izzyo1 · 2 months
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Thighs for crushing 😜say please
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Things that annoy me about assuming the gender identification and sexuality of historic people:
1. Gender roles designated how you were respected. Queens, for example, were traditionally consorts of Kings, so for a queen to be respected, they had to be assertive and appear 'masculine'... this does not necessarily make them trans (think business woman in the 80s breaking social norms by wearing trousers to get respect in the office). Elizabeth I & Hatshepsut are both victims of these assumption, when really they were trying to gain power in a male dominated society. Maybe they were not cis, but there is no way of knowing, so I try not to assume.
2. Friendship is a form of love. Just because two persons of the same sex exchanged compassionate letters does not mean they were in love... or perhaps they were, but homosexuality is not the only alternative to heterosexuality. Pan, Poly, & Bi have always existed (just look at Greek mythology) - don't assume a guy was unhappily married because they once had a male lover, maybe they are bisexual, or Polyamorous? Bi erasure is a big issue (and by extension Poly and Pan too). Freddie Murcury was bisexual, but everyone just remembers gay.
3. Asexuality is ignored. If a historic person of power refused to marry, it is often assumed they were homosexual & thus could not marry who they pleased in most cases... but what if they did not have sexual desires? Stop assuming everyone wants to have sex or get married or have children. Also, some people are romantic, and if they fail to meet "the one" then they also might refuse marriage. My favourite (albeit fictional) example of Ace in ancient times is Hyppolytus - the play is a tragedy, but he is DEFINITELY asexual.
4. One's sexuality and gender identification is really no one's business unless you want people to know. So stop trying to "out" people who died a few centuries ago! If they wanted to express their gender/sexuality, then they likely left something to tell you. If they didn't, then it's really none of our business.
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kafirchristian · 4 months
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To all who CHOOSE to pro-create
(I'm not counting ppl who did NOT choose to procreate which IS a thing) especially with many forced birthing laws around the world there is currently.
Why? I gatta ask being a kid who having a foster parent could have saved me from decades of SEVERE ABUSE and neglect and hell and saved me from being horrifically crippled physically now hardly able to walk...and we both know you could save a foster kid's life now?
If "No one should have two houses until EVERYONE has one house" makes SENSE to you; then so should "no one should make 1 kid when one kid is already here & needs a great parent"
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People who have kids to "keep" their spouse(s) disgust me.
Maybe you felt it was the best option to keep from being homless?/ have home security ; to "secure" a person with a good job? ...but you did that at the EXPENSE of a CHILD having ANY support whatsoever???
As an orphaned child I cannot feel MORE sympathy for adults who CHOOSE to give so much housing, time, money and support towards a NEW kid they involuntarily bring into this world when there are kids who desperately need and want support NOW.
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LGBTQ Headcanons Remastered Part 1
Yuki - Asexual and Nonbinary
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Nate - Gay
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Sora - Pansexual
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Tari - Intersex
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Tracer - Lesbian
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Star - Bisexual
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Edward Elric - Heterosexual
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Meggy - Demisexual
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Lucina - Bisexual and Nonbinary
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Takumi - Gay
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Boyfriend - Bisexual
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Girlfriend - Straight ally
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Shulk - intersex
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Stay tuned part 2
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Toren- Hetero- (Hetoren-) Pride Flag
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Toren-: sole attraction to men and non-binary people.
Hetero-: attraction to genders that are not one's own.
Similar to heterenboric bennetian/julietion and ply (poly-). Inclusive of enanteic, contraic, strayt, and enbyhet people.
Hetorenboric (hetorenamoric): hetorensexual, hetorenromantic, hetorensensual, hetorenplatonic, hetorenalterous, etc.
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misstresstemptation · 9 months
If you have ever wondered how much wisdom and sadism a mature woman has after "time" living in our culture... now is your chance to find out. Step into my world where I do what I want.
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llinstarr · 21 days
When I was younger I thought I was a lesbian because dicks scared me
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aroqueen · 24 days
Just trying to make my description and this happened.
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Autocorrected to Asexual ( which is okay ) then Heterosexual?!?! That is like the complete opposite! How does that even make sense as a suggestion?
