#sun's fury | ari
zorkaya-moved · 2 years
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“Well, if you want to talk business, we can talk business. I feel like if I will flirt with you, you’re going to act like I am the plague itself and I don’t like it.” Naturally, whatever she is thinking of saying is not better. Perhaps, even more annoying than a casual case of flirting and not being able to shut her mouth. Zarina analyzes the other without any shame, arm first crossed under her chest before she brings one hand up to gesture while speaking, a light wave of her hand and a smirk on her face. “So, hypothetically speaking, if I were to expect my death to come soon enough to be here, can I just put money in for your service and whenever I die you let me rest in pieces, burn my body, send ashes across the water and pray to Twelve I won’t ever come back? Or how should I expect your service to work?” she does wish to know for the sake of checking her information. It’d be best to pretend to be a foolish customer before assuming anything. No way she would let such a fun establishment to remain hidden from her for so long. Her own fingers ache for some hidden mysteries, she is no hero despite working with Scions more than nine years as of now, exiled from Ishgard and all despite reaching such heights proposed as a Temple Knight or Lord Commander roles at a young age (all ‘betrayed’). No way she’ll let go of that tail of rumor she’ll got ahold of, too entertaining. Her hands drenched in tainted cynicism of illegal activities and manipulations continue to make her search for the best. And having a voidsent herself? My, things were looking up always! “Please, do enlighten me. I am quite... curious about everything you’ve got to offer.” How meaningful. 
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stellarwhisper · 3 months
Celestial Insights: Exploring Astrological Dynamics and Personal Charisma
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People with Virgo Mars signs have a tendency to communicate their fury clearly and precisely. They frequently have an excellent sense of detail and can identify the particular thing that has irritated them fast. Sometimes this directness catches people off guard, particularly if they don't anticipate such a quick turn from argument to confrontation.
Because of the influence of their ruling planet, Saturn, Capricorn rising individuals are recognized in astrology for their careful and realistic approach to relationships.
Astrology attributes aggressiveness, confidence, and a dynamic energy to Aries, which can truly give them a powerful demeanor. Aries people are frequently described as being beautiful and charismatic, and their ambition is shown in their tenacity ("mom I'm the rich man" mentality).
It is possible that Andrea's metamorphosis and adjustment to Miranda's expectations in "The Devil Wears Prada" are similar to a Pluto-influenced path of self-actualization and empowerment. Pluto relates to extreme metamorphoses, power dynamics, and deep psychological processes. Andrea's development into an even more effective assistant than Emily, her coworker, may allegorically represent Pluto's impact on aiming high and standing up for oneself in difficult situations.
People with Mercury square Saturn frequently approach jobs and conversation with precision and strategy. The tension that arises from the square aspect of Mercury (thinking, communication) and Saturn (structure, discipline) might make them feel as though they require precise instructions in order to feel confident in their actions. They could find it difficult to be spontaneous or unclear, and they would rather follow set rules. This can also apply to routine duties, when they look for particular aspects to guarantee accuracy and efficiency in their work or obligations, such as location, color, and layout.
People with an Aquarius Sun or Rising frequently have a distinctive and one-of-a-kind presence, particularly in online or digital settings. They frequently value uniqueness, creativity, and nonconformist thinking, which might help them stand out in the digital world. They are fascinating and memorable to others because of their charisma and intelligence, which frequently come through in conversations and encounters. They are considered to be "internet stunning" by many, which is partly due to their innate affinity for technology and their capacity to interact with a wide range of ideas and viewpoints.
It's common to characterize Aries Sun people as charming and self-assured, qualities that might add to their allure for women. They might be inherently attractive to others because of their forceful demeanor and sense of adventure. Aries people are also renowned for their physical vigor and frequently have a youthful appearance, which can include qualities like a pleasing face structure and straight teeth that improve their allure. Their smirky, lighthearted, and occasionally naughty personality might enhance their appeal. When it comes to sexual attraction, these traits taken together might make people born under the sign of Aries stand out.
Capricorn moons indeed respect loyalty and dedication in partnerships. They may develop strong emotional bonds with their loved ones and struggle to let go of unpleasant or pleasant memories of the past. Capricorn moons are renowned for their fortitude and will to bounce back from setbacks, even when someone wrongs them. They might use their hurt or rage as fuel for self-improvement, trying to become the best versions of themselves both as a covert means of self-validation and as a means of personal development. Their methodical and aspirational approach demonstrates their drive to overcome obstacles and make a lasting impact.
Neptune can produce an air of mystery, appeal, and charisma when it is placed in the first house, which represents the self and how one is viewed by others. Neptune is also related to dreams, illusions, and spirituality. Neptune in the first house can give off an alluring aura that attracts attention. They frequently arouse curiosity and appreciation due to their dreamy, sensitive, and artistic appearance. However, this location can also lead to misunderstandings or unreasonable expectations from others, as Neptune's influence can blur lines between truth and fantasy.
When considering astrology, the combination of water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) placements can indeed bring issues connected to emotional and behavioral dynamics. Fire signs are defined by passion, aggressiveness, and spontaneity, whereas water signs are usually connected to feelings, sensitivity, and intuition. A person's chart may show imbalances or discordance between these elements, which can result in unresolved issues including victimization and attachment problems: Victimization: If their emotional requirements aren't satisfied or if they think they're being mistreated, water signs are more likely to feel victimized or to be extremely sensitive. Fire signs, on the other hand, may respond impulsively or assertively, thus worsening emotional problems.
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saturnbellfromhell · 2 years
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🔳So the last post we focused on divine feminine energy, Venusian energy. Adoring the delicate and light side of our sister planet, Venus. Today's post will focus on the yang to Venuses yin, Mars. The red, fiery and frisk planet of our solar system.
🔳In ancient Rome Mars was said to be the God of War and represented the military power as a way to bring prosperity and peace in Rome. He is also the father to the notorious Romolus and Remus, the founders of the great city of Rome. It is believed that when war would hit Rome, the proud father Mars would help the military win over.
🔳In the astrology world Mars is the depiction of masculine energy, just like how Venus is for feminine energy. They both represent this youthful power of the two genders. Being also close to the Sun, Marsian energy is organic, primal if you will. There isn't a lot what happens behind closed doors, no mystery to be explored. Mars represents this ongoing life energy, competition, agression, assertiveness, our sex drive, actions and desires. Mars is what keeps us going and gives us courage to keep going.
🔳Of course it's master is Aries, the cardinal fire sign. Aries is the sign who brings back spring into our hearts after a long and cold winter. It takes a lot of effort waking every creature from it's hibernation period, so there really has to be  a lot of drive and determination. Aries is also depicted as the Ram of the zodiac. This animal is known to live in flocks, always having a leader. The leader takes good care of the group, even fighting to death for it's territory. The Ram is known for it's power, exerting 800 pounds from just a simple headbutt. So of course Aries will firstly be described as "heads on first".
