#sunny strange magic
Dawn, after learning Sunny initially got the love potion intending to use it on her: Wow. Wow. This is such an eye-opener. I am blown away by how little this bothers me; I really love this guy! 
(source: ‘Once Upon A Time In Springfield’, The Simpsons)
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elf-kid2 · 2 years
So, does anyone want me to make some Strange Magic prompts in honor of Valentine’s day?
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Do I have some problems with Strange Magic? Yes.
Am I willing to put all that aside because this is one of the few movies that fit my niche of believable Enemies-to-lovers, good girl gone bad, she fell first he fell harder, bad guy with a heart of gold, Princess marries the monster, hero marries the villian, can’t we all just get along tooth rotting fluff cuteness that has the audacity to be a jukebox musical? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING YES.
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loluy · 2 years
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«For ages two worlds lived divided: the magical and the mysterious. Until someone crossed the line...»
Странные чары/Strange Magic (2015)
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zing-zing-2012 · 14 days
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Dawn: Hi, Sunny!
Sunny :Dawn!
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cam-me-boi · 3 months
For anyone that's interested, I updated my Strange Magic fanfic ❤️❤️
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marbledragonet · 2 years
Marianne, Sunny and Dawn playing Simon says.
"Okey, Okey, my turn now!" Sunny jumped in as the two girls laughed at their misery, all three with legs high up a wall and the rest of them splayed on the floor in an L shape.
"Sure, but you won't make it as funny as I did!!" Dared him Dawn.
"I definitely will." He said, while standing up again. "Simon says get up." He ordered the two with a smile.
Marianne and Dawn stood up, looking down at Sunny as he scrambled on a couch and sat on the header.
"Simon says turn around!" He said, and the two obliged, facing the wall. "Sunny says jump." He ordered and watched Dawn jump and than scream, crumbling in embarrassment, with a long 'Noooooooooooo!!!' cry.
Sunny smiled cheekily and watched Dawn turn around. "Every single time, I fall for it. Even I the beginning!" She cried and looked up at Marianne.
"I am easily the best one of us all in Simon says!" Sunny exclaimed and jumped down from the couch, sliding to Dawn, while Marianne let out a victorious chuckle.
"Nope! You might be the second best. bog would confuse you even in the first round." Marianne said and went to a table, where her glass with a drink stood.
Meanwhile, Sunny gave Dawn a big smooch on her cheek, just the way he knew would cheer her up.
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stars-in-a-jam-jar · 5 months
I don't think Buddy asks Helio any questions.
Kristen asked 'Why do bad things happen to good people?' because she believed in all the good things she was taught, but noticed the strange disconnect between the world as it was and the world as it was taught to her. So she thought, surely, if I can't come up with the answer, Helio will have it. And she hates him for dodging her question.
Buddy is far more deluded than Kristen ever was. And he is far, far angrier inside as a result, even if he deliberately conceals this fact from himself to protect himself from the inevitable mental breakdown this would cause. Buddy is not as altruistic and giving and caring as Kristen is. He wouldn't question why he was betrayed or dig into a question like 'Why do bad things happen to good people?' Those aren't the answers he needs, because of course he'd be betrayed by someone outside the church, that makes perfect sense. Of course bad things happen to good people, we simply live in a fallen world.
Or, well. He used to live in a fallen world. Now he's dead here. In Helio's divine domain.
I think Buddy, as he wanders through fields of corn to the big farmhouse where Helio is chilling out, privately thinks about the fact that Kristen Applebees' horrified expression was the last thing he ever saw before a sharp pain in his throat. I think Buddy assumes Helio knows he's thinking this and apologizes for bringing thoughts like that into paradise. I think he thanks Helio for recognizing his devotion and bringing him here once he died and dutifully deceives himself about his own rising emotions at contending with the fact that he's dead now.
After all, he was raised to die. He was raised to want to die.
To want to be here with his god whenever it was he called Buddy to him. So he doesn't feel upset, no, of course not. He's just a little surprised at how sudden it was. (How completely random. How unceremonious and unfair.) He's a little bit worried how his grandparents would react to the news is all. (He cracks a joke that maybe he'll see them here shortly after they do get the news. He doesn't laugh at it.) He had his own plans for how he'd spread the good word in life, but of course, Helio had other plans. (Nothing Buddy ever wanted really mattered. He knew that, he knew the will of Helio was the real thing that mattered, and everything else was just a small list of preapproved extracurriculars in the syllabus of his life.)
He can't be upset about this.
He shouldn't be upset about this.
This is his reward.
This place and these people and this god are his reward for a life of service and devotion and walking in the light.
It's not his place to be upset about his own reward. Kristen got upset when she went to heaven, when she met Helio, and look where that got her.
Look... look where that got her.
He thinks he hates her. For looking at him like that. All the ways she looked at him. Like he was something pitiful and contemptible. Someone she needed to threaten away from her little brother. Someone she has to double and triple check if he's going to revive her when he's under magical oath to do just that or lose his connection to a divinity she threw away after being chosen.
And then. In that last moment, she looked at him and he saw grief and horror and caring. Like his death was awful and unfair and tragic.
And he thinks maybe he hates her for that. For challenging him every conversation they had and looking at him like she knew something he didn't. Like she was above him. Like killing your own god twice in life is a preferable fate to living for the promise of eternal sunlight and cornbread in death. A promise which was kept to him.
Kristen was promised to Helio, too.
And he can't unsee her face. He can't move along and focus on what truly matters (Helio, the church, spreading the word, doling out divine punishment when needed) because he's reached the end. There is nothing left. Only this bright sunny cornfield and a god who... is nice. And who cares about him, personally. He got Buddy's name wrong the first and only time they held audience.
He thinks he hates Kristen, and he hates that that hatred isn't immediately squashed out of his soul just by being here. In paradise. Where he belongs. Where every follower of Helio belongs. Where he never has to have anyone look at him the way Kristen did ever again.
I don't think Buddy Dawn asks Helio any questions. Because how do you ask the god you devoted every waking minute of your life to, 'Why do I hate it here? Why does this feel like hell?'