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ivys-garden · 11 months
A friendly pride month reminder that:
• Lesbian Asexuals are valid.
• Gay Asexuals are valid.
• Bi Asexuals are valid.
• Straight Asexuals are valid.
Being Asexual does not mean you don't want romance.
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thebookheadgirl · 5 months
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cherokeegal1975 · 6 months
Johnathan was a family man and cargo runner and had no interest in getting entangled in royal affairs. So, when a deposed and fleeing princess arranges a meeting to give him a package to keep safe, he was reluctant to take it. But she convinced him to hide the royal seal until she needed it back despite himself. Unknown to him, she had also ticked him into carrying another precious cargo.
When Johnathan learns of the trick, he’s furious. When he confronts the princess about it, he learns it’ll be impossible to return it before it’s appointed time. Then she tells him of an unbreakable bond between them and ends a long search for someone he had lost as a boy. So, instead of revenge, he does what he can to help her. He must also avoid capture; the King would execute Johnathan if he ever found out about his secret cargo.
Author's Note 11/12/2023: Just looking for some honest feedback. People click on it, but they don't stay as far as I can tell. Or maybe a very few do, but they don't say anything. I won't be reposting this again on YouTube. It'll eventually sink under the pile of other posts there and I'm going to let it. But that doesn't mean I intend for it to be forgotten.
I find the number of people clicking on it, not staying and not saying anything very frustrating. Those comments mean a lot to me when i do get them.
This story contains adoption more than once. Tragedy, some romance, barely any sex, a princess that rescues herself in the background of the story, talking rats...beautiful ones. One of the main protagonists is a lovely golden rat who's a loyal companion to Johnnathan. There's even a jail break under desperate circumstances. Some sci-fi and fantasy elements though out. A constant threat of an evil King who doesn't have a legitimate claim to the throne with enough supporters that even the powerful princess has to make a run for it and gather an army. Gay werewolves in one chapter...I don't know why I put them in. Seemed right. Didn't even know it was a thing in this genera when I was writing it. Fake Middle East, very little research was done. There's more to it than just the genera of this book. I tried to keep the pace up at a good speed and make the whole story as well balanced as I could.
Even though the cultural inaccuracies were deliberate, I was never rude. I just borrowed bits of the real Middle East, bits of old Hollywood versions of the Middle East and threw in my own ideas.
Like the gay were wolves, I don't know why I put in a talking rat as a main character. Or the shape shifting dragon girl. But, they seemed right and it was nice to put a rat into a positive role when all so often they are all too often in negative ones. I've seen only three stories with rats in positive roles. One is Splinter from TMNT and that white rat in The Abyss movie. The Secret of Nymph might count too.
This is just a few of my story elements. I'm not going to give you any more spoilers. You're going to have to find out for yourself about the rest of it.
I will say this much, this isn't a fetish story. I never intended it to be. Just a fun experiment inspired by an online dumpster dive that was worth exploring, but most of what I found was awful. So, I did my own story to see if I could do better. That's it.
Any suggestions on hashtags that will attract attention? I've gotten a few of my ques from other posts, but I don't know how to make it more noticeable.
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otherbombdotcom · 6 months
I don't believe that sex is a need.
There is a direct connection between needs, survival, and human rights. To say that sex is a need, or to frame sexual desires as needs in any way, is to say that you have a right to your desires. It's saying you are entitled to getting those desires fufullied and if your desires are not met, your ability to survive will be impacted. Unsurprisingly I have mainly seen this framing from those who seek to have power over others and use this seeming harm of unmet "needs" to attain it.
Bodily autonomy is a right. You can do whatever you want with your own body and if consenting adults want to have sex their right to bodily autonomy should not be violated. None of this makes sex a need tho.
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 "Assigned Male Comics"  name of the artist, Sophie Labelle. 
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writingandwritten · 2 years
So if it is a heterosexual stereotype that the father of the Bride has to pay for the wedding who pays when there is a mlm or wlw wedding?
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bi-b1tches · 1 year
I’m curious to find out the cis/het to nb/trans/gay ratio on tumblr so please leave your sexuality are gender identity in the comments:D
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