#stress management in parents
theholisticliving · 1 year
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roseofcards90 · 3 months
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dyingroses · 7 months
PSA on deescalation
Listen to the person! Yes, when people are angry they don't always communicate clearly and sometimes say things that they don't mean. But they are still intelligent human beings capable of knowing how they feel.
Leave the situation! If it's safe, leave the situation! It takes two to tango and it's harder to fight when you don't have an enemy anymore. If the person is telling you to leave you probably should.
Also you should almost never trap or prevent the other person from leaving! Letting someone who is upset leave allows them to get some space alone, get space from the conflict, feel safer, and get some adrenaline out by moving. You may feel it's not safe to leave the person or let the person leave. But try to balance those concerns with the fact that it's not fair to hold them hostage in a situation they don't feel safe in, at that point you're antagonizing them. Also you should respect that person's autonomy and judgement, they know themselves better than you do and often they want to avoid the conflict escalating as well.
Validate the other persons emotions! This helps show concern and make someone feel heard, which helps stem the conflict and stress. You don't have to apologize or deny what they did is wrong but express understanding and compassion for the distress they are feeling.
Express concern not judgement! If you think they "need help" ask if they "are okay?" ask if they need help. But don't tell them to "calm down."
Communicate your concerns! If you're concerned that safety of the the other person or other people if you leave the situation let them know. You might be able to work out a deal so that they walk a certain way so that you can see them get away safe. You can give them resources. This also communicates concern.
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This all comes from what I've learned studying psychology and education. As well as from working in schools and mental hospitals. I don't have time right now to include references but if you curious about things mentioned I encourage you to look up deescalation techniques as well as the individual techniques I've mentioned.
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theshadowrealmitself · 10 months
Once again thinking about my oc who makes how to do videos that Vulcan kids like to watch, except this time I’m also thinking about “guest stars,” because you just know there’s going to be some things where you need an expert on it for
And originally I was just thinking about pleasant guest stars, and how the Human oc is unknowingly also teaching Vulcan kids how to handle their emotions because the Human is trying a lot of new things that actually scare them, or make them anxious, things like that, but they just calm themselves down on camera and continue doing them
But now I’m thinking about Jim Kirk, specifically aos Jim Kirk, guest starring before he ever became a captain, and it’s “how to ride a motorcycle,” and the whole time, this Human who is usually good at keeping a calm and pleasant disposition, just keeps turning to anxiously tell the camera “don’t do that” because Jim went straight to tricks and stuff that he shouldn’t be showing beginners
Jim Kirk is rewatching this episode as a captain, trying to avoid looking at Bones and Spock as they watch him put himself in danger without proper protective gear on
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shinigabi-tan · 1 year
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Corny and Tammy in Hairspray (1988)
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 6 months
me: im doing really well at not saying “i’m gonna kms”! i’m really proud of how i’ve grown and how far i am in my healing journey-
my mom: *enters room*
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seekingthestars · 2 months
me, yesterday: i got some projects done so i am finally starting to feel a little less overwhelmed at work!
work, today: gives me 5 new projects in the span of 8 hours
me: well nevermind 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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blueish-bird · 1 year
(Chainsaw Man Spoilers)
AU where Aki survives Part 1 and now not only has to deal with the existential horrors of his new state of being but is also incredibly allergic to dogs, so he lives in the apartment next door to Denji, Nayuta, and their dozen-or-so huskies. (He’s not as allergic to cats, but Meowy likes Denji more than him.)
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tired-twili · 9 months
Me: has a really hard couple of days and stuggles to do basic tasks
My parents: it rlly upsets us when u don't eat dinner with us:(
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mantisgodsdomain · 2 months
Slowly, yet painfully realizing that we're probably the exact type of person that random fandom guys would miscast as a father.