(There's a part 2 now that the next ep is out >:3)
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
We all love the beach, right? I sure do. Where the sea meets the land is a magical place. It is the overlap of two very different worlds; our sunny, sandy, beautiful home and the alien waves that beckon you into the inhospitable wilderness of the ocean. When crossing that foam-fringed boundary, one must remember that you are no longer in your world. You are entering the sea, and the sea is vast and dark and dangerous. It is more untamed than the wildest jungle and full of creatures that can kill you in a hundred different gruesome ways. Every wave whispers to you that you do not belong here, you may only visit for a brief time if you want to leave with your life. Hold tight to the warm sunlit sand that fringes the barrier of this place, or you may never see it again. Welcome to the beach. Enter at your own risk.
1. Tamarama beach, Australia
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This is know as both the smallest and the most dangerous beach in NSW. There is a permanent rip current that runs along the rocky northern shore, but at any given time there could be more hidden in the surf. Large waves break just a little ways offshore, posing a hazard to swimmers but an attraction for surfers. Although there are rarely deaths here, lifeguards have to rescue multiple people a day. Interestingly, this beach is only around sometimes! Occasionally all the sand will wash away and all that’s left is a rocky outcrop. There’s no way to be certain when the beach will come back or how big it will be or what it might look like. I guess it never gets boring to visit.
2. Isle of Ré, France
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This island is not the only place you can go to see square waves, but it is one of the places most famous for this strange phenomenon. This is called a cross sea, and occurs when two opposing wave patterns intersect. Although this is certainly a tourist attraction, it is best to observe from a distance, as cross seas can be very dangerous to both ships and swimmers. Cross seas can cause powerful rip currents and walls of water up to 10 feet high, rolling ships and dragging people underwater. (As a side note, my mother thought I had made up cross seas as a freaky supernatural event in my book. Unfortunately, I did not.)
3. Dumas Beach, India
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This is supposedly one of the most haunted places in India. Although this beach is full of tourists during the daytime, no one remains after dark, for fear that they will become the next ghost to wander the sand. Apparently, this beach was once used as a burial ground, and said to be black due to the human ashes mixed in. At night, people report hearing voices and seeing apparitions, and even dogs behave strangely once the sun goes down. There have also been multiple unexplained disappearances and at least one recorded death. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there definitely seems to be something eerie happening on this beach.
4. Morecambe Bay, UK
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This is an interesting one, as it’s not technically the water that’s dangerous. The ground is. This estuary features extreme tides, with the water level dropping and rising up to 32 feet twice a day. This exposes an expanse of mud flats and channels which are composed of loose, wet material that can absolutely suck you in and trap you. If this happens when the tide is coming in, it can quickly turn deadly. This has happened many times going back through history, including one incident in 2004 where 23 people died. Yes, all at the same time. No, I don’t want to delve into that incident too deeply in this list as it’s extremely horrifying and tragic. Feel free to research it yourself.
5. Monastery Beach, Oregon
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This has earned its nickname “mortuary beach” by being extremely dangerous. Over 30 people have died here, including people who weren’t even in the water. In 2015, a woman walking along the beach was dragged in by a wave and drowned. The beach has multiple factors that make it so deadly, including a steep drop off, unpredictable waves, and strong undertows. This beach isn’t even safe to walk on. I um. Don’t like that.
6. Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii
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Despite its beauty, this Hawaiian beach is not recommended for swimming except for expert surfers. During the summer, this beach is a popular place for hiking, sunbathing and sightseeing, but during the winter the sand is washed away and the waves crash against the cliffs directly. Even in the relatively safe summer months, this beach has no barrier reef to break up the strong waves and powerful currents, which leads to a dangerous situation where swimmers can quickly be swept out into the open ocean and drown. At least 30 people have died here, and 15 of the bodies have never been recovered.
7. Lake Michigan. Just, all of it.
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Despite all the Great Lakes being somewhat terrifying, Michigan takes the title of the most dangerous lake in the country. Yearly, Lake Michigan has more drownings than all four other Great Lakes combined. The reason that Michigan is especially hazardous is that, well, it’s kind of weirdly shaped. Thanks to its 300+ miles of uninterrupted parallel shorelines running north-south, it forms huge waves and strong riptides and long shore currents. It is also a question of numbers; Lake Michigan has more public beaches and large population centers than the other Great Lakes. All in all, a recipe for disaster.
8. Playa Zipolite, Mexico
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This is also called the “beach of the dead”, so it’s inclusion on this list seems pretty self-explanatory. These waters have strong undercurrents that rotate in a circular pattern, either pushing you into shore or pulling you out to sea. There is a pervasive rumor that 50 people drown at this beach a year, although this is… somewhat exaggerated. In fact, very few people drown at this beach these days, as it has actually gotten less dangerous over the years. There used to be a steep drop-off that would catch people by surprise, but due to several severe storms in the early 2000s, the beach has eroded back and now gently slopes down instead. Although very few people die at this beach nowadays, multiple rescues are performed every day due to the dangerous currents.
9. Cyclops, Australia
This is a particular type of wave that forms off the coast of Esperance, Australia, as the sea floor rapidly goes from deep, open water to a very very shallow reef. It is… unsettling. The longer I look at it, the weirder it gets. It’s like an ai generated image. I couldn’t even pick one picture of it so I made you a collage.
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It is considered one of the most dangerous surf spots in the world, and can only be accessed by boat. To quote pacific surf dot com, “the reason the wave is dangerous is because it does not act like any other wave in the world. It engulfs itself due to the massive change in the ocean floor when the wave rolls up.”
10. Nazare, Portugal
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This area of Portugal is home to some of the biggest waves in the world. Just offshore is an underwater canyon, plunging down to 16,000 ft deep. This allows large, fast deep-water waves to move into shore unimpeded, and when they hit the shallows close to shore all the water gets suddenly pushed up, resulting in waves up to 80 ft tall. I think the picture speaks for itself in this case. Probably best to not get in the water if you see that shit.
