#stomps feet angrily
swampstew · 9 months
Every day I wake up not getting kissed by Eustass Kid is a personal attack😒
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zedif-y · 1 year
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Heads up someone just threw a bucket of water on you
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lemonlover1110 · 7 days
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Toji Fushiguro
Summary: Megumi is insanely jealous of the new addition to the household.
Warnings: Fluff, Jealous!Megumi
*Didn't have anything bigger for Toji for father's day but I had to celebrate it one way or another sfjosjf. Enjoy my lovelies!
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“Papa, up!” Megumi yells, hoping to get his father’s attention when he sees Toji holding the new addition to the family. Megumi has reached the age where he claims to be independent, after all, four is such a big age. He’d cry if you or Toji held him, but he’s changed his mind.
“Your baby sister is crying, give me a minute.” Toji sounds annoyed, knowing that Megumi does it out of jealousy. Jealous of a baby that can’t even hold her own head, kids are so dumb. Megumi lets out a cry before yelling again,
“Papa, up!” He wants attention now. He doesn’t want to wait until Toji is done with some stinky baby. Toji lets out an exasperated sigh as tears begin to stream down Megumi’s face– Crocodile tears, but tears nonetheless. He extends his arms and opens and closes his tiny fists repeatedly, yelling, “Up!”
“Megumi, you don’t want to wake up mommy, do you?” Toji asks, trying his best to calm down the crying baby in his arms while also handling Megumi. Toji goes unheard as Megumi begins to cry his little heart out. 
Toji takes a deep breath, trying to remain collected in this situation. Megumi is only four and getting adjusted to the presence of his little sister. Toji decides that it’s best to walk away, going to the kitchen to get the baby’s bottle and deal with her first since Megumi’s issue isn’t easily resolved. 
“Papa!” Megumi yells, following around Toji as he gets a bottle in the baby’s mouth. 
“Megumi, wait for me in the living room.” Toji says, but Megumi isn’t listening. Daddy isn’t like mommy, whatever mommy says goes but when Toji speaks he goes ignored; Toji’s is far scarier and intimidating than you are, he doesn’t understand why Megumi doesn’t take him seriously. “Megumi, go away!”
“I’m running away!” Megumi stomps his little feet before finally leaving Toji to deal with the baby. Toji breathes in relief, his pesky little bug finally giving him a moment alone. He’s able to go to the living room and sit down comfortably as he finishes feeding his daughter. 
“He’ll come around, princess. He hasn’t witnessed just how cute you are.” Toji coos, as if the baby can understand or care. She finishes her bottle, and Toji burps her before setting her down in her crib. He usually chooses to hold her whenever he can, but right now he has bigger fish to fry.
Toji walks into Megumi’s room, watching how his son tries to fit his most valuable toys into a backpack. Toji is trying his best to not chuckle, knowing that Megumi is deeply hurt. Toji takes a seat on Megumi’s tiny bed, clearing his throat before asking, “Need help packing?”
“You hate me!” Megumi cries, and Toji rolls his eyes. Was he that dramatic when he was Megumi’s age? “Mommy and you don’t love me anymore.”
“Oh c’mon, why do you say that, urchin?” Toji tries to see the little guy’s point of view before attempting to comfort him. The last thing Toji needs is attempting to explain to you why Megumi is packing up all his toys– You leave him alone with the kids for a two hour nap and Megumi’s already moving out. 
“You only care for the new baby.” Megumi angrily muffles, and Toji could’ve guessed as much. 
“C’mere, baby. Let me carry you now.” Toji opens his arms for Megumi, and Megumi glares at his father. He wipes away his tears before deciding that he does want to be carried by his father, after all, the tantrum is simply because of this. Toji picks him up, setting him down on his lap before kissing his forehead. “Is this why you’ve been so sensitive? Because of the new baby?”
“Yeah…” Megumi pouts, and it takes everything in Toji to not laugh.
“I will tell you something but don’t tell mommy, okay?” Toji begins, almost whispering to Megumi. Megumi’s eyes perk up, and Toji is fighting back a smirk. “We… Don’t like the new baby that much. I mean, we just met her. But you, urchin? You’re our favorite.”
“Really?” Megumi’s voice is full of hope, and Toji prays that this means Megumi will stop being so jealous about his baby sister. Toji doesn’t hesitate before nodding. It reminds Megumi that he doesn’t like being held anymore, which makes him get off Toji’s lap.
“Will you behave around her, now?” Toji asks, and Megumi takes a moment to think about it.
“Can we sell her?” Megumi responds, which makes Toji’s jaw drop. Did his cute little urchin seriously just say that?
“Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed near her room.” Toji stands up from the tiny bed, his knees cracking. He leans down and kisses the top of Megumi’s head, “Now unpack all of your toys before mommy wakes up.”
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evie-sturns · 8 days
camera - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: when you and your boyfriend chris get into an argument about you supposedly breaking his camera, you two get too rough with each other.
contains: angst, physical argument (not a lot just a little push and shove), crying, comforting.
a/n: i know chris would never touch you in a way to hurt you, its just fiction. :)
i lay on the couch, scrolling aimlessly through my phone as i hear a loud yell from upstairs.
"y/n!" chris's voice booms through the house,
"what!?" i call back, my eyebrows furrowing as i stand up off the couch and jog towards the staircase.
chris storms down the stairs,
“are you a fucking idiot!” he yells at me, my heart sinks instantly as my eyebrows furrow dramatically
“excuse me?” i almost scoff, chris never yells at me, he knows i hate it.
he clutches his vlogging camera in his hands before holding it up to my eye level, inches away from my face.
the lense is completely shattered, glass falling off it everytime he moves.
“what happened??” i ask, holding the camera in my hands, inspecting it.
chris takes in a shaky breath, “don’t play dumb with me, i’m sick of you.”
i shove the camera back into his hands, “what the fuck are you mad at me for?” i raise my voice.
“for breaking my camera are you stupid?!” he raises his voice back at me, his eyes narrow as he glares down at me.
“i didn’t break your camera chris, come on.” i sigh, trying to de-escalate the argument.
suddenly he slams the camera down onto the floor, the noise of it hitting the wooden planks is deafening.
my heart thumps against my ribs as i reach out for chris’s arm, i rub it gently.
“let’s- lets talk like adults please.” i breathe out. he grabs my hand and throws it back towards me
“do you realise, that’s a four thousand dollar camera, that i got last week?” he steps towards me, towering over me
“now who’s gonna pay for all your shit y/n, not me because without this camera there’s no videos to be posted.”
i avoid eye contact with him, if i’m being totally honest i’m fucking terrified.
he grabs my chin, “look at me!” he yells.
i grab his wrist and tear it away from my face before taking a step back.
“your acting like i can’t fund for myself, i have a job!”
chris steps towards me again, i take another step back.
“and i didn’t break your shitty camera, your blaming me because you’re upset that your money has gone to waste!” i say angrily, staring into chris’s eyes.
he laughs, “i don’t like liars.” he pushes me back slightly, my back hitting the wall.
“i’m not lying you asshole!” i step out of the way, before going to walk away.
his large hand wraps around my wrist, he yanks me back towards him, popping my shoulder out of place.
he puts me back in the same position infront of the wall,
“don’t try to leave, we’re not done until you stop lying!” he shouts, staring down at me.
my bottom lip trembles, “i don’t know what to tell you, i didn’t break your camera chris.” i speak honestly,
he nods with a fake smile, “mm, i bet.”
i go to walk away again but he doesn’t let go of me,
“let me go.” i say quietly, my shoulder aching and my face burning hot.
“no, i’m so done with you, and everything.” he speaks, my eyebrows contort.
“don’t even think about that,” i warn, grabbing his hand which rests on my wrist as i try to pry it off of me.
“you let me the fuck go right now chris, and we can both cool down because clearly you need it.” i inhale sharply.
chris let’s go of me before shoving me backwards,
chris had never hurt me, ever. he’s never pushed me, yelled at me, or even threatened to do anything to me. this isn’t like him at all.
i stumble over, landing on my hands and knees before instantly getting back up, i walk over to him and push him back before walking away, my feet stomping against the ground.
tears start to rush down my face, i let out a loud sob before reaching the spare room.
“crying now? pathetic bitch.” i hear him call out, not making my state any worse
i slam the door to the bedroom shut before locking it, i crawl into the bed as i frantically get my phone out.
i instantly call my best friend, nick.
“hey!” nick says through the phone,
“nick- nick” i stammer through floods of tears
i audibly hear him gasp through the phone, “y/n, what’s happening? are you okay?” his voice is frantic.
“no- me and chris just had a really big fight- i’m talking pushing and everything and yelling-“ i squeeze out, my voice breaking.
“okay- that’s okay just take a nice deep breath for me.” nick attempts to sound calm, to try calm me down.
i suck in a sharp breath,
“have you two ever fought this bad before?” he asks, i clutch the phone in my hand as i hold it up to my ear tight.
“no- no.” i sob,
“you know i would come round right now, i’m so sorry i can’t.” nick sighs,
“would you like me to call chris and talk to him about it!?” nick asks, i sniffle before shaking my head like he can see me
“no- he’s really mad.” i speak into the phone,
“look, i promise you i’ve had really bad fights with chris before and he always, always, makes up for it even when i’m in the wrong. you just gotta give him some time and he’ll come round.” nick says with a sad tone.
“mm.” i hum, my tears slowing slightly now.
“i’m about to go with matt to a meeting, are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” nick asks,
“i’ll be fine- thank you nick i love you.” i sniff,
“love you to, feel better soon and keep me updated yeah?” nick says,
“i will.” i say before hanging up.
i flop down onto the mattress, the whole house is dead silent. i don’t know if chris left, or what’s happening but i haven’t heard a peep out of him ever since i got in the spare bedroom.
i look down at my phone, it’s now 11pm, 4 hours have passed.
i stand up out of bed before walking towards the door, i slowly creak it open before walking out into the corridor.
i feel like i’m hiding from him, even though i’m not. i think i’m just scared to see him again.
i walk into the bathroom before shutting the door, i yawn loudly. if this was a normal day chris and i would be asleep together in bed by now, but we’re not.
i wash my face in the sink with one of my old face washes, all my skincare is in chris and eyes shared bathroom which connects to our bedroom.
i unlock the door to the bathroom before making my way back into the spare bedroom.
i peel back the covers on the sheets and climb in, tugging them up over myself.
knock knock
i hear two soft knocks on the door, my stomach drops and i feel my heart rate pick up.
i freeze, unsure of what to do.
“can i- can i come in.” i hear a quiet voice speak from outside,
“um- okay.” i reply, my voice shaking slightly.
chris creaks open the door before switching on the lamp which rests on the desk by the door
a warm light illuminates the room, i stay still under the covers as chris and i lock eyes.
“can i sit here.” chris asks quietly, pointing to the edge of the bed.
i nod, pursing my lips together.
he sits down, he fidgets with his hands before opening his mouth.
“i’m really really sorry.” he sniffs,
he looks like a wreck from what i can see, his eyes are swollen, his cheeks are flushed and eyes are bloodshot
his voice shakes like he’s on the verge of tears,
“i- i genuinely couldn’t tell you why i did any of that-“ his voice breaks and i see tears start to roll down his face,
he attempts to wipe each one but nothing slows them down.
he takes his sharp breathes as he pulls two ice backs out of his pocket.
he hands them to me and my eyebrows furrow.
he points to his shoulder,
i now realise he’s got me ice packs from when he yanked my wrist and popped my shoulder out of place.
chris looks away from me as i hear his cry’s get more intense.
“do you want a hug chris?” i speak softly, he nods before shifting up the matress to me. i reach my arms out and wrap them around his shaking body.
he wraps his arms around my waist. i sit up against the headboard of the bed and he buries himself in my chest.
he try’s to speak again “i didn’t mean to hurt you and i’m so sorry.” he says in between sobs,
“shh- sh you can apologise once you’ve calmed down.” i whisper, playing with his hair.
i take in deep breathes, he mimics my breathes and his tears slow down.
he sits up again and wipes his face with both hands.
“i shouldn’t have blamed you- i know you didn’t break my camera i was just so confused on how i managed to break my camera so easily that i didn’t even consider that i might have done it.” he says quietly,
“and i shouldn’t of touched you, i genuinely feel sick everytime i think about it and i didn’t mean to push you over or yank your wrist i just wasn’t thinking at all.”
“and i also shouldn’t have called you that.” he sniffs,
my eyebrows furrow, he looks at me before whispering in my ear.
“a- you know.. bitch.” he hesitates.
i let out a small laugh before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“i’m sorry too-“ i start but he presses a finger to my mouth.
“no. don’t say your sorry because you did nothing wrong.” he shushes me,
“but-“ i start, he presses his lips onto mine to shut me up.
i kiss him back lazily, he pulls apart to let out a massive yawn.
