#stop saying happy vaca
akwolfgrl · 4 months
How sweet it is to be loved by them part 1
I've changed somethings it's now abo and going to be monster trio. Zoro and sanji are married alredy when they meet Luffy.
Luffy watch a blond head bob in the water as they drew closer to the shore. Luffy stood up in the boat and waved his arm excitedly. He was sure he'd have to wait till the grandline before meeting a mermaid! Yet thire they were clear as day.
“Hi!” Luffy called out to them.
“Luffy!” Koby whispered. “Stop, they could be dangerous!” Silly Koby, how was he supposed to become a marine if he was such a coward?
The mermaid stopped swimming and turned towards them before waving back and swimming towards them. He placed his arms against the top of their tiny boat, a net sling over one shoulder. His long blonde hair was the color of gold, yet far more precious, Luffy longed to run his fingers threw it. The shulder length hair was wet from the water curling at the ends, his blue eyes were the same color where the sky met the sea, he had curly eyebrows peeking out from his wet bangs. He had on two mismatched gold earrings, one was tear drop shaped and one had a blue heart dangling from its gold chain. His scent hit Luffy hard, spicy as Vaca atolada, yet salty and fresh like the crashing waves of the seas, a soft sugary drink hit the tip of his tongue allowing him to know they were an omega… no not AN omega but HIS omega
“Hello, what can I do for you?” The pretty mermaid omega asked.
“Are you a mermaid?” Luffy asked him, he was far too pretty not to be.
“Oh my Luffy! You can't ask people if they're mermaids!” Koby hissed at him as the mermaid laughed.
“No unfortunately I'm not,” He kicked his legs up willing his toes. “See no tail,”
“Hmm,” Luffy wasn't convinced but then again he could be hiding. After all, if he didn't want anyone to know he'd never say and deny the truth. “Then if you're not a mermaid what are you?”
“I'm a chef, I suppose a traveling chef now. I pick up work where I can,” He replied. “Sanji by the way, Luffy and who's your friend?”
“I'm Koby,”
“A chef!?” Luffy stomach growled causing the mermaid Sanji to laugh again.
“Come on you sound hungry, join me for breakfast. My house boat is just over there,” Sanji pointed towards the shore and a larger boat parked by the dock.
Luffy and Koby paddled their way over to Sanji's house boat. The blonde omega was climbing up into his home when they arrived. His long muscular legs and thighs were warped in a brightly colored swim trunks with fishes on them. He was slim with a tiny waist, his shoulders were broader than his own but he looked as if he was still growing into his body. He hung the net of crabs up to dry.
“Let me get dressed and I'll start breakfast. The galley is right through this door and to the left,” Sanji spoke, opening said door before turning right.
Luffy dragged Koby with him to the door and to the left. He took a seat at the small table egar to eat. Luffy could smell hints of anthoer alpha, but it was faded. The galley was warm and cozy, the cabinets painted a soft blue, the cupushioens on the chairs and benches, and darker blue. On the wall above his head was an empty sword rack. Thire were photos that littered the walls before Luffy could proprly look. Sanji returned wearing black slacks and a blue long sleve button-up, his long hair pulled back.
“Whata ya makein!” Luffy asked, sniffing the air. Whatever it was, it smelled like meat and bread.
“Cachorro com Ovo,” Sanji replied, rolling his sleeves up. Luffy watched as more skin was once more reviled.
“Mmmm I haven't had that in forever!” Luffy was excited. He loved food more than almost anything else. He was so happy his mate was a cook.
“What is it?” Koby asked.
“Dog with egg,” Luffy exspined. “Thire no dog, it's just bread with a meat stew with fried egg and tomatoes! It's like one of the few things Gramps knows how to make,” Sometimes after training, if Luffy did well, Gramps would make food as a reward.
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chelseachilly · 1 year
king of my heart - pt 6
my baby’s fit like a daydream walking with his head down i’m the one he’s walking to
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell summary: a new season for chelsea means an exciting new chapter for ben and for your relationship warnings: chelsea winning a game 🫢, smut :) (18+) word count: 2.6k
author’s note: hi! i’m currently on vaca for a week in the carribean (this was prewritten) so i prob won’t post again for a week or so, enjoy this bit of fluff and smut in the meantime 💗
You’re practically bursting at the seams with excitement as you sit on Ben’s couch, waiting for him to return home.
The Chelsea jet landed almost an hour ago and you know he’ll be back any time now. He’s been gone for two weeks for the summer USA tour, officially the longest you’ve been apart since you began seeing each other, and it’s been torture.
You tried to FaceTime as much as possible, but the time difference and your busy schedules made it challenging, so you feel like you’ve hardly even talked to him since you kissed him goodbye two weeks ago.
You stayed at Ben’s while he was away to watch his dog Oscar and water the plants. He would typically hire people for that, but you were happy to do it, and staying at Ben’s huge house was hardly a burden for you.
There was also the advantage of being able to raid Ben’s wardrobe - more specifically, his dirty laundry basket - for hoodies smelled like him. One of which you’re currently wearing as you sit on the couch, curled up with Oscar, watching The Office reruns.
It’s getting pretty late, and you had a long work day, so you feel your eyelids getting heavier by the moment as you wait for your boyfriend to get home.
Eventually, you’re unable to stop yourself from drifting off on the couch. You don’t know how long you’re out for, but when you wake up, you feel a gentle hand caressing your face.
“Hey there, sleepyhead.”
“Ben?” you yawn, eyes still shut.
It takes you a moment to come to your senses, but when you open your eyes and see Ben’s bright blue-green ones staring back at you, you fling yourself at him. He’s crouched on the floor next to you, and he shifts back onto his bum so he can pull you into his lap and hold you close.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he mumbles into your neck, his low voice and breathy whisper completely intoxicating you. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” you say, your hands clutching at the material of his t-shirt. “You have no idea how long those two weeks felt.”
“Oh, trust me, I do,” Ben says, pulling back so he can take your face in his hands and kiss you firmly.
You missed his kisses like crazy, how his lips feel like a drug as they capture yours. You can’t get enough of him, especially after all these days apart.
You’re interrupted by Oscar joining the two of you on the floor, nuzzling Ben for some attention. You really can’t blame the dog - you know he missed him too.
“There’s my boy,” Ben says with a smile, petting Oscar. “Thanks again for watching him, Y/N.”
“Of course, babe.”
You smile, moving to stand up, but Ben swiftly wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you down to the couch, covering your face and neck with more kisses as you laugh loudly.
“I love you wearing my clothes,” Ben murmurs, slipping his hand under the hoodie to caress your bare back. “But I also really wanna take this off you right now, if you’re not too tired.”
“Please, I’ve been thinking about this for two weeks straight, and those Instagram photos of you training the other day drove me mad,” you say, watching him grin for a moment before pulling him in for another searing kiss. “Take me upstairs, Chilly.”
Ben happily complies, scooping you up by your thighs so you can wrap your legs around his waist and beginning to carry you to his bedroom.
yourusername via stories
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charlottewright via stories
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📍London, United Kingdom
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liked by yourusername, reecejames and others
benchilwell There’s no place like home 💙
tagged: yourusername
yourusername 😘
charlottewright so adorable!! (I’m talking about Oscar ofc)
jackgrealish Nice one mate 😊
You only have a couple of days to enjoy your little bubble of reunion bliss before Ben is back into the thick of training at Cobham.
His first match of the season is a home game at Stamford Bridge, and you can’t wait to see him playing for the club again after a couple months off.
The morning of the game, you and Charlotte get ready in your matching Chelsea shirts - yours with Chilwell on the back, hers with Mount.
It’s a different experience entirely being at the Bridge now that your relationship is known to the public. You can feel many eyes on you and Charlotte as you make your way to your seats.
It’s an exciting match against Leeds, with the score tied 1-1 at halftime. You’re happy to see Ben is playing very well, among one of the best performances you’ve ever seen from him, and even assisted a goal for Conor in the first fifteen minutes.
You’ve always cared about football, about your club winning, but never like this. You’re so invested that it’s like you’re on the pitch yourself, wincing at every bad pass and jumping up in your seat every time the ball reaches the penalty area.
Your brother texts you during the break, and you can’t help but chuckle at his message.
Max - 3:48PM Your boy’s on fire 🔥
You - 3:49PM Yeppppp 💙
Max - 3:50PM You’re whipped sis 😉
Although you roll your eyes and ignore your brother’s message, he isn’t wrong. It’s almost frightening how much Ben consumes your every thought, how you have to force yourself to concentrate on work throughout the day rather than the way he touched you the night before or the sweet texts he sends you while he’s at training.
You’ve almost told him you love him a couple times now, but you keep chickening out at the last minute. You know it’s true from the very bottom of your heart and the depths of your soul, but you’re terrified of saying it.
Things are getting pretty serious between you two, there’s no denying that. You definitely get the vibe that Ben feels the same way you do, but he’s still a twenty-something and a professional athlete and, frankly, a super fit guy.
Despite how it may seem, you can’t help but feel a bit worried that it will all end, that he’ll get sick of you and move on to the next girl or decide he needs to focus on football.
“You alright?” Charlotte asks you as the second half begins.
You quickly snap out of your train of thought and nod, focusing once again on the match.
Things remain heated as the game continues, with Chelsea playing a strong defense but struggling to move forward. As they move into added time, it’s looking like it’s going to be a draw - not the result you hoped for, but a point nonetheless.
It happens so quickly you barely have time to react, but one moment the Leeds defender has possession and a second later, Ben has the ball and is running quickly toward the goal. The other team tries to stop him, but he deftly avoids their efforts to tackle him and kicks the ball toward the net.
Your breath catches in your throat as you wait to see if it went in, and then the stadium erupts with cheers.
You and Charlotte both jump up and down and hug each other tightly, overwhelmed with excitement at such an incredible goal in the final moments.
“Shit, I think I might actually like football now,” Charlotte laughs as you settle down a bit.
The both of you run down to the tunnels, trying to beat the foot traffic of the many fans exiting the stadium and get to your boys as quickly as possible.
There’s an electric atmosphere in the changing room when you get down there, one of the assistant coaches recognizing you and letting you in. The boys are blaring music and passing beers around, obviously happy with this great start to the season after struggling in the last one.
Ben thrusts his beer bottle into Reece’s hand when he sees you and runs over to you. You meet him halfway and jump into his arms. The excitement has both of you a bit carried away, as you immediately start kissing passionately in front of all his mates.
A few of the lads - and Charlotte - wolf whistle as you kiss him, running your fingers through his sweaty hair, but you couldn’t care less.
“Oi, Chilly, get a room!”
Ben breaks the kiss, probably to tell the guys to bugger off, but another thought seems to occur to him as he takes your hand and leads you down the hall and into an empty physio room.
He dives in to kiss you again, and after a few quick pecks, you pull back and hold his face in both hands.
“What is it, love?” Ben asks you, a smile still on his face.
You admire his bright eyes, his winning grin and contagious energy for a moment, moving your hands to his biceps and squeezing softly.
“It’s just…you,” you admit shyly, your cheeks a bit rosy. “You were so incredible today, and I always love watching you play, but this match was really something else. You’re so special, Ben, both on and off the pitch, and I just-“
“I love you,” Ben exhales, his wide eyes staring into yours.
You stare back at him from a moment, trying to process his words. “You…”
“I love you, Y/N,” he repeats, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
The grin on your face is blinding as you wrap your arms tighter around his neck, replying those words over and over again in your mind.
Ben loves you, and everything is perfect.
“I love you too, Ben,” you say softly, brushing your nose against his.
He smiles just as bright as he leans in to kiss you again, this time holding your waist tightly and bringing you flush against his body.
It’s a bit of a challenge to kiss at first with how much you’re both smiling, but then Ben starts to trail kisses down your neck and your breath hitches.
Without a second thought, you instinctively reach down to tug his shirt off, wanting to feel every inch of his skin against yours.
“Is the door locked?” you mumble as he helps you remove his shirt and then reaches for yours.
“Yeah,” Ben breathes against your lips, squeezing your waist. “Are you sure? I don’t have much time, I need to shower and go do press-“
“We’d better be quick then,” you grin, pulling the shirt with his name on the back up and over your head.
Ben stares at you in complete awe for a few seconds before reaching out and hoisting you up into his arms, carefully setting you down on the physio table.
He helps you out of your jeans quickly before pulling down his shorts, and you can see how hard he already is for you. You know you’re ready for him, too, feeling the familiar ache between your thighs as his strong arms maneuver you so you’re at his entrance.
“You ready, love?” he mumbles against your lips as he pulls your knickers down.
You nod once and he slides into you, both of you inhaling sharply at the contact. He begins to quickly thrust into you as you cling to his shoulders.
“You feel so good, baby,” Ben moans into your neck. “Can’t believe - can’t believe you’re mine-“
“I’m all yours, Ben,” you say, cutting yourself off with a high-pitched moan as he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside you. “You looked so good out there today, I couldn’t wait to have you inside me…”
“Fuck, Y/N,” Ben groans, your words obviously encouraging him as he begins to thrust harder and faster into you. “I’m not gonna last long-“
“And when you scored that goal…you made me so proud, Ben,” you continue, kissing his shoulder. “I love you so much-“
“Babe, I’m gonna-“
Ben lets out a low moan as he comes, his face buried in your neck. You run your fingers through his hair as he rides it out, him leaving little kisses on your collarbone before eventually pulling out of you and grabbing a couple tissues to clean both of you up.
“Sorry, baby, couldn’t help it,” Ben laughs softly, leaning in to kiss you on the lips before tugging his underwear back on. “You talking about the match like that, and telling me you love me…”
He stares at you in disbelief for another moment, and you pull him back into your arms to rest your forehead against his.
“It’s alright,” you smile. “You deserved a little reward for that goal. And because I love you.”
“I love you too,” Ben says again, a massive grin on his face.
He begins to trail kisses down your breasts and toward your stomach, and as much as you don’t want it to stop, you place a hand on his shoulder and gently push him away.
“I can’t leave you hanging, babe!” Ben protests, and you just lovingly roll your eyes.
“You’ve got interviews, and you really need a shower first,” you tease him, making Ben furrow his eyebrows in response. “You can finish me off later.”
“Oh, I intend to,” Ben smiles. “Many, many times.”
With the anticipation of that happening when you get home, you rush to get dressed and get Ben back into the changing room as soon as possible so he can get any press he has to do over with.
“There’s our man of the match,” Kai chuckles as you walk back in, clapping Ben’s shoulder.
Ben is still holding your hand, and Charlotte and Mason rush over to you guys, Charlotte discreetly reaching out to fix your hair. You realize it must still be visibly messy from your little rendezvous, meaning it’s probably fairly obvious what you and Ben just did - if it wasn’t already.
“Looks like Chilly scored twice today,” Mason jokes, only loud enough for the four of you to hear, and you elbow him in the ribs as Ben glares at him and Charlotte laughs.
“Shut it, Mount,” you roll your eyes before turning back to Ben. “Go shower, I’ll see you after the interviews.”
“Okay,” Ben smiles, jogging off to the showers.
You watch him go before turning around to chat with Charlotte and Mason, trying to tame the blush arising on your cheeks. You’re not really that embarrassed, though - you and Ben have been together for months now, and you’re not ashamed to reward your man for such a performance.
As you’re asking Mason a question about the game, you feel a hand grab your waist, and before you can react you’re being pulled into one more kiss.
“Ben,” you chuckle against his lips, “what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing, I just love you,” he says casually but loud enough for everyone to hear, planting one more kiss on your lips before running away again.
All the boys laugh and cheer as Ben disappears once again into the showers, leaving you standing there completely smitten and totally overwhelmed by how much you love this man.
You feel like you’re floating on a cloud, and at this moment, you don’t think there’s anything that could bring you down.
📍 Stamford Bridge
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liked by yourusername, masonmount and others
benchilwell Good start to the season back at the Bridge 💙
tagged: chelseafc
yourusername Amazing game 💙💙💙
chelsfangirl Omg they are so cute
bluesforever If Chilly having a gf means he plays like that then I’m here for it
yourusername via stories
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hope you enjoyed the fluff...before the storm 🤯
next chapter 💙
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cosy-kit · 11 months
Eyyyy, it's me, what's up, my vacation is almost over and so i've decided to give you a lil something i've been working on, enjoy :)
Incorrect quotes staring Ferngully (it's mostly just Batty but i try to even it out)
*the gang in general*
Batty: I think we're missing something.
Crysta: Teamwork?
Zak: Cohesion?
Pips: A general sense of what we’re doing?
*how Zak and Pips quarrel really went*
Zak: *Screams*
Pips: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Crysta: Should we do something?
Batty: No, I want to see who wins.
*take one of Zak trying to teach Crysta slang*
Crysta: Zak, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Zak: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Crysta: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Batty.
*take two of Zak trying to teach Crysta slang with a Batty who tagged along*
Zak: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling?
Crysta: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Batty?
Batty: Probably “road work ahead”.
Pips: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
*Batty locking himself in Zak's room*
Zak, banging on the door: Batty! Open up!
Batty: Well, it all started when I was just a lil pup...
Zak: No, i meant-
Crysta: Let them finish.
*unapologetically spiteful*
Batty: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Zak: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Batty: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Zak: edible
Batty: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Crysta: Alright.
Batty: TraitorSayWhat?
Zak: Excuse me?
Batty: What?
Batty: No wait-
*More of Zaks and Pips rivalry*
Crysta: You have to apologize to Pips
Zak: Fine.
Zak: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
*With how many times he's been hurt this might as well be true*
Batty: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
*The writers when they decided that killing Batty in the end of the movie was a bit to much*
Batty: What’s up guys? I’m back.
The whole fairy colony: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. We literally saw you die.
Batty: Death is a social construct.
*Zak’s job sucks ass*
Ralph, addressing the other workers: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Zak: But – that’s just a trash can.
Ralph: It sure is!
*Pretty in character*
Pips: You often use humor to deflect trauma
Batty: Thank you
Pips: I didn't say that was a good thing
Batty: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
*Batty's treatment towards Zak summarised*
Zak: I was arrested for being too cool.
Batty: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
*The fucking saxophone solo in Battys rap*
Crysta: What time is it?
