#super hard rubber roll
reareaotaku · 5 months
Superboy vs Robin
Summary: The life of 3 best friends that get confused when realizing they have a crush on their other friend, Y/n Prince, daughter of Wonder Woman Pairings: Jon Kent x Fem! Reader, Damian Wayne x Fem! Reader Tw: Love V [NOT TRIANGLE!!! IT'S A 'V'], Slow Burn? Taglist: N/a
Pt II: Love in High Places | Pt III: Apple of My Eye
[This probably would have been better to write as a multi-part story instead of a one-shot, so I can really get the slow burn and such... Might make a part 2 if yall like this? Also hope this isn't bad because I've been wanting to write this for over a year....]
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You had met the two boys when in the league's spaceship. Your mother was on business and sent you off to do, as she put it 'Children things', before taking off with Batman and Green Lattern. You rolled your eyes at her dismissal, but decided to find something else to do. Besides, hero work was boring anway. Nothing interesting about discussing rules and such anyway.
You walked around the large spaceship, before coming across a particular room. In the room where two kids, boys, around your age you didn't recognize. One of the boys, the one in darker clothes, must have felt your presence, because the second you stepped in he turned around.
Damian knew who you were. He knew who everyone was. He would look like a real fool if he didn't know the daughter of Wonder-woman. Too bad the same couldn't be said for Jon.
You awkwardly stand at the door way, now having both the boys' attention on you. You awkwardly wave, "Hey."
Jon's face lights up and he rushes to you. He loved meeting new people and you were nothing short of pretty. "Hi!" He grabs your hand, engulfing it with his own. "I'm Jon, Jon Kent."
"Y/n Prince." You tried to keep up with his handshake, but he was fast and strong, and by the time you could gather what was going on he had already let your hand go.
You looked past Jon back at the emo boy, but he was just staring at you. Jon looked over to see what you were looking at, before gesturing towards his friend.
"Oh, that's Damian. Don't mind him. He's.... Shy."
"I'm not shy. I just don't have any reason to speak to her."
Jon gasps, before glaring at his friend, "That's rude, Damian." He turns back to you, his face flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about him. He's not good with people."
You nod, still staring at Damian. "He's Batman's kid, right? The son of those assassins?"
Damian's eyes widen, but only for a brief second. He could let such an emotion out.
"My mother mentioned it a while ago. She didn't say much, just that you were... Different."
"Yeah, he is different." Jon jokes, causing you both to chuckle, but Damian just rolls his eyes.
You and Jon stuck your faces to the fish tank. Neither of you had ever seen a fish tank before. You were both stuck in the house by your parents in fear of you revealing yourselves on accident. Your parents have isolated you both- Even Damian was isolated, but he wasn't as naive and foolish as you and Jon.
"Oh, that one's purple," You point to a triangle-shaped fish.
"No, it's a dark blue," Jon argues, causing you to side-eye him.
You rolled your eyes, but don't respond.
"Hey, Y/n."
"Yeah, Jon?"
He looks over at you, wide eyed and excited, "You ever been Tire-rolling?"
"I don't know if this is a good idea, Jon-" You try and reason, as your hands grip the tire's rubber.
He smiles, his hands gripping the tire, "Oh, it'll be fun. Promise!" He then pushes you, but instead of pushing you at a normal strength, he accidentally uses his super strength and sends you flying. His eyes widen as his mouth drops, before he runs after you, hoping you don't get hurt.
You scream as the tire jumps and hits multiple things while going faster than you've ever gone before. You grip the inside of the tire so hard, that you can feel your nails digging into your palm. You hear cars honking, but there's nothing you can do, without using your powers.
Though, luck must have been on your side, because while you're mid way in the air, something goes through the tire and harshly pulls you down. Your face slams into the tire, your hands ripping the tire's rubber. The tire falls flat on the ground and you sit up, rubbing your head.
Above you was the one and only, Damian Wayne. He was in his school uniform and he was looking down at you annoyed. In his hand was a grappling hook, which you assume he used to save you.
You quickly stand up, brushing off your clothes, "Uh, thanks."
Before Damian can respond, like he would, you hear Jon calling out to you.
"Y/n! Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?" He's nearly out of breath as he runs up to you before he stops. "Oh. Uh, hi Damian."
There's a moment of awkward silence, before Jon goes back to his normal self.
"What are you doing, Damian?"
"Nothing." Damian is quick, calculated even.
You had only known the two boys for a few months, but it felt like you had known Jon your whole life and this moment felt like the first time meeting Damian. Though, Damian was busy, so you couldn't really blame him. He was the son of a man with an empire and an assassination group. He was bound to be tied up from time to time.
"Uh, do you want to hang out, Damian?"
Damian is taken by surprise. You wanted to hang out? With him? Why?
Jon went to speak for Damian, but Damian interrupts him, "Sure."
"Really?" Both you and Jon speak at the same time, before you both blush out of embarrassment.
"I mean, great. Wow, okay. Yeah, let's hang out."
Damian groaned, before laying down on the roof. He could hear Jon and Y/n snickering to themselves, probably over something stupid. He closes his eye, their voices slowly fading from his mind. He didn't know how you had convinced him to hang out with you on a roof in the middle night.
He didn't like you, so he didn't know why he listened to you. He had no reason to care about what you said or thought, but yet here he was.
You had some kind of pull over him and he didn't know why. There was nothing about you that was different from the other superheroes. Sure, you were pretty, but so was Starfire, Raven, Super-woman, etc.
He looks over at you as you lean on Jon's shoulder, whispering some secret into his ear. He wondered what secrets you two were sharing. Maybe if he asked you'd let him in? He didn't know.
He takes his eyes off of you and looks back at the sky. It was a dark and cloudy night, like most nights in Gotham. Though, unlike most nights, it was quiet; Almost peaceful.
It bothered Damian. More than he'd like to admit. He felt an ich in his skin, like he was supposed to be doing something, but there was nothing to do. There was no fight to fight or crime to solve. It was peaceful for the first time in a long time.
Jon liked you, a lot. Like more than he's ever liked someone in his life. He feels immense emotions when he's around you, even if your mother doesn't like him. Though, your mother didn't like men period.
He was thankfully you didn't receive that quality from your mother. You were much nicer and happier than your mother. But that could be because you weren't tortured in the same way your mother was by the women of Themyscira.
In fact, they adored you. They treated you like some kind of goddess and cherished you. Jon understood though. You were perfect- At least to him you were. He thought everyone should treat you like the perfect person you are because you deserve nothing less.
You were alone with Damian for the first time in all the years you've known each other. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn't know how you were going to tell them you were going to be leaving for Themyscira.
Your mother wanted you to be trained by the Amazons to be able to control your powers and abilities. While she herself was banished, she knew they would welcome you with welcome arms.
You knew Jon would take it hard, but it was only going to be for a year. Just a year. A year you'd be away from your best friends. So, there was a part of you that hoped if you told Damian first, it'd be easier to break it to Jon.
"So, when do you leave?"
You looked over at Damian, confused, "Leave?"
"I heard your mother talking to my father. She said she was sending you to Themyscira to train. So," He sits up on his bed, making direct eye contact with you, "when do you leave?"
"Next month. I'll be gone for a year."
"A year?"
"Yeah. My mom wanted me to stay for 3, but I was able to talk her down from it."
"Have you told Jon?"
"Well, you know he's not going to react well."
"Yeah. That's why I've been procrastinating it."
"Can I write you?"
You frown, "No. The island is cut off from the world. So, no contact at all. Not even with my mom."
He now frowns, but says nothing more.
You sigh, leaning on your hand, your sword tossed on the ground. Before you stood Philippus, your mentor.
"Princess Y/n, what is bothering you so?"
You couldn't tell her you missed your friends. If she knew they were boys you knew you would get scolded. The Amazons didn't like men, because they were chaos and destruction and they were peaceful. A part of you understood, because you've seen the terrible things men can do, but your friends- they weren't like those men.
"Nothing... Just tired."
She takes your answer, even though she knows you're lying. You were frustrated and annoyed. You had been here for a month and found yourself making no progress. This was pointless.
You could have been with your friends, but here you were on some stupid island. You wanted to your friends.
"You know, if you don't get these down in the upcoming year, you'll have to stay."
You straighten up and glare at the woman. "No, I won't-"
Philippus quickly turns around, looking at you offended, "Excuse me?"
"Nothing." You quickly respond not wanting to repeat yourself.
She huffs, rolling her eyes, but decides to leave the conversation.
It had been a year since you were forced, by your mother, to train on the Themyscira Island. They wanted you to know how to use your powers to the fullest potential. It was fine... But you missed your friends. You wondered what they were doing. You wondered if they missed you too.
Jon was estatic. You were finally going to return from the island. Though, there was a part of him that was worried that you wouldn't remember them or even worse, you would hate them.
"You worry too much," Damian told him.
Jon sighs, trying to collect himself, "I'm just worried." Jon fiddles on his toes, as he repeated looks out of the window, hoping to see you pull up. Though, you were no where to be found. He walks away from the window, his shoulders dropping. "How far is that place?"
"Themyscira? It's a few weeks by boat, but she'll be here soon. She's home now."
Jon lightens up, "Home?"
"Yeah, she won't be here for a few more hours."
Jon glares at Damian, "You had me here looking like an idiot!"
Damian chuckles, "Yeah. I did, didn't I?"
Damian wasn't surprised by your appearance, unlike Jon. Damian had already seen you, without you knowing of course. You think he'd let you leave without any kind of contact? He knew everything, thanks to his connections. Though, nothing could compare to you really being in front of you.
Jon was the first to hug you. His arms squeezed you tightly, nearly causing you to lose your breath. He didn't want to let you go- Just hold you forever. He didn't want you leaving forever, but he was forced to let you go.
"You look great, Y/n."
You smile, a blush forming, "You too, Jon." You look around Jon to see Damian, who was avoiding eye contact. It almost reminded you of when you had first met the boys. "No hug, Damian?"
Damian finally looks at you, his natural glare on his face. Unlike Jon, who had let his hair grow out, Damian still had shorter hair, but his features were sharp. Though, that didn't surprise you. What did take you by surprise though is how much he looked like his father.
While Jon looked like a mix of Clark and Lois, Damian just looked like his father. Well, minus his golden skin- He got that from his mother.
Speaking of Jon, you felt him squeeze your bi-cep. You looked at him confused and he blushed.
"Uh, what are you doing, Jon?"
"Your biceps. They're like... Huge." He's fascinated by your arms, even comparing it to his own. While he was naturally strong, because of his powers, you had trained relentlessly for a year and it showed when your arms were bigger than his.
You chuckled at his amusement, before his eyes lit up, "Ah, Y/n you've missed out on so much- Come on," He grabs your arm, leading you inside the headquaters of the Justice League. You are stopped though when Damian grabs your arm that Jon didn't have. Jon looks back, wondering why you stopped when realizing Damian had grabbed you.
"Jon, why don't you head up. I just want to talk to Y/n."
Jon seems reluctant, but you turn to him, "I'll catch up. Promise."
He sighs, but ultimately goes up the stairs and inside the building.
"You look nice."
"That means a lot coming from you, you know?"
Damian avoids eye contact. He's worried that you might see all his emotions, feelings and thoughts. He didn't want you knowing his darkest thoughts. "Yeah.. Uh, Jon missed you a lot... Obviously. Um..." Damian had never been like this- Lost for words. He always knew what to say. He had everything calculated, but now... Well, he felt lost. He felt your stare on him, waiting for him to finish, but he felt his tongue felt twisted. "It's good to have you back."
"Yeah, well, it's good to be back. You know, I've missed you a lot... And Jon. I've missed you both a lot."
Damian finally looks at you. Your eyes bleeding into his own. For a moment it felt like you two were the only ones in the world. Everything else was just dark and all that was left was you. That was until another voice spoke.
You both looked up to see your mother. She gestured for you to come inside and you looked back at Damian.
