#switches be switchin
callmecottontail · 11 months
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I love playing with you, pup 🐾
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brazenlystrong · 6 days
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what a topic...
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p4rtyd0g · 10 months
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covetedbluecrew · 5 months
Does anyone else feel like they’re at the point in a horror movie where they have an inkling of what’s about to happen and they want to warn everyone but also are intrigued and can’t look away? 🫣
She’s about to pull off the biggest bait and switch. Everyone thinking Karma is a song about good karma coming to those who keep their side of the street clean and while it is for some, it’s also about how the general public, media, industry, and toxic fandom are getting their 🍑es handed to them…
/you flipped the script for the hell of it,
addicted to betrayal, but you’re relevant
you’re terrified to look down
cause if you dare, you’ll see the glare of everyone
you’ve burned just to get there
It’s coming back around/
/watch her put your opps on the throne,
got you wavin’ pretty white flags, feenin’ for that cash
now ya switchin’ up ya behavior, thinkin it’ll save ya/
Karma IS the guy on the Chiefs…
but not in the way everyone is led to believe.
The response is going to be HUGE.
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howlingday · 4 months
Switchin' Ain't Easy
Mercury: And that'll do it for the stream today, ladies. Thank you so much for tuning in, and for all the donations, too, of course. And a big, ol' sexy thank you to all my tier three subs. You lovelies make all of this possible. I wouldn't be able to make half the amount of lien I do a week without y'all! See you all tomorrow, and it can't come soon enough~. Good-bye!
Mercury: (Click! Stretches) Mmgh!
Adrian: (Walks in) Hi, Mr. Mercury! How are you?
Mercury: Hey, kiddo! I'm doin' alright. Just finished up a Switch Stream. How are you?
Adrian: Okay, I guess. I was bored and I wanted to see what everyone else was up to.
Mercury: Yeah? And let me guess; you came to see the most awesome dude with bionic legs first because you knew he'd fix your boredom, right?
Adrian: No, you were actually my last choice 'cause everyone else was busy.
Mercury: Ghk!
Adrian: Not in a bad way! I'm just not allowed to hang out with you because then my uncle would get mad at me because he doens't like when I'm around you. When I ask him why, he says he'll tell me when I'm older. Then he walks away calling you something under his breath. He says you're a sloo... A slot... No... Oh! He calls you a "slu-"!
Mercury: HEY! Haha, maybe don't say it so loud! Especially if you're gonna go back to your uncle after seeing me.
Adrian: Huh?
Mercury: Nothing, nothing!
Adrian: Okay! Ooh, that's a really neat computer! Were you playing a video game~?!
Mercury: Yup! Just like I said, I just finished a Switch Stream. Helps pay the bills.
Adrian: But doesn't the government pay you a fair and just wage for all of your hard work protecting the world?
Mercury: ...Kid-
Adrian: I know, I know. I just heard what I said, too. So what does this "switch streaming" do?
Mercury: Well, kid, to make it easy to understand, take all the things that make a person a decent human being, like morals, dignity, respect, decency and everything else that your mommies teach you, then throw all of that in the garbage, sit down in front of a camera or mic, and BAM! You're Switch Streaming, baby~!
Adrian: I don't understand...
Mercury: Well, let me explain it like this then. A Switch Streamer makes a recording of themselves watching or playing or reacting to something or even just talking and then live streams it out for all of their fans and followers to watch and enjoy!
Adrian: Is that really the best way to make lien? It doesn't sound like it makes a lot.
Mercury: Well, the rates vary from the site itself, and Switch makes most of what I've got off of ad revenue, but where the lien REALLY rolls in is from the donations!
Adrian: Donations? Like, people give you lien?
Mercury: Bingo, kiddo! Hit the nail right on the head!
Adrian: But why would they donate to you? Do you make really funny or exciting content, Mr. Mercury?
Mercury: Oh, hell no! It's barely considered content!
Adrian: Huh? Then why-
Mercury: Listen, Adrian, some of us are born with what some people call "devilishly good looks". In other words, I look so good that a lot of people are willing to listen to me and to what I have to say. Because being sexy or attractive where it really matters can REALLY get people reaching for their wallets. Couple ab shots here and a shirtless messy water drink there and all them thots practically drown me in lien~!
Adrian: ...Mr. Mercury, are you a whore?
Mercury: WHAT?! Wh-Where did that come from?!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune and Mommy Saph talked about one of my aunties using her body to get something she wants makes her a whore. And they said it was a bad thing to be.
Mercury: That's... rude. But not untrue, I guess.
Adrian: So is being a Switch Streamer a bad thing?
Mercury: Let me answer your question with my own question. Do you know how much lien I make from a single three-hour stream?
Adrian: I don't know what that has to do with anything. Uncle Jaune says that if you do something bad, nothing will excuse-
Mercury: Over five thousand lien~.
Adrian: Mr. Mercury, can I be a Switch Streamer when I grow up~?
Mercury: You sure can, bud! You can do anything you put your mind to!
Adrian: Yay~! I can't wait to throw away my morals, ethics, and standards to make a large sum of lien from people I've never met~!
Mercury: (Sniffles) It's so fulfilling being a role model for young boys. Glad I was able to show you the joys of being a Switch Streamer, ki-
Mercury: ACK! J-Jaune~!
Adrian: Uncle Jaune~!
Jaune: I came to pick my nephew up when I heard he was with YOU of all people! Now tell me, what exactly did I just hear you teaching my nephew?!
Mercury: Nothing, Jaune, I swear! We were just-
Adrian: It's okay, Uncle Jaune! Mr. Mercury was just teaching me how I can make lien by sacrificing my morals and having no respect for your body~!
Jaune: ...WHAT?!
Mercury: H-Hang on! I know that sounds bad, but-
Adrian: Uh-huh, and he told me how he uses his body to get people to give him a lot of lien! I learned so much from him~!
Jaune: ...
Mercury: ACK! S-Since when have you had a metal bat?!
Jaune: Since the writer gave it to me!
Mercury: What?!
Adrian: (Watching Jaune beat up Mercury) Huh... Guess you could say Uncle Jaune is really beating Mr. Mercury... BLACK and blue~!
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elvisslut · 1 year
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬
Elvis x reader
Warnings-none,strong language, fluff thats it:)
Summary-Elvis come off the stage with a little doubt in his ability to please a crowd, trying to help that and rudely getting interrupted you find out that he just needs a little bit of love.
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Sitting back with joe and jerry as Elvis sang his final song, talking about the less important things; which was a luxury for anyone in the group that was deemed ‘the Memphis mafia’ a few years ago.
Hearing clicks from the familiar boots, telling you and the guys elvis was almost down the hall to the room, you all knew he’d want out of his suit and in regular clothes in the matter of seconds.
With the guys shuffling out you stayed back wanting to talk to him a bit in the privacy of his dressing room, elvis walked in slouching slightly from the weight of the jewels on his jumpsuit.
“Did you have fun?” You ask with a smile, getting up out of the way of the curtain so he could change in his own privacy sitting on the top of the vanity in that room.
“The crowd was good..” he answers softly going behind the curtain and closing it, peeling the sweaty jumpsuit off and throwing it over the curtain rod.
“Did you not like the songs? Isn’t this your first time doing burning love though?” You frown to yourself as you try to think of what he didn’t like.
“Yeah, but it’s pissin’ me off to stand there an’ sing the same damn thing with different words.” He huffs getting in his regular a little less sweaty clothes.
“I know..maybe you could change up the set list, here..” you trail off grabbing a pen and gift shop bag of the vanity-that being the only paper available.
“What songs do you like to sing?” You ask pulling your knee up and laying the paper-bag on it to write.
“Honey i don’ think-” you’re quick to cut him off, really not wanting to have him doubt himself or his show right now. “Shut up, what songs do you like singing?” You ask again, earning a exasperated sigh as he opened the curtain.
“That one tonight would be a good opener i s’pose..” he muttered, walking to the chair in front of you. “Mhm and what else?” You hum writing down the song and a note in parenthesis; opening song.
“Honey-” you roll your eyes at his attempt to protest again and cut him off. “I said shut up. What. Songs. Do. You. Like?” You say pronouncing the words individually.
He sighs and shakes his head. “I don’ know honey..maybe how great thou art? An’..are ya lonesome tonight” he says rubbing his temple and his forehead as he tries to think of some songs.
“Good thank you..more” you say in a bit of a strict tone, writing down his answers. “Honey can we-“ you let out a long heavy sigh rolling your eyes again. “Elvis..I’m trying to help you enjoy your shows here can you help me figure out how to help you?” You huff putting your leg down as well as the paper bag and pen.
“I don’ think ‘m allowed to be switchin’ up the set list” he say’s looking up at you, his brows frowned upward. You mentally awe at the sight before reaching over and patting his cheek. “As your stage manager honey i allow you to switch up the songs..as for the people who run the way it goes in the musical part of it all..i changed the songs.” You chuckle giving him a smile.
“Maybe we can just..switch it up another day? ‘M tired an’ I just wanna go to bed” he says timidly leaning against your hand, you let out a softer sigh this time and nod.
“Okay E. Ill walk up to the room with you I need to go up there anyhow” you say pushing him back a bit with your foot and hopping off the vanity.