Batty: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Batty: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Batty: It’s 2 am
i will be rewatching the movie at my earliest possible convenience
(also thank you for the Pips in there my man is underrated)
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imaginespazzi · 27 days
☕️ anon catching up:
Nothing to really report on my end but wanted to say hi and check in :)
How are you?! Hope alls well bestie.
First and foremost, have to say that I appreciate you Mystics ranting (one of the two W teams I support) because its pretty much taking the words out of my mouth. So incredibly frustrating thus far, while I do also recognize that Slim and Kira sadly arent healthy. But Im begging for this team to generally play up to their really high capabilities consistently. The premise of tanking overall is just crazy - no team can control the draft or how your pick/player actually pans out so just compete and take the wins! God willing they will get their act together a bit in the near future, since as luck would have it Im gonna see them play next month 😬
And heres me pretending to be shocked to find you getting in on the discourse of the whole fun Carrington/Smith thing lol. Twitter has been downright hilarious re that!
Pazzi cruise content/crumbs made me happy, looks like they enjoyed a great vaca and thats well deserved for em. Glad to see A comfortable to be a little active on social too
Finally heres hoping that we get to see a bit of Nika defending the hell out of CC again. Though perhaps out of the goodness of my heart for the likely next #1 draft pick I should be hoping for some Indy success ha. I do wish good things for at least Aliyah Boston tbh
Hi lovely <3
I'm good bestie, glad you stopped by to check in, it's been a hot sec, hope you're doing well too!
EXACTLY YOU GET ME! It's just frustrating to watch and yes there are factors there with Kira and Slim and also the players that they're trying to play without this season like EDD and not having Tash but I hate watching wasted potential like this. I really hope you get to watch a good game though babes!
LMAO you said "of course you're invested in the drama" and you'd be right, I live for the gossip truly!
We really got fed with unexpected amounts of content this week, good bless the cruise fr fr. With A seemingly more comfortable posting and P basically glowing on live, I'd gather they had a pretty good vacation.
It's such a double-edged sword with Indiana right now. Like I don't particularly want them to win any of these games but I really need them to. I hope Nika guards CC really well and then AB has a much-deserved good game that results in Indiana winning, best of both worlds lol!
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
dearest leader of auggienation, may i request a little something where eddie, mama y/n, and auggie go on a much needed vacation? thanks!!! :)
first of all im heushsjd at “dearest leader of auggienation” y’all absolutely kill me i absolutely love y’all. second of all, they really deserve a little vaca don’t they?🥺 i think that with the amount of income from eddie’s job they may not be able to afford like the most luxurious vacation, but i think reader and eddie would still want to travel with auggie and give him the best childhood experiences he can and so here’s what i came up with :)
sea baby
warnings: literally none omfg
august did not sleep the whole two hour car drive it took to get from gotham to upstate new york.
his big green eyes stared out the window wondrously as he watched the scenery outside change from city to countryside, and to a more rural area. his little face was practically squished against the window, his little mouth open in wonder as he gazed. he held eddie the dog in his lap, about five other stuffed animals piled next to his carseat and occasionally a few falling to the floorboard. after a while august was too entranced to care; he had never been out of gotham before and was so excited for his little vacation.
you and eddie couldn’t afford a huge vacation. it just wasn’t in your budget. you couldn’t take him to disney world, new york city, or even drive him up to canada to see niagara falls the way he should see it. you and edward, desperate to give august childhood experiences, decided to take auggie to a little coastal harbor town upstate, somewhere auggie could see the ocean and put his little feet in for the first time.
“mommy! moo cows!” auggie squealed as you passed a wooden-fenced pasture full of cows. you smiled, looking back from the front seat.
“i see!” you confirmed happily. the little five year old giggled and kicked his feet, mimicking the ‘moo’ noises to himself. you rubbed eddie’s shoulder as he drove, giving him a soft smile. he glanced at you and returned the smile.
“doing okay?” you whispered. you knew how much making august happy meant to edward, and he let out an exhale as he nodded.
“yeah, it’s gonna be great,” he replied gently, reassuring himself. you ran a hand through his hair and pressed a kiss to his cheeks. “we’ll be there in about twenty minutes, auggie should be able to see the ocean any minute now,” edward added. you turned back once more to look at your five year old son.
“auggie, daddy says you should be able to see the ocean soon,” you said in a sing-song voice. auggie let out a loud drawn-out gasp, causing both you and eddie to giggle seeing his wide eyes and little mouth curved into an o-shape.
• • •
auggie had been even more eager to bust out of his car seat once he saw the ocean, babbling on and on about sea animals and the loch ness monster.
“loch ness monster?” you asked, chuckling slightly at the five year old’s knowledge. he nodded proudly.
“yeah! she’s a big green monster who lives in the ocean, mommy,” august explained. you and edward shared impressed glances before edward looked at his son in the mirror.
“are you scared of her, auggie?” eddie asked. august shook his little head confidently, his light chocolate hair swaying with the motion.
“no, i think she’s nice,” august continued, sitting back in his car seat. eddie smiled, his heart warming at just how kind and loving his son was towards every creature on the planet, even if they’re from scotland and not new york.
• • •
edward held august’s little hand as he ran down to the ocean, eddie giggling as he slowly ran to keep up with his excited son. you were at a beach near your hotel, but august had been so anxious to get in the ocean that you and eddie had decided to stop before checking in.
august panted as he awkwardly ran, eddie slowly him down before he made it to the tide. he brushed auggie hair out of his face, bending over to place a kiss on his son’s chubby cheek as auggie caught his breath.
“are you ready, buddy?” eddie asked happily and august nodded eagerly, his little cheeks plumping even more as he smiled. edward shook auggie’s shoulders lightly and mumbled a “here” as he held auggie’s hands up above his head like he was a baby just starting to walk. he carefully led auggie a few steps forward on the sand until the cool water washed over auggie’s little toes.
august gasped, his eyes staring intensely at his feet as he took in the feeling of the sand and water between his toes. his little face was painted with wonder and a small smile crept on his lips as eddie whispered sweet things in his ear.
“do you like it?” edward whispered just loud enough for auggie to hear. eddie was nervous, hoping to get a positive reaction from his son. august’s nod started off slow and got faster and faster until he jumped, splashing water up to his torso and up to eddie’s knees. the two laughed and edward lifted auggie up and down, making his jumps more impactful as more water splashed. you ran to catch up with the two of them, giving your son a little splash and earning a gleeful laugh from him. the three of you jumped around and splashed, edward lifting auggie up every time a wave came in to prevent him from getting knocked over. it wasn’t until all your clothes were nearly soaked and august began to get slightly chilly did the three of you retreat to the car, next stop checking in to the small little hotel.
• • •
you’d taken auggie back out to the ocean that day after checking in, this time all of you donned in swimwear. you laid on a beach towel near the tide, making sandcastles with auggie and helping him bury eddie’s leg. you had a disposable camera that you took pictures with, capturing your son’s bright smile and the way the coastal breeze blew his hair around. auggie wore little navy blue swimming trunks with rubber ducky floaties on his arms. you’d lathered him up with sunblock to prevent his pale skin from getting absolutely roasted.
“you too, prince charming. daddy needs spf 50, too,” you’d implored teasingly as you rubbed sunblock on your boyfriend’s arm, him rolling his eyes as auggie giggled.
edward had been nervous to take off his t-shirt at the beach, self conscious of how he’d look. you’d kissed his lips and caressed his cheek, telling him that he was the most handsome man you’d ever met and that he was gorgeous just the way he was. it was the cherry on top of the convincing cake when auggie had tugged at eddie’s swim trunks, pointing out that they were matching and how he had to take his shirt off to match. not wanting to disappoint his son, he pulled the lightweight fabric over his head and you smiled proudly at him.
eddie took august out farther in the ocean, holding him in his arms as it got deeper and deeper. you watched him talk to auggie and you heard auggie squeals as waves would come in, edward sure to not let any saltwater get in his eyes. he pointed out the boats he promised he’d get auggie a ride on and pointed down at fishes for august to see. you watched your boys admire the open sea, auggie doing his usual habit of stroking eddie’s hair. eddie would place a kiss on auggie’s cheek, and august would return with a kiss on the lips, eddie tickling his little neck. august was enamored by everything around him, which warmed your heart.
the day ended with auggie falling asleep on your chest as you laid on the towel, eddie propped up on his elbow next to you as you rubbed your son’s back.
“he’s passed out,” you mumbled sweetly, lifting your head to press a kiss to auggie’s. eddie hummed in agreement, looking at you lovingly. you looked from your son to your boyfriend and gently raised an eyebrow.
“i love you so much,” eddie said. you smiled and eddie leaned over to kiss you. “thank you for helping me plan this, the next four days are going to be as good as today,” eddie promised. edward looked angelic in the golden light as the sun sat right below the clouds and just atop the ocean. you closed your eyes happily.
“we’re going to make good memories for him, i promise we will,” you whispered.
well this was longer than i meant it to be but HOLY CRAP i just got so caught up in sea baby auggie🥹 i hope y’all ate this up like i did, my heart just grew fifty times bigger💖💝💘
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djunkiejunk · 1 month
Behind the Scenes: The Secret Omega CHAPTER 7 - End of the Vaca
AO3 Link SUMMARY: The end of the hot springs vacation and the beginning of the rest of the week.
CHAPTER 7 - End of the Vaca
Kimi’s eyes open the following morning to Hizashi’s smushed face. Smiling, she takes note of where she is, on the edge of the bed facing towards Hizashi. Lifting her head up, she can see Shouta cuddled up to his back. Happiness fills her chest as she looks at her two mates cuddling with one another. Slowly, she manages to detangle herself from Hizashi so she can get up to use the restroom.
Coming out of the bathroom, she admires the telltale signs of the sun starting to rise from the windows. Not wanting to wake her mates, she quietly goes into the closet and grabs some clothes. She changes into a long-sleeved shirt and baggy sweatpants, grabbing her phone as she leaves the room. 
Strolling around the onsen, she enjoys the stillness of the morning and the colors that emerge from the sky. Stopping in an open hallway that shows off a rock garden, she takes a moment to close her eyes and enjoy the serenity of the morning. 
“Good morning, dear.”
Kimi squeaks as she opens her eyes to find the onsen owner at the end of the hallway.
“Good morning, so sorry,” Kimi says with a respectful bow.
“Oh no, dear. I’m sorry for spooking you.”
The onsen owner makes her way next to Kimi, looking out to the garden. 
“I was just enjoying the view. It’s so lovely this morning.”
“Isn’t it? You know, you should really take the opportunity to see the waterfall once the sun rises, the colors are just magnificent.”
Kimi looks at her with intrigue, making the owner smile.
“You should make it if you leave now. You remember where the trail was, right?”
“Yes, thank you. That sounds very lovely.”
“I’d go with you but I have some things to take care of before breakfast.”
“I understand, thank you so much. I’ll take a photo for you.” “Thank you, dear,” the onsen owner waves her off, and Kimi heads to the trail. 
The trail itself is not a difficult hike. The ground is pretty flat and there’s enough light that Kimi doesn’t need a flashlight. Not wanting to miss the display the owner was talking about, she hurries along the trail while quickly admiring the various plants she passes by.
The roar of the waterfall soon greets her as she rounds a curve of the trail. A long wall of waterfalls greets her with two heavier-flowing waterfalls in the middle. They fall into a large pool of water below that flows into the river that goes to the onsen. A plethora of rocks and plants surround the waterfalls, making the scene seem surreal. 
Kimi holds her breath as she gets closer to the rocks at the edge of the pool. The sun flirts right behind the waterfalls, still not high enough to be above them. Realizing she’s early, she makes her way to a larger rock further in the pond so she can get a good photo. The slippers she has on don’t give her a solid grip so she takes them on, slightly shivering at how cold the boulder is. She takes a few photos of the scene around her, getting lucky with snapping a couple of photos of the wildlife that flits by. 
After a few minutes of admiring the scene, a glare off the water flashes in her eyes. The sun peaks its way from the top of the waterfall and Kimi fills with excitement. She watches as the water glimmers and shines from the colors of the rising run. She stands in awe at the display before remembering she wanted to take photos. She nabs a couple of photos before putting her phone in her pocket.
Taking a deep breath, she once again takes a moment to absorb the morning peace. The past week went by in a blur and it feels to ground herself and focus on being in the moment. Taking a closer look at the boulder she sees that it’s flat enough and large enough for her to do some of her routine stretches comfortably. 
Focusing on her breathing, she gets through her basic warmups before moving on to some of the yoga poses she likes. She enjoys feeling the rumble from the power of the waterfall coming through the rock as she moves through it. 
Shouta and Hizashi come running up the trail and find her moving into one of her favorite positions. Her hips move above her head while moves her knees above her before extending out, essentially putting her in a headstand on her arms. So focused on what she’s doing, she doesn’t notice her mates watching her. 
Shouta shouts out her name a couple of times until it startled her out of her concentration. Her balance wavers for a moment until she catches herself and lowers herself. As she stands up, she catches the worried looks on her alpha’s faces and immediately a wave of guilt crashes over her. Silently, she grabs her shoes and makes her way over to the pair, head hung low. A pang of disappointment shoots through her chest and she knows immediately that she messed up. 
“Good morning, sorry, I-”
“What made you think this was a good idea?” Aizawa asks. His voice is harsher than Kimi has heard before and she’s physically taken aback. Immediately, she hangs her head, trying to appease the alpha.
“I’m sorry,-” Shouta interrupts her before she can continue. 
“You came out here by yourself, while it’s still partially dark out with no protection. What if there was something out here that wanted to hurt you? What would you have done?” 
Kimi silently takes the berating, keeping her head down. Hizashi slaps a hand on Shouta’s shoulder reassuringly, making him let out a frustrated breath.
“We were just really worried about you, hon,” Hizashi says, his voice far less harsh than Shouta’s.
“We woke up and you were gone, it startled us. Thankfully the owner told us where you went.” 
Kimi can tell that Hizashi’s still displeased and she can’t blame him. Waves of grief and guilt roll off of Kimi.
“You’re right, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking ahead. The owner was just telling me about how pretty the sunrise looks and I just got carried away. I’ll try to be more aware of my actions. I’m sorry to have worried you” 
Her voice is timid as she responds and she bows in submission, utterly disappointed in herself. When she stands up, she can’t bring herself to look her alphas in the face. Hizashi takes pity on her and tries to break the tension.
“You’re ok, hon. We’re just a bit on edge from the new marks.”
Realization hits Kimi like a bus as she connects the dots. Since they’re freshly mated, their instincts are yelling at them to keep her safe the way hers are yelling at her to keep them pleased. Of course, they would be so frantic. A pit forms in her stomach and tears prick her eyes. 
Impulsively, she wraps her hands around Shouta and tightly hugs him. It’s a bit awkward because his arms are crossed, but that doesn’t deter her from staying latched on.
“I am SO sorry. That was so cruel of me, I’m so sorry.”
She focuses on releasing calming waves to help soothe them and it seems to help because after a few moments, he relaxes and wiggles his arms out of her embrace to return the hug.
“It’s ok. I’m sorry for being so stern,” he responds slowly, his tone back to its usual level. Kimi releases him and tightly wraps her arms around Hizashi who gladly squeezes back.
“What do you say we head back and see if breakfast is ready?” 
Kimi smiles up at him and wordlessly nods. Hizashi smiles back in response before grabbing her hand and leading the group back to the onsen.
“So was it a really pretty sunrise?” 
“Yes,” Kimi responds shyly before pulling out her phone to show pictures.
“Oh wow! That is gorgeous,” he says before handing the phone to Shouta.
“Yeah, sorry. I thought I was going to be back before you woke up, just didn’t want to disturb you. Especially after you said you guys don’t sleep much.”
Hizashi playfully bumps Kimi and she tries not to run into Shouta.
“Don’t worry about it, hon. There are no hard feelings here, ok? Let’s try to bring back some positive vibes into this morning, yeah?” He shoots her finger guns and she can’t help but giggle.
“Yeah,” Kimi agrees, feeling a bit better. 
Shouta hands Kimi back her phone.
“It did look nice. Sorry to have disturbed you.”
“It’s ok. You’re right, I should have been more focused. I just got carried away, my bad.” 
“You enjoy doing yoga?” Shouta asks.
“Yeah, I haven’t gotten much of a chance since the interviews so I just kinda jumped at the opportunity.”
Shouta nods his head, taking in her words.
“You’ll have to show me some time then.”
“Yeah?” Kimi asks, voice laced with excitement.
“Yeah. I’ve heard yoga can be really good for you.”
“It is! It’s so good for you! I mean, it seems like you probably have a really good workout plan but it’s really good for joints and balance and things like that. I mean I could go on forever about how much it’s helped me. Oh hey, it might even help with your sleep.”
Kimi can tell she’s starting to ramble and cuts herself off.
“Oh, count me in,” Hizashi jokes. Kimi giggles.
They arrive back at the onsen shortly and are greeted by a staff member who informs them that breakfast will be prepared in their room shortly. They make their way into the room and wait in the living room for the meal.
It ends up being just as extravagant as the other meal. Though a different staff member is hosting this meal, it seems that the previous one informed the kitchen of Kimi’s food preferences. She’s thankful when she realizes that there are more options for her to eat and happily accepts more food than the previous meal. 
After their bellies are full, Hizashi lets Kimi know that the plan is to go into a nearby town to walk around.
“Oh good. I’m going to have to work off this meal. I ate too much,” she giggles.
“Saaaaame,” Hizashi whines. “But it was just so good!”  
“I agree,” Shouta adds, also dealing with a super full stomach.
Kimi’s instincts creep into her mind, making her hope that they’ll have the same reaction to her cooking.
“Well, I guess I should get ready,” she says, getting up to make her way to the bedroom.
“Sounds good. Just don’t worry about getting too dolled up, I’ve got a bit of a surprise in store.”
Kimi flashes Hizashi an intrigued look before making her way to the bedroom to get ready. 
Kimi’s back in the SUV about half an hour later. The boys piled into the vehicle as well after placing the boxes with the kimonos in the back. 
“The surprise doesn’t have anything to do with our kimonos, does it?” Kimi playfully asks Hizashi.
“Maaaaybe,” he teases, purposefully not answering her question.
