#still in china so can't wish all of you guys
mila-carat · 3 months
I was watching this Chinese variety show just to see Ricky and Zhang Hao but then I saw one of the hosts was Zhang Zhenyuan and now I want to cry… 😭💔
#He... Teens In Times deserve better you know?#I keep trying to accept that this is how China is and C-Pop doesn't need to do anything that K-Pop and J-Pop do but#The more I think about it the more unfair it seems... 😢#These Chinese idols train so much and when they debut they just don't get promoted#They don't releaze anything on YT and they just go to variety shows alone and this is it?#That's unfair! This is not why they trained for!#No wonder there are so many Chinese idols in K-Pop it's like “if you want to debut you have to learn Korean and live in SK”#Which is fine if they like SK but what if they don't want to leave China/Taiwan/Hong Kong?? 😭#Guys there's Chinese idols even in J-Pop nowadays!! They really said “I'd rather debut anywhere but China”!!#Again... not saying these idols don't like Japan. Just that they CAN'T CHOOSE whether they want to debut abroad or in their own country!#Even if C-Pop tries to do a little bit like K or J-Pop (ex.: BOY STORY BOYHOOD WayV and the now dead EXO-M)#Their companies DON'T PROMOTE THEM!!! They literally don't invest any money to promote their groups!!!#I'm still not over Asia Super Young and Loong9 in case you didn't notice... 🥺#But... Yeah... I just wish Teens In Times got more rep and that I could just turn my TV on and watch them TOGETHER#And that they had MVs and on YT and etc. (Basically everything I've seen J/K-Pop idols do)#But maybe that's just the K/J-Popper in me and I have to accept that China is China and they owe us nothing#Just because we're interested in East Asian culture doesn't mean they have to all do one thing like the others just to please us!#I will still (try to) stan TNT as much as I can (and as much as they allow me since I speak no Chinese)#Specially ChengXin 🥺 my darling#not kpop or jpop
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leclerc-s · 5 months
suffering since forever
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natalia ruiz praying for all of you because at least i like my third wheel
arthur leclerc that's because joris has been stuck with you two since before you were couple
fernando alonso you can say it, since before they were sleeping together.
carlos sainz it's not like joris has a choice.
lewis hamilton and the rest of you do?
max jones-verstappen we don't. we do it subconsciously.
daphne jones-ricciardo like that makes it any better max.
rhys jones i bet it hurt when jorris got that wag of the year trophy and you didn't.
natalia ruiz who let the child speak?
isabella perez she says that because she's hurt.
natalia ruiz i'm not hurt by the 12 year old.
rhys jones I'M 15!!
lance stroll yet you act like you're 12
rhys jones i know your ass isn't talking esteban ocon anyone ever tell you that you're scary? rhys jones never to my face.
zoya torres joris doesn't deserve this heat. let's talk about freya's 3rd wheeling habit.
freya vettel shut your trap torres.
alex albon days like this make me glad that george and carmen love to go on double dates so we don't get stuck with any of you.
george russell and that's because i don't want to get stuck with them.
dulce perez fuck you guys we're delights.
pato o'ward i can't believe i ever thought you people were cool.
daniel jones-ricciardo WE'RE COOL!!
pato o'ward the only cool thing about you is your wife.
penelope trevino REAL!!
gael perez i think pato almost shit his pants when he learned daphne was in this group chat.
daniel jones-ricciardo *jones-ricciardo!!
pato o'ward i couldn't care less bitchiardo! i will forever pray for your downfall so i can marry your wife instead.
isabella perez he's so real for that. HURRY UP RICCIARDO THE REST OF US ARE WAITING!!
daniel jones-ricciardo if i ever die let if be known that one of you bitches was behind my death.
daphne jones-ricciardo you people are unbelievable.
natalia ruiz i'll be first in line. i've been waiting for his downfall for the longest time.
daniel jones-ricciardo
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this is all your fault.
whatever it is you think i did i swear it was arthur.
charles what did you do?
nothing! what’s wrong amour?
i have a baby screaming for 'unca jo' bring him back now.
ma cherie, i wish i could but i have a race.
okay? send joris and you stay in china.
we only need unca jo, notre petite étoile doesn't need her papa. (our little star)
i know that was a joke but it still hurt. don't tell me that!
you still have a few years left until she's a teenager.
ne pouvons-nous pas avoir cette conversation? je ne suis pas prêt pour ça (can we not have this conversation? i'm not ready for that)
seriously charles ask joris to call me, even zoya's music isn't helping.
i'll tell him to call. just come to china.
i will hop on the first flight to china, do not joke about that.
max said he's sending the jet to pick you up.
god bless sophie for her son.
not jos?
never that man.
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natalia_ruiz posted new stories
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unseen photo of baby jewel and her 'unca jo' 📸 - zoya because my fiancé and daughter have been stolen by his best friend. and another unseen photo but this time it's pre-baby jewel, joris has been a third wheel since day 1!
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! this one is a more wholesome one but it's still got it's sense of humor. can you tell i'm still watching greys?
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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shrenvents · 3 months
The Bourne Identity
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Chapter Nine of the Miracle Aligner series
Jennie's POV
It's been several days since our heated argument, and neither of us has reached out to reconcile, and I can't say I blame Alex.
Since he flew to London, lately, I've been imagining myself there, across the Atlantic. If only I had the balls to go. Instead, I'm in the middle of nowhere with Maggie, going along with her grand plan to get me to rethink my decisions. As if taking me to her family cottage by the coast, would make my situation any easier, or simpler
Sitting on her cottage deck, I view my swinging legs, kicking back and forth as I recline onto my elbows, aiming to unwind. Every so often, I quiver when my big toe grazes the frigid lake, flicking up droplets and sending steady ripples through the water.
"I brought you breakfast, " Maggie utters behind me. My torso contorts to see her cautious approach, holding out a plate of eggs, bacon, and avocado toast. I take a whiff and instantly salivate. "Thanks, but you didn't have to," I mutter lamely, undermining my real appreciation.
"If I didn't, you would've skipped breaky," she states, grinning dolefully. I grimace at her truth, hastily taking the plate from her grasp.
"Careful—" Maggie blurts, immediately silenced when I snatch the food from her. However, once the plate reaches my palm, the steaming ceramic burns its flesh, displaying what Maggie tried to warn.
"Hot!" I exclaim, crassly dropping the plate beside me, making it clamour loudly against the planks. Thankfully, the food remains unscathed.
"Watch it! That's my Gramy's china."
A beat of silence passes and we make eye contact, laughing at one another.
As our laughter disperses, a frown graces my features. "You didn't need to bring me out here, to tell me I'm an idiot," sighing, "I knew the second I walked out his door."
"Wow, I'm surprised you admitted it aloud," she huffs a moderate smirk then shadows my exasperation. "But you know what they say," I peer at her skeptically, "the coastal air helps a girl reflect," she muses as she lays back on the murky deck, hanging her legs off the edge, mirroring me.
"You come out here often?" I ask curiously, somewhat attempting to sway the direction of the conversation.
"Any chance I get really," Maggie closes her eyes, soaking in the scorching sun. "Should've brought you here sooner."
"I wish you did, it's beautiful," I comment, lying back again. "Then maybe I wouldn't have fucked up so bad," I quietly chuckle, clearly having difficulty not hinting at Turner.
"Yeah, you would," my head shifts at Mag's counter, and so does hers, connecting our gazes. "Eventually," she finishes. I smack her stomach making her wheeze slightly.
"Okay, love you too," sarcasm embellishes my tone. Maggie chuckles but doesn't say anything more. I pause, stammering, "What do ya mean?"
Maggie breaks away from my eyeline and sits up. I follow shortly after, straightening my spine. "Maggie," I mumble a plea.
"Do I have to spell it out for you?" She observes the still scenery. My silence gives her my answer. "You've been on the fence with this guy forever, with any guy really." I stay soundless, letting her continue. "Though, you lasted way longer with Alex." I flinch at his name.
"What are you getting at?" I grumble, growing more bashful by the second.
Maggie's head tilts. "You never give them a chance."
"A chance to what?" I deadpan.
"To hurt you," she looks at me, glumly. "You never give them a chance to hurt you, meaning you never give them a chance, period." She looks back to the water. "And you didn't give Alex a chance to prove you wrong."
Tears prick my eyes, and I swallow loudly, astonished by my unbeknownst grief. "What would he have proved 'wrong'?" I ask, trying to hang on to ignorance, dismissing the obvious reason.
"That not all men are like Chris," she suspires and I sniffle.
"I don't think that," I croak, heart plummeting at the mention of his name.
"No one would blame you if you did." Maggie places her hand on my shoulder, pulling me out from my retreat. "You knew him since you were kids, and still he went and hurt you." I stare at her through tearful eyes.
"You've created this cycle, because you've never addressed him." Maggie's voice grows louder as she gets angry for me. "There's a lot of shitty men out there, and Chris is the fucking poster boy for all of them," she groans, heaving a lengthy exhale. "But Alex, is not,him," she stresses.
"You don't know that," I choke, now fully crying. She shakes her head, but I continue before she can speak. "I knew Chris forever, but still, I didn't truly know him," my sobbing increases. "He had two sides to him, one that cheated and stole, while the other took the time to buy flowers." Maggie embraces my shaking frame. "He appeared as the perfect guy, but he wasn't," I weep lowly into the crook of her neck.
