker and @aemondstark a lot, and it's quite nice to have someone ask me about the mess that is this triangle hehe.
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foursthemagicknumber · 2 months
Something has been in the works for a while now and i’m proud to introduce a sneak peek at MONKEY MECHS
credits to @kis5ki5skai for beta reading
Dollar rush! The best convenience store in the world!
MK ignored the loud advertisement as he ran across the upper roofs of Megoplis. He was so high up that the air was almost clean… almost. 
He jumped for the next building, but instead of aiming for the roof, MK grabbed onto a drain and jumped. He slowly slid down to the next floor, crossing over the fire escape. 
For a second he paused and looked out over the neon city. Lights bright enough to drown out details. Lights bright enough to drown out the start of a sunset. 
He ran down the fire escape level by level. 
“Hi Mr. Sandy!”He shouted at the big blue covered man sitting on his own fire escape.
“Hey Mk! Don’t work yourself to death, okay?” the friendly blue giant shouted back
“No promises!”Mk shouted before sliding down the ladder the rest of the way. 
His feet hit cracked concrete and he looked around the empty plot as he jogged over to Pigsy’s noodles. 
“Coming in!”He shouted as he dashed through the kitchen. He grabbed the bag of delivery’s before turning to head out the door. 
“EH EH EH!”Pigsy shouted. 
“Sorry!”Mk stepped back over and hugged his dad. 
“Alright now scram! Can’t have any dick heads complain’ about cold food!” 
Mk was back out the door just like that. Running from address to address. Delivered each package of delicious noodles and when it came to his last delivery of the day he came in through the window. 
“Hey Piff!” He smiled at the woman who was working away at her commission of jewelry,”DB!” He gave the large man a high five as he passed. He tried to ignore the tattoo he knew was cover up of the Brotherhoods sigil, but his eyes still darted towards it for a second to long. 
“She’s in the garage.” Piff nodded in the direction of it. 
“Thanks!”Mk headed out the door and ran down a flight of stairs and into an open sided work space. 
There were a few cars in the process of being fixed. That’s what Red’s work was officially. But if you crossed into the back of the workshop you could see where she did most of his work . 
“Yo Red!”He called out into the work shop. 
“With a patient!”He shouted back. 
Mk navigated the cluttered workshop to the back and stared for a moment as Red worked. 
Her patient was definitely one of his less savory clients. 
“I got you your noodles,”He set the cup of noodle on the desk and pulled up a chair next to him. 
The clients eyes looked directly at him. It would have been a perfectly normal look except for his right eye. A deep scar ran along his face and instead of a regular eye. It was purple and mechanical. It seemed to study him. 
“Hello,”The man said coldly. 
“Oh stop talking you’re gonna get burned!”Red pressed some sort of stick at one of the man’s cybernetic ears… One of his six ears. 
It occurred to Mk exactly who it was that lay before him. The infamous six eared Macaque. 
Macaque grinned like he knew exactly what thought was running through Mk’s head. 
Mk quickly left the area to wait in the front. He tapped his toe repeatedly and resisted the urge to pull out his holo screen and start scrolling. 
After what felt like eternity the six eared Macaque entered the area,”Hey kid.” 
“Hi,”Mk squeaked, praying he wouldn’t die today.
”You friends with the Doc?” 
“Good. Best to have smart friends,”The macaque left with a wave of his tail. 
“Sorry about that,”Red came up next to him wiping her hands with a towel,”I know you don’t like meeting my patients.”
“What? Nooooo!”Mk’s voice pitched up several octaves. 
Red rose an eyebrow. 
“Ok yeah fine, but it’s not like it’s a big deal! You’re not exactly…on the radar. Where else are they gonna go?” 
“Fabulous question,”Red grabbed the bowl of noodles from his tail and popped apart some chopsticks. 
Mk watched as he ate,”Dude how?” 
“It’s good!” 
“You get special ordered extra spicy of the spiciest thing on the menu!”He shouted. 
“Champagne?”A waiter asked. 
Nezha wordlessly took a drink off the platter in front of him. 
His father waited until the woman was gone until he began talking again,”Either way, we’ll need to increase the rent of the our properties if we want to keep up the quota for this year.” 
“Yes father,”Nezha spoke numbly. He scanned the other people at the party. The room was filled with wealthy members of the upper class. Thus they tended to be exceedingly boring to be a part of. One girl however stood out in the crowd. She had bright green stripes of hair, and seemed just as bored as him staring up at the lights. A felling of almost kinship blossomed in his chest.
“That girl,”His father followed his gaze,”One of the dragons, Shes not much younger than you.” 
“How old?”Nezha asked because to his father age really was just a number. 
“A good 22 I think.” 
Nezha didn’t have it in him to explain seven years was not a small age gap. 
“She’s got a powerful family. Marrying into it would be a wise choice.” 
“I’m not marrying a girl I haven’t even met,”He did not want to add that he didn’t want to marry anyone at all let alone a woman.
“Maybe if you did, I’d forgive you.” his father said with a frigid tone.
A memory of… The incident flashed in Nezha’s head. 
He sighed,”Yes, of course, Father.” Nezha muttered, bowing his head.
He crossed the party to approach the girl, his father’s sharp and cold eyes following him.
Nezha stopped in front of the girl awkwardly standing infront of her for a bit before clearing his throat.
She startled before her face shifted into a pleasant abit shaky smile “Oh hi.”
“Hello,”He tried to give her a smile,”My name is Nezha.” 
“Ok,”The girl seemed uncomfortable. 
“I love your hair,”At least he was telling the truth,”It’s very vibrant, reminds me of leaves.” 
“Oh, uh, thanks”,She gave him a strained smile,”Look I got to go find my mom sorry.” the girl quickly exited the situation and walked over to her mom. 
“What are you doing?”Her mother questioned with highly arched brows.
“Uh, leaving an awkward conversation,”She said as she rolled her eyes.
“That man was clearly interested in you,”She hissed,”You need a husband!” 
“Nope! Go back over there and at least talk to him,”He mother whispered,”I’m not dying without grandchildren!”
Mei walked right back over to Nezha and smiled,”Hi, sorry about that. Where were we?” 
“Uh we met and then…” Nezha looked awkward as hell. 
“OH!”,she exclaimed,”My bad, I never introduced myself,”
She stuck out her hand,”Names Mei!” she smiled,”Well here’s to meeting!”She clinked her glass against his. 
“This is awkward isn’t it?”She asked. 
“Very… I’m sorry I should-“ 
“Wait,”Mei sighed,”Hand me your holo screen.”
Nezha handed her his unlocked holo screen. He was way too trusting, she thought as she put her number into the device,”Call me?”
“Sure, of course!”Nezha mumbled. After that they small talked like there was no tomorrow. By the end of the party Nezha knew nothing new about the girl and her of him. He sighed as he walked through the streets. He knew it would be wiser to catch a car to his home, But walking helped clear his head. He stoped by a railing and watched as cars flew by. If he focused hard enough he could see the floor of the earth at the bottom. 
A man leaned against the rail next to him,”Ya like the sights?” 
Nezha gave a small nod. 
“You got a light?”He pulled out a cigarette. 
Nezha held up his lighter and flicked the flame. 
The man leaned forward and light the cigarette,”So what’s a sweet little boy like you doing all alone.” 
Nezha didn’t answer. The man gently took his chin and turned his face to look at him,”I could help with that loneliness, 400, that’s all I ask.”
Nezha studied the prostitute and sighed,”Deal.”
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backjustforberena · 5 months
I do find it funny how they say that Rhaenys always bends to Corlys will when his ass didn’t even want to join the war and only joined because she basically told him to. It’s a relationship lol. It ebbs and flows. The only time we’ve genuinely seen them disagree in course of action was in ep 7. Idc what anyone says but refusing that marriage proposal when Viserys hurled his dying ass across the sea would’ve been impossible.
So ok, he overruled her on the succession argument ( which I’m sorry technically he can because it’s his house and name) and then he didn’t want to join the war and she was like “nah we’re pulling up lol”. That’s super balanced so like how is she hypocritical?
H answers questions that have been in her inbox for far too long.
With grace, I can vaguely assume why some people think there is a power imbalance. Just on a surface level. But I also think that those people are not willing or haven't actually considered the scenes and the dynamics that they are watching or the context of when these sorts of remarks are made, either.
Criticisms I've seen have generally gone along the lines of: she didn't want Viserys to marry Laena, but Corlys pushed her, she didn't want Laenor to marry Rhaenyra, Corlys pushed her and she didn't want Lucerys to be the heir, but Corlys overruled her. Very, very basic readings of what happens, with no more depth than that. For me, I can see how not only are those very, very different examples and moments, but they are also not examples of Rhaenys bowing down the whims of her husband. Just because she is not the active participant does not mean she is not a willing participant.
My main frustration with this sort of reading, certainly with the first and second examples that I've listened (the third is an outlier due to Corlys's monopoly on the subject), is that it dumbs down Rhaenys's complexity, cruelty and frustrated ambition. It also takes away her agency and her equality with her husband. I've said before how I view her perspective to not be against either move, but simply more realistic.