“You feel better being in your..clothes?” You ask the word ‘regular’ definitely not being the word to describe his style. “Much” he chuckles softly getting up and starting the walk with you up to the suite he was staying in.
“Do you get to bring lisa next tour? Or atleast get her when you get back home?” You ask missing her on your own accord but knowing he’d had to have been dying to see her after it being so long.
“Cilla ain’t called me to tell me yet..but i hope i can do both..she’d love the lights in Vegas an’ she likes car rides i wanna take her on a road trip” he said with heavy notes of hope in his voice. “If you get her when you get home you better call me, presley. If you don’t i’m whooping your ass.” You say half jokingly, you’d punch him so hard in his beautiful bicep if he didn’t tell you- in all honesty.
“Okay no need to threaten me..ya should get your head checked out..always threaten us guys..you’re a scary woman” he says with a laugh. You quirk a brow and punch his arm. “Hey! ‘M just bein’ honest..damn you’re provin’ my point” he hollers rubbing his arm in the area you punched it.
“You’re just weak” you say rolling your eyes at him and walking into his room. You head towards the coffee table grabbing the files of paper work you left in there and turning to see his chest mere inches from your face.
“Can i help you?” You ask looking up to his face. “I wanna know if ya can stay in here tonight..i don’..i don’ wanna be alone, i ain’t had a great day..” he trails off biting his lip with embarrassment as his ears turn a soft shade of red.
“Yeah sure E. Just get me a blanket i’ll stay on the couch.” You say softly, him shaking his head at you making you frown in confusion. “Stay in my bed please..i’d still be alone if ya slept in here.” His voice is a little shaky..almost like the boy was about to cry and you were the one who was going to make or break that barrier.
“Yeah..are you sure elvis? I can sleep on the floor or something” you suggest earning another head shake. “No my bed” he says his voice a little less shaky; you nod and turn around setting the file back to the table.
“Thats fine i need to go to my room and grab a-“ he shakes his head cutting you off. “No- no just..i got stuff ya can use..just stay an’ don’ leave i need ya here..i need ya everywhere..” he trails off again, making you frown in confusion again.
“Elvis..what do you mean?” You laugh a little making a face. “Baby ya know what i mean..i wanna be with ya, it would be a lot easier to see ya too..bein’ my stage manager i could see ya more then i seen cilla” he say, making a good point.
You look everywhere but his eyes, knowing you wanted this conversation to happen long ago when you were teenagers and you were very comically in-love, like a teen girl with elvis now days.
“Be with me? Elvis are you okay? Do you need to go to bed? Yeah, here come with me ill help you down” you say grabbing his hand leading him to the bedroom part of the suite. “No doll, i mean what i said. I wanna be with ya..forever” he confirms, pulling you back to him and wrapping his arms around you.
“I don’ think i ever wanted anythin’ more than you” he adds holding you to his chest and leaning his chin on the top of your head. The moment was sweet but you quickly pulled away to look at him making it short lived.
“Elvis i don’t think you’re thinking clearly. Me?” You ask earning a nod and smile. “I’ve loved ya since the day we got in that motorcycle accident, ya all scrapped up an’ still smilin’ it really got me turnin’ my head ya know?” He says with a laugh.
“ELVIS! That was 15 mother fucking years ago! You could have told at least a little sooner!?” You shout, mentally you were bouncing off walls just hearing him say he wanted to be with you and jackhammering off of them as he told you he loved you for 15 years.
15 years before
“Do ya wanna go ride around the block?” Elvis asks as you look over his new bike in amazement. “Do i?! Do you?” He chuckles at your response and gets on starting the bike up and nodding for you to get on.
You happily get on wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his back, taking in the smell of his new leather jacket mixing with his cologne.
He drove down and WAY further than the block. Going somewhere you haven’t even been; even with touring and all. He went up what he called deadman’s turn, and of course going 40 and in the middle of the road a car turns the corner too, which he would have moved for but being the reason he called it deadman’s corner was because you couldn’t see no-one turning till it was too late.
He lucked out and swerved just nearly scraping the car, then apparently he unlucked out. Complete losing control of the steering and gasping a bit as the motorcycle rocked down throwing you and him off it before slamming into a tree completely totaling the bike.
He sits up and looks over himself a bit before snapping his head up and looking around for you remembering you on the back of the bike. You sit up and stand walking towards the bike completely unfazed by the road rash the cuts and the scraps all over you.
“Are ya okay honey?! Oh god mamas gonna kill me for hurtin’ ya..” he says looking over your face and wiping and blood off with his thumb. “Elvis im fine, are you? Your bike aint” you say pointing out the obvious.
“Yeah ‘m okay..an’..i think she could make it home” he says with laugh, looking to the bike. “I hope you weren’t expecting to pick up any girls with it..they only thing you’ll be picking up is a tow truck guy” you say half jokingly, because he’d really be getting a tow truck guy.
“Haha yeah” he says with a fake laugh, pulling you to him again just to recheck that you’re okay. “Elvis stop im fine” you chuckle swatting his hands away. “I know ‘m just checkin’ to see if it knocked a brain back in this hollow head of yours” he sasses, making the both of you laugh.
He laughed that gorgeous hiccupy laugh and nodded. “I didn’ mean to keep it from ya that long i was just scared i’d lose ya” he said, you very much would have stayed whether you loved him that way or not.
“You could just kiss me” you say a bit confused actually, on why he didn’t. Thats what he did with almost all his other girlfriends. Kissed them longingly in a private room chatting after and bam Elvis Presley had a new girlfriend.
He chuckles and nods, leaning his head down and pressing his lips to yours and oh god. You were in trouble. One taste of his lips was like a taste of…really really good steak that you wanted to eat every day, for 24 hours. They were addicting, and as soft as they looked, not dry or wet but just right.
The kiss itself was passionate and filled with nothing but love and affection for one another. It was everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
“Come lay with me..i just wanna be close to you..” he says pulling away and smiling down at you. You nod and go to the bed with him, crawling under the blankets and warping your arms around his shoulders as his face buries in the crook of your neck, his lips pressing softly kisses against your skin.
His legs tangling with yours as his soft and messy hair tickles at your jaw. This is all you every wanted and its all you’ll ever need. “I love you too” you say softly, realizing you hadn’t said it back.
“You do?” He mumbles against your neck. “I do..and I always will.. like i have.” You answer, bringing one of your hands up and messing with his hair, earning a satisfied hum from him as he leans his head against your touch.
“You’re my best girl..ya an’ lisa will always be my best girls..maybe one day ya can be her step mama” your brows shoot up as he mumbles. “Woah now there Presley. I have been your girlfriend a few minutes and you’re talking about marriage?” You ask with a chuckle moving your head a bit to press a kiss again his head.
“Lets save that talk for later” you add earning a chuckle and nod against your neck. “What songs do you like singing?” You ask deciding to give it another try, he lets out a sigh and pulls away laying on his back with a smirk.
“Ya killed the the mood” he says looking at you with his goofy smirk still on his lips, your lips part a bit as you push his shoulder. “I was just trying to help” you say before crawling up on his chest and wrapping your arms around him, laying your head against his big chest and listening to his heartbeat.
His arm going around you and his free hand going to your hair playing with it softly. “Your hair feels nice.” He says quietly. “Sing me a song” you say quite randomly making him chuckle. “What song?” He asks making you think.
“How about…here comes santa clause?” You ask. “Here comes- are ya in a Christmas mood?” He’s answers with a question, earning a nod from you. “Women its the middle of July” he laughs shaking his head. “Fine how about true love travels on a gravel road” you huff with a small pout.
“That i can do in the middle of july” he say with a chuckle, making you roll your eyes a bit. “You can sing Christmas songs too” you talk back earning a light swat on the back of the head. “Hey!” You holler making him laugh, his chest bouncing your head a bit. “Just sing asshole” you mumble.
“How many girls choose cotton dress worlds, when they can have satin and lace And stand by her man, never once letting shade touch her face How many hearts could live through all the winters We've known and still not be cold True love travels on a gravel road.” He sings to you softly, his hand gently running through your hair.
“Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger All through streets paved with gold For true love travels on a gravel road.
Down through the years we've had hard times and tears But they only helped our love grow And we'll stay together no matter how strong the wind blows Not once have I seen your blue eyes filled with envy Or stray from the one that you hold Oh true love travels on a gravel road.
Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger All through streets paved with gold For true love travels on a gravel road.
Yeah, true love travels on a gravel road. Mmmm True love travels on a gravel road. True love travels on a gravel road.” He softly finishes the song and leans his head up press a kiss to the top of your head like you did his earlier, hearing soft snores from you making him smile.
“Goodnight baby..” he says softly.
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saeccharine · 1 year
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script notes: explicit content. pussydrunk!yoichi . dacryphilia. over stimulation. multiple orgasms. riding. begging. rope play. mommy kink mentions. nipple play. switch!yoichi. hair pulling. fingering. dirty talk. slight degredation. biting. 0.7k words.
director’s cut: i want to make him whimper. then he'll make me whimper when he goes egoist mode. i <3 switches.
