#strangely peaceful. they would fight with each other FOR SURE
mipexch · 4 months
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v1 & the beheaded <3
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amongemeraldclouds · 4 months
Three moments you fell for your sworn enemy and that time Mattheo’s feelings for you finally caught up to him.
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Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader
Warning: fluff, no use of y/n, short scene ft. anxiety (includes comfort)
✿ Masterlist | 1.4k words
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Mattheo Riddle felt he was going to d!e. He strode into the Slytherin Common Room spotting Theo reading a book while Enzo was napping on the couch across from him. Mattheo grabbed Theo and shook his shoulders.
“I’m about to d!e!” Mattheo declared, rousing a dazed Enzo with crumpled hair and bleary eyes. Theo’s book fell on his lap. He narrowed his eyes and wondered what sort of trouble Mattheo was about to rope him into this time.
“What happened?” Theo asked.
“I feel lightheaded. My chest feels heavy and my stomach keeps doing flips,” Mattheo tried to explain.
“Sounds like indigestion. Did you forget to rehydrate again after getting drunk? How many times—”
“No, it’s her,” he accused, pointing at you as you huddled with your friends in the opposite corner of the room. You were laughing and chatting away, oblivious to the plight of the curly haired boy. “She did something to me,” he clutched at his heart with his free hand.
Theo just raised an eyebrow and so Mattheo continued, “it started with that spin the bottle game when I kissed her. It’s like something in me awakened.”
“What? Your dick?” Theo deadpanned.
Mattheo slapped Theo’s shoulder then reconsidered. “Well yes, but since then, I can’t stop thinking about her. Even when I’m asleep, I see her in my dreams. I keep looking for her in class and I want to be around her all the time.”
Enzo just sighed at his friends’ foolishness, “have you ever considered you’re in love?”
Mattheo and Theo turned to Enzo and paused for a second, letting the words sink in. When it finally did, they both burst out laughing.
“Good one, mate!” Theo called out. At the same time Mattheo shook his head. “That can’t be, even if I did fall in love, it certainly would not be with my enemy.”
Enzo threw one of the extra pillows at them. “You idiots have no idea what love is even if it hit you on the face.” He huffed and turned around, eager to resume his nap.
“You’re no help,” Mattheo waved off both his friends as he noticed your group stood up and was starting to disperse in different directions.
He called after you as he jogged. “You,” he accused, when he reached you,“what spell did you cast on me?”
You narrowed your eyes. Sure, you and Mattheo had been clashing heads since your first year together when the spitball he shot in your direction went straight through your open mouth as you laughed with your friends, choking you.
You had, of course, not taken lightly this murder attempt even as your friend slapped your back hard enough to dislodge the paper. Instead of apologizing, he had the gall to joke about how if it’s your time to pass away then who was he to stop nature from taking its course. 
Having grown up with older brothers, you knew very well that you had to fight back to avoid being walked all over. So war was declared against the curly haired boy with brown eyes and the rest was history: the constant bickering, name calling, one upping each others’ mischief. 
“Don’t try to deny it,” Mattheo continued. “That kiss. You did something to me. My chest and stomach have not felt the same,” he gestured to himself, trying to describe the strange sensation.
“Are you sure you’re not just constipated?” You asked, scrunching your nose in disgust.
A bright smile slowly crept its way across your face as realization set in. Mattheo mistook it for an evil grin. In reality, it was because you realized you were not alone. You too had felt your heart racing and butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you kissed.
You had no idea what ghost of insanity possessed you to have these feelings for your enemy, but there it was. Perhaps it had to do with three separate incidents when you felt something for him.
One peace treaty
The first incident was the time you banded together. When faced with a greater, common enemy, it was only natural to call a temporary truce to take down your Defense Against The Dark Arts professor who thrived on power trips and making students cry. With your other classmates, you concocted together a scheme so diabolical that got your professor fired from school. When you savoured your victory, you realized you worked well together with Mattheo. Even more so, you actually had fun together. You were seriously considering making the truce permanent when water balloons exploded on you the next morning, washing away any trace of goodwill the teamwork had brought on.
Two strangers stuck
You turned it over your head. The second incident happened when Mattheo got the two of you got stuck in the broom closet. He only ever meant to surprise you when you walked by so he hid in the closet. Instead, things happened quickly. When he opened the closet door, you jumped in to tell him off at the same time his wand fired the spell he had prepared as the door shut, jamming the lock. You tried the doors and called out, but classes had already begun. No one would be around for a while. What worried you was when you noticed you had struggled alone. Mattheo, for his part, hugged his legs close to his chest and whispered reassurances to himself. You had never seen him more vulnerable. You noticed his shoulders shaking as he recounted, no doubt, a traumatic memory from his childhood. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and slid in behind him, wrapping both arms around him. His shoulders initially tensed until you joined his whispers of reassurance, telling him “it’s going to be okay” and “you’re safe here”. He relaxed into you and your bodies melted together. You had never seen him like this before and you wanted to protect him as if your arms could shield him from his bad memories. Until then, Mattheo didn’t know you could be sweet and kind. It was odd getting to see a new side to each other after all these years. You didn’t know how long you held him until you heard the door being opened by one of Mattheo’s friends and you quickly sprung apart. “Please don’t tell anyone,” Mattheo whispered as the door finally swung open. “About what?” You simply shrugged and walked away.
Three spoonfuls of cocoa
The third incident happened one late evening when you woke from a nightmare and couldn’t sleep again so you snuck off into the kitchen for a mug of hot cocoa. Mattheo followed you, a night owl himself, wondering what you were up to. When he realized you were simply making a drink, he strolled in and invited himself. He asked what was keeping you up. Your mind foggy with sleep and a nightmare, you found yourself sharing your struggles with potions class. You kept mixing up ingredients no matter how hard you studied and it followed you straight to your nightmares where potion vials were taunting you. In response, Mattheo managed to make you laugh with his easy charm. He liked the sound of your laugh and wanted to hear more. The longer you spent together, the lighter and livelier you felt. It was sweeter than the three spoonfuls of cocoa you made for the two of you.  You hesitated going back to your dorm, but the sun was starting to rise. “About this…” you began after you had put away the mugs. “Just a dream,” Mattheo winked as he placed his hand in his pockets and walked off.
“Of course I’m not constipated!” Mattheo glared, cheeks turning pink in anger and embarrassment. 
You softened at his troubled expression. “For the record, I did not do anything. But when you figure it out, come talk to me,” you said and walked away. Of course you loved him. For you, the kiss confirmed everything. But Mattheo needed to figure it out on his own, and despite his thickheadedness, you just knew he would.
After watching you leave, Mattheo retreated to his friends. The feelings still burned into him and having found no other alternative, he reconsidered an idea.
Rousing Enzo again and then pushing him off the couch when he ignored Mattheo, he sat on the floor beside him.
“What in Salazar’s name?” Enzo rubbed the back of his head that hit the floor, soothing the ache and yawned. It sure was an effective way to wake someone.
“Okay,” Mattheo sighed, “don’t laugh at me—” he began.
He glared at Theo who had raised his eyebrow. Mattheo just snarled and Theo snorted, returning to his book.
Placing his attention back to Enzo, he continued with a grimace, “this love thing, tell me all about it.”
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✿ Masterlist | 1.4k words
A/N: Mattheo, Theo, and Enzo being a chaotic trio is my absolute fave.
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tragedy-of-commons · 2 months
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call to action
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boothill x gn!reader | wc: ~1.4k
Always get your hopes up.
tags/warnings: alcohol mentions and references (reader actually doesn't drink explicitly), romantic tension, ipc cog reader, mental gymnastics, pining in a weird constipated way
notes: this is a request from a lovely ao3 commenter, aqua! "...i'd like to request a Boothill x IPC reader if that's fine?" + i also combined this with a dialogue prompt from @/promptlyprompting!
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“You’d be a fool to say no.”
Boothill’s voice remains a coarse drawl that almost sounds scolding. Even if your way of running the show has always been at odds with his, he’s never outright called you a fool of all things. His offer hangs in the air, making the sticky atmosphere of the bar even more unbearable. The bulbous red light fixtures sway overhead as the ringleader of a nearby group slams an animated fist on the counter, licks of crimson fleetingly painting the tops of your heads.
You laugh, drink going untouched as it always does; at the end of the night, when you both fight over the tab, you always surrender yours over to him as a peace offering. Maybe tonight you’ll need to give more than that to appease him. “I’d be a bigger fool to listen to you. You aren’t exactly known for being the most reasonable of the bunch.”
“I don’t extend this opportunity to just anyone,” he reminds you, lips curling into a toothy grin. “To me, it seems like you’re looking for excuses to miss out like you always do. That mind of yours ain’t too rigid for Galaxy Ranger business, y’know. I bet you’d make it work.”
Boothill is weird, that much is apparent, yes, but only he would ask you to join him on his journey, call you a fool, and then compliment your mindset all in the same artificial breath. His audacity is so offensive that it’s a wonder that Lan themself hasn’t struck him down. He gets away with so much - including making you hope for a different future. Including making you hope for a different future with him.
The exterior of the bar is just as cramped and loud as the interior. Visitors modding their vehicles on the outcrop of the main strip—Mechanic’s Haven—shout and drill away at the innards of spaceships, drones, satellites, and whatever else - wayward sparks landing at the feet of shoppers and pedestrians. There’s something to be said about an IPC lackey and a Galaxy Ranger walking into a bar, but he wisely refrains. 
You sigh. “You know I can’t. As fun as chasing pipe dreams with you would be, I’m locked into a contract with the largest corporation in the whole known universe,” you make a point of gesturing to your uniform. “That kind of obligation doesn’t just go away, even if you run from it.”
He snorts, an empathetic little thing. Boothill then pops his hat off and situates it on your head, much to your chagrin. The noise you let out is affronted, the brim of the relic obscuring the better part of your vision. How disgustingly fond of him. “I see where you’re comin’ from, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you to reconsider. You’d be a much better fit here than there.”
(The unspoken words stick to the roof your mouth. You’d be a much better fit with me than with them.)
Part of you agrees. There’s always been a scale in your head that weighs the fairness of each step you take - measuring the footfalls of others in tandem with yours; you know what it is like to have a strong sense of justice that itches to be upheld. Boothill witnessed this side of you firsthand, when the first words you ever spoke to him were something along the lines of: “Leave the freelancers here alone. Those are the prices, and they’re that steep for a reason. Pay him in full or I’ll make sure you’re in need of a few more repairs.”
You’re also aware of the strange role you play in this. Being on the IPC’s payroll, the contractual thing to do was to report the outlaw to your superiors immediately and enjoy the generous bounty on his head, but you didn’t. You didn’t because when you came face to face with the Boothill, you were ambushed with a childlike wonder you hadn’t felt in years, even if your righteous admonishment didn’t reflect it.
Nowadays, this dingy old bar with no name isn’t the same without his wild tales. Mechanic’s Haven isn’t the same without him at your side as you weave through the clusters of people, him poking fun at your job and your unwillingness to turn him in. When he calls you one of the good ones, you begrudgingly call him a pretty stand-up guy. He gets a kick out of that.
This planetary pitstop is growing more suffocating by the minute. You tip the hat upward to let it sit on your head at a higher angle so you can actually see, narrowed eyes trained on your companion. “You think so? And what makes you so sure, huh?”
He makes a show of flexing his fingers before balling the scrapwork appendages into a fist, taking great care in placing it over where his heart would be, if he was not the thing he is now. The look he fixes you with is complicated, layers of something hidden behind that thick accent and the centers of those crosshairs. “Call it a gut feeling. Y’know, as arbitrary,” he enunciates the word painstakingly, “as the universe is, there’s a reason we met. You got what it takes… and I ain’t afraid to shy away from that truth like you are.”
There it is again. “I’m not afraid. I just happen to think before I act.”
Boothill sighs and swipes your drink that’s been collecting dust with a deft hand, knocking it back. He recovers, gaze raking over your form. It isn’t salacious in the slightest, you think, the way he starts at the tip of his hat’s feather to the silver insignia resting over your heart. Maybe his eyes lingered on your lips too, but that could be you injecting something pointless like hope into this relationship that doesn’t need to be there. That seems more likely. 
“A little too much if I do say so myself,” he guffaws, much to the displeasure of the other patrons. He plucks his hat back off your head with something like amusement, returning it to its rightful place. “You’re as stubborn as a mule, but I know when I’ve been bested. Come on, it’s gettin’ late.”
You two don’t fight over the tab this time around, him sliding a generous amount of credit to the barkeep who just looks slightly bewildered at two of his regulars not verbally fistfighting each other like they normally do. The question in his stare makes your cheeks feel hotter than lava, and you walk with Boothill out of the bar without much fuss, greeting the mild night cold. The silence that you share isn’t uncomfortable, but there’s more to be said. You know he wants nothing more than to hear a yes from you, which sends your mental equilibrium into dizzying contention.
Something is not right, and it is your fault.
With an audible swallow, you fight the butterflies in your stomach and nudge his side. The raucous song of Mechanic’s Haven harmonizes with the thrumming in your ears. “Hey.”
He turns to look at you, whistling a tune you can’t place.
“I’ll give it some more thought. Don’t get your hopes up, because becoming a fugitive by association seems like a lot more trouble than it’s worth,” you cough.
Boothill beams and it just serves to confuse your internal scale even more. One would think you’re suddenly inorganic with how it feels like you’re short-circuiting. Is this an acute onset of cardiac arrest? Or is it something else you’ve been pushing away for months on end?
He nudges you back. “I knew you’d come around! And the first lesson of being a Galaxy Ranger,” he starts, “is to always get your hopes up.”
Yeah… it’s definitely something else entirely. Something that, in all likelihood, is going to get you into massive trouble. You understand the risks that come with fraternizing with an outlaw, have weighed them heavily against your heart, and have reached only one verdict:
You’ll sleep on it.
(You’ll end up following this cowboy no matter what. Even you, deep down, know that he’s been sticking around the area for way too long, like he’s waiting for something or someone. It just so happened to be you. Dang it all to heck and back.)
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taglist: @flower-yi, @moineauz, @aphrodict, @nomazee, @singularity-sam, @harque, @thestarswhisper
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milkteasweetheart · 1 month
『just like heaven, introduction』
this part contains the introduction.
housewardens x reader
author’s note: i depict nrc as an actual college, so first years are 18, second years 19, etc.
summary: crowley has the bright idea of a bonding experience, specifically in the form of a dream potion.
characters: riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, malleus draconia / platonic mentions: dire crowley (ew), grim
genre: romance, fluff, smidge of angst
warnings: female reader, reader is yuu, reader is around ace and deuce’s height, sappy, marriage, mentions of potential children, some suggestive themes
「introduction: dire crowley (derogatory)」
It’s not a very peaceful evening.
It started with Crowley’s bright idea of a bonding experience. That is, gather the students that overblotted (and the overworked, underpaid regular joe that got dragged into solving them) and spritz a potion that will make them see each others dreams. What kind of logic does this birdbrain operate on?
“It will help you understand each other, which will reduce conflict! And since I am oh so generous, I’ve already brewed the potion required for this occasion.”
(Y/N) had the strong feeling that Crowley just wanted to get rid of the problem of overblotting the easy way, instead of actually getting help for the housewardens (and Jamil).