"Well, I guess that I have to go."
"Yeah... I'll see yah."
"Yeah... you will."
You rush up the stairs, trying to stop the blush from forming on your face. You were so embarrassed and felt like the conversation was stupid. You wished you could have done it differently, but it was Damian. You were sure he wasn't as pressed about it as you.
If only you knew how much your life was about to change forever- All thanks to teenage boys' puberty.
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siremasterlawrence · 4 days
A Museum of Horror # 2 : Operation Doll Face
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The doll AKA aptly named Colton Haynes appears to be operational on all cylinders so far in to my research as I press a few buttons, flip on a switch as the lights in the room begin to blink on and off starting the process as the electricity radiates.The walls four corners began spinning out of control with black panels everywhere cover in black rubber, the energy is pooling all of it together as it travels to the medical slate in the center of the room and lights it up as his body brightens up with electrical currents. He is in for a world of pain as he body lifts into mid air convulsing like a lunatic sinking into a new life time as he rolls to the side of the slab and falls flat on his back as his eyes are opening wide coming to life as he stood up in wonder.
Operation on Online”
“How do you feel?”
“I am a robot “
“Do you comprehend why I made you ?”
“I am here to serve you “
“Everything is in working order.”
“Naturally! I need to be of use”
“Sit up straight so I can examine “
“Fully available “
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I informed him his testing begins now as he is rising to his feet as I point to the shower area of this laboratory that use to be a very popular gym and I begin plotting my totally awesome revenge scheme that will give my slave doll Colton Haynes the biggest role of his life literally as he swerves to face me in a deep sea of power.Grabbing on to his robotic chest my hands are met with such delight at the synthetic touch of his body felt so real beyond any of my imagination my work could be this good and I lean in to play with his nipples as I watch him moan in pleasure from my delicate manipulation of his robotic mind attempting to process it all.Clapping my hand a bit as the walls spread a bit apart till they hit the walls on the side of the room as we walk through the middle of the room in to the gyms shower area of the laboratory and I watch him as he does this on purpose I mean he genuinely begins to disrobe all of his clothes as they hit the floor from flying around.
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“I HAVE A RESTRAINING A ORDER!” The real Colton Haynes stares in utter pain and true disgusts.
“Oh Colton! Don’t Worry this was a your clone the toy.”
“Master! Is this who I am replacing? He is cute.”
“You are fine bro! All you need to do is be a good boy.”
“Fuck you!”
“Spit in my face huh?”
“Oh! I’ll do far more “
“Too bad buddy! Hey COLTON “
“Not you!”
“Snap the losers neck and take him in to the lab”
“Bye bye “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“He is finished Master”
“Place him in the right pod and enter the left “
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The machine whirls on with a bright boom of blue light washing over the room is shooting in to the sky as the pods connect in a super sexy showcase of color overtaking the room we are in and soon enough the pods begin to shake as body bodies begin to form a toxic form of gas shooting across the tube pipes in to each other.
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Spreading in to the right pod forming a one Colton Haynes.
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“Master! OH MASTER”
“What bitch?”
“I am at your service “
“You may exit “
“What can I do for you?”
“Kneel for me”
“No! Between my legs “
“Yes Master! I am fucking hard”
“May I worship you ?”
“That’s your job”
“Undress me”
“Follow me to the bed “
“I am so excited”
“I can’t wait “
“You taste delicious “
“Do I? How so?”
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The end
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pixeldistractions · 8 days
warnings: adult activities and conversation, pictures should be Tumblr-safe (we’ll see…), spice level 3/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️ 😇
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He promised she wouldn’t hate this, so sometimes that meant he carried four jugs of water to fill the tank so she could have a luxurious hot shower. She appreciated that, and she would take care of him in return. She massaged his tired muscles, kneading all that tension, the powerful shoulders and hard-working back, and turned him into putty. Then when he was melted to her satisfaction and dozing off to sleep—she wasn’t quite done with him yet—she traced the shapes of his tattoo, spanning shoulder or shoulder.
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“Did it hurt?”
“Heh, yeah. It took forever.”
“Does it still?”
“Not anymore.”
“Wait, though, it’s a compass,” she said. “But what good is a compass that you can’t see?”
He chuckled. “Didn’t think of that. Maybe it’s not for me.”
“Who’s it for then?”
“You’re the only one who sees it, so I guess it’s for you.”
“Are you saying I’m lost?”
“No. Not anymore. You have a compass now.”
She could see the corners of his lips, grinning into the pillow.
“Hmm, that’s very suave, mister.”
“We’re gonna pretend I planned it that way.”
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She tugged on his body until he rolled over, so she could straddle his front instead, then she leaned down to kiss him.
The close confines of their camper called for some romantic experimentation, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Jordan thrived on variety and the millions of ways and places he could cherish her body. He spoiled her with it. In the cab of the camper, window covers on, lean the seats way way back. A blanket under the stars, rolled up together into a frenzy. Save the moans for outside, though you might scare the wildlife. That could be fun, too. In the deep woods with only the nocturnal creatures as their witness. Don’t be shy of the owls and raccoons. They don’t care, they’re naked, too. A campfire crackling. Shirts kept on, or loosened, or scrunched up in a tangle. A wool blanket draped over her back and slowly falling off with each rock and sway. November brought a harsh chill to the nights, but they were always too hot together to ever feel the cold.
Or, just as often, inside, in their bed. So they devised some tricks, battery powered fans for noise, a makeshift wall made of pallet scrap, a haphazard door cut and fit from more scraps. It closed and locked; that was all that mattered. A carefully placed toy that would rattle when little feet crept out of bed. Keep it slow and rhythmic, so so sweet. Hush now, only whispers and sighs, muffled passions, bit lips, covered moans. Don’t rock the camper.
Another experiment, one that caused some mixed anxieties but was just as exciting, they’d been talking about skin to skin. Maria had been on her new birth control for a full cycle now. She was sure it was the right one this time. Double, triple checked.
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“I want to feel you,” she said, “not a rubber bag.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, very sure,” she said, sliding herself over him, up and down and around him, all but waiting for the go-ahead to push him deep inside.
“I’m just saying, the last time I did this, someone got knocked up with twins.”
“I won’t get pregnant. Not tonight, anyway.”
“Wow. Okay. Yes.”
And that was all she needed.
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“Fuuuuck,” he moaned.
“I’m gonna need you to last more than two minutes.”
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He was already far beyond words, so she got straight to work. She moved herself on him purposefully, hitting all her right spots while keeping it slow and steady, watching his face melt with pleasure, slowing him down and trying her best to beat him to the finish line because this was going to be a race. She would win, but it might be close.
The camper rocked, for sure.
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— “boxes and squares #5.1: live the fairytale” (7/10)
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previously: Jordan is super careful and Maria is irresponsible
notes: this isn’t just frivolous smut, by the way. (Not that I would ever be above writing such a thing!) We are heading into some important character development in the next piece. Also not meant to be foreboding. She really did double-triple check her birth control this time! It’s like 99% effective or something…
Next -> // 5.1 start // index
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kydrogendragon · 10 months
Dec 1: Ice Skating
(Ao3 Link)
“Make sure those are tight enough, yeah?” Hob says, giving his laces a final tug before tying them. He and Morpheus are sitting on one of the benches near the side of the rink. The weather is chilly, but not too cold for a December day. It's the middle of the day on Friday and the rink is fairly empty. At least for this part of town. No doubt once the clock hit two and all the school children are released for the day, will this part of town get more and more crowded.
Morpheus stares down at his own skates with a stern look of concentration as he meticulously pull the laces tighter. After seeming satisfied with his results, he ties the laces up in a bow and turns to Hob.
It had been just about five months since Morpheus had decided to spend his retirement here in the Waking as a human with Hob. Morpheus always rolled his eyes at his word choice of retirement. In truth, his afterlife would be more accurate, but if Hob thought too hard about his friend dying, even if it brought him here with him now, he’d get teary.
Standing up, he holds out his hand for Morpheus. As the winter weather had rolled in, Hob decided that he’d show Morpheus the classic winter activities. The first one was, of course, a Hallmark movie. As much as Hob found them pretty cheesy, they were a bit of a staple of December nowadays. And he could tell that Morpheus enjoyed the story lines, even if they were all mostly the same plot. It was the Hallmark movies, though, that led them here today. As with most of those movies, ice skating had come up and Morpheus had shown an interest. So here they were, just a few days later, with pairs of rental skates on their feet, all bundled up against the winter wind.
Morpheus grabs Hob’s hand, pulling himself up off of the bench on unsteady feet. The coordination of his newly human body had been an experience. It took a while for the muscles to get strong enough for Morpheus to do much, but his body seemed to take it in stride. After a month or two, Morpheus was as good to go as any other person his perceived age.
Ice skating, however, will probably still be a bit of a challenge.
“Don’t worry if you don’t feel super stable yet. It takes a bit to get your balance on these things,” Hob says, holding his free arm to Morpheus’s side just in case.
“I will be fine,” Morpheus says, taking a wobbly step forward, still holding onto Hob’s hand. The pair make their way, slowly, to the ice rink’s entrance. The moment his skate hits the ice, his foot slides forward, nearly taking Hob along with him. Thankfully, Hob is still outside on the rubber mat and is able to catch Morpheus under the arms.
Hob lets out a laugh. “Well, now you know how slipping on the ice feels!” He helps Morpheus back up on two feet and guides him to the ledge. Stepping onto the ice himself, Hob makes his way to Morpheus’s side. His jaw is clenched and his grip on the railing looks downright murderous. Tilting his head, he asks, “You okay? We can step back out if you want. Maybe we practice just feeling stable on your skates on the mat?”
Morpheus shakes his head and meets Hob’s gaze with fierce determination. “I will skate.”
With a nod, Hob concedes. Morpheus is nothing if not stubborn. “Alright, then let’s take a bit to get steady on our feet, yeah?” Morpheus nods and watches as Hob shifts away from the wall to face him. “Right then, let’s just shuffle along the railing for a bit. It’s gonna feel weird, but hopefully, it starts to feel a bit more natural as you go.”
Hob slowly skates next to Morpheus as they make their way around the ring of the ice rink. They are about half way through when Morpheus looks up to him and says, “I am feeling more stable on these.”
“Great!” Hob says, clasping his hands together. “Want to try just holding on with one hand and we can work through the basic movements?”
Morpheus nods. They maneuver over to the straight away section of the rink and Hob skates to the front, one hand on the railing, facing Morpheus. “Alright, so to move forward, you’re gonna take one foot and lean more on it so you’re kinda straight on top of it, like this.” Hob shifts the weight to his right foot as a demonstration. “Then, you’ll take your other foot and slide it to the side and back like this.” Turning around, Hob pushes against the ice with his left foot and skates forward for a moment. He turns back around and does the motion again, bringing them back together. “Make sense?”
Morpheus nods once again and looks down at his feet with that tense look of concentration once more. Hob allows himself a gentle smile at the sight. Morpheus always did things with the utmost care and attention, even for the simplest of tasks. It make sense. Everything was new, even if at one point he’d held the entire collective subconscious in his mind. Now, he has to experience it like all the other humans in the world.
Hob doesn't doubt Morpheus’s ability to learn to skate, though. In fact, if anything, he's certain that by the end of today, Morpheus will be skating circles around Hob.
He watches as Morpheus practices shifting his weight from skate to skate, looking more comfortable with each passing minute. With small nod to himself, Morpheus shifts to the left and pushes against the ice with his right. Hob watches with a smile as Morpheus moved forward.
Then he wobbles.
“Shit!” Hob skates forward and quickly reachez out and grabs Morpheus’s arm before he crashes onto the ice. Morpheus grabs onto Hob’s arms, one foot sticking out behind him, the other bent under him. Hob chuckles as he pulls Morpheus back onto his feet. “You okay?”
