#swimwear season especially
kyleknight · 2 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @deityoftherain
I have a Lot of unfinished drafts so Im just gonna the ones from april here.
swimwear season
dnd etho
ashton and fcg
joevex setup
humane: bdubs and convex
ddvau blood angst
lake date
@bidoofenergy @mikecardenmpreg @pyromanicdaydreamer @holytrohmanempire @vanweezer @violet-fire-cat
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vintagexherry · 10 months
Too Handsome
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Pools, jealousy, smut, rough sex, swearing, marking, minor orignal characters.
A/N: Ain't gonna lie. The guy on the pic almost looks like comic Miguel
Everyone can agree that Miguel O'Hara is one attractive man.
With his muscles, he can carry you in one arm and the groceries on the other effortlessly.
With his scowl, it strangely adds to the allure, but when he smiles, it doubles.
With his deep voice, he can make anything sound melodious yet seductive anytime.
With his height, he can grab anything out of your reach, especially when it comes to you cooking, and you can't get that one seasoning from the cabinet.
With his looks, he can make anyone fold.
Anyone especially in this pool party.
One of the moms you've met when picking up Gabi and Mateo from school has arranged a pool party for both the kids and parents.
The dads, including Miguel, help each other out when preparing the barbeque, and you can't help but ogle at Miguel when his muscles bulge when carrying a bag or charcoal to the barbeque grill.
But you know as hell that you're not the only one ogling.
While you watch Gabi and Mateo play with the other kids, you also see the mom who invited you with other moms who whisper and giggle at each other while watching Miguel converse with the other dads, occasionally turning a kebab around in the grill.
You can't blame them, Miguel is handsome.
But also married.
To you, to be exact.
Aren't these women also married?
Your attention was driven away when you noticed Miguel approaching you with a meat kebab on one hand.
"Mi vida, try it," he said as he lent you a kebab freshly off the barbeque, and you could smell the aroma of mixed spices.
You accepted the kebab and blew on it to cool it off. Within the first bite, you immediately melted from the taste.
"Judging by your looks, I say you enjoyed it." Miguel chuckled.
"Enjoyed and love it, It's really good!"
With that, he notified you that food is almost gonna be ready and you nodded, ready to call the kids.
After eating, the kids wanted to play a little more before going home. You wanted to softly reject their request, but Miguel said maybe it would be good to drain their energy.
With that, he let the kids play with each other while he sunk his lower half into the pool with sunglasses on. And if he wasn't hot earlier, he definitely is hotter now.
Water was dripping from his muscled back, which was facing you.
You shook your head and focused on fixing and packing up things.
While you gather and pack the water toys. You don't notice that somebody seemed to take this chance to slip by and sit by the pool next to Miguel.
"So, Mr.O'Hara, I presume?"
Miguel turned his head to face a woman, the same age as you, wearing a halter type swimwear.
He recognizes the woman, knowing from school pick-ups time to time.
He also knows this woman recently got divorced last week as much as he remembers from your gossip talk to him.
And her approaching him doesn't mean good news, and he knows shit that she isn't only gonna ask his name.
But he decided to still be polite.
"Yes, that's me. May I help you?" he replied
The woman ignored his question and put out a hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Emma".
In return, he ignored her handshake.
"Nice to meet you too, May I help you?" He tried asking again.
Emma seemed to take the hint and put down her hand.
"Well, I was just hoping you would come by my place next week with other parents, I recently got this champagne overseas, and I wanted to share."
Champagne? That sounds nice. He hasn't had one in a long time, especially during and after your pregnancy.
"That's sounds nice, I'll see if Y/N-" Before he could even finish your name, she interrupted him by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Oh no, no, I uh- I don't really wanna bother her, I'm sure she's tire-" He didn't let her finish since he shrugged her hand off her shoulder.
"Then I have to decline." he stated firmly, already lost interest in the champagne and also slowly losing patience over the woman.
"Oh but-"
"He said no"
Miguel and Emma swiftly turned around to see you approaching him.
And he tried holding himself back from nosebleeding, since normally with his height he would look down on you, but now, with his point of view from the pool you look nothing but sexy.
The sun made your skin shin, and the swim suit.
god damn the motherfucking swimsuit.
Before leaving the house he tried to convince you that maybe both you can just decline the pool party invitation and just have fun on your own, but he can't say no since his kids are too cute to deny.
Emma was holding herself back from slapping you. She enjoyed being able to talk to your husband alone.
She forced a smile. "Y/N! I was just about to inv- "
"Sorry, I have to decline too, Miguel and I are kinda busy in the next few weeks," you lied, but if it meant for this woman to leave your man alone, then so be it.
With that, Emma finally got the hint and left, and Miguel can't help but admit your hot when you're jealous.
Hours later, you and Miguel arrived home, Miguel carrying the sleeping twins to their bedroom while you unpacked the bags.
After some time, you also felt sleepy, especially the entire fiasco with Emma, but Miguel has different plans.
"So, busy you say?" Miguel asked you as he watched prepare for an afternoon nap.
"H-huh? Oh! Well....In my defence, she was getting annoying."
Miguel chuckled at you.
"Have I told you how amazing you look when you're jealous and wearing the swimsuit? You drive me crazy bonita."
Miguel started gliding his hand up to your legs.
"Miguel" You whispered softly, knowing where this is leading. "Kids are sleepin"
Miguel looked at you and smirked.
"Well then, I'm sure we'll figure something out."
Miguel pushed your head into the pillow as you moaned his name.
"Th-that's it mi vida ughhh" Miguel thrusted into you harder, making the bed squeak.
"Mig- Mi-" You could'nt form a sentence with how much your spot is getting abused again and again.
Miguel couldn't be careless as he let go of your head and guided both his hands to hold at your hips, letting him have complete control.
"fffuckk, that's it- shit your amazing," Miguel praised, but no words process to you since you can't focus on anything but the pleasure your feeling.
You felt something growing tighten inside you.
"Mi-Miggy- Im...Im gonna-"
Before you reach your peak, Miguel took his cock out and flip you, making you face him, before you could protest his large hand covered your mouth as he thrusted again into you harshly.
He continued his rough pace while you screamed and moaned into his hand.
He thrusted again and again until Miguel felt you tighten, making his hip stutter.
"ughhOh shit- FUCK Y/N"
You both moaned, although yours muffled.
Your body shook from the force of your orgasm and you felt warm liquid fill you.
Miguel let his hand fall from your drool slicked lips and kissed you.