She's not going to cheer Laena marrying Viserys but she is going to stand by side with her husband and say that it's the strongest match Viserys can make. She can want that match and that marriage and still be a bit bothered by it. The two can live together and probably do. To her, this is how the world works, especially at that point in her life. So, of course, she's going to be present in that decision and advocating for that course of action.
And again, she's not going to be jumping up and down about Laenor matching with Rhaenyra because there's danger in the match as much as there is achievement. But, nevertheless, she's standing side by side, nodding and giving her agreement. She can still be seduced by the idea of elevating her children and wearing a fabulous frock and sticking it to Viserys, and take some satisfaction in her cousin having to beg. She doesn't actually express a wish to veto the betrothal. She just says that she's worried about the dangers of Rhaenyra's succession.
Her powerlessness against the "system" that she buys into and props up is not the same as her being powerless against her husband. By which I mean that, her acknowledging the negative impact of these political choices is not taking away the fact that she is making them alongside Corlys. He is at the forefront because he has to take the lead as a man. Not because he's having to drag her along with it all. It's a reflection of their reality rather than their relationship, if that makes sense?
In short: in political decisions and in public, Rhaenys plays second fiddle because she's a woman, not because Corlys forces it to be that way. These are deals for Corlys to make as Head of House Velaryon. He is on the front-foot, he is the public political power in their marriage because that's how society works. In other words, it's actually pretty redundant to analyse that because it's just... normal.
What isn't normal is that Rhaenys is side-by-side with him. That he values her opinion. That she speaks. That Corlys and Rhaenys often share looks and silent communication: most notably when it comes to the betrothals of their children. There is real implication that these two have spoken, at length, about these choices and come to a united decision about it. How else can they present such a united front to their adversaries?
We don't see Rhaenys and Corlys speak privately about Laena. We barely see them talk privately about Laenor. And with the succession thing, as you say, it's his name and his house. She has no power to meddle in that succession. She cannot declare the succession for Driftmark on her own. That's not in her gift.
And again, as you say, she yells at him, tells him to get his ass in gear and they go down and declare for Rhaenyra because that is what she wants to do. That is what she thinks is right and so he is doing it for her. It's clear as day when he looks at her and she smiles at him and Rhaenyra thanks her because she's painfully aware that Rhaenys is the one who made it happen.
Rhaenys's just never toiled in "service to men". Has she been affected and degraded by the patriarchy? Yes! Big yes! They took her birthright from her. They made her roleless in a society she should have been running. But she doesn't toil to Corlys. She has never toiled to Corlys. To say so is a degradation to their marriage, quite frankly.
And it's a degradation to the awareness that Rhaenys has of the political structure around her and the agency she exerts and free will surrounding her own mind and choices. She does things that prop up the patriarchy. Yes. All the women do. She definitely does things that, in an ideal world, she wouldn't have to do. But she does that because it suits her own interests at the time. Never because a man told her to. And never to the detriment of herself and her safety and her sanity. It's always her choice. For good or ill.
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Vivziepop Who Is So In Love With Twinks Missed The Mark Big Time With Paimon
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Seriously, this is how Paimon is traditionally depicted. All the opportunity ripe for the picking to make him one of the most fabulous twinks on the series and she makes him a fucking owl and Stolas's father. Again woman who is obsessed with twinks goes ahead and takes a canon twink from mythology then makes him into a cookie cutter design archetype in her series.
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I was never on board with this interpretation from the start and it shows for all the talk about being an expert on demonology she just at times pulls stuff from the hat to see what sticks. And again he could have been Middle Eastern inspired more to a nod to Jafar who Jonathan Freeman voiced. It's one reason why I call bull on stans calling her creative in design because she's obsessed with making a single minded bird theme with the Goetia.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep11: The Q and the Grey
One of my favorite crack episodes! Is it hopelessly heteronormative? Yes. Is it stuck on traditional gender roles? Also yes. But does it have some killer one liners that always make me laugh? Definitely yes. Do I enjoy any excuse to get my Starfleet people to play dress up in historical costumes? Hell yes! Must a piece of media actually be good, in order to be good? Absolutely not!
This one is so stupid that I can't believe it's actually a real episode sometimes. Q wanting to have a baby with Captain Janeway is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous premises I've ever heard for a Star Trek story, but her rebuffs to his advances are so scathing, it's kinda worth the secondhand embarrassment of watching John de Lancie have to play these scenes with a straight face just to watch her deliver these sick burns like the queen she is.
Meanwhile, Chakotay is so jealous when he finds out! He literally straight up says so! Oh my god, I didn't even remember that! And then Q pops in, and complains about there being another man, and Janeway deadass says there isn't, while Chakotay is standing right there!! I was cry laughing!! Kathryn Janeway, the woman that you are!! And then Q is all 'my tatoo is bigger than his' and Janeway looks him dead in the eye, and says 'not big enough,' and walks out of the room!! And when Chakotay hears that, he just stands there grinning to himself like 'hell yeah, I got a shot! Suck it Q!', and I'm sitting there dying! How is this even a real scene?!
Q then goes to the holodeck to ask the crew for advice on how to win Janeway over. Tom and Harry are the cool kids who are so over Q, and they defend their space mom like dutiful sons, treating him with a haughty disdain that she'd be proud of. Q then moves on to ask Neelix for advice next, but I don't remember anything after Q referred to him as 'bar rodent' because I laughed so hard.
So then Q tries to bribe Janeway with a puppy, which is honestly the one thing that might actually have worked on her tbh, but the Captain is resolute that she cannot be bribed. (She totally does cuddle the puppy for a while though, and I can't blame her, gotta take what puppy snuggles you can get out there in the cold cruel Delta Quadrant.)
AND THEN none other than Suzie Plakson shows up as Q's jealous girlfriend, Q, looking fabulous in her red Veronica Lake hair, and delivering elite level sass in the meanest, hottest way possible.
We find out that the supernovas Voyager has been encountering have something to do with the Q- the ship is caught in multiple shockwaves, and when Janeway asks Q to take them out of it, he instead takes himself and Janeway to a mansion during the American Civil War- costume time!!! Yeehaw!! Kate Mulgrew was born to wear crinoline era fashions, I swear, she looks so good!!
Obvs Janeway wants to get back to the ship, but Q reveals that they're in the Continuum, and that the Q are at war due to the upheaval caused by the Q who commited suicide in 'Death Wish'. (This episode may be silly, but I so love and appreciate continuity from previous episodes!!) We get some nonsense about how Q thinks mating with a human will produce a more compassionate breed of Q who will end the war- sounds fake, but ok. But Q gets shot, and Janeway, being full of Starfleet goodness, rescues him and tends his wounds, while giving Q a lecture about how being a parent entails sticking around to teach your children your ideals, like compassion, and how families need to be built on love- which, at least, are actually good points that redeem some of the hopelessly old-fashioned heteronormativity of this ep.
Meanwhile, lady Q is still stuck on Voyager after the shockwave knocks them out- it was a Q weapon that caused the supernova, so it temporarily knocked out her powers, and she needs Voyager's help to get back to the Continuum. They have to fly into a supernova to do it, so she has to help them modify their shields, which leads to one of my favorite scenes, where lady Q goes to engineering, and gets her ass thoroughly handed to her by the Ultimate Sarcasm Queen of the Universe, B'Elanna Motherfucking Torres. B'Elanna just stands there, looking absolutely tiny next to Amazon goddess Suzie Plakson, but she cuts her down to size, outsassing the OG sassmaster, the first badass half-Klingon babe, K'Ehleyr herself, with such confidence, such ease, that it rattles even an immortal, omnipotent Q. Your fave could never!! And then lady Q says she's always liked Klingon females because they have such spunk- which in-universe, is her admitting that B'Elanna won the sass battle (yassss queen!!) but also, for the fans, it's acknowledging the passing of the torch from Suzie to Roxann as the current half-Klingon sass queen. Nice!
So anyway, back on the bridge, lady Q calls Tom 'helm boy', and I snort laughed as his face went through the five stages of grief over this, and he looks at Chakotay like 'how do I respond to that??' and Chakotay just sighs and is like 'yeah just do what she says' and Tom sighs like 'ok, guess I'm helm boy now' and does what she says.
They fly into the supernova, and not a moment too soon, because back in the Continuum, Janeway went to the other Q's camp to call a truce, but Q are kind of dicks, and they're like no, sorry, we won't accept your surrender, we're going to execute you and Q instead. So just as Q and Janeway are tied up and facing a firing squad, Janeway nobly argues for peace, and an uncharacteristacally selfless Q pleads to spare her life. The other Q says nah, but just as they're about to shoot them, someone else draws their fire away- it's the Voyager crew, all done up in Civil War gear!! More dress up time!!! Yay!!! They lead lady Q to Q and Janeway, and Janeway urges Q to mate with lady Q instead of her, which lady Q likes the idea of. Q and Q whisper about what we assume are unspeakably kinky Q mating practices, which they invite a shocked Janeway to watch, not because they're nasty freaks, but because all they have to do is touch fingers for a second, and then it's done. But also because they're nasty freaks.
