#supernatural episode rewrites
beatsheetromanroy · 7 months
body swap episode let’s go!!! it’s a cursed object or some nasty, powerful spellwork. it zaps rowena, dean, and cas who are all in the same room together. rowena becomes dean, cas becomes rowena, dean becomes cas. jack walks into the room and with the ability to see people’s souls, recognizes everyone immediately. poor sam now has to see the woman he has feelings for in the body of his brother and he’s NOT having a good time!! rowena in dean is all loose, confident, flirty, she charms cas in her own body which drives sam and dean INSANE (for totally different reasons obviously.) it would be so fun to see rowena-cas stiff, serious, and genuine. cas realizes the deep attachment he’s grown to his body. dean’s freaking out about the possibility of needing to pee or take a shower. “I’m not gonna look at some other dude’s junk, that’s not cool!” meanwhile cas informs him that he won’t need to, “there’s enough grace left over in my vessel that will eliminate the need for bodily functions” forcing dean to act disappointed “oh, good” (he says lying) while he tries to actively avoid feeling up cas’ pecs.
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zer0expektation · 15 days
I really really don't go out of the way to learn about bts stuff in supernatural so I have no idea if this is actually a thing, but I guarantee, GUARANTEE, that in the episode Sex & Violence, season 4 episode 14, when they were originally writing the episode the monster of the week was a succubus but once they got to the whole Sam and Dean drama of the episode they were like "hmm maybe it doesn't really fit to have this whole thing happen with a Sex demon... Oh I Know!" and they just changed the name of the monster to siren and changed exactly Nothing else in the script
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the-artemis-tapes · 2 months
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The monster zoo episode of spn should have been weirder
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supernatural-sophia · 3 months
In honor of the archive being down today, here is a oneshot that I posted to ao3
Dean’s phone started ringing and he was willing to do anything to get out of an awkward conversation with Sam. 
“Hello,” Dean says with a gruff in his voice. 
“Hello, Dean.” Dean almost crashes his car. Sam looks at him with wide and concerned eyes but Dean is already turning the car around. 
“Stay where you are. We are coming to get you,” Dean says doing a U-turn so fast his car left marks on the ground. Dean didn’t hang the phone up or set it down; he kept it held up to his ear just to hear the person on the other end breathing. If this was some sort of cruel joke from God, Dean wouldn’t survive. He ignored his brother’s angry questions, lost in thought until they turned down a road. Sam knew where this road took them and started getting concerned that Dean had lost it. Then he saw the figure in the phonebooth; A tall man dressed in a tan trench coat. Dean barely had the car stopped before he opened the door and jumped out. 
“Cas, is that really you?” Dean couldn’t stop his voice from cracking with emotion. 
“No. You're – you're dead,” Sam stuttered trying to protect Dean from any more heartbreak. This had to be a shifter or some sort of demon trying to mess with them. 
“Yeah, I was. But then I… annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back,” Cas said with humor in his voice. Dean’s eyes noticeably had water in them. 
“I don’t even know what to say,” Sam stood in awe. 
“I do. Welcome home, pal,” Dean hugged Cas tightly, breathing in his scent of ozone and forest before letting go. Sam gives a quicker, less intimate hug to Cas. 
“How long was I gone?” Cas asked, seeing the way Dean was practically shaking in his presence. 
“Too damn long,” Dean replies with a smile 
“How did it go?” Jack asks, not looking up from his computer. He already assumes it went well judging by the fact that the bunker door closed and didn’t slam. 
“Well…” Dean said suddenly embarrassed of how he treated the kid. 
“Jack, um..” Sam stumbled over his words trying to explain what had just happened. Jack looks up from his computer with fear in his eyes. He thought it went well. Had he misunderstood again? 
“What’s wrong?” He panicked. 
“Hello, Jack,” Castiel said with a small smile on his normally stoic face. 
“Castiel?” Jack said, trying to hide the hope in his voice. 
“Yeah,” Cas sighs. “It’s me.” They were all overjoyed with Cas being back and Jack wanted to show off his skills to his chosen father. He drags Cas over to a table where a pencil sits still before it starts to levitate for a few moments before Jack giggles, letting it fall back down. Cas quirks an eyebrow but says nothing. 
“I found a case. Hunter’s case,” Jack said, beaming with pride and excitement. 
“What kind of-”
“Zombies!” Jack says confidently to Cas only. “I know what Zombies are now,” He whispered with a grin. 
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Dean asked with suspicion in his voice. 
“By watching you. And Sam,” Jack exclaims, excited to see a side of Dean that wasn’t drunken anger. “Three days ago, a vintage pocket watch with a personal inscription was sold at a pawn shop. But when they went to authenticate it, they found out that it'd been buried with its owner… 20 years ago. And when they checked out the grave, it was empty. Which means… The dead are rising in Dodge City, Kansas.” 
Dean could hear cowboy music playing the moment Dodge City was meantoned and made up his mind to go. He could see Cas in a cowboy hat just like all the movies they have watched. Cas glanced over at Dean, seemingly knowing what Dean was thinking. Dean blushed, embarrassed to be caught with the joy of dreams on his face, but Cas only smiled softly before looking back over to a confused Jack. 
Jack didn’t understand how Dean and Castiel seemed to have a full conversation without words when Jack couldn't ever get a normal one in with Dean as it was. He looked up at Sam for clarification, but Sam had a more awkward look on his face. 
“Right. O-or maybe it’s a-a grave robbery,” Sam stuttered 
“Oh,” Jack’s face fell but then Dean spoke up with a tone of voice Jack had not yet heard from him. 
“Yeah, but we should probably check it out,” Dean said, not thinking it really was Zombies, but just wanting a Cowboy vacation. 
“Wait. Really?” Cas asked towards Dean, giving another knowing look. 
“Yeah, we've done more on less. Besides Dodge City's kind of, uh, kind of awesome,” Dean blushed with excitement. “All right, well… two salty hunters, one half-angel kid, and a dude who just came back from the dead. Again. Team Free Will 2.0. Here we go.” 
“All right, this is supposed to be the best room in the joint,” Dean grins, shoving his key into the door. When he flips the light on, he couldn't help but show his excitement. “Oh, ho! The Wild Bill suite!” Dean exclaimed and Sam just gave a sarcastic ‘wow’ in response. Dean was laughing with delight as he looked at all the cowboy decor. If he could have had a room as a kid, it would have been decked out just like this. 
“He really likes cowboys,” Jack says quietly to Castiel in some sort of confusion. He expected his father, who Sam explained had a hard time with human interactions as well, to have a similar confused expression, but he only saw one of deep love. 
“Yes. Yes, he does,” Cas smiles adoring Dean from afar. 
Dean was in the bedroom now, unpacking all his cowboy gear he brought. 
“I still can’t believe you brought your own hat,” Sam shook his head as his brother said that he should have brought one as well. “You’re in a good mood, huh?” Sam was trying to get something out of Dean, even if he wasn’t sure what it was yet. 
“Yeah. And?” Dean asked, no longer unpacking his bags. 
“Nothing. No, no, I-I-I just, uh… you've been having a rough go, so it's… it's good to see you smile,” Sam said trying not to send Dean back into another episode. 
“Well, I said I needed a big win. We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win,” Dean grinned a bigger smile than Sam had seen in years. Suddenly it clicked in Sam’s brain and we wondered why he hadn’t figured it out sooner. 
“Yeah. Fair enough.”
Jack and Cas were having a sweet heart to heart when the next alert for the case popped up. Jack jumped up excitedly to wake Dean, against the protests of his father. 
“Dean? Dean?” Jack attempted to wake up a sleeping Dean. Dean pulls out a gun from beneath his pillow, aiming it right at Jack’s chest. “No, no, no! Dean! It’s me,” Jack said, trying to get the angry man to calm down. The sound of saloon doors swinging brings Dean’s attention to Castiel standing in the room. Dean set his gun back down and demanded coffee. 
“I told you,” Castiel whispered into Jack’s ear. “He’s an angry sleeper. Like a bear.” Jack wondered how many times Dean had pulled a gun on Cas for waking him up. They all, besides a still grumpy Dean, discuss the case and where to go next. As Castiel stood up to leave with the other men, Dean held up a finger and then pointed to his coffee. Cas sat back down on the couch next to Dean, glad to be back. 
Cas watched as Dean slowly started to perk up. He still had bags under his eyes, but those wouldn’t be fixed from one short night of sleep and some coffee. Cas hadn’t noticed how dark they were when he first saw Dean but noticed it the moment they got back into the bunker. With some of his discussions with Jack over the night, he understood that Dean was not coping very well. 
“Are you alright, Dean?” Castiel asked to see if he could get anywhere with him. He watched as Dean stared into his almost-gone coffee. Cas almost thought he wasn’t going to respond until he noticed that Dean’s eyes had begun to shine. He was holding back tears. 
“I thought you were really gone, man,” Dean said, closing his eyes, and forcing tears away. Cas placed a reassuring hand on Dean’s shoulder. His hand always seemed to find its way back to where the scar used to be so long ago. He sometimes wished he hadn’t healed it away, especially on days like today when Dean leaned into the touch. 
“I’m back now,” Cas said in a quiet tone to not break the comfortable silence they had mastered over the years. 
“He’s just like you, you know,” Dean said, taking a drink of his coffee before speaking again. “Just-everytime I looked at him, all I saw was you.” Dean opened his eyes and stared into Cas’s bright blue ones. “He has the same beauti- blue eyes,” Dean blushed and looked away trying to cover the Freudian slip. 
“It’s okay Dean. Really,” Cas tried to assure the man who had been so excited previously. “Now, let’s go to the crime scene.” 
Dean smiled every time he looked over and saw his angel wearing a cowboy hat. How far he had caused Cas to fall was truly astounding. The only problem was every time he looked over at Cas, his hidden feelings bubbled towards the surface. Ever since he cradled Cas’s limp, dead body in his arms he couldn’t deny their connection. It had only taken one of them dying for him to realize it, but hey better late than never right? They were discussing a strategy when Dean had to lean close to pull the motel’s advertising off Castiel’s hat and Dean’s heart was racing. He hoped Cas couldn’t tell how nervous he suddenly felt. 
“Just act like you’re from Tombstone, okay?” Dean said, trying to calm himself down. 
“The city?” Cas asked. 
“The movie,” Dean sighed. “With Kurt Russell? I made you watch it.” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one with the guns and tuberculosis,” Cas said and Dean just rolled his eyes. Then Cas lowered his voice to sound more like a cowboy and quoted, “I’m your Huckleberry.” Cas would have never guessed how flustered it made Dean and Dean tried to hide it as much as he could. 
“Yeah, exactly,” Dean stuttered trying to refocus his thoughts. “Well, it’s good to have you back, Cas.” Dean smiled as he and Cas excited Baby, loving the sound of his cowboy boots on the ground. He loved the way both he and Cas had cowboy hats on and he especially liked it when Cas used cowboy slang, even if he used it incorrectly and was awkward like the entire conversation with the sergeant. 
Cas and Dean made it to the motel before Sam and Jack did. Dean put Baby into park but didn’t move to get out of the car. 
“You alright?” Cas asked knowing that Dean wanted to talk, but was trying to find an opening. 
