#stv x reader
2willowlane · 10 months
i do really love emily. i don't know, but something just makes me very affectionate towards her.
femme reader, sfw, established relationship
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ever since emily was then wedded to her new spouse, there's something that she still cannot get used to. well, in her heart, it feels so natural—as if she was made for this purpose, and as if everything that has been said and done was all aligned for her. even if she does indulge in her beliefs of mysticality, emily knew that what she had was real and cemented. a best friend, a girlfriend—a wife, of all things. tossing and turning in their shared bed, emily looked at your peaceful sleeping face. she found you to be so beautiful...
her eyes glossed over each of your features, from the fine contours of your nose, to those lips of which she oh, wants to kiss so dearly. the artistic side in her finds you just so genuinely interesting, as she's able to map out all of the different proportions in her mind. even if you may not be perfect, and emily is far from that as well, you two were perfect for each other. the tailor then gave into her impulses, pressing a soft kiss on her wife's cheek; lingering a bit, as she then withdraws. she misses the warmth already.
something has been nagging at emily recently, and it's mainly due to her scheduling. normally, she'd go out and work the saloon late at night; often times, just the hustle and bustle of her shifts do get her through the hours—however, she promptly would then pass out as soon as she makes her way towards home. how emily would dream of having that taste of sleep; looking forward to it every day, since it's the most downtime she has in her day—well, other than in the morning (of which she likes to relax in her home... whenever she doesn't have chores).
it's past 11pm, and the bed already feels uncomfortable for her. she has this insatiable itch to get up, to dance, to move—but, there're a few moments in emily's life where it feels as if it's better to stay still. as if she doesn't need to go put an imprint on the new day, rather, just let the earth turn. it felt like an eterenity for the woman, as she was still just glazing over the features on your face, whilst trying to think of something to do. she already knows what she wants to do tomorrow—probably tend to her crystal garden out by the farm, and then surprise her love with taking care of her chickens. oh, how she does love birds!
possibly, she could go out and forage some? she has a few hours to make it back home, and she knows you do appreciate a fresh medley. she wants you to grow healthy wnd strong, and with all of your farmwork, combat expertise, and mining efficiency... she'll be surprised if she could find anyone that'd be stronger than you. well, not only by physical strength—she knows that you're a capabale woman; more than capable.
it makes her feel proud that her gut feeling was right about you being special; but her sense of pride over having the person she loves doing what she wants to do, and is equally proud of her own work? oh, emily's heart swoons!
preparing to go out, she then slips on her shoes, makes sure to change into something she could get dirty in, and makes her way out of the house. making sure that none of the wooden floorboards don't creek underneath the rug she's walking on, emily takes softer steps—to ensure that you're not going to have a rude awakening anytime soon. she then turns around whenever she reaches the fromt door, blowing a kiss in the bedroom's direction to say "goodbye, my dear!"
the chill of the night washed over emily. well, at least it brings her more of an incentive to get out and be active! however, she still needed to be careful being out at night without light; she could still make out some objects due to the moonlight. oh, how romantic this felt with emily, and how it just felt so in-tune with her emotions. she was glad she was able to be friends with—now, be with—someone who doesn't just dismiss her mannerisms as simply "odd" or "too weird". yes, she knows that she is far from the conventional standard sometimes, but the world would be too boring if everything was a simple carbon copy of each other.
how she felt things were different than most. you were able to be with her and understand, and even if you didn't quite get everything she rambled on about, it made you feel special that she'd want to show you all of those things. emily may have her quirks, but that's what makes her, well—her! you wouldn't have her any other way.
humming a saloon tune whilst skipping to the beat of it, just thinking about surprising you with all of these goodies makes her feel so, so upbeat! if you were there, you could've seen the color to her cheeks; how that rosey hue was something all-too familiar. picking up some dandelions along the way, she did remember to pack a wicker basket a while back; as she tried her best to then assort each of the plants the best she could. emily had an eye for design and arrangements, so it did take her a bit until she was fully satisfied to continue onto the next task. if she feels so strongly about something, she needs to vent it out! emily believes that it's a true emotion, if it resonates that deeply within her.
something about this late night nature stroll does rekindle feelings emily never quite knew she had. she never had the time to go outside and to fully appreciate the stars; however, being able to actually go out, and to observe all of the things she'd normally miss due to her body just aching to get to bed... she loves it. the fresh breeze of the spring's night air was cold, however, there's still a warmth to it. oh, well, maybe it's because she's full of thoughts of you. maybe that's it.
she then makes her way throughout town, waving to some of the nightly saloon guests as they make their way out of the restaurant. ever since she was married, she doesn't have to work as much at gus'. this made her feel more free, as she knows that she cannot simply be a barsmaid forever—there's too much on her plate to do, y'know? though, now that she thinks about it, work feels much more rewarding, if she can go home and see you, to cook for you, to bring gifts to you (from all those times you've given her some), and to simply be the first and last thing she gets to see in her days.
as emily progresses up towards the mountains, she doesn't frequent this area; as she doesn't have much of a use for it. now? she loves just how raw and natural this feels to her, as she gets a good feeling of energy coming from her. you'd often talk about all of the difficult fish that you'd have to catch in this area, and you have to reassure her that you're handling the little creatures humanely; and that they're all okay, under your care. she loves how caring you are with even the smallest of things, and that positivity is contagious. well, at least in her mind.
this was the place where she truly belonged, now that she thinks about it.
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maxwell-mtv · 1 year
I'm drunk, tired, and ready to produce content. Take some Morris x [G/N]Shoplifter!Reader HCs because fuck capitalism
Morris didn't think he'd ever see the day in a small, supportive town like Pelican Town where he'd need to deal with a shoplifter
Of course occasionally Sam would swipe some small things here or there, but whether or not he realized Morris would always take it out of the man's paycheck
So when he saw the new farmer from down the way hastily looking around while shoving canned sludge into their backpack, he was a little alarmed
"Can't they just eat the crops they're growing? Or go fishing? Heck, there's even random food they could forage for themselves."
For whatever reason, though, there you were, on CCTV, stealing from a poor, helpless multi-million corporation
Morris's initial reaction was to confront you and kick you out
But then he took a moment
First and foremost, Joja protocol strictly stated that a manager could only take action after the thief surpassed a certain amount of cash value for the items stolen
Secondly, Morris took pause at the oddity of the situation
Why was the farmer doing this???