You moaned from the kiss, feeling sensitive even from the slightest touch.
Miguel layed down next to you.
"Well... That was way better than any champagne anyone could offer."
You chuckled as his words, and with that, you both slept in each other's arms.
As you waited for Gabi and Mateo to come out, Miguel watched you from the car.
You heard voices and saw two beautiful children run up to you with smiles on their face.
They didn't waste time tackling your legs for a hug.
You chuckle from their energy.
They turned around and waved to a friend, you look up and see that it's a boy with wavy black hair.
And next to him none other than Emma, who didn't look at you directly at the face, more like the marks that are almost visible littered around your neck.
You notice her gaze and you couldn't help but smiled.
"Are those?..."
"Sorry, me and Miguel got a little busy, y'know how it is."
With that, you let the kids wave goodbye one last time and head for the car.
As you got you and the kids, Miguel started to drive while he put a hand on your thigh.
"Busy, huh?" He smirked while he glanced at you, and you chuckled.
"Yea, busy."
The End
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lavendel081 · 6 months
adorable swimwear for eris :D on the outfit topic, did she ever dress up for the flower dance or did she wear her farmer clothing? i wish we could actually dress our farmer in flower dance clothes but i had to download a mod for that *sigh*
I fr wish your farmer could choose a outfit for events or especially the wedding like in story of seasons olive town(not sure if the other ones also have it?? only one I played that had it), or at least give option to default to something (like in rune factory?) but yea!!! I did design Eris flower dance outfit! I still have to design the dresses for everyone else, I have bases but not the details yet (once I ge tot that episode in the webtoon)
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Thank you for the ask!
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ripaxed · 6 months
We’re not getting a swimsuit challenge this season. LAME! If episode 2 was going to be so water based and feature Ripper in his speedo then they should’ve just had everyone in their swimwear for the challenge. Especially since Lauren would be absent so they wouldn’t have to make a normal girl style swimsuit for her
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sl33paholics · 1 year
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Darling Dearest
Okuyasu x bimbo black!fem reader
Dating Okuyasu headcanons
Warning(s): None. Only fluff and wholesome shit (for once lol)(possible mentions of lewd here and there)
Song: Attachment (she wanna love) by Kanii
You two are like two peas in a pot. You two were sealed to be with each other based on your first introduction
Brain cells? Ermm, you two may lack some intellect but you both aren't that dumb (maybe)
How could someone as gorgeous as yourself be willing to date a boy like him? Okuyasu puts himself down a lot. Saying how much he's hideous, a burden, and other things. But you cup his cheeks and tell him he's the most handsome and reliable person you've ever met, making him cry each time
It was no doubt he was head over heels for you when you spoke to him, the euphoric feeling of being on cloud 9 whenever you two are alone in the classroom or any private area of the building
Absolutely loves when you call him pet names! "How you doin' sugar?" "You alright, honey?" "Want me to give you a massage, sweetpea?" he can't get enough of it, immediately melting at those words
Small dates here and there. You guys walking around the park and dining at an Italian restaurant, events like this never failed to leave you unsatisfied.
Before you two started dating, he'd always go to his boys, Koichi and Josuke, for advice. What accessories to get you. Do you like dark or lighter colors? Should he buy you magazines or your favorite sweets? When should he make his first move on you? The questions went on and on and on and on, oh you could just imagine the annoyed feeling those two had, but it paid off.
In Summer, you didn't believe he was ripped, as a matter of fact, the thought never came to your mind until you were invited to go to the beach with the boys (and Yukako too) let's just say you were all over him once you saw those muscles, poor Okuyasu was drowning in your affection while the other 3 went on playing on the other side of the shore.
Speaking of summer, Okuyasu tries his best to not act on his urges. You look stunning in your swimwear and the poor boy always looks away from your direction when you're standing in front of him. Getting a boner in a big public area? He'd rather fight the horny rather than go down as a boy who got hard around the girl at the beach.
Around the Fall season, Okuyasu most definitely showed up at your house 2 days before to invite you to the school festival once he heard that you weren't going. Pleading for you to come with him and have a good time on the weekends. Who would want to miss out on the light snacks and sweets there? Especially the plays and dances!
Within a matter of time, you guys made it official.
It was around Winter, and Josuke was holding a Christmas party at his place. Almost everyone was there, it was exciting to see some new faces there as well. A party not too small or big, just the right amount of people to be around with.
Here's a funny moment, while listening to some holiday jingles, you were handed a beer bottle. Only to look up and see a giant with a stern look on his face honestly scaring you for a second. "Take it, I'm sure being around teenagers must be a hassle" just for you to laugh at his face. Josuke pulled him to the side to tell him that you weren't an adult, you were his classmate and he was (secretly) hooking you up with the giddy guy in the corner of the room. Second-hand embarrassment appeared on Jotaro's face and quickly apologized to you, hoping that you didn't take it the wrong way and made you uncomfortable.
Present opening time! Giving and receiving the best of presents from everyone.
When everyone else was busy opening and gifting, you and Okuyasu were in a room together after Koichi said he'll "be right back" with something it's been more than 10 minutes but hey, who's counting? (Okuyasu is counting)
It was time. He turned to face you and vice versa handing you over a small box with a note over first.
— You always mention how you always wanted a new hairpin but I didn't know what kind of color to pick so I hope you enjoy this :)
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A goofy smile appeared on your face when opening the box. "This is very adorable, Oku, thank you!" you said, without a thought you turned the paper around you see more writing
— I love your smile, laughter, your humor. Your (e/c) eyes and the way you carry yourself. We're almost alike in every way! And that's what I love about you. You don't judge me and are always here when I need comfort. To keep it sweet and simple, I want to be your boyfriend, (Y/N). I hope you accept my feelings for you.
You look up to see Okuyasu shaking and trembling in his spot, you could've sworn you saw his eyes shine up with tears. You became flustered and got closer to the boy, wrapping both of your arms around him. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Okuyasu~" you said teasingly before pecking his cheek.
Tears. Nothing but tears and a sobbing mess after you said yes, Okuyasu felt like the happiest man in the world. After avenging his brother, defeating Kira, and taking care of his father, he can finally have peace with the girl who is finally his! He hugged you tightly and didn't want to let go, saying how much he admires you and so on.
Little did you two know that the door was cracked open a bit, a camera zooming in before a click sound was made. Josuke was quietly snickering while Koichi was trying his best to not laugh, quickly and quietly telling Josuke that they should leave before they get chased around for their trolling. The two are going to tease Okuyasu about this for the rest of their lives.