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there are two types of yoichi isagi. the sweet boy who gets pussy drunk the second his tip strokes along your glistening folds, and the egoist who takes you from behind with a fistful of your hair to arch your back even further.
soft!yoichi cries as his cock begins to split you open, fat tears rolling over his flushed cheeks. he nearly cums on the spot, unable to resist the way your walls fluttered around him, how warm you were. he desperately bucks his hips as he hiccups out sobs, pathetically trying to make you feel as good as he was. he falls forwards, head buried in the crook of your neck as he whimpers into your ear, whining. "feel'so good..." and "can't hold it 'ny longer..." slipping from his lips. his hips stutter as he desperately tries to hold back his release, failing as he cums deep inside, warmth seeping into your body. he's really crying now, apologizing and begging to try again. if you want to really get off when yoichi is like this, you'll have to tie him up and ride him like your life depends on it. edge him long enough and you might be able to get off on his overstimulated dick as he writhes and cries beneath you. he tries to meet your bounces with his poor thrusts, just wanting to be useful. his back arches as you slide your fingers down the milky skin of his chest, occasionally rubbing right over his pink nipples. yoichi calls you "mommy" for the first time that night as he begs for you to cum on his cock, with tears in his wide, sparkly eyes.
egoist!yoichi who watches as you cry out when he suddenly slams his thick cock into you, laughing as your walls clench around him; a milky white ring already beginning to form at the base of his dick. he turns you on your stomach, on your knees as he forces your head onto the pillow, a hand twisted in your hair. his other hand reaches to the small of your back, pushing down to arch your back so he can drill further into you; pound against that gummy spot that had your eyes rolling back into your head. he laughs as you begin drooling against the pillows, pulling your head up by your hair as your back curved even further. he watched as your face contorted, caught in a silent scream as your hands desperately grabbed at the sheets. "lookin' s'dumb on my cock baby..." and "c'mon, scream f'me, show the world who fucks you this good..." spat from his lips as they curl into a venomous smirk. his hand leaves your lower back to curl around you and rub your puffy clit in agonizingly slow circles. he chuckles as you writhe in his hold, smacking his hips against yours with more fervor; wanting to watch the way the flesh of your ass ripples under his strength. he digs his fingers against your abused bundle of nerves, slamming against the part of you that has you seeing stats. yoichi can't help but sink his teeth into your shoulder, holding your entire body up by your hair. he cums with a growl, you can feel him already dripping back down your legs as your entire body quivers from the strengths of the orgasm that wracks through your entire being. he just smiles sweetly, as if he hadn't just fucked your brains out.
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© saeccharine 23
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Deicide (37744 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 10/?
Summary: In the aftermath of the raid on Onigashima everything changes. The path to the One Piece is a course that can only be charted by those who agree to join together as friends and fight without taking the easy way out.
catch up here.
When Smoker came back into the brig, it was with a cigar in his mouth, and Crocodile's arm on his shoulder like they were old friends.
Hina’s eyes hurt, it was that painful sting just on the edge of tears that came when you’d had too much to drink and not a shred of good news to make up for it. It’d only gotten worse as their predicament and the Hawk-eyed marine killer’s words sunk in.
And now in came Smoker, her academy partner in crime…smoking his cigar grimly as Crocodile treated him like an old friend.
“...what the hell.” was all she managed to say as she squinted from the cage.
Tashigi sat up immediately onto her knees and leaned toward the front of the cage. "Sir!"
Crocodile, meanwhile, grinned widely and glanced over at Mihawk. "How'd it go out here?"
“Hey Tashigi, Hina..” Smoker took the cigar from his mouth with a sharp sigh. “shit’s gone sideways, so to speak.”
MIhawk tilted his head to the side as he stared Hina down…the reflective gold of his eyes gave her a shiver as she grit her teeth.
“I believe I made some progress in impressing the situation upon our guests,” Mihawk drawled in his eternally neutral tone.
Hina glanced at Tashigi before she laughed sharply. “He gave us a little history lesson on the Marine’s biggest mistakes.” 
Tashigi nodded, but she barely glanced at Hina in return, mostly keeping her eyes on Smoker. "Sideways… What's the situation, sir?"
Crocodile patted Smoker on the shoulder and grinned. "You want me and Hawk to give you some space with your ladies?"
Smoker pressed his hand to his face with a low huff of breath and smoke. “Lemme talk to ‘em, Crocodile.”
Hina’s lips twitched slightly at ‘your ladies’. She and Smoker…they’d been close, intimately close, for years and years now. She’d hardly call herself anyone’s ‘lady’ as a Rear Admiral in her own right however.
“Smokey, Hina hopes there’s a damn good explanation for this.” 
Crocodile nodded, and looped his arm around Mihawk's waist instead, walking out of the brig and leaving them along with Smoker and the silent guard– but not without a final, wide grin in Hina's direction.
Tashigi remained quiet for the moment, and Hina saw her gaze follow the pirates out of the room before returning to Smoker.
Hina’s eyes flicked from Crocodile’s vanishing grin, back to Smoker as she sighed out sharply.
Smoker ran his hand through his hair. 
“Come on Hina. You an’ I both know the explanation here. I know Hawk Eyes was giving his little pitch while Crocodile gave his.”
Hina crossed her arms with the clink of seastone chains. “...the Marines finally went too far, and our sense of justice is straining to its limit. Right?”
Back during their days at the academy, the two of them were attached at the hip. They talked about dreams, about the king of the pirates and his execution, about the marines…
Hina had been desperate to break out from her uncle’s shadow, Smoker to make some kind of difference in a fucked up world.
Over drinks one night, they’d even talked about what would happen if their idea of justice stretched to the breaking point during their tour of duty. 
Tashigi looped her fingers around the bars of the seastone cage and looked plaintively at her commander.
"Sir, does this mean… We're, ah…" she bit her lip. 
There was a stalemate in the air. Which of the three of them would be the one to say it, was the question.
Hina half fell forward, only just barely missing the bars as she sat up to hiss out with a grin. “...we’re switching sides? ‘Going pirate’?”
Smoker spread his hands with a wry smile. 
“I’d say the time finally came, huh? ...we’re switchin’ sides. All of us, I hope.” He looked at Tashigi with a nod and chomped his cigar, brow furrowing. “The Admiral’s little speech did a number on us, didn’t it?”
“It’s not an uncommon belief among them.” Hina murmured with old bitterness.
"It makes it worse," Tashigi said slowly, "That it's not uncommon. Out mostly on our own, away from command, it was easy to keep from hearing. But I guess it's not something we can avoid any more, is it, sir?"
“That’s right. Posted where we were, under our own direction…” Smoker grit his teeth as he stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. “we didn’t have to listen to that shit. But our ears are wide open now. The Reverie…the Reverie made fucking sure of that.”
Hina pressed her hands to her face with the shudder of the seastone against her skin. “Dammit, you’re not wrong. Seems no matter what, it keeps gettin’ worse. Mihawk…he had a fuckin’ point, Smoker.” 
"When he started talking and I realized he was trying to recruit us, I…" Tashigi bit her lip, "I was pretty sure you'd be convinced, sir. I know things have been bad for a while. Worse lately."
“Much worse, Tashigi.” he glanced towards the door with a sharp frown. “The kind of ‘from bad to worse’ that makes the pirates look like the good guys. The Celestial Dragons…didja know they tried to kidnap the princess of the fishmen and make her a fuckin’ slave?”
Hina’s expression grew horrified as she fell back on her ass. She hadn’t known— she hadn’t heard in the chaos of everything else going on.
The fact that it didn’t surprise her made her feel sick to her stomach. 
“Shit,” she murmured “I’ll be honest Smokey… Hina was getting convinced, too.” 
Tashigi carefully pulled herself up to her feet and straightened her hair.
"The men will follow you, where you go, sir, Hina." She looked at each of them. "It's the navy's misfits assigned to our crew. They respect you both more than they do the organization."
Smoker looked at Tashigi significantly for a long moment before he smiled with a rough chuckle.
“Yeah. The misfits…half of ‘em were basically pirates already, right? And Hina…one of yours already was one till he washed out.” He took a step closer to the cages. “you gonna come with me too, Tashigi? How about you, Hina?”
It wasn’t a lie— they were loyal not to the Marines, but to the force of their leaders' personalities. To the man and woman who dragged them out of deadly scrapes again and again. Hell, that idiot Jango was probably looking for an excuse to back-peddle back into a life of crime.
Her lips twitched into a sharp smile. “Well…I can’t let you have all the fun, Smokey.” 
"Sir, you know there was never a question for me," Tashigi said. "When have I been a marine before I've been your assistant. I know I'd flatter myself to say you'd be lost without me but…"
“But I’d be lost without ya, Tashigi.” Smoker laughed roughly and pulled his hand out of his pocket…he held a key between his fingers.
“And life wouldn’t be the same without someone to keep me in check, Hina.”
Hina’s eyes lingered on the key as her lips twitched into a wider smile. “Yeah, you’d get insufferable, Smoker. Lucky you’ve still got me to help bail your ass out of trouble.”
The life of a pirate huh? The thought hung in her head like the cloud of smoke around them. There was a thrill to it, the buzz of some unfamiliar excitement in her belly.
Her uncle would be furious. 
From the huge, smug grin on Crocodile's face as he came up on deck with Mihawk, Buggy could tell that things must have gone to his liking.