When asked how it works, Crowley talked in circles to the point that it’ll be easier to just go with whatever bullshit he’s come up with instead of pulling teeth any further.
So, that leads to the Ramshackle’s lounge. Grim had willingly left to spend the night in Heartslabyul with (Y/N)’s best buddies, Ace and Deuce. “I don’t wanna hang out with those weirdos! I got better things to do!” She could only hope he’d behave for the sake of Trey.
The rocking chair and coffee table had been pushed away next to the walls to make room for the beds Malleus had kindly summoned. (Y/N) will definitely ask him if she could keep one. They’re very comfortable.
After making supper with the aid of Jamil (and Azul, who butted in, which caused Jamil to glare side-eye daggers at him) and Vil, who wanted to oversee the process to assure the food they made was healthy. Before embarking on this culinary mission, (Y/N) had tasked Riddle to distract Leona from picking a fight with Malleus so that Ramshackle could be spared for another day. Riddle had seemed excited for some reason, and took his mission seriously after giving a small, blushy nod. 
「Riddle: The prefect trusts me to keep peace. I won’t disappoint!」
The meal went by… strangely. Jamil and Azul kept slipping each other snide remarks, and so did Leona and Malleus. (Y/N) had long considered carrying around a spray bottle, and these people did not help the growing need for it. Idia wisely stayed out of it. His strategy to survive the night was to keep his mouth shut and avoid conversation with anyone else other than the prefect. When Riddle attempted to make conversation, Vil would change the subject. When Riddle eventually managed to hijack (Y/N)' attention, Vil looked at him with a freezing stare.
「Vil: Foolish ventriloquist doll potato. She's got better things to talk about.」
Despite the tension, Ramshackle had not fallen, and so the headmage descended upon them with a potion in a fancy perfume bottle.
“What are the ingredients in this, if I may ask?” Vil sensibly asked the incredibly suspicious headmage, who skillfully evaded the question with the command for the students to get comfortable.
Each of the overblotted students were confident that their dreams were not that bad. Sure, letting others see what they desired wasn’t ideal, but they can surely control what they’ll see, right? Right. 
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
C and F for my boy Pickle
Eyyy sorry for the delay! (Yes I am still working on these!!!) Here is some Pickle goodness for you my dear.~<3
WARNINGS: Sex and violence and one love sick feral man.
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Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Pickle would honestly treat you as nicely as he is able too. His living environment has its limitations, but he does everything he can to make it comfortable and inviting for you, adamant about making it a home that is fitting of his mate.
Once you are safely stashed away in his secret abode he sets to work constructing you a nest of things so that you may find pinnacle contentment in your new home. He’s gathered an amalgamation of the softest blankets, clothes, linen, etc. that has been given to him or that he has scavenged, so that you may rest in peace and luxury while in his presence. He also brings you the best cuts of meat after his hunts, though he caught on quickly that you were apt to turn your nose at his bloody, raw offering (he couldn’t quite understand why, he was sure you would love it if you just gave it a chance). Once he picks up on your distaste, he instead begins to hoard ingredients and snacks he steals picks up out in the world, supplying you all manner of foodstuff till he pins down the ones you like.
While Pickle prefers you in your natural state, he understands your body needs protection from the elements. He doesn’t quite get modern fashion, but you seem sad wearing the same thing over and over again. While he’s out he procures a hodge-podge of varying clothing, presenting it to you by dumping it at your feet, a huge dopey grin on his face. He loves seeing you in the clothing he gifts you, you look so beautiful in each and every piece that he can’t help but stare, holding back the urge to rip it right back off and have his way with you.
Pickle won’t mock you and wouldn’t dream of disrespecting you in anyway. Any harm he causes you is either completely unintentional or for your own good. He loses control of himself sometimes, forgetting his own strength. You are just so small and he loves you so much, it’s hard to hold himself back. He hates using his strength against you to prove a point, but if you remain insistent on trying to escape him he will do what he must to protect you. You are HIS mate and HE’S the only one who can take care of you. All that’s waiting for you in this strange new world is danger, so if you won’t stay by his side willingly, he will force you there.
All that said, while you may be relatively safe from Pickle’s more violent tendencies, anyone else most certainly is NOT. If another person approaches you, threatens you, or tries to take you away from him they will be obliterated, decimated, ripped to shreds, torn apart until nothing is left. He’ll bask in the gruesome slaughter, their end another validation that he is the best one for you, the one who loves and can protect you above all others. Doesn’t matter if that person is a stranger or your own mother-he is all you need, anyone else butting in is an unnecessary threat.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would find it incredibly charming if you tried to fight him. Pickle doesn’t see it as an act of aggression at all, but views it as you trying to mimic him as a sign of reverence. You think he is so impressive and strong that you strive to be like him, going so far as to challenge him to a fight. It’s adorable, and he can’t help but break out into a huge toothy grin when he sees you assume a fighting stance.
And it excites him- seeing you tense up, clenching your fists and bending your knees, preparing to strike at a moment’s notice. Seconds before the fray, you stare him down with such intensity, sizing him up and calculating what moves you should make against him, gears turning in your head as you focus wholly on him. The fixation on him sends a shiver of anticipation down his spine. He is the only one you are thinking of in that moment, and in turn you are all that is occupying his thoughts.
Your strikes never hurt him and he can tell how much that frustrates you. He’ll play along sometimes to make you happy, yowling like a mother lioness that is being batted by her cub. He’ll cringe at your punch, shy away from your kick. If he’s convincing enough, you sometimes award him with a small smile, a brief look of accomplishment. It warms his heart, knowing you are having as good of a time as he is.
He also relishes the closeness the two of you share when you initiate these little fights. Usually you try and hide away from him, distancing yourself as much as possible whenever he is in the vicinity. At first he thought it was another game you were trying to play with him, something coy, cute, and seductive to grab his attention. But when the chase became a regular thing he was disappointed, why did you put up such a fuss each time your mate tried to approach you? You didn’t even give him a prize when he finally caught you, just flailing and screaming and spitting. It hurt his feelings- this was supposed to be fun.
But the little brawls you had were fun, and they gave him a chance to have you near him without any to-do. He could feel your skin on his, smell your sweat as your body writhed and wriggled against his. Feeling your small hands grab at his hulking form, listening to your strained moans and heavy breathing as you threw your all into attacking him… Witnessing you in such a state, holding you close as your body rubbed his in just the right way, it doesn’t take long for him to completely lose control.
Before you can recognize what is going on, your body is sheathing his cock, previous grunts of exertion quickly turning into wails of pleasure.
He doesn’t understand why you cry so much afterwards, though. Were you not having as much fun as he was? You initiated the fight, why are you so upset at the outcome? It was a good tussle, and judging by the noises you were making, he was able to make you feel good. Even if you struggled a bit when he was trying to enter you, you always end up yielding to him. The fit is tight, and there have been several times he was afraid he would outright break you when he pushed deeper, pressing into your core.  But the pleasure that courses through him as he bottoms out is indescribable. He loses himself in the feel of you surrounding him, completely consumed by the euphoria your body has supplied him.
You are his perfect mate, his brave little warrior, and his love for you is endless. So don’t cry, OK? Maybe next time he’ll let you really ‘win.’ :)
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reiderwriter · 11 months
Baby, If You Only Knew
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x female Reader
Part Two of this fic, inspired by Taylor Swift's I Can See You
Summary: On the edge of a break, you and Spencer find ways to claim each other that get everyone's attention.
Warnings: Day 17 of Kinktober - make-up sex, possessive Spencer, marking, biting, love bites/ hickeys, penetrative sex, creampie, breeding kink.
A/N: Day 17 is finally here! I once again wrote this on my phone, but at least it was my nice, new, functioning phone. I hope you like it!
Sneaking back out of the closet wasn't easy when you were so pissed at Spencer. He wasn't able to control his impulses, and now it was your problem. So yes, it was hard to storm out of a closet in the middle of an argument without drawing the attention of all your team members. 
They each sent you strange looks as you walked back to your temporary desk and finished up your work, not talking to anyone until the days work had ended and you could escape back to your motel room for some much needed peace. 
Spencer didn't feel so strongly about your need to be alone. Catching a hand around the door before you shut it, he let himself in and closed it behind himself as you hugged and threw your bags down. 
"I don't want to fight again, Spencer, I'm tired."
"Then don't fight, but you need to listen." 
"Oh, do I? Couldn't imagine what else I'll be able to do in my room when you pushed your way in here." 
"Don't be unreasonable." He said wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you up into him once again.
"You know, for someone whose such a stickler for our no public dating rule, you sure have been risky today. Pushing me into that closet, following me into my private room." Your words were angry, but they were softened by the feeling of him against you. 
"I told you, if they were good at their jobs they'd have realised how I feel about you by now." 
"Sometimes people need words, Spencer to make things very clear," his head fell to your neck then, inhaling your scent before pressing his lips lightly against your skin. 
"What people would that be? You? Detective Dreamy?" He pressed another kiss to your skin, distracting you momentarily. Your next words came out in a stutter, and you almost cursed how weak you were being now. 
"That's not fair and you know it." 
"Let's test that theory, shall we?" He bit down on your neck then, lifting your legs and wrapping them around his centre as he began rubbing up against your core, head not lifting from the spot on your neck he'd evidently taken a liking to. 
"Spencer, fuck.." Your moans were breathy, held back by your anger and the knowledge that you were surrounded on both sides by FBI agents trying to get some sleep. 
"So pretty for me, just a little longer, I swear." You had no clue what he was talking about, and you weren't sure you cared, letting him suck and kiss and lick in anyway he wanted, just as long as he didn't stop. You could feel his dick in his pants, could feel it poking up against you as his hips shifted up and down, trying to give the both of you some release. 
He pulled away sharply after a few minutes, grinning boastfully at the blooming mark on your neck. 
"There," he said, wiping his lips carefully, setting you back down. "Is that enough of a public announcement for you?" You clapped a hand over your neck and ran to the bathroom to check your suspicions. 
Sure enough, there was a ferocious red mark that you were sure would swiftly discolour to purple. 
"Get out. Now, Spencer." He didn't stick around for long after that, evidently just as angry as you, but wearing that stupid smug look on his face still. He left you alone in your room and you wanted to scream and cry and make him come back and finish. 
You climbed into bed and let sleep take you. 
The next morning, you searched long and hard for an item of clothing that would cover his territorial marking. But your go bag had limited items in it, a fact that he'd known and exploited, placing the mark just high enough to poke over all the tops you out on. 
If he was going to play petty, you would, too. Pulling out your lowest cut top, you wrapped your hair up into a bun and decided to forego makeup entirely. He wanted the world to see what he'd done, and you were going to let them. 
Just as you'd suspected, Spencer's plan didn't work as he'd hoped. Instead of the team settling quietly and connecting the dots between the two of you quietly, they were almost more curious about what had happened. 
"Wooo, mama, getting up too close and personal with the locals are we? Good for you." Morgan had cheered at you S soon as you'd walked into the precinct that morning. 
You had similar, careful questions from JJ and Hotchner as well, and Emily had slapped you on the back and laughed maniacally as she asked you if you'd had a good lay. The best part was Spencer got to watch all of it happen, he got to watch himself get proved wrong right in front of his eyes and his stupid ego wouldn't let him say a word either way. 
You gave him a wink as you sat next to him, ready to continue reading up on files that'd help you nail the criminal. You had a suspect, now you just needed irrefutable evidence and possibly a confession to be able to return home. 
Your local admirer had followed you into the room, however, and you weren't expecting to have such a direct confrontation with the man who'd until this point had been nothing but polite. 
"You know, if you weren't interested, you could've said so in a less slutty way. Now you're parading around this precinct like a cheap whore. Not a good look." He said it so nonchalantly, you didn't even realise he was talking to you at first, only really tuning in when Spencer stiffened up beside you. 
"Excuse me?" You blinked at him again, wondering if you'd truly misheard him. 
"You heard what I said, you look like a who-" 
"Finish your sentence and I promise you, I'll have your badge, gun and pension by the end of the day." Spencer growled the words from your side, forcing the man to meet his eyes. 
"Come on, you're a smart man, Doctor Reid, surely you know what a little slut she's being, trying to play hard to get." You have to grab Spencer by the arm to stop him from reaching over the table and hitting the man. He responds by pulling you into his chest, effectively lifting you from your chair into his lap. 
"My girlfriend is not a whore just because she doesn't want your tiny dick. I'd say that actually makes her quite sensible." Your heart thumps at the confrontation, but choking on the tense atmosphere in the room, you're unable to say anything until Emily bursts into the room, breaking whatever spell had trapped you there in that pissing match. 
"Y/N– oh. We, uh, we need you in interrogation." Spencer grabbed your hips and stood you up, but he didn't let his hands leave you as he held his angry gaze with the detective. Spinning you around he bought your lips down to his, smothering you for a good minute before releasing you to Emily. You stumbled slightly, but made your way over, silently reeling at your boyfriends actions.
It was possessive, and shitty, and territorial, and so goddammit funking arousing. The growl in his voice had sent a spark through you that made you want to press your legs together until it stopped. So when the time comes for you to clock off that night, suspect safely behind bars, you practically skip all the way to your motel room. 
Once again, you found yourself with an alien object in the door, blocking you from closing it completely. This time, it was Spencer's satchel. 
"You trying to shut me out again?" He asks, a small smile grazing his lips.
"That depends, are you going to make me mount you in the office again tomorrow?"
"I was thinking the jet, actually. Join the club, you know?" He dropped his bags by the door and pulled you in for a kiss, letting you moan softly against his skin.
"I'm sorry," he said, pulling away and walking you back to the bed until it hit the backs of your legs and you let them buckle beneath you. "He wouldn't have talked to you like that if I hadn't marker you up like that." 
His words were an apology, but the fire in his eyes said he didn't really regret a thing. In fact, you were sure that'd he'd do it all again in an instant, but this time he wouldn't stop short on the violence.
"No, you're not." 
"No, I'm not. He shouldn't have talked to you, but I did enjoy watching him realise whose good little whore you are." You gasp at the words as he pushes you down fully on the bed, lips meeting yours again in a furious clash. 
"Fuck, Spencer," You gasped, as he ripped apart the tights you were wearing, desperate for access to your body. 
"I enjoyed it so much, I think I'm going to do it again. That's what you want, right baby?" He kissed his way down your neck while spreading your neck. It was more gentle than the previous night, more tender, but you knew you'd be waking up just as sore, so what did that matter now. 
Nails digging into your skin as he pushed the tights away from your core, you gasped at the contact, opening your chest and neck up further for him as you reacted to the sensations plaguing your body. 
You moved your hands up to unbutton his shirt, certain that anything he was going to do  you were going to repay tenfold. Undressing became a war between the two of you as you rolled around, mouths still connected, desperate to see each other completely undone first. 
Spencer had the advantage of not caring about how much of a wreck your clothes were, and in almost an instant, you were bare to him.
He kissed up and down your neck, over your breasts and down your stomach, leaving a trail of happy red marks to match his previous artwork. Installing each one took time, but you willingly gave him the freedom to bite, suck and sooth your skin, knowing you'd be on display for him for the rest of your life. He was still trapped inside his boxers, cock sufficiently hard and distracting against your core. When he finally pulled away to admire his work, you took the opportunity to push up, rolling the two of you over so you could grind into his large member as you gave reciprocated his kisses. 