“you’re so tired.” i laugh,
“i mean i tried to sleep earlier but i can’t physically sleep without you.” he mutters.
“oh chris.” i breathe, pulling him closer to me as i run my hand through his soft hair.
@sturnsdoll @obvisturns @stupid4sturniolo @meerkatzthings @witchofthehour @rosalierenee43 @gabrielle-brun1 @ilovemymannnnnnnn @sturnioloxlver @buckys-goodgirl @sturniol0s@ilovemymannnnnnnn @chr1sgirl4life @luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @ @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @bitchydragonparadise @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @mattsonly @justalittle47 @sunsetsturniolos @sturniolo04 @similartokayyz @sturnsintrouble @ilovemattsturn @raysmayhem-72 @75sturn @sturniol0s @secret-sturniolo @hfkeclnendmwodne @sturniolosass @gxldenlush @stonermattsgf @101sara @beccaluvschris @oliviasturniolo21 @imwetforyourmom @tylerstacobell @sunsetsturniolos @aliceloveschris @jayz4dayz4 @sassysturniolo2008 @nyktoxs-lover @nathandoesgf @starsturns234 @chrissturnsss s @joemamaaa42069 @sturnthepot @zayyluvz @realuvrrr @livialifesblog @sturnioloblogs @riowritesitall @raysmayhem-72
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ledians · 1 year
im so sad im so sad im so sad i want a big supersized stuffed animal to hug but all my stuffies are small small small
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wandasaura · 4 months
summary — in an attempt to get wanda’s attention, you end up warming the strap you hoped she’d fuck you with.
warning(s) — established relationship, married wandanat, dom/sub dynamics, strap-on usage, mommy kink, brief daddy kink, cockwarming, holding/accidental wetting, degradation, praise, aftercare, oral fixation, subspace, humiliation, ¿nursing?, idk you suck on wanda’s tits, domestic fluff, men/minors dni
authors note — if you’re familiar with the song peace, i thought the lyrics from the second verse fit this little moment so perfectly! mommy wanda lovers this one is for you, it was heavily requested so nobody look at me! there’s also some soft daddy nat for those that wanted to see more of her
you are in love universe
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
You should have learned a long time ago that acting out with Wanda never ended the way you wanted it to. Natasha was easy to get what you wanted out of, a few bats of your eyelashes and a whispered cry of Daddy had her backtracking in seconds, but Wanda was unforgiving and found pride in that fact. You’d gained your footing in this new dynamic rather easily, and on some days, the three of you worked so perfectly together that it felt like you’d been a couple for your entire life, not merely a few weeks.  Wanda and Natasha had fallen into a healthy balance of being your girlfriends and being your dominants. There were days that passed without an ounce of tension, but other days feel like a battlefield. You still weren’t sure how to ask for what you needed from them, which is how you found yourself in the position you’re in now. With summer still lingering through the streets of Westview, you slept between warm bodies every night. There was no indication of what mood you woke up in when daylight painted the sky, but Natasha and Wanda had learned to wait for your not-so-subtle tells. When your eyes peeled open, it was easiest to gauge what side of you they were dealing with. When you wanted to spend the day, or at least a couple hours of your morning, as just their girlfriend, they gave you that without hesitance. Wanda giggled with you in the kitchen and Natasha tackled you onto the couch demanding cuddles, and it always felt easy and real. Other days, when you weren’t so willing to harbor full control of your life, you woke up clinging to your Daddy. It was always Natasha you sought out first thing in the morning, but Wanda can’t complain when she’s the one being smothered throughout the night. They were happy to be whoever you wanted them to be, but they’d slowly been working you up to asking for yourself. 
This morning was one of those days where Wanda decided that if you wanted something from her, you needed to ask and not just with your actions, but with your words. Natasha had gone into the office to oversee a development in a new high-profile case, leaving you to follow the Sokovian around the house like a little lost duckling. Where Wanda went you went, simple as that, well, unless of course she managed to close the door before you could get behind it. That had led to a series of whines and angrily stomped feet, but even then she hadn’t budged then. She hadn’t budged until you had wandered into her office with your hands clasped behind your back. She’d gone to ask what you needed, attempted to give you yet another chance to tell her that you needed your Mommy, but you’d dropped an all black strap-on into her lap and pouted at her with needy eyes before she could get the words out. When she’d pulled her linen shorts down her thighs and attached the harness around her hips, you’d thought you had won. When she told you to get into her lap and take the strap down to the hilt, you were sure that you had won. 
In case it wasn’t clear, you hadn’t won. It had been an hour since she’d asked you to come settle onto her lap and take the strap into your dripping pussy. You’d complied easily, sank down on the toy without her help, and had started grinded your hips against hers in a manner that forced the base to rock against her core perfectly. That pleasure hadn’t lasted long, barely three minutes, and just as your hips had found a comfortable pace, Wanda placed a bruising grip on your hips and completely stilled your movements.  Her lips had been wet when they kissed at the side of her neck, and a pleased hum reached your ears as she used a single slender finger to point your chin toward the ceiling. The full expanse of your neck had been both visible and biteable in that moment, and it hadn’t taken any convincing for her teeth to settle firmly into your skin. You found it laughable that at the start of your contract with Natasha, you’d likened her to a vampire, but Wanda was truly the vampire in your relationship. She possessed an incessant need to dig her teeth into any part of you that she could touch, and you allowed her to eagerly. She’d cooed at your whine when it tumbled from your lips, but there hadn’t been an ounce of sympathy in her face when she asked you, “What do you do to get what you want?” 
“Ask.” You had responded with bated breath, your eyes murky with lust that had been ignored for hours. If Natasha were here she’d have already fucked you raw, but Wanda wasn’t afraid of the long game. She’d never been shy about making you work for what you wanted, and even months into your dynamic with her, not as a couple but as a dominant and her submissive, it never failed to fluster you. Wanda was softer when you shared intimate moments outside of your dynamic. She still never let you top, but she was more lenient in giving in. Her being so firm with you had only cemented in your mind that she knew what you wanted, and the entire day leading up to you warming her strap had been merely a game to her. 
“Mmhm.” She had hummed haphazardly in response, and her hands had still been settled roughly on your hips but her eyes had left yours to trail over the documents that splayed across her desk in messy highlighted piles. You hadn’t had the slightest clue as to what she was really doing, but the rare sight of her so disorganized had felt serious. “And since you didn’t use your words, what happens?” 
You had whined and shook your head in a pleading protest, not wanting to lose your voice when you knew exactly what you wanted. Wanda hadn’t folded at your soft whine, she’d done the exact opposite. The tips of her fingers had pulled your hips down harder against the toy buried deep within your weeping walls, and the head of the dildo had nudged against your softest spot and made your torso fall slack against her chest. “Y-You decide what happens.” You’d finally forced the words into the space between your bodies, and it was rewarded with a sharp thrust of her hips that drove the strap-on further into your pussy. 
“That’s right. What should I decide, hm? I think I’d like to have my pretty little girl warm my strap for a while. What do you think about that idea?” She hadn’t really been asking you. You would’ve been condemned to the same fate even if you’d said no, but you found yourself nodding your head at her question despite how horrible it sounded to sit with your aching cunt filled with pleasure it couldn’t fully claim. “Good girl. Now settle down, Mommy has work to do that little girls shouldn't even be in here to see.” She had guided your head down onto her shoulder, forcing you into near complete darkness before her hands left your hips and returned to the stacks of important documents on her desk. 
You’d tried to remain still, knowing it was what she wanted and she’d have to reward your good behavior at some point, but as the minutes ticked by slower and slower not only did your core demand attention, your bladder demanded relief. The wiggling of your hips hadn’t been reprimanded when the movements started. Wanda had only hummed and shifted beneath you, easing the strap-on into a new position that did nothing for your desperate need to pee. She’d been keeping good on her promise of getting you to drink more water, and you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the exact predicament she had wanted you in when she forced you to finish an entire glass in the kitchen. Surely it wasn’t. Surely she didn’t want you squirming on her lap from sensations that weren’t caused by her, that wouldn’t make any sense. 
When your wiggling became more frantic and you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to moan out in ecstasy or sob in frustration, Wanda sighed and dropped her pen onto the stack of papers that she’d very nearly gotten through completely. Your full and sensitive bladder made the strap-on drenched with arousal feel so much better. Every time Wanda inhaled too deeply or exhaled too sharply, you felt every grove of the cock rub against your walls. The sensation was sharp, fleeting, but embarrassingly addicting and you found yourself trying to replicate little actions that provoked it. Wanda wasn’t as unaware of your intentions as you’d hoped, and when you wiggled a bit too harshly in her lap, finally being rewarded with the quick burst of pleasure, her fingers found your hips again and stilled them just as quickly as she did the first time. 
“Keep still.” She sighed her demand, keeping her tone unbothered which only further provoked your desperation. It was always particularly hot when she acted as though your body writhing against hers had no effect on her. Despite leaving her pen to sit abandoned on the desk, you hadn’t felt her eyes burn into your skin throughout the entire exchange. Your face was still pressed into her neck, hiding in the darkness that you hoped would make this situation less humiliating. 
When you finally had the courage to look up at her, unable to keep yourself still any longer, you cupped her cheeks and directed her attention onto you. “I have to go to the bathroom.” You whispered softly, beyond humiliated with the reluctant admission. Your face turned a flush shade of pink that Wanda thought complemented your eyes perfectly, and you knew you had her full attention when her pupils dilated just the farthest bit more. There was hardly any green left in her stare, but you clung to what little color remained. 
“What was that, little one? Mommy couldn’t hear you.” Wanda pouted her lips, her eyes filled with innocent confusion that wasn’t at all authentic. She’d heard you perfectly clear, you were too close to her face for the words to have fallen short before they met her ears, but she wasn’t letting go of your hips without a further explanation and you didn’t know how much longer you could hold yourself together for. 
“I have to pee.” You said just the faintest bit louder, hoping your pleading eyes would be enough to convey the desperation you felt within your weeping core and taut bladder. You felt so incredibly full, and every time you took a breath that feeling only intensified. 
“Oh, well you can hold it just a little bit longer I’m sure. Mommy’s almost done.” Wanda smiled a sweet sympathetic smile, the grip on your hips slowly becoming softer as she let the pads of her thumb soothe the aching skin with tight soft circles you wished would land somewhere else. 
“I can’t.” You pleaded with her to understand just how badly you had to go, you’d already been holding it for so long trying to make her proud. Wanda frowned at your plea, her cherry tinted lips the only thing you could focus on. 
“Well that’s too bad, milaya.” She said simply, shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalant manner that made your walls clench and your clit throb. “Try harder for Mommy, I’m sure you can do it.” She conceded when your frown didn’t waver, and ever so softly she pecked your lips before things went back to how they were before you’d interrupted her. Your head was guided back down onto her shoulder, and her hands went back to work shuffling through documents that you could only assume she was annotating. 
Another half hour had passed before you couldn’t hold yourself together anymore. You’d lasted longer than you’d anticipated with her full you felt, but the end was in sight as the muscles in your belly fought vicious wars to keep your dignity. You were so close to the edge that even Wanda’s gentle breathing felt like pin pricks against your spine. As your need to relieve yourself grew more intense, so did the coil in your belly that seemed to find fuel in your desperation. A soft cry tumbled past your lips before the dam broke and the coil snapped. You dampened her lap with more than just arousal, and the wet feeling that spread across hers and your thighs only made you cry harder. Moans tumbled past your lips when your cries fell short, and it became a desperate attempt to both seek harder pressure against your clit and get completely away from the wetness that was quickly becoming cold against yours and her naked skin. 
“Oh baby, did you have an accident?” Wanda cooed sympathetically, not even having to look down at your glazed over eyes to know what headspace you’d tumbled into. Your cries weren’t one of pain, nor were they really ones of frustration either. You weeped with humiliation and the desperate need to finally be spoken to. She’d been merely answering you all day, no ounce of elaboration in the short sentences shared. You needed your Mommy, and Wanda wasn’t going to deny you that any longer when you’d been so good for her. Granted, the accident hadn’t been a part of her plan. She’d only intended to make you hold yourself, but she couldn’t deny that it was hot, though a little uncomfortable to be sitting in a cold and wet chair. Despite wanting to get away from the mess, Wanda remained in her chair and devoted her attention to you. In truth, she’d finished her paperwork twenty minutes ago, she’d just been waiting for you to finally break. “Why didn’t you tell Mommy you needed to go potty, silly girl?” 
The words weren’t fully registering in your head, every noise felt miles away and muffled by thick cotton on your ears. If you’d been in a sounder mind, you would have snapped your gaze up to her so quickly that your neck would’ve broken, but that never came. You’d warned her as well as you could that if she didn’t let you up this would happen, but she had taken her chances and the outcome had been exactly what you’d expected. Wanda hummed soothingly when you burrowed your face into her shoulder and your mouth went to work on the little bits of skin that were available beside the collar of her t-shirt. The cock still in your pussy was the farthest thing from your mind, but when Wanda shifted you into her arms so she could finally stand and move away from your accident, you whined at the sensation of your full cunt being empty for the first time in hours. 