After the Voyager crew subdues the Q, (while looking fabulous in their Union army uniforms, I might add!) they're returned to Voyager, back on their original course. Q pops back in to Janeway's ready room with his new baby Q, he declares himself to be changed for the better by parenthood, and asks Janeway to be godmother, to which she agrees. It's an absolutely insane way to start a friendship, but Kathryn Motherfucking Janeway manages what no Starfleet captain ever has: to make friends with Q. Queen shit, tbh.
How is this episode even a real thing?! I don't know, but I'm glad it is!!
Tl;dr: An absolutely ridiculous, insane crack episode that by all rights shouldn't work, but it does. One of the most hilarious, fun episodes in the whole series.
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 7 months
How the Ink Flows: 2024 scribbles by one Miss Lin ✨
Because my uni schedule has been kicking me in the butt constantly these days, I have decided to write this post to let you all know (as well as to make myself try to stick to my goals) what I am currently working on and what I would love to share with you this year! ❤️️ Also, at the end of the post under the cut, there is an important question regarding my taglist -- please, read the info if you follow my works and/or want to read some of them!
Vlad Dracula will most definitely remain my number-one priority for this year. So far, the update on the upcoming works for his story looks like this:
I am currently working on Second Chances, the work that maps one of the epic battles of Vlad's life, namely his spectacular duel with the former Voivode Vladislav II that marks the beginning of his second (and longest) reign. I have had to put my writing on hold for a while as I tackle my new uni schedule but will do my best to get back to the WIP as soon as possible!
Next, there is Novus Rex, Nova Lex which deals with the beginnings of Vlad's rule, and the tensions between him and the boyars. This WIP is also a strong homage to the wonderful Romanian movie Vlad Ţepeş (1979) as I have decided to borrow a fabulous scene from it and use it for Vlad's story. Hopefully, I will do it justice!
I would also love to focus on the beginnings of Vlad and Cătălina's relationship. You have already had the chance to meet the wonder of a woman, but the start of their love story and all the circumstances that lead to it definitely deserve to be told chronologically.
If all goes well, I would try to also dip my toes into Vlad's years with the Ottomans and try to explore the Drăculești family. A certain Mușat will most likely also make an appearance.
The world of Dr. Laura Levchenko has currently been put on hold for an indefinite period, mainly because I am heavily struggling with the overall story and some characters in it. I would also love to drift away from her role in the romantic relationship and explore her character as an individual. I think there is a lot of work to do for me to reassess what I want to say through my writing and what I want to do with the plot.
If all goes well and inspiration kicks me in this universe, I would love to delve into a series mapping her life directly after the maitotoxin attack. If you want to see Laura away from Ethan and shine individually in her pain, then this might be for you. ❤️️
I have been planning to finish a few works I have in mind for this story since summer but, unfortunately, the WIPs keep being abandoned by their negligent writer! I want to heavily redo and expand what we have been given in canon and turn it into something more serious and personal -- being from Eastern Europe, this story hits very close to home, and I would love to give it the levity and portrayal it deserves. So far, the WIP that I would love to work on more is called Silence, Silence, Dry and Black and explores heavier cultural and political themes. I am aware it might not be everyone's cup of tea but hope you would give it a shot nonetheless.
I am still exploring the story and toying around with my M!MC but, if all goes well, I have a very particular idea for a fic I would love to write this year! I am still not sure if I will make a single work from it or divide it into two shorter fics, but I hope to make it happen. Expect pure indulgence on my part as this will be my inner romantic pouring her heart out.
This way, I would also like to share that I am thinking of creating a taglist for those who are still willing to read my word vomit! I would use it to:
tag you on my Voievod works that I post both here and on AO3,
tag you on my TWC fics that I will most likely post both here and on AO3 when the time comes,
tag you on posts regarding my OH and CoP fics that (for reasons) I have decided to post solely on AO3. However, I have chosen to always make posts with an AO3 link attached to them so that you do not miss a heads-up whenever a new fic is published.
Please, do not hesitate to write a comment under this post or send me a DM if you want to be added to my taglist! ❤️️
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ahh-fxck · 1 year
Warrior's Blues Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Think of Something!
Tags/warnings: Geralt is Not Ok, PTSD, flashbacks, disassociation
Beta: @stressedspidergirlsfandomblog the fabulous, the wonderful, who makes sure I make sense when I write. Always grateful for you, friend.
Branches pluck at her curly mane as she crashes through the undergrowth. They snarl her curls in the haste of her passage, scattering droplets across her face. All she has eyes for are the tracks in front of her, hungrily searching for each new detail in the muddy earth. Julian’s tracks are deep, even, obvious, meandering back and forth across Geralt’s as if they'd been hard to see. To her, Geralt's prints are as clear as day- Uncomfortably so. She knew there was something wrong when Jaskier was able to follow them at all, but now that she's seeing it herself she can't help but run. Geralt has to be in serious trouble to be this obvious.
She pans her flashlight further in front of her. There are the drag marks where Geralt began to limp, and further up she can see how the distance between his footprints changed, showing his gait slowing. Further along she can see the way he began to stagger as his adrenaline finally gave over to pain. With every footprint she finds herself going a little faster, as if she can outpace the sick feeling in her stomach, as if she can outrun the accident itself and get there before Geralt got hurt.
She breaks from the tree cover in the gully going a little too fast and pulls herself up short, panting for breath as she looks around. The place to climb out can't be far but she's too disoriented to spot it yet, and that's the moment she realizes that she needs to take a pause. She turns off the flashlight and sticks it in her bag to free her hands. Then she rakes her hair out of her face and picks out the twigs, flicking them aside with deliberate movements. Once her breath has slowed and she can think clearly again, she turns her light back on.
She stalks up the gully, looking for the scuffled, torn bank where Geralt and later Julian had pulled themselves out. Instead, a familiar shape winks in the dark, half-hidden in a tangle of roots. As she approaches the reflective decal of Geralt's new running shoe becomes clear, partially obscured beneath a slick coating of mud and slime. Something stiff and fragile in her crumbles as she stares at it, giving way to a hot sensation that builds until it sears her breath away. In the airless silence that follows a razor-sharp loneliness flays her to the bone. She curls around herself, one hand coming up to squeeze her opposite arm. It's the kind of loneliness that only an ugly, useless little girl with no power would ever feel. She hates it, and she hates Geralt a little for making her feel it.
She stands there for fuck knows how long, so tense that her joints ache in protest. The heat inside her continues to build, scorching her tears away and leaving nothing but unbearable pressure. Her thoughts race, oscillating between cursing Geralt for being such an unremitting fool and cursing herself, for being the idiot that let him get close enough to bother her.
In her periphery she hears the crunch of brush under someone's feet, startling her back to the present. The sound quickly resolves into human movement. It's familiar- at least, familiar enough, after hours of hearing the idiot crashing through the undergrowth and panting in her ear. The idea of Julian seeing her jars her, forcing her to pull herself back together. She brushes her hair out of her face again and swipes her fingers under her eyes to neaten her makeup, her jaw stiffening and her back becoming ramrod-straight as she does so. By the time she is done her face is a hard, unreadable mask.
No longer the ugly little girl, she once again has the regal poise of the most powerful woman in the world. She waits, alert, listening as the sounds come nearer. Julian pauses when he reaches the upper bank, shifting awkwardly. She lets him wait, taking the time to finish composing herself. By the time she turns to him, her eyes are as hard and dry as chips of amethyst. She picks up the filthy shoe and turns to him.
"Well?" she snaps, holding out her other hand. "Pull me up. What are you waiting for?" He grimaces as he assists her out of the gully, the expression becoming almost comical when she slaps the wet shoe into his hand. Still, he bites back the ill-tempered comment right at the tip of his tongue. And when she's up he steps back out of her bubble without a word. Maybe a little too quickly, granted, but she's grateful for the space and the quiet. She's not sure she could stand hearing anyone speak right now.
She turns on her flashlight. "Let's go. Show me where he is."
Julian nods, uncharacteristically quiet, turning back the way he came. Yennefer follows him, her dark eyebrows furrowed. The forest is sparse here, full of hillocks and hollows eroded from the sandy soil. Not far from the gully an oak tree sits in one of them, larger and more gnarled than all the others. Its base is consumed in shadow, swallowing the remains of Geralt's tracks in darkness.
She turns to Julian. "Has he moved since you found him? Have you touched him?" A note of threat enters her voice.
His lip ticks down in another little grimace but he lets this go, too. He shakes his head. "No and no. He's breathing though." He glances at the pool of shadow and she can hear the slight shake in his breath as he inhales, the corners of his eyes tightening. It tells her volumes about the stress he's hiding, despite how calm he outwardly appears.
