#stop octopus farming
janebdean-blog · 1 year
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enola504ever · 1 year
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luccorvus · 7 months
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Giving Tim Drake random food quirks I myself have (since we know he has horrible tastes)
No pasta. No pasta in no ways. Pasta itself is gross, regardless of how you cook it. The noodles are just bad tasting, it's not more complicated than that.
Celery is best when dipped in soft drinks. Dark soft drinks like Coke, Root Beer, or Dr. Pepper, though "yellow" ones like Mellow Yellow and Ginger Ale work too. Dick likes this as well.
Salads are better deconstructed. It is better to just several leaves of lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, some radicchio leaves, and some broccoli than to mixed it in a bowl. (this is consistent with him like cukewiches)
Sushi is good (an objective fact), but the best sushi by far is Unagi (eel) and Tako (octopus). But of the common sushi you can buy at like Kroger or Speedway, escolar (its called white tuna but that is very inaccurate) is the best. One time Tim eats way too much escolar nigiri, and Bruce walks in and grimly tells him that escolar is banned in Japan because it causes dysentery when eaten in more than 6oz at a time. Tim misses patrol.
Rare meat does taste good, but it makes him sick to his stomach 20 minutes later. It is the way to be throwing up over and over until the acid causes slight bleeding in your throat. Bruce breaks down the bathroom door and sees blood on the toilet seat and goes into a panic. That's a very embarassing ER visit
I absolutely hate cheese 9 out of 10 times, but I'm not mean enough to curse Tim like this. But we will say that like me, Tim prefers Fontina to a ridiculous degree to other cheeses. When Tim uses Fontina on his Tacos Jason's heart murmurs
Speaking of Tacos, I hate tortillas of any kind, soft, hard, hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em. Again, I won't curse Tim with this blood malediction, but I will make it so Tim exclusively eats Whole Grain tortillas. Steph steals a bite of his burrito and immediately feels disappointed.
Like me, Tim loves loves quinoa. Like me, Tim did not know any ethical controversies with quinoa for years. However, Tim learned when he was like...17, so his teenage egoism and privilege guilt makes him immediately feel rotten. But luckily Tim is very rich so he invests in Gotham starting its own quinoa farms, and WE oversees so they the most ethical farms on the East coast
Tim is allergic to hibiscus. If this was the 80s like when Tim was introduced, he would probably not know this until he was in his 40s, because hibiscus was not in anything in America until like 2015.
Tim absolutely thinks Mixed Peppercorns are superior to Black Pepper and literally never buys Black pepper again. Kroger's Private Selection brand has made a whale of him (affectionate and derogatory)
Cherry Coke is Tim's lifeblood outside of Coffee. If you offered Tim a prime rib or a Cherry Coke he would take the Cherry Coke every time, it is one of his favorite flavors ever
And in contrast, Tonic Water is Tim's most hated thing of all time. It doesn't make him gag or anything, but the flavor is his least favorite flavor.
Tim likes grapefruits a lot. But grapefruit screws with the medicine he needs, so he can't have it. He stares longingly at the ruby reds in the Kroger produce section. When will they return from the war.
Tim prefers soda in glass bottles, both for ethical reasons (glass doesn't downcycle and isn't toxic like microplastics are) and because he thinks it tastes better. Tim, a man of science, will die on this conspiracy.
All coffee is good. Starbucks $8 pistachio frappes with coconut milk and olive oil? Awesome! Black quintuple shot espressos? Awesome! Dollar General "French Roast"? Awesome! $40 a cup imported Colombian coffee? Awesome! Mushroom coffee? Awesome! Kroger instant coffee? Objectively awful, but with enough powdered creamer and Splenda, it can be fine too!
