uncreativeboxdraws · 1 year
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Laser Queen Where have you gone, I miss you....
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glitchy-npc · 5 months
I think Ferris was close to Sunstream back in the day and really missed her when she quit the Rangers after the Nanosurge.
Obviously the Nanosurge was horrific for anyone who had to endure it, but I'll always wonder at the specifics that caused Sunstream to quit and disappear.
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rustycottoncandy · 3 months
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God my eyes are tired and I just finished a drawing. This is like the best feeling ever? Like when you’re a blink away from falling asleep, but you’ve just completed something that you’re proud of? I might, no, I must write something with this as a base someday. A scene, maybe with Rick or Melody.
Ideas away, here’s a page of doodles featuring Honey, Melanie and Raydel. Especially, Honey, for his Toyhouse and Artfight pages.
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skeletalfreak · 5 months
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inka1712 · 2 years
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Sunday in november
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chaniters · 2 years
Keeping the lights on
Cyrus decides to stay where his friends are, come what may --------------
Alone and surrounded by machinery is one of the most calming setups you could ask to spend your time in. The basement level has plenty of unused space, mostly storage units and vaults, one of them which Steel has made abundantly clear that you’re to steer clear of. Easy enough, you’re not here to steal their captured villain doomsday devices, just to assemble the generator and bring the lights back on. It’s been quiet too. You suggested you could work faster if you stayed the nights here, and nobody seemed to object. It’s been three days since then. Pretty safe ones too without the cameras or power, just candles, flashlights, and emergency lights when they can get the emergency fuel generators running. Not a place the Special Directive might be looking in.  
Still, the stay is about to be cut short, mainly because you’re done. 
The generator’s display shows all systems are in order and you’ve done a triple checkup of the control of the fiery plasma inside the reactor’s tokamak. It always amazed you how these devices don’t come pre-programmed and have to be trained from scratch each time one is put online, so they can learn how to control the plasma configuration. It’s not like the computer has any kind of intelligence beyond its assigned duty, but you can’t help but feel a kinship for it. Would it have been easier if your mind hadn’t been designed to do anything other than follow orders? 
“Evening there!” The voice comes from the stairs, pulling you away from the thoughts you had allowed yourself to submerge in once more. It’s Anathema, one of your new friends. 
“Good evening, Themmie. Hadn’t seen you in a while.”
“Been patrolling the streets. Showing our presence, you know. Making sure they see we’re not ‘done’ like PharmaCore and Carter and all those political idiots want.” “And now you’re back. Did Charge send you to check up on me?” “Whaaat, can’t I just come to visit you while you’re trying to help us?”
“I’m pretty sure that he did send you.”
“Fine, read my mind all you want, be that way, it’s totally not creepy at all.” Themmie rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t reading your mind. Much. Was I right?” “Yeah, he did send me. But I still wanted to say hi anyways”. 
“Thanks” you smile back at him. “Hi to you too.” “So now that it’s out of the way, please tell me that you’re done and we’re getting lights again? Can we turn the fridge back on? I really miss having cold drinks!” 
“I’m done. Was about to pull the switch.”
“You're joking. It's real? You're not shitting me?” 
“I promise it's real.”
“Wow this is … it’s huge! I’ll go tell Charge and Steel and then we can all…” 
*CLICK* goes the button as you press it, and the generator immediately starts humming 
 And powering up… and the ceiling lights through the basement slowly start flickering and turning on, pushing back the shadows and placing you both in a perfectly lit environment.
“Awww man! You should have waited a moment until I called everyone!”
“Why? I was here to turn on the lights and I did.”
Themmie sighs. “You know what’s your problem? No showmanship! It’s not about turning on the lights, it’s about presentation!” 
“What more presentation do you want? There were no lights, now there are lights on!” you protest. 
 Footsteps on the stairs make you both lift your gaze.
“I can’t believe it. You actually did it?!” Steel asks amazed as he comes down. “I did” you nod, letting him appreciate the assembled generator. “It’s an old model but every piece was here and most of the assembly was done before they packaged it. “It wasn’t that hard”
“You turned on a nuclear generator and you’re telling me it’s not hard?” Steel’s gaze goes from the machine to you. “I’m starting to wonder what school did you go to?” “I went to the UNYB.” “Where’s that?” “Leave it Chen.” Anathema laughs “That stands for University of None of Your Business, I already asked him the other day” Steel frowns, but Sunstream cuts him off by coming down the stairs. 