Staging himself at the exits, he eagerly stopped the farmer as they were leaving, seemingly empty-handed
"Ah, (Y/N), right? Did you find everything you were looking for today?" He says with his best customer-service smile
"Uh, yeah, just need to go home and check on things before I come back and-"
"Are you alright, (Y/N)? You're looking a little flush in the face..." Morris cuts you off, intending to make you squirm, only to realize you really did look rather feverish
"Oh, um, sorta, I just haven't been feeling the best. I guess I've exhausted myself in the fields, it takes a lot of work and time to grow good-quality crops, you know?" You anxiously eyed the door.
"I see..." Morris straightens his posture before clearing his throat. "Well, you know if you ever need any cold supplies or medication Joja is always the superior brand!"
"Thanks, Morris, but I don't exactly have the best budget for that sort of stuff, I can barely afford... uh nevermind, I should get going. I'm sure you're a busy man and I need to go home." You continue to eye the exits, shifting your feet so you continue towards them.
"I see, well, have a Joja-tastic day, (Y/N), and remember, at Joja we care..." Morris says a stock phrase pushed onto him by corporate. Watching you leave, his brows furrow in conflicted thought.
Running home, you manage to stash away your loot before collapsing on the floor of your home.
Waking sometime later to the sound of a strict knocking at your door, you rise from the splintered floorboards. Feeling groggy and gross
Hesitating, you approach the door and crack it open, only to see no one but a single gift basket, plastic wrapped and slathered with branding
Picking it up, you see the many soup cans and medical supplies inside, even including a blanket and reusable ice-pack. All of which, are Joja brand, of course. Plucking the strange card sloppily taped to the top, you read what looks to be someone's attempt at some neat hand writing...
"Dear Pelican Town Resident,
The health of all of our communities is very important to us. That is why we are gifting wellness baskets to every one of our local residents. Please enjoy these complimentary supplies, as provided by Joja Corp.
Morris, Joja Customer Satisfaction Representative"
As you closed the door, Morris finally broke his silence to catch his breath against the side of your tiny house
Making sure to peek that you'd actually grabbed the basket, he snuck his way back to Joja Mart, just in time for closing
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so-many-fandoms-here · 10 months
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice.)
• Characters: Haley, fem!Farmer
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Affection: (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Haley is hella affectionate. Will always seek body contact by holding your hand, placing her hand on your thigh when sitting together, hugs, etc. Will run you a hot bath after a long day on the farm. And she absolutely loves to do your hair.
Beauty: (What do they find especially attractive about you)
The fact that you didn’t got irritated by her mean behavior really caught her.
She took glimpses at your body here and there since the day you moved to pelican town and really likes how toned it is from all the heavy work you do.
Comfort: (How do they comfort you? How do you comfort them)
Lots of cuddles!
Dreams: (How do they imagine their future with you)
She really likes the thought of becoming a stay at home mum and do chores around the house to help you. Since she met you the farm live grew really attractive to her and she wants to grow old with you there until your children or grandchildren maybe take over the farm like you did for your grandpa.
Ending: (How would they break up with you)
She would try to hide her tears and go back to her bitchy behavior but she wouldn’t be able to hide her shaky voice.
Fight: (How are they during an argument)
Oh fighting with her is a real pain in the ass. She’s so sassy. She will apologize properly in every way possible after tho ;)
Gentle: (How gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
Beside her being her sassy self sometimes she is very gentle. She is an angel around you and your kids.
Hugs: (Do they like hugs?What are their hugs like?)
She loves hugs. I see her with her arms wrapped around your neck, pouting when you let go of her again.
I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It took a bit for her to accept the fact that she is in love with a woman, since she thought she’s straight for her whole life. But as soon as she knew that you’re the one she told you.
Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Haley gets jealous very easily. Well, she’s with the hottest and kindest woman on earth, of course she thinks everyone wants you. Main reason for your fights. Please reassure her, it really bugs her.
Kisses: (Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves kisses on her lips and neck. Make it a bit more sensual and you have her melting in your hands.
Loves to kiss your lips.
Little ones: (How are they around children?)
Haley may seem cold with other children but with yours? She’s a different person. She’s a wonderful mother.
Marriage: (Do they want to marry?)
Absolutely! Wants a classical, big, white wedding.
Nicknames: (How do they call you)
Baby, Honey, Dear, any sweet name you can think of honestly.
Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves)
Rather quickly. She feels that she can trust you.
Patience: (How easily angered are they)
Can get pissed quickly but will apologize right away.
Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you)
She will remember especially stuff you like. Your favorite shampoo, favorite scent, all the stuff that makes you feel good
Romantic: (Are they romantic)
Yes, very.
Security: (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sometimes she wants to lock you inside the house when you pass out in the mines again. She’s always dead worried when she gets a call from Harvey or Marlon in the middle of the night.
You would probably throw hands if anyone would threaten Haley.
Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Haley puts so much effort in literally anything she provides for you. Anything for the love of her life.
Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Her bitchy moods.
Vanity: (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very. It’s Haley we’re talking about.
Whole: (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It would be pretty hard for her to move on and even when she’s over it your memories together would always have a very special place in her heart.
Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.)
Buys regularly Dessous to surprise you with them.
Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like)
When you flirt with anyone else, even if you don’t mean it.
Zzz…: (Some of their sleeping habits)
Sleeps best when you two cuddle, even if it’s summer. Her mouth hangs slightly open when she sleeps.
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violet-fluff · 3 months
STV Shane x Reader
Bar Romance (oneshot)
Because I recently married Shane in Stardew Valley lol…
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It’s tradition for the whole town to meet up at the Stardrop Saloon on Thursday nights for everyone can catch up with each other.
Saloons are not necessarily your scene, but being a main part of the town's committee, you make an effort to show up and say hi to everyone at least.
Laughing with Emily at the bar top while she makes you a drink, you feel a heavy weight on your shoulders.
"Hey, farmer girl."
Emily gives you "the look" as you roll your eyes. "Alex, I don't appreciate you putting all your weight on me."
Alex turns his head to the side to burp and take another swig of his beer, making your groan in disgust. "Can't handle a little weight? With all the farm work you do all day?" He laughs uncomfortably close into your ear as you try to wiggle his arm off your shoulder.
Emily sighs as she cleans a glass. "Knock it off, Alex. You're making Y/N uncomfortable."
Your face scrunches as he leans more into you, his hot alcohol breath burning into the skin on your cheek. "I'm not making you uncomfortable, right? How about we go take a swim at the beach? You have a bikini, right?"
