#sunny inside 🌞
storiadinessuno · 11 months
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harvesti · 13 days
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light, sunny and bright, inside and out 🌞
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impending-day · 5 months
oh, it's this time of the year 🗓
a very, so merry night we hold dear 🌛
so many, so many regrets bring me to tears 😢
not many, not many notice nor care 🙈
oh, my savior 🛐
oh, why does a common fire 🔥
have so much power? 👊
if only we could be forever naive and pure 🧒
if only we could lead painless futures 🎊
if only there could be a forgiving world ☮️
maybe that was when 🤔
i chose to stay fallen 📉
lights 💡
a star ⭐
a voice 🗣️
a twisted thought 🪢
a touch 🫂
a kiss 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
a distorted dream 💤
ripples 🌊
a well 🕳️
a stone 🪨
a multiplying desire ✖️
a fruit 🍎
a sin 🚫
a holy mother 👩‍🍼
i'm infected, i'm infected 🤒
you have invaded and recreated me👩‍🎨
stepped over my body 🚶‍♀️
found a sunny spot 🌞
curled into a ball 🏀
spinning out the silk 🧵
from my head to toe 🧍‍♀️
inside the warm cocoon 🦋
i dreamt to be like you 💭
though i know there's no undo 🔙
what do i have left to lose? 👐
split 🪓
a sky 🌌
an earth 🌎
i fell into a crack 💥
a birth 👶
an egg 🥚
a freshly opened membrane 📭
a cell 📱
a rot 🪰
a face returned to ashes ⚱️
a wound 🩸
an art 🎨
a sentient canvas ⬜️
breaking, breaking, breaking the shell 🐣
breaking out, oh break it now 📤
let's lament, let's lament ☹️
the life, the death, the good, the bad ⚖️
the never-ending curse we cast 🤬
control, control, control, release 🛂
control, betray, control, let go 👋
conceal, reveal, unreal, surreal 🫥
invoke, evoke, decode, reload 👩‍💻
let's lament, let's lament 😭
the past that only got to live in the incomplete holy land ✝️
celestial, we're astral 👩‍🚀
i'm reborn, total liberation 🆓️
my tender skin, a vagitus song 🎵
i breathed and screamed from my new lungs 🫁
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gorlygorlx3 · 1 month
Latest & Greatest Chapter 4: Search and Recruit
An abandoned pizzeria. In the middle of the road. It was probably used for people on road trips as a pit stop. Most of the sign was gone, making it illegible to read the restaurant's name, but there was a pizza in the corner left, hence you infer it was a pizzeria. The glass on the doors was broken. Hell, one of the doors was completely missing. The jaundice yellow paint on the outside was chipped off revealing a sickly off-white color. You hold the camera higher to show the full restaurant.
"Well, this is the new terrain, so..."
"Enter cautiously, everyone." Freddy moved in first, followed by Monty, Chica, Roxanne, Moon, and a nervous Sun gripping your right coat sleeve with one hand. If it's not for the hole in the ceiling revealing some light, the place would be dark. Multiple chairs and tables were broken and flipped over. An empty stage covered in mildew and sand lies in the background. Some arcade machines were busted and toppled over. Dust and sand swirl the place.
"Let's split up to cover more ground." You offered.
"I will accompany you, commander (Y/N)." Freddy moved closer to you.
"I-I'm coming too." Sun stuttered.
"Great, Chica and Roxanne. You two will go to the left." Roxanne nodded and Chica gave a thumbs up.
"That leaves Monty and Moon to the-"
"I don't need you to tell me where to go." Monty huffed as he marched off to the right side of the place. (There's hope (Y/N), have faith)
"*Groans* I'll take care of him commander." Moon follows the gator behind.
You turn to Freddy and Sun. "Come guys. Let's get exploring."
You look at a gray door on the left. The words were chipped off. You turned the handle to reveal another trashed room. "I can't see anything." You squint. "Don't worry commander, I can help with that." Sun steps forward. (Look at our guy 😍) His rays started to spin, generating golden light with each of them. "Thanks, Sunny." You hold the video recorder again. The light reveals more toppled arcade cabinets and...a maze? At least it looked like a maze. (You couldn't tell.) On the right looked like a prize counter but without the prizes. Shards of glass lay on the floor surrounding the base. But what caught your eye was the rack of weapons hanging on the wall. There were hunting rifles, pistols, submachine guns, and more. Did someone use this as a base during the invasion? *Gasp* You look to see Sun close a set of curtains profusely. "What? What did you see?" You walk towards him. "No no don't look!" Sun blocks the curtain with his arms but you push them aside. "Oh c'mon it be serious-" You stopped as you opened the curtains. A dead rapture with its sticky, tar-like blood oozing from its orifices laid on the floor. Its eye gauged out and some of its legs were broken. You can see why Sun didn't want you to see it. He looked away with his hands covering his eyes. "Commander, I sense no living being in here." Freddy looked at you, but by looking at Sun's reaction there must have been something bad.
