#supernatural time travel
thatfanfictiongirl76 · 9 months
Supernatural Time Travel Rec
I actually finished this rec a year ago, but forgot to post it. Anyway, Supernatural was the first fandom to get me into the time travel trope. So I’ve been “mining” Supernatural time travel fics for over a decade now. So here are all my favorites. Enjoy!
It's All in the Details
By: Colleen
Summary: When Dean goes to sell his soul at the crossroads to bring Sam back, someone else steps in to negotiate the deal. Cas did get a sign and it sent him off into the past to change things. AU from "The Man Who Would Be King" and "All Hell Breaks Loose."
My Comments: This is a WIP and it hasn't been updated since May of 2016, so it is abandoned, but I still think that this is worth your time. The basic premise of this is Castiel from the season 6 episode “The Man Who Would Be King” travels back to the end of season two. So it is a rewrite of season 3 and 4. But it still is mainly original work and I promise that you will love it. This is probably the best Supernatural fanfiction I've ever read, and that's saying something. I can promise you that it will not be a waste of your time. Somebody uploaded this work on AO3, which I will link down below, however it was originally posted on ff.net, which is linked above. You do need an account to access the AO3 link, just so you know.
Status: Incomplete 
Last Update: 5/16/16
Length: 184,265 words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36412555
Fraternity Series
By: Fiachra Ochiem
Summary (for Jump in the Fire): John Winchester is hunting a witch (at least a witch is his best lead so far) in Missouri while his boys are on spring break. When he gets into trouble, a new hunter comes to help, a man he's never met before with floppy hair and familiar eyes.
My Comments: The summary up above is from the first fic in the series. This is a really good series! They are set somewhere near the end of season 8 (you'll find out how). You really only need to know about the trials to read this fic. It's a really good read, and I like how it kind of gives a background on some things in the show. I love what John thinks "Seth" is at the end of this series. I do wish there was a continuation fic about John and "Seth," but that's just wishful thinking on my part.
Status: Complete
Length (Whole Series): 65,213 words
Jump in the Fire -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9708706/1/Jump-In-the-Fire
Creeping Death -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9818284/1/Creeping-Death
Fight Fire with Fire --https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9927971/1/Fight-Fire-with-Fire
The End of the Line -- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10086182/1/The-End-of-the-Line
Face to Face With the Skies
By: Quiddative
Summary: Castiel was not killed by Raphael on the night of Lucifer's release. Instead, he's sent to the year 1996 and encounters the Winchesters. Unable to return to the present, Castiel resigns himself to traveling with them on their hunts across the states. Meanwhile, in the year 2008, Dean has barely gotten used to being back in the land of the living when he gets the biggest shock of his life; the man he fell in love with when he was 18 has seemingly come back from the grave as well, claiming to be an angel of the Lord. The thing is, he doesn't have a clue who Dean is.
My Comments: This fic is actually the first Destiel fic that I ever read, and god is it a good one. I found this fic when looking for time travel fanfictions. I really love how it shows past Dean, and current Dean and the differences and similarities between both of them and how Cas fell in love with each of them. I highly recommend giving this fic a read! I promise that you’ll love it!!!
Status: Complete
Length: 42,168 words
Back to Infinite
By: Toneskis
Summary: Revenge isn’t always aimed at those who deserve it.
My Comments: So this is a really good time travel fanfiction. It's a bit heartbreaking, but still really well written. The demons in this fic is an interesting concept. I think that this fic was written back in either season two or season three so it doesn’t really match up to canon. But the two things I really like about these fics are Bobby and John. I really like how it shows their relationship. I promise you will enjoy this one. 
Status: Complete
Length: 13,019 words
Look Back in Anger
By: Vailkagami
Summary: When John Winchester is possessed by the yellow-eyed demon and asks his son to kill him, Sam does so and disappears, leaving his injured brother behind in a hospital. As a result of the demon’s early death, deals are never made. A lot of bad things never happen - but Dean doesn’t know that. All he knows is that Sam killed his father and abandoned him.
My Comments: The original summary was longer, but I thought that this worked better. So this is a really good time travel fanfiction. It is set in both season 6 and the end of season 1. It is from Dean’s POV which is interesting. I would highly recommend this fic.
Status: Complete
Length: 24,157 words
Secure the Blessing
By: Rahmi
Summary: Sam makes a wish. Dean is not pleased.