They make the quick drive over to a small traditional town. Kimi fawns over the traditional-styled buildings and the people walking around dressed in traditional attire.
As she exits the vehicle, she starts to feel underdressed, but Hizashi assures her that she won’t be there for long before leading her into a nearby business. A group of three women immediately rush Kimiko away to a room in the back with a vanity. Flustered, Kimi asks for clarification while they sit her down and start working on various tasks.
The woman currently brushing out Kimi’s hair explains that Hizashi set up a photo shoot for the three of them in the kimonos he purchased. The woman pulling out various makeup brushes comments that the men will be joining her shortly, so they have to work quickly. Lastly, the woman pulling Kimi’s kimono out of the box Hizashi provided says that after the photo shoot they’ll be able to visit the town’s local temple and recommends some places for lunch.
For the next half an hour, they work on getting Kimi prepared for the shoot. Her kimono is wrinkle-free, her makeup is done and all the women work together to get Kimi’s hair done up in a half-up half-down style with various hair pieces and flowers that match her kimono.
When handed a mirror, Kimi stared for a couple of seconds too long, trying to recognize the woman in the mirror. While she can still see herself, parts of her she didn’t know existed have been highlighted and accentuated in a way that makes her feel like a princess. 
“Is everything ok?” one of the women asks, concerned by Kimi’s lack of response.
“Yes,” Kimi breathes out, breaking her trance. “I just. I look so beautiful. Thank you! I’ve never seen myself like this before.”
The women giggle and coo over Kimi’s reaction making her laugh as well. They help guide her to stand up and bring her to a floor-length mirror so they can get her in the kimono. Kimi watches with fascination, moving her body as they request. She can’t help but feel like the traditional dolls her grandmother would buy her when she was little. While she’s not in the most regal of attire, it’s hard for her not to feel like royalty.
“Ok, my dear. You’re all finished. Let’s get you into the next room to get some photos, ya?” 
The women guide Kimi into the studio the next room over and she pauses in the doorway. Her alphas turn to watch her enter the room and their eyes trail all over her face and kimono. She can’t help but blush under all the makeup under the heat of their glares. In return, she lets her eyes roam over their matching kimonos and slightly touched-up appearances. 
“Princess, you look amazing,” Hizashi blurts out.
Kimi smiles wide, making her way over to the pair. They all take a moment to look one another over before the photographer steps in and starts to get them in specific poses. They spend a good time in the studio taking various photos of each other and single portraits as well. Once satisfied with all of the shots, the photographer leads them outside to take photos amongst the town. They get a lot of candid shops of the throuple admiring various shops and also have them pose in front of some other places. 
About two hours after they start taking pictures, the photographer takes their leave and the throuple continues to explore the town. They get some lunch, tour the local temple, and leave their offerings before making their way back into the town. They pick up a couple of trinkets at a small gift shop before deciding to head back to the SUV.
Shouta texts the driver as they pass another business and Kimi stops, staring into the shop window.
“Something catch your eye?” Hizashi asks, moving to stand next to Kimi.
“Oh, kind of. Sorry, we can keep going. I thought I saw something but it’s not actually what I thought it was?”
Hizashi takes a closer look at the products, noticing it’s a variety of jewelry.
“What were you looking at?”
Kimi points to a series of hairpins.
“The green hairpin there kind of looked like my mom’s at a quick glance, but it’s the wrong flower.”
Kimi starts to walk away from the window, but Hizashi gently grabs her arm and starts to walk into the business.
“Well, it may not be what you thought it was, but let’s see if we can find anything you like, hm?”
Kimi pales.
“Oh, no. You’ve already spent so much. Really, I’m all good. Thank you.”
Hizashi ignores her protest and greets the owner before exploring the various glass cases. Kimi hugs the wall, eyes following Hizashi as he goes from case to case, asking questions to the owner. She can’t help but feel out of place in the shop. Shouta quietly stands next to her, also watching his partner.
“Was there a hairpin that you liked?” Hizashi asks Kimi from the other side of the shop. 
She shakes her head before realizing the action may come off as rude so she quickly tries to correct herself.
“Oh, they’re all nice. I just thought it was the one my mom had, but it wasn’t. But, again they’re all really nice!”
She looks up to Shouta, hoping he’ll say something to help her out. He merely looks down at her with a bored expression, making her more nervous.
“I was genuine when I said you have to get used to ‘Zash spending lots of money on you. I know it may be weird to get used to, but it’s kind of his thing. You can’t really fight it, trust me. You try to fight it and he just spends more money.”
He gives a knowing look to his partner, who gives a self-deprecating laugh back. 
“Okay,” Kimi timidly agrees before walking over to the case Hizashi is at and looking at the different pieces of jewelry. She ends up settling on a hairpin that matches the flowers on her kimono and the store owner even helps put it in her hair. They leave with the hairpiece and a few other pieces of jewelry that Hizashi liked. They walk back to the SUV with their goods from the day and head back to the onsen.
“Would you guys mind if we take a dip in the spring before dinner? My feet are really sore from the shoes.”
“I have no problems with that,” Shouta says from the passenger seat.
“Me neither,” Hizashi chimes in.
“Thank you,” Kimi says back with a smile. “Sorry, I’m used to heels, not sandals.”
“Ha, you sound like Nem,” Hizashi comments. “She wears heels for everything.”
“Sounds about right,” Kimi laughs. “I don’t know, I just got used to them so now flat shoes just hurt. I either need heels or something with a high arch.”
“Noted,” Hizashi teases. 
Later that evening, they all hug their bellies, full from another amazing dinner. They hopped in the spring when they got back and allowed themselves to relax for the evening. Currently, they all lay in bed, this time with Shouta in the middle and the other two on either arm.
“This has been so nice,” Hizashi comments, snuggled up into Shouta’s chest. 
“Mmhmm,” his partner vocalizes. “Thank you for getting this set up.”
“Of course. This was a one-in-a-million chance that we’d even be able to do this with how busy our schedules are. No way was I going to give up this opportunity.” 
“Mm, speaking of which. There are some things I need to take care of when we get back tomorrow.”
“Aw,” Hizashi says, dejected. “I thought you got this whole week off.” 
“I did, but I still need to go into the school to take care of some things for next week. I’m surprised you were able to get all caught up.”
“Well,” Hizashi trails off. “I figured I would just get caught up when I got back in.”
Shouta tsks. “‘Zash!” 
“I was just really excited to spend time with our lovely omega, ok?”
Shouta rubs his temple, annoyed.
“I swear, Nezu just hired me to keep you and Nem in check.”
“Aw, don’t be mad Sho’. I’ll get it done, promise.”
“You better,” Shouta warns. 
Kimi smiles into his side, enjoying watching the two playfully bicker. She enjoys getting to peek into what they were like before she entered the picture and she’s glad they can still be themselves. 
“What are you smilin’ about over there?” Shouta asks playfully.
“It’s just cute to see you two interact,” Kimi admits. “You’re like an old married couple.”
“Old?” Hizashi exclaims. 
“No, wait. I didn’t mean-”
“I heard that, ‘Zash. She called us old!”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“Well, I never!” Hizashi playfully scoffs. 
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! You’re not old!” Kimi rushes to apologize and lets out a soothing wave to try and appease the alphas.
Shouta starts to laugh, making his partner laugh. Kimi’s face is red with embarrassment and she looks between the two, ensuring they’re not upset.
“I’m sorry,” Shouta says between laughs. “You’re just so cute when you’re flustered.”
Kimi breathes a sigh of relief and settles into the alpha more.
“It’s more of an ongoing joke with Hizashi because one of his students called him old. Now he does everything he can to prevent sounding like an old man to the kids.” “Kids these days can be so rude,” Hizashi groans.
“I’m just glad you’re not actually upset,” Kimi comments.
“Princess, I think it would take a lot for us to get mad at you.”
Kimi smiles at Hiashi’s words. 
“That’s good to know.” 
The three of them share a moment, enjoying basking in each other’s scents. 
“Have you been enjoying yourself, princess?”
Kimi giggles.
“Do you even need to ask? Yes! This has been all so great. Thank you for everything. I’m so grateful to be here and be in this pack. You guys are more than I could ever ask for.”
“I think it’s my turn to blush,” Hizashi teases. Shouta breathily laughs.
“I’m glad you’re having a good time. It’s going to be a lot different when we get into the swing of things, but I’m glad we can share this time together.” 
Kimi smiles up at him.
“Just let me know what I can do to make it easier on you guys.”
Shouta gives a non-committing nod and pulls his two partners closer. Kimi reaches her neck out and kisses him on the cheek before settling back into his arm. 
“Oh yeah? Two can play at that!” Hizashi says before mirroring Kimi’s actions.
“Hey, chill. There’s enough of me to go around.” 
“I’ll say,” Hizashi says, wiggling his brows. Kimi laughs and Shouta rolls his eyes. 
Returning back to the apartment the next day was both exciting and sad for Kimi. She was looking forward to getting into a routine, but she was sad that her vacation with the guys had ended. Even though she was still going to see them for a good majority of the week, she knew that her focus was going to be on getting things in order so she didn’t need them when they got back to work. 
Sushi greeted everyone at the door with loud meows and leg rubs before bounding back into the apartment. The trio dropped off their luggage in the bedroom before making their way to the living room to lounge. They discuss dinner plans and Hizashi mentions wanting to take out Kimi for some shopping tomorrow while Shouta takes care of some things at his work. 
Kimi finds herself staring at the two while her two alphas chat about the upcoming week. A long-lost feeling starts to creep from her stomach into her chest. She recognizes it as the comfort she felt when she was living with her parents. The warm, protective glow that would hug her like a comfy sweater embraced her like a long-lost friend. Tears come to her eyes and tumble over before she even recognizes she’s crying. Hizashi startles when he catches the change in her scent and locks eyes with her tear-stained face.
“Everything ok?” he asks, voice doused with concern. Shouta whips his head in her direction, also catching on to her sudden change in emotion. 
“Yes, yes,” she rushes to assure them. “I’m all good, I promise. It just really hit me all at once that this was my home.”
“Do you not like it?”
Kimi laughs.
“No, it’s not that at all. I love this. It’s just been a while since I’ve felt-. Well, like I’m a part of a family? I guess. I’m not really sure what this feeling is. It just feels good.”
Hizashi gets up from his spot on the couch and wraps his arms around Kimi tightly. 
“Ok, good. You scared me!”  
Kimi giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m ok, I promise,” Kimi says, allowing herself to relax into Hizashi’s body. Shouta reaches over and lovingly strokes her hair, making her eyes close. She savors the moment, enjoying being encompassed by her alphas. She’s so happy to be able to be so open and she takes a second to be proud of herself for voicing what she feels. She knows most of the credit goes to her alphas for creating such a comfortable environment for her to speak up, but she’s still proud nonetheless. 
They spend the night cuddling up on the couch, watching some movies together, and enjoying being in one another’s presence. Shouta doesn’t get as snuggly at his two other packmates, but he does hold Kimi’s hand the whole night. She remembers him saying that he’s not the type to cuddle so she doesn’t take it personally overly. Occasionally she’d look over and he’d catch her eye, smiling at her and that was good enough for her. She’s sure that now that they’re back at home, his mind is probably focused on other things and he’s got more of his guard up. While she wishes he was as cuddly as he was back in the hot springs, she accepts that this is now the reality.
At one point in the night, Hizashi blurts out,
“Oh! Kimi.”
“Yes,” she says, slightly startled by his outburst.
“Do you still have that disguise you wore?”
Not expecting that question, she responds back with,
“The one you wore when you met Sho’,” he explains.
Taking a second to think, she stares at him with a confused look before remembering the first actual time she met Shouta, not the interview.
“Oh. Um, I think so, I believe I packed it. But I can get rid of it if you need.”
“Actually, I’d love it if you held onto it. When we go out tomorrow, I’ll be in disguise just in case and I think you should do the same.”
“Oh, ok,” Kimi responds sheepishly. “I’m ok with that. Did you want me to use the alpha spray too?”
“Nah, that’s ok. I’m enough alpha to go around,” he boasts, causing Shouta to laugh.
“Ok, ‘Zash, sure,” Shouta teases.
“I am!” Hizashi pouts back, placing a hand on his hip. This causes Shouta to laugh more.
“Of course, of course.”
“ Anyways, ” Hizashi continues, “you should be good with just the disguise. That way if a reporter or paparazzi recognizes me, your identity will still be safe.”
“Makes sense,” Kimi agrees.
“Oh, we can also go get some more fun disguises! I know just the place. You can get different wigs and-” 
Hizashi continues spouting out different ideas, making Kimi smile.
Who knew the very thing I was worried would hurt my chances of being in this pack would actually be helpful, she thinks.
The next morning, Shouta leaves for his hero work and Hizashi and Kimi make their way to the local shopping district in disguise. They go through various shops looking at mostly clothes. Lots of things catch Kimi’s eyes but she fights herself by asking Hizashi to purchase them. Hizashi catches on when they reach a department store that has a whole section that Kimi likes.
“If you see something you like, just let me know. I was really surprised by how little clothes you have and I just want to make sure that my omega has the things she needs,” he chides.
“Yeah, I tried not to have a lot of things so I didn’t have to worry about packing a lot or needing a lot of room,” Kimi admits. “Plus, I’ve heard that some packs choose what their omega wears so I just didn’t want to be a burden.”
“Well don’t worry,” Hizashi says while pulling her closer. “You’re not a burden to us. Unless you make us guess what things you like. That would certainly be a huge issue to try and guess what you like.”
“Ok, ok. I’ll let you know what I like,” Kimi giggles. As they continue through the store, Kimi hands Hizashi a lot more clothes, making him smile. She gets a lot of simple but well-made dresses as well as a couple of pairs of shoes for both indoor and outdoor use. As they go to a couple more stores, Hizashi also adds a couple of bags of things to their collections full of clothes for both him and Shouta.
“I swear Shouta would be in rags if I didn’t buy anything for him,” Hizashi comments as they continue their walk through the shops.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one getting spoiled,” Kimi giggles. Her eyes catch a window display as she finishes her second. Hizashi follows her gaze and guides them into the store before Kimi can even think of denying him. 
She walks into a store she only ever dreamed of going into. The designer heel brand was always something she wanted to own but could never afford. Her current shoe selection mimicked their looks but didn’t have the same quality behind them. Her eyes wander over all of the different shoes on display, denial weighing heavy on her tongue. A worker comes over before she can voice her thoughts and starts talking with Hizashi.
“Yes, I’d love to get my darling new omega some heels here and maybe a matching bag to go with it. She wears heels all the time so we need to get some we don’t have to worry that will break on her.” 
“Of course, sir. Let’s get her foot measured so we can make sure that we’re getting her the best size as well. My dear, if you could please come take a seat over here.” 
The salesperson gestures to a dramatically large chair on the other side of the room. Kimi politely nods and makes her way over to the chair. Her mind holds onto Hizashi’s wording of “some” heels, meaning more than one, but tries not to freak out.
She settles into the chair and the salesperson sits in a smaller chair next to her feet. They take her measurements and come back with some various shoes in her size. They talk about the benefits of each shoe and she’s just glad that Hizashi seems to be listening because her head starts to swim when she sees how many numbers are on the price tag. She tries to focus back on what the salesperson is saying but gets distracted by a pair that’s next to her chair.
“Could I please try these on?” she asks, a bit shy.
“Of course!” the salesperson says enthusiastically. They help her into the shoes and she stands, admiring how comfy they feel without her having to break them in. 
“Oh wow, these are quite lovely,” she comments.
“Right? Don’t they just feel divine? Especially if you’re wearing heels all day, these are a must-have.”
“Oh perfect,” Hizashi notes. “We’ll get those then.”
“Any other’s stand out? I don’t think those have a matching bag, right?”
“No, but these ones over here do.”
The salesperson helps Kimi try on a couple more pairs and hands her a couple of purses. She can’t help but feel a bit out of place, not knowing what to look for or what she’s even looking at with some of the things she’s handed.
Hizashi seems to fill in for her lack of knowledge and soon there are a couple of pieces put to the side with the heels she liked. Guilt creeps into her stomach but she tries to fight it off, remembering what Shouta told her previously.
When Hizashi gives his card to the salesperson, Kimi gnaws at her bottom lip.
“Are you really sure?” she asks shyly.
“Yes,” he says, slight irritation in her voice. The salesperson comes back with Hizashi’s card and they all exchange a pleasant goodbye before the pair leaves the store. Kimi feels a bit bad about irritating her alpha and tries her best to explain.
“I’m really sorry. I’m genuinely not trying to offend you. I’m just not really used to having someone openly spend this much money on me. It’s been really tight since my parents passed and I’ve had people take advantage of me for that.”
Hizashi pauses before giving her a puzzled look.
“How so?”
“Well for starters, my friends would pay me to pretend to be an alpha when I really didn’t want to,” Kimi starts, knowing Hizashi was aware of that.
“That’s right,” he says, trailing off.
“But mainly it was my ex. He would just hold all of the purchases he made against me. If he bought something he knew I couldn’t repay, he acted like I was indebted to him forever, even if it was a gift. That’s what led to-,” Kimi stops, not sure if she’s ready to share that story with Hizashi yet. He looks at her expectantly and she continues, deciding to cut the story short.
“It just got really bad one night and he pushed it too far and that’s when I broke up with him.”
Hizashi puts a soothing hand on her shoulder before slowly pulling her into him. Embarrassed by her confession, she accepts the hug and relaxes into his chest. When she pulls away, her eyes are a bit teary.
“Thank you for listening,” she smiles up at him.
“Don’t thank me for that,” he jokes, though his voice is still gentle. “I could listen to you all day. I appreciate you sharing that with me though. I can say that Sho and I would never hold purchases above your head and if we think you’re spending too much, whichIhardlydoubtwillhappen, we’ll have a discussion about it, ok?”
“Ok,” Kimi beams. 
“You know, Sho’ had a similar issue when we first started dating,” Hizashi says, leading them through the shopping center again.
“He felt that he couldn’t reciprocate my gifts and would challenge me a lot if he thought I was buying him too much. So, we ended up agreeing to leave the really big gifts for birthdays and our anniversary.”