Morpheus keeps his hands tight on Hob’s biceps, the puffs of air from his breath visible between them. Hob’s eyes flicker down to his redder than usual lips.
“I am fine.” Icy blue eyes met his own.
Clearing his throat, Hob speaks. “That’s good. Guess I didn’t really show you what to do after, huh?”
“You did not.”
“Egg on my face then.” Morpheus’s head tilted, his brows pinching together. Hob shakes his head. “Figure of speech. Means it was my fault. Let’s get back to that ledge, yeah? I’ll show you how to keep moving forward and also how to stop.”
The pair make their way back to the ledge, Morpheus already seeming smoother on the ice than he had before. After walking through the basics of moving and how to shift your weight while moving forward, Hob then proceeds to demonstrate how to stop.
“You can Pizza it, that’s probably the easiest to start with. You can get fancy with it later and do a sliding kind of stop. I managed it once, so don’t expect any demos from me on that one.”
“A ski term, but it fits here.” Hob tilts his skates inwards and points down to the triangle like shape that they make. “They use the term for kids. Pizza and French Fries. Easier for them to visualize, I think. Just means to tilt your feet in like this.”
Morpheus looks down and copies the stance with a smile.
“That’s most of the basics, really. And that’s about the end of my skating knowledge too.” Morpheus hums in response.
“I shall try.”
Hob watches as Morpheus successfully skates forward a few paces and also manages to stop with a bit of a stumble, but not a fall. He skates up to him with a giant smile on his face and gives him a pat on the back.
“There you go! You did it!” Morpheus looks up to Hob with a soft smile. Hob can feel his heart clench in his chest. Its his soft smiles that always do him in. He's almost always rewarded with one whenever Morpheus accomplishes something new. He swore he was going to die from a heart attack those first few months because of it.
“I had an excellent teacher.”
Hob rolls his eyes. “Not that great.”
“Mm. Perhaps not. But a good enough teacher.”
“Hey!” Morpheus smirks and skates forward, leaving Hob behind. Chuckling, Hob skates his way up to Morpheus.
They do a few laps around the rink. More people start trickling in, so they’ve gotten pushed more towards the center to avoid running down little kids. Thankfully, Morpheus doesn’t seem to be at risk of falling anymore.
They skate, side by side, talking as they often do about any little thing. It’s nice. At some point, they end up holding hands to prevent being skated through and even as time ticks by and the need to do so passes, they continue to hold on to one another.
“So, ice skating. What do you rate it?” Hob asks, after the announcement to clear the ice for the Zamboni finishes. The pair make their way towards the rink exit, shuffling along the crowd of other skaters.
Morpheus tilts his head, pondering. “Hmm,” he says, rubbing a thumb against Hob’s gloved hand. “I think I am quite fond of it. So long as I am skating with you.” Morpheus turns to Hob. “An eight, with you. I would imagine it would fall down to a four without your presence.”
“That’s some high praise. I doubt I make it that much better.”
“You do.” Hob’s breath stutters at the intensity in Morpheus’s gaze. “Your presence has always made things better. I do not see why this activity would be any different.”
“I mean-”
“You are invaluable to me, Hob Gadling. Possibly more so now than ever.” They cross over the ice and back onto the thick rubber mats at the entrance. “I would not see you sell yourself short.”
“Right.” Hob says, because how do you reply to that, in a friendly manner? What Hob wants to do is to hold Morpheus’s face in his hands and snog the impossible creature right here in the middle of it all because the love he has for him is threatening to overflow. But he won’t. He does have some self control after all these years. That doesn’t make the urge easier to ignore, though.
Morpheus walks forward, dipping out of the crowd. The red beanie on his head, a stark contrast to the dark black locks of hair, rest askew on the top of his head. His scarf rests over his neck, but pulled free long ago. He's not the perfectly put together creature he used to be, but he's still gorgeous. He's human and it sends Hob's heart soaring every time the realization hits him again.
God, he loves him.
“In the movies, they go for hot chocolate after skating, yes?” Morpheus asks, pulling Hob out of his mind. They make their way out of the crowd and back to the bench near their discarded shoes.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, hot chocolate or something warm.” Morpheus smiles as he unlaces his skates.
“Good. I look forward to it.”
Hot chocolate it was. Not that Hob was complaining. He knew of Morpheus’s sweet tooth, after all. This man was going to be the death of him.
Sitting down next to his friend, Hob says, "Hot chocolate it is then."
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quailxcrossing · 1 month
7, 11, 19, 38- Etcetera! (B, D, or A!)
38, 4, 21, 12- Auï!
6, 1, 13, 28- Ruse!
HIIII PIXEL i am finally sitting to answer these I'M SO EXCITED thank you for the queestions :3
ETCETERA (i'll be doing Before as D/A are under comic revisions!)
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7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? For his childhood nostalgia; rubber staircases, the smell of Lysol, floor-length mirrors. he was a theatre/choir kid and even the slightest thing that can remind him of that is nostalgic
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11.How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? Absolutely pretend to understand, or just rolling with it and failing spectacularly. Etcetera misunderstands things a lot; either because he just straight-up wasn't focusing/listening, or something too fancy flew over his head. He'll sometimes ask them to come again with a "what huh?" but if the words are just jibberish again, so he'll try to manage with context clues! (icon by @/krembearry!)
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19. What is their favorite number? 22! It's his birthday, he likes how the repetition of an even number feels, and he has a connection with his daughter that has made him like 22 even more
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38. What memory do they revisit the most often?  Hard to say! He's got plenty! I wouldn't say Etcetera sits on one thing too much, he rotates through a lot of jumbled thoughts at any given time, he's got a memory that can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago but it will randomly pull up a scene he hasn't thought about in years and he'll be vividly replaying a day from 13 years ago. but he not much of a ruminator!
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38. What memory do they revisit the most often?  Auï IS a ruminator. and i know for certain that the memory that he rolls around the most is the one of him leaving home- the one that I made a comic of the second half with Aria! its a much larger scene, with that comic being the tail end of it.
this is the memory that his mind likes to bring up when he is quiet, or whenever he feels so comfortable, or has a moment of clarity that needs to be dampened. he uses this memory to justify his abuse to himself, although he hasn't yet realized this exact moment was a direct infliction of his abuse. i mean to say, like, Auï believes this moment is what started his downward spiral and he deserved it because of that moment - instead of the truth, which is that his spiral and abuse started long before this day, and the reason he acted the way he did was because of it. AUGH
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4. How easy is it to earn their trust? its not super easy! it took a while for him to trust Cian and Vega when he first met them, and he's still getting more comfortable with them day-by-day. The only reason he does trust them at all is because Turrie and Goat do, and he completely trusts those two. When they said Cian and Vega were okay, Auï was inclined to believe them. As for outsiders, he doesn't trust most's good intentions, although he would like to be able to, someday.
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21. Why do they get up in the morning?  In a literal sense, Auï gets up and out of his room in the morning so Goat can sleep. He'd often want to do nothing more than lay there and rot, but if he sees his roommate is finally sleeping, he will move out of there so he doesn't wake him. the little guy is lucky to get 4 hours a night, he's extremely restless and a very light sleeper. goat desperately needs to take melatonin but he is even more sensitive to taking anything that will change his behavior. augh. ok hold on let me see if i can find an sketch in goat's gallery
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goat has no idea lol
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12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? also speaking of goat, Auï probably just goes and whines at him. there's soooo many places Auï can't reach, he's the least flexible person on the planet. if goat isn't there, he just suffers- he's too embarrassed to ask anyone else
RUSE yayyyy
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6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? Immovable! and she is regularly miserable about that. she is very pessimistic about social change, although she is immensely passionate about it.
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What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? not very long!! for her tired disposition, Ruse is quite active, and she likes new adventures and going out to do fun things. she's a party girl!! genuinely!! she likes exciting and social activities, even if she is pretty quiet and shy herself, and she doesn't like being in DANGER- but she doesn't want to just be sitting around! At least, she would like something to look forward to!!!
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13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? Ruse believes she looks best in the same colors as herself- black first, and then white, and orange. She is very particular about fashion, and really deeply loves putting together outfits from a variety of hues and styles- so I would be inclined to say she's correct. I do think she looks best in black, white, and orange! i think she looks great in anything though - I also think she looks very nice in navy, to bring out her eyes.
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28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?  Ruse will always prefer the truth. She thinks lies are ridiculous- they're just a waste of time. What are you supposed to do with a lie? She used to be very strict about this, but is learning that a white lie can be used to placate situations, although she still thinks the truth would be more honorable and useful.
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katyawriteswhump · 2 months
the freak in the penthouse part 6.1
E-rated (for sexual content), accidental millionaire eddie/sex-worker steve.
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 Part 5.2 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse :)
On AO3
Preview: (because this chapter is straight in with the NSFW smut!)
"That was kinda fun,” murmured Steve. And Eddie discovered his post-coital high was shot through with ickily warm fuzzy feelings. Steve had chosen to be here this afternoon. Yeah, Eddie had offered more money. Perhaps Steve had predicted that. Didn’t mean he was totally faking what was happening between them.
Part 6.1 true romance
“You’re fucking delicious, Babe,” said Eddie, who was wedged between Steve’s thighs. He smothered his face in the meat of Steve’s ass and lapped hungrily along Steve’s syrup-smeared crack.
“Can I go deeper?” His breath heated the thin channel of air between them like a toaster.
“Jesus, pleeease. Eat me out already!”
“You got it, Baby.”
Eddie circled Steve’s ring, teasing and dabbing before jabbing entry. Steve was a paradise of flesh and sugary flavor, spiked with soft-ish fur. Eddie wanted to gobble him aaaaaall up.
Nothing better to drown out the rumble of Eddie’s approaching apocalypse.
“Aaaagh, yeah… deeper. Gnnng… Eddieeeeee!”
Eddie fucked Steve with his tongue. Steve’s frenzied pressing and clenching performed half Eddie’s labor for him. On the other hand, without sprouting a super-human lizard-tongue, he wasn’t gonna hit Steve’s sweet spot. He withdrew for air, and because his overenthusiastic tongue ached already. Steve whimpered, moved to frisk his own dick.
Spurred by a wicked reflex, Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist. Steve let Eddie yank his hand away and hold it behind him in the small of his back. “Uh, uh. Not yet, Babe.”
“Torturer,” muttered Steve. “Thought you were a nice guy.”
“I’m the Dungeon Master, Baby, and I luuurve hearing you beg.”
“You want me to beg?” gasped Steve, peeking back. “You like that, huh? Well, here it is. I need you inside me, Eddie. You kill me—I need you so bad.”
Eddie beamed and got back to the enjoyable task of eating Steve out. Steve kept on cursing and pressing into Eddie’s face. Eddie released Steve’s hand, which he flailed back toward his dick. Eddie reared up, smartly swatted Steve’s ass.
“Ow!” yelped Steve, and Eddie was pretty much as surprised as he was. He’d never done anything like that before. He stared, kinda shocked, at the redness he’d planted on Steve’s pale skin.
“Guess you made your mind up about your fae warlock,” mumbled Steve into the squashed pillow.
“Sorry. You’re a baaaaaad dude. Gonna have to invest in some of those furry handcuffs.” 
“Yeah? Why don’t ya?” Steve pitched Eddie a sexily frustrated snarl, then played the game Eddie’s way. Eddie lapped the last traces of syrup from his hole, while Steve bombarded him with pleas: “Need you to fuck me,” he whined. “Please, Eddie—pleeeeease?”
“Roll over,” said Eddie, and Steve obeyed. Fumbling together, they rolled on Eddie’s rubber. Steve, anticipating Eddie’s needs, hitched his knees up, flung one arm wide. It was all Eddie could do to guide himself to Steve’s slippery hole. He could easily have pumped himself a couple of times and jizzed right across Steve’s pretty face.
He didn’t want that, though. 
He slowly sheathed himself in Steve. 