“Yeah, I just…” Dean looked over at the angel who he was mourning a few days ago. “I missed you so much.” Cas could tell that this wasn’t the important thing Dean wanted to say, so he nodded his head, keeping quiet so Dean could still talk. “It was so much harder this time. At first, I couldn’t figure out why, but I was ignoring the one answer that I didn’t want to be true.” 
“Dean,” Cas sighed, putting a comforting hand on Dean’s leg. Dean looked at the hand then back at Cas with wide eyes. Maybe Cas was reading his mind like how he always seemed to do. Dean shifted in his seat so he was facing the angel properly. He moved slowly, putting his hands on Castiel’s face holding him. Then he put his forehead against Cas’s and could feel the tears prickling through his closed eyes. 
Dean wasn’t sure where the courage came from, but when he took his forehead off of Castiel’s he pushed his lips against his best friend’s. Cas had made a small sound of surprise before leaning into the gentle kiss. The moment Dean realized Cas was kissing him back the gentle kiss became a passionate one. It was an inexperienced kiss that was teeth clanking together due to the smile that kept forming on Dean’s lips. 
They slowly gained experience with each other 's as they became more passionate introducing their tongues into the mix. Dean could feel his hands wander over the stupid, dirty trench coat that his angel always wore. He started sliding his hands underneath the trenchcoat, trying to remove it so he could be closer to Cas. 
Cas didn’t seem to mind Dean’s eagerness and almost seemed just as eager. He helped Dean slide off his trenchcoat before letting his hands start to explore Dean’s body. A hunger he had locked away came pouring out as Cas started moving his kisses all around Dean’s face and neck. He gave a spot right under Dean’s jaw a small bite and the sound Dean gave at it made Cas repeat that motion in different spots, slowly sucking on them as well, leaving a dark bruise behind on Dean’s neck. 
“Back seat,” Dean breathed out. Within seconds both men were in the back seat of the Impala clawing at each other’s clothed bodies. Dean was shaking and struggling with the buttons on Cas’s shirt and with a snap of Cas’s fingers, all their clothes were thrown across the Impala leaving both men in just their boxers. “Cas, you tease,” Dean laughed, tugging at Cas’s waistband. 
Jack and Sam found a few bitten bones in the cemetery and Sam immediately dragged Jack back to the car they came in. It wasn’t too long of a drive to the motel but must have been long enough because the Impala was in the parking lot. 
“Guess they beat us here,” Sam said, turning into the parking lot, not paying much attention to the Impala as Jack was. 
“Sam!” Jack exclaimed with fear in his voice. 
“What?” Sam turned to look at Jack. 
“Someone is in the impala! Look!” Jack pointed to the impala and Sam squinted to see what Jack was seeing. Then he noticed clothes thrown across the seats, bits of skin, and moving bodies in the windows. Sam paled so noticeably that Jack’s panic doubled. “What? What is it?” 
Sam looked back down at the child in his seat. “Let’s go inside,” Sam said before grabbing Jack’s wrists to pull him out through the driver’s door, putting as much distance between them and the impala as he could. “Sam, what’s going on?” Jack asked as he was being pulled into the motel and Sam went to the front desk asking for a new room. 
“Uh..hey. Can I get another two-bedroom room by the Wild Bill suite, but no shared walls?” Sam asked. The woman quirked an eyebrow before she nodded in understanding. 
“Why do we need a new room?” Jack asked. 
“How old is he?” The woman asked Sam, curious why the man next to him seemed oblivious. 
“Uh.. younger than you think and he..uh…” Sam pointed to his head and the woman nodded again. Jack looked around confused at how Sam and the woman seemed to be having their own conversation that he had no idea what it was about. 
“I’m going to go find Cas and Dean,” Jack said with a huff before Sam grabbed his wrist again. 
“Bad idea, kid. I’ll…uh,” Sam looked to the woman for help but she laughed and pulled up a magazine to read. “I’ll tell you when we get to our room. Just don’t go find them. Not right now.” 
“I don’t understand,” Jack sighed before he let Sam drag him towards their new room. When they got into the room Sam closed the door behind him before hitting his head on it. 
“Now? Really?” He said to himself, but of course, Jack heard. 
“What is going on Sam?” His voice echoed across the room. He was tired of being left out of the conversations that Dean and Cas were having and now the silent conversation that Sam and the woman at the front desk were having. 
“Jack, it’s a bit of a- Um, weird conversation,” Sam said before joining Jack on the end of the bed. 
“I want to know. I feel like everyone else knows something right now that I don’t,” Jack whined. 
“Look, Dean and Cas have a different relationship than the rest of us have with each other,” Sam sighed trying to find the right words. “It’s why Dean was much more of a wreck than I was when Cas died. It’s not that I didn’t miss Cas or didn’t want him back, it’s just different.” 
“Different how?” Jack asked, still not understanding. It seemed like Sam was jumping around the answer without saying it. Before Sam could answer there was a knock at the door. 
“Sammy?” Dean called. 
“Yeah,” Sam sighed. Dean opened the door slowly and Jack noticed how disheveled Dean’s clothes were and his hair was a wreck. He also had odd bruises on his neck. 
“Are you okay?” Jack jumped up worried. “Sam, I told you we should have gone and found them! He is hurt!” Jack exclaimed. Dean had wide eyes as Jack healed the random bruises on him and only was blushing while he made eye contact with his brother. 
“How much did you two…?” Dean asked trailing off. 
“I saw enough. Jack saw enough to get confused,” Sam ran a hand through his hair. 
“Where is Cas?” Jack asked watching Dean do the impossible which was stiffen even more. 
“He’s, uh, cleaning the impala,” Dean said, face turning a bright red. 
“Gross,” Sam scoffed, which just got a confused look from Jack who was even more frustrated than before. 
“Any case updates?” Dean tried to change the conversation. 
“Someone explain what’s going on!” Jack boomed to the point where the lights in the room started flickering along with his anger. Dean looked to Sam for help, but Sam was doing the same thing to Dean. Luckily that was when Cas walked in. 
“Why do we have a new room?” He asked. 
“See, Cas doesn’t understand either!” Jack said, calming down knowing he wasn’t the only one confused. 
“Understand what?” Cas gave a quirked eyebrow to Dean. 
“We saw someone in the Impala in the parking lot then Sam made us get a new room and when Dean said you were cleaning Dean was super red and Sam said gross,” Jack rambled. 
“Sam, you of all people should know that sexual relationships are not gross. You seemed to be satisfied having sex with a demon who was poisoning you,” Cas said and both Sam and Dean’s faces were bright red. “You humans confuse me. One day you are bragging about your sexual partners and the next sex is a taboo subject.” 
“Cas! Stop talking about sex!” Dean said, looking extremely uncomfortable with the topic. 
“This is about sex?” Jack asked quietly. He knew what sex was and this didn’t need to be as confusing as a conversation as it needed to be. 
“Yes,” Cas said while Dean replied with “No.” 
“Cas, he’s a kid. Your kid. You want to talk about that right now?” Dean said, still uncomfortable. Cas just rolled his eyes and stepped closer to Jack. 
“Jack, what you saw was Dean and I having personal relations. They are normally supposed to be private and others are not supposed to see, that is why both Sam and Dean are flustered. We will not be talking about this anymore because what happens between Dean and me is no one else's business but our own,” Cas said before walking out of the room to their original suite. Dean stood frozen for a few moments before turning and following Cas. 
“I’m going to shower, Jack. Get cemetery off of me. Then we will discuss the case with them two. Just turn something on the TV for a while.” 
An hour later the awkward feeling was gone and Sam handed Dean the bone he found at the cemetery. 
“Leftovers,” Dean scoffed. He tossed the bone to Cas who was explaining what a ghoul was to Jack. They discussed who it could be, but couldn’t think of anyone who fit the bill perfectly. Jack pulled up an image he had found previously while researching, asking if it could be of any help. 
“Holy crap,” Dean said, which gave him a glare from Cas. “That’s Dave Mather.” 
“Who?” Sam asked. 
“Dave Mather. Cowboy. Outlaw. One of the Dodge City Gang,” Dean said with more excitement with every word. He could hear the cowboy music playing in his head as he took down a picture off the wall. “He was one of the greatest gunfighters ever. I mean, he died in 1886, which makes this a little weird, but…” Dean laughed with excitement. “Mysterious Dave Mather. I'm gonna get my boots on. One of the best gunslingers ever! Whoo!” 
Sam rolled his eyes as he watched Dean practically skip around the room getting the supplies. Jack explained that he noticed that there was a picture of Dave and Athena together and said they were probably together. He gave a look to Cas and then Dean, who were staring into each other's eyes. It wasn’t the first time he had seen them give that look and Sam’s reaction, an eye roll and ‘bitch face’ as Dean called them, he had seen them too. 
The team went to speak with Athena first, but Dave wasn’t there, but she knew where he was. They rushed to the bank where Dave was robbing and running outside. 
“Two, three, four Hunters! Whoo! Must be my birthday!” Dave exclaimed seeing all of Team Free Will 2.0 waiting for him in the parking lot. A gunfight started out and Jack was excited to help. 
“What the hell?” Dave said after Jack took several shots in the chest. Jack then uses his untrained powers to blast Dave backward, however a security guard was behind him and also got hit in the blast. 
“No!” Jack cried out. “No, no, no, no, no!” He begged for Cas to save the man, but Cas couldn’t bring back life. Even worse, Dave got away. 
“Is this the first time he’s hurt anyone?” Cas asked looking back at an upset Jack on the couch. 
“No,” Sam sighed. “No, but it is the first time he's hurt someone that didn’t get back up.” 
“Alright, you two should get Jack back to the bunker,” Dean sighed. That rotten feeling of having the son of Lucifer nearby was back in his stomach. He didn’t want to feel this way, especially with the kid as a wreck on the couch behind him, but he had expected this. Lucifer always caused problems, so it’s no surprise his kid was too, even if it was by accident. 
“I can stay here,” Cas tried, but Dean knew what the kid needed. He needed his dad and he needed someone who didn’t threaten to kill him in the past. 
“No, I’ll handle it. Besides, you need to be with the kid in case he…you know.” 
“Okay,” Cas sighed heavily. “All right.” He could feel Dean begging him to stay, but he knew Dean would never admit to something like that. 
Dean worked with the sergeant to take down Dave. The sergeant had no problem killing Dave in fact, he was prepared to. Dean then explained that Dave killed Sarge’s friend, so Sarge killed Dave. He then pursued and put the blame of the death of the security guard at the bank on Dave too. Jack didn’t need any more trouble than what was coming for him by just being an associate with the Winchesters. 
When Dean got back to the bunker, all he wanted to do was drink and sit with Cas. He had gotten a picture of the two dressed up printed out and shoved it into his wallet. 
“How’d it go?” Sam asked worried about Jack. 
“Took care of it,” Dean huffed. 
“Good,” Sam said quietly. 
“Good?” Jack stood up. “How is that good? I killed someone. What was his name? The guard? Did he have a family?” Jack was almost crying. 
“Don’t do this to yourself,” Cas tried to calm him down/ 
“Did he?” Jack demanded. 
“Yes, he did,” Dean said, not sure if the truth was better than lying.
“Jack, look, this life, what we do,” Sam tried but Jack was having none of it. 
“Just don’t. You’re afraid of me,” a tear fell down Jack’s face. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m just another monster!” Jack yelled at Dean. 
“No, you're not. I thought you were. I did. But…” Dean tried but he knew he was fumbling. 