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
Season 6 Volume V thoughts
Woke up early so I could play the update before going into the office today and geeeez.
MC: tell me more about yourself, Roberto
Roberto: I won an international cooking contest as a kid
MC: ... okay...
Lifeless. Soulless. I want to know who he is, not random facts!
someone please make S6 bingo. Include worldies, investigations, eavesdropping, cliffhanger endings, and Amelia getting interrupted when she's trying to tell us something
At least we didn't get a cliffhanger on a kiss this time, and I know my answer
Zero interest in Elliot but he still picked me, yawn
Was shook that Roberto picked Bella but I LOVE it. But apparently Lewie picks Chloe?
I knew Roberto was talking about our date, not his with Chloe's
What was that "challenge"? I took the gem scene so maybe I missed something but a treasure hunt that leads to the challenge stage and then they ask staged questions? What?
Can we talk about that outfit? MC going full out pirate with a patch and parrot and everything while everyone else is still in their swimwear....
The dialogue is just getting worse and worse. Kinda feels like, I dunno... like it's written by an AI
Stop pushing Amelia as my BFF, I DON'T LIKE HER
I heard Roberto with my own ears, why do I have to play detective to find out about his date? Why can't I just ask him about it? Seeing as we're coupled up and he would ain't to know about my date too...
Especially since we talk to Elliot and he's like, yeah I was sitting close, it seemed they were having a good time. I WAS THERE TOO
What is FB's obsession with celebrities? Why can we ask if the newbies have dated any? Who cares?
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kaluxsims · 11 months
I realized I haven't actually announced my semi-hiatus. Or...really more of just a summer slowdown. I'm having tendinitis issues with basically my whole right arm, but especially my hand. I'm also kinda just in need of a slower pace for a while. With Simblreen and the holiday season looming ahead, I want to be fresh and ready (and with a healthy hand) when I need to start working on all of that. So I'll be going at a much slower pace than I had been for the last year plus, for at least the rest of July. Maybe August too. We'll see how the hand and the brain behave.
I got overwhelmed in June, and I still have a bunch of Pride themed stuff to finish. Look for that at some point this summer, along with some toddler and baby stuff...and maybe some swimwear. I still very much want to make stuff, so don't worry about me quitting. Sometimes, you just need to rest so you can keep going.
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year
Hey friend! So excited for these blurbs! Could you do number 9 with my all time favourite couple, Nolan and Sawyer? ♥️🥰
Hi friend!! Thanks for this. It was so fun to write. I hope you like it!!
“This is beautiful.” Sawyer remarked as Nolan set down their bags.
She was right. It was.
The hotel room was large and spacious, wall to wall windows, cathedral ceilings, and a large four poster canopy bed in the center of the room. Nolan looked out the window across the beach which was right outside their balcony.
This was a much needed vacation after the stress of his last season in Philly, and before the start of their new life in Las Vegas. It was one of the last fun things they would have time to do before they made the trip to Vegas and got settled in.
“Yeah it’s nice. So what do you wanna do first? The beach?”
She turned and frowned “Sure. I figured you’d be tired and wanna lay down though.”
He shook his head “My head is fine Sawyer. I don’t wanna waste vacation being bedridden.”
He was tired, but there was more important things to do than take a nap.
When she had suggested a beach trip, he immediately said yes.
Nolan HATED the beach. The sun was too sunny. The sand was too sandy, and there was always people acting a fool. But the thought of getting to spend that much time seeing Sawyer in a bikini outweighed all of those things, so he would put up with sun, sand and dumbasses for the week.
“So…..” he smiled at her and nodded out the window “The beach?”
She grinned and opened her suitcase pulling out a pink bathing suit, and changed. Nolan was salivating as he watched her get dressed and made their way down to the beach.
And that’s what he did the next three days. Anytime they were hanging out in their room.
“Hey let’s go to the beach.”
“Nah just leave your suit on, we can go to the beach.”
“Okay what gives?” She said on the fourth day. She was wearing a bathing suit, hands on her hips after Nolan had suggested another beach outing.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Yes you do. You hate the beach.” She laughed “You’ve always hated the beach and now all of a sudden you wanna spend every spare minute on it.”
“I just-since you like the beach you’d wanna spend some time on it that’s all. I wanna make sure you get the full beach experience.”
“Uh huh.” She was frowning at him with her eyebrows raised. He knew she wasn’t buying it, and he was a terrible liar especially to her “You just wanna make sure I get the full beach experience?”
“Your a bad liar you know.”
He sighed and nodded looking at his legs “Yeah I know.”
“If I find out you wanted to come here just to get me in swimwear for a week, I’ll never let you forget it.”
“I wouldn’t-I mean I just-“ but she was laughing and then he did too.
“Oh Nolan.” She said with a small smile.
“I like seeing you in a bikini. Sue me.” He said throwing his hands up.
She turned and smiled, reaching a hand up and tugged at the string of her top, pulling it loose “Oh yeah? How about out of my bikini? Do you like that too?”
Nolan smiled as the top fell very slowly to the floor.
Maybe the beach wasn’t so bad after all.
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evereinefaust · 3 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Shuuya Kano X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: MC and the whole Mekakushi Dan enjoyed the summer on the beach, where the mischievous 3rd member decided to tease MC.
Word Count: 1,152
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"It's hot" You placed an arm above your head as you looked at the sun, sweat kept appearing on your whole face. "Is it?" An orange-haired female sat beside you on the bench, she looked at you in ecstatic. "Yes, it's too much" You replied as you gulped some saliva. "Then, how about we go to the beach?" Momo inquired, happiness filled in her tone. "Sounds good, Momo" You smiled at her as you removed your arm from above your face. "Let's go inform the others then!" She let out a giggle as she stood up from her seat, grabbed your hand then took a run toward your home. You giggled alongside her.
After preparing some needed stuff for the beach, you, Momo, and Shintaro made your way outside the house. Everyone agreed on having fun at the beach since the season is perfect for this. Summer, though it's hot, everyone still enjoys the season. "Hurry up, oniichan!" Momo called on her brother as she opened the door. "Yeah, yeah" He grumbled as he walked towards the entrance with his hand rubbing the back of his head, expression probably annoyed. "Here they are" Once Momo opened the door, the whole Mekakushi Dan, and Ayano, were in front of the house. "Hi!" Ayano greeted as she flashed each of you a smile, hands behind her back. "Let's get going," Kido told them with her hands inside her pocket. "Yes!" You nodded at her then happily exited the house.