Before you can shove him off, your eyes widen when you watch as a hand roughly grabs Alex's arm.
"Hey!" Alex grunts and turns around, to see Shane glaring at him. "Shane! What's up man?"
Shane holds his dark glare. "Why don't you go take a seat over at the booths?"
The two men hold their intense stares with each other, and although a lot shorter and less muscular, Shane holds an intimidating aura, causing Alex to back down and trudge over to the booths.
You and Emily look at each other in shock as you both expected some fight to go down, but Shane casually takes a seat in the stool next to you and pulls your stool closer to his.
"Emily, two pizzas and two colas for us, if you don't mind." He says, as he leans back and lays his arm across the back of your stool.
Emily gives a sly smile and nods as she walks into the back to make the order.
You smile as you feel Shane start rubbing the middle of your back with his thumb while he watches the gridball game on the TV above the bar.
"Thanks." You shyly tell him.
Shane rubs the stubble on his chin as he continues to watch the TV. "For?"
You laugh softly. "For kicking a bar creep off of me."
Shane snorts a laugh and he looks over at you with his tired eyes. "You mean Alex? He's just a kid who can't hold his liquor. Alongside thinking he has a way with the ladies."
You smirk as you lean into him. "Still. You're my hero."
With a roll of his eyes, he grabs your face with his hand and squishes your cheeks together. "You talk too much."
"yOu loVe It!" You spurt out through a squished mouth.
Shane smirks and lets your face go. He wraps an arm around your waist to pull you into his lap.
Everyone in the bar are too drunk to notice the love birds at the bar top...except Emily, who's smiling and watching from the kitchen window.
"Cute." She giggles, but then the smell of smoke hits her nostrils.
"Shoot! The pizza!"
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Maybe I Will See You Tomorrow?
Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda X f!Reader
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Written for the Siege the Valentines 2023 Event. Thank you @dualrainbow for allowing me to be part of this! I had a lot of fun!
Summary: You are an employee at the Rainbow Six training facility. It is your job, alongside your coworkers, to clean up and reset the building replicas after their skirmishes. It seemed odd to you that the always careful Kapkan started forgetting things in the arena following Rainbow Six training sessions. As Valentine's Day approaches, the hunter is getting more and more bold when approaching you, waiting for the right time to make his move.
Tags/Warnings: SFW, Valentine's Day Date, cute, just fluff, no smut, first date, romance, one-shot, flirting, surprise date, just really super fluffy and cute
Word Count: 3.6k
“God, they’re always making such a fucking mess.” Your coworker Julia said, using a broom to sweep away a small pile of debris. “I mean look at this.”
She picked up a piece of glass the size of her forearm, turning it around for you to see.
“They can’t control what happens when they throw their grenades around.” You chuckled.
She dropped the shard on the ground and you watched it shatter. Julia was always complaining about this job. Of course every job had its ups and downs, but she never stopped. You sighed and kept brushing away the dirt stirred up by the Rainbow Six Operators during the day’s training session.
You wondered if you were going to see him that day or not. He had seemed to make a habit of leaving things behind since you started cleaning up after his training sessions. You would watch the skirmishes sometimes in the lounge, and you’d seen the always careful hunter fighting. He was observant, and anything but forgetful.
So far, nothing seemed out of place though, except for the usual broken chunks of wood and tattered curtains that needed replacing. You wondered if he’d finally started being more careful about leaving things behind, and if you’d made a mistake in assuming he may have been leaving his items behind on purpose.
“I’m going to get started in the bathroom, can you finish up in here?” You asked, looking over at Julia.
“Yeah yeah, take the easy room!” She chuckled, waving you off.
You rolled your eyes and started for the bathroom door. You were about to walk through when you heard a man shout.
You jumped, gasped, and stepped back from the door. A tall and broad shouldered man came down the hall toward you. You recognized the dark haired Russian anywhere, Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda. He was still in his cargo pants, and his long sleeved telnyashka rolled up to his elbows. You noticed he was carrying a drill with him. You smiled and sighed, pressing a hand to your chest. So he did forget something.
“What did you forget this time?” You asked him.
“Trap on the door.” He pointed to the bathroom door.
Okay, that was just plain negligent, and dangerous.
“Y-you left what?”
“It is no big deal.” He pressed the trigger of the drill in his tattooed hand.
You watched, mouth still slightly agape, as he walked over to the device on the doorframe and removed it with ease. You gulped and stared at it wide-eyed. He just gave you a smirk and raised his dark brows. The fact that he was being so calm about leaving a deadly explosive on the doorframe that you nearly walked into by mistake was unnerving to say the least.
“What do you mean it’s no big deal? I could’ve triggered it and…and…what do you mean no big deal?” You felt your body quivering with the realization that if hadn’t come along when he did, you would be the one getting cleaned up off the floor.
“Relax.” He tossed the gadget in the air and caught it again. “It was not activated. I made a mistake when I deployed it.”
“Ok well you could’ve started with that.” You let out a heavy sigh of relief. “You nearly gave me a heart attack…wait, if it wasn’t activated then why did you yell at me to stop?”
Kapkan didn’t smile often, but there he was, lips curled up on the sides in amusement.
“You are cute when you’re scared.” He turned to leave. “Maybe I will see you tomorrow?”
He walked away and out of sight. Heat rushed to your cheeks. Did…did he just say I’m cute? You felt your heart pounding in your chest. Your lips turned up into a smile and you felt your brain liquify. Kapkan was always so brash and mysterious. He’d never seemed to show interest in anyone. In fact, you were certain you must’ve misheard him. That’s it. There’s no way he said what you thought he said. It was absurd. You threw the thought from your mind when Julia came into the room.
“What are you doing?” She pressed, clearly seeing you just standing there staring into space like a complete idiot.
You shook your head and let out a breath. “I, erm, nothing. Kapkan forgot a trap on the door so he came in to grab it.”
She scoffed, “you know when I first started here, that man was meticulous about keeping his shit, never forgot a damn thing. He’s losing it, all the explosions around must’ve messed with his head or something.”
“Yeah…” you said, still thinking about how the handsome Russian called you cute.
The next day, you were in the replica they had of a suburban house for the Operators to use for training. You found yourself nonchalantly peering in every room and on each shelf in an attempt to see if Kapkan had left anything behind that time. Nothing stood out to you, and for a moment you felt a little disappointed.