“That makes sense,” Kimi comments.
“I really hope you’ll let me spoil you a little more often than that though,” Hizashi says with a playful shove, making Kimi giggle.
“We’ll see,” she says with a playful smile.
“Well, that being said, there is one more purchase I would like to make today. Feel free to turn it down if it’s too much, but it would mean the world to me if you accepted it.”
Sheepishly, Kimi agrees and lets Hizashi take her to a very high-end jewelry store. They walk out with an adjustable necklace that allows Kimi to have it tight against her neck or below her clothes. Kimi accepts it without a fight, considering it to be an unofficial collar. Even though collars died out and became old-fashioned generations prior, she always thought the idea was charming and dreamed of having one someday. The segmented, graduated diamond necklace was more modern than the collars she had seen in classical paintings, but it still fulfilled the desire she had.
“Thank you again for all the amazing gifts, Hizashi,” Kimi says as they start to head back to the SUV. 
“Of course, honey,” Hizashi quips. “Anything for my sweet little omega.”
Later that evening, they share dinner with Shouta and fill him in on their day’s adventure. Shouta shares some small details about his day, saying that it was mostly uneventful. Kimi’s thankful that he’s safe but doesn’t voice her opinions. Rather, she directs her feelings into bringing out dessert for everyone. They chat a bit before Shouta once again reveals he will be absent the next day. He was called in for a quick bust in the afternoon but has to go in early for debriefing. Hizashi relays his displeasure but ultimately decides that it would be a good time to take Kimi to their agency for a tour.
He explains that not a lot of people know that he and Shouta are in a pack together so they definitely will be keeping Kimi a secret from his agency as well. Still, there are some things for Kimi at the agency, so he wanted to give a tour since she’ll be there pretty often. Kimi responds with exuberant interest and mentions how excited she is. She goes to sleep that night, excited for the following day where she can catch a glimpse into the other aspects of her alpha's lives.
0 notes
sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
♡ fluff ✪ angst ✧ suggestive
last updated: 05/27/2024 [if i have not updated recently, look up the player's name and my fics should come up!]
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⇨ uconn wbb manager series ! synopsis: y/n's life being the women's basketball manager! [inbox ALWAYS open for thoughts!] -> all thoughts under uconn wbb manager thoughts 💭 or uconn wbb manager ★
↳ main timeline
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
overall headcanons / short blurb + more headcanons | request -> headcannons of you being a media girl for the team and KK constantly annoying you and pulling you with her to make tiktoks
grandpa geno and manager headcanons
random thoughts w/ 🐹 nonnie ♡ more random thoughts w/ 🐹 nonnie ♡
cheer mom in disguise | request -> "manager doing every one’s hair b4 games or practices"
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
going live w/ paige & kk ♡ | request -> "Can you do headcannons about UConn wbb manager being on live with the team" // a live between the girls and their beloved manager!
water dunk challenge w/ paige & kk ♡ | request -> "loving the uconn wbb manger fics bestie!! could you do one where she makes tiktoks with the girls?" water dunk questions with kk, paige and manager during offseason!
bad day �� -> ♡ | request -> "Hihii I absolutely love the manager series and I was wondering if you could do something where manager has a bad day and the team cheers them up?"
our girl ✪ -> ♡ | request -> "manager literally having to handle every single thing and js bein emotionally exhausted, one day she’s just completely overstimulated from everything and walks out to let herself cry" or after a shitty week, manager breaks down over a stupid test score and her teammate helps her through it.
𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 !
goat ♡ | y/n posts some cute photos of herself and the team! |
jealousy is a disease, get well soon ♡ | y/n posts herself while on vaca in europe!
↳ paige x manager!reader
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
secret relationship headcanons ♡ | request -> "Uconn wbb manager in a secret relationship with p!"
🐹 nonnie thoughts!
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
blessing ♡✧ | request -> "STOP IM SO HAPPY UR MAKING PAIGE X WBB MEDIA MANAGER A SERIES BC I SENT IN THE FIRST REQUEST 😽😽😽 fic with paige and reader being out and a little wasted and getting interviewed by fellow college student about their relationship and working together etc. (could end in smut if u like ;))"
to you, i can admit that i'm just too soft for all of it ♡ | summary this is taking place pre-relationship! paige apologizes for distancing herself after her injury. this can be read by itself but i would highly recommend reading my headcanons first so you have a bit of context!
new lockscreen ✧| requested -> "Okay the fic Idea I was talking about is, Paige scrolling through your phone gallery and seeing the pics you didn’t send her. “Why didn’t you send me this?” and even sending herself some of the photos to her own phone. BUT then, Ms.reader over here didn’t private certain…. provocative and Lewd photos and forgot about them and Paige sees them (her gf just likes taking pictures of her own body🤷🏽 cuz why not)."
down bad ♡ | requested -> "Paige would totally bring manager y/n to Minnesota so that she can meet Paige’s family. Paige ofc would introduce her as a “friend” at first. Manager and Paige’s family would hit it off. Especially with Drew. They both would bully Paige and Drew would expose Paige by saying sum shit like ‘Paige’s talks about you a lot’. Paige would give the biggest side eye 😭 though deep down she loves that her brother and manager are bonding."
↳ nika x manager!reader
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
good with the camera and good on the court ♡✪ | request -> can i request one for manager and nika? kind of building off the head cannon that nika is SUPER protective. maybe an opposing player slips in a comment in the post game handshake line and nika hears and shit just hits the fan. because everyone knows that girl is scaryyyyyy when she’s mad.
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
backwards caps & big egos ♡✪ | request -> Hi! I hope your day is going well :)). Do you think that you could do Nika with the manager? Like where she gets protective with her at a game or party? That women is so fine and I've barely even seen anyone write for her😭😭.
domestic goodness ♡ | requested -> "im gonna need more manager!reader x nika soft moments pleaseeeeeee feed my hunger 😔"
↳ kk x manager!reader
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
smooth ♡ | request -> this is my first time requesting something so hopefully i do this right, but could you you a kk arnold x manager reader where kk keeps annoying manager on live so manager bans her from touching and kissing her |
↳ cc x manager!reader
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
just really, really close friends ♡ | request -> could u write something aboutcaitlin and manager y\n flirting on live and Caitlin and the UConn girls getting asked about it in interviews
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𝐮𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
⇨ paige bueckers⁵
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 !
one single thread of gold, tied me to you after y/n gets transferred from arizona to uconn after a devastating season, hoping for a fresh start and a supportive team ─ she finds herself wrapped up with a certain blonde.
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
introverted best friend to girlfriend headcanons ♡
nsfw headcanons ✧
cat mom ♡ | request -> hcs abt paige x reader moving in together after college ? maybe they adopt a pet too omg |
girlfriend ♡ | sfw relationship "headcanons" |
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
our own celebration ✧♡ | request: "SAW UR POST AND HEAR U WANTED REQUESTS!!! paige x gf!reader where reader is uconns wbb media girl and it is SMUTT, paige like reading reader ab like “did u enjoy taking pics of me out there” BUT SMUT WHERE READER ALSO GIVES BACK TO PAIGE BC WHY R ALL THE FICS ENDING AFTER READER COMES? WHERES PAIGE??? (i’m going insane)" |
rizzler p (2/2) ♡ summary | y/n is a youtuber and on the cancelled podcast, she reveals she has a crush on paige bueckers. this unfolds a series of events which ultimately ends with y/n at one of uconn's games. part one -> this unfolds a series of events which ultimately ends with y/n at one of uconn's games.part two -> y/n gets invited to her first game of the season and they have a lot of fun!
without me? ♡ | request: "can u pleaseeee write a fic with paige & a cheerleader at uconn ?? something cute like post game ritual, like going out to each or something" |
the graceful cheerleader and the humble basketball player ♡ | request -> "Could you write a Paige bueckers x Fem Reader pls! where they’re enemies but everyone is always teasing them (everything’s regular, like she plays for UConn and the reader can be a cheerleader or something idk). It can lead to smut or just a super cute story. Ofc you don’t have to follow the plot!"
honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / we should just kiss like real people do ♡ | request -> "paige with teammate!reader? it’d be soo cute i think" | | you and paige were best friends on and off the court, and after an exhilarating win you spend the time together, relishing in the win (and each other) |
all yours ♡ | request -> "helloooo! can you write something about reader suspecting paige and azzi’s friendship to be more than a friendship (r and paige are a situationship or sum like that) and just paige reassuring her and saying that she has eyes only for her etc… (paige is literally obsessed with r)? thank you so much 💖💖💖💖💖" |
and i can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul ♡✪ | summary this is part one, brother's best friend trope! bryce and paige had been best friends since they were kids, and she's never really been close to his little sister, y/n until she transfers to uconn after a tumultuous freshman year.
wnba girlfriend wife ♡✪ | request -> "hi hi hi could u plssss write paige x team mate!reader inspired by paiges proud facebook mom era at the wnba draft where reader gets drafted to her dream team and is one of the top 3 picks 🙏🙏 i just keep rewatching her vids where shes cheering for aaliyah and nika 🥹 omg if u could also include smthn abt the media coverage after like paige bragging abt reader and them at an afterparty or smthn plsplsplspls 🤍"
blessing ♡✧ [part of manager series but can be read alone] | request -> "STOP IM SO HAPPY UR MAKING PAIGE X WBB MEDIA MANAGER A SERIES BC I SENT IN THE FIRST REQUEST 😽😽😽 fic with paige and reader being out and a little wasted and getting interviewed by fellow college student about their relationship and working together etc. (could end in smut if u like ;))"
a thing for blondes ♡✧ | request -> "paige x iowa!reader (pre-relationship) on game day where maybe r is mic'd up the whole time so fans hear how they flirt, joke around, etc so they start shipping them? the other uconn/iowa girlies always tease them abt it and one night they all go out to a bar tg and someones on live and accidentally catches p and r against a wall kissing or smthn 🫣"
two seconds ✧ | request -> "thigh riding with Paige... 🤭" or paige is ignoring you while she locks in while playing fortnite with kk, but you needed her attention (and she hates it when you're needy)
the way she shows me i'm hers and she is mine; open hand or closed fist would be fine; blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine ✧♡| request -> "heyy, i saw you were wanting requests for blurbs so like i was thinking maybe paige x fem!reader where they had lost the game they were playing and she was just in such a bad mood so when they got home reader took it upon herself to help paige relax but instead of paige being top, shes a bottom because she just wants to clear her mind yk?"
not an ass, just passionate ♡✧ | request -> "oh my gosh, paige bueckers x uconn wbb athletic trainer intern with a situation at a game where paige gets a bloody nose (like the uconn vs seton hall) and paige like refusing to get cleaned up and reader like commands.. (i feel so silly typing this) but basically forces paige to let reader clean her up and the internet GOES CRAZY BC OF THE WAY UR HOLDING PAIGES FACE AND THE CLEAR TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO (reader and paige can be like friends with clear sexual tension or secret relationship whatever u like girl pop 😛)"
better than me? ✧✪ | request -> "Omg a fic where Paige and reader have always had this sort of sarcastic bickering borderline mean type of relationship/rivalry but one day the tension suddenly just goes from competitive to sexual and thennnnm ykkkk"
mrs. bueckers ♡ | request -> "hiii could I request a fic where paige meets your family and she and your toddler nephew end up loving each other and it makes the reader love paige even more 🥺🥺"
protective ♡✪ | requested -> "i love your writing sm!!! could you maybe write a paige x reader where reader is on the team and it’s an intense game and reader gets accidentally hit in the face and her nose starts bleeding. it’s not even bad but paige is all livid at whichever player that did it and she’s helping reader clean up all the blood and stuff?"
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
workin' hard or hardly workin' ♡ | request -> "hellooo just had this idea (very under developed) but could u write paige x teammate!reader (not dating but both crushing) mic'd up during practice but they forget abt being recorded so its just them flirting w each other and tryna rizz each other up LOL ? just thought it would be funny for the fans watching after"
muscle memory ✧ | summary p's first time using a strap
tiktok couple ♡ | request -> "But imagine paige bueckers with girlfriend who applied lip plumper. Like a tik tok prank"
strawberry chapstick ♡ | request -> "paige absolutely loves the taste of the chap stick/lip balm y/n uses, so they keep stealing kisses from y/n"
pizza & wings ♡ | request -> hi my love! can i request a little something of paige comforting her gf through a hard time? i’ve had a rlly tough semester and my car just died so im rlly going through it rn 🥲🥲🩷🩷 i love u and ur writing sm <3333
munch ✧ | request -> can u write about paige being a munch but like also incorporate edging into it? i love ur writing!
period pains ♡ | request: paige comforting her gf after she’s had a bad week or smth would be cute |
target & chic fil a ♡ | requested -> "Hey! Just wanted to request a Paige Bueckers story where it’s a compilation of TikTok pranks, like calling her your wife, asking for help with the tampon being stuck, etc. thank you"
too much ✧ | requested -> "overstim with paige please!"
ate (literally) ✧ | requested -> "thinking abt paige x reader smut w a post-game win quickie in paiges car (featuring extra needy paige"
fangirling ♡ | requested -> "r is nicknamed the archer bc her shooting accuracy goes crazy and whenever she makes a big three she does like a quick celebration making a bow and arrow motion and when she goes up against uconn she points and winks to paige after bc she was assigned to guard her. post-game, an interviewer asks paige how she feels abt r and she basically rants abt how cool she is - her energy, skills, etc like a fangirl moment. later the same interviewer asks r the same question and r does the literal exact same thing paige did. interviewer tells r what paige said and r lowk flirts w her thru an interview ykwim?"
you and me, we'd be a big conversation (1/3) | requested -> "paige x famous!reader (singer, actress, up to u) inspired by endgame by ts where p reveals that r is her celeb crush in an interview and a few days later theres a vid of r responding to it saying shes been obsessed w paige lately / its such a big deal bc r has been involved in a lot of romantic drama lately so everyone is kinda iffy abt her rn, causing her to put up a tough guard. but p sees thru the facade when they start talking and allows her to be herself, making r fall even harder 🥹 -> part one
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hard/soft launch ♡ | request: "HARD OR SOFT LAUNCH WITH PAIGE PLEASE 🙏" |
⇨ kk arnold²
⇨ ice brady²⁵
⇨ azzi rudd³⁵
no matter what you or what you do / when i'm alone i'd rather be with you / fuck all these -- / i'll be right by your side, til 3005 ♡ requested -> "wait i love ur fics!! can i request a one shot of azzi (aka sweet angel whose never done anything wrong in her life) and loud & chaotic!reader who were childhood friends and now have the cutest relationship ever?? like a huge opposites attract thingy where reader is a cheerleader and that popular kid, and brings azzi out of her shell? and maybe the team is a bit suspicious at first but just falls in love with their relationship really quickly"
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𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬
⇨ kate martin²⁰
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
best medicine there is ♡ | request: "Okay there's a criminally low amount of Kate martin fics like that's literally my wife 😞 buttt my idea is Kate x reader where reader plays another sport at Iowa and gets injured at a game and Kate is js there with reader and takes care of her after the diagnosis. I js reinjured my knee for the 4th time and would love sum like that 😭🙏" |
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
⇨ caitlin clark²² [no longer writing for CC]
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
sfw relationship headcanons ♡
nsfw headcanons ✧
𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
always an angel, never a god (1/2) | requested -> "Can you write something about cc and reader being enemies and hating eachother. but they are on two different teams so they play against eachother and something happens during one of their games and they take their hate out on eachother with smut?" part one
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
thigh riding ✧ | requested -> thigh riding Caitlin though....
break the bed ✧ | requested -> "please I need something about riding caitlins abs its taken over my brain"
break the bed (literally) ✧ | requested -> "Can I pleaseeee get a fic where cc actually breaks the bed?? I just know her strap game in rough after a loss"
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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦
⇨ nika mühl¹⁰
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !
sfw relationship headcanons (part 1)
nika dating paige's little sister headcanons
nika dating a volleyball player headcanons
nika's love languages ♡
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬 !
you've got all of me, now and forever ♡ | request: "MOREEE NIKAAA PLSSSS UR SO GOOD" nika calls her girlfriend while they're at an away game, only to be teased by her team (and nika, of course).
let me take care of you ♡ | requested -> "maybe like nika taking care of injured!reader"
to be loved is to be known ♡ | requested -> "ON MY KNEES for clingy nika hcs/fic"
down bad ♡ | request -> nika is so hates everyone but soft only for my gf like cmon |
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551 notes · View notes
oh-so-heavenly · 2 years
I can't wait to see what these pirates are up to, highlights of chapter seven:
just some soft ed x stede to begin with <3
Ed can't leave, Stede doesn't want him to leave, he has to staaay
Orange cake is so good I understand completely why he had to use so many, it was a necessity 😌🍊
oh, For Elise, that's nice -oh wait that's a corpse, nevermind
"the teeth don't go back in" jsjsjjs
"i'm normal secretive" yeah no, sorry jim, there's no such thing
That's a badass nun
The nun accepted Jim as Jim ❤️
Stede is trying so hard to keep Blackbeard around 🥺🥺
"es tu marido? O estan viviendo en pecado?" Me encanta esta monja ajdjjskak
She's paying them with oranges, queen
"at least you got lunch" sjjsjsjs
And now Stede's exciting bout a bug, he's a sunshine <3
He's always intense, all the time
That was hot
Lucius is watching them like 👀
"who's he?" "That's me" agsdkjakskfjaja Ed's so delighted
"oh my god, this is happening" IT'S REALLY HAPPENING LUCIUS, GET OVER IT
The nun is using they/them pronouns for Jim
"Revenge for the bloodline, revenge for the meek, God's divine revenge" It reminds me Mushu when he talks about dishonour :)
I mean, los siete gallos sounds kinda cool but if you translate it it's just the seven cocks so-
What kind of name is Alfeo De La Vaca, it's like you called someone McUgly Of The Cow™ or something like that
"i'm gonna try and undo some of the damage from that interaction" @ my therapist when I tell them about my childhood
"and that bizarre little man over there likes you very much" SAY IT LOUDER "and you like him" I CAN'T-
Taika looks so good in leather and purple
"that was very sweet" it was the sweetest
OH FUCK YOU STEDE the fact you aren't getting any doesn't mean you have to stop others from getting some di
"oh, thank god, I didn't wanna give it to you" that's me when i offer someone the last slice of pizza
"la vida es dolor" shut up I don't need this, i need happy gay pirates thankyew
"co-captain" that's gay™
Ugh, not Izzy and the Irrelevant Twin here
"are you spanish?" "no?" "so why do they call you Spanish Jackie" i've been asking the same thing all day long
"is that a fuckin' cat?" Jskakdjfakakdnc please
More highlights: episode one / episode two / episode three / episode four / episode five / episode six / episode seven / episode eight / episode nine / episode ten
16 notes · View notes
arvinsescape · 3 years
Big family vaca with readers family like uncles aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, and like whole big family, and then Tom coming along. The family vaca is like a yearly thing in her family, but it's Tom's xirst time coming, since he couldn't come the year before do to shooting. And he hasn't met the outer part of her family, only her parents, so he is very nervous. They know he is Tom Holland, but the small kids don't, and when they see him they all believe he is the real Spider-Man and Peter Parker, and the kids just wanna hang out with him, and they call him Peter.