"I know, I know, " Maggie simply repeats, holding me tighter. I band my arms around her. "But not every guy, is Chris." She jerks away slightly to look at my face. "You'll never know what men are thinking, and you have to learn to live with that," tears fill her eyes now. "I can't guarantee anything for you, and I'm sorry."
Maggie shakes her head, "But I want to have faith in Alex, and I want you too as well." A few tears drip down her cheeks. "He makes you happy, and shit, of course you make him fucking happy."
We both snivel and Maggie whispers, "You have to try again, J."
Holding each other tightly for nearly thirty minutes, we remain entwined until the crying finally subsides. As I sluggishly pull back, peeling myself from the damp cotton of Maggie's top, I can't help but notice how it's soaked through, on account of my relentless weeping. With a sniffle, I manage to mumble, "Sorry, I ruined your shirt." My voice trembles slightly with the weight of my apology, going beyond just the state of her shirt, knowing that my eyes reflect the lingering sadness that has only just begun to ebb away.
"Sorry, I ruined yours too," she giggles, apparently looking at a wet patch on my blouse, lifting my mood instantaneously.
"You bitch," I quip in mock astonishment, joining in her prompt laughter.
Maggie's giggle shortly trails off. "Well then," she moves away entirely, running her hands along her thighs, collecting herself. She wordlessly watches the waves hit the deck, and I find tranquillity in the sound of the tide, crashing against the wooden raft, skimming my toes.
"Eat your damn food so we can go swimming," Maggie orders as she stands, leaving me to my thoughts.
After a long swim and surviving Maggie, basically trying to waterboard me, I sit on the stool of her kitchen island, watching her cook dinner.
"Faster woman, I'm starving," I joke, poking the bear.
Maggie snaps her head from the pasta, over to me, giving me her signature stank-eye. "Let, me, cook," she practically shouts and I guffaw, before standing to go to the bathroom. 
When I return, she's turned on the music, and I whine in protest at the song choices. It starts with "I will survive," then "I'm holding out for a hero," and once it hits "Independent Woman, Part 1," I withdraw her music privileges.
"Hey, no, one last song!" Maggie begs, outstretching her spare hand for her phone, a wooden spoon in the other.
"Fine," I cave, "but no more break-up songs." She raises a brow at me but says nothing, and I snort. But, my humour gets cut short when "Snap out of It" by the Arctic Monkeys blares, echoing through the tiny hut.
Of course...
Maggie takes a spin around the sunlit living room, motioning an invitation with her hands, charming me into joining.
My best friend, for the thousandth time, encourages a surge of hope to manifest inside me. Melodies permeate the atmosphere, matching the rhythm of my heart, that's beat finds itself, buoyed by a newfound spirit, that radiates a glow, transforming every movement and twirl into a celebration.
Equally swept up in the moment, I match her step for step, our laughter mingling with the music as we rotate harmoniously. Every step is lighter, and every sway is a testament to resilience, and the unwavering support Maggie always incites.
After an amicable display, I catch a sudden whiff of something in the air—a faint, slightly acrid scent that wasn't there moments ago. My senses sharpen as I glance back at the stovetop, perceiving a thin wisp of white smoke beginning to curl up from the edges of the pot. Initially, it's subtle, almost like a gentle warning sign, but it grows more pronounced with each passing second.
I roll my eyes, with a faint smirk tugging at my lips as I look at Maggie again, feeling almost sad that I have to deter her pleasant dance.
"The pasta M," I assert, reminding her.
"Crap!" She darts to the smoky stove, quickly turning down the heat and grabbing the wooden spoon to stir the pasta.
As she frantically fusses with the iron pot, I swivel outdoors towards her porch.
Getting comfortable on the leather couch outside, I slowly breathe in the pristine air. Closing my eyes, I feel that unfamiliar twinge of hope, as the music grows significantly louder, and my mind grows significantly clearer, hearing Alex himself inform me:
"I'll be here, waitin' ever so patiently for you to, snap out of it..."
A/N: Everyone ik has been breaking up recently and always, it's been cause the guy is actual caca, so this was for them 😙 need me an Alex Turner irl 🙏 I wish he was real
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A/N: This a Bill and Ted story I wrote a couple years ago. I changed up some of the words and everything, and thought it would be good to post it. Enjoy!
The story starts off in the third-person, but switches to the readers pov for the rest!
This also has mention of the events of 2020/2021, if that is something you don’t wish to read about please skip over this one.
Pairing: Ted “Theodore” Logan x Black!Fem!Reader
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"Ooo, what about here?" Ted picked up the book that said Circuits Of Time and went to the very back of the book and read a number, and pushed the buttons on the dial.
"Ooh, nope. Nope," Rufus said, moving Ted away from the buttons. "Do not. And I repeat, do not push those buttons." Rufus said hanging up the phone.
"But I just wanted to go to the year 2020, we've never heard of it before." Ted said.
"Yeah, why can't we go there?" Bill asked.
"It's best, if you don't know, what happened in that year." Rufus said putting the book down.
Ted looked at him, confused before smiling and taking the book back into his hands. "What about this one?" Ted said reaching for the buttons, that was supposed to take them to 2021. "I’m sorry, did you not hear what I said?”
"I did, but I don’t remember what you said.” Ted responded and Rufus sighed and put his hand on his head. “So… Can I press it?" Ted said reaching for the last button, with Bill looking over Ted's shoulder as equally intrigued as him.
"Of course not! You're here to learn about subjects, that do with your history report." The both of them looked at Rufus trying to make puppy dog eyes, trying to convince him.
"Look, I don't know what those faces were, but they were not convincing. Now let's go to-"
"Come on, please Rufus!"
"Yeah, come on!" The both of them begged and pleaded.
"Fine! But do NOT, mess up that timeline."  They both did an air guitar and Rufus pushed the last button and they began to travel to the year 2021.
"Hey, have you seen my phone? I've been looking since yesterday." I said asking my friend, Tiffany, as she painted her toe nails.
"No, maybe you left it at that dudes house." She said with a smirk.
"Oh, please. I distinctly remember, putting it in my- Oh! Here it is!" I said with a sigh of relief, one because I didn't have to go to school without it, and two, having to call 'him' up, to see if he had it.
"Saved by the bell this time, I guess." She said blowing on her toe nails, to dry them faster.
"Most definitely." I said grabbing my stuff, before walking outside. And then something that looked like an off-brand TARDIS, popped up in front of me. I was going to scream, until three guys walked out. One older than the other two, and the two looked real young.
"Woah.." Said the both of the younger ones. "This is totally bodacious." Said the shorter one.
"Hey, do you know when the Mongols ruled China?"
"1297? I'm pretty sure."
"Woah… Thanks, dude!"
"Wait, what was that, that just happened?" I asked as the older guy, named Rufus, explained to me everything. I was still trying to wrap my head around this, but I just went along with it.
"So what are you guys doing here then?"
"They wanted to know what 2021, was like."
"Hey, can you tell us what happened in 2020?" One of them had asked and I avoided, both the of their eyes. "Or not?" Ted said.
"I apologize on their behalf, what's your name?" Asked Rufus.
"(Y/N)." I replied plainly, still trying to process all of this.
"Nice to meet you, as you already know, I'm Rufus, and this is Bill," He said pointing to the shorter guy. "And this is Ted." He finished motioning towards the taller guy.
"Hi!" They said in-sync.
"Hi." I said admiring Ted, and his facial features.
"(Y/N)! Your forgot your...who are they?" Tiffany said trailing off as she handed me something.
"Bill, Ted. This is my roommate and best friend Tiffany. Tiffany, this is Bill and Ted, and that's Rufus, over there." I pointed and introduced them, as she admired Bill.
"Look, I'd really like to stay and chat, but I've gotta- SHIT! I'm late!" I said rushing to get into my car. "Tiff!" She didn't respond, still ogling Bill.
"Huh?" She said turning towards me.
"Keep them here! I'll be back in a couple hours! Bye!" I said driving off to class.
"Now, that we've established what is happening, the question is WHY, it's happening now can anyone-" I barged into the room, disrupting the lecture.
"Look, who it is." I heard one of the girls, in the mid-row say. I rolled my eyes and quietly walked past.
"Miss. (Y/L/N). See me after class." I sighed nodding and walked over to my preferred seat in the back, as the lecture continued.
A couple minutes into the lecture, I took out my phone out of pure boredom. Making sure it was on silent and the brightness was down.
"Miss. (Y/L/N)!" I looked up immediately, and people started to laugh. "Can you answer the question for us, please?"
I looked around as someone tried to mouth the answer to me, I looked at them like 'I can't understand you.'
"Miss. (Y/L/N). Do you have an answer?"
"No, sir." I said looking down.
"Well then maybe you should start paying attention to the lesson, and not your phone, if you will." I nod. "This is college, not high school." I nod, putting my phone away and he resumed the lesson.
I looked towards the direction of my phone and tried to cover it up, but there it is again.
Ding! Ding!
Practically everyone was looking at me now. And I knew my teacher was on his last straw. I took it out and tried to see why it was dinging and my eyes widened.
