#suicidal yuu
mentallyshattered · 11 months
What if Yuu didn't want to go back? What if Yuu was suicidal before, and is giving life a second chance because of the new magic world? What if Yuu wants nothing more than magic and no way "home"?
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
Well, this is unusual. I'm in some kind of box- a coffin, maybe? Ooh, maybe I was buried alive! That'd be fun. Then I wouldn't have to-
"Aha! C'mon, human, give me your uniform! I wanna attend!"
A cat. A chubby, grey little cat with blue flames coming out of its ears just removed the lid from my brand new box and it can talk. Oh my god.
There's a tuft of off-white fur below its neck, it has pink toe beans, and its teeth are unusually sharp, even for a cat. The tip of its tail is trident-shaped and fades into black, and there's a similar gradient on its back paws.
"Grim?" My voice escapes me before I can stop it. I doubt I could stop it, though. The resemblance to Grim, my now-dead cat, is uncanny, and I've missed him ever since he left. I wish I knew what killed him, but... is this really him?
"Yes. I'm Grim, future world-famous mage!" And you are... he starts looking pensive, probably trying to guess my name. "...Yuu. Your name is Yuu."
The cat looks suprised. "How'd you know my name?"
"Is it really... you?" Oh my god, this cat is named Grim.
He's absolutely right. This has to be him.
"Myaa! Hey, human, why are you hugging me? Was I right? Put me- hey, are you crying?" His voice- Grim's voice- momentarily wavers, quieting. "Well... I guess I'll let you keep yours."
"Keep my what?"
"Your uniform. I'm going to enroll at this school to and become a world-famous mage! And, for that, I need a uniform. But..." He pauses. "I'll let you enroll, too. We can be classmates!" He brightens at the last sentence. I resume crying. "Human, are you alright?"
I nod. "Better."
Somewhere nearby is the sound of keys. Someone is trying to open a lock. Startled by the noise, I fall back in my coffin- still holding Grim- and the door of the box slams shut, hiding us both within.
"Hey, Yuu," Grim whispers, "I'm probably gonna get put down as your familiar if I don't get out. What do we do?"
"I don't know. Where are we, anyway?"
A distant click cuts our conversation short as who- or what- ever was fumbling with the keys successfully unlocks and opens the door. Footsteps start approaching, getting louder and louder, before stopping in front of mine and Grim's.
"Why is the lock on this one busted? Usually, they wait for me to open it... do we have an escapee?"
Dim light floods into the coffin, revealing me the two of us to a... plague doctor? No, this looks to be a bird-liking man. His mask only covers the top half of his face, and his eyes glow yellow behind it. He looks just as suprised as I probably do.
"I don't recall anyone with a familiar of that description on the new student register. What's its name?"
"His name is Grim." At the same time, Grim says
"His name is Yuu."
I look at Grim. Grim looks at me.
"Sorry about my hench-human, sir."
Now the bird man looks REALLY suprised.
"We don't have anyone by either of those names on the new student register." He narrows his eyes. "Are you sure you're where you're supposed to be?"
"More than sure!" Grim replies.
"Not really sure," I respond, timed in such a way that the "sure" in the two answers align.
Mr. Bird looks very confused now.
"Is something wrong, headmage?" Someone behind Mr. Bird speaks up, sounding impatient. Mr. Bird turns to the side, revealing a huge crowd of people- some short, some very tall, and some have... horns? Well, Grim has blue flames coming out of his ears, so I guess that's not too far-fetched.
"They aren't on the register." Mr. Bird sounds very confused as he speaks. I catch a "we were one student short of our enrollment quota..." from under his breath. The coffin-box to our right shakes a bit, and out comes a kid with bright, red hair.
"...Sorry. I'm claustrophobic." His explanation is enough to get most people in the room to return their gazes to me, Grim, and Mr. Bird.
"Trappola, right?"
"That's correct, sir."
Mr. Bird shakes his head, smiling slightly. "I remember. You were intentionally placed so you wouldn't have to stay in there for long. My apologies, I should've let you out by now."
Trappola grins. "It's alright. My brother told me how to do this part, so..."
Mr. Bird nods once.
"Go right ahead."
Trappola goes and stands in front of a strange, flat ellipsis that's hovering in the center of the room. His robes are very fancy and appear to be high-quality- as do the identical robes of everyone else in the room, except Grim and Mr. Bird. Am I wearing those, too? A quick glance downwards reveals the answer is yes.
