#straight pride
foreheadcake · 11 months
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nepotune · 11 months
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Singing songs of love and terror
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tweetsofyj · 8 months
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stylerenders · 7 months
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Such a powerful, masculine presence.
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ivygorgon · 9 months
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triple-tree-ranch · 8 months
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transgabalus · 9 months
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jesustightcunt · 2 months
Topher dresses his son like this
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Something that's bothering me lately about the whole "why isn't there a straight pride parade/month" is that if you want one??? Fuck it. Have one. Fucking fight for it like we did.
Pride began as an anti-police brutality riot in 1969. Anti-crossdressing and anti-sodomy laws were still on the books. The fucking government wasn't recognizing pride month. It took 30 years for that to happen (first recognized in 1999), and in that time, over 400,000 Americans died from a disease that was allowed to run rampant because the government didn't care if we died. Sodomy wasn't federally legalized until 2003, marriage equality in 2015. We've been fighting the fight for recognition and legislative equality for over 50 years, and that's only this specific, organized pride movement. Queer and trans people have existed and fought for our rights for centuries.
If you want a straight pride parade, or a federally recognized month? Go for it. Take it. Fucking fight for it like we've been fighting for it for decades. Queer people didn't wait for the government to hang a flag in front of the white house, we took to the streets. If you genuinely feel like your rights are being infringed? Make a pride movement for yourself.
People will probably protest you. That's not new, that's not the unique persecution of straight people; straight people protest pride all the time! Cops harass and antagonize queer organizers, specifically queer and trans people of color. Media organizations demonize us as groomers and child abusers for daring to exist in public. None of this is government infringement (although there are laws being pushed to very much infringe our rights). If you think you can stand the heat, come and join us in the kitchen. Have your parade. Have your month. Have your pride.
I fucking dare you.
And if you're not up for the fight? If you don't think it's worth 30 years of organized struggle before the government gives you your precious pride month?
Well, how does it feel to know a bunch of fags are stronger than you'll ever be?
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
Someone gets injured in a car crash and is given a bandaid for their injuries.
You see this and you're outraged. But instead of being outraged that all they're getting is a bandaid when that's clearly not enough to treat their injuries, you're outraged that you, who were not in the car crash and are not injured, didn't get a bandaid also.
That's what "straight pride" or "white lives matter" is.
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cirqueduroyale · 11 months
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And finally, something for cis heteros.
You're welcome.
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gay-----pisces2 · 27 days
"why shouldn't we have straight pride?"
for the same reason we don't have homeless shelters for rich people. because you don't need it. you don't need it because you've never been oppressed because of your straightness. be happy about that.
the whole point of pride is a celebration of what queer people have overcome (oppression). being alive as a queer person is seen as a miracle because hate crimes are so normal nowadays.
straight people do not get hate crimed for being straight.
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amphiptere-art · 11 months
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Ahha. here's my thing for pride. I wanted to make this for years but never did due to to using mostly pencil. But now that I have digital it is much easier to do this.
I also somehow made this despite the fact that my computer was lagging like nothing and screaming at me the whole time. But hey I got it done.
Definitely won't be able to make art for a while though. Got to get the computer fixed.
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monkeyslunch · 10 months
The Plight of Pride
During and after Pride month and events every year, I hear many interesting things. I understand that you may have concerns and questions about Pride events and the LGBTQ2S+ community.
Do you know why Pride was formed? Or why it continues to exist today? 
Pride originally emerged as a response to the systemic discrimination, violence, and marginalization of LGBTQ2S+ individuals. From denial of service at businesses to being jailed for being gay, losing your job, and more. Pride provided a safe space to come together, celebrate identities, and demand equal rights and acceptance in society. Pride has always been about fostering inclusivity, promoting visibility, and advocating for the basic human rights that everyone deserves.
So why is it still necessary? Surely we’ve gotten past all that, haven’t we?
Let's address the misconception that LGBTQ2S+ individuals are constantly forcing their identities on others. It's important to recognize that Pride events and other awareness initiatives are not about imposing anything on anyone. They are held as a response. A response to the ongoing discrimination and threats to LGBTQ2S+ rights that persist in our society. Last year alone, a staggering 240 bills were proposed in the United States with the intent to strip away rights from LGBTQ2S+ people. Think about that. Even one bill could have life-altering consequences, yet last year there were 240. Similar challenges have been seen in Canada and many other countries. And when faced with such attacks on their rights, it becomes necessary for queer individuals to stand proud and assert their identities in the face of adversity. And that fight can’t be won without allies.
The goal is not to need events like Pride.
If we genuinely want Pride and other awareness events to diminish, we must understand the cause and effect at play here. Being an ally in the fight for equitable rights for all is crucial. When we achieve a society where everyone is truly equal and respected, events like Pride won't be necessary. By standing up against discrimination and advocating for equal rights, we can work towards a more inclusive society. Sadly, many of us don’t understand that and decide to do more harm than good with our time, attention, and voices.
Why not 'straight pride?'
Events like 'straight pride' and other reactionary movements do more harm than good. They do not recognize anyone’s struggle or any community’s adversity. No. And they aren’t formed out of a deep love for a culture either; let’s be honest. They are reactionary, ignorant, and bigoted. If you think you should have straight pride then you either don’t understand why Pride is even necessary, or you’re straight-up hateful. Initiatives like ‘straight pride’ perpetuate and normalize homophobic and other bigoted rhetoric, further marginalizing and devaluing the struggles of LGBTQ2S+ individuals. I have even heard people complaining that we should have holidays and celebrations for veterans instead. But these folks aren’t putting their energy into the veterans they claim to love; if they were, they would realize that holidays, months, and other events for veterans already exist (a simple google away). It’s not about veterans, though. Or straight pride. It’s about hate, intolerance, and discomfort, or sometimes worse: ignorance and apathy.
Said another way, straight people don't need 'Straight Pride.' 
No one is denying straight people services because they’re straight.  No one is telling straight people they’re an abomination because they’re straight.  No one targets straight people with hate because they’re straight. No court decides if you have the right to love because you are straight. No court decides if you have the right to exist because you are straight. No country is jailing you because you are straight. So again, if you support 'straight pride' or think you need it, you 100% miss the point.
It's essential to recognize that Pride is not about superiority or exclusion; it's about equality and acceptance. It's about acknowledging the diverse experiences and identities within our society and creating a world where everyone can live authentically without fear. Right now, people can’t. So we defend. If you want Pride, other events, social media campaigns, or any of it to stop, then help stop the hate.
We have Pride to raise awareness, normalize LGBTQ2S+ identities, and combat ignorance. It's important to remember that in certain areas, LGBTQ2S+ individuals are still fighting for their lives. Discrimination, violence, and mental health disparities disproportionately affect queer individuals, and Pride serves as a reminder of the progress that still needs to be made.
Empathy is key to understanding the struggles faced by marginalized communities. Put yourself in their shoes—imagine living in a society that doesn't fully accept or recognize your identity. Try to reflect on the impact of discriminatory legislation and its implications on real people's lives. What if you could be jailed? Weren’t allowed to marry? Could lose your job for being who you are? Were the subject of foul hate and harm just for existing? By embracing empathy and education, we can strive for a society that celebrates diversity and ensures equal rights and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or the many other identifying factors that make us human.
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the emo pride flag
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 "Assigned Male Comics"  name of the artist, Sophie Labelle. 
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