It was obvious from the shit eating grin on the man’s face, really. Crocodile never looked half that fuckin’ happy if it wasn’t for things going his way…or when he was deep in one of his many vices.
Buggy popped off from his own legs, hovering over towards the two of them as just a torso with a big grin. “Heyyyy, did you manage to convince the smokey old bastard?” 
"Damn right we did," Crocodile chuckled, blowing a plume of smoke toward Buggy's face– as usual. "Finally saw the light– or the darkness if you will."
He chuckled again– pleased as punch.
Buggy coughed a raspy cough, grimacing as the smoke enveloped him and he flew up to avoid it. 
“Yeah, yeah…congrats. I bet you’re over the fucking moon, Croccy.”
Mihawk looked up at Buggy with those sharp eyes of his, but smiled as well. “And his companions, likewise…they seem to have understood the pitch as well.” 
"Damn right I'm over the moon," Crocodile growled. "You know, I'll have to ask him if the rumor's true. I heard he was in the square the day they executed Roger, too."
“Funny how that one moment united so many souls.” Mihawk rubbed his chin as he mused, his eyes half closed.
“Yeah , well…the old guy was kinda a big deal. Is it even a surprise if Smoker was there?” Buggy huffed. 
"Don't let the hair fool you, Bug," Crocodile leered. "That 'old guy' is younger than you are, unless they're forging the paperwork."
Buggy flushed, crossing his arms with a pout of his painted lips “Yeah well he acts like an old bastard.”
“It’s called having dignity, Clown.” Mihawk shook his head, “Something you could stand to learn.” 
"If he hasn't learned it by his age, Hawky, he'll never get it," Crocodile chuckled. He patted Buggy on the cheek. "Don't worry, clown, you're cute."
Buggy flushed with a quiet, sharp huff of breath. 
“Well at least ya know it.” His feet, halfway across the deck, kicked a piece of detritus from the battle across the deck. “So they’re all joinin’ huh? That’ll be a huge boost to Cross Guild. They know military secrets.” 
"Yep. We'll be at an advantage for months while they scramble," Crocodile nodded. "After the celebrating's done, I'm planning to put him to work coming up with some strategic moves to get in early."
Mihawk nodded slowly “the sooner we jump on their information the better. Especially since once the Marines realize what happened they’ll be reorganizing on their end…and strike back with prejudice.”
Buggy hissed through his teeth. “Eesh…well we just gotta get even further from them, right? Get outta their range!” 
"Unless we're reeling them in range to bite me," Crocodile snapped his teeth playfully. "Unless you're afraid of that, clown."
Mihawk chuckled, and Buggy felt his face heat up in embarrassment.
“Of course I ain’t afraid!! Just…now might be the best chance we have of maybe…goin’ deeper into the New World…” 
Crocodile crossed his arms. "Feel free to elaborate on that."
Buggy’s lips twitched.
“Throw the navy off guard… and ya know…ya know…maybe take the chance to go for the One Pi—” Yoru was at his throat again, and his head popped from his neck in surprise to spin in the air with a yelp. “Aw come on, Hawky!!” 
Crocodile sidled over and put his hand on Buggy's shoulder, just under Yoru's blade. "Bug, clown, pal. Give it a fucking rest, why don't you." He took his cigar, and pressed it between Buggy's lips as his head floated above his neck.
“I have no interest any longer in Roger’s little treasure hunt,” Mihawk looked up at him, “not when there are grander prizes at stake.”
Buggy puffed nervously at the cigar, smoke pouring from his lips as he exhaled “I know you guys don’t care about it, but ya gotta admit, right? The marine’s mad dog and his buddies would probably do wonders in helpin’ us through the New World…”
Crocodile rolled his eyes. "Because I'm in a good mood, I'll go ahead and let you elaborate on that. You think our new friends can help us on, as Mihawk says, 'Roger's little treasure hunt' how?"
“Crocodile…must we?” Mihawk sighed as Yoru brushed against the seam that was once Buggy’s neck.
Buggy swallowed thickly, puffing away at the cigar “...the government knows more about the One Piece than it lets on, right? I mean, they gotta. There’s a reason they suppress information. They got old information ..maybe even a couple of leads!” 
Crocodile laughed sharply. "That's it? That's all you've got? Maybe the government knows? Alright, Bug, tell you what, you can ask him when I'm grilling him for info."
He looked up at Mihawk, and Buggy saw the condescending gaze that passed between them.
Buggy felt the dark flush of humiliation as he crossed his arms off to their side. “..c-come on, that ain’t all I got! They’ve been capturing pirates for years, haven’t they? They’ve bound to have heard all kinds of shit from the people who washed outta the Grand Line!” 
"Bug, sweetheart," Crocodile purred with that same condescending tone, "if the marines could get anywhere near the One Piece they'd have it under lock and key by now."
“Ghhh...” Buggy sagged. “you guys just don’t know how to dream anymore, I swear. I’m just saying with the manpower, we’ve got more of a shot than ever…”
Mihawk laughed sharply at that, before he looped an arm around Buggy’s torso. “So you say.” 
Crocodile hung off Buggy's other side, and took his cigar back, taking a long puff off it before offering it to Mihawk. "Come on, Buggy, isn't there ever anything more practical on your mind. A dream's a hell of a thing, but we're out here actually making shit happen."
Buggy floated his head above their arms, frowning deeply. Ever since he was younger, on Roger’s crew, he’d always wanted to see the One Piece. When he fell ill and missed the damn thing? Heartbroken. When Shanks wound up getting weird about it, and they’d had their blow-up fight over who’d become captain? Devastated.
“Yeah, I mean, obviously,” he muttered halfheartedly.
Crocodile glanced at Mihawk again from across Buggy's body, and sighed. He grabbed Buggy's collar. "For fucks sake, clown, you sound miserable. Come on, we'll get a few drinks in you and our new friends, and you can ask 'em about the fucking One Piece alright? nothing more fucking pathetic than a sad clown."
Buggy flushed under his makeup, sputtering a little bit as he was grabbed and his body stumbled against Crocodile like a headless but affectionate cat.
Mihawk shook his head with an edge of some unplaceable emotion in his smile. “Perhaps, if we’re lucky, a few drinks in you’ll cheer yourself up and be amenable to talking about more exciting things than a dusty old treasure.”
“You guys…” Buggy’s eyes teared up as he started to sniffle “you really are the best, ya know that? The best ever!” 
"And don't forget it," Crocodile huffed as he frog-marched him below deck.
Vivi had somehow become a night person in the years since first seeing Luffy and company off from Alabasta, sobbing to the sea that they’d always be crewmates. Maybe it was the influence of the devil fruit that now was part of her very being, or maybe the pleasant nights spent with the Neo Baroque Works crew under the stars on her quest to attain it and find the Straw Hats once more.
Either way, it made for a slow and sleepy wakeup most mornings. Especially here in Wano, after the chaos of the big raid and in the lull of peace, she found herself sleeping in.
Even the monks at the temple she’d worked at while laying low undercover hadn’t made a dent in her new bad habit. Still! She tried her best, and had even gone in her shrine maiden’s robes to the temple to say her goodbyes and promises at a time when she’d much rather have still been asleep.
Part of her was going to miss being a shrine maiden…but the larger part of herself was VERY excited to get back on the open sea. Even so, when she returned to the guest manor, she took a moment to sit in the light of the rising sun on its porch and meditate, just as the monks had taught the ‘rookie maiden’ to do weeks and weeks ago. 
Something shifted as she was meditating– she couldn't quite put her finger on it. But when she finally opened her eyes she discovered what it was.
There was someone seated next to her, legs crossed, in meditation posture as well. A figure in a red kimono and a fox mask.
It wasn’t uncommon in Wano for people to wear masks. Vivi had seen it a few times at least on reflection. Yamato’s demon mask, O-Kiku’s mask, and even the occasional mask among the shrine’s devout.
She was quiet a moment more in her meditation before she tilted her head towards them with a smile, looking at them through the shimmery-blue bangs of her hair. “Good morning.” 
"Good morning," a soft voice replied, as the figure tilted their– her?-- head toward her. "I hope you don't mind me joining you. you looked quite peaceful there and I hardly wanted to interrupt."
“Any more peaceful and I might have fallen asleep! The head monk kept saying I was pretty awful at meditation,” Vivi laughed brightly as she shifted instead to lean on her hands “so I’m not gonna complain about a little company!”
"I didn't notice any sleeping. But unlike the head monk I wouldn't have hit you if I had," she chuckled. "Do you think you'll keep up with it when you leave? Your meditation, I mean."
Vivi realized that whoever this person was, she knew that she was with the visitors to the island. The saviors who shouldn't have been there in the first place.
It was both a surprise and not. Either this person was part of the crew that helped them take down Kaido, or Vivi just stuck out like a sore thumb. Admittedly, she knew she didn’t quite look like a local even with the shrine maiden’s robes.
She ducked her head shyly before she nodded. “You know I’ve been thinking about it. I may be pretty bad at it, but I took to the practice pretty well!”
She shifted to look at the figure with a grin, leaning on her hand as her eyes shone with liquid starlight— a quirk of her unique makeup. “It reminds me of times when I’d find a quiet place in the garden for private contemplation. It’s relaxing.“ 
"A quiet place in the garden does sound nice," fox-mask agreed. "Do you miss it?"