"Heartslabyul." It sounds like the hovering circle is the source of the sound, and it probably is. A red-haired person who's short and too androgynous for me to believe I can accurately assume their pronouns motions for Trappola to join the crowd behind them.
With Grim on my shoulder, I hop out of the coffin-box and move to stand where Trappola did. There's a face in the black-glassed mirror, though it looks more like a mask than a face. I hold my arms just beneath my chest, and Grim, understanding what I'm hinting at, gets down from my shoulder and stands on my arms, leaning towards the mirror's shiny surface. For a moment, a mere moment, all is quiet.
I turn around, Grims climbs back onto my shoulder, and a tall, blond girl smiles and motions for us to join the crowd at her back. Standing among them, I'm... Actually starting to feel welcome! People seem exited, genuinely exited, for me to have joined them. That's a first.
After a while, the ceremony is over. I have a cool new pen with a purple gem on the end, and Grim has an identical stone on a necklace. The tall, feminine, blond guy I mistook for a girl- "Vil"- leads us to our dorm.
I don't think I have magic, but I'll have to hope- otherwise, it's... something. I don't know what, but I know it won't be good.
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lokisis · 26 days
If I had a nickel for every time I fell in love with an oc that ended up with a chest wound and a chip in their soul because they care way too much about a ventriloquist dummy (that is alive and very concerned)
I would have 2 nickels
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Yuu: There’s only one thing worse than dying.
Yuu: [rips paper off to reveal ‘Mika dying’]
Mika: Me.
Yuu: NO!
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choujinx · 4 months
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KANOJO TO BOKU NO ENDROLL (2021) by sasuga kei
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1296-very-good-year · 2 years
*SPOILERS for D. Gray-man chapter 246*
While I hadn't read the short story about Allen's past, I did know vaguely how he got his name but BOY actually reading and seeing the events play out was something else.
Cross straight up trying to murder little Red, getting stopped, but then out of spite making sure to punish him anyway by saying "Remember this is all your fault." Wow. He didn't need to do that but he sure did...
And Red internalized that so hard he tried to kill himself. Then, failing that, he decided to atone for what he did to Mana by assuming the name and role of Mana's dead dog bc Mana's mind was so scrambled he couldn't tell them apart. Like... Yikes.
I dunno if the flashback is going to fast-forward to when Mana "dies" so we get to see that in context or if the flashback is over, but I feel like we need to see it eventually. All we know is that he got run over by a carriage and dies so there's definitely more to it. And remember this whoooole flashback started bc Allen saw one of Mana's symbols on a tree and the context for that comes once Allen and Mana are already traveling together.
And Kanda doesn't know what happened next, right? Maybe we will be spared reliving it and present day Allen will just say something like "We made up these symbols together, then Mana died and I made him an akuma then killed him again, the end."
I'd love to get back to the plot!! You know, the happier present where Allen is being eaten away by his uncle taking over his body and Lavi is being tortured and eaten away by virus eyeballs as he has been for the past 3-4 months/12 years 😅😫
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Just a Yuu who is done with everything. Not really suicidal per se not reckless. Just “if it happens it happens” and like… perpetually flippin both life and almost the entirety(almost. Not Ortho) of NRC off. Like… one that will laugh in the face of danger and death in like a “been there, done that” kinda way? They just roll with everything. Maybe they’re like “well I guess we’re doing this AGAIN.”
Like. Not necessarily no self preservation, they won’t go out of their way to throw themself in danger but they don’t really care if something happens? At this point, maybe they’re just trying to get some entertainment or trying to get whatever it is over with.
Does this make sense?
I understand where you're coming from but this very much still suicidal. I feel like if you combine a Yuu that's openly suicidal plus this concept and maybe Mean!Yuu it can lead to some very interesting interactions.
After all Ace, why do you look so nervous, so remorseful? You were a mistake and the worst Prefect ever according to him, shouldn't he be celebrating your attempts? Hes not truly a friend anyways...
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sasdavvero · 10 months
Rating: T
Relationship: Bachira Meguru & Bachira Yuu
Characters: Bachira Meguru, Bachira Yuu
Tags: Suicide, Grief, Introspection, Mother-Son Relationship, Pre Blue Lock, Ghost Bachira Meguru, Blood, Painting
Words: 2k
His mum had always been a very sunny person.
Bachira Meguru didn’t remember much of anything, but all the memories of his mother were positive, nice ones. He could barely recall her explaining to him color theory as she painted while he sat on her lap and observed her. He remembered she was the happiest she had ever looked when she was painting and when he had found that soccer hobby. She had always encouraged him in his passions, he remembered her words when the bullying started, he remembered he had been so glad his mother always knew what to say to lift his spirit, to make him forget, even if only for a short time, about the world around them.