Tim exclusively uses the spellings "Catsup" and "Doughnuts." That's how he was raised to spell them, he spelled them that his entire childhood, and he's not interested in making any attempt to stop (my dad learned it from living in Germany and supposedly Germans who learned English in school used those spellings, and I could see Jack Drake having that same experience (no I have no idea if that's actually factually true my dad's had dementia my entire life))
Tim has a decent spice tolerance, habanero is about his max, but not a whole lot of food made for regular consumption goes beyond that, so its not a big deal. But, Tim doesn't actually like the flavor of most hot peppers. (I personally think jalapenos are kinda gross), so a lot of people think he can't handle hot food when its just that he doesn't like a lot of the mainstream hot stuff
Chili is in the top 5 of the grossest smells Tim has ever smelled and he is not exaggerating. Rotting carrion and skunk are less offensive than the smell of a pot of chili. He doesn't know if he likes the flavor or not because the smell makes him too sick to even notice a taste.
There are almost zero fresh fruit or vegetables that Tim does not like. Like, a very small number, like both categories fit on one hand.
Tim's favorite apples are the yellow ones and he will not take criticism.
Marshmallow artificial flavor is absolutely amazing, but its pretty rare for Tim to ever actually just eat marshmallows. Marshmallow flavored candy, coffee, sodas, creams, those are good.
Tim loves cotton candy flavored things too, like Cotton candy flavored cupcakes or gum or something. But his favorite is Cotton Candy Faygo. But Faygo is pretty rare in Gotham, so instead he just putts cotton candy into his Sprite or Sierra Mist
Speaking of Sierra Mist, Tim thinks it is vastly superior to Starry
Tim loves white brats. They are the best meat on BBQs, superior to steaks, ribs, hot dogs, fish, poultry, veggies, burgers, none of it can compare
Tim does like bitter foods. Cass sees him eating chocolates and doesn't realize its 82% dark and grabs one then immediately shrivels into a lump
Upon learning all of this Duke constantly makes fun of Tim for having the whitest taste buds, but finds Tim likes quite a bit of classic Black Americana soul food, and Duke feels some respect. Then he sees Tim snacking on kale chips and it immediately fades (btw remember Tim is Blasian in all of my posts from now until I die)
Tim loves Worcestershire sauce. Supernaturally. Bruce sees 13-year-old Tim take a shot of a dark liquid and is immediately furious, and Tim has him take the other one and its straight Worcestershire. Bruce gags so hard he hurts his ribs as bad as a punch from King Shark.
Tim likes sprinkles. Alfred fucking hates this. Tim puts sprinkles on his pancakes, one his lattes, on every pastry and ice cream ever. But then Alfred sees Tim make fairy toast and he's reminded of his mom, and making it himself for his daughter, and lets it slide.
Duke sees Tim scowl and pudding, and ignores it. Duke sees Tim eat a plain hotdog, shivering at any idea of mustard, catsup, or mayonnaise. Duke sees Tim cringe when he puts ranch on his salad. When probed, Tim replies "I don't like anything with that boogery texture" and Duke is immediately too grossed out to finish his salad
Tim had an entomophagy phase, for sure. "It's so good for the environment guys, if humans started eating ants we'd never run out of food, world hunger would be solved in weeks." They're watching a movie and Tim pulls out a small plastic bag, pulls out a centipede and eats it casually. Dick lunges for a trashcan and Damian flinches like he'd been slapped.
Tim prefers 1% milk to whole, skim, or 2%. He also really enjoys acidophilus milk. While Jon's over playing with Damian, Jon asks what that means and Tim says "oh they put more bacteria in it," and Jon starts X-Raying Tim to see if he has like legions on his lungs or something, and when he sees Tim doesn't have a spleen he cries and tells Clark the milk is eating Tim inside out
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3m0n3rd · 2 months
Please sign this petition to stop octopus farms!
Why should you sign this?
This is happening in Spain, as these farm hurt these intelligent animals. Because octopuses are emotionally aware and are able of social interactions. But these farms are taking these sentient creatures captive and it is well known that octupuses suffer greatly in captivity - which causes extreme boredom, stress, diseases and depression. They are also a major part of marine ecosystems, and taking them from their home is straight up ruining the bio-life under the water.