“Yes… please… more… Eddie, fuck me… go hard… please?”
Eddie did, and it was outta this world. He pinned Steve’s hands either side of his head, enjoying how Steve’s rigid dick rubbed between them when he started to move. He fucked him slow, vomit-inducingly romantic. Steve sucked his lower lip till it reddened, and it reminded Eddie of the enthusiasm with which he always sucked Eddie off.
Map him in your mind, Munson—the smokin’ hair, every last dimple, every last freckle, and every pleading glance. It’s gonna be over soon… and what’s he really thinking about with that dreamy teen pin-up look on his face? The money? What he’s gonna snack on when this is over? Jesus, a hundred men have probably fucked him like this, while he conned them into believing…
Eddie refused to let his whispering demons put him off his stroke. As he hurtled toward climax, it was hard to believe Steve wasn’t as into it as Eddie was. The tear shakily trailing the line of Steve’s cheekbone seemed born of a kind of bliss. His dick, sandwiched between them, remained rock-hard. 
Soon, a bittersweet ache pooled in Eddie’s belly, tightened in his throat. He released Steve’s wrists. Steve didn’t move his hands. His misty eyes focussed and pierced Eddie deeper than ever.
“Please, Eddie,” he whimpered, and Eddie’s thundering heart literally skipped a beat. 
Then nothing mattered apart from the awesome sensations, that insatiable itch that built and built. A few more deep thrusts and Eddie’s pleasure turned nuclear. He rode wave after wave of mind-blowing sensation, while Steve literally milked his orgasm from him.
“Shiiiiit, I fucking love you, Stevie. I fucking love your ass.”
He came long and hard. As it faded, he realized that hot spatter on his chest and chin was Steve spraying his load. Steve’s orgasm face was precious beyond words—that decorous mouth forming a mildly startled ‘o’.
Eddie licked Steve’s salty taste from his lips then totally cracked up. He collapsed forward onto Steve, cackling and panting, actually kinda sobbing. He was stupidly grateful Steve had come too.
“That was kinda fun,” murmured Steve. And Eddie discovered his post-coital high was shot through with ickily warm fuzzy feelings.
Steve had chosen to be here this afternoon.
Yeah, Eddie had offered more money. Perhaps Steve had predicted that. Didn’t mean he was totally faking what was happening between them. Eddie wasn’t in the mood to pretend either. In fact, he was glad Steve had arrived early, before he’d gotten himself too trashed.
He rolled off Steve and onto his side, resting his chin on his fist. “Stevie, I wanna level with you about earlier.”
Steve turned to face him, presenting a slight frown. “You lost me.”
“Uuuuuuh, about the whole ‘not going out’ thing?” 
“Oh, right.” Steve swiped something from the tip of Eddie’s nose, then sucked it off his thumb. “I’m all ears, Eds, but… Shall we move the pillow-talk to the shower?”
Chapter 6.2 on tumblr
Chapter 6 on AO3
Thank you for reading. Likes, reblogs and comments VERY much appreciated 🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕 Yeah, I'm needy like that...
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 Part 5.2 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse
On AO3 All my ST stuff on AO3
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Pineapple Flip Flops – a one piece modern AU – Chapter One
notes – HERE IT IS! I am working pretty hard on this series and it is running around in my head all feral like LMFAO I don't know if I have a schedule for this series yet, but I know I want it to come out pretty often?? But with school starting, we'll see! I'm working on chapter 2 right now and the story is coming together. For now, enjoy chapter one! <3 word count – 865 summary – Luffy lost his favorite pair of pineapple flip flops and we get to see an introduction to his usual life ft. his brothers.
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Luffy stared at a rack of hanging flip flops, sipping on a drink he hadn't paid for yet.
Which ones do I not have? he thought. And which ones will Ace laugh the hardest at?
He hummed in deep thought and pressed the can to his lips. The cold was helping a cut on his lip he had gotten the day prior.
“Luffy.” An employee sighed, walking up to the boy.
“What’s up?” He was pulled from his thoughts as he turned to the employee.
“Please put on some shoes. You know the rule.” They pointed to his feet, which were completely bare on the cold linoleum floor.
“What does it look like I'm doing?” Luffy pointed to the rack of flip flops and the employee sighed again before getting back to work.
Luffy wanted to go on a long bike ride to enjoy the day out instead of staying inside and ended up having a nasty fall which made his flip flops fly into a river. He fell, of course, because he got distracted by a squirrel. He tried to chase after the shoes, but the river was too fast and the flip flops were never seen again. So, he pensively walked his bike to the nearest Dollar Tree, mourning the loss of his favorite pineapple flip flops.
And he couldn't just replace his favorite pair with the exact design because it just didn't feel the same; it didn't have the same value. He needed something new. Something that was calling his name.
Which was how he ended up grabbing a light blue pair covered in rubber ducks.
“I'd like to get these, please!” Luffy smiled at the same employee that scolded him earlier, taking a long sip out of his drink. “And this!” He burped loudly as he set the empty can down, which earned him an unamused stare.
“Luffy,” they sighed. “How many times do I have to explain to you that you need to drink your soda after you pay for it?”
“It's not hurtin’ anybody!” He stared at a bag of chips and then slammed them down on the conveyor belt. “Plus, I'm paying for it either way, right?”
The employee heavily sighed again and told Luffy his total. He then pulled out a couple of crumpled up bills, handing them over.
“Have a good day, okay, worker person?”
“You too, Luffy.”
The moment he stepped out of the door, he broke off the tag on his new flip flops, slipping them right on. He wiggled his toes in excitement and grabbed his bike. After throwing his chips in the basket, he took right off.
“Ace is gonna love these.” he giggled as he rode his bike with no hands, eating some of his chips.
It was nice out. Not too hot and not too cold. Perfect bike riding weather. What was even nicer though was being able to bike everywhere. He lived so close to everything that he got the opportunity to take his bike – The Merry – out wherever he went. What was even cooler though was how close everything was to his, Ace's, and Sabo's apartment. He could go anywhere he wanted with ease and always have fun doing it.
Luffy had to avoid being led to any nearby restaurants due to the smell. Especially the Baratie, a super nice restaurant in town. He only made so much mowing lawns, and though food was tempting, helping out his brothers meant more to him.
So he booked it home, smiling when he saw his building in view. He locked up his bike and grabbed everything from the basket. As he stumbled up the stairs, neighbors rolled their eyes, already used to his shenanigans even though Luffy and his brothers just recently moved in.
Luffy unlocked his door like his life depended on it and fell inside their apartment. “ACE, LOOK!” He stood proudly, only to find that the apartment was pitch black and empty. He pouted. “Ace, what the heck?”
He slumped down on the couch. Sabo had been out for a couple weeks because of some internship opportunity, so Luffy was already used to him being out. But Ace should’ve been home.
“Acccceeeeeee, what the heeeeeeckkkk?!” He crossed his arms and pulled out his phone.
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He sulked at the response and turned on the TV as background noise. Quickly, he found himself absorbed in some kids' shows.
But that was quickly pulled away when he heard his phone go off.
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Ace worked as a camp counselor over summers, but since school was starting for the elementary schoolers, he had to start doing after school activities with them, which changed his whole schedule. He didn't make much doing that, but thanks to Sabo’s savings and his job, the three boys were able to get something together. They really wanted to feel more independent and didn't want Garp up their asses about being Marines anymore. They didn't mind if it was a shitty place. Together, it felt like home.
Luffy brought his attention back to the show and yawned. A quick nap wouldn't hurt before Ace showed up.
one piece masterlist | one piece modern AU masterlist | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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roboticspacecase · 2 years
BillDip promt:first date
Ahh an excuse to write fluff, yes >:3c
The last thing Dipper had expected when he was asked out by a handsome, seemingly normal guy on a dating app, was to end up gripping the passenger seat of a fancy sports car while his date stared down an empty parking lot.
"Don't you dare," Dipper laughed, gripping the seat tighter. "You just took me out to that nice restaurant and fed me all that pasta, and I don't think either of us want to see it again. Especially since this time it’ll be all over your dashboard."
Bill's intense gaze shifted from the pavement to Dipper, a large, smarmy grin on his face. "You saw how good of a driver I was when I got us from your place to the restaurant in that funky traffic jam. We made it on time for our reservation, didn't hit anyone or anything, and I didn't get pulled over!"
Dipper rolled his eyes, still smiling. During the two weeks that he and Bill spoke over messages, the blond had mentioned that he enjoyed doing things that, “got the heart pumping”. But Dipper had always thought that had been some sort of sexual joke, not that he actually wanted to fling his car around at high speeds the second they drove by an empty lot.
“How about we do a few donuts, then we park and give my poor stomach a chance to catch up with the night?” He leaned back in his seat, preparing himself for the ride. “I think I can handle at least a few.” Their night had been going well enough that Dipper would feel bad if he shut down Bill’s fun too quickly, so he didn’t mind putting up with more of the blond’s shenanigans.
Bill lit up, his baby blue eyes twinkling from the dim glow of his headlights. “Sounds good to me, Pine Tree!” He revved the engine a couple of times before shifting the car into gear and slamming his foot down on the gas.
The tires screeched as they whirled around the lamp posts and empty parking spots. The two of them got thrown around a bit with each turn, though both could be heard laughing over the sound of the rubber on pavement.
Thankfully, Bill stuck to only doing a few and came to an abrupt stop once they had made their mark on the lot.
“Bet you’ve never had a date end with something that exciting, huh?”
Dipper looked at Bill, a large smile on his face. “I dunno, one guy took me to see a movie then took me to a grocery store ‘cause he needed something and didn’t want to go back out again after dropping me off. So I guess you could say this is a close second.”
“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be?” The blond put his car into park, then adjusted the seat so that it was lying all the way back. “Then I’ll just have to one-up him and take a nap right here and now so that I don’t have to sleep after dropping you off.”
As soon as Bill closed his eyes and pretended to fake snore, Dipper burst out laughing and nudged the blond’s arm. “As much as I like your commitment to making this a super fun date, I think it’s about time I let my poor stomach lie down.”
“Your poor stomach, huh?” Bill got up and laid himself over Dipper, reaching for the latch to lay his seat down at well.
It popped into place too suddenly for Dipper to keep up with, he and Bill both falling backwards in an awkward position, Bill right on his stomach.
“Fuck, sorry,” he laughed. “Didn’t mean to come onto you that hard, but hey, you’re laying down now! Your poor stomach can rest easy in my car.”
“Not with you on top of it,” Dipper grunted. He gave the blond a playful shove, not actually trying to get him off. “Maybe if we carefully get back to my place before it gets too late, we can both… I dunno, maybe let our stomachs settle together on my couch with something playing on the TV?” Pink filled his cheeks because he knew that sounded a lot like he was inviting Bill over to get laid. And he sort of was. If one thing led to another, then who was he to deny the flow of the date?
Bill sprung up and had his seat back to normal in no time, his hand on the gearshift. “I’m about to be the carefullest- No wait, the most careful? Whatever, we’re about to be so fucking safe but fast, so buckle up.”
“I never unbuckled, so I’m ready,” Dipper snorted, adjusting his seat so that he could sit up. The car moved again, this time at a much better speed, and Dipper couldn’t help but smile over at his date. It was no trip to the grocery store, but he had a feeling he and Bill would have plenty of other outings that would more than make up for it.
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the-cult-of-riley · 6 months
Sleeping With Ghosts (Act One: Chapter Twenty Six)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Female OC
A/N: Eeep! One more chapter after this for Act One.
This one ties things up on Charlotte's end and the next one will tie things up on Simon’s. I’ll warn you, the next chapter is starting the angst/hurt early lmao
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August 30th 2014
“I wish you didn’t have to go,” Charlotte murmured as she lay in bed with Simon. They were facing each other, the room lit dimly by the bedside lamp. The clock read 4.35 am and Simon was due to ship off for a mission soon. It had been hard for her to adjust to the SAS missions with the fact she had zero contact with him until he came home but with time, it had slowly gotten easier to deal with. 