“Shh, it’s okay, malen’kaya. You’re okay.” Even in Natasha’s absence the Sokovian spoke Russian. She had no real connection to her native language that had died when her brother did, and whatever she said to you in this moment would fall upon deaf ears anyway. It didn’t matter what language she let fall past her lips, all that you could comprehend in this state was that your Mommy’s arms were wrapped tightly around you and she was so cruelly pulling something away the only thing that had been with you for hours. “We’re gonna get you all cleaned up. Just be patient with Mommy.” Leaving her office chair to be handled at a different time, she honestly might just order a new one, having no intense attachment to the black swivel chair that’s only purpose was to sit on, Wanda carried you back into the master bedroom.
She made quick work of undressing you, soothing your whines of protest when the cold air ambushed your flush and warm skin. Your shorts and panties had been discarded on the floor of her office, so all she had to strip you out of was one of Natasha’s old t-shirts that you had found in the back of the closet and adamantly adored. You reached for her throughout the entire process, a far away look in your eyes as you barely even registered her face coming so close to yours that her breath splayed across your lips. She kissed you softly, capturing your full attention as you returned the embrace, all the while her hands were pulling the piss soaked strap-on off of her hips and away from her core that throbbed to be dealt with, but she could handle the unsatisfied ache. Unlike you, Wanda was particularly fond of edging, the only problem that came with her interest was she never relinquished control for long enough to ever have it be done to her. 
You huffed when she pulled away from your lips in favor of throwing her t-shirt onto the floor with the already existing pile of your own clothes. She left you laying alone in the center of the bed, making a mental note to throw the comforter in the washer before any of you tried to sleep beneath them later on, and walked into the en-suite bathroom. She drew a nice bath, taking the extra minutes to add your favorite bath bomb into the warm water and light the few candles that remained around the edge of the tub. Bubbles were a must, you demanded them every time either of the redheads even suggested taking a bath, so while the water was still running Wanda added them to the tub as well. You didn’t like a hot bath, a fact that you had been sure to tell Natasha when she’d first tried to lower you into an aftercare session with one, so Wanda figured she had plenty of time to go back and collect you while the water cooled down some more. She could already see the bath bomb coloring the water pink as she left, and she knew both yours and her skin would smell like strawberries and vanilla once you crawled out and dried off. 
You had come back to yourself the faintest bit when Wanda re-entered the bedroom. You’d curled up onto your side, your head resting on one of your arms as you let your eyes remain closed. At the sound of her gentle footsteps, wide eyes still glassy shot open and searched for her. Unlike the state you’d been in when she left to run the bath, you were able to recognize her presence now and you made that very clear. “Mommy!” You cried, a fresh set of tears brimming your eyes as you reached a single hand out to her. Wanda kneeled down in front of the bed, gently taking your hand in hers and kissing it softly.
The hand that wasn’t occupied reach out to brush strands of fallen hair away from your face, and as expected, when she ran the pad of her thumb over your bottom lip, your tongue shot out to lick at it before soft lips claimed it entirely. Wanda smiled fondly, her other fingers gently stroking against your cheek. “Privet, moya milaya devochka.” 
You were still too far gone to comprehend the Russian sentence that you had become familiar with, but that didn’t bother Wanda who hadn’t been expecting a response in the first place. You were falling out of your head fairly quickly, and she worried that your humiliation was the leading factor in your unwillingness to let the fog linger fully. 
“Left.” You croaked pitifully around the soft weight of her thumb in your mouth, your wide eyes desperate for her to understand the message you were trying to convey and not let it happen again. 
“I didn’t leave.” Wanda shook her head firmly, placing another kiss to the top of your hand that curled around hers tightly, unwilling to let go for even a single second. You were always clingy when she got you in this state, and she adored every second of it. “Mommy ran us a bath. We’ve gotta get cleaned up.” She promised you, and at the mention of one of your favorite activities, your torso shot up from the bed and her hand fell away from your face. You wobbled in your disoriented and fuzzy state, leaning into her touch when she reached out to stabilize you. “Come on, sweetheart. There are bubbles waiting for you!” 
Wanda helped you into the bathroom, easing herself into the tub before she helped you over the edge and into her arms. You didn’t go for her fingers like she’d anticipated, merely wiggling your way down in her embrace until your head fell onto the swell of her breast. Not wanting to question you when you were so sensitive, Wanda merely dragged her hand across the inside of your thigh as you sat sideways in her lap, transfixed on the sharp edge of her jaw that clenched when you got too far into her head. She’d have to remember to thank Natasha for pushing to get the bigger tub when they’d remodeled the bathroom years ago, it was certainly coming in handy now. Your body was washed with tender touches, the loofa used a light blue color and saturated in Wanda’s own body wash. She didn’t know why you continued to buy your own, when the only one who ended up using it was her after you’d taken the last of hers. 
It was a comfortable silence that fell over the both of you as the bath water slowly became colder and colder, and with each minute that passed in combination with Wanda’s gentle stroking of your hip or your cheeks, you fell firmly beneath the blanket of fuzzy emptiness that you’d been fighting off before. You felt so loved and so cared for, there wasn’t a single thought in your mind beside her. The humiliation of your accident had waned away, replaced by only flourishing warmth. 
Eventually, your lips began to root around for something to suckle on. Wanda’s fingers hadn’t moved to your mouth quick enough, and your tongue sought out the first soft thing that it could find. A gasp fell from Wanda’s lips when you took her sensitive nipple into your mouth, a sharp sensation shooting through her body that was in no way sexual. She’d always had her speculations about this kind of contact, but now that she had it for herself to experience, she understood. She had all of your mind in her hands at this moment, but you had all of her body. It was a delicate balance that further emphasized how your relationship could only thrive if all parties were equal and respected. Wanda trailed a soft finger over the bridge of your nose, her own scrunching up in admiration. 
“Find something you like, little one?” She teased, but there was no bite behind her words as she gently adjusted your latch to be more comfortable for the both of you. The bath water was officially cold, no longer able to be passed off as warm, but Wanda would allow you to sit in it just this once. She was always such a stickler for crawling out of the tub when the water went cold, but even she didn’t want to leave the intimacy of this moment as your eyes fluttered closed and your tongue made gentle sweeps across her nipple. “You did so good for me. So so good. Mommy’s so proud of you. My good girl.” She whispered delicate praise into the otherwise quiet bathroom, her eyes appreciating how the dim candle light made your glassy eyes glow like a fire had been placed behind them. 
She could faintly hear the front door open downstairs and she smiled knowing that Natasha had finally made it home. It wasn’t often that the Russian went into the office alone, but today had worked out weirdly and Wanda wouldn’t trade it for anything. Natasha had noticed how quiet the house was upon entering, and she tried her best not to disturb the stillness that you and Wanda had created. She took the stairs one at a time, peeking into Wanda’s office when she noticed the door was oddly ajar. Wanda either had the door firmly closed or entirely open, it was never left in the half-opened state it was now. Two pairs of shorts and the puddle on the floor told her everything she needed to know about what had happened while she was away at work. Anticipating your blissed out headspace and Wanda’s full hands, Natasha cleaned the scene, still dressed in business slacks and an off-white satin blouse. The chair had been scrubbed and sanitized, and the floor had been given the same treatment in only a matter of minutes. There was no need to buy a new chair now, and memories of this afternoon would linger in the room anytime either one of you set your sight on it. 
Natasha carried yours and Wanda’s shorts back into the bedroom. She picked up the pile of clothes that had been left on the floor, adding them to the laundry basket they kept hidden away in the closet before her own clothes were thrown on top. She dressed quickly, able to hear the one-sided conversation that was happening on the other side of the wall. 
“Daddy’s home.” Wanda cooed sweetly to you, her eyes filled with gentle love and admiration that felt so full she wanted to cry. You barely heard her words, and if you did, you didn’t fully comprehend them, but she didn’t expect you to. “She’ll be so proud of how good you were for Mommy. The best little duckling.” 
Natasha had decided then to make her presence known, two big and cozy towels in her hands. The initial sight of you and Wanda together had shocked her, her eyes transfixed on where her wife’s nipple was in your mouth, but she didn’t make it a big deal. Lowering herself onto the tile floor beside the tub, placing the towels just out of what she deemed the splash zone, the Russian reached out gently to caress your still flush cheeks. 
“How did this happen?” Natasha questioned Wanda, keeping her voice soft so as to not disturb you when you looked so content and fulfilled. The scent of strawberry and vanilla clung to the air in the bathroom, enough for Natasha to know that one of your favorite bath bombs had been thrown into the tub. 
“She’s down deep.” Wanda merely hummed, leaning over the edge of the tub to lay her lips against Natasha’s. “It was the first thing she found when she decided she needed something in her mouth.” Wanda laughed softly, the vibrations jostling her breasts much to your displeasure. Your hand fell onto the swell of her breast, keeping it still as you suckled contently despite the near interruption. 
“I can’t say I blame her.” Natasha teasingly pinched at Wanda’s nipple, not missing the way the Sokovian’s eyes fluttered closed and she chased the sensation when it was pulled away. Wanda had sensitive nipples, it was a known fact that Natasha loved to abuse, but something about this moment with you just felt entirely pure and wholesome. “Let me be the bad guy and get her out. You’re freezing.” Natasha frowned when she noticed just how cold to the touch Wanda’s skin was. She grabbed at you instantly, noticing that the sections of your skin that had been submerged in the water were just as cold as Wanda’s. 
You whined in protest when you were pulled away from Wanda’s chest and wrapped up like a little bug in the towel that Natasha had brought into the bathroom for you. Natasha didn’t bat an eye at your pitiful whimpering, carrying out of the bathroom and toward the guest bedroom when she gathered the hint that the comforter needed to be washed before any of you laid beneath it that night. It was scary how in tune she and Wanda could be at times, but you weren’t fully present enough to comment on their freaky telepathy. 
Natasha got you dressed into a pair of summer pajamas that still occupied the guest room from when you’d first started spending the night. Your clothes occupied nearly every room at this point, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She adored the little traces of your presence that popped up at random moments, which might be the reason why she no longer scolds you for leaving your shoes in every corner of the house despite the large collection at the front door. By the time you're beneath the blankets in the guest bed, Wanda’s coming into the room in a pair of pajama shorts, though she’s still void of a shirt. 
“Giving in so easily, moya lyubov’? And here I thought you were the strict one.” Natasha teased, knowing fully what Wanda had intended on when she purposefully left the matching top in the drawer where the shorts used to lay. 
“I introduced her to a lot today. I’m not going to try and get her to take my fingers when I know that’s not what she wants.” Wanda merely shrugged, allowing her soft heart to bleed into her words for the briefest minute before she was slipping back into the headspace you craved. “Come here, my little duckling. Let’s get you all comfy.” Wanda pulled your body into hers, guiding your lips down to her chest. Her nipple was sensitive, sore from the earlier abuse, but she didn’t mind the sting of pain that came when your lips wrapped firmly around her skin. “You did so good today, milaya. So good.” 
Natasha curled herself around Wanda, keeping you close between the both of them. It wasn’t long before your lips fell slack around Wanda’s nipple and your breathing evened out. Wanda and Natasha smiled down at you endearingly, deciding there was no harm in taking a little nap after the day that they'd had.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Hi! I love your fics so much and wanted to send in a request if that would be okay with you!!💗 could you please do a lifeguard!Ari Levinson x Tiny!reader where she brings him lunch while he’s at work, she’s wearing a bikini… obvi. When she gets there she sees girls flirting and staring at Ari and she gets really jealous, size kink… smut? 😁
hey honey! thank you so much, I'm sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it.
summary - you go to surprise your boyfriend and get jealous over the women hanging around him.
warning - smut, angst, jealousy, daddy kink, creampie, breeding kink, swearing, public sex.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You wanted to surprise your partner. You decided to make his favourite food, wrapping it in cute packaging before putting it in an adorable picnic basket and wearing the sexy bikini that Ari had gifted you. You were happy as you skipped up, excited to see Ari, but you began to regret it as you got closer. Your man stood with tall, good-looking women around him, their hands touching his biceps, and they seemed to be flirting. Was this what he does when he’s here? Did you not mean anything? Were you too short? Many thoughts flew around in your mind, causing the green-eyed monster to appear. 
You can feel your inner brat begin to make its way to the surface. With a huff, you stomp your foot and angrily turn around, not feeling in the mood to have lunch with Ari anymore. You don’t notice Ari turning his head with a smile as he sees you, which slowly turns into a frown when he catches you walking away. He growls when he realises why. These stupid bimbos are always crowding him daily, and he’s learnt to zone them out, watching out for danger. They had known he was taken, but they didn’t care, and he wished he could drown them in the same ocean he was watching. 