These farms in Spain raise about a million octopuses annually for food. Octupuses are solitary animals (unless mating) that live in deep sea waters that has little light. In captivity, octopuses are tightly packed in together and are shunned with light.
Farms in Spain use a method called the 'ice slurry' - "Ice slurry killing is a method of euthanizing fish or octopuses by lowering their body temperature to cause anesthesia and death" says humane slaughter association
In other words, they give these animals less and less oxygen and either warm up the temperature and or lower the temperature (depends on the species) until they die. So a slow and painful death to these well aware animals.
"Large numbers of octopuses should never be kept together in close proximity. Doing this leads to stress, conflict and high mortality …"
Around 350,000 tons of octopus are caught every year. With only 500,000 tons are in the wild. So basically even though the population is growing in the wild in enormous rates, these farms will just take almost half of the population that's growing and slaughter these classified sentient mollusk*. Octupuses are caught 10 times more since the year 1950 that's been recorded.
What can I do to help?
Well of course sign the petition! So far they have 580,304 signatures but they need to get to until 750K signatures!! You can also donate if you can, the donations are from 5$ up to whatever you have! This will help ban these farms and save these animals. Reposting also helps a lot! It takes one click to help the marine biolife and inhumane Slaughter toward these beautiful octupuses
*(A mollusk is "any of a large phylum of invertebrate animals (as snails, clams, and octopuses) with a soft body lacking segments and usually enclosed in a shell containing calcium.." - Merriam-Webster)
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tatsugiriroll · 4 months
watched the first two eps of travel season!! I was going to make a nice pleasant informational post about what was in them but then I realized people are going to make up shit to get mad at anyway because That’s Online Activism, Right? so here’s what I bothered to put down, with a side of salt
“I don’t want to watch two guys eat food I’ll NEVER be able to afford!!!” the first two places they went to, they got fried chicken for two and four bucks respectively. Next fake outrage claim please
the sauces looked really good. I want to try cheese mustard..
I’ve never watched Andrew in other shows before. I enjoy his calm vibe.
their “brick” camera is fun and cute
i want the ceramic tiger from the flea market.
I didn’t know the magpie was the national bird Or that it was a “tooth fairy” of sorts. excellent because I love magpies
im not a big noodle guy but man those noodles looked very good
isn’t it so weird that Steven (the guy whose passion is food and cooking) gets so much hate for eating a bunch on his shows but when Shane and Ryan go to Knott’s Berry Farm (again) and eat themselves sick it’s so great and fun? 🤔 Weird I wonder what the difference is
gonna be real I like Steven and Andrew’s traveling show vibe more than Shane and Ryan’s. Shane and Ryan honestly feel like they’re always straining to be The Funny Guys™️ viewers Want them to be, making jokes and fucking around and only Sometimes getting to be genuine and insightful; Andrew and Steven have a much more laid back repertoire going. instead of just jokes they’re talking about what they love about traveling
I want to try hotteok so bad wtf…
poor Steven spiceboy… doing Ryan’s I Am Not My Fear bit….
Andrew relatable about pets
I’ve also really been wanting to try tonkatsu. For someone with my (autistic, anxious) eating habits watching other ppl try this stuff can help get me excited
I LOVE places that let you put post-its on the walls
Andrew has the same outlook on spicy food as me like how annoying… stop being so spice already …
Steven’s wife bringing him homemade kimchi… sweet :’3
I enjoyed it. I want to see what else they do!! I hope there’s a dessert episode !!
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Saw this and thought I'd spread it. The octopuses need our help.
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signpetitions · 1 year
In a time where we should urgently switch away from unnecessary animal abuse, a company in Spain aims to start an octopus farm, which would force millions of octopuses caged and killed. Sign the petition below to prevent this from becoming the reality, and stand up for our fellow animals!