“Every time I try to do something good, people get hurt,” Jack cried. “If I stay, I’m gonna hurt you. All of you. And… I can’t. You’re all I have.” 
“Jack, listen…” 
“I have to go. I’m sorry,” Jack said before using his powers to knock the three Winchesters backward. He disappears with Castiel crying after him. 
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
You mentioned that Emily would be revealed to be a Seraphim in the events of Episode six, though I'm curious how that would pan out. Charlie and Vaggie already knew she's an angel, so while learning just how high ranking she is would be a shock, I doubt it would have NEARLY the ramifications that Charlie learning that Vaggie's a former exorcist in-canon did.
Heaven could try keeping Emily there against her will, but that would be; as one says; extremely stupid and dangerous. Emily is one of the most powerful beings in heaven who now has the... "Moral Flexibility" of a Hell born and a very very good reason to push that flexibility to its limits.
That being said, Heaven could absolutely try to spin the story for their own benefits. Releasing Propaganda claiming that the sinners of hell "Corrupted" Emily; the sweetest and most innocent of the angels; and that the reader could be next to try and justify the exterminations in the eye of the public.
It would be really funny if Emily just snapped and proceeded to chew out the entirety of Heaven's government with a foul enough sailor's tongue to make even Adam blush. But I don't know if you want the reveal to be comedic or purely dramatic.
And to be honest, Vaggie and Charlie would know she's a seraphim. I mean, Emily doesn't have any disguise, so charlie can easily tell what angle she is via her dad/mom
Now, the others' reactions to Emily essentially crashing down into their coffee table looking like an entirely different person is gonna be very interesting
I have thought of Heaven making Emily stay, but as the main story takes place in hell and I have a few scenes I wanna add to ep8's battle, ultimately I think Adam would shove her through it seeing her as 'corrupted' before Sera can fully figure out what to do
As for propoganda....oh 100% the way Emily gets revealed to be heavens Emily is veryyyy interesting and basically serves as a counter point to charlies argument
The summary of it is when revealing vaggie to be an Exorcist fails, and unexpectedly boosts charlies point and starts another argument, Lute notices something familiar about the pink horned demon next to them, I'm thinks Emily's heavily power slowly gets stronger the longer she's in heaven and Lute being Lute, notices but doesn't recognize it until the trial
In which she essentially approaches Emily, grabs her, and rips off the purple pendant, in which her disguise melts away and reveals she's THEIR Emily, essentially says "if they can corrupt a seraphim whose to tell what else these vile demons could do!? How much worse woudk they do to heaven itself"
Something along those lines, I'll tweak it as I plan it out
Also while making it comedic would be very funny, I think I'd go for a more dramatic, sorta vibe. Since Sera hasn't seen Emily in about 5 years and as soon as they fleet again its- with a fight, and she's back to hell
I'd explain what I fully wanna do for ep6 in a diffent psot since this one is getting kinda long lol
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So the 20 Qs for Fic Writers had me thinking that I should update y’all on my WIPs. So, I wrote down the file titles and typed the list up for you, my lovely followers.
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Want to know what I’ve been working on? See below the cut. ❤️💙💚💛
If you want to know about one or more of the WIPs fics below, please comment or reblog telling me the name(s)/title(s). I’m happy to answer. 😄 Excited to hear from you.
“ORIGINAL” means it isn’t a fandom fic. It’s my original piece of work.
“ ** ” means it’s published on ao3 and if you want more, you need to let me know in comments here or on ao3 and which one.
✍️ means it is an ask or equest so those are actively being worked on
Fic Titles:
(C) Don’t provoke Dean… (Pack Alpha!Hunter!Dean x Packless Omega!Hunter!Reader)
(C) Fledgling Cas**
#99 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good girl, aren’t you?” Female Sub Reader)
#99 v.2 prompt (“You’re such a needy, good pet, aren’t you?” Gender neutral Sub Reader)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt (just one scene)
09x03 I’m no angel Alt 2.0 (Episode rewrite)
2024-28-Feb Ask Beau x Reader ✍️
Alec M x Reader Crush (Alec McDowell x OFC Reader; Roommates to Lovers)
Alec x Reader 2
Alpha Dr Castiel Alpha Dean sinus
An Angel’s Unexpected Companion
Artsy summer exchange 2024 (Exchange SFW fic)
AU - BDSM Dom Cas switch/Dom Dean
Baby dragon vs the followers of the Thanatos Stone
Being a sex good isn’t all is cracked up to be (God!Dean x Angel!Castiel)
Bingo prompt Soldier Boy camboy
Blind Castiel A/B/O
By the flowers in his eyes (blind Gabriel)
Castiel’s Wings 2.0** (Angel Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
Dadstiel Plot 2.0 (Destiel+Kid)
Destiel date night
Domestic Destiel #? Glowy Angel seduction
Domestic Destiel #? Zorro meets Cowboy
Dragon Cas x Dean plot (Giant and Pet…)
Falling in love With an Angel ORIGINAL
Fell in love with a demon (Hell Knight Dean x Witch Reader; MoC Dean x Witch Reader)
Grindr meets long-term PLOT OUTLINE (Paramedic Dean x Doctor Castiel)
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O Plot
Guardian of Humanity A/B/O World and…
Guardian of Humanity Scene Drabble
Heat (Hunters!Destiel x Complex!Reader)
Imagine Dean comes home after having a bad day. (Hunter!Dean x Hunter!Reader)
Janus Coin - Winchester Brotherly Love (Body Swaping)
Post 15x19 DestielxOFC!Alex
Prize - Ketch/Gadreel/Dean+Kid✍️
Regarding Dean Rewrite 12 x 11 (Episode rewrite)
Romancing the Hunter** (Destiel x Reader)
Rough times with your mental illness…
Rough times with your mental illness…2.0
RPF First (Not) Date (Actor!Jensen Ackles x Actress!Female!Reader)
Sam x Psychic Reader (Reader thinks Sam has the most beautiful soul)
Sick Stubborn Reader x Angel Cas
Sinclair’s Daughter
Sleepy Angel Kisses (Destiel)
Soldier Boy x Reader (Solider Boy x Supe!F!Reader)
Spn 2.0 (Series rewrite)
Spn meets Fifth Element
Spn/Lilo & Stitch Fusion
Stereo love (Rock Star!Dean x Music Professor!Castiel)
Stone of Thanatos (death)
Surprise me contd** (Angel!Castiel x Hunter!F!Reader)
The Daughter of Death and Justice concept (Revenge fic, sort of; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The monster under my bed (TFW Case Fic)
The Nephilim’s daughter (Revenge fic; Destiel x Death Knight!OFC)
The Omega (Alphas Destiel x Rescued Omega!Alex)
The Virus ORIGINAL (Origin story of A/B/O)
Two Men and the Virgin (AU - Modern; Husbands!Destiel x Single F!Henri (Neighbors to Lovers))
Vampire Dean (Currently, just smut)
Winchester A Life in the Hunter House (Tiny!Angel!Castiel x Tiny!Dean)
You want two Deans, Cas? (Angel Castiel x Current Dean x Season XX Dean; Slow burn; includes TFW 2.0)
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lemonous-snake · 1 year
Title: The Son His Father Never Wanted
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: T
Warnings: Difficult representation of mental illnesses & coping mechanisms through John Winchester's delusions of the supernatural
Tags: Sam Winchester-centric, Trans Male Sam Winchester, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, John Winchester Not Being an Asshole, Supportive Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, Episode: s01e01 Pilot (Supernatural)
"Whoa, hey," the guy Sam's wrestling with says. He knows that voice. It's been about five years, but that's—
"Dean?" Sam asks. His stomach clenches uncomfortably.
"Uh. No. Yeah? I think I'm in the wrong apartment."
Sam lets go of his brother's shoulder.
"I'm lookin' for my sister."
"Um," Sam says.
In which Sam transitions while at Stanford, I rewrite the Pilot for the second time, and I project a lot onto Sam. For Sam Week 2023 LGBT+ Sam | Favourite Sam Relationships.
Event: Sam Week 2023!
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whatudottu · 4 months
Something about Altered Loyalties CYLAS just really makes me want to include him in the first place but also makes me really really REALLY think that with the more supernatural elements of AL based off of the original TFP pilot (or just first episode/s?) that CYLAS as a ‘dead man walking’ would actually let him stay around longer AND also be a very significant contributing factor to Megatron’s downfall in Decepticon favour!
Of course it’s not as if I have the pieces of the TFP rewrite au firmly put into place, CYLAS in canon shows up just over halfway into season 2, and many of my most established changes occur in the first like… including all the parts of ‘Darkness Rising’ 8 episodes of season one; I have no idea if the environment CYLAS presents himself in is the same one canon CYLAS does.
But with the dubiousity between s1 e8 all the way to s2 e19, I’ll establish the basic context… I think in story mode maybe…
Looking at the general timeline for the Aligned Continuity, it says that the first contact of cybertronians on Earth is dated to about 500 years before the show, give or take a decade. I’ve been listing Skyquake’s little EHP pitstop to have existed at least 50 years before the war reached our planet, but what if I pushed it all the way back to 500; if a vorn is 83 years, that’d be about 6 years on an entirely different planet not knowing truly if your twin is going to make it, a planet which by the way presently has no established radio systems that it’s horrifically quiet for a terrestrial environment.
That means that Skyquake’s EHP Comms Array has been transmitting a signal long before humans had developed radio, which also means that what might’ve been blatantly an anomaly in the system if discovered 50 odd years previous to 2012 (which would’ve been in the 60s give or take which would not have been good in the literal middle of the cold war era) has been going for centuries because it had always been there, there is no anomaly because it is a signal that has existed ever since humans were able to manipulate radiowaves into sending messages and translate them into detectable noise. It helps that cybertronian language and code (both code lang and like literal programming code) is a system unknown to humans developing their own language.
And you may be asking, why did I divert this post from talking about CYLAS and how he’d outlast his canon alternate to radio shit? Well, if you were a paramilitary organisation who is pretty good at erasing signals and you discovered a signal that has been actively running for the entirety of human radio has suddenly been silenced, what would you begin to suspect at that?
Aliens may potentially be a stretch but MECH didn’t just name themselves after the cybertronians fighting war on their planet, and once the cybertronian conflict touched down on Earth, the Decepticons hadn’t a need for an intergalactic communications array and in fact was specifically instructed to switch it off in an effort to prevent the Autobots from using it. That would’ve been about maybe 6 years ago for the show (wow just enough equivalent time to match what Skyquake felt he spent grounded to one radio tower look at that) and though MECH would not encounter their first cybertronian until ‘Convoy’ (haha wait that’s s1 e9 the next ep to cover - if necessary - for Altered Loyalties lmao), they would’ve had 6 years to find that missing signal and stumble across some very definitely alien technology.
That is one of the reasons why the rewrite of ‘Masters and Students’ which is less masters and students focused - rather the point is Skyquake, a team of Nemesis stationed vehcions and Starscream investigate the comms array and set it up manually - why the radio tower wasn’t switching on from a remote position.
The other reason was because the Guardian unit stationed at the comms array - the very ones that had accompanied Skyquake all those stellar cycles ago - had gone missing. Why?
Because of Megatron’s flagrant use of Dark Energon.