You decided to give up and do your job. You were in the room with the pool table, arranging the balls back where they were supposed to sit before each session the following day. Some of the fake metal books had fallen on the floor by the bookshelf so you picked them up and put them back where they belonged too. Most of them had either bullet holes or dents in them at this point. You wondered when they would be replaced, or if they’d ever be replaced.
That was when you found the small and clearly carved wooden heart on the floor. It was underneath a fake copy of The Lord of the Flies. You held the carving in your hand, it fit inside of your palm. It was smooth, you could tell it hadn’t been made on a whim with the crudeness of a blade. Someone, and you were sure you knew who, had made this and spent time working on it. A smile crept across your face. You knew somehow that this heart was meant for you, it had been left behind with the hope that you would find it.
“Looks like I forgot something again.” You gasped, turning around quickly and meeting eyes with Kapkan.
You’d been so involved with the wooden heart that you hadn’t heard him come into the house. He always seemed to move silently, despite his massive stature. He leaned against the archway into the pool room. His arms were crossed over his broad chest.
“S-sorry.” He made you so nervous, not only after calling you cute the other day, but he had such an intimidating demeanor.
You went to return the heart, but he held up a hand.
“No, that was left behind on purpose.” He stood up straight, and walked over to you, his height made you feel small. “What I forgot, was to ask you what you had planned for Valentine’s Day.”
Your brain emptied so that not a single thought ran through it. You sucked in a breath and gulped. He was so close you could smell the scent of his cologne, an earthy musk. You looked down at your feet, feeling the anxiousness pool in your abdomen. His finger touched your chin and pointed you up to look in his eyes.
“You do not need to be nervous. It was a simple question, krasivaya.” His voice was low and smooth.
Krasivaya, he called me…beautiful, you thought, feeling yourself beginning to tremble.
“I…um…I don’t have anything going on tonight.” You chuckled nervously.
“Good, then I can pick you up at seven?” He raised a brow as he let go of your chin and stepped back.
“Yeah…yeah you can come pick me up.” You nodded slowly.
He pulled out his phone, “I will need to text you.”
“Oh! Yeah,” you said, still trying to come out of your daze. You pulled your phone from your pocket as well and you gave him your number.
His text came through right away, “ok, I’ve got it.” You said, putting your phone back in your pocket. “What should I wear? Where are we going?”
“I want you to wear something you are comfortable in. Whatever that is.” He shrugged. “I will see you at seven.” He winked at you before exiting out the front door.
You just stood there again, speechless as you’d been yesterday. He really had been leaving all those things behind on purpose. You’d never been romanced like that before. You’d never had someone go out of their way to make cute gestures like that before. It quite nearly took your breath away, and you stood there holding a broom in one hand, and holding the wooden heart to your chest.
“Alright he’s gonna have to stop doin’ shit like that if he’s gonna keep coming in here and freezin’ you up. Come on girl, we got work to do.” Julia said, snapping you out of it once again.
You nodded vigorously, knowing that now you had to crunch to get your work done so you could make it to your date on time. The entire rest of your shift was spent thinking about Maxim and how stupid romantic the whole thing felt. This wasn’t a feeling you were accustomed to, being courted and treated like someone special. It felt nice, and exciting, but you weren’t sure you were ready for it.
It’s just a date, you’re going, you thought, before you could try and talk yourself out of it.
At 6:45pm, you found yourself standing in front of your vanity mirror, turning side to side in order to decide if you liked your outfit. He’d said to wear something you felt most comfortable in. He didn’t specify physical or mental comfort though. Wearing pajamas would be the most physically comfortable, but a ten year old My Chemical Romance tee shirt with armpit stains and a pair of gray sweatpants with a hole in the crotch probably wasn’t the best thing to wear on a first date, even if it was extremely cozy.
On the other hand, a nice dress, pretty shoes and some complementary jewelry would make you feel more mentally confident. You wanted him to say, wow, when he saw you. He had only ever seen you when you were an hour or two into your work shift and covered in dirt and sweat.
In the end you settled for a pair of nice jeans, a somewhat low cut, and not too dressy shirt, and a nice jacket to bring it all together. A honk outside broke you from your thoughts. When you looked out of your bedroom window, you saw a black pickup truck in front of your house.
“Shit.” You said out loud to yourself.
He was five minutes early, which normally wouldn’t be a problem, but you’d planned to spend that extra five minutes panicking and possibly backing out at the last second. You grabbed your phone. When looking at the text he’d sent earlier, you knew there was no way you would’ve been able to back out.
You: My address is…
Maxim: Ok <3
He’d sent you a heart emoji. This man, this hardened soldier who hardly cracked a smile, who had never shown any sort of interest in anyone, or so you’d heard, was making you wooden hearts and sending you heart emojis through text. How could you back out of a date with someone who was, quite clearly, going out of their own comfort zone to get your attention?
You ran downstairs and stood in front of your door, sucking in a deep breath. When you opened it he was already standing by the passenger’s side door of the truck. You froze, he was so handsome. His dark hair was lightly styled, facial hair trimmed, and he was wearing civilian clothing, which you’d never seen him in before. After seeing him in a comfortable but clean sweatshirt with a white shirt underneath, and a pair of gray cargo pants, you were glad that you didn’t go with the dress.
“Wow.” He said, looking at you affectionately. “You look nice.”
You felt the heat rise to your face. “You do too.”
He opened the truck door and helped you step up into the large vehicle. You were buckled by the time he got to his side and started the truck up. You still felt nervous as he drove away.
“So…this was really spontaneous.” You were having a hard time deciding how you wanted to say what you wanted to say.
It’s obvious now that you were leaving all that stuff behind leading up to asking me out on Valentine’s Day. What made you decide that you liked me? But you couldn’t bring yourself to say it, it was too bold, and apparently boldness was his thing, not yours. You were still surprised that you said yes to the date.
“Da. You are not a big fan of surprises?” He asked.
You thought about it for a moment.
“I don’t mind them, surprises like this are nice. I just mean…I didn’t even really know you liked me until, well, yesterday to be honest.”
He chuckled, “you are not very observant, are you?”
“I guess not. I just thought you were really forgetful.” You were starting to feel yourself relax the longer he drove.
You had been a little suspicious as to his reasoning for forgetting things consistently, but you didn’t want to tell him you were on to him now. The gesture was so sweet, you thought it best to let him think you didn’t suspect a thing the whole time.
“The first time, I really did forget my drill.” When he stopped at the stop light he looked over at you. “But then I thought…maybe if I keep on forgetting things, then I will have to keep going back to get them. And maybe if I keep going back to get them, I will run into the pretty cleaning girl again.”