#we speak#internet teenagers keep coming to us as like the only authority figure on hand who will treat them like people#and we're like... please... we don't want to be an authority figure... why do all of your parents suck so hard...#like we're willing to offer ourself as an anchor as well as we can because we've Been there and know how it feels#but like damn. who the fuck let your families suck this bad. how on earth have situations managed to produce enough of you#that we end up being cast as The Only Adult On Hand Willing To Listen And Talk Through Things MULTIPLE TIMES#and perhaps more importantly why are we the only person in random fandom discords who is willing to treat teenagers like People#weren't the rest of you also teenagers at some point??? don't you like remember how it feels like to not have agency for shit???#experiencing the “only person in the room who's willing to take a position” thing#despite there being like multiple other people in the room who should be WAY more qualified for this#how does this keep happening and more importantly why are we the only guy in the area who is doing anything to help#just to stress this point#we are trying our hardest to NOT be an authority figure because historically it ends terrible for us due to The Mental Health Issue#but somehow we are continually running into situations where we're the only guy willing to come up to plate#the syndromes. the issues. we are so fucking glad that this particular wave is coming now instead of A Few Years Ago#something something progress but also we dislike that we have to be the one handling these situations#because we shouldn't be considered a primary point of stability in anyone's life and the fact that we ARE a stable point to anyone is uhh#weird to think about. who let this happen. we're not old enough to be a parent#and we also find it very alarming that there are so many of you out there who are severely lacking in support#someone needs to work out a childcare arrangement system that doesn't suck because the current one really isn't doing it#while we're at it we can start overhauling the culture that landed us in being the only person willing to listen to people like ever#and maybe make it so we don't have to be a primary support because people are sufficiently supported already
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kohakhearts · 6 months
cons of going to a “good schoolTM”: insane workload, unbearable classmates, next to no support when you have any kind of extenuating circumstances Including literal hospitalization, etc
pros of going to a “good schoolTM”: the 9-5 lifestyle is genuinely a major improvement
#taylor.txt#the extenuating circumstances point was not me btw. i know someone who had his degree delayed an entire year because of two weeks in psych#we’re in a co-op program or else maybe it wouldve just been one semester but. lol#i hate it here…i hate it#but hey…at least i have the world’s shittiest health insurance!#some of my classmates say they dont feel like working full-time is easier than going to school full-time but it so is#for me. anyway. even when i fumbled my time management bad on the field and make no mistake i was incredibly busy plus i chose a field#notorious for Unpaid Overtime and Taking Your Work Home. even then. it was still easier than this#i would never do undergrad again. i loved everything i learned. i took interesting and awesome classes#but i would never ever do it again. miserable overworked spent most of it friendless until i got on the field#i have a friend who keeps being like idk how you did 4 physics classes this sem and im like girl we are education students…thats an average#semester for a physics major. how must THEY feel#also i have to say just you know. generally. ive worked full-time while living with my parents#AND while living alone. and 50 hours a week was incredibly manageable in the former arrangement. i even wrote and edited an entire novel#in the beginning stages of a pandemic while working 50 hours a week of retail and fast food hell. 40 hours full-time with weekends off#while living alone though? thats hard. i still managed to go to the gym almost every day#currently? i cant get out of bed in the morning. i am putting in 12 hour days and then goinng to bed unable to sleep because im so stressed#i have dreams about school. tangentially theres a really good marxist poem i read last year about this phenomenon in workers#ANYWAY. i have just 8 more days 4 exams 1 research paper and video project#i think i can pass and then thats it. my next semester is hell but just because scheduling the actual classes will be easy#and then i get to go back on the field and actually want to wake up every day. lol#and 8 days from now i will have my christmas shopping done and my apartment will be clean and i will be a fanfic writing machine#also my friends and i booked a demolition room so im sure that will be beneficial kfldjfldndks
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violasmirabiles · 4 months
was supposed to work on my dollars fandom event fics over the weekend but was a fool and somehow failed to take into the equation that 1) my brother got married on friday so that whole afternoon and evening went there, 2) his wifes mother insisted on arranging a wedding dinner on saturday with my parents and me and all the wifes siblings and their partners as well as one set of grandparents present and while the food was amazing and there was sooo much wine and a generally good time was had and also i won their wedding kahoot and was also in the queerest family feuds winning team with the wifes twin sister and her girlfriend (prize for both was bragging rights) i was there till like midnight and 3) on sunday all this socializing and The Stress that came with it had me feeling like someone put my brain in the blender the happy couple got from the wifes brother and also i had a headache for hangover reasons and also also there was the first round of finlands presidential election to stress over
anyway i know theres no hurry and the first days thing is well on the way and i have Ideas™ for most days im just laughing at myself. like. sure this was the kind of weekend where i was gonna have time and energy to write anything
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dummerjan · 10 months
i just passed out from stress
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faepunkprince · 5 months
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magnoliamyrrh · 7 months
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girlwithfish · 1 year
every time i go on a trip w my mom she is stressed out of her mind. i mean i understand bc thats me literally every time i go home and have to clean my apt and pack to go see my parents 😵‍💫
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