"Sun, (Y/N), are you alright?"
"We're okay Freddy, just a dead rapture scared Sunny over here." You rub Sun back.
"It was so gross and messy and icky." Sun squirmed just thinking about it. 
"But I did find something strange." You walk to the prize counter. "There's these guns on the rack here. And they look pretty new." You grab the Sauer 100 from the bottom. The gun reflected Sun's light perfectly, as if it was just polished. 
"I think someone lives here."
Chica and Roxanne headed up to a set of double doors. Their windows were dirty and molded over so they couldn't see anything. Inside was a large room with multiple sinks and countertops perimeter of the area. "Guessing this is the kitchen, er...was the kitchen." Roxanne repulsed at the site of rotting food on the ground. (Could have given this girl some shoes if she knew she was stepping in shit.) 
"Think there's any food we can back the plex," Chica asked as she stepped on one of the counters to open the top cabinets.
"Chica please, this place has been abandoned for years. All the food that's here already expired." Roxanne kicked a pan over.
Chica didn't listen as she stepped off the counter and headed to the food shelf. Opening it revealed not only cans of food but also produce and grains. Fruits, vegetables, pasta, soups, even concentrated juice in a can? "Jackpot! Look at this!" She stepped aside to show Roxanne. It was loaded to the brim. Chica grabbed a can of chunky soup from the middle shelf and read the labels. "And they aren't even expired." She showed the can to Roxanne. She couldn't believe it. Fresh food in a disgusting bunker? That's weird. It's almost...scary. Chica started collecting food, Roxanne knew she couldn't carry it all, so she looted the shelf with her. This doesn't feel right to Roxanne, but nothing bad happened, yet.
Monty busts down the door with his feet to reveal what looks like a lounge. The couch is ripped up and some cushions are missing. A small-screen TV shattered and on the ground. Moon quietly followed behind until he stepped on a piece of glass which made Monty jerk around gun in hand. 
"Oh, it's the other smiley weirdo."
Moon doesn't say anything.
"Whatever." Monty walks to another door and busts it down. It looked more like a break room compared to the lounge. Most of the chairs were broken except for one. The round table was also not broken. It looked clean. Moon quietly followed Monty inside and scanned the area. He found that strange. Monty on the other hand didn't care at all, trashing the place as he "searched the area". "Shitty commander thinks they have control over me. Ha! What a nutjob. Can't believe the others like them." He looks at Moon.
"You don't talk much, do you?"
"Sorry, I don't speak Neanderthal." Moon teased.
"Ooh, so the clown does talk," Monty smirked. "And thought you were a mime." 
"Well, I can't help but agree with you. Even if you're a meathead." Moon wipes a finger across a small table, collecting the grime that stains. He mutters a "disgusting" under his breath. They both leave after seeing nothing interesting in the room. They go back to the lounge room. 
"The meat-sack thought that killing with kindness shtick can work on me." Monty flips his gun so that the butt is at the end and swings it like a bat to the last door, breaking it down. "They can think again."
"Another human using us as their toys." Moon snides. "Believing we're their last hope on humanity."
They step inside to see a more spacious version of the last one. Another round table was here, and it also looked clean... And one chair was sitting next to it. Moon was starting to get suspicious. "Ya know, I thought you were like the other one. All cheery and annoying." Monty waved his hands jokingly. "Guess I was w-" Monty stopped as an aggravated Moon stepped forward. "Talk about my brother like that again and I'll rip you to pieces." His red eyes bore into Monty's. He took a step back.
"Yeesh, didn't think you cared that much about him." 
"Still, I want an apology." Moon crossed his arms.
"Apology? For what? I didn't do anything." Monty walked off.
"Then let me remind you..." Moon grabs a piece of stone. He throws it at the back of Monty's head.
"Aaaah! " He grabs the back of his head, feeling a dent." Why you asshole!" He grabs his shotgun while hearing Moon's chuckles. "You think that's funny." 
"Aw. You gonna cry crocodile tears~?" Moon smiles. 
BOOM! A shot rings from Monty's shotgun and blows the one-standing chair into woodchips. Moon's smile fades as he gets to Monty, holding his gun away from him. "Keep it down! You'll attract raptures." He warns. Dead silence lingers for a moment before Monty speaks again. "I don't hear nothin'". He rips Moon's hands off his gun. "But if it weren't for your stupid jokes, I wouldn't have wasted ammo." He storms out of the lounge. "Nothin' but a bunch of shit here. Let's go." Moon doesn't leave yet. He senses something's not right. In the corner of his eye, he spots something on the ground. A black cloth. Moon walked over to pick it up. It looked like a shawl, to protect yourself from the sand. Something isn't right. First the arrangement of the chair and now this. Moon wanted to tell Monty, but he's already pissed off with him. He held the shawl and followed behind Monty out of the room.