Points 1 and 2 listed above leads to the explosion of the comms array, the death of Skyquake, and MECH either being alerted to the point of alien contact or just in general going to the site for more study only to find a dead specimen. After the discovery of the Autobots with the body of Skyquake, MECH begins their initial study and dissection of cybertronian physiology, though without a live subject they couldn’t exactly see what parts function in what way, especially the t-cog.
The discovery of Skyquake led to the discovery of terrorcons which lead to the discovery of how to take down a cybertron and how to take it apart without it screaming. MECH would learn the programming of a cybertronian through vehicon terrorcons since, even with DE corruption, their processors are still somewhat being maintained. While probably not able to access memories (they are fickle things, memory centres, easy to damage storage or to corrupt files) there are still systems responsible for pain and other more processor based responsibilities that aren’t centred in a physical organ that reads in fine print it’s function.
Breakdown being MECH’s first fully functional living mecha for their study is so exciting for them (even if Breakdown is very much less enthused) because they can put what knowledge they’ve pieced together to be far more efficient with their time and focus on the elements they could not decipher from either corpse or zombie and potentially try and prod at Breakdown’s brain for some cohesive coding. Good think Bulkhead still shows up when he does even with Breakdown walking away with the dreadful thought of ‘how the hell do these fleshies already know so much’ boring into his head… mainly through the optic that was still drilled out-
Whether or not MECH needs to get another living cybertronian to get caught up in their understanding of the biomechanics of them (aka would 'Operation: Bumblebee' take place as it does) or they skip right onto making a remote control Prime having gotten a headstart on their knowledge and scaring the scrap out of any bot unlucky enough to be unconscious around them, eventually Silas gets smooshed and MECH scientists are reliant on their alien dissections to get the human puree back to the land of the living.
I'd assume that this was the case in the original since if Silas' biomatter was able to be collected from a pile of robot drone induced rubble the RC truck would've been able to be recovered as well, but MECH discovers that using Nemesis Prime as a lifesupport system does not work given all it's functionality is focused on visually replicating another cybertronian, rather than using it to create life. There's a lot of parts and systems to a cybertronian's biological ecology that wasn't put into consideration for a mimic toy that prove detrimental to creating a suitable ah... skin suit essentially for Silas' blood pudding, but MECH has an abundance of corpses ready and raring to be used just so long as they piece them back together again.
Amid MECH's collection would no doubt be a mass of vehicon bodies - some untouched by energon others taken down explicitly by MECH because they were terrorcons - some terrorcons made up from the bodies of the previous conflict pre-show (and not just a hypothetical ancient war, but explicitly the conflict that culled a lot of Autobot and Decepticon officers amid the show expected vehicon death), and the very first cybertronian sample they started studying, Skyquake himself! Being at the origin of the blast at the EHP Comms Array he wasn't kept in perfect condition for one, the arm he loses as a terrorcon in the Shadowzone is still lost - it's been buried under rubble after being severed with radio tower pieces - and the monochromatic glass over his optics has long since been shattered so you can see the 'pupil' aka sensor, but seeing as how CYLAS makes Breakdown's corpse somehow look worse than what Airachnid left it as MECH probably has to suture that fucker back up because there's not way his organs have been left untouched!
And once CYLAS has been successfully integrated into his new cybertronian shell (some sort of arm, either being a loaner from another corpse or straight up just one MECH invented, it could even be a copy of the missing arm but where's the fun in that) instead of getting all high and mighty about 'being of a superior species' Silas actually bloody thinks on MECH's plans going forward. With a literal army of paramilitary personnel, from the scientists that melded human flesh with cybertronian wires to the average grunt soldier fighting between the battles of iron giants, CYLAS has something that Megatron (at least the Altered Loyalties Megatron I have written previously) has wanted from the start of the series...
An undying force.
For as large as cybertronians physically are their numbers can never match the scale of humanity, I can't remember if the books mentioned only thousands of the dead or up to a million over the course of like... a long fucking time but, that's not even the number of the human population if you're caught up with the number (nearly 8 billion alive today). And with the dead of previous battles already roaming the Earth, in a world where Megatron still being only like one dude can't command a planet wide population of zombies, the only reason he doesn't turn his blade to the weakest denominators of his forces in his plagued state is because their conscious decision to serve him is worth more than mindless servitude.
CYLAS introducing himself and MECH as a solution to this issue, and providing a show of bountiful body horror, makes not even the Decepticon high command quite as safe as they had been; not that it's been proven to be safe standing by Megatron's side given his track record of wanting his SiCs beaten or killed but...
The fact that CYLAS just so happened to have given and then promptly brutalised Dreadwing's hope that Skyquake may have been actually alive, just severely damaged (and, bond weakened from distance and prior injury, clinging to the last shreds of 'my spark didn't kill me with him' reasoning) and broke him out of the spell of blind loyalty to his once great leader.
CYLAS in this version has a little bit more longevity to his existence within the Decepticon forces, not actually a Decepticon soldier as the canon CYLAS pledged himself as but 'The Human Factor' the episode so calls itself akin to the way the American government and the human children are to the Autobots, but being able to physically go toe-to-toe with cybertronians. Megatron might be a little tired of dealing with independents after Airachnid's escapade (I do intend to make her more into a poacher/torturer type character than another Starscream so she might act out a little differently), but Silas isn't one for licking boots anytime soon and as CYLAS, Megatron is no different; you'd think he wouldn't have even done that in the first place given he's already an ex-military 'take-no-nonsense' bitch, but the Breakdown in him probably made him a lapdog...
Anyway that's a whole big post about Altered Loyalties CYLAS... or at least the in depth reasoning behind why he could still integrate himself into the story and why he'd probably have more opportunity to lasting- i prommy it's not bc i like torturing skyquake likers *wink*
I guess this is now a canon event or at least I'll try to make it canon ;)
#silas#silas tfp#leland bishop#CYLAS#tfp CYLAS#MECH#tfp MECH#should i tag other characters? if they're mentioned they're mostly just gonna be corpses#eh whatever this is a MECH post mostly so whatever#transformers#tfp#tfp au#altered loyalties#maccadam#realising that the altered loyalties tag does not include my first post despite me tagging it fuck off#eh whatever the search for it ironically works fine for some fucking reason#the funny thing about rewriting tfp unlike any other rewrite au is that#this starts off pretty fucking immediately since skyquake has been on earth conscious for 500 years he is already in the show#which is different from other rewrite aus like the starscream rewrites (in shadowzone when he stabs himself with dark energon/wakes up)#or knock out rewrites (either operation breakdown the episode after or even all the way to crossfire in season 2)#rewrite fanfic readers who recognise those beginnings- i wink at you#it does mean that there are fundamental changes literally immediately that i have to consider in relation to the whole series#and how it would effect later events that i might like to include but potentially can't#thirst is a really fun episode- have no idea if it'd be able to show up in the first place#but because i couldn't care for the human factor as an episode and more so about the concept of CYLAS himself well- it was easy to separate#he conceptually fits in with the zombies i thought were going to be a main focus for the series back when i was first watching tfp#it got me hyped up in a way that um... it's not like i don't like tfp but my experience from the pilot to the experience i have with the#show is um very different- not in a bad way but i thought it was very cool to do the zombie thing#but the show didn't go that route until the movie when the supernatural elements were kinda... restrained by that point#anyway back to CYLAS- introducing him to a story where this megatron is a little more obsessed with undead armies
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Pilot Part 1
Mommy carried Deanna into Sammy’s nursery and flicked on the lights. “Come on,” she said, tapping Deanna on the nose. “Let's say goodnight to your brother.”
When Mommy set her down, Deanna climbed up the bars of Sammy’s crib so she could kiss his forehead. “'Night, Sam,” She whispered to him.
Leaning down beside her, Mommy brushed Sam’s hair aside and also kissed his forehead. “Good night, love.”
“Hey, Deanna,” said her Daddy from the doorway and Deanna threw herself at him.
“Hey, baby,” Daddy said as he scooped her up into his arms. Deanna giggled. “So what do you think? You think Sammy's ready to toss around a football yet?”
“No, Daddy,” Deanna told her Daddy, sternly glaring at him.
“Course not,” Daddy said, laughing.
“You got her?” Mommy asked as she made her way out of Sammy’s nursery.
“I got her,” Daddy replied, squeezing Deanna against him. She giggled again. “Sweet dreams, Sam,” Daddy said as he flicked the lights off and made the short trip to her room.
He tucked her in and ruffled her hair. “How’s my baby girl doing?”
Deanna frowned at him. “Not a baby!” she said, crossing her arms.
“Course you aren’t. You are the biggest kid. Practically in charge,” Daddy said, laughing.
“Yeah!” Deanna agreed, nodding vigorously, her hair flying everywhere.
“Big kids still have to go to sleep though.” Daddy tucked her back in after she’d dislodged all the blankets. “You sleep well now and maybe we’ll toss around that football without Sammy.”
"Daddy?" Deanna stumbled out of bed when she heard the yelling. Before she could really register what was going on a bundle of little brother was dropped in her arms and her daddy was yelling in a panic.
"Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Don’t look back!" He yelled. "Now Dee go!" And Deanna ran. She hugged Sammy as close to her as she could and sprinted as the house behind them exploded.
Daddy swooped them both up into his arms as Deanna started down the front steps. Against the car that was about to become their home, Deanna watched their old one burn down. She pressed herself back into Daddy’s chest as she realised she had seen her Mommy burning on the ceiling. Daddy’s arms tightened around them both.
~22 years later~
Dean had been in California a couple times since Sam left. Not often enough that it was a habit or anything but he stopped by every time he was nearby so he could check on the kid. Make sure he’s okay and all that. What kind of older brother would he be if he didn’t?
This time though. Dean knew it was different. There were so many other people he could have gone to. Caleb, Pastor Jim, Rufus, he could have asked Bobby to come. The old man was the one requesting he get help, after all. The point is, Dean had lots of people he could ask to help him but the only one he actually wanted the help from was Sammy. And if that meant dragging him away kicking and screaming- he probably wouldn’t go that far but he would really like to.
Student accommodation at Stanford was not all it was cracked up to be, from Dean’s perspective. He had stayed in some pretty shady places in his time and he would have thought that fancy college accommodation would be a little better than some of the rent-by-months they had stayed in as kids. At least it was better than a motel.
Scanning the fire escape, Dean reckoned he could scale that pretty easily and jimmy the window into Sam’s apartment on the third floor without much trouble. And as he started climbing he gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back for remembering which floor Sam’s apartment was on. He then gave Sam a metaphorical shake when he reached his window. It was unlatched. 
Dean climbed through the window with ease. He could feel the burn of his freshly healed top surgery scars stretching but it wasn't bad, coming up the fire escape instead of scaling the walls probably helped with that. As he made his way to Sam’s kitchen he reminded himself that he wasn’t just doing this for himself. Sam would want to know that Dad was missing. Even if he didn’t want to help Dean.
Speaking of, Sam tackled him and Dean fought back. Sam had grabbed him by the shoulders. Dean knocked his arm away and aimed a punch at him.
Sam ducked. Dean grabbed his brother’s arm and spun him around, shoving him back. Sam kicked. Dean blocked. They scrambled against each other until Dean knocked Sam over and pinned him down, elbow at his neck and his other hand holding Sam’s wrist against the ground.
"Woah easy tiger," Dean said, grinning.
"Dean?" Sam asked, gasping for air, and Dean responded by laughing. "You scared the crap out of me."