“I know, love. At least I got to spend your birthday with you this time,” he replied ruefully, his hand buried in the hair at the nape of her neck and he rubbed it soothingly. It was always hit and miss if he’d be around for her birthday or not but she was used to it now.
“I guess, you’ll be gone for yours though,” she pouted, making him grin as he leaned over, closing the gap as he placed a tender kiss to her lips. 
If she was honest with herself, she figured by now after being together for eight years, he’d have gotten bored of her, that the relationship might have run its course, but it hadn’t. It was still going strong, she still had those same butterflies in her stomach when he kissed her as she had at that damn bus stop. 
His lips trailed down to her jaw and then her neck and a smile curled on her lips as he rolled her to her back with him hovering over her as he lavished her neck with attention.
“I’ve been thinkin’ about somethin’,” he purred against her skin, nipping her and eliciting a gasp in return.
“What's that?” she asked, barely paying attention when he was kissing her neck like that. He settled heavily between her legs, the pair still naked after the night before and she could feel how hard he was. He moved slightly to look at her, those deep brown eyes peering right to her soul.
“Was thinkin’... when I get back we could start tryin’ for a baby,” he confessed and she blinked up at him for a moment as his words pinged around her brain. A baby. He wanted a baby with her. 
She’d had to come off the contraceptive pill a couple of months back due to having some unpleasant side effects so they’d been using condoms the entire time. They’d been super careful at first but she’d admit that the past two weeks had been a little more sloppy. He’d fucked her a fair few times without a rubber, complaining he hated the feel of them and he’d pull out. Two of those times, he hadn't managed to pull out on time. She wasn’t too concerned though, she had a feeling it would take some effort to knock her up and she tried not to let that worry her. She was still thrown for a loop that he wanted a baby with her.
“Are you sure? It's a pretty big decision,” she said carefully, looking up at him. He nuzzled his nose against hers, causing her to smile at his affectionate touch.
“Positive. Been thinkin’ about it ever since I saw you with Jo as a baby,” he confessed and she was even more dumbfounded. They hadn’t really talked about having kids before and if she was honest, she hadn't thought he wanted any. She’d been fine with that but now he was saying he wanted to try for a baby and she felt excitement bloom in her belly. 
“We might need to see a doctor though, with my PCOS it could be hard to get pregnant,” she murmured, raking her hands through his short hair and he shivered. 
“That's fine by me, sweetheart,” his lips collided with hers then but there was an urgency there that hadn't been before. He dominated her mouth, rubbing his straining cock against her in a way that had her moaning. It was crazy how wet he was able to get her with nothing but a kiss and he slid inside of her easily with one swift movement. They both moaned and he gave her no respite as he started pounding into her, one hand propped by her head and the other gripping the flesh on her thigh as he hitched her leg up his hip. 
“Can’t wait to put a baby in you,” he groaned, punctuating his words by a hard thrust that made her see stars. “Pump you full of my cum until it takes, have you all full and round for me,” he drawled, sounding half delirious and Lottie was dumbfounded that her husband seemed to have some form of breeding kink, not that she was complaining. His words made her whine as she arched up at him and he chuckled darkly, the hand on her thigh moving to her neck, squeezing it and making her head rush deliciously. 
“Simon,” his name left her lips in a broken moan and a long drawn out groan got ripped from his throat.
“You like that, love? Like the idea of me knockin’ you up?” he growled but she could do little else but nod as her body was jostled with the force of his thrusts. He was panting and moaning above her, unashamed in his wanton behaviour as he pounded into her. 
“Fuckin’ hell, look at you. So eager for me to fill you up,” he groaned and his voice was hoarse, tense like he was a second away from shattering. He shifted the angle of his hips and she cried out, back bowing as her orgasm crashed over her out of nowhere. Her body twitched under his, pleasure rolling over her in waves as he cursed up a storm before shooting his load inside of her. 
She felt like she was floating as she came down from her high and he rested his head in the crook of her neck as he tried to catch his breath. She ran her hands through his hair lovingly and she felt him smile against her neck, placing a tender kiss there before he moved to look at her. 
“I love you,” he murmured and she couldn't help the smile on her face.
“I love you too,” she replied softly. 
They spent a little more time in bed, wrapped around each other before it was time for him to leave. It never got easier to say goodbye to him but she hoped she could distract herself well enough until it was time for him to come back. He said they hoped to be back by Christmas but they couldn't promise anything.
“You sure you’ve got everything?” she asked him as she stood at the door. He had his duffel with him, fully dressed and ready to go. She was in one of his shirts.
“Yeah, got all I need. Make sure you stay safe, yeah? You know if you need owt, just ring up mum or Tommy,” he insisted, the same speech he always gave her, not that he needed to. When he was deployed she spent a lot of time at Anne’s or with Beth.
“Yes, sir,” she smirked and he raised a brow, giving her a look that told her if he wasn't in a rush to leave, he’d have her bent over his knee. 
He stepped closer, dropping his duffel on the floor next to him as an arm wrapped around her waist, the other hand cupping her jaw as he kissed her senseless. He plundered her mouth thoroughly until her lungs burned and only then did he pull away. 
“Gonna miss you, love,” he murmured, rubbing his nose against hers softly as she melted into him.
“I’ll miss you too. You try to stay safe too please. Need you home in one piece,” she implored, gazing up at him. He nodded, placing a sweet kiss to the tip of her nose before placing one on her lips too. When he moved away, she felt the loss already and tried to ignore it. 
“I’ll try my best, sweetheart. I always do,” he smiled softly at her, a special smile he always saved just for her and it made her chest fill with warmth. She took his hand, nuzzling it before kissing his knuckles and his eyes softened as he looked at her. 
“Get going before you get in trouble,” she shooed him off, not wanting him to leave but not wanting him to be late. He was up for a promotion soon and he’d been working his arse off for it. To say she was proud of him was an understatement. He nodded, looking at her with the same regretful face he always wore on the days they had to part with each other. 
“I’ll see you soon, Lottie,” he smiled softly.
“See you soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later so you can knock me up,” she smirked and his soft smile turned into a devilish grin.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he flashed her an award winning smile, looking like someone who just won the lottery at the thought of having a child with her and she was once again struck with wonder that this man was her husband. 
She waved to him as he left, shutting the door behind her with a heaving sigh. It would be a rough few months but she’d cope, she always did. And now she had something extra to look forward to when he got back. 
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Christmas Day 2014
Charlotte had cleaned the house from top to bottom and she was exhausted. She’d had Christmas dinner at around 1 pm at Anne’s house and it had been perfect, as it always was. She then spent a few hours playing with Joseph and his new toys. She loved playing with him, he had such a vivid imagination. She knew he preferred to play with Simon, who always made time for his little nephew, but with him not being here, he was more than happy for her to take his place. 
They’d all hoped Simon would turn up today but she already had a feeling he wouldn't make it dead on Christmas. She was hoping maybe he’d get there the next day, she missed him more than she could vocalise. 
She was already thinking about the plans she needed to make when he got home.
She’d been having trouble with her PCOS again, her periods deciding to vanish or just minor spotting so she was planning to ask Simon to go with her when he got back to see the gynaecologist. She was nervous to go by herself and she also thought it was important for him to understand what was going on with her body if they were going to start trying for a baby. She only ever had regular periods when she was on the pill so she wasn't surprised she was having issues now she had to come off it.
She hadn't really planned on leaving the Riley home so early on Christmas day but she was just so tired and she wanted to get the house ready for if Simon got back. She’d spent the time cleaning and now it was night as she stood in the living room and folded the clean clothes. She wanted him to come back to a nice home and she’d admit to letting chores go by the wayside a little when he wasn't around just because she missed him so much. 
She was grateful that she was working again these days because if she was stuck at home all day every day thinking about how much she missed him, she’d climb the walls. She’d managed to get herself a job at an alternative clothing brand company, designing patterns for the clothes. Some days she’d go into work where she had a little office all to herself and she liked her coworkers. They even had her model for them a few times with the clothes for the website, saying she had the perfect look for them. Simon had been stupidly proud about it, it was cute. 
She’d roped him in one time to model some of the menswear and it was funny looking at him in such goth aesthetic clothing. She’d found it hot but he’d refused to do it again after all her coworkers had fussed all over him. She hadn't blamed them. 
Perks of working there were heavily discounted clothes and she loved all of her wardrobe now, even got some jumpers for Simon. She wasn't sure what it was about her husband and jumpers but she just thought they were insanely attractive on him. 
Her hands stilled when she heard something outside and she eyed the window. She couldn’t see through it where she was because of how dark it was outside so she continued to fold up the pants in her hands before putting them in the pile. Then she moved to the window, peeking around the curtain so she didn't look so nosey as she tried to figure out what the noise was. No one was there and she shook her head perplexed before shrugging to herself. Maybe it was the neighbour's cat, the thing loved to be annoying in their front garden. 
She made her way back to the laundry having no idea that in just a few hours she’d be given the news that her entire family was dead, that she would be handed her husband's tags as they told her he too was in the fire. She had no idea that in just a few hours her whole world would crash down around her. 
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sehtoast · 2 years
Homelander x m!reader smut drabble from a much longer fic I'm still writing
!please note, Y/n is written as a pre-bottom surgery trans man. otherwise, the vast majority of Y/n's physical descriptors (eye color, hair color, etc) are kept to a minimum for the sake of reader inclusivity- and also lmao i basically stole spiderman for Y/n's supe identity, so there are some references to that
first time publishing anything, so i hope it's decent lol. that said, special thank you to @blindmagdalena for inspiring me to finally write a fic :D
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“I can imagine.” Y/n was idly rubbing his thumb in circles on John’s chest.  The two of them were naked as the day they came into the world, cuddled up on Homelander’s leather couch, long after having had a bout of lazy afternoon sex.  Y/n insisted on covering the both of them with a blanket, even though John ran hot enough to act as a little space heater.
“This scene took so many takes.  The director was being fucking ridiculous,” John explained, motioning to the TV from where he was laid back on the couch.  Homelander insisted that Y/n watch one of his several movies with him, and still could hardly believe the web-head had never once watched one in its entirety.
It was rare for the two of them to ever spend time in John’s place.  It was so spacious, and every corner had a marble sculpture of some Greek or Roman figure. The overbearing wall that was nothing but a massive American Flag failed to entice a cozy atmosphere.  But the TV was huge, and John insisted his movies required a wide screen.
The film transitioned to an obvious fan service scene, featuring a ‘shirtless’ Homelander sporting a set of rippling muscles- wildly different than what was really under the suit.  Y/n felt John tense up as he immediately started to fast-forward through the depiction.
“I forgot about that…” he seethed, jaw set tight.
Homelander was deeply insecure about his body.  He’d spent a lifetime masquerading as a man with an Adonis-like figure, with a suit that painted the picture of rock solid pecs, bulging biceps and triceps, and washboard abs.  Somewhere along the line of losing his secret identity, he’d also lost sight of the fact that masquerading is all being a Vought Hero really is.  This was theater.  Hell, even Y/n’s super suit had some design tricks to make him look more cut than he really was.  John once expressed that he’d done everything he could to build muscle, to live up to the standard Vought had created for him, to be built like the god he was designed to be, but failed miserably.  His body simply wouldn’t bulk, and this failure cut him like a knife every time Vought ordered his muscle padding be made even more dense.
It broke Y/n’s heart when John expressed that he was the first lover to ever see him fully undressed and not react like a jackass.
“Talking about hard things is how we get better at dealing with them.” Y/n quoted his childhood therapist, holding on gently to John’s hands.  It was only their second time making love, and they’d had to halt the process when John jerked away at Y/n’s attempt to remove the top of his suit.  “I won’t ever force you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, okay?  But, please. Talk to me.”