“My homeland?” Her eyes flicked out to the capital beyond the porch. Nobody was there to eavesdrop as she answered.
“I think it’s natural to sometimes miss aspects of where you were raised. I certainly miss some things. But...” She bit her lip, thinking of her homeland; the obligations, the way it hemmed her in. She grinned widely. “But I think I’m more suited to the sea, miss Fox. You couldn’t force me to go back for all the gold in the world. Not when I’ve got a pirate’s spirit in my chest.” 
"Not for all the gold in the world," she chuckled back. "That's a weighty answer. How did you know it? When you left your home? How did you know you wouldn't regret it?"
“I had a head start!” Vivi laughed. “...I’d run away a little before and gotten a taste of what the world was like outside my home…honestly, between the organization and my crew, we went on so many adventures that remembering it makes my head spin.” 
Her smile softened, before the sadness crept in “and I let them leave without me. I told them I loved my country and I couldn’t abandon it. I was left behind, you know? And that’s when the regret sunk in. I had to do so much just to make up for that mistake.”
She held up her hand , letting it dissipate into a fluid inky darkness and flares of intense light . The night sky sparkling where her hand should be. “When I hit the sea again, and found my real self, I knew in my gut that it was where I belonged. That’s when it sunk in.” 
"It sounds like it must have been a real whirlwind," the woman chuckled behind her mask. Vivi couldn't tell if she was watching the strange display of stars, or if it held no interest for her. "I find that I think I envy you. May I ask a very personal question?"
“It sure was!” she re-solidified her hand to lean on it again, looking the mask in the eyes. “You shouldn’t envy me, though…not when you should listen to what your own heart’s telling you.”
She winked playfully, even as she meant it. This woman-- she clearly had something on her mind. Something Vivi felt she could very much relate to.
“But shoot. I’m listening.” 
"A little bird told me that you were a princess from a far away land."
“The birds in Wano sure are chatty!” Vivi laughed with a vivid flush, brushing her hand through her hair before she nodded. “But they’re not wrong, I suppose.”
She looked down at her lap with memories of Alabasta, and her last few months there dancing in her head. 
“I used to be the princess of Alabasta, a…a large desert kingdom in the early section of the Grand Line. Princess Vivi of Alabasta, who no longer had to fight despite spending so much time as a criminal in the very gang that was tearing Alabasta apart!” 
The fox mask woman leaned toward her. "What a tale that sounds like. A princess, fighting as a member of a gang. Becoming a pirate. It doesn't sound like a story mothers would tell their children."
Vivi laughed softly, her hand covering her mouth.
“No, it sure isn’t! In fact, when I returned home everyone insisted we forget the whole thing and pretend I’d never even gone undercover as a criminal at all!” She put her finger to her lips with a grin. “It was bad enough before I left, but I expect they’re even less fond of the story now.” 
The woman scooted closer to Vivi. "It doesn't seem to bother you, that its the case. Or am I wrong?"
Vivi flushed a bit, brushing her fingers through the shimmer of her hair. 
“Well…for a bit it did.” Once, the whispers of what people might think of her bothered her deeply as she sailed the seas with the man her father called his enemy.
Once she couldn’t help but worry about how her father would react when he found out she came around to loving the man…and to loving the life of freedom and sin that she’d fallen into since.
But at the end of the day? “It used to bother me,” she said honestly. “I was scared of what my father would think, or what my advisors might do…but I reflected on just why that scared me, you know?” 
"And what wisdom did your reflection bring you, if I could ask you to share it?"
Vivi closed her eyes. “the only reason I was afraid wasn’t anything to do with the life I’d chosen, or who I fell in love with, or the lengths I went to in order to meet back with my crew. I was afraid that the stories filtering back home would somehow inspire them to do anything in their power to drag me back.” She opened her eyes, and fussed with the sleeve of her robes. “And I mean…they did try. The Marines hunted me for a while…but I escaped. Thinking about that eased the fear a lot.” 
"Now that is useful wisdom to know." The fox mask woman put her hands together, almost prayerfully. "Not afraid of the life you'd chosen. But afraid of it being taken away. I see. That is a fear that I can well understand. My own life is about to change, too."
“You too, huh?” Vivi leaned on her hand with a wink, adding a little sparkle of starlight to it as a flair. She had a guess…the way this woman was talking, acting…the questions she raised…
“Always exciting for a former princess, huh? What bold new move are you planning on making?” 
"The plans that have been made for me, and my own plans are very different," she said, confirming Vivi's suspicions. "I'm thinking about a life at sea, while the path is open."
Vivi twisted her fingers through her hair.
“And it’s a narrow path, isn’t it? One that seems like once it closes it won’t open again! Don’t make the same mistake I did, okay? I wasted months and almost lost my chance for good. I had to scramble to fix it, better myself, and get out to the sea before the path closed up.”
She smiled warmly. “if you see the chance, and the sea’s callin’...you should answer it without hesitation.” 
"Without hesitation," the woman echoed. "I've tried to live my life that way. And today will be no different. Thank you, for your wisdom. From one princess to another."
She tugged up the fox mask, and Vivi saw a beautiful, delicate featured face and cascade of pale green hair.
Vivi’s warm smile turned into a grin as she leaned over to bump her shoulder against the other woman’s. Despite the vastly different islands, she felt a kinship with the princess of Wano, a woman she really hadn’t had the pleasure of spending time with during her time at the shrine.
She laughed musically before she corrected her “From one pirate to another.” 
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the-himawari · 10 months
A3! Izumida Azami - Translation [SR] Lunch Break Fun (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Azami: … (Nobody’s around.)
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*opens fridge*
Sakuya: Azami-kun?
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Azami: !?
Sakuya: Ah, sorry. Did I startle you?
Azami: …What do you want?
Sakuya: I felt thirsty, so I thought I would drink some tea.
Azami: R-right. …Here’s the tea.
Sakuya: Thank you.
Azami: See ya.
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Sakuya: Hold on! Azami-kun? Was Azami-kun okay not having tea…? Or maybe he came to get something else?
Azami: *Gulp*… …Nice. (Strawberry milk tastes this good, huh?) (It’s not a good idea to drink too much though… Or rather, should I make my own?)
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Kumon: Azami~?
Azami: !
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Kumon: Ah! Azami, is that—.
Azami: Shh!
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Kumon: Mmph!
Azami: I don’t want another peep outta you.
Kumon: Mmph… I’llbequiet.
Azami: …As long as you got it.
Kumon: *Gasp*… hah. I got a heart attack when you suddenly covered my mouth! Do you like it now, Azami? Err… that drink.
Azami: …I just thought it tasted pretty good after having it for the first time in a while.
Kumon: Mhmm…
Azami: Don’t say anythin’.
Kumon: I got it! It’s a secret between you and I!
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Azami: A secret… you’re blowin’ this way outta proportion.
Kumon: Hehe. But it feels cool having a secret just between the two of us, doesn’t it?
Azami: All we’re hiding is strawberry milk.
Kumon: …Ah, that reminds me. Seeing the strawberry milk reminded me that the vending machines at Tsuku High are going to change their drinks soon.
Azami: Wait, really?
Kumon: Yep. The lady at the school store told me.
Azami: I see. Since the seasons are switchin’ over too…
Kumon: Exactly. She said there’ll be more warm drinks. I can’t wait to see what new stuff gets added! I wonder if they’ll have corn soup!
Azami: …
Azami: (…Oh yeah. Kumon mentioned the drinks inside the vending machines are gonna be changed.) (I thought I’d been drinking too much strawberry milk lately, but since it’s gonna be gone soon, maybe it’s fine to drink some today?) (Kumon already knows I’m drinkin’ it anyways.)
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Kumon: Azamiii~!
Azami: I told you you don’t need to come all the way here…
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Kumon: Don’t worry about it! Let’s go to the cafeteria together! By the way, the drinks in the vending machines changed today! When I took a quick peek this morning, the vendor had already switched them out!
Azami: (So the day has finally come… so I guess that’ll be gone now, huh?)
Kumon: Ah! Azami, the strawb… that’s there!
Azami: Dude, don’t point!
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Kumon: Owch! Don’t hit me!
Azami: You were bein’ loud.
Kumon: But it’s great it’s still there, right!
Azami: …Whatever. It’s not like I like it or anything.
Kumon: Hehe, I’ll just leave it at that. It’s our secret, after all!
Azami: It’s not gonna be a secret if you yell so damn loud! (So… the strawberry milk didn’t get replaced…) (Well. I guess it’ll be alright if I keep drinkin’ it once in a while.)
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themysteriousauthor18 · 4 months
PT. 2
“Good morning New Orleans! I do hope you all are having a lovely morning. I'm your host, Alastor. And I do thank you for tuning in my dears. Well be talking here in just a moment. But first to today's weather-”
The radio hosts voice is drowned out by a loud girlish scream, followed by the sound of broken glass. The little girl who had been sitting on the couch jumps. She stares at the closed door with trepidation. “Daddy?” She calls, unmoving.
There's another crash, followed by that same girlish yelp. The child slides off the couch. She walks towards the door. Before she can get too close the door swings open almost smacking her. She stumbled back.