A/N: Thank you for sending this in! I LOVED writing this and i hope you enjoy!!
“Why are you so nervous?” You laughed as you waited for the transport to arrive. You were going on your annual family holiday, you were going to be stopping in two villas next to each other. It was a yearly tradition to make sure everyone saw each other and Tom hadn’t been on one yet, last year he was busy shooting so this was his first time.
“I haven’t met some of your family that are going. In fact i think i've only met your parents.” He mumbled and you kissed his cheek.
“They’re awesome I promise! My cousin is fun, you’ll get on really well, she’s got two kids though and they can be quite inquisitive so I apologise in advance for that.” You laughed and he joined.
“What if they think I’m a stuck up actor?” He worried and you smiled softly at him.
“They won’t Tom because you’re not. They don’t judge you know, they’re just like my mum and dad.” You calmed his nerves as the transport arrived. You would be sharing with your cousin, her husband and her two kids because you lived the closest. As soon as you got into the van the kids almost screamed.
“It’s Spiderman!” James screamed as he pointed at Tom and you burst out laughing.
“James! It’s rude to point. I’m so sorry Tom. I’m Kerry it’s so nice to meet you.” Your cousin said and James’ sister, Amelia looked awestruck.
“Who’s Tom? That’s Peter Parker.” James said in confusion and Kerry rolled her eyes.
“No that’s-“
“Peter Parker, nice to meet you.” Tom spoke in his Spiderman voice and Kerry looked so impressed that he was happy to appease the kids and you smiled as the kids almost jumped out of their seats.
You took your seats as James and Amelia sat behind you, Tom was in in for an entertaining ride to the airport.
“So Spiderman.” James started. “Who is fighting crime when you’re on holiday?” You, Kerry and her husband, Nick found that hilarious.
“Well Mr Stark covers for me so I can have a holiday.” Tom answered without breaking character and you swear you fell more in love with him.
“You know Ironman?” Amelia asked, she was a couple of years younger than James, she was four so her memory of the films was quite limited.
“Of course he knows Ironman, he’s an avenger.” James spoke confidently as he crossed his little arms over his chest and you stifled a laugh.
“But Peter aren’t you going out with MJ? Why are you here with Y/N?” James asked and Kerry shook her head.
“Okay James that’s a little rude, we don’t ask questions like that.” Kerry spoke and James huffed.
“Well actually Y/N is my real life girlfriend and MJ is my pretend girlfriend.” Tom or ‘Peter’ spoke again and James seemed somewhat happy with the answer, at six he was still too young to understand how it worked.
“Okay kids that’s enough, Tom’s on holiday so let him chill out yeah.” Nick spoke and Amelia nodded quietly, she was a lovely kid, really sweet and quiet. Almost the opposite of James who was quite mischievous and outspoken. James huffed as he sat back in his seat and pulled out his switch.
Amelia leant forward and quietly spoke to Tom. “I’m sorry spiderman.” She said with a small smile and your heart soared, she was adorable.
“That’s okay.” Tom gave her a reassuring smile and she grinned.
“Sorry, I forgot to mention that the kids are obsessed with spiderman. You can correct them if you want.” You said quietly and he chuckled.
“It’s fine really, I don’t mind. It’s nice to know you can make people happy you know. Plus I bet they ask me more interesting questions than some of those interviewers do.” He laughed.
“Just wait until you meet the other two.” You smirked. The journey to the airport was quite quiet, Tom was chatting away to Nick and Kerry and the kids kept looking at him confused when he spoke in his normal accent, it was quite amusing.
You got a text from your aunt to say where they all were and you made your way towards them, as soon as James caught sight of your Aunty Leanne he grabbed Tom’s hand and practically pulled him towards her.
“Aunty Leanne look! Spiderman is here.” He said excitedly as your boyfriend laughed. Leanne looked confused for a second before it clicked that they really did think Peter Parker had come on holiday with them.
“Well that’s fantastic, we won’t have to worry about any bad guys will we.” She said as she hugged James. Amelia had taken your hand as she fell into a walk beside you.
“Y/N? Do you think spiderman will mind if I ask him a few questions?” She asked quietly and you smiled as you bent down to pick her up.
“No, I’m sure he’d love to answer your questions.” You smiled as she kissed your cheek. Amelia was just like you as a kid, she was very wary of talking to new people and it took her a little while to get comfortable, again completely the opposite of her brother.
“Really?” Her eyes lit up and you kissed her nose.
“Really. You can sit with us on the plane if you want?” You smiled. You knew that if Amelia was gonna get a word in edgeways you were gonna have to separate her from the boys, they were all good kids, truly but they were far louder and more outspoken than her.
As if on queue two boys came barrelling towards James as they tackled him to the floor. Your other cousin trying to stop them. You laughed at the scene as you watched the boys have their yearly tussle on the ground.
“Look Luke, Jake. It’s spiderman.” James said as he pointed to Tom and they both whipped around to look at him.
“No way! It’s Peter Parker.” Luke said. He was twins with Jake and the same age as James.
“Can you shoot a web over there please?” Jake said and they all looked at him expectantly.
“I left my web shooters at home boys I’m so sorry.” Tom said, he was good at keeping character in front of your whole family.
“He’s in for a fun holiday.” Your mum said as she found you.
“He certainly is.” You laughed.
The plane ride was relatively chill, the boys had argued at first over who got to sit next to Tom and huffed when you told them you’d already said Amelia could. Amelia was coming out of her shell on the plane as she spoke to Tom more and Tom found her as adorable as you did. She was asking him questions that he was happily answering as you turned around awkwardly to speak to Kerry and Nick.
The holiday was amazing, Tom had nothing to worry about he got along with your family so well and the kids loved him. You’d tried to explain to them that Tom was Tom but they weren’t having it. “No Y/N, that is peter, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” They insisted on playing with him all the time.
He became somewhat of a baby sitter but he didn’t mind, everyone found it endearing. Amelia came out of her shell completely by day two and was playing along, although you think she found the place of favourite in Tom’s heart although he wouldn’t admit it. They had him doing flips and all sorts throughout the holiday, you felt sorry for him at times but he looked like he was having a crazy amount of fun.
“He’s really good with kids you know.” Kerry had said.
“Yeah, he is.” You smiled as you watched them all play in the pool with Tom and their respective dads.
“I really like him, i think he’s good for you.” She said and you smiled.
“Yeah, i think he is too. I really love him you know.” You said.
“I know and I know he loves you. He might be a very good actor but you can’t fake that look of love.” She said and you both laughed as you watched James throw a ball that almost hit Amelia in the face until Tom caught it easily.
“Spiderman saved me.” Amelia screamed as she hugged Tom and he smiled.
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Runnin’  Home To You
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Characters: John x Gender Neutral Reader, Abigail (OFC), Nurse Astrid (OFC), Dr. Veil (OMC)
Warnings: ABO, Angst, Cheating, Nightmare, Sexual assault (No Details), Brief mention of vomit, Mentions of a seizure, Hospital
Word Count: 2601
A/N: This is my entry for @mariekoukie6661‘s Happy or Sad Challenge. My song was Runnin’ Home To You by Grant Gustin.
Beta: @fictionalabyss
Header: @sorenmarie87
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       You turn over, reaching across to an empty bed. John’s cedarwood and lavender scent was stale on the pillows and sheets. It’d been weeks since the last time he’d been home, stumbling drunk, and smelling like another omega. You’d shoved him into the shower, roughly scrubbing away the lingering scent of whoever they were before crashing on the couch for the night. You’d flinched when he reached for you that morning trying to make amends. He’d dropped his hands and left again a mere hour later. You’d barely heard from him since. Maybe a text here and there, updating you on his location or asking you to research something for him. Sighing, you convince yourself to get out of bed and go about your day. 
You’re standing at the window drinking coffee when your phone rings. You glance down at it and frown. John. “Hello?” You try your best not to let the anger you feel seep into your voice. 
“Hey, babe!” He sounds like he’s smiling, but his voice is off. He’s hiding something. “I wanted to call and check on you. I should be coming home soon. What do you say we take a vaca-“ 
“Daddy,” he’s cut off by a whiny voice. “Come take a shower with me.” 
“Go to hell, John.” 
“Sweetheart, wait. Please, let me-“ You hang up before he can finish, throwing your phone across the kitchen with a broken scream. How dare he? How fucking dare he?! You drop the cup on the counter, coffee splashing everywhere, and sink to the floor. Tears stream down your face as you bring your knees up to your chest and watch your phone light up again and again from where it landed. Eventually, it stops. You continue to sit there even as the kitchen glows orange with the evening sun and your legs cramp. 
You shakily pull yourself up from the floor when there’s an incessant knocking on your front door. “I’m coming.” You call out. When you open the door, your business partner, and friend, stands there looking worried. Her eyes rake over you, taking in what must be a mess. 
“I tried to call, but it went to voicemail. Hun, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you look like a wreck.” You silently invite her in, closing the door behind her. She flicks on the lamp by the couch and sits down, patting the seat beside her. You sit and lean your head on her shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“He called this morning acting like everything was fine and talking about us taking a vacation. He was interrupted by some whiny bitch in the background asking Daddy to come take a shower with her. I told him to go to hell and hung up on him.” She looks at you shocked. 
“You mean John? Your John? What the fuck?!”
“Not the first time. The last time he came home, he came home smelling like another omega. I wouldn’t let him touch me and he left the next morning.” You look at your hands in your lap. Fresh tears well up in your eyes. 
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She pulls you into a hug. You let her hold onto you for a moment before you pull back and wipe at your face. “Why don’t I stay here tonight? We can order dinner and watch a movie?” You shake your head. 
“I just want to be alone right now. I’m sorry.” 
“No, you have nothing to apologize for. I understand, but if you need anything you call me. Okay?” 
“Okay.” With that, she leaves and you’re all alone again. You force yourself to go upstairs and take a shower before crawling into bed. 
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       You walk along the beach with John, his hand in yours. He smiles down at you. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, John.” You walk a little further, watching the sand for pretty shells to collect. Here and there little white crabs scuttle along. It’s perfect. He leads you to a blanket laid out on the sand with a basket full of food and wine to share. “What is all of this?” 
“I wanted to surprise you. To make up for all the times I’ve been hunting and gone.” His eyes crinkle with his bright smile.
When you’ve both eaten and drank your fill, you lay your head in his lap. He combs his fingers through your hair and hums. “Can't say how the days will unfold, can't change what the future may hold, but, I want you in it. Every hour, every minute. This world can race by far too fast. Hard to see while it's all flying past. But, it's clear now, when you're standing here now I am meant to be wherever you are next to me. All I want to do is come running home to you.” Your wedding song. He was so adamant that it was perfect for the two of you. And it was. He’d sung it to you at the ceremony too, much to his boys’ surprise. You open your mouth to tell him how much you appreciate all of this, but all that comes out is a cry of pain. “Oh, god.” He raises the hand that had been resting on your abdomen. It’s coated in blood. 
“John,” you groan, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Help me.” 
“I will. I swear I will. You’re not gonna die. I need you. I love you!” Tears track down his face and you don’t believe him. 
“John!” You scream as more pain rips through your body. 
You jolt up in bed with a scream, covered in sweat and heart racing. Then the pain hits. It’s too early for your heat, but this pain is all too familiar. You wrap your arms around your midsection and groan. What are you supposed to do without John? The pain only worsens at the thought of your missing alpha. Shit, shit, shit. Was this because of him? Because of his absence? Fuck him. Fuck your poor choice in an alpha. You never should’ve let his good looks and charm draw you in. 
You shakily get out of bed and stumble towards the medicine cabinet, finding and taking a couple of painkillers. You lean against the sink and look at yourself in the mirror. The dark circles under your eyes and sweat coating your forehead do nothing to boost the hope that you’ll be okay. You weren’t stupid. Omega abandonment was pretty much fatal, but you’d be damned if you called him for help. You’d rather die, but that wasn’t happening either. You were going to get through this bullshit and come out stronger. You splash some water on your face and hastily brush your teeth. 
Determined to keep going on with your life like you weren’t possibly dying, you take the stairs slowly and make your way to the kitchen. Your phone lights up from where you’d left it on the floor the previous night. You bend down to retrieve and roll your eyes. Among the missed calls and texts a new message pops up: I’m runnin’ home to you. Like hell he was. You’d have to change the locks before then. 
You make an easy breakfast of toast with jam and slam back several cups of coffee while you try your best to fight the pain and exhaustion making up every fiber of your being. Resting your head on the table, you decide a short nap won’t hurt anything. Right? 
Warm arms snake around you, lifting you from your place at the table. You fight the heaviness in your eyelids to crack them open. Your vision is blurry and you can just barely make out the large man holding you in his arms. Alpha, you’re home, you think hopefully. It’s as if you're being dragged back under by the exhaustion you register the scent and whimper. Not John.
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       Bright lights and disinfectant are the first things you notice as wake. The pain and fever are next. You groan and shake your head back and forth against the pillow beneath you. It takes a few tries, but you finally get your eyes open, squinting at the harshness of the light. “Oh, good! You’re awake,” a voice from your left says cheerily. You turn your head to see a nurse checking an IV line. When did you get here? How? “I’m going to go get the doctor and we’re going to have a talk.” She sounds so disappointed. What did you do? You can’t remember. She hurries out of the room before you get the chance to ask. You take stock of everything while she’s gone. Your whole body hurts, right down to your pinky toe. You’re hot, extremely so, and sticky with sweat as a result. Your phone is on a nearby table, but none of your other belongings are anywhere to be seen. What the fuck happened?
“Hello! I’m Dr. Veil,” a short, beta man in a lab coat says, walking in the room. “You were brought to the hospital without any identification. Can you tell me your information?” 
“I don’t understand,” you croak. “What happened? Why am I here?” He eyes you sympathetically and sits on the edge of your bed. 
“Let’s start with your name and then I’ll fill you in as much as I can. Okay?” You nod. 
“Y/N Winchester.”
“Good. As for what happened and how you got here, you were brought here by an ambulance after a 911 call. An alpha broke into your house after smelling the intense pheromones you were giving off. He said he took you upstairs and had sex with you while you were unconscious.” He pauses to watch your reaction as chills run up your spine. The scent that wasn’t right, the arms carrying you. Your stomach rolls and you gag. The doctor is quick to get something under you and narrowly avoids being covered in vomit. The nurse from before appears and holds your hair back. 
“Poor dear,” she whispers as she rubs your back. “All done?” You nod and wipe your mouth. 
“Ready to continue?” The doctor asks solemnly. You nod and brace yourself for more information. “During the assault, you began to seize and the alpha panicked. He called 911 and told the operator everything, but he was gone by the time emergency services arrived. We were able to stop the seizures and bring your fever down a bit, but you are far from out of the woods. I’m assuming this is either an alpha death or abandonment.”
“Abandonment,” you whisper. “My husband. He- he’s always gone for work and I caught him cheating. He hasn’t been home in a while.” He pats your leg. 
“I’ll let Astrid finish getting your personal information and we’ll see if we can hunt down this husband of yours.” 
“Do not contact my husband.”
“You’re sure?” You nod, mouth set in a grim line and eyes threatening to spill tears. “Okay, we won’t try to contact him.”
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       John drives like a maniac trying to get home as fast as he possibly can. He knows he royally fucked up, and he just wants to fix things between the two of you. He’s pulling off the exit to your tiny town when his phone rings. He doesn’t bother checking the I.D. as he gruffly answers. “Hello?”
“YOU ARE ONE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER, JOHN WINCHESTER!” He holds the phone away from his ear and cringes. He should’ve known this call was coming. Your best friend was protective, to say the least. 
“I know, Abigail, I know. But I’m on my way home and I’m gonna fix this shit.” 
“Better detour to the hospital, you fucking dipshit.” His heart speeds up and he grips the steering wheel tighter. 
“Why? What’s happened?”
“Oh, now you fucking care?!” 
“Can it, Abigail. Why the fuck do I need to go to the hospital?” 
“Because your omega, and my best friend, is dying. I got the call half an hour ago. Alpha abandonment: uncontrollable fever, extreme pain, and exhaustion. Not only that but they were raped by a strange alpha and sent to the hospital because they were seizing. You better hope they fucking live, because I will kill you, John Winchester. This is all your fault.” She hangs up before he can say anything. He drops his phone and races to the only hospital in town. Pulling up to the nearest curb, he jumps from the truck and runs inside. The woman at the front desk takes in his frantic state with a bored look. 
“Can I help you?” 
“My omega. I was told they were brought here. Y/N Winchester.” A glare crosses her face. 
“Room 309. Dr. Veil will want to speak to you.” He rushes to the elevator and slams the button, impatiently tapping his foot as he waits. When the doors open, he pushes past the people exiting and hits the button for the third floor. People frantically move away from him as he sprints through the hospital halls, searching for your room. He skids to a stop in front of 309. There’s a sticker on the door that states ‘Omega in Distress’. His heart skips a beat. Abigail was right. He was a stupid motherfucker. He starts to push the door open when a hand lands on his shoulder.
“You can’t go in there, dearie.” He turns and near pleads with the stern-looking nurse. 
“I’m their husband. Their alpha. I have to see them.” 