'It's not on vibrate. I switched it off of vibrate..' I mentally wanted to slap my self across the face, as my teacher gave me the look he's given previous students in the past for disrupting his class.
He didn't even have to say a word and I just got up and gave him my phone. No words needed. This caused some of the girls laughed and pointed at me. As I sat down, someone barged into the room, that person being Ted.
'Ted?! What on earth?'
I packed my things and grabbing my stuff and running towards him. "Where are you going, class hasn't been dismissed yet?!"
"Sorry, but I gotta go!" I exclaimed grabbing my phone from his desk, on the way out.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well, Bill and Riff-"
"-her. They’re doing they're own thing and Rufus left, so I thought I'd look for you." He said, scratching the side of his head. I smiled and walked over to my car.
"Well, that was nice of you to do. And I needed the break from school anyway." I said putting my stuff in the the car, before getting in. Ted just stood there, not knowing what to do. "Come on!" I said, and he instantly had that wide grin on his face and got in.
I started to drive off. "Where are we going?" He said, and I felt my smile grow wide. "I'm going to take you to best places, in the city!"
"Excellent!" He exclaimed, doing an air guitar, and I drove off.
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imagionationstation · 2 years
“A China Town Ghoststory” Rewrite
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(I deleted this post and the two others associated with it from my account because it continually made me anxious to look at, after all the negativity that came with, and my mental health tends to stay my top priority.)
Summary of my thoughts on this ep is here.
I asked if you guys thought I should rewrite the part directly after Casey launches the pizza, and 4% is a pretty low no-count, so I found the time, and I went for it!
Note: This is not necessarily how the episode should have gone, as much as it is something that I would have liked to see. Enjoy!
Casey fires.
Three pairs of glowing eye dart after the pizzas and Donnie allows himself to release the breath clogging his lungs, trying to get his pounding heart to stop its assault on his ribs. He desperately hopes they'll dive after the pizzas the same way that they would after a long patrol, and stay distracted with them long enough for him and Casey to make their way to Ho Chan. 
Too many factors could go wrong with this plan, but it's honestly the best they got. 
He can't take his brothers. They're fighting to kill. 
They don't mean to, he knows they don't; they'd never-
Donnie swallows thickly. They'd never. And he knows he can't.
A dense thump and then footfall behind him. Donnie's barely conscious of the fact that Casey must have left his place at the manhole canon, more focused on the way that Leo's gaze shoots to them, the flickering glow covering his eyes brightening as blue sparks travel down his arms. 
The muscles are taunt, telling Donnie exactly what's coming next, and his heart skips a beat as he realizes that their shell-less human ally can't take the same beating that he can.
Electricity crackles in the air and goosebumps rise on Donnie's arms as he makes his choice, ignoring the way Mikey and Raph look up from where they'd been wrestling next to the pizzas. He rocks to his feet and breaks into a rapid stride, acting as if he's making a wild dash for the warehouse hiding Ho Chan and his captives. 
Leo jerks towards him, and he launches the power at Donnie.
It's an easy dodge since Leo doesn't have time to properly aim the strike, but Donnie doesn't see Raph's follow-up coming, barely avoiding a blow to the brain before a gust of wind knocks him into the wall on his left. He cries out when his shoulder slams the bricks, the shock loosening his grip on his staff. 
Mikey's wind knocks him in the plastron and he stumbles back, stopped mid-lunge when a lightning bolt crosses the area between them. A few of the bricks slip free, clouds of yellow catching them and then slamming them into his plastron and arms. He's thrown off his feet, carapace scratching the concrete when he skids.
Mikey's head jerks to Casey's cry, lifting a hand in the direction of his voice. Donnie doesn't see what he does, scrambling back as his older brothers leer over him, eyes glowing the ominous blue as electricity crackles and the sky booms. 
It's no more than a whisper with the obvious choas around him, but Donnie still can't quite believe this is happening. It's like a messed-up stress dream, and he wishes desperately to wake up from it, but if pinching would have woken him up, being tossed from a tornado definitely should have.
He can barely breathe, background blurring around the edges as his vision trains on the older brothers prepared to finish the job, and he leans on the only means of defense that he has left. 
Running his mouth.
"Leo- Raph- wait- WAIT! It's me! Guys, you don't want to do this!"
The thunder shifts into a makeshift bolder of booming yellow and Leo glows his signature blue with the collected energy. 
"It's Donnie! Donatello! Please, you don't want to do this! Ho Chan and his ancient arts- they're controlling you-"
Mikey returns, threatening winds blowing around him and bouncing mask tails. Donnie knows he's cowering, unable to get up with the weight of horror and defeat weighing him down. He can't even take them during a friendly spar. There's no way he can defend himself when they have super powers!
He's going to die.
"Guys, please, it's me! Donnie! Your brother!"
Their bodies tense, arms swinging to strike.
He's going to die!
Donnie drops on his side, instinctively curling into the fetal position.
He's going to DIE!
Trembling hands uselessly wrap around his skull.
He's going to-
He doesn't get any further, choking on the horror that's corrupting every nerve on his body, unable to accept this fate. He expects the blows to land at any second, shaking as if the air around him lacks any warmth, but the pain never comes. It takes a few minutes for this to fully sink in, and then trembling hands lower from the pale face as he raises his eyes.
His brothers are still next to him, exactly where they last were, but their choas has disappeared, arms slack at their sides. The glowing blue under the hats is faint, flickering as they stare down with blank expressions, and then Mikey moves. 
Donnie flinches as he drops beside him, and his little brother's voice is nothing like his own as he mutters, "Dee?"
The terror rushes away in a wave, and Donnie might have burst into tears if that wouldn't make him look more pathetic than he already does. "Mikey?"
A moment of silence and then Mikey whirls around to bark, "What the heck, dudes!"
Leo and Raph snap to life, both incredulous, "Us?"
"Yes, you!" Mikey gestures to the turtle coming down from an adrenaline high, shivering as round eyes dart between them. "Look what you did!" 
"Woah, woah, woah!" Raph defends in his garbled voice. "That was all Leo!"
Leo rears back furiously, "Says the guy throwing bricks!"
"They barely touched him! 'Sides, Mikey messed up his shoulder!" 
"Did not!"
Donnie unconsciously lifts a hand to brush against his shoulder, mutely glancing down as he realizes that it's bruising. He blinks once, looking between his brothers as he tries to process the unexpected change. He doesn't want to pull more attention to himself, but he can't help the weak correction. "It was more of a... Team effort?" 
All three faintly blue gazes turn to him, and then Leo's hands spark, trails of light moving up his arms. His voice is almost monotone, the flickering blue strengthening. "You only brought it upon yourself by coming back."
Donnie shrinks away and Mikey snaps, "See! He's scared of you!"
A theatrical gasp, and the fury returns. "Is not!"
"Oh, he so is, bro!" 
"Don't make me blast you-" 
"Like you scare me!"
Donnie yelps when a hand grabs his arm and hauls him to his feet, and this interrupts the war about to break out between the eldest and youngest. They snarl at Raph as he drags Donnie back, snapping, "Both you shell-heads are scarin' him!"
Donnie's face goes red. "I'm not-!"
The wind picks up. "Hey! Give him back!"
Thunder sounds in the distance. "Why!? So you can slam him into more walls?!" 
Electricity crackles. "Like you're any better!"
If Raph has a response to that, it's interrupted when Mikey shoots a blast of wind that forces him to release Donnie's arm, curling his hand into a fist and pulling it to his chest. A brush of wind shoves the startled genius to his younger brother, but Leo intercepts, pushing him to the side and firing at Mikey, only for the youngest to duck-and-roll out of the way. 
Just as Raph predicted, Donnie hits the wall for the second time that evening, and spins to keep an eye on his mentally unstable brothers. Leo stands in front of of him, electricity coming off his being in waves, and their brothers look ready to pounce. "You can't be trusted with him!" 
"What?!" Raph all but screeches. "We were just following your lead!" 
"Don't you pin this on me!"
"It's the truth, ain't it!?"
Leo growls like a feral predator, and Donnie presses himself to the wall before the flaring bolts can touch him. He cautiously extends a foot to the side, scooting away from his volatile siblings, because he doesn't trust himself to walk away unscathed under any of their respective 'protection'. 
The spell obviously makes them aggressive, willing to attack anyone or anything for any reason at any time. As jarring as it is to watch them go from aggressive to possessive, it's possible they just latch onto the first excuse for battle that they find.
In this case, it's Mikey's accusation. 
As dumb as the argument clearly is, he doesn't... hate it.
His eyes dart between his brothers as their faces come into better view, and he thinks he can see pieces of them underneath the spell. The way Raph's jaw locks when he knows he's not going to win. The way Leo unconsciously slips into a protective stance- evidently still under the belief that there is a turtle behind him. How Mikey's hands flail as he argues, never quite able to stay still.
They- They are his brothers. They know who he is. And they're upset at one another for hurting him, even if the spell won't let them understand why, or how close they came to-
His shoulder slump in relief. 
But they didn't, because as long as even a scrap of his brothers have control, they would never let that happen. Not to each other, and not to him. Those mindless warriors were not his brothers. These guys...