John bit his lip, and if he were built like a normal human, it would have bled from the force.  He shook his head, blinking rapidly the way he does when it was time to confront something he didn’t know how to deal with.
“No one’s ever…” He trailed off, looking down at himself.  “My body isn’t… it’s not fucking good enough.”
Y/n remained quiet, only raising an eyebrow to encourage him to elaborate.
“I’m supposed to be- I should be shredded!  Strongest man in the world and I’m like a fucking twig.  How do you explain that?”  He was rambling.  “I can’t even get bigger, I’ve tried- fuck I’ve tried!  A-all these actors, they roll up to set looking better than me in every way and all I can do is run around in fake fucking rubber muscles to match them!”
Y/n watched him from the spot beside him on the bed, still holding tight to John’s hands, hoping it provided at least something steadying for him.
“I took it off one time, for Madelyn- years ago… I’ll never forget the way she fucking laughed at me.”  His words were bitter and angry, but the way he was only looking down at himself let Y/n know that all of those feelings were directed at himself.  He felt, truly, that he was the root of the problem.  “You’re the only one who’s ever-”
He was cut off by Y/n pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
“I think you are so, so beautiful.”  Y/n murmured, looking directly into John’s eyes.  “And you don’t need to be built like a Greek god to be that way, I promise.  You’re perfect the way you are, and I will tell you every day if I have to.” 
Y/n was distracted from the memory at the feeling of John pulling him in for a deep, desperate kiss.
“Tell me again,” John breathed out.  
Y/n was all too happy to oblige, and swung a leg over top of Homelander to straddle him.
“You’re gorgeous, John.  You’re ethereal in every way.  And you’re so strong, you’re so handsome, and those eyes of yours just…”  
John swallowed hard, his mouth slightly agape. 
“Let me show you…”
John’s pupils were already blown black, and he nodded in anticipation.  Y/n leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, kissing down to his neck, where he licked a stripe over John’s pulse only to blow a gust of cold air over the wet trail.  Homelander shivered and gulped.
“I love the way your adam’s apple moves when you swallow hard.  I love the way it lets me know how excited you are…”
Y/n rubbed John’s shoulders as he sucked hard at the base of his neck, despite knowing he couldn’t leave a mark.  He pulled away with a nip at the skin, clenching in pleasure at the little moan that left John’s mouth.
“-and these shoulders.  So firm…”  Y/n’s hands smoothed down the expanse of John’s chest, fingers moving to alternate rolling at his nipples and massaging the flesh of his pectorals.  “This strong chest- the way it heaves with every breath when you’re enjoying yourself…”  John whined and keened at the way Y/n played with him, grinding his hips up to seek any kind of friction he could find.  His face was flushed and his breaths were coming out in short, excited bursts, while his hands ran up and down Y/n’s thighs.
He about lost his fucking mind when Y/n’s tongue laved over one of his nipples, scraping his teeth gently over the tender bud.  
“You’re so gorgeous when you’re like this. All hot and needy.”
Y/n kept at it, playing with John’s chest until he was sure the all-powerful supe would be on the verge of over-stimulation.  He reached down, grabbing John’s left hand, and cradled it in his own.
“And these hands...  These strong, wonderful fingers. The way they always feel so good inside me- how worked up I get just seeing them,” Y/n slipped John’s thumb into his mouth, sucking up the length of it, curling his tongue around the digit to tease what, and who, was to come.
Homelander’s mouth gaped open at the way Y/n worked his tongue, and he was desperately excited to feel the same treatment around his shaft.
“Please…” John groaned out.  Y/n rocked his hips, dragging his wetness over John’s stiff cock in the process.
“Mmm, please what?”  Y/n inquired sultrily, finger still in his mouth.  “I’m not done with you yet.  Not until you know and feel just how fucking lovely you are.”  Every word of Y/n’s last sentence was accentuated with a roll of his hips.  “Roll over.  Put that ass in the air for me.”
Y/n was quick to get a handful of both of John’s cheeks as soon as he steadied himself on the couch, kneading the flesh in his hands, parting them to reveal his hole.
“I said,” Y/n blew a gust of air against John’s opening. “I was going to show you, and oh, I meant it.”  
John moaned out wantonly when he felt Y/n lick from his sack to his hole, and he buried his face into the seat of the couch to stifle his noises.  His eyes clenched shut at the feeling of Y/n’s tongue circling around his opening, and he couldn’t help but rock back toward the wet intrusion.  
Y/n focused his full attention into eating John out, thrusting his tongue in and out as the opening got looser only to trail back down and gently suck at his balls.  The sounds coming from him were driving Y/n absolutely fucking wild, and it took all of his self control to keep his hands focused specifically on John, on solely his pleasure.  This moment was all for him, and every ounce of focus Y/n had would go into it.
“I love the sight of your ass in that costume.  Every time your cape billows just enough for me to see it, I wonder how it would be to tongue fuck this hole of yours.”
Y/n caught the sight of John reaching to stroke at himself.
“Ah, ah, ah.  Hands behind your back, John.”
He immediately obeyed.  Y/n continued his wet torture of John’s hole, wondering to himself how he ended up being the lead in their sex life.  He always imagined it would be Homelander who pinned him down and fucked him raw- and sure, it did happen on occasion, but John was just so malleable when he was like this.  He was easy to command, and he fucking loved to be bossed around in bed, whether he’d admit it or not.
Y/n slipped the tip of his spit-soaked index finger inside, and John gasped out.
“Shh, it’s okay.  I’ll go slow.  Just let me know if you need me to stop.”  It was always good to let Homelander know he still had full control over what was done to him.  Y/n was more than happy to fulfill John’s needs, but always wanted him to know he retained his autonomy.  Always.
Y/n slowly fucked John with his finger, crooking it just slightly to rub against that sweet spot inside.  The sofa cushion was absorbing most of John’s noises, but Y/n coaxed an especially loud moan out of him the first time he’d brushed against his prostate.
“You know I love it when you're noisy. Be a little louder for me?”
And oh, did he do so.  Homelander turned his head to the side, eyes clenched shut and hands still locked behind his back as he rocked back onto Y/n’s finger to fuck himself harder, moaning with each stroke.
“A-ano-ther,” he gasped out, and Y/n gently added his middle finger to the mix.
It went on like that for a few minutes longer, Y/n kneading at John’s cheeks with his free hand while he fingered him with the other, until he’d decided John had done more than enough waiting.
“On your back for me, please.”  Y/n instructed, and John immediately moved, whining when Yn’s fingers left his body
“Mmm, there it is,” Y/n murmured, running a light finger’s touch up and down the length of John’s cock.  It was painfully hard, the head dark and soaked from the sheer amount of precum that had been worked out of him.  Y/n looked up into John’s eyes, taking note of the trail of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, the desperate expression plastered on his face.  He was gorgeous.  
“You look like a fucking painting right now.” Y/n emphasized with a stroke of John’s cock, working a breathy moan from him.  It was time to really lay it on.  “Look at that cock, so big, so hard, just for me…  The biggest I’ve ever seen. The only one I ever want.” 
John’s eyes practically rolled back into his head with each word of praise.
“What are you?”  Y/n teased.
“I-I’m beautiful.”  John stuttered, his words slurring.
“Say it again.”  
“I’m beautiful!”  
And with that, Y/n leaned down to drag his tongue from the base to the tip, his idle hand reaching down once more to work his fingers into John’s hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” He gasped out, singing the intensity of his pleasure into the room while Y/n sucked at him slowly, moaning around his hardness each time it hit the back of his throat just to come back up and roll his tongue all around the tip.  Y/n began to thrust his fingers faster, taking special care to only just miss John’s prostate with each pass.  “Plea- I- Oh, fuck, I- Y/n!”
John began thrusting his hips, fucking Y/n’s mouth and simultaneously thrusting himself back onto the fingers in his ass.  Y/n buried them deep, rubbing against John’s sweet spot, relishing in the downright obscene noises coming from the world’s strongest man, who he’d reduced to a sloppy, needy mess.
He gagged around Homelander's length with each hard thrust, until the final push where John screamed out his orgasm, shooting it down Y/n’s throat while his body went stiff as a board in pleasure, hole pulsing around Y/n’s fingers.  A sudden beam of heat escaped his eyes, charring the ceiling before he could clench them shut in time.  “H-hah, I- Oh god, Y/n- fuck-”  He rambled out endlessly, rocking against the fingers inside him through each wave of his pleasure.  Y/n reached down with his free hand to massage at his sack, feeling the skin close to his perineum still pulsing from his earth shattering orgasm.
Once John had come down from his high, Y/n moved up to kiss him, probing his mouth with his tongue, all just to make him taste how delicious his release was.
“Mmm…” Homelander moaned out when Y/n moved back.
“Y’know," Y/n breathed out a little laugh. "I’d be happy to keep proving this to you, over, and over, and over again. If you'd like, of course.”
John looked up at him deviously, his movie long forgotten in the background.
“My turn.”
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wri0thesley · 8 months
anime & game merch and sales post!!!
(genshin impact, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, jojo's bizarre adventure)
hi friends! i'm downsizing pre-wedding and i'm selling some merch i bought doubles of, i bought in bundles, i bought to make itabags and never got around to, etc!!! i've sold stuff via tumblr before, but if you are worried: i will use paypal goods and services so you are covered, and i'd be happy to share my vinted/etsy/some other source of feedback with you if you ask in my dms (there's just some sensitive location info so i don't want to share publicly on this post!).
all of this is official merch; either bought through mercari.jp, a japanese shopping service, direct from manufacturers, or the official tmall (in the case of genshin stuff!).
i would prefer to ship within the uk, but i'm happy to ship internationally at your cost!!! shipping costs for the uk and the usa are as follows, ask if you want another country estimate:
UK: £3.30 for Tracked 48 postage USA: £18 for International Tracked; if it ends up being less, I'll refund the difference (it's hard to know for certain without knowing exactly what I'm sending and the weight!), but according to Royal Mail it should be around there!
ok! there's the boring stuff. merch under cut and under headings!!!
Genshin Impact
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metal itto keychains! these are HEAVY, honestly, and they're super cute but my itto love simply is not as strong as my love for some other boys and i HAVE to downsize. £8 each, £15 for both
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as you can tell i intended to make an itto itabag VFNKJVFN. chibi/emoji buttons, £5 each, £15 for all 4.
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itto emoji sticker keychains £6 each, £10 for both!
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these ones are bigger buttons than the emoji and are fun and shiny! £6 each, £15 for all 3.
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baizhu 2 charm bundle; £10 for both or £6 each.
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Miscellaneous genshin stuff; song of broken pines metal keychain, noelle kfc collab badge, a button of ayaka from the clothing collab. £5 and just take them off my hands bdfgvnkjgfnkb.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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JJK Bandai Banpresto Nanami figure; I accidentally pre-ordered this twice so I need to sell my double! You can see what it looks like out of box here. £15. SOLD
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Gojo hotel-key style keychain; £5.
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Mahito Pita! charms; I have doubles of them! £6 for both or £4 each.
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nanami bundle that i'd rather not split because i am LAZY dfvnjkgfbnkj. 8 x acrylic charms, 2 x buttons and 1 x acrylic stand. £20 for everything. SOLD
My Hero Academia
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Endeavour and Pompompurin Sanrio collab merch; £8 for both.
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Twice bundle including four buttons and two acrylic charms (two of which are the sanrio collab stuff for him!). £15 for everything.
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Toga bundle (realised I forgot the acrylic stand for her which is why it's on its own!). Orb keychain, acrylic stand, two acrylic keychains and four buttons including the Sanrio collab stuff (Toga had Kuromi which is VERY cute!!!). £20 altogether.
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shigaraki keychain bundle; one plush orb, three pita! keychains, one rubber keychain and three misc acrylic charms. £20 for everything.
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the BIG ONE. there are i THINK 30 assorted shigaraki buttons here that i cannot be bothered to separate; some are from movies, at least one is live action, some are celebration buttons or from exhibitions. they're from a shigaraki itabag i never made. £30 for everything (that evens out to £1 a button!).