My Comments: So this was written during season 2, so it obviously doesn’t match up with Canon, but it’s still a really good fic. I really like how it depicts how it would be for Dean to relive his life all over again. Not to mention that this fic was just flat out hilarious. And I really like how it depicted John and how with Mary living he would have turned out.
Status: Complete
Length: 21,364 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/34311
Sequels:  Up Ahead (The Roads Were Closed) -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/672311
  The Back of the Storm --https://archiveofourown.org/works/672331
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5546226/1/Secure-the-Blessing
Ff.net Up Ahead: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5604609/1/Up-Ahead
Ff.net The Back of the Storm: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615642/1/The-Back-of-a-Storm
By: Fangirl-Jess
Summary: Sam was having a tough day as it is, trying to cure your demon brother while he’s trying to kill you wasn’t enough, now he’s in 2006 with his brother just after their father’s deal and death; before many more deaths; before Cas and the angels; before the cage; before the apocalypse; before Dean’s deal. Will Sam and Dean try to change the future?
My Comments: This is a nice short time travel fanfiction. It’s an okay read if you like time travel fanfictions. Also I wasn’t able to subtract the author’s notes from the original word count, so it may be a bit different.
Status: Complete
Length: 7,670 words
I Have Stood Here Once Before
By: Stangerine
Summary: Centuries into the future, the world has ended. Neither Heaven nor Hell have come out victorious as the last human soul is wiped from the war-ravaged Earth. In a fit of desperate rebellion, Castiel goes back to the start, back to November 2nd, 2005 to prove once and for all the people make their own destinies. Only fate’s a fickle bitch when you try to pull one over on her and Castiel finds himself in a time in which Sam Winchester is a far cry from the hardened hunter of his memory.
My Comments: So this is a Sam/Castiel fic, but despite that it is still a pretty good fic. I like how it shows it from John and Dean’s POV too, which I actually loved. The ending is pretty sad though, but still a good read.
Status: Complete
Length: 48,000 words
Nihil Inherit
By: Ratherastory
Summary: In May of 2007, Sam Winchester wakes up in his own grave, but digging himself out is the least of his worries. He’s plagued by the psychic visions which have returned with renewed intensity and which all but threaten to cripple him. He reunites with Dean, only to find that the Yellow-Eyed Demon is still at large, about to put his world-ending plans into motion. A mysterious figure who knows much more that he ought too, dogs Sam’s footsteps, hinting at darker things to come. Soon Sam and Dean find themselves on a path that feels frighteningly familiar: toward Lilith, Lucifer, and the Apocalypse. Unable to shake the certainty that he’s seen this all before, Sam knows that this is his one chance to set things right, or die trying.
My Comments: So this is a pretty good fanfiction. I really love the twist they put on time travel and the effect it would have on the human mind. This fic is tragically beautiful in the best sort of way, I highly recommend this one! This fic is cross-posted on LiveJournal, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 72,033 words
LiveJournal: https://ratherastory.livejournal.com/60075.html
By: Nova42
Summary: If you could do it all over again, what would you change, what would you sacrifice, who would you save? Dean wakes up in 2007 with ten years worth of memories that haven’t happened yet and choices to make that will change the world forever.
My Comments: This is a pretty good fanfiction with Dean going back in time. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve only read half of this fic because that was all that was posted at the time. Now the entire fic is posted so I’m gonna have to go back and reread this fic. There is a sequel, but it is three chapters away from being complete but it was last updated back in 2020. So read at your own peril. This fic is cross-posted on ff.net, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 121,309 words
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1056584
Sequel: Causality -- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15006134
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11048603/1/Providence
Ff.net Sequel: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12946953/1/Causality
Path Already Traveled
By: Clowns_or_Midgets & Jadeys_World
Summary: Castiel prays for guidance, and someone answers. He and Sam set off on a journey to the past to save the future. Ties will be tested and personal battles fought for the sake of the world.
My Comments: This is one of my favorite fics, I’ve always loved PeggySue fics and this one definitely fits the bill. I love the relationships between all the characters. I highly recommend this one. This fic is cross-posted on ff.net, so I'll link that down below.
Status: Complete
Length: 90,120 words
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11103666/1/Path-Already-Traveled
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Future love, Past memories
Inspired by this photo:
“So, in your timeline,” Sam began hesitantly, turning away from the book in front of him to glance at his much older brother. The years had not been kind to Dean—his face was rugged and worn, with lines etched deep from countless battles and heartaches. Yet, there was something about his ruggedness that made Sam’s heart skip a beat, something raw and undeniably captivating. “what am I like?”