Raph dashes forward, using his thunder to deflect Leo's lightning, and tackling him to the ground with a guttural growl. Mikey is quick to follow, and Donnie watches in a deadpan as they tussle on the ground, rolling and shoving as the main object of their squabble is entirely forgotten. 
…These guys are definitely his brothers.
Donnie's gaze shoots to Casey, and finds their human friend leaning against the Shellraiser, one hand cupping his side and the other tightly gripping his hockey stick. Before Donnie has a chance to process the worry about the state of his ribs, he realizes that the cries of battle have stopped. 
He looks up and spots the warriors hovering in the air, switching back into guard-dog mode now that a perceived danger is close to the warehouse. Donnie doesn't think that Casey will be able to reach them in the same way that he can, and he realizes that he has to draw attention away from him. 
So, Donnie does something that he'd be loathe to do on any other occasion. 
He plays the part of the weak, injured, and vulnerable sibling. 
With a decent amount of flair, he crumbles to his knees and grabs at his shoulder, making eye contact with Casey while angling his head away from his brothers. The human had taken a step forward, something that could be mistaken as concern visible, and Donnie gives his head a quick, pointed shake to warn him to stay away.
"Ow...!" He whines, goosebumps rising as he senses three pairs of eyes turn towards him. "Ow-ow-ow- that really hurts-!" 
Maybe it's not an Oscar-worthy performance, but it does the trick. 
Leo is predictably the first to land at his side, examining his arm as Raph lands as a wall between them and Casey, with Mikey still hovering, slanted towards the human lest he make any threatening moves for them or the warehouse.
"I told you!" Leo snaps as Donnie continues his act of agony, pulling his arm away from the eldest before he realizes that it's perfectly fine. "You hurt him!" 
Wind picks up. "He was fine a minute ago!"
Donnie winces when an electric spark zaps him. "You can't be trusted with him!"
"Yeah, sure!" Thunder booms. "We're the problem here!"
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Donnie scoots away from his sparking brother and realizes that Mikey's eyes are brighter blue than their brothers', suspicion written into his sneer as he takes in how close Donnie's gotten to the warehouse. 
Donnie swallows. Whoops.
Need a distraction to distract from him too.
"You know what would make me feel better?" He asks nervously, praying they don’t notice how shrill his voice has become. "Pizza! Yep, definitely pizza!”
Mikey's eyes flicker. "Pizza?"
Donnie nods weakly. Leo and Raph look at him, at each other, to the pizzas on the ground, and then back to each other. 
"I got it!"
They both take off, and Mikey, who is not about to be left behind when there's pizza involved, immediately tears away from Donnie to charge after them. 
"Phew. Close one." Donnie mutters as he gets to his feet, watching his brother go nuts over one pizza when there are very clearly three pies to share. He makes his way over to his discarded staff as Casey hurries to his side, shooting the human teen a side-glance when he hisses, "What the heck was that?"
"Nothing." Donnie dismisses, ignoring the embarrassment swirling in his gut. "You good?" 
Casey pats his side and then puffs out his chest, "Mikey threw me around a bit, but Casey Jones still came out on top."
"Great." Donnie resists the urge to whack him over the head with his staff. "So I get the privilege to beat you for that last minute change of plans you tried to pull." 
"Aw, come on." Casey scowls. "Give a guy some credit! My plan totally would have worked if you hadn’t-"
Donnie swats the complaint away. "Let's just focus on rescuing April." 
Casey takes off for the building. With one last glance as his super-powered brothers to make sure they're faced away, Donnie spins the staff in one hand, feeling some of his buzzing nerves settle. "I'll be right back, guys." 
 Then he sprints after their human ally, hoping they aren't too late. 
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acidh2otoby · 2 years
Agent Kennedy, Part 12
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Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader
Takes place before Leon's fourth chapter
It had been a long time since you heard anything from Leon, you kept an eye on the infection rate and saw that basically everyone in Tall Oaks was infected. You were praying that Leon was okay.
You had texted Leon a while ago and asked if he was okay, you knew you shouldn't get your hopes up that he'd answer right away. But you couldn't help it, you checked your messages every five minutes or so just to see if he even opened it. Nope. Nothing.
You went to bed but couldn't fall asleep, you tossed and turned instead of sleeping. You saw your phone slightly turn on, which is something that only happens when you get a message or a phone call.
You quickly grabbing it and sat up, only to feel a little disappointed when it was just Piers calling. You sighed before answering it, rubbing your eyes a little.
"Hello?" You asked, yawning a little.
"Hey, sorry if I woke you up." Piers apologized, he sound a little tired too.
"You didn't, I'm just having a hard time sleeping." You reassured, smiling a little.
"I have some good news. I was able to get Chris back but his memory is fried, he didn't remember anyone there, even me. We're preparing for a few days before we head out, I'm gonna ask you again if you'd like to join." Piers asked, his voice got filled with hope.
"I'm sorry, I'll have to turn down again. With everything that's been happening, I can't do it. I hope Chris figures everything out in the end and I wish nothing but the best for you guys." You said, smiling sadly a bit.
"Okay, but you still gonna talk to Chris after all this to help him remember everything, right?" Piers asked, remembering the promise you two had made.
"Of course, I'm obviously gonna want to talk to him normally once everything's settled." You said, chuckling a little.
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna let you get some sleep. Or, try to. Goodnight, (Y/N)." Piers said, he probably noticed what time it was and decided to end the call.
"Goodnight, Piers." You replied, you pulled the phone away from your ear and stared at the screen.
You had the weird tendency to never hang up and always let the person on the other side do it. You didn't know why, you just did. Piers normally hangs up pretty quick so you weren't entirely worried about it.
You sighed and turned off your phone, setting it back down on the dresser. You were about to lay back down before you noticed someone standing in the doorway. You jumped and turned on the lamp, ready to fight whoever it was.
"Hey, you don't need to do that. Not really in a fighting mood anymore." The man said, holding his hands up a bit.
You dropped your guard once your eyes adjusted and saw that the figure was Leon. You rushed to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, you felt him chuckle as he he did the same.
"Sorry, I didn't get your message until I was on my way here and I thought it wasn't worth replying." Leon said, resting his head on yours.
"It's fine. I'm just glad that you're okay." You whispered, your voice was still tired and you were fighting the tears forming in your eyes.
"I won't be here for too long, though." Leon said, his mood seemed to change.
You pulled away and looked at him in question. "Why? Where are you going now?" You asked, you felt your heart beating fast.
"I've got a mission to do and it's taking me to China. I'm looking for a man named Derek Simmons, he's the man causing all these bioterrorist attacks." Leon explained, the smile that he had faded away.
"China? That's where Piers and Chris are going." Your thoughts said, causing you to start getting scared.
You opened your mouth to say something, to try to convince him to stay, but nothing came out. You closed your mouth and looked down, not wanting Leon to see you cry. He lifted your chin and saw a tear fall down your face.
You heard Leon sighed before he gently grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. You buried your face in his shoulder and began sobbing. You couldn't help it. You were scared to lose Leon, and on top of that was the fear of losing the two men that were like your brothers.
"Please don't go. I don't want to lose you." You whispered, clinging to Leon for dear life.
"You won't lose me. I promise that I will make it back to you. But I have to go or else I might lose you." Leon said, his voice was soft but you could still hear him.
You shook your head a bit before you shoved him away. You caught a glimpse of his face and saw that he was sad, confused, and alarmed by your action. You sat on the bed and put back on some clothes you had taken off to get comfortable and then grabbed your car keys.
Leon kept trying to get your attention by asking questions and just repeating "Babe." You ignored him until he grabbed your hand to turn you around when you were heading for the front door.
"What are you doing?" Leon asked, his voice was louder than it was before.
"I'm going back to my home because I am not gonna sit around like a damsel in distress and wait for you to come back. Because I don't know if you'll come back and I'd rather be in a place that doesn't remind me of you while you're gone!" You yelled as you got up on his face a bit.
Leon was silent, he looked a little scared. You turned back towards the door and left, running to your car once the door was shut. Leon was froze for a bit until his brain let everything sink in. He paced a bit in his living room, trying to calm down his anger.
He wasn't angry at you or with you, he understood that you were scared and hurting. He was angry with himself for not being able to be a good boyfriend to you. He let his anger get the better of him in a flash and he punched a hole in his wall.
Meanwhile, you were driving home, trying to see the road through your tears. You did make it home safe but your head was sending you thought after thought about how bad of a person you are. The thoughts made you think that the reason why Leon looked scared was because of you. He was scared of you.
You couldn't sleep that night and just stayed up crying your eyes out. You wouldn't blame Leon if he wanted to break up with you if he got back from China alive. This was part of the reason why some of your past relationships failed. Your partner would do something you didn't agree with and you would accidentally lash out, causing a big fight that ends with you being single again.
The next morning, you decided to call someone that you knew wasn't wrapped up in the whole end of the world thing. You didn't want to be alone and you needed to talk to someone in person.
Claire had sat with you and listened to you talk about everything that's been happening recently. The invasion in Europe, Finn's death, Chris escaping the hospital, Piers finding him and dragging him to China, Leon also going to China, and your fight with Leon.
"I think I fucked everything up again."