He stoked a soothing hand down your back as you writhed on top of him, leaving a trail of small love bites from collar bone to collar bone, pressing a few higher just so you knew they'd be seen in the morning.
"That's it baby, you belong to me. Let's show everyone." When he decided you'd done enough, he flipped your position again, finally letting his cock free and shoving it into you with little warning, leaving you crying out his name as you finally received what you'd been begging for.
"Yes, Spencer, right there, right fucking there." Your voice was loud, desperate and raspy, like you wanted to hear what a desperate slut you were. He reciprocated in kind, playing into the pleasure of the moment.
"Oh you like that? You like my cock inside of you? Tell me who that pussy belongs to." 
"Spencer! It belongs to you, it belongs to Spencer." His fingers fell to his clit as he pulled his dick out of you for a second. Flipping you over onto all fours, he thrust in again, picking up a rougher pace as you listened to the creak of the bed, the wet slap of his balls against your ass. 
"That's right, my little slut, Y/N. My little slutty girlfriend." His arms wrapped around your torso as he began thrusting like a dog in heat, using your warm wet holes to get off, as a place to dump his load. 
"Gonna fill your fucking pushy so everyone knows who you belong to. Gonna knock you up and keep you filled so you remember, too." He pulled your head up by your hair as he said the words, and in an instant you were Cummings on his cock, screaming his name as he somehow found the energy to increase his speed.
The hand in your hair was the only thing keeping you from collapsing into the bed, your face covered in the tangle of hair and the drool dropping from your open mouth. 
"Did you hear me, Y/N? I'm gonna breed you. You want that?" You loudly moaned another barely coherent 'yes' and then you were away in the clouds, letting your eyes roll back in your head as the first rope of cum shot into you. 
He kept his hips flush with yours as he released into you, loving the feeling of your walls milking him for all he's got. He didn't pull out until he was certain that not a drop would fall out. 
He make a start to move towards the bathroom when the room phone rang, practically jumping off it's receiver. Picking yp the phone, Spencer greeted the reception clerk, knowing you were still such a panting mess, you'd never be able to carry out such a mundane conversation.
But mundane it was not as you watched your boyfriend flush in front of your eyes. 
"We got a noise complaint." He told you shyly, and you greeted him with a fit of giggles, breaking into crying laughter after about 10 seconds of looking at his bewildered face. 
"Where from?" 
"Room 127. It's the one on this side." He said gesturing to the left. That only set you off into more laughter, frustrating him ever so slightly. 
"What? What's so funny?"
"Spencer, that's Morgan's room. I guess if he didn't know from his brilliant profiling skills before he will now."
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mihawkhugs · 3 months
baby powder
haikyuu | kageyama x reader | soulmate au
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a/n : you asked for fluff and i have delivered (i think)
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Kageyama Tobio was an enigma to you. To put it simply and rather rudely, he was an absolute weirdo who scared the living shit out of you.
He sleeps in class, doesn't hand in his homework, and has a glare so cold it could stop global warming. He hangs out with this weird orange dude, and they were always fighting and screaming, like a bunch of baboons. 
Kageyama Tobio has the most intense look in the world. It’s especially evident when he’s in front of the vending machine, staring it down as though it killed his mother, promising vengeance and death to all who dare interrupt his daily sacrifice ritual. 
And for what? All for a packet of milk. 
Kageyama Tobio terrifies you. You sit in front of him in class, and when he’s not asleep, or brawling with his friend, he’s staring at you, or rather, the red string that intertwines the both of you. 
You had both gawked at each other (well he sort of glared at you) when you first saw each other at school. You weren’t sure who you were expecting for a soulmate, but it definitely wasn’t an angry oddball with a strange fixation for milk. 
Sometimes, he’d tug the string, which was sorta cute, if not for his incredibly intense stare that you could keenly feel, which would be cute if not for his very very intense face and "TALK TO ME AND DIE" aura.
You had wanted to approach your soulmate multiple times, but he scared you off each time, and frankly, you were too shy and awkward to approach him. 
Because despite his scary stare, he was damn good at what he did. On the court, he seemed to be much happier, and you’d occasionally catch him smiling. 
His intensity, focus and drive was incredibly attractive (so long it was about volleyball), and there were times you’d find yourself staring at him, awed by his talent, dedication and strength.
So as odd or scary Kageyama Tobio was, you couldn’t help but feel a little drawn to him. 
Now you weren’t sure of it was because of the red string, or because you were soulmates, but you’d often find yourself coming across him, be it from his runs, or at his games, or even when you were out buying groceries. 
And you’d try and offer him a shy smile,  a peace offering of sorts in a way. But he’d always glare at you, with those dark, scary, but incredibly enchanting midnight blue eyes of his, and you’d look away, feeling a little miffed and a little sorry for yourself. 
You couldn’t help but feel that Kageyama Tobio must not like you very much. 
You’d found him once, at a local library, sprawled on the desk, drooling a little as he slept the afternoon away. It was during winter, and you couldn’t help but feel you heart soften little as he laid there, noticing how soft and boyish he looked, and a little dumb as he drooled onto the table, snoring lightly. 
After a moment’s hesitation, you walked over, and draped the sweater you had been carrying onto him, hoping he wouldn’t catch a cold. You had noticed the setter’s diligence in taking care of his body, moisturising his hands and always warming up or stretching, so you couldn’t help but wonder what had made him so tired that he would fall asleep in public. 
It was both hard and easy, as you tried not to fall for him. He was definitely a weird one, but something about him seemed so earnest and sincere, especially when he played volleyball. 
You sighed. Pining after someone was never easy, especially since that someone seemed to dislike you so much. 
The next day, you found your sweater on your desk, with a little note that had a messily scrawled “thank you” on it. You couldn’t help but glance at your soulmate behind you, but he was fast asleep once more, looking oddly adorable and childlike, a stark contrast from the scary looking gaze he usually wore. 
You put the sweater on , feeling a little miffed that he didn’t even thank you personally, or tried to talk to you. 
As you focused in class, you couldn’t help but notice that your jacket now smelt of baby powder, comforting, light and cozy. It was nice, to say the least. 
As you stared out the window, tugging at the red string a little, you couldn’t help but muse to yourself, questioning if the Old Man Under The Moon made a mistake when he tied your red string to Kageyama Tobio, because it seemed like a relationship would never spark between the both of you. The boy had never spoke to you, despite being in the same class for nearly half a year, though you suppose, you had never spoke to him as well. 
Kageyama Tobio liked you. He liked you a lot. A little too much if you asked him. 
You were sorta pretty, sorta cute, and he would deny it off he was ever asked, but never in his life has he wanted to hug someone so badly. 
He was afraid though, afraid of you. Afraid that you’d find him too egoistical, too prideful, too loud, just as his old team did. You looked so small, so cute, almost like a little hamster, or a volleyball. 
He was, frankly speaking, terrified of how perfect you seemed. You’d smile at him sometimes in the hallways, and he’d stare just a little too long because your smile had no right being that pretty. 
In class, you were always so focused, so on task. Watching you made him feel happy, not that he’d ever admit that.  And when he passed by you in the street, he couldn’t help but look at you, because sometimes, he felt as though you could disappear at any moment because nothing good ever lasted for him.
When he had woken up in the library, a new article of clothing draped on his back, he had been thrilled to say the least. He would forever deny the manly squeal he let out that got him kicked out of the library. 
He had seen you wear that sweater many times, and had fantasised hugging you in it, or kissing your soft cheeks. He hugged the sweater, spacing out as he daydreamt about you. 
God, you smelled really good. 
Sometimes, he would tug on the red string, and seeing it move and float in the air amazed him. A string just for you and him to see, connected through space and time.
And he’d wonder, if the Old Man Under The Moon made a mistake, because his soulmate seemed just a little too good for him. 
You thumbed your sweater nervously, occasionally tugging at the loose threads, as the smell of baby powder engulfed your body. God, what detergent did he use? Because Kageyama Tobio smelled good. 
You hadn’t every really bothered with scents or perfumes before, but his smell reminded you of a lovely embrace, full of love and warmth, and familiarity. 
You couldn’t help but want to know what brand of detergent he was using, and you were sorta tired of his perpetually grumpy face and intense stares, as well as the lack of communication between the both of you, because you were soulmates for goodness sake. Clearly, someone was going to have to step up and it was clear that it wouldn't be him despite all his…energy. 
So you walked up to him as class ended, and gathered every bit of courage you had in your body (which was not much sadly), and tapped him on his arm, hoping you wouldn’t come across as a total creep who had been obsessively sniffing his jacket like it was marijuana. 
“Kageyama, what brand of perfume do you use? It smells really nice.”
He blinked down at you, and to your surprise and utmost delight, his entire face went beet red, resembling the stop sign you’d find on roads. 
He twiddled with the red string nervously as he looked everywhere but at you, before mumbling something incoherent. 
You couldn’t help but let an amused grin light up your face. So he was the shy type. 
You suddenly felt a burst of confidence, and an odd sense of cockiness fill you as Kageyama turned as red as your strings. It was cute, seeing what you thought was a scary and angry boy fumble with your soulmate strings, blushing bright red, eyes flitting about nervously. 
It was an endearing sight. 
You held out your hand, before asking amusedly, “Can I have your phone?” 
He blurted out instantaneously, hands holding his phone like he was offering you a sacrifice.
“Take it.”
And you couldn’t help but laugh, as his face turned vermillion. Turns out he wasn’t as scary as you thought. 
You typed out your number and contact on his phone, before flashing him a teasing grin, as Kageyama Tobio stood there in a daze, staring at his phone as though he had never seen one before. 
“Call me when you find that brand of perfume! It smells nice.” 
You left the classroom, feeling a little giddy, as Kageyama stood alone in the classroom, rooted to his spot, staring after you , as a singular thought echoed in his head dazedly. 
He didn’t use any perfume.
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mtmpossession · 8 months
A New Perspective: Part II
Part I (Here)
In the kitchen, Joseph sits down at the table and looks around. His father's body feels so different from his own. He reaches up and touches his cheek, feeling the roughness of his father's stubble. He glances at Douglas, who is watching him intently.
Douglas takes a deep breath and says, "Joseph?" His voice sounds strange coming out of his own mouth. Joseph looks at him, wide-eyed, as he continues, "I'm sorry. For... everything. I don't know what happened last night, but I hope this gives us both a chance to understand each other better."
Joseph nods, still looking shocked. He takes a deep breath and says, "Me too, Dad. I never thought I'd want to be you, but now... I just want to understand why you're so against my modeling. I love it, and I'm good at it. I want to make something of myself."
Douglas listens intently, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He's always been so focused on protecting his son, on making sure he has a stable future. But he realizes now that he hasn't been giving Joseph the freedom to choose his own path.
"I want you to know that I'm not against you, Joseph. I just want the best for you. I want you to have a normal life, to go to college, to have a family of your own. I don't want you to be defined by your looks, by the way people see you. There's more to life than just that."
After their conversation during breakfast, Douglas and Joseph decide to live out each other's lives for a while until they can find a way to swap.
The day passes quickly for Joseph as he takes over his father's role at the fire protection specialist firm. He finds that he enjoys the work more than he thought he would. The job is challenging and fulfilling, and he feels a sense of purpose helping to protect people and property from fires. His father's colleagues treat him with respect and admiration, recognizing his intelligence and work ethic.
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As for Douglas, he spends the day at the family farm. He finds that his son's body is more resilient and capable than he ever imagined. He puts it to good use, finishing tasks that he had been putting off for far too long. He is able to complete these task early , leaving him with some extra time to play with the farm equipment. He climbs onto the lawn mower and takes it for a spin around the property, enjoying the rush of wind through his hair and the vibration of the engine beneath him.
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After mowing the lawn, he decides to try out the dirt buggy. He drives it through the muddy fields, feeling the power of the vehicle beneath him. The sun is setting, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, and he can't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. As he drives, he begins to think about his life and his relationship with Joseph. He realizes that he has been too strict with him, not allowing him to explore his interests or pursue his dreams.
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Meanwhile, after finishing a day's work at his father's business, Joseph decides to go to the gym. He finds that his father's body is more muscular and toned than he expected. As he works out, he realizes that his father must have been diligent in maintaining his physique. The gym is filled with men and women who seem to know his father, nodding respectfully as he passes by.
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After working out, Joseph feels invigorated and more confident than ever. He decides to take a quick shower before heading home. As he stands under the hot spray of water, he can't help but notice how different he feels in his own body. His father's muscular frame seems to radiate confidence, and it's intoxicating. As he soaps up, he finds himself becoming increasingly aroused. He reaches down, taking his growing erection in hand, and begins to stroke it slowly.
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He tries to fight the urge, knowing that he shouldn't be doing this, but the sensations are too overwhelming. With a shuddering breath, he lets go, allowing himself to cum.
Afterward, he feels a mixture of relief and shame. He knows that he has crossed a line, but the release was so intense, so satisfying. He quickly finishes his shower, drying off and dressing in clean clothes.
He catches his reflection in the mirror and is surprised to see how different he looks from his usual self. His father's features are strong and confident, and he carries himself with an air of authority. He takes a deep breath, feeling a new sense of self-assurance wash over him. Before leaving the gym, he takes one more picture of himself in the mirror, capturing the look of confidence and power on his father's face.
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When he gets home, he finds Douglas doing pulls up using the corral panels of the farm. Seeing his own body in action is both exhilarating and disconcerting.The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the scene, making Douglas's skin glisten with sweat.
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"How'd it go today?" he asks, still breathing heavily from the exercise.
Joseph takes a moment to compose himself before responding. "It was...interesting. I guess I underestimated how much work you do here. I had no idea how much it takes to keep everything running smoothly." He pauses, feeling a little guilty for not appreciating his father's efforts before. "I'm sorry for not being more understanding."
Douglas nods, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I'm sorry too, Joseph. I guess I've been so focused on what I thought was best for you that I didn't take the time to see things from your perspective." He looks at his son and smiles, genuinely. "I'm glad we had this talk. It's made me realize that I need to be more open-minded."
They spend the rest of the evening cooking dinner together, chatting and laughing as they prepare a meal that reflects both of their culinary preferences. As they sit down to eat, they clink their glasses in a toast. "To understanding," Douglas says with a grin. "And to learning from each other."
After dinner, they clean up together, washing dishes and putting away leftovers. Joseph feels a newfound sense of closeness with his father, one that he hadn't experienced since he was much younger. As they work side by side, they continue to chat about their day, sharing stories and experiences.
Later that night, they sit down on the couch, each with a laptop in front of them. Joseph shows Douglas how to access the files on the computer he'd been using, and they begin to dig into the research on body swapping. They spend hours poring over articles, scientific papers, and message boards, trying to find any information that could help them figure out how to reverse the process.
Despite their best efforts, they find very little concrete information. Most of the sources they come across are either anecdotal or speculative. It seems that body swapping is still a relatively new phenomenon, and not much is known about how it works or how to undo it. They mutually agree that for now it's best to just continue living each other's lives until they can find some answers.
6 Months Later :
Douglas has been living as Joseph in New York City, working as an influencer and enjoying the glamorous lifestyle that comes with it. He has traveled all over the world, attending fashion shows in Paris, partying on yachts in the Mediterranean, and even gracing the covers of magazines. The experience has been exhilarating, to say the least.