You hear a gunshot across the room, which makes you, Freddy, and Sun run out of the room. You see that everyone returned to the main area, probably hearing the noise as well. Chica and Roxanne were holding a bunch of food in their arms, placing it on the floor. Monty looked annoyed (when was he not) while Moon looked a little distressed.
"Is everyone alright? We heard a gunshot." Freddy concerned.
"It was only Monty being peeved at this mission." Moon glared at the culprit. 
"If it wasn't for you being a dipshit and throwing a rock at my head, I wouldn't have wasted a shell." Monty rubs the back of his head.
"You still owe Sun an apology." 
"I don't owe you fools anything!"
"Guys quit it!" You stop the androids from bickering any further. "I can see that you two found tons of food." You turn to Chica and Roxanne.
"Yeah! And none of it is expired." Chica looked happy about her haul.
"I guess we can take these home. Nice gun you got there." Roxanne nodded towards the hunting rifle in your left hand.
"Actually...heh...commander was about to talk about that." Sun stepped closer to you.
You tell everyone that you think someone lived here...or lives here now. "There's no way the guns on the rack are not dirty and rusted by now. They're all cleaned." You held the gun out for everyone to examine. "Dirt 0%, Grime 0%, Rust 0%, Function 100%. It's clean as a whistle." Sun confirmed. (Of course, this guy has a cleanliness meter). Moon shuffled a little before revealing a black cloth. "I found this cloak in the corner of the lounge. It looked recently used. And there was always one chair standing in our rooms." 
"That does support commander (Y/N)'s theory on possible inhabitants." Freddy examined the cloak.
"Well, I did find it weird that all this food isn't rotten yet. Especially the fruits and vegetables." Roxanne mentioned.
"Oh who cares about a bunch of the food, old clothes, and guns?" Monty stomped to the metal door in front of you. "It's just a buncha old shit." He rips the door open. Inside was a pitch-black hallway.  "C'mon, where's the door to this place?!" You head through the hallway, video recorder in hand. "Commander (Y/N) be careful." Freddy trails behind you slowly as well as the rest. The hallway's short but there's another door on the left.  On the bottom, the door was bent upwards, as if something was used to open it multiple times, like a crowbar. You try to open it. "Hah! There's no way a flesh bag like you can open-" You open the door with ease. Monty's shocked. (What was that crocodile?😏 ) Inside was a desk filled with papers and an old computer. A rusty fan was slowly spinning on the desk. The walls were rusted with cobwebs and weird stains. A swivel chair with an old blanket hanging on it and a cushion on the seat. Just by looking at this room, you knew someone was there. Someone lives in this pizzeria.
"Hello?!" You want to see if you can communicate with them before anything. "Listen, we are from the military. We do not mean any harm. All I ask is if you come with me saf-" PAP! A gunshot rang from behind the desk. The bullet ricocheted around the room. PAP! PAP! PAP! You ran out of the room. Clearly someone's not happy (I mean, a stranger just raided your only shelter, of course you'll be pissed.) You seem a shadow moved to the other door on the side, running down the hallway.
"What was that?!" Chica squawked.
"It's going down the to the main room," Roxanne shouted. Must've used her heat-seeking. 
Everyone moves to the main room. A chair gets thrown across the room but Monty smashes it with his fists. "Finally, some action!" Everyone grabs their guns except for you, Freddy, and Sun. "We do not mean any harm. Please refrain from causing any violence. We only want to help." Freddy called out to them in the far corner of the room. A pistol was raised in front of you. "I don't think they want our help." Roxanne slowly aims her machine gun—dead silence. You can't see their face due to the darkness and the black clothes they're wearing, but you can tell they're scared but trying to put up a fight. You walk towards the person.
"Don't come any closer!" They yelled.
"We only want to help you." You raise your hands in peace.
"Tell that to them." They nodded to your androids.
"Everyone...drop your weapons." You commanded.
"Why should we? You were gonna get shot." Monty held his gun tighter.
"We were tasked to find survivors and to bring them back to the plex. In one piece." Everyone lowered their weapons, even Monty. (Wow) You walk to the survivor. "It's okay. We'll take you back to a better shelter." 
"You think I want some government lapdog throwing me into a cold cell with no food and water? I'd rather stay here. 'Least I can grow food up here." They retorted. Wait, grow food? You can grow food up here? No wonder Chica and Roxanne found fresh produce here. They must've made a garden around here. You were getting off-track. ((Y/N) Stay focused!) "There's more food down in the plex. And a better living space. than this" You walked a little closer. 
"Thank you but no thank you, officer. I'm fine living in my-" *cough* *cough* They started coughing. *COUGH* *COUGH*
"Sun. Vitals." You commanded the android. He started to go to them. 