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omni-scient-pan-da · 4 months
When I was 11 I had a very mild crush on this guy, but EVERYONE in our grade liked him and he had a different girlfriend (and sometimes boyfriend) every week so I stopped having feelings for him and at the end of 6th grade he had a girlfriend that (as far as I'm aware of) he's still together with to this day
Five months later, we've found ourselves sitting next to each other in five classes a day every day in 7th grade and he's my best friend, and we're texting and he keeps complimenting me and I, half joking and half serious, text him "Haha, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a crush on me"
And he goes "Well, maybe a little one"
We're 12, but he has a girlfriend, that at that point didn't mean much of anything, but it still leaves me wondering why I wasn't good enough for him to say anything before he had a girlfriend
Flashforward two years later, I'm 14, and I've realized I'm gay, and Genevieve is the most beautiful girl in the entire world
She's smart and funny and creative and I love the way she smiles and when the sun hits her hair just the right way it looks golden and I am so completely enamored by her, SO enamored by her in fact that she's the person that made me realize I was gay in the first place
But Genevieve is obsessed with this guy that doesn't even know she exists, has been for a year now, and I know I don't stand a chance because she rambles about him all the time and I, in an attempt to relate, tell her about my own crush
"That's beautiful" she tells me, in awe of the ways I go on and on about this mystery person I refuse to tell her the name of "I wish someone loved me like that"
And I so desperately want to tell her that I do, that I'm talking about her, that I love her like that, that I adore her, that she can do no wrong in my eyes but I know she doesn't want me to love her like that, so I keep my mouth shut for a few more months until it comes out on accident and slowly but surely I get over it, until I can listen to the songs that used to remind me of her without feeling like I'm going to throw up over it
Two more years later, I'm 16, and the most kindhearted girl I've ever met wants to be friends
We met in the musical we were both in and one day she walks in reading my favorite book of all time, and I'm not great at talking to people, but I am great at talking about books and we ramble until we discover common interest after common interest and I love her
And I look at her and think about how very easy it would be to fall in love with her, but she's straight and she has a boyfriend, so I force myself not to get too attached
I'm 17, and I'm dancing with May, arm in arm, being spun around the dance floor, having my romcom moment in the middle of a dance circle, laughter spilling past my lips as they twirl me around and my dress swirls out around me
And I know I'm so far gone there's no hope in turning back
May gets me, May understands me, May and I are SO similar there's no way they can't feel the same way, we're holding hands and cuddling and we joke about sharing our first kiss on top of the tallest Ferris wheel in the world so we could have an epic story to tell year from now, but there's no time and so instead we settle for kissing each other on the cheek in front of the Ferris wheel instead
We're inseparable, I'm their wife, and I love them, I so desperately love them and they love me too, they've said it themself, they love me queer platonically but I know in my heart that means so much more to me than it ever has or ever will to them
But I can't give up without trying, and they're leaving for China soon and I'm leaving for college shortly after, so I pour my heart out
18 letters
18 desperate pathetic cries for them to feel even a sliver of what I feel for them
"I had a bit of a crush on you" confesses the "straight" girl that just so happened to be reading my favorite book when we became friends
Except, she didn't "just so happen" to be reading my favorite book, she saw me reading it, and went out and bought the same one the very same day so we'd have something in common
"You're one of my favorite seniors and I'm going to miss you so much next year, I don't know what I'll do without you" she tells me, giving me a tight hug before going back to hold her new boyfriend's hand, because of course she doesn't feel that way anymore
The letters are already in motion and though it's months before I'll get a response deep down I know what May will say in response
"I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way, I don't want to hurt you but I hope we can still be friends," they reassure me later on
"No no, it's okay, I'm fine, I promise, I just needed to get it off my chest is all" I tell them, furiously scrubbing at my tears before taking a selfie to prove to them that I'm perfectly and totally fine, and hoping if I tell myself that enough times the statement will be true
And then college, and isolation, and hopelessness and then a spark of hope in the pouring rain and finally, finally, someone who feels the same way I do, who wants the same thing I do, and finally, I think that I can make this whole romance thing work, and now that I have the very thing I've been dreaming of the whole time I'm going to do whatever I can to keep it, except... Apparently they don't feel the same way I do, or don't want the same thing I do, and everything with Phoenix falls to pieces too
I like him and he doesn't start liking me til he has a girlfriend
She wishes someone loved her the way I loved her but doesn't want me to be the one to love her like that
She likes me so much she puts every single thoughtful gesture she can into getting us to be closer together, but doesn't care to admit it until her feelings have faded and she's found someone else so she doesn't have to worry about facing her change in sexuality
They wanted a fairytale romance, and didn't feel the same way after months of acting like a couple to all go down the drain and for them to end up with someone they confessed to on a whim
They say they want the same thing I do, but they're only caught up in what I can give them and don't care to give themself to me in return
I've offered my bleeding heart out on a platter and the best I can ever get in return is a halfhearted confession from someone that's already secure in the knowledge that they have someone that cares so very deeply about them, without having to risk a single hair on their head
And I'm left wondering what lesson I'm not learning that leaves me in the same predicament time and time again
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Can you please do another follow up on the interview drama? Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top
"Guys I'm really gay."
They've been drinking for a number of hours. Drained a few bottles at this point, sprawled out on the floor and couches in the living room.
"Wait, you thought we didn't know you were gay?" Esther asks, confused as she lifts her head from the floor.
Lan lifts his own, looking panicked. "What?"
"We know you're gay," Lily tells him.
"Smokey and the Bandit," Ethan chimes in.
"I took you to see Smokey and the Bandit," Ethan goes on, laughing from the couch. "Lan, you were smitten."
Lan stares around at his siblings.
"No one could blame you," Kitty assures him. "Burt Reynolds is really sexy."
"It's the mustache," Lily agrees.
"Honestly, I'm a little jealous," Esther chimes in again. "I wanted to be the gay one."
"Men are terrible," Esther cuts him off.
"Wait, does everyone know?" Lan asks, still completely flabbergasted.
"None of the grandparents guessed," Ethan tells him. "And lucky you, you only have to tell one of them. Unless you wanna tell Sally. I don't think she'd care much."
"But you're being safe, right?" Lily asks worriedly. "The Aids thing isn't getting better, and Reagan is still choosing to ignore the problem."
"I only have the one partner," Lan assures her. "And we've both been tested a couple of times."
"Don't die please," Lily says.
"Doing my best," Lan tells her. "God, I can't believe you all knew all this time. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because you didn't say anything," Kitty shrugs with a giggle. "What were we supposed to do, point at you and announce it at Yom Kippur dinner?"
"Not that you've been to Yom Kippur dinner in the last couple of years," Esther comments. "Busy movie star that you are."
Len sighs heavily. "Do you think the parents know?"
"Oh, Daddy definitely knows," Lily tells him. "Your dad once mentioned a matchmaker and Daddy blew coffee out his nose."
"Ow," Lan flinches.
"Many, many worse things have gone up and come out that nose," Kitty comments. "He was fine."
"Pop is gonna lose his shit," Lan mutters, pressing the palms of his hands to his eyes. "It's times like these I wish I was a Weissman-Bruce. Midge would not care."
"She'd wrap you in cellophane and ask for the sexual history of everyone you know," Ethan comments. "She's terrified for Uncle Shy right now."
"I'm really fine, you guys," Lan grumbles.
"Keep being fine, please," Kitty insists. She sits up and huffs. "Who wants more whiskey?"
Ethan's hand shoots up, as does Lily's.
"Five people, all aware that addictions runs in every branch of their family," Lan jokes.
"Wait, Mei's family, too?" Esther asks.
"Opium, back in China," Lan explains.
"Well, here's to bad habits," Kitty states, as she refills everyone's glasses.
When Lan opens his eyes again, sunshine is streaming through the smudged windows, and he can smell French toast from the kitchen.
He feels like a little kid again, slumped around with his siblings, delicious smells in the air, and Midge and Lenny's voices - low and soft - coming from the other room.
The aroma of coffee has him pulling himself to his feet. He thought he'd be more hungover, but he actually feels okay. The combination of a handful of aspirin sometime in the night, and good quality liquor making things feel a little easier, most likely.
"Hey, we have a life one," Lenny comments, grinning at him.
"Well, that's one less funeral to plan so soon," Midge jokes, zooming by and kissing Lan's cheek. "Hi, sweetie."
"You guys don't look mad," Lan says, frowning.
Lenny snorts. "Do you know how many times people have said I'm gonna die soon? You're far from the first, and you won't be the last."
"You just have to learn how to give less shitty interviews," Midge tells him, handing him a cup of coffee. "God, this place is not in good shape anymore. Every since Paulie retired..."
"Maybe we should just buy the bungalow," Lenny suggests. "Fix it up nice, give it some love, have a good place for vacations and whatnot."
"It's not the worst idea," Midge grins, before looking at Lan. "How are you? How's LA?"
"LA is good. I'm...I feel awful about that interview," he tells her. "The stuff they said about Mama, and Lenny and Ethan...and then they did a deep-dive on Maisel and Roth and..."
"There are just some journalists who will do anything to get ahead," Midge tells him. "There was this one woman who used to trash every show I ever did."
"Ah, L. Roy Dunham," Lenny muses. "When she trashed Midge's first Gordon Ford appearance, she got so much hate mail, they had to fire her from the Daily News."
