#stoamch pain
sk270114 · 1 year
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The treatment of acute pancreatitis typically involves supportive care, pain management, addressing the underlying cause, and managing complications that may arise. The severity of the condition and the patient's overall health will influence the specific treatment approach. In severe cases, acute pancreatitis can be life-threatening and may require hospitalization and intensive care.
Supportive Care: Patients with acute pancreatitis may require hospitalization to monitor their condition closely and ensure proper hydration, electrolyte balance, and nutrition. In some cases, patients may not be allowed to eat or drink anything orally for a period of time to give the pancreas a chance to rest and heal. Instead, intravenous (IV) fluids and nutrients may be administered.
Pain Management: Acute pancreatitis can cause severe abdominal pain, which is managed with pain medications. Depending on the intensity of pain, healthcare providers may prescribe analgesics or other pain-relief strategies.
Addressing the Underlying Cause: Identifying and treating the underlying cause of acute pancreatitis is crucial for successful management. Common causes include gallstones, alcohol consumption, certain medications, high blood cholesterol, infections, and structural abnormalities of the pancreas. Addressing the root cause can prevent future attacks and aid in the recovery process.
Management of Complications: Acute pancreatitis can lead to various complications, such as pancreatic pseudocysts, infected pancreatic necrosis, and organ failure. These complications may require specific treatments like drainage procedures, antibiotics, or surgery.
Nutritional Support: Once the inflammation subsides, patients may need dietary adjustments to aid in the healing process. A low-fat diet is usually recommended to reduce stress on the pancreas.
Lifestyle Changes: If acute pancreatitis is caused by lifestyle factors, such as excessive alcohol consumption or gallstones due to high cholesterol, lifestyle changes will be advised to prevent future episodes.
Surgery: In certain cases, surgery may be necessary to remove gallstones, treat complications, or remove damaged tissue from the pancreas.
It's important to note that acute pancreatitis can be a severe condition with potentially life-threatening complications. Therefore, seeking prompt medical attention is essential for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Treatment plans will vary depending on the individual's specific circumstances, so patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to determine the best course of action. You may consult the best gastroenterologist in Mumbai like Dr Amit Maydeo for the correct diagnosis and effective treatment plan for the pancreatitis condition. Dr Amit Maydeo is associated with H N Reliance hospital.
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ponyosmom35 · 1 year
I've got you
Simon ghost Riley x reader
Liability chapter twenty!
Synopsis: reader is kidnapped and held hostage, 141 gets her back.
warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of blood, mentions of explosives, mentions of death
Liability masterlist:
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“Get her up! They’re here!” graves yells
She gasps as she’s awoken from her light sleep. She is gripped roughly and her ties were cut loose. One of the men haul her out of the room, dragging her as she stumbles. She cries out in pain as blood drips down her shoulder from arm. “Hurry up bitch” 
The doors are thrown open and she's is pulled into Grave's chest, she squints her eyes as the darkness settles in. A cool metal is placed against her head. She whimpers as he shoves her forward. She could feel the explosive device strapped to her chest activate with a beep and she begins to hyperventilate. Though she couldn’t see anyone in the darkness she knew that they’d come for her. Simon was out there, he was gonna save her. 
“Want you bitch back? Gonna have to come and get her” Graves sneers 
“Drop the gun” a familiar deep voice calls. Her stoamch twists as Ghost steps into the dim light from the street. His weapon pointed directly at Graves. She wanted nothing more than to see his eyes, wishing that he would bring take her out of here and never look back. 
“Not a chance”
“We’ve got you surrounded, let her go before I fucking kill you” he warns taking a step forward.
“You kill me and she goes with” he smirks pushing her forward, she stumbles and catches herself. Her shaking body nearly collapses, it takes everything in her not to fall. Knowing that it could set off the explosive. He takes a step closer to her and she panics. 
“Ghost stay back!” she screams shaking her head wildly.
“Deactivate it or I’ll have a sniper blow your head off” 
"you want her to live then you let me go, otherwise say bye bye"
“Fuck me” Ghost grumbles 
“Just go” she pleads as tears mixed with blood and sweat roll down her cheeks. 
“Negative” he responds lowering his gun and walking closer. 
“Stop!” she yells 
“This isn’t about her and you know it, this is between you and me” Ghost snaps “You don’t let her go and you’ll be next, but you’re death will be slow” 
“You and I both know that she isn’t making it out of here if I don’t” he smirks 
She winces at his words and holds her hand up to Simon as he stands no more than fix feet from her. “Please don’t do this Simon” she whispers for only him to hear
“I’ve got you love, keep your eyes on me okay?” he says lowly, she could tell that he was receiving instruction from his earpiece, she prayed that they didn't let him go just to save her. After what Graves did he deserved to die.
"set the control on the ground and walk away" Ghost says after a few seconds
"and how do I know you won't shoot me when I turn?"
"you have my word Graves, still means something"
"pleasure doing business with you" Graves says before setting the device on the ground. He turns and runs away, disappearing into the night. Soap moves over to the control and looks it over.
Simon quickly grabs her arm, pulling her to him. He drops his gun and holds onto her shaking hands.