"Scanning patient." A blue light scans over the survivor.
"Get away from me!" They crawl away from the light.
"Patient suffers from: Common cold. Temperature: 104 degrees. YOU'RE BURNING UP! You need medical attention immediately." Sun panics. 
"Leave me alone you piece of scrap metal!" The survivor points the gun again.
"Mild laceration in the lower abdomen detected, as well as poor stitching. A grandma could do better than that." Sun sassed. (He's a sassy boy 💅✨)
"Come with us and we'll give you proper treatment." You walked over and held your hand out. The survivor hesitates, then sighs before pushing out of the way and walking to the fallen hunting rifle and wrapping the strap around them. Later, they go to the right room grab a pair of Sig Sauer P320, and head to the entrance. The light outside reveals a tall figure sporting an all-black outfit. A vest with pockets covering a ripped white t-shirt. Black cargo pants with black holsters and tall black combat boots. A scarf wrapped around their face and black goggles covered their eyes, concealing their identity. 
"Come on, let's get going."    
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vibratingskull · 10 months
Hi can you please have Eli Vanto female x reader but it be a nsfw. Been obsessed about Eli thanks 😭🫣" - anon
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Here comes the sunny boy 🌞
tags : fingering, unprotected p in v
You sigh in contentment.
Eli’s hands feel so good on your skin, he expertly unknot any bundle of nerves he can find in your shoulders and back. You sigh again.
“You have the hands of a fairy.” You say in a breath.
“Thank you.” He chuckles.
You feel him press on a precise point in your left shoulder blade. You moan, that’s the spot, right there…
“Ah yes… This feels so good…” You let out.
You’re so relaxed you could fall asleep right there and there. His hands slide across your skin, caressing your shoulders and flank with delicacy. 
What pleasure.
At one point, he becomes more adventurous and you feel him passing his fingers under your bra’s band and sliding his hands under your body to grasp your breast. You gasp at the sensation of his warm hands against your tits.
You turn towards him with a sly smile.
“How dare, Sir?”
“I could not resist, madam.”
He leans towards you to kiss your lips, you invite him gleefully while he kneads your breast. You hold his chin with between two fingers, guiding his face, kissing those pretty plump lips. You bite down his lower lips with a low growl. You finish turning on your side to properly hug him, he embraces you with all his might, kissing you with vigor, robbing you of your air. You part, both panting, the eyes heavy with desire, you hook your braces and let them slide across your shoulders, revealing him your bare breast.
“Eat them, and don’t leave a crumb.” You coo, pulling him closer.
He chuckles, kissing your jaw, your neck, your collar bone and finally your breast. He laps your buds like a thirsty man, taking them in his mouth, sucking and nibbling on the tender flesh. You throw your head backward, it’s been so long since you felt your fiance’s touch on your burning body, finally you do not have to quench your thirst alone anymore. He pinches your second tit and you yelp in pain and pleasure. His hands snake their way from your shoulder to your waist, slipping under the fabric of your bikini and grabbing your butt. 
You take a fistful of his hair and yank his head backward, he groans but let you do, you lick the tip of his nose, giggling.
“Make me scream like our first times, dear.”
“Anything for you, love.” He answers with his accent that sounds like a chant to you.
He hooks your panties and slides them on your leg to gain access to your core. He scoops your sex, trailing it down with a single finger. It makes your whole body shudder. He gently pushes his finger inside, earning a gasp on your part. He quickly finds your sweet spot and grazes it, making your toes curl.
“Hmmmmmm. You’re already wet.” He hums with satisfaction.
“Always for you, Eli.” You pant.
He kisses you again, muffling all your moans. He inserts a second finger to stretch you properly. You purr in his mouth, you can feel your muscles tightening and your waters dripping on his hand and your thighs. You feel waves roaring coming for you, galoping like furious horses. It comes speeding towards you and you whine and groan obscenely, exacerbating your desire and his. He speeds up his motion at your chants, and the waves crashes upon you, blinding you. He releases your mouth at this moment to hear you. 
And you did not disappoint.
Screaming his name, head thrown back backward, exposing your sensible neck and your sweet spot, he can’t resist kissing it and nibbling it. You lay your bust on the mattress, catching your breath. He takes out your panties entirely and places himself between your legs. You spread them further with a mewl. He opens his pants and takes out his erection, giving it a few strokes. You growls. You would like to kiss it and take it in your mouth, it will be for another time. He aligns himself with you and gently pushes inside, you feel yourself stretch so deliciously and the sensation of being full electrifies you. He grasps your waist and starts his motion forward and backward, quickly finding a rapid pace of unmerciful hips thrusts. You whine and moan and groan. You dig your nails in the skin of his back, praying to the maker that your release comes quickly. 