"Good." Her jaw works for a moment. She's never had to pick Geralt up out of the mud before, not even on the battlefield- he's always been so reassuringly, even stubbornly full of life. Even when they were up to their neck in the shit, he'd always been there for her to lean on, to rage on, to hold. A dark, ugly part of her wants to run, wants to head for the hills and never be seen again. Ciri would never forgive her, though.
"Hey," Julian interrupts her ruminations, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Let me know how I can help."
Yennefer snorts. She's half-furious that her train of thought's been interrupted, and help is the last thing she wants, especially from this twit... but help is also precisely what she needs if she's going to get Geralt safely to the car from here. She may be strong, hell, she might even have a great grasp of leverage, but he's too damn big for her to carry more than a few feet.
She sighs. "Fine. Be quiet, do exactly as you're told, and no kvetching. Got it?" He nods, and she continues, "He's likely to be disoriented, so stay back. Don't startle him. Once he's up I might need help getting him to my car. Can you hold him up?" He nods again. "Good. Then let's get to work." Her voice is harsh, and she turns her back on him like a door slamming shut.
She advances cautiously towards the tree even though her legs burn to run. The sodden ground beneath her boots squashes, the muffled crack of wet twigs hardly audible above the whisper of the trees overhead. The first sight she catches of Geralt is his pale leg and torn, bloody sock. Rounding the tree, she can see that he's damp and filthy, lax as a corpse save for the breath that causes his shoulders to rise and fall, helpless in a way she's never seen him before. Despite how she'd braced herself the sight hits her like a hammer to the stomach.
The searing sensation returns, lodged up under her ribs like a molten splinter. Her eyes grow hot, jaw working as she tries to maintain her composure. The heat is just a sensation, she reminds herself. She keeps her breath steady, using it to bank the fire in her chest into something cold and razor-sharp, something powerful she can wield to get her through this moment.
When she feels steady again she opens her eyes, taking a last appraisal of Geralt. His head and neck seem to be intact, no major cuts or bruises at least. His limbs are dirty and scratched, but there's no mangling, no open fractures. Satisfied, she kneels down, mind whirring along on chill rails now. She beckons Julian closer. "Stand there, I need the light," she orders. "Point the flashlight away from his eyes, and keep your trap shut. I'm going to try and wake him now."
His throat bobs and he nods, coming around the side of the oak tree to stand where she'd indicated. He points the flashlight off to the side, giving her enough light to see by as she tucks her own light back into her bag. Feeling self-conscious, Yennefer turns back to Geralt. She brushes her soft, cool fingers over his cheek, giving time for the sensation to register. He startles to wakefulness like he's been hit with a cattle prod, stuttering for air.
"Kochany," she says, nearly as startled as he is at the explosion of movement but still staying with him, trying to get his attention. She can't catch his roving eyes. His shoulders heave in an effort to get himself upright, but he can't seem to get purchase, as if something heavy is weighing him down. In a blind panic, he scrabbles at the earth as if he can get ahold of it and haul himself free. On sheer instinct Yennefer grabs his hands, unable to stand the sound of his nails in the mud. <<Hey, hey Geralt, stop! I'm right here. You're safe, I've got you, I've got you!>>
He flinches hard, pulling back, but just as quickly he's reaching out again, fumbling to catch her hands as if he's afraid they'll vanish. She waits, her face a mask. He squeezes her, feeling each finger as if he's trying to be sure the hands he's touching are really hers. She frowns, trying to catch his gaze, trying to get that spark of recognition, but it's like he can't find his way out of himself to see her. His eyes are always shifting, never present, and they can't seem to focus on anything for more than a brief moment. A slick feeling of unease goes down her spine as she realizes that wherever Geralt is, it's far away from here.
She looks up at Julian, who is watching with his lips pressed in a thin line, then back at Geralt. Present or not, she still has to get him someplace safe. She racks her brains as she squeezes his hands, leaning in and placing her lips close to his ear. This close she can hear the harshness of his breath and smell the acrid stink of smoke on his skin, mingling with his fear-soured sweat. Nothing she can think of feels right to say, but she has to try. <<Sweetheart, we have to go now,>> she hazards, feeling stupid and hollow. <<You have to follow me, and I need you to stay with me no matter what happens. Can you hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying? You need to follow me. Get up. I'll help you get up, just follow me.>>
It's like throwing words down a well. The only answer she gets is the squeak of Geralt's teeth grinding. Insecurity swirls inside of her, picking and plucking at her resolve. She scowls, then abruptly pulls her hands away and stands, unable to be ignored down there in the cold dirt for another moment. To her surprise he follows, rising painfully on to his hands and knees at last. The flash of relief she feels is small but potent. It's enough to help her rally, keeping her feet rooted where they ought to be, helping her find her tongue again.
<<That's right, sweetheart, up you go,>> she murmurs, noticing distantly how cold and numb her lips feel, like they aren't quite hers as she talks. He flinches as he tries to rise, curling around his injured hip with a growl of pain. She tries to set her feet to improve her leverage, but she can't get good purchase with the knurled and slippery roots of the oak tree poking through the shifting soil. Grimacing, she realizes she can't lift him safely on her own. She looks over his shoulder at Julian, calculating the chance of Geralt lashing out at him, and decides that Julian looks sturdy enough to risk it.
"Come here now. Give me the shoe."
He hands it to her, a look of distaste on his face which she echoes as she takes the blasted soggy thing. Then she turns back to Geralt, slipping it onto his foot. He grunts, reflexively pulling his foot away, but she doggedly follows him with all the practice of a mother who's wrangled an angry child one too many times. It doesn't take long to get it on his foot, and in the end, he relaxes, seemingly relieved. And no wonder. His foot looked like hell, and even a soggy shoe would feel better than resting on the muddy, prickly forest floor.
Yennefer places her hands on her thighs and levers herself up. She turns to Julian, wiping her hands regretfully on her pants. They were ruined already, but still. "I need you to help me get him up," she commands, her quiet voice carrying in the damp night air. "Go slow. Don't startle him."
There's a clipped tone that Julian seems to pick up on. He studies her face, meeting her hard violet gaze with a thoughtful look. Then he nods and begins to slowly approach, keeping his body small and his hands out where Geralt can see them.
Yennefer gives him another critical glance, then turns back to Geralt, talking him through what's happening. "Ok, I'm going to get you up, we're going back to the car. Your friend is going to help us, here he comes..." Geralt sucks in a startled breath when Julian's hand first touches him, shying away.
"Hey, now, Geralt... it's just me. Come on, big guy, let's get you up," Julian soothes under Yennefer's watchful eye, tilting his head to catch Geralt's gaze and offer him a charming smile. He has no more success than Yennefer did at catching Geralt's gaze but that doesn't stop Julian from talking. It's like he's been uncorked, and he continues talking with a faint air of relief as he cajoles cooperation from Geralt. It takes some doing, but between the two of them Geralt eventually allows Julian to coax his arm to rest across Julian's shoulders.
From there they coax him upright. Julian wheezes and does his best not to stagger as Geralt droops against him, holding him with an iron grip to keep him from falling back to the ground. Then Julian shifts his grip until he's taking the worst of the weight off of Geralt's injured leg, a determined furrow in his brow.
Yennefer ducks under Geralt's arm on the other side and leans in hard, grabbing the back of Geralt's shorts in her fist to stabilize him. Geralt groans, struggling to get and keep his feet under him, slowly dragging them forward because he is too damn heavy to hold without staggering.
Jutting her jaw determinedly, she flicks her flashlight on with her other hand and leans into his motion, thighs straining as she nudges him until he is going the right way. They shamble forward in a disjointed fashion, inching back the way that they came. Geralt moves like a dreamer, heavy-limbed and adrift from the world around them. She listens to the harsh sound of his breath in the darkness, fist aching as she holds the back of his shorts. He is heavy, and wet, and he stinks. Clammy dampness seeps off of him, soaking into her own shirt and making her skin crawl. Swallowing back a shudder, she forces herself to focus on the faint tracks that are her lifeline, leading them all back towards the vehicles.
Everything after that is a soul-draining slog through the dark undergrowth. By the time they near the final scrubby slope, Yennefer's legs have been abraded by the low-lying prickers and her muscles are screaming. All she wants is to be in the car, driving towards tea and dry clothing. Julian doesn't seem to be faring much better, his face pale and set as he steadies Geralt down towards the vehicles.
A burned stink lingers in the air as they get lower down the slope, reeking of charred plastic, oil, and meat. Yennefer notices Geralt's breathing catch and speed up and she bites back a curse. She tightens her grip on him as his muscles tense. He makes an aborted attempt to run and groans when the pain of his injury pulls him up short. The weight of him sends them all lurching sideways, causing Yennefer to curse the air blue. Julian grits his teeth and sets his legs, determinedly but gently pushing him the other way with all the skill of someone who's juggled drunks for a living. Yennefer gets her feet back under herself and sets her back into the effort as well, and together through sheer dint of will they begin moving in the right direction again.