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As he walks down the streets of New York, he can't help but marvel at the energy and diversity of the city. People from all walks of life bustle past him, each with their own unique stories and aspirations. He feels a newfound appreciation for the opportunities that Joseph has been afforded, as well as the hard work and dedication that it takes to succeed in this industry.
Joseph on the other hand, has adapted quite well to life on the farm. He finds himself enjoying the physical labor and the simple pleasures of living off the land. The sunrises and sunsets are breathtaking, and he relishes the peace and quiet that comes with being away from the hustle and bustle of the city. He's learned how to drive a tractor, tend to the animals, and even fix some of the equipment when it breaks down. The locals have taken him under their wing, treating him like one of their own, and he's made a few friends along the way.
He's also become more involved in the family business, working closely with his father to manage the finances and plan for the future. It's given him a newfound respect for his father's intelligence and business acumen. They've had many long talks about their experiences living each other's lives, and Joseph feels that they've grown closer as a result.
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Seems like one fateful night has brought about significant changes in both their lives. As they continue to exchange stories and experiences, Douglas and Joseph can't help but wonder what the future holds for them. They've both grown in ways they never expected, and they're beginning to understand that there's value in embracing change and stepping out of their comfort zones.
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chrollosbm · 9 months
Sunflower Fields: a Choso Love Story Chapter Thirteen
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art cr: umbra3terna on x
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You're broken from a past relationship, thinking you only deserve the worst. Choso comes along, making you realize you deserve the world and more. Will your ex-boyfriend let you go without a fight? (Choso x black!reader, yandere Choso)
Previous Chapters
pls support me on ao3, it would mean the world to me
It was finally the day of your birthday and you just finished seeing your sisters off. You all cried as they left, even though you knew you would see each other again soon. Besides birthdays, holidays, and random sporadic times during the year, the three of you rarely ever got together anymore. Your younger sister was attending University a few hours away from you, and although your older sister lived slightly closer, her work schedule was chaotic, as she was a hairstylist in a highly-populated area, so she was usually busy. It wasn’t easy going from seeing them everyday as kids, to barely seeing them at all anymore, but sadly, this was the price of being an adult. 
You closed the door behind you with a sag of your shoulders, feeling strange at the sudden silence of your apartment. You forgot how loud they were and while the peace and quiet was welcomed, it felt slightly foreign after a weekend of chaos. Opal’s loud voice was still ringing in your ears, and Valerie’s thunder-like voice amplifying, telling her to shut up was ingrained in your brain.
You knew the silence wouldn’t last too long, with your pre-established day full of plans with Choso. Your stomach fluttered and spirits lifted almost immediately at the thought of it, even though you had just seen him the night before. It was weird, it was like the more you saw the man, the more upset you were to leave him once the day was over. Anyway, you had absolutely no idea what you were doing once again, but as always, you were open to embracing every surprise thrown your way. The only thing you were told to do today was dress casual and cute, so with a fast beating chest, you traveled to your bathroom to get ready. 
You took longer than usual to get ready for a casual day, with you deciding to settle on a soft beat rather than your usual simplified makeup look, and your hair in the leftover curls your sister styled for you just the day before. Your outfit was simple though, deciding on jeans and a plain sweatshirt, thanks to the cool weather. 
Your insides began twisting in anticipation of today’s events as the time for Choso to arrive approached, and with a smile on your face, you looked at the clock just as you heard a knock on your door. You practically skipped to the front door, not forgetting your small arm purse and sneakers before leaving your bedroom. 
You were blessed with the sight of the beautiful man treating you for the day as you opened the front door with a beaming grin, with him sporting one that could have rivaled yours. Your heart was jumping as you took him in, his dark hair blowing in the cool air, crinkled eyes and red cheeks that were most likely from the chill.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Choso’s deep voice snapped you from the obvious examination you were doing on him, and your cheeks began to hurt from both the huge smile you continued to wear, and the heat rising to your face. “Happy birthday.” He finished as his eyes were raking you up and down again, his pupils seeming to get larger with each second he took you in.
“Thank you baby!” You let out excitedly, before locking your door, soon after being enveloped in a gentle hug from the large man before you, the soft fabric of his dark sweatshirt touching your cheek as his warm body touched yours. You always felt safe in his arms, feeling at home where you belonged, in his secure, tender embrace.
You were led to Choso’s still running car in a comfortable silence, with him making sure you were secure in your seatbelt as he clipped you in, stopping mere inches before your face after he finished, a doughy look in his eyes, his delightful scent entering your nostrils. “You look stunning as always, baby. I can’t wait to show the world how beautiful my girlfriend is.” A small, closed lipped smile was on his features now, and you returned it with no problem, yours with teeth, your heart doing that familiar pitter-patter it always seemed to perform around him. He sealed his promise with a soft and quick peck to your lips, his mouth warming your cool, lip gloss covered ones, before leaning up to shut the passenger seat door. 
When he entered the warm vehicle, he was still smiling, this time with a mischievous look in those dark orbs, causing you to squint yours at him, knowing he was up to something. 
“What’s that look for?” You raised your brow and he seemed unphased, still keeping his same expression.
A smirk replaced his grin, looking more delinquent with the substitution. “You have to promise me one thing before we leave.” He put his seatbelt on before placing a large, warm hand on your thigh, the action causing a small hitch in your breath and you mentally rolled your eyes. Why must everything he do fluster you so much? 
“Okay…” You started, trying to act like the simple action of him placing a body part on you wasn’t causing your insides to play hopscotch. You folded your arms over your chest and gave him a challenging smirk. “What exactly does this promise entail?” You cocked your head to the side as you finished.
“Today is your birthday, meaning this is the one day I get to spoil you with no complaints. Understood?” His hand gave your thigh a quick squeeze at that, and you felt your face change into a small frown. You wanted to protest, wanted to tell him he had already done more than enough, with him paying for all your beauty and car maintenance, but before the words could leave your mouth, he spoke with enough authority to command an entire army. 
The lasers he was burning into your eyes mesmerized you, forcing you to agree with an affirmative nod. He smiled approvingly at that, dark orbs turning brighter somehow as he grabbed your hand from across the dashboard to give it a small, innocent kiss, before the two of you pulled out your driveway, onto your day of unknown events. 
When Choso made you promise for him to have full reign on spoiling you for the day, you didn’t know he meant to this extent. 
You were currently at your third shop, a makeup store, where he was holding a basket full of makeup and skincare products he was practically forcing you to get. Well, not really, his compulsion wore off and became acceptance at the second shop, your favorite clothing boutique where you were beaming at almost everything you laid eyes on. The first shop on the strip you went to was extremely overpriced, and although you liked some of the pieces sold there, you simply did not feel comfortable spending money there, even if it wasn’t you paying for it to begin with. 
Choso seemed to notice your hesitation, and instead opted on kindly asking you where you shopped the most, still having the utmost patience for you almost breaking the agreement the two of you had, hence why you felt better shopping in places with a more acceptable range.
It wasn’t like you didn’t like being pampered, especially by Choso, but it was foreign to you. You didn’t grow up with much as a child, so suddenly going from having almost nothing, to someone wanting to provide everything for you was strange. Pulling out a calculator as you shopped was something you had been accustomed to, so going from that to not having to look at the price tag was something you had to get used to if you were going to be with the man who insisted on “giving you the world,” as he claimed. You wanted nothing more than to have all your troubles erased, and you figured you would let him do so in time, but right now you just needed to focus on familiarizing yourself with impromptu shopping trips hosted by Choso.
“What even is this?” Choso’s eyes were narrowed at the eye cream you’d just handed him, him attempting to read the back of the box before you giggled at his genuine confusion.
“It’s for your eyes, it helps with puffiness, and dark circles.” You reached up to softly touch his tired under eyes with your fingers, before a playful pout reached your features. “We can use it together, your eyebags need some work, babe.” 
He raised an eyebrow before he let out a small chuckle, and a playful “ouch,” at your deduction, rolling his eyes shortly afterwards after you dropped your hand back down loosely. “Will it… burn?” He asked, eyes suddenly reading fear.
You tried not to laugh, but failed miserably, unable to hold it in at his adorable inquisition. In opposition to his intelligence and extreme awareness, he could be so hilariously clueless at times. You watched as his pale cheeks turned rosy, and after your fit of giggles subsided, you reassured him. “No, Cho’, it doesn’t burn. It just stimulates the blood flow underneath your eyes.”
He responded with a curt nod, obviously not wanting to embarrass himself further, before dropping it in the basket, and letting you continue your haul.
After a couple more hours of shopping and too many bags that Choso insisted on carrying, not wanting you to lift one manicured finger, your boyfriend let you know you had one more stop before heading back to his place, but not before picking up takeout beforehand. He had planned for the two of you to go out to dinner, but seemingly noticed your apprehension when he informed you of the idea, so the two of you compromised on just ordering to go from your favorite Indian food restaurant. 
The two of you pulled up to a small jewelry shop not too far from your previous stop on the strip and you snapped your head to his, brows furrowed. You had never mentioned wanting to go to a jewelry store, so what exactly were the two of you doing here? 
He spoke quickly, seeming to notice your uncertainty about the situation. “This is the last surprise, baby. I promise.” He lifted a hand carrying multiple shopping bags and placed it over his heart, locking in his oath to you. You simply blinked at his stature before responding with a  nod of your head, secretly excited. You loved jewelry, you had a collection of necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings, nothing too expensive of course. Nonetheless, it was a guilty pleasure of yours.
Choso’s spirits seemed to lift at your compliance, before struggling to open the door of the shop for you, causing you to let out a groan at his stubbornness to let you do anything at all today. Even with no free hands to open any doors, he was adamant on not letting you touch a single one, the entire day. He would give you the biggest death glare if you even reached your hand out for a handle, so you had given up.
After letting him struggle before you to let you in the shop, you stepped inside with a small snicker underneath your breath at his determination. You had to admit, it was incredibly chivalrous the way he was treating you, struggling to do something as small as opening a door just so he could be the perfect gentleman. 
The bright lights of the vacant jewelry shop hit your eyes, causing you to squint and scrunch your face up at the fluorescent bulbs and white walls, the combination giving you a headache. 
“We won’t be long.” Choso gave you a small knowing smile with his reassurance, before heading to the front counter, with you trailing behind him like a lost puppy. 
He was currently speaking to the small, elderly woman behind the counter as you looked at the jewels before you, distracted by the shiny selection below you in the clear glass cabinet. There were all different kinds, studded chains with real diamonds, bright gold bracelets, rings with all different gems, all of it so extravagant and so expensive. You felt so out of place here, afraid to even touch the glass below you as it could cost more than anything you’d ever owned.
You were still looking through the selection of jewelry when you ended up at the ring section. They were all so beautiful, especially the one your eyes were currently fixated on. The ring itself was gold, with an oversized pear shaped diamond in the middle. You didn’t even want to know how much it cost, so much so that you were purposely averting your eyes from the price tag below, choosing to focus on the way the diamond danced in the light.
You couldn’t help when your mind drifted off to a land of fairytale, one where you were walking down the aisle, dressed in all white with a long veil and even longer train traveling behind you. You imagined yourself being fed white wedding cake, laughing when you smashed said dessert on your newlywed husband’s face, all teeth showing as he chuckled with you. It wasn’t hard to imagine that said husband to be would be Choso, the man at the end of the aisle waiting for you with his emotions written all over his face, that white frosting covering his abnormally beautiful birthmark.
Your cheeks were burning just when Choso’s deep, yet soft voice startled you, snapping you out of your daydream. “Hm, that’s pretty.” He commented casually of the ring you were just staring at, his eyes unreadable and fixated on the overpriced jewelry as you looked up at him. His eyes soon met yours with a smile in them, before continuing. “You ready for your final gift?” He changed the subject and you were grateful he did so, afraid of your own thoughts at the moment.
You responded with a large smile and a nod, as you looked up at him, his body moving as he shifted from foot to foot, his bottom lip caught in his lip, chewing softly. He let out a small breath before placing your bags down on the floor, a medium black, suede box remaining in his fidgeting hands. “Turn around and close your eyes.”
You obeyed him mindlessly, heart racing in your chest, not sure what to expect. It was obviously jewelry, but what? It wasn’t a ring, right? It’s entirely too soon for that. You almost scoffed at your thoughts, as if you weren’t just thinking of your potential wedding day with Choso, less than 24 hours after he asked you to be his girlfriend. 
Your mind was interrupted when a cold metal touched your neck and chest, causing a shiver to run down your body at the surprise. A necklace. Your heart was beating rapidly, and you were afraid Choso felt it with how close he was to your body, with you feeling his warmth and presence behind you.
“Okay.” He said shortly after placing the jewelry on your body and guiding you a few steps over by your waist, settling his arms around you. “Open them.” His gravelly voice was in your ear now, mouth next to your temple, goosebumps erupting from your body from both his touch and being startled by his soft voice in your ear. 
Your eyes fluttered open to a mirror directly in front of you, and your eyes averted to the beautiful necklace around your neckline. The chain itself was gold, the color of jewelry you wore the most, which suited you the best, and at the end of it was a bright, shining sunflower, encrusted in gold, with tiny dancing diamonds circling each petal. It was stunning, worn on your skin like it belonged there, something you never wanted to take off. 
Your jaw was slack, the gift rendering you absolutely speechless, as liquid pooled your eyes. “Baby…” You started but was unable to finish, still gobsmacked at what was around your neck. You were actively trying to stop yourself from sobbing at the incredible gesture, completely awestruck that Choso would think you’d deserve something as beautiful and thoughtful. Your lip quivering as your cloudy eyes were still staring intensely at the piece of jewelry, before you noticed Choso’s tense stature in the background.
You saw him rub the back of his neck through the mirror, his eyebrows furrowed at your reaction. “Do you like it?” He asked softly, and you almost laughed, before turning towards him, placing your lips on his, tears spilling from your eyes, as you gripped the back of his head, pulling him closer, wanting him to feel your gratitude through your kiss. His arms found themselves around your body again, wrapping around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
“This is the most thoughtful, beautiful thing anyone has ever gotten me, Choso.” You spoke truthfully, voice cracking towards the end of your sentence as you pulled away from his lips slightly. “I love it, thank you.” You look at him through teary eyes as relief filled his, his smile returning before he dabbed your tears away, careful not to smear your makeup. 
His lips were placed on your forehead shortly after, leaving soft, peppered kisses on the top of your head, his hands on the sides of your dome and you giggled at his lips assaulting your face in the middle of the empty shop, glad the attendant left ages ago to give you two privacy in this intimate moment. Day one of being his girlfriend and he was even more mushy than before, and God, you loved it.
“Anywhere else you want to go, sunflower?” Choso tilted your head to look up at his chocolate eyes, pupils seeming ten times bigger as he peaked at your smiling, heated face. 
You shook your head, completely content with ending your shopping spree with the beautiful piece of jewelry that now laid on your neck. Your stomach growled loudly, signaling you needed to be fed and the man before you laughed, before letting you go to grab the bags off the floor. 
“Let’s pick up some food and go home. Okay?”
The Weeknd was playing softly in the background as you laid on the comforter of Choso’s bed, legs tangled together, his fingers stroking your back in that soothing way you loved so much. The dim lights of his bedroom created an orange hue on the walls, the bare whiteness completely casted away, creating a more comfortable atmosphere.