Ari pushes the women as he stalks after you, nodding to the other lifeguard to take over for him. “Baby!” Ari huffs, breaking out into a jog as he chases after you. “Baby! Goddamit woman! Slow down!” He growls, wondering how a tiny ass woman can be so damn fast. Ari finally catches up to you, quickly getting ahead and stopping before you. He sighs when he notices the look on your face, knowing he’d have to make it up to you. “Baby girl. Where do you think you're going?” 
You roll your eyes, attempting to walk past him but feel annoyed as he stops you. “Ari, let me go. I’m not in the mood. Go back to your beach, bimbos.” You grumble, and a squeal escapes as you are suddenly lifted, your feet no longer touching the ground as Ari carries you to a secluded part of the beach. Your tiny fists hit his back, gasping as his large hand smacks your plump cheeks. 
Ari plonks you down onto the ground and stands over you. “Now, baby girl. You know I love you, and I’d never cheat on you, so why let your inner brat take over?” His hands rest on his hips before he kneels and crawls on top of you, gripping your cheeks softly. “Did my little baby come to give daddy some lunch, hmm? Did you come here wearing my favourite bikini and then get jealous thinking I’d rather have someone else?” A moan slips past your lips as he rubs his prominent bulge against your covered cunt. “Why don’t I make it up to you, baby.” You whine when he slides your bikini bottoms to the side and takes his throbbing member out. Ari lines the thick cock with your entrance before slowly pushing in, grunting with how tight you are around him. “Fuck, baby!” 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling your walls spasm wildly around his cock as he continues to push in deeper and deeper, stretching you open from the inside. Your hands fly to his back, digging your nails into his flesh as your head flies back. “Daddy! Daddy! Oh fuck!” You whine and moan, wrapping your tiny legs around his giant body. Your screams echo as he begins to pound into you, fucking you hard and deep, marking you, claiming you. 
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good, baby. Why would I want someone else when I have you, huh?” Ari growls, holding your tiny body down as he destroys you, taking you apart underneath him. His cock splits you open, drilling into you until you wither underneath him, your back arches, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as your arousal squirts out of you and covers him. “Yeah, that’s right, baby. Squirt for daddy.” Ari’s hand slithers between you and plays with your swollen clit, prolonging your orgasm. His balls tighten, and his cock begins to twitch wildly before thick amounts of cum spurt out of him and deep into you, stuffing you full of him. “Gonna pump you full of me, let everyone know your mine, and I’m yours as your round with my child.” You whimper underneath him, cumming at his words. 
Ari leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips, holding you close to him as he strokes your cheek. “I love you so much, baby. You’re my little doll.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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Scolds and Red Tulips
summary: damian wayne doesn't think he ever had a crush until, of course, you scold him for the first time.
pairing: damian wayne x reader
notes: okay so, maybe i liked writing these type of fics, they are fun!
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Damian doesn't notice at first.
He didn't notice how he started looking out for you on that crowd of students, or how he began to find new topics to discuss with you.
He never notice how he would steal glances at you, or how sweety his palms felt when you were around.
He didn't notice until after he almost beat a boy up because he was trying to get your biology project topic.
God, he was so stupid.
"He started it, (y/l)." He mutters, looking down at his shoes.
You sigh and put a hand over your forehead, "I know. But you could've talked to Ms. Halle, Damian."
"I fight my own battles." He spits, raising his chin, "I do not need the help of a teacher."
"You were going to punch him because he got our subject." You deadpan, rolling your eyes. Putting an accusing finger on his chest, you say angrily, "I'm gonna go solve this. You stay here."
Damian watches as you turn around and stalks towards the classroom again and feels his face flush a deep scarlet red, and not because he was angry.
And just like that, Damian Wayne realized he was head over heels for you.
"Richard, Cassandra, I request your help. Now." Damian says, grabbing both of his siblings arms and fleeting to his room, ignoring the weird glance his father gave them.
"Hey, what is going on, Little D?" Dick asks, receiving a nod from Cassandra when the three entered the youngest room.
Damian just shoves both inside, quickly locking the door behind them. The boy just stands there for a minute, a hand on the round hand as he tries to calm his rapid breathing.
"Baby brother?" He hears his older sister calls out and suddenly he turns around to face both.
"I have been... Compromised."
"What?" Dick inquires, stepping closer to him, "What happened? Are you okay?"
"Of course I am not!" The younger groans, "I don't even know how it happened!"
Cassandra tilts her head and scans him from head to toe, "What happened?"
"I almost punched someone-" Damian starts, ignoring Dick frown, "I was just trying to help and then she- she started telling me off! And my face started to burn and my heart started to beat faster and- I'm so stupid, how didn't I notice it before?"
"You have a crush." Cassandra states, crossing her arms.
"I do not have a crush!" Damian stomps, feeling his face flush again. He turns his eyes to his feet, then to his siblings, "I don't do I?'
Dick stares at him for a few moments and a gentle smile creeps onto his lips, "You do."
Damian freezes, his heart skipping a beat.
This can't be happening. No. Fucking. Way.
"Are you gonna do anything about it?" His sister asks and he finds himself without an answer.
"I don't know. Should I?" Damian replies and frowns, "I don't- I don't even know if she interested on me."
"I think you should." Dick nods again, "How will you know if you don't even try."
Cassie hums in agreement and brings a hand to ruffle the boy's curls, "Do something. I feel like you will have a surprise."
Damian glances between two and feels himself nod, a determined expression painted creeping on his face, "Yeah, okay. I need to go search for a flower shop."
Damian felt his hands start to tremble as he spotted you at the end of the hallway.
The, rather comically, large bouquet of red tulips feels suddenly heavy on his hands.
Closing his eyes, Damian breaths heavily and mutters to himself, "Okay, okay, I can do this."
He walks towards you with quick steps, taps your shoulder lightly and when you turn around he shoves the bouquet on your face.
Looking at the bouquet and then back up at him, you ask puzzled, "Um, hi."
"Hey." He replies, still looking down.
"What is, um, this?"
"For you." He frowns and finally looks up at you, "You don't like them?"
"I- I do." You say, a small smile creeping on your face as you gently grab the flowers. Bring them towards your nose, "They smell amazing, thank you."
Damian glances up at you, a blush covering his cheeks, "You're welcome."
"So, is something going on?" You ask, tugging a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Not that I don't like them, I just- This is kinda random."
"I... came to a realization yesterday." He breaths out.
"And that is.." You prompt him to continue.
"I like you, (y/n)." He says, looking down again, "And I've been liking you for a very long time. You are sweet, and smart, and kind, and, with all due respect, the most beautiful person I have ever met, so, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm totally enchanted by you."
You stare at him, a blush rapidly creeping onto your face and the grip on the bouquet a tad harder, "Oh."
Damian sighs and meets your eyes again, "(y/n) (y/l), do you want to go on a date with me?"
You two stare at each other, both faces crimson red. You look down and let out a soft chuckle fall from your lips. Looking up again, you nod your head, "I'd love to go on a date with you."
Damian shoulders fall from relief and he smiles, "Perfect."
"Perfect." You repeat, and tilt your head again, "And just for the record, I like you too."
Damian comes home that afternoon with a smile on his face and if he saw Richard and Cassandra giving each other a fist bump, he doesn't say anything.
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wileys-russo · 2 months
alexia putellas ,,you cheated" Game night with the putellas family
dirty cheat II a.putellas
if there was one thing nobody could deny about your fiance, was that she was competitive, about almost everything.
even in every day domestic life with the two of you she found things to compete over though most of the time you'd not engage and she was just competing against herself.
who could brush their teeth the fastest, who could fold the laundry first, who could wash their plate up faster, who made the bed quicker, if there was a task that needed to be done alexia found a way to make a competition of it.
which is why the fortnightly game nights with her family were all the more amusing, for you anyway.
"mi hija's! bienvenido, pase pase." eli hugged you both as alexia kissed her mami's cheek, the shorter woman ushering you inside where you could already hear the sounds of the rest of her family in the other room.
"ready to win again princesa?" alexia murmered with a wink, drawing you into her side and kissing your temple as you only chuckled with a playful roll of your eyes.
"she sure is hermana, but with a better partner!" alba grinned, tugging you into a tight hug and sticking her tongue out at her older sister who looked on unamused as alba's arm remained slung around your shoulder.
"like she would choose you over me alba, realmente!" alexia scoffed, shoving her sisters head to the side and making her way into the living room, cheers of greeting ringing out as she did so.
"so, partners sí?" alba grinned at you as you raised an eyebrow at the twinkle in her eyes. "what are you up to al?" you asked suspiciously as she feigned offence, hand smacking against her chest.
"me? nothing! just want to spend time with mi cuñada." alba smiled innocently as you only hummed, allowing her to drag you into the living room as you made your rounds greeting the rest of the family, tugged down onto the lounge beside your fiance once you had.
"hey! she needs to sit with her partner, right chica?" alba smirked patting the space next to you as alexia rolled her eyes, but her mouth formed an o of shock as you stood.
"amor!" the blonde huffed in offence with wide eyes as you sent her an apologetic smile and sat down next to alba, alexia's eyes narrowing into a filthy glare directed at her younger sister who just stuck her tongue out again.
your fiance pairing up with one of her cousins instead you didn't miss the way alexia's eyes strayed to you nearly every thirty seconds, a slight pout on her lips as you smiled and focused on the game.
as the night grew later and everyone had eaten dinner the games became a little more intense, and unfortunately for alexia so did her losing streak.
"me estás jodiendo!" the taller girl swore angrily as once again she lost, slamming down her fistful of cards on the table with a scowl as eli warned her about her language, some of the family having headed home the group was smaller now.
"see? i told you, better partner." alba whispered to you as the pair of you came in second, though you gave her a curious look at the wolfish grin on her face, rapidly realizing there was something going on here as most of the group also sported the same look at alexia's reaction.
your suspicions only peaked as yet again alexia lost the next round, and given it was the game she was normally best at your fiance did not take it well.
"puta mierda esto es una puta broma!" the footballer stood to her feet, throwing her hands around and seething as you stood to try and calm her but alba pulled you back down with a shake of her head.
"alexia! take five." eli ordered, the blonde stomping out of the room with her arms crossed and you winced at the sound of the bathroom door slamming and her mami hurried after her with a huff.
"what did you do alba?" you murmured quietly as things began to be set up for the last game of the night, the smirk unable to be wiped from the younger girls face.
"nothing!" she sung out happily as you gave her a look and she chuckled. "i maybe just made sure the odds for everything was a little more in our favour and a lot less in alexia's." alba confessed as you sighed but smiled, knowing that if anyone knew how to push alexia's buttons it was her sister.
"she's going to kill you." you patted her shoulder as the girl in question returned, eli warning alexia again to keep a lid on her temper as she sat back down stone faced glaring at everyone.
"only if she finds out." alba whispered with a wink before standing to start the last game, everyone pairing off as this one was charades.
you couldn't deny that you and alba drew the long straw, your words picked were easy and you ended up scoring eleven in the time frame, alba squeezing you tightly and lifting you off your feet as you laughed and alexia cleared her throat.
"alba." her sister warned raising an eyebrow, the younger girl putting you back down on your feet with a roll of her eyes, the pair of you sitting back down as alexia and her cousin stood to take their turn.
you watched on as alexia acted out the cards, frowning each time her cousin guessed wrong and her frustrations began to show as her temper grew shorter and shorter.
"ehh football?" "no!" "skateboard?" "no!" "carrot?" "qué? no idiota!"
"times up! and you two got....three right." alba read out trying to hold back her laughter, alexia clenching her fists and exhaling shakily from her nose, her cousin sending alba a wink which was not subtle as the older girl caught it right away.
"puta de mierda!" alexia swore with a scoff, eli warning her again as her daughter waved it off. "you cheated. you all cheated!" alexia began to put things together, staring in disbelief at the grinning faces around the room.
"nooo, we would never hermana." alba cooed condescendingly and that seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as her sister lunged at her, you barely having time to dive out of the way as alexia landed on top of the younger girl.
"alexia!" you groaned with a shake of your head at your fiance as both girls fell off the lounge rolling around smacking and swearing at one another.
unfazed the rest of her family all stood and said their goodbyes, just stepping over the girls as they left until eventually it was just you, eli and a couple of their tia's helping to wash everything up.
"hey! you two." you yelled over their squabble, both girls pausing to look at you. "you, up! we're leaving amor, now." you pointed menacingly at your fiance who pushed alba away and scrambled to her feet, ignoring her sisters teasings.
saying your goodbyes to those left you pulled alexia away before she could take a swing at alba who continued to mock and pull faces, the front door closing behind you as you let go of her and marched off to the car.
"princesa!" alexia groaned hurrying after you, unlocking the car and trying to open your door for you as you quickly did it yourself and pulled it shut with a slam that had her wincing.
as she slid into her own side you faced forward, ignoring the way her eyes bore into the side of your head. "start the car alexia, i want to go home." you warned still refusing to look at her.