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revon-aurora-borealis · 2 months
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ridragon · 1 year
Isn't It like. Objectively better to have an octopus farm than to wild catch octopi? At least if they're farmed they don't have the really awful stress of being caught (tbh wild caught sea food always makes me go eeeeeug because of just how stressful being caught and left out to suffocate in many cases.)
Like if they're farmed we can help keep the wild population from going too low. We can stop the stress of catching. Like yeah it sucks because octopi are really charismatic animals but farming animals is not inherently bad. Animals usually have to be treated at least decently to actually taste as delicious as we're used to lol
But I'm not a marine biologist so SHRUG
I literally cannot really say anything against it because I have a weakness for fried calamari it is literally the only seafood I will eat. I hate the rest.
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acearohippo · 1 year
Mermay's over, but I'm not done with it! Anyway mermaid Tang Xuan Au where Tang Xuan is a octopus based mermaid and Li Ling is like a rich aristocrat. They meet when they are kids and become best friends then Tang Xuan goes away. So a few years down Li Ling is an adult and thinks he made it up till Tang Xuan shows up again. Lewis is also going to be in this idea (cause he deserves it) but I don't have an exact idea. I'm thinking sailor who was friends with Xuan and Ling when younger and also has to go away but stayed in contact with Tang Xuan
You put down Octupus!Merman!Tang Xuan, solid as octopus are know for their flexibility and adaptability, but I raise you WingedFish!merman!Tang Xuan, specifically Four Winged Flying Fish. Fast, sleek, [small,] and can perform decent feats of acrobatics when it launches itself out if the water and into the air. They use their ability to speed boost to outmanoeuvre predators, so they're agile too!
Lewis would be a legend, spread in multiple small towns and isolated villages, as a pirate who shows no mercy to other ships that cross his territory, his wrath setting ships ablaze with a terrifying plume of fire that the townsfolk can see clearly from the comforts of their beach. The screams of these tortured sailors travel with the wind from their emblazed ship, providing easy fodder to scare unruly children into doing their chores and listening to their elders.
In reality, Lewis is in a petty sibling cat-and-mousrle game with Bonnie, Lewis actually being part of the Western King's admiral fleet and trying to catch up to his Pirate!Sister before the Royal Navals find her. She smuggles herself onto pirate ships, in the hopes of joining a crew and going on bloody adventures, but since she's a bit too... Excitable... And aggressive... And bloodthirsty... The Royal Naval fleet always gets involved, and Lewis is almost always there to at least rangle her off the ship. He is fine with his sister's dreams, he just wishes they were a tad less violent so he didn't have to lose sleep over her potentially getting caught and sent to the gallows.
With that being said, Bonnie is a bit of a legend herself, among the pirates, as her figure holding a crude, hodge podge farming scythe in one hand and a ball of fire (actually a lit flask) in the other, is the omen before their ship explodes and they're left to die a slow death. She appears out of nowhere and vanishes just as abruptly too.
Then everything you said is happening between our two boys, with the added spice that Li Ling goes off to find his friend, with the idea to find this Legend and join his crew, so that there will be no rules stopping them and no eyes and ears reporting back to his family. Of course, he hops on his Best Friend's™ ship, Lewis, not realising that this man is the Legend and Lewis can only keep a poker face and act like this Fire Fist legend is someone he's met rather than himself.
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the-starlight-papers · 9 months
I love Thingiverse it’s so good every search result is like
Voroni sculpture
Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson’s head attached to something that does not usually have the rock’s head (ie an octopus, a lobster, ect)
Check out this cool hinge/joint I made!
Holy shit this is the most detailed model I’ve seen in my life
Print this to irritate your loved ones!