That was fun, wasn’t it? Before I go, let me end this on a different note than the rest of my lists; some actual advice for if you should you ever decide to visit these beaches (or any beach, really). Rip currents are incredibly strong (believe me, I know) but very narrow currents that run perpendicular to shore. To get out of a rip current, swim parallel to shore. Trying to fight the current will just tire you out and eventually leave you exhausted and way the fuck out in the ocean, which is typically when you die. Swimming parallel to shore will get you out of the current, and once you’re free you can swim back in at your leisure. And, just in general, never fight the sea. The sea will win.
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just-the-hands · 2 years
'i can't help it' by jvke is the version of 'can't help falling in love' that modern!sunny sings/plays for dawn
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incorrectstrangemagic · 6 months
If Imps Could Talk ...
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The Imp: You must be that elf the goblins are hunting. Lovely to meet you! ... In the thirty seconds before you’re discovered and killed.
(source: Gnomeo and Juliet)
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Warning: Chapter 7 Spoilers!!
Malleus Draconia
The local wizard! He’s a big enigma to the townspeople and people either hate him or love him! (Not true, literally only Leona and Diasomnia feel that strongly for him)
Not much is known about magic in this world and it’s said only fae and their descendants are capable of wielding it.
Lives in the forest in a tower that houses two very well maintained gargoyles. 
When you receive a letter from him about the junimos he adds that you should get gargoyles too for a better drainage system…
In this universe I think you would already know who he is from the get go but he won’t tell you his name so you nickname him Tsunotaro/Hornton anyways.
Is very close to Lilia, Sebek and Silver! Lilia raised him, he half raised Silver and Sebek is his apprentice! (He took him in out of fondness)
He’s actually a descendant of fae royalty from a fallen kingdom ages old but now he’s living at NRV.
He’s very lonely and was very glad to hear a little farmer with no knowledge of his reputation had moved in.
And yes, stone is a liked gift for him-
Loved Gifts: Ice Cream, Any Gem, Rose, Dinosaur Egg, Universal Loves
“Heh. It takes quite the feat to impress someone of my calibre, child of man. You’ve done well.”
Hated Gifts: Pink Cake, Chocolate Cake, Strange Bun (Specifically the Lilia branded ones…), Iron Bar, Universal Hates
“...” Lighting turns it into ashes.
Lilia Vanrouge
The owner and leader of the adventurer’s guild! Started it with Baul who is currently in the Skull Caverns.
Is actually fae and a powerful wizard but nobody in town knows, they just think he’s this weird kid who’s really good with the sword.
Lives in a little cottage in the woods with his son Silver who he took in when he was but a babe.
Malleus was living with them before but had to move out cuz his cauldrons and bookshelves were taking up too much space. They still live very close by though so he brings food over whenever he cooks! (Malleus teleports to ten different locations and Lilia follows)
.He’s considering retiring from his position at the adventurers guild and passing it onto Silver.
He has been training Silver and Sebek in the art of swordsmanship since they were young.
He’s in a band with Cater and Kalim, he plays the bass! Occasionally travels to the city for concerts!
Is often found at his cottage or at the adventurers guild!
Loved Gifts: Tomatoes, Black Licorice, Tomato Juice, Pizza, Strange Bun, Universal Loves
“How precious! I’m guessing my cuteness has charmed you? Fufu~”
Hated Gifts: Marshmallows, Solar Essence, Bat Wing, Universal Hates
“Hm. I'm rather disappointed in you, farmer..."
Silver Vanrouge
A knight in training, learning swordsmanship from Lilia! 
A lot of Lilia’s training consists of going down into the mines and freestyling so he picks up requests from the bulletin board often to hit two birds with one stone. Lilia banned him from going down alone after his first time passing out though…
Often passes out in the middle of the day and sometimes wakes up to see Ortho charging him 50 gold…
He’s a good friend of the animals in NRV and sometimes visits Kalim’s ranch to see them! He’s also the one who found the cat/dog that becomes your companion!
I feel like he has a mini garden near his cottage too! He bans Lilia from entering.
Goes horse racing with Sebek and Riddle every sunny Monday!
Is often found at his cottage, in the mines or taking a nap on a tree near town square.
Loved Gifts: Acorns, Mushroom Risotto, Coffee, Espresso, Universal Loves
“This is a great gift. How can I convey my gratitude?”
For Coffee and Espresso: “Thank you, farmer. This will keep me awake for training… Probably.”
Hated Gifts: Strange Bun (Also the Lilia branded ones…), Universal Hates
“Uhm, this is a rather… Unconventional gift."
For Strange Bun: “!! Has father been in the kitchen recently?!”
Sebek Zigvolt
A half-fae who’s the proud apprentice of the great wizard! 
Lives with his parents, older brother and older sister and is childhood friends with Silver! Lilia basically sees him as another son with how often he’s around.
His father works as a dentist in town and his mother is an adventurer!
His family goes on fishing trips often.
Is able to use magic due to being half fae but the village doesn’t wanna give him the respect that deserves cuz he’s such a loudmouth…
He also still trains with Silver and Lilia regularly!
Goes horseback riding with Riddle and Silver every sunny Monday but is actually deathly afraid of horses…
Loved Gifts: Salmon Carpaccio, Books, Universal Loves
“Hmph, not bad for a human!"
Hated Gifts: Coffee, Espresso, Iron Bar, Strange Bun (Once again…)
“A slight to me is a slight to Master Malleus! Be prepared, human!”
For Strange Bun: “T-This is!! I will accept this… For Master Lilia…”
TWST x SDV Masterlist
Tag List (Interact with the linked post to be tagged in future updates mwah)
Tag List Below Dropdown
@coffee-or-hot-cocoa @neuvilletteshusbandd @multifandomlazywriter @whimsybloom
@petaled-pages @blerp-22 @lazy-raven @the-ghost-0f-t0m0
@iamlowkeycrying @sleep-ydragon @loopdydee @hrhqueenfox
@mielle-estelar @cerisescherries @asillysleepy @sarah22447
@iamstillalive158 @fatally-incorrect @kumikokane @lettuceyarn
@awkwardlyso @banshee-y-etc @wolfdragongodex @honehbee42
@yvonneyudith @gyarukitti @animatesiti @paprikalol
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stuffedteen · 11 months
Magical Waistband
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Thomas had always been the poster boy for athleticism. With his chiseled jawline and bulging biceps, he was the kind of guy you'd see on the cover of fitness magazines. He loved working out, eating clean, and living a disciplined life. But little did he know, his life was about to take a turn for the curvier.