"That's cause you're out of practice," Dean told his brother. Sam responded by grabbing Dean and slamming his heel into Dean's chest. Which hurt like a bitch.
Dean hit the floor with an oomph. "Or not." His scars burned more now but he wasn't going to let that show. Though when Sam tapped his chest, right where the drains were, Dean shoved him off. "Get off of me."
Sam rolled out of the way and offered Dean a hand up. Dean, begrudgingly, accepted it and surreptitiously rubbed his chest.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asked when they were both upright.
"Well I was looking for a beer," Dean teased, shaking Sam by the shoulders. Sam repeated his question. "Okay, alright," Dean said, giving in. "We gotta talk."
"Uhh, the phone?"
Dean gave Sam a hard look through the darkness. "If I'd've called would you have picked up?"
Before Sam could answer the light flicked on and both brothers blinked. "Sam?" A sleepy voice said from the doorway and Sam and Dean turned in unison. In the doorway stood a girl, Sammy's age, in shorts and a smurfs crop top.
"Jess. Hey," Sam said, shoulders relaxing. Dean almost rolled his eyes. "Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jess." Dean gave Jess an appreciative once over. Sammy had hit the jackpot with this girl. 
"Wait, your brother Dean?" Jess asked and then in a whisper, that Dean thinks he isn't supposed to hear, she added, "He doesn't look trans."
Dean stiffened and hid it behind a flirty smile. "8 years on T does that for a guy," he said. "And I've gotta say you are way out of my brother’s league. Love the smurfs though."
"I'll just go put something on," Jess said, turning to head back towards their bedroom.
"No, no, no," Dean said, stopping her in the door. "I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously." Dean pointed at Sam over his shoulder. "I need to borrow your boyfriend here to talk about a private family matter."
"No," Sam said, pushing past Dean to stand with Jess. "Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of Jess."
Dean schooled his expression. He very nearly laughed in Sam's face. "Okay," He said, looking Sam dead in the face. "Dad hasn't been home in a few days."
Sam rolled his eyes. "So he's working overtime on a Miller's time shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later." 
Dean dropped his head. Sam very clearly hasn't told Jess anything. How to get him to pay attention without telling her? His head snapped back up. "Dad's on a hunting trip," Dean said. "And he hasn't been home in a few days."
Jess glanced up at Sam. A confused frown pinching her forehead.
"Jess, excuse us," Sam said. "We have to go outside."
"I mean you can't just break in, middle of the night, and expect me to drop everything and hit the road with you," Sam said as he followed Dean down the stairs.
Dean turned, a few steps below Sam, and looked up at his brother. And ouch, looking up at Sam. Dean would never get used to that. "You aren’t hearing me, Sammy. Dad's Missing. I need you to help me find him."
"You remember the poltergeist in Amherst?" Sam asked. "Or the Devil's Gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He's always missing, and he's always fine."
Dean stopped and fully turned to face his brother this time. "Not for this long," Dean said. And yeah, Sam had a point. John was gone for weeks at a time when they were kids. But John had gone missing just after Dean's surgery and the only reason Bobby even let him go after 4 weeks was because Dean had promised he would find help. "Now are you coming with me or not?"
"I'm not."
"Why not?" Dean refused to admit that that was a whine.
"I swore I was done hunting. For good."
Dean shook his head. "Come on," he said. "It wasn't easy but it wasn't that bad." Dean started walking again. After a moment Sam's footsteps followed.
"Yeah?" Sam said and Dean could feel a headache brewing behind his eyes. "When I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45."
Dean paused with his hand on the door. "Well, what was he supposed to do?"
"I was nine years old!" Sam protested. "He was supposed to say don't be afraid of the dark."
"Don't be afraid of the dark? Are you kidding me?" Dean almost laughed but he thought that might actually turn this into a fight. "Of course you should be afraid of the dark. You know what's out there!"
"Yeah, I know," Sam sighed. "But still. The way we grew up, after mom was killed, and dad's obsession with finding the thing that killed her. Just look at the way he treated you when you came out." Dean bristled and refused to look at Sam. "He didn't care that you were a boy Dean. All he cared about was another soldier in his war. And we still haven't even found the thing. Just killed every other evil thing we've found."
Dean clenched his fists. Took a deep breath and released it. "We saved a lot of people doing it, too."
"Do you think mum would have wanted this for us?"
Dean slammed the door open and marched to his car. Sam caught up with him on the front steps.
“The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors.”
“So what are you going to do?” Dean asked as they stopped by the Impala. “You’re just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?” Dean was angry. Even if he left the hunting life he would never get to have a normal life.
“No,” Sam said, calmer than he had been up till now. “Not normal. Safe.”
Dean scoffed and turned away. Safe was out of the cards for him too. “And that’s why you ran away.”
“I was just going to college,” Sam said, gesturing around them at the campus. “It was Dad who said that if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that’s what I’m doing.”
Dean shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, well, Dad’s in real trouble now. If he’s not dead already. I can feel it.” Sam didn’t say anything and Dean looked over at him. He thought about telling him why he was here. Bobby said I could only leave if- It would be so easy. “I can’t do this alone.”
“Yes you can.”
“No, Sammy,” Dean snapped, turning on his brother. “I can’t. Not this time.”
Sam sighed. He dropped his head and Dean could almost see the cogs turning in his little brother’s head. “Why?”
Dean knew it was coming. That simple question. He took a deep breath. “I promised I wouldn’t,” He said, quietly. “I promised Bobby that I would get you if I was going to chase dad.”
Sam looked back up at him. He sighed again. “What was he hunting?”
Grinning, Dean spun around and popped the trunk. He lifted up the spare wheel cover and propped it on a shotgun. As he hunted through the contents he muttered to himself. “Alright, let’s see, where did I put that thing?”
Sam leant against the car beside him. “So, when Dad left, why didn’t you go with him?”
Dean glanced over at him. “I was-” he considered lying. “I’ve been out of action for 4 weeks. Bedrest in Bobby’s spare room for the first one.”
Sam jerked as if the news gave him a physical shock. “Dean,” He said. “What happened?”
“Oh don’t get your panties in a twist. I was out because of surgery. And either way I’ve been hunting on my own.” Dean pushed aside a grenade launcher and shuffled some silver knives out of the way.
“Dad, let's you go on a hunting trip on your own?”
Dean glared at him. “I’m 26, dude.”
Sam shook his head. “What was the surgery?”
“Alright, here we go,” Dean said, ignoring Sam’s question and rifling through the folder he pulled out. “So Dad was checking out this two lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy.” He handed Sam the printout of Jericho Herald. “They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA.”
Dean watched Sam’s eyes track across the page as he read it. Hoped the hooks of the hunt would pull his brother in. 
“So?” Sam said and Dean felt his hopes die a little. “Maybe he was kidnapped.”
“Yeah well, here’s another one in April,” Dean said as he tossed another Jericho Herald at his brother. “And another in December ‘04, ‘03, ‘98, ‘92. Ten of them over the past 20 years.” He flipped each year’s article over as he said it and then grabbed the ones he had given Sam and shuffled them back into the folder. “All men, cis before you get any ideas. Same five mile stretch of road.”
From a bag in the trunk, Dean grabbed a tape recorder. “It started happening more and more, so Dad left me at Bobby’s and went to go dig around. That was 4 weeks ago. I hadn’t heard from him since, which is bad enough.” He shook the tape recorder. “Then I got this voicemail yesterday on my way cross country.”
Dean flicked the play button and John’s voice came out staticky and distant. “Dea- Dean-” the recording said. “Something big is starting to happen- I need to try and figure out what’s going on- It may- Be very careful, Dean. We’re all in danger.” Dean pressed the stop button.
“You know there’s EVP on that?”
“Not bad, Sammy,” Dean said, nudging Sam with his elbow. “Kinda like riding a bike, isn’t it?” Sam shook his head and Dean grinned. “Alright. I slowed the message down, ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got.”
When he hit play again a woman’s voice said “I can never go home...”
“Never go home.”
Dean dropped the tape recorder and then closed the trunk, leaning his hip on it. “You know, in almost two years,” He said looking up at his little brother. “I’ve never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.”
Looking up at his apartment window, Sam sighed. He looked back at Dean. “Alright I’ll go. I’ll help you find him.” Dean nodded and went to open the driver’s door. “But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here.” Sam turned back to the main doors.
Dean stopped him. “What’s first thing Monday?”
“I have this...” Sam said, half turning and stopping before starting again. “I have an interview.”
“What a job interview?” Dean dismissed, waving his hand. “Skip it.”
Sam turned fully now. “It’s a law school interview,” he said. “And it’s my whole future on a plate.”
“Law school?” Dean laughed, smirking.
“We got a deal or not?” Dean just got in the car.
As he sat and waited he rubbed at his scars through his shirt. Climbing through Sammy’s window was probably a mistake but the way Sam had reacted had been worth it. Worth the soreness to scare his little brother.
Dean cranked up the radio and pulled out his phone. He flipped it open and scrolled through his texts. Bobby had asked for a check in 3 hours ago. Dean didn’t want to call in case he had the conversion for Sioux Falls wrong so he dropped a text in reply ‘Got Sammy. Heading for Jericho.’
Sam came back down 4 songs in and tossed his duffle on the back seat before climbing into the passenger side. “Monday morning.”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Dean said, as he pulled away.
Troy held his phone loosely in his hand as he drove down Centennial  Highway. “Amy, I can't come over tonight,” he said down the phone, eyes on the road. He paused, listening to Amy. “Because I've got work in the morning, that's why.” He listened to Amy’s response and sighed. “Yeah, okay, I miss it and my dad's gonna have my ass.”
He flinched and pulled his phone away from his ear briefly. That screech was not coming from his phone. He glanced around and spotted a woman on the side of the road, her white dress tattered and threadbare. Troy blinked when she vanished and pulled his phone back to his ear.
“Hey, ah, Amy,” he said. “Let me call you back?” Before she could answer he hung up. As he hung up the radio turned on
I got this feeling and it's deep in my bah-tay
It gives me wiggles and it makes my rump shake
I said ho!
Troy smacked it and twiddled the dial but nothing changed. The lights on his dashboard flickered.
If I should touch you
Might be electrocuted
I said ho!
Deep in your body
When he looked up, the woman was back and Troy pulled over next to her. He leant across the passenger seat and asked, “Car trouble or something?”
The woman stared at him for a moment and Troy could have sworn she flickered like a worn out video.
Finally, she spoke. “Take me home?”
Troy shrugged, and opened the passenger door. “Sure, get in.” She climbed in and shut the door behind her. “So, where do you live?”
“At the end of Breckenridge Road.”
Troy nodded.
“You coming from a Halloween party or something?” He asked, looking over at her. His eyes caught on just how low-cut her dress was. He looked away, laughing nervously. “You know, a girl like you really shouldn't be alone out here.”
She looked at him and smiled, pulling her skirt up. “I'm with you.” 
Troy averted his eyes. The woman grabbed his chin and pulled his head until he was looking at her.
“Do you think I'm pretty?” She asked. Troy nodded, eyes caught on her low-cut dress again.
“Will you come home with me?”
Troy’s eyes went wide and he looked up at her face. “Hell yeah,” he said, pulling away hurriedly.