<<Keep going, you fucking bastard, just a few more feet, then you and I can have a rest>> she pants, as much for her own benefit as Geralt's. <<Fuck, you can do this, you can do this, it's just some fucking smoke, come on->> She hauls him towards the rental with a single-minded focus, impatience mounting with every balk until they're finally at the rental car. She can't care what he's feeling or thinking about anymore, she just has to get him in the fucking backseat before she drops him.
When they finally get there she breathes a sigh of relief, putting her hand on the silver hood of the car. Julian sags too, arm still wrapped firmly around Geralt to keep him steady. The prospect of getting to sit and be out of the damp makes her hasty. She opens the rear door without a thought, eager to get Geralt settled so that she can finally relax. A gust of stale, chemical air rolls out of the rental car. She barely notices it.
That's when all hell breaks loose.
Geralt tenses and she realizes her mistake a moment too late. In his panicked inhale she can hear the nightmare moment he'd shoved her behind a concrete column, the roar of gunfire, the reek of gasoline- Cursing, she grabs for him in the instant before he rears back, flailing his arms like a sleeper in a nightmare. In the ensuing scuffle he pushes her with enough force to send her flying into the muddy gravel. Julian catches one of his elbows in the stomach for his efforts, staggering back and grabbing at the car to steady himself. He doubles over wheezing, winded but unhurt, as Geralt pivots toward the safety of the forest. A slick stone loosened by the rain turns under his foot, he steps with his lamed leg to keep his balance, and then with a flinch that makes her own leg hurt in sympathy he's down in the mud right next to her. He lands with a sharp groan, curling around his injury again.
Yennefer bites back the urge to scream, her fingers digging into the ground. One fist balls around a smooth, round rock, and she finds herself squeezing it with all of her might. Then in a viper-fast motion she slings it into the bushes where it gives a satisfying 'crash.' Geralt and Julian both startle, but she's past giving a fuck.
She scrambles to her feet panting, muddy, itchy, and ready to break something. Instead, she makes a sharp gesture to Julian to close the rental's door. He does so, and her lip curves down in a one-sided grimace.
"Dare I ask?" he wheezes, still half out of breath. He does his best to shake it off, leaning down with her to gently gather Geralt back up. He gets his strong legs into the lift, again making sure that Geralt is off of his bad leg as he sways to his feet.
"He hates rental cars. Long story," she replies between gritted teeth. The muscles along her spine twinge and quiver, protesting to the prolonged awkwardness of her position. She'll be fine for a little longer, but tomorrow's going to hurt.
"You don't say," he drawls, as they stagger away from the rental. "Well then... ah... fuck. What do you want to do?"
Yennefer furrows her brow, looking at the little silver car, her own body ringing from the jarring memory Geralt's reaction had brought out. It makes the reek from the wreck across the way so much worse, her skin crawling. "I won't be able to get him in there tonight," she says. I won't be able to get myself in there tonight, the unwelcome thought follows. "What about a cab?" she half-jokes, looking longingly back in the direction of the city. Inside, she is carefully rolling up the memory, sliding it into a metal canister, and locking it. By the time she looks back at him it is stowed out of sight, unable to distract or torture her any longer.
"Ha!" Julian wheezes out a shallow, painful chuckle. "I dare say a cab might take some time to arrive at this hour." He pauses, darting his tongue across his lips. When Yennefer's lip quirks up the faintest bit, he continues. "I can drive you back if you want. I can't guarantee my car smells of roses but it's right there and-"
She rolls her eyes skyward. "Just- Yes. Just shut up and move," she says, already heading in the direction of Julian's tacky little sedan.
Julian's car, when they open the door, wafts the faint odor of cigarettes and the strong smell of artificial strawberry. Yennefer backs into the car, noting out of the corner of her eye that there is a heart-shaped air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. To her disgust, it is absolutely covered in pink glitter. She grimaces as she crawls in, turning awkwardly so that she can take Geralt's dirty, cold hands in her own. She talks to him softly, getting whatever shreds of his attention she can gather, and then she begins to tow him into the car. He allows her to do so, settling painfully into the small backseat. Julian passes her the belt, and she buckles him in, the hairs on her neck settling in the wake of the seat belt's click. Then he passes her a dry towel and a bottle of water. While she begins the process of getting Geralt and herself dry and perhaps slightly cleaner, Julian gets back in the front seat and starts the car.
"Where to?" he asks.
"You've got it."
The light of the moon flickers in between the clouds, shining through the windows of the vehicle. Yennefer offers him the bottle of water, trying to grab his attention long enough to get him to drink. She finally resorts to pressing it to his lips. He just bats it away, and she's too frustrated and burnt out to argue with him about it. Giving up for now, she tucks the water bottle aside. She watches him from the corner of her eye, waiting for further outbursts, but no.
The gentle motion of the car seems to pacify Geralt. He puts his hands over his face and goes still, his harsh breath quieting. Yennefer continues to keep a weather eye as she finishes wiping the worst of the mud off of herself. Her suit's ruined, but at least she's on her way back to safety. She tucks the towel around her shoulders when she's done with it, putting the towel between the seat and her muddy blazer. Then she settles back. The sound of the engine drowns the noise of Geralt's soft, grating breaths of pain, and Julian for once in his life has the sense to leave the dial of the radio alone. She sinks into a torpor of her own, watching the silver-dipped leaves twist overhead in the wind.
The forested roads give way to suburbs, and then the city rises around them. Bridge lights, bright yellow, glare into their car at intervals as they enter the city proper. Yennefer straightens, glancing at Geralt, beginning to think through the process of getting him into the hotel. As much as she'd like to stick him on a bellhop's cart at the entrance and save herself the trouble of schlepping him into the elevator, there's no way she's putting them all at risk. That means the parking garage, and the elevator. Luckily, their suite isn't far from there. Then it's good night Julian and on to their own little private hell. If she's lucky, Coen will pick up the phone and she'll be able to get some real support out of someone.
Driven by that thought, she leans forward, eager as they turn onto the back street that leads to the parking garage. In her mind she is walking through the steps of getting settled in the hotel room, of getting clean, of figuring out what the hell to do with Geralt. That's why she doesn't think to look at Geralt as they're heading down the slope into the garage. The orange sodium light of the concrete structure floods the car, and there is a distinctive, echoing squeak as the vehicle makes a turn down a row of cars.
Geralt's head rears back and he lets out a terrified snarl, arching against his seatbelt like he's a netted fish. He claws at it, as if he's shocked to find himself constrained. Julian lets out a startled shout, the car swerving slightly and then righting itself. Before Yennefer can properly react Geralt's turned his attention to the door, wrenching at the handle, only to find it locked. Instead of trying to find the release mechanism he slams himself against the the window, rebounding painfully before gathering himself to try again.
"FUCK!" Yennefer shouts, diving across the car in the blink of an eye, "Son of a fucking whore! Fuck, fuck!" Awash in fresh adrenaline, she wrestles with Geralt, trying to properly restrain him before he can rip the handle off or worse, do himself some real damage as he batters himself against the window like a trapped bird. In the front seat Julian is swearing too, pulling the car out of another startled swerve as he fights his instinct to look over his shoulder at the chaos in the backseat. Yennefer tangles herself in Geralt's limbs with all the ferocity of an angry snake, grappling to get a grip.
"Fucking hell!" Julian cries, pulling a screeching corner at the end of the row of parked vehicles and heading back towards the entrance. "What the fucking- What do I do?!"
"I don't know! Think of something!" she yells back, straining to keep Geralt contained. She's got him now but her grip is awkward, fingers starting to slip as he struggles against her. She might know how to use leverage well, but in a contest of sheer strength she can't win.
"Right, sure, I'll just do that! Bloody brilliant!" Julian pulls the car around towards the entrance and looks twice, making sure his way is clear, then guns the engine. The car goes screeching out of the garage and up, around the corner and off into the night. He heads for the only place he knows, the only place he feels he can go- home.
By that time Yennefer has gotten in a position to properly thwart Geralt. She holds onto him, sweat and filth and all, as he bucks and wrangles beneath her like an eel. And she spits and yells like an angry fishwife, all composure momentarily lost. Her hair comes unbound in the struggle and spills out of her braid, surrounding her face in a halo of scented curls.
They surround Geralt, too, filling his world with the sudden piercing sweetness of lilac and gooseberry. In his face the scent is overwhelming, smelling undeniably of home. He sucks in a startled breath, and then another, stunned to realize that he's not- wherever he was- A smear of light through a muddy window, he is bound with his back against- He shakes his head to clear it. He can't make sense of the world around him, can't even make sense of the world inside him, but this he knows. He gives a shuddering breath, turning towards her.
Yennefer half can't believe it when Geralt goes limp, but her aching muscles are beyond grateful for the relief. Shoving aside the brewing storm of anger, terror, and loneliness inside of herself, she gathers him against herself. She murmurs softly like she would to their child, trying to soothe him, trying to reassure herself.