The two of you’d just woken from a food coma nap after stuffing yourselves with way too much grub, your eyes overestimating your stomachs. 
You yawned softly, before looking up at Choso who was already staring down at you with a close lipped smile on his face. His pink lips were glistening in the low illumination, cheeks pale, and dark, low eyes looking straight into yours. There was a stir in your stomach as your eyes raked over him, suddenly feeling that heat in your core and you cursed yourself for waking up horny. You couldn’t help it though, it was Choso. The man was sexy without trying, even with strands of his hair sticking up from bedhead, and to be completely honest, he was even more gorgeous like this, completely raw and dazed. 
“Fuck,” His sudden vocalization made you jump slightly, not expecting him to speak. “Stop looking at me like that with those pretty eyes. Not unless you want me fuck your brains out.”
His completely serious words stunned you, your eyes widening as he finished speaking, before you let out a giggle, wanting to tease him, needing to make it very obvious that that was exactly what you wanted. It was your birthday after all, and the two of you were already extremely sexually active. So sexually active that you’d just had an appointment at the gynecologist so you could be put on birth control a few days ago, as Choso was absolutely opposed to pulling out or wearing a condom with you. 
Your body shot up, suddenly filled with energy at the challenge, before going to sit on top of the dark haired man, legs on either side of his body, sitting directly on his crotch. Choso’s breath hitched, and you felt him harden from under you almost immediately after your ass hit his groin, earning an eyebrow raise from you. “Already?” You teased, cocking your head to look down at him, purposely fluttering your lashes, pulling your bottom lip in your teeth, this being your attempt at trying to excite him. “I didn’t even do anything.” You finished before rocking your hips softly, causing friction to both of your lower halves, an effort to tease the now groaning man below you, whose hands attached to your hips almost immediately, your goal obviously being reached.
He tilted his head back on the pillow, eyes facing the ceiling as you had his cock’s full attention now, with it feeling like a brick underneath your ass, causing a small gasp to leave your lips, your body shuddering with anticipation of what was to come. You had to keep it together though, as you wanted to take things in a different direction than usual tonight.
“No.” Your short sentence came out forcefully as you gripped his chin roughly to face you, the stubble of his cleanly shaven jaw prickling your soft hands. “Your eyes need to be on me the entire time.” You mocked his own strict guidelines, placing your free hand underneath his top, dragging your acrylic nails on the warm skin of his hard abdomen. You felt him stiffen underneath you as his orbs seemed to grow twice in size, you having his full attention now. 
He seemed to follow your orders without argument, only a small hiss as your fingers continued drawing circles underneath the thick fabric of his sweatshirt. You couldn’t ignore the heat traveling through your body from his almost too easy submission, but you kept it together, with your smile sweet at his acceptance, before letting out a “good boy.” 
Those two words seemed to light a fire in Choso, causing his dark orbs to somehow become endless black holes, all while his grip on your hips tightened, and you could’ve sworn you felt him stiffen impossibly harder against you, so hard you were afraid he was in pain through the constriction of his jeans. You smiled mischievously, now knowing a weakness of his. Who would’ve thought bossy, commanding Choso would enjoy the opposite side so much? You wanted nothing more than to toy with him, to see how far you could go, to be in charge for the night, all while having the ability to get off on this as well, as the pool of wetness in your underwear was growing by the second. 
You sighed, wanting to rid of the piece of clothing currently blocking the view of the magnificent body underneath of you that was yours. So, you pulled the end of his top up, and Choso seemed to get the idea, with him lifting his body to take off the sweatshirt. You were faced with that familiar, sexy, ink covered torso, and the silver, shiny chain you loved on him so much, before you attached your lips to his, wanting to taste your incredibly handsome boyfriend. Your hands instantly went to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his soft locks as his strong arms wrapped around your stature, holding you so close he could’ve fused the two of you together. Your tongue found his, and you controlled the kiss, messily and wet as your crotch grinded on his again, causing Choso to bite your bottom lip as he let out a sound resembling a low growl.
While you were enjoying teasing the man below you, the desire you felt was becoming unbearable, being used to Choso doing the pleasing and you being a rightful pillow princess. It was harder than it looked, being the dominant one, but you had an idea that would help the both of you out, one that you were sure the whimpering man below you wouldn’t be opposed to. 
Your lips detached themselves from Choso’s with a suckle sound, before looking up at him with doughy, innocent-feigned eyes. “You wanna try something new tonight, baby?” You asked with sweet sugar in your voice, the tone seemingly hypnotizing the man. He nodded quickly, apparently mesmerized by you, with lit eyes and red hot cheeks, as you stood from the bed shortly afterwards at his response, removing your clothes easily in one go, which prompted him to do the same, mocking your movements. 
You waited until Choso was laid on his back again as he tried to hide his heavy panting, and failing miserably. A shiver went down your back as you took him in, quiet and obedient, waiting for your next order. Was this what it felt like for him? If so, you needed to make this happen a couple times more, as you were already having too much fun with him at your mercy. You loved being dominated by Choso, in fact, you preferred it, but this current experiment was thrilling. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts shortly after as heat stirred in you and your pussy pulsated from inside, obviously missing her lawful counterpart that was Choso himself, and you climbed back on his chiseled body, facing backwards this time, so his erect pale cock was directly in your face. The pink tip was glistened from a large amount of precum and his shiny piercing, the sight of his clear, sticky pre dripping from the head causing you to let out an involuntary moan. You’d wanted to taste him so badly from the moment you’d laid eyes on him, but he never let you due to the fact that he always made you the receiver rather than the giver. You were excited he was allowing you to do so now, even if this wouldn’t be a regular occurrence. 
Choso let out a sound as well as your pussy faced his face, with him gripping your hips from behind almost immediately when you were settled on top of him, his arms below your tummy, hugging your pelvis, before yanking you back and placing you directly on his mouth, seemingly incapable of waiting any longer to taste your already dripping cunt. You yelped in surprise at his eagerness, with your emotion soon being overtaken by the electric shockwaves going up your body as his tongue immediately attached to your clit, him going to work messily, kissing and sucking at you noisily.  
You barely remembered you were supposed to be pleasuring him too, with the distraction of his dirty mouth attacking your pussy, causing you to rock your lower half on his face, making it feel all the better with your vision blurring on the sides of your eyes, losing all sense of time and reality. You felt like you were in your very own amusement park, with Choso’s pretty, perfect face as your favorite water ride.
You were snapped out your brain fog soon after, legs almost giving out as you were still dealing with the diversion of Choso now groaning loudly into your cunt, using his tongue to fuck your opening now, before you leaned down, finally giving his throbbing, fully stood cock attention. You started by placing your tongue on his now red head, feeling that cool piercing on your tongue and the two of you moaned out together, the taste of him being just as you imagined. He tasted slightly salty, the flavor not strong at all, with that metallic taste of his piercing making it all the better. 
It didn’t take you too long before you took him fully in your mouth, not before covering his cock entirely in your saliva, only reaching halfway down his shaft before he reached the back of your throat. You felt Choso’s hips twitch slightly, earning another moan from him, his tongue now abusing your button rougher than before, seemingly making this a competition of who could give the best head to the other person. He was clearly winning at this point, with you completely distracted and off your game as your body mimicked his twitch, feeling that familiar build up in your lower stomach, knowing you weren’t too far from your peak. You began bobbing your head up and down his length, incorporating your hands into your movements, finally back in the competition again, with a noise of approval from the man currently bringing tears to your eyes. The feeling of  saliva rushed out your mouth at a speedy rate, making it easier to move your lips in that repeated motion.
Something about this position was making you feel hot all over, having Choso in your clutches all while he gave you the tongue-down of a lifetime, the man so into it that you were sure his entire face had to be covered in your warm juices and his own spit. It was stirring your insides so much that you were feeling your high approach quicker than ever, and you were ready to welcome it with open arms, with your breathing becoming more intense on the large cock in your mouth. Choso seemed to enjoy it, you could tell from the way his large thighs were tensing in front of you, with your wet lips tighter around him as you got closer to release. 
Choso’s arms were tight around your thighs, one of his hands pressing down on your lower stomach as he seemed to be on a mission now, his tongue going in a fast flick motion on your bundle of nerves, making you cry out on his cock, losing concentration completely as you felt time stand still, and waves of pleasure washed over your body, your body involuntarily rubbing your pussy on the lower half of his face, riding out your orgasm with tears wetting your face and ringing in your ears.
You wanted to keep going, but Choso’s distressed voice stopped you. “Baby.” There was a sense of urgency and need you had never heard from him before. It was more like a whine, and you swore you were going to cum again if he continued speaking to you in that way. “Please let me fuck you, I wanna-I need to cum in you so bad.” He was practically begging at this point, his stuttering voice slightly higher-pitched and you decided to give in before you released a waterfall on his face this time.
His cock was removed from your mouth with a loud plop, a string of saliva following your aching mouth as his member left you. Choso wasted no time before manhandling you to turn so you were facing him, placing your bare cunt on his abs, with you having to balance yourself by your hands on his tattooed chest. Your head still felt heavy from your recent orgasm as you looked down at the beautiful man below you, the bottom half of his face shining with your wet slick, smoky irises low and heavy as he took you in with a heavy breath. Your insides swirled with lewdness, a shiver going down your back from his dark stare, almost forcing you back into submission.
You were brought back to your senses, remembering you were the one making the decisions tonight, regardless of how much his pleading aroused you. So, you settled with a small, convincing smirk, going back to drawing small circles on his hard chest with your pointer finger, making sure your acrylic nail was barely touching him, just enough to cause the goosebumps currently forming on his body. “You wanna fuck me?” You let out, lightly, a small pout on your face, causing the man below you to take in a breath, his dark eyes widening, piercing into your soul.
“Please.” His voice came out strained, and you let out a soft, teasing giggle, scooting your ass backwards slowly, now feeling the wet stubble of his groin area on your lower half. His hands grabbed your ass, and he attempted to lift you, before you smacked his hands away with a squint of your eyes, with him dropping you back down with a deep and long groan. 
“Did I give you permission, yet?” Your eyes were in slits, pretending to be angry at the man currently causing your arousal to leak out of you, some of it that was now running down his thigh slowly. You were unbelievably turned on at the moment, with the small hairs on your arm standing straight up, wanting him to do nothing more than to take off inside you like a rocket ship, but you wanted to hear him beg. Just a little more. 
Choso’s face was twisted into a frown when you lifted your body ever so slowly to rest your opening on top of him, feeling his cool jewelry and wet precum on your wet hole, your bodies feeling like magnets with the way you felt an imaginary pull to rest on his aching cock already. You looked back at the man with low eyes, who was basically squirming underneath you, sweat beads on the sides of his head, mouth agape as his eyes were fixated on your leaking cunt. 
“Please, angel, I’ll make you feel so fucking good I promise.” He was panting now, calling you a nickname that was almost funny, as you were being anything but that at the moment. Him begging and writhing under you, face scrunched up and red in distress, whining in incomplete sentences of “please let me fuck you,” “you know how good I make you feel,” “let me fill you up already,” was the sexiest thing you’d ever experienced and it was driving you absolutely mad,with your walls constricting against nothing, almost cumming at the sight below you. His hands were placed on your hips now and his bottom half was lifting ever so slightly, before you gave a small nod and a simple, “okay,” at last giving him permission to finally do as he pleased.
It was only a split second before his tip was at the ceiling of your cunt, hitting your cervix and making you see sparkles in the air. Loud moans filled the room almost immediately, your voices bouncing off the wall creating a loud echo throughout the house and you were glad Yuji wasn’t home, for it would be impossible for you keep your voice down with the way he was fucking the brain cells out of your head. He was ramming into you like it was his dying wish to fuck you one last time, his thrusts rough and relentless, never once missing your g-spot.
His dark, piercing eyes never left yours, the fire in them creating an intense atmosphere, making this moment between the two of you all the more intimate and passionate. Your eyes were welling with tears, and you weren’t sure if it was from him hitting that gummy spot easily with each rut inside you, or the intensity and emotion filling the air, maybe it was both. He seemed to feel it too, as he used one of his hands to interlock with yours, with a smile only reaching his eyes, as he seemed unable to close his mouth from the pleasure of your pussy. Suddenly, the arm around your waist lifted you higher and placed you down on his oversized cock with more force, making you almost scream in euphoria. Shivers were down your entire body now, like someone opened a window with every time he bottomed out inside you, and you could barely keep your eyes open now, your neck losing control with your head falling backwards.
Your cries filled the room as he didn’t let up, when you remembered again that you were in charge tonight, no matter how emotional you were getting. Your lip was in your teeth when you looked back down at the man who looked fucking high, his eyes halfway closed as he stared at you with his mouth halfway open, a small amount of drool trailing out the side of his mouth as he kept impaling you, with his hand holding yours digging into the skin of your palm almost painfully.
“Cho, b-baby,” You let out a whine just as his tip kissed your cervix again, causing the walls of your pussy to tighten on him with a shake of your body, making Choso groan out loudly, like a war-call. “Slow down. Let me do the work.” You panted out and he seemed to either ignore you or was too dazed to understand a word coming out your mouth, being that his cock continued to mutilate your insides, you feeling him pulsate inside you with each buckle of his hips.
“Choso!” You yelled out loudly this time and he seemed to register your words as he slowed his thrusts, not quite stopping, still hitting that gummy spot inside you before he spoke with a pant.
“What’s wrong?” His brows were furrowed with squinted eyes, grip on your smaller hand loosening, as he finally realized how hard he was squeezing you.
You were still breathing heavily as he continued to move his hips, words coming out in whines, obviously not able to sound as serious as you wanted. “I said…let me ride you.” You tried to stand firm on your words, you really did, but the way he was abusing that spot deep inside you was far too much, with that rumble feeling inside you knocking on your doors again, another round of pleasure wanting to be released.
Choso smirked at you, appearing to know he had you now, a devious look in his half-lidded eyes before sitting up slightly, using his flexed arm to hold you as he moved, with his cock going even deeper inside you with the movement. You gasped slightly as his dick was now standing erect inside you, on your pressure point with neither of you moving, making your mind hazy as ever.
You moved up slightly before his hands on your hips slammed you back down forcefully, causing a shout and dizziness to come from you, you now imagining yourself resembling a cartoon character with stars dancing around your head. “Stay right here.” His lips were close to your ear, voice rumbling in his chest as he caught his breath.
You whined with a pout, your pussy quivering and pulsating on him and he sucked in a breath at the action. You tried to speak, to protest saying you were the boss tonight, but his thumb attached to your clit before you could do so, and he began rubbing quick circles as a string of saliva dropped from his mouth directly onto your pink button. The squelch from his ministrations was loud in the room, and you were trembling, your nails digging into his shoulders as weeps erupted from you. There was a feeling of air being taken from your lungs, as his eyes burned into yours, keeping that overwhelming feeling in the atmosphere again, this time with tears overflowing and spilling onto your cheeks. The air was brought back to your body as you felt your release come out of you, the feeling of a small bomb erupting inside you as you rode out your high with a loud sob.
You were still riding out one of the most intense orgasms of your life, with your pussy clenching onto Choso for dear life, when the grip on your hip and palm almost became too tight, his almost nonexistent nails digging into your skin as he groaned out, his dark eyes focused on you as you felt him spill his hot seed into you, without you having to move a muscle on top of him, and it was the hottest thing ever.