🔳Aries is also known as the baby of the zodiac, since he is first on the list. This meaning he has alot of wisdom and knowledge to acquire. These fire babies do not like being told what/how to do something and in that they can hurt themselves the most. Aries is also the sign of passion and motivation, confidence and bluntness, optimism and drive. They are naturally ambitious and love to take charge of the situation even though not knowing much ahead. Even though they love to be in charge, every Aries always has that moment where they question themselves are they truly doing good, but nevertheless they still keep going. They adore being loud, friendly, spontaneous, passionate and above all adventurous. If you ever want to go on a fun trip, get yourself an Aries to hang around. These Rams light up the room with their witty humor and charisma, wanting to befriend all. Aries really is the extrovert of all the signs, that's for sure.But they do get a bad reputation for being overly aggressive and explosive. Aries has a long way to go, patience really can be a friend to them, but they despise it. Their impulsive manner can cause damage quite rapidly in their life.
🔳The biggest lesson I want every Aries to learn is to dive deep into the emotion of fury. Fury is a wild anger most Aries are known for, but they use it sometimes in the wrong way. This emotion is a sacred emotion, known to break worlds apart. So when used wisely, at the right time and the right place it can cause a good outcome. Other than fury, Aries needs to learn to be less selfish in ways where their hobbies, activities, friends or family come first. Be sure toask questions, learn from others and your own mistakes, journal and write down everything. I know it can be hard staying at home, not wondering all over the place, but make sure to have one reflection day for a better you, Aries. A lot of the time people will describe you as an only angry, kaotic, selfish and annoying sign but will forget to see the passion, loyalty, openness and friendliness of your sign because the bad can sometimes overshadow the good.
🔳The other sign that was traditionally ruled by Mars was our dear mysterious Scorpio. Now why would astrologers brand a watery sign such as Scorpio to be ruled by the firey planet Mars? Even though we can say that Scorpios are very similar to water signs because of their strong emotional intelligence and psychic, "sixth" sense abilities Scorpio also derives a lot of caracteristics from his ancient ruler, Mars.  Scorpio is also a passionate leader, who will win you over with their charisma and dedication. They are very direct with whom they trust, passionate with their lovers and outstandingly loyal to their family. Scorpios are not afraid to take action just like Aries but they do it in a calmer, more thought threw manner unlike our baby Aries. The caracteristic both Aries and Scorpio hold are their courage. Courage for change, action and their belief system. But nevertheless they are very different, since Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto. The planet of the underground and death.
🔳Mars can also have destructive tendecies when positioned in the wrong house/sign. Mars in traditional astrology is considered a MALEFIC planet. Meaning it can govern unfavorable influence in an individuals chart.
🔳If in a fall or detriment it can also bring some confusion to the table. Mars is how we express ourselves and how we approach day to day situations. As said above it is our natural energy of "doing", so when put in a house or sign where Mars feels homesick it can sometimes  be challenging. This does not mean the end of the world...it means you have to find the wisdom and courage to light your Mars up, even if it doesn't come naturally. But do have in mind to pick your fights wisely. Do not exhaust your self and take away your integrity and peace. That's the lesson every Marsian native should have in mind.
Let's get into some of my observations for our Marsian individuals, shall we!
🔘 Aries rising are so hot and funny and they absolutely know it! They seem very open and kind to the public. A good sense of style aswell.
🔘 Aries moons are a lot in my perspective. If handled well this placement can be very idealistic, passionate, quick and energetic...but they can be very short tempered and loss interest fast if not kept active and interested. They love a good rant with others and love to see their partner or friend laugh and explore with them. Very driven and very blunt.
🔘 Aries mercury are very quick on their tongue, of course. They can be very good writers in my perspective. Autobiography is calling for a Aries mercury. They are very direct with their words and don't think a lot before speaking.
🔘 Aries in the first house can be an amazing placement or a complex one. If a planet such as Saturn is placed here it can bring a lot of self reflection and problems with insecurity. It can also feel as if you want to take action for yourself, but are afraid to.
🔘 Aries venus I've wrote in the Venusian post, but I'll write it again here shortly. Aries venus fall in love very fast, love primal energetic sex and can come off as "vanilla", but that doesn't mean it's bad just very straight to the point. They are also lovers of any head fondling and scratching, kisses around the neck and ears and they love their lovers to be vocal and not shy!
🔘 Mars in the 7th house need to be in charge, they don't want their partner telling them how/what to do. They also might get married later in life. The assert their needs and wishes within the relationship with ease, if not in a air/water sign. They really need to learn compromise and to not act out at every inconviennce.
🔘 Mars in the 9th house can be either go getters in school/collage or the procrastinator. They also love traveling all the time. I've met a few who change their address every once and awhile or love backpacking!
🔘 Mars in the 12th house can repress their natural instincts a lot of the time. Very secretive about their actions and can have some issues with repressed emotions aswell. It can also attract the wrong people, even violent people. Solitude can be difficult at times for these natives.
🔘 Aries in the 11th house is a very loyal friend to have around. They are extreme extroverts and people pleasers. Not a very peaceful social life. They love to party, get to know new people and don't have a difficult time getting to know others.
🔘 Aries in the 4th house need a good family where they can speak and act freely. They are very hands on with their family. Love to take their family on trips. They will go to the end to defend their family.
🔘 Mars square Venus can be a tricky aspect. It means challenges in balancing your soft side and masculine side. It can bring a lot of anger and hate into a relationship. The lesson here to learn is to communicate deeply your deepest emotions with loved ones, not to just turn your head the other way. This can also mean you have very very high standards in relationships and partners often times can't fulfill your expectations. It also creates a lot of frustration and passive aggressiveness in relationships. The goal is to work though the tough times and not want everything to be picture perfect.
🔘 Mars dominant people are in my perspective people that you can smell miles away. They are so sure of themselves, always competing, also doing some sort of sports or activities, always speak up in school or in friendly surroundings, always on the hunt for new things and new people. I also see this in Sun, Pluto and Moon dominant people, they are really easy to spot!
🔘 Mars square Jupiter individuals have a lot of enthusiasm and energy, if not handled well they can become very tired and needy. I've met a few people how have problems with insomnia with this placement because they cannot figure out how to deal with all this energy.
🔘 I've also met a few Aries sun with Capricorn moons that are really into stripping. They know their clients love them and they love the money they get from it!
🔘 Aries sun men have a very fragile ego along with Leo, Gemini and Libra men. They get very mad if you put your cards on the table and want something more in the partnership. Don't you dare interfere with their independence and free spirit lifestyle. I've also noticed Aries men love dogs and when they get there's it's always some high energy dog like a husky, border collie, dogo argentino etc.. Not big cat lovers.
🔘 Chiron in Aries can mean a lot of shame in the individuals life. They've felt very worthless in a past life and feel like they are incompatible of leading or being up front. They also felt like they couldn't be themselves and had to be the chameleon of the group a lot of the times.