He turns his face into her cheek and breathes her in, burying his face in her hair. The swaying of the car makes him dizzy, his head hurts, his head hurts... The medical transport sways, finally on a smooth road at last after hours of bumping over what felt like fucking boulders. His head screamed and throbbed, and the IV felt like an ice pick hanging out of his arm...
She holds him, pressing his head against her shoulder and shielding him. It’s the first time he’s truly turned to her for comfort all night, and she’d brave all the filthy, clammy shirts in the world to hold him just a little tighter. They sway together in the gentle motion of the vehicle as it navigates out of the city, back into the suburbs.  
It’s no surprise when Julian pulls up in the driveway of his home. Where else would they go at this time of night? It is, she thinks as she looks out the window, possibly one of the last places she wants to be right now. But it’s better than- well, there’s a great number of things it’s better than, many of which didn’t bear thinking about. So when he carefully opens the car door for her, she gives him a tight smile. She delicately disentangles herself from Geralt, who has sunk back into the dream-like state in which they found him, and allows Julian to help her out of the car.
Geralt doesn’t move an inch.
That’s probably for the best at the moment, all things considered. She closes the door quietly behind her. Then she turns to Julian, raising her eyebrow as they assess each other in the streetlight. Both of them are pale and dirty now, worn ragged by the long search and sorely frightened by the outburst they’d just weathered. 
“You look like shit,” she points out, tucking her hair behind her ears.
Julian gives her a weary smirk, taking in Yennefer’s stained white shirt and bedraggled, dirty suit. “Speak for yourself.” He glances down at the keys in his hand to find the housekey. Then his eyes lift silently to the car, looking through the backseat window before returning to hers. 
She nods, understanding the silent question. “I don’t know if he’ll be ok. We have to get him inside first, get him clean… Then we can worry about everything else.”
Julian nods, then hesitates. “Do- ah, do you mind if I ask what that was all about? With the garage?”
Yennefer’s lip pulls down at the corner. “Same reason he doesn't like rental cars,” she answers simply. And with that, she turns away and walks to the other side of the car before he can ask any more.
Her mind races as she approaches Geralt’s side of the car, her attention shifting to him now. He stares fixedly at the back of the seat. She cautiously opens the door, bracing for another fight. Instead he barely stirs, even when the balmy night air hits him. He is still uncomfortably clammy to the touch as she gives him a hand out of the car and Julian slides his arm around him again, nudging Geralt's arm up around his shoulders. Together, they gently impel him towards the house.  
Julian ushers them up the wheelchair ramp and into the house, closing the door behind them. “Bring him back here,” he says, gesturing to an open bedroom door immediately across from the entryway.
Unlike the rest of the house, it’s well-lit and welcoming, and another light spilling from the bathroom is probably the finest thing Yennefer has seen all night. Julian helps her coax Geralt into the bathroom, setting him down on the lid of the toilet where his injured leg can finally rest. Geralt lets out a relieved hiss, sagging with an air of defeated exhaustion. She and Julian share a private look of concern over his dirty shoulders, then he shows her where the towel cabinet is. Then, he points to the first aid kit tucked into that same cabinet. The whole bathroom is tiled and open, with a removable shower head coiled and hung on the wall and a drain on the floor. There is a shower bench tucked in the corner, and textured strips on the floor to prevent slipping. The whole setup makes the daunting prospect of getting Geralt clean seem a little easier.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Jaskier asks, hanging back from the doorway a little bit. 
“Clean clothes for both of us,” Yennefer says. “Nothing gaudy.” She gives him a sharp look of warning.
“You’ve got it,” Jaskier replies without complaint or argument, as if he senses this is not the time to play. “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. Feel free to use the bed if either of you need rest.” Turning, he indicates a queen sized bed with a plush comforter. There is a white crocheted cotton blanket on top, picked with a delicate pattern of flowers. 
“Thank you,” Yennefer says curtly, then closes the bathroom door.
She turns to Geralt on the closed toilet and cups his chin in her hand, pursing her lips. <<What are we going to do with you?>> she sighs, switching back to Polish. She doesn’t expect an answer and doesn’t get one. He drops his eyes to the corner of the room and grimaces. Her lips quirk and she runs her hand across his head, dislodging bits of forest onto the clean bathroom floor. <<Ok, then. Shoes off,>> she signs as she speaks, hoping that this, at least, will be easier for Geralt to track. Geralt lifts his gaze after a moment and follows the movements of her hands. She repeats the phrase and he blinks. Then, slow as a glacier, he bends down and fumbles them off of his feet.
Grimacing, she picks them up and carries them briskly out of the bathroom. They're too filthy to ever wear again, and she can't stand the sight of them for another moment. The shoes even feel wrong in her hands, filling her with a surge of revulsion and anger. They are still stiff and new beneath the grime despite how battered they look, and they reek of ditch water and skunk cabbage. She stalks out of the house with them, shaking slightly. The shaking doesn’t stop until she’s tossed them them into the bin at the side of the house. She slams the lid with a CLAP! loud enough to start a neighbor's dog barking, then walks stiff-legged back to the front porch. 
It’s only then that she feels some measure of relief. She takes a moment to pause and breathe the fresh night air, her skin still crawling as she feels the filth clinging to her hands. The sweet humidity after the storm smells good, cut through with fresh zephyrs carrying the green smell of thirsty trees who've had a drink at last. It grounds her, bringing her back to herself bit by bit. 
When she feels more herself, she walks back inside. The house is lit now, and Julian is in the kitchen hovering over a kettle. He's still in his dirty shirt and shorts, bedraggled and tired. Somehow, without all the glamor he usually projects, he feels more like a person now to her. Less like a performance. He raises his hand to greet her, then beckons her. She gives him a short nod, pausing to remove her boots before crossing to the kitchen. She makes a beeline for the sink, scrubbing the filth and stink off of her hands at last. He pulls down an extra cup and opens his tea cupboard. 
“Can I get you anything?” he asks quietly. There are shadows under his eyes, but his gaze is frank and gentle.
Her eyes dart to the guest room door, ears straining for sound. "I don't-"
Julian glances over his shoulder as well, then meets her gaze again. “He seems fine. I’ve been keeping an ear on him while the kettle heats up.” He purses his lips, looking her from head to foot, noticing the tension in her posture. “Why don’t I bring you a cup in there?”
Yennefer pauses, giving him a long, calculating look. He looks back awkwardly. He seems exhausted, but not hostile. She relents, grabbing the towel to dry off her hands. “Do you have spearmint?”
“I do! Cream and sugar?” Julian sounds relieved, turning back to his cabinet.
“Yes,” Yennefer says, looking towards the back of the house again. “I like it sweet. I’ll be in the back, just leave it on the nightstand.” She tucks the towel back into place and walks away, hearing the creak and hiss of the kettle behind her as she goes. It looks like it is going to be a long night, but to her bemusement, at least she can actually have some fucking tea.
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@astouract,​ @smolpoe​​, @yes-im-the-violin-girl​, @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde​, @ladyknight-keladry​, @your-lordsherlockholmes-posts​, @thepassifloradiscord​
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cheshireegray · 2 years
Dark obsession
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• I do not in any shape or form own the vampire diaries or the originals. This is strictly for fun, don’t sue me for using the characters.
Dark Obsession
We all knew that the allure of darkness would happen to the most innocent people.
Loud Music rang through The Streets Of The Quarter as two stunning women walk into the Party that was being thrown. Knowing very well that the salvawhore brothers and their doppelganger pet were following them closely.
Blood covering them from head to toe, they may have had a little fun with Tyler and his wolf pack of mutts. The Heretic blonde adored the screams that erupted from Tyler as she made his inside bubble out of him, right before she ripped his head off his miserable shoulders.
Bonnie ripped off head after head of the mutts, listening to their other family members scream and yell for her to stop. Enjoying the blood as it splattered on their faces the warm feeling of the blood running down her melanin skin before she licked the dribble that made its way to the corner of her lip.
Taking Tyler's head and putting it in a duffle back before leaving all of the massacred wolves to rot in the woods. Caroline wanted to send a message to the she-wolf hayley, she could smell the whore all over Tyler for the last two weeks.
Turn out they had been sleeping with each other ever since she had come to visit the wolves. So she dealt with the situation the best that she could, which in this case meant ripping Tyler to shreds. Bonnie had joined the fun after she was turned to cut her line off.
Turns out that you can’t cut off the last living Bennett witch so she turned into a heretic. They both realized they have sacrificed everything just to save little innocent Elena. Becoming a heretic made them become closer than ever as they learned new things about themselves together.
Caroline dressed as a little red riding hood -Slayer of wolves- she looked hot, and her hair was cut into a butterfly cut with bleach and tone. Bonnie dressed as Cat woman -Halle berry’s version- the real diamond claws, the whip, and skin-tight leather.
Both girls became attached at the hip when they both accidentally massacred a whole entire bar out of pure hunger, at first they were ashamed but then they realized that to live their amazingly fabulous lives they need to kill people to survive.
Now as they get to the bar of the party they both drink from the bartender, The salvawhore brothers and their pet came up behind them. Damon cleared his throat to get their attention, but both girls just scoffed and kept drinking until the man's heart stopped beating.