The whole Dan, with you and Ayano in addition, were walking towards a local beach resort nearby the city. While on the journey, you would probably notice that Kido and Kano fight more often. With Kano teasing and pissing Kido off, which will be beaten up later. Seto and Mary are having a normal talk. Ene, in her human form, and Momo starts to annoy Shintaro. Ayano trying to calm the short-tempered Shintaro. While Konoha and Hibiya don't seem to care much. You also heard Hibiya keep murmuring about 'this is such a drag' and 'they are so immature'. You just chuckled at your friends' unusual behavior, you were also impressed that they all get along together, but not that much.
"Wow! It's beautiful!" Momo and Ene said in awe simultaneously. "It sure is" Ayano seconded. The wind passed by your group as your hair flew away with the wind. "Come on, [Name]-chan. Let's go!" A certain blonde grabbed your wrist and then pulled you towards the beach. "W-w-wait a minute! Kano!" You yelled at him, face flushed because he was holding you. He just looked back at you and flashed you a grin, you can't help but smile back. The others followed the two of you as they settled the things at a nearby hut. They quickly changed into swimwear but still at the hut. "Kano, I'm still not in swimwear" You crossed your arms and then gave him a glare. "Oh come on [Name]-chan. Join me in the water" The male waved at you. He was in the water already, while you were watching him from afar. You are still in your [f/c] t-shirt and black denim, and you don't want to wet your clothes, especially your shoes. "I'll go change, and you Mr. Deceive, you come with me," You told him then went to the hut. "Okay~" He said in a sing-song tune then obeyed your orders.
Momo, Ene, and Ayano are in two pieces, while Marry and Kido are in swimsuits. They don't like to show much skin, and that's why Kano is teasing them when you and him go back to the hut to get your swimwear. Hibiya, Seto, Shintaro and Konoha are already in their swim shorts. Ayano successfully convinced the stubborn Shintaro to change. Now, only you and the cheerful #3 of the Dan are left who is still not in swimwear. "[Name]-chan~ What kind of bikini you've got?" Kano crept behind you while you were searching for your swimwear. "G-g-ghie! Don't do that again, Kano!" You scolded him when you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine after Kano's statement, your face turned blue for a while as your shoulders started tingling. You were currently holding a [f/c] two-piece. "Oh~? So [Name]-chan isn't shy enough to show much skin?" He placed his index finger and thumb on his chin, examining the two pieces in your hands. "Unlike Marry and Kido" He laughed, but then he was kicked on his left rib. You looked at him and he was already lying on the floor, hands on his injured rib while his face showed agony. You felt like laughing but suppressed it, you looked to your right and saw an angry Kido. Her eyes are burning with fire. "U-uh..." You sweat-dropped.
After you change, you exit the shower room then see that they are already playing in the water. Speaking of water, when you exited the shower room a moment later, a bucket of water fell straight on your head, wetting your whole body in the process. "Iya~ A perfect way to wet you first before you go swimming~" You heard the prankster's voice filled with mischief. You were already shaking in anger, clenching the empty bucket on your head, you threw it at Kano. "Oops! That was close" He grinned when he evaded the incoming bucket and then went away, running. "Get back here you brat!" You yelled in anger, trying to chase the mischievous cat-boy. "Hahaha! I'm older than you, as you can see!" He laughed then went to the water. You gritted your teeth and then followed him there.
The two of you were chasing on the beach, splashing each other water and laughing. "Gotcha!" You tackled the blonde boy on the shallow water, your arms around his waist. "Hahaha!" Kano laughed and then looked at you. You sat on his stomach then gathered some sand in your hand, you smirked at him. "Revenge time~" You cheered then covered his face with sand. After your fun, in which you filled his whole face with sand, he stood up with made you fall on your rear. He wiped away the sand on his face and then looked at you. He grinned at you and you smiled cheekily at him. "Do you like summer, [Name]-chan?" He asked you then helped you stand up. "Yes. Especially when I'm with my friends" You replied then wiped some sand that was left on his cheeks. "Especially when I'm with you~" You took a peck on his lips which caught him off guard. "Let's join the others, shall we?" You offered your hand to him. "Sure" He grabbed your hand and then ran to where the others were. Special summer love on the beach.
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caymanairways · 7 months
First Time Traveling to Cayman? Some Useful Tips For You
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Are you planning your first trip to the exquisite Cayman Islands? Exploring a new destination is an exciting adventure, but it can also be overwhelming for first-timers. To ensure your experience is smooth and enjoyable, here are some valuable tips to make your visit to the Cayman Islands memorable.
Things to Know About the Cayman Islands
(i) Weather Conditions:
The Cayman Islands boast a tropical climate throughout the year. It's typically warm and inviting, with temperatures ranging from 75°F to 85°F. Be prepared for occasional rain, especially during the wet season from May to October.
(ii) Currency:
The local currency used in the Cayman Islands is the Cayman Islands Dollar (KYD). However, the US dollar is widely accepted, so it's convenient for travelers to carry USD.
(iii) Stable Political Environment:
The Cayman Islands maintains a stable political environment, ensuring safety and security for all visitors. The islands are known for their peaceful and welcoming atmosphere.
Important Documents and Insurance
Before you embark on your journey, ensure all your necessary documents, such as a valid passport, travel visa (if required), and any other essential papers, are in order. Additionally, consider travel insurance to cover any unforeseen events during your stay.
Advance Flight Booking
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When considering flights to Grand Cayman, it's essential to plan and book your travel in advance to secure the best deals and schedules. Various airlines offer direct and connecting flights to Owen Roberts International Airport in Grand Cayman, providing travelers with options to suit their preferences and budgets. Being strategic about your flight selection can ensure a comfortable and convenient journey to this stunning Caribbean destination. Whether you opt for non-stop flights or those with layovers, exploring the available choices can help make your travel experience to Grand Cayman seamless and enjoyable.
While credit cards are widely accepted, having some cash on hand for small purchases or in case of emergencies is advisable. ATMs are available across the islands, making it easy to withdraw local currency.
Packing essentials for your Cayman trip include light, breathable clothing, sunscreen, swimwear, sunglasses, and comfortable footwear. Don’t forget your camera to capture the stunning scenery.
The Cayman Islands are known for their safety and security. However, it's recommended to remain vigilant and take general safety precautions as you would in any new destination.