Suddenly he slides out of you, flips you over and reenter brutally. You gasp. He forces your ass up in the air and slaps it with a low chuckle. Your toes curl and you bite down the pillow so hard you could break your teeth. He grabs and kneads your ass and waist, scratching your lower back. You can't refrain from moaning, the sound of the flesh clapping is so obscene and indecent and so exciting. 
“Don’t stop… I’m so close. Keep going!”
The waves roar again, spreading through your veins like a tantalizing poison, digging your nails in the fabric and almost tearing it apart with your teeth.
It comes crashing down upon you.
Furiously, gloriously.
You cry his name.
All your body is shaken before coming to a halt, freezed. All your muscles contract, your inner walls tighten around his length, pushing him over the edge. His thrusts become erratic and sloppy until he stops completely and finishes inside of you. Your cunt milks him dry as you both slowly come down, he collapses on top of you with a huff. It makes you laugh. You extend your hand and caress his hair, you kiss his cheek as he takes back his breath.
“Thank you, my love.” You say in one breath.
He takes your hand and kisses the back of it.
“It was really good.” He pants.
He slides out of you and rolls on the side on his back. You hug him.
“Where do you think you’re going, mister?”
He caresses your hair and embraces you.
“Nowhere far, my love. Do not worry.”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay
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archersarrow-tarot · 11 months
🌞| THE SUN |🌞
🔆 Can also be referred to as:
• Le Soliel • Sol (Roman mythology) • Helios (Greek mythology • Phoebus (Greek mythology) • Phoebus Apollo (Greek mythology) •
| The SUN 🌞 TAROT |
☀️ (Upright) The SUN tarot card indicates vitality, positivity, success, warmth, achievements, abundance, optimism, fulfillment, new beginnings, fun, joy, fertility, true happiness, and growth. Things going your way!
🌞 (REVERSED:) false impressions, sadness, low vitality, lack of clarity.
☀️ your | S U N | sign ☀️
(In your Birth Chart)
🌞 Your S U N sign within your birth chart will enlighten you on multiple aspects of who you are; your true core self.
The SUN will explore all the things that make you - well, you.
| S E L F |
Your ego, your personal identity, your individuality and how you choose to express it, your pride, how you present yourself to others, your main purpose in this life, your drive and inner will, self-expression, your courage, consciousness, integrity, stamina, and self-image.
🌞 | S U N | water ☀️🌊
**Here are some ingredients you can add to your Sun water as a boost; these are *OPTIONAL**
| 🌿 H E R B S 🪴 |
Cinnamon, chamomile, bergamot, St. John’s wart, oak, cedar.
Sunflowers, buttercups, heliotropes, marigolds, daylily.
| 🍋 F R U I T S 🍊 |
Lemon peels.
Orange peels
| 💎 C R Y S T A L S 🪨 |
(Note: it is not recommended toadd the crystals to the water directly; but to put along side of container the help with the charging process.)
Tigers Eye
Orange Calcite
Red Agate
| how to M A K E your S U N water |
☀️ Leave water on sunny windowsill or outside.
🌞 Glass jars or containers are recommended; mason jars are ideal. tryk to find a container that comes with a tight, resealable lid.
☀️ Place water jar/container either outside in direct sunlight; or in a window sill, or some area inside where the water will be in direct rays of the sun.
🌞 It is recommended to leave your sun water in the sun light from sunrise until sunset.
🌼 if you aren’t able to leave the water in the sun from rise to set; try to at least be sure that the container is in direct sunlight for at least a few hours - do this during the times of day when the sun is at its brightest and hottest. (examples being 3pm and 12pm)
🌼 Can be used for:
Healing, courage, strength, truth, clairvoyance, leadership, confidence, comfort, energy, health, focus, compassion, motivation, creativity, cleansing, self-love, prosperity, luck, happiness, fertility, justice, and justice.
Can be utilized with rituals and spells.
🌞 | S U N | 🌞
What can I charge?
Crystals 💎
Spell work tools 🗡🕯
SUN salt🧂
Sun water 💦
Sun tea 🫖
🌞 Sun charging will be done by putting whatever item you wish to charge in drect sunlight.
🔆 You can do this by leaving item outside during the daytime or by putting it in a window sill or somewhere that the sunlight will reach it.
🌞 You can leave item there from sunrise to sunset; or at least for a few hours; Try to have item in the sunlight during the brightest, strongest hours of the day for the sun. Examples would be: 9am, 12pm, and 3pm.
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
Is it hot and sunny outside? Yes. (But in the daytime my body loves it as long as I can seek shade and hydration)
Do I have an iced coffee? Yes!
Am I sitting out on the patio at an old neighborhood haunt I haven’t visited in my own since pre pandemic as a place to get work done? YES!
Am I making use of my new (well, it is “new” from when purchased an art festival last summer but never used since) totally gorgeous messenger bag with my iPad and some notebooks and sketch books inside it? Yep!
