#super shooter
shiftythrifting · 2 years
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Suspicious finds in a Utah Savers
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n64retro · 6 months
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Star Fox Nintendo EAD / Argonaut Software / Nintendo Super Nintendo 1993
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capricioussun · 29 days
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2am post jumpscare
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arcadebroke · 4 months
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themarvelproject · 4 months
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Continuing our celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars limited series (1984) with Mike Zeck's spectacular cover art from Secret Wars #1. In the pencils and inks, note the inclusion of Kitty Pryde, who ultimately didn't appear in the series, as well as Mister Fantastic and Thor, who were removed to fit the logo on the final printed cover.
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zegas · 5 months
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The Fatal Five was created by a teenage Jim Shooter in the 60s.
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hellverse · 5 months
cas goes to sit on the rooftops of really tall buildings when he’s offended by something btw
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devsgames · 8 months
Announcing: Centauri Dark
Excited to announce my next title "Centauri Dark" is now available to wishlist on Steam and Itch.io!
The year is 24XX, You are under attack by an unknown enemy force. The support station at Alpha Centauri has gone dark. Survive.
Centauri Dark is an arcade shooter where you fight against ever-increasing waves of mechs in a bid for your survival. Kill enemies to power your weapons and dash, jump and shoot your way through to victory.
🤖 Cool mechs and cool visuals!⚔️ Action-packed, edge-of-your-seat combat! 📕 A psychological and cerebral story mode! 🧠 Easy to learn, hard to master gameplay! 👩‍🔬 Procedurally generated arenas! ⏲️ An endless mode where you face unending hordes of mechs!
Please wishlist and share to help support, it's super appreciated! 🥰
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bagf1sh · 2 years
list of games everyone should play before they die imo
- bioshock
not only is this one of the most influential games. maybe ever, it’s also just one of the greatest examples of how to make a linear experience /feel/ self-directed, and the fact that that is THE PLOT OF THE GAME makes it all the better
- titanfall 2
i think this one goes without saying. is it as well written as some others on this list? probably not. but the story still goes pretty hard, and basically any failings are made up for by it having THE smoothest and movement and combat systems even half a decade later)
- subnautica
if you’ve played it, you get it. simply put, it is the best survival (survival horror?) game and may never be surpassed. it understands how to guide a player through an open world, how to tell multiple stories at once, and how to keep experiences fresh better than most games even outside it’s genre
- breath of the wild
the greatest open world experience ever. period. that’s it.
- mario odyssey
nintendo at its absolute peak. narrowly beat out galaxy just because of that little bit of polish it has from being newer, but i mean play both. odyssey is a beautiful experience that is simultaneously approachable yet non-coddling (like many mario titles) and just constantly finds ways to one up itself and just be straight up /fun/.
- ultrakill
where botw is the best of the best for open worlds and odyssey is top of the line 3D platforming, ultrakill may just be the best boomer shooter on the market. it’s combat is simple, yet synergizes with itself in such a way that the more you play, it feels like you unlock new skills without any kind of leveling to speak of. many people have said it’s a game that answers every question the player could have with “yes,” and yeah i agree.
- Disco elysium
what can i say that hasn’t been said already? unparalleled storytelling. the dark souls of communism. a game that gets you to reckon with yourself and—just maybe—touch grass. maybe not.
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chaoscallsdummies · 1 year
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I finally finished Frontiers and the final boss was underwhelming to say the least. But like, in a good way! 
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dumbflower3663 · 2 days
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tariah23 · 28 days
I gotta get up for work rn but the original tweet………….. they’ve got to be joking at this point because while they are correct in some instances, they must’ve chosen some of the worst examples imaginable… Also, Why is Shigeki in the same category as Joshu and Alessi knowing how they are… he was just a greedy, fat kid. The others were literal creeps.
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leezuhh · 1 year
it's crazy to me that there are people out there who still think that media and fiction do not affect how people think at all
#like that whole 'does fiction affect reality?' debate is so stupid to me cuz it's like#i mean just think about it for a second. what is propaganda? what did jaws do for people's perceptions of sharks?#i think studying the effect that popular media and fiction has on people in real life is really interesting#and it's crazy to me that there are people on the internet who think that it genuinely doesn't#like umm shoutout vit sisler for his paper 'digital arabs' i just read it for my game studies class and it's super interesting#about like orientalization how western shooter games' usage of middle eastern/muslim stereotypes as enemies created both a negative -#- stereotype for people who arent in that group and how it negatively affects the mental health and self-image of the people who are#also shoutout stuart hall and richard dyer they're really cool people and also have some super interesting papers on how representation -#- in media affects people's IRL perceptions of certain groups#i know online this focus tends to lean on that whole shipping discussion but i think it's more worthwhile to look at it on a wider scale#because 'does fiction affect reality?' is not just a 'fandom ship war' discussion it's like. the basis for many fields of study#anyways umm#liza post#actually this is more like a#liza ramble#i love tumblr bc i can write a one sentence post and put my body paragraphs in the tags#it's really late and i am tired ‼️ i wish i could be more concise i just adore my game studies class and visual culture studies in general
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“Well, no more oranges for me. Oranges are for little boys. With daddies.”
-A'Sharad Hett after the death of his father Sharad
submitted by @auditect
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stealingyourbones · 8 months
Ok so here’s my list of videogames I’m going through rn:
Half-Life series
Batman Arkham
And now Zelda
All of which I know jack shit about the stories or spoilers. I’ve started Batman Arkham Asylum and I’m in the middle of Half Life 2 Episode 1. So far I’m having a blast
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themarvelproject · 6 months
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Continuing our celebration of the 40th anniversary of the iconic Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars limited series with a Marvel house ad featuring art by Mike Zeck with inks by John Beatty (1984)
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