Local Transportation
Getting around Grand Cayman (the largest of the three Cayman Islands) is convenient, with options like taxis, rental cars, and public buses. Taxis are readily available, while rental cars offer flexibility in exploring the islands.
Places to Visit in Cayman
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(i) Cayman Turtle Centre:
Explore the Cayman Turtle Centre to encounter various sea turtle species and even have the opportunity to swim with these majestic creatures.
(ii) Starfish Point & Stingray City:
Visit Starfish Point and Stingray City for an extraordinary experience with friendly stingrays and the chance to observe starfish in their natural habitat.
(iii) Hell:
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A geological wonder, Hell is a unique rock formation featuring black limestone formations that create an otherworldly landscape.
(iv) Seven Mile Beach and Rum Point Beach:
Relax and soak up the sun at the breathtaking Seven Mile Beach, or head to Rum Point Beach for a more serene and secluded experience.
(v) Cayman Crystal Caves:
Embark on an adventure through the Cayman Crystal Caves, exploring stunning formations and learning about the island's geological history.
Delicious Cuisine
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Indulge in the delectable local cuisine of Grand Cayman, featuring fresh seafood, jerk chicken, and the famous conch fritters. Don't miss out on the opportunity to savor these authentic dishes.
Traveling to the Cayman Islands for the first time is an unforgettable experience. With the provided tips, you're now equipped to make the most of your trip, creating lasting memories in this paradise.
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
Question - 1: Is English widely spoken in the Cayman Islands? Answer - 1: Yes, English is the official language, making communication hassle-free for travelers.
Question - 2: Are there any restrictions on drone usage in Grand Cayman? Answer - 2: Drone usage is regulated in the Cayman Islands. Ensure you familiarize yourself with local laws before flying a drone.
Question - 3: What is the best time to visit the Cayman Islands? Answer - 3: The period between November and April is considered the peak tourist season due to pleasant weather.
Question - 4: Are there any cultural etiquettes visitors should be aware of? Answer - 4: Respect the local customs and traditions, and it's polite to greet people with a friendly "hello" or "good morning."
Question - 5: Is it necessary to tip in Cayman restaurants? Answer - 5: Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory in most restaurants. A service charge may already be included in the bill.
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oyasuminto · 1 year
Do you have headcanons about how any of your ocs (your choice!) feel about hot sunny weather? I'd be especially interested in bastardman Argus' reaction, because I suspect he'd see it as a good excuse not to wear a shirt and honestly I'm okay with that.
Argus enjoys the sun. He likes feeling the heat beat down on him after a hard shift, he likes the warmth, likes imagining what it'd be like setting up a slip and slide in the backyard for his 2.5 kids. He always gets odd looks when they catch him chuckling as he pictures the family dog trying to join in.
However, he's also a walking furnace who'll overheat very quickly, so he has to find ways to cool down throughout the day, and if that means stripping off his shirt while doing yard work and giving everyone a good look at his glistening skin and muscles, so be it!
Summer is the perfect excuse to strip down and get wet. He takes a lot more walks during the season in the hopes of seeing plenty of half-naked people in skimpy clothes or pretty swimwear. It also gives him an opportunity to watch women sucking on popsicles, totally oblivious to the way men stare at them, eyes watching as the melting ice drips down their chins and onto their tits.
It really is an amazing time of the year.
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liecoris · 1 year
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Since it's swimsuit season I'll repost Mukuro's swimsuit headcanons here :)
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Mukuro absolutely owes the DoA style of skimpy swimwear ( especially looks like these: x | x | x | x | x but she never wears them when she's out in public swim spaces or around others ( unless they're a very trusted individual ) b/c of the scarring on her back. And she can't do ' just wear a t-shirt over the swimwear ' because she hates the feeling of wet t-shirt on her back.
And because of those scars on her back, she'll only wear this type of swimwear to public spaces
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msilwrites · 1 year
Make Him Regret, Chapter 3 - Conclusion
A/N: Chapter 3 is up, this is the conclusion of the story. There might be a continuation/sequel but it will have a different title and would pick up from where this story left off. This chapter has smut, so I do hope you enjoy!  Tag: @milady-hiddleston, @miruwen, @leah-halliwell92  Sorry if I was unable to find the others, tumbler couldn’t find you :( One more thing! You can also find the story in AO3!
EDIT:  If you want to read the previous chapters here they are here; ONE - Social Media Stalker TWO - Dark Eyes
THREE  Conclusion
Vivienne walks to the wooden dock and looked around to find a few people, taking a late afternoon swim. It wasn’t the season where there are many tourists, which explains the almost empty shore.
She hesitated to remove her skirt wrap for a while, as she felt that her bathing suit looked a little skimpy. Earlier, Mildred who claims to be her ‘stylist’, forced her to wear the swimwear. But looking around, most of the female swimmers wore a skimpier swimwear than her. With a bit of hesitation, she jumps into the cool crystal clear waters of Loch Lomond followed by a big splash, and dove underneath, before rising to the surface once more.
She let herself float, and looked at the blue sky and its white clouds. She felt relaxed and contented, no worries crossing her mind, especially painful thoughts about Tom.
She swam back and forth, near the mid part of the lake and back to the dock. When she finally grew tired of swimming, she swam back to the dock and picked up her things, before heading back to her lodge.
Upon reaching her front door, she quickly entered the room and clicked the lock closed. Proceeding to take off her wet swimwear, she stopped and when she turned around, she found an unexpected face inside her room.
“Don’t stop now... I was enjoying it...”Tom said playfully, and this made Vivienne’s brows furrow. How dare he show up here, when he was the cause of all this trouble.
“What are you doing here Tom? how the hell did you get in here?! This is a private lodge!” she demanded an answer.
“I wanted to see you and talk to you...” was his reply.
“Couldn’t this wait until I reach London?!”
With a sigh of resignation, Vivienne opens the door, prompting him to get out. “Would you please leave my room, and wait for me in the living room? I need to bathe and change clothes!”
“Go ahead... it’s not as if I haven’t seen the rest of you...” was his cool reply.
Now Vivienne was fuming mad, how dare he turn up here, after everything he had done to her. She rubbed her forehead in frustration. “I can’t do this right now... I don’t want to listen or fight with you. I’m on this vacation to unwind, and you’re ruining it!” she sighed and looked back up at him. “You should go, I still love you Tom, but everything is different now. So... just leave.”
“You’re right,” he slowly sauntered towards her direction. “Everything is different now, but you still love me...” his mouth curved into a grin.
He leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips, whilst his hand cupped her face. 
She shivered at his touch that wracked her body. She used to love the feeling that he gave her. However, things are different now. Despite that, she had never been good at turning down seduction from him, and now that he has approached her again, all of her desire for him felt like it was about to explode any moment now. 
His kisses were intoxicating, and she was awash with the drunken feeling. He stopped kissing her and grabbed her hand, pulling her back into her bedroom. 
She tried to protest once more, jerking her body out of his grip. But her words got caught in her throat, as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back against the wall.
His hands slid up her waist to have a feel of her bare skin. She gasped into his mouth, every nerve responding to him. She hadn’t been touch for months now, but it wasn’t just that. 
“T-Tom...” she breathed against his lips.
“Tell me to stop, and I will, but you want this. I want this.”
“I...” she didn’t have the words to respond. She didn’t know what she wanted. Everything was so confusing. She still loves him and wants him, but she felt so conflicted. 
“I’ve thought about doing this for weeks...” he kissed her neck and squeezed her arse. “I missed how you tasted, how your skin felt against mine, how it would feel like to have you again,”
His lips engulfed her lower lip and sucked on it. The sensation was too much for her as she closed her eyes and let into her emotions. Vivienne groaned slightly as she opened her mouth to give him better access. Intensifying the searing kiss. 
She could feel a groan of approval from Tom, knowing that he too had missed her taste just as much as she had missed his. His hand reaches from her knee, giving it a prod, and lifted it, pushing her up against the wall.
When Tom finally broke the kiss and pulled back, he found himself breathing heavily. Vivienne watched as his chest rose and fall, as her own breath came in pants. Her lips felt tender and swollen, in the best possible way. 
“Tom...” she whispered, her body still held against the wall by him. He trailed one long finger across her lips, and it felt so good to her. 
She chided herself for being so weak, as her heart was dangerously close to betraying her again. Her head was screaming warning signals that were going unnoticed.
 Her swimwear quickly came undone, as Tom pulls the strap down, and cupped her soft warm breast in his large hands. Rough hands pulled the rest of her swimwear down, as she wriggled out of it. 
He pauses for a while and unbuttons his shirt and shrugs it off.  She looks at him admiringly before he took hold of the of her head, and pulled her to meet his mouth, for a long, slow kiss. 
Tom carried Vivienne to the inviting bed, their eyes locked in a battle of desire and uncertainty. Vivienne's heart raced, torn between the hurt of the past and the lingering yearning. Tom's gentle touch sent shivers down her spine, heightening her senses.
In the dimly lit room, Tom laid Vivienne down, their connection palpable. The air was filled with a mix of their shared history and the intoxicating scent of desire. Vivienne's emotions swirled within her as Tom's hands explored her body with tender urgency.
Their bodies entwined, passion igniting. Vivienne grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between surrendering to pleasure and guarding her wounded heart. The soft brush of Tom's lips against her neck elicited a sigh of longing and apprehension. Their movements synchronized, blurring the lines between pain and pleasure, as they became lost in a whirlwind of sensations.
"I love you, Vivienne," he whispered with every deep thrust, igniting a fire within her. She yearned to reciprocate, but her voice eluded her. Tom's ardor left her body wrecked, clinging to him as he ravished her. They moved together, their bodies sliding and entangling, strands of wet hair sticking to their flushed faces. Amidst this whirlwind of desire, she lost herself, unsure if the moisture on their skin was his sweat, hers, or a sensuous fusion of their shared fantasies. The room resonated only with the rhythmic collision of their bodies. She tightened her legs around his back, urging him deeper, while his primal grunts reverberated through the air. Just as he teetered on the edge of losing control, he descended to her neck, suckling her sensitive flesh, sending intoxicating shivers down her spine.
That final act unleashed a torrent within Vivienne, propelling her over the precipice of pleasure. Ecstasy coursed through her body, her eyes rolling back, back arching, and her inner walls clenching around his slick shaft, drenched in their combined essence. Waves of pleasure rippled through her, obliterating her sense of time and self, immersing her in euphoric oblivion. For a brief moment, she forgot where she was, who lay atop her. Then, she felt him quiver, succumbing to his own release, his cry of pleasure mingling with her name. Oh, Tom, she whispered within her mind as he spilled his essence deep inside her, thrusting fervently until his body finally stilled, collapsing onto hers in a beautiful mess of passion.
They remained entwined, his face buried in her fragrant tresses, their bodies fused together. Vivienne listened as their breaths gradually steadied, matching the rhythm of their hearts. She planted tender kisses along the contours of his face, his gaze locking with her own, their eyes an interplay of stormy gray meeting azure.
"I love you too, Tom," she murmured, her voice a caress as she admired the strands of her hair cascading over his handsome countenance. He leaned in, meeting her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. The fervor of their earlier passion had dissipated, replaced by a gentler intimacy. Their lips trembled against each other, conveying a myriad of unspoken emotions. Tom rose, extending a helping hand to Vivienne. Her weakened state rendered her unable to walk, but he effortlessly lifted her, cradling her in his arms, and carried her to the sanctuary of her bathroom. With each step, desire and regret entwined within her, weaving a tapestry of longing and consequence, underscoring the weight of her decision to succumb to his seductive allure once more.
As the early evening cast its gentle glow upon the room, Vivienne stirred from her slumber. The memories of their passionate encounter in the bathroom and their subsequent lovemaking in the bed lingered, veiled in the intimacy of tangled sheets. Sitting up, she surveyed Tom's handsome face, framed by tousled hair, and his lean, muscular form, the sheets loosely draped around his waist. He slumbered peacefully, unaware of the conflicted emotions coursing through her.
Now fully awake, Vivienne placed her palm against her temple, a wave of regret washing over her. She acknowledged her own vulnerability, chastising herself for succumbing to his seductive allure once again. With a sigh heavy with resignation, she resolved to gather her thoughts and swiftly proceeded to the bathroom, tidying up her disheveled appearance and dressing herself.
As Vivienne moved about the room, combing her hair and delicately spraying perfume, she sensed Tom's gaze upon her. Turning her head, she caught him propping himself up on an elbow, watching her with a familiar appreciation. In that moment, she could feel the weight of their shared history and the magnetic pull between them. His disheveled dark blonde hair and sleepy yet alluring face stirred a longing within her, but she quickly averted her gaze, determined not to succumb to his irresistible allure once more.