The two of you were panting heavily, staring at each other with half lidded eyes, exhaustion covering your features, before Choso gave you a small smile, before giving you a fat, wet kiss to your inviting mouth. He pulled away shortly after, and you rested your head on his chest, with him still inside of you, the two of you connected together like puzzle pieces. 
“Let me run us a bath.” Choso suddenly let out with a rub to your back and you simply nodded, before you felt him lift you from his now soft cock with a wince from both of you, a small amount of the sticky strings of his cum coming out of you, before he placed your naked body on the bed, soon retreating to his in-suite bathroom, you hearing the bathwater turn on shortly afterwards.
You were resting your eyes, trying not to fall asleep when a few minutes passed and you were suddenly lifted up from the bed, causing a small squeal of surprise to leave you. Your eyes opened to see Choso, staring down at you adoringly, holding you so tightly, like he was scared you would run from his embrace. Never in a million years. 
You let him take care of you for the rest of the night, with you letting him wash your body, massage your now aching muscles, even letting him dress you in his clothes like a little doll. He seemed smug about it as he was doing it, seeming excited you were finally coming around to letting him take care of you.
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Yandere Baki Short Stories:
So I decided to make a second part to Wake Up due to all the asks. I combined a few of the asks into this little companion piece too! This is the last part so you guys can use your imagination to decide who she should choose. So leads enjoy!!
Kinda Angsty and there’s nothing adult in this. Just minor yandere behavior and the importance of knowing your self worth
Third part
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Yandere Jack x Afab reader x Yandere Hanayama
What was it with television making that feeling of aha so dramatic? The sky didn’t cry for (your name) as she sobbed her heart out into her pillow. Jack wasn’t going to burst through the door like a shining knight to kiss away her worries and reassure her that he cared about her because he didn’t. At times she wished she could live in a fantasy world where everything was happy, happy, happy but alas, her world was nothing like that.
Jack only agreed to marry her because she bugged him about it. That it would be strange for a woman to travel with a man if they weren’t married. All of this was her own doing because she was so blinded by the love she had for him.
They were only married on paper. There was not a single moment of warmth between them other than the fond childhood memories she held close to her heart. She clung to his empty words of how she has been ‘his good luck charm.’ She truly didn’t feel lucky at all with how neglectful he was to her.
A part of her wished for her old Jack to return to her but she knew deep down, he was dead and gone. There was not an ounce of love or care in the man who would occasionally drop by their shared home. They were merely acquaintances who would say hi to each other every once and awhile.
They’ve never even been intimate before so she couldn’t delude herself into thinking he might have some form of care for her. Jack only did this at her insistence, not out of love but out of obligation. They were childhood friends and nothing more.
(Your name) felt herself grow exhausted as the hours dragged on. She was sure she looked a mess with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. It’s not like it mattered. Nothing mattered right now other than succumbing to her desire to sleep.
There was no point in letting herself cry over spilled milk. As much as she wanted to rot in bed and tell the world her woes, it wouldn’t change anything. The reality of Jack not loving her back wouldn’t change and the rose tinted glasses she put over her own eyes was too shattered to create that illusion again.
Tomorrow would be a new day. Tomorrow she would stop. She would stop the one sided conversations with herself and she’d stop going to every tournament and fight.
It was time to put herself first. She needed to love herself again while she reevaluated her marriage. (Your name) knew if she didn’t, she’d fall apart and there wouldn’t be anything that could glue the broken pieces together again.
(Your name) frowned at her reflection. She looked like someone hit her with a car, backed up, and then hit her again. Perhaps a little self care would help?
(Your name) shuffled through the contents of her drawers until she pulled out a face brightening mask. She needed a little brightness in her life that wasn’t the screen of her phone staring back at her as she watched three little dots flicker every once and awhile. She was not going to be putting anymore one sided effort into this tumultuous marriage… it was a dumpster fire she no longer had any interest in salvaging.
(Your name) pressed a kiss to her reflection. A few positive affirmations spilling from her lips.
“You are beautiful. You deserve love. You deserve…” she smiled warmly at her reflection. “Better.”
A few days had gone by and she finally felt a bit more at peace. Her reflection no longer looked as ragged and she was smiling a bit more.
“You are beautiful. You are worthy of love.” She whispered the affirmations to herself with a smile. This was a small step but it was helping her with her confidence. “Fake it till you make it.”
Today she was going to go out into the city and take herself on a date. She felt like she deserved one… one where she was the priority for once.
(Your name) slowly began to paint her face with a smooth foundation with a giggle. She could not remember the last time she’s dolled herself up like this for herself. She needed to be more independent and more confident in herself.
Maybe she’d treat herself to the new cafe down the corner? The place looked like it had some decent caffeinated beverages and some cutesy treats. Maybe she’d get herself some flowers too?
A bouquet of sunflowers and honeysuckle sat on the dining room table as (your name) enjoyed a meal she had made for herself. It’s been about two weeks since she started to put herself first. (And two weeks of her still rejecting Kaoru).
There wasn’t a single message or call from Jack so her recent misadventures must not have any effect on him. This only proved to her how little she truly meant to him…
(Your name) glanced over at the pictures that lined the TV stand and the few on the walls. It was time to close this chapter in her life.
(Your name) rose up from her chair to take down the memories that no longer made her heart flutter. Her fingers gently tracing over the old face of Jack. There was no longer a flutter in her chest when she stared at his hardened expression. The butterflies were dead in her stomach and now she felt… nothing.
She took her time removing each picture before putting them in a cardboard box in the corner of the room. She’d take them out to the dumpster tomorrow first thing.
(Your name) walked over to her purse and pulled out an envelope. She gave a sad smile to the envelope in her hands before setting them by the bouquet of flowers.
Inside the envelope were signed divorce papers. All Jack had to do was sign his name on the dotted lines and they’d no longer have to be around each other… no longer would he be trapped by her. Jack would be able to do whatever he wanted without a bird that chirped constantly on his shoulder.
“Happy birthday to me…” She whispered softly to herself, her fingers slipping off the simple gold band off her ring finger. “And thank you for everything.”
She’d start looking for apartments tomorrow, for now, she’d spend her nights in the room with her heated blanket. The blanket no longer a replacement for Jack, but a feeling of security.
Kaoru felt his breath hitch when he saw (your name) alone at a cafe from his limousine. It’s been the same routine for him for the last two weeks. His dark eyes studied how happy she looked… why was she in such a chipper mood today?
He recently noticed a change in her. One where she wasn’t as cold towards him but also still politely rejected his numerous advances. Kaoru also had seen the wedding pictures of her and Jack were removed from the TV stand yesterday. The few pictures that hung up on her living room walls were also gone from what he could see from the doorway… there was trouble in paradise… and Kaoru knew this was his chance.
Kaoru took in a deep breath before he turned to Kizaki, “I’m going to head out, Kizaki. Can you pick me up in an hour?”
Kizaki sighed from the drivers seat but nodded his head. “Of course boss.”
Kaoru exited the vehicle, his eyes didn’t leave (your name)’s form for even a second. Kaoru wasn’t going to waste this opportunity presented to him.
He would not be deterred from her rejection. Kaoru wanted her and he would have her. No matter what.
(Your name) hid her smile in her mug when a large shadow looked over her. It seems Kaoru had found her.
She turned her head to glance over at the large Yakuza.
“Hello.” She greeted him simply. “And what do I owe the pleasure of being in your presence?”
Kaoru just cracked a small smile at her, the yakuza gesturing to the chair in front of her. “May I sit?”
“You’re asking me like I have a choice? That’s funny.” (Your name) looked Kaoru up and down. “Take a seat.”
Kaoru chuckled and sat in front of her, the scarred man admiring her beauty. “You’re even prettier up close…”
“Always with the flatteries.” (Your name) chuckled as she took a sip of her hot beverage. “So what can I do for you? Or are you simply a moth drawn to my flame?”
Kaoru smirked, an itch stirring in his loins. She’s been a bit feisty as of late and he loved it. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to him. He found it even more attractive.
“So what if I am drawn to your flame?” Kaoru huskily whispered, his eyes wide when he saw the ring was no longer on her finger. That simple band of metal was gone…
(Your name)’s noticed Kaoru’s focus on her hand, the woman smiled at him. “You have quite an observant eye. I filed for divorce.”
Kaoru could hear the sadness in her laugh when she chuckled, his heart ached for her. The yakuza hesitantly taking her hand in his to give it a firm squeeze.
(Your name) gave him a soft smile. “So soon I will be a single woman. Hopefully that doesn’t make the chase boring to you.”
Kaoru’s heart thumped on his chest, a fire ignited in his soul. “No… no it doesn’t.”
(Your name) and Kaoru sat at the table, completely lost in their own world together. Neither one looked away from the other. This was the start of a new chapter… she just hoped she wouldn’t regret this decision.
Jack finally made his way into the home, the blonde grumbled when he smacked his head on the door. He was a lot taller since the last time he’s been here, but hopefully (your name) wouldn’t mind too much.
It’s been strange lately. She hasn’t come to any of his fights nor has she texted him. So he decided to hurry it up and come home to check on her.
Jack slowly made his way into the living room, his eyes narrowed when he noticed the wedding pictures weren’t up. Why were they taken down?
Jack made his way into their room, the room now bare save for the few items of his he left behind a few months ago when he was last here.
“(Your name)?” Jack’s voice quietly rung out throughout the house. But there was no response… why was it so quiet?
Jack began to open all the doors but there was no sign of her. Where was she? She always replied right away to him?
“(Your name)?” Jack went into the kitchen, his eyes wide at the wilted sunflowers and honey suckles on the dining room table. A big white envelope in front of it… but what caught his eye the most was the small gold ring that sat on top of it.
Jack snatched up the ring in shock. (Your name) never took off her ring… never. Had something horrible happened to her? Was she okay?
Jack tore open the envelope, his hands trembled at the contents inside… (your name) wanted a divorce… a divorce?
Jack took a seat at the table, the reality setting in. (Your name) had finally given up on him. She left him… but she had promised to never leave him even though he was difficult.
Jack reached for his phone and dialed her number. The dial tone only built up more distress in him as he waited for her to pick up.
“Hello? This is (Your name).” The giggle on the other end of the line gave him a moment of relief..
“(Your name)? Where are you-“
“I’m not able to reach the phone right now so please leave me a message. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye bye.” The relief was gone just like she was. Jack could only tremble as he sat at the table.
The blonde rose up from the table. His hands repeatedly dialing her number again. He wouldn’t give up. Jack made his way to the box full of pictures. His fingers fondly traced over her smiling face.
Each call went straight to voicemail now rather than the cute dial tone. Had she blocked him? Why would she do that….
Was there someone else now? Is that why she left?
Jack sighed, he was going to have to find her… and this time. He wouldn’t give her so much freedom.
He thought if he kept her at a distance, it’d keep her safe but he was a fool. The safest place for her was beside him.
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delusionalwriter02 · 7 months
omg pls pls these insta series you do.. can you do a yuta okkotsu one from jjk please? this is my first time doing an ask so im not sure if im doing this right but i love ur stuff !! have a nice day! <3
Insta as Yuta's GF
a/n : Hello love! Thank you so much for your request, and I promise you did it right! Thank you for your lovely words, hope you'll like it<3
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<3 liked by Maki_yum, PANDAA and 637 others.
Yn_ : on our way to Maki's birthday!!!
Maki_yum : you're 2 hours late, WHAT DID YOU DO ???
↳ Yn_ : I'M SORRY LOVE we kinda lost track of time
↳ Maki_yum : I repeat, WHAT did you do
↳ Yn_ : I prefer not to say
↳ Maki_yum : omg please stop if it's what I think it is, I don't want to hear more
↳ Yuuuta : We brought gifts
↳ Maki_yum : I hope you did
↳ Yn_ : yk I would never let you down
↳ Maki_yum : hurry up, Yuji is getting drunk and I swear you don't want to miss that
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<3 liked by Yuuuta, InuMAKI and 375 others.
Yn_ : my other half @.Maki_yum
Maki_yum : even if you do stupid things, I love you with my whole heart
↳ InuMAKI : @.Yuuuta man she's trying to steal your girl
↳ Yuuuta : no they're just bestfriends
↳ InuMAKI : my spidersense is telling me otherwise
↳ Yn_ : well go fix it
↳ Maki_yum : why do you ALWAYS have to make it strange ? we're best friends of course we tell each other I love you
↳ InuMAKI : well I don't say that to my FRIENDS
↳ Maki_yum : MAYBE YOU SHOULD it'll make them feel actually appreciated
↳ InuMAKI : you don't feel appreciated ???????
↳ Maki_yum : SOMETIMES it's nice to hear it
↳ InuMAKI : I love you Maki
↳ Maki_yum : ....... don't do it again, from you it feels strange
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<3 liked by Yn_, Satoru_thegoat and 285 others.
Yuuuta : love her until my last breath
↳ Yuuuta : me too dear
↳ Satoru_thegoat : isn't it romantic
↳ Yn_ : what's your problem ?
↳ Satoru_thegoat : why so agressive ? I made a compliment
↳ Geto_OG : well in her defense, your compliment are often sarcastic
↳ Satoru_thegoat : WHAT ?? I'm never sarcastic
↳ Geto_OG : ...
↳ Satoru_thegoat : OKAY SOMETIMES I AM but right now, I'm not
YujiandSukuna : couple goal
↳ Yn_ : you make me blush
↳ Yuuuta : Dear calm down, Inumaki is just joking
↳ InuMAKI : no i'm not
↳ Yn_ : oh you so are
↳ Yuuuta : no but she got a point, Toge why are you so agressive towards her ?
↳ InuMAKI : i'm not agressive
↳ Maki_yum : yes you are
↳ Yn_ : you know you could have just talked to us ? tell Yuta you miss him instead of being mean
↳ InuMAKI : i'm sorry
↳ Yuuuta : well seems like peace is back
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<3 liked by InuMAKI, Yuuuta and 548 others.
Maki_yum : It was more peaceful when they weren't friends @.Yn_ @.InuMAKI @.Yuuuta
Yn_ : Toge next time we should totally try to steal Gojo's glasses !!!
↳ InuMAKI : omg yes and then we hide it
↳ Yn_ : no we sell it, it must cost A LOT of money
↳ InuMAKI : you're a genius
↳ Yuuuta : now i'm the one feeling like you're stealing my gf Toge
↳ Yn_ : pls don't complain love, maybe you prefer when we were fighting
↳ Yuuuta : forget what I said
↳ InuMAKI : Yn where is Yuji hiding his sneakers ?
↳ Yn_ : probably in his closet
↳ InuMAKI : we steal two pairs of shoes, he got so much he won't even notice and we sell them too
↳ Yn_ : that must be enough money to buy the ps5
↳ InuMAKI : AND a big TV
↳ Yn_ : yeah lets do that
↳ Yn_ : Toge we gotta hurry up before she tells them
↳ Maki_yum : I'M SICK OF YOU
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<3 liked by InuMAKI, Maki_yum and 537 others.
Yn_ : got a detention and I just told him
Yuuuta : that's it, I'm keeping you FAR AWAY from Toge
↳ Yn_ : i'm sorry love i truly regret it
↳ YujiandSukuna : YOU SOLD MY SHOES ???