"And she died last year," Midge adds. "Food poisoning. Bad pork."
Lan frowns as he sips his coffee. "So...if you're not mad..."
Midge takes a breath and smooths out her dress. "There's a lot of stuff that you kids don't know, that...well..you're all adults now... Lily is nineteen for god's sake, so...it's time. Once your parents get here, and everyone's been fed and given hangover cures, we'll all talk."
Lan nods.
"You know the best thing about being the first up is first dibs on the shower," Lenny tells him.
Lan lifts an playfully eyebrow. "Lenny, are you telling me I smell?"
"I absolutely am. Go."
Lan laughs and takes his coffee upstairs.
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tianshiisdead · 2 years
5, 7 and 36!
5. how accurately is your country depicted?
(For Canada) He fits the global stereotype but, like some people have pointed out, I'd have expected him to be a bit more rugged and woodsy loll the amount of people I grew up with who just hiked and camped and mountain climbed and hunted all over the place all the time every weekend 🤯 I'm also from Alb*rta though so my opinions basically mean nothing! Now that I'm living in Ottawa for school, I think Canada should've been meaner underneath his veneer of shy politeness (noah fence to Ontarians I'm just not used to how you guys interact with each other kdjslhgf)
(For China) Hmm this is a difficult question ngl LOL there are some things that I was super pleasantly surprised about, Hima once said he made China more cold and cruel/intimidating seeming but after meeting actual Chinese people ended up making him more cutesy, I think the affection for pandas and hello kitty and cute things is accurate, these things are popular in China! I like that he's a little bad-tempered and irritable with western countries and the way he's proud and overbearing and clearly ancient both in a humourous grandpa way and in a serious and slightly tragic way.
However, parts of his characterization bother me a little... low-hanging fruit, but I hate 'aru' deeply and with a passion, whether or not the concept of Chinese people saying 'aru' really did come from the colonial era, it's just tired either way and I cringe whenever I hear it. I don't love how clumsy and stupid he acts, like I think it's cute in an isolated way, but in the greater context...
Ultimately, I don't think it's horribly egregious. A lot of Chinese and Sino diaspo fans enjoy his character and/or have interpretations that still clearly have their roots in canon, and I'm personally fairly satisfied with it. Oh, and one thing I loved is how originally all of the provinces were supposed to be their own characters who live in China's house! I wish Hima had brought that up more than once, I love that idea.
7. food-related headcanons?
MAN ok hmm! China has 8 great food regions, Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan and Zhejiang, and I'd imagine he can cook them all, but as Han Chinese culture has always been more concentrated in the vaguely more Southern regions, I'd imagine he'd prefer relatively more Southern food... dishes from Dongbei and Inner Mongolia, the north, in general, all have heavy influences from Mongolia and northern groups, and tend to be more wheat, butter, and milk heavy. and I'd imagine he's lactose intolerant and prefers rice LOL although he still enjoys Northern food that he can digest! For an example, breakfast.
I think China likes to make food from scratch sometimes taking days at a time to cook, but also enjoys instant noodles (though he modifies them and adds eggs and veggies) and pre-made food but he would never admit it. This is based off of canon, but he also likes fusion food and international food! Hotpot with cheese-filled rice cake and fried chicken, salmon sashimi was popular in parts of China for a while recently iirc, he's just a big foodie who likes a variety of flavours. He's very adventurous.
I think he likes to cook most of his meals but goes out for breakfast a lot, before a meeting or while out on his morning walk he just swings by one of Beijing's many breakfast stalls for a doufunao, some youtiao, shaobing, some doujiang, etc. I can't speak on Southern breakfasts, but when he spends time down there, I imagine they would also have a lot of cheap and fast breakfast shops, though the food is very different.
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General headcanons: I think when he's tired he just gets a flavourless bowl of congee with some salted duck egg for breakfast, and that when one of his kids are sick he makes them steamed eggs and boiled pear soup. He has a strong grasp on the different elements of food in Chinese medicine and can integrate it into his cooking easily! He also makes his own xiancai (pickled veg) and has a doujiang machine for homemade fast soy milk. His cabinet filled with spices and vinegars and chili oils and cooking wine and so on and so forth is this huge walk-in closet of a place organized with homemade labels and filled from the top to the bottom. When he cooks, he has several stoves going at a time, frying and boiling and steaming and chopping all at once, before celebrations like new years he spends days in the kitchen. The only thing he doesn't make from scratch himself for celebrations are dumplings, while he's working away everyone gathers around the cleared-off dining table and Macau shapes the dough and they all make dumplings together and Hong Kong puts weird fillings in some dumplings as pranks and Taiwan folds them into cute little animal shapes and fills them with brown sugar.
I have a lot of things to say about food but if I say anymore it'll turn into a book, so I'll leave it at that for now hehe maybe I'll make a proper post on it's own sometime!
36. if you could, what event would you host?
Hmm maybe one for OCs, or minority/native culture OCs! I don't think it would get enough traction, but I'd also love to host a China based event LOL I just don't think there would be enough people to participate :')
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This might be a bit out of your wheelhouse, but you've spoken glowingly about Kenan before, and I wanted to hear some of your thoughts.
What do you think it would take for DC to give Kenan the spotlight again, either in the form of his own comic or a feature role in an animated series? And how much do you think the sociopolitical optics of China impact his editorial interest/popularity or lack thereof? If Kenan was, for instance, Korean instead (an East Asian country that is generally viewed more favorably by the American public than the Chinese), do you imagine he would have gained more traction and gotten more coverage considering his powerset is not generic Kryptonian? Or do you think the fact that as long as he's a 'foreign' character, he's forever doomed to take a backseat to Clark, Kara, Conner, and Jon who are built in the All-American mold?
Also, as an addendum, do you wish his appearances in more mainstream title (Action Comics, etc) would feature more of his mystical and yin & yang elements of his design? What kind of potential do you think those powers give him compared to the typical Kryptonian flying brick?
Actually have spent some time thinking about this! Short version: Yang was too good at his job.
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Kenan is steeped in both Chinese mythology and modern Chinese culture. If you're not someone who has spent a lot time studying the present and past of China like Yang has, it's going to be tough to use Kenan to his full potential. Sure there's other appealing traits Kenan has that make him stand out, PKJ mentioned in an interview that one thing about Kenan which interested him is that unlike the rest of the Superfamily, Kenan starts off as an asshole. He doesn't intrinsically lean towards good, it's something he has to struggle with, and that appealed to PKJ because it was a trait he could hone in on and keep in mind when writing Superfamily interactions. For a team book that's enough to make Kenan stand out, but for a solo book? You need more than that.
Think of how Kenan struggles to be a hero because of how he's torn between his father's democratic ideals and his mother's loyalty to the CCP. He doesn't have an inbuilt love for democracy, what does democracy mean to a young Chinese man who is more concerned with money, women, or food? Asking those kinds of questions about protagonists who aren't from America leads to interesting stories. Or look at how Yang explored the concepts of Yin and Yang in New Super-Man, how he avoided going for simplifying them as good/bad. That's the kind of mistake that someone not knowledgeable about Chinese culture might have made.
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Most Big 2 superheroes tend to be American because that's what most of the writers working for DC and Marvel are. If Kenan were Korean instead, I don't think he would have gotten more use, it's that he's not American that intimidates some writers. And there's also the problem of Kenan being a late addition to a franchise that DC typically has no clue what to do with. When you don't even know what to do with your lead character Clark, who is one of the top 3 most iconic superheroes of all time, and you can't seem to stop screwing up other long-time Family members like Kara or Kon, no surprise that DC didn't know how to handle the latest addition.
Plus they already decided that Jon was going to be their guy for 5G, so why waste time pushing Kenan? He wasn't getting a movie or a cartoon or an HBO MAX show. Plenty of other attempts at adding new Superfamily members had disappeared, some like Linda Danvers had much longer runs on solo titles. What's Kenan's measly 24 issues to Linda's 80? I'm glad he was spared that fate because damnit, he's a much more interesting character than Linda or Cir-El or Chris Kent or any of those other guys were. He should be getting adapted outside of comics. In the wake of Jon being completely wrecked, and Kon still a question mark, Kenan is the best "heir" to Superman.
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For now I'm just happy to have Kenan in Action, cemented as part of the Superfamily. Would I like him to get more focus, to see greater exploration on how his powers differ from the Kents/Els? Absolutely. If Yang was up for it, I would love a backup from him that explores Kenan's power and relationships. PKJ is taking influence from manga for Clark's fight scenes, would be great to see some of that same influence applied to Kenan too. All kinds of cool ways that Kenan's qi manipulation powerset could be showcased, I mean c'mon the Dragon Ball route is patently obvious. Kenan as the Goku of the Superfamily is a low-hanging fruit but what the hell, I think it could be fun!
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fonulyn · 2 years
May I have a fic rec, please?
I would like to do a full Fon re-read but, and you may not be aware of this, you have A LOT of fics.
In your expert opinion, where should I start?