"bebita, come on!" alexia pleaded, poking and prodding at you as you squirmed and smacked her hands away. "mi amor, you know i am competitive!" your fiance defended, shrinking under the glare you gave her for the words.
"sí, and look at where it has gotten you. the butt of your families joke because your temper is so childish you cannot lose a card game without throwing a tantrum!" you scoffed as alexia huffed.
"i didn't throw a tantrum." your fiance mumbled with a scowl as you raised an eyebrow. "fine! maybe i am a little bit too competitive." she sighed as you rolled your eyes.
"just drive us home ale, i'm tired." you shook your head as the girl started up the car and you couldn't help but let a small smile grace your features as she leaned over to press kiss after kiss to your cheek mumbling an apology.
"vale putellas! drive,and then you can make it up to me when we get home."
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ajortga · 3 months
bear hugs
pairing: tara carpenter x pouty reader
summary: you can't fall asleep until your nestled in your girlfriends arms and kisses.
word count: 600+ (drabble)
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It's been 30 minutes, and you can't sleep without feeling your girlfriend by your side.
"Y/N, I still have homework sunshine, I promise we can cuddle when I finish, it'll only take me 15 minutes."
A whine pasts your lips as you kick your feet on your bed, the only light from the salt lamps, fairy lights, and night light.
She giggles, pressing her lips to your forehead, "Soon baby."
"Nooooo," you groan, sleepily as you twist and turn in bed, "Whyyy can't youuuu?"
"I just need to finish this baby, I'll almost be done," she coaxes, opening her laptop and clicking away.
You grunt putting on your most innocent look as your curled up into bed and watching her every move, "Pleaseeee? For me??.."
Tara doesn't even turn around, making you angry, well from this angle you just looked even cuter.
"It's not due till Wednesday, it's Monday. Tara baby pleasee it's not fairrrr.."
She hums, typing.
"You hate me," you say, getting out of bed and wrapping the blanket around you. You look like a grumpy child that got rejected from getting a stuffy at the toy store. You murmur angrily, making a small stomp before leaving the door. Tara hums.
Tara waited 5 small moments before she heard your footsteps and opened the door again, to see your tiny figure trod back to the bed, "Too cold, changed my mind." You say, voice a tiny as you don't look at Tara. Obviously mad.
A soft giggle past her lips, shaking her head as you flop into bed, groaning and complaining.
"I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend," you pout, stomping your leg and turning off your salt lamp. You turn away from her and cover yourself with a blanket, huffing. "Hmph, see if I care."
You care, too much. You had a bad day and you want your girlfriend who currently is not paying attention to you. You face the wall, arms crossed, "No fair."
You hear a sigh come out from her, her laptop immediately closing, "You know I can't say no to that," Tara whispers softly to herself. She slips on her t-shirt and some shorts as she crawls into bed, seeing the way your small figure wrapped in a blankety burrito. She untangles yourself from the blanket, seeing your tiny figure in a laced tank top and the fluffy heart pajama pants she gifted to you. Tara shuffles into the warmth of the blanket, seeing the way you shifted slightly.
"I'll cuddle with you," she whispers, pressing her lips to your ear and seeing the way you immediately turned around and scooted into her embrace, exhaling in happiness.
"Do that stupid assignment tomorrow, I can't sleep without you here," you say, looking sad as she plays with your hair and scratches your scalp, making you coo.
"Okay okay," she laughs breathily, "I'll ask Mindy to finish it, I know she took answers from Anika, but hush, you haven't been able to sleep for the past hour."
You murmur, breathing in her scent that immediately comforts you. A soft yawn passes your lips, "Because..." yawn "I can't fall asleep without my girlfriend.." your voice trails off, slowly growing sleepy.
"I know, but I'm here now, go to sleep," she whispers, kissing your lips softly before spooning you, you turn back around and nuzzle into her chest. She rubs circles behind your back, knowing the way it makes you fall asleep much quicker.
No longer than 3 minutes later does a soft snore sound throughout the room, making Tara smile and turn off the light before wrapping her arms around you and pulling you closer.
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pedge-page · 2 months
Joel and Preggo Wife: Baby Talk with Sarah
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Joel's flexible schedule now owning his own company means he can spend way more time with Sarah. She's still so little, he can't stop taking pictures of her smiley face and fat body sat up in her high chair.
"How bout some lunch kiddo?"
She bounces up and down and slaps her fat wrists on the tabletop excitedly.
Joel scoops some spaghetti strands into her open mouth. He finds himself mimicking her little jaw chewing movements and parting his lips each new spoonful he puts in her mouth.
Sarah rubs her hand in circular motion under her chest.
"What you got sommthin on your chin?"
Joel wets a napkin with his tongue and dabs off the small specs of sauce from her cheeks and chin.
But she continues to rub her hand clockwise. "There's nothing there kid."
She does it again, pinching her fingers now and then rubbing a clockwise circle.
Joel drops the spoon and gets on his knee, patting her chest, cheeks, chin, any possible area that could have some invisible stain that's clearly bothering her.
"Where??" He asks curiously. He lightly grips her fat cheeks and tilts her head side to side, Inspecting closely for any food that might be lodged under all the rolls of fat in her neck.
She starts growling at him angrily, repeating the two motions.
"Don't you get attitudinal with me! There's nothing to wipe!"
You come inside to see Joel furiously wiping her face like there's a sharpie mark on a whiteboard.
Joel, why are you rubbing our baby's skin off."
"She keeps saying there's something here!" He aggressively smothers her whole face with the napkin, and her poor skin is starting to get a little braised from his constant rubbing.
They're both getting frustrated with one another, blown cheeks and scowling brows.
You look over to the half eaten bowl of spaghetti then back at Sarah. She desperately pinches her fingers together and then rubs circling motions again.
"WHERE!" Joel shouts, tossing the napkin down in frustration.
"No, oh my gosh," you laugh, taking the napkin off the floor. "She's signing for "more please"".
"She's--! She's what?"
You repeat the motion: your palm over your chest and draw it in a small clockwise circle "please" and then the pinching of your fingers to your thumbs pulling towards your center "more".
You give Sarah the spoon and plastic bowl and she takes it and feeds herself happily.
"She knows sign?" He asks, intrigued but alarmed. "Is she mute? Did we have a mute kid??"
"I mean she's still a baby so. Kind of now she's not capable of talking, honey. They teach sign at the day care--"
"We have a genius level intellect child!"
"No--it's just easier for kids to communicate through sign since they haven't developed speech--"
"Shh!" He holds his finger up to your lip dramatically as he fetches a pen and paper. "I'm writing down some math equations. I bet she can solve these..."
Sarah pushes her half eaten cold bowl away and starts shaking her head.
"Ooh what does that mean?"
"She's just shaking her head."
"Yeah and what's that mean in sign?"
"It just means no!"
A year later, she's piecing together words -- in her own way.
Joel has stopped trying to understand the babbling baby talk. "She doesn't really know anything yet. I thought she was gonna be smart."
"She IS smart. She's been talking this whole time!"
He shakes his head. "Its gibberish. The whole time she was saying nonsense."
You scold him but lean down to Sarah. "What did you and Daddy do today?"
She excitedly look up to you and says: "RaRa y Dada byebyes Spooooo go foe wok n haf babas. See peep peep peeps!  y Dada gif RaRa weedadas!!"
Joel chuckles as you nod and listen to each word she says. "There's no way you understood that--"
"Oh? Daddy took Sarah and Spoon in the car for a walk and got some water? And you saw chickens?? And daddy got you balloons???"
Sarah nods furiously, stomping her feet now that SOMEONE finally gets it.
His mouth is hanging open, visually buffering in his brain at how any of those words equated to the sentence you just strung together.
"Where MeeMee?" She asks curiously.
"You right here!" Joel exclaims (he's got the hang of this now).
"No. No RaRa, MeeMee!" She says, emphasizing the last phrase like its something obvious.
"Joel, MeeMee is Tommy," you clarify.
"OK listen:  RaRa is Sarah."
"But it's not."
"But it is because that's what she's decided. Peep: chicken. Spoooooo: Spoon. Babas: water."
"What is babas."
"Its water. You drink from a bubba mug so baba is water. Weedada: balloon."
"How does that make sense."
"I don't know. Took me a bit to figure out. No idea where she got that from. Byebyes: car. Wok: walk. And MeeMee is Tommy."
Joel stares at you with questionable concern, as you fix the little clips in her hair.
"Babe, I think you're spending too much time together."
You both look up at him together with puffy lips and go "nah uhhhh."
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
So he didnt come back into my life bcause he desperately wants to make me his partner and he has a ring ready to propose to me
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kaicubus · 1 year
Listen to the Rage Call | Sekido
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warnings ✩° : 18+ smut, face fucking, blow job, heavy cursing, manhandling, degrading, mentions of murder, size difference, mind breaking, fucking a demon, brat taming, consensual, bit of fluff at the end.
pairing ✩° : sekido x fem hashira!reader
premise ✩° : after escaping the fourth upper moon hantengu, you find yourself running up a mountain just to live to see another day. Unluckily, the clone that emerges from hantengu is the most angry one, who won’t let up.
word count ✩° : 4.4k
authors note ✩° : working on my smut writing skills, lmk how i did please!! anyways look for the next one soon to come...
©kaicubus do not steal
part one here!
Was this the same demon from before? There was no way. The demon standing in front of you looked angry. Angrier than usual. Too angry for the other demon to be capable of even feeling. His red eyes were far more worse than blood shot, appearing to be pools of endless, de-oxygenated blood. Was it really the same demon who was crawling on the ground before?
You stare up at the demon, eyes darting all over his body. His intimidating height paired with his obviously strong build makes your head reel. If he really wanted to, he could snap you like a twig. At this rate, staring at him, you're convinced it’ll agitate him more, so you avert your eyes and back away.
It only takes a second before the demon suddenly appears right in front of you, pushing you back with a demonic force of lightning, forcing you down on your knees to try and cushion your fall.
If there was one thing you were known for as a nameless hashira, it was your ability to out run a demon. You were quick with your feet, and that came in handy right when you looked right into the demon’s piercing red eyes. Your heart drops and you look up quickly, grunting at the force of your landing, and dodging the demons next attack. Huffing and puffing, you run backwards, keeping your eyes on him as his seemingly endless stamina only brings him closer to you when he runs. At all times, he’s only two feet away, but you keep running. Nothing matters more than living right now. But looking at him felt like death.
You weave back and forth, jumping over and below his electric attacks and try your best to swing at him with your nichirin blade, only managing to trim the frayed edges of his wavy, dusky locks. The demon roars angrily and speeds up, now one foot away from you. Your heart pounds inside your throat.
You don’t even notice, but in the midst of his chase, you two have seemed to have ended up right on the rocky platform of a flat area of one of te tallest mountains surrounding Hantengu’s lair. Only then, when you realize, do you stop running to catch your breath. Without breaking eye contact, you draw your sword and grip onto the handle, ready to face him head on. Now, the demon looks at you this time. It doesn’t take more than a second for him to get pissed off once again, making him roar out in rage.
The sound of his demonic cry causes you to fall back and hit the ground, landing right on your knees and on a few sharp pebbles. You wince, but inevitably you try to stand up.
It’s no use. He roars again and the force is enough to keep you on the ground this time.
As soon as you hit the ground, you close your eyes on impact, but when you open them, the tall, looming figure towers over you like a skyscraper, invading your vision. A really, angry skyscraper. In a panic, you pull out your sword and try to make use of it. Your shaky hands tremble more as a flash of burning, crimson red flashes at you, causing you to drop your sword. You barely have time to think before the figure lifts it’s foot and stomps directly on top of your sword, snapping it in half like a wooden pencil. That’s when it hits you.
This demon is going to kill you. You don’t even have a chance. You’re going to die. You’re not ready to die.
Preparing for the worse, you close your eyes again, in fear of what you’ll see when the moonlight casting above reveals what hideous monster will have the pleasure of taking your life. But instead, nothing happens.
Your brow quivers at the lack of anything coming your way, so you open your eyes to see your opponent standing only a few feet away from you. Just as you’d feared, he was strong. Built almost as if he were carved from sealed oak wood by Muzan himself, everything from his wide, protruding horns down to his thick calves had ‘killer demon’ written all over them. You don’t look away from the demon’s raven-like hair and instead lock eyes with him, his carnelian colored orbs staring directly into yours, eyelids pulled back into a furious squint along with a curved lip and crinkled chin. His frown makes all the hair on your body stand. For some reason, not all of it was from fear.
Without a sword to defend yourself, you resort to a rock, throwing it at the demon pathetically. It hits his knee, only managing to bounce back to you as if it were made of rubber in comparison to his stocky build.