🔘 Mars is Cancer is the death of me, if we're being honest. For the girls I haven't really seen big problems other than people taking advantage of them and not giving them the chance to glow. For the guys it's so destructive, they are so sneaky and manipulative at times and never say how they feel. They can become quite aggressive and emotionally abusive. But if handled well, they can be the most laid back fellas ever...I've never seen that to be honest, the only one's I've ever seen are the one's that feel very left out of the male group so they act in violence to show domination and security. The guys can feel like the have been neutered and are not enough of a man. But in reality they are made to hang out with the girls and just chill, there's no shame in that.
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thebloodlustbutch · 1 month
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adrien , two-spirit , japanese / quechua
he / him , ( stone ) butch lesbian , 25 , infj
aries sun , scorpio moon , scorpio rising
happily taken by the elegant @f3mme-fury
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florence welch , ethel cain , hozier
baldur’s gate three , dead by daylight
penny dreadful , castlevania , crimson peak
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Each one of my ribs, I will open each one of my ribs with fingertips, break each one of my ribs, and allow you to dive your hands into my chest so you can feel the beating of my heart. Your heart.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
What: Venus in Leo
When: July 11 - Aug. 4, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but especially Fixed Signs (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) and Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Takeaway: Romance and passion reach scorching temps, as the need for bold self-expression (and secret validation) steer your desires. 
     Remember Venus in Cancer? (I do, but that’s because I’m a Venus in Cancer native. And we remember everything.) The love planet’s transit through the cardinal water sign likely saw you pinching pennies, cooking fudge brownies, and staying home every night like a domestic goddess, but all that’s about to change. On July 11, Venus, the planet of love, money and beauty, enters feisty, fabulous, and oh-so-extroverted fire sign Leo.
     The short of it: 2024 Venus in Leo does away with any coyness and comfort-seeking, and instead ups your ante for courage, confidence, passion, play, and lots of good hair days. So, you might find yourself splurging on luxurious treats, flirting shamelessly, or proudly asserting your worth to the world. (After all, Leo deserves the very best and will never, EVER settle for less.) 
     You might also notice your power of attraction—aka your magnetism—cranking up. So too will your hunger for attention and adoration. Yep, with Venus in Leo, there’s a heightened concern with performing and looking good. Exhibitionism skyrockets, as you crave being seen / valued and validated. So, you’ll probably be going out more, trading in those cozy nights at home for rip-roaring good times out on the town! Although a word of caution: Attention may, at times, feel like a competition that you NEED to win. At least until Aug. 4.
     So from July 11 through Aug. 4, you’re also more inclined to be big and bold in your displays of affection. This means, the louder and prouder your partner is about being with you (and vice versa), the happier you’ll be. Now, if they aren’t loud and proud, or they don’t give you enough attention, you’re likely to roar in fury and demand to be treated like the royalty that you are.
Get the FULL SCOOP on Venus in Leo, including in-depth horoscopes for YOUR Sun / Rising Signs on The Cosmic Almanac:
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masleys · 5 months
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⁎⁺ #𝙼𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈𝚂 ⁺⁎     a deconstruction of the prototypical all-american boy next door : a study in loyalty turned lethal, rotting optimism, and the ghost left in the rubble of his expectations. a dependent muse affiliated with classcursehq.  as  written  by  august  —  xxiv.  she/her.  est. ★
   ⌞ 𝙿𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚃 ⌝     ⌞ 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 ⌝     ⌞ 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 ⌝     ⌞ 𝙴𝙳𝙸𝚃𝚂 ⌝     ⌞ 𝚃𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂 ⌝
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+ 𝙵𝚄𝙻𝙻 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 peter rhys masley + 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂 his former teammates / colleagues from the army often refer to him simply as ' masley ' or ' mas ' + 𝙳.𝙾.𝙱. 03 / 02 / 1996 + 𝙰𝙶𝙴 twenty-eight + 𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙾𝙶𝚈 pisces sun / aries moon / aries rising + 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 cis man + 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂 he / him / his + 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼 george mackay + 𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 former paratrooper in the u.s. army, current little league soccer coach / student at lincoln community college + 𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙴𝚁 𝙶𝚁𝙾𝚄𝙿𝚂 soccer team ( captain ), track team + 𝙼𝙱𝚃𝙸 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 enfp : the champion + 𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙰𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙼 6w7 : the confidant + 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 neutral good + 𝚃𝙴𝙼𝙿𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 phlegmatic + 𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙿𝙴 the boy next door + 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 valiant, loyal, genuine, strong-willed, reliable, pragmatic + 𝙽𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 impressionable, impulsive, clumsy, irascible, stubborn, insecure + 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴𝚂 playing guitar, listening to music, comic books, video games + 𝙳𝙸𝚂𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴𝚂 tba
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tw : mentions of death, grief, ptsd, explosion
on the day peter masley was born, the skies opened up, drenching lincoln city with relentless rain for seventeen hours straight. floods ravaged the small town, its streets filled not with the usual yellow school buses or pickup trucks, but rather rainwater spilling onto the pavement and through basements. nearby creeks overflowed, the occasional roar of thunder tearing through the sky with what felt like god's fury. even the most well-off neighborhoods were met with widespread power outages — yet none of this halted the masley family, rushing themselves fervently to st. mary hospital to await the arrival of their new baby.
peter wasn't quite what they expected. those familiar with the masleys knew of their yearning for a daughter, a desire expressed through occasional purchases of pink dresses and hair bows in hopes of manifesting this dream. with his bright blue eyes and dimpled smile, peter is a proper surprise — but he's theirs, and they love him, despite their unfulfilled wishes. despite, despite, despite.
growing up in lincoln city's suburbia, peter was accustomed to the earthy hues of forest green trees and brown muddy tire tracks. he was forged from this — a childhood of bittersweet faith and mornings shrouded in that dreaded oregon fog and rain he could never seem to escape. at age seven, he was the youngest of three masley boys. he had to fight fiercely to keep up with his older brothers, though he never quite found himself in the lead of their races.
though he adored his brothers, the golden-hearted boy was often wracked with tears of sensitivity in response to his brothers' harshness. there was a constant gray cloud hanging over his head, peter often overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy and fear of his inability to live up to the expectations set by his brothers. he had a knack for falling into a trap of convincing himself he was merely an albatross — useless, unwanted, a burden of emotions he could hardly allow himself to feel and release. still, he was nurtured with notions to always do the right thing, to remain steadfast in his loyalty toward others, and to remain gentle amidst hardship.
at seven, peter's sensitivity was put the test. a particularly brisk november morning was greeted with a call from the doctor's office, urging mrs. masley to be sent to an emergency room right away due to alarming test results. each masley boy coped differently with this news. at such a young age, peter was unable to grasp the complex emotions swirling around him — the sadness and guilty, the anxiety and grief. with his lack of understanding came frustration. he feared abandonment as his family became consumed by doctor's appointments and check-ups, leading the boy to act out as he yearned for attention amidst the chaos.