He turned his attention back to the road, and you held your fingers to your burning cheeks. He was throwing one sweet line at you after another and you could hardly handle it. You cracked the window down a tad to get some fresh air, you felt like you were suffocating in the best way imaginable.
He took you down a dirt road, and out to an open field in the truck. He backed it into the field before he finally stopped. If this were a normal man, not someone you knew you could trust due to the nature of the jobs you both had at Rainbow, you would think that being out there alone with him was a bad idea. Instead you found yourself feeling thrilled by the idea. Your stomach fluttered at the prospect of what he had planned.
He came around and helped you down. You didn’t really need his help, but you liked holding his hand, and the truck really was quite tall. It was a little chilly, so you were glad that you wore your jacket.
“Ok, I need a moment. You stand right where you are and face that way.” He pointed to the treeline.
“Oh, alright.” You felt yourself smirking like a fool while you turned to face the trees on the other side of the clearing.
You heard him opening and closing doors on the vehicle from behind you. There were even a couple of times you thought you heard him climbing into the bed of it. After a few more Russian slurs and frustrated grunts later, he told you to turn around.
You didn’t know what you did to have made this man so smitten with you, but you must’ve done something. He had spent the time that you were faced away turning the bed of the truck into a magical paradise. There were a couple of poles on the back of the tailgate that held string lights, creating a dim and mystical glow around the blankets and pillows that had been laid out on the truck bed. It looked so cozy and warm.
“I don’t get it.” You chuckled.
“You do not like it?” He asked, looking genuinely bothered by your words.
“No! No, it’s…it’s beautiful! It’s just so…unexpected.” You watched him relax his worried brows.
“It is once in a lifetime that we meet someone that we really connect with, and I have connected with you.” He stepped closer to you, you felt your chest tighten. “I want this to be special.”
“It’s just that I’ve been on the cleaning crew for Rainbow for over a year now and I’ve seen you work. You’re not like…this.” You held your hand up in reference to the pickup truck.
It was true. You’d started working there a year ago, but you were in a different department. About a month ago you switched departments and ended up running into Kapkan shortly after. Sometimes you caught glimpses of their training sessions and he always seemed so dark and brooding. You’d never pegged him as the romantic type.
“You have not seen me outside of work, and I have not had good reason to do something like this until now.” He took another step closer, if he stepped one more time he would be on your toes.
“Ok, but-“
His finger over your lips silenced you. His expression was soft. A breath escaped you, he was so handsome just standing there, looking at you.
“Come.” He trailed his fingertips down your arm and took your hand in his.
You followed over to the tailgate where he helped you climb up. You plopped yourself down on a soft blanket by the pillows and held your knees to your chest. You still felt rather cold, despite having your jacket. The February night was chilly, which is why Kapkan wasted no time climbing into the back with you and pulling another blanket up to wrap around you both.
Not a word was spoken for a moment. You had your eyes trained on the sky, taking in the beauty of the stars overhead. Your heart was full, and your mind was racing about all the ways you thought this night would go. When you’d woken up this morning, you were certain you were going to be spending Valentine’s Day alone.
“Do you remember the first thing you said to me?” Maxim said, breaking your line of thought.
You looked down from the stars and over at him. The way the soft and warm light lit his face made your heart skip a beat.
“Um…” You thought back to the first day you ever actually met him. “Yeah.” You chuckled.
Maxim had come back into the building replica while Julia was training you. She had stepped away and you were cleaning up some debris in the basement and came across a drill. It didn’t have a sticker on it indicating that it belonged in the training arena, so you knew it probably belonged to one of the operators. When Kapkan came in, you recalled how surprised you were to see him in person. In fact, you were so surprised that you dropped the drill.
Fuck, you’d said, I’m sorry, you’re scary.
Then you’d frozen, that wasn’t what you meant to say. You had meant to tell him that he scared you, and apologize for dropping the drill. Instead you’d just possibly broken his expensive tool, and insulted him all in one go.
I am scary? He asked, and he smirked at you.
I meant to say that you scared me. Sorry. You picked the drill up and handed it over to him. Here.
He took it and let his fingertips brush over yours when he did.
I am Maxim, what is your name?
Who would’ve thought that a month later you would be stargazing with that same man? Certainly not you.
“I will not say love at first sight, but it was that moment when I felt a connection to you. I liked you.” His face looked soft when he looked at you.
“Yeah, I guess when I think about it…I felt it too.” Your body felt like it was vibrating all over when his face started to get closer to yours.
You inched closer, a subtle way of telling him that you were ready for what might happen next. His hand reached over and touched your waist timidly, as though he were waiting for you to reject it. You didn’t though, instead you reached your hand up and touched his cheek, darting your eyes between his rapidly. You sucked in a deep breath.
For someone so rough around the edges, it was surprising how soft the first kiss you shared with him was. His lips melted into yours with an unexpected tenderness. His hand on your waist pulled you even closer, and your hand behind his head did the same, deepening the kiss. Everything about him intoxicated you, his taste on your tongue, the way he smelled, and the way his other hand reached up to cup your cheek. It wasn’t until you were nearly out of breath that you both leaned back and looked at each other.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” You said, breathing heavily.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, krasivaya.”
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buncatz · 4 months
stv as stoners:
paring : ot13 svt x reader
genere : crack , fluff
warning: obvius mentions of 🍃🍃, talking to animals/plants, mention of food, spacing out, different forms of consuming, ghibli films (mentioned one time) and i think that's it !