“About time! I don’t like being on official Lamp duty all day long!” Sunstream follows, turning off her glowing light now that the lightbulbs are back. “Pitty, I was getting a good tan finally” Themmie replies, stealing a half-smile from her. 
The elevator doors open with a ding, and Ortega comes out on his wheelchair. 
“YES!” It’s working again! I knew you could do it!” 
Normally you’d try to weasel out of a hug but you’re cornered by rangers and the machine you just assembled, so Ricardo gets a good hold on you, squeezing you in his arms once more. 
“I told you I could do it.” You reply, trying not to make a fuzz of it, only now realizing that they probably are going to make one. “ It was preassembled in the boxes, it wasn’t that hard really, I’m serious”.
“Stop being so humble already!” Anathema slaps your back. “You did an awesome job here!”
“Yes you did!” Ricardo adds, followed by Sunstream and even Steel acknowledges you did more than what he expected. 
It’s weird to be getting this much praise for your engineering skills. Back at the farm your work was either satisfactory or it was not and that was that. Praise like this was something that was reserved for your commitment to training or actions in combat simulations or the psy-training exercises. Weird but not uncomfortable?
Perhaps you could do some more work like this if they’d let you? It certainly feels nice to be useful. 
“Thank you. I’m glad I could be of help” you say trying your best to not look anyone in the eyes. “You should be able to start recharging your inner generator as soon as I plug the interface into the new grid, Charge” 
“That’s the news I was waiting for! Steel, would you please let everyone know we’re fully back in business!”  
“Right away Marshal!” he smiles as he walks up the stairs. 
“To the elevator my friend,” Ricardo says giving you a wink. “I need some high voltage right now!”
“Right away!” you chuckle, following him as he turns the chair around. 
It only downs on you after he pushes the floor’s button… With the generator’s back up, where are you going to stay tonight? Your plans were to leave Los Diablos for good, yet you threw them away the moment it seemed you were needed.
You decided to stay to help your friends out of this mess, even after all you learned from that other poor regene. Ortega smiles at you as he pushes the chair onward, and you can’t help but follow, smiling back.  
It’s pretty obvious now. You’re not leaving because your friends are here.
It’s not a smart choice. Will it come back to haunt you later on?
Perhaps, but that’s a problem for future you to deal with.
--------------------- My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero world. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for his wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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yonadavshiff · 1 year
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seawardboundsammy · 8 months
made some in universe los diablos citizen memes
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and then specifically in universe rangers rpfers (rangeshipping?)
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(context for last one)
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fr-familiar-bracket · 7 months
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bruciemilf · 2 years
" You...Adopted...6 siblings?"
Diana nods, sunstream smile bright and golden on her lips. She proudly shows off pictures, too.
Three boys playing video games, one of them using his crutches to push the others away. " Freddy and Eugene love bothering Billy."
Another is Diana helping an adorable little cherub of a girl with outfits for her doll's world domination meeting. " Darla has such a rich imagination!"
Then there's her, helping a teenager with what looks to be her book report, as another boy serves them snacks. " Mary is a dedicated leader for her projects. Pedro enjoys cooking!"
" But...6?"
" I wasn't going to split them up! Families are strongest together! Billy wouldn't have accepted otherwise. He's a loyal, exceptional big brother. I couldn't ask for a better son."
Shazam blushes, to their confusion.
" And do they know about... You know. Mega hot Goddess guarding Earth thing, or are you just a regular milf?"
" Hal!"
" You all know what I'm about!"
" Not yet! I figure It'll come out at some point. But I enjoy being a parent. They've been a delight to have around. Parenthood is not the beast I expected."
Bruce laughs. Batman laughs. It's like watching something eerie and unnatural. Barry squints. " Am I...High? Did someone buy that brew that makes me spinny again?"
" You, - you think. This will be EASY."
Diana frowns, tilts her head like a confused puppy. " Well, yes. They've been very pleasant thus far. We haven't even argued, and they follow rules well, - "
Batman full on cackles now. Holding onto Superman's cape for support.
" I think they're very special! I'm sure they'll stay like this for longer than we all expect. They're very mature!"
They have to carry Batman away because he physically can't stand up. Diana doesn't particularly appreciate being laughed at, but the man's face deserves some happiness on it, so she'll take it.
Shazam approaches her after. " So, uh... Did you mean it? About - you know, those kids being..Good kids? Or something?"