... when you say "a fic rec" do you mean just one fic or? :'D because c'mon these are my children and there's over 200 of them how am i supposed to pick just one! :'D
so i'm gonna just. take this as an opportunity to list some of my personal favorites and you can ...idk use a random number generator to pick one? :'D (or start with 5 it's a good start)
reach the point of no return; Chris/Leon; Chris proposes and the timing is questionable. (idk it still makes me laugh :'D it's one of the very first fics I wrote in this fandom (like the third? I think) and it still makes me happy so I think it's worth mentioning lol)
survival is secondary (to having it all again with you); Chris/Leon; Leon tries to sort through the traumatic aftermath of being kidnapped and tortured, and watching Ada die because of him. (this was my attempt at touching the complicated ...whatever it is between Ada and Leon, and idk I do enjoy rereading it occasionally)
and I don't want to know how slow the time must flow; Chris/Leon; They fight their way out of a BOW infested castle while going from idiots to lovers. (very self-indulgent Leon-gets-impaled (and not in the sexy way lmao) fic :'D)
from the gates of longing; Chris/Leon;  Chris volunteers to take Leon home, but ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for. (I just loved writing the re4-ish Leon. considering how much i love that version of him i write him very rarely lol)
so I confide in you (for nothing compares to you); Piers/Leon; Leon saves the president's son from a cult, but that isn't the end of their story, it's only the beginning. (one of my personal top faves negl, I loved getting to include re4 and Vendetta and my fave otp in one fic :'D in hindsight I wish I'd somehow worked Damnation in too lol but I'm still happy with this)
all the things you are; Jake/Piers; At first, Piers isn't happy the guy he's been hooking up with turns out to be a damn mercenary. Then, his emotions get more and more complicated. (their dynamic is just so fun to write, and this fic is something that rattled in my brain for a good while demanding to be written lol)
maybe he's born with it; Piers/Leon; There's a bet going within the BSAA whether Leon is a natural blond or not. Piers is not amused. (it makes me laugh :'D that's reason enough)
without hope, without fear; Jason/Leon (past Krauser/Leon); Jason tries to convince Leon of his cause, and when it fails, he takes of Leon what he can. (I am still so bummed that the obvious Krauser-Jason parallels were so uniformly ignored by fandom 😩 there's so much potential. also the monsterfucking was fun to write lol. I'm still happy with this one and I hope one day i can write more Jason)
can't help but follow in spite of going insane; Krauser/Leon; Krauser takes too long to kill Leon and Saddler intervenes. (negl I had tons of fun with this and i love the complicated mess of feelings between Leon and Krauser. I'm both really happy with the ambiguous ending and sad that I couldn't figure out how to make this fic longer :'D)
will you be by me?; Piers/Leon; After getting infected in China, Piers doesn't regain all of his memories. Leon has to deal with both almost losing Piers and losing their entire relationship. (I'm honestly so happy with how the sad stuff in this turned out. it makes me cry :'D so I feel accomplished)
never too much to ask for; Piers/Leon; Leon's journey to learn that he is allowed to have nice things. (I love love love Leon learning to enjoy hugs and closeness, and even more importantly, learning that he deserves them and can have as many as he wants!)
nothing else remains; Piers/Leon; So Leon might've known he had a bit of a praise kink but the intensity of it still takes him by surprise. Or maybe it's Piers, who is making everything even more intense with his mere presence. (what can I say, I think Leon is desperate for praise and deserves every bit of it ;D srsly, i'm way pleased with this one)
and love shall heal the scars; Chris/Leon/Piers; Leon is missing and presumed dead, but in reality he's in captivity being tortured, while Chris and Piers desperately try to find him. (not sure what it says about me but i loved writing this :'D)
winter lovin' (there's snow one like you); Piers/Leon; They get a winter vacation. (things don't get much more self-indulgent than this tbh I just want all the fun good things for them! and them being in Finland is just a plus :'D)
only the courage to continue counts; Piers/Leon; Leon is sent to Spain with a new partner to save the president's daughter. (i worked so hard on this and my love for re4 knows no bounds)
heal the scars and change the stars; Piers/Leon; Piers and Leon are stuck together with civilians and surrounded by zombies waiting for rescue. What makes it harder is the fact that they've broken up, even though they still love each other. (I still remember the dream that inspired this so vividly. and what can i say, they're a love story for the ages :'D am happy with how this turned out)
last chance garage; Chris/Leon/Piers; Chris and Leon retire and start a garage together, before ending up getting together. Yet somehow something is still missing. Until Piers. (i never intended to write 8k of this lol but in hindsight i'm glad i did because i think it turned out great. altho i'm still a little bummed no one else enjoyed my fave scene in it :'D)
honorable mentions to the re2 Piers/Leon time travel au, the Piers/Leon choose your own ending (with varying degrees of death), the Piers/Leon woke up as girls for a day smuttage, the Chris accidentally breaks Leon's heart but Piers puts it back together fic, the Piers/Leon where Leon has a bit of a competency kink, the little nose kisses Piers/Leon fluff, and the tiny soft moment Piers/Leon.
and as separate mentions, a couple of series;
the pinnacle of self-indulgence; Piers/Leon; it's obviously very long and obviously very self-indulgent but I just can't not mention it because it's important to me. and I'm hoping to get the next part done soonish.
the Krauser's back trilogy; Krauser/Leon; i'm genuinely proud of how it turned out. i am more of a fluff person so writing something more complicated always feels like an accomplishment :'D
hey, it's free (mutant) baby!; Piers/Leon; ok this series only has one fic rn but i'm halfway through writing the second part and have plans for like... five parts, so maybe i'll one day get them written.
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benevolentbirdgal · 1 year
watching the r primary debate with some red wine as streamed by a smarmy liberal dude. holy fucking shit a shitshow.
recap from a snarky blue haired progressive:
They opened with a message from Biden. Then a SONG that the candidates had to analyze the popularity of.
They all played Blame The Dems For The Economy, except Haley, who also quoting statistics on why the Republicans suck economically.
Christie said Ramaswamy talked like ChatGPT. Dammit Christie, I can't unhear it.
We got a whole 19 minutes in before the first "deep state" - DeSantis broke the levee on that one.
Minute 24: There was a video call from someone representing a conservative youth group. The kid basically said that climate change is biggest issues for young voters. How will you assure the American voter (esp the young voter) that you as prez/party leader care about this? The hosts asked for a show of hands if you believe humans are driving CC. Before anybody could Florida Man went on a rant about economics and China.
wait is Haley against the Dobbs decision? okay kindasorta asterick-asterick but she's WAY more moderate than the Florida man or the rest of the squad on stage. And also more realistic about getting the required senate votes. and actually named not arresting women for getting abortions.
DeSantis then had to ramble about abortion and how /he/ got it through in Florida and how he could totally get a national 6 week ban or more.
Minute 37 before anybody invoked their Christianity as political stance - Pencey-wency. (re aborsh).
oh the north dakota guy exists. right. he actually opposes a federal abortion ban. actually shocked he believes in the 10th amendment to that degree.
oh the Arkansas guy exists. he seems to think, much like Pence and DeSantis, he can just push it through on sheer power of will. same for Tim Scott.
Damn I wish I could play live shit on 2X.
Pencey-wency is walking a tight fucking line re Trumples.
47 minutes at invocation of Hunter Biden. (Christie, on crime).
49 minutes for "George Soros" (Florida Man).
ND Man's solution to crime to learn from small towns.
52 minutes to someone referring to Trump as indicated (Asa Hutchinson).
Hell of a tightrope that Christie is walkin' re: Trump.
I really do think Token Billionaire New To Politics buys his own bullshit.
Jersey Boy is out for blood. Productive? No. Panem & Circus? Yes.
so much flat out lying. from multiple people.
Florida Boy still won't answer yes/no questions.
Arkansas Dude actually said the word "insurrection." (1:07 in). and that he would not support a convicted Trump. genuinely surprised.
Jersey Boy actually seems to understand the VP oath of office as well. Haley dodged the question. DeSantis dodged it ramblingly.
Does Billionaire Man know what "contrition" means? Not convinced he does.
Is Pence pitching Jesus as his running mate? Or a physical copy of the constitution?
The Ukraine funding is actually showing some difference in opinion. From "not my problem THE BORDER" to "that's fucked up and we should fix it for humanitarian reasons but also to keep Russia away from us" to "not buddying up with Russia is empowering China." This seems to be the issue with the most diversity of opinion.
1:17 in and they have to explain how the bell works again.
More arguing about Ukraine. More arguing and non-cooperative-overlap regarding foreign aid and foreign military intervention.
Tim Scott: lets fire the IRS for national security!
There should be some mechanism where they CANNOT answer in rambles until they press a yes or no button. FFS.
DeSantis is REALLY into the anecdotes about "I met a random person and blahblahblah."
1:29 to "the wall" being said.
1:38 to "gender ideology" and "critical race theory" (Florida Man).
"The nuclear family is the great form of government known to mankind" - Billionaire's solution to education. Went on a rant about single mothers being "paid" to be single versus keeping a man around. he's winning the bonkers take award and it's not a field full of normal takes. see also: he wants the voting aged RAISED and having to take a test to vote?
1:43 - "lightning round" - "keep it 30 second, PLEASE."
1:46 "Judeo-Christian" (Scott). Followed by "break the backs of our teacher unions."
1:48: Jersey Boy has to answer a question about UFOs. "Would you level with the American people about what the government knows about these encounters?" not the most cray-cray question of the night.