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seungchol (scoups): blunt energy, looks like he is the most resistant one but after one blunt he is more than fine, he gets soo cuddly and will pout if you don't give him what he wants, so expect a lot of kisses and cuddles with him, also is the designated roller
jeonghan: weed infused brownies are his thing, gets high easily, eyes easily gets red so he always brings his eye drops, becomes more menace than usual and will tease you for your red eyes (even though he is worse than you), but also becomes a cuddly baby, after all he just loves teasing and cuddling
joshua: has a pipe definitely, just zones outs and stares at some plant and starts talking with it almost the same as when he is talking to himself , he becomes more relaxed but also will laugh at everything you say, probably gets lost in your eyes bc he is spacing out thinking about your beauty
jun: pipe guy N2, cuddles with him are a must, always finding a way to kiss you even when he is talking, and talking abt that, he wants and will talk to anyone and everything, it's actually so funny bc he is telling the most random things at Doljjong like that one time you both got so high while watching ghibli that you started thinking that you were in a ghibli film
hoshi: mini bong guy, he likes to fill his lungs with smoke and just coughs until his eyes are watery, sm munchies so expect a full banquet to bye in 10 minutes, laughs at everything but he gets so relaxed he ended up falling asleep ( like in that TTT 2021 )
wonwoo: joint guy, he is spacing out, he will stare and space out, later on he just laughs at everything and subconsciously tries to get closer to you, after a while he ends up being a cuddly cat and will be your pressure blanket
woozi: also a joint guy, loves to smoke in his studio and create silly music, he lets you make the joint but most of the times it's him, will also space out bc he is mesmerised with his galaxy theme lights and you both ended up in his couch cuddling and listening to his new song
dokyeom: down for anything but mostly gets high with bong or joint, laughs at everything and anything, he gets more creative with his jokes and its more funny than usual ( yeah he can be more funny) will get SUPER CLINGY like expect being wrapped in his arms and kisses most of the time
mingyu: he is THE bong guy, gets sm munchies so he always brings something to eat, becomes the clingiest mf, always smiling like an idiot to you, also will end up falling asleep while telling you why he loves you sm (you give him the last bite)
the8: TEA 👏 INFUSED 👏WEED, he becomes one with the earth, he is so zoned out or becomes the most creative person and will talk with plant (like joshua) bc he thinks he can talk to them
seungkwan: pipe guy also, he gets more funnier and more talkative, probably doesn't realise that he is ranting and you have to shut him up with a kiss and he gets so flustered
vernon: joint, he is the most talkative when he is high, but he just rants about anything that it's in his mind like he watched sherck 2 before you guys got high? then just expect him talking about the whole movie saga over and over
dino: down for everything and i mean everything, he is the most creative one (he just says shit) he would say anything that comes in his head, he is more cuddly randomly and will pout if you don't give him a hug
[this is my first post so don't judge me so badly]
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 5 months
May Writing Challenge Day 2!!
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Pairing: Sebastian STV x Male Reader Summary: Sebastian fantasizes abt male(INTENDED) farmer Words: 471/200! WAHOO! Warnings: masturbation, seb nuts prematurely, he acts like he hates you but he's just in denial Notes: I dont write porn like this a lot so just be patient with me :'(
☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
꒷꒦He couldn't stop thinking about you, your stupid mouth and the stupid city kid accent, your stupidly thick arms, and that stupid tight shirt you wore all the time. It was gross, you were gross, Sebastian hated you, his eyes flicker over to the little pile of frozen tears accumulating on his desk and his face grows hot. You are so stupid, why do you have to go and get him these stupid tears that he likes so much, why do you know he likes them…
꒷꒦Why does he like that you're so attentive? He looks at the newest addition to his tear pile and picks it up, he rolls it around in his palm thinking about how warm and rough your hands felt handing it to him. Sebastian shifts a little in his seat his face heating up more, slowly turning red the more he thinks about you. He thought you were a fucking moron but by Yoba were you hot. He remembers when you first came into town, the first week you’d bumped into him coming into the saloon to say hi to Abigail and Sam.
꒷꒦You used to be so scrawny, your arms about as small as sticks, dark bags under your eyes fresh from the hustle and bustle of the city, and slowly getting used to the quiet country life. You’re so much bigger now, after a year of living here your arms have gotten bigger, your shoulders broader. Sebastian’s hand drops down to his thigh, he looks around like someone is going to pop out from somewhere and laugh at him for getting this pent up about someone he's supposed to ‘hate’.
꒷꒦He’s acting like such a virgin, palming himself through his jeans, biting his lip to muffle his embarrassing whimpers. Sebastian squeezes the tear in his other hand thinking about how your rough hands would feel on his skin, how your calloused fingers would feel on his nipples… He drops the tear and leans back in his chair, he stiffens as it creaks and looks to the door nervously like you or his mom could pop in at any minute.
꒷꒦Ever so slowly he moves, his free hand trailing under his hoodie to his nipples, he circles around one with the pad of his middle finger thinking about your hands. Sebastian’s lips part as he imagines your mouth on him, he's panting softly and whining quietly as his hand works on his straining erection, he’s already getting close and he’s just started. His computer pings and he startles, his body tensing and curling in on itself as he cums prematurely. 
꒷꒦Sebastian freezes and looks down at his pants, there's a visible wet spot on his crotch, he groans embarrassed at how gross he was being before getting off his chair to go clean himself up.
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thatdoctorharvey · 4 years
general headcanons for harvey?
This was easy and hard to do. There are a LOT of headcanon ideas I had for him but I didn’t want to make this SUPER long so, here be a few!
Harvey is definitely the type that will ask you before doing anything. Literally anything.
“Is it okay if I take you out for dinner tonight?” “Can we cuddle when I get off work?” “Am I allowed to make you breakfast tomorrow morning?”
Always assure him he doesn’t need to ask. He will learn in due time that he can just pull you onto the couch and cuddle while feeding you something he made for dinner. You will not mind.
Speaking of cuddles, PLEASE CUDDLE THIS POOR BOY!
He absolutely loves to cuddle! Especially when he comes home from the clinic and is just exhausted and you pull him on the couch and let him lay on you. He melts!
He also loves when he can be your pillow after a rough day. Being able to hold you is one of the best feelings to him. He will never want to let go.
Gets a bit nervous when you lay on his belly just because he is a bit self conscious about his weight, but still enjoys it.
Will 100% play with your hair.
He may or may not have asked almost every girl in town to help him learn how to do different hairstyles just so he could keep himself occupied while you nap on him.
Master a braiding hair
Also loves when you play with his hair! Its a very comforting feeling and helps him fall asleep rather quickly.
Is always helping out around the house and the farm
100000% loves to cook for the both of you, even if he isn’t the best at it.
Loves your cooking. He doesn’t care if it’s the same dish every night for a week straight, he will compliment it every single time.
Over all, a very lovey boy who is just the happiest man alive
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Headcanons: Crushing > First Kiss > Dating + Proposal with Tom Paris
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Requested by: Three separate anons.
Pairing: Reader x Tom Paris (Star Trek Voyager)
Gender: Neutral          Triggers: Brief mentions of injuries
Note: Sorry it took me a while to get these out! I’m not sure how I feel about these, but I hope you guys like them! 