following his mother's death a year later, peter pressed on in spite of the onslaught of change, entering middle school with trepidation. each passing year of academia had peter slowing down, burnt out, growing less and less ambitious. while his grades were acceptable, he was no match for his brothers; however, what peter lacked in grades, he made up for in sports. the boy found a passion for soccer and track, allowing him to find some popularity in high school as he was able to put on an act of charm and clownery to entertain his peers. he dealt with negative emotions by seeking temporary fixes — reckless behavior, rule-breaking. he never quite faced his anger, preferring to channel it into his craft. though it wasn’t healthy, it helped him land a spot as captain of the soccer team — a shining star of an accomplishment in what otherwise felt like a letdown for his family.
as high school approached its end, peter faced uncertainty about his future. while he was never short of a fun time in high school, he lacked any realistic career goals and was unable to fathom the cost of a college education. he only hoped to escape lincoln city — to start anew without any confines or notions of what he was supposed to do next. thus entered the military. with seemingly nowhere else to turn, peter was lured by grandeur notions of adventure, travel, independence, good pay, and opportunity. he had a chance to make a name for himself, all while separating from the only place he'd ever known, a place of pain and loss and heartbreak.
while enlisted in the army, peter spent his time as a paratrooper and communications system operator. he spent most of his time abroad in countries like japan, south korea, italy, bangladesh, germany, and jordan. he was having the time of his life — but it was wearing him down, too. with a handful of combat deployments and a deteriorating physicality, peter knew he couldn't do this forever. the decision was made for him after a blast incident abroad leaves him traumatically injured. he was honorably discharged after eight years of service, condemned back to lincoln city with some new weights to carry.
while the practical decision, returning home was emotional for peter. he struggled with ptsd and significant physical injury, both altering his life. though it had only been eight years, everything was different for him upon his return. hoping to fall back into routine, peter enrolls in classes at lincoln city's local community college and begins coaching a little league soccer team with an old friend. still, the familiar surroundings triggered memories he sought to forget, leaving him feeling trapped in a cycle of nostalgia and longing for a fresh start.
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despite not coming from a wealthy family like most of the students who went to st. mary high school, peter had a good rapport with most of his peers thanks to his success as an athlete. it’s this that encouraged him to participate in the dare box game in hopes of entertaining his classmates and having a good time.
though peter was always considered to be a good kid, he also had a reputation as a bit of a risk-taker. he had a tendency to drink, party, and break the rules more often than his peers. he was the type of boy who would sneak through neighbors’ backyards and jump fences as a shortcut home, or climb through his girlfriend’s window to meet up after curfew. peter loved pushing boundaries, and his dares tempted the line between innocent mischief and reckless abandon. he never intended to cause harm, but rather wanted to get his classmates out of their comfort zones. in his mind, it was all about challenging friends to have a good time — he just rarely considered the possible consequences of this sort of fun.
peter was honorably discharged from the military due to traumatic joint injuries in his right knee leading to osteoarthritis. following his injury, peter now utilizes a walking stick the majority of the time to alleviate some of the pain he experiences while walking.
he is still able to coach little league soccer with the help of an old friend who acts as his co-instructor. peter's positive experience as a soccer instructor has made him interested in studying to become an elementary school teacher.
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AND I WON'T CONFESS THAT I WAITED, BUT I LET THE LAMP BURN. ( @maudestia ) next door neighbors since birth, with only two bedroom windows separating them, hestia and peter were destined to be best friends. when things became too much with his brothers, he sought an escape in playing pretend with the girl, and this continued through their entire adolescence — until their junior year of high school, when she all but drops contact with the boy. it's at eighteen years old, in the lonesome retreat of basic training, that peter realizes he's been in love with hestia practically his entire life. it wasn't clear to him until it was too late, and to this day, he lacks an understanding of why she pulled away from him all those years ago. it devastated him, and was an inspiring factor in his decision to leave lincoln for the army. now that he's back in town and living next door to her once again, peter's forced to confront burrowed feelings. he struggles between choosing to wait for her, or finally turning off the light in his bedroom window for good.
YOU WERE A WORK OF ART, THAT'S THE HARDEST PART. ( @zahra-burch ) peter and zahra were high school sweethearts — what started as scene partners in a one-off theater class turned into the most prominent romantic relationship of his existence, spanning his junior year all the way through basic training in the army. while he truly loved zahra and believed they had a future together, it was ultimately his fault the relationship crumbled due to his underlying, unaddressed feelings for hestia. they reach their boiling point during the fall of 2014 — peter is away at boot camp for ten weeks with no contact to the outer world, and the only letter he sends is addressed to hestia, one that's written after realizing he's had feelings for her his entire life. the undelivered letter ends up in zahra's hands, who dumps him on the spot and ghosts him upon his return. to this day, he has unresolved guilt and regret about the relationship and how he handled everything. thus far, the two have avoided each other at all costs, but he knows he'll have to face her eventually.
WE'RE HAVING AN ALL NIGHT REVIVAL. ( @surglace ) from near-daily morning jog bros to star-studded student athletes in different sports, peter and felix grew up on the same block and were best friends because of it. felix is the single person peter feels closest to, and he often confides in him and acts as his cornerstone. when they both left town after high school, they kept in touch, but never managed to find a friendship as close as what they had — nothing could fill the void of peter's right-hand man. now that they're back, they've reignited their friendship with ease, and peter even convinced felix to help him coach little league soccer on the side !
( these descriptions are just starting points meant to be altered and fleshed out with more plotting ! please note that connections are not gender-specific unless otherwise stated. )
bad influences / good influences
fake friends who just try to save face with each other !
party pals
former teammates from soccer and track
friends with benefits / hook ups / ex hook ups
tinder matches
first love / first kiss / first time
unrequited crush ( could go either way . . . )
a summer love inspired by august
flings / ex flings
people who dislike him / people he dislikes
ex friends !!! enemies !!
family ~
anything inspired by these songs or this pinterest board
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eupheme · 10 months
thank you for the tag @tarabyte3! I love reading your answers, your fun fact was awesome 💖
Alias/Name: j or jess
Birthday: mid-summer!
Zodiac: cancer sun, aries moon, gemini rising
Height: 5'4”
Hobbies: crafting, reading, hiking, sleeping, writing - I love anything artsy or making things
Favourite color: seafoam, lavender, blush, charcoal
Favourite book: The Lord of the Rings
Last Song: By and By by Caamp
Last Movie/Show: Elf and Loki s2 (still not over it!!)
Recent Read: A Court of Mist and Fury, and eyeing about 10 books on my kindle I need to read
Inspiration: moodboards & Pinterest, I love visuals
Story behind URL: my main is the mando’a word for ‘little flower’ with is just - too cute to pass up. eupheme is the name of a greek goddess for “good omen, praise, and applause” and I liked the idea of that name used as a way to shout about the fics & art I love, haha
Fun Fact: UH - I love to roller skate and my fave ice cream is black raspberry chip
(no pressure tags 💕: @communism-bitches, @comicsbi-thebook, @obiknights, @zinzinina, @keravnos-kori, @astarionslittletreat & I am tagging you if you want to do this!)