He stopped the car in front of a house that looked like it had been abandoned longer than he had been alive. Crumbling walls and rotting wood all that’s left of what may have been a nice house once.
“Come on,” Troy said, glancing over at her and seeing the longing look in her eyes. “You don't live here.”
Rather than answering him she kept her eyes on the house. “I can never go home,” she whispered.
“What are you talking about?” Troy asked, leaning forwards to get a better look at the house. “Nobody even lives here. Where do you live?” Troy glanced over at her. Then he turned fully in the seat when he realised she wasn’t there. The back seat was empty too. 
“That's good,” he said as he climbed out of the car, nervously glancing around. “Joke's over, okay? You want me to leave?” Tentatively, he stepped towards the house. “Hello? Hello?”
Cupping his hands over his eyes, Troy looked through a hole in the screen door of the old house. With how dark it was he couldn’t see much but there was a picture, covered in dust, that he could just make out of the woman and two kids. Something inside moved. Troy fell over. He scrambled to his feet and ran for it. As soon as he was in his car he floored it in reverse.
As he drove he kept glancing behind him. Nothing. He sighed in relief but glanced one last time in his rear view. The woman was in his back seat. The car smashed through something. The woman reached for him. Troy screamed.
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I'm kind of sad that we didn't get the Buffy the Vampire Slayer leprechaun episode that the writers almost accidentally wrote. (Like, I guess Joss Whedon one time joked about wanting a leprechaun episode and the writers legit thought he was serious about it. And they were working on it, researching leprechaun myths and everything, and then he had to tell them that he'd been kidding.)
The closest thing we get to leprechaun in the Buffyverse is probably in the tie-in book (that's actually a "choose your own adventure book") "Colony." Where there seems to be something similar to a leprechaun, that Buffy keeps calling a leprechaun/comparing to a leprechaun. But it's not a leprechaun, because I guess leprechauns don't exist in the Buffyverse (part of me wonders if that was an inside joke about that aforementioned thing, but I have no idea. Probably not?) At least according to this tie-in novel.
#buffy the vampire slayer#part of me kind of wonders why NOT a leprechaun episode? we have other weird things. it could have potentially worked#and we could have tied in stuff with angel's home and past perhaps. idk. -shrugs-#side note: i love in the tie-in book buffy just seeing the leprechaun looking thing and getting all excited and going 'leprechaun!'#and angel in particular (i mean. the others kind of are too. like giles) just kind of shaking his head and going 'it's not a leprechaun'#and he knows because he fought the thing before. but i also wonder if it's because if leprechauns were real (which they aren't in this#story). they would have been in ireland according to legend. and angel grew up in ireland so he's like 'no buffy. no.'#anyway. now i'm reminded of how my sister and i. back in the day. always wanted a supernatural episode about dreamcatchers that never happe#*happened#i even started writing a fic about it more than a decade ago. i'd say i should have finished it--and i probably should have--but my writing#back then was so bad that even if i would have liked the story back#then by now i would hate said fic#and be wanting to rewrite it if nothing else#ANYWAY a dreamcatcher episode of supernatural in the early seasons would have been cool#you know... it would have been pretty great if the non-leprechaun thing in colony had somehow ended up being a leprechaun though.#thus proving buffy right#like maybe the other one angel had fought like it (or that he thought was like it) wasn't. but this one was. and thus everyone was wrong#that would have been a good twist and kind of funny. because it WAS leprechaun-y and i get why buffy was saying what she did i mean. lol#Oh. I should probably mention that the non-leprechaun thing in colony is a side thing. Not the main plot
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professorsta · 2 years
Fandoms are weird nowadays! It's like people watch a movie or show and instead of trying to understand the message the creator is wanting to send, or the idea meant to be conveyed, fans just criticize, co-opt, and refuse to acknowledge the writers vision and intent. Explaining how they would have done it or how better it would have been if it was written their way. Supernatural for example was a show ripe with criticisms, but it honestly would have done the fandom a disservice if, from the get go, we didn't like and didn't care to see where Eric Kripke was taking the story. The show was filled with rich plots and characters with very interesting questions about morality, family, sin, good and bad, but none of that would have been appreciated if the fandom wasn't able to look past the dead end arcs and throw away character in the first couple of seasons (which allowed the grey areas lacking in depth, helping in bringing about the fandom btw) and instead tried to "salvage" or "save" the story by completely rewriting the world and characters. Building theories and finding evidence to fill in the missing puzzle piece in your mind is essentially what the point of a fandom was. It was seeing canon and going, there's more there that the creators aren't aware of, and I want to delve into it. Its taking all of it, the subtext, context, characters, and psychology (even if it's not to your liking), and using that to further understand the stories point of view. Like loose pieces of thread being tied back together to make sense of the whole picture. It not "this shows narrative shouldn't have concluded like that!" gives no examples in canon as to why and doesn't have an argument to back it up. "Here's how it should be!" completely disregards canon and the message the creator was trying to send and instead replaces it with a completely different one. Now people watch movies and film and get upset when the characters don't act a certain way, not caring to read into context and maybe try and understand from the narratives point of view as to Why they would act like that. They see how flawed and vapid some scenes and episodes are and don't take it for the chance it is, which is to further the narrative yourself. Most fandoms are bred from shows and movies with the biggest plot holes, with a-lot of characters, and a wide range of different characterizations for each of them so just embrace it and embrace the flaws in our creations, because perfection just leads to dead ends.
#this about the Wednesday fandom#like so many people in it I don't think even like#the show#I have my criticisms about it#I don't think it's better than Merlin I'll be honest#but I enjoy Wednesday's character and this isn't my show#so im trying to understand the path the writers and creators and directors want us to follow#and not let my own opinions on writing sway if it's just like#a matter of opinion#cus this isn't my show if I wrote and directed Wednesday it would look and be completely different#but it's not and having a different opinion on how the show should go isn't a critic!#it's a headcanon !#it's a theory !#stop making shows into what you want them to be and just accept them for what they are#supernatural is so shitty and amazing and vapid and shallow and lovely and heartfelt and has such shitty dialogue at times#as well as some of the best episodes and fanfics ever created#I love my shitty shows unabashedly and I'm not blind to their narratives#Merlin ends Sad and a tragedy I can't fucking rewrite that whole narrative and plot line#just because some think it was shitty or too depressing#without completely changing the whole shows vibes and morals and message#I may not agree with the message ! I don't agree with a lot of choices!!#but they were choices made in the canon and I can use other subtext#and other pieces of canon as evidence and support as to why#I think something else is true or better#but that's just it a theory#not canon which is Fine#Wednesday Addams
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kel-b · 2 years
The Winchesters: Pilot Highlights and Thoughts
Better late than never, sorry guys. The cards weren’t in my favor yesterday, or today. It was long and detailed originally when l lost it and would have had to retype it all. So instead, here are a few highlights and my post thoughts.
Loved the opening. The foggy cemetery, dark of night with only Samuel added a spookiness to it. The caverns were just as creepy but filled me with curiosity and suspense.
The moment the sigil was revealed, l smiled with recognition but didn’t want to jump the gun just yet…
“See ya around Soldier Boy.” (2) 💚🫡💚
John and Mary looking for their missing fathers. Similar parallels, SPN Pilot. Also, Mary's wanting out is another similarity. Sam wanted out, wanted normalcy and went to Stanford…
So many SPN Easter eggs I couldn't write them all down, lol.
BUNKER!!! I squealed when the lights sprang on and I saw the map table, John and Mary standing on the upper walkway looking around with wonder. Took me back to SPN season 8…
Men Of Letters! Because the chamber Samuel was in was so dark at first, even with his light, the sigil was still a little difficult to see.
The Accreta??? There’s a force out there, that’s stronger than Chuck!? aka God himself!? Oh, I can’t wait to learn more!
I was hooked 10 min into it. It was a surreal experience for me, not just as a fan but for me personally. Meg and Drake are the perfect John and Mary. The sheer raw emotion they put into their characters is truly amazing. One thing that stood out was how they seem to mirror Sam and Dean...
Don't let appearances deceive you, Just because Mary mirrors Dean and John mirrors Sam that it means they're all the same...
Dean's narration intro was a surreal moment for me as a fan that came in a year after SPN ended... I grind like a loon and my heart fluttered, lol. When his physical intro scene came in, I shouted in my seat. 🤭
Too many Easter eggs to go over, however, it's the ones that have yet to be seen that have my attention... 😁 I can't wait to see where John and Mary's journey takes us and how all the puzzle pieces fall into place.
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thewildones · 1 year
clarice + appalacian cryptids + wendigo's = a possible arc for this blog ?
yes .
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pyrepostings · 2 months
I so can't do cringe comedy. I'm on the irl episode for supernatural and I just can't get past the Sam and Dean can't act scene.
Just read the lines! This is your life! You act your asses off every job you work just do the thing!
Theres forgetting specific lines or thinking Misha is really Cas but pull it together on set. This shouldn't be that difficult for you two.
Theres also the aspect of this isn't entirely new to them. They've met their fans before. Why aren't they treating this like prophet shenaniganry and using it for recon? The initial shock shouldn't last this long. They've also been on set before- Dean got a headset and everything.
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Book 1 of The Old Testament Series by @dianawinchester03
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Season One (Complete!)
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Prologue - Enter Y/N L/N
Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Season 1, Episode 2 - Wendigo
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead in Water
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Season 1, Episode 5 - Bloody Mary
Season 1, Episode 6 - Skin
Season 1, Episode 7 - Hook Man
Season 1, Episode 8 - Bugs
Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Season 1, Episode 10 - Asylum
Season 1, Episode 11 - Scarecrow
Season 1, Episode 12 - Faith
Season 1, Episode 13 - Route 666
Season 1, Episode 14 - Nightmare
Season 1, Episode 15 - The Benders
Season 1, Episode 16 - Shadow
Season 1, Episode 17 - Hell House
Season 1, Episode 18 - Something Wicked
Season 1, Episode 19 - Provenance
Season 1, Episode 20 - Dead Man’s Blood
Season 1, Episode 21 - Salvation
Season 1, Episode 22 - Devil’s Trap
Season 1 - Gag Reel
Season Two (Ongoing)
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Season 2, Episode 1 - In My Time Of Dying
Season 2, Episode 2 - Everybody Loves A Clown
Season 2, Episode 3 - Bloodlust
Season 2, Episode 4 - Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things
Season 2, Episode 5 - Simon Said
Season 2, Episode 6 - No Exit
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Usual Suspects
Season 2, Episode 8 - Crossroad Blues
Season 2, Episode 9 - Croatoan
Season 2, Episode 10 - Hunted
Season 2, Episode 11 - Playthings
Season 2, Episode 12 - Nightshifter
Season 2, Episode 13 - Houses of the Holy
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under A Bad Sign
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales
Season 2, Episode 16 - Roadkill
Season 2, Episode 17 - Heart
Season 2, Episode 18 - Hollywood Babylon (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Folsom Prison Blues (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 20 - What Is and What Should Never Be (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 (coming soon)
Season 2, Episode 22 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 (coming soon)
Season 2 Gag Reel (coming soon)
Also available on:
📖; ao3
📖; wattpad
Authors Note:
I finally learnt how to do a Masterlist! Hallelujah now life will be easier for you guys. Hope you check out my book and enjoy🫶 I’ll update the list after each chapter release.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for giving my book a chance. I am very new to writing so I’m no Shakespeare lol, but I’m giving and doing my best. With all the overwhelming endless support and love I’m receiving at this very moment, it’s so much more than I can ask for and so much more than I deserve. I appreciate every single bit from the bottom of my heart🥹
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 month
All Hell Breaks Loose | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ? )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, dean's lowk suicidal, dealing with trauma from a sexual assault please please please take care of yourselves!!!