“Are you fucking kidding me.” The demon says, “You're fucking joking. YOU! They sent YOU of all people to kill ME? HA! Holy shit.” His voice booms louder than anything you've ever heard before, piercing through the sound barrier as he leans his head forward in disbelief, “You're the one who found me, ran away from me, and is now challenging me with a fucking broken sword? Now what? Just like your sword, you'll break and be replaced. So what’s the use?”
“W-Who’re you supposed you be?” Your voice trembles uncontrollably.
“Who...who am I? WHO AM I?” The demon growls and steps forward, “I, am the demon who’s going to kill the hashira standing helplessly on her knees in front of me. You have no right to belittle me with your meaningless questions.”
“I meant, your name. Asshole.”
The demon and pauses, eyes squinting and looking directly at you. His angered expression only heightening as the thought of his name being unknown plagues his mind. “Sekido.” He sighs and steam hisses out from his nose, resembling an angry bull as he looks down at you, “You came all this way to find me, right? How could you not know my fucking name?!” Sekido stomps the bottom of his zori into the mountain’s surface, shaking the ground beneath the both of you. Rocks rumble upwards and jiggle in the air for a moment before he slams his foot back down, letting them crash against the rest of the stone.
Suddenly, an idea pops into your mind and you confidently move towards him.
“Don’t blame me if no one knows your insignificant name. Maybe I don’t know you and you certainly don't know me and what I’m capable of.”
Sekido’s eye twitches, “And who are you supposed to be, brat?”
“Y/n. Nice to meet you.” You smile.
“I hate useless humans who waste my time, but most importantly I hate meaningless humans who insult me. I’ll make your death quick so I don’t have to deal with your jokes.”
If you played your cards right, purposefully pushing Sekido into anger with childlike taunts would distract him enough so you can behead him. It could work, but it also has a possibility of severely backfiring and making your death come sooner, but without a sword to defend yourself, you were left with one option and that was being a brat. After all, he constantly looks like he’s on the verge of being blown over, so a small insult would definitely do the trick. “Who said I was joking? You really are like that weak one I killed before. Hantengu. You really are his clone, huh? Like a child, stomping when someone points out one of your obvious flaws.”
"Obvious flaws?” Sekido huffs again, blowing even more steam out of his nose, “You're one to talk! Look at you! You're just a stupid human! And don’t compare me to that scum! He’s worthless and nothing like me, no where near as powerful as me!”
You laugh, “A stupid human? What are you, four? Give me a better insult and maybe I’ll think of something good to say about you.” It was working. “I can’t really find anything. I mean, you're talking about how I’m meaningless, when clearly, no one has really bothered to find you, have they? You’re just a hot headed low class demon, who’s getting pissed off because I don’t know him.”
“SHUT UP!” Sekido scowls and closes the distance between you, “Humans like you are really the worst. Demon slayer my ass, the only thing you have is just a really big fucking mouth. Maybe I need to shut that up for you.”
“Huh?” You blink and let your shoulders down. That’s when Sekido steps forward, closer than ever, and grins. The shadows of his face only make him look scarier. There’s a pause between the look he gives you that runs a shiver down your spine and when his claw-like fingers stab into the side of his waist.
Without saying another word, Sekido pulls down his hakima pants down past his hips and you watch his dick spring out in front of you. He’s a demon, but his dick is no doubt human. Veins run up and down his shaft, decorating the sides of his length with ridges and lines. Your eyes bulge owlishly at size of his length. Of course, Sekido was huge. He towers over you so easily, but you can’t help but be a little shocked at how his height transferred to the size of his cock, especially with the slight curve it has.
“U-Uh...this is not what I expected...when you said you were going to shut my mouth for me...” You swallow and blink up at him, “I thought you meant like...slicing my throat or something.”
“Do you know how inconvenient that is? Killing you is more tedious. Then again, I would really hate if you got out of this without a good enough punishment for wasting my fucking time. Don’t think for a second I didn’t notice what you were trying to do. You think I’m stupid huh? Is that it?” Sekido huffs, “Unless you want to be killed, you’ll do what you wanted, yeah?”
Left with no other choice, you give him the nod of your approval and glance up at the demon’s length, just another reminder of what you've gotten yourself into. You gulp your nervousness down. There’s no way that much of him can fit inside your mouth; if you don’t die from his demonic strength alone, you're sure to see the light from the sheer girth of Sekido’s cock. Beads of sweat pool at the pores on your nose and between your brows, sitting helplessly and just staring at it. Before you even have a good idea on what’s really happening, your hand moves on its own and reaches for the base of it, bobbing his cock down closer to your face or at least down to your level. You can feel your mouth start to open, not ignoring how the silence between you grows louder and louder, the only other sound being your pounding heart bounce around your chest, jumping to your throat.
You kittenishly lick the head of his cock, collecting the small drop of precum on your tongue and swallowing, not wanting to over do it. He actually tastes better than you would've expected. He’s warm too. Like a furnace against your flat tongue, he instantly warms you up from the coldness of the stone pressing into your kneecaps and legs.
If he was going to stay quiet and still, you thought, maybe you can actually see yourself enjoying this. He’s not putting up a fight, after all, and neither are you.
You open your mouth and lick again, flicking your tongue over the slit of his head. Using your hands, you start pumping your fists around his member and open your mouth wide enough to engulf his width. 
Despite all your intimate efforts, the demon shows no remorse and makes a disappointed, gruff sound, “Is that all you got? Stupid human, can’t even suck my dick right.“ Sekido scoffs angrily. You flash an annoyed ‘really?’ look at him, mouth stuffed with his long cock, already doing more than you'd bargained for. He doesn't give you time to react and instead, grabs the back of your head and shoves you down forward. The sudden change in strength causes you to cough, removing all air from your lungs and being quickly replaced by more of Sekido’s cock. The demon harnesses his claws deep onto the roots of your hair and bobs your head over his rigid cock, taking it upon himself to face fuck you furiously.
“You try to get out of death by trying to be a brat, when you don’t even know what the fuck you’re doing in the first place. If you’re going to do it, do it right and I wouldn't have to do all the work here.” Sekido says with a elongated frown, tilting his head down, pointing his horns down at you. You can feel his anger in the form of his grip on your head grow larger as he shoves you down to take more of him.
“MMH!” You instinctively think to pull away, now losing your breath quicker than ever, but you don’t. Instead, you struggle to take his cock as it hits the back of your throat, pumping down and inside of you. Embarrassment darkens your face as you start to realize that you actually quite enjoy his roughness—his man handling—and how fast he’s fucking his shaft into your mouth. You glance up at Sekido, meeting his furious closed eyes and arched frown, as he groans violently.
“Hah...That’s more my speed.” Sekido’s chest heaves. He uses his knuckles to pull at your hair again, reminding you of his claws well tangled into your hair, tightening his grip and making you wince out in pleasure. The pressure sends your mind reeling as quick, ‘schlk!’ noises make their way out of your mouth and whatever space Sekido’s cock doesn't fill. A bit of saliva leaks out of the corners of your lips and gives you the mobility of taking more of him, gulping down his member down. It doesn’t even matter how messy you look right now, you're convinced it’s his goal anyways. Your face is entirely red now. Red with embarrassment, red with the strain his hand has in your hair, and red with the glow of Sekido’s glare. He’s practically emitting the color.
“You’re so pathetic. Look at you. Can’t even take my cock in your fucking mouth, can you? How sad is that? Open more.” Sekido jeers angrily, bucking his hips forward to bury himself deeper in your throat. Every snap of his hips sends your body convulsing harder, your legs trembling now with nothing but pure arousal, the space in between them starting to pool with slick.
You gag when he pushes you further down his curved cock, forced to swallow more of his length to even get a chance to breathe. Even with calming down and loosening your jaw, he’s still so big. Tears collect on your lashes when you try to keep out, yet still loving the head reeling feeling of how he’s basically using your mouth like a sleeve for his own pleasure. It’s fucked up, but you don’t care.
Sekido pushes your head down as far as possible, watching your nose press against the front of his pelvis and holds you down until your throat begins to tighten, desperate for release and a chance to breathe. True to his nature, Sekido doesn't let up. With the upper hand he has, Sekido continues to slam his cock into your mouth again and again, relishing in the burning ecstasy the wetness of your tongue provides. He grunts deeper and more animalistcally with each thrust, chasing his release as he jerks into you furiously.
When you finally look up at him, eyes previously sealed shut with tears of ache, you see the rage demon grinning ear to ear, his red eyes flashing that same carnelian hue down at you through thin slits. You want to say something, anything to make him slow down, but it’s no use. Not even muffled groans or whimpers can make Sekido stop, instead they only make him go faster.
“Maybe you'll think twice before coming here and wasting my time, right human?” He gathers your hair in a balled fist and tugs your hair back, giving you a minute to breathe. You don’t even realize it when your head tosses itself back on instinct, coughing and gasping for air as you look up at him with drool and beads of sweat rolling down your face. Pleased for a little bit, Sekido’s lowly chuckles make you tremble, and only then do you realize that you need more of him.
“S-Sekido, what are you doing?” You shift closer to his legs and go back to pawing for his throbbing cock, soaked with your saliva.
“What? Do you want something?” His lip curls in annoyance, “Tch. Hard to believe you already miss me. Did you already get addicted to me or something?" His question makes you squirm out of how right he really is.
You don't even have the means to think, all you do is palm your way to your knees and go to reach for his dick again, practically hearing its screams to have it inside your mouth again. Or maybe that’s just you. Sekido notices your attempt and bats your hands away and shoves your head back, forcing you to look up at him and at the dark sky above. You’d forgotten what true night looks like for the time being, having only the darkness of your closed eyelids to stare at.
“The hell are you trying to do to me?” Sekido stretches you back and arches his pointed brows, “What ever it is you want, it’s not working and I’m not going to give it to you. It’s my life you want, right?” He bends down and lifts your chin up sharply, meeting his blood shot eyes with yours, “Hah? That’s it right?“
You shake your head. Unable to speak, you reach your hand out and feel your chest jump in response to his close proximity.
“I want you.” The words leave your rose-wet lips, more quickly than you’d hoped, but your message gets across regardless. With a laugh, Sekido steps back and clutches the base of his cock, pointing the twitching member at you with his head.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. Feels good to have you not piss me off, right human? How do you feel now that you want this demon cock inside you?” He growls and smacks the stickiness of your saliva and his cum onto your bottom lip, “Answer right and I’ll give you what you want.”
Without hesitation, your voice slurs, “Feels so good. It feels so so so good, Seki...”
Pleased with your answer, he lifts his cock to your lips and enters slowly, allowing you to take him in all, agonizingly slow, forcing you to realize how much you want this, how much you love the taste of his dick inside of your mouth and just how full it makes you feel. You just can’t get enough. He wants you to realize that. That there's nothing better than him. The moment doesn't last too long though, Sekido gets impatient and parts your lips further with his width and buries himself back into you, his rightful place. You can’t help but mumble happily, closing your eyes and letting your hands rest on your empty lap.
It doesn’t take long before you relearn the motions around Sekido’s member and start to feel around all again, tongue licking all around the bulging veins of his warm cock. You swallow every bit of him down, feeling the demon tense up every now and then from how comfortable you've adjusted your throat to become, not even minding him snapping his hips against you. Little groans and half-breaths escape Sekido’s mouth, much to his displeasure, as he finds himself quickly start to tremble. The last thing he wants is for anyone to hear him in a vulnerable state, because to him, it’s shameful to indulge in the pleasure he’s being given. But how can he resist? The softness of your hot, pink tongue, warm walls of your mouth and tightness of your throat squeezing him dry, a deadly combination for a demon like him.
“Fuuuuck, yeah, just like that...” Sekido feeds off the sight of you, admiring your scraggly hair and bliss ridden expression, biting down on the corner of his lip so hard that he draws blood, just enough.
You pull back just a little and join your hand to the excess length of his cock as you start to pump up and down on his well drenched member. Focusing on his head mostly, your mouth encloses on the tip as you suckle on the firm, yet surprisingly smooth flesh and swirl the underside of your tongue on his sensitivity. “S-Shit, ah, right there. There! Fuck!” His hips start to convulse, overwhelmed with the little pressure you suck on his tip, now practically back down with your mouth half way down his cock, “That’s it...that’s what I want. Fuck you feel so good, hashira.” Sekido groans and curls his body down closer to yours, “Fuck!”
Your mouth softens around his shaft, swallowing to earn more room to take his size. It doesn’t take long before your head starts to spin even more, quickly getting dizzy off the feeling of Sekido thrashing into you with no remorse for someone like you. The weight of his hand crashes down on the top of your head and suddenly your mouth is ripped away from Sekido’s length, forcing you to look at it eye to eye. You stare at the seemingly blushed tip of his cock and feel your chest burn with a trembling sense of euphoria taking over any sensible thought you had left in your head. The stickiness of the tip of his head makes your throat buzz and you throw yourself back onto it, licking and slurping it back into its rightful place.