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croziers-compass · 11 months
There is something I think a lot about when writing Francis' character. It is the considerations. I know. I know. I ran his natal. So I cheat a little here but it's very fitting. So bear with me. Below is some details of his individual based on his natal.
He weighs and measures everything with such a mindful consideration. There is a tenderness to everything he does. He is a planner. He is a thinker. Nothing he does is done on impulse. Every little thing is considered and turned carefully in his head, and if he can help it, his hands. There is so much fluidity to him in both how he moves and how he thinks. He sees and understands from a magnitude of perspectives and yet settles comfortably in the "present". Even if it seems as if he has disregarded something entirely, it has, in actuality, played an important role in his next course of action. Everything is tender and mindful and careful. He is sitting with acute and sharp angles especially in his Asc. and Nodes but there's this mindful care that he takes even when he snaps. And I think that when he lets out the fury that it's yet graceful and full of a fire and spite and rage that is still calculated. He's Irish. And very temperamental and will always be temperamental but in all the temper and fury that rages within him it's a spitfire that comes deeply from the heart and the rich ember that burns inside of him. He is raw unadulterated energy. He is a lot of air and movement in his natal and also a lot of fire. His Ascendant is Leo which... Honestly that makes complete sense. Why would it not be? Sun in Libra. Ascendant in Leo. Moon in is Aries. This man is all fire and air which burns so brilliantly and powerfully. Two of the greatest leadership signs sitting at 29°03’ and 24°21’ in 3rd and 9th. Passion. Fire. Empathy. Rationality. Stubborn. Strong Willed. Tender. Considerate. Mindful. Thoughtful. Well-Measured. A Leader. He is equipped with such a wonderful array of balanced measures. However, despite all of this, he struggles with maintaining his inner vices and voices that drag him under. He is cruel to himself in ways he does not need to be. He is self flagellating despite the drive forwards, leading to a bit of an insecurity with anything relating to the hearts. He knows what he wants and he is certain of what he wants and he will move forwards to achieve that no matter what and will do everything he can. But not before he battles with himself over it for a long, long while. He sees and he knows and he measures well. But it might blindside his heart a little. But once he sets his eyes on something he wants. Once the fire has been lit it is not something that is doused easily. And if it does get doused it kills him and takes such a huge piece of him. He is so much fire and passion that suffocating anything that burns within him is causing him irreparable damage. This man is aflame in all of the best ways while also modestly chasing himself in circles. Nemesis in Capricorn: 2°33’ - 6 ruins me. That number is just so raw and brutal. It's just circulating around him. He brings so much in such an acute way that he is irreplaceable in the hearts and minds of others. That 2 is just hitting a hard "own worst enemy". He mends through love and what he gives others. If he does not feed his heart and exercise the fire and love he feels in his chest then he will succumb to the dampness he exerts over himself. And yet he is suspicious of many things, a skeptical eye on much while yearning for more for others and for himself that he might not be able to reach for. Giving him this sense that much he wishes for is unattainable despite everything. Balance is what he needs and he knows what he needs to do in order to move fowards. He does everything with such a fluid grace that's raw and driving and primordial and passionate full of a tender and hot fire. He really is just wonderful in so many ways and I cannot stop thinking about the cherished way he cradles everything and considers everything around him. He really is an explorer with such an expansive heart and mind that seeks to understand a broad amount. And with such love and tender care despite the pain and tragedy that follows him. I hope this is the end of my word vomiting. Because this has been building up inside of me for about a mon
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ms-m-astrologer · 1 year
The Week Ahead: May 15-21, 2023
Lunar Phases
Tuesday, May 16, 01:10 UT - Balsamic Moon, 9°56’ Aries
The key phrases for the Balsamic lunar phase are to “let go of the past” and “envision the future.” Usually Aries has no problem with either one. We may feel a little petulant and whiny about it, though. Having a healthy way to blow off steam will be helpful.
Friday, May 19, 15:53 UT - New Moon, 28°25’ Taurus
The key phrase for the New Moon is to “set a new intention for the month” - something we think we can pull off in a month’s time! We should be able to make slow and steady progress. Because Mercury is still in its Storm, it’s best to continue on with some piece of a larger project, started before April 15, when Mercury entered its Storm.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, May 15, 02:56 UT (Pisces) - 07:56 UT (Aries)
Wednesday, May 17, 09:10 UT (Aries) - 12:28 UT (Taurus)
Friday, May 19, 17:51 UT (Taurus) - 18:48 UT (Gemini)
Sunday, May 21, 22:12 UT (Gemini) - Monday, May 22, 03:28 UT (Cancer)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Pluto/Aquarius
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Taurus, Ceres/Virgo
Tuesday, May 16, 17:20 UT - transiting Jupiter enters Taurus
Starting off with an ominous kind of bang, too, as Jupiter almost immediately will square Pluto Rx in Aquarius. Security is an issue. I think this transit potentially will end well enough next year, it’s just that getting there will have its challenges!
Saturday, May 20, 15:31 UT - transiting Mars enters Leo
And again, almost immediately there is a challenge (in this case an opposition) from Pluto Rx/Aquarius. This transit won’t be as easy as Jupiter’s through Taurus - we’ll have to battle our own egos almost constantly. (This is Dolt 45’s natal Mars position. Ick.)
Sunday, May 21, 07:09 UT - transiting Sun enters Gemini
Gemini season also starts out with an aspect to Pluto, but this time it’s a trine. We’re quick to spot new possibilities in the challenges we face, but will we be able to commit to making the necessary changes?
Et Cetera
Mercury is direct but still in its Storm, moving just over 1° this entire week.
There are three Opportunity Periods this week:
Saturday, May 13, 15:12 UT - Monday, May 15, 07:56 UT. “An excellent time for the arts and healing.”
Friday, May 19, 15:23 UT - 16:23 UT. This is 1/2 hour before and after the New Moon. “If you have something important to begin around now that’s part of a larger project started before April 15, this is a great time to do it.” (April 15 was when Mercury entered its Storm, pre-retrograde - Merc is direct now, but still in its Storm, hence the caution.)
Monday, May 22, 03:28 UT - Wednesday, May 24, 14:35 UT. “This rare entire-sign OP is suitable for virtually anything, including investments. However, with the stressful aspects of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto, it is important to find a balance between desire and self-control.”
About “the stressful aspects of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto:” all three Fire-ruling planets change signs this week - Fire being the way we do things. Jupiter/Taurus and Mars/Leo will form a fixed t-square with Pluto, in 0-1° range of fixed signs Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo. This can manifest as a total impasse - “do not pass Go, do not collect $200” - along with resultant destructive fury that our will has been blocked. We don’t seem to have any say in, or any control over, what happens to us. We can react violently - we can choke down our toxic feelings and implode on them - or we can let them go. The Sun moving into Gemini will help us see possibilities for new ways. We may be a bit opportunistic, and at the same time we may be genuinely curious and intrigued by the new prospects and circumstances. It will absolutely help us read the room; the challenge is in how we use what we’ve read.