There's a sudden high pitched loud beeping.
A ploom of white smoke floods out of the kitchen.
A small white man with short blonde hair stumbled out of the kitchen. He was coughing and waving his hand trying to dissipate the smoke.
It took a moment for the man to notice the child. When he does, his grumpy expression changes like a switch. In an instant he's cheery. “Char char!”
She looks at her father. “Did daddy burn breakfast?”
“What? Haha noooo. No no noooo.” He scoops up his daughter. Briskly walking away from the kitchen. “Let's go out kiddo.”
“Daddies a bad cook.” She laughs.
Lucifer is severely wounded.
Lucifer morning star. One of the elite. Someone apart of the high class society. He was rich, handsome, very very very tall for sure! He had it all. Riches, fame, his adorable daughter Charlie! Yes he had everything he could ever want.
Except for Lilith.
But hey! At least he had a cozy lifestyle. Rich beyond belief. That's exactly why Charlie and him were currently eating at a small diner. Hey, kids eat for free on Mondays! And the place was much more relaxing than high society restaurants.
Okay, maybe everything wasn't perfect. But, at least he had Charlie. That's all that really mattered to him.
“Welcome back sir.” The waitress greeted him as he slid into the booth. Charlie was already settled across from him in a booster seat.
“Hey! What's up!” wait to friendly! “Uh erm I mean, hello.” He waved. Perfect.
The waitress gave him a polite smile. He wasn't sure if her greeting was because of his status in the French Quarter, or because this was the 5th day in a row he and Charlie were in here.
It was honestly getting a little embarrassing.
“Back again hm?” Okay yeah it wasn't the status.
“Daddy burned breakfast again.”
Lucifer wanted to hide.
The waitress just chuckled, politely. She’s a short black plump southern woman with a strong twang to her voice. Truth be told, Lucifer doesn't mind her so much. For the other times they had been in here and then now, they often got this waitress. Which shouldn’t be a big surprise, given that the diner is rather small and likely understaffed. Still, she's warm and kind.
Her name was displayed on her shirt. It said Millie. Not that Lucifer really needed the tag to know her name by this point with how much they frequented this diner.
Millie hands him the menu and Charlie a child version of it. “Coffee for the Lord again?”
Lucifer smiles nervously. Trying to hide his embarrassment. “Y-yeah. If it's no trouble” He fails. Of course it wouldn’t be any trouble, it's her job.
The waitress isn't mean about it though, she turns to Charlie. “And let me guess you want apple juice again, little princess.”
“I want chocolate milk today.” Charlie states like she's thought about this her whole life. Which isn't long given she's only six.
“Oh? Switchin it up on me today? Okaaay.” She's amused. “I'll be right back.”
Once she brings them their drinks, the short waitress leaves them to ponder their orders. Well, Charlie already knows what she wants. Pancakes. Because she's been saying that on the way over. Yes that's what those black discs currently sitting in the trash at home were supposed to be.
Lucifer on the other hand doesn't have his mind on food. He hardly does lately. He'd forget to eat if not for Charlie.
While Charlie is coloring in her menu, Lucifer stares into the brown abyss that is his coffee cup.
The glint of the golden band around his finger catches his gaze as it flickered off the Sun's morning razes. Lucifer frowns.
I wonder what she's doing right now. He stares a moment longer. Does she miss me? Lucifer checks his phone. Nothing. Of course. No, you're being stupid. It's been this long, why would she contact you now?
He sighs. Pulling at his hair in an effort to stop thinking.
“Welcome back dear listener's!”
Lucifer jumps enough to hit his knee on the table. He gets several looks for it.
“Sorry! Uh.. Bumped the table.” He pats the table. Why does he pat the table?
The radio seems to save him further public humiliation.
“This next song goes out to my dear mother. Quite the favorite of hers.”
The radio host starts singing a jazzy song. His voice is low and tumblr. It flows well with the fast paced jazz, his pitch moving up and down when needed.
He looks over to find Charlie lip singing to the song. Using her crayon as a mic.
He smiles.
Lucifer joins in, and he doesn't care much about the looks he's given.
Honestly, without Charlie he would probably have been swallowed by his thoughts long ago.
Once the pair of them eat some real food and not burnt discs. Charlie demands to go to the library. Lucifer doesn't understand if a six year old having a love for books is normal. Is it abnormal? Should he call Bee and ask her? Is he hurting Charlie's brain by letting her read books?
Maybe she likes reading because he has a stack of how to parent books on his desk at home. Volume 1-10. He's currently on volume 7…it's not weird.
“Daddy look!” Charlie says running up the several stairs leading to the front of the library. Its a large enough building with two levels. Lucifer tries not to tumble over while holding the small stack of books in his arms.
“Charlie dear, slow down! Wait for daddy.”
He moves a little faster, almost dropping a book. When he gets to the top and peers around his stack of books, Charlie is standing by one of the statues at the front of the library. A big stone lion. He’s - for whatever reason - petting it. “Look at the kitty! Isn’t he cute!”
Lucifer looks at the stone lion. Its a male lion with its female counterpart on his left. He chuckled, “Yeah, he’s adorable. But uh, lets head inside and you can pet the lion on our way out. Okay?”
She turns to him, no less bright or excited. “Okay!” She runs ahead.
“Charlie, wait.”
She pauses at the door, Charlie reaches up and yanks it open for her father. “Thank you honey.”
“Your welcome daddy.” They walk to the front counter and return the books. “Let's go look at some books over here and then will go to the kid section, okay?” Lucifer asks his daughter, pointing to one of the sections near the back of the library. Among a wall of bookshelves. The children's section isn’t anything new to either of them nor hard to miss. As it's to the left side of the library and adorned with a colorful area of plastic chairs, beanbags and tables for the kids. But Lucifer always liked to keep Charlie close.
“Okay.” She smiles and Lucifer takes her hand in his. They walk to the adult section near the mystery genre. Lucifer is a bit of a picky reader and he doesn’t take out a lot of books for personal interest. Most of them are for cooking or more or less advice books that help him with Charlie. But sometimes he likes to browse the sections and see if he can find something he enjoys. As picky a reader as he is, when he does find one he likes he can hardly put it down. Plus, reading something he enjoys transports him to another world. Something he desperately needs some days.
Lucifer runs his index along the different titles. Pulling out a book occasionally when the title interests him. Then glancing at the summary on the back. However he doesn’t find one he likes yet. He takes longer than Charlie would have liked or so it seems. Because she tugs on his arm after several minutes. “Yeah duckling?”
“Can I go look at the books down there?” Charlie points to the bookcase behind them but further down. Its the teen section for the mystery genre. Lucifer is certain Charlie can’t read those yet due to her reading level. But thinks she’s bored and more interested in looking at the pictures in the books or the covers. Nonetheless, its within his eyeview.
So Lucifer nods. “Yeah, but don’t go too far.”
“Okay.” She says letting go of his hand. Lucifer watches her for a moment to make sure she doesn’t run off. When she simply walks down the bookshelf starts looking at the covers - as he suspected - Lucifer feels comfortable enough to go back to his searching.
A few more minutes pass and Lucifer sighs, having given up. He’s not sure why but all these novels feel so predictable to him. Occasionally he flips to the first few pages, skimming them and he can already tell who is going to be the big bad. Or who is the killer. As if to prove it he would flip to the end only to be proven right. The tropes - for him at least - are just a little too predictable. But maybe growing up reading has made him something of a snobby reader. It’s fine, he’s not a critic and he’s sure he’ll find another good read another time. But he doesn’t want to stand there all day and bore Charlie.
Lucifer hums, seeing one more title. He plucks it from the shelf and begins skimming the summary on the back. Hm, this one’s a tad more interesting looking? Although it looks less mystery and more fantasy? Is this book in the right section? There’s a red-haired sourcer on the cover and he’s standing in front of a blonde-haired woman and her baby in a protective manner. Holding up his staff. This looks like it should be in fantasy. Unless it can be mixed genres? Of course it can but…ugh this is pointless. Regardless the book looks like something more Charlie would enjoy then him. Pass.
“Thank you.” Lucifer suddenly comes out of his thoughts at the voice. That radio host again? He glances around for a radio. He didn't think there was one in here.
However, those thoughts immediately go away as another more pressing one takes its place.
Where is Charlie?!
Lucifer suddenly darts out from the shelves. Panic rising in his chest. “Charlie!” He darts around poking his head into an isle “Charlie! Honey, where did you go!” He's ignoring the annoyed looks. Whirling out of the isle and into an opening with shelves stacked against the wall.
Lucifer's eyes find her immediately. Her blonde hair abd overalls makes her stand out. She's near the horror section and she's tugging on a man's shirt. He looks startled and confused.
“Um.. Hello, little one.”
“It is you!”
Lucifer rushes over mortified.
“It's you, I knew it!”
“Charlie!” He shouts and she looks at him immediately letting go. Lucifer has never grabbed his daughter so quickly. He takes her in his arms, stepping back. By the time he looks at the man an apology is already spilling out. “I am so so so SO sorry sir!”
However the man's already fixing his shirt. A polite yet friendly smile on his lips. He lets out a chuckle as he responds, “it's quite alright.”
“Dad, dad, it's the radio man!’ She’s pointing excitedly.
