#stop erasing lesbians! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sirenium · 7 months
Exclusionists will be blatantly bigoted and then turn around and claim that the pan lesbian they sent death threats to is the true danger to the community 💀
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furbearingbrick · 11 months
90% of “i support gender fuckery” folks on this site when someone participates in gender fuckery in a way that doesn’t align with lesbian separatism:
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[ID: The surprised Pikachu meme. End ID.]
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jennawynn · 19 days
You know they can (and are, canonically) both be bi, right? You don't have to make one of them a lesbian for... why DO you insist one of them is a lesbian?
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
I know it's wrong, for someone like me to want someone as good as you. But for these few moments, please at least let me dream.
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loreensdarling · 1 year
monthly reminder that yelena belova is canonically aroace and has been confirmed to not have interest in relationships 🗣️🗣️
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sapphicdessi · 8 months
not only are you transphobic… but youre telling a lesbian that they aren’t a lesbian. YIKESSS
transphobia isn't real, men can't become women. you just think offending/not worshipping men and penis is the biggest sin because you worship males thus can't fathom female homosexuality being real because you're a homophobic misogynist. but you really didn't have to hit anon you know i who you are lmfao. LESBIANS DON'T LIKE MEN/MALES AND DICK! cry and kys over it homophobic bisexual trash
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tiredyke · 1 year
sapphic is a good word, learn it and use it
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veilfemme · 16 hours
I can’t believe I have to say this. You cannot be a “bi-lesbian”. You are either a lesbian OR bisexual. It’s not a mix and match term.
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empress-hancock · 1 year
I am so sick and tired of the gendies treating being bi as something bad!! They all identify out of it! They’re pansexual or omnisexual or they call themselves lesbians but still like dick and pretend that makes them lesbians because the dick is attached to someone who calls himself a woman. They id as nonbinary so they can call their attraction to both men and women gay, they call themselves boygirl f*gd*kes and qu**r and make up usernames with f*g in them and talk about how gay they are. Even the ones who still id as bi will call themselves wlw, sapphic, gay, nmlnm, before they call themselves bi! And not only that but they do that with lesbian too, as if they’re trying to erase them both and make them interchangeable! And all of this because they think being bi isn’t “gay enough.” But that’s the thing, of course it isn’t. Of course being bi isn’t gay enough! It’s being bi! It’s different! It’s not something to be measured against other sexualities! Being bi is a completely separate experience from being gay! The same people who claim “being bi isn’t any less lgbt than being gay! Being bi in a het relationship is still qu**r!” then go on to try everything they can to id out of being bi because being bi isn’t lgbt enough for them and they have to make themselves gay. These people lament “bi erasure” but they are the ones erasing us!! And erasing actual homosexuality as well! I’m sick of it!! The lgb are no longer part of that community! We’re old hat! We’re not interesting enough! They’ve done everything they can to replace our identities with new, made-up ones! I really do not get how the few people within that group who still call themselves bi haven’t woken up to how fucking stupid it all is, and I also don’t get why, among those of us who have woken up, we have hostility between the l & b. Lesbians are like the only ones who aren’t trying to erase bisexuality! Lesbians are the ones trying to establish that there is a difference between homosexuality and bisexuality, instead of trying to mush us all into one group where our experiences are completely indistinguishable from someone else’s. For so long bisexuality has kind of hopped onto the back of homosexuality in terms of culture and that’s why we don’t have a long running culture unique to us (a fact often used, unfortunately, to defend the idea that being bi is the same as being gay), but this is the perfect opportunity for us to create one and we’re not doing that! We need to take the baton that lesbians have passed to us and run with it! They are our teammates! They are the only ones not trying to redefine us! We need to focus more on addressing the rampant biphobia and homophobia of homophobic bisexuals who want to do everything they can to either identify out of bisexuality, or make bisexuality and homosexuality indistinguishable, instead of fighting with the lesbians who support us. We have an enemy and it isn’t lesbians and I don’t see enough discussion about biphobic bisexual genides
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yekkiz · 18 days
just say ure biphobic and go im genuinely so exhausted
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transratsactivist · 1 year
gonna be a little bitchy now because i am annoyed... why are people so quick to call jack danvers gay or lesbian when she has just been referring to one of her exes with he/him pronouns?? can y'all just not imagine a gendernonconforming bi/pan woman?