“You’re okay sweetheart” he says observing her trembling form. Her hair was falling out of the pretty braid she had it in, parts of it sticking to her face. She had blood on her cheek and even more on her arm. “Get it off” she begs 
“Okay love, I need you to keep your body still, do not move a muscle, can you do that for me?” he asks 
“O-okay” she chokes out
“Good girl” 
Simon pulls out the knife from his side and stares at the unit. He had been trained with explosives so he was well versed on how to disarm them. Her body trembles terribly and he takes off his glove, placing his bare hand on her cheek. “Look at me”
Her wide frantic eyes find his as her lips chatter. “I know exactly how to disarm this device. I need to cut this wire and then it’s over”
“Fuck” she curses 
“Keep your eyes on me love, good girl, you’re doing so well” he assures her. 
Simon cuts the wire, holding his breath. The blinking red device powers down and he sighs in relife. 
“You’re okay baby” he says taking off the vest carefully. He sets it on the ground and pulls her into his arms. She instantly falls into him, as sobs wrack through her body. 
“You did so good” he whispers in her ear “I’m proud of you” 
Simon wraps his arm around her and escorts her to the car. He helps her into the passenger seat and shuts the door gently. He walks over to soap and Gaz and shakes their hands. “How she doing?” soap asks 
“Shaken up, I’m gonna drive us separately, try to calm her down” 
“Meet you back at base” 
Simon nods and gets into the drivers side. He starts the engine and notices her crying into her hands. He hesitates, unsure how to help her. He knew that she needed comfort, but that wasn’t his strong suit. He had no idea how to make the tears stop, he coudln’t even keep his own panic attacks in check. After a few seconds he places his hand in the center of her back, rubbing it gently. “I’m here love” 
Those three words made her look up at him, puffy red face and all. She smiles softly and sniffles, wiping her face. “I don’t know how to thank you Simon” 
“You never have to thank me” he says simply
next part:
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Our sweet sweet guy arrived just before midnight on the 30th. We are absolutely in love with him and feel so so incredibly just wow and blessed to have him here. A little rundown of how it all went is below. No need to read if u don't want to.
A long labour at home (vomiting regualrly and unable to keep anything down) , I was even pushing his head out, but in the end the lip wasn't budging and I said nope hospital now a thank goodness we did..
I pushed him out myself after an hour (i had aboslutly no pain meds through it all), but had an episiotomy, a 2nd degree tear and something else 🤷‍♀️. Im not 100% sure what happened with me next but i think my uterus or placenta was having issues so i had some intervention then with meds and people pushing on my stoamch etv. I got all dizzy and passed out and just kept puking. I just thought it wad from pure exhaustion from labour. Anyway the next day I showered and passed out, tried to have bloods done and almost passed out again etc etc, and bloods showed that I was very anemic, everyone eas shocked at my levels. I've had 4 bags of bloods over the past few days which I've found very hard being tied to the bed, unable to help Reuben out.. so thankful for Joel. He's incredible.
During birth baby boy had his second lot of meconium (once while still at home) and when he was born he had the cord around his neck 3 times and the cord was no longer blue so they think he would have been 7 or 8 minutes without oxygen. It was very chaotic tbh. He's also below the 10 percentile so had to have checkw and i had one quick cuddle with him as they cleaned him to make him breathe and then he was gone. He ended up with a lung infection and extra monitoring in neonates for his breathing etc and slight jaundice. Then he didn't have wet nappies so had a feeding tube too :( it's been tough.
He is finally back with us now, Wednesday night, and I have found it all very overwhelming. I wanted a natural home birth where we could ease into life together, and so we've had a lot taken away from us this week. I know we are in the best place but hospitals are awful and I am so badly wanting to get home with my boys and puppy and start our family life.
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yumeyleo · 1 year
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Secondo kissing copias stomach and leaving pain on his stoamch so when his shirt lifts on stage
-oncler anon
Feels like your sentences are not finished here?
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skyllion-uwu · 7 months
Aaaaa augh aguhhhhh
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
Gao’s the type of BF to punch u in the lower stoamch then look at you with a big smile and glittering eyes like “did i knock all the blood out ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪? Is your period done? Are you in anymore pain?” And you have to break it to him that sadly no, it did not help and yes, he did just punch his girlfriend 💞💞💞
gao had heard his precious girlfriend/manager was bleeding out from her cooch and that it causes her a lot of pain. he hated the fact you were in pain and he asked why. whoever told him that the blood from from a build up of tissue in an organ in your lower stomach. he couldnt completely pick up the fell details but all he though was, oh? too much? ill just help and punch it out. he ran into the gym and sees you standing with sachiro and hoshiumi, talking about the next match. it was then everything went quiet except you collapsing on the floor. the two boys look at gao in shock. he just punched her? you were already cramping all day and you big dumb boyfriend just had to make it worse? “did i punch it out baby?! is your period done?”
everyone stared in shock, hoshiumi was the first to yell at him while sachiro helped you sit up. with the emotional and physical pain, it sent you into tears but you try you best to hold it in. after a good yelling at by the two boys, you were sitting against the wall trying not to cry. your big boy came to sit next to you looking apolgetic. “im sorry. i thought thats how it works...” he mumble and wraps his arms around you. you sob from the pain, but somehow youre laughing at him. “b-big dummy that h-hurt like a bitch!” you punch his shoulder and he lets you, feeling like this is good payback. “no kisses for a week.” now gao feels like this is totally unfair.