Dean smiled softly, memories flooding back. "You’re incredible, Sammy. You're strong and brave, but more than that, you’re kind. You always put others first, even when it hurts you. You’ve got this heart that just... shines, you know? You’re the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Sam's breath caught, his heart pounding at the depth of Dean's words. He looked at Dean, really looked at him—the greying hair, the scars, the weariness in his eyes. And in that moment, Sam saw beyond the rugged exterior to the man who had always been his protector, his constant. There was something in the way Dean looked at him, something he had never allowed himself to see before. It was overwhelming, confusing, and yet... it felt right.
"Dean," Sam said quietly, his voice trembling slightly, "What's our relationship like?"
Dean paused for a moment, a myriad of emotions flickering across his face before he smiled softly. "We've never been closer. We're... partners, in every sense of the word. We hunt together, we take care of each other, and... we love each other. It's not always easy, but it's real. It's the best thing in my life."
Sam's breath caught again, this time at the implication of Dean's words. He tried to process it all—the idea of a deeper, more intimate connection with his brother in the future. It felt overwhelming but also strangely comforting. He and Dean would end up together? This beautiful man would be his?
"Do you have a photo of older me?" Sam asked, his curiosity in full force. If Dean looked like this, what would he look like?
Dean bit the inside of his lip before he nodded. "Yeah, actually, I have a lot of photos." He pulled out his wallet and carefully extracted a worn Polaroid. He handed it to Sam with a bittersweet smile.
Sam took the photo and studied it intently. It was a picture of them during their first Christmas at the bunker. Both of them wore Santa hats—Dean's slightly askew, his expression caught somewhere between exasperation and amusement. Sam, on the other hand, was beaming, his smile wide and genuine, a twinkle in his eye that spoke of a rare moment of pure joy. The background showed a simple but warmly decorated room, with a small Christmas tree adorned with a mix of traditional ornaments and a few quirky ones that were clearly picked out by Sam. Dean's arm was around Sam's shoulders, pulling him close, and there was an undeniable warmth and affection radiating from both of them.
"You never gave up on me," Dean whispered, staring at the photo of the man he loved the most. The memory of that Christmas flooded back—how Sam had insisted on celebrating despite everything, how he had managed to make Dean laugh and relax, even if just for a little while. "You always found a way to bring light into my life, no matter how dark things got. I miss you so much, Sammy. Every moment without you feels like a piece of me is missing."
Sam looked up from the photo, his heart aching at the raw emotion in Dean's voice. He could see the longing in Dean's eyes, the deep, unyielding love he held for his future self. It was overwhelming to realize just how much they meant to each other.
Without thinking, Sam leaned in and pressed his lips to Dean's. The kiss was tender, filled with all the unspoken emotions that had been building up inside them. Dean's heart ached with longing and love, knowing that this wasn't his Sam, but feeling the connection all the same. He savored the moment, feeling the softness of Sam's lips, the warmth of his touch, the innocence that his own timeline's battles had stripped away.
When they finally pulled apart, Dean rested his forehead against Sam’s, closing his eyes to hold onto the fleeting moment. “What was that for?”
Sam looked up into his brother’s big, caring eyes. His protecter. Now, and forever. “Future me would have wanted you to have that.”
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peruvian-flute-band · 5 months
criminal case fans everytime there's fanart literally anywhere because the fandom is on life support
(I'm a criminal case fan)
(I may or may not act like this too)
(ily guys😭🙏)
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samsrosary · 10 months
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60s sastiel. i just know they live in a polyamourous community together
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amoexii · 2 months
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I haven't been active due to personal reason but here I am now and here's my final (real) redesign of my oc, Moira as an offering 😭☝yes it's a mix of her 3 previous design
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miraidashinomia · 7 months
I think spn fic writers are sleeping on writing time travel fics to the 40s-50s when American Men of Letters were still alive, and exploring Sam and Dean's relationship with Henry, and even meeting Henry's father, and MOL being shocked by the future and by the boys' behavior like Henry was when he traveled to the future, and Sam and Dean hating MOL because of their strict hierarchy and like restricted access to the knowledge depending on your rank, which will INFURIATE Sam... So many unexplored possibilities... Someone write a fic I'm beggin'
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nexilu · 5 months
I love time travel fanfics so much, like when one of the boys goes in their past body. I could totally see Dean waking up in his past body. He is completely confuse at first but when he realise what is happening, he takes a look at Sam and see a short boy with messy brown hair and innocent eyes free from any pain, he hasn’t saw them like that for years…
Dean gets SO nostalgic for the innocent, curious, moody kid his little brother used to be, he would want to protect him at all cost becoming even more overprotective than his past self and past!Sam would be like: wtf is wrong with you ???