Lucifer looked at the man in question. Now that Charlie was safely accounted for, and in his arms. He took a moment to properly take in the gentleman before him.
He was a young looking guy, he looked around his own age probably somewhere in his 20’s . He was definitely mixed with something, or Hispanic judging by his light brown skin tone. A pair of dark brown eyes peered at him behind round frames. The guy was also annoyingly tall. But not by much - maybe 2 feet above him at most…surely…But it was already too tall. However amongst everything two things stood out to him about the man.
One, that he was dressed smartly. Meaning he was wearing black slacks and a buttoned up red vest over a white button down. Much more refined than the rest of the people's attire here. Even making his plane pink button down look sloppy in comparison.
The second was his hair.
He noticed its color. It was a bright red. That was the most eye-catching thing about the man. That paired with his darker skin tone. Well… his appearance alone practically demanded anyone's eyes when he walked into a room.
His hair was short at the nape of his neck. It was longer on top, combed and styled so his bangs laid on the left side of his face.
He was definitely interesting looking.
Lucifer realized he was staring and immediately stopped. Hoping the man didn't notice. Instead he turned to Charlie who was squirming in his arms. ��Charlie, honey, you can't run off like that.” He scolded..in the nicest way possible. He turned back to the man. Who was watching them curiously. “Again, I am so sorry. My daughter- she's a huge fan of you- like- I mean HUGE. And she just got really excited when she saw you because-”
“It's okay.” Alastor laughs, “I always appreciate meeting one of my fans.” Charlie finally manages to squirm out of Lucifer’s grasp and heads towards Alastor again - against Lucifer’s silent protests. Before she can get too close, Alastor kneels down and gives her a pat on the head. This emitted a wide grin from the child. “I love hearing you on the radio, Mr. Radio Man! Daddy puts the radio on your station every morning!”
“Just call me Alastor, dear.” Still kneeling at her level he offers one of his hands. “And what's your name, little lady?”
“I'm Charlie!” She exclaims, giving a jump of excitement as she proudly proclaims her name. She puts both of her tiny hands and places them in Alastor’s outstretched hand. The man tries to gently shake her hand so as not to hurt her, but this fails when Charlie excitedly and violently shakes his instead.
“That's enough, honey.” Lucifer quickly interjects.
Alastor chuckles - for a second Lucifer thinks it's an awkward one. Surely not; he's probably interacted with hundreds of his fans. He lets go of her hand before she can shake his anymore.“Now don’t hurt yourself, little lady.”
Lucifer clears his throat, causing both heads to turn towards him. “Uh- Charlie, dear- uh.. We should be on our way now. I'm sure Mr. Alastor has a busy schedule; he can't spend all day with you.” He chided.
Charlie pouts but doesn't refuse to listen.
“Unfortunately your father is right.” Alastor stands up, his eyes narrow on Lucifer. “I don’t believe I got your name?” He says, looking at Lucifer.
Lucifer is a little surprised that Alastor doesn’t already know who he is. Not for anything out of pride but because usually people already know who he is. But maybe he’s just being coy. “Uh, Lucifer…morningstar.” He hesitates to say his last name. He’s unsure if he is still allowed to say it.If he wants to.
Alastor hums, “ah so you're our little angel from above.” Lucifer looks at him perturbed. “The only one out of the morning stars who enjoys helping.” He says it lightly, keeping in mind Charlie is present.
Lucifer deflates on the inside but he puts on his usual sunny disposition. If for Charlie’s sake. “Yep! that's uh- that's me. I’m Lucifer morningstar.” Why does he say his name again?
“Well my lord,” Alastor extends a hand towards him. He waits for Lucifer to take it, he does after a moment. “It's a pleasure to meet you in person after all I’ve heard of you.” Alastor shakes his hand curtly in a tight firm grip. Lucifer’s own is weak and flimsy at best. Alastor lets go.
“Oh- you- you’ve heard things about me? Um..” he glances at Charlie.
Alastor catches the look. “Only good things.” He lies. “Nonetheless it's a pleasure to have met you and your daughter. And I thank you for listening to my radio show.”
“I love your singing!” Charlie says with a grin.
Alastor looks down at her, “thank you. I enjoy singing, especially for fans like you.” He makes a show of checking the watch on his wrist. “Well, it was lovely meeting you two. But I must be on my way.” Alastor says politely, giving them a wave and walking towards the exit.
He watched the man go. It was strange, he'd been listening to this man's show for a few years. More for Charlie sake. But it was weird to finally put a face to the voice. Not that Alastor's face had never been in the public eye. He assumed at least. He had just never bothered to pay attention.
“Come back soon!” Charlie called.
While meeting New Orleans highly regarded radio host was…interesting. Lucifer didn’t find anything particularly noteworthy about Alastor. Other than his red hair. But once upon a time he had to handle that same song and dance. In his case, going to high class balls or parties with the intent of meeting people who had an interest in the morningstars. Whether with good or bad intent, he would greet those guests with that same jovial politeness.
So all in all, Alastor didn’t stand out to him. And as Monday reered its ugly head Lucifer had just put it behind him as another out of the blue thing to happen in his mundane life. He would have forgotten about it, if not for Charlie constantly talking about how happy and excited she that she got to meet her idol. It was adorable though and Lucifer definitely won’t complain if his daughter is happy.
But Monday does come.
And Lucifer hates it, but not for the usual reasons people hate Mondays. It's because he's left by himself for eight hours. Being bored out of his mind, with no one to talk to, and constantly struggling to entertain himself.
He goes about his morning as usual. It begins with him walking to the end of the hallway and knocking on Charlie’s door before opening it. She has an alarm set but he makes sure she’s awake anyway. Next he makes a̶ h̶o̶m̶e̶ c̶o̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ b̶r̶e̶a̶k̶f̶a̶s̶t̶… a good ol’ bowl of cereal! And that's their breakfast for the day. Because once Charlie is finished eating he ushers her off to get dressed while he makes sure she has everything packed in her school bag for first grade. It's a public school and the kids have been…okay - a questionable okay - with her. He hasn’t gotten any complaints from the kids or Charlie so he thinks it's okay? Regardless, it's been two weeks since she started 1st grade and he can only hope it continues to go well.
Once Charlie is dressed and Lucifer checks that she has her schoolwork, and her lunch - a sandwich and some fruit - they are out the door at 7:30 and hopping in his car.
Lucifer opens the back door on the passenger side and lifts Charlie into her car seat. He buckles her in - struggling with the straps, as always - and sets her backpack in the middle seat beside her before shutting the door. He walks around to the driver’s side and gets in, starting up the car.
Charlie, still waking up, rubs her eyes and yawns before asking, “daddy, can we listen to the radio man?” Lucifer smiles; her voice always sounds so cute when she's tired. “Of course, sweetie.” He pressed the button on the radio that flipped through his saved radio stations. First was a Kidz Bop station. Charlie really liked listening to that one before she began listening to Alastor.
He pressed the button again and immediately heard Alastor’s voice cut in.
“-oing? I hope all of you lovely listeners out there are doing fantastic today! It's a warm eighty degrees here in new Orleans today, and it looks like it will be another sunny day with no rain. Perfect conditions for some outdoor cooking later today, if I do say so myself!”
The brief thought of asking Charlie if she'd like some barbecue tonight was immediately shut down. He can't even cook an egg, let alone an entire barbecued meal. Maybe I could ask Ozzy one of these days? He's a master on the grill.
As Lucifer went deeper in his thoughts, he realized It felt strange to hear Alastor and know his face and having met him in person. Now he can picture the man sitting at his desk, talking into his microphone.
“Before we continue into another song I'll be taking a few callers for the next twenty minutes. So if you'd like to call into the studio and speak to me nows your chance.”
Charlie instantly started bouncing up and down in her car seat. “Daddy! I wanna call! I wanna talk to the radio man again!”
Lucifer instantly feels guilt; he hates telling Charlie no. "Uh- honey, we need to get you to school. We'll be there within five minutes.”
Charlie sighs. "Pleeeeeease? I'll do my own clothes for the week!”
Lucifer sighs with a defeated smile. "Well, I can't pass up a good bargain. Let me get my phone.” He reaches in his pocket with one hand while keeping one hand on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. Nothing. He switches his hands around and feels in his other pocket, his expression changing to one of small horror when he realizes it's not there.
“I- uh- Charlie? I uh.. I think I forgot my phone at the house.”
He looks in the rearview mirror and immediately sees Charlie’s expression change from joyful to disappointed. “Oh.. Okay..” She replies half-heartedly.
Lucifer frowns, but plasters on a smile before Charlie notices. “Hey, keep your head up.” He tells her with a positive voice, hoping she doesn't hear the guilt behind it. “To make it up to you, we'll be the first people calling the next time that he takes calls. How's that sound?”
Charlie smiles. “Okay.”
They pull into the school and go into the line of cars where people are unloading their kids. He sighs and hits his head on the steering wheel. They really need to start leaving sooner. The car line is always the busiest between 7:30 and 7:45. Lucifer’s hands tighten on the wheel and his pulse rises a little. Ugh, the crowds. He taps the wheel while he waits nervously.