Transiting Jupiter in late Aries has been trampling all over my own natal South Node - my natal Jupiter is opposite my natal South Node - and I’m getting all kinds of insights (whether I want to or not!) into basic human selfishness. It is caused by heightened anxiety for our own self - it’s driven by insecurity and an absense of self-love. (I’ll share a very helpful article I read about it.)
Of course we all can see how Aries’ intrinsic insecurity is therefore a basis for Taurus’ emphasis on security. Jupiter magnifies the traits of whatever sign it’s in, for good or for ill - and if Jupiter/Aries has amplified our insecurity, then Jupiter/Taurus will make us want to compensate.
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astro-tag-9 · 1 year
Taylor Swift lyrics for various Astro placements Part☝🏼🖐🏼
“Bridges burn I never learn. But at least I did one thing right.” (Call It What You Want) - Aries Rising/Mercury
“Cause you took me home but you just couldn’t keep me” (Bye Bye Baby) - Cancer/Leo/Libra sun/mercury
“I got that good-girl faith and a tight little skirt” (Style) - Virgo/Taurus Mars/Rising
“3am pacing” (Forever Winter) - Taurus/Virgo Moon
“I have to say, by the way, I just may, want some explanations” (Question…?) - Virgo Mercury/mars
“ I’m fine with my spite in my tears in my beers in my candles” (Closure) - Taurus/Aquarius Mercury
“I’ve never heard silence quite this loud” (The Story Of Us) - Scorpio Moon
“What must it be like, to grow up that beautiful?” (Gold Rush) - Venus in 1st house
“With that same big loud opinion” (Mean) - Moon in 1/2/3/4/5 house
“We showed them all up” ( We Were Happy) - Aries/Scorpio Mars
“I’ve grown a custom to being alone” (Electric Touch) - Capricorn Sun/Moon
“I never grow up. It’s getting so old” (The Archer) - Cancer/Leo moon
“So you could sit there in this hurt” (Champagne Problems) - Taurus/Virgo Sun
“I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving” (Anti-Hero) - Virgo/Leo moon
“You haven’t met the new me yet” (Happiness) - Gemini/Scorpio Rising
“Strangers’ silence makes me wanna take the stairs” (Ours) - Cancer Rising
“Half-moon eyes, bad surprise” (Question..?) - Cancer/Capricorn Rising
“Calling me out when I’m wounded” (Mean) - Cancer/Taurus Sun/Moon
“So who am I offending now?” (Exile) - Virgo/Scorpio Mercury
“I got that red lip classic thing that you like” (Style) - Taurus Rising/Libra Venus
“I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say” (Lavender Haze) - Cancer/Capricorn Mars
“Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?” (Right Where You Left Me) - Taurus/Pisces Mars
“Sorry I couldn’t see facts through all my fury” (Happiness) - Aries Moon
“I feel crazy, up all night, all night, and every day” (I Don’t Wanna Live Forever) - Sun in 11/12 house
“I’d be a fearless leader” (The Man) - Virgo Sun
“Laughing but the jokes not funny at all” (Exile) - Libra Mercury
“The knife cuts both ways” (Long Story Short) - Capricorn Mars
“I don’t like that anyone would die to feel your touch, everybody wants you, everybody wonders what it would be like to love you” (Gold Rush) - Taurus/Libra Rising/Venus
“Every time I tried hard for love it fell apart” (Electric Touch)- Venus in 8/9/10 house
“You held your head like a hero” (Long Live) - Scorpio Mars
“I know that you like me and it’s kind of frightening” ( Message in a bottle) - Mars in 5/9/11 house
“Now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking” ( The Story Of Us) - Virgo Mercury
“There’s no amount of crying I can do for you” (Exile) - Cancer/Aries Moon
“ Stop Checking your mailbox for congressional of love that ain’t ever gonna come” (Foolish One) - Taurus/Leo/Cancer Sun/moon
“ he better lock it down or I won’t stick around because good ones never wait” (I Think He Knows) - Gemini/Leo Lilith
“I’m the problem it’s me” (Anti-Hero) - Virgo sun
“Long hair slicked back white t-shirt” (Style) - Libra/Scorpio Rising
“And somebody tells you they love you? You’re gonna believe them” (Fifteen). - Cancer mars
“All of me changed like midnight” (Midnight Rain) - Scorpio Sun
“I don’t know what to say” (The Story Of Us) - Sagittarius/Aquarius Mercury
“Never be so kind, you forget to be clever. Never be so clever, you forget to be kind” (Marjorie) - Pisces Mercury
“You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face” (Gorgeous) - Taurus/Virgo Mars
“Don’t treat me like some situation that needs to be handled” (Closure) - Venus in the 2/6/8/12 house
“I tried to pick my battles til the battle pick me” (Long Story Short) - Aries/Sagittarius Mars
“They took the crown but it’s alright” ( Call It What You Want) - 3/5/8 house moon
“I had a marvelous time ruining everything” (The Last Great American Dynasty) - Gemini/Aries Rising
“Now I’m searching the room for an empty seat” (The Story Of Us) - Aquarius Moon
“Haunted by the look in my eyes” (Happiness) - Aries Rising
“You got that James Dean day dream look in your eye” (Style) - Gemini moon
“He spends most of his flights being held down by gravity” (Forever Winter) - Capricorn moon
“Just breathe just relax it’ll be ok” (Electric Touch) - Virgo Mercury/Sun
“A pathological people pleaser” (You’re Losing Me) - 7/12 house moon/sun
“He was doing lines; and crossing all of mine” (Vigilante Sh!t) - Scorpio Rising/Moon
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everglowstardust · 1 year
My Life
English Translation:
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
Hey take a step, just like that, ride, now
Anytime, anywhere grasp that feeling
Tomorrow feels like it can change so easily nowadays
Don't look back now, keep on going
Even insignificant days are full of glory
We continue without knowing the end of this story
Even if your dreams are blocked, life overflows with new days
It's your choice, so hit the road, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
Let's go like flowing clouds, I'm ready
Tomorrow, who knows?
Don't ask me, now
It's so new
Draw with love, this view
I'm feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Turn around and look back? don't be silly
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Brilliant reminiscence, don't look back
Everyday, every night, every moment
Sometimes there's loneliness, don't give up your happiness
The darkness fades 3, 2, 1
I want to tell you on that hill, play loud
Should we go? right now, right now
The setting sun deep in my heart is calling
Tomorrow can’t be taken, it’s my life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Let’s go like flower petals dancing in the wind, white lily
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
I'll just sing about my memories, I’m ready
Moon, hey, now
Light my way
It’s so new
Only love is the truth
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Pretending to give up? don’t be silly
All day long it’s not the time to beg
All along I'll choose when to cry
Hey hey hey, wow
My life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
See dreams overflowing, It's so pretty
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Let’s go like flower petals dancing in the wind, white lily
Wind, hey, now Hey, take me there
It's so new
Draw with love, this view
I'm feeling good
Going down to the beautiful land, now
Let's go like flowing clouds, I'm ready
Tomorrow, who knows?