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zer0expektation · 16 days
" “Where are we?” Cas asks, brows furrowing further, “When are we?”
Dean continues contorting his young and smooth face, “Wait, you don’t think we were actually sent back in time, do you?” Cas makes a good impression of Sam’s bitchface through the mirror, “Hey, maybe we were just magically put into our hotter younger selves.”
Dean pulls himself away from the mirror and sighs, “Okay, if we are in the past then let's damn hope we’re in no-time important.” "
Cas and Dean get sent back in time to the day Dean took Sam out of Stanford by a Rit Ziem (Angel). Dean is determined to make everything right.
Chapter 1: I don't remember that being there. At least, not yet.
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ehilikeshoney · 8 months
Haven't done genderbending in sooo much time, so...
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sorry for it being quite messy, I did it in a bit of a hurry :P
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ananke-xiii · 1 day
usual disclaimer: this is just me thinking out loud, sort of, some of this stuff is probably incoherent or even incorrect, I'm just playing around with my obsessions lol, take it with a grain of salt.
Previously I've written that it's possible that Dean has inadvertently caused John to grow up without his father, Henry. Today I even dare to write that Castiel has accidentally ("accidentally" because he didn't know he was used as a pawn back then) caused "Mary's choice" by creating a causal loop where he sends Dean "back" in time causing the events to unfold as they did precisely because Dean was there.
In the episode "In the beginning" Cas sends Dean to the 70s saying he needs to stop "it" and that time is fluid and angels can bend it on occasion even if it's not simple. Then we have this dialogue:
Dean: Alright, if I do this, then the family curse breaks, right? Mom and Dad live happily ever after, and – and, Sam and I grow up playing little league and chasing tail? Castiel: You realize, if you do alter the future, your father, you, Sam – you'll never become hunters. And all those people you saved, they'll die. Dean: I realize. Castiel: And you don't care? Dean: Oh, I care. I care a lot, but these are my parents. I'm not gonna let them die again. I can't. No, not if I can stop it.
There are too many "ifs" in this dialogue. So can the future be altered or not? Is time fluid and can be bent or not? It seems the answer to these questions is yes but let's see what happens next.
Castiel has Dean under the impression that if he manages to stop "it", the family curse breaks and Dean very much wants it to be broken even at the expense of the people that he has saved. But the more Dean tries to stop "it", the more he makes it happen. He goes to that farm to kill the demon and Mary follows him there. She was not on Azazel's radar because we hear him say this:
"Where the hell have they been hiding you?"
And I wonder who this "they" is.
Then, after all the drama, Cas goes to Dean and tells him not to feel bad because he couldn't have stopped it and he just wanted Dean to see the truth. This is when he says this:
"Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination."
And that now Dean knows everything that "we" (the angels, according to Castiel) know.
Therefore, the answer to those questions and to all those "ifs" is a big fat no, right? Right?! The future cannot be altered and time is not fluid, well, that is, humans cannot alter the future and for humans time is not fluid. The angels spend a considerable amount of power to make humans believe so and I wonder why if all they, the angels, want is The End of Time, therefore they don't care about the future because they know (or they think they do) that time will inevitably end. Maybe they are not so sure after all. It seems to me that for creatures who are able to bend time and move through dimensions, angels ridiculously depend on humans' notion of time. Which, in turn, make them very powerless.
The episode ends with this dialogue which is insane to me:
Castiel: We know what Azazel did to your brother. What we don't know is why – what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up. Dean: Where's Sam? Castiel: 425 Waterman. You brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will.
There's something that doesn't add up AT ALL, or am I crazy? If destiny can't be changed and Dean couldn't stop it from happening and all roads lead to the same destination then why does Dean need to go to the destination of 425 Waterman to stop his brother from doing something that supposedly nobody (actually "we" who are, again, the angels according to Castiel before he knew the truth) really knows where it might lead while it was established that Dean can't stop jack shit and, on the contrary, the more he does, the more he's dooming himself and his family in the process? (okay that was a veeeery long question, you can breathe now).