One sunny day in Southern California, Thomas decided to take a break from his usual workout routine and explore some job opportunities. He strolled along the beach and found himself at the entrance of Hollister. As he walked in, the smell of salty sea breeze and the sound of beachy tunes filled the air.
The store manager, Chad, was your typical surfer dude, all laid-back and cool. "Yo, dude! You look like you could totally rock our clothes," Chad said with a friendly grin.
Henry chuckled. "Thanks, man. I'm just checking out job options for the summer."
Chad's eyes lit up. "Well, that's perfect, bro. We're lookin' for some new staff, and you'd fit right in."
Henry nodded, completely unaware of what was about to happen. "Sure, sounds good to me."
Chad handed him a pair of crisp white Hollister briefs. "Here, man, try these on. They're like, our uniform, and they'll make you look even more awesome."
Henry took the briefs and headed to the changing room. Little did he know, those innocent-looking briefs were about to change his life forever.
As Henry slipped on the briefs, he felt an odd sensation. They tightened around his waist, but he attributed it to their slim-fit style. Unbeknownst to him, there was something magical about these briefs. They had the power to transform the wearer, but Henry was still clueless.
A few weeks passed, and Henry continued to work at Hollister. He enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere and was making new friends among his colleagues. However, something strange was happening. He had become hungrier than ever, and the once-disciplined athlete was now indulging in burgers, pizzas, and all sorts of junk food.
One day, as Henry glanced at himself in the mirror, he was shocked. His body had gone through an incredible transformation. His abs were now buried under a soft, round gut, and his muscles had softened into a curvier shape. His coworkers couldn't help but notice.
"Whoa, Henry, you've been packing on the pounds!" one of them said.
"Yeah, man, since you started working here you've blown up!" another chimed in.
Henry chuckled, still oblivious to the magical briefs' role in his weight gain. He continued to indulge in his newfound love for food, and his physique kept expanding. But he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he was starting to enjoy his new, softer shape.
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One evening, as he lay on his couch, his hand absentmindedly reaching for a bag of chips, his phone buzzed with a call from Chad. He picked up, curious to see what his manager wanted to talk about.
"Hey, Chad! What's up, man?" Henry greeted with a warm tone.
"Hey, Henry! I've got something pretty wild to confess," Chad replied.
Henry sat up, intrigued. "Alright, spill the beans, dude. What's going on?"
Chad cleared his throat. "So, remember those crisp white Hollister briefs I gave you when you started working here?"
"Yeah," Henry replied, scratching his head. "They're pretty comfy, I have to say. I've started wearing them basically everyday."
Chad continued, "It's all part of a change in company policy, man. Hollister decided we needed to be more inclusive, so we started hiring larger models. And the briefs, they, uh, magically enhance your physique to fit the new standards. You rock that new look. And I've gotta say, you've become a real inspiration for the brand."
He finally realized what was going on.
"Wait a minute," Henry mumbled to himself. "It's those darn briefs! They're making me chubby!"
The realization was liberating. He knew he should be concerned, but there was something strangely appealing about his new body. He looked at himself in the mirror with a newfound confidence and found himself incredibly attracted to the roundness of his gut and the softness of his body.
"I've got a size up in the briefs waiting for you when you come in for your shift tomorrow" said Chad. "See you then!"
Determined to embrace his new reality, Henry went all in. He let go of his strict workout routines and fully surrendered to his love for food. Burgers, fries, and ice cream became his best friends, and he watched his body expand with glee.
Over time, he fully embraced the life of a slob. His jock days were long gone, and he had become the embodiment of indulgence. It wasn't what he had planned, but he couldn't deny that he was loving every moment of it.
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gomu-fer · 5 months
Magic Music Box
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Law x strawhat!reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, gn reader, confession, fluff
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: You ask Law to dance with you
The smell of booze mixed with the warm lights and the sound of laughter and stomping filled the atmosphere of The Thousand Sunny as everyone unraveled with a well deserved celebration. Law felt out of his element, but finding your company rarely soothing
You were sitting across his table making fun lighthearted conversation, it may not seem like it but the alcohol in your drink was starting to get to your head, laughing louder than you probably should at Law’s snarky comments and sarcastic remarks. Strangely the Captain seemed to be enjoying the night while it was spent with you, suddenly feeling part of the party and actually having a little fun in your conversation. And not gonna lie, he was enjoying the view
Your view
So when you got up form your seat running with Nami in hand to the dance floor he couldn’t help but to grimace
“Absolutely not I don’t dance” you had answered the navigator as she approached you offering her hand to get up and dance, she rolled her eyes and begged but you didn’t bat an eye. That was until Law spotted her whispering something to Brook before making her way back to the table
As the song changed and the new melody made its way to your ears you couldn’t help but to smile wide and get up
“That’s my song! C’mon Traffy” you had said as you motioned to follow the two, he just shook his head and took a sip form his drink looking away, he would rather get shot and die
Stumbling you make it to the center of the room while you let loose and hit every single move with a newfound confidence
He wondered why he allowed himself to get to this point, where he fell head over heels for a strawhat. The moment he met you he knew it would be inevitable, your warm welcoming personality threaded with your kind and brave heart made it impossible to get you out of his head, and that smile and your laugh and your big eyes that stared back pleading for him to succumb to your charm
He tried to fight it, drilling the thought of your alliance being a finite professional fragile thing that would most definitely make his feelings tangle the situation. But all of it traveled to the back burner, enjoying your long blissful talks, shared stares and slight touches that would slip out of his hands. He was present in the moment with you, everything fading
He cursed the day you had finally climbed up his walls and got through him, suddenly making himself known to you on a highly personal level; something he had prevented for so long but it somehow felt right, allowing you to hold his heart on your graceful hands and keep it safe, because he knew you would cherish it
As you spin around your eyes lock with his, a smile settling on your features, a genuine happiness that infects the surgeon making him smile back at you, pink tinting his cheeks as he basks in how gorgeous you look even when dancing around drunk
You continue spinning and fall onto Luffy, who laughs as he catches you. He can make out the words ‘sorry’ come out of your mouth, but join on the silly laughter with your stretchy Captain. Now you find yourself dancing along with him, Law clenched his teeth at the way Luffy’s hands sit on your hands and waist, which is stupid really, if you’d offered him to dance with you a second time he would decline again, but now he weights his options seeing how you sway around with the straw hat, wishing he could hold you close the same way he does at the rhythm of your favorite song
Luffy takes both of your hands and spins you around making you beam brighter than any sunset he had witnessed in his troubled life, he curses under his breath as jealousy extends trough his being that is quick to fade when you stop in your tracks, holding your head in one hand while the other looks for support on your Captain standing in front of you worried. Law is by your side in a heartbeat, hand in your back while he lowers to your level while you’re hunched over looking at the floor
“Think’ we danced too hard” Luffy says but Trafalgar doesn’t spare him a glance
“You think?”