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shigaraki x gudetama sanrio characters collab bundle. acrylic stand, acrylic keychain and badge. £12 altogether.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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prosciutto micro-organisms / tomonui . they ARE official and i love them very much but i do not need five so these two are going to new homes, i hope! i'll lint-roll them before sending bc they're a little fluffy despite just sitting in a box for the better part of a year fgbnkjbgfnkj.
£15 each, or both for £25.
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
How are our sweet levi and super dad ash doing?😊
Our lovely Levi and his Dad are always up to have some fun, and it was definitely the case during Christmas time. (Maybe a little late this time, but still.) You can read more about Levi and Ashton in the Super Dad ABC series.
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist? | Christmas Blurb Fest 2022 / I want a blurb too!
Daddy Grinch. [a Levi and dad!Ashton blurb]
warnings: mostly just fluffy family cuteness. some naughtiness added for good measure at the end because Mommy and Daddy are, well, naughty.
word count: 1344
“When will Santa come?”
“What makes you think he will stop by here?”
Levi’s lips formed a pout as he looked at Ashton, throwing a green rubber duck his way which Ashton caught quickly, putting it on his own head, smiling at his son. His arms were resting on the side of the bathtub, fingers dangling into the water before smearing some suds onto Levi’s nose, making the little boy finally huff out a giggle, trying to clean it off.
It was closing his bedtime, but Levi was too hyper to go to sleep, excited to meet Santa. You’ve tried to explain to him that Santa’s not going to visit the house until he’s not asleep, but he was stubborn and said he’s gonna wait for him anyway. You rolled your eyes and whispered to Ashton that Levi was definitely his son, and he just shrugged, flashing you a cheeky smile that he also knows someone who’s just as stubborn as the little blond boy currently munching on his gingerbread cookie.
“I was a good boy this year, Daddy,” Levi declared, reaching for the green duck which Ashton gave back to him, leaning closer to press a kiss onto the top of his head.
“Should we ask Mommy if she thinks you’ve made the Nice List this year?” Ashton reached for a towel when Levi nodded, quickly wrapping it around him when he lifted the little boy from the tub.
Ash took Levi back to his room to dry him off, helping him put on the new pyjamas his grandma from Australia sent him, the reindeers on it making it the perfect Christmas wear. Levi got hold of Mr. Wolfie before running down the stairs, Ashton trying to keep up with him and catching him at the bottom, throwing him over his shoulder.
“Gotcha!” he fell back onto the couch with his son, pulling him into his lap and blowing a raspberry onto his stomach, making him squeal with delight.
“Well, look at you! Aren’t you just the cutest little kid in town?” you leaned against the doorframe, smiling at your boys. “Come and show me your PJs!”
Levi quickly ran to you and wrapped his tiny arms around your legs, already babbling about Santa and all. Ashton watched the two of you from the couch, heart full as you sat on the floor, your son in your lap while you promised him that he definitely made the Nice List. He even took pictures of the two of you, wanting to set them as his background picture, just like he’d done it from the moment he found out you were pregnant.
“Come on Munchkin, let’s put some cookies out for Santa, okay?” you pressed another kiss on the top of Levi’s head, and he nodded, scurrying to the kitchen. “You’re coming, Ash?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he winked at you, helping you up and leading you towards the kitchen as well.
A good 20 minutes later there was a plate set on the coffee table next to the Christmas tree, along with a glass full of milk. Ashton’s been whispering funny remarks to you all through your set up, making it hard not to laugh out loud. Even though you both knew that Santa didn’t exist and that you’ll be the ones who will eventually eat the cookies and all, you still wanted to give the whole experience to Levi, not wanting to ruin the wonder and magic of Christmas. Now Levi was trying to put everything on the plate, not wanting the cookies and the carrots he insisted on for the reindeers to touch each other. He was a very generous little boy as he did pile six or seven gingerbread cookies onto each other, making sure Santa didn’t leave the house too hungry.
Ashton was sitting next to him, pretending to help but in reality he was taking a video of his son, commenting through the whole thing as Levi either asked him to help or made his own comments at his daddy. He was holding a cookie in his hand as he contemplated where to put it, and Ashton couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward, playfully biting off the head of a snowman.
“Noooo, Daddy! That’s for Santa!” the little boy gave him a pout and an offended look, something that looked cuter than it should have.
“Sorry kiddo,” Ash giggled, pecking his cheek. “Let me bring another!”
“You’re the Grinch, Daddy,” Levi still pouted when Ashton brought back some more cookies as a peace offering. “You don’t want Santa to bring me my presents because you’re on the Naughty List and you’re not getting any!”
“I’m sorry, Levi,” he cooed at the little boy, pulling him into his lap and hugging him. “I’ll promise I’ll behave. I don’t want to scare Santa away.”
You watched the interaction from the kitchen, hiding your own giggles at your two loves bickering back and forth. If only Levi knew how high on the Naughty List his dad was…
In the end Levi couldn’t keep being upset as he cuddled up with Ashton, intending to watch Christmas movies until Santa finally arrived. He only made it 30 minutes into the new Grinch movie before he fell asleep on his daddy’s shoulder, wrapped in a blanket and a hug. Ashton opened his arm for you so you could snuggle in there too for a little bit, a content sound leaving his lips as you buried your face in his neck.
“I’m the luckiest man on Earth,” he whispered, resting his head on top of yours. “I love you two, so much.”
“We love you too, Daddy Grinch,” you giggled, pressing a kiss where you could reach him. “We should put the little monkey to bed. We still have a lot to do.”
“Like eating all those cookies left for Santa?” he wiggled his eyebrows, smiling down at you.
“Don’t forget the carrots,” you poked his side, both of you exchanging another laugh.
Ashton took Levi upstairs, tucking him and Mr. Wolfie into bed, before taking a few minutes to write him a little note in the name of Santa, thanking him for the treats left for him. He left the card next to the plate which soon became empty, the two of you munching on the cookies and the carrots as you put the presents under the tree, stuffing the stockings and cleaning up any remaining wrapping papers that would give away the whole game.
You were finishing the last of the dishes when Ashton wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek sweetly. You felt something soft bumping against your head, and as you turned around you saw your husband with a Santa hat on top of his head, the pompom swinging around as he shook his head to give you a show.
“You’re so silly,” you muffled your giggle against his chest, his hands slowly sliding down your hips to your ass, squeezing it lightly. “You know, I do prefer Santa Daddy.”
“Hmm, but if I’m Santa Daddy, then I cannot be on the Naughty List,” he gave you a cheeky smile. “But I can definitely put you on top of it.”
“And if I wanna be on top of Santa Daddy?” you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes, brushing your lips against his. “Where does that put me, huh?”
“Oh, that puts you on Santa’s special list…” Ashton nipped your bottom lip in return, stifling your moan with his own lips. “Santa’s very special list for the hottest, naughtiest, sexiest Mommy on Earth…”
“Shall we check this Naughty List out? Just to be sure I’m on it?” you tugged on the pompom of Ashton’s hat, at which he quickly picked you up, shutting off the lights as he left the kitchen and the living room, moving to the bedroom with you.
“It is my pleasure, baby. Santa Daddy’s gonna make sure you’re punished or rewarded accordingly.”
It never felt this satisfying, making the top of the Naughty List.
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj
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theoncelee · 1 year
Hi! @galactickles so sorry this is super duper late (seriously please don’t hate me, or do, it’s May I wouldn’t blame you) but I was your Squealing Santa!! Thank you @hypahticklish for orchestrating it this year. I know people usually do just Christmas stuff for these, but I’m half Jewish and wanted to write about both holidays because I love them both so much. Hope that’s ok :)
Again I’m so sorry 😭😭 I’m a horrible person
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: Logince (romantic)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic. Some capital text. Other than that nothing this is pure fluff.
Summary: High School AU where Roman and Logan are around 16/17 and dating. Roman is Christian and Logan is Jewish. The two decide to spend December showing each other what’s great about their respective holidays. Chaos and tickling ensues.
Merry Chanukkah
Roman and Logan had only been dating for only around six months when winter rolled around. The second the clock struck midnight on November 1st Roman was in full Christmas mode. Christmas was his all time favorite holiday, how could it not be? There were presents, and loud decorations, and cuddling by the fire, and hot cocoa, and the people he loved most. But his favorite person in the whole wide world, his boyfriend Logan, was Jewish. So he didn’t even celebrate Christmas! He’d probably never even had a proper Christmas, and wasn’t that a sad thought to be having at midnight. So Roman resolved that this year he was gonna make Logan experience Christmas. All the good non-religious bits, anyways. Christmas had never really been about God for Roman anyways. He more enjoyed the family and community aspect of it all.
Unfortunately, both Logan and Roman were absolutely swamped with schoolwork and activities for the entirety of November. Roman was starring in the fall play, and Logan was working hard with his team to get their phenomenal rubber band car ready for the Physics Olympics. Between their busy schedules and Thanksgiving, the two barely even saw each other. Come December, however, a rejuvenated Roman set his plan into action: Operation Make-Logan-Experience-Christmas.
Step one: Decorate the house.
On December 3rd, Roman invited Logan over with no explanation. When Logan pulled into Roman’s driveway he was surprised to find the guy looking extremely frustrated as he furiously attempted to untangle a massive string of lights.
“Ro? What’s going on? Are you ok?” Logan inquired as he exited his car. Roman dropped the lights, a huge smile blooming on his face,
“Hey! You made it! I’m just trying-and failing-to untangle these lights…haha. I wanted to show you all the joys of Christmas since, yknow, you’re Jewish and all. So I figured we could decorate my house together and then drink cocoa?” Logan huffed out a small laugh. His boyfriend was adorable.
“Sure”, he replied with a grin, “Hand me the lights”. He then proceeded to untangle them in one smooth motion, smirking when Roman’s jaw hit the floor.
As the hours wore on, the work was getting agonizingly slow. Especially for Logan who didn’t understand the point of putting lights on the house to begin with. It wasn’t practical; why were they doing it? So, when Roman stretched up to wrap a string of lights around a tree branch, Logan quickly wiggled two fingers in each of Roman’s underarms, eliciting a small shriek. Roman immediately whipped around, light pink dusting his cheeks.
“Dohon’t”, he giggled, voice wavering slightly. See, Logan didn’t get mischievous often, he found it childish. But, well, he was really bored. And maybe Roman was cute when he was tickled or whatever, shut up. Roman tentatively reached up again, and again he he found tickling fingers in his underarms, forcing him to slam his arms down with a squeal. The cycle continued a couple more times before Roman finally whipped around and tackled Logan, squeezing his sides with vigor.
“All right, all right,” Roman relented, “but only because we need to finish these decorations”. And as much as Logan hated to admit it, the decorations did end up pretty great in the end. They were loud and obnoxious and garish and PERFECT. This whole Christmas thing was actually pretty fun, and Logan thought the concept of Roman showing him his favorite parts of the holiday was pretty cute. And that’s what sparked Logan’s newest idea: Operation-Make-Roman-Experience-Chanukkah.
Which is how Roman found himself at Logan’s house on December 18, the first night of Chanukkah. Roman honestly didn’t know much about the holiday, so he was pretty excited. Logan’s family, of course, were delighted to have Roman over. Logan’s grandparents, although not fully understanding that the two boys were dating, were supportive and excited regardless. Roman watched as Logan’s dad lit the shammash with a fire stick and Logan got to light the first candle. Not being religious or motivated enough to actually dig out the yamaka’s, all the male family members simply placed a hand on their heads as Logan’s grandfather recited a prayer. Roman didn’t understand a word of the Hebrew, but he enthusiastically exclaimed “Amen!” with everyone else at the end. The family then sat down for dinner, where Roman proclaimed latkes to be his new favorite food and then proceeded to eat half the platter. After an incredible dinner, they sat on the floor for a rousing game of dreidel. Barely 10 minutes in Roman was losing quite spectacularly. Logan’s grandfather was winning again; no one could quite figure out how he always won a game entirely based on luck. Logan himself had quite a sizeable stack of chocolate gelt in front of him. And maybe Roman was feeling a bit mischievous, sue him. So he sneakily-not-so sneakily stole Logan’s stack of the biggest coins and slid it over to his meager pile. Logan merely gave Roman a side-eye and stole the coins back, but the glint in him eye told him Roman was SO getting it later.