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lareinenoir · 6 years
Slow Motion
Arthur Curry × Reader
Summary: You and Arthur have been friends a long time. You pratically grew up together. You have a ballet recitle and what you didn't expect was a snow storm. Now you're both stuck in a hotel with only one bed.
Warning: smut, cuddling
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"Shut up." You growl rubbing your hands together as the fire crackles. "We are up here because of you."
"Oh come on, Y/n." Said Arthur "A few more miles and we would have made it. You decided to stop."
"Because I thought I started my period!" You shout throwing the pillow at him off the bed. "I was not about to walk around with bloody underwear!"
He lets out a sigh, rolling his eyes as you fold your arms and squint at him coldly. "Look, we'll wait out the storm. The lady at the front desk said it should be over by the morning."
"It better be." You grumble taking off your jacket. "I better get to my ballet recitle on time. The show can't go on without me."
Arthur mocked your whining voice and you flipped him off, snatching your bags from his hand. "Make yourself comfortable. You're sleeping on the floor." You grin
"You are so petty." He mumbles as you lay on the bed with your arm covering your eyes. You were tired and had a bit of a headache, not to mention a few period cramps in your abdomen.
Maybe sleeping it off would make you feel better. You took a few Ibuprofen pills in the car but, Arthur wouldn't let you take anymore so you wouldn't overdose. A little moan of pain left your lips and you just closed your eyes.
Waking up, you see Arthur wasn't on the ground. Not even his jacket was there. Looking around, it was just you and only you.
"Arthur?" You question, just to make sure he was really gone. With a sigh, you stand and see that you are feeling a lot better. Your cramps had gone and so did your headache.
Just as you picked up your phone to call him, the hotel door opens and Arthur stands there with a bag, covered in snow.
"Arthur? What the-"
"Y/n, you're awake." He says closing the door as the cold breeze hit your face. "I went to the little store on the corner. Luckily it was open. I picked up a few things."
"Oh." You nod then giggle. "I was just about to call you. I was a bit worried."
"Aw, you were worried about me." His hand over his heart, as he slid off his big jacket. " It wouldn't have worked anyway, no cell service. Anyways, I got you something. To take your mind off the pain."
He hands you a Hershey bar, milk chocolate, cookies and cream, dark chocolate and one with almonds. You poke out your lips and wipe the little tear that fell. "Awe. For me?"
"Anything." He tells you with a wink. "Got some Ramen and Soda. We can eat after I shower." Said Arthur heading for the bathroom.
Nodding your head you watch him take his bag and you sit back on the bed opening up one of the Hershey bars. There wasn't a TV so all you had was your phone. The connection was horrible and you wanted to scream.
With Arthur's shower water running in the background you ended up listening to one of your favorite songs.
"Slow motion." You sing to yourself starting to dance around the small, hotel room. This was the second time you played it and now it was on loop. Trey Songz had always been your favorite singer, and today you were really feeling his music.
What you didn't know was that Arthur finished his shower five minutes ago and stood with the door cracked watching you. You weren't a good singer and you both knew that but Arthur still enjoyed it.
"You dance better than you sing." Is what he would say when you asked him. Arthur was a good friend but the song was effecting him just as much as it was you.
Arthur pages close attention to your hips as they swayed back and forth and your ass in the tight ripped jeans you decided to wear.
You were definitely horny and when you spun around and saw Arthur, you didn't freak out but gave him a seductive smile. He was your best friend, why not? You thought, telling him to come here with your finger.
Arthur had a hungry look in his eyes and you knew it because you felt it in your eyes. With only a towel around his waist, you saw his cock poke out from the towl and that made your mouth salivate as you grabbed onto his hand, spinning yourself into his arms.
Arthur grabbed onto your hips and you smiled as you grind against him to the music. His mouth against your neck, moaning and you bit your lip at how his hard member poked your ass. His hair still wet, dripped on your shoulder. Holding onto his big arms as his facial hair tickled you, you grind harder once he pushes your hips into his lap.
It was dry, but you wanted him to touch you all over. Lifting Arthur's arms to your stomach he looks up at you as you look back nodding. "Go ahead daddy." You purr kissing his furry jaw then nibbling at his earlobe. "Show your baby girl a good time."
Arthur's hands went up your shirt and you lifted your arms so he could get it off. His large hands grouped your breasts smoothly and he traces his index finger across your nipple making you moan in satisfaction.
"Mmm." You moan again when Arthur lays kisses on your shoulder, making a parade of goosebumps go down your spine.
He let out a grunt as you turn and unwrap the towel from around his waist. Pushing his body into the edge of the bed, you get on your knees and begin to stroke his member and you can see the frustration in his eyes because of how slow you're going. Arthur wanted to be released and you loved the begging look in his eyes.