“I’m fine” you cut them off standing up slowly but surely.- “Just a little dizzy” your eyes snap shut trying to make the room stop spinning
“You need to sit down” Law doesn’t leave room for arguing, taking you away from the straw hat’s hold while he walked you back to your table, Luffy just giggles at the way Traffy just seemed to softened in your hold.
While you walked stumbled through the room, Law could feel how you supported yourself on his bigger frame, holding onto his arm with both hands making his heart flip. He settles you down carefully, your hands quickly making their way for your drink which he grabs the moment he notices, making you whine
“That’s enough of this” a blue bubble shines through his tattooed hands and replaces the drink with a water bottle that he opens for you. You take it with a pout, Law sitting beside you with his worried eyes scanning every nook and cranny of your body
“I told you I was just dizzy” you reassure after downing half the water, Law adverts his eyes from you immediately
“Just making sure” you smile at that, knowing how he genuinely cares for your well being, sometimes too much
You stare back at the surgeon, tracing his features over and over again before you are up on your feet for a second round
“Slow down” he says switching to doctor mode again
“You’re not my doctor right now, you’re Law” your hands extend to catch both of his sending electric shocks trough his whole body, but holding onto you nonetheless
“And Law is dancing with me”
He had long jumped over the lines of being a Captain, a doctor and just being himself, the three blurring together not really knowing where one started and one ended. Somehow you had reminded him who he was beyond his pirate life, devoting yourself to Trafalgar Law, not the Captain of the Heart Pirates, not The Surgeon of Death. You saw him for just him, his vulnerable broken self that you embraced
Even though he really doesn’t want to dance at all, the way your body presses to his, his hands gripping your hips like a lifeline and your gaze on his makes him surrender, making a lot of his subordinates and allies turn their heads and laugh at how weird it was to see him in this position
You were a complete mystery to Law, how could you do this to him? Why weren’t you afraid or disgusted by his reputation? Why did you wanted to dance with him? And why did he allowed you to?
Eventually the upbeat songs slowed down to ballads, your head resting on his drumming chest while he held you like you were about to disappear
Your head looked up to his golden eyes, completely lost in the feeling “Thank you Law, I know you hate this stuff” you murmured, your sweet words fanning on his goatee making him shiver
He stays awfully quiet before he formulates the right words to speak “Please stay, y/n-ya”
There’s something almost wrong when you hear him pleading, taking you aback not only at the words but at their implications, finally sinking in the fact of the complicated relationship you had buried yourselves in
Your feet stop moving, your thoughts running a mile a minute not really knowing what your answer could do or be. You let your guard down, some people would deem it as stupid specially as you stand before the most methodic man you had ever known, your heart screams you to do one thing while your brain glitches to comprehend
You switch your position making Law increasingly nervous, thinking you may just leave him in the dust. Instead, you tip toe to meet his dried mouth and rest your lips on his in dreamy kiss full of yearning
Is it a yes? Is it a maybe? Is it a promise? Neither of you know
But it felt right
I am back on my Rock en español era and this was inspired by this song, what can I say latin-american rock is so damn good
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chibieggplant · 5 months
Doodles ~ Part 2
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Trafalgar Law soulmate au | Imagine a magical connection between you and your soulmate, where everything you write on your arm appears on your soulmate's arm, too.
Part 2/3 | Part One | Part Three
Law sighed in relief. After all those chaotic shenanigans, he was glad that the day was almost over. He was exhausted as he walked back towards his temporary room aboard the Sunny. He'd spend some time alone and relax before bed; as long as he kept himself occupied he'd be fine...right? Well, that's what Law had hoped. But unfortunately, now he was alone with his thoughts. As he glanced at his arm for what had to have been the 20th time today? No, it had probably been more times than that, he lost count…he couldn't help but continue to think of his soulmate. Or rather lack of. Every time he thought he was making progress, his mind wandered off again. He was trying so hard to avoid thinking about them, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Now lying in bed, it was silent and dark. He was tossing and turning. Once again, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. Nothing foreign to Law. Maybe it was because it was too quiet? He missed the droning hum of the Polar Tang. He let out a sigh and desperately attempted to get some sleep. It was too quiet…and still not a single damn doodle from his soulmate...
Every time he shut his eyes, a wave of frustration, loneliness, and sadness came over him. It was such a strange thing to get worked up about, he shouldn't have to care this much. After all, it’s not like he ever wrote back. Still, for some reason, his mind was starting to wander, he could feel all of his pent-up emotions wanting to overflow. Combined with the added stress of the upcoming mission and being away from his crew, was he finally losing his mind?
Law agitated and restless turned on his back and stared into darkness before getting up to walk around the room. He was just too restless and it was starting to drive him crazy. Walking around made things worse. There was this odd feeling in his chest, which only grew exponentially once he became aware of it. It was a deep, dark sense of loneliness. It felt like a heavy weight. The longer Law continued to walk around the worse the feeling grew. Air…he would go outside and get some fresh air to clear his head and hopefully calm his mind.