↳ Yn_ : no it was so messy in your bedroom, we couldn't find them
↳ Geto_OG : That'll teach you to NOT STEAL, if you need money, just ask us
↳ InuMAKI : we would like the PS5 and a TV
↳ Satoru_thegoat : It's in your bedroom, for both of you, just ask and I got you but don't steal
↳ InuMAKI : we're really sorry Gojo, we really wanted these console and TV so we took the route that seemed the easiest for us even if it wasn't the best, we won't do it again
↳ Satoru_thegoat : I know you are don't worry, guess what, I'll remove the detention, go enjoy your new console
↳ Yuuuta : coming love
↳ Geto_OG : Satoru you're getting too soft with them
↳ Satoru_thegoat : they're young, let them do mistakes, let them learn from those mistakes and doing them again, it's not by grounding them that they'll learn, they have the right to be wrong and not be shamed for that, they regretted it, it's enough. If they didn't regret it, I wouldn't have removed the detention but I had a talk with Toge and Yn and they're truly sorry, no harm was done, so why insist ?
↳ Geto_OG : I almost had a tear
↳ Satoru_thegoat : fuck off mr.perfect
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Hey love! Hope you liked it ? I didn't really know how to include Rika so I didn't but if there is a part.2, I'll think of a way to make it work!
with love <3
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Hey! Hope I’m requesting in the right place! If not please let me know and I’ll rectify that.
Could I request some Hunter on Pabu please? Something domestic and fluffy for the galaxy’s greatest Dad? I’d love to see him sitting outside during dusk trying to relax after a long day, only to be interrupted by something or someone loud…
I leave the rest up to you 😉 Also totally happy for it to be x reader or not, whatever you want to do. I hope that gives you enough to go off.
As a side note, thanks for doing requests. It boggles my mind how amazing it is that people write for each other. I love this part of the fandom 🩵
Moment of Peace
Hunter x Reader
Summary- Hunter relaxes after a hard work day on Pabu, only to be interrupted by Gonky and reader. Fluff ensues!
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so happy to be able to fulfill your request, you are AMAZING! I wish I was able to make it longer, but I didn't know what else to write!
Word Count- 1,259
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His view over Pabu was a sight he hoped to never forget.
Hunter looked out to the ocean, feeling an unfamiliar tinge of peace. Calm was a luxury, silence was strange, and rest was foreign. The thought almost made him uneasy.
Hunter stretched his arms over his head, shirt slightly rising with his stomach peaking out. With a content sigh, he relaxed further into his chair. His eyes threatened to close on him, possibly from his long day.
He wouldn't have minded, he had all the time in the world now.
It was hard to believe for him, it took hours of convincing from you. To prove to him he deserved this. That he deserved this feeling of peace. The countless times you held his hand, cradled his head, or soothed him with your words.
After dedicating half his life to the Empire- the other running from them- he needed a break. It was beyond deserved.
You certainly thought so.
In any moment of doubt, your words echoed in his head. "The things you have risked for Omega alone, that is enough to earn your place."
With a smile he let his mind fade, and eyes rest.
While he was no longer fending for his life everyday, everyone still had to play their part on Pabu.
For a man of Hunters skill set, he was extremely useful. This typically led to many citizens coming to him for help on repairs, transportation, fishing, and harvesting.
Hunter had never complained once, simply grateful for the new life he had been given with you. That being said, he still had select days.
The seemingly never ending waves of heat and questioning, it was all worth it to come home to you. Not to mention the relief his muscles feel when he settles into his favorite chair on the porch.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed since he began his nap, but when his eyes opened the sun was almost finished setting.
His arm hair was standing, heightened senses on edge. Something was about to happen, he could tell.
Eyes shooting back and forth across the horizon, then head turning to look beside him.
Breath quickened when he saw nothing was out of order, but his mind wandered to you,
You were inside, alone. Had something happened?
He was on his feet, but before he could open the door to his home- he heard a loud crash and a yelp.
He knew your voice immediately, it only drove him to slam the door open, running in. He didn't know what to expect, but he was ready to fight whoever he needed to.
Confusion flushed over him when he heard you laugh. Though, he didn't let himself settle until he saw you.
His feet moved as fast as his body would let them, coming to a brief halt when he was greeted by you in the living room.
A beeping and chirping noise also followed, almost like a greeting.
You were on your back, having fell on the floor. The cause of the crash and noise was Gonky, rested on top of you.
"Hunter! Oh, my savior!" You managed out, having a fit of giggles.
Gonky wobbled, unable to get up.
"What happened?" Hunter spoke, rushing to pull the power droid off of you.
It was easy for him to lift the unit and place him on his feet. Though, he was more worried about you, even in your laughter he stressed.
Now crouched down at your side, you answered him. "I forgot Wrecker had dropped Gonky off. When I came in to watch that new holofilm, he scared me!"
He fitted him hands under your arms to pull you up as well. You were aware that you could have stood on your own, but you let Hunter do as he pleased. It was another way he could make sure you were unharmed.
"How did you end up on the floor?" He looked you over, once you were clear of scrapes and blood- he followed you to the couch.
You heard the urgency in his voice, it was one your hadn't heard since your time on the run. "Hunter, I'm okay. Really, I just tripped over Gonky when I turned into the room."
He nodded, not looking so stiff anymore. "Are you okay?" You asked him.
"Yeah, yeah."
"Hunter." You gave him hard eyes, knowing you weren't getting the full truth.
He sighed, "My senses just... I guess I haven't felt them that extreme in a while."
It was daily that he still felt his heightened senses, they still came in handy. Altering him where to fish, or if a stray ball flew his way from children playing. Not to mention Wrecker and Crosshairs antics.
Of course he had a downside to them, always had. Everything was amplified, it was difficult sometimes. Though, the worst of it was when he felt the way he did a few minutes ago.
When it was about you or Omega, it felt different. More urgent, almost painful.
"Hey, its okay. I'm here." You lifted a hand to hold his tatted cheek, you smiled up at him. Gonky beeped over at the commotion.
"I think he's trying to say 'sorry'." You tried to lighten the mood.
It worked well enough, as Hunter cracked a smile. He even reached over to place a pat on top of Gonky's box. Just before he lounged fully back on the couch.
"Wrecker said someone needed to watch Gonky while he was on his fishing trip." You explained, leaning into Hunters side.
"I still can't believe he agreed to a week long boat trip." Hunter started.
"I'll give it a few hours, he'll be back tonight to get Gonky, I bet."
He put his hand up, "I say two days."
"You have a deal, Wrecker will never last that long." You grasped his hand in a shake.
A few moments of calm silence went by, "What does the winner get?" You proposed.
Hunter hummed. When you looked up at him you saw his eyes closed.
"The winner of the bet?" He looked at you, but you could see the heaviness slowly reappearing in his eyes. He was trying to listen, but now the adrenaline was gone. His exhaustion was coming back.
"How about the loser has to clean Gonky." He teased, slowly closing his eyes again.
You simply cuddled up to his side, wrapping an arm across his stomach. He responded with a gentle hand to your back.
"That's too easy."
"With Wrecker watching."
"Well, that's not fair! It'll take hours, Wrecker is so picky when it comes to Gonky." You light heatedly argued.
He smiled, chest rising in a deep laugh. "Then you better hope he comes back in a few hours."
You gave in, a competitive grin rested on your face.
Gonky beeped again, shuffling to a corner to rest himself.
Peaking up once more, you saw Hunter still fighting sleep. You leaned up, placing a kiss to his cheek. "Good night, Hunter."
He mumbled something in return, you assumed it was along the lines of 'I love you.'
You would both be proven wrong when Wrecker would complete his week long trip, braving the waters. His reasoning? He didn't have to bathe...
As gross as you thought it was, you and Hunter decided you were both losers. Keeping up your end of the deal, you both washed Gonky. Months of caked up dirt took almost all day to get off. Although, you couldn't have picked a better helper.
A/N- Thank you for reading!!! Please let me know of any typos or constructive criticism!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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pretentiousprecious · 10 months
Kiss, Marry, Kill [James Potter]
Date Published: November 26, 2023
Word Count: 0.8k words
Author: PretentiousPrecious
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"Who would you kiss, marry or kill?"
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It must be the alcohol in your system that made you braver than usual. It could be because you felt light-headed which lead you to think that he's flirting with you.
James Fleamont Potter, the Gryffindor chaser and head boy, sat in front of you. He's too loud and proud for you to handle. He's too arrogant and boastful for your liking.
You despise that he's too confident. You envy the way he gets high grades without giving too much effort. You dislike that he's always full of happiness. You hate that you love him, unexpectedly.
He's a walking catastrophe but a living blessing. You notice that he always protects the younger Gryffindors from the bullying of Slytherins. You cannot ignore how big his heart is— to give his friend, Sirius, a family in his home.
James and you are the exact opposite of each other. Your personalities clash that you can only count with your fingers the times when you both agreed with the same thing. You argue with the smallest things and fight with the bigger matters.
He loves to tease you because your patience is always thin around him. He does this to arouse a reaction from you. You rarely show emotions around your friends as you tend to isolate and keep to yourself.
You don't love him, right? He's still the same boy you saw as annoying and infantile.
But, you agree to disagree.
As time passes by, you both grow mature. James somehow turned into a fine, young man. There were times when he was still a little bit naughty, but most of the time, he acted prim and proper like a lady.
The professors were shocked with this big change and it led to granting James the head boy title.
Pretty shocking, isn't it?
Still, he deserves it. He doesn't even plan pranks anymore but he makes sure to deduct points on the house of the bullies, without exception.
Strangely, he is now always calm around you. You both don't fight like cats and dogs anymore. You no longer clash with him. There's peace and equilibrium in both of you.
You can't help but notice how smart he truly is. How gifted he was with his talent for quidditch. How hardworking he is both in academics, and sports. How much he sacrificed in order to achieve his dreams, and goals.
You grow closer to each other as you learn more about him, and it frightens you. You're scared that your feelings for him will swell deeper.
You can't help but notice how attractive he was. How ethereal his features are. Like he's an artwork carved by the world's greatest sculptor with great passion.
You feel like you're deep into the ocean as you look into his eyes, drowning you with his stares as he makes eye contact with you in every conversation.
His eyes are full of life and emotion. He looks at you as if you're the only one he can see while you both sit and drink some tea.
His curly and unruly hair, which is soft to touch for he lets you brush and untangle it while you both read in the common room. He will wrap his strong arms around you, tightly, as you're both relaxing through this night activity.
Tonight is different from the usual. There's a party held at the Gryffindor’s common room as the quidditch team won the championship game against the Slytherins. It's a tough and rough game but they managed to win, fair and square.
You're not sitting closely with James on the sofa as you and your friends are sitting on the floor. You all form a circle as you play “truth or dare”.
You've been playing for half an hour and not even once you've been chosen by the bottle. You are growing more tired and uneasy as you patiently wait for this game to finish, yet there's no sign of its end as your friends are still sober.
You hold your breath as the bottleneck points at you. You felt dread as you looked at the person sitting across you.
James wears a sly smirk as he winked at you. You raised a brow on him as a response to his sudden giddiness.
“Truth or dare?” He asked you excitedly.
“Truth,” you answered unsurely.
“Who would you kiss, marry or kill among everyone in this circle?” You badly want to wipe off his stupid grin on his face.
“For a kiss… I would kiss Sirius because half of the Hogwarts' population vouch that he's good at it.” You saw his grin falter as Sirius winked at you from the other side of the circle.
“Okay… how about marry?” He asked as if he was expecting yet you noticed that there's a hint of nervousness in his smile.
“Hmm… I would marry Remus because he's such a husband material.” The other players all nod in agreement while James scoffed at your answer.
“And who would you kill, then?” He grumbles as he's the only male participant left in the circle.
"For kill…” You hesitate to answer.
"I would like to kill myself for lying instead of admitting that you're the only one I want to kiss and marry, Potter.”
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© pretentiousprecious
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daliain · 8 months
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞
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゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:*
Alastor x reader
Genre: fluff, romantic
Pronounce: They/them but 'You' is mostly used for this one shot
Love interest: Alastor
F/f means favorite food
And F/d means favorite drink
Requested by : none
Narrator Pov
You've been in this hotel for a while now.. I mean, like 7 years? Who knows. You can't really tell the date sometimes. Especially after the extermination ends just now and Alastor came back just a few week ago. So, you might as well get use to it. You're one of the staff members in Hazbin hotel. Helping around Charlie. Though you are not so sure if redeeming a sinner is possible.. But, it wouldn't hurt to see if it works. Maybe there's hope.
Nevermind that, you haven't seen Alastor for a long time so, it's either bad or a good thing. Nevertheless you didn't thought about it much but it's good his back but not at the same time. But you do admit.. You kinda miss him? Which is strange, missing a radio demon is not what you expect. But who knows.
"Hello Alastor, welcome back" You said as you greet him while you are carrying a pile of poster for the Hazbin hotel. Alastor in the other hand, of course has his usual smile with his yellow toothy grin. "Y/n! Dear! Salutation darling. What you've been up to lately?" Alastor's radio like voice spoke to you. "And it's seem you have a lot in your hands right now!" "Yes yes I know.. I'm just gonna help Charlie put this around.. Hoping.. Sinners might come to this hotel" You muttered softly as you walk down the halls as Alastor follow behind.
"How kind of you my dear, say how about when you are done, would you care to take a stroll with me through around town?" Alastor says as he looked at you for a moment. You smile a little but soon sighed softly. "I would love to Alastor really but uhh.. I got a lot of handful of things I need to do, mayb- Woah!" As you are about to complete you sentence a few of those.. Cartoonict black and white goons grabbed the posters and go outside to set all the posters up around town. Alastor look at You, still giving you a toothy grin and spoke. "You were saying?~" He teases slightly. You blink twice and shrugged."well.. Nevermind.. I guess I wouldn't mind taking a stroll with you?"
"Wonderful! Let's go then shall we?" He offered his arm to You for you to take it. You put your arm around his to link and soon both left the hotel.. You wonder why Alastor seems more.. Content? Well whatever it is at least his in a good mood.
They take their little stroll around the town. You can still see the other demons causing havoc and fights here and there.. And good Lord you and Alastor have to avoid to see the other demons having sex in the alleyway or in public.. It was a awkward silence between you both, soon You cleared your throat and spoke. "So uhhh.. Alastor.. Where are we going?" You asked Alastor. Alastor looked at you and spoke. "Why, I almost forgot! We're going to this lovely cafe! Rosie told me it is a good place to spend some peaceful time with yourself or with someone, so I thought I could bring you with me to try!" "Oh that's, lovely Alastor" You say with an awkward smile as they soon arrived the cafe. The place is nice actually.. Somewhat warm and welcoming.. This seems to where the cannibals eat. "Oh, this is the place?.. You know Alastor I don't eat uhhm.. You know. " "don't worry my dear! There's other nourishment food as well that doesn't consist eating anything what We eat" He shows his toothy grin slightly.. A bit sinister.. But soon turn back into a normal smile. "Now then, shall we?" He gestures as you both enter inside.