"You're gonna cum for me, Daddy?" You asks continuing to play with his member, your finger nails touching the dry rip. "Are you gonna cum for your babygirl?"
"I'm gonna cum for my baby girl." He grunts huskily with a smile on his face.
Taking it into your mouth, Arthur has a grip on your hair guiding you up and down his hard cock. His cock filled your mouth and you held onto his naked thighs so you wouldn't tip over. You gagged a bit when his warm member sqirted into your mouth and you smiled at how he moaned again, throwing his head back when a little more came out.
Pulling your lips away, he watches you swallow and you take in some air. Without hesitation, Arthur has you on the bed, trailing smooth kisses down your stomach. He was being sweet and gentle, but you didn't want that. Not now.
"Is that all you got, daddy?" You ask taunting him with an arched brow. "Aren't you gonna rough me up."
And you weren't prepared for what happened next. Arthur grabbed you by your throat, slamming his mouth on you. You gasp, but relax trying not to use up all the air he was allowing you to have. His tounge slipped into your mouth and when you tried to grip onto his still damp hair he shoved you away, pinning your arms above your head.
He was taking your breath away. Literally. With ever motion of your lips moving Arthur was taking all the air you had. You couldn't lift him off you because he was bigger.
When Arthur finally let you up, you took a hold onto the air. Sucking it all in you start to laugh. "Never had a kiss like that." You say as he unzips your pants.
"No talking." He tells you and you smirk, licking your lips to get another taste of him. With your panties off he plays with your clit, still holding your arms up. "I'm gonna make you sorry, y/n. So so sorry." Said Arthur lowly giving you another parade of chills across your body. "I'm gonna make you sorry for underestimating me." His whisper being drowned out by the sound of your gasping.
"Please daddy," you beg biting your lip again wanting him to give you some friction. "I'll-"
"No talking." He says more menacingly and you feel two of his fingers enter you without warning. Arching your back you let out a moan, squeezing your eyes shut trying to move your hips against his fingers.
"That feel good baby girl?" He asks you with a sarcastic smile.
"Ahhhh." You answer "Oh...Arthur-"
Arthur chuckles and then slows down. Your breaths getting closer together you shake your head. "No daddy. Please...please don't stop." You beg. "I was close, I was so close, daddy. I wanna feel you." You tell him, trying to sit up, but his heavy hands keeping you down. "I wanna fell all of you." Your core still a bit We r from pre-cum dripping down your pussy.
"Aw Baby girl," he cooes kissing your stomach pulling his fingers out amd letting your hands go free. You biting your lip still trying to buck your hips towards his member, Arthur leans in your ear, "I'm gonna fuck you so good." His kisses your breasts which sends shivers down your body.
You smiled and held onto his shoulders as Arthur widened your legs with his knees. His damp hair wetting your body, you wait for his cock to slam into your pussy. Once again arching your back your mouth forms an 'o' shape you see his face scrunch up.
The bed guys against the wall you he continues to slam into you. "Faster." You grunt. "Faster daddy. Fill me up."
Your fingernails dig into his back, clawing down as you let out breaths of air. "I'm close." He tells you but you ignore, trying to focus on your own orgasm. "Oh gosh, y/n!"
With one last thrust, he collapsed on your stoamche just as you both orgasm at the same time. Pleasure ripped through your insides as you both finished.
Licking your lips you both try and catch your breath. "Next time," you say in between breaths, feeling his sweat on you as you continue to stroke his hair. "I'm ontop."
"What makes you think there's gonna be a next time?" He asks with his chin up looking at you with a smirk.
You replied, "Nobody can fuck me like you just did."
His chuckles fill the room and you blush holding onto his head. Both laying in the bed, bodies stuck together as you pull the blanket on top of each other. The crackling fire would die in the night and having Arthur's body close to you was all you needed.
"That was definitely not in Slow motion." You say after turning off the song, hoping he heard it, but his soft snores fill the room as he holds onto your waist.
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know in the comments.
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dabis-dream · 6 years
❤️ embrace
Headcanons for embrace:
(This confused me just a little bit, but I’m all for it.)
Dabi’s somebody that will never admit to actually liking being held. Never.
I’m using Hawks as my person of example, because I will die for HotWings.
Dabi might be somebody to make the first move on Hawks, but Hawks was the first to initiate a hug. Just a small, easy hug. It started off like a “lmao hey bro gimmie a hug” type shit, but Dabi froze. He swore that he hate it, especially when that “bro hug” turned into a more genuine hug... as if Hawks actually missed him or something.
Anyways, Dabi was like “bitch wtf, why are you touching me?” He felt awkward, it felt unnatural, yet at the same time it brought back so many memories of his childhood, of his siblings. He secretly loved whenever his siblings would tackle him (Touya) into a dog pile of a hug. He was just this giant, lanky tree boy (until Natsuo passed him height wise....) and they LOVED hanging off of him.
He was quick to shake Hawks off of him, but he missed the feeling afterwards. He craved more of it, to feel that embrace again, even if it was just for a short little bit.