And get it he did, because as soon as Roman and Logan were able to sneak away to Logan’s room, out of earshot from the adults downstairs, Logan wasted no time in pinning Roman to the bed.
“Eheheheh what?” Roman questioned.
“You stole from me. Now it’s time to pay” Logan replied dramatically whilst wiggling his fingers in the air. Romans eyes widened comically at the sight,
“You wouldn’t”.
“Oh I would”. With that Roman burst into laughter, which was only strange for one reason: Logan hadn’t actually started tickling him yet, which sent the shorter man into a flurry of giggles himself,
“ihi hahaven’t eheven tohouched you yehet”.
“Shut up” came the embarrassed reply.
“I’m gonna count to 10”, Logan proclaimed, much to Roman’s horror.
“nonono wait please don’t”
“Logan wait please I gave it back”
“It was a joke! I didn’t mean it! Please I’m sorry!”
And with that, Roman couldn’t say much else as he had quickly descended into hysterics as Logan dug mercilessly into Roman’s ribs. He couldn’t even complain that Logan had skipped 4 5 6 7 8 and 9. That didn’t stop Logan from talking, however.
“Aww does that tickle? Is my Prince just sooo ticklish he can’t even handle just a few tickles on his wittle ribs?”
“I bet you’re sorry now. Was my gelt really worth this?”
“Can you stop laughing? I’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
Roman meanwhile was dying as fingers were now spidering all over his tummy, leaving the poor boy in stitches.
“This will not end until you apologize for the stolen goods”
“Fine. I guess I’ll have to use drastic measures”. Logan’s hands began steadily creeping back up, awakening Roman’s ribs from their much deserved nap. They didn’t stop there however, a terrifying fact that Roman was coming to realize.
“No no no nohot there nohot there pleaheahease” he babbled helplessly, “I cahan’t tahake ihihit”
“Aww, but I thought you liked this Ro. Any last words?”
“Fuck you!” And those truly were his last words for awhile as Logan wormed his hands into Roman’s underarms and vibrated his fingers like ticklish shockwaves pulsing into Roman’s core. Roman was in the clouds. He couldn’t feel his surroundings and his eyes were squeezed shut. He could barely hear his own hysterical laughter over the deafening buzz of fire in his nerves. He couldn’t comprehend anything besides how much it tickled. The sensation blurred reality until he found himself wishing it would last forever while simultaneously needing it to stop that second. It was like oxygen that suffocated. He couldn’t stand it, but he needed it, more than he ever thought he’d need anything. But the feeling was quickly approaching “suffocating”. Fortunately, it suddenly stopped. Reality rushed back through him. Dull tingles racing through his body, soft sheets under him, warm and grounding Logan on top of him. Hands were on his face, in his hair, making sure he was okay.
“Thanks..Logi. That was- fuck”
“Anytime Ro” Logan smiled softly before slipping back into his “mad” voice,
“That’ll teach you not to steal from the great professor!”
“Oh yeah?” Roman questioned as he picked himself off the bed and switched their positions with admittedly little resistance from his boyfriend.
“I think you’ve got a lesson of your own to learn teach.” He said before lowering his voice to a low whisper,
“No-one messes with the prince and makes it out unscathed” And then Logan was in hysterics as the tables turned, fingers on his neck, his ears, his sides all tickling with too much vigor for someone who’d just been tickled to hysterics themselves. The sensations were simultaneously too much and too little, altogether overstimulating while his body kept craving more, more, more as he leaned into the touch instead of away, a fact which Roman was all too eager to point out.
“Aww enjoying yourself there Logi-bear? Is the great professor enjoying his wittle tickles?”
“Do you now? I’m not hearing a stop~” At that Logan fell silent because truthfully he was enjoying the affection from his boyfriend. That’s what the holidays were about, after all. Not candles, or decorations, or silly games with spinning tops and chocolate. They were about creating silly memories with the people you love the most. And as he was laughing himself horse, Logan hoped Roman would be there to make these memories with him for many more Christmases and Chanukkahs to come. Because Roman brought happiness and laughter into Logan’s life. And Logan didn’t want to stop laughing for a long time. And so he wouldn’t. ;)
I hope this is okay writing wise. I don’t really know what I’m doing but I’m doing my best.
Again I am so so so so fucking sorry uhhh happy Easter? Memorial Day I guess?? I’m so mad at myself for this I procrastinated way too long I don’t even have a good excuse anymore.
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bikepack · 2 months
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I was close to giving in today and sticking my thumb out to hitch a ride, something I haven’t yet needed to do. Luckily I prevailed.
It’s never appealing setting up the tent in the damp darkness so again I slept in a roomy warm public bathroom, this time being woken up at 7:30 by the cleaners. I had 65 odd kilometres in front of me to make it to the town of Griffith, but more importantly the bike shop.
It started off bad, only 10km down the road I had taken my rear wheel on and off 4 times, patchworking together a tube that would hold air. It wasn’t going completely flat but half flat. That combined with being stuck in the highest gear and a decent headwind it was incredibly hard to get momentum going and therefore very tough on the legs.
On what I told myself was my last try before hitchhiking to town I pulled the leaky tube off the bike, inflated it, but failed to find any holes. I slapped some rubber cement over old repairs and to my surprise this stopped any leaks and I didn’t have to touch it again the rest of the day.
It still wasn’t easy going with the head wind all day so I was very glad when I finally rolled into Griffith. First stop was the bike shop for new tubes and a new shifter cable. Supposedly the new tubes have gel in them which self seal small punctures. We’ll see about that. The guy who worked there also reaffirmed my suspicion of a pesky thorn bush which is causing my troubles. I forgot the name of it but 80% of the tubes the shop sold were marketed as thorn resistant.
After some trial and error I got the new shifter cable installed and it felt so good to bike around in a low gear again. Also check out the bull bars on the trucks around here, mad max style.
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I parked up at the rec centre, cooked some sausages and planned to sleep in the sports stands but the lady who worked there said they lock the place up. I told her I’d go tent somewhere. She was super nice, gave me a couple of chocolate bars and said she’d be thinking of me out there in the cold haha. I think she thought I was genuinely homeless.
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
I mean, you could make arguments for/explain away all of those (Insert character got away with having no identification when that really should've been a problem for them) situations.
Principal Bump allowed Luz to enroll at Hexside in-exchange for Eda doing that laundry list of tasks for him.
King seemed to dismissed as Eda's pet by most people, plus he was never really placed in a situation where a lack of identification presented a problem. (He was never enrolled in school/got a library card/etc.)
As for how he got his paws on those adoption papers... Eh, I'm sure Eda knows a guy who could forge that kind of stuff. King being her son, he would probably be aware of that kind of criminal contact. Hell, Lilith is a former government official! She probably knows a guy who would rubber stamp adoption papers, no questions asked. King could've asked her for help.
Eda's library card could stem from when she was a child.
Hunter not having any official documents despite being the Golden Guard can be handwaved away as Belos wanting to isolate him from the outside world/make it hard for him to leave him.
The GG get up is distinct enough to serve as an ID to Coven Scouts and other Coven officials, he only ran into problems once he was out of uniform. His Coven sigil was only dismissed as a fake because of his young age. Hell, later on, he is recognized out of uniform by layperson Coven Scouts and he was actually trying to be in disguise there.
During Hunter's "infiltration" of Hexside, he seemed to fly under the radar because it was some sort of club day. The only adult he encountered then was Willow’s old Abomination Magic teacher, who seemed preoccupied with besting Willow/Emerald Entrails, not wondering where one of their players (Who was seemingly from a Magic Track that he played no role in teaching) came from.
It just strikes me as a bit... odd that Belos wouldn't insist on there being official records for every citizen of the Boiling Isles. He's trying to kill everyone, surely it would be helpful to know who every person is IMHO.
And I have used similar arguments and explanations to explain away why Caleb and Evelyn have library cards, titan bless <3
There probably ARE birth certificates. I won't deny that it's SOMEWHAT tracked; it most likely is! But it's probably not failproof and I think, whatever it is BELOS wants, the actual citizenry of the Isles, who are the ones keeping the records and giving out library cards, may be more lax.
The Empire's only been there fifty years. People are alive that remember a time BEFORE the Empire, and they may or may not have identification themselves because they were born before the system was in place (so no birth certificate). If they hadn't gotten to registering somewhere or were comfortable/established where they were, registration might not have been forced because it would cause unrest (and is that really a battle you want to pick anyway? They might be DEAD by the time the DoU rolls around).
The system itself definitely still has bugs that need to be ironed out at this point; it's still a baby government. Between grandfathering people in and a general lack of total control all over the isles (Eda says they don't have much influence outside the cities), I'm willing to bet that while there may be some form of identification/population tracking, it's not super set in stone and you can get by without "proper" registration relatively easily because people will make allowances without much fuss.
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witchvvolf · 1 year
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excerpt from chapter five! false idol. I wanted to show off this super sweet scene because it makes me so so warm inside. I give to you: the washday scene. (rest of the excerpt and tags below the cut) I didn't finish it, but I couldn't not share!
“Let’s wash your hair.” Washdays were Sunday after church. Her mother would make pot roast, burn incense. Frankincense and Myrrh. She’d clean her children after service, make sure they were washed of any impurities. But Simon isn’t thinking of that. She sits on her knees with her head straight, the TV on but she’s not really watching. She feels him use a short nail to part her hair down the middle, then ear to ear. He’s careful not to pull too hard, using rubber bands to keep the sections secure. There's no incense burning as he does this, but she smells cedar and oak. She smells Simon, can almost taste the marijuana left in the ashtray.
“How long did this take you?” he asks, feeling him rake through the silky strands. Her hair wouldn’t smell like lavender after he washed it, it will smell like his shampoo, his conditioner. Him all over.
She shrugs, “Some odd number of hours, I’m unsure.”
He hums above her head. When she feels he’s done, she stands and he stands behind her, carefully directing her out of the way so he doesn’t bump into her. And then she follows him into the bathroom, finds herself on her knees again.
She didn’t pray, but she would pray for him. To him.
She’s picking at the skin of her thumb where a hangnail had already been testing her patience. It was soft beneath the hardened flap of skin, newborn, raw. He’s rolling up his sleeves and turning on the showerhead, testing the water with his large hand to make sure it’s not too hot.
She nods and turns over, tilts her head skyward, met with the ceiling, her neck pressing into the porcelain of the tub. Another moment and she felt the water on her scalp, back left section. His face isn’t directly over hers, but her eyes move to find him. “Thank you,” she whispers.
“What for?” He whispers back, the moment now to be a shared secret.
His smile is small, kind, sweet. His smile is Simons. “You’ve washed my hair; I can wash yours.” She feels him carefully tug the other back section loose, hands her the hair tie to roll onto her wrist, which she does.
They’re quiet after that. She feels her curls coming back, water running down the sides of her face. She’s some drowned hag, a sea witch in this moment. His fingertips are pressing into her scalp and she is ignoring the way that her neck hurts and instead focuses on the scent of honey and vetiver, and odd combination but his combination something she would willingly let herself drown in because for the moment she was actually at home. Home wasn’t her house, home was this moment, washing away her day, that awkward and suffocating car ride, four cloth rubber bands embedding themselves into her wrists.
honorary forrest faery tags to @coffeeandcalligraphy and @thewardenofwinter. as usual let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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