With each passing glance, Vivienne felt a mix of conflicting emotions, an internal battle between desire and self-preservation. Though Tom's presence still held a captivating charm, she steeled herself against his seductive aura, knowing the risks that lay in giving in to their shared passion once again.
As Tom got out of bed, Vivienne was taken aback by his nakedness, causing a brief moment of surprise to course through her. He leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, a tender gesture that stirred conflicting emotions inside her. With a warm smile, he assured her that he would quickly retrieve his clothes from his room and join her shortly for dinner.
Vivienne observed as Tom gracefully moved around the room, picking up his discarded clothes from the floor. Her gaze fixated on his strong physique, the play of muscles beneath his skin, and the air of confidence he exuded. A part of her yearned to pull him back into their shared desires, but she resisted the temptation, reminding herself of the complexities that lay beneath their passionate encounters.
Determined in her resolve, Vivienne composed herself, patiently waiting for Tom's return. She took a moment to calm her racing heart and gather her thoughts, preparing for the evening ahead. While she couldn't deny the magnetic pull of his presence, she promised herself to proceed with caution, fully aware of the delicate balance between attraction and self-preservation they had come to know too well.
As they settled down at the table, Tom's gaze swept over Vivienne, a renewed sense of appreciation evident in his eyes. She appeared effortlessly elegant in her simple attire, a loose-fitting turtle neck concealing the love marks he had left on her skin, causing a mischievous smirk to play upon his lips. To him, she radiated beauty in her understated fashion.
Throughout the meal, Tom showered Vivienne with affection, his actions and words expressing a deep connection between them. They shared laughter, exchanged stolen glances, and the atmosphere brimmed with the promise of more intimate moments to come. Vivienne couldn't help but be captivated by Tom's attentiveness, cherishing the warmth he emanated.
As the evening neared its end, they retreated to their respective rooms, a mix of excitement and nervousness enveloping Vivienne. She knew that future encounters awaited them, keeping the flame of passion alive. The allure of their shared desires lingered, hinting at the continuation of their intimate journey.
However, despite their intimate encounter earlier, Vivienne found her determination renewed. She resolved not to succumb to Tom's charms so easily again, even though she had been enticed by the intimacy they had rekindled. She knew she had to distance herself from him, to put their passionate encounter behind her.
The following morning, as the sun streamed through the window, a knock on Vivienne's door startled her. Tom's voice called out, inviting her for breakfast. But Vivienne, resolute in her decision, remained silent. Confused by her lack of response, Tom ventured to the lodge's office, hoping to find answers.
To his surprise, the receptionist informed him that Vivienne had checked out half an hour earlier and had left for the airport. As Tom absorbed this unexpected turn of events, the receptionist handed him a letter. It was a message penned by Vivienne, outlining her reasons for leaving and bidding him farewell.
Dear Tom,
I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, but I couldn't ignore the disturbance it caused to the peace I had finally found within myself. The love I still hold for you lingers, but I've become cautious of the recurring cycle we seem to find ourselves in. Your sudden return and plea for reconciliation have shattered the tranquility I fought hard to achieve during our time apart.
I must prioritize the serenity I have discovered within my own soul. Trust, which has been strained between us, needs time and genuine change to be rebuilt. I cannot risk losing the progress I've made by diving back into the same patterns that led to our previous struggles.
Please understand that this decision isn't a rejection of our love, but rather a necessary step to protect my newfound inner peace. I will reach out to you when I'm ready to address our unresolved matters. Until then, let's take this time apart to reflect and grow as individuals.
Tom stood frozen in the doorway, holding the letter tightly in his shaking hand. He felt utterly helpless, as if all his power had been stripped away. The woman he loved, Vivienne, had vanished, and it pained him deeply. The trust they once shared had shattered, and he couldn't bear the thought of her running away, no longer believing in him.
His heart ached with a profound hurt. How could she leave him like this? In the past, whenever they had a fight, Vivienne always came back to him easily, as if their love could fix everything. But this time, it was different. Her sudden departure revealed the doubts and fragility of their relationship.
The pain of her absence pierced his soul. It reminded him of the consequences of his actions and the damage they had caused. He realized that his past behavior had eroded the trust they had built, leaving Vivienne with no choice but to escape.
Tom's mind raced with confusion and remorse. He longed for her presence, her comforting touch, and the sound of her laughter. Her absence left a gaping hole that seemed impossible to fill, and he regretted the choices that had led them to this painful separation.
In that moment, Tom made a solemn promise to himself. He would confront his flaws and strive to earn back Vivienne's trust. The reality of her departure hit him hard, compelling him to face the depth of his love for her. He understood that their journey was far from over, and he was willing to fight for their connection.
With a determined look in his eyes, Tom took a deep breath, clutching the letter close to his chest. He knew he had to find a way to bridge the gap between them, to show Vivienne that he could change and grow for their love.
Stepping out into the world, his face etched with uncertainty and anguish, Tom embarked on a journey back to London. It was a mission fueled by a deep desire to find Vivienne, to make things right and rebuild the love they had lost.
His determination grew stronger with each passing moment. He yearned to find Vivienne, to look into her eyes and convey the depth of his remorse. He wanted to make amends, to show her that he was capable of change and growth. Love had a way of testing their resilience, but he was ready to face the challenges head-on.
In the depths of his heart, Tom held onto the flickering hope that they could find their way back to each other. He was ready to face the challenges, to learn from his mistakes, and to fight for the love that had once defined their existence. A/N:  I wanted to take a moment to address the ending of the story and shed some light on the choices I made. I understand that some of you may be wondering why I wrote it in the way it unfolded. Oh! it was a struggle re-writing the ending several times, but allow me to provide some insights coming to this decision.
Throughout the narrative, I wanted to depict Tom's journey of self-discovery and growth. In Chapter 1, we are introduced to a flawed character, someone who exhibits traits of being a jerk. By presenting his transformation and the challenges he faces, I aimed to show that personal growth is possible even for those who have made mistakes.
Moreover, I deliberately chose not to portray an easy reconciliation between Tom and Vivienne. It is all too common in stories for characters to easily fall back into toxic relationships, particularly after moments of intimacy. I wanted to challenge this narrative and emphasize the importance of trust, self-reflection, and personal growth before attempting to rebuild a relationship.
It is crucial to address the complexities of relationships and the need for healthy boundaries. Rushing back into a relationship without addressing the underlying issues can perpetuate a cycle of toxicity. I hope this story serves as a reminder to readers that genuine change requires introspection and effort from all parties involved.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I appreciate your support and understanding. OH! Don’t worry there’s a short sequel (just in a different title, of course...)  Best Regards, MSILWRITES.