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✭ Being stuck on a starship in space is difficult enough, and it’s almost impossible not to get a crush on someone you are stuck around constantly
✭ But you were a bit surprised when the crush you developed was on Tom, he was just a friend but, you started to want more
✭ Tom was just as surprised when he noticed his own crush on you as well
✭ You realized your crush when you were talking to him one day and he smiled at you, and you felt your heart almost implode
✭ Not to mention the surely noticeable way your face flushed
✭ Tom noticed his crush when he heard you laugh in the cafeteria one day and he couldn’t help his eyes seeking you out, or the way he desired to hear your laugh again
✭ Both of you began to notice the way you got nervous around each other, yet at the same time you would seek each other out for no reason other than to just be around each other
✭ And of course, you were both oblivious to each others feelings
✭ Tom having a crush on you also includes random acts of unnecessarily kindness; such as suddenly taking a not-so heavy box out of your arms and carrying it for you, helping you with tasks revolving around your station when he is done for the day at his own, him randomly making sure you’ve been drinking plenty of water and eating, etc. 
✭ He just seemed to be more caring towards you. This is when you finally began to notice that he might have developed feelings towards you.
✭ He began to notice you’re feelings towards him when he kept catching you watching him out of the corner of his eye.
✭ When he thought that you might feel the same, he couldn’t contain his excitement, and began to try and figure out the best way to confess his feelings
First Kiss: 
✭ When he finally decided to confess his feelings, it all went wrong.
✭ He had asked you on a date
✭ Which came as a shock to you, but a great one at that. Both of you were so nervous and excited. 
✭ Unfortunately, it all backfired when the Voyager came across a group of aggressive aliens that attacked the ship
✭ After that whole ordeal was over, Tom noticed that he hadn’t seen you around, and he got worried
✭ Finding out that you had been injured, he ran to the med-bay
✭ You were conscious, but bandaged, and pretty banged up
✭ When you saw him, you gave him a smile, which he returned with a small one, clearly laced with worry.
✭ “So much for our date huh?” you would joke lightheartedly, hoping to lighten the mood as he approached your bedside
✭ Tom would feel such an abundance of relief that he would loose sight of his senses, suddenly leaning down an kissing you
✭ It was quick, as he realized what he had done as soon as he did it
✭ Straightening up quickly he’d rub the back of his neck, “S-Sorry, I should have asked first, I was just so glad that you are alright”
✭ You’d get over your shock with a smile at his shyness “It’s alright...I didn’t mind, besides, we can reschedule the date” you finished, trying to calm him down by suggesting it
✭ He would be relived and smile big “Good, I would love that”
✭ You would start officially dating after your real first date, which came the day after you got out of the med-bay.
✭ Dating Tom would be a relationship full of humor and laughter, as making you laugh was one of his top priorities, you lived a stressful life being stranded in space, so he always wanted to make sure you would smile
✭ Of course with it’s ups, it had it’s downs too
✭ Tom could be pretty stubborn so you might clash on opinions from time to time, but there was nothing ever big enough that you couldn’t get over it
✭ Most of the time it was like dating your best friend, always making jokes, and having great conversations, and just being comfortable around each other
✭ When things would go wrong, you were both protective of each other, always wanting to keep the other out of harms way
✭ If either of you got hurt, it was a mix of fear, pain, stress, and relief when they would end up being okay
✭ Though, this is also the sort of situation that might lead to you having a fight
✭ One of you making a difficult decision and getting hurt, the other one being angry at the other for doing so. But in the end of course, you’d get over it, and would be happy that it all hopefully worked out. 
✭ Tom insists on having at least one date a week, switching off between the two of you, using the holodeck of course
✭ Sometimes you would have double dates with other couples on the ship, allowing you to form even more friendships
✭ After dating for two years, and having been stuck on Voyager for just over three years (its seven years total in the series I believe), Tom finally decided that he wanted to marry you
✭ He was incredibly excited, but also nervous.
✭ He worked with some engineers and friends on the ship to make an engagement ring, that he thought would be temporary, but you ended up loving it so much that you kept it
✭ Tom wanted to plan a beautiful holodeck date for your anniversary, that would end in fireworks (literally) and him on one knee.
✭ But just like the first date, it didn’t go as planned, of course.
✭ Things went wrong, aliens attack, as per usual
✭ You end up trapped on an unusual planet, running from dangerous aliens
✭ You and Tom, both injured, are hiding in a cave system, waiting to hopefully be rescued by Voyager, but it wasn’t looking good
✭ You were clinging to each other, trying to stay warm, both of you tired, and weak from your injuries
✭ He would stare at you for a moment, hidden fear in both of your eyes, both of silently you thinking that you weren’t going to make it back
✭ “I love you Y/n” “I love you too Tom”
✭ He would pause for a moment before stroking your face “If we make it out of here I want you to marry me”
✭ You would stare at him in shock for a second, before you smiled at him “Is that why you were so torn up about our anniversary date being ruined?” 
✭ He’d chuckle lightly “Yeah, it is. I just wanted it to be special ya’ know?”
✭  “I don’t need candlelight and nice food for a question like that Tom. Of course I’ll marry you”
✭ Both of your fears would disappear as you hugged each other in happiness, but only momentarily, as it would slowly slink back as you clung to each other, and the sky began to darken outside.
✭ Eventually you’d both lose consciousness from your injuries, but luckily, Voyager found you and brought you back to the ship
✭ After you recovered together in med-bay, you got your ring (that he had made a couple weeks prior), and you planned a lovely ceremony that would take place a few weeks later. 
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Please consider reblogging, likes are lovely and appreciated, but reblogs are the best way to share creators works past our followers :)
Also, if you’d like to be added to the taglist for Star Trek, or any other fandom or character let me know! :) xx
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mlmdarkfiction · 6 years
Honestly I can see the real reason for Shane and Elliot coming to Stardew Valley being related to their yandere tendencies.
Shane's coworker reporting him and him being fired and threatened with jail if he doesn't leave them alone. Or if we wanna go even darker the person of his affections killing themselves causing his own depression to skyrocket
Elliot getting feelings for his publisher, or close friend. Someone who helps with his writing, someone who puts together that a lot of his new writings seem to be offputting, or about them.Elliots humiliated by their eventual rejection and leaves town to try and get over it and rebuild himself.