Fast forward to Dabi realizing HE LOVES HUGGING HAWKS, AND BEING HELD??? He’s not some stone cold hardass, y’all can eat this ass.
With Hawks, he loves when they’re both holding each other. Just lounging on the couch, or bed, their legs tangled together, with their arms wrapped tightly around each other’s waist or neck. 
Hawks loves it because Dabi’s a damn human furnace. He’s warm, and Hawks is a freeze baby don’t @/me
I see a lot of hcs that are like “lmao Dabi’s a fuck machine/God.” No he isn’t. At least that’s not all he is. Sure, he likes a good fucc, and he’s probs great at it. But he’s a soft boy. A very soft boy around Hawks especially.
He grew up feeling neglected of love. His childhood was traumatic and loveless. He was never shown what “proper” love was. All he saw was an unhappy, broken family. And so did Hawks honestly.
The two of them need that soft love. They crave love and healing. They need that good shit. Let them have it. Give me more soft HotWings plz.
The cuddles, the soft kisses, the gentle touches, the whispered “I love you”s, the self care, the care for each other, and just the fluffy shit. Fluffy shit is so nice y’all. Fuck all that mindless nsfw shit imo.
I really don’t see him as somebody who just smashes ANYONE. You know he has to have hella bad trust issues, and to top that off, body image issues. Whoever he’s with, he’s gotta trust a lot. IN MY ONION DON’T START ATTACKING ME.
ANYWAYS. Got slightly off topic, but I regret nothing.
Dabi loves burying his face into Hawks’ neck. Simple as that. Especially when Hawks has him wrapped up into a tight teddy bear hug/hold/EMBRACE (ty).
He really likes whenever they’re holding each other, and Hawks just.... wraps those beautiful red wings around him too. It’s so nice. The wings, the feathers, they’re so freaking soft...
Dabi will just let his fingers comb absentmindedly through those feathers too, it’s relaxing and calming af, okay?
This boy... He melts when people play with his hair. When Hawks plays with his hair especially. All of the tension of the day, gone with the wind. Most of his skin is just scarred to all hell, so I feel like wherever his skin is untouched, it’s just extra sensitive. He’s so used to feeling nothing, or next to nothing at least. So when people touch his scalp/stomach/ ... any unscarred places, it’s like feeling overboard x2. (Dabi’s stomach is ticklish... ahem.)
He also dies whenever Hawks gives him a massage. His scars make his mobility so restricted and painful, it’s just a big bucket of suck for him constantly.
Hawks’ touch kinda just helps soothe that tightness that his skin constantly feels, specifically when he uses burn cream/lotion shit too, to help.
Something that Dabi doesn’t mind though, is also returning the massage. Hawks’ wings gotta be heavy as fuck. He probs got them old people back issues, idfk. Their bodies suck fam, that’s all i can say.
Dabi will warm his hands up, regulate the temp of them, whatever, and just go to town on those knots and back/arm muscles. His hands are like silk and magic, and all things holy. (At least that’s what Hawks thinks). 
IN CONCLUSION; this Todoroki hobo loves being held. He loves holding people (Hawks) too. He won’t admit it, and I don’t think Hawks would either... but they both just know that it’s something they need. This something that’s so soft (yes it can be nsfw too but WE KEEPING IT SOFT HERE RN) that feels so right.
Their favorite part of the day/night is just finally being able to lay down with each other and pop on some shitty movie, or just listening to silence and cuddle close together.
They are each other’s Safe Haven.
This hc post is so messy and ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE, but i was just writing down my inner thots. Deal with it. Maybe I’ll add onto it when/if I think of more shit.
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Stand Infection Chp 1.
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*welp I guess Im participating in the stand infection event as well anyone can be involved with my stand infection story*
It was around at 3 in the moring when I woke up all of a sudden. Not from a dream, or a noise from outside, but like something was telling me to do so. I lean up from my bed I realized how much sweat covered my bedsheets and pillowcases. Not drenched in sweat, but damp-like. My head started to hurt like crazy, and to burn up.
"Damn am I getting sick at this time of night??" I groaned from annoyance and got up out of bed. Once when I got up a small sharp pain in my stomach. I rush to the bathroom ,grabbed the thermometer from the medicine cabinet and took my temperature. I looked at it when it beeped and saw that my temperature was at 102°.
"102°?!?!?! I felt fine all day today i dont know Im getting sick all of a sud-" My head starts to get dizzy, and sharp pains hit all over. I let out a moan as my thermometer drops on the bathroom floor. I look in the mirror. Beads of sweat roll down my face, and my pupils start to dilate. They dilate into a pointy like shape. Kind of like a cats eye shape. I close and rub my eyes and look again to see if it was in my head, but my pupils were still the same.
"What the hell is going on with me" I think to myself. Something is wrong I know of it. My teeth begin to hurt as well, I look again and all of my canines begin to get longer and sharper. I touch them and my tooth pricks my finger by accident. I flinch my hand away as I let out a small yelp. My finger was now bleeding. I wipe the blood off with a tissue. I throw the tissue away and see that my nails started to grow longer as well. I mean really long...and sharp. My eyes widen In shock that my nails gotten super long in frount of my own eyes. What is going on with me, why am I starting to get all of these werid symptoms. Then I think for a secound. I realized that this might have to do something with my stand. Ive herd that theres been werid ocurrances with people and thier stands lately.