EDIT: If you want to read the previous chapters here they are” ONE - Social Media Stalker TWO - Dark Eyes
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whiimms · 2 years
hey question about Sikh sims. i keep raj's turban and geeta and his kara on, but i have a couple questions about playing them. would they keep the turban on while sleeping? i did a bit of research and some Sikh people say they sleep with a small turban/head covering in bed, and others say they take it off in bed. Also how do I incorporate other aspects of their religion? Like do you have a mod for that? like for my Muslim sims (especially the ones who wear hijabs), i dress them accordingly and try to keep their diet in mind but should i download a praying mod?
hi anon! sorry i just got off work so i’m answering now! 
i would just like to preface this by saying that i am not Sikh myself - my grandparents are. not every religious person is the same so i would recommend looking at other sources too! 
just realized this was a long post so it’s going under a cut!
1) would a Sikh person keep a turban on while sleeping?
so from my experience, my grandfather would either coil his hair up or wear a patka (i did a quick search and found one here - it can also be appropriate headwear for the swimwear category!) but everyone is different! different people practice their religions to different degrees (for example, my mom believes in god but doesn’t attend church)
2) how do i incorporate other aspects of their religion?
so i’m going to generalize this statement so this can be used for different religions. the answer is quite simple! do some research! some prompts might be, do they celebrate any special holidays (this is great to incorporate if you have seasons)? are there any dietary restrictions? are there certain religious articles of clothing they wear? how/when do they pray? are there any special rituals pertaining to their religion?
my main point is, try to educate yourself with these things - again everyone practices to a different extent. if certain things are just not possible in the sims/in your game don’t be too hard on yourself! 
3) should i download a praying mod?
so i’ve done a surface level search and i haven’t been able to find any :/ perhaps you’ll be able to find more luck but i’ve only really found religious items + poses in terms of religious cc.
so, what’s the takeaway?
look into religious beliefs and consider how to implement them into your game
realize that not every Muslim or Sikh or Christian or etc, person is going to be the same - religion can be practiced to a variety of degrees just make sure that you get the core beliefs down!
listen to people of the faith you are trying to portray! don’t just assume or at least do a quick google search if you’re unsure about using something
if you get called out for something, please please please don’t shut down! we can’t try to be better if we don’t have certain uncomfortable conversations to help us move forward!
thank you so much for this ask. it’s very heartwarming to see people want to an effort to educate themselves so their games can be inclusive <3
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
Ocean City, we have arrived!
The time: Wednesday evening before Springfest in Ocean City, Maryland, at a second-rate seafood buffet still managing to hang in there on Coastal Highway (alias Maryland 528), the main drag of the popular East Coast resort. Four blocks wide by ten miles long, all the way to the Delaware line even, and nothing of that bane of many East Coast beach resorts known as "beach tax" pins to be affixed to one's swimwear!
The purpose thereof: That aggregation of fellow Hanna-Barbera Funtastics otherwise known as a Character Convocation, timed to coincide with the Ocean City Springfest celebration the weekend ahead. Essentially Ocean City's way of warming up for the summer season ahead with a mix of free concerts and craft and arts shows over at the Inlet Lot, practically on the south side of town, even!
But we're basically here at the beginning to develop what's basically our strategy: More or less a "meet-and-greet", even posing with fellow guests at Springfest and, to some extent, on Ocean City's Boardwalk. Some likely scattered about along the Ten Miles of Free Public Beaches, as Maryland's Official State Highways Map notes in the inset map for OC, as such across the Eastern Seaboard like to refer thus.
Absence of a parade notwithstanding, as well as being unable to get time on the free stage as is part of Springfest (made even more peeved by its closing at 10 pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and at 8 pm on the Sunday), a couple of coffeehouses along Coastal Highway were willing to have The Banana Splits and the Cattanooga Cats accomodate for some all-night concerts and jam sessions to accomodate such wanting some amusements after the Springfest grounds close, especially as it's bound to be chilly on the Eastern Shore well into early May--even with some sun.
Oh, and need I mention about many of our characters bound to make "meet-and-greet," pose for selfies even, appearances throughout the main tourist venues in those ten miles of Ocean City--especially so on Ocean City's Boardwalk (which, come to think of it, will be not so much walkabout as maybe sitting on benches alongside said Boardwalk and getting tourists and Springfest visitors to sit and chat with your favourite Funtastic types ... hardly to be expected at the Disney parks), or even on Ocean City buses ($3 buys an all-day pass), catching up with fans old and new, even if it means having to hold a handrail and stand for dear life ... and need we forget about the beach itself?
At any rate, "the night ahead" is one of those things certain to bring us characters together as one over dinner as much as knowing what rounds you're bound to make in Character Convocation mode. Oh, and did I mention the pop-up hospitality room for us characters, for coffee, donuts, salt water taffy, and just checking in even?!
You never can tell how interesting things are bound to get, and more will be forthcoming in this space. Exit, stage left ...
@warnerbrosentertainment @oceancitymd @theweekenddigest @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @thylordshipofbutts @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @screamingtoosoftly @warnerbros-blog1 @restroom @jellystone-enjoyer @xdiver71 @warnerbrosent-blog
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farfallasims · 1 year
i just read your post about loving your body & im crying...ive always struggled w how i look because my mom used to say she hated her body & tell me im ugly. now im a mom & gotten a lot bigger than i used to be (00-now 8/10/12)& i want to love myself for them so they dont think of themselves that way but summer is so hard for me. i have huge boobs and no bathing suits are made for super short people with G boobs and fat ass so its just really discouraging idk im sorry im dumped this on you
Don't ever apologize for needing to express your feelings. It's how us gals bond, through sharing our stories.
I may not be a mother, but I empathize with having the body issues, especially when this season rolls around. And believe, I get the boobs issue as well. I do have a suggestion for bathing suits tho!
I am a SLUT for tube tops. Even with a bigger chest I wear bandeaus (I recommend SKIMS) under a tube top with a lil bikini bottom and it makes me feel so much better and secure. Tankinis like that are so in, in my opinion, so that's just a lil tip for clothing if you need swimwear.
But mamas, you're a MAMA. That body gave life. And to me, it's hot as fuck. Nothing is more beautiful and pure than that, so remember it. It's a beautiful thing. You are beautiful.
You're hot as fuck.
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