#sugar free life
futurefoodie · 4 months
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These look so yummy! I would recommend for anyone who either is diabetic or just wants to cut down on their sugar to substitute the regular pie filling with sugar free filling. I wonder what other pie themed taquitos you could make.
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I love you fucked up tv shows I love you gorey movies I love you traumatized characters who perpetuate the cyclical nature of abuse while still managing to remain sympathetic I love you intentionally morally ambiguous media that exists specifically to pose questions about psychology, ethics, and human nature I love you unflinching examinations of what it means to dance the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors I love you I love you I love you
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simoneindiaa · 1 month
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Feeling every emotion, turning it into power. Thank you, God.
Xoxo, SIS <3 =)
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aurynne · 1 year
my take on the fiction vs reality debate when it comes to being sexually attracted to young characters, presented with poorly edited pictures. eat my ass out in the replies but before you do, just know that having trauma doesn’t excuse any weird behavior.
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morhath · 5 months
lmnt (brand of electrolytes I use) just sent me totally free and unexpected samples of... electrolyte... seltzer? I guess I must be one of their top customers or something lol. currently have it in my fridge to cool down. I would love to recommend their company wholeheartedly for this kind of thing but they do also regularly send me unhinged emails about how the FDA is lying to us about salt and we should all be on the keto diet or whatever.
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made gingerbread biscuits! just ate one fresh out of the oven almost too hot to hold. is good
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pinkbubblewitchpeaches · 11 months
I love Czechfantasy so much, just the thought of getting put into that fuckhouse with the holes in the wall where they tie up your legs and let hoards of strangers use your pussy… gahwddd I wanna do this so bad.
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therapeutic007 · 1 month
The Magical Journey of Skincare: A Comedy of Errors 🧴
Hey, fellow skincare enthusiasts (and those just trying to figure out what the heck to put on their face)! 🌟
So, I’ve been on this wild skincare journey, and let me tell you, it’s been more of a sitcom than a serene self-care routine. I figured I’d share a few highlights to motivate you to join me on this fantastical adventure—because if I can survive this, so can you!
The Great Cleanser Catastrophe: I once mistook my roommate’s oil cleanser for a body wash. Spoiler alert: my skin was glowing, but the rest of me was like, “Why do I smell like a salad?” 🥗 Lesson learned: always read labels!
Exfoliation Overload: In my quest for that “glass skin” everyone’s raving about, I went a little overboard. Let's just say my face ended up looking like a tomato had a rough night out. Now I know that less is more… unless you’re talking about pizza, of course. 🍕
The Mask Mishap: Tried a new sheet mask that claimed to be "intense hydration." Turns out it was so slippery that I ended up looking like a very confused fish trying to keep its balance. Who knew a facial could include cardio? 🐟💦
The Moisturizer Fiasco: I once mixed up my moisturizer with my boyfriend’s hair gel. Not my best look, but hey, I was shiny AND stylish! Who knew I could rock the “wet look” so well? 😎✨
So, why should you follow my blog? Because I’m here to document every hilarious mishap, every laugh-out-loud moment, and, of course, the occasional success story! Together, we can navigate this wild world of skincare, make bad decisions, and end up with our best faces forward (eventually).
Join me on this rollercoaster of creams, serums, and the quest for flawless skin. Who knows? You might just laugh so hard, your wrinkles will smooth themselves out! 😂💖
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paranormeow7 · 8 months
man. what a ridiculous fever dream world we live in. I eat my dinner and people get bombed. people have debates about people getting bombed. fellow humans. and people have all these labels and nuances and it’s These Guys Fault they deserved it because of This Were Doing This To Them Because They Did It To Us First and it’s like. no one’s looking at the big picture. which is that fellow human beings are dying and starving and going without healthcare and surrounded by corpses. a culture, not a statistic. all we see is their suffering. we never know who they are as people. they are dehumanized in their plight while we continue to have stupid fucking debates about Hamas and picking sides MONTHS LATER INTO THE NONSTOP BARRAGE. it doesn’t really matter why people say it’s happening or what words you use to talk about it. it’s an atrocity. and this shit is happening everywhere and has happened for pretty much all of human history. great world we live in. my god why can’t we just be good to each other and stop caring about the little things that devolve into huge things that get people killed en masse. call your reps donate esims just. please. remember the humanity of the marginalized who had lives just like you and are more than a statistic or a sad video or brownie points on tumblr dot com. post over goodnight. I’m tired. of everything
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detentiontrack · 22 days
I want to marry whoever came up with the idea for this energy drink and have all their babies. Celsius blue raspberry lemonade FIZZ FREE???? NON CARBONATED??? This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my life. Thank you Mr/Mrs Blue Raspberry Lemonade Non Fizz Celsius. I owe you my life.