At that moment, though, Bachira Meguru could only see his mother kneel to the ground as she held his lifeless body.
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single-handedly talking about doctrine doctrine in the year of myself 2024
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Yall probably don't know thiz abt Aiyuu (unlezz ur in a discord server I talked abt her in), but before coming to Twisted Wonderland, when she was still in Evillious, she had reincarnated a total of 4 timez (including her current self)
Yez I know in evillious the max number of reincarnationz one can have iz 3, no I do not care thiz iz my oc I can do what I want
Anywayz, I made thiz post to talk about them, though some details are missing
Tw for a mention of the act of removing oneself from existence
The first, Aiana Loop Octopus (Original Sin Story)
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Aiana was kind, but naive. Less than Eve but still so. She worked as an assistant to the senate while the 7th Project Ma was being put under way. She was also there before Gammon's revolution, mostly just dragging him out of bars and shit while looking at Adam with the stink eye. Those she got along with the most were of course Gammon and Nyoze, but she also had a positive relationship with both Irina and Elluka and liked hearing about Elluka's relationship with Kiril. She disliked Adam for no particular reason and was also slightly suspicious of him(even more so when he just left with Eve), and was intimidated by Ly and Milky. Mostly Ly. She also never actually met Eve, just heard of her.
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The second, Allura Octo (Gluttony)
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Allura was mature, but petty. She was often the one to reign Arte and Pollo in, but also sometimes liked joining them in whatever chaos they were making. She admired Banica a great deal, but had a slight dislike of Carlos for similar reasons to Arte and Pollo, because he looked like Adam.
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And the Third, Yurisa Octo (Story of Evil)
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Yurisa was an anomaly. She was brash and reckless, but somehow still caring. She worked as a maid of the Lucifenian royalty for most of her time due to being abandoned at a young age. She was under Elluka's care for a while. She hung around the servant trio (Allen, Ney, and Chartette) a lot and somehow got along with Chartette due to their personalities. She was also friendly with Ney, due to the both of them also being friends in their previous lives. She also was one of Riliane's favorite servants and got along quite well with her too. Then she suddenly disappeared. Where she actually went was to find Gast/Zenon, who she knew had some sort of relationship to her due to (some reason). She had traveled literally all the way to Asmodean to join his band of mercenaries. She did eventually come back to Lucifenia because of Allen hiring the mercenaries as protection due to the revolution. She did not exactly last there, as she decided to surrender and end her life upon fighting Chartette, which she deeply regretted doing.
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mentallyshattered · 11 months
This is part 3 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
"Myaah, keep going!"
"Non, chat. You no longer need to be brushed. Vil, how is Yuu's hair coming along?"
Vil sighs. I've noticed he does that a lot. "Not as well as I thought, Rook. Even though the top layer was absurdly thick, the lower layers don't look much better. This is going to take longer than I expected."
I look up and into the mirror in front of me. Vil has cut my hair short, but the process of detangling the remaining mat of hair has caused the detangled hair to be noticeably longer than what's still a total mess. I'd say the hair he's worked through is about 4 inches, just long enough to cover my ears.
"Say, Monseur Mystery, how did you guess Monseur Chat's name?"
"Well..." I hesitate. Even now, the thoughts of his death still hurt. "When I was living in my world, I found a cat. He was my only friend. He was an alley cat, but chubby- not in a concerning or limiting way, just in a cute way- and he was grey with a large patch of white fur on his front, and his tail faded into black at the end, and... he had polydactly. I think that's what it's called, at least. Do you guys know what that is?"
"Nope!" Grim's reply is cheerful, like an island of comfort in a sea of mourning.
"Well, it's a condition where your limbs split off into multiple limbs. So, a two-tipped finger or extra toe or something. Well, my cat had it on the end of his tail. It looked, " I pause, reaching my hand toward Grim and trying, failing, to hold back tears. "Into three. A trident tail, just like this." I'm holding his tail in my hand now, careful, like he might break just as my voice is doing now. I can hardly speak through the lump in my throat, but I can speak.
"A-and that cat's name was Grim. And he was hit by a car when he was eight, and I've never been the same." I'm crying now, my eyes reduced to floodgates and my voice to a wreck. Vil is hugging me, his arms bringing some sense of safe to me, but that sense of safe pales in comparison to the comfort of holding Grim in my arms. His fur is soft, much softer now that he's been brushed, and Rook has joined the hug.