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I know its far too late but can everyone stop tagging djo in general joe keery / steve harrington / etc posts im tryng to see DJO yoiu are showing me OTHER GUYS
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2willowlane · 10 months
i'm running out of stuff to put here as a good filler. anyways, love harvey. yeah.
gender-neutral reader, sfw, established relationship
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harvey was neither an early bird, nor a night owl. somehow finding a comfortable medium between the those two active hours, his scheduled called for him to allocate his time; rather, staying up late to finish reports, and waking up to then start the day anew again. falling victim to those habitual practices, the doctor always found the hours bleeding into the afternoon to be the most productive part of his day. either if it's because of the appointments booked during those times, or whenever the coffee starts to kick in; there was something he could just ever-so easily rely on to remind him of the fact that this was all real.
it may have just been a bit too simple and mundane at times for the brunette, but harvey still persevered. if he ever woke up, of which he normally does, before the farmer's 6 am schedule, he'd normally surprise them with a hearty breakfast and a sweet kiss. sometimes, he thinks that he doesn't need caffeine to help him get through his days; all he needs is to just grace your lips with his, and he's already smitten; in thought of you.
however, he didn't wake up in time to do any of that. searching around for his eyeglasses on the nearby nightstand, feeling for that familiar figure, he then puts them on; as he is blind as a bat without one (though, he'd argue that those creatures have impeccable vision--in contrary to his). on days like these, he'd try to move out of the covers, trying to not rouse you out of your sleep. you needed it, and plus, it was always ever-so endearing for him to see you so, so comfortable in bed. harvey didn't ever want you to think that all of your hard work has ever gone to waste, and even if you'd ever tend to daydream about what it'd be to live in another life, he'd fully understand--however, with his stay here on the farm, he'd need to think about it over again.
some people say that you'd always want what you never have, and that you should be careful for what you've wished for.
tossing his body to the side of the bed, he'd then sigh, as he was then lost in his thoughts again. a schedule helps stabilize his purpose, though, with harvey knowing how packed and busy one can be, maybe he can take it easy today. even if he was looking forward to surprising you today.
well, maybe later, then.
the doctor does tend to a small plotted garden out front, next to the farmhouse. even though your love does indulge in gardening every now and then, mainly just for his eye for seasonal decoration, he grew some of your favourite crops that were in-season for the fall. he isn't the most well-versed in the realm of cooking, although, he knows enough about certain dietary topics to be informed well. making sure that you'd get the most nutrients from the selection of either greens, fruits, or vegetables (or, a mishmash of either three together), he'd do his best to blend the flavours accordingly so.
if there was anything that he took any sense of immense pride in, other than his work, then it had to have been cooking for you. your husband wouldn't consider it a chore, rather, something he rather looks forward to every day! whilst he does like to take you out to the stardrop saloon every now and then, it filled his heart with such raw affection, seeing that look on your face (right before he smothers it with kisses. oh, how your laugh does a plethora of indescribable things to that man...).
once harvey sits up properly, he knew that you were out of the house already. with him adjusting to the light, albeit, the sleep inertia's getting to him, he checks to then see a written note; underneath a warm mug of coffee. it was funny how he didn't quite register the smell of one of his all-time favourite beverages (was he getting a cold? how ironic of him). moving the cup to the side, and then smirking at the endearing circular imprint it then left on the small letter, he then presented it to himself; reading it between his thumb and index.
it detailed about how you found him adorable in his sleep, of which made him feel flattered, and then talked about how equally as cute his gentle snores were. harvey mumbled a soft "oh, you didn't have to go that far...," under his breath, addressing no one, but still knowing that was the reaction you expected out of him.
when harvey finished then reading about how you had a busy day ahead of him, and how you'll make it up later, you signed it off with you saying you loved him; followed by your name, and little heart symbol marked with pen. flipping the note between his fingers to see if there was anything else, he wasn't met with anything much.
harvey could feel how his grin with digging into his face, as he then was about to get up; to at least change into other clothes, shave if he needed to, and get more comfortable. however, a certain family cat decided to go against what was on his agenda for the day--as it than began to settle between his legs; making itself comfortable. there wasn't much that could be done, if you had a kitty laying on you. deciding to then accept his fate, harvey gave in; giving the little devil its well-needed (wanted) affection and attention.
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loveronlineee · 2 years
Oh, Worm? (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Synopsis: Y/N asks Eddie the “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” question
Y/N Notes: none
Okay I saw this request from an anon and immediately had to do it. This it a super short one but I hope you guys still like it!
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
Y/N and Eddie relaxed on the couch in Eddie’s trailer. They often did this on Saturdays; going to one of their’s and just hanging out. It didn’t matter what they did, as long as they were together. YN sat with her legs crossed at one end, reading a book. Eddie lay across, his head resting on Y/N’s lap as he tried to nap.
The trailer was quiet. Only the sounds coming from the tv at a low volume. Y/N put down her book.
“Hey Eddie?”
“Yeah?” He answered, eyes still closed.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Eddie looked at her, a little confused. After a moment of silence, Y/N got a reply.
“Wait why are you a worm?” Y/N shrugged.
“I don’t know just answer.” Eddie looked up at the ceiling, thinking.
“So did you turn into a worm just now or were you born a worm?”
“Does it matter?” Y/N chuckled. Eddie sat up and turned around to face her.
“Yes! Because if you turned into a worm right now, I would be really sad.” Eddie began to ramble, using his hands a lot to help him explain. “But I’d still take care of you, give you some nice soil to live in. But if you were born a worm, then no.”
“No?!” Y/N faked offence.
“How am I supposed to fall in love with a version of you that doesn’t have your face, your body or your personality??”
“Hey I’d still have my personality!” The couple began a joking argument. Smiling as their voices got louder. Eddie stood up from the couch and began pacing back and forth.
“But I’d never hear you sing, or throw me a sarcastic comment! I’ll never see you get excited when your favourite show is on or dance to my music! What’s the point then??” Y/N grinned and stood up, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Only you could answer that question and make it romantic.” Eddie grinned back and held her waist. They closed the gap between their lips then pressed their foreheads together. “I love you.”
“I love you too Y/N. I’m glad you’re not a worm.”
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~~~Star Wars~~~
I Can Feel You - (Part 1) (Part 2)
Ben Solo
Keep It Between Us - (Part 1) (Part 2)
Kylo Ren
Something More - (Part 1) (Part 2)
Don’t Forget Me - (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
It Has to Mean Something - (Part 1)
Here For You
Enchanted - (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Armitage Hux
It’s A Lie - (Part 1) (Part 2)
Not Going Anywhere
~~~Stardew Valley~~~
Strawberries (NSFW)
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