Is it "destiny" that can't be changed or is it the past? 'Cause they either are the same thing or they're not. If destiny is the past then the question of free will changes significantly because time for the angels is fluid and they can bend it on occasion but it's not fluid for humans. If destiny=past and it can't be changed then all humans are left with is the capacity to accept it as it is, it's the only way to break "the curse".
If destiny and past are not the same thing, then why Dean couldn't change the past? If destiny is destiny and the past is the past, it shouldn't matter if the past is changed or not, should it? Because eventually destiny can't be changed and all roads lead to the same destination. And since this "destiny" can't be changed and Dean indeed didn't alter the future it therefore means that it was exactly what Dean did that helped cause the events in the past. What would have happened if Castiel hadn't made Dean think that he could have broken the family curse? If all Dean did in the 70s was walking around enjoying the view? Would the events still unfold as they did or not? Would it have been necessary for Michael himself to sweep in and "save the day" like he had to in "The Song Remains the Same"?
If this is the case, if Castiel acted as a sort of "agent of fate", then no wonder it's Castiel who must tear up the script by showing up in the story unannounced because he was the primary instrument that caused the story to happen in the first place. He cannot break the causal cycle because he is the cause. By showing up to Chuck's house and start making it up as he goes the loop is left to itself and will forever be happening while, in the "future", he helps events deviate from their supposed "destination". In this light, then, what Chuck says in s15 might be true, there might be other timelines where Cas does what he's told, i.e. keeping the timeline intact but it's not happening in "our" (the one we the audience see) timeline because it's a new branch that he himself has created to break from the impossibility of changing the "destiny", whatever it means, of that specific timeline.
I'm not sure if I'm making any sense but, like, time travels in SPN are insanely fun because they don't follow any consistency at all and are therefore interesting if you like to follow the thread and see what they might have gone if thoroughly explored.
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astra-galaxie · 19 days
So...quick question. How would you rank each CC game in terms of character design? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Oh! Good question! Let me get some pictures, and I'll come back with my list!
1st place: Mysteries of The Past
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I LOVE the character designs of MotP! It does an amazing job at replicating the style of the late 19th century, which it's supposed to be set in, and while some things aren't entirely period-accurate, I love it regardless! Also, the characters' physical appearances are detailed and unique, creating a large diversity among this season's cast.
Plus, Victorian Steampunk is one of my favourite styles (even if I don't wear it), so that's an added bonus for me!
2nd place: The Conspiracy
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This season showcases how much Pretty Simple's character designs have improved since its release, as it brought back many S1 characters. The details in the designs are beautiful, and this is also when PS started trying more facial expressions and poses for the characters. This season is a perfect example of how character designs can be improved with practice, so it earned second place!
3rd place: Travel in Time
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S6 gets third place thanks to how many different periods' styles it's replicated. We had Ancient Times, the 1960s, the Renaissance, the future, the Age of Sails (which I love pirates, so bonus!) and Medieval Asia. This season had so many unique styles within it that it's only fair it should be in the top three! I think the only reason it's not higher up is because it's shorter than the other seasons, and while I don't know if I would want it to go for 60-ish cases, it would have been interesting to see what other times we could have visited.
(I still think we should have visited MotP during S6, but that's an idea for another time, so I'll shut up about it for now!)
4th place: Supernatural Investigations
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S7 gets fourth place, as I love seeing its take on different supernatural creatures. I am a HUGE fan of the paranormal and magic, so this season is right up my alley! While some designs could use improvements (*cough* the demons *cough*), I still like seeing all the different mythical creatures. Regardless of the things I would choose to change to improve some of the characters' designs, it did an excellent job making characters who are so different than what we see in other seasons.
5th place: Save The World
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Save The World is when I feel that Criminal Case really started to branch out with its diversity in character designs. We visit so many countries throughout the seasons that it makes sense for the characters to reflect the differences between nationalities. I won't speak for how accurate some of the designs are for all of the nationalities featured in this season, but I think PS did a good job designing characters to represent each country. You can even see it among the Bureau since few members originate from the same country. Overall, StW has fantastic character designs, even if the following seasons have more details.
6th place: City of Romance
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OMG! Who would have thought we'd ever see the day CoR DIDN'T come in last place on a list?! (At least I don't recall them ever not being in last place...)
Even if CoR failed horribly at being the final season of CC, the character designs are good. Some characters I like more than others, but overall, they have plenty of details without being overwhelming. Had CoR gotten the chance to be a full 30-case season, we might have seen more characters come back from past seasons and see the design improvements like we did in S5 and S6. Like I always say, CoR had the potential to be better than it was, but at least the character designs weren't a total flop!