The cool night breeze instantly hit his face when he stepped outside onto the deck. The air was clear, the night was dim but star-studded. The quiet of the night was soothing. He stood there, looking out, silently admiring the view. It was a perfect, calming night. A contrast to his thoughts that were anything but calm. He glanced at his arm again…nothing. His eyebrows furrowed. “Where are you?”
Maybe he was just a little bit stressed. He shook off that notion, he had been through far more stressful situations. So what if he didn’t hear from his soulmate right now? He wasn’t fit for a soulmate anyway. Law could feel the stress slowly beginning to wane just a little bit. So he had not heard from his soulmate in a few days, so what? He didn’t need their reassurance. He was not weak, he had endured much worse things in his life. He was being irrational and overly emotional. He would get through this. He was confident he was handling all of this much more maturely than he should. So what if his soulmate didn't write to him? So what? He didn't even need their affection.
He let out another breath. So what? He could endure this. He was fine. A few days was nothing. He was being silly. He was strong. So he didn't hear from his soulmate, who cares? It was probably for the best that they didn't write. Law was completely okay. In fact, he was downright happy about the matter! He was fine, better than fine, he was damn near delighted. He did not need his soulmate's validation! He did not need anything. He was self-sufficient.
Law kept standing there, staring out at the ocean, continuing to reassure himself. His mindset was a complete mess, and he was having a hard time figuring out his feelings. He knew he was lying to himself; he knew he was unhappy, deep down. But he didn't want to think about it. So he continued to convince himself that he was content with this. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written back didn't even bother him. He was fine with it, he was more than fine. He did not need them.
The silence of the night continued to press on, the calming air did nothing to stop the thoughts that were eating away at him. Law's eyes narrowed, he was not fine. He was being a fool. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written to him in these last few days did bother him. He was just too stubborn to admit the truth. He wasn't self-sufficient at all. He needed something. He needed...“God dammit just draw a stupid bear or something!” he stared at his arm as if his soulmate could hear his words as if it wasn’t the middle of the night and they weren’t asleep right now.
Law clenched his fist, he was irritated at himself. He was feeling a whole wave of emotions, he almost wanted to punch this railing. Everything was too confusing, his mind was such a jumbled mess. Law was so frustrated. Why was he so bothered by something so silly? Why did he even miss those silly doodles? Why was he so lonely? Why did he feel so damn empty inside?! “Just a stupid squiggle or…anything” he mumbled to himself.
He sighed as he leaned against the railing, it seemed pointless yelling at his arm. It was his damn fault he didn't hear from his soulmate. He didn't reply to them, after all. Was he really surprised? But that didn't make any difference. He was still angry, frustrated, and empty. He just wanted to see something, anything from his soulmate. Any stupid doodle would make him feel better, maybe he would feel less alone. He was acting like a complete idiot, and he knew it.
And then, as if by some miracle, as if his soulmate knew he needed them right now, a little drawing of a star slowly appeared on his arm.
Law stared at the small star on his arm. He wasn't sure, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Was his mind really this far gone? Could he have been so desperate to see this that he just imagined this? He rubbed his eyes and looked again, still the small star was there. Law blinked and looked once more. The star was still there before it slowly disappeared.
Did...did that just happen? Law felt the tension he was feeling in his chest loosen a tiny bit as a wave of relief washed over him. He ran his hand over the spot where the doodle had been a second ago. He was filled with a mixture of relief and hope, though the latter he quickly dismissed as silly. His soulmate had drawn a doodle for him. Maybe it meant they didn't hate him for not writing back. He liked to think that. Law let out a sigh and then gave a small smile as another star appeared on his arm.
Law continued to stare as now a second one was appearing right next to it. Two stars. He felt somewhat happy as he ran his fingers over the doodles. Law smiled again, though it was a bit of a dumb smile. He let out a few laughs, he was letting himself get stupidly happy over some insignificant stars. He felt slightly idiotic, but he couldn't help the warm feeling forming in his chest. And with each additional star that appeared next to the one preceding it, Law felt like a happy fool. He was getting so excited over something this ridiculous. He couldn't help but smile. He was now grinning like an idiot, as the stars kept appearing and disappearing from his arm. Law had no idea why his soulmate was drawing these little stars, but he didn't care. He was just glad they were still there. He'd take this over nothing at all.
Law couldn't help but notice that his smile had grown bigger with each doodle that star on his arm. And with every star that appeared, Law's happiness continued to grow. He felt ridiculous, but it was such a simple gesture. The tiny doodles were so unassuming, but they had managed to cheer him up in a way that very few things could.
The cold night breeze caused him to shiver, and he decided it was time to go back inside the ship, hopefully, he could get some sleep now that he felt more at ease. As he left the railing, he couldn't stop looking at his arm. It made him feel less lonely knowing that they were there. Before heading inside his eyes flicked towards the crows nest. He knew you were on watch tonight and a wave of guilt hit him as he remembered his brief conversation with you earlier. Maybe it was the newfound good mood but he felt a need to apologise, you were only trying to be nice to him after all.
As he was climbing the stairs he decided to head to the crows nest instead. Now that he was a bit calmer, he wanted to apologise to you. He was being a dick earlier to you, even if it was unintentional. Before he could reach the crows nest he could see your silhouette looking over the sea. Law was about to open his mouth and announce himself before you spoke first.
“Sanji I told you I can do the night watch on my own just fine” you said without even turning around.
Law froze up for a moment before finding it amusing that you just assumed he was Sanji without even turning around to check who it was. “It’s just me, I was coming over to apologise for being a dick earlier, I know you were only trying to be nice,” he said, as he walked over to you.
You stopped speaking upon noticing Law’s approach. You let out a small laugh, though it seemed more out of surprise than anything else. Your gaze had been stuck on the horizon and your mind was elsewhere seemingly preoccupied with something else. Still, you were at least polite enough to respond even if you didn’t turn to face him. “Oh, you don’t have to apologise but thank you”
Law was amused by your reaction. You were still being friendly towards him, which he was quite happy about despite the awkward moment earlier. He was going to leave his apology at that and leave but decided to check in on you out of curiosity as you seemed to be busy doing something “What are you doing?”