“You don’t deserve those titles.” She shakes her head and sighs. “Dr. Veil will want to speak to you first.” 
“I’m here, Astrid. You can go.” The man waits until she leaves before he addresses John. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this. Your omega is dying. I couldn’t honestly tell you how much time they’ve got. Typically once the abandonment sickness sets in? A week, maybe two if they’re a real fighter. But I’m afraid the sexual assault on top of this is speeding things along. My staff was told not to contact you, so I can only assume it was the best friend who called?” John mutely nods his head. “Good. I’m glad she did. You need to be very careful about what you say and do when you enter that room.” 
“Okay,” John whispers. The doctor steps aside and lets John push the door open, entering your room. It’s alarming how weak your scent is. The sight of you so pale and attached to numerous machines is John’s nightmare. “Stupid,” he mutters at himself. Your eyes flutter open and you turn to look at him. “Hey, sweetheart. I-”
“Leave!” You yell, tears falling down your face. He starts to reach for you, but you push his hands away. “Get out! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
“Baby, please,” he pleads, eyes shining and body shaking.
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” He flinches. You’re screaming hysterically at this point. Nurses and the doctor rush in to calm you. “GET HIM OUT!”
“You will die without him, dear,” the doctor tries to reason. 
“I don’t care,” you sob. “This is all his fault! I want him gone!” The doctor solemnly nods to one of the nurses. She comes over to him and gestures to the door. 
“Sir, you need to go.”
“But-” He tries to argue, but she shakes her head and gently leads him towards the door. 
“No.” He reluctantly leaves the room; your screams and sobs the only thing he can hear as he slides to the floor outside your room.
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Tags: @leave-me-2-rot-among-the-flowers, @hobby27​, @samfreakingwinchester​
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A Strange Twist of Fate
(This is a crossover/collab story at the behest of the wonderful @hasabbydoneanythingwrong and her Mastersona, Maya. If you don’t already know about Maya, please check them out!)
The French sky greeted Faye and Eresh as they ray shifted in for a minute singularity that had popped up. It wasn’t one that was a major threat to humanity, but there was enough of an oddity about it thst Da Vinci and Goredolf figured it should be checked out. The strange thing about it was, however, that there really wasn’t anything off about it.
People lived their normal lives, nothing world ending was happening or even appeared off putting.
Da Vinci: I know it’s odd, but our reading still say there’s a singularity here Faye!
Faye: But nothings wrong! Everything’s perfectly normal here, no monsters, no freak conditions, nothing!
Da Vinci: Well, our instruments say otherwise. Please keep looking, maybe it’s something that’s just really well hidden?
Faye: I suppose. We’ll stay a few more days, it’ll be good for Eresh to get some rest, after all.
Da Vince: Faye, you’re not on vaca-
The transmission was cut off as Faye sighed. She did love this region, especially in the late springtime that it was currently in. The weather was beautiful, the sky clear, the rolling hills verdant. Honestly, when this was all over, she’d look at moving out here.
The couple continued to walk around Lyon, nothing amiss being noted until they saw a familiar figure. A small girl with blonde hair and a teddy bear in her arms, running through the streets. Abigail? What was she doing here?
Faye and Eresh followed Abby out of town. As they got farther away, they managed to catch up with her.
Faye: Abby!
Abigail turned, confusion on her face.
Abby: Miss Faye?
Faye: Wait, Miss Faye? You know me?
Abby: Of course I know you, don’t you remember me? We had pancakes and went on walks and I even got to play with your servants!
Faye approached Abby, dropping to one knee and patting her head.
Faye: Of course I remember you, silly. It was so fun when you stopped by! But what are you doing here in France?
Abby looked up at Faye, happy she asked.
Abby: I’m with my Master!
Faye: Your Master?
Abby: Yeah! She’s really nice, and takes good care of me! You’ve got to meet her, she’ll like you.
With that, Abby took off in her initial direction, Faye and Eresh in tow. If this was the same Abby as before, that means that the Master she was talking about had to be Maya, Humanity’s Master from a parallel timeline. She must be the singularity that was showing up.
Eventually the group end up at a cabin in the countryside overlooking a small creek. Abby knocks on the door and heads inside, a cheerful greeting proceeding Faye and Eresh’s entrance. At the table sat a woman, her long, raven hair tied into a low ponytail, glasses perched on her nose, shirt slightly unbuttoned. If she noticed their entrance, she didn’t show it as she patted Abby’s head.
???: Abby! Where did you run off to? You had me worried!
Abby: Master, I went out to play and found some friends!
??: Friends, huh?
The woman stood and gave Faye a glare. Eresh spoke up from behind her master.
Eresh: Miss Maya?
The woman’s glare softened at the recognition. She must’ve gone through the same mental gymnastics as Faye had when she met Abby again, because she looked less “I want to kill you for touching Abby” and more relaxed.
Maya: That means you must be the Faye I heard so much about.
Maya outstretched a hand. Faye shook it, command seals showing.
Faye: And you must be Maya. I wish I could say the same, but Eresh didn’t really talk a whole ton about her trip. Whatever you did got her red in the face when she remembered it.
True to form, Eresh was, in fact, beet red at the notion. Hiding behind Faye’s form.
Maya: Eresh! You clearly didn’t do what we talked about then!
She made a placating gesture to the slightly annoyed Faye.
Maya: Don’t worry, I didn’t so much as touch her. She asked for daring advice is all, and I was more than happy to oblige.
Faye: I see.
Just then, both Masters received a communication from their respective Chaldeas. It was...intense. One Da Vinci speculating while the other analyzed, both of them talking in tandem, completely okay with the situation in front of them. Plenty of bragging about their respective genius aside, they figured that each Master was the other’s reported singularity, and that, for whatever reason, the bond shared between their servants allowed them to meet like this. Since there was no issue, and it would be resolved by both of them leaving, then it wouldn’t pose a problem for the two Masters to use this time to rest up for their coming challenges.
Hours Later
Night had fallen, and the two Masters swapped stories with each other over dinner before deciding to take a walk outside, leaving Eresh and Abby to play together. She really was good with children, that Goddess of Kur. It warmed Maya’s heart slightly to see Abby in good hands.
The two masters walked to that small stream, Maya taking a seat under a tree right nearby, Faye at her side. Maya leaned back, taking in the night sky above them.
Maya: She really does love you, you know. You’re all she was would talk about when she appeared at my Chaldea.
Faye: The same can be said for you. Abby was so happy to tell people about her Master. She’s so adorable I couldn’t help but pamper her!
Maya: Thank you, for looking out for Abby, I mean. My heart sunk when she disappeared.
Faye: Ditto. When I lost my Goddess, I was in shambles.
Maya looked over at Faye, smirking.
Maya: My Goddess? Is that a pet name? That’s too cute:
Faye: Hey! Don’t tease me, she’s my goddess and I love her, is there something wrong with that?
Maya: No, no. Loves all well and good. Real talk though.
Maya leaned in close, a little too close for Faye’s comfort.
Maya: Have you two done it?
Faye looked appalled. This girl, she swore to herself in her head. What kind of girl was she to ask something like that! Well, she did say she gave Eresh “dating advice”, Goddess only knows what she meant by thst.
Faye: I-I don’t see how that’s your business!
Faye spoke defiantly, but Maya maintained her smug look.
Maya: Come on, we’re both Masters here, you can tell me. Tell you what, I’ll do first, I’ve had sex with my servants. Some of them, at least.
Faye: Y-you have?! Who?
Maya: That would be kissing and telling. Besides, you didn’t do your share:
Faye mumbled something. Maya didn’t quite catch it.
Maya: You’ve got to speak up, Faye.
Faye: I said yes! We’ve had sex okay! A few times now.
Maya: There we go! Was that so hard to admit?
Hours continued to pass as the two went back and forth. The night sky iridescent above them. It turned out the two were in exactly the same position, both the last Master, both stuck clearing Lostbelts and dealing with Crypters. The two were very similar, yet very different.
A/N: I didn’t really know how to end it, but I’m going to do another one of these after I get some sleep. I hope I did Maya some justice, I tried to be true to her character as best I could. Please let me know what you guys thought.
Now for some mentions. I’m gonna keep them small, since I’m not sure tags even work.
@hasquetzdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
La vaca Lola
Joe x Latina!Reader Baby Blurb
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Words: 928
Tag List: @psychosupernatural @someone-get-a-medic @bensrhapsody @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @minigranger  @crazyweirdocalledfriday​ @the-moving-finger-writes @deakyclicks​ @assembledherethevolunteers​ @rose-writes-prose​ @queenlover05​ @26-7-49​ @drowsebaby @im-an-adult-ish​ @queen-paladin​ @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​
A/N: Just a little blurb I wrote after seeing my niece this morning. There’s so much sad stuff going on, and I hope this gives you all a break. 
La vaca Lola La vaca Lola Tiene cabeza y tiene cola
La vaca Lola  La vaca Lola Tiene cabeza y tiene cola Y hace muu
You heard your daughter giggle and scream with delight from the kitchen. Just as you entered, you saw her in Joe’s arms. He was spinning her around and dancing happily with her to her favorite song - La Vaca Lola - blasting from the Google Home. He was singing along dramatically to your daughter’s amusement. 
“Y hace muuuu!!” he finished, mooing extraordinarily like a cow. 
Your daughter released such a pleased little squeak it melted your heart. You chuckled and your husband at last turned to face you.
“You’re up!” he said. “Sorry if the music was too loud.”
You shook your head. “Not at all. I was up anyway.”
Earlier, after a restless night, you couldn’t get your daughter to go down for a nap. You became overwhelmed and emotional, and Joe finally told you he’d take care of Lina while you got a little bit of rest. You didn’t think you were ever more grateful for your husband than in that moment. You had gotten a solid hour. 
“Feeling better?” he asked. 
“Much,” you replied with a nod. “What are you two doing?”
“Having a little dance party,” he answered, grinning. “We just finished up lunch, but check this out.”
You cocked your head to the side and watched Joe hold Lina so that she was face to face with him. He smiled wide at her. 
“Gracias, que linda,” he cooed. 
She pressed her little lips right to the tip of his nose. You burst into laughter. 
“Oh my God!” you giggled. 
“I know!” he agreed. “Because we say that every time she kisses us, now she thinks it means we want a kiss!”
You shared in the laughter for a moment while Lina looked on, apparently proud to have made Mommy and Daddy so happy. 
“You try,” he said, handing her to you. 
She was still looking at Joe, so you tickled her tummy to get her attention. 
“Mira,” you said, and she faced you. “¡Gracias, que linda!”
She did the same. Her tiny mouth came forward and she kissed your nose. You and Joe could not stop laughing. You did it again, and again, she kissed your nose. It amazed you how babies interpreted things. You praised her for being sweet, and she took that to mean that was the name of the action. It was irresistibly adorable. 
“Have you eaten, mi amor?” you asked Joe. 
“Not yet,” he said. “You know what a task it is just to get her fed.”
You smiled. “I do. How’d you pull it off on your own?” 
“Distraction,” he said, and he held up the Elmo puppet that Lina absolutely loved. 
“Ah, I see,” you replied. You looked at Lina. “Did Daddy make you laugh, huh?”
She gurgled and then buried her face in your neck. You rocked her gently. Joe went to the fridge and retrieved a leftover slice of pizza from the previous evening. He slapped it on a plate and stuck it in the microwave. 
“I had to burp her a bit after she ate,” he explained. “And she tried to burp me back.”
You chuckled again. “What a sweet girl.”
The microwave beeped and Joe got his pizza. 
“You want any, hun?” he asked. 
“Nah, I’m okay,” you assured him. “What did you feed her?”
“Her favorite,” he answered. “Sopa de pollo.” 
You grinned. When you and Joe decided to have a baby, you were adamant that they learn English and Spanish. So the whole nine months of your pregnancy, he worked hard on his Spanish. He knew enough to get by at your family gatherings and such, but he needed more if it was going to be a prominent language in your home. More than once, he commended your ability to come to the US and learn English as quickly as you did. Now, he spoke Spanish about half the time he spoke to Lina, especially if she was learning something new, like what the cow says.
Suddenly, she let out a grumpy whine and squirmed in your arms. 
“Lina!” you gasped, reacting quickly so she didn’t fall. “Que quieres?”
She reached out for Joe. You rolled your eyes. 
“Of course!” you cried with mock exasperation. “Daddy!”
Lina was without a doubt a Daddy’s girl. Any time Joe set her down, she cried. He took a quick bite of pizza and offered to take her. 
“Eat your lunch, baby,” you said. “I can hold her.”
“But she looks so sad,” he returned, pouting. 
“Da da da da da!” Lina added in agreement, arms still out toward her father. 
You sighed, but relented. Joe took her into his arms again and even though you were annoyed, it made you happy. You felt so lucky to have Joe in your life - as your partner and as the father of your child. You really couldn’t imagine parenting with anyone else. He picked up Elmo again. 
“Liiiiiiina!” he said excitedly, holding Elmo up to her face. His Elmo impression was uncanny, any it always thrilled your daughter. “Elmo looooves Lina! Om nom nom nom nom nom!” 
He made Elmo start “kissing” all over her while she smiled her wide, toothless grin and giggled.
In his Elmo voice, he began to sing again, “La vaca Lola, La vaca Lola -”
You joined in so you sang together, to Lina’s joy. 
“Tiene cabeza y tiene cola! La vaca Lola, La vaca Lola…”
 Nothing made you happier than this - your little family.
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lisaleigh713 · 3 years
The Principal and his wife
During the summers in High School, I worked as a lifeguard at our city pool.  It was a great way to make money, get some sun and check out all the hot guys all while getting paid to do so.  I was allowed to wear whatever bathing suit I wanted so naturally I decided to wear bikinis, I just couldn’t wear a thong which is what I preferred.
My first summer at 15 years old proved educational.  I saw a bunch of great looking guys and girls but my interest was more toward older men and women.  I had been fucked before by a boy and since I had been fucking men and women, I realized I wanted nothing to do with a boy anymore.
That first summer was spent trying to figure things out.  I wanted to know who came on a regular basis, how they dressed, did they notice me in my bikini?  Ultimately what were my chances to hook up with some other men and women beside my teachers and family.
The summer past and I returned to school and to fucking my teachers.  I didn’t fuck them for grades, as my grades were very good.  I was on the honor roll every year.  I fucked my teachers because they wanted to fuck me and fuck me they did.
The next summer rolled around and I was now 16 years old.  I had been fucked almost every day by someone in my family or at school but now I was back to my job as a lifeguard.  My boss really liked me as I did a great job and I had now fully matured to the size I am now, a 34DDD.  Needless to say I had plenty of flesh hanging out of my bikini top.
The second week into the summer I saw a very familiar face, my principal from school.  He was a very handsome man, educated and built.  He was with his wife who could have graced the covers of any magazine to include Playboy.  They had two children who were 11 and 12 years old.  Both of their children were girls.
It was time for me to take a break and hydrate.  I got down from my lifeguard stand and walked toward the lifeguard area in the back.  I had to pass right in front of my principal Mr. Heard and his family.  I stopped briefly to say hello and he didn’t recognize me right away, but when he did, his face beamed.  I know that look, that is a look of “oh I want to fuck you right now.”
Mrs. Heard or Jill, as I came to call her, shook my hand which of course caused my tits to bounce.  That was my in.  Jills eyes widened and she smiled.  She gripped my hand like she didn’t want to let go.  Eventually of course she did.
I retired to the lifeguard room to cool down some and hydrate.  I couldn’t help but get horny at the thought of fucking one or both of them so my pussy got wet, very wet.  After 30 minutes I resumed my duties at a different lifeguard stand.  I could see them as they were very close to me and on more than one occasion I caught them looking at me.
Since Mr. Heard and Jill kept looking at me naturally I needed to give them a show.  I began spreading my legs to give them a better view of my crotch and of course I had to bend down so they could see my breast sway back and forth.  Jill was getting hot.  She was squirming around like an eel on dry land.  I even one saw a small wet patch on her bikini bottom.
Mr. Heard on the other hand could not get up to go in the water.  He had a raging hard on and from the looks of things it was big.  Average in length but thick as a telephone pole.  He would be fantasizing about me tonight while he fucked Jill.  Eventually the pool closed and I went home to my mom.  Dad was out of town for a few days and so it was just us girls.
Of course since I was horny mom and I had to play around with some new toys she purchased, but that is a story for another time.
The next day I went back to work and within a couple of hours Jill showed up by herself.  I met with her and asked about Mr. Heard.  Jill said her husband was out of town for a week at a school administrator conference and their daughters were on summer vaca with the grandparents.
“Wow, you mean to tell me you are alone for the whole week,” I said.  Jill looked me in the eye, smiled and said, “yes Lisa, I will be alone the whole week should you need to stop by for anything.”  I completely understood what Jill was saying.  Jill wanted me to come over so we could make love to each other.
I phoned mom later and told her not to wait up for me as I would either be late or see her the next day after work.  Mom completely understood and just advised to have a bunch of fun so I could come home and tell her about it later.  At the end of the day, I showered and put on some fresh clothes.  I put on a short skirt and a very see through white blouse with my heels and drove over to Jill Heard’s house.
I knocked on the door and when she opened the door she was dressed in nothing but a black lace bra, garter, silk seamed stockings and 5 inch black heels.  Her hair, makeup and nails were perfect and she wore Chanel just like I did.  She gently pulled me in to her house, closed the door and began to kiss me passionately.  That was the nice thing, small talk or convincing was not necessary.
We kissed and necked and let our hands rubbed all over each others body.  We needed to break as we were in no hurry.  We stopped and had a glass of wine or two each.  We talked about our experiences with the same sex and how hers started in college.  I didn’t share too much other than I had been with other women too.
Jill said, “grab your wine and come with me.”  I grabbed my wine and she grabbed my hand.  She led me to the bedroom where we removed our tops and bottoms but left on our lace and heels.  I like to get fucked in heels period.
We explored each others body for several hours, kissing and licking each others pussy and nipples until we both came very hard.  We lay there on the bed with our chests heaving and still on that roller coaster of orgasms.  Once our heartbeats returned to normal, she asked me where I learned to squirt.  I explained my first time with a boy and how things were and then my discovery of squirting.