Closing statements were pretty boring, honestly.
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papirouge · 1 year
does it bother u that the line pro-forced-birth americans tend to take is that all abortions should be illegal, so all women who have ectopic pregnancies should die?
if so, how do you fight against this while being a pro-lifer, but still not believing that 1-2% of all pregnant women deserve to die?
Listen, if you want to lump every prolifer into the same basket regardless of their country/politics, I am goin to lump you, as an American, with all the evil crap your country did.
Why did make an illegal war against Irak, LYING about mass destruction weapons, killing countless of innocent?
Why didn't you stop Abu Ghraib? we didn't forget. Never will.
Why are you guys degenerate BEASTS who can't help killing and torturing people?
Why don't you free Assange? He told the truth.
Why did you bomb Nordstream? yea we know it's you, idiots. You claim being Europe allies but if anything you are our biggest ennemy. Your NSA spying European leaders and shit.. In an ideal world Europe would ally with Russia and China and propel your demonic country out on orbit. Worldwide peace +10000%
abortion and dealing ectopic pregnancy are 2 different things and the latter isn't illegal, it's just abortionist fearmongering propaganda.
I wish America would treat better pregnancy and healthcare, but I have no head in American health policies, I'm a french citizen.
No woman deserve to die. But you know who else doesn't deserve to die, child in the womb who always keep out of the conservation. If life was so important to you, you'd fight along us to advocate for solution so that no one has to die.
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hangingfire · 2 years
For The Terror asks, would you please do Arctic, Captain, the C, and/or Erebus?
Finally getting around to the Terror Asks. It's been a week, lads.
arctic: how would you cope on a Victorian ship?
I am prone to motion sickness, so that immediately puts me at a major disadvantage. I gather that one adjusts after a while, but I'd probably spend the first week wanting to die. And that's before you even get to the other modern inconveniences. In short: poorly. This has not stopped me from wanting to sign up for one of those Tall Ship programs, though. At least nowadays we have Dramamine.
captain - who’s your favourite coldboy?
Harry Goodsir, no question. In the scene at the end of "Punished, As a Boy", when you see him start to question his unthinking assumptions for what is probably the first time in his life, whilst also genuinely trying to be nice to this poor woman surrounded by stupid white men: that was the moment I said to myself, "ah yes, this one is mine."
And as luck would have it, he's also one of the cold boys whose real-life analogue is actually rather well-documented, and everything I've learned about that guy has also been tremendously endearing. His own father dragging him gently for his spelling. The fact that he calls things like microscopic crab bits "extremely beautiful". His fussing over his attempts to acquire a dog for Erebus. The fact that he seems to have been one of those people whose enthusiasm for his hyperfixations actually tows other people along with him. Delightful.
the c - do you create art or writing about the terror?
Indeed I do. Can't believe how long I've been on this bullshit, to be perfectly honest, but here we are.
erebus - what scenes are your favourite and least favourite from the show
"You are the worst kind of second!" Every time I've convinced someone to watch this show and they do, I know when they've hit this scene because I get some kind of message like "oh my god, fuck this Franklin guy". LOL. Just wait.
"We've come here to find a way through to China and India." Just watch this poor little muffin realize, as he's saying it, that 1. it sounded better in his head and 2. shit, this is actually ... stupid?
"Does that really work with anyone, Mr. Hickey?" Not just the sass, but also Hickey's little "eh, it's a fair cop, asshole" shrug as he walks away.
"And once it's past all hope, the mind goes unnatural with thoughts." Just a great character moment for Fitzjames and Blanky—Fitz for how he asks the question in the first place, and considers his implications (the boy is a good leader, actually), and Blanky for being, well, Blanky.
"Twenty. I have performed on twenty." Goodsir vs. Hickey. Morals vs. practicals. Class warfare. This scene has it all.
"Is God here Captain? Any God? It doesn't matter. This place is beautiful to me, even now. To see it, with eyes as a child's. There is wonder here, Captain. And her. Do you Do you think she's still alive?" Is it a day ending in Y? Then it's a day I'm thinking about this scene at least once.
Least favorite: It's not so much scenes as little things I kind of wish had been a bit different. I'd have liked Silna's father and the hunter to have had names, and to have spent some more time getting to know them. A little more breathing room for relationships between some of the characters to develop. The fact that we don't get even a bit of one of my favorite scenes in the novel, Goodsir's "how to do a cannibalism" speech. The truth is, I have remarkably little to complain about with this show.
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hye-kyo1 · 10 days
Lot has happened in my life in recent month, I am trying to act in front of myself and my friends that was nothing to be bothered about. I am ok!. Those things didn't effect me but they did. I tried to find love on dating apps here in china. Yes I am in China now this is my 6th month here. First thing that happened was I met up with an online friend, I won't blame him for anything. He was asking for my consent on every step that he took and I allowed him. I was just wishing for he would have feelings for me i actually I didn't have any for him and I had no control on my body. Yes we slept together originally I just wanted to cuddle but eventually let the things escalate. I knew this will effect me mentally a lot but I still let it happen. I cried for many days. For pleasure of one night and fucked up mind. After that I wanted validation of being good girl and having proper relationship. I started scrolling dating apps, dating culture here or atleast men on dating apps here in china are worse than India. They all just wanted to eventually spend a night with me reason being I am a foreigner, they want to experience something different but not exactly want to know me or have relationship with me. Still after all the men I matched with and rejected I met one who didn't ask to sleep with me. I was too naive, hahaha he said he wished to taste my cooking and i genuinely believed him. The fuck with my cooking he didn't even eat it properly. Just took out the tofu pieces from the curry and ate those. Later he said he can't go back because it will cost him too much. I felt something was off, but just silenced myself I am thinking too much. I told him clearly I don't want to sleep around with him I want know him first. We started kissing and all but kept touching my body and try to seduce me. I didn't sleep with him what do ever. I blocked him soon after, because it was clear after he left he wasn't interested in knowing me he wanted to be intimate with me. Then I met another guy on different dating app, he felt sincere we dated for about an month, but he turned out be jerk too. He started giving excuses how I will go back and not marry him so his family is against it all. But now I know the real reason, he managed to earn my trust by showing me how he told his family about me and then when what ever he wanted from was done, he used same reason to end what ever we had. I still can't take those things out of my mind, I cried so much. I felt like a fool and yet I miss him. It's like I have no self respect. But I left him at midnight and came back to my apartment. Blocked him, atleast this much I did for myself. How could I not love myself at all. This scares me. I should be proud of myself for leaving like that yet i don't feel that way, fooooll this way anyone can treat you like garbage and you will just beg them to treat you better. Unless i love myself enough to walkway and stand up to wrong treatment no one will love and respect me that way. That's why I am only meeting scumbags because that's what I feel i deserve. I have to stay single for long time and start to learn how to love myself and be more confident.
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What happened next?
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Well... the next thing that happen was when I was talking with Hiyoko, Ibuki and Mikan about the exams...and...well... Hatomi, she came up to me...
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Mahiru... calm down and just speak as calmly as you can...
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Okay, it was on July 2nd, I... was planning to go on a 5 day trip for my portfolio and after I decided my location, Hatomi and Teruteru wanted to talk with me alone...
Date: July 2nd, 2011
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I still haven't decided where to go, do you guys have any ideas?
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Hmm Ibuki isn't sure...
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Oh hey hey I got it, what about Palau! I travel there before and honestly the location is pretty cool! It's even got a whole coral reef!
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Wh-What about China or Australia? Th-They seem nice...!
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Whoa whoa Ibuki, the second option is super dangerous; are you aware of the poisonous animals there?!
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O-Oh right, I ne-nearly forgot!
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Fo-Forgive me Mahiru, I didn't mean to pick such a dangerous location!
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It's okay, honestly Australia sounds really cool to visit but I rather not get bitten, any other suggestions?
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Hmph, those places sound stupid - seriously you both suck at this!
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Oh hey, why not Matsushima? It is July right now and it's pretty good at sunrise.
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Oh hey, that's actually a good idea! Thanks Hiyoko!
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Yaaaay, I can't wait to see all the photos you took!
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Unlike rocker idiot and pigshit, I know perfect locations!
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Pi-Pigshit again! Wh-Why are you so mean?!
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Oooh those insults sting a bunch but my confidence is too high!
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Well anyway, I guess I got a location now; I'll be there for 5 days to take photos.
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Aww, I wish I could come but I gotta practice for exams...
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Don't worry, I'll be sure to come back on the 7th and I'll start working on my portfolio!
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Right-o, will be waiting - hope you have fun on your trip!
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See you by the end of the week, Mahiru!
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Bye bye big sis Mahiru, hope you have fun!
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See you then!
*Mahiru walks away as she heads back to Class*
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I better inform the teacher about this just in case...
???: Mahiru there you are!
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Huh...? *As then Hatomi and Teruteru rush over to her*
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He-Hey Mahiru, we uh... wanted to ask you something; it's about Natsumi... y'know, the girl that's in my brother and sister's class?
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Yeah and it's about Natsumi, look I know you told me to ignore her but are you aware what she was doing?!
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Hatomi... can we please not talk about this? I thought we agree to not speak about her...
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