Dropping the body on the ground not bothering to clean the blood from their mouths they both look at the three shocked faces. “Oh I'm sorry..did you want some?” caroline said coyly as she made her and bonnie shots.
Bonnie laughs at their faces as she takes back her shots with caroline, Damon being his normal idiot self speaks up “alright blondie and bonbon funs over, time to go” they both looked at him and scoffed before turning back to a woman that just walked over to the bar.
Bonnie flashes to her as she dilated her eyes “scream for bonnie” the girl nods as bonnie sinks her fangs into her neck draining her of her life. The random girl screams at the top of her lungs making everyone look in bonnie and carolines direction.
Caroline sees everyone looking at them so she stands on the bar taking off her hood “I want you all to witness perfection as my bestie drains the life from a pathetic little human girl” she claps as everyone else mimics her while bonnie drains the girl dry.
The girl stops screaming from the lack of blood in her veins, she takes the girl's life before dropping her on the ground. Bonnie climbs onto the bar with her black YSL heels as she stands beside caroline. “Now which one of you will be my bestie's meal?” saying with a smile as people cower in fear.
One voice sticks out to her the most as his dark silhouette come from the shadows “ill do it love!” caroline beams as she snaps her finger and the people move out of his way. Four men help bonnie and caroline off of the bar towards the sexy British man.
Klaus walks out of the crowd followed by all of the originals behind him, caroline walks up to him “Neck or wrist?” pointing to both arteries that were pumping with his delicious hybrid blood. Caroline could practically taste it already.
Klaus takes off his Grey Jakcet as he moves his shirt from his shoulder“have at it sweetheart” caroline claps before snatching his face down to hers, she kisses him on his raspberry-colored lips, moving down his lips to his jaw then to his neck.
He wraps his arms around her waist as she starts kissing his pulse, sinking her fangs into his neck ever so gently. Tasting his hybrid blood just like their time in the woods and her graduation night. Using her other hand to rub the other side of his neck.
Taking only about half of a pint before pulling away from his neck, licking the skin as it turns a bright red color. His grip on her waist tightens when her bite marks start to burn, as her venom rushes through his body making him growl.
Everyone watched in pure shock some people were turned on by some blonde girl getting to drink from the Original Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. Caroline pulls away from him as she sees visible sweat leaking down his forehead.
Whispering a spell before biting her lip so it would bleed, she slams her lips into his as he sucks on her bottom lip. Gripping her tighter while drinking vigorously trying to get more of her amazing strawberry blood.
Caroline pulls away when she thinks he's had enough, looking at the side of his neck and seeing the bite healed she looks back at him “all better, big guy” pushing his arms away from her waist as she walks back over to bonnie who had just fed and healed kol.
Grabbing bonnie hand as they intertwined their fingers, looking at the crowd, the originals, and the scooby shack idiots. They smile at them before flashing out of the party leaving everyone shocked and horny.
-At the Mikaelson Home-
Damon, stefan, and Elena had gone with the mikaelson’s back to their home to discuss what went down at the party, to say the least, they were all amazed and shocked. Kol always knew that one day bonnie would come out of her shell and become who she was meant to be.
Klaus always knew that caroline had a dark side that she hid from people well before she was turned into a vampire. Back then she was just an innocent witch who was always putting her life on the line for her “friends” now she was a badass heretic who didn’t care about what people think.
“Well, it sounds to me like they stopped saving or caring about you lot” Rebekah pointed out, not caring about the glares she got from the three mystic freaks. Kol chuckled at his sister's comment, he couldn’t help but notice the look on Elena’s face. It looked like jealousy from his view.
Stefan was just trying to make sure that they didn’t get hurt, he and Elena had broken up months ago because she loved Damon. All he wanted was to have at least one friend that wouldn’t betray him, and those friends were Caroline and Bonnie. Everyone is pulled out of their thoughts when three people bust into the front door.
“Klaus!” Marcel flashed into the living room heaving trying to calm down, klaus looked annoyed at his past protégés sudden invitation. “What can I do for you Marcellus?” He groaned while taking a sip of the bourbon that he was nursing. “I just got word that 12-night walkers and the wolves in the bayou were slaughtered”
Now everyone was staring at the three new people in the room, who would slaughter a whole pack of werewolves and 12 vampires? But then Rebekah and kol burst into laughter making everyone stare at them. “Oh how much I love the new heretics!” Rebekah exclaimed in pure joy at how the girls were so ruthless now.
“What do you mean by that?” Davina was so confused as to why the two youngest originals were laughing at something so serious. “You’ll meet them soon, I just texted them to come here” Rebekah smiled looking at her phone ignoring the gasps from the mystic freaks.
Hayley had just come into the room with baby Hope in her arms “can you keep it down I’m trying to put Hope to sleep” she bounced Hope gently as she was fussing at Hayley. A giant gust of wind blew into the room as a blonde and brunette came into the room with blood on their arms and torsos.
Caroline saw Hope and wanted to grab her but her hands were covered in blood, Klaus noticed her not-so-clean hands and flashed her a wet paper towel. She blushed at him being all soft around her, she kissed his cheek before wiping her hands off.
Walking towards Hayley she reaches her arms out to the fussy toddler, Hope looks at her and leans over in her arms. She gently rocked Hope while humming a song softly, Hope started to doze off before fully falling asleep on Caroline’s shoulder. Everyone but hayley watched in awe as Caroline put the fussy baby in the bassinet that was in the corner of the room.
Before Putting her game face back on she whispered a spell so that Hope couldn’t hear anything that would happen in the living room. Turning back around she stalks towards Hayley with a deadly look in her eyes “Jackson said that he loved you” with a sinister smirk on her face as Hayley’s eyes grew wide.
“Oh and before I forget!” She flashed out of the house to her car before bringing in a bloody duffle bag plopping it at Hayley’s feet. “Next time think twice before you cross me!” She flipped her hair and walked over to Bonnie who had a smirk on her face. Hayley bent down and slowly unzipped the bag, gasping as tears ran down her cheeks.
Everyone was wondering what was in the duffle bag, kol decided to see for himself what it was that made her cry. He walked over to the bag and looked down at the head of Tyler Lockwood, he tried hard to not laugh but couldn’t hold it in much longer. Bursting into laughter while looking at Caroline.
“What did he do?” He gasped in between breaths from laughing so hard, Caroline smirked ignoring the sobbing coming from the she-wolf. “Little miss she-wolf and Tyler were sleeping together, so not only did we kill his pack but also Hayley’s,” Bonnie said nonchalantly as she walked over to the couch to sit down.
Klaus wanted to see the head for himself so he got up and opened the bag to see it was truly Tyler’s head in the bag. Elena was shocked and pissed at both Bonnie and Caroline “what's gotten into you two?” She shouted while standing up along with Damon, Caroline and Bonnie looked pissed off.
“Elena if you speak again and nobody addresses you…” caroline paused as she flashed in front of Elena, she leaned into her ear before whispering “ I will tear out your spine and make Damon wear it as a necklace!” it was so sinister that i sent chills down the blonde in the corner of the room's spine.
Caroline turned away to a kol who had his hand up to high fived. Caroline gave a fake smile and went to sit beside Bonnie who was getting tired of being there. Kol put his hand down before flashing beside bonnie, he pulled her close to him as she tried to get away but his hold was definite.
Bonnie giggled when tried to tickle her, she was ticklish near her side and kol was using that against her. Davina was staring at the smiling couple with envy, she had gotten closer to kol but every time she asked him on a date he rejected her. Always saying that he values his life and that his feisty witch would kill him.
Caroline had secretly sent a message to her favorite doppelganger about elijah and hayley being together. Letting a smirk fall upon her sweet evil face, hearing a certain set of stilettos on the concrete she gave bonnie a smirk before smiling wickedly. Davina is about to say something to bonnie about her and kol, but the doorbell rang.
Hayley got up to answer the door, just as planned she opens the door slowly. Katherine has her head down before smelling the she-wolf, hayley looks at her with a raised brow. Before she could say anything Katherine's hand was plunged into her chest.
Hayley gasped as she gripped Katherine's hand trying to get her to release her grip on her heart. Katherine smirks before pulling her closer towards her ear “Trick or Treat doggy!” she yanks Hayley's heart out of her chest.
Letting her body fall to the ground with a loud thud, walking over her body and into the house with Hayley's heart still in her hand. Coming into the living room looking at everyone, some had wide eyes, some with opened mouths, but two looks that made her smile.
“Kitty kat nice of you to join us!” bonnie was being cheeky towards her new favorite doppelganger as caroline smiled brightly at the heart still resting in her perfectly manicured hands. “Well you know I couldn’t resist a good Halloween prank!” she threw the heart towards the ground.
Walking towards the bar she grabbed herself a drink before sitting in the corner of the room silently observing. Camille went to sit beside klaus, basically sitting on his lap, trying to show the other blonde that he was hers.