" Of course! They're all unique and special in their own way. In fact, I have many examples of it. Billy allowed Darla to put him in a sparkly dress for the premiere of her movie and it is the sweetest act-"
" I got it! I got it," Shazam shuffles his fingers, looking younger than his massive height, asking for something that Diana recognizes but can't name,
" And... Just... You know - they're grateful for you. Even if they're going to be brats, or if they'll be angry and break rules and not listen to you...They appreciate you. A lot. I guess I just don't want you to regret them."
" I could never!" Diana is offended by the mere mention. " Children are people, and people will disappoint, and hurt. But they're so much more. I'll make mistakes, too. Hopefully I'll be mother enough to fix them."
" You are," Shazam tries to smile on his wobbly lips, before coughing around the emotion lumping his neck. " You're a great warrior. So you'll be a great mother."
" What's the difference?"
She doesn't know how Shazam figured out her favorite coffee mix, but she's grateful.
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autistic-sidestep · 1 year
lying down thinking very hard abt sidestep trying ortega's cooking for the first time, canonically them liking anything ortega makes, that ortega learnt from tia elena that feeding people is the best way to befriend people and that SO many of their fond memories are food-related. (bumped into overdrive with a sugar vice step!) the necessity of needing to eat a lot to maintain their telepathy helps, ofc!
#Sugar—my brain needs the energy.     One drawback of your telepathic powers is that you need a lot of carbohydrates, and sugar is the easiest way to get them. […] the syrupy drinks you were used to back when [you were at the Farm]…
even chen's memory of a happy sidestep involves food
[non(knowssteelsuspects) tacticianstep] [i]So excited about a milkshake. Laughing with Anathema. The almost childish glee with which ${che} delighted in normalcy. In junk food and music. In movies.[/i]
which is why he stocks the fridge for an ally/friendly step
*label steelfridge (steelshelf true) "Raiding the fridge again?" Steel's voice is too soft for being inside the HQ. […] "Yeah, I'm a regular criminal," you joke, not looking back. Your eyes catch that damn shelf again, with your name clearly on it. There are some beers at the back, as well as assorted snacks. All things you've stolen in the past.
this can even be triggered by marcia from the business base
*label businessstart Sometimes, you pretend that this is what ordinary life must be like. Having a job. A daily routine. Surrounded by normal people, thinking unimportant thoughts. It's a nice enough fantasy, easy to indulge in when you sit sharing a meal with Marcia. She's brought a chili today, not as spicy as you're used to, but for a moment, you're having a flashback to another table, to another shared meal. Familiar laughter. A sense of belonging. You shut your eyes hard, and when you open them, it's Marcia's face you see and not Tía Ortega's. "Was it too hot?" Marcia looks concerned, and you realize your eyes have been tearing up. "I'm fine," you lie, hiding your face as you bite down on a piece of bread. "Thanks for sharing." "A meal is meant to be shared," she says, triggering more memories you don't want.
leading onto comforting spaces and memories with elena and ortega, it's definitely true ortega's strongly associated with food - all their meetups tend to revolve around meals
As do snacks. Is that part of what ${he} learned from ${his} mother? Feed people to make them comfortable, and you suppose the alcohol is mostly for ${him}self. (vice = "sugar") $!{he} always lets you steal ${his} snacks.
"Ooh, they have pancakes." "Pancakes." You shake your head. (*if vice = "sugar") Old memories. You used to eat those together.
What else did you have that wouldn't bring back traumatic memories? Clubs without Anathema, karaoke without Sunstream coming to life on the stage? Dinners with Tía Elena?
(retri epilogue, ortega pov)
Food. When in doubt, always go for food. $!{he} learned that trick at a young age, and it has never steered ${him} wrong.
memorial park meetup
[non alcoholic vice step] "You don't have to talk," ${he} assures you. "But what do you say we get a cup of coffee and a bite to eat?" "Coffee…" You almost laugh, because that's how people work, isn't it? When something uncomfortable happens, make sure to eat or drink something. It will make things better.
Of course ${he}'d pick a spot like this, [if see_shrink] where ${he} knows you would feel safe, especially after what you just went through. [else] the site of many of your escapades. Familiar. Safe.
"You know what Mamá would have said…." $!{he} wags ${his} finger in the air with a serious look on ${his} face. "If it tastes bad, it's good for you." Your voice is a fair approximation of Tía Elena's; you've heard that sentence often enough. For some reason, she had always been very concerned for your health. Intent on not letting you go hungry.
and ofc, the apartment scene
  "I'd like that," you admit. It sounds good; a little privacy is what you need right now. "Been a while since I ate something homemade."     "I think I still remember your favorites," ${he} says with a chuckle. "Wow. It's been ages since we did this."     "Yeah," you look away to hide your smile. "I miss it."     "So do I." For a moment, you think ${he}'s going to say something else, but ${he} doesn't.     "I like your food," you finally admit, a little lower than needed, because you're not sure how ${he} will react.