“That’s right, you can’t get enough can you? You can’t think with my fucking cock inside your pretty mouth, huh?” Sekido edges on, getting drunk off of the ‘glup’ sounds you make oh so perfectly for him. He bends down slightly and rests his palm on the side of your face, allowing you to open your eyes and look at him. But his softness only lasts for a second before he’s gripping tightly onto your cheeks, forcibly protruding your lips out.
“It pisses me off that you're so good at this. To think someones had you before me, infuriates me. Who else has had you before? Another hashira? A childhood friend? I’ll kill them so that I’m the only one who gets to have you.” He roars, now angrier than ever. With his anger taking over his senses, Sekido engulfs himself further into you, causing you to choke on his cock and gag on it. His pupils fill with the same red in the rest of his eyes and he groans again, his speed accelerating. You try to breathe through your nose, but it’s hard when Sekido won’t let you even do that. You squeeze your eyes shut and manage to suck harder, which seems to slow him down just a bit.
“Fuck!“ He groans and his cock starts to pulsate in your mouth. You look up at him again only to see him struggling. He laughs and throws his head back, “Fuck! Human, your mouth is so friggin’ tight. No wonder why you're so good, you've had practice haven't you? Just tell me who and I’ll devour them. I want you too—fuck! You're the only one I want, understand?!”
“Nngh~! Ahn...Ahh...Seki...” Your voice vibrates around his cock. When you thought it would never happen, it does. Sekido finally reaches his high and groans out loudly, gritting his teeth and letting out struggled grunts that escape through his sealed fangs in intervals.
“S-Shit! G-Gah!” He groans and leans his head back, releasing everything into you. Squeezing your eyes to the darkest black they’ve been, you feel Sekido’s hot cum spurt all the way to the back of your throat, filling you up within seconds. As he continues to shudder and hold onto you for support, he huffs hot air down onto your face, claws clenching harder and harder, practically biting into your scalp. You too take the opportunity to pant for air, guzzling down all of his sticky fluids right down to your stomach, instantly becoming full and warm-bellied.
“So messy. So fucking filthy.” Sekido grins, “That’s right, be a good slut and drink it all.”
Without a second thought, you close your eyes as tears of pleasure seep out and roll down your plump cheeks, and manage to guzzle down every single drop of Sekido’s essence without any leaking. The hot liquid only continues to spurt into your mouth, emptying his frustration all into you without letting up. So you continue swallowing, only occasionally coughing, until finally Sekido’s cock releases itself from your mouth. Heat instantly emerges from your throat and his member, twitching slightly from the attention it’s received. You peer up at Sekido, awaiting his reaction, and to your surprise, he looks less angry than before. Almost content with your work.
“H-Hah...that’s the first time you did something right tonight.” He tenderly pushes back your hair and smooths down all of the fly aways, mixing droplets of sweat down the roots of your hair. “If only you could see your face.” You stare up at Sekido with heavy eyes, a thin layer of tears sloshing around to the side which in turn, reveals slightly wet eyelashes clumped together.
You mumble incoherently and hug the black fabric that’s strapped around Sekido’s legs, rubbing your face on him in a daze. The demon scoffs and picks you up from his feet and holds you close to his chest, bridal style.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. It’s annoying how dirty you are. Come along now, stupid human.”
“Call me by my name, Sekido.” You huff deeply and hug the demon close.
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, his scraggly raven-black hair swishing across his horns, “Never. Stupid human. Not as long as I have you.”
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
Of Flowers & Dragons
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Summary: Your daughter wants a sibling and makes it everyone’s problem.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Fluff. Dad Aemond.
Word count: 1k
Part II
“I want a sibling!”
The high-pitched voice echoed across the room, quickly followed by a shriek that reverberated through your head like a dagger, jolting you awake at once.
You peered down through hazy eyes at your daughter of six who was stomping angrily across the carpeted floor, strands of silver hair shooting from her head in all sorts of weird and messy angles.
“I apologise, my lady,” the young servant breathed out, rushing behind the young child. “She would not heed my words.”
“It’s quite alright,” you said with a nod. “You may leave.”
She was a dragon through and through: hot tempered and demanding.
It had taken her father long years to keep that explosiveness at bay and you reckoned you would still encounter many of these outbursts before she’d finally settle.
She halted by the feet of your bed, mustering the most menacing expression, violet eyes alternating between you and her sleeping father.
“Jaelan ziry sir, kepa!”
Even in your broken High Valyrian you could make out a demand aimed at her father.
She didn’t just want a sibling. She wanted it now.
The bedsheets shifting beside you alerted you that Aemond Targaryen was finally awake.
“Do not scream,” you scolded before a yawn slipped past your lips. “Come here.”
Your daughter didn’t need to be told twice as she promptly climbed up the bed and crawled in between the two of you before plopping herself down with a huff.
Aemond rolled to his side with the groan of someone who had just been robbed of the peace and quiet that usually came with early mornings.
“Could this not have waited, tala?” he said.
“Daor,” she shook her head, sticking out her bottom lip in a defiant pout, crossing both arms. “I want a sibling now.”
Aemond turned his head to face her, his sapphire eye uncovered. “It would have to wait.”
She brought both hands to his long hair and twisted a few strands into unruly braids, not able to conceal her frustration.
“A day?”
You nearly chuckled at her remark. “A day? It would take many moons, my love.”
“But kepa said I came from Old Valyria… on dragonback…” she whispered, turning her eyes to meet yours. “Dragons are fast… maybe two days?” she beamed, hope coating her sweet voice.
You sighed heavily. “Aemond…”
“She caught me off guard, lady wife,” he said truthfully while gazing at his daughter. “What was I to say?”
“Now you have the opportunity to resolve this,” you smiled teasingly as his eye widened.
“What is it?” she spoke up before Aemond could. “When do I get a new sibling, kepa?”
Aemond was a master at concealing his emotions, but even in that moment, his composure faltered, as he realised his young and stubborn daughter would not back down.
Heaving a deep sigh, he detached her tiny hands from his hair and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him in a heartwarming display of affection.
“Remember those flowers you adore so much, byka zaldrīzes?” he lowered his voice as he spoke into her ear. “The one that uncle Daeron brought from Oldtown?”
Your heart fluttered in delight. Aemond calling her little dragon would never not make you emotional. Witnessing the young prince embracing the bond with his daughter was a privilege few could claim.
Her lilac eyes narrowed as she pondered for a moment. “Hmm. Yes! Moonbloom,” she nodded with a proud smile.
“Moonbloom, yes,” Aemond said, bringing one finger to brush away strands of silver hair that covered her face. “He brought a few seeds that we later placed in several vases.”
She nodded eagerly, eyes never tearing away from him.
“And what happened to those seeds?”
She wiggled her legs in anticipation, visibly enjoying the enticing questions from her father that read as a game just between the two of them.
“We got a few tiny plants!” she beamed, giggling and jerking her body as Aemond tickled her.
“And then…”
She froze in place, gasping dramatically. “… then… we got flowers!”
Aemond chuckled. “Sȳrje. Very well,” he praised as he planted a soft kiss to her forehead. “That is how you came to be.”
Scrunching her nose, she narrowed her inquisitive eyes. “I came from a… vase of flowers?”
You were a mere spectator, enjoying how Aemond handled such delicate matter, not able to hold back the wide grin on your face.
“Daor. I planted a seed inside your mother,” he said as he brought his hand to your stomach. “Here.”
Your daughter turned her head, eyes landing where his hand lay. “How did I get there?”
Aemond cleared his throat, staring at you in a silent plea.
“You are handling this perfectly, lord husband,” you said, placing your fingers atop his with a smile.
“So mother is a vase of flowers?” she inquired, confusion washing over her face.
Aemond’s lips curled into a soft smile. “You could say so.”
Her eyes widened incredulously as she brought her own tiny hand to your belly in sheer fascination.
“I’m a flower?”
The endearing conclusion she had drawn, had your heart clench.
“Iksā iā rūklon,” Aemond said with a nod. “Se iā zaldrīzes.”
“Woah!” she gasped in uncontrolled excitement, shooting her eyes to yours. “I’m a flower and a dragon, muña!”
You gave her the warmest smile. “The most delicate flower and the fiercest dragon.”
She got on her knees, bouncing on the bed with newfound enthusiasm.
“When are you planting another flower in mother?” she grinned expectantly at Aemond who groaned and sank into his pillow.
Part II
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btsugarush · 1 year
Tracing Your Tattoos | jjk [teaser]
summary: you never expected to reunite with the ex that broke your heart years ago after he disappeared on you during your pregnancy, but here he was in the the flesh, asking for a place to stay.
pairings: ex boyfriend!baby daddy!jungkook x f!reader
warnings: smut, angst, alcohol addiction (jungkook is a recovering alcoholic), exes to lovers, brief violence, fluff, 18+, minors dni
warnings for teaser: DV, strangulation
word count: 922
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You let out an airy sigh as you enter your home, relieved to finally kick your shoes from your aching feet. You peel off your jacket, hanging the denim on your coat rack. You notice Jungkook still sitting on the couch, just as he was when you left for work this morning. “Hey, honey.” You greet the brunette. “Hey.” He mumbled, his eyes staying glued to the tv screen. You furrow your brows at his lackluster tone, finding his unenthusiastic attitude off putting as he usually greets you at the door, but you chose not to dwell on it. “Where’s Junior?” You keep the conversation moving, venturing towards the kitchen.
“Asleep. Where else?” He says with agitation in his voice, subtly hinting that he wasn’t quite in the mood for talking. He takes a sip from a plastic red cup that you hadn’t spotted in his hand until now. You sense the hostility in the room, so you decide to address it. “Is there a problem?” You ask the brunette, who still refuses to look away from the television. “No,” he burps. “Do you want one?”
You scoff, throwing up your hands as you refuse to argue with him and his random act of rudeness. You focus on the mess that was left in the kitchen, rolling your eyes. Leave it to Jungkook to make a mess and not clean it up. You grab the garbage from the counter, stepping on the peddle of your trash can, the lid popping open.
You notice an empty glass bottle sitting atop of the heap of garbage, and a frown forms your lips. You throw the trash in your hands back to the counter before you grab the glass bottle from the trash, reading over the label. ‘Jack Daniels’. Your cheeks heat up with rage, and you stomp over to Jungkook, slamming the bottle on your coffee table. “What the fuck is this?!” You shout angrily.
Jungkook finally pulls his gaze away from the tv, looking from the bottle to you. “A bottle.” he replies in a snarky manner. “Yeah, that much I fucking gathered. What’s it doing here?” You cross your arms, giving him the 3rd degree.
“I had a friend from my sobriety class come over, and we had a little drink. So what?”
“So what?! You drank the whole fucking bottle, Jungkook. You’re not supposed to be drinking at all, you’re a recovering alcoholic!” The brunette scowls as though he didn’t need your reminder. “I know that.” He slurs a bit, his voice nonchalant. “Then why the hell are you drinking with your sobriety buddy when you should be attentive to our five year old?”
“You know I’ve had a tough week, so give me a fucking break.” He takes another swig of what was in his red cup, which you could only presume to be the rest of the Jack Daniels. “That better not be alcohol in that cup.” You point to the red solo cup. “And if it is?” He glares at you, his eyes glossy.
You huff, stepping around the table to snatch the cup from his grasp but Jungkook is too quick, moving the cup away from you. “Jungkook, give it here.” You demand, reaching for it once more, though it was all to know avail. Fed up, you smack the bottom of the cup, watching it fly out of his hand and hit the floor. “What the fuck is your problem?!” He bellowed, abruptly standing up from the couch.
“No, what’s yours?!” You size him up, not backing away just because he towered over you. “You promised me you changed, but here you are drunk with our son only in the next room! You’re fucking hopeless!”
“I’m hopeless?” He chuckles. “If I’m hopeless then you’re pathetic. Having that damn kid when you know I never fucking wanted him in the first place!” He spat. You felt a pang in your chest, your eyes watering a bit. You refused to let them fall though. Instead you pull your hand back and slap Jungkook across the face. The brunette’s head turned upon impact, and you could see him bite down on his lip ring.
Before you’re able to process what you’ve done, Jungkook lunges at you, knocking you down onto the couch. He straddles you, his hands flying around your throat. You struggle to get him off you, your fists pounding against his chest. The struggle only makes him squeeze tighter, your eyes watering as you lose oxygen.
“Daddy?” The sound of your son’s voice rings in your ears; Jungkook’s grip suddenly loosens, and he finds himself pulling away from you. The look on his face is a look of terror, shame, and sadness as Junior stands there in confusion. Though the child didn’t understand what was going on, it was the mere fact that he was witnessing his father strangle his mother, and that made Jungkook sick to his stomach.