This is just a model extracted from a video game and manipulated slightly so it’s no longer t-posing
A pretty nice looking model that someone’s printed with the worst print quality imaginable
Weird content farm things that I don’t think anyone has printed ever including the poster
Definitely some sort of fetish thing
Cool vase
You were too busy trying to figure out if you could, that you did not stop to consider whether or not you should (this is incredibly cursed)
You were too busy trying to figure out if you could, that you did not stop to consider whether or not you should (you can buy this item from the store and it will both function better and use less plastic)
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xqueenybee · 2 years
Spring, Year 1 || I'm doing a Yandere!Elliott Playthrough
So I'm playing a mod in Stardew Valley that turns Elliott into a yandere and I just wanted to keep some notes on my playthrough so:
I kept on the "Black" scenes and allowed the mod to change Elliott's schedule. I haven't gotten to any black scenes, but the schedule changes are interesting.
Elliott came out on a rainy day.
Elliott will sometimes hang out in the bus stop area in the evenings watching your farm.
I received a letter from an "Admirer" that was both sweet and creepy. I think this happened after I got 1 Heart with Elliott.
I have only gotten 1 Heart with Elliott so far. I need to fish up lobster and octopus~
BUT I got up to 5 Hearts with Shane entirely because I gave him a loved gift for his birthday and completed some quiz. This would be so much easier if I were on a Shane run.
The Flower Festival was super interesting. I accidentally missed it the first time I played the day, so I had to restart lol. Elliott was really wanting to dance with me, but was afraid to ask. When I asked, he still turned me down and said he had agreed to dance with someone else. When I talked to Leah, she mentioned that Elliott wanted to dance with someone else but didn't want to seem strange to them. This event was interesting. I dance with Shane because I wasn't going to waste those 4 Hearts during Year 1. Nothing bad happened to Shane.
Leah's dialogue reflects the yandere elements. Mentions that Elliott talks about me a lot. Once asked if Elliott and I were close. Sorry boo, I'm besties with the town drunk lol.
Made it to 4 Hearts with Emily.
I feel stupidly frustrated that I can't romance Elliott more effectively without messing with my fishing mod so I can fish out of season.
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veganpropaganda · 1 year
I was wondering if you were aware of the Plant-Based Treaty's campaign for octopuses, I think it's very important
i wasn't aware of the campaign. thank you for sharing!
for more context:
Previous attempts to breed octopuses for farming have faced high mortality rates among the animals, as well as cases of aggression, cannibalism and self-mutilation. There's currently no recognised humane method to kill octopuses, and the current techniques used on wild octopuses are far from merciful to these cephalopods. ...
Growing demand for octopus is causing the overfishing of this animal, and subsequently the rise in its price on the global market. All of this is contributing to making the idea of farming octopuses increasingly more appealing. ...
In "The Case Against Octopus Farming" published on Issues in Science and Technology in 2019, researchers argue that "farming octopus is counterproductive from a perspective of environmental sustainability," as octopuses follow a carnivorous diet that will contain fishmeal. According to the WWF, around a third of the global fish catch is used to feed other animals. Farming octopuses would just deepen the crisis experienced by depleted stocks. With all that we know about the ongoing biodiversity crisis, animal welfare and the rise of vegan and vegetarian alternatives on the food market, choosing to farm octopuses seems, indeed, as scientists say, an unnecessary "disaster."
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seasideretreat · 11 months
I maintain nonetheless that we must ultimately conclude Sartre's whole philosophy is a bit numbing. People speak about analysis paralysis: I suppose that is the essence of Sartrianism.
Why do I like IT? Because it is animational. It gives a soul to the world. Sure, you can design eco-friendly power plants, but that is just going to throw more buildings into the world, buildings where nothing happens: on a computer, you can play games and music and you can watch movies or read books - animation. Of course, you're gonna wonder, what is the world going to be without the substance of carpentry, physics and chemistry? And the answer is: information. But we do need some substance of course, but I nevertheless feel that if we stop believing in computer science is the day we lose it.