*if ((wound = "a severely bitten lower lip") or (wound = "a severely bitten lower lip, and a sore shoulder"))   "Are you sure you're going to be okay eating with that lip?" $!{he} touches ${his} own in sympathy.   "I'm not going to starve," you say with a careful smile. "Just don't make it too spicy."   "But I like spice…," ${he} complains.   "Sucks to be you then."   [*if ortega_friendship >= 75] Your smile softens somewhat. "You can always add it last, just to your portion."
"Any requests?" $!{his} voice is light and airy, clearly attempting to strike a lighter mood. "I like everything you make," you say, with a nonchalant shrug. [...]
It feels surprisingly normal sitting in Ortega's kitchen, one leg pulled up on your chair, watching ${him} cook. You helped cut the vegetables, but once the preparations were done, the stove was all [hers/his]. A familiar routine. It used to be what you did back in the day, maybe not every week, but when you had the time. The smell brings back fond memories [...]
"It's been a long time since we did this." Ortega again, breaking the silence that had been building, putting food on your plates. "Yeah," you admit, wishing it didn't smell so good, wishing the smell didn't take you back. […] "Do you like it?" "You're a good cook but such a sucker for compliments," you say, shoving in another mouthful. "I like it." […] You don't know what to feel as you watch ${him} eat, sharing ${his} table, sharing ${his} food. Sharing ${his} home. $!{his} friendship. $!{his} heart.
epilogue (recovering in chen's apartment + dating ortega)
 "Your kitchen really sucks." Not exactly the smartest thing to say, but ${he}'s never been that good with words when ${he}'s stressed. "You know that, right?"   "I know," Wei sighs, with the long-suffering look he has perfected over the years. "And you know it too. You say it every time you cook here."   "$!{he} cooks here?" [...]   "Occasionally." Wei sits down at last, giving Spoon a scratch before the dog pads back to ${name}'s side. "When ${he} feels I've been eating too badly."   "I know your stomach doesn't always agree with food, but occasionally you just need some homemade caldillo." ${ortega_name} turns back to the stove, glad for the opportunity to busy ${his} hands. The closest thing ${he} can get to meditation, that, and the bike. [...] And everything starts with a delicious dinner. Even if ${he} has to be careful with the chili.   $!{he}'s made worse sacrifices.
of course ortega learned it all from tia.
 "Not Ortega?" Steel sounds surprised, which is annoying. Are you that predictable?     "You know Tía Ortega. Dishes get done in that household." You can't help but smile at the memory. Another life. Another world. Did you use to be happy once?
Once upon a time, [if ortega_former ally] you were a frequent guest at [Elena's] house // [else] you were close. Back when she lived in the city. Invited into her home, at her dinner table. Hugs. Friendly laughter.
But it would also mean meeting her again. Stepping back into the past, being soft, loved, cared for, and you…you're not the same. Ortega hasn't told her about you for a reason.
i just.... augHHH. food as love.
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rustycottoncandy · 9 months
Hmm, maybe a new outfit for an OC you like drawing? Character design is pretty fun
Sorry I took a while with this one but it was so fun!!
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Raydel Sunstream!! I gave him a sweater and comfortable pants, something that he would probably never wear but would be really comfortable with.
Raydel is mostly seen wearing royal clothing (fancy capes, expensive shirts, etc.) and, while this is very far from royal or expensive, I decided to make it at least a bit related to his kingdom. It doesn't directly scream 'SUNSTREAM!! YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE PRINCE OF SUNSTREAM!!', but it does kind of whisper the name; the sweater, the upper part of his outfit's got a drawing of a sun, and le lowest part of his pants has got something that resembles, or at least tries to resemble, a stream.