The inside is nice and cozy. Cannibals and other demons resistance eat peacefully yet happily. Talking to each other, a few laughters here and there. Having a blast. You looked around in awe slightly. "it's.. Actually nice in here" You muttered softly as you both walk towards to the tables.. Soon you are greeted by a young man who seems to be in his 20s. Velvet hair and gold eyes, he seems to be a moth of sorts,His hair is fluffy yet slightly loose. He greeted you both calmly and spoke. "Greetings, what can I get for both of you today?." Alastor, as usual still has his smile and spoke. "I would like to have one of those fresh blood tea of yours and Y/n? What you you like my dear?" Alastor turn to you as you thought for a moment as you look through the menu. "I guess a f/f and f/d would be good". The waiter nodded and soon went off to the kitchen to inform the ones in the kitchen. You awkwardly fiddle with her fingers on the table as Alastor hummed softly while tapping his fingers on the table.. Soon spoke.
"So, Y/n, how have been while I was gone?" You soon looked at him and spoke. "Well.. Uhmm.. Nothing much, helping around the hotel, and talk to Husker. Just nothing out of the ordinary" you answered. Alastor hummed as he think what will he say.. Well.. This is awkward.. Very awkward.. Soon their orders arrived and placed down on the table. "Here you go, I hope you two lovers have a wonderful time here. Farewell" Young man spoke as he leave.. Your fave blushed slightly in embarrassment and spoke.. We aren't lovers- nevermind..." You groan slightly as Alastor hummed in amusement, though he did find it endearing to see you in a bashful state but he won't say it outright to make it less awkward. It was silent but soon Alastor but soon spoke. "So, my dear where would you like to go next? Surely there's a certain place here in hell that you like to go?" You shrugged and shook her head. "Well.. I'm not so sure.. I never have one.. Besides.. I am always isolated in the hotel because I never wanna go out.. And.. I don't want to be bothered by and kinds of demons.." You muttered as Alastor sip his tea. "Hmm.. Fair enough". Silence again.. You gulped but soon spoke. "So uhh.. Alastor. Maybe we could go to the garden? Well I heard there's a garden around here somewhere.." You muttered while you eat your food.. Alastor hummed and spoke. "Why that's not a bad idea!" You smile slightly but soon see how different Alastor has been acting..
Soon they paid the food but Alastor mostly paid it. He insisted as they exit the cafe and went to find the garden. Once they arrived, the place is beautiful.. Way to beautiful for it to be in hell.. You both walk down the blooming flowers as you both talk about different topics.. Had a few laughs and chuckles. You have gone quite comfortable around Alastor then awkward.. Alastor seems to.. Have good time spending time with Y/n..he seems fond of you.. Every time you both talk he listens through your ranting and yaps. As he okes about few things. It was a nice feeling.
"Can't you believe it? Gosh.. Man.. Sometimes I miss being alive before I'm here.." "I could've agree with you more" you both laugh.. You glance at Alastor and notice how's his lookin at you.. His eyes are more.. Gentle? He looks vulnerable too.. And his smile.. His smile is..
It almost like you see a new side of Alastor.. Instead of his usual self.. You could see the fondness of his eyes as you blush and look away...Soon time went by as you both started walking away from the garden. It was now a peaceful silence as Alastor spoke. "Well my Dear, I have a splendid time talking with you. I hope we do this again in the future." Alastor says as You nodded your head. "Yeah, let's uhh.. Go out sometime?" You looked at him as he smiles.. But more genuine which makes your heart beat. "That would be wonderful, my dear."
You both arrived to the hotel and entered. He lead you to your room and spoke. "Well, I hope you have good night sleep my dear." You nodded and smile. "Yeah You too Alastor.. Well.. We'll see each other again?" "We will, darling". He soon gently grabbed you hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on it.. Your face turned slightly red at this gesture as Alastor soon stood still as he spoke. " good night, darling. " "good night Alastor.. See you again.
And with that, He left and you closed the door.. You feel butterflies in your stomach.. Your face is completely red as those roses you saw in the garden.. You couldn't forget the smile of his.. It's not sinister, there's no mockery. Just.. A genuine smile.. You smiles softly as you went to bed.. Hoping tomorrow.. You'll get to spend time with him.
⏤͟͟͞͞♥︎ The End⏤͟͟͞͞♥︎
Hi, hello. I'm back. Sorry I have not been active. And this is the longest One shot I have ever done. So now I will be finishing.. Other request. And hope it doesn't glitch.
But now, I'm going back to do my performance task, goodbye!
And uhh.. I guess happy valentines day?..
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carlandrea · 1 year
The Passing of a Mother Beyond the World is a surviving play by an exilic noldorin playwright about three mortal siblings dealing with the tragic and inevitable deaths of both of their parents in old age. The play is a fascinating cultural artifact, both for its reflection of the cultural anxieties of the noldor in exile, and for its very clear lack of interest in how mortals act or think. The siblings range widely in age—the eldest has an adult son of her own, while her youngest brother is a child, apparently conceived when his parents were octegenarians. All of their ages are left vague. Their mother is on her deathbed, and all three expect that their father will not survive the night in his grief.
The family is compellingly written in their grief. The play covers only the day and the night before the death of their mother, as they cry, fight, and attempt to comfort each other. There is nothing glaringly inaccurate about the portrayal of bereavement—only a lingering sense of strangeness in the shock and desperation of it. Surely, a mortal audience might think, they were expecting this? Did they not discuss, for example, who would take care of the youngest child (the subject of a fight in the second act)? They seem surprised and devastated, like a family reeling from a sudden illness or a violent death, rather than the peaceful passing of their elderly parents.
In the final scene, the adult grandchild of the dead couple seems to realize that his mother will also die, and they share the final scene in the play. She comforts him, and the play ends with mother and son sitting together in silence—mirroring the first scene, a peaceful morning in the now dead parents bedroom.
This play seems to be a reflection of the cultural anxieties of the exilic noldor—of a newly doomed culture discovering tragedy and death. The unexpectedness of it, the violence of their grief, even the father dying with his wife, all reflect a distinctly elven and exilic view of death and mourning. The playwright projects these fears outwards, making them more palatable by writing about the mortal children of a dying mortal couple—a safer choice for an elven audience.
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godisshook · 1 year
Enemies with Benefits
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Ryder is the absolute worst.
We had once been inseparable. High school sweethearts, we navigated the tumultuous waters of adolescence together, supporting each other through thick and thin. Our breakup was a result of years of me fighting for feelings that he stopped reciprocating. The final straw came when I found out he had cheated on me in my freshman year of college. I decided then and there to end things and refused to speak to him for the rest of the year.
There was just one issue with all of this: we lived together. We went to the same college, and so made the "great" decision to live together our first year. Even worse, I had renewed my lease with him shortly before I caught on to his cheating, meaning I had to live with him for another year. After the breakup, the living room became Ryder's new home, and I dreaded going in there. Ryder wanted to ensure I was miserable, so he always left the house a mess. I resented him for it, with only the thought of me getting to move as far away as possible from him helping me get through the days. For months, we had ignored each other, refusing to acknowledge the painful history we shared. The air in our one-bedroom apartment was thick with tension, and I sought to avoid him at every turn.
With summer rolling around, I stayed in the apartment, not having much to do back at home. My saving grace came as Ryder said he would be on vacation, and wouldn't return until summer ended. At least I would have a small reprieve from his presence, and most importantly, I was able to claim the bedroom back. I enjoyed my months of peace as if they were my last, taking advantage of the peace and quiet to get work done and deep clean the entire apartment. The days flew by as I enjoyed both time by myself and with friends. The cooling summer air would serve as a reminder that the fun would soon be over. With Ryder arriving tomorrow, I decided to have one last party, taking special care to make sure my partygoers messed up Ryder's stuff specifically, getting some revenge on the way. Satisfied with the mess I had caused, I escorted my guests out for the night, and slept well, enjoying my final day of relaxation.
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The sound of keys jangling at the door woke me, as the immediate realization of what those keys meant crushed me. With the sound of bags and shuffling now getting louder and louder, I decided to simply remain in the room, refusing to speak. As he finally reached the bedroom, a series of light knocks would hit the door. With it swooshing open, Ryder said, “Oh, how I’ve missed you,” laying down his backpack. "I really wish I could say the same." I immediately replied, a stoic look on my face. As he goes in for a hug, I shuffle to the other side of the bed and say "You're letting the light in." It was clear he was not anticipating that response, but as he gathered himself, he replied, "I really do miss you." His thumb grazed the curve of my cheek, caressing it gently, his touch both tender and possessive. In response, I let out a soft, breathless moan, showing my weakness.
In my defense, it was a moment of vulnerability, and we had hooked up now and then. Even though we weren't on speaking terms, it was impossible to resist that body of his, and so we would occasionally do it. However, it was only a few times, that I can promise.
While I didn't believe his words for a second, I couldn't help but notice how different he looked. I didn't anticipate his changing demeanor, but this new Ryder gave me a strange hope. A guy whom I had always regarded as a slob was now well-kept and dressed. I still hated him from the depths of my soul for what he did to me, but I was far more willing to be amicable with him if he was choosing to be better. Living together had its challenges, but it also brought back memories of our shared history. We had both grown since their breakup, pursuing our own lives. But beneath the surface, a lingering connection remained.
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Late one night, Ryder would return home from work in an obviously bad mood. I was lounging around, watching TV, and upon his return, got ready to leave, unprepared to acknowledge the fact I gave in yesterday. I sighed, saying, "If you want something to eat, there's some food in the fridge or whatever." He stopped walking and faced me, his expression changing from apparent frustration to an appreciative smile.
Opening the fridge, he said, "Sorry for looking so mad, I just had a long day." I replied flatly, "We aren't dating, you don't have to explain yourself to me." This reply clearly struck a nerve in Ryder, as he simply stood up, and walked towards me. His eyes locked onto mine with a smoldering gaze, conveying his desire without a single word. The magnetic pull between us was palpable, igniting the air with an electric tension that neither could deny.
It was moments like this that were dangerous. He knew exactly what made me tick and exploited it whenever he could. Trying to feign ignorance, I innocently asked, "Why are you so close?" Ryder, now inches from my face, would finally make his intentions known. "Take me like you used to." His irresistible gaze made me fall apart, and I found myself unable to pull myself away. My fingers found the edge of Ryder's shirt, slipping beneath the fabric to trace the contours of his chest, reveling in the warmth and strength that lay beneath. Lifting it up, I silently went down a path of no return.
His breath hitched as I slowly helped raise his shirt, desire lighting up in his eyes. With our lips tantalizingly close to each other, I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. With a slow, deliberate movement, I leaned in, my lips brushing against Ryder's. It was a whisper of a kiss, a tantalizing tease that left us both breathless.
Now Ryder would take the initiative, getting closer as he kissed all around my neck. Ryder's strong hands roamed my body, igniting a desire that had been dormant for too long. His touch was both possessive and tender, a silent declaration that he had missed this, missed me.
With a barely audible sigh, our lips met again. It was a soft, tentative kiss at first, but it quickly deepened into something more passionate. Our lips moved together hungrily, and our hands roamed each other's bodies, reacquainting themselves with the familiar terrain. It was like the dam holding back all of our desires had burst open. Ryder's strong arms enveloped mine, pulling me in closer, while my fingers found their way to his broad chest once more, a feeling of safety coming over me as our bodies came close to each other.
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I pulled away, breathless and flushed, Ryder led me to the bedroom, as we continued to explore each other's bodies with a hunger that had never truly disappeared. In the heat of the moment, our clothes became an obstacle we couldn't tolerate, and as soon we were naked, our bodies pressed together in sweet ecstasy. It was slow and intense as if we were making up for lost time. The room filled with the sound of our sighs, and the air heated up as passion mixed with desire.
"Let me fuck you," he said, a mischievous look coming over his face. Finally snapping out of my trance, I replied "In your dreams." Putting my clothes back on, I took my pillows and marched down to the living room. I didn't just give in to him once, but twice. Just living together and ignoring each other was not going to work. As I dozed off on the couch, I decided that I had to end things for good.
As I woke up that morning, I concluded that I needed to get things done. The plan was simple; firmly say things are over with Ryder, and tell him I'm moving out. My bags were partially packed, but since I couldn't get my things from there, I didn't have access to the bedroom for the night. Steeling myself, I walked over to the bedroom, with the music getting louder and louder as I ventured down the hallway. With my first knock being met with nothing, I knocked harder and was met with shuffling from the room, which indicated my knocks were heard.
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As the door swooshed open, I was met with Ryder and a wave of steam. As the wave of hot air hit my face, memories of warm showers together and foggy mirrors filled my mind. Coming to it, I finally looked at Ryder. It was clear he was fresh out of the shower, and as my face scanned his chest, my blush gave away my emotion at the moment. Catching this, Ryder said, "Is there something you wanted, or did you just need to see me?"
My plan immediately went sideways as I got flustered, unable to get a single word out. Taking advantage of this, Ryder would whisper in my ear, "If you want me again, just say so." His husky voice in my ear sent me trembling, and the walls I had put up were crumbling each second. I had entered his room with the resolve to finally end things, to sever the connection once and for all. It seemed as if my plan dawned on him by the way I was knocking. He was calling my bluff, and it was working. My body would betray my thoughts, as I simply cried out, "I want you!"
Without warning, Ryder drew me into an intense, passionate kiss. I had no chance of resisting his hunger for me. It was like the dam holding back our desires had burst open. Our lips moved together hungrily, and his hands roamed down my body, reacquainting itself with the familiar terrain. I arched into Ryder's touch and gasped as his fingers dipped lower, exploring the sensitive territory that made my body quiver with desire. Removing his sweatpants, he sat on his chair, cock bulging in his underwear.
"Come and get it."
His words lit a fire in me, as I shifted up to him, and began feeling his bulge. Precum started to wet his underwear around the tip of his cock, and his dick pressed hard against his boxers. Teasingly, I slowly removed his boxers, and as his dick bounced up, it hit me straight in the eye. "Hey!" I said, shocked. He only shrugged, a sly smile on his face. With a smirk, I got to work, licking around his tip, as he threw his head back in response.
There was a familiar feeling to things, the way his dick fit inside perfectly, the way he knew exactly how to pleasure me, it was bliss. Our bodies fit together like pieces of a long-lost puzzle. Ryder's fingers brushed against the delicate lines of my face, while my hands explored the strong, sculpted planes of Ryder's back. In between thrusts, he said, "My cock feels good, doesn’t it?" I couldn't deny how he had been able to pleasure me, and I gave in. All I could let out was an ecstatic "Yes, more!" Maintaining his gaze, he continued pounding into me, each thrust sending me further and further to the edge.
Each stroke was a testament to the passion that had simmered beneath the surface for years. Ryder explored the valleys of my mouth with a mixture of revenge and hunger. Our breaths became labored, as their bodies moved in unison, a testament to our rekindled passion. Unable to take it any longer, a wave of pleasure washed over me as I came, with a moan escaping my mouth as Ryder continued fucking me.
As he held me in the quiet aftermath of our reunion, I could hear our hearts beat in unison. Keeping me in his embrace, he mumbled, "Sex smells great on you." I replied, "Mind saying that a little louder?" He smirked in response, as our usual banter flowed perfectly. Our intimacy deepened, both emotionally and physically, as we explored each other's desires and fantasies together. Many steamy nights were spent in each other's arms were filled with passion and longing, rekindling the fire that had never truly died.
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