Word Count: 4442
A/N: I combined episodes pt. 1 and 2! Enjoy!!!
As a result of things going on in my personal life, the start of my season 3 release has been delayed for a month from now. I just want to give myself some extra time to make sure the season is perfect for y'all! i hope you understand. see ya real soon. <3
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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After the Djinn captured you, your relationship with Dean was beginning to heal. You still couldn’t bring yourself to have sex with him despite knowing he would never treat you the way the guard had. Slowly, you became more comfortable with him initiating touch, in contrast to the way you’d previously been tensing under it for the past several weeks. 
You reclined in the backseat humming along to the radio as the Impala rolled to a stop in front of a small diner.
“Hey, don’t forget the extra onions this time, huh?” Dean told his brother while he handed him some money. 
“Dude, we’re the ones who’re gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions,” Sam sighed, getting out of the car.
Dean grinned and leaned to look at Sam. “Hey, see if they’ve got any pie.”
Sam glared at him and shut the door.
“Bring me some pie!” Dean begged. “I love me some pie,” he murmured to himself.
You giggled at your best friend and closed your eyes, leaning against the back of the seat. Your solace was broken soon after by the car’s radio going static. When you sat up, the café was seemingly empty. 
Without needing to look at Dean, you grabbed your gun from under the seat and ran into the building. Upon entering, you discovered a customer in a booth, dead, lying face down in a puddle of his own blood.
“Sam?” Dean called.
You moved around the counter to find the employees also dead behind it, their throats slit. Dean opened the door behind the counter and looked around outside. “Sam?!”
You noticed something on the door. “Dean, sulfur.”
Dean’s eyes widened in panic, and he raced back out to the car. “Sam? Sammy!”
“Dean, he’s not here—” you lamented.
He cut you off by bellowing, “Sam!”
“Dean, passenger’s seat,” you ordered. 
“You’re in no condition to drive. Do as I say,” you commanded.
He looked like he wanted to argue, but his shaken nerves wouldn’t let him. Expertly, you quickly got out of the parking lot and back out onto the road. 
“Call Bobby,” you instructed Dean, and he did so.
“Bobby,” Dean said. “It’s got Sam. I don’t— We need help killin’ this son of a bitch, man. And I’m gonna kill ‘im myself. Damn it!” He slammed his hand on the dashboard, and you shot him a concerned glance out of the corner of your eye.
You motioned for Dean to give you the phone. “Hey, it’s (Y/N).”
“Hey, kid. What’s goin’ on?” Bobby asked through the phone.
“I have no clue,” you replied honestly. “We literally just stopped at a diner, the radio went static, and everyone in the place wound up dead. No trace of Sam. Sulfur on the door, though.”
“Damn it,” Bobby muttered. “I’ll meet ya halfway. Where are you?” 
“Uh, somewhere in Iowa,” you replied. 
“Alright. Just drive like you’re headin’ to my place. Take US-20 and I-29 and I’ll call you about two hours from now.”
“Got it,” you replied. “Thanks, Bobby.”
“Dean, you’ve gotta keep your head, man,” you urged him.
“I am,” he grunted.
You shot him a questioning, deadpan look. “Really.” 
He said nothing in response.
“Call Ash for me.” You handed him your phone from your back pocket, so you didn’t have to look while you drove.
“Hey, pretty lady,” Ash said once you’d gotten ahold of him.
You laughed. “Hey, Ash. Listen, would love to catch up, but we’re in deep shit right now.”
“How deep? Like, trash compactor deep or Sarlac pit deep?”
“Sarlac,” you responded.
“Damn,” he muttered. “What’s happenin’?”
“This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month,” Bobby told you and Dean. You’d met each other just off the highway and laid out a map on the hood of the Impala.
“Are you joking? There’s nothing here,” Dean scoffed.
“Well, come on, there’s gotta be something. What about the, the, the normal, low-level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing,” Dean pressed.
“Dean, I think that would’ve been the first thing he looked for,” you gently reminded him. Bobby nodded.
“Well, how are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?” Dean gruffly snarked.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. 
“Ash, what do you got?” you asked, picking up your phone.
“Okay, listen, it’s a big negatory on Sam,” Ash said quietly.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“I did find something, though,” he whispered.
“Ash? You okay?” you asked.
“I can’t talk over this line, (Y/N).”
“Oh,” you said. “Okay. We’ll come to you, then.”
“What? No!” Dean grabbed the phone from you. “Come on, Ash, I don’t have time for this!” A moment later, Dean pulled your phone away from his ear. Ash had apparently hung up on him. “I guess we’re going to the Roadhouse. Come on.”
Bobby drove a little ahead of you and Dean in the Impala. You were still driving due to the fact that you didn’t want Dean’s reckless driving to get the both of you killed before you could help Sam.
When you arrived at the Roadhouse, though, all you found was a pile of charred wood and ash.
“What the hell?” you breathed out. 
You got out of the car and headed toward where the bar had once stood. You stepped over debris looking around for any sign of Ash, Ellen, or Jo. You were pretty sure Jo was still working at that bar Meg had found her at, but you knew that somewhere in the rubble would be the bodies of Ash and Ellen.
“Oh, my god,” Bobby muttered. He stepped up behind you.
“You see Ellen?” Dean asked you and Bobby. 
“No. No Ash, either,” Bobby replied.
You pulled in a sharp breath upon noticing Ash’s watch in a pile of rubble. “Oh, fucking hell,” you breathed out. 
“Oh, Ash, damn it!” Dean grunted.
You couldn’t take standing in the debris anymore. You moved back to the Impala and leaned against it, facing away from where the Roadhouse once stood. 
Bobby walked up behind you a moment later. “This is…” he trailed off.
“What the hell did Ash know? We’ve got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she’s even alive. We’ve got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?” Dean questioned, pacing between you and Bobby. 
“I don’t know, Dean, but we’re gonna, okay?” you said.
Suddenly, Dean clutched his head in pain. 
“Dean?” you asked.
He groaned and doubled over. You rushed to catch him before he collapsed to the ground. Dean suddenly stood back up, still furrowing his brow and clutching his head.
“What was that?” Bobby asked.
“I don’t know. A headache?” Dean guessed.
Bobby scoffed. “You get headaches like that a lot?”
“No. Must be the stress,” he chuckled. “I could have sworn I saw something.”
“What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?” Bobby asked, interest piqued.
“What? No!”
“Dean, what’d you see?” you asked.
Suddenly, he doubled over again. 
The older Winchester fell against you in pain.
“Dean! Hey!” you said, grabbing the side of his face.
“I saw Sam,” Dean panted, suddenly coming to. “I saw him, (Y/N).”
“It was a vision,” Bobby said.
“Yeah. I don’t know how, but yeah. Whew. That was about as fun as getting kicked in the jewels,” Dean chuckled.
“What else did you see?” you asked.
“Uh,” he thought for a moment, “there was a bell.”
“What kind of bell?” you asked.
“Like a big bell with some kind of engraving on it, I don’t know,” Dean shook his head.
“Wait, engraving?” you questioned. “Was it a tree? Like, an oak tree?”
Dean seemed surprised and confused. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I know where Sam is,” you said. “Cold Oak, South Dakota. It’s the most, like, notoriously demonic town ever. All the inhabitants fled. It’s surrounded by miles of woods.”
“Okay, well, let’s go,” Dean urged, immediately moving to the driver’s side of the Impala.
“Wait, Dean—” you tried.
“No, (Y/N), I’m driving.” Dean left no room for protesting.
You slipped into the driver’s seat wordlessly, shooting a concerned look at Bobby. He returned it, but nodded to reassure you. 
The drive to Cold Oak was completed mostly in silence, clutching the door handle as Dean sped well over the speed limit. 
“Dean,” you tried about two hours into the drive. 
You reached out for his hand to wordlessly support him. He returned your gesture and squeezed your hand, offering a stiff, tight-lipped smile. You knew he appreciated your support, even though he couldn’t verbally express it.
Night had fallen by the time you reached the town of Cold Oak. With guns shouldered, you trudged through miles of woods. Suddenly, you came to the edge of the town. You saw Sam fighting with a man in an army uniform, who he knocked on the ground. 
“Sam!” Dean called as the three of you hurried toward him.
Sam smiled, “Dean!”
Suddenly, you saw the man on the ground behind him get up and grab a knife from the ground next to him. “Sam, look out!” you cried, running toward him.
The man drove the knife through Sam’s back.
“No!” Dean screamed, and your concern for Sam was quickly replaced by anger and hatred toward the man who’d twisted the knife in the younger brother’s back. 
You sprinted after him, running as fast as your legs could possibly carry you. Just before the man reached the tree line, you stopped and raised your shotgun. You barely had time to aim before you needed to take your shot, otherwise he would disappear into the trees and become impossible to find. You fired once, then reloaded, then fired again. Your heart dropped when you realized you missed him.
“Fuck!” you cursed.
“(Y/N)! Get your ass back here!” Bobby called.
You ran back to where Bobby stood over a crying Dean on his knees holding a slumped over Sam. 
“Oh, Jesus, his back’s bleedin’ really bad,” you said. “Dean, hold on, I’ll just go back to the car ‘n—”
“He’s gone, (Y/N),” Bobby said gently. “Sam’s gone.”
“Oh, my god,” you cried. Tears began to stream down your face as you fell to your knees next to the boys. Dean refused to let go of his brother, and you put your head against Sam’s shoulder, crying silently. You hugged Dean with your left arm to try and support him and brushed a hand over Sam’s hair with the other. “Oh, god,” you murmured into the back of Sam’s shoulder. You sniffled and suddenly remembered you needed to be strong for Dean. You rose from the floor and wiped your eyes. “Um, let’s get him into that inn. Gotta be a mattress in there. We can, uh, lay him down till we figure out what to do with him.”
“We’re not doin’ anything with him, (Y/N),” Dean warned firmly. 
“Still, c’mon,” you said, beginning to help Dean get his brother’s body up the stairs of the building. You laid him on a mattress in the corner of a room on the second floor. 
You sat wordlessly on the bed, resting your hand below Sam’s knee, and Dean sat in a chair he’d pulled up to the side of the mattress.
Neither of you said anything for hours until Bobby returned.
“Dean? Brought this back for you and (Y/N),” Bobby said hesitantly, holding up a bucket of fried chicken.
“No, thanks. I'm fine,” Dean replied.
“You should eat something,” you urged, taking the bucket from Bobby. “Thanks, by the—”
Dean cut you off harshly. “I said I’m fine.” He took a swig from the bottle of whiskey in his hand. 
“Dean…” Bobby trailed off. “I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you think maybe it's time... we bury Sam?”
“No,” Dean nearly growled.
You tried your best to speak gently. “Dean, I think we should. I get it if you don’t wanna do a hunter’s funeral, but—”
“Hell no, (Y/N). Stop.”
“I want you to come with me,” Bobby said.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Dean replied.
“Dean, please,” you begged.
“Would you cut me some slack?” He stood from his chair.