Don't ask me, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
Turn around and look back? don't be silly
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Hey take a step, just like that, ride, now
Anytime, anywhere grasp that feeling
Tomorrow feels like it can change so easily nowadays
It’s flashing before my eyes, my life
Romaji Lyrics:
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It's so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
Hey ima ari no mama arukidasu ride, now
Anytime, anywhere tsukamu feeling
asu wo kaerareru ki ga shiteru nowadays
ima wa furimuku na keep on going
kudaranai demo nai hi mo glory
hate mo wakaranaku tsuzuiteku story
yume wo fusaidemo afuredasu new days
sore wo erabu no sa hit the road, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It's so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
nagareru kumo no you ni ikou I'm ready
asu wa who knows?
Don't ask me, now
It’s so new
ai dake egaku view
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
furikaeru nara hora don’t be silly
me no mae yureru my life
hanayaida kaisou don’t look back
Everyday, every night, every moment
tama ni loneliness, yuzurenai happiness
yami wa usureyuku 3, 2, 1
kimi ni tsutaetai ano oka de play loud
ikou ka right now, right now
mune no oku de yureru hi ga calling
asu wa ubaenai it’s my life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
hanabira ga mau you ni ikou white lily
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there, now
Going down to the beautiful land, now
omoide no kazu dake utau I’m ready
tsuki yo hey, now
Light my way
It’s so new
ai dake ga aru truth
I’m feeling good
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
akirameru furi wa hora don’t be silly
All day long negatteru baai janai
All along naitatte jibun shidai
Hey hey hey, wow
My life
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
afuredasu yume ga hora It’s so pretty
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
hanabira ga mau you ni ikou white lily
kaze yo hey, now Hey, take me there
It’s so new
ai dake egaku view
I’m feeling good
Going down to the beautiful land, now
nagareru kumo no you ni ikou I’m ready
asu wa who knows?
Don’t ask me, hey, now
Heading south for the beautiful land, now
furikaeru nara hora don’t be silly
me no mae yureru my life
Hey ima ari no mama arukidasu ride, now
Anytime, anywhere tsukamu feeling
asu wo kaerareru ki ga shiteru nowadays
me no mae yureru my life
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: January 2023
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January is an “8” Universal Month [1 (January) + 7 (2023) = 8] in a “7” Universal Year.   8 is an upright infinity symbol, also known as the ouroboros; it represents that path that we travel in our lives and the cycles that we must endure - both the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.   An 8-month represents the “whole package” - when the numerological energy of 8 is in the air, things tend to come full circle.   This is in alignment with the astrological energy of January where we end three retrograde cycles (Mercury, Mars, and Uranus). It is worth noting that the energy of January (and more specifically the energy of January 1st) sets the tone for the year ahead.   Our 7-year will likely be introspective and for many quite spiritual and our 8-month will allow us to bring all of these intense energies into perspective.   What goes up, must come down.   But what goes down will also, eventually, come back up. The Details
We begin January with the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mars in Gemini, Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Neptune in Pisces.   By month’s end, each of the three retrograde planets will have stationed direct ending retrograde season for the moment.   Additionally, the Sun will have entered Aquarius and Venus will have moved all the way through Aquarius and into Pisces.
We may all feel a bit like we are Merlin or other famous time distortionists. Most of the strong aspects fall at the beginning of the month while both Mercury and Mars remain retrograde. Then, as we exit the retrogrades, things get less frantic. A lot of getting done is going to come due all at once but none of it will need doing. That isn't supposed to make sense.
The Nitty Gritty
To a greater or lesser degree, the energies of the first day of the year affect the entire year ahead.   So, as far as our time construct year of “2023” goes, it is worth taking a moment to carefully look at the transits specifically for 1/1/2023.   As mentioned above, we have a strong stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in play, and the exact conjunction between Venus and Pluto falls on the first.   Additionally, Mercury Mars, and Pluto are in retrograde motion.
I think that there is wisdom in reading the energies of Venus and Mars as a pair - even if you’re not personally into their roles as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, they still should be read as the “pull vs push” energies that affect us at all points in time.   Mars is currently very poorly placed while retrograde in Gemini - there is no push.   And Venus is being augmented by the deep chthonic energies of Pluto, the planet of death and resurrection.   This will give the entire year a bit of a dark feminine feel to it - this is the energy of the death goddess who is the earth herself, the feral energy of the “me too” movement, this is the energy of the howling fury on a cold and frigid night.   Here I predict that 2023 may not be the faint of heart but, as we live in “interesting times”, this should be expected.
With Pluto so strongly aspected on the first day of the year, one should expect that death will be a part of our lives throughout 2023; but I do not say that to scare you.   Pluto is more often the Death card in the tarot than a Grim Reaper figure.   Things change, whether you want them to or not.   It is when we can sit in observance of the change that we do not get so caught in its web.
As the first week of January (and the new year) progresses, things may just feel a bit strange. On Monday, retrograde Mercury makes a quick sextile with Neptune in Pisces: this is your high fog warning. Don't trust the sounds that you hear in the night, and so forth. Insert your favorite superstitions here as is appropriate to your culture. Venus enters Aquarius on Tuesday and immediately makes a sextile to Jupiter in Aries which will spice things up. We have a full moon in Cancer on Friday which lights up the sky with the Sun and Mercury in trine to Uranus in Taurus. The energy will be high, as is chance of all kinds.
Proceed with caution or enjoy it as fits your personality.
We're all pretty in it right about now. Capricorn feels a bit touchy about Uranus's recent squares with Saturn. There is a feeling of consequences in the air. We all have to pay up sooner or later.
Be aware of what you are saying this week. The Sun and Mercury have been moving towards each other since this Mercury retrograde began and they complete this conjunction on Saturday. That day is poorly aspected to do anything that involves mercurial pursuits of all kinds. Everybody is talking too much and not listening enough. People are out there looking to take offense. The energy will carry all the way through the weekend as Mercury makes an exact trine with Uranus on Sunday 1/8. Venus in Aquarius makes a trine to retrograde Mars in Gemini on Monday 1/9 which sounds like it should be nice, but I smell an argument. Mars in Gemini is furious about being forced to retrace his steps and Venus in Aquarius isn't holding back any harsh words. If yelling it out is helpful to you and yours, this day could be really cathartic. Watch out for those arguments between you and your closest. Yeah, that argument. You know the one.