Caroline and bonnie rolled their eyes, caroline knew if she wanted to have him all she had to say was that she was ready to stand by his side. Davina was watching kol as he was fittling with bonnies fingers while she wasn’t paying attention to him.
Getting irritated she walks over towards bonnie “who do you think you are?You can’t just come in here like you own him!” jealousy filled her vocals as she was staring at the pair sitting on the couch. Bonnie laughed as did kol, looking at her like she was crazy.
Bonnie stood up as kol was still holding her hand “I don’t have to own him, Davina! I just have to be better than you, which i already am!” smirking at her facial expression before sitting back down and spelling her mouth to stay shut.
Klaus was uncomfortable as camille was rubbing his head and shoulders, while she nearly grinded on him. He was looking at anyone for help, that is until his eyes landed on caroline who flashed towards camille. “If your trying to make him hard for you, your failing! Now move he’s clearly uncomfortable!”
Caroline pulled her up by her arms before pushing her away from a now relieved klaus, camille scoffed as she looked between caroline and bonnie. “You two are pathetic, using the mikaelsons men as pawns! Your both just greedy for attention, especially you Bonnie!”
Caroline was now clenching her fist as the lights started to flicker “ What mommy and daddy never loved you enough so you go after kol for attention?” bonnie had tears in her eyes as she looked at kol before scooting away from him.
Kol growled at camille before pulling her back towards him, she fought but in the end he won, sinking his head in the side of her neck inhaling her sweet maple glaze scent. Camiile scoffed again “look at you so needy!” she laughed at bonnie as she looked at the others to see if they would join in on the laugh.
Nobody else laughed because before they could blink camilles head was ripped off of her shoulders as he body hit the ground. Looking at her body then the person standing over her they watched as caroline was seething angrily through her teeth looking at the now dead blonde.
A series of gasps filled the room, elena was staring at caroline as her shoulders were moving up and down heavily while still holding the blondes head in her grip. Caroline finally dropped her head as klaus got up and came behind her “come on love, lets get you cleaned up”
Caroline looked at bonnie who gave her a nod saying that she was safe with kol, looking back at klaus who had both of her wrists in his hand she nods. They both walk out of the room and flash up towards his bedroom.
Klaus let her shower in his bathroom before giving her one of his shirts and some of rebekahs leggings, “welp looks like your gonna have to find a new blonde!” she joked while they walked down the stairs, he looked at her with a raised brow before stopping at the middle of the steps.
“ you know that ive only always wanted you sweetheart.” he moved some hair out of her face as she blushed “well i guess you can show me New Orleans now!” she smirked before heading down the stairs. Klaus chuckled before following her.
Looking at the living room a lot of people were missing, but klaus, kol, bonnie, caroline, rebekah, stefan, katherine, and elijah. “We should watch a scary movie” caroline said cheerly at rebekah who beamed and flashed off to get the movies.
Katherine sat beside elijah who didn’t scoot or move but wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer, stefan and rebekah sat together as she leaned her head on his shoulder, klaus and caroline leaned onto each other, and kol and bonnie snuggled up as they watched jason.
It was a Great Heretic Halloween Of Course.
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
I love Danielle and she's a fabulous Nina, but I will forever hate that they chose a thin, straight-sized woman for the role of one of the few plus size characters. Would have been a great opportunity...
oh i completely agree, i do wish they'd found someone fitting nina's book description more. however, i do think that fandom needs to recognise that danielle is not actually thin by hollywood standards, because in hollywood you are stick thin (aka unattainable for the average person) or you're curvy. hollywood doesn't recognise an average skinny body type like danielle's as being thin and that is the massive issue here. therefore i find it really disappointing that fandom insists on hating on danielle for not being 'curvy enough' instead of focusing on the real actual issue here which is: why does hollywood view her body type as not being thin?
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Random shit I had or others had said as prompts.
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of sus, dark humor(probably), dark themes(also probably), Sensitive topics
"Motherfucker is high on cat nip at the top."
"Imma just kick this fish then-"
"Let me sleep with you!"
"Let me throw your child!"
"I smacked a bad guy's booty."
"That was a good ass slap!"
"Give me all these delicious batteries!"
"Everybody died in this family!"
"I got stuff on my neck!"
"Be honest, am I hot?" "I'M GAY-"
"Not the duckussy"
"Already sus gonna hide in the ooc"
"Okay I got my happiness, bye"
"I like me some Among Us"
"Can someone hold me please"
"[Name] stop searching. I wanna search something up to on him!"
"You're more grosser than I am."
"Ohh~ Hee got the rizz~"
"I love dying screaming"
"I will slap myself if I say something sus"
"Let her scream lmao."
"Being force to talk by a 14 year old"
"Such a beautiful break up"
"Anyway does anyone want to get slap by me?"
"Damn she hot"
"Actually *SHITTING* himself would be pooping. *PISSING* himself would be peeing."
"Why did you eat mah stick?"
"I think u just pissed him up even more"
"And why are you creaming [Name]?" "Damn tell me how you really feel about the cream jesus"
"One of them is: What the fuck is going on at this point and why am I still here for it?"
"I just love killing people!"
"I want to fuck Optimus Prime."
"Allergies are kicking me ass"
"I would've given you some but you didn't talk fast enough /j"
"Why is [Name] robbing [Name2]"
"Enjoy your last peaceful moments"
"You were the chosen one"
"Then speak it"
"And [Name] just set himself on fire"
"I feel like I am being judged now,,,,,bye." *disappears*
"The shame has already been done there is no going back"
"My mom used to buy me robux before she mcfucking died"
"My gaydar told me"
"What the fuck are smiley fries."
"Rice with beef broth because we have no chicken"
"Anime cat girls are canon within Spongebob now."
"The Cat Has Ingested The Wall"
"Split dat chicken wingg"
"Oeuur... digs chicken wing out of the carpet"
"They have been bestowed the name [New name]"
"I love the fumbling with the remote"
"Literally vibrating in my chair, I’m really excited for the game"
"That's so sad imagine someone hated you so much they wouldn't even spend more than 5 bucks to hire a hitman"
"Bro's gonna be willing to die after that"
"I wanna invite them for tea and crumpets
The best type of relationship"
"Like damn dude you don't need THAT much eye liner"
"This is so emo"
"My dude needs to look fabulous"
"They got a little too silly"
"They just need to put some ice on it"
"Aww noo they spilled the cranberry juice" :(
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2023 Book Reviews: Historical Romance, Part 1
1. Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover by Sarah MacLean: 4/5
Pitch: 4th & final book in a historical romance series; woman who is a noblewoman by day and by night she's the founder of a gambling hell falls in love with a newspaperman
Review: This was a fun, fast-paced romance. For whatever reason, I tend not to remember this series of MacLean's very well, and I expect this one to follow the same trend - I doubt I'll remember what happened in this one in a while. A good time, but there's definitely a spark missing.
2. Tommy Cabot Was Here by Cat Sebastian: 4.25/5
Pitch: mlm 1950s romance between a scion of a politically powerful family and his childhood best friend
Review: Very cute - I really liked Everett and Tommy! But as always it's the rare novella that I can love as much as I love a novel, so while it's cute I doubt it'll stick with me a long time.
3. Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian: 4.5/5
Pitch: 2nd book; mlm 1950s romance between a scion of a politically powerful family and his rival from school on a road trip together
Review: I started out not as into Peter and Caleb, but over time they grew on me, just as they grew on each other! A fun road trip book, and I quite liked the resolution.
4. Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall: 3/5
Pitch: mlm Regency romance between a duke and a the brother of the woman he's supposed to marry
Review: I liked a lot about this book - in particular, Valentine, but also Peggy, the ridiculous adventures, Valentine's mom, the lesbians they run into, the humor, etc. What I really didn't like was Arabella, and that ended up spilling over into Bonny over time. I'm not sure if the prologue from her POV is supposed to make you like her, because for me it really didn't. Unless I missed it, there was never any reason that Arabella couldn't have just said no, I refuse to marry you. It never describes her uncle and aunt forcing her into the marriage, and she doesn't seem to have any sense of duty for the estate, its people, or her family, so it's not like the money was forcing her into it either. So instead of being reasonable and rejecting his suit, she decided to go on the run like the romantic heroine she dreamt of being. It made me really, really dislike her, and then all of the subsequent escapades just cemented that. And Bonny just let her do it - I get why he's on her side in theory, but in practice it just meant that he was enabling her and allowing her to behave pretty abominably. And then he puts a lot of pressure on Valentine. It's very reasonable for him to draw the line that he won't be with someone who he can't be with completely, but I really don't like that it feels like Valentine was the one making every compromise. So ultimately I have kind of mixed feelings about the romance and the book, but your mileage may vary!
5. Earth Bound by Emma Barry & Genevieve Turner: 4.75/5
Pitch: 1950s historical romance between a woman computer for NASA and the man in charge of making sure the astronaut program is a success
Review: I really enjoyed this - excellent historical romance, I'll definitely be picking up the other books in the series! The romance was great, and I really loved the historical background.
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