"I need to tell everyone. They might know on whats going on with me" I walk into my room and grab my phone. I dialed Jotaros number. I wait a bit. Then I hear Jotaro voice.
"Hello. What is it is there something wrong Elaine??" He said in a groggy voice.
"Uh y-yeah. I dont know whats going on....but I think theres something wrong with me and my stand. Ive been getting a fever and Im looking werid too. My eyes are dilating like if they were a cats eye, my nails are getting longer all of sudden, and been having sharp pains I need you and everyone to come ove- AHHH AHHH" I moan in pain and drop the phone my stomach begins to hurt even more. I start to cry from this excruciating pain.
"Elaine.....ELAINE!!!! Whats wrong!!! Whats wrong with your stand. what do you mean by that!?!?! Nevermind im bringing the boys over" He hangs up right after. I lay on the floor sweating, in pain, and panting. I toss and turn moaning and groaning wanting this pain to stop. I lay on my stoamch rolling up in a ball trying to ease the pain. My moans, and groans soon turn into grunts and growls. I also had the urge of wanting to hurt somebody, like wanting to rip someones throat out. 10-15 minutes pass and my urges get stronger. I get up and walk out of the room dizzy and walking like if I was super drunk. I still grunt and growl. I hear the doorbell and banging on the door. I hear everyone yelling for my name. My senses kick in and I yell for eveyone back and I rush downstairs still dizzy. While going down the last stair I trip and fall onto the floor, while knocking a lamp down. I black out right then and there on the floor.
"I dont know okay!!!! She just called me saying there was something wrong with her stand, and the door is fucking locked we need to take down the door."
"No dont do that Jotaro, i'll use Hirophant Green to unlock the door" said Kakyion.
"Hurry we dont have much time right now" Advol said. Advol had a feeling that Elaine is going through something that alot of people with stands are going through lately.
"HIROPHANT GREEN" yelled Kakyion. His stand appears and goes towards the door. Hiro's tentacles appear and slither under the door and unlocks the top and bottom lock.
"Alright we can go in now hurry." Kakyion says. Jotaro brusts the door open and to thier suprize they see Elaine laying on the ground.
"ELAINE!!!" Said everyone. Advol rushes to her and turns her over. His eyes widen in horror on her appearance. Her nails were long and black kinda like the nails of a vampire. Her mouth was open a bit and see that all of her canines were long and sharp. He opens one of her eyes to see her eyes were golden, and cat like insted of her sliver-blue eyes. He touches her forehead and sees thats shes burning up really bad.
"W-why does she look like that whats going on with her Advol" Polnareff yelled with tears in his eyes.
"Dammit we need to hurry and get her out of here quick. Her stand is infecting her." Said Advol.
"Wait youre telling me shes going through a stand infection?!?!?" Jotaro questioned with beads of sweat hitting his forehead.
"Yes shes going through one. Theres been a increase of stand infections over the past two weeks we need to her to my place and fix he-" all of sudden Elaine wakes up and slaps Advol across the face making him fall back. She pounces on him growling and grunting. Advol tries to yell out his stand but it was too late to do so. She grabs his face and looks deep into his eyes. She sees the blood dripping from his cheek from the slash of Elaines nails, and starts to slowly lick it off. She seemed exicted by this and closes her eyes satisfied by the taste of his blood. Advol trembles.
"Jotaro get her now shes going to kill me" Yells Advol pushing her off, trying to prevent her from killing him.
"STAR PLATINUM" His stand appears and yells out an "ORA!!!" Platinum grabs Elaine, and starts holding her with his broad arms. She screams and grunts wanting to finish what she started. She kicks her legs and tries to squirm but Platinum made sure she didnt get out of his grip. She starts biting his arm trying to make him lose his grip, but he still is holding her with all of his strength. Jotaro lets a groan feeling her painful bite. His blood trickles down his arm.
"Elaine if you can hear me. You need to go back to normal I know its hard but you can do it. Fight it off Elaine. FIGHT IT!!!" Advol yelled to her making her get out of her crazy trance. Soon she calms down and takes a gasp and starts panting. She looks around and see everyone with shocked faces. She just breaks down right there. Star platinum lets her down as he disappears.
I wake up and gasp for air like if I holding my breath underwater. I dont know what the hell happned to me. I see Star Platinum holding me, Polnareff, Kakyion, and Jotaro with shocked faces. I see Advol on the floor holding his face with slashes on his face. I start crying. Scared and confused on whats going on. Platinum lets me down and disappears. I cover my face tears dripping iff my hands.
Advol comes to me puts a hand on my shoulder. He sighs and takes a secound to tell what I have.
"Please....just give me all details. I need to know whats wrong with me...."