Jill expressed a desire to learn how to squirt and felt Mr. Heard would really like that in the bed.  I exclaimed to her I would be happy to show her how.  I got between her legs and began to slowly suck on her clit and lick her pussy.  I told her to relax and breathe.  I could tell she was getting close to an orgasm and I told her, “Jill when you start to cum, take a deep breath and slowly let it out relaxing your body, just let it go and it will happen.”  I stepped up my pussy licking, clit sucking and nipple play and I could tell she was going to squirt.  Everything tensed up and when she breathed in and relaxed she squirted all over the damn place.
Jill screamed and writhed all over the bed.  I held onto her thighs with my arms and basically locked my head in between her legs and got my tongue on her clit so hard and my finger on her G-Spot.  We were locked together like lovers should be.  We rolled around on the bed for a bit squirting and convulsing.  When the orgasm finally subsided, she pulled me up to her and kissed me so passionately.  Then fell back in a heap on the bed.
I could see no more for the night and it was almost midnight so I decided to get up and go home.  Jill was completely passed out and there would be no waking her until the next day.  Mom asked how things went and I began to explain to which mom then wanted to taste Jill’s pussy on my tongue.  Mom and I wound up fucking each other for about an hour and then we fell asleep in a pool of mixed orgasm from both of us.
The next day a work, I was honestly surprised to see Jill as the pool.  She was so beautiful walking to where my stand was.  I leaned down and asked how she was, Jill said, “my god that was the most incredible experience of my life, can we do that again today?”  I said, “your in luck today is my early shift and I will be getting off at 2p.m.”  Jill stated then, “and getting off again at 3p.m.
We went back to her house and fucked our brains silly after I got off work and we continued to fuck the rest of the week.  Mr. Heard was due back Saturday morning and she expressed I really turned him on and how he fucked her that first night even once calling out my name.  I knew where this could lead but was not ready for that path just yet.  I had one more night with Jill and I wanted to take advantage of it.  
Friday was another early shift for me and Jill did not come to the pool that day.  I went by her house after work, dressed to the nines.  I had on a short black leather micro shirt, a mesh see through red blouse, a garter belt, silk seamed stockings and my 6 inch black sling back leather stilettos.  I knocked on the door and the door opened but not to Jill but to Mr. Heard.
I took a couple of steps back, my heart had stopped and I grew weak in the knees.  Jill moved him aside, grabbed my hand and led me in to the living room.  She only had on a see through black robe and her heels.  She pulled me close to her and kissed me passionately.  Our hands roamed over each other rubbing our breast and asses.
She stopped and pulled back.  “Now your turn” as she looked at Mr. Heard.  Mr. Heard moved over to me and did as commanded and begin to kiss me.  Jill moved behind me and played with my tits and pussy while Mr. Heard kissed me.  I was so turned on.  Jill whispered in my ear, “I called him and asked him to come home early, I wanted to be with you both.”  
My pussy was now dripping wet.  We moved to the bedroom.  Mr. Heard removed his clothes while Jill removed mine.  I dropped to me knees and began to suck Mr. Heard’s cock, taking it all the way down.  This seem to impress both Jill and Mr. Heard as she could not deep throat.  Jill put her hand on the back of my head and pushed my head onto Mr. Heard’s cock encouraging me the whole time.  “Thats it, suck that cock Lisa.  Damn what a good girl.  Lick his balls when you are down there.”  Of course that just made Mr. Heard’s cock that much harder.
Jill and I lay on the bed.  Mr. Heard was going to fuck his wife first but Jill said, “I want to watch you fuck Lisa.”  So Mr. Heard moved over behind me while Jill moved in front of me.  I got it, she wants me to make her squirt again so Mr. Heard could see her.  Mr. Heard made a couple of stabs at me to no avail.  I reached between my legs and took hold of his cock and guided him in but not my pussy, my ass.
I wanted Mr. Heard to fuck my ass while I ate his wife’s pussy.  After a couple of minutes he looked down and stopped.  “Holy shit!!!” He exclaimed.  Of course Jill thinking something was wrong moved to where Mr. Heard was.  “Damn” Jill said.  You are in her ass.  I said, “yes he is, now let him fuck my ass.  Mr. Heard you can fuck my ass all night if you want while I make your wife squirt.”
That was enough.  He started pounding my ass while i went back to getting Jill ready to squirt and squirt she did.  She bathed me in her cum juice which set Mr. Heard off cumming in my ass.  He started to pull out and I reached back, grabbed his ass and pulled him back in to me.  “Don’t pull out, just stay there.”  Mr. Heard and I moved together next to Jill, with his cock still in my ass.
We were all heaving and I had a small orgasm but this night was about The Heard’s.  We all got our breathing under control and Mr. Heard cock slipped from my ass.  “I have never fucked someone in the ass before,” said Mr. Heard.  I retorted, “how was fucking my ass and cumming in my ass?”  “Incredible just incredible,” said Mr. Heard.  Jill was still in another world but quickly coming back to us.
This was their first threesome but it would not be their last.  I excused myself briefly and upon returning found the Heard’s wrapped in each others’ arms and passed out.  I dressed and went home only to find mom and dad in the living room fucking.  Well what’s a girl to do except strip and join them.  I had an incredible orgasm then along with mom and dad.
The weekend came and went and I returned to work on Monday.  The Heard’s showed up again, still without their children.  They couldn’t take their eyes off me nor I them.  Jill came to me and said “do you think we can do that again tonight but only have him fuck my ass?  Can you teach me to take his cock in my ass?”  “Of course I can, and I would love to join you this evening.”  Summer came and went and the Heard’s and I spent many a day and night together when their children were not at home.
School started back and I would meet Mr. Heard in the hall and if no one was looking he would allow his hand to slide across my breast or across my ass.  This was a sign to meet him in his office, he wanted to fuck me.
I thought I was going to have to get a personal secretary for all the people wanting to fuck me but things just worked out so whoever wanted to fuck me was able too.  Yes, I was a slut in school but Jim, the boy, would never have another piece of ass from me.   Turns out he fucked another girls after me and after he began to brag, she confirmed they fucked but said he didn’t last even a minute and he has a tiny dick.  Jim was laughed into oblivion.  I wondered what ever became of Jim until one day…
Love and Kisses,
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juniebjoneswrites · 3 years
Bring Me Home // Harry Styles
Acceptance (1)
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My eyes are closed and my whole body is tingling like I left it for too long in a nightmare and it's finally waking up slow and groggy.  I'm surrounded suddenly by cold winter air as a door opens. Someone in the distance calls my name but I can't dig myself back up to reach them. My toes wiggle and dance with the dirt in my sandals and I reach for that feeling. My arms cover my chest, stopping the cold from hitting my wet bathing suit and I can't help but wonder if this is what he felt like, it must have been cold. Wet and cold, with the ocean spraying sand and foam.
"June?" My eyes flutter open. The broken, fluorescent bulbs of a gas station throw sickly, yellowing shadows over my sister. I look around and the only door I'm in front of is the freezer section. The frozen single-serve pizzas are staring back at me sadly.
I look down at her hands and see the Powerade she grabbed, bags of chips, and a gallon of water. "I'm back," I say slowly. I grab the water, becoming fully aware of my cottonmouth. Taking big gulps I think of my brief and tragic winter vaca hallucination and remember it was definitely summer. Guzzling this water as if it were from the Tuck Everlasting spring itself and I'd live forever, I glance at the aisle mirror. Unfortunately for this man I caught him staring at my sister and I. I cap the jug and hand it back to her, "go pay."
I  turn my back, heading to the corner where his aisle and mine meet. "What's up?" I ask bluntly, "Do you usually creep on scantily clad women who're minding their business?" getting to him I realize how I shrink in his presence and the tiredness his face holds. And there was something else.. Familiarity.
He looks uncomfortable, "Was just making sure you weren't dead on your feet," he smiles nervously, "I tried to chat with you before your friend came in but you didn't respond."
I squint my eyes, if they weren't so glossy and my head didn't feel like it belonged underwater then maybe I could have placed him. But alas, like offerings to Xibalba, the stars were not in position for this tribute. Aka me. I again cross my arms and let out an "mhm." Angrily plucking a snack from his hand and walking away, I'm very aware of how many he can hold in the same hand as his bottled water.
I want to ask my sister if listening to all those true crime podcasts have done nothing for her since she's waiting for me in the darkened parking lot. But I figure the wrong place, wrong time. The lot is riddled with potholes and faded paint and there's usually one kid hanging around the outskirts, seemingly waiting for someone. She tosses me the Powerade and some Visine eye drops. "That bad?" I ask.
"They're as bad as your sunburned ass," she laughs, I shrug. We can't win them all.
We cross the deserted street to the ocean where the fire is blazing and our six closest friends are waiting for us. The waves lap the shoreline and the moon shines high above like a nightlight I had once wanted to kiss, but now holds my secrets. I disliked the dark, but I dislike the heavy stare the  moon now follows me with even more. I heard laughing, crackling fire, and the subtle sounds of a playlist through speakers. I could almost forget why we were there. I vaguely register a car driving off as my sister takes my hand.
 "Is it time?" she asks, standing near the fire. Sam gets up from a log, shakes his brown curls from his face and stands at the shore line. Craning his neck upwards he checks the moon's position. Just this once I wished it would close it's eye. He makes a sound that seems like a "yes," as it struggles to leave his throat and I can't tell if it's from the angle of his neck or the emotions of what we're here to do.
Sam grabs the box and we walk to the boat they probably used in the Notebook. We row over to the crag of ocean rocks that leads to a trail up a cliffside. No one speaks. I can feel a wetness coming over my cheeks that I'm certain had nothing to do with the ocean spray. We tie the boat to a tree and move up the cliff. I will my sandals to corporate and keep me right but that's like asking seaweed to keep the shark steady so I let the cliff wall guid me instead. Slowly the rocks and granite turn to dirt, and grass and I know we made it to the top. From this point, the moon sits perfectly centered over the cliff's edge. I can feel the choices we've made and how this is completely and utterly the best one.
I hear laughter again, feel the excitement, the friendship. However this time it's not something any passing person would see. It's a memory of many times that had come before and many times that would not come again. We open the box. A small blue and silver ceramic pot sits inside. Sam pulls it out, walks over to the edge and pours a little in his hand. He tosses his brother's ashes into the sea that took him. The final middle finger Elijah would have given if he had been alive to do so. Except if he was alive he could give two and I know one would be for me. I close my eyes as he throws the rest.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That beach and gas station were still part of our stomping grounds, but that summer it was less frequent and we spent more time cuddled on couches and wandering graveyards. Death will make you do strange things. Guilt will make you do stranger. I watched days, weeks, even months blur together until finally it felt like the fever broke and I woke up. Fall feels like a rebirth, a brief moment of clarity before winter asks if that's what you really want. I dress and drive to the gas station.
 Turning off my car I can feel the cool wind coming from the shoreline. Walking to the waves I crane my neck the way Sam did and wish for the moon above me. I need to know what it saw. The ocean spray cools my body and nerves while waves kick sand on my boots. I stand there listening to the crashing for some time before someone pulls me from my depths.
I turn around to see the gas station worker, he waves. "Where did you kids go?" he calls over the crashing. "I thought you forgot about old Seb," he chuckles as he walks to meet me. "Was worried something happened,"
 "Something did... happen," I reply. He frowns, understanding my emphasis. "Yeah," I say heavily. I start walking away, I want to go to the cliffs. He stops me.
 "You know that guy came back a few nights later," he pauses, "he was looking for you. Said something like wanting 'to make sure that girl was alright,'" he pauses. "It took me a minute to realize he was talking about you. He said you looked sad," I must look confused because he fumbles on, "uh.. he uh was there the last night you and your friends were here...." he trails off, gesturing to the shore, "tall, dark hair, had an accent."
I trace that night back to it's beginning when a memory hits. Oh. Now, how does one tell Mr. Harry Styles, "Sorry about last night, it's just that I was sad and angry and had to spread my friends ashes"? Because unlike John Mulaney I haven't lost the best excuse I have.
"Has he been back since?" I ask.
 "Only once," he replies.
I smile a smile that has stopped reaching my eyes and pat his arm as I walk away, "Thanks, Seb." I say. I make it a few yards before he calls again.
"Oh! I gave him your name," I hear the triumph in his voice. Seb wasn't always the best for remembering. He's getting older and lost his wife a few years back.They ran the station together but ever since she passed it's just been him. We told him to hire help, even to hire one of us since that was our go-to snack shop when we're at the beach. However, he's a stubborn man and refuses the help he doesn't think he needs. I turn around to see him smile his wide, goofy smile and for a brief moment I'm happy with him.
"Did you now?" I ask playfully, "Then why hasn't my mysterious man found me yet?"
He shrugs, "Maybe just waiting for the right time, or to find you at my shop again," he smiles wide.
"Maybe," I respond, "I guess I'll have to come around more," I start walking away but suddenly I turn on my heels, as if forced by unseen hands, "Maybe instead, Seb, you could hire me? Increase my chances at seeing him."
He pauses to think. I know he thinks he doesn't need help, but I know he does and I need to help someone since I can't help myself. Or maybe I'm a masochist. Or maybe if I can meet my "mystery" man I'd have a break from this nightmare.
He sighs and walks over, "Well I guess it would be okay, since it's for love and all,"
I almost kiss him. "You're one lucky man, Seb." I put my arm around his shoulder, facing his station, and wave it in an arch like we were imagining a better world, "With my help we might even fix those potholes." He laughs and I lead him back to the station to fill out my paperwork.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I never make it to the cliffs, I end up helping Seb well into the night. When I pull up to my apartment I see my sister's car in a guest spot. I sigh heavily, taking a long drink of my melted slushie and make my way inside. She's asleep on my couch with reruns of the Golden Girls playing and a plate of uneaten food on the coffee table.
She wakes as I sit on the floor between her and the table and pick at the food. "Where were you?" she asks.
"I got a job working for Seb," I hold up the slushie.
"What? He actually hired you?" she half sits up, "What kind?"
I stick out my blue tongue and she lays back down in disgust. She likes the red. "Yes, Jo, my sweet talking is good for more than drinks in a bar," I say dryly.
"Well maybe you can get him to have better snacks," she opens the covers for me to join her. I crawl under the blankets with my big sister like I'm a child again and hope the protection she offers will keep my dreams at bay. But like many sailors and ships lost to its melody of waves, the siren sea calls me back.
1 / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6)
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skiasurveys · 5 years
1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? um,,? I would assume I was a young adult ig?
2.Which is worse, failing or never trying? never trying, b/c you would never  know if you were good or not. 3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?  idk..man because we feel forced by society 4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done ? I hope not. 5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? I wish people would stop flexing. 6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? spending time with my loved ones tbh, and making art. 7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? rn i am in college so 8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? no different. 9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? a little, im trying to fix it. 10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? doing things right..i always think im gonna be a failure. 11. You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? I would let them know that she is my friend and i find it disrespectful of what theyre saying. 12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Honestly, dont worry about what others say. do what you want. 13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? yeah i would.
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Yeah look at most art lol 15. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Im not sure... 16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy? because were all just different people? 17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? travel really. I want to see more of the world  and cultures.
18. What’s holding you back? money.
19. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? yeah my fathers death.
20. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? maybe the UK? and Idk its different and i dont wanna live in the us. 21. Do you push the elevator button more than once? not really. 22. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?  joyful 23. Why are you, you?  life experiences.
24. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I think i have but i do have a lot to work on. 25. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?  losing touch. it sucks when you can feel them slipping away right from your fingers and you cant change it. we live in a world where face time is a  thing so when someone moves it doesnt feel that much different. 26. What are you most grateful for? My mom 27. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? fuck. Never make new ones.  28. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? idk..? 29. What is your greatest fear? Has it ever come true? Drowning. lol
30. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? it wouldve been either when my friend hurt me or when my dad had died. so yeah. 31. What is your happiest childhood memory?  vaca with dad
32. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? im not sure.. 33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? idk. 34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?  Of course, sometimes the best people are the people you dont have to make up a lot of words. 35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Cus humans. 36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? yes and no. we all have our set of morals. for sure murder is evil..i would hope everyone would agree. 37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?  yes. even tho i just got it but like i hate working LOL. 38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?  more work i like to do 39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? yes.
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? what
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? i would try to see them all lol
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? Of course LOL 
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? alive is just doing ur boring ass shit every day but living is like actually doing what u love lol 44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? you just know tbh 45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? because we dont wanna look stupid or hurt others. depending on the mistake. 46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? dress better and be more active with my social media career. 47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? right now 48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? i love art, i always have. it just lets me express myself without feeling weird. 49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? i will for sure b/c i just started working at this shit job so ill for sure remember this. i better not be here in 5 years or ill kms. 50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? myself but i always ask ppl for advice to help me. so both?
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Keep Your Eyes On Me Part 4
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Aaaahhhh, I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow morning but I COULD NOT LEAVE BEFORE I GAVE YOU PART 4. I’m not cruel. because I’ll be on vaca for a week and will be with family and cant take my laptop. So in case you missed it, here’s Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and now Part 4. WHERE THE ANGST STARTS. Enjoy. Thank you to @waiting4inspiration for hosting this 2k follower challenge, they’re amazing and their viking works have SO INSPIRED MY OWN. 
Part 4
You didn’t leave your house for a couple of days after that and your life became- sex, eating, sleeping, bathing and caring for Dyre. And you were so happy to have your life so simple for a while before you remembered that you would still probably have to leave him, you hadn’t broken any cardinal rules that were grounds for expulsion yet. You doubted he’d want to leave his world behind for yours. And you weren’t sure you were willing to give up your old life for his, even as great as it was because you knew, in this time, things changed with the wind and that your future here would still be just as uncertain. But then the truth that...he didn’t really love you, started to sting. He loved Astrid, with the long blonde hair and super fair looks and the mother to “his” child. Not Zara, the time traveling, shape shifting, power wielding, super soldier, dragoner assassin. It would break both of your hearts when you would be called back and you had always answered the call. But you couldn’t resist this indulgence. You couldn’t resist him because each kiss was like a drug and you were an addict needing a constant fix. 