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brother-emperors · 1 year
"when you marry off a son to the church, they're married to god's vicar on earth" lives rent free in my mind now, thank you very much! also, can't stop thinking of rodrigo borgia and giuliano della rovere as a bickering divorced couple, and it's too kinda your fault -_-
absolutely CACKLING at the idea of rodrigo and giuliano as a divorced couple because I've always envisioned them as two different types of monsters that despised each other and were intent on eating the other along with anyone else that got in their way, with giuliano coming out of that war winning. and it wasn't enough to get the throne (the papacy), he also kicked cesare to the curb after luring him back in. we love to see it! you can't buy that kind of hate off the shelves, you have to curate it and let it fester like an open wound! an absolute masterclass in driving in one final nail into the coffin of a family you despise. (there's a kind of dynastic rivalry subtext in regards to inheritance etc, between these two that makes them incompatible with the divorced framework to me. it's more of a eat or be eaten, destroy the pretender to the throne, etc etc in my mind)
ascanio sforza and giuliano della rovere on the other hand. they have an adjacent kind of divorced energy, to me. those two were rivals for so long (ascanio kneecapping della rovere by backing rodrigo in the papal elections, and it escalating from there), and only came together in the end (della rovere visiting ascanio every day on summer for conversation, hello??), and even then: that came with a hefty side of deeply unbalanced power dynamics of the julius caesar-clemency variety (fun fact! when giuliano della rovere became pope, he took on the name julius II in reference to julius caesar!)
wait--- you want to know who's literally divorced, though? ascanio and rodrigo. ascanio was one of the major players in setting up the lucrezia borgia-giovanni sforza marriage, and that annulment had implications, especially with how rodrigo kept trying to shut ascanio out of vatican politics. that didn't stop them from sharing the pastime of gambling together, though.
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zima74824 · 4 months
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Please reblog to spread awareness !!!!!
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simoneindiaa · 2 months
Thank you God for always keeping me close.
xoxo, SIS <3
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grocerystoreanxiety · 1 month
didn’t go over my calories for today but I ate 2 kitkats so obv my brain thinks I just gained approx. 4kg in one sitting, lovelyy
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mirmidones · 1 month
i really wish they made salty flavored chewing gum. ive been trying to fight my perpetual state of hunger with chewing gums, which i unfortunately dislike, and i think i would dislike it less if i could have it salty/savoury. every day i dream of that one full meal chewing gum roal dahl thought up
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advisorsage · 2 months
The universe loves me
#i can get the a i need for my online class after all!!!!!!#eeeeeeeeeeeeee#i just have to do 2 things and I'm gonna get the a#then I'll get my full amount of funds instead of half#I'm so excited#i mean first i have to do things for my in person class for that a but that one is super easy#this is such a gift and i don't know what deity did this#i don't worship any luck deities or ones associated with money or fortune or knowledge so idk#like all of mine are chaos and revelry and trickery other than one#but that one is like motherhood and stuff and i worship her to get the comfort of a divine mother#anyway whatever deity decided to blast my ass with fortune i love you#also i got what i needed to up my financial aid for the upcoming school year so double fortune#I'm vibrating with excitement#i may not be getting anywhere in my job search but my bank account won't be negative and I'll have the grades i wanted#life is beautiful today#i also got my doctor to switch me to gel for my t so i won't have a bad reaction hopefully and i see the gastroenterologist tomorrow#i'll get the swallowing problem dealt with soon even if i have to get a camera shoved down my throat again#and my college is doing a free tuition thing that while i don't think i qualify for will still be really good for other people who need it#and my dad leaves town for 2 weeks in the morning#I've just had a ton of good things happen in a row#also i got to see the living tombstone on Saturday and i swear that fixed the funk i was in from what i had to do last week#and i learned sweet tea doesn't taste like pure sugar so it's actually decent#damn I'm feeling good#anyway happy rant over#go be gremlins#and as always#drink water you heathens
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