“I just don't think you should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit, I could use your help,” Bobby explained.
Dean snorted coldly.
“Something big is going down— end-of-the-world big,” Bobby continued.
Dean yelled, turning to Bobby, “Then let it end!”
You shook your head. “You don’t mean that.”
“You don't think so? Huh?” Dean was suddenly in your face.
You held your ground. “Back up, Dean.”
Dean didn’t listen, continuing to chastise you. “You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it. All of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'd turn around, and get the hell out of here.”
Bobby stepped closer to the two of you. “Dean, she’s just trying to—”
Dean suddenly shoved Bobby. “Go!” he roared.
You shoved Dean back before he could do anything else he’d regret. “Hey! When you’re ready to get in control of yourself, you fucking let us know. Let’s go, Bobby.”
You turned on your heel, Dean muttering shocked apologies that grew more distant as you left the inn.
*** You and Bobby sat in silence in his living room, each nursing a beer. 
“It’s a little early for drinking, but hey, it’s five o’clock somewhere,” you’d said when you retrieved a beer from Bobby’s fridge, trying to raise your own spirits.
“Bobby, I know Dean,” you started, staring at the ground. “I’m scared he’s gonna do somethin’ stupid.”
“Don’t worry, kid, I’ll send him straight to hell if he does,” Bobby responded.
You tried to laugh, but even your laugh sounded sad. Silence fell between the two of you for a moment.
“This really isn’t good, Bobby,” you murmured. “Not even just for Dean. Sam’s my best friend. He reminds me of my little brother so much sometimes it’s scary. I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do without him. I don’t even wanna talk to Dean right now after the way he treated both of us—”
Bobby tried to cut you off. “(Y/N), he’s grievin’—”
“I don’t care! You don’t treat people like that,” you replied. “I’m pissed at him. But he’s all I got left aside from you. It’s like everyone I ever care about ends up dead. My parents, my brother, now Sam.”
“Kid, I think that’s every hunter,” Bobby coaxed. “How much family do I got? How much does Dean have? This line of work, nobody gets out without losin’ someone.”
You nodded, staring at the ground thoughtfully still. “It just sucks, man. I want Dean to be happy. I want you to be happy. I wanna be happy. I mean, that Djinn gave me a taste of what my life would be like without hunting, and I still wasn’t satisfied. Maybe I’m just not meant to be happy.”
“It’s all in what you make of it. It’s not fun by any means, but I’d take this life over normal any day.”
You nodded. “Me, too.” *** Later, you were shooting beer cans off the top of a fence to blow off some steam. Nothing was seeming to work, though. You noticed some sandbags Bobby had piled against the side of the garage and hurled your gun at it. Chest heaving, you picked up one of the bags and threw it to the ground. You got down on top of it and punched over and over and over again until your knuckles bled and bruised. Your hands shook as you looked down at them, tears streaming down your face. You let yourself scream out in frustration with everything that had been happening these last few weeks. First, the prison guard. Then, the Djinn, and now, you’d lost your best friend. And you were surely about to lose another one. Whichever direction this was going to send Dean, it wasn’t going to end up being good.
You sat in the yard behind Bobby’s house for hours until stars started to appear in the sky. Numbly, you moved back into Bobby’s house. Bobby was nowhere around, and you settled for sleeping on his surprisingly comfortable couch with a crocheted blanket wrapped around your body. You curled into yourself and eventually settled into a dreamless sleep. 
A knock on the door pulled your attention away from your journal. Your socked feet padded across the floor to your shoes, and then to the door. You opened it and nearly gasped in surprise at the sight of Sam standing in front of you with Dean.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Dean said.
You turned in an attempt to wordlessly communicate with the older brother, but he looked away almost immediately. 
“Sam,” you breathed out.
“Hey, (Y/N/N).” Sam wrapped you in a hug, stepping into Bobby’s kitchen. You tried to relax into your friend’s embrace, but you couldn’t at the horrible thought of what Dean may have done to himself to get Sam back.
“Sam,” Bobby suddenly sid from behind you. “It's good to... see you up and around.”
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. He looked back down at you when he pulled away from your hug. “Thanks for patching me up.”
“Don’t mention it,” you replied; the words feeling more reflexive to you than having any true weight to them. You tried to resist staring Dean down, but he seemed to be getting the message nonetheless. 
“Well Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?” Dean chuckled.
“Dean,” you spat. “Outside. Now.”
Sam seemed confused, but you marched out the front door with no explanation.
As soon as you made it far enough away from the house that Sam couldn’t see you through the window, you wheeled around to face Dean. “What the fuck did you do?!” you yelled, gripping the edges of his jacket resting against his chest.
Hot, angry tears streamed down your face. “What did you do, you fucking idiot? You made a deal? Huh?”
“I couldn’t just let him die, (Y/N),” Dean uttered.
“That’s exactly what you were supposed to do! How do you think Sam’s gonna feel when he finds out, huh?! Because I know you didn’t tell him,” you argued. “I cannot believe you!” You turned away from him and ran a hand through your hair. “How long did they give you?”
“How long, Dean?”
“One year.”
You felt like you’d been punched in the gut. 
“Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right?” the man continued.
You wheeled back around to him, eyes blazing. “Nothing to lose?”
“I'm not even supposed to be here, (Y/N)!” Dean protested. “My dad died for me. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? I-I— It's like my life could mean something.”
“What, and it didn’t before?! You seriously think that little of yourself?” you questioned angrily. “Fuck you, Dean!”
“(Y/N), please—”
You cut Dean off. “No! Don’t tell me to understand. Because I can’t. I fucking knew you’d do something like this.”
“Why does it bother you so much?!” Dean roared, stepping closer to you.
“Because I love you, goddammit!” You stumbled back from him when you realized what you’d just admitted. Stunned, you brushed past him to go grab your bag from inside Bobby’s house. 
“(Y/N)!” Dean called after you, but you wouldn’t turn back. You continued to the house, wordlessly grabbed your bag from next to the couch, and headed out to Bobby’s garage.
“(Y/N), where are you—” Bobby started.
You cut him off. “I’ll call you later.”
You grabbed one of the sets of keys off the wall of Bobby’s garage, hoping the car worked, and marched out to it. Thankfully, the sedan started, and you pulled away from the junkyard. 
Angry tears streamed from your eyes as you white-knuckled the steering wheel. You were unbelievably angry with Dean, and the fact that he would be gone in a year was too much for you to bear. 
You drove for hours and ignored calls from both brothers and Bobby. As evening fell, you found a remote crossroad in southern Wyoming. You dug forcefully into the gravel and shoved an Altoid tin filled with everything needed to summon a crossroads demon into the dirt below. You covered it with the displaced gravel and stood back up. 
“Funny seeing you here,” a sultry voice purred from behind you.
You turned to see a beautiful woman in a sleek black dress with glowing red eyes staring you up and down. 
“How do I get Dean out of his deal?” you asked firmly. 
She laughed coldly. “Ooh, cutting straight to the chase.” She sucked in a breath through her teeth and tsked, circling you. “You can’t, hon.”
“And why not?” you hissed.
“That’s way above my paygrade, dollface.”
“Please, c’mon,” you begged. “You could drag me straight to Hell right now if that’s what it takes.”
The demon hummed. “As much as I’d love that, no can do.”
“Why?” Your voice broke as you asked.
“I can’t break a deal to make another,” she replied simply. “Besides, I don’t hold the contract.”
“Well, who does?” you questioned.
“Why would I tell you,” she smirked. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
“Wait!” Before you could even get the word out, she was gone. 
You knew the brothers would be going after the yellow-eyed demon and the guy who’d killed Sam, so you finally decided to listen to the singular voicemail Sam had left. Maybe the demon was the key to breaking Dean's deal.
“Hey, (Y/N), uh, Dean won’t talk about why you took off,” his voice began. “I’m hopin’ you’re coming back, so, meet us at Fossil Butte Cemetery in Wyoming. We’re thinkin’ that’s where the demon’s gonna be. Anyways, so… see ya later, I guess.” And then the line went dead.
Fury burning in your eyes, you sped to where Sam said your group would be. It was abandoned for miles around, and you had to drive over about a mile and a half of grass to get anywhere close to the cemetery. When you got out of the car, black smoke suddenly began filling the sky coming from the cemetery you were headed toward. With a gun and knife in hand, you ran to the cemetery and stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of the spiraling smoke pouring out of a crypt facing away from you. You noticed Bobby and Ellen hiding behind a tombstone and felt momentarily relief at the fact that Ellen was still alive. However, your relief was short lived when you saw Dean being thrown through the air by an invisible force and down against a tombstone. 
‘The demon,’ you thought, creeping around the right side of the crypt. You saw the demon saying something to Dean while Sam stood pinned against a tree. The demon’s back was to you, and you could hear what he was saying more clearly as you moved toward him.
You couldn’t pay any mind to it, though, and you took the demon’s distraction as an opportunity to jump on its back and wrestle the Colt away from him. The demon yelped in surprise as you grabbed the gun and held on for dear life; throwing yourself over the demon’s shoulder to try and yank it out of his hand. 
You succeeded in getting it away from him much to your surprise, and you pushed yourself up to see the ghost of John Winchester wrestling with a cloud of black smoke shaped like a man. The body the yellow-eyed demon had been possessing had fallen to the ground, dead, and the cloud of smoke pushed John to the ground. 
It rejoined its body and stood, turning its venomous gaze toward you. A smile spread across your face, and you shot the demon square between its eyes. The yellow-eyed demon fell to the ground, dead. 
You rushed over to where you noticed Bobby and Ellen trying to close the gate the demons and ghosts were pouring out of, completely ignoring John and his boys. You helped Ellen shove the door closed with one final push and leaned back against it, panting. You turned around just in time to see John disappear into a haze of white light. 
The brothers stood over the demon’s body, and you turned to Ellen. 
“I’m glad you’re okay,” you told her. “And I’m sorry about the Roadhouse.”
She nodded and smiled half-heartedly at you. “Jo wasn’t there, so, uh, that’s all that matters, I guess.”
You nodded, unsure of what else to say. 
“Kid,” Bobby started, and you turned to him. “What happened with Dean that made you leave?”
“Look, ya don’t have to tell me. But at least say ‘goodbye’ next time,” he softly scolded you. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t,” you replied.
He paused for a moment. “Are you gonna leave again?”
You stared at the ground. “I’m not gonna watch Dean die.”
He nodded. “Will you call every once in a while?”
You grinned sadly. “Of course.” You wrapped Bobby in a hug, and Sam and Dean walked up behind you. 
“Good shootin’ back there, sweetheart.”
Your heart almost broke at the nickname, but you steeled yourself and turned to face the brothers. “Thanks,” you told Dean shortly. “I’ll see you around, guys.”
“Whoa, where you goin’?” Sam questioned.
You gave him a hug and cupped his cheek. “I’ll call you when I figure it out.” You lightly patted his cheek and turned away without saying another word to Dean. You could practically feel his eyes staring you down as you walked out of the cemetery and back to your car.
*** The Colt cast a heavy air over your— well, Bobby’s— sedan as it peeked out of your duffel bag. Even though it had no bullets left, its mere presence was putting a target on your back that you were well aware of.
You knew that simply killing the yellow-eyed demon wasn’t going to be enough to break Dean’s contract. You weren’t sure how, but come hell or high water, you would figure it out. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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