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skeletalfreak · 2 years
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Alright, this is the best Icespirit master post I could make. @smallartistocbracket
Here is the boy
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inka1712 · 2 years
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Autumn leaves
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chaniters · 2 years
Team effort
Sunstream ventures into the suspect's house on her own, revealing a new unexpected power while Charge, Sentinel, and Steel provide backup. Meanwhile, Anathema and Sidestep meet up with Linda Goodman to arrange the trade. ***I didn't post these in the correct order, you can see the correct order on the link below, or read it on my AO3 -------------------------
Joels It makes you roll your eyes that they would just add an L and call it a day after the LDPD closed their previous establishment. The bar offers diamante masks for anyone not already wearing one, a common courtesy in some of the old-fashioned villain bars. You politely reject the bouncer offering one, since the mask Anathema asked you to wear already covers all of your head. Anathema also refuses, wearing the second horse-head mask they were carrying in their bag. Themmy’s is black and hairy with a small pink hat on top, while is white with a rainbow-colored unicorn horn. 
“I really like these,” you say, pondering on how would you go around making it practical for a suit. 
“Thanks. They’re leftovers from the last pride.”
“Pride?” you ask, confused. 
“Oh, right… the parade,” you say quickly, catching the thought fast enough to cover for your ignorance. “Where are we supposed to seat?”
“There” Themmy points out to a table on the far corner. “It’s reserved.”
The decor and music here are more vintage than Joes, but the bar has the same feel to it. And of course, there are Joes everywhere waiting tables and manning the bar, making your skin crawl when you remember them shooting you. Anathema promised they’d act as a human shield if need be, but you know it could get ugly if Joes figure who you are. Their Invulnerability can’t protect you from a dozen attackers. 
The two of you make your way to the table without causing much more than a glance at the colorful masks, and Themmy orders some fries. 
“She should be here in a few minutes. ---------
You give them a single nod, looking for all the exits and scanning to see who might be a treat, as you wait. 
“There’s Goodman!” Anathema announces after a few minutes pass, their mask looking at the woman by the door, also wearing a horse-head mask, this one brown, heading for your table. “Wow. Nice detail with the masks.” 
“I knew it would make us easier to identify each other.” You scan at her mind directly now, quickly realizing that the core of her thoughts is protected. Familiar… you’ve definitely felt this woman’s mind before, and… 
No, you have to be wrong… She can’t be… Is she…? (!!!!) “She’s Husk,” you whisper as the false Linda Goodman approaches “WHAT?” Anathema gasps.
“I’m telling you that’s not Linda Goodman. It’s Husk taking her shape, I know that mind! What do we do?” “Oh shit! Shit shit shit….” Themmy lets out. “Alright… we have to arrest her then? We need to capture her first.” they ponder, as Husk takes a seat in front of you. “Good evening gentleme…-.” Husk’s words are cut off by the electric blast making them twitch and fall back limp on the chair. “Done!” you tell Anathema, making sure anyone looking dismisses the sudden movement. “… the fuck?” Themmy asks, confused, looking between the twitching Linda Goodman and the smoking energy gun in your hand, still pointing at her under the tablecloth. There’s a trick to shooting someone before they notice, a trick the farm taught you well. “What did you do?”
“You told me to capture her?”
“I didn’t mean here you moron! How are we going to arrest her in a villain bar!” their whispering gets louder and louder.
“I don’t know!” you whisper back, cursing yourself for being an idiot. “I’m sorry!” “Alright... Alright. Let’s... Let’s pretend she’s drunk or something..? And walk out with her and make the arrest outside.”
“Drunk? But she just got here?” you point out
“Got any better ideas?”
“Then help!” 
“Alright… I’ll just try to make people not look at us.” Themmy starts standing up, grasping for Linda…? No, Husks hand… And against all odds, she breaks free, springing to life like a viper and running for the door, faster than any human should be able to. 
“After her!” Anathema hisses hiss, jumping over the fallen chair, you following closely behind, gun in hand as you topple a Joes over, the one that was bringing your fries to the ground.
All you can think about is how your handlers would NOT be amused about this fuckup of yours. —------------------------------
“You guys said this was going to be subtle!” Sunstream complains through her intercom. 
“You’re doing fine. We support you!” Charge encourages on her earphones quickly enough. 
“That’s not what I’m talking about!” Sunstream lets out an irritated grunt as she lands on the other side of the fence. 
“Hey, you volunteered, miss!” Sentinel argues. “You’re the one who said we should draw sticks, and that we never let you get your hands dirty with stealth missions.” 
“Yes, but I didn’t know I was going to be breaking and entering!” 
“Don’t break anything then?” Steel suggests, mildly amused. 
“I hate all of you so much.” She grumbles, making her way through the bushes to the vicinity of the front door. 
“You are approaching the cameras” Sentinel points out. “It’s time to do your thing.”
“Alright, I’m going bright. Look away” she replied.  