If Mars actually shows up that Monday, it could be a really good day. It's a good day to get together with your favorite friends who like to play Scrabble, sing karaoke, or go to strange museums and learn something together. This is an air trine no matter whether Venus and Mars can get along so Monday 1/9 is a very auspicious day for air magic of all kinds. I just think that, in general, Mars in Gemini doesn't remember to show up in the best of times and Mars retrograde is not even on the same plane of existence, so how COULD they show up? It's not really Mars's fault here. On Thursday, Mars stations direct at 08° Gemini so by Monday he's already basically standing still. Whatever change you're feeling, it may need to wait a bit. Remember that Mars still has to retrace his way through his post retrograde shadow. Again, I get that feeling of consequence - this is a time to make right with whomever you owe things to. The Sun will be sextile to Neptune adding to the haze of it all.
The second weekend of January will also be quite Uranian as Venus in Aquarius squares off with Uranus in Taurus. This may feel like the one final personalization of the lessons brought up by all of those Saturn-Uranus squares from 2021-2022. This energy will be quite liminal, use it if you know how. On Wednesday, 1/18 The Sun meets up in conjunction with Pluto at the end of Capricorn and Mercury stations direct at 08° Capricorn. Pay attention to what happens in and around that date. It's also worth noting that Mercury is in trine to the North Node during this as well. Check in with the messengers in your life - what do the people around you have to say?
On Friday 1/20, the Sun enters Aquarius and we have a new moon at 01° Aquarius on Saturday while Venus and Saturn also meet up at 22° Aquarius. It will be a very Aquarian weekend. Is that different from a very Uranian weekend? Time will tell. Venus may be harsh while she is conjunct to Saturn so hold your tongue if you can. Sometimes the nicest thing that you can do is not say anything at all.
Uranus stations direct on Sunday 1/22 at 15° Taurus. Uranus isn't quite square to either Saturn and Uranus of that early new moon but it will be felt all the same. That whole week is a week to play it safe - no more games of chance, please. The fourth week of January will be quieter. On Wednesday, 1/25, the Sun in Aquarius makes a sextile with Jupiter in Aries which is highly auspicious. It is a good day to have a good day. Enjoy yourself.
Venus enters Pisces on 1/27 which will shift the mood from a lot of air to something a bit...wetter. We will probably be dehydrated AF so it may be a nice change. This is when you might finally see the waterworks that the explosions early in the month should have created. As I said, this whole month feels like walking backward.
If your experiences seem to happen out of time (and there's not a mental health reason that you are experiencing this, see also any other needed disclaimer here), know that you are right on time.
It's okay to take your time. This energy is dense and most people won't be able to see more than 5 ft of their own faces.
The big flex all month is going to be to look up and see that there are still other people around you. The big flex this month is going to be to stay in your heart as Venus in Aquarius whips up her wind storms. The big flex this month is going to be to stay present and in your body. Also, drink some water. So much air dries out the soul.
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saradika · 11 months
get to know me game
thanks so much for the tag @tinycozycomfort 💖
what is your astrological big 3?
cancer sun, aries moon, gemini rising!
last song?
young man's game by fleet foxes
currently reading?
just some fun stuff - I started The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath (omg), and A Court of Mist and Fury! I'm also part-way through Book Lovers, I need to pick it back up soon
last movie?
Emma. (2020)
it’s karaoke night. what are you singing?
I would rather yeet myself into the sun, but if I had to sing something it would be Inside Out by Eve 6
currently working on?
some Halloween moodboards for some wonderful friends, and a couple wips that I'm excited about (but just need to find the motivation for)
(I am late, so tagging anyone who sees this! 💖)
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sandbuckett · 1 year
Can u plz do a moodboard for Aries sun taurus moon cancer rising with a more masculine vibe thank u
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Rebirth, innocence, fury all wound tight.
The leader of the revolution. The artist.
Aries sun ☀️ Taurus moon 🌙 Cancer rising ⬆️
"There's something in your throat that wants to get out, and you won't let it"
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Hi this is for you Astro game, thanks!
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So Aquarius Rising gives you a unique view to you. Either your face or personality but it stands out a lot from the others and you'll get fame from it, or online. I feel you would blow up online often.
NN Uranus and asteroid singer are in your 1st house so you are probably destined to do something music related I would say. Uranus conjunct singer makes me think you would have an unstable/unpredictable singing career.
Your Moon in Aries 2th house can give you a bold voice. You can sing with anger and fury but with a lot of emotions at the same time.
Mars is in the 5th house of Cancer which goes back to what I said with the emotional but powerful voice and skill you have.
Venus and Saturn and conjunct in Virgo so it can mean you taking time to perfect your singing/music skills. You probably can take them very seriously and can be a perfectionist in that area.
Asia and Mercury are in Libra so I assume in Asia you are recognized for your beauty/music skills. Maybe songwriting as well? But mostly singing I would say. You are probably seen as charismatic their too.
Your Scorpio Sun can have people intrigued by you can gives you a certain charisma.
MC, Pluto and Jupiter in your 10th house can bring major transformation but abundance in your career. You would probably be lucky and make it into a successful group. (I'm thinking on NEWJEANS so i'll put that here"
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Dragon Hunter
Original Fiction.
Word Count: 428
Flash Fiction.
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The city had burned; there was nothing left but ash. A shadow swept across the landscape as a dragon soared overhead. Ari looked up as it disappeared out of sight over the mountain range. He heaved a great sigh; he had been too late, again. He sheathed his sword and started out to survey the damages.
The charred remains of a building scattered when he made contact with the toe of his boot. Bending down he gathered the ashes in his hands, the grittiness coating his fingers, a sharp, tangy smell hit him, flooding his senses. Northern grey backs most likely, judging from the amount of destruction and the size of the one he had just glimpsed. 
Contrary to popular belief, not all dragons breathed fire. Among those that did, heat was a relative thing. A diamond tailed horned dragon, for example, was all bluster, lots of smoke and fury, very little flame. Northern greys, on the other hand, were fairly deadly. Very little smoke, a cry as innocent as the bleating of a doe. But their fire burned almost as hot as the sun. Which begged the question, what were Northern greys doing this far south?
Everness had been a large city, a bustling center of trade and commerce. Dragons usually kept a lower profile than this. It was the third city of this size burned to the ground that he had come across in as many months. Something was very, very wrong. Dragons had been hunted almost to extinction centuries ago. Most places he went, they were regarded as fairy tales. The creatures had a vested interest in keeping it that way. So why the unprovoked and frequent attacks on high profile locations all of a sudden? Three large, well known cities, in three months all within the same region. That was definitely going to be noticed.
 Ari gazed out over the landscape as smoke curled up and climbed into the sky, insects and birds eerily silent. He closed his eyes and brought up his other senses, focusing on the mountain the grey had disappeared over. He stood in silence as the sun sank down behind the mountains, shadows stretching out across the remains of the city. He was unaware of the passage of time as he used his extra senses to survey the mountain range and what it was hiding. A soft breeze danced through the ruins and night had fully fallen when he finally opened his eyes. He knew what he had to do. It was time for the people to know the truth.
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