Jungkook looks from the five year old, to you, lying there trying to catch your breath. He runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes brimming with tears. “I’m… I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” He shakes his head, standing up from the couch and darting to the front door. He puts on no shoes, or jacket, just opens the door and leaves you there alone with Junior. You sit up from the couch, the tears you wouldn’t let fall finally did so.
Junior approaches your shaking frame, looking up at you with worried eyes. “It’s okay, mommy.”
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bookuce · 1 month
I Hate You, I Love You (Roman Reigns) -- One Shot
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Summary: It's Date Night for Mariah and Joe, but it doesn't go as planned. Insecurities were revealed. Words went flying, but it's okay. He's going to make her take it all back.
DISCLAIMER: Outside of the OC, I do not own any character mentioned. The real names of wrestlers are used in my writings. In this, Joe is Roman Reigns. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAANKS.
PAIRING: Roman Reigns x Black OC
WARNINGS: Smut, Language, 18+, NSFW
The front door to Mariah and Joe’s home swung open, bouncing off the wall behind it. “Get the fuck away from me.” She hisses, making sure to slam the door behind her. A shoulder stops it, forcing the door to open and hit the wall again. Dinner didn’t go as planned, and the entire drive home, she and him argued. 
“Quit slamming doors in my fucking house, Mariah!” He shouts after her, slamming the door behind him. Mariah marched angrily up the stairs, her fingers fumbling with her earrings. She just wanted to get out of this stupid outfit.
“Fuck you, Joe.” She spat.
“Ay, watch your mouth.” He warns her. Joe would follow her up the stairs, his feet making thunderous sounds with each step he took. She enters the bedroom, walking over to her nightstand. “You’re always blowing things out of proportion.” That pissed her off. She grabs the lamp on the nightstand, sending it hurtling towards him. He dodges it, turning to watch it shatter against the wall.
“Don’t you dare try to flip this on me! I wasn’t the one eye fucking the waitress all night!” She shouts, pointing at him. “I try to do something nice for your ass—for us, and you make me look fucking dumb! You fucking pig! I fucking hate you!” Mariah’s body was shaking with rage, her body hot with anger. She’d clench and unclench her fists while she glared at him. He looks at her, his brows furrowing. He didn’t play any of that hate shit. 
“Girl, are you out of your goddamn mind?” He says, stomping around the bed towards her. His hand reaches out, but she shoves it away. 
“What did I just tell you!” She shouts at him. He reaches for her again, his advances falling short once more. “Get away—.”He snatches her arm up, yanking her towards him. They were now flush against each other, Joe towering over her. His large hand grasped wavy locks before pulling her head back to look at him.
“Say it again.” He growls.
Her heart was racing wildly in her chest thanks to this argument. Emotions were high, and there was a tingle in her throat. Her chest rose and fell with short breaths. She’d lock onto those brown eyes, tears beginning to fill her own. She’d blink quickly, ridding herself of the blurs her tears caused. She’d swallow back the urge to cry, her stare hardening. “I said I hate you—.” Before she could finish that sentence, Joe’s lips were on hers.
She’d press her lips tight together, protesting his kiss. He’d let go of her arm, his hand immediately reaching around to grab a handful of ass. It was his go-to move every time she stonewalled him. She’d let out a moan, allowing her mouth to fill with his tongue. Her mouth began to move against his own, returning his angry kiss. It was impressive how quickly she gave in to him when she was mad. He was a wrecking ball to every strong foundation she had ever built. Slender fingers travel up the lapel of his suit jacket before reaching around to connect at the back of his neck.
Joe’s hands would move from their places in her hair and on her ass, finding the neckline on the back of her dress. His fingers tried to find the zipper, but he would quickly get irritated with the hunt. They’d wrap around the neck, ripping the dress right down the center of her back. His hands would travel along the growing split, exposing her backside. Cold air rushed at her body, quickly raising goosebumps. His left hand traveled back up, now wrapping around the back of her neck. He’d grip it roughly, pulling her back from the kiss. She’d let out a pant at the unexpected motion but sharply gasped when he shoved her body into the comforter on their bed. He releases her neck, his hands pulling her arms back. He’d hold her wrists in one hand.
“Take it back.” He demands.
She lifts her head, her hair now a mess. “I hate you.” She says again. He’d strike her right ass cheek, causing her to yelp. The sensation from the sting traveled up her back, making her arch. “Fuck,” she says under her breath, letting her head drop back into the thick blanket.
“Don’t make me tell you again.” He says, his voice stern. She ignores his warning, remaining quiet. “Oh, now you have nothing to say.” His hand would collide with that cheek again, hitting in the same spot. Riah sinks her teeth into her bottom lip to stop herself from reacting. A red, hand-shaped welt would appear on her skin. “Now, I can do this all night; it’s all up to you.” He boasts, bringing his hand down for a third time.
“God!” She cries out. “I—I take it back!” She moves her hips in an attempt to ease the burn. 
He releases her hands, allowing them to drop to her sides. “Apologize.” He says calmly. Joe shrugs out of his suit jacket, draping it neatly across the bed beside her. He unbuttons the cuffs of his sleeves, folding them up past his elbows. Even though she surrendered, he and she knew he was far from finished. She presses her palms into the soft bedding, slowly pushing herself up.
“I’m sorry.” She breathes. The front of her dress would slip down her arms, exposing her breasts. She peers up from the curtain of messy black hair, her eyes finding her disheveled appearance in the grand mirror against the wall. 
“That’s not good enough for me.” He says, her head dropping at his words. Oh, for fucks sake, she thought. Suddenly, he pulls her head back, causing her to gasp. Her hands reach back for his shirt, barely grasping the fabric. “Say it right. Daddy, I’m sorry. I’ll never say it again. I love you, Daddy. I need you, Daddy. Forgive me, fuck me, Daddy.” He says into her ear, mocking her tone of voice. “That’s what I want to hear.” He confesses. His breath was heavy in her ear, causing her to shiver. She’d move against his crotch, squeezing her legs tight at the arousal she was feeling. She could feel his bulge against her backside and just knew he was aching to free it. She just had to say the words.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” She whimpers.
“Say it again.” He purrs, nodding his head.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“And?” He presses. Joe’s attention now turns to the mirror, a devious smile on his face. He reaches up, pulling the front of her dress down more. 
“I’ll never say it again.” She adds. His large hand cups a breast, massaging it slowly. His thumb would flick her sensitive nipple, causing her to moan. 
“Go on.” He whispers. 
“I love you, Daddy.” She continues, her hips still moving against his. The friction would cause him to give her a moan. Mariah smirked at the reward. 
“I love you.” He replies. His tongue would drag up her neck, flicking her earlobe. If he could, he’d devour her and leave nothing behind. She’d shift her hips once more, the tension in her loins growing by the second.
“I need you, Joe.” She says, opting for his name. He’d drop her back to the bed, and she’d sigh at the relief her neck felt. He’d wedge his knee between her legs, pushing her legs open. “Fuck me.” She breathes. 
“Fuck me what?” He asks. His hands grabbed the tattered dress she wore, ripping it more to expose her lower half to him. She wore no underwear with plans of their evening ending on a good note. Technically, it still was, but the outcome was different now. His hand would find the heat between her legs, his fingers becoming soaked in her wetness. His middle and index would push through her folds, finding her throbbing clit.
“Daddy.” She moans.
“Good girl.” He cooed at her, his fingers massaging the cluster of nerves at her center. She whimpered softly, her hips winding against his hand slowly. “We’re gonna fix that attitude.” He removes his hand from her glistening folds, his hand now having the same shine. He’d bring his hand to his lips, taking both fingers into his mouth. He sucks her fluids off his hand, humming softly at the sweet taste. Riah relaxes into the mattress, sighing softly. 
The unfastening of a belt could be heard behind Mariah, followed by the sound of a zipper. Joe pushed his pants past his hips, his cock flopping out from the confines of his trousers. He’d position himself at her opening before slowly pressing into her. She’d suck in a breath when she felt him insert her, a loud moan shaking her core. “Hush all that up.” He says, teasing her now. His hips move slowly within her, allowing her walls to adjust to him comfortably. “You done ran that mouth too much tonight.” He slams his hips into hers once. 
“F-Fuck.” She stammers. 
“Talking about you hate me.” Slam. “You don’t hate me. You can never hate me.” Slam. “You love me, can’t get enough of me, can’t live without me.” His hands grip her hips. “I don’t hate you either,” He breathes. “But I’ma fuck you like I do.” His hips began to pound into her, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Her hands would feel along the comforter before gathering the fabric by the fistfuls. She pulls it towards her, revealing the black satin sheets beneath the large blanket. 
“J-Joe!” She moans. “Ah, Joe—fuck!” He’d reach down, pulling her head up slightly.
“Look at yourself.” He says, talking about the mirror. Watching him degrade her in the most disgusting of ways only made her more aroused. “Done made me ruin a good dress.”
“I’m sorry,” She whimpers.
“Yeah, you better be.” He groans. “Fuck, Riah.” He lifts a hand to unbutton his shirt. Bit by bit, his shirt would reveal that chest piece she loved to kiss so much. Her fingers now ached to touch it. 
Her legs would begin to tremble with each thrust. Her body became overwhelmed with pleasure. Oh, she was close. “I’m gonna cum!” She chokes out. Her walls begin to clench against him, her legs increasingly getting worse. Suddenly, he pulls out, stripping her of any chance of release. His hand releases her hair, and she drops back into the bed. “Please!” She begs, making him laugh.
“Please!” He mocks her again. “What happened to all that mouth you had earlier, hm? Slamming my doors, breaking my shit.” He tsks at her, his head shaking in disappointment. “Not so tough now, are you?” He flips her onto her back. She’d land with her hands by her head. He grabs the shredded dress, ridding her body of it completely. He balls it up and tosses it to the side.
Mariah covers her face, trying to give herself a moment to compose herself. Her cheeks were hot, her face damp with sweat. Rough fingers wrap around her ankles and pull her to the edge of the bed. She drops her hands from her face, glaring up at Joe. He places both legs on his shoulders. “You can get that look off your face.” He tells her, pressing into her again. Her eyes would close in bliss, a soft sigh leaving her lips. 
Joe begins to lean over her body. The pressure in her abdomen building as he did so. He was folding her in half, and she could only imagine what he had planned. Her legs would slide up his shoulders, crossing at the ankles. His hips would resume their vigorous motions, his cock now pushing up into her G-spot. Her hands would slam the bed three times as she cried out in pleasure at him. “Yes!” She exclaims, pushing her hips up into his. “Oh, God, yes!” Her legs trembled like never before, her toes curling hard. 
“You hate me?” He asks, panting softly.
“No!” She moans.
“Look at me while I’m talking to you.” He growls. She forced her eyes open, meeting those dark eyes she loved terribly. “You love me?” He asks. She nods her head frantically. 
“Yes! I love you, Daddy. I love you so much!” He was once again bringing her close to her climax. The closer she got, the louder her moans became. “I’m—I’m—.”  before she could finish that sentence, he’d stop his hips. She let out a scream of frustration, earning a smug grin from her man. He was edging her into insanity. He moves her legs off his shoulders, now wrapping them around his waist. 
“Simmer down.” He says, reaching up to fix his bun. Oh, this asshole, she thought. Hairs stood wildly on his head, but he slicked them back against his head. 
“Joesph, if you don’t fuck me, I swear to—.” She says, her voice catching in her throat. His hips started moving again, this time extremely slow. This pace did nothing but quickly build her up again. Joe lets out a huff of his own, drawing close to his climax, too.
“No one gets me like this but you.” He tells her. “I don’t give a damn about  anyone but you.” His hips begin to pick up speed again. He leans over her again, his fists pressing into the mattress. “Don’t fucking embarrass me like that again.” He says through clenched teeth. His hips collided with her own, filling the room with loud claps of flesh against flesh.
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes again. “I’m close, God, I’m so close.” She whines. Her walls began to spasm around his length again, but this time he powered through. He could feel his hips starting to tighten, his thrusts now stuttering. He would give her three more pumps before releasing in her. Her body would erupt with tremors with her orgasm, her back arching off the bed. “Thank you,” she breathes. “Thank—.” Joe would turn her head, playfully pushing it into the mattress. She’d swat his hand away, earning a laugh from him. He pulls out, stepping back from between her legs. Pain would shoot up her legs now that she was finally able to rest them. She winces slightly.
Mariah pushes herself onto her elbows, her chest quickly rising and falling. “Clean yourself up.” He says, fixing his pants. She’d scoff gently, watching after him. He was walking toward the door. He needed water.
“You owe me a dress!” She exclaims after him.
“I know.” He replies, halfway down the stairs. 
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Yeah, lmao please tell me what you think. I plan to cry about it later LMAO. This is literally my second time writing smut. I hope this was good @kawaiigladiatorwolf. Your request was random to me and I don't take them really, but I figured I'd give it a try. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not a fan of y/n and find it hard to follow at times, so I did what was comfortable to me!
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