Sentinel lowered his dark goggles, and even that was barely enough to cover from the incoming flash, even behind the van’s tinted glass.
“Shit, that’s bright.”  
“Told ya. No way the cameras will pick anything but white while I pick the lock.
“Well remind me to wear sunscreen next time,” Sentinel said, rubbing his eyes.  
The flash died down and disappeared as the door closed again. 
“I’m in,” she replied. “Please tell me Goodman isn’t coming back home.”
“Steel?” Sentinel asked.
“Still driving her Pontiac, heading downtown. I’m following at a distance… there are no signs of her turning back.”
“If anything happens, I’ll cut the power and come get you out,” Charge said, from his hiding spot,  covering the back doo. near the fuse box.
“Thanks, mom, but I can handle myself,” she replied as sarcastic as she could deliver, taking a few steps forward into the unfamiliar living room. 
“Focus. If this person is involved with Husk, then she’s a menace and it could get dangerous fast.” 
“If she drives a Pontiac even with all of those native-American protests going that already makes her a menace, right?” “What do you see?” Sentinel asked, rubbing his temples behind the van’s monitors, ignoring her comment.
The question would go unanswered for several tense minutes. 
“I hate to disappoint, but I don’t see piles of corpses or living husks hooked to the ceiling like you said there would be, Marshal Sparkles.” 
“Husk wouldn’t be so obvious in the middle of a residential area. This isn’t a sewage tunnel like last time,” Sentinel spoke, suddenly wishing he hadn’t, the revolting memories come back to his mind. 
“This woman is classy. Wish my apartment looked half this good.”
“Focus,” Sentinel repeated. 
“I am focused! Moving to the corridor… aaaand…”
“...and?” Charge asks, again the impatient one. 
“And her bathroom has a bidet. I’m telling you guys, this is really upper-crust!”
Sentinel resisted the urge to curse at these kids as Charge laughed heartily on the other end. 
“She’s stopping her car by a bar… she came out, and now… she’s looking for something in her trunk?” Steel pointed out
“Just a random bar?” Charge asked.
“It’s called Joels.”
“What kind of name is Joels?” 
“I’m not going in to find out”
“The kitchen is nice too. I’m headed into the bedrooms.”
“I think there’s something fishy in that bar…”
“Keep the channel silent for Sunny and Steel, would you?” Sentinel interjected. “Sorry.” Charge said. “You can take your time, she’s not returning soon.” Steel said. “Left her car around the corner… I’ll park closer to the front door to see  when she comes out.”
“Alright, bedroom number one is… very weird.” Sunstream continued.
“Weird how?” Sentinel asked. 
“Many posters… and there are CDs everywhere. She must be a real fan of the Blue Guys Group!.” 
“The band?” Charge asked, confused
“Yeah, and these tattoo designs are just sick good…”
“When I said take your time, I didn’t mean check out her music!” Steel interrupted.
“Alright, alright! I’m moving to the next room.”
“Thank you.”
“Geez, I’m just looking for clues here…”
“We can discuss what bands Linda Goodman likes later.”
“Whatever, it’s not like you guys appreciate a…” She interrupted herself abruptly, letting out a sudden yelp.
“Are you ok?” Sentinel asked. “Come in Sunny!!!” “That’s it, I’m going in” Charge let out after a couple of seconds passed, standing up and opening the fuse-box, ready to fry the circuit.
“No, wait. I’m fine” Sunstream voiced from her end
“Shit don’t scare us like that!” Charge complained.   
 “What did you find?”
“Steel… are you 100% sure you’re following Linda Goodman?” Sunstream asked. 
“Positive. It’s definitely her, I even took pictures of her going into the bar.”
“Thing is… I’m standing right next to Linda Goodman as well.”
They all went silent, as the thing they were all fearing became a reality. 
“Describe her for us,” Sentinel asked calmly.
“She’s in pretty bad shape… drained I don’t know what’s wrong with her…There are bruises everywhere, I think she’s unconscious…? She’s attached to a machine, I think it’s a respirator?”
“This confirms it. It’s what Husk does. They’re a shapechanger but they can’t take someone’s appearance without constant access to the base DNA. If she’s hooked to medical machines then there’s no telling how  long Husk has been replacing her for…” Sentinel pondered
“Don’t touch anything!” Charge warned
“What do you mean ‘oh’ ?” the Marshal asked
“I tried to see if she was awake… and I think I… triggered something?” 
“Something like what?”
“An alarm…?”