After about five minutes, his car is in front of the school. He immediately hops out and unbuckles Charlie’s seatbelt. He lifts her out of her seat and sets her on the ground, then hands her backpack to her. He leans down and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
“Love you very much, miss you very much, see you this afternoon, bye!” Charlie exclaimed as he stood back up. Lucifer smiles; Charlie had been saying that same thing every morning starting from about halfway through her kindergarten year. He doesn't know when she thought it up, but he likes it. It's simple, sweet, and to the point.
“Tell Vaggie and Emily I said hi!” Lucifer calls out.
“I will!”
Before the other cars behind him start honking, he hops back in his car and pulls out of the school lot. He turns the radio on a generic jazz station, because as nice as it is, he doesn't really want to listen to Alastor’s voice. He wants to get in his own thoughts, and the man’s voice between almost every song distracts him from that.
As the jazz starts to play an all-too-familar song - which Lucifer tries to ignore that fact - he starts thinking: what am I going to do today?
He turns onto the main road, his eyes focusing on the road while his head stays in his thoughts.
The house is looking a bit dirty. It's been a while since I cleaned it. Maybe I could do that today. I miss having the maids around - they were always great company. Especially Mary, she always laughed at my silly jokes. And I miss having help from Lil-...
Lucifer shakes his head before the thought can fester. No; she's a thing of the past. He needs to keep it that way. Focus on what to do today.
Yeah. Clean the house today. Maybe I can call Ozzy or Bee to keep me company. If they're not too busy, of course. I don't wanna trouble them.
Before he knows it, Lucifer pulls up to his house and turns into the driveway. The house isn't bad. He actually prefers it over the mansion he used to live in. His house is a two story blue house. The neighborhood is nice and well taken care of, but he doesn't like the neighbors much. Sure, they're friendly but their judgy nature reminds him too much of his…
It doesn't feel like the right word to describe them.
He sighs and walks up the stone path to his door. When he enters, the house is quiet. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be quiet? Since he's the only one here. He shutters, hating how big and hollow the home feels without Charlie in it. How all the warmth is zapped from it… how, it reminds him of his room in his fathers mansion.
It was too quiet. Too large. Too empty.
Maybe this was too big of a house for only two people, after all.
He was…honestly lucky. He wouldn't have this home, his car, this neighborhood..if not for his mother. Even when he was disowned, she helped him. Afterall, he was born a Morningstar. And at birth, every morningstar got their percent of that wealth that they could have at eighteen. He had been eighteen. Disowned or not, his mother fought that battle for him, making sure he got his portion of the fortune.
Maybe it would have been smarter financially to settle into a lower income neighborhood. However, those places were always a bit more sketchy. The house may have been a pretty penny, but the neighborhood is safe and taken care of. And that's the kind of place Charlie needs to grow up in.
He misses her..a lot.
He shook his head. No. No getting in his head. He should clean.
Maybe I should get some company.. I don't wanna be in my head anymore.
He began looking around for his phone, trying to remember where he'd left it. Right; he'd never even taken it off the charger that morning. He went to his room and sure enough, there it is, sitting in its charger. It’s a Nokia 1011, and they'd been released earlier that year. It cost a bit for him to get it, but he could afford it. So why not? Besides, who knew when he'd need it? Maybe he'd get a job one of these days and need it for communication.
He looks at the notepad next to the charger that has all the numbers of his main contacts written on it….as well as the number of the diner in case he massively screws up dinner again. Which happens more often than he likes to admit.
He looks at the list of names. There aren't a lot on the list. Most of them are about Charlie in some way. Like the number of her doctor, or school. But otherwise, there aren't many. He hums, while he stares at the list. He really needs to rewrite them in alphabetical order. He keeps going down until he sees where it reads, “Ozzy”. There’s a half-hearted doodle next to the name. It's a small sketch of a cat head with sunglasses on. Why a cat? Because Ozzy is cool like a cat. At least that's Lucifer's reasoning. He dials the number written next to it.
It rings once.
Then twice.
Then a third time.
Lucifer starts to think he's too busy right now and debates hanging up. He takes the phone away from his ear just as the line is picked up.
“Yeah?” The deep smooth voice carries through the phone. Lucifer immediately presses the phone back to his ear.
“Ozzy! Ozzster..big dog. My man..” NOPE. “My dude.. Bro..” He cringes “what's uh, what's up? .. Bro?”
A booming laugh comes from the other end. “What up, Lucy? What's happenin’?”
Lucifer laughs nervously. He starts walking around his dining room. “Ohh uh, not much just… doing things. Tons of things. Like uh..” he looks at the window. “Admiring my….lawn?” he slaps himself, dragging his hand down his face. He hears a ‘pft-’ from the other end of the line. “What about you? Your not busy are you? Sorry if you are. I hope I'm not interruping anything.”
“No, of course not! Whatcha need, babe?” Ozzy asks.
Lucifer rubs his neck, and here he goes with the pacing. “Well uh, I.. Charlie's at school and… I was hoping you could-” no don't sound needy “uhhhh…if your not too busy would you mind another cooking lesson? Or… something? Oh- I uh got this tea set from Bee do you-”
Another laugh comes from Ozzy. “If ya’ just want some company, just say somethin’. I don't mind comin’ over. Fizzy’s out doin’ some errands today anyways, so I don't got no plans.”
“Right! Right..” He drags his hand down his face again. “Sorry…uh, yeah. I could use some company if you wouldn't mind?”
“Sure! I'll be over in twenty.” Ozzy replies.
“Okay!” Lucifer's face breaks into a smile. He clears his throat. “Okay” he repeats more calmly. “See you then.”
He sighs, his anxiety dimming.
At least he agreed.
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cosmic-nopedog · 2 years
Since the dsmp is over are ya gonna start switchin over to hermitcraft n empires smp? That's b awsome esp since ive recently gotten into them... im taking my fave artists with me apparently lmao
I've been in hermitcraft since season 6 bitch but more than switching over im just going to start actually posting things abt those
im still posting dsmp but Not canon dsmp cus im sittin here
they are my characters now
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koseigu · 1 day
” ask me nicely. ” ( culinary au xoxo switches be switchin )
sukuna's teeth are bared around belt being used to gag him, blood-red eyes locked firmly onto the face of his keeper. he keeps his eyebrow raised as if to say "didn't you want to shut me up, jackass?" until geto relents and allows the spit-slick leather to fall around his neck.
they're both well-accustomed to being brat and tamer at this point, classmates to one-night-stand to regular-night-stands to whatever the fuck is happening in suguru's living room right now. sukuna' exposed cock is twitching beneath the cropped band-tee that he borrowed from an ex and never returned. the floor between his knees is already speckled with drops of pre-cum.
if he had been in charge, they wouldn't have been wasted so casually. next time, he'll make sure suguru remembers their lesson on minimizing waste in kitchens.
"i thought you liked when i was mean."
he can feel suguru's foot make contact with his balls, the kind of teasing pressure-pleasure-pain that immediately shuts him up with a wanton groan from deep in his body. the dark-haired angel above him has managed to crawl under his skin, slither around his organs and wrap around his heart like a hungry snake. the muscles in his arms move hypnotizingly as he unfolds his arms from across his chest and smirks down at the devil on his floor.
their first time hadn't exactly been rose petals on a king bed, but sukuna has to admit that these recent developments have him more attracted to the other man than he'd previously wanted to be. only a handful of people on this earth would ever get him so readily on his knees for such a small slight all things considered—being late for dinner as though they were in some kind of lifetime partnership. he's as addicted to submitting as he is to being the one demanding submission.
geto might very well be the death of him. especially if he isn't allowed to cum soon. but first he needs to get that fucking ring off and then...
"oh, for fuck's sake," suguru begins stroking himself lazily and sukuna can't even blame the gag for the way he practically drools at the sight of it. "touch me or fuck me or let me taste you but please hurry the fuck up about it."
@gravesung, context matters
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ayemil · 2 years
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ayeletmiller | I’m always on the move, Switchin' plans like I switch shoes. 🤎
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valkalyne-old · 4 months
switchin back to a sideblog cause switching accounts is Annoying ..... lole !!!
same tag ...
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groovysaber · 6 months
Thats right, my fellows! Im on Pillowfort now!
My Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/GroovySaber
Im back with a bang after a long absence from posting, now on another platform!
Both of these occurrences share one big reason: Tumblr
Tumblr's (sadly) started working with ai companies, and thus delivered us a switch to prevent our blogs' content from being shared with said companies, that's good right?
Well.....long story short: Tumblr isn't very honest
Which is why im switchin' it out with Pillowfort! A website that's basically alot like Tumblr but with some improvements and changes that i really like! And most important of all in this whole situation: They don't support ai
Ill still use Tumblr to reblog things i like and to keep the ability for people to send questions my way! But im not sharing any art onto it anymore except maybe linking to my PF posts instead
Also note: If anyone wants invites, i have 49 of em
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I will ofcourse continue to work on stuff! Fandom art, Radical Retrofit, finally another FNaF Animation, you name it
Remember that you've got worth and to keep going. It's a scary world out here but i keep delivering for me and those who appreciate my craft and the love that goes into it
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
itchin’ for a switchin’, are any eddie’s available today?
dom & cowboy are open today. always have a clear schedule for a switching lol. take your pick bestie and i'll send them over :)
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