You let out a small sigh in response and pulled your sleeve over your arm as you continued to stare over the horizon. Something was bothering you as the expression on your face was one of slight frustration. At the question you simply muttered, “nothing, don’t worry about it”
Law sighed as well, he could tell there was something wrong. Not just about your response but your overall demeanor, there was a sense of frustration about you. Law also noticed your arm as you pulled your sleeve down. Were you...“Are you drawing? Or writing to your soulmate, perhaps?” Law decided to ask. He was intrigued as he took a step towards you. He could have sworn he saw something written on your arm.
You froze up momentarily and then let out a sigh before turning around to face him. “It’s just a few doodles to pass the time, I don’t know why I’m even drawing them—“ Law’s curiosity peaked even more as he moved even more closer, he didn’t understand why there was so much secrecy behind some simple doodles. You let out another sigh knowing you couldn’t keep it a secret from Law. He’d only keep pestering you about it, so you might as well just explain it to him. Plus it’s not like it was some big secret. You had already previously mentioned to him that your soulmate never wrote back. “I’m... I’m just drawing silly star doodles for my soulmate, not that it matters…”
Law stopped dead in his tracks, what he thought he had heard must have been wrong. There was no way that’s what you had just said, you must’ve misspoken. Law couldn’t move, he felt like all the air was being sucked out of him, and he could barely breathe. “Can you repeat that?” He asked in the most calm and collected tone he could muster right now.
“I sometimes draw stupid doodles in hopes that they might draw one back one day. Not that it matters…I gave up writing messages a long time ago.” you added with a small sigh. Your frustration slowly began to creep back up as you thought about how you never heard back from your soulmate. You were tired of this whole situation, you just wanted to hear from them, even once. Just to know that they even existed.
Law froze up completely, as he started to connect the dots. You were waiting for some sort of follow-up question, but Law was completely dumbstruck. Nothing came to his brain, no words, or even a damn thought. All he could feel was his heart beating in his chest, loud and hard. He struggled to get his next words out. “W-what did you say drawing?” Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. It’s not uncommon for people to doodle things, right?
You tilted your head as you noticed Law freezing up and his struggle to get his words out. “…just some stars?” you asked puzzled, not understanding why Law was making such a big deal over this. But then again, you also wasn’t aware of the full scale of his emotions in this moment. All you knew was that you had mentioned ou were doodling stars and he suddenly started acting like a deer in headlights.
Law could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest, his breathing was uneven. He could feel his entire body was shaking. It all felt so surreal as this realisation sunk in. Was this happening? It felt like the entire world was spinning even though he hadn’t even moved. There was nothing else in his vision besides the two of them. “C-could you draw another one?”
Your eyebrow perked up in confusion by the odd behaviour from Law. Was this some bad joke? Did he think you were drawing something important or something? The way Law continued to stare at you did make it seem as if he was waiting for something. As you thought about this, you thought maybe he was playing a prank or trying to catch you out. Maybe he thought you were hiding something. “Erm sure...I guess?” you mumbled as you went to draw another star.
“C-could you do a bear this time?” Law requested as if he already knew the outcome of this situation. His voice trembling even more so than the mere seconds before. He continued to stare at you as you continued to be confused as to what was happening. He was still frozen in place. Still slightly dazed. The possible realisation was starting to set in but still felt so outlandish.
You let out a slight chuckle in bewilderment at his request. You didn’t mind though, you hadn’t thought of drawing a bear, but it was a simple enough request that you could indulge him in. Without a reply, you began to work on a little bear doodle. A bear was the perfect way to distract you from your frustrated mood as well, something was soothing about drawing cute animals.
Law watched you intensely as you began to draw. As the bear came together it only seemed to push him even further down the path toward a startling realisation. He had seen this bear before. He held his breath as he watched you. His heart beat at an even faster pace, his mouth went dry but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The bear doodle was taking shape before his very eyes, and he could feel the world slowly spinning even faster.
Without realising it, you had drawn an identical bear to the bear that Law had seen appear on his arm many times before. As you finished putting down the last few little details of the bear’s mouth, you stopped and took a look at it. You were pleased with the results of your brief doodle. “There” you smiled. However, you looked up and saw Law watching you. He seemed pale and confused. Thinking that you must’ve done something to cause such a dramatic reaction from Law, you moved to see if he was alright. “Hey, are you okay? You look—“ Law cut you off despite struggling to get the words out. He still appeared confused as he tried to explain to you the reason for his reaction. He was trembling more than ever, and he didn’t appear to notice his state as he continued trying to explain.
“T-the bear…” he started as he grabbed your arm. “Th-this stupid bear…you—“ Law looked completely dumbfounded. He struggled to form any coherent thought. He then looked down at his arm despite already knowing what he was going to see. The exact bear doodle from your arm was right there, staring back at him. He looked up to you with even wider eyes, almost as if he was being confronted with the most absurd thing he had ever seen.
Your expression quickly shifted from a mixture of confusion and concern to pure shock and disbelief as you caught on. Your eyes were now just as wide as Law’s as you tried to take in what was happening. The bear doodle was right there. There was no doubt about it. The exact bear doodle was right there on his arm, identical to the one you just drew on your own. Your mouth slowly opened up, as you struggled to form any coherent thought. You simply remained in shock as you continued to look at the bear doodle before it slowly disappeared.
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
The infirmary door creaks slightly as Nico pushes it open, wood swollen in the summer heat. He freezes, listening for the sound of angry curfew harpies, but luckily there don’t seem to be any around (they tend to camp around the Hermes cabin, understandably).
The infirmary is much darker than it usually is, letting the three or four people in it overnight rest. Some softer lights are on at the nurse’s station, making the blonde head under them glow. Nico pads forward, steps a practiced silence on the clay tiles. He can’t see if Will has his hearing aids on under his hair; he probably does, because Nico can’t imagine him on duty without them. Either way, he makes sure to approach the medic from in front, tapping the counter when he’s close enough. Will doesn’t startle, only glances up, flashing a smile — he heard.
“Hey, darlin’,” he greets.
Nico rolls his eyes, firmly holding back the smile that tries to force its way on his face. “Hey.”