Now for some philosophy: if the whole world consists of atoms, and robots could become infinitely more advanced, what makes it so that humans are sapient and computers are not? Maybe this is the killer question that is the reason religion seems so silly nowadays. We are starting to see that there is little magical about our bodies. We are just machines that are incredibly highly developed. Yet I instinctively feel there are tons of problems with that notion as well. Edsger Dijkstra said that the question whether machines can think is comparable to whether submarines can swim. Clearly, that invites us to think about really advanced water engines that can mimic swimming. So it really seems that thinking can become mechanized. Nevertheless, I gather something is faulty about this. Thinking is connected to mental activity, just like living, writing, reading, speaking and dancing. We have trouble assigning such notions to animals, even though we can see that animals do many lively activities. Despite that, we can't say that animals have minds like we do, simply because they don't speak. We usually ascribe this to their brain-capacity, but some animals with highly advanced brains don't seem to speak either, viz. the octopus or the elephant. Of course the notable exception is dancing. We do say that bees dance, sometimes. Also, singing is an exception, because we do say that whales sing. It seems we are just frantically guarding this notion of speech to keep ourselves in a position of superiority over the animals.
If animals can think, that says nothing about whether robots can think. A striking taciturnity. Kurt Vonnegut once quipped that we are on this Earth to "fart around", i.e. dilly-dally, which seems weirdly true - and maybe it is also a little tragic. Robots have a singular purpose. They can't skylark like humans can. However, we don't really have to do anything to animate the world. We just have to wake, or watch which is the same word. On the other hand, I think it is hard to stay awake when we've got nothing to do. And that brings us back to that primordial question: what to do? And I always answer this with: help people go on holidays. Of course, if everybody did that the world would descend into anarchy, but it can be all right for a while until you figure out what to do, I mean it really is an inexhaustible industry. The world is a dangerous place. Everybody needs to eat. But we can't all be farmers; that's how things used to be, sure, but people farm more efficiently now. I mean, I want to be better with IT, but I don't know if I'll aim at making money from it. Right now I work for the mail, but that can't last forever, and I don't want it to last forever. I don't even really enjoy it.
There was a time when people aimed at being polymaths, the homo universalis. Good in math, good in languages, good in arts, good in sports maybe even, maybe even good at warfare. Leonardo da Vinci is the most important exponent of this, and he wasn't probably that perfect in the last analysis; but I don't suppose polmathists want to be perfect, they just want to be cultivated. Cicero said you have to be a fool to dance. He also said that a house without books was a house without a soul. Certainly, conversation often consists merely of talk, but I do wonder if dancing cannot be a good way to animate the world. The Dutch author Gerard van het Reve said too that his books were meant to "liberate people from the material world." I've just made the same point for computers. But surely there is more to life than working and otiose conversation. But I don't study computer science to animate the world, I just do it because it clears my head. I just need to have something to fix my attention on. As I said, to animate the world, all you need do is wake (that is to say, watch). But I am not anti-religion or anything; you know religion does all these rituals right, that do seem to serve the purpose of animating the world. But it is probably not per se up to us to instigate such celebrations, which are beyond our control. Computers are simpler. That reminds of a quote by John von Neumann: people think mathematics is complicated because they don't realize how complicated life is. Yeah, it really seems like priest is such an interesting job. Doing those rituals really connects you to all those people, and you're personally involved in all those theological disputations that somehow connect to the things you do in the church: it's a lot. But, the real question is what is the soul of a city? Because obviously being a priest is peanuts compared to the vast totality of the society - even though I do think it is a fine job. And the thing is, you should just focus on the task at hand. Animation is not for nothing tied to silly children's entertainers. You could just do random things to animate the world, but that would be foolish, and you could draw silly faces and do weird things, but that would also be foolish. So it's best to just focus on the task at hand. Sometimes that will be IT, and sometimes that will be talking to your neighbour or enjoying a cup of tea. Or if you're a priest, it might be taking a confession from a vexed fellow.
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re the octopus farm stuff- i think like a week ago you reblogged a petition about stopping an octopus farm.
oh so i did. i saw an octopus and just hit that reblag i guess
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