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zombiekitten25 · 5 years
my mom once said
she told me when i got my heart broken for the first time when i felt that pain my stoamch that made me want to puke she looked at me and said “you have to choice you have to choice if you gonna take the bad with the good and the good with the bad” and i thought for the longest time that it might that you deal with it you put up with pain just because you feel love and other person doesnt but now after im still crying my out over someone i give my heart to after i told my self i would never let someone hurt me the way the last didnt but now i know what she meant and ill take the good and bad and bad in good in him no matter even if it means to be alone for while 
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8u88le-th0ughts · 5 years
I've gotten so fat these past few weeks, and I need to exercise more. I need to eat less. I can feel my stoamch jiggle as I walk. My thighs are huge, no gap. I want to feel the hunger pains. I feel like it's something I need. It's like an addiction, one that I can get over and keep falling back into the habit of.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will start fasting and jogging and exercising. I'll get below 110 lbs. I need to.
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daisiesformylover · 7 years
Hey guys don't ever let me eat another banana ever again thanks.
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hindiayurved-blog · 9 years
Simple solution of stomach Pain in Hindi | पेट दर्द का ईलाज - Ayurveda
New Post has been published on https://www.hindiayurveda.com/best-treatment-of-stomach-pain-in-hindi-%e0%a4%aa%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%9f-%e0%a4%a6%e0%a4%b0%e0%a5%8d%e0%a4%a6-%e0%a4%95%e0%a4%be-%e0%a4%88%e0%a4%b2%e0%a4%be%e0%a4%9c/
Simple solution of stomach Pain in Hindi | पेट दर्द का ईलाज - Ayurveda
Stomach Pain Remedies in Hindi पेट में दर्द होना एक समान्य बीमारी है। पेट के दर्द में अचानक, पेट के किसी भाग में दर्द होने लगता है। आज के आधुनिक युग में पेट दर्द एक आम सी बीमारी हो गयी है। पेट दर्द / Stomach Pain किसी भी उम्र के व्यक्ति को हो सकती है।पेट दर्द की शिकायत बच्चो में ज्यादा होती है।
Home Remedies for Stomach Pain in Hindi पेट में दर्द का होना हर घर में आम समस्या हो गयी है। जब कभी Stomach Pain / पेट दर्द ज्यादा हो जाता है, तब असहनीय दर्द होता है। नॉर्मली जो पेट दर्द होते है वो ज्यादा देर तक नही रहता है। ज्यादातर बिमारिया  गलत खान-पान के वजह से होती है। भूख से ज्यादा भोजन करना भी पेट दर्द / Stoamch Pain का कारन हो सकता है। आयुर्वेद / Ayurveda के द्वारा इस रोग में आराम मिल सकता है।
Simple Treatment of Stomach Pain in Hindi | पेट दर्द का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज
Acidity ka Gharelu Ilaj
Appendix ke karan aur Upchar
Stomach Pain / पेट दर्द के आमतौर पर कारन कई हो सकते है, लेकिन मुख्यत कारन अपच, मल का सुखना और गैस का बनना आदि होता है। बार बार कब्ज का रहना भी एक मुख्य कारन है।
Abdominal Pain = पेट में दर्द । Stomach Pain  = पेट दर्द ।
अगर आपके पेट में दर्द (Pet me Dard)ज्यादा दिनों से है और असहनीय दर्द हो रहा है। तब आपकों अपने पेट दर्द को गंभीरता से लेना चाहिए। आपको देर नहीं करनी चाहिए। तुरंत आप डॉक्टर से परामर्श ले, पेट में असहनीय दर्द का होना मतलब कुछ गंभीर बीमारिया भी हो सकती है। जैसे –
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पेट में अलसर
अपेंडिक्स की समस्या
अंतड़ीया की बीमारी
किडनी (गुर्दे) में पथरी
Stomach Pain Causes in Hindi – पेट में दर्द होने के कारण
1. कब्ज की शिकायत होने से पेट में दर्द उत्पन्न हो सकता है। 2. पेट में कीड़ा होने से भी पेट दर्द / Stomach pain होता है। 3. पेट में गैस होने से भी पेट दर्द होता है। 4. ज्यादा जंक फ़ूड खाने से भी होता है। 5. भोजन का ठीक से ना पचना भी एक कारन हो सकता है। 6. एसिडिटी (अम्लता) के बढने से भी पेट में दर्द (Pet me Dard) होता है।
Home Remedies for Stomach Pain in Hindi – Pet Dard ka Gharelu Upchar