You went with him as he made his rounds around Kettegat, because Bjorn refused to let you out of his sight, both of you grinning like idiots and sharing more than your fair share of kisses and touches and loving looks. Bjorn’s sister adored you and praised how handsome of a son you gave her brother.
And you didn’t escape Ivar the Boneless’ notice. He looked at Bjorn with barely concealed envy and looked at you with jealousy. He looked at Dyre and something stirred in him. When he looked at Dyre- he felt that that was what his son was supposed to look like and felt even more jealousy and outrage because life was never fair.  
Freydis had refused to leave his house and had done nothing but demand where her baby was and he couldn’t bring himself to tell her what he had done. He was still in a crossroads between denial and pure rage that his son was born a monster in his eyes. And to see both of you so happy together as a family, a perfect one in his opinion, made him angry and insanely jealous because that’s what he was supposed to have. He was a god after all. It was owed to him. 
You were at home making dinner together, barely able to complete the task because you couldn’t keep your hands off or mouths off of each other because you’d be leaving in only three days which meant you’d have three more days of wedded bliss before there was a knock on the door. 
“Yes?” Bjorn asked as he opened the door to see Ivar’s men. 
“You are summoned to the king’s hall for dinner. You and your family.” They informed him and Bjorn had the worst sinking feeling as did you but he had to accept. 
“Of course, allow us to get ready. A few moments please.” Bjorn requested before he shut the door.  
“Why do I feel like this is a trap?” Bjorn whispered as you both got dressed in some of your finer clothes while you got Dyre dressed in his nice clothes too. 
“Because it is, we were supposed to be gone by now, we’ve stayed too late and they’ve noticed me. Bjorn whatever happens, do not reveal that I’m a Valkyrie, if you do, I don’t know what will happen and I’m scared they’ll hurt you or you and Dyre or even your sister and her family to get whatever they imagine I have. Here, wear this. If anything bad happens, you press this to your chest and dragon armor will emerge from this and cover and protect you. Dyre is already wearing one too. Press it and a cocoon will wrap around him and it will save him from everything they could ever throw at him. Don’t worry about me, I’m not going into the lion’s den without teeth of my own.” You whispered as you put a dragon scale necklace around his neck and pointed out the one that Dyre had on his own necklace as you geared up in your own armor and hit a button so that it and your dragon toothed weapons turned invisible over your clothes. 
“For now, stick to the story we’ve told everyone else and just...follow my lead and if we live through dinner. We’re leaving as soon as humanly possible.” You hissed. 
“Agreed.” Bjorn nodded as he picked up Dyre and took your hand and squeezed it tightly before he left his house, you putting a special code so that the house would appear normal for anyone who looked inside just in case Ivar's men decided to snoop. 
You both did your best to appear as much as ease as possible but Ivar could sense the tension radiating off of both of you and now when he looked at you, he wondered that if he made a child with you, if it would still turn out like him. Or perhaps you would give him a son just like Dyre which is what he really wanted. 
“So, where are you from Astrid? Your clothes are very unusual.” Ivar asked as you sat down to dinner as Freydis looked you over curiously. 
“From down south, it’s on the map Bjorn has shown you.” You answered with as much composure you could muster. 
“Come here, show me.” Ivar demanded and gestured for you to come to him before he seemed to pull his copy of the map out and put it on the table next to him which you did which your contacts showed you where you should put the mark that matched up with Bjorn’s raiding tour. 
“What is this cloth that you wear?” Ivar asked as he reached out and felt the fabric of your dress after he pet his hand down your side. 
“Cashmere, it’s grown off of special goats the way wool grows off of sheep, if you like it my Lord, I can make you garment out of some, I have extra fabric I brought from home.” You offered with a charming smile. 
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” Ivar grinned smugly. 
“No trouble at all, it would be an honor to make a garment for my king and god.” You smiled, you had to play into his ego. “Just tell me what colors would please you best my lord.” You proposed. 
“He likes black.” Freydis said from the other end of the table, hating the way her husband was looking at you and touching you as jealous bile rose in her own throat, he was looking to replace her. 
“And you my Lady? I have enough I can make something for you as well. How could I not do for the queen of Kettegat what I would do for it’s king?” You returned. 
“If you would permit me to leave your side so that your wife can feel the fabric of my dress?” You proposed to Ivar who nodded but that didn’t stop him from moving his hand to your ass and giving it a squeeze through the fabric which both terrified you and filled you with rage but you couldn’t take his hand off for it. Bjorn was also feeling the same emotions you were as you heard each other both tell each other and yourselves ‘don’t react, don’t react, just ignore it.’ But Bjorn had to bite his lips from smiling when he saw your imagination give you a short fantasy of killing Ivar where he sat as you walked over to Freydis. 
‘You saw that right?’ You mouthed to her which she smiled apologetically at you. ‘What do I do?’ You mouthed next before she put you in front of her to feel the fabric of your dress and look at the details, the nature of your cloaking device meant she could put her hands through what was cloaked to feel the fabrics of what was wrapped around your waist. 
‘Nothing, don’t worry’ she mouthed before she smiled reassuringly at you which made you smile in relief before you both discussed the dress and what details she would want. 
“Well since you’ll be busy doing these favors for us Astrid and since you Bjorn will be going on an expedition to start a new outpost that will surely grow into a colony in the south east and that can be so treacherous and dangerous for such a beautiful woman as Astrid is and with as precious Dyre is, I absolutely insist that you leave Astrid and Dyre here with us while you do so and you can come back for them when the trading outpost is set up and stable along with the outposts first tribute to me. I can assure you no harm will come to either of them until you return. Surely you can not expect Astrid to survive in the wilderness with a newborn, it would spell death for both of them. And they are so precious after all.” Ivar suggested to Bjorn who clutched Dyre to his chest as possessiveness swirled in his chest as he considered if he could face off against Ivar in one on one combat while also trying to find a way to use words to keep that from happening to begin with. You just had to survive the next three days. Three days and you’d all be out of here. 
“My Lord, surely you must understand that I know my wife well, I know she is up to the task.” Bjorn very carefully tried to argue. 
“She may be but you can not trust the men in your party to keep their hands off of her and you need them to do what they do in order to set up a functioning outpost. She does not look like she is quite strong enough to defend herself - especially if she is outnumbered so  because I am King and god here, I can guarantee you that once I give the word, no one would ever dare harm a hair on her head or your son if she is in my house. I am the only one who can offer this protection and because we are such good friends and you have been so faithful to me all this time. I must offer this and you must accept.” Ivar insisted and you knew there would be no other way. You could protect yourself. You could even protect Dyre. But in order to protect Bjorn, he had to agree to this but your link with him you knew he was thinking of a thousand and one excuses and was ready to fight his way out of this. You knew none of you would make it so you had to say something, do something.  
“Of course my Lord. I count myself very lucky to have found favor in your eyes. I thank you a thousand times over for the honor of your protection and I pray my husband will take full advantage of this offer from you, surely because he will not have to worry about me as long as I am in your care, his burden is lightened and he will be able to carry out your will better without the restrictions of my company may have.” You offered as you quickly walked back over to Ivar and kneeled and bowed your head and squeezed your eyes as tight as you could as you fought tears. 
“Thank you my Lord.” You offered as the tears came to your eyes anyway as he offered you his hand and you took it and kissed his knuckles firmly. 
“Excellent, you should go home and pack, in order to protect you best, you must move here with me as soon as possible.” 
“Yes, I will be here tomorrow my Lord.” You answered. “Permit me to go home and pack then.” You pleaded before he gestured for you to leave. 
“I will see you tomorrow as well my queen.” You bid her as you shared a meaningful look, both of you knowing exactly what was happening next. 
Once you were gone Freydis glared at Ivar before she got up and went to bed before she said something that was liable to get her face slapped or her throat choked. 
Once back at home you took Dyre back from Bjorn who was furious with you. 
“If you need to hit something, hit that.” you pointed to the pillows on the bed as you sat in a chair and closed the ‘curtain’ between your tent and his house so that it closed your tent off and sound proofed the space before Bjorn punched the shit out of the pillows on your now shared bed before he picked one up and screamed into it as you started crying while you nursed Dyre. 
“Why did you agree?!” Bjorn demanded with hot tears in his eyes as he threw the pillow down onto the bed and turned to face you.  
“Because it was the only way we all live through this. I can’t chance Ivar killing you over me. If he abandoned him in a forest, he’s not above killing whoever he sees as a threat or in the way of what he wants and he wants me, he wants me to bear him a son, a perfect one. I’ll try to hold off his advances as long as I can until you are safe and so far away that he can’t reach you. You know your path Bjorn, walk in it. Once you do and you’re safe, I’ll find a way to fake my death or do whatever I have to do to get the hell out of here and I will come to you. But you have to take your sister and her family with you. Because otherwise Ivar might kill them out of spite or revenge or sacrifice them.” You implored. 
“But leaving you behind is like taking my heart out of my chest and expecting me to live without it. I can’t leave you I love you!” Bjorn said as he slammed his fists down on the arm rests of the chair you were sitting in before he grabbed them so hard his knuckles turned white. 
“You love me? You don’t even know me Bjorn!” You sobbed as you hung your head. 
“Bjorn, I’ve told you half truths since the moment I met you. I needed to earn your trust as fast as possible. You named me Astrid. That’s not even my real name!” You argued. “This isn’t even my real face or my real hair and I don’t even speak the language you do.” You revealed as you pulled the hairband off your head and revealed your sapphire blue hair before you revealed the universal translator before you peeled off your face mask and revealed yourself to him as he stood up and stared at you in a mix of surprise and horror. 
“My name is Zara Fallulah, I’m not even a Valkyrie. I’m a High Lady of Sephira, who is a being who is out to fix all of history’s mistakes and build the perfect future by fixing the past. I’m one of thousands and I’m not from Asgard, I’m from here, I’m just from the here in the future, three thousand years in the future. I haven’t even been born yet. I’m sorry but you fell in love with a lie. But that didn’t stop me from falling in love with you. And I love you too much to let anything happen to you or your family who has no business getting caught up in this and so in order to fulfill my assignment which was to deliver you to your destiny and my own desire to simply have you keep living and be as safe as I can make you- I will stay here until you do. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself and I can take care of Dyre. But even I have limitations. In order to deliver you from an early death at Ivar’s hands, you have to leave me here. Getting Dyre home won’t be an issue but I can’t be with you as long as Ivar lives because if he’s not after you- he’s after your family and that’s too high of a price for my own freedom. So go, take your sister and her family. Get everyone out of here as quickly as you can and get as far away from here that you can and out of Ivar’s reach. I know you’re furious with me. I’m furious with myself because I’ve never had soft spots before but you are my soft spot and Ivar is squeezing it.” You cried. “So because this is my last night here as you wife. Let’s make the most of it.” You suggested just as Dyre fell asleep before Bjorn took him and put him in his bassinette as you stood up then he all out attacked your mouth with his and kissed you so fiercely it hurt but it hurt so good. 
He almost ripped your clothes apart ripping them off of you and practically threw you onto the bed before he pinned your wrists above your head with one hand and groped you roughly with the other as he entered you roughly, making your body writhe under him while your eyes pleaded with him as you could feel your milk leaking from your nipples and dripped down your ribcage which Bjorn licked up before he bit your breast in retaliation before he fisted his hand in your hair. 
“No more lies, when I ask you something, you’ll tell me the whole truth.” He growled as you nodded in agreement. 
“Why is your hair blue?” Bjorn demanded as he laid over you and caged you in with his body as his hips started up a rough and hard rhythm. 
“It’s a sign of respect towards Sephira, her hair is naturally blue, most of the Ladies in the order color their hair blue in solidarity, my hair is naturally brown in color.” You answered. 
“Why did you hide yourself from me?” He demanded next as you grabbed your face and squeezed your jaw firmly. 
“The mask helps change our appearance so that we’re more visually pleasing to our marks. You’re Norse, you believe fair skin and blonde hair are the ultimate standards of beauty. You expect Odin and his family to be the same way and you expect a Valkyrie to also be that way. It’s how we get you to like us and trust us as quickly as you do, by telling you were part of the same supernatural belief system you believe in, Valkyrie, Angel, same thing- humans are always drawn to the epitome of what they consider beautiful.” You answered with a pained expression. 
“Are you really a dragoner?” He asked. 
“Yes, that part is true, we mix the truth in with the lies so you’ll believe the whole as truth. My parents names are Ziri and Izik, my sister’s name is Sasha, my brothers' names are Ryker and Ryzen, they’re twins. We are nobility and have an estate outside the capitol where we house over 300 dragons. We supply Sephira and her order with all the dragon silk and dragon wool they wants along with supplying her and the order with all their dragons, she recruited me to be a Lady of hers when I was 15. I have been one of her best students so far and I know over 100 fighting disciplines. Which means I can do this.” You answered as you used close quarters combat to get out of his hold and flip him onto his back but still remained joined. “I am never a victim. Part of my training is to let dangerous people feel they have the upper hand and use it to emotionally manipulate them into doing what I want.” You revealed as you continued to ride him. 
“Is that what you’ve done to me? Just emotionally manipulated me? You don’t really love me either do you?” Bjorn sneered but still pushed his pelvis up into yours. 
“I did in the beginning. But the moment we came back to regroup with the others I’ve done it less and less and yes I do really love you. I have been doing this for decades, I have saved millions of lives but I have also killed thousands of people. And yet you, I can’t...I can’t explain why I love you, nor can I deny it. Because you’re the only one who has been allowed to play inside my head and see my memories of my childhood, of my family. No other has ever had the privilege and when you leave me here, the link will still be just as strong as it is now and it’s how I’m going to constantly tell you that I love and that I’m ok and that our son is ok. I’m already breaking my code for you which is something I have never done before. You’re not supposed to have dragon armor, it’s forbidden for me to share it with anyone but my family and the order. But here you have it. You’re not supposed to know about Neveah, let alone be able to see it, yet you have through my own mind's eye. I’m not even supposed to have sex with you but we can’t stop that either and I shouldn’t be able to concieve because of all the powers Sephira has given me is supposed to take away my own fertility but yet, I’m carrying your child and that’s not supposed to happen, ever.” You informed him as you let him sit up as he stared at you in awed wonder, his anger melting in an instant and then carefully put his hand to your belly. 
“You’re pregnant...with my…?” He asked as his heart seemed to come back together again.
“Yes and even if Sephira unravels me, she can’t unravel you or our son, or this. So I’m yours, if you still want me.” You offered. 
“Hell yeah,” He agreed as he wrapped you in his embrace and kissed you earnestly before he flipped yogo, go to your path and walk in it so I can hurry up and finish this mission and even if Ivar u back over so you were under him once more. 
“So decides to light this world on fire- I’ll get your sister and her family somewhere safe and take you to Neveah with me if I have to and Sephira will have to just deal with me retiring early. I can’t really work pregnant anyway.” You revealed. “If you want to go to Neveah that is.” you added. 
“We’ll see what happens.” Bjorn decided. 
“Ok.” You agreed before he kissed you much sweeter as he made love to you as sweetly as he could, savoring your taste and rememorizing you all over again. You both clung to each other for dear life and made love so many times you lost count before you both collapsed. 
When you woke up, you methodically went through everything you had and gave him half of it including half of your dragon toothed knives and swords, which was another cardinal rule you were breaking. But you wanted him to be as taken care of as possible even if you couldn't do so personally. You made love one last time before Ivar's men came for you and you put your disguise back on. You took your tent down and his house returned to its original form. You left with Ivar's men to Ivar's house and Bjorn could do nothing but hang his head in defeat and cry as he looked around and realized, this house stopped being home a long time ago. All he could see was its flaws and it felt cold and dark and just…wrong. It was all wrong because you weren’t in it with him.  
Moving into Ivar's house was easier than it should have been, he gave you a room right next to his room that he shared with Freydis, but you felt the hostility rolling off of Freydis. But it wasn’t directed at you. It was at Ivar. She couldn't fault you for giving into the pressure her husband put on you. She just wished her husband had loved his own son as much as he seemed to love yours. Now that you were here Ivar seemed infatuated with your son and had him in his arms whenever possible as he cooed to him which freed you up to actually sew the garments you promised as you kept looking up and over at them every so often and smiling softly at the scene. 
In record time Bjorn got everyone and everything together doing so in two and you all met back up at the docks as the boats were being loaded. But Ivar frowned when he saw Bjorn's sister and her family going down the docks to be loaded.
"Bjorn, this was not what was agreed upon, your sister and her family are not on the list." Ivar began to argue before you went to Ivar's side. 
"What would it take my Lord for you to let them go? What price might I pay for them to be free to go?" You asked in a hushed voice as you looked imploringly at him before he looked back at you with a wolfish grin. 
"What are you offering?" He asked curiously. 
"I will divorce my husband here and now and you can have me as a second wife or thrall or slave or whatever you would want, provided that no harm will ever come to Dyre, Bjorn or his family. I'm in my conceive period, if a son just as fair as Dyre is what you want by me, I can give you that. By the time I give birth Bjorn will be too far away to do anything and by the time he hears that I bore you a child, he will never return to claim me because there will be nothing to claim because I will be joined to you until death itself would pull me apart from you but he will still deliver you tribute. I will trade you my own life and freedom and all the children you would want from me if you'll let Bjorn's sister and her family go and swear that you or any of those who are with you will ever harm them." You swore as Ivar grinned triumphantly. 
"Go, tell him now." Ivar bid you before you nodded and walked down the plank, mentally warned Bjorn who sighed in defeat as he looked at you, his eyes still pleading with you not to do this. 
But you had no choice. This was the only way. 
“Bjorn...I...I am divorcing you.” You managed to say, ignoring his sister who looked at you vehemently while everyone’s jaws dropped to the floor. 
“I’m leaving you for Ivar. And only death will separate me from him.” You announced. 
“May you have fair winds and find success on your travels.” You bid him before you let him say goodbye to his son before you said your goodbyes, mentally swearing that you were going to fake your death as soon as possible and that hopefully when he finally came to where he was supposed to be that you would meet him there which he agreed on and accepted it before you walked back to Ivar. 
“Satisfied?” You asked once you returned to his side. 
“For now,” Ivar agreed before you turned around from the docks and accompanied Ivar back to his home.
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