“Get Goodman and come out of there right now!” Sentinel spoke in an urgent tone. 
“Gotcha!” Sunstream huffed, seconds before as a large explosion shook the house, quickly putting the whole building in flames. 
“Mierda!!!!” Charge let out a frustrated cry, taking a few steps back from the heat coming from the house. “Mierda, this is my fault! it, I’m coming in, I'm getting Sunny out!!”
But a blast blew up the back door before he could, Suntream jumping out of the raging inferno,  carrying the unconscious woman past a shocked Charge. 
“SHIT! ... I fucked up!” She yelled, still shielding Goodman with her body as she moved her away. 
“She’s alive!” said Charge feeling her pulse. “Sentinel, call an ambulance” 
“Already did Marshal”. 
“I shouldn't have…” 
“Stop it. You didn’t fuck it up, Sunny you just saved this woman. "I did?"  "Definitely did... mierda that was a close call, are you alri...-? Eh... you never told us you were fireproof?" “I… didn’t know?” Sunstream said looking at herself, only now realizing she didn’t even have a scratch on her. 
“Well, now you know and it's perfect! Now stay with her until the ambulance arrives, I’m going for my motorbike.”
“Alright, I’ll do it!” she said, slapping her own cheeks, trying to get herself back in the game.
“Suspect is coming out of the bar! On the run!” 
“That’s definitely Husk and we tipped them off!.”
“I’ll be there in a second Steel!” Sentinel said, walking out of the van to take off “Just don’t lose that bastard.” 
“I’m going to cut them on foot, stand between them and the car” “Don’t let them get away guys!” Sunstream said while holding the real Linda Goodman in her arms. “... what the…” Steel grunted, confused “There’s a crazy guy in a horse mask chasing Husk with an energy gun… wait no! Two crazies in horse masks!” “Say again?” “Husk just stole a motorbike! I’m getting back to my car!” --------------------- My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero world. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for his wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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yergink · 3 months
Ficlet prompts!
Any off screen moment from s1, where ed is down bad and stede is adorable. Bonus if the crew are like 👀
Modern meet cute at a dog park
Innkeeper era - talking about Stede's kids, or any Stepdad Ed
I have read so many "Mary learns that Ed is Blackbeard" and I would read another, if that sounds fun!
HI THANKS SO MUCH!! I'm a sucker for dad Stede moments, so I had to go with talking about his kids <3
(also this got. longer than i anticipated. whoops.)
Ed always knows when a storm’s coming on by the pinch of his knee. And he knows when Stede’s got something serious on the mind by the—much sweeter—pinch of his brow.
He’s been wearing that look since breakfast and been distant all morning. Floaty, sort of. And quiet.
The question sits fully formed on Ed’s tongue, but he holds it back. Prying Stede for his feelings requires a certain degree of tact, and Ed isn’t history’s greatest tactician for nothing.
Unfortunately, love is often the opposite of tact. It’s blind and stupid and reckless.
They’re sharing an afternoon snack of shortbread cookies—just a little overdone, which neither of them mind too much—when that faraway look crosses Stede’s face again, and Ed simply can’t help himself any longer.
“What’s wrong?”
Stede startles, like he hadn’t at all expected the question.
“Hm?” he answers. There are shortbread crumbs stuck on the corner of his mouth. Ed reaches out to thumb them away.
“You seem distracted,” he says. “Something up?”
A moment passes where Ed thinks he’s gotten the timing wrong. He was too abrupt, and now Stede is going to give him one of his too-strained smiles and insist that he’s fine, and Ed’s not gonna be able to work up the courage to ask him again.
His heart leaps into his throat. Ed swallows around it.
Stede, for his part, doesn’t play that song-and-dance. Instead, he sighs. His wistful gaze turns to the window, and his eyes turn chestnut-light where the sunstream catches them.
“It’s Alma’s birthday today,” he says.
Ed stares at him blankly.
“My daughter.”
“Oh. Shit.”
“Shit,” Stede agrees.
“…So, are you, um. Feeling some kinda way about it?” Ed asks him tentatively.
Stede shrugs a sort of shrug that means "yes, absolutely, but I don't want to admit it," and for Ed, that won't do.
He reaches for Stede's hand, the cookies abandoned for the moment. “Do you wanna try to figure it out together?”
Stede’s fingers latch into Ed’s tight before he jerks his head in a nod.
"Okay." Ed takes a long inhale, pleased to see Stede follow his example. "What do you feel?"