7th place: Pacific Bay
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(AnxietyFluffy, please forgive me for putting S2 so low on this list.😭)
While I enjoy PB's plot and characters, unfortunately, I had to put it so low on the list since, compared to other seasons, its character designs aren't as impressive to me. Mainly, it's because it's only the second game, so PS was still working on improving character designs. While I can see an improvement between S1 and S2, it's just not enough for me to put PB higher on the list. But, I still think PB did a good job creating diversity between districts, and while I will always question how the climates of these districts coexist, it was nice to see the differences reflected in the character designs.
8th place: Grimsborough
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Last but certainly not least is Grimsborough! While it's nostalgic and the game introduced me to CC, sadly, its character designs showcase the fact that it's the first game. I would never say the designs are bad, but they're not as good as they were in the following seasons. There's something simplistic about the designs compared to feature seasons, but I still enjoy them. However, I am glad that PS started making the characters more detailed and unique in the following seasons, and I wish we could have seen more S1 characters come back in future seasons to see how much their designs could have improved.
I loved seeing how PS's character designs improved over the course of their 8 games while staying true to their CC style. I've always enjoyed the style and characters of this series, and it was fun to pick which ones I liked most! I'm sure others would put the seasons in a different order based on character designs, but I'll stand by my choices.
Thank you for the ask, eggsandmasks! You always send me some fun brain teasers!😁
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katrinahood · 23 days
I had a vision (a video with the Yakko's World song set to pictures of Criminal Case characters from the countries mentioned), and I made it happen.
(Before you ask "Where's this character? Where's that character?", I only went with the characters canon nationalities. So, if a character isn't confirmed to be, say, Bolivian or Bolivian-American, they're not appearing.)
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a-tear-in-space · 3 months
Criminal Case Games: A Summary!
Grimsborough: You thought this would be a regular job? Lol NOPE you have to solve murders every other day. Oh and your partner will try to kill you while hypnotised by a serial killer! And your boss will also kill himself in front of you! And there's a super ancient racist cult that also publicly calls for your execution and puts a price over your head!
Pacific Bay: Did you really expect things to get easier? Well sorry! The murders only get more gruesome! And there's another cult! And an AI that wants to kill everything! And your police partner kills someone! And then gets killed himself! And then Pacific Bay itself gets bombed!
Save the World: Lo and behold, there's another cult! And then your police chief gets killed (she doesn't, she's alive but you don't know that!) And there's an organisation called sombra that is genetically enhancing people! And one of your own team is a mole working for them! And then a war almost starts and it's up to you to stop it! And one of your team members gets killed in front of you!
Mysteries of the Past: What if you did the exact same thing you're doing now, but in the past, and it's not you doing them, but your ancestor or something? And you have to fight against a corrupt law? And one of your team members kills another one of your team members?
The Conspiracy: Well, you're back in Grimsborough and everything is only gonna get worse! Because there's an organisation trying to use technology to control people! And another damn cult! And your partner tries to commit suicide in front of you! And then it turns out that your nemesis is so much worse than you originally thought, but they're not actually the "real" bad guys, but it's the leader's mother who truly wants everything to burn! And she's made a whole new race of human that kills her in the end! And Grimsborough gets destroyed!
Travel in Time: You travel in time or something idk I've never played this one and I don't want to
Supernatural: You know how you were a piece of law enforcement before? Well, throw all that away because you're going to be breaking a LOT of crimes to solve supernatural-related ones! And there's demons!
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trulyatessfan · 5 months
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also for the Gwen drawing, it's a redraw of my first Gwen piece that I did (which was also for her)
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amoexii · 8 months
For everyone in the Criminal Case fandom!!
Apparently some artist in the community has had uneasy interaction with this person, me included. Mainly it's about being decline art request or just conversation in general
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The first 2 chat screenshot is from Atlas and the last one is from me
Please be cautious when you're interacting with her, and stay safe everyone!!
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lindoesntwin · 5 months
A woman transmigrates into different worlds where she faces conniving women and tricky men and has to complete tasks set by a system and the completion of these tasks gives her points which she can spend in the system shop to help her in her tasks or she could save up to go back to her world.
Other titles: My Boyfriend Is the Jealous Type; Quick Transmigration: The Yandere Male Lead Is Jealous Again
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