Surprisingly, no, although maybe that’s just because Nico couldn’t fall asleep at all. After the third hour of trying — which was, frankly, remarkable, he should get an award for staying in his bed the entire time like the Mature Person He Is — he gave up, figuring he might as well put all his annoyance to good use. And Will, for some reason, is endlessly amused by Nico’s complaining, so it’s his personal mission to make the stubborn boy crack. One day, gods help him, Nico will turn that usually sunny grin into a scowl, just so he can make an irritating Apollo-related comment about it.
(He’s hoping for the same eye twitch he gets when he attempts any ‘Underworld-y stuff’).
“Something like that.”
Will hums, but doesn’t press. After a minute he gestures to the spinny chair behind the nurse’s station. Nico takes the hint, ducking through the half-door and sitting on the old leather.
He likes the infirmary at night. Maybe it’s a strange place for him to find so much peace — ghosts often linger here, many of them pained, and it always smells of rubbing alcohol and eucalyptus — but he likes it anyway. It’s less visually sterile than a hospital, more akin to an apothecary, and the whole place always feels warm. Will’s off-tune humming echoes quietly as he works, mixing with the soft snores of the few patients and the repetitive grinding sound of whatever poultice he’s currently preparing. If Nico wasn’t so randomly wired, the sounds would lull him to sleep. They have before.
“Prepping for tomorrow,” Will explains when he catches Nico looking. Some of the softness on his face fades as he tightens his jaw. “I’m sure we’ll need it.”
Nico uncurls slightly from the armchair, peering curiously forward. He’s not sure what’s more intriguing — whatever healing magic Will is prepping, or the uncharacteristic bitterness in Will’s voice.
“…Need what?”
“Oh, well, thank you, that clears things up nicely.”
Will snorts. His grip on the mortar loosens.
“C’mere, then, I’ll show you.”
When Nico is close enough, he sets down the pestle, revealing very fine, almost bleach-white powder.
“Shells,” he reveals, pointing to several still-whole ones. He smiles slightly. “It’s the kids’ job to gather ingredients, and this is probably their favourite. They’ll play with the naiads for hours to get enough, Gracie’s always tuckered right out after.”
Nico matches his small smile. Gracie, Will’s youngest sibling, is a cute kid, obsessed with mermaids. He imagines collecting seashells from the Greek version of mermaids is practically a dream come true.
“What’re the shells for?”
“They’re pure calcium carbonate, basically. Good for dyspepsia, which won’t help for capture the flag, but also good for caustic burns, which will.”
Nico nods. He has, for some reason, spent enough time around the apothecary to pick up more than a few medical terms – largely because Will talks like he swallowed a pre-med textbook, which isn’t that far off from reality.
“Why use shells, though?” He gestures to the powder Will is still crushing, even though Nico can’t imagine it getting any finer. “Why not just have Chiron order the stuff? It’d probably be easier.”
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t work as well.” Apparently finally satisfied with the crushed shells, Will tips the powder out into a much bigger bowl, then sets it aside. He carefully selects six of the whole shells and begins to crush them – Nico winces, because the first few cracks are much louder than he was expected in such a quiet room. “Whatever Chiron ordered would be crushed by machines, in a factory, probably made from chalk or limestone. It would still function as an antacid, sure, but –” Will pauses for a minute, facing Nico fully. His voice is softer, and he has to lean in to catch it. “Seashells held living beings. For years, they were homes. Maybe for an entire lifetime. And they were gifted, willingly, by spirits of the sea, and then crushed by human hands. At least three exchanges. There’s magic in that, and that makes them more powerful.”
As Will crushes the new shells, Nico steps up beside him, reaching into the larger bowl and digging into the powdered carbonate. The granules are finer than sand, fine as sugar – he buries his hands in them and concentrates, and in seconds he can feel the tiny remnants of spirits in them. Not souls – there is no human death lingering here – but thousands and thousands of fractured pieces of something that was once living. His arms tingle, goosebumps raising all over his flesh.
Will grins. “Yep.”
Nico watches him out of the corner of his eye as he works. He is totally focused on his work, face slacking again as he sinks into the motions of it: twist, twist, scrape, check grain size; over and over, again and again. His arms must ache. It’s something like three in the morning, he’s been on duty since ten. Nico knows him too well to assume he’s been sitting idly for any of that time.
“Why don’t you ever play capture the flag?” he asks, surprising himself. He’s not usually one to break silences. Will tenses slightly beside him, and the rest of the words come tumbling out of his mouth, although he was unaware he’d been holding them in so tightly. “I mean, you’re always on shift. I know you’re in here a lot, but you like training, usually. Especially stuff where you get to run around. I would’ve guessed that –”
“I know that capture the flag is important,” Will interrupts. His hands have gone still. Nico snaps his mouth shut immediately. “Obviously. Everyone needs to keep their skills sharp.” His presses his lips together. A particularly loud snore from one of the patients makes them both look over, and it’s a long time before he speaks again.
“But I don’t like when we play war against each other,” he says. He turns to Nico and smiles humourlessly. “I know it’s dumb. But it just feels…I dunno. I’ve treated the injuries after the fact for years – too many of them aren’t accidents. Besides, I’m more help here, anyway. Chiron’s a field medic, anything more serious will need the infirmary.”
He abruptly turns back to crushing the shells, clearly ending the conversation. He has also begun humming again – aggressively and upbeat. The tension is gone from his shoulders, but his knuckles are white against the grip of the pestle.
He is not telling the full truth, Nico thinks. Will is a bad liar. All Apollo kids are, but Will especially – he squirms.
But Will is his friend. And Nico can take a hint – or maybe a silent begging to drop it.
“What time does your shift end?” Nico asks. “Six?”
Will slumps in relief, shooting him a genuine smile. “Yeah. Austin’s taking over for the morning while I sleep, then I’m back again at 2, just before the game starts.”
“I’ll stay up with you, then.”
“Absolutely not, doctor’s orders, Nico, you need to sleep –”
Nico places his hands over Will’s shaking ones, fleeting. His stomach erupts in a way he’s learned to ignore. The tremor in the medic’s hands finally stills, grip loosening.
“I’ll stay up with you.”
“Yeah,” Will says finally, starting the pestle up again. “I guess that’s fine.”
part two
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