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ot3 · 2 years
I think that the overuse of “sapphic” may be in response to how common bi erasure was for a while- people were calling canon bis (Korra and Asami, among others) lesbians and calling everyone who pointed that out lesbophobic- I think that just using “sapphic” started as a compromise for use with bi women, and maybe as an attempt at solidarity? Things have probably changed since my day, but biphobia used to be rampant in fandom circles
see but here the thing. i dont give a shit if people wanna call canon bi women lesbians or if people wanna see canon lesbians as bi. once again its literally not like anyone in the world cares about f/f in media other than other gay women. so i don't get why we're fighting over this stuff. it doesnt matter to me. if someone sees their own experiences reflected in fiction it takes nothing away from me for them to view it through that lens. and is is unreal to me that this is where so many people draw a hard line.
i don't think the language that we use to talk about ourselves in the mainstream should be dictated by what is the most rhetorically useful for settling fandom drama yknow?
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aiura-stan · 1 year
if kuusuke was a girl would she still be feminine or. more butch
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Hot take if the content of a post is aimed specifically at lesbians stop tagging it with nblw
And people who put "men dni" on a post they're tagging as nblw should blow up and explode badly
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down-thedrain · 1 year
i'm korrasami's #1 defender i will literally die on this hill
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you mean by you don’t think femme4femme is a thing? Like do you not agree with it or not think people have that experience, or is a historical or terminological disagreement?
no like theres plenty of feminine women who want to fuck other feminine women it just doesnt really have much to do with the butch/femme subculture and like most people who are going out of their way to announce that they're femme4femme are just doing it in a defensive like uhmm i only like pretty cute soft pink uwu girlsss 🥺 way thats just terminally irritating 😭 ur the default majority already so it like comes hand in hand with this idea that butch4femme couples are like somehow privileged and proximal to heterosexuality or something ... and to me in that context femme is just meaning like that ur a feminine woman in purely aesthetic terms so like idrc if ur using that word to describe who u wanna bang in the appropriate context, but i dont think it constitutes a femme identity in the butchfemme way which literally only exists in the first place out of courting rituals between butch and femme women. so yeah its historical/terminological for sure, hopefully what i said makes sense<3
i do think its worth considering like how internalised lesbophobia and the stigmatisation of gnc women etc might be affecting this and like i say, a lot of the like aggressively femme4femme ppl are young gays w a lot of internalised lesbophobia who need to make it clear that theyre like an acceptable pretty soft whatever lesbian not like those dykes, but thats not me saying that ur problematic for not fancying butches or something - like were the roles reversed id be the exact same bc feminine women just arent what's attractive to me n thats fine. but the reason a lot of our hackles go up at that term is because through experience we've come to associate it with dehumanisation of our partners and dismissal of our desire, etc. a lot of ppl have some kind of variation and maybe like really androgynous girls or all sorts of girls who are both feminine and masculine or whatever whereas i feel like if ur out the gate dismissive of anyone whos not hyperfeminine that is just to me more likely a sign that uve got some stuff to deal with. but thats for u & like ill never dismiss someone purely based on who theyre attracted to thats crazy but if ur framing it in a way thats clearly defensive against proximity to the gnc women in ur community or something then yeah i dont think you have any right to the subculture which they built and defended as a safe space from people exactly like u!! i hope that makes sense and any follow up qs are totally welcome if i said anything that confused u or u dont agree, i hope i dont come off hostile or anything 🥺 also i just realised i have a really bad habit of oscillating between second and third person when i start talking about an abstract group so jic im not referring to YOU, anon but to like a vague ye <3
#ask#anon#butchfemme#feminine lesbians who like other feminine women can still be gnc and have complicated gender bla bla etc etc etc#i just mean this one specific history and subculture it doesnt make any sense for u to claim if u have no interest in butches#and like im alwayssss saying terms just exist to describe experiences so im not like gatekeeping ur experience or whatever#im just saying the term femme in that sense has no meaning to me outside of the experience of like relating to butches in a certain way#so idrc if ur like#saying that on ur dating profile to communicate who ur interested in w/e#its just the girls who come on here and are all omggg can we stop erasing femme4femme femmes!!!! or whatever#please turn on any lesbian tv show ever and tell me where this erasure is queen#i feel like im struggling to explain the type of person bc its like ...iykyk#but usually if i meet someone who just happens to like fem girls theyre not going to be all OMG I ONLY LIKE PRETTY PURE SOFT DELICATE GIRLS#EYELINER HIGH HEELS MINI SKIRTS CHRISSY CHALALAPECKA<333#the second i meet them whereas if im on some girls acc n shes got 'femme4femme' in her bio 9/10 times i scroll down her blog n its very tha#and ik these girls would define me . a stone femme . as like butchy femme or soft butch or w/e#because the fact that im obviously the 'girl one' when i stand next to a masc one is how im conceiving of myself#rather than like what would a str8 guy think if he saw me walking down the street#sorry this is sooo long i just feel like its such a Thing and like all of us know without saying exactly why i dont like it but i do wanna#explain what that is so it doesnt look like im just being a hater to girls who like that pic of the girl putting makeup on the other girl#or w/e#im an ally to ur culture just wish it was more mutual <//3
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