"Mm. A sort of—" Stede lifts his free hand and gestures in a circle to his chest. "A… hollowness. Like a hole. But it's heavy, too. A heavy hole."
"...What's that, a riddle or something? What thing is empty but still weighs a ton?"
"Could be." Stede's frown turns thoughtful. "I think the answer would be a lead bucket."
"That's fuckin’ brilliant."
“Doesn’t make much sense though, does it? Feeling like a lead bucket?”
Ed doesn’t think so. He’s had the same feeling, a hollow weight that ached through his chest and down in his belly.
“I think maybe you miss your kid,” Ed tells him. “That’s all.”
“…I do miss them,” Stede says quietly. “Both of them. And I know that they’re being well taken care of, and that I left on good terms, but…” he trails off.
“You don't talk about them much.”
“The topic’s never been relevant.”
“Oh, shut up, man. If it’s bothering you, it’s relevant. They’re your kids. Little itty-bitty Stedes running around. You think I don’t wanna hear about them?”
“…You didn’t want to hear about Mary.”
“Okay, but you see how that’s different, yeah?”
“And honestly, neither of them are much like me at all.” He lowers his voice. “Actually, now that I think about it, I suspect Louis wasn't even mine to begin with.”
Ed hums. “You know you are allowed to talk about them, if you want.”
“…I might. Want. Just a little.”
A quiet moment passes. Stede’s gaze flicks from the window to Ed’s face, and Ed raises his eyebrows at him meaningfully.
"Louis is a sweet boy, I think,” Stede says, looking back towards the window. "He doesn't pull the legs off flies, and he doesn't throw rocks at the other children. He's...Gosh, he must be six years old, now.
Ed's not an expert, but other than the bit about his age, those seem like odd things to notice about your kid.
“And Alma is…” Stede starts. “Well, she’s very independent, for one. And she’s—brave. Braver than I ever was at her age. Er, that’ll be twelve, today. She’s always speaking what’s on her mind, whether it’s a polite sentiment or not.”
He smiles at some private memory. “She’d get in trouble with the nursemaid often, with that feisty tongue of hers.”
“She sounds a lot like you.”
Stede laughs. “Silly man. Come on.”
“I'm serious. Feisty? Bit of a menace?”
“Oh, well…”
“All things I love about you,” Ed promises, with a kiss for good measure.
Stede kisses him back, of course, and they get lost in it for a moment, arms wrapping around each other, eyes closed, together.
Stede's stay shut for a beat longer than Ed’s, and when he opens them again, his face is a little sad.
“It's no wonder she was always testing Mary’s nerves so badly,” he says with a little huff that might've been a laugh if it hadn't been so damn sad.
Ed’s heart thumps hard in sympathy. He reaches to cup a palm gingerly over Stede’s cheek, swiping his thumb over into the soft hair at Stede's temple. “Hey. If you're thinking of them today, I bet they're thinking about you."
“D'you really?" Stede asks in a small voice, audibly uncertain in a way he so seldom is.
It's Ed's cue to be certain, then, to be firm and sure in this moment when Stede cannot muster himself to be.
"I know," he says. "I was missing you when you were gone, too."
"Oh, Ed—”
“So,” Ed continues, "if you can't be there, maybe you can send them a letter? Though might be best to skip the bottle this time.”
He tries not to linger on Stede’s dewy eyes, doesn’t want to bring attention to how delicate he seems right then, but he also can’t help but notice the telling glint that crosses his gaze.
“You just had an idea, did you?”
“I won’t do it if you say no,” Stede says slowly, “ But…how would you feel if I asked all of them to come stay a few days?”
Ed shifts. Unconsciously, his grip on Stede’s hand tightens a smidge in anxiety. “That, um. I dunno. Won't it be weird? Having your ex-wife in the same house as…”
“As my lovely boyfriend?” Stede fills in for him, and Ed imagines his heart trilling like a songbird. He doesn't think he'll ever get tired of hearing Stede call him that.
“It probably will be a bit weird,” Stede admits. “And I won't push if the idea makes you uncomfortable. But I think—” he pauses.
"I want to get to know them better,” he says firmly. “And I—I'd like them to get to know you, too. To see how happy you make me.”
Oh. Stede wants his kids to see him happy—to know he's happy. And to see that that happiness is because of Ed. That Ed’s the one who makes him happy.
It’s like all the light in the world goes softer, then. Sweeter.
Ed murmurs, “I think I like that idea, too,” before kissing him again, all the while thinking happy, happy happy.
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