We stay there, just like that, for what feels like forever. Vil's arms are strong around me, as are Rook's, and I'm holding Grim again, and I don't want to lose him again. I can't. I barely survived the first time; I can't survive a second. The guilt would kill me.
"I guessed his name, too. I didn't know how. It just felt right. But... Yuu, you kind of remind me of someone. Another human. He fed me in my dreams, and his name was Yuu, and we were great friends, but one day he just stopped showing up. I never saw him again." Grim's previously sad face brightens a little, like a tea candle with just enough air to burn. "You look a lot like him, but older. Maybe... maybe he was you."
The tears come back. I let them. This time, they're happy tears, and Grim is crying them, too. Vil allows a few more minutes to pass, just like that, before he lets go and resumes his task of unmatting the other half of my hair. Rook pulls away, too, and waves his magic pen.
A tape measure, like you see tailors using in movies, appears in the air in front of him for him to wrap around my waist with skillful hands. Soon, he's removed the tape measure from my waist in favor of wraping it around my chest, and then my arms, and then Vil tells him off for doing something unnecessary.
I laugh. "Say, Monseur Mystery, have you tried to use magic since you arrived?"
I ponder. "Not really."
Rook chuckles. "Facinating."
"Are you okay with others being let into the room, Yuu?" Vil's voice is soft and soothing. I'm a little jealous, but who cares?
"Go right ahead." The lump in my throat is gone now that Grim is purring happily in my arms, just enjoying the sensation of being pet. Rook leaves the room- still holding his tape measure, I notice- and the door shuts behind him. Surprisingly, I don't hear his footsteps as he walks away, even before the door is closed and blocking my view.
Less than a minute later, the door opens again, revealing Rook, Korrak, and Korrak's familiar, whose name I do not yet know. Rook waves his pen, cleaning the cat brush with magic, and starts brushing the strange oppossum as he brushed Grim.
"Hey, what's your name? I'm Grim!"
"Call me Mandible."
Well, I guess I have a name to go with both of my roommates now. Unlike Grim, Mandible needs only a few minutes of brushing before his fur is even and soft, at which point Rook measures him, waves his pen, and voilá: five small stacks of clothing appear on the counter.
"What are those?" Mandible is already poking at the piles by the time he thinks to ask. I wasn't expecting Mandible to be more talkative than Korrak, but I guess Grim and I are no better.
"Uniforms! The white one is a lab coat for alchemy, the violet one is a dorm uniform, the one next to the lab coat is a PE uniform, the one next to the dorm uniform is a school uniform, and the one in between the dorm clothes and lab coat are some ceremonial robes. All are sized exactly for Monseur Opossum, of course." Rook looks quite proud of himself.
"Myaah, neato! Do I get some?"
"But of course, Monseur Chat! If you'll allow me a moment..." Rook starts measuring Grim just like he did with Mandible, and Vil lets out a triumphant "Hah!"
"Finally conquered my hair?"
"Not entirely, but I'm done with the hard part." With this, Vil pulls out a brush- not a cat brush, just a regular human brush- and starts running it through my hair in a soothing rhythm. Tired from the short day's events, I allow it to lull me to sleep.
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apollotronica · 2 years
one off mind miyayuu cover embraces me sweetly and snaps my neck just as i get comfortable
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orcelito · 2 years
Listen. Do it. Please.. I'm obsessed with this song and have been for years
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lokisis · 11 months
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Day 25: gijinka - bonus Yuu as an Addi since I enjoyed the concept
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kirexa · 7 months
Oh boy I do love writing about suicide
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choujinx · 2 months
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KANOJO TO BOKU NO ENDROLL (2021) by sasuga kei
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Fool's Ramblings #4 : Yandere!Twst looking at Non-Yandere Twst's world
Warning: Mentions of death, suicide, violence and dark themes. Nothing graphic.
Imagine if the Yuu/MC in the Yandere Twst World is gone. Maybe they found a way to escape, found a way to their world, died, killed themselves etc. Just gone from the reach of the Yan!Twst guy.
So naturally, the Yan!Twst tries to look for them and through magical means finds them.
However, its not their Yuu.
It's not even their world.
Through gritted teeth and clouded eyes they observe the Yuu from another world. This version of Yuu is the version their Yuu was before they(Yan!Twst) showes their love. Before the kidnapping, manipulations and violence.
To add more salt to the wound, this version of Yuu is in a relationship with their Non-Yan! Version!
How infuriating! Seeing the Yuu from another world give their love and affections willingly to another version of themselves! They could only dream of being loved like that!
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