Stomach Pain ka ilaj स��से पहले भुना हुआ जीरा, हींग (Asafoetida),काली मिर्च, सोंठ, पुदीना की पत्ती, धनिया, लहसुन और कला नमक इत्यादि को सामान मात्रा में ले। अब इन सब को बारीक़ चूर्ण बना ले। अब इस चूर्ण को भोजन के बाद एक चम्मच गुनगुने पानी के साथ ले।
सौंफ को रात में पानी में भिंगो कर रख दे। और सुबह उठकर खली पेट पिये आपको लाभ होगा।
नीबू का रस दो चम्मच, अदरक का रस एक चम्मच और थोड़ी सी शक्कर को मिला कर उसका सेवन करे आपको पेट दर्द (Pet Dard) से आराम मिलेगा।
लगभग 2 ग्राम हींग को पानी के साथ मिलाकर उसका पेस्ट बनाये और अपनी नाभि और उसके आस पास लगाये आपको फायदा होगा।
Stomach Pain ka ilaj सबसे पहले अजवाईन को सेक ले तवे पर और फिर काले नमक के साथ मिला कर पिस ले और लगभग 2 से 3 ग्राम पानी के साथ दिन में तिन बार ले।
सुखी अदरक को चूसने से भी लाभ होता है पेट दर्द में।
अगर आपको एसिडिटी के कारन दर्द हो रहा है तो आप पानी में थोडा सा मीठा सोडा मिलाकर पिये।
Stomach Pain ka Gharelu Upchar अरंडी का तेल और अदरक का रस को एक एक चम्मच मिलाकर आप दिन में तिन बार ले आपको लाभ मिलेगा।
Stomach Pain Treatment in Hindi | पेट दर्द का इलाज | Pet Dard ka ilaj
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सबसे पहले मैथी के बीज को पानी में भिगो दे और उसे पिस कर पेस्ट बना ले अब दही 200 ग्राम लीजिये और दोनों को मिला ले और दिन में दो बार ले।
Stomach Pain ka ilaj आप नीबू का रस ले और उसमे जीरा, अजवाईन और कला नमक का चूर्ण मिला ले और दिन में तिन बार ले आपको लाभ मिलेगा।
अनार का बीज निकले और उसमे थोड़ी सी काली मिर्च और नमक का पाउडर मिला ले और खाये आपको फायदा मिलेगा।
Stomach Pain ka ilaj तुलसी का रस 10 ग्राम ले और उसे पिये इसको पीने से पेट का मरोर भी ठीक होता है।
केला खाने से भी पेट दर्द में आपको आराम मिलेगा।
एक चम्मच शुद्ध घी और एक चम्मच हरा धनिया का रस ले और दोनों को मिला कर पिये आपको पेट दर्द से राहत मिलेगा।
Stomach Pain ka ilaj मुली में नमक और काली मिर्च डाल कर खाने से पेट दर्द में फायदा होता है।
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आग में गरम करके प्याज का रस निकाल ले और उसमे नमक मिला कर ले आपको लाभ मिलेगा।
Stomach Pain ka ilaj रात को सोने से पहले आप दूध के साथ इसबगोल लेने से पेट दर्द में आराम मिलता है।
त्रिफला का चूर्ण ले लगभग 100 ग्राम और उसमे शक्कर 75 ग्राम मिला ले अब उस चूर्ण को 5 ग्राम दिन में तिन बार पानी के साथ ले।
सुबह सुबह गुनगुने पानी में नमक डाल कर पिये आपको लाभ होगा।
Stomach Pain ka Gharelu Upchar पेट दर्द में आप पान के पत्ते में थोडा सा सेंधा नमक मिला ले और उसे खाये इससे पेट दर्द कम होगा।
खाली पेट छांछ का सेवन करे इससे आपको गैस की समस्या भी नहीं होगी।
पेट दर्द का घरेलु उपचार की जानकारी हिंदी में
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उम्मीद है की, आपको यह लेख उपयोगी लगा होगा। प्लीज इस लेख को अपने दोस्तों के साथ शेयर जरुर करे। निचे दिए गए बटन को दबाकर अपने ट्वीटर, फेसबुक और गूगल प्लस अकाउंट पर शेयर करे।
Pimple ka Ayurvedic upchar
Hair Loss ka Ayurvedic upchar
Heart Attack Symptoms Brain Tumor Symptoms Swine Flu Symptoms Kidney Kharab Hone ke Lakshan Male Infertility Skin Cancer Symptoms Green Tea Face Pack Pranayama Benefits Menstrual Cycle Normal Delivery Tips Yoga for Diabetes Yoga Poses for Weight Loss GM Diet Plan for 7 Days Eye care Tips Tulsi ke fayde Pedicure Beauty tips Anti Aging Dark Circles Gora hone ke gharelu upay Hair Growth Foods Cumin seeds White Discharge liver cleansing diet Liver Damage High Blood Pressure Egg Mask Increase Height Stress Relief Dandruff Mouth Ulcers Acidity Bad Breath Bawasir Kidney Stones Chicken Pox Constipation Malaria Ayurveda in Hindi
एक निवेदन – इस ब्लॉग में दिए गए सभी Health tips in Hindi, Beauty tips in Hindi, Skin Care tips in Hindi, Ayurvedic Treatment, Gharelu Nuskhe, Home Remedies, Healthy Food in Hindi, और Homeopathy इत्यादि लेख को, लोगो के अनुभव के आधार पर तैयार किया गया है। किसी भी रोग में इन उपायों को अजमाने से पहले चिकित्सक (Doctor) की सलाह जरुर लें। ऊपर बताये गए उपाय और नुस्खे को अपने विवेक के आधार पर इस्तेमाल करें। कोई असुविधा होने पर इस ब्लॉग www.hindiayurveda.com की कोई भी जिम्मेदारी नहीं होगी।
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