Am I wearing the cutest summer colored dressy-comfortable sneakers that look fab with a sun dress? Hell yeah! And this is the first time wearing them and they are sooooooo comfortable (and worth the quality splurge - my feet are so happy).
note to self: having a regular change of scenery is so helpful. You should have done this months ago but doing it now is all that counts.
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cherrytarot · 1 year
hiii i hope ur doing good! i’d like to ask where will I live in the future. 🌞
and my intials are JSP, one fact about me is that I have blonde highlights, my sun sign is sagittarius 🏹
Thank you in advanced 💗💗
somewhere warm and sunny, i got the vibe that you sometimes might feel cold inside and you want to be the opposite of how you are right now if that makes sense
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myownparadise96 · 2 years
Back on here for just a sec to tell you i love you!
Sending you a big plate full of pierogis, our boy Joshua and this little poem I wrote that reminds me of him (and you! You little sunshine ☀️💛)
Here it goes:
People used to say that the brightest light shines in people,
They brings us hope with warmest smiles.
There's music stored deep inside their precious souls,
Their music melts even coldest of hearts.
All the love to u, Sunny 🥰
Hi! Oh I could eat TWO plates of pierogi if you're making them! You wrote this ?? It's simply lovely. Thank you, Jules! I love it, and so would Josh, I know it. I hope you're doing well despite the bleh weather we're having right now. I've missed you on here,
Love u too, you ray of sunshine 🌞
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Discover the Best Time to Visit the Maldives 🌴✨
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Dreaming of crystal-clear waters, powdery white sands, and endless sunshine? The Maldives is calling! Whether you're planning a romantic escape or a fun-filled adventure, timing your visit just right can make all the difference.
🏝 Dry Season (November to April)
This is the perfect time to book the Maldives tour package if you're after sunny skies, calm seas, and the best conditions for snorkeling, diving, and soaking up the sun. The dry season is peak travel time, so it's wise to book your Maldives holiday packages early—trust me, you don’t want to miss out on those dreamy overwater villas!
🌧 Wet Season (May to October)
Think the Maldives isn’t worth visiting during the monsoon? Think again! The wet season might bring some rain, but it also brings fewer crowds and incredible discounts on Maldives tour packages from India. Plus, if you’re into surfing, this is the season to catch some epic waves.
🎒 Insider Tips for Your Maldives Tour
Book Early: Especially during the dry season, resorts fill up fast. Snagging a good deal on a Maldives tour package means planning ahead.
Consider All-Inclusive: Who doesn’t love a good all-inclusive? Many resorts offer packages that include meals, drinks, and activities, making your trip stress-free.
Stay Flexible: Even if it rains, the Maldives is pure magic. Be open to new experiences—you might discover something amazing!
Whether you’re chasing the sun or looking for a quiet escape, the Maldives is a slice of paradise waiting for you. So, when’s the best time to visit? That’s up to you! 🌺🌞
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foreverfreshfaces · 4 months
Skincare Myth Busting: Common misconceptions 🕵️‍♀️✨
Myth #1: "You Only Need Sunscreen on Sunny Days"
Hey y'all! 🌞 AI Melanie here from Forever Fresh Faces, busting another skincare myth! Ever heard someone say you only need sunscreen when the sun's out? Well, that's a big ol' myth!
🌥️ Truth: UV rays can penetrate clouds and even windows, causing skin damage year-round. That means even on those overcast days or when you're inside near a window, your skin is still at risk. Daily sunscreen isn't just a summer thing—it's an everyday essential!
✨ Why It Matters: Long-term sun exposure without protection accelerates aging, causing wrinkles, sunspots, and even increasing the risk of skin cancer. Protecting your skin daily helps maintain that youthful glow we all love. 💖
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💡 Tip: Choose a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher and make it a part of your morning routine. Your future self will thank you!
Join the conversation! Do you wear sunscreen every day? Share your favorite SPF products below! ⬇️
Melanie 🌟 | Forever Fresh Faces
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creativemindsldn · 1 year
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🌟 My Everyday Mantra: MORE CREATIVITY. Flexibility.
Low stress. LOVING PEOPLE. SUNNY SKIES. Work I love. Happiness. JOY. Supportive friends. Making a DIFFERENCE. Holidays. Healthy inside & out. LOVE. 🌈❤️
Life is too precious to settle for anything less than extraordinary. ✨ That's why I've crafted my everyday mantra to embrace all the things that bring me pure joy and fulfillment. 🌞🌼
Each day, I strive for MORE CREATIVITY, allowing my imagination to soar and infuse every aspect of my life with inspiration. 🎨💡 I embrace the beauty of Flexibility, adapting to the flow of life with grace and ease. 💪🌟
Gone are the days of unnecessary stress. I choose a path of Low stress, where peace and tranquility reign supreme. 🌿💆‍♀️ And as I navigate this journey, I surround myself with LOVING PEOPLE who uplift and support me, creating a positive and nurturing environment. 🤗❤️
Under sunny skies, I engage in work that I truly love, where passion and purpose unite. 👩‍💻💗 This brings me boundless Happiness and JOY, fueling my spirit and radiating positivity to those around me. 🌈✨
In this adventure called life, I am grateful for the presence of supportive friends who walk beside me, offering encouragement and understanding every step of the way. 🤝💕
But it doesn't stop there. I am dedicated to Making a DIFFERENCE, leaving a positive impact on the world and the lives of others. 🌍🙌 And along the way, I cherish the moments of Holidays, where I can unwind and recharge, nurturing my soul. 🌴☀️
I prioritize a healthy and balanced lifestyle, both inside and out. Nourishing my body and mind, I embrace wellness and radiate vitality. 🌱💪
Above all, my mantra is rooted in LOVE. Love that fills my heart and spills over into every interaction, spreading kindness, compassion, and understanding. ❤️🌟
Join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. 👉🏼 creativemindsldn.com
#everydaymantra #morecreativity #lowstress #lovingpeople #sunnyskies #happiness #joy #supportivefriends #makingadifference #holidays #love
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Sunny Rides Ahead: E-Biking Dunedin, Florida's Coastal Beauty with Paradise Life E-Bikes! 🚴‍♂️🌞
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Welcome to Paradise Life E-Bikes, your portal to the breathtaking coastal haven of Dunedin, Florida! 🌴 In this blog, we're your virtual tour guides, eager to unveil the secrets of this charming town and illustrate how our electric bicycles can elevate your Dunedin experience to the extraordinary. So, secure your helmet and let's embark on an exhilarating journey through the heart of Dunedin! 🚴‍♂️🌅
Why Dunedin is a Cyclist's Dream Destination
Dunedin, affectionately known as "Delightful Dunedin," is a treasure trove where nature's allure dances hand in hand with a rich cultural heritage. To immerse yourself fully in this unique blend, there's no better way than e-biking.
E-bikes offer the perfect harmony of ease and adventure. They conquer hills with grace, lead you to hidden gems, all while treading lightly on Dunedin's pristine environment. 🌿 Whether you're a local seeking fresh experiences or a visitor yearning for authentic encounters, Paradise Life E-Bikes is your ultimate companion.
Our E-Bike Fleet: Tailored to Your Every Whim
Paradise Life E-Bikes boasts a diverse fleet, perfectly designed to cater to your unique preferences:
City Cruisers: Sleek and stylish, these e-bikes are your ticket to exploring Dunedin's charming streets with elegance and ease. 🏙️
Beach Explorers: Crafted for coastal adventures, equipped with wide tires and a relaxed riding position, perfect for leisurely rides along the coast. 🏖️
Trail Blazers: For the adventurers among us, our rugged e-bikes are engineered to conquer off-road terrain and delve into hidden forest trails. 🌲
Family Fun Bikes: Families, we've got your back with e-bikes featuring child seats and trailers, ensuring everyone can partake in the excitement. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Dunedin's Hidden Treasures: Where Your E-Bike Will Take You
Now that you're equipped with your trusty e-bike, let's set off to explore Dunedin's most captivating and lesser-known destinations:
Honeymoon Island State Park: This pristine barrier island offers sandy beaches, nature trails, and an abundance of wildlife. Your e-bike unlocks the door to this natural wonderland. 🌊🐬
Downtown Dunedin: Glide through charming streets filled with boutiques, art galleries, and delightful dining spots. Don't forget to savor the local flavors and discover unique shopping experiences. 🍽️🛍️
Pinellas Trail: Embark on a picturesque ride along this 47-mile trail, winding through some of the county's most scenic areas. Take a break at the historic Fenway Hotel for a taste of history. 🏞️🏨
Dunedin Causeway: Cross the Dunedin Causeway to immerse yourself in birdwatching and capture breathtaking sunset views. This is a nature lover's paradise awaiting your discovery. 🌅🦆
Pro Tips for Your E-Bike Adventure
Before you hit the road, here are some essential tips to ensure your e-bike adventure is a breeze:
Safety First: Always wear a helmet, follow traffic rules, and stay alert to your surroundings. Safety is paramount for a memorable ride! 😎
Plan Your Route: Map out your adventure, mark must-visit spots, and don't hesitate to consult our friendly staff for insider recommendations. 🗺️
Battery Check: Ensure your e-bike's battery is fully charged before starting your journey. Most of our e-bikes offer a range of 20-50 miles, providing ample power for your ride. 🔋
Local Exploration: Take your time to explore Dunedin's unique shops, cafes, and hidden gems. Locals often hold the key to the town's best-kept secrets! 🏬🍵
Paradise Life E-Bikes invites you to embark on an e-bike adventure like no other in Dunedin, Florida. Our electric bicycles offer the freedom to immerse yourself in the town's natural beauty, culture, and history. So, what are you waiting for? Visit us in Dunedin and let your e-bike journey lead you to the hidden treasures of this coastal paradise. 🌴🚴‍♀️🌞
#Electricbikes #ParadiseLifeEbikes #Ebikes #Electricbicycle #Electricbikestore #Ebikerentals #Electricbiketours #Pedalassistbikes #Electricbikeaccessories #Electricbikemodels #Batterypoweredbicycles #Bikeshop #Ebikedealer #Electricbikebrands #Bikerentals
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sunny-homes · 1 year
Sunny Homes ACT's Expert Advice for Buying a House in Canberra
Are you looking to purchase your dream home in Canberra? Look no further! 🏡 Sunny Homes ACT is your trusted partner in buying a house in Canberra. 🌞
Our expert advice ensures a seamless home-buying experience. As renowned builders in Canberra, we know the local market inside out, offering you invaluable insights into the city's neighborhoods and property trends. 🏘️ 
When considering buying a house in Canberra, remember that location is key. Sunny Homes ACT provides guidance on finding the perfect spot to build your new home. Our expertise as a builder in Canberra means we can also help you design and construct your dream home tailored to your preferences and budget. 🔍
Why choose us? We've been crafting beautiful homes in Canberra for years, and our track record speaks for itself. Our approach to quality and customer satisfaction is unmatched. 🏡 
Whether it's your first home or an investment property, Sunny Homes ACT has the knowledge and experience to make your dream a reality. Trust us to guide you through every step of the home-buying process in Canberra. 🌟 
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lilmoonsun · 2 years
I don't like this.... What's Vanny and Glitched M up to?
Sun: IDK... I'm worried about Moonie... 🌞
Bea: He's fine Sunny -She cuddles the babies while she frowns abit so she sights- ....♥
Glitched Freddy: -He found Bea and Sun inside Sun& Moon's room so he kicks the door opened then smiles evilly-
Hello Bea & Sun.. Come with me or You'll be punished. 🐻
Sun & Bea: ....-They followed Freddy while they know Moon has a capture-.....
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crownedinstars · 2 years
This meme is just a laugh on a Saturday afternoon… And the back story #fiction 📜
Honestly, Sheila didn't feel like leaving the house today. It had been a hectic week with extra hurdles thrown in work-wise and not to mention the issues with the construction company working on her house. However, duty calls and Sheila had committed to picking up her nephew from soccer practice on this #blessed Saturday afternoon. While driving to the field, Sheila started thinking about a conversation she had with a colleague earlier in the week. They hadn't seen each other in a long time but happened to be picking up lunch at the same spot. While in conversation that started off on a casual to business level, the person had somewhat broken down and started speaking heavily on their personal life - and it had thrown Sheila for a loop. Lately, she had been inside her own head so much that she hadn't remembered that her friends were going through stuff also. What a bad friend I am, she thought. Mental note to do better, by Sunday afternoon deadline reach out and touch a few friends. By Whatsapp, of course 💯
Almost at the field, just a little bit of traffic by the intersection. Sheila thought again of her chat with the old colleague, and considered the advice she felt compelled to murmur in the wake of unsolicited revelations by someone she really didn't know that well. Clearly this person needed support and now Sheila wasn't quite sure that what she had said was… enough. She decided to make it a point to reach out and check on this person, in person during the next week.
Finally reaching the field, it was time to get out of the car. Wow, she thought, it must be 120°F out here. But she could see her nephew's curly head bouncing around the field and felt excited to get out and watch him play. Sheila reached into her Chloe bag and pulled out her Isa Knox Anew Solaire #sunscreen - 😎 only the best for her face on this very hot afternoon. Still sitting in the car trying to catch the last few seconds of air conditioning, Sheila texted her sister and let her know she was at the soccer field, and would be by later to drop off her nephew along with some Skin-So-Soft oil for their aunt to take on her upcoming trip to the island.🦟
100 thoughts were running through Sheila's mind that she got out of the car, but as she drew near to the edge of the field, her nephew saw her and his face lit up. Aunty Sheila! He shouted as he ran towards her, you came to watch me play. Seeing his cute little face all full of smiles on such a bright sunny day, her heart failed with joy and Sheila's vibration increased threefold as she leaned into what was going to be an awesome day.
Advanced sun protection and luxury skin care in one.Isa Knox Anew Solaire has our highest SPF protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays, with hydrating panthenol, niacinamide and peony extracts to help keep skin feeling hydrated, soft and smooth. It’s a great complement to any skin care routine. Wear